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2009 Clinton Power Station Initial License Examination Operating Test Comments and Resolutions
Person / Time
Site: Clinton Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 08/24/2009
From: Bielby M
Operations Branch III
Exelon Generation Co
Download: ML100710766 (5)


2009 Clinton ILT Operating Test Comments Admin JPMs (ES-301-1):

Comment Resolution General Comments:

1) Verify KAs
2) Make sure Function Area agrees with generic KA area.
3) Compare with audit and last 2 NRC exams.
4) Several JPMs have low LOD.

Admin JPM Comments:

1) Verify KAs
2) Make sure selected KA area agrees with JPM performed.
3) Compare with audit and last 2 NRC exams.

ADMIN RO 1a, CoO, JPM 102 Mode Change-Going to RUN

1) JPM Step 1: delete are 1) Delete are, will revise procedure also.
2) JPM step 2, comments, second bullet appears to be 2) Will correct phraseology.

fragmented. 3) Changed set up to include two keys inserted into test prep switches but not repositioned.

ADMIN RO 1b, CoO, JPM 105 Complete CRW Checklist - Mode 3 ERRATA:

1) JPM step 2 CUE: redundant statement. 1) Corrected.

ADMIN RO 2, EC, JPM 117 Print Reading-Tagout Verification

1) ERRATA: Task standard states two tagged 1) Incorporated comment.

positions are incorrect.., but should be one tagged position incorrect and one incorrect component identified

2) Identify the component position in the JPM steps. 2) Component positions added in the JPM body.

ADMIN RO 4, EP, JPM 101 Prepare ENW Form 1) Key made

2) Spell out ENW

(-1) ADMIN SRO 1a, CoO, JPM 118 Exceeding OT 1) Removed third RO in evaluation.

Limits 2) Changed key from or to and on the deviation.

3) Revised cue.

ADMIN SRO 1b, CoO, JPM 113 Verify Mode Change Conditions

1) JPM step 2: Where is Step 9.10 of CPS 1) Should be 9.9.

3001.01C001? 9.9?

2) Changed standard on step 3
3) Changed comments on step 3
4) Changed standard on step 4
5) Signed on signature page for 3001.01C001/2
6) Signed for notifications and permission to startup.
7) Marked SX MOV TPS in normal on 3001.01 App B Page 1 of 5

2009 Clinton ILT Operating Test Comments ADMIN SRO 2, EC, JPM 114 Review RPI Surveillance 1) Added reference

2) Changed cue step three
3) Changed attachment ADMIN SRO 3, RC, JPM 115 Redirect Worker in a 1) Changed cue for the EO HRA ADMIN SRO 4, EP, JPM 116 Determine PAR
1) ERRATA: Critical time is less than 15 min because 1) Incorporate comment.

have to allot time for filling out notification form and 2) Changed step 2 making call. Suggest 10 min as more realistic time to do the evaluation.

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2009 Clinton ILT Operating Test Comments System JPMs (ES-301-2):

System JPM Comments: Resolution

1) Verify KAs
2) Make sure Safety Function Area agrees with JPM performed.
3) Compare with audit and last 2 NRC exams.

JPM a. SIM JPM 110 Reset RR FCV Lockup (1-D,S): 1) Added setup step.

JPM b. SIM JPM 111Shutdown HPCS (2-A,D,EN,S): 1) Changed cue from is to was at full power.

JPM c. SIM JPM 107 Blowdown due to high Drywell Temperature (3-A,D,EN,L,S):

1) JPM step 1: What is correct action for depressing the 1) Can do one at time.

ADS Logic pushbuttons, ie, have to do both at same 2) Added tailpipe temperatures and print screen for time, or can they be done sequentially? tailpipe temperatures.

JPM d. SIM JPM 112 RCIC Restart (4-A,D,EN,L,S):

1) JPM step 6 critical? Cue was to establish 600 gpm 1) Made Step 6 critical.

flow, step 6 adjusts F013 to obtain 600 gpm.

(-1) JPM e. SIM JPM 207 Place RHR in Containment Spray (5-A,D,EN,L,S):

(-1) JPM f. SIM JPM 103 Crosstie 480V Busses (6-N,S):

JPM g. SIM JPM 104 Determine Shutdown Criteria 1) Initial cue change (7-A,L,N,S): 2) Step two changed cue JPM h. SIM JPM 106Startup CCP (8-A,D,P,S): 1) Changed the setup for the switch JPM i. IP JPM 223 Valve in ADS backup Air Bottles (6-D,E,L,R):

JPM j. IP JPM 022 Vent PC (5-D,E,L,R)

JPM k. IP JPM 108 Lineup WT for MVP (3-D,E,L,R): 1) Changed step to clearly show placing both HX in service.

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2009 Clinton ILT Operating Test Comments Scenarios:

Comment Resolution Overall Comments:

1. Expedite scenarios by having the operator(s) Done do their reactivity briefs and reviews /

calculations prior to taking the shift.

2. Provide a formalized turnover sheet to crew.
3. Capture/collect data for each scenario (all operator logs / paper, chart data) at end of each scenario.
4. Clarify termination criteria at end of each scenario.
5. Include the applicable Tech Specs in the event summary on cover page (ES-D-1).
6. Expand the specific actions taken by the crew and any limits they need to observe, identify controllers/switches/breakers to be manipulated, clarify positions/panels/expected alarms.

SCENARIO 1: GENERAL: Expand the specific actions 1) Turnover sheet: Changed run time from 2 to 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />; taken by the crew and any limits they need to observe, Lower power with flow within the next hour to support identify controllers/switches/breakers to be manipulated, removal of A TDRFP.

clarify positions/panels/expected alarms.

Event 7: BOP last bullet is now an open bullet.

Events 8,9,10: Second page, added clearer EOP direction SCENARIO 2: GENERAL: Expand the specific actions Changed triggers to match the lesson plan in the taken by the crew and any limits they need to observe, simulator identify controllers/switches/breakers to be manipulated, clarify positions/panels/expected alarms.

Event 1 Added expected alarm and information Event 2 Added expected alarm and information Event 4 Added expected alarm and information; Note spelling error Event 5 Added information Event 6: As noted on ES-201-2, 2b. by the licensee, this Five scenarios developed for audit, five for exam, ran is a repeat event on the audit exam. out of C/I events that would fit. Had to repeat one event from audit.

SCENARIO 3: GENERAL: Expand the specific actions taken by the crew and any limits they need to observe, identify controllers/switches/breakers to be manipulated, clarify positions/panels/expected alarms.

Event 1 Added information Page 4 of 5

2009 Clinton ILT Operating Test Comments Event 2 Added information Attachments Changed move sheets to reflect single rod withdraw only SCENARIO 4: GENERAL: Expand the specific actions Changed Role play to included shut down actions taken by the crew and any limits they need to observe, identify controllers/switches/breakers to be manipulated, Shift turnover information: Trip risk is Yellow; clarify positions/panels/expected alarms. Maintenance is regular maintenance not PMT.

Admin JPMS 9 (-5)

System JPMs 11 (-2)

Scenario 1 Events 11 Scenario 2 Events 10 Scenario 3 Events 10 Scenario 4 Events 8 (-1)

TOTAL 59 8/ 59 X 100 = 13.6%

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