L-2009-227, Request to Renew Industrial Wastewater Facility Permit

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Request to Renew Industrial Wastewater Facility Permit
Person / Time
Site: Turkey Point, PROJ0763  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 10/21/2009
From: Kiley M
Florida Power & Light Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
FL0001562, L-2009-227, +reviewedmmc1, FOIA/PA-2015-0150
Download: ML093020672 (102)


October 21, 2009 L-2009-227 IPL. 10 CFR 50.36 POWERING TODAY.


U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, D. C. 20555-0001 Re: Turkey Point Units 3 and 4 Docket Nos. 50-250 and 50-251 Wastewater Permit Number FLOW1562 Request for Permit Renewal Notification By letter L-2009-160 dated June 30, 2009, Florida Power & Light Company (FPL) notified the NRC of the submittal of an Application for Modification and Renewal of the Turkey Point Plant Industrial Wastewater Facility Permit No. FL0001562. The renewal application encompassed the current operating units - fossil Units 1, 2 and 5, nuclear Units 3 and 4, and the proposed nuclear Units 6 and 7.

During a follow-up conversation with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), it was requested that FPL prepare and submit a separate permit renewal application.

The Application submittal on June 30, 2009, will serve only as a request to modify the existing permit to allow for the addition of Turkey Point Units 6 and 7. Following FDEP guidance, the application for renewal includes relevant Units 6 and 7 Project information including the Stormwater Management Plan and Calculations (SMPC) previously submitted as part of the Site Certification Application. Please note that stormwater management for the existing facility has not changed; the SMPC is specific to Units 6 and 7.

In accordance with Section 3.2.3 of the Turkey Point Units 3 and 4 Environmental Protection Plan (Appendix B of Facility Operating Licenses DPR-31 and DPR-41), enclosed is a copy of the request to renew Industrial Wastewater Facility Permit Number FLOO01 562.

Should there be any questions, please contact us.

>ve t Iu yours, Michael Kiley Vice President Turkey Point Nuclear Plant Enclosure cc: Regional Administrator, Region II, USNRC Senior Resident Inspector, USNRC, Turkey Point Plant an FPL Group company




Facility ID - FL0001562 II -CHARACTERISTICS:

INSTRUCTIONS:, Complete the questions below to determine whether you need to submit any permit application forms to the Department of Environmental Protedtion. If you answyer "yes" to any questions, you must submit this form and the supplemental form listed in the pa-eiithesis following the question. Mark "X" in the blank in the third column if the supplemental form.is attached. If you-answer "no" to each question, you need notsubmit any of these forms. You may answer "no" if your activity is excluded from permit requirements: See Section B of the

'instructions.. See also, Section C of the instructions for definitions of the terms used here. .


A. Is this facility a domestic wastewater facility which results in a discharge to surface or ground waters? . .

B. Doesor will this facility (either existing or proposed) ".

include a concentrated animal feeding operation or aquatic animal X production facility which results in_discharge to waters?. ___.

C; Does or will this facility (other than those describe in A. or B.)

discharge process wastewater, or non-process wastewater regulated by X 2CS effluent guidelines or new source performance standards, to surface waters? . ".

D.. Does or will this facility'(other-thai those described in-A: or B.).- .....

discharge process wastewater to ground-waters? -

E. Does or will this facility discharge non-process wmastewater, not regulated by effluent guidelines or-new source performance standards, to X -.--

surface waters? .

F. Does or will'this-facility discharge non--process wasitewater to X - 1 2- ,- . .

ground waters? X 0127512.002-.O G. Does or will this facility, discharge stormwater associated with X

  • industrial activity to surface waters? . . .. - "__-_ . - _--

H. Is this facility anon-discharging/closed loop recycle system?

I. Is this facility a public water system-whose primary purpose is the production of potable water for public consumption and which

  • discharges demineralization concentrate to surface water or - " X


.111 --NAME OF FACILITY: (80 characters andrspaces) . - -.

lFPL Turkey Point Power Plant (Units 1-7) .

1-13 DEP Form 62-620.910(t)

(Effective July 7,2006)

Facility ID FL,0001562 IV - FACILITY CONTACT: (A. 30 characters and spaces)

A. Name and Title (Last, first, & title) B. Phone (area code & no.)

Kiley, Michael W., Plant Vice President 305-246-6113 V - FACILITY MAILING ADDRESS: (A. 30 characters and spaces; B. 25 characters and spaces)

A. Street or P.O. Box: 9760 S.W. 344 Street B. City or Town: Florida City State: FL Zip Code: 33035 VI - FACILITY LOCATION: (A. 30 characters and spaces; B. 24 characters and spaces; C, 3 spaces (if known); D, 25 characters and spaces; E. 2 spaces; F. 9 spaces)

A. Street, Route or Other Specific Identifier: 10 miles East of Florida City on S.W. 344 Street B. County Name: Miami-Dade C. County Code (if known):

D. City or Town: Florida City E. State: FL F. Zip Code: 33035 VII - SIC CODES: (4-digit, in order of priority)

I. Code 9: 4911 (Specify) Electric Serv 2. Code #: (Specify)

3. Code 9: (Specify) 4. Code #: (Specify)

VIII - OPERATOR INFORMATION: (A. 40 characters and spaces; B. I character; C. I character (if other, specify);

D. 12 characters; E. 30 characters and spaces; F. 25 characters and spaces; G. 2 characters; H. 9 characters)

A. Name: Florida Power & Light Company B. Is the name in VIII A. the owner?

X Yes [:lNo C. Status of Operator: (code) (specify) D. Phone No.:

F Federal; S State; P Private; P Private 305-246-6113 0 Other; M Public (other than F or S)

E. Street or P. 0. Box: 9760 S.W. 344 Street F. City or Town: Florida City G. State: FL H. Zip Code: 33035 IX - INDIAN LAND:

A. Is the facility located on Indian lands? I l Yes X No A


A. NPDES Permit No. B. UIC Permit No. C. Other (specify) D. Other (specify)

FL0001562-0071WB/MR 0127512-002-UO See Form 1-X-C Atch. NA XI - MAP: Attach to this application a topographic map of the area extending to at least one mile beyond property boundaries. The map must show the outline of the facility, the location of each of its existing and proposed intake and discharge structures, each of its hazardous waste treatment, storage, or disposal facilities, and each well where it injects fluids underground. Include all springs, rivers and other surface water bodies in the map area. See instructions for precise requirements.

XII - NATURE OF BUSINESS (provide a brief description)

Electric Power Generating Station XIII - CERTIFICATION (see instructions)

I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this application and all attachments and that, based on my inquiry of those persons immediately responsiblefor obtaining the information contained in the application,I believe that the information is true, accurateand complete. I am aware that there are significantpenaltiesfor submittingfalse information, including thepossibility offine and imprisonment.

Michael W. Kiley A. Name (type or print) 11AI&Ii;1XVIý B. Signature Plant Vice President Official Title (type or print) C. Date Signed 1-15 DEP Form 62-620.910(1)

(Effective July 7, 2006)

Form I -X-C Attachment Other Existing Permits (not listed on Form 1)

Florida Power & Light Company - Turkey Point I Permittinn Aseniv --- I Permit Name I.-. Permit Nuimber :1 Pe ittiriv A en-di P6 it Name 1ý- P6 it Numbýr State of Florida Domestic Wastewater FLA( 13612-002-DW3P Department of Environmental Protection Miami-Dade County Domestic Wastewater DWO-000010-2008/2009 Department of PublicWorks Miami-Dade County Department of Industrial Waste [W-000003-2008/2009 Environmental Resources Management



-I 8,000 0 8,000 m 11Feet LEGEND C Turkey Point Units 6 & 7 PlantArea



5.400 5.400 W"Feet LEGEND


1. Imagery, Miami-Dade County, 2007. REV. 0 F=PL- PLOT DATE 6/14/2009 2

FORM 7 ,



Facility LD. Number: FL0001562 Please print or type information in the appropriate areas.

I OUTFALL LOCATION For each outfall, list the X,Y coordinates and the name of the receiving water.

......_____~_ _(latitude/longitude to the nearest 15 seconds) ___. ___ -_ .......

A. Outfall __._. B. Latitude C. Longitude D. Name of Receiving Water No. (List) Deg. Min. Sec. Deg. Min.. Sec.

NA NA NA NA NA NA NA These are internal outfalls that discharge 002 NA NA NA NA NA NA . to the Closed-loop CoolingCanal System No Discharge to Waters of the U.S.

Ii OUTFALL DESIGN A. Outfall B. Design-Configuration and C. D. E. Elevation F. Receiving No. (List) Construction Materials Distance Diameter of Discharge Water Depth

_ _ __from shore- _ -Invert (MSL) at POD (MSLJ NA NA NA NA NA NA DEP Fom,62-620.910(5) 2CS-16 Effective November 29, 1994

Facility I.D. Number: FL0001562 III RECEIVING WATER INFORMATION For each surface water that will receive effluent, supply the following information:

  • " ... . . . ' ... .. "C. D . Type of A. Name of Receiving Water B. Check One.

... .. Classification Receiving W ater Fresh Salt or Brackish (See Ch.62-302, F.A.C.) (canal, river, lake, etc.)

NA " _ _ _ NA NA

.... ____ [] ..... ['-1"Closed Loop Cooling

.. .. . ._ _0 . C Canals No Discharge to Waters O. - Of the U.S.

E. Minimum.7-day 10-year low flow of the receiving water at each outfall (if appropriate).

F.- Identify and describe the flow of effluent from.each outfall to a major body of water. A suitably marked map or aerial photograph may be used.

G.- Do you request a mixing zone under Rule 62-4.244, F.A.C.? If yes, for what parameters or pollutants?


A. Attach a line drawing showing the water flow through the facility. -Indicate sources of intake water, operations contributing wastewater to the effluent, and treatment units labeled to correspond to the more detailed descriptions in Item B. Construct a water balance on the line drawing by showing average flows between intakes, operations, treatment units, and outfalls. If a water balance cannot be determined (e.g., for certain mining-activities), provide a pictorial description of

-the nature and amount of any sources of water and any collection or treatment measures.

B. For each outfall, provide a description of:

1. All operations contributing wastewater to the effluent; including process wastewater, sanitary wastewater, cooling water, and stormwater runoff,
2. The average flow contributed by'each operation; and
3. The treatment received by the wastewater.

Use the space on the next page. Continue on additional sheets, if necessary.

DEP Form 62-620.910(5) 2CS- 17 Effective November 29.1994

IV 13.Contd. Facility I.D. Number: FLOO01562 (2) Operation(s) Contributing Flow (3) Treatment Outfall No. (a) Operation (list) (b) Avg. Flow -'(a) Description (b) List Code from (List) & Units Table 2CS-1 002 . Solids Seftling Basin 17,235 gal/day Sedimentation (Settling). 1-U Chemical Treatment, 2-C -

001 Closed-loop Cooling Canals 1.92 MGM Evaporation/Sedimentation 1-F 1-U Unit 5.CT Blowdown 2,444 gpm Chemical Treatment 2-F, 2-H 2-K Unit 5 Wastewater Sump 3,040 gpm Physical/Chemical treatment .. 1-0, 1-U 2-K-

. Units 6 &.7 Stormwater. No Change Sedimentation (Settling) . 1-U NA. - Units.6 & 7 Wastewater 25 MGD (est.) Underground Injection 4-D DEP Form 62-620.910(5) 2CS- 18 EffemtiveNovember 29, 1994

IV Contd. .V.C.n.d. Facility I.D. Number: FLOO01562 C. Except for storm runoff, leaks, or spills, are any of the discharges described in Items II-A or B intermittent or seasonal?

0 Yes (complete the following table) El No (go to D. below)

(3) Frequency - (4) Flow (1) Outfall (2)Operation(s) (a) Days per (b) Months (a)TFlow Rate ' (b) Total Volume No. (List) Contributing Flow(List) Week per Yr. (in rgd) (specit~ with units) (c) Duration (specify avg.) (specify Long TerrnAvg. Max. Daily Long TcemAvg. Max. Daily (in days) avg.)

002 Solids Settling Basin 0-7 ,-12 .01724 ... NA NA NA NA D. Describe practices to be followed to ensure adequate wastewater treatment during emergencies such as power loss and equipment failures causing shutdown of pollution abatement equipment of the proposed/permitted facilities.

E. List the method(s) ,nd location(s) of flow measurement.

V PRODUCTION A. Does an effluent guideline limitation promulgated by EPA under Section 304 of the Clean Water Act apply to your facility?

0 Yes (complete Item V-B) El No (go to Section VI)

B: Are the limitations in-the applicabie guideline expressed in terms of production (or other measure of operation)?

El Yes (complete Item V-C) 0 No (go to Section VI)

C. If you answered "yes" to Item V-B, list the quantity which represents an actual measurement ofy6ur level of production, expressed in the terms and units used in the applicable effluent guideline; andindicate the affected outfalls.

. .. . . .. ..... . ... . . " ' 2.A ffected Outfail


a. Quantity per Day b. Units of Measure c. Operation, Product, Materials, Etc. (specify). . (list outfall nos.)

NA NA NA " NA DEP Fornm62-620.910(5) 2CS-19 Effective November 29, 1994

Facility I.D. Number:- FL0001562 z:.

VI IMPROVEMENTS A. Are you now required. by any. Federal, State or local authority to meet any implementation schedule-for the construction, upgrading or operation of wastewater treatment equipment or practices or any other environmental programs which. may affect the discharges-described in this application? This.includes, but is not limited to,permit conditions, administrative or enforcement order, enforcement compliance schedule letter, stipulations, court orders, and grant or loan conditions.

f] Yes (complete the following table). No (go to Item VI-B)

1. Identification of Condition, - 2. Affected Outfalls 3. Brief Description - 4. Final Compliance Date, Agreement, Etc.-. . a. No. 6. Source of Discharge of Project a.Required!

a- .B. Projected NA NA- NA NA NA. NA B. OPTIONAL: You may attach additional sheets describing any additional water pollution' control programs-(or other environmental projects 'which: may 'affect your discharges) you now have underway. or which you plan. Indicate-whether each program is now underway or planned,- and in~dicate your actual or planned schedules for construction.-

B. Mark "X" if description of additional control programs is attached;d - po gt VII INTAKE AND EFFLUENT CHARACTERISTICS A'; B,-& C: See instructions before proceeding--Complete one set of tables for. each outfall -- Annotate the outfall, number in the.space provided- NOTE: Tables VII-A, VII-B, and VII-C are included on separate sheetsnumber VIII through'VII-9..

D. Use the space below-to lisi any of the pollutants- listed in Table 2CS-31 of the instructions, Which youknow or"have reason to believe is discharged or may -be discharged from any outfall. For every pollutant you list,' briefly describe- the reasons you believe it to be present 'and report any analytical data in your possession.

1.-Pollutant 2. Source -, .....

. 1. Pollutant 2. Source, -

Dimethyl anine- . Boiler/StmGen Blowdown I NA NA.

DEP Form 62-620.910(5) 2CS-20 -

Effective November 29, 1994

Facility I.D. Number: FL0001562 VIII POTENTIAL DISCHARGES NOT COVERED BY ANALYSIS Is any pollutant listed in Item VII-C a substance or a component of a substance which you currently use or manufacture' as An intermediate or final product or by-product?

[]YES (list all such pollutants below) [ NO (go to IX)

NA IX BIOLOGICAL TOXICITY TESTING DATA Do you have any knowledge or reason to believe that any biological test for acute or-chronic toxicity has been made on any of your discharges or on a receiving water in relation to your discharge within the last 3 years?

YES (identify the test(s) and describe their purposes below) NO (go to Section X)

NA X CONTRACT ANALYSIS INFORMATION Were any of the analyses reported in Item VI I 'performed by a contract laboratory. or consulting firm?

-- El YES (list the name, address', telephone number, and certification number of, and pollutants analyzed by each such laboratory or firm below) NO (go to Section XI)

SC. Telehone D. Pollutants Analyzed (list)

S. (Arca code &.. ) ...

NA A N -A DEP Form 62-620.910(5) :2CS-21 Effective November 29, 1994

Facility I.D..Number: FL001562 XI CONNECTION TO REGIONAL POTW A. Indicate the relationship between this project and area regional planning for wastewater treatment. List steps to be taken for.this industrial wastewater facility to become part of an area-wide wastewater treatment system.

FPL has been working with Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department (MDWASD) to make the Turkey Point Plant part of the area-wide wastewater treatment system. TurkeyPoint Units 6 & 7 will use reclaimed water from MDWASD as makeup water to the circulating water sygtem. When reclaimed watdr is fully available, the Turkey Point facility may utilize up to 90 MGD. Domestic wastewater generated by the facility will be managed onsite and will not be released to the area-wide wastewater treatment system..

XII-A CERTIFICATIONS FOR NEW OR MODIFIED FACILITIES This is to certify the engineering .features of this pollution control project have been designed by me and found to be in conformity with sound engineering principles, applicable .to the treatment and disposal of pollutants characterized in the permit application.' There is reasonable assurance, in my professional judgment, that the pollution control facilities, when properly maintained and operated, will discharge an effluent that complies with all applicable statutes of the State of Florida and the rules of the Department. It is also agreed that the undersigned, if authorized by the owner, will furnish the applicant a set of instructions for the proper maintenance and operation of the pollution control facilities and, if applicable, pollution sources.

NA Signature Company Name NA Nm type) Address NA Name (please type) NA

..NA (Affix Seal) Florida Registration No.: .NA Telephone No:: 'NA Date I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system --designed to assure that qualified personnel properly -gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted. is,- to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false ihformation, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. . -

'NA . -

Name & Official Title (Please type or print) Signature NA . ....

S .

-, Telephone No. (area code & No.) " -Date Signed DEP Form 62-620.910(5) 2CS-22 Effective November 29 1994

XII-B CERTIFICATIONS FOR PERMIT RENEWALS This is to certify the engineering features of this pollution control project have been examined by me and found to be in conformity with sound engineering principles, applicable to the treatment and disposal of pollutants characterized in the permit application. There is reasonable assurance, in my professional judgment, that the pollution control facilities, when properly maintained and operated, will discharge an effluent that complies with all applicable statutes of the State of Florida and the ru es of the Department. ,

,z'*)6/* fGolder Associates Inc. (Certificate of Authorization No. 1670 S.Signaiture Company Name Gregory M, Powell . - Address 9428 Baymeadows Road Name (pleifge type) Suite 400 (Affix r Jacksonville, FL 32256 Seal) Florida Registration No.: 31165 Telephone No:: 904-363-3430 Date CIO_-_ __

I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations.

Michael W. Kiley, Plant Vice President Name & Official Title (Please type or print) Signature 305-246-6113 .__/___ __ __ _

Telephone No. (area code & No.) Date Signed DEP Form 62-620.910(5) 2CS-23 Effective November 29, 1994

Form 2CS Attachment Summary Florida Power & Light Company -Turkey Point Plant Page 16 I.A, B, C & D: These internal outfalls discharge to closed-loop cooling canals, w"hich are also an industrial wastewater facility. There is no discharge to waters of the.U.S. and no discharge to surface waters of the State. The cooling canals are not lined; therefore, there may be a release to Class G-Ill groundwater.

IB & C: Latitude and Longitude are not shown for purposes of Homeland Security pursuant to federal regulations found at 18 CFR 388.113(c)(i) and (ii) and by Presidentia! Directive dated December 17, 2003.

I.A through F: Not Applicable. There is no discharge to waters of the U.S. and no discharge to surface waters of the State. -

Page 17 Ill. A through G: Not Applicable. There is no discharge to waters of the U.S. and no discharge to surfacewaters of the State.

Page 17 IV.A. See Attachment lIl.A: FPL Turkey Point Power Plant General PlantDescription IV.A. See Attachment Ill.A-1: Flow Diagram Turkey Point Fossil Plant'Units 1 &2-.:

IV.A,:See Attachment Ill.A-2: Flow Diagram Turkey Point Nuclear Plant Units 3 & 4.

IV.A. See Attachment Ill.A-3: Flow Diagram Turkey Point Combined Cycle Plant. Unit-5.

IV.A. See Attachment Ill.A-4: Flow Diagram TurkeyPoint Nuclear Plant Units 6& 7.:

IV.B. See Attachment lII.1B-1: Operations Contributing Wastewater to the Internal Outfalls.

IV.B. See Attachment Ill.B-2: Plant Maintenance Activities, For All Units. ..

Page 19 IV.D See Attachment llI.D-1: Practices to Ensure Wastewater Treatment during PowerLoss.

IV.E Flows are metered at the water supplies.

Page 20 VII.A, B, & C, Including Tables VII-A, VII-B andVII-C: Zero dischargefacility.. No point source discharges to waters of the U.S. or surface waters of the State. No discharge point to 1

groundwater of State. All internal outfalls discharge to closed-loop cooling canals/industrial wastewater facility...

Page 21 VIII. Potential Discharges: The following chemicals are used at the facility for the following purposes:

Continuum AEC3145 and Corrshield MD4100 Cooling Tower Inhibitors AZ8101 and OP8413 Cooling Tower.

'Sulfuric acid Cooling Tower Sodium hypochlorite Cooling Tower Foamtrol AF2290 Cooling Tower Biocides such as Spectrus CT1300 or equivalent Cooling Tower _ -

Soda ash, polymer, hydrated lime, Water Treatment Chemicals Betz

Dearborn DCL30,

Hypersperse MDC120 Water Treatment Chemicals KleenIMCT103 and MCTS11 Water Treatment Chemicals ROClean L212, ROClean L403, ROClean P111, ROClean L811 RO Membrane Cleaning Hydrazine, carbohydrazide, monoethanolamine (EIA) Boiler/Steam Gen Blowdown Molybdate, Tolytriazole and Nitrite Aux Equipmnent Cooling System A minor revision has beenasubmitted to FDEP to change chemical vendors to supply equivalent.

products. The revision was approved by FDEP on April 15, 2009 as a minor revision C to Industrial Wastewater Permit Number FL0001562.



I[DISCHARGE LOCATION For each location, list the X,Y coordinates-and, where applicable, the name of the land application site.

- . ... . . .. (latitu d e /Ion itud e to th e n e a re st 15 sec o nd s) . . .. .. .... _- _..

A. Discharge B. Latitude C. Loigitude D., Name of Location No. (list) Deg. Min. Sec. . Deg. Min. Sec. . Land Application .

001 NA -- NA: NA NA NAý' NA These are internal outfalls that discharge 002 NA NA NA NA NA NA to the Closed-loop Cooling Canal System No Discharge to Waters of the U.S.


Discharge No. Design Configuration and Construction Materials Cover Application Land Application Ground

___________~Cro Rate_______________ Area

'.NA NA . NA NA . NA NA "NA A* *_ - , , - - ,. I .,. - -- " '

2CG-14 Form 62-620.910(4)

(Effective November 29, 1994)

- Facility I.D. Number. FL0001562 III FLOWS, SOURCES OF POLLUTION, AND TREATMENT TECHNOLOGIES A. Attach a line drawing showing the water flow through- the facility. Indicate sources of intake water, operations contributing wastewater to the-effluent, and treatment units. labeled to correspond to the more detailed descriptions in Item B. Construct a water balance on the line drawing by showing average flows between intakes, operations, treatment units, .

- and discharge points. If a Water balance cannot be determined (e.g., for certain mining activities), provide a pictorial

  • description of the nature and amount of any sources of water and any collection or treatment measures.

B. For each discharge location,. provide a description of:

1. All operations contributing wastewater to the effluent; including process wastewater, sanitary wastewater, cooling water, and storm water runoff,
2. The average flow contributed by each operation; and
3. The treatment receivedby the wastewater.

Use the space below. Continue on additional sheets, if necessary. -

(1) Discharge (2) Operation(s) Contributing Flow (-3) Treatment Location No. (a) Operation (list) (b) Avg. Flow & " - (a) Description - (b) List Code from - .

  • __"_-_"_._ _Units _ _ __"_--_ _ _ _ _. Table 2CG-I 002. Solids Settling Basin 17,235 gal/day Sedimentation (Settling) 1-U

. Chemical Treatment 2-C 001

  • Closed-loop Cooling Canals 1.92 MGM - Evaporation/Sedimentation 171F 1-U Unit 5. CT3 lowdown - 2,444 gpm. .Chemical Treatment . 2-F, 2-H. 22-K Unit 5 Wastew ater Sump 3,040 gpm P~hysical/Chemical -Treatment 1-0,1-U 2-K' Units 6.& 7 Stormwater No Change - Sedimentation (Settling) - - 1 IU

-NA NA Units Units 66 && 77 Wastewater atwater ... 25 MGD (est.) *Underground Injection4- "":

254MG g es.) Undergral Inection 4-D

.. . . .L . . . - ...

2CG-15 Form 62-620.910(4)

(Effective November 29, 1994)

"Facility I.D. Number FL0001562 III Contd.

C. Except for storm runoff, leaks, or spills, are any of the discharges described in Items 1I-A or B intermittant or seasonal?

0o Yes (complete the following table) No .(go.io D. below)

(1) (2) . (3) Frequency (4) Flow __:__._

Outfall Operations(s) Contributing (a) (b) ( . (c)

  1. (List)* Flow (List) Days per Week Months per a) Flow Rate (in mgd) (b) Total Volume Duration (specify avg.) Yr. - (specify with units) (in days)

(specify avg.) ... _... ... . ...

Long: Max. Long Max. Daily

. ....________Term Avg Daily Term Avg.

002- Solids Settling Basin 0-7 0-12 0.01724 'NA: NA NA

  • For land application systems, also include the Rest Period.

-D., Describe practices .to be followed to ensure adequate wastewater treatment during emergencies such as power loss and equipment failures causing shutdown of pollution abatement equipment of the proposed/permitted facilities.

E. List the method(s) and location(s) of flow measurement.


A. Are you now required by any Federal, State or local authority to' meet any implementation schedule for the

' construction, upgrading or operation of wastewater treatment equipment or practices or any other environmental

- programs which may affect the discharges described in this application? This includes,obut is not.limited toi,permit.

conditions, administrative or enforcement orders, enforcement compliance schedule letters, stipulations, court orders, and grant or loan conditions.

[]Yes (complete the-fo1lowing table) -[ No (go to Item VI-B)

1. Identification of 2. Affected Discharge Locations - 3. Brief Description of w 4. Final Compliance Date I Condition, Agreement, Etc. - a. No. b. Source of Discharge; . Project a. Required b. Projected..

NA NA NA NA NA NA B. 'OPTIONAL: You may-attach additional sheets describing ani, -additiohal water pollution control programs (or other environmental projects which may affect your discharges) 'you now have underway or which you plan: _Indicafe whether each.

program is now underway or-planned, and indicate your actual or planned schedules for-construction. .

C] Mark "X" if description of additional control programs is attached.

2CG-16 Form 62-620.910(4)

(Effective November 29, 1994)

Facility I.D. Number FL0001562 V INTAKE AND EFFLUENT CHARACTERISTICS A, B, & C: See instructions before proceeding--Complete one "setof tables for-each discharge location-- Annotate the location number in the space provided. NOTE: Tables V-A, V-B, and V-C aie included on separate sheets number V-1 through V-lO .

D. Use the space below to list any of the pollutants listed in Table 2CG-3 of the instructions, which you know or have reason to believe is discharged or may be discharged from any.outfall. For every pollutant you list, briefly describe the reasons you believe it to be "resent and report any analytical.data in your possessio'.

1. Pollutant 2. Source .1. Pollutant 2. Source '

Dimethyl amine: Boiler/ StmGen Blowdown NA- NA VI POTENTIAL DISCHARGES NOT COVERED BY ANALYSIS Is any pollutant listed in Item V-C a substance or a component of a substance which you currently use or manufacture as an intermediate or final product or by-product?_

0 YES (list all such pollutants below) 0 NO (go to VII)

NA VII CONTRACT ANALYSIS INFORMATION Were any of the analyses reported in Item V performed by a contract laboratory or consultitig firm? -.

CQ YES (list the name, address, telephone number, and certification number of, and pollutants analyzed by each- such laboratory orffirm below) 0 NO (go to Section VIII)

A.- Name B. Address C. Telephone D. Pollutants Analyzed (list)-

. (area code& no.).

NA NA NA NA 2CG-17 Form 62-620.910(4) -

(Effective November 29, 1994)


A. Indicate the relationship between this project and area regional planning for wastewater treatment. List steps to be taken for this industrial wastewater facility to become part of an area-wide wastewater. treatmer t system.

FPL has been working with Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department (MDWASD) to make the Turkey Point Plant part of the area-w.ide wastewater treatment system. Turkey Point Units 6 & 7 will use reclaimed water from MDWASD as makeup water to the circulating water system. When reclaimed water is fully available, the Turkey Point facility may utilize up to 90 MGD. Domestic wastewater generated by the facility will be managed onsite and will not be released to the area-wide wastewater treatment system.

IX-A CERTIFICATIONS FOR NEW OR MODIFIED FACILITIES This is to certify the engineering features of this pollution control project have been designed by me and found to be in conformity with sound engineering principles, applicable to the treatment and disposal of,polutants-characterized in the permit application. -There is reasonable assurance, in my professional judgment, that- the.pollution. control facilities, when properly maintained and operated, will discharge an effluent that complies with all applicable, statutes of the State of Florida and the rules of the Department. It is also agreed that the undersigned,if authorized by. the owner, will furmish[

the applicant a set of instructions for the proper maintenance and operation of the pollution control facilities and, if applicable, pollution sources.


  • .-o-. :°Signature-Compn Na=e

--N A,.. .' Address-NA Name (please type) NA NA (Affix Sea) Flonda Kegistration No.: NA Telephone No:: -'- Date I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based onrny inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the infornation submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false informat ion, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations.

NA, Name (type or print) :Signature.

NA TTitle N.A Date Signed-Telephone No.. (area code & No.)

2CG-18 '

Form 62-620.910(4)

(Effective November 29, 1994)

Facility I.D. Number: FL0001562 IX-B CERTIFICATIONS FOR PERMIT RENEWALS This is to certify the engineering features of this pollution control project have been examined by me and found to be in conformity with sound engineering principles, applicable to the treatment and disposal of pollutants characterized in the permit application. There is reasonable assurance, in my professional judgment, that the pollution control facilities, when properly maintained and operated, will discharge an effluent that complies with all applicable statutes of the State of Florida and the rules of the epartment.

____,,_________________ Golder Associates Inc. (Certificate of Authorization No. 1670)

- signature- Company Name Gregory'M Powel ..," Address 9428 Baymeadows Road

- .. Narneplea .e) Suite 400 S (Jacksonville, FL 32256

" (Affix Seal.- Florida Registration No.: 31165 Telephone No:: 904-363-3430 Date 1,0Z7 I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations.

Michael W. Kilev Name (type or print) Signature Plant Vice President Title 305-246-6113 Date Signed Telephone No. (area code & No.)

2CG-19 Form 62-620.910(4)

(Effective November 29, 1994)

Form 2CG Attachment Summary Florida, Power.& Light Company Turkey Point Plant Page 14 L.A, B, C & D: These internal outfalls are routed to closed-loop cooling canals, which are also an industrial wastewater facility. -There are no point source discharges to waters of the U.S. andno discharge to surface waters of-the State. The Cooling canals are not lined; thereforej there ma6...

be a release to Class G-Ill groundwater.

1B & C: Latitude and Longitude are not shown for purposes of Homeland Security pursuantto-federal regulations found at 18 CFR 388.113(c)(i) and (ii) and by Presidential Directive dated December,17, 2003.

I.A, B, C, D, E & F: There is no Land Application at this facility and no discharge point to groundwater. The groundwater is Class G-Ill.

Page 15 III.A. See Attachment Ill.A: FPL Turkey Point Power Plant General Plant Description II.A. See Attachment IIi.A-1: Flow Diagram Turkey Point Fossil Plant Units 1 &2.

III.A. See Attachment III.A-2: Flow Diagram Turkey Point Nuclear Plant Units 3 & 4.

III.A. See Attachment I!I.A-3: Flow Diagram Turkey Point Combined Cycle Plant Unit 5. .

II.A. See Attachment Ill.A-4: Flow Diagram Turkey Point Nuclear Plant Units 6 & 7.'

III.B. See Attachment Ill.B-1: Operations Contributing Wastewater to the Internal Outfalls..

III.B. See Attachment lll.B-2: Plant Maintenance Activities, For All Units.

Page 16

-III.D See Attachment Ill.D-1: Practices to Ensure Wastewater Treatment during Power Loss.

- IIL.E Flows are metered at the water supplies. ..

Pa~ge'17 V.A, B, & C, Including Tables VA, V-B and. V-C: Zero discharge facility. No point source "discharges to waters of the U.S. or surface watersof the State. No discharge point to -

groundwater of State. All'internal outfalls are routed to closed-loop.cooling canals/industrial -

. wastewater facility.


VI. Potential Discharges: The following chemicals are used at the facility for the following purposes:

Continuum AEC3145 and Corrshield MD4100 Cooling Tower Inhibitors AZ8101 and OP8413 "Cooling Tower" Sulfuric acid Cooling Tower Sodium hypochlorite Cooling Tower Foamtrol AF2290 Cooling Tower.

Biocides such as Spectrus CT1300 or equivalent Cooling Tower Soda .ash, polymer, hydrated lime, Water Treatment Chemicals Betz

Dearborn DCL30,

Hypersperse MDC120 Water Treatment Chemicals Kleen MCT103 and MCTS11 Water.Treatment Chemicals ROClean L212., ROClean L403, ROClean P1.ll, ROClean L811 - RO Membrane Cleaning Hydrazine, carbohydrazide, monoethanolamine (EIA) Boiler/Steam Gen Blowdown Molybdate, Tolytriazole and Nitrite Aux Equipment Cooling System' A minor revision has been submitted to FDEP to change chemical vendors to supply equivalent products. The revision was approved by FDEP on April 15, 2009 as a minor revision C to Industrial Wastewater Permit Number FL0001562.



FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY TURKEY POINT POWER PLANT GENERAL PLANT DESCRIPTION Florida Power & Light Company (FPL)Turkey POint Plant is located adjacent to Biscayne Bay at 9760 S.W. 3 4 4 th Street, Florida City, Florida 33035. The Turkey Point plant property covers approximately 11,000 acres (Form 1-XI Attachment).

The existing facility consists of five electrical generating units: Two oil/natural gas-fired units (Units 1 and 2), two nuclear units (Units 3 and 4) and one natural gas-fired combined cycle unit (Unit 5). The two 400-MW (nominal) oil/natural gas-fired electric generation units have been in service since .1967 (Unit 1) and 1968 (Unit 2). These units currently burn residual fuel oil and/or natural gas with a maximum equivalent sulfur content of one (1) percent. The two 700-MW (nominal) nuclear units have been in service since 1972 (Unit 3) and 1973 (Unit 4).

Construction, design, and operational aspects are essentially the same for both nuclear units.;

Units 1 through 4 obtain their once-through condenser-cooling water from, and release to, a closed-loop cooling canals/industrial wastewater facility. Process water for Units 1 and 2 is obtained from the Upper Floridan Aquifer and/or from MDWASD. Units 3 and 4 obtain process water from MDWASD.

Unit 5 is a natural gas-fired combined cycle power plant with a generating capacity of 1150-MW (nominal). Turkey Point Unit 5 began operation in 2007. Unit 5 uses:cooling towers and obtains cooling water from Upper Floridan Aquifer wells. Process water is obtained from Upper Floridan wells and/or -from MDWASD. Unit 5 wastewater is discharged to the closed-loop cooling canals/industrial wastewater facility.

The Turkey -Point plant property includes 5,900-acres closed-loop cooling canal system that serves- Units 1 through 4 for cooling and Units 1 through 5 as an industrial wastewater facility.

There are. no point source discharges to waters of the United States, or to surface waters of the

-..State from the plant site.

Wastewater generated by the existing Turkey Point Plant (Units i through 5) consists of non-'

contact once through condenser cooling water (OTCW), auxiliary ýequipmenrt cooling water.

(AECW), cooling tower blowdown, low-volume waste (LVW) and stormwater. LVW *consistsof

.chemicaltreatment system wastewater, boiler blowdown, heat 'recovery steam generator-blowdown, reverse osmosis concentrate condensate polishing system -backwash water and other process wastestreams. Stormwater includes stormwater associated with. industrial activity and stormwater not associated with, industrial activity. LVW, equipment area stormwater and nqn-equipment area stormwater/drainage is released either directly-.to the onsite closed-,loop 1

  • cooling canal system or indirectly to the same system after treatment via oil/water separator, solids settling basin and/or neutralization basin. The closed-loop cooling canal system does not discharge to surface waters of the state.

Two new nuclear units (Units 6 & 7), with in-service dates of 2018.and 2020, are proposed for

-the FPL Turkey Point Plant. Units 6 & 7 will contribute approximately 2,200MW (net) of new' generation to FPL's system. The Units. 6 & 7 Site will be south: of the existing Unit 4, within the

-'...closed-loop cooling.cana! system/industrial wastewater facility, on approximately 300 acres.

Water for these units will be obtained from a reclaimed water supply, a saline. water supply, and a potable water supply. The circulating water system will use mechanical draft cooling towers.

Reclaimed water from MDWASD will be used as makeup water.to the circulating water system.

When reclaimed water is not available in sufficient quantity, saltwater from radial collector wells will be used as makeup for the circulating water system.-

Potable water will be used as makeup water for the service water system.. The potable water supply will also provide water to the potable water system, fire protection system, demineralized water treatment system and other miscellaneous uses. Cooling-tower blowdown and other site wastewater streams will be collected in a common blowdown sump and.injected through .deep injection wells. The-deep injection wells will meet the requirements established by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) (Rule 62.528, F.A.C.), and the underground injection control program permit. The only operational discharge from the Units 6 & 7 Site to the closed-loop cooling canal system will be stormwater.

Stormwater.from the Units 6 & 7 Site and the associated nuclear administration building, training

  • building and parking area, which is adjacent to the industrial wastewater facility, will continue to be released to the industrial wastewater facility. .

A separate- stormwater management system will be designed and constructed for the FPL reclaimed water treatment facility and the radial collector well area. All other wastewater generated by the operation of Units 6 & 7 will be released through the deep injection wells.


June 2009 0838-7584 Note: Numbers in parentheses correspond to process flowdescriptlon numbers (Form 2CG Attachment 111.13-I).

F16w,Diagram Units 1 and 2 .

. Attachment IlIl.A-1 Legendp Regular Path -

no diagrarrm- rdUs1 &2 Alternate Path ........

June 2009 0838-7584 ,

June20090838758 Units 6 & 7 Sanitary w- 6 & .

Waste Treatment . ......... ..

System. Injection Wells Note: Numbers in parentheses correspond to process flow description numbers (Form 2CG Attachment 11L.B-1).

Flow Diagram Nuclear Units 3 and 4 , . . ...

Attachrment Ill.A-2 ..- egend Regular Path Flowdiagrams.vsdfUnits34 Alternate Path.&

June 2069 0838-7584 June2009 0838-7584 Non-Equipment Area Off-Site Stormwater Runoff Drainage A = Backup cooling water system for emergency diesel generators "

Note: Numbers in parentheses correspond to process flow description numbers (Form 2CG Attachment 111B.-I).

-Flow Diagram Combined-Cycle Unit 5

,AttachmentlIl.A-33 , Legend

" Regular Path .

Flow dmgramsývd/Uni 5 .. " Alternate Path . *L* F*

June 2009 0838-7584 June2009 0838-7584 Uits 3&4]

Sanitary Sewer ." . ..........

System Non-Equipment Area Stormwater

  • Units 6 & 7 Site Administration Building, Training Building and Parking Area q # Closed-Loop Cooling Canals I Industrial Wastewater Facility Equipment and Containment


Area Stormwater separator 4 Units,6 & 7 Site I Non-Equipment Area Stormwater *'.'. OffSiteDrainage 1 Radial Collector Well Area MDWASD I FPL Reclaimed Water Treatment Facility

! *J MDWASD =-Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department Note: Numbers in parentheses correspond to process flow description numbers (Form 2CG Attachment III.8-1).

Flow DiagramNuclear Units8 & 7 "Flow Diagram Nuclear Units 6 & 7 Attachment IllIA-4 Legend Regular Path ,-

Alternate Path 7... ' P.1 FIso d.agram vsd/Unfts6 &7

Form 2CG Attachment III.B-l OPERATIONS CONTRIBUTING WASTEWATER TO THE INTERNAL OUTFALLS FROM ALL UNITS Production Related Activities Major processes and associated Units at the Turkey Point power plant,. which generate wastewater as a function of steam production to generate electricity, are-as follows:

Major Process Associated. Units

1. Unit 3 & 4 Make-up Water Treatment System Nuclear..
2. Boiler Make-up Water Treatment System Fossil &-Unit 5 CC
3. Combustion By-Products Fossil
4. Boiler and HRSG Blowdown
  • Fossil & Unit 5 CC
5. On-line Chemical Analyzer Waste All Units
6. Steam Generator Bl1wdown Nuclear
7. Chemical Volume Control System Nuclear
8. Main Condenser Cooling Water System -.Fossil & Nuclear
9. Auxiliary Equipment Cooling Water System .Fossil & Nuclear
10. Condensate Polishers Nuclear 1-1., Plant Intake Screen Wash "Fossil & Nuclear
12. Sanitary Sewer Systems -Fossil,& Nuclear
13. Stormwater Fossil,.;Nuclear & Unit 5 CC
14. Interceptor Ditch All Units
15. Wastewater Treatment System Unit 5 CC
16. Cooling Tower Blowdown Unit 5 CC
17. Stormwater . Units 6 & 7 Nuclear
18. Wastewater Units 6 & 7 Nuclear
1. Unit 3.& 4 Make-up Water Treatment System (Nuclear) .

Municipal water is passed through a vendor-supplied water treatment system

- consisting of activated carbon filters for the removal of- organic and inorganic

-suspended solids. The filtered'Water then passes through a-reverse osmosis unit to -

remove total dissolved solids and silica. This is followed by-a-forced draft aerator for the removal of carbon dioxide: Subsequently, hydrazine is added to the influent for

- the deoxygenating purposes. This. is then passed through an activated carbon media to catalyze the reaction, and then, frther treated by ion exchange bed to remove any carbon impurities or hydrazineo0verfeed.- The-effluent is further purified via a mobile, flow demineralizer that removes cations and anions. The. final purification involves

- the passing of the mixture through a cation/anion polishing mixed bed. The treated water is typically directed intostorage tanks for use in the nuclear units.


All regenenerations of the resin beds are performed off-site at the vendors' service center.

The carbon filters are backwashed with municipal water to remove trapped suspended solids previously filtered from the process water. The backwash water is discharged to the closed-loop cooling canals.

It is necessary to inject sulfuric acid to the influent of the, reverse osmosis unit to reduce the pH to between 6.0 standard'units (s.u.) and 8.5 s.u... 'this maintains the solubility of the calcium carbonate that is used in the reverseosmosis unit. The reject water from this process will have a pH of between 6.0 s.u.-and 8.5 smu. and is discharged to the closed-loop cooling canals.

Alternate Make-up Water Treatment System-Municipal water is passed through a coagulator and a fine sand filter to remove suspended solids and then passed through activated carbon filters for additional removal of organic and inorganic suspended solids. The softened; filtered water is further purified by passing through a cation resin bed where. cations such as sodium (Na), magnesium (Mg), and calcium (Ca) are removed, and then through an anion resin -bed where anions such as sulfate (SO 4) and Chlorides (Cl) are removed.

Finally, it passes through a polishing mixed bed containing both. cation and anion resins.

After a period of use, the anion and cation r'esins become exhausted and must be returned to their original adsorptive capacity (regenerated). Cation resins are regenerated with 5% H 2 SO 4 (sulfuric acid) where the H+ replaces the. cations exchanged by the resins during the demineralization process. The anion resin bed is

-regenerated with 5% NaOH (sodium hydroxide), where OH replaces anions exchanged by the resin during regeneration.

The sand and carbon filters are backwashed with municipal. water to remove trapped suspended solids previously filtered from the process water..

Corrosive anion and cation regenerant waste (pH < 2.0 s.u. or I12.5 s.u.) is sent to a totally enclosed treatment facility where the pH is adjusted to.a range of between >2.0 s.u. to <12.5 s.u. This wastewater is routed to the neutralization basin where, if necessary, the pH is adjusted to>_ 6.0 s.u. to _<8.5 s.u. and then discharged to the*

closed-loop cooling canal system:. Alternatively, the wastewater can be discharged to the closed-loop cooling canal system after the pH has been adjusted to > 6.0 s.u. to <

8.5 s.u.

2. Boiler Make-up Water-Treatment System (Fossil & Unit 5,CC.

Boiler. make-up for Units I & 2 is supplied by the Unit .5 Process Water Treatment System. The primary supply source is from Floridan aquifer wells, with backup from the municipal water supply.


3. Combustion Bv-Products (Fossil)

All combustion by-products waste streams from Units 1 and 2 are sent to B2 and B3 Solids Settling Basins for treatment. B2 Basin dimensions are 170 ft x 50 ft x 7.8 ft and it is a lined basin. B3 Basin dimensions are 170ft x 50 ft x 7.8 ft and the basin is lined. Soda ash and citric acid are the chemicals used in the treatment of the solids settling basins. The supernatant is discharged to the closed-loop cooling canal system or alternatively routed to the neutralization basin prior to discharge through Internal Outfall 002.

A carbon re-injection-system provides a means for collecting carbon and unburned by-products, of combustion in the. flue gases. This carbon residue is recycled back into the boiler fire to maximize the use of combustion material. The resulting 'fly ash and slag contain various non-combustible compounds that are sluiced to one -of the two, solids settling basins. Combustion residue is also. accumulated. during various maintenance functions. Supernatant from the solids*settling basins is treated with citric acid or soda ash, if needed, to adjust pH to proper limits--prior to discharging to the closed-loop cooling canals. Ash is sent to a filter press and disposed of in accordance with state and federal regulations...

Economizer Hopper Wash (Fossil)

The economizer section of the boiler collects combustion by-products during plant operations, resulting, in slag formation. Periodically, the interior surface of the economizeri hopper is washed.- This washing typically is- performed daily or as needed. The wash water is discharged to one of two' on-site 'settling basins. The.

supernatant from these basins is discharged to the closed-loop cooling canals.- Prior to discharge, the waste stream undergoes pH adjustments.

Air.Preheater. Wash (Fossil)

,Air preheaters operate in an atmosphere near the dewpoint of boiler exit gas. Since there is some deposition of sulfuric compounds on the preheater surface, wash water is typically acidic. Air preheaters are washed with water on an as needed basis and usually followed by rinsing with water. The air preheater waste' effluent is routed to, and treated in, one of two solids settling basins.

Stack Wash (Fossil)

Each stack is washed approximately every five years to remove combustion products, which adhere to the interior stack surfaces. The stack wash is. discharged to one .of two solids settling basins. Supematant from these basins is discharged to the closed-loop cooling canals.


Dust Collector. and Dust Collection Hopper. Wash (Fossil)

Particulate materials collected by the dust collectors falls into 'dust collector hoppers and are injected into the boiler for re-burning, or is sluiced to one of the solids settling basins. At present, the collectors and hoppers are routinely washed. However,' if clogging occurs, the appropriate section may be taken apart and the loose ash removed. The ash is caught within a curbed area and is sluiced to- one of two solids' settling basins. Supernatant .from these. basins is discharged, to closed-loop cooling:


Boiler.Fireside Wash. (Fossil) '

Boiler fireside washing is typically perforined once per year per unit or as needed.

The high-pressure wash water is utilized to clean combustion products deposited on boiler tubes during operation. This system is designed to pump the boiler fireside waste water to one of two solids settling basins. Supernatant from these basins is discharged to the closed-loop cooling canals.

4. Boiler & HRSG Blowdown (Fossil.& Unit 5 CC)

High purity water generated by the plants' water treatment system for Units -1,2 and 5 is.used for makeup to the boiler/HRSG water/steam cycle.. During the continual vaporization of water occurring in the boiler, dissolved solids build up in the boiler water and must be controlled by the boiler blowdown.

Two forms .of sodium phosphate are added to the boiler water for control of calcium and magnesium scaling. Ammonium hydroxide is added for'feedwater pH control.

Hydrazine is added for dissolved oxygen removal. Undesirable boiler water contaminants such as CI and silica can be introduced from condenser tube leaks resulting in contamination of the boiler water. When -dissolved solids reach unacceptable levels they must be reduced by boiler blowdown.-. Boiler blowdown is taken from the bottom of the steam drum, which contains such contaminants as silica, sodium phosphate dissolved solids, calcium or magnesium" phosphate sludge, and metals such as copper and iron. Some of the boiler blowdown flashes into steam and discharges into the atmosphere. . The remaining liquid portion of the boiler blowdown is routed to the closed-loop cooling canals.

5. On-Line Chemical Analyzer Waste (AllUnits) -

A very low volume of sample water is: diverted from various' locations within the steam. cycle to online chemical analyzers to test water chemistry. -'A very small quantity of chemical effluent from these analyzers is. discharged to the closed-loop cooling canals along with the blowdown. -

6. Steam Generator.Blowdown (Nuclear)

High purity water generated by the plants' make-up water treatment system is routed via storage tanks to the condensers for makeup to the water/steam cycle. Advanced 4

amines such as ammonium hydroxide, ethanolamine (ETA) and dimethylamine (DMA) or equivalent are added for pH' and corrosion control and hydrazine or

  • equivalent for dissolved oxygen removal. Strict operating specifications require that suspended and dissolved solids be,. removed from steam generatorl water by continuous steam generator blowdown.. This blowdown is routed to the closed-loop cooling canals.

During overhauls and/or refueling outages the steam generators, feedwater systems, and/or condensers may be placed in-a static mode where the internal metal surfaces of these components must be protected from corrosion. The typical method used is to fill the system with a hydrazine/carbohydrazine/amerzine ammonia/demineralized water solution. This solution has a pH range of 9.0 s.u.- to 10.5 s.u.' and- usually contains less that 300 ppm hydrazine. Approximately 1,000,000 gallons of this solution may be discharged to the closed-loop cooling canals following each overhaul or refueling 'outage. Testing in the discharge canal for hydrazine concentrations, following the discharges, has shown hydrazine values to be less than 10 ppb.'

7. Chemical Volume Control System (Nuclear).

This waste stream originates from various maintenance and: operational activities,.

which take place within the Reactor' Auxiliary Building. .Discharges from the Chemical Volume Control -System are intermittent, and are strictly regulated by the Atomic Energy Act and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

'8. Main Condenser Cooling Water System (Fossil and Nuclear) . .

Condenser cooling water for Units 1 through 4 is withdrawn from the closed-loop cooling canal system through two intake canals on the east. side of the units. The waste heat from the steam condensation is transferred to the cooling water in the condensers which discharge back to the closed-loop cooling canal system on the -west side of the units. With all 12 circulating water pumps operating the cooling water flow is rated at 1,800,000 gpm.

9. Auxiliary Equipment Cooling Water System. (Fossil and Nuclear)

An additional 120,000 gpm of water from the closed-loop cooling canal system is used to cool, via heat exchangers, the closed componeint cooling water-system for Units 1 through 4. Actual equipment cooling is accomplished by aqueous molybdate-nitrite-to1ytriazole (TTA) solution that is. re-circulated through the various pieces of equipment to be cooled and then through the aforementioned heat exchangers.

Sodium hydroxide and nitric acid may be added for pH control. -


10. Condensate Polishers (Nuclear)

The condensate polishers are utilized during, the operation 1of Units.- 3 and .4.

Backwash water from this system is discharged to a holding tank, then to a filtration/resin collection system prior to being discharged to the closed-loop cooling canals. Flow from this system is intermittent. This effluent may contain small amounts of powdered resin.

,11. Intake Screen Wash (Fossil and Nuclear)

Periodically, it is necessary to clean the traveling screens associated with the intake cooling water pumps to prevent debris from reaching the condensers. Cooling canal water is pumped through spray nozzles to clean the screens and then the, wash stream is. returned to the canal system via a debris screen at the. intake area or to the discharge canal.

12. Sanitary Sewer,(Fossil and Nuclear)

Sanitary waste from showers, water closets, toilets, etc. is routed to.county approved on-site septic systems for the fossil and land management facilities.-

The nuclear units' domestic wastewater is routed' to an on-site county and state approved, contact stabilization sewage treatment plant. Effluent from this treatment plant is discharged to an on-site, approved, underground injection well.. Wastewater residuals generated by this plant are transported to an approved offsite facility.

When Units 6 & 7 sanitary waste treatment system and deep injection wells are operational, sanitary waste from Units 3 & 4 will be routed to the new system and the Units 3 & 4 sanitary system will no longer be used.,

13. Stormwater (Fossil, Nuclear and Unit 5 CC)

Non-Equipment Area-Stormwater 'runoff'for Units 1 through 4 collects in drainage channels and floor drains, then typically through a series of stormwater catch basins before being released to the closed-loop cooling, canals.. Non-Equipment Area Stormwater for Unit 5 is routed to a stormwater detention basin and released to local drainage., ' '.

Equipment and Containment Area, Stormwater floor drains '-typically receive small amounts of particulate material, lubricating and fuel oils-.- The Equipment and.

Containment Area Stormwater-drains,. which can receive oil, are routed to oil/water separators then to. the Solids Settling Basins prior to being discharged to. the. closed-.

loop.'cooling canal system. '


14. Initerceptor Ditch.(All Units)

The Interceptor Ditch restricts inland movement of closed cooling Canal water by maintaining a seaward groundwater gradient during times when a natural seaward gradient does not exist. Normally, during the wet season (June - November) and the early part of the dry season, a natural seaward gradient does exist. During the rest of the year, however, it may be necessary to artificially generate a seaward gradient by pumping water out of the Interceptor Ditch to the cooling canal.

15. Wastewater Treatment System-(Unit 5 Combined Cycle)

The Unit 5 wastewater treatment system effluent includes cooling water and process water, treatment system effluent, HRSG blowdown, quench water fiom the cooling towers;. equipment area stormwater and plant drains. Equipment area stormwater is routed to an oil/water separator and then to. the wastewater solids settling

/neutralization basin (sump). The other waste streams are collected in the sump before discharge to the closed-loop cooling canals/industrial Wastewater facility.

16. Coolin2 Tower Blowdown (Unit 5 Combined Cycle)

Blowdown from the Unit 5 cooling towers is released to the closed-loop cooling canals/industrial wastewater facility. Unit 5 obtains cooling water from the Upper Floridan. Under rare conditions, if power is lost to the cooling towers, cooling water will be diverted from the cooling towers and used to cool ,emergency diesel generators using a once-through non-contact cooling system. The cooling water. will then be discharged to the closed-loop cooling canals/industrial wastewater facility.

17. Stormwater.(Units.6 & 7)

Stormwater. is the only operational release from Turkey Point Units -6 & 7 to the closed-loop Cooling canal system. All other wastewater from these units is discharged through the deep injection wells.

Non-equipment area stormwater runoff from the plant will collect in drainage channels and, floor drains, and then will typically flow through storinwater catch basins before being released directly to the closed-loop cooling canals/industrial wastewater facility.

Equipment and containment area stormwater floor drains typically receive small amounts of particulate materialý lubricating and fuel oils. The Equipment and Containment Area Stormwater. drains, which can receive soil/oil, are routed to oil/water separators then to solids settling basins prior to being released to the closed-loop, cooling canals/industrial wastewater facility. -- .....-

Non-equipment area storm water runoff from the Reclaimed Water, Treatment Facility and the -Radial Collector Well area will be released to off-site drainage. Equipment and containment area stormwater from the Reclaimed Water Treatment Facilitywill be routed back into the process flow.


18. Wastewater (Units 6 & 7)

All wastewater from Units 6 & 7, except for stormwater, will be routed to the deep injection wells that will be permitted through, and will meet the requirements of, the Underground Injection Control Program.


Form 2CG Attachment III.B-2 ý. -


1. Boiler Waterside Chemical Cleaning Fossil *
2. Boiler Cold/Wet Lay-up -All Units
3. Equipment Area Routine Cleaning All Units.
4. Feedwater Heater Wash Fossil
5. Equipment Closed Cooling Water Systems Maintenance - - Fossil-and Nuclear
1. Boiler Waterside Chemical Cleaning (BCCM) - Fossil Boiler water tube internal surfaces are typically cleaned every 5-10 years. These cleanings are performed to remove inorganic scale and metal oxides -that are deposited on the ID of the tube surfaces. The cleaning solvents of choice-(in order of preference) are Tetraammonium Ethylenediaminetetraacetate (or Tetraammonium EDTA), Diammonium EDTA, Diammonium Citrate (byproduct. is citric acid), -or a similar type material.. After completion of the boiler cleaning, the spent solution (known as boiler chemical cleaning material or BCCM) and-. subsequent rinses are collected into a series of temporary 20,000-gallon storage tanks,(Frac Tanks). These tanks are connected to each other through a common manifold. A hazardous waste determinationis then performed on a representative numberr of tanks as determined by the Waste Analysis -Plan. BCCM that is determined to be- non-hazardous is evaporated on site in an operational boiler in accordance with the applicable air.

permit stipulations. In some cases, non-hazardous waste may be disposed off-site in approved wastewater disposal facility. BCCM that is determined to be hazardous (very infrequent) will typically be disposed of off-site at a permitted waste facility.

2. Boiler Cold/Wet Lay-un.

During plant overhauls the boilers, feedwater systems and/or condensers may be placed in a static mode where the internal metal surfaces of these components need to be protected against surface corrosion. The typicalmethod to protect this equipment is through the use of ammoniated: demineralized water solution. Ammonium Hydroxide is added to ultra-pure water to raise the pH to above 9.0 s.u.- In some cases where dissolved oxygen may risk damaging the metal components, a small amount of hydrazine may also be used. This water remains in place until system start-up and operation. In some cases, the ammoniated water will be drained and sent to the closed-loop.cooling canal system.


3. EguipmentArea-Routine Cleaning (AlLUnits)

Equipment area floor drains typically receive -small amounts of particulate material, lubricating and fuel oils, as well as wash water and stormwater. Equipment area drains, which can receive oil"I are routed to oil/water separators prior to being discharged to the closed-loop cooling canals.

4. Feedwater..Heater Wash (Fossil)

After a-unit overhaul, typically each of the five (5) low pressure feedwater heaters will be flushed with condensate water. The wastewater will go through the storm drains and' be discharged to_ the closed-loop cooling canals. The condensate wastsewater will have low levels of silica, chloride, phosphate, calcium, and magnesium.

5. Equipiment Closed CoolingMWater Systems Maintenance (Fossil and Nuclear)*

Molybdates, nitrites, and tolyltriazoles for corrosion control are used in Plant equipment closed cooling water, systems, such as the Component Cooling Water System, the Turbine Plant Cooling Water System, air conditioning coolant systems,,.

the cooling jackets of diesel driven pumps and compressors coolant systems. During routine maintenance of this equipment water is discharged to the close-loop cooling canals.

The nuclear plant's closed cooling water systems are infrequently treated with the biocide, gluteraldehyde or isothiazolin to prevent biological corrosion. However, the biocides are not discharged to the closed-loop cooling canal system.



Florida Power & Light Company 700 Universe Boulevard Juno Beach, Florida 33408 June 2009 0838-7584 Gregory Mf(owell, Ph.D., P.E.

ý'qhmwý Professional Engineer No. 31165 Golder Associates Inc.*

9428 Baymeadows Road, Suite 400 Jacksonville, FL 32256

  • Board of Professional Engineers Certificate of Authorization No. 00001670 A'

[SE-AL]' 'U Rev. 0

June 2009 i 0838-7584 Table of Contents 10.8 Stormwater Management and Calculations ........................................................... 1 10.8.1 Stormwater Runoff Calculation ............................................................................. 1 Runoff Volume at Turkey Point Site ..................................................................... 1 Runoff Volume at Nuclear Administration Building, Training Building, and Parking A rea ...................................................................................................... 9 Runoff Volume at FPL Reclaimed Water Treatment Facility and Stormwater M anagem ent B asins ........................................................................................ 11 10.8.2 Erosion and Sediment Control ......................................................................... 18 10.8.3 Conclusions ......................................................................................................... 20 10.8.4 R eferences ........................................................................................................... 21 Attachments Attachment A: Computational Details for FPL Reclaimed Water Treatment Facility Stormwater Basin Design Attachment B: Layout for FPL Reclaimed Water Treatment Facility Stormwater Basins Attachment C: HEC-HMS input and output files for FPL Reclaimed Water Treatment Facility Stormwater Basin Design List of Figures Figure 1: Turkey Point Site and Surrounding Area .............................................................. I Figure 2: Site Soil Survey of Miami-Dade County, Florida ............................................. 2 Figure 3: Turkey Point Units 6 & 7 Site and Nuclear Administration Building, Training Building, and Parking Area .............................................................................. 3 Figure 4: FPL Reclaimed Water Treatment Facility ........................................................ 4 Figure 5: FPL Reclaimed Water Treatment Facility Soil Survey of Miami-Dade County Area, Florida ................................................................................................... 5 Figure 6: Layout of the FPL Reclaimed Water Treatment Facility .................................. 6 Rev. 0 FPL-

June 2009 ii 0838-7584 List of Tables Table 1: Sub-basin Area of Units 6 & 7 Site at Existing Condition ................................ 2 Table 2: Index to Soil Survey M ap Units ....................................................................... 3 Table 3: Runoff Curve Number for the Site at Existing Condition ................................ 4 Table 4: Runoff Volume of the Site at Existing Condition ............................................. 5 Table 5: Sub-Basin Areas of the Plant Area at Post-Development Condition ................ 6 Table 6: Plant Area Runoff Curve Number for Post-Development Phase ...................... 6 Table 7: Runoff Volume for Plant Area for Post-Development Phase ............................ 7 Table 8: Sub-Basin Area of the Laydown Area West of Units 6 & 7 Plant Area ........... 7 Table 9: Laydown Area Runoff Curve Number for Post-Development Phase ............... 7 Table 10: Runoff Volume for Laydown Area for Post-Development Phase ..................... 8 Table 11: Comparison of Existing and Post-Development Runoff Volume at the Site ........ 8 Table 12: Area of the Makeup Water Reservoir for Post-Development Phase ................. 8 Table 13: Sub-Basin Areas of the Nuclear Administration Building, Training Building, and Parking Area at Existing Condition .................................................................... 9 Table 14: Runoff Curve Number for the Nuclear Administration Building, Training Building, and Parking Area for Post-Development Phase Condition .............. 10 Table 15: Runoff Volume for the Nuclear Administration Building, Training Building, and Parking Area for Post-Development Phase Condition .................................... 10 Table 16: Runoff Volume into the Industrial Wastewater Facility at the Existing and Post-D evelopm ent C ondition ...................................................................................... 11 Table 17: Sub-Basin Area of the FPL Reclaimed Water Treatment Facility .................. 12 Table 18: Runoff Curve Number for the FPL Reclaimed Water Treatment Facility at Existing Condition ........................................................................................... 12 Table 19: Runoff Volume of the FPL Reclaimed Water Treatment Facility at Existing C o n d ition ............................................................................................................. 13 Table 20: Sub-Basin Area for the FPL Reclaimed Water Treatment Facility .................. 13 Table 21: Runoff Curve Number for the FPL Reclaimed Water Treatment Facility .......... 14 Table 22: Runoff Volume of the FPL Reclaimed Water Treatment Facility .................. 14 Table 23: Comparison of Existing and Post-Development Runoff Volume at FPL Reclaimed W ater Treatm ent Facility ............................................................... 14 Table 24: Stage-Area-Storage for the Stormwater Basin (SWB A) ................................ 15 Table 25: Stage-Area-Storage for the Stormwater Basin (SWB B) ............................... 16 Table 26: Available and Required Detention Volumes for the SWBs ............................. 16 Rev. 0


June 2009 iii 0838-7584 Table 27: Peak Stormwater Discharge and Water Level in the SWB A ......................... 17 Table 28: Peak Stormwater Discharge and Water Level in the SWB B ........................... 17 Table 29: Peak Stormwater Discharge and Water Level for 100-year Storm ................. 18 Rev. 0 FP2L

June 2009 I 0838-7584 10.8 Stormwater Management and Calculations Appendix 10.8 demonstrates that the surface water management systems for the Turkey Point Site and associated non-linear facilities will be designed to meet all applicable requirements. This analysis utilizes a 25-year, 72-hour design storm (12.6 inches) as required by applicable regulations.

The Site stormwater management system is designed to release stormwater runoff into the existing industrial wastewater facility. The stormwater runoff from the nuclear administration building, training building, and parking area will also be released to the industrial wastewater facility. The industrial wastewater facility currently has sufficient capacity and will not be impacted by Turkey Point Units 6 & 7 during the post-development condition.

All stormwater associated with industrial activity from the FPL reclaimed water treatment facility (equipment area runoff) will be captured, treated as necessary and reused within the reclaimed water treatment process. Runoff from other areas (non-equipment areas) will be routed to stormwater management facilities and released to local drainage. The surface water management system will be designed to meet all applicable requirements.

10.8.1 Stormwater Runoff Calculation This section examines the changes in stormwater runoff in the post-development condition of the Turkey Point Units 6 & 7 plant area and laydown area (Turkey Point Site); nuclear administration building, training building, and parking area; and FPL reclaimed water treatment facility. The runoff volumes into the industrial wastewater facility at existing conditions are calculated and compared to the runoff volumes at post-development conditions. The runoff volume from the FPL reclaimed water treatment facility at existing conditions to the surrounding area is calculated and compared to the runoff volume at post-development conditions. In addition, applicable stormwater detention and discharge criteria and management practices for the FPL reclaimed water treatment facility are discussed. Runoff Volume at Turkey Point Site The Site is located south of the existing Turkey Point Units 3 and 4 and within the northeast portion of the existing industrial wastewater facility as shown in Figure 1. The Site includes the Rev. 0 FPL-

June 2009 2 0838-7584 plant area and the laydown area to the west of the plant area across the west return canal of the industrial wastewater facility. The plant area is approximately 218 acres, and the laydown area is approximately 51.9 acres. The total area of the Site used for stormwater analysis is 269.9 acres.

Runoff Volume at Existing Condition Stormwater runoff from the Site currently drains to the existing industrial wastewater facility and will continue to do so during operation of Units 6 & 7. The sub-basin area of the Site is shown in Table 1 (Reference 1).

Table 1:Sub-basin Area of Units 6 & 7 Site at Existing Condition Sub-basin Area Sub-basin sq. ft acres sq. mi.

Site 11,756,844 269.90 0.422 Hydrologic soil groups are used to determine the runoff curve numbers (CN). The soil survey for the plant area of Miami-Dade County as presented by United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is shown in Figure 2 (Reference 2).

Map units 31 and 32 in Figure 2 indicate Pennsuco marl (tidal) and Terra Ceia muck (tidal),

respectively (Reference 2), as listed in Table 2. These are the soil types that make up the plant area. Pennsuco marl is deep, nearly level, very poorly drained soil, and is subject to tidal flooding. Under natural conditions, Pennsuco marl remains saturated and the water table fluctuates with the tides. The soil is moderately saline or saline. Permeability is moderately low.

Terra Ceia muck (tidal) is deep, level, very poorly drained soil in saltwater swamps and marshes, and is subject to tidal flooding. Under natural conditions, the Terra Ceia remains saturated (Reference 2).

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June 2009 3 0838-7584 Table 2: Index to Soil Survey Map Units Soil Legend 2 Biscayne gravelly marl, drained 3 Lauderhill muck, depressional 4 Pennsuco marl, drained 5 Pennsuco marl 6 Perrine marl, drained 7 Krome very gravelly loam 9 Udorthents-water complex 10 Udorthents, limestone substratum-Urban land complex II Udorthents, marl substratum-Urban land complex 12 Perrine marl 13 Biscayne marl 14 Dania muck, depressional 15 Urban land 16 Biscayne marl, drained 18 Tamiami muck, depressional 20 Cardsound-Rock outcrop complex 22 Opalocka-Rock outcrop complex 23 Chekika very gravelly loam 24 Matecumbe muck 25 Biscayne-Rock outcrop complex 26 Perrine marl, tidal 28 Demory-Rock outcrop complex 30 Pahokee muck, depressional 31 Pennsuco marl, tidal 32 Terra Ceia muck, tidal 33 Plantation muck 34 Hallandale fine sand 35 Margate fine sand 37 Basinger fine sand 38 Rock outcrop-Vizcaya-Biscayne complex 39 Beaches 40 Pomello sand 41 Dade fine sand 42 Udorthents, limestone substratum, 0 to 5 percent slopes 45 Canaveral sand 47 St. Augustine sand 48 Kesson muck, tidal Rev. 0 a


June 2009 4 0838-7584 Terra Ceia muck is classified as hydrologic soil group or type B/D according to USDA's Technical Release (TR)-55 indicating that drained Terra Ceia muck is in Type B and the undrained Terra Ceia muck is in type D (Reference 3). Type B soils have moderate infiltration rates when thoroughly wetted and consist mainly of moderately deep to deep, moderately well to well drained soils with moderately fine to moderately coarse textures. Type D soils have high runoff potential. They have low infiltration rates when thoroughly wetted and consist of clay soils with a permanent high water table. High water table may cause a drainage problem, and some soils in areas of high water table may be classified as type D (Reference 3).

The existing elevation of the plant area ranges from -2.8 ft to -1 ft NAVD 88 in the eastern perimeter to a range of -1.6 ft to -0.5 ft NAVD 88 in the western perimeter, and ranges from 2.1 ft to 2.21 ft NAVD 88 in the northern perimeter to a range of -1.7 ft to -1.0 ft NAVD 88 in the southern perimeter (Reference 1). The soils in the plant area are saturated and would have low permeability; thus, the soils in the plant area would be classified as D (Reference 3). Some of the areas are submerged by water while other areas are composed of vegetation; thus, the ground cover percentage is estimated as shown in Table 3. The Runoff Curve Number (CN) values for different soil covers are obtained from Reference 3.

Table 3: Runoff Curve Number for the Site at Existing Condition Ground Cover Percentage Subbasin CN Gv Gravel CN (Type CN Grass CN (Type Composite CN Impervious P D, fair) 98 91 100 84 Site 0% 0% 70% 30% 95.20 The Soil Conservation Service (SCS) runoff Curve Number (CN) method is used to estimate the stormwater runoff from the design storm rainfall. The SCS runoff equation is (Reference 3):

2 Q (p-_i)

(P- )+ S Where Q runoff (in);

P = rainfall (in);

S = potential maximum retention after runoff begins (in); and I, = initial abstraction (in)

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June 2009 5 0838-7584 June 2009 5 0838-7584 S is the function of the soil and cover condition of the watershed through CN (Reference 3):

1000 CN Ia = 0.2S Accordingly, the runoff volumes for the drainage areas are calculated using the SCS runoff equation. Table 4 shows the stormwater runoff volume from the plant area at the existing condition, for the 25-year, 72-hour rainfall of 12.6 inches.

Table 4: Runoff Volume of the Site at Existing Condition Sub-basin Composite CN S la Q Runoff Volume, in in in ac-ft Site 95.20 0.50 0.10 12.01 270.23 Note: The values in the table are rounded up to two decimal places Runoff Volume at Post-Development Condition Site includes the Units 6 & 7 plant area and the laydown area (Figure 3). The finished Units 6 & 7 plant area will consist of the Units 6 & 7 power block, parking area, Clear Sky substation, the area outside of the power block that contains the road and swales, and makeup water reservoir as shown in Figure 3 (References 1 and 4). The laydown area consists of a heavy haul road that connects the plant area to the area north of the Site, the bridge over the west return canal of the industrial wastewater facility, and the bridge over the canal north of nuclear administration building, training building and parking area.

In the post-development condition, stormwater runoff from the power block, Clear Sky substation and parking area would release to the industrial wastewater facility. The sub-basin areas of the Units 6 & 7 power block, Clear Sky Substation, and parking area are shown in Table 5 (References 4 and 5). The area for the makeup water reservoir is not included in the sub-basin area because it does not contribute to post-development runoff as discussed below.

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June 2009 6 0838-7584 June 2009 6 0838-7584 Table 5:Sub-Basin Areas of the Plant Area at Post-Development Condition Sub-basin Area Sub-basin sq. ft acres sq. mi.

Units 6 & 7 Power Block & Exterior area 5,622,649 129.08 0.202 Clear Sky Substation 1,165,154 26.75 0.042 Parking Area 1,096,519 25.17 0.039 Total 7,884,322 181.00 0.283 The total drainage areas for the Units 6 & 7 power block catch basins will include buildings, paved roads and grassed surfaces. The Clear Sky substation area will include a gravel yard, gravel road and some seeded areas that are not credited in this calculation. The parking area consists of a paved area. The area outside of the power block consists of paved road and grassed swale. The composite runoff curve numbers calculated for all catch basins in the Units 6 & 7 power block, substation, parking area, and the area outside of the power block are presented in Table 6. Type D soil has been considered for all areas during the operational phase condition. Type D soil yields higher runoff values; therefore it is more conservative.

Table 6: Plant Area Runoff Curve Number for Post-Development Phase Ground Cover Percentage Impervious Gravel CN Grass CN Composite Sub-basin CN (Type D) Pond CN (Type D, fair) CN 98 91 100 84 Units 6 & 7 Power Block 90% 0% 0% 10% 96.60

& Exterior area Clear Sky Substation 0% 100% 0% 0% 91.00 Parking Area 100% 0% 0% 0% 98.00 Accordingly, the runoff volumes for the drainage areas are calculated using the SCS runoff equation for the design storm event and are shown in Table 7:

Rev. 0 F:PL_

June 2009 7 0838-7584 June 2009 7 0838-7584 Table 7: Runoff Volume for Plant Area for Post-Development Phase Runoff Sub-basin Composite CN Volume in in in Ac-ft Units 6 & 7 Power Block& Exterior 96.60 0.35 0.07 12.19 131.09 area Clear Sky 91.00 0.99 0.20 11.49 25.60 Substation Parking Area 98.00 0.20 0.04 12.36 25.92 Total 182.62 Note: The values in the table are rounded up to two decimal places.

In addition to the plant area, the Site includes the laydown area across the west return canal of the industrial wastewater facility. Stormwater runoff from the laydown area currently drains to the industrial wastewater facility and will continue to do so during the operation of Units 6 & 7. The heavy haul road and the new bridge in the laydown area as shown in the Construction Site Utilization Plan (Reference 6) would increase the imperviousness, and is considered in the post-development runoff volume calculation. The existing road north of the Site will be improved to serve as a heavy haul road. The drainage area and imperviousness of the road will remain the same with the improvement of the road; therefore the changes in stormwater runoff would be minimal. Drainage area of the laydown area is shown in Table 8.

Table 8: Sub-Basin Area of the Laydown Area West of Units 6 & 7 Plant Area Subbasin Area Subbasin sq. ft acres sq. mi.

Laydown Area 2,260,764 51.90 0.081 Table 9: Laydown Area Runoff Curve Number for Post-Development Phase Ground Cover Percentage Subbasin Impervious CN GubveImNr(TyeD) Pond CN GrassD,CN (Type Composite CN fair) 98 91 100 84 Laydown Area 50% 50% 0% 0% 94.50 Accordingly, the runoff volumes for the drainage areas are calculated using the SCS runoff equation and are shown in Table 10:

Rev. 0 FPL_

June 2009 8 0838-7584 Table 10: Runoff Volume for Laydown Area for Post-Development Phase Runoff Subbasin Composite CN Volume in in in Ac-fl Laydown Area 94.50 0.58 0.12 11.93 51.59 Note: The values in the table are rounded up to two decimal places Table 11 compares the runoff at the Site at the existing and post-development condition and shows that the runoff into the industrial wastewater facility decreases at the post-development condition. The area for the makeup water reservoir is not included in the sub-basin area because it does not contribute to post-development runoff as discussed below.

Table 11: Comparison of Existing and Post-Development Runoff Volume at the Site Existing Post-Development Condition Units 6 & 7 Plant Area Construction Net Change Condition Laydown Area 270.23 182.62 51.59 -36.02 Runoff from the potentially oil-contaminated areas (containment area for transformers, and other oil-containing or handling equipment) will be first directed through oil/water separators and then released to the industrial wastewater facility.

The makeup water reservoir is designed to retain reclaimed water as a storage pond. This area collects rainfall but does not contribute to the stormwater runoff to the industrial wastewater facility. Table 12 shows the storage area of the makeup water reservoir.

Table 12: Area of the Makeup Water Reservoir for Post-Development Phase Subbasin Area Subbasin sq. ft acres sq. mi.

Makeup water 1,611,720 37.00 0.058 reservoir I I I The design rainfall will add 12.6 inches of water into the makeup water reservoir. The maximum storage level of the makeup water reservoir is 22.5 ft NAVD 88 and the top of the retaining wall is at elevation 24 ft NAVD 88. Therefore, during the design storm, the water will be completely contained within the makeup water reservoir.

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June 2009 9 0838-7584 Runoff Volume at Nuclear Administration Building, Training Building, and Parking Area The nuclear administration building, training building, and parking area are located north of the Units 6 & 7 plant area as shown in Figure 3. The post-development runoff from the nuclear administration building, training building, and parking area will release to the industrial wastewater facility. The following discussion compares the release from the sub-basin areas at post-development conditions.

Runoff Volume at Existing Condition Table 13 presents the sub-basin areas of the nuclear administration building, training building, and parking area; and Figure 3 shows the existing condition of these areas.

Table 13: Sub-Basin Areas of the Nuclear Administration Building, Training Building, and Parking Area at Existing Condition Subbasin Subbasin Area sq. ft acres sq. mi.

Nuclear Administration Building, Training 871,200 20.00 0.031 Building and Parking Area (West)

Nuclear Administration Building, Training 348,480 8.00 0.013 Building and Parking Area (East)

Currently, the areas for the nuclear administration building, training building, and parking area are surrounded by berms. Stormwater runoff in these sub-basins currently does not release by surface discharge to the industrial wastewater facility. Stormwater in these areas remains in the sub-basins and infiltrates into the ground within the industrial wastewater facility.

Runoff Volume at Post-Development Condition The post-development runoff from the nuclear administration building, training building and parking area will be released to industrial wastewater facility. For the purposes of this calculation, the drainage area for the nuclear administration building, training building, and parking area consist of impervious ground covers. The composite runoff curve numbers calculated for the catch basins are presented in Table 14. Type D soil has been considered for all areas during the post-development condition. The CN values for different soil covers are obtained from Reference 3.

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June 2009 10 0838-7584 Table 14: Runoff Curve Number for the Nuclear Administration Building, Training Building, and Parking Area for Post-Development Phase Condition Ground Cover Percentage Gravel CN Grass GasC CN SubsnImpervious Subbasin Im CN u Gvel (Type CN D)far Pond CN (Type D, Composite CN fair) 98 91 100 84 Nuclear Administration Building, Training 100% 0% 0% 0% 98.00 Building and Parking Area (West)

Nuclear Administration Building, Training 100% 0% 0% 0% 98.00 Building and Parking Area (East)

Since it is assumed that there is no direct runoff into the industrial wastewater facility from the nuclear administration building, training building, and parking area at the existing condition, the surface runoff in the post-development condition would increase. With the estimated CN, runoff volume for the nuclear administration building, training building, and parking area is evaluated as shown in Table 15.

Table 15: Runoff Volume for the Nuclear Administration Building, Training Building, and Parking Area for Post-Development Phase Condition Runoff Subbasin Composite CN Volume in in in Ac-ft Nuclear Administration Building, Training Building and Parking Area 98.00 0.20 0.04 12.36 20.60 (West)

Nuclear Administration Building, 98.00 0.20 0.04 12.36 8.24 Training Building and Parking Area (East)

Total Total 28.84 Note: The values in the table are rounded up to two decimal places Runoff from the potentially oil-contaminated areas such as the parking area will first be directed through oil/water separators and then released to the industrial wastewater facility.

In Section and this section, stormwater runoff into the industrial wastewater facility at the existing condition and post-development condition are discussed. The net change in the runoff volume can be estimated by comparing the runoff into the industrial wastewater facility from the Rev. 0 FPL.

June 2009 I1I 0838-7584 Site and the nuclear administration building, training building and parking area at the existing condition and post-development condition. Table 16 shows that the runoff into the industrial wastewater facility decreases at the post-development condition.

Table 16: Runoff Volume into the Industrial Wastewater Facility at the Existing and Post-Development Condition Post-Development Runoff into the industrial Runoff Waste Water Facility at Nuclear Administration Net Change Existing Condition Units 6 & 7 Site Building, Training Building and Parking Area Ac-ft 270.23 234.21 28.84 -7.18 Runoff Volume at FPL Reclaimed Water Treatment Facility and Stormwater Management Basins The FPL reclaimed water treatment facility will be located northwest of the Site as shown in Figure 4. The minimum elevation of the FPL reclaimed water treatment facility will be 14 ft NAVD 88. The Site is presently tidally influenced and affected by the water level of the Biscayne Bay. The 100-year flood level at the site of the FPL reclaimed water treatment facility is 10.5 ft.

NAVD 88. The area is flat and consists of poorly drained and saturated soil under natural conditions; therefore, the runoff would remain as sheet flow in all directions. The stormwater runoff in post-development condition will discharge to the surrounding wetland area.

All stormwater associated with industrial activity (equipment area runoff) will be captured, treated as necessary and reused within the reclaimed water treatment process. Runoff from other areas (non-equipment areas) will be routed to stormwater management facilities and released to local drainage.

The runoff volumes at the existing condition and post-development condition are compared in this section. In addition, the facility will be designed to comply with the applicable state and local stormwater regulations. This section examines the criteria set forth by the state and local stormwater regulations and describes FPL's proposed stormwater management practices to comply with applicable regulations.

Rev. 0 FPL,

June 2009 12 0838-7584 Runoff Volume at Existing Condition Figure 5 shows the soil survey of the area (Reference 2) and Table 2 shows the index to the soil survey map. The soil survey map shows that the location of the proposed FPL reclaimed water treatment facility is composed of Pennsuco marl, tidal (map unit 31) and Terra Ceia muck, tidal (map unit 32). The soils in this area are poorly drained and saturated under natural conditions.

Therefore the permeability is moderately low. The soils in this area would be classified as Type D.

The area of the FPL reclaimed water treatment facility is shown in Table 17.

Table 17: Sub-Basin Area of the FPL Reclaimed Water Treatment Facility Subbasin Subbasin Area sq. ft acres sq. mi.

Pre-Development FPL Reclaimed 1,916,640 44.0 0.0687 Water Treatment Facility As shown in Figure 4, the area consists of wetland where the permeability is low. Thus, the runoff curve number for the area is estimated as shown in Table 18 and runoff volume is estimated as shown in Table 19.

Table 18: Runoff Curve Number for the FPL Reclaimed Water Treatment Facility at Existing Condition Ground Cover Percentage Gravel CN Grass CN Composite Subbasin Impervious CN (Type D) Pond CN (Type D, CN fair) 98 9t 100 84 Pre-Development FPL Reclaimed 0% 0% 75% 25% 96 Water Treatment Facility I I III Rev. 0 F=PL-

June 2009 13 0838-7584 Table 19: Runoff Volume of the FPL Reclaimed Water Treatment Facility at Existing Condition Subbasin Composite S la Q Runoff Volume CN in in in Ac-ft Pre-Development FPL Reclaimed 96.00 0.42 0.08 12.11 44.42 Water Treatment Facility Note: The values in the table are rounded up to two decimal places Runoff Volume at Post-Development Condition The FPL reclaimed water treatment facility will consist of open ponds, clarifiers, containment areas with tanks and pumps, filters, open tanks, covered facilities, roads, and parking areas as shown in Figure 6.

All stormwater associated with industrial activity (equipment area runoff) will be captured, treated as necessary and reused within the reclaimed water treatment process. Runoff from other areas (non-equipment areas) will be routed to stormwater management facilities and released to local drainage.

Approximately 8.2 acres of the FPL reclaimed water treatment facility consists of equipment areas and open basin structures. These areas do not contribute to the total runoff. The post-development drainage area of 35.8 acres (44 acres minus 8.2 acres) is shown in Table 20.

Accordingly, the total post-development drainage areas including the drainage areas in the reclaimed water treatment facility minus the open basin structures and the seeded fill slope as shown in the Figure 6 is presented in Table 20.

Table 20: Sub-Basin Area for the FPL Reclaimed Water Treatment Facility Sub-Basin Area* (ft^2) Area* (ac) Area* (mi^2)

Post-Development FPL Reclaimed Water Treatment 1,559,448 35.8 0.056 Facility I I

  • Total drainage area subtracted by the open structures areas that do not contribute to runoff Rev. 0 IFPL.

June 2009 14 0838-7584 The land cover percentages for the post-developed condition have been estimated in Table 21.

Since the drainage area excludes the open basin structures, they are not included in the CN number computation. The reclaimed water treatment facility consists of covered water treatment units and components, and storage tanks that are impervious and the gravel-filled grounds. The seeded fill slope of the reclaimed water treatment facility is grass-covered. The calculations of composite runoff curve numbers for the areas are shown in Table 21:

Table 21: Runoff Curve Number for the FPL Reclaimed Water Treatment Facility Ground Cover Pecentage Subbasin Impervious CN Gravel D)

CN(Type Pond CN Grass D, Composite CN(Type CN fair) 98 91 100 84 Post-Development FPL Reclaimed 12% 50% 6% 32% 90 Water Treatment Facility Accordingly, the runoff volumes for the drainage area are calculated using the SCS runoff equation and are shown in Table 22:

Table 22: Runoff Volume of the FPL Reclaimed Water Treatment Facility Subbasin Composite S la Q Runoff Volume CN in in in Ac-ft Post-Development FPL Reclaimed 90 1.09 0.22 11.38 33.94 Water Treatment Facility Note: The values in the table are rounded up to two decimal places Table 23 compares the existing and post-development runoff volume at the FPL reclaimed water treatment facility.

Table 23: Comparison of Existing and Post-Development Runoff Volume at FPL Reclaimed Water Treatment Facility Rev. 0 FPL_

June 2009 15 0838-7584 Stormwater Management Basins The runoff from the FPL reclaimed water treatment facility will be collected in stormwater management basins (SWB A and SWB B) as shown in Figure 6. The basins will be designed to handle the design storm event, a 25-year, 72-hour storm.

The design criteria for stormwater management of the FPL reclaimed water treatment facility include the following:

  • Provide dry detention volume equal to 75 percent of the amounts computed for wet detention; wet detention volume is calculated as either the first inch of runoff from the developed project, or the total runoff of 2.5 inches times the percentage of imperviousness, whichever is greater (for this Project, the first inch of runoff is the controlling condition);
  • Provide detention basin capacity for the first 0.5 inch of runoff for projects with drainage areas less than 100 acres, and an additional level of treatment equal to 50 percent of the treatment criteria specified; and

" Size the gravity control devices based upon a maximum design discharge of 0.5 inches of the detention volume in 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, with a dimension no smaller than six square inches of cross-sectional area.

The stormwater basins (SWBs) are designed to provide the required detention volumes satisfying the design criteria. The stage-area-volume information of the basins is provided in Tables 24 and 25.

Table 24: Stage-Area-Storage for the Stormwater Basin (SWB A)

Incremental Storage Storage Elevation Surface Area Surface Area Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume (ft) (ft?) (ac) (ft) (ft"5 (acre-f t) 7 19481.4 0.447" 8 23687.9 0.544 21584.6 21584.6 0.496 9 28276.0 0.649 25982.0 47566.6 1.092 10 33171.0 0.762 30723.5 78290.1 1.797 10.5 35776.4 0.821 17236.8 95527.0 2.193 11 38381.7 0.881 18539.5 114066.5 2.619 12 43908.2 1.008 41144.9 155211.4 3.563 1 49781.0 1.143 46844.6 202056.0 4.639 14 55981.2 1.285 52881.1 254937.1 5.853 Rev. 0 FPL_

June 2009 16 0838-7584 Table 25: Stage-Area-Storage for the Stormwater Basin (SWB B)

Elevation Surface Area Surface Area Incremental Storage Volume Storage Volume Wf)(t) (ac) Volume (ft) (ftr) (acre-f t) 7 12266.2 0.282 8 15653.8 0.359 13960.0 13960.0 0.320 9 19453.9 0.447 17553.8 31513.9 0.723 10 23679.0 0.544 21566.4 53080.3 1.219 10.5 25952.4 0.596 12407.8 65488.1 1.503 11 28225.8 0.648 13544.5 79032.7 1.814 12 33116.9 0.760 30671.3 109704.0 2.518 13 37325.1 0.857 35221.0 144925.0 3.327 1ý 43862.9 1.007 40594.0 185519.0 4.259 1 49732.2 1.142 46797.6 232316.6 5.333 The stormwater basins will have dry detention storage volume below the riser crest. Table 26 shows the available and required detention volumes. The calculation of the volumes is shown in Attachment A.

Table 26: Available and Required Detention Volumes for the SWBs Available Detention: Available Detention:

Stormwater Volume between riser Volume between riser Required Required Basin crest (10.5 ft) and crest (10.5 ft) and Detention* Detention*

orifice invert (8 ft) orifice invert (8 ft) fi^3 ac-ft [1^3 ac-ft SWB A 73,942 1.70 42,360 0.97 SWB B 51,528 1.18 28,846 0.66 Total* 125,470 2.88 71,206 1.63

  • Note: One inch over the 26.16 developed acres (44 total acres minus 9.64 acres of grass slope, minus 8.2 acres of non-contributing area).

Discharge hydrographs were developed using Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) methodology (Reference 3) for the 2-, 5-, 10-, and 25-year, 72-hour design storm events. The HEC-HMS computer program (Reference 8) is used as the tool to generate the hydrographs and route them through the stormwater basins.

Although the traditional requirement is to limit the post-development peak outflow to no more than the pre-existing, there are three reasons not to do so for this facility:

Rev. 0 FPL_

June 2009 17 0838-7584

  • The stormwater management basins (SWBs) will be constructed in existing wetlands. In order to minimize the acreage of those wetlands being impacted by construction of the SWBs, its acreage has been minimized by establishing its volume to meet detention requirements, but allowing its outlets to essentially pass the inflow as it comes in, without reducing its peak. This allows the minimum footprint possible.
  • The outflow from the detention pond will be used to rehydrate the tidally isolated wetland areas adjacent to the pond. The released stormwater will be spread over that area, thus the wetland area surrounding the FPL reclaimed water treatment facility will provide further peak attenuation prior to ultimate release to the environment.
  • A large portion of the area is presently tidally influenced, and is inundated under high tide. Pre-existing flows are not meaningful for such tidal areas.

The stormwater design will comply with the applicable regulatory standards.

Runoff from the potentially oil-contaminated areas (oil-containing components) will be routed through oil/water separators that are designed to meet the applicable standards.

Tables 27 and 28 summarize the peak stormwater discharges and water levels in the SWB A and SWB B. Attachment A shows the calculation.

Table 27: Peak Stormwater Discharge and Water Level in the SWB A SWB A Peak SWB A Peak SWB A Peak Wt Leve Inflow (cfs) Outflow (Cfs) (ft) 2-yr 78.9 62.7 11.4 5-yr 105.1 87.5 11.7 10-yr 126.3 97.7 11.9 25-yr 152.3 107.7 12.3 Table 28: Peak Stormwater Discharge and Water Level in the SWB B SWB B Peak SWB B Peak Wa Leve SWB B Peak Inflow (cfs) Outflow (cfs) W (ft) 2-yr 56.7 48.3 11.3 5-yr 75.5 65.3 11.5 10-yr 90.7 71.7 11.7 25-yr 109.4 75.1 12.0 The capacity of the emergency spillways provided in stormwater basins has been checked by passing the 100-year, 72-hour storm through the spillway. The spillways have a width of 50 ft with its crest elevations at 12.5 ft. Table 29 shows that the spillways are sized to pass 100-year discharge without overtopping the banks.

Rev. 0 0P

June 2009 18 0838-7584 Table 29: Peak Stormwater Discharge and Water Level for 100-year Storm Peak Inflow Peak Outflow Peak Water Top of the (cfs) (cfs) Level (ft) Basin (ft)

SWB A 231.3 178.5 13.1 14.0 SWB B 166.1 123.6 12.9 15.0 10.8.2 Erosion and Sediment Control This section describes the effort to minimize erosion and retain sediment in order to control the nonpoint source pollutants associated with the construction activities.

Erosion control measures such as silt fences, hay bales, etc. will be installed during the construction phase to intercept and detain small amounts of sediment from disturbed areas during construction, and to decrease the velocity of sheet flows and low-to-moderate level channel flows (Reference 7).

Temporary basins/traps with a controlled stormwater release structure will be installed as necessary to detain sediment-laden runoff from disturbed areas. The best locations for the temporary sediment basins are generally low areas and natural drainage way below disturbed areas (Reference 7).

Plant Area As the fill activity begins on the plant area, temporary sediment basins will be placed to trap the sediment-laden runoff before it enters the industrial wastewater facility that surrounds the plant area. In order to effectively divert the sediment-laden stormwater runoff from a disturbed area to the temporary sediment basins, temporary diversion dikes may be constructed (Reference 7).

The center of the plant area will become the high point of the Site after the fill activity is completed (References 4 and 5). As the plant area is being filled, temporary fill diversions may be placed to divert the stormwater runoff away from the exposed slopes surrounding the plant area to a stabilized outlet or the temporary sediment basins. The temporary fill diversion will provide some slope protection on a daily basis until the final elevations are reached and a more permanent measure can be constructed (Reference 7).

Rev. 0

June 2009 19 0838-7584 FPL Reclaimed Water Treatment Facility During construction of the FPL reclaimed water treatment facility, temporary sediment basins will be placed to trap the sediment-laden runoff in addition to installation of silt fences.

Temporary diversion dikes and fill diversions will be placed to divert the stormwater runoff away from the exposed slopes during the fill activities (Reference 7). The surface water runoff from the FPL reclaimed water treatment facility at the existing condition flows to the surrounding wetlands. In addition to the temporary erosion and sedimentation control measures such as silt fences, and/or other impermeable barriers (e.g. Fabriform, soil, cement bags, and sheet piling),

temporary sediment basins/traps will be installed to capture the sediment-laden runoff during construction. Temporary erosion and sedimentation control measures will be designed to prevent the sediment from being displaced and carried off-site by the construction runoff. As necessary, the sediment collected during the construction will be removed. All temporary sediment and erosion control measures will be removed at the end of construction or at an appropriate time.

Construction stormwater discharges released into waters of the state from associated non-linear facilities will be addressed through compliance with Rule 62-621.300(4) [General Permit for Stormwater from Large and Small Construction Activities].

Radial Collector Wells The construction activities for the radial collector wells and delivery pipeline would be performed in accordance with the required local, state, and federal guidelines and accepted industry practices. Installation of the wells and delivery pipeline to the Units 6 & 7 plant area would cause short-term changes in the surface water drainage in the vicinity of the wells and pipeline route during the construction activities. Sedimentation barriers and sedimentation traps would be installed to minimize the potential impacts to the surface water bodies in accordance with FDEP regulations. The drainage characteristics would be restored to preconstruction conditions once the construction activities are completed. Construction stormwater discharges released into waters of the state from associated non-linear facilities will be addressed through compliance with Rule 62-621.300(4) [General Permit for Stormwater from Large and Small Construction Activities].

Rev. 0 F:PL.

June 2009 20 0838-7584 10.8.3 Conclusions The stormwater runoff from the Turkey Point Site (plant area and laydown area) and the nuclear administration building, training building, and parking area will be released to the industrial wastewater facility.

Stormwater runoff from the 25-year, 72-hour design storm into the industrial wastewater facility from the Site and nuclear administration building, training building, and parking area will decrease by 7.18 acre-ft at the post-development condition. Thus, the industrial wastewater facility currently has sufficient capacity and will not be impacted by Turkey Point Units 6 & 7 during the post-development condition.

Stormwater runoff from the FPL reclaimed water treatment facility discharges to the surrounding wetland area. The runoff from the 25-year, 72-hour design storm will decrease by approximately 10.48 acre-ft during the operational phase compared to the existing condition runoff. The stormwater management basins are designed (a) to maintain the water quality volume of 0.75 inch of runoff for dry detention as required by the applicable detention/retention criteria; and (b) to provide the capacity for the first 0.5 inch of runoff, plus an additional 50 percent for treatment.

The outlet structures are sized to release the maximum design discharge in 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.

Rev. 0

June 2009 21 0838-7584 10.8.4 References

1. 25409-0-C2-0010-00001 Rev. 4: Site Plan
2. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Services, Soil Survey of Dade County Area, Florida,http://soils.usda.gov/, Accessed 12/16/2008
3. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Conservation Engineering Division, Technical Release 55: Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds, June 1986.
4. 25409-0-CG-0010-00002 Rev.3: Site Finish Grading Plan
5. 25409-0-CG-0010-00001 Rev.3: Nuclear Island Power Block Finish Grading Plan
6. 25409-0-C2-0010-00002 Rev.F: Construction Site Utilization Plan
7. Environmental Resource Permit Information Manual Volume IV, Environmental Resource Regulation Department South Florida Water Management District, 2009.
8. HEC-HMS Hydrologic Modeling System, Version 3.1.0 User's Manual, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, November 2006 Rev. 0


FPL Turkey Point 10 FPL Turkey Point Site Legend C..i C.M.st.k.

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June 2009 0838-7584 0838-7584 June 2009 SOIL SURVEY OF DADE COUNTY AREA FLORIDA SHEET NUMBER 51 Figure 2: Site Soil Survey of Miami-Dade County, Florida Rev. 0

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June 2009 0838-7584 June 2009 0838-7584 Figure 5: FPL Reclaimed Water Treatment Facility Soil Survey of Miami-Dade County Area, Florida Rev. 0 0P


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ATTACHMENT A FPL SCA Appendix 10.8 SUBJECT Computational Details for FPL Reclaimed Water Treatment Facility Stormwater Basin Design SHEET NO 1 OF 10 REV. NO. 000 This Attachment presents the inputs, calculation details and the outputs of the stormwater basin design for the FPL Reclaimed Water Treatment Facility (RWTF).

The storm water basins (SWBs) are designed to provide the required detention of the storm water runoff to comply with applicable regulations. The computation also includes the calculation of post development peak discharge summary for the design storm events.

The inputs, outputs and the details of the calculations are presented in the following sections.

72-Hour Rainfall Depths A Type-III rainfall distribution is used in the HEC-HMS program to develop the rainfall hyetographs for the design rainfall events using the rainfall depths.

The 72-hour rainfall depths for different frequencies are given in Table A-1.

Table A-I: 72-Hour Rainfall Depths for the FPL Reclaimed Water Treatment Facility Site Fre uency 2- ear 5-Iear 10-rear 25- ear 100- ear Depth (in) 6.7 8.8 10.5 12.6 19.0 Drainage Areas The FPL reclaimed water treatment facility consists of storage tanks, pump stations, and other reclaimed water treatment components and units as shown in Table A-2.The post-development drainage areas are shown in Attachment B.

Runoffs from the drainage areas A and B drain into the SWB A and SWB B, respectively and their areas are 19.4 acres and 15 acres, respectively. Open basin structures capture the rainfall and do not contribute to the total runoff. The areas consisting of the open basin structures in the drainage area A and B are approximately 3.84 acres and 4.4 acres, respectively. Thus, the post-development drainage areas are calculated by subtracting the open basin structures accordingly as shown in Table A-3.

ATTACHMENT A FPL SCA Appendix 10.8 SUBJECT Computational Details for FPL Reclaimed Water Treatment Facility Stormwater SHEET NO 2 OF 10 REV. NO. 000 Table A-2: FPL Reclaimed Water Treatment Facility Components Component / Unit Process No. of Open / Dimensions, Height, each Units Covered each (above grade)

Storage Tanks (Reclaimed Water from 2 Covered 195-ft diameter 47.2-ft water depth I MDWASD)

Trickling Filters Pump Station Return 2 Covered 75-ft by 35-ft 16-ft Flow/Chemical addition Trickling Filters 8 Open 120-ft diameter 35-ft Chemical Unloading Areas, stormwater from these areas is pumped to the back Open 37,000 sq. ft. toal curbed area wash basin and is then added to the area process flow stream Solids Contact Basin 6 open 130-ft diameter 4-ft Sludge Pump Stations 4 Covered 14,000 sq. ft total 14-ft area Ferric Chloride Storage Tanks 3 Covered 14-ft diameter 27-ft-4-in Containment Area w/Pumps I Slab 40-ft by 100-ft 4-ft (walls)

Filter and Pump Station I Covered 50-ft by 120-fl 16-ft Filters 22 Open 15-ft by 75-ft 18-ft Filter Gallery (between 2 rows of Filters) I Covered 40-ft by 190-ft 18-ft Methanol Storage Tanks 4 Covered 14-ft diameter 23-ft Containment Area w/Pumps I Slab 40-ft by 100-ft 4-ft (walls)

Waste Backwash Basin 1 Open 120-ft by 120-ft 3-ft (berms)

Chlorine Contact Basin 1 Open 230-ft by 330-ft 10-ft Sodium Hypochloritc Storage Tanks 3 Covered 12-ft diameter 25-ft Containment Area w/Pumps I Slab 40-ft by 100-ft 4-ft (walls)

Treated Water Pump Station I Covered 135-ft by 50-ft 16-ft Sludge Processing Facility I Covered 80-ft by 150-ft 25-ft Sludge Truck Loading Canopy I Covered 900 sq.ft total area 25-ft Electrical 3 Covered 40-ft by 60-ft 14-ft Roads and Parking Areas 0 0 126,000 sq.ft total 0 area Maintenance/Control Facility and Covered I Covered 60-ft by 155-ft 20-ft Equipment Storage Cvrd 6-tb15-t0-Lime Silos 4 Covered 41 -ft diameter 64-ft Housekeeping Area 0 Slab 100-ft by 100-ft 2-ft (walls)

Slaker Facility I Covered 60-ft by 50-ft 16-ft Sodium Bisulfite Tank I Covered 12-ft diameter 19-ft-I-in Containment Area w/Pumps 0 Slab 30-ft by 30-ft 4-ft (walls)

Polymer 2 Covered totes included in n/a Sludge Processing Acid I Covered 12-ft diameter 19-ft Containment Area w/Pumps 0 0 40-ft by 40-ft 4-ft (walls)

ATTACHMENT A FPL SCA Appendix 10.8 SUBJECT Computanional Details for FPL Reclaimed Water Treatment Facility Stormwater Basin Design SHEET NO 3 OF 10 REV. NO. 000 Table A-3: Post-development Drainage Areas for Storm Water Basins Subbasin Area Sub-Basin sq. ft acres sq. mi.

Drainage Area A 677,766 15.56 0.024 Drainage Area B 461,530 10.60 0.017 Runoff Curve Numbers During the post-development condition, the soil type for all the developed areas are assumed as Type D soil for the runoff analysis as the site will consist of compacted fill. The land cover percentages for the post-developed condition have been estimated based on the FPL Reclaimed Water Treatment Facility site components and units as shown in Table A-2. The calculations of composite runoff curve numbers for the areas are shown in Table A-4.

Table A-4: Post-development CN Number Calculation for Storm Water Basins Ground Cover Percentage Sub-basin Impervious Gravel CN Pond CN Grass CN Composite CN (Type D) (Type D, fair) CN 98 91 100 84 Drainage Area A 17% 76% 7% 0% 93 Drainage Area B 17% 72% 10% 0% 93 Lag Time The HEC-HMS program uses the lag time rather than Tc directly in calculating the peak discharge. The lag time is calculated as 60% of the time of concentration (Tc) for each sub-basin.

ZT'me ofColcel/nz//Mo/

Each flow path is divided into sheet flow, and shallow concentrated flow segments. The sheet flow and shallow concentrated flow segments for each flow path are determined using Natural Resources Conservation Service

ATTACHMENT A FPL SCA Appendix 10.8 SUBJECT Computational Details for FPL Reclaimed Water Treatment Facility Stormwater Basin Desiqn SHEET NO 4 OF 10 REV. NO. 000 (NRCS) procedures. The ditch or pipe flow segment travel time is determined by estimating the flow velocity and computing the travel time The equations used for sheet flow and shallow concentrated flow are shown below.

Sheet Flow:

T 0.007*L t '8 Where:

4 I P10.5 s0.

n = surface roughness coefficient for sheet flows (n = 0.011 for concrete, asphalt, gravel or bare soil)

L = flow path length, ft (maximum = 100 ft)

P = 2-yr, 24-hr rainfall = 6 inches S = Flow path slope Shallow Concentrated Flow:

Velocity V = 20.3282 S°0 5 (for paved/gravel surfaces)

T=--3600. L V

Lag times for the post-development condition are calculated following similar procedure as described above. The time of concentration values and lag times for each basin are summarized in Table A-5.

Table A-5 Post-development Tc and Lag Time Calculation Sheet Flow Shallow Concentrated Flow Pipe/Ditch Flow (Segment A-B) (Segment B-C) (Segmen Calculated Calculated aC-D)

Sub-Basin Length Manning's Slope, S Ti (hr)

Coefcent Length Slope, S Calculated Velocity, V T2 (hr) Length, Lengtt, T()oemn Time of LagTime S (ft) L(ft)(fps) L(ft) V (fps) min) (men)

Drainage Area A 100 0.011 0.005 0.026 300 0.005 1.44 0.058 430 1 5.00 0.024 6.5 3.9 Reach A 350 5.00 0.019 1.2 1.2 Drainage Area B 100 0.011 0.005 0.026 120 0.005 1.44 0.023 550 5.00 0.031 4.8 3.6*

Reach B 475 5.00 0.026 1.6 1.6 L_ I _ I _ _ __ I _ I _ _ Minimum T of6 minutes is usedl

ATTACHMENT A FPL SCA Appendix 10.8 SUBJECT Computational Details for FPL Reclaimed Water Treatment Facility Stormwater Basin Design SHEET NO 5 OF 10 REV. NO. 000 Basin Stage-Storage The stage-area-storage relationships for storm water basins are shown in the following Tables A-6 and A-7. The elevations and areas for each basin are measured from finished grade drawing.

Table A-6: Stage-Storage for Stormwater Basin (SWB A)

Elevation Surface Area Surface Area Incremental Volume Storage Volume Storage Volume (ft) (fte) (ac) (ft') (ft) (acre-f t) 19481.4 0.447 8 23687.9 0.544 21584.6 21584.6 0.496 9 28276.0 0.649 25982.0 47566.6 1.092 10 33171.0 0.762 30723.5 78290.1 1.797 10.5 35776.4 0.821 17236.8 95527.0 2.193 11 38381.7 0.881 18539.5 114066.5 2.619 12 43908.2 1.008 41144.9 155211.4 3.563 1 49781.0 1.1431 46844.6 202056.0 4.639 14 55981.2 1.2851 52881.1 254937.1 5.853 Table A-7: Stage-Storage for Stormwater Basin (SWB B)

Elevation Surface Area Surface Area Incremental Storage Volume Storage Volume IVolume StrgVoueSoaeVlm (ft) (ft) (ac) (ftj) (ft ') (acre-ft) 12266.2 0.282 15653.8 0.359 13960.0 13960.0 0.320 9 19453.9 0.447 17553.8 31513.9 0.723 10 23679.0 0.544 21566.4 53080.3 1.219 10.5 25952.4 0.596 12407.8 65488.1 1.503 11 28225.8 0.648 13544.5 79032.7 1.814 12 33116.9 0.760 30671.3 109704.0 2.518 13 37325.1 0.857 35221.0 144925.0 3.327 14 43862.9 1.007 40594.0 185519.0 4.259 15 49732.2, 1.142 46797.6 232316.6 5.33g

ATTACHMENT A FPL SCA Appendix 10.8 SUBJECT Computational Details for FPL Reclaimed Water Treatment Facility Stormwater Basin Design SHEET NO 6 OF 10 REV. NO. 000 Detention Volume Calculation The bottom elevations for the SWBs are at 7 ft. NAVD 88. Since the ground water level in the area is approximately the same as the water level in Biscayne Bay, and the mean water level in Biscayne Bay is at Elevation 0, the SWBs are dry detention ponds. The required detentions for the respective areas are calculated by multiplying the first inch of the runoff by the area of the RWTF, or multiplying the first 2.5 inches to the impervious area. The higher value is considered as the required volume. The required detention for the dry detention pond is 75% of the wet detention requirement. The calculation of the required detention is shown in Table A-8.

Table A-8 Detention Volume Computation 2.5" over the impervious area SWB A SWBB Total impervious area = 115,220 ft^2 Total impervious area = 83,075 ft^2 2.65 ac 1.91 ac Wet detention = 24004 ft^3 Wet detention 17307 ft^3 0.55 ac-ft 0.40 ac-ft Dry detention = 18003.17 ftA3 Dry detention = 12980.54 ft^3 0.41 ac-ft 0.30 ac-ft First inch of runoff from the developed project SWBA WB B Total area= 677,766 ft^2 Total area= 461,530 ft^2 15.56 ac 10.60 ac Wet detention = 56481 ft*3 Wet detention 38461 ft^3 1.30 ac-ft 0.88 ac-ft Dry detention 42360.40 ft^3 Dry detention = 28845.64 ft^3 0.97 ac-ft J 0.66 ac-ft Computation of the required detentions for the SWBs in Table A-8 shows that the runoff detention requirements from the first inch of runoff from the contributing area are greater. Table A-9 compares the provided storages of the SWBs with the detention requirement from the first inch of runoff from the Reclaimed Water Treatment Facility area.

ATTACHMENT A FPL SCA Appendix 10.8 SUBJECT Computational Details for FPL Reclaimed Water Treatment Facility Stormwater Basin Design SHEET NO Z OF 10 REV. NO. 000 Table A-9: Available and Required Detentions Volumes for the SWBs Available Available Detention: Detention:

Stormwater Volume riser between crest Volume riser between crest Required Required Basin Detention* Detention*

(10.5 ft) and (10.5 ft) and orifice invert orifice invert (8 ft) (8 ft) ft^3 ac-ft ft^3 ac-ft SWB A 73,942 1.70 42,360 0.97 SWB B 51,528 1.18 28,846 0.66 Total* 125,470 2.88 71,206 1.63

  • Note: One inch over the 26.16 developed acres (44 total acres minus 9.64 acres of grass slope, minus 8.2 acres of non-contributing area).

Therefore, the SWB A and SWB B satisfy the detention requirements.

150% Treatment The following computation shows that the SWB A and B provide enough storage for detention of the first 0.5 inch of runoff for the FPL reclaimed water treatment facility area, plus an additional 50% treatment.

SWB A Drainage Area= 15.56 ac 677766 ftA2 Required detention= 1/2 inches

  • 1.5 = 3/4 inches Required WQ Volume= 0.97 ac-ft ftA3 42360 Volume between riser crest (10.5 ft) and orifice invert (8 ft)= 1.70 ac-ft OK (As shown on Table A-6) 73942 ft^3 OK (As shown on Table A-6)

SWB B Drainage Area= 10.60 ac 461530 ftA2 Required detention = 1/2 inches

  • 1.5 = 3/4 inches Required WQ Volume= 0.66 ac-ft 28846 ftA3 Volume between riser crest (10.5 ft) and orifice invert (8 ft)- 1.18 ac-ft OK (As shown on'Table A-7) 51528 ftA3 OK (As shown on Table A-7

ATTACHMENT A FPL SCA Appendix 10.8 SUBJECT Comoutational Details for FPL Reclaimed Water Treatment Facility Stormwater Basin Design SHEET NO 8 OF 10 REV. NO. 000 Orifice size calculation The gravity control devices shall be sized based upon a maximum design discharge of 0.5 inch of the detention volume in 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. The outlet orifices are sized to maintain the required water quality.

SWB A Orifice size calculation Design runoff = 1/2 inches Required water quality volume (ft^3) = 28240 ftA3 Volume between riser crest (10.5 ft) and pond bottom= 73942 ftA3 Maximum Allowable Discharge (for 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />) = 0.327 cfs Select 3" dia orifice with invert El at 8' Water Surface Elevation for required volume 9.074 ft (by interpolation of Table A-6)

Surface area for required volume = 28635.8 ftA2 (by interpolation of Table A-6)

Max head above 3" dia orifice centerline 0.949 ft Dewatering time = 66 hrs SWB B Orifice size calculation Design runoff = 1/2 inches ftA,3 Required water quality volume (ft^3) 19230 ftA3 Volume between riser crest (10.5 ft) and pond bottom= 51528 Maximum Allowable Discharge (for 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />) = 0.223 cfs Select 3 dia orifice with invert El at 8' Surface area for required volume = 19782.3 ftA2 (by interpolation of Table A-7)

Water Surface Elevation for required volume = 9.078 ft (by interpolation of Table A-7)

Max head above 3" dia orifice centerline = 0.953 ft Dewatering time = 45 hrs Above computation shows that the use of 3-inch diameter orifice is adequate to comply with applicable stormwater criteria

ATTACHMENT A FPL SCA Apoendix 10.8 SUBJECT Computational Details for FPL Reclaimed Water Treatment Facility Stormwater Basin Design SHEET NO 2 OF J0 REV. NO. 000 Basin Stage-Discharge Curve A summary table of the outlet elevations and sizes, as well as the stage-discharge relationship is shown for each storm water basin on the Tables A-10 and A-11. The tail water levels for Pond A and Pond B have been assumed as 4.0 ft and 3.5 ft respectively considering full pipe flow.

Table A-10: Stage-discharge calculation for the SWB A basin Outlet structure SWB A Riser Dim (ft x ft) 6 Riser Crest EL,(ft) 10.5 Riser Crest Length (ft) 24.00 Orifice Diameter (ft) 0.25 Pipe Diameter (ft) 3 Outlet Inv. EL.(ft) 1.00 Pipe Length (ft) 120 Orifice Area (sq ft) 0,049 Em Spiltway Crest EL (ft) 12.5 Pipe Area (sq ft) 7.069 Top of the basin(ft) 14 Orifice Invert EL.(ft) 8.0 Em Spillway Width (ft) 50.0 Bottom of the basin(ft) 7 Orifice center EL,(ft) 8.125 No. of orifice 1 I Riser Weir Flow Total Pipe Flow Spillway Flow ITotal Basin H I Q Riser Flow h Q 0 H I Q Flow*

(ft) (if) I (cfs) I (if) (cfs) (cfs) I (f) (cfs) (Mi) (cfs) I (cfs) 7.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.00 0,00 0.00 0100 4.00 78.05 0.00 8M50 0.38 0.14 0.14 4.50 82.78 0.14 9d00 0.8 0422 0122 5W00 87.26 0.22 10.00 1.88 0.32 0.32 &M0 95.59 0432 10,50 2.38 0.36 0.00 0.00 0.36 6.50 -9.-49 0.36 11.00 2.88 0.40 0.50 23.76 24.16 7.00 103.25 .. . .. 24.16 11.50 3.38 0.43 1 1.00 67.20 67.63 7.50 106487 67.63 11.75 3.63 0.45 1.2ý5 93.917 94.3 7.F75 108.64 94.36 12.50 4.38 0.49 20 19.07 T.0.56 8.50 11OD , 00 113.78 12.75 4.63 0.51 2.25 226.80 227.31 8475 115.44 1 0.3 17.50 132.94 13.00 2.50 265.63 265.63 1 9.00 1 117.07 0.51 49.50 1 166.57 13.50 1 1 1 3.00 1 349.18 349.18 9.50 120.28 O1,!

14.00 1 1 3.50 1 440.02 440.02 1 10.00 123.41 1 1.5 Note: Total Basin Flow is determined by adding either the Total Riser Flow or the Pipe Flow, which ever is controlling (bold type face indicates controlling flow), to the spillway flow Total Riser Flow = Orifice + Central opening + Weir Flow Table A- 11: Stage-discharge calculation for the SWB B basin Outlet structure swuma Riser [irn (ft x it) 6 Rier Crest S_(ft) 10.5 Riser Crest Length (Mt) 24.00 orifice Diameter (ft) 0.25 Ftpe onuter (ft) 2.5 Outlet Inv. B_(ft) 1.00 Pipe Length (ft) 130 Orifice Area (sq ft) 0.049 EnSplway Orest B. (Mt) 12.5 Ppe Area (sq ft) 4.909 Top of the basin(ft) 15 Orifice Invert E..(ft) 8.0 En Spilway VWdlth (ft) 50.0 Bottom of the basin(ft) 7 Orifice center 8_(ft) 8.125 No. of orifice 1

_ I_ HO ay Flw Total Basin Bevation[O~chtw I Ine~Fo H_ _aerRw I Q I H I Q nj~ow (it) (fit) (cfs) (it) (cfs) 1 (cfs) (ft0) (cfs) (ft0 (cis) I (cfs) 7.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.50 54.55 0.00 8.50 0.38 0.14 0.14 5.00 57.50 0.14 9.00 0.88 0.22 0.22 5.50 60.31 0.22 10.00 1.88 0.32 0.32 6.50 65.56 0.32 10.50 2.38 0.36 0.00 0.00 &M Too, 68L04 0.36 11,00 2.88 0.40 0.50 23.76 24.16 7.50 70.43 24.16 11.50 3.38 0.43 1.00 67.20 67.63 8.00 72.74 67.63 11.75 3.63 0.45 1.25 93.91 94.36 8.25 73.36 73.86 12.50 4.38 0.49 2.00 190.07 190.56 9.00 77.18 0.0 0.00 77.15 13.00 4.88 0.52 2.50 265.63 266.15 9.50 70.26 0.5 49.50 128.76 13.50 3.00 349.18 349.18 10.00 31.32 1.0 140.00 221.32 14.00 3.50 440.02 440.02 10.50 $3.33 1.5 257.20 340.53 15.00 1 4.50 641.49 4149 11.50 87.21 2.5 553.40 640.61 Note: Total Basin Flow is deternined by adding either the Total *Rser Row or the Pipe Pow, which ever is contro&ing (bold type face ndlicates controig flo), to the spliway flow Total Riser Flow - Orifice + Cenejal openng + Weir Flow Storm Water Manaqement Basin Discharqe Summarv

ATTACHMENT A FPL SCA Appendix 10.8 SUBJECT Compoutational Details for FPL Reclaimed Water Treatment Facility Stormwater Basin Design SHEET NO 10 OF 10 REV. NO. 000 The post-development peak discharges from the basins as well as the peak water levels are determined for the 2-, 5-, 10-, and 25-year, 72-hour storm using the computer program HEC-HMS. The schematic of the model, model inputs and model outputs are contained in Attachment C, and are summarized in Tables A-12 and A-13.

Table A-12 Post Development SWB A Discharge Summary SWB A PeakLeve SWB A Peak SWB A Peak Wa Inflow (cfs) Outflow (cfs) (ft) 2-yr 78.9 62.7 11.4 5-yr 105.1 87.5 11.7 10-yr 126.3 97.7 11.9 25-yr 152.3 107.7 12.3 Table A-13 Post Development SWB B Discharge Summary SWB B PeakLeve SWB B Peak SWB B Peak Wa Inflow (cfs) Outflow (cfs) (ft) 2-yr 56.7 48.3 11.3 5-yr 75.5 65.3 11.5 10-yr 90.7 71.7 11.7 25-yr 109.4 75.1 12.0 The peak inflow and outflow values shown in Tables A-12 and A-13 are based on a SCS Type III storm of 24-hour duration. Consequently, the peak discharges are conservatively higher than they would be if a 72-hour storm had been used.

Emergency Spillway Capacity The capacity of the emergency spillways provided in storm water basins have been checked by passing the 100-year, 72-hour storm through the spillway. The simulation results presented in Attachment C and are also summarized in Table A-14.

Table A-14 Post Development Basin Discharge Summary for 100-year, 72-hour Storm' Peak Inflow Peak Outflow Peak Water Top of the SWB (cfs) *(cfs) Level (ft) Basin,(ft)

SWB A 231.3 178.5 13.1 14.0 SWB B 166.1 123.6 12.9 15.0 -.

ATTACHMENT B FPL SCA Appendix 10.8 SUBJECT Layout for FPL Reclaimed Water Treatment Facility Storm Water Basins SHEET NO 1 OF REV. NO. 000

ATTACHMENT C FPL SCA Appendix 10.8 SUBJECT HEC-HMS inout and outout files for FPL Reclaimed Water Treatment Facility Storm Water Basin Design SHEET NO 1 OF 18 REV. NO. 000 SCREEN CAPTURES OF HEC-HMS SCREEN FOR HYDROLOGIC ANALYSIS:

)PBain MoeI[WF]IU~X I Pond-B Subbasin-A Reach-B Reach-A I P 131 Pond-A Subbasin-B HEC-HMS INPUT FILES

ATTACHMENT C FPL SCA Appendix 10.8 SUBJECT HEC-HMS input and output files for FPL Reclaimed Water Treatment Facility Storm Water Basin Design SHEET NO 2 OF 18 REV. NO. 000 Text contents of Basin input file Basin: RWTF Last Modified Date: 17 June 2009 Last Modified Time: 21:48:02 Version: 3.1.0 Unit System: English Missing Flow To Zero: No Enable Flow Ratio: No Allow Blending: No Compute Local Flow At Junctions: No End:

Reservoir: Pond-A Canvas X: -4246.724890829694 Canvas Y: -502.1834061135369 Label X: -1.0 Label Y: 0.0 Route: Modified Puls Routing Curve: Elevation-Area-Outflow Initial Elevation: 8 Elevation-Area Table: Pond A Elevation-Outflow Table: Pond A End:

Reservoir: Pond-B Canvas X: 3417.0305676855887 Canvas Y: 2969.43231441048 Route: Modified Puls Routing Curve: Elevation-Area-Outflow Initial Elevation: 8 Elevation-Area Table: Pond B Elevation-Outflow Table: Pond B End:

Subbasin: Subbasin-A Canvas X: -2041.4847161572052 Canvas Y: 2248.9082969432316 Label X: -37.0 Label Y: -27.0 Area: 0.024 Downstream: Reach-A Canopy: None Surface: None LossRate: SCS Percent Impervious Area: 0.0 Curve Number: 93 Transform: SCS Lag: 3.9 Baseflow: None Erosion: None j, End:

Subbasin: Subbasin-B Canvas X: 835.2941176470595 Canvas Y: -247.0588235294117 Label X: -39.0

ATTACHMENT C FPL SCA Appendix 10.8 SUBJECT HEC-HMS input and output files for FPL Reclaimed Water Treatment Facility Storm Water Basin Design SHEET NO 3 OF 18 REV. NO. 000 Label Y: -24.0 Area: 0.017 Downstream: Reach-B Canopy: None Surface: None LossRate: SCS Percent Impervious Area: 0.0 Curve Number: 93 Transform: SCS Lag: 3.6 Baseflow: None Erosion: None End:

Reach: Reach-A Canvas X: -4246.724890829694 Canvas Y: -502.1834061135369 From Canvas X: -4203.056768558952 From Canvas Y: 2008.7336244541484 Label X: 0.0 Label Y: 2.0 Downstream: Pond-A Route: Lag Lag: 1.2 Channel Loss: None End:

Reach: Reach-B Canvas X: 3417.0305676855887 Canvas Y: 2969.43231441048 From Canvas X: 3211.7437722419927 From Canvas Y: -373.66548042704653 Downstream: Pond-B Route: Lag Lag: 1.6 Channel Loss: None End:

Basin Schematic Properties:

Last View N: 5000.0 Last View S: -5000.0 Last View W: -5000.0 Last View E: 5000.0 Maximum View N: 5000.0 Maximum View S: -5000.0 Maximum View W: -5000.0 Maximum View E: 5000.0 Extent Method: Elements Buffer: 0 Draw Icons: Yes Draw Icon Labels: Yes Draw Gridlines: Yes Draw Flow Direction: No End:

Text contents of meteorological input file

ATTACHMENT C FPL SCA Appendix 10.8 SUBJECT HEC-HMS inout and output files for FPL Reclaimed Water Treatment Facility Storm Water Basin Design SHEET NO 4 OF 18 REV. NO. 000 Meteorology: T02 Last Modified Date: 2 June 2009 Last Modified Time: 16:44:17 Version: 3.1.0 Unit System: English Precipitation Method: SCS Storm Snowmelt Method: None Basin Model List: RWTF End:

Precip Method Parameters: SCS Storm Storm Depth: 6.7 Storm Type: Type III End:

Subbasin: Subbasin-A End:

Subbasin: Subbasin-B End:

Meteorology: T05 Last Modified Date: 2 June 2009 Last Modified Time: 16:44:21 Version: 3.1.0 Unit System: English Precipitation Method: SCS Storm Snowmelt Method: None Basin Model List: RWTF End:

Precip Method Parameters: SCS Storm Storm Depth: 8.8 Storm Type: Type III End:

Subbasin: Subbasin-A End:

Subbasin: Subbasin-B End:

Meteorology: T10 Last Modified Date: 2 June 2009 Last Modified Time: 16:44:27 Version: 3.1.0 Unit System: English Precipitation Method: SCS Storm Snowmelt Method: None Basin Model List: RWTF End:

Precip Method Parameters: SCS Storm Storm Depth: 10.5 Storm Type: Type III End:

Subbasin: Subbasin-A End:

Subbasin: Subbasin-B End:

Meteorology: T25 Last Modified Date: 2 June 2009

ATTACHMENT C FPL SCA Appendix 10.8 SUBJECT HEC-HMS input and output files for FPL Reclaimed Water Treatment Facility Storm Water Basin Design SHEET NO 5 OF 18 REV. NO. 000 Last Modified Time: 16:44:34 Version: 3.1.0 Unit System: English Precipitation Method: SCS Storm Snowmelt Method: None Basin Model List: RWTF End:

Precip Method Parameters: SCS Storm Storm Depth: 12.6 Storm Type: Type III End:

Subbasin: Subbasin-A End:

Subbasin: Subbasin-B End:

Meteorology:. T100 Last Modified Date: 2 June 2009 Last Modified Time: 16:47:15 Version: 3.1.0 Unit System: English Precipitation Method: SCS Storm Snowmelt Method: None Basin Model List: RWTF End:

Precip Method Parameters: SCS Storm Storm Depth: 19 Storm Type: Type III End:

Subbasin: Subbasin-A End:

Subbasin: Subbasin-B End:

Text contents of Run data file Run: 100-yr POST Default


Yes Log File: 100 yr POST.log Basin: RWTF Precip: T100 Control: SWM Precip Last Execution Date: 17 June 2009 Precip Last Execution Time: 21:48:43 Basin Last Execution Date: 17 June 2009 Basin Last Execution Time: 21:48:43 End:

Run: 10-yr POST Default


Yes Log File: 10 yr POST.log Basin: RWTF Precip: T10 Control: SWM Precip Last Execution Date: 17 June 2009 Precip Last Execution Time: 22:30:07 Basin Last Execution Date: 17 June 2009 Basin Last Execution Time: 22:30:07 End:

ATTACHMENT C FPL SCA Appendix 10.8 SUBJECT HEC-HMS input and output files for FPL Reclaimed Water Treatment Facility Storm Water Basin Desian SHEET NO 6 OF 18 REV. NO. 000 Run: 25-yr POST Default


Yes Log File: 25 yr POST.log Basin: RWTF Precip: T25 Control: SWM Precip Last Execution Date: 17 June 2009 Precip Last Execution Time: 22:30:13 Basin Last Execution Date: 17 June 2009 Basin Last Execution Time: 22:30:13 End:

Run: 2-yr POST Default


Yes Log File: 2_yr_POST.log Basin: RWTF Precip: T02 Control: SWM Precip Last Execution Date: 17 June 2009 Precip Last Execution Time: 22:29:55 Basin Last Execution Date: 17 June 2009 Basin Last Execution Time: 22:29:55 End:

Run: 5-yr POST Default


Yes Log File: 5_yr_POST.log Basin: RWTF Precip: T05 Control: SWM Precip Last Execution Date: 17 June 2009 Precip Last Execution Time: 22:30:01 Basin Last Execution Date: 17 June 2009 Basin Last Execution Time: 22:30:01 End:

Text contents of pdata Table: Pond A Table Type: Stage-Flow Last Modified Date: 17 June 2009 Last Modified Time: 21:47:46 X-Units: FT Y-Units: CFS Use External DSS File: NO DSS File: Project_2.dss Pathname: //Pond A/STAGE-FLOW///TABLE/


Table: Pond B Table Type: Stage-Flow Last Modified Date: 3 June 2009 Last Modified Time: 13:48:56 X-Units: FT Y-Units: CFS Use External DSS File: NO DSS File: Project_2.dss Pathname: //POND B/STAGE-FLOW///TABLE/ 7 End:

Table: Pond A Table Type: Elevation-Area Last Modified Date: 17 June 2009 Last Modified Time: 21:39:33 X-Units: FT

ATTACHMENT. C FPL SCA Appendix 10.8 SUBJECT HEC-HMS input and output files for FPL Reclaimed Water Treatment Facility Storm Water Basin Desiqn SHEET NO 7 OF 18 REV. NO. 000 Y-Units: ACRE Use External DSS File: NO DSS File: Project_2.dss Pathname: //Pond A/ELEVATION-AREA///TABLE/


Table: Pond B Table Type: Elevation-Area Last Modified Date: 17 June 2009 Last Modified Time: 21:41:20 X-Units: FT Y-Units: ACRE Use External DSS File: NO DSS File: Project_2.dss Pathname: //Pond B/ELEVATION-AREA///TABLE/


Text contents of SWM.control Control: SWM


Design Storm Last Modified Date: 17 June 2009 Last Modified Time: 21:42:22 Start Date: 1 August 2007 Start Time: 00:00 End Date: 5 August 2007 End Time: 00:00 Time Interval: 5 End:

ATTACHMENT C FPL SCA Appendix 10.8 SUBJECT HEC-HMS input and outout files for FPL Reclaimed Water Treatment Facility Storm Water Basin Desion SHEET NO 8 OF 18 REV. NO. 000 RUNOFF HYDROGRAPHS FOR DRAINAGE BASINS:

2-YEAR I GahfrSbai'ubsnA subben s~muem~bh Amvfet frRun zwPow (0,0 - Iu T


(L02-j0.3 0.5 ~ J so.

A 00-20-lo-0I-MOD m m LIM 00 2240 0202IU 011*42W Grp for. SubsnSubsn "JIaM 8EW V~ttuW Resub MirR~L yrPOST'

£ a

1202 012m21

- .nF$7 w fto-

ATTACHMENT C FPL SCA Agmendix 10.8 SUBJECT HEC-HMS input and outout files for FPL Reclaimed Water Treatment Facility Storm Water Basin Design SHEET NO 9 OF 18 REV. NO. 000Q 5 - YEAR Graph Subbasin-A' for Subbasin 04 I

0A I-"

20" il -

urn am W~m I mm urn

- RT1SI=

- , b A .. G.k9W Grp fo Subsn-"'

.... Ix Wft*i 8W~f inM~lrRMMgfv~

WP "POST' oz U m]

8,8,,I 0.24

.7-T do.

~40-mm am mm I= mmu lim mmw I=


-ka flm m 1..

ATTACHMENT C FPL SCA Appendix 10.8 SUBJECT HEC-HMS input and outout files for FPL Reclaimed Water Treatment Facility Storm Water Basin Design SHEET NO 10 OF 18 REV. NO. 000 10 - YEAR I Grp frSbbsn 'Subsn -. . . .--


g I'



- us I -


I 2Uý 006 =;m u~ 126 MGM

ATTACHMENT C FPL SCA Appendix 10.8 SUBJECT HEC-HMS input and output files for FPL Reclaimed Water Treatment Facility Storm Water Basin Design SHEET NO 11 OF 18 REV. NO. 000 25- YEAR ma I..Graph fo ubsn"ubsnA S&MMM8W* .5-POBT1

% bf*I.A'9eesM WPM F

MI.1 IQ.1 0.3 Z0.4-

  1. 03.

10.41 14W B


.L " 125 a3W iam 5wo win am Oa*= ma I W M SOWl A Graph for Subsn"ubsnB

£ B

I I M~cc?


ATTACHMENT C FPL SCA Appendix 10.8 SUBJECT HEC-HMS inout and output files for FPL Reclaimed Water Treatment Facility Storm Water Basin Design SHEET NO 12 OF 18 REV. NO. 000 100- YEAR

_I p SIbsn"ubsnA .,.,

subbsIomo mm J~aReufo Run 00crwyl jPO5 0.0-0,4 0.6 1.0-1.2-1.4 T



- 6T~.JunmAUV sA.WW - ~Wu~0.Mow I Gah o ubai " bainB

..  !- I' SuIbu*WnE001mSubs asir-S?R#U53 for UPwtMyr POS 0.0. -romnw T

0.4-L0' L4 iso 40-2D' OSUGW GLAVObtM.S*...*WW.

- flu r.eWS4 S..**.Stflfhain STORM WATER BASIN



ATTACHMENT C FPL SCA Appendix 10.8 SUBJECT HEC-HMS input and output files for FPL Reclaimed Water Treatment Facility Storm Water Basin Desiqn SHEET NO 13 OF 18 REV. NO. 000 2- YEAR Projec:t: Poet2 5kitmRun : -yr POST Reevi: PndA 5tarofP~un: 0:1.u2* 7,00:00 Basin Modell , RWTF End of un : 0SAug20070 00:00 Meteoroboic Model T02 Compute T 173x2009,

.he-. 18:29:55 Control Speacatlons : 5W Volume Unt: IN OAC-FT Computed Results Peak Inflow: 78.9 (CFS) Date/rkne of Peak Inrfow: OlAug2007,12:05 Peak Outflow : 62.7 (CFS) Datekno of PeOutfw  : 01Aug2007, 12:10 Totalinflow: 5.87 ON) Peak Storage : 3.0 (ACFT)

Total Oflow: 5.69 (N) Peak Elevation: 11.4 (FT)

Project :P o* 2 SiuatoRun :2-yr POST Res-,voi,: Pond-B Start of un : OlAug2007, 00:00 Basin Model : RWTF Endof Run : 05Aug2:0, 00:00 Meteorologic Moe: T02 Cowpft Time: 171vOW, 18:29:55 Control Specifcations : SWM Vollme Unts: IN 0 AC-FT Computed Results PeA Inflow: 56.7 (CF") Date/Time of Peak Ilow: OlAug2007, 12:05 PeakOutflow: 48.3 (CFS) DatelTe of PeakOutflow: O1Aug2007, 12:10 Total nfow: 5.87 (IN) Peak Storage: Z.0 (AC-FT)

TotldOuow: 5.83 (IN) PeakElevation: 11.3 (PT)

ATTACHMENT C FPL SCA Appendix 10.8 SUBJECT HEC-HMS input and output files for FPL Reclaimed Water Treatment Facility Storm Water Basin Desian SHEET NO 14 OF 18 REV. NO. 000

ATTACHMENT C FPL SCA Appendix 10.8 SUBJECT HEC-HMS input and outout files for FPL Reclaimed Water Treatment Facility Storm Water Basin Desian SHEET NO 15 OF j&

REV. NO. 000 10-1 Project: Project 2 Simuatton Run: 10-yr POST Reservoi: Pond-A tart of Run: OlAug2O07, 00:00 Basin Model: RWTP nd of Run: 05Aug2007, 00:00 Meteorolo*c Model: T1O omput. Time: 17.u,2009, 18:30:07 Control Specifkcations : SWM Volume tk*s: IN 0 AC-FT Comput~ed Results pea Inflow: 126.3 (CFS) Datelrm of PekInflow: O1AugZ007, 12:05 Pe4 Outflow : 97.7 (CFS) DateTh of PeakOutflow: OlAug2OO7, 12:10 Tota Infiow: 9.65 (IN) Peak Storage : 3.4 (AC-FT)

Tota Outflow: 9.46 (IN) Peak ElevIon: 11.9 (FT)

Projet.:Pject2 Siulation Run: 0-yr POST Reservoir: Pond-Start af Run: OlAug2007, 00:00 Basin Model: RWTF End of Run: 0SAug2007, 00:00 MeteoroloiclModel: TIO Conqute Tkme: T7Jun200% 18:30:07 Control Specfiations: SWM Voomapntts: 011Yt .AC-FT Computed Results Pe* rflow : 90,7 (CFs) DaefThm.ofPG*Peak W: OlAugZOO7, 12:05 Peak Outflow: 71.7 (CFS) Date/Thn of Peak Oflow : OtAug2007, 12:10 Total row : 9.65 (IN) Peak Storage : 2,3 (AC-PT)

Total Outflow : 9.60 (IN) Peak Elevation: 11.7 FT)

ATTACHMENT C FPL SCA Appendix 10.8 SUBJECT HEC-HMS input and output files for FPL Reclaimed Water Treatment Facility Storm Water Basin Design SHEET NO 16 OF 18 REV. NO. 000 25- YEAR PPojoct: Project 2 Simulaton Run : 25-yr POST Reservoir: Pond-A Strol'R'n: 06Aug20, 00:00 BwMd: RT r7rtoF Riai  : 01Aug2007, 00:00 Bask~rI~ Model: - RT2 Compute Thng: 173mt2039, 18:30:13 Control specfatiorms: SWM YoluaLnts: O1N 0AC-FT Comp*ted Results Peaknflow: 152.3(CF5) D*./ThmeofPetatiflow: 0lAug2-7, 12:05 Peak Outflow: 107.7 (CF5) Date/flne of Peak Outow: OlAug2007, 12:15 Totalnlow: 11.74(1N) Peak Storage : 3.8 (AC-FT)

Total Oflow: 11.55 (IN) Peal Eleation: 12.3 (FM)


~ ReutUo n~~~~ ~ ~ Sumr eevi Pn-"r PtW : Project 2 Siml"atioRun : 25-W POST Reservoir: Pod Start of'Run: O1Ag2EI7, 00:00 Basin Model: RWTF End of Run: o5Aug2007, 00:00 Meteorologc Model: T25 Compute Time: 171uin009, 18:30:13 Corol SpeoAl.;: SWM Volua~nets: OIN OAC-FT

-Computed Results-Pe ak Wow: 109.4 (CFS) Dateftime of PeakkWiow: 0t/lug , 12:06 Pe*OLkfow: 75.1 (CFS) Date/Tnie of PeakOutflow: GI2u0g , 12:15 TotuInlow: 11,74(IN) Peak Storage : 2.5 (AC-FT)

Total Oubfl  : 11.69 (I1) PeakEevation: 12. 0(FT)

ATTACHMENT C FPL SCA Appendix 10.8 SUBJECT HEC-HMS input and outout files for FPL Reclaimed Water Treatment Facility Storm SHEET NO 17 OF 18 REV. NO. 000 Grp fo Reeroi 'Pond-A I I ~A~W 03M 04ft~

I Grp fo Reevi me"War twwm ýWww Kam mr KM -jsýyr Kmr

! IodB 2,0 -IL2

.W2 J1.



-LI so.

CI a IkW I= cooD I


~ i I


ATTACHMENT C FPL SCA Agpendix 10.8 SUBJECT HEC-HMS input and output files for FPL Reclaimed Water Treatment Facility Storm Water Basin Desion SHEET NO 18 OF 1A REV. NO. 000 Project'Project 2 Simulaon Rum: 100-yr POST Resrvvo:Pond-A Statof Run: OlAug0007, 00:00 Basin Model: RWTF End of Run : 05Aug007, 00:00 Metmorl* Model: T100 Compute Thm : 17.uI2009, 18:30:17 Control 5pecificabo: 5WM Vo~mlk Uis: (0)IN O AC-FT computm SResults Pea it/low: 231.3(CFS) Date/s1moFPeakwlow: 01Aug2007, 12:05 kOutiow: 178,5 (CFS) DateThks of Peak Outflow : OlAugZOO7, 12:10 Tot Inflow: 18.13 (IN) PeakStoraos: 4.7 (AC-FT)

Tot Oulo : 17.94 (IN) Peak Elevation: 13.1 (Ft)

Project:Project2 Simulation Run: I0-yr POST Reservoh:Pond-B SRat of Run: 0tAuW007, 00:00 Basin Model : RWTF End of Run: 05Aug2007, 00:00 Metaoroko Model : Ti00 ConpLts Tms: 1732OO9, 18:30:17 Conbtl Specikations :.SWM Vowmnt.Ls: IN 0AC-FT Computed Results Peak Inflow : 166.1 (CF") DaTWim of Peak* Iow: OlAug2007,1I:05 Peak Outfl: 123.6 (CF5) Dots/Tim. of Peak Outflow: O1AugZ07, 12: 10 Totalnflow : 18.13(IN) Peak torage : 3.3 (AC-FT)

Total Outflow : 18.08 (IN) PeakElsevion: 12.9(FT)