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EA-06-253, IR 05000271-06-011; 09/06/06 - 10/06/06; Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station; Radioactive Material Processing and Transportation, Preliminary White Finding
Person / Time
Site: Vermont Yankee File:NorthStar Vermont Yankee icon.png
Issue date: 11/07/2006
From: Blough A
Division of Reactor Safety I
To: Ted Sullivan
Entergy Nuclear Operations
EA-06-253 IR-06-011
Download: ML063110067 (11)

See also: IR 05000271/2006011


November 7, 2006


Mr. Theodore A. Sullivan

Site Vice President

Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.

Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station

320 Governor Hunt Road

Vernon, VT 05354


NRC INSPECTION REPORT 05000271/2006011


Dear Mr. Sullivan:

On October 6, 2006, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) completed an inspection

at your Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station. The enclosed report documents the inspection

findings which were discussed on October 6, 2006, with members of your staff.

The inspection examined activities conducted under your license as they relate to safety and

compliance with the Commissions rules and regulations and with the conditions of your license.

The inspectors reviewed selected procedures and records, observed activities, and interviewed


This report discusses one finding that appears to have a low to moderate safety significance.

As described in Section 2PS2 of this report, the finding involves an August 31, 2006 radioactive

material shipment from your facility, via an exclusive-use open transport vehicle, that did not

conform to the applicable Department of Transportation (DOT) regulatory requirements when it

arrived at the shipping destination. Specifically, upon receipt, the external radiation exposure

rate on the surface of the affected package was determined to exceed DOTs regulatory

specification. The apparent cause was ineffective decontamination of the package contents,

and an insufficient radiological survey to assure that, under conditions normally incident to

transport, the package would conform with DOTs radiation level limits specified in 49 CFR


Preliminarily, we consider that this is a self-revealing finding having a low to moderate safety

significance because the external package dose rate was greater than two, but less than five

times the radiation level limitation specified in the DOT regulatory requirement. Though the

surface of the package was inaccessible to the public during transport, that aspect was

fortuitous and not the result of design or package preparation by the licensee. Additionally, the

condition had the potential to adversely affect personnel who would normally receive the

package or respond to an incident involving the package with the reasonable expectation that

the package conformed with DOT radiation limitations. Accordingly, the finding is considered

an apparent violation of NRC requirements specified by 10 CFR 71.5 and 49 CFR 173.441(a),

and is being considered for escalated enforcement action in accordance with the NRC


Enforcement Policy. The current policy is included on the NRCs website at - select What We Do, Enforcement, then Enforcement Policy.

We believe that we have sufficient information to make a final significance determination for this

matter. However, before the NRC makes a final decision on this matter, we are providing you

an opportunity to (1) present to the NRC your perspectives on the facts and assumptions, used

by the NRC to arrive at the finding and its significance at a Regulatory Conference, or (2)

submit your position on the finding to the NRC in writing. If you request a Regulatory

Conference, it should be held within 30 days of the receipt of this letter and we encourage you

to submit supporting documentation at least one week prior to the conference in an effort to

make the conference more efficient and effective. If a Regulatory Conference is held, it will be

open for public observation and a press release will be issued to announce it. If you decide to

provide a written response in lieu of the Regulatory Conference, the submission should be sent

to the NRC within 30 days of the receipt of this letter.

Please contact John R. White at 610-337-5114 within 10 business days of the date of this letter

to notify the NRC of your intentions. If we have not heard from you within 10 days, we will

continue with our significance determination and enforcement decision; and you will be advised

by separate correspondence of the results of our deliberations on this matter.

Since the NRC has not made a final determination in this matter, no Notice of Violation is being

issued for this inspection finding at this time. While this matter continues under NRC review,

the number and characterization of apparent violations described in the enclosed inspection

report may change.

In accordance with 10 CFR 2.390 of the NRC's "Rules of Practice," a copy of this letter and its

enclosures will be available electronically for public inspection in the NRC Public Document

Room or from the Publicly Available Records (PARS) component of the NRC's document

system (ADAMS). ADAMS is accessible from the NRC Web site at (the Public Electronic Reading Room).


/RA by M.Gamberoni acting for/

A. Randolph Blough, Director

Division of Reactor Safety

Docket No. 50-271

License No. DPR-28

Enclosure: Inspection Report No. 05000271/2006011

w/Attachment: Supplemental Information

Mr. Theodore A. Sullivan 3

cc w/encl:

M. R. Kansler, President, Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.

G. J. Taylor, Chief Executive Officer, Entergy Operations

J. T. Herron, Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer

C. Schwarz, Vice-President, Operations Support

O. Limpias, Vice President, Engineering

J. M. DeVincentis, Manager, Licensing, Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station

Operating Experience Coordinator, Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station

W. Maguire, General Manager, Plant Operations, Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.

N. Rademacher, Director NSA, Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station

J. F. McCann, Director, Licensing

C. D. Faison, Manager, Licensing

M. J. Colomb, Director of Oversight, Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.

T. C. McCullough, Assistant General Counsel, Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.

J. H. Sniezek, PWR SRC Consultant

M. D. Lyster, PWR SRC Consultant

S. Lousteau, Treasury Department, Entergy Services, Inc.

Administrator, Bureau of Radiological Health, State of New Hampshire

Chief, Safety Unit, Office of the Attorney General, Commonwealth of Mass.

J. E. Silberg, Pillsbury, Winthrop, Shaw, Pittman LLP

G. D. Bisbee, Esquire, Deputy Attorney General, Environmental Protection Bureau

J. Block, Esquire

J. P. Matteau, Executive Director, Windham Regional Commission

D. Katz, Citizens Awareness Network (CAN)

R. Shadis, New England Coalition Staff

G. Sachs, President/Staff Person, c/o Stopthesale

C. McCombs, Director, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, SLO Designee

State of New Hampshire, SLO Designee

State of Vermont, SLO Designee

Mr. Theodore A. Sullivan 4

Distribution w/encl:

L. Reyes, EDO RidsEdoMailCenter (E-mail to: Cathy Jaegers) S. Collins, RA

W. Kane, DEDR RidsEdoMailCenter (E-mail to: Cathy Jaegers) M. Dapas, DRA

SECY RidsSecyMailCenter D. Lew, DRP

CA RidsOcaMailCenter J. Clifford, DRP

J. Dyer, NRR RidsNrrOd R. Powell, DRP

M. Weber, NRR RidsNrrOd T. Walker, DRP

C. Carpenter, OE RidsOeMailCenter K. Farrar, RI

L. Chandler, OGC RidsOgcMailCenter D. Holody, EO, RI

B. Jones, OGC R. Summers, RI

E. Hayden, OPA RidsOpaMail C. ODaniell, RI

H. Bell, OIG RidsOigMailCenter D. Screnci, RI, PAO

J. Schlueter, STP RidsStpMailCenter N. Sheehan, RI, PAO

G. Caputo, OI RidsOiMailCenter D. Pelton, DRP, SRI

L. Tremper, OC A. Rancourt, DRP,OA

OEMAIL Lucia Lopez, OE

OEWEB Olive Samuel, OE

RidsNrrOd Mary Elwood, OGC

B. Boger, NRR B. Sosa, RI OEDO

C. Evans, RII D. Roberts, NRR

K. OBrian, RIII R. Laufer, NRR

G. Sanborn, RIV J. Shea, PM, NRR

R. Ennis, EPU PM, NRR J. Boska, NRR

R1DRP_Mail T. Tate, NRR (All IRs)

Region I Docket Room (with concurrences)


SUNSI Review Complete: JRW (Reviewers Initials)


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NAME JNoggle*/JRW for JWhite*/JRW RPowell*/RJP RSummers*/RJS ABlough/ARB

DATE 10/27/06 11/02/06 11/02/06 11/02/06 11/03/06

  • See Previous Concurrence Page



Docket No.: 50-271

Licensee No.: DPR-28

Report No.: 05000271/2006011

Licensee: Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.

Facility: Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station

Location: 320 Governor Hunt Road

Vernon, Vermont 05354-9766

Dates: September 6, 2006 through October 6, 2006

Inspectors: James D. Noggle, Senior Health Physicist, DRS

Approved by: John R. White, Chief

Plant Support Branch 2

Division of Reactor Safety



IR 05000271/2006011; 09/06/06 - 10/06/06; Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station;

Radioactive Material Processing and Transportation.

This report covered a one month period of inspection by a regional senior health physics

inspector. One potential White finding was identified. The significance of most findings is

indicated by their color (Green, White, Yellow, Red) using inspection Manual Chapter (IMC)

0609, Significance Determination Process (SDP). Findings for which the SDP does not apply

may be Green or be assigned a severity level after NRC management review. The NRC's

program for overseeing the safe operation of commercial nuclear power reactors is described in

NUREG-1649, "Reactor Oversight Process," Revision 3, dated July 2000.

A. NRC-Identified and Self-Revealing Findings

Cornerstone: Public Radiation Safety

  • Preliminary White: The inspector identified a self-revealing finding, involving a failure to

properly prepare and ship a package containing radioactive material in a manner that

assured, under conditions normally incident to transport, conformance with Department

of Transportation (DOT) radiation level limitations specified by 49 CFR 173.441(a), i.e.,

200 millirem per hour (mrem/h) on any external surface of the package. Accordingly,

the finding was also considered an apparent violation of the requirements of 10 CFR

71.5 and 49 CFR 173.441(a). The finding involved an August 31, 2006 radioactive

material shipment, via an exclusive-use open transport vehicle, that was determined to

have 820 mrem/h on the external surface of a package upon receipt at the shipping

destination. The licensee entered this performance deficiency in its corrective action

program; completed a root cause evaluation; and initiated corrective measures,

including various process improvements to prevent recurrence.

This finding is more than minor since it affected the Public Radiation Safety cornerstone,

and involved an occurrence in the licensees radioactive material transportation program

that was contrary to DOT regulations. Preliminarily, the significance of this finding is

considered as having low to moderate safety significance, since the radiation level was

greater than two times the limit (400 mrem/h), but less than five times the limit (1000

mrem/h) specified by the DOT regulatory requirement. Though the surface of the

package was inaccessible to the public during transport, that aspect was fortuitous and

not the result of design or package preparation by the licensee; and the condition had

the potential to adversely affect personnel who would normally receive the package or

respond to an incident involving the package, with a reasonable expectation that the

package conformed with DOT radiation limitations. This finding is documented within the

licensees corrective action system as CR-VTY-2006-02723. (Section 2PS2)

ii Enclosure



Cornerstone: Public Radiation Safety

2PS2 Radioactive Materials Processing and Shipping (7112202)

a. Inspection Scope

This inspection was focused at reviewing the circumstances surrounding an August 31,

2006, radioactive material shipment from Entergys Vermont Yankee nuclear power

plant (Windham County, Vermont) to Pennsylvania Power and Lights Susquehanna

nuclear power plant (Luzerne County, Pennsylvania). The radioactive material shipment

(three packages via an exclusive-use vehicle) was received at Susquehanna on

September 1, 2006. Upon receipt, one of the packages, which contained contaminated

equipment (i.e, an Advance Crusher/Shearer), was found to have radiation levels on the

external surface (underside) in excess of the Department of Transportations radiation

limit for external surface of packages shipped by exclusive use vehicles, as specified in

49 CFR 173.441(a). Specifically, 49 CFR 173.441(a) limits the radiation level on

package surfaces to 200 millirem per hour (200 mrem/h). When received at

Susquehanna, the radiation level on the surface of one of the packages was measured

as 820 mrem/h.

On September 6-7, 2006, the inspector witnessed the as-received condition of the

Vermont Yankee shipment on the refueling floor at Susquehanna. The inspector

observed the conduct of radiological surveys of the package conducted by Vermont

Yankee and Susquehanna radiation protection personnel, and the radiological controls

implemented to open and examine the package contents (i.e., Advanced

Crusher/Shearer equipment). The inspector observed the efforts by the Susquehanna

and Vermont Yankee personnel to identify the source of the excessive radiation levels

on the package. In addition, the inspector reviewed shipping documentation, including

all receipt surveys conducted by Susquehanna personnel.

On October 2-6, 2006, the inspector examined the radioactive material shipping process

at the Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant, including review of Vermont Yankees

corrective action documentation and associated root cause analysis. The inspector also

observed the conduct of Vermont Yankees corrective action review board meeting that

was convened to review and approve the root cause analysis. In addition, the inspector

reviewed the conduct of activities associated with a radioactive material shipment in

order to ascertain the effectiveness of the licensees corrective actions that were

instituted in response to this occurrence.



The above inspection activities were conducted to verify that the licensees radioactive

material processing and transportation programs complied with the requirements of

10 CFR 20, 61, and 71; and Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations 49 CFR


b. Findings


The inspector identified a self-revealing finding involving Entergys (Vermont Yankee)

failure to properly prepare and ship a package containing radioactive material in a

manner that assured, under conditions normally incident to transport, conformance with

Department of Transportation (DOT) radiation level limitations specified by 49 CFR

173.441(a), i.e., 200 millirem per hour (mrem/h) on any external surface of the package.

When shipped from Vermont Yankee on August 31, 2006, the licensees radiological

surveys indicated that the package conformed with the DOT regulatory requirements.

However, when the shipment arrived at Susquehanna on September 1, 2006, the

maximum radiation dose rate on the external surface of the package was measured as

820 mrem/h.


On August 31, 2006, a Low Specific Activity (LSA) shipment of a control rod drive

processing device, i.e., Advanced Crusher/Shearer, was packaged and shipped from

Entergys Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant (Windham County, Vermont) to

Pennsylvania Power and Lights Susquehanna nuclear power plant (Luzerne County,

Pennsylvania). Vermont Yankees final shipment surveys indicated the maximum dose

rate on any package surface to be 60 mrem/h. However, upon receipt at Susquehanna,

the package containing the Advanced Crusher/Shearer unit was surveyed and found to

have a radiation level on the underside (bottom) external surface of 820 mrem/h at


On September 6-7, 2006, under controlled conditions at Susquehanna, qualified

personnel opened the package containing the Advanced Crusher/Shearer unit to

determine the source of the high radiation level. The equipment was found to be

properly braced and secured, as required. Upon close examination, several small highly

radioactive pieces of debris were identified, including a small metal sliver (<1").

Additionally, several discrete radioactive particles were detected, though not visible.

Surveys indicated that the metal sliver exhibited a radiation level of about 800 mrem/h;

and the discrete radioactive particles exhibited radiation levels that ranged from 400 -

1400 mrem/h. The debris was found in a location in the package that coincided with the

external surface that indicated the 820 mrem/h radiation level. After removal of this

radioactive material, the external surface (bottom) of the package was re-surveyed by

the Susquehanna radiation protection technicians. A dose rate of about 60 mrem/h was

measured at the location, which confirmed that the loose debris was the likely cause of

the 820 mrem/h dose rate.



The detection of the highly radioactive debris indicated that Entergys efforts to

decontaminate the Advanced Crusher/Shearer unit prior to shipment were not

completely successful; and that radiological surveys, conducted to assure conformance

with the DOT regulatory requirements, were not sufficient for detecting highly radioactive

small particles that potentially could be redistributed within the package under conditions

normally incident to transport.

The inspector determined that in the configuration used to transport the package, the

bottom external surface of the package was not accessible to any member of the public.

However, it was noted that though redistribution of the material likely occurred as a

result of conditions normally incident to transport, it was fortuitous and not the result of

design or package preparation that the material was deposited in such manner that

effectively limited the potential for any public exposure. Further, it was determined that

the condition had the potential to adversely affect personnel who would normally receive

the package or respond to an incident involving the package with the reasonable

expectation that the package conformed with DOT radiation limitations.


This matter was considered a performance deficiency, in that the failure to adequately

decontaminate and survey the Advanced Crusher/Shearer equipment prior to shipment

was within Entergys ability to foresee, correct, and should have been prevented,

particularly, since the phenomena of redistribution of highly radioactive particles during

transport of contaminated equipment is not uncommon. However, the matter had no

actual safety consequence, or impact on the NRCs ability to perform its regulatory

function; and there were no willful aspects associated with this finding.

This finding was considered more than minor since it is associated with the Public

Radiation Safety cornerstone attributes of the program and process relative to DOT

package radiation limits; and affected the cornerstone objective to ensure adequate

protection of the public from exposure to radioactive materials released into the public

domain. Application of Manual Chapter 0609, Appendix D, the Public Radiation Safety

Significance Determination Process is appropriate since the finding involved an

occurrence in the licensees radioactive material transportation program that was

contrary to DOT regulations, i.e., 49 CFR 173.441(a). This finding was documented

within the licensees corrective action system as CR-VTY-2006-02723.

Preliminarily, the significance of this finding is considered as having low to moderate

safety significance (White), since the radiation level determined on the external package

surface was greater than two times the limit (400 mrem/h), but less than five times the

limit (1000 mrem/h) specified by the DOT regulatory requirement. This determination is

also reinforced by the determination that, though the potential for public exposure was

limited during transportation, the condition had the potential to adversely affect personnel

who would normally receive the package or respond to an incident involving the package

with the reasonable expectation that the package conformed with DOT radiation





Title 10 CFR 71.5, Transportation of licensed material, requires licensees to comply

with the DOT regulations in 49 CFR parts 170 through 189 relative to the transportation

of licensed material. Title 49 CFR 173.441(a) requires that each package of radioactive

material offered for transportation must be designed and prepared for shipment, so that

under conditions normally incident to transportation, the radiation level does not exceed 2

mSv/h (200 mrem/h) at any point on the external surface of the package, and the

transport index does not exceed 10. Contrary to this requirement, on August 31, 2006,

Entergy (Vermont Yankee) shipped a package containing radioactive material that was

not sufficiently designed or prepared to assure that, under conditions normally incident to

transportation, the radiation level on the external surface of the package would not

exceed 200 mrem/h. When received at the shipping destination on September 1, 2006,

the external surface of the package exhibited a radiation level of 820 mrem/h,

Following identification of this apparent violation, Entergy documented the condition and

completed a root cause review (CR-VTY-2006-02723); and instituted corrective

measures, including the suspension of radioactive material shipments that were

susceptible to discrete radioactive particle contamination until corrective actions could be

implemented. Subsequently, Entergy initiated various corrective actions including

measures to effect more extensive decontamination and survey of equipment prior to

shipment, application of plastic wrapping to contain and fix any remaining loose

radioactive material; application of shielding to susceptible portions of shipping

packages, and use of exclusive-use, closed transport vehicles. Pending determination of

a final safety significance, this finding is identified as an apparent violation, (AV)05000271/2006011-01, Radioactive Material Shipment Package Dose Rate Exceeded.

4OA6 Exit Meeting Summary

On October 6, 2006, the inspector presented the inspection results to

Messrs. Bill Maguire and John Dreyfuss and members of the VY staff. The

inspector asked whether any materials examined during the inspection should

be considered proprietary. No proprietary information was identified.





Entergy Personnel

Duane Holmquist, Radwaste Radiation Protection technician

Mark VanDale, Radwaste Radiation Protection Supervisor

Kevin Pushee, Radiation Protection Manager



05000271/2006011-01 AV Radioactive Material Shipment Package Dose Rate

Exceeded (Section 2PS2)


Condition Report CR-VTY-2006-02723 and associated Root Cause Analysis Report

EN-RW-102, Radioactive Shipping Procedure

FP-OP-012, Operation of the Advanced Crusher Shearer Procedure


DOT Department of Transportation

LSA Low specific activity

SDP Significance determination process
