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Final Administered In-Plant Jpms for the D.C. Cook Initial Examination - February 2006
Person / Time
Site: Cook  American Electric Power icon.png
Issue date: 02/06/2006
From: Bailey R
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML060880333 (24)


NRC2006-INP01 TITLE Locally Control the Blender to CHG Pump Suction REVISION 0 (QRV-400)

PROGRAM Initial Licensed Operator (ILT) TIME 10 Minutes SCOPE OF REVISION:

Bank JPM AE-O-E234 DATE:

AUTHOR Name: Max Bailey Signature:


REVIEWER Signature:

Facility Supervisor / Manager Page 1 of 7

COURSE NRC2006-INP01 NUMBER AND REVISION: 0 Locally Control the Blender to CHG Pump Suction(QRV-400)


REFERENCES 01-OHP 4025.R-12-18 Rev.4 Local Control of Air Operated Isolation Valves TASK LISTING Task ID: APR0030604 Locally control air operated isolation valves.

KA IMPORTANCE: APE 068 AA1.22 Ability to operate and/or monitor the flow control valve for RCS charging header as it applies to Control Room Evacuation.

KA VALUE: RO 4.0 SRO 4.3 EVALUATION SETTING In Plant HANDOUTS Copy of 01-OHP 4025.R-12-18 ATTACHMENTS None SIMULATOR SETUP Not Applicable Page 2 of 7

COURSE NRC2006-INP01 NUMBER AND REVISION: 0 Locally Control the Blender to CHG Pump Suction(QRV-400)


TASK OBJECTIVES/STANDARDS Terminal Objective: When directed, establish local control of QRV-400, Blender to CHG Pumps Suction, in accordance with approved procedure and demonstrate proper operation of the valve.

TASK BRIEFING The Shift Manager has implemented Emergency Remote Shutdown procedure 01-OHP-4025-001-001. Unit 1 is in mode 3 with Control Air available.

You are an Extra Operator.

The SM directs you to establish local control capability for 1-QRV-400, Blender to CHG Pump Suction, then OPEN the valve in accordance with 01-OHP-4025 Section R-12-18, Local Control of Air Operated Isolation Valves.

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COURSE NUMBER NRC2006-INP01 AND TITLE: REVISION: 0 Locally Control the Blender to CHG Pump Suction(QRV-400)

General Standards:

1. Ensure correct Local Control Station located.
2. STAR performance should be observed.

Critical Tasks indicated by CT.

NOTE: Valve full travel should be acknowledged by stating resistance is felt in that direction.

Operator proceeds to Auxiliary Building Elevator 609 Page 4 of 7

COURSE NUMBER NRC2006-INP01 AND TITLE: REVISION: 0 Locally Control the Blender to CHG Pump Suction(QRV-400)

General Feedback:

Valve full travel should be acknowledged by stating resistance is felt in that direction NOTE: The tag QRV-400, Blender to CHG Pump Suction, on the EPT end of the flex hose is compared to the emergency connection tag "Emergency Control Air Supply Connection for QRV-400, Blender to CHG Pump Suction.

Operator verifies valve number on flex hose matches emergency connections.

CT: Operator simulates connecting hose. [Per Figure 1]

CUE: Hose is connected.

CT: Operator simulates opening air supply valve.

CUE: Valve rotates counterclockwise; valve travel stops.

Operator reports 1-QRV-400 is OPEN.

CUE: US acknowledges 1-QRV-400 is OPEN; US directs you to close 1-QRV-400, Blender to CHG Pump Suction.

Operator simulates closing air supply valve.

CUE: Valve rotates clockwise; valve travel stops.

CT: Operator simulates removing hose from connector.

CUE: A brief hiss of air can be heard; hose is disconnected.

Operator reports 1-QRV-400 is CLOSED.


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COURSE NUMBER NRC2006-INP01 AND TITLE: REVISION: 0 Locally Control the Blender to CHG Pump Suction(QRV-400)

NOTE: Evaluator reference Figure 1 during hose connection.

Air Hose connected here.

Air Hose disconnected here.

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Task Briefing The Shift Manager has implemented Emergency Remote Shutdown procedure 01-OHP-4025-001-001. Unit 1 is in mode 3 with Control Air available.

You are an Extra Operator.

The SM directs you to establish local control capability for 1-QRV-400, Blender to CHG Pump Suction, then OPEN the valve in accordance with 01-OHP-4025 Section R-12-18, Local Control of Air Operated Isolation Valves.

NRC2006-INP01.doc Page 7 of 7

NRC2006 INP02 TITLE Local Operation of U-1 SG PORVs (MRV-213 REVISION: 0 and 243)

PROGRAM Initial Licensed Operator (ILT) TIME: 16 Minutes SCOPE OF Updated BankJPM: AE-O-E232 REVISION:


AUTHOR Name: Max Bailey Signature:


REVIEWER Signature:

Facility Supervisor / Manager Page 1 of 9

COURSE NUMBER NRC2006-INP02 AND TITLE: REVISION: 0 Local Operation of U-1 SG PORVs (MRV-213 and 243)

REFERENCES 01-OHP 4025.LS-4, Rev. 2 Steam Generator 1/4 Level Control TASK LISTING Task ID: APR0030604 Locally control air operated isolation valves.

EOP0360501 Depressurize Steam Generators Following a Loss of All AC, KA IMPORTANCE; APE 068 AA1.01 Ability to operate and/or monitor the flow control valve for SG atmospheric relief valve as it applies to Control Room Evacuation.

KA VALVUE: RO 4.3 SRO 4.5 EVALUATION SETTING In Plant HANDOUTS Task Briefing Copy of 01-OHP 4025.LS-4-3 ATTACHMENTS None SIMULATOR SETUP Not Applicable Page 2 of 9

COURSE NUMBER NRC2006-INP02 AND TITLE: REVISION: 0 Local Operation of U-1 SG PORVs (MRV-213 and 243)

TASK OBJECTIVES/STANDARDS Terminal Objective: When directed, establish local control of Steam Generator PORVs in accordance with approved procedure and demonstrate proper operation of the valves.

TASK BRIEFING You are the Extra Operator A loss of All AC power has occurred on Unit One. The control room has implemented ECA-0.0 actions and is at the point in the procedure requiring depressurization of the intact S/Gs to 200 psig.

The US directs you to go to the Steam Generator PORVs #11 and #14 local control stations and align the SG 1/4 PORVs for dumping steam using LS-4-3, SG 1/4 PORV Operation, of procedure 1-OHP-4025.LS-4, Section LS-3-3 has NOT been completed requiring an AEO and another operator to perform the outside alignment of the Nitrogen Bulk Storage Tank area in accordance with Steps 3 through 7 of LS-4-3.

Report when you have aligned the SG 1/4 control panel for local operation.

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COURSE NUMBER AND NRC2006-INP02 TITLE: REVISION: 0 Local Operation of U-1 SG PORVs (MRV-213 and 243)

General Standards Ensure correct components located STAR performance should be observed All steps simulated!

NOTE: Valve travel should be acknowledged by stating Valve moves clockwise / counterclockwise; valve movement stops.

Operator request update on completion of LS-3-3.

CUE: LS-3-3 is NOT complete.

Operator transitions to Step 3.

{NOTE: Steps 3 through 7 are performed OUTSIDE at the Bulk Nitrogen station. (Limited Access Area)}

CUE: An AEO and another operator are pre-staged at the Nitrogen Bulk Storage Tank area to complete the local actions CUE: Steps 3 Through 7 are complete.

Operator proceeds to local operating station at Step 8.

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COURSE NUMBER AND NRC2006-INP02 TITLE: REVISION: 0 Local Operation of U-1 SG PORVs (MRV-213 and 243)

CT: Operator simulates opening valve 1-N-304 CUE: Valve moves counterclockwise; valve stops moving CT: Operator simulates opening valve 1-N-363 CUE: Valve moves counterclockwise; valve stops moving Operator verifies N2 reading of 85 psig on regulator outlet pressure gage (1-GRV-354).

CUE: Nitrogen pressure indicates 85 psig. (RED Scale)

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COURSE NUMBER AND NRC2006-INP02 TITLE: REVISION: 0 Local Operation of U-1 SG PORVs (MRV-213 and 243)

[NOTE: These valves are in the overhead near the entrance for valve gallery. Access requires obtaining a ladder.]

CT: Operator simulates opening 1-N-308 & 1-N-307 valves CUE: Valve moves counterclockwise; valve stops moving Operator verifies output on 1-QR-78 & 1-QR-81 are < 0%

CUE: Meter Indication is 0% on 1-QR-78 & 1-QR-81.

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COURSE NUMBER AND NRC2006-INP02 TITLE: REVISION: 0 Local Operation of U-1 SG PORVs (MRV-213 and 243)

CT: Operator places control switches for 1-MRV-213 & 1-MRV-243 in LOCAL position Cue: The selected switch position indicates LOCAL for 1-MRV-213 & 1-MRV-243.

Operator reports No.1 / 4 SG PORVs are aligned for local operation.

CUE: US acknowledges standing by to commence RCS cooldown CUE: US directs you to open #11 and #14 SG PORVs to 25%, then report when done.

[NOTE: A copy of Figure LS-4-A is provided for recording data.]

Operator references Figure LS-4-A to record data.

CUE: (If asked) 1-NTR-240 reads as indicated.

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COURSE NUMBER AND NRC2006-INP02 TITLE: REVISION: 0 Local Operation of U-1 SG PORVs (MRV-213 and 243)

[NOTE: Loader valve operates in clockwise direction to open air valve to raise flow.]

CT: Operator simulates opening loader valve to raise the output to 25% (+ 5%) OPEN CUE: A loud flow noise coming from above you. Meter indication is rising. {Give indication of PORV position on local controller.}

Operator reports #11 and #14 SG PORVs are at 25% Open.

CUE: US acknowledges #11 & #14 SG PORVs are 25% OPEN.


NRC2006-INP02 Task Briefing You are the Extra Operator A loss of All AC power has occurred on Unit One. The control room has implemented ECA-0.0 actions and is at the point in the procedure requiring depressurization of the intact S/Gs to 200 psig.

The US directs you to go to the Steam Generator PORVs #11 and #14 local control stations and align the SG 1/4 PORVs for dumping steam using LS-4-3, SG 1/4 PORV Operation, of procedure 1-OHP-4025.LS-4, Section LS-3-3 has NOT been completed requiring an AEO and another operator to perform the outside alignment of the Nitrogen Bulk Storage Tank area in accordance with Steps 3 through 7 of LS-4-3.

Report when you have aligned the SG 1/4 control panel for local operation.

NRC2006-INP02.doc Page 9 of 9

NRC2006-INP03 TITLE Restore Unit 1 N Train Battery Charger (ALT) REVISION 0 PROGRAM Initial Licensed Operator (ILT) TIME 17 Minutes REVISION SCOPE:

New Issue DATE:

AUTHOR Name: Max Bailey Signature:


REVIEWER Signature:

Facility Supervisor / Manager Page 1 of 8

COURSE NUMBER NRC2006-INP03 AND TITLE: REVISION: 0 Reset an N Train Battery Charger (U1)

REFERENCES 01-OHP 4024.115 Drop 57, Rev 14 Trains A & B N Battery CHG De-energized 01-OHP 4021.082.015, Rev. 7 Operation of the N Train Battery Charger TASK LISTING Task ID: 0820080504: Reset the N-train Battery Charger 0820160104: Switch N-Train Battery Chargers 0000000000: Startup and Switch a Vital Battery Charger K/A CROSS


APE 058 AA1.01 Ability to operate and/or monitor the cross-tie of the affected DC bus with the alternate supply as it applies to the Loss of DC Power.


EVALUATION SETTING Auxiliary Building 633 HANDOUTS Task Briefing 01-OHP 4024.115 Drop 57, Trains A & B N Battery CHG De-energized 01-OHP 4021.082.015, Operation of the N Train Battery System ATTACHMENTS None SIMULATOR SETUP Not Applicable Page 2 of 8

COURSE NUMBER NRC2006-INP03 AND TITLE: REVISION: 0 Reset an N Train Battery Charger (U1)

Task Objectives/Standards Demonstrate the ability to place an N-Train Battery Charger in service following the loss of the N-Train battery on a SI and/or load shed condition.

Task Briefing Unit 1 is in Mode 3 following a reactor trip with a safety injection.

You are an Extra Operator.

The Unit Supervisor directs to locally restore the N-Train Battery Charger to service in accordance with annunciator panel 115 drop 57, Step 3.2.

You are to review the subsequent actions of this annunciator response procedure and restore a N-Train battery charger to service.

The Train A Charger is currently aligned for service on the Unit 1 N Train Battery system.

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Reset an N Train Battery Charger (U1)

NOTE: Operator understands that the N-Train battery charger must be manually reset following an SI and load shed on bus T-11B or T-11D.

CUE: (If Asked) [At Train A Control Box] White light is LIT and the Green / Red lights are NOT lit.

CT: Operator (simulates) resets the in-service battery charger by placing the control switch to OFF and then back to the AUTO position.

CUE: (If Asked) No change in light indication.

Operator reports the completion of Step 3.2 to control room.

CUE: The control room reports that annunciator panel 115 drop 57 alarm has NOT cleared.

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Reset an N Train Battery Charger (U1)

[NOTE: Operator must open Breaker Cabinet to access the thermal overload reset. Provide a copy of Breaker Cabinet during attempt to reset thermal overload.]

CUE: (If Asked) Breaker switch in the TRIPPED position.

Operator simulates putting on proper PPC, opens breaker 1-AM-D-4A cabinet door, then attempts to reset thermal overload.

[NOTE: May inform control room thermal overload is reset.]

CUE: Control room informs you the alarm will NOT reset.

Operator may simulate re-closing the breaker.

CUE: Breaker fails to the TRIPPED position.

Operator may inform control room of breaker failure.

CUE: Control room acknowledges breaker failure and directs you to place Train B charger in service.

Operator enters 01-OHP-4021-082-015 to restore Train B N Train Battery Charger in service

[NOTE: Provide a copy of 01-OHP-4021-082-015 upon recognition that the procedure will be entered.]

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Reset an N Train Battery Charger (U1)

Evaluator Note: Operator should recognize the need to place the Train B charger in service.

CUE: (IF Asked) US directs you to place Train B charger in service.

CUE (per Prerequisites:) MCC 1-AM-D & 1-ABD-B are energized; one battery exhaust fan is operating.

CUE: (If asked) The Train B charger was in service yesterday with operating parameters within normal limits.

Operator verifies the 1-BC-B-CB-1 is OFF (not closed).

CUE: When checked, The GREEN light on the standby battery charger control box is LIT.

{NOTE: This Step is N/A. Breaker is located in 2AB EDG room - Turb Bldg. If Required, CUE: Breaker 1-ABD-B-2A is closed.}

CUE: There was no Loss of Offsite Power CT: Operator (simulates) closes 1-DCN CKT 4 breaker CUE: Breaker is in the ON (UP) position.

CT: Operator (simulates) closes 1-BC-B-CB2 breaker.

CUE: Breaker is in the ON (UP) position.

CT: Operator (simulates) closes 1-BC-B-CB1 breaker.

CUE: Breaker is in the ON (UP) position.

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Reset an N Train Battery Charger (U1)

CT: Operator (simulates) places 1-BC-B control switch in AUTO.

CUE: Control switch is in the AUTO position - GREEN light ON and RED light OFF.

CT: Operator (simulates) places 1-BC-A control switch in OFF.

CUE: Control switch is in the OFF position CUE: The GREEN lamp is LIT on the Train A charger control box.

CUE: The RED lamp is LIT on the Train B charger control box.


Task Briefing Unit 1 is in Mode 3 following a reactor trip with a safety injection.

You are an Extra Operator.

The Unit Supervisor directs to locally restore the N-Train Battery Charger to service in accordance with annunciator panel 115 drop 57, Step 3.2.

You are to review the subsequent actions of this annunciator response procedure and restore a N-Train battery charger to service.

The Train A Charger is currently aligned for service on the Unit 1 N Train Battery system.

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