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E-mail Ennis, NRR, to Daflucas, Entergy Nuclear Northeast, VY EPU RAIs
Person / Time
Site: Vermont Yankee File:NorthStar Vermont Yankee icon.png
Issue date: 07/12/2005
From: Richard Ennis
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Daflucas R
Entergy Nuclear Northeast
Download: ML051990234 (4)


I Rick Ennis - Three new EMEB RAls Page 1l IRcEnns-TrenwEERAsPg1 From: Rick Ennis To: Ronda Daflucas Date: 7/12/05 1:27PM


Three new EMEB RAls Ronda, Attached are three new draft RAls from Pat Sekerak in EMEB. These questions are items that he determined EMEB needed clarification or additional information on to complete the non-steam dryer portions of their review. Please let me know if you want to set up a conference call.

thanks, Rick CC: Brian Hobbs; Brooke Poole; Cheng-lh Wu; Craig Nichols; Darrell Roberts; Gene Imbro; Jim DeVincentis; Kamal Manoly; Len Gucwa; Rebecca Karas; S. Patrick Sekerak; Thomas Scarbrough

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Three new EMEB RAIs Creation Date: 7/12/05 1:27PM From: Rick Ennis Created By: Recipients Action Date & Time owf2po.OWFNDO Delivered 07/12/05 01:27PM TGS CC (Thomas Scarbrough) owf4_po.OWFNDO Delivered 07/12/05 01:27PM DJR CC (Darrell Roberts) bhobbs CC (Brian Hobbs) cnichol CC (Craig Nichols) jdevinc CC (Jim DeVincentis)

LGUCW90 CC (Len Gucwa) rdafluc (Ronda Daflucas) OWGWPOO2.HQGWDO01 Delivered 07/12/05 01:27PM EXI CC (Gene Imbro) owf2_o.OWFNDO Delivered 07/12/05 01:27PM CIWI CC (Cheng-Ih Wu)

KAM CC (Kamal Manoly) owf4po.OWFNDO Delivered 07/12/05 01:27PM PXSI CC (S. Patrick Sekerak)

RLK CC (Rebecca Karas) owf5_o.OWFN DO Delivered 07/12/05 01:27PM BDP CC (Brooke Poole)

Post Office Delivered Route owf2po.OWFNDO 07/12/05 01:27PM owf4po.OWFNDO 07/12/05 01:27PM Pending OWGWPOO2.HQGWDOO0I 07/12/05 01:27PM

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147. On page 3-4 of Attachment 4 to the application dated September 10, 2003, ASME Code Section Xl, Subsection IWB-3641 is cited as the code requirements governing the stress analysis of the modification of the Core Spray nozzle and safe end. Please discuss the applicability of IWB-3641, which provides procedures for piping flaw evaluation, in lieu of the original Code of construction for analysis of modifications made to this component.

148. On page 3-20 of Attachment 4 to the application dated September 10, 2003, the section addressing pipe stresses states: "For those systems that do not require a detailed analysis, pipe routing and flexibility was evaluated and determined to be acceptable."

a) Discuss the method used for evaluating flexibility of piping.

b) What acceptance criteria are applicable to the flexibility evaluation?

c) Which piping systems were evaluated with this approach?

149. On page 3-35, Table 3-3, of Attachment 4 to the application dated September 10, 2003, the primary plus secondary stress level reported for the feedwater nozzle and safe end under CPPU conditions is extremely close to the allowable ASME Code limit. Please discuss the general analytical approach used to calculate this stress. Also, explain the primary reasons for the 21 % increase in stress over the CLTP stress reported, and why the feedwater nozzle CPPU stress and usage factor increases are so much larger than the increases for the other components listed in Table 3-3.