ML043420110 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Yankee Rowe |
Issue date: | 05/07/2004 |
From: | Herzfelder E State of MA |
To: | NRC/FSME |
References | |
13247, JR0521-95, NYR 2004-024 | |
Download: ML043420110 (4) | |
nl'g72nind int-n raY '017 e3 44ni rLADLU~ co((s_1B flopq ti UFFICE EHV AFFAIRS Q0002/00S NYR .2Q0oqo2 100 ee 9900
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MITT ROMNEY *TdL (617) 626-1000 Fax. (617) 825-1181 KERRY HEALEY ttpI/irnas.gotev ULMUTOrAK1OVERNO4 ELLEN ROY HERMELDER May7, 2004 CERTIICATE OF THE SrECRETARY OF ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS ON THE EXPANDED ENVIRONMENTAL NOTICATON FORM PROJECTNAME : Yankee Nuclear Power Station Site Closure Pzoject PROJECT MUNXCIPALITY : Rowe PROJECT WATERSHED :Deerfield River EOEA NUMBER :13247 PROJECT PROPONENT : Yankee Atomic Electric Company DATE NOTICED IN MONITOR. : April 4,.2004 Pursuant to the Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act (G. L. c. 30. ss. 61-62) and Section 11.06 of zhe MEPA regulations (301 CMR 11.00), I hereby determine that this project does not require the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR).
As described in the Expanded Environmental Notification Form (EENF), the Yankee Nuclear Power Station Site Closure Project in Rowe plans to perform several activities that have potential impacts to wetlands. These four activities and associated impacts include: the removal of PCB-impacted sediments, which is planned near the East and West Storm Drain Outfalls; the decommissioning of the circulating water intake structure and pipe; the decommissioning of the circulating water discharge structure; and the removal of Southeast Construction Fill Area (SCFA), an on-sitc construction and demolition debris landfill, and to re-use the native soils for fill on or off the site.
The project is undergoing review pursuant to Section 11.03 (3)(b)(1)(b) and 11.03 (3)(b)(1Xd) of the MEPA regulations, because the project involves the alteration of 500 or more linear feet of bank along a fish run or inland bank and alteration of more than 5,000 square feet of Bordeiing Vegetated Wetlands and requires state permits. The project will require several permits and filings with the Department ofEnvironmental Protection (DEP), including a Chapter 91 License and a 401 Water Quality Certificate, a MCP filifg-Phase IV for Waste Site Cleanup, a Corrective MAY-o-2004 11:06 617 626 1181 97%
05/07/2004 10:05 FAX 617 626 1181 EXEC OFFICE ENV AFFAIRS @003/005 EOEA#13247 EENF Certificate 05/07/04 Action Design Permit and a Beneficial Use Determinaton under the Solid Waste Program, and an Order of Conditions from the Rowe Conservation Commission.
The proponent is not seeking financial assistance from the Commonwealth for the project. MEPAjurisdiction thercfore eeands to aspects of the project that are within the subject matter of required state permits and that have the potential to cause significant Damage to the Environment. In this case, MPEA jurisdiction exists over wetland, solid waste, hazardous waste, and endangered species issues.
The Yankee Nuclear Power Station site is located at 49 Yankee Road in the northwestern Massachusetts adjacent to the Vermont state border. Thesite consist of approximately 1,800-acre property owned by Yankee Atomic Eectric Company (YAEC) and portions of an adjacent properry to the west owned by USGen New England (USGen NE). The site abuts the eastern shore of the Deerfield River and Sherman Reservoir, adjacent to Sherman Dar. The plant was constructed between 1958 and 1960 and did not change significantly between 1960 and 1992, when the plant was shutdown. In 2001, Yankee constucted an Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation adjacent to the plant that utilizes a dual-purpose (storage and transport) canister system for storage of spent nuclear fuel.
The Site Closure Project will result in the temporary impact to approximately 6,000
,square feet of Bordering Vegetated Wetlands (BVW), 20,000 square feet of impacts to Land under Water (LUW), 50,000 square feet of impacts to Bordering Land Subjct to Flooding, 1,600 linear feet of Bank area, and 200,000 square feet of temporary impact to Riverfront Area.
Although the project will affect wetland resources, I will defer the development of appropriate mitigation to the pearitting process. The propo=t should continuc to consult with DEP and with the local Conservation Commission during the permitting process to ensure planning formaximum easiible mitigation for wetland impacts. The proponent should plan and construct any BVW replacement area in accordance with the "Massachusetts bnland Weland Replication Guidelines" (DEP March 2002). After consultation with DEP, I note that it may be possible that the wildlife habitat restoration required could largely be accomplished in-situ.
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!ranceStandar s1i&CM I00(531 1 encourage the proponent to strive to replace altered indigenous substrates within the Bank and LUW as closely as possible, and enhance any areas composed of non-indigenous substrates. The proponent should also continue discAsions with DEP regarding the Riverfront Area of the Deerfield River/Sherman Reservoir and Wheeler Brook. Ct In order to remediate the PCB release at the Yankee Nuclear Power Station under the MCP filings-Phase IV for Waste Site Cleanup, the proponent should continue to attempt to meet 2
M-W7-204- 1 1: 07 617 626 1161 97%gP P. 0
10:05 FAX 817 626 1181 1'05/07/2004 EXEC OFFICE ENV AFFAIRS D004/oo5 EOEA#13247 EENF Certificate 05A07/D4 the Phase TV Remedy Implementation plan deadline outlined in DEP comment leter to MEpA.
Based on information from the Massacbusetts Natural Heritage & Endangered Specis.
Program (NHESP) this site is near or within actual habitats of the Bad Eagle, vhich is listed ts
'Endangered", and the Bristly Black Currant and Spring Salamander, vihich arc both listed as .
species of "Special Concem'. After consultation with the NHESP and review of the EENF, I am concerned about potential adverse efects of this project on Spring Salamander habitat and potentialimpcts onthe BristlyBlack Currntt
,ts: ffii+ :ina'Qie.Xtbimlte4npalon ; :
cuded in the EENE on the a eosIcluSudcinth another esiofoxSpm ial ConceoYogDcad p projct #reas shulIubottt to winelgdiptopropsed
'yr, acua wodc esift'ie li-imd et sof thierestrion of aLl disturbeid areas. .
The proponent has included in the EENF preliminary nfosrnation of an archaeological reconnaissance survey evaluating a 2,00-acre survey area It should be noted that the Ya..
Rowe Nuclear Power Station site area is adj to the Sherman Development Hydroelectric Power Facility, which was determined by the Federal Energegulatory Commission and the Massachusetts Historical Commission (MHC) to meet the criteria of eligibility for lsting in the National Register of Historic plaMes e preliminary information in the EENF indicate.
fourteen historical archaeological sites and specific areas of the property wert identified as w tchaeologically sensitive. ari fc i a i : to be prflge wi~ he mologlcally sensitive aras informadon should be submitted to the MHC in tih ilyph ngsgesi.~
~cpurage fthe proponent to consult MHCabout fiturc plans for the eaensive md; holingxs of this site iat_ cold affia inii n historic and archaeological resources. While the= = zio defniti plansfor the appromately 1,800-acre property owned by Yankee Atomic Electric Company (YAEC) after the site closure is complted, bc rp o e nt tojg; consult ydth the Ex-u Ofanice of oa l Afis and Its land holding ncshe tco t, and locallind tnrsts ngading potential conseivation opporunites and any.
The review ofthe ENF has served to adequately disclose the potential impacts and mitigation associated with this project. Based on a review of the EF, the comment letters, and consultation with the relevant public agencies, I find that the impacts of the project do not warnant further MEPA review. The proponent can resolve any remaining issues during the permiuzgprocess.
Date EllenRDy Herzfq crf 3
MY-7-20a4 11:07 617 626 1181 P.04
617 626 111 -EXC F.FICE ENV A0FAIRS E005/005
. 05/07/2004 10:05 FAX OEF Corfic= 05/S7/04 EOEA#13247 Comentsreceived:
04/23104 Massaciusew istmrical Commission 04/6/04 D]Cpa=ent of Envilometa Protectiou, WERO MOM2904 Division of Fshies and Wldlidf 05/04/04 Rcspose to Comment from Ynkee Atomic Electric Conmqy BADIACCacc 4
7Y--M294 11:07 617 626 1181