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List of Threatened or Endangered Species for the North Anna ESP Site and the Alternate Surry Site
Person / Time
Site: Surry, North Anna, 05200008  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 10/25/2004
From: Mayne K
US Dept of Interior, Fish & Wildlife Service
Office of New Reactors
Download: ML043090290 (20)


United States Department of the Interior O FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Ecological Services 6669 Short Lane Gloucester, VA 23061 Date: C4ofe- 2g5 2.OO4 Project name: WPC's NOc4 Ah"e c4 uSunny Pouer Sfy+o-s Projectnumber: 9OL64 City/County, VA Sorry, Lou.1sa, HOa ver'. CirclLe.

Seo4 -syl va VI't The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) has reviewed your request for information on federally listed or proposed endangered or threatened species and designated critical habitat for the above referenced project. The following comments are provided under provisions of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) of 1973 (87 Stat. 884, as amended; 16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.).

We believe that the proposed action will not adversely affect federally listed species or federally designated critical habitat because no federally listed species are known to occur in the project area. Should project plans change or if additional information on listed and proposed species becomes available, this determination may be reconsidered.

We recommend that you contact both of the following State agencies for site specific information on listed species in Virginia. Each agency maintains a different database and has differing expertise and/or regulatory responsibility:

Virginia Dept. of Game & Inland Fisheries Virginia Dept. of Conservation and Recreation Environmental Services Section Division of Natural Heritage P.O. Box 11104 217 Governor Street, 2nd Floor Richmond, VA 23230 Richmond, VA 23219 (804) 367-1000 (804) 786-7951 If either agency indicates a federally listed species is present, please resubmit your project description with letters from both agencies attached.

-*If appropriate habitat may be present, we recommend surveys within appropriate habitat by a qualified surveyor. Enclosed are county lists with fact sheets that contain information the species' habitat requirements and lists of qualified surveyors. If this project involves a Federal agency (Federal permit, funding, or land), we encourage the Federal agency to contact this office if appropriate habitat is present and if they determine their proposed action is likely to affect federally listed species or critical habitat.

Enclosed is information about communication towers and measures to minimize and avoid impacts to migratory birds, including a list of types of work that do not require further coordination with the Service.

Determinations of the presence of waters of the United States, including wetlands, and the need for permits are made by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. They may be contacted at:

Regulatory Branch, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Norfolk District, 803 Front Street, Norfolk, Virginia 23510, telephone (757) 441-7652.

Our website contains many resources that may assist with project reviews. Point of contact is Erec. Lavfs at (804) 693-6694, ext. JOY.

Sincerely, en L. Mayne Supervisor Virginia Field Office c.c cBuo (D, 5u4{ l )

KEY LE - federally listed endangered.

LT - federally listed threatened.

PE - federally proposed endangered.

PT - federally proposed threatened.

EX - believed to be extirpated in Virginia.

LE(S/A) - federally listed endangered due to similarity of appearance to a federally listed species.

LT(S/A) - federally listed threatened due to similarity of appearance to a federally listed species.

C - candidate species; the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has enough information to list the species as threatened or endangered, but this action is precluded by other listing activities.

SOC - species of concern; those species that have been identified as potentially imperiled or vulnerable throughout their range or a portion of their range. These species are not protected under the Endangered Species Act.

G - global rank; the species rarity throughout its total range.

GI - extremely rare and critically imperiled with 5 or fewer occurrences or very few remaining individuals; or because of some factor(s) making it especially vulnerable to extinction.

G2 - very rare and imperiled with 6 to 20 occurrences or few remaining individuals; or because of some factor(s) making it vulnerable to extinction.

'G3 - either very rare and local throughout its range or found locally (abundantly at some of its locations) in a restricted range; or.vulnerable to extinction because of other factors. Usually fewer than 100 occurrences are documented.

G_T_ - signifies the rank of a subspecies or variety. For example, a G3Tl would apply to a subspecies of a species that is very rare and local throughout its range or found locally in a restricted range (G3) but the subspecies warrants a rank of TI, critically imperiled.

GQ - The taxon has a questionable taxonomic assignment.

w 9URRY COUNTY, VIRGINIA Federally Listed, Proposed, and Candidate Species SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME STATUS BIRDS Haliaeetus leucocephalus' Bald eagle LT PLANTS Aeschynomene virginica Sensitive joint-vetch LT Species of Concern (No official Federal status)

INVERTEBRATES Speyeria diana Diana fritillary G3 Stygobromus araeus Tidewater interstitial amphipoG2 VASCULAR PLANTS Carex decomposita Epiphytic sdege G3 Chamaecrista fasciculata var. macrosperma Marsh senna G5T2 Desmodium ochroleucum Crearnflower tick-trefoil G2G3 Rudbeckia heliopsidis 2 Sun-facing coneflower G2 Trillium pusillum var. virginianum Virginia least trillium G3T2

'Nesting occurs in this county; concentrated shoreline use has been documented on the James River.

2Surveys needed within 5-miles of Prince George County species location.

March 22, 1999 Prepared by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Virginia Field Office

A I LOUISA COUNTY, VIRGINIA Federally Listed, Proposed, and Candidate Species SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME STATUS INVERTEBRATES Alasmidonta heterodon Dwarf wedgemussel LE Species of Concern (No official Federal status)

INVERTEBRATES Elliptio lanceolata Yellow lance G3 Lasmigona subviridis Green floater G3 February 8, 2001 Prepared by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Virginia Field Office

HANOVER COUNTY, VIRGINIA Federally Listed, Proposed, and Candidate Species SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME STATUS BIRDS Haliaeetus leucocephalus Bald eagle LT INVERTEBRATES Alasmidonta heterodon Dwarf wedgemussel LE VASCULAR PLANTS Aeschynomene virginica' Sensitive joint-vetch LT Helonias bullata 2 Swamp pink LT Isotria medeoloides 2 Small whorled pogonia LT Species of Concern (No official Federal status)

INVERTEBRATES Elliptio lanceolata Yellow lance G3

Lasmigona subviridis Green floater G3 Sigara depressa Virginia Piedmont water boatmen G1G3 VASCULAR PLANTS Chamaecrista fasciculata var. macrospermal Marsh senna G5T2

'This species has been documented in an adjacent county and may occur in this county.

2 This species has been documented in an adjacent county & may occur in this county east of 1-95.

November 12, 2002 Prepared by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Virginia Field Office

CAROLINE COUNTY, VIRGINIA Federally Listed, Proposed, and Candidate Species SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME STATUS BIRDS Haliaeetus leucocephalus' Bald eagle LT VASCULAR PLANTS Aeschynomene virginica2 Sensitive joint-vetch LT Helonias bullata Swamp pink LT Isotria medeoloides Small whorled pogonia LT Species of Concern (No official Federal status)

BIRDS Aimophila aestivalis Bachman's sparrow G3 INVERTEBRATES Sigara depressa Virginia piedmont water boatman G1G3 Stygobromus indentatus Tidewater amphipod G2G3 VASCULAR PLANTS Chamaecrista fasciculata var. macrosperma 2 Marsh senna G5T2 Desmodium ochroleucum Creamflower tick-trefoil G2G3 Eriocaulan parkeri Parker's pipewort G3 Juncus caesariensis New Jersey rush G2 Sabatia kennedyana Plymouth gentian G3

'Nesting occurs in this county; concentrated shoreline use has been documented on the Rappahannock River.

2 This species has been documented in an adjacent county and may occur in this county.

May 29, 2001 Prepared by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Virginia Field Office

ORANGE COUNTY, VIRGINIA Federally Listed, Proposed, and Candidate Species SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME STATUS INVERTEBRATES Alasmidonta heterodon' Dwarf wedgemussel LE Species of Concern (No official Federal status)

INVERTEBRATES Elliptio lanceolata Yellow lance G3 Lasmigona subviridis Green Floater G3 Speyeria idalia Regal fritillary G3

'This species has been documented in an adjacent county and may occur in this county.

September 19, 2002 Prepared by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Virginia Field Office

SPOTSYLVANIA COUNTY, VIRGINIA Federadly Listed, Proposed, and Candidate Species SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME STATUS INVERTEBRATES Alasmidonta heterodon Dwarf wedge mussel LE VASCULAR PLANTS Helonias bullata' Swamp pink LT Isotria medeoloides Small whorled pogonia LT Species of Concern (No official Federal status)

INVERTEBRATES Elliptio lanceolata Yellow lance G3 Lasmigona subviridis Green floater G3 Sigara depressa Virginia Piedmont water boatmen G1G3 Speyeria idalia Regal fritillary G3 NON-VASCULAR PLANTS Sphagnum carolinianum Carolina peatmoss G3

'This species has been documented in an adjacent county & may occur in this county east of I-95.

November 12, 2002 Prepared by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Virginia Field Office r

0 Bald Eagle Haliaeetusleucocephalus Description - The bald eagle occurs residential development and human throughout the United States. It is a disturbance. During the day, these disturbance in nesting, roosting, and large bird-of-prey with dark brown eagles feed and perch along the river plumage, a white head and tail, and a shoreline. In late afternoon, they foraging habitats continue to be a yellow bill, feet, and eyes. Juvenile move inland to roost either singly or threat.

eagles generally have a dark brown communally. Roosts are typically body, sometimes with white patches located away from human What You Can Do To Help - If you on the tail, belly, and underwings. disturbance and near water and a know of a bald eagle nest on or near The head and tail become completely food source. Bald eagles feed property proposed for clearing, white when full adult plumage is primarily on fish, but will also eat development, or logging please reached at four to five years of age. carrion, waterfowl, small mammals, contact one of the following snakes, and turtles. agencies for assistance:

Life History - The majority of Virginia's eagle population is found Conservation - The bald eagle was Virginia Department of Game and on the coastal plain. The bald eagle federally listed as an endangered Inland Fisheries breeding season begins in mid- species in the Chesapeake Bay P.O. Box 11104 November when large nests are built Region on March 11, 1967. On July Richmond, Virginia 23230 (or the previous year's nest is 12, 1995, the bald eagle was (804) 367-1000 repaired) usually in loblolly pine trees reclassified to threatened throughout that are in close proximity to water. the 48 lower states because the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service Eagles lay one to three eggs between population had increased due to the 6669 Short Lane mid-January and late March. In banning persistent pesticides, habitat Gloucester, Virginia 23061 March, most eggs hatch and by June protection, and other recovery (804) 693-6694 or July most young have fledged. activities. On July 6, 1999, the bald However, the young will continue to eagle was proposed for removal from References use the nest for several weeks. In the list of endangered and threatened Virginia, during the summer and wildlife in the lower 48 states. This U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1990.

winter months, juvenile and action was proposed because the Chesapeake Bay Region bald eagle nonbreeding adult eagles congregate available data indicated that this recovery plan: first revision.

along large rivers in areas with species has recovered. The recovery Newton Comer, Massachusetts.

abundant food and little human is due in part to habitat protection and management actions initiated U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1999.

under the Endangered Species Act. Proposed rule to remove the bald It is also due to reduction in levels of eagle in the lower 48 states from the persistent pesticides occurring in the list of endangered and threatened environment. If and when the eagle wildlife. Federal Register 64(128):

is no longer protected by the 36453-36464.

Endangered Species Act, it will still be protected by the Bald and Golden Watts, B.D., K.W. Cline, and M.A.

Eagle Protection Act, Migratory Bird Byrd. 1994. The bald eagle in U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Treaty Act, and state laws. Until the Virginia: An information booklet for Virginia Field Office eagle is officially delisted, it will land planners. The Center for 6669 Short Lane continue to receive protection Conservation Biology, College of Gloucester, Virginia 23061 pursuant to the Endangered Species William and Mary, Williamsburg, (804) 693-6694 Act. Bald eagles in the Chesapeake Virginia.

httP://www.fws.zov Bay are increasing. However, habitat August 1999 destruction through urban and

Z Sensitive Joint-Vetch Aeschynomene virginica

©M. Rollins Description - The sensitive joint- herbivory. The sensitivejoint-vetch the sensitive joint-vetch.

vetch is an annual legume native to is found in localities where plant the eastern United States. diversity is high and annual species Populations currently exist in are prevalent. Bare to sparsely WVlat You Can Do To Help - Avoid Maryland, New Jersey, North vegetated substrates appear to be a the use of herbicides in or near Carolina, and Virginia. The historical habitat feature of critical importance waterways. If you are planning range for the species extended to for establishment and growth of this construction or stabilization Delaware and Pennsylvania. In species. Plants flower from July activities along the shoreline in one Virginia, populations are found along through September and into October of the counties indicated on the the Potomac, Mattaponi, Pamunkey, in some years. Fruits are produced attached map, please contact the Rappahannock, Chickahominy, and from July through late October, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

James Rivers and their tributaries. concurrent with flowering.

This plant usually attains a height of References three to six feet in a single growing Conservation - The sensitive joint-season, but may grow as tall as eight vetch lvas federally listed as a Davison, S.E. and L.P. Bruderle.

feet. The flowers are yellow, threatened species on June 19, 1992. 1984. Element stewardship abstract streaked with red and the fruit is a Threats to the species include for Aeschynomene virginica-pod, turning dark brown when ripe. sedimentation, competition from non- sensitive joint vetch. The Nature native plant species, dams, dredging, Conservancy. Arlington, Virginia.

Life History - Thejoint-vetch occurs filling, recreational activities, in fresh to slightly brackish tidal river shoreline stabilization, shoreline Hershner, C. and J.E. Perry. 1987.

systems, within the intertidal zone structures, road and bridge Population status of potentially where populations are flooded twice construction, commercial and threatened vascular plants from daily. It typically occurs at the outer residential development, water coastal plain tidal rivers in Virginia.

fringe of marshes or shores; its withdrawal projects, water quality College of William and Mary, presence in marsh interiors may be a degradation, agricultural practices, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, result of nutrient deficiencies, ice introduced pest species, mining, Gloucester Point, Virginia.

scouring, or muskrat timber harvest, over-visitation, declines in muskrat Rouse, G.D. 1994. Sensitivejoint-populations, rise in sea level (this vetch life history and habitat study, may also be a result of natural 1993 Field Season, Mattaponi and cycles), and collection. Natural Rappahannock River systems, threats are often identified with Virginia. Schnabel Environmental disturbances, such as wave and ice Services. Richmond, Virginia.

action associated with severe storm events, competition, herbivory, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1995.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service channel migration, sea level rise and Sensitive joint-vetch (Aeschynomene Virginia Field Office natural sedimentation processes. virginica)recovery plan. Hadley, 6669 Short Lane Adequate habitat conservation for Massachusetts.

Gloucester, Virglnia 23061 this species will only be achieved (804) 693-6694 through on-site protection of httP://wWW.fws.eov marshes supporting plant August 1999 populations when coupled with protection of the natural ecological processes responsible for creating and maintaining habitat for

Z Dwarf Wedge Mussel Alasmidonta heterodon B. Windsor Description - The dwarf wedge reside on property that borders a mussel has a spotty distribution in stream or other waterway, avoid Atlantic coast drainage rivers and that is passed over its gills. using chemicals or fertilizers. To their tributaries from Canada to North Reproduction occurs sexually. help control erosion and reduce Carolina. It is a small mussel whose Females carry eggs in their gills. runoff, maintain a buffer of natural shell rarely exceeds 1.5 inches in During spawning, the male releases vegetation along streambanks.

length. The shell outline is ovate or sperm into the water column and the Install fencing to prevent livestock trapezoidal. The female shell is sperm is taken into the female from entering streams to reduce shorter, trapezoidal, and inflated in through the gills. The resulting trampling of mussels, siltation, and the back whereas the male shell is larvae (known as glochidia) are input of waste products. Protecting elongate, compressed, and ovate. released from the female into the water quality is the most effective The outer shell layer is brown to water column and must attach to a way to conserve mussels.

yellowish-brown, with greenish rays fish host to survive. While attached in young or pale-colored specimens. to the fish host, development of the To find out more about the dwarf This mussel is unique in that it has glochidia continues. Once wedge mussel contact:

two lateral teeth on its right valve metamorphosis is complete, the and only one tooth on its left valve juvenile mussel drops off the fish Virginia Department of Game and (opposite of all other North American host and continues to develop on the Inland Fisheries mussel species). stream bottom. Fish hosts for this P.O. Box 11104 species include the mottled sculpin Richmond, Virginia 23230 Life History - The dwarf wedge (Coitus baird),slimy sculpin (Coitus (804) 367-1000 mussel lives in shallow to deep rivers cognatus), tessellated darter and creeks of various sizes where the (Etheostoma olmstedi), and johnny References current is slow to moderate. This darter (Etheostoma nigrum).

mussel lives on muddy sand, sandy, Michaelson, D.L. and R.J. Neves.

and gravel stream bottoms that are Conservation - The dwarf wedge 1995. Life history and habitat of the nearly silt free. Like other freshwater mussel was federally listed as an endangered dwarf wedgemussel mussels, endangered species on March 14, Alasmidonta heterodon this species is a filter feeder. It feeds 1990. The decline of this species is (Bivalvia:Unionidae). Joumal of the on plankton collected from water due to human degradation of habitat North American Benthological and wvater quality which have Society 14(2):324-340.

resulted in the continuing decline and subsequent loss of this species from U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1993.

previously occupied habitat. Threats Dwarf wedge mussel (Alasmidonta to the species include agricultural, heterodon) recovery plan. Hadley, domestic, organic, and industrial Massachusetts.

pollution; impoundments that destroy habitat and cause silt deposits, low oxygen levels, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service fluctuations in water levels and Virginia Field Office temperatures of the flooded area; and 6669 Short Lane erosion and siltation from land Gloucester, Virginia 23061 clearing and construction of bridges (804) 693-6694 or roads. August 1999 What You Can Do To Help - If you

9 Swamp Pink Helonias bullata 9

Description - The swamp pink is a seedlings to get established and perennial evergreen herb found in they are particularly vulnerable to scattered populations from New human foot traffic. Flowering occurs Jersey south to Georgia. Historically, from March to May. The basal this plant was found from Staten leaves turn reddish-brown in the Island, New York to the southern winter and lie flat on the ground or Appalachians. In Virginia, this lily are slightly raised. These winter has been documented in four leaves are often hidden by fallen leaf counties. Its bright green, lance- litter. Reproduction is primarily shaped leaves form a basal rosette. asexual and seed dispersal is limited.

A hollow flower stalk rises one to two feet from the center of the Conservation - The swamp pink was rosette and produces a pink or federally listed as a threatened lavender flower head that consists of species on September 9, 1988 due to 30 to 50 small fragrant flowers. Few population decline and threats to its of the plants in a population produce wetland habitats. Historically, flowers. wetland drainage and/or filling associated with urban and Life History - Swamp pink occurs in agricultural development have been a variety of wetland habitats that the primary threat to this species.

include bogs, spring seeps, stream However, with the enactment of the edges, wet meadows, and headwater federal Clean Water Act and state wetlands. Sites are saturated year- wetland legislation, direct habitat round, but are rarely flooded and loss has been slowed. Secondary soils are generally neutral to acidic. effects from activities such as timber Wetland habitat is easily altered clearing, land development, siltation through both direct and secondary from run-off associated with disturbance. It is difficult for adjacent development, and agriculture have become the major threat. These activities affect the hydrologic regime and increase the release of sediments and pollution.

Plant collection and soil compaction from trampling are also threats to this species.

What You Can Do To Help - If you U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service find a plant that appears to be the Virginia Field Office swamp pink, take note of the 6669 Short Lane location and photograph the plant, if Gloucester, Virginia 23061 possible. Please do not remove the (804) 693-6694 plant!

httP://www.fws.aov August 1999

Contact one of the following agencies for assistance:

Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Office of Plant Protection P.O. Box 1163 Richmond, Virginia 23209 (804) 786-3515 Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation Division of Natural Heritage 217 Governor Street, 3rd Floor Richmond, Virginia 23219 (804) 786-7951 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Virginia Field Office 6669 Short Lane Gloucester, Virginia 23061 (804) 693-6694 References Stevens, E.C. 1991. Swamp pink.

Pages 88-89 in K. Terwilliger, ed.

Virginia's Endangered Species, Proceedings of a Symposium.

McDonald and Woodward Publishing Company, Blacksburg, Virginia.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1991.

Swamp pink (Helonias bullata) recovery plan. Newton Corner, Massachusetts.


Small Whorled Pogonia Isotria medeoloides

©) D.D. Tyler Description - The small whorled remove the plant!

pogonia is a herbaceous perennial content. The flowers appear in late orchid. It has a widely scattered April to mid-May. The small whorled distribution in the eastern United pogonia reproduces primarily Contact one of the following States along the Atlantic coast from through self-pollination and agencies for assistance:

Maine to Georgia with outlying occasionally vegetatively. It is often occurrences in the midwest and confused with the Indian cucumber- Virginia Department of Agriculture Canada. This species has pale green, root (Medeola virginiana)and the and Consumer Services elliptical leaves, usually five or six, large whorled pogonia (Isotria Office of Plant Protection that grow in a single whorl at the top verticillata). The Indian cucumber- P.O. Box 1163 of a hairless, grayish-green stem. root has deep green leaves with a Richmond, Virginia 23209 The one or two flowers per plant are stem that is thin, hairy, and wiry. The (804) 786-3515 yellowish-green, unscented, and large whorled pogonia has a reddish-form in the center of the whorl. purple stem and dark green leaves; its Virginia Department of flower is reddish-purple. Conservation and Recreation Life History - In Virginia, the small Division of Natural Heritage whorled pogonia is found in ordinary Conservation - The small whorled 217 Governor Street, 3rd Floor looking third-growth upland forests pogonia was federally listed as an Richmond, Virginia 23219 with an open understory and a endangered species on September 10, (804) 786-7951 closed canopy where the topography 1982. It was reclassified as is typically moderately sloping or threatened on November 7, 1994. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service almost level. The plants are usually This was possible because at the time Virginia Field Office associated with decaying vegetative of reclassification 61 % of the viable 6669 Short Lane matter such as fallen trunks and populations had been protected. Gloucester, Virginia 23061 limbs, leaf litter, bark, and tree roots. The small whorled pogonia and its (804) 693-6694 The pogonia is found in soils that habitat continue to be threatened, are acidic sandy loams with low directly and indirectly, by residential References nutrient and commercial development. The upland habitat where it is found is U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1992.

seldom protected by federal or state Small whorled pogonia (Isotria laws unless it occurs on federally- medeoloides) recovery plan, first owned property. Without voluntary revision. Newton Corner, landowner protection many pogonia Massachusetts.

populations have been and will be destroyed. Other threats to this Ware, D.M.E. 1991. Small whorled species are collection by plant pogonia. Pages 95-97 in K.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service enthusiasts and browsing by white- Terwilliger, ed. Virginia's Virginia Field Office tailed deer and invertebrates. Endangered Species, Proceedings of 6669 Short Lane a Symposium. McDonald and Gloucester, Virginia 23061 What You Can Do To Help - If you Woodward Publishing Company, (804) 693-6694 find a plant that appears to be the Blacksburg, Virginia. small whorled pogonia, take note of August 1999 the location and photograph the plant, if possible. Please do not

SENSITIVE JOINT-VETCH (Aeschynomene virginica)

SURVEY CONTACTS IN VIRGINIA This list contains individuals who we have already determined are qualified to conduct surveys for the species listed above. This list does not include all individuals qualified or authorized to survey for this species. If you select someone not on this pre-approved surveyor list, please provide the proposed surveyor's qualifications to this office 30 days prior to the start of the survey. Please send copies of all survey results to this office. If the survey determines that any rare species are present, please contact this office to allow us the opportunity to work with you to ensure that a project avoids or minimizes adverse effects to rare species and their habitats.

Inclusion of names on this list does not constitute endorsement by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service or any other U.S. Government agency. Listed alphabetically. September 8, 2004 John Brooks, III Lenwood Smith Resource International, Ltd. 7325 Goodwill Church Road 9560 Kings Charter Drive Greensboro, NC 27284 Ashland, Virginia 23005-6160 (336) 644-6864 (804) 550-9200 Ismith botanist( ibrooks() Matt Smith Douglas DeBerry Environmental Services, Inc.

Williamsburg Environmental Group 524 S. New Hope Road 3000 Easter Circle Raleigh, NC 27610 Williamsburg, VA 23188 (919) 212-1760 (757):220-6869 msmith( ddeberrv( Mark Strong Chris Ludwig Dept. of Botany, P.O. Box 37012 Virginia Division of Natural Heritage Natl Museum of Natural History, MRC-166 217 Governor Street, 3rd Floor Smithsonian Institution Richmond, VA 23219 Washington, DC 20013-7012 (804) 371-6206 (202) 633-2563 icludwi Q( strong.mark(a)rnmnh(i) Garrie Rouse Rouse Environmental Services, Inc.

P.O. Box 146 Aylett,VA 23009 (804) 769-0846 res.gdr(

ATLANTIC SLOPE FRESHWATER MUSSELS SURVEY CONTACTS IN VIRGINIA This list contains individuals who we have already determined are qualified to conduct surveys for the species listed above. This list does not include all individuals qualified or authorized to survey for this species. If you select someone not on this pre-approved surveyor list, please provide the proposed surveyor's qualifications to this office 30 days prior to the start of the survey. Please send copies of all survey results to this office. If the survey determines that any rare species are present, please contact this office to allow us the opportunity to work with you to ensure that a project avoids or minimizes adverse effects to rare species and their habitats.

Inclusion of names on this list does not constitute endorsement by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service or any other U.S. Government agency. Listed alphabetically. September 9, 2004 John Alderman Tim Savidge 244 Red Gate Road The Catena Group Pittsboro, NC 27312 410-B Millstone Drive (919) 542-5331 Hillsborough, NC 27278 aidermanim() (919) 732-1300 tsavidge() Braven Beaty 334 Whites Mill Road Philip Stevenson Abingdon,VA 24210 Creek Laboratory, LLC (276) 676-2209 P.O. Box 953 bbeaty0, Fredericksburg, VA 22404 (877) 433-8962 Richard Neves Department of Fish and Wildlife Virginia Tech Brian Watson Blacksburg, VA 24061-0321 Va. Dept. of Game and Inland Fisheries (540) 231-5927 1132 Thomas Jefferson Road mussel () Forest, VA 24551-9223 (434) 525-7522 Steve Roble Virginia DCR, Division of Natural Heritage 217 Governor Street, 3rd Floor Richmond, VA 23219 (804) 786-7951 sroblea)

SWAMP PINK (Helonias bullata)

SURVEY CONTACTS This list contains individuals who we have already determined are qualified to conduct surveys for the species listed above. This list does not include all individuals qualified or authorized to survey for this species. If you select someone not on this pre-approved surveyor list, please provide the proposed surveyor's qualifications to this office 30 days prior to the start of the survey. Please send copies of all survey results to this office. If the survey determines that any rare species are present, please contact this office to allow us the opportunity to work with you to ensure that a project avoids or minimizes adverse effects to rare species and their habitats.

Inclusion of names on this list does not constitute endorsement by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service or any other U.S. Government agency. Listed alphabetically. September 8, 2004 Dave Davis Mark Strong 3208 West Grace Street Dept. of Botany, P.O. Box 37012 Richmond, VA 23221 Natl Museum of Natural History, MRC-166 (804) 358-3873 Smithsonian Institution wes2(, Washington, DC 20013-7012 (202) 633-2563 Douglas DeBerry stron..markenmnh( .edu Williamsburg Environmental Group 3000 Easter Circle Catharine Tucker Williamsburg, VA 23188 302 Danray Drive (757) 220-6869 Richmond, VA 23227 ddeberrv( (804) 264-6941 cath.tucker( Chris Ludwig Virginia Division of Natural Heritage Donna Ware 217 Governor Street, 3rd Floor Department of Biology Richmond, VA 23219 The College of William and Mary (804) 371-6206 Williamsburg, VA 23187 (757)-221-2213 dmeware(a) Garrie Rouse Rouse Environmental Services, Inc.

P.O. Box 146 Aylett, VA 23009 (804) 769-0846 res.gdr(

SMALL WHORLED POGONIA (Isotriamedeoloides)

SURVEY CONTACTS IN VIRGINIA This list contains individuals who we have already determined are qualified to conduct surveys for the species listed above. This list does not include all individuals qualified or authorized to survey for this species. If you select someone not on this pre-approved surveyor list, please provide the proposed surveyor's qualifications to this office 30 days prior to the start of the survey. Please send copies of all survey results to this office. If the survey determines that any rare species are present, please contact this office to allow us the opportunity to work with you to ensure that a project avoids or minimizes adverse effects to rare species and their habitats. Inclusion of names on this list does not constitute endorsement by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service or any other U.S. Government agency. Listed alphabetically. September 8, 2004 Phil Abell Elaine Haug Stephen Rottenborn Greenhome and O'Mara, Inc. 14814 Dillon Avenue Wetland Studies and Solutions 11211 Waples Mill Road Dale City, VA 22193 14088-M Sullyfield Circle Fairfax, Virginia 22030 (202) 633-0907 Chantilly, VA 20151 (703) 385-9800 haug.e1aine( (703) 631-5800 Dave Davis John Lowenthal Garrie Rouse 3208 West Grace Street Landmark Design Group Rouse Environmental Services Richmond, VA 23221 5544 Greenwich Rd, Suite 200 P.O. Box 146 (804) 358-3873 Virginia Beach, VA 23462 Aylett, VA 23009 wes2(i) (757) 473-2000 (804) 769-0846 iIowentlia1( Douglas DeBerry William Sipple Williamsburg Environmental Grp Chris Ludwig Sipple Wetland & Env.

3000 Easter Circle Division of Natural Heritage Consulting Williamsburg, VA 23188 217 Governor St., 3rd Floor 512 Red Bluff Court (757) 220-6869 Richmond, VA 23219 Millersville, MD 21108 (804) 371-6206 (410) 987-4083 icludwig( bsip333P( Laura Giese Wetland Studies and Solutions Edward Milhous Bob Smiley 14088-M Sullyfield Circle P.O. Box 1025 Resource International, Ltd.

Chantilly, VA 20151 Haymarket, VA 20168 9560 Kings Charter Drive (703) 631-5800 (703) 927-2048 Ashland, VA 23005-6160 hviese( ed( (804) 550-9214 Keith Goodwin Paul Pitera Williamsburg Environmental Grp Angler Environmental Lenwood Smith 3000 Easter Circle 12801 Randolph Ridge 7325 Goodwill Church Road Williamsburg, VA 23188 Suite 102 Greensboro, NC 27284 (757) 220-6869 Manassas, VA 20109 (336) 644-6864 (703) 393-4844 Ismith botanist( ppiterara)an m

Mark Strong Dept. of Botany, P.O. Box 37012 Nat'l Museum of Natural History MRC-166 Smithsonian Institution Washington, DC 20013-7012 (202) 633-2563 stronQ.mark( Catharine Tucker 302 Danray Drive Richmond, VA 23227-1923 (804) 264-6941 cath.tucker( Craig Turner Wetland Studies and Solutions 14088-M Sullyfield Circle Chantilly, VA 20151 (703) 631-5800 cturner(mwetlandstud Meegan Wallace Geo-Marine 11846 Rock Landing Dr.

Suite C Newport News, VA 23606 (757) 873-3702 mwallace( Donna Ware Department of Biology College of William and Mary Williamsburg, VA 23187 (757) 221-2799 dmeware( Carrie Williams Wetland Studies and Solutions 14088-M Sullyfield Circle Chantilly, VA 20151 (703) 631-5800 Robert Wright Wetland Studies and Solutions 14088-M Sullyfield Circle Chantilly, VA 20151 703-631-5800