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2002 Annual Report for Westinghouse Test Reactor
Person / Time
Site: Waltz Mill
Issue date: 05/01/2003
From: Rich Smith
Document Control Desk, NRC/FSME
Download: ML031290011 (9)


Viacom Inc.

II Stanwix Street Pittsburgh, PA 15222-1312 Richard K. Smith Vice President - Environmental Remediation Telephone: 412-642-3285 Facsimile: 412-642-3957 E-mail: Richard.Smith~viacom corn May 1, 2003 VIACOM.

Document Control Center U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555-0001


Viacom Inc.

Westinghouse Test Reactor TR-2; Docket No. 50-22 2002 Annual Report In accordance with Section 6.6.1 of the Westinghouse Test Reactor (TR-2) Technical Specifications, a written annual report covering the status of the test reactor decommissioning is attached. The report covers the period beginning January 1, 2002 through December 31, 2002.

If you have any questions regarding this matter, please write or call me at the above address and telephone number or contact Mr. Wayne Vogel at (724) 722-5924.

Sincerely, Richard K. Smith Vice President - Environmental Remediation - 2002 Annual Report 1A)D DI A,0-

Cc: Mr. Alexander Adams, Jr., Senior Project Manger Non-Power Reactors and Decommissioning Project Directorate Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington D.C. 20555-0001 Robert Maiers, Chief Decommissioning Section Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection Rachel Carson State Office Building P.O. Box 8469 Harrisburg, PA 17105-8469 Mr. James Yusko, Regional Manager Radiation Protection Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection 400 Waterfront Drive Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222-4745 Wayne Vogel, Radiation Safety Officer Westinghouse Electric Company

Copies transmitted: 3 notarized and 5 conformed COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA )



Before me, the undersigned notary public, this day personally appeared Richard K. Smith, Viacom Inc., 11 Stanwix Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15222, to me known, who being duly sworn according to law, deposes and says: that the statements sworn to in this letter and attachment are correct and accurate to the best of his knowledge.

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Notanal Seal rTh A rn'd,-ri-. N1otary Public l' .'Urct, A; a ny County My Comjr.!s;ion Expires Dec. 8, 2003

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Attachment 1 2002 Annual Report for the Waltz Mill Facility Westinghouse Test Reactor License No. TR-2 Docket No. 50-22 Viacom Inc.

January 1, 2002 - December 31, 2002



Site radiological controls personnel continue to monitor the radiological conditions at the site to assure protection of the health and safety of the general public and site personnel.

This report reviews those activities as required by the Technical Specifications Section 6.6.1 and includes the following:

1. A narrative summary of facility activities.
2. Tabulation of the major preventative and corrective maintenance operations having safety significance.
3. A brief description of major changes in the reactor facility and procedures and activities significantly different from those performed previously and not described in the safety analysis report, and a summary of the safety evaluation that shows no unreviewed safety questions were involved (per 10 CFR 50.59 (2)).
4. A summary of the nature and amount of radioactive effluents released or discharged to the environs beyond the effective controls of the licensee as determined at or before the point of such releases or discharge. The summary shall include to the extent practical, an estimate of the major individual radionuclides present in the effluent. If the estimated average release after dilution or diffusion is less than 25% of the concentration allowed or recommended, a statement to this effect is sufficient.
5. A summarized result of the environmental survey performed outside the facility.

Page I

1. A Narrative Summary of Facility Activities.

Facility Operations In 2002, no decommissioning activities or significant maintenance activities occurred. Activities were limited to routine tours and inspections including an annual routine HP survey in September. Conditions were as expected, no abnormal conditions were observed. No waste shipments or restricted activities as defined by technical specifications occurred. The stack was not operated and there were no air or liquid effluent releases.

Reeulatory Interfaces Throughout the year, the licensee communicated with the USNRC. These communications took place via written correspondence, telephone calls and meetings. Significant results are noted below:

  • A telephone conversation was held with the NRC's Alexander Adams and Stephen Holmes on February 28, 2002. The status of current decommissioning work and license operations was discussed.
  • Viacom submittal to the NRC Document Control Desk on March 25, 2002, confirming the telephone conversation of February 28, 2002.
  • 2001 Annual Report for the TR-2 License was issued March 25, 2002.
  • NRC Inspection Report No. 50-22/1999-202, was issued on September 6, 2002.
  • Viacom submittal to the NRC Document Control Desk of 10/29/02, "Viacom Inc., Westinghouse Test Reactor TR-2, Docket No. 50-22, Application for NRC Orders (1) Terminating 10 CFR Part 50 Portions of TR-2 License and (2) Declaring that Decommissioning of TR-2 Structures Has Been Satisfactorily Completed ("Request").
  • Viacom petition filed 10/30/02, request for order under 10 CFR 2.202 requiring Westinghouse to (1) provide certain radiological survey data to the NRC and (2) accept under license SNM-770 certain materials held under license TR-2.

Radiation Safety Committee Activities The Radiation Safety Comrnittee (RSC) for the TR-2 license held one meeting on April 9, 2002 to review the status of the decommissioning project, results of audits and inspections, and performance against ALARA objectives. Since there were no decommissioning activities performed in 2002, no independent audits in accordance with Section 6.2.4 of the TR-2 Technical Specifications were performed and no additional RSC meetings were held.

Oreanizational Changes The current management organization relative to the administration of License TR-2 is as follows:

  • Richard K. Smith, Viacom Decommissioning Project Director, is the senior site manager having responsibility for the retired WTR facilities.
  • Russell G. Cline remains as the Westinghouse Nuclear Services Manager, Environment, Health and Safety (EHS)
  • Wayne D. Vogel, Radiation Safety Officer, reports directly to Mr. Cline.

Page 2

Summary In summary, work on the TR-2 Decommissioning Plan has been authorized by the NRC. Work on Phase I, Facility Preparations & Engineering, is complete. Phase II, Reactor Tank Removal, platform and structural interference and bioshield removal are complete. Phase III, Building & Structures Remediation, was concluded on November 8, 2001. Table A provides an ALARA summary of previous decommissioning activities.

2. Tabulation of the major preventative and corrective maintenance operations having safety significance.

Since reactor fuel was removed from the reactor and the site decades ago, the Westinghouse Test Reactor as described in the Decommissioning plan and in the Technical Specifications does not contain any nuclear safety related equipment.

3. A brief description of major changes in the reactor facility and procedures and activities significantly different from those performed previously and not described in the safety analysis report, and a summary of the safety evaluation that shows no unreviewed safety questions were involved.

In 2002 there were no decommissioning or other significant activities performed. Therefore no license reviews of work packages or safety evaluations pursuant to 10 CFR50.59 were performed.

4. A summary of the nature and amount of radioactive effluents released or discharged to the environs beyond the effective controls of the licensee as determined at or before the point of such releases or discharge. The summary shall include to the extent practical, an estimate of the major individual radionuclides present in the effluent. If the estimated average release after dilution or diffusion is less than 25% of the concentration allowed or recommended, a statement to this effect is sufficient.

Low Level Radioactive Waste No low-level radioactive, solid debris or dry active waste from the WTR was collected, packaged or transported for either processing or burial at a licensed facility in 2002.

Airborne Releases In order to support decommissioning activities in the WTR, a HEPA ventilation unit was installed to maintain negative pressure in containment and to provide for a controlled and monitored discharge of airborne activity. In 2002 there were no decommissioning activities, the HEPA unit was not operated and there were no airborne releases.

Liquid Effluent Releases There were no discharges of liquid effluents to the environs from the WTR in 2002.

5. A summarized result of the environmental survey performed outside the facility.

Environmental monitoring associated with the WTR decommissioning is in accordance with the programs and requirements of the SNM-770 license. Various environmental media and pathways are sampled under the SNM-770 License. Only media and pathways relevant to the WTR decommissioning are summarized in this report. Since there have been no discharges of liquids or airborne contaminants to the environs in 2002, the data presented is limited to direct radiation.

Direct radiation was measured with a series of TLDs deployed throughout the site and along the perimeter of the Central Operations Area. The TLDs contain aluminum oxide TL material with a dose reporting level of 0.1 mremlquarter. Data collected from the TLDs near the WTR facility is summarized in Table B.

Radiation levels recorded include those associated with activities under the SNM-770 license.

Page 3

Table A WTR Facilities Decommissioning Activities ALARA Summary WTR Facility Area l Proposed Decommissioning Activity Estimated Exposure ALARA Exposure Goal Actual Exposure by Status I I (Person-rem) (Person-rem) l SRD (Person-rem) (6) 1 Pre-Decommtissioning Activities Establish Radiological Controls. 0.050 0.040 0 Inactive - Complete.

Reactor Vessel, Internal Contents, Biological Shield sectioning and and Biological Shield removal, one piece Reactor Vessel & 18.91 (5) 15.128 7.368 (4) Inactive - Complete.

internal component removal Components removed, concrete Sub Pile Room decontamination, and partial or full 0.850 0.680 0.292 (1), (2) Inactive - Complete.


Components removed, concrete Rabbit Pump Room decontamination, and partial or full 0.080 0.064 0.017 Inactive - Complete.


Components removed, concrete Test Loop Cubicles/Dump Tank decontamination, and partial or full 0.410 0.328 0.208 (1), (2) Inactive - Complete.

Pits demolition.

Piping removed, concrete Primary Coolant Pipe Tunnel decontamination, and partial or full 1.880 1.504 0.683 (2) Inactive - Complete.


Water drained, sediment removed, Transfer Canal concrete decontaminated, and partial or 7.930 6.344 4.945 (1), (2) Inactive - Complete.

full demolition.

Miscellaneous systems and components Vapor Containment Building and decontaminated and/or removed, 0 890 0.712 0.527 (3)

Misc. systems and components concrete and structure surfaces Inactive - Complete.

decontaminated, and Polar Crane decontaminated.

Totals 31.000 24.800 14.040 (I) Dose attributed to the installation of temporary power and lighting, installation of new ventilation, routine tours, routine maintenance, Asbestos removal, installation oa the TrucK Lock door, inspection and repair of the Polar Crane, and routine HEPA unit/vacuum maintenance prior to the year 2000 was divided equally between the major activities of Reactor Vessel/Bioshield, Sub Pile Room, Test Loop Cubicles/Dump Tank Pits, and Vapor Containment Building/misc. systems and components as they were preliminary or continuing integral parts of the major activities. Dose attributed to routine tours and HEPA unit/vacuum maintenance for the year 2000 was divided equally between Reactor Vessel/Bioshield and Transfer Canal. Dose attributed to routine maintenance for the year 2000 was divided equally between Reactor Vessel/Bioshield, Transfer Canal, and Vapor Containment Building/misc. systems and components. Dose attributed to routine tours, HEPA unit/vacuum maintenance, and routine maintenance for the year 2001 was divided equally between Transfer Canal, Primary Coolant Pipe Tunnel, and Vapor Containment Building/misc. systems and components.

(2) Dose attributed to Health Physics support prior to the year 2000 was divided equally between the four identified active major activities in (1) and the Primary Coolant Pipe Tunnel. Dose attributed to Health Physics Support for the year 2000 was divided equally between Reactor Vessel/Bioshield and Transfer Canal. Dose attributed to Health Physics support for the year 2001 was divided equally between Transfer Canal, Primary Coolant Pipe Tunnel, and Vapor Containment Building/misc. systems and components.

(3) Contains dose attributed to miscellaneous structural removal, existing electrical removal, miscellaneous piping and component removal, and existing ventilation removal in addition to (I) and (2) above (4) Contains dose attributed to the major activity, exploratory work on the Reactor Vessel, core stabilization, and trunnion reinforcement in addition to (I) and (2) above.

(5) Estimate is for Option (3), which includes the removal of the Biological Shield, attachment of shielding plates to the Reactor Vessel, and down-ending and removal of the Reactor Vessel, with internal components Intact, out of the Containment Building through the Truck Lock.

(6) Data through 11-08-01



Facility: Westinghouse Test Reactor Location: Westmoreland County Docket No.: 50-22 Reporting Period: January I to December 31, 2002 Medium or Type and Lower Limit All Indicator Locations Control pathway Number of Of Mean Location Sampled Analyses Detection (Range) Result (Unit of Performed (LLD)


Direct Radiation (mrem/year) TLD (5) 0.1 54.0 +/- 13.9 54.2 mrem/qtr (31.4 - 65.6) (5400-ft W of Rx)

Location mremlvr 500 ft S of Rx 31.4 90-ft W of Rx 50.3 200-ft NW of Rx 59.4 400-ft NE of Rx 65.6 1150-ft E of Rx 63.2