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Draft Amendment Revising Section 6, Administrative Controls, of ANO-2 Technical Specifications. (No Cover Letter Attached)
Person / Time
Site: Arkansas Nuclear Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 02/20/2003
Entergy Operations
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Alexion T W,NRR/DLPM,415-1326
Shared Package
ML030420086 List:
Download: ML030370275 (176)


Attachment I to 2CAN0103XX Page 1 of 100


This letter is a request to amend Operating License NPF-6 for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 2 (ANO-2).

The proposed changes will revise Section 6.0, Administrative Controls, of the ANO-2 Technical Specifications (TSs). The revision to Section 6.0 requires changes to several other TSs. The changes are proposed so that the philosophy and location (i.e., logical order) of the specifications in Section 6.0 reflect the recently approved conversion of the Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 (ANO-1) to Improved Technical Specifications (ITS) and the subsequent amendments to the ANO-1 ITS. A discussion of differences be enthv ANO-1 ITS and the proposed change and NUREG-1432, "Standard Tech 1 01 tions Combustion Engineering"and the proposed change is also included in ctio A format change to all the pages is also included, changi . Vinins. This change is considered editorial and will not be discussed.

The proposed changes for each CTS requirement are sepah 1e follovingories:

Designator Category A ADMINISTRATIVE- Chang !the ..pecifications

. echnica (CTS) that result in no additio or red ons or flexibility. These changes are supported I gre by d No Significant Hazards Considerations (N M TECHNICAL C ES - MO IVE - changes to the CTS that result in eAdd .t0rictions or Q flexibility. These changes are iutppqd in ag bY a single N HC.

L Ar CrAL HnG: 3 ilEN ESS RESTRICTIVE - changes to the CTS that A. result in re or added flexibility. Each corresponding evaluation is rte by corresponding evaluation supporting a finding of NSHC.


  • NGES - REMOVAL OF DETAILS - changes to the CTS that eliminate% ail and relocate the detail to a licensee controlled document.

pically,$t volves details of system design and function, or procedural

" t il 4ethods of conducting a surveillance. These changes are SI* d in aggregate by a single NSHC.

Attachment I to 2CAN0103XX Page 2 of 100 1.1 Facility Operating License (FOL) 2.C.(3)(p), Secondary Water Chemistry Monitoring Discussion of Change:

This FOL condition will be deleted and an equivalent programmatic requirement will be added as proposed TS (PTS) 6.5.10. The requirements of the condition will be retained with only minor non-technical administrative changes. See section 1.60 for the discussion of the changes to the wording of PTS 6.5.10.

Administrative Changes Al The designated change represents a non-technic o-I hange to the ANO-2 CTS made to make the ANO-2 proposed Tecjh14l S p(T cs n with the ANO-1 TSs or the "Standard Technical (PTS) on Engineering Plants" (RSTS), NUREG 1432, Revision 2. N ange wrmot alter the requirements of the CTS or RSTS. Examples of t ,of changeording preference; convention adoption; editorial, numb* n ormatting es; and hierarchy structure.

A3 The Secondary Water Chemistry Monit*t* rima t Sources Outside Containment license conditions will beklj d to rent programmatic requirements in PTS Section 6.5, Programs anq°anual 4irements of these license conditions will be retained in Sec-. 6.5 e P rammatic administrative controls specifications are co ienth-14 n current plant practice, and meet the intent of the existi )tnýhse con ins. As4*.h, this change in presentation of existing requirements iLyI adn _n Technical ChzwrRsri Techdi~1*Changes - Less Res,*ive Technical C 'S' Remv% Details None

Attachment I to 2CAN0103XX Page 3 of 100 1.1 Facility Operating License (FOL) 2.C.(3)(p), Secondary Water Chemistry Monitoring (continued)

Discussion of Differences ANO-1 Comparison The proposed change is consistent with ANO-1 Specification 5.5.10.

NUREG-1432 Comparison The relocation of this FOL condition to PTS 6.5.10 is consis of the program in NUREG-1432. See section 1.60 for the discussion of i the new PTS 6.5.10 and the NUREG-1432 specification 5.5.10.

  • ,'.**-:.:"*{..,*%*:*¢

"!*:p.'. " ..

ý-.ý .

Attachment I to 2CAN0103XX Page 4 of 100 1.2 FOL 2.C.(5), Program to Reduce Leakage Outside Containment Discussion of Changes This license condition will be deleted and an equivalent programmatic requirement will be added as PTS 6.5.2.

PTS 6.5.2 results in a change of the frequency from "at a frequency not to exceed refueling cycle intervals" to "at least once per 18 months." Since normal "refueling cycle intervals" are 18 months, presenting this requirement in this manner is consistent with the current requirements.

PTS 6.5.2 is considered a surveillance requirement (SI stormal surveillance intervals that are specified in the Limiting Condition for section that allow a 25% extension of the frequency in accordance with SE  :.pble to PTS 6.5.2.

Because SR 4.0.2 applies to the LCO section of proce4 mto reference its applicability to PTS 6.5.2. This change is described in  :'*t Task Force (TSTF)-299.

Administrative Changes Al The designated change represents a n intenV ,nge to the ANO-2 CTS made to make the ANO-2 proposm[.Technic cationsr TS) consistent with the ANO-1 TSs or the "Standard Tnical ýp Combustion Engineering Plants"(RSTS), NUREG 1432, Revisif'i. Ty g ot alter the requirements of the CTS or RSTS. Exam of t f cha iclude: wording preference; convention adoption; editoriWINmbenn n fog ng changes; and hierarchy structure.

A3 The Seconda*r*.y ter Ch onitoring an he Primary Coolant Sources Outside Contain o*

o.* e moved to equivalent programmatic requirements in ---ra o

  • m s ý:Manuals. The requirements of these license

'kThe PTS programmatic administrative controls ff-1432 an d current plant practice, and meet the

. As such, t his change in presentation of existing None Technical Changes Restrictive None Technical Changes - Removal of Details None

Attachment I to 2CAN01 03XX Page 5 of 100 1.2 FOL 2.C.(5), Program to Reduce Leakage Outside Containment (continued)

Discussion of Differences ANO-1 Comparison The proposed change is consistent with the ANO-1 TS.

NUREG-1432 Comparison The relocation of the license condition to specification 6.5.2 is con*.*nt wth the locaticin of the requirement in NUREG-1432. See section 1.61 for a dis.,ss**4 differencess of the proposed TS 6.5.2.

to 2CAN01 03XX Page 6 of 100 1.3 FOL 2.C.(6), Program to Determine Airborne Iodine Concentration in Vital Areas under Accident Conditions Discussion of Changes This FOL condition will be deleted. No equivalent programmatic requirement will be added.

Administrative Changes A5 FOL 2.C.(6) requires an established program to ensure the capability to accurately determine the airborne iodine concentration in- vital areaotw4nder accident conditions.

NUREG-1432, Specification 5.5.3 includes a reviewer'.Arn ' tes: "This program may be eliminated based on the implementation of cal t 'E NPSD-1 157, Rev.

1, "Technical Justification for the Elimination of th %t-A *

  • pling System from the Plant Design and Licensing Basis for CEO* .tWitie=-d:4an ssociated NRC Safety Evaluation dated May 16, 2000." Approval of-me2 d A2,gust 17, 2000 resulted in the elimination of the post accinc *oplig syst* *4*ments.

Therefore, this FOL will be deleted and no new Y% . This is & ered an administrative cleanup related to the approval of Amendmeni8.*

Technical Changes - More Restrictive .. g

,o None Technical Changes - Less Restrictie.3 None Technical Change;.,,moval ofObtags f ....

141.Ro Discuses. f Differences \

ANOcAVoarison This licens*~ iion is still ed in the ANO-1 ITS as specification 5.5.3. NUREG-1430, Revision 2, fDk and -- x Plants," does not include an allowance to delete this requirement as q$ Ri*32.

NUREG-1432 Comaui The proposed change is consistent with the reviewer's note contained in NUREG-1432, specification 5.5.3 that states: "This program may be eliminated based on the implementation of Topical Report CE NPSD-1 157, Rev. 1, "Technical Justification for the Elimination of the Post Accident Sampling System from the Plant Design and Licensing Basis for CEOG Utilities," and the associated NRC Safety Evaluation dated May 16, 2000."

Attachment I to 2CAN01 03XX Page 7 of 100 1.4 Index Pages Discussion of Changes The Index pages will be changed to reflect the correct titles and page numbers based on the changes proposed.

Administrative Changes Al The designated change represents a non-technical, non-intent change to the ANO-2 CTS made to make the ANO-2 proposed Technical Specifi ions (pTS) consistent with the ANO-1 TSs or the "Standard Technical Specict i ORstion Engineering Plants"(RSTS), NUREG 1432, Revision 2. This cih*doe ipiWter the requirements of the CTS or RSTS. Examples of this type of nge inording preference; convention adoption; editonal, numbering and a cd I and hierarchy structure.Z Technical Changes - More Restrictive None MOO Technical Changes - Less Restrictive AMP None '

Technical Changes - Removal of None Discussion of DAMee t:


Attachment I to 2CAN0103XX Page 8 of 100 1.5 Definitions Discussion of Changes The reference to Technical Specification 6.9.5 will be changed to Technical Specification 6.6.5.

Administrative Changes Al The designated change represents a non-technical, non-intent change to the ANO-2 CTS made to make the ANO-2 proposed Technical Specifications (PTS) consistent with the ANO-1 TSs or the uStandard Technical Specificatio .Combustion Engineering Plants" (RSTS), NUREG 1432, Revision 2. This charge d Qt r the requirements of the CTS or RSTS. Examples of this type of jR0 ii wording preference; convention adoption; editorial, numbering and at .. s; and hierarchy structure.

  • tn e ad rc Technical Changes - More Restrictive

. None Technical Changes - Less Restrictive None Technical Changes - Removal of None &

Discussion of Diffe-re=nes

  • rence change oh attemof Is made to change the definition to be consistent

-1 ITS or NURE ,2 definition. The currently approved wording will be i only the change referenced TS.

Attachment I to 2CAN01 03XX Page 9 of 100 1.6 Table 3-3.6, Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation Discussion of Changes A new action 21 will be annotated in the Action column for item 2.b, Control Room Ventilation Intake Duct Monitors. In addition the page format will be changed from landscape to portrait.

No revision bars will be used to reflect the change from landscape to portrait.

Administrative Changes Al The designated change represents a non-technical, ge to the ANO-2 CTS made to make the ANO-2 proposed Technical S S) consistent with the ANO-1 TSs or the "Standard Technical Sp? Wtion Engineering Plants"(RSTS), NUREG 1432, Revision 2. This c the requirements of the CTS or RSTS. Examples of this type odK'! king preference; convention adoption; editorial, numbering and T structure.

Technical Changes - More Restrictive None Technical Changes - Less Restrictive ..

None Technical Changes - Removal None This action in the action column. The discussion of dit follow.

to 2CAN0103XX Page 10 of 100 1.7 Table 3.3-6, Action 17 Discussion of Changes CTS Action 17 applies to the Control Room Ventilation Intake Duct Monitors. Per note 2 on Table 3-3.6, these monitors are required to be operable and the associated actions are applicable in Modes 1, 2, 3, 4, and during handling of irradiated fuel. The proposed change will modify action 17 to be applicable during Mode 1, 2, 3, or 4 and will add a new action 21 which is applicable during the handling of irradiated fuel. The shutdown requirements will be modified as described below.

Administrative Changes Al The designated change represents a non-techn ,non-i rfMMnge to the ANO-2 CTS made to make the ANO-2 proposed Technic* 0oni VI-..) consistent with the ANO-1 TSs or the "Standard Technical Spftns Com o,Engi.eenng Plants"(RSTS), NUREG 1432, Revision 2. This cha 46 s not alter: ments of the CTS or RSTS. Examples of this type of tc de: word meference; convention adoption; editorial, numbering and formatti .anges; and hierarchy structure.

Technical Changes - More Restrictive M4 A statement was added to Action 177 t povid. a'default condition to be in HOT SHUTDOWN within the e 1.6 hos' DOWN in the following 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />. Currently if the Actionfi ) met Litrng Cn n for Operation (LCO) 3.0.3 is entered. This is considere.d.A iore restct Table 3.3-6Action 17 does not provide these aib.* d less melV.. by entry into LCO 3.0.3.

M5 Per Not .. th :honl room ventilation intake duct monitors are required to ben:pra le 2, 3, 2Moe~1 .d,* during handling of irradiated fuel. CTS Actions 17l&idV20 provide guid,~ for ~~ese ia applicable modes. The proposed change r13-ycieate a separate AW *1 to proe an appropriate condition if the LCO is not met

.*.-u.ring movement of irra id fuel assemblies. The proposed change is considered

  • Wi,,)restrictive since less p is proposed in Action 21 than was allowed by Actions 17 a"2 Technical Chan 'e tr" tive None Technical Changes - Removal of Details None

Attachment I to 2CAN0103XX Page 11 of 100 1.7 Table 3.3-6, Action 17 (continued)

Discussion of Differences ANO-1 Comparison ANO-1 ITS 3.3.16 describes the Control Room Isolation - High Radiation function. Actions B and C of the ANO-1 specification address the inoperability of two channels in Modes 1, 2, 3 or

4. The proposed change is consistent with the allowable outage times contained in the ANO-1 ITS. However, due to the format of ITS vice the format of the AN9. CTS wording differences exist. The intent of the proposed change is the same as the .*O- "

NUREG-1432 Comoanson ..


... R .. G 1 .. 3 . . ... is..

The following exceptions to NUREG-1432 are noted:

NUREG-1432 LCO 3.3.9 requires the operability of ntrol room f tion signal channel. The proposed change and the existing *iquire two control room ventilation intake duct monitors to be operabl1 'd e ANO control room ventilation system and isolation is provide(.jgi*`6`7 rim~? ut not completely, associated with each unit. The channd sociat* ch unitpinitiates the control room emergency ventilation system fq at un*t -#sisolation for both units' control rooms since they are a shared ..Iity. S. "*No channels, appropriate ACTIONS are included. Condib A *3.3.9 address the required actions when in Modes 1, 2, . The p 1ose, are similar to NUREG-1432 with the same completion ti40 w-.8,

  • NUREG-1, related to the toxic gas protection mode. The ANO control r0. node is the same as a toxic gas protection mode.

WRequired Action A. 1 is not required.

Attachment I to 2CAN0103XX Page 12 of 100 1.8 Table 3.3-6, Action 18 Discussion of Changes CTS Action 18, which is applicable to the Containment High Range Monitor, requires in part that a Special Report be submitted to the NRC pursuant to TS 6.9.2 when less than the minimum number of channels is operable.

Administrative Changes A6 Specification 6.9.2, which requires the submittal of a specil *.,pportto the Commission if various systems cannot be restored, will be delete.0anfid,,--, reference to it in various specifications will be deleted. Written comr t*'. NRC is described in 10 CFR 50.4 and therefore, the proposed chanO'1ill o Mpe that the report should be submitted to the NRC. Guidance in 10V& 5 eq nsures that the regional office will receive a copy of the report. \ . .

Technical Changes - More Restrictive ..............

None Technical Chanaes - Less Restrictive A0 None Technical Changes - Removal of P*t None ANOQ.4 TS requires a special re-pmrp hen the reactor building high range radiation monitors are inopera~eihe proposed change .consistentwith the ANO-1 ITS.

NUREG-1 %Vptriadson Specification 331".* NF,... 1432 includes a requirement for the containment building high range radiation mn te operable. If inoperability occurs, the NUREG requires that a special report be subit within 14 days in accordance with NUREG-1432 specification 5.6.7.

The proposed change t'the ANO-2 TS retains the currently approved allowance for submittal of the special report within 30 days.

Attachment I to 2CANO103XX Page 13 of 100 1.9 Table 3.3-6, Action 19 Discussion of Changes CTS Action 19, which is applicable to the Main Steam Line Radiation Monitors, requires in part that a Special Report be submitted to the NRC pursuant to TS 6.9.2 when less than the minimum number of channels is operable.

Administrative Changes A6 Specification 6.9.2, which requires the submittal of a ici the Commission if various systems cannot be restored, will be delInir d ¶e reference to it in various specifications will be deleted. Written coiica 11&RC is described in 10 CFR 50.4 and therefore, the proposed chan l that the report should be submitted to the NRC. Guidance in 10 Cuad regional office will receive a copy of the report.Lu the Technical Changes - More Restrictive None M.,

Technical Changes - Less Restrictive X.

None Technical Changes - Removal of Q0ta'rs None Discussion of 010ers ANOl- IT S-*arison The p.Wteam lne radiaton mtrs were deleted from the ANO-1 TSs in the conversion to the ITST ANO-2 main stear ?e monitors are in the current licensing bases and will be retained ils ime.

NUREG-143N Parison NUREG-1432 doe  : 1rcde a specification for the main steam line radiation monitors.

These monitors will I~itained in the ANO-2 TSs at this time.

Attachment I to 2CAN0103XX Page 14 of 100 1.10 Table 3.3-6, Action 20 Discussion of Changes CTS Action 20 applies to the Control Room Ventilation Intake Duct Monitors. Per note 2 on Table 3-3.6, these monitors are required to be operable and the associated actions are applicable in Modes 1, 2, 3, 4, and during handling of irradiated fuel. The proposed change will modify action 20 to be applicable during Mode 1, 2, 3, or 4 and will add a new action 21 which is applicable during the handling of irradiated fuel. The shutdown requirements will be modified as described below.

Administrative Changes .

None Technical Changes - More Restrictive M3 CTS Table 3.3-6, Action 20 provides actions for inpr ir f one cha* of control room isolation on high radiation. After 7 days of inoperabil ,:ne channel the action allows an additional 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> to initiate ar#i*Il in opera , the Control Room Ventilation System (CREVS). This addi d L is not in in the proposed change. This time period is excessiveI initiatipi R EVS; f er, most problems can be restored within the initial 7 day;.&if the iTtb.t#umentation is not restored, the actuation of CREVS can easily beK4eme with nitial 7 days.

M4 A statement was added to A O to prov**hithe a.pdriate default condition to be in HOT SHUTDOWN within te.xt 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> * ... HUTDOWN in the following 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />. Currently if Action *ot met, Lir dition for Operation (LCO) 3.0.3 is entered. Tt:*.

desntered.' ,,

Thjsisosidere tsider....e restrictive change since CTS Table 3.3-6 Action 20 does no.......f"Mt .ctions, te*ss time is allowed by entry into LCO 3.0.3.

M5 Per'NW 2 on Table 3'.aAhe c eontfm ventilation intake duct monitors are required t*"*bperable in Modes.-1.zZ 3, 4, a*:*"*during handling of irradiated fuel. CTS Actions Ind 20 provide guidan r each of these applicable modes. The proposed change

-tate a separte i to provide an appropriate condition if the LCO is not met dQ,.ovement of irrad f:1 fuel assemblies. The proposed change is considered mo~ie',"*1ictive since leSiOe is proposed in Action 21 than was allowed by Actions 17 and 2MVR ..

Technical Changes Restrictive None Technical Changes - Removal of Details None

Attachment I to 2CAN0103XX Page 15 of 100 1.10 Table 3.3-6, Action 20 (continued)

Discussion of Differences ANO-1 Comparison ANO-1 ITS 3.3.16 describes the Control Room Isolation - High Radiation function. Actions B and C of the ANO-1 specification address the inoperability of two channels in Modes 1, 2, 3 or

4. The proposed change is consistent with the allowable outage times contained in the ANO-1 ITS. However, due to the format of ITS vice the format of the ANO-2 CTS, wording differences exist. The intent of the proposed change is the same as the ANO-1W.S.

NUREG-1432 Comparison The following exceptions to NUREG-1432 are noted: .

NUREG-1432 LCO 3.3.9 requires the operability of o. ntrol rooj signal channel. The proposed change and the existing A - fequire trolI room ventilation intake duct monitors to be operable. The two u the ANO control room ventilation system and isolation is provided y .0hnnel rr but not completely, associated with each unit. The channel *'t..heach e f .itiates the control room emergency ventilation system forgt unit,-0tr.vides isteion for both units' control rooms since they are a shared fty. S t .two channels, appropriate ACTIONS are included. Conditions All of EG.9 address the required actions when in Modes 1, 2, 3, A pr ed act sre similar to NUREG-1432 with the same completion times ' aesirto R 3

  • NUREG-1432 3.3.9 includi te related Ye0 as protection mode. The ANO control room emer.ecy recid kn mode is the same as a toxic gas protection mode.

Thereforzd* * .9 Required Action A. 1 is not required.


Attachment I to 2CAN0103XX Page 16 of 100 1.11 Table 3.3-6, Action 21 Discussion of Changes A new Action 21 will be added which will be applicable during handling of irradiated fuel.

Administrative Changes None Technical Changes - More Restrictive M5 Per Note 2 on Table 3.3-6, the control room ventilatiojJ !W nitors are required to be operable in Modes 1, 2, 3, 4, and during har 4 f itfid

""Id fuel. CTS Actions 17 and 20 provide guidance for each of these app le m . . proposed change will create a separate Action 21 to provide an appr. te 4 itiow 'I-qLCO is not met during movement of irradiated fuel assemblies. p osed ch3 iSsco$idered more restrictive since less time is proposed in Actio4 .pwasallo f ons 17 and 20.

Technical Changes - Less Restrictive None "

Technical Changes - Removal of Dill None ,. '

Discussion of Diffqren e*

ANO-1 Com,, on.

ANO-1,lS83.16, Action D t actions related to one or two channels being rable during movemrfr f irradiated fuel. The proposed change is consistent with this a t ..Ithough the wording'fhe proposed change for ANO-2 is not exactly the same as the wor A-ntained in the AN4'fErS, the intent is the same.

NUREG-1432V-Moarisonl NUREG-1432 LCO , -MUI tresses the control room isolation signal and requires only one operable channel. editton C addresses the required actions during movement of recently irradiated fuel assembli s. The proposed change is similar in that it requires immediate actions upon discovery of one or two inoperable channels.

Attachment I to 2CAN0103XX Page 17 of 100 1.12 Table 4.3-3, Note 6 Discussion of Changes A new Note 6 will be added to item 2.b. The addition of the reference to Note 6 in the Channel Functional Test column and the change of the page format from landscape to portrait are administrative. The addition of Note 6 is less restrictive A format change is also proposed to this page. The page layout will be changed from landscape to portrait. No revision bars will be used to reflect the change from landscape to portrait h Administrative Changes Al The designated change represents a non-techni* f6nt b)4 to the ANO-2 CTS made to make the ANO-2 proposed Techni itions ( nsi nt with the ANO-1 TSs or the "Standard Technical SpeR s Combu "eedng Plants"(RSTS), NUREG 1432, Revision 2. This chA Sklot alter tl irements of the CTS or RSTS. Examples of this type of ch 6*: wording preference; convention adoption; editorial, numberingid *Naes; and hierarchy structure. nw.

Technical Changes - More Restrictive None Technical Changes - Less L2 Note 6 will be.,zdde @j,,4.3-3. The note provides a three (3) hour time period with th!eR4 .,.duct the CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST without enterinf ' .'e-assoa

s. Fsk<allowance is based on an industry average time frani ýfo conducting id tA " &"d to conduct the test during conditions for which thi"onitor is normi *ed to'" OPERABLE. When performing the channel utional test on the monitors, the monitors' intended function of isolating the
  • O*1, room and star ppropriate emergency ventilation system is demonstrated.


Technical Clrhdt.s.- Rem(

Details None

Attachment I to 2CAN0103XX Page 18 of 100 1.12 Table 4.3-3, Note 6 (continued)

Discussion of Differences ANO-1 Comparison The adoption of the note related to the channel functional test into the ANO-2 TS is consistent with the note contained in the ANO-1 ITS SR However, the noun name of the control room ventilation intake duct monitor was used in the ANO-2 TS which is consistent with the current noun name in the ANO-2 CTS.

NUREG-1432 Comparison .


Asimilar notedefetor.

isnot included inNUREGo1432 SR 3.3.9o.2.,***'.

Attachment I to 2CAN0103XX Page 19 of 100 1.13 Table 3.3-10, Post-Accident Monitoring Instrumentation Discussion of Changes A format change only is proposed to page 3/4 3-40. The page layout will be changed from landscape to portrait to be consistent with the change format change proposed on page 3/4 3-40a. No revision bars will be used to reflect the change from landscape to portrait.

Administrative Changes Al The designated change represents a non-technical, non- ,.nt cIange to the ANO-2 CTS made to make the ANO-2 proposed Technical Spocif ft TS) consistent with the ANO-1 TSs or the "Standard Technical Sp*fd.tion bustion Engineering Plants"(RSTS), NUREG 1432, Revision 2. This Q e doe 1r the requirements of the CTS or RSTS. Examples of this type ding preference; convention adoption; editorial, numbering and chan*nd Ifhd dbigrarchy structure.

Technical Changes - More Restrictive Technical Changes - Mres RestrictiveI None Technical Changes - Less Restrictive None Technical Changes - Removal None .

Ni to 2CAN0103XX Page 20 of 100 1.14 Table 3.3-10, Actions 3b and 4b Discussion of Changes The phrase "pursuant to specification 6.9.2" will be deleted from Actions 3b and 4b.

A format change is proposed to page 3/4 3-40a. The page layout will be changed from landscape to portrait. No revision bars will be used to reflect the change from landscape to portrait Administrative Changes Al The designated change represents a non-technic 6n-ii-tPi6W'iiange to the ANO-2 CTS made to make the ANO-2 proposed Technio141ecific .... ,S) consistent with the ANO-1 TSs ,~~~~ or the "Standard* Technical

. SC0. * =

n Engneenng ments,.!*

Plants" (RSTS), NUREG 1432, Revision 2. This cnaeres not a of the CTS or RSTS. Examples of this type of c clude: w rence; convention adoption; editorial, numbering and t

  • 16 anges; *d*ierarchy structure.

t~ Rd".... * .. he Comsso if" A6 Specification 6.9.2, which requires the s f.pecial re ltthe Commission if various systems cannot be restored, ARbe de e d thus fe reference to it in various specifications will be deleted. ,tten cod.uiI*a* to the NRC is described in 10 CFR 50.4 and therefore, the pro ed c *f9v.eference that the report should be submitted to the NR ui11cej1 O CER j4 f adequately ensures that the regional office will receive a c o:the repq Technical Changes - More Re None . .4.'*


Attachment I to 2CAN0103XX Page 21 of 100 1.14 Table 3.3-10, Actions 3b and 4b (continued)

Discussion of Differences ANO-1 Comparison The actions associated with Post Accident Monitoring Instrumentation contained in ANO-1 ITS 3.3.15 require a submittal of a special report when the instrumentation cannot be restored.

Therefore, the proposed change is consistent with the requirement contained in the ANO-1 ITS.

NUREG-1432 Comparison NUREG-1432 includes an optional reporting requirem . .to Post Accident Monitoring Reports. The NUREG-1432 specification wil?, 'ehe ANO-2 current license basis allows reporting within 30 days, whicN I1. -day reporting requirement in the NUREG. No change is proposed to the 6day allowi

Attachment I to 2CAN0103XX Page 22 of 100 1.15 Steam Generator Surveillance Requirements,,,,, and Tables 4.4-1 and 4.4-2 Discussion of Changes These surveillance requirements will be relocated to PTS 6.5.9 as the proposed Steam Generator Tube Surveillance Program.

The CTS note that states: "The requirements for inservice inspection do not apply during the steam generator replacement outage (2R14)." will be deleted.

See the markup of inserts and the associated discussion (Sect.iorh)1I--- 4 ;the changes made teh*surveillance requirements.

to these Administrative Changes .

None Technical Changes - More Restrictive None Technical Changes - Less Restrictive

  • None Technical Changes - Removal of btails LA5 CTSnota SR 4.4,59 :,WQItains py4.3,.0 ..: .. . th *** 0ing or note:

re. "The requirement for inservice inspection do not appje"'ibsteam g i.or replacement outage (2R14)." This outage was comp,10t, O0aR.e n0 note 1r*onger applicable.

Discussr f Differences "*

ANQO* parison ANO-1 rel6Ate.i the steam ge or tube surveillance program to specification 5.5.9. Due to two units beinW.4*,f rent, taient licensing basis varies slightly. ANO-2 is relocating the current licensindbit: it changes.

NUREG-1432 ComrnIp V NUREG-1432 specification 5.5.9 contains a reviewer's note specifying that the current licensing basis for the SG tube surveillance program should be relocated to this specification. ANO-2 is relocating the current licensing basis with only minor changes. Therefore, this change is consistent with the NUREG reviewer's note.

Attachment I to 2CAN0103XX Page 23 of 100 1.16 Steam Generator Surveillance Requirement Discussion of Changes The reporting requirements will be relocated to PTS 6.6.7. See section 1.46 for the changes made to the reporting requirements.

Administrative Changes None Technical Changes - More Restrictive None * .

Technical Changes - Less Restrictive None Technical Changes - Removal of Details M N on e -. ,......

Discussion of Differences * .,.*_:

ANO-1 Comparison ANO-1ITS iclude e* g NeOV, ANO-1 ITS includegý.,sitea generafieporting requirements in specification 5.6.7. The ANO-2 proposed c han g*: ft9with

.. t.ý', ation of the special reporting requirement contained in the ANO-*1S 13(see., W)opted. onverS-gi~oweveod on the reviewer's note contained in NUREG the exact the At h.onversion is not adopted.

NUREb4N32 ComDarison fli Steam geQ r reporting req ents are contained in NUREG-1432 Specification 5.6.9.

The spe*contains a re er's note that states: "Reports required by the Licensee's current licensifn9basis reg!N6 steam generator tube surveillance requirements shall be included re.r change is consistent with the guidance contained in the reviewer's note. i%4'

Attachment I to 2CAN0103XX Page 24 of 100 1.17 TS 3.5.2, ECCS Subsystems - Tavg > 3000 F, Action b Discussion of Changes The phrase "to the Commission pursuant to Specification 6.9.2" will be changed to uto the NRC."

Administrative Changes A6 Specification 6.9.2, which requires the submittal of a special report to the Commission if various systems cannot be restored, will be deleted and thus the reference to it in various specifications will be deleted. Written communicati o$the NRC is described in 10 CFR 50.4 and therefore, the proposed change c P*frice that the report should be submitted to the NRC. Guidance in 10 O.4 45tely ensures that the regional office will receive a copy of the report Technical Changes - More Restrictive None Technical Changes - Less Restrictive None Technical Changes - Remi None Discussion of Differences arepdk'.Kb/onjunction with ECCS actuations nor does the

"*"e'l Vcial rep~ Therefore, the ANO-1 TSs and ANO-2 current a Jýirement of the ANO-2 current licensing basis and will be NUREG-1432 d5 a special report associated with ECCS actuations. The report is contained in the Al licensing basis and will be retained.

Attachment I to 2CAN0103XX Page 25 of 100 1.18 TS 3.5.3, ECCS Subsystems - Tavg < 300 0F, Action b Discussion of Changes The phrase "to the Commission pursuant to Specification 6.9.2" will be changed to "to the NRC."

Administrative Changes A6 Specification 6.9.2, which requires the submittal of a special report to the Commission if various systems cannot be restored, will be deleted and thus the reference to it in various specifications will be deleted. Written communicati o th NRC is described in 10 CFR 50.4 and therefore, the proposed change w.11 o60f1 i ce that the report should be submitted to the NRC. Guidance in 10 10.4 t.ely ensures that the regional office will receive a copy of the report

  • Technical Changes - More Restrictive ° -

None Technical Changes - Less Restrictive None ..

-A Technical Changes - Removal of Details-5 None dF ANO-1 Compa .

ANO-1 C Id not requi-e cal cnjunction with ECCS actuations nor did the ANO-17oT$nversion require c*cal reportI Therefore, the ANO-1 TSs and ANO-2 current licen$*asis differ. This is a 'qirement of the ANO-2 current licensing basis and will be W9..

NUREG-1432 O&%VI*.reso Ep NUREG-1432 doesr ---a special report associated with ECCS actuations. The report is contained in the ANO~'"nt licensing basis and will be retained.

Attachment I to 2CAN0103XX Page 26 of 100 1.19 Surveillance Requirement Discussion of Changes Surveillance Requirement (SR) will be relocated to PTS 6.5.16, the Containment Leakage Rate Testing Program. Due to the relocation SR will be changed to state:

"The containment purge supply and exhaust isolation valves shall be demonstrated OPERABLE as specified in the Containment Leakage Rate Testing Program."

See section 1.59 for the markup of changes and associated discussion related to the changes to CTS SR in the proposed change to PTS 6.5.16. J&

Administrative Changes Al The designated change represents a non-technrboi4Tf6 it l to the ANO-2 CTS made to make the ANO-2 proposed Technica 40ftatio ns ( Qnsis$ent with the ANO-1 TSs or the "Standard Technical Spe* ons* 0ombu $ieen'ng Plants"(RSTS), NUREG 1432, Revision 2. This ch 'J; ot alter th irements of the CTS or RSTS. Examples of this type of change' i .,e: wording preference; convention adoption; editorial, numbenn:g rmattin9 *; and hierarchy structure.

"*WK Technical Changes - More Restrictive SK None Technical Changes - Less Re....

None See PTS 6.5.16.

Attachment I to 2CAN01 03XX Page 27 of 100 1.20 TS, Control Room Emergency Ventilation and Air Conditioning System, Actions d and e and Note 1 Discussion of Changes The requirements of CTS will be revised to specify that

"* The control room boundary can be opened intermittently under administrative controls (proposed Note 1).

"* Both control room emergency ventilation system (CREVS) trains can be inoperable for 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> if due to a control room boundary inoperability (proposed Action d).

  • Entry into Specification 3.0.3 will be required if both trains ff-
  • are inoperable for reasons other than the control room boundary orl 4b :nsf the control room emergency air conditioning system (CREACS) arek rabl*e sed Action e).

"* The current Actions designated as Actions d, e, f, i e ed as f, g, h, and i, respectively.

  • A new page 3/4 7-17a will be added to accommodate i dition of t a4.1 n Administrative Changes Al The designated change represents a non ' non-in t-2 no-i nge to the ANO CTS made to make the ANO-2 proposed;- nn cificatioi*i*S) consistent with the ANO-1 TSs or the "Standard Tw't"l I S;* ins Co bustion Engineering Plants" (RSTS), NUREG 1432, Revisio4?". s not alter the requirements of the CTS or RSTS. Examples of Ati ypi1ca .f~ude: wording preference; convention adoption; editori4 n, tting changes; and hierarchy structure. IBM' A7 A new Action e will be ad t6 ntry into LCO 3.0.3 while in Modes 1, 2, 3, or 4,.Abpt.ains oare inoperable for reason other than an inoperable control r, M.1 r ififm boo of the CREACS are inoperable. This is equivalent toh is idd as an explicit condition due to the addition of Tech.06I Changes - More dive R::.-'*:.**!  :.

W.W ,.0 .

Technical Cff; Less,,R ictive L3 The requirem iif9CTS will be revised to allow the control room boundary to be opened intermlnghetly under administrative controls, and to allow both CREVS trains to be inoperable for 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> if the control room boundary is inoperable. This condition is not allowed by the CTS and would result in an entry into the requirements of LCO 3.0.3.

Requiring entry into LCO 3.0.3 for this condition is excessive, as it does not provide sufficient time to attempt a repair. Entry into the Action is expected to be very infrequent and there is a low probability of a design basis accident during any given 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> period.

Implementation of the administrative controls associated with opening the control room boundary intermittently will ensure that the control room boundary can be rapidly closed when a need for control room isolation is indicated.

to 2CAN01 03XX Page 28 of 100 1.20 TS, Control Room Emergency Ventilation and Air Conditioning System, Actions d and e and Note I (continued)

Technical Changes - Removal of Details None Discussion of Differences ANO-1 Comparison The proposed change captures the intent of ANO-1 ITS 3 .7 art3..7 ha.n. 1....ciated actions and note 1. Format difference between ITS and CTS result in r or...oi 1fferences.

note 2, Which stat es that one train oftthe, CR'V$ sha""l bcapbeo uotiatatn.Th

.rmationooaIned cinthisanote stonsistent appro with the logicntty CRETh patesth 3 C ActuiremntsF(CR CTS 3.7.9 On 6 Te teVS) antdbeIT Vwl tCt the

i. toS rncluire entry-into TSY aend thasso icondit notem enu the atth fe reanI btweeni IPER.0a Th no E.......Tere or .. . t .a .t ee..y. the no te s l t



.... .~C ... ... ' X*

ANO-1 ITS 3.7.9. Ac7* .. *.i*.....

(CREVS) and ctF

  • .i.:.*

FTand N4 SCS) require entry into TS 3.0.3. The proposed . ..: s* *: change S..*:.. * :::.'.:* to ANO-2 - TTS...*. ...7.

.;.(: 67i .

....... 1nsistent with the logic presented in word~n these ANO-1 d~ff* specifications.,

NUREG-1432 Comparison The proposed c"ag cptures the # qet of Revision 2of NIJREG-1432 specification 3.7.11 and the associteto Oid n te 'uejt the format difference between ITS and CTS minor wording diffey..Vvyws are qure ip....

NUREGV rpciiation 3 ntontain n1de a note similar to the ANO-1 ITS note 2.

Therf~itheproose chage ~l~e AO-2TSs is consistent with the intent of NUREG132 G-l42 ...pec fction 3.7.1%'ction F and NUREG-1432 Specification 3.7.12 Action E require ent j#~ S 3.0.3. T~p ed change to ANO-2 TS 3.7.6.lAction e captures the intent of thesW.0 UREG-13.4 pecifications.

Attachment I to 2CAN0103XX Page 29 of 100 1.21 Surveillance Requirements,, and new Discussion of Changes SR requires that the control room emergency air filtration system be tested by initiating, from the control room, flow through the HEPA filters and charcoal adsorbers and verifying that the system operates for at least 15 minutes. The proposed change will reword the SR to require that each control room emergency air filtration system operate for at least 15 minutes. The specific details of how to perform the test will be relocated to the TS Bases as follows:

"=Performance of SR requires that the co]ol e gency air filtration system be started from the control room and flow tI?

  • th , filters and charcoal adsorbers." -"'
  • SR will be relocated to SR and th" I ...... ernen ents mb.... 'scthat the test can be performed using either an actual or a simula e I Various ii*Cfs SR will be relocated to the TS Bases as follows:

"Performance of SR requires au; oan of~t~ontrol room within 10 seconds upon injection of an actual or si room' diation test signal.

Flow shall be verified through the HEPi adsorb*r banks.R A new SR will be added to require:.. 'fica lea ' 18 months of the system makeup flow rate when supplying th eus:i t This requirement applies only to the ANO-1 emergency ventil; i~rdan (VSF T -1 fan has a makeup charcoal filter, which have a minimum and .l.. u .arequ velocity and other parameters

,rxrrum r equ ireiMd-At that require the flow rate. The A an (2VSF-9) have a separate makeup filter. A similar test is, thereftor. t requir~u r e ANO-2 fan The fan applicability will be included in the TS Bases avrdf ..........

"d ance of SR *2 A:~ivei Uie ability of CREVS to provide outside air at a

  • .[-ate of approximat 3 cfm +/- o'. This SR is applicable to VSF-9 only because

,e as a separate makeu rcoal filter. 2VSF-9 does not have a separate makeup Administ a'thanges Al The desigi ohte-. represents a non-technical, non-intent change to the ANO-2 CTS made IoI zne ANO-2 proposed Technical Specifications (PTS) consistent with the ANO-1 "S3Kr the "Standard Technical Specifications Combustion Engineering Plants"(RSTS),,IUREG 1432, Revision 2. This change does not alter the requirements of the CTS or RSTS. Examples of this type of change include: wording preference; convention adoption; editorial, numbering and formatting changes; and hierarchy structure.

Attachment I to 2CAN01 03XX Page 30 of 100 1.21 Surveillance Requirements and (continued)

Technical Changes - More Restrictive M11 A new SR will be added as SR to require verification of the CREVS makeup flow rate when supplying the control room with outside air. This SR is applicable for the ANO-1 fan (VSF-9) only as will be reflected in the TS bases.

Technical Changes - Less Restrictive LIl SR will be relocated to SR and a ition to verify the system automatically isolates by using either an actual or a

  • k*-sinal. This allows satisfactory automatic system initiations for other th* " *purposed to be used to fulfill the surveillance requirements. OPERAB Y i. qu y demonstrated in either case since the system cannot discriminate b 4 all A latedd signals.

Technical Changes - Removal of Details LA2 This information will be moved to a license controlled dI6rt such as the Bases, Safety Analysis Report (SAR), QAPM, Tecuiren nenWwual (TRM), etc. The information provides details of design or a re notIftly pertinent to the actual requirement, i.e., Definition, Lim.tOhg Cog f .r Oper= 'on, or Surveillance Requirement, but rather describe add.'iW S, 'als such as an acceptable method of compliance. Since these dis are3.tnece$` *y5' adequately describe the actual regulatory requirement, tt 4 beyed to Ih i6nsee controlled document without a significant impactc i Plfety Ii hs Atails in controlled documents provides adequate assura4veJ*at they will -lt d The Bases will be controlled by the Bases Control Pro$-Chapter 6 The SANO-1 ITS considering the differences in format. ANO-1 NO-2 proposed change to SR and ANO-1 ITS PTS ANO-1 SR is the same as ANO-2 The proposed change-Is similar to the NUREG-1432 SRs,, and considering the differences in format and system design.

Attachment I to 2CAN0103XX Page 31 of 100 1.22 Surveillance Requirement,,,, and, Control Room Emergency Air Filtration System Discussion of Changes These SRs describe the ventilation filtration program associated with the control room emergency filtration system. They will be relocated along with the fuel handling area ventilation filtration testing program (CTS SR to PTS 6.5.11, the Ventilation Filter Testing Program (VFTP). A new SR will direct the performance of the VFTP. See Section 1.64 and the Markup of Inserts for the discussion of changes to these surveillance requirements. Am Administrative Changes Al The designated change represents a non-technii 6.n t r to the ANO-2 CTS made to make the ANO-2 proposed Technical tations nsi~s*nt with the ANO-1 TSs or the "Standard Technical Spe nsComb~u.h>Ern eenng Plants"(RSTS), NUREG 1432, Revision 2. This cht ot alter t;i irements of the CTS or RSTS. Examples of this type of c .. : e: wording preference; convention adoption; editorial, numberin '% ng*W.Fes; and hierarchy structure. AV A8 PTS directs performance ofC:ntroI Oncy Ventilation filter testing in accordance with the Ventilation* Te".*ie nI(VFTP). This change is administrative. CTS . e, dffected performance of filter testing, will be relocated to P .5 11, 7F PTS ensures the requirements of the VFTPr, rformed.

Technical Changep M.pre RestRi V&jv "Techni" anes Less Re6 ive %V None

Attachment I to 2CAN01 03XX Page 32 of 100 1.22 Surveillance Requirement,,,, and, Control Room Emergency Air Filtration System (continued)

Discussion of Differences ANO-1 Comparison The ANO-2 proposed VFTP will be similar to the ANO-1 ITS. The program will include only the Control Room Emergency Ventilation System and the Fuel Handling Area Ventilation System.

The Penetration Ventilation System is not included as a Technical Specification system in the ANO-2 current licensing basis. The relocation of these SRs will rect the intent of the ANO-1 ITS VFTP.

NUREG-1432 Comparison The relocation of the ventilation filter testing program e contr gency ventilation and air conditioning system is consistent with th. phY set fo40i6 REG.

The NUREG does not specifically define the systems or ttir riptance crCH*'as these are plant specific. The relocation of these SRs will reflect the intenQ .. NUREG.

Attachment I to 2CAN0103XX Page 33 of 100 1.23 Shock Suppressors (Snubbers) Surveillance Requirement 4.7.8.h Discussion of Changes The proposed change will delete the reference to Specification 6.10.2.

Administrative Changes A9 Surveillance Requirement 4.7.8.h refers to Specification 6.10.2, which was deleted from the ANO-2 TSs with Amendmnt 2O. The reference to Specification 6.10.2 was inappropriately left in SR 4.7.8.h. The proposed change ldIl deete the reference to Specification 6.10.2.

Technical Changes - More Restrictive None .w Technical Changes - Less Restrictive None AM Technical Changes - Removal of Details 1 A I .

None Discussion of Differences None

Attachment I to 2CAN0103XX Page 34 of 100 1.24 Spent Fuel Pool Structural Integrity, TS 3.7.12, Action a.

Discussion of Changes This action requires submittal of a special report to the commission pursuant to Specification 6.9.2, which will be deleted. The required special report will be retained, however. Minor wording changes are proposed to delete reference to specification 6.9.2 and state that the report should be submitted to the NRC.

Administrative Changes A6 Specification 6.9.2, which requires the submittal of a ist' the Commission if various systems cannot be restored, will be deletleWnd *1 e reference to it in various specifications will be deleted. Written coM§ iicatio.&' RC is described in 10 CFR 50.4 and therefore, the proposed changie qMl..y ref that the report should be submitted to the NRC. Guidance in 10 "Idqu

",~~re ha h regional office will receive a copy of the report.

Technical Changes - More Restrictive None.

Technical Changes - Less Restrictive

  • S None Discussion 0e f nrc si .

ANO-1 .JAnNUREG-1432 Corrton Neithe*q .1 ITS or NUREG-14,Iave a similar specification. The current ANO-2 licensing basis reqZtU-k`Ahis S='submittal and i 1be retained.

n-1. Ov" Oh,*'*

Attachment I to 2CAN0103XX Page 35 of 100 1.25 TS 3.8.1, Action b and Note I Discussion of Changes Action b and Note I will be moved from page 3/4 8-1 to 3/4 8-1a.

Administrative Changes Al The designated change represents a non-technical, non-intent change to the Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 2 CTS made to make the ANO-2 Proposed Technical Specifications (PTS) consistent with the ANO-1 TSs or the CE Stankod Tephnical Specification (RSTS), NUREG 1432, Revision 2. This change doq; *t j equirements of the CTS or RSTS. Examples of this type of change in .0 rd*efo n adoption; editorial, numbering and formatting chano1 and *:tructure.

Technical Changes - More Restrictive None Technical Changes - Less Restrictive None Technical Changes - Removal of De!

None *,,

Discussion of DiDffawncs ANO-1 and .lE.-1 432 Goi,,_rison-,


Attachment I to 2CAN0103XX Page 36 of 100 1.26 TS 3.8.1, page 3/4 8-2 Discussion of Changes The header on this page is being changed to obtain a consistent format. The font on the page and spacing is also being changed which results in creation of a new page 3/4 8-2a. Action e will be moved to the new page.

Administrative Changes Al The designated change represents a non-technical, non-inft chapge to the Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 2 CTS made to make the ANO-2 opp3i. Nical Specifications (PTS) consistent with the ANO-1 TSs or the CEO and .*hnical Specification (RSTS), NUREG 1432, Revision 2. This change

  • not a a quirements of the CTS or RSTS. Examples of this type of change irid'e w ing nce; convention adoption; editorial, numbering and formatting chanKh*r Technical Changes - More Restrictive None Technical Changes - Less Restrictive j None Technical Changes - Removal None

Attachment I to 2CAN0103XX Page 37 of 100 1.27 TS 3.8.1, New Action f, and TS 3.8.2, New Action b, Separate Fuel Oil Storage System Discussion of Changes ANO-1 and ANO-2 share a common above ground fuel oil storage tank (T-25). In addition each unit has separate fuel storage tanks (T-57A/B for ANO-1 and 2T-57A/B for ANO-2) that supply fuel oil to the day tanks associated with each emergency diesel generator (EDG). The fuel oil sample is required of the fuel storage tanks (T-57A/B and 2T-57A/B). The above ground tank is typically aligned by gravity feed to the fuel storage tanks of both units.

The proposed change to TS 3.8.1 and TS 3.8.2 will include,. e g. nd b, respectively that will address the required action associated with fuel ,gp,

  • side the limits of the Diesel Fuel Oil Testing Program (PTS 6.5.13). A note wi beaddedl w Action f that will allow separate entry for each EDG. * .*

Administrative Changes . . .-.....

A10 PTS and PTS provide the administ rection associated with actions f.1, f.2, and f.3.

Technical Changes - More Restrictive J.Wl

. ~~ .~ ~ ~ .o M6 PTS, Action f.3 and PTS 3.8.& days to restore stored fuel oil properties if the new fug Aha 'eer Ased to srage tank and the new fuel oil sample results were outsid limits sp.i"ed by t*diesel fuel oil testing program.

The sampling of new fue*pi *:orto

  • rage tanks provides a means of determining whether el oil is oft"I prate grade and has not been contaminated<.Wth. substa *=t at would have an immediate detrimental impact on diesel en *.*  : Aaditona , these Actions are included to provide a limited resto "Tmin.t iI is added and subsequent test of the new fuel oil ar =.d bvered to be 1~4;annirms. additional restriction on operation consistent

Attachment I to 2CAN0103XX Page 38 of 100 1.27 New 3.8.1, Action f, and new 3.8.2, Action b, Separate Fuel Oil Storage System (continued)

Technical Changes - Less Restrictive L PT 3... Action . and l j. fu t less~~~~~~~

~ ~~ uethna~Qgloso o pt ~husasllonga thetionlmef s hevend(7) dalst ankIs reaer hanI7F46 altclons.~When storge lrue rsbteqienlimits prirdt the restorealos theo storedful tank ei wi1 dele inormabley, thendieseloenertiuater ree ro odeclaring the associated diesel enerator ioeal.~hfe i trg tankls alwhe 0%fl 2,0 sufficient aln) otisI3 volmeforapighmae daysofoeptatiionsamperloe* thres comntaiaed sto amecpaityg40gallnsdensreosa geneatotosuply isreqire he ompnens nedefoqauipment, hiniaio.

proposedtcangeinrodu c*les athoae vole not 1ol446 atrons. Thiscvahe, wheeneo e.en.. wo l o.c . .... ..

..... ONth sumed iththecontrants o th othe toange tagnkificanttaly oftee surv8egllonse en e~raso pope felili days lsursiinpral. perfor e hes 4eehoreceallow adequstated twimehio 3et1

  • tanertoruc inoptersite, peor thea Aequired o 6hdyAtinalw ute evlution alwofuteevutinr-sampling,rsoetevlmDrn resmpig an and restore sd dee toim!Babif ysis the theitir~~~h~lpropsdadeinat of%.Q fuel oil.o

~~o 'theulol eidpirtodcaigte associatedwthherdcdlvlte gnrtrit diesel o Tehncl ~in esRemo~ Of Details Technia9P .... -reo. ucDetailPs t d n

Attachment I to 2CAN01 03XX Page 39 of 100 1.27 TS 3.8.1, New Action f, and TS 3.8.2, New Action b, Separate Fuel Oil Storage System (continued)

Discussion of Differences ANO-1 Comparison The proposed changes result in the ANO-1 ITS and ANO-2 TSs being similar. The ANO-1 ITS has a separate TS 3.8.3 for Diesel Fuel Oil and Starting Air which the proposed change does not create. However, the proposed change does create new TS 3.8.1, Action f and TS 3.8.2, Action b that adopt the actions that are contained in the ANO-1 1y;.8.3 for the stored diesel fuel oil.

NUREG-1432 Comparison NUREG-1432 has separate TSs for the diesel generart 0,19ie dies ~4 1rat uel oil systems. The proposed change adopts the actions associ at are addressed in NUREG-1432 TS 3.8.3, however does not propse aieyt re. Tr oth actions for fuel oil contained in the NUREG is met by the__proposed ---e. ntoth

Attachment I to 2CAN0103XX Page 40 of 100 1.28 3.8.1, Surveillance Requirements, page 3/4 8-2a SRs and, as well as the associated notes contained on the current page 3/4 8-2a will be relocated to page 3/4 8-2b.

Administrative Changes Al The designated change represents a non-technical, non-intent change to the Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 2 CTS made to make the ANO-2 Proposed Technical Specifications (PTS) consistent with the ANO-1 TSs or the CE Standard Technical Specification (RSTS), NUREG 1432, Revision 2. This change does not er the requirements of the CTS or RSTS. Examples of this type of change includ.; w*&i .. rence; convention adoption; editorial, numbering and formatting chang h h structure.

Technical Changes - More Restrictive None Technical Changes - Less Restrictive None * &.'

Technical Changes - Removal of Details None F, Discussion of Differences

  • ANO-1 and NLURfAVmn ri.:n.-

Attachment I to 2CAN0103XX Page 41 of 100 1.29 SR, Diesel Fuel Oil Testing Program Discussion of Changes The proposed change will revise SR to reflect the creation of the Diesel Fuel Oil Testing Program (PTS 6.5.13). The proposed change will require that both new and stored fuel oil are tested while the current SR requires testing of only the stored fuel oil. See section 1.63 for a discussion of the new Diesel Fuel Oil Testing Program (PTS 6.5.13).

Administrative Changes None Technical Changes - More Restrictive M10 CTS SR requires that the A.C. electrical p wlces sh& r-W strated OPERABLE by the performance of each of the SuU Require1. 1 .1.1 and except for Requirement 2 h & SR 4.8.1 must be performed to satisfy SR The current SR ..pot require sampling of new fuel oil prior to adding it to the storage a ew dies il testing program is proposed as PTS 6.5.13 and includes a ON sample -el oil (see Section 1.63).

M12 The proposed change will require test f ne....d st . oil while the current SR only requires testing of the stor p;dluel Te.tjng of th e* fuel oil will provide added assurance that the fuel is ac AýcI"'D(e prior toýf pcing itje bulk storage tank.

Technical Changes - Less ReA None i Technica)*c . ges - Remo"V-o Detail*

LA1 - This inf l'" tion will be moved to a licensee controlled document, the Oi-stI Fuel Oil Testing iogram (DFOTP). A description of the programs will be e rated into the Aditrative Controls section 6.0. This information provides detais*the method nplementation which are not directly pertinent to actual require iQ. O.Since s i° details are not necessary to adequately describe the actual regulato~ t""ktey can be moved to a licensee controlled document without a significant i t . Placing these details in controlled documents provides adequate assC .... & that they will be maintained. The details of the DFOTP will be controlled by 10'FR 50.59.

Discussion of Differences ANO-1 and NUREG-1432 Comparison Neither ANO-1 ITS or NUREG-1432 have a specific SR in TS 3.8.1 that requires that new and stored fuel oil are tested in accordance with the Diesel Fuel Oil Testing Program. Due to the differences in format, the intent of the ANO-2 PTS is consistent with the philosophy of ITS.

Attachment I to 2CAN01 03XX Page 42 of 100 1.30 SR, Fuel Handling Area Ventilation Discussion of Changes The current SR provides the testing criteria for the fuel handling area filtration system. The filter testing program will be relocated to PTS 6.5.11. The current SR will be revised to direct testing of the fuel handling area ventilation filtration system in accordance with PTS 6.5.11. Several deletions are proposed to the current SR in order to accommodate the relocation to PTS 6.5.11.

See section 1.64 for the markup of changes and associated discussion.

Administrative Changes Al The designated change represents a non-technic Nuclear One, Unit 2 CTS made to make the AN(

(PTS) consistent with the ANO-1 TSs or the (RSTS), NUREG 1432, Revision 2. This change CTS or RSTS. Examples of this type of change ir adoption; editorial, numbering and formatting char Technical Changes - More Restrictive None Technical Changes - Less Restrictive None Technical Changes None A.0 Discussicouiof DIfet ANO-1 r "G-1432 (SR have a similar SR as PTS SR between ITS and CTS minor differences exist.

Attachment I to 2CAN0103XX Page 43 of 100 1.31 Administrative Controls Section 6.1, Responsibility Discussion of Changes The proposed change to CTS 6.1.1 and CTS 6.1.2 will eliminate reference to ANO-2 and make other minor administrative changes.

Administrative Changes Al The designated change represents a non-technical, non-intent change to the Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 2 CTS made to make the ANO-2 Propq d Technical Specifications (PTS) consistent with the ANO-1 TSs or the CE ...tan 4Jnical Specification (RSTS), NUREG 1432, Revision 2. This change `051'1 a1 requirements of the CTS or RSTS. Examples of this type of change irvi e: wo V4,erence; convention adoption; editorial, numbering and formatting chaW. d'.rardcture.

A13 The change modified the title of "ANO-2 plant manat *4*lant Man 91. tions.

This change is an organization change at ANO s -t0 in one t d manager between the two units.

Technical Changes - More Restrictive None Technical Changes - Less with the words contained in the ANO-1 ITS taking into etter to the NRC dated M.... 2002 (reference .3i and NUREG-1432 includes a requirement for the plant manager or his designee to approve, prior to implementation, each proposed test, experiment or modification to systems or equipment that affect nuclear safety. This will not be adopted. A0T m me o datdpqinI 2 ,


  • i9~5 eiminated this detil Approval requirements for such procedures and modifications are delineated in the QAPM as discussed in the request for and approval of amendment 160. This change is consistent with the current license basis.

Attachment I to 2CAN0103XX Page 44 of 100 1.31 Administrative Controls Section 6.1, Responsibility (continued)

Discussion of Differences NUREG-1432 (continued)

NUREG 5.1.2 identifies the "Shift Supervisor" as being responsible for the control room command function. This is not consistent with the current practice at ANO and will not be adopted. The "command and control" functions are currently assigned to a Control Room Supervisor who is not limited to the area of the control room envelope. A Shift Manager is also provided who implements many of the functions of the NUREG "Shift Supervisor and who typically remains in the control room. Further, the command structure is adequately controlled by procedures and "turnover" requirements in the ITS are unnecesjy. The proposed changes are consistent with the current license basis.

Attachment I to 2CAN0103XX Page 45 of 100 1.32 Administrative Controls Section 6.2.1, Offsite and Onsite Organizations Discussion of Changes The changes to 6.2.1 delete the specific reference to ANO-2 and make other preferred wording changes.

Administrative Changes Al The designated change represents a non-technical, non-intent change to the Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 2 CTS made to make the ANO-2 Prop d Technical Specifications (PTS) consistent with the ANO-1 TSs or the CE Star* * *nical Specification (RSTS), NUREG 1432, Revision 2. This change d.4gs"ot a "ue t h CTS or RSTS. Examples of this type of change 6n1 ie: w, .ýA rence; conventson adoption; editorial, numbering and formatting chani2 . tu1 A13 The change modified the title of "ANO-2 plant man IPlant Mtane 'tions."

This change is an organization change at ANO Via in one 1

.*d manager between the two units. PASS Technical Changes - More Restrictive None Technical Changes - Less 6`1 with the wording in ANO-1 ITS. For PTS 6.2.1.b, the 1h the wording contained in the ANO-1 ITS conversion taking Sincluded

  • (referenin c a letter dated ..... ..

....... ................ and

Attachment I to 2CAN0103XX Page 46 of 100 1.32 Administrative Controls Section 6.2.1, Offsite and Onsite Organizations (continued)

NUREG-1432 Comparison The ANO-2 proposed change is inconsistent with the wording contained in NUREG-1432.

NUREG-1432 refers to "nuclear power plant." This difference is acceptable as "unit" more appropriately reflects separation of ANO-1 and ANO-2.

NUREG-1432 5.2.1.a refers to "plant-specific" titles while the proposed change (PTS 6.2.1.a) refers to "unit specific" titles. This is a minor editorial difference. V9h thie.,o units at the ANO location, it is appropriate to designate them as "units" and the.tirg.14"' the "plant."

Only minor differences exist between the proposed chari..o TS d NUREG 5.2.1.b as follows:

"* The title of "plant manager" is "Plant Manager Operatio, .0.

"* The reference to "unit rather than "plant" is more appr a3 +.NO since t dual unit site.

PTS 6.2.1.c uses the word "unit" instead of th.e4.b in NUREG-1432 5.2.1.c. This is acceptable, as ANO is a two-u I The proposed change to TS 6.2.1.c inclu "h ate executive shall be documented in the SAR, and," which_.,.t irIud de This sentence is in the current TS and is consistent with the 0-i ITS- .1 d to the CTS as related to this sentence.

The proposed NUREG-1432.

Attachment I to 2CAN0103XX Page 47 of 100 1.33 Administrative Controls Section 6.2.2, Unit Staff Discussion of Changes The proposed changes reorganize the section and provide clarity for the ANO site. In addition, many of the requirements are being removed because they duplicate requirements provided by the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).

Administrative Changes Al The designated change represents a non-technical, non-i t chge to the Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 2 CTS made to make the ANO-2 p.. ical Specifications (PTS) consistent with the ANO-1 TSs or the Cg nnical Specification (RSTS), NUREG 1432, Revision 2. This change 0Ut not *quirements of the CTS or RSTS. Examples of this type of change i*...wnce; convention adoption; editorial, numbering and formatting chandi; W re All This information will be removed from the PTS sinc dj ts requirerm*povided in the regulations. Such duplication is unnecessar* results in additional administrative burden to revise the duplicggt hg4,en the s lations are revised.

Since removal of the information resut "i.0'al chanr e requirements, removal of the duplicative information j minist osider ve change. Further, change to the requirements will be cor TV.ed by t CTS 6.2.2.a I FR CTS 6.2.2.b Ot 10 CF ! m iii) and 50.54(k)

CTS 6.2.2.c . 10 CF i and (m)(2)(iii)

CTS6.2.2.e - 10 CFI- )'2)(iv)

A12 CTS Table",;:.4'.unntly co he requirements that are proposed to be located at PTS ~s2'.P--3.: th - mini V hange that simply relocates the CTS information.

Oth . W!,..

se no change lsp d..ose Techr1if!Changes - More Retict Wive Technical Ch9r(1 - Less *e, tctive L6 PTS 6.2.2 1 "the radiation protection position to be vacant for not more than 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> in ord*l provide for an unexpected absence. The proposed change is reasonable. A sIrilar allowance is granted to licensed operators and is included in the CTS as the # Note associated with Table 6.2-1.

L7 PTS 6.2.2.g will allow the Shift Technical Advisor (STA) to support the shift crew instead of only the shift supervisor. The change provides more flexibility to the STA and the crew and is consistent with the actual practice of the STA.

Attachment I to 2CAN01 03XX Page 48 of 100 1.33 Administrative Controls Section 6.2.2, Unit Staff (continued)

ITechnical Changes - Less Restrictive (continued) I __I L8 PTS 6.2.2.c will allow the STA position to be vacant for up to two hours in order to provide for an unexpected absence. This will allow needed staffing flexibility. Prior to the approval of t*SAMendmet`fev:s.Cti'W Repot R t August 1i99), the requirement to have an STA was included in Table 6.2-1 and the associated #

Note that allowed for unexpected vacancies applied. The two hour allowance for vacancy was inappropriately disassociated from the STA in Amendment 209.

Techn ical Changes - Removal of Details None Discu ssion of Differences ANC*-1 nmnsqri-nn (.TS 699a =nri PT RA 99 hl The proposed change is consistent with ANO-1 lT* id 5 into account the proposed change submitted to the NRC dated Ma,


..approved n. D (reference.7..

NUREG-1432 Comparison (CTS 6.2.2.a and e n The proposed changes to TS 6.2.2 " 6.2.2.b,, Vfrom NUREG-1432 due to the need to identify shift manning reqL.Qr nts for "on! iontrol room." In addition, ANO-2 currently requires three non-lice 4erators wh( Dr is operating in MODES 1, 2, 3, or 4. ANO-2 desirpest in the r.jicensing bases.

on Wo'td in the*NO-1 CTS prior to conversion. It was deleted the *!eiations. Therefore, the proposed change is consistent with

,TS 2.b) 01a requirement to maintain at least one licensed Operator in the the reactor. Therefore, the proposed change is consistent with ANO-1 Comparison (CTS 6.2.2.c)

ANO-1 had a similar CTS which was deleted when converting to ITS since the CTS duplicated requirements provided in the regulations. Therefore, this change is consistent with the ANO-1 ITS conversion.

NUREG-1432 Comparison (CTS 6.2.2.c)

The NUREG does not contain a requirement similar to ANO-2 CTS.

Attachment I to 2CAN0103XX Page 49 of 100 1.33 Administrative Controls Section 6.2.2, Unit Staff (continued)

Discussion of Differences (continued)

ANO-1 Comparison (PTS 6.2.2.c)

The proposed change is consistent with the ANO-1 ITS conversion specification 5.2.2.c.

NUREG-1432 Comparison (PTS 6.2.2.c)

The NUREG does not include the phrase 'for one unit, one Ioro m." The phrase is needed to designate the appropriate table in 10 CFR 50.54(n2)(i4f ANO-1 Comparison (CTS 6.2.2.d) 4 The proposed change is consistent with the approved ANOPI nversio NUREG-1432 Comparison (CTS 6.2.2.d)

PTS 6.2.2.d will be retained as "an individual i radiatio ction procedures."

NUREG-1432 5.2.2.c states, uA radiation protecslite when fuel is in the reactor." The current license bases will be. 2A ned to oe to alloh ater flexibility provided by the CTS for fulfilling this position ~firemen N ANO-1 Comparison (CTS 6.2.2.e) _._

The ANO-1 ITS does not includef.aquirement

  • e ANO-2 CTS. Therefore, the change is consistent with ANO-,>.
  • NUREG-1432Co!rsNTCT

. ... .... 6UM 62 t NUREG-....4 ies not cont9iN.*u1.,uir eiar to CTS 6.2.2.e. Therefore, the change is consistegWwi NNUREG-1432.

ANO-¶Co'lparison (CTS 6.2.2.f And PTS 6.2.2.g)

The propo*f~nge is consi with the ANO-1 approved ITS wording.

NUREG-1432 C '-f*sonlS 6.2.2.f and PTS 6.2.2g)

Minor wording diffrfe V.. exist between the NUREG and the proposed change. The ANO-2 current licensing basis 'pecifies that the position is only required during MODES 1, 2, 3, and 4, which will be retained in the proposed change.

ANO-1 Comparison (CTS 6.2.2.g and PTS 6.2.2.e)

The proposed change is consistent with the ANO-1 ITS.

Attachment I to 2CAN0103XX Page 50 of 100 1.33 Administrative Controls Section 6.2.2, Unit Staff (continued)

Discussion of Differences (continued)

NUREG-1432 Comparison(CTS 6.2.2.g and PTS 6.2.2.e)

The current licensing basis and proposed change reference Generic Letter (GL) 82-12, which contains the requirements set forth in NUREG-1432 specification 5.2.2.d. Therefore, the proposed change is consistent with the intent of NUREG-1432.

ANO-1 and NUREG-1432 Comparison (CTS 6.2.2.h and PTS 6.2.2h.

The wording is consistent with the ANO-1 ITS and NUIREG* ,o, .,.

to 2CAN0103XX Page 51 of 100 1.34 Administrative Controls Section page 6-3 Discussion of Changes Page 6-3 will be deleted.

Administrative Changes Al The designated change represents a non-technical, non-intent change to the Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 2 CTS made to make the ANO-2 Proposed Technical Specifications (PTS) consistent with the ANO-1 TSs or the CE Stan

  • Technical Specification (RSTS), NUREG 1432, Revision 2. This change do .o .. requirements of the CTS or RSTS. Examples of this type of change in w 0=" eference; convention adoption; editorial, numbering and formatting cha r and Vrcture.

Technical Changes - More Restrictive None Technical Changes - Less Restrictive None Technical Changes - Removal of None 4 Discussion of Differen*-ýe.s N,

to 2CAN0103XX Page 52 of 100 1.35 Administrative Controls Table 6.2-1, Minimum Shift Crew Composition Discussion of Changes This table and the associated

  • note will be deleted. The # note will be relocated to PTS 6.2.2.c.

See Section 1.33 for the discussion of changes associated with the # note.

Administrative Changes All This information will be removed from the PTS since it duplicates requirements provided in the regulations. Such duplication is unnecessar-bknd resuits in additional administrative burden to revise the duplicate TS whe. Us'..ations are revised.

Since removal of the information results in no 82c1hn G n the requirements, removal of the duplicative information is consider n ad change. Further, change to the requirements will be controlled by th 1C4 *.ge. Further, Table 6.2-1 10 CFR 50.54(m)(2)(i)

Table 6.2-1 Note 10 CFR 50.54(m)(2)(iv '

A12 CTS Table 6.2-1 currently contains the requirements that ap osed to be located at PTS 6.2.2.a. This change relocates the CT§ tion.

Technical Changes - More Restrictive :S None Technical Changes - Less Rstnctt i None Technical Chanaes-RI*6va of ED)

Disciij n of Differences ANO-1 ift*ison (CTS Table 6V1)

The propose nh e is Cortint with ANO-1 ITS. See previous di scussion under CTS 6.2.2.a. .~

NUREG-1432 Co mp .49(CTS Table6.2-1)

See previous discussion under CTS 6.2.2.a.

ANO-1 and NUREG-1432 Comparison (CTS Table 6.2-1

  • note)

The proposed change is consistent with the ANO-1 ITS and NUREG-1432.

Attachment I to 2CAN0103XX Page 53 of 100 1.35 Administrative Controls Table 6.2-1, Minimum Shift Crew Composition (continued)

Discussion of Differences (continued)

ANO-1 Comparison (CTS Table 6.2-1 # note)

The proposed change is consistent with the ANO-1 ITS.

NUREG-1432 Comparison (CTS Table 6.2-1 # note)

The proposed change is consistent with the intent of NURE 32, Ithough specifically references the requirements 10 CFR 50.54(m)(2)(i) for onaRntrol u room. See previous discussion related to CTS 6.2.2.a.

to 2CAN0103XX Page 54 of 100 1.36 Administrative Controls Section 6.3, Unit Staff Qualifications Discussion of Changes The requirement to meet the minimum qualifications of ANSI N18.1, 1971 for unit staff qualifications will be changed to ANS 3.1-1978.

Administrative Changes Al The designated change represents a non-technical, non-intent change to the Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 2 CTS made to make the ANO-2 Prop- -d Technical Specifications (PTS) consistent with the ANO-1 TSs or the CE .

  • 4tr .nclSeiication INo S reqireet

_pia fth (RSTS), NUREG 1432, Revision 2. This change CTS or RSTS. Examples of this type of change irle w<[erence; convention adopti on; editorial, numbering and formatting chan-pan.* *cture.

Techni.caChanges- Mor Restritiveo w M7 PTS 6.3.1 will be updated to reflect the latest changes to t

  • ity Assurance Program Manual (QAPM) approved by the NRC on p t6,199 .CNo. M97893). Unit staff qualifications are revised to reflect m oANS1 .1-1978--(in lieu of ANSI N18.1-1971). Additional experier de *quire ts are imposed for certain positions due to this change, Zais ch ditoa restriction on unit operation.

Technical Changes - Less Rstrict None .

Technical .9al6- o*na of Ig*

Disct 0of Differences The propose ge'is consLý. with the ANO-1 ITS.

NUREG.1432* -o6. V, The proposed change, nsistent with the intent of NUREG-1432, specification 5.3. 1.

NUREG-1432 also includes specification 5.3.2 as follows:

"=For the purpose of 10 CFR 55.4, a licensed Senior Reactor Operator (SRO) and a licensed reactor operator (RO) are those individuals who, in addition to meeting the requirements of TS 5.3. 1, perform the functions described in 10 CFR 50.54(m)."

Proposed TS 6.2.2.b describes the shift composition for licensed operators and references 10 CFR 50.54(m). Due to this reference it is clear that ANO-2 licensed operators must perform the functions of 10 CFR 50.54(m). Therefore, this NUREG-1432 specification is not adopted.

Attachment I to 2CAN0103XX Page 55 of 100 1.37 Administrative Controls Section, Page 6-5 Discussion of Changes The markup of this page includes in part the changes to Section 6.3, Unit Staff Qualifications which were previously discussed.

The markup page also includes section title additions for section 6.4, Procedures, 6.5, Programs, 6.5.1, Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM), 6.5.2, Primary Coolant Sources Outside Containment, 6.5.3, not used, 6.5.4 Radioactive Effluent Controls Program, 6.5.5, Component Cyclic or Transient Limit Program, 6.5.6, not used, 09, Steam Generator (SG)

Tube Surveillance Program, 6.5.10, Secondary Water Chemm & 6.5.11,Ventilation Filter Testing Program (VFTP), 6.5.12, later, 6.5.13, Die el 01 .!ng Program, 6.5.14, Technical Specifications (TS) Bases Control Progra 5. 5 sed, and 6.5.16, Containment Leakage Rate Testing Program. These e pi. -&Tý*.olders and the discussion of changes associated with each will follow.

Administrative Changes Al The designated change represents a non-tp "it .on-inte ge to the Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 2 CTS made to make4 ':A oose ical Specifications (PTS) consistent with the ANO-1 T tdard Tltnical Specification (RSTS), NUREG 1432, Revision 2. 1 chane -:e ter the requirements of the CTS or RSTS. Examples of this type ,de an" preference; convention adoption; editorial, numbering a.orr ing nges;

  • ierarchy structure.

Technical Changes - More Re*dv&.

None Technica i-Ch~ges - Less re,j on~e Technic'.... nges - Removal Vetails None _

Discussion of Dif r4one

Attachment I to 2CAN0103XX Page 56 of 100 1.38 Administrative Controls Section, Page 6-12a Discussion of Changes Section 6.6 which is listed as "DELETED" will be permanently deleted.

Administrative Changes Al The designated change represents a non-technical, non-intent change to the Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 2 CTS made to make the ANO-2 Proposed Technical Specifications (PTS) consistent with the ANO-1 TSs or the CE Stan, fd Tephnical Specification (RSTS), NUREG 1432, Revision 2. This change do of the CTS or RSTS. Examples of this type of change ii vod "I.ference; convention adoption; editorial, numbering and formatting chan. and N *tructure.

Technical Changes - More Restrictive .. .

None Technical Changes - Less Restrictive None Technical Changes - Removal of Details None (

Discussion of Differences None Als..*. .

to 2CAN0103XX Page 57 of 100 1.39 Administrative Controls Section, 6.7- Safety Umit Violation Discussion of Changes Section 6.7, Safety Limit Violation will be permanently deleted.

Administrative Changes All This information will be removed from the PTS since it duplicates requirements provided in the regulations. Such duplication is unnecessary and results in additional administrative burden to revise the duplicate TS when ths regplations are revised.

Since removal of the information results in no ac..l e othe requirements, removal of the duplicative information is considere $md e change. Further, change to the requirements will be controlled by h C.

6.7.1.c 10 CFR 50.36, 10 C 50.73 A14 CTS 6.7 will be deleted. CTS 6.7.1.a is redundant t tion inclu (,ifS. .On 2.1, Safety Limits.

A15 CTS 6.7.1.b requires notification of the Vic*,e., t, Oper* NO within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> of violating a safety limit. This notificatic atively c led as part of the ANO corrective action process and wil 4.deletea 11*s notificaln is not required to ensure any of the four criteria liste* 0zjhe administrative controls section of Technical Specifications is*.10. as reporting what is necessary to assure operation ed..e ,safe Rt Although this notification will continue to be performed it of the ard ices for notification, it does not assure the facility is operatel9a safe man ken in the control room by the control room operators a..M: afety of tf .

Technical Char%. Restric Tc

  • hanges - Less Res' ""Eve Technical Chns- Remo etals None Discussion of Differenes ANO-1 and NUREG-1432 Comparison The proposed change is consistent with the ANO-1 ITS and NUREG-1432.

to 2CAN0103XX Page 58 of 100 1.40 Administrative Controls Section 6.8, Procedures and Programs Discussion of Changes The TS will be renumbered and renamed as PTS 6.4, Procedures. Several procedure types will be deleted as they are required by Regulatory Guide 1.33. The current TS 6.8.1.a requires that applicable procedures recommended in Appendix A of Regulatory Guide 1.33 shall be established, implemented, and maintained, therefore, listing specific procedure types is unnecessary.

Administrative Changes Al The designated change represents a non-technica ntIf'inge to the Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 2 CTS made to make the AN* o0s;4'iical Specifications (PTS) consistent with the ANO-1 TSs or the d* e91ical Specification (RSTS), NUREG 1432, Revision 2. This change c f alter t he m of the CTS or RSTS. Examples of this type of change in( 4rdIing preltec " ention adoption; editorial, numbering and formatting chanC A22 CTS 6.8.1.a requires that written procedure.0 sta implemented, and maintained for the applicable proceduresjd*ii 1Regut Guide (RG) 1.33, Revision 2, Appendix A. This requirerr be ,as .1.a. CTS 6.8.1.b, 6.8.1.c, and 6.8.1.h require that proce s for ,tions, surveillance and test activities of safety related equipment."dn t 1 storage be established, implemented, and maintained. se s" 'd L in RG 1.33 and therefore duplicated by the requiremenXr".TS 6.4.12 CI .b, 6.8.1.c, and 6.8.1.h will be deleted.

Technical Chancesm, -are ResteictV#ý M8 PTS *4:*'"- R*U wi.ll* cluded to provide procedures for each of the s identified T_%6.5.grams included in this section are based on mtepro. Ied change is consistent with the NUREGs and is itional restriction ou,I1t operation. CTS 6.8.1.i, ODCM and PCP implementation relocated to the I= *ams section. Written procedures for the ODCM will be re" . by PTS 6.4.d. refore, the ODCM and PCP do not need to be listed ser n section 6.

M9 PTS 6. 4.*" is w requirement to maintain the emergency operating procedures in acco rdanhW. he requirements in NUREG-0737 and NUREG-0737, Supplement, as stated in SIIn 7.1 of Generic Letter 82-33. ANO-2 currently maintains these procediures as required by these documents.

Technical Changes - Less Restrictive None Technical Changes - Removal of Details None

Attachment I to 2CAN0103XX Page 59 of 100 1.40 Administrative Controls Section 6.8, Procedures and Programs (continued)

Discussion of Differences ANO-1 and NUREG-1432 Comparison (CTS 6.8.1.a)

The proposed re-ordering of the words is consistent with the ANO-1 ITS 5.4.1.a and NUREG 1432 5.4.1.a.

ANO-1 Comparison (CTS 6.8.1.b. 6.8.1.c, and 6.8.1.h)

The proposed change is consistent with the ANO-1 ITS. No f (

"*c ' ities are described, other than as required by RG 1.33, in the ANO-1 ITS. "

NUREG-1432 Comparison (CTS 6.8.1.b. 6.8.1 .c. and 6.8.b 4 The proposed change is consistent with NUREG-1432, ** oes not parate requirements for written procedures for refueling operatio 1 M c and tet

  • tivities of safety related equipment, or new and spent fuel storage except as Prd by RG 1.33.

ANO-1 and NUREG-1432 Comparison (CTS 6.8 ANO-1 ITS 5.4.1.c and NUREG-1432 spe , tion ¶e same as the proposed change.

ANO-1 Comparison (CTS 6.8.1 .g) 7 ANO-1 does not have a core p calculator a re does not require a similar TS.

NUREG-1432 C.60601-0 TS 6ro 8.

The propcý-'change with inor changes is consistent with the wording of NUREQ1G44.,

NUREm" specification 5.4.

"44 ".N.

Attachment I to 2CAN0103XX Page 60 of 100 1.40 Administrative Controls Section 6.8, Procedures and Programs (continued)

Discussion of Differences ANO-1 Comparison (CTS 6.8.1.)

The ANO-1 ITS do not include a reference to written procedures related to the ODCM or the PCP other than as delineated in specification 5.4.1 .d, which requires written procedures for all the programs included Section 5.5. Therefore, this change is consistent with the ANO-1 ITS.

NUREG-1432 Comparison (CTS 6.8.1.i)

NUREG-1432 does not Include a reference to written pro es .to the ODCM or the PCP other than as delineated in specification 5.4.1.e, wt11irequi 1-0.procedures for all the programs included in Section 5.5. Therefore, this cha i t .UREG NUREG-1432 5.4.1.c ,* ..... .

NUREG-1432 specification 5.4.1.c requires the establishgt 6 implementation, and maintenance of written procedures covering quali ince for and environmental monitoring."

for effluent and Thisenvironmental will not be adopted. 10 CFR 5 '1idix I of Pa. Cequire procedures monitoring. Th al e o Manual (QAPM)is considered applicable to the implementatia' proce .. s luent and environmental monitoring for the station. A periodic audit ofi radipk*ica e ntal monitoring program is implemented through the current M Wctiofi 2.a.f. ee controls are considered sufficient since they are not directly e.hnt to o i*e thep ibility of an abnormal situation or event that might result in an i We -atethreat toI bli and safety. Since these details are also not necessary to adequ* ý*escnbe the p gulatory requirement, they are not mandaeby 1o not meet the criteria in 10 CFR 50.36, they can be appropriately ret-4 4i"iO 10 .see co¢ documents without a significant impact on safety.

Retaining th~qiredC'*ti Retaining th n to*" uments also provides adequate assurance that they will b ntained. Cto t are controlled by 10 CFR 50.54. Since the control 'nsistent with tl" Acontrolsor other activities, the specific listing for effluent and ~t~inmental monitoring is L cessary.

%A ix

Attachment I to 2CAN0103XX Page 61 of 100 1.41 Administrative Controls Section 6.8.4.a, Radioactive Effluent Controls Program Discussion of Changes CTS 6.8.4.a, Radioactive Effluent Controls Program, will be retained as specification 6.5.4.

Minor changes are proposed which are classified as Al. "Beyond site boundary" will be added to CTS 6.8.4.a.10) and is considered preferred wording. An allowance to apply SR 4.0.2 and 4.0.3 will be added.

Administrative Changes Al The designated change represents a non-technical, A- ge to the Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 2 CTS made to make the ANO- posg finica Specifications (PTS) consistent with the ANO-1 TSs or the *:Stan d . nical Specification (RSTS), NUREG 1432, Revision 2. This change .n I Iter u'Iirements of the CTS or RSTS. Examples of this type of change i* Wrding pre D, c°*ention adoption; editorial, numbering and formatting chan eerarchy str aiR A16 PTS 6.5.4 - A statement regarding the applicability of SR i d 4.0.3 will be added.

This statement is consistent with the intent gming pI "rveiances.Since no change to regulatory requirements is . f.t rie is coId"d administrative.

Technical Changes - More Restrictive None Technical Changes - Less None

Attachment I to 2CAN0103XX Page 62 of 100 1.41 Administrative Controls Section 6.8.4.a, Radioactive Effluent Controls Program (continued)

Discussion of Differences ANO-1 Comparison (CTS 6.8.4.a)

The ANO-2 proposed change is consistent with ANO-1 ITS 5.5.4 based on the inclusion of the ANO-1 proposed changes to this specification which were submitted to the NRC and approved by the NRC (references 6 and 7).

NUREG-1432 Comparison (CTS 6.8.4.a)

NUREG-1432 references Appendix B, Table 2, Column o10 O 9 1-20.2402, which will not be adopted with the ANO-2 change. The ANO-2T nc & R 20.1302 and 10 CFR 20, Appendix B, Table II,Column 1 and 2. The e w at 0 does not support conversion to the revised 10 CFR 20 requira Fabrcatio* e, and installation of new software is expected to reach as mu*. There ntergy is requesting that the limitation requirements of the CTS be retaied .of the revised 10 CFR 20 requirements of the NUREG.

Attachment I to 2CAN0103XX Page 63 of 100 1.42 Administrative Controls Section 6.8.4.b, Component Cyclic or Transient Limit Program Discussion of Changes The Component Cyclic or Transient Umit Program (CTS 6.8.4.b) will be retained as PTS 6.5.5 and includes minor punctuation and preferred wording changes which are classified as Al.

Administrative Changes Al The designated change represents a non-technical, non-i e ch nge to the Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 2 CTS made to make the ANO-2 o T4 nical Specifications (PTS) consistent with the ANO-1 TSs or the Ci-I fndd[t nical Specification (RSTS), NUREG 1432, Revision 2. This change fr*s not af y quirements of the CTS or RSTS. Examples of this type of change inCidg tf.ce; convention adoption; editorial, numbering and formatting chan iengr re..

Technical Changes - More Restrictive None Technical Changes - Less Restrictive . .

None 7 Technical Changes -Remova ails None _

Discussion ..... e "

  • 0*

ANO-1 ,ofnparison The does not include ' -equirement.

NUREG-" oarso CTS 6.8.4.b is nt wording contained in NUREG-1432.

to 2CAN0103XX Page 64 of 100 1.42 Administrative Controls Section 6.91, Routine Reports Discussion of Changes The introductory paragraph contained in Section 6.9.1 will be deleted as it is redundant to existing regulations.

Administrative Changes All This information will be removed from the PTS since it duplicates requirements provided in the regulations. Such duplication is unnecessary nd results in additional administrative burden to revise the duplicate TS whe tl*.eations are revised.

Since removal of the Information results in no Icl n*rtNn the requirements, removal of the duplicative information is consider dn ad _ echange. Further, change to the requirements will be controlled by thj C "

6.9.1 10 CFR 50.4 Technical Changes - More Restrictive None Technical Changes - Less Restrictive None Technical Changes - Removal Of lails None DiscussionAEORT *e.

ANO-1* UREG-1432 Cornhon The pr* o*ei, change is consiste N xth the ANO-1 ITS and NUREG-1432.

Attachment I to 2CAN0103XX Page 65 of 100 1.43 Administrative Controls Section 6.91.1,, and, Startup Report Discussion of Changes The details related to the Startup Reports will be deleted.

Administrative Changes None Technical Changes - More Restrictive None Technical Changes - Less Restrictive None Technical Changes - Removal of Details LA2 This information will be moved to the uiremefiInual (TRM). The information provides details of design g Pre not 1i :tly pertinent to the actual requirement, i.e., Definition, l 10Operation, or Surveillance Requirement, but rather describe ad s such as an acceptable method of compliance. Since dI ds t adequately describe the actual regulatory requirement the car licensee controlled document without a significant impa Osafety. "Fdetails in controlled documents provides adequate a A M, at they ned. Changes to the TRM are govemed b..I..F,.R 50.59M.

Discussion .afre.

The the ANO-1 ITS and NUREG-1432.

Attachment I to 2CAN0103XX Page 66 of 100 1.44 Administrative Controls Section 6.91.4, Annual Reports Discussion of Changes This introductory paragraph related to the Annual Report will be deleted.

Administrative Changes A17 CTS - This section provides an introductory paragraph into CTS, which includes a listing of the required annual reports. The paragraph will be deleted with the submittal date moved to the individual report. The individua!-iorti g criteria adequately describe the required data and therefore this paragrape spp;K urpose.

Technical Changes - More Restrictive None Technical Changes - Less Restrictive None Technical Changes - Removal of Details *Y:

None A*

Discussion of Differences ANO-1 ITS Comoar,,Ison There is no~ ctory iin** h At-1 ITS Reporting Requirements. The submittal date is in in each reo :qire e -.his is consistent with the proposed deletion of CTS sybk 8n

NUREGM1432 Comr~arison NURG-13~~Luesan intrp ory sentence, which will not be included in the proposed change. Per );-1432tptdes** reorts listed in section 5.6 are submitted in accordance with 10 CFR 50.4. Th=ed'* i in this section are governed in part by 10 CFR 50.4 but also by other regulations. , this introductory sentence will not be included, as the individual reporting requiremenris vide adequate guidance.

Attachment I to 2CAN0103XX Page 67 of 100 1.45 Administrative Controls Section 6.91.5, Occupational Radiation Exposure Report Discussion of Changes This CTS provides guidance related to the Occupational Radiation Exposure Report. This specification will be relocated to proposed section 6.6.1.

The report is currently submitted annually prior to March 1. This date will be changed to April 30 of each calendar year. The April 3 0&h date is consistent with the revisions to 10 CFR 20 and is provided to supplement the information require by 10 CFR 20.2206 (b), which is filed on or before April 30 in accordance with 10 CFR 20.2206 (c). The su p4 mental information report submittal date will therefore be revised to correspond with r ebmittal date of the report being supplemented.

In addition, the CTS will be revised to reflect the correct for the units of occupational exposure. WX The current note 1, which defines the allowance for a co ittal to be 6, will be added to the appropriate annual reports.

The current note 2 will be modified to reflect ,tif.l rgulatit cluded within the specification rather than as a separate note.

  • Administrative Changes Al The designated change reproin t a non-thncal I'v*intent change to the Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 2 CTSA 6!to make U2oposed Technical Specifications (PTS) consistent with th 149-1 TSs or Standard Technical Specification (RSTS), N E-l..1432, ReIM *. This change does not alter the requirements of the CTS orST a o t type of change include: wording preference; convention

-pes adop n0- @dtori

  • anftting changes; and hierarchy structure.

A18 * *61-The ne r6.6.1 A e propos Mae wiifiect the correct 10 CFR 20 terminology for the of occupational exp6":. A statement limiting the report scope to those persons V'O0f1itpred will be added a4Y'!tatement of the obvious. Lastly, the pocket dosimeter will bQ.B.'Ised to refer to a t ionization chamber and the electronic dosimeter will be spe as an additior* eans of collecting the exposure data. These changes are cosid6dpurely ad.t ';ative since they result in no relaxation of requirements, result in compl=an itR tIV: t 20, more accurately reflect the principal of operation of the pocket do *!I°fl" acknowledge industry usage of advanced dosimetry devices.

These changes.e*econsistent with 10 CFR 20 and NUREG-1432.

Attachment I to 2CAN01 03XX Page 68 of 100 1.45 Administrative Controls Section 6.91.5, Occupational Radiation Exposure Report (continued)

Technical Changes - More Restrictive None Technical Changes - Less Restrictive L9 CTS defines the requirements for Occupational Radiation Exposure Report. The submittal date for this report will be revised such that the rrt isubmitted by April 30 of each calendar year. This change is consistent with e p hsive revisions to 10 CFR 20. The date of submittal for the Annual O K4t1 n aI Vure Report is revised from March 1 to April 30. This report is provided tp'ipple rmation required by 10 CFR 20.2206(b) which is filed on or befo I a with 0CFR 20.2206 (c). The supplemental information repor

  • date is ore vised to correspond to the required submittal date of the r Technical Changes - Removal of Details None Discussion of Differences

Attachment I to 2CAN0103XX Page 69 of 100 1.46 Administrative Controls Section, Steam Generator Tube Inservice Inspections Discussion of Changes This reporting requirement will be retained as proposed TS 6.6.7 and renamed as Steam Generator Tube Surveillance Reports. The details of the report are contained in CTS and will also be relocated to proposed TS 6.6.7.

CTS of the Steam Generator (SG) Tube Inservice Inspection Report requires submittal of a Special Report pursuant to specification 6.9.2. Specificati U.9.2 will be deleted and reference to this special report will be replaced with a simpleA~st **[ ubmit the report to the Commission. Written communication to the NRC is d bed fý!FR 50.4. Therefore, the specific details of addressees, etc. will not be inO i'ed in 9 " ification. This is considered an editorial administrative change. got.

Administrative Changes 4 A6 Specification 6.9.2, which requires the submittal of a §4t to the Commission if various systems cannot be restored, will and hte reference to it in various specifications will be deleted. W to RC is described in 10 CFR 50.4 and therefore, the prop chang ref& nce that the report should be submitted to the NRC. Gui e in 1~ dequately ensures that the regional office will receive a copy of th porL.-,:2 A20 CTS will be moved n CTS, which requires that the cb the report. The relocation results in no clh Technical Chanr.s-j e str Nc Technical Details None

Attachment I to 2CAN0103XX Page 70 of 100 1.46 Administrative Controls Section, Steam Generator Tube Inservice Inspections (continued)

Discussion of Differences ANO-1 ITS Comparison ANO-1 ITS 5.6.7 describes this reporting requirement. The ANO-2 proposed change differs from the ANO-1 ITS, however, is consistent with the currently approved ANO-2 license basis and consistent with the reviewer's note that is contained in NUREG-1432.

NUREG-1432 Comparison .c NUREG-1432 specification 5.6.9 describes the SG Tube ectio A reviewer's note states: "Reports required by the Licensee's current licen -441;.a team generator tube surveillance requirements shall be included here. Atipriate ad itrtivontrols format should be used.N The proposed change to the AN O". consiste urrent licensing basis and is, therefore, consistent with the reviews 6 660 tained in RG-1432.

Attachment I to 2CAN0103XX Page 71 of 100 1.47 Administrative Controls Section, Documentation of Pressurizer Safety Valve Challenges Discussion of Changes This specification requires documentation of all challenges to pressurizer safety valves. It was added as a result of recommendations articulated in Appendix C.2 (Item C.3.3) of NUREG 0660, Volume 1, "NRC Action Plan Developed As A result of the TMI-2 Accident." This will be deleted.

NUREG-1432 previously contained the requirement to report ch 7! g f pressurizer safety valves as part of the monthly operating report. Technical peci n-aveler number 258 pa removed this monthly reporting requirement based on Geg> Le.t , "Revised Content of Monthly Operating Report" and discussions relateclf th Nrmance Q Indicator Program. The conclusion was that this information wa tj e. I-i essment of NRC Performance Indicators and as such the requiremend inf M9*....rated to challenges of the pressurizer safety valves in the monthl hed. report 0 edetm The NUREG does not require reporting pressurizer safety v .enges annIAlthough the NUREG previously required a monthly report of any pressun P.fety valve challenges, Entergy took exception to the monthly reporting' rpfr :'f7hnt ina 1999 request for additional information related to the administr (reference 2). Entergy continued to require th

. of the 0 and ANO-2 TSs

"'&ual r its propo0" d that the reporting requirement for the pressurizer safety valves fdeletej .. n for deletion is consistent with the logic used in the above referenced tr"v'.er e uporting frequencies differ.

In 1997 with the Temperature issuance ofProtf Overpressure ANO-Z4&omendm AN rince 6), which added the Low (LTOP) reqw NO committed to include within the report of challenges to the prij er safety v ort of any challenges to the LTOP valves. This commT t*wil be Ire age. and thus any challenges to the LTOP valves will be reported.NO.

Administrai.v Changes Techni310 ch~nges - More Re ive None Technical Chang estrictive None

Attachment I to 2CAN0103XX Page 72 of 100 1.47 Administrative Controls Section, Documentation of Pressurizer Safety Valve Challenges (continued)

Technical Changes - Removal of Details LA3 CTS - The reporting of these challenges was incorporated into the CTS in response to Three Mile Island (TMI) Action Item II.K.3.3. This action plan was originally implemented only to provide a venue for data gathering. There is no plant specific safety basis for submitting routine information on the operations of this particular equipment.

Technical Specification Task Force (TSTF) Traveler #258 removed this reporting requirement based on Generic Letter 97-02, WRevised C.ent ¶f Monthly Operating Report" and discussions related to the NRC Perfarma 4W Wýtor Program. The conclusion was that this information was not @1 ed e U *ssessment of NRC Performance Indicators and as such the require~ to in d .frmation related to challenges of the pressurizer safety valves in -thon. . o jreport was not needed. The NUREG does not require reporting zer saf *e cNllenges annually. Although the NUREG previously requhil ly report

  • p *sunzer safety valve challenges, Entergy took exception to -.reporting r ment in a February 1999 request for additional information related t* m inistrative controls of the ANO-1 and ANO-2 TSs (reference 2), 4 h-'g cont require the annual report. It is proposed that the reporting .the pre. er safety valves be deleted. The reason for deletion i siste Iogictsed in the above referenced traveler even though the reog ph er In 1997 with the issuance of A. . 6), which added the Low Temperature Overpressi ProtectioT op Lirements, ANO committed to include within the report f.- lenes to s s of challenges to the LT O i- -T ........ ......
t. e LTO Valves'::

Cha.e..... .31 ss* fety valves or LTOP valves that result in a po rtdt impact ond b ated for reportability under 10 CFR 50.73 and btported to the NR' rw

Attachment I to 2CAN0103XX Page 73 of 100 1.47 Administrative Controls Section, Documentation of Pressurizer Safety Valve Challenges (continued)

Discussion of Differences ANO-1 ITS Comparison This reporting requirement is not described in the ANO-1 ITS, therefore, the proposed change is consistent with the ANO-1 ITS.

NUREG-1432 Comparison This reporting requirement is not described in NUREG-1 ref roposed change is consistent with NUREG-1432. . ' .....

A, to 2CAN0103XX Page 74 of 100 1.48 Administrative Controls Section, Specific Activity Analysis Report Discussion of Changes This specification requires submittals of reports for specific activity analysis in which the primary coolant exceeds the limits of specification 3.4.8. This will be relocated to specification 6.6.8 with no proposed changes other than the relocation.

Administrative Changes Al The designated change represents a non-technical, non-itt change to the Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 2 CTS made to make the ANO-2 prOl Tebical Specifications (PTS) consistent with the ANO-1 TSs or the Chd nicI Specification (RSTS), NUREG 1432, Revision 2. This change .snoet.quirements of the CTS or RSTS. Examples of this type of change in ide ng jtece; convention adoption; editorial, numbering and formatting chan ie Y r.....

Technical Changes - More Restrictive N None Technical Changes - Less Restrictive i V

  • None Technical Changes - Removal ietils a

None is i the Discussion A ANO-I, xr mparison This ' requirement is not.cnbed in the ANO-1 ITS. It is part of the ANO-2 current licensin a-nd as such will b {ained.

NUREG.-1 43nsonoa;o This reporting req not described in NUREG-1432. It is part of the ANO-2 current licensing basis and as.... will be retained.

to 2CAN0103XX Page 75 of 100 1.49 Administrative Controls Section, Monthly Operating Report Discussion of Changes This section will be relocated to section 6.6.4.

Administrative Changes Al The designated change represents a non-technical, non-intent change Nuclear One, Unit 2 CTS made to make the ANO-2 Proposed Technii (PTS) consistent with the ANO-1 TSs or the CE Stan, Techni (RSTS), NUREG 1432, Revision 2. This change doc 0o fno e.ire CTS or RSTS. Examples of this type of change in wor

--1"' efei adoption; editorial, numbering and formatting chan*s and N *ti Technical Changes - More Restrictive None Technical Changes - Less Restrictive ' _

None Technical Changes - Removal of D Vs None .

Discussion of Diffewnspes ANO-1 and N ai The wo in 0Wn,ssocedse is cons nt with the wording in ANO-1 ITS and NUREG-1432,45fication 5.6.4.

Attachment I to 2CAN0103XX Page 76 of 100 1.50 Administrative Controls Section 6.9.2, Special Reports Discussion of Changes This section requires that a special report be submitted to the Administrator of the Regional Office within the time period specified for each of the following:

"* ECCS Actuations, Specifications 3.5.2 and 3.5.3

"* Inoperable Containment Radiation Monitors, Specification

"* Steam Generator Tubing Surveillance - Category C-3 Results, .pecification4.4.5.5

"* Maintenance of Spent Fuel Pool Structural Integdty, Specificati *.7.1 "Inoperable Reactor Vessel Level Monitoring System (R*S, S' tion, Table 3.3-10 Item 14 RM

"* Inoperable Main Steam Line Radiation Monitors, Spe jtion be 3.3-6 The individual specifications will be changed to remove the.......nce to C will be deleted. CTS 6.9.2 states that the special reports shal UN: edt to ertor of the Regional Office. The individual specifications will be clange ate that th ports shall be submitted to the NRC. Wdtten communication NRC ibed in 10 CFR 50.4.

Although the CTS requires that the reports be s*! the Admf ftor of the Regional Office only, 10 CFR 50.4 provides distnbuti1g quie for w communications.

Therefore, reference to the Administrator of 4t.i"Regio r will be deleted. This is an administrative change.

Administrative Changes Al The designated change epp#onts a non-t 9 ntent change to the Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 2 CTS *dto make the:t-"'Proposed Technical Specifications (PTS) _co-si:0 t,-t.with the TSs or the CE Standard Technical Specification (RSTS)% isi,,o.%This TEG4change does not alter the requirements of the C%CpTS 4,1*:S s S. ExaffExah-1. "L".... f hi*

his f Lchange include: wording preference; convention'; editodal, nur:4: and fOifting changes; and hierarchy structure.

Al1 l information will be re d from the PTS since it duplicates requirements provided

.. regulations. S duplication is unnecessary and results in additional a .Qptive burden to

  • se the duplicate TS when these regulations are revised.

Sinc lYf val of the mation results in no actual change in the requirements, removal" Iduplict. irnformation is considered an administrative change. Further, change . . n-ts will be controlled by the NRC.

6.9.: * '10 CFR 50.4 Technical Changes - More Restrictive None

Attachment I to 2CAN0103XX Page 77 of 100 1.50 Administrative Controls Section 6.9.2, Special Reports (continued)

Technical Changes - Less Restrictive None Technical Changes - Removal of Details None Discussion of Differences ANO-1 Comparison, A similar change was made to the ANO-1 ITS. The Spec P se *s deleted. The wording in the individual specification differs slightly. Th propos pge 11state that the reports shall be submitted to the NRC which is und the NO-I NUREG-1432 Comparison NUREG-1432 does not contain a section describ eld f U ts in section 5.0.

The special reports required by CTS 6.9.2 a OAO 2' t HlicensI beises and will be included in the individual specifications. T rtht*TS 6.9.2 is consistent with NUREG-1432. #

Attachment I to 2CAN0103XX Page 78 of 100 1.51 Administrative Controls Section 6.9.3, Radioactive Effluent Release Report Discussion of Changes CTS 6.9.3 will be relocated to proposed TS 6.6.3. Minor changes are proposed which include the following:

"* The CTS note states in part that "The submittal should combine those sections that are common to both units." In the proposed change, the should will be changed to a "shall."

This change is considered administrative.

"* CTS required that annual reports covering activities Af:*henit for the previous calendar year shall be submitted prior to March 1 of ea er'oposed change will change the date of the report to be prior to May 1 of* "year proposed change is considered purely administrative since there is no rjtion o i(Lrements and the proposed change is consistent with 10 CFR 20.

Administrative Changes Al The designated change represents a nor hange to the Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 2 CTS made to make ...nical Specifications (PTS) consistent with the ANO-1 TSs, %Ibnical Specification (RSTS), NUREG 1432, Revision 2. th* 'requirements of the CTS or RSTS. Examples of this type N preference; convention adoption; editorial, numbering and fo chv structure.

A21 CTS 6.9.3 will be revised to r qu Onts consistent with 10 CFR 20 and minor editorial changeg&:. =10ered purely administrative since they result in no relaxatibq 4ilt in compliance with 10 CFR 20.

These ch a ne..... nsist; 1 10 CFR 20 NUREG-1432, Rev. 2.

Technic; es - More live Techi es - Less Res ve None Technical Changi al of Details None Discussion of Differences ANO-1 and NUREG-1432 Comparison The proposed change is consistent with the wording in the ANO-1 ITS and in NUREG-1432.

Attachment I to 2CAN0103XX Page 79 of 100 1.52 Administrative Controls Section Page 6-19 Discussion of Changes This page will be deleted.

Administrative Changes Al The designated change represents a non-technical, non-intent change to the Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 2 CTS made to make the ANO-2 Proposed Technical Specifications (PTS) consistent with the ANO-1 TSs or the CE Stan .d Technical Specification (RSTS), NUREG 1432, Revision 2. This change doez tments of the CTS or RSTS. Examples of this type of change inc A 'wordiPf.peference; convention adoption; editorial, numbering and formatting cha and h ytructure.

Technical Changes - More Restrictive None 04 Technical Changes - Less Restrictive None 4 Technical Changes - Removal of None Discussion of Differerwces None

Attachment I to 2CAN0103XX Page 80 of 100 1.53 Administrative Controls Section 6.9.4, Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Discussion of Changes The proposed change will relocate the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report from CTS 6.9.4 to PTS 6.6.2. Very minor administrative changes are proposed to the current wording contained in the note.

Administrative Changes Al The designated change represents a non-technical, ..- i

  • ge to the Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 2 CTS made to make the ANO- A p: ltnical Specifications (PTS) consistent with the ANO-1 TSs or the .1Stand nical Specification (RSTS), NUREG 1432, Revision 2. This change 1_n.t1der *4irements of the CTS or RSTS. Examples of this type of change inc p A,,rding adoption; editorial, numbering and formatting chang & erac st N 9?tenton Technical Changes - More Restrictive None Technical Changes - Less Restrictive

None Technical Changes - Remova Nails None  :.I .

DiscusslQA{* Oifferences ANO 1 NUREG-1 432 ComDDA6 The wor e current TS is istent with the wording contained in the ANO-1 ITS and in NUREG-1 4

    • the~~~ , .urn ~.....

....... wrdn onandinteAN- TSadi

Attachment I to 2CAN0103XX Page 81 of 100 1.53 Administrative Controls Section 6.9.5, Core Operating Limits Report Discussion of Changes This section will be relocated to section 6.6.5. Minor administrative changes are proposed.

Administrative Changes Al The designated change represents a non-technical, non-intent change to the Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 2 CTS made to make the ANO-2 Proposed Technical Specifications (PTS) consistent with the ANO-1 TSs or the CE Stanr0 Te.hnical Specification (RSTS), NUREG 1432, Revision 2. This change doe*¢,CpN equirements of the CTS or RSTS. Examples of this type of change n Ierence; convention adoption; editorial, numbering and formatting chari andd t All This information will be removed from the PTS sina*,

in the regulations. Such duplication is unne r%

administrative burden to revise the duplicate TS N'e revised.

Since removal of the information results in no actual removal of the duplicative information is cos, an a Further, change to the requirements will be controp CTS 10 CFR 50.4 Technical Changes - More Restrictive None Technical Changes - Less Resi .ib.e None MC"N gistent with both the ANO-1 ITS and NUREG-1432. Specifications are explicit to ANO-2.

to 2CAN0103XX Page 82 of 100 1.54 Administrative Controls Section Page 6-22 Discussion of Changes This page will be deleted.

Administrative Changes Al The designated change represents a non-technical, non-intent change to the Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 2 CTS made to make the ANO-2 Proposed Technical Specifications (PTS) consistent with the ANO-1 TSs or the CE Stan.. Technical Specification (RSTS), NUREG 1432, Revision 2. This change doeroto equirements of the CTS or RSTS. Examples of this type of change in, ".".rwference; convention adoption; editorial, numbering and formatting chan.e, and * .. tructure.

Technical Changes - More Restrictive None Technical Changes - Less Restrictive..

None sR vo Technical Changes - Removal of Det~k4's None to 2CAN0103XX Page 83 of 100 1.55 Administrative Controls Section 6.11, Radiation Protection Program Discussion of Changes The requirement to maintain procedures for the radiation protection program is included in Regulatory Guide (RG) 1.33. Current TS 6.8.1.a requires that procedures recommended in Appendix A" of RG 1.33 be established, implemented, and maintained. CTS 6.8.1.a will be retained as PTS 6.4.1 a. The requirement of CTS 6.11 is redundant to PTS 6.4.1.a.

Administrative Changes Al The designated change represents a non-technical, ,pir cAi

  • i ge to the Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 2 CTS made to make the ANO, l W hnical Specifications (PTS) consistent with the ANO-1 TSs or the *EJtand *nr 6 ical Specification (RSTS), NUREG 1432, Revision 2. This change 6..n; er t' ?uirements of the CTS or RSTS. Examples of this type of change i rding p I c.., ention adoption; editorial, numbering and formatting chang ierarchy s#4ictIf Technical Changes - More Restrictive None Technical Changes - Less Restrictive None (

Technical Changes - R mova tails None -'* N Discussi( ifferences

  • ANO.,o.. NUREG-1432 ComD Neither 'AO-1TS nor NU-.-1432 includes a separate requirement for procedures associated V.e radiation p ion program.

Attachment I to 2CAN0103XX Page 84 of 100 1.56 Administrative Controls Section 6.12 Discussion of Changes Current TS 6.12 will be deleted.

Administrative Changes Al The designated change represents a non-technical, non-intent Nuclear One, Unit 2 CTS made to make the ANO-2 Proposed (PTS) consistent with the ANO-1 TSs or the CE Stan, d (RSTS), NUREG 1432, Revision 2. This change doea.o tN CTS or RSTS. Examples of this type of change incld. rwoM adoption; editorial, numbering and formatting chan iand Technical Changes - More Restrictive None Technical Changes - Less Restrictive None Technical Changes - Removal of D),

None Discussion of Differ.enes '4' YXI.

_.:X .,


Attachment I to 2CAN0103XX Page 85 of 100 1.57 Administrative Controls Section 6.13, High Radiation Area Discussion of Changes The proposed change to CTS 6.13 will update the 10 CFR 20 requirements to the requirements and relocate the specification section 6.7. The PTS will also include additional, previously approved, methods for implementation of alternates to the "control device" or "alarm signal" requirements of 10 CFR 20.

Administrative Changes Al The designated change represents a non-technical, -*- hge 1 to the Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 2 CTS made to make the ANs hnica, Specifications (PTS) consistent with the ANO-1 TSs or the Stan4j ical Specification (RSTS), NUREG 1432, Revision 2. This change sn1r t' uirements of the CTS or RSTS. Examples of this type of change inc1 ording prefne; copr.vention adoption; editorial, numbering and formatting changn e lcierarchy sh Technical Changes - More Restrictive W.

,Q None Technical Changes - Less Restrictive .

LI0 CTS 6.13- The requirementsPIgh radiat ..areas *be revised to include additional previously approved metha "rimp leme~t~mnates to the "control device" or "alarm signal" requiremev*-Pz p CFR 20. 1**FitCmatives provide adequate control of personnen hrdia ggs as evidence'by NRC issuance of NUREG-1432.

Technical Cees - Rebeot.f Det.....

DiscUsd".f Differences ANO-1 CoI on Ano-2 is adopStmi.nsa ing as is contained in the current ANO-1 TSs. Changes have been made to this 'f. i&n since the ITS conversion (March 13, 2002 reference NUREG-1432 Compans0n The proposed change is very similar to NUREG-1432 with only minor administrative word differences.

Attachment I to 2CAN0103XX Page 86 of 100 1.58 Administrative Controls Section 6.14, Offsite Dose Calculation Manual Discussion of Changes This specification will be relocated to PTS 6.5.1 with only minor wording changes and organizational title changes.

Administrative Changes Al The designated change represents a non-technical, non-intent change to the Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 2 CTS made to make the ANO-2 Prop,

  • Te!hnical Specifications (PTS) consistent with the ANO-1 TSs or the CE, tan~l l enical Specification (RSTS), NUREG 1432, Revision 2. This change ddcS:ot a requirements of the CTS or RSTS. Examples of this type of change irw1ue: v 1a f rence; convention adoption; editorial, numbering and formatting chan n rarc cture.

Technical Changes - More Restrictive None Technical Changes - Less Restrictive None Technical Changes - Removalof LA4 Where possible, plant ,... anagemen titles in the CTS will be replaced with generic.*ttte.s a.s provid J*INSI/ANS 3.1 Personnel who fulfill these positions are astill d ditirequjird

_0 6 *pli ,a.A fe

  • ilqua ....-ions detailed in the proposed Specification 5.3. In the plant specific management positions titles fu.*fýli.lhe duties of 1 gene

! p, Itions will continue to be defined, established, entand updatd n* a piant ýntrolled document, such as the QAPM. This roach wi intent of Generic Letter 88-06 which recommended, as a "e* $m" imrvmet ***,tion of the corporate and unit organization charts to Ii,M e controlled docu I.s. The intent of the Generic Letter, and of this proposed ch'; reduce t.

to Inecessary burden on NRC and licensee resources being used id" *V-Mss cha ue solely to personnel title changes during reorganizations.

Since thing

  • not eliminate any of the qualifications, responsibilities or requiremen*4°e personnel or the positions, the change is considered to be a change in pre'. on only and is therefore administrative.

Attachment I to 2CAN0103XX Page 87 of 100 1.58 Administrative Controls Section 6.14, Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (continued)

Discussion of Differences ANO-1 Comparison The proposed change is consistent with the ANO-1 ITS.

NUREG-1432 Comparison The proposed change has only minor wording differences with JREG-1432 and does nott


follow the format of NUREG-1432. However, neither the wo h;g

  • differences change
  • ."4 the intent of the specification. X,

Attachment I to 2CAN0103XX Page 88 of 100 1.59 Administrative Controls Section 6.14, Containment Leakage Rate Testing Program Discussion of Changes The containment leakage program will be relocated to PTS 6.5.16. Leak testing of the containment purge supply and exhaust isolation valves will be relocated from TS surveillance requirement (SR) This action consolidates requirements for leak testing in one location.

CTS SR requires verification of leakage rates of the containment purge supply and exhaust isolation valves "prior to exceeding conditions which reqk.e establishment of reactor building integrity per TS" In the proposed TS, this words, "prior to entering MODE 4 from MODE 5." CTS, "Contain e3tegWr 1'pplicable in MODES 1, 2, 3, and 4 which requires establishing OPERABILI f c d*or to entry into MODE 4. The preferred wording is consistent with the cu Administrative Changes Al The designated change represents a non-technical, non ange to the Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 2 CTS made to make tl i Propos&'T...nical

'andanical Specifications (PTS) consistent with the ANO-1 TSd Specification nicalSpcfato (RSTS), NUREG 1432, Revision 2. T anget alter -requirements of the CTS or RSTS. Examples of this type ing preference; convention adoption; editorial, numbering and fonn e rchy structure.

A19 PTS 6.5.16 - The "*0.60 La," L0.75

" for ptable reactor building leakage will be revised to "c0. 60)* [ "<0.75 . ncy with the acceptance criteria provided in 10 CFR 50., i.,c J. Tee: ange has no impact on application of me regulationsand is con Technical Technical Chai of Details None to 2CAN0103XX Page 89 of 100 1.59 Administrative Controls Section 6.14, Containment Leakage Rate Testing Program (continued)

Discussion of Differences ANO-1 Comparison The ANO-2 proposed change will be modified to be similar to the ANO-1 ITS with the following exceptions:

The proposed change does not replace the word ucontainmentl *'th "rjactor building.3 The title Containment Leakage Rate Testing Program and reI.-n i.."ý ainment7 instead of

=reactor building" is consistent with NUREG-1432. T; 4des n ent a change to the current wording contained in the ANO-2 TSs.

The peak calculated containment internal pressure esign b s oUcoolant accident for ANO-2 is 58 psig. ° The ANO-2 CTS requires that the maximum allow e contain";qeakage rate, La, shall be 0.1% of containment air weight per day atj1t the cur _0-2 licensing basis and no change is proposed.

Air lock acceptance criteria is included e A s is consistent with the currently approved ANO-2 TS and p. ha,.,is p sed.

NUREG-1432 Comparison Minor wording differences exist the ANO- osed TS and NUREG-1432. These differences, J ,pt of the words contained in NUREG-1432.

tior 54 OPTIOific oes not include the testing requirements related to the c hnent purge supt. r exha:1olation valves. Relocation of this requirement from does not the intent of the NUREG section. It consolidates the testing~irements in one Iocati 1 NUREG- ecifies Type A 'age rate acceptance criteria of <0.75 L.. The ANO-1 ITS modified thi %qptance cri4t)s described above. The ANO-2 proposed TS is consistent with the ANO-i $:. thr sMdrs from NUREG-1432. This is justified above.

NUREG-1432 state ng in these Technical Specifications shall be construed to modify the testing Frequencie" required by 10 CFR 50, Appendix J.0 The ANO-2 CTS states, "The provisions of Specification 4.0.2 do not apply to the test frequencies specified in the Containment Leakage Rate Testing Program.' The CTS words, which are consistent with the wording in the ANO-1 ITS, reflect the intent of NUREG-1432. No change is proposed to the CTS words.

Attachment I to 2CAN0103XX Page 90 of 100 1.60 Administrative Controls Section New 6.5.10, Secondary Water Chemistry Monitoring Discussion of Changes The Secondary Water Chemistry Monitoring program will be deleted as an FOL condition and added as a PTS 6.5.10. The introductory paragraph will be modified and other minor wording changes are proposed. The FOL condition requires the definition of the monitoring program in plant specific procedures. This requirement will be deleted.

Administrative Changes Al The designated change represents a non-technicaj -int ,ge to the Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 2 CTS made to make the ANQ' Propo A~k nical pica Specifications (PTS) consistent with the ANO-1 TSs or the 1 ta.ia, 4-ai*al Specification (RSTS), NUREG 1432, Revision 2. This change d6 a11ilter the 0 me 4 of the CTS or RSTS. Examples of this type of change incl. '.rding prefe opvention adoption; editorial, numbering and formatting change ai *rchy stru A3 The Secondary Water Chemistry Monito h4 se codi I' be moved to an equivalent programmatic requirement in 5 Prog nd Manuals. The requirements of this license conditio I bee in S 6.5. The PTS programmatic administrative controls cifica

  • nsistent

, with NUREG-1432 and current plant practice, and mee int t license conditions. As such, this change in presentatip f eo gigureme 1urely s administrative.

A23 monitoethrseonangwtePTS*V~

FOL 2.C.(3) (p) and PTS&,,5B-The la FOto define the secondary water chemistry monitoring prop*rc'i be deleted. PTS 6.4.1.d requires that procedip.r.s. ,writtennI,*W mented and maintained for the programs included in specifi'**naTheeft.o ion of a requirement to maintain a plant specific procedr'd1l p4oeV *

  • progra ~S65 6.5.10 is redundant to the requirement of PTS Techaneh More Rei ive 6.

Technical Cl S Less 51 ictive None Technical Changes - emoval of Details None to 2CAN0103XX Page 91 of 100 1.60 Administrative Controls Section New 6.5.10, Secondary Water Chemistry Monitoring (continued)

Discussion of Differences ANO-1 and NUREG-1432 Comparison The proposed change is consistent with the ANO-1 Specification 5.5.10.

NUREG-1432 Comparison NUREG-1432 describes this program as one which provid c Anhibit low pressure turbine disc stress corrosion cracking as well as Steam G It-etor 2Se degradation. The current ANO-2 FOL requirement does not include the s th gram inhibits low pressure turbine disc stress corrosion cracking. The prope Oil wording related to the stress corrosion O~~ cracking

~ on the... ~ low pressure

~ turbin

~ ~"...,.-.i bnit efhe " ."!: pproved

  • .$..':hv ove wording in ANO-2 FOL condition. An evaluation of the sec -J ter ahe t aximize the turbine availability is currently accomplished undev 01r rocedure 1000.043) and it is proposed to continue to be controlled in %pnner. Therefore, the proposed change to the ANO-2 TS will differ from ... 1432 bas . using the currently approved wording contained in the FOL.

to 2CAN0103XX Page 92 of 100 1.61 Administrative Controls Section New 6.5.2, Primary Coolant Sources Outside Containment Discussion of Changes The Primary Coolant Sources Outside Containment will be deleted as an FOL condition and added as a PTS 6.5.2. Minor wording changes are proposed to the FOL condition when it is added as PTS 6.5.2. In addition, the FOL requires that the integrated leak test for each system be performed at a frequency not to exceed refueling cycle intervals. These words will be changed to at least once per 18 months. Finally, the PTS adds the applicability of Surveillance Requirement 4.0.2. 4 Administrative Changes Al The designated change represents a non-techni n t c1 o the Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 2 CTS made to make the ANO Tepeifi.*cations (PTS) consistent with the ANO-1 TSs or the r Techn( ication (RSTS), NUREG 1432, Revision 2. This change Wdt U.,tr the requi ts of the CTS or RSTS. Examples of this type of change iclude: wreference; convention adoption; editorial, numbering and formatting and hi I structure.

A3 The Primary Coolant Sources Outsidese conditidhwill be moved to an equivalent programmatic requirement TS St j 10ograms

. and Manuals. The requirements of this license conditii e n ection 6.5. The PTS programmatic administrative gn*rols ci n r~sistent with NUREG-1432 and current plant practice, an! i't the inte'*fth~ ing license condition. As such, this change in presentational<=isting requi! rely, administrative.

A24 FOL 2.C.(5ý).eus perf &. of integrated leak tests for each system outside conctainn** oCta..iih. radioactive fluids "at a frequency not to exceed refue)j/i~ e i**ni 6 "PTS sults in a change of the frequency to "at least onalo18 months. n a l cycle intervals" are defined as 18 months, ting this requirem .this maner is consistent with the current requirement A25  ::;.5.2 is considerei surveillance requirement (SR) and thus the normal s Hfance intervals tha specified in the Limiting Condition for Operation (LCO) se at allow a 25* iension of the frequency in accordance with SR 4.0.2 are applic TS 6.5* ecause SR 4.0.2 applies to the LCO section of procedures, it is nece.,e-Wre* e its applicability to PTS 6.5.2. This change is described in Technical Sn Task Force (TSTF)-299.

Attachment I to 2CAN0103XX Page 93 of 100 1.61 Administrative Controls Section New 6.5.2, Primary Coolant Sources Outside Containment (continued)

Technical Changes - More Restrictive None Technical Changes - Less Restrictive None Technical Changes - Removal of Details None Discussion of Differences ANO-1S.. ITS Comnarion

. ... r . .. . .

The proposed change is consistent with the A NUREG-1432 Comparison NUREG-1432, section 5.5.2 includes .-p-stin f sy 'rns tha*-e*onsidered primary coolant sources outside containment ThisjiAVis i is orate.T$,'he application is adequately controlled through the design mofKfim on pn ssý0:jpt.U.'ion of 10 CFR 50.59, "Changes, Tests, and Experments." There-- list, ysl *hich the program is applied will not be included in the %es.d chang hi*tt is I posed- continue to administratively control the systems to wh" 4 f1ý on is *if

Attachment 1 to 2CAN0103XX Page 94 of 100 1.62 Administrative Controls Section New 6.5.9, Steam Generator (SG) Tube Surveillance Program Discussion of Changes The proposed change relocates SR,,,, Table 4.4-1, and Table 4.4-2 to PTS 6.5.9. Only minor editorial changes are proposed.

Administrative Changes Al The designated change represents a non-technical, non-int chqpge to the Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 2 CTS made to make the ANO-2*op& 6*t~nicaf Specifications (PTS) consistent with the ANO-1 TSs or the C ad UhnicaI Specification (RSTS), NUREG 1432, Revision 2. This change S not irements of the CTS or RSTS. Examples of this type of change ir .deg: n Pfnce; convention adoption; editorial, numbering and formatting chang n'ierarchy re.,,;

Technical Changes - More Restrictive .

None Technical Changes - Less Restrictive r

None Technical Changes - Removal U*i-gai*s None Discussion ifferen6' "I" ANO-I P.NComr~arison AN -Vhi.elocated O the SG tub *rveillance program to specification 5.5.9. Due to the two units bel Flftrent, the current sing basis varies slightly. ANO-2 is relocating the current licensing b9". Mt only the mi anges.

NUREG-1 32 CR~Iasor-l' NUREG-1432 speci 1 5.5.9 contains a reviewer's note specifying that the current licensing basis for the SG tube surveillance program should be relocated to this specification. ANO-2 is relocating the current licensing basis with only the minor changes. This change is consistent with the NUREG.

Attachment I to 2CAN0103XX Page 95 of 100 1.63 Administrative Controls Section New 6.5.13, Diesel Fuel Oil Testing Program Discussion of Changes CTS SR will be reworded to require verification of fuel oil properties in accordance with the Diesel Fuel Oil Testing Program (PTS 6.5.13). The new program will include testing of new fuel oil. Immediate confirmation of fuel oil quality (by monitoring for specific gravity, viscosity, and appearance/color) as well as follow up confirmatory testing within 31 days after adding new fuel oil to the bulk storage tank will provide added assurance of acceptable fuel oil.

This broad spectrum testing will not be performed routinely since this initial verification provides the necessary confirmation of fuel oil quality.

CTS SR will be revised to require the perodic4 g o sord fuel ol only for particulates (replacing the periodic testing per ASTM-D97 Ce e ' ays

.. per PTS 6.5.13.

These changes reflect the standard industry diesel fuel er the storage life of the ANO-2 fuel oil, the properties tested by ASTM-I64 not exp~ to chanae and performing these tests once on the new fuel oil provides te assuran* -proper quality fuel oil. The periodic testing for particulates ni* eparamet reflects degradation of fuel oil and can be trended to provide increased coo r e that the stored diesel fuel oil will support diesel generator operability. T geK free he current licensing basis and will be retained. ... crnle PTS 6.5.13 will allow the application of SR 44* and 4g.s consistent with the current SR testing frequencies. ....

Attachment I to 2CAN0103XX Page 96 of 100 1.63 Administrative Controls Section New 6.5.13, Diesel Fuel Oil Testing Program (continued)

Administrative Changes A2 A statement regarding the Applicability of SR 4.0.2 and /or SR 4.0.3 is added for clarification that the allowances provided by these general Surveillance Requirements are applicable to the identified program. This is an administrative change since the CTS 4.0.2 and 4.0.3 are currently applicable to the requirements being moved to the program that will be identified in the Administrative Controls section 6.0. This change is applicable to CTS which will be incorporated in =b>he Diesel Fuel Oil testing Program, PTS 6.5.13. The change is also applicae t4 43*e6.1.2 and which will be incorporated into the Ventilation Filtrat or *T 6.5.11.

Technical Changes - More Restrictive "\

M1 CTS will be revised to include testing of ' Immedia e firmation of fuel oil quality by monitoring for specific gravitviscosi ppearance, as well as follow-up confirmatory testing within 31 day. 01 ing ne. ) jl to the bulk storage tank will provide added assurance of accp4i 4 This bo pectrum testing wll not be routinely performed (refer to D W1) sin nitial vefcation provides the necessary confirmation of fuel oil quali iThs slý I restriction on the unit.

A' "

Technical Changes - Less Restrict None Technical Chan

  • of l 0*

LA1 CT2 .f 1 .1.2.b - Trim-:rmation oved to a licensee controlled document such 1i'e Diesel Fuel i*' *ing p Pro m (DFOTP), or the Ventilation Filter Testing 4 gram (VFTP). A o3risption of the programs will be incorporated into the

\ .Anistrative Controls s* *n 6.0. This information provides details of the method of iMrem.ntation which arpi t directly pertinent to actual requirements. Since these dett .not necessajf adequately describe the actual regulatory requirement, they can be-Wv d to a li 9 e controlled document without a significant impact on safety.

Placing tl`** etai ontrolled documents provides adequate assurance that they will be maintai *hStails of the DFOTP and VFTP will be controlled by 10CFR 50.59.

Attachment I to 2CAN0103XX Page 97 of 100 1.63 Administrative Controls Section New 6.5.13, Diesel Fuel Oil Testing Program (continued)

Discussion of Differences ANO-1 Comparison The new Diesel Fuel Oil testing Program for ANO-2 is consistent with the ANO-1 ITS 5.5.13 except the allowance of using the current ANO-2 testing frequency for particulates o every 92 days.

NUREG-1432 Comparison NUREG-1432 and PTS 6.5.13 differ slightly. NUREG-14 quire new fuel oil have a clear and bright appearance with proper color while thed rN !*o the water and sediment to be within limits. ANO fuel oil is suppli, ed dy& c, udes appropriate "clear and bright" testing. EM-A to 2CAN0103XX Page 98 of 100 1.64 Administrative Controls Section New 6.5.11 Ventilation Filter Testing Program Discussion of Changes The Control Room Emergency Air Filtration System surveillance requirements, c.,

d.1, e., and f. and the Fuel Handling Area Ventilation System surveillance requirement will be combined into the new Ventilation Filter Testing Program (PTS 6.5.11). The proposed change will result in a new SR and SR to direct filter testing in accordance with the Ventilation Filter Testing Program (VFTP).

The testing frequencies currently included will be deleted and lace* by a reference to perform testing at the frequencies specified in Regulatory G e sion 2. There is no actual change in frequency. .

The frequency "within 31 days after removal" and the ref "...'61 osition C.6.b of Regulatory Guide 1.52 contained in CTS will .

The phrase "other filters in the system" will be added to cu t .6. 1.2.d.1 9.11.2.c when it is relocated.

Administrative Changes Al The designated change represents a *-tech " plet change to the Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 2 CTS made to m 6e.&the .O2 Pd Technical Specifications (PTS) consistent with the AI . T$ or*he CE rd'rd Technical Specification (RSTS), NUREG 1432, Revi,5a* This c e doeo t alter the requirements of the CTS or RSTS. Examplesf S type of chwordin preference; convention adoption; editorial, numb*i dford formattin* weand hierarchy structure.

A2 A sae r9' the A il*.ty of SR 4.0.2 and /or SR 4.0.3 is added for clariagm it' by these general Surveillance Requirements arqpp cable t "theeg'd his is an administrative change since the CTS 01and 4.0.3 are cune n pplicab1&fo the requirements being moved to the program A*ht will be identified in dministrative Controls section 6.0. The change is also

.@qable to CTS d which will be incorporated into the Ventilation Fl*-E&ting Program, PT "

A4 CTS 6. 1.2.b .11.2.a will be replaced by PTS 6.5.11, Ventilation Filter Testing p. r4]e resentation of the requirements for ventilation filter testing is revised for'*. All frequencies and methods are replaced by a reference to perform the t at the frequencies specified in Regulatory Guide 1.52, Revision 2.

Since there are ho actual changes in the frequencies, this change is considered to be one of presentation only, and there, administrative in nature.

Attachment I to 2CAN0103XX Page 99 of 100 1.64 Administrative Controls Section New 6.5.11 Ventilation Filter Testing Program (continued)

Technical Changes - More Restrictive M2 By deleting the specific Regulatory Guide (RG) 1.52 section references from CTS and, the associated PTS section 6.5.11 will ensure all applicable RG 1.52 filter testing frequencies and criteria are applied to the TS ventilation filter systems. This results in a more restrictive change to unit operation, although RG 1.52 testing not specifically detailed in the CTS has previously been incorporated within the ANO filter testing program. RG 1.52 criteria not containekgt hin e CTS includes the air flow distribution test (when maintenance activitie a 01y1&fected the air flow distribution) for the Control Room Emergency V...i". 1ti and the charcoal absorber leak Ctest following charcoal sampling a* ::les ~ (w1 *" &"

.::"* -,ffectiveness of the charcoal absorber may have been affeted) for These tests are currently performed, as applicable, under the fil* progratAO.'&..

M11 CTS and will be filters in the ventilation sy'stem differential pressing testing ement. The revision is shown as "other filters in the system3 to c system* -i'-Oc nomenclature and system design variancess. These filte... . b*rit*of'+* the sy A'*and contribute to the system pressur presur dWnd  :"+ the s~~m obviously do ofitern the s to perform its function. Therefore, inclu sion of the pni~ers i* *hi*is appropriate. This change is an additional restriction on unit ope A*n Technical Changes - Less Res trictAv None Technical LA1 'UP e to j entilation Filter Testing Program (VFTP). A be iniicorated into the Administrative Controls section

  • qeS details of the method of implementation which are not uirements. Since these details are not necessary to I regulatory requirement, they can be moved to a licensee a significant impact on safety. Placing these details in niies adequate assurance that they Will be maintained. The details controlled by 10CFR 50.59.

Discussion of ANO-1 Comparison The ANO-2 proposed VFTP is similar to the ANO-1 approved program. The ANO-1 program includes the Penetration Room Ventilation System which was in the ANO-1 TSs prior to ITS conversion. The ANO-2 Penetration Room Ventilation system is not included as a Technical Specification system in the current licensing basis. The relocation of these SRs reflects the intent of the ANO-1 ITS VFTP.

to 2CAN0103XX Page 100 of 100 1.64 Administrative Controls Section New 6.5.11 Ventilation Filter Testing Program (continued)

NUREG-1432 Comparison The relocation of the filter testing surveillance requirements from the control room ventilation and air conditioning specification and from the fuel handling area ventilation specification is consistent with the philosophy set forth in NUREG-1432. The NUREG does not specifically define the systems or testing acceptance criteria, as these are plant specific. The relocation of these SRs reflects the intent of the NUREG.

to 2CAN01 03XX Page 1 of 78 (i) Containment Radiation Monitor AP&L shall, prior to July 31, 1980 submit for Commission review and approval documentation which establishes the adequacy of the qualifications of the containment radiation monitors located inside the containment and shall complete the installation and testing of these instruments to demonstrate that they meet the operability requirements of Technical Specifiation No.

2.C.(3)(0) Deleted per Amendment 7, 8.

2.C.(3)(k) Deleted per Amendment2,2/79 6ement No. 31, 5/12/82. N4f%. m 2.C.(3)(1) Deleted per Amendment 24, 619/8 2.C.(3)(m) Deleted per Amend 629./7~4 ~

2.C.(3)(n) Deleted per Am .ent 7 2.C.(3)(o) Deleted pp .meg 1 2C(3Vn O eANO~ AmendrA?;3

...IM * , t* . N- . . .

  • M

- b-fwx^a-Th.-a-sha4llbe r ......... - f-----.



  • ............. I* n-..tifi* tG U":144i*@

... ., ,,G oi*'. ,

4: ---------- for- . of -,atao 7 Amendment No.

to 2CAN01 03XX Page 2 of 78 I

2.C.(4) (Number has never been used.)

2 C (5) Deleted per AmendmentEOshW r~noei~ent -a-IF-p1eg to-4;eduee-4eaha utid ztanron T~twould or coud fr~-yeSRc W~Aihey 1.~- Prvi -a*c 2.C.(6) Deleted per AmendmentmE hItlerp Seab.l.; touz er.**n i 4 l%..........


2.C.(7) Deleted per Amendment 78, (8) Antitrust Conditions E"01 shall not market or bd ower or eneV kansas Nuclear One, Unit 2.

E=ntergy Arkansas, Inc. is ible and acbU ie for the actions of its agents to tihe exten "R actio, tthe marketing or brokering of power or energy fr Rod Avera e'... X um 4 EngOauthorized to operate the facility with an individual rod t

S Entergy '*aeage vlbumup fuel bug I "

OperatiT mu pv

'NC=4exceed 60 meg :..-days/kilograr of uranium.

averaged over the length of a fuel rod) not to D. Psr tectioni4-?

EOI shall fI4$  ; ment and maintain in effect all provisions of the Commission approved ph l security, guard training and qualification, and safeguards contingency plans, including amendments made pursuant to provisions of the Miscellaneous Amendments and Search Requirements revisions to 10 CFR 73.55 (51 FR 27817 and 27822) and to the authority of 10 CFR 50.90 and 10 CFR 50.54(p). The plan, which contains Safeguards Information protected under 10 CFR 73.21, is entitled: "Arkansas Nuclear One Industrial Security Plan," with revisions submitted through August 4, 1995. The Industrial Security Plan also includes the requirements for guard training and qualification in Appendix A of the safeguards contingency events in Chapter 7. Changes made in accordance with 10 CFR 73.55 shall be implemented in accordance with the schedule set forth therein.

C Amendment No.

444-,429,444,464,472,44q, A



6.1 R ESPO NSIBILITY ......................................................................................... 6-i 6.2 GANIZATJ:ON ............... ..

62.1 X.si4*e.Onsite and Orfsite Or, aniza-ions. ......

6.2.2 r Unit Staff .

6$UNIT STAFF QUALIFICATIONS .........................

S..... . ........ . . . . . . ...............

6.4 TRAJNW4G--PROCE:DURES ....... ...... 0 6.5 QSELPETD-PROORAMS AND MANUALS ..............

Dose Calculation Manue 6.5.1 Offsite....................................................... ,& ....

6.5.2 PrimmerCooiant Sources Outs On nt... ................. 6-4 6.5.4 Radioactive Effluent CC '.a ....... 6.5 6.5.5- Cos: ~onent C cli*,, 6 oient Jinth ___________

6. 75 6 tWIN.mnee: a. secti. Proenm ....... ........... ........... .

rn..............................6-5 Se oae lay Wt er0 ".... .................. 6 S.....ain it 'sip ro rr fF P ........ ...........

Z 6.5.13 D.. . .. t... Prog ..... ..........

.ram ........ .............6-it 6.5,14 Technii ' peope ioficatson (TS) Bases Control Program ............................ 6 6.5.16 Containment

....................... Leakaaa

............................. Rate Testino.n Prooram

.............................. A_


&6 a1 t~fl)ýr sr-, A f~lu fr Jrtlrbr AC rrk v7'rr~trte%-tt~i~tifrt~'tt9-i-ti~ri-~ttn.....................I...........................

P, Aii C!$AeEV I M l ITVIOL~AT 4. ...........I ........... az 42 ao r5Dr-trrrnj qfltzC', A kir% rffl t&e%

,fr) f04A-6 t*rttt'0r4rcswar:r2?rr:nr..........

a n fl.rf~^-~lw~lr~~i+7tr% r-"*r't isnrt srtirc' cl0z A M C iTKC DCki DflDTQ~r O424............T...............

-T-t --- I------------20 6 .0. Q.ý ...............

o A A Mki 1A& DAI-i0t fllN,-I?1%AI r-Nik'iDC 6A-Nt4 Kh Vvý.....

44 N--A-4 4M4& :WA; -6 a~~~~~~ E ~rrt~TnK .- ........

tr-r--trttnrrr1%stt-r1*4cnt All

&42.DsŽete4 .. .. 4 ....................

. t' fl)

.............. Al

..(. A M

........ A

&fl,4:4G4.RO4T1 C

al~ rrrrzstr ........... A ..........

n S 0! BTING REQUiF TS 63-18 K Occuptina ý'Ln Exposure Repor 6.9 k a EnVironmeintW! One-ratino Re-nnrt 6.6.3 Mont .Jkees Report 6-1.8 6.6.4 Mrt.pernz:ng Reports 6-19 6.6.5 CORE OPERATING LIMI1TS RIEPORT (COLR'i 6-19 6.6.7 Steam Genera-tor rTube Sujrve-:ilanc~e Report~s 6-21 6.6.8 Speific Acti-vity 6-22 6.7 HIGH RADIATION AREA, 6-23 ARKANSAS - UNIT 2 XVII Amendment No. 21-,6O,04,04,467,4-74, 4Q3, to 2CAN0103XX Page 5 of 78 DEFINITIONS EXCLUSION AREA 1.31 The EXCLUSION AREA is that area surrounding ANO within a minimum radius of

.65 miles of the reactor buildings and controlled to the extent necessary by the licensee for purposes of protection of individuals from exposure to radiation and radioactive materials.

UNRESTRICTED AREA 1.32 An UNRESTRICTED AREA shall be any area at nrd *'usion area boundary.

CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT .* A 1.33 The CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT is speciic t that provides core operating limits for the current operating cycle. These cycle specific core operating limits shall be deterr ir: gfi r each rta9ycle in accordance with Technical Specification P,6.56.w4. .on i withan e.. operating limits I is addressed in individual spcifiti ARKANSAS - UNIT 2 1-6 Amendment No. 6G,449,467.,403


a. Spent Fuel Pool Area Monitor I Note 1 < 1.5x10" 2 R/hr
b. Containment High Range 2 1, 2, 3, &4 Not Applicable
2. PROCESS MONITORS Sa. Containment Purge and Exhaust Isolation 1 5&6
b. Control Room Ventilation P" Intake Duct Monitors 2 106 cpm 17,20 21 I
c. Main Steam Line Radiation 1/Steam Monitors 10"1 _104 mR/hr 19 d fuel.

0 ARKANSAS - UNIT 2 3/4 3-25 Amendment No. 3.,430,446,206,234, to 2CAN0103XX Page 7 of 78 TABLE 3.3-6 (Continued)

TABLE NOTATION ACTION 13 - With the number of channels OPERABLE less than required by the Minimum Channels OPERABLE requirement, perform area surveys of the monitored area with portable monitoring instrumentation at least once per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.

ACTION 16 - With the number of OPERABLE channels one less than the Minimum Channels OPERABLE requirement, complete the following:

a. If performing CORE ALTERATIONS or moving irradiated fuel within the reactor building, secure the containment purge sys,&.Q. or s spend CORE ALTERATIONS and movement of irradiated I actor building.
b. If a containment PURGE is in progress, s rethe ent purge system. '-d.
c. If continuously ventilating, verify the SPIN9Mr% era .for the ACTIONS of, or secure the con urge syS . .5". M ACTION 17- I9LMODE 1, 2, 3. or 4 W'vth no channels OPERAB'E vour initiate a maintain operation of the control room eme ventilati emmCREVS i Al the recirculation mode of operation or beA ND---BY e---next--- -" M4 hours and COLD SHUTDO**WN~~~ in~V q M4 ACTION 18 - With the number of channels OPEPA>E one) t uired by the Minimum Channels OPERABLE req.Wme the inoperable channel to OPEl t st soa 7 r(2) prepare and submit a Special Report to rGeC (v
  • 2-within 30 days fo ithe event, otion taken, the cause of the inoperability, and ande. scheestoring nst these rig th system to OPERAB s..t-at~s. thb annels inoperable, initiate alternate methodvEf;.,ig, the & fh"ient radiation level within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> in addttp.:o the a .Fbescribe&e ACTION 19- 1*i'ththe number of OP1'ABLE C iels ... less than required by the Minimum

&_ annels OPERABLE rements, initiate the preplanned alternate method m onitoring the approlp parameter(s), within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />, and:

either restore th& .%Wfperable Channel(s) to OPERABLE status within 7 4 dU4ys of the evr r

2) i re a n"mit a Special Report to the .

t1r.-6462-within 14 days following the event outlining the actoa the cause of the inoperability and the plans and schedule for res ng the system to OPERABLE status.

M5 ACTION 20 - In MODE 1, 2, 3. or 4 ,with the number of channels OPERABLE one less than required by the Minimum Channels OPERABLE requirement, ; te . 3 At rntiircul

,e & ati and maintain the control room emergency ventilation system in the recirculation mode of operation within 7 days. or be in 'HOTSTANDBY witin the next 6 hous and COLD l4 SHUrTnDOhWN in the foll 30 honuf fewin r,.

ATION 21 -Durine handling of Irradiated fcel withone or tw channels inooerable im-mediately, plar;e one C)PERABt.E CREVS trrain in the ememenoy recirculation mode or immediately suspend handlin- of irradiated fu-l, ARKANSAS - UNIT 2 3/4 3-26 Amendment No. 63,430,445,206,234, to 2CAN01 03XX Page 8 of 78 TABLE 4.3-3 RADIATION MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS CHANNEL MODES INWHICH CHANNEL CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL SURVEILLANCE INSTRUMENT CHECK CALIBRATION TEST REQUIRED

a. Spent Fuel Pool Area Monitor S R Note 1
b. Containment High Range S R Note 4 .... 1,2,3,&4
a. Containment Purge and Exhaust Isolation Note 2 R t
b. Control Room Ventilation Intake Duct Monitors S R M Note 5 I
c. Main Steam Line Radiation Monitors S M 2,3, & 4 MA Note I -

Note 2 -

Note 3-With fuel in the spentj Within 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> pror.h tting contain Tool or build at 12 hoJrs?"uring containr ert purge operations.

W it.. Ijpr to iRi e operations and containment purge operations and at Al ncrpVn* R tainment purge operations.

Note 4 e,e provided in Table II.F.1-3 of WAMUREG-0737. .

No$ .' MODES 1, 2,3,4, a uing handling of irradiated fuel.

Not W,en t.e Control R rentib.aton Intake Duct Mort-tor is piated

~ioe l stat




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mav foe r roanc, of this Suve lac edelayed  !....£.....

......uu...p.o to 33 hhours.

u s 0


1. Containment Pressure (Normal Design Range)ln 2 1
2. Containment Pressure (High Range) 2 2
3. Pressurizer Pressure
4. Pressurizer Water Level bI
5. Steam Generator Pressure 21
6. Steam Generator Water Level 1
7. Refueling Water Tank Water Level
8. Containment Water Level - Wide Range 2
9. Emergency Feedwater Flow Rate 1
10. Reactor Coolant System Subcooling Margin 1
11. Pressurizer Safety Valve Acoustic Positior. ica I
12. Pressurizer Safety Valve Tail Pipe T pel re I ARKANSAS - UNIT 2 3/4 3-40 Amendment No. 7-,4,20,C4,446,424, to 2CAN01 03XX Page 10 of 78 TABLE 3.3-10 (Con't)


13. In Core Thermocouples (Core-Exit Thermocouples) 2/core quadrant 1
14. Reactor Vessel Level Monitoring System (RVLMS) 2 3,4 Action 1: With the number of OPERABLE post-accident monitori. channels less than required by Table 3.3-10, either restore the inoperable chapnel BLE status within 30 days, or be in HOT SHUTDOWN within the n Action 2: With the number of OPERABLE post-accide j .. pit.p 'p less than required by Table 3.3-10, either restore the inoperable o Pstatu. within

'. 30 days, or be in HOT SHUTDOWN within the next s.  : * -

If only one channel is inoperable and containmn * .s required to restore the inoperable channel, the channel need Re restore R4the following refueling outage. a Action 3: With the If number of n .. Athan the minimum number of channels required to be OPERAI.....:.

a. If repairs are fe(i restore inope channel to OPERABLE status within 7 days or iat least I-HUT,,N within the next 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.
b. If repair is n o*t.f, sle without own, operations may continue and a I-t ... shall be submitted to the NRC 1 IA6
  • .* .......... yr,.follftrItI he failure; describing the action taken, the cause of' J

' the inorft§ott .%plans and schedule for restoring the channel to SOPERABL a lsurify next scheduled refueling outage.

Action'4* With the number of ABLE channels two less than the minimum channels

~quired to be OPE E:

N 7 Ifrepairs asible, restore at least one inoperable channel to OPERABLE

  • atus 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> or be in at least HOT SHUTDOWN within the next 12
b. f ir is not feasible without shutting down, operation may continue and a special report - shall be submitted to the NRC( IA6 within 30 days following the failure; describing the action taken, the cause o the inoperability, and the plans and schedule for restoring the channels to OPERABLE status during the next scheduled refueling outage.

ARKANSAS - UNIT 2 3/4 3-40a Amendment No. 80,424, to 2CAN01 03XX Page 11 of 78 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM STEAM GENERATORS LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION 3.4.5 Each steam generator shall be OPERABLE.



With one or more steam generators inoperable, restore the 9 ab rator(s) to OPERABLE 2000 F.

status prior to increasing Tavg above SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS . ,...

4:4:4,4,4.5 Each steam generator shall be demonstrated ina'cord the Steam Generator Tube Surveillanc ýe Prognam* *-F 40 AA I) .th .

. .- a -- ý'r =

4 ri-e~n.

en .nri NEkn ,. *, H-.. -

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b "-444 " .

  • '.*Se-. -e.-ahhem-e e,* c iocct* f ta SR and are relocated to PTS 6.5.9. See markup of inserts.

ARKANSAS - UNIT 2 3/444-6 Amendment No. 468,487,240,24-7,223, Next Pag e is 3/4 4-13 to 2CAN0103XX Page 12 of 78 EýIL 04-144

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This page will be deleted. The requirements will be moved to PTS 6.5.9. See markup of inserts.

ARKA.NSAS -UNIT 2 314-4:7 Amendment No. 468,487-,223 to 2CAN0103XX Page 13 of 78 1K.-I ;ýý:VF_14.2ý274W,_;3 ... Jr.41-ta e-6-3..

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This page will be deleted and the requirements moved to PTS 6.5.9. See markup of inserts.

ARKANSAS UNIT-2 W4 4 8 Amendment No. 487,22-3 to 2CAN0103XX Page 14 of 78 444 F44G . tr--r.-fA:ktt -S...... ;4

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This page will be deleted and the requirements relocated to PTS 6.5.9. See markup of inserts.

I I ARKANSAS UNIT 2 2(440 Amendment No. 133,112,18142"3


Moved to PTS +-". R. U tO .1-"tU 44'ie.

6.5.9. See markup of inserts.

o1 t.: tuz_- hz -d -t - or_5 Th i

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.....- . .o r~e e i~-tn Moved to PTS 6.6.7. See markup of inserts.

I This page will be deleted.

ARKANSAS UNIT 2mdn 3A 4 10 Amendment No.

94 1,I 433,11424 ,1187222"# 3*'

to 2CAN0103XX Page 16 of 78 a.*


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100M. Ih" i!.t a zQro;,.


This page will be dleleted and the requirements nelocated to

  • PTS 6.5.9. See markup of inserts.

ARKANSAS UNIT 2 "2444-4,11 MI-1

Attachment 2 to 2CAN0103XX Page 17 of 78

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o, This page will be deleted and the requirements reloc ated to PTS 6.5.9. See ARKANSAS - UNIT 2 3/4 4-12 Amendment No. 9 , 4 3 3, 4 markup of inserts.

11.3, 158, 187, 223 to 2CAN0103XX Page 18 of 78 EMERGENCY CORE COOLING SYSTEMS ECCS SUBSYSTEMS - Tavg > 300°F LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION 3.5.2 Two independent ECCS subsystems shall be OPERABLE with each sub-system comprised of:

a. One OPERABLE high-pressure safety injection pump,
b. One OPERABLE low-pressure safety injection "pumpd 4;.
c. An independent OPERABLE flow path cap f aki'i n from the refueling water tank on a Safety Injection Actuatiort gRnai n .cally transferring suction to the containment sump on a Recirtio _W1i.



a. With one ECCS subsystem inoperable, To1rr the b sb to OPERABLE status within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> or be in HOT S OWN i12 hours.
b. In the event the ECCS is actuaten 4i c ctor Coolant System a Special Report shall be prepari-;* A6

.the yNin90 tdhe circumstances of the actuation and the total ac9t Wed actuatiO '~ late.

SURVILNE,.E .. ,ET 4.5.2 EacWC subsysf e db t OPERABLE:

At least once per urs by verifying that the following valves are in the indicated positions power to the valve operators removed:

Valve Num "-Z..V.jive Function Valve Position 2CV-5101 HPSI Hot Leg Injection Isolation Closed 2CV-5 02 HPSI Hot Leg Injection Isolation Closed 2BS26 RWT Return Line Open

  • With pressurizer pressure > 1700 psia.

ARKANSAS - UNIT 2 3/4 5-3 Amendment No.

Attachment 2 to 2CAN01 03XX Page 19 of 78 EMERGENCY CORE COOLING SYSTEMS ECCS SUBSYSTEMS - Tavg 5300°F LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION 3.5.3 As a minimum, one ECCS subsystem comprised of the following shall be OPERABLE:

a. One OPERABLE high-pressure safety injection pump, and
b. An OPERABLE flow path capable of taking suction _m the refueling water taink on a Safety Injection Actuation Signal and automatic t Ara dng suction to tfhe containment sump on a Recirculation Actuati .*tgnng o APPLICABILITY: MODES 3* and 4. . . ....

S* , o* ,..* .


a. With no ECCS subsystem OPERABLE, restore at lea ' ECCS subsystem to OPERABLE status within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> or be in COLD`!TDOWN W1..he next 20 hours2.314815e-4 days <br />0.00556 hours <br />3.306878e-5 weeks <br />7.61e-6 months <br />.
b. In the event the ECCS is actuated and i s' Va he RearS°Coolant System a, Special Report shall be prepared *submi  ;OM iGA,..U lau-tu.

-*", the

-.. ;*....o NRC withi.0 d 'e  ? e circumstances of t he' actuation and the total accumulaeact a In sks to d OPERABLE per the applicable Surveillance ARKANSAS - UNIT 2 3/4 5-6 Amendment No.

Attachment 2 to 2CAN0103XX Page 20 of 78 CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS (Continued) Each containment isolation valve shall be demonstrated OPERABLE at least once per 18 months by verifying that on a containment isolation test signal, each isolation valve actuates to its isolation position. The isolation time of each power operated orautomatic containment isolation valve shall be determined to be within its limit when tested pursuant to the Inservice Testing Program.

4..31.4 I'he containinenz

- urocri surnolv and exhaus~t ist~kn 40 .h r!~trt~

Q.*ERA*..k..*..*...~..*  !.........a..j.*.........e.. *....!..* * ....................

PPER4*.Me3LE-as sy-.fier ingth..e'*...taine.* nF~

z SR is being 6uppy4~-~44act 5O!~iO~

aepabe.'e~t~p~ T~~..12r0-4o-3IAee moved to PTS 6.5.16.

See PTS 6.5.16 for markup of changes.

R, .

ARKANSAS - UNIT 2 3/46-17 Amendment No.


Attachment 2 to 2CAN01 03XX Page 21 of 78 PLANT SYSTEMS 3/4.7.6 CONTROL ROOM EMERGENCY VENTILATION AND AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION Two independent control room emergency ventilation and air conditioning system shall be OPERABLE. (Note 1)

APPLICABILITY: MODES 1, 2, 3,4, or during handling of irradiated fuel.


MODES 1.2. 3. and 4

a. With one control room emergency air conditioning perabl tre the inoperable system to OPERABLE status within 30 da yVe in at lea T.,e STANDBY within the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> and in COLD SHI-:O - within the 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />.
b. With one control room emergency ventilation,.,,perable B the inoperable system to OPERABLE status within 7 da y Rin" t HOT S $ BY within the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> and in COLD SHUTDOWN, the hours
c. With one control room emergency air c iLon s me control room eme~rRgency ventilation system i .abIre th i ae control room emergency ventilation system to OPERAB fatus ay restore the inoperable control room emergency air condith.' system to C f mtatus within 30 days or be in at least HOT STANDBY withi ext 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> r 6LD SHUTDOWN within the following 3q., -'R d """ms inoerable due to an "o arable Ato . .... . .... ............

OPRAL ....... 24 status within

,L3or be in , lest DBY hIn [heeOVnext 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> and in COLD SHUTDOWN T:in the follow-ng 30 hou &

(W ont room em- ventilation systems inooerable for reasons other than A7S pe~ati;.-to r... ,

m'.§recy Aair-....

condition-ino system s inoiperable, enter During Handling of, .'Fuel

f. With one control room emergency air conditioning system inoperable, restore the inoperable system to OPERABLE status within 30 days or immediately place the OPERABLE system in operation; otherwise, suspend all activities involving the handling of irradiated fuel. The provisions of Specification 3.0.4 are not applicable.

O~ . With one control room emergency ventilation system inoperable, restore the inoperable I system to OPERABLE status within 7 days or immediately place the control room in the emergency recirc mode of operation; otherwise, suspend all activities involving the handling of irradiated fuel. The provisions of Specification 3.0.4 are not applicable.

j!4ql.ote 1: The control room boundary mybe .oened Angistative inten-3ittently under controls.

ARKANSAS.. .UNIT2.3/........ b. 7-17 Amen.dment.................. .. .

ARKANSAS - UNIT 2 3/4 7-17 Amendment No. 2G06,219 to 2CANOI1O3XX Page 22 of 78 f . ..*. .. w1-ow -eaAFot.rQoThomer9encA4aiPcondjtioflinG4yetern.and.Gne.cont;;A4o0m 4, rostofe thenoeaeGot4rmocgnc vontilmatflo svstemt*-lQPIrA-31.40 OP

~ ~ ~ il ---du-wtinQay-rtmd~ti lc the OPE=RA B&-4ecem OpGFatJOIýj 3QhQ. 2a4iiae "&:pfl IrvGfl4

'I.po~sin-4Speoicaton he .4; rc vnot#

-th-both control morn e&irnertee4, -tew;au rGfnl-&yvet n&4nGpetebie;.4m4Th&at ARKANSAS - UNIT 2 3/47-17 ARKASAS-UNT 23/4

-17Amendment No. 206.24


h. With one control roomneMqEncy aircondItipn systM and one control room All emrgencyventilation systemnjoperab'e. A
1. restore the inoperable control room emergency ventilation system to OPERABLE status within 7 days or immediately place the control room in the emergency recirc

,mode of operation. and I&

2. restore the inoperable control room emergenc OPERABLE status within 30 days or immedia system in operation: 4 3, otherwise. suspend all ativities invowvina the
4. The provisions of Specification 3.A. are not F With both control room emernency air roovin emergency ventilation systems inoper ha!ndin~g of irradiated fuel.


  • O*OSQ*OB* fl*m*m*D*l*Q J*D*D* .......
  • D*O*OQQ*m*I ARKANSAS - UNIT 2 3/4 7-17a Amendment No.

Attachment 2 to 2CAN01 03XX Page 24 of 78 PLANT SYSTEMS SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS W 4 I DAl Each control room emergency air conditioning system shall be demonstrated OPERABLE:

a. At least once per 31 days on a STAGGERED TEST BASIS by:
1. Starting each unit from the control room, and
2. Verifying that each unit operates for at least 1 h(..and aintains the control room air temperature. 84OF D.B.;
b. At least once per 18 months by verifying a s..... flow r .900cfm :k 10%. Each control room emergency air filtration syst ,bedemons OPERABLE: sl*

a. At least once per 31 days on a STAGST and.verifying that the system oper efa.iinu BASt es.


k. Wast opnrz poF 18 rnon-?; Or (1' -[;o n#s-E See insei markup c SR

and c.

~~V'o n -2:O Map * *'0

    • ~~~... .. .. . .,. , ... .. . .

. 10496 r p e o 't t ~ c r o~-I1* At~

~~b~~~r~~~t~~~rh. aq 4

th3 bortortcciqg cwtaz 9f ASTM D3803 109 w4Aon 2-.. ..-*$..*

2-............ ".144 4 .re, t- 'k t -*,l O44-b At least once per 18 months by verifying that on a co.4ro.lomo*1-hi Al 0A ir;-test signal either actual or simulated, the system automatically isolates the control room w, ' -&*ar.switches into a recirculation mode of o

c. By pefo..-ming the reguired Control Room Emergenoy Ventilation filter ,

I testing in.accordance with the Ventilation Filter Testina Pro*rarn (VFTP ')

ARKANSAS - UNIT 2 3/4 7-18 Amendment No. 4-1-,2.6,24C Next Page is 3/4 7-22

Attachment 2 to 2CANO1 03XX Page 25 of 78 P*tIANT-..$YST.EMS SURV4IE4U tot: DF-REQ4EMN$ce*u A

  • i.-.............. . -P .l-t -: -. : P t -.. *. *
  • R . .l[

an;d charcoal adorr inches1 Pa~i Wter= Ga-g hl operating hs sytorn at a flow ateof20cfn-4 .


  • 5.. .:A. - -a-i--a- - - - I, d.1, e. and f. nl:trnnextiraIhhlerdf4e2e iMa nn-4rn 1 rnnn.s ,146.dr, 7/"3k

<'old..sw-,itches{+ L.A5

~nrflrr~umn r,1wyrt,

  • A5 will be Ino a roaliruaton Mo9= o o.oo relocated to aaeIeKan' aed tMen$'iar kan!,r.

the VFTP, A Li. L. - Iv a proposed TS A

..... ..... n Ian 6.5.11, with 41-4 14, i J C n 1, 4'.14 -

, .,* .- Ittt¶ flCt+.d Ad minor irarMrnezenardineŽnsaAthA tI-IC I N; C 49110 ?tZ changes*.1fM&.

noted. See markup of insert. P -- A te . ac ft-~ate epae


MGrfa'ae d.2 will be moved to wite oeANpbN&4o rifyte new d. At least once 2er 18 mo Sverify the &un flow rate is Ž300 and /MI1F\

J *s366 cfm when sundid the control ktside air.



m. ++N 4... r Al.,+.+

ARKANSAS - UNIT 2 3/4 7-19 Amendment No. ,2-4, to 2CAN01 03XX Page 26 of 78 PLANT SYSTEMS SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS (Continued)

If any snubber selected for functional testing either fails to activate or fails to move, i.e., frozen-in-place, the cause will be evaluated and, if caused by manufacturer or design deficiency, all snubbers of the same type subject to the same defect shall be evaluated in a manner to ensure their OPERABILITY. This requirement shall be independent of the requirements stated in Specification 4.7.8.d for snubbers not meeting the functional test acceptance criteria.

g. Preservice Testing of Repaired, ReDlacement and Nhksnubbers h Preservice operability testing shall be perfor."0on re .eplacement or new snubbers prior to installation. Testing may it the IN Ies facility. The testing shall verify the functional test accep c a in f.

In addition, a preservice inspection shall b &n EWi*

replacement or new snubber and shall verify ttat:

  • ec°
1) There are no visible signs of. "impaire ... bility as a result of storage, handling or instal%kk"
2) The snubber (aload hm*t configuration loc

~~in, aei n position codnewt setting and design;

3) Adequate -Vlearance is alow H;I snubber movement;
4) f c , i.t the recommended level and fluid is not leaking from J .n.. e" i*ebaig, asps Strctu n tnei as pins,bearings, studs, fasteners and other intedyConnectir dware' sh as lock nuts, tabs, wire, and cotter pins are installed co~ly.
h. nubber Seal Re i *ment Program

-ea. serv oeof hydraulic snubbers shall be monitored to ensure that the seS ife) exceeded between surveillance inspections. The expected servli te various seals, seal materials, and applications shall be deterrd i nd established based on engineering information and the seals shall be replaced so that the expected service life will not be exceeded during a period when the snubber is required to be OPERABLE. The seal replacement shall be d --aad- -doAa 9n tati n- shalý -bt -r~etiPiN-A

  • nt eg6g"d Socumrne -k4- c"wnce -wit#

ARKANSAS - UNIT 2 3/4 7-23b Amendment No. 62-,

to 2CAN0103XX Page 27 of 78 PLANT SYSTEMS 3/4.7.12 SPENT FUEL POOL STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION 3.7.12 The structural integrity of the spent fuel pool shall be maintained in accordance with Specification 4.7.12.

APPLICABILITY: Whenever irradiated fuel assemblies are in the spent fuel pool.


a. With the structural integrity of the spent fuel pool n requirements, in lieu of any other report, prepare a

. -. -- o the 7(th)A determination of such non-conformity.

b. The provisions of Specification 3.0.3 are not applic SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS Inspection Frequencies - The stn it fuel pool shall be determined per the acceptance .12.2 at the following frequencies: A '
a. At least once pe .P:'daysafter ool ed with water. If no abnormal dec on or other I*t f structural distress are detected dudiMi nsecutiv I snthe inspection interval may t t once per 5 years.

s;o V".o seismic event which actuates or should ihe eisrf*bnitoring instrumentation.

4.7.' eTi" structural integrity of the spent fuel pool shall be i*1*spection of at least the interior and exterior surfaces of SVt' tilt pit, the surfaces of the separation walls, and the I'lg the pool walls. This visual inspection shall verify no rete crack patterns, no abnormal degradation or other signs (i.e, cracks, bulges, out of plumbness, leakage, di,, escence, etc.).

ARKANSAS - UNIT 2 3/4 7-38 Amendment No. 04,447-,4941,

Attachment 2 to 2CAN01 03XX Page 28 of 78 3/4.8 ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMS 3/4.8.1 A.C. SOURCES LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION As a minimum, the following A.C. electrical power sources shall be OPERABLE:

a. Two physically independent circuits between the offsite transmission network and the onsite Class 1E distribution system and
b. Two separate and independent diesel gene
1. A day fuel tank containing a minimur (equivalent to 50% of indicated tank
2. A separate fuel storage system cont.

22,500 gallons of fuel (equivalent to and

3. A separate fuel transfer pun APPLICABILITY: MODES 1, 2, 3 and 4.


a. With one offsite A.C. circuit of*fo! ve reoi*r*. A.CA.ctricaI power sources inoperable, perform thefoln:
1. De -st-atethe OP* ITY of the remaining offsite A.C. circuit by Plan irement within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> and at least Aceper 8 hoqrs era WXY~

W Restore the offsit circuit t PERABLE status within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> or be in at least HOT STU.BY within the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> and in COLD "EIR: SHUTDOWN withi following 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />. Startup Transformer No. 2 ay be removed f ifservice for up to 30 days as part of a preplanned toventative

    • ...*-*.L* . maj

. $:*....... brnce schedule. The 30-day allowance may be Moved actiion b be"0 not n once In a 10-year period. The provisions of and Note 1 to new Sltiox *4 are not applicable to Startup Transformer No. 2 during page 3/4 8 -1a. the v<entative maintenance period.

............ V r-6:-'-0411 ...  :-* -=;-. -':i.;-*. * ' . .. ., ._.**: :ii "*E.'E -* *o=--(.4.:"<:.:


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ARKANSAS - UNIT 2 3/4 8-1 Amendment No. 444,2-1-6,234, to 2CAN01 03XX Page 29 of 78 it it*. .. . h/**,.. . =..:***. !.  ::* *

  • zr; c::;.zi.-t been en r"--' ii;:Ž ha: kx-nj iiý-O C. =p-e geno at.ef,!*


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ifffky ki!c  ::pp-niri -H:LY2-g N'

ARKANSAS - UNIT 2 3/4 8-1 Amendment No. 444,246,234, to 2CAN01 03XX Page 30 of 78 ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMS A.C. Sources LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION (Continued)

b. With one diesel generator of the above required A.C. electrical power source inoperable, perform the followinq:
1. Demonstrate the OPERABILITY of both the offsite A.C. circuits by performing Surveillance Requirement within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> and at least once per 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> thereafter, and "
2. Demonstrate the OPERABILITY of the remal; OFEr-l diesel generator by performing Surveillance Reaukb-i ent 41i .wthin 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> except when:
i. A common cause failure has been determ exist, or al14o ii. The remaining diesel generator is currentilfin ob&~on, or All iii. The remaining diesel generator hasbeen demon*ffi.dOPERABLE A within the previous 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. and'...
3. Restore the diesel generator toI- MRABL Q1 thin 72 rs (See note 1) or be in at least HOT STANDBY yffitn th*fi..6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> and in COLD SHUTDOWN withinthe Ifdkwinal"houri Note 1 - The requirement for diesbiterator (EM) restor.rn t OPERABLE status may be extended to ted..** s if the Alte ite.AC l!sel generator (AACDG) is verified available. If th ,,DG is foundiinAV table during this period, the 72 hour8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />.-estoration Derif6dftondition b.3 is immediately applicable until ei'h"e-AC wr the E 0'.'retumed to operable status (not to exceed

,$~divs fromtritial dies'6"Ltor inoperability). The 10-day allowance b d orv e for ef. DG.


All ARKANSAS - UNIT 2 3/4 8-la Amendment No.


c. With one offsite A.C. circuit and one diesel generator of the above required A.C.

electrical power sources inopeiable, perform the following:

1. Demonstrate the OPERABILITY of the remaining offsite A.C Surveillance Requirement within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> and at 16' thereafter, and, .


2. If the diesel generator became inoperable due to at preplanned preventive maintenance or testing, therA
i. Demonstrate the OPERABILITY of the remE generator by performing Surveillance Requii hours except when: -0,M*.
a. The remaining diesel gen
b. The remaining diesel gen within the previous 8 hour9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />
3. Restore at least one of the in BLE status within 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> or be in at least HC 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> and in COLD SHUTDOWN within the f0Ib.)
4. Restore bos.itircuits"d1fQth diesel generators to OPERABLE status within '*:3 Note)&eAfthe initiating event or be in at least HOT

... with*n&h x.:in COLD SHUTDOWN within the followir 9g

d. o offsite A.C. circuits above required A.C. electrical power sources inpet[4*, perform the follov Pece IVuement on the diesel generators within the ne4 'urs e en:
i. Thedi e.trs are currently in operation, or ii. The aneset'eierators have been demonstrated OPERABLE within the previous 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />, and
2. Restore one of the inoperable offsite A.C. circuits to OPERABLE status within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> or be in at least HOT STANDBY within the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> and in COLD SHUTDOWN within the following 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />, and
3. Restore both A.C. circuits within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> of the initiating event or be in at least HOT STANDBY within the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> and in COLD SHUTDOWN within the following 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />.

ARKANSAS - UNIT 2 3/4 8-2 Amendment No. 444,234,

0 6

z S

E C4 z


U) cn z


e. Wi.nth two diesela*geerasth of e abovewrequired A.C. electrical power sou

,rablee rfor;mjtheolo

1. Demonstrate the OPERABILI'T'Y of the two offal e A.C. circuits by performing Surveilla nce Reouirement , wit h.r and at leass A once per 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> thereafter, and
2. Restore one of the inooerable diesel erne to tatus within 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> or be in a least HOT STA N.D > Te ne rs and in COLD SHUTDOWIN wMithin the foflowing 30
3. Restore both diesel within 72 hr

-enerators s'o initatiti event or be in at least HOT ST N BY "w, xt 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> thhou0 wti 4 rrs and in COLiDStsTii f . Wth the .at ue separate uelts hs: esae notlimn wof d or he almton f.f s fuel oiQ p.tiper,.s ae nrestoedw hin ii.rnits. fo one o oi st -nks c If one'-"""

o-"r " """"'"""rof2,5 gallons a*nd greater (MGn-17. odfu g46 eiwt limits wifin th--s


5 t1*1 If . "fue"oil al athes erot within imerits fotone or tmre diesel S*to wifthin limits wifthn 7days.

M6 restore. store fu e............j~

isWtn3 If action f. I is no ru ithin tne al'oble oujage time or is ouside t.e

"";l' a e limits. ork tion f.2 or 0 is not met Within the allowable outage A0 then imme declare the associated diesel eerato*r inoperable

!rformt ropate aron 2 -- 48o4.1-V -fr.Fort thia:CY~fhor ;eachudiesel generto.4V~t~ewe.-e, on AO44dI $~~e4-84 V - l-k1A£*1 l~~+/-.. t. . .s - f h

%1"l if.O. I. I. I

& "I1 and associated a-eerwne4P&A atn~~ezAyeye '77 gor notes will be beakr~inmotc, ndi~to poowavi~ai~y-aJ moved to a 4w~do~ty-taneferie4^An~~-nl3tmtcly npw--ug.

new page the G.a!-iro~t-tGthe-~torateand-~

3/4 8-2b.

ARKANSAS - UNIT 2 3/4 8-2a Amendment No. 444-,23*,

to 2CAN0103XX Page 34 of 78 4-.&.-4 ...

  • Noet:. ci.......... -,4du I.

-. At ono;;pa*.S.A.. . .GGE .P-ta B S,,

a~earifyiej~he44'aesgoe .casoft-feIa

-nN tho- o-th~ytank.

4 ...........-Vonf-ynG*.. 64-561*-&ta- - s.hrf.a.etar x " a. oe~e ..ts at.loas- 0.In i G.c.nd.

Sen.1.. (Note2-


6 -- ------- o. fy r.G* .. he.die It.e. er d to . :a;.W*by.pewe.,.


. . 4.. . . Al


.......... ttm tadyc~n~to.iw .i..eria4b

he.44 oovr.&4as-.-tsreeIgrr-cr.sat ARKANSAS - UNIT 2 3/4 8-2a Amendment No. 444,237-,


-S.URVE*.ANCE RE.-..QREIMENTS Each of the above reauired independent circuits between the offsite Al transmission network and the onsite Class IE dist-.bution system shall be:

a. Determined OPERABLE at least once per 7 days by verifying correct breaker alignments. indicatted Dower availability and
b. Demonstrated OPERABLE at leas" onve V. durina shutdown by (ransferring (manual y aw. onom .#1 unit power sunply from the normal circuit to the.nale iR

S.......................... .............. acnerator Each. diesel .......................... d.e.. ..........

shall be demnonstratte ............. nE A

a. At least once per 3davs on a S TBASI
1. Verifying the fuel !eve! in the-day fuel.
2. VerNfing the fuel I'M r..i M to~ t
3. Verdyingq the re.  ! , arted and transfers fuel frcA e sy *Ae day tank.
4. Veiyn**es*s I 'M dby condition and acceler"et to at leas--0'Wf15m seconds. Notete 2) b...e alenrnti**zed.
5. veik"1 loaded to an indicated 260MORM.Kwandoperates forŽ:60minutes -- (Notes 3 & 4) 1enerator i ... .....


. - t d  ; s.r sn*dby

'F 9."972.d we by*-, vtrfyin . that a . G4-die.el fuel

-ta*-v . . - Ml M~74.~e~4os~t;eePet Verify fuel iorooe, f new and stored fu'ep oil are tested in accordance a."u., .. ntained with in the limits of. the Diesel Fue,,Oi Testino MO No t 1A,*p..A-j ... ...... ti ...... ........ ........ .......

N~te1.~~plnnd ie~qngaor sIrt for th urposeS of these surveillances may b. A Note 2 "Thisdiesel generator start from a standby condition in s15 sec. shall be Al accompished at least once every 184 days. All other diesel generator starts for this surveillance may be in accordance with vendor recommendations.


3 Diesel ..s.*...........r!....L qc.!,.ay .di. meeao.m. ..bbe ..~accoplihs'.ed

.. ..jsbe accordance-.r..n. ..with bv..........(

vendor A A

recommenoa-u,;ns such as .qradual loadin.

Note 4 Momertar-transents outside this load band due to changing loads winl not in dae the test. Load ranges are allowed to reclude over.- loading the diesel generators.

ARKANSAS - UNIT 2 3/4 8-2b Amendment No.

to 2CAN0103XX Page 36 of 78 ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMS SHUTDOWN LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION As a minimum, the following A.C. electrical power sources shall be OPERABLE:

a. One circuit between the offsite transmission network and the onsite Class I E distribution system, and
b. One diesel generator with:
1. A day fuel tank containing a minimu "me,lons of fuel (equivalent to 50% of total tank lu I
2. A fuel storage system containing a mi .volume f s of fuel (equivalent to 100% of total ta1 and
3. A fuel transfer pump.


ACTION: *,,.

a. With less than the above minir i eqrd Wpower pIectri sources OPERABL Al suspend all operations involvi )RE ALTTION positive reactivity changes.

, Wthth stored VUuef fb.'ct.'S usystem fqrout limits ofOethe Dieseo Fueel of action "t.itsOil Tesoinf b. IPeor the new or L4 22.500 gal~ons I I e a*r~u~~.

~s~nert ~1 oc. .tedfuel storage .......... tank com -islesaA -han 225'te~rth.a..7, _446 :l.ons, restore the fuel oil volume to Kwithin limits withir. -ns.

S.,the stored fue oA 1nar.ticulates are not within limits for the required diese, L5 Mlto fues thin 7s K...

.... -i.ts for the one teQuirea d~ese:

M6 en ore sto.'ed fuel oil oropoerties to within limits within 30 days,

4. If action- I.. not met within the allowable oue timj outside .jrs the allovwable limits, or if action b.2 or b.3 is not met within the aliowablo A1t0 g time. the*n.. ji-m-mediatety declare-the associated diesel-generator ingEegible and susie.d all operafions. involving CORE ALTERA'IONS or SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENT The above required A.C. electrical power sources shall be demonstrated OPERABLE by the performance of each of the Surveillance Requirements of and except for Requirement

ARKANSAS - UNIT 2 3/4 8-5 Amendment No. 449, to 2CAN0103XX Page 37 of 78 REFUELING OPERATIONS FUEL HANDLING AREA VENTILATION SYSTEM LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION 3.9.11 The fuel handling area ventilation system shall be operating and discharging through the HEPA filters and charcoal adsorbers.


Whenever irradiated fuel is being moved in the storage pool: operation with loads over the storage pool.


a. With the fuel handling area ventilation system not opa involving movement of fuel within the spent fuel poo..":.. Emosover the spent fuel pool until the fuel handling area ventilation
b. The provisions of Specifications 3.0.3 arej pam The fuel jandlj9 area n system shr"Ibe determined to be in operation and disc .I...theHEMtiters and charcoal adsorbers at least once per 12 Al 4.9.11.e. fuel handling are' ,.ktilation shall1tem be demonstrated OPERABLE -t f-w 4Fe~'~ee-.*h irradiated fuel is in the storage pool by 2eforming the
    • iguiird fue'. hand:ing
  • testina in accordance with the Ventilation Filter Testing

.E.. ..

an ........... -.. 4.... ... ........ *.. he..NEPA.

4. k Z4LA0the,,aa.-the he-~r&$:G,~

See markup of inserts for changes.

ARKANSAS - UNIT 2 3/49-12 Amendment No. 434, Next Page is 3/4 9-14 to 2CAN0103XX Page 38 of 78 RE'-F4-EtPL--= RAT*-.T.*CWNS EG--,

rp*retentativ eaen-a.mple obtained in accordan-e, v.*h Reguiato"t Pciton C.6,b of 1.52, 4c'e Revisin 2, March 178, shows the methyl.odide p.f etati. less than 5.09% ;&49. tested in acGz.dw*.

32. Vetfying a SrotAe Fa -lO M d -Afee """ *Gin orb

.n.le_a. -Ieplace .QAo~nkb.efn M aoe Guid 4at9.4.-2,497$"Migf2.r" 006 ee-y-t-'-a t41

. . te r..eac'*..m.p*.

c.. ..... -. - . ..

.4 ch*o dotebv*.;

rate*of o 0 sfm Seue markup of inserts for changes.

^DR^ .,IS^S -, UN,,r 3/4 9-13 Amendment No. 22-8,

Attachment 2 to 2CAN0103XX Page 39 of 78 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROL,5-.

6.1 RESPONSIBILITY A13 6.1.1 The AN2p.Plant ...aager 4 J ~t~i......s... shall be responsible for overall unit operations and shall delegate in writing the succession to this responsibility during his absence.

6.1.2 An individual with an active Senior Reactor Operator (SRO) license shall be designated as responsible for the control room command function while the unit is in MODE 1, 2,3(A.

or 4. With the unit not in MODE 1, 2, 3, or 4, an individual h an active SRO Reactor Operator license shall be designated as respo si ontrol room command function.


6.2.1 ONSI'E AND OFFSITE A,4D.-. Q#T..ORGANIZA, Onsite and offsite organizations shall be establish es~s ." hit operation

  • ~ ori d.rporate management, respectively. The onsite and offsite or * *,Zons sl)ai1-*clude the positions for activities affecting the safety of 0 t~ Iair powmt. Al
a. Lines of authority, responsibility, *m,, -A, on shall -fined id a...d&f.4e..o4'r-*et Sestablished e.*houl , k nagement levels, t.roug..

intermediate levels, to.and ir-' n'-,all in ation positions. These relationships shall be doc"renT imnd.ujted, priate, in the f organization charts, fur*l Acn d' o dedtm ental responsibilities and relationships, and job giptions fo positions, or in equivalent forms of documeni These requ nJi ",ludingthe unit specific titles of those personnel fu' __e 0respo of the positions delineated in these Tecl"ard cificatio 11be documented in the Safety Analysis Report Al 3 . -, "_

b.'T # "2"*l n -he'

  • rni* Operations shall be responsible for overall iri.t.

safe operation 1_IFU u it arn" shall have control over those onsite activities ncssary for safe tion and maintenance of the p nitw.

    • .* specified corpo. executive shall have corporate responsibility for overall init. nucle I i:..: tabl* pe*. 'a nce of and afety the shall staff in take any measures operating, needed maintaining, and toproviding ensure

. f in su t to the fpanl...unit to ensure nuclear safety. The specified

  • ill be..." corjf " tve shall be documented in the SARA..- and to d The in uals who train the operating staff. a *.iose-who...carry out health

-2 of Al physics.--xj.or perorm quality assurance functions may report to the appropriate nonsite manager; however, thesy_ individuals shall have sufficient organizational freedom to ensure their independence from operating pressures.

A.RKAN*.h.vAS UNIT 2 6-1 Amendment No.

6,52,57-,73,85,67,98,411*1*4 209-,

to 2CAN0103XX Page 40 of 78 6.2.2 UNIT STAFF

a. -ai)=-& crew cempo-pstien Sheo- in T-able 4.2- .A non-licensed operator shall be on site when fuel is in the reactor and two additional non-licensed opertors shall be on Al e....--ont.4;o-ors......shallbe...

site when the reactor is in MOD-S.1 o Q

A12 F-ea*.F:=:rhe m'nimum shift crew composition for licensed operators shall meet the minimum staffing reauirements of 10 CFR 50.541m)((lfl for one unit, one control roo..m:. - ....*,

ARKANSAS UNIT-2 6-1 Amendment No.


Attachment 2 to 2CAN0103XX Page 41 of 78 C. At~nc~aaJioor~lrtn~~rt~lhnnen 4-1 ihm rnrnrnnArn All

.ea GF .. i hift

,ps crew composition may be less than the minimum Lr t of 10 CFR 50.54,5(m,2(i? for one unit. one control room, and S..........

_2M 6.2.4'

  • . I................................

2.2forTa period of time not to exceed accommodate unexpected absence of on -duty shift crew members provided immediate acton is taken to restore the shift crew composition to within t.e minimum reQuirements.

2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> in order to 0

d. An individual qualified in radiation protection proced es shall be on site when fuel is in the reactor. The position may...b-'.-*.vac

.... .... r .. .ore S........................... ......... ..... tha . .'.'.

2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />, in orderto frovidýef immediate\

action is taken to fill the required positio~n. I S CORE ALTERATIONS Shall be dO.t

.Al Sen*OO oe r ..t.A m* I I 12$ iflQw'.C4ae -no.ofrer.conwr;ent.e operat4om Kingte .. n Lag In MODES 1, 2, 3, or 4, an indi support for the uni, operations AO ine of thermal hydraulics, reactor engineering plan h!regard to the safe operation of the unit. This indi t Pfications specified by the Commission Poli tat4 -nginee "'pertise on Shift.

T amount of overtime worked by plaenuW x mem 'afety-relatedfunctions=A TM=he nnl#"M1 hall be1 iand controlled in accordance Al he NRC olicy Statement on working hours 5tant operations manager shall hold a I

A RVAVSAS UNiTr2 6-2 Amendment No. 1.7,25,29,52,73,85, 87,98,41,4132,209

Attachment 2 to 2CANO1 03XX Page 43 of 78

...................................... 44. ,,*, .*.**4- .:/ Al_ --

  • .G,::


r-&r... 4

.rr- 4 rA12, K need

-S-;4 n f R -nr r' 4 M Moved to 6.2.2.c.

o nn See 6.2.2.c for 2ktkao.eetn~h.-siP i~rnd~p: ~n 4%"4classification Of rt..-.  ; changes.

W- X,;**

P9 ' z.'*

  • -,*...4.,

-- 34 IA.

ARKA.WGAS UNIT-2 6-4 Amendment No. 20,448,209

Attachment 2 to 2CANOI 03XX Page 44 of 78 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 2CAN0103XX Attachment ADMINISTRATIVE Page 44 of 6.3 UNIT2 toSTAFF 78 CONTROLS QUALIFICATIONS M7 6.3.1 Each member of the unit staff sh meet or exceed the minimum qualifications of ANSI N4*&AA74ANS 3.1-ý 78 for comparable positions, except for ,.)..the designated radiation protection manager, who shall meet or exceed the I

minimum qualifications of Regulatory Guide 1.8, September 1975. (,

CTS 6.14 6.4 0.tQ1.D.PRO.EDUE.S Subsections are later in markup. I relocated here-see 6.5 PROGRAMS AND MANUALS Al markup later. ,r-th*t'O*_'.-,;t

[G s... .. .. . . ... be. us.d

. . !*t,.

.,,-- Insert 2)

- 6.5.1 Dose C.c.ti.t Manual .(O...Q.DCMLIse'2 k 5.2 Primary Coolant Sources Ou.side Containmeni,

,S.5.,3 flo! used ' CTS 6.8.4. b will be relocated here CTS 6.8.4.a wil will 4 Radloactive

" ". Effiuent 'Controls Pmcoram1 see marku p later.

be 00.5.5 Component Cyclic or Transient Limit P ra relocated 6.5., not used .. ..

here - see markup 6.5.7 Reactor Coolant Pump Flywheel Inspe rogra later..

This program shall provide for the ins tion oh W olant pump flywheel per the recommendation of Regulatqory Po- n of R ry Guide 1.14, Revision 1, August 1975. The volumet xminati e tory Position C.4.b.1 will be performed on approximately interva. 6.5.8 Inservice Testii Program' This vice testing of ASME Code Class 1, 2, and 3 "its. The shall the following:

New Pages Testing frequencie, fled in Section Xl of the ASME Boiler and Pressure will be added Vessel Code and a le Addenda as follows:

as needed.

Boiler and Pi pre Vessel and aoDlicabh Idenda Required frequencies tor Btesting for performing inservice testina activities WeeklV W At least once per 7 days Monthly *' At least once per 31 days Every 6 weeks At least once per 42 days Quarterly or every 3 months At least once per 92 days Semiannually or every 6 months At least once per 184 days Every 9 months At least once per 276 days Yearly or annually At least once per 366 days Biennially or every 2 years At least once per 731 days

b. The provisions of Specification 4.0.2 are applicable to the above required frequencies for performing inservice testing activities.

AR,.A,,.SA. - UNI T 2 6-5 Amendment No. , 12,17. 20, 29. 62, (Next page 16 page 6 12a 73,85, 98,111,4, 419, 132, 17, 460, 209,233

Attachment 2 to 2CAN0103XX Page 45 of 78

c. The provisions of Specification 4.0.3 are applicable to inservice testing activities, and
d. Nothing in the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code shall be construed to supersede the requirements of any Technical Specification.

6.5.9 Steam Generator fCSQ)TbSuvilnePogm Insert 3 Insert 1) 6.5.10 Secondary Water Chemistry 6.5.11 Ventiwation Filter TestinQ Program (VFP)

  • Insert 5) .. l SCA 6.5.12 later 65 -D:esel Fuel Oi* Testing ..ogrLam"T a 13 -D~ MU TS Bases control Program Is on page 6 6.5.14 Technical Specifications (TS) Bases Control Progrraog m.n12. e 6.5.15 no- used 6.5.16 -Containment

- I..eakape Rate Tesin

CTS 6.15 will be relocated AR.KQ,.NSAS UNIT 2 6-5 Amendment No. 6,41217, 20, 24, 62, (Next page is.

pge 6 12a: 7_,85, 98,114, 410.*22,1147, 460, 20.,233

Attachment 2 to 2CAN0103XX Page 46 of 78 Administrative Controls 6.5.14 Technical Specifications (TS) Bases Control Program This program provides a means for processing changes to the Bases of these Technical Specifications.

a. Changes to the Bases of the TS shall be made under appropriate administrative controls and reviews.
b. Licensees may make changes to Bases without prior ,C approval provided the changes do not require either of the. l *
1. A change in the TS incorporated in the se or
2. A change to the updated SAR or Bases *'5 es NRL ,.

pursuant to 10 CFR 50.59. X,

c. The Bases Control Program shall contain provisions pre that the Bases are maintained consistent with
d. Proposed changes that do not me crite~o.,4b a shall be reviewed and approved by the l{*prior t* ion. Changes to the Bases implemented without ir NR ro4 be provided to theNRC on a frequency (osis AtwitW1 i &C.R

.A.RF-K,,*$A$ 'JNIT2 6-12a Amendment No. 447,460,209

Attachment 2 to 2CAN01 03XX Page 47 of 78 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 6.7 SAFETY LIM5.1T A. PRATION (A14\

6.7.1 The froelring actiens shall be taken in the epent a Safet; Limit is viola

a. T*-eunit shall be praed i; at least HoT STANDe i Y it *-n anc; howur.

GuThoVice Presidet1 , Operation s ANOand the SRC Shall bhe ntified -4*-.-n 2, w.Nuclear Regulato, Commission shall be notified psuant The t t neCFRm e.2nd o erat submittnroced pur*u tctemen

" FR5.36 and Specimationt6.


6.48.1 Written procedures shall be established, implement 4n aintai ne Mynng We Al fgrowino activities: efereed below- .

"a. a-The applicable procedures recommended in (PC)adRegulatob 1Guide1.33, Revision 2 A. .1978;7l lsQ An b..The emergency operating proceduae RA -A Iuddressblnte requirements of NUREG-0737 A'e NUREM M07S7,'Mpolement M stated in Section a 7.1 of Generi toriter ac2io. with tdr

b. Refueling opeatins Sur.veillance
g. and .upemedof specificM shafzlle .

f~~. Fir 0wo~rgrart to Al c:corda*e w mosin entvetion6f and Modfations ofP adre bcons cantsor (chaPC)tAddressableA c.ddrstablecntstasoftwares lm prolvisions to sshainclude bsse N~<~ensue that sufficietitiargin is maintained in CPC -Type I addressable m n to avo essive operator interaction with the CPCs during A.- r operati NO~-od ions to the CPC software (including changes of Al algoih, fuel cycle specific data) shall be performed in acc ae with the most recent version of "CPC Protection Algorithm Software Change Procedure," CEN-39(A)-P,..wfljh #;at Al has been determined to be applicable to the facility. Additions or addressable constant software limit values shall not be AM imlemened without prior NRC approval.

and PCP implementatio1n. I iDC 6.8.2 DltdA

.A.R.KA.N.SAS UNT 6-13 Amendment Noý.

24,28,13,52,60,63,73,:77.,85,91,98,011 4.119,4147.449,160,193,209,218

Attachment 2 to 2CAN0103XX Page 48 of 78 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 6.5 Prograrns and Manuals

.o o.......

65.-4-The following programs shall be established, implemented, and maintained-.,.

a. 6.5.4 Radioactive Effluent Controls Program This program conforms with 10 CFR 50.36a yg the .ontrol of radioactive effluents and for maintaining the dose*.to A-EMB OF THE PUBLIC from radioactive effluents as low as 4 bvable. The program shall be contained in the ODCM, sh 1 inpl mI todmy procedures, and shall include remedial actions to be".
  • i ve ogram limits are exceeded. The program shall includ a. lowing el V" 4a. Limitations on the functional capability of rad ipd and g monitoring instrumentation including surveillance te .setpoint determination in accordance with the methodology i CM; 2-)b. Limitations on the concentration dio erial rel d in liquidI effluents to UNRESTRICTED S. c,* Ig 0CFR Part 20, Appendix B, Table 11,Column 2; 3)=. Monitoring, sampling, .i alysis 0 ioactiv uid and gaseous effluents in accordance with 1 0.1302 a thodology and parameters in the ODCM; 4)d. a b quarterly doses or dose commitment to a MEMBER 4.E'Pi~I~rom ra e materials in liquid effluents released from each

-nitto UNRE -' DA conforming to 10 CFR 50, Appendix I; Determination of lative and-prqjeGtdose contributions from radioactive effluents for the cu' calendar quarter and current calendar year in accordance

'Swith the methodolo nd parameters in the ODCM at least every 31 daysi_

DWetermination of hp ccted dose contributions from radioactive effluents in

  • i;*'* rdance withii*nmethodology in the ODCM at least every 31 days.
6. Lim..*ei functional capability and use of the liquid and gaseous effluent treatmtytems to ensure that appropriate portions of these systems are used to redu releases of radioactivity when the projected doses in a period of 31 days would exceed 2% of the guidelines for the annual dose or dose commitment, conforming to 10 CFR 50, Appendix I;
2) Limitations on the dose rate resulting from radioactive material released in gaseous effluents to areas beyond the site boundary conforming to the dose associated with 10 CFR 20, Appendix B, Table II, Column 1;


,A, -2 6-14 ^--de--* -.

___________ _____ ,205,2 on

Attachment 2 to 2CAN0103XX Page 49 of 78 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS Limitations on the annual and quarterly air doses resulting from noble gases released in gaseous effluents from each unit to areas beyond the site boundary, conforming to 10 CFR 50, Appendix I; Limitations on the annual and quarterly doses to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from iodine-131, iodine-133, tritium, and all radionuclides in particulate form with half lives > 8 days in gaseous effluents released from each unit to areas beyond the site boundary, form*t 10 CFR 50, Appendix 1; and - 6 0).*L Limitations on the annual dose or d THE PUBLIC beyond the site bound and to radiation from uranium fuel c) 190.

The provisions of SR 4.0.2 and SR, Effluent Controls Proaram survael1 S.................. .. *"1.....

Comoonent Cvclic~ or T n n n . .. c or . T...

Co This program provides controll"". trance SAk ,von5.2.1.5, cyclic c transient occurrences to* .*suratco" onents ae maintained within the c 6--. 6 .. REPORTING REGAN ENTS t 6nadf6'

%-. \ oTeappl!cb~prrgrql~~co

. il 10, Code of Fedora! Regulations, the fol (f)i

" flfi 0 irz~,'Are rt plat st 6.9.11

!LA2 d power escalation tegtng shall be submW~ed follwing (4) of.11opr--!Qce (2 M "mnA~5~h lieneivngalnndnca in power ;evel,(3 nt of fuel0 tht haj d1rn dsg Q -tben manfue db a different fi-e! supplier, and 1 oii that ~~ ~yaiee~ula ~ mVaes

~ W thermal,or hy drauli pertomanne of the plant.

6.9.12 The Gtartu Pce~ F.eac ~

.... rs hof the tests.idontifedl in the FSAR and chall include a decrig of he easrevaueso~~bpratngconitins r harcteisicsobtind drin t eqts porm and Ia comprwo or ne~ vaues'nn ssin predictions ndspecificatione. Any corrective ofacins that wore

'eurdtoWbain catisfactor'yoperation shall also be described. Any addgional specifi detis euie n licnane condfion base 4n other ommtnt hlbencddinhsreot 6-94.2. 5tirtup reprts-shall -besubmittd WWRhi (1) go days following completIOn of the startup test proGrlam-,

42.9~ys folowing r-esumption or commencement of commercia poerop Rao,OF (3) 9 Monthrs fofloWinAg A

intil riiality, YA~lhGeFe Is earliest. if the Startup Report does-notcover 211 three events (I.e., -Ritia!critialt, G~mpleawuof startup test progrm, ana reSumpUGSon orGOMM( rncemn orcom arcpower operation),

supplementary reports chall be- cubmitted atles eeY three monthrs until all three eventa h2a'e benn GooPetGed.

  • AR.*,*-ANSAS UNIT 2 6-14a Amen;dment Neo.

6,52,73,85,91.98,1 114,1 19,1147,169,0,13 2G5 to 2CAN0103XX Page 50 of 78 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS A NNIIUAL REPORTS ,,

A17 Annual reports , overing the altvtis belowv for the previou1 s calend:;r year shall be ofumteprotoMch1o #;o unitia each y'ear. The nitiial report shall be subimitted prior to M4arc=h I of th 0

Year f4lDloing inlitial critic*lity.

6.9.15. Rupor.tS ReqUiRed on n. anmnmu basuir ch iNcue:all B-.1 O..ccupational.....tin-.....e Rport (Note: A sigesubmittal may be madefo 21 ANO. The submittal should combine sections common to boh units.)

&-A tabulation on an annual basis for-of the nun personnel (including contractors), for who.m.,onitg.* Sreceiving annual deep dose*WGsures-equivaient greater th4 d thei associated collective deeo dose eguivalent ( according to work and job functions,ý ,e.g., reactor 6 and sue inservice inspection, routine maintenance, special m, S(desci maintenance), waste processing, and refueling.. Ifi reguirements of 10 CFR 20.2206. The dose assignn may be estimatejd based on pocket io ti.... *once dosimeter-,ITLD2, electronic dosimeter. or:4Zn' #dosiete mall exposures totalling less than 20% Perceti the in )tal dosc'eed not be accounted for. In the aggregate, at lea..0.% _7 ,Iotal vhel-odyeep dose g.uivalent.received from extemrn rce l..* -Issigned to specific major work functions. The. e th 8~a - ear shallb7 Submited Ai30ofeach. f

b. - .6.7 Steam GerSWE .Tube Surve
  • f;iorts The completer o4 tmt -O ;A=49i ncp peForMed dung the report 0
  • . ..-.. . -.. ^

a1 A.. oWin- eatnsr-vice instion of steam -generatortubes the number of tubes 4P UIaed in eacnoftm aenerLt&,hall be reported to the Commission within 15 SThe complete resul the steam generator tube inservice inspection shall be 4eported within 12..Ii1nths following the completion of the inservice inspection.

his reoort shall J W de:


  • extent of tubes inspected.

,on and percent of wall-thickness penetration for each indication of nirnmperfection.

3. Identification of tubes plugged.
c. Results of steam generator tube inspections, which fall into Category C-3, shall be reported 4; a 'pec.';-4Rp4 wt-puiatkmiop- Cp-to the Commission as denoted by Table 4..-2...6.5.9-2. Notification of the Commission will be made prior to resumption of plant operation (i.e., prior to entering Mode 4). The written Speqaf.Rreport shall provide a description of the investigations conducted to determine the cause of the tube degradation and the corrective measures taken to prevent recurrence.

ARKANSAS -- UNIT 2 6-15 Amendmernt N*. 5,41,91,92,237

Attachment 2 to 2CAN0103XX Page 51 of 78 c.


G DoIcmeRnt*tain of all challcnges to the proccurizer safletyv'.alves.

Delated 6.6.8 The results of specific activity analysis in which the primary coolant Z4I exceeded the limits of Specification 3.4.8. The following information shall be included: (1) Reactor power history starting 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> prior to the first sample in which the limit was exceeded; (2) Results of the last isotopic analysis for radiolodine performed prior to exceeding the limit, results of analysis while limit was exceeded the results of one analysis after te radioiodine activity was reduced to less than limit. Each result shod and time of sampling and the radioiodine concentrations, R.le em flow history

. i--- *o i A~single submital may be made for a multiple unit s V-4l51 6umta Al combinc these sertions that arc common to all unictth 6~~1 (A18~

This tabulation supplements the reguiromcne~:.. .i7O 1'Ft Pr 0


ARKAINSAS UNI:P2 6-15 "NIAmendmentNo. 5,.41,1,92,237 to 2CAN0103XX Page 52 of 78 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS starting 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> prior to the first sample in which the limit was exceeded; (4) Graph of the 1-131 concentration and one other radioiodine isotope concentration in microcuries per gram as a function of time for the duration of the specific activity above the steady-state level; and (5) The time duration when the specific activity of the primary coolant exceeded the radioiodine limit.


6..9,.6-Routine reports of operating statistics an shutdowr be submitted on a Q

monthly basis no later than the 15th of each month followir LAII ith covered by the report.

SPEGIA I REPORTS 6-02 Special roports, chatl he subm~ttd to the Administrato b*-+. .eletesd

c. Dolotod
d. Delotod AR KVSAS UNIT.2 6-16 Amendmeio o.,


Attachment 2 to 2CANOI03XX Page 53 of 78 A. IN-IST.R-A.T1VE CO1 NhITO LS

h. Dc!etodQ Spe**fi*ation 3.3 3 1 See individual specifications for i.,

Steam.-* ..... o Tub!;;@

-... ,,......w .... e ..... , ; j..k.,.n., and o.

R, Specification;

I p.amnteance or Spent FzuePon,-'o strctu=m!a Specification 3.7.12.

1. Deleted FR. Del te

.A.R.KANSA UNIT.: 6-17 Amse.dndmentNGN.


Attachment 2 to 2CAN0103XX Page 54 of 78 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 66.3 RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT Al 9 ....... The Radioactive Effluent Release Report covering the operation of the unit :n'I previous .ear shall be submitted prisor to May 1 of each year in accordance with 10 CFR 50.3 a. A21 The report shall include a summary of the quantities of radioactive liquid and gaseous efflu and solid waste released from the unit. The material provided shall be consistent with Ihe= I objectives outlined in the ODCM and Process Control Program and in conform ce with 10C -R 50.36a and 10 CFR 50, Appendix I, Section IV.B.1.

  • . t* * @** *1:*115ine -tAekJ

-4.Note.A single submittal may be made for ANO. The sub ""&" Iine e.

sections that are common to both units. The submittal shaU2K*cfy t i*ses of radioactiv material from each unit.) VO -.1%,A Move note


,e ARK,.SAS U.INT2 6-18 6-18,Amendment No. 60.91120.....

0C0SIM, Al W,

Attachment 2 to 2CAN0103XX Page 56 of 78 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROL 6 6.2 ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT 0-G:4...The Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report covering the operation of unit during the previous calendar year shall be submitted by May 15 of each year. The report shall include summaries, interpretations, and analyses of trends of the results of the radiological environmental monitoring program for the reporting period. The material provided shall be consistent with the objectives outlined in the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM), and in 10 CFR 50, Appendix I, Sections IV.B.2, IV.B.3, and IV.C.

The Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report shqpa, pck qults of analyses of all radiological environmental samples and of all environme adia psurements taken during the period pursuant to the locations specified in theb."e an u4 he ODCM, as well as summarized and tabulated results of these analysdW3 gurn re In the event that some individual results are not available for inclusion 0p the

submitted noting and explaining the reasons for the missing i rhe missin -ahll be submitted in a supplementary report as soon as possible. "

--bN."ote A single submittal may be made for ANO. e #lshou-sectiol t w.*--common to both units..


.A.RIK4"11AS* UN_

I Pt2I 6-20 Amendment No. 60,94,157,193

Attachment 2 to 2CAN01 03XX Page 57 of 78 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROL Attachment 2CAN0103XX Page 6.6.5 57CORE 2 to OPERATING ADMINISTRATIVE of 78 CONTROL LIMITS REPORT (COLR) 64?.-a. The-re'Core operating limits shall be established prior to each reload cycle, or prior to any remaining part of a reload cycle, and snall be documented in the CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT for the f.llo:yn.,,,i,- ,-*, Floa, cycle or any remaining pavt c4 a Feload GvGle. Shutdown Margin-T=,,

  • 200-F 31.1.4 Moderator Temneraiure Coerffi CEA Position Reoulatiria And (Gtoun P..*F_"

Reaulatina And Groati P e"'F 3.2.1 Linear Heat Rate 3.2.3 Azimuthal Powe 3.2.4 N .R.Mamqin 3.27 Axial ShaMe ,ndex 8.2 5.1.* b.The analytical methods u, i ore operating limit S Tddroscid by the id 24 all be thosie previously revie a s atCN.owed specifically those descrid in the uments:

"1) 'The ROCS and i CouteA es r f Design", CENPD-266 P-A, AprilApril Shudow 1o983 193is*hodology f 0ooo*,W1pi ns and for Shutdown al f .6 for Regulating and Group P CEA nser its, and 3.2 BR Margin).

SM od fo I Element Assembly Ejection Analysis," CENPD 1 *v0. :Methodology for Specification for Regula*.ti..1r fprou

!;*A Insertion Limits and 3.2.3 for Azimuthal 0Power Tit~

3) "Modified S i~tical Combination of Uncertainties, CEN-356(V)-P-A, Revision May 1988 (Methodology for Specification 3.2.4.c and 3.2.4.d to . BR Margin and 3.2.7 for ASI).

h....30al eMethods* for the CE Large Break LOCA Evaluation Model,"

°, 4" t132-P, i August 1974 (Methodology for Specification for

.*,i, 3.2.1 for Linear Heat Rate, 3.2.3 for Azimuthal Power Tilt, and 3.2.7 fofrASI).

5) "Calculational Methods for the CE Large Break LOCA Evaluation Model,"

Additional pages will be added as CENPD-132-P, Supplement 1, February 1975 (Methodology for needed when clean Specification for MTC, 3.2.1 for Linear Heat Rate, 3.2.3 for pages are created. Azimuthal Power Tilt, and 3.2.7 for ASI).

6) "Calculational Methods for the CE Large Break LOCA Evaluation Model,"

CENPD-132-P, Supplement 2-P, July 1975 (Methodology for Specification for MTC, 3.2.1 for Linear Heat Rate, 3.2.3 for Azimuthal Power Tilt, and 3.2.7 for ASI).

ARKA*NSAS -- UNIT-2 6-21 ARKANAS UIT26-21Amendment No. 157,164,169.4Z9

Attachment 2 to 2CAN0103XX Page 58 of 78

7) "Calculative Methods for the CE Large break LOCA Evaluation Model for the Analysis of CE and W Designed NSSS," CEN-132, Supplement 3-P-A, June 1985 (Methodology for Specification for MTC, 3.2.1 for Linear Heat Rate, 3.2.3 for Azimuthal Power Tilt, and 3.2.7 for ASI).
8) "Calculative Methods for the CE Small Break LOCA Evaluation Model,"

CENPD-137-P, August 1974 (Methodology for Specification for MTC, 3.2.1 for Linear Heat Rate, 3.2.3 for Azimuthal Power Tilt, and 3.2.7 for ASI).

9) "Calculative Methods for the CE Small Bra xAm.luation Model,"

CENPD-137, Supplement 1-P, Janu*a , 77 A o r Specification for MTC, 3.2.1 inear Pa.te3.2.3 for Azimuthal Power Tilt, and 3.2.7 for , "

.A.R..-,,NS.A.S - ,*!NT 2 6-21 RUArmendment No. 157,164,169,17-9 to 2CAN010O3XX Page 59 of 78 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROL 6.6.5 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT ..........- (COLR) R L(Continued) o..-L.-L_..


10) "Calculative Methods for the CE Small Break LOCA Evaluation Model,"CENPD-137, Supplement 2-P-A, dated April, 1998 (Methodology for Specification for MTC, 3.2.1 for Linear Heat Rate, 3.2.3 for Azimuthal Power Tilt, and 3.2.7 for ASI).
11) "CESEC-Digital Simulation of a Combustion Engineering Nuclear Steam Supply System," December 1981 (Methodolo[Y,,:0r Sjcifications and for Shutdown Margin, 3.1.1.-for 4T'.o 493.1 for CEA Position, for Regulating CEA rou rtion Umits, and 3.2.4.b for DNBR Margin).
12) "Technical Manual for the CENTS 1991 (Methodology for Specifications 3. ,gin, for MTC, for CEA F Group P Insertion Umits, and 3.2.A
13) Letter: O.D. Parr (NRC) to nt*. 13, 1975 (NRC Staff Review of the Comb'... E CCS "'kuation Model).

NRC approval for 36.5_, and 6494.4-586.6.5.8) I methodologies.

14) Letter: O.D. Pa .C A .herer *)dated December 9, 1975 (NRC Staff Re ,of the Prge d Co .- stion Engineering ECCS Evaluation-vO&tchanges). 1 i Val for
  • 4-6......

.... I to A.E. Scherer (CE), dated September 27, 1977 kports CENPD-133, Supplement 3-P and CENPD

. approval for .6.5.9 methodology.

D3, dated March 20, 1984, J.R. Miller (NRC) to J.M.

SEC Code Verification." NRC approval for methodology.

.ti#Methods for the CE nuclear Power Large Break LOCA X Model,w CENPD-132-P, Supplement 4-P-A, Revision 1 ffogy for Specification for MTC, 3.2.1 for Linear Heat Rate, Azimuthal Power Tilt, and 3.2.7 for ASI).

6.9 ._2-.The &re operating limits shall be determined so that all applicable limits (e.g.

fuel thermal-mechanical limits, core thermal-hydraulic limits, Ememency Core Coo'in, System .ECCS,1 limits, nuclear limits such as slh,4d.wn marginSDM, ar*dtransient analysis limits, and accident analysis limits) of the safety analysis are met. d. The CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORTCOLR, including any mid-cycle revisions or supplements, #*Feteý-shall be provided upon issuance the-NRG UNIT or eagh re-oad c.e tohe NRC.

AI AN A _ Uv 0 ^o N,,-I- 6-21a A,m,,, d,*,,,, N-G_.

1 11.............16 79121 46 7,4.694,469,4 79,482,40 7


.... ... I (0 D zg 4..3 IM.

C) c


f2 )

CL 4


cio AIF Ct, C%4 A.Mem

-J 0

z 0

w 0


=u UZ (D 0

Attachment 2 to 2CAN0103XX Page 62 of 78 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 6.12.2 (DELETED II 6-36.7 HIGH RADIATIOEA 6.13.1 Inwlioofthe"contr.ol device" or talarm signal" requred by paragraph 20.203(G)(2) of 10

-. fl, WOW H;i.h takl;ation apea ta derirnuu ii ul Gr- eav~) inl w.'fivfl U1 w+.LI~ inleunwty, of Fadiation is 1000 nemrcIhr Or less shall be bar~riaded an;d co.icosy posted as a high Al radiation area and entarane thereto shall be controlled by requiring th"e issuance of a radiation.

work permit. Any indlividual or group of individuals permit-ted- to ent KA.-h areassh-all bes wy oRe oF vi-evided 4Fl' "1. 04 -wmpanled 04; Al ain dose rate in K) U18 .area_

in; the area and alairmsr- 4.hmen a preset inteera-tec 401ft-ceved. ~

areas vith thi-s moniton-ring device mA;bemd fr ra-te 1eveifzjw Rare Q aSbeen established and per-sonne-l hay-~e~ mkek~~gaeo hm G-qaiie-in radiation hiupe ith a pr~~o'dbue prviedtopmycvcnt pesuthovewntra )nto arac~cs

-4ch o hs rahall beFG maintained nd ta r dmiatn i~tii~~rI* * ~ ~ f.~

Al rAdiso protocide 0

I (c)of high radiati~h Asrvie n ini,(c) c as placep-L . Part 20. the following controls

  • z~Ontrolsi qbi:::* shall be applied to hih... iprged by paragraph 20.1601(a) and (b) of 10 CFR Part 20: ".

Hiah Radiation Are .'with Dose Rates Not Exceeding 1.0 rem/hour at 30

( Centimeters from tlhe"adiation Source or from any Surface Penetrated by the

  • b.ste ecs '*hightoradiation such an area area. shall Suchbebarricades barricadedmayandbec openedmnspicuousl aE
  • .~
  • toipermit nr r xto personnel or equipment.
b. -A¢ cs to, and actvities in., each such area shall be controlled by means of Radiation Work Permit (RWP), or equivalent that includes specification of radiation dose rates in the immediate work area(s) and other appropriate radiation protection equipment and measures.
c. Individuals qualified in radiation protection procedures and personnel continuously escorted by such individuals may be exempted from the(L-O requirement for an RWP or equivalent while performing their assigne&,/

duties provided that they are otherwise following plant radiation protection procedures for entry to, exit from, and work in such areas.

ARKA,.NSAS UNRT 2 6-24 Order dated October2., 149,80 Amendment No. 21,29609194,98,116, 209 to 2CAN01 Page 63 of 7LiO0 Each individual or group entering such an area shall possess: (

1. A radiation monitoring device that continuously displays radiation dose rates in the area: or
2. A radiation monitoring device that continuously integrates the radiation Q dose rates in the area and alarms when the device's dose alarm setpoint is reached, with an appropriate alarm setpoint, or


"rnuous5*esconeu.. msuenumniumviauS. entry into sucn areas

)nly a! 6r.,-se rates in the area have been determined and I are kno ledgqeable of them. These continuously escorted

.ceive a pre-iob briefing prior to entry into such areas. This( Al nination, knowledge, and pre-iob briefing does not require prior to initial entry.

fs with Dose Rates Greater than 1.0 rem/hour at 30 from ithe Radiation Source or from any Surface Penetrated by the(

s than 500 rads/hour at 1 Meter from the Radiation Source or 1,Penetrated by the Radiation Al


a. Each entryway to such an area shall be conspicuously posted as a high radiation area and shall be provided with a locked or continuously guarded(


door or .ate that prevents unauthorized entry, and. in addition:

All such door and gate keys shall be maintained under the AD administrative control of the shift manager, radiation protection manager, or his or her designee.

ARKASAS UNIT 2 6-24 Order dated October 21, 1980 Amendment No. 21l29,60,94,98,1 !6l, to QD 2CAN0103XX Page 64 of 78 A

N2. Doors and gates shall remain locked except during periods of

-j) 2.personnel or equipment entry or exit Al b. Access to, and activities in, each such area shall be cont rolled bym anRW P W f- .. ... . ...

r1 d .


=01 -h inrlhiuirli mam

  • 1 r~

rr%" i ~nahi'inn t1I

- I.- A radiation monitoring device that contii ateI iation K> rates in the area and alarmL.- the c reached, with an approp*Wfetr alarm setpoint is LI 0 deemined".tbeInMconsistentwtth AsLwAisRaobl (l Achievabe~pic~~ raiaio deie Is"toin tatontiuul (Jisolaradiation

.. (Jose rates nthMaea AR.KA$NSAS UNIT 2 6-24 Order dlatedOctobor 21, 1 980 mndnt N 0. 214 ~29, 60.9 4, 0816, 44r 209

""a X0 L~cK'D~ 4 at

'R 0ft 21:e C -M g~G)~)_4

~gu  :::7.% 4 )at ",

oU c

0 V C" RI .. )C in..

5c 0 ~g MI:

to 2CAN01 03XX Page 66 of 78 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROL 6.5 PROGRAMS AND MANUALS An Al The fo~loAM.RqggQ ms sall be astablishedc. impheeged anrmn nd except as noted.


The ODCM shall contain the methodology and parameters used in the calculation of offsite doses resulting from radioactive gaseous and liquid effluents, in the calculation of gaseous and liquid effluent monitoring alarm and trip setpoints, and in the conduct of the radiological environmental monitoring program.-La..2.d The ODCM shall also contain the radioactive effluent con environmental monitoring activities and descriptions of the information th, in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating and Radioactive E .Rj Radielegical EnviaRomental Oiperating Reportsqiedb ..

Licensee initiated changes to the ODCM:

a. Shall be documented and re eviews 1i ed shall be retained.

This documentation shall "

1. s*Sufficient information to support , with the appropriate analyses or evaluations justifying )
2. aA determination that th* *hge(s) m býain the Is of radioactive effluent control required by 104C1 20.1302, 4 1 i CFR 50.36a, and 10.CFR 50, Appendix I, and not* .ely impact tfi or reliability of effluent, dose, or
b. Shall setpoint 01c.l.culations.

a.n Wwtr 1%nr  ; '4, af .*15 the ANO General Managere,, Plant', Ope-ations; 5

c. 1be submitted to the i. in the form of a complete, legible copy of the entire ODCM
  • part of or concurrent * *tte Radioactive Effluent Release Report for the period of "flk ort in which any in the ODCM was made effective. Each change shall be ideh".
    a:by markings in * *Fargin of the affected pages, clearly indicating the area of the p I:il t was char nd shall also-indicate the date (i.e., month and year) the change le RiANIA UIIT2 6-25 Amendment oe.60,193 to 2CAN0103XX1A Page 67 of 78 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS r ntd e 6-.466.5.16 CONTAINMENT LEAKAGE RATE TESTING PROGRAM A program shall be established to implement the leakage rate testing of the containment as required by 10 CFR 50.54(o) and 10 CFR 50, Appendix J, Option B, as modified by approved exemptions. This program shall be in accordance with the guidelines contained in Regulatory Guide 1.163, "Performance-Based Containment Leak-Test Program," dated September 1995.

In addition. P oc


  • _4 ,ding c -,**o..itGi, t w,',h 3.6 1.. te ,k--,td V and exhaust isolation valves shall be G .e t~t-.-,een.& 1,u.?e&s4ly.c

-. Gted-w,1. Ma**e .rate tested prior to entering MODE 4 from MODE 5 if not PerfondWih the p i 92 days.

The peak calculated containment internal pressure f ..*!gn basi ' olant accident, Pa, is 58 psig.

The maximum allowable containment lea. I hlf containment air weight per day at Pa.

Leakage rate acceptance criteria are- Sp

a. Containment leakage '-ceptan 0 La. During the first unit startup following eah._h performecc ne with this program, the leakage rate accerb ncntera are or the Type B and Type C tests and ,< 0.75 La forT* .tests.
b. ~A~.Nc.e0*,*hnce crit~'e

,*-..~ is 50.05 La when tested at Pa.

S2. Leakagei tfr each door is _0.01 La when pressurized to Ž 10 psig.

TheCoparht innrm", of kage Specification RteIest.4.0 o not apply to the test frequencies specified in the


The provisior'i. cificati* .3are applicable to the Containment Leakage Rate Testing Program. .

ARKANSASo UNIT-2 6-26 Amendment No. 17-6.225

Attachment 2 to 2CAN0103XX Page 68 of 78 Inserts

" 0.e42 ,6i.1 Secondary Water Chemistry 4-Qx'4V, EAl ateon. T4;~to hall be nd-PG. (e ote~

. - sh- -.

  • This program provides controls fo monitoring secondary water chemistry to inhibit SG tube degradation. The progr* m sl*,n.*,c:.

Al 4-a. Identification of a sampling schedule for the ,.* b- nd control 26b. Identification of the procedures used to measure Qf the critic Al

c. Identification of process sampling pointsQ Al
44. Procedures for the recording and ma A1 tr-.--e Procedures defining , emistry condition V '

Al &f. A procedure identifying th ority resp e fo interpretation of the data, and the sequence and timing. ninistrative ired to initiate corrective action.

A3 ý0

,.Mt - fl l n

""K.}  !*1 W .u.ts d Containment (2>e K is prograrm .ro .i... . . .Is . .tmoz...,. Al lea m thosehDortions ems de containment that would or could contain h .adioactive fluids during ndous transient of accident to ievels as low as practicable

.wve 1-.The program sh J ;lude the following:

a. reventive maintenance and periodic visual inspection req ireme~~~

2-b. Integrated leak test requirements for each system at-a--,-k-e -, -; ,--,

k4 -eye/el. least once per 18 months. The provisions of SurveflHnce Regui-.ments 4.0.2 are

to 2CANO1 03XX Page 69 of 78 Inserts

3) New 6.5.9, Steam Generator (SG) Tube Surveillance Program 4:4;4*6.5.9 Steam Generator Sample Selection and Inspection Each steam generator shall be determined OPE duri l down by selecting and inspecting at least the minimum nu br of st grators specified in Table 4446.5.9-1.

4A4*.* 5.9.1 Steam Generator Tube Sample Selection and 4 J*ion g "

The steam generator tube minimum sample inspect.o..7.It classification, and the corresponding action required generato shall be h. in Ta . .5.9 T


The inservice inspection of steam egenesaton*

e frequencies specified in specification 4-4:6:3.6 5.9 hd the0tube s sO ll be verified acceptable per the acceptance criteri.* e., .. 5.9.3. The tubespI selected for each inservice inspectiooall i atl of the total number of tubes in all steam geeatr fr t i~'nspections shall be selected on a random basist" Ot:

a. Where expenenc
  • iar plants wi t ater chemistry indicates cdticW:,a:<a to be i bd,then at lea 50% of the tubes inspected AR 4 se cn -"::z.'
  • -' as.

b hfirst sampl bes -el for each inservice inspection (s ubsequent to s-servici pection) of each steam generator shall

  • include: "

All non-plu M; tubes that previously had detectable wall penetrations

..2,,$. es in those areas where experience has indicated potential

3. A ube inspection (pursuant to Specification 445- shall be performed on each selected tube. If any selected tube does not permit the passage of the eddy current probe for a tube inspection, this shall be recorded and an adjacent tube shall be selected and subjected to a tube inspection.

to 2CAN01 03XX Page 70 of 78 InsertsAl

c. The tubes selected as the second and third Samples (if required by Table 4-4 2e6.5.9-2) during each Inservice inspection may be subjected to a partial inspection provided:
1. The tubes selected for these samples include the tubes from those areas of the tube sheet array where tubes with imperfections were previously found.
2. The inspections include those portions of the Js wPS ere imperfections were previously found. ...

The result of each sample inspection shall be cla V-1fId intp W~ efolwn three categories:

Category Inspection Results "

C-1 Less than 5% of the total tub*& cted are degraded tube *e of the cted tubes are defective*

C-2 One or n, tubes, t re than 1% of the total tub? spe *'i g, or between 5%

a N.0Ahe .ted are degraded C-3 ore than 10 -tubes inspected are 4 1s raded tube # an 1% of the inspected

.pos *are defective.

Nrote l o $0-4ptl4s, prevr0*$ .degraded tubes must exhibit significant A 0 f 10%) r pee en -sto be included in the above percentage

__ calculations. ')

44 1-_2 Inspection Freaue The abo v r"tj.ired inservice ins 1ons of steam generator tubes shall be performed at the following fre4:e *e 4T he first inservice inspection shall be performed after 6 Effective "Full Power Months but within 24 calendar months of initial

    1. "criticality. Subsequent inservice inspections shall be performed at intervals of not less than 12 nor more than 24 calendar months after the previous inspection. If two consecutive inspections following service under AVT conditions, not including the pre service inspection, result in all inspection results falling into the C-1 category or if two consecutive inspections demonstrate that previously observed degradation has not continued and no additional degradation has occurred, the inspection interval may be extended to a maximum of once per 40 months.

Attachment 2 to 2CAN01 03XX Page 71 of 78 Inserts

b. If the results of the inservice inspection of a steam generator conducted in accordance with Table 4A-2 ...65.9-2 at 40 month intervals fall into Category C-3, the inspection frequency shall be increased to at least once per 20 months. The increase in inspection frequency shall apply until the subsequent inspections satisfy the criteria of Specification 44 .56..5..9..2A; the interval may then be extended to a maximum of once per 40 months.
c. Additional, unscheduled inservice in,, cion*shall be performed on each steam generator in  ; tý4 the first sample

'ONcr-All inspection specified in Tabl euring subsequent to any of the tg follPo co the shutdown

1. Pnimary-to-secondary tube le"'.."pt including ~s Mt~iating from tube-to-tube sheet welds) in** e li its ication
2. A seismic occurrence greater 1;1,Operati Earthquake.
3. loss-of coolant accider uing , of the egineered safeguards.
4. A main steam Ii 0..f 4-.-4A6;,.5.9,2 Accentance Criteria:* *.

.Accntnc .. . . k 4, I SpeciN' .1 S;.ube me .*stportion of the tube which forms the primary S'V ry~'

~~onda pressure boundary.

.=ctiy ~ans an exception to the dimensions, finish or contour of a im tI* itquired by fabrication drawings or specifications. Eddy test ndications below 20% of the nominal tube wall thickness, if i ybe considered as imperfections.

tn means a service-induced cracking, wastage, wear or general

)n occurring on either inside or outside of a tube.

DMgraded Tube means a tube containing imperfections 220% of nominal wall thickness caused by degradation.

5.  % Degradation means the percentage of the tube wall thickness affected or removed by degradation.
6. Defect means an imperfection of such severity that it exceeds the plugging limit. A tube containing a defect is defective.

to 2CAN0103XX Page 72 of 78 Inserts

7. Pluggcing Limit means the imperfection depth at or beyond which the tube shall be removed from service by plugging because it may become unserviceable prior to the next inspection. The plugging limit is equal to 40% of the nominal tube wall thickness.
8. Unserviceable describes the condition of a tube if it leaks or contains a defect large enough to affect its structural integrity in the event of an Operating Basis Earthquake, a loss-of-coolant accident, or a steam line or feedwater line break as specified in 4-464 " above.
9. Tube Inspection means an inspecti* he st erator tube from tube end (cold leg side) to tube end leg ,s!
10. Pre-service Inspection means an insp* *t the ful II*

'o tube in each steam generator performed b i;' 5 rrent tech rto service to establish a baseline conditi *o ing. This i tion shall be performed after the hydroatic test POWER OPERATION using the equiM je uqcted to be used during subsequent inservi, edt6eue

b. The steam generator s e det "F BLE after completing the corresponding actions 010 all -s ex ip the plugging limit and all tubes containinIg W l g ~ s) allre, dy Table 4.4-2-6.5.9-2.

,- ABLE 4:4.4 _

MINIMUM NUMT I RATORS TO EINSPECTED DURING INSERVICE 4** NPECTION Pre-serviqe-- j ection Yes No. of St m Generators per Utm Two FirstA. ice Inspection I One SeconK'd....ubsequent Inservice I ctions One' Table No ot

1. The inse iR sp~ may be limited to one steam generator on a rotating schedule encompass1*of;__ the tubes (where N is the number of steam generators in the plant) if the re t7f the first or previous inspections indicate that all steam generators are performing in a like manner. Note that under some circumstances, the operating conditions in one or more steam generators may be found to be more severe than those in other steam generators. Under such circumstances the sample sequence shall be modified to inspect the most severe conditions.

to 2CAN0103XX Page 73 of 78 Inserts TABLE 4-41.e-6 5.9-2 I STEAM GENERATOR TUBE INSPECTION 1ST SAMPLE INSPECTION 2ND SAMPLE INSPECTION 3RD SAMPLE All Sample Result Action Required I Result Action Required I I Result INSPECTION i Action Size I I I. [ I________ Re ulreSd A minimum of S Tubes C-1 None N/A WA I~ Ime per S.G.

C-2 Plug defective tubes None and Inspect additional 2S tubes Inthis S.G. Plug defective ti C-2 and inspect addl 4S tubes In this S l l l I I Perform A .-

i1 c.3 C-3 Inspect all tubes in C-3.

Other *None this S.G., plug S.G. is N/A defective tubes and C-1 I'M Inspect 2S tubes in the other S.G.

- - I444'I

~erfor. ... n for C-2~ N/A N/A result 0iond Special Report to NRC per Speclficati TVC-2 sampi MM-- I -1 S.

%' Inspect all tubes in lfhe other S.G. and

,t .. defective tubes.

.Z %iecial Report to NRC per Spec. C-g..


L 1. I ____________________ I - I _______ I S =3 (2/n) SWre n is the nu4]r of steam generators inspected during an inspection.

to 2CAN01 03XX Page 74 of 78 Inserts

4) New 6.5.13 Diesel Fuel O11 Testing Program (J\Aeat-no pr 2days by viif-n th' ap% camplo4,nof din fuel from the fo-etora4 it,Tzbl 9 of ASTM P975 7'-hnchc*dfre~cr: wtr4ad.dio:

A diesel fuel oi* testing program to implement i testfiQg of both new fuel o9:l M

1 1 and stored fuel-oil shall be established. The pi khali include sampling and

<n rirements ad accetance criteria. zwith apoflicabie ASS.StanTards_.. The ourpoose othe pog 9'. ~foPIUMq

a. Acceptabflity of new fuel oil for Use tanks by de-tegrmining that the fuel oiihia~s:
1. an API gravity or an absolute
2. a flash point and kine --- for ASTM 20 :fue!
3. water and sedi: -wthn b... .-- ............

.... ..dars that.the31prpe

-Within . y.. . .. ......

he 'd41- ......

n^tCJ: to g. .. *..".ks v*yqify aoe ar M i-irnits for Aft. nthose addressed in a.

.c[a i *\entration of tile fu*el 0Hl is C,10 m* when tested TMV1D-.2276 Method A-2' or A..-3;_and A2 nov.s.on.o._. .3 are, aim icable to the Diesel F-uel Ci Testino JJi4t a: t; nsA; v cnttug to 2CAN0103XX Page 75 of 78 Inserts Control Room Emergency Air Filtration System Fuel Handling Area Ventilation Systei W*Ventilation Filtration Program SR c.. d.l.e. & f. SR 1 'I *,T;.5.11 SI*lllll:l*

Aiigram shall be established to 210 ionr4PAF4t4t r et the following required testing of I~ed Safeguards (ES)

- - 1 4 ventila Iters at the frequenci ied in Regulatory OGuide 1.52, evision 2. The VFTP is

  • Rlicable to the Fuel Handling Area
  • et ton System (FHAVS) and the SRoom Emergency Ventilation Sv;tm (CREVS).

At loast epc.- peg 18 mrnorths 9 (1)or-irn 4.44. .....

ý*MV06 ~y,:i1464)- OFir~

(r2)oo'n . . ...

SWOM4)y-Ly 4.

It 111 n nr. 4~t441 12 y, aUs&Th&-pi4es 1.! pr du:a" S4 fY170 ... 4 ..

,4'4RV4&h^A i . r2" 311M,ý11 tv ý-.

2. 4913, ---. 39w to 4, rp ýý4Q%-


Attachment 2 to 2CAN0103XX Page 76 of 78 Inserts Control Room Emergency Air Filtration System Fuel Handling Area Ventilation Syste*, 6{..-Ventilation Filtration Program SR, c., d.le. & f. SR .5.11

  • 2. .2L . - - --
2. *.tDemoppstrate that a labor

-- emonstrate that a laboratory test

  1. %f...lemonstrae that a laboratory "-14 ample of the charcoal be

.a*y6igst of a V *Itftr meets the laboratory e ýt&eest of a e e sample of the Charcoal ad r tew".6 t O0f ASTM D3803 sample of ',he chaoa! adsoiber 198 9*ited at 300C and 95% 2LAI

'":"bta '::i::f:wd *;" * * ; *V*I * * * )V***f*] relative I8rnidity for a methyl Iodide

.-. ... " * .... Spenetration of: A4 R,'A,*,. L2,M 4:rc' UY44-.meets the * <5% for the FHAVS; and laboratory testing criteria of ASTM cin,ra 0,j "whenobtained as described LOS_ "** In Regulatory Guide 1.52, D3803-1989 when tested at 300C and wi-n tested at X Revision 2, for CREVS 95% relative humidity for a methyl Iodide and 5%_. rela 5.r i. :2.5%for 2 Inch charcoal penetration of: If le 1 Iwa adsorber beds; and

2. *When obtainied as.described .. ii. :0.5% for 4 Inch charcoal Rqau!Patorv gL .2. Ravislon 2, for

,ud adsorber beds.

CREVS At. <2.5% for 2 Inch charcoal . *..

adsorber beds, or bii.

  • 0.5% for 4 In c adsorber bed.)

ofal I 2'7.

'2 12 *02.*. .



.o~ nn

........... n lt 4Or-*'4w4x syo e.-T.4;ro o ra aak

  1. rA NO -444 . 1I..b nd A b,Ir-1 -


Attachment 2 to 2CAN0103XX Page 77 of 78 Inserts

-. lb Control Room Emergency Air Filtration System Fuel Handling Area Ventilation Systei "VP

    • 11t[1 4.911.2.b ]1 V
  • e.monstrate that a laboratory test X V ample of the charcoal SA4

'*fbr me ts the laboratory

..... n... te that a laboratory e Dernintmete

_ that a laboratc te $tof ASTM D3803

.i §tt of a ..:......e am pe p aPyarsteejt of a ;GsroCsflt~tiop1' I ed at 300C and 95%

e. the charcoal a*s*.rber &e d in sample . hei_goal __ rber .* relativelumidity for a methyl iodide

.A penetration of: L-Al RouLor vidn 1.52. <5% for the FHAVS; and 444-*eets the laboratory testing criteria of 4 when obtained as described ASTM D3803-1989 when tested at 30 0C and In Regulatory Guide 1.52, 95% relative humidity for a methyl Iodide ,W~hrneesthe o4* ts Revision 2, for CREVS penetration of. ASTM D3803-1989 MOM. I. *2.5% for 2 inch charcoal 14.. when 2=1ined as descriLbed i* As .... 30 0 . v ý1ii 1 i adsorber beds; and KgjPm?Pft~s.j V,: i.Ip - I 52. P vheienn ý fhr . fi,*v *.tq'. - e ;d de asaU:ý-- -- 6.;.ý 1i. <0.5% for 4 inch charcoal CRE VS adsorber beds.

1. < 2.5% for 2 inch charcoal adsorber beds, or 2!.'I < 0.5% for 4 inch charcoal adso 1 beds.

I 4. Afs-a*ip .'

4. d. Demonstrate for the I. AVSV FHAVS and CREVS, that gdCREKS hat tt ure drop the pressure drop across across the combine! filters. fL IVS.0t the pressure drop across the the combined HEPA filters, coal nbInnd 1 lEPA filters.IMEM&M other filters in the system, adsorber§ banks;s < 6 in a

-l- Sj.§d charcoal adsorbers ks-is < 6 and the charcoal adsorbers is < 6 inches of water when EL the system at-adesian flow g4Mwhen tester at the system at Vthen tested at the system design 21.0.04rm-ý+/- 10%. ti*..d.s.Q..flow rate f.Z 4r.. 10%. flow rate +/- 10%.

RES2,000 r. AV8's 39,700 cir"m FHAVS 39,700 cfm CREVS 2,000 cfm I 1.

Attachment 2 to 2CAN0103XX Page 78 of 78 Inserts Inserts Control Room Emergency Air Filtration System Fuel Handling Area Ventilation Syste ntilation Filtration Program SR, c., d.1,e. &f. SR ,s -s.11 4.9........................d monstrate that an in place cold Demons r-.teothat in o*i*

.......... es; of high efficiency particulat A4 jace co!d DOP tes, of DeMh na " ,filters shows:

a hicih elcie.=v p*.rii..cuiate*HEPAI filters 4-a~i a ~hicha ygncv arhcJ~ 1 O oval for te FHVAS filter- wh t~lIn accordance with k~o~e~ Shaw 'W, Regulatfry Guide 1.52, Revision 2 2.> 99.95% e4he-DOP r_-eov,-l for the a..j 99% e04foDOP rean. A FHAVS'.___.* and ANSI N510-1975, at the

.F.Swhen 4he-;x.*eested k)-p*-.*.-in when wy-artested (  :. a system design flow rate of 39,700 accordance with Sqe..R. r.Gji.e.1.;.2 yt. ANSI.... N510-1975

  • ....t...... w..i!

y .



2 arji ANSIN IN 1 -97 ,e.*t N510-1975. w~iilo pal ...... 4,

........ +/- 10% ; and AsIt N5*.0 7. , jot >99.95% DOP removal for the Pffewa~i:-*qt the system al*sig. flow rate of system c .. flQ (te of 3 CREVS when

~Revision 2 andtested ANSI in accordance N510-1975, 2000 cfm +/- 10%.

tat the system design flow rate of 10%>.,,____1 Ž 99.5%haRogenatery ref2,000 cfm + 10% hyidrocarbon 4..1k ON, ' p..-*,.

in-! *', ~ -b. Demonstrate that an In place e halogenated hydrocarbon test of the Demonstnate thft an in rOgce haiomenated hyJ.oca.b.n tesý of thp. charcoal adsorW

  • !** *1. 2t 99.95% halogenated hydrocarbon S........... tested at the system design flow S, , rate of 39,700 cfm +/- 10%; and ewws-Ž 99-95% *ogenated hydrocarbon haM. atedemwq hydrocaro2t 99.95% of a 2. >Ž99.95%

removal forhalogenated the CREVShydrocarbon when

,V.L fgrS_,REVS when il S*--.Fetested - .*-.- r thee in FHAVS when

!',p..prd- ..'a tested In accordance Regulatory Guide 1.52, ptaeoln accordance with with Revision 2, 4Q75R - ulatonyGiid 1r I A*"*

  • rN**a the system design flow rate of wha* .t4 .t the system system t-,desi -.flow rate of i 9,700 cfm 10%: *gnd ,- 2000 cfr +/- 10%.

flow rate of 2000 cfm +/- 10%.o N/A