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West Valley Demonstration Project Progress Report for May 2002
Person / Time
Site: West Valley Demonstration Project, P00M-032
Issue date: 07/22/2002
From: Anthony Williams
US Dept of Energy, West Valley Demonstration Project
To: Rawlings M
Office of New Reactors, US Dept of Energy (DOE)
Download: ML022120315 (29)


United States Government Department of Energy United States Government Department of Energy Ohio Field Office memorandu m West Valley Demonstration Project DATE: July 22, 2002 ý,*o - ';'


West Valley Demonstration Project (WVDP) May 2002 Progress Report TO: Mark E. Rawlings DOE-HQ, EM-31, 2169/CLOV


Letter WD:2002:0365 (83700), J. L. Little to A. C. Williams, "WVDP Progress Report - May - 2002," dated July 15, 2002 Attached is the WVDP Progress Report for May 2002. Any questions regarding the information contained therein can be directed to Lisa M. Maul at (716) 942-2163.

Alic C. Williams, Director West Valley Demonstration Project


Referenced Letter cc: M. W. Frei, DOE-HQ, EM-30, 5B-040/FORS, w/att.

S. A. Robison, DOE-HQ, EM-31, 2175/CLOV, w/att.

L. J. Williams, DOE-CH, IG-349, /CH, w/att.

J. R. Craig, OH/OOM, OSE-410, w/att.

P. W. Greenwalt, OH/CFO, OSE-339, w/att.

K. B. Hansen, OH/CFO, OSE-338, w/att.

C. J. Glenn, NRC, NMSS/DWM/DCB, MS 7 F25, w/att.

B. C. Bower, OH/WVDP, WV-DOE, w/att.

T. J. Jackson, OH/WVDP, WV-DOE, w/att.

J. J. May, OH/WVDP, WV-DOE, w/att.

H. R. Moore, OH/WVDP, WV-DOE, w/att.

D. W. Sullivan, OH/WVDP, WV-DOE, w/att.

P. L. Piciulo, NYSERDA, WV-17, w/att.

J. Pitklin, NYSERDA-Albany, w/att.

LMM:0167 - 83704 - 237.2 LMM/sdm

West Valley Demonstration Project Progress Report May 2002 West Valley Nuclear Services Company

West Valley Demonstration Project Progress Report May 2002 Table of Contents Page Contract Information and Objective ........................................................................................... 2 Narrative Highlights and Assessments Overall Project Assessment ...................................................................................................... 3 PBS OH-W V-01 (LT) HLW Vitrification & High Activity W aste Processing .................................. 5 Vitrification Deactivation Project ................................................................................................ 6 High Level W aste Tank Closure Project ..................................................................................... 6 PBS OH-W V-02(LT) Site Transition, Decomm issioning, & Project Com pletion ............................. 8 Decontam ination of Project Facilities ......................................................................................... 9 W a s te Ma n a g e m e n t ..................................................................................................................... 10 C h a ra cte riz a tio n P roje ct ............................................................................................................... 11 S a fe S ite O p e ra tio n s .................................................................................................................... 12 PBS O H-W V-03(LT) Spent Nuclear Fuel ................................................................................ 14 Spent Nuclear Fuel Shipping Project ....................................................................................... 14 Fuel Receiving and Storage Area Decontam ination Project ................................................... 15 Safeguards and Security .............................................................................................................. 17 Overhead / Adm inistrative ............................................................................................................ 18 Total Project Earned Value Report ......................................................................................... 20 B u d g et Pla n .................................................................................................................................. 21 W VDP Financial Report ................................................................................................................ 23 Milestone Report by PBS .............................................................................................................. 25 I

PROGRESS REPORT Report No. 235 Reporting Period: May 2002 CONTRACT TITLE AND NUMBER: West Valley Demonstration Project Operating Contract DE-AC24-81NE44139 CONTRACTOR NAME: West Valley Nuclear Services Company 10282 Rock Springs Road West Valley, New York 14171-9799 CONTRACT PERIOD: October 1, 1994 - September 30, 2002 CONTRACT OBJECTIVE: The 1980 West Valley Demonstration Project (WVDP) Act (Public Law 96-368) states that the Secretary of the Department of Energy (DOE) shall carry out a high level radio active waste management demonstration project at the Western New York Nuclear Service Center (WNYNSC) in West Valley, New York, for the purpose of demonstrating solidification techniques which can be used for preparing high level radioactive waste (HLW) for disposal. The Act states that:

1. The Secretary shall solidify, in a form suitable for transportation and disposal, the HLW at the Center by vitrification or by such other technology which the Secretary determines to be most effective for solidification.
2. The Secretary shall develop containers suitable for the permanent disposal of the HLW solidi fied at the Center.
3. The Secretary shall, as soon as feasible, transport, in accordance with applicable law, the waste solidified at the Center to an appropriate Federal repository for permanent disposal.
4. The Secretary shall, in accordance with applicable licensing requirements, dispose of low level radioactive waste (LLW), and transuranic waste (TRU) produced by solidification of HLW under the Project.
5. The Secretary shall decontaminate and decommission (D&D) - (A) the tanks and other facilities of the Center in which the HLW solidified under the project was stored, (B) the facilities used in the solidification of the waste, and (C) any material and hardware used in connection with the project, in accordance with such requirements as the Commission (NRC) may prescribe.

West Valley Nuclear Services Company (WVNSCO), as DOE's management and operating contractor under a performance-based contract, will perform day-to-day activities at the existing WNYNSC site, maintain the existing facilities to DOE standards, and will plan, design, construct, execute decontamina tion and decommissioning (D&D) projects, and operate the solidification system in accordance with DOE's directives.

Phase I of the Projects vitrification campaign commenced in 1996 and completed in 1998, ahead of schedule and under budget. The majority of the liquid HLW was processed and vitrified in canisters that are currently being maintained in on-site storage. The remaining sludge was treated through the vitrifi cation facility and completed in FY 2001. In FY 2002, vitrification operations continues to support additional tank washing activities to remove alpha-transuranic fixed contamination, while preparations are made for vitrification facility deactivation and melter shutdown.

The actions to fulfill the DOE's closure / completion responsibility per the WVDP Act will be determined by finalization of two Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) - the first being Waste Management, and the second one for Decommissioning and / or Long-Term Stewardship.

NARRATIVE HIGHLIGHTS AND ASSESSMENT Overall Assessment AccomplishmentslStatus The Vitrification Facility melter was returned to service on May 2 after successful change over from the west discharge section to the east discharge section due to deterioration of the west pour spout. The melter is currently idle with Canister WV-404, the 269th canister produced overall and the seventh in fiscal year 2002, under the melter feed pour spout.

WVNSCO completed eight milestones in May, all of them ahead of their due dates. The May milestones were: installation of flushing equipment (and a minimum of two flushes in the Vitrification Cell); refurbish ment of the General Purpose Cell (GPC) shield window, and installation/load testing of the manipulator rail system; GPC readiness assessment; removal of equipment in the Cask Unloading Pool (CUP); develop ment of a Transuranic (TRU) waste program; development of a management plan for facilities character ization; validation of the radioisotope inventory estimate for the Miniature Cell; and approval of a consoli dated Documented Safety Analysis.

The flushing of the Vitrification Facility In-Cell Process Pit to remove additional radiological inventory that may be present generates flush liquids that are being processed through the Vitrification Facility. In order to handle the large volume of flush liquid and material accumulating in the process pit north sump, new jumpers were designed, fabricated and installed. The flushing of the process pit which includes two passes of the accessible areas of the cell pit floor, the tops and sides the Concentrator Feed Makeup Tank (CFMT), Melter Feed Hold Tank (MFHT), and Submerged Bed Scrubber (SBS) was completed.

The design/ build subcontract for the Remote-Handled Waste Facility (RHWF) is approximately 41%

complete at the end of May. Routine environmental, safety and quality assurance surveillance reviews conducted during the month did not identify any significant findings. The erection of the crane rail sole plates was completed over the Crane Maintenance Area, the Work Cell, the Buffer Cell and the Receiving Area. The subcontractor safe work hours have increased to over 35,000 hours0 days <br />0 hours <br />0 weeks <br />0 months <br /> since the last injury.

A Gap analysis document has been prepared that defines a mechanism for development of a viable pathway for Transuranic (TRU) waste disposal at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) facility.

The Clearwell Bucket (CWB), CWB Table, Lift Rack Chassis, and pool gate were removed from the CUP and packaged for disposal. Work to remove the remainder of the cooling water piping in the FRS resumed in support of upcoming pool wall cleaning efforts. Fuel pool water visibility improved in May with the addition of sodium hydroxide in an attempt to precipitate fine particles of metals out of solution.

DOE-OH was on-site the week of May 13 for the DOE Readiness Assessment (RA) for the GPC. The close out meeting was held on May 17, with one pre-start and two post-start items identified. Action plans for the close out of these items are in development.

Packaging operations continued in the Process Mechanical Cell (PMC) with the filling of 3 drums. A lessons learned meeting was held to discuss the removal of the RAM Equipment Table in April. BNFL Instruments Inc. assisted in the deployment of the gamma spectroscopy camera in the PMC. Initial calibrations of the camerawere performed in the Vitrification Test Facility (VTF). The camera was then deployed in the PMC for background radiation calibration checks. Following the completion of the back ground checks, in-cell radiation measurements were taken.

There was one reportable clothing contamination, but no reportable skin or internal contaminations for WVDP radiological workers in May 2002.

There were two Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) recordable incidents in May increasing the WVDP's calendar year-to-date Total Recordable Case Rate (TRC) to 2.06.

Total Project 120,000 1.50 Timenow 100,000 t 80.000 I

ý'M 1.00 SPI M CPI 60,000 40,000 0.50 20,000 OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP

"--1W PROJECT BUDGET 10 150 17.047 25,178 32,231 40,107 47738 55,947 63,244 70277 78.854 87,989 98450

-b-PROJECT PERFORMANCE 7964 14342 22,191 29 009 36,302 44 572 52,363 59,051

"-4--PROJECTACTUAL 7317 13.030 19,503 25,716 33709 41 026 48584 54531 DOE PBS BUDGET 9910 16778 24,701 31,443 39 136 46574 54451 61 619 68 511 76 712 85469 94,382 DOE PBS PERFORMANCE 7,775 14 116 21 771 28,301 35 424 43484 50963 575,34 DOE PFS ACTUAL 7.154 12 .584 18.850 24 751 32,524 36972 44737 50783 I- SP 078 084 088 090 091 093 094 093

'--"cP- 1 09 1 10 114 113 1 08 1 09 1 08 108 Assessment/Actions The negative schedule variance or $4.2M for the Project is primarily due to the delay in shipping the spent nuclear fuel to the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL), as well as delays in procurements and subcontractor services. Activities contributing to the schedule variance are not ad versely affecting the schedule completion of FY02 goals and objectives.

The cost variance for the Project increased in May from positive $3.8M in April to a positive $4.5M. This is a result of savings realized on an intermodal waste shipment, lower subcontractor services expenses (i.e.,

expenses for snow removal, control of HVAC expenses, eliminating duplicate fire protection inspection/

testing, routine site operations, and safe storage of waste.

Project performance to date through May is 64% of work planned, 60% of work performed and 55% of work costed.


PBS OH-WV-01(LT): HLW Vitrification & High Activity Waste Processing PBS OH-WV-01(LT) Scope -The scope of PBS OH-WV-01 (LT) addresses activities required to comply with the mandates of the WVDP Act which states that, among other responsibilities, the Secretary of the Department of Energy shall solidify, in a form suitable for transportation and disposal, the HLW at the Center by vitrification or such other technology which the Secretary determines to be most effective for solidification, and develop containers suitable for the permanent disposal of the HLW solidified at the Center.

The decision to utilize vitrification as the solidification process for the HLW at the WVDP was made in 1982. In 1988, the vitrification formula which complied with the Waste Acceptance Criteria for long term disposal in the Federal Repository for the HLW at the WVDP was approved. Facilities to pretreat the HLW, mobilize and vitrify HLW were designed, constructed and tested and radioactive HLW processing began in July 1996. PBS-OH-WV-01 (LT) includes activities for liquid HLW processing and tank heel residual processing, tank cleaning to remove fixed contamination, and vitrification operations support.

Vitrification operations are expected to continue through FY 2002, supporting flushing and deactivation of the system.

Description Scheduled Completed Status HLW-1: REMOVAL OF MOBILIZATION PUMP FROM M-1 RISER AND INSTALLATION OF THIRD MAST TOOL DELIVERY SYSTEM A Remove Mobilization Pump from M-1 Riser of HLW Tank 8D-2, and package/store 11/30/01 11/01/01 it with the other pumps removed from the waste tank farm.

B: Complete testing, checkout, operator training and installation of Mast Tool Delivery 01/19/02 01/17/02 System (MTDS) in M-1 riser afTank 8D-2.

C: Initiate characterization activites from the Tank 8D-2 M-1 riser to include the beta- 01/31/02 01/30/02 gamm a detector deployment. Complete at least 3 beta-gamma scans of unwashed and partiallywashed areas from M-1 riser.

HLW-2: OBTAIN PRE AND POST WASH BURNISHING SAMPLES AkComplete Pre and Post wash beta-gamma detector deployment 11/16/01 11/15/011 B: Provide documented results of the Tank 8D-2 M-4 and M-7 pre and post wash 01/31/02 01/31/02 burnishing samples and beta-gam ma scans.

HLW-3: HLW FLUSHING ACTIVITIES Complete an acid flush of the Vitrification Waste Header, and an acid soak of Tank 01/31/02 01/31/02 8D-4 per the HLW Processing Systems Flushing Operations Run Plan.




VITRIFICATION DEACTIVATION PROJECT HLW-5 The flushing of the Vitrification Facility In-Cell Process Pit is to remove additional radiological inventory that may be present. The flush liquids that are generated during this operation are being processed through the Vitrification Facility. In order to handle the large volume of flush liquid and material accumulating in the process pit north sump, new jumpers were designed and fabricated. The jumper assembly was subse quently installed and satisfactorily checked out in the Vitrification Cell. Prior to initiating the process pit flushing, an integrated checkout of all the equipment involved was performed.

The flushing of the process pit includes two passes of the accessible areas of the cell pit floor, the tops and sides the CFMT, Melter Feed Hold Tank (MFHT), and Submerged Bed Scrubber (SBS). Visual monitoring of the evolution is performed using remote Closed-Circuit Television System (CCTV). Flushing material accumulated in the cell pit is transferred to the Concentrator Feed Makeup Tank (CFMT) and sampled. Laboratory analysis and evaluation of the flushing video will be included as part of the Charac terization Project.

HIGH LEVEL WASTE TANK CLOSURE PROJECT HLW Tank Lay-Up - Vault Drying System An alternate method to remove the last 100,000 gallons of liquid from Tanks 8D-1 and 8D-2 has been developed and the fabrication contract awarded. This alternative would utilize the inoperable 50-G-001 floating suction pump arm and pump column to convey tank liquid to the Supernatant Treatment System (STS) using a new submersible pump connected to the end of the suction arm.


PBS I -(ON-WV.OIAT)HLW VITRIFICATION& HIGH ACTIVITY WASTE PROCESSING 25,000 1.50 TImenow S* 9 20,000 1.00 15,000 SPI CPI 10,000 0.50 5,000 A.


= *PROJECT BUDGET 2,665 4,618 6.820 8.237 9,971 11,838 13,708 15.283 16,761 18,682 20,306 22,156

'=h-PR OJE CT PERFORMANCE 2,247 4,149 6.299 7.786 9,658 11,513 13.156 14.988

=.41-PR OJE C7 ACTUAL 2,165 4,128 6,044 7.606 9,702 11,346 13.210 14.584 DOE PBS BUDGET 2,559 4,466 6.561 7.824 9A494 11,293 13,056 14.599 16,012 17,814 19,389 21,176 DOE PBS PERFORMANCE 2,159 4,012 6.060 7,396 9,196 10,984 12,530 14,318 DOE PBS ACTUAL 2.110 4.105 5.980 7.455 9,447 10.255 12,186 13,511 SPI 0.4 101 90 0.92 095 10.97 0.97 0.96 0398

=4--.Cp 1 1.04 1 1.01 1 1.04 1.02 1 1.00 1 1.01 1 1.00 1 .103 1 PBS OH-WV.71(LTI AssessmentlActions PBS-OH-WV-01 LT has negligible cost and schedule variances through May.

At the end of May, performance to date is 69% of work planned, 68% of work performed and 66% of work costed.


PBS OH-WV-02(LT): Site Transition, Decommissioning & Project Completion PBS OH-WV-02(LT) Scope -The scope of PBS OH-WV-02(LT) addresses activities required to comply with the mandates of the WVDP Act which states that, among other responsibilities, the Secretary of the Department of Energy shall, as soon as feasible, transport, in accordance with applicable law, the waste solidified at the Center to an appropriate Federal repository for permanent disposal. Additionally, the Secretary shall, in accordance with applicable licensing reqUirements, dispose of tow. leve radioactive waste (LLW), and transuranic waste (TRU) produced by solidification of HLW activities. Finally; the Secretary shall decontaminate and decommission (D&D) - (A) the tanks and other facilities of the Center in which the HLW solidified under the project was stored, (B) the facilities used in the solidification of the waste, and (C) any material and hardware used in connection with the project, in accordance with such requirements as the Commission (NRC) may prescribe.

Project efforts in PBS OH-WV-02(LT) focus on activities required to transition the site from HLW vitrifica tion operations through decontamination and final decommissioning of Project facilities. These activities include management of the migrating radioactive groundwater plume, including construction of a pilot Permeable Treatment Wall, completion of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process to determine final facility closure activities (Environmental Projects), construction of the Remote Handled Waste Facility (RHWF) to provide the Project capability to characterize, sort, segregate and repackage high activity waste for disposal (Remote Handled Waste Project), LLW storage and shipping for off-site disposal (Waste Disposal Projects), Head End Cell (HEC) equipment installation / upgrades and HEC Spent Fuel Debris Retrieval (Facility Decontamination Projects), and development of alternative on-site HLW canister storage capability.

During execution of all provisions of the WVDP Act, the Project is committed to continuing safe storage of the transuranic (TRU) waste, and HLW canisters, as well as safe storage and waste management of the mixed low-level waste (MLLW) and low-level waste (LLW).


DECONTAMINATION OF PROJECT FACILITIES MILESTONES Description Schedule Complete Status FC-1: GENERAL PURPOSE CELL (GPC) AND PROCESS MECHANICAL CELL (PMC) INFRASTRUCTURE Complete removal and packaging for disposal of the old crane/hardware, and 01/31/02 01/20/02 installation of the Scrap Removal Room (SRR) replacement crane, including turnover to operations. Complete Standard Operating Procedures, operator training materials and complete FC-3: COMPLETE PREREQUISITES AND INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS REQUIRED FOR INITIAL OPERATIONS ACTIVITIES IN PREPARATION FOR DECONTAMINATION OF GENERAL PURPOSE CELL.

Complete prerequisites and infrastructure improvements required for initial 04/30/02 04/29/02 operations in the GPC.


A Complete refurbishment of Shield Window 2M-6-Ain the General Purpose Cell 05/31/02 05/29/02 and Install and load testthe manipulator rail system over the 2M-6-A shield window.

B: Complete WVNS Readiness Assessment (RA) and WVNS identified pre-start open 05/31/02 05/24/02 items.


Complete the removal and packaging of the RAM table and 20 drums of debris from 04/30/02 04/30/02 the PMC FC-4A Milestone FC-4A was completed this month with the successful refurbishment of the GPC shield window.

The recovery plan for the cracked cell side cover glass, reported in April, was successfully executed, culminating in filling the window with oil to a modified procedure on May 16.

FC-4B DOE-OH was on-site the week of May 13 for the DOE Readiness Assessment (RA) for the GPC. The close out meeting was held on May 17, with one pre-start and two post-start items identified. Action plans for the close out of these items are in development.

Corrective actions for the one pre-start finding and four of the five post-start findings generated by the WVNSCO RA have been completed to date resulting in completion of this milestone.


I Diesel & Condensate Tanks Disposition Project Size reduction of the condensate tanks began with D&D operators cutting holes on both tanks for Radia tion Projects to conduct surveys of the tanks' internals. After these surveys were completed, D&D opera tors fixed internal contamination by applying a layer of Oakite. Approximately 20% of the metal has been cut and packaged.

WASTE MANAGEMENT WASTE DISPOSAL PROJECTS Soa Waste Disposal Projects include, but are not limited to, the proper packaging, handling, storing, tracking and shipment of processed low-level radioactive waste, mixed waste, hazardous waste, industrial and sanitary waste. This includes compliance with applicable rules, regulations and administrative controls in the performance of the above activities. Waste disposal projects include disposition of Low Level Waste Treatment Facility (LLWTF) dewatered resin, soil sorting and/or consolidation, waste com paction of Dry Active Waste, waste minimization (transfer of 60 rolloff containers for reuse at Fernald Environmental Management Project (FEMP).

MILESTONES Description Schedule Complete Status LL-I: LOW LEVEL WASTE SHIPMENTIDISPOSAL Ship and dispose of 100% (16,000 cubicfeet)of historical annual generation of LLW. 12/31/01 12/03/01 WM-1: TRU WASTE PROGRAM Complete the developmentof a WVDP TRU Waste Program. 05/31/02 05/29/02 WM-1:

This milestone was completed with the development of a Gap Analysis Document that defines a mecha nism for development of a viable pathway for Transuranic (TRU) waste disposal at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) facility. The TRU Program Implementation Plan provides a general overview of the gaps identified in the Gap Analysis Plan and discusses further. methods and assumptions, as well as timelines and level of effort, necessary to achieve WIPP compliance.

WVNSCO began transferring sixty (60) rolloff containers (i.e., govern'ment property) to Fernald Environ mental Management Project (FEMP) on April 30, 2002. A total of 42 roll-off containers have been shipped to FEMP through the end of May and shipping of the remaining 18 will continue during June.

REMOTE-HANDLED WASTE FACILITY (RHWF) PROJECT Scope& Implementation of site remote-handled (RH) waste activities include all activities necessary to precharacterize, analyze, sample, and inspect RH wastes. Evaluation of options for preparing RH waste for disposal, including, but not limited to, design, fabrication, testing and operation of a Remote-Handled Waste Facility (RHWF) is included. Also included in the scope is evaluation of new state-of-the-art cutting and decontamination capabilities, and evaluation of transportation options associated with off-site shipping of RH waste.


The design/ build subcontract is approximately 41% complete at the end of May. Routine environmental, safety and quality assurance survellarlce reviews conducted during the month did not identify any signifi cant findings.

Welding of liner plates and electrical work are underway. Liner installation in the Buffer Cell was not completed during May as planned. Installation of trim and grinding to finish joints took longer than ex pected and completion is expected in June. Similar work is underway in the Work Cell. The erection of the crane rail sole plates was completed over the Crane Maintenance Area, the Work Cell, the Buffer Cell and the Receiving Area. Metal wall studs, electrical, HVAC and plumbing rough-ins were completed in the Office Area. Conduit and cable tray installation began on the third floor of the main structure.

The subcontractor team will start engineering of logic and control drawings in June. Preparation of fabrica tion drawings and other vendor submittals for equipment are continuing though deliveries of equipment are not likely to begin until late August. Waste water tanks should be shipped in late June rather than in May as was reported last month. Shield windows were shipped to the Buffalo area and are being staged for installation in FY2004.

The subcontractor safe work hours have increased to over 35,000 hours0 days <br />0 hours <br />0 weeks <br />0 months <br /> since the last injury. Loss control specialists from the subcontractor's insurer walked the site with the field supervisors todetermine if there is a need for safer approaches to performing the work. Only minor adjustments were suggested. Prevent ing strains continues to be the focus of safety briefings and work planning efforts. During May, the safety oversight program was tailored to align with the subcontractor safety procedures. Twenty-three checklists were developed for safety professionals to use in conducting oversight reviews.

CHARACTERIZATION PROJECT Scope The Facility Characterization Project will update the radiological inventories for the High Level Waste Tanks, the Vitrification Facility and the Process Building for use with performance assessment analysis. a sMILESTONES Description Schedule Complete Status CP-1: DEVELOP PLAN FOR RADIOLOGICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF THE VITRIFICATION FACIUTY, WASTE TANK FARM, AND MAIN PLANT PROCESS BUILDING.

Develop a Management Plan for the characterization of the Vitrification Facility, the Waste 05115/02 05t14/02 Tank Farm and the Main Plant Process building and submit to DOE-OH/WVDP.

CP-2: VALIDATE THE RADIOISOTOPE INVENTORY ESTIMATE FOR THE 05/31/02 05130/02 MINIATURE CELL INTHE MAIN PLANT PROCESSING BUILDING, The Characterization Management Plan for the Facility Characterization Project (WVDP-403) contains the rationale for the use of historical data and/or process knowledge to determine radionuclide levels present in Project facilities. It also describes the methodology for gathering data and analyzing data; how certain facilities or cells will be evaluated to determine if additional sampling will be required; and the available options for collecting supplemental.



The assessment for the Miniature Cell followed the steps as defined in the Characterization Management Plan for the Facility Characterization Project (WVDP-403). The approach used to evaluate the Miniature Cell and generate the inventory estimate included the following steps: collection and evaluation of existing/

historical information and data on the cell; preparation of dose-to-curie computer models and selection of a bounding case; and application of a bounding set of scaling factors to yield the conservatively bounded radioisotope inventory.

SAFE SITE OPERATIONS ENVIRONMENTAL RESTORATION PROJECTS Scop The primary focus of Environmental Restoration Projects is the management of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process associated with completion of the WVDP and closure or long-term management of the Western New York Nuclear Service Center (WNYNSC). This effort also identifies scopes for the site disposition implementation plan and the development of end states for disposition of various facilities such as support stabilization and closure of land based units at the WVDP, including analysis and engineering to address the north plateau radioactive groundwater plume.


On May 23, 2002, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority met with representatives from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Environmental Protection Agency, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, New York State Depart ment of Health, and the Seneca Nation of Indians to discuss clarification of the regulators communication plan, proposed Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) schedules, expectations for the EIS, and the next steps. The next near-term action for the group is to provide DOE comments on the proposed EIS sched ule.

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is committed to making progress on the resolution of comments received from New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) on the draft Notice of Intent for the Decommissioning and/or Long-term Stewardship EIS. A meeting to discuss the comments is being planned.


A consolidated Documented Safety Analysis, reviewed and approved by the WVNS 05131102 05/29/02 Radiation and Safety Committee, is transmitted via letter to DOE-OH/WVDP requesting review and approval.


On May 29, 2002, West Valley Nuclear Services Company submitted the Consolidate Documented Safety Analysis (DSA), WVNS-SAR-001, Revision 8, to the Ohio Field Office West Valley Demonstration Project for review and subsequently to DOE Ohio Field Office (DOE-OH) approval. This document consolidates four existing modules of the WVDP Documented Safety Analysis into one and will result in project savings.

DOE-OH approval will align DSAs with 10 CFR 830, Subpart B.


PBS 2 - (OH W V-02AT) SITE TRANSITION, DECOMMISSIONING & PROJECT COMPLETION 80,00ooo -. -. .. - .50 70.0, o- o..........- ---- ................

o. ... .....

.T .. . ....


....... 15 70.000 1Imesaw 60,000 1.00 50,000 SPI SK cHI 40,000 30,000 0.50 20,000 10,000 OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP

-"-PR OJE CT BUDGET 4.976 9,502 14,981 19,817 25.055 30,071 35,650 40,696 45,468 51,562 58,641 66,744

"-PROJECT PERFORMANCE 4.857 9,014 13,824 18,463 23,438 29,045 34.507 38,950

-- PROJECT ACTUAL 4.310 7.627 11.708 15,852 21,014 25,849 30.810 34,904 DOE PBS BUDGET 4,902 9,452 14.850 19,523 24,698 29,643 35,085 40.087 44,834 50,745 57,549 64,269 DOE PBS PERFORMANCE 4,785 8,966 13,702 18.189 23,105 28,632 33,959 38,367 DOE PBS ACTUAL 4,176 7,255 11,238 15,231 20,348 23,372 28,572 32,589

-. 1-S PI 0.98 0.95 0,92 0.93 0.94 0.97 0.97 0.96

-.- CPI 1.13 1.18 1.18 1.16 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 PBS OH-WV-02LT Assessment/Actions PBS-OH-WV-O2LT has experienced a negative schedule variance of $1.7M through May due to delay of procurements and subcontractor services; in particular, RHWF vendor data submittals and major equip ment deliveries.

The positive cost variance of $4.OM is a result of a savings realized from an intermodal waste shipment and less than planned costs associated with labor and subcontractor support. In particular, the fire protection inspection and testing schedules were realigned/combined which resulted in elimination of duplicate and unnecessary testing; lower expenses were realized this year for subcontractor snow re moval; and control of HVAC subcontractor expenseswrer reduced.

At the end of May, performance to date is 61% of work planned, 58% of work performed and 52% of work costed.



I PBS OH-WV-03(LT): SPENT NUCLEAR FUEL PBS OH-WV-03LT Scope - The Department of Energy is responsible for 125 spent nuclear fuel (SNF) assemblies at the site. The scope of PBS OH-WV-03 (LT) addresses activities required to comply with the mandates of the Agreement between the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) and the Department of Energy (DOE) on Spent Nuclear Fuel located at the Western New York Nuclear Service Center, and the DOE/Navy/State of Idah~o Consent Order/Settlement Agreement on Spent Fuel and Nuclear Waste.

The agreement between NYSERDA and DOE allows DOE to use the Fuel Receiving and Storage Area (FRS) to store, pending removal, the spent nuclear fuel to which DOE had taken title from the previous site operator, Nuclear Fuel Services (NFS).

The DOE/Navy/ID Consent Order: Court Order Civil No 91-0035-8-EJL conditionally reopens the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL) to receive West Valley SNF, until an interim storage facility or permanent repository is opened accepting spent fuel from INEEL. DOE will ship all West Valley SNF to INEEL. This agreement resulted in EM issuing the "National SNF Interim Storage Plan" which states that West Valley SNF was to be shipped to INEEL in the year 2001.

SPENT NUCLEAR FUEL SHIPPING PROJECT On October 18, 2001, the Assistant Secretary of Environmental Management determined that it would be in the best interest of the government to delay shipment of the two casks loaded with spent fuel from West Valley to Idaho so that DOE can focus its attention on their commitment to ship stored TRU waste from INEEL to Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP).

After evaluating various alternatives, WVNSCO developed a plan for on-site staging of the casks, which will remain in their current location until a decision is made regarding shipment. Chain-link fencing and additional monitoring systems were installed as a security enhancement.

WVNSCO recommended and received approval to delay cask gas sampling of both casks until June, 2002, when helium leak testing will be performed. This will save an estimated 68 man-days of labor.

The impact limiter tie rods were removed from both casks in preparation for cask gas sampling and leak testing. Discussions were held with the vendor and WVNSCO personnel who previously performed leak testing. Although fabrication of the cask gas sampling skid is currently behind schedule at INEEL, it's projected delivery to West Valley by mid-May will allow a sufficient amount of time for system checkout and mock-up training.



  • Description Schedule Complete Status FC-2: REMOVE AND PACKAGE THEIEMPTY SPENT FUEL STORAGE CANISTERS FC-2: Remove the 147 emptyspent fuel storage canisters from the pool and 12/31/01 12/21/01 package for disposal.



Milestone FC-6, "Remove Equipment in the Cask Unloading Pool (CUP) and Package for Disposal," was completed during May. This milestone included the removal of the Clearwell Bucket (CWB), CWB Table, Lift Rack Chassis, the pool gate, as well as the issuance of a report describing this work. Work to remove the remainder of the cooling water piping in the FRS resumed in support of upcoming pool wall cleaning efforts.

Fuel pool water visibility improved in May with the addition of sodium hydroxide in an attempt to precipitate fine particles of metals out of solution. This addition has raised the pool pH and improved visibility to approximately ten feet through the pool water. Itwas the result of several rounds of bench tests recom mended by both in-house water experts and outside consultants. A noteworthy item included in this chemical addition was the reuse of the Decon Stall Spray Ring, a piece of spent fuel excess equipment that was placed into the fuel pool for use as an air sparging device in a successful attempt to mix the chemicals added throughout the pool.


I L.,....


$.000 - - - - - - - - _________ 1.50 7,000 TImnow 6,000 8,000 1.00 5,000 SF' CPI 4,000 3,000 0.50 2,000 1,000 OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP

"-*-PROJECT BUDGET 2,288 2,551 2,802 3,412 4,093 4,614 5,105 5,559 6.128 6.424 6,633 6,842

'9&"PROJECT PERFORMANCE 664 834 1,519 1,970 2,246 2,772 3,232 3,457 "PROJECTACTUAL 670 926 1,213 1,518 2,022 2,650 3,238 3,515 DOE PBS BUDGET 2,337 2,650 2,952 3,654 4,390 4,974 5,513 6,025 6,652 7,007 7,274 7541 DOE PBS PERFORMANCE 678 866 1,600 2,110 2,409 2.988 3,490 3,746 DOE PBS ACTUAL 701 950 1,234 1,535 2,056 2,594 3,228 3,504

_ _SPI 1 029 0.33 0.54 0.58 0.55 0.60 0.63 0.62 "I-"CPI 0.99 0.90 1.25 1.30 1.11 1.05 1.00 0.98 PBS OH-WV-03LT Assessment/Actions PBS-OH-WV-03LT has a negative schedule variance, which is due to the delay in shipping the Spent Nuclear Fuel to INEEL. The scheduling of a future shipment is being evaluated.

PBS-OH-WV-03LT has a negligible cost variance through May.

At the end of May, performance to date is 81% of work planned, 51% of work performed and 51% of work costed.


PBS OH-WV-SS-D: Safeguards and Security PBS OH-WV-SS-D Scope -The West Valley Demonstration Project (WVDP) Safeguards and Security mission is to provide general security, physical security, and cyber-security for all site operations covered as part of PBS OH-WV-01, Vitrification and High Activity Waste Processing, PBS OH-WV-02, Site Transi tion, Decommissioning and Project Completion, and PBS OH-WV-03, Spent Nuclear Fuel. General security, in accordance with applicable DOE Standards and regulations, is executed through operation of protective security forces. Physical security is provided using a comprehensive lock and key system, remote closed circuit television (CCTV), alarm monitoring, area fencing and barrier protection. Cyber security efforts ensure that all DOE unclassified information resources are protected against possible threats.

(OH-WV-%S-D)SAFEGUARDS AND SECURITY 3.000 1.50 TImenow 2,500 2.000 1.00 SP!

$K CH0 1.500 1.000 0.50 5O0 I -


-U-PROJECT BUDGET 172 326 524 713 928 1,142 1,394 1,604 1,803 2,056 2.266 2,528

-- P ROJEC RFORMANCE 178 33 509 748 886 1,161 1,355 1,535 PROJECT PFOUALMC 156 325 511 703 905 1,106 1,212 1,405 111 210 338 443 554 664 797 908 1,013 1,146 1.257 1,395 DOE PBS BUDGET DOE PBS PERFORMANCE 115 201 328 465 529 675 775 869 DOE PS ACTUAL 167 274 398 530 673 751 751 1,179 S 1.04 097 105 0.96 1.02 0.96 C.14 0.96 1.00 1.06 0.98 1.05 1.12 1.09 PBS OH-WV-SS-D Assessments/Actions Safeguards and Security has a negligible cost and schedule variance through May.

At the end of April, performance to date is 63% of work planned, 61% of work performed and 56%

of work costed.



B Overhead/Administrative Two separation programs offered simultaneously to WVNSCO employees, a Voluntary Separation Pack age (VSP) and Early Retirement Incentive (ERI) Program closed at the end of January. The VSP/ERI programs were well received and a significant reduction in the site headcount was realized by the end of March 2001. Additionally, an Involuntary Separation Program announced a further reduction of 66 per sons, 51 which were separated the end of May, and an additional 15 who will be separated at the comple tion of Vitrification operations. These actions complete alignment of site labor levels with required levels to support on-going and planned work scope as the Project completes its transition from operations to decontamination and waste management.

Assessment/Actions Assessment: The underrun in the overhead accounts has increased from $760K to $845K during May and continues to be attributable to restricted spending as a result of internalizing the reduced appropriation for FY2002. Spending in some areas has increased but remain well within approved spending guidelines.

Although the overhead budget currently has a positive variance, WVNSCO continues to experience an overrun in cost of labor of the indirect employees. The negative variance in labor has begun to decrease as a result of the recent successful employee separation programs.

Actions: Spending and placement of orders has been carefully monitored. This will continue throughout the year to manage spending within the overall budget.


ADMINISTRATIVE Project personnel as of May 31, 2002:

MWg PrIf NE Houry WVNSCO On Board' 74 222 133 133 5623 Contract Guard 0 0 0 21 21 URS Corporation2 27 0 Project Total: 80 249 133 154 616 EEO Statistics:

Mgt Prof NE Hourly Tota Minority (Included in WVNSCO Total) 9 22 7 8 46 Female (Included in WVNSCO Total) 10 60 81 17 168 1 On Board total excludes 6 casuals.

2 Includes URS Corporation (formerly Dames and Moore) located on WVDP and AOC premises.

3 An Involuntary Separation Program announced a further reduction of 66 persons, 51 which were separated the end of May, and an additional 15 who will be separated at the completion of Vitrification operations.

Total positions will not equal budgeted positions due to monthly transitioning of replacement requisitions.


Total P roject Earned Value Report CURRENT PERIOD FISCAL YEAR-TO-DATE BCWS BCWP ACWP SV CV BCWS BCWP ACWP SV CV FY 2002 ITEM Sched Complete Spen t Sched Cos t Sched Complete Spent Sched Cost SAC PBS 01 -HLW VIT & HIGH ACTIVITY PROCESSING 1,575 1,832 1,374 257 458 15,283 14,988 14,584 (295) 404 22,156 PBS 02- SITE TRANSITION, DE COMMIS SION ING & PROJE CT COMPLETION 5,046 4,443 4,095 (603) 348 40,696 38,949 34,905 (1,747) 4,044 66,744 PBS 03- SPENT NUCLEAR FUEL 453 224 277 (229) (53) 5,558 3,456 3,515 (2,102) (59) 6,842 SAFEGUARDS & SECURITY 210 180 193 (30) (13) 1,604 1,535 1,405 (69) 130 2,528 PMB 7,284 6,679 5,939 (605) 740 63,141 58,928 54,409 (4,213) 4,519 98,270 Undls tilbuted Budget 929 Administrative 14 9 9 (5) 103 122 123 19 (I) 179 WVNS MR 724 TOTAL WVNS 7,298 6,688 5,948 (610) 740 63.244 59,050 54,532 (4,194) 4,518 100,102 DOE ObllgatlonslExpense 114 43 43 (71) - 569 709 709 140 1,271 Fee/CreditOther 836 653 653 (183) 6,856 5,921 5,921 (935) 10,200 DOE MR - - - - 1,926 Non Project 2 2 2 (I) 17 17 18 25 sft 952 698 698 (254) 7,442 6,647 6,648 (795) 13,422 FY 2002 TOTAL W VDP 8,250 7.386 6,646 (864) 740 70,686 65,697 6 1,180 (4,989) 4.518 113.524 No tes:

All entrlm In thousands of dollas - sum of the parts may vary from total due to rounding.

DOE Obligations/Exp(NoncontractPBS Costs) reported ore as of May 20

3 Year B udget Plan Pr icr FY2002 FY 2003 FY 2004 1

D r^ ý§ It "A 9At Prior PBS I High-Level Waste Processing 22,156 66,744 PBS 2 Transition & Project Completion 6,842 3,600 PBS 3SpentNuclear Fuel PBS4 Project Management& Support 24,540 62, 115 PBS 5 Decontamination of Project Fadlities 27,600 25,700 PBS 6 Waste Management 34,260 34,000 PBS 7 Sade SIts Operations PBSS 8 Decommissloning/Project Completion 2,528 2,210 2,090 PBS S S -D Safeguards and S ecurity Prior - WB S 1,641,231 1,641,231 98,270 92,210 123,905 PMB Line 929 Undistrlbuted B udget 724 WVNS Mgmt. Reserve 1,641,231 99,923 92,210 123,905 Contract Budget Base 179 Adr Ink tratilve 69,568 1,271 DOE Obligations to Other StesIA xpense 172,673 10,200 Fee/Cr ed t 1,926 DOE Mgmt. Reserve 1,179 R elocation Non Project 53 25 1 44 - -

TOTAL TPCE (YOE) 1,884,704 113,52 92,210 123,905O Drrir PYflfln2 I:Y 2003 FY 2004 Projec, run Al "Ig a wwmý Dri^r FY2002 N FY 2003 FY 2004 Dept. of EnergyYOE (PBS) 1,692,586 91,395 92,210 123,905 1,831 1,689 Dept. of EnergyYOE (OTHER) 8,653 Dept. of Energy C/O Dept. of Energy CPO(Other) 521 149,447 9,421 9,846 13.767 N.Y. State Funding 5.346 350 Suppleml NYS (17% EIS)

UncostedNYS Funding 776 33,949 700 NY S Credlti erv 53 Non Project 25 53 TOTAL PROJECT (YOE) 1,893,1091 103.580 102,056 137,672 As sumptions: Notes:

Project B udgetF unding Is comprised of DOE and NY components $200K has been added to DOE Obligations to occountfor theFY02 SAIC commitment FY02 reflects programmatic changes consis tent with the reduced approprlation All entries In thousands of dollars -sum of the parts may vary from total due to rounding.

FY03consistent with Presidents Budget Request FY04 budget level subject to decisions to bern ado during FY04 Budget F ormulation effort currently on-golng.


Total Outyear Budget and Funding Project Budget FY 2000 FY 2001 FY 2002 FY 2003 FY 2004 FY 2005 FY 2006 FY 2007 FY 2000 FY 2009 PBS I *Hgh-Level Waste ssn*,-cag 37, 779 47,330 24,400 PBS 2 Transition & Project Completion 28,100 47,810 .5,800 PBS 3 Spent Nuclear Fuel 7,700 10,000 6,800 3,600 PBS 4 Project Management & Support 33,363 PBS 5 Decontamination of Project Facilities - 24,540 62,115 64,458 63,986 62616 61,196 43,826 PBS 6 Waste Management 27,600 25,700 26,210 31,620 32 290 32,960 49,600 PBS 7 Safe Site Operations 34<260 34,000 34,000 32,100 32,740 .33,430 34,100 PBS 8 Decommissioning/Project Completion - - - - -

PBS SS-D Safeguards and Security 1,977 1,395 2210 2,090 2,140 2,200 2260 2,320 2,380 TOTAL BUDGET (YOE SK) 106,942 107,117 91,395 92,210 123,905 126,808 129,906 129,906 129,906 129,906 ProjectFunding FY 2000 FY 2001 FY 2002 FY 2003 FY 2004 FY _205 FY 2006 FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2009 Dept. of Energy YOE (PBS 1-SS) 106,942 107,117 91,395 92210 123,905 126,80M 129,906 129,906 129,906 129,906 N.Y. State Funding 11,026 10,791 10,028 9,846 13,767 14,090 14,434 14,434 14,434 14,434 TOTAL PROJECT (YOE SK) 117,968 117,908 101,423 102,056 137,672 140,898 144,340 144,340 144340 144,340 PIGH LEVEL WASTE DOE FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 ' 5 DISPOSITION TOTAL Total w/Prlor PR_* 1 HlaP.I ,sisl MU. 5 4.= D.r,__i.:..

PBS 2 Transition & Project Completion - 109,509 109,509 PBS 3 Spent Nuclear Fuel - 134,710 134,710 PBS 4 Project Management & Support - - 28,100 - 2- 100

- 33,363 33, 363 PBS 5 Decontamination of Project Facilities 43,226 11,960 11,980 16,670 16,770 16,870 500,213 - 500,213 PBS 6 Waste Management 49,430 38,410 36,700 37,470 24,760 21,270 434,020 288,020 722,040 PBS 7 Safe She Operations 34800 35, 530 36,260 30,710 27,400 25,160 424<490 245,253 669,743 PBS 8 Decommiaioning/Project Completion 52680 53,550 54<390 69,576 73,900 304,096 304,096 PBS SS-D Safeguards and Security 2;450 2510 2,580 2,650 2 730 2 800 34,692 2 400 37,092 TOTAL BUDGET (YOE SK) 129,906 141,090 141,070 141,890 141,236 140,000 2,003,193 535,673 2,538,866 4,020,785 Prolect Fundinn. r:Y 7nin I:v *111 c:v"iJn4* [v 20N423 cV 2n4s rv ,u "HLWWASTE

-- -. .... a..... . F U I r I Z014 rT £EU13 3I DISP TOTAL TOTAL Dept, of Enfergy YOE (pBs 1-_SS) 129,906 141,090 141,070 141,890 141,236 140,000 2,003,193 535,673 2,538,866 N.Y. State Funding 14,434 15,677 15,674 15,766 15,693 15,556 220,083 59,519 279,602 TOTAL PROJECT (YOE SK) 144,340 156,767 156,744 157,656 156,929 155,556 2 223,276 595,192 2,818,468 Notes:

Project Budget Is comprised of DOE and NY components F1Y@2 reflects programmatic changes consistent with the reduced appropriation.

FY03 refecs Presidents Budget Request wars. conent.with FADS PanninM e c 19,29001) and wffib d consistent w isions made during FY04 Bdet Formulation efforf currenly ongoing Project cost sharing continues at DOENY (915L10%) and an additional (17%) on EIS costs except for Fuel Staging for Shipping DOE (100%)

1 Although the main comnpnents of this POS could be fuliled by FV2tIE, ghen planning level funding support -s indicated in the table, the scope of thie PBS also includes monitoring and maktenance of the HLW canisters untl such time tha a federal repository In eves**bie to accept WV0P ILW. WVDP 15LW Is not on the comnple wide shipmennt schedule to a Federal Repository for HILW dlepoesi. for planning purposes and due to the pending outcome of DOE and New York State negotiations regarding Project completoin, long-term marngemen and site closure, the Project assusnes that the HLW canisters wil be maintained in on-site interim storage until FY2936 when a shipping camnpaign wiN commence unti FYV241, removing the canisters from the site and sending them to the Federal Repository for disposal.

opportunity WVgP will hame to meet the scheduled closing of the federal Repository. Once the WVDP HLW canisters can be put beck on the DOE complex This timeframe is the latest possible wide shipping schedule, it is presumed more reasonable dates

ýwNE be ascomodated for shipping the HLW off-site for disposal In a manne timely to completing the Project in FY201i (sccording to planwing level funding date).



Contract Number: DE-AC24-81 NE44139 Dollars expressed in thousands. May 2002 Prior Years FY 2002 PBS / Title Uncosted FY 2002 BA Costs Uncosted (C/O) BA to Date to Date Obligations OH-WV-01 HLW Vit &HAW Processing 1,939 19,950 21,889 13,511 8,377 OH -WV-02 Site Transition, Decommission & Proj Comp 3,116 53.100 56.216 32,589 23.627 OH-WV-03 Spent N uclear Fuel 2.178 5,685 7,863 3.504 4.358 SUBTOTAL WVNS EX05/EX02 CONTRACT 7.233 78.735 85,968 49,605 36363 OH-WV-SSD Safeguards& Securty(FS30)** 3 1.178 1.181 1.179 3 OHIO OFFICE OBLIGATIONS'** 428 797 1.226 709 516 TOTAL OHIO OFFICE 7.664 80,710 88375 51.493 36,882 OTHER DOE OBLIGATIONS*** 93 0 93 0 93 EX05 PROJECT OBLIGATED FUNDS 7,757 80.710 88,467 51,493 36.975 Unobligated Funds: 0 10.685 10.685 0 10.685 TOTAL EX05/EX02/FS30 PROJ ECT FUNDING FY02 7,757 91.,395 99.152 51.493 47.660 Non EX-05/EXO2/FS30 Funding 1,416 1,422 2.838 (28) 2,866 TOTAL DOE 9,173 92,817 101.990 51.465 50.526 NYSERDA NE Project(SDA Share) 0 0 0 0 0 NYSERDA NE Proj(EIS Share)+ Fee 61 350 411 199 212 NYSERDANS Project+ Fee 156 9,729 9,885 8.300 1,585 NYSERDA Credit 0 700 700 467 233 NYSERDA NY Non-Project + Fee 0 25 25 18 7 TOTAL WVDP: 9390 103.621 113,011 60,448 52.564

      • See next page tbr individual breakdown ofDOE obligations and Non E X-05/EX -02/FS30 Funding.



Contract Number: DE-AC24-8 I NF44139 Dollars expressed in thousands May 2(X)2 Prior Years FY 2002 Uncosted FY 2002 BA Costs Uncosted DOE Obligations & Expense (C/O) BA to Date to Date Obligations DOE Obligation: Ohio (SAIC) (PBS OH-WV-02) 93 0 93 84 9 DOE Obligation: ArmyCOE (PBSOH-WV-02) 6 0 6 0 6 DOE Obligation: Envirocare (PBS OH-WV-02LT) 18 143 161 100 61 DOE Obligation:Batelle (PBSOH-WV-02LT) 246 48 294 285 9 DOE Obligation: SAIC (PBSOH-WV-O2LT) 0 44 44 0 44 DOE Obligation: SAIC (PBS OH-WV-02LT) 0 400 400 252 148 DOE Obligation: (PBS OH-WV-03LT) 0 25 25 3 22 DOE M c Expense Total (OH) 66 137 203 (15) 218 DOE OHIO OFFICE OBLIGATIONS 428 797 1,226 709 516 DOE Obligation: Battelle PNN L(RL)(PBS OH-WV-01) 93 0 93 0 93 OTH ER DOE OBLIGATIONS 93 0 93 0 93 Non EX OSIEX 02/FS 30 Funding SK work Autlhorizatio I0 0 10 0 III DOE OH D&D ProjMgrsMtg 14 0 14 4 IO ASTD Projects: VEMP OH09WT4I 0 0 0 0 0 ASTD Projects: Waste Retrieval OHOOW122 226 415 641 154 486 Permeable Treatment Wall OH00SS31 123 0 123 0 123 In Situ Characterizatin OHOIWTI I 44 0 44 44 0 VE MP Equipment/Encapsulation OH00WI3I 156 295 451 121 330 Large Scale D&D OHOIDDI I .650 572 1222 178 1,044 DOE Prog& Prg Mgnt Manual 48 103 151 130 22 Cyber Security 7 0 7 2 4 Headquarters IIl 0 III 0 III Ill Sick Workers Comp Act 28 (13) 15 5 10 National Spent Nuclear Fuel Program 0 50 50 0 50 EIS Credits 0 0 0 63 (63)

Undistributed Costs 0 0 0 (730) 0 Non EX05 Funding Total 1.416 1.422 2,838 (28) 2137 24

Milestones Report By PBS Ohio Office - West Valley Demonstration Project Data extracted from IPABS - Approved Dataset December 18, 2001- Planning Module Milestone Report DOE DOE DOE Milestone Planning Target Actual AE PSO WVDP Milestone Field Code IPABS # Milestone Field Name

_ - I_ I Level 2 Type Module Case Date OH-WV-01: HLW Vitrification and Tank Heel High Activity Waste Processing PBS-OH-WV-01-2001C 36222 Complete WIR determinations for Waste Tank Farm. Bud.MCPBI 7/2/2001 7/2/2001 6/29/2001 PBS-OH-WV-01-2001A 23950 Complete HLW Tank Heel / Residuals Vitrification Processing. BudPBI 9/30/2001 9/30/2001 9/30/2001 PBS-OH-WV-01-2001B 36221 Complete HLW Tanks 8D-I and 8D-2 Radionuclide inventory. Bud.MC.PBI 9/30/2001 9/30/2001 9/28/2001 SPreviously OH-WV-01 36715 Flush Vitrification Process Systems and Equipment, Evacuate Melter. and Bud. MC, PC 9/30/2003 9/30/2002

  1. 1282 Complete Vit Shutdown OH-WV-02: Site Transition. Decommissioning. & Project Completion SOH-WV-02-2001D 36224 Complete Removal of PMC Cranes and install Bridge Mounted Manipulator Bud.MC.PBI 4/15/2001 4/15/2001 3/30/2001 System SOH-WV-02-2001E 36225 Complete evaluation of Permeable Treatment Wall Pilot. Bud.PBI 6/1/2001 6/1/2001 5/25/2001 OH-WV-02-2001B 36223 Complete Final Design of the Remote Handled Waste Facility. Bud.MC.PBI 8/30/2001 8/30/2001 8/30/2001 OH-WV-02-2001C 24062 Complete Preparations and Initiate Waste Removal in Process Mechanical BudMC,PBI 9/30/2001 9/30/2001 9/26/2001 Cell.

S OH-WV-02-2001A 24045 Ship 50.000 cubic feet of Class A LLW Off-site for disposal. Bud.PBI 9/30/2001 9/30/2001 9/17/2001 OH-WV-02-2001F 36226 Complete preparations and Initiate LLW Shipments to NTS. BudMC.PBI 9/30/2001 9/30/2001 7/27/2001 S OH-WV-02-2002B 35145 Continue Construction of Remote Handled Waste Facility Systems Bud 9/30/2002 9/30/2002 -

Milestone Type Key Bud - Budget , IS - Intersite Dependency: CCP - Critical Closure Path; ME Mission Complete: DP - Decision Point: PC - Project Critical: MC - Management Commitment:

EA - Enforceable Agreement: PE - Project End, PBI - Performance Based Incentives 25

Milestones Report By PBS Ohio Office - West Valley Demonstration Project Data extracted from IPABS -Approved Dataset December 18, 2001- Planning Module Milestone Report DOE DOE DOE Milestone Planning Target Actual AE PSO WVDP Milestone Field Code IPABS # Milestone Field Name iL nL ova I Level 2 Type Module Case Date OH-WV-02 SPreviously 24014 Complete Equipment Upgrades for Head End Cell Debris Removal PC 9/30/2004 9/30/2006

  1. 3737 OH-WV-02 SPreviously 24025 Complete Design / Construction oftthe Remote Handled Waste Facility PC 9/30/2004 9/30/2005
  1. 3742

/ Olt-WV-02-2005B 24705 Begin Cold Operations of Remote Handled Waste Facility PC 10/1/2004 10/1/2006 OH-WV-02 SPreviously 24030 Complete Preparations for TRU Waste Shipments DP. IS 9/30/2005 9/30/2006

  1. 3747 V/ OH-WV-021,T-2005C 24706 Complete Operational Readiness for the Remote Hlandled Waste Facility / CCP. PC, I)P 9/30/2005 9/30/2006 Obtain DOE Start-up Approval OH-WV-02 SPreviously 24039 Complete IILW Load-out Facility Construction PC' 9/30/2006 9/30/2011
  1. 3729 OH-WV-02 SPreviously 24023 Complete Process Building Decontamination Before Final Dispositioning PC 9/30/2010 9/30/2017
  1. 3740 Oll-WV-02 SPreviously 24032 Complete Shipment of WVDP TRU Waste to Receiver Site IS 9/30/2013 9/30/2021
  1. 3749 OH-WV-02 SPreviously 24035 Complete Shipments of LLW for Off-site Disposal IS 9/30/2014 9/30/2022
  1. 3752 4/ Previously OH-WV-02 24020 Complete Final Dispositioning of the Process Building / Vitrilication Facilit% PC 3/31/2015 9/30/2022
  1. 3736 / HIVW Tank Farm 4/ Previously OH-WV-02 24033 Complete l)&D D)ocumcntation in Support of Project Complction PC 9/30/2015 9/30/2023
  1. 3750 Milestone Type Key Bud - Budget : IS - Intersite Dependency: CCP - Critical Closure Path, ME Mission Complete, DP - Decision Point: PC - Project Critical; MC - Management Commitment:

EA - Enforceable Agreement; PE - Project End, PBI - Performance Based Incentives 26

Milestones Report By PBS Ohio Office - West Valley Demonstration Project Data extracted from IPABS - Approved Dataset December 18, 2001- Planning Module Milestone Report DOE DOE DOE Milestone Planning Target Actual AE PSO WVDP Milestone Field Code IPABS # Milestone Field Name

______ -dLevel I Level 2 Type Module Case Date OH-WV-03: Spent Nuclear Fuel Previously OH-WV-03 23988 Complete Preparation / Approvals for Spent Nuclear Fuel Shipment to DP. IS. Bud 3/31/2001 3/31/2001 3/30/2001

  1. 1305 INEEL OH-WV-03-2001A 36228 Complete Spent Nuclear Fuel Cask Loading Operations into TN-Casks BudMCPBI 6/30/2001 6/30/2001 5/25/2001

/ Previously OH-WV-03 23989 Maintain Readiness for Shipment of WV Spent Nuclear Fuel to INFEL EA. IS 9/30/2002 9/30/2001

  1. 1306 SOH-WV-03-2002A 35113 Begin Clean-up of Fuel Receiving and Storage Facilities Bud 10/1/2001 10/1/2001 10/1/2001 Previously OH-WV-03 23987 PBS-OH-WV-03: Spent Nuclear Fuel Program Completed ME, PE 9/30/2005 9/30/2005
  1. 1308 Milestone Type Key Bud - Budget ýIS - Intersite Dependency; CCP - Critical Closure Pathk ME Mission Complete; DP - Decision Point; PC - Project Critical; MC - Management Commitment:

EA - Enforceable Agreement, PE - Project End. PBI - Perfomiance Based Incentives 27