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West Valley Demonstration Project (Wvdp) Project Director'S Progress Report, Third Quarter/Fiscal Year (Fy) 2002
Person / Time
Site: West Valley Demonstration Project, P00M-032
Issue date: 08/28/2002
From: Anthony Williams
US Dept of Energy, West Valley Demonstration Project
To: Rawlings M
Office of New Reactors, US Dept of Energy (DOE)
Download: ML022490007 (17)


United States Government Department of Energy Ohio Field Office memorandum West Valley Demonstration Project DATE: August 28, 2002


West Valley Demonstration Project (WVDP) Project Director's Progress Report, Third Quarter/Fiscal Year (FY) 2002 TO: Mark E. Rawlings DOE-HQ, EM-31, 2169/CLOV Attached is the WVDP Project Director's Progress Report, Third Quarter/FY2002.

Any questions regarding any of the information contained therein can be directed to Lisa Maul at (716) 942-2163.

Alice i.Williams, Director West Valley Demonstration Project


Subject Report cc: M. W. Frei, DOE-HQ, EM-30/FORS, w/att.

S. A. Robison, DOE-HQ, EM-31/CLOV, w/att.

J. R. Craig, OH/OOM, OSE-410, w/att.

P. W. Greenwalt, OH/CFO, OSE-339, w/att.

K. B. Hansen, OH/CFO, OSE-338, w/att.

F. Pieper, DOE-OR, IG-36, w/att.

C. J. Glenn, NRC, NMSS/DWM/DCB, MS 7 F25, w/att.

B. C. Bower, OH/WVDP, WV-DOE, w/att.

T. J. Jackson, OH/WVDP, WV-DOE, w/att.

E. A. Lowes, OH/WVDP, WV-DOE, w/att.

J. J. May, OH/WVDP, WV-DOE, w/att.

H. R. Moore, OH/WVDP, WV-DOE, w/att.

D. W. Sullivan; OH/WVDP, WV-DOE, w/att.

R. D. Avent, NYSERDA-Albany, w/att.

P. L. Piciulo, NYSERDA, WV- 17, w/att.

J. Pitkin, NYSERDA-Albany, w/att.

LMM:0174 - 84259 - 237.4 LMM/brb

West Valley Demonstration Project Project Director's Progress Report United States Department of Energy Third Quarter/ Fiscal Year 2002

Project Director's Progress Report West Valley Demonstration Project Table of Contents Project Director's Assessment ----------------------------------------------------------------- 2 Significant Problems/Variance Analysis ------------------------------------------------------ 6 Quarterly Financial Report ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 Cost Performance Report - MSA --------------------------------------------------------- 10 3-Year Budget Plan - MSA ------------------------------------------------------------------ 11 WVDP Milestone Listing ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13 I

ID F6400.A10 (Rev. 05-83)

Ref. ID 6400.A2 1. Project Director's Assessment 1.1 Ia. Project Title / Number: lb. Reporting Period:

West Valley Demonstration Project, West Valley, New York 3 rd Quarter FY 2002 Budget and Reporting No. EX02, FS30 1c. Managing DOE Field Location: 1f. Performing Organizations:

Ohin Riild O"ffir.

West Valley Nuclear Services Company Ild. Project Sponsor I Program Office


Overall responsibility for design, construction, testing and operation.

Office of Site Closure Major WVNS Subcontractors:

M.E.Rawlings (301)903-7452 URS Corporation - Environmental Support Bechtel, Babcock & Wilcox Idaho - Spent Fuel Program Support le. Project'Director: Alice C. Williams, Director Burns International Security Services - Security WV-DOE Butler - Design & Construction Remote Handled Waste Facility West Valley, New York 14171 (716) 942-4312 Poiect Director's Personal Assessment:

2a. Summary Status LEGEND LAST PERIOD THIS PERIOD Cost Satisfactory Schedule Minor Concern Major Concern Technical Overall Project Better A Worse NOTE: The Project Director's assessment of key item concerns are contained on page 5.


Overall Assessment were performed to monitor the effect of leeching and contamination High Level Waste levels after the initial decontamination pass. This information was used Due to deterioration of the Vitrification Facility melter west pour spout to determine decontamination methods, as well as select a fixative.

which adversely affected the quality of the pours, WVNS changed over from the melter's west discharge section to the east discharge section. Gas samples were taken from both shipping casks loaded with spent The melter was returned to service on May 2 after the successful nuclear fuel to address a concern raised by INEEL about the potential change over. The melter is currently running in idle with Canister WV buildup of hydrogen due to radiolysis of water during long-term storage.

409, the 272nd canister produced overall and the tenth in fiscal year At the same time gas samples were being taken, WVNSCO took 2002, under the melter feed pour spout. advantage of the opportunity to perform helium leak testing of both shipping casks.

The flushing of the Vitrification Facility In-Cell Process Pit to remove additional radiological inventory that may be present generates flush Decontamination of Project Facilities liquids that are being processed through the Vitrification Facility. In Process Mechanical Cell (PMC) work associated with Milestone FC-7 order to handle the large volume of flush liquid and material accumulat was completed during April, including removal and transfer of two mixed ing in the process pit north sump, new jumpers were designed, waste drums to the Waste Management group, and the successful fabricated and installed. The flushing of the process pit which includes loading of the RAM table into the shielded box and transfer to the two passes of the accessible areas of the cell pit floor, the tops and Waste Management group. Packaging operations continued in the sides the Concentrator Feed Makeup Tank (CFMT), Melter Feed Hold Process Mechanical Cell (PMC) with the filling of 3 drums during May.

Tank (MFHT), and Submerged Bed Scrubber (SBS) was completed. BNFL Instruments Inc. assisted in the deployment of the gamma spectroscopy camera in the PMC. Initial calibrations of the camera An alternate method to remove the last 100,000 gallons of liquid from were performed in the Vitrification Test Facility (VTF). The camera was HLW tanks 8D-1 and 8D-2 has been developed and the fabrication then deployed in the PMC for background radiation calibration checks.

contract awarded. This alternative would utilize the inoperable 50-G Following the completion of the background checks, in-cell radiation 001 floating suction pump arm and pump column to convey tank liquid measurements were taken. Size reduction of the PMC/General Pur to the Supernatant Treatment System (STS) using a new submersible pose Cell (GPC) hatch cover was completed and the pieces were pump connected to the end of the suction arm. Design of the vault loaded into the waste box.

drying system for HLW tanks 8D-1 and 8D-2 has begun and bid packages are expected to be prepared by September 30, 2002. DOE-OH was on-site for the DOE Readiness Assessment (RA) for the GPC. The close out meeting was held on May 17, with one pre-start Spent Nuclear Fuel and Fuel Receiving and Storage Area (IFRS) and two post-start items identified. WVNSCO provided comments on Decontamination the preliminary draft of the DOE Readiness Assessment Report. The Numerous old tooling and obsolete pieces of contaminated equipment WVNSCO Corrective Action Plan for the one pre-start and two post were removed from the Fuel Receiving and Storage Area (FRS) Cask start items identified by the DOE has been drafted and is awaiting Unloading Pool (CUP) during April. During May the Clearwell Bucket issuance of the final DOE Readiness Assessment Report.

(CWB), CWB Table, Lift Rack Chassis, and pool gate were removed from the CUP and packaged for disposal. A wall decontamination The vacuum testing of the Scrap Removal Room (SRR) airlock was leech test was performed in the Fuel Receiving and Storage Area pool. completed and the conveyor system installed in preparation for turnover One location in the cask unloading pool and one location in the fuel of the airlock to Operations.

storage pool were decontaminated at the bathtub ring. Weekly surveys 3

Remote Handled Waste Facility Environmental Impact Statements The design/ build subcontract for the Remote-Handled Waste Facility Comments have been received and incorporated from New York State (RHWF) is approximately 42% complete at the end of June. Stainless Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), Nuclear steel liner installation continues and the erection of the crane rail sole Regulatory Commission (NRC), and Environmental Protection Agency plates was completed over the Crane Maintenance Area, the Work (EPA) on the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) schedule. The Cell, the Buffer Cell and the Receiving Area. The subcontractor safe schedule is currently undergoing a final review by NYSERDA. Follow work hours have increased to almost 40,000 hours0 days <br />0 hours <br />0 weeks <br />0 months <br /> since the last injury. ing this review, copies will be made available to NRC, EPA, New York Welding of liner plates and electrical work are continuing. State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC), and New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH).

Welding of the liner in the Buffer Cell was completed one month late because installation of trim and grinding to finish joints took longer than Battelle has completed a preliminary Draft Waste Management EIS.

expected. Liquid penetrant examination of welds was performed and Comments have been provided to Battelle, and revisions are underway.

repairs started. Testing will follow. Similar installation work is under way in the Work Cell. Examination, repairs and testing will follow. An DOE has revised the Notice of Intent for the Decommissioning and/or initial set of forms for precast floor and wall sections were constructed. Long-term Stewardship Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and Concrete placement will occur over the course of the next three forwarded this new version to NYSERDA for review.

months. In addition, the underground drains for the tank vault area will be extended.

Miscellaneous Structural analysis of the roller/ conveyor frame for the Receiving Area There were six Occupational Safety and Health Administration was completed. Preliminary engineering for the utilities, the radioactive (OSHA) recordable incidents during this quarter, making the waste water line and sanitary sewers is underway. DOE approved WVDP's calendar year-to-date Total Recordable Case Rate (TRC) 2.06.

addendum 1 to the Preliminary Safety Analysis Report in June. Prepa ration of the Documented Safety Analysis are planned to begin in July. There were two reportable clothing contaminations, but no reportable skin or internal contaminations for WVDP radiological workers during Facility Characterization Project the third quarter of FY 2002.

Two holes were core bored from the Off Gas Aisle (OGA) floor into the Off Gas Cell (OGC) and a boroscope was used to determine the Two separation programs offered simultaneously to WVNSCO employ conditions directly below the core bored conditions. The last time this ees; a Voluntary Separation Package (VSP) and Early Retirement cell was accessed was in 1972. The 1972 surveys reflected radiation Incentive (ERI) Program closed at the end of January. The VSP/ERI levels up to 50 R/hr while the 2002 scoping surveys of the cell indicated programs were well received and a significant reduction in the site a maximum radiation level of 1.6 R/hr. The collected data is being headcount was realized by the end of March 2001. Additionally, an assessed and modeled to determine if/what additional data collection is Involuntary Separation Program announced a further reduction of 66 required to generate a conservatively bounded curie estimate for the persons, 51 which were separated the end of May, and an additional 15 cell. who will be separated at the completion of Vitrification operations.

These actions complete alignment of site labor levels with required Summary Design Criteria for the shielded probe / positioning system levels to support on-going and planned work scope as the Project have been finalized for characterization of the Vitrification Cell. A completes its transition from operations to decontamination and waste formalized technical approach is currently being documented for review management.

by the Technical Review and Approval Panel.


U.S. Department of Energy Ohio Field Office Project Director's Assessment Report Period: 3rd Quarter FY 2002 Proiect: West Valley Demonstration Project Budqet & Reportinq No. EX02 Item Fourth Quarter - FY2001 First Quarter - FY 2002 Second Quarter - FY 2002 Third Quarter- FY 2002 Resources/Funding Contractor Performance Key S/C Performance Technical Schedule A Cost Public Acceptance Institutional Issues Safey & Environmental Overall A _

Satisfactory I Z I Minor Concern ZI Major Concern Better A Worse V 5

Significant Problems / Variance Analysis 5 a. Problems, Impact on Project Corrective Actions 5 b. Items Requiring Headquarters Action The West Valley Demonstration Project (WVDP) continues to make DOE-HQ support for the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process progress toward completion of its responsibilities as defined in the WVDP to arrive at Records of Decisions for both Waste Management and Decom Act (Public Law 96-368, 1980). As aging HLW tanks and old spent fuel missioning and/or Long-Term Stewardship is continuing. Continued reprocessing facilities approach the end of their design life, the best inter involvement, timely reviews and decisions are imperative in order to arrive at ests of the public and other stakeholders will continue to be best served by decisions to support the path forward to complete WVDP Act mandates.

continuing with the current plan to complete HLW vitrification processing; ship 125 Spent Nuclear Fuel assemblies to the Idaho National Environmen One of the mandates of the WVDP Act stipulates that DOE must dispose tal Engineering Laboratory (INEEL); retrieve, characterize and package high of transuranic (TRU) waste generated as a result of Project activities. DOE activity waste from the old main plant reprocessing facility; complete HQ involvement is needed to help identify a disposal or interim receiver site construction of the Remote Handled Waste Facility (RHWF); and perform for WVDP TRU, which currently has no identified disposition pathway.

other decontamination and waste management activities to prepare the site Project personnel are working with DOE-HQ in order to evaluate options for final decommissioning. and determine a path forward to allow for completion of this WVDP Act responsibility.

FY2002 activities continue to focus on deactivating the vitrification process ing system by the end of the fiscal year. Although the Project has been The current WVNSCO contract will expire at the end of September, 2002 challenged this fiscal year by a reduced appropriation, increased safeguards and approval to extend the contract 27 months through December, 2004 is and security requirements, and delayed shipment of the SNF to INEEL, the being requested of DOE-HQ. This will allow critical work in progress ability to accomplish the objective of completing deactivation of the vitrifica associated with decontamination, facility characterization, and construction tion system is not compromised. of the RHWF to be completed while DOE formulates closure decisions for the site. Additionally, the Department and New York State continue to The Project has internalized the reduced appropriation this fiscal year, as discuss options for arriving at a negotiated agreement to resolve critical well as accommodated the increased needs for Safeguards and Security by issues regarding long-term responsibilities at the Western New York carefully monitoring non-labor expenditures and deferring certain waste Nuclear Services Center. DOE-HQ, DOE-OH and DOE/WVDP continued management activities so that the Project's priorities and critical path involvement and coordination is necessary to bring these significant actions activities can be supported to the extent possible, including deactivation of to closure.

vitrification systems, decontamination operations in the Head End Cells, and construction of the Remote Handled Waste facility. None of the re planned activities compromise the safety and health of the public or environ ment.


Total Project 120,000 1.50 Timenow 100,000 -

80,000 1.00 SPI CPI 60,000 40,000 0.50 20,000 1

  • T __________16 OCT,, NO LECrz DIrv JAN FE B MAR AP R MAY IJ UN J UL AUG S EP

-0""PPROJECT BUDGET 10,150 17,047 25,178 32,231 40,107 47,738 55,947 63,244 70,132 78,533 87,409 97,894 "d"PROJECT PERFORMANCE 7,964 14,342 22,191 29,009 36,302 44,572 52,363 59,051 66,857

-*-*P ROJE CT ACT UAL 7.317 13,030 19,503 25,716 33,709 41,026 48,584 54,531 61 ,143 DOE PBS BUDGET 9,910 16,778 24,701 31,443 39,136 46,574 54,451 61,619" 68,379 76,422 84,946 93,880 DOE PBS PERFORMANCE 7,775 14,116 21,771 28,301 35,424 43,484 50,963 57,534 65,186 DOE PBS ACTUAL 7,154 12,584 18,850 24,751 32,524 36,972 44,737 50,783 57,396

-- * 'S P 1 1 0.78 0.84 0.88 0.90 0.91 0.93 0.94 0.93 0.95 C P I 1.09 1.10 1.14 1.13 1.08 1.09 1.08 1 .08 1.09 Assessment/Actions The cost variance for the Project increased during the third quarter from positive $3.6M to a positive $5.7M. This is a result of savings realized on an intermodal waste shipment, as well as less labor and subcontractor support services required to support project activities.

The negative schedule variance of $3.3M for the Project is primarily due to the delay in shipping the spent nuclear fuel to Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL), as well as delays in procurements and subcontractor services. Activi ties contributing to the schedule variance are not adversely affecting the schedule completion of FY02 goals and objectives.

Project performance to date through June is 72% of work planned, 68% of work performed and 62% of work costed.


Prior Years IY '2(X)2 PBS/TtLe Uncrated FY 20()2 13A cbsts Uncroted (C/O) BA to Date to Date Obbligtiis Of I-WV4)I I ILWVit &I [AWtxccssing 1,939 19,9-T 21,889 14.847 7(042 01 I-WV-02 Site Transition, Dccormrissioi&lRoj Calp 3,116 53,100 56216 37,567 18,049 Of IAW-, 3 Spcrla NIClar Fnel "2,178 5,685 7.V63 31803 4,Xf)

SUBT(J[AL WVNS EX05/EXO2 (ONTIRACI' 7233 78,735 85,9(0 56,217 29,751 OH-WV-SSD SIk.rZbluds &Security(FS.30)** 3 1,178 1,182 1,179 3 01 IIOOFFICE OBLIGATIONS 428 1,136 I,%5 765 8(0)

TOTALOI IIO OFFICE 7,*64 81,049 88,715 58M103 30,555 OTIIERDOE OBLIGATIONS

  • 93 0 93 0 9-3 EX05 PROJECTOBUGATED FUNDS 7,757 81,049 88K807 58,160 30,647 Ubhgigtexl Ftund: 0 10-346 10,3A6 0 10,46 TOTAL EX /EX0W/FSF30 PROJ ECT FUNDI NG FY02 7,757 91395 99,152 58,1(3) 40,993 Non EX-05/EX02/FS30 FtRmdg 1,416 1,712 3,128 522 2,606 TOTALDOE 9,173 93,107 102-28() 58,683 43,599 NYSERDA NE Project (SDA Share) 0 0 0 0 0 NYSERDA NE Pro. (El S Share) + Fee 61 350 411 221 190 NYSERDA NS Project + Fee 156 9,729 9,885 8,700 1,185 NYSERDA Crcdit 0 7W0 700 525 175 NYSERDA NY Nm-Project + Fee 0 25 25 24 1 TOTALVNDP: 91390 1(13,911 113-301 (8,152 45,150
      • See next lnge tfir nxftvktal breaklduot DOE lhgiltus arx Non EX-5/IEX-(2JI-S30 -truxrng 8


Contract Number: DE-AC24-81NE44139 Dollars expressed in thousands. Third Qtr FY 2002 Prior Years FY 2002 Uncosted FY 2002 BA Costs Uncosted DOE Obligations & Expense (C/Ol BA to Date to Date Obligatiotns DOE Obligation: Ohio (SAIC) (PBS OH-WV-02) 84 0 84 84 0 DOE Obligation: Ohio (SAIC) (PBS OH-WV-02) 9 0 9 0 9 DOE Obligation: Ecol& Envir (PBS OI-WV-02) 0 0 0 (I)

DOE Obligation: Army COE (PBS OF[-WV-02) 6 0 6 0 6 DOE Obligation: Envirocare (PBS OH-WV-02LT) 18 143 161 100 61 DOE Obligation:Batelle (PBS OH-WV-02LT) 246 387 633 285 348 DOE Obligation: SAIC (PBS OIl-WV-02LT) 0 44 44 0 44 DOE Obligation: SAIC (PBS OIl-WV-02LT) 0 400 400 286 114 DOE Obligation: (PBS OH-WV-03LT) 0 25 25 3 22 DOE M isc Expense Total (OH) 66 137 203 9 195 DOE OH IO OFFICE OBLIGATIONS 428 1,136 1565 765 800 DOE Obligation: Battelle PNN L (RL)(PBS O I-WV-01) 93 0 93 0 93 OTIIER DOE OBLIGATIONS 93 0 93 0 93 Non EX 05/EX 02/FS 30 Funding SR work Authorization It0 0 10 10 DOE OH D&D ProjMgrsMtg 14 14 4 10 ASTD Projects: VEM P 01109WT,"41 0 ASTD Projects: Waste Retrieval O1100WT 22 226 415 641 161 480 Permeable Treatment Wa ll O1100SS3 I 123 123 123 In Situ Characterization OIIOIWT I11 44 44 44 VEMP Equoment/Encapsulation OH 00WT 31 156 295 451 148 302 Large Scale D&D 01101DD II 650 572 1,222 206 1,016 DOE Prog& Prg Mgmt Manual 48 358 406 136 271 Cyber Security 7 0 7 4 1Headquarters III 9 0 III 2 Ill Sick Workers Comp Act 28 (131 15 7 National Spent Nucleai Fuel Pt ogramt 01 85 85 85 ElIS Credits 63 (63)

Untlist i ibuted (Costs (250) 0 Non E X05 Funding Total 1A416 1,712 3,128 522 2,356 9

Total Project Earned Value Report QUARTERLY DATA FISCAL YEAR-TO-DATE BCWS BCWP ACWP SV CV BCWS BCWP ACWP SV CV FY 2002 ITEM S ched Complete Spent S ched Cost S ched Complete S pent S ched Cost BAC PBS 01 -HLW VIT &HIGH ACTIVITY PROCESSING 4,893 5,315 4,547 422 768 16,730 16,828 15,893 98 935 22,061 PBS 02- SITE TRANSITION, DECOMMISSIONING & PROJECT COMPLETION 15,284 15,389 13,898 105 1,491 45,355 44,434 39,747 (921) 4,687 66,283 PBS 03- SPENT NUCLEAR FUEL 1,513 966 1,151 (547) (185) 6, 127 3,738 3,802 (2,389) (64) 6,842 SAFEGUARDS & SECURITY 662 565 465 (97) 100 1,804 1,726 1,571 (78) 155 2,528 PMB 22,352 22,235 20,061 (117) 2,174 70,016 66,726 61,013 (3,290) 5,713 97,714 Undistributed Budget Adm inis trative 42 47 56 5 (9) 116 128 131 12 (3) 179 WVNS MR 1,890 TOTAL WVNS 22,394 22,282 66,854 20,117 (112) 2,165 I 70,132 61,144 (3,278) 5,710 99,783 DOE Obligations /Axpense 439 181 181 (258) 765 765 765 (0) 1,496 Fee/Cr edit/Oth er 2,508 2,029 2,029 (479) 7,691 6,483 6,483 (1,208) 10,200 DOE MR 2,021 Non Project 6 6 12 19 19 22 25 s/1 2,953 2,216 2,222 (737) 8,475 7,267 7,269 (1,208) 13,742 FY2002 TOTAL WVDP 25.347 24.498 22.339 (849) 2 16S 78,607 74,121 68,413 (4,486) 5,710 113,525 2 165 Notes:

All entries in thousands of dollars - sum of the parts may vary from total due to rounding.

DOE Obligations/Exp(Noncontract PB S Cos ts) reported are as of June 10

3 Year Budget Plan Prior FY2002 FY 2003 FY 2004 Project B udget I~ IUO 22,0 1O PBS I High-Level Waste Processing 66,283 PBS 2 Transition & Project Completion 6,842 3,600 PBS 3 Spent Nuclear F uel 24,540 62,115 PBS 4 Project Management & S upport PBS 5 Decontamination of Project Facilities 27,600 25,700 PBS 6 Waste Management 34,260 34,000 PBS 7 Safe Site Operations 2,210 2,090 PB S 8 Decommissioning/Project Completion 2,528 PBS SS-D Safeguards and Security 1,641,231 Prior - WBS 92,210 123,905 1,641,231 97,714 PMB Line Undistributed Budget I OOfl WVNS Mgmt. Reserve 99,604 92,210 123,905 1,641,231 Contract B udget Base 179 Administrative 69,568 1,496 DOE Obligations to Other Sites/Expense 172,673 10,200 F ee/CredIt 2,021 DOE Mgmt. Reserve 1,179 R elocation 25 n Non Project 7,8,0

.. . 53 .. .. . vnI 1,884,704 I 13,520 I 123 905 TOTAL TPCE (YOE) rv n',n FV 9flfl FY 2004 Project Funding Sources r rior f i- ______________________

692,586 91,395 92,210 123,905 Dept. of Energy YOE (PBS) 1,831 1,689 Dept. of Energy YOE (OTHER) 8,653 Dept. of Energy C/O 521 Dept. of Energy C/O(Other) 149,447 9,846 13,767 9,421 350 N.Y. State F unding 5,346 Supplem'l NYS (17% EIS) 776 Uncosted NYS Funding 33,949 700 NYS Credit/Serv Non Project .. .. *I I9  ?, ArA 137672 I


TOTAL PROJECT (YOE) 7,893,1091 103,00 1o Notes:

Assumptions: $200K has been added to DOE Obligations to account for the FY02 SAIC commitment Project B udget/F unding is comprised of DOE and NY components All entries in thousands of dollars -sum of the parts FY02 reflects programmatic changes consistent with the reduced appropriation may vary from total due to rounding.

FY03 consistent with Presidents Budget Request FY04 budget level subject to decisions made during FY04 Budget Formulation efforts currently on-going.


Total Outyear Budget and Funding Project Budget FY 2000 FY 2001 FY 2002 FY 2003 FY 2004 FY 2005 FY 2006 FY 2007 PBS I High-Level Waste Processing FY 2008 FY 2009 37,779 47,330 24,4001 PBS 2 Transition & Project Completion - -

28,100 47,810 58.800 86,400 120,815 PBS 3 Spent Nuclear Fuel 123,666 127,706 127,646 127,586 127,526 7,700 10,000 1 6,800 3,600 1,000 1,000 PBS 4 Project Management & Support -

33,363 PBS SS-D Safeguards and Security 1,977 1,395 2,210 2,090 2,140 2, 200 2,260 2,320 2, 380 TOTAL BUDGET (YOE $K) 106,942 107,117 91,395 1 92,210 123,905 126,806 129,906 129,906 129,906 129,906 Project Funding FY 2000 FY 2001 FY 2002 FY 2003 FY 2004 FY 2005 FY 2006 FY 2007 Dept. of Energy YOE (PBS 1-SS) I FY 2008 FY 2009 106,942 107,117 91,395 92,210 123,905 126,806 N.Y. State Funding 129,906 129,906 129,906 129,906 11,026 10,791 10,028 9,846 13,656 13,978 14,434 14,434 14,434 14,434 TOTAL PROJECT (YOE $K) 117,968 117,908 101 423 102,056 137,561 140,784 144,340 144,340 144,340 144,340 1

FY 2010 HIGH LEVEL FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 WAITE 1 S/F DISPOSITION TOTAL PBS 1 High-Level Waste Processing - 109,509 PBS 2 Transition & Project Completion 127,456 109,509 127,396 132,632 132,562 132,482 132,414 PBS 3 Spent Nuclear Fuel 1,760,997 534,118 2,295,115 PBS 4 Project Management & Support 30.100 30,100 PBS SS-D Safeguards and Security 2,450

- 33,363 33.363 2,510 2,580 2,650 2,730 2,800 34,692 2,400 37,092 TOTAL BUDGET (YOE $K) 129,906 129,906 135,212 135,212 135,212 135,214 1,968,661 536,518 2,505,179 Projct Funding FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 HLW WASTE FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 S/T DISPTOTAL Dept. of Energy YOE (PBS 1-SS) 129,906 TOTAL 129,906 129,906 129,906 135,147 135,045 N.Y. State Funding 14,434 14,434 14,434 14,434 1,957,816 536,518 Z494,334 15,016 15,005 217,535 59,613 277,148 TOTAL PROJECT (YOE $K) 144,340 144,340 144,340 144,340 150,163 150,050 2,172,634 596,131 2.768,765 Notes:

Project Budget is comprised of DOE and NYcomponents FY02 reflects programmatic changes consistent with the reduced appropriation.

FY03 reflects Presidents Budget Request Outyears consistent with IPABS Planning Module(Dec 18, 2001) and will be modified consistent with decisions made Project cost sharing continues at DOE:NY (90%:10%) and during FY04 Budget Formulation efforts currently ongoing.

an additional (17%) on EIS costs except for Fuel Staging for Shipping. DOE (100%)

1 Although the main components of this PBS could be fulfilled by FY2015, given planning level funding support as indicated maintenance of the HLW canisters until such time that a in the table, the scope of this PBS also includes monitoring federal repository is available to accept WVDP HLW. WVDP and for HLW disposal. For planning purposes and due to the HLW is not on the complex wide shipment schedule to a pending outcome of DOE and New York State negotiations Federal Repository Projectassumes that the HLW canisters will be maintained regarding Project completion, long-term management and in on-site interim storage until FY2036 when a shipping campaign site closure, the and sending them to the Federal Repository for disposal. will commence until FY2040, removing the canisters from This timeframe is the latest possible opportunity WVDP the site WVDP HLW canisters can be put back on the DOE complex will have to meet the scheduled closing of the Federal Repository.

wide shipping schedule, it is presumed more reasonable Once the dates will be accomodated for shipping the HLW off-site manner timely to completing the Project in FY201 5 (according for disposal in a to planning level funding data).


Milestones Report By PBS Ohio Office - West Valley Demonstration Project Data extracted from IPABS - Approved Dataset December 18, 2001- Planning Module Milestone Report DOE DOE DOE AE PSO WVDP Milestone Field Code IPABS # Milestone Field Name Milestone Planning Target Actual Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Type Module Case Date OII-WV'-01: IINW "Vitrificationand Tank Heel High Activity Waste Processing PBS-0Il-WV-01-2001C 36222 Complete WIR determinations for Waste Tank Farm. Bud,MCPBI 7/2/2001 7/2/2001 6/29/2001 1PBS-Ot1-WV-01-2001 A 23950 Complete I ILW Tank I leel / Residuals Vitrification Processing. Bud.PBl 9/30/2001 9/30/2001 9/30/2001I PBS-0II-WV-01-2001B 36221 Complete HI,.W Tanks 81)-I and 81D-2 Radionuclide inventory. BudMC,PBI 9/30/2001 9/30/2001 9/28/2001 SPreviously OH-WV-01t 36715 Flush Vitrification Process Systems and Fquipment, tEvacuate Melter, and Bud. MC. PC 9/30/2003 9/30/2002

  1. 1282 Complete Vit Shutdown 01-1VV-02: Site Transition, Decommissioning, & Project Completion Oll-WV-02-2001 D 36224 Complete Removal of PMC Cranes and install Bridgc Mounted Manipulator Bud.MCPBI 4/15/2001 4/15/2001 3/30/2001 System OfI-WV-02-2001 E 36225 Complete evaluation of PermeablcI reatment Wall Pilot. BudPBI 6/1/2001 6/1/2001 5/25/2001 01 I-WV-02-20011B 36223 Complete Final Design ofthe Remote I landled Waste Facility. Bud,MC,PBI 8/30/2001 8/30/2001 8/30/2001 OH-WV-02-2001C 24062 Complete Preparations and Initiate Waste Removal in Process Mechanical Bud.MC.PBI 9/30/2001 9/30/2001 9/26/2001 Cell.

OH-WV-02-2001A 24045 Ship 50,000 Cubic feet of Class A I,I.W Off-site for disposal. Bud.PBI 9/30/2001 9/30/2001 9/17/2001 01l-WV-02-2001 F 36226 Complete preparations and Initiate LLW Shipments to NTS. Bud,MC,PBI 9/30/2001 9/30/2001 7/27/2001 e01I-WV-02-2002B 35145 Continue Construction of Remote I landled Waste Facility Systems Bud 9/30/2002 9/30/2002 -

Milestone Type Key Bud - Budget IS - Intersite I)epcndency: CCP - Critical Closure Path; MI! Mission Complete: I)P - I)ecision IPointi: IC - Iproject Critical: MC - Manag2etcot C omnitalent:

FA - F!'forceable Agreement: IT - Project End. I)BI - lerlormance Based Incentives 13

Milestones Report By PBS Ohio Office - West Valley Demonstration Project Data extracted from IPABS -Approved Dataset December 18, 2001- Planning Module Milestone Report DOE DOE DOE MIilestone Planning Target Actual AE PSO WVDP NMilestone Field Code IPAIBS # Nilestone Field Name Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 T~pe Module (ase Date V Previously O1I-WV-02 24014 Complete tquipment Upgrades for Ilead End Cell Debris Removal PC 9/30/2004 9/30/2006

  1. 3737 SPreviously 01I-WV-02 24025 Complete D)esign / Construction of the Remote I landled Waste Facility PC 9/30/2004 9/30/2005
  1. 3742 SOH-WV-02-2005B 24705 Begin Cold Operations of Remote I landled Waste Facility PC 10/I/2004 10/1/2006 SPreviously 01 I-WV-02 24030 Complete P)reparations f'or TRU Waste Shipments DP, IS 9/30/2005 9/30/2006
  1. 3747 VOH-WV-021.TI-2005C 24706 Complete Operational Readiness for the Remote I landled Waste Facility / CCP. PC' D)P 9/30/2005 9/30/2006 Obtain DOE Stail-up Approval 01 I-WV-02 24039 Complete HIW ILoad-out Facility Construction PC 9/30/2006 9/30/2011SPreviously
  1. 3729

()H-WV-02 24023 Complete Process Building Decontamination B3efore Final Dispositioning PC 9/30/2010 9/30/2017SPresiously

  1. 3740 q' Previously 0f !-WV-02 24032 Complete Shipment ol'WVDP TRU Waste to Receiver Site IS 9/30/2013 9/30/2021
  1. 3749 V Previously 01 I-WV-02 24035 Complete Shipments of I.I.W for Off-site Disposal IS 9/30/2014 9/30/2022
  1. 3752 Previously 01 1-WV-02 24020 Complete Final I)ispositioning of the Process Building/ Vitrification Facility PC 3/31/2015 9/30/2022
  1. 3736 / tII.W Tank Farm Oll-WV-02 24033 Complete D&D Documentation in Support of Projeet Completion PC 9/30/2015 9/30/2023
  1. 3750 Milestone Type Key Bud - Budget " IS - Intersite l)ependency: CCP - Critical Closure Path: ME Mission Complete: DP - Decision Point. PC - Project Critical: MC - Management Commitment:

EA - Enforceable Agreement: PE - Proiect End, PBI - Performance Based Incentives 14

Milestones Report By PBS Ohio Office - West Valley Demonstration Project Data extracted from IPABS -Approved Dataset December 18, 2001- Planning Module Milestone Report DOE DOE DOE AE PSO WVDP Milestone Field Code IPABS # Milestone Field Name Milestone Planuing Target Actual Level n Level I Level 2 Type Module Case Date OH-WV-03: Spent Nuclear Fuel Previously 01 I-WV-03 23988 Complete Preparation / Approvals for Spent Nuclear Fuel Shipment to DI), IS. Bud 3/31/2001 3/31/2001 3/30/2001

  1. 1305 INEEL O1 I-WV-03-200IA 36228 Complete Spent Nuclear Fuel Cask I oading Operations into IN-Casks Bud.MC.P1Bl 6/30/2001 6/30/2001 5/25/2001 V

SPreviously 01 I-WV-03 23989 Maintain Readiness for Shipment o"WV Spent Nuclear Fuel to INEELl EA. IS 9/30/2002 9/30/2001

  1. 1306 01 I-WV-03-2002A 35113 Begin Clean-up of Fuel Receiving and Storage Facilities Bud 10/1/2001 10/1/2001 10/1/2001 Previously O1I-WV-03 23987 PBS-OHI-WV-03; Spent Nuclear Fuel Program Completed ME. PE 9/30/2005 9/30/2005
  1. 1308 Milestone Type Key Bud - Budget : IS - Intersitc D)cpendency: CCP - Critical Closure Path, MI Mission Conmplete: I)P - Decision Point: PC - Project Critical. MC - Management Conimiitment:

EA - Enforceable Agreement: PE - Project End. PBI - Performance Based Incentives 15