M180083, GE Hitachi Nuclear Test Reactor Annual Report No. 58 for the Year 2017

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GE Hitachi Nuclear Test Reactor Annual Report No. 58 for the Year 2017
Person / Time
Site: Vallecitos Nuclear Center
Issue date: 03/30/2018
GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML18108A248 List:
Download: ML18108A251 (8)


GE Hitachi

  • HITACHI Nuclear Energy Vallecitos Nuclear Center 6705 VallecitOS Rd Sunol, CA 94586 USA NUCLEAR TEST REACTOR ANNUAL REPORT NO. 58 FOR THE VEAR 2017 LICENSE R-33 DOCKET 50-73 MARCH 30, 2018

NTR Annual Report No.58

  • HITACHI March 30, 2018 GE Hitachi Nuclear Test Reactor Annual Report No. 58 This report summarizes the operations, changes, tests, experiments, and major maintenance at the GE Hitachi (GEH) Nuclear Test Reactor (NTR), which were authorized pursuant to License R-33, Docket 50-73, and 10CFR50, Section 50.59, for the period of January 1. 2017 through December 31,2017.

I. General Specific information about the operation of the NTR during the reporting period is presented as follows:

);;> In 2017 there were 247 reactor startups with the reactor operating at or above critical for 775.85 hours9.837963e-4 days <br />0.0236 hours <br />1.405423e-4 weeks <br />3.23425e-5 months <br />. Total power generation equaled 763.66 EFPH; equivalent to 3.18 MW days. The majority of this time was spent in the performance of approved experiments, either neutron radiography or small sample irradiations.

);;> The highest radiation exposure to any worker at NTR was 0.763 Rem.

);;> There was one unplanned shutdown of the reactor in 2017 and five unplanned shutdowns prior to criticality. See section V for details.

II. Organization The details of changes in the status of personnel and operator licenses, which occurred during the reporting period, are described as follows:

A. Personnel

);;> Mr. Thomas McConnell continued as Manager NTR and performing licensed Senior Reactor Operator activities. He earned certification as NOT Levell II in Neutron Radiographic Inspection on May 31, 2017.

);;> Mr. Joshua McCumber qualified as an SRO on May 22, 2017. He also earned certification as NOT Level II in Neutron Radiographic Inspection on May 24, 2017.

);;> Mr. Nathan Deschine was hired June 19, 2017 and worked toward attaining his SRO license and NOT certifications.

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NTR Annual Report No.58

  • HITACHI March 30, 2018

);:> Mr. David Lind was hired August 21. 2017 and worked toward attaining his SRO license and NDT certifications.

);:> Mr. Stephen Neel continued licensed RO Trainee activities. He also earned certification as NDT Levell I in Neutron Radiographic Inspection on May 31, 2017.

);:> Mr. Tim Peterson continued performing NDT Levell II associated radiography activities.

);:> Ms. Carmen Holmes earned certification as NDT Levell II in Neutron Radiographic Inspection on August 17, 2017.

);:> Mr. Martin Whitman continued performing NDT Levell associated radiography activities.

);:> Mr. James Graham was converted from a contract position to GEH employee on June

12. 2017. He continued performing NDT Levell associated radiography activities.

);:> Ms. Margie Rilla mas was converted from a contract position to GEH employee on June 5, 2017. She continued performing NDT Levell associated radiography activities.

);:> Mr. Rheal Goguen was hired June 5, 2017 and worked toward attaining his NDT certifications.

);:> Mr. Jorge Garcia continued performing NDT Levell associated radiography activities until he transferred to the radiation monitoring department in March 2017.

);:> Mr. Juan Ayala relieved Mr. Mark Leik as the Vallecitos Nuclear Center !VNC) Manager for EHS and RC beginning in 2018 with overall responsibilities for the Vallecitos site.

including NTR. Mr. Leik retired December 31, 2017.

);:> Mr. Matt Feyrer continued performing as the VNC Site Manager and the NTR License Level Ill Manager.

);:> Mr. Daniel Thomas continued his consulting role at NTR as well as performing licensed SRO activities and NDT Levell II radiography activities until his retirement on May 30. 2017.

B. Operator Licenses On April 28, 2017, Daniel Thomas was issued a Senior Reactor Operator's license renewal with new restrictions on his ability to perform control manipulations. His license was terminated upon his retirement.

On May 22, 2017, Joshua McCumber received his Senior Reactor Operator's license.

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NTR Annual Report No.58

  • HITACHI March 30, 2018 Ill. Facility Changes, Tests, Experiments, and Procedure Changes Approved by the Facility Manager In accordance with written procedures. facility manager approval is required for changes to the facility, procedures, tests, and experiments. Specific information about the reporting period is presented as follows:

A. Facility Changes Pursuant to 10CFR50.59(a). the following facility changes were implemented in 2017 requiring Facility Manager and Regulatory Compliance approval. The changes and associated activities were comprehensively reviewed using a 50.59 analysis.

CA-310. South Cell Shutter Valve Replacement

~ This change allowed for replacement of the existing main air cylinder, regulator, and associated piping that operates the south shutter. The system did not previously have a usable throttle valve that allows the operating speed of the shutter to be controlled.

CA-161 Rev. H. ANA Sample Irradiation .

~ This change evaluated and documented the use of thermally printed barcodes being attached to Lexan slide packages currently being irradiated at the NTR facility. The analysis showed there were no new risks associated with use of the barcodes.

B. Tests Pursuant to 10CFR50.59(a), no special tests were performed during 2017.

C. Experiments Pursuant to 10CFR50.59(a), there were no new experiments in 2017 requiring Facility Manager, Regulatory Compliance and VTSC approval. The two routine experiment types described as neutron radiography and Schafer slide sample irradiations were properly authorized utilizing experiment authorization forms throughout 2017.

D. Procedure Changes Pursuant to 10CFR50.59, seven procedural changes were initiated during 2017 to incorporate editorial or typographical corrections, technical data. and changes to requirements. or to provide for the addition or clarification of information and reliability of performance. Changes were made with Facility Manager and Regulatory Compliance review when required. A summary of the changes is presented in the table below.

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NTR Annual Report No.SB

  • HITACHI March 30, 2018 Revision Procedure Summary of Changes 1036 SOP 7 .6, Protective Revised to include process to document the Manager, Clothing NTR review and approval for use ofVSS 5.3.5.

1037 SOP 9.12, Security Specify separate storage locations for reactor control console and reactor cell access keys.

1038 SOP 7 .13, Reactor Cell Authorizes designated RMTs to enter the reactor cell Entry independent of a reactor operator.

1039 SOP 6.4, Daily Changes made in the secondary flow daily surveillance Surveillance Check check and check sheet for readout in gallons per Sheet minute vs percent flow.

1040 SOP 6. 7, Startup Changes made in the secondary flow range observed Summary on reactor startup read in gallons per minute.

1041 SOP 7.13, Reactor Cell Added references to SOPs 7.5 and 7.9 for minimum Entry dosimetry and protective clothing requirements.

1046 SOP 10.4 , Explosives Changes to 1001 Form: added part number and Net Handling Qty fields.

IV. Major Preventative or Corrective Maintenance During this reporting period, all routine preventive maintenance and surveillance checks were completed as scheduled. The following lists the noteworthy corrective maintenance activities performed in 2017.

Replaced Log N and PI CO #1 power supply and signal cables

~ On 1/6/17, replaced the Log N and PI CO #1 high voltage power supply and signal cables that run from the reactor control console in the control room to the first junction box in the reactor cell. These cables were decades old and this was a proactive step to avoid noise and other signal problems from this leg of the instrument channel.

Linear Reactor Power (PICO) Detector

~ On 3/21/17, replaced the coaxial cables supplying the CIC detector for PI CO #2 to eliminate noise that was causing fluctuations in the meter readings at low power levels.

South Shutter Pa e 4 of7

NTR Annual Report No.58

(.) HITACHI March 30, 2018

~ On 4/4/17, replaced the main air cylinder. regulator. and associated piping that operates the south shutter. The system did not previously have o usable throttle valve that allows the operating speed of the shutter to be controlled.

Secondary Cooling Piping

~ On 6/3/17. replaced the secondary cooling system flowmeter and three associated valves in the control room. This fixed a slow water leak in the control room and allows the smooth throttling of the cooling system during reactor operations.

V. Unscheduled Shutdowns During the reporting period, there were one unscheduled reactor shutdown after reaching criticality, and five unscheduled shutdowns prior to reaching criticality.

Unplanned Shutdown prior to Criticality- 1/17/17 Log N instrument was not responding as expected. Performed a manual reactor shutdown.

Found that the Log N (+) high voltage power supply was not properly seated in the reactor control console.

Unplanned Shutdown prior to Criticality- 1/20/17 Log N instrument was not responding as expected. Performed a manual reactor shutdown.

Found that the Log N (-)high voltage power supply was not properly seated in the reactor control console.

Precautionary Shutdown -1/26/17 - Scram Report 17-01 After operating at 100% power for 1/z hour. primary flow indication was observed to be decreasing. The reactor was manually shutdown and secured. An investigation found that the primary flow transmitter equalizing valve was not fully shut. Expected valve positions associated with the flow transmitter were verified and maintenance procedure SOP 12-12, Flow Transmitter. was completed satisfactorily. Reactor restart was authorized by the Manager, NTR. Annual maintenance on the flow transmitter instrument had been performed on 1/19/17.

Unplanned Shutdown prior to Criticality -1/31/17 Reactor safety trip during startup. Rod disconnect alarm would not reset. Upon investigation, found a high resistance across SR #4 magnet which was a result of loose wire nuts connecting the magnet to its power supply.

Unplanned Shutdown prior to Criticality- 3/14/17 Pa e 5 of7

NTR Annual Report No.58

  • HITACHI March 30, 2018 Reactor scram during startup. Safety rod disconnect followed by fast period trip. No apparent cause. Restart authorized. Second reactor scram at same point in startup.

Performed SR operational checks and magnet dropout tests. Completed PMs for Log N, SOP 12-24 and 12-25C. No apparent co use found.

Unplanned Shutdown prior to Criticality- 9/6/17 Manually shutdown the reactor. Stack gaseous activity was observed to be lower than expected. Filter paper was found to be missing from the stack gas particulate activity detector.

The first four shutdowns occurred in January, shortly after completion of the annual reactor maintenance period. Condition Report# 24776 was initiated in the GEH Corrective Action Program to proactively evaluate maintenance practices at NTR and identify opportunities to improve post maintenance performance. The CR will track the investigation findings, causes, and corrective and preventive actions.

VI. Radiation Levels and Sample Results at On-Site and Off-Site Monitoring Stations The data below are from sample and dosimeter results accumulated during the 2017 reporting period. Except for the NTR stack data, these data are for the entire VNC site and include the effects of operations other than the NTR.

A. NTR Stack Total airborne releases (stack emissions) for 2017 are as follows:

Alpha Particulate: 1.40E-08 Ci (predominantly radon-thorium daughter products)

Beta-Gamma Particulate: 4.09E-07 Ci lodine-131: 2.48E-06 Ci Noble Gases: 1.99E+02 Ci Noble gas activities recorded from the NTR stack integrate both background readings and the actual releases. Background readings may account for as much as 50% of the indicated release.

B. Gamma Radiation The yearly dose results for the year 2017 as determined from evaluation of site perimeter environmental monitoring dosimeters showed no departure from normal stable backgrounds.

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NTR Annual Report No.SB

  • HITACHI March 30, 2018 C. Vegetation No alpha, beta or gamma activity attributable to activities at the NTR facility was found on or in vegetation in the vicinity of the site.

D. Water There was no release of radioactivity in water or to groundwater greater than the limits specified in 10CFR20, Appendix 8, Table 2, and Column 2.

E. Off-Site The results of samples collected from off-site locations indicate normal background for the regional area.

VII. Radiation Exposure In 2017, the highest annual exposure to any fulltime radiation worker while working at NTR was 0. 763 Rem and the lowest exposure for this category of worker was 0.173 Rem. The average radiation exposure for the twelve workers involved was 0.423 Rem per person.

The 2017 total radiation exposure for all workers while performing work at NTR was 5.121 Rem.

VIII. Conclusion GE Hitachi concludes that the overall operating experience of the NTR reflects another year of safe and efficient operations. There were no reportable events.

GE-Hitachi Nuclear Energy Americas LLC Vallecitos Operations Thomas J. McConnell, Manager Nuclear Test Reactor Page 7 of7