Information Notice 2023-01, Risk Insights from High Energy Arcing Fault Operating Experience and Analyses
ML22326A204 | |
Person / Time | |
Issue date: | 03/10/2023 |
From: | Russell Felts NRC/NRR/DRO |
To: | |
References | |
IN 2023-01 | |
Download: ML22326A204 (9) | |
All holders of and applicants for an operating license or construction permit for a nuclear power
reactor issued under Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) Part 50, Domestic
licensing of production and utilization facilities.
All holders of and applicants for a power reactor combined license, standard design approval, or
manufacturing license under 10 CFR Part 52, Licenses, certifications, and approvals for
nuclear power plants. All applicants for a standard design certification, including such
applicants after initial issuance of a design certification rule.
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is issuing this information notice (IN) to share
international and domestic operating experience relating to high energy arcing faults (HEAFs).
This IN discusses qualitative and quantitative risk insights derived from operating experience
using the NRCs Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulations (NRRs) Office Instruction LIC-504, Integrated Risk-Informed Decisionmaking Process for Emergent Issues, Revision 5 (Reference 1). This IN also provides information about the availability of the new HEAF
probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) methodology developed by the NRCs Office of Nuclear
Regulatory Research (RES) in collaboration with the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI).
This new PRA methodology was derived from recent operating experience, HEAF-related
testing, enhanced analytical modeling using state-of-the-art methods, and lessons learned from
the implementation of previous fire PRA guidance.
The NRC is issuing this IN to inform addressees of issues associated with HEAF operating
experience beyond those included in IN 2017-04, High-Energy Arcing Faults in Electrical
Equipment Containing Aluminum Components (Reference 2) and other INs included in the
reference section of this IN. The NRC expects that recipients will review the information for
applicability to their facilities and consider actions, as appropriate. INs may not impose new
requirements, and nothing in this IN should be interpreted to require specific action.
In June 2013, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) issued
the report NEA/CSNI/R (2013)6, OECD Topical Report No. 1, Analysis of High Energy Arcing
Fault Fire Events (Reference 3), on international operating experience that documented
48 HEAF events. The document stated that these events accounted for approximately
10 percent of all fire events collected in OECDs fire events database. These HEAF events were
ML22326A204 sometimes accompanied by a loss of essential power and complicated shutdowns.
NEA/CSNI/R(2013)6 recommended performance of carefully designed experiments to better
characterize HEAF events to obtain comprehensive scientific fire data that would support the
development of more realistic models to account for failure modes and consequences of HEAF
and provide better characterization of HEAF in fire PRA. Between 2014 and 2016, the NRC led
the first phase of an international experimental campaign to examine whether the PRA
methodology for HEAF analysis in NUREG/CR-6850, EPRI/NRC-RES Fire PRA Methodology
for Nuclear Power Facilities, and its Supplement 1 (References 4 through 6) could be
enhanced to include more recent information. The preliminary results of these experiments
indicated a potential for an increase in the Zones of Influence (ZOIs) for aluminum components
in or near electrical equipment, as well as the potential for new equipment failure mechanisms.
These issues are described in detail in IN 2017-04.
In March 2016, the NRC evaluated the additional risk associated with aluminum using the
NRCs Generic Issues Program (GIP) (Reference 7). Upon further review, the NRC staff
determined that the HEAF issue no longer met the criteria for timely resolution prescribed by the
GIP, as documented in an August 2021 memorandum (Reference 8). The staff exited the GIP
and leveraged a two-pronged approach by (1) initiating the LIC-504 process to develop and
document risk-informed options to disposition the HEAF issues using the best available
information and (2) in parallel, completing a suite of improved HEAF data, tools, and methods in
collaboration with EPRI.
In accordance with LIC-504, the NRC staff examined the potential change in the estimated fire
risk associated with HEAF events based on recent operating experience, testing, and enhanced
analytical tools. The results of the NRC staffs evaluation can be found in the memorandum
High Energy Arcing Fault LIC-504 Team Recommendations (Reference 9).
The initial focus of the NRC staffs analysis was to develop and document risk-informed options
to disposition the potential increases in estimated risk due to the differences in HEAF ZOIs
between copper and aluminum conductors. This concern arose because the differences in
physical properties between copper and aluminum. For example, differences in oxidation rates
and heats of combustion can result in a more energetic plasma development during a HEAF
event involving aluminum and result in transport of high energy particles and plasma further
than previously assumed. However, concurrent with the LIC-504 evaluation, the NRC/EPRI
HEAF working group determined that the difference in ZOIs for aluminum conductors and
copper conductors is not significant based on the limited experimental data, state-of-knowledge, and results from analytical methods. The NRC/EPRI working group concluded that aluminum
bus duct enclosures can result in a larger ZOI than a comparable steel enclosure. As a result, the focus of the LIC-504 evaluation was modified to estimate the change in risk based on the
current state of knowledge, and to develop and document risk-informed insights, including
options to disposition any safety or regulatory implications associated with the changes in the
estimated risk between the new HEAF PRA methodology (draft issued for public comment)
(Reference 10) and the current HEAF PRA methodology in NUREG/CR-6850 and
Supplement 1.
The NRC staff used the best available information from various sources to conduct the LIC-504 analysis. To gain additional insights related to the application of the analysis methods to U.S. operating light water reactors, the NRC staff secured the support of two reference nuclear
power plants (NPPs) to obtain plant-specific information and insights to improve the realism of
the analysis and the usefulness of the insights. Furthermore, to ensure that risk insights from
operating U.S. plants were considered, the LIC-504 team evaluated the Accident Sequence
Precursors (ASPs) related to HEAF events documented in the ASP database.
Review of Operating Experience
During the LIC-504 analysis, the staff identified four sources of HEAF-related information that
may enable licensees to obtain risk-informed insights and identify plant components that
contributed the most to HEAF risks. The LIC-504 team performed a comprehensive review of
recent as well as past HEAF events to obtain and document risk-informed insights related to
preventive or mitigative measures.
The first source, the ASP Program Dashboard (maintained by the NRC on the public webpage
at, provides an interactive
database of all accident precursors since 1969. The ASP program systematically evaluates U.S.
nuclear power plant operating experience to identify, document, and rank operational events by
calculating a conditional core damage probability or an increase in core damage probability.
Therefore, the ASP database provides the subset of domestic HEAF events that are of relatively
high risk significance. The staff conducted a thorough review of the HEAF events in the ASP
database in addition to reviewing the HEAF events documented in the OECD report discussed
above to obtain risk-informed insights.
The second source was a report prepared by EPRI entitled, Critical Maintenance Insights on
Preventing High Energy Arcing Faults issued in March 2019 (EPRI Report No. 3002015559)
(Reference 11). This report identified a subset of plant components that could significantly
influence plant risk and emphasized the importance of maintenance on the components to
preventing HEAF events.
The third source of risk-informed insights was the NRCs report, Operating Experience
Assessment: Energetic Faults in 4.16 kV to 13.8 kV Switchgear and Bus Ducts That Caused
Fires in Nuclear Power Plants 1986-2001, February 2002 (Reference 12), which provides
information about selected HEAF events.
Finally, the team examined the HEAF scenarios identified in the two reference plants Fire
PRAs. The team found that these scenarios were a valuable source that provided plant-specific
risk-informed insights as discussed below.
Risk-Informed Insights
The following risk-informed insights are based on a review of HEAF events performed during
the staffs LIC-504 evaluation,
management. Frequently, HEAF events, even those that are not initially risk significant, can
cause subsequent failures due to explosion effects, smoke, and ionized gases. These
subsequent failures can create a chain of events that can pose special challenges to
operators. Furthermore, some HEAF events involve operator errors that further contribute to
the risk significance of the event. These subsequent failures, that can involve complex
interactions among the operators, fire phenomenology, and mitigation capability, can be challenging. Due to these factors, it is important to prepare for and mitigate the
consequences of a HEAF.
The following risk-informed insights were based on reviews of the HEAF scenarios of the
reference plants, the EPRI maintenance report, and the HEAF event that occurred at the
Maanshan site in 2001. These risk insights focus on design and maintenance resources in a
subset of potential HEAF locations, which could contribute to a large fraction of the plants
HEAF risks:
in 2001, are likely to initiate at buses or switchgear that are essential in supplying alternating
current power from both preferred and standby power sources. Minimizing the likelihood of
HEAF occurrence at those essential switchgear and buses (e.g., improved preventive and
predictive electrical maintenance) could reduce HEAF-related risks. Minimizing the
possibility of a HEAF at essential emergency buses, would also reduce the potential for a
failure of redundant electrical buses (e.g., due to smoke, or design deficiencies) and could
minimize the SBO-related HEAF risks.
- Maintenance of breakers that are used to isolate the main generator power supply from
essential electrical safety buses is important. Failure of these breakers during a HEAF event
could lead to an extended duration HEAF event due to the generator continuing to provide
power to the electrical fault. Operating experience has shown that these breakers are more
likely to fail during automatic transfers.
- The supply circuit breakers to a switchgear lineup carry higher currents and are susceptible
to higher energy faults with larger damage footprints. In addition, proper operation of supply
breakers is needed to isolate faults. Accordingly, proper maintenance of supply breakers is
especially important.
The NRC staff observed the following based on information obtained by reviewing the HEAF
scenarios at the two reference plants:
identification of a subset of components that can significantly impact plant risk. This
information may allow licensees to minimize HEAF risks by focusing their resources (e.g.,
preventive maintenance) on that subset of components.
With respect to mitigating the effect of HEAF events, NRC staff observed the following based on
information obtained by reviewing the HEAF scenarios at the two reference plants and the
design objective used to develop FLEX strategies:
- In general, HEAFs leading to SBOs constitute the highest HEAF-related risks. Therefore, effective use of plant design and operational changes that have been adopted to enhance
the mitigation of beyond design basis accidents rule (10 CFR 50.155 Mitigation of beyond- design-basis events) are likely to reduce HEAF-related risks.
New HEAF PRA Methodology
A new HEAF PRA methodology was developed as a result of a multistep research plan
implemented in collaboration with EPRI. Specific activities included (1) development of a Computational Fluid Dynamics HEAF model capable of calculating the incident energy for a
variety of equipment configurations and materials; (2) survey of U.S. NPP electrical applications
and configurations; (3) conduct of physical testing needed to inform and validate the HEAF
hazard model and assess component fragility; and (4) updates to PRA data and methods to
improve the realism and fidelity of the HEAF hazard model. The LIC-504 team used the new
HEAF PRA methodology published for public comment (Reference 10) in collaboration with the
PRA staff of the refence plants to support the LIC-504 project activities.
Some of the key advances of the new HEAF PRA methodology include: 1) changes to HEAF
frequencies and non-suppression failure probabilities using recent operating experience; 2)
substantial changes to the ZOIs for non-segregated bus ducts and for low- and medium-voltage
switchgear; 3) crediting Electrical Raceway Fire Barriers Systems (ERFBS) in the HEAF ZOI as
a means of preventing damage from HEAF effects on systems and components; and 4) the
ability to evaluate variation in HEAF-related damage due to fault clearing times. Some of these
changes may increase or decrease the estimated HEAF risk. For example, refined analysis
methods that reflect potential ZOI changes of non-segregated bus ducts could increase the
estimated HEAF risk. Conversely, the allowable ERFBS credit in the new methodology may
decrease the estimated HEAF-related risk. Whether the resulting overall estimated HEAF-
related risk would increase, or decrease will be highly dependent on the plant-specific
The change in risk due to HEAF events at the two reference plants was estimated by applying
the new HEAF PRA methodology and comparing it to the estimated risk using the 2005 and
2010 guidance documented in Appendix M of NUREG/CR-6850 and Sections 4 and 7 of
NUREG/CR-6850, Supplement 1. The following insights were identified:
- A major enhancement in the new methodology is the consideration of fault clearing times.
This enhancement more realistically models HEAF-related damage based on plant-specific
characteristics related to the duration of the clearing times, which can increase or decrease
the ZOIs and associated risk compared to the NUREG/CR-6850 method. Plants with
relatively long fault clearing times, resulting in larger ZOIs, may have an increase in
estimated HEAF risk compared to the risk previously estimated using the NUREG/CR-6850
- The new methodology moves the point of origin for the zone of influence in non-segregated
bus ducts. Moving the ZOI point of origin to the exterior surface of the bus duct may, for
some plant configurations with targets in this area, result in including additional equipment
within the HEAF damage zone.
- Application of the new methodology for switchgear HEAFs showed increases and decreases
in estimated risk based on specific circumstances. The vertical ZOIs above the switchgear
consistently result in smaller values in comparison to those values that result from the
application of the methodology in NUREG/CR-6850. Additionally, the new methodology
predicts fire damage from HEAF in a region near (just above and in front of) the cabinet that
was not covered previously by the NUREG/CR-6850 methodology. For plant configurations
with additional targets in this region, the switchgear HEAFs could potentially see a
significant increase in risk with the new methodology depending on the importance of those
targets. * The new HEAF PRA methodology credits ERFBS for preventing damage to protected
cables within the ZOI of bus ducts and switchgear HEAFs, unlike the current guidance in
NUREG/CR-6850 and its Supplement 1 which does not allow credit for ERFBS in preventing
damage. Including credit for ERFBS may result in a substantial estimated risk reduction due
to HEAF.
- Due to the cumulative impact of the items described above, the estimated risk could be
higher or lower than calculated under the previous methodology and could vary significantly
based on plant configuration.
The risk insights documented in this IN derived from operating experience, such as those from
the EPRI maintenance report and the ASP database review, are broadly applicable, independent of the existence of a Fire PRA used to meet the licensing basis of the facility.
U.S. NPPs licensed under 10 CFR 50 are not required to develop Fire PRAs. However, licensees who choose to adopt certain voluntary risk-informed programs, such as Risk-Informed
Completion Times (RITS-4b) and the risk-informed, performance-based fire protection licensing
basis under 10 CFR 50.48(c) (NFPA 805), developed Fire PRAs in order to receive NRC staff
approval to establish and implement these programs. Furthermore, licensees may have used
their fire PRA models to receive staff approval to adopt other risk-informed programs, such as
10 CFR 50.69, Risk-Informed Categorization of Structures, Systems, and Components at
Nuclear Plants, and to risk-inform their surveillance frequencies (RITS-5b).
Licensees who have approved risk-informed initiatives such as RITS-4b, RITS-5b, 10 CFR
50.69 and NFPA 805 are required to maintain their PRAs to reflect the as-built, as-operated, and as-maintained plant.
Licensees are expected to review the information provided in this IN as it relates to the
operating experience for applicability to their facilities and consider any actions, as appropriate.
However, as discussed above nothing in this IN should be interpreted to require specific action.
1. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Office
Instruction LIC-504, Integrated Risk-Informed Decisionmaking Process for Emergent
Issues, Revision 5, March 2020 (Agencywide Document Access and Management System
(ADAMS) Accession No. ML19253D401).
2. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Information Notice 2017-04, High Energy Arcing
Faults in Electrical Equipment Containing Aluminum Components, August 2017 (ADAMS
Accession No. ML17058A343).
3. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, report NEA/CSNI/R (2013)6, OECD Topical Report No. 1, Analysis of High Energy Arcing Fault Fire Events, June 2013, publicly available at 4. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, NUREG/CR-6850, "EPRI/NRC-RES Fire PRA
Methodology for Nuclear Power Facilities, Volume 1: Summary and Overview," NUREG/CR-
6850, September 2005 (ADAMS Accession No. ML052580075).
5. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, NUREG/CR-6850, "EPRI/NRC-RES Fire PRA
Methodology for Nuclear Power Facilities, Volume 2: Detailed Methodology," September
2005 (ADAMS Accession No. ML052580118).
6. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, NUREG/CR-6850, Supplement 1, "Fire Probabilistic
Risk Assessment Methods Enhancements," September 2010 (ADAMS Accession No.
7. Giitter, Joseph, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, memorandum to Correia, Richard, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Path Forward for Regulatory Treatment of High
Energy Arcing Fault Tests Results That Involve Aluminum, March 2016 (ADAMS Accession
No. ML16064A250).
8. Furstenau, Raymond, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, memorandum to Veil, Andrea, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Closure of Proposed Generic Issue PRE-GI-018, High- Energy Arc Faults Involving Aluminum, August 2021 (ADAMS Accession No.
9. Rodriguez, Reinaldo, and Weerakkody, Sunil, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, memorandum to Franovich, Michael, and Miller, Christopher, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission, High Energy Arcing Fault LIC-504 Team Recommendations, July 2022 (ADAMS Accession No. ML22200A272).
10. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, NUREG-2262, High Energy Arcing Fault Frequency
and Consequence Modeling, Month Year (ADAMS Accession No. ML22158A071).
11. Electric Power Research Institute, Report No. 3002015459, Critical Maintenance Insights
on Preventing High Energy Arcing Faults, March 2019, publicly available at
12. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Operating Experience Assessment Energetic Faults
in 4.16 kV to 13.8 kV Switchgear and Bus Ducts That Caused Fires in Nuclear Power Plants
1986-2001, February 2002 (ADAMS Accession No. ML021290358).
13. IN 2002-01, Metalclad Switchgear Failures and Consequent Losses of Offsite Power, dated January 8, 2002 (ADAMS Accession No. ML013540193).
14. IN 2002-27, Recent Fires at Commercial Nuclear Power Plants in the United States, dated
September 20, 2002 (ADAMS Accession No. ML022630147).
15. IN 2005-21, Plant Trip and Loss of Preferred AC Power from Inadequate Switchyard
Maintenance, dated July 21, 2005 (ADAMS Accession No. ML051740051).
16. IN 2005-15, Three-Unit Trip and Loss of Offsite Power at Palo Verde Nuclear Generating
Station, dated June 1, 2005 (ADAMS Accession No. ML050490364). 17. IN 2006-18, Supplement 1, Significant Loss of Safety-Related Electrical Power at Forsmark
Unit 1 in Sweden, August 10, 2007 (ADAMS Accession No. ML071900368).
18. IN 2006-31, Inadequate Fault Interrupting Rating of Breakers, dated December 26, 2006 (ADAMS Accession No. ML063000104).
19. IN 2007-14, Loss of Offsite Power and Dual-Unit Trip at Catawba Nuclear Generating
Station, dated March 30, 2007(ADAMS Accession No. ML070610424).
20. IN 2008-18, Loss of Safety-Related Motor Control Center Caused by a Bus Fault, dated
December 1, 2008 (ADAMS Accession No. ML082540130).
Please direct any questions about this matter to the technical contacts listed below.
Technical Contacts:
Sunil Weerakkody, NRR Reinaldo Rodriguez, NRR
301-415-2870 404-997-4498
Charles Moulton, NRR Phyllis Clark, NRR
301-415-2751 301-415-6447
Russell Felts, Director
Division of Reactor Oversight
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
ML22326A204 EPIDS No. L-2022-GEN-0006 OFFICE NRR/DRO/IOLB NRR/DRA/APLB NRR/DRA RGN-II/DRP/RPB6 NAME IBetts JRobinson CWeerakkody RRodriguez
DATE 2/15/2023 2/10/2023 2/9/2023 2/9/2023 OFFICE NRR/DRA/APOB NRR/DRA/APLB JPeralta NRR/DRA
NAME AZoulis CMoulton OE/EB MFranovich
DATE 2/9/2023 2/9/2023 2/15/2023 3/7/2023 OFFICE NRR/DRO RES/DRA
NAME RFelts JTappert
DATE 3/8/2023 3/10/2023