Withholding of Proprietary Information from Public DisclosureML082460249 |
Person / Time |
Site: |
Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Westinghouse, Erwin, 07001113, BWX Technologies, 07003098, 07003103, 04003392, 07001201, 07007003, 07007016, 07007004, Framatome ANP Richland, Eagle Rock, 04009058 |
Issue date: |
03/30/2009 |
From: |
To: |
Tyrone Naquin, NMSS/FCSS, 301-492-3187 |
References |
IN-09-007 |
Download: ML082460249 (6) |
Similar Documents at Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Westinghouse, Erwin, 07001113, BWX Technologies, 07003098, 07003103, 04003392, 07001201, 07007003, 07007016, 07007004, Framatome ANP Richland, Eagle Rock, 04009058 |
Category:NRC Information Notice
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Appendix VI: NRC FOIA Responses (B-51 Through B-53); Turkey Point Event Report; NRC Information Notice2012-08-17017 August 2012 Intervenors Fifth Motion to Amend And/Or Supplement Proposed Contention No. 5 (Shield Building Cracking). Appendix VI: NRC FOIA Responses (B-51 Through B-53); Turkey Point Event Report; NRC Information Notice 2010-12: Containment Liner Corr Information Notice 2010-12, Intervenors' Fifth Motion to Amend And/Or Supplement Proposed Contention No. 5 (Shield Building Cracking). Appendix VI: NRC FOIA Responses (B-51 Through B-53); Turkey Point Event Report; NRC Information Notic2012-08-17017 August 2012 Intervenors' Fifth Motion to Amend And/Or Supplement Proposed Contention No. 5 (Shield Building Cracking). Appendix VI: NRC FOIA Responses (B-51 Through B-53); Turkey Point Event Report; NRC Information Notice 2010-12: Containment Liner Cor Information Notice 2010-12, Intervenors' Fifth Motion to Amend and/or Supplement Proposed Contention No. 5 (Shield Building Cracking). Appendix VI: NRC FOIA Responses (B-51 Through B-53); Turkey Point Event Report; NRC Information Notice 2010-12: Con2012-08-17017 August 2012 Intervenors' Fifth Motion to Amend and/or Supplement Proposed Contention No. 5 (Shield Building Cracking). Appendix VI: NRC FOIA Responses (B-51 Through B-53); Turkey Point Event Report; NRC Information Notice 2010-12: Containment Liner Cor Information Notice 2010-12, Intervenors' Fifth Motion to Amend and/or Supplement Proposed Contention No. 5 (Shield Building Cracking). Appendix VI: NRC FOIA Responses (B-51 Through B-53); Turkey Point Event Report; NRC Information Notice 2010-12: Contain2012-08-17017 August 2012 Intervenors' Fifth Motion to Amend and/or Supplement Proposed Contention No. 5 (Shield Building Cracking). Appendix VI: NRC FOIA Responses (B-51 Through B-53); Turkey Point Event Report; NRC Information Notice 2010-12: Containment Liner Cor Information Notice 2012-13, Boraflex Degradation Surveillance Programs and Corrective Actions in the Spent Fuel Pool2012-08-10010 August 2012 Boraflex Degradation Surveillance Programs and Corrective Actions in the Spent Fuel Pool Information Notice 2012-13, Boraflex Degradation Surveillance Programs And Corrective Actions In The Spent Fuel Pool2012-08-10010 August 2012 Boraflex Degradation Surveillance Programs And Corrective Actions In The Spent Fuel Pool Information Notice 2012-11, Age Related Capacitor Degradation2012-07-23023 July 2012 Age Related Capacitor Degradation ML12031A0132012-02-0606 February 2012 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Investigation Report No. 2-2010-058, CPN International, Inc Information Notice 2011-19, Licensee Event Reports Containing Information Pertaining to Defects to Basic Components2011-09-26026 September 2011 Licensee Event Reports Containing Information Pertaining to Defects to Basic Components Information Notice 2011-15, Steel Containment Degradation and Associated License Renewal Aging Management Issues2011-08-0101 August 2011 Steel Containment Degradation and Associated License Renewal Aging Management Issues Information Notice 2011-17, Calculation Methodologies for Operability Determinations of Gas Voids in Nuclear Power Plant Piping2011-07-26026 July 2011 Calculation Methodologies for Operability Determinations of Gas Voids in Nuclear Power Plant Piping Information Notice 2011-13, New York State (NYS) Pre-Filed Evidentiary Hearing Exhibit NYS000329, NRC Information Notice 2011-13, Control Rod Blade Cracking Resulting in Reduced Design Lifetime (Jun 29, 2011) (NRC in 2011-13)2011-06-29029 June 2011 New York State (NYS) Pre-Filed Evidentiary Hearing Exhibit NYS000329, NRC Information Notice 2011-13, Control Rod Blade Cracking Resulting in Reduced Design Lifetime (Jun 29, 2011) (NRC in 2011-13) Information Notice 2011-13, OFFICIAL EXHIBIT - NYS000329-00-BD01 - NRC Information Notice 2011-13, Control Rod Blade Cracking Resulting in Reduced Design Lifetime (Jun 29, 2011) (NRC in 2011-13)2011-06-29029 June 2011 OFFICIAL EXHIBIT - NYS000329-00-BD01 - NRC Information Notice 2011-13, Control Rod Blade Cracking Resulting in Reduced Design Lifetime (Jun 29, 2011) (NRC in 2011-13) Information Notice 2011-13, Official Exhibit - Nys000329-00-Bd01 - NRC Information Notice 2011-13, Control Rod Blade Cracking Resulting in Reduced Design Lifetime (Jun 29, 2011) (Nrc in 2011-13)2011-06-29029 June 2011 Official Exhibit - Nys000329-00-Bd01 - NRC Information Notice 2011-13, Control Rod Blade Cracking Resulting in Reduced Design Lifetime (Jun 29, 2011) (Nrc in 2011-13) Information Notice 2011-04, In: Contaminants and Stagnant Conditions Affecting Stress Corrosion Cracking in Stainless Steel Piping in Pressurized Water Reactors2011-02-23023 February 2011 In: Contaminants and Stagnant Conditions Affecting Stress Corrosion Cracking in Stainless Steel Piping in Pressurized Water Reactors Information Notice 2011-04, IN: Contaminants and Stagnant Conditions Affecting Stress Corrosion Cracking in Stainless Steel Piping in Pressurized Water Reactors2011-02-23023 February 2011 IN: Contaminants and Stagnant Conditions Affecting Stress Corrosion Cracking in Stainless Steel Piping in Pressurized Water Reactors Information Notice 2010-26, New England Coalition'S Motion for Leave to Reply to NRC Staff'S Objection to Nec'S Notification of Information Notice 2010-26 and Entergy'S Response to the Supplement to Nec'S Petition for Commission Review2010-12-30030 December 2010 New England Coalition'S Motion for Leave to Reply to NRC Staff'S Objection to Nec'S Notification of Information Notice 2010-26 and Entergy'S Response to the Supplement to Nec'S Petition for Commission Review of LBP-10-19 Information Notice 2010-26, New England Coalitions Motion for Leave to Reply to NRC Staffs Objection to NECs Notification of Information Notice 2010-26 and Entergys Response to the Supplement to NECs Petition for Commission Review of LB2010-12-30030 December 2010 New England Coalitions Motion for Leave to Reply to NRC Staffs Objection to NECs Notification of Information Notice 2010-26 and Entergys Response to the Supplement to NECs Petition for Commission Review of LBP-10-19 Information Notice 2010-26, 2010/12/21-NRC Staff'S Objection to Nec'S Notification of Information Notice 2010-262010-12-21021 December 2010 2010/12/21-NRC Staff'S Objection to Nec'S Notification of Information Notice 2010-26 Information Notice 2010-12, Containment Liner Corrosion2010-06-18018 June 2010 Containment Liner Corrosion ML13066A1872009-12-16016 December 2009 Draft NRC Information Notice 2009-xx - Underestimate of Dam Failure Frequency Used in Probabilistic Risk Assessments ML1007804482009-11-23023 November 2009 Email from Peter Bamford, NRR to Pamela Cowan, Exelon on TMI Contamination Control Event ML0916104482009-07-0707 July 2009 Configuration Control Errors Inspection Findings and LER Data Review Information Notice 2009-11, NSP000059-Revised Prefiled Testimony of Northard/Petersen/Peterson-NRC Information Notice 2009-112009-07-0707 July 2009 NSP000059-Revised Prefiled Testimony of Northard/Petersen/Peterson-NRC Information Notice 2009-11 Information Notice 2009-09, Improper Flow Controller Settings Renders Injection Systems Inoperable and Surveillance Did Not Identify2009-06-19019 June 2009 Improper Flow Controller Settings Renders Injection Systems Inoperable and Surveillance Did Not Identify Information Notice 2009-07, Withholding of Proprietary Information from Public Disclosure2009-03-30030 March 2009 Withholding of Proprietary Information from Public Disclosure Information Notice 2008-13, Main Feedwater System Issues and Related 2007 Reactor Trip Data2008-07-30030 July 2008 Main Feedwater System Issues and Related 2007 Reactor Trip Data Information Notice 2008-12, Reactor Trip Due to Off-Site Power Fluctuation2008-07-0707 July 2008 Reactor Trip Due to Off-Site Power Fluctuation Information Notice 2008-11, Service Water System Degradation at Brunswicksteam Electric Plant Unit 12008-06-18018 June 2008 Service Water System Degradation at Brunswicksteam Electric Plant Unit 1 Information Notice 2008-04, Counterfeit Parts Supplied to Nuclear Power Plants2008-04-0707 April 2008 Counterfeit Parts Supplied to Nuclear Power Plants Information Notice 1991-09, Counterfeiting of Crane Valves2007-09-25025 September 2007 Counterfeiting of Crane Valves Information Notice 2007-28, Potential Common Cause Vulnerabilities in Essential Service Water Systems Due to Inadequate Chemistry Controls2007-09-19019 September 2007 Potential Common Cause Vulnerabilities in Essential Service Water Systems Due to Inadequate Chemistry Controls Information Notice 2007-29, Temporary Scaffolding Affects Operability of Safety-Related Equipment2007-09-17017 September 2007 Temporary Scaffolding Affects Operability of Safety-Related Equipment Information Notice 2007-14, Loss of Offsite Power and Dual-Unit Trip at Catawba Nuclear Generating Station2007-03-30030 March 2007 Loss of Offsite Power and Dual-Unit Trip at Catawba Nuclear Generating Station Information Notice 2007-05, Vertical Deep Draft Pump Shaft and Coupling Failures2007-02-0909 February 2007 Vertical Deep Draft Pump Shaft and Coupling Failures Information Notice 2007-06, Potential Common Cause Vulnerabilities in Essential Service Water Systems2007-02-0909 February 2007 Potential Common Cause Vulnerabilities in Essential Service Water Systems 2020-09-03 The following query condition could not be considered due to this wiki's restrictions on query size or depth: <code> [[:Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant]] OR [[:Westinghouse]] OR [[:Erwin]] OR [[:07001113]] OR [[:BWX Technologies]] OR [[:07003098]] OR [[:07003103]] OR [[:04003392]] OR [[:07001201]] OR [[:07007003]] OR [[:07007016]] OR [[:07007004]] OR [[:Framatome ANP Richland]] OR [[:Eagle Rock]] OR [[:04009058]] </code>.
[Table view]The following query condition could not be considered due to this wiki's restrictions on query size or depth: <code> [[:Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant]] OR [[:Westinghouse]] OR [[:Erwin]] OR [[:07001113]] OR [[:BWX Technologies]] OR [[:07003098]] OR [[:07003103]] OR [[:04003392]] OR [[:07001201]] OR [[:07007003]] OR [[:07007016]] OR [[:07007004]] OR [[:Framatome ANP Richland]] OR [[:Eagle Rock]] OR [[:04009058]] </code>. |
WASHINGTON, DC 20555-0001
March 30, 2009
All current holders of and potential applicants for licenses, certificates of compliance, permits, or
standard design certifications, as well as any other persons submitting a request that
information be withheld from public disclosure under the provisions of Title 10 of the Code of
Federal Regulations (10 CFR) Section 2.390, Public inspections, exemptions, requests for
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is issuing this information notice (IN) to inform
addressees of recent problems with licensee submittals that request withholding proprietary
information under 10 CFR 2.390. The NRC expects that recipients will review the information
for applicability to their facilities and consider actions, as appropriate, to avoid similar problems.
Suggestions contained in this IN are not NRC requirements; therefore, no specific action or
written response is required.
Over the last year, NRC staff has received several licensee requests for withholding of
proprietary information under 10 CFR 2.390 that were too broad in that most of the information
that the licensee requested be withheld from public disclosure did not satisfy the conditions of
10 CFR 2.390. Rather than limiting the request to the specific information in a document where
release to the public could harm private commercial interests, much of material that licensees
requested be withheld had no bearing on proprietary information. This resulted in agency
discussions and correspondence with the licensees to obtain revised 10 CFR 2.390 submittals.
The above describes problems with licensee 10 CFR 2.390 submittals in which most of the
information that the licensee requested be withheld from public disclosure did not satisfy the
conditions of 10 CFR 2.390. This resulted in delays and expenditure of resources to obtain
revised 10 CFR 2.390 submittals from these licensees. The following information describes existing NRC requirements, policies, and practices regarding 10 CFR 2.390 submittals related
to the problems discussed in this IN.
NRC Review. 10 CFR 2.390(b)(2) states that a person who submits commercial or financial
information believed to be privileged or confidential or a trade secret shall be on notice that it is
the policy of the Commission to achieve an effective balance between legitimate concerns for
protection of competitive positions and the right of the public to be fully apprised as to the basis
for and effects of licensing or rulemaking actions, and that it is within the discretion of the
Commission to withhold such information from public disclosure. The NRC is required by
10 CFR 2.390(b)(3) to determine whether information sought to be withheld from public
disclosure is a trade secret or confidential or privileged commercial or financial information and, if so, whether it should be withheld. The NRC staff reviews all proprietary submittals that
require NRC approval to ensure that the basis for withholding is supportable in accordance with
10 CFR 2.390(b)(4) and that submittals comply with the affidavit and marking requirements.
The staff must then, pursuant to 10 CFR 2.390(b)(5), determine (1) whether the right of the
public to be fully apprised of the proposed action outweighs the demonstrated concern for
protection of a competitive position, and (2) whether the information should be withheld.
Requirements for Submittals. 10 CFR 2.390(b)(1) states that the submitter shall request
withholding at the time the document is submitted and shall comply with the document marking
and affidavit requirements set forth in 10 CFR 2.390(b)(1).
Affidavit. 10 CFR 2.390(b)(1) states the affidavit must identify the document or part
sought to be withheld and must address the factors set out in 10 CFR 2.390(b)(4),
including the owner=s specific reasons as to why the document is considered to contain
proprietary information, the release of which would cause harm to the competitive
position of the owner of the information. 10 CFR 2.390(b)(1)(ii) and (iii) specifies that the
request for withholding and the affidavit must be submitted at the same time as the
proprietary information sought to be withheld and that the affidavit must
Identify the document or part sought to be withheld.
Identify the official position of the person making the affidavit. If the
affidavit has been submitted by a company, this person shall be an officer
or upper level management official who has been specifically delegated
the function of reviewing the information sought to be withheld and
authorized to apply for its withholding on behalf of the company. Further, the affidavit shall be executed by the owner of the information, even if the
information is submitted to the Commission by another person.
Declare the basis for proposing the information be withheld, including the
considerations set forth in 10 CFR 2.390(a).
Contain a specific statement of the harm that would result if the
information sought to be withheld is disclosed to the public.
Indicate the location(s) in the document of all information sought to be
withheld. (f)
Contain a full statement of the reason for claiming the information should
be withheld from public disclosure. The statement shall address, with
specificity, the considerations listed in 10 CFR 2.390(b)(4).
Marking of Information Sought To Be Withheld. 10 CFR 2.390(b)(1)(i) requires that the
submitter ensure that the document containing information sought to be withheld is
marked as specified in 10 CFR 2.390(b)(1)(i)(A) and (B). This includes marking the top
of the first page of the document and the top of each page containing such information
as "proprietary" to indicate it contains information the submitter seeks to have withheld
and must indicate, adjacent to the information, or at the top if the entire page is affected, the basis (i.e., trade secret, etc.) for proposing that the information be withheld from
public disclosure.
While 10 CFR 2.390 specifies that the information that the NRC determines is not exempt from
disclosure will be made public, the regulations do not describe how this is accomplished when
only a portion of the document is exempt. Although not explicitly required, the Commissions
expectation1 (which many licensees have adopted in their administrative procedure) is that the
submitter of the proprietary information should provide a nonproprietary version with brackets
showing where the proprietary information has been deleted. In instances in which a
nonproprietary version would be of no value to the public because of the extent of the
proprietary information, the agency does not expect a nonproprietary version to be submitted.
1 See NRC Management Directive 3.4, Release of Information to the Public, which can be found on the
NRCs public Web site in the Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS), under
Accession No. ML080250350.
This information notice requires no specific actions or written response. If you have any
questions about the information in this notice, please contact the technical contact listed below
or the appropriate regional office.
Daniel H. Dorman, Director
Robert J. Lewis, Director
Division of Fuel Cycle Safety
Division of Materials Safety
and Safeguards
and State Agreements
Office of Nuclear Materials Safety
Office of Federal and State Materials and
and Safeguards
Environmental Management Programs
Theodore R. Quay for
Timothy J. McGinty, Director
Barbara K. Gusack, Director
Division of Policy and Rulemaking
Division of Program Management, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Policy Development and Analysis
Office of New Reactors
Technical Contact:
T.D. Naquin, NMSS
(301) 492-3187
E-mail: Tyrone.Naquin@nrc.gov
Note: NRC generic communications may be found on the NRC public Web site, http://www.nrc.gov, under Electronic Reading Room/Document Collections.
This information notice requires no specific actions or written response. If you have any
questions about the information in this notice, please contact the technical contact listed below
or the appropriate regional office.
Daniel H. Dorman, Director
Robert J. Lewis, Director
Division of Fuel Cycle Safety
Division of Materials Safety
and Safeguards
and State Agreements
Office of Nuclear Materials Safety
Office of Federal and State Materials and
and Safeguards
Environmental Management Programs
Theodore R. Quay for
Timothy J. McGinty, Director
Barbara K. Gusack, Director
Division of Policy and Rulemaking
Division of Program Management, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Policy Development and Analysis
Office of New Reactors
Technical Contact:
T.D. Naquin, NMSS
(301) 492-3187
E-mail: Tyrone.Naquin@nrc.gov
Note: NRC generic communications may be found on the NRC public Web site, http://www.nrc.gov, under Electronic Reading Room/Document Collections.
ADAMS Accession Number: ML082460249 OFFICE
Tech Editor
10/03/08 e-mail
10/24/08 OFFICE
2/23/2009 OFFICE
list | - Information Notice 2009-01, National Response Framework (22 January 2009)
- Information Notice 2009-02, Biodiesel In Fuel Oil Could Adversely Impact Diesel Engine Performance (23 February 2009)
- Information Notice 2009-02, Biodiesel in Fuel Oil Could Adversely Impact Diesel Engine Performance (23 February 2009)
- Information Notice 2009-03, Solid State Protection System Card Failure Results in Spurious Safety Injection and Reactor Trip (11 March 2009)
- Information Notice 2009-03, Solid State Protection System Card Failure Results In Spurious Safety Injection And Reactor Trip (11 March 2009)
- Information Notice 2009-04, Age-Related Constant Support Degradation (18 February 2009)
- Information Notice 2009-05, Contamination Events Resulting from Damage to Sealed Radioactive Sources During Gauge Dismantlement and Non-Routine Maintenance Operations (3 February 2009)
- Information Notice 2009-06, Construction-Related Experience with Flood Protection Features (21 July 2009)
- Information Notice 2009-07, Withholding of Proprietary Information from Public Disclosure (30 March 2009, Topic: Affidavit)
- Information Notice 2009-09, Improper Flow Controller Settings Renders Injection Systems Inoperable and Surveillance Did Not Identify (19 June 2009, Topic: Reactor Vessel Water Level)
- Information Notice 2009-10, Transformer Failures - Recent Operating Experience (7 July 2009)
- Information Notice 2009-11, NSP000059-Revised Prefiled Testimony of Northard/Petersen/Peterson-NRC Information Notice 2009-11 (7 July 2009)
- Information Notice 2009-12, Exempt Distribution Licensing Requirements for Irradiated Gemstones (27 July 2009, Topic: Contraband)
- Information Notice 2009-14, Painting Activities and Cleaning Agents Render Emergency Diesel Generators and Other Plant Equipment Inoperable (17 August 2009)
- Information Notice 2009-15, Varian Medical Systems Varisource High Dose-Rate Remote Afterloader Events: Source Retraction Problems (28 August 2009)
- Information Notice 2009-16, Spurious Relay Actuations Result in Loss of Power to Safeguards Busses (15 September 2009)
- Information Notice 2009-17, Reportable Events Involving Treatment Delivery Errors Caused by the Use of Differing Units for the Calibration of Brachytherapy Sources (28 August 2009, Topic: Brachytherapy, Overdose)
- Information Notice 2009-18, Performance of Required Shutter Checks and Reporting of Gauge Shutter Failures (18 September 2009, Topic: Stuck Shutter)
- Information Notice 2009-19, Hostile Action-Based Emergency Preparedness Drills (24 November 2009)
- Information Notice 2009-20, Degradation of Wire Rope Used in Fuel Handling Applications (7 October 2009)
- Information Notice 2009-21, Incomplete Medical Testing for Licensed Operators (30 September 2009)
- Information Notice 2009-22, Recent Human Performance Issues at Nuclear Power Plants (2 October 2009)
- Information Notice 2009-23, Nuclear Fuel Thermal Conductivity Degradation (8 October 2009, Topic: Anticipated operational occurrence, Fuel cladding)
- Information Notice 2009-25, Firing Range Safety Issues (10 November 2009)
- Information Notice 2009-26, Spent Fuel Pool Neutron Absorbing Materials Degradation (28 October 2009)
- Information Notice 2009-27, Revised International Nuclear And Radiological Event Scale User'S Manual (13 November 2009)
- Information Notice 2009-27, Revised International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale Users Manual (13 November 2009)
- Information Notice 2009-27, Revised International Nuclear And Radiological Event Scale User's Manual (13 November 2009)
- Information Notice 2009-28, Summary of Fitness for Duty Program Performance Reports for Calendar Year 2008 (24 November 2009, Topic: Fitness for Duty, Blind Performance Test)
- Information Notice 2009-29, Potential Failure of Fire Water Supply Pumps to Automatically Start Due to a Fire (24 November 2009, Topic: Enforcement Discretion, Fire Protection Program)
- Information Notice 2009-31, Non-Power Reactor Licensee Notifications to NRC During an Incident (10 December 2009)
- Information Notice 2009-31, Non-Power Reactor Licensee Notifications to NRC during an Incident (10 December 2009)