IR 05000272/2010403

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IR 05000272-10-403, 05000311-10-403 and 05000354-10-403 on 06/21/2010 - 06/25/2010 for Salem and Hope Creek, Security. (Letter Only)
Person / Time
Site: Salem, Hope Creek  PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 07/22/2010
From: James Trapp
Plant Support Branch 1
To: Joyce T
Public Service Enterprise Group
Download: ML102030309 (4)


OffiCIAL USE ONLY SECURITY RELATED INfORMATION July 22,2010 Mr. Thomas President and Chief Nuclear Officer PSEG Nuclear LLC 80 Park Plaza, T4B Newark, NJ 07102 SUBJECT: SALEM/HOPE CREEK GENERATING STATIONS - NRC PHYSICAL SECURITY BASELINE INSPECTION REPORT 0500027212010403, 05000311/2010403 AND 05000354/2010403

Dear Mr. Joyce:

On June 25.2010, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) cornpleted a security baseline inspection at your Salem and Hope Creek Generating Stations. The inspection covered one or more of the key attributes of the security cornerstone of the NRC's Reactor Oversight Process. The enclosed report documents the inspection results, which were discussed on June 25, 2010, with Mr. Paul Davison, Vice President Operations Support, and other mE3mbers of your staff.

The inspection examined activities conducted under your licenses as they relate to security and compliance with the Commission's rules and regulations and with the conditions of your licenses. The inspectors reviewed selected procedures and records, observed activities, and interviewed personnel.

No findings were identified.

Two licensee-identified violations which were determined to be of very low safety Significance are listed in this report. However, because of the very low safety significance and because these violations are entered into your corrective action program, the NRC is treating these violations as non-cited violations (NCVs) consistent with Section VI.A.1 of the NRC Enforcement Policy. If you contest these non-cited violations, you should provide a response within 30 days of the date of this inspection report, with the basis for your denial. to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, ATTN.: Document Control Desk, Washington DC 20555-0001; with copies to the Regional Administrator, Region I; the Director, Office of Enforcement, United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington DC 20555-0001; and the NRC Resident Inspector at Salem-Hope Creek Generating Stations.

When separated from its Enclosure, this document is DECONTROLLED.

OffiCIAL USE ONLY SECURITY RELATED INfORMATION T. JOyCE~ 2 In accordance with 10 CFR 2.390 of the NRC's "Rules of Practice," a copyof this letter will be available electronically for public inspection in the NRC Public Document Room or from the Publicly Available Records (PARS) component of NRC's document system, ADAMS. ADAMS is accessible from the NRC Website at Public Electronic Reading Room). However, because of the security-related information contained in the enclosure, and in accordance with 10 CFR 2.390, a copy of this letter's enclosure will not be available for public inspection.

In accordance with 10 CFR 2.390(b)(1 )(ii), the NRC is waiving the affidavit requirements for your response, if any. This practice will ensure that your response will not be made available electronically for public inspection in the NRC Public Document Room or from the NRC's document system, ADAMS. If Safeguards Information is necessary to provide an acceptable response, please provide the level of protection described in 10 CFR 73.21. Otherwise, mark your entire response "Security-Related Information - Withhold Under 10 CFR 2.390" and follow the instructions for withholding in 10 CFR 2.390(b)( 1).

Sincerely, IRA!

James M. Trapp, Chief Plant Support Branch 1 Division of Reactor Safety Docket Nos. 50-272,50-311, 50-354 License Nos. DPR-70, DPR-75, NPF-57 Enclosure: Inspection Report 05000272/2010403,05000311/2010403, and 05000354/2010403 w/Attachment: Supplemental Information (OUO-SRI)

cc w/enel; w/OUO-SRI:

M. Brueeks, Security Director F. Fisher-Tyler, SLO, State of Delaware P. Baldauf, Assistant Director, NJ Radiation Protection Programs K. Reuther, DE Homeland Security Advisor C. McKenna, Director, Office of Homeland Security & Preparedness, State of NJ OffiCIAl USE ONlY SECURITY RElATED INfORMATION In accordance with 10 CFR 2.390 of the NRC's "Rules of Practice," a copy of this letter will be available electronically for public inspection in the NRC Public Document Room or from the Publicly Available Records (PARS) component of NRC's document system, ADAMS. ADAMS is accessible from the NRC Website at{the Public Electronic Reading Room). However, because of the security-related information contained in the enclosure, and in accordance with 10 CFR 2.390, a copy of this letter's enclosure will not be availabll9 for public inspection.

In accordance with 10 CFR 2.390(b)(1)(ii), the NRC is waiving the affidavit requirements for your response, if any. This practice will ensure that your response will not be made available electronically for public inspection in the NRC Public Document Room or from the NRC's document system, ADAMS. If Safeguards Information is necessary to provide an acceptable response, please provide the level of protection described in 10 CFR 73.21. Otherwise, mark your entire response "Security-Related Information - Withhold Under 10 CFR 2.390" and follow the instructions for withholding in 10 CFR 2.390(b)(1).




James M. Trapp, Chief Plant Support Branch 1 Division of Reactor Safety Docket Nos. 50-272,50-311, 50-354 License Nos. DPR-70, DPR-75, NPF-57 Enclosure: Inspection Report 05000272/2010403, 05000311/2010403, and 05000354/2010403 w/Attachment: Supplemental Information (OUO-SRI)

cc w/encl; w/OUO-SRI:

M. Bruecks, Security Director F. Fisher-Tyler, SLO, State of Delaware P. Baldauf,Assistant Director, NJ Radiation Protection Programs K Reuther, DE Homeland Security Advisor C. McKenna, Director, Office of Homeland Security & Preparedness, State of NJ SUNSI Review Complete: _JMT (Reviewer's Initials)

DOCUMENT NAME: Y;\Division\DRS\Plant Support Branch 1\Security\2010 Draft OUO Inspection Report\Salem Hope Creek June 2010 Attachment 1,6,8\2010 BI Salem Hope Creek 6-25-08 Rev 3woOUO-SRI.docx After declaring this document "An Official Agency Record" letter will be released to the Public.

To receive a copy of this document, indicate in the box: "C" Copy without attachmentlenclosure "E" Copy with attachmentIencIosure "Nfl = No copy ADAMS ACe #ML102030309 OFFICE NAME RI/DRS DEverhartlDBE IE RIIDRS JCherubinilJRC I RIIDRP ABurrittiALB I RI/DRS JTrapp/JMT r: I DATE 07/20110 07/15/10 07/20/10 07/20/10 OFFICIAL COPY OfFICIAl USE ONlY SECURITY RElATED INfORMATION Distribution wlo end; wlo OUO-SRI: (via e-mail)

M. Dapas, Acting RA (R10RAMAIL Resource)

D. Lew, Acting DRA (R10RAMAIL Resource)

D. Collins, DRP (R1DRPMAIL Resource)

J. Clifford, DRP (R1 DRPMAIL Resource)

D. Roberts, DRS (R1DRSMaii Resource)

P. Wilson,DRS (R1DRSMail Resource)

A. Burritt, DRP L. Cline, DRP A. Turilin, DRP C. Douglas, DRP L. Trocine, RI OEDO D. Bearde, DRS RidsNrrPMSalem Resource RidsNrrPMHopeCreek Resource RidsNrrDorlLpl1-2 Resource Distribution w/encl; w/OUO-SRI: (via e-mail)

B. Welling, DRP - Senior Resident Inspector D. Schroeder, DRP - Senior Resident Inspector S. Coker, NSIR R. Albert, NSIR J. Cherubini, DRS C. Johnson, NSIR M. Ernstes, DRS, RII E. Duncan, DRS, Rill M. Shannon, DRS, RIV