IR 05000326/1993001

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Insp Rept 50-326/93-01 on 930216-26.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Nrf Operations,Including Organization, Review & Audit,Experiments,Ro Requalification Training & Transportation Activities Emergency Preparedness Program
Person / Time
Site: University of California - Irvine
Issue date: 03/23/1993
From: Pate R, Qualls P
Shared Package
ML20035E966 List:
50-326-93-01, 50-326-93-1, NUDOCS 9304200128
Download: ML20035E969 (5)



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Report Number:

50-326/93-01 License Number:




University of California at Irvine j

Irvine, California 92717 Facility Name:

Nuclear Reactor Facility (NRF)

Inspection Dates: February 16 through 26, 1993.


ew [

8/A3 /C5 l


a, P. M. Tjualls V'

Date Signed l



Reactor nspector


7/M/T5 Approved [by:



e Robert'J. Pate, Chief V'

Date Signed l

Safeguards, Emergency Preparedness and Non-Power Reactor Branch



l Summary:

i Inspection on February 16 - 26, 1993 (Report No. 50-326/93-01)

Areas Inspected: Routine announced inspection of NRF operations, including organization, review and audit, experiments, reactor operator requalification


training, environmental monitoring program, procedures, radiation protection act.vities, transportation activities emergency preparedness program and drills, a tour of the facilities and discussions of relevant Information Notices and Generic Letters.

Inspection procedures 30703, 40750, and 86740 were used.


In the areas inspected, the licensee's programs were fully capable of meeting their safety objectives. No violations or deviations were



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9304200128 930323


PDR ADOCK 05000326 O
















Persons Contacted

  • R. Fruchey, Facilities Manager, UCI School of Physical Sciences l
  • F. Gallagher, Environmental Health & Safety (R50)
  • G. Miller, Reactor Supervisor


  • L. Overmen, Chairman, Chemistry Department
  • P. Rogers, Senior Reactor Operator



  • H. Sobel, Professor of Physics



Denotes those individuals present at the exit interview.

In addition to the individuals identified above the inspector met and held discussions with other members of the licensee's staff.


Class 11 Research and Test Reactor Operations.(40750)


i l

The licensee's reactor operations program was reviewed for compliance the requirements of 10 CFR Parts 19, 20, 50, 55; including the Technical Specifications (TS) and licensee procedures.

The inspection i

included a review of reactor operating records, tours of the licensee's facility and the review of selected procedures.



Reactor Operations A review of licensee records and discussions with staff members established that no new experiments have been performed. Reactor operations have been limited to neutron radiography and sample






The licensee's organization is as specified in TS Section 12.

The inspector observed that no changes in the organizational structure have occurred since the inspection documented in report number 91-01.


Operations and Maintenance Records A review of reactor operating logs such as startup and shutdown check lists and maintenance records for the period of May 1991 through December 1992 was conducted.

The reactor operating logs, check lists and maintenance logs were adequately filled out and were consistent with facility operating procedures and TS requirements. The inspector concluded that reactor operations met the conditions prescribed in the TSs.

Preventative maintenance activities had been factored into the facilities operating procedures. The inspectors concluded that the licensee was implementing an effective maintenance program.




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  • d.

Procedures i


The inspection disclosed that the licensee maintains in effect reactor operating procedures as described in TSs. The inspector reviewed the licensee's operating procedures. The inspectors noted that the procedures are routinely reviewed and whenever


changes occur that may require revisions.

t e.




Discussions with the Reactor Supervisor and the review of reactor operating records for the period of July 1991 to December 1992 i

disclosed that no changes were made to the facility or procedures that would require a safety evaluation pursuant to 10 CFR Part


50.59. A modification was made to the licensee's demineralizer system and received proper review.



The inspector verified that no new experiments were conducted since the last inspection. No discrepancies were identified.


Surveillance l



Records for the surveillance prescribed in Tss were examined. All surveillance were performed at the frequencies specified in the

TS. The inspector reviewed completed check off sheets for the period: January 1992 through December 1992. No deficiencies were identified.


Review and Audit


Reactor Safeguards Committee minutes for the period of May 1991 through December 1992 were reviewed.

The review and discussions disclosed that members of the committee were conducting routine audits of the facilities activities.

The audits were broad in scope and were designed to assure that the activities were performed in accordance with the Technical Specifications. None of the audit findings appeared to represent


a significant safety finding. Audit findings were effectively


corrected in a timely manner.

The inspector concluded that the I

licensee's review and audit program met and/or exceeded the i

requirements prescribed in Section 12 of the Technical l



Reactor Operator Recualification Procram The licensee's implementation of the NRC approved Reactor Operators requalification program.

The inspectar reviewed the l

qualification files of the two licensed SR0's at the facility. The






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l inspector concluded that the licensee's program is capable of meeting its safety objectives.


Radiation Protection Program The licensee's radiation protection program for assuring compliance with 10 CFR Parts 19 and 20 and the Technical



Specifications was examined.

l Records involving personnel dosimetry, contamination surveys, radiation measurements and measurement of airborne concentrations obtained at the reactor facility since the previous inspection were reviewed.

The inspector noted that posting and labeling practices were consistent with 10 CFR Part 19.11 and 20.203 and radiation i

measurements were consistent with the requirements of 10 CFR Part 20.201.

Licensee records continue to indicate that radiation


levels at the reactor facility are low and that contamination

levels and airborne concentrations are essentially undetectable.

Personnel exposure records were reviewed for calendar year 1991 and 1992. No detectable doses were received by facility personnel.

The inspector conducted a survey of the reactor room and outside areas and found no discrepancies with licensee surveys.

Portable radiation measurement instruments and pocket ionization


chambers used by the reactor facility were observed to be in


current calibration.


The licensee's radiation protection program was determined to be capable of protecting the health and safety of the reactor staff and the public.


Emeraency Preparedness Procram l

l The licensee's capability for responding to emergencies as specified in their NRC approved Emergency Plan (EP) and for demonstrating compliance with 10 CFR Part 50.54 was examined.

Based on the review of records and the discussions, the inspector noted that the licensee appeared to have an adequate EP program and drills appeared to have been properly performed. The inspector also noted that emergency response equipment was being properly maintained. No additional concerns were identified in this area.


Facility Tour The inspector toured the licensee's facility.

Posting and








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labeling were found to be consistent with 10 CFR Part 19.11 and I

20.203 requirements.

All fixed and portable radiation monitoring instruments were in


current calibration and the reactor facility cleanliness was adequate.


Annual Reports The licensee's annual reports 1991 and 1992 were reviewed. The reports were submitted in accordance with Technical Specifications and summarized plant operations, changes, tests, experiments, surveillance and maintenance activities. The information was found to be consistent with the inspectors' observations discussed in this report. No errors or anomalies were identified.


Transportation of Radioactive Materials (86740)

The licensee's program for assuring compliance with Department of Transportation, 49 CFR Parts 171 through 178, and 10 CFR Parts 20.205, 20'.311, 61 and 71 requirements associated with the packaging and shipment of radioactive materials was reviewed.

Discussions.with the licensee's staff and the review of records disclosed that transfer and/or shipment of radioactive materials from


the reactor facility are made through the licensee's State of California radioactive material license. No concerns were identified in this area.


The licensee seemed to be maintaining their previous level of

performance in this area and their program appeared capable of

accomplishing its safety objectives.




No vi61ations or deviations were identified.


Exit Interview The inspector met with the individuals denoted in paragraph 1 at the


conclusion of the inspection on February 18, 1993. The scope and


findings of the inspection were summarized.

The licensee was informed that no violations or deviations were identified. The inspector concluded that the facility was being operated in a safe and


conservative manner.



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