CNS-17-051, Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) Registration of Spent Fuel Storage Cask

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Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) Registration of Spent Fuel Storage Cask
Person / Time
Site: Catawba, 07201031  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 09/28/2017
From: Simril T
Duke Energy Carolinas
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML17271A377 (2)


TomS imri l

(_~ DUKE V i ceP resident ENERGY~ Catawba NuclearS tat ion Duke Ene rgy CN01VP I4800Conco rd Road York, SC 29745 o:803701. 3340 f8 03701. 3221 tom.simri l@duke -ene CNS 051 10CFR 72 .212 Sep tembe r28,2017 D

irec tor,D iv ision o fSpen tFue lManagemen t Off ice o fNuc learMa teria l Safe tyandSa feguards U .S. Nuc learRegu lato ry Comm ission Atten t ion  : Documen t Con t rol Desk Wash ing ton,D .C.20555 -0001 Sub jec t: Duke Ene rgyCa rolinas , LL<~ (DukeEne rgy)

Catawba Nuc learS tation, Uni ts 1and2 Faci lityOpe rat ing L icenseNumbe rs NPF- 35andNPF -52 Docke t Numbe rs 50 -413and50 -414 Independen tSpentFue lStorage Instal lat ion(ISFS I


ISFS IDocke t Numbe r72 -45 Registrat ion o fSpen tFue lS torageCask Ca tawba Nuc lea rS tation recen t lyloadedspen tnuclearfuelintoNAC-MAGNASTOR d ryca s ks to ragesys tems(Mode lNumbe r MAGNASTOR )a scontro l

ledb yCe r tificate o f Comp l iance Numbe r 1031 ,Amendmen tNumbe r2 ,Revision Number1 . Inacco rdancew i th 10CFR 72. 212 (b)(2 )

,Duke Ene rgyhe rebyreg is terstheu seo fCask Ident if icationNumbe rs CN -VCC -87 . Load ingo fcaskCN -VCC -87 was comp le tedandthecaskwa splacedonthe ISFS IpadonSep tembe r8 ,2017 .

The rea renoNRCcomm itmen ts con ta inedinth isletter Pleased irectques tionsonth i sma tte r toCa rr ie Wi lson,S r. Eng ineer

, Catawba Regu lato ry Affairs,a t(803 )701 -3014.

Since re ly, TomS im r il Vice P residen t,Ca tawba Nuc lea rS tat ion www. duke-ene rgy. com

U.S. Nuclear Regu latory Comm ission CNS 051 Page12 Septembe r28,2017 xc:

C. Haney, Region IIAdm inis trator U.S.Nuclea rRegu latory Comm iss ion Marquis One Towe r 245Peach tree Cen terAvenue NE , Sui te 1200 At lanta, GA 30303 -1257 J.D.Aus t in, SeniorRes ident Inspecto r

U.S. Nuc lea rRegu latoryComm iss ion Catawba Nuc learS tat ion M. Mahoney,P ro jec tManage r U.S.NuclearRegu latory Comm iss ion 11555Rockv il le Pike Mai lstop 0-8H4A Rockvi lle

, MD 20852 S.E. Jenkins,Manage r S.C. DEHEC Radioactive & Infec t iousWas te Managemen t jenkinse@dhec .sc .gov