BSEP-87-0953, Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept Jan-June 1987

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Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept Jan-June 1987
Person / Time
Site: Brunswick  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 06/30/1987
From: Dietz C
To: Grace J
BSEP-87-0953, BSEP-87-953, NUDOCS 8708280205
Download: ML20237L674 (33)


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Brunswick Steam Electric Plant Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report January 1 to June 30, 1987 j ATTACHMENTS: PAGES:

1. Supplemental Information 1/1'to 1/h
2. Effluent and Waste Disposal Data 2/1 to 2/15
3. ODCM and PCP Revisions 3/1-l h. Environmental Monitoring Program h/1 to h/3 5/1 to 5/h 5 Inoperable Effluent Instrumentation l
6. Major Modifications to Radioactive Waste l Treatment Systems 6/1 l

l T. Meteorological Data 7/1 )


8. Potential Dose Assessment 8/1 I

B708280205 B70630

{DR ADOCK 05 g4 g Kg I

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ATD.CHMENT 1 I l Supplemental Information l


l January 1 to June 30, 1987 l l

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EFFLUENT WASTE DISPOSAL SENIANNUAL REPORT Supplemental Information Facility: Brunswick Steam Electric Plant Licensee: Carolina Power & Light Company

1. Regulatory Limits A. Fission and activation gases (Technical Specification
    • (l) Calendar Quarter (a) 3 mrem to toal body (b) 10 mrem to any organ (2) Calendar Year (a) 6 mrem to total body (b) 20 mrem to any organ NOTE: Dose calculations are determined in accordance with the Off-site Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM).

Used for percent of technical specification limit determinations in Table 1A.

Used for percent of technical specification limit determinations in Table 2A.



2. Mari = = permissible concentrations and dose rates which determine maximum j instantaneous release rates, j l

~A. Fission and activation gases (Technical Specification 3.ll.2.1.a) l (1) 500 mrem / year to total body (2) 3000 mrem / year to the skin B. Iodine-131, Iodine-133, tritium and particulate with half-lives greater ,

than eight days (Technical Specification 3.ll.2.1.b) '

(1) 1500 mrem / year to any organ l

C. Liquid effluents (Technical Specification

The concentration of radioactive material released in liquid effluents '

I to unrestricted areas after dilution in the discharge canal shall be limited to the concentrations specified in 10CFR20, Appendix B, Table II, Column 2, for radionuclides other than noble gases.

    • (1) Tritium: MPC = 3.00E-03 pCi/ml and
    • (2) Dissolved and entrained gases: MPC = 2.00E-Ol4 pCi/ml I

i 1

3. Measurements and Approximations of Total Radioactivity A. Fission and activation gases j Analysis for specific radionuclides in representative grab samples by gamma spectroscopy.


B. Iodines Analysis for specific radionuclides collected on charcoal cartridges by gamma spectroscopy.  ;

C. Particulate Analysis for specific radionuclides collected on filter papers by gamma spectroscopy.

D. Liquid Effluents l

l Analysis for specific radionuclides of individual releases by gamma j spectroscopy.

    • Used as applicable limits for Table 2A 1/3

1 l

Nuclear counting statistics are reported utilizing 1-sigma error. Total error where reported represents a best effort to approximate the total of all indi-  !

1 vidual and sampling errors.

4. Batch Releases )

A. Liquid (1) Number of batch releases: 3.40E+02 (2) Total time period for batch releases: 4.0dE+0h Minutes (3) Mari-n= time period for a batch release: 1.85E+02 Minutes (h) Averape time period for a batch release: 1.19E+02 Minutes (5) Minista time period for a batch release: 1.00E 00 Minutes I (6) Averge strera flow during periods of . .

l rel.tase of effluent into a flowing stream: 4.69E+05 gpm l B. Oaseous ]

(1) Number of batch releases: 0.00E 00 (2) Total time period for a batch release: 0.00E 00 Minutes  !

(3) Mad m m time period for a batch release: 0.00E 00 Minutes (h) Average time period for a batch release: 0.00E 00 Minutes (5) Minimum time period for a batch release: 0.00E 00 Minutes 1

5 Abnormal Releases A. Liquid (1) Number of releases: 3.00E 00 '

(2) Total activity released: 7.20E-02 Ci On April 26, 1987, at approximately 10:30 a.m. and 3:00 p.m., releases were made via the U/2 service water system. Both releases were monitored by the U/2 service water radiation monitor and lasted for approximately one minute. At the time of these releases, the U/1 service water was being diverted to the U/2 service water system. However, some activity was detected by the U/1 service water radiation monitor indicating a release to the U/1 discharge tunnel, which was not in service during this time due to scheduled outage activities. This activity was later released on May 1, 1987, when the U/1 service water system was returned to normal service. The cause of these releases was a leak from the U/1 residual heat removal system to the U/1 service water system. j B. Oaseous (1) Number of Releases: 0.00E 00 l (2) Total Activity released: 0.00E 00 Ci i

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1/h j i


3 ATTACHMENT 2 Effluent and Waste Disposal Data Brunswick Steam Electric Plant January 1 to June 30, 1987 .;

1 Enclosure 1:

Table 1A: Gaseous Effluents - Summation of All Releases Table 1B: Gaseous Effluents - Elevated Releases ,

Table 10: Gaseous Effluents - Ground Level Releases I

Table 2A: Liquid Effluents - Summation of All Releases Table 2B: Liquid Effluents Lower Limits of Detection Table 3: Solid Waste and Irradiated Fuel Shipments Enclosure 2:

Combustion of Waste Oil I

J l

2/1 J__ _--_ _ __

Teoie 1A Gaseous Ef Fl uents - Sumina t,i on of All iR el ea ses in 1987 Est.

Total UniL G te 1 O tr 2 tEr r or . %

A. Fission and a c t, i va t i on g a s.e s

1. Total release Ci 8.17E 03 6.00E 03 1.1GE 02
2. Averaue releaue cate uCi/sec 1.03E 03 7.63E 02 for period l 3. Percent of technicai l specification 1imit  % 3.62E-01 2.72E-01 l

l B. Iodinew I 1. Total iodino-131 Ci 5.86E-03 4.85E-03 7.00E 01

2. Averaue release rate uC;/ wee 7.54E-04 6.17E-04 for ueriad C. P a r i, i c ul a teu
1. Total release Ci 8.52E-03 1.83E-02 7.00E 01
2. Averaue release rate uCi/sec 1.10E-03 2.33E-03 for ueriod l

l 3. Grous aloha Ci 3.31E-05 1.44E-05 1


0. TeiLium


1. _ Total release Ci 9.28E-01 6.56E-01 7.00E 01
2. Averace release rate uCi/sec 1.19E -01 8.34E-02 for period ,

1 E. Iodine-131 Iodine-133 Tritlum l and Particulate

1. Total release Ci 9.61E-01 7 .12 E-- 01
2. Avecage release cate uCi/sec- 1.23E-01 9.06E-02 for uersaa
3. Percent of Lechnical  % 2.03E-01 1.93E-01 l

,o e t i f i c a t,i u n i i m i t, i

2/2  !

l l

. J Table 1B Effluent and Waste Disoosal Semiennual Reoort Year 1987 Gaseous Effluents - Elevated Release Continuous Release Nuclides Released Unit Qtr 1 Otr 2

1. Fission gases argon-41 Ci 7.21E 00 6.90E 00 keyuton-83m Ci 4.32E-01 8.74E-01 kryp ton- 87 Cl 3.66E-00 2.15E 00 keyuton-88 Cl 1.02E 00 (LLO xenon-133 Ci (LLD 5.98E 00 xenon-133m Ci 2.16E 01 '2.30E 01-xenon-135 Ci 7.73E 00 9.41E 00 .l xenon-137 Cl 1.21E 02 1.82E 02 )

xenon-138 Ci 7.05E 01 5.90E 01 total for period Cl 2.33E 02 '2.91E'02

2. Iodines iodine-131 Ci 5.11E-03 2.47E-03 iodine-132 Cl 1.07E-02 6.75E-03 )

iodine-133 Ci 1.46E-02 1.04E-02' iodine-133 Ci 1.17E-02 6.03E-03 1

total for oeriod Ci 4.21E-02 2.36E-02 1

3. Particulate chromium-51 Ci 3.15E-04 3.91E-04 manuaneue-34 Ci 2.67E-03 1.02E-04 cobal t- 58 Ci (LLD 6.00E-06 cobalt-60 Ci 4.06E-05 9.83E-05 strontium-89 Ci 1.01E-03 1.07E-03 stcontium-90 Ci 3.63E-06 3.95E-06 cesium-137 Ci (LLD 5.75E-06

, bacium-140 Cl 1.31E-03 1.81E-03 9.02E-04 1.18E-03 lanthanum-140 "_____...__.. Ci total for period Cl 3.60E-03 4.67E-03

4. Tritium-hydrogen-3 Ci 4.62E-01 3.34E-01 2/3

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Table 1C EFFluen t and Waste Disposal semiannual Report Year 1987 Gaseous Effluents'- Ground Level Releases Con tinuous Release Nuclides Released Unit Qtr 1 Otr 2

1. Fission gases krypton-80 Ci (LLD 1.06E 00 x en un -133 Ci 7.62E O2 8.10E O2 xenon-133 Ci 7.18E 03 4.90E 03 total for period Ci 7.94E 03 5.71E 03
2. Iodines iodine-131 Ci 7.46E-04 2.38E-03 iodine-132 Cl 1.70E-03 3.06E-02 iodine-133 Ci 3.80E-03 2.22E-02 iodine ~133 Ci 1.37E-03 4.26E-02 total for oeriod Ci 7.62E-03 9.78E-02
3. Particulate chromium-51 Ci 3.30E-03 9.22E-03 manganese-34 Ci 5.67E-04 1.52E-03 cobalt-38 Ci 1.15E-04 3.95E-04 l i ron -37 Ci 1.08E-04 2.13E-04 coba1L-60 Cl 7.06E-04 1.61E-03 utrontium-89 Ci 2.60E-05 6.6?E-03 strontium 90 Cl 1.42E-07 8.63E-07 cesium-137 Cl 1.71E-03 8.73E-06 barium-lanthanum-140 Ci (LLD 5.75E-04 cerium-141 Ci (LLD 1.65E-03 total for period Ci 4.92E-03 1.36E-02
4. Tritium hydrogen-3 -

Ci 4.66E-01 3.22E-01 2/4 l

TABLE 2A EFFluenL and Waste Diuoosal Semiannual Recort Year 1987 Liquid Effluents - Summation of All Releases i


l Unit Otr i G t,r 2 Est Tot.  !

Error, %

A. Fission and activation products

1. Tota'l release (excluding Ci 4.46E-02 1.92E-01 3.50E 01 l tritium,gaues, alpha) l 2.Av. diluted concentration uCi/m1 1.40E-09 4.78E-09 I l
3. Percont 1imit  % 1.57E-01 7.38E-01 l

D. Tritiuni i 1

1. Total release Ci 3.58E-00 3.76E 00 4.00E 01 2.Av. diluted concentration uCi/mi 1.12E-07 9.38E-08 l l


3. Per cent 1imit  % 3.73E-03 3.13E-03 4 j

l C. Diusolved and en tr a i ned gases 1.Totai release Ci 9.00E-02 4.90E-02 3.50E 01 2.Av. d i l u ted concen tr a t,l on uCi/ml 2.82E-09 1.22E-09

3. Percent limit  % 1.41E-03 6.10E-04 D. Grucu aloha radioactivity
1. Total release Cl 0.00E 00 0.00E 00 4.00E 01 E. Volume of waste liters 1.34E 07 1.24E 07 1.23E 01 F. Total volume of dilution water (uued dueing released for av.

d il u ted concen tr at,i on ) 1iters 3.19E 10 4.01E 10 1.30E 01 G. Volume of cooling wat,er discharged from ulant 1iters 2.02E 11 2.62E 11 2/5

TABLE 2B Effluent and Waste Discosal Semiannual Reoct L Year 1787 Liquid Eff'luents - Datch Mode Nuclides Reieaued Unit Qte 1 G t.c 2 1.riwion and activation products j cit e om i um- 51 Ci 5.86E-03 1.39E-02 manganewe-54 Ci 6.60E-03 1.18E-01 icon-55 Ci 9.93E-03 3.08E-03 neotunium-237 Ci < LLD 4.80E-06 cabalt-58 Ci 1.09E-03 9.19E-03 icon 5? Ci 1.17E-04 4.41E-03 cobalt-60 Ci 1.88E-02 4.07E-02

, arsenic-76 Ci 2.62E-05 2.53E-04 l

iodine-132 Ci < LLD 1.24E-05 utrontium-72 Ci 1. 0 4 E--0 4 2.04E-05 yt1,eium-91m Ci 1.68E-05 < LLD antimony-123 Ci < LLO 2.74E-04 oiobium-95 Ci < LLD 3.15E-05 tecnnet,ium-99m Ci 1.42E-04 5.65E-05 l

zinc-65 Ci (LLD 8.50E-06 t,e i l ur i um -132 Ci < LLD 5.81E-07 silver-110m Ci 2.28E-04 8.06E-05 iuuine-131 Ci 1.16E-04 9.24E-04 iodine-133 Ci 1.97E-05 4.05E-04 ceuium-134 Ci 6.16E-05 1.27E-05 cesium-137 Ci 1.24E-03 7.16E-04 iantnanum 140 Ci 1.28E-04 (LLD lanthanum-142 Ci (LLD 1.81E-06 tu n g s t,en -107 Ci < LLD 1.79E-06 barium-139 Ci 1.07E-04 (LLD utrontium-87 Ci 8.51E-05 (LLD l total for period Ci 4.46E-02 1.89E-01


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TABLE 2B (cont) ]

Ef fl uen t and Waste Discosal Semiannual Report Year 1787 l Liquid Effluents - Batch Mode l

l l

2. Gases i ergon-41 Ci < LLD 2.08E-05 krypton-33 Ci < LLO 2.20E-03 krypton-85m Ci 9.43E-06 0.62E-06 xenon 131m Ci 7.14E-04 (LLD xenon-133 Ci 2.56E-02 1.14E-02 I xenon-133m Ci 3.19E-04 4.63E-03 xenon-135m Ci 1.06E-04 4.14E-05 xenon-133 Ci 6.33E-02 3.53E-02 .


_ _ _ . ._._ _._ _ _._ _ _._ _ _ _ _ _._ _ _ _ _ ._ _ _ _._ _ _ _ _ .. ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .._ _ _ _ _ _ j total for oeriod Ci  ?.00E-02 4.90E-02 l l b l

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l Lower Limits of Detection

.uC i /ml

1. Liquid Releases 2. Gaseous. Releases Y-91m 2.69E-08 Kr-88 3.65E-08 Ba-139 8.86E-08 Xe-133 2.62E-08 Sb-123 3.73E-08 Kr-85 5.69E-06 Nb-93 2.31E-08 Zn-65 2.22E-08 3. Iodines and Particul'ates Te-132 1.50E-08 La-142 4.23E-08' Ba-140 9.94E-14 l No -239 1.0GE-07 La-140 1.26E-13 .

W-107 .8.16E-08 Ce-141 4.23E-14 Ar -41 3.1SE-08 Co-58 3.62E-14 I-132 3.10E-08 Cs-137 2.46E-14 Sr-09 2.92E-09 G-Alpha 2.85E-08 La-140 2.91E-08 Xe-131m 6.67E-07 NOT G 1: The above, values represent typical "a priori' LLDs for Isotopes where values of "< LLD" are indicated in Tables 1A, 18,.1C,2A and 28.

2: Where activity for any nuclide i s reported as 'Less than LLD" , that nuclide is considered not'present and the LLD activity listed is not considered in summary data .  ;

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4 2/8

TABLE 3A Effluent and Waste Disposal Gemiannual Reoor t Year 1987 Solid Waste and Irradiated Fuel Shipments Waste Class A January through June

1. Total volume shipped, cubic meters 5.35E 02 Total Ci quantity (estimated) 2.66E 03 i


2. Type of Waste Units .Six-Month Est.Tolal Period Error, %

a . Spen t resins, F il ter sludges cubic meters 1.98E 02.

Curies 2.64E 03 1.00E 01 b.Ory active waste, compacted, cubic meters 3.37E O2 noncompacted Curies 1.90E 01- 1.00E 01

c. Irradiated componentu: cubic meters N/A Curies N/A N/A d.0thers cubic meters N/A Curles N/A N/A 3.Eutimate of majur radionuclides composition
a. Cr-51 1.55E 01  %

Mn-34 1.50E 01  %

Fe-53 3.16E 01  %

Co-38 .2.35E 00  %

Co-60 3.00E 01 %'

N i -63 1.51E 00 %

Cs-137 2.60E 00 %

b. Cr-31 4.39E 00 %

Mn-54 8.84E 00 %

Fe-35 5.68E 01.%

Co-60 2.47E 01'%

N i -63 1.03E 00 %

Cs-137 1.85E 00 %

c. N/A N/A
d. N/A N/A.

. i-

. f


l i

i TABLE 3A (cont)

Effluent and Waste Disposai Semiannual Report Year l'787 Solid Waste and Irradiated Fuel Shipments  ;


4.Crous cerecence table, waste stream, Form, container type.

Si, ream Form Container Type No. Shipments

a. Reain Dewatered 6 Type A/ Type B 39/00 Solidified *
b. Dry active Comp ac t.ed /non -

waste c.omp a c ted LSA/STP 11 waste

c. Irradiated N/A N/A componentu
d. O t,h er N/A N/A
  • Solidification agent or absorbent (e.g.,

cement, urea formaldehyde, etc.) CEMENT 3.Si) i pmen t, D i uo os i c i on

a. Solid Waste Number or Shipments Mode of Transportation Destination 50 Sole Use CNSI Barnwell, SC i


b. Irradiated Fuel

, Nuniu er of Shipments Mode of Transportation Destination N/A N/A N/A 1 i


TABLE 30 l Ef fluent and Uuste Discosal Semiannual Report Year 1907 Solid Waste and Irradiated Fuel Shipments i

Waste Class 3 January through June

1. Total volume shipped, cubic meters 7.14 EOO
Total Ci quan t i ty (estimated) 1.63E 03 l
2. Type of Waste Units Six-Month Est. Total Period Error, %
a. Spent resins, filter sludges cubic meters 7.14E 00 Curies 1.65E 03 1.00E 01
b. Dry active waste, compacted, cubic meters N/A noncompacted Curies N/A N/A j
c. Irradiated componentu: cubic meters N/A i Curies N/A N/A d.0 thers(descr ibe): cubic meters N/A Curies N/A N/A j 3.Eutimate of major radionuclides composition l
a. Cr-51 2.67E 01 Mn-34 1.20E 01 Fe-55 4.52E 01 i Fe-39 8.76E-01 l Co-58 1.97E 00 Co-60 1.15E 01
b. N/A N/A
c. N/A N/A
d. N/A N/A
4. Cross reference table, waste stream, form, container type.

Stream Form Container Type No. Shipments

a. Resin Solidified Type A/ Type B 2/0 Dey active Compacted /non-l waste compacted N/A N/A waste
c. Irradiated N/A componentu N/A
d. Other N/Am- N/A n si ;a;enen; i- - mo - m, e m a am --m $

.. i I

TABLE 38 (cont) l Ef fluent and Waste Diupanal Semiannual Report Year 1937 Solid Waste and Irradiated Fuel Shipments S. Sii i pmen t, D i spos i t i on i

a. Solid Waste Number of Shipments Mode of Transportation Destination 2 Sole use CNSI Barnwell,SC
b. Irradiated Fuel Number of Shipmeats Mode of Transportation Destination N/A N/A N/A l


TABLE 3C EFfulent and Waste Disposal Semiannual Report Year 1987 Solid Waste and Irradiated Fuel Shipments Waste Class C January through June

1. Total volume shipped,' cubic meters N/A

'l Total Ci quanity (estimated) N/A )

2. Type of Waste Units Six-Month 'Est. Total Period Error, %
a. Spent resins,fil ter sludges cubic meters N/A Curies N/A N/A l b. Dry active waste, compacted, cubic meters N/A noncompacted Curies N/A N/A
c. Irradiated components: cubic meters N/A Curies N/A N/A d.Others(describe): cubic meters N/A l Curies N/A N/A 3.Eutimate of major radionuclides composition



a. N/A N/A 1 1


b. N/A N/A 1
c. N/A N/A
d. N/A N/A

. 4.Croca s reference table, waste stream, form,conta iner type. ]

Stream Form Container Type- No. Shipments

a. Resin Dewatered 6 N/A N/A Solidified *
b. Dry active Compacted /non-waste compacted N/A N/A-  !,


c. Irradiated N/A N/A  !


d. Others N/A N/A
  • Solidification agent or absorbent (e.g., . .

i cement, urea formaldehyde, etc.) N/A 2/13 3



. - i; TABLE 3C (cont)

Effluent and Waste Disposal Semiannual Report Year 1987 Solid Waste and Irradiated Fuel Shipments l

3. Shipment Disposition
a. Solid Waste Number of Shipments Mode of Transportation Destination N/A N/A N/A
b. Irradiated Components Number of Shipments Mode of Transportation Destination ,

i N/A N/A N/A l

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2/14 L-_________

1 ENCLOSURE 2 Combustion of Waste Oil  ;

During the first quarter, a total of 1.35 E03 gallons with 1.82 E00 pCi of l

waste oil were disposed of by incineration. During the second quarter, a i

total of 2.31 E02 gallons with 3.248 E-01 pCi of oil were disImsed of by ,

1 incineration. -

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h Off-site Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM) and Process Control' Program (PCP) Revisions 1 .

.i January 1 to June'30, 1987 l 1

Brunswick Steam Electric Plant I 1


There were no revisions made to the Off-site Dose Calculation Manual,(ODCM) l I

or to the Process Control Program (PCP) during this time period. I l

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Environmental Monitoring Program January 1 to June 30, 1987 l

l Enclosure 1: Milk and Vegetable Sample Locations l I

Enclosure 2: Land Use Census 1

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ENCLOSURE 1 Mflk and Vegetable Sample Locations No milk sample locations were available during this time period. Vegetable sample locations were unchanged during this time period.

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. 1 ENC 1&W 2 Land Une Census l No new locations were identif$ed that are reportable in the Semiannual Radier l

active Effluent Helease Report as per Technictd Specification 3.12.2.a and b.

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NITACEMENT 5 Inoperable Effluent Instrumentation January 1 to June 30, 1987


Enclosure 1: Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation  !

Enclosure 2: Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instnnnentation Enclosure 3: Liquid Hold-up Tank i


. i l

l l

.l EBCLOSURE 1 1 Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation The U/1 main service vnter effluent radioactivity monitor (1-D12-RM-K605) was- )l inoperable for greater than a 30 day period during January 1 to June 30, 1987

-This monitor was not returned to service within a 30 day period due to maintenance activities and the time involved to perform a plant modification to connect the monitor to the lhuergency Response Facility Information System.

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t 1-l

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M -

ENCIDSURE 2 Radioactive Gases Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation The U/1 Turbine Building ventilation noble gas monitor (1-D12-RM-h548-1) was l

l inoperable for a period of greater than 30 days during January 1 to June 30, 1987 This monitor was not returned to service within a 30 day preiod due to the time involved in performing plant modification for system connection to the Emergency Response Facility Information System, and additional maintenance problems that were discovered during.this time frame.

Unita 1 and 2 main condensor off-gas treatment system explosive gas monitors 1(2)-OG-AIT-4284, 1(2)-0G-AIT-h285, 1(2)-OG-AIT-4324, and 1(2)-0G-AIT-4325 were inoperable for greater than a 30 day period during January 1 to June 30, 1987. Due to design problems, these monitors were not returned to serivce within 30 days.

Units 1 and 2, Reactor and Turbine Building roof vent monitor flow elements, 1-VA-FE-3356, 1-VA-FE-3358, 2-VA-FE-3356, and 2-VA-FE-3358 were inoperable for greater'than a 30 day period during January 1 to June 30, 1987. Due to de-sign problems, theec monitors were not returned to service within 30 days.

l l

a ENCIASRUE 3 Liquid Hold-up Tank No liquid hold-up tank exceeded the 10 Ci limit between the dates of January 1 to June 30, 1987 z

l l



. 1 ATTACBGMT 6 Major Modifications to the Radioactive Waste Treatment Systems-January 1 to June 30, 1987 Discussion of major modifications to Radioactive Waste Treatment Systems, if any, will be substitted with the Final Safety Analysis Report update as allowed by footnote 7 to Technical Specification 6.15.




ATTACHMENT 7 Meteorological Data Brunswick Steam Electric Plant January 1 to June 30, 1987 i

As required by Technical Specification footnote 6, the annual summary of meteorological data collected over the calendar year will be submitted to a file within 90 days of January 1, 1988, and will be available for NRC reviev upon request.

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ATTACIDE:NT 8 Potential Dose Assessment January 1 to June 30, 1987 As required by Technical Specification 6.9 1.10.b, an assessment of radiation doses due to the radioactive liquid and-caseous effluents released during the calendar year vill be reported within 90 days after January 1 of each year, and

ts not included in this report.

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__.____________.m__.__ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ . . . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ . .__ _ _ _ ,


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@;>b 06Ta ~

C22%T.1T2W!ic7%Eh .ES Carchna Power & Light Company

=r:c.. an a.. n .;rna Brunswick Steam Electric Plar.: .


P. O. Box 10429 Scuthport, NC 2B461-0129 August Ji, 1957 i,

?ILE 3G9-13510C I 2ERIAL: 1SEP/87-0953 I I

Dr. J. Nelson Grace, Administrator i U.S. ': :c lear Re.;ulatory Commiss ion Suite ."300 I 101 h rietta Street NW Atlanta, GA 30323 BRUNSWICK STEAff ELECTRIC PLANT UNITS 1 AND 2 DOCKET NOS. 50-323 AND 50-324 LICENSE NOS. DPR-71 AND DPR-62 SEB!I ANNL'AL RADIOACTIVE EFFLL ENT RELEASE VEP;hT

Dear Dr. Grace:

Enclosed is the Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report for Brunswick

.R eam :.lectric Plant ccvering the period from .'anuary ., 1987, thrcugh

. . a. n ys ,

,uq o- , .

This report is submitted in accordance with Technical Specification for Brunswick Steam Electric Plant.

I Very truly yours, C .iy j C R. Dietz, General !!anager Brunswick Steam Electric Plant RBIP / cb l

l Enclosure l cc: NRC Document Centrol Desk Q T 6,

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