05000271/LER-1999-003, :on 990902,inadvertent Primary Containment Isolation Sys Actuation Occurred.Caused by Spurious Signal on Refuel Floor Radiation Monitor.Conducted Radiation Survey & Replaced Affected Detector.With1999-10-0404 October 1999
- on 990902,inadvertent Primary Containment Isolation Sys Actuation Occurred.Caused by Spurious Signal on Refuel Floor Radiation Monitor.Conducted Radiation Survey & Replaced Affected Detector.With
05000271/LER-1999-002, :on 990316,failure to Properly Test CSP Discharge Cv Was Noted.Caused by Misunderstanding of Relationship Between TS Pump Flow Requirements & Flow Rates in Analyses.Valves Were Consistently Tested.With1999-04-15015 April 1999
- on 990316,failure to Properly Test CSP Discharge Cv Was Noted.Caused by Misunderstanding of Relationship Between TS Pump Flow Requirements & Flow Rates in Analyses.Valves Were Consistently Tested.With
05000271/LER-1998-018, :on 980528,determined That VT-3 Exam Had Not Been Performed as Required by Section XI of ASME Code.Caused by Inadequate Work Control Process.Procedure Revised.With1999-03-18018 March 1999
- on 980528,determined That VT-3 Exam Had Not Been Performed as Required by Section XI of ASME Code.Caused by Inadequate Work Control Process.Procedure Revised.With
05000271/LER-1998-026, :on 981124,inadequate Equipment Control Resulted in Reduced HPCI Sys Reliability.Caused by Valve Being Out of Position.Completed Pressure Switch Calibration. with1999-03-16016 March 1999
- on 981124,inadequate Equipment Control Resulted in Reduced HPCI Sys Reliability.Caused by Valve Being Out of Position.Completed Pressure Switch Calibration. with
05000271/LER-1998-022, :on 980614,CV Fast Closure & Turbine Stop Valve Closure Scram Bypass Did Not Reset When Greater 30% Thermal Power Exceeded.Caused by Ambiguous Licensing Basis.Changed Affected Pressure Switch Trip Settings.With1999-02-25025 February 1999
- on 980614,CV Fast Closure & Turbine Stop Valve Closure Scram Bypass Did Not Reset When Greater 30% Thermal Power Exceeded.Caused by Ambiguous Licensing Basis.Changed Affected Pressure Switch Trip Settings.With
05000271/LER-1999-001, :on 990105,determined That Pump Curves Used in Assessing RHRSW Pump Performance Had Not Been Correctly Applied to Vynp Configuration.Caused by Inadequate Communication.Sw Task Established.With1999-02-0404 February 1999
- on 990105,determined That Pump Curves Used in Assessing RHRSW Pump Performance Had Not Been Correctly Applied to Vynp Configuration.Caused by Inadequate Communication.Sw Task Established.With
05000271/LER-1998-006, :on 980318,potential Failure of Multiple Safety Class Breakers Was Noted.Caused by Inadequate Maint Procedure for Safety Class Breakers.Faulty Breaker Was Replaced.With1999-01-20020 January 1999
- on 980318,potential Failure of Multiple Safety Class Breakers Was Noted.Caused by Inadequate Maint Procedure for Safety Class Breakers.Faulty Breaker Was Replaced.With
05000271/LER-1998-025, :on 981211,determined That One Scram Discharge Vol Drain Valve Did Not Meet Stroke Time Requirements of IST Program.Cause Analysis in Progress.New Larger Valve Actuators Installed.With1999-01-0707 January 1999
- on 981211,determined That One Scram Discharge Vol Drain Valve Did Not Meet Stroke Time Requirements of IST Program.Cause Analysis in Progress.New Larger Valve Actuators Installed.With
05000271/LER-1998-024, :on 981116,MSSV Lifted Below Setpoint Specified in Tech Specs.Cause Unknown.Plant Maint Dept Initiated Event Rept to Ensure Investigation Completed on Event.With1998-12-16016 December 1998
- on 981116,MSSV Lifted Below Setpoint Specified in Tech Specs.Cause Unknown.Plant Maint Dept Initiated Event Rept to Ensure Investigation Completed on Event.With
05000271/LER-1998-023, :on 980924,inadequate Review of Engineering Design Change Resulted in CS in-service Testing Valve Not Being Properly Tested.Performed full-stroke Open Test of Both Valves IAW IST Requirement.With1998-10-22022 October 1998
- on 980924,inadequate Review of Engineering Design Change Resulted in CS in-service Testing Valve Not Being Properly Tested.Performed full-stroke Open Test of Both Valves IAW IST Requirement.With
05000271/LER-1998-020, :on 980614,discovered Two Mispositioned Isolation Valves That Allowed Degradation of Primary Containment Integrity.Caused by Inadequate Equipment Control Practice.Drain Valves Were Closed.With1998-09-16016 September 1998
- on 980614,discovered Two Mispositioned Isolation Valves That Allowed Degradation of Primary Containment Integrity.Caused by Inadequate Equipment Control Practice.Drain Valves Were Closed.With
05000271/LER-1998-017, :on 980601,B SBGTS Failed to Start as Required During HP Coolant Sys Surveillance Test.Caused by Inadequate Design Package & Installation Procedure. B Fan Supply Breaker Trip Setpoint Was Corrected.With1998-09-0909 September 1998
- on 980601,B SBGTS Failed to Start as Required During HP Coolant Sys Surveillance Test.Caused by Inadequate Design Package & Installation Procedure. B Fan Supply Breaker Trip Setpoint Was Corrected.With
05000271/LER-1998-021, :on 980803,noted Failure to Meet IST Requirements for Diesel Fuel Oil Day Tank Level Control Valves.Caused by Inadequate Licensing Basis Documentation Retrievability.Subject Valves Were Tested1998-09-0101 September 1998
- on 980803,noted Failure to Meet IST Requirements for Diesel Fuel Oil Day Tank Level Control Valves.Caused by Inadequate Licensing Basis Documentation Retrievability.Subject Valves Were Tested
05000271/LER-1998-007, :on 980318,group III Pci Signal Was Potentially Blocked from Initiating Isolation of Containment Air Monitoring Isolation Valves.Caused by Potential Single Error.Isolated Valves & Entered 7 Day LCO1998-08-17017 August 1998
- on 980318,group III Pci Signal Was Potentially Blocked from Initiating Isolation of Containment Air Monitoring Isolation Valves.Caused by Potential Single Error.Isolated Valves & Entered 7 Day LCO
05000271/LER-1998-022, :on 980614,CV Fast Closure & TSV Closure Scram Bypass Did Not Reset When Greater than 30% Core Thermal Power (Ctp).Cause Is Under Investigation.Decreased Power to Less than 30% CTP to Investigate1998-07-14014 July 1998
- on 980614,CV Fast Closure & TSV Closure Scram Bypass Did Not Reset When Greater than 30% Core Thermal Power (Ctp).Cause Is Under Investigation.Decreased Power to Less than 30% CTP to Investigate
05000271/LER-1998-020, :on 980614,verifying Positions of Locked Valves as Corrective Action for Valve Locking Device Discovered to Be Missing.Cause Unknown.Internal Event Rept Initiated to Perform Root Cause Determination1998-07-14014 July 1998
- on 980614,verifying Positions of Locked Valves as Corrective Action for Valve Locking Device Discovered to Be Missing.Cause Unknown.Internal Event Rept Initiated to Perform Root Cause Determination
05000271/LER-1998-019, :on 980610,containment Isolation Occurred. Cause Determination in Progress.Internal Event Initiated to Perform Formal Cause Determination1998-07-10010 July 1998
- on 980610,containment Isolation Occurred. Cause Determination in Progress.Internal Event Initiated to Perform Formal Cause Determination
05000271/LER-1998-016, :on 980609,reactor Scram on High Water Level Was Noted as Result of Stuck Open FW Control Valve.Caused by Inadequate Foreign Matl Exclusion Area Control Fws.Operators Placed Plant in Stable Condition1998-07-0909 July 1998
- on 980609,reactor Scram on High Water Level Was Noted as Result of Stuck Open FW Control Valve.Caused by Inadequate Foreign Matl Exclusion Area Control Fws.Operators Placed Plant in Stable Condition
05000271/LER-1998-017, :on 980601,noted That Redundant Trains of SGTS W/Fan Supply Breaker Trip Setpoints Had Potential to Attain Normal Start in-rush Current.Caused by Inadequate Design Implementation Procedure.Evaluation Is Ongoing1998-07-0101 July 1998
- on 980601,noted That Redundant Trains of SGTS W/Fan Supply Breaker Trip Setpoints Had Potential to Attain Normal Start in-rush Current.Caused by Inadequate Design Implementation Procedure.Evaluation Is Ongoing
05000271/LER-1998-018, :on 980528,ASME Section XI Code VT-3 Was Not Completed Following Repair of Msiv.Caused by Omission of Relevant Info from Plant Procedure.Revised safety-related Procedure to Include Requirement1998-06-26026 June 1998
- on 980528,ASME Section XI Code VT-3 Was Not Completed Following Repair of Msiv.Caused by Omission of Relevant Info from Plant Procedure.Revised safety-related Procedure to Include Requirement
05000271/LER-1998-015, :on 980523,invalid ESF Actuation Including SBGTS Start,Containment Vent & Purge Isolation & Rbvi Was Noted.Caused by Failed Contactor Coil.Coil Was Replaced & Sys Was Returned to Normal1998-06-18018 June 1998
- on 980523,invalid ESF Actuation Including SBGTS Start,Containment Vent & Purge Isolation & Rbvi Was Noted.Caused by Failed Contactor Coil.Coil Was Replaced & Sys Was Returned to Normal
05000271/LER-1998-014, :on 980521,inadequate Configuration in Control Methods Resulted in Plant Operation W/Degraded Vital Fire Barrier Subject to Plant TS Sr.Cause Could Not Be Determined.Replaced Seal1998-06-18018 June 1998
- on 980521,inadequate Configuration in Control Methods Resulted in Plant Operation W/Degraded Vital Fire Barrier Subject to Plant TS Sr.Cause Could Not Be Determined.Replaced Seal
05000271/LER-1998-012, :on 980430,six Primary Containment Isolation Valves Were Declared Inoperable.Caused by Failure to Adequately Define Standards for Reducing Contact Forces Caused by Sharp Edges.Event Rept Initiated1998-06-0101 June 1998
- on 980430,six Primary Containment Isolation Valves Were Declared Inoperable.Caused by Failure to Adequately Define Standards for Reducing Contact Forces Caused by Sharp Edges.Event Rept Initiated
05000271/LER-1998-010, :on 980428,determined That Installation of Wetwell Hardened Vent Sys Challenged Containment Systems in Event of Postulated Loca.Caused by Human Error.Closed Safety Class MOV in Vent Line as Interim Action1998-05-28028 May 1998
- on 980428,determined That Installation of Wetwell Hardened Vent Sys Challenged Containment Systems in Event of Postulated Loca.Caused by Human Error.Closed Safety Class MOV in Vent Line as Interim Action
05000271/LER-1996-025, :on 960924,determined That Primary Containment Nitrogen Purge Sys Inboard Torus Isolation Valve Leaked in Excess of TS Limits.Caused by Improperly Adjusted Mechanical Stop.Adjusted Mechanical Stop1998-05-22022 May 1998
- on 960924,determined That Primary Containment Nitrogen Purge Sys Inboard Torus Isolation Valve Leaked in Excess of TS Limits.Caused by Improperly Adjusted Mechanical Stop.Adjusted Mechanical Stop
05000271/LER-1998-011, :on 980422,noted That HPCI & RCIC Systems Low Steam Supply Pressure Isolation Function Is Bypassed During Startup Contrary to Ts.Cause Under Investigation.Will Revise Procedures Re HPCI & RCIC Steam Supply Valves1998-05-22022 May 1998
- on 980422,noted That HPCI & RCIC Systems Low Steam Supply Pressure Isolation Function Is Bypassed During Startup Contrary to Ts.Cause Under Investigation.Will Revise Procedures Re HPCI & RCIC Steam Supply Valves
05000271/LER-1998-001, :on 980124,discovered That Penetration Seal Did Not Conform to Tested Configuration for 3-h Rated Seal. Caused by Lack of Formal Fire Protection Program at Time of Seal Installation.Repaired non-conforming Seal1998-05-14014 May 1998
- on 980124,discovered That Penetration Seal Did Not Conform to Tested Configuration for 3-h Rated Seal. Caused by Lack of Formal Fire Protection Program at Time of Seal Installation.Repaired non-conforming Seal
05000271/LER-1998-008, :on 980402,discovered That Control Bldg Cable Vault West Wall Fire Penetration 78-T11542 Contained Less than Three Inches of Seal Matl.Cause of Event Under Investigation.Seal Repaired & Rept Written1998-05-0101 May 1998
- on 980402,discovered That Control Bldg Cable Vault West Wall Fire Penetration 78-T11542 Contained Less than Three Inches of Seal Matl.Cause of Event Under Investigation.Seal Repaired & Rept Written
05000271/LER-1998-024, :on 971216,discovered Failure of Vertical Support Columns in Plant Cooling Tower Which Rendered Plant Alternate Cooling Sys Susceptible.Caused by Inadequate Analysis & Guidance.Initiated Event Rept1998-04-23023 April 1998
- on 971216,discovered Failure of Vertical Support Columns in Plant Cooling Tower Which Rendered Plant Alternate Cooling Sys Susceptible.Caused by Inadequate Analysis & Guidance.Initiated Event Rept
05000271/LER-1998-009, :on 980321,determined That Leakage Rates of Both Inboard & Outboard MSIV in B & C Steam Lines Exceed TS Allowable Leak Rate Limit.Cause Analysis in Progress.Rept Written to Investigate Event1998-04-18018 April 1998
- on 980321,determined That Leakage Rates of Both Inboard & Outboard MSIV in B & C Steam Lines Exceed TS Allowable Leak Rate Limit.Cause Analysis in Progress.Rept Written to Investigate Event
05000271/LER-1998-006, :on 980318,single CS Pump Supply Breaker Failed to Return to Normal Standby Condition Following Routine Surveillance.Caused by Inadequate Maint Procedure.Faulty Breaker Has Been Replaced1998-04-16016 April 1998
- on 980318,single CS Pump Supply Breaker Failed to Return to Normal Standby Condition Following Routine Surveillance.Caused by Inadequate Maint Procedure.Faulty Breaker Has Been Replaced
05000271/LER-1998-007, :on 980318,Group III Pci Was Potentially Blocked from Initiating Isolation of Containment Air Monitoring Isolation Valves.Cause Is Under Investigation. Isolated Valves & Entered 7 Day LCO1998-04-15015 April 1998
- on 980318,Group III Pci Was Potentially Blocked from Initiating Isolation of Containment Air Monitoring Isolation Valves.Cause Is Under Investigation. Isolated Valves & Entered 7 Day LCO
05000271/LER-1998-005, :on 980115,HPCIS/RCICS Exhaust Lines Were Susceptible to Water Hammer.Caused by Failure to Understand Scope of Water Hammer Issues.Basis for Maintaining Operation Was Generated & Approved1998-04-0909 April 1998
- on 980115,HPCIS/RCICS Exhaust Lines Were Susceptible to Water Hammer.Caused by Failure to Understand Scope of Water Hammer Issues.Basis for Maintaining Operation Was Generated & Approved
05000271/LER-1998-004, :on 980226,seven Day DG LCO Was Exceeded Due to Inadequate Guidance in Work Planning Procedure When Planning Work That Affects Block Walls.Grout Was Replaced & Completed on 9803011998-03-28028 March 1998
- on 980226,seven Day DG LCO Was Exceeded Due to Inadequate Guidance in Work Planning Procedure When Planning Work That Affects Block Walls.Grout Was Replaced & Completed on 980301
05000271/LER-1998-003, :on 980301,determined That Gaseous Effluent Flowrate Results Were Not Estimated as Required by Ts.Caused by Failure of Operating Crew to Recognize TS Requirements. Performed TS Required Estimation of Flowrate1998-03-26026 March 1998
- on 980301,determined That Gaseous Effluent Flowrate Results Were Not Estimated as Required by Ts.Caused by Failure of Operating Crew to Recognize TS Requirements. Performed TS Required Estimation of Flowrate
05000271/LER-1997-014, :on 970807,discovered That Potential Existed to Overpressure SGTS Should Large Break LOCA Occur During Primary Inerting & Deinerting.Caused by Inadequate Procedures.Established Administrative Controls1998-03-19019 March 1998
- on 970807,discovered That Potential Existed to Overpressure SGTS Should Large Break LOCA Occur During Primary Inerting & Deinerting.Caused by Inadequate Procedures.Established Administrative Controls
05000271/LER-1997-024, :on 971216,discovered Failure of Vertical Support Column in Safety Class Portion of Cooling Tower. Caused by Lack of Detailed Insp in Area of Concern.Replaced Failed Column1998-03-12012 March 1998
- on 971216,discovered Failure of Vertical Support Column in Safety Class Portion of Cooling Tower. Caused by Lack of Detailed Insp in Area of Concern.Replaced Failed Column
05000271/LER-1998-029, :on 980205,1988 Disposition of Questions Raised Re ECC Sys Pump Minimum Flow Requirement Was Inadequate. Caused by Ambiguity of VYs Current Licensing Basis Documentation in Treatment.Issued Rept1998-02-27027 February 1998
- on 980205,1988 Disposition of Questions Raised Re ECC Sys Pump Minimum Flow Requirement Was Inadequate. Caused by Ambiguity of VYs Current Licensing Basis Documentation in Treatment.Issued Rept
05000271/LER-1997-020, :on 971030,inadequate Technical Justification for Proposed Change to Plant TS Resulted in Operation Outside of Bounds of Current Analyses During Loca.Caused by Personnel Error.Procedures Improved1998-02-0909 February 1998
- on 971030,inadequate Technical Justification for Proposed Change to Plant TS Resulted in Operation Outside of Bounds of Current Analyses During Loca.Caused by Personnel Error.Procedures Improved
05000271/LER-1997-020, :on 971030,inadequate Technical Justification for Proposed Change to Plant TS Resulted in Operation Outside Bounds of Current Analyses.Caused by Inadequate Assignment Methods.Revised Administrative Controls1998-02-0505 February 1998
- on 971030,inadequate Technical Justification for Proposed Change to Plant TS Resulted in Operation Outside Bounds of Current Analyses.Caused by Inadequate Assignment Methods.Revised Administrative Controls
05000271/LER-1997-024, :on 971216,plant Alternate Cooling Sys Was Susceptible to Failure in Event of Postulate Seismic Occurrence.Caused by Failure of Vertical Support Column Repair in Plant Coolant Tower.Completed Insp1998-01-14014 January 1998
- on 971216,plant Alternate Cooling Sys Was Susceptible to Failure in Event of Postulate Seismic Occurrence.Caused by Failure of Vertical Support Column Repair in Plant Coolant Tower.Completed Insp
05000271/LER-1997-023, :on 971125,plant Trip Occurred.Caused by Failure of Protective Device in Main Generator Protective Circuitry.Operating Staff Placed Plant in Normal Shutdown Configuration1997-12-23023 December 1997
- on 971125,plant Trip Occurred.Caused by Failure of Protective Device in Main Generator Protective Circuitry.Operating Staff Placed Plant in Normal Shutdown Configuration
05000271/LER-1997-022, :on 971115,inadvertent PCIS Actuation Occurred. Caused by Spurious Spike on RB Vent Rm.Conducted Radiological Survey1997-12-11011 December 1997
- on 971115,inadvertent PCIS Actuation Occurred. Caused by Spurious Spike on RB Vent Rm.Conducted Radiological Survey
05000271/LER-1997-021, :on 971009,energized Cables from One Divisional Raceway Sys Traverse Both Division SI & Sii Equipment.Caused by Inadequate Original Design Specifications.Both Alternate Supply Breakers Were Opened & Tagged1997-11-0505 November 1997
- on 971009,energized Cables from One Divisional Raceway Sys Traverse Both Division SI & Sii Equipment.Caused by Inadequate Original Design Specifications.Both Alternate Supply Breakers Were Opened & Tagged
05000271/LER-1997-019, :on 970918,inadequate Hydraulic Calculation Performed in Support of 1982 Fire Protection Sprinkler Sys Mod,Was Found.Caused by Personnel Error.Manual Sprinkler Subsystem Was Declared Inoperable1997-10-16016 October 1997
- on 970918,inadequate Hydraulic Calculation Performed in Support of 1982 Fire Protection Sprinkler Sys Mod,Was Found.Caused by Personnel Error.Manual Sprinkler Subsystem Was Declared Inoperable
05000271/LER-1997-018, :on 970918,determined Four 1-inch Ci Valves Were Found Out of Position Due to Inadequate Procedure. Root Cause Under Investigation.Verification of All Valves Out of Position Checked1997-10-15015 October 1997
- on 970918,determined Four 1-inch Ci Valves Were Found Out of Position Due to Inadequate Procedure. Root Cause Under Investigation.Verification of All Valves Out of Position Checked
05000271/LER-1997-006, :on 970326,use of Inadequate Design Spec/ Implementation Document During Initial Plant Const Resulted in Failure to Maintain Proper Electrical Separation of Electrical Cables.Initiated Events Repts1997-10-0202 October 1997
- on 970326,use of Inadequate Design Spec/ Implementation Document During Initial Plant Const Resulted in Failure to Maintain Proper Electrical Separation of Electrical Cables.Initiated Events Repts
05000271/LER-1997-017, :on 970902,equipment Malfunction Remaining Undetected by Operating Crew Resulted in Plant Operation in Excess of Rated Thermal Power.Caused by Module Failure. Replaced Failed Electronic Module1997-10-0202 October 1997
- on 970902,equipment Malfunction Remaining Undetected by Operating Crew Resulted in Plant Operation in Excess of Rated Thermal Power.Caused by Module Failure. Replaced Failed Electronic Module
05000271/LER-1997-015, :on 970827,discovered That Required Instrument Check for Recirculation Pump Trip Was Not Completed IAW Ts. Caused by Personnel Error.Devised Temporary Procedure of Performing Instrument Checks1997-09-24024 September 1997
- on 970827,discovered That Required Instrument Check for Recirculation Pump Trip Was Not Completed IAW Ts. Caused by Personnel Error.Devised Temporary Procedure of Performing Instrument Checks
05000271/LER-1997-016, :on 970825,discovered Missed Surveillances of Relay Contacts.Caused by Personnel Error as Result of Inadequate Procedure.Tested Subject Contacts & Closed & Tagged Affected Valves1997-09-24024 September 1997
- on 970825,discovered Missed Surveillances of Relay Contacts.Caused by Personnel Error as Result of Inadequate Procedure.Tested Subject Contacts & Closed & Tagged Affected Valves