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 Issue dateTitle
ML24116A04623 April 2024Periodic Update of the Updated Final Safety Analysis Report, Chapter 2, Site and Environment
ML24116A05423 April 2024Periodic Update of the Updated Final Safety Analysis Report, Chapter 1, Introduction and Summary (Redacted)
ML23208A09528 August 2023Issuance of Amendment Nos. 273 and 275 Regarding Revising Licensing Basis to Address Generic Safety Issue-191 and Respond to Generic Letter 2004-02 Using a Risk Informed Approach
ML23103A1331 June 2023Issuance of Amendment Nos. 271 and 273 Regarding Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-505, Revision 2, Provide Risk-Informed Extended Completion Times - RITSTF Initiative 4b
ML23039A00221 February 2023Audit Summary for License Amendment Request to Adopt Risk-Informed Extended Completion Times Risk Informed Technical Specifications Task Force Initiative 4B
ML22216A20311 August 2022Regulatory Audit in Support of Review of the Application to Adopt Risk-Informed Extended Completion Times - RITSTF Initiative 4B
L-2022-121, Exemption Request, License Amendment Request and Revised Response in Support of a Risk-informed Resolution of Generic Letter 2004-0229 July 2022Exemption Request, License Amendment Request and Revised Response in Support of a Risk-informed Resolution of Generic Letter 2004-02
NRC 2022-0022, Response to Request for Supplemental Information (Rsi) Regarding License Amendment Request (LAR) 297, Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt Risk Informed Completion Times TSTF-505, Revision 2,11 July 2022Response to Request for Supplemental Information (Rsi) Regarding License Amendment Request (LAR) 297, Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt Risk Informed Completion Times TSTF-505, Revision 2,
ML22140A14320 May 2022Enclosure 4 - Information Supporting Justification of Excluding Sources of Risk Not Addressed by PRA Models
ML22004A0014 January 2022SLR - FW: Comments of Michael J Keegan on Dseis Point Beach
ML22004A3214 January 2022SLR - FW: Comments of Michael J Keegan on Dseis Point Beach
ML22006A1993 January 2022SLR - (External_Sender) Comments of Michael J Keegan on Dseis Point Beach
ML22006A25928 December 2021Comment (234) E-mail Regarding Point Beach Draft SEIS
IR 05000266/202100121 April 2021Integrated Inspection Report 05000266/2021001 and 05000301/2021001
ML21102A3432 April 2021Update to Final Safety Analysis Report, Chapter 1, Introduction and Summary
ML21102A3562 April 2021Update to Final Safety Analysis Report, Appendix a, Station Blackout (SBO)
NRC-2021-0009, Update to Final Safety Analysis Report, Chapter 2, Site and Environment2 April 2021Update to Final Safety Analysis Report, Chapter 2, Site and Environment
ML21069A0483 March 2021Comment (182) of Alfred Meyer on Notice of Intent to Conduct Scoping Process and Prepare Environmental Impact Statement; NextEra Energy Point Beach, LLC, Point Beach Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2
ML20363A17623 February 2021Issuance of Amendment Nos. 268 and 270 Regarding Tornado Missile Protection Licensing Basis
IR 05000266/20200034 November 2020Integrated Inspection Report 05000266/2020003 and 05000301/2020003
NRC 2020-0003, License Amendment Request 289: Tornado Missile Protection Licensing Basis6 February 2020License Amendment Request 289: Tornado Missile Protection Licensing Basis
ML19344A01612 December 2019Summary of Pre-Application Public Teleconference with Nextera Energy Point Beach, LLC, for Point Beach Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2
ML19064A90425 April 2019Issuance of Amendments to Extend Containment Leakage Rate Test Frequency
ML18289A37826 November 2018Issuance of Amendments to Adopt Title 10 of Code of Federal Regulations 50.69, Risk Informed Categorization and Treatment of Structures, Systems and Components for Nuclear Power Reactors
IR 05000266/201800322 October 2018NRC Integrated Inspection Report 05000266/2018003; 05000301/2018003; and 07200005/2018001
NRC 2018-0038, Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding License Amendment Request 287, Application to Adopt 10 CFR 50.69, Risk Informed Categorization and Treatment of Structures, System, and Components (Sscs) for Nuclear10 August 2018Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding License Amendment Request 287, Application to Adopt 10 CFR 50.69, Risk Informed Categorization and Treatment of Structures, System, and Components (Sscs) for Nuclear
IR 05000266/20180026 August 2018NRC Integrated Inspection Report 05000266/2018002 and 05000301/2018002 and Exercise of Enforcement Discretion
ML18166A29914 June 2018NRR E-mail Capture - Draft - Point Beach - 50.69 Risk Informed LAR 287, Request for Additional Information, CAC Nos. MG0196 and MG0197, EPID L-2017-LLA-0284
ML18079A04513 June 2018Issuance of Amendments Revision to the Point Beach Nuclear Plant Emergency Action Level Scheme (CAC Nos. MF9859 and MF9860 EPID L-2017-LLS-0278)
ML18141A84529 May 2018Summary of May 1, 2018 Meeting with NextEra Energy Point Beach, LLC, to Discuss License Amendment Request for High Winds Probabilistic Risk Assessment for Point Beach Nuclear Plant, Unit Nos. 1 and 2
IR 05000266/20180018 May 2018NRC Integrated Report 05000266/2018001 and 05000301/2018001 and Exercise of Enforcement Discretion
ML18108A0151 May 2018NextEra Approach to Resolution of Tornado Missile Protection May 1, 2018
NRC 2018-0022, Request to Extend Enforcement Discretion Provided in Enforcement Guidance Memorandum 15-002 for Tornado-Generated Missile Protection Nonconformances Identified in Response to Regulatory Issue Summary 2015-06, Tornado Missile Protection26 April 2018Request to Extend Enforcement Discretion Provided in Enforcement Guidance Memorandum 15-002 for Tornado-Generated Missile Protection Nonconformances Identified in Response to Regulatory Issue Summary 2015-06, Tornado Missile Protection.
NRC 2018-0014, NextEra Energy Point Beach, LLC, Construction Truss License Amendment Request 278, Response to Request for Additional Information12 April 2018NextEra Energy Point Beach, LLC, Construction Truss License Amendment Request 278, Response to Request for Additional Information
ML18108A31012 April 2018NRR E-mail Capture - Audit at NextEra Headquarters, Juno Beach, Florida - April 24, 2018 Through April 26, 2018 - 50.69 LARs for Duane Arnold Energy Center (Daec), and Point Beach Nuclear Plant (Pbnp), Units 1 and 2 - EPIDs L-2017-LLA-0283/
NRC 2018-0018, License Amendment Request 288, Request to Extend Containment Leakage Rate Test Frequency30 March 2018License Amendment Request 288, Request to Extend Containment Leakage Rate Test Frequency
ML17363A14521 December 2017Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding License Amendment Request 286, Adoption of Emergency Action Level Scheme Pursuant to NEI 99-01, Revision 6, Development of Emergency Action Levels for Non-Passive Reactor
NRC 2017-0052, Supplement to LAR 287, Application to Adopt 10 CFR 50.69, Risk-Informed Categorization and Treatment of Structures, Systems, and Components for Nuclear Power Plants26 October 2017Supplement to LAR 287, Application to Adopt 10 CFR 50.69, Risk-Informed Categorization and Treatment of Structures, Systems, and Components for Nuclear Power Plants
ML17292A08123 October 2017Supplemental Information Needed for Acceptance of Requested Licensing Action Application to Adopt 10CFR 50.69, Risk-Informed Categorization and Treatment of Sscs for Nuclear Power Plants.
ML17277B3374 October 2017NRR E-mail Capture - LIC-109 Acceptance Review Supplement Rqst - Point Beach 1&2 LAR 287 - Application to Adopt 10 CFR 50.69, Risk-Informed Categorization and Treatment of Structures (Sscs) for Nuclear Power Plants - MG0196/MG0197
NRC 2017-0043, License Amendment Request 287, Application to Adopt 10 CFR 50.69, Risk-informed Categorization and Treatment of Structures, System, and Components (Sscs) for Nuclear Power Plants31 August 2017License Amendment Request 287, Application to Adopt 10 CFR 50.69, Risk-informed Categorization and Treatment of Structures, System, and Components (Sscs) for Nuclear Power Plants
NRC 2017-0028, License Amendment Request 286, Adoption of Emergency Action Level Scheme Pursuant to NEI 99-01, Revision 6, Development of Emergency Action Levels for Non-Passive Reactors.23 June 2017License Amendment Request 286, Adoption of Emergency Action Level Scheme Pursuant to NEI 99-01, Revision 6, Development of Emergency Action Levels for Non-Passive Reactors.
IR 05000266/20170018 May 2017NRC Integrated Inspection Report 05000266/2017001 and 05000301/2017001
NRC 2017-0017, License Amendment Request 278, Risk-Informed Approach to Resolve Construction Truss Design Code Nonconformances31 March 2017License Amendment Request 278, Risk-Informed Approach to Resolve Construction Truss Design Code Nonconformances
ML16241A00023 September 2016Mitigating Strategies and Spent Fuel Pool Instrumentation Safety Evaluation
ML16196A0938 September 2016Issuance of Amendment Regarding Transition to a Risk-Informed, Performance-Based Fire Protection Program in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.48 (C)
ML16251A1681 September 2016Periodic Update of the Final Safety Analysis Report (Fsar), Appendix a
NRC 2016-0034, Point Beach Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, Periodic Update of the Final Safety Analysis Report (Fsar), Chapter 1 - Introduction and Summary1 September 2016Point Beach Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, Periodic Update of the Final Safety Analysis Report (Fsar), Chapter 1 - Introduction and Summary
NRC 2016-0034, Point Beach Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, Periodic Update of the Final Safety Analysis Report (Fsar), Chapter 2 - Site and Environment1 September 2016Point Beach Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, Periodic Update of the Final Safety Analysis Report (Fsar), Chapter 2 - Site and Environment
NRC 2016-0034, Point Beach Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, Periodic Update of the Final Safety Analysis Report (Fsar), Appendix a1 September 2016Point Beach Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, Periodic Update of the Final Safety Analysis Report (Fsar), Appendix a