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Revision 29 to Updated Final Safety Analysis Report, Table 15.4-1 Through 15.4-34
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Issue date: 01/30/2017
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Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
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TABLE 15. 4-l TIME SEQUENCE OF EVENTS FOR CONDITION IV EVENTS Accident Major Reactor Coolant System Pipe Ruptures -Double-ended Cold Leg Guillotine Event (seconds} Accident Initiation Reactor Trip Signal Safety Injection Signal Start Accumulator Injection End of Slowdown/Bypass Start Pumped ECCS Injection Bottom of Core Recovery Accumulator Empty Time SGS-UFSAR CASE DESCRIPTION c0=0.4 c0=0.4 Min SI Max SI High T High T avg avg V+ Fuel V+ Fuel 0 0 1 .. 03 1.03 1 .. 8 1.8 19.0 19.0 37.6 37.6 33.8 33.8 54.0 52.4 62.9 64.9 1 of 3 c0=0.4 Min SI Low T avg V+ Fuel 0 0.88 1.9 18 .. 5 39.0 33.9 56.0 75.3 c0=0.6 Min SI High T avg V+ Fuel 0 1.00 1.4 14.0 29.7 33.4 44.4 56.6 Revision 15 June 12, 1996 c0=0.8 Min SI High T avg V+ Fuel 0 0.98 1.3 11 .. 7 26.1 33.3 40.5 53 .. 3 Accident Major Rupture of a Main Feedwater Pipe (With Offsite Power Available) Major Rupture of a Feedwater Pipe (With-Out Offsite Power Available) SGS-UFSAR Table 15.4-1 (Cont.) Event Time (sees) Feedwater pipe rupture occurs Reactor trip set point reached for low-low steam generator water level Rod motion begins Auxiliary feedwater system begins flow delivery 10 16 18 101 Safety injection actuation on low pressurizer 119 pressure Minimum margin to hot leg saturation occurs 514 Cold auxiliary feedwater reaches the first of the three intact steam generators Feedwater pipe rupture occurs Reactor trip setpoint reached for low-low steam generator water level Rod motion begins Reactor coolant pumps begin coastdown Auxiliary feedwater flow initiated Safety injection actuation on low pressurizer pressure 2 of 3 Revision 24 May 11, 2009 745 10 17 19 21 102 177 Accident SGS-UFSAR Table 15.4-1 (Cont.) Event Time {sees) Minimum margin to hot leg saturation occurs 403 Cold auxiliary feedwater reaches the first of the three intact steam generators 774 2a of 3 Revision 24 May 11, 2009 Accident Major Secondary System Pipe Rupture -Full DER at the exit of the steam generator with off-site power available Locked Rotor SGS-UFSAR TABLE 15.4-1 (Cont.) Event Steam line ruptures High steam flow/low steam pressure Coincidence logic is satisfied Feedline isolation occurs Steamline isolation occurs Criticality attained Safety Injection begins Minimum DNBR occurs Rotor on one pump locks Low flow reactor trip setpoint reached Rod Motion begins Reactor coolant pumps coastdown Peak RCS pressure occurs Peak clad temperature occurs 3 of 3 Time (Sec) 0.0 0.6 10.6 12.6 21.0 22.6 147.0 0.0 0.03 1.03 2.53 3.5 3.7 Revision 24 May 11, 2009 RCCA Ejection, Beginning of Life, Hot Full Power RCCA Ejection, Beginning of Life, Hot Zero Power RCCA Ejection, End of Life, Hot ?ower SGS-UFSAR TABLE 15.4-1 {Cant) Rupture of CRDM housing 0.0 High neutron flux {high) 0.05 reactor trip setpoint reached RCCA is fully ejected from 0.1 core Peak nuclear power occurs 0.13 Rods begin to drop 0.55 Maximum fuel pellet enthalpy 2.36 occurs Peak clad temperature occurs 2.48 Maximum fuel melt occtlrs 2.82 Rupture of CRDM housing 0.0 RCCA is fully ejected from 0.1 core High neutron flux (low) 0.25 reactor trip setpoint reached Peak nuclear power occurs 0.30 Rods begin to drop Maximum fuel pellet enthalpy occurs Peak temperature occurs Maxlmum fuel melt occurs Rupture of CRDM housing 0.75 2.61 2.55 N/A 0.0 High neutron flux {high) 0.04 reactor trip setpoint reached RCCA is fully ejected from 0.1 core Peak nuclear power occurs Rods begin to drop Maximum fuel pellet enthalpy occurs Peak clad temperature occurs 3a of 3 0.13 0.54 2. 42 2.50 Revision 18 April 26, 2000 RCCA Ejection, End of Life, Hot Zero Power SGS-UFSAR TABLE 15.4-1 (Cont) Maximum fuel melt occurs 2.65 Rupture of CRDM housing 0.0 RCCA is fully ejected f'rom 0. 1 core High neutron flux (low) 0.17 reactor trip setpoint reached Peak nuclear power occurs Rods begin to drop 0.67 Maximum fuel pellet enthalpy 1.98 occurs Peak clad temperature occurs 1.79 Maximum fuel melt occurs N/A 3b of 3 Revision 18 April 26, 2000 TABLE 15.4-2 LARGE BREAK LOCA ANALYSIS RESULTS SAFETY INJECTION TAVG AND BREAK SPECTRUM STUDIES Result PCT, OF PCT Time, sec. PCT Location, ft. Local Zr/H2o Reaction (max), % Total Zr/H20 Reaction, % Local Zr/820 Reaction Location, ft. Hot Rod Burst Time, seconds Hot Rod Burst Location, ft. SGS-UFSAR Case Description c0=0.4 c =0.4 D c0=0.4 Min SI Max SI Min SI High T High T Low T avg avg avg V+ Fuel V+ Fuel V+ Fuel 1927 1825 1825 103.0 61.1 64.6 7.25 6.25 6.25 3.6 2.4 2.7 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 7.25 7.25 7.25 45.7 45.7 48.4 6.0 6.0 6.0 1 of 2 c0=0.6 c0=0.8 Min SI Min SI High T avg High T avg V+ Fuel V+ Fuel 1832 1730 189.4 98.4 7.25 7.25 2.9 2.3 <1.0 <1.0 7.25 5.50 39.9 46.0 6.0 5.5 Revision 15 June 12, 1996 Result PCT, OF TABLE 15.4-2 LARGE BREAK LOCA ANALYSIS RESULTS LARGE BREAK LOCA FUEL SENSITIVITY STUDY (C0=0.4, MINIMUM SAFETY INJECTION, HIGH TAVG CASE) V+ Fuel V+ Fuel IFBA Non-IFBA wf IFMs w/ IFMs 1978 1927 Fuel Type VSH Fuel IFBA wfo IFMs 2020 VSH Fuel Non-IFBA wfo IFMs 1976 PCT Time, sec. 64.4 103.0 209.1 102.8 PCT Location, ft. Local Zr/H2o Reaction (max), ' Total Zr/H2o Reaction, ' Local Zr/H20 Reaction Location, ft. Hot Rod Burst Time, seconds Hot Rod Burst Location, ft .. SGS-URSAR 6.25 7.25 6.2 3.6 <1.0 <1.0 6.25 7.25 60.3 45.7 6.25 6.0 Page 2 of 2 7.25 6.3 <1.0 7.25 56.1 6.0 7.0 4.9 <1.0 6.0 45.5 6.0 Revision 15 June 12, 1996 3 Net Free Volume, ft Initial Conditions TABLE 15.4-3 CONTAINMENT DATA LARGE BREAK LOCA ANALYSIS Representatively Low Pressure, psia Representatively Low Temperature, °F Minimum RWST Temperature, °F Minimum Service Water Temperature, °F Minimum Outside Temperature, °F spray System1 Number of Pumps Operating Maximum Total Flowrate, gpm Fastest Actuation Time, seconds Safeguards Fan Coolers1 Number of Fan Coolers Operating Post-Accident Initiation of Fan, seconds 1 of 3 SGS-UFSAR 6 2.62 X 10 14.7 90.0 35 32 -10 2 7302 35 5 22 Revision 15 June 12, 1996 TABLE 15.4-3 (Continued) Structural Heat Sinks Thickness, inches (J} 0.005 Surface Paint (for steel), 0.0025 Primer Paint (for steel), 0.375 Steel, 54 Concrete 2.5 Insulation, 0.005 Paint (for steel)21 0.375 Steel, 54 Concrete 0.005 Surface Paint (for steel), 0.0025 Primer Paint (for steel), 0.5 Steel, 42 Concrete 0.008 Surface Paint {for concrete}, 0.010 Primer Paint (for concrete), 42 Concrete 0.005 Surface Paint {for steel), 0.0025 Primer Paint {for steel}, 0.0625 Steel 0.005 Surface Paint (for steel}, 0.0025 Primer Paint (for steel}, 0.375 Steel 0.0625 Steel 0.375 Steel 0.8333 Steel 0.8125 Steel 1.000 Insulation, 0.216 Steel 0.008 Surface Paint {for concrete}, 0.010 Primer Paint (for concrete), 18 Concrete 0.004 Surface Paint {for concrete}, 0.010 Primer Paint (for concrete), 41 Concrete 0.25 Stainless Steel, 51 Concrete 0.09375 Stainless Steel 0.005 Surface Paint (for steel}, 0.0025 Primer Paint (for steel), 1.125 Steel Page 2 of 3 SGS-UFSAR Area, ft2 49,924 15,655 32,328 13,139 390,880 62,253 330,012 11,354 4,789 7,037 15,400 10,911 46,490 8,538 24,333 3,679 Revision 23 October 17, 2007 TABLE 15.4-3 (Continued) Structural Heat Sinks Thickness, inch3 Area, ft2 0.005 Surface Paint (for steel), 4,053 0.0025 Primer Paint (for steel), 1.375 Steel 0.005 Surface Paint (for steel), 17,087 0.0025 Primer Paint (for steel), 2.5 Steel 1.25 Steel 2,259 1.875 Steel 6,809 Material Properties 1 2 3 Material Steel {Carbon) Stainless Steel Concrete Insulation Surface Paint {for steel) Primer Paint (for steel) Surface Paint {for concrete} Primer paint (for concrete) Assumes LOOP. Thermal Conductivity {Btu/ft-°F) 28.0 8.5 1.04 0.024 0.119 0.292 0.292 0.292 Volumetric Heat Capacity (Btu/hr-ft 3-°F} 58.8 58.8 23.4 3.94 30.53 32.48 38.4 52.8 Both surface and primer paints combined. Thermal properties are assumed as the more conservative of those for either paint type. VTD 900986 evaluates as-built coatings thickness data for impact to containment heat sink performance. Page 3 of 3 SGS-UFSAR Revision 23 October 17, 2007

""--" Time TABLE 15.4-4 RCS TO CONTAINMENT MASS AND ENERGY RELEASES FOR LIMITING CASE LARGE BREAK LOCA (EXCLUDING ACCUMULATOR/SI SPILL) DECLG, c0=0.4, MINIMUM SI, HIGH TAVG Total Mass Flow Rate Total Rate Energy Flow <seconds> flbmlsec} (Btulsec} 0 0.0 0.25 53,089 5 26,014 10 17,985 15 11,279 20 7,596 25 5,464 30 5,019 37 1,185 38 0.0 54 o.o 59 27 109 98 119 215 219 423 299 442 1 of 1 SGS-UFSAR 0.0 2.8613 X 107 1.4879 X 107 1.1004 X 107 7.8319 X 106 5.4027 X 106 3.3175 X 106 2.1025 X 106 3.0675 X 105 0.0 0.0 3.5394 X 104 1.2018 X 105 1.5472 X 105 1.8306 X 105 1.7347 X 105 Revision 15 June 12, 1996

-Time <seconds> 0 1 5 10 15 20 25 30 32 33 35 54 109 119 219 299 SGS-UFSAR TABLE 15.4-5 BROKEN LOOP ACCUMULATOR / PUMPED SI TO CONTAINMENT MASS AND ENERGY RELEASES FOR LIMITING CASE LARGE BREAK LOCA DECLG, c0=0.4, MINIMUM SI, HIGH TAVG Total Mass Flow Rate Total Energy Flow (lbmlsec) (Btulsec} 2,673 212,592 2,512 199,790 2,084 165,692 1,770 140,714 1,559 123,950 1,405 111,727 1,288 102,430 1,197 95,204 1,166 92,748 121 364 134 403 136 409 150 450 151 453 156 468 159 477 1 of 1 Rate Revision 15 June 12, 1996 TABLE 15.4-SA THIS TABLE HAS BEEN DELETED 1 of 1 SGS-UFSAR Revision 23 October 17, 2007 TABLE 15.4-SB LOSS-OF-COOLANT ANALYSIS PARAMETERS AND ASSUMPTIONS Parameters Assumed Core Thermal Power (105% of 3459) Core activity Radionuclide Composition (RG 1.183, Table 5) Timing of the Release Phases of the Core Failure Gap Release Phase Early In-Vessel Release Phase Percent of Core Inventory Released into Containment Noble Gases Halogens (Iodine) Alkali Metals Tellurium Metals Other (RG 1.183, Table 2) Value 3632 MWt Refer to Table 11.1-1 See Reg Guide 1.183 30 sec. to 0.5 hr. 0.5 hr. to 1.8 hr. 100% 40% 30% 5% See Reg Guide 1.183 Radioiodine Chemical Form Released from RCS to Aerosol (particulate, Csi) Elemental Organic Containment 95.0% 4.85% 0.15% Control Room Parameters Control Room X/Qs Personnel Breathing Rates (Control Room, EAB, LPZ) EAB & LPZ X/Qs Containment Parameters (Refer also to Table 6.2-9) Containment Net Free Volume Sprayed containment free volume Unsprayed containment free volume Containment Leak Rate Assumed mixing rate between sprayed and unsprayed regions {assuming only 2 CFCUs operating} Injection Phase Injection Spray flow (single spray train,} Injection Phase spray initiation time Injection phase spray cutoff time used in the containment leakage analysis (single spray train) Recirculation Phase Time gap between injection & recirculation spray that was assumed in the containment leakage analysis Recirculation spray start time (single spray train} Assumed in the containment leakage analysis Recirculation Spray Flow (single spray train) 1 of 2 SGS-UFSAR See Table 6.4-3 See Table 15.4-50 See Table 15.4-9 See Table 2.3-21 Value 2.6 X 106 CU. ft. 75% 25% 0.1 v%/day 0-24 hrs 0.05 v%/day 1-30 days 43,251 cfm 2600 gpm 90 sec. 48 min. 10 min. 58 min. 1900 gpm Revision 23 October 17, 2007 TABLE 15.4-5B (Continued) LOSS-OF-COOLANT ANALYSIS PARAMETERS AND ASSUMPTIONS Iodine Removal Parameters Spray Removal Coefficients, A (per hr) during spray injection & recirc phases Maximum assumed DF for airborne elemental iodine removal by spray Df when the airborne particulate iodine removal coefficient is reduced to 10% ESF Leakage Parameters Sump water volume at >48 minutes ESF leakage rate assumed (recirculation leakage outside Containment, 0.9 gpm was used for the analysis) Duration of ESF leakage outside containment Sump water pH for the duration of the accident (30 days) ESF leakage iodine Flashing Factor (0.3 to 1.0 hour0 days <br />0 hours <br />0 weeks <br />0 months <br />) ESF leakage iodine Flashing Factor (1.0 to 17 hours1.967593e-4 days <br />0.00472 hours <br />2.810847e-5 weeks <br />6.4685e-6 months <br />) ESF leakage iodine Flashing Factor (>17 hours) Corresponding Containment temperatures assumed in the Flashing Factor determination: At 0.3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> At 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> At 17 hours1.967593e-4 days <br />0.00472 hours <br />2.810847e-5 weeks <br />6.4685e-6 months <br /> Chemical form of iodine in ESF Leakage Elemental Organic Core halogens (primarily iodine) assumed in sump ESF leakage release pathway Auxiliary Building dilution assumed for ESF leakage released to the Plant Vent ABVS filtration of ESF leakage outside containment ESF back-leakage rate to the RWST assumed Containment Pressure-Vacuum Relief Release Parameters Duration of release via vacuum relief line Volume of containment atmosphere released via pressure-vacuum relief line Containment pressure-vacuum relief line release filter efficiency Containment pressure-vacuum relief line release pathway 2 of 2 SGS-UFSAR Value See Table 6.2-9 100 50 Value 43,930 cu.ft. 0. 45 gpm 0 min. to 30 days >7.0 5.06% 3.79% 2.0 % 261 degrees 248 degrees <170 degrees 97% 3% 40% Plant Vent None Not credited 0.5 gpm Value 5 sec. 1014 cu.ft 0% Plant Vent Revision 28 May 22, 2015 F F F TABLE 15.4-5C LOSS-OF-COOLANT ACCIDENT DOSE CONSEQUENCES Control Room EAB Dose (rem TEDE) 4.28 4.1 Allowable Dose (rem TEDE) 5.0 25 1 of 1 SGS-UFSAR LPZ 1.4 25 Revision 28 May 22, 2015 TABLE 15.4-50 SALEM CONTROL ROOM DISPERSION FACTORS For Unit 1 Plant Vent Release Time After Accident in Unit 1 0-2 hours 2-8 hours 8-24 hours 24-96 hours96-720 hours Unit 1 CR Intake x/Q {sec/m3) 1.78 E-03 1.31 E-03 5.22 E-04 3.77 E-04 3.17 E-04 Unit 2 CR Intake x./Q ( sec/m3) 8.84 E-04 6.60 E-04 2.64 E-04 1.93 E-04 1.62 E-04 Cloud Shine on the CR for Unit 1 Plant Vent Release Time After Accident in Unit 1 0-2 hours 2-8 hours 8-24 hours 24-96 hours96-720 hours Unit 1 CR Intake x/Q { sec/m3} 5.63 E-04 3.99 E-04 1.78 E-04 1.31 E-04 1.09 E-04 Unit 1 Main Steam Safety Valve Release (Most Limiting MSSV Set} Time After Accident in Unit 1 0-2 hours 2-8 hours 8-24 hours 24-96 hours96-720 hours Unit 1 CR Intake x/Q (sec/m3) 1.57 E-02 1.13 E-02 4.24 E-03 3.08 E-03 2.26 E-03 Unit 2 CR Intake x/Q (sec/m3) 6.98 E-04 5.66 E-04 2.38 E-04 1.65 E-04 1.32 E-04 Unit 2 Main Steam Safety Valve Release {Most Limiting MSSV Set) SGS-UFSAR Time After Accident in Unit 2 0-2 hours 2-8 hours 8-24 hours 24-96 hours96-720 hours Unit 1 CR Intake x/Q ( sec/m3) 6.96 E-04 5.84 E-04 2.48 E-04 1.74 E-04 1.31 E-04 1 of 2 Unit 2 CR Intake x/Q ( sec/m3} 1.45 E-02 1.19 E-02 5.10 E-03 3.06 E-03 1.93 E-03 Revision 23 October 17, 2007 SGS-UFSAR TABLE 15.4-SD {Cont'd) SALEM CONTROL ROOM DISPERSION FACTORS Unit 1 Penetration Area Pressure Relief Panel {PAPRP) Release Time After Accident in Unit 1 0-2 hours 2-8 hours 8-24 hours 24-96 hours96-720 hours Unit 1 CR Intake x/Q ( sec/m3} 6.17 E-03 4.19 E-03 1.57 E-03 1.04 E-03 8.13 E-04 Unit 2 CR Intake x/Q {sec/m3) 2.15 E-03 1.70 E-03 6.65 E-04 4.60 E-04 3.52 E-04 Unit 2 Penetration Area Pressure Relief Panel (PAPRP) Release Time After Accident in Unit 2 0-2 hours 2-8 hours 8-24 hours 24-96 hours96-720 hours Unit 1 CR Intake x/Q (sec/m3) 2.05 E-03 1.75 E-03 7.70 E-04 5.12 E-04 3.34 E-04 2 of 2 Unit 2 CR Intake x/Q ( sec/rn3) 5.92 E-03 4.78 E-03 1.93 E-03 1.12 E-03 7.17 E-04 Revision 23 October 17, 2007 TABLE 15.4-SE THIS TABLE HAS BEEN DELETED 1 of 1 SGS-UFSAR Revision 23 October 17, 2007

,* TABLE 15.4-6


OF RESULTS FOR LOCKED ROTOR/RCP SHAFT BREAK TRANSIENTS (FOUR LOOPS OPERATING INITIALLY} Maximum Reactor Coolant System Pressure {psia) 2590 Maximum Clad Temperature (°F) Core Hot Spot 2038 Amount of Zr-H2o at Core Hot Spot (%by Weight) 0.72 Maximum Number of Fuel Rods-in-DNB (Most Limiting Fuel Assembly) < 5% 1 of 1 SGS-UFSAR \ Revision 18 April 26, 2000 TABLE 15.4-6A LOCKED ROTOR ACCIDENT PARAMETERS AND ASSUMPTIONS Parameter Rated Core Thermal Power Assumed (licensed value} Plant Status Assumed: Offsite Power Main Condensers Unit 1 Maximum Reactor Coolant System {RCS} Volume Unit 2 Maximum Reactor Coolant System {RCS} Volume Unit 1 Steam Generator Liquid Mass {Ul Model F) Unit 2 Steam Generator Liquid Mass {Framatome 61/19T) Primary & Secondary Coolant Parameter Primary Coolant iodine specific activity Secondary Coolant iodine specific activity Primary Coolant non-iodine specific activity Failed Fuel Fraction of Fission Product Gap Inventory In Fuel Rod Iodine Other Halogens {i.e. Iodine) Kr-85 Other Noble Gases Total Primary-to-Secondary (P-T-S) Leakage: Partition Coefficients: P-T-S Leakage Secondary Liquid Unit 1 Steam Releases from the SGs {lbs): 0-2 hr. 2-8 hr. 8-32 hr. Unit 2 Steam Releases from the SGs (lbs): 0-2 hr. 2-32 hr. Parameter Release Pathway of the Steam Generators Activity release duration for the accident (RHR I/S) Control Room Parameters Control Room X/Qs Personnel Breathing Rates (Control Room, EAB, LPZ} EAB & LPZ X/Qs 1 of 1 SGS-UFSAR Value 3459 MWt Not Available Not Available 11, 816 ft3 12,707 ft3 119,233 lbm 127,312 lbm Value 1.0 DE I-131 0.1 DE I-131 100/E-bar 5% 0.08 0.05 0.10 0.05 1 gpm Iodine 1.0 10 655,000 540,000 2,400,000 715,700 31148,900 Value Noble Gas 1.0 Safety/Relief Valves 32 hours3.703704e-4 days <br />0.00889 hours <br />5.291005e-5 weeks <br />1.2176e-5 months <br /> See Table 6.4-3 See Table 15.4-50 See Table 15.4-9 See Table 2.3-21 Revision 23 October 171 2007 TABLE 15.4-6B LOCKED ROTOR ACCIDENT DOSE CONSEQUENCES Dose (rem TEDE) Allowable TEDE Dose Limit (rem) Dose (rem TEDE} Allowable TEDE Dose Limit (rem) SGS-UFSAR UNIT 1 0.08 5.0 UNIT 2 0.12 2.5 Control Room EAB 0.08 5.0 1 of 1 0.11 2.5 LPZ 0.02 2.5 0.02 2.5 Revision 26 May 21, 2012 TABLE 15.4-7 MAIN STEAM PIPE RUPTURE PARAMETERS AND ASSUMPTIONS Parameter Rated Core Thermal Power Assumed (licensed value} Plant Status Assumed: Offsite Power Main Condensers Unit 1 Reactor Coolant System (RCS) Volume Unit 2 Reactor Coolant System (RCS) Volume Unit 1 Steam Generator Liquid Mass (Model F) Unit 2 Steam Generator Liquid Mass (Framatome 61/19T) Primary & Secondary Coolant Parameters Primary Coolant iodine specific activity Maximum Primary Coolant iodine specific activity Concurrent iodine spiking factor: Duration of concurrent iodine spike Secondary Coolant iodine specific activity Primary Coolant non-iodine specific activity Primary Coolant noble gas activity basis: Pre-accident (more conservative than 100/E-bar) Concurrent (more conservative than 100/E-bar) Primary-to-Secondary (P-T-S} Leakage: P-T-S leakage through any one SG: Unit total P-T-S leakage through all SGs P-T-S Intact Steam Generators {3} Partition Coefficients: Affected Steam Generator (P-T-8) Unaffected Steam Generators (3) (P-T-8) Stearn Generators {Secondary Liquid) Value 3459 MWt Not Available Not Available 11,816 ft3 12,707 ft3 119,233 lbm 127,312 lbm Value 1.0 uCi/gm DE I-131 60 uCi/gm DE I-131 500 8 hrs 0.1 uCi/gm DE I-131 100/E-bar 1% fuel defects 1% fuel defects Value 0.60 gpm 1.00 gpm 0.40 gpm Iodine 1 1 1 Noble Gas 1 1 1 Unit 1 Stearn Releases from the SGs (lbs) : Affected SG Intact SGs 0-2 hr. 119,233 500,000 2-8 hr. 0 452,000 8-32 hr. 0 2,008,000 Unit 2 Stearn Releases from the SGs ( lbs) : Affected SG Intact SGs 0-2 hr. 2-32 hr. Parameter Release Pathway of the Affected Steam Generator Release Pathway of the Intact Steam Generators {3) Fuel damage as a result of the accident Activity release duration for the accident Control Room Parameters Control Room X/Qs Personnel Breathing Rates (Control Room, EAB, LPZ) EAB & LPZ X/Qs 1 of 1 SGS-UFSAR 127,312 0 431,800 2,648,000 Value Blowout Panels Safety/Relief Valves No failed fuel 32 hours3.703704e-4 days <br />0.00889 hours <br />5.291005e-5 weeks <br />1.2176e-5 months <br /> See Table 6.4-3 See Table 15.4-SD See Table 15.4-9 See Table 2.3-21 Revision 23 October 17, 2007 TABLE 15.4-7A MAIN STEAM PIPE RUPTURE DOSE CONSEQUENCES TEDE Dose (rem) Allowable TEDE Dose (rem) TEDE Dose (rem} Allowable TEDE Dose (rem) TEDE Dose (rem) Allowable TEDE Dose (rem) TEDE Dose (rem) Allowable TEDE Dose (rem) SGS-UFSAR UNIT 1 Control Room 0.20 5.0 1.58 5.0 UNIT 2 Control Room 0.22 5.0 1.60 5.0 1 of 1 EAB 0.07 25.0 0.39 2.5 0.07 25.0 0.36 2.5 LPZ 0.02 25.0 0.15 2.5 LPZ 0.02 25.0 0.14 2.5 Revision 26 May 21, 2012 TABLE 15.4-7B STEAM GENERATOR TUBE RUPTURE ACCIDENT PARAMETERS AND ASSUMPTIONS Parameter Rated Core Thermal Power Assumed (licensed value) Plant Status Assumed: Offsite Power Main Condensers Unit 1 Maximum Reactor Coolant System (RCS) Volume Unit 2 Maximum Reactor Coolant System {RCS) Volume Unit 1 Steam Generator Liquid Mass (Model F) Unit 2 Steam Generator Liquid Mass (Framatome 61/19T) Primary & Secondary Coolant Parameters: Primary Coolant iodine specific activity Maximum Primary Coolant iodine specific activity Concurrent iodine spiking factor Duration of concurrent iodine spike Secondary Coolant iodine specific activity Primary Coolant non-iodine specific activity Primary Coolant noble gas activity basis: Pre-accident (more conservative than 100/E-bar) Concurrent (more conservative than 100/E-bar} Total Primary-to-Secondary (P-T-S) Leakage: Partition Coefficients: Affected Steam Generator (P-T-S) Unaffected Steam Generators (3) (P-T-S} Stearn Generators (Secondary Liquid} Primary Coolant released from Ruptured Tube (lbs): Unit 1 Affected Steam Generator (0 -0.5 hr) Unit 2 Affected Steam Generator (0 -0.5 hr) Partition Coefficients Secondary Liquid: Affected Steam Generator Intact Steam Generators (3) Steam Releases from the affected SG (lbs): Unit 1 (0 -0.5 hr) Unit 2 {0 -0.5 hr) Unit 1 Steam Releases from the Intact SGs (lbs): 0-2 hr. 2-8 hr. 8-24 hr. 24-32 hr. 1 of 2 SGS-UFSAR Value 3459 MWt Not Available Not Available 11,816 ft3 12, 707 ft3 119,233 lbm 127,312 lbm Value 1.0 uCi/gm DE I-131 60 uCi/gm DE I-131 335 8 hrs 0.1 uCi/gm DE I-131 100/E-bar uCi/gram 1% fuel defects 1% fuel defects 1 gprn Iodine 1.0 1.0 10 137,246 123,000 Iodine 10 10 56,500 65,000 465,000 1,055,000 1,503,000 627,333 Noble Gas 1.0 1.0 1.0 Revision 23 October 17, 2007 TABLE 15.4-7B (Cont'd) STEAM GENERATOR TUBE RUPTURE ACCIDENT PARAMETERS AND ASSUMPTIONS Unit 2 Steam Releases from the Intact SGs {lbs): 0-2 hr. 2-8 hr. 8-32 hr. Release Pathway of the Affected Steam Generator Release Pathway of the Intact Steam Generators (3) Fuel damage as a result of the accident Activity release duration for the accident Control Room Parameters Control Room X/Qs Personnel Breathing Rates {Control Room, EAB, LPZ} EAB & LPZ X/Qs 2 of 2 SGS-UFSAR 530,000 1,180,000 2,050,000 Safety/Relief Valves Safety/Relief Valves No failed fuel 32 hours3.703704e-4 days <br />0.00889 hours <br />5.291005e-5 weeks <br />1.2176e-5 months <br /> See Table 6.4-3 See Table 15.4-50 See Table 15.4-9 See Table 2.3-21 Revision 23 October 17, 2007 TABLE 15.4-7C STEAM GENERATOR TUBE RUPTURE ACCIDENT DOSE CONSEQUENCES TEDE Dose {rem) Allowable TEDE Dose {rem) Concurrent Iodine Spike TEDE Dose (rem) Allowable TEDE Dose (rem) TEDE Dose (rem) Allowable TEDE Dose (rem) TEDE Dose (rem) Allowable TEDE Dose (rem) SGS-UFSAR Unit 1 Control Room 0.61 5.0 0.40 5.0 Unit 2 Control Room 0.59 5.0 0.37 5.0 1 of 1 2.06 25.0 1.49 2.5 2.00 25.0 1.37 2.5 LPZ 0.30 25.0 0.22 2.5 LPZ 0.29 25.0 0.20 2.5 Revision 26 May 21, 2012 TABLE 15.4-8 THIS TABLE HAS BEEN DELETED 1 of 1 SGS-UFSAR Revision 23 October 17, 2007 Time Period (hours} 0 -8 8 -24 24 -720 Duration 30 Days TABLE 15.4-9 BREATHING RATES EAB and LPZ Breathing Rates 3 _l!!!-/sec) 3.5 X 10-4 1.8 X 10-4 2.3 X 10-4 Control Room Occupants Breathing Rates 3 {m-/sec) -4 3.5 X 10 Note: EAB, LPZ, and Control Room Breathing Rates and Control Room 30-day occupancy factors are based on Regulatory Guide 1.183 specifications. 1 of 1 SGS-UFSAR Revision 23 October 17, 2007 TABLE 15.4-10 THIS TABLE HAS BEEN DELETED 1 of 1 SGS-UFSAR Revision 20 May 6, 2003 TABLE 15.4-11 THIS TABLE HAS BEEN DELETED 1 of 1 SGS-UFSAR Revision 16 January 31, 1998 TABLE 15.4-12 PARAMETERS USED IN THE ANALYSIS OF THE ROD CLOSTER CONTROL ASSEMBLY EJECTION ACCIDENT Beginning in Life Initial Power Level {%) Ejected RCCA Worth Delayed Neutron Fraction Reactivity Feedback Weighting Trip Reactivity, (%Ak) Fq Before Ejection Fq After Ejection Number of RCPs Operating Max. Fuel Pellet Enthalpy {Cal/g) Max. Fuel Melted (%) Peak Clad Temperature, (°F) End of Life Initial Power Level {%) Ejected RCCA Worth, (%Ak} Delayed Neutron Fraction Reactivity Feedback Weighting Trip Reactivity, {%Ak} F Before Ejection q F After Ejection q Nurr.oer of-RCPS Operating Max. Fuel Pellet Enthalpy {cal/g) Max. Melted {%} Peak Clad Temperature, {°F) SGS-UFSAR 1 of 1 Full Power 102 0.20 0.0048 1.6 4.0 2.544 7.4 4 188.4 8.60 2691 Full Power 102 0.21 0.0040 1.6 4.0 2.544 8.2 4 183.5 9.04 2628 0 Zero Power 0.77 0.0048 2.398 2.0 N/A 14.2 2 154.8 N/A 2933 Zero Power 0 0.90 0.0040 3.55 2.0 N/A 20.5 2 149.4 N/A 2894 Revision 18 April 26, 2000 TABLE 15.4-12A ROD EJECTION ACCIDENT PARAMETERS AND ASSUMPTIONS Parameter Rated Core Thermal Power Assumed {licensed value) Plant Status Assumed: Offsite Power Main Condensers Percent Clad Damaged Fuel Percent Melted Fuel Primary Containment Release: Containment Volume Containment Leakage: 0-24 hr. > 24 hr. Percent of Clad Damaged Fuel Gap Activity Released to Iodine Noble Gas Chemical Form of Iodine Released: Aerosol (Csi) Elemental Organic Value 3459 MWt Not Available Not Available 10% 0.25% Value 2. 62E+O 6 ft3 0.1 w%/day 0.05 w%/day Containment: 10% 10% 95% 4.85% 0.15% Percent of Melted Fuel Activity Released to Containment: Iodine Noble Gas Secondary Release: Primary-to-Secondary {P-T-S) Leakage Unit 1 Reactor Coolant System (RCS) Volume Unit 2 Reactor Coolant System (RCS) Volume Percent of Clad Damaged Fuel Gap Activity Released into Primary Coolant: Iodine 25% 100% Value 1 gpm 111816 ft3 121707 ft3 10% 10% Noble Gas Percent of Melted Iodine Noble Gas Fuel Activity Released into Primary Coolant: 50% 100% Chemical Form of Iodine Released From SGs: Aerosol (Csi) Elemental Organic Steam Releases & Durations: 0-103 sec (Unit 1) 0-110 sec (Unit 2) Unit 1 Steam Generator Liquid Mass (Model F} Unit 2 Steam Generator Liquid Mass (Framatome 61/19T) Parameter Release Pathway of the Steam Generators Control Room Parameters Control Room X/Qs Personnel Breathing Rates (Control Room, EAB, LPZ) EAB & LPZ X/Qs 1 of 1 SGS-UFSAR 0% 97% 3% 476,932 lbm 5091248 lbm 1191233 lbm 1271312 lbm Value Safety/Relief Valves See Table 6.4-3 See Table 15.4-50 See Table 15.4-9 See Table 2.3-21 Revision 23 October 171 2007 TABLE 15.4-12B ROD EJECTION ACCIDENT DOSE CONSEQUENCES TEDE Dose (rem) Allowable TEDE Dose Limit {rem) TEDE Dose (rem) Allowable TEDE Dose Limit (rem) SGS-UFSAR UNIT 1 Control Room 0.84 5.0 UNIT 2 Control Room 0.79 5.0 1 of 1 0.25 6.3 EAB 0.25 6.3 LPZ 0.13 6.3 LPZ 0.13 6.3 Revision 26 May 21, 2012 Table 15.4-13 LOCA Mass and Energy Release Analysis System Parameters Initial Conditions Parameters Value Core thermal power (MWt) 3479.75 Reactor coolant system total flow rate {lbm/sec) 34805.56 Vessel outlet temperature (oF) 618.1 Core inlet temperature (oF) 547.7 Initial steam generator steam pressure (psia) 842 Steam generator design Unit 1 W -Model F Unit 2 FANP Model 61/19T Steam generator tube plugging (%) 0 Initial steam generator secondary-side mass (lbm) 126287.7 Assumed maximum containment backpressure (psia) 61.7 Accumulator Water volume ( ft3} per accumulator 850 N2 cover gas pressure (psia) 592.2 Temperature (oF) 120 Safety injection delay, total (sec) (from beginning of 35.7 event) Note: Core thermal power, RCS total flow rate, RCS coolant temperatures, and steam generator secondary side mass include appropriate uncertainty and/or allowance. 1 of 1 SGS-UFSAR Revision 24 May 11, 2009 Table 15.4-14 Safety Injection Flow for LOCA Containment Analyses RCS Pressure (psig) Minimum Safeguards Total Flow (ft3jsec) Injection Mode (Reflood Phase) 0 20 40 47 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 RCS Pressure (psig) Recirculation Mode 10.92 10.37 9.79 9.57 9 .. 16 8.47 7 .. 70 6.78 5.56 3.30 1.95 1.93 Total Flow (lbrnfsec) WITH Recirculation Spray at 0 psig 165.22 1 of 2 SGS-UFSAR Revision 24 May 11, 2009 Table 15.4-14 (cont.) Safety Injection Flow for LOCA Containment Analyses RCS Pressure (psig) Maximum Safeguards Total Flow (ft3/sec) Injection Mode (Reflood Phase) 0 20 40 47 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 RCS Pressure {psig) Recirculation Mode 22.43 21.50 20.51 20.14 19.46 18.32 17.09 15.72 14.18 12.38 10.16 7.21 Total Flow (lbmfsec) WITH Recirculation Spray at 0 psig 159.36 2 of 2 SGS-UFSAR Revision 24 May 11, 2009 I TABLE 15.4-15 THIS TABLE HAS BEEN DELETED 1 of 1 SGS-UFSAR Revision 24 May 11, 2009 Time Seconds .00000 .00108 .00202 .00303 .00400 .00521 .102 .201 .302 .402 .502 .602 .702 .802 .901 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.80 1.90 2.00 2.10 2.20 2.30 SGS-UFSAR Table Blowdown Mass and Energy Releases Hot Leg Break Break Path No. 1 Flow

  • Thousand Ibm/sec Btu/sec .0 .0 45648.6 29077.7 45635.7 29068.7 45179.9 28778.5 44793.8 28533.8 44311.3 28230.0 45186.7 29120.7 34008.6 22157.6 33881.8 22035.0 33081.1 21491.0 32664.8 21211.0 32636.9 21193.3 32553.7 21163.0 32211.3 20985.3 31797.2 20775.2 31380.7 20576.2 31008.3 20414.4 30753.4 20338.2 30454.2 20235.1 30084.8 20080.0 29672.0 19887.5 29266.0 19688.9 28913.5 19520.1 28579.1 19359.5 28185.6 19153.5 27716.7 18886.2 27220.5 18592.2 26812.4 18357.1 26471.9 18170.2 1 of 5 Break Path No. 2 Flow ** Ibm/sec .0 45646.1 45387.8 44647.3 43996.9 43137.6 26841.6 23855.2 21266.7 19953.3 19130.1 18503.0 18106.0 17744.2 17497.6 17268.7 17098.8 16946.8 16829.7 16744.5 16687.2 16669.9 16677.5 16704.3 16743.2 16787.9 16835.0 16885.0 16935.9 Thousand Btu/sec .0 29074.8 28904.5 28427.0 28007.1 27452.9 17061.1 15078.6 13289.8 12280.0 11591.4 11053.8 10682.0 10357.5 10120.7 9909.6 9745.4 9602.2 9486.9 9395.2 9324.6 9279.8 9252.2 9238.2 9233.3 9234.3 9238.6 9247.0 9257.9 Revision 24 May 11, 2009 Time Seconds 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.10 3.20 3.30 3.40 3.50 3.60 3.70 3.80 3.90 4.00 4.20 4.40 4.60 4.80 5.00 5.20 5.40 5.60 5.80 6.00 6.20 6.40 6.60 6.80 7.00 SGS-UFSAR Table 15.4*15A (cont.) Blow down Mass and Energy Releases -Double-Ended Hot Leg Break Break Path No. 1 Flow* Thousand lbm/sec Btu/sec 26101.3 17956.9 25662.9 17683.2 25197.5 17380.4 24794.1 17119.0 24475.5 16919.5 24159.3 16717.9 23798.8 16474.3 23429.8 16216.4 23112.4 15993.3 22838.4 15800.3 22570.1 15607.2 22300.3 15407.2 22060.0 15225.1 21832.4 15049.0 21613.9 14875.6 21416.1 14713.8 21247.9 14571.7 20930.4 14292.4 20676.3 14048.3 20470.3 13831.6 20325.7 13651.6 20216.3 13491.2 20163.4 13367.1 20141.5 13263.5 20192.9 13206.6 20307.6 13191.5 20439.1 13191.5 20628.2 13237.7 20962.9 13360.4 15931.3 11291.5 15082.0 10783.7 15163.3 10746.0 2 of 5 Break Path No. 2 Flow ** Ibm/sec 16983.7 17024.2 17057.6 17085.7 17108.6 17124.9 17132.5 17131.0 17122.8 17108.5 17087.8 17059.3 17025.4 16985.6 16941.7 16892.9 16840.4 I 16723.1 16587.3 16428.5 16230.5 15982.6 15712.3 15424.6 15117.1 14796.4 14464.8 14132.1 13874.2 13556.8 13221.8 12903.0 Thousand Btu/sec 9269.2 9278.6 9285.9 9291.9 9296.6 9299.1 9298.1 9293.2 9285.6 9275.5 9262.6 9246.1 9227.2 9205.5 9181.9 9156.0 9128.3 9067.0 8996.5 8914.2 8811.5 8682.8 8543.3 8395.7 8238.4 8075.0 7906.3 7737.4 7610.0 7448.8 7277.1 7114.5 Revision 24 May 11, 2009 Time Seconds 7.20 7.40 7.60 7.80 8.00 8.20 8.40 8.60 8.80 9.00 9.20 9.80 10.0 10.2 10.2 10.4 10.6 10.8 11.0 11.2 .4 .6 .8 12.0 12.2 12.4 12.6 SGS-UFSAR Table 15.4-15A (cont.) Blowdown Mass and Energy Releases -Double-Ended Hot Leg Break Break Path No. 1 Flow
  • Thousand lbmjsec Btu/sec 15321.9 10792.4 15476.9 10868.5 15668.6 10932.7 15916.2 11014.9 16176.5 11087.5 16127.3 10964.9 16516.7 11064.2 16961.9 11198.7 17441.4 11362.7 17965.6 A 18848.7 11965.0 ! 19425.2 I 19572.8 I 12307.8 19467.4 12193.6 19019.6 I 11873.1 18495.3 11517.7 18491.3 11514.9 16027.8 10198.4 14986.1 9652.2 15029.9 9656.1 15206.4 9738.9 15324.6 9789.5 15465.2 9851.2 }s676.o 9947.0 16129.0 10186.2 15944.6 110067.8 15690.7 !9898.1 15319.9 9654.9 13894.0 8876.4 12780.7 8292.7 12574.8 lsm:3 12512.0 3 of 5 Break Path No. 2 Flow** Ibm/sec 12578.8 12241.9 11895.6 11560.7 11251.5 10950.0 10648.6 10348.2 10060.4 9785.5 9522.9 9266.9 9020.9 8778.9 8537.4 8067.4 7846.7 7631.8 7432.4 7247.2 7071.3 6904.3 6739.9 6577.7 I 6420.1 6259.0 6100.6 4 Thousand Btu/sec 6948.7 6775.2 6596.3 6423.7 6265.3 6110.3 5954.9 5799.5 5650.6 5508.4 5372.7 5240.3 5113.0 4987.8 4862.7 4741.2 4740.3 4620.7 4508.2 4399.3 4299.3 4207.1 4119.2 4035.7 l953.2 3872.0 3793.4 3713.4 3635.2 3558.2 3486.2 3416.3 Revision 24 May 11, 2009 Time Seconds 13.4 13.6 13.8 14.0 .2 14.4 14.6 14.8 l15.o 15.2 15.4 15.6 15.8 16.0 16.2 16.4 16.6 16.8 17.0 17.2 17.4 17.6 17.8 18.0 18.2 18.4 18.6 18.8 19.0 19.2 19.4 19.6 SGS-UFSAR Table 15.4-15A (cont.) Blowdown Mass and Energy Releases-Double-Ended Hot Leg Break Break Path No.1 Flow* Thousand Ibm/sec Btu/sec 12459.1 8098.3 12384.2 8056.8 12274.2 7998.4 12120.9 7918.1 11892.7 7799.0 11554.6 7622.6 }1130.6 7403.3 10718.7 7194.0 10387.6 7030.5 10127.1 6907.8 9896.9 6804.9 9670.8 6707.8 9429.7 6607.4 9164.6 6497.2 8854.0 6367.1 8489.8 6213.8 8088.8 6048.0 7669.0 5882.3 7240.2 5722.6 6805.2 5569.4 6354.8 5419.1 5880.6 I 5249.1 5412.4 4941.0 4994.5 4625.9 4656.6 t5 4385.5 4144.4 0 3928.6 3882.6 3736.2 3727.1 I 3549.7 3580.8 3354.2 3138.4 .0 4 of 5 Break Path No. 2 Flow ** Ibm/sec .4 374.0 247.8 126.5 5009.6 4895.4 4784.3 4674.5 4565.6 4459.9 4356.5 4256.6 4157.9 4062.1 3964.4 3862.1 3750.3 3625.2 3483.9 3328.4 3159.7 2987.6 2818.5 2656.3 2513.2 2383.8 2269.6 2167.1 2071.4 Thousand Btu/sec 3350.9 3290.0 3230.8 3173.6 3118.5 3064.7 3012.6 2961.7 2911.8 2863.9 2817.2 2772.3 2728.0 2684.9 2640.6 2594.1 2543.8 2489.4 2430.5 2367.7 2300.7 2232.2 2162.4 2091.8 2025.8 1963.0 1907.3 1857.8 1812.1 1769.8 1729.6 I .., /"'"" Revision 24 May 11, 2009 Table 15.4-15A (cont.) Blowdown Mass and Energy Releases -Double-Ended Hot Leg Break Break Path No. 1 Flow
  • Break Path No. 2 Flow ** Time Thousand Seconds Ibm/_ sec Btu/sec Ibm/sec 19.8 2900.6 3099.0 1723.7 20.0 2651.4 2928.4 1642.4 20.2 2409.8 2750.6 1564.5 20.4 2206.3 2575.0 1479.9 20.6 2031.8 2407.2 1395.3 20.8 1852.5 2219.7 1307.1 21.0 1772.7 2142.9 1231.4 21.2 1690.6 2050.8 1163.9 21.4 1622.8 1980.7 1107.2 21.6 1542.6 1889.3 1064.7 21.8 1457.4 1792.6 1025.2 22.0 1363.5 1685.4 998.1 22.2 1275.5 1584.7 974.2 22.4 1204.5 1501.9 956.9 22.6 1139.6 1421.0 942.4 22.8 1061.4 1325.3 931.1 23.0 984.6 1235.3 909.1 23.2 922.6 1159.3 860.4 23.4 858.7 1079.0 785.8 23.6 798.0 1005.0 731.6 23.8 735.3 926.9 665.8 24.0 684.5 863.3 561.4 24.2 644.0 812.4 472.8 24.4 609.8 768.9 369.6 24.6 593.8 747.5 295.5 24.8 566.8 709.3 253.7 25.0 561.3 700.6 239.9 25.0 561.2 700.6 239.9 25.2 302.2 386.1 108.8 25.4 .0 .0 .0
  • Mass and energy exiting from the reactor vessel side of the break ** Mass and energy exiting from the steam generator side of the break 5 of 5 SGS-UFSAR Thousand Btujsec 1664.0 1629.7 1596.3 1566.4 1536.0 11497.2 1446.6 1394.4 1337.8 1292.8 1249.5 1219.1 1191.7 1171.3 1153.4 1139.6 1114.5 1058.0 968.7 904.0 823.4 695.4 587.2 460.2 369.2 317.8 301.1 301.1 137.0 .0 Revision 24 May 11, 2009 I Time Seco11ds tro 0112 .101 .201 .302 .401 .502 .602 .701 .802 .901 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.80 1.90 2.00 2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 SGS-UFSAR Table 15.4-15B Blowdown Mass and Energy Releases -Double-Ended Pump Suction Break Break Path No. 1 Flow
  • Thousand Ibm/sec Btu/sec .0 .0 89417.6 48314.5 40209.7 21725.0 40820.4 22164.7 42600.2 23280.9 142945.7 23648.5 43306.9 124064.0 43324.6 24316.9 43803.1 24831.7 43955.8 25161.9 43720.4 25252.4 43059.6 25078.0 42228.5 24793.8 41366.7 24483.1 40492.5 24162.8 39587.4 23824.4 38630.9 23455.8 37659.4 23069.6 36703.3 22682.1 35785.8 22305.5 34911.3 21947.3 34042.0 21586.6 33173.8 21223.4 32325.6 20866.6 31398.8 20453.8 30521.3 20059.1 29609.6 19629.5 28702.2 19189.8 27800.3 18738.8 1 of 5 Break Path No.2 Flow** lbmjsec .0 40440.8 21055.7 22926.5 23105.7 22776.4 22111.7 21438.3 20884.7 20388.1 20013.8 19763.0 19610.7 19523.6 19482.7 19479.2 19502.4 19534.9 19567.6 19589.5 19589.1 19567.6 19536.8 19486.5 19255.5 19044.7 18891.9 18743.7 18581.6 Thousand Btu/sec .0 21798.8 11344.3 12359.9 12467.0 12302.5 11953.2 11595.9 11301.0 11035.1 10834.5 10701.2 10620.6 10574.8 551.7 10564.3 10581.9 10599.6 10611.4 10611.1 10599.4 10583.0 10556.3 10431.0 10317.5 10235.6 10156.3 10069.4 Revision 24 May 11, 2009 Time Seconds 2.80 2.90 13.00 3.10 3.20 3.30 3.40 A¥o 3.70 3.80 3.90 4.00 4.20 4.40 4.60 H¥a 5.20 5.40 5.60 5.80 6.00 6.20 H¥o 6.80 7.00 SGS-UFSAR Table 15.4-15B (cont.) Blowdown Mass and Energy Releases-Double-Ended Pump Suction Break Break Path No.1 Flow* Thousand Btulsec 18049.3 24736.0 16908.1 22105.4 15187.1 21004.9 20857.6 19926.2 13883.3 19243.4 13436.8 18840.2 13179.3 18262.6 12786.1 ii7709.3 12410.3 17238.9 12092.9 i 16808.4 11800.6 16399.5 11519.9 15623.4 10981.7 15000.0 10549.8 14479.0 10180.0 9864.8 13713.3 9617.2 13419.6 9387.1 13202.7 9206.2 13040.8 9056.4 12927.0 8934.3 12898.7 8863.6 13121.6 8961.8 13024.1 . 8810.1 12621.5 8645.4 11396.2 8219.8 10234.4 7710.2 10007.2 7554.9 10219.3 7601.6 10515.4 7694.1 10856.3 7827.5 2 of 5 Break Path No. 2 Flow** lbmjsec 18405.9 18220.2 18028.9 17833.9 17455.1 17278.3 17095.2 16911.6 16738.7 16585.9 116288.1 16001.0 15753.5 15503.2 m279.6 061.4 848.6 14653.8 14453.5 14265.8 14056.6 13615.5 13498.1 80.1 13130.2 14640.2 14435.9 14358.7 14191.7 14004.0 Thousand Btu/sec 9975.3 9875.9 9773.7 9669.3 9563.8 9467.2 .0 9275.4 9177.5 9085.5 9004.6 I 8926.7 8846.8 8694.9 8564.4 18432.3 .......... ,.., 8200.0 8088.2 7986.3 7881.3 7783.3 7673.5 7435.9 8019.8 7910.9 7875.0 7788.2 7690.7 Revision 24 May 11, 2009 Time Seconds 8.00 20 0 8.60 8.80 9.00 9.20 9.40 9.60 9.80 10.6 10.8 11.0 11.2 11.4 11.6 11.8 12.0 12.2 12.4 12.6 12.8 13.0 13.2 13.4 13.6 13.8 14.0 14.2 14.4 14.6 SGS-UFSAR Table 15.4-15B (cont.) Blowdown Mass and Energy Releases -Double-Ended Pump Suction Break Break Path No. 1 Flow
  • Thousand lbmfsec Btujsec 11193.0 7963.8 11478.5 8071.8 11678.5 8133.7 11765.3 8134.6 11442.7 7875.1 10681.2 7361.2 10210.9 7092.4 9878.1 6928.8 9544.0 6786.1 9298.8 6713.1 9003.8 6578.8 6482.0 8632.6 6390.4 8470.9 6292.4 8322.3 6197.4 8173.8 6100.2 8041.9 6015.6 7911.2 5931.9 7790.5 5855.7 7675.2 5782.9 7563.0 5712.2 7453.6 5643.6 7344.5 5576.8 7233.3 5510.7 7121.8 5447.2 7006.2 5383.7 6890.1 5323.1 6774.4 5266.0 6657.2 5208.9 6541.0 5152.7 6429.4 5097.0 6320.7 5042.2 6214.6 4988.6 6111.0 4936.7 3 of 5
  • Break Path No. 2 Flow ** Ibm/sec 13788.6 13562.5 13366.3 13179.1 13051.8 13035.2 12985.3 12853.6 12748.9 12640.5 12516.8 12402.1 12260.1 12136.2 12013.4 11888.3 11771.0 11649.4 11532.4 11413.2 11294.6 11176.2 11059.4 10942.2 10827.0 10711.0 10599.1 10484.9 10371.0 10257.1 10144.3 10031.4 9919.6 9810.3 Thousand Btu/sec 7577.5 7457.4 7353.1 7252.4 7183.9 7175.2 7145.2 7068.8 7008.7 6948.3 6879.8 6.2 6737.4 6668.6 6600.4 6530.7 6465.2 6397.2 6332.0 6265.5 6199.5 6133.7 6068.9 6003.9 5940.2 5876.2 5814.6 5751.7 5689.0 5626.5 5564.7 5502.8 5441.7 5381.9 Revision 24 May 11, 2009 Time Seconds 14.8 15.0 15.2 15.4 15.6 15.8 16.0 16.2 IH* 16.8 17.0 17.2 17.4 17.6 17.8 I 18.0 8.4 18.6 18.8 19.0 19.2 19.4 19.6 19.8 20.0 20.2 20.4 20.6 20.8 21.0 SGS-UFSAR Table 15.4-15B (cont.) Blowdown Mass and Energy Releases -Double-Ended Pump Suction Break Break Path No. 1 Flow
  • Thousand Ib1njsec Btu/sec 6008.2 85.7 5907.1 35.9 5807.2 7.2 5709.6 4741.0 5612.2 4693.9 5509.0 4642.7 5398.0 4585.2 5285.4 4522.7 5175.4 4456.3 5072.5 4390.2 4973.7 4324.5 I 4878.7 4260.0 4789.1 4199.1 4706.3 4144.4 4627.0 4094.5 4557.0 4056.6 4485.2 4023.2 4412.7 3997.0 4337.9 3977.4 4253.1 3959.0 4163.5 3946.9 4059.9 3934.5 3949.6 3927.9 3819.4 3915.8 3624.4 3850.7 3361.4 3736.4 3113.0 3602.3 2891.5 T346o.2 2694.1 I 3283.2 2504.9 3076.5 2348.7 2897.9 2210.7 2736.3 4 of 5 Break Path No. 2 Flow ** Ibm/sec 9700.8 9592.8 9484.8 9378.5 71.2 9149.7 9026.7 8910.7 8787.1 8667.4 8545.4 8426.5 8313.9 8201.2 7985.3 7936.0 7670.5 7589.8 7626.1 7303.8 7623.5 7255.9 7670.2 6837.8 7077.8 5997.2 5849.2 5443.5 5133.7 4854.1 4620.7 4432.4 Thousand Btu/sec 5322.2 5263.3 5204.6 5146.8 5088.6 5022.9 4957.0 4895.5 4829.6 4765.9 4701.1 4638.3 4579.2 4520.0 4402.2 4381.1 4228.5 4155.8 4132.1 3901.8 4008.7 3751.4 3906.2 3426.4 3480.6 2895.3 2746.5 2508.1 2316.0 2147.3 2006.9 1891.3 Revision 24 May 11, 2009 Table 15.4-15B (cont.) Blowdown Mass and Energy Releases-Double-Ended Pump Suction Break Break Path No. 1 Flow
  • Break Path No. 2 Flow** Time Thousand Seconds Ibm/sec Btu/sec Ibm/sec 21.2 2090.8 2594.4 4158.0 21.4 1976.8 2458.1 3857.4 21.6 1864.0 2322.1 3655.0 21.8 1758.0 2194.1 3622.6 22.0 1646.1 2057.7 4290.9 22.2 1511.1 1892.3 6737.5 22.4 1388.8 1742.3 6009.8 22.6 1299.4 1632.8 3950.5 22.8 1227.8 1545.0 3733.1 23.0 1163.0 1465.0 2956.6 23.2 1084.5 1367.1 2050.3 23.4 1008.9 1273.4 1507.6 23.6 925.8 1170.2 3715.6 23.8 846.4 1070.8 7246.2 24.0 773.3 979.2 4909.0 24.2 701.5 889.0 4290.9 24.4 628.0 796.3 3978.9 24.6 561.1 712.1 3765.7 24.8 498.1 632.4 3171.1 25.0 444.4 564.7 2699.2 25.2 409.1 520.2 2403.5 25.4 364.3 463.4 2173.9 25.6 330.0 420.0 1936.9 25.8 300.5 382.5 1643.4 26.0 268.2 341.6 1277.9 26.2 298.2 850.5 26.4 8.7 253.4 403.0 26.6 161.9 206.6 .0 26.8 122.7 156.7 .0 27.0 79.7 102.0 .0 27.2 32.8 42.1 .0 27.4 .0 .0 .0
  • Mass and energy exiting from the steam generator side of the break ** Mass and energy exiting from the pump side of the break 5 of 5 SGS-UFSAR Thousand Btu/sec 1744.3 1585.8 1466.3 1420.7 1650.7 2572.6 2307.7 1516.9 1439.1 1138.1 787.7 542.1 1170.3 2215.1 1501.1 1314.6 1220.3 1155.4 971.8 822.6 724.1 645.4 567.0 474.8 365.0 240.9 113.7 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 Revision 24 May 11, 2009 Table 15.4-16 Reflood Mass and Energy Releases-Double-Ended Pump Suction Break (Minimum Safeguards) Break Path No. 1 Flow
  • Time Thousand Seconds Ibm/sec Btu/sec 27.4 .0 .0 28.0 .0 .0 28.1 .0 .0 28.2 .0 .0 18.3 .0 .0 8.4 .0 .0 28.4 .0 t%.1 28.5 44.2 28.6 16.8 19.8 28.7 12.5 14.7 28.8 14.3 16.8 28.9 24.5 28.8 29.0 29.6 34.8 9.1 33.8 39.9 9.2 I 37.6 44.3 9.4 142.0 49.5 1[29.5 46.3 54.5 29.6 49.3 HH 29.7 52.3 29.8 55.2 65.0 29.9 57.9 68.3 30.0 60.6 71.4 30.1 63.2 74.5 30.2 65.7 77.4 30.3 68.2 80.3 30.4 70.5 83.1 30.5 72.9 85.9 31.5 I 93.4 110.1 32.5 110.5 130.3 1 of 5 SGS-UFSAR Break Path No. 2 Flow ** Ibm/sec .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 I .o .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 ro .0 .0 Thousand Btu/sec .0 .0 1 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 Revision 24 May 11, 2009 Table 15.4-16 (cont.) Reflood Mass and Energy Releases -Double-Ended Pump Suction Break (Minimum Safeguards) Break Path No. 1 Flow
  • Time Thousand Seconds Ibm/sec Btu/sec 33.5 125.5 148.0 34.5 138.9 163.8 35.0 145.8 171.9 35.5 157.2 185.4 36.6 425.0 503.6 37.6 436.5 517.5 38.6 431.2 511.1 39.6 425.1 503.9 39.8 423.9 502.4 40.6 419.1 496.7 41.6 413.2 489.6 42.6 407.5 482.8 43.6 401.9 476.1 44.6 396.5 469.7 45.3 392.8 465.3 45.6 391.3 463.5 46.6 386.3 457.4 47.6 381.4 451.6 48.6 376.7 446.0 49.6 372.1 440.6 50.6 367.7 435.3 51.6 363.4 430.2 51.7 363.0 429.7 52.6 359.3 425.3 53.6 355.2 420.5 54.6 351.3 415.8 55.6 347.6 411.3 56.6 286.3 338.4 57.6 283.6 335.2 58.7 392.8 465.1 58.8 404.1 478.6 59.7 420.0 497.7 2 of 5 SGS-UFSAR Break Path No. 2 Flow** Ibm/sec .0 .0 .0 461.0 4325.3 4427.3 4376.9 4319.5 4307.9 4261.7 4204.6 4148.4 4093.4 4039.7 4003.0 3987.4 3936.5 3886.9 3838.6 3791.6 3745.8 3701.2 3696.8 3657.7 3615.3 3574.0 3533.6 2824.9 2793.5 310.5 315.3 322.1 Thousand Btu/sec .0 .0 .0 64.3 626.0 655.2 650.0 643.3 641.9 636.4 629.5 622.6 616.0 609.4 604.9 603.0 596.8 590.8 584.9 579.1 573.5 568.1 567.5 562.8 557.6 552.5 547.6 469.3 465.3 213.6 220.5 230.3 Revision 24 May 11/ 2009 Table 15.4-16 (cont.) Reflood Mass and Energy Releases-Double-Ended Pump Suction Break (Minimum Safeguards) Break Path No.1 Flow* Time Thousand Seconds Ibm/sec Btu/sec 60.7 413.0 489.4 H1.7 405.9 480.9 2.7 398.9 472.5 63.7 392.0 464.4 64.7 385.3 456.3 65.7 378.5 448.2 66.7 372.3 440.8 67.7 366.3 433.7 68.7 360.5 69.7 354.8 70.7 349.2 413.3 71.7 343.8 406.8 72.5 339.6 401.8 72.7 338.5 400.5 73.7 333.3 394.4 74.7 328.3 388.3 75.7 323.3 382.4 76.7 318.5 376.7 77.7 313.8 T37ll 78.7 309.2 365.6 79.7 304.7 360.3 80.7 300.4 355.1 81.7 296.1 350.1 82.7 291.9 345.1 83.7 287.9 340.3 84.7 284.0 335.7 85.7 280.2 331.1 86.7 276.5 326.7 87.7 272.9 322.4 88.7 269.3 318.3 89.4 266.9 315.4 90.7 262.6 310.3 92.7 256.3 302.8 1194.7 250.3 295.7 96.7 244.7 289.0 3 of 5 SGS-UFSAR Break Path No.2 Flow** Ibm/sec 318.9 315.6 312.4 309.3 306.3 303.2 300.4 297.7 295.1 292.5 290.0 287.6 285.7 285.2 282.9 280.7 278.5 276.3 274.3 272.2 270.3 268.4 266.5 264.7 262.9 261.2 259.5 257.9 256.4 254.8 253.8 251.9 249.2 246.7 244.3 Thousand Btu/sec 226.1
  • 221.7 217.5 t; 201.5 197.9 194.4 l91.0 187.7 184.5 182.0 181.4 178.4 175.4 172.5 169.7 167.0 164.4 161.8 152.2 150.0 147.9 145.8 143.8 141.8 140.5 138.1 134.6 131.3 128.3 Revision 24 May 11, 2009 Table 15.4-16 (cont.) Reflood Mass and Energy Releases-Double-Ended Pump Suction Break (Minimum Safeguards) Break Path No. 1 Flow
  • Time Thousand Seconds Ibm/sec Btu/sec 98.7 239.4 282.8 234.5 276.9 102.7 229.9 271.4 104.7 225.5 266.3 106.7 221.5 261.5 . 108.7 217.7 257.0 109.8 215.7 254.7 110.7 214.2 252.9 112.7 210.9 249.0 II 114.7 . 207.9 245.4 i 116.7 205.1 242.1 118.7 202.5 239.0 120.7 200.1 236.1 122.7 197.9 233.5 195.8 231.1 194.0 228.9 192.3 226.9 130.7 190.7 225.1 189.3 223.4 188.8 222.8 188.0 221.9 6.7 186.9 220.5 38.7 185.8 219.2 40.7 184.9 218.1 142.7 184.0 217.1 144.7 183.3 216.2 146.7 182.6 215.5 148.7 182.0 214.8 150.7 181.5 214.2 11152.7 181.0 213.6 154.7 180.6 213.1 156.7 180.3 212.7 4 of 5 SGS-UFSAR Break Path No. 2 Flow** Ibm/sec 242.0 240.0 238.0 236.2 234.5 232.9 232.1 231.5 230.1 228.9 227.7 226.6 225.6 224.7 rm-.9 223.1 222.4 221.8 221.2 221.0 220.7 220.2 219.8 219.4 219.0 218.7 218.4 218.1 217.9 217.7 217.5 217.4 Thousand Btu/sec 125.4 122.8 120.3 118.0 115.8 113.8 112.8 111.9 110.2 108.6 107.2 105.8 104.6 103.4 102.3 101.4 100.5 99.7 98.9 98.7 98.3 97.7 97.1 96.6 96.2 95.8 95.4 95.1 94.8 94.5 94.3 94.1 Revision 24 May 11, 2009 Table 15.4-16 (cont.) Reflood Mass and Energy Releases -Double-Ended Pump Suction Break (Minimum Safeguards) Break Path No. 1 Flow
  • Break Path No. 2 Flow '*'* Time Thousand Seconds Ibm/sec Btu/sec Ibm/sec 158.7 180.0 212.4 217.2 159.5 179.9 212.3 217.2 160.7 179.8 212.1 217.1 162.7 179.6 211.9 217.0 164.7 179.4 211.7 217.0 166.7 179.3 211.6 216.9 168.7 179.3 211.5 216.8 170.7 179.2 211.5 216.8 172.7 179.2 11.5 216.8 174.7 179.3 11.5 216.8 6.7 179.3 11.6 216.8 178.7 180.0 212.4 217.3 180.7 180.9 213.4 218.8 182.7 182.0 214.7 221.3 184.7 183.3 216.3 224.5 186.7 184.6 217.9 228.3 187.0 184.8 218.1 228.9
  • Mass and energy exiting from the steam generator side of the break ** Mass and energy exiting from the pump side of the break 5 of 5 SGS-UFSAR Thousand Btujsec 93.9 93.9 93.8 93.7 93.6 93.5 93.4 93.4 93.4 93.3 93.4 93.7 94.2 95.0 I 95,9 96.9 97.0 Revision 24 May 11, 2009 Table 15.4-17 Reflood Mass and Energy Releases -Double-Ended Pump Suction Break (Maximum Safeguards) Break Path No. 1 Flow* Time Thousand Seconds Ibm/sec Btu/sec 27.4 .0 H 28.0 .0 1 .0 28.2 .0 .0 28.3 .0 .0 28.4 .0 .0 28.4 .0 .0 28.5 44.2 52.1 28.6 16.8 19.8 28.7 12.5 14.7 28.8 14.3 16.8 28.9 24.5 28.8 29.0 29.6 34.8 29.1 33.8 139.9 29.2 37.6 44.3 29.4 42.0 49.5 29.5 46.3 54.5 29.6 49.3 58.1 29.7 52.3 61.6 29.8 55.2 65.0 29.9 57.9 68.3 30.0 60.6 71.4 30.1 63.2 74.5 30.2 65.7 77.4 30.3 68.2 80.3 30.4 70.5 83.1 30.5 72.9 85.9 31.5 93.4 110.1 32.5 110.5 130.3 1 of 5 SGS-UFSAR Break Path No. 2 Flow** Ibm/sec .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 Thousand Btu/sec .0 D D .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 I .o .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 Revision 24 May 11, 2009 Table 15.4-17 (cont.) Reflood Mass and Energy Releases-Double-Ended Pump Suction Break (Maximum Safeguards) Break Path No. 1 Flow
  • Time Thousand Seconds Ibm/sec Btu/sec 33.5 125.5 148.0 34.5 138.9 163.8 35.0 145.8 171.9 35.5 157.2 185.4 36.6 468.0 555.1 .6 478.5 567.7 38.6 473.1 561.3 39.6 467.1 l5s4.i 40.6 46.9 41.6 455.2 39.9 42.6 449.5 33.0 ll 443.9 526.4 44.6 438.5 519.9 44.7 438.0 519.3 45.6 433.3 513.7 46.6 428.3 507.6 423.4 501.8 496.1 I 4US.7 414.1 50.6 409.6 51.6 405.3 52.6 401.2 53.6 I 397.1 .4 . 54.6 393.2 465.8 55.6 389.4 461.2 56.6 329.0 389.2 57.0 327.3 387.2 57.6 325.6 385.2 58.6 322.9 381.9 59.7 185.7 219.1 185.2 218.5 184.7 218.0 2 of 5 SGS-UFSAR Break Path No. 2 Flow ** Ibm/sec .0 .0 .0 461.0 4769.9 4858.2 4809.4 4754.6 4699.2 4644.3 4590.2 4537.2 4485.4 4480.3 4434.8 4385.6 4337.6 4290.9 0 8 6 4074.5 4034.5 3995.4 ! 3328.1 3321.6 I 3303.4 3273.6 921.8 922.8 923.8 Thousand Btufsec .0 .0 .0 64.3 665.3 690.6 685.2 665.0 658.3 651.8 645.3 644.7 639.1 633.0 627.0 621.2 615.6 610.1 604.7 599.5 594.4 . 589.5 584.6 512.9 509.6 507.3 503.5 227.6 227.3 227.0 Revision 24 May 11, 2009 Table 15.4-17 (cont.) Reflood Mass and Energy Releases-Double-Ended Pump Suction Break (Maximum Safeguards) Break Path No. 1 Flow
  • Time Thousand Seconds Ibm/sec Btu/sec 62.7 184.2 217.4 ! 63.7 183.7 216.8 .7 183.2 216.2 .7 182.8 215.7 66.7 182.3 67.7 1 181.8 14.5 68.7 i 181.3 213.9 69.7 180.8 213.4 70.7 180.4 212.8 71.7 179.9 212.2 72.7 179.4 211.7 73.7 178.9 211.1 74.7 178.5 210.6 75.7 178.0 210.0 76.0 177.8 209.8 76.7 177.5 209.4 77.7 177.0 208.9 78.7 176.6 208.3 79.7 176.1 207.8 80.7 175.6 207.2 81.7 175.1 206.6 82.7 174.7 206.1 83.7 174.2 205.5 84.7 173.7 204.9 85.7 173.2 204.4 86.7 172.7 203.8 87.7 172.3 203.2 88.7 171.8 202.7 90.7 170.8 201.5 92.7 169.9 200.4 94.7 168.9 199.2 96.7 167.9 198.1 97.1 167.7 197.8 98.7 166.9 196.9 3 of 5 SGS-UFSAR Break Path No. 2 Flow ** Ibm/sec 924.9 925.9 926.9 927.9 928.9 929.9 930.9 931.8 932.8 933.8 934.7 935.7 936.6 937.6 937.9 938.6 939.5 940.4 941.4 942.3 943.3 944.2 945.2 946.1 947.1 948.1 949.0 950.0 951.9 953.8 955.7 957.7 958.1 959.6 Thousand Btu/sec 226.7 226.5 226.2 225.9 225.6 225.4 225.1 224.8 224.5 224.3 224.0 223.7 223.5 223.2 223.1 222.9 222.7 222.4 222.1 221.9 221.6 221.3 221.1 220.8 220.5 220.3 220.0 219.7 219.2 218.7 218.2 217.6 217.5 217.1 Revision 24 May 11, 2009 Table 15.4-17 (cont.) Reflood Mass and Energy Releases-Double-Ended Pump Suction Break (Maximum Safeguards) Break Path No. 1 Flow
  • Time Thousand Seconds Ibm/sec Btu/sec 100.7 165.9 195.7 102.7 164.9 194.5 104.7 163.9 193.3 106.7 162.9 192.1 108.7 161.8 190.9 110.7 160.8 189.7 112.7 159.8 188.4 114.7 158.7 187.2 116.7 157.7 186.0 T156I; 184.7 155.9 1183.9 120.7 155.5 183.4 122.7 154.4 182.1 124.7 153.3 180.9 126.7 152.3 179.6 128.7 151.1 178.3 130.7 150.0 177.0 132.7 148.9 175.6 134.7 147.8 174.3 136.7 146.7 173.0 138.7 145.6 171.7 140.7 144.4 170.3 142.7 143.3 169.0 144.7 142.2 167.7 145.2 142.1 167.5 146.7 141.7 167.1 148.7 141.2 166.5 150.7 140.7 166.0 152.7 140.3 165.4 154.7 139.8 164.8 156.7 139.3 164.3 158.7 138.8 163.7 4 of 5 SGS-UFSAR Break Path No.2 Flow** Ibm} sec 961.6 963.6 965.5 967.5 969.5 971.5 973.5 975.5 977.5 979.6 980.9 981.6 983.6 985.6 987.6 989.6 991.6 993.7 995.7 997.7 999.7 1001.8 1003.8 1005.9 1006.1 1006.8 1007.8 1008.7 1009.6 1010.5 1011.4 1012.3 Thousand Btu/sec 216.6 216.1 215.6 215.1 214.6 214.1 213.5 213.0 212.5 212.0 211.7 211.5 211.0 210.5 210.0 209.5 208.9 208.4 207.9 207.4 206.9 206.4 205.9 205.5 205.5 205.2 204.9 204.5 204.2 203.9 203.5 203.2 Revision 24 May 11, 2009 Table 15.4-17 (cont.) Reflood Mass and Energy Releases -Double-Ended Pump Suction Break (Maximum Safeguards) Break Path No. 1 Flow
  • Break Path No. 2 Flow ** Time Thousand Seconds Ibm/sec Btu/sec Ibm/sec 160.7 138.4 163.2 1013.2 162.7 137.9 162.6 1014.1 164.7 137.4 162.0 1015.0 166.7 137.0 161.5 1015.9 168.7 136.5 160.9 1016.8 170.7 136.0 160.4 1017.7 172.7 135.6 159.9 1018.5 172.8 135.5 159.8 1018.6 174.7 135.1 159.3 1019.4 176.7 134.7 158.8 1020.3 8.7 134.2 158.2 1021.2 .7 133.7 157.7 1022.0 .7 133.3 157.2 1022.9 .7 132.9 156.6 1023.7 .7 132.4 1156.1 1024.6 188.7 132.0 155.6 1025.4 190.7 131.5 155.1 1026.3 192.7 131.1 154.6 1027.1 194.7 130.7 154.1 1028.0 196.7 130.2 153.5 1028.8 198.7 129.8 153.0 1029.6 200.7 129.4 152.5 1030.4 202.7 128.9 152.0 1031.3 203.2 128.8 151.9 1031.5
  • Mass and energy exiting from the steam generator side of the break ** Mass and energy exiting from the pump side of the break 5 of 5 SGS-UFSAR Thousand Btu/sec 202.8 202.5 202.1 201.8 201.4 201.1 200.7 200.7 200.4 200.0 199.6 199.2 198.9 198.5 198.1 197.7 197.4 197.0 196.6 196.2 195.8 195.4 195.0 194.9 Revision 24 May 11, 2009 Table 15.4-18 Post-Reflood Mass and Energy Releases-Double-Ended Pump Suction Break (Minimum Safeguards) Break Path No.1 Flow* Time Thousand Seconds Ibm/sec Btu/sec 187.0 220.6 275.4 192.0 219.3 273.8 197.0 219.1 273.6 202.0 219.0 273.4 07.0 218.0 272.2 212.0 218.0 272.2 217.0 218.0 272.2 222.0 217.0 270.9 227.0 6.9 270.8 232.0 215.9 269.5 237.0 215.8 269.4 242.0 215.7 269.3 247.0 214.6 267.9 252.0 214.4 267.7 257.0 214.2 267.5 213.1 266.0 67.0 212.9 265.8 272.0 212.6 265.4 277.0 212.3 265.1 282.0 212.0 264.7 287.0 210.8 263.1 292.0 210.4 262.7 297.0 210.0 262.2 302.0 209.6 261.7 307.0 209.1 261.1 312.0 208.7 260.5 317.0 208.1 259.8 322.0 207.5 259.1 327.0 206.9 258.3 1 of 3 SGS-UFSAR Break Path No. 2 Flow ** Ibm/sec 372.7 374.0 374.2 374.3 375.3 375.3 375.3 376.3 376.4 377.4 377.5 377.6 378.7 378.9 379.1 380.2 380.4 380.7 381.0 381.3 382.5 382.9 383.3 383.7 384.2 384.7 385.2 385.8 386.4 Thousand Btu/sec 133.1 133.2 133.0 132.8 132.8 132.6 132.4 132.4 132.2 132.3 132.1 131.9 132.0 131.8 131.6 131.7 131.5 131.4 131.2 131.0 131.2 131.0 130.9 130.8 130.7 130.6 130.5 130.4 130.3 Revision 24 May 11, 2009 Table 15.4-18 (cont.) Post-Reflood Mass and Energy Releases-Double-Ended Pump Suction Break (Minimum Safeguards) Break Path No.1 Flow* Time Thousand Seconds Ibm/sec Btu/sec 332.0 207.1 258.6 337.0 206.4 257.7 342.0 205.7 256.7 347.0 204.8 255.7 352.0 204.8 255.7 l357.o 203.9 254.5 362.0 203.7 254.3 367.0 203.4 254.0 372.0 202.3 252.6 377.0 201.9 252.0 382.0 201.3 251.4 387.0 200.7 250.6 392.0 200.7 250.5 397.0 199.8 249.4 402.0 249.1 407.0 8.6 247.9 11412.0 198.1 247.3 417.0 198.0 247.2 422.0 197.1 246.1 427.0 196.6 245.4 2.0 196.4 245.2 437.0 195.8 244.4 442.0 195.3 243.8 447.0 194.3 242.6 4520 193.7 241.8 457.0 193.3 241.3 462.0 192.6 240.4 467.0 192.4 240.2 472.0 191.5 239.1 477.0 191.1 238.5 482.0 190.3 237.6 487.0 89.7 112.0 2 of 3 SGS-UFSAR Break Path No. 2 Flow ** Ibm/sec 386.2 386.9 387.7 388.5 388.5 389.4 389.6 389.9 391.0 391.4 392.0 392.6 392.6 393.5 393.8 394.8 395.2 395.3 396.2 396.7 396.9 397.5 398.0 399.0 399.6 400.0 400.7 400.9 401.8 402.2 403.0 503.6 Thousand Btu/sec 130.0 130.0 130.0 129.9 129.7 129.7 129.5 129.4 129.4 129.3 129.2 129.1 128.9 128.9 128.7 128.8 128.7 128.4 128.4 128.3 128.2 128.1 128.0 128.0 127.9 127.8 127.7 127.6 127.5 127.4 127.4 153.7 Revision 24 May 11, 2009 Table 15.4-18 (cont.) Post-Reflood Maps and Energy Releases
  • Double-Ended Pump Suction Break (Minimum Safeguards) Break Path No.1 Flow* Break Path No. 2 Flow** Time Thousand Seconds Ibm/sec Btu/sec Ibm/sec 689.2 89.7 112.0 503.6 689.3 92.3 114.4 501.0 1"692.0 92.2 114.3 501.1 1564.5 92.2 114.3 501.1 1564.6 76.1 87.6 517.2 1748.3 74.1 85.3 519.2 1748.4 74.1 85.3 353.2 3000.0 65.4 75.2 361.9 3000.1 65.4 75.2 366.1 3600.0 61.8 71.1 369.8
  • 3600.1 50.9 58.5 380.7 4441.6 47.3 54.4 384.3 4441.7 47.1 54.2 118.1 7000.0 41.0 47.2 124.2 7000.1 1_0.8 46.9 124.4 10000.0 ! 36.7 42.2 128.5 10000.1 36.5 42.0 128.7 50000.0 23.9 27.5 141.3 50000.1 23.4 26.9 141.9 100000.0 19.1 22.0 146.1 100000.1 18.9 21.7 146.3 500000.0 10.9 12.6 154.3 500000.1 10.8 12.4 154.4 1000000.0 8.0 9.2 157.2 1000000.1 9 9.1 157.3 5000000.0 3.8 4.3 161.5 5000000.1 3.8 m 161.5 10000000.0 2.5 162.7
  • Mass and exiting from the steam generator side of the break ** Mass and energy exiting from the pump side of the break 3 of 3 SGS-UFSAR Thousand Btu/sec 153.7 148.3 148.2 148.2 46.2 46.6 81.0 82.6 70.8 71.5 55.6 56.1 16.9 17.8 17.2 17.7 17.1 18.8 15.6 16.1 14.3 15.1 13.3 13.5 12.3 12.6 12.1 12.2 Revision 24 May 11, 2009 Table 15.4-19 Post-Reflood Mass and Energy Releases -Double-Ended Pump Suction Break (Maximum Safeguards) Break Path No. 1 Flow* Time Thousand Seconds Ibm/sec Btu/sec 203.2 142.4 179.2 208.2 142.0 178.7 213.2 142.9 179.8 218.2 142.5 179.3 223.2 142.0 178.8 228.2 142.9 179.8 233.2 142.5 179.3 238.2 ' 142.1 178.8 243.2 141.7 1178.3 248.2 142.5 179.3 253.2 142.1 178.8 258.2 141.7 178.3 263.2 141.3 177.8 268.2 142.1 178.8 273.2 141.7 178.3 278.2 141.2 177.8 283.2 142.0 178.8 288.2 141.6 178.2 293.2 141.2 177.7 298.2 140.8 177.2 303.2 141.6 178.2 308.2 141.1 177.6 313.2 140.7 177.1 318.2 141.5 178.0 323.2 141.0 177.5 328.2 140.6 177.0 333.2 140.2 176.4 338.2 140.9 177.3 343.2 140.5 176.8 348.2 140.0 176.2 353.2 140.8 177.2 358.2 140.3 176.6 363.2 139.9 176.0 368.2 140.6 176.9 1 of 5 SGS-UFSAR Break Path No. 2 Flow ** Ibm/sec 1106.3 1106.7 1105.8 1106.2 1106.6 1105.8 1106.2 1106.6 1107.0 1106.2 1106.6 1107.0 1107.4 1106.6 1107.0 1107.4 1106.6 1107.1 1107.5 1107.9 1107.1 1107.6 1108.0 1107.2 1107.6 1108.1 1108.5 1107.8 1108.2 1108.7 1107.9 1108.4 1108.8 1108.1 Thousand Btu/sec 195.1 195.0 194.5 194.4 194.3 193.9 193.7 193.6 193.5 193.1 193.0 192.9 192.8 192.3 192.2 192.1 191.7 191.6 191.4 191.3 190.9 190.8 190.7 190.3 190.1 190.0 189.9 189.5 189.4 189.3 188.8 188.7 188.6 188.2 Revision 24 May 11, 2009 Table 15.4-19 (cont.) Post-Reflood Mal'S and Energy Releases-Double-Ended Pump Suction Break (Maximum Safeguards) Break Path No. 1 Flow
  • Time Thousand Seconds Ibm/sec Btu/sec 373.2 140.1 176.4 378.2 139.7 175.8 383.2 140.4 176.7 388.2 139.9 176.1 393.2 139.5 175.5 398.2 ' 140.1 176.4 403.2 139.8 175.9 408.2 139.4 175.5 413.2 139.1 175.1 418.2 139.9 176.1 423.2 139.6 175.7 428.2 139.3 175.3 433.2 ' 138.9 174.9 438.2 139.7 175.8 443.2 139.4 175.4 448.2 139.0 175.0 453.2 138.7 174.6 458.2 139.5 175.5 463.2 139.1 175.1 468.2 138.8 174.6 473.2 139.5 175.6 478.2 139.1 175.1 483.2 138.8 174.7 488.2 138.4 174.2 493.2 139.1 175.1 498.2 138.8 174.6 503.2 138.4 174.2 508.2 139.1 175.1 513.2 138.7 174.6 518.2 138.3 174.1 523.2 139.0 174.9 528.2 138.6 174.4 2 of 5 SGS-UFSAR Break Path No. 2 Flow ** Ibm/sec 1108.5 1109.0 1108.3 1108.8 1109.2 1108.5 1108.9 1109.2 1109.6 1108.8 1109.1 1109.4 1109.7 1109.0 1109.3 1109.6 1110.0 1109.2 1109.6 1109.9 1109.2 1109.5 1109.9 1110.3 1109.5 1109.9 1110.3 1109.6 1110.0 1110.4 1109.7 1110.1 Thousand Btu} sec 188.1 188.0 187.6 187.5 187.4 186.9 186.8 186.7 186.5 186.1 186.0 185.8 185.7 185.2 185.1 185.0 184.8 184.4 184.2 189.3 188.9 188.7 188.6 188.4 188.0 187.8 187.7 187.2 187.1 186.9 186.5 186.3 Revision 24 May 11, 2009 I Table 15.4-19 (cont.) Post-Reflood and Energy Releases -Double-Ended Pump Suction Break (Maximum Safeguards) Break Path No. 1 Flow
  • Time Thousand Seconds lbm/sec Btu/sec 533.2 138.2 174.0 538.2 138.9 174.8 .2 138.5 174.3 .2 138.1 173.8 553.2 138.7 174.5 558.2 138.3 174.0 563.2 137.9 173.5 568.2 138.4 174.2 573.2 138.0 173.7 578.2 137.6 173.2 583.2 138.2 173.9 588.2 137.7 173.3 593.2 138.3 174.0 598.2 137.8 173.4 603.2 137.4 172.9 608.2 138.0 173.6 613.2 1137.5 173.1 [§:18.2 138.1 173.8 623.2 137.6 173.2 628.2 137.2 172.7 633.2 137.7 173.3 638.2 137.3 172.8 643.2 137.8 173.4 648.2 : 137.3 172:8 653.2 137.8 173.4 658.2 137.3 172.8 663.2 137.7 173.3 668.2 137.2 172.7 673.2 137.6 173.2 678.2 137.1 172.5 683.2 137.5 173.0 688.2 i 136.9 172.3 693.2 137.3 172.7 698.2 136.7 172.0 3 of 5 SGS-UFSAR Break Path No. 2 Flow ** lbm/sec 1110.5 1109.8 1110.2 1110.6 1110.0 1110.4 1110.8 1110.2 1110.7 1111.1 1110.5 1111.0 1110.4 1110.9 1111.3 1110.7 1111.2 1110.6 1111.0 1111.5 1111.0 1111.4 1110.9 .4 1110.9 1111.4 1111.0 1111.5 1111.1 1111.6 1111.2 1111.8 1111.4 1112.0 Thousand Btu/sec 186.2 185.8 185.6 185.5 185.0 184.9 184.7 184.3 184.2 184.0 183.6 183.4 183.0 182.9 182.7 182.3 182.2 181.8 181.6 181.5 181.0 180.9 180.5 180.4 180.0 179.8 179.4 184.1 183.7 183.6 183.2 183.0 182.6 182.5 Revision 24 May 11, 2009 I Table 15.4-19 (cont.) Post-Reflood and Energy Releases-Double-Ended Pump Suction Break (Maximum Safeguards) Break Path No. 1 Flow* Time Thousand Seconds Ibm/sec Btu/sec 703.2 : 137.0 172.4 708.2 136.4 171.7 713.2 136.7 172.0 718.2 136.9 172.3 136.3 171.6 136.5 171.8 733.2 136.7 172.0 738.2 136.8 172.2 743.2 136.2 171.4 748.2 136.3 171.5 136.3 171.6 136.4 171.6 763.2 136.4 171.6 768.2 136.3 171.6 773.2 136.3 171.5 778.2 136.2 171.4 783.2 136.0 171.2 788.2 135.8 171.0 793.2 135.6 170.7 798.2 136.0 171.2 803.2 135.7 170.8 808.2 136.0 171.2 813.2 135.6 170.6 .2 135.7 170.8 823.2 135.8 170.9 828.2 135.7 170.8 833.2 135.6 170.6 r; 135.3 170.3 135.4 170.5 l 135.4 170.4 ; 135.2 170.1 2 858.2 135.2 170.2 863.2 135.0 169.9 868.2 134.8 169.7 4 of 5 SGS-UFSAR Break Path No. 2 Flow** Ibm/sec 1111.7 1112.3 1112.0 1111.7 1112.4 1112.2 1112.0 1111.8 1112.5 1112.4 1112.4 1112.3 1112.3 1112.3 1112.4 1112.5 1112.7 1112.8 1113.1 1112.7 1113.0 1112.7 1113.1 1113.0 1112.9 1113.0 1113.1 1113.4 1113.2 1113.3 1113.5 1113.5 1113.7 1113.9 Thousand Btu/sec 182.1 182.0 181.6 181.2 181.1 180.7 180.4 180.0 179.9 179.6 179.3 178.9 178.6 178.3 178.0 177.7 177.5 177.2 181.5 1181.1 180.8 180.4 180.2 179.8 179.4 179.1 178.8 178.5 178.1 177.8 177.5 177.1 176.9 176.5 Revision 24 May 11, 2009 I i Table 15.4-19 (cont.) Post-Reflood Mass and Energy Releases -Double-Ended Pump Suction Break (Maximum Safeguards) Break Path No. 1 Flow* Break Path No. 2 Flow** Time Thousand Seconds Ibm/sec Btu/sec Ibm/sec ' 873.2 135.1 170.0 1113.6 878.2 135.1 170.0 1113.6 883.2 134.8 169.7 1113.9 888.2 78.4 98.7 1170.3 1053.2 75.2 94.7 1173.5 1056.0 75.2 94.6 752.8 1320.3 75.2 94.6 752.8 79.7 99.4 748.3 79.7 99.3 748.3 1594.6 79.7 99.3 748.3 1594.7 75.3 86.6 752.7 2500.0 67.8 78.0 760.1 2500.1 67.8 I 78.o 760.1 3600.0 61.2 70.4 766.7 3600.1 50.3 57.9 1 777.6 49.5 -;6.9 778.5 9.4 49.2 6.6 627.5 0.0 45.0 51.7 631.7 -5000.1 44.5 51.2 632.2 10000.0 36.0 41.5 640.7 10000.1 35.6 40.9 641.1 50000.0 23.3 26.8 653.4 50000.1 23.0 26.4 653.7 100000.0 18.8 21.6 657.9 100000.1 18.7 21.5 658.0 0000.0 10.8 12.5 665.9 00000.1 10.8 12.5 665.9 000000.0 8.0 9.2 668.7 1000000.1 8.0 9.2 668.7 5000000.0 3.8 4.3 672.9 5000000.1 i 3.8 4.3 672.9 10000000.0 2.5 2.9 674.2
  • Mass and energy exiting from the steam generator side of the break ** Mass and energy exiting from the pump side of the break 5 of 5 SGS-UFSAR Thousand Btu/sec 176.1 175.8 179.8 194.3 189.0 228.0 228.0 225.6 225.8 225.8 128.3 129.7 117.3 1118.4 l1o5.o 105.1 81.6 82.1 75.9 76.9 68.0 69.3 60.1 60.5 59.2 59.9 58.6 58.8 54.8 55.2 50.5 50.6 Revision 24 May 11, 2009 Wall No. 1 2 3 4 (1} 5 SGS-UFSAR TABLE 15.4-20 PASSIVE HEAT SINKS FOR CONTAINMENT INTEGRITY ANALYSES Area Thickness Layer Composition (ft) ( 2} 45169 1 Paint 0.001525 2 Steel 0.03125 3 Concrete 0.5 4 Concrete 4.0 14206 1 Insulation 0.204 2 Steel 0.03125 3 Concrete 0.5 4 Concrete 4.0 29249 1 Paint 0.001525 2 Steel 0.04167 3 Concrete 0.5 4 Concrete 3.0 11611 1 Paint 0.0020883 2 Concrete 0.5 3 Concrete 3.0 6806 1 Paint 0.0020883 2 Concrete 0.5 3 Concrete 0.5 4 Concrete 0.5 1 of 3 Volumetric Thermal Heat Conductivity Capacity (Btu/hr-°F-ft2) (Btu/ ft3-° F) 0.083 39.6 27.0 58.8 0. 92 22.6 0.92 22.6 0.024 3.94 27.0 58.8 0.92 22.6 0.92 22.6 0.083 39.6 27.0 58.8 0.92 22.6 0.92 22.6 0.083 39.6 0. 92 22.6 0.92 22.6 0.083 39.6 0.92 22.6 0.92 22.6 0.92 22.6 Revision 23 October 17, 2007 I I I TABLE 15.4-20 (Cont) Wall Area Thickness No. {ft2) Layer Composition (ft} (2} 6 9424 1 Paint 0.0020883 2 Concrete 0.5 3 Concrete 1.21 7 31660 1 Paint 0.00117 2 Concrete 0.5 3 Concrete 1.0 8 13592 1 Stainless 0.01733 Steel 2 Concrete 0.5 3 Concrete 1.4 9 47590 1 Paint 0.0014975 2 Steel 0.011 10 76741 1 Paint 0.0014975 2 Steel 0.02102 11 19348 1 Paint 0.0014975 2 Steel 0.0437 12 9330 1 Paint 0.0014975 2 Steel 0.611 13 7452 1 Paint 0.0014975 2 Steel 0.086 14 3218 1 Paint 0.0014975 2 Steel 0.1112 2 of 3 SGS-UFSAR Volumetric Thermal Heat Conductivity Capacity {Btu/hr-° F-ft2) (Btu/ ft3-° F) 0.083 0.92 0.92 0.083 0.92 0.92 8.0 0.92 0.92 0.083 27.0 0.083 27.0 0.083 27.0 0.083 27.0 0.083 27.0 0.083 27.0 39.6 22.6 22.6 39.6 22.6 22.6 53.6 22.6 22.6 39.6 58.8 39.6 58.8 39.6 58.8 39.6 58.8 39.6 58.8 39.6 58.8 Revision 23 October 17, 2007 I I I I I TABLE 15.4-20 (Cont) Volumetric Thermal Heat Wall Area Thickness Conductivity Capacity No. ( ft2) Layer Composition { ft) ( 2) (Btu/hr-° F-ft2) {Btu/ft3-°F) 15 1553 1 Paint 0.0014975 0.083 39.6 2 Steel 0.217 27.0 58.8 16 43740 1 Paint 0.0014975 0.083 39.6 2 Steel 0.0052 27.0 58.8 17 4272 1 Stainless 0.0329 8.0 53.6 Steel 18 53745 1 Paint 0.0014975 0.083 39.6 2 Steel 0.0211 27.0 58.8 19 11244 1 Paint 0.0014975 0.083 39.6 2 Steel 0.0379 27.0 58.8 20 2989 1 Paint 0.0014975 0.083 39.6 2 Steel 0.15806 27.0 58.8 NOTE: {1) In contact with sump. (2) VTD 900986 evaluates as-built coatings thickness data for impact to containment heat sink performance. 3 of 3 SGS-UFSAR Revision 23 October 17, 2007 I I I I I Description Containment Cylinder Containment Dome Containment Floors Reactor Cavity SGS-UFSAR TABLE 15.4-21 STRUCTURAL HEAT SINKS Material Sides Type Thickness ( 2) Exposed Steel A-36 3/8 in. 1 Steel A-36 3/8 in. 1 {Covered by insulation) Reinforced 54 in. 1 Concrete Reinforced 54 in. 1 Concrete {Section under steel covered with insulation) Insulation 2.5 in. 1 Paint (primer} 2.5 mils 1 Paint (finish} 5.0 mils 1 Steel A-36 1/2 in. 1 Reinforced 42 in. 1 Concrete Paint (primer) 2.5 mils 1 Paint (finish) 5.0 mils 1 Reinforced 42 in. 1 Concrete Paint {primer} 10 mils 1 Paint (finish} 8 mils 1 Reinforced 12 in. 1 Concrete Paint (primer) 10 mils 1 Paint (finish) 8 mils 1 1 of 18 Surface (sq ft} 47,546.0 14,954.0 47,546.0 14,954.0 14,909.0 47,546.0 47,546.0 30,788.0 30,788.0 30,788.0 30,788.0 12,222.0 12,222.0 12,222.0 2,514.0 2,514.0 2,514.0 Revision 23 October 17, 2007 I TABLE 15.4-21 (Cont) Material Descri)2tion Ty;ee Thickness(2) Refueling Stainless 1/4 in. Canal Steel 304 Concrete 51 in. Crane Wall Reinforced 36 in. Concrete Paint (primer} 10 mils Paint (finish} 4 mils Operating Deck Reinforced 41 in. at El 130 ft-0 in. Concrete Paint (primer) 10 mils Paint (primer) 8 mils Shield Walls Reinforced 36 in. Above El 130 ft-Concrete 0 in. Paint (primer) 10 mils Paint (finish) 4 mils Main Steam/ Steel A-441 5/32 in. Feedwater Stops 5/16 in. 1/4 in. 3/8 in. 1/2 in. 5/8 in. 3/4 in. 7/8 in. 1 in. 1 1/4 in. 1 1/2 in. Paint (primer) 2.5 mils Paint (finish) 5.0 mils 2 of 18 SGS-UFSAR Sides ExEosed 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 Surface (sq ft) 7,942.0 7,290.0 13,707.0 26,414.0 26,414.0 4,960.0 9,920.0 9,920.0 2,956.0 5,912.0 5,912.0 224.0 19.0 302.0 1563.0 6,592.0{01), 6,590.2(02) 639.0{01}, 629.7(02) 3,039.0(01), 3,026.1(02) 461.0 1,981.0 1,006.0 14.0 29,802.0(01)1 29,778.1(02) 29,802.0{01}, 29,778.1{02) Revision 24 May 111 2009 TABLE 15.4-21 (Cont) Material Sides Description Type Thickness(2)Exposed Polar Gantry Steel A-36 1/8 in. 2 Bridge Crane 3/8 in. 1 3/8 in. 2 1/2 in. 2 1/2 in. 1 5/8 in. 1 5/8 in. 2 3/4 in. 2 3/4 in. 1 1 in. 1 1 in. 2 1 1/8 in. 1 1 1/2 in. 2 1 5/8 in. 1 2 in. 2 2 1/4 in. 2 2 3/4 in. 1 3 in. 1 3 1/4 in. 1 3 1/4 in. 2 3 of 18 SGS-UFSAR Surface {sg ft} 76.0 4,953.0 589.0 41.0 156.0 374.0 360.0 41.0 4,911.0 348.0 100.0 358.0 31.0 6.3 13.5 26.0 1,553.0 263.7 3.0 1.8 Revision 23 October 17, 2007 TABLE 15.4-21 {Cont) Material Sides Description Type Thickness(2) Exposed Polar Gantry Steel A-36 3 3/4 in. 1 Bridge Crane 4 in. 2 5 1/2 in. 1 6 in. 2 8 in. 1 1 1/2 in. 2 3/4 in. 2 Paint (primer} 2.5 mils 1 Paint {finish) 5.0 mils 1 Manipulator Steel A-36 3/4 in. 2 Crane 1/4 in. 1 1/4 in. 2 3/8 in. 1 3/8 in. 2 3/4 in. 1 1 in. 2 Paint (primer) 2.5 mils 1 Paint (finish} 5.0 mils 1 Orbital Service Steel A-36 1/8 in. 2 Bridge and Platform 1/4 in. 2 4 of 18 SGS-UFSAR Surface (sq ft} 14.6 1.5 27.1 1.0 10.2 72.2 33.0 15,751.9 15,751.9 75.0 83.0 10.0 187.0 290.0 146.0 100.0 1,366.0 1,366.0 248.0 2,408.0 Revision 23 October 17, 2007 I TABLE 15.4-21 (Cont) Material Sides Description Type Thickness(2) Exposed Orbital Service Steel A-36 3/8 in. 2 Bridge and 1/2 in. 2 Platform 5/8 in. 2 (Continued) 3/4 in. 2 1 in. 2 1 1/2 in. 2 3/16 in. 2 Paint (primer) 2.5 mils 1 Paint {finish} 5.0 mils 1 Annulus El 100 ft Concrete 18 in. 2 6 in. 2 Paint (primer) 10 mils 1 Paint (finish) 8 mils 1 Annulus El 130 ft Concrete 10 1/2 in. 2 Paint (primer) 10 mils 1 Paint (finish) 8 mils 1 Annulus Steel A-36 3/16 in. 2 Fl. Framing 1/4 in. 2 El 130 ft 3/8 in. 2 1/2 in. 2 5/8 in. 2 5 of 18 SGS-UFSAR Surface {sg ft) 2,533.0 51375.0 2269.0 227.0 13.0 25.0 5,150.0 36,496.0 36,496.0 435.0 1,600.0 4,070.0 4,070.0 2,000.0 4,000.0 4,000.0 375.0 705.5 1,261.5 2,150.0 283.5 Revision 23 October 171 2007 I I I Description Annulus Fl. Framing El 130 ft Annulus Fl. Framing El 100 ft-0 in. Annulus Columns Stair RC-1 and 2 Equip. Hatch Cover Storage Rack Annulus Column Bracing between El. 100' & 130' (Unit 1) SGS-UFSAR TABLE 15.4-21 (Cant) Material Type Thickness(2} 3/4 in. 1 3/8 in. Paint {primer) 2.5 mils Paint (finish) 5.0 mils Steel A-36 3/16 in. 1/4 in. 3/8 in. 1/2 in. 5/8 in. 3/4 in. 1 in. Paint (primer) 2.5 mils Paint (finish) 5.0 mils Steel A-36 3/16 in. 1/4 in. 3/8 in. 1/2 in. 5/8 in. 7/8 in. Paint (primer} 2.5 mils Paint (finish) 5.0 mils Steel A-36 5/16 in. 7/16 in. 3/4 in. Paint {primer} 2.5 mils Paint (finish} 5.0 mils 6 of 18 Sides Exposed 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 Surface {sq ft) 104.0 129.0 10,017.0 10,017.0 600.0 447.5 1,384.0 1,829.5 150.0 123.5 110.5 9,290.0 9,290.0 300.0 2,758.0 1,167.5 129.0 2,360.0 412.5 14,254.0 14,254.0 64.2 129.8 22.5 410.5 410.5 Revision 23 October 17, 2007 I TABLE 15.4-21 (Cont} Material Sides Surface Description Type Thickness(2} Exposed (sq ft) Annulus Steel A-36 5/16 in. 2 50.4 Column Bracing 7/16 in. 2 100.8 between El. 100' 3/4 in. 1 27.5 & 130' (Unit 2) Paint {primer) 2.5 mils 1 329.9 Paint {finish) 5.0 mils 1 329.9 Annulus Steel A-36 1/4 in. 2 442.5 Feedwater Limit 3/8 in. 2 389.0 Stop El 107 ft-6 in. 1/2 in. 2 219.5 Stair RC-3 Equipment Support 3/4 in. 2 183.5 5/8 in. 2 35.5 1 in. 2 105.0 Paint {primer) 2.5 mils 1 2,750.0 Paint {finish) 5.0 mils 1 2,750.0 Pressurizer Steel A-36 3/16 in. 2 84.0 Supports 1/4 in. 2 38.0 3/8 in. 2 7.5 1/2 in. 2 371.5 5/8 in. 2 288.0 3/4 in. 2 156.5 1 in. 2 32.5 1 1/2 in. 2 16.0 Paint (primer) 2.5 mils 1 1,988.0 Paint (finish) 5.0 mils 1 1,988.0 Steam Generator Steel A-36 3/16 in. 2 70.0 Supports and 1/4 in. 2 15.8 Manway Cover 3/8 in. 2 54.3 Platforms 7 of 18 I SGS-UFSAR Revision 23 October 17, 2007 TABLE 15.4-21 (Cant) Material Sides Surface Description Type Thickness(2) Exposed (sq ft) Unit 2 Only Steam Generator Steel A-36 1/2 in. 2 95.75 Supports and Steel A-441 5/8 in. 2 337.5 Manway Cover Steel A-572 3/4 in. 2 180.0 Platform 7/8 in. 2 434.0 1 in. 2 1,634.7 1 1/4 in. 2 1,124.7 1 3/8 in. 2 116.5 1 1/2 in. 2 752.0 1 7/8 in. 2 282.0 2 in. 2 714.5 2 1/4 in. 2 1296.0 2 3/4 in. 2 625.0 3 in. 2 142.5 4 in. 2 193.7 Note 3: As a result of the implementation of Unit 2 Steam Generator Replacement DCP 80083663, the modifications to all four of the replacement upper lateral supports {ULS) reduced the total ULS steel weight by approximately 6,400 pounds and increased the net free volume by approximately 13 cubic feet. Note 4: As a result of the implementation of Unit 2 Steam Generator Replacement DCP 80083663, the modifications to all four of the replacement lower lateral support (LLS) structures reduced the total LLS $tructure weight by approximately 200 pounds and increased the net free volume by approximately 0.4 cubic feet. 7a of 18 SGS-UFSAR Revision 24 May 11, 2009 Description Steam Generator Supports and Manway Cover Platforms {Unit 1 only) SGRP(l) (Unit 1 only) Reactor Coolant Pump Supports and Pump Access Plate TABLE 15.4-21 {Cant) Material Type Steel A-36 Steel A-441 Steel A-36 Steel A-441 Steel A-572 Paint (primer} Paint (finish) Steel A-36 Thickness(2) 1/2 in. 5/8 in 3/4 in. 7/8 in. 1 in. 1 1/4 in. 1 3/8 in. 1 1/2 in. 1 7/8 in. 2 in. 2 1/4 in. 2 3/4 in. 3 in. 4 in. 1.89 in. 2.5 mils 5.0 mils 3/16 in. 1/4 in. 3/8 in. Sides Exposed 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 Surface (sq ft) 95.75 337.5 180.0 434.0 1,803.7 1,124.7 258.5 752.0 282.0 714.5 1,296.0 625.0 142.5 195.5 934.4 16,764.0 16,764.0 960.0 507.0 630.0 NOTE 1: The modifications to the Lower Steam Generator Supports increased the metal volume
  • by 14 7. 5 ft 3 and the surface area by 934.4 square feet. The thickness li$ted in the table above is the average material thickness calculated from the added volume and surface area (reference PSBP 323462). 8 of 18 SGS-UFSAR Revision 24 May 11, 2009 TABLE 15.4-21 {Cant) Material Sides Description Type Thickness{2) Exposed Reactor Coolant Steel A-36 5/8 in. 2 Pump Supports and 1 in. 2 Pump Access Plate 1 1/4 in. 2 1 3/8 in. 2 1 1/2 in. 2 1 5/8 in. 2 1 7/8 in. 2 2 in. 2 2 1/2 in. 2 3 in. 2 4 in. 2 6 in. 2 Paint (primer) 2.5 mils 1 Paint (finish) 5.0 mils 1 Misc. Frames Steel A-36 3/16 in. 2 El 130 ft-0 in. 1/4 in. 2 Embedded 1 1 Steel El 130 ft-0 in. 3/8 in. 1 Reactor Vessel Head 1/4 in. 3/8 in. 2 Laydown El 130 ft-0 in., Steam Generator Lateral Support El 130 ft-0 in. 9 of 18 SGS-UFSAR Surface (sq ft} 284.0 336.5 131.5 1,013.0 152.5 18.0 756.0 57.5 51.5 253.5 34.0 28.5 10,427.0 10,427.0 308.5 38.0 56.0 50.0 21.0 Revision 23 October 17, 2007 I Description Misc. Frames El 130 ft-0 in. Embedded Steel El 130 ft-0 in. Reactor Vessel Head 1/4 in. Laydown El 130 Steam Generator Lateral Support El 130 ft-0 in. Misc. Frames El 100 ft-0 in. Embedded Steel Crane Wall and Curtain Wall Stainless Steel SGS-UFSAR TABLE 15.4-21 (Cont) Material Sides Type Thickness{2) Exposed 1 in. 1 1 1/4 in. 1 1 1/2 in. 1 2 in. 1 2 1/2 in. 1 2 3/4 in. 1 ft-0 in., Paint (primer) 2.5 mils 1 Paint (finish) 5.0 mils 1 Steel A-36 3/16 in. 2 1/4 in. 1 1/4 in. 2 3/8 in. 1 3/8 in. 2 1/2 in. 1 5.8 in. 1 Paint (primer) 2.5 mils 1 Paint {finish) 5.0 mils 1 Stainless 3/16 in. 1 Steel 3/16 in. 2 10 of 18 Surface (sq ft) 48.0 264.0 8.0 16.0 456.0 113.0 1,746.0 1,746.0 430.0 176.6 95.5 601.0 67.0 32.5 13.0 21008.1 21008.1 31067.0 1,081.5 Revision 23 October 17, 2007 TABLE 15.4-21 (Cont) Material Sides Descri:Qtion Ty;Ee Thickness(2) Ex2osed Trenches at Stainless Steel 1/4 in. 2 El 81 ft-0 in. 1/4 in. 1 Sump Pit Stainless Steel 1/2 in. 2 Liner Plates and Screens Sump Strainer Stainless Steel 1.5nun(pockets) 2 Module (incl. 6.0nun (frames) Enclosure & ducts} Cable Tray Steel various 2 Support Structures (over sump strainer modules) Reactor Cavity Steel 1/4 in. 1 Reactor Support Cooling Duct Paint (primer) 2.5 mils 1 Paint (finish) 5.0 mils 1 Refueling Canal Stainless 3/16 in. 1 Concrete Forms Steel Reactor Cavity Steel A-36 3/16 in. 2 Reactor Pit 1/4 in. 2 Platforms Paint (primer} 2.5 mils 1 Paint (finish) 5.0 mils 1 Reactor Cavity Steel A-36 3/16 in. 2 Misc. Steel 1/4 in. 2 Incore Seal 1/4 in. 1 Table Area 3/8 in. 1 3/8 in. 2 1/2 in. 2 Paint (primer) 2.5 mils 1 Paint (finish) 5.0 mils 1 11 of 18 SGS-UFSAR Surface ( sg ft) 76.5 279.0 9.0 7472.2 (Unit 6251.5 (Unit 1030.0 445.0 445.0 445.0 1,072.0 257.0 352.5 1,219.0 1,219.0 68.3 41.0 18.0 13.0 11.0 13.5 299.0 299.0 Revision 24 May 11, 2009 1) 2)

TABLE 15.4-21 (Cont) Material Sides Description Type Thickness(2} Exposed Shielding Steel Steel A-36 1/2 in. 2 and Pipe Restraint 1/2 in. 1 Inside of Crane 5/8 in. 2 Wall Below 130 ft-0 in. 3/4 in. 2 7/8 in. 2 1 in. 2 1 1/4 in. 2 1 3/8 in. 2 1 1/2 in. 1 1 1/2 in. 2 1 3/4 in. 2 2 in. 2 Paint {primer) 2.5 mils 1 Paint (finish) 5.0 mils 1 Misc. Steel Steel A-36 3/16 in. 2 Platforms 1/4 in. 2 Above El 130 ft-0 in. 3/8 in. 2 1/2 in. 2 3/4 in. 2 Paint (primer) 2.5 mils 1 Paint (finish) 5.0 mils 1 12 of 18 SGS-UFSAR Surface (sg ft) 168.9 7.0 20.75 85.5 47.5 224.5 37.0 16.0 18.0 104.0 11.0 41.0 1,600.0 11600.0 94.5 81.0 18.58 116.4 72.0 383.0 383.0 Revision 23 October 17, 2007 I Descrit::tion Missile Shield Control Rod Drive Mechanism El. 130 ft-0 in. (Units 1 & 2) Note; Although The missile Shield is part Of the RVH Lift Gear, it has Been calculated Separately Main Steam and Feedwater Lin1i t Stops El 140 ft-9 1/2 Feedwater Limit Stops and Annulus Area SGS-UFSAR TABLE 15.4-21 (Cont) Missile Shield Material Sides TyEe Thickness(2) Ex:eosed Steel ASTM 2 in. 1 A-588 Paint 3.0 mils 1 (Carbo zinc 11-SG} Steel A-36 1/4 in. 2 1/2 in. 2 5/8 in. 2 in. 7/8 in. 2 1 in. 2 1 1/8 in. 2 Paint (primer) 2.5 mils 1 Paint (finish} 5.0 mils 1 Steel A-36 3/8 in. 2 1/2 in. 2 5/8 in. 2 3/4 in. 2 1 in. 2 1 1/8 in. 2 1 1/2 in. 1 1 7/8 in. 1 1 7/8 in. 2 Paint (primer} 2.5 mils 1 Paint (finish} 5.0 mils 1 13 of 18 Surface (sg ft} 178.68 178.68 34.5 180.0 41.0 16.0 64.0 34.5 370.0 370.0 67.0 97.5 71.0 122.5 80.0 13.0 9.0 119.0 86.5 1,203.0 1,203.0 Revision 23 October 17, 2007 TABLE 15.4-21 (Cant) Material Description Type Thickness(2) Annulus Area Steel A-36 3/16 in. Steel Supports 1/4 in. Below El 100 ft-0 in. 3/8 in. (Unit 1) 3/8 in. 1/2 in. 1/2 in. Paint (primer) 2.5 mils Paint (finish) 5.0 mils Annulus Area Steel A-36 3/16 in. Steel Supports 1/4 in. Below El 100 ft-0 in. 3/8 in. (Unit 2) 3/8 in. 1/2 in. Paint (primer) 2.5 mils Paint (finish) 5.0 mils Pressurizer Steel A-36 3/16 in. Shield and 1/4 in. Plate Above 3/8 in. El 130 ft-0 in. 3/8 in. 1 in. 1 in. Paint {primer) 2.5 mils Paint {finish) 5.0 mils Polar and Steel A-36 1/4 in. Manipulator 1/2 in. Crane Rails 1 in. El 130 ft-0 in. 2 3/4 in. 2 in. Paint (primer) 2.5 mils Paint (finish) 5.0 mils 14 of 18 SGS-UFSAR Sides Exposed 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 Surface (sg ft) 10.4 407.5 4,929.0 11.4 388.4 15.2 11,497.6 11,497.6 10.4 407.5 4,929.0 17.0 388.4 11,488.0 11,488.0 1,476.0 312.1 397.0 190.0 420.0 1,475.5 7,931.0 7,931.0 222.4 148.6 333.0 250.0 167.0 1,593.0 1,593.0 Revision 24 May 11, 2009 I Description Missile Shield and Elec. Trays El 181 ft-1 1/2 in. Steam Generator Platforms (Unit 1} Steam Generator Platforms (Unit 2) Plenum and Fan Supports El. 130 ft. 0 in. (Units 1 & 2} Ventilation and Misc. Ducting (Unit 1) Ventilation and Misc. Ducting (Unit 2) CRDM Ventilation Ductwork (Units 1 & 2) TABLE 15.4-21 (Cant) Material Type Thickness(2) Steel A-36 3/16 in. Paint (primer) 2.5 mils Paint (finish) Steel A-36 Paint (primer) Paint (finish) Steel A-36 Steel A-572 Paint (primer) Paint {finish) Stainless Steel ASTM A-240 Steel Steel Steel ASTM A-36 Steel ASTM A-36 Stainless Steel ASTM A-240 Paint(Primer) Paint(Finish) Paint{Carbzinc 11-SG) 5.0 mils 3/16 in. 1/4 in. 3/8 in. 2.5 mils 5.0 mils 3/16 in. 1/4 in. 3/8 in. 5/16 in. 1/2 in. 2.5 mils 5.0 mils 3/16 in. 0.0625 in. 0.0625 in. 1 in. 1/8 in. 1/8 in. 2.5 mil 5.0 mil 3.0 mil Sides Exposed 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Surface {sg ft) 1,980.0 3,960.0 3,960.0 1,262.0 303.2 266.5 3,663.0 3,663.0 1,251.8 168.1 71.5 45.4 50.4 3,418.3 3,418.3 349.89 47,515.0 47,644.0 256.13 480.71 456.83 608.77 608.77 128.07 {Note 1) Note 1. Carbozinc 11-SG coats the bottom 12 radiation shield doors of the IHA Lower Shroud (VTD 326663). 15 of 18 SGS-UFSAR Revision 24 May 11, 2009 I TABLE 15.4-21 (Cont) Material Sides Descri}2tion TyEe Thickness(2} Ex12osed Steel ASTM 1.75 in. 1 A-588 Reactor Head Lifting Gear Steel ASTM 4.5 in. dia. 1 Exclusive of A-434 Cl. BD Lifting Eye {Units 1 & 2) Steel ASTM 9 in. 2 A-434 Cl. BD Steel ASTM 10.5 in. 1 A-434 Cl. BD Reactor Head Steel ASTM 8.00 in. 2 Lifting Eye A-237 Cl. A (Units 1 & 2) Paint(Carbozinc 3.0 mil 1 (Units 1 & 2) 11-SG) Containment Spray Stainless 0.148 in. 1 Piping Steel Miscellaneous Stainless 1.125 in. 1 Piping Uninsulated Steel Accumulators Steel a) Heads 1.41 in. 1 b) Shell 2.75 in. 1 c) Skirt 3.75 in. 2 Cable Tray and Steel 0.25 in. 2 Hangers Conduit Steel 0.104 in. 1 Avg. Junction Boxes Steel 0.109 in. 1 Service Water Steel 0.365 in. 1 Piping with 1 1/2 in. Insulation Service Water Stainless 0.216 in. 1 Piping with 1 in. Steel Insulation RHR and SI Piping Stainless 1.125 in. 1 with 3 1/2 in. Steel Insulation 16 of 18 SGS-UFSAR Surface (sg ft) 3. 67 121.15 10.83 11.50 3.01 150.16 3,547.0 466.0 1,760.0 1,164.0 2,096.0 35,000.0 15,000.0 1,500.0 5,712.0 840.0 200.0 Revision 23 October 17, 2007 Material Description TyJ2e RHR and SI Piping Stainless with 1 1/2 in. Steel Insulation Miscellaneous Steel Small Bore Piping Bare Piping Control Trays, Steel Panels, and Tubing Insert Steel Steel A-36 Hanger Steel Steel A-36 Pipe Restraints Steel A-36 and Hangers (Large Pipes) Supplementary Steel SGS-UFSAR TABLE 15.4-21 (Cont) Sides Thickness(2) Exposed 1.125 in. 1 0.145 in. 1 0.202 in. 2 5/6 in. 1 1/8 in. 2 3/16 in. 2 1/4 in. 2 1/4 in. 1 3/8 in. 2 3/8 in. 1 1/2 in. 1 1/2 in. 2 1/4 in. 2 3/8 in. 1 3/8 in. 2 1/2 in. 2 1/2 in. 1 3/4 in. 1 3/4 in. 2 7/8 in. 2 1 in. 1 1 in. 2 1 1/4 in. 1 1 1/4 in. 2 1 3/8 in. 2 1 1/2 in. 1 1 1/2 in. 2 1 3/4 in. 2 2 in. 1 2 in. 2 3 in. 1 4 and 2 4 1/2 in. 7/8 in. 1 17 of 18 Surface (sg ft} 534.0 7,455.0 6,083.0 2,928.0 3.4 40.5 925.4 106.8 2,568.4 106.8 1.16 52.0 218.0 108.0 480.7 35.2 4.2 1,154.8 84.5 137.0 106.0 226.0 25.0 14.0 122.75 82.86 92.5 69.88 166.0 14.1 11.6 111.0 9.0 Revision 23 October 17, 2007 Descri:etion Springs and Spring Box for Hangers Scaffold and Shielding Storage Long-term Scaffold Permanent Lead Shielding Material Steel (carbon) Stainless Steel Concrete Insulation Paint TABLE 15.4-21 (Cont) Material Sides Surface Ty:ee Thickness(2} EXJ20Sed (sg ft) Steel 3/16 in. 1 734.7 Steel (tubes) 0.097 in. 2 4,995.0 Steel (couplers} 2 1,180.0 Steel {sheet metal, ASTM A276} 0.0598 in. 2 1,010.0 Lead (blankets) 3 in 1 144.0 (Unit 72.0 (Unit Steel 0.097 in. 2 14,000.0 Steel 0.12 in. 2 1,200.0 Lead Shielding 0.75 in. 2 3,300.0 Blankets HEAT TRANSFER PROPERTIES Thermal Conductivity (Btu/ft 3-°F) 28.0 8.5 1.04 0.024 0.083-0.292 Volumetric Heat Capacity (Btu/hr-ft-°F) 58.8 58.8 23.4 3.94 30.86-52.8 1) 2) Note (2): VTD 900986 evaluates as-built coatings thickness data for impact to containment heat sink performance. 18 of 18 SGS-UFSAR Revision 24 May 11, 2009 I Table 15.4-22 LOCA Response Results (Loss-of-Offsite Power Assumed) Case Unit 1 DEPS Break Minimum Safeguards Model F SGs Unit 2 DEPS Break Minimum Safeguards 61/19T SGs Unit 2 DEPS Break Maximum Safeguards 61/19T SGs Unit 1 DEHL Break Model F Unit 2 DEHL Break 61/19T SGs SGS-UFSAR Peak Peak Pressur Temperatur e a (psig) 40.9@ 460.7 sec 43.5 @ 484.7 sec 40.6 @ 25.1 sec 39.7 @ 24.1 sec 42.8 @ 25.1 sec 262.1 @ 460.6 sec 265. 9 @ 484.7 sec 262.5 @ 25.1 sec 260.8 @ 24.1 sec 265.8 @ 25.1 sec Pressure (psi g) @ 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> 16.7 17.0 9.2 Not Applicable Not Applicable 1 of 1 Temperature (OF) @ 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> 208.3 209.3 177.2 Not Applicable Not Applicable Revision 24 May 11, 2009 Table 15.4-23 Principal Parameters During Reflood-Double-Ended Pump Suction Break-Minimum Safeguards Flooding Ten1p Core Time Degree Carryover Height Seconds F in/$ec Fraction ft II 27.4 178.5 .000 .000 .00 28.2 176.8 22.274 .000 .66 28.4 175.9 23.734 .000 1.04 28.7 175.5 2.543 .104 1.31 28.9 175.6 2.1!49 .140 1.35 29.9 175.8 .299 1.50 31.5 176.3 2.268 .460 1.69 35.0 177.5 2.524 .615 2.00 36.6 178.0 4.321 .662 . 2.16 38.6 178.8 4.152 .694 2.38 . 39.8 179.3 4.034 .705 2.50 45.3 181.9 .727 3.00 51.7 185.3 3.424 .736 3.51 57.6 188.7 2.908 .737 3.93 58.7 189.4 3.599 .742 4.00 58.8 189.4 3.654 .742 4.00 59.7 190.0 3.718 .743 4.08 65.7 194.5 .743 4.53 72.5 200.1 3.074 .743 5.00 80.7 207.5 2.166 .743 5.51 89.4 [}15.5 2.$06 .743 6.00 100.7 225.5 2.253 .743 6.58 109.8 232.4 2.107 .743 7.00 122.7 240.8 1.966 .745 7.56 133.5 246.7 1.$92 .747 8.00 146.7 253.1 1.837 .750 8.52 159.5 258.5 1.808 .753 9.00 174.7 264.2 1.'[_91 .758 9.56 176.7 264.9 1.790 .759 9.63 187.0 268.2 .762 10.00 SGS-UFSAR Injection Downcomer Total Accumulator jSpill Height Flow Enthalpy ft Fraction (Pounds Mass per Second) Btu/Ibm .00 .250 .0 .0 .0 .00 1.14 .000 6479.1 6479.1 .0 89.48 1.16 .000 6443.2 I 6443.2 .0 89.48 1.71 .186 6362.3 I 6362.3 .0 89.48 2.14 .246 6328.1 6328.1 .0 89.48 4.11 I .324 6168.3 6168.3 .0 89.48 7.49 .350 5927.7 5927.7 .0 89.48 14.59 .368 5470.2 5470.2 .0 89.48 16.10 .586 5386.9 4845.1 .0 87.32 16.12 .585 5143.0 4604.7 .0 87.23 16.12 .583 5045.4 4505.3 .0 87.18 16.12 .574 4659.4 4111.7 .0 86.96 16.12 .563 .0 86.71 16.12 .517 I 3273.1 2101.2 .0 85.73 16.08 .590 550.4 .0 .0 68.00 16.06 .592 I 546.3 .0 .0 68.00 15.92 i .595 539.8 .0 .0 68.00 15.06 . .589 549.5 .0 .0 68.00 14.33 .581 558.0 .0 .0 68.00 13.71 .572 565.9 .0 .0 68.00 13.30 .561 571.6 .0 .0 68.00 13.08 .548 576.6 .0 .0 68.00 13.08 .539 579.2 .0 .0 68.00 13.28 .529 581.5 .0 .0 68.00 13.55 .523 582.7 .0 .0 68.00 13.98 .519 583.5 .0 .0 68.00 14.44 .517 fi83.8 .0 .0 68.00t= 15.03 .517 583.9 .0 .0 68.00 15.11 : .517 583.9 .0 .0 68.00 15.48 .524 583.3 .0 .0 68.00 1 of 1 Revision 24 May 11, 2009 Table 15.4-24 Containment Integrity Response Analysis Parameters Service water temperature (OF) RWST water temperature (oF} Initial containment temperature (oF} Initial containment pressure (psia} Initial humidity (%} Net free volume (ft3) Containment Fan Coolers Total Analysis maximum Analysis minimum Containment high setpoint {psig) Delay time (sec) With offsite power Without offsite power Containment Spray Pumps Total Analysis maximum I Analysis minimum Flowrate (gpm} Injection phase (per pump} Containment high-high setpoint (psig) Delay time (sec) With Offsite Power (delay after Hi Without Offsite Power (delay after Containment Spray Termination (injection Minimum Safeguards Maximum Safeguards 1 of 2 SGS-UFSAR hi setpoint) Hi-hi setpoint) phase) time, (sec) 93 100 120 15.0 20 2.62 X 106 5 See Table 15.4-34 See Table 15.4-34 5.5 100.0 100.0 2 2 1 See Table 15.4-26 17.0 85.0 85.0 4141.6111 3449.3111 Revision 24 May 11, 2009 Table 15.4-24 (Cant.) Containment Integrity Response Analysis Residual Heat Removal System RHR heat exchangers Total Analysis maximum Analysis minimum Flows -Tube Side and Shell Side gpm Tube CCW Flow (Minimum Safeguards) Shell Side RHR Flow (Minimum Safeguards) Component cooling water heat exchangers Total Analysis maximum Analysis minimum UA, 106 Btu/hr-°F per heat exchanger Flows -Shell Side and Tube Side -gpm Shells ide Tubes ide (service water) Additional heat loads, Btu/hr Notes: (1} these values were determined by Westinghouse using assumptions and PSEG supplied RWST inventory data . 2 of 2 SGS-UFSAR Parameters 2 2 1 4000.0 3200.0 2 2 1 4.013 4140.0 8000.0 2.0x 106 conservative flow Revision 24 May 11, 2009 Table 15.4-25 Principal Parameters During Reflood-Double-Ended Pump Suction Break-Maximum Safeguards Floodinf.l Temp Time Degree Rate Seconds F in/$ec 27.4 178.5 .000 28.2 176.8 122.274 28.4 175.9 23.734 lr--28.7 175.5 2.543 28.9 175.6 2.749 29.9 175.8 2.339 31.5 176.3 2.268 35.0 177.5 2.524 36.6 178.0 4.618 38.6 I 178.8 4.419 39.6 179.2 4.315 44.7 181.5 3.967 50.6 184.6 3.715 57.0 3.169 59.7 189.7 1 2.331 66.7 193.7 2.286 76.0 199.9 2.228 86.7 207.8 2.163 97.1 215.9 2.099 108.7 224.9 120.0 232.8 1.955 132.7 240.5 1.875 145.2 247.0 1.797 158.7 253.2 1.739 172.8 258.8 1.679 188.7 264.2 1.613 203.2 268.6 1.554 SGS-UFSAR Injection Core Downc01ner Total Accumulator Spill Carryover Height Height Flow Enthalpy Fraction ft ft Fraction (Pounds Mass per Second) Btu/Ibm .000 .00 .00 .250 .0 .0 .0 .00 .000 .66 1.14 .000 6479.1 6479.1 .0 89.48 .000 1.04 1.16 .000 6443.2 6443.2 .0 89.48 .104 1.31 1.71 .186 6362.3 6362.3 .0 89.48 .140 1.35 2.14 .246 6328.1 .0 89.48 .299 1.50 I 4.11 .324 .3 6168.3 .0 89.48 .460 1.69 7.49 .350 .7 5927.7 .0 89.48 .615 2.00 14.59 .368 5470.2 5470.2 .0 89.48 .664 2.16 16.11 .601 5875.2 4732.1 .0 85.30 .696 2.40 16.12 .601 5637.6 4498.9 .0 85.14 .705 2.51 16.12 .600 5557.7 4416.4 .0 85.07 .728 3.00 16.12 .593 5203.3 4049.5 .0 84.72 .737 3.50 16.12 .585 4868.3 3702.7 .0 84.34 .740 4.01 16.12 .547 3863.6 2665.6 .0 82.82 .732 4.18 16.12 .426 1241.0 .0 .0 68.00 .733 4.54 16.12 .426 1241.3 .0 .0 68.00 .735 5.00 16.12 .425 1241.6 .0 .0 68.00 .737 5.52 16.12 1241.9 .0 .0 68.00 .739 6.00 16.12 .423 1242.3 .0 .0 68.00 .741 6.52 16.12 .422 1242.7 .0 .0 68.00 .744 7. 16.12 .420 .0 .0 68.00 .746 7. 16.12 .417 .0 .0 68.00 .748 8.00 16.12 .414 1244.1 .0 .0 68.00 .750 8.50 16.12 .417 1244.1 .0 68.00 .753 9.00 16.12 .420 1244.0 .0 .0 68.00 16.12 .424 1244.0 .0 .0 68.00 I .756 .758 16.12 .428 Ti243. 9 .0 .0 68.00 1 of 1 Revision 24 May 11, 2009 TABLE 15.4-26 CONTAINMENT INITIAL CONDITIONS FOR MSLB Containment Design Pressure 47 Containment Volume 2,620,000 Initial Containment Pressure 0.3 Initial Air Partial Pressure 14.7 Initial Steam Partial Pressure 0.3 Initial Containment Temperature 120°F Service Water Temperature 95°F 1 of 1 SGS-UFSAR psig ft3 psig psi a psia Revision 15 June 12, 1996 TABLE 15.4-27 THIS TABLE HAS BEEN DELETED. 1 of 1 SGS-UFSAR Revision 9 July 22, 1989 Table 15.4-28 Mass Balance Double-Ended Pump Suction Break Time (Seconds) .00 27.40 27.40 t:1ass {Thousand lbm) Initial In RCS and ACC 766.52 766.52 766.52 Added Mass Pumped Injection .00 .00 .00 Total Added .00 .00 .00 ***Total Available*** 766.52 766.52 766.52 Distribution Reactor Coolant 547.82 47.57 77.38 Accumulator 218.70 168.24 138.43 Total Contents 766.52 215.81 5.81 Effluent Break Flow .00 550.70 550.70 ECCS Spill .00 .00 .00 Total Effluent .00 550.70 550.70 ***Total Accountable*** 766.52 766.50 766.50 1 of 1 SGS-UFSAR -Minimum Safeguards 186.95 689.29 766.52 766.52 86.48 384.50 86.48 384.50 853.00 1151.02 145.96 145.96 .00 .00 145.96 145.96 707.03 1005.04 .00 .00 707.03 1005.04 852.99 1151.00 1564.46 3600.00 766.52 766.52 903.75 1806.62 903.75 1806.62 1670.27 2573.14 145.96 145.96 .00 .00 145.96 145.96 1524.30 2427.17 .00 .00 1524.30 2427.17 1670.26 2573.13 Revision 24 May 11, 2009 Table 15.4-29 Energy Balance -Double-Ended Pump Suction Break Time (Seconds) .00 27.40 27.40 Energy (Million BTU) .. Initial Energy In RCS, ACC, S GEN 905.24 905.24 905.24 Added Energy Pumped Injection .00 .00 .00 Decay Heat .00 8.25 8.25 Heat from Secondary .00 8.38 8.38 Total Added .00 16.63 16.63 ***Total Available*** 905.24 921.86 921.86 Distributio or Coolant 321.09 10.78 13.45 Accumulator 19.57 15.05 12.39 Core Stored 25.60 13.54 13.54 Primary Metal 159.22 150.66 150.66 Secondary Metal I 99.43 98.88 98.88 Steam Generator 280.33 293.87 293.87 Total Contents 905.24 582.78 582.78 Effluent Break Flow .00 338.50 338.50 ECCS Spill .00 .00 .00 Total Effluent .00 338.50 338.50 ***Total Accountable*** 905.24 921.28 921.28 1 of 1 SGS-UFSAR -Minimum Safeguards 186.95 689.29 905.24 905.24 5.88 26.15 27.22 72.20 8.38 19.30 41.49 117.65 946.72 1022.88 38.01 38.01 .00 .00 4.85 4. 64 124.87 88.27 90.73 70.22 266.17 210.90 524.62 412.04 413.47 602.21 .00 .00 413.47 602.21 938.10 1014.26 1564.46 3600.00 905.24 905.24 61.46 200.28 134.94 250.63 35.12 35.12 231.51 486.03 1136.75 1391.27 38.01 38.01 .00 .00 4.25 3.33 66.27 51.38 47.88 36.88 158.59 127.42 314.99 257.02 812.75 1126.69 .00 .00 812.75 1126.69 1127.75 1383.71 Revision 24 May 11, 2009 Mass Balance Time (Seconds) Initial In RCS and ACC Added Mass Pumped Injection Total Added ***Total Available*** Distribution Reactor Coolant Accumulator Total Contents Effluent Break Flow ECCS Spill Total Effluent ***Total Accountable*** SGS-UFSAR Table 15.4-30 Double-Ended Pump Suction Break -Maximum Safeguards .00 27.40 27.40 203.15 1320.42 -Mass {Thousandlbm) 766.52 766.52 766.52 766.52 766.52 .00 .00 .00 206.15 1489.96 .00 .00 .00 206.15 1489.96 766.52 766.52 766.52 972.67 2256.48 547.82 47.57 77.38 148.08 148.08 218.70 168.24 138.43 .00 .00 766.52 215.81 215.81 148.08 148.08 .00 550.70 550.70 824.57 2108.38 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 550.70 550.70 824.57 2108.38 766.52 766.50 766.50 972.66 2256.46 1 of 1 1594.64 3600.00" 766.52 766.52 1716.99 3377.31 1716.99 3377.31 2483.51 4143.83 148.08 148.08 .00 .00 148.08 148.08 2334.83 3995.14 .00 .00 2334.83 3995.14 2482.91 4143.23 Revision 24 May 11, 2009 Table 15.4-31 Energy Balance -Double-Ended Pump*Suction Break Time (Seconds} .00 27.40 27.40 ,,..., (Million BTU) .. Initial Energy In RCS, ACC, S GEN 905.24 905.24 905.24 Added Energy Pumped Injection .00 .00 .00 Decay Heat .00 8.25 8.25 Heat from Secondary .00 .38 8.38 Total Added .00 16.63 16.63 ***Total Available*** 905.24 921.86 921.86 Distribution Reactor Coolant 321.09 10.78 13.45 Accumulator 19.57 15.05 12.39 Core Stored 25.60 13.54 13.54 Primary Metal 159.22 150.66 150.66 Secondary Metal 99.43 98.88 98.88 Steam Generator 280.33 293.87 293.87 Total Contents 905.24 582.78 582.78 Effluent Break Flow .00 338.50 338.50 ECCS Spill .00 .oo .00 Total Effluent .00 338.50 338.50 ***Total Accountable*** 905.24 921.28 921.28 1 of 1 SGS-UFSAR -Maximum Safeguards 203.15 1320.42 905.24 905.24 14.02 119.27 28.89 118.66 8.38 32.66 51.29 270.59 956.53 1175.83 38.49 38.49 .00 .00 4.85 4.29 124.18 71.90 91.30 53.96 267.58 173.52 526.40 342.16 421.49 825.03 .00 .00 421.49 825.03 947.89 1167.19 1594.64 3600.00 905.24 905.24 153.32 388.71 136.90 250.64 34.62 34.62 324.84 673.97 1230.08 1579.21 38.49 38.49 .00 .00 4.18 3.33 65.04 51.52 46.95 37.05 155.27 127.36 309.92 257.75 890.31 1292.94 .00 .00 890.31 1292.94 1200.23 1550.69 Revision 24 May 11, 2009 Table 15.4-32 Mass Balance -Double-Ended Time (Seconds} Initial In RCS and ACC Added Mass Pumped Injection Total Added otal Available*** istribution Reactor Coolant Accumulator Total Contents Effluent Break Flow ECCS Spill Total Effluent ***Total Accountable*** 1 of 1 SGS-UFSAR Hot Leg Break .00 25.40 1 25.40 Mass {Thousand lbm) 6.52 766.52 766.52 .00 .oo .00 .00 .00 .00 766.52 766.52 766.52 547.82 66.36 96.17 218.70 169.01 139.20 766.52 235.37 235.37 .00 531.13 531.13 .00 .00 .00 .00 531.13 531.13 766.50 Revision 24 May 11, 2009 Table 15.4-33 Energy Balance -Double-Ended Hot Time (Seconds) Initial Energy In RCS, ACC, S GEN Added Energy Pumped Injection Decay Heat Heat from Secondary Total Added ***Total Available*** Distribution Reactor Coolant Accumulator Core Stored Primary Metal Secondary Metal Steam Generator Total Contents II Effluent Break Flow ECCS Spill Total Effluent ***Total Accountable*** 1 of 1 SGS-UFSAR Leg Break .00 Energy 905.24 .00 .00 .00 .00 905.24 321.09 19.57 25.60 159.22 99.43 280.33 905.24 .00 .00 .00 905.24 25.4S)I25.40 (Million BTU) 905.24 905.24 .00 .00 8.34 8.34 6.63 6.63 14.97 I 14. 97 920.21 920.21 16.46 19.12 15.12 12.46 9.77

  • 9. 77 148.70 148.70 96.87 96.87 286.70 286.70 573.62 573.62 345.98 345.98 .00 .00 345.98 345.98 919.60 919.60 Revision 24 May 11, 2009 Table 15.4-34 Containment Fan Cooler Performance -Containment Integrity Total Heat Removal Rate With Limiting Total Heat Removal Single Failure Rate When All CFCUs Containment Temperature (OF) [Btu/sec] Operating [Btu/sec] 105 1297.2 1945.8 120 3241.6 4862.4 140 6397.4 9596.1 160 9965.2 14947.8 180 13817.6 20726.4 200 17712.8 26569.2 220 21634.0 32451.0 240 25413.0 38119.5 260 29251.2 43876.8 271 31325.0 46987.5 280 33000.2 49500.3 Note: Input provided by PSEG. PSEG shall ensure that any changes to any CFCU parameters (such as flow, fouling, service water temperature) do not invalidate the minimum heat transfer requirements. 1 of 1 SGS-UFSAR Revision 24 May 11, 2009