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Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Station - Final Status Survey Summary Report, January 30, 2017, Iosb Outside Area Class 3, Survey Unit F8300143
Person / Time
Site: Rancho Seco
Issue date: 01/30/2017
Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD)
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Shared Package
ML17065A032 List:
DPG 17-038
Download: ML17065A066 (32)


Approved By: Rancho Seco Final Status Survey Summary Report January 30, 2017 IOSB Outside Area Class 3 Survey Unit F8300143 Ab, t't.,.._

Date: ::z&ft.,,

2 Manage; ancho Seco Assets

  • FINAL STATUS SURVEY F8300143 Survey Unit: F8300143, Interim Onsite Storage Building (IOSB) Outside Area Class 3 Survey Unit


Operating History:

Designed primarily to store packaged radioactive waste containers safely, protected from the elements, and maintain radiological dose as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA),

The IOSB possibly stored media of many types, including

filters, resins, contaminated chemicals, DAW, activated reactor components, contaminated plant components and other contaminated items. The area immediately adjacent to the IOSB structure is an asphalt pavement surface.

The outside perimeter of the asphalt at the interface with the surrounding earthen berm is a thin layer of gunite. The gunite strip is to provide an amount of erosion protection to the outer soil perimeter.

The berm, rather significant grade in some locations extends to the IOSB perimeter chain link boundary.

The total surface including the IOSB structure within the boundary fence is approximately 83,387 ft2 (1.91 acres). Site Characterization:

Based upon the scanning results of the outside asphalt area an elevated area was identified on the asphalt next to the IOSB. Certain spots in the area exceeded the DCGLw but not the DCGLEMC*

The area required remediation.

The Outside area was divided into a small Class 1 Survey Unit, buffered by a Class 2 Survey Unit. The remainder of the outside area was designated as a Class 3 Survey Unit and is the subject of this report. Survey Unit Design Information:

The Survey Unit Design Parameters are presented in Table 1 below. The survey unit and measurement locations are depicted on the maps in Attachment

1. Static measurement locations were randomly determined and approximately 45% of the area scanned by gamma scanning.

A total of 7 soil samples were collected from the berm area and analyzed by gamma spectroscopy at an offsite laboratory.

Soil sample data was compared directly to the cesium 137 DCGLw for soil established in the RSLTP of 52 picocuries per gram (pCi/g).

Gamma scanning data was analyzed by determining data points that exceeded a level of 3z. The instrumentation used for the survey along with the MDC values are 1 isted in Table 2-1Attachment2.

FSS Outside Area Class 3 F8300143 FINAL STATUS SURVEY F8300143 Table 1, Survey Unit Design Parameters


.. . ... *; . ..

.. * . .. '*". . Survey Package:

F830 Outside Survey Unit: 14 Class 03 SU Area (m2) 5,853 Evaluator:

JR DCGLw: 43,000 Gross Activity DCGL Area Factor NA Class 3 Design DCGLemc (dpm/100cm 2): NA Class 3 LBGR: 21,500 Default = 50% DCGL Sigma: 513 Scoping Survey Type I error: 0.05 Type II error: 0.05 Predominant Nuclide Cs-137 Sample Area (m2) N/A Total Instrument Efficiency:

0.129 Total Area Scanned (m2): 2,643 .... Includes gamma scan of soil and ' Scan Coverage

(%) : . *459)0" asphalt Choosing

'N/A' sets material Material Type: N/A background to "O" , ,. *

* ::_'>'.*.

., .. * * .. Com;rrieriJs

. .. Z1-a: 1.645 Z1-a: 1:645 Sign p: 0.99865 Calculated Relative Shift: 41.9 Relative Shift Used: 3.0 Uses 3.0 if Relative Shift >3 N-Value:

11 N-Value+20%:

14 Survey Results:

A total of 15 direct measurements were made in F8300143 on the asphalt and gunite surface and a total of seven soil samples were collected from the berm area. The results of the static measurements from the asphalt and gunite are shown in Table 2. All of the static measurements were less than the DCGL. All soil sample results were flagged as non-detect with results less than the MDC of l.OE-7 microcuries per gram (uCi/g) or 0.1 pCi/g. The results of the soil samples are contained in Appendix 2 of this report. The maximum score obtained from the gamma scanning was 1.17. 2 FSS Outside Area Class 3 F8300143 FINAL STATUS SURVEY F8300143 Table 2, Static Measurement Results '* .. ,. .. . . Number

. * .** :. J3eta (dpm)

. *, ', .-* ... ,,., .. ' . .. 1 F8300143A00002 393 2,977 2 F8300143A00004 331 2,508 3 F8300143A00006 340 2,576 4 F8300143A00007 356 2,697 5 F8300143K00011 1 399 3,023 6 F8300143A00012 366 2,773 7 F8300143A00013 352 2,667 8 F8300143A00015 324 2,455 9 F8300143A00016 328 2,485 10 F8300143A00017 339 2,568 11 F8300143A00018 341 2,583 12 F8300143A00019 407 3,083 13 F8300143A00020 362 2,742 14 F8300143A00021 301 2,280 15 F8300143A00022 360 2,727 1 Measurement collected on gunite Table 3 co11tains the statistical summary of the static measurement data for the Outside Area Class 3. Table 3, Beta Summary Statistics Beta Static Outside Mean 2,676 Median 2,667 Standard Deviation 223 Minimum 2,280 Maximum 3,083 Count 15 ,., .) FSS Outside Area Class 3 F8300143 FINAL STATUS SURVEY F8300143

'fable 4 list the soil sample results with the associated gamma static measurement.

Table 4, Soil Sample Results (pCi/g) and Gamma Static Measurement Sample Cs 137 Uncertainity MDA Gamma: Static Number (pCi/g) (+/-) (pCi/g) :(cpm) F8300143-1

  • 9.37E-03 3.81 E+08 7.56E-02 6,763 F8300143-3

-3.07E-02 3.91 E-08 6.56E-02 6,561 F8300143-5 4.29E-02 4.43E-08 5.75E-02*

6,838 F8300143-8

-3.75E-03 4.08E-08 8.10E-02 7,322 F8300143-9 2.27E-02 4.37E-08 9.03E-02 6,866 F8300143-10 5.95E-021 3.52E-08 3.20E-02 6,936 F8300143-14 5.92E-022 5.20E-08 4.86E-02 6,859 1 Data rejected due to no valid peak 2Data was rejected due to hiah countina uncertainty Survey Unit Data Assessment:

The survey design required 14 static measurements for the Sign Test. A total of 15 static measurements were collected on the asphalt and gunite and a total of seven soil samples were collected from the berm. For the static measurements, the critical value and the results of the Sign Test are presented in Table 5. The sample mean and median values were less than the DCGLw. The sample standard deviation was less than the design standard deviation but both values of sigma resulted in a relative shift greater than three (3), no additional samples were required.

All soil sample results were non-detect and less than the DCGLw of 52 pCi/g. Since the soil results were non-detect use of statistical evaluation tools (i.e., Sign or WRS tests) is not required to demonstrate that the survey unit meets the criteria for unrestricted release (MARSSIM Section 8.2, Table 8.2). 4 ***-. ,. * .. : , . * ... ,..*. *.1 ' Table 5, Data Assessment Results Number of Samples:

'* .15 Median: 2,667 Mean: 2,676 Static Data Standard Deviation:

223 Maximum:

3,083 Adjusted N Value: 14 S+ Value: 15 Critical Value: 10 FSS Outside Area Class 3 F8300143 FINAL STATUS SURVEY F8300143

. . . ' *, . " . Sufficient samples collected:

Pass Maximum value <DCGLw: Pass Median value <DCGLw: *Pass Mean value <DCGLw: Pass Maximum value <DCGLemc:

N/A Sign test results:

Pass '**.*.,-.***

.. * .. ** .. **,* ..... ,*:.* .. :: ** **F*1n*a*1**s*


.s .. : .. *.:;,.:,

  • ' **\: ..

.: *** * *. :** *.:'.*.*'co'**m**.,me

.. "_' nts* '.:.:. . . . '" * * .. : : .. : . .... . . . .* ,. *. ; .: .... , .,. .. '.** *'? ***. ,.... . The survey unit passes all conditions:

Pass Survey Unit Investigations and Results:

No investigations were required for either direct or scan measurements and no investigation results are reported.

ALARA Statement:

As stated in Chapter 4 of the L TP, as long as the residual activity within the survey unit is less than the DCGL, the ALARA criterion has been met. Changes in Initial Survey Unit Assumptions:

The survey unit was designed as a Class 3 survey and the sample results are consistent with that classification.

No individual measurement exceeded the DCGL. No potential areas of elevated activity were detected.



The FSS of this survey unit was properly designed as a Class 3 survey based on the results of the investigation survey. The required number of direct measurements was made and the scan coverage met the requirement of Table 5-6 of the LTP. All of the static measurements were less than the DCGLw. No investigations were required.

All soil sample results were flagged as non-detect with results less than the MDC of l .OE-7 microcuries per gram (uCi/g) or 0.1 pCi/g. The static measurement data support rejection of the null hypothesis, providing high confidence that the survey unit satisfied the release criteria and that the data quality objectives were met. It is concluded that survey unit F8300143 meets the release criteria of 1OCFR20.l402.

5 FSS Outside Area Class 3 F8300l43 Attachment 1 Maps January 30, 2017 Survey Unit F8300143 N s Page I 8300143S00005 F8300143S00008

  • Cs-137=-3.75E-03 pCi/g F8300143A00013 13 = 2.667 cpm
  • F8300143K00011

= .023 cpm

  • F8300143A00017 13 = 2.568 cpm M s-137=4.22E-02

.. nlTE * . TIDEWATER IN RADIOLOGICAL SERVICES date: F8300143A0001 13 = 3.083 cpm D F8300143A00002 13 = 2.977 cpm F8300143A00007

  • 13=2.697cpm F8300143S00010 Cs-137=5.95E-02 pCi/g 1 0 Att. I Maps F8300143S00003 Cs-137=-3.07E-02 pCi/g
  • F8300143A00006 13 = 2.576 cpm D 100
  • F8300143A00020 13 = 2.742 cpm . F8300143S00009
  • Cs-137=2.27E-02 pCi/g F8300143S00014 Cs-137= 5 .91E-02 pCi/g2
  • F8300143A00016 13 = 2.485 cpm 0 F8300143S00001 Cs-137=9.37E-03 pCi/g F8300143A00022 13 = 2,727 cpm
  • F8300143AOOO 12 13 = 2.773 cpm F8300143A00021 13 = 2.280 cpm NOTES:

due to no valid peak. 20ata was rejected due to high counting uncertainty.

F8300143 Attachment 2 Instrumentation January 30, 2017 Survey Unit F8300143 Table 2-1. Survey Unit Instrumentation

)Vleasun,.ment Tf pe

. . Minimuin Dctecta!>le Beta Static Measurement Ludlum Model Beta -477 dpm/I 00 cm2 2350-1 Ludlum Model 44-1 I 6 B Detector Gamma Scan Ludlum Model 2350 Ludlum Model 44-10 Gamma Scan Ludlum Model 2350 Ludlum Model 44-10 927 cpm 945 cpm Efficiencies 13.2% NA NA

  • Calibratiori

" 3 I 7897/331972 2/10/17 317892/2088 I 6 12/29/16 3 l 7894/300786 12/29116

  • Mini.mum detectable activities for the count rate instrumentation were calculated in accordance with NUREG-1507, "Minimwn Detectable Concentrations with Typical Radiation Survey Instruments for Various Contaminants and Field Conditions" (U.S. NRC, 1997). b Detectors are required to be calibrated once every 12 months. Calibration due date indicates the date by which the detector must be calibrated again. cm2 = square centimeters cpm = counts per minute dpm =disintegrations per minute Pagel Att. 2 Instrumentation F8300143 Static Measurement MDA Beta Survey Type PR331972 Detector Number 166 IBackground count rate (cpm) 1 Count Time (min) 0.132 Efficiency 100 Area of Detector (cm2) Constants 60 sec/min 2.54 cm/in Assumptions Background count time and sample count time are equivalent Calculate Static MDA Static MDA =3 + 4.65(Br
  • t)0*5/t
  • E
  • A/100 (NUREG 1507) Where: Br Background Countrate t Count Time (min) E Efficiency A Area of detector (cm2) Static MDA 4 77 dpm/100 cm2 Page 2 Att. 2 Instrumentation F8300143 Page 3 Minimwn Detectable Count Rate for Outside Scanning VariailB 7810 Background count rat;: (cpm) 0.5 Surw)tlr Efficiency lo) I .33 Dectlbi."ty perfoonance based upon 11\Jll and false positives (M1-RRSIM Thie 6-5) 0.027 De!edor EllY.:iency Constants 60 sec/min 2.54 an/"111 100 crn/m 10.16 cm m of Oe!?CIOr in dirEdion oi scan Average Scan Speed for SU/Vey Unit 5.00 cmlsec Average Scan Speed for Suniey U:1il Determine Obsemtion lntf!Val fo1 Scan Speed tn 2.00 91C Interval for scan speed of Calculate Source Counts in Observation Interval In S. = d ' {Q)°1 6-8 from MARSSIM Where: 22 cpm=S, ft..nimum det:ctable nt211bEr of net source counts in the obscrvJlion intEIY.ll on acceptable of true and false poc..iritres Background counls in Sitaval.

I Calc:ul;rte the IIDCR MDCR = S, x (6011Vp0' Eq".iaiion 6-9 from MARSSIM Where: t.\DCR Minimum Dae<:tlble Coon! Raie (qxn) I lntEMI 2.00 sec 945 cpm (II.OCR)

S.e26 djxn Att. 2 Instrumentation F8300143 Page 4 Minimum Detectable Count Rate for Outside Scanning 75ta Badgrotlld coom ratE {epm) 0.5 SurveyorEfficiencyfp) 1.3a perioonance based upon acc:EplJble 1rue and tllse positi'.r!!s (IMRRSIM Thie tJ-5) 0.027 06edar Elf.ciency Constants ao SEdmin 2.M cmrn 100 cmlm 10. Id cm Size of O<le<:for in direcliro oi SGan Average Scan Speed for Survey Unit 6.03 anlsec Avmge $(.Jn Speed !tr Suv<y Unit Detemline Obsemtion lnlerval for Swi Speed (ij 2.00 se.: ObseM!ioo Interval for SCJn at Calculate Net Source Counis in ObseMlion lnteml (I} S, = d ' {bi)" Eq.mion 6-8 frmn MARSSL\I Where: 22 epm= S, det?ciab'.e runtier of net sruce CMts in lhe cbservation int<ml *l<ctal:litiy perilrm;r".ct based on accepiable ralE oi tru! and false po<..itim Baclground coon1s in inleMJ. I Calcul;rte the NDCR MOCR = S. x (001l)if


IJ-9 flOOI Where: MOCR t.fulimun Dftectlbl!

Count (qxn) I Obser'latioo nt&'r.I 2.00 sec 927 qim (},I.OCR) 9.463 qxn Att. 2 Instrumentation F8300143 Att. 3 Investigation Attachment 3 Investigation January 30, 2017 Survey Unit F8300143 (none) F8300143 Attachment 4 Data Assessment January 30, 2017 Survey Unit F8300143 3 2329 Histogram for Beta Static Activity (dpm/100 cm2) Outside Area ---...._,

,/ /' 3/ ..,...,.,....,...,....,,..,

/ / ' 2409 2489 2570 2650 2730 2811 21391 Page 1 Att 4 Data Assessment 2971 r:-mber of Values I 3052 F8300143 Minimum Ma.-.;imum SD Skewness Kurtosis BMean BMedian G1 N0<mal Distribution 0Less8ins 0More8ins 151 2280.301 3.083.33* 222.74 0371 -0.21' 2.676.26' 2,666.671 Q-Q Plot for Beta Static Activity (dpm/100 cm2) Outside Area 3000 2800 * *

  • 2600 * * * *
  • 2400 *1.5 *1.0 <<5 00 05 1.0 Theoretical Quantiles (Standard Normal) Page 2 Att. 4 Data Assessment 1.5 F8300143 Activily N =15 Mean= 2676 Sd=222.7 Slope = 228.6 Intercept

= 2676 Correlation.

R =.0.98 ll!IBeotFHiroe Attachment 5 Laboratory Analysis Gamma Spectrometry Report (14 pgs) January 30, 2017 Survey Unit F8300143 GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company:



Sacramento Municipal Utility District 14440 Twin Cites Road Herald, California 95638 Mr. Dave Koontz Project:

Rancho Seco IOSB Soil and Water Analysis Client Sample ID: Sample ID: Matrix: Collect Date: Receive Date: Collector:

2016-0030 (F8300143-I) 407403001

. Soil 22-SEP-16 13:50 04-0CT-16 Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty Rad Gamma Spec Analysis MDC Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Standard List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Actiniwn-228

7. IOE-07 +/-2.87£-07 2.34£-07 Americium-241 u 1.92E-08

+/-l.44E-07 2.61 E-07 Antimony-124 u -6.20E-08

+/-7.66E-08 1.07E-07 Antimony-125 u -2.97E-08

+/-7 .58E-08 1.40E-07 Barium-133 u -3.85£-09

+/-3.53E-08 6..1 IE-08 Bariurn-140 u 1.41E-07

+/-5.30E-07 l.05E-06 Berylliurn-7 u 1.86E-07

+/-3.78£-07 7.64E-07 Bismuth-212 9.35E-07

+/-7.38£-07 8.90E-07 Bismuth-214 6.4JE-07

+/-1.98£-07 1.27E-07 Cerium-139 u 3.45E-09

+/-2.67E-08 4.89E-08 Cerium-141 u -4.19E-08

+/-8.07E-08 l.40E-07

_ Cerium-144

.. u


3.20E-07 Cesium-134 u -4.22£-09

+/-4.52E-08 8.2IE-08 Cesium-136 u -8.25E-08

+/-2.0SE-07 3.80E-07 Cesiwn-137 u 9.37E-09

+/-3.81 E-08 7.56E-08 Chromium-51 u -2.32E-07

+/-4.45E-07 8.18E-07 Cobalt-56 u 6.78E-09

+/-3.99£-08 8.25E-08 Cobalt-57 u -2.22E-08

+/-2.30E-08 3.83E-08 Cobalt-58 u -l.69E-08

+/-3.43E-08 6.48E-08 Cobalt-60 u 9.67E-09

+/-2.89E-08 6.54E-08 Europium-152 u -I.59E-08

+/-9.48E-08 l.77E-07 Europium-154 u 2.22E-08

+/-9.82E-08 2.07E-07 Europium-I 55 u 4.09E-08

+/-9.26E-08 1.786-07 lridium-192 u -9.77£-09

+/-3.30£-08 6.236-08 lron-59 u -1.13E-07

+/-8.81 E-08 1.306-07 Lead-210 u 1.766-06

+/-3.85E-06 7.746-06 Lead-212 8.25E-07

+/-I. I 7E-07 9.626-08 Lead-2 l4 8.47E-07

+/-1.71 E-07 3.056-07 Manganese-54 u 4.48E-09

+/-3.1 OE-08 6.446-08 Mercury-203 u 1.71 E-09 +/-3.91 E-08 7.65£-08 Neodymium-147 u 2.12E-07

+/-1.20E-06 2.386-06 Neptunium-239 u 2.53E-07

+/-3.54E-07 3.88E-07 Niobium-94 u 1.98E-09

+/-4. I OE-08 7.556-08 Niobium-95 u -2.03E-08

+/-5.02E-08 7.55E-08 Potassium-40 9.76E-06

+/-1.35E-06 6.156-07 Promethium-144 u -l.90E-08

+/-3.65E-08 6.26E-08 RL l.OOE-07 I .OOE-07 Project:

Client ID: Units PF uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g . uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g Report Date: October 27, 2016 SMUD00201 SMUD002 OF Analyst Date MXRI 10121/16 Time Batch Method 1428 1604416 GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Report Date: October 27, 2016 Company:



Sacramento Municipal Utility District 14440 Twin Cites Road Herald, California 95638 Mr. Dave Koontz Project:

Rancho Seco IOSB Soil and Water Analysis Client Sample ID: San1ple ID: 2016-0030 (F8300143-l) 407403001 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty Rad Gamma Spec Analysis MDC Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Standard List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Promethium-146 u l.72E-08

+/-3.79E-08 7.72E-08 Radium-223 u -4.08E-07

+/-5.93E-07 l.07E-06 Radium-224 UI 0.00 +/-l.07E-06 l.03E-06 Radium-228

7. IOE-07 +/-2.87£-07 2.34E-07 Ruthenium-106 u 1.41E-07

+/-3.37£-07 6.69E-07 Silver-II Om u l.OIE-08

+/-3.96E-08 8.53E-08 Sodium-22 u 8.78E-09

+/-3.5 IE-08 7.44E-08 Thallium-208 3.20E-07

+/-8.54E-08 5.53E-08 UI 0.00 +/-2.69£-06 l.97E-06 Tin-113 u 3.91£-09

+/-3.99E-08 7.86E-08 Uranium-235 u -5.14£-08

+/-I .82E-07 3.23E-07 Uranium-238 UI 0.00 _+/.:2.69E-06 l.97E-06 Yttrium-88 u -l .30E-08 +/-2. 71 E-08 5.38E-08 Zinc-65 u 6.77E-08

+/-7.32E-08 I .62E-07 Zirconium-95 u 1.30£-08

+/-8.49£-08 1.63E-07 The following Prep Methods were performed:

Method Description Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 The following Analytical Methods were performed:

Method Description DOE HASL 300, Notes: RL Analyst LYTI Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor DL: Detection Limit MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration Le/LC: Critical Level PF: Prep Factor RL: Reporting Limit SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Project:

Client ID: SMUD00201 SMUD002 Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g Date I 0/05116 Time Prep Batch 0854 1604293 Analyst Comments 2

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company:



Sacramento Municipal Utility District 14440 Twin Cites Road Herald, California 95638 Mr. Dave Koontz Project:

Rancho Seco IOSB Soil and Water Analysis Client Sample ID: Sample ID: Matrix: Collect Date: Receive Date: Collector:

2016-0031 (F8300143-3) 407403002

-Soil 22-SEP-16 13:39 04-0CT-16 Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty Rad Gamma Spec Analysis MDC Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Standard List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-228 7.29E-07

+/-2.84E-07 2.29E-07 Americium-241 u -5.33E-08

+/-2.0SE-07 3.65E-07 Antimony-124 u 4.80E-08

+/-9.29E-08 2.32E-07 Antimony-125 u 2.14E-08

+/-8.30E-08 l.66E-07 Barium-133 u

+/-5.82E-08 7.66E-08 Barium-140 u -l.67E-07

+/-4.71E-07 8.64E-07 Beryllium-7 u 3.79E-07

+/-4.00E-07 8.54E-07

. Bismuth-212 UI 0.00 +/-6. 72E-07 1.41 E-06 Bismuth-214 5.59E-07

+/-1.64E-07 I .43E-07 Cerium-139 u 3.ISE-09

+/-2.99E-08 5.81E-08 Cerium-141 u l.08E-08

+/-7.57E-08 1.49E-07.

Cerium-144 u ?.07E-08

+/-1.95E-07 3.55Ec07

  • Cesium-134 u 3.53E-08

+/-3.80E-08 8.53E-08 Cesium-136 u -l.33E-07

+/-1.93E-07 3.45E-07 Cesium-137 u -3.07E-08

+/-3.91 E-08 6.56E-08 Chromium-SI u -2.63E-07

+/-4.93E-07 8.87E-07 Cobalt-56 u -J .44E-08 +/-4.81 E-08 8.57E-08 Cobalt-57 u 2.14E-08

+/-2.63E-08 5.04E-08 Cobalt-58 u -3.74E-09

+/-4.08E-08 7.75E-08 Cobalt-60 u 6.49E-09

+/-3.27E-08 7.22E-08 Europium-152 u 5.92E-08

+/-8.56E-08 1.74E-07 Europium-154 u -I .OSE-08 +!-7 .99E-08 l.68E-07 Europium-155 u 1.61E-08

+/-I.l 2E-07 2.02E-07 lridium-192 u 6.61E-09

+/-3.SOE-08 6.92E-08 lron-59 u , -5. I OE-08 +/-7 .99E-08 l.44E-07 Lead-210 u -l.43E-06

+/-8.81 E-06 1.59E-05 Lead-212 7.66E-07

+/-l.1 SE-07 8.72E-08 Lead-214 6.17E-07

+/-l.60E-07 l.37E-07 Manganese-54 u 2.03E-08

+/-3.82E-08 7.90E-08 Mercury-203 u -I .32E-08 +/-4.02E-08 7.49E-08 Neodymium-147 u l.25E-07

+/-l.35E-06 2.62E-06 Neptunium-239 u -l.94E-07

+/-2. 87E-07 4. 71 E-07 Niobium-94 u 1.64E-08

+/-3.55E-08 7.16E-08 Niobium-95 u 5.27E-08

+/-6.28E-08 6.64E-08 Potassium-40 8.67E-06

+/-1.33E-06 6.09E-07 Promethium-144 u 2.25E-08

+/-3.85E-08 7.63E-08

_ -* _ 1 '"'7 _.£"'I'"\

C' A RL i.OOE-07 1.00E-07 Project:

Client lD: Units PF uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g u_Ci/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g Report Date: October27, 2016 SMUD00201 SMUD002 DF Analyst Date MXRI I 0/21116 Time Batch Method 1429 16044.16 3

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Report Date: October 27, 2016 Company:



Sacramento Municipal Utility District 14440 Twin Cites Road Herald, California 95638 Mr. Dave Koontz Project:

Rancho Seco IOSB Soil and Water Analysis Client Sample ID: Sample ID: 2016-0031 (F8300143-3) 407403002 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty Rad Gamma Spec Analysis MDC Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Standard List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Promethium-146 u 4.82E-10

+l-3. 71 E-08 7.23E-08 Radium-223 u 3.33E-07

+/-5.65E-07 l.l6E-06 Radium-224 u 3.89E-07

+/-1.0SE-06 9.34E-07 Radium-228 7.29E-07

+/-2.84E-07 2.29E-07 Ruthenium-I 06 u l.02E-07

+/-3.04E-07 6.19E-07 Silver-I I Om u 8.67E-10

+/-3.79E-08 7.66E-08 Sodium-22 u -4.04E-09

+/-2.83E-08 S.93E-08 Thallium-208 2.57E-07

+/-8.27E-08 7.34E-08 Thorium-234 u 2.53E-08

+/-1.89E-06 3.43E-06 Tin-113 u -2.99E-08

+/-4.0SE-08 7.03E-08 Uranium-235 u -6.98E-08

+/-l.90E-07 3.57E-07 Uraniu_l1):238 u 2.53E-08

+/-l.89E-06 3 .. 43E-06 Yttrium-88 u 2.5 IE-08 +/-3.65E-08 9.85E-08 Zinc-65 u -6.75E-08

+/-9.73E-08 l.7\E-07 Zirconium-95 u 7.31E-09

+/-7.09E-08 1.41 E-07 The following Prep Methods were performed:

Method Description Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 The following Analytical Methods were performed:

Method Description DOE HASL 300, Notes: RL Analyst LYTI Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor DL: Detection Limit MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration Le/LC: Critical Level PF: Prep Factor RL: Reporting Limit SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Project:

Client lD: SMUD00201 SMUD002 Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g Date Time Prep Batch I 0/05/16 0854 1604293 Analyst Comments 4

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company:



Sacramento Municipal Utility District 14440 Twin Cites Road Herald, California 95638 Mr. Dave Koontz Project:

Rancho Seco IOSB Soil and Water Analysis Client Sample ID: Sample ID: Matrix: Collect Date: Receive Date: Collector:

2016-0032 (F8300143-5) 407403003 Soil 22-SEP-16 14:17 04-0CT-16 Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty Rad Gamma Spec Analysis MDC Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Standard List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-228 7.73E-07

+/-2.89E-07 2.18E-07 Americium-241 u -3.93E-08

+/-I .46E-07 2.63E-07 Antimony-124 u -3.12£-08

+/-7.58E-08 l.52E-07 Antimony-125 u 8.03E-09

+/-7.90E-08 l.58E-07 Barium-133 u 2.86E-08

+/-5.01 E-08 6.39E-08 Barium-140 u -1.36£-07

+/-4. ISE-07 7.93E-07 Beryllium-7 u -7.31E-08

+/-3.06£-07 5.92E-07 Bismuth-212 UI 0.00 +/-8. I 5E-07 l.09E-06 Bismuth-214 9.35E-07

+/-1.70£-07 1.1 IE-07 Cerium-139 u -8.56E-09

+/-2.58E-08 4.68E-08 Cerium-141 u I.07E-07

+/-l.73E-07 1.17E-07 Cerium-144 u

+/-l.48E-07 Cesium-134 u 4.79E-08

+/-4.29E-08 6.99E-08 Cesium-136 u -l.52E-07

+/-I .32E-07 2.08£-07 Cesium-137 u 4.29E-08

+/-4.43E-08 5.75E-08 Chromium-SI u -1.99£-08

+/-3.60£-07 7.29£-07 Cobalt-56 u -1.79£-08

+/-3.30£-08 5.80£-08 Cobalt-57 u 1.68£-09

+/-1.97£-08 3.81£-08 Cobalt-58 u -7.88E-09

+/-3.29£-08 6.22E-08 Cobalt-60 u -l.02E-09

+/-2.30E-08 4.99E-08 Europium-l 52 u -9. IOE-08 +/-6.93£-08 l.18E-07 Europium-154 u 4.91E-08

+/-8.75£-08 1.99£-07 Europium-155 u 7.63E-08

+/-9.08E-08 l.86E-07 lridium-192 u -1.60E-08

+/-3.02E-08 5.77£-08 lron-59 u -3.40£-08

+/-7.39E-08 l.42E-07 Lead-210 u 1.36£-06

+/-4. 78E-06 9.94E-06 Lead-212 8.66£-07

+/-l.22E-07 8.03£-08 Lead-214 8.21 E-07 +/-1.69£-07 1.14E-07 Manganese-54 u 7.13£-09

+/-2.84E-08 5.83E-08 Mercury-203 u 3.00E-08

+/-5.48E-08 6.46E-08 Neodymiwn-147 u -7.91E-07

+/-9.64£-07 l.68E-06 Neptunium-239 u 3.91E-08

+/-2.06£-07 4.03E-07 Niobium-94 u -1.24£-08

+/-2.59E-08 4.68E-08 Niobium-95 u 7.23£-09

+/-4.49£-08 8.0IE-08 Potassium-40 7.56£-06

+/-1.16£-06 5.54E-07 Promethium-144 u -8.52£-09

+/-2. 70E-08 5.0SE-08 RL l.OOE-07 l.OOE-07 Project:

Client ID: Units PF uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g Report Date: October 27, 2016 SMUD00201 SMUD002 OF Analyst Date MXRI 10121/16 Time Batch Method 1429 1604416 5 GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Report Date: October 27, 2016 Company:



Sacramento Municipal Utility District 14440 Twin Cites Road Herald, California 95638 Mr. Dave Koontz Project:

Rancho Seco IOSB Soil and Water Analysis Client Sample ID: Sample ID: 2016-0032 (F8300143-5) 407403003 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty Rad Gamma Spec Analysis MDC Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Standard List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Promethium-146 u -3.47E-08

+/-3.46E-08 6.00E-08 Radium-223 u -l.23E-08

+/-4.80E-07 9.65E-07 Radium-224 UI 0.00 +/-9.76E-07 l.29E-06 Radium-228 7.73E-07


2. l8E-07 Ruthenium-I 06 u -5.45E-08

+/-2.54E-07 4.87E-07 Silver-I I Om u -3.39E-09

+/-3.50E-08 6.86E-08 Sodium-22 u 1.5 lE-08 +/-3.06E-08 6.90E-08 Thallium-208 2.77E-07

+/-8. l 8E-08 6.21E-08 Thorium-234 u 9.02E-07


2. l6E-06 Tin-113 u -9.06E-ll

+/-3.82E-08 7.66E-08 Uranium-235 u 3.40E-07

+/-4.03E-07 3.56E-07 Uranium-238 u 9.02E-07

+/-3.14E-06 2.16E-06 Ytfrium-88 u -l.93E-08

+/-3.39E-08 5.98E-08 Zinc-65 u -l.l lE-08 +/-7.40E-08 l

Zirconium-95 u 2.43E-08

+/-4.76E-08 l.09E-07 The following Prep Methods were performed:

Method Description Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 The following Analytical Methods were performed:

Method Description DOE HASL 300, Notes: RL Analyst LYTI Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

OF: Dilution Factor DL: Detection Limit MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration Le/LC: Critical Level PF: Prep Factor RL: Reporting Limit SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Project:

Client ID: SMUD00201 SMUD002 Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g -uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g Date 10105116 Time Prep Batch 0854 1604293 Analyst Comments 6

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company:



Sacramento Municipal Utility District 14440 Twin Cites Road Herald, California 95638 Mr. Dave Koontz Project:

Rancho Seco IOSB Soil and Water Analysis Client Sample ID: Sample JD: Matrix: Collect Date: Receive Date: Collector:

2016-0033 (F8300143-8) 407403004 Soil 22-SEP-16 14:10 04-0CT-16 Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty Rad Gamma Spec Analysis MDC Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Standard List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-228 4.46E-07

+/-3.9 I E-07 3.90E-07 Americium-241 u -1.l4E-08

+/-5. 74E-08 9.13E-08 Antimony-124 u 6.0SE-08

+/-9.59E-08 2.68E-07 Antimony-125 u -1.40E-08

+/-1 .OOE-07 1.85E-07 Barium-133 u 1.59E-08

+/-4.26E-08 8.45E-08 Barium-140 u -2.24E-08

+/-7.14E-07 l.19E-06 Beryllium-7 u -l.52E-07

+/-3.91E-07 6.94E-07 Bismuth-212 u 3.19E-07

+/-9.22E-07 1.39£-06 Bismuth-214 5.62E-07

+/-J.70E-07 l.53£-07 Cerium-139 u 1.01 E-08 +/-2. 73E-08 5.42E-08 Cerium-141 u 7.40£-08

+/-7.55E-08 1.56£-07 Cerium-144 u -7.66£-08

+I-I .96£-07 3.23£-07 Cesium-134 u 5.69E-08

+/-5.1 OE-08 1.17£-07 Cesium-136 u 9.08E-08

+/-l.98E-07 4.58£-07 Cesium-137 u -3.75E-09


8. IOE-08 Chromium-51 u -2.44E-07

+/-4.39E-07 7.75£-07 Cobalt-56 u -3.21E-08

+/-4.48E-08 7.81£-08 Cobalt-57 u -4.65E-10

+/-2.07E-08 4.0IE-08 Cobalt-58 u 5.48E-08

+/-4. I SE-08 9.09£-08 Cobalt-60 u -2.92E-08

+/-4.28E-08 7.14£-08 Europium-152 u -l.62E-08

+/-9.28E-08 1.72£-07 Europium-154 u -7.26E-08

+/-I .39E-07 2.45E-07 Europium-155 u l.42E-07

+/-I .60E-07 1.58£-07 lridium-192 u 1.41 E-08 +/-3. 73E-08 7.45E-08 lron-59 u J.5 IE-08 +/-1.00E-07 2.18£-07 Lead-210 u 3.40E-07

+/-8. I 7E-07 7.95E-07 Lead-212 7.29E-07

+/-I .22E-07 1.02£-07 Lead-214 6.68E-07

+/-l.62E-07 3.18£-07 Manganese-54 u 5.88E-09

+/-4.49£-08 9.12E-08 Mercury-203 u 3.08E-08

+/-4.66£-08 9.45£-08 Neodymium-147 u 2.91£-07

+/-1.53£-06 2.98E-06 Neptunium-239 u -3.29£-08

+/-2.08£-07 3.97E-07 Niobium-94 u -1.52£-08

+/-3.60E-08 6.76E-08 Niobium-95 u -1.05£-08

+/-5.66£-08 l.09E-07 Potassium-40 8.54£-06

+/-I .46E-06 6.36£-07 Promethium-I 44 u S.OOE-09

+/-4.40E-08 8.81E-08 RL l.OOE-07 l.OOE-07 Project:

Client 10: Units PF uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g .uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g Report Date: October 27, 2016 SMUD00201 SMUD002 OF Analyst Date MXRI I0/2l/16 Time Batch Method 1429 1604416 7 GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Report Date: October 27, 2016 Company:



Sacramento Municipal Utility District 14440 Twin Cites Road Herald, California 95638 Mr. Dave Koontz Project:

Rancho Seco IOSB Soil and Water Analysis Client Sample ID: Sample TD: 2016-0033 (F8300143-8) 407403004 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty Rad Gamma Spec Analysis MDC Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Standard List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Promethium-146 u -2.19E-08

+/-5. I 3E-08 8.97E-08 Radium-223 u 8.64E-07

+/-5.82E-07 l.32E-06 Radium-224 u 5.19E-07

+/-1 .06E-06 1.09E-06 Radium-228 4.46E-07

+/-3.91E-07 3.90E-07 Ruthenium-I 06 u 3.29E-07

+/-4.03E-07 8.46E-07 Silver-I I Om u -7.24E-09

+/-5.55E-08 l.IOE-07 Sodium-22 u -2.16E-08

+/-4.69E-08 8.46E-08 Thallium-208 2.44E-07

+/-6.61E-08 7.06E-08 Thorium-234 u 8.68E-07

+/-1.07E-06 9.99E-07 Tin-113 u -8.49E-09

+/-4.45E-08 8.28E-08 Uranium-235 u l.IOE-07

+/-2.03E-07 4.04E-07 Uranium-238

.U 8.68E-07

+/-1.07E-06 9.99E-07 Y.ttri uii1-8 S u -l.80E-08

+/-3.92E-08 7.83E-08 Zinc-65 u 9.66E-08

+/-I .07E-07 2.34E-07 Zirconium-95 u 1.70E-09

+/-8.17E-08 1.68E-07 The following Prep Methods were performed:

Method Description Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 The following Analytical Methods were performed:

Method Description DOE HASL 300, Notes: RL Analyst LYTI Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor DL: Detection Limit MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration Le/LC: Critical Level PF: Prep Factor RL: Reporting Limit SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Project:

Client lD: SMUD00201 SMUD002 Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g Date I 0/05/16 Time Prep Batch 0854 1604293 Analyst Comments 8

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company:



Sacramento Municipal Utility District 14440 Twin Cites Road Herald, California 95638 Mr. Dave Koontz Project: Rancho Seco IOSB Soil and Water Analysis Client Sample ID: Sample JD: Matrix: Collect Date: Receive Date: Collector:

2016-0034 (F8300143-9) 407403005 Soil 22-SEP-16 13:53 04-0CT-16 Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty Rad Gamma Spec Analysis MDC Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Standard List) "Dry Weight Corrected" A.ctinium-228 7.32E-07

+/-3.45E-07 2.78E-07 A.mericium-241 u 2.28E-07

+/-3.85E-07 3.96E-07 A.ntimony-124 u -1.05E-07

+/-1. I 3E-07 J.8JE-07

/\ntimony-125 u -3.98E-08

+/-7.31 E-08 l.27E-07 Barium-133 u 5.12E-08

+/-5.42E-08 7.28E-08 Barium-140 u -2.48E-07

+/-4.96E-07 9.29E-07 Beryllium-?

u 4.04E-07

+/-4. l 8E-07 8.77E-07 Bismuth-212 u 5.33E-07

+/-6.0SE-07 l.29E-06 Bismuth-214 6.38E-07

+/-l .46E-07 I .22E-07 Cerium-139 u 3.21E-08

+/-2.70E-08 5.4JE-08 Cerium-141 u l.88E-l 1 +/-7.12E-08 l.39E-07 Cerium-144 u -8.07E-08

+/-1. 72E-07 3.25E-07 Cesium-134 u 3.85E-08

+/-5. l 3E-08 8.36E-08 Cesium-136 u 3.60E-08

+/-2.30E-07 4.61E-07 Cesium-137 u 2.27E-08

+/-4.3 7E-08 9.03E-08 Chromium-SI u -2.23£-07

+/-5.00E-07 8.96E-07 Cobalt-56 u -7.14E-09

+/-4.44E-08 8.51E-08 Cobalt-57 u -9.55E-09


4. l SE-08 Cobalt-58 u 2.48E-08

+/-4.23E-08 9.28E-08 Cobalt-60 u 6.05E-09

+/-4.90E-08 9.0IE-08 Europium-152 u -3.89E-08

+/-1.13E-07 1.61 E-07 Europium-154 u 3.64E-08

+/-l. l 2E-07 2.46E-07 Europium-I 55 u -l .02E-08 +/-9.84E-08 J.77E-07 1ridium-I92 u 2.53E-08

+/-4.09E-08 7.58E-08 lron-59 u 4.64E-09

+/-1.0 I E-07 2.02E-07 Lead-210 u 6.65E-06

+/-9.61 E-06 l.94E-05 Lead-212 7.03E-07

+/-1.1 OE-07 8.66E-08 Lead-214 7.00E-07

+/-1.43E-07 2.84E-07 Manganese-54 u l.13E-08

+/-3.77E-08 7.78E-08 Mercury-203 u -2.14E-l l +/-4.26E-08 8.lOE-08 Neodymium-14 7 u -1.4SE-07

+/-J .32E-06 2.61E-06 Neptunium-239 u -l.74E-09

+/-2.3 7E-07 4.29E-07 Niobium-94 u 2.55E-08

+/-3.38E-08 7.34E-08 Niobium-95 u 2.71E-08

+!-4. 59E-08 9.24£-08 Potassium-40 8.18E-06

+/-l .36E-06 7.07E-07 Promethium-144 u 3.60E-08

+/-9.64E-08 7.19E-08 RL l.OOE-07 1.00E-07 Project:

Client ID: Units PF uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi!g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g Report Date: October 27, 2016 SMUD00201 SMUD002 OF Analyst Date MXRl 10121/16 Time Batch Method 1429 1604416 9 GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Report Date: October 27, 2016 Company:



Sacramento Municipal Utility District 14440 Twin Cites Road Herald, California 95638 Mr. Dave Koontz Project:

Rancho Seco IOSB Soil and Water Analysis Client Sample ID: Sample ID: 2016-0034 (F8300143-9) 407403005 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty Rad Gamma Spec Analysis MDC Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Standard List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Promethium-146 u 8.39E-09

+/-3. 75E-08 7.39E-08 Radium-223 u 7.04E-08

+/-6.30E-07 l.20E-06 Radium-224 UI 0.00 +/-1.30E-06 9.28E-07 Radium-228 7.32E-07

+/-3.45E-07 2.78E-07 Ruthenium-I 06 u -4.00E-08

+/-3.66E-07 7.07E-07 Silver-I I Om u -l.27E-08

+/-4.l 9E-08 7.97E-08 Sodium-22 u l.22E-08

+/-3.97E-08 8.70E-08 Thallium-208 2.35E-07

+/-7.98E-08 7.56E-08 Thorium-234 u 9.13E-07

+/-2.07E-06 3.17E-06 Tin-113 u -I.60E-08

+/-4.0 I E-08 7.l 8E-08 Uranium-235 u 2.37E-08

+/-1. 76E-07 3.46E-07 Uranium-238 u 9.13E-07

+/-2.07E-06 3.17E-06 Yttrium-88 u -5.45E-10

+/-2.52E-08 6.46E-08 Zinc-65 u 6.93E-09

+/-8. 72E-08 1.55E-07 Zirconium-95 u l .39E-08 +/-5.95E-08 I .30E-07 The following Prep Methods were performed:

Method Description Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 The following Analytical Methods were performed:

Method Description DOE HASL 300, Notes: RL Analyst LYTI Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor DL: Detection Limit MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration Le/LC: Critical Level PF: Prep Factor RL: Reporting Limit SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Project:

Client ID: SMUD00201 SMUD002 Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g -uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g Date Time Prep Batch 10/05/16 0854 1604293 Analyst Comments 10 GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company:



Sacramento Municipal Utility District 14440 Twin Cites Road Herald, California 95638 Mr. Dave Koontz Project:

Rancho Seco IOSB Soil and Water Analysis Client Sample ID: Sample ID: Matrix: Collect Date: Receive Date: Collector:

2016-0035 (F8300143-10) 407403006 Soil 22-SEP-16 14:23 04-0CT-16 Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty Rad Gamma Spec Analysis MDC Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Standard List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-228 9.63E-07

+/-2.39E-07 l.71E-07 Americium-241 Ul 0.00 +/-l.34E-07 l.23E-07 Antimony-124 u 2.25E-08

+/-7.94E-08 l.74E-07 Antimony-125 u -5.45E-09

+/-6.52E-08 1.28E-07 Barium-133 u -l.60E-08

+/-2. 73E-08 4.48E-08 Barium-140 u l.23E-07

+/-3.83E-07 7.88E-07 Beryllium-7 u -5.84E-08

+/-2.60E-07 5.0IE-07 Bismuth-212 u 7.89E-07

+/-6.93E-07 I.OJ E-06 Bismuth-214 5.66E-07

+/-l.53E-07 l.05E-07 Cerium-139 u 3.81E-09

+/-2. I OE-08 3.98E-08 Cerium-141 u -2.52E-08

+/-6.17E-08 I.I IE-07 Cerium-144 u 4.70E-08


. 2.68E-07

  • Cesium-134 u S.86E-08

+/-5.02E-08 7.68E-08 Cesium-136 u l.37E-07

+/-I .50E-07 3.44E-07 Cesium-137 Ul 0.00 +/-3.52E-08 3.20E-08 Chromium-SI u 2.49E-08

+/-3.56E-07 7.17E-07 Cobalt-56 u 2.70E-08

+/-3.35E-08 7.l 7E-08 Cobalt-57 u 2.13E-09

+/-1. 76E-08 3.37E-08 Cobalt-58 u 1.05E-08

+/-3. I 5E-08 6.41E-08 Cobalt-60 u -8.45E-09

+/-2.88E-08 5.61E-08 Europium-152 u -4.87E-08

+/-6. 70E-08 l.24E-07 Europium-154 u 2.31E-08

+/-7.16E-08 l.56E-07 Europium-155 u 7.20E-08

+/-6.65E-08 l.38E-07 lridium-192 u -1.59E-08

+/-2.60E-08 4.90E-08 lron-59 u -8. ISE-l 0 +/-5.1 OE-08 l.lOE-07 Lead-210 u 1.82E-07

+/-l.04E-06 2.16E-06 Lead-212 1.04E-06

+/-1.12E-07 7.03E-08 Lead-214 9.36E-07

+/-l.45E-07 9.13E-08 Manganese-54 u 5.4 l E-08 +/-3.80E-08 5.84E-08 Mercury-203 u -l.41E-08

+/-3.24E-08 6.25E-08 Neodymium-147 u 4.29E-07

+/-8.84E-07 l.87E-06 Neptunium-239 u -4.17E-08

+/-1. 70E-07 3.16E-07 Niobium-94 u 5.63E-09

+/-2.04E-08 4.19E-08 Niobium-95 u -2.48E-08

+/-3.95E-08 5.82E-08 Potassi um-40 7.79E-06

+/-9.78E-07 4.83E-07 Promethium-144 u S.45E-09

+/-2.83E-08 S.52E-08

---l"'\C' _£1"'\CA RL L.OOE-07 l.OOE-07 Project:

Client ID: Units PF uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g Report Date: October 27, 2016 SMUD00201 SMUD002 OF Analyst Date MXRI 10121/16 Time Batch Method 1431 1604416 11 GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Cer,tificate of Analysis Report Date: October 27, 2016 Company:



Sacramento Municipal Utility District 14440 Twin Cites Road Herald, California 95638 Mr. Dave Koontz Project:

Rancho Seco IOSB Soil and Water Analysis Client Sample ID: Sample ID: 2016-0035 (F8300143-10) 407403006 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty Rad Gamma Spec Analysis MDC 3ammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Standard List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Promethium-146 U 3.16£-08

+/-3.llE-08 6.78E-08 Radium-223 U -3.25£-07

+/-4.32E-07 8.00E-07 Radium-224 U 7.30E-07

+/-1.33E-06 7.53E-07 Radium-228 9.63£-07

+/-2.39£-07 1.71 E-07 Ruthenium-]

06 U -6. 75£-08 +/-2.19E-07 4.09E-07 Silver-1 IOm U l.ISE-08

+/-4.20£-08 8.27E-08 Sodium-22 U 1.0 I E-08 +/-2.59£-08 5.68E-08 fhallium-208 2.35£-07

+/-6.12£-08 5.01 E-08 fhorium-234 Ul 0.00 +/-1.36£-06 l.21E-06 Tin-113 U 1.87£-08

+/-3.06E-08 6.55E-08 Uranium-235 U -J.40E-08

+/-J.42E-07 2.63£-07 Uranium-238 UI 0.00 +/-1.36E-06 l.21£-06 Yttrium-88 U -6.88E-09

+/-3.13£-08 6.l 7E-08 Zinc-65 U -J.86E-08

+/-5.38£-08 8.98E-08 Zirconium-95 U 5.28£-08

+/-6.13£-08 I .32E-07 The following Prep Methods were performed:

Method Description Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 The following Analytical Methods were performed:

Method Description DOE HASL 300, Notes: RL Analyst LYTI Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor DL: Detection Limit MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration Le/LC: Critical Level PF: Prep Factor RL: Reporting Limit SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Project:

Client ID: SMUD00201 SMUD002 Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g Date 10/05116 Time Prep Batch 0854 1604293 Analyst Comments 12 GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company:



Sacramento Municipal Utility District 14440 Twin Cites Road Herald, California 95638 Mr. Dave Koontz Project:

Rancho Seco IOSB Soil and Water Analysis Client Sample ID: Sample 10: Matrix: Collect Date: Receive Date: Collector:

2016-0036 (F8300143-14) 407403007 Soil 22-SEP-16 14:00 04-0CT-16 Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty Rad Gamma Spec Analysis MDC Garnmaspec, Gamma, Solid (Standard List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-228 8.18E-07

+/-2.25E-07 l.96E-07 Americium-24 I u 4.48E-08

+/-7.44E-08 1.41 E-07 Antimony-124 u -1.27£-08

+/-4. I 8E-08 8.96E-08 Antimony-I 25 u -1.SIE-08

+/-6.89E-08 UIE-07 Barium-133 u 4.48£-10

+/-3.37E-08 5.99E-08 Barium-140 u -4.40£-08

+/-4.04E-07 7.79E-07 Beryllium-7 u -1.44£-07

+/-2.55E-07 4.63E-07 Bismuth-212 UI 0.00 +/-6.07E-07 9.63E-07 Bismuth-214 7.22E-07

+/-I .69E-07 l.09E-07 Cerium-139 u -2.00E-09

+/-2.46E-08 3.59E-08 Cerium-141 u 3.07E-08

+/-5.64E-08 l.09E-07 Cerium-144 u 2.93E-IO

+/-1.43E-07 2.63E-07 Cesium-134 u 1.35£-08

+/-3. I 4E-08 6.39E-08 Cesium-136 u 6.84E-08

+/-I .44E-07 3.l9E-07 Cesium-137 UI 0.00 +/-5.20E-08 4.86E-08 Chromium-SI u 8.29E-09

+/-3.72E-07 7.37E-07 Cobalt-56 u 1.79E-08

+/-2.84E-08 6.22E-08 Cobalt-57 u 9.60E-09

+/-I .86E-08 3.63E-08 Cobalt-58 u 1.40E-08

+/-3.29E-08 6.77E-08 Cobalt-60 u 2.30E-08

+/-2.34E-08 5.88E-08 Europium-152 u -8.91E-09

+/-6.82£-08 I .33E-07 Europium-154 u -8.95E-09

+/-6. 75E-08 l.38E-07 Europium-155 u 2.72E-08

+/-7.35E-08 l.42E-07 lridium-192 u -5.72E-09

+/-2.87£-08 5.55E-08 Jron-59 u 3.46E-08

+/-7.93E-08 l.58E-07 Lead-210 u 1.15E-06

+/-2.85E-06 2.61E-06 Lead-212 8.48E-07

+/-1.22E-07 9.59E-08 Lead-214 7.64E-07

+/-1. 79E-07 l.IOE-07 Manganese-54 u 1.46E-08

+/-3.04E-08 6.17E-08 Mercury-203 u 4.66E-IO

+/-3. llE-08 6.ISE-08 Neodymium-14 7 u 5.11 E-07 +/-1.05E-06 2.16E-06 Neptunium-239 u 1.19E-07

+/-l.SIE-07 3.57E-07 Niobium-94 u 5.13E-08

+/-3.22E-08 5.68E-08 Niobium-95 u I .17E-09 +/-4.07E-08 6.95E-08 Potassi um-40 8.45E-06

+/-I .23E-06 4.46E-07 Promethium-144 u -6.94E-09

+/-2. 70£-08 4.72E-08 RL 1.00E-07 l.OOE-07 Project:


Units PF uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g Report Date: October 27, 2016 SMUD00201 SMUD002 OF Analyst Date MXRI 10/21/16 Time Batch Method 1432 1604416 13 GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Report Date: October 27, 2016 Company:



Sacramento Municipal Utility District 14440 Twin Cites Road Herald, California 95638 Mr. Dave Koontz Project:

Rancho Seco IOSB Soil and Water Analysis Client Sample ID: Sample ID: 2016-0036 (F8300143-14) 407403007 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty Rad Gamma Spec Analysis MDC Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Standard List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Promethium-146 U l.89E-09

+/-2.48E-08 5.03E-08 Radium-223 U 2.20E-07

+/-4.29E-07 8.29E-07 Radium-224 Ul 0.00 +/-8.18E-07 l.21E-06 Radium-228 8.18E-07

+/-2.25E-07 l.96E-07 Ruthenium-I 06 U -1.59E-07

+/-2.41 E-07 4.20E-07 Silver-I

!Om U 6.29E-08

+/-6.81E-08 7.87E-08 Sodium-22 U 4.89E-08

  • -6.42E-09

+/-2.47E-08 Thallium-208 3.6LE-08 2.64E-07

+/-5.86E-08 Thorium-234 U l.38E-06 1.21E-06

+/-2.21 E-06 Tin-113 U 6.32E-08


+/-3.19E-08 Uranium-235 U 2.66E-07 8.83E-08

+/-I .36E-07 1.21 E-06 4.14E-09 Uranium-238 Yttrium-88 Zinc-65 Zirconium-95 u u u u -4.50E-08 1.05E-07 The following Prep Methods were performed:

Method Description

+/,2.21 E-06 +/-2.40E-08

+/-5. I 7E-08 +/-1.39E-07 Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 The following Analytical Methods were performed:

Method Description DOE HASL 300, Notes: l.38E-06 5.76E-08 6.80E-08 l.3LE-07 RL Analyst LYTl Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level ( 1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor DL: Detection Limit MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration Le/LC: Critical Level PF: Prep Factor RL: Reporting Limit SQL: Sample Quantitation Limit Project:

Client ID: SMUD00201 SMUD002 Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g . uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g uCi/g Date 10/05/16 Time Prep Batch 0854 1604293 Analyst Comments 14