ML16049A505 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | River Bend ![]() |
Issue date: | 01/27/2016 |
From: | Entergy Operations |
To: | Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
Shared Package | |
ML16049A5031 | List: |
References | |
RBG-4765 EIP-2-002, Rev 32 | |
Download: ML16049A505 (423) | |
- 1/27/16NOTE: SIGNATURES ARE ON FILE.*INDEXING INFORMATION TABLE OF CONTENTSSECTIONPAGE NO.1 PURPOSE ........................................................................................... 22 REFERENCES.............................................................. :........................ 23 DEFINITIONS ...................................................................................... 34 RESPONSIBILITIES ............................ ................................................... 45 GENERAL ................................................................................... ........ 56 PROCEDURE........................................................................................ 67 DOCUMENTATION ....................... ....................................................... 6ATTACHMENT 1 -NOTIFICATION OF UMJSUAL EVENT ..................................... 7ATTACHMENT 2 -ALERT........................................................................... 10ATTACHMENT 3 -SITE AREA/GENERAL EMERGENCY ..................................... 13ATTACHMENT 4 -SIREN CONTROL FROM THE CONTROL ROOM ................... ....17ATTACHMENT 5 -TOXIC GAS RELEASE CHECKLIST ....................................... 19EIP-2-002EP202 REV -32 PAGEl1OF 20 1 PURPOSEThis procedure describes the actions to be taken by the EmergencyDirector/Emergency Plant Manager when an emergency condition has beenclassified as a Notification of Unusual Event (NOUE), Alert, Site Area orGeneral Emergency, per ELP-2-00 1, Classification of Emergencies.2 REFERENCES2.1 ADM-0060, First Responder Emergencies2.2 EIP-2-00l, Classification of Emergencies2.3 EIP-2-006, Notifications2.4 EIP-2-007, Protective Action Recommendation Guidelines2.5 EIP-2-0 12, Radiation Exposure Controls2.6 EIP-2-014, Offsite Radiological Monitoring2.7 EIP-2-024, Offsite Dose Calculations2.8 EIP-2-026, Evacuation, Personnel Accountability, and Search andRescue2.9 EIP-2-028, Recovery2.10 EPP 100, Procedure Review, Revision, and Approval2.11 FPP-0010, Fire Fighting Procedure2.12 RBNP~-035, Hazardous Material Emergency Response Plan2.13 NRC RIS 2007-02 Clarification of NRC Guidance for EmergencyNotifications During Quickly Changing Events2.14 EN-EP-801, Emergency Response OrganizationEIP-2-002 REV -32 PG F2PAGE 2 OF 20 3 DEFINITIONS3.1 Augmentation -Actions taken to Support onshift personnel or theEmergency Response Organization.3.2 Radiological Release -For emergency response purposes is defined asANY detectable discharge of radioactive material to the environment.The release characterization should be further defined whencommunicating to offsite agencies to characterize whether or not therelease is below or above Technical Specification limits. Indicate theappropriate release characterization on the Short and Long NotificationMessage Forms.3.2.1. Release BELOW federally approved operating limits(Technical Requirements Manual)3.2.2. Release ABOVE federally approved operating limits(Technical Requirements' Manual)3.2.3. Effluent Technical Requirements Manual1. Any one of three effluent monitors indicates a value threetimes the High alarm set pointOR2. Any two of the three effluent monitors indicate a valueequal or greater than the High alarm set point.The three effluent monitors are:TITLE NO.Main Plant Exhaust Stack RMS-RE 125 Channel 4 (4GE 125)Radwaste Vent. Exhaust RMS-RE006 Channel 4 (4GE006)Fuel Bldg. Vent. Exhaust RMS-RE005 Channel 4 (4GE005)O__R3. An unmonitored release is detected at the site boundaryby teams with survey instruments.4 RESPONSIBILITIES4.1 Shift Manager:EIP-2-002 REV -32 PAGE 3 OF 20 4.1.1. Assume the responsibilities and authority of the EmergencyDirector until properly relieved or until the emergencysituation is terminated.4.1.2. Decide the Severe Accident Procedure mitigation strategywhen applicable.4.1.3. Continue Shift Manager responsibilities after being relieved oron termination of the emergency.4.2 Emergency Director:4.2.1 Provide overall management of River Bend Station (RBS)response activities. The Emergency Director has the authorityto inmmediately and unilaterally initiate all emergency actions.4.2.2 Assess and classify emergency conditions.4.2.3 Provide notifications and make protective actionrecommendations to offsite authorities.4.2.4 Coordinate RBS response activities as required with offsiteorganizations.4.2.5 Ensures that offsite radiological conditions are projected andmonitored.4.2.6 Authorize issuance of KI and radiation exposure in excess of10OCFR20 limits for ERO members outside of the protectedarea.4.2.7 Authorize press releases.4.3 Emergency Plant Manager:4.3.1 Authorize doses in excess of 10OCFR20 limits.4.3.2 Direct onsite activities in support of the Control Room.4.3.3 Authorize departures from license conditions or TechnicalSpecifications in accordance with 10 CFR 50.54(x).4.3.4 Determine need for onsite evacuation, personnelaccountability, and implement search and rescue as required.EIP-2-002 REV -32 PAGE 4 OF 20 735 GENERAL5.1 The Emergency Director / Emergency Plant Manager inay delegate someactions on the Attachment checklists. The following may not bedelegated:5.1.1. Declaration of an emergency5.1.2. Notification -approval and direction to send the notification.5.1.3. Protective Action Recommendations (PAR)5:1.4. Authorize doses in excess of 10CFR20 limits.5.1.5. Authorize the issuance of KI5.1.6. Termination of the emergency5.2 Degrading plant conditions during a rapidly evolving event can cause anescalated emergency classification to be declared before the notificationsfor the previous (or initial declaration) are made. Use one of thefollowing three approaches to insure notifications are made within 15minutes of declaration of the initial or lower classification.[] If the plant condition degrades and a higher classificationemergency is declared before the notifications are made for thelesser emergency declaration, update the notification to reflect thehigher emeggency declaration and complete the updatednotification within 15 minutes of the lesser emergencydeclaration.E'. If the notification cannot be updated and completed within 15minutes of the lesser emergency declaration, make the notificationfor the lesser emergency within 15 minutes of its declaration. Thenotification should contain a caveat that a change in classificationis forthcoming. In parallel, prepare the notification for the higheremergency classification and make additional notification within15 minutes of its declaration time.EIP-2-002 REV -32 PAGE 5 OF 20 El If the notification for the lesser emergency declaration is inprogress when the escalation is declared, the notification for thelesser emergency should be completed within 15 minutes of itsdeclaration. The notification could contain a caveat (or verballywhen verifying receipt of the message) that a change inclassification is forthcoming. In parallel, prepare the notificationfor the higher emergency classification and make additionalnotification within 15 minutes of the escalated declaration>6 PROCEDURENOTEThe actions of this procedure may be completed in anysequence, however, the sequence presented isrecommended; steps not applicable should be marked N/A.NOTEIf the Control Room is evacuated, the Shift Manager,designated Communicator, and Chemistry Technician shallreport to the TSC with their binders to perform the actionsof this procedure.6.1 NOTIFICATION OF UNUSUAL EVENT -The Emergency Directorand Emergency Plant Manager should use Attachment 1 as a guideline.6.2 ALERT EMERGENCY -The Emergency Director and EmergencyPlant Manager should use Attachment 2 as a guideline.6.3 SITE AREA EMERGENCY OR GENERAL EMERGENCY -TheEmergency Director and Emergency Plant Manager should useAttachment 3 as a guideline.7 DOCUMENTATION7.1 Attachments 1 -3 and 5 of this procedure will be sent to Permanent PlantFiles (PPF) per EPP 100 by the Manager -Emergency Preparedness.EIP-2-002 REV -32' PAGE 6 OF 20EIP-2-002 REV -32 PAGE 6 OF 20 NOTIFICATION OF UNUSUAL EVENTDate:_______Time:______INITIAL ACTIONSATTACHMENT 1PAGE 1OF 3Action Completed(time) (initial)Merge the Page Party/Gaitronics and make plant announcementWARBLE tone "Attention in the plant. At time(declaration time) an UNUSUAL EVENT was declared dueto (brief cause of emergency). (Repeat message)1.1 Repeat the announcement over the GSB page phone two times(time) (initial)WARNINGIf a personnel hazard is still within the Protected Area (high winds, toxic gas, etc...) considerdelaying activation of the Emergency Response Organization until the danger has passed.2 Direct the Communicator to activate the onsite Emergency ResponseOrganization for the NOUE in accordance with EIP-2-006.3 Direct the Communicator to notify the following:3.10Offsite authorities -Within 15 minutes of the declaration using theShort Notification Message Form (SNMF).3.2 NRC -Immediately after notifying state and local authorities andnotlater than one hour after declaring the emergency.4 For toxic gas releases, refer to the actions of Attachment 5.5 Evacuate onsite affected area(s), if needed, in accordance with EIP-2-026.6 If the NOUE classification was due to a gaseous effluent release, then6.1 Request a Chemistry Technician, as necessary, to sample toverify less than two times the ODCM.6.2 Request a Chemistry Technician to report to the control room, asnecessary, to monitor and perform dose projections.(time) (initial)(time)(initial)(time) (initial)(initial)(time) (initial)(time)(initial)EIP-2-002 REV -32 PAGE 7 OF 20 ATTACHMENT 1PAGE 2 OF 3NOTIFICATION OF UNUSUAL EVENTSUBSEQUENT ACTIONS1 Periodically inform plant personnel of personnel hazards, plant line-ups,corrective actions and steps taken to mitigate the emergency.2 Invoke 10 CFR 50.54 (x) for departures from license conditions orTechnical Specifications when action is immediately needed to protectthe public health and safety and no action consistent with licenseconditions and Technical Specifications that can provide equivalentprotection is immediately apparent. (Emergency Director or SRO)3 Authorize and make log entries for all procedure deviations.4 Verify and update classification levels and onsite protective actions, asnecessary.(initial)(time) (initial)(time)(initial)(initial)5 Determine status of and need for persons previously sent to staging___________areas. (time) (initial)6 If additional manpower is needed, augment the staff.___________(time) (initial)7 Direct periodic status reports to the:7.1 Offsite authorities -Long Notification Message Forms (LNMF)_____should be prepared as soon as possible following a Short (initial)Notification Message Form (SNMF) or when significant changesoccur that don't warrant emergency escalation. During extendedemergencies, time between LNMVFs should not exceed 2 hours.7.2 NRC -Update as requested. ____(initial)8 If the initiating event of the emergency was a natural hazard (e.g.,___________tornado, hurricane force winds, earthquake, or flood), dispatch personnel (time) (initial)to perform a visual inspection per DFS-00 10, DFS Equipment Handlingand Storage Abnormal Conditions, when loaded cask are stored at thefacility and the hazard is no longer present.EIP-2-002 REV -32 PAGE 8 OF 20 ATTACHMENT 1PAGE 3 OF 3NOTIFICATION OF UNUSUAL EVENTTERMINATION ACTIONSDate:Time:____Action CompletedWhen NOUJE conditions are no longer met, terminate the emergencyDirect notification of the following of the emergency termination:2.1 Offsite authorities -Direct the Communicator to use the LongNotification Message Form (LNMF).2.2 NRCAnnounce emergency termination twice over the merged Gaitronics.Announce emergency termination twice over the GSB page phone.If activated, deactivate the OSC.(time) (initial)(time)(time)(time)S(time)(time)(initial)(initial)(iiil)(initial)(initial)Forward the originals of all documents generated by implementation ofthis procedure to the Manager -Emergency Preparedness.EIP-2-002 REV -32 PAGE 9 OF 20 ALERTATTACHMENT 2PAGE 1OF 3Action CompletedINITIAL ACTIONSDate:Time:WARNINGIf a personnel hazard is still within the Protected Area (high winds, toxic gas, etc...) considerdelaying activation of the ERO until the danger has passed. If off-hours consider activatingalternate ERO facilities. If a HOSTILE ACTION is present, refer to AOP-0054 or AOP-0063for making plant announcements and activation of the ERO.1 Merge the Page Party/Gaitronics and make plant announcementWARBLE tone "Attention in the plant. At time(declaration time) an ALERT was declared dueto (brief cause of emergency). Activate allEmergency Response Facilities. Escort all visitorsto the Primary Access Point." (Repeat message)1.1 Repeat the announcement over the GSB page phone two times.2 Direct the Communicator to activate the onsite Emergency ResponseOrganization for the ALERT in accordance with EIP-2-006.3 Direct the Communicator to notify the following:3.1 Offsite authorities -Within 15 minutes of the declaration using theShort Notification Message Form (SNMF).3.2 NRC -lImmediately after notifying state and local authorities andnotlater than one hour after declaring the emergency.4 For toxic gas releases, refer to the actions of Attachment 5.5 Evacuate onsite affected area(s), if needed, in accordance with EIP-2-026.6 Direct a chemistry technician to verify the Emergency Response DataSystem (ERDS) is running; activate ERDS if it is not. Must beperformed within an hour of an Alert or higher emergency classification.(time) (initial)(time)(time)(initial)(initial)(time)(initial)(time) (initial)(initial)(time) (initial)(time)(initial)EIP-2-002 REV -32 PAGE 10 OF 20 ATTACHMENT 2PAGE 2 OF 3ALERTSUBSEOUENT ACTIONS1 Dispatch RP personnel to sample and/or survey near the site boundary toverify whether or not a release of radioactive materials has occurred.2 If desired, direct Security Shift Supervisor to perform a precautionarynotification of all non-essential personnel, visitors, contractor personnel,and members of the public in the Owner Controlled Area.3 Periodically inform plant personnel of personnel hazards, plant line-ups,corrective actions and steps taken to mitigate the emergency.(time)(time)(initial)(initial)(initial)NOTEUltimate authority for invoking 10 CFR 50.54(x) resideswith the Emergency Director. If timely responseprecludes Emergency Director authorization, theminimal authority is an onshift licensed SRO.4 Authorize and make log entries for all procedure deviations5 Verify and update classification levels and onsite protective actions, asnecessary.6 Determine status of and need for persons previously sent to stagingareas.(time) (initial)(initial)(time) (initial)7 Direct periodic status reports to the:7.1 Offsite authorities -Long Notification Message Forms (LNMF)should be prepared as soon as possible following a ShortNotification Message Form (SNMF) or when significant changesoccur that don't warrant emergency escalation. During extendedemergencies, time between LNMFs should not exceed 2 hours.(initial)7.2 NRC -Update as requested. ____(initial)8 If the initiating event of the emergency was a natural hazard (e.g.,___________tomnado, hurricane force winds, earthquake, or flood), dispatch personnel (time) (initial)to perform a visual inspection per DFS-0010, DFS Equipment Handlingand Storage Abnormal Conditions, when loaded cask are stored at thefacility and the hazard is no longer present.EIP-2-002 REV -32 PAGE 11 OF 20 ATTACHMENT 2PAGE 3 OF 3ALERTTERMINATION ACTIONS Date:____Time:___1 Terminate the emergency when the ALERT conditions are nolonger met and the following have been accomplished: (tit1.1 The plant is in a stable condition.1.2 Excessive releases of radioactivity to the environment havebeen terminated and no further potential for significantradioactivity releases exist.1.3 No further potential for major damage to equipment exists.2 Direct notification of the following of the emergency termination:2.1 Offsite authorities -Direct the Communicator to use theLong Notification Message Form (LNMVIF).(t2.2 NRC(ti3 Announce emergency termination twice over the mergedGaitronics.(t4 Announce emergency termination twice over the GSB pagephone.(t5 Direct the emergency facilities to deactivate.(ti6 Forward the originals of all documents generated byimplementation of this procedure to the Manager -EmergencyPreparedness.Action Completedne)me)me)me)me)me)(initial)(initial)(initial)(initial)(initial)(initial)EIP-2-002 REV -32 PAGE 12 OF 20 ATTACHMENT 3PAGE 1OF 4SITE AREA/GENERAL EMERGENCY.INITIAL ACTIONS Date:Time:Action CompletedWARININGIf a personnel hazard is still within the Protected Area (high winds, toxic gas, etc...) considerdelaying activation of the ERO until the danger has Passed. If off-hours consider activatingalternate ERO facilities. If a HOSTILE ACTION is present, refer to AOP-0054 or AOP-0063for making plant announcements and activation of the ERO.1 Merge the Page Party/Gaitronics and make plant announcementWARBLE tone "Attention in the plant. At time(declaration time) a (Site Area Emergency orGeneral Emergency) was declared due to (briefcause of emergency). Activate all EmergencyResponse Facilities." (Repeat message)1.1 Repeat the announcement over the GSB page phone two times2 Direct the Communicator to activate the onsite Emergency ResponseOrganization for the SAE or GE in accordance with EIP-2-006, if notalready activated at an Alert.3 Evaluate protective actions offsite and implement EIP-2-007, asnecessary.(time) (initial)(time)(time)(time)(initial)(initial)(initial)4 Direct the Communicator to notify the following:4.10Offsite authorities -Within 15 minutes of the declaration using theShort Notification Message Form (SNMF).4.2 NRC -Immediately after notifying state and local authorities and nolater than one hour after declaring the emergency.5 For toxic gas releases, refer to the actions of Attachment 5.6 Evacuate the Owner Controlled Area in accordance with EIP-2-026.7 Dispatch personnel to sample and evaluate the release of radioactivematerials in accordance with EIP-2-0 14, as necessary.(time)(time)(time)(time)(time)(initial)(initial)(initial)(initial)(initial)EIP-2-002 REV -32 PAGE 13 OF 20 ATTACHMENT 3PAGE 2 OF 4SITE AREA/GENERAL EMERGENCYINITIAL ACTION (cont.'d)8 Initiate dose calculations in accordance with EIP-2-024, if a radiologicalrelease is occurring or imminent.9 At a General Emergency (if the Offsite Emergency Facilities are notmanned) perform the following:9.1 Contact the Governor's Office of Homeland Security and EmergencyPreparedness (GOHSEP) Operations Officer and verify that he isprepared to broadcast the appropriate EAS message.9.2 Coordinate the siren sound time with the GOHSEP OperationsOfficer.9.3 Activate the sirens at the agreed upon time using Attachment 4.SUBSEQUENT ACTIONS(time)(time)(initial)(initial)(time) (initial)(initial)(initial)1 Direct a chemistry technician to verify the Emergency ResponseData System (ERDS) is running; activate ERDS if it is not.Must be performed within an hour of an Alert or higheremergency classification.2 Periodically inform plant personnel of personnel hazards, plant line-ups,corrective actions and steps taken to mitigate the emergency.(time)(initial)(initial)NOTEUltimate authority for invoking 10 CFR 50.54(x) resideswith the Emergency Director. If timely response precludesEmergency Director authorization, the minimal authority isan onshift licensed SRO.3 Authorize and make log entries for all procedure deviations.4 Verify and update classification levels5 Direct periodic status reports to the:5.1 Offsite authorities -Long Notification Message Forms (LNMF)should be prepared as soon as possible following a Short NotificationMessage Form (SNMF) or when significant changes occur that don'twarrant emergency escalation. During extended emergencies, timebetween LNMFs should not exceed 2 hours.5.2 NRC -Update as requested.(time)(initial)(initial)(initial)(initial)EIP-2-002 REV -32 PAGE 14 OF 20 ATTACHMENT 3PAGE 3 OF 4SITE AREA/GENERAL EMERGENCYSUBSEOUENT ACTIONS (cont'd)6 Determine status of and need for persons previously sent to assemblyand/or staging areas.7 Verify and update offsite protective actions, as necessary.8 Authorize the issuance of KI if recommended by RP and in accordancewith EIP-2-0 12, Radiation Exposure Controls.9 Authorize emergency worker(s) exposure in excess of the limitsestablished by 10CFR2O if recommended by RP and in accordance withEIP-2-0 12, Radiation Exposure Controls.(time) (initial)(time) (initial)(time) (initial)(time)(initial)TERMINATION ACTIONSDate:____Time:Action CompletedTerminate the emergency when the SITE AREA/GENERALEMERGENCY conditions are no longer met and the following has beenaccomplished:1.1 The reactor is shut down, is in a stable, safe configuration, andadequate core cooling is available.1.2 Excessive releases of radioactivity to the environment have beenterminated and no further potential for significant~radioactivityrelease exist.1.3 Offsite concentrations of radioactivity in the atmosphere or inwaterways have dispersed to near background levels, excludingground deposition.1.4 The State of Louisiana, the local parishes, and the N-RC concur interminating the emergency.2 Direct notification of the following of the emergency termination:2.1 Offsite authorities -Direct the Communicator to use the LongNotification Message Form (LNMF).2.2 NRC3 Announce emergency termination twice over the Gaitronics.(time)(initial)(time)(initial)(time) (initial)(time) (initial)EIP-2-002 REV -32 PAGE 15 OF 20 ATTACHMENT 3PAGE 4 OF 4SITE AREA/GENERAL EMERGENCYTERMINATION ACTIONS (cont'd)4 Initiate recovery actions in accordance with EIP-2-028. ____(time) (initial)5 Direct the emergency facilities to deactivate. _________(time) (initial)6 Forward the originals of all documents generated by the implementation ofthis procedure to the Manager -Emergency Preparedness.EIP-2-002 REV -32 PAGE 16 OF 20 ATTACHMENT 4PAGE 1OF 2SIREN CONTROL FROM TilE CONTROL ROOMNOTERiver B end parish EOCs have the capability to sound theRiver Bend sirens in their respective parishes. Sounding ofthe sirens from the Control Roomn would only be performedfor fast breaking events where the parish EOCs were notstaffed or ifthe Emergency Operations Center(which cansound the sirens for the parishes ifnecessary) was unableto sound the sirens. If the Siren Control Unit in theContfrol Room does not work, the siren sounding time mayhave to be changed. Notif the EOF Emergency Directorwhen the EOF is operational or GOHSEP ifControl Roomis performing Protective Action Recommendations. If theSiren Control Unit in the Control Room does no__t work,contact one of the following and direct them to sound theSiren System.1. Emergency Operations Facility (Backup)2. Alternate Emergency Operations Facility (SecondaryBackup)3. Emergency Planning if available (normal workinghours)CANCEL AN INADVERTENT SIREN SOUNDINGInitial Conditions: White LED Test button on Control Room Siren Control Unit should be illuminated.No other lights should be illuminated on the Siren Control Unit. Press LED Test button -all switch andbuttons should illuminate -this Verifies that lights are working.1. Insert key into the ACTIVATE key switch of the Control Room Siren Control Unit2. Turn ARM switch momentarily to the right, switch should blink On/Off.3. Press CANCEL button. -The ARMV switch should illuminate solid. The CANCEL button shouldilluminate On/Off.4. Momentarily rutn ACTIVATE Key to the right. CANCEL button should illuminate solid.NOTE: Illuminated CANCEL button indicates CANCEL is still in progress. Once CANCEL iscomplete CANCEL button illumination will go out. After illumination of the CANCEL buttongoes out the system can be returned to the normal configuration. To return the system to thenormal configuration, perform the following.1. Remove key from ACTIVATE switch.2. Store keyEIP-2-002 REV -32 PAGE 17 OF 20 ATTACHMENT 4PAGE 2 OF 2SIREN CONTROL FROM THE CONTROL ROOMRBS CONTROL ROOM SIREN ACTIVATION SEQUENCEInitial Conditions: White LED Test button on Control Room Siren Control Unit should be illuminated.No other lights should be illuminated on the Siren Control Unit. Press LED Test button -all switch andbuttons should illuminate -this verifies that lights are working.1. Insert key into the ACTIVATE key switch of the Control Room Siren Control Unit2. Turn ARM switch momentarily to the right, switch should blink On/Off.3. Press ALL CALL button. The ARM switch should illuminate solid. The ALL CALL buttonshould illuminate On/Off..4. Momentarily tur ACTIVATE Key to the right. ALL CALL button should illuminate solid5. Depress and hold the ALL-CALL pushbutton switch until the red ALL-CALL lamp comes on.6. Verify that the yellow ACK lamp momentarily comes on.NOTE: Illuminated ACTIVATE button indicates siren activation is still in progress. Once activation iscomplete ACTIVATE button illumination will go out. After illumination of the ACTIVATEbutton goes out the system can be returned to the normal configuration. To retur the system tothe normal configuration, perform the following.1. Remove key from ACTIVATE switch.2. Store key.EIP-2-002REV -32 PAGE 18 OF 20EIP-2-002 REV -32 PAGE 18 OF 20 ATTACHMENT 5PAGE 1OF 2TOXIC GAS RELEASE CHECKLISTACTIONS Date:______ Time:______Action Completed1 HAZARD FROM OFFSITE RELEASE -If a report is received from _________an offsite organization (for example, Tembec or Big Cajun #2) or (time) (initial)governmental agency that a toxic gas is approaching River Bend:1.1 Use a 10 mile EPZ map and the following table to determinewhether the release is a threat to River Bend Station..Industrial Facilities Within 5 miles of River Bend Station(Facility Distance Wind Direction____________________ _______________________(from)Tembec (Crown Vantage) 3.4 miles 183 degreesBig Cajun #2 3.1 miles 235 degrees1.2 If the release is determined to be a threat, then perform thefollowing:1.2.1 Direct those personnel deemed necessary to remain onsiteto report to the Control Room.1.2.2 Direct Security to institute protective measures forSecurity Officers.1.2.3 Implement EIP-2-026 for evacuations as deemednecessary.1.2.4 Direct Chemistry to monitor the Control Room.1.2.5 Ensure Operators are prepared to dons SCBAs if needed.1.2.6 Take other actions as deemed necessary to protect thehealth and safety of personnel.1.2.7 Upon the determination that the hazard no longer exists,then refer to the recovery actions of Section 3 of thisattachment.1.3 If the release is not determined to be a threat, then monitor thesituation.(time)(time)(time)(time)(time)(time)(time)(time)(initial)(initial)(initial)(initial)(initial)(initial)(initial)(initial)EIP-2-002 REV -32 PAGE 19 OF 20 ATTACHMENT 5PAGE 2 OF 2TOXIC GAS RELEASE CHECKLIST2 HAZARD FROM ONSITE RELEASE -If a report is received that atoxic gas is being released onsite:2.1 Determine if the release is a threat to site personnel.2.1.1 If the release is determined to be a threat, then perform thefollowing: Determine the areas affected by the release2.1.1.2 Notify Security of potential or actual emergency conditionand request that access control for the affected areas beimplemented. Implement EIP-2-026 for evacuations as necessary. Direct Chemistry to monitor the Control Room if necessary. Ensure Operators are prepared to don SCBAs if needed. Contact Environmental Services and inform of the situation. Take other actions as deemed necessary to protect the healthand safety of personnel. Upon determination that the hazard no longer exists, thenrefer to the recovery actions of Section 3 of this attachment.(time) (initial)(time) (initial)(initial)(time) (initial)(initial)(time) (initial)(time) (initial)(time) (initial)(initial)3 RECOVERY ACTIONS3.1 If toxic chemicals actually entered the site boundary, then performthe following:3.1.1 Post and restrict access to all below ground level areas.3.1.2 Sample and determine that each restricted area has a safeenvironment prior to releasing the area for general access.(time) (initial)(initial)(initial)(initial)3.1.3Request an engineering evaluation of the effects of the toxicchemicals on the site (i.e. atmospheric vented tanks,electrical equipment, mechanical components, plantcompressed air systems, etc.)EIP-2-002 REV -32 PAGE 20 OF 20 ATTACHMENT 9.1 10OCFR50.54(q) SCREENINGSHEET I OF 4ProcedurelDocument Number: EIP-2-002 Revision: 32EquipmentlFacilitylOther: River Bend StationTitle: Classification ActionsPart I. Description of Activity Being Reviewed (event or action, or series of actions that may result in a change to theemergency plan or affect the implementation of the emergency plan):1. Revised definition 3.2 Radiological Release -From:For emergency response purposes is defined as ANY detectable discharge of radioactive material to the environmentthat is due to the classified event.To:"For emergency response purposes is defined as ANY detectable discharge of radioactive matedial to theenvironment.2. Revised release characterization contained in definition 3.2.From:No release.Release below federally approved operating limits.Release above federally approved operating limits.To:"Release below federally approved operating limits.Release above federally approved operating limits.I--YES [] NOPart II. Activity Previously Reviewed? 50.54(q)(3) Continue to nextIs this activity fully bounded by an NRC approved 10 CFR 50.90 submittal or Alert and Evaluation is partNotification System Design Report? NOT required.Enterjustificationbelow andIf YES, identify bounding source document number/approval reference and ensure the complete Partbasis for concluding the source document fully bounds the proposed change is VI.documented below:Justification:fl Bounding document attached (optional)ENI-EP-305 REV 3 ATTACHMENT 9.1 10OCFR50.54(q) SCREENINGSHEET 2OF 4Procedure/Document Number: EIP-2-002 Revision: 32EquipmentlFacilltylOther: River Bend StationTitle: Classification ActionsPart Ill. Applicability of Other Regulatory Change Control ProcessesCheck if any other regulatory change processes control the proposed activity.(Refer to EN-LI-I100)NOTE: For example, when a design change is the proposed activity, consequential actions may include changes to otherdocuments which have a different chanige control process and are NOT to be included in this 50.54(q)(3) Screening.APPLICABILITY CONCLUSION[] If there are no controlling change processes, continue the 50.54(q)(3) Screening. Per new templateE] One or more controlling change processes are selected, however, some portion of the activity involves the emergencyplan or affects the implementation of the emergency plan; continue the 50.54(q)(3) Screening for that portion of the activity.Identify the applicable controlling change processes below.LI One or more controlling change processes are selected and fully bounds all aspects of the activity. 50.54(q)(3)Evaluation is NOT required. Identify controlling change processes below and complete Part VI.CONTROLLING CHANGE PROCESSES1 0CFR50,54(ci)Part IV. Editorial Change EJYES [] NO50.54(oq(3) Continue to next partIs this activity an editorial or typographical change such as formatting, paragraph Evaluation isnumbering, spelling," or punctuation that does not change intent? NOT required.EnterJustficaion:justification andJustficaion:complete PartVLPart V. Emergency Planning Element/Function Screen (Associated 10 CFR 50.47(b) planning standard functionidentified in brackets) Does this activity affect any of the following, including program elements from NUREG-0654/FEMAREP-I Section I1?I. Responsibility for emergency response is assigned. [1] [2. The response organization has the staff to respond and to augment staff on a continuing basis (24/7 staffing) [in accordance with the emergency plan. [1]3. The process ensures that on shift emergency response responsibilities are staffed and assigned. [2] ____4. The process for timely augmentation of onshift staff is established and maintained. [2] _____5. Arrangements for requesting and using off site assistance have been made. [3] LI6. S~tate and local staff can be accommodated at the EOF in accordance with the emergency plan. [3] LIEN-EP-305 REV 3 ATTACHMENT 9.1 10OCFR50.54(q) SCREENINGSHEET 3 OF 4Procedure/Document Number: EIP-2-002 Revision: 32EquipmentlFacilitylOther: River Bend StationTitle: Classification ActionsPart V. (Continued)7. A standard scheme of emergency classification and action levels is in use. [41 LI8. Procedures for notification of State and local governmental agencies are capable of alerting them of the Q]declared emergency within 15 minutes after declaration of an emergency and providing follow-up notifications.(519. Administrative and physical means have been established for alerting and providing prompt instructions to the LIpublic within the plume exposure pathway. [5]10. The public ANS meets the design requirements of FEMA-REP-10, Guide for Evaluation of Alert and LINotification Systems for Nuclear Power Plants, or complies with the licensee's FEMA-approved ANS designreport and supporting FEMA approval letter. [5]11. Systems are established for prompt communication among principal emergency response organizations. [61 0]12. Systems are established for prompt communication to emergency response personnel. [6] LI13. Emergency preparedness information is made available to the public on a periodic basis within the plume LIexposure pathway emergency planning zone (EPZ). [7]14. Coordinated dissemination of public information during enmergencies is established. [7] Ii15. Adequate facilities are maintained to support emer ency response. [8] L16. Adequate equipment is maintained to support emergency response. [8] LI17. Methods, systems, and equipment for assessment of radioactive releases are in use. [9] LI18. A range of public PARs is available for implementation during emergencies. (10] LI19. Evacuation time estimates for the population located in the plume exposure pathway EPZ are available to LIsupport the formulation of PARs and have been provided to State and local governmental authorities. [10]___20. A range of protective actions is available for plant emergency workers during emergencies, including those for LIhostile action events.[1 0]21. The resources for controllingj radiological exposures for emergency workers are established. [11] LI22. Arran ements are made for medical services for contaminated, injured individuals. [12] LI23. lan forrecver andreetry re eveoped [1] [24. A, drill and exercise program (including radiological, medical, health physics and other program areas) is LI25. Drills, exercises, and training evolutions that provide performance opportunities to develop, maintain, and IIIdemonstrate key skills are assessed via a formal critique process in order to identify weaknesses. [14] ___26. Identified weaknesses are corrected. [14] [27. Training is provided to emergency responders. [15] ____28. Responsibility for emergency plan development and review is established. [16] LI29. Planners responsible for emergency plan development and maintenance are properiy trained. [16] El[APPLICABILITY CONCLUSION[] If no Part V criteria are checked, a 50.54(q)(3) Evaluation is NOT required; document the basis for conclusion below andcomplete Part VI.LI If any Part V criteria are checked, complete Part VI and perform a 50.54(q)(3) Evaluation.EN-EP-305 REV 3 ATTACHMENT 9.1 IO1CFR50.54(q) SCREENINGSHEET 4OF 4SProcedurelDocument Number: EIP-2-002 IRevision: 32EquipmentlFacilitylOther: River Bend StationTitle: Classification ActionsBASIS FOR CONCLUSIONChange Items 1 and 2. Revised release definition to remove 'due to the classified event' and also removed 'no release' asa release characterdzation.There are no changes to the current offsite notification procedure process with one exception associated with removing'no release' as an option with which to characterize releases from the site. With this change RBS will still provide to localorganizations emergency messages which contain information about the class of emergency, whether a release is takingplace, potentially affected populations, and whether protective measures are necessary. This change is in alignment withNRC RIS 2002-16 and has been agreed to by both State and local officials. Procedures for notification of State and localgovernmental agencies are still capable of alerting them of the declared emergency within 15 minutes after declaration ofan emergency and providing follow-up notifications therefore no further evaluation is required for this change.Part VI. Signatures:Preparer Name (Print)._._._'}-reparer _.Date:Fred Hurst .,/ , ., ,p/=.z-/11-23-15(Optional) Reviewer Name (Print) J Reviewer Signature t'Date:N/AReviewer Name (Print) Reviewer Signature Date:Tom Sowdon A / 1-321Nuclear EP Project ManagerApprover Name (Print) .Approvr Date:EN-EP-305 REV 3 REFERENCE USEENTERGYRIVER BEND STATIONSTATION SUPPORT MANUAL*EMERGENCY IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE*NO TIFI CA TIONSPROCEDURE NUMBER: *EIP-2-006REVISION NUMBER: *43Effective Date: " 1/27/16NOTE: SIGNATURES ARE ON FILE.*INDEXIN~G INFORMATION TABLE OF CONTENTSSECTION PAGE NO.1 PURPOSE ......................................................................................... 22 REFERENCES.................................................................................... 23 DEFINITIONS .................................................................................... 24 RESPONSIBILITY ............................................................................... 35 GENERAL......................................................................................... 46 PROCEDURE ..................................................................................... 57 DOCUMENTATION ............................................................................. 5ATTACHMENT 1 -CONTROL ROOM COMMUNICATOR ..................................... 6ATTACHMENT 2 -TSC/CONTROL ROOM COMMUNICATOR ............................... 9ATTACHMENT 3 --LONG NOTIFICATION MESSAGE FORM ................................10ATTACHMENT 4 -GUIDELINES FOR COMPLETING THE LONG NWF................... 11ATTACHMENT 5 -NMF VERIFICATION CHECKLIST .........................................12ATTACHMENT 6 -PAR VERIFICATION CHECKLIST......................................... 13ATTACHMENT 7 -ACTIVATION OF THE ERO .......... ..................................... 14ATTACHMENT 8 -SHORT NOTIFICATION MESSAGE FORM (TYPICAL) ................17ATTACHMENT 9 -GUIDELINE FOR COMPLETING THE SHORT NWF................... 18EIP-2-006 REV -43 PAGE 1 OF 18 1 PURPOSEThis procedure provides instructions for notifying offsite authorities andactivating the River Bend Station Emergency Response Organization.2 REFERENCES2.1 NRC RIS 2007-02, Clarification of NRC Guidance For EmergencyNotifications During Quickly Changing Events2.2 Emergency Telephone Book2.3 EN-EP-3 10, Emergency Response Organization Notification System2.4 EN-EP-3 12, ERO Notification System Activation and Response3 DEFINITIONS3.1 Short Notification Message Forn (SNMF) -Used for declaration of anemergency classification or changes to the Protective ActionRecommendations (PARs). Notification must be made to State and localauthorities within approximately 15 minutes. The Short NotificationMessage Form contains information about the class of emergency,whether a release is taking place, potentially affected population andareas, and whether protective measures may be necessary.3.2 Long Notification Message Form (LNMIF) -Used for providing State andlocal authorities follow-up information. The LNMIF is sent out as soon aspossible following a SNMF. The LNMF is also sent out for anysignificant changes to plant conditions that do not require an emergencyescalation or change in PARs. No more than 2 hours should be exceededbetween any two LNMFs.EIP-2-006 REV -43 PAGE 2 OF 18 3.3 Radiological Release -For emergency response purposes is defined asANY detectable discharge of radioactive material to the environment.The release characterization should be fuirther defined whencommunicating to offsite agencies to characterize whether or not therelease is below or above Technical Specification limits. Indicate theappropriate release characterization on the Short and Long NotificationMessage Forms.3.3.1. Release BELOW federally approved operating limitsS (Technical Requirements Manual)3.3.2. Release ABOVE federally approved operating limits(Technical Requirements Manual)3.3.3. Effluent Technical Requirements Manual1. Any one of three effluent monitors indicates a value threetimes the High alarm set pointOR2. Any two of the three effluent monitors indicate a valueequal or greater than the High alarm set point.The three effluent monitors are:TITLE NO.Main Plant Exhaust Stack RMS-RE125 Channel 4 (4GE 125)Radwaste Vent. Exhaust RMS-RE006 Channel 4 (4GE006)Fuel Bldg. Vent. Exhaust RMvS-RE005 Channel 4 (4GE005)OR3. An unmonitored release is detected at the site boundary byteams with survey instruments.4 RESPONSIBILITY4.1 Emergency Director (ED) -ensure that notifications to State and localauthorities, as well as the NRC, are completed as required by thisprocedure. Reviews the SNMF and LNMF prior to transmittal to offsiteauthorities.4.2 Communicator -when directed relays information concerning stationstatus to offsite agencies. Performs message verification after NMVFtransmittal.EIP-2-006 REV -43 PAGE 3 OF 18 4.3 TSC/Control Room Communicator -initially communicates with theNRC regarding plant events. Upon being relieved by the ENSCommunicator, the TSC/Control Room Communicator establishescommunications with the EOF and TSC keeping both facilities informedof plant conditions, evolutions, and other information as necessary. Ifdirected by the Shift Manager, the TSC/Control Room Communicator (ifqualified as Emergency Director) will assume Emergency Director dutiesduring EOF relocation to its backup or alternate facility.5 GENERAL5.1 Oflsite notification is expected to be initiated within 15 minutes of eventclassification and/or PAR development.5.2 The minimum information to include in the notification (SNMF):1. Class of emergency2. Date and time of declaration3. Brief description of the emergency4. Wind direction and speed5. Whether offsite protective measures are necessary6. Whether a release is taking place5.3 Degrading plant conditions during a rapidly evolving event can cause anescalated emergency classification to be declared before the notificationsfor the previous (or initial declaration) are made. Use one of the followingthree approaches to insure notifications are made within 15 minutes ofdeclaration of the initial or lower classification.*If the plant condition degrades and a higher classification emergencyis declared before the notifications are made for the lesser emergencydeclaration, update the notification to reflect the higher emergencydeclaration and complete the updated notification within 15 minutesof the lesser emergency declaration.*If the notification cannot be updated-and completed within 15 minutesof the lesser emergency declaration, make the notification for thelesser emergency within 15 minutes of its declaration. The notificationshould contain a caveat that a change in classification is forthcoming.In parallel, prepare the notification for the higher emergencyEIP-2-006 REV -43 PAGE 4 OF 18 classification and make additional notification within 15 minutes of itsdeclaration time.*If the notification for the lesser emergency declaration is in progresswhen the escalation is declared, the notification for the lesseremergency should be completed within 15 minutes of its declaration.The notification could contain a caveat (or verbally when verifyingreceipt of the message) that a change in classification is forthcoming.In parallel, prepare the notification for the higher emergencyclassification and make additional notification within 15 minutes ofthe escalated declaration.6 PROCEDURENOTEThe actions of this procedure may be completed in anysequence, however, the sequence presented isrecommended.6.1 Operations Shift Manager / Emergency Director6.1.1. Complete the Short Notification Message Form usingAttachment 9 guideline as necessary.6.1.2. Direct the Communicator to send after the INFORM messageis approved.6.2 Control Room Communicator6.2.1. The Control Room Communicator should use Attachment 1 asa guideline.6.3 TSC/Control Room Communicator6.3.1. The TSC/Control Room Communicator should use Attachment2 as a guideline.7 DOCUMENTATIONAttachments 1, 2, 5, 6, and 7 of this procedure will be sent to permanent plantfiles (PPF) per EPP-2-100 by the Manager -Emergency Preparedness.EIP-2-006 *REV -43 PAGE 5 OF 18 ATTACHMENT 1PAGE 1OF 3CONTROL ROOM COMMUNICATORINITIAL ACTIONS Date:______Time:______Action CompletedInitialsEnsure that the INFORM computer is ready for message preparation and _______transmission.2 Receive notification message form from ED for offsite notifications. _______NOTEThe recommended sequence is to activate the ERO firstunless notifcation time is short. Notifications to State andlocal must be made within 15 minutes of the declaration.The State and Local Hot Line is the preferred method ofcommunicating messages with the commercial phone andCivil Defense Radio as backups. Backup method(s) isunderstood as the intent if the Hot Line is not available.3Make the following offsite notifications in any sequence determined by the ED:3.1 Notify the State and local authorities within 15 minutes of the declaration ________using SNMF (Attachment 8)3.1.1 Generate a SNMF on INFORM using the message form provided bythe ED.3.1.2 Transmit SNMF to State and local authorities using INFORM.3.2 Activate the Emergency Response Organization using Attachment 7.4 Verify State and local authorities received the SNMvF using the verification list _______produced by INFORM or use the State and Local Hot Line and completeAttachment 5. Complete a new NMF Verification Checklist (Attachment 5) foreach message sent.4.1 If an agency did not receive the INFORM notification message, complete the _______verification of receipt of the other agencies.4.2 If the INFORM notification message is not received, then:4.2.1 If FAX is available, fax the message and verify receipt. _______OR4.2.2 Read the message to the agency(s) line by line over the Hot Line orby commercial phone. Use the Civil Defense Radio if the Hot Line orphones are not available. _______EIP-2-006 REV -43 PAGE 6 OF 18 ATTACHIMENT 1PAGE 2 OF 3CONTROL ROOM COMMUNICATORAction CompletedInitials5 If a General Emergency has been declared and Protective ActionRecommendation (PAR) is being issued from the Control Room:5.1 Call the State EOC (GOHSEP) and Parish EOCs on State/Local Hotline and ______inform them that you will call them back in 5 minutes for a PARconfirmation.5.2 After 5 minutes, contact the State EOC and the five Parish EOCs. Using the _______PAR Verification Checklist (Attachment 6), verify, the Directors or AssistantDirectors are on line for each Parish EOC and the Operations Officer is online for the State EOC.5.3 When verified on the Hot Line, request the Emergency Director (ED) topick up the Hot Line for PAR verification and give the ED Attachment 6 tocomplete.6 As directed by the ED, notify the NRC of the emergency using ENS after_______notifying the State and local authorities and no later than one hour after thedeclaration of the emergency.6.1 The NRC Operations Center phone numbers are 1-301-816-5100 (main) and1-301-951-0550 or 1-301-415-0550 (backups).6.2 Document the NRC notification using NRC Form 361 or similar form.SUBSEOUENT ACTIONS1. Make follow-up notifications to State and local authorities and the NRC as directed by the ED.Verify' receipt of each NMIF using a new NMF Verification Checklist (Attachment 5).1.10Offsite authorities -Long Notification Message Forms (LNMF) should be prepared as soon aspossible following a Short Notification Message Form (SNMIF) or when significant changesoccur that don't warrant emergency escalation.1.1.1 During extended emergencies, time between LNMFs should not exceed 2 hours.1.1.2 Refer to Attachments 3 and 4 for details on LNMF completion.1.2 NRC -Update as requested.2. If directed by the ED, activate the EROpagers for a higher classification.EIP-2-006 REV -43 PAGE 7 OF 18 ATTACHMENT 1PAGE 3 OF 3CONTROL ROOM COMMUNICATORTERMINATION ACTIONSDate:Action CompletedInitials1. Upon termination of the emergency, notify State and local authoritiesusing the LNMF, unless relieved by the TSC.2. Upon termination, forward the originals of all completed Attachmentsto the Operations Shift Manager.)/EIP-2-006 REV -43 PAGE 8 OF 18 ATTACHMENT 2PAGE 1lOFi1TSCICONTROL ROOM COMMUNICATORINITIAL ACTIONS Date:______Time:______Action CompletedInitials1. Perform a turnover with the Control Room Communicator regarding _____the status of information provided to the NRC.2. Communicate with the NRC using the ENS line. Maintain communications_____as requested by the NRC (LC #13626). The NRC Operations Center phonenumbers are 1-301-816-5100 (main) and 1-301-951-0550 or 1-301-415-0550(backups).Time NRC notified:_____3. Document the NRC notification using NRC Form 361 or similar form or log. _____SUBSEQUENT ACTIONS1. Provide the NRC with information updates as requested.2. ,'When relieved of ENS responsibilities by the ENS Communicator, establishcommunications on the status headset with the TSC Operations Coordinatorand EOF Technical Advisor.3. Ensure that the Operations Coordinator and the Technical Advisor are keptinformed on plant conditions, evolutions, equipment status, medical emergencies,fire emergencies, hazardous material emergencies and any other information asnecessary or as requested.4. If directed by the Shift Manager and if qualified as Emergency Director, assumeEmergency Director duties during BOF relocation to its backup or alternate facility.4.1 Refer to EIP-2-002, Classification Actions for guidance.4.2 Request that OSC provide Control Room Communicator (SNEO) and Dose Assessor(Chemistry Technician).4.3 The Shift Manager then assumes the responsibility of providing the TSCupdates on plant status as requested.TERMINATION ACTIONS Date:______Action CompletedInitials1. Upon termination, ensure that the originals of all Attachments are ______forwarded to the Operations Shift Manager.EIP-2-006 REV -43 PAGE 9 OF 18 ATTACHMENT 3PAGEl1OF 1LONG NOTIFICATION MESSAGE FORM(TYPICAL)NOTIFICATION MESSAGE FORM1. THIS IS RIVER BEND STATIONWITH MESSAGE NUMBER ____2. A. TIME ______DATE_____B. COMMUNICATOR:__________C. TEL NO.3. EMERGENCY CLASSIFICATION:A. El NOTIFICATION OF UNUSUAL EVENT C. El SITE AREA EMERGENCYB. El ALERT 0.0[ GENERAL EMERGENCY4. CURRENT EMERGENCY CLASSIFICATION El DECLARATIONTIME:______DA'IE. El TERMINATEDEl[ TERMINATION5. RECOMMENDED PROTECTIVE ACTIONS:A. El No Protective Actions Recommended at this time (Go to item 6).B. El EvacuateC. El Monitor and Prepare ________________D. El Shelter6. INCIDENT DESCRIPTION/UPDATE/COM MENTS:_7. REACTOR SHUTDOWN? El NO El YES TIME:8. METEOROLOGICAL DATA: El NOT AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME (Go to item 9)A. Wind Direction FROM ________Degrees at____________B. Sectors Affected (A-R).C. Stability Class (A-G)D. Precipitation: El None El Rain El Sleet El Snow El Hail El Other9. RELEASE INFORMATION:A. El A RELEASE is occurring BELOW federally approved operating limitsB. El A RELEASE is occurring ABOVE federally approved operating limits10. TYPE OF RELEASE:A. El Radioactive Gases B. El Radioactive Airborne Particulates C. El 11. RELEASE RATE: A. NOBLE GASES ________Ci/s B. IODINE12. ESTIMATE OF PROJECTED OFF-SITE DOSE:A. Projections for _____hours based on: El Field Data El Plant B. TEDE -WB DOSE COMMITMENT (moRemo) C. CDE -THYRC____ DATE: _______MPHoactive Liquids (Go to item 13)-S _____________Cl/sata)1D DOSE COMMITMENT (mRem)Site Boundary _ ______ 5 miles ______Site Boundary2 miles5 miles10 miles2 miles10 miles13. MESSAGE APPROVED BY: _ ____________TITLE: ___________14. MESSAGE RECEIVED BY: ________TITLE: ____EIP-2-006REV -43 PAGE 10 OF 18ETP-2-006 REV-43 PAGE 10 OF 18 ATTACHMENT 4PAGEl1OFi1GUIDELINES FOR COMPLETING THE LONG NMFINFORMMANUAL METHOD* River Bend and Message Number automatic Assign a message number. Number the messagesLine :1 sequentially until the emergency is terminated.** 2A Time/Date automatic upon transmission. 2A Enter Time/Date message was transmitted.Line 2 2B Comm: Enter facility name. 2B Comm.: Enter facility name*2C Tel. No.: Indicate "Hotline" unless alternate 2C Tel. No.: Indicate "Hotline" unless alternate* method is being used, then enter alternate method. method is being used, then enter alternate method.Line 3 Automatic from Short Form. If termination message, Check appropriate classification or terminated.Scheck "terminated".*Line 4 Automatic from Short Form. For termination, check Check either declaration or termination."termination" and enter termination time/date. Enter time/date of emergency declaration or termination.S Check appropriate box(es). If PAR has been Check appropriate box(es). If PARs have beenLine 5 recommended, select appropriate protective actions and recommended, indicate the scenario number. May add-:indicate scenario number. May add information as information as necessary.necessary.SEnter description from Short Form. May add Enter description from Short Form. May add:Line 6: information as necessary. Use this line to correct any information as necessary. Use this line to correct any: previous errors. previous errors.:Line 7 Indicate if the reactor is shutdown. Information should Indicate if the reactor is shutdown. Information should_____ be obtained from Operations. If yes, enter time/date. be obtained from Oerations. If yes, enter the time/date.* Meteorological data for Lines SA-C is available on Meteorological data for Lines SA-C is available on ERISERIS and printers in the Control Room and and printers in the Control Room and Meteorological:Line S: Meteorological Tower. Tower.S A -Enter wind direction (from) and speed. SA -Enter wind direction (from) and speed.8B -Enter the 3 affected wind sectors according to SB -Enter the 3 affected wind sectors according to thethe current wind direction, current wind direction.S C -Enter stability class. SC -Enter stability class.SD -Check appropriate box. SD -Check appropriate box.: Determine release characterization. Determine release characterization.;, 9A/B -Check A or B as appropriate. When checking 9A/B -Check A or B as appropriate. When checking AA or B complete lines 10, 11 and 12. or B complete lines 10, 11 and 12.SIinae 9,______________________...Indicate the type of release(s). If there is no core Indicate the type of release(s). If there is no core,Linej damage, check 1OA for airborne release. If there is damage, check i0A for airborne release. If there is clad1 0. clad damage or fuel melt, check 1OA & lOB for damage or ifuel melt, check 10A & lOB for airborne,,, airborne release. If the release is a liquid release, check release. If the release is a liquid release, check 10OC.... l0C.Line Enter release rate. DRMS provides release rates in Enter release rate. DRMS provides release rates ini11 uCi/sec. These rates must be converted to Ci/sec uCi/sec. These rates must be converted to Ci/sec., 12A Enter number of hours used and method used in 12A Enter number of hours used and method used inLine dose calculation, dose calculation.12 "*12B Obtain from URI/RASCAL results.. 12B Obtain from URI/RASCAL results.*Line. Enter Emergency Director's name and "ED" as title. Enter Emergency Director's name and "ED" as title. ED1i3: : ED must review and approve NMvFs prior to must review and approve NMFs prior to transmission.*
- transmission.Line Leave blank. For use by parishes. Leave blank. For use by parishes.14:-EIP-2-006 REV -43 PAGE 11 OF 18 ATTACHMENT 5PAGE 1lOFi1NMF VERIFICATION CHECKLISTEnsure at least on...e of the agencies in each of the following rows receives the message.(EOC -Emergency Operations Center)MESSAGE #______MSG. REC'DFACILITY (YES /NO /NA)La. Dept. of Environmental Quality (LDEQ)(M-F -8AM to 4PM only)Governor's Office Homeland Security &Emergency Preparedness -GOHSEP(EOC or 911)West Feliciana Parish 911West Feliciana Parish EOCEast Feliciana Parish 911East Feliciana Parish EOC _______Pointe Coupee Parish 911Pointe Coupee Parish EOCEast Baton Rouge Parish 911East Baton Rouge Parish EOCWest Baton Rouge Parish 911West Baton Rouge Parish EOCMississippi Emergency ManagementAgency (MEMA)Mississippi Highway Patrol (MIIP)________At General Emergency Parish EO~s and State EOC OperationsOfficer informed of 5-mninute PAR verification phone call YES NO NAMessage Verified ________________________Communicator Signature / KCN Time / DateEIP-2-006 REV -43 PAGE 12 OF 18 ATTACHMENT 6PAGEl1OFi1PAR VERIFICATION CHECKLISTScenario # Recommended: ____Date:____Communicator verifies that correct individuals are on the Hot Line by placing a check mark on theappropriate line. The ED will verify approved scenario and initial the form.(OHSEP -Office of Homeland Security & Emergency Preparedness)WEST FELICLANA PARISH: ED Initial On LineDirector (OHSEP) _____Assistant Director ______APPROVED SCENARIO #____ ____EAST FELICIANA PARISH:Director (OHSEP) _____Assistant Director ______APPROVED SCENARIO #____ ____POINTE COUPEE PARISH:Director (OHSEP) _____Assistant Director ______APPROVED SCENARIO #____ ____WEST BATON ROUGE PARISH:Director (OHSEP) _____Assistant Director ______APPROVED SCENARIO #____ ____EAST BATON ROUGE PARISH:Director (OHSEP) _____Assistant Director ______APPROVED SCENARIO #____ ____STATE OF LOUISIANAState EOC (GOHSEP) Operations Officer _____Siren Sounding Time:__________EIP-2-006 REV -43 PAGE 13 OF 18 ATTACHMENT 7PAGE 1 0F 3ACTIVATION OF THE EROPrimary Method of ERO ActivationNOTEIf the ERO has already been activated at an ALERT or higher classification, anysubsequent classifications do not require ERO Notification System activation.The ERO Global Page is initially used to alert the ERO of the ensuing EverB ridge Notification.If EverBridge cannot be accessed using the steps 'below, it can be accessed fromany internet ready PC at hftt://eron. enteriv. coin1. Obtain the following Primary_ ERO Activation codes from Communicator binder and input into blanks:Global Page Security Code_____ EverBridge Access Code_____ EverBridge Pass Code____2. Activate the ERO Global Page using the plant pager system:2.1 Dial 4605 or 5105.2.2 Enter 2000 as the pager number.2.3 When prompted enter the Global Page Security Code from step 1.2.4 When prompted key in the call back number *#*30#3. Activate the EverBridge ERO Notification system:3.1 Obtain the classification level, ________, from the ED/STA.3.2 Open the EverBridge ERO Notification System by clicking:Start All Programs Nuclear Corporate Apps Nuclear Emergency Response ERON3.3 Enter Access Code and Pass Code from step 1 and click Submit.3.4 Select the appropriate Emergency Classification.3.5 Answer "Yes" or "No" to Security EAL question, "Was the event declared on a Security EAL."NOTEIf a hazard is presently onsite that may jeopardize responding ERO members,the Emergency Director should consider using the EverBridge Action whichdirects personnel to alternate reporting locations.For NO UE Classification, "No Action/Information Only" should be the selectedAction unless directed otherwise by the Emergency Director.3.6 Select the appropriate response Action by clicking on it.3.7 Once satisfied with the message content, click "Send Notification" button.3.8 Answer "Yes" to verification question, "Are you CERTAIN you want to send this message?"4. Log time ERO activated.______5. Verify that pagers in the facility have sounded within approximately 3 minutes after EROactivation time in step 4.6. If message was successfully sent, proceed to page 2 of this attachment for the Alternate Method ofERO Activation.7. Upon completion, notify ED/STA _____________ ____Signature / KCNDateEIP-2-006 REV -43 PAGE 14 OF 18 ATTACHMENT 7PAGE 2 OF 3ACTIVATION OF T11E EROAlternate Method of ERO Activation1. Obtain the following Alternate ERO Activation codes from Communicator binder and enter into blanks:Global Page Security CodeEverBridge Member TDEverBridge Password2. If not perfonmed on page 1 of this attachment, activate the ERO Global Page using the plant pager system:2.1 Dial 4605 or 5105.2.2 Enter 2000 as the pager number.2.3 When prompted enter the Global Page Security Code from step 1.2.4 When prompted key in the call back number *#*30#3. Activate the EverBridge ERO Notification System:,3.1 Determine which message you wish to send from the flowchart. You will recite this message in Step 3.7.No'An unusuailEvent has been declaredat the plan~t:;. No ,additlonaL ctloris' are; II: ,': :requir(ed at thiis time.7;Khas beeni declared at: the plant.:;:Report to youri assigned emergency.:reaponse..facility:. FFD~requ irements:NO ac ion(required)A(n ) ;( Emero encvy Cassltcatlonl)* ,:has been dclar-ed: at ;the plant.;.it0 you~r altern~ate assignfed:i <* re'quirem'ents a Pply. ::: : :4:: A: Security Event has, declared at the'.I accordanice to the PA If:j DO'NOT REPORT TOT-IHE:SITE;;...'Dial 9-1-888-440-4911 or 9-1-303-825-2212.When prompted, enter the Member ID from Step 1 followed by the # sign.When prompted, enter the Password from Step 1 followed by the # sign.When prompted, press i to send the message to ALL PATHS and ALL GROUPS.When prompted, press 1 to record a message.When prompted, record your voice message from the flowchart.If necessary, press 1 to play the message, press 2 to re-record the message, or if satisfied with the messagerecording press 3 to send the message.When prompted, press 1 to launch broadcast.3.94.5.Log time ERO activated.Upon completion, notify ED/STA.Signature / KCNDate6. If unsuccessful in activating the EverBridge ERO notification system via the Primary or Alternate methods,proceed to page 3 of this attachment for the Backup Method of ERO Activation.EIP-2-006 REV -43 PAGE 15 OF 18 ATTACHMENT 7PAGE 3 OF 3ACTIVATION OF THE EROBackup Method of ERO Activation1. Obtain the following Backup ERO Activation codes from Communicator binder and input intoblank:Global Page Security Code ____2. Activate the pagers by dialing 4605 or 5105 on the plant phone system. If the plant phonesystem is inoperable, dial 381-4605, 635-5105, or 635-6864 on a direct line.3. Enter 2000 as the pager number.4. Enter the Global Page Security Code from step 1.5. When prompted key in the appropriate code as written from the following:1) Enter *ff*02# (Notification of Unusual Event)2) Enter *#*03# (Alert)3) Enter *#*04# (Site Area Emergency)4) Enter *#*05# (General Emergency)5) Enter *#* 10# (Alert. Staff alternate facilities.)6) Enter *#* 11#f (Site Area Emergency. Staff alternate facilities.)7) Enter *#* 1 2# (General Emergency. Staff alternate facilities.)8) Enter *#*43# (Protected Area Evacuation)6. When page is accepted, hang up.7. Log time pagers activated. ________8. Verify that pagers in the facility have sounded within approximately 3 minutes after EROactivation time in step 7. If not, begin calling the ERO using the Emergency Telephone Book.9. Upon completion, notify ED/STA.Signature/KCN DateEIP-2-006 REV -43 PAGE 16 OF 18 ATTACHMENT 8: ~PAGEl1OFiSHORT NOTIFICATION MESSAGE FORM (TYPICAL)Time/Date: Message:This is River Bend StationA General Emergency was declared at[I ]on [forWind from Deg. At MPHPAR Reference Scenario No.:O Release BELOW federally approved operating limitso Release ABOVE federally approved operating limitsAuthorized by: Title:Time/Date: Message:This is River Bend StationA Site Area Emergency was declared atI on [fo rWind from Deg. At MPHNo Protective Actions Required.O Release BELOW federally approved operating limitsO Release ABOVE federally approved operating limitsAuthorized by:I Title:[EIP-2-006 REV -43 PAGE 17 OF 18 ATTACHMENT 9PAGE 1lOF 1GUIDELINE FOR COMPLETING THE SHORT NMFNotification of General EmergencyTime/Date:Message: LiThis is River Bend StationA General Emergency was declared atZ1 I o°n f IorwWind from Deg.WAt _ MPHO Release BELOW federally approved operating limitso Release ABOVE federally approved operating limitsAuthorized by:,ETitle:Liz I II .. .... .1 Message transmittal time and date (auto generated by the program when transmitted). If INFORM is INOP and the message isread or faxed to the recipients, write the time and date the first contact was established to read the message or the time the>2 Sequential message number sent for the emergency (auto generated by the program when transmitted). Include the messagenumber when completing the hand written SNMIF.3 Time of emergency declaration (24 hour clock).4 Date of emergency declaration. Format mm/dd/yyyy5*Include IC-EAL #, example AU1-2.6 The description of the event causing the classification. The description may be brief with detailed event information sent on aLNMF as soon as possible after the SNMF. The description does not have to be worded exactly like the IC and EAL but shouldbe sufficient for the offsite agencies to understand the event that occurred. In most instances, the description in the IC containsadequate information. If the IC or EAL contains an "or" statement, include only the applicable part. (Example: H1A4 contains "fireor explosion" in the IC and EAL. If the initiating event is a fire, do not include explosion in the event description.)7 Wind directiOn FROM. This information is obtained from the AMI-80 MET Data printer in the control room or other source.EPP-2-503 provides guidance if MET data is not_ available.iWind speed. This information: is obtained from the AMI:80 MET Data printer in the control room or other source. EPP-2-503prvdsgidance if MET data is not_ available.9 Assess DRMS or ERIS effluent monitors trend to determine if any detectable discharge of radioactive material to the environmenthas occurred. Procedure section 3.3 contains definitions for release. Select the appropriate release characterization.O (GE only) PAR Scenario number. Use E]P-2-007 and PAR flow chart to determine the correct PAR.11 Eerec Director nameE12 ED* The wording of many ICs for the different classification levels differ by one or two words. The IC-EAL # is a tool to ensure the correctEAL condition is communicated.EIP-2-006 REV -43 PAGE 18 OF 18 ATTACHMENT 9.1 10OCFR50.54(q) SCREENINGSHEET t OF 5{Procedure/Document Number: EIP-2-006 Revision: 43EquipmentlFacility/Other: River Bend StationTitle: NotificationsPart I. Description of Activity Bei~ig Reviewed (event or action, or series of actions that may result in a change to theemergency plan or affect the implementation of the emergency plan):1. Revised definition 3.3 Radiological Release -From:For emergency response purposes is defined as ANY detectable discharge of radioactive material to the environmentthat is due to the classified event.To...:For emergency response purposes is defined as ANY detectable discharge of radioactive material to theenvironment.2. Revised release characterization contained in definition 3.3.From:No release.Release below federally approved operating limits.Release above federally approved operating limits.To:"Release below federally approved operating limits.Release above federally approved operating limits.3. Attachment 3 -Revised Long Notification Message Form to include on Line 5C 'Monitor and Prepare' as an option for aRecommended Protective Action. Moved 'Shelter' as an option from Line 5C to Line 5D.4. Attachment 3 -Revised Long Notification Message Form lines 9A, D and E to remove 'No Release' as releaseinformation characterization and to be consistent with change 2 above.5. Attachment 4- Revised Guidelines for Completing the Long NMF Line 9 to remove 'No release' as an option and to beconsistent with change 4 above. Reordered remaining steps.6. Attachment 8 -Revised Short Notification Message Form examples for the Site Area Emergency and GeneralEmergency to remove the 'No Release' option to be consistent with change 2 above.7. Attachment 9 -Revised Guideline for Completing the Short NMF to remove the option of 'No Release' to be consistentwith change 6 above.8. Attachment 9 -Revised Guideline for Completing the Short NMF line 7 and 8 to change procedure reference EIP-2-001to EPP-2-503.9. Attachment 9 -Revised Guideline for Completing the Short NMF line 9.From:Assess DRMS or ERIS effluent monitors trend to determine if any detectable discharge of radioactive material to theenvironment that is due to the classified event has occurred.To:"Assess DRMS or ERIS effluent monitors trend to determine if any detectable discharge of radioactive material to theenvironment has occurred.10. Responsibility -Added the following responsibility for the TSC/Control Room Communicator. TSC/Control RoomCommunicator -initially communicates with the NRC regarding plant events. Upon being relieved by the ENSCommunicator, the TSC/Control Room Communicator establishes communications with the EOF and TSC keeping bothfacilities informed of plant conditions, evolutions, and other information as necessary. If directed by the Shift Manager,the TSC/Control Room Communicator (if qualified as Emergency Director) will assume Emergency Director duties duringEOF relocation to its backup or alternate facility.11. Attachment 2 -Added Subsequent Action 4 -If directed by the Shift Manager and if qualified as Emergency Director,assume Emergency Director duties during EOF relocation to its backup or alternate facility. Refer to EIP-2-002,Classification Actions for guidance. Request CR Communicator (SNEO) and Dose Assessor (Chemistry Technician).The Shift Manager then assumes the responsibility of providing the TSC updates on plant status as requested.EN-EP-305 REV 3 ATTACHMENT 9.1 10OCFR50.54(q) SCREENINGSHEET 2 OF 5PrOcedure/Document Number: EIP-2-006 Revision: 43EquipmentlFacilitylOther: River Bend StationTitle: NotificationsPart II. Activity Previously Reviewed? [--IYES []NOIs this activity fully bounded by an NRC approved 10 CFR 50.90 submittal or Alert and 50.54(q)(3) Continue to nextNotfiatin ystm esin epotEvaluation is partNotiicaton yste Desgn epor? iNOT required.EnterIf YES, identify bounding source document number/approval reference and ensure the buelitow ndbasis for concluding the source document fully bounds the proposed change is complete Partdocumented below: VI.Justification:El Bounding document attached (optional)Part lUi. Applicability of Other Regulatory Change Control ProcessesCheck if any other regulatory change processes control the~proposed activity.(Refer to EN-LI-I100)NOTE: For example, when a design change is the proposed activity, consequential actions may include changes to otherdocuments which have a different change control process and are NOT to be included in this 50.54(q)(3) Screening.APPLICABILITY CONCLUSION[] If there are no controlling change processes, continue the 50.54(q)(3) Screening. Per new templateEl One or more controlling change processes are selected, however, some portion of the activity involves the emergencyplan or affects the implementation of the emergency plan; continue the 50.54(q)(3) Screening for that portion of the activity.Identify the applicable controlling change processes below.El One or more controlling change processes are selected and fully bounds all aspects of the activity. 50.54(q)(3)Evaluation is NOT required. Identify controlling change processes below and complete Part VI.CONTROLLING CHANGE PROCESSESI 0CFR50.54(q)Part IV. Editorial Change E]YES [] NOIs this activity an editorial or typographical change such as formatting, paragraph Evaluato3n Cotneionxtprnumbering, spelling, or punctuation that does not change intent? NOT required.EnterJustficaion:justification andVI.Part V. Emergency Planning Element/Function Screen (Associated 10 CFR 50.47(b) planning standard functionidentified in brackets) Does this activity affect any of the following, including program elements from NUREG-0654/FEMAREP-I Section II?1. Responsibility for emergency response is assigned. [1] ElI2. The response organization has the staff to respond and to augment staff on a continuing b~asis (24/7 staffing) Elin accordance with the emergency plan. [1]3. The process ensures that on shift emergency response responsibilities are staffed and assigned. [2] El4. The process for timely augmentation of onshift staff is established and maintained. [2] LII5. Arrangements for requesting and using off site assistance have been made. [3] El6. State and local staff can be accommodated at the EOF in accordance with the emergency plan. [3] LiiEN-EP-305 REV 3 ATI'ACHMENT 9.1 10CFR50.54(q) SCREENINGSHEET 3OF 5Procedure/Document Number: EIP-2-O06 Revision: 43EquipmentlFacility/Other: River Bend StationTitle: NotificationsPart Vi(Continued)7. A standard scheme of emergency classification and action levels is in use. [4] E8. Procedures for notification of State and local governmen~tal agencies are capable of alerting them of the []9. Administrative and physical means have been established for alerting and providing prompt instructions to the El10. The public ANS meets the design requirements of FEMA-REP-lo, Guide for Evaluation of Alert and Elreport and supporting FEMA approval letter. [5]11. Systems are established for prompt communication among principal emergency response organizations. [6] Q]12. Systems are established for prompt communication to emergency response personnel. [6] El13. Emergency preparedness information is made available to the public on a periodic basis within the plume Elexposure pathway emergency planning zone (EPZ). [7]14. Coordinated dissemination of public information during emergencies is established. [7] El15. Adequate facilities are maintained to support emergency response. [8] LI16. Adequate e uipment is maintained to support emer ency response. [8] E17. Methods, systems, and equipment for assessment of radioactive releases are in use. [9] El18. A range of public PARs is available for implementation duding emergencies. [10] El19. Evacuation time estimates for the population located in the plume exposure pathway EPZ are available to Elsupport the formulation of PARs and have been provided to State and local governmental authorities. [10] ___20. A range of protective actions is available for plant emergency workers during emergencies, including those for Elhostile action events. 10]____21. The resources for controlling radiological exposures for emergency workers are established. [11] El22. Arrangements are made for medical services for contaminated, injured individuals. [12] El23. Plans for recovery and reentry are developed. [13] El24. A drill and exercise program (including radiological, medical, health physics and other program areas) is Elestablished. [14]25. Drills, exercises, and training evolutions that provide performance opportunities to develop, maintain, and Eldemonstrate key skills are assessed via a formal critique process in order to identify weaknesses. [14] ___26. Identified weaknesses are corrected. [14] El27. Training is provided to emergency responders. [15] El28. Responsibility for emergency plan development and review is established. [16] El29. Planners responsible for emergency plan development and maintenance are properly trained. [16] ElAPPLICABILITY CONCLUSION[] If no Part V criteria are checked, a 50.54(q)(3) Evaluation is NOT required; document the basis for conclusion below andcomplete Part VI.El If any Part V criteria are checked, complete Part VI and perform a 50.54(q)(3) Evaluation.EN-EP-305 REV 3 ATTACHMENT 9.1 10OCFR50.54(q) SCREENINGSHEET 4 OF 5Procedure/Document Number: EIP-2-006 Revision: 43Equipment/Facility/Other: River Bend StationTitle: NotificationsBASIS FOR CONCLUSIONChangqe Items 1.,2 and 9. Revised release definition to remove 'due to the classified event' and also removed 'no release'as a release characterization.There are no changes to the current offsite notilication procedure process with one exception associated with removing'no release' as an option with which to characterize releases from the site. With this change RBS will still provide to localorganizations emergency messages which contain information about the class of emergency, whether a release is takingplace, potentially affected populations, and whether protective measures are necessary. This change is in alignment withNRC RIS 2002-16 and has been agreed to by both State and local officials. Procedures for notification of State and localgovemnmental agencies are still capable of alerting them of the declared emergency within 15 minutes after declaration ofan emergency and providing follow-up notifications therefore no further evaluation is required for this change.Chanae Item # 3. Attachment 3 -Revised Long Notification Message Form to include on Line 5C 'Monitor andPrepare' as an option for a Recommended Protective Action. Moved 'Shelter' as an option from Line 50 to Line5D. This change was previously evaluated by RBS under a 10CFR50.54(q)(3) performed on 12/2114 as part ofrevision 26 of EIP-2-007. That 10CFR50.54(q) determined the use of monitor and prepare was consisten~t withregulatory guidance and was not a reduction in effectiveness of Emergency Plan functions and could beincorporated without prior NRC approval. No further evaluation is required for this change.Chanqe Item # 4 Attachment 3 -Revised Long Notification Message Form Line 9A to remove 'No Release' as a release*information characterization to be consistent with change 2.Chanqe Item # 5. Attachment 4- Revised Guidelines for Completing the Long NMF Line 9 to remove 'No release' as anoption to be consistent with change 4. Reordered remaining steps.Changqe Item # 6. Attachment 8 -Revised Short Notification Message Form examples for the Site Area Emergency andGeneral Emergency to remove the 'No Release' option to be consistent with change 2.Chanqe Item # 7. Attachment 9 -Revised Guideline for Completing the Short NMF to remove the option of 'No Release' tobe consistent with change 6(2 or 6).Changes 4 and 6 remove 'No release' from typical forms on both the Long NMF and Short NMF. Changes 5 and7 remove from the guidance on completion of Long NMF and Short NMF the use of 'No Release'. The ability toperform notifications to State/Local agencies in a timely manner is not impacted by this change as notifications ofemergency classification and Protective Action Recommendation (PAR) are still being made by Short NotificationMessage Form. The evaluation of the removal of 'No Release' is being performed as part of change #2 above.Changes 4, 5, 6 and 7 do not change the meaning or intent of a description, does not change facilities orequipment, and does not change a process. No further evaluation is required for these changes.Changqe Item # 8. Attachment 9 -Revised Guideline for Completing the Short NMF line 7 and 8 to change procedurereference from EIP-2-001 to EPP-2-503. Lines 7 and 8 of the Guidelines direct the user to refer to a procedure foralternate methods of acquiring meteorological information if it's not available. The procedure attachment information hasbeen moved from EIP-2-001 to EPP-2-503. This change was previously evaluated by RBS under a 10CFR50.54(q)(3)performed on 12/2/14 as part of revision 25 of EIP-2-001. That I0CFR50.54(q) determined the move of this informationwas not a reduction in effectiveness of Emergency Plan functions and could be incorporated without prior NRC approval.No further evaluation is required for this change.Chanqe #10. Added Responsibility 4.3 to identify those of the TSC/Control Room Communicator. These responsibilitiesinclude those listed in Attachment 2 and an additional responsibility was included to assume the role of EmergencyDirector upon EOF relocation to its backup or altemnate facility. This additional responsibility is contingent upon theTSC/Control Room Communicator being Emergency Director qualified.Changqe #11. Attachment 2- Added Subsequent Action 4 -If directed by the Shift Manager and if qualified as EmergencyDirector, assume Emergency Director duties during EOF relocation to its backup or altemnate facility. Refer to EIP-2-002,Classification Actions for guidance. Request CR Communicator (SNEO) and Dose Assessor (Chemistry Technician). TheShift Manager then assumes the responsibility of providing the TSC updates on plant status as requested.EN-EP-305 REV 3 ATTACHMENT 9.1 10OCFR50.54(q) SCREENINGSHEET 5 OF 5Procedure/Document Number: EIP-2-006 Revision: 43SEquipmentlFacility/Other: River Bend StationTitle: NotificationsThe responsibilities of the TSCIControl Room Communicator were not previously listed under the responsibility section ofthe procedure. This addition is considered as an enhancement to the procedure. The additional responsibility of theTSC/Control Communicator assuming the role of Emergency Director would only apply during the unlikely event of the EOFrelocating to its backup or altemnate location and only if the individual was Emergency Director qualified. Upon the effectivedate of this procedure change, individuals assuming the role of TSC/Control Room Communicator will be Shift Managersand therefore will be ED qualified. Once the EOF has relocated and become operational, command and control includingEmergency Director responsibilities will be returned to the EOF Emergency Director. No further evaluation is required forthis change.Part VI. Signatures:___________Preparer Name (Print) ' ~R re rer Sig ture Date:Fred Hurst 11-23-15(Optional) Reviewer Name (Print) RverigaueDate:N/AReviewer Name (Print) Reviewer Signature Date:Tom Sowdon , f_. 11-23-2015Nuclear EP Project Manager ._________Approver Name (Print) Date:EP manager or designee Sc'e.)-EN-EP-305 REV 3 REFERENCE USE*P 13.01ENTERGYRIVER BEND STATIONSTATION SUPPORT MANUAL*EMERGENCY IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE*OPERA TIONS SUPPORT CENTERPROCEDURE NUMBER: *EIP-2-016REVISION NUMBER: *30Effective Date: *1/27/16NOTE : SIGNATURES ARE ON FILE.*INEXNGINFORMATION TABLE OF CONTENTSSECTION PAGE NO.1 PU R PO SE ..................................................................22 REFERENCES ...................................................................................... 23 DEFINITIONS ...... .............................. ................................................... 24 RESPONSIBILITIES................................................................................ 35 GENERAL........................................................................................ ...56 PROCEDURE........................................................................................ 67 DOCUMENTATION ............................................................................... 6ATTACHMENT 1 -OSC MANAGER ................................... 7ATTACHMENT 2 -WORK CONTROL COORDINATOR ......................................... 8ATTACHMENT 3 -MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL/I&C COORDINATORS ...........1I0ATTACHMENT 4 -RAD/CHEM COORDINATOR ............................................... 11ATTACHMENT 5 -TSC/OSC/CR HABITABILITY TECHNICIAN ..... ....................... 14ATTACHMENT 6 -OSC LOG KEEPER............................................................. 15ATTACHMENT 7 -OSC SUPPORT PERSONNEL ................................................ 16ATTACHMENT 8 -TSC VENTILATION EMERGENCY MODE OPERATIONS ............. 18ATTACHMENT 9 -OPERATIONS SUPPORT CENTER ORGANIZATION... ................ 20ATTACHMENT 10 -OPERATIONS SUPPORT CENTER FLOOR PLAN...................... 21ATTACHMENT 11 -OSC PERSONNEL CHECKLIST............................................ 22EIP-2-016 REV -30 PAGE 1 OF 22 1 PURPOSEThis procedure provides site specific instructions for activation, operation, andrelocation of the Operations Support Center (OSC). Entergy fleet procedure EN-EP-6 11, Operations Support Center (0OSC) Operations is the primary procedureto reference for OSC activation and operations.2 REFERENCES2.1 EIP-2-012, Radiation Exposure Controls2.2 EIP-2-0 15, Post Accident Sampling Operations*2.3 EN-RP-104, Personnel Contamination Events 2.4 EN-RP-121, Radioactive Material Control2.5 RPP-0006, Radiological Surveys2.6 EN-RP-108, Radiation Protection Posting2.7 EN-EP-61 1, Operations Support Center (OSC) Operations2.8 EN-EP-801, Emergency Response Organization3 DEFINITIONS3.1 Habitable -For the purpose of this procedure, the term habitable isbased solely on radiological conditions, however, the OSC Managermay declare the OSC uninhabitable based upon other conditions.3.2 Augmentation -Actions taken to support onshift personnel or theEmergency Response Organization.3.3 Search and Rescue Team -Teams used to locate missing/unaccountedindividuals and to provide assistance in removing individuals from theevacuated area. Search and Rescue Teams should be composed of atleast two persons selected from Radiation Protection Technicians,Chemistry Technicians, Nuclear Control Operators/Nuclear EquipmentOperators, or First Responders. If one of the team members is not anRP Technician, at least one of the team members must be trained in theuse of radiation survey instruments. At least one team member must betrained in search and rescue techniques. Fire Brigade members aretrained in search and rescue techniques.EIP-2-016 REV -30 PG F2PAGE 2 OF 22 4 RESPONSIBILITIES4.1 OSC Manager -reports to the Emergency Plant Manager and has theoverall responsibility for the activation and operation of the OperationsSupport Center. Direct and control the OSC, coordinate all OSCemergency response activities, and keep the Emergency Plant Managerinformed about OSC activities.4.2 Work Control Coordinator -reports to the OSC Manager. Ensure thatthe OSC is activated. Coordinate the formation, briefing, timelydispatch and debriefing of repair and corrective action teams, search andrescue teams and onsite monitoring teams and mobilize other requiredsupport personnel. Maintain communications with the MaintenanceCoordinator in the TSC. Ensure OSC Team Dispatching Forms arecompleted for all work teams dispatched, assume the responsibilities ofOSC Manager when the OSC Manager is not available, keep the OSCManager informed of the status of OSC operations, and ensure OSCstaff provides support functions per the applicable section(s) of thisprocedure. Use status boards or other acceptable methods.4.3 Mechanical and Electrical/I&C Coordinator(s) -reports to the WorkControl Coordinator. Assign team members to the repair and correctiveaction teams. Conduct or participate in the pre-job briefing for theassigned tasks. Ensure repair and corrective action teams are tracked.Ensure communication with the teams is maintained. Participate indebriefing of returning emergency teams.4.4 RadlChem Coordinator -reports to the Work Control Coordinator.Assist in making the OSC operational, coordinate the activities ofRadiation Protection and Chemistry personnel, ensure all work teamsdispatched in the plant are briefed and debriefed.4.5 OSC Operations Support -reports to the OSC Manager. This positionis filled by an On-shift Operator. Support the OSC as needed, ensuresthe OSM is informed of OSC teams and activities. Identify potentialoperational support needs. Assist Coordinators is assigning operationaltasks to qualified operators. OSC Operations Support may be assignedother duties and is not required to remain in the OSC.4.f6 OSC Log Keeper- reports to the OSC Manager. Maintain facility logon OSC status boards and/or displays. Ensure timeliness of facilitybriefs by prompting OSC Manager of the briefing schedule if necessary.Support the OSC Manager as requested.EIP-2-016 REV -30 PG F2PAGE 3 OF 22 4.7 OSC Teams -reports to Work Control Coordinator. Performs qualifiedjob functions and/or emergency plan functions as directed by the OSCManager or Coordinators.4.8 Mechanical Maintenance Personnel -Implement repair and correctiveactions as directed by the OSC Manager.4.9 Electrical Maintenance Personnel -Implement repair and correctiveactions as directed by the OSC Manager.4.10 I & C Maintenance Personnel -Implement repair and corrective actionsas directed by the OSC Manager.4.11 Operations Personnel -assist the OSC teams on plant/operationalmatters, fire brigade, or search and rescue as directed by the OSCManager.4.12 Chemistry Technician Personnel -support accident assessment effortsby obtaining and analyzing plant radiochemistry and chemistry samples,perform dose assessment in the Control Room until the TSC isoperational and serve as a member of the offsite RadiologicalMonitoring Team as directed by the Rad/iChem Coordinator. On-shiftChemistry Technician reporting to the Control Room to perform doseassessment reports to OSC after the EOF becomes operational.4.13 Radiation Protection Technician Personnel -provide personnelmonitoring and dosimetry for emergency response personnel; provideradiation protection coverage for repair and corrective actions, searchand rescue, first aid, and fire fighting; assist in access control toradioactive contaminated areas; provide for personnel monitoring duringan evacuation of site personnel; and assist with radiation protectiontasks as directed by the Rad/Chem Coordinator including radiologicalbriefing and debriefing of teams.4.14 Habitability Technician -complete the check of emergency equipmentand perform initial and periodic habitability surveys of the ControlRoom, TSC and OSC; keep the Radiological Coordinator andRad/Chem Coordinator informed of TSC, OSC and CR habitability;maintain the OSC contamination control point, and perform otheractions as directed by the Rad/Chem Coordinator.4.15 Fire Brigade -provide fire suppression and protection activities asrequired. Fire Brigade members may perform other functions asdirected when fire brigade emergency response is not required.EIP-2-016 REV -30 PG F2PAGE 4 OF 22 4.16 First Responder Team -provide emergency care or treatment to ill orinjured personnel before medical assistance can be obtained during anemergency. First Responder Team members may perform otherfunctions as directed when medical emergency response is not required.4.17 Search and Rescue -search for missing or troubled plant personnel andreturn them safely to the facility. Search and Rescue Team membersmay perform other functions as directed when search and rescueemergency response is not required.5 GENERAL5.1 Attachment 9, Operations Support Center Organization Chart is atypical makeup for the OSC.5.2 Attachment 10, Operations Support Center Floor Plan is a typical setupfor the OSC.The OSC may be activated at any time, and shall be activated at anAlert, Site Area Emergency, or General Emergency declaration. Onceactivated, the OSC shall become operational as soon as possible afterdeclaration of any of these emergency classifications. When OSCminimum staffing can be accomplished with onsite personnel, it is thegoal to become operational within 45 minutes. Otherwise, it is the goalto be operational in 90 minutes.5.4 Situations may arise where personnel responding to an emergency willnot be able to access the emergency response facilities in the protectedarea (e.g. terrorist event). In these situations, TSC personnel shouldman the Emergency Operations Facility located in the Training Center.Operations Support Center personnel should also be staged in the EOFand carry out the applicable steps of this procedure. EOF personnel willreport to the Alternate EOF in Baton Rouge. Joint Information Centerpersonnel will be directed to the Governor's Office of HomelandSecurity and Emergency Preparedness (GOHSEP) in Baton Rouge.EIP-2-016 REV -30 PAGE 5 OF 22 6 PROCEDURENOTEThe actions of this procedure may be completed in anysequence, however, the sequence presented isrecommended.6.1 OSC Manager6.1.1. The OSC Manager should use Attachment I as a guideline.NOTEThe Work Control Coordinator, Mechanical Coordinator,Electrical/I&C Coordinator, and Rad/Chem Coordinatorassigned to respond at the ALERT level however all threeare not required for minimum staffing.6.2 Work Control Coordinator6.2.1. The Work Control Coordinator should use Attachment 2 as aguideline..6.3 Mechanical and Electrical/I & C Coordinators6.3.1. The Mechanical and Electrical/I & C Coordinators should useAttachment 3 as a guideline.6.4 Rad/Chem Coordinator6.4.1. The Rad/Chem Coordinator should use Attachment 4 as aguideline.6.5 TSC/OSC/CR Habitability Technician6.5.1. The TSC/OSC/CR Habitability Technician should useAttachment 5 as a guideline.6.6 OSC Log Keeper6.6.1. The OSC Log Keeper should use Attachment 6 as a guideline.6.7 OSC Support Personnel6.7.1 The OSC Support Personnel should use Attachment 7 as aguideline.7 DOCUMENTATIONAttachment 1-7, and 11 of this procedure will be sent to Permanent Plant Files(PPF) per EPP-2-100 by the Manager -Emergency Preparedness.EIP-2-016 REV -30PAGE 6 OF 22EIP-2-016 REV -30 PAGE 6 OF 22 ATTACHMENT 1PAGE 1lOFt1OSC MANAGERActions CompletedACTIVATION Date: _ __Time: ____Initial1. Refer to EN-EP-6l1.2. If the OSC is determined to be uninhabitable, determine with the Emergency __Plant Manager the appropriate OSC personnel to relocate to the Main ControlRoom.3. Direct an On-shift Operator to fill the position of OSC Operations Support. __SUBSEQUENT ACTIONS1. Direct an individual to initiate a ventilation check using Attachment 8.2. If decision is made to relocate the OSC, implement the relocation section of thisprocedure.RELOCATIONNOTEThis section is applicable ifthe OSC Manager declares theOSC uninhabitable.1. Brief the OSC members of plan to relocate to the Main Control Room.2. Notify dispatched repair teams of OSC relocation decision.3. Direct OSC Coordinators to ensure work orders, dispatched work team status, applicableprocedures, handheld radios, respirators, SCBA's, spare SCBA bottles, and equipment asrequired are relocated to the Main Control Room.4. Direct the following OSC personnel to report to the Main Control Room briefing room toresume OSC operations:a. OSC Coordinator(s)b. Electrician (1)c. Mechanic (1)d. I&C Technician (1)e. RP Technician (1)f. Rad/Chem Coordinator (1)5. Determine with the Emergency Plant Manager the disposition of remaining OSCpersonnel. Send to EOF or to alternate location to be utilized as additional resources orsend them home to remain on standby.EIP-2-016 REV -30 PAGE 7 OF 22 ATTACHMENT 2PAGE 1OF 2WORK CONTROL COORDINATOR~Actions CompletedACTIVATION Date: _ __Time: ____Initial1. Refer to EN-EP-6 11.2. Periodically announce that no eating, drinking, or chewing is allowed __until habitability is determined.3. Obtain habitability status from the Rad/Chem Coordinator. Ensure that status __is posted on OSC status board and/or displays.4. Assume the OSC Manager's responsibilities during absence of the.__OSC Manager.5. Ensure OSC personnel have carded in on the accountability card reader or __accounted for on the status board and/or displays. If card reader is inoperable,prepare and maintain a list of names and badge numbers to manually maintainaccountability.6. Ensure that work teams dispatched by the Control Room are posted to the __OSC status board and/or displays and accounted for.SUBSEOUENT ACTIONS1. Augment the OSC staff as necessary by contacting the EOF Administration and LogisticsCoordinator. Call the Safety Representative to report to the OSC, if necessary.2. Direct OSC support personnel to complete the OSC PERSONNh.EL CHECKLIST andreport any activity not qualified to perfonrm.3. Obtain a status from the work teams dispatched by the Control Room and complete theapplicable information on a Team Dispatching Form, documenting teams dispatchedbefore OSC activation. Track these work teams to completion of assignment.4. Check qualifications of search and rescue team members as necessary. At least 1 teammember must be trained in search and rescue techniques and at least 1 team member mustbe trained in the use of radiation survey instruments. Fire Brigade members are trained insearch and rescue techniques.5. Provide the completed Team Dispatching form to the OSC Log Keeper for update ofstatus boards and/or displays.6. Maintain a file of active and completed Work Orders.7. Implement the relocation section of this procedure when directed by the OSC Manager.EIP-2-016 REV -30 PAGE 8 OF 22 ATTACHMENT 2PAGE 2 OF 2WORK CONTROL COORDINATORRELOCATIONNOTEThis section is applicable if the OSC Manager declares theOSC uninhabitable.1. Direct selected OSC personnel to relocate Team Dispatching Forms, work team status,applicable procedures, all handheld radios, respirators, SCBA's, spare SCBA bottles,instruments and equipment as required to the Control Room.2. Disposition remaining OSC personnel as directed by the OSC Manager.EIP-2-016 REV -30 PAGE 9 OF 22 ATTACHMENT 3PAGEl1OFi1MECHANICAL AN]) ELECTRICAL/I&C COORDINATORSActions CompletedACTIVATION Date: _ __Time: ____Initial1. Refer to EN-EP-611.2. Assume the OSC Manager's responsibilities during absence of the __OSC Manager.3. Determine the operational status of the following equipment: __(circle one)* At least one River Bend Phone extension Yes/No* Inplant/Services Building Gaitronics System Yes/No* Portable radios (six) Yes/No* TSC intercom Yes/No4. Ensure OSC personnel have carded in on the accountability card reader or __accounted for on the status board and/or displays. If card reader is inoperable,prepare and maintain a list of names and badge numbers to manually maintainaccountability.SUBSEOUENT ACTIONS1. Direct OSC support personnel to complete the OSC PERSONNEL CHECKLIST andreport any activity not qualified to perform.2. Obtain a status from the work teams dispatched by the Control Room and complete theapplicable information on a Team Dispatching Form, documenting teams dispatchedbefore OSC activation. Track these work teams to completion of assignment.3. Check qualifications of search and rescue team members as necessary. At least 1 teammember must be trained in search and rescue techniques and at least 1 team member mustbe trained in the use of radiation survey instruments. Fire Brigade members are trained insearch and rescue techniques.4. Implement the relocation section of this procedure when directed by the OSC Manager.RELOCATIONNOTEThis section is applicable if the OSC Manager declares theOSC uninhabitable.1. Direct selected OSC personnel to relocate work orders, work team status, applicableprocedures, all handhield radios, respirators, SCBA's, spare SCBA bottles, instrumentsand equipment as required to the Control Room.2. Disposition remaining OSC personnel as directed by the OSC Manager.EIP-2-016 REV -30 PAGE 10 OF 22 ATTACHMENT 4PAGE 1OF 3RAD/CHEM COORDINATORActions CompletedACTIVATION Date: _ __Time: ____Initial1. Refer to EN-EP-611.2. Direct 3 RP Technicians to the EOF to perform Offsite Radiological __Monitoring and Habitibility Technician responsibilities. (2 RP Techs requiredto report to EOF within 75 minutes for Offsite Monitoring Teams)3. Ensure the distribution of pocket/electronic dosimeters to TSC, OSC and __Control Room personnel and announce the frequency at which individualsshould read their dosimeters. As necessary, direct the issuing of DLRs usingpage 3 of this Attachment.SUBSEQUENT ACTIONSNOTEDuring a classified emergency, the RBS administrativecontrols are suspended, however, every effort shall bemade to maintain personnel exposure within the limitsestablished by IJOCFR20.The Rad/Chem Coordinator may delegate responsibilitiesto Senior Radiation Protection Technician(s).CAUTIONDuring a Fuel Handling Accident where the spent fuel is greater than 30 days old, ssKr (10.7year half-life) is the principle gaseous isotope available for release. It is important in this caseto take (RO-2/2A) open window as well as closed window readings since the primary dosefrom this isotope is Shallow Dose Equivalent. The [3-/ yemission ratio is approximately 240.1. As required, direct the establishment of a clean path between TSC/OSC and theOSC emergency locker and a contamination control point outside door # SB 123-19.2. Deploy onsite radiation monitoring teams to survey radiation levels and sample forcontamination. Keep the OSC Manager informed of plant monitoring team activities andradiological conditions.3. Pr'bvide a Radiation Protection Technician or Chemistry Technician to act as OffsiteTeam Coordinator in the TSC when directed by the Radiological Coordinator.4. Communicate rad/chemistry sample results to the TSC and/or CR.5. Periodically assess TSC and OSC habitability.EIP-2-016 REV -30 PAGE 11 OF 22 ATTACHMENT 4PAGE 2 OF 3RAD/CHEM COORDINATORRELOCATIONNOTEThis section is applicable if the OSC Manager declares theOSC uninhabitable.1. Relocate equipment required for continued emergency response to the Main ControlRoom. (Respirators, SCBA's, spare SCBA bottles, PCs, logs, exposure records,instruments, etc. as required.)2. Evaluate the need to move the contamination control points and relocate as necessary.EIP-2-016 REV -30 PAGE 12 OF 22 ATTACHMENT 4PAGE 3 OF 3RAD/CHEM COORDINATORDLR Tracking Log(Typical)Date:DLR# Name (LastFirstMI)Print SSN ReturnedDLR# Name (LastFirstMDPrint SSN Returned__ ______ I ___ :1 __EIP-2-016 REV -30 PAGE 13 OF 22 ATTACHMENT 5PAGE 1lOF 1TSC/OSC/CR HABITABILITY TECHNICIANACTIVATION Date: ____Time: _ ___Action CompletedInitial1. Perform operational checks on monitoring equipment prior to use.2. Perform radiation and airborne radioactivity surveys in accordance with __RPP-0006, Radiological Surveys or applicable attachments of EIIP-2-0 14,Offsite Radiological Monitoring, to ensure that the TSC, OSC and CR arehabitable. Report results to the Rad/Chem Coordinator.3. Inform the Rad/Chem Coordinator when prepared to perform functional __responsibilities.SUBSEOUENT ACTIONS1. Periodically perform surveys of the TSC, OSC and CR.2. Establish a contamination control point outside of door SB 123-19, as directed. Ifneeded, establish a clean path between the TSC and OSC supply locker.3. If personnel entering the TSC/OSC are contaminated, notify the Rad/ChemCoordinator and arrange for decontamination.4. Keep the Rad/Chem Coordinator informed of all activities:RELOCATIONNOTE.This section is applicable if the OSC Manager declares theOSC uninhabitable.If the TSC/OSC is relocating:1. Relocate to the control room or other location as directed by the OiSC Manager. Uponarrival resume habitability assessment and provide team coverage if necessary. Utilizesupplies located in the Emergency Planning locker if relocated to the control room.EIP-2-016 REV -30 PAGE 14 OF 22 ATTACHMENT 6PAGEl1OF 1OSC LOG KEEPERActions CompletedACTIVATION Date: _____Time: _____Initial1. Refer to EN-EP-6 11.2. Update status boards and/or displays with current information.3. Request information on work teams dispatched prior to OSC activation and __update status boards and/or displays.4. Ensure that OSC personnel are signed in on OSC Staffing sheet. __SUBSEOUENT ACTIONS1. Ensure timeliness of facility briefs by prompting the OSC Manager of the briefingschedule if necessary.RELOCATIONNOTEThis section is applicable if the OSC Manager declares theOSC uninhabitable.1. Relocate to the Main Control Room as directed.EIP-2-016 REV -30 PAGE 15 OF 22 ATTACHMENT 7PAGE 1OF 2OSC SUPPORT PERSONNELACTIVATION1. Sign in on the OSC staffing sheet.2. Perform duties as directed.SUBSEOIUENT ACTIONS1. Radiation Protection Techniciansa. Perform an operability check on all survey instruments prior to use.b. A Senior Radiation Protection Technician assumes the Rad/Chem Coordinatorresponsibilities when the Rad/Chem Coordinator is no__t available.c. Assist with radiation protection tasks as directed by the Rad/Chem Coordinator,including conducting briefs and debriefs.d. Provide support for fires, medical, as directed.e. If the EOF is relocated, perform the duties of the Offsite Team Coordinator in theTSC, as required.2. Chemistry Techniciansa. On-shift Chemistry Technician reporting to the Control Room to perform doseassessment reports to OSC after the EOF becomes operational.b. Perform samples as directed by the Rad/Chem Coordinator.c. If the EOF is relocated, perform the duties of the Offsite Team Coordinator in theTSC, as required.3. Maintenance Personnela. Receive task and radiological briefing before going on assignment.b. Ensure that a radio is provided for communications with the OSCManager/Coordinator.c. Ensure that you have proper tools, equipment and safety measures before going onassignment.d. Perform in-plant activities as directed by the OSC Coordinator(s).e. Ensure that debriefing is conducted on return to OSC.EIP-2-016 REV -30 PAGE 16 OF 22 ATTACHMENT 7PAGE 2 OF 2OSC SUPPORT PERSONNELSUBSEQUENT ACTIONS (cont'd)f. Ensure that Status Boards and/or displays are updated to reflect your currentstatus.g. Obtain tools and equipment from the OSC emergency locker or from the toolroom as necessary to complete task.h. If qualified, perform function of Fire Brigade member and Search and RescueTeam member as directed.4. OSC Operations Supporta. Refer to EN-EP-61 1.5. Operations Personnela. Assist the OSC teams on plant/operational matters, Fire Brigade, or Search andRescue as directed.6. Other personnel in the OSC perform duties as directed by the Work Control Coordinator.RELOCATIONNOTEThis section is applicable ifthe OSC Manager declares theOSC uninhabitable.1. Relocate to the Main Control Room as directed.2. Relocate logs, tools, instruments, and equipment as directed.EIP-2-016 REV -30 PAGE 17 OF 22 ATTACHMENT 8PAGE 1OF 2TSC VENTILATION EMERGENCY MODE OPERATIONSNOTEDuring a LOCA, the TSC Ventilation. System willautomatically go into the emergency mode and propersystem operation should be verified. For other emergencysituations, the system will have to be manually placed inthe emergency mode. Operation is identical during aLOCA or other emergency. SOP-0056 may also be used toshift TSC Ventilation System to the emergency mode.AT HVL-PNL261 VTSC PANEL, VERIFY HVL-HS420, HVL-FN1 OUTSIDE AIRFAN IS PLACED TO AUTO.2 AT VTSC PANEL, VERIFY HVL-MIC-414, EMERGENCY OUTSIDE AIRMOISTURE CONT. IS PLACED TO AUTO.3 AT VTSC PANEL, VERIFY HVL-HS-421, AH{U-1 START-STOP SWITCH ISPLACED TO START.4 AT VTSC PANEL, PLACE HVL-HS-223, STOP-NORMAL-EMIER. AHiU-2 TOEMERGENCY AND VERIFY THE FOLLOWING:4.1 HVL-AOD-202, EMERGENCY OUTSIDE AIR opens.4.2 HVL-FN-7, EMERGENCY OUTSIDE AIR is running.4.3 HVL-FN-8, NORMAL EXHAUST AIR AIR FAN stops.4.4 HVL-AOD-208, NORMAL OUTSIDE AIR DAMPER closes.4.5 HVL-AOD 216, NORMAL EXHAUST AIR DAMPER POS.. closes.4.6 HVL-AOD 218, EMER. EXHAUST AIR DAMPER opens.4.7 HVL-FN-9, EMER. EXHAUST AIR FAN, starts.EIP-2-016 REV -30 PAGE 18 OF 22 ATTACHMENT 8PAGE 2 OF 2TSC VENTILATION EMERGENCY MODE OPERATIONSNOTEDuring a LOCA, the following step is no required.5 AT VTSC PANEL, PLACE HVL-HS420, HVL-FN1 OUTSIDE AIR FAN IN THE RUNPOSITION.6 AT VTSC PANEL, VERIFY HVL-PDI-407, BUILDING PRESSURIZATION ISREADING A POSITIVE PRESSURE IN THE TSC.7 IF TSC PRESSURE IS NOT POSITIVE, THEN RAISE BUILDING PRESSURE BYPERFORMING ANY OF THE FOLLOWING:*Adjust HVL-PDC-407, BLDG. PRESSURIZATION CONTROL.*Place HVL-HS-406, TOILETS EXHAUST FAN Switch in the STOP position.*Place HVL-HS-422, EMERGENCY OUTSIDE AIR FAN to the MAN position.8CHECK THE FOLLOWING:8.1 HVL-FN1, OUTSIDE AIR FAN is running.8.2 HVL-AOD-41 1, EMERGENCY OUTSIDE AIR is open.8.3 HVL-AOD-408, LOCAL OUTSIDE AIR DAMPER is closed.NOTEHVL-A0D426, REMOTE OUTSIDE AIR DAMPER is operational but isisolated with a blank plate installed on the intake side of the ductwork toprevent airflow past the damper.8.4 Verify HVL-HS-428, LOCAL-REMOTE EMER. OUTSIDE AIR selector switchis in LOCAL with the following damper indications:8.4.1. HVL-AOD-427, LOCAL AIR FILTER INLET is open.8.4.2. HVL-AOD-426, REMOTE OUTSIDE AIR DAMPER is closed.8.5 HVL-AHU1, TSC AIR HANDLING UNIT is running.EIP-2-016 REV -30 PAGE 19 OF 22 ATTACHMENT 9PAGE 1lOF 1OPERATIONS SUPPORT CENTER ORGANIZATIONEmergencyPlant ManagerOSCLog KeeperWork ControlCoordinatorOperationsSupport_ _ _Mechanical Rad / Chem Electrical/I&CCoordinator Coordinator CoordinatorOSC SupportRiP TechniciansChemistry TechsOperationsMechanical Maint.Electrical Maint.I&C TechniciansI- ----i, Collateral Duties-2First RespondersSearch & RescueFire BrigadeEIP-2-016REV -30 PAGE 20 OF 22EIP-2-O1 6 REV-30 PAGE200F22 ATTACHMENT 10PAGE 1lOFi1OPERATIONS SUPPORT CENTER FLOOR PLAN(TYPICAL)OSC Area I -v.,vCORRIDOR~WOMEN'Sz ROOMIN uTSJCOPERATIONSAREACOMPUTERDISPLAYAREARAMPServices Building 1 23'COMPUTER ROOMTIOSO LayoutEIP-2-016REV -30 PAGE 21 OF 22EIP-2-016 REV-30 PAGE 21 OF 22 ATTACHMENT 11PAGE 1lOF 1OSC PERSONNEL CHECKLISTOSC PERSONNEL CHECKLIST (TYPICAL)NAME: ___________ POSITION:_________*Declared pregnant female Y__/_N (If Y, report to OSC Manager.)___Obtain DLR____ Logged on to RWP (if applicable)____ Verify Respirator/Fit Quals current YES / NO___ Verify SCBA/Fit Quals current YES / NO___Obtain PD/Electronic Dosimetry____ Obtain Dose margin ____mr___OSC Check-in and keycard in___ RP meter Qualified YES / NO____ Qualified ( YES!/ NO -Circle Crafts)(Mech., Elec., I & C, Ops, RP, Chem., Env.)____ Heat Stress Evaluation complete, if required____ Flashlight Obtained (Field crews)____ Search and Rescue Training____ Confined Space Training: Entry/Technician Rescue__ Hazmat TrainingOther qualifications:EIP-2-016 REV -30 PAGE 22 OF 22 ATI-ACHMENT 9.1 10CFR50.54(q) SCREENINGSHEET 1 OF 5Part I. Description of Activity Being Reviewed (event or action, or series of actions that may result in a changeto the emergency plan or affect the implementation of the emergency plan):1. This change revises site-specific RBS procedure EIP-2-016, Operations Support Center, Rev. 30 and issues fleetprocedure EN-EP-61 1, Operations Support Center (OSC) Operations, Rev. 2. Responsibilities and Definitionscommon to both EN-EP-611I and EIP-2-01 6 were deleted from EIP-2-01 6 and retained in EN-EP-61 1. Changes weremade throughout EIP-2-01 6 to reflect this change.2. Section 1. Purpose -Changed "This procedure provides instructions for activation, operation, and deactivation of the Operations SupportCenter (OSC)" TO "This procedure provides site specific instructions for activation, operation', and relocation of theOperations Support Center (OSC). Entergy fleet procedure EN-EP-61 1, Operations Support Center (OSC)Operations is the primary procedure to reference for OSC activation and operations."3. Section 2. References -* Added "EN-EP-61 1, Operations Support Center (OSC) Operations".* Changed "RP-1 04" to "EN-RP1 04"* Changed "RSP-0213, Control and Handling of Radioactive Material" to "EN-RP-121, Radioactive MaterialControl"* Added "EN-RP-1 08, Radiation Protection Posting".4. Step 4.12 and Attachment 7. Step 2.a -Revised the following sentence:From: On-Shift Chemistry Technician reporting to the Control Room to perform dose assessment reports to TSC andfill position of TSC Dose Assessor after the EOF becomes operational.To: On-Shift Chemistry Technician reporting to the Control Room to perform dose assessment reports to OSC afterSthe EQF becomes operational.5. Step 5.4 -Replaced "Alternate JIC" with "Governor's Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness(GOHSEP)" as the JIC will be relocated outside of the 10 mile EPZ when this procedure becomes effective.Part II. Activity Previously Reviewed? D-YES ]NOIs this activity fully bounded by an NRC approved 10 CFR 50.90 submittal or Alert and 50.54(q)(3) ContinueNotification System Design Report? Evaluation is NOT to nextrequired. Enter partIf YES, identify bounding source document numbed/approval reference and ensure the auntifcotionebelowrbasis for concluding the source document fully bounds the proposed change is Vl.documented below:Justification:3] Bounding document attached (optional)Part II1. Applicability of Other Regulatory Change Control ProcessesCheck if any other regulatory change processes control the proposed activity.(Refer to EN-LI-I100)NOTE: For example, when a design change is the proposed activity, consequential actions may include changes toother documents which have a different change control process and are NOT to be included in this 50.54(q)(3)Screening. APPLICABILITY CONCLUSION[] If there are no controlling change processes, continue the 50.54(q)(3) Screening.E] One or more controlling change processes are selected, however, some portion of the activity involves theemergency plan or affects the implementation of the emergency plan; continue the 50.54(q)(3) Screening for that portionof the activity. Identify the applicable controlling change processes below.LI One or more controlling change processes are selected and fully bounds all aspects of the activity. 50.54(q)(3).Evaluation is NOT required. Identify controlling change processes below and complete Part VI.EN-EP-305 REV 3 ATTACHMENT 9.1 10CFR50.54(q) SCREENINGSH-EET 2 0F 5Equipment/Facility/Other: River Bend StationTitle: Operations Support CenterPart IV. Editorial Change LIYES []NO50.54(q)(3) Continue toIs this activity an editorial or typographical change such as formatting, paragraph Evaluation is next partnumbering, spelling, or punctuation that does not change intent? NOT requied.Justification: Enter*Change # 3 from Part I -Section 2, References -Editorial change to make the following justification andchanges:complete Part* Added "EN-EP-61 1, Operations Support Center (OSC) Operations'.* Changed "RP-1 04" to "EN-RP1 04"* Changed "RSP-0213, Control and Handling of Radioactive Material" to "EN-RP-121, Radioactive Material Control"* Added "EN-RP-1 08, Radiation Protection Posting".This proposed change is editorial in nature in accordance with EN-AD-i101. It does notchange the intent or purpose of the procedure. No further evaluation is necessary."No" is checked because the procedure revision contains other changes that are noteditorialPart V. Emergency Planning Element/Function Screen (Associated 10 CFR 50.47(b) planning standard functionidentified in brackets) Does this activity affect any of the following, including program elements from NUREG-0654/FEMA REP-i Section II? ____1. Responsibility for emergency response is assigned. [1] [2. The response organization has the staff to respond and to augment staff on a continuing basis [(24/7 staffing) in accordance with the emergency plan. [1]3. The process ensures that on shift emergency response responsibilities are staffed and assigned. [[2]4. The process for timely augmentation of onshift staff is established and maintained. [2] LI5. Arrangements for requesting and using off site assistance have been made. [3] [6. State and local staff can be accommodated at the EOF in accordance with the emergency plan. [3] LI7. A standard scheme of emergency cldssification and action levels is in use. [41 LI8. Procedures for notification of State and local governmental agencies are capable of alerting them LIof the declared emergency within 15 minutes after declaration of an emergency and providingfollow-up notifications. [5]9. Administrative and physical means have been established for alerting and providing prompt LIinstructions to the public within the plume exposure pathway. [5] ____10. The public ANS meets the design requirements of FEMA-REP-1 0, Guide for Evaluation of Alert LIand Notification Systems for Nuclear Power Plants, or complies with the licensee's FEMA-approved ANS design report and supporting FEMA approval letter. [5] ____ii. Systems are established for prompt communication among principal emergency response LIorganizations. [6] ____EN-EP-305 REV 3 ATT-IACHMENT 9.1 10CFR50.54(q) SCREENINGSHEET 3 OF 5EquipmentlFacilitylOther: River Bend StationTitle: Operations Support Center12. SYStems are established for prompt communication to emergency response personnel. [61 LI13. Emergency preparedness information is made available to the public on a periodic basis within the LIplume exposure pathway emergency planning zone (EPZ). [7]____14. Coordinated dissemination of public information during emergencies is established. [7] LI15. Adequate facilities are maintained to support emergency response. [8] LI16. Adequate equipment is maintained to support emergency response. [8] LI17. Methods, systems, and equipment for assessment of radioactive releases are in use. [9] LI18. A~range of public PARs is available for implementation during emergencies. 110] LI19. Evacuation time estimates for the population located in the plume exposure pathway EPZ are LIavailable to support the formulation of PARs and have been provided to State and localgovernmental authorities. [10]20. A range of protective actions is available for plant emergency workers during emergencies, LIincluding those for hostile action events.[1 0] ____21. The resources for controlling radiological exposures for emergency workers are established. [11] LI22. Arrangements are made for medical services for contaminated, injured individuals. [121 LI23. Plans for recovery and reentry are developed. [13] LI24. A drill and exercise program (including radiological, medical, health physics and other program LIareas) is established. [14]25. Drills, exercises, and training evolutions that provide performance opportunities to develop, LImaintain, and demonstrate key skills are assessed via a formal critique process in order to identifyweaknesses. [14]26. Identified weaknesses are corrected. [14] LI27. Training is provided to emergency responders. [151 LI28. Responsibility for emergency plan development and review is established. [16] LI29. Planners responsible for emergency plan development and maintenance are properly trained. [16] LIAPPLICABILITY CONCLUSIONl] If no Part V criteria are checked, a 50.54(q)(3) Evaluation is NOTI required; document the basis for conclusion belowand complete Part VI.U3 If any Part V criteria are checked, complete Part VI and perform a 50.54(q)(3) Evaluation.BASIS FOR CONCLUSIONChange item #1Entergy ERO responsibilities are outlined in EN-EP-801, Emergency Response Organization. These responsibilitieswere added to EIP-2-01 6 rev. 26 as part of implementation of the Fleet Standard ERO and were previously evaluatedunder a 10OCFR50.54(q)(3) performed on 12/6/10. Entergy has since developed fleet procedure EN-EP-61 1, OperationsSupport Center (OSC) Operations, which includes those same ERO responsibilities. This procedure revision transitionsto the new fleet procedure. EIP-2-01 6 is being maintained to address site specific actions not contained in fleetprocedure EN-EP-61 1. Existing RBS facilities and equipment continue to be maintained with no change to the intent ofthe procedure actions. Timing requirements for augmentation and facility operability are also not changed.Process discussion: RBS currently uses the same process reflected in the fleet procedure of ERO position checklistsand position binders. A review of the RBS Emergency Plan commitments was performed against the fleet OSCEN-EP-305 REV 3 ATT'ACHMENT 9.1 10OCFR50.54(q) SCREENINGSHEET 4 OF 5procedure and EIP-2-01 6. Fleet procedure information was supported with site specific information as necessary toensure site-specific Emergency Plan requirements and associated processes were retained. Therefore, changes to thelocation of the description of emergency response processes were made (changed to fleet procedure or retained in site-specific EIP), but no changes to the emergency response processes addressed by 10CFR50.47(b) planning standardsthemselves were made.Summary:* No ERO positions have been added or deleted.* Some ERO responsibilities have been reiocated to align with EN-EP-61 1.* The description, activation and operation of the OSC as described in the RBS Emergency Plan has not beenchanged.* All site specific commitments continue to be met un~der the fleet procedure and the use of a site-specificprocedure.* This change does not alter the OSC structure, organization or location.The revision of the site Operations Support Center (OSC) procedure (EIP-2-01 6) and incorporating the use of fleetOperations Support Center (OSC) Procedure (EN-EP-61 1) does not change the meaning or intent of a description, doesnot change facilities or equipment, and does not change a process. The proposed revision does not affect theEmergency Plan. No further evaluation required for this change..Changqe Item #2This proposed change consists of revising the purpose of the procedure to state that this procedure is a site specificdocument, changed deactivation to relocation and identified the fleet procedure for operating the Operations SupportCenter (OSC). This proposed change removes all instructions that are duplicated in the fleet procedure thereby leavingonly site specific instructions. The user will use both procedures in conjunction to perform the processes in the OSC.Changed "deactivation" to "relocation" because the steps for deactivation are now located in the fleet procedure whilethe steps for relocation remain in the site specific procedure. Adding the fleet procedure ensures the user understandsthat the fleet procedure is the primary document for 0S0 operation. This proposed change does not change themeaning or intent of a description, does not change facilities or equipment, and does not change a process. Theproposed change does not affect the Emergency Plan. No further evaluation required for this change.Changqe Item #t 4This change is part of the process to remove the Emergency Director capabilities from the TSC and relocate thisfunction to the Main Control Room. The on-shift Chemistry Technician reporting to the Control Room to perform doseassessment will no longer be part of the TSC staff. This was previously reviewed under a 10OCFR50.54(q) evaluation forEIP-2-006 Revision 43. This proposed change does not change the meaning or intent of a description, does not changefacilities or equipment, and does not change a process. The proposed change does not affect the Emergency Plan. Nofurther evaluation is required for this change.Changqe Item #5 -This change was previously reviewed under a 10OCFR50.54(q) evaluation for the Emergency PlanRevision 42. This proposed change does not change the meaning or intent of a description, does not change facilitiesor equipment, and does not change a process. The proposed change does not affect the Emergency Plan. No furtherevaluation is reguired for this change.EN-EP-305 REV 3 A'FFACHMENT 9.1 10OCFR50.54(q) SCREENINGSHEET 5 OF 5ProeparerNa umeePrnt) Preparer SntReviDate:Revewrt Name(Prnat)ueveerSgntueDaeDuane White 1/13/2016Nuclear EP Project Manager __________Approver Name (Print) Approver Signature Date:EP manager or designeeEN-EP-305 REV 3 REFERENCE USEn = -llENTERGYRIVER BEND) STATIONSTATION SUPPORT MANUAL*EMERGENCY IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE* TECHNICAL S UPPOR T CENTERPROCEDURE NUMBER: *EIP-2-018REVISION NUMBER: *38Effective Date: *1/27/16NOTE : SIGNATURES ARE ON FILE.*INDEXING INFORMATION TABLE OF CONTENTSSECTION PAGE NO.1 PURPOSE............................................................................................ 22 REFERENCES ...................................................................................... 23 DEFINITIONS ...................................................................................... 24 RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................................................... 35 GENERAL ........................................................................................... 46 PROCEDURE ................................................................................ i....... 57 DOCUMENTATION ............................................................................... 7ATTACHMENT 1 -EMERGENCY PLANT MANAGER........................................... 7ATTACHMENT 2 -TSC MANAGER................................................................. 9ATTACHMENT 3 -IT SPECIALIST ................................................................ 11ATTACHMENT 4 -RADIOLOGICAL COORDINATOR......................................... 15ATTACHMENT 5 -MAINTENANCE COORDINATOR.......................................... 17ATTACHMENT 6 -REACTOR ENGINEER........................................................ 18ATTACHMENT 7 -ENGINEERING COORDINATOR............................................ 19ATTACHMENT 8 -MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL/I&C ENGINEERS ..................20ATTACHMENT 9 -OPERATIONS COORDINATOR............................................. 21ATTACHMENT 10 -SECURITY COORDINATOR ............................................... 22ATTACHMENT 11 -TSC COMMUNICATOR..................................................... 23ATTACHMENT 12- -ENS COMMUNICATOR..................................................... 24ATTACHMENT 13 -TECHNICAL SUPPORT CENTER ORGANIZATION CHART .........25ATTACHMENT 14 -TECHNICAL SUPPORT CENTER FLOOR PLAN........................ 26ATTACHMENT 15 -TSC ADDITIONAL RELOCATION GUIDELINES ...................... 27EIP-2-018 REV -38 PAGE 1 OF 28 1 PURPOSEThis procedure provides site specific instructions for the activation, operationand relocation of the Technical Support Center (TSC). Entergy fleet procedureEN-EP-6 10, Technical Support Center (TSC) Operations is the primaryprocedure to reference for TSC activation and operations.2 REFERENCES2.1 COP-i1050, Post Accident Estimation of Fuel Core Damage2.2 EIP-2-0 12, Radiation Exposure Controls2.3 EIP-2-014, Offsite Radiological Monitoring2.4 EIP-2-026, Evacuation, Personnel Accountability, and Search and Rescue2.5 EIP-2-028, Recovery2.6 RPP-0006, Radiological Surveys2.7 Commitment 155782.8 EN-EP-801, Emergency Response Organization2.9 EN-EP-610, Technical Support Center (TSC) Operations3 DEFINITIONS3.1 Augmentation -Actions taken to support onshift personnel or the EmergencyResponse Organization.3.2 Habitable -For the purpose of this procedure, the term habitable is basedsolely on radiological conditions, however, the TSC Manager may declare thefacility uninhabitable based on other conditions.3.3 Radiological Release -For emergency response purposes is defined as ANYdetectable discharge of radioactive material to the environment. The releasecharacterization should be further defined when communicating to offsiteagencies to characterize whether or not the release is below or above TechnicalSpecification limits. Indicate the appropriate release characterization on theShort and Long Notification Message Forms.3.3.1 Release BELOW federally approved operating limits(Technical Requirements Manual)EIP-2-018 REV -38 PAGE 2 OF 28 3.3.2 Release ABOVE federally approved operating limits(Technical Requirements Manual)3.3.3 Effluent Technical Requirements Manual1. Any one of three effluent monitors indicates a value threetimes the High alarm set pointOR2. Any two of the three effluent monitors indicate a valueequal or greater than the High alarm set point.The three effluent monitors are:TITLE NO.Main Plant Exhaust Stack RMS-RE125 Channel 4 (4GE125)Radwaste Vent. Exhaust RMS-RE006 Channel 4 (4GE006)Fuel Bldg. Vent. Exhaust RMS-RE005 Channel 4 (4GE005)OR3. An unmonitored release is detected at the site boundaryby teams with survey instruments.4 RESPONSIBILITIES4.1 Emergency Plant Manager:4.1.1 Authorize doses in excess of 10OCFR20 limits.4.1.2 Direct onsite activities in support of the Control Room.4.1.3 Authorize departures. from license conditions or TechnicalSpecifications in accordance with 10 CFR 50.54 (x).4.1.4 Determine need for onsite evacuation, personnelaccountability, and implement search and rescue as required.4.2 TSC Manager -ensures that TSC is activated, manages TSCstaff/resources in mitigation efforts, assesses plant conditions andrecommends potential mitigation actions, and that TSC staff providesupport functions per the applicable section(s) of this procedure..EIP-2-018 REV -38 PAGE 3 OF 28 5 GENERAL5.1 Attachment 13, Technical Support Center Organization Chart is a typicalmakeup for the TSC.5.2 Attachment 14, Technical Support Center Floor Plan is a typical setupfor the TSC.5.3 The TSC may be activated at any time, and shall be activated at an Alert,Site Area Emergency, or General Emergency declaration. Onceactivated, the TSC shall become operational as soon as possible afterdeclaration of any of these emergency classifications. When TSCminimum staffing can be accomplished with onsite personnel, it is thegoal to become operational within 45 minutes. Otherwise, it is the goalto become operational in 90 minutes.5.4 Situations may arise where personnel responding to an emergency willnot be able to access the emergency response facilities in the protectedarea (e.g.. terrorist event). In these situations, TSC personnel should manthe Emergency Operations Facility located in the Training Center andcarry out the applicable stePS of this procedure. Operations SupportCenter personnel should also be staged in the EOF. EOF personnel willreport to the Alternate EOF in Baton Rouge to assume their duties as perEIP-2-022. Joint Information Center personnel will be directed to theGovernor's Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness(GOHSEP) in Baton Rouge.EIP-2-018 REV -38 PAGE 4 OF 28 6 PROCEDURENOTEThe actions of this procedure may be completed in anysequence, however, the sequence presented isrecommended.6.1 Emergency Plant Manager6.1.1 The Emergency Plant Manager should use Attachment 1 as aguideline.6.2 TSC Manager6.2.1 The TSC Manager should use Attachment 2 as a guideline.6.3 IT Specialist6.3.1 The IT Specialist should use Attachment 3 as a guideline.6.4 Radiological Coordinator6.4.1 The Radiological Coordinator should use Attachment 4 as aguideline.6.5 Maintenance Coordinator6.5.1 The Maintenance Coordinator should use Attachment 5 as aguideline.6.6 Reactor Engineer6.6.1 The Reactor Engineer should use Attachment 6 as a guideline.6.7 Engineering Coordinator6.7.1 The Engineering Coordinator should use Attachment 7 as aguideline.6.8 Mechanical and Electrical/I&C Engineers6.8.1 The Mechanical and Electrical/I&C Engineers should useAttachment 8 as a guideline.6.9 Operations Coordinator6.9.1 The Operations Coordinator should use Attachment 9 as aguideline.EIP-2-018 REV -38 PAGE 5 OF 28 6.10 Security Coordinator6.10.1 The Security Coordinator should use Attachment 11 as aguideline.6.11 TSC Communicator6.11.1 The TSC Communicator should use Attachment 12 as aguideline.6.12 ENS Communicator6.12.1 The ENS Communicator should use Attachment 13 as aguideline.7 DOCUMENTATIONAttachments 1-12 of this procedure will be sent to Permanent Plant Files (PPF)per EPP-2-100 by the Manager -Emergency Preparedness.,EIP-2-018REV -38 PAGE 6 OF 28EIP-2-O1 8 REV-38 PAGE6OF28 ATTACHMENT 1PAGE 1 0F 2EMERGENCY PLANT MANAGERACTIVATION Date: _____Action CompletedInitialNOTESituations may arise where personnel responding to an emergency will not beable to access the emergency response facilities in the protected area. Refer toAttachment 15 for guidance on establishing the TSC.1. Refer to EN-EP-610.___2.. Review status of emergency with the Shift Manager and any work teams___dispatched out of the Control Room. Brief OSC Manager on teams dispatchedfrom the Control Room.3. Review habitability determination and if necessary provide direction___on evacuation of the TSC, OSC, or CR.SUBSEOUENT ACTIONS1. Brief OSC Manager on teams dispatched from the Control Room.2. If the TSC is relocating, refer to Relocation Actions portion of this checklist.EIP-2-018 REV -38 PAGE 7 OF 28 ATTACHMENT 1PAGE 2 OF 2EMERGENCY PLANT MANAGERRELOCATION ACTIONSNOTESituations may arise where it is not desirable to relocate to the main control roomdue to hazardous conditions. Refer to Attachment 15 for guidance.1. If the TSC becomes uninhabitable, the following personnel and their functionswill transfer to the Control Room. These personnel should relocate with theirS facility procedure binders.Emergency Plant Manager-Reactor Engineer-Radiological Coordinator-Operations Coordinator-ENS Communicator-To report to the Shift Manager's desk to assume EPMfunctions.To report to the RE desk to provide support to operations.To report to dose assessment computer to assist the EPM.To report to the Shift Manager's desk to assist the EPM.To report to the Communicator's desk to resume NRCcommunications.2. The following personnel will report to the Main Control Room Shift Manager's office to resumeOSC functions. They should relocate with radios, SCIBAs (with spare bottles), procedures, andforms.OSC Manager-Electrician (1)Mechanic (1)I&C Technician (1)Radiation Protection Technician (1)Rad!Chem Coordinator-To provide briefings and control teams.To perform habitability assessment and team coverage.To assist in team briefings and control offsiteteams if necessary.3. Determine with the Emergency Director the disposition of remaining OSC and TSC personnel.a. Send to BOF to be utilized as additional resources.b. Send home to remain on standby.4. Consult with Security Coordinator on disposition of security force.EIP-2-018 REV -38 PAGE 8 OF 28 ATTACHMENT 2PAGE 1OF 2TSC MANAGERACTIVATIONDate:Action CompletedInitialNOTESituations may arise where personnel responding to an emergency will not beable to access the emergency response facilities in the protected area. Refer toAttachment 1 5 for guidance on establishing the TSC.1. Refer to EN-EP-610.___2. Ensure TSC PA system is turned on for the OSC to hear briefings.___3. Make TSC habitability determination and inform EPM of finding.___a. Obtain status of radiological habitability for the TSC/OSC from theRadiological Coordinator.b. Deternine status of TSC facility power. If facility is running on backuppower review the situation and likelihood of recovery of power.NOTEERIS, DRMS, dose assessment and offsite communicationsequipment are powered through B YS-INV06. Battery durationis estimated to be 4 hours.c. Review other considerations which could impede operation of the facility.4. If the TSC/OSC is uninhabitable, obtain concurrence from the EPM___and implement the Relocation Action portion of this checklist.5. If the TSC/OSC is determined to be habitable, make announcement. __SUBSEOUENT ACTIONS1. Ensure the OSC Manager has had the TSC ventilation system placed in the emergency mode.2. Relieve the EPM as necessary. Remain in the immediate TSC area when functioning as theEPM and make appropriate announcements.3. Obtain a list of personnel located in the Protected Area from Security.This information can be utilized for later shift compliments.EIP-2-018 REV -38 PAGE 9 OF 28 ATTACHMENT 2PAGE 2 OF 2TSC MANAGERRELOCATION ACTIONSNOTESituations may arise where it is not desirable to relocate to the main control roomdue to hazardous conditions. Refer to Attachment 15 for guidance.1.theIf the TSC becomes uninhabitable, the following personnel and their functions will transfer toControl Room. These personnel should relocate with their facility procedure binders.Emergency Plant Manager-Reactor Engineer-Radiological Coordinator-Operations Coordinator-ENS Communicator-To report to the Shift Manager's desk to assume EPMfunctions.To report to the RE desk to provide support to operations.To report to dose assessment computer to assist the EPM.To report to the Shift Manager's desk to assist the EPM.To report to the Communicator's desk to resume N-RCcommunications.2. The following personnel will report to the Main Control Room Shift Manager's office to resumeSOSC functions. They should relocate with radios, SCBAs (with spare bottles), procedures, andforms.OSC Manager-Electrician (1)Mechanic (1)I&C Technician (1)Radiation Protection Technician (1)Rad!Chem Coordinator-To provide briefings and control teams.To assist in team briefimgs and control offsiteteams if necessary.3.Consult with the Emergency Plant Manager on disposition of remaining personnel.a. Send to EOF as additional resources.b. Send home to remain on standby.EIP-2-018 REV -38 PAGE 10 OF 28 IT SPECIALISTATTACHMENT 3PAGE 1 OF 4Action CompletedInitialACTIVATIONDate:1. Refer to EN-EP-610.2. Print daily plant status report and ensure distribution to TSC personnel.SUBSEOUENT ACTIONS1. Resolve any IT related malfunctions.2. Using pages 2-4 of this attachment provide a list of TSC, OSC, and Main ControlRoom staff to the EOF Administration and Logistics Coordinator for developmentof a staffing rotation.EIP-2-018 REV -38 PAGE 11 OF 28 ATTACHMENT 3PAGE 2 OF 4IT SPECIALISTTSC STAFF ROTATION(12-Hour Shifts)Date:______Time:_____PomergoncPlnMageEmergency Plant ManagerTSC ManagerRadiological CoordinatorOperations CoordinatorEngineering CoordinatorMaintenance CoordinatorReactor EngineerIT SpecialistTSC CommunicatorSecurity CoordinatorMechanical EngineerElectrical / I&C EngineerENS CommunicatorEIP-2-018 REV -38 PAGE 12 OF 28 ATTACHMENT 3PAGE 3 OF 4IT SPECIALISTOSC STAFF ROTATION(12-Hour Shifts)Date:_______Time:_____PositionOSC ManagerWork Control CoordinatorMechanical CoordinatorElectrical / I&C CoordinatorRad / Chem CoordinatorLog KeeperOperations Support Onshift OperatorRP Technicians (13) EOF Habitability TechnicianOffsite Monitoring Team /Offsite Monitoring TeamChemistry Technicians Offsite Monitoring TeamOffsite Monitoring TeamMechanical MaintenanceElectrical MaintenanceI&C TechnicianOperationsIEIP-2-018 REV -38 PAGE 13 OF 28 ATTACHMENT 3PAGE 4 OF 4IT SPECIALISTMAIN CONTROL ROOM STAFF ROTATION(12-Hour Shifts)Date:______Time:_____PositionShift ManagerControl Room SupervisorShift Technical AdvisorNuclear Control OperatorsNuclear Equipment OperatorsEIP-2-018 REV -38 PAGE 14 OF 28 ATTACHMENT 4PAGE 1OF 2RADIOLOGICAL COORDINATORACTIVATION Date: ____Action Compl1etedInitialNOTEThe TSC and OSC may be presumed to be radiologicallyhabitable without conducting surveys based on releaseconditions.If DRMS or meteorological tower information isunavailable in the facility, have an individual dispatched tothe Control Room to relay data. The onsite hotline, ifavailable, may be used to relay this information. DRMSdata may also be obtained from an ERIS computer.1. Refer to EN-EP-610.___2. Determine the capability for obtaining DRMS values.___3. Determine the capability for obtaining meteorological data. ___4. Verify operability of the onsite hotline. Call the OSC at 103.___SUBSEQUENT ACTIONSNOTE--VOffsite teams are expected to report in 75 minutes and beready for deployment as soon as possible but no later than90 minutes fo' llowing notifi cation.1. Assess plant radiological conditions and effectiveness of accident mitigation strategies.2. Verify operability of the offsite/onsite monitoring team radio by contacting thefollowing locations:SEOF on the OFF/RAD channel*OSC on the ON/RAD channel3. If the EOF is relocated, request a Radiation Protection Technician or ChemistryTechnician from the OSC to act as Offsite Team Coordinator in the TSC.EIP-2-018 ,REV -38 PAGE 15 OF 28 ATTACHMENT 4PAGE 2 OF 2RADIOLOGICAL COORDINATORSUBSEOUENT ACTIONS (Cont'd)4. At an Alert if the EOF is not operational, coordinate with the OSC Manager todispatch personnel for radiological and environmental monitoring in accordance withEIP-2-0 14, Offsite Radiological Monitoring. Even though it is NO__.T required at anAlert emergency classification, it is a good practice to assess radiological conditionsnear the site boundary to verify whether or not a release has occurred.5. Recommend the collection of samples using Chemistry Operating Procedures as necessary.6. Develop and implement methods to process liquid and gaseous radioactivewaste accumulated during the emergency.7. If containment radiation monitors are not available to assess source term for dose assessment,containment venting or PARs, use RPP-0098 and/or plant conditions (i.e., water level, time coreuncovered, etc.) to estimate containment dose rates.RELOCATION ACTIONSIf the TSC is relocating:1. Assume normal Radiological Coordinator responsibilities in control room or other facility asdirected to support mitigation activities.EIP-2-018 REV -38 PAGE 16 OF 28 ATTACHMENT 5PAGEl1OFi1MAINTENANCE COORDINATORACTIVATION Date: ____Action CompletedInitial1. Refer to EN-EP-610.___2. Obtain the status of work teams dispatched by the Control Room___and/or the OSC.3. Ensure that status boards and/or displays are operational.SUBSEQUENT ACTIONS1. Ensure that OSC is placing TSC ventilation in the emergency mode.2. Track TSC personnel leaving the TSC envelope who are not members of anOSC team.RELOCATION ACTIONSIf TSC is relocating:1. Relocate as directed by the TSC Manager.EIP-2-018 REV -38 PAGE 17 OF 28 ATTACHMENT 6PAGE 1lOF 1REACTOR ENGINEERACTIVATIONDate:Action CompletedInitial1. Refer to EN-EP-610.2. Inforn the TSC Manager if in the Control Room and estimate your time ofarrival in the TSC.SUIBSEOUENT ACTIONSNOTEThe Technical Support Guidelines may be used to assessaccident conditions.1. Report to the Control Room, as necessary, and return to the TSC.RELOCATION ACTIONS*If the TSC is relocating:1. Transfer to Reactor Engineer workstation in control room or other location asdirected by TSC Manager and resume functions.EIP-2-018 REV -38 PAGE 18 OF 28 ENGINEERING COORDINATORATTACHMENT 7PAGEl1OFi1Action CompletedInitialACTIVATIONDate:1. Refer to EN-EP-610.SUBSEQUENT ACTIONSNOTEThe Technical Support Guidelines may be used to assessaccident conditions.RELOCATION ACTIONSIf TSC is relocating1. Relocate as directed by the TSC Manager.EIP-2-018 REV -38 PAGE 19 OF 28 ATTACHMENT 8PAGEl1OFi1MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL/I&C ENGINEERSACTIVATION Date: ____Action CompletedInitial1. Refer to EN-EP-610.2. Ensure that prints and drawings are available. If not, use the administrative ___computer to obtain what is needed.3. If desired by Engineering Coordinator, set up the flip chart for trackingengineering activities.4. Verify engineering computers are functional.___SUBSEOUENT ACTIONS1. Verify that the TSC administrative computer is functional.RELOCATION ACTIONSIf TSC is relocating:1. Relocate as directed by the TSC Manager.EIP-2-018 REV -38 PAGE 20 OF 28 ATTACHMENT 9PAGEl1OFi1OPERATIONS COORDINATORACTIVATION Date: ___ Action CompletedInitial1. Verify ERIS monitor is operational. If power is not available, perform __the following:a. Obtain panel key from TSC key box.b. Proceed through door SB123-04 to~room #303 (Cable chase room).c. Check breaker panel 1VBN-PNL06.d. If the main breaker and/or other breakers have tripped,switch to the "OFF" position, then switch to the "ON" position.2. If ERIS monitor is inoperable, obtain plant parameters from the Control Room. __SUBSEOUENT ACTIONS1. Establish contact with the TSC/CR Communicator.2. Identify operators in the field and teams dispatched by the Shift Manager to theMaintenance Coordinator.NOTEThe Technical Support Guidelines may be used to assessaccident conditions.3. Follow the EOPs/SAPs and keep the Emergency Plant Manager informed on status.4. Review emergency classification and recommend upgrading of the emergency inaccordance with EIP-2-00 1, Classification of Emergencies.RELOCATION ACTIONSIf TSC is relocating:1. Relocate as directed and assist Emergency Plant Manager as necessary.EIP-2-018 REV -38 PAGE 21 OF 28 ATTACHMENT 10PAGEl1OFi1SECURITY COORDINATORACTIVATION Date: ____Action CompletedInitial1. Refer to EN-EP-610.2. Ensure that the lock plates of TSC doors SB123-03 and SB123-01 are___flipped and the doors are locked and signs posted. Activate card readeron door SB 123-12. Ensure that TSC/OSC personnel have carded in on theaccountability card reader.3. If card reader is inoperable, prepare manual list of personnel and maintain ___accountability.4. Obtain from Security Alarm Station compensation positions and locations. ___5. Verify that the Control Room card reader is activated. If inoperable, ___ensure that the Shift Manager maintains a manual list of personnel.SUBSEQUENT ACTIONSNOTE:Prior to a formal OCA evacuation, the Emergency Plant Manager maydirect Security to no'tify members of the public known to be in theOCA to evacuate River Bend property. Security may make thisnotifi cation using any communications method (i. e., telephone,direct contact, etc.).1. Begin preparations for possible Owner Controlled Area evacuation. Contact local lawenforcement to determine any impediments to routes leaving the site (e.g. bridges out, toxicreleases, etc.) Inform Emergency Plant Manager as needed.2. Obtain alpha listing report of personnel inside the PA for Administration and LogisticsCoordinator in EOF.3. At a Site Area Emergency or higher, perform evacuation and accountability in accordance withEIP-2-026.4. Notify the Security Shift Supervisor of vehicles needing entry into the Protected Area.5. Notify the OSC Manager and Radiological Coordinator of any offsite personnelresponding into the Protected Area as these personnel need to be tracked (ie.Local law enforcement, fire fighting personnel, EMS).RELOCATION ACTIONS1. Relocate as directed by the TSC Manager.EIP-2-018 REV -38 PAGE 22 OF 28 ATTACHMENT 11PAGEl1OF 1TSC COMMUNICATORACTIVATIONDate:Action CompletedInitial1. Refer to EN-EP-610.2. Have Administration and Logistics Coordinator call out another TSCCommunicator, if needed.3. Verify that all required TSC staff members are signed in on TSC Staffing sheet.Identify any TSC position not filled and report results to TSC Manager.1.BEOENsur tACTIteOpeaiNS CoriaoanTSMageprodclyvifthaccuracy of status board information.RELOCATION ACTIONSJ1. Relocate as directed by the TSC Manager.EIP-2-018 REV -38 PAGE 23 OF 28 ATTACHMENT 12PAGEl1OFi1ENS COMMUNICATORACTIVATIONDate:Action CompletedInitial1. Refer to EN-EP-610.2. Proceed to the Control Room and relieve the TSC/Control RoomCommunicator or Control Room Communicator of the NRC notification duties.3. Inform the TSC Manager that you are in the Control Room.4. When the TSC becomes operational, inform the NRC that you arerelocating duties to the TSC. Report to the TSC.SUBSEOUENT ACTIONS1. Upon termination of the emergency,. notify the NRC.RELOCATION ACTIONSIf TSC is relocating:1. Report to the Communicator's desk in the control room or other location as directedto resume ENS duties.EIP-2-018 REV -38 PAGE 24 OF 28 ATTACHMENT 13PAGEl1OFi1TECHNICAL SUPPORT CENTER ORGANIZATION CHARTEIP-2-018 REV -38 PAGE 25 OF 28 ATTACHMENT 14PAGE 1lOFi1TECHNICAL SUPPORT CENTER FLOOR PLAN (TYPICAL)OSO Area ! CORRIDORWME'z ROlirTSCOPERATIONSAREACOMPUTERDISPLAYAREARAMPServices Building 123'COMPUTER ROOMCABLECHASEEIP-2-018REV -38 PAGE 26 OF 28EIP-2-O1 S REV-38 PAGE26OF2S ATTACHMENT 15PAGE 1 OF 2TSC ADDITIONAL RELOCATION GUIDELINESNOTEUnforeseen factors may arise which make predetermined actions ineffective or impractical incertain circumstances. In these instances, the Emergency Plant Manager may use hisdiscretion in taking alternate courses of action based on available information.Situations may arise where personnel responding to an emergency will not be able to access theemergency response facilities in the protected area (e.g. security event). If the TSC and control roomare not available or not recommended, then consider establishing operations in the EOF. A finalalternative would be the Alternate BOF.Should the EOF be chosen, TSC personnel should man the Emergency Operations Facility located in theTraining Center. Operations Support Center personnel will also be staged in the EOF. EOF personnelwill report to the Alternate EOF to assume their duties and Joint Information Center personnel will bedirected to the Governor's Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness (GOHSEP) inBaton Rouge. ,If possible, TSC personnel should. consider taking certain items with them to the EOF -procedures,drawings, laptop Computers, etc.Arriving TSC personnel should use the provided Emergency Planning aid while staffing the facility to-man the appropriate chairs. They should also receive a turnover from EOF personnel, if present, prior tothe EOF relocating.Emergency Plant Manager should consider requesting some EOF personnel to stay in EOF to assist.Personnel should be directed to carry out the applicable steps of EIP-2-0 18 with the followingexceptions:1. Security Coordinator -Coordinates law enforcement response with plantsecunity in a security incident. Establishes controls for access to EOF.Provides initial accountability to the Emergency Plant Manager andmaintains accountability thereafter. Coordinates with Security ShiftSupervisor on teams dispatched to the site.2. Maintenance Coordinator -Coordinates activities with OSC personneland Security Coordinator.The Maintenance Coordinator should place the EOF ventilation in theemergency mode. For ventilation activation:a. Obtain master key from BOF key box.b. Place ventilation switch in Room TC 300-06 in emergency position.EIP-2-018 REV -38 PAGE 27 OF 28 ATTACHMENT 15PAGE 2 OF 2TSC ADDITIONAL RELOCATION GUIDELINESc. Go to Room TC 3 00-09 (Mechanical Equipment Room),and verify that valve "A" is closed and valve "B" is open.d. Leave ventilation switch in emergency position.e. Inform Radiological Coordinator of ventilation system mode.3. Operations Coordinator and Radiological Coordinator should checkbreakers in EOF UPS Breaker Panel on south wall of room behind doorTC300-14 for ERIS and DRMVS should they not be operable. IfAlternate EOF is staffed, Operations Coordinator should conference theEOF Technical Advisor to the bridge.4. ENS Communicator should consider taking over HPN duties while BOFtransitions to the ABOF.As soon as possible, communications should be established with the EmergencyDirector/Emergency Plant Manager (0OSM). These responsibilities should betransferred to the Alternate EOF upon that facility becoming operational.Any offsite agencies whose assistance is needed should be incorporated into the siteresponse as per established plans.Should the decision be made that the Training Center is not safe or secure, the TSC and OSC staffsshould report to the Alternate BOF with EOF personnel. From there, TSC personnel should re-establishcommunications with the control room, make a determination of plant needs, and develop plans toaddress those needs. Once a determination is made that the Training Center or TSC/OSC facilities areagain safe, then TSC and OSC personnel should relocate to those facilities to continue operations insupport of the control room.EIP-2-018 REV -38 PAGE 28 OF 28 ATTACHMENT 9.1 100FR50.54(q) SCREENINGSHEET 1 OF 6Procedure/Document Number: Revision:EIP-2-01 8 38EN-EP-61 0 2Equipment/Facility/Other: River Bend StationTitle: Technical Support CenterPart I. Description of Activity Being Reviewed (event or action, or series of actions that may result in a changeto the emergency plan or affect the implementation of the emergency plan):1. This change revises site-specific RBS procedure EIP-2-018, Technical Support Center, Rev. 38 and issues fleetprocedure EN-EP-610, Technical Support Center (TSC) Operations, Rev. 2. Responsibilities and Definitionscommon to both EN-EP-610 and EIP-2-018 were deleted from EIP-2-018 and retained in EN-EP-610. Changes weremade throughout EIP-2-018 to reflect this change.2. This change removes the Emergency Director function from the TSC when the EOF is not operational. TheEmergency Director responsibilities are now performed in the Control Room and applicable actions are located inEIP-2-006, Notifications. Changes were made throughout EIP-2-018 to remove responsibilities associated withClassifications, Notifications and Dose Assessment, including the following:* Section 3. Definitions -Removed definitions for Long Notification Message Form (LNMF), Short NotificationMessage Form (SNMF), and Rapidly Progressing Severe Accident (RPSA)* Section 4. Responsibilities -Removed Section 4.2, Emergency Director responsibilities.e Attachment 14. Protective Action Recommendations (PARS) -Deleted this attachment.* Attachment 10. TSC Dose Assessor -Deleted this position.* Attachments 1, 2. 3. and 4 -Removed procedure steps associated with the Emergency Director function fromthese attachments.3. Revised definition 3.3 Radiological Release:From:For emergency response purposes is defined as ANY detectable discharge of radioactive material to the environmentthat is due to the classified event.To:"For emergency response purposes is defined as ANY detectable discharge of radioactive material to theenvironment.4. Revised release characterization contained in definition 3.3:From:No release.Release below federally approved operating limits.Release above federally approved operating limits.To_:Release below federally approved operating limits.Release .above federally approved operating limits.5. In Step 5.4 and in Attachment 15, replaced "Alternate JIC" with "Governor's Office of Homeland Security andEmergency Preparedness (GOHSEP)" as the JIC will be relocated outside of the 10 mile EPZ when this procedurebecomes effective.6. Section 2, References -Editorial change to removed "EIP-2-001, Classification of Emergencies" and "EIP-2-024,Offsite Dose Calculations". Added "EN-EP-61 0, Technical Support Center (TSC) Operations".7. Attachment 15, Step 2 -Added additional guidance from EIP-2-020, Emergency Operations Facility for placing theEOF ventilation in emergency mode.8. Section 1, Purpose -Changed "This pSrocedure provides instructions for the activation, operation and deactivation ofthe Technical Support Center (TSC)" TO "This procedure provides site specific instructions for the activation,operation and relocation of the Technical Support Center (TSC). Entergy fleet procedure EN-EP-61 0, TechnicalSupport Center (TSC) Operations is the primary procedure to reference for TSC activation and operations.'EN-EP-305 REV 3 9.1 10OCFR50.54(q) SCREENINGSH-EET 2 OF 6ProcedurelDocument Number: Revision:ElIP-2-018 38EN-EP-61 0 2Equipment/Facility/Other: River Bend StationTitle: Technical Support CenterPart II. Activity Previously Reviewed? I--YES [] NOIs this activity fully bounded by an NRC approved 10 CFR 50.90 submittal or 50.54(q)(3) Continue toEvaluation is NOT next partAlert and Notification System Design Report? required. Enterjustification belowIf YES, identify bounding source document number/approval reference and and complete Partensure the basis for concluding the source document fully bounds the vI.proposed change is documented below: _____________Justification:Z] Bounding document attached (optional)Part Ill. Applicability of Other Regulatory Change Control ProcessesCheck if any other regulatory change processes control the proposed activty.(Refer to EN-LI-i 00)NOTE: For example, when a design change is the proposed activity, consequential actions may include changes toother documents which have a different change control process and are NOT to be included in this 50.54(q)(3)Screening.APPLICABILITY CONCLUSION[] If there are no controlling change processes, continue the 50.54(q)(3) Screening.[] One or more controlling change processes are selected, however, some portion of the activity involves theemergency plan or affects the implementation of the emergency plan; continue the 50.54(q)(3) Screening for that portionof the activity. Identify the applicable controlling change processes below.LI One or more controlling change processes are selected and fully bounds all aspects of the activity. 50.54(q)(3)Evaluation is NOT required. Identify controlling change processes below and complete Part VI. -CONTROLLING CHANGE PROCESSES10OCFR50.54(q)Part IV. Editorial ChangeIs this activity an editorial or typographical change such as formatting, paragraphnumbering, spelling, or punctuation that does not change intent?Justification:Chance # 6 from Part I -Section 2, References -Editorial change to removed "EIP-2-001, Classification of Emergencies" and "EIP-2-024, Offsite Dose Calculations". Added"EN-EP-61 0, Technical Support Center (TSC) Operations".This proposed change is editorial in nature in accordance with EN-AD-101. It does notchange the intent or purpose of the procedure. No further evaluation is necessary.NO is checked because the procedure revision contains other changes from Part I thatare Non-editorial.DYES50.54(q,)(3)Evaluation isNOT required.Enterjustification andcomplete Part,VI.[]NOContinue to nextpartEN-EP-305 REV 3 ATTACHMENT 9.1 10OCFR50.54(q) SCREENINGSHEET 3 OF 6Procedure/Document Number: Revision:EIP-2-01 8 38EN-EP-61 0 2EquipmentlFacilitylOther: River Bend StationTitle: Technical Support CenterPart V. Emergency Planning Element/Function Screen (Associated 10 CFR 50.47(b) planning standard functionidentified in brackets) Does this activity affect any of the following, including program elements from NUREG-0654/FEMA REP-I Section I1?1. Responsibility for emergency response is assigned. [1] ____2. The response organization has the staff to respond and to augment staff on a continuing basis (24/7 LIstaffing) in accordance with the emergency plan. [1] ___3. The process ensures that on shift emergency response responsibilities are staffed and assigned. [2] II]4. The process for timely augmentation of onshift staff is established and maintained. 121 LI5. Arrangements for requesting and using off site assistance have been made. [3] [6. State and local staff can be accommodated at the EOF in accordance with the emergency plan. [3] LI7. A standard scheme of emergency classification and action levels is in use. [4] Ej8. Procedures for notification of State and local governmental agencies are capable of alerting them of LIthe declared emergency within 15 minutes after declaration of an emergency and providing follow-upnotifications. [5]9. Administrative and physical means have been established for alerting and providing prompt [instructions to the public within the plume exposure pathway. [5]10. The public ANS meets the design requirements of FEMA-REP-10, Guide for Evaluation of Alert and LINotification Systems for Nuclear Power Plants, or complies with the licensee's FEMA-approved ANSdesign report and supporting FEMA approval letter. [5]11. Systems are established for prompt communication among principal emergency response LIorganizations. [6]12. Systems are established for prompt communication to emergency response personnel. [6] LI13. Emergency preparedness information is made available to the public on a periodic basis within the LIplume exposure pathway emergency planning zone (EPZ). [7]14. Coordinated dissemination of public information during emergencies is established. [7] LI15. Adequate facilities are maintained to Support emergency response. [8] LI16. Adequate equipment is maintained to support emergency response. [8] LI17. Methods, systems, and equipment for assessment of radioactive releases are in use. [9] LI18. A range of public PARs is available for implementation during emergencies. [10] LI19. Evacuation time estimates for the population located in the plume exposure pathway EPZ are LIavailable to support the formulation of PARs and have been provided to State and localgovernmental authorities. [10]20. A range of protective actions is available for plant emergency workers during emergencies, including LIthose for hostile action events.[1 0]21. The resources for controlling radiological exposures for emergency workers are established. [11] LI22. Arrangements are made for medical services for contaminated, injured individuals. [12] LI23. Plans for recovery and reentry are developed. [13] LIEN-EP-305 REV 3 ATTACHMENT 9.1 10CFR50.54(q) SCREENINGSHEET 4 OF 6ProcedurelDocument Number: Revision:EIP-2-01 8 38EN-EP-61 0 2EquipmentlFacilitylOther: River Bend StationTitle: Technical Support Center24. A drill and exercise program (including radiological, medical, health physics and otherprogram D]areas) is established. [14] __25. Drills, exercises, and training evolutions that provide performance opportunities to develop, maintain, Eland demonstrate key skills are assessed via a formal critique process in order to identifyweaknesses. [14]26. Identified weaknesses are corrected. [141 LI27. Training is provided to emergency responders. [15] Li28. Responsibility for emergency plan development and review is established. [161 -[29. Planners responsible for emergency plan development and maintenance are properly trained. [16] LIAPPLICABILITY CONCLUSION0] If no Part V criteria are checked, a 50.54(q)(3) Evaluation is NOT required; document the basis for conclusion belowand complete Part VI.0 If any Part V criteria are checked, complete Part VI and perform a 50.54(q)(3) Evaluation.BASIS FOR CONCLUSIONChancqe item #1 from Part I.Procedure EN-EP-801, Emergency Response Organization, outlines the Entergy ERO positions and responsibilities.Procedure EIP-2-01 8, TSC Support Center, was revised in revision 33 to implement the Fleet Standard ERO and waspreviously evaluated under a 1OCFR50.54(q)(3) performed on 12/6/2010. Entergy has since developed fleet procedureEN-EP-61 0, Technical Support Center (TSC) Operations, which delineates the operation of the TSC based on thepositions and responsibilities within EN-EP-801. This proposed procedure revision revises the site procedure to work inconcert with the fleet procedure. Site Procedure EIP-2-01 8 will address site specific actions not contained in fleetprocedure EN-EP-610. Existing RBS facilities and equipment continue to be maintained and there are no changes toany intent in procedure actions. Timing requirements for augmentation and facility operability are also unchanged.Process discussion: RBS currently uses the same processes reflected in the fleet procedure position checklists andposition binders. A review of the RBS Emergency Plan commitments was performed against the fleet TSC procedureand EIP-2-01 8. Fleet procedure information was supported with site specific information as necessary to ensure site-specific Emergency Plan requirements and associated processes were retained. Therefore, changes to the location ofthe description of emergency response processes were made (changed to fleet procedure or retained in site-specificEIP), but no changes to the emergency response processes addressed by 10CFR50.47(b) planning standardsthemselves were made.Summary:* No ERO positions have been added or deleted.* Some ERO responsibilities have been relocated to align with EN-EP-610.* The description, activation and operation of the TSC as described in the RBS Emergency Plan have not beenchanged.* All site specific commitments continue to be met under the fleet procedure and the use of a site-specificprocedure.* This change does not alter the TSC structure, organization or location.The proposed revision to the site Technical Support Center (TSC) Procedure EIP-2-018 and incorporating the use offleet Technical Support Center (TSC) Procedure EN-EP-610 does not affect the meaning or the intent of a description,'facilities, equipment or a process. This proposed change does not affect the Emergency Plan. No further evaluation isrequired for this change.EN-EP-305 REV 3 ATTACHMENT 9.1 100FR50.54(q) SCREENINGSHEET 5 OF 6Procedure/Document Number: Revision:EIP-2-01 8 38EN-EP-61 0 2Equipment/Facility/Other: River Bend StationTitle: Technical Support CenterBASIS FOR CONCLUSION (Continued)Changqe Item # 2This change to remove the Emergency Director capabilities from the TSC and relocate this function to the Main ControlRoom was previously reviewed under a 10CFR50.54(q) evaluation for RBS Emergency Plan, Revision 42, which will beimplemented on the same day as this revision. The evaluation determined that there was no reduction in effectivenessdue to this change. Therefore, this proposed change does not affect the meaning or the intent of a description, facilities,equipment or a process. This proposed change does not affect the Emergency Plan. No further evaluation is requiredfor this change.Changqe items # 3 and 4. Revised release definition to remove 'due to the classified event' and also removed 'norelease' as a release characterization.There are no changes to the current offsite notification procedure process with one exception associated with removing'no release' as an option with which to characterize releases from the site. With this change RBS will still provide tolocal organizations emergency messages which contain information about the class of emergency, whether a release istaking place, potentially affected populations, and whether protective measures are necessary. This change is inalignment with NRC RIS 2002-16 and has been agreed to by both State and local officials. Procedures for notification ofState and local governmental agencies are still capable of alerting them of the declared emergency within 15 minutesafter declaration of an emergency and providing follow-up notifications. This change was evaluated under a1 0CFR50.54(q) evaluation for EIP-2-020 Revision 39. Therefore, this proposed change does not affect the meaning orthe intent of a description, facilities, equipment or a process. This proposed change does not affect the Emergency Plan.No further evaluation is required for this change.Changqe Item # 5 -This change was previously reviewed under a 10OCFR50.54(q) evaluation for the Emergency PlanRevision 42, which will be implemented on the same day as this revision. The proposed change does not affect themeaning or the intent of a description, facilities, equipment or a process. This proposed change does not affect theEmergency Plan. No further evaluation required for this change.Changqe Item # 7 -Attachment 15, Step 2- -Added additional guidance from EIP-2-020, Emergency Operations Facilityfor placing the EOF ventilation in emergency mode.Previous guidance directed the TSC Maintenance Coordinator to refer to EIP-2-020 for placing the EOF ventilation in theemergency mode. This enhancement places those applicable steps in Attachment 15 of this procedure.. This preventsthe Maintenance Coordinator from using multiple procedures to complete this task.This proposed change is an enhancement and therefore does not affect the meaning or the intent of a description,facilities, equipment or a process. The proposed change does not affect the Emergency Plan. No further evaluation isrequired for this change.Change Item #8 -This change to revise Section 1, Purpose is addressed under Change #1.EN-EP-305 REV 3 A'I-ACHMENT 9.1 10CFR50.54(q) SCREENINGSHEET 6 OF 6Procedure/Document Number: Revision:EIP-2-O1 8 38EN-EP-61 0 2Equipment/Facility/Other: River Bend Station,Title: Technical Support CenterPart VI. Signatures:Preparer Name (Print) Preparer Signature Date:(Optional) Reviewer Name (Print) Reviewer Signature Date:Reviewer Name (Print) Reviewer Signature Date:Duane White 1/19/2016Nuclear EP Project ManagerApprover Name (Print) Approver Signature Date:EP manager or designeeEN-EP-305 REV 3 REFERENCE USE-SWENTERGYRIVER BEND) STATIONSTATION SUPPORT MANUAL*EMERGENCY IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE*EMERGENCY OPERA TIONS FACILITYPROCEDURE NUMBER: *EIP-2-020REVISION NUMBER: *39Effective Date:
- 1/27/16NOTE : SIGNATURES ARE ON FILE.*IND4JEXING INFORMATION TABLE OF CONTENTSSECTION PAGE NO.1 PURPOSE ......................................................................................... 22 REFERENCES.................................................................................... 23 DEFINITION S.................................................................................... 24 RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................................................. 45 GEINERAL......................................................................................... 56 PROCEDURE ............................................................... ...................... 57 DOCUMENTATION ............................................................................. 7ATTACHMENT 1 -EMERGENCY DIRECTOR................................................... 8ATTACHMENT 2 -EOF MANAGER.............................................................. 12ATTACHMENT 3 -ADMINISTRATION & LOGISTICS COORDINATOR................... 17ATTACHMENT 4 -RADIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT COORDINATOR...................... 21ATTACHMENT 5 -PUBLIC INFORMATION LIAISON........................................ 25ATTACHMENT 6 -DOSE ASSESSOR............................................................ 26ATTACHMENT 7 -OFFSITE TEAM COORDINATOR ......................................... 28ATTACHMENT 8 -BOF HABITABILITY TECHNICIAN ...................................... 30ATTACHMENT 9- -OFFSITE COMMUNICATOR .............................................. 32ATTACHMENT 10 -TECHNICAL ADVISOR.................................................... 36ATTACHMENT 11 -EOF COMMUNICATOR ................................................... 37ATTACHMENT 12 -LOG KEEPER............................................................... 38ATTACHMENT 13 -LEAD OFFSITE LIAISON ................................................. 39ATTACHMENT 14 -OFFSITE LIAISON ......................................................... 40ATTACHMENT 15 -SIREN SYSTEM OPERATION ........................................... 41ATTACHMENT 16 -ORGANIZATIONAL CHART............................................. 43ATTACHMENT 17 -EOF FLOOR PLAN ......................................................... 44ATTACHMENT 18 -PROTECTIVE ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS ....................... 45EJP-2-020 REV -39 PAGE 1 OF 50 1 PURPOSEThis procedure provides site specific instructions for activation, operation, andrelocation of the Emergency Operations Facility (EOF). Entergy fleet procedureEN-EP-609, Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) Operations is the primaryprocedure to reference for EOF activation and operations.2 REFERENCES2.1 RPP-0006, Radiological Surveys2.2 RP-104, Personnel Decontamination Event2.3 EIP-2.-012, Radiation Exposure Controls2.4 EIP-2-0 14, Offsite Radiological Monitoring2.5 EIP-2-024, Offsite Dose Calculations2.6 EIP-2-028, Recovery2.7 EPP-2-100, Procedure Review, Revision and Approval2.8 Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO) Resource Manual2.9 EIP-2-001, Classification of Emergencies2.10 EN-EP-609, Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) Operations3 DEFINITIONS3.1 Augmentation -Actions taken to support onshift personnel or theEmergency Response Organization.3.2 Habitable -For the purpose of this procedure, the term habitable is basedsolely on radiological conditions, however, the EOF Manager maydeclare the facility uninhabitable based on other conditions.3.3 Rapidly Progressing Severe Accident (RPSA)-A General Emergency withrapid loss of containment integrity (emergency action levels indicatecontainment loss) and loss of ability to cool the core.EIP-2-020 REV -39PAGE 2 OF 50EW-2-020 REV -39 PAGE 2 OF 50 3.4 Radiological Release -For emergency response purposes is defined asANY detectable discharge of radioactive material to the environment.The release characterization should be further defined whencommunicating to offsite agencies to characterize whether or not therelease is below or above Technical Specification limits. Indicate theappropriate release characterization on the Short and Long NotificationMessage Forms.3.4.1. Release BELOW federally approved operating limits(Technical Requirements Manual)3.4.2. Release ABOVE federally approved operating limits(Technical Requirements Manual)3.4.3. Effluent Technical Requirements Manual1. Any one of three effluent monitors indicates a value threetimes the High alarm set pointOR2. Any two of the three effluent monitors indicate a valueequal or greater than the High alarm set point.The three effluent monitors are:TITLE NO.Main Plant Exhaust Stack RMS-RE125 Channel 4 (4GE125)Radwaste Vent. Exhaust RMS-RE006 Channel 4 (4GE006)Fuel Bldg. Vent. Exhaust RMS-RE005 Channel 4 (4GE005).' OR3. An unmonitored release is detected at the site boundary byteams with survey instruments.3.5 Short Notification Message Form (SNMF) -Used for declaration of anemergency classification or changes to the Protective ActionRecommendations (PARs). Notification must be made to State and localauthorities within approximately 15 minutes. The Short NotificationMessage Form contains information about the class of emergency,whether a release is taking place, potentially affected population andareas, and whether protective measures may be necessary.EIP-2-020 REV -39PAGE 3 OF 50EIP-2-020 REV -39 PAGE 3 OF 50 3.6 Long Notification Message Form (LNMF) -Used for providing State andlocal authorities follow-up information. The LNMF is sent out as soon aspossible following a SNMF. The LNMF is also sent out for anysignificant changes to plant conditions that do no__t require an emergencyescalation or change in PARs. No more than 2 hours should be exceededbetween any two LNMFs.4 RESPONSIBILITIES4.1 Emergency Director:4.1.1. Provide overall management of River Bend station (RB S)response activities. The Emergency Director has the authority toimmediately and unilaterally initiate all emergency actions.4.1.2. Assess and classifyj emergency conditions.4.1.3.' Provide notifications and make protective actionrecommendations to offsite authorities.4.1.4. Coordinate RBS response activities as required with offsiteorganizations.4.1.5. Ensures that offsite radiological conditions are projected andmonitored.4.1.6. Authorize issuance of KI and radiation exposure in excess of0 CFR 20 limits for ERO members outside of the protectedarea.4.1.7. Authorize press releases.4.1.8. Establish a Recovery Organization.4.1.9. Terminate the emergency.4.2 EOF Manager -Ensure that the EOF is activated, ensure that notificationmessage forms are properly filled out and completed on time, and thatEOF staff provide support functions per the applicable section(s) of thisprocedure.EIP-2-020 REV -39 PAGE 4 OF 50 5 GENERAL5.1 Attachment 16, Emergency Operations Facility Organization Chart, is atypical makeup for the EOF.5.2 Attachment 17, Emergency Operations Facility Floor Plan, is a typicalsetup for the EOF.5.3 The EOF may be activated at any time, and shall be activated at an Alert,Site Area Emergency,, or General Emergency declaration. Onceactivated, the EOF shall become operational as soon as possible afterdeclaration of any of these emergency classifications. When facilityminimum staffing can be accomplished with onsite personnel, it is the goalto become operational within 45 minutes. Otherwise, it is the goal tobecome operational in 90 minutes.6 PROCEDURENOTEThe actions of this procedure may be completed in anysequence, however, the sequence presented in theattachments is recommended.Report any actions unable to complete, equipment issues,or problems to EOF Manager for resolution and/ordetermining facility operational status.6.1 Emergency Director6.1.1. The Emergency Director should use Attachment 1 as aguideline.6.2 EOF Manager.6.2.1. The EOF Manager should use Attachment 2 as a guideline.6.3 Administration (Admin) & Logistics Coordinator6.3.1. The Administration & Logistics Coordinator should useAttachment 3 as a guideline.EIP-2-O20 REV -39PAGE 5 OF 50EIP-2-020 REV -39 PAGE 5 OF 50 6.4 Radiological Assessment Coordinator6.4.1. The Radiological Assessment Coordinator should-useAttachment 4 as a guideline.6.5 Public Information Liaison6.5.1. The Public Information Liaison should use Attachment 5 as aguideline.6.6 Dose Assessor6.6.1. The Dose Assessor should use Attachment 6 as a guideline.6.7 Offsite Team Coordinator6.7.1. The Offsite Team Coordinator should use Attachment 7 as aguideline.6.8 EOF Habitability Technician6.8.1.. The EOF Habitability Technician should use Attachment 8 as aguideline.6.9 Offsite Communicator6.9.1. The Offsite Communicator should use Attachment 9 as aguideline.6.10 Technical Advisor6.10.1. The Technical Advisor should use Attachment 10 as aguideline.6.11 EOF Communicator6.11.1. The EOF Communicator should use Attachment 11 as aguideline.6.12 Log Keeper6.12.1. The Log Keeper should use Attachment 12 as a guideline.6.13 Offsite Monitoring Teams6.13.1. The Offsite Monitoring Teams should use EIP-2-014 as aguideline.REV -39PAGF, 6 OF 50Ti'TP~Xfl~fl T~EV -3Q PAGE 6 OF 50 6.1I4 Lead Offsite Liaison6.14.1. The Lead Offsite Liaison should use Attachment 13 as aguideline.6.15 Offsite Liaison6.15.1. The Offsite Liaison general guidance is contained inAttachment 14.7 DOCUMENTATIONAttachments 1-15 of this procedure will be sent to Permanent Plant Files (PPF)per EPP 100 by the Manager -Emergency Preparedness.EIP-2-O2O REV = 39PAGE 7 OF 50EIP-2-020 REV -39 PAGE 7 OF 50 ATTACHMENT 1PAGE 1 OF 4EMERGENCY DIRECTORACTIVATION Date: ___Actions CompletedInitials1. Refer to EN-EP-609. ___SUBSEOUENT ACTIONSNOTEThe Emergency Director has the authority to immediatelyand unilaterally initiate all emergency actions.1: If decision is made to relocate the EOF, implement the Relocation Actions portion of thischecklist.NOTEProtective Action Recommendations (PARs) must bedeveloped within 15 minutes of the declaration of aGeneral Emergency or data availability which requireupgrading the PARs.PARs2. Using Attachment 18, formulate Protective Action Recommendations (PARs) and scenario numberusing dose projections, field monitoring data, meteorological conditions and plant conditions.Unnecessary evacuation of the public is NOT considered a conservative decision. Do NO__T.recommend a PAR change that would direct shelter or monitor and prepare of an area (PAS) thathas already been recommended for evacuation.CAUTIONEmergency Operating Procedures (EOPs) require containment venting at specified pressuresand hydrogen concentrations, regardless of offsite consequences.3. Evaluate PARs in anticipation of intentional containment venting. As appropriate and timepermitting, other Considerations for containment venting include:* Notifyt JIC, States and Parishes about any venting and any expected PAR changes.* How will altering the venting start time affect offsite doses due to containment radioactivitybuildup\decay?EIP-2-020REV -39 PAGE 8 OF 50EIP-2-020 REV-39 PAGE8OF5O ATTACHMENT 1; PAGE 2 OF 4EMERGENCY DIRECTOR.* Will the release be a puff, series of puffs or continuous and what is the expected duration(s)?* Would the population-at-risk be able to evacuate before plume reaches them?* Are the winds variable or expected to change and affect areas where protective actions areNOTQ in place?* Are there any special interest groups or facilities to consider?4. Review and discuss protective actions to be recommended for the general public with theappropriate personnel and the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality (LDEQ) LiaisonOfficer, if available. If State representatives have not yet arrived, recommendations to the localauthorities shall not be delayed.5. Provide PARs to State and local authorities within 15 minutes. Once State and local authoritiesreceive the PARs, the State and local authorities will have approximately 5 minutes to review thePARs.6. Using Attachment 18, revise based on plant conditions, dose projections, field monitoringdata and meteorological conditions when advised by the Radiological Assessment Coordinator orTechnical Advisor.7. If doses > 1 rem TEDE. or > 5 rem CDE are projected at 10 miles, ensure the LDEQ Liaison isaware of the need for protective actions beyond 10 miles.EIP-2-020 REV -39 PAGE 9 OF 50 ATTACHMENT 1PAGE 3 OF 4EMERGENCY .DIRECTORTERMINATION1. Coordinate with the Emergency Plant Manager on terminating the emergency in accordance withthe following criteria:ALERT -Terminate the emergency when the Alert conditions are no longer met and thefollowing have been accomplished:1. The plant is in a stable condition.2. Excessive releases of radioactivity to the environment have been terminated and nofurther potential for significant radioactivity releases exists.3. No further potential for major damage to equipment existsSALE/GE -Terminate the emergency when the SALE/GE conditions are no longer met and thefollowing has been accomplished:1. The reactor is shutdown, is in a stable, safe configuration, and adequate core cooling is, available.2. Excessive releases of radioactivity to the environment have been tenminated and nofurther potential for significant radioactivity releases exists.3. Offsite concentrations of radioactivity in the atmosphere or in waterways havedispersed to near background levels, excluding ground deposition.4. The State of Louisiana, the local Parishes and the NRC concur in terminating theemergency.2. Notify the NRC via NRC ENS line and offsite authorities using a notification message form of theemergency termination.3. When a Site Area Emergency or General Emergency has been terminated, implement EIP-2-028,Recovery.EIP-2-020 REV -39 PAGE 10 OF 50 ATTACHMENT 1PAGE 4 OF 4EMERGENCY DIRECTORRELOCATION ACTIONS Date: ____Actions CompletedInitials1. Direct the EOF Manager to perform relocation actions and proceed to the AEOF___prior to releasing the EOF staff. Turnover of responsibilities is to be in accordancewith EN-EP-609.2. Inform the parishes, the states of Louisiana and Mississippi, and the NRC that ___the EOF staff will be relocating to the AFOF and all communication will bedirected from.3. If relocation is due to conditions other than radiological conditions, direct the ___EOF staff to relocate directly to the Alternate EOF.4. If relocation is due to radiological conditions, direct the EOF staff to relocate to ___*the AFOF through the Zachary Monitoring and Decontamination Station.EIP-2-020 REV -39 PAGE 11 OF 50 ATTACHMENT 2PAGE 1OF 5EOF MANAGERACTIVATION Date: _____Actions CompletedInitials1. Refer to EN-EP-609.2. Periodically announce that no eating, drinking, or chewing is allowed until ___habitability is determined.3. Obtain status of EOF radiological habitability firom Radiological Assessment __Coordinator and advise Emergency Director of status. Other considerations mayinclude environmental conditions, loss of power or other conditions which mayimpede operation of the facility.4. Make announcement when the EOF is determined to be habitable. __5. If the EOF is not habitable, direct EOF staff to implement the Relocation Actions __on their checklists, as appropriate.6. All minimum staffing personnel have completed the activation portion of their __checklists except for steps noted below and are prepared to perform functionalresponsibilities. (See section 5.3 -EOF Operational Goal is 45 or 90 minutes.)Emergency Classification Time: ____+ (45 or 90) _____EOF Operational Goal TimeMINIMUM STAFFING:a. Emergency Directorb. EOF Manager (Except for steps 5 & 6)c. Radiological Assessment Coordinatord. Dose Assessore. Technical Advisorf. Offsite Communicator7. Inform the Emergency Director that the EOF is ready to be declared operational. __SUBSEQUENT ACTIONS1. If the emergency is due to a hostile action against the plant, direct theAdministrative & Logistics Coordinator to ensure that operations, security andradiation protection liaisons have been dispatched to the WF Parish IncidentCommand Post (ICP). Direct that an additional security liaison be dispatched tothe EOF to establish communications with the ICP.EIP-2-020 REV -39 PAGE 12 OF 50 ATTACHMENT 2PAGE 2 OF 5EOF MANAGERSUBSEOUENT ACTIONS (cont'd)NOTENoti~fications to State and local authorities must be madewithin approximately 1_5 minutes of a declaration of anemergency or Protective Action Recommendations (PARs)change using the Short Notifcation Message Form(SNrMF).NOTEAll Notifi cation Message Forms must be reviewed andapproved by the Emergency Director.2. Conduct a PAR Call following each PAR issuancea. When all parish Directors or Assistant Directors, the Operations Officer atthe State Emergency Operations Center (GOHSEP), and the LDEQLiaison, if available, are on the Hotline, verify the PARs (ScenarioNumber) each parish intends to implement.b. Record scenario number each parish will implement on the PARVerification Checklist provide by Offsite Communicator.c. Obtain siren sounding time from the Operations Officer and record on PARVerification Checklist.d. If requested by a parish agency that RBS sound their sirens, then direct theEOF Communicator to do so using Attachment 15 at the agreed upon sirensounding time.3. Evaluate the need for retaining personnel relocating from the TSC.EIP-2-020 REV -39 PAGE 13 OF 50 ATTACHMENT 2PAGE 3 OF 5EOF MANAGERRELOCATION ACTIONS Date:____Actions CompletedInitials1. Obtain the Alternate EOF (AEOF) access package from the EOF key box.___2. Ensure EOF Staff is aware of route to Alternate EOF following direction___from the Radiological Assessment Coordinator.3. Proceed to the Alternate EOF.EIP-2-020 REV -39 PAGE 14 OF 50 ATTACH4MENT 2PAGE 4 OF 5EOF MANAGERLONG NOTIFICATION MESSAGE FORM (TYPICAL)NOTIFICATION MESSAGE FORM1. THIS IS RIVER BEND STATIONWITH MESSAGE NUMBER____2. A. TIME ____DATE______B. COMMUNICATOR:___________C. TEL NO. _____3. EMERGENCY CLASSIFICATION:A. El NOTIFICATION OF UNUSUAL EVENT C. El SITE AREA EMERGENCY E. El TERN INAEB. El ALERT 0.0[ GENERAL EMERGENCY4. CURRENT EMERGENCY CLASSIFICATION El DECLARATiON El TERMI AINTIME:______DATE:_____VllNATED5. RECOMMENDED PROTECTIVE ACTIONS:A. El No Protective Actions Recommended at this time (Go to item 6).B. El Evacuate ____________________________________________C. El Monitor and Prepare0. El Shelter6. INCIDENT DESCRIPTIONIUPDATEICOMMENTS:___________________________________________________________7. REACTOR SHUTDOWN? El NO El YES TIME:__- __8. METEOROLOGICAL DATA: El NOT AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME (Go to item 9)A. Wind Direction FROM ________Degrees at____________MPHB. Sectors Affected (A-R).C. Stability Class (A-G)D. Precipitation: El None El Rain El Sleet El Snow El Hail El Other_____9. RELEASE INFORMATION:A. El A RELEASE is occunring BELOW federally approved operating limitsB. El A RELEASE is occunring ABOVE federally approved operating limits10. TYPE OF RELEASE:A. El Radioactive Gases B. El Radioactive Airborne Particulates C. El Radioactive Liq11. RELEASE RATE: A. NOBLE GASES ________Cl/s B. IODINES___12. ESTIMATE OF PROJECTED OFF-SITE DOSE:A. Projections for _____hours based on: El Field Data El Plant DataB. TEDE -WB DOSE COMMITMENT (mRem) C. CDE -THYROID DOSEDATE: _______luids (Go to item 13)Ci/sCOMMITMENT (mRem)5 milesSite Boundary5 milesSite Boundary13.14.2 miles ____ ___ 10 miles_______MESSAGE APPROVED BY:____________MESSAGE RECEIVED BY: ____________2 miles ____ ___ 10 miles_______TITLE: ____________TITLE: ____________EIP-2-020 REV -39 PAGE 15 OF 50 ATTACHMENT 2PAGE 5 OF 5EOF MANAGERGUIDELINES FOR COMPLETING THE LNMFMANUAL METHODINFORMRiver Bend and Message Number automatic Assign a message number. Number the messages sequentiallyLine 1' until the emergency is terminated.S 2A Time/Date automatic upon transmission. 2A Enter Time/Date message was transmitted.Line 2 2B Comm: Enter facility name. 2B Comm.: Enter facility name2C Tel. No.: Indicate "Hotline" unless alternate 2C Tel. No.: Indicate "Hotline" unless alternate... method is being used, then enter alternate method. method is being used, then enter alternate method.Line 3 Automatic from Short Form. If termination message, check Check appropriate classification or terminated.: "terminated".*Line 4 Automatic from Short Form. For termination, check Check either declaration or termination."termination" and enter termination time/date. Enter time/date of emergency declaration or termination.Check appropriate box(es). If PAR has been recommended, Check appropriate box(es). If PARs have been recommended,Line 5 select appropriate protective actions and indicate scenario indicate the scenario number. May add information as... number. May add information as necessary, necessary... : Enter description from Short Form. May add information as Enter description from Short Form. May add information asLine 6 1 necessary. Use this line to correct any previous errors, necessary. Use this line to correct any previous errors.Line 7 Indicate if the reactor is shutdown. Information should be Indicate if the reactor is shutdown. Information should be*obtained from Operations. If yes, enter time/date. obtained from Operations. If yes, enter the time/date.,; ,Meteorological data for Lines 8A-C is available on ERIS and Meteorological data for Lines 8A-C is available on ElRiS andin the Control Room and Meteorological Tower. printers in the Control Room and Meteorological Tower.iLine 8 SA -Enter wind direction (from) and speed. 8A -Enter wind direction (from) and speed.S B -Enter the 3 affected wind sectors according to 8B -Enter the 3 affected wind sectors according~to theS the current wind direction, current wind direction.S.: C -Enter stability class. 8C -Enter stability class.S:: D -Check appropriate box. 8D -Check appropriate box....Determine release characterization. Determine release characterization.S 9A/B Check A or B as appropriate. When checking A or B 9A/B Check A or B as appropriate. When checking A or*complete lines 10, 11 and 12. B complete lines 10, 11 and 12.Line 9_________,__________Lin 1 Indicate the type of release(s). If there is no core damage, Indicate the type of release(s). If there is no core damage,Ln 1 *check 10OA for airborne release. If there is clad damage or fuel check 1 0A for airborne release. If there is clad damage or fuelS melt, check 10A & l0B for airborne release. If the release is a melt, check 10A & 10B for airborne release. If the release is* liquid release, check 10C. a liquid release, check 10C.Line 11 Enter release rate. DRMS provides release rates in uCi/sec. Enter release rate. DRMS provides release rates in uCi/sec.These rates must be converted to Ci/sec. These rates must be converted to Ci/sec.* 12A Enter number of hours used and method used in dose 12A Enter number of hours used and method used in dose'Line 112 calculation, calculation." *"12B Obtain from URI/RASCAL results. 12B Obtain from URI/RASCAL results.Line 13 Enter Emergency Director's name and "ED" as title. ED must Enter Emergency Director's name and "ED" as title. ED must_____ review and approve NMFs prior to transmission, review and approve NMFs prior to transmission.Line !4, Leave blank. For use by parishes. Leave blank. For use by parishes.EIP-2-02OREV -39 PAGE 16 OF 50EIP-2-020 REV-39 PAGE16OF5O ATTACHMENT 3PAGE 1OF 4ADMINISTRATION & LOGISTICS COORDINATORACTIVATION Date: _____Actions CompletedInitials1. Refer to EN-EP-609.2. Identify any EOF position not filled and report results to EOF Manager.3. Obtain plant daily report and distribute as necessary.4. Ensure EOF Access List is available. __SUBSEOUENT ACTIONS1. Contact personnel to fill any vacant EOF positions.2. Contact the TSC Manager in the TSC concerning any personnel injuries.3. Obtain requested personnel resources to assist with the emergency.4. After the EOF becomes operational, establish EOF access security controls.a. Position and operate doors per the posted instructions at EOF west inner door.b. Lock EOF east entrance (TC 100-19) and post sign to use west entrance.c. Emergency Director or BOF Manager must approve EOF entry for anyone not on theaccess list. NRC and LDEQ personnel should present their credentials as authorization toenter the EOF. Notify EOF Manager when any outside agencies enter the EOF.5. Verify the NRC FTS 2001 phones have a dial tone. Report any problems to the NRC OperationsCenter using a commercial phone and the numbers listed on the NRC phone.6. Contact the hospital for current information on injured personnel, as applicable. Keep the EOFManager informed of status.7. Assist in obtaining drawings and procedures as needed. The simulator documents may be used.8. Develop long-term staffing rotation list:a. Establish a 24 hour ERO staffing schedule, excluding the JIC. Obtain MCR, TSC, andOSC staffing from TSC IT Specialist. Once schedule is complete, obtain approval fromEOF Manager.b. If PARs have been issued, discuss recommended routes with the Radiological AssessmentCoordinator (RAC).c. Contact the individuals on the rotation list and inform them of the time they are scheduledto report and the proper route to be taken.EIP-2-020 REV -39 PAGE 17 OF 50 ATTACHMENT 3PAGE 2 OF 4ADMINISTRATION & LOGISTICS COORDINATORSUBSEOUENT ACTIONS (cont'd)i9. Coordinate assistance from the Corporate Emergency Center (CEC) using the phone orCorporate Hot Line. Use the INPO Emergency Resources Manual as a reference.10. Coordinate assistance for personnel, equipment, supplies, food, lodging, travel, and.communications, as necessary. Maintain a list of requests and estimated response times. If PARshave been issued, obtain recommended routes and staging areas from the RAC and arrange forEmergency Planning Zone (EPZ) access through the Lead Offsite Liaison to the ParishEmergency Operations Centers (EOCs).11. Coordinate with RAC, TSC Security and Maintenance Coordinator as necessary to get personnel,equipment and materials onsite and in Security Owner Controlled area or Protected area, asappropriate.12. Coordinate monetary matters through the Corporate Emergency Center. Assistance may berequested from Corporate Business Services.13. Obtain list of materials, supplies, and contractors that may be required for recovery from EOF andTSC personnel.14. If directed, place ventilation system in the Emergency Mode. For ventilation activation:a. Obtain master key from EOF key box.b. Place ventilation switch in Room TC 300-06 in emergency position.c. Go to Room TC 3 00-09 (Mechanical Equipment Room),and verify that valve "A" is closed and valve "B" is open.d. Leave ventilation switch in emergency position.e. Inform Radiological Assessment Coordinator of ventilation system mode.EIP-2-020 REV -39 PAGE. 18 OF 50 ATTACHMENT 3PAGE 3 OF 4ADMINISTRATION & LOGISTICS COORDINATORRELOCATION ACTIONS Date: ____Actions CornpletedInitials1. Coordinate with EOF staff on documents necessary to support Alternate EOF __functions. Ensure documents are collected and transferred to the Alternate EOF.2. When directed, contact the East Baton Rouge Emergency Operations Center __(EOC) and request the notification of the Zachary Monitoring/DecontaminationStation of personnel arriving and, if necessary, that a school bus be dispatched tothe EOF to assist in the relocation.3. Request an IT and Communication person to report to AEOF for assistance. __EIP-2-020 REV -39 PAGE 19 OF 50 ATTACHMENT 3PAGE 4 OF 4ADMINISTRATION & LOGISTICS COORDINATOR-JEOF STAFFING LIST (Typical)Agenc/PostionPrinted Name or SignatureEmergency DirectorE OF Manager _ _ _ _ _ _STechnical AdvisorSOffsite CommunicatorSRadiological Assessment CoordinatorDose AssessorOfisite Team CoordinatorEOF CommunicatorAdministration & Logistics CoordinatorLog KeeperPublic Information LiaisonLead Offsite LiaisonRP Technician HabitabilityRP Technician (OMT)RP Technician (OMT)Chemistry Technician (OMT)Chemistry Technician (OMT)Offsite Liaison -West FelicianaOffsite Liaison -East FelicianaOffsite Liaison -Pointe Coup eeOffsite Liaison -East Baton RougeOffsite Liaison -West Baton RougeOffsite Liaison -State EOC-t-t-t-i-4-4-4EIP-2-020REV -39 PAGE 20 OF 50ELP-2-020 REV-39 PAGE 20 OF 50 ATTACHMENT 4PAGE 1 OF 4RADIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT COORDINATORACTIVATION Date: _____Actions CompletedInitials1. Refer to EN-EP-609.2. Ensure the Dose Assessor is available and prepared to assume functionalresponsibilities.NOTEThe EOF may be presumed to be radiologically habitablewithout conducting surveys based on release conditions.3. Provide habitability results to the EOF Manager and post EOF habitabilitystatus. Refer to EN-EP-609 for guidance. __4. Inform the EOF Manager When the RAG and Dose Assessor checklists are ___completed and prepared to perform functional responsibilities.SUBSEOUENT ACTIONS1. As required, ensure the distribution of direct reading dosimeters and DLRs to EOFpersonnel and announce the frequency at which individuals should read their dosiimeters.2. As required, direct the establishment of an EOF contamination control point at the dooroutside the EOF Decontamination Facility (Door TC-300-17). Provide direction onfrisking requirements.3. Using Attachment 18, formulate Protective Action Recommendations (PARs) andscenario number using dose projections, field monitoring, meteorological conditions andplant conditions. Unnecessary evacuation of the public is NO...T considered a conservativedecision.4. Discuss the PARs with the Emergency Director (ED) and Louisiana Department ofEnvironmental Quality (LDEQ) Liaison, if available, including the basis and reasoningused to arrive at the PARs.5. Provide the PAR scenario number for the Short Notification Message Form6. Review all notification message forms containing radiological data prior to transmittal.EIP-2-020REV -39 PAGE 21 OF 50EIP-2-020 REV-39 PAGE 21 0F50 ATTACHMENT 4PAGE 2 OF 4RADIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT COORDINATORSUBSEOUENT ACTIONS (cont'd)7. If containment radiation monitors are not available to assess source term for dose assessment,containment venting or PARs, use RPP-.0098 and/or plant conditions (i.e., water level, time coreuncovered, etc.) to estimate containment dose rates.8. After initial PAR implementation, use Attachment 18 to keep the ED informed on PAR changesbased on plant conditions, dose projections, field monitoring data and meteorological conditions,including wind shifts. Obtain NWS forecast from Dose Assessor.9. When PARs are issued, provide recommended routes for personnel and deliveries into RBS.10. If doses_> 1 rem TEDE or >5 remn CDE thyroid are projected at 10 miles, estimate the projecteddose at 15, 20 and 25 miles, as appropriate. Inform the ED and the LDEQ Liaison of the distanceand downwind areas at which a Protective Action Guideline (PAG) is estimated to be exceeded.11. Evaluate the need for EOF or offsite team personnel to exceed 10OCFR20 limits or the need for theuse of Potassium Iodide (KI) in accordance with EIP-.2-.012, Radiation Exposure Controls. Obtainthe Emergency Director's authorization as necessary.12. Make arrangements with environmental services for analysis of environmental samples taken byoffsite monitoring teams.EIP-2-020 REV -39 PAGE 22 OF 50 ATTACHMENT 4PAGE 3 OF 4RADIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT COORDINATORRELOCATION ACTIONS Date: ____Actions CornpletedInitials1. Coordinate with the OSC the control of oftsite monitoring teams. A __Radiation Protection Technician or Chemistry Technician can assumecontrol or if desired, the EOF Offsite Team Coordinator can remain to controloffsite monitoring teams until the AEOF is established.2. Transfer overall responsibility for dose assessment to the Shift Manager. __3. If communicating on NRC H{PN, transfer HPN responsibilities to the Shift __Manager and notify NRC of transfer.4. Review radiological and meteorological information and provide directions to the __staff relocating to the Alternate EOF. A suggested route to the ZacharyMonitoring/Decontamination Station and the Alternate EOF is shown on Page 4.Ensure that the EOF staff have DLRs and direct reading dosimeters prior torelocating to the Alternate EOF, if radiological release above federally approvedoperating limits is in progress.5. Ensure that the EOF Habitability Technician obtains survey meters and the ___DLR Tracking Log for transport to the Alternate EOF.6. Direct the EOF Habitability Technician to perform a sweep of the EOF __and Training Center to verify that all personnel have evacuated the building priorto relocating and send the Technician to the Alternate EOIF or ZacharyMonitoring/ Decontamination Station.EIP-2-020REV -39 PAGE 23 OF 50EIP-2-02E) REV-39 PAGE23OF5O ATTACHMENT 4PAGE 4 OF 4RADIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT COORDINATORDirections from River Bend Station to the ZacharyFire Department Decontamination Station1. Turn right (south) onto UJS-61 S toward Baton Rouge. Continue to follow US-61 5. (10.8 miles)2. Turn left onto Mt Pleasant-Zachary Rd/LA-64 E. Continue to follow LA-64 E. (5.6 miles)3. The Zachary Fire Department is on the left at 4525 MAIN ST.Directions from River Bend Station to the Alternate / Entergy RBS Backup EmergeneyOperations Facility (5564 Essen Lane. Baton RouIse)1. Turn right (south) onto UJS-61 S toward Baton Rouge. Continue to follow US-61 5. (19 miles)2. Merge onto 1-110 5 toward Baton Rouge. (8.7 miles)3. Take 1-10 E. (4.9 miles)4. Merge right onto Essen LnILA-3064 W via EXIT 160. (1 mile)5. The Entergy Building is on the right at 5564 ESSEN LN.EIP-2-020 REV -39 PAGE 24 OF 50 ATTACHMENT 5PAGE 1lOFi1PUBLIC INFORMATION LIAISONACTIVATION Date: _____Actions CompletedInitials1. Refer to EN-EP-609.2. Attempt to contact a JIG representative and determine activation status.___3. Inform EOF Manager when prepared to perform functional responsibilities and __JiG status.SUBSEOUENT ACTIONS1. Determine operability of FAX machine.2. Inform EOF Manager when JIG is operational and prepared to perform functional responsibilities.3. Establish contact with JIG Technical Advisor or Press Release Writer.4. Keep JIG provided with current plant status and any injuries.5. Ensure classification upgrades, PAR upgrades and siren sounding times are communicated toCompany Spokesperson to ensure media briefings are accurate.6. Obtain information to address rumors received by JIG.RELOCATION ACTIONS Date: ___Actions CompletedInitials1. When directed by the EOF Manager to relocate, turnover responsibilities to __the Shift Manager.2. Notify EOF Manager and Company Spokesperson when responsibilities are __turned over.3. Relocate as directed by EOF Manager. __EIP-2-020 REV -39 PAGE 25 OF 50 ATTACHMENT 6PAGE 1OF 2DOSE ASSESSORACTIVATION Date: _____Actions CompletedInitialsNOTE:If the Digital Radiation Monitoring System (DRMS) ormeteorological tower information is unavailable in the facility,have Radiological Assessment Coordinator (RA C) request anindividual from the OSC be dispatched to the Control Room torelay data. The onsite hotline or other means ofcommunication may be used to relay this information andvalues may also be obtained from an ERIS computer..1. Refer to EN-EP-609.2. Dose assessment program is running.3. DRMS values for performing dose calculations can be obtained. __4. Meteorological data for perfonming dose calculations can be obtained. __5. Inform the RAG when prepared to perform functional responsibilities. __Alternate methods may be used, as necessary.SUBSEOUENT ACTIONS1. Determine if any DRMS or meteorological parameters used in dose calculations are in a LimitingCondition for Operation (LCO) and their limitations.2. Call the National Weather Service to obtain weather forecast.3. Perform dose assessment calculations in accordance with EIP-2-024, Offsite DoseCalculations. Provide 'the results to the RAG.4. Check operability of the Onsite Hotline by calling the TSC at 102..,5. Verify the operability of the backup dose assessment computer, as time permits.Place the LapTop computer battery on charge.6. Provide DRMS data to the RAG.ELP-2-020 REV -39 PAGE 26 OF 50 ATTACHMENT 6PAGE 2 OF 2DOSE ASSESSOR7. As directed, convert offsite monitoring team dosimeter readings to TEDE and provideresults to the RAG for evaluation.8. If doses > 1 rem TEDE or >5 rem CDE thyroid are projected at 10 miles, estimate theprojected dose at 15, 20 and 25 miles, as appropriate. Inform the Radiological AssessmentCoordinator of the distance and downwind areas at which a Protective Action Guideline(PAG) is estimated to be exceeded.Estimate radiation doses beyond 10 miles using the following factors:These ratios may be used regardless of Stability Class, Wind Speed or TimeAfter Shutdown when the Core State = "Fuel Melt".Radiation Dose at 15 miles = dose at 10 miles x 0.387Radiation Dose at 20 miles = dose at 10 miles x 0.267Radiation Dose at 25 n~iles --dose at 10 miles x 0.226Ratios are applicable to either TEDE or CDE, althoughCDE Thyroid will normally be the dominant factor.RELOCATION ACTIONSDate:Actions CompletedInitials_1. Turn over dose assessment functions to the Shift Manager.2. Obtain backup dose assessment computer and charger to transport to theAlternate BOF (AEOF).EIP-2-020 REV -39 PAGE 27 OF 50 ATTACHMENT 7PAGE 1OF 2OFFSITE TEAM COORDINATORACTIVATION Date: _____Actions CompletedInitials.1. Refer to EN-EP-609. __SUBSEQUENT ACTIONSNOTEOffsite teams are expected to report in 75 minutes and beready for deployment as soon as possible but no later than90 minutes following notifcation.1. Ensure offsite teams complete applicable attachment of EIP-2-012 in regards to the administrationof potassium iodide (KI), if directed to take KI.2. Dispatch offsite monitoring teams. Even though it is NOT required at an Alert emergencyclassification, it is a good practice to assess radiological conditions near the site boundary toverify whether or not a release has occurred.3. Check the operability of the Offsite Monitoring Team radio. Theradio check includes two portable radios, as well as, the vehicle's mobileradio for each of the monitoring teams.4. Record the Offsite Monitoring Teams's location and readings on the status board.5. Keep track of Offsite Monitoring Team radiation exposures. If any memberreaches 1 R on their dosimeter, notify the RAC immediately. Direct the DoseAssessor to convert the readings to TEDE and evaluate as follows:a. When a Team Member's dosimeter reading reaches 1 R, immediatelyconvert to TEDE and evaluate.b. If converted TEDE is greater than 5 rem, obtain a whole body count assoon as practical to confirm calculated TEDE, and consider replacing theindividual on the Team.c. If confirmed TEDE is greater than 5 rem, inform Radiological AssessmentCoordinator (RAC) of overexposure for NRC notification (10OCFR20).EIP-2-020 REV -39 PAGE 28 OF 50 ATTACHMENT 7PAGE 2 OF 2OFFSITE TEAM COORDINATORRELOCATION ACTIONS Date: ____Actions ComnpletedInitials1. Turn over control of offsite teams to the OSC. __2. Inform the offsite teams when control has been transferred.3. Inform the RAC when turnover is completed and report to AFOF as directed. __ELP-2-020 REV -39 PAGE 29 OF 50 ATTACHMENT 8PAGE 1 OF 2EOF HABITABILITY TECHNICIANACTIVATION Date: _ ___Actions CompletedInitials1. Perform operational checks on monitoring equipment prior to use. __2. Perform radiation and airborne radioactivity surveys in accordance with __RPP-0006 or applicable attachments of EIP-2-014 to ensure that the EOF ishabitable. Report survey results to the Radiological Assessment Coordinator(RAG).3. Inform the RAG when prepared to perform functional responsibilities. __SUBSEQUENT ACTIONS1. As directed, distribute direct reading dosimeters and issue DLRs using page 3.2. Establish a contamination control point outside of door TC-300-17, as directed.3. Perform periodic habitability surveys mn EOF.4. Decontaminate individuals as required in accordance with RP-104.5. Perform tasks as directed by the RAC. This may include manning the NRC HPN line.6. Keep the RAC informed ofall activities.RELOCATION ACTIONS Date: ____Actions CompletedInitials.1. Sweep the EOF and Training Center to ensure that all personnel have __evacuated.2. Bring survey instruments and DLR Tracking Log to the Alternate EOF (ABOF). __EIP-2-020REV -39 PAGE 30 OF 50EIP-2-020 REV-39 PAGE300F5O ATTACHMENT 8PAGE 2 OF 2EOF HABITABILITY TECHNICIANDLR Tracking Log(Typical)Date:DLR# Name(Last, First, MI) Print SSN ReturnedEIP-2-020 REV -39 PAGE 31 OF 50 ATTACHMENT 9PAGE 1 OF 4OFFSITE COMMUNICATORACTIVATION Date: ____Actions CompletedInitials1. Refer to EN-EP-609.2. Check operability of the following communications equipment:a) State and Local Hotline, call the State Emergency Operations Center ___(Governor's Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness(GOHSEP)) at 361.b) Civil Defense Radio, call GOHSEP. __c) IINFORM Computer __3. Inform EOF Manager when prepared to perform functional responsibilities. __SUB SEOUENT ACTIONSNOTESNotification to State and local authorities must be madewithin approximately 15 minutes of a declaration of anemergency or Protective Action Recommendation (PAR)change using the Short Notifi cation Message Form(SNMF).1. Verify NMFP receipt with State and local authorities. Complete a new NMF Verification Checklist(p age 3) for each message sent.2. If an agency has not received the message, obtain message receipt verification from the otheragencies. If FAX is available, fax the message to the agency which did not receive the messageand verify receipt.3. If the message is still not received, read it to the agency (s), line by line over the Hot Line or bycommercial phone. Use Civil Defense radio if Hot Line or phones are not available.4. If no contact is made with a location on the Hotline, call the location on the commercial telephoneto verify receipt of message. If commercial telephones are inoperable, the Civil Defense Radiomay be used.EIP-2-020 REV -39 PAGE 32 OF 50 ATTACHMENT 9PAGE 2 OF 4OFFSITE COMMUNICATOR5. When PARs are issued:a. Call the State EOC (GOHSEP) and Parish EOCs on State/Local Hotline and inform themthat you will call them back in 5 minutes for PAR confirmation.b. After five minutes, contact Louisiana and the five Parish EOCs. Using page 4, verify thatthe Director or the Assistant Director for all Parishes and the Operations Officer at StateEOC are on the Hotline.c. When verified, request the EOF Manager and the Louisiana Department of EnvironmentalQuality (LDEQ) Liaison to pick up the Hotline for PAR verification and give the EOF.Manager the PAR Verification Checklist.6. Make follow-up notifications to State and local authorities as directed by the Emergency Director.Verify receipt of each NMF using a new NMF Verification Checklist.7. Upon termination of the emergency, notify, State and local authorities using the Long NotificationMessage Form.RELOCATION ACTIONS Date: ____Actions CompletedInitials1. Transfer the responsibility for communications with State and local __authorities to the Shift Manager.ELP-2-020 REV -39 PAGE 33 OF 50 ATTACHMENT 9PAGE 3 OF 4OFFSITE COMMUNICATORNMF VERIFICATION CHECKLISTEnsure at least one of the agencies in each of the following rows receives the message.MESSAGE #MSG. REC'D(Y/N/NA)FACILITYLa. Department of EnvironmentalQuality (LDEQ)(M-F -8AM to 4PM only)Governor's Office of Homeland Securityand Emergency Preparedness (GOHSEP)(M-F -8AM to 4PM only)GOHSEP after hours numbersWest Feliciana Parish (WFP)East Feliciana Parish (EFP)Pointe Coupee Parish (PCP)East Baton Rouge Parish (EBRP)West Baton Rouge Parish (WBRP)Mississippi Emergency ManagementAgency (MEMA)Mississippi Highway Patrol (MIIP)At a General Emergency, Parish EOCs and State EOC Operations Officerinformed of 5-minute PAR verification phone callMessage Verified ____________________YES NO NACommunicator Signature / KCNTime/DateEIP-2-020 REV -39 PAGE 34 OF 50 ATTACHMENT 9PAGE 4 OF 4OFFSITE COMMUNICATORPAR VERIFICATION CHECKLISTScenario # Recommended: _____Date:_____Communicator verifes that correct individuals are on the Hotline by placing a check mark on theappropriate line. The EOF Manager will verify approved scenario and initial the form..(OHSEP -Office of Homeland Security & Emergency Preparedness)WEST FELICIANA PARISH: Manager Initial On LineDirector (OHSEP) _____Assistant Director______APPROVED SCENARIO #________EAST FELICLANA PARISH:Director (OHSEP)_ _ _ _ _ _Assistant Director ______APPROVED SCENARIO #________POINTE COUPEE PARISH:Director (OHSEP)______Assistant Director ______APPROVED SCENARIO #________WEST BATON ROUGE PARISH:Director (OHSEP) _____Assistant Director______APPROVED SCENARIO #________EAST BATON ROUGE PARISH:Director (OHSEP) _____Assistant Director _____APPROVED SCENARIO #________STATE OF LOUISIANAState EOC Operations Officer______Siren Sounding Time: _____EIP-2-020 REV -39 PAGE 35 OF 50 ATTACHMENT 10PAGEl1OFi1TECHNICAL ADVISORACTIVATION Date: _____Actions CompletedInitials1. Refer to EN-EP-609.2. Check operability of ERIS monitor.3. If ERIS is inoperable, obtain plant parameters from the Control Room. __4. Inform the EOF Manager when prepared to perform functional responsibilities. __SUBSEOUENT ACTIONS1. Follow EOPs/SAPs and keep Emergency Director informed of status.RELOCATION ACTIONS Date: ____Actions CompletedInitials1. Inform the Shift Manager of the transfer to the Alternate EOF (AEOF). __EIP-2-020 REV -39 PAGE 36 OF 50 EOF COMMUNICATOR*ATTAChM ENT 11PAGE 1lOFt1Actions CompletedInitialsACTIVATIONDate:1. Refer to EN-EP-609.SUB SEOUENT ACTIONS1. If requested by the EOF Manager to sound a parish's sirens, then use Attachment 15.RELOCATION ACTIONSDate:Actions CompletedInitials1. Assist EOF Manager as needed.EIP-2-020 REV -39 PAGE 37 OF 50 LOG KEEPERDate:ATTACHMENT 12PAGEl1OFi1Actions CompletedInitialsACTIVATION1.2.3.4.Refer to EN-EP-609.Check headset operability.Turn on available projectors and displays.Update status boards and/or displays with informationSUBSEQUENT ACTIONS1. Refer to EN-EP-609.RELOCATION ACTIONSDate:Actions CompletedInitials1. Assist EOF staff in gathering material to be transferred to the AlternateEOF (AEOF).EIIP-2-020 REV -39 PAGE 38 OF 50 ATTACHMENT 13PAGEl1OFi1LEAD OFFSITE LIAISONACTIVATION Date: _____Actions CompletedInitials1. Refer to EN-EP-609.SUB SEOUENT ACTIONS1. Report status of Offsite Liaisons to EOF Manager.2 Obtain contact information from Offsite Liaisons and fll in names on EOF sign in list.3. Obtain information fr~om Resource Data Book, as necessary.RELOCATION ACTIONS Date: ____Actions CompletedInitials1. When directed by the EOF Manager to relocate, turnover responsibilities to __TSC Communicator or AEOF.2. Notify EOF Manager and Offsite Liaisons when responsibilities are turned over. __3. Relocate as directed by EOF Manager. __EIP-2-020 REV -39 PAGE 39 OF 50 ATTACIIMENT 14PAGEl1OFi1OFFSITE LIAISONThe Offsite Liaison reports to their assigned Parish or State Emergency Operation Center (EOC) andperforms the responsibilities listed in their EOC position binder.EIP-2-02OREV -39 PAGE 40 OF 50EIP-2-020 REV-39 PAGE400F5O ATTACHMENT 15PAGE 1 OF 2SIREN SYSTEM OPERATIONActions CompletedInitialsActions to verify system is operational:1. Verify Siren Control Unit (Remote Control Panel) has power by observingwhite LED Test button (power light) is lit.___2. Verify siren radio has power and is on channel 01.___3. Verify, siren computer has power.___NOTEIf any of the above components do not have power, then the sirenswill not be able to be sounded from the EQE if requested by the parishes.In that instance they will have to be activated by the Main Control Room.Actions to sound sirens if requested by parish agency:1. Obtain RBS Siren Control Unit key from EOF key box.___2. Insert RBS Siren Control Unit key into switch labeled ACTIVATE.___3. Turn the ARM switch momentarily to the right. Switch will blink on and off.___4. Press the appropriate button (ex. ALL CALL, EBRP, EFP). The ARM switch willilluminate solid. The button pressed will blink on and off.___5. Momentarily turn the ACTIVATE key switch to the right. The button pressed willilluminate solid. Sirens will begin to sound.___NOTEWhile the siren Sounding is occurring (3 minute period), the lights onthe Siren Control Unit will be lit and the computer map shaded red.Once the sounding is complete, the system will automaticallyperform a siren status request which will indicate ifany sirens failed tosound. During this time the "'Stat-Re q" light on the Siren Control Unitwill be lit. This light will extinguish when the status request is complete.EIP-2-020 REV -39 PAGE 41 OF 50 ATTACHMENT 15PAGE 2 OF 2SIREN SYSTEM OPERATIONActions CompletedInitialsActions to obtain siren sounding results if requested by a parish agency:1. After the status request is complete, observe the siren computer screen. Any failed ___sirens will be indicated by a RED triangle (A).2. Right click the computer mouse over the RED triangle to open a screen which will ___indicate the siren name (ex. WF-l18, EBR-5).3. If a siren has indicated failure, then notify the respective parish of the need toimplement their backup route alerting steps for the public in the areas surroundingthat siren. ___Actions to return the system to normal configuration:1. Remove the RBS Siren Control Unit key from the ACTIVATE switch and store*in key box.EIP-2-020 REV -39 PAGE 42 OF 50 ATTACHMENT 16PAGE 1lOF 1ORGANIZATIONAL CHARTIiliI* s * .I I I' Offsite Offsite I--II', Monitoring Monitoring '.,' Team # 1 Team. #2 IIIIDose Assessment TeamI........................................., , [ J' In Other Locations ', In EOFIREV -39 PAGE 43 OF 50 ATTACHMENT 17PAGEl1OFi1EOF FLOOR PLAN(TYPICAL)CPER SONNEL.:2345678910111213L1L2L3L4L5L6Emergency DirectorEOF ManagerTechnical AdvisorRadiological Assessment CoordinatorDose AssessorOl~site Team CoordinatorL~og KeeperAdmin & Logistics CoordinatorOffsite CommunicatorEOF CommunicatorPublic Informnation LiaisonLead Offsite LiaisonHabitability TechnicianLD)EQ Senior LiaisonLDEQ Accident Assmt CoordLDEQ Logistics CoordinatorLDEQ Dose AssessmentLDEQ Technical Logististics CoordinatorLDEQ Field Monitoring Team CoordinatoNI NRC Site Team DirectorN 16 NRC Deputy Site Team [DirectorN3 NRC Liaison L.eaderN 14 NRC Technical Assessment Branch LeaderN 14 NRC Reac~tor Safety Counterpart Link Commnunicator RSCLN6 NRC Security / Safeguards CommunicatorN7 NRC Technical Specialist -Public InformationN8 NRC Protective Measures Branch LeaderN9 NRC D~eputy Protective Measures Branch LeaderN t01 NRC Protective Measures SpecialistNil1 NRC Dose AssessorN12 NRC Protective Measures Counterpart Link Communicator PMCLN 13 NRC Chronology / Documentation CommunicatorN 14 NRC Response Branch LeadterN14 NRC Informnation Technology SpecialistN 14 NRC Chronology Documentation LeaderrDOORS (A) TC300-06 (B) TC-3001-09 (C) TC-100-19 (D) TC-300-16 (E) TC-300-17 (F) TC-300-15(G) TC-300-14 (H) TC-300-07EOF LAYOUTr.CDREIP-2-020REV -39 PAGE 44 OF 50ETP-2-020 REV -39 PAGE 44 OF 50 ATTACHMENT 18PAGE 1OF 6PROTECTIVE ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS (PARS)Primary PAR Flow ChartNOTE: A Rapidly Progressing Severe Accidentis a significant reactor event with immediate orGeneral Emergency near-immediate offsite consequences that isDeclared intended to be easily recognizable. IF unsure~on the criteria below, THEN assume that aRapidly Progressing Severe Accident is no..t inprogress.Isthis a LOSS of thecontainment fissionproduct barrier asC aidyPontasinm eeen AAraioloicaA RapidlyaProgressingoSeverenAccidentEvacuate 2 mile radius NTAc Raid lyPoresntSvrEvacuate 10 miles downwindRecommend monitor and prepare Evacuate 2 mile radiusremainder of 10 mile radius Evacuate 5 miles downwindEvacuate Schools, Institutions andReomnmniradpeaeRecreation Areas 10 mile radius recmmende monitor andeprepareBok2Evacuate Schools, Institutions andContinue to monitor for windshifts or areas where EPA PAGswill be exceeded and adiust PARas necessary. Refer to EIP-2-020Subsequent PAR Guidance.EIP-2-020EP200 REV -39 PAGE 45 OF 50 ATTACHMENT 18PAGE 2 OF 6PROTECTIVE ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS (PARS)BLOCK 1EVACUATE 2 MILE RADIUS AND EVACUATE 5 MILES DOWNWIND AND MONITOR ANDPREPARE THE REMAINDER OF THE 10 MILE RADIUS. EVACUATE SCHOOLS,INSTITUTIONS, AND RECREATION AREAS WITHIN 5 MILE RADIUS.Locate the wind direction to find the scenario number to use.DEGREES SCENARIO CENTERLINE SIDEFROM NUMBER SECTOR SECTOR168.76-191.25 1 A R& B191.26-213.75 1 B A& C213.76-236.25 2 C B &D236.26-258.75 3 D C & E258.76-281.25 4 E D& F281.26-303.75 4 F E &G303.76-326.25 5 G F & H326.26-348.75 5 H G & J348.76-11.25 6 J H& K11.26-33.75 7 K J& L33.76-56.25 8 L K &M56.26-78.75 8 M L& N78.76-101.25 9 N M &P101.26-123.75 10 P N& Q123.76-146.25 10 Q P &R146.26-168.75 10 R AEIP-2-020 REV -39 PAGE 46 OF 50 ATTACHMENT 18PAGE 3 OF 6PROTECTIVE ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS (PARS)BLOCK 2EVACUATE 2 MILE RADIUS AND EVACUATE 10 MILES DOWNWIND AND MONITOR. ANDPREPARE THE REMAINDER OF THE 10 MILE RADIUS. EVACUATE SCHOOLS,INSTITUTIONS, AND RECREATION AREAS WITHIN 10 MILE RADIUS.Locate the wind direction to find the appropriate scenario number to use.DEGREES SCENARIO CENTERLINE SIDEFROM NUMBER SECTOR SECTOR168.76-191.25 11 A R&B191.26-213.75 12 B A& C213.76-236.25 13 C B& D236.26-258.75 14 D C & E258.76-281.25 15 E D &F281.26-303.75 16 F E &G303 .76-326.25 17 G F & H326.26-348.75 18 H G& J348.76-11.25 19 J H& K11.26-33.75 20 K J &L33.76-56.25 21 L K& M56.26-78.75 22 M L & N78.76-101.25 23 N M& P101.26-123.75 24 P N &Q123.76-146.25 24 Q P & R146.26-168.75 11 R. Q& AEIP-2-020 REV -39 PAGE 47 OF 50 ATTACHMENT 18PAGE 4 OF 6PROTECTIVE ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS (PARS)Subsequent PAR Guidance1. After initial PAR implementation changes in wind direction may change the PAR Scenario number.Before changing the PAR, consider current and projected plant conditions, dose projections andmeteorological conditions in determining whether to stay with current PAR or issue a new PAR.Obtain updates on weather forecast from National Weather Service (NWS).2. Minimize the number of protective action areas (PAS) evacuated when issuing PARs. Do notrecommend a PAR change that would cause an area (PAS) that has already been recommended forevacuation to shelter or monitor and prepare.3. IF an initial PAR has been issued due to declaration of a General Emergency an a new PAR is beingconsidered based on a wind shift or for any other reason, THEN assess the following criteria in steps3.1 and 3.2 or use the Subsequent PAR Flow Chart to determine whether the new PAR should beissued based on dose assessment or on plant conditions.NOTE: If a radiological assessment shows that an ongoing release or containment source term isnot sufficient to cause exposures in excess of EPA protective action guidelines, thenPARs should not be expanded based only on changes in wind direction.3.1 If the condition described in A or B exists, then provide the new PAR as indicated by thatcondition and the current evacuated areas (PAS) using PAR Scenario Maps. If no other PARScenario includes all required evacuated areas (PAS), then issue previous PAR Scenario andinclude in offsite notification message protective actions for new affected areas (PASs). IFneither condition A nor condition B exists, THEN proceed to subsequent step 3.2.A. Radiological assessment shows EPA PAGs will be exceeded in the new area based onan actual release.B. A potential loss of the containment fission product barrier (per EALs) exists andcontainment source term indicates PAGs could be exceeded in the new area if arelease were to start.3.2 WHEN step 3.1 does not apply:3.2.1 IF_ any answer in 1 through 3 is "yes", THEN issue the new PAR Scenario numbertaking into account the new and current evacuated areas (PAS) using PAR ScenarioMaps. If no other PAR Scenario includes all required evacuated areas (PAS), thenissue previous PAR Scenario and include in offsite notification message protectiveactions for new affected areas (PASs).1. Are there continuing degraded or unknown adverse plant conditions that could, impact or cause additional core damage and containment failure (e.g., magnitudeof source term, core not covered, and containment cooling degraded orunavailable)?2. Unsure radiological release pathway is understood (e.g., ifiltered, non-ifitered,monitored, unmonitored with potential for release rate to increase, or potential forRCS leak to increase)?EIP-2-020 REV -39 PAGE 48 OF 50 ATTACHMENT 18PAGE 5 OF 6PROTECTIVE ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS (PARS)3. IF available, does off-site radiological data support the protective actionrecommendation methodology based on dose assessment?4. Evaluate PARs in anticipation of intentional containment venting.SNOTE: Controlled venting could affect an area beyond initial evacuationorders (e.g., five to ten miles downwind).I4.1 Use the following criteria to determine the appropriate action for the controlled release ofradioactive material from containment.4.1.1 Dose assessment shows that the EPA protective action guidelines would be exceededin the new affected area (PAS).4.1.2 There is assurance that the release is short term (1 hour or less).4.1.3 If time allows, contact parish officials of the new affected area (PAS) to determinewhether the area can be evacuated prior to plume arrival.* Iffthe new affected area cannot be evacuated before the plume arrives, thenrecommend shelter for the newly affected area. Issue the previous PAR Scenarioand include in the offsite notification message the protective actions (shelter) for thenewly affected area (PAS).* If the new affected area can be evacuated prior to plume arrival, then recommendevacuation of the new affected area. Compare PAR Scenario maps to ensure thenewly affected area is included. If it is not, then issue the previous PAR Scenario andinclude in offsite notification message the protective actions (evacuation) for thenewly affected area (PAS).4.2 If the release duration cannot be readily or accurately determined, and dose or plantconditions warrant, then evacuation should be recommended.EIP-2-020 REV -39 PAGE 49 OF 50 ATTACHMENT 18PAGE 6 OF 6PROTECTIVE ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS (PARS)SUBSEQUENT PAR FLOW CHARTPAG -Protective ActionGuideline (1 Remn TEDEor 5 Rein CDE Thyroid)PAS -Protective ActionSection (I-18)General Emergency and PARs have been previously issued ANDwind shift changes PAR Scenario number or dose assessment indicates aPAG is exceeded in a new PASDo no._.t recommend the shelter or monitor and prepare of an evacuated PAS. Minimize evacuated areas (PAS).Ifra radiological assessment shows that an ongoing release or containment source term is not sufficient to causeIexposures in excess of EPA protective action guidelines, then PARs should not be expanded based only on changes inwind direction.SCompare PAR Scenario maps for current and new evacuated areas (PAS).incudethenewaresS No PAR changeevacuted (AS)?requiredIF THENRadiological assessment shows EPA PAGs will be exceeded i Issue PAR Scenario to include previouslyin the new area based on an actual release i evacuated areas and new areas (PAS). If no other PAROR Scenario includes all required evacuated areas (PAS), thenPotential loss of containment (per EALs) exists and containment issue previous PAR Scenario and include in offsitesource term indicates PAGs could be exceeded in the new area notification message protective actions for new affectedi fa release were to start. areas (PASs).4-SNoUnsure radiological releasand containment failure?(magnitude of source term,core not covered, andYEcontainment cooling degradedor unavailable)YES~Compare current and new evacuated areas (PAS) on PAR Scenario Maps and issue new PAR Scenario number as appropriate. IFno other PAR Scenario includes all required evacuated areas (PAS), then issue previous PAR Scenario and include in of~itenotification message protective actions for new affected areas (PASs).EIP-2-020REV -39 PAGE 50 OF 50EIP-2-020 REV-39 PAGE500F5O ATTACHMENT 9.1 I OCFR5O.54fca) SCREENINGATTAC HM ENT 9. t10CFR50.54(q) SCREENING* ,f ......Equipment/FacilitylOther: River Bend StationTitle: Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) OperationsPart I. Description of Activity Being Reviewed (event or action, or series of actions that may result in a changeto the emergency plan or affect the implementation of the emergency plan):1. This change issues fleet procedure EN-EP-609, Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) Operations, Rev. 2 andrevises site-specific RBS procedure EIP-2-020, Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) Operations, Rev. 39.Responsibilities common to both EN-EP-609 and EIP-2-020 were deleted from EIP-2-020 and retained in EN-EP-609.2. Revised definition 3.6 Radiological Release-From:For emergency response purposes is defined as ANY detectable discharge of radioactive material to the environmentthat is due to the classified event.To:For emergency response purposes is defined as ANY detectable discharge of radioactive material to theenvironment.3. Revised release characterization contained in definition 3.6.From:"No release.Release below federally approved operating limits.Release above federally approved operating limits.To:Release below federally approved operating limits.Release above federally approved operating limits.4. Attachment 2 -Revised Long Notification Message Form to include on Line 5C 'Monitor and Prepare' as an option fora Recommended Protective Action; Moved 'Shelter' as an option from Line 5C to Line 5D.5. Attachment 2 -Revised Long Notification Message Form Line 9A, D, and E to remove 'No Release' as releaseinformation characterization and to be consistent with change 3 above.6. Attachment 2 -Revised Guidelines for Completing the Long NMF Line 9 to remove 'No release' as an option and to beconsistent with change 3 above. Reordered remaining steps.7. Moved steps for placing EOF ventilation in Emergency Mode from the EOF Communicator (Attachment 11, step 1) tothe Administrative and Logistics Coordinator (Attachment 3).8. Throughout procedure removL~d actions in support of Joint Information Center (JIC) habitability as the JIC will berelocated outside of the 10 mile EPZ when this procedure becomes effective.9. EOF relocation steps as they pertain to transfer of responsibilities have been revised to align with EN-EP-609.Command and control and will be transferred back to the Shift Manager instead of the Emergency Plant Manager inthe TSC.10. Attachment 4 -Revised Note.,From:If NO release is occurring or has not previously occurred, the EOF and JIC may be presumed to be radiologicallyhabitable without conducting surveys.To:The EOF may be presumed to be radiologically habitable without conducting surveys based on release conditions.EN-EP-305 REV 3 ATTAC HM ENT 9.110CFR50.54(a) SCREENINGSheet 2 of 6Part II. Activity Previously Reviewed? E-IYES [] NOIs this activity fully bounded by an NRC approved 10 CFR 50.90 submittal or 50.54(q)(3) Continue toAlert and Notification System Design Report? NOTareuaionirextdarEnterIf YES, identify bounding source document number/approval reference and justificationensure the basis for concluding the source document fully bounds the below andproposed change is documented below: complete PartJustification:El Bounding document attached (optional)Part Ill. Applicability of Other Regulatory Change Control ProcessesCheck if any other regulatory change processes control the proposed activity.(Refer to EN-LI-i100)NOTE: For example, when a design change is the proposed activity, consequential actions may include changes toother documents which have a different change control process and are NOT to be included in this 50.54(q)(3)Screening.APPLICABILITY CONCLUSION01-f there are no controlling change processes, continue the 50.54(q)(3) Screening.El One or more controlling change processes are selected, however, some portion of the activty involves theemergency plan or affects the implementation of the emergency plan; continue the 50.54(q)(3) Screening for that portionof the activity. Identify the applicable controlling change processes below.El One or more controlling change processes are selected and fully bounds all aspects of the activity. 5o.54(q)(3)Evaluation is NOT required. Identify controlling change processes below and complete Part Vi.CONTROLLING CHANGE PROCESSES10OCFR50.54(q)Part IV. Editorial Change ElYES []NO50,54(oD(3) Continue to nextIs this activity an editorial or typographical change such as formatting, paragraph Evaluation is partnumbering, spelling, or punctuation that does not change intent? NOT required.Justification: Entercotnplete PartVI.Part V. Emergency Planning Element/Function Screen (Associated 10 CFR 50.47(b) planning standard functionidentified in brackets) Does this activity affect any of the following, indluding program elements from NUREG-.0654/FEMA REP-i Section I1?1. Responsibility for emergency response is assigned. [1] El2. The response organization has the staff to respond and to augment staff on a continuing basis (24/7 Elstaffing) in accordance with the emergency plan. [1] -3. The process ensures that on shift emergency response responsibilities are staffed and assigned. [2] El4. The process for timely augmentation of onshift staff is established and maintained. [2] El5. Arrangements for requesting and using off site assistance have been made. [3] [6. State and local staff can be accommodated at the EOF in accordance with the emergency plan. [31 ElEN-EP-305 REV 3 ATTACHMENT 9.110CFR50.54(q) SCREENINGEquipment/FacilitylOther: River Bend StationTitle: Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) Operations7. A standard scheme of emergency classification and action levels is in use. t4] U]8. Procedures for notification of State and local governmental agencies are capable of alerting them of flthe declared emergency within 15 minutes after declaration of an emergency and providing follow-up notifications. [5]9. Administrative and physical means have been established for alerting and providing prompt U]instructions to the public within the plume exposure pathway. [5]10. The public ANS meets the design requirements of FEMA-REP-10, Guide for Evaluation of Alert and [Notification Systems for Nuclear Power Plants, or complies with the licensee's FEMA-approved ANSdesign report and supporting FEMA approval letter. [5]11. Systems are established for prompt communication among principal emergency response U]organizations. [6]12. Systems are established for prompt communication to emergency response personnel. [6] [13. Emergency preparedness information is made available to the public on a periodic basis within the [plume exposure pathway emergency planning zone (EPZ). [7]14. Coordinated dissemination of public information during emergencies is established. [7] [15. Adequate facilities are maintained to support'emergency response. [8] [16. Adequate equipment is maintained to support emergency response. [8] [17. Methods, systems, and equipment for assessment of radioactive releases are in use. [9] [18. ,A range of public PARs is available for implementation during emergencies. [10] [19. Evacuation time estimates for the population located in the plume exposure pathway EPZ are [available to support the formulation of PARs and have been provided to State and localgovernmental authorities. [10]20. A range of protective actions is available for plant emergency workers during emergencies, including [those for hostile action eve nts.[1 0]21. The resources for controlling radiological exposures for emergency workers are established. [11] [22. Arrangements are made for medical services for contaminated, injured individuals. [12] [23. Plans for recovery and reentry are developed. [13] [24. A drill and exercise program (including radiological, medical, health physics and other program [areas) is established. [14]25. Drills, exercises, and training evolutions that provide performance opportunities to devrelop, U]maintain, and demonstrate key skills are assessed via a formal critique process in order to identifyweaknesses. [14]26. Identified weaknesses are corrected. [14] [27. Training is provided to emergency responders. [15] [28. Responsibility for emergency plan development and review is established. [16] [29. Planners responsible for emergency plan development and maintenance are properly trained. [16] [EN-EP-305 REV 3 ATTACHMENT 9.110CFR50.54(q) SCREENINGSheet 4 of 6EquipmentJFacilitylOther: River Bend StationTitle: Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) OperationsAPPLICABILITY CONCLUSION[] If no Part V criteria are checked, a 50.54(q)(3) Evaluation is NOT required; document the basis for condlusion belowand complete Part VI.0If any Part V criteria are checked, complete Part VI and perform a 50.54(q)(3) Evaluation.BASIS FOR CONCLUSIONChancqe items #1. 7. 8 and 9Entergy ERO responsibilities are outlined in EN-EP-801, Emergency Response Organization. These responsibilitieswere added to EIP-2-020 rev. 33 as part of implementation of the Standard ERO and were previously evaluated under a10OCFR50.54(q)(3) performed on 12/2/10. Entergy has since developed fleet procedure EN-EP-609, EmergencyOperations Facility (EOF) Operations, which indudes those same ERO responsibilities. This proposed revision removesduplicate instructions from the EIP-2-020 for transition to the fleet procedure. EIP-2-020 is being maintained to addresssite specific actions not contained in fleet procedure EN-EP-609. Existing RBS facilities and equipment continue to bemaintained. Regulatory requirements for the EOF (e.g. staffing time) remain unchanged.Habitability surveys of the JIC will no longer be required by EOF personnel as the JIC facility will be permanently locatedat the Governor's Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness facility which is located outside of the 10mile EPZ. The move of the JIC is reviewed under a 100FR50.54(q) evaluation for the Emergency Plan Revision 42.The responsibility related to emergency ventilation alignment was transferred from the EOF Communicator to theAdministrative and Logistics Coordinator. These responsibilities will not affect the ability of the Administrative andLogistics Coordinator to perform functions currently assigned to the position. Transfer of responsibilities in the unlikelyevent the EOF is relocating its backup facility has been aligned with those contained in EN-EP-609.Process discussion: RBS currently uses the same process reflected in the fleet procedure of ERO position checklistsand position binders. A review of the RBS Emergency Plan commitments was performed against the fleet EOFprocedure and EIP-2-020. Fleet procedure information was supported with site specific information as necessary toensure site-specific Emergency Plan requirements and associated processes were retained. Therefore, changes to thelocation of the description of emergency response processes were made (changed to fleet procedure or retained in site-specific EIP), but no changes to the emergency response processes addressed by 10CFR5O.47(b) planning standardsthemselves were made.Summary:* No ERO positions have been added or deleted.* Some ERO responsibilities have been relocated to align with EN-EP-609.* The description, activation and operation of the EOF as described in the RBS Emergency Plan has not beenchanged.* All site specific commitments continue to be met under the fleet procedure and the use of a site-specificprocedure.= This change does not alter the EOF structure, organization or location.The revision of the site Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) procedure (EIP-2-020) and incorporating the use of fleetEmergency Operations Facility (EOF) Procedure (EN-EP-609) screens out. This proposed change does not changethe meaning or intent of a description, does not change facilities or equipment, and does not change a process. Nofurther evaluation is required for these changesChanqe Items # 2 and 3. Revised release definition to remove "due to the dlassified event" and also removed "norelease" as a release characterization. There are no changes to the current offsite notification procedure process withone exception associated with removing 'no release' as an option with which to characterize releases from the site.With this change RBS will still provide to local organizations emergency messages which contain information about theclass of emergency, whether a release is taking place, potentially affected populations, and whether protectivemeasures are necessary. This change is in alignment with NRC RIS 2002-16 and has been agreed to by both Stateand local officials. Procedures for notification of State and local oovernmental aaencies are still caoable of alertina... ............ ........ ..... r ..... ...EN-EP-305 REV 3 ATTAC HM ENT 9.110CFR50.54(q) SCREENINGEquipment/Facility/Other: River Bend StationTitle: Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) Operationsthenm of the declared emergency within 15 minutes after declaration of an emergency and providing follow-upnotifications. This proposed change does not change the meaning or intent of a description, does not change facilitiesor equipment, and does not change a process. No further evaluation is required for this change.Chanqe Item # 4. Attachment 2 -Revised Long Notification Message Form to include on Line 5C 'Monitor andPrepare' as an option for a Recommended Protective Action. Moved 'Shelter' as an option from Line 5C toLine 5D. This change was previously evaluated by RBS under a 10CFR50.54(q)(3) performed on 1213/14 aspart of revision 38 of EIP-2-020. That 1OCFR50.54(q) determined the use of monitor and prepare wasconsistent with regulatory guidance and was not a reduction in effectiveness of Emergency Plan functions andcould be incorporated without prior NRC approval. This proposed change does not change the meaning orintent of a description, does not change facilities or equipment, and does not change a process. No furtherevaluation is required for this change.Change Item # 5. Attachment 2 -Revised Long Notification Message Form Line 9A, D, and E to remove 'No Release'as release information characterization and to be consistent with change 2 above.Chancqe Item # 6. Attachment 2- Revised Guidelines for Completing the Long NMF Line 9 to remove 'No release' as anoption and to be consistent with change 3 above. Reordered remaining steps.Change 5 removes 'No release' from the typical form for the Long NMF and supporting lines D and E whichrelate to start and stop times of a release. Change 6 removes from the guidance on completion of the LongNMF the use of 'No Release'. The ability to perform notifications to State/Local agencies in a timely manner isnot impacted by this change as notifications of emergency classification and Protective ActionRecommendation (PAR) are still being made. The evaluation of the removal of 'No Release' is beingperformed as part of change #3 above. Changes 5 and 6 do not change the meaning or intent of a description,does not change facilities or equipment, and does not change a process. No further evaluation is required forthese changes.Chance Item #10. Attachment 4- Revised Note.From:If NO release is occurring or has not previously occurred, the EOF and JIC may be presumed to be radiologicallyhabitable without conducting surveys.To:The EOF may be presumed to be radiologically habitable without conducting surveys based on release conditions,Habitability surveys of the JIC will no longer be required by EOF personnel as the JIC facility will be permanentlylocated at the Govemnor's Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness facility which is located outsideof the 10 mile EPZ. The relocation of the JIC was evaluated under a 10OCFR50.54(q) evaluation for the EmergencyPlan Revision 42. The removal of 'no release is occurring or has not previously occurred" is to coincide with change 2and 3 where the term "no release" has been deleted. In place of that statement, "based on release conditions" hasbeen included for guidance in determining if the facility is habitable prior to surveys being performed. This proposedchange does not change the meaning or intent of a description, does not change facilities or equipment, and does notchange a process. No further evaluation is required for these changes.EN-EP-305 REV 3 ATTACHMENT 9,110CFRS0.54(q) SCREENINGASAhMeNt6 o .1 6 CRO5(qCENNProedure6 ocuetfubrRviinEquipmentlFacilitylOther: River Bend StationTitle: Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) OperationsPart VI. Signatures:________Preparer Name (Print) ,7)f -Pr arrnature Date:(Optional) Reviewer Name (Print) /eve'rinu4Date:N/AReviewer Name (Print) Reviewer Signature Date:Duane Whitei ! II6'.// 1/13/2016Nuclear EP Project Manager j/ 1 JJ fc)EP manager or designee ___----_-."_"__-EN-EP-305 REV 3 REFERENCE USEENTERGYRIVER BEND STATIONSTATION SUPPORT MANUAL*EMERGENCY IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE*AL TERNA TE EOF -A CTIVA TION AND TRANSFER OF FUNCTIONSPROCEDURE NUMBER:REVISION NUMBER:Effective Date:*EIP-.2-022*31* 1/27/16NOTE: SIGNATURES ARE ON FILE.*INDEXING INFORMATION TABLE OF CONTENTSSECTION PAGE NO.1 PURPOSE ............................................................................................ 22 REFERENCES ...................................................................................... 23 DEFINITIONS ...................................................................................... 24 RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................................................... 45 GENERAL ........................................................................................... 56 PROCEDURE........................................................................................ 57 DOCUMENTATION ............................................................................... 7ATTACHMENT 1 -EMERGENCY DIRECTOR..................................................... 8ATTACHMENT 2 -EOF MANAGER............. ................................................... 11ATTACHMENT 3 -ADMINISTRATION & LOGISTICS COORDINATOR.................... 15ATTACHMENT 4 -RADIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT COORDINATOR ...................... 18ATTACHMENT 5 -PUBLIC INFORMATION LIAISON ......................................... 20ATTACHMENT 6 -DOSE ASSESSOR.............................................................. 21ATTACHMENT 7 -OFFSITE TEAM COORDINATOR........................................... 23ATTACHMENT 8 -EOF HABITABILITY TECHNICIAN ........................................ 24ATTACHMENT 9 -OFF SITE COMMUNICATOR................................................. 25ATTACHMENT 10 -TECHNICAL ADVISOR..................................................... 29ATTACHMENT i1 -EOF COMMUNICATOR.................... ................................. 30ATTACHMENT 12 -LOG KEEPER .................................................................31!ATTACHMENT 13 -LEAD OFFSITE LIAISON................................................... 32ATTACHMENT 14 -OFFSITE LIAISON ........................................................... 33ATTACHMENT 15 -ALT. EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILITY FLOOR PLAN.......34ATTACHMENT 16 -PROTECTIVE ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS ........................ 36ATTACHMENT 17- -PROMPT NOTIFICATION SYSTEM (SIREN) OPERATION........... 42EIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 1 OF 43 1 PURPOSEThis procedure provides site specific instructions for activation and operation ofthe Alternate Emergency Operations Facility (AEOF). Entergy fleet procedureEN-EP-609, Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) Operations is the primaryprocedure to reference for AEOF activation and operations.2 -REFERENCES2.1 EIP-2-0 12, Radiation Exposure Controls2.2 EIP-2-024, Offsite Dose Calculations2.3 EIP-2-028, Recovery2.4 EPP-2-100, Procedure Review, Revision and Approval2.5 EIP-2-OO01, Classification of Emergencies2.6 EN-EP-609, Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) Operations3 DEFINITIONS3.1 Augmentation -Actions taken to support onshift personnel or theEmergency Response Organization.3.2 Rapidly Progressing Severe Accident (RPSA)-A General Emergencywith rapid loss of containment integrity (emergency action levelsindicate containment loss) and loss of ability to cool the core.3.3 Radiological Release -For emergency response purposes is defined asANY detectable discharge of radioactive material to the environment.The release characterization should be further defined whencommunicating to offsite agencies to characterize whether or not therelease is below or above Technical Specification limits. Indicate theappropriate release characterization on the Short and Long NotificationMessage Forms.EIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 2 OF 43 3.3.1. Release BELOW federally approved operating limits(Technical Requirements Manual)3.3.2. Release ABOVE federally approved operating limits(Technical Requirements Manual)3.3.3. Effluent Technical Requirements Manual1. Any one of three effluent monitors indicates a value threetimes the High alarm set pointO__R2. Any two of the three effluent monitors indicate a valueequal or greater than the High alarm set point.The three effluent monitors are:TITLE NO.Main Plant Exhaust Stack RMS-RE125 Channel 4 (4GE125)Radwaste Vent. Exhaust RMS-RE006 Channel 4 (4GE006)Fuel Bldg. Vent. Exhaust RMS-RE005 Channel 4 (4GE005)OR3. An unmonitored release is detected at the site boundaryby teams with survey instruments.3.4 Short Notification Message Form (SNMF) -Used for declaration of anemergency classification or changes to the Protective ActionRecommendations (PARs). Notification must be made to State and localauthorities within approximately 15 minutes. The Short NotificationMessage Form contains information about the class of emergency,whether a release is taking place, potentially affected population andareas, and whether protective measures may be necessary.3.5 Long Notification Message Form (LNMF) -Used for providing Stateand local authorities follow-up information. The LNMF is sent out assoon as possible following a SNMF. The LNMF is also sent out for anysignificant changes to plant conditions that do no__t require an emergencyescalation or change in PARs. No more than 2 hours should be exceededbetween any two LNMFs.EIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 3 OF 43 4 RESPONSIBILITIES4.1 Emergency Director:4.1.1. Provide overall management of River Bend Station (RBS)response activities. The Emergency Director has the authorityto immediately and unilaterally initiate all emergency actions.4.1.2. Assess and classify emergency conditions.4.1.3. Provide notifications and make protective actionreconmmendations to offsite authorities.4.1.4. Coordinate RBS response activities as required with offsiteorganizations.4.1.5. Ensures that offsite radiological conditions are measured andmonitored.4.1.6. Authorize issuance of KI and radiation exposure in excess of10OCFR 20 limits for ERO members outside of the protectedarea.4.1.7. Authorize press releases.4.1.8. Establish a Recovery Organization.4.1.9. Terminate the emergency.4.2 BOF Manager -Ensure that the BOF is activated, ensure that notificationmessage forms are properly filled out and completed on time, and thatEOF staff provide support functions per the applicable section(s) of thisprocedure.'IEIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 4 OF 43 5 GENERAL5.1 Attachment 15, Alternate Emergency Operations Facility Floor Plan, is atypical setup for the ABOF.6 PROCEDURENOTEThe actions of this procedure may be completed in anysequence, however, the sequence presented in theattachments is recommended.Report any actions unable to complete, equipment issues,or problems to EOF Manager for resolution and/ordetermining facility operational status.6.1 Emergency Director6.1 .1. The Emergency Director should use Attachment 1 as aguideline.6.2 EOF Manager6.2.1. The EOF Manager should use Attachment 2 as a guideline.6.3 Administration & Logistics Coordinator6.3.1. The Administration & Logistics Coordinator should useAttachment 3 as a guideline.6.4 Radiological Assessment Coordinator6.4.1. The Radiological Assessment Coordinator should useAttachment 4 as a guideline.6.5 Public Information Liaison6.5.1. The Public Information Liaison should use Attachment 5 as aguideline.6.6 Dose Assessor6.6.1. Dose Assessor should use Attachment 6 as a guideline.EIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 5 OF 43 6.7 Offsite Team Coordinator6.7.1. The Offsite Team Coordinator should use Attachment 7 as aguideline.6.8 EOF Habitability Technician6.8.1. The EOF Habitability Technician should use Attachment 8 asa guideline.6.9 Offsite Communicator6.9.1. The Offsite Communicator(s) should use Attachment 9 as aguideline.6.10 Technical Advisor6.10.1. The Technical Advisor should use Attachment 10 as aguideline.6.11 EOF Communicator6.11.1. The EOF Communicator should use Attachment 11 as aguideline.6.12 Log Keeper6.12.1. The Log Keeper should use Attachment 12 as a guideline.6.13 Offsite Monitoring Teams6.13.1. The Offsite M~onitoring Teams should use EIP-2-014 as aguideline.6.14 Lead Offsite Liaison6.14.1. The Lead Offsite Liaison should use Attachment 13 as aguideline.6.15 Offsite Liaison6.15.1. The Offsite Liaison general guidance is contained inAttachment 14.EIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 6 OF.43 7 DOCUMENTATIONAttachments 1 through 13 of this procedure will be sent to Permanent Plant Files(PPF) per EPP-2-100 by the Manager -Emergency Preparedness.EIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 7 OF 43 EMERGENCY DIRECTORATTACHMENT 1PAGE 1OF 3Actions ComapletedInitialsACTIVATIONDate:1. Refer to EN-EP-609.SUBSEOUENT ACTIONSNOTEThe Emergency Director has the authority to immediatelyand unilaterally initiate all emergency actions.NOTEProtective Action Recommendations (PARs) must bedeveloped within 15 minutes of the declaration of aGeneral Emnergency or data availability which requireupgrading the PARs.1. Using Attachment 16, formulate Protective Action Recommendations (PARs) and scenarionumber using dose projections, field monitoring data, meteorological conditions and plantconditions. Unnecessary evacuation of the public is NO...T considered a conservative decision.Do NO.._TT recommend a PAR change that would direct shelter or monitor and prepare of an area(PAS) that has already been recommended for evacuation.CAUTIONEmergency Operating Procedures (EOPs) require containment venting at specified pressuresand hydrogen concentrations, regardless of offsite consequences.EIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 8 OF 43 ATTACHMENT 1PAGE 2 OF 3EMERGENCY DIRECTORSUBSEOUENT ACTIONS (cont'd)2. Evaluate PARs in anticipation of intentional containment venting. As appropriate and timepermitting, other considerations for containment venting include:* Notify JIG, States and Parishes about any venting and any expected PAR changes.* How will altering the venting start time affect offsite doses due to containment radioactivitybuildup\decay?* Will the release be a puff, series of puffs or continuous and what is the expected duration(s)?* Would the population-at-risk be able to evacuate before plume reaches them?* Are the winds variable or expected to change and affect areas where protective actions areNO._TTin place?* Are there any special interest groups or facilities to consider?3. Review and discuss the protective actions to be recommended for the general public with theappropriate personnel and the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality (LDEQ) LiaisonOfficer, if available. If State representatives have not yet arrived, recommendations to the localauthorities shall not be delayed.4. Provide PARs to State and local authorities within 15 minutes. Once State and local authoritiesreceive the PARs, the State and local authorities will have approximately 5 minutes to review thePARs prior to the PAR call.5. Using Attachment 16, revise PARs based on plant conditions, dose projections, field monitoringdata and meteorological conditions when advised by the Radiological Assessment Coordinatoror Technical Advisor.6. If doses > 1 rem TEDE or > 5 rem CDE are projected at 10 miles, ensure the LDEQ Liaison isaware of the need for protective actions beyond 10 miles.EIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 9 OF 43 ATTACHMENT 1PAGE 3 OF 3EMERGENCY DIRECTORTERMINATION1. Coordinate with the Emergency Plant Manager on terminating the emergency in accordance withthe following criteria:ALERT -Terminate the emergency when the Alert conditions are no longer met and thefollowing conditions have been accomplished:1. The plant is in a stable condition.2. ,Excessive releases of radioactivity to the environment have been terminated and nofurther potential for significant radioactivity releases exists.3. No further potential for major damage to equipment exists.SAF/GE -Terminate the emergency when the SAB/GE conditions are no longer met and thefollowing has been accomplished:1. The reactor is shutdown, is in a stable, safe configuration, and adequate corecooling is available.2. Excessive releases of radioactivity to the environment have been terminated andno further potential for significant radioactivity releases exist.3. Offsite concentrations of radioactivity in the atmosphere or in waterways havedispersed to near background levels, excluding ground deposition.4. The State of Louisiana, the local parishes, and the NRC concur in terminating theemergency.2. Notify the NRC via NRC ENS line and offsite authorities using a notification message form ofthe emergency termination.3. When a Site Area Emergency or General Emergency has been terminated, implement EIP-2-028,Recovery.EIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 10 OF 43 ATTACHMENT 2PAGE 1OF 4EOF MANAGERACTIVATION Date: _____Actions Completed/ Initials1. Refer to EN-EP-609. __2. Open lockers and direct personnel to obtain their phones, position binders, andsupplies needed to set up the Alternate EOF (AEOF) in accordancewith Attachment 15.3. Verify facility is habitable.___4. All minimum staffing personnel have completed the applicable activation portion __of their checklists and are prepared to perform functional responsibilities:MINIMUM STAFFING:a. Emergency Directorb. EOF Manager (except steps 4 and 5)c. Radiological Assessment Coordinatord. Dose Assessore. Technical Advisorf. Offsite Communicator5. Inform the Emergency Director that the AEOF is ready to be declared___operational.SUBSEOUENT ACTIONSNOTENotifications to State and local authorities must be madewithin approximately 15 minutes of a declaration of anemergency or Protective Action Recommendation (PAR)change using the Short Notification Message Form (SNMF).NOTEAll Notifcation Message Forms must be reviewed andapproved by the Emergency Director (ED).1. If the emergency is due to a hostile action against the plant, direct the Administrative &Logistics Coordinator to ensure that operations, security and radiation protection liaisons havebeen dispatched to the WF Parish Incident Command Post (ICP). Direct that an additionalsecurity liaison be dispatched to the AEOF to establish communications with the ICP.EIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 11 OF 43 ATTACHMENT 2, PAGE 2 OF 4EOF MANAGERSUBSEOUENT ACTIONS (cont'd)2. Conduct a PAR Call following each PAR issuancea. When all parish Directors or Assistant Directors, the Operations Officer at theState Emergency Operations Center (GOHSEP), and the LDEQ Liaison, ifavailable, are on the Hotline, verify the PARs (Scenario Number) each parishintends to implement:b. Record scenario number each parish will implement on the PAR VerificationChecklist provide by Offsite Communicator.c. Obtain siren sounding time from the Operations Officer and record on PARVerification Checklist.d. If requested by a parish agency that RBS sound their sirens, then direct the EOFCommunicator to do so using Attachment 17 at the agreed upon siren soundingtime.EIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 12 OF 43 ATTACHMENT 2PAGE 3 OF 4EOF MANAGERLONG NOTIFICATION MESSAGE FORM (TYPICAL)NOTIFICATION MESSAGE FORM1. THIS IS RIVER BEND STATIONWITH MESSAGE NUMBER2. A. TIME ______DATE______B. COMMUNICATOR:___________C. TEL NO.3. EMERGENCY CLASSIFICATION:A. El NOTIFICATION OF UNUSUAL EVENT C. 0 SITE AREA EMERGENCY E. 0 TERMINATEDB. 0 ALERT D. 0 GENERAL EMERGENCY4.CURRENT EMERGENCY CLASSIFICATION 0] DECLARATION 0] TERMINATIONTIME:______DATE:_____5.RECOMMENDED PROTECTIVE ACTIONS:A. 0] No Protective Actions Recommended at this time (Go to item 6).B. 0 EvacuateC. 0 Monitor and PrepareD. 0] Shelter6. INCIDENT DESCRIPTION/UPDATEICOMMENTS:____________________________7. REACTOR SHUTDOWN? 0] NO 0] YES TIME:_____8. METEOROLOGICAL DATA: 0] NOT AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME (Go to item 9)A. Wind Direction FROM ________Degrees at ____________MPHB. Sectors Affected (A-R)C. Stability Class (A-G)____________________DATE:D. Precipitation: 0] None 0] Rain 0] Sleet 0] Snow 0] Hail 0] Other_____9. RELEASE INFORMATION:A. 0 A RELEASE is occunring BELOW federally approved operating limitsB. 0 A RELEASE is occurring ABOVE federally approved operating limits10. TYPE OF RELEASE:A. 0 Radioactive Gases B. 0 Radioactive Airbor'ne Particulates C. 0] Radioactive Liquids (Go to item 13)RELEASE RATE: A. NOBLE GASES ________Cl/s B. IODINES __________Ci/s12. ESTIMATE OF PROJECTED OFF-SITE DOSE:A. Projections for _____hours based on: 0] Field Data 0] Plant DataB. TEDE -WB DOSE COMMITMENT (mRem) C. CDE -THYROID DOSE COMMITMENT (toRemo)Site Boundary5 milesSite Boundary2 miles5 miles10 miles13.14.2 miles ____ ___10 miles_______MESSAGE APPROVED BY: ___________MESSAGE RECEIVED BY: ____________TITLE:TITLE:EIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 13 OF 43 ATTACHMENT 2PAGE 4 OF 4EOF MANAGERGUIDELINES FOR COMPLETING THE LNMFINFORMMANUAL METHOD*
- River Bend and Message Number automatic Assign a message number. Number the messagesLine I sequentially until the emergency is terminated., 2A Time/Date automatic upon transmission. 2A Enter Time/Date message was transmitted.Line 2 2B Comm: Enter facility name 2B Comm.: Enter facility name,2C Tel. No.: Indicate "Hotline" unless alternate 2C Tel. No.: Indicate."Hotline" unless alternate" method is being used, then enter alternate method, method is being used, then enter alternate method.Line 31 Automatic from Short Form. If termination message, Check appropriate classification or terminated....check "terminated".tine 4: Automatic from Short Form. For termination, check Check either declaration or termination.S "termination" and enter termination time/date. Enter time/date of emergency declaration or termination.Line : ,, Check appropriate box(es). If PAR has been Check appropriate box(es). If PARs have beeni~n6. recommended, select appropriate protective actions and recommended, indicate the scenario number. May add,indicate scenario number. May add information as information as necessary.;:: necessary.* Enter description from Short Form. May add Enter description from Short Form. May add informationLine 6 information as necessary. Use this line to correct any as necessary. Use this line to correct any previous errors.i: : previous errors.Line 7, Indicate if the reactor is shutdown. Information should Indicate if the reactor is shutdown. Information should bebe obtained from Operations. If yes, enter time/date. obtained from Operations. If yes, enter the time/date.Meteorological data for Lines 8A-C is available on Meteorological data for Lines 8A-C is available on ElRiSSERIS and printers in the Control Room and and printers in the Control Room and MeteorologicalLine 8 ;.Meteorological Tower. Tower.* ......8A -Enter wind direction (from) and speed. '8A -Enter wind direction (from) and speed.8B -Enter the 3 affected wind sectors according to 8B -Enter the 3 affected wind sectors according to the*:: ... the current wind direction. current wind direction.* :8C -Enter stability class. 8C -Enter stability class.,: 8D -Check appropriate box. 8D -Check appropriate box.'*::'.Determine release characterization. Determine release characterization.S 9A/B Check A or B as appropriate. When checking A 9A/B Check A or B as appropriate. When checking A oror B complete lines 10, 11 and 12. B complete lines 10, 1 1 and 12.:. "Indicate the type of release(s). If there is no core Indicate the type of release(s). If there is no core damage,Line 10 damage, check 1OA for airborne release. If there is clad check 1OA for airborne release. If there is clad damage or! , "damage or fuel melt, check 10A & lOB for airborne fuel melt, check 1OA & lOB for airborne release. If the* , release. If the release is a liquid release, check 10C. release is a liquid release, check 10C.,Line 11 i Enter release rate. DRM\S provides release rates in Enter release rate. DRMS provides release rates inS uCi/sec. These rates must be converted to Ci/sec uCi/sec. These rates must be converted to Ci/sec.,: 12A. Enter number of hours used and method used in 12A Enter number of hours used and method used in*Line 12 ... dose calculation, dose calculation.-12B Obtain from URI/RASCAL results. 12B Obtain from UJRI/RASCAL results.;Line Enter Emergency's name and "ED" as title. ED must Enter Emergency Director's name and "ED" as title. ED'___.... review and approve NMFs prior to transmission, must review and approve NMFs prior to transmission.Line 14 Leave blank. For use by parishes. Leave blank. For use by parishes.EIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 14 OF 43 ATTACHMENT 3PAGE 1 0F 3ADMINISTRATION & LOGISTICS COORDINATORACTIVATION Date: _____Actions CompletedInitials1. Refer to EN-EP-609. __2. Identify any EOF position not filled and report results to EOF Manager. __3. Ensure BOF Access List is available. __SUBSEOUENT ACTIONS1. Contact personnel to fill any vacant ABOF positions.2. Contact the TSC Manager in the TSC concerning any personnel injuries. Contactthe hospital for current information on injured personnel, as applicable. Keep theEOF Manager informed of status.3. Obtain requested personnel resources to assist with the emergency.4. After the AEOF becomes operational, establish AEOF access security controls.5. Develop long-term staffing rotation list:a. Establish a 24 hour ERO staffing schedule, excluding the JIC. Obtain MCR,TSC and OSC staffing from the TSC IT Specialist. Once schedule is complete,obtain approval from EOF Manager.b. If PARs have been issued, discuss recommended routes with the RadiologicalAssessment Coordinator (RAC).c. Contact the individuals on the rotation list and inform them of the time they arescheduled to report and the proper route to be taken.6. Coordinate assistance from the Corporate Emergency Center (CEC). Use theINPO Emergency Resources Manual as reference.7. Coordinate assistance for personnel, equipment, supplies, food, lodging, travel,and communications, as necessary. Maintain a list of requests and estimatedresponse times. If PARs have been issued, obtain recommended routes andstaging areas from the RAC and arrange for Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ)access through the Lead Offsite Liaison to the Parish Emergency OperationsCenters (EOCs).8. Coordinate with RAC, TSC Security and Maintenance Coordinator as necessary to getpersonnel, equipment and materials onsite and in Security Owner Controlled area orProtected area, as appropriate.EIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 15 OF 43 ATTACHMENT 3PAGE 2 OF 3ADMINISTRATION & LOGISTICS COORDINATORSUBSEOUENT ACTIONS (cont'd)9. Coordinate monetary matters through the Corporate Emergency Center.Assistance may be requested from Corporate Business Services.10. Obtain list of materials, supplies, and contractors that may be required forrecovery from EOF and TSC personnel.11. Assist in obtaining drawings and procedures as necessary.EIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 16 OF 43 ATTACHMENT 3PAGE 3 OF 3ADMINISTRATION & LOGISTICS COORDINATOREOF STAFFING SHEET (Typical)EmeAgency/PisicionPrinted Name or SignatureI jEmergency Director IManager _________________Technical Advisor___________________SOffsite Communicator= Radiological Assessment CoordinatorDose AssessorOffsite Team CoordinatorEOF CommunicatorAdministration & Logistics Coordinator*Log KeeperPublic Information LiaisonLead Offsite LiaisonRP Technician HabitabilityRP Technician (OMT)PP Technician (OMT) _______________Chemistry Technician (OMT)__________________Chemistry Technician (OMT)__________________Offsite Liaison -West FelicianaOffsite Liaison -East FelicianaOffsite Liaison -Pointe Coupee____________________Offsite Liaison -East Baton RougeOffsite Liaison -West Baton Rouge ____________________Offsite Liaison -State EOCEIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 17 OF 43 ATTACHMENT 4PAGE 1OF 2RADIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT COORDINATORACTIVATION Date: _____Actions CompletedInitials1. Refer to EN-EP-6 09.2. Ensure the Dose Assessor is available and prepared to assume functional __responsibilities.3. Inform the EOF Manager when the RAC and Dose Assessor are prepared to __perform functional responsibilities.SUBSEQUENT ACTIONS1. Using Attachment 16, formulate Protective Action Recommendations (PARs) andscenario number using dose projections, field monitoring data, meteorologicalconditions and plant conditions. Unnecessary evacuation of the public is NO._.Tconsidered a conservative decision.2. Discuss the PARs with the Emergency Director (ED) and Louisiana Department ofEnvironmental Quality (LDEQ) Liaison, if available, including the basis andreasoning used to arrive at the PARs.3. Provide PAR scenario number for the Short Notification Message Form.4. Provide information for appropriate sections of the Long Notification Message Form.5. Review all notification message forms containing radiological data prior to transmittal.6. After initial PAR implementation, use Attachment 17 to keep the ED informed on PAR changesbased on plant conditions, dose projections, field monitoring data and meteorological conditions,including wind shifts. Obtain NWS forecast from Dose Assessor.7. If containment radiation monitors are not available to assess source term for doseassessment, containment venting or PARs, use RPP-0098 and/or plant conditions(i.e., water level, time core uncovered, etc.) to estimate containment dose rates.8. When PARs are issued, provide recommended routes for personnel and deliveries into RiverBend Station.EIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 18 OF 43 ATTACHMENT 4PAGE 2 OF 2RADIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT COORDINATORSUBSEOUENT ACTIONS (cont'd)9. If doses > 1 rem TEDE or > 5 remn CDE thyroid are projected at 10 miles, estimate the projecteddose at 15, 20, and 25 miles, as appropriate. Inform the Emergency Director and the LDEQLiaison of the distance and downwind areas at which a Protective Action Guideline (PAG) isestimated to be exceeded.10. Evaluate radiation exposures and inform Emergency Director of anyone approaching10CFR20 limits.11. Make arrangements with environmental services for analysis of environmental samplestaken by offsite monitoring teams.EIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 19 OF 43 ATTACHMENT 5PAGEl1OFi1PUBLIC INFORMATION LIAISONACTIVATION Date: ____Actions CompletedInitials1. Refer to EN-EP-609. __2. Attempt to contact JIG and determine activation status.___3. Inform EOF Manager when prepared to perform functional responsibilities and __JIG status.SUBSEQUENT ACTIONS1. Test FAX machine for operability.2. Keep EOF Manager informed on any JIG issues and operational status.3. Establish contact with JIG Technical Advisor or Press Release Writer.4. Keep JIG provided with current plant status and any injuries.5. Ensure classification upgrades, PAR upgrades and siren sounding times are communicated toCompany Spokesperson to ensure media briefings are accurate.6. Obtain information to address rumors received by JIG.EIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 20 OF 43 ATTACHMENT 6PAGE 1OF 2DOSE ASSESSORACTIVATION Date: -Actions CompletedInitialsNOTE:If the Digital Radiation Monitoring System (DRMS) ormeteorological tower information is unavailable in the facility,have Radiological Assessment Coordinator (RAG) request anindividual from the OSC be dispatched to the Control Room torelay data. Any means of communication may be used to relaythis information and values may also be obtained from an ERIScomputer.1. Refer to EN-EP-609. __2. Dose assessment program is running. __3. DRMS values for performing dose calculations can be obtained. __4. Meteorological data for performing dose calculations can be obtained. __5. Obtain the current status of dose projections and to establish a means __for obtaining Digital Radiation Monitoring System (DRMS) data if needed.6. Inform the Radiological Assessment Coordinator (RAG) when prepared to___perform functional responsibilities. Alternate methods may be used, as necessary.SUBSEQUENT ACTIONS1. Determine if any DRMS or meteorological parameters used in dose calculations.are in a Limiting Condition for Operation (LCO) and their limitations.2. Call the National Weather Service to obtain weather forecast.3. Perform dose assessment calculations in accordance with EIP-2-024, Offsite DoseCalculations. Provide the results to the RAC.4. If relocating from BOF with dose assessment Laptop, verify' the operability of thebackup Laptop computer and place computer battery on charge.5. Obtain DRMS data and provide data to the RAC.EIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 21 OF 43 ATTACHMENT 6PAGE 2 OF 2DOSE ASSESSORSUBSEOUENT ACTIONS (cont'd)6. As directed, convert offsite monitoring team dosimeter readings toTEDE and provide results to the RAG for evaluation.7. If doses > 1 rem TEDE or > 5 rem CDE thyroid are projected at 10 miles, estimatethe projected dose at 15, 20, and 25 miles, as appropriate. Inform the RAG of the distanceand downwind areas at which a PAG is estimated to be exceeded.Estimate radiation doses beyond 10 miles using the following factors:These ratios may be used regardless of Stability Class, Wind Speed or TimeAfter Shutdown when the Core State = "Fuel Melt".Radiation Dose at 15 miles =dose at 10 miles x 0.387Radiation Dose at 20 miles = dose at 10 miles x 0.267Radiation Dose at 25 miles = dose at 10 miles x 0.226Ratios are applicable to either TEDE or CDE, although*CDE Thycroid will normally be the dominant factor.EIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 22_OF 43 ATTACHMENT 7PAGEl1OFi1OFFSITE TEAM COORDINATORACTIVATION Date: _____Actions CompletedInitials1. Refer to EN-EP-6 09.2. Verify the operability of the Offsite Monitoring Team radio. __3. Contact the OSC, if controlling offsite teams, obtain Offsite Monitoring Team __status and inform OSC of when EOF will assume control of offsite teams.SUBSEOUENT ACTIONS1. If not already performed, brief teams on plant status, meteorological andradiological conditions and direct completion of KI form in EIP-2-0 12.2. Record the Offsite Monitoring Teams' location and readings.3. Keep track of Offsite Monitoring Team radiation exposures. If any memberreaches 1 R on their dosimeter, notify the RAC immediately. Direct the DoseAssessor to convert the readings to TEDE and evaluate as follows:a. When a Team Member's dosimeter reading reaches 1 R, immediatelyconvert to TEDE and evaluate.b. If converted TEDE is greater than 5 rem, obtain a whole body count assoon as practical to confirm calculated TEDE, and consider replacing theindividual on the Team.c. If confirmed TEDE is greater than 5 rem, inform Radiological AssessmentCoordinator (RAC) of overexposure for NRC notification (10CFR20).EIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 23 OF 43 ATTACHMENT 8PAGEl1OFi1EOF HABITABILITY TECHNICIANACTIVATION Date: ____Actions CompletedInitials1. Perform operational checks on monitoring equipment prior to use. __2. Inform the Radiological Assessment Coordinator (RAC) when prepared __to perform functional responsibilities.SUBSEQUENT ACTIONS1. Perform surveys of arriving individuals if there is a question as to wherethey may have been and if they could be contaminated. Report survey resultsto the Radiological Assessment Coordinator (RAC).2. Direct any contaminated individuals to the Zachary Monitoring and DecontaminationStation.3. Assist the dose assessment team as necessary.4. Perform tasks as directed by the RAC. This may include manning the NRC HPN line.5. Keep the RAC informed of all activities.EIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 24 OF 43 ATTACHMENT 9PAGE 1 OF 4OFFSITE COMMUNICATORACTIVATION Date: _____Actions CompletedInitials1. Refer to EN-EP-609. __2. Check the operability of the following communications equipment:a) State and Local Hotline, call the State Emergency Operations Center at ___Governor's Office of Homeland Security and EmergencyPreparedness (GOHSEP) at 361.b) Civil Defense Radio, call GOHSEP.c) INFORM Computer __3. Receive status of notifications from facility with offsite notification responsibility. __4. Inform EOF Manager when prepared to perform functional responsibilities. ___SUBSEOUENT ACTIONSNOTENotifications to State and local authorities must be madewithin approximately 15 minutes of a declaration of anemergency or Protective Action Recommendation (PAR)change using the Short Notifi cation Message Form(SNMF).1. Verify NMF receipt with State and local authorities using the verification list producedby INFORM or use the State and Local Hotline. Complete a new NMF VerificationChecklist (page 3) for each message sent.2. If an agency has not_ received the INFORM message, complete the verification receipt of theother agencies.3. If the INFORM message is not received then:3.1 If FAX is available, fax the message and verify receipt.OR3.2 Read the message to the agency(s) line by line over the Hot Line or by commercialphone. Use the Civil Defense Radio if the Hot Line or phones are not_ available.4. If no contact is made with a location on the Hotline, call the location on thecommercial telephone to verify receipt of message. If commercial telephones areinoperable, the Civil Defense Radio may be used.EIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 25 OF 43 ATTACHMENT 9PAGE 2 OF 4OFFSITE COMMUNICATORSUBSEQUENT ACTIONS (cont'd)5. When PARs are issued:a. Call the State and Parish Emergency Operations Centers (EO Cs) on the Hotline andinform them that you will call them back in five minutes for PAR confirmation.b. After five minutes, contact Louisiana and the five Parish EOCs. Usingpage 4, verify, that the Directors or the Assistant Directors of allParishes and the Operations Officer at State BOC are on the Hotline.c. When verified, request the EOF Manager and the LouisianaDepartment of Environmental Quality (LDEQ) Liaison to pick upthe Hotline for PAR verification and give the EOF Manager the PARVerification Checklist.6. Make follow-up notifications to State and local authorities as directed bythe Emergency Director. Verify receipt of each NMF using a new NMFVerification Checklist.7. Upon termination of the emergency, notify State and local authoritiesusing the Long Notification Message Form.EIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 26 OF 43 ATTACHMENT 9PAGE 3 OF 4OFFSITE COMMUNICATORNMF VERIFICATION CHECKLISTEnsure at least one of the agencies in each of the following rows receives the message.(EOC -Emergency Operations Center)MESSAGE #__ ____MSG. REC'DFACILITY (YES / NO I NA)La. Department of EnvironmentalQuality (LDEQ)(M-F -8AM to 4PM only)Governor's Office of Liomeland Securityand Emergency Preparedness (GOHSEP)(M-F -8AM to 4PM only)GOHSEP after hours numbersWest Feliciana Parish (WFP)_______East Feliciana Parish (EFP)Pointe Coupee Parish (PCP)East Baton Rouge Parish (EBRP)West Baton Rouge Parish (WBRP)Mississippi Emergency ManagementAgency (MEMA)Mississippi Highway Patrol (MHP)At a General Emergency, Parish EOCs and State EOC Operations Officerinformed of 5-minute PAR verification phone callYES NO NAMessage VerifiedCommunicator Signature/KCNTime/DateEIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 27 OF 43 ATTACHMENT 9PAGE 4 OF 4OFFSITE COMMUNICATORPAR VERIFICATION CHECKLISTSScenario # Recommended: _____ Date:_____Communicator verifies that correct individuals are on the Hot Line by placing a check mark onthe appropriate line. The EOF Manager will verify approved scenario and initial the form.(OHSEP -Office of Homeland Security & Emergency Preparedness)WEST FELICIANA PARISH: Manager Initial On LineDirector (OHSEP)______Assistant Director_______APPROVED SCENARIO #_ _______EAST FELICIANA PARISH:Director (OHSEP)______Assistant Director ______APPROVED SCENARIO #_ _______POINTE COUJPEE PARISH:Director (OHSEP)______Assistant Director ______APPROVED SCENARIO #I____WEST BATON ROUGE PARISH:Director (OHSEP)______Assistant Director_______APPROVED SCENARIO #_____ ___EAST BATON ROUGE PARISH:Director (OHSEP)______Assistant Director_______APPROVED SCENARIO #_____ ___STATE OF LOUISIANAState EOC Operations Officer______Siren Sounding Time: _____EIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 28 OF 43 ATTACHMENT 10PAGEl1OFi1TECHNICAL ADVISORACTIVATION Date: _____Actions CompletedInitials1. Refer to EN-EP-609. __2. Establish contact with the Operations Coordinator or Control Room __3. Obtain current plant status, emergency operations in progress, and key __plant parameters.4. Inform the EOF Manager when prepared to perform functional __responsibilities.SUBSEOUENT ACTIONS1. Obtain plant ERIS data as possible. Have the TSC fax ERIS data sheets tothe AEOF, as needed.2. Ensure status boards and/or displays are updated with information obtained from ERIS.3. Follow EOPs/SAPs and keep the Emergency Director informed on status.EIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 29 OF 43 EOF COMMUNICATORATTACHMENT 11PAGE 1lOFi1Actions CompletedInitialsACTIVATIONDate:1. Refer to EN-EP-609.SUBSEOUENT ACTIONS1. Place the AEOF Prompt Notification System (Siren) components in an operationalstate prior to siren sounding. Refer to Attachment 17.EIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 30 OF 43 LOG KEEPERDate:___ __ATTACHMENT 12PAGE 1lOFi1Actions CompletedInitialsACTIVATION1. Refer to EN-EP-609.SUBSEOUENT ACTIONS1. Refer to EN-EP-6 09.EIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 31 OF 43 ATTACHMENT 13PAGEl1OFi1LEAD OFFSITE LIAISONACTIVATION Date: ____Actions ComnpletedInitials1. Refer to EN-EP-609. __2. Inform EOF Manager when prepared tO perform functional responsibilities. __SUBSEOUENT ACTIONS1. Report status of Offsite Liaisons to EOF Manager.2 Establish communications with Corporate Emergency Center (CEC).3. Obtain information from Resource Data Book, as necessary.EIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 32 OF 43 ATTACHMENT 14PAGE 1lOF 1OFFSITE LIAISONThe Offsite.Liaison reports to their assigned Parish or State Emergency Operation Center (EOC) andperforms the responsibilities listed in their EOC position binder.EIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 33 OF 43 ATTACHMENT 15PAGE 1 0F 2ALT. EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILITY FLOOR PLANALT EOF Main Room (Typical)OffsiteCommunicatorEmergency DirectorEssen Lane2nd FloorTraining RoomTechnical AdvisorNRC Site TeamDirectorEOF ManagerLog KeeperEOF CommunicatorPublic InformationLiaisonLead Offsite LiaisonAdministration& LogisticsCoordinatorEIP-2-022REV -31 PAGE 34 OF 43EIP-2-022 REV-31 PAGE 34 0F43 ATTACHMENT 15PAGE 2 OF 2ALT. EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILITY FLOOR PLANALT EOF Conference Room (NRC) and Dose Assessment Room (Typical)Essen Lane2nd FloorTelecom RoomAEOF Spare 5Offsite TeamCoordinatorNRC Dose AssessorNRC ProtectiveMeasuresCounterpart LinkNRC Deputy ProtectiveMeasures Branch LeaderAEOF Spare 1AEOF Spare 2AEOF Spare 3Dose AssessorLDEQ DoseAssessmentLDEQ TechnicalLogisticsCoordinatorLDEQ FieldMonitoring TeamCoordinatorAEOF Spare 4Conference Room (NRC)NRC Deputy Site Team DirectorNRC Liaison LeaderNRC Reactor Safety Counterpart Link Communicator RSCLNRC Security / Safeguards CommunicatorNRC Technical Specialist -Public InformationNRC Protective Measures SpecialistNRC Chronology/IDocumentation CommunicatorNRC Response Branch LeaderNRC Information Technology SpecialistNRC Chronology Documentation LeaderSEssen Lane 2nd Floor Conference RoomEIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 35 OF 43 ATTACHMENT 16PAGE 1OF 6PROTECTIVE ACTION RECOMMENDATIONSPrimary PAR Flow ChartNOTE: A Rapidly Progressing Severe Accidentis a significant reactor event with immediate orGeneral Emergency near-immediate offsite consequences that isDeclared intended to be easily recognizable. IF unsure~on the criteria below, THEN assume that aRapidly Progressing Severe Accident is no..t inprogress.determined byCotanenA radiologIca release --radiationd monitor withprsiteeboundaryRem vinderof 10 rierading dose> 1,000 emaolu~~~~~~~remainder of 10 mile radiusEvcae5mlsdw inEvacuatee Schools, Institutions and~~~~~~~~~Recreation Areas 10 mile radiusReomnmniradpeaeContinue to monitor for windshifts or areas where EPA PAGswill be exceeded and adjust PARas necessary. Refer to EIP-2-022Subsequent PAR Guidance.EIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 36 OF 43 ATTACHMENT 16PAGE 2 oF 6PROTECTIVE ACTION RECOMMENDATIONSBLOCK 1EVACUATE 2 MILE RADIUS AND EVACUATE 5 MILES DOWNWIND AND MONITOR ANDPREPARE THE REMAINDER OF TH-E 10 MILE RADIUS. EVACUATE SCHOOLS,INSTITUTIONS, AND RECREATION AREAS WITHIN 5 MILE RADIUS.Locate the wind direction to find the a rpprriate scenario number to use.DEGREES SCENARIO CENTERLINE SIDEFROM NUMBER SECTOR SECTOR168.76-191.25 1 A R& B191.26-213.75 1 B A& C213.76-236.25 2 C B& D236.26-258.75 3 D C & E258.76-281.25 4 E D & F281.26-303.75 4 F E& G303.76-326.25 5 G F &H326.26-348.75 5 H G & J348.76-11.25 6 J H& K11.26-33.75 7 K J &L33.76-56.25 8 L K& M56.26-78.75 8 M L & N78.76-101.25 9 N M& P101.26-123.75 10 P N& Q123.76-146.25 10 Q P& R146.26-168.75 10 R Q& AEIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 37 OF 43 ATTACHMENT 16PAGE 3 OF 6PROTECTIVE ACTION RECOMMENDATIONSBLOCK 2EVACUATE 2 MILE RADIUS AND EVACUATE 10 MILES DOWNWIND AND MONITOR ANDPREPARE THE THE 10 MILE RADIUS. EVACUATE SCHOOLS,INSTITUTIONS, AND RECREATION AREAS WITHIN 10 MILE RADIUS.Locate the wind direction to find the appropriate scenario number to use.DEGREES SCENARIO CENTERLINE SIDEFROM NUMBER c- SECTOR SECTOR168.76-191.25 11 A R& B191.26-213.75 12 B A &C213.76-236.25 13 C B &D236.26-258.75 14 D C & E258.76-281.25 15 E D &F281.26-303.75 16 F E& G303.76-326.25. 17 G F &H326.26-348.75 18 H G& J348.76-11.25 19 J H& K11.26-33.75 20 K J &LI33.76-56.25 21 L K& M56.26-78.75 22 M L &N78.76-101.25 23 N M &P101.26-123.75 24 P N &Q123.76-146.25 24 Q P& R146.26-168.75 11 R Q& AEIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 38 OF 43 ATTACHMENT 16PAGE 4 OF 6PROTECTIVE ACTION RECOMMEND~ATIONSSubsequent PAR Guidance1. After initial PAR implementation changes in wind direction may change the PAR Scenario number.Before changing the PAR, consider current and projected plant conditions, dose projections andmeteorological conditions in determining whether to stay with current PAR or issue a new PAR.Obtain updates on weather forecast from National Weather Service (NWS).2. Minimize the number of protective action areas (PAS) evacuated when issuing PARs. Do notrecommend a PAR change that would cause an area (PAS) that has already been recommended forevacuation to shelter or monitor and prepare.3. IF an initial PAR has been issued due to declaration of a General Emergency and4 a new PAR isbeing considered based on a wind shift or for any other reason, THEN assess the following criteriamsteps 3.1 and 3.2 or use the Subsequent PAR Flow Chart to determine whether the new PARshould be issued based on dose assessment or on plant conditions.NOTE: If a radiological assessment shows that an ongoing release or containment source term isnot sufficient to cause exposures in excess of EPA protective action guidelines, thenPARs should not be expanded based only on changes in wind direction.3.1 I__f the condition described in A or B exists, then provide the new PAR as indicated by thatcondition and the current evacuated areas (PAS) using PAR Scenario Maps. If no otherPAR Scenario includes all required evacuated areas (PAS), then issue previous PARScenario and include in offsite notification message protective actions for new affected areas(PASs). IF neither condition A nor condition B exists, THE__NN proceed to subsequent step3.2.A. Radiological assessment shows EPA PAGs will be exceeded in the new area basedon an actual release.B. A potential loss of the containment fission product barrier (per EALs) exists andcontainment source term indicates PAGs could be exceeded in the new area if arelease were to start.3.2 WHEN step 3.1 does not apply:3.2.1 IF any answer in 1 through 3 is "yes", THEN issue the new PAR Scenario numbertaking into account the new and current evacuated areas (PAS) using PAR ScenarioMaps. If no other PAR Scenario includes all required evacuated areas (PAS), thenissue previous PAR Scenario and include in offsite notification message protectiveactions for new affected areas (PASs).1. Are there continuing degraded or unknown adverse plant conditions that couldimpact or cause additional core damage and containment failure (e.g., magnitudeof source term, core not covered, and containment cooling degraded orunavailable)?2. Unsure radiological release pathway is understood (e.g., filtered, non-filtered,monitored, unmonitored with potential for release rate to increase, or potential forRCS leak to increase)?EIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 39 OF 43 ATTACHMENT 16PAGE 4 OF 6PROTECTIVE ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS3. IF" available, does off-site radiological data support the protective actionrecommendation methodology based on dose assessment?EIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 40 OF 43 ATTACHMENT 16PAGE 5 OF 6PROTECTIVE ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS4. Evaluate PARs in anticipation of intentional containment venting.SNOTE: Controlled venting could affect an area beyond initial evacuationorders (e.g., five to ten miles downwind).4.1 Use the following criteria to determine the appropriate action for the controlled release ofradioactive material from containment.4.1.1 Dose assessment shows that the EPA protective action guidelines would be exceededin the new affected area (PAS).4.1.2 There is assurance that the release is short term (1 hour or less).4.1.3 If time allows, contact parish officials of the new affected area (PAS) to determinewhether the area can be evacuated prior to plume arrival.*If the new affected area cannot be evacuated before the plume arrives, thenrecommend shelter for the newyly affected area. Issue the previous PAR Scenarioand include in the offsite notification message the protective actions (shelter) for thenewly affected area (PAS).*If the new affected area can be evacuated prior to plume arrival, then recommendevacuation of the new affected area. Compare PAR Scenario maps to ensure thenewly affected area is included. If it is not, then issue the previous PAR Scenarioand include in offsite notification message the protective actions (evacuation) for thenewly affected area (PAS)."4.2 If the release duration cannot be readily or accurately determined, and dose or plantconditions warrant, then evacuation should be recommended.EIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 41 OF 43 PROTECTIVE ACTION RECOMMENDATIONSATTACHMENT 16PAGE 6 OF 6PAG -Protective ActionGuideline (1 Remn TEDEor 5 Remn CDE Thyroid)PAS -Protective ActionSection (1-18)SUBSEQUENT PAR FLOW CHART(IGeneral Emergency and PARs have been previously issued ANDwind shift changes PAR Scenario number or dose assessment indicates aPAG is exceeded in a new PASD4'Do not__ recommend the shelter or monitor and prepare of an evacuated PAS. Minimize evacuated areas (PAS).Ifsa radiological assessment shows that an ongoing release or containment source term is not sufficient to causeexposures in excess of EPA protective action guidelines, then PARs should not be expanded based only on changesin wind direction.Compare PAR Scenario maps for current and new evacuated areas (PAS). IinlueEhenw res o eNo PAR. changeevacuted (AS)?requiredNOIF iTHENRadiological assessment shows EPA PAGs will be exceeded I Issue PAR Scenario to include previouslyin the new area based on an actual release i evacuated areas and new areas (PAS). If no other PAROR i Scenario includes all required areas (PAS), thenPotential loss of containment (per EALs) exists and containment issue previous PAR Scenario and include in offsitesource term indicates PAGs could be exceeded in the new area notification message protective actions for new affectedi~f a release Were to start. I areas (PASs).-I-SNOS/runrYES p oterI \ incr-,<damage and containmentfalr?(magnitude of sourceterm, core not covered, andYEcontainment cooling degradedSor unavailable)lCompare current and new evacuated areas (PAS) on PAR Scenario Maps and issue new PAR Scenario number as appropriate.IF no other PAR_ Scenario includes all required evacuated areas (PAS), then issue previous PAR Scenario and include in offsitenotification message protective actions for new affected areas (PASs).EIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 42 OF 43 ATTACHMENT 17PAGE 1OF 2PROMPT NOTIFICATION SYSTEM (SIREN) OPERATIONActions CompletedInitialsActions to place system in operational state:1. Verify Siren Remote Control Panel has power by observing white LED Testbutton (power light) is lit.___2. Power on siren radio and verify siren radio is on channel 01. __3. Power on siren computer.4. Log onto computer as Observer and enter password Observer.___NOTEIf any of the above components do not have power, then the sirenswill not be able to be sounded from the AFOF ifre quested by the parishes.In that instance they will have to be activated by the Main Control Room.Actions to sound sirens if requested by parish agency:1. Obtain RBS Siren Control Unit key from Alternate EOF key box.___2. Insert RiBS Siren Control Unit key into switch labeled ACTIVATE.___3. Turn the ARM switch momentarily to the right. Switch will blink on and off.___4. Press the appropriate button (ex. ALL CALL, EBRP, EFP). The ARM switch willilluminate solid. The button pressed will blink on and off.___5. Momentarily turn the ACTIVATE key switch to the right. The button pressed willilluminate solid. Sirens will begin to sound. ___NOTEWhile the siren sounding is occurring (3 minute period), the lights onthe Siren Remote Control Panel will be lit and the computer mapshaded red. Once the sounding is complete, the system will automaticallyperform a siren status request which will indicate ifany sirens failed tosound. During this time the "Stat-Re q"' light on the Siren Remote ControlPanel will be lit. This light will extinguish when the status request is complete.EIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 43 OF 43 ATTACHMENT 17PAGE 2 OF 2PROMPT NOTIFICATION SYSTEM (SIREN) OPERATIONActions CompletedInitialsActions to obtain siren sounding results if requested by a parish agency:1. After the status request is complete, observe the siren computer screen. Any failed ___sirens will be indicated by a RED triangle (A).-2. Right click the computer mouse over the RED triangle to open a screen which will ___indicate the siren name (ex. WF-18, EBR-5).3. If a siren has indicated failure, then notifyr the respective parish of the need toimplement their backup route alerting steps for the public in the areas surroundingthat siren.Actions to return the system to normal configuration:1. Remove the RBS Siren Control Unit key from the ACTIVATE switch and storein key box.___2. Log off of and power down computer3. Power off siren radio.ETP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 44 OF 43 ATTACHMENT 9.110CFR50.54(q) SCREENINGAiltEernaenc EOF-Aerations Fandit TranFOerao FntionsPart 1. Description of Activity Being Reviewed (event or action, or series of actions that may result in a changeto the emergency plan or affect the implementation of the emergency plan):1. This change issues fleet procedure EN-EP-609, Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) Operations, Rev. 2 andrevises site-specific RBS procedure EIP-2-022, Alternate EOF-Activation and Transfer off Functions, Rev. 31.Responsibilities common to both EN-EP-609 and EIP-2-022 were deleted from EIP-2-022 and retained in EN-EP-609.2. Revised definition 3.5 Radiological Release -From:For emergency response purposes is defined as ANY detectable discharge of radioactive material to the environmentthat is due to the classified event.To:"For emergency response purposes is defined as ANY detectable discharge of radioactive material to theenvironment.3. Revised release characterization contained in definition 3.5.From:No release.Release below federally approved operating limits.Release above federally approved operating limits.To:Release below federally approved operating limits.Release above federally approved operating limits.4. Attachment 2 -Revised Long Notification Message Form to include on Line 5C 'Monitor and Prepare' as an option fora Recommended Protective Action. Moved 'Shelter' as an option from Line 50 to Line 5iD.5. Attachment 2 -Revised Long Notification Message Form Lines 9A, D, and E to remove 'No Release' as releaseinformation characterization and to be consistent with change 3 above.6. Attachment 2 -Revised Guidelines for Completing the Long NMF Line 9 to remove 'No release' as an option and to beconsistent with change 3 above. Reordered remaining steps.7. Attachment 3- Deleted step to ensure all telephones are in place.Part II. Activity Previously Reviewed? L-IYES [] NOIs this activity fully bounded by an NRC approved 10 CFR 50.90 submittal or 50.54(q)(3) Continue toAlert and Notification System Design Report? Evaluation is next partNOT required.EnterIf YES, identify bounding source document number/approval reference and justificationensure the basis for concluding the source document fully bounds the below andproposed change is documented below: complete PartVI.__ _ _ _ _Justification:LI Bounding document attached (optional)Part Ill. Applicability of Other Regulatory Change Control ProcessesCheck if any other regulatory change processes control the proposed activity.(Refer to EN-LI-I100)NOTE: For example, when a design change is the proposed activity, consequential actions may include changes toother documents which have a different change control process and are NOT to be included in this 50.54(q)(3)Screening.EN-EP-305 REV 3 A'I-rACHM ENT 9.110CFR50.54(a) SCREENINGEquipment/Facility/Other: River Bend StationTitle: Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) OperationsAlternate EOF-Activation and Transfer of FunctionsAPPLICABILITY CONCLUSION[] If there are no controlling change processes, continue the 50.54(q)(3) Screening.[] One or more controlling change processes are selected, however, some portion of the activity involves theemergency plan or affects the implementation of the emergency plan; continue the 50.54(q)(3) Screening for that portionof the activity. Identify the applicable controlling change processes below.[] One or more controlling change processes are selected and fully bounds all aspects of the activity. 50.54(q)(3)Evaluation Is NOT required. Identify controlling change processes below and complete Part VI.CONTROLLING CHANGE PROCESSES10OCFR50.54(q)Part IV. Editorial Change IZYES [] NO50.54(q)(3) Continue to nextIs this activity an editorial or typographical change such as formatting, paragraph Evaluation is partnumbering, spelling, or punctuation that does not change intent? NOT required.Justification: Enterjustification andcomplete PartVL.EN-EP-305 REV 3 ATTACHMENT 9.110CFR50.54(a) SCREENINGEquipment/Facility/Other: River Bend StationTitle: Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) OperationsAlternate EOF-Activation and Transfer of FunctionsPart V. Emergency Planning Element/Function Screen (Associated 10 CFR 50.47(b) planning standard functionidentified in brackets) Does this activity affect any of the following, including program elements from NUREG-0654/FEMA REP-i Section I1?1. Responsibility for emergency response is assigned. [1] Li*2. The response organization has the staff to respond and to augment staff on a continuing basis (24/7 Listaffing) in accordance with the emergency plan. [1]3. The process ensures that on shift emergency response responsibilities are staffed and assigned. [2] ElI4. The process for timely augmentation of onshift staff is established and maintained. [2] Li5. Arrangements for requesting and using off site assistance have been made. [3] Li6. State and local staff can be accommodated at the EOF in accordance with the emergency plan. [3] [7. A standard scheme of emergency classification and action levels is in use. [4] Li8. Procedures for notification of State and local govemnmental agencies are capable of alerting them of flthe declared emergency within 15 minutes after declaration of an emergency and providing follow-up notifications. [5]9. Administrative and physical means have been established for alerting and providing prompt Liinstructions to the public within the plume exposure pathway. [5]10. The public ANS meets the design requirements of FEMA-REP-1 0, Guide for Evaluation of Alert and LiNotification Systems for Nuclear Power Plants, or complies with the licensee's FEMA-approved ANSdesign report and supporting FEMA approval letter. [5]11. Systems are established for prompt communication among principal emergency response Liorganizations. [6]12. Systems are established for prompt communication to emergency response personnel. [6] Li13. Emergency preparedness information is made available to the public on a periodic basis within the Liiplume exposure pathway emergency planning zone (EPZ). [7]14. Coordinated dissemination of public information during emergencies is established. [7] Li15. Adequate facilities are maintained to support emergency response. [8] Li16. Adequate equipment is maintained to support emergency response. [8] Li17. Methods, systems, and equipment for assessment of radioactive releases are in use. [9] Li18. A range of public PARs is available for implementation during emergencies. [10] Li19. Evacuation time estimates for the population located in the plume exposure pathway EPZ are Liavailable to support the formulation of PARs and have been provided to State and localgovernmental authorities. [10]20. A range of protective actions is available for plant emergency workers during emergencies, including Lithose for hostile action events.[1 0]21. The resources for controlling radiological exposures for emergency workers are established. [11] Li22. Arrangements are made for medical services for contaminated, injured individuals. [12] LiEN-EP-305 REV 3 ATTACHMENT 9.110CFR50.54(q) SCREENINGSheet 4 of 6Equipment/Facility/Other: River Bend StationTitle: Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) OperationsAlternate EOF-Activation and Transfer of Functions23. Plans for recovery and reentry are developed. [13] [24. A drill and exercise program (including radiological, medical, health physics and other program Liiareas) is established. [~1425. Drills, exercises, and training evolutions that provide performance opportunities to develop, D]maintain, and demonstrate key skills are assessed via a formal critique process in order to identifyweaknesses. [14126. Identified weaknesses are corrected. [14] E]27. Training is provided to emergency responders. [15] D]28. Responsibility for emergency plan development and review is established. [161 [29. Planners responsible for emergency plan development and maintenance are property trained. [16] LIAPPLICABILITY CONCLUSION0] If no Part V criteria are checked, a 50.54(q)(3) Evaluation is NOT required; document the basis for conclusion belowand complete Part VI.If any Part V criteria are checked, complete Part VI and perform a 50.54(q)(3) Evaluation.BASIS FOR CONCLUSIONChange items #1. 7. 8 and 9Entergy ERO responsibilities are outlined in EN-EP-801, Emergency Response Organization. These responsibilitieswere added to EIP-2-022 rev. 25 as part of implementation of the Standard ERO and were previously evaluated under a10CFR50.54(q)(3) performed on 1212/10. Entergy has since developed fleet procedure EN-EP-609, EmergencyOperations Facility (EOF) Operations which includes those same ERO responsibilities. This procedure revisiontransitions to the new fleet procedure. EIP-2-022 is being maintained to address site specific actions not contained infleet procedure EN-EP-609. Existing RBS facilities and equipment and still being maintained and there are no changesto any intent in procedure actions. Timing requirements for augmentation and facility operability are also not changed.Process discussion: RBS currently uses the same process reflected in the fleet procedure of ERO position checklistsand position binders. A review of the RBS Emergency Plan commitments was performed against the fleet EOFprocedure and EIP-2-022. Fleet procedure information was supported with site specific information as necessary toensure site-specific Emergency Plan requirements and associated processes were retained. Therefore, changes to thelocation of the description of emergency response processes were made (changed to fleet procedure or retained in site-specific EIP), but no changes to the emergency response processes addressed by I0CFR50.47(b) planning standardsthemselves were made.Summary:* No ERO positions have been added or deleted.* No ERG responsibilities have been relocated.* The description, activation and operation of the Alternate EOF as described in the RBS Emergency Plan hasnot been changed.* All site specific commitments continue to be met under the fleet procedure and the use of a site-specificprocedure.* This change does not alter the Altemnate EOF structure, organization or location.The revision of the site Alternate Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) procedure (EiP-2-022) and incorporating the useof fleet Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) Procedure ('EN-EP-609) screens out. Based on the above, this chan qeEN-EP-305 REV 3 ATTACHMENT 9.110CFR50.54(a) SCREENINGATAHET91 OF5.4u SCRENINEquipment/FacilitylOther: River Bend StationTitle: Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) OperationsAlternate EOF-Activation and Transfer of Functionsdoes flat need to be evaluated.Chan qe Items # 2 and 3. Revised release definition to remove 'due to the classified event' and also removed 'norelease' as a release characterization.There are no changes to the current offsite notification procedure process with one exception associated withremoving 'no release' as an option with which to characterize releases from the site. With this change RBS will stillprovide to local organizations emergency messages which contain information about the class of emergency, whethera release is taking place, potentially affected populations, and whether protective measures are necessary. Thischange is in alignment with NRC RIS 2002-16 and has been agreed to by both State and local officials. Proceduresfor notification of State and local governmental agencies are still capable of alerting them of the declared emergencywithin 15 minutes after declaration of an emergency and providing follow-up notifications therefore no furtherevaluation is required for this change.Change Item # 4. Attachment 2 -Revised Long Notification Message Form to include on Line 5C 'Monitor andPrepare' as an option for a Recommended Protective Action. Moved 'Shelter' as an option from Line SC toLine 5D. This change was previously evaluated by RBS under a 10CFR50.54(q)(3) performed on 1214114 aspart of revision 30 of EIP-2-022. That 10CFR50.54(q) determined the use of monitor and prepare wasconsistent with regulatory guidance and was not a reduction in effectiveness of Emergency Plan functions andcould be incorporated without prior NRC approval. No further evaluation is required for this change.Changqe Item # 5. Attachment 2 -Revised Long Notification Message Form Lines 9A, D, and E to remove 'No Release'as release information characterization and to be consistent with change 2 above.Change Item # 6. Attachment 2- Revised Guidelines for Completing the Long NMF Line 9 to remove 'No release' as anoption and to be consistent with change 3 above. Reordered remaining steps.Change 5 removes 'No release' from the typical form for the Long NMF and supporting lines 0 and E whichrelate to start and stop times of a release. Change 6 removes from the guidance on completion of the LongNMF the use of 'No Release'. The ability to perform notifications to State/Local agencies in a timely manner isnot impacted by this change as notifications of emergency classification and Protective ActionRecommendation (PAR) are still being made. The evaluation of the removal of 'No Release' is beingperformed as part of change #3 above. Changes 5 and 6 do not change the meaning or intent of a description,does not change facilities or equipment, and does not change a process. No further evaluation is required forthese changes.Changqe Item #7. Attachment 3 -Deleted step to ensure all telephones are in place.Set up instructions for the Alternate EOF previously involved relocating phones from a storage locker to their intendedERO location. Phones have now been permanently located at the respective ERG positions. No further evaluation isrequired for this change at it is an enhancement.EN-EP-305 REV 3 ATTACHM ENT 9.110CFR50.54(a) SCREENINGSheet 6 of 6Equipment/FacilitylOther: River Bend StationTitle: Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) OperationsAlternate EOF-Activation and Transfer of FunctionsPart Vi. Signatures:Preparer Name (Print)John Hurst(Optional) Reviewer Name (Print)N/AReviewer Name (Print)Tom SowdonNuclear EP Project ManagerApprover Name (Print)EP manager or designeeEN-EP-305 REV 3
- G12.23.2ENTERGYRIVER BEND STATIONSTATION SUPPORT MANUAL*EMERGENCY IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE*JOINT INFORMATION CENTERPROCEDURE NUMBER: *EIP-2-023REVISION NUMBER: *14Effective Date: *1/27/2016NOTE: SIGNATURES ARE ON FILE.REFERENCE USE*INJDEXING INFORMATION TABLE OF CONTENTSSECTIONPAGE NO.1 PURPOSE............................................................................................ 22 REFERENCES ...................................................................................... 23 DEFINITIONS ...................................................................................... 24 RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................................................... 25 GENERAL ........................................................................................... 36 PROCEDURE ........................................................................................ 37 DOCUMENTATION ............................................................................... 6ATTACHMENT 1 -JOINT INFORMATION CENTER -FLOOR PLAN ......................... 7EIP-2-023REV -14 PAGE 1 OF 7EIP-2-023 REV-14 PAGE1OF7 1 PURPOSEThis procedure describes the activation of the Joint Infornation Center (JIC) andthe staff functions related to providing a place where all official news regardingthe emergency is available from all sources.2 REFERENCESECP-2-00 1, Joint Information Center (JIG) Staff Position Instructions3 DEFINITIONS3.1 Facility Staffing -The process of assembling personnel, verifyingequipment operability and making a facility ready to support theemergency response.3.2 Operational -The Joint Information Center (JIG) is considered to beoperational when, in the judgment of the Company Spokesperson,sufficient JIG staff and equipment are ready to provide their designatedfunctions in support of the emergency response.4 RESPONSIBILITIES4.1 JIG Manager -The JIG Manager's responsibilities include, but, are notlimited to the following:4.1.1. Coordinate activation of JIG personnel.4.1.2. Ensure that the JIG is made operational in accordance withprocedure.4.1.3. Provide timely and accurate information to the public throughthe media.4.1.4. Control rumors and misinformation.4.1.5. Report directly to the Company Spokesperson.EIP-2-023 REV -14 PAE2O7PAGE 2 OF 7 4.1.6. Manage all public information functions.4.1.7. Coordinate joint agency spokespersons.4.2 JIG Staff -Ensure that the JIG is made operational in accordance withprocedure and provide support to the JIG operation as directed.5 GENERAL5.1 The JIG is located on the first floor of the Govenor's Office of HomelandSecurity and Emergency Preparedness (GOHSEP) building at 7667Independence Blvd, Baton Rouge, LA.5.2 The JIG is staffed by licensee personnel along with representatives fromthe State of Louisiana, the five parishes within the ten-mile EmergencyPlanning Zone (EPZ), the State of Mississippi, the Nuclear RegulatoryCommission, the Federal Emergency Management Agency and otherfederal agencies if and as they respond.5.3 The JIG is activated at an Alert or higher declaration.6 PROCEDURE6.1 The Company Spokesperson should:6.1.1. Upon receiving a Notification of Unusual Event (NOUE):1. Acknowledge receipt of the NOUE by responding to theERO notification system as directed.2. Call the Control Room and verify the NOUE and plantstatus with the Emergency Director.EIP-2-023 REV- 14PAGE 3 OF 7EIP-2-023 REV -14 PAGE 3 OF 7
- 3. Call the site Corporate Communications representativeusing the Emergency Telephone Book, Section IV-Bphone numbers. Should the site CorporateCommunications personnel fail to respond, call theEchelon Corporate Communications representative listedin the same section of the Emergency Telephone Book.Inform them of the NOUB declaration and determine if apress release is appropriate. Utilize CorporateCommunications in development and distribution of thepress release to media outlets. Emergency Directorapproval of press releases is required prior to release tothe media and public.4. Maintain periodic contact with the Emergency Director inthe Control Room on the status of the NOUE, pressreleases, and termination of the NOUJE.6.1.2. Upon being notified of an Alert, Site Area Emergency, orGeneral Emergency acknowledge receipt by responding to theERO notification system as directed. At an Alert or higherproceed to the JIC and carry out duties and responsibilities.Ensure GOHSEP performs media notification (LC #13612).6.1.3. Participate in the initial recovery planning meeting, with theEmergency Director in conjunction with GOHSEP and OROsdetermine the extent to which Entergy should participate inthe JIC during the recovery phase.6.1.4. When the Emergency Director agrees end Entergyparticipation in the JIC and make assignments for any pressreleases during recovery operations. Ensure that alldocumentation is forwarded to the Manager-EmergencyPreparedness.6.2 Using ECP-2-001, Joint Information Center (JIC) Staff PositionInstruction and the Facility Setup Manuals, as a guide, the following JICpositions will perform the duties described:6.2.1. The Company Spokesperson should provide accurate andtimely dissemination of EOI information to the media at allpress conferences.EIP-2-023 REV -14 PAE4O7PAGE 4 OF 7 6.2.2. The .JIC Manager reports to the Company Spokesperson.The JIG Manager supervises JIG operations tO facilitateaccurate timely release of information to the media and public.The JIG Manager ensures pre-conference briefings are heldwith JIG Spokesperson Team as well as coordinatinginterviews and technical briefings with the Media Liaison.6.2.3. The Media Liaison should provide information to the mediapresent at the JIG, assist with press conferences, and arrangeinterviews when possible. The Media Liaison reports to theJIG Manager and will assume the duties and responsibilities ofthe JIG Manager, at press briefings, in his/her absence.6.2.4. The Technical Advisor in the JIG is responsible forinterpreting technical information received from the EOF asneeded for press releases as well as to support the CompanySpokesperson in responding to technical questions from themedia on the emergency. The Technical Advisor also advisesthe Inquiry Response Coordinator/Rumor Control on technicalquestions from the public or media. The Technical Advisorreports to the Company Spokesperson.6.2.5. The Press Release Writer should receive all technical inputfrom the Technical Advisor in the JIG and PublicInformation Liaison in the EOF. The Press Release Writerprepares press releases from acquired information for the JIGManager and Emergency Director's signatures. AssistCompany Spokesperson with technical input for pressconferences. Establish contact with and provide informationto the Corporate Emergency Center (GEG).6.2.6. The JIC Manager should serve as the primary EntergyOperations contact for Offsite Spokespersons at the JIG andreads EOI press releases for confirmation from offsiteagencies.6.2.7. The Technical Assistant assists with Offsite Spokespersonsactivities at the JIG as well as providing logistics support,copying and distributing Entergy press releases. TheTechnical Assistant reports to the JIG Manager.EIP-2-023REV -14 PAGE 5 OF 7EIP-2-023 REV-14 PAGE5OF7 6.2.8. Media Monitor monitors media reports on radio, television orintemnet (should be performed in conjunction with GOHSEPpersonnel if possible). The Media Monitor should report allmedia inacurracies to the JIG Manager for correction duringpress conferences. The Media Monitor reports to the J-IGManager.7 DOCUMENTATIONSend any documentation of NOUE actions to the Manager-EmergencyPreparedness.EIP-2-023 REV- 14PAGE 6 OF 7EIP-2-023 REV -14 PAGE 6 OF 7 ATTACHMENT 1PAGE 1lOF 1JOINT INFORMATION CENTER FLOOR PLANLend ~ ~.n4 ~7~67 Ikp~k~ B~. Ua~r~ ~ I A O~Qt~~225) 92!~-7~OOEIP-2-023 REV -14 PAGE 7 OF 7 .1Attacment .110CFR50.54(q) ScreeningProcedure/Document Number: EIP-2-023 lRevision: 14Sheet I of 5Equlipment/Facility/Other: River Bend StationTitle: Joint Information CenterPart I. Description of Activity Being Reviewed (event or action, or series of actions that may result in a changeto the emergency plan or affect the implementation of the emergency plan):This procedure revision moves the Joint Information Center (JIC) from the River Bend Station Training Center on site tothe Governor's Office of Homeland Security andEmergency Preparedness, 7667 Independence Blvd, Baton Rouge, LAwhich also moves the JIC out of the 10 mile Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ). This change eliminates the need tomaintain an Alt JIC at 446 North Blvd in Baton Rouge, LA previousiy needed to avoid radiation exposure of the press inevent of a release on site.1) Replace 'news release' with 'press release' throughout procedure to use updated terminology.2) Change 5.1 From: "The JIC is located on the first floor of the Training Center (See Attachment 1)To:" "The JIC is located on the first floor of the Governor's Office of Homeland Security and EmergencyPreparedness (GOHSEP) building at 7667 Independence Blvd, Baton Rouge, LA(See Attachment 1)."3) Change 6.1.2 F2rom: "Upon being notified of an Alert, Site Area Emergency, or General Emergencyacknowledge receipt by responding to the ERO notification system as directed. At an Alert proceed to the JICand carry out duties and responsibilities. At a Site Area or General Emergency proceed to the Alternate JIC tocarry out the duties and responsibilities. Ensure media notification (LC #1 3612).Tom: "Upon being notified of an Alert, Site Area Emergency, or General Emergency acknowledge receipt byresponding to the ERO notification system as directed. At an Alert or higher proceed to the JIC and carry outduties and responsibilities. Ensure GOHSEP performs media notification (LC #1361 2)."4) Delete 6.1.3 "If notified at any time by the Emergency Director that the JIC is uninhabitable or should berelocated, direct relocation of the JIC staff to the alternate facility at North Boulevard in Baton Rouge, per ECP-2-001, Joint Information Center (JIC) Staff Position Instruction."5) Delete 6.2.3 "The Information Coordinator reports to the JIC Manager and supervises media and publicresponse activities as well as establishing and maintaining frequent contact with Corporate Communicationspersonnel." -supports JIC relocation.6) Delete 6.2.6 "Logistics should provide staffing, administrative and logistic support for the JIC, and distributenews releases. The Logistics Coordinator reports to the JIC Manager. Logistics Coordinator will request ITsupport for both telecommunications and computer needs when relocation to Alt JiC is required. Logisticspersonnel report to the Logistics Coordinator. They maintain the master files, duplication, distribution, andassist in the activation/deactivation of the JIC." -supports JIC relocation.7) Change 6.2.8 From: "The Technical Assistant should serve as the primary Entergy Operations contact forOffsite Spokespersons at the JIC and reads EOI news releases for confirmation from offsite agencies. TheTechnical Assistant reports to the Information Coordinator."To:" "The Technical Assistant assists with Offsite Spokespersons activities at the JIC as well as providinglogistics support, copying and distributing Entergy press releases. The Technical Assistant reports to the JICManager."8) Delete 6.2.9 "The Inquiry Response Coordinator should take appropriate actions regarding incomingmedia/public queries and rapidly act upon rumors or misinformation identified by Phone Team or other sources.The Inquiry Response Coordinator reports to the Information Coordinator." -supports JIC relocation.9) Delete 6.2.10 "The inquiry Responders should contact the media upon activation of the Joint InformationCenter, provide responses to incoming media and public queries, and rapidly act upon rumors ormisinformation. Inquiry Responders report to the Inquiry Response Coordinator." -supports JIC relocation.10) Delete 6.2.11 "Credentialing personnel should establish and maintain access control at the Training CenterJIC Staff (breezeway) entrance and the Media (auditorium lobby) entrance, (See Attachment 1).11) Attachment 1 -update JIC Floor Plan by replacing Training Center Floor Plan with GOHSEP Floor PlanEN-EP-305 REV 3 .1Attacment .1 10CFR50.54(q) ScreeningProcedure/Document Number: E IP-2-023 /Revision: 14Sheet 2 of 5Equipment/Facility/Other: River Bend StationTitle: Joint Information CenterPart II. Activity Previously Reviewed? E-YES [] NOIs this activity fully bounded by an NRC approved 10 CFR 50.90 submittal or 50.54(q)(3)* \ Continue toAlert and Notification System Design Report? Evalreuaioniredt.arEnterIf YES, identify bounding source document number/approval reference and justificationensure the basis for concluding the source document fully bounds the below andproposed change is documented below: complete Partvi. _ _ _ _ _ _Justification:LI Bounding document attached (optional)Part IIl. Applicability of Other Regulatory Change Conltrol ProcessesCheck if any other regulatory change processes control the proposed activity. (Refer to EN-LI-i100)NOTE: For example, when a design change is the proposed activity, consequential actions may include changes toother documents which have a different change control process and are NOT to be included in this 50.54(q)(3)Screening.APPLICABILITY CONCLUSIONIXI If there are no controlling change processes, continue the 50.54(q)(3) Screening.[] One or more controlling change processes Eare selected, however, some portion of the activity involves theemergency plan or affects the implementation of the emergency plan: continue the 50.54(q)(3) Screening for that portionof the activity. Identify the applicable controlling change processes below.LI One or more controlling change processes are selected and fully bounds all aspects of the activity. 50.54(q)(3)Evaluation is NOT required. Identify controlling change processes below and complete Part VI.CONTROLLING CHANGE PROCESSES50.54(q)(3)Part IV. Editorial Change DYES IXINOsuc a frmatigpargrph50.54(q)(3) Continue to nextIs this activity an editorial or typographical change scasfrtinpagphEvaluation is partnumbering, spelling, or punctuation that does not change intent? Yes NOT re~quired.Justification: Enter1) Replace 'news release' with 'press release' is editorial, intent is unchanged. justification andcomplete PartVI."No" is selected because procedure revision contains other changes that are noteditorial.EN-EP-305 REV 3 .1Attacment .110CFR50.54(q) ScreeningProcedure/Document Number: EIP-2-023 Revision: 14Sheet 3 of 5IEquilpment/FacilitylOther: River Bend StationTitle: Joint Information CenterProcedurelDocument Number: EIP-2-023 Revision: 14Equipment/Facility/Other: River Bend StationTitle: Joint Information CenterPart V. Emergency Planning Element/Function Screen (Associated 10 CFR 50.47(b) planning standard functionidentified in brackets) Does this activity affect any of the following, including program elements from NUREG-0654/FEMA REP-I Section I1?1. Responsibility for emergency response is assigned. [1] D]2. The response organization has the staff to respond and to augment staff on a continuing basis (24/7 E]staffing) in accordance with the emergency plan. [1]3. The process ensures that on shift emergency response responsibilities are staffed and assigned. [2] []4. The process for timely augmentation of onshift staff is established and maintained. [2] [5. Arrangements for requesting and using off site assistance have been made. [3] III6. State and local staff can be accommodated at the EOF in accordance with the emergency plan. 131 D]7. A standard scheme of emergency classification and action levels is in use. [4] LI8. Procedures for notification of State and local governmental agencies are capable of alerting them of []the declared emergency within 15 minutes after declaration of an emergency and providing follow-up notifications. [5]9. Administrative and physical means have been established for alerting and providing prompt [instructions to the public within the plume exposure pathway. [5]10. The public ANS meets the design requirements of FEMA-REP-10, Guide for Evaluation of Alert and [Notification Systems for Nuclear Power Plants, or complies with the licensee's FEMA-approved ANSdesign report and supporting FEMA approval letter. [5]i11. Systems are established for prompt communication among principal emergency response LIorganizations. [6]12. Systems are established for prompt communication to emergency response personnel. [6] LII13. Emergency preparedness information is made available to the public on a periodic basis within the [plume exposure pathway emergency planning zone (EPZ). [7]14. Coordinated dissemination of public information during emergencies is established. [7]1[15. Adequate facilities are maintained to support emergency response. [8] [16. Adequate equipment is maintained to support emergency response. [8] LI17. Methods, systems, and equipment for assessment of radioactive releases are in use. [9] [18. A range of public PARs is available for implementation during emergencies. [10] [19. Evacuation time estimates for the population located in the plume exposure pathway EPZ are LIavailable to support the formulation of PARs and have been provided to State and localgovernmental authorities. [10]20. A range of protective actions is available for plant emergency workers during emergencies, including [those for hostile action events.[10]____EN-EP-305 REV 3 .1Attacment .110CFR50.54(q) ScreeningProcedure/Document Number: EIP-2-023 Revision: 14Sheet 4 of 5Equipment/Facility/Other: River Bend StationTitle: Joint Information CenterProcedurelDocument Number: EIP-.2-023 Revision: 14Equipment/FacilitylOther: River Bend StationTitle: Joint Information Center21. The resources for controlling radiological exposures for emergency workers are established. [11] D]22. Arrangements are made for medical services for contaminated, injured individuals. [12] LI23. Plans for recovery and reentry are developed. [13] LI24. A drill and exercise program (including radiological, medical, health physics and other program LIareas) is established. [14]25. Drills, exercises, and training evolutions that provide performance opportunities to develop, [maintain, and demonstrate key skills are assessed via a formal critique process in order to identifyweaknesses. [14]26. Identified weaknesses are corrected. [14] [27. Training is provided to emergency responders. [15] [28. Responsibility for emergency plan development and review is established. [16] [29. Planners responsible for emergency plan development and maintenance are properly trained. [16] _____APPLICABILITY CONCLUSION[] If no Part V criteria are checked, a 50.54(q)(3) Evaluation is NOT required; document the basis for condlusion belowand complete Part VI. .U3 If any Part V criteria are checked, complete Part VI and perform a 50.54(q)(3) Evaluation.BASIS FOR CONCLUSION2) Change 5.1 Frm The JIC is located on the first floor of the Training Center (See Attachment 1)To:" "The JIC is located on the first floor of the Governor's Office of Homeland Security and EmergencyPreparedness (GOH.SEP) building at 7667 Independence Blvd, Baton Rouge, LA(See Attachment 1)."3) Change 6.1.2 From: "Upon being notified of an Alert, Site Area Emergency, or General Emergencyacknowledge receipt by responding to the ERO notification system as directed. At an Alert proceed to the JICand carry out duties and responsibilities. At a Site Area or General Emergency proceed to the Alternate JIC tocarry out the duties and responsibilities. Ensure media notification (LC #1 3612).To:" "Upon being notified of an Alert, Site Area Emergency, or General Emergency acknowledge receipt byresponding to the ERO notification system as directed. At an Alert or higher proceed to the JIC and carry outduties and responsibilities. Ensure GOHSEP performs media notification (LC #1361 2)."4) Delete 6.1.3 "If notified at any time by the Emergency Director that the JIC is uninhabitable or should berelocated, direct relocation of the JIC staff to the alternate facility at North Boulevard in Baton Rouge, per ECP-2-001, Joint Information Center (JIC) Staff Position Instruction."5) Delete 6.2.3 "The Information Coordinator reports to the JIC Manager and supervises media and publicresponse activities as well as establishing and maintaining frequent contact with Corporate Communicationspersonnel." -supports JIC relocation.6) Delete 6.2.6 "Logistics should provide staffing, administrative and logistic support for the JIC, and distributenews releases. The Logistics Coordinator reports to the JIC Manager. Logistics Coordinator will request ITsupport for both telecommunications and computer needs when relocation to Alt JIC is required. Logisticspersonnel report to the Logistics Coordinator. They maintain the master files, duplication, distribution, andassist in the activation/deactivation of the JIC." -supports JIC relocation.EN-EP-305 REV 3 9.1 10CFRS0.54(q) ScreeningProcedure/Document Number: EIP-2-023 IRevision: 14Equip;m~enlacilltylOther: River Bend StationTitle- Center7) Change 6.2.8 From: "The Technical Assistant should serve as the primary Entergy Operations contact forDffsite pok~espersons at the JIC and reads EO! news releases for confirmation from offsite agencies. TheTechcl f!A.,ssistan~t reports to the Information Coordlnator, .To: 'he Technical Assistant assists with Offsite Spok~espersons activities at tthe JiC as well as providinglogisticSssupport, and distributing Entergy press releases. Th'eTechnical Assistant reports to the JIC8) 6i21.9 ='The :Inquiry ResPonse Coo rdinator shoucld take actions regar'ding incomingmedia/public queris ,and rapidly act upon rumors or misinf6rmtionId jent~ifiedI by ;Phone Team cr other sources.The ;Inquiry Resp~onse reports to the Inform:ation -supports JiC relocation.9) Delete 6.2.10 =The Inquiry Responders should contact the media upon activation of the Joint InformationCenter, provide responses to incoming media and public querieS, and raboidly act upon rumors ormisinformation. Inquiry Responders report to the Inquiry Response Coordinator." -supports JIC relocation.10) Delete 6.1.11 "Credentialing personnel should establish and maintain access control at the Training CenterJa C Staff.(breezeway) ehtr'ance and the Media (auditorium lobby) :entrance, (See Attachment 1l).11) Attachment 1 -update'.JlC Floor Plan by replacing Training Center Floor Plan with GOHSEP Floor PlanThe proposed! changes to this procedure support the relocation of the Joint Information Center (J IC) .fromRiv'er Banid ;Staion to GOHSEP in Baton Rouge, LA. The relocation of the JIC to GOHSEP facility and theremoval :of the sp~ecific JIC position have been reviewed in revision 042' to the RBS Emergency Plan.these proposed changes do not change the meaning or intent of a description, does not changefa'cilitiesor equipment, and does not change a process. No further evaluation Is required for this change.Preparer Nmde (Print) Preparer S:igna.ture Date:Norman E Tison ., : 1/17/16(Optional) Reviewer Name (Print) R./ eviewer Sign~atu're :. ...Date:Reviewer Nam'e (Print) :eviewer Signature ) ;Date:D uane Whfte / Nuclear EP project Manager EP manager or aestgnee 1-25-16U fEN-EP-305 REV 3 SE try MNGMNNUCLEAR NON-QtUALITY REL.ATED EN-EP-900 REV. 2MANUAL REFERENCE USE PAGE 1 OF 5Emergency Preparedness FormsIProcedure Contains NMM ECH eB REFLIB Forms: YES 13 NO Z]Procedure Revision Type: New LI NON-Editorial [] Editorial 13 TC 13 Cancellation LIHQN Prcdr we: Dean Burnett GvracOwe: Mary Ann WilsonEffetie Title: Director,- Emergency Title: DPreogramerecDate Programs Program01/27/16 St:HQN St:HQN W PSite Site Procedure Champion TitleANO N/A N/AB3RP N/A N/ACNS N/A N/AGGNS Jeff Seiter Manager, EPIPEC Lori Glander Manager, EPJAF James Jones Manager, EPPLP Dan Malone Manager, EPPNPS N/A N/ARBS Tim Schenk Manager, EPVY N/A N/AW3 N/A N/AHQN N/A N/AFor site implementation dates see ECH eB REFLIB using site tree view (Navigation panel)Site and NMM Procedures Canceled or Superseded By This Revision,N/AProcess Applicability Exclusion: All Sites: LISpecific Sites: ANO 13 BRP 13 GGNS 13 IPECI-- JAF 13 PLP 13 PNPS[-- RBS 13 VY 13 W3 13Change StatementRevision 2 is to implement the fleet standard Emergency Preparedness Forms procedure at Palisades, IndianPoint and RBS. This revision also adds EN-EP-609 to the interfacing procedure list for EP Form EP-7-ALL.Associated PRHQN #: PRHQN 2015-0063,4 Procedure Writer: D. TownsendContains Proprietary Information: YES 13 NO []
TABLE OF CONTENTSSection Title Pg1.0 PURPOSE................................................................................
........................................................................... 33.0 DEFINITIONS............................................................................. 34.0 RESPONSIBILITIES..................................................................... 35.0 DETAILS .................. .............................................................. 36.0 INTERFACES ............................................................................ 47.0 RECORDS................................................................................ 48.0 SITE SPECIFIC COMMITMENTS...................................................... 49.0 ATTACHMENTS ......................................................................... 4ATTACHMENT 9.1 CURRENT LIST OF EFFECTIVE FORMS ........................................ 5 1.0 PURPOSE[1] This procedure controls Forms used by the Emergency Response Organizationduring emergencies.
[1] Sites Emergency Plans[21 Site Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures3.0 DEFINITIONSNONE4.0 RESPONSIBILITIES[1] The Emergency Planning Department is responsible for maintaining forms used bythe Emergency Response Organization in accordance with this procedure.5.0 DETAILS~5.1 USE OF FoRMs[1] The Implementing Procedure that calls for a form to be completed will control theactual use of forms.[2] Any needed instructions for form completion will either be on the form itself or in theprocedure calling for its use.5.2 CONTROL OF FORMS[1] Forms are numbered sequentially as the need for them is defined by otherimplementing procedures.(a) Form numbers will be formatted as "EP-n-Site or All Rev x", where n is thesequential number of the form and x is the current revision of the form. Forthe Site, the designator will be as designated in PCRS. If All sites use theform, then All will be used.5.3 METHOD OF PLACING FORMS IN THIS PROCEDURE[1] Forms are attached as addendums to this procedure. They will appear formatted inthe end use format. There will be no annotation on the addendums or actual formsshowing addendum number or procedure page number.[2] Attachment 9.1, Current List of Effective Forms will list all effective forms and thenumber of pages in each form.[3] The Effective Forms are located in the EP Corporate drive (i.e., \\metne\EP FleetForms). 6.0 INTERFACES[1] EN-EP-609, Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) Operations[2] EN-EP-610, Technical Support Center (TSC) Operations[13] EN-EP-61 1, Operations Support Center (05C) Operations7.0 RECORDS[1] Forms completed by members of the ERO during an actual declared emergency arepermanent quality records and are maintained in accordance with EN-AD-i103.8.0 SITE SPECIFIC COMMITMENTS[1] None9.0 ATTACHMENTSAttachment 9.1 Current List of Effective Forms ATr'ACHMENT 9.1CURNLITOEFCIVFRMCURRENT LIST OF EFFECTIVE FORMSPage 1 of 1Form Form TitleInefcgNumber (number of pages if > 1) PoeueEP-1 -ALL This has been intentionally left biank NnEP-2-ALL Essential Information Form (2 pages) EN-EP-609, EN-EP-610, EN-EP-611EP-3-ALL Log Sheet FormENE-0,NEP6,E-P61EP-4-ALL Exposure Authorization Form (2 pages) EN-EP-609, EN-EP-610, EN-EP-611EP-5-ALL Team Dispatching Form EN-EP-609, ENEP-610, EN-EP-611EP-6-ALL Team Tracking Form EN-EP-610, EN-EP-611EP-7-ALL Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form (2 pages) EN-EP-609, EN-EP-610, EN-EP-611IEP-8-ALL KI Instructions/Briefing Form EN-EP-609, EN-EP-610, EN-EP-61 1NRC Form-361, Reactor Plant Event Notification EN-EP-609, EN-EP-610, EN-EP-611EP-g-ALL Worksheet (2 pages)Fillng n EO Vaanc Duing aciitySite Specific CR procedures/EN-EP-EP-10-ALL Activation/Operation Form60,E-P6,ENP61EP-1 1-ALL Repair & Corrective Action Assignment Form (3 pages) EN-EP-610, EN-EP-611IEP-12-ALL
- Engineering Task Assignment Form (2 pages) EN-EP-610EP-1 3-ALL NRC Briefing Form EN-EP-609EP-14-ALL Briefing Form EN-EP-609, EN-EP-6I0, EN-EP-611 ATTACHMENT 9.1 1 0CFR50.54(q) SCREENINGSHEET 1 OF 4ProcedurelDocument Number: EN-EP-900 Revision: 002EquipmentlFacility/Other: River Bend StationTitle: EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS FORMSPart I, Description of Activity Being Reviewed (event or action, or series of actions that may result in a changeto the emergency plan or affect the implementation of the emergency plan):This change implements fleet procedure EN-EP-900, Emergency Preparedness Forms, Rev. 2 for use by the RBSemergency response organization.Part II. Activity Previously Reviewed? [-]YES ~ O]NOIs this activity fully bounded by an NRC approved 10 CFR 50.90 submittal or 50.54(q)(3) Continue toAlert and Notification System Design Report? Evaluation is next partNOT required.EnterIf YES, identify bounding source document number/approval reference and justificationensure the basis for concluding the source document fully bounds the below andproposed change is documented below:, complete PartVI. _ _ _ _ _ _Justification:El Bounding document attached (optional)Part Ill. Applicability of Other Regulatory Change Control ProcessesCheck if any other regulatory change processes control the proposed activity.(Refer to EN-LI-I100)NOTE: For example, when a design change is the proposed activity, consequential actions may indlude changes toother documents which have a different change control process and are NOT to be included in this 50.54(q)(3)Screening.APPLICABILITY CONCLUSION0] If there are no controlling change processes, continue the 50.54(q)(3) Screening.El One or more controlling change processes are selected, however, some portion of the activity involves theemergency plan or affects the implementation of the emergency plan; continue the 50,54(q)(3) Screening for that portionof the activity. Identify the applicable controlling change processes below.El One or more controlling change processes are selected and fully bounds all aspects of the activity. 50.54(q)(3)Evaluation is NOT required. Identify controlling change processes below and complete Part VI.CONTROLLING CHANGE PROCESSES10CFR50.54 (q)Part IV. Editorial Change E--YES O]NO50,54(o,)(3) Continue to nextIs this activity an editorial or typographical change such as formatting, paragraph Evaluation is partnumbering, spelling, or punctuation that does not change intent? NOT required.Justification: Enter~justification andcomplete PartVI.Part V. Emergency Planning ElementlFunction Screen (Associated 10 CFR 50.47(b) planning standard functionidentified in brackets) Does this activity affect any of the following, incduding program elements from NUREG-0654/FE=MA REP-I Section II?1. Responsibility for emergency response is assigned. [1] lI]2. The response organization has the staff to respond and to augment staff on a continuing basis (24/7 LIstaffing) in accordance with the emergency plan. [1]3. The process ensures that on shift emergency response responsibilities are staffed and assigned. [2] _[EN-EP-305 REV 3 ATTACHMENT 9.1 100CFR50.54(q) SCREENINGSHEET 2 OF 4ProcedurelDocument Number: EN-EP-900 Revision: 002Equipment/FacilitylOther: River Bend StationTitle: EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS FORMS4. The process for timely augmentation of onshift staff is established and maintained. [2] i[]5. Arrangements for requesting and using off site assistance have been made. [3] [6. State and local staff can be accommodated at the EOF in accordance with the emergency plan. [3] I[l7. A standard scheme of emergency classification and action levels is in use. [4] LI8. Procedures for notification of State and local governmental agencies are capable of alerting them of []the declared emergency within 15 minutes after declaration of an emergency and providing follow-up notifications. [5]9. Administrative and physical means have been established for alerting and providing prompt [instructions to the public within the plume exposure pathway. [5]10. The public ANS meets the design requirements of FEMA-REP-10, Guide for Evaluation of Alert and [Notification Systems for Nuclear Power Plants, or complies with the licensee's FEMA-approved ANSdesign report and supporting FEMA approval letter. [5111. Systems are established for prompt communication among principal emergency response Elorganizations. [6]12. Systems are established for prompt communication to emergency response personnel. [6] [13. Emergency preparedness information is made available to the public on a periodic basis within the [plume exposure pathway emergency planning zone (EPZ). [7]14. Coordinated dissemination of public information during emergencies is established. 17] LI15. Adequate facilities are maintained to support emergency response. [8] [16. Adequate equipment is maintained to support emergency response. [8] _____17. Methods, systems, and equipment for assessment of radioactive releases are in use. [9] Ii18. A range of public PARs is available for implementation during emergencies. [10] [19. Evacuation time estimates for the population located in the plume exposure pathway EPZ are [available to support the formulation of PARs and have been provided to State and localgovernmental authorities. [10120. A range of protective actions is available for plant emergency workers during emergencies, including [those for hostile action events.[1 0]21. The resources for controlling radiological exposures for emergency workers are established. (11] LI22. Arrangements are made for medical services for contaminated, injured individuals. [12] [23. Plans for recovery and reentry are developed. [13] [24. A drill and exercise program (including radiological, medical, health physics and other program Elareas) is established. [14]25. Drills, exercises, and training evolutions that provide performance opportunities to develop, [maintain, and demonstrate key skills are assessed via a formal critique process in order to identifyweaknesses. [14]26. Identified weaknesses are corrected. [14] [27. Training is provided to emergency responders. [15] [28. Responsibility for emergency plan development and review is established. [16] III29. Planners responsible for emergency plan development and maintenance are properly trained. [16] [EN-EP-305 REV 3 ATTACHMENT 9.1 10OCFR50.54(q) SCREENINGSHEET 3 OF 4Procedure/Document Number: EN-EP-g00 IRevi~sion: 002Equipment(FacilitylOther: River Bend StationlAPPLICABILITY CONCLUSIONl]if no Part V criteria are checked, a 50.54(q)(3) Evaluation is NOT required; document the basis for conclusion belowand complete Part VI.U If any Part V criteria are checked, complete Part VI and perform a 50.54(q)(3) Evaluation.BASIS FOR CONCLUSIONTransition to the new fleet procedure will change processes as illustrated below:EP-2-ALL. EP-1 4-ALL: Essential Information Form and Briefin9 Form: These forms are used to supportturnovers and briefs and replace applicable RBS stand-alone forms which are not contained in siteprocedures. The information provided in both fleet forms, for briefings and Essential Information, is similar tothe subject areas contained in existing forms used at RBS. These forms constitute a replacement of theRBS site specific forms and contain the relevant information needed to facilitate turnovers, both from onefacility to another and within a facility (shift turnover) and for the use of periodic briefings within a facility.Additionally, the fleet forms support timely transfer and turnover and can be supplemented as needed byother information such as log entries, dose assessment printouts, notification forms, etc. This change doesnot affect the meaniing or the intent of a description, facilities or equipment or a process. This proposedchange does not change the Emergency Plan. No further evaluation is required for this change.EP-3-ALL: Loq Sheet Form: This change replaces an existing log form in RBS site procedures. Both formsare similar and contain no specific required information. This change does not affect the meaning or theintent of a description, facilities or equipment or a process. This proposed change does not change theEmergency Plan. No further evaluation is required for this change.EP-4-ALL: Exposure Authorization Form: This form does not replace an existing RBS site specific form orprocedure. The RBS procedure EIP-2-01 2, Radiation Exposure Controls, contains instructions for specialradiation exposure controls during an emergency and will continue be used by the ERO. The informationcontained in the fleet form (EP-4-ALL) supports the information contained in the site procedure in that the'V exposure limits and authorization requirements are the same. The use of this new fleet form provides for asystematic collection of information for the authorization in a single location (on the form). This change doesnot affect the meaning or the intent of a description, facilities or equipment or a process. This proposedchange does not change the Emergency Plan. No further evaluation is required for this change.' EP-5-ALL. EP-6-ALL. EP-1 1-ALL. EP-12-ALL: Team Dispatchinq Form. Team Trackinq Form. Repair &Corrective Action Assiqnment Form, and Engineering Task Assignment Form: This change replaces RBSforms and EP aids with fleet forms. Briefing, dispatching and tracking of OSC teams and/or assignment ofengineering tasks are not processes described in the 10CFR50.47 planning standards or NUREG-0654 andare not referenced in Regulatory Guide 1.219. This change does not affect a process associated with anemergency planning standard. This change does not affect the meaning or the intent of a description,facilities or equipment or a process. This proposed change does not change the Emergency Plan. Nofurther evaluation is required for this change.EP-7-ALL: Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form: RBS procedures currently contain facility sign-in forms.The current process for facility sign-in and the directions associated with this new form are consistent. Thefleet form is considered as an enhancement as it also provides for a clear "statement" (using a checkbox)from a responder as to whether or not they are fit-for-duty in accordance with Entergy requirements. Thischange does not affect the meaning or the intent (6f a description, facilities or equipment or a process. Thisproposed change does not change the Emergency Plan. No further evaluation is required for this change.EP-8-ALL: KI Instructions/Briefinq Form: The fleet form does not replace an existing RBS site specificformEN-EP-305 REV 3 ATTrACHMENT 9.1 10OCFRS0.54(q) SCREENINGSHEET 4OF 4ProcedurelDocument Number:. EN-EP-900 Revision: 002Equipment/FacilitylOther: River Bend StationTitle: EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS FORMSor procedure. RBS procedure ElP-2-012, Radiation Exposure Controls, contains instructions for specialradiation exposure controls including the use of KI during an emergency and will continue to be used by theERO. EIP-2-012, Attachment 2, "Potassium Iodide (KI) Administration Form', and fleet form EP-8-ALL willbe used in concert when administrating Potassium Iodide. The use of both forms will enhance the KIprocess with no loss of function. .The overall process for the authorization and issuance of KI essentiallyremains the same. This change does not affect the meaning or the intent of a description, facilities orequipment or a process. This proposed change does not change the Emergency Plan. No furtherevaluation is required for this change.EP-9-ALL: NRC Form 361: Current RBS procedure references NRC Form 361 or similar form or log todocument NRC notifications. The form itself is not contained in RBS procedures, but is used as a tool todocument the notification. The information in the form and its use remain the same. This change does notchange a process. This change does not affect the meaning or the intent of a description, facilities orequipment or a process. This proposed change does not change the Emergency Plan. No furtherevaluation is required for this change.Ep-1Q0-ALL: Fillina an ERO V~acancy: This change uses the same process for filling ERO vacancies as thatcontained in RBS Emergency Planning Position Paper, Filling an ERO Vacancy During FacilityActivation/Operation. Form EP-1 0-ALL will replace that position paper. This change does not affect themeaning or the intent of a description, facilities or equipment or a process. This proposed change does notchange the Emergency Plan. No further evaluation is required for this change.EP-1 3-ALL: NRC Briefing Form: This form is used to prepare for and conduct a briefing of NRC respondersand replaces a RBS stand-alone aid which is not contained in site procedures. The information provided inthis fleet form is similar to the subject areas contained in the existing aid used at RBS. This form constitutesa replacement of the RBS site specific aid and is considered to contain the relevant information needed tofacilitate the NRC briefings. This change does not affect the meaning or the intent of a description, facilitiesor equipment or a process. This proposed change does not change the Emergency Plan. No furtherevaluation is required for this change.Part VI. Signatures:ohPreparer usName (Print) Pr arer Si ature (Optional) Reviewer Name (Print) R*viDerSigntur--aN/AReviewer-Nam e(Print) ... .. ....... ... ... .. ie e -ig t re , .. ... .. ...... Date: .......Duane White///Nuclear EP Project Manager ___,__,___1!20/201A ppro ver"- ',, cName (Print) Appovr i uDate:EP manager or designee -J 7J ,//'....- -O-tEN-EP-305 REV 3 NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-.EP-609 REV. 2r MANAGEMENTMANUAL REFERENCE USE PAGE 1 OF 80EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILITY (EOF) OPERATIONSProcedure Contains NMM ECH eB REFLIB Forms: YES Li NO []Procedure Revision Type: New LI NON-Editorial [] Editorial LI TC LI Cancellation LIHQNMayAnWloEffective Procedure Owner: Dean Burnett Governance Owner:MayAnWsoDae Title: Director, Emergency Title: Director, EmergencyDae Site: Programs Site: ProgramsI1/27/2016 HQN HQNSite Site Procedure Champion TitleANO N/A N/ABRP N/A N/ACNS N/A N/ASGGNS Jeff Seiter Manager, EPIPEC Lori Glander Manager, EP_ JAF James Jones Manager, EP_ PLP Dan Malone Manager, EPPNPS N/A N/A... RBS Tim Schenk Manager, EPVY N/A N/AW3 N/A N/AHON David Townsend EP, Project ManagerFor site implementation dates see ECH eB REFLIB using site. tree view (Navigation panel)Site and NMM Procedures Canceled or Superseded By This RevisionOP-I1903.067, EI-4.3Superseded site procedures remain active until the site-specific implementation date._Process Applicability Exclusion: All Sites: LISpecific Sites: ANO LI BRP LI GGNS LI IPECL-I JAF LI PLP LI PNPSL-I RBS LI VY LI W3 LI Change StatementRevision 2:* Implements the fleet standard Emergency Operations Facility Operations procedure at Palisades, IndianPoint, ANO and RBS. /* Added Note to the procedure's purpose that allows the procedure to be used at the backup/alternate EOFas applicable.* Added INPO IER 13-10 to the reference section.* Correct title of Administration and Logistics Coordinator position in section 4.0 [10].* Added Form Number (EP-#-ALL) before all Forms referenced in the procedure.* Corrects typo on Attachment 9.16 that stated "The following actions should be taken once Attachment 9.19,Event Termination Checklist, is complete." The Event Termination Checklist is Attachment 9.15.* Add Hostile Action Based event criteria to the Event Termination Checklist and Emergency Director'sChecklist* Grammatical correction; Changed "effect" to 'affect" on the Radiological Assessment Coordinator'schecklist which stated "Any condition which may effect the emergency classification".* Added JIC to the list of locations that receive a copy of the approved press releases and clarified where theoffsite agencies, who receive a copy of the approved press release, are located.* Add locals to list of agencies to be notified/contacted of classification, termination, PARs and changes toclassification or PARs.* Changed Shift Manager to Control Room on the ED checklist to clarify that ED responsibilities should betransfeh'ed to the facility rather than an ERO position if the EOF has to relocate or evacuate to a backup oralternate facility.* Added the Company Spokesperson to the list of positions that are notified of the EOF relocation orevacuation.* Added guidance to the ED checklist to ensure EOF Staff transports all completed documentation with themto the backup or alternate facility.* Clarify the guidance in the ED, EOF Manager, and Offsite Communicator checklist on when periodicupdates to offsite agencies are done.* Added action to notify the NRC and Offsite Liaisons if the EOF is relocated to the Lead Offsite Liaison'schecklist.* Added EOF relocation to list of items requiring a periodic update to offsite agencies* Added action to Administration and Logistics Coordinator to ensure EOF is secure.* Added action to Administration and Logistics Coordinator to provide any special routing information to reliefstaff.* Replaced "and" with "/" on the ED checklist concerning contacting and informing the SVP, RegionalOperations of the event.* Reworded step on the ED checklist concerning maintaining the facility log for readability.* Corrects step for the Administration and Logistics Coordinator responsibilities, that describe to whom theAdministration and Logistics Coordinator provides support, by removing "TSC" before the EmergencyResponse Organization. The Administration and Logistics Coordinator provides support the entireEmergency Response Organization.* Corrects step on Radiological Assessment Coordinator checklist by changing "for" to "from" concerningrequesting decontamination support from the TSC* Add locals to list of agencies in the EOF to be kept informed of the events by the Lead Offsite Liaison* Grammatical correction; Changed "of' to "on" on the EOF Technical Advisor's checklist to read "make anannouncement on facility bridge"* Grammatical correction; Added an "s" to the word announcement on the ED's checklistAssociated PRHQN #: 2015-00479 Procedure Writer: D. TownsendContains Proprietary Information: YES III NO Z]
TABLE OF CONTENTSSection Title Paae1.0 PURPOSE ......................................
43.0 DEFINITIONS .............................................................. 44.0 RESPONSIBILITIES ....................................................... 45.0 DETAILS .................................................................. 56.0 INTERFACES .............................................................. 67.0 RECORDS................. .................................................. 78.0 SITE SPECIFIC COMMITMENTS ........................................ 79.0 ATTACHMENTS ........................................................... 7ATTACHMENT 9.1ATTACHMENT 9.2ATTACHMENT 9.3ATTACHMENT 9.4ATTACHMENT 9.5ATTACHMENT 9.6ATTACHMENT 9.7ATTACHMENT 9.8ATTACHMENT 9.9ATTACHMENT 9.10ATT-IACH MENT 9. 11ATTACHMENT 9.12ATTACHMENT 9.13ATTACHMENT 9.14ATTACHMENT 9.15ATTACHMENT 9.16ATTACHMENT 9.17ATTACHMENT 9.18ATTACHMENT 9.19ATTACHMENT 9.20EMERGENCY DIRECTOR ........................................... 8EOF MANAGER ..................................................1i8EOF TECHNICAL ADVISOR ...................................... 25EOF LOG KEEPER ............................................... 28RADIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT COORDINATOR.................. 31OFFSITE COMMUNICATOR ....................................... 38PUBLIC INFORMATION LIAISON................................... 43LEAD OFFSITE LIAISON........................................... 46OFFSITE TEAM COORDINATOR................................... 50ADMINISTRATION AND LOGISTICS COORDINATOR ............. 54IT SPECIALIST..................................................... 58DOSE ASSESSOR ....................................... 61OFFSITE LIAISON................".................................. 64EOF COMMUNICATOR....... ..................................... 66EVENT TERMINATION CHECKLIST ................................68RECOVERY ISSUES/STRATEGY GUIDE .......................... 69SHIFT AND RELIEF PLANNING WORKSHEET .................... 71OFFSITE MONITORING TEAM .......................... ...........76SITE SPECIFIC COMMITMENTS .................................. 79ERO STAFFING FOR LONG DURATION EVENTS................ 80 1.0 PURPOSENOTEThis procedure may be used for activation and operations at the backup/alternate EQE asapplicable.[1] To describe the activation and operation of the Emergency Operations Facility (EQE)focusing on classification, notification, dose assessment and protective actionrecommendations.
[1] Site Emergency Plans[21 Site Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures13] INPO IERI13-10O3.0 DEFINITIONS[1] Activation -Actions taken to staff and setup an emergency response facility to make itoperational. Actions include but are not limited to notification of emergency personnel,equipment setup and equipment operability testing.[2] Operational -Status of an emergency facility declared by the appropriate facilitymanager upon determining that the facility is adequately staffed and equipment issetup and available to assume/perform the emergency functions assigned to thatfacility.[3] Stratecqic Alliance for FLEX Emerqency Response (SAFER) -. The industryorganization that assists in providing equipment and resources from off-site followinga beyond-design-basis external event (BDBEE)4.0 RESPONSIBILITIES[1] The entire staff of the Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) is responsible foractivation and operation of the facility using this procedure, their position specificchecklists and applicable site specific performance aids.[2] The Emergency Director (ED) is responsible for overall command and control of theemergency response, including classifications; notifications, PARs and ensuring allresources are available to mitigate emergency conditions.[3] The EOF Manager is responsible for overseeing operations of the EOF and assistingthe ED in performance of key duties.[4] The EOF Technical Advisor (TA) is responsible for analyzing data from the plant andproviding technical advice to the EOF Staff and tracking EALs based on plant data.[5] The Radiological Assessment Coordinator (RAG) is responsible for overseeingoperations of the off-site dose assessment and all radiological controls for EntergyPersonnel. MNGENNUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-609 I REV. 2MANUAL REFERENCE USE PAGE 5 OF 80EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILITY (EOF) OPERATIONS[6] The Offsite Communicator is responsible for making required communications tooffsite authorities.[71 The Public Information Liaison is responsible for providing information on emergencyactions to the Joint Information Center (JIG).[8] The Lead Offsite Liaison is responsible for ensuring the offsite agencies, includingNRC, located in the EOF and the offsite liaisons, located at the EO~s are briefed onthe plant conditions.[9] The Offsite Team Coordinator is responsible for communicating with the offsitemonitoring teams and supporting the RAG in dose assessment activities.[10] The Administration and Logistics Coordinator is responsible for providing support tothe EOF Manager and the Emergency Response Organization. Responsibilitiesinclude managing 24 hour staffing of the emergency response facilities, managinglogistics for supporting the onsite and offsite emergency response such as additionalsupport personnel or equipment, meals, lodging, etc., and coordinating access securitymeasures in the EQE if applicable.[11] The IT Specialist is responsible for assisting EOF staff in operation of facility computerand communications issues as necessary.[12] Dose Assessor is responsible for monitoring plant data for possible releases andperforming dose projections based on any actual or potential, releases.[13] The Offsite Liaisons are responsible for reporting to their assigned offsite location,obtaining plant information from the Lead Offsite Liaison and ensuring the offsiteagencies located in the EOC are briefed on the plant conditions. They clarify plantconditions and respond to questions for the offsite agencies.[14] The EQE Log Keeper is responsible for providing administrative support to the ED inany EQE activity that is required. Activities may include log keeping, faxing, copying,etc.[15] The Offsite Monitoring Team is responsible for supporting plume tracking by takingmeasurements in the field and reporting results back to the EOF.5.0 DETAILSNOTEThe actions of this procedure may be completed in any sequence, however, the sequencepresented is recommended.[1] The EOF may be activated at any time, and shall be activated at an Alert, Site AreaEmergency, and General Emergency declaration.[2] Once activated, the EOF shall become operational as soon as possible (without delay)after declaration of any of these emergency classifications. [3] The EOF shall be made operational in accordance with site specific timecommitments.[4] The ED shall follow the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.1, Emergency Director.[5] The EOF Manager shall follow the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.2, EOEManager.[6] The EOF Technical Advisor shall follow the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.3,EOF Technical Advisor.[7] The EOF Log Keeper shall follow the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.4, EOF LogKeeper.[8] The Radiological Assessment Coordinator shall follow the instructions outlinedAttachment 9.5, Radiological Assessment Coordinator.[9] The Offsite Communicator shall follow the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.6,Offsite Communicator.[10] The Public Information Liaison shall follow tl~ie instructions outlined Attachment 9.7,Public Information Liaison.[11] The Lead Offsite Liaison shall follow the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.8, LeadOffsite Liaison.[12] The Offsite Team Coordinator shall follow the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.9,Offsite Team Coordinator.[13] The Administration and Logistics Coordinator shall follow the instructions outlined inAttachment 9.10, Administration and Logistics Coordinator.[14] The IT Specialist shall follow the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.11, IT Specialist.[15] The Dose Assessor shall follow the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.12, DoseAssessor.[16] The Offsite Liaisons shall follow the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.13, OffsiteLiaisons.[17] The EOF Communicator shall follow the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.14, EOFCommunicator.[18] The Offsite Monitoring Team shall follow the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.18,Offsite Monitoring Team.6.0 INTERFACES[1] EN-AD-I103, Document Control & Records Management Programs[2] EN-EP-31 1, Emergency Response Data System (ERDS) Activation via the VirtualPrivate Network (VPN)[3] EN-EP-601, Corporate Emergency Center Operations [4] EN-LI-i102, Corrective Action Process[5] EN-NS-1 02, Fitness for Duty Program[6] EN-RP-1 04, Personnel Contamination Events[7] EN-EP-61 0, Technical Support Center (TSC) Operations[8] EN-EP-61 1, Operations Support Center (OSC) Operations7.0 RECORDSAny logs or forms completed by members of the ERO during an actual declaredemergency are permanent quality records and are maintained in accordance withEN-AD-i103.8.0 SITE SPECIFIC COMMITMENTSStep Site Document Commitment Number or_____Reference* GGNS GGNS Emergency Plan 5.4.2 (A-G)* GGNS GGNS Emergency Plan 5.4.4_____________* GGNS GGNS Emergency Plan 6.1.2. S1* GGNS GGNS Emergency Plan 6.2.45 8 8 ____________I. t9.0 ATTACHMENTS9.1 Emergency Director9.2 EOF Manager9.3 EOF Technical Advisor9.4 EOF Log Keepers9.5 Radiological Assessment Coordinator9.6 Offsite Communicator9.7 Public Information Liaison9.8 Lead Offsite Liaison9.9 Offsite Team Coordinator9.10 Administration and Logistics Coordinator9.11 IT Specialist9.12 Dose Assessor9.13 Offsite Liaison9.14 EQE Communicator9.15 Event Termination Checklist9.16 Recovery Issues/Strategy Guide9.17 Shift and Relief Planning Worksheet9.18 Off~site Monitoring Team9.19 Site Specific Commitments9.20 ERO Staffing for Long Duration Events A'I-rACHMENT 9.1EMERGENCY DIRECTORATTACHMENT 9.1 EMERGENCY DIRECTORSheet 1 of 10Emergency Director Name:__________________ Date:_____1.0 Initial Responsibility/Activity Notes~NOTEThe ERO should take appropriate actions necessary to mitigate the eventregardless of facility manning or status.1.1 Initial OrientationA. Upon arrival at the EQE:1. Sign in on EP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form2. Sign in on the EOF staffing board if applicable.3. Obtain the Emergency Director binder & ID BadgeB. Review electronic displays, plant data, status boards and anyother available information to become familiar with current plantconditions and overall status of emergency situation.C. Call the Control Room Shift Manager (affected unit for ANO andIPEC) and receive a briefing on plant conditions. Use EP-2-ALL.Essential Information Form to document turnover information.1. This briefing is not required to declare the EOF operational.D. Verify that the correct emergency classification has been declaredNOTESSM retains responsibility for off-site agencies notification and the 1 hr NRCauthorities' notification until the Emergency Director (ED) assumes responsibilityfor implementation of the Emergency Plan.1.2 Assume the Position of Emergency Director (ED)A. Ensure EOF is ready to assess and classify the emergency.B. When notified by the EQE Manager that EQE is prepared toperform Offsite Notification and Protective Action Recommendationdeclare the EOF Operational and announce to the EOF staff.C. Contact the SM to obtain latest plant status and coordinate theofficial time of turnover to ensure it will not interfere with or delayrequired emergency classification, offsite agencies notifications orissuance of PARs. ATTACHMENT 9.1 EMERGENCY DIRECTORSheet 2 of 10Initial Responsibility/Activity (continued)NoeNOTESTransfer of Classification, Notification and Protective Action Recommendationfunctions from the Control Room to the EOF should be made as soon asreasonably practical.D. Once the formal transfer of Classification, Notification andProtective Action Recommendation functions are made from theControl Room to the EOF make an announcement to EQEpersonnel that you have assumed the ED function.E. Ensure facility log is maintained in WebEOC or EP-3-ALL, LogSheet Form, by appointing someone during minimum staffingsituations when the EOF Log Keeper is not present.F. If a radiological release is in progress or expected, inform theRadiological Assessment Coordinator to ensure on-site and off-siteradiological conditions are evaluated in accordance withprocedures. G. IF relieving another ED in the EOF THEN perform a formal turnoverwith the current ED.1. Review the facility log.2. Obtain a briefing from the acting ED on the emergency, plantconditions and any actions that have been completed or are inprogress using EP-2-ALL, Essential Information Form.(a) Review the EAL Chart and procedures in preparation forpossible classification escalation and recommendation ofprotective actions.3. Once formal turnover is complete, announce to the EOF that youare now the Emergency Director. Instruct the EOF Manager tonotify the TSC, Control Room, OSC, JIC and CEC.4. Sign in on the EOF Staffing Board.5. Document turnover in WebEOC or facility logs indicating changeof Emergency Director and relief by on coming EmergencyDirector. ATTACHMENT 9.1Sheet 3 of 10EMERGENCY DIRECTORInitial Responsibility/Activity (continued) Notes2.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activitv2.1 Direct the activities of the EOF With focus on classification, notification,dose assessment and protective action recommendations.A. Direct EOF organization activities in support of the TSC and offsiteresponse agencies.B. Direct protective actions for offsite monitoring teams, EOF staff, andoffsite agencies.C. Request assistance from offsite agencies, excluding requests foroffsite medical/fire, security assistance. (Coordinate request forFederal assistance through the State).D. Integrate off-site responders with site response efforts, when required.2.2 Notification of Corporate Duty ManagerA. Ensure the Corporate Duty Manager is notified of any Emergencydeclaration and briefed on event.B. Inform the Corporate Duty Manager if the Site Vice President ordesignee has or will contact/inform the SVP, Regional Operations ofthe event.2.3 Maintain personnel accountability in the EOFA. IF you leave the area, THEN assign the EOF Technical Advisor tofulfill your responsibility. Upon your return, obtain a briefing fromthe EOF Technical Advisor on any events that occurred while youwere away.B. Inform the EOF Manager to notify/retrieve you should significantchanges to event conditions occur.2.4 Maintain a LogA. Designate the EOF Log Keeper to maintain a log using WebEOC orEP-3-ALL, Log Sheet Form.1. Log when you assume the duties of the ED and EOF activation.2. Log significant decisions and important details used to makedecisions (i.e. emergency classification changes, EALs entered,time of offsite notifications and protective actionrecommendations). ATTACHMENT 9.1Sheet 4 of 10EMERGENCY DIRECTORContinuous Responsibility/Activity (continued) Notes3. Log all significant communications with other members of theERO and offsite officials.B. Periodically review log for accuracy.2.5 Conduct Periodic Facility BriefingsA. Coordinate with the EQE Manager to establish a time period for theconduct of facility briefings.1. Establish briefing periods at every 30-60 minute intervals asconditions warrant or as conditions change.2. Inform the Public Information Liaison to make an announcement*approximately 5 minutes before actual brief that a brief will beconducted (if possible).3. Direct key staff to provide information needed for the brief, ifnecessary.4. Direct the EQE Technical Advisor,.Radiological AssessmentCoordinator and other key ERO staff, as necessary, toparticipate in briefing facility personnel on current plant statusand offsite radiological conditions respectively.5. Conduct briefing using EP-1 4-ALL, Briefing Form and EP-2-ALL, Essential Infor~mation Form as guidance and ensureinformation provided in the briefing is captured and entered intoWebEOC by the EOF Log Keeper.B. Ensure that the Offsite Agency representatives at the EQE areupdated on the status of the emergency periodically.1. Coordinate with the EQE Manager and Lead Offsite Liaison tokeep Offsite Liaisons and offsite personnel in the EQE currenton:(a) Emergency events(b) Current plant conditions(c) Emergency response activities underway(d) Offsite radiological release status, dose assessment andPARs. ATTACHMENT 9.1 EMERGENCY DIRECTORSheet 5ofl10 NotesContinuous Responsibility1Activity (continued)C. Direct the EQE Technical Advisor to brief key EOF staff on eachsignificant plant parameter change, escalation, or PARrecommendation.D. Establish a frequency of regular EOF staff briefings andannounce time for next brief at end of each briefing.E. Periodically ensure the other emergency response facilitymanagers (Control Room, TSC, OSC and JIC) are briefed on EQEactivities.2.6 Classify Emergency Conditions. (Non-delegable)A. Review plant conditions wihteEmergency Plant Manager (EPM),SM and EOF TeChnical Advisor.B. Review offsite radiological data with the EOF Manager andRadiological Assessment Coordinator.C. Review current information and recommendations with the EALChart and procedure.D. Following discussion and concurrence with the EPM, SM, TechnicalAdvisor, Radiological Assessment Coordinator (if required) andEOF Manager, direct the completion of the following actions in theorder identified below:1. Escalate the emergency classification or terminate the eventand transition into Recovery.2. Ensure classification announcement are made in the plant.Work with Control Room, TSC, etc. as appropriate to makeannouncements.3. Direct notification of the Offsite Agencies in accordance withSection 2.8, "Initial Notification of emergency classificationand/or PARs to Offsite Agencies."4. Request accountability status from the TSC Manager, if.applicable.5. IF there is an escalation to a GENERAL EMERGENCY, THENimplement actions in accordance with Section 2.7, "ProtectiveAction Recommendations." A'I-IACHMENT 9.1 EMERGENCY DIRECTORSheet 6of 10Continuous Responsibility/Activity (continued) NotesE. Inform the EQE Manager, SM, and EPM when and at what time theemergency classification was made.F. Announce to EOF personnel when and at what time the emergencyclassification was made.G. In coordination with the Lead Offsite Liaison, inform each EOFState and local representative of a change in emergencyclassification and the condition producing the change.H. Authorize emergency dose commitments ~for EQE personnel andfield monitoring teams in accordance with EP-A-ALL, ExposureAuthorization Form.I. Authorize the use of KI in accordance with EP-8-ALL, KIInstructions/Briefing Form.2.7 Make Protective Action Recommendations (PARs) (non-delegable)NOTEProtective Action Recommendations (PARs) are to be made only at the GeneralEmergency classification.A. Assess, with the assistance of the EOF Technical Advisor and theRadiological Assessment Coordinator, the appropriate PAR per sitespecific procedure.B. Re-evaluate, with the assistance of the EOF Technical Advisor andthe Radiological Assessment Coordinator, the adequacy of thePARs when plant conditions, dose projections, meteorological orplant conditions change. SE 'try NUCLEAR NNQATYRLED N-E-69RV2I MANAGEMENTJMANUAL REFERENCE USE PAGE 14 OF 80EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILITY (EOF) OPERATIONSA'IrACHMENT 9.1 EMERGENCY DIRECTORSheet 7 of 10Continuous Responsibility/Activity (continued) Notesr~2.8 Initial Notification of Emergency Classification and/or PARs to OffsiteAgencies (States, Locals, NRC) (non-delegable)CAUTIONOffsite Agency notification must be initiated within 15 minutes of emergencyclassification declaration.The Control Room will make the notification to the NRC as soon as possibleafter the declaration and must be completed within 1 hour.A. Review and approve the completed "Emergency Notification Form".B. Direct the Offsite Communicator to transmit data on the form to theoffsite agencies and to report to you when complete.C. Direct the EOF Manager to notify the Corporate Emergency CenterManager of all declarations and information as containedon "Emergency Notification Form", if required.2.9 Review and Approve Entergy Press ReleasesA. Confer, as appropriate, with the Company Spokesperson, EOFTechnical Advisor, EOF Manager and Radiological AssessmentCoordinator if there is any question regarding the accuracy of aproposed press release prior to approval.B. Review and approve periodic press releases prepared by the JointInformation Center.1. After review, initial and time stamp front of press release.2. Immediately return press release to the Public InformationLiaison to provide to the Joint Information Center for distribution.C. IF it is a Security Event, THE.N press releases have beendeveloped, reviewed and pre-approved by Security Coordinator,FBI Public Information Officer (PlO) for release to the media. ATTACHMENT 9.1Sheet 8 of 10EMERGENCY DIRECTORContinuous Responsibility/Activity (continued) NotesD. Direct the Lead Offsite Liaison to provide copies of approved pressreleases to the Offsite Agencies representatives in the EQE.2.10 Periodic Update Notification to Offsite AgenciesNOTEWhen onsite conditions are stable, time period for periodic updates may beextended with concurrence from offsite agencies.A. Ensure the Offsite Communicator obtains the information neededfor "Emergency Notification Form", at the following frequencies:1. 15 minutes for any classification upgrade2. 15 minutes for any PAR change3. In accordance with site specific requirements when one of thefollowing occurs:*(a) There has been a release or(b) A significant change in release rates or(c) A significant change in meteorological conditions(d) A significant change in plant conditions(e) Conditions are stable (30, 60, or 120 minutes (JAF-approximately 30 minutes) following the last notification tooffsite agencies).B. Review and approve the completed, "Emergency NotificationForm".C. Direct the Offsite Communicator to transmit data on the form to theoffsite agencies and to report to you when complete;D. Determine reportability actions for non-emergency reportableevents during an emergency (hazardous material spills,contaminated injured personnel, etc.) and ensure they are reportedin accordance with procedure requirements.2.11 Additional/Long Term Emergency Response SupportA. Direct the Administration and Logistics Coordinator to ensure thatmanpower planning is being conducted to provide for responseefforts over an extended period. _____________ NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-609 REV. 2MANAGEM ENTb/ MANUAL REFERENCE USE PAGE 1 6 OF 80EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILITY (EOF) OPERATIONSATTACHMENT 9.1 EMERGENCY DIRECTORSheet 9 of 10Continuous Resl~onsibilitV/Activitv (continued) NotesB. Depending uponl the duration of the emergency, direct theSAdministration and Logistics Coordinator to make arrangements forfood and potable water delivery to all emergency response centers,including off-site teams.2.12 Relocation/Evacuation of the EQEA. IF it becomes necessary to relocate or evacuate the EOF to abackup or alternate facility, THEN transfer the following to theEmergency Director in the Control Room:1. Responsibility to make Protective Action Recommendations2. Approval of Offsite Notifications3. Dose Assessment4. Communications with Offsite Agencies5. Any other activities requiring the approval of the EmergencyDirect~rB. Ensure EOF staff transfers the following:1. Approval of Press Releases (Control Room)2. Command and control of Monitoring & Sampling Teams (OSC)3. Any other critical on-going activities (TSC)C. Once all actions listed above are complete, then direct the EOF torelocate the backup or alternate facility.D. Notify Shift Manager, Emergency Plant Manager and CompanySpokesperson the EOF is being evacuated and relocated,E. Ensure EOF staff transports all completed documentation with themto the backup or alternate facility.2.13 Integrate offsite responders with on-site response efforts whenrequired.A. Prepare for NRC Site Team response activities.1. Direct the Lead Offsite Liaison to coordinate activitiesassociated with the NRC Site Team:2. Brief (or designate Lead Offsite Liaison) the in-plant NRC SiteTeam upon arrival. ATTrACHMENT 9.1Sheet 10 of 10EMERGENCY DIRECTORContinuous Responsibility/Activity (continued) Notes3.0 Closeout Activity3.1 Termination to the Recovery PhaseA. Transition to a recovery phase is warranted IF the following criteriaare satisfied (Document using Attachment 9.15 "Event TerminationChecklist):1. The plant is in a stable configuration with adequate core cooling2. In-plant radiation levels are stable or decreasing with time.3. The release of radioactive material to the environment iscontrolled and there :is no significant potential for additionaluncontrolled releases.4. Fires are extinguished; flooding conditions and any other sitedamage are under control.5. All vital areas requiring occupancy are habitable.*6. All safety systems necessary to maintain the plant in a stableconfiguration are operable.7. Site security control is established.8. For a Hostile Action Based Event, FBI and Local LawEnforcement Agencies have completed associated actions.9. The decision to terminate the emergency classification,including the justification for termination, has been discussedwith the NRC and State/Locals officials (For Unusual Event onlyif their emergency response organizations have been activatedas a result of this event).B. IF conditions wa.rrant termination to a recovery phase, THEN theED completes the actions as listed in recovery plan usingAttachment 9.16, "Recovery Issues/Strategy Guide" of thisprocedure. A'IrACHMENT 9.2 EOF MANAGERSheet 1 of 7EOF Manager Name:___________________ Date:1.0 Initial Res ponsibility/Activitv1 .1 Initial OrientationA. Upon arrival at the EOF:1. Sign in on EP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form2. Sign in on the EOF staffing board if applicable.3. Obtain the EOF Manager binder & ID BadgeB. Review electronic displays, plant data, status boards and any otheravailable information to become familiar with current plant conditions.C. Obtain a briefing from the Emergency Director (ED) on emergencystatus.1.2 Assume the position of EOF ManagerA. IF the EOF has NOT been declared operational THEN:*NotesNOTETypical minimum staffing needed to declare EOF Operational. The Site's staffingrequirements may differ as needed to address site specific requirements:-Emergency Director-Radiological Assessment Coordinator o._r Dose Assessor-Offsite CommunicatorNOTEDuring a Security Event only personnel and facilities necessary to mitigate theemergency situation should be activated. The EOF may be declared operationalwithout all key members being present. This will be determined by the mostsenior person in the facility.1. Verify the minimum EOF staff is present.(a) IF additional personnel are needed or positions are vacantTHEN direct someone to fill vacancies in accordance withEP-1 0-ALL, Filling an ERO Vacancy During FacilityActivation/Operation Form.2. Ensure communication is available to the offsite agencies viaprimary or alternate notification method via verbal concurrenceby the Offsite Communicator. Enrg MNGMNNUCLEAR NON-QUALTY RELATED EN-EP-609RV2MANUAL REFERENCE USE PAGE 19 OF 80EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILITY (EOF) OPERATIONSA'I-ACHMENT 9.2 EOF MANAGERSheet 2 of 7Initial Responsibility/Activity (continued) Notes3. Ensure communication is available to the Control Room viaverbal concurrence by the EOF Technical Advisor.4. Ensure radiological monitoring and dose assessmentcapabilities are available in the EOF via verbal concurrence bythe Radiological Assessment Coordinator.(a) IF Dose Calc is not available in the EOF, THEN ensure dosecalculations can be performed in the Control Room.5. WHEN minimum staffing for the EOF is met AND Steps 2through 4 above are complete, THEN notify the EmergencyDirector that the ERO is ready to perform:(a) Classifications(b) Notification of off-site agencies.(c) Off-site Protective Action Recommendations (PARs).B. Ensure data systems and displays are displaying appropriate data.C. Obtain Control Room official time (time on their clock) andcoordinate with the Public Information Liaison the synchronizationof the EOF time with Control Room time.D. Ensure current classification level is posted throughout the facility.E. Ensure the appropriate personnel man the EOF entrance andscreens incoming personnel for FFD.F. Review the EOF staffing to verify Minimum Staffing is present.G. WHEN the Emergency Director assumes responsibility from theShift Manager, THEN notify the following that the EOF isoperational and that (name) is now the EmergencyDirector:1. JIC (Company Spokesperson) -use the emergency telephonebook for the phone number.2. Control Room (Shift Manager) / TSC (EPM)/IOSC (OSCManager)3. CEC (Corporate Emergency Center Manager) / e-' ~ h " AAEETNUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-609 REV. 2___________JMANUAL REFERENCE USE PAGE 20 OF 80EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILITY (EOF) OPERATIONSATTACHMENT 9.2 EOF MANAGERSheet 3 of 7Initial Responsibilitv/Activitv (continued) NotesH. Coordinate with the Radiological Assessment Coordinator toensure the needs of the State/Locals are met.I, Assist the Radiological Assessment Coordinator with facilityhabitability as requested.J. IF relieving another EQE Manager, THEN4 perform a formalturnover with the current EOF Manager.1, Review the log.2. Obtain a briefing from the current EOF Manager on theemergency and any actions that have been completed or are inprogress.3. Sign in on EP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form andEOF staffing board if applicable.4. Inform the ED when you assume the role of EOF Manager2.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activity2.1 Maintain personnel accountability in the EOFA. Inform the ED if you leave the area. Upon your return, obtain abriefing from the ED on any events that occurred while you wereaway.B. If the doors to the EOF need to be locked due to a radiological orsecurity issue, then notify the appropriate personnel assignedsecure the facility.2.2 Keep the ED informed of changing conditions that may cause achange in the Emergency ClassificationA. Ensure that radiological assessment of offsite conditions is beingperformed as determined by the Radiological AssessmentCoordinator. ATTACHMENT 9.2 EOF MANAGERSheet 4 of 7Continuous Responsibility/Activitv (continued) Notes2.3 Initial Notification of Emergency Classification and/or PARs to OffsiteAuthorities (States, locals, NRC)A. Ensure the Offsite Communicator transmits to offsite authoritiesusing, "Emergency Notification Form", within 15 minutes of theEmergency Classification declaration. Support as necessary.B. Ensure current classification level is posted in the facility.(WebEOC, whiteboard, placards, etc.)C3. Ensure status boards are updated, as required. Update theclassification/notification board as necessary.2.4 Direct periodic updates to offsite authoritiesB. Ensure the Offsite Communicator obtains the information neededfor "Emergency Notification Form", at the following frequencies:1. 15 minutes for any classification upgrade2. 15 minutes for any PAR change3. In accordance with site specific requirements when one of thefollowing occurs:(a) There has been a release or(b) A significant change in release rates or(c) A significant change in meteorological conditions(d) A significant change in plant conditions(e) Conditions are stable (30, 60, or 120 minutes (JAF-approximately 30 minutes) following the last notification tooffsite agencies).2.5 Assist in the review of Entergy Press ReleasesA. Assist the ED in obtaining accurate information if there is anyquestion regarding the accuracy of a proposed press release priorto approval.B. Ensure changes in classifications and release information isprovided promptly to the Public Information Liaison. ATTACHMENT 9.2 EOF MANAGERSheet 5 of 7Continuous Responsibility/Activity (continued) Notes.2.6 Ensure Offsite Representatives arriving at EOF are briefed.A. IF the Lead Offsite Liaison is not available upon the offsiterepresentatives' arrival at the facility, THEN brief on:1. Emergency events2. Current plant conditions3. Emergency response activities currently underway4. Offsite radiological release status5. Dose assessment and PARs2.7 Assist the ED in periodic facility briefingsA. Coordinate with the ED to schedule the conduct of periodic facilitybriefings.B. Ensure the EQE Technical Advisor and the RadiologicalAssessment Coordinator participates in briefing facility personnelon current plant status and offsite radiological conditionsrespectively.C. Ensure information provided in the briefing is captured andappropriately documented.2.8 KI issuance for Entergy WorkersA. Coordinate with the Radiological Assessment Coordinator thedistribution of KI to EOF staff.2.9 Additional/Long Term Emergency Response SupportA. IF additional resources are needed to support emergency responseTHEN assist, and or direct the Administration and LogisticsCoordinator to assist in obtaining resources.B. Periodically check with the Administration and Logistics Coordinatorto evaluate and discuss future manpower and logistics needs.C. Depending upon the duration of the emergency, ensurearrangements are made by the Administration and LogisticsCoordinator to have food/water delivered. Coordinate thedistribution with the Administration and Logistics Coordinator whennotified of food delivery. Sheet 6 of 7EOF MANAGERATTACHMENT 9.2 EOF MANAGERSheet 6 of 7Continuous ResponsibilitylActivity (continued)NoeA. IF it becomes necessary to evacuate or relocate the EQE, THENassist the ED in transferring duties to other facilities in accordancewith Attachment 9.1 of this procedure.B. Assist the ED in activating the Back-up/Alternate EOF inaccordance with procedure.2.11 ERDS ActivationA. If requested by the Control Room the EQE Manager or the ITSpecialist should activate ER~s in accordance with procedure.3.0 Closeout Activity3.1 Termination to the Recovery PhaseA. Assist the ED in formulation of a recovery plan using Attachment9.16, "Recovery Issues/Strategy Guide" of this procedure.B. Ensure all temporary procedures used and/or developed areproperly documented for use by Recovery Organization so thatnecessary actions can be taken for plant operations.C. Assist the Recovery Staff in collecting information and resources toprovide for long term operation of the site recovery function (e.g.,manpower, food, reference materials, and other logisticalconcerns).0. Ensure the Offsite Communicator notifies the NRC, State andLocals when the event has been terminated and the plant hasentered the Recovery Phase.E. Ensure the EOF Communicator notifies the Control Room, TSCand OSC when the event has been terminated and the plant hasentered the Recovery Phase. ATTACHMENT 9.2 EOF MANAGERSheet 7 of 7Closeout Activity (continued) NotesF. Notify the JIC and Corporate Emergency Center (CEC) when theevent has been terminated and the plant has entered the RecoverYPhase3.2 Direct EO)F personnel to return all equipment to proper storagelocation.3.3 Collect all documentation:A. Direct EQE staff to verify their logs, forms and other documentationis complete.B. Collect all documentation associated with event from the EO)F staffC. Provide all documentation to the EP Manager upon termination ofthe emergency. A'IrACHMENT 9.3Sheet 1 of 3EOF TECHNICAL ADVISOREOF Technical Advisor Name:______________ Date:____1.0 Initial Res ponsibility/Activity Notes1.1 Initial OrientationA. Upon arrival at the EOF:1. Sign in on EP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form I2. Sign in on the EQE staffing board if applicable.3. Obtain the EOF Technical Advisor binder & ID Badge.B. Review plant data electronic displays and any other availablesources to become familiar with current plant status.C. Obtain a briefing from the Emergency Director (ED) or EQEManager on emergency status.1.2 Assume the position of EOF Technical AdvisorA. IF initial activation THEN:1. Contact the TSC and/or Control Room to obtain informationon the status of plant conditions.2. Review current information and recommendations with thethresholds on the EAL Chart and/or procedure.3. Inform the ED and EOF Manager when you are prepared toassume EOF Technical Advisor duties.B. IF relieving another EOF Technical Advisor, THE..N perform a formalturnover with the current Technical Advisor:1. Review the current log.2. Obtain briefing from current EOF Technical Advisor on theemergency and any actions that have been completed or are inprogress.C. Sign in on the EOF Staffing BoardD. Inform the ED and EOF Manager that you are now the EOFTechnical Advisor. Eney ANEMTNUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-609RV2MANUAL REFERENCE PAGE 26 OF 80EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILITY (EOF) OPERATIONSA'I'rACHMENT 9.3 EOF TECHNICAL ADVISORSheet 2 of 3Initial ResponsibilitvlActivity (continued) NotesE. When the EOF is declared operational make announcement on thefacility bridge line, if applicable2.0 Continuous ResponsibilitylActivities2.1 Maintain personnel accountability in the EOFA. IF you are temporarily leaving the work area THEN, inform the EQELog Keeper you are leaving the work area.B. Upon return, obtain a briefing from the EOF Log Keeper on anyevents, which have. occurred while you wereaway.C. If the ED needs to leave the area, assume the role of ED. Upon theED's return, provide a briefing on any events that occurred whilethe ED was away.2.2 Obtain and Monitor Plant DataA. Keep the ED informed of changing conditions that may cause achange in the Emergency Classification.1. In coordination with the EOF Log Keeper, continuously monitorthe inter-facility communications and plant data system andadvise the Emergency Director of major events.2. Review the EAL Charts and procedures in preparation forpossible classification escalation and recommendation ofprotective actions.3. In coordination with the Radiological Assessment Coordinator,continuously compare radiological conditions with the thresholdson the EAL Chart and/or procedure.4. Advise the ED on the following items:(a) Any significant change in the condition of the plant.(b) Any observable trends in plant data.(c) Major Operator actions being undertaken.(d) Any condition which may affect the emergency classification. A'n'ACHMENT 9.3 EOF TECHNICAL ADVISORSheet 3 of 3Continuous ResponsibilitylActivities (continued) Notes5. Provide the Offsite Communicator, in preparation for the Stateand local notifications, the completed, "Emergency NotificationForm" following the ED's approval.B. IF any of the EOF plant data computer systems are not functioningTHEN inform the IT Specialist of malfunctions.C. If Plant Data electronic display becomes unavailable, inform thePublic Information Liaison to have the TSC Communicator fax acompleted EP-2-ALL, Essential Information Form to the EOF.2.3 Assist ED in conduct of briefingsA. Assist the ED in preparations for facility briefings by completing EP-2-ALL, Essential Information Form to support periodic briefs asrequested.B. Assist the ED with summary briefings of plant conditions tO EQEStaff and/or offsite authorities present in the EQE.3.0 Closeout Activity3.1 Termination to the Recovery PhaseA. Assist the ED in formulation of a recovery plan using Attachment9.16, "Recovery Issues/Strategy Guide" of this procedure.3.2 Return all equipment to its proper storage locations.3.3 Review all documentation you maintained during the emergency:A. Ensure ED log, forms and other documentation are complete.B. Verify that all temporary procedures used and/or developed aredocumented for use by Recovery Organization so that necessaryactions can be taken for plant operations.3.4 Provide all logs and records to the EOF Manager upon termination ofthe emergency and entry into the Recovery Phase. ATTACHMENT 9.4 EOF LOG KEEPERSheet I of 3EOF Log Keeper Name:__________________ Date:_____1.0 Initial Responsibilitv1Activityv Notes1.1 Initial OrientationA. Upon arrival at the EQE:1. Sign in on EP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form2. Sign in on the EOF staffing board if applicable.3. Obtain the EOF Log Keeper binder & ID BadgeB. Review plant data electronic displays and any other availablesources to become familiar with current plant status.C. Obtain a briefing from the Emergency Director (ED), EOF Manageror EOF Technical Advisor on emergency status.D. Log into WebEOC. If WebEOC is unavailable, create and maintaina facility log.1.2 Assume the position of EOF Log KeeperA. IF initial activation THEN"1. Inform the Emergency Director when you are prepared to ,.assume EOF Log Keeper duties.B. IF relieving another EOF Log Keeper, THEN perform a formalturnover with the current EOF Log Keeper:1. Review the current Emergency Director log. ,2. Obtain briefing from current EOF Log Keeper on t~heemergency and any actions that have been completed or are inprogress.3. Sign in on EP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form andEOF staffing board if applicable.4. Inform the Emergency Director that you are now the EOF LogKeeper.5. Log into WebEOC. AI~rACHMENT 9.4Sheet 2 of 3EOF LOG KEEPER2.0 Continuous ResponsibilitvlActivities Notes2.1 Maintain personnel accountability in the EOFA. IF you are temporarily leaving the work area THEN, inform EOFTechnical Advisor you are leaving the work area.B. Upon return, obtain a briefing from the EQE Technical Advisor' onany events, which have occurred while you wereaway.2.2 Perform EOF Log Keeper DutiesA.7Assist the Emergency Director and EQE Manager as necessary.B. Periodically review Attachment 9.1, "Emergency Director"' checklistof this procedure to ensure Emergency Director's completion ofrequired steps.C. Prompt the ED to maintain regular briefs.D. Maintain a chronological log of emergency status and EOFactivities on WebEOC. Use EP-3-ALL, Log Sheet Form if WebEOCis not available.E. Display the repair and corrective action team status via WebEOC, ifavailable.F. Provide other clerical functions as needed.2.3 Conduct and support of briefingsCAUTIONBe aware of sensitive information if Security event is in progress -coordinateinformation to be presented at the brief with the Security Coordinator.A. Assist the EOF Technical Advisor in preparations for facilitybriefings, if requested.B. Support the Plant Status/Briefing, if requested.C. Ensure information provided in the briefing is captured and enteredinto WebEOC/facility log. AI-rACHMENT 9.4Sheet 3 of 3EOF LOG KEEPERContinuous Responsibility/Activities (continued) Notes2.4 Distribute Emergency Notification FormsA. Copy and distribute Emergency Notification Forms received fromthe Offsite Communicator to the following:1. Emergency Director2. Radiological Assessment Coordinator3. EQEF Technical Advisor4. EOF Communicator5. Public Information Liaison6. Lead Offsite Liaison7. Offsite agencies located in the EOE.3.0 Closeout Activity3.1 Return all equipment to its proper storage locations.3.2 Review all documentation the EOF Log Keeper maintained duringthe emergency.A. Verify that logs, forms and other documentation are complete.3.3 Provide all logs, forms and records to the EOF Manager upontermination of the emergency and entry into theRecovery Phase. ATTACHMEISheet I off7T9.RADIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT COORDINATORIRadiological Assessment Coordinator:______________ Date:_____1.0 Initial Responsibility/Activity Notes1 .1 Initial OrientationA. Upon arrival at the EOF:1. sign in on EP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form2. Sign in on the EOF staffing board if applicable.3. Obtain the Radiological Assessment Coordinator binder & IDBadge.B. Review status boards, map boards and any other available sourcesto become familiar with current radiological conditions and plantstatus.C. Obtain a briefing from the EOF Manager on emergency statusD. Evaluate onsite andoffsite radiological conditions.1 .2 Assume the position of Radiological Assessment CoordinatorA. IF initial activation THE.N:1. Verify Control Room's initial projections, if applicable.2. Request Protected Area/Onsite Monitoring Team to supportdose assessment, if applicable.3. Review any current protective action recommendations* Offsite (Public)* Onsite (Site personnel)4. Direct the performance of dose projections in accordance withapplicable procedure(s).5. Make initial contact with State Radiological Personnel or localRadiological Personnel if applicable.6. Review any dose calculations (current/projected) performed,onsite/offsite monitoring team results and site evacuationroutes.7. Direct the Offsite Team Coordinator to coordinate monitoringand sampling activities. ATrACHMESheet 2 ofNT9.RADIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT COORDINATOR7____________________________________ NotesInitial ResponsibilitylActivities (continued)Noe8. Review, with the EOF Technical Advisor and EOF Manager,current information and recommendations with-the thresholdson the EAL Chart and/or Procedure.9. Inform the EOF Manager when you are ready to assumeradiological assessment and monitoring responsibilities.10. Advise State Radiological Personnel or local RadiologicalPersonnel (if applicable) when EOF is operational.11. Maintain awareness of dose projections generated by NRC,state(s), local (if applicable), utility models to recognize andunderstand significant differences.B. IF relieving another Radiological Assessment Coordinator, THENperform a formal turnover with the current Radiological AssessmentCoordinator:1. Review the current Radiological Assessment Coordinator Log.2. Obtain briefing from current Radiological AssessmentCoordinator on the emergency and any actions that have beencompleted or are in progress.3. Review Emergency Notification Forms, dose calculations, metdata, monitoring team data4. Sign in on EP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form andEOF staffing board if applicable.5. Inform the EOF Manager that you are now the RadiologicalAssessment Coordinator.2.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activities2.1 Maintain personnel accountability in the EOFA. IF you are temporarily leaving the EOF, THEN, inform the EOFManager you are leaving the area.2.2 Upon return, obtain a briefing from the EOF Manager on any events,which have occurred while you were away.2.3 Maintain a logA. Maintain a log using EP-3-ALL, Log Sheet Form. A'n'ACHMENT 9.5Sheet 3 of 7RADIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT COORDINATORContinuous Responsibility/Activities (continued) Notes1. Log when you assume the duties of the RadiologicalAssessment Coordinator.2. Log significant decisions and important details used to makedecisions (i.e. emergency classification changes and protectiveaction recommendations).3. Log all significant communications with other members ofthe ERO and offsite officials.B. Periodically review log for accuracy.2.4 Establish and maintain habitability in the EOFA. Request RP monitor to perform EOF habitability from the TSCRadiological Coordinator, if applicable.B. Direct periodic habitability surveys for the EOF particularly when arelease is in progress or suspected.1. Ensure habitability approximately once every 60 minutes ormore frequently in conditions warrant.2. IF there is a release, THEN , ensure habitability surveys areperformed immediately and r0otify the Administrative & LogisticCoordinator to place EOF Ventilation/Isolation in service, ifapplicable.C. IF the following conditions exist in the EOF, THEN request the EDto implement restrictions on eating and drinking in the EOE.1. Radiological conditions are unknown.2. Contamination Levels above background.3. Airborne contamination levels above background.D. Set up radiological controls for the EOF.E. Ensure EOF personnel are aware of any restrictions in place. Noteany radiological release that may interfere with personnelmovement outside.1. Advise the TSC Radiological Coordinator of changes inradiological release status.F. IF any of the following conditions exist, THEN request the EDimmediately to consider a planned evacuation of the EOF:1. EOE dose rates > 100 mRem/hr SNUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED 1 EN-EP-609 "RVJM1W T~r/ MANAGEM ENTMANUAL REFERENCE USE PAGE 34 OF 80EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILITY (EOF) OPERATIONSATTACHMENT 9.5 RADIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT COORDINATORSheet 4 of 7Continuous Responsibilitv1Activities (continued) Notes2. EQE Projected doses > 1 Rem TEDE or 5 Remn ODE over a 12hour period3. Airborne concentrations which may result in exceedingoccupational limits for inhalation specified in 10CFR20,Appendix B, Table 1.G. Support dosimetry control and record keeping in accordancewith procedure.H. Establish radiological controls for supplemental and reliefpersonnel responding to the station.I. Recommend emergency exposure limits for EOF personnel andOffsite Monitoring Teams.J. When necessary, request personnel from the TSC RadiologicalCoordinator to support any decontamination.2.5 KI issuance for Entergy Workers associated with the EOFA. Review radiological conditions.B. IF individuals receive or are expected to receive radioiodineuptakes > 5 REM ODE thyroid dose or a General Emergency hasbeen declared, THEN:1. Control the issuance of KI to emergency workers as follows:(a) Discuss issuance of KI with Radiological Coordinator in theTSC.(b) Discuss issuance of KI with offsite agencies present in theEOF(c) Get approval of the ED for issuance of KI.(d) Direct team members to read Patient Package Insert prior totaking KI (EP-8-ALL, KI Instructions/Briefing Form)./(e) Recommend emergency workers to take one KI tablet perday. Refer to site specific procedure for location of KI.(f) Record KI issuance information on KIInstructions/Briefing Form.(g) Notify the Assembly Area Coordinator(s) to issue KI topersonnel in the assembly area, if applicable.B. Evaluate iodine uptakes for persons issued KI, informing contractedmedical representatives of KI issuance. ATTACHMENT 9.5 ASSESSMENT COORDINATOR'Sheet 5 of 7Continuous Responsibility/Activities (continued) Notes2.6 Develop and provide recommendations for classification level changesand PARs based on radiological considerations to the EDA. Assess PARs based on plant conditions, dose projection,meteorological, or environmental measurements.1. Take into consideration previous PARs, if any.B. Re-evaluate PARs when plant conditions, dose projection,meteorological, or environmental measurements change.C3. Continuously compare dose projection and field survey results inaccordance with procedure.D. Evaluate any plant radiological changes.E. In coordination with the EQE Technical Advisor, continuouslycompare conditions with the thresholds on the EAL Chart and/orprocedure.G. Advise ED on the following items:1. Any significant change in the radiological conditions.2. Any observable trends in radiological data.3. Any condition which may affect the emergency classification. IH. When notified by the ED that a radiological release is in progress orexpected evaluate On-site and Off-Site Radiological Conditions inaccordance with procedures.I. Contact State Radiological Personnel or local RadiologicalPersonnel (if applicable) within 30 minutes of issuing a PAR toensure they understand basis.J. Maintain awareness of dose projections generated by NRC,state(s), local (if applicable) and utility models and recognizedifferences.K. Provide overall liaison and coordination of efforts in the area of fieldteam data with State Radiological Personnel or local RadiologicalPersonnel (if applicable).I /tf, NUCLEAR NoN-QuALITY RELATED EN-EP-609 REV. 2Entergy MANAGEMENTMANUAL REFERENCE USE PAGE 36 OF 80EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILITY (EOF) OPERATIONSATTACHMENT 9.5 RADIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT COORDINATORSheet 6 of 7Continuous ResponsibilitylActivities (continued) NotesL. Brief offsite authorities responding to the EOF on radiologicalinformation, if requested by EOE Manager.M. Provide the Offsite Communicator with the information completedon "Emergency Notification Form":1. Release status2. Meteorological conditions3. PARs, if any2.7 Assist ED in conduct of briefingsA. Assist the ED in preparations for facility briefings.B. When directed by the ED, provide summary briefings of radiologicalconditions to EOE Staff and/or offsite authorities present in the EOF.2.8 Coordinate and direct the dose assessment and offsite monitoringefforts.*A. Oversee the activities of your Staff.B. In coordination with the Radiological Coordinator, ensure the HealthPhysics Network (HPN) is staffed when requested by the NRC.1. IF the NRC requests an open, continuous Health PhysicsNetwork (HPN) communications channel, THEN ensure atechnically competent individual is available to continuouslymaintain the HPN phone. Request support from OSC asnecessary.C. Evaluate Offsite Radiological Conditions in accordance withProcedure.D. Provide direction to the Offsite Team in determiningmonitoring and sampling activities of the teams and receive periodicupdates.E. Ensure that the State/Local personnel in the EOE are provided withdose projection information for all Dose Calculations. Provideadditional data as requested by the State/Locals.F. Through the TSC Manager and/or the Radiological Coordinator,ensure that you are kept informed of the latest estimate of theamount of core damage. ATTACHMENT 9.5Sheet 7 of 7RADIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT COORDINATORContinuous ReSponsibilitylActivities (continued) NotesG. Ensure that there is an exchange of field team data with theState/Local lead dose assessment personnel.H. Direct possible predictive and worse-case dose projections, whennecessary.I. Conduct periodic briefings with the Emergency Director and the EOFManager to discuss the status of offsite radiological information andassessments.J. Organize the information and concisely state the latest radiologicalconditions on the status and map boards. As new or additionalinformation becomes available, update the boards.K. If necessary, obtain support from the OSC to assist the EQE ondecontamination activities.3.0 Closeout Activity3.1 Termination to the Recovery PhaseA. Assist the Emergency Director" in formulation of a recovery planusing Attachment 9.16, "Recovery Issues/Strategy Guide" of thisprocedure.3.2 Contact State Radiological Personnel or local Radiological Personnel(if applicable) and inform them that the EOE is deactivated.3.3 Return all equipment to its proper storage locations.3.4 Review all documentation the Radiological Assessment Coordinatormaintained during the emergency.A. Verify that logs, forms and other documentation are complete.3.5 Provide all logs, forms and records to the EOF Manager upontermination of the emergency and entry into theRecovery Phase. Sheet I of 5OFFSITE COMMUNICATORATTACHMENT 9.6 OFFSITE COMMUNICATORSheet I of 5Offsite Communicator Name:_________________ Date:____1.0 Initial Responsibility/Activities Notes1 .1 Initial OrientationA. Upon arrival at the EOF:1. Sign in on EP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form2. Sign in on the EOF staffing board if applicable.3. Obtain the Offsite Communicator binder & ID BadgeB. Review available sources to obtain overall status of emergencysituation.C. Obtain a briefing from the Emergency Director (ED) or EOFManager on emergency status.1.2 Assume the position of Offsite CommunicatorA. IF initial activation THEN:1. Obtain copies of all Emergency Notification Forms that havebeen transmitted prior to EOF activation from Room.2. Ensure communication is available to the states and locals viaprimary or alternate communication methods by conducting atest of the system.3. Call the Control Room to:(a) Determine and record other offsite notifications made.(NRC, Corporate).(b) Determine and record the next time required offsite agenciesnotifications are due. ATTACHMENSheet 2 of5T9.OFFSITE COMMUNICATOR5Initial Res ponsibilitylActivities Notes4. Obtain from the EQE Technical Advisor, RadiologicalAssessment Coordinator and/or EOF Manager the informationneeded for Emergency Notification Form:(a) Time of emergency classification declaration(b) Plant status(c) Release status(d) Meteorological conditions(e) PARs, if any5. Log on to Web EOC.6. Inform the EOF Manager when you are prepared to assumeOffsite Communicator duties.7. Notify the Offsite Agencies when the EOF was declaredoperational by the ED:B. IF relieving another Offsite Communicator, THEN perform a formalturnover with the current Offsite Communicator:1. Review the current Offsite Communicator log.2. Obtain briefing from current Offsite Communicator on theemergency and any notifications or actions that have beencompleted or are in progress.(a) Review all Emergency Notification Forms that have beentransmitted prior to your arrival.(b) Determine and record the next time required notificationsare due..(c) Sign in on EP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-In/Accountability Formand EQE staffing board if applicable.(d) Log on to Web EOC.3. Inform the EOF Manager that you are now the OffsiteCommunicator. ATTACHMEN~Sheet 3 of5T9.OFFSITE COMMUNICATOR52.0 Continuous ResponsibilitvlActivities Notes2.1 Maintain personnel accountability in the EQEA. IF you are temporarily leaving the work area, THEN inform ,the EQEManager you are leaving the work area.B. Upon return, obtain a briefing from the EQE Manager on anyevents, which have occurred while you were away.2.2 Maintain LogA. Maintain log using EP-3-ALL, Log Sheet Form for recording eventsand decisions.1. Log when you assumed the duties of the Offsite Communicator(and EQE activation, if not previously done).2. Log time of offsite agencies notifications and time for nextnotifications.3. Log all significant communications with other offsite officials.2.3 Initial Notification of. Emergency Classification and/or PARs to OffsiteAgenciesCAUTIONState/locals notifications MUST be initiated within 15 minutes of emergencyclassification declaration.A. Coordinate with the EOF Technical Advisor, RadiologicalAssessment Coordinator and/or EOF Manager to obtain theinformation needed to complete Emergency Notification Form:1. Time of emergency classification declaration2. Plant status3. Release status per the Note above,4. Meteorological conditions5. PARsB. Acquire Emergency Notification Form.C. Input the required data and review form for accuracy. ATTACHMENT 9.6OFFSITE COMMUNICATORATTACHMENT 9.6 OFFSITE COMMUNICATORSheet 4 of 5Continuous Responsibility/Activities (continued) NotesD. If not already accomplished, ensure the completed EmergencyNotification Form has been reviewed and approved by the ED (The*EDs approval is non-delegable).E. IF computer generated Emergency Notification Form is unavailable,THEN manually complete Emergency Notification Form.F. Using the Primary or alternate notification method, transmit theEmergency Notification Form to offsite agencies, within 15 minutesof the Emergency Classification declaration, in accordance withprocedure.G. Verify offsite agencies received and understood the emergencynotification.H. Provide a copy of transmitted Emergency Notification Forms to theEOF Log Keeper for distribution to appropriate personnel in theEOF including offsite agencies.I. Report to the Emergency Director, EOF Manager and PublicInformation Liaison when transmittal is complete.J. Maintain records of all notifications and communications.2.4 Periodic updates to offsite agenciesA. Ensure the Offsite Communicator obtains the information neededfor "Emergency Notification Form", at the following frequencies:1. 15 minutes for any classification upgrade2. 15 minutes for any PAR change3. In accordance with site specific requirements when one of thefollowing occurs:(a) There has been a release or.(b) A significant change in release rates or(c) A significant change in meteorological conditions(d) A significant change in plant conditions j MNGETNUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-609 REV. 2___________JMANUAL REFERENCE USE PAGE 42 OF 80EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILITY (EOF) OPERATIONSATTACHMENT 9.6 0OFFSITE COMMUNICATORSheet 5 of 5Continuous Responsibility/Activities (continued) Notes(e) Conditions are stable (30, 60, or 120 minutes (JAF- Iapproximately 30 minutes) following the last notification tooffsite agencies).B. IF computer generated Emergency Notification Form is unavailable,THEN manually complete Emergency Notification Form.*C. When periodic updates are required, refer back to Step 2.3.D. IF other plant events are occurring that do not require an upgradeto the emergency classification, THEN provide that information inthe remarks section.E. IF it becomes necessary to relocate or evacuate the EQE to a Ibackup or alternate facility, THEN provide that information in theremarks section.3.0 Closeout Activity3.1 Complete notifications for entry to Recovery using Emergency NotificationForm.3.1 Return all equipment to its proper storage locations.3.2 Review all the Offsite Communicator maintained duringthe emergency.A. Verify that Jogs, forms and other documentation are complete. 3.3 Provide all logs, forms and records to the EOF Manager upontermination of the emergency and entry into theRecovery Phase./ ATTACHMENT 9.7Sheet I of 3PUBLIC INFORMATION LIAISONPublic Information Liaison Name:_______________ Date:_____1.0 Initial Responsibilitv/Activitv Notes1 .1 Initial OrientationA. Upon arrival at the EQE:1. Sign in on EP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form2. Sign in on the EQE staffing board if applicable.3. Obtain the Public Information Liaison binder & ID BadgeB. Review any available sources of plant information to obtain overallstatus of emergency situation.C. Obtain a briefing from the Emergency Director (ED) or EOFManager on emergency status.D. Log into WebEOC.1 .2 Assume the Position of Public Information LiaisonA. IF initial activation THEN:1. Test the EOF PA system if applicable.2. In coordination with the EOF Manager, synchronize clocks inthe EOF with Control Room time.3. Notify the ED of any time discrepancies between Plant DataSystem and the Control Room times.4. When the EOF has been declared operational (obtain from theED), make the following announcement over the EOF PAsystem "The EOF was activated at ___hrs. The time is now____hrs, please synchronize clocks in your area."5. Inform the EOF Manager when you are prepared to assume thePublic Information Liaison duties. ATrACHMENT 9.7 PUBLIC INFORMATION LIAISONSheet 2 of 3Initial Responsibility/Activity NotesB. IF relieving another Public Information Liaison in the EOF THENperform a formal turnover with the current Public InformationLiaison.1. Obtain briefing from current Public Information Liaison on theemergency and any notifications or actions that have beencompleted or are in progress.(a) Review all Emergency Notification Forms that have beentransmitted prior to your arrival.2. Sign in on EP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form andEOF staffing board if applicable.3. Inform the ED that you are now the Public Information Liaison.2.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activity2.1 Maintain personnel accountability in the EOFA. IF you are temporarily leaving the work area, THEN inform the EOFManager you are leaving the work area.B. Upon return, obtain a briefing from the EOF Manager on anyevents, which have occurred while you were away.2.2 Perform Public Information Liaison DutiesA. Assist in the preparation of press releases by keeping the JICTechnical Advisor and Press Release Writer updated on the event.B. Immediately notify the Company Spokesperson of any classificationupgrades or changes in radiological release.C. Make EOF announcements as directed by the ED.2.3 Review and approve/concur Entergy press releasesA. Obtain draft press releases (may be done via WebEOC) from theJIC, provide a review of the information to check for key points andprovide to ED for review and approval. A'IrACHMENT 9.7 PUBLIC INFORMATION Sheet 3 of 3Continuous Responsibil ity/Activity NotesB. Obtain ED signature on final press releases.C. Notify the JIC Press Release Writer or Information Coordinator ofany necessary revisions to the press release and/for ED's approval.D. Provide a copy of the approved press releases to the JIC andoffsite agencies (state, local, NRC, etc.) in the EOF. Keep theoriginal press releases.3.0 Closeout Activity3.1 Return all equipment to its proper storage locations.3.2 Review all documentation the Public Information Liaison maintainedduring the emergency.A. Verify that logs, forms and other documentation are complete.3.3 Provide all logs, forms and records to the EOF Manager upontermination of the emergency and entry into theRecovery Phase. ATTACHMESheet I CofT 9.LEAD OFFSITE LIAISON,f 4Lead Offsite Liaison Name:_________________ Date:____1.0 Initial Responsibility1Activity Notes1.1 Initial OrientationA. Upon arrival at the EQE:1. Sign in on EP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form2. Sign in on the EOF staffing board if applicable.3. Obtain the Lead Offsite Liaison binder & ID BadgeB. Review any available sources to obtain overall status of emergencysituation.C. Obtain a briefing from the Emergency Director (ED) or EOFManager on emergency status.D. IF Emergency Notification Form has been generated in the EOF,THEN obtain copies of all the forms and provide to the State/LocalAgencies in the EOF.1.2 Assume the Position of Lead Offsite LiaisonA. IF initial activation THEN:1. Inform the EOF Manager when you are prepared to assume theLead Offsite Liaison duties.B. Notify the Offsite Communicator when State EOCs are staffed.C. Ensure that the offsite agencies (state, local, NRC, etc.) at the EOFare updated on the status of the emergency upon arrival at the EOFusing EP-1 3-ALL, NRC Briefing Form.D. IF relieving another Lead Offsite Liaison in the EOF THEN performa formal turnover with the current Lead Offsite Liaison.1. Obtain briefing from current Lead Offsite Liaison on theemergency and any notifications or actions that have beencompleted or are in progress.(a) Review all Emergency Classification and PARNotification/Upgrade Forms that have been transmitted priorto your arrival. ATTACHMENT 9.8 LEAD OFFSITE LIAISONSheet 2 of 4Initial Resp~onsibilitvIActivitv (continued) Notes2. Sign in on EP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form andEOF staffing board if applicable.3. Inform the EOF Manager that you are now the Lead OffsiteLiaison.2.0 Continuous Res ponsibility/Activity2.1 Maintain personnel accountability in the EOFA. IF you are temporarily leaving the work area, THEN inform the EOFManager you are leaving the work area.B. Upon return, obtain a briefing from the EOF Manager on anyevents, which have occurred while you were away.2.2 Ensure offsite agencies (state, local, NRC, etc.) in the EOF are keptinformedA. Provide initial briefings as offsite agencies (state, local, NRC, etc.)arrive at the EOF:1. Offsite radiological release status via Radiological AssessmentCoordinator2. Dose assessment and PARs via Radiological AssessmentCoordinatorB. Ensure that the offsite agencies (state, local, NRC, etc.) in the EOFare updated on the status of the emergency periodically.C. Provide additional information, if requested, on each significantchange in:1. Plant parameters2. Emergency classification escalations or de-escalations3. PAR recommendations4. Dose ProjectionsD. Ensure offsite agencies (state, local, NRC, etc.) in the EOF areaware of briefings.E. Respond to offsite agencies (state, local, NRC, etc.) in the EOFquestions. ATTACHMENT 9.8 LEAD OFFSITE LIAISONSheet 3 of 4Continuous Responsibility/Activity (continued) ,-NotesF. IF it becomes necessary to relocate or evacuate the EQE to abackup or alternate facility, THEN notify the offsite agencies (state,Ilocal, NRC, etc.) in the EQE of the relocation.G. Provide feedback to the ED directly or via the EOF TechnicalAdvisor regarding:1. Offsite agencies (state, local, NRC, etc.) questions andconcerns.2. State's or local's (if applicable) protective action directives.2.3 Ensure Offsite Liaisons are kept informedA. Provide initial briefings as Offsite Liaisons arrive at their locationsvia conference bridge line or another communications method:1. Emergency events2. Current plant conditions3. Emergency response activities currently underway4. Offsite radiological release status5. PARsB. Provide periodic briefings on the status of the emergency to OffsiteLiaisons via conference bridge line or another communicationsmethod.C. Provide additional information on each significant change in:1. Plant parameters2. Emergency classification escalations or de-escalations3. PAR recommendationsD. Respond to Offsite Liaisons' questions.E. IF it becomes necessary to relocate or evacuate the EOF to abackup or alternate facility, THEN notify the Offsite Liaisons of therelocation.3.0 Closeout Activity3.1 Termination to the Recovery Phase A'IrACHMENT 9.8 LEAD OFFSITE LIAISONSheet 4 of 4Closeout Activity (continued) NotesA. IF conditions warrant de-escalation to a recovery phase, THEN,facilitate a discussion between the ED and the State/Local/NRCrepresentatives at the EOF.3.2 Return all equipment to its proper storage locations.3.3 Review all documentation the Lead Offsite Liaison maintained duringthe emergency.A. Verify that logs, forms and other documentation are complete.3.4 Provide all logs, forms and records to the EOF Manager upontermination of the emergency and entry into theRecovery Phase. ATTACHMENT 9.9Sheet 1 of 4OFFSITE TEAM COORDINATOROffsite Team Coordinator Name:_______________ Date:____1.0 Initial Responsibility/Activitv Notes1.1 Initial OrientationA. Upon arrival at the EOF:1. Sign in on EP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form2. Sign in on the EOF staffing board if applicable.3. Obtain the Offsite Team Coordinator binder & ID BadgeB. Review status boards, map boards and any other availablesources to become familiar with current radiological conditions andplant status to develop a plume tracking strategy.C. Obtain a briefing from the Radiological Assessment Coordinator onemergency status.1. Review On-site!/Site Boundary team and Off-Site team data.2. Request any additional information on current status ofemergency response.D. Obtain and review field team data.E. Perform communication check (radio, telephone, etc.) check withOffsite Monitoring Teams.F. Obtain phone numbers for OMT cell/satellite phones (if applicable).1.2 Assume the position of Offsite Team CoordinatorA. IF initial activation THEN:1. As directed by the Radiological Assessment Coordinator, DirectOffsite Monitoring Teams in accordance with RadiologicalMonitoring procedure.2. When communications has been established with the Off-SiteTeams, inform the Radiological Assessment Coordinator thatyou are ready to assume the dispatching and tracking of themonitoring teams.3. Ensure that the EPZ map posted in the EOF indicates teamlocation and correct wind direction. I NON-QUALr'Y RELATED I N-EP609I1I EV. 2MANUAL REFERENCE USE PAGE 51 OF 80EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILITY (EOF) OPERATIONSA'IrACHMENT 9.9 OFFSITE TEAM COORDINATORSheet 2 of 4Initial Responsibility/Activities '(continued) Notes4. Log on to WebEOC and access the Rad Monitoring Field TeamData Board.5. Inform the Radiological Assessment Coordinator and Off-siteMonitoring Teams that you have assumed the responsibility ofdirection and coordination of the teams.B. IF relieving another Offsite Team Coordinator, THEN perform aformal turnover with the current Offsite Team Coordinator:1. Obtain briefing from current Offsite Team Coordinator on theemergency and any actions that have been completed or are inprogress.2. Upon arrival at the EOF, sign in on EP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form and EOF staffing board if applicable.3. Log on to WebE:OC using and access the Rad Monitoring FieldTeam Data Board.(a) IF WebEOC is unavailable, THEN use EP-3-ALL, Log SheetForm to record data.4. Inform the Radiological Assessment Coordinator and Off-siteTeams that you are now the Offsite Team Coordinator.2.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activities2.1 Maintain LogA. Maintain a log using WebEOC or EP-3-ALL, Log Sheet Form.1. Log when you assume the duties of the Offsite TeamCoordinator (and EOF activation, if not previously done).2. Log communications with OMT to include dose /air samplesurvey results, dosimeter reading, etc.3. Log significant events not captured on WebEOC (i.e. timescontact of field teams and purpose of contact, coordination withState/Local teams, etc.).4. Log all significant communications with other members of theERO and offsite agency officials.B. Periodically review log for accuracy. ATT-ACHMENT 9.9 OFFSlTE TEAM COORDINATORSheet 3 of 4Continuous Responsibility/Activities Notes2.2 Maintain personnel accountability in the EOFA. IF you are temporarily leaving the EQE, THEN inform theRadiological Assessment Coordinator you are leaving the area.B. Upon return, obtain a briefing from the Radiological AssessmentCoordinator on any events, which have occurred while you wereaway.2.3 Transmit information to the Off-Site Monitoring TeamsA. In the event that messages of a routine nature are occupying theradio channel and it is necessary to transmit an urgent message,depress the microphone button and announce "Break, Break,Break -Urgent Message." When the channel is cleared of traffic,proceed with the urgent message.B. Get direction from the Radiological Assessment Coordinator onteam dispatching and log in WebEOC or use EP-3-ALL, Log SheetForm.C. When directed by the Radiological Assessment Coordinator,inform all Off-Site Monitoring team personnel of their exposurelimits and authorization to ingest KI. -D. When directed by the Radiological Assessment Coordinator, briefthe Off-Site Monitoring Teams on their exposure limits, plantconditions and meteorology (wind direction, wind speed andstability class) Using the proper procedures.E. Periodically inform, Off-Site Monitoring Teams of major changes inemergency status:1. Changes in emergency classification.2. Start or stop of any offsite releases of radioactive materials.F. Continue to perform steps as directed by the RadiologicalAssessment Coordinator and procedure guidance.1. Notify/Advise Radiological Assessment Coordinator ofsignificant potential events or non-conservatism.2. Input air sample data into WebEOC. ATFACH-MENT 9.9Sheet 4 of 4OFFSITE TEAM COORDINATORContinuous ResponsibilitylActivities (continued) Notes(a) IF WebEOC is unavailable, THEN use EP-3-ALL, Log SheetForm to record air sample data.3. Log all surveys and provide to the Dose Assessor.4. Request support from the Radiological AssessmentCoordinator, as needed.G. Continuously exchange field team data with the States' or local's(if applicable) lead dose assessment personnel and DoseAssessor.H. Investigate other radiological concerns as requested by theRadiological Assessment Coordinator.I. Continue plume tracking in accordance with procedures until theRadiological Assessment Coordinator determines surveys andsampling is no longer necessary.3.0 Closeout Activity3.1 Direct On-site and Off-Site Monitoring Teams to return to site3.2 Direct and assist staff in returning all equipment to its proper storagelocations.3.3 Review all documentation Offsite team Coordinator and staffmaintained during the emergency.A. Verify that logs, forms and other documentation are complete.3.4 Provide all logs, forms and records to the Radiological AssessmentCoordinator upon termination of the emergency and entry into theRecovery Phase. ATTACHMENT 9.10 ADMINISTRATION AND LOGISTICS COORDINATORSheet 1 of 4Administration & Logistics Coordinator Name:__________ Datq1.0 Initial Responsibility/Activity1 .1 Initial Orientation.A. Upon arrival at the EOF:1. Sign in on EP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form2. Sign in on the EOF staffing board if applicable.3. Obtain the Administration and Logistics Coordinator binder &ID BadgeB. Review any available sources to obtain overall status of emergencysituation.C. Obtain a briefing from the EOF Manager on emergency status.1.2 Establish Access Control for the EOFA. Man the EOF main access point, if applicable, until Security orother designated personnel arrive. If a breath test is required due tofitness for duty concern, then Security must be contacted.B. Ensure EOF is secure by closing and locking doors as necessary.1.3 Assume the position of Administration and Logistics CoordinatorA. IF initial activation THEN:1. Review any outstanding requests.2. Report to the EOF Manager when prepared to assume the.Administration and Logistics Coordinator position.B. IF relieving another Administration and Logistics Coordinator,THEN perform a formal turnover with the current Administration andLogistics Coordinator:1. Review the Administration and Logistics Coordinator log.2. Obtain briefing from current Administration and LogisticsCoordinator on the emergency and any actions they havecompleted or are in progress.3. Sign in on EP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form andEOF staffing board if applicable.Notes MNGMNNUCLEAR NONj-QUALrY RELATED EN-EP-609 REV. 2~Etry MANUAL REFERENCE USE PAGE 55 OF 80EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILITY (EOF) OPERATIONSATT-ACHMENT 9.10 ADMINISTRATION AND LOGISTICS COORDINATORSheet 2 of 4Initial Responsibility/Activity (continued) Notes4. Ensure you have an understanding of any outstanding requestfor outside support or materials.Inform the EOF Manager that you are now the Administration andLogistics Coordinator.2.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activities2.1 Maintain personnel accountability in the EQEA. IF you are temporarily leaving the work area, THEN inform the EOFManager you are leaving the work area.B. Upon return, obtain a briefing from the EQE Manager on anyevents, which have occurred while you were away.2.2 Maintain a LogA. Maintain a log using EP-3-ALL, Log Sheet Form.1. Log when you assume the duties of the Administration andLogistics Coordinator (and EQE activation if not previouslydone).2. Log all significant tasks and requests.B. Periodically review log for accuracy.2.3 Prepare/support the Emergency Response Organization for resourceassistance:A. Determine initial staff by obtaining rosters from the EOF, TSC, OSCand JIC Manager's. Record on Attachment 9.17, "Shift and ReliefPlanning Worksheet".B. Determine available manpower:1. Ask ED what team (color, letter or number) will become reliefshift, in case a relief shift may be needed. Record onAttachment 9.17, "Shift and Relief Planning Worksheet".C. IF additional resources are needed to support emergencyresponse, THEN obtain resources via Emergency TelephoneBook/Directory. L NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-609 REV. 2MANAGEMENT~ntiy MANUAL J REFERENCE USE PAGE 56 OF 80EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILITY (EOF) OPERATIONSA'n'ACHMENT 9.10 'ADMINISTRATION AND LOGISTICS COORDINATORSheet 3 of 4Continuous Responsibilitv1Activities (continued) NotesD. Coordinate requests and expedite any urgent requests asappropriate.E. If offsite support (i.e. technical support, emergency responseequipment, offsite resources, etc.) is needed, coordinate directlywith other Entergy stations or industry sources of offsite support(i.e., INPO or other unaffected nuclear siteS) to locate and obtainthe needed support. The Corporate Emergency Center, if activated,may be able to assist with the coordination of offsite support.1. Act as Single Point of Contact in accordance with the SAFERResponse Plan.F. Manage logistics for supporting the onsite and offsite emergencyresponse such as additional support personnel or equipment,meals, lodging, etc.G. Conduct procurement activities under standard procedures to themaximum extent possible.H. Work with appropriate administrative units to negotiate rental ratesnot already established or purchase price with vendors as required.I.Periodically check with the EOF Manager, TSC Manager, ShiftManager, JIC Manager and OSC Manager to evaluate and discussfuture manpower and logistics needs. Numbers can be found viathe Emergency Telephone Book!/Directory.2.4 Long Term Emergency Response SupportA. Depending upon the duration of the emergency, ensurearrangements are made to have food/water delivered to allemergency response facilities (Control Room/OSC/TSC/EOF/JIC).Coordinate the delivery and distribution of supplies with EOFManager, TSC Manager, Shift Manager, JIC Manager and OSCManager.B. Arrange lodging for emergency workers if their homes are inevacuated areas.C. Depending upon the anticipated duration of the emergency,prepare relief schedules. The guidance listed in Attachment 9.20,"ERO Staffing for Long Duration Events" may be used indeveloping the relief schedules. SNUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-609 REV. 2122 MANAGEMENTMANUAL REFERENCE USE PAGE 57 OF 80EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILITY (EOF) OPERATIONSATTACHMENT 9.10 ADMINISTRATION AND LOGISTICS COORDINATORSheet 4 of 4Continuous Responsibility/Activities (continued) Notes1. Once agreement is obtained on the relief schedule:(a) Notify the Emergency Director.(b) Fax completed Attachment 9.20, "ERO Staffing for LongDuration E~vents" to the EOF Manager, TSC Manager, ShiftManager, JIC Manager and OSC Manager.(c) Coordinate implementation of the relief schedule.2. Ensure the relief staff is notified of any special routing tofacilities. Need for special routing can be obtained bydiscussing with the Radiological Assessment Coordinator.D. Support EQE Isolation (if applicable) in accordance with sitespecific performance aid.3.0 Closeout Activity3.1 Return all equipment to its proper storage locations.3.2 Review all documentation the Administration and Logistics Coordinatormaintained during the emergency.A. Verify that logs, forms and other documentation are complete.3.3 Provide all logs, forms and records to the E=OF Manager upontermination of the emergency and entry into the Recovery Phase. SNUCLEAR NoN-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-609 REV. 2En MANAGEMENTMANUAL REFERENCE USE PAGE 58 OF 80EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILITY (EOF) OPERATIONS "A1T-ACHMENT 9.11 IT SPECIALISTSheet 1 of 3IF th iT pecilistNOTEIF heIT peialstis staffed in the EOF versus the TSC, THEN this checklist isSapplicable.IT Specialist Name:_______1.0 Initial Responsibility/ActivityDate:____Notes1.1 Initial Orientation.A. Upon arrival at the EOF:1. Sign in on EP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form.2. Sign in on the EOF staffing board.3. Obtain the IT Specialist Binder & ID Badge.1.2 Assume the position of IT Specialist.A. IF the EOF has NOT been declared operational, THEN:1. Report readiness status to the EOF Manager when prepared toassume the IT Specialist position.B. IF relieving another IT Specialist, THEN perform a formal turnoverwith the current IT Specialist:1. Obtain the IT Specialist's position binder and review anydocuments used.2. Review facility log.3. Obtain a briefing from the acting IT Specialist on the emergency,plant conditions and any actions that have been completed or arein progress.4. Relieve the current IT Specialist.C. Inform EOF Manager and staff that you are now the IT Specialist.NOTE:ERDS is not functional in the Simulator for a Drill.D. Emergency Response Data System (ERDS) SEtry NUCLEAR NON-QUAUTY RELATED EN-EP-609 I REV. 2+/-ifltij~y MANAGEMENTMANUAL REFERENCE USE PAGE 59 OF 80__ EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILITY (EOF) OPERATIONSATi-ACHMENT 9.11 IT SPECIALISTSheet 2 of 3Initial Responsibility/Activity (continued) Notes1. IF not previously performed, THEN verify EROS is activatedwithin one (1) hour of declared emergency at ALERT OR higherclassification. Refer to EN-EP-31 1.E. Support the setting up the EQE electronic displays.2.0 Res ponsibilitylActivity2.1 Maintain personnel accountability in the EOE.A. IF you leave the area, THEN:1. Inform the EOF Manager of destination and expected return.2. Inform the EOF Manager of return.(a) Upon return, obtain a briefing on any events that haveoccurred while away.2.2 Maintain a log.A. Maintain log using EP-3-ALL, Log Sheet Form for recording eventsand decisions.1. Log when you assumed the duties of the IT Specialist.2. Log significant communications with ERO members.3. Log major decisions and actions and any important details.2.3 Assist the EQE personnel in obtaining plant data from the various EQEComputer systems.2.4 Ensure computer displays continue to operate properly.A. Monitor facility equipment (computer related and communications)to ensure adequate operationB. Resolve any IT related malfunctionsC. Verify or perform ERDS activation, as requested.D. Assist with issues related to WebEOC, if available S ter NUCLEAR NON-QUALTY RELATED EN-EP-609 REV. 2Enlergy MANAGEMENTMANUAL REFERENCE USE PAGE 60 OF 80EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILITY (EOF) OPERATIONSATrACHMENT 9.11 IT SPECIALISTSheet 3 of 33.0 Closeout Activity Notes3.1 Assist EQE personnel in returning all equipment to proper storagelocations:A. Log off P~s.B. Turn off or dim computer display systems.3.2 Provide all logs and records to the EQE Manager upon termination ofthe emergency and entry into the Recovery Phase. A'I-ACHMENT 9.12Sheet 1 of 3DOSE ASSESSORDose Assessor Name:____________________ Date:_____1.0 Initial Responsibility/Activity Notes1.1 Initial OrientationA. Upon arrival at the EQE:1. Sign in on EP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form2. Sign in on the EOF staffing board if applicable.3. Obtain the Dose Assessor binder & ID BadgeB. Review status boards, map boards and any other available sourcesto become familiar with current radiological conditions and plantstatus.C. Obtain a briefing from the Radiological Assessment Coordinator onemergency status.D. Obtain Field Survey information from Field Team Coordinator andperform dose calculations.1.2 Assume the position of Dose AssessorA. IF initial activation THEN:1. Log into the Dose Calc program and verify printer operation.(a) If the printer or Dose Calc computer is not working properlycontact the IT Specialist for assistance.2. Inform the Radiological Assessment Coordinator when you areready to assume Dose Assessor responsibilities.B. IF relieving another Dose Assessor THEN perform a formalturnover with the current Dose Assessor.1. Obtain briefing from current Dose Assessor on theemergency and any actions that have been completed or are inprogress.2. Verify current dose projections.3. Sign in on EP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form andEOF staffing board if applicable o :n"'- MNGMNNUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-609 REV. 2MANUAL REFERENCE USE PAGE 62 OF 80EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILITY (EOF) OPERATIONSATTACHMENT 9.12 DOSE ASSESSORSheet 2 of 3Initial Responsibility/Activitv (continued) Notes4. Inform the Radiological Assessment Coordinator that you arenow the Dose Assessor.2.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activities2.1 Maintain personnel accountability in the EOFA. IF you are temporarily leaving the EQE, THEN inform theRadiological Assessment Coordinator you are leaving the area.B. Upon return, obtain a briefing from the Radiological AssessmentCoordinator and/or other Dose Assessor on any events, which haveoccurred while you were away.2.2 Monitor Radiological Release Rates and Perform Dose AssessmentCalculationsA. When directed by the Radiological Assessment Coordinator,perform a base line dose projection based on current readings inaccordance with Radiological Assessment procedure.B. When directed by the Radiological Assessment Coordinator,perform "what if' dose projections out to 10 miles. Ensure this islabeled "what if "on the data sheet.C. Ensure "what if "calculations are provided to the State(s) or local (ifapplicable) Dose Assessment personnel.D. Notify the Radiological Assessment Coordinator immediately of anychange in release status as a result of:1. Monitoring Plant Effluent Monitors for changes in ReleaseRates.2. Monitoring of meteorological data for changes, which may affectoffsite dose projections, Emergency Classification or ProtectiveAction Recommendations.3. Updated field team surveys. Eney ANA METUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-609 REV. 2MANUAL REFERENCE USE PAGE 63 OF 80EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILITY (EOF) OPERATIONSATrACHMENT 9.12 DOSE ASSESSORSheet 3 of 3Continuous Responsibility/Activities (continued) NotesNOTES1. Protective Action Recommendations (PARs) shall only be made at the GeneralEmergency Classification.2. Any change of PAR must be transmitted to offsite agencies within 15 minutes.E. Assist the Radiological Assessment Coordinator with thedevelopment of PrOtective Action Recommendations.F. IF there is a change in any parameter, THEN recalculate doseprojections using Dose Assessment software and RadiologicalAssessment procedure and report results to the RadiologicalAssessment Coordinator immediately.G. Ensure each dose calculation is provided to the State or local (ifapplicable) Dose Assessment personnel after approval byRadiological Assessment Coordinator. Provide additionalinformation as requested by the offsite.H. As new or additional information becomes available, update statusand map boards.I. Continue performing dose projections in accordance with theactions listed in Radiological Assessment procedure.3.0 Closeout Activity3.1 Return all equipment to its proper storage locations.3.2 Review all documentation the Dose Assessor maintained during theemergency.A. Verify that logs, forms and other documentation are complete.3.3 Provide all logs, forms and records to the Radiological AssessmentCoordinator upon termination of the emergency and entry into theRecovery Phase. SEtry MNGMNNUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-609 REV. 2MANUAL REFERENCE USE PAGE 64 OF 80EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILITY (EOF) OPERATIONSATTACHMENT 9.13 OFFSITE LIAISONSheet I of 2Lead Offsite Liaison Name:__________________ Date:______Offsite Liaison Name:___________________ Date:_______1.0 Initial Responsibility/Activity ,Notes1.1 Initial OrientationA. Upon notification bf an event, report to your assigned offsite EQOCwithout delay.B. Ensure you are wearing your Entergy ID Badge.1.2 Upon arrival to your designated location:A. Sign in on the staffing board or equivalent.1. Review status boards, map boards and any other availablesources to become familiar with current radiological conditionsand plant status.2. Obtain a briefing from the individual in charge of the EOCfacility.3. Contact the Lead Offsite Liaison in the EOF to receive anupdate on the event.B. Assume the position of Offsite Liaison.1. IF initial activation THEN:(a) Inform the Lead Offsite Liaison when you are ready toassume Offsite Liaison responsibilities.2. IF relieving another Offsite Liaison, THEN perform a formalturnover with the current Offsite Liaison.(a) Obtain briefing from current Offsite Liaison on theemergency and any actions the have been completed or arein progress.S (b) Inform the Lead Offsite Liaison that you are now the OffsiteLiaison. ATTACHMENT 9.13Sheet 2 of 2OFFSITE LIAISON2.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activities Notes2.1 Perform Offsite Liaison DutiesA. Obtain plant information form Lead Offsite Liaison and ensure theoffsite agencies located in the EQOC are briefed on the plantconditions and the status of the emergency.B. Assist State/Local personnel by interpreting information/data, ifavailable/necessary, use the NRC-ERDS and any other computersystems used for radiological assessment.C. Provide clarification/information (not direction) to questions aboutinformation they are receiving from their representatives at the site.D. Assist State/local personnel in performing their duties by helping toanalyze information in engineering, operations, and radiologicalassessment areas.2.2 Maintain personal accountability.A. IF you are temporarily leaving the facility, THEN inform the EOCrepresentatives and the EOF Lead Offsite Liaison you are leavingthe area.1. Upon return, obtain a briefing from the Lead Offsite Liaisonand/or State/Local EOC representative on any events, whichhave occurred while you were away.3.0 Closeout Activity3.1 Return all equipment to proper storage locations.3.2 Review all documentation maintained during the emergency.A. Verify that logs, forms and other documentation are complete.3.3 Provide all forms and records obtained from your facility to the EOFManager upon termination of the emergency and entry into theRecovery Phase. A'I-ACHMENT 9.14 EOF COMMUNICATORSheet 1 of 2EOF Communicator Name:_______________ Date:_____1.0 Initial Res ponsibilitylActivity Notes1 .1 Initial OrientationA. Upon arrival at the EQE:1. Sign in on EP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form2. Sign in on the EOF staffing board if applicable.3. Obtain the EOF Communicator binder & ID BadgeB. Review any available sources to obtain overall status of emergencysituation.C. Obtain a briefing from the Emergency Director (ED) or EOFManager on emergency status.1.2 Assume the position of EOF CommunicatorA. IF initial activation THEN:1. Inform the EOF Manager that you have assumed the position EOF Communicator. ,B. IF relieving another EOF Communicator, THE.N perform a formalturnover with the current EOF Communicator.1. Obtain a briefing from the current FOF Communicator on theemergency and any actions that have been completed or are inprogress.2. Sign in on EP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form andEOF staffing board if applicable.3. Inform the EOF Manager that you have assumed the position ofEOF Communicator.2.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activity2.1 Maintain personnel accountability in the EOFA. IF you are temporarily leaving the work area, THEN inform theEOF Manager you are leaving the work area.B. Upon return, obtain a briefing from the EOF Manager on anyevents, which have occurred while you were away. ________JMANUAL REFERENCE USE PAGE 67 OF 80EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILITY (EOF) OPERATIONSATTACHMENT 9.14 EOF COMMUNICATORSheet 2 of 2Continuous Responsibility/Activity (continued)Notes2.2 Perform EOF Communicator DutiesA. Transmit and receive information from onsite ERF's as necessary.B. Ensure EOF is notified of information received of significantchanges in plant conditions (e.g., start of a release, LOCA, EALconditions) received over the inter-facility communications.C. Monitor inter-facility communications and document information inWebEOC or on EP-3-ALL, Log Sheet Form.D. Assist the EOF Manager with other non-regulatory notifications orcommunications.3.0 Closeout Activity3.1 Return all equipment to its proper storage locations.3.2 Review all documentation EOE Communicator maintained during theemergency.A. Verify that logs, forms and other documentation are complete.3.3 Provide all logs, forms and records to the EOF Manager upontermination of the emergency and entry into the Recovery Phase. A'T-ACHMENT 9.15 EVENT TERMINATION CHECKLISTSheet I of 1INSTRUCTION:This checklist may be used by the Emergency Director to evaluate a decision to terminate anexisting emergency condition. All criteria shall be met.This checklist, completed and signed by the Emergency Director, is a prerequisite forinitiation of the Recovery Organization.CRITERIA CRITERIA MET (Initials)1. The plant is in a stable configuration with adequate _____core cooling.2. In-plant radiation levels are stable or decreasing with time. _____3. The release of radioactive material to the environment is _____controlled and there is no significant potential for additionaluncontrolled release.4. Fires are extinguished; flooding conditions and any other site______damage is under control.5. All vital areas requiring occupancy are habitable.______6. All safety systems necessary to maintain the plant in a stable ______configuration are operable.7. Site security control is established.______8. For a Hostile Action Based Event, FBI and Local Law Enforcement _____Agencies have completed associated actions.9. The decision to terminate the emergency classification, including ______the justification for termination, has been discussed with theNRC/State/Local officials (For Unusual Event only if theiremergency response organizations have been activated as a resultof this event).Date TimeEmergency Director ATTACHMENT 9.16Sheet 1 of 2RECOVERY ISSUESISTRATEGY GUIDEThe following actions should be taken once Attachment 9.15, Event Termination Checklist, iscomplete. The goal of the recovery phase is to return the plant to pre-emergency conditions.All actions taken during the recovery phase are planned and deliberate.Establish a recovery organization in accordance with procedures:El Develop an organizational chart showing recovery organization members, reportingassignments and location. You may modify the Organization Chart as necessary to fitthe conditions, or develop a specific organization depending on the conditions.El Select a location for the recovery organization (EOF, 0CC etc.)[] Ensure the EOF Admin. Director develops a manning schedule and contacts recoveryorganization members.El Ensure transition from ERO to Recovery does not leave any responsibilitiesunmanned. Prior to eliminating an ERO position, ensure the duties are beingperformed by a Recovery Team member.El Develop recovery organization goals and priorities. These may be revised as recoveryprogresses.[] Inform offsite agencies that the recovery phase is being entered. Ensure that changesfrom the ERO to Recovery Organization that affect communications links arecoordinated.El Consider other information outlets, such as the Entergy web site or newsletters tokeep other plant personnel informed of plant conditions.El Make public address announcements to inform plant personnel that the recoveryphase is being entered into. Include information about any remaininghazards/restricted areas.[] Establish additional assurance of plant stability by providing additional safety systemcapability.El Designate a member of the organization to calculate total population exposure.El Perform a systematic investigation to determine what equipment has been damaged. ATTACHMENT 9.16 RECOVERY ISSUESISTRATEGY GUIDESheet 2 of 2Li Isolate and tag out components as necessary to control or minimize hazards.[] Consider the use of temporary shielding as necessary.[] Construct radiological boundaries and postings.Li Investigate the accident causes and consequences, both to the plant and theenvironment.Li Determine and initiate necessary plant repairs, modification and procedural changes.Li Develop and perform test programs (as necessary) to confirm system operability.[] Evaluate any planned radiological releases for environmental impact. Coordinate withoffsite agencies prior to releases.Li Develop a near site environmental monitoring program.Review the activities performed during the Emergency Phase. Verify the following:[] Ensure radiation protection administrative requirements and controls, including normalexposure limits, RWP's, ALARA reviews and postings are in use.[] Ensure maintenance activities are in accordance with approved directives, includingMaintenance Action Items and equipment tag-out.Li Ensure operations activities were performed in accordance with approved plantdirectives. Verify system line-ups and status.[] Develop a plan to dispose of all waste material generated during the emergency andrecovery phases.Terminating the recovery phase.[] Site Vice President (or designee) has determined the condition of the plant is suchthat the recovery phase may be terminated and normal operating organization (forcedoutage) may be established.[] Offsite agencies are notified of the return to normal operation.Li Plant personnel are notified by public address of the return to normal operation. EtNUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-609 REV. 2MANUAL REFERENCE USE PAGE 71 OF 80EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILITY (EOF) OPERATIONSATTACHMENT 9.17SHIFT AND RELIEF PLANNING WORKSHEETSheet I of 5EOFI/OFF-SITEDate: ________POSITION INITIAL RELIEF SHIFT POSITION INITIAL SHIFT RELIEF SHIFTSHIFTEOF ___________Offsite Team Coordinator _______________Emergency Director Off-Site Team No. 1 (2)Rad Assessment CoordinatorOffsite Communicator Off-Site Team No. 2 (2)EOF Technical AdvisorEOF Manager Offsite LiaisonEOF Communicator Offsite LiaisonPublic Information Liaison Offsite LiaisonEOF Log Keeper Offsite LiaisonLead Offsite Liaison-Admin. and Logistics CoordinatorIT SpecialistDose Assessor Sheet 2 of 5SHIFT AND RELIEF PLANNING WORKSHEETATTACHMENT 9.17 SHIFT AND RELIEF PLANNING WORKSHEETSheet 2 of 5JICDate:POSITION INITIAL SHIFT -RELIEF SHIFT POSITION INITIAL SHIFT RELIEF SHIFTJic Inquiry Response StaffCompany Spokesperson Inquiry Response StaffJIG Manager Inquiry Response StaffJIG Technical Advisor Inquiry Response StaffJIG Log KeeperMedia LiaisonInformation CoordinatorMedia MonitoringPress Release WriterLogistics CoordinatorInquiry ResponseCoordinatorTechnical AssistantN/A Positions not applicable to your specific site. ATTACHMENT 9.17 SHIFT AND RELIEF PLANNING WORKSHEETSheet 3 of 5IN-PLANT /0OSCDate:POSITION INITIAL SHIFT -RELIEF SHIFT POSITION INITIAL SHIFT RELIEF SHIFTControl Room , ,... :, :=* :Shift Manager OSC Manager ________Shift Technical Advisor _________Work Control Coordinator ________CR Supervisor Operations SupportSCRO\SRO Log Keeper _______CRs\~()Rad/Chem Coordinator _________________Mechanical CoordinatorA~s (3)Electrical /l &C CoordinatorRP Technician _________Chemistry Technician ATAhMeNt 9.of7SHIFT AND RELIEF PLANNING WORKSHEETSheet 4 of 50SC IN-PLANT REPAIR TEAMSNOTE: Numbers of personnel depend on the emergency. Consult with030 Manager for exact numbers needed. Date:POSITION INITIAL SHIFT -RELIEF SHIFT POSITION INITIAL SHIFT -RELIEF SHIFTOSC ': Mechanical l&CMechanical _ _ _ _ _ __ I&C _ _ _ _ _ _Mechanical I________ &C ________Mechanical ____ _____RPElectrical __________RPElectrical RPElectrical RPElectricalOperations ____________Operations_________ ____Operations _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _________________ SEntergNUCLEAR NON-QUALIT.Y RELATED EN-EP-69RVThfWI M'ANAGEMENT________j ANUAL REFERENCE USE PAGE- 75 OF 80EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILITY (EOF) OPERATIONSATTACHMENT 9.17SHIFT AND RELIEF PLANNING WORKSHEETSheet 5 of 5Date:______ __POSITION INITIAL SHIFT -RELIEF SHIFT POSITION INITIAL SHIFT -RELIEF SHIFTTSC EngineerEmergency Plant Manager Mechanical EngineerTSC Manager Reactor EngineerRadiological Coordinator IT SpecialistEngineering CoordinatorMaintenance CoordinatorOperations CoordinatorSecurity CoordinatorTSC CommunicatorENS Communicator ATTACHMENT 9.18 OFFSITE MONITORING TEAMSheet I of 31.0 Initial Responsibility/Activity Notes1.1 Initial OrientationA. Upon arrival at the EOF:1. Sign in on EP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form2. Sign in on the EOF staffing board if applicable.3. Obtain the Offsite Monitoring Team binder & ID BadgeB. Report to Radiological Assessment Coordinator or OffsiteMonitoring Team Coordinator.1.2 Assume the position of Offsite Monitoring TeamA. Obtain necessary equipment for offsite radiological fieldmonitoring.B. Complete necessary equipment and supply checks ofequipment as outlined in radiological field monitoringprocedure.C. Replace any defective equipment or supplies0. Locate cell/satellite phones and GPS to be used by each teamand verify operation, if applicable.E. Complete vehicle checks as outlined in procedure.F. Verify vehicle radio operability, if applicable.G. Ensure vehicle has adequate fuel.H. Receive briefing from Offsite Monitoring Team CoordinatorI. Receive desired sample location from Offsite Monitoring TeamCoordinator.J. A "site specific performance aid" listing of phone numbers,important to the Off Site Monitoring Team, is located in thePosition Binders. Exchange cell phone numbers betweenteams and the Off-Site Team Coordinator, if applicable.2.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activity ,2.1 Perform activities to support plume tracking and measurements asdirected by the Offsite Team Coordinator by:A. Maintain communication (radio/telephone) with EOF. " N UCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-609 *REV. 2Eterg MANAGEMENT__________ MANUAL REVERENCE USE PAGE 77 OF 80EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILITY (EOF) OPERATIONSATTACHMENT 9.18 OFFSITE MONITORING TEAMSheet 2 of 3Continuous Responsibility/Activity (continued) NotesB. Monitor radiological conditions during drive toassigned sample location.C. Upon arrival at assigned sample location completeradiological surveys and air sample if requested asoutlined in Radiological Monitoring procedure.D. If assigned by EQE report to additional sample locations andcomplete any requested radiological surveys.E. Use good radiological practices to prevent cross contaminationof samples and individuals.F. To ensure continuous Off-Site Monitoring capabilities the Off-Site Team Coordinator or Radiological AssessmentCoordinator will provide direction/arrange for "In Field" relief ofOff-Site Monitoring Team personnel, if required.*G. Monitor self-reading dosimeters and report results to theOffsite Team Coordinator.H. Implement KI protective measures when notified by the OffsiteTeam Coordinator.2.2 Maintain a log.A. Use WebEOC or if unavailable, EP-3-ALL, Log Sheet Form tomaintain a log of significant items pertaining to OffsiteMonitoring Team activities.1. Log when the Offsite Monitoring Team duties were assumed.2. Log significant communications with the EQE.3. Log major decisions and actions and any important details.Closeout Activity3.1 Restore the equipment and supplies to pre emergency condition:-A. Ensure equipment and kits are returned to proper storagelocations.B. Kits and equipment are to be returned in an organized andusable manner.3.2 Return vehicle to normal location and ensure the vehicle hasadequate fuel.3.3 Review all documentation maintained during the emergency toensure it is complete and organized. ATTACHMENT 9.18Sheet 3 of 3OFFSITE MONITORING TEAM_Closeout Activity (continued) Notes3.4 Provide all logs and records to the Radiological AssessmentCoordinator upon termination of the emergency and entry into theRecovery Phase. ATTACHMESheet 1 CfT 9.1SITE SPECIFIC COMMITMENTSf IGGNSWhen EOF staffing can be accomplished with onsite personnel, it is the goal to becomeoperational within 45 minutes. [Commitment # P-28920, E-Plan 7.3.3 S11]j Otherwise offsitepersonnel shall provide shift augmentation in 75 minutes and be fully operational in 90minutes. [Commitment # P-28921, E-Plan 7.3.3 S12] S-Fnrtetg / MNEMTNUCLEAR NON-QUALIT RELATED EN-EP-69RVMANUAL REFERENCE USE PAGE 80 OF 80EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILITY (EOF) OPERATIONSATTACHMENT 9.20 ERO STAFFING FOR LONG DURATION EVENTSSheet I of IThe following guidance is provided to assist the Admin & Logistics Coordinator establish aninitial event staffing plan for a "long duration event" expected to last multiple days. Thefollowing plan assumes an assignment of (1) ERO team/shift. The assignment of anadditional ERO team/shift or additional ERO members with specific expertise is acceptableand may be assigned if the additional resources are needed.[1] Develop an initial long duration event staffing plan for the Emergency ResponseOrganization using the following assumptions:* ERO teams will work 12-hours shifts (excluding turnover)* Work hours will be determined by the Emergency Director but will normally followstandard refueling outage schedules (ex. 0700 -1900)* Work hours may be adjusted as needed to allow a transition into the rotating shiftschedule.* Initial staffing of day/night shifts consists of one ERO team/shift. An additionalteam or ERO members with specific expertise may be added to each shift ifneeded.* Relaxation of the work schedule to allow additional time off between shift rotationsmay be implemented based on the man-power needs and availability offleet/industry support personnel.[2] Assign 1 of the 4 ERO response teams (Red, Blue, Yellow, Green) to days and oneERO team to nights. If an additional ERO team or specific ERO position is deemednecessary, assign two each shift. Identify which ERO team/position will be the "lead"and which will serve in the "support" role.[3] Coordinate with the ED to have the remaining ERO teams sent home with guidance toreturn at the start of their next scheduled shift.[4] Using the following "Example" Staffing Matrix as a guide, develop a schedule toensure 24-hour coverage of the event._____ __ ___Exam ple Staffinq MatrixDUTY:I M T WTh F Sa Su M T WiThE Sa Su M T W Th F Sa T.EAM... ....D D DD DD DO D N N N_N N N N N __N N 0 D D_ 0 DD-Yellow __ N N _ D D DDD _ DD D _Green 0 D N N N N N _ N N _ ATTACHMENT 9.1SHEET 1 OF 3I10CFR5O.54(q) SCREENINGSProcedure/Document Number: EN-EP-609 Revision: 002Equipment/FacilitylOther: River Bend StationTitle: EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILITY (EOF) OPERATIONSPart I. Description of Activity Being Reviewed (event or action, or series of actions that may result in a changeto the emergency plan or affect the implementation of the emergency plan):This change implements fleet procedure EN-EP-609, Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) Operations, Rev. 2 for useby the RBS emergency response organization.Part II. Activity Previously Reviewed? EIYES [] NOIs this activity fully bounded by an NRC approved 10 CFR 50.90 submittal or Evaluati3) oni etinpartoAlert and Notification System Design Report? NOT required.EnterIf YES, identify bounding source document number/approval reference and justificationensure the basis for concluding the source document fully bounds the below andproposed change is documented below: vlcomplete PartJustification:El Bounding document attached (optional)Part II1. Applicability of Other Regulatory Change Control ProcessesCheck if any other regulatory change processes control the proposed activity.(Refer to EN-LI-i100)NOTE: For example, when a design change is the proposed activity, consequential actions may include changes toother documents which have a different change control process and are NOT to be included in this 50.54(q)(3)-Screening.APPLICABILITY CONCLUSION[] If there are no controlling change processes, continue the 50.54(q)(3) Screening.El One or more controlling change processes are selected, however, some portion of the activity involves theemergency plan or affects the implementation of the emergency plan; continue the 50.54(q)(3) Screening for that portionof the activity. Identify the applicable controlling change processes below.El One or more controlling change processes are selected and fully bounds all aspects of the activity. 50.54(q:)(3)Evaluation is NOT required.' Identify controlling change processes below and complete Part VILCONTROLLING CHANGE PROCESSES10CFR50.54 (q)Part IV. Editorial Change EIYES [] NO50.54(qX3) Continue to nextIs this activity an editorial or typographical change such as formatting, paragraph Evaluation is partnumbering, spelling, or punctuation that does not change intent? NOT required.Justification: Enterjustification andcomplete PartVI.Part V. Emergency Planning Element/Function Screen (Associated 10 CFR 50.47(b) planning standard functionidentified in brackets) Does this activity affect any of the following, including program elements from NUREG-0654/FEMA REP-i Section I1?1. Responsibility for emergency response is assigned. [1] [2. The response organization has the staff to respond and to augment staff on a continuing basis (24/7 E]staffing) in accordance with the emergency plan. [1]3. The process ensures that on shift emergency response responsibilities are staffed and assigned. [2] E]EN-EP-305 REV 3 ATTACHMENT 9.1SHEET 2 OF 31 0CFR50.54(q) SCREENINGProcedure/Document Number: EN-EP-609 ]Revision: 002EquipmentlFacilitylOther: River Bend StationiTitle: EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILITY (EOF) OPERATIONS4. The process for timely augmentation of onshift staff is established and maintained. [2] []5. Arrangements for requesting and using off site assistance have been made. [3] U]6. State and local staff can be accommodated at the EOF in accordance with the emergency, plan. [3] LII7. A standard scheme of emergency classification and action levels is in use. [4] U]8. Procedures for notification of State and local governmental agencies are capable of alerting them of jjjthe declared emergency within 15 minutes after declaration of an' emergency and providing follow-up notifications. [5]9. Administrative and physical means have been established for alerting and providing prompt U]instructions to the public within the plume exposure pathway. [5]10:. The public ANS meets the design requirements of FEMA-REP-10, Guide for Evaluation of Alert and LINotification Systems for Nuclear Power Plants, or complies with the licensee's FEMA-approved ANSdesign report and supporting FEMA approval letter. [5]11. Systems are established for prompt communication among principal emergency response Elorganizations. [6]12. Systems are established for prompt communication to emergency response personnel. [6] El13. Emergency preparedness information is made available to the public on a periodic basis within the []plume exposure pathway emergency planning zone (EPZ). [7] ___14. Coordinated dissemination of public information during emergencies is established. [7] El15. Adequate facilities are maintained to support emergency response. [8] [16. Adequate equipment is maintained to support emergency response. [8] r []17. Methods, systems, and equipment for assessment of radioactive releases are in use. [9] _____18. A range of public PARs is available for implementation during emergencies. [10] U [19. Evacuation time estimates for the population located in the plume exposure pathway EPZ are []available to support the formulation of PARs and have been provided to State and localgovernmental authorities. [10]20. A range of protective actions is available for plant emergency workers during emergencies, including [those for hostile action events.[10]21. The resources for controlling radiological exposures for emergency workers are established. [11] LII22. Arrangements are made for medical services for contaminated, injured individuals. [12] []23. Plans for recovery and reentry are developed. [13] []24. A drill and exercise program (including radiological, medical, health physics and other program []areas) is established. [14]25. D rills, exercises,, and trainingevyolutions performance opportunities to dev~elop ...........................U.....maintain, and demonstrate key skills are assessed via a formal critique process in order to identifyweaknesses. [14126. Identified weaknesses are corrected. [14] U]27. Training is provided to emergency responders. [15] U]28. Responsibility for emergency plan development and review is established. [16] U]29. Planners responsible for emergency plan development and maintenance are properly trained. [16] U]EN-EP-305 REV 3 ATTACHMENT 9.1 10OCFR5O.54(q) SCREENINGSHEET 3 OF 3Procedure/Document Number: EN-EP-609 Revision: 002Equipment/Facility/Other: River Bend StationTitle: EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILITY (EOF) OPERATIONSAPPLICABILITY CONCLUSIONBlf no Part V criteria are checked, a 50.54(q)(3) Evaluation is NOTg required; document the basis for conclusion belowand complete Part VI.0If any Part V criteria are checked, complete Part VI and perform a 50.54(q)(3) Evaluation.BASIS FOR CONCLUSIONEntergy ERO responsib~ilities are outlined in EN-EP-801, Emergency Response Organization. Theseresponsibilities were added to EIP-2-020 rev. 33 as part of implementation of the Fleet Standard ERO andwere previously evaluated under a 10CFRS0.54(q)(3) performed on 12/2110. Entergy has since developedfleet procedure EN-EP-609, Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) Operations which includes those sameERO responsibilities. This procedure revision transitions to the new fleet procedure. EIP-2-020is beingmaintained by RBS to address site specific actions not contained in fleet procedure EN-EP-609. ExistingRBS facilities and equipment are still being maintained and there are no changes to any intent in procedureactions.Summary.* No ERO positions have been added or deleted.* Some ERO responsibilities in EIP-2-020 have been relocated to align with EN-EP-609.* The description, activation and operation of the EOF as described in the RBS Emergency Plan havenot been changed.* All site specific commitments continue to be met under the fleet procedure and the use of a site-specific procedure..* This change does not alter the EQF structure, organization or location.The revision of the site EOF procedure (EIP-2-020) and incorporating the use of fleet EOF procedure (EN-EP-609) does not alter the meaning or intent of this procedure, affect any facilities or equipment, or anyprocess described in the procedure. No further evaluation is required on this change.Part VI. Signatures:Preparer Name (Print) ' rlr i]aue/Date:John Hurst"/ j' , /,p '"q .j "(optional) Relviewer Name (Print) Reviewer Signature Date:Reviewer Name (Print) Reviewer Signature Date:Nuclear EP Project ManagerApprover Name (Print) Approver in~e Date: 'EP manager or designee -EN-EP-305 REV 3 Procedure Contains NMM ECH eB REFLIB Forms: YES []NO [Procedure Revision Type: New []NON-Editorial []Editorial []TC []Cancellation [HQN Dean Burnett Mary Ann WilsonEffective Procedure Owner: DrcoEegny Governance Owner: Director, EmergencyDate Title: Programs Sitle: Programs01/27/2016 1St:HQN HQNSite Site Procedure Champion TitleANO N/A N/ABRP N/A N/ACNS N/A N/AGGNS Jeff Seiter Manager, EPIPEC Lori Glander Manager, EPJAF James Jones Manager, EPPLP Dan Malone MngrERBS Tim SchenkMageEHQN Jack Lewis E rjc aaeFor site implementation dates see ECH eB REFLIB using site tree view (Navigation panel).Site and NMM Procedures Canceled or Superseded By This RevisionPAL: EI-4.1. Superseded site procedures remain active until the site-specific implementation date.Process Applicability Exclusion: All Sites: ElSpecific Sites: ANO lii BRP El GGNS El IPECE-- JAF El PLP El PNPS[]- RBS El VY El W3 El Change StatementThis revision corrects the procedure and implements lessons learned from use at GGNS and JAF.* Added IPEC, PAL and RBS to title page with corresponding deletion of site procedures as applicable.* Added NOTE that reads "This procedure may be used for activation and operations at thebackup/alternative TSC as applicable" in the Purpose section -1.0.* Corrected formatting (indentation) for Section 4.0.* Changed formatting to list the number of a form when the form title is "called" throughout the procedure.* Section 6.0[7]: Changed "LIST OTHER FLEET FACILITY PROCEDURES" to actually list the fleet EOFand OSC procedures as 6.0[7] and 6.0[8].* Section 8.0: Incorporated Palisades, Pilgrim and River Bend commitments.* Added section 2.1 in Attachment 9.2 and corrected numbering to provide accountability section for TSCManager that was inadvertently omitted in other revisions (IPEC gap #11).* Added reference to form EP-1 1-ALL for prioritization of repair team activities in step 2.7 of Attachment 9.3,Operations Coordinator (IPEC gap #6).* Added NOTES heading to top of page 32 (current) to correct procedure for formatting.* Changed "Engineering Action Tracking Form" to "EP-1 2-ALL. Engineering Task Assignment Form" in step2.5 of Attachment 9.5 to correct procedure. There is no "Engineering Action Tracking Form."* Changed "Accountability Roster Form" to "EP-7-ALL, "Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form" in step 1.30.3of Attachment 9.10 to correct procedure. There is no "Accountability Roster Form."* Added step 2.5, "Assist with issues related to webEOC" to Attachment 9.7, IT Specialist (PAL gap #39).* Added "Security" to step 2.12 (new number) of Attachment 9.1, Emergency Plant Manager that reads"Maintain adequate staffing, access control, and 24-hour functional continuity of the Control Room, TSC,Security and OSC" (JAF EAP-46 Rev 1).* Added step 2.22 to Attachment 9.1, Emergency Plant Manager that reads "Confer with the OperationsCoordinator and/or ENS Communicator to review status of ongoing NRC communications. (Whatinformation is being requested and are there any issues?)" (JAF EAP-46 Rev 1).* Added A to step 2.17 (new number) of Attachment 9.1 for 50.54(x) actions for the Emergency PlantManager that reads "IF actions being taken have the potential to directly affect offsite (such ascontainment venting or other action that may significantly increase offsite release), THEN obtainEmergency Director approval prior to taking action (JAF EAP-46 Rev 1).* *Added ". ..when leaving the primary TSC and when the backup or alternate TSC is operational" to the endof step 2.19 (new number) of Attachment 9.1, Emergency Plant Manager that reads "IF it becomesnecessary to evacuate or relocate the TSC, THEN notify the OSC, EOF and Control Room" (JAF EAP-46Rev 1).* Added step 2.10 (and renumbered succeeding steps) in Attachment 9.1, Emergency Plant Manager:"Provide periodic status updates using site-wide announcements, except during hostile action-basedevents."* Step 2.4B of Attachment 9.1, Emergency Plant Manager and step 2.4C of Attachment 9.2, TSC Manager:Added use of EP-1 4-ALL, Briefing Form where the conduct of briefings is referenced.* Added step 2.5 to Attachment 9.12, ENS Communicator: "Keep the Emergency Plant Manager informedof the status of NRC communications (requests being made, questions asked, etc.)."* Added step 2.5 (and renumbered succeeding steps) to Attachment 9.10, Security Coordinator:"Coordinate Security Force staffing needs with the TSC Manager and ensure 24-hour staffing of theSecurity Force."* Spelled out words Control Room (from CR), Nuclear Steam System Supplier (from NSSS), EmergencyTelephone Directory (from ETD), Radiation Monitoring System (from RMS), Reactor Coolant Pump (fromRCP) and Core Exit Thermocouple (from CET) throughout procedure to clarify procedure.* Removed "FTS" (Federal Telephone System) designation from NRC phone references throughoutprocedure to simplify procedure.* Removed superfluous "TSC" from the ENS phone designation in step 1 .3B of Attachment 9.12.* Revised step 1.2A2 in Attachment 9.1 that provides direction on when to declare the TSC operational tobetter align with the "operational" definition provided in step 3.0[2]. Chanaqe Statement (Cont'd)* Changed step 1.2E of Attachment 9.10 from "...Security posts (personnel as necessary)" to "...Securitypost personnel (as necessary)" to correct procedure.* Changed step 5 of Attachment 9.13 from "...NRC HPN Health Physics Network..." to "...NRC HealthPhysics Network (HPN). .." to correct procedure.* Changed step 4.0[1] from "...checklists applicable site specific..." to "...checklists and applicable sitespecific.. ." (inserted the word "and") to correct grammatical error.*Change the title of section 2.0 of Attachment 9.10 on page 48 (current revision) from "InitialResponsibility/Activity (Cont'd)" to "Continuous Responsibility/Activity" to correct typographical error.* Changed the title of section 3.0 of Attachment 9.11 on page 54 (current revision) from "ContinuousResponsibility/Activity (Cont'd)" to "Closeout Activity" to correct typographical error.* Renumbered step 2.1 B of Attachment 9.5 on page 27 (current revision) to 2.1A to correct typographicalerror.* Renumbered steps in section 2.2 of Attachment 9.5 on page 27 (current revision) to correct typographicalerror where two step "As" were listed.* Sheet 1 of Attachment 9.11 on page 51 (current revision): Changed numbering of section 2.2 to 1.1 tocorrect typographical error.* Change GGNS commitment document references in section 8.0 on page 7 because of GGNS EmergencyPlan changes.Associated PRHQN #: PR-PRHQN-2015-0494 /Procedure Writer: James J. LewisContains Proprietary Information: YES LI NO [] TABLE OF CONTENTSSection Title PaQe1.0 PURPOSE................................................................
........................................................... 53.0 DEFINITIONS............................................................. 54.0 RESPONSIBILITIES ..................................................... 55.0 DETAILS................................................................. 56.0 INTERFACES ............................................................ 67.0 RECORDS ..................................................... 68.0 SITE SPECIFIC COMMITMENTS ....................................... 79.0 ATTACHMENTS ......................................................... 7ATTACHMENT 9.1ATTACHMENT 9.2ATTACHMENT 9.3ATTACHMENT 9.4ATTACHMENT 9.5ATTACHMENT 9.6ATTACHMENT 9.7ATTACHMENT 9.8ATTACHMENT 9.9ATTACHMENT 9.10ATTACHMENT 9.11ATTACHMENT 9.1i2ATTACHMENT 9.13EMERGENCY PLANT MANAGER ......8TSC MANAGER.......................... i........................15OPERATIONS COORDINATOR....................................21REACTOR ENGINEER............................................ 25ENGINEERING COORDINATOR .................................. 28MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL/I&C ENGINEERS .............. 32IT SPECIALIST.................................................... 35TSC COMMUNICATOR....... .................................... 37RADIOLOGICAL COORDINATOR.................................. 40SECURITY COORDINATOR ...................................... 48MAINTENANCE COORDINATOR.................................. 53ENS COMMUNICATOR .................................... :......57ENS COMMUNICATIONS GUIDANCE ............................ 60 1.0 PURPOSENOTEThis procedure may be used for activation and operations at the backup/alternativeTSC as applicable.[1] To describe the activation and operation of the TSC.
[1] Site Emergency Plans[2] Site Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures3.0 DEFINITIONS[1] Activation -Actions taken to staff and setup an emergency response facility to make itoperational. Actions include but are not limited to notification of emergency personnel,equipment setup and equipment operability testing.[2] Operational -Status of an emergency facility declared by the appropriate facilitymanager upon determining that the facility is adequately staffed and equipment is setupand available to assume/perform the emergency functions assigned to that facility.4.0 RESPONSIBILITIES[1] The entire staff of the TSC is responsible for the activation and operation of the facilityusing this procedure, their position specific checklists and applicable site specificperformance aids.5.0 DETAILSNOTEThe actions Of this procedure may be completed in any sequence, however, thesequence presented is recommended.[1] The EPM follows the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.1, Emergency Plant Manager.[2] The TSC Manager follows the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.2, TSC Manager.[3] The Operations Coordinator follows the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.3,Operations Coordinator.[4] The Reactor Engineer follows the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.4, ReactorEngineer.[5] The Engineering Coordinator follows the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.5,Engineering Coordinator.[6] The Mechanical Engineer follows the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.6, Mechanicaland Electrical/l&C Engineers.[7] The Electrical/l&C Engineer follows the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.6,Mechanical and Electrical/l&C Engineers.
- 5. 0 cont'd[8] The IT Specialist (if in the TSC) follows the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.7, ITSpecialist.[9] The TSC Communicator follows the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.8, TSCCommunicator.[10] The Radiological Coordinator follows the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.9,Radiological Coordinator.[11] The Security Coordinator follows the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.10, SecurityCoordinator.[12] The Maintenance Coordinator follows the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.11,Maintenance Coordinator.[13] The ENS Communicator follows the instructions outlined in Attachments 9.12 and INTERFACES[1] EN-AD-I103, Document Control & Records Management Programs[2] EN-EP-311I, Emergency Response Data System (ERDS) Activation via the VirtualPrivate Network (VPN)[3] EN-EP-601, Corporate Emergency Center Operations[4] EN-LI-I102, Corrective Action Process[5] EN-NS-1 02, Fitness for Duty Program[6] EN-FAP-OM-012, Notifications of Off-Normal Situations / Corporate Duty ManagerResponsibilities[7] EN-EP-609, Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) Operations[8] EN-EP-611I, Operations Support Center (OSC) Operations7.0 RECORDSAny logs or forms completed by members of the ERO during an actual declaredemergency are permanent quality records and are maintained in accordance withEN-AD-1 03.
8.0 SITE SPECIFIC COMMITMENTSStep Site Document Commitment Number orReference* GGNS GGNS Emergency Plan 5.4.19* GGNS G GNS Emergency Plan 5.4.18* GGNS GGNS Emergency Plan 7.3.1 $1 ___________Attach 9.9 PAL NRC Inspection Report 93-07 CMT9320021 14step 2.0EAttach 9.9 PAL NRC Inspection Report 93-07 CMT9320021 16step 2.0EPIL -NRC Inspection Finding 86-39-01 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _PIL NRC Inspection Finding 82-15-47 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _RBS Commitment 155789.0 ATTACHMENTS9.1 Emergency Plant Manager9.2 TSC Manager9.3, Operations Coordinator9.4 Reactor Engineer9.5 Engineering Coordinator9.6 Mechanical and Electrical/l&C Engineer9.7 IT Specialist9.8 TSC Communicator9.9 Radiological Coordinator9.10 Security Coordinator9.11 Maintenance Coordinator9.12 ENS Communicator9.13 ENS Communications Guidance ATTACHMENT 9.1 EMERGENCY PLANT MANAGERSheet I of 7EPM Name:_____________________ Date:____1.0 Initial Resoonsibilitv/Activitv NotesNOTEThe ERO should take appropriate actions necessary to mitigate the eventregardless of manning or facility status.1.1 Initial Orientation.A. Upon arrival at the TSC:1. Card in the accountability readers (as required) and/or sign in onEP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-I n/Accountability Form.2. Sign in on the TSC staffing board.3. Obtain the EPM Binder & ID Badge.B. Call the (affected unit for ANO and IPEC) Control Room and receive abriefing on plant conditions. Use EP-2-ALL, Essential InformationForm to document turnover information.1. This briefing is not required to declare the TSC operational.C. Review electronic displays, plant data, status boards and any otheravailable information to become familiar with current plant conditions.D. Ensure that the OSC and TSC are in the process of meetingminimum staffing. Minimum staffing is listed in the TSC and OSCManager's checklists. ATTACHM ENT 9.1EMERGENCY PLANT MANAGERATTACHMENT 9.1 EMERGENCY PLANT MANAGERSheet 2 of 71.0 Initial Responsibility/Activitv (Cont'd) Notes1.2 Assume the position of Emergency Plant Manager (EPM).A. IF the TSC has NOT been declared operational, THEN:1. Direct the activation of the TSC.(a) IF additional personnel are needed or positions are vacant THENdirect someone to fill vacancies in accordance with EP-1 0-ALL,Filling an ERO Vacancy During Facility Activation/OperationForm.(1) This step should be performed by the TSC Manager.NOTEDuring a Security Event only personnel and facilities necessary to mitigate theemergency situation should be activated. The TSC may be declared operationalwithout all key members being present. This will, be determined by the most seniorperson in the facility.2. WHEN minimum staffing for the TSC is met AND equipment is setupand available to assume/perform TSC functions, including anyequipment necessary to support communications with the ControlRoom and OSC, THEN declare the TSC operational and record inwebEOC or on EP-3-ALL, Log Sheet Form.3. Make an announcement to the TSC and inform the Control Room,OSC and EOF that the TSC is operational.4. Perform an initial briefing for the TSC staff. Use EP-2-ALL, EssentialInformation Form as guidance.B. IF relieving another EPM, THEN perform a formal turnover with thecurrent EPM.1. Obtain the EPM's position binder and review any documentsused.2. Review facility log.3. Obtain a briefing from the acting EPM on the emergency, plantconditions and any actions that have been completed or are inprogress using EP-2-ALL, Essential Information Form.4. Relieve the current EPM.5. Announce to the TSC, OSC, Control Room and EOF that you arenow the EPM. ATTACHMENT 9.1 EMERGENCY PLANT MANAGERSheet 3 of 72.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activity Notes2.1 Direct the activities of the TSC.A. Coordinate the activities of the Control Room, TSC and OSC.B. Coordinate and direct the response activities of all onsite EROpersonnel.1. Establish and promulgate onsite priorities in response to theemergency using the guidance for priority numbering in EP-1 1-ALL,Repair & Corrective Action Assignment Form.2.2 Maintain personnel accountability in the TSC.A. IF you leave the area, THEN:1. Designate an individual to be in command during your absence.2. Inform the TSC Manager and/or Security Coordinator of destinationand expected return.3. Inform the TSC Manager and/or Security Coordinator of return.(a) Upon return, obtain a briefing from TSC Manager on any eventsthat have occurred while away.2.3 Maintain a log.A. Maintain (or direct an assistant to maintain) a log using webEOC or ifunavailable, EP-3-ALL, Log Sheet Form.1. Log when the EPM duties were assumed.2. Log significant communications to individuals outside the TSC andall communications to individuals offsite.3. Log major decisions and any important details used to make thedecision (i.e. emergency classification changes, accountabilitystatus, radioactive releases, station priorities, etc.).4. Periodically review log for accuracy. ATTACHMENT 9.1 EMERGENCY PLANT MANAGERSheet 4 of 72.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activity (Cont'd) Notes2.4 Prepare and facilitate facility briefings.A. Coordinate with the TSC Manager to establish a time period for theconduct of facility briefings.1. Establish briefing periods at every 30-60 minute intervals asconditions warrant or as conditions change.2. Make an announcement approximately 5 minutes before actualbrief that a brief will be conducted (if possible).B. Use EP-2-ALL, Essential Information Form and EP-1 4-ALL, BriefingForm as guidance.1. The EPM may use the Operations Coordinator to complete theEssential Information Form to support periodic briefs.C. Direct key staff to provide information needed for the briefing, ifnecessary.D. Conduct briefing, announce the time for the next briefing at the end ofthe briefing and ensure information provided in the briefing is capturedand appropriately documented.2.5 If there has been a loss of a large area of the plant due to fire orexplosion, implement the applicable site-specific procedure or guidelinefor a loss of a large area of the plant.2.6 Ensure timely ENS notifications.2.7 Perform accident assessment to prioritize mitigation actions.2.8 Direct personnel evacuation, assembly and accountability.A. Direct the establishment or re-establishment of accountability asdetermined to be appropriate.B. Confer with the Emergency Director on release or evacuation of non-essential personnel from the other buildings, Generation SupportBuilding and/or training building if used.C. Check with Control Room, TSC Manager and 0S0 Manager todetermine if additional personnel are needed.D. Inform the Emergency Director when there are no immediatepersonnel needs and the TSC concurs with release of non-essentialpersonnel from the site. ATTACHMENT 9.1 EMERGENCY PLANT MANAGERSheet 5 of 72.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activity (Cont'd) Notes2.9 Maintain communications with the Shift Manager/Control Room.A. Discuss current plant status and planned operations.B. Discuss tasks the TSC/OSC are performing and review priorities.C. Inform Control Room of any other important ERO activities (such asshift changes, arrival of NRC personnel, etc.).2.10 Provide periodic status updates using site-wide announcements, exceptduring hostile action-based events.2.11 Maintain Communications with the Emergency Director.A. Inform the Emergency Director of onsite priorities and activities.B. Provide information and recommendations to the Emergency Directorregarding plant activities/emergency classifications.C. Inform the ED of any plant conditions or events which have thepotential for change of emergency classification or radiologicalreleases status.1. Advise the ED on core damage and plant conditions forclassification and PAR determination.2. Verify event classifications.2.12 Maintain adequate staffing, access control, and 24-hour functionalcontinuity of the Control Room, TSC, Security and OSC.A. Request additional material, manpower, and equipment as necessaryfrom the EQE Administration and Logistics Coordinator.2.13 Direct the organization, coordination and prioritization of repair correctiveaction teams.A. Provide concurrence prior to any OSC repair team action that mayaffect the operability of a plant system.B. Approve deviations from any plant procedure dealing with changingplant configuration or personnel safety.C. Approve repair team actions that would normally require a procedurebut no procedure exists.2.14 Direct onsite protective actions. ATTACHMENT 9.1 EMERGENCY PLANT MANAGERSheet 6 of 72.0 Continuous ResponsibilitvlActivitv (Cont'd) Notes2.15 Authorize emergency radiation exposure and issuance of KI torecommended personnel in the Control Room, TSC or 0S0 or to -Securitypersonnel.,2.16 Make operational decisions involving the safety of the plant and itspersonnel and make recommendations to the Control Room.2.17 Initiate immediate corrective actions to limit or contain the emergency,invoking the provisions of 10 CFR 50.54(x) if appropriate.A. IF actions being taken have the potential to directly affect offsite (suchas containment venting or other action that may significantly increaseoffsite release), THEN obtain Emergency Director approval prior totaking action. ,2.18 When applicable, direct implementation of Severe -Accident Managementprocedures/guidelines.2.19 Direct relocation to an alternate location as necessary.A. IF it becomes~necessary to evacuate or relocate the TSC, THEN notifythe OSC, EOF and Control Room when leaving the primary TSC andwhen the backup or alternate TSC is operational.2.20 Integrate offsite responders with on-site response efforts when required.A. Prepare for NRC Site Team response activities.1. Coordinate the arrival of the Site Response Team with the EOF.2. Brief (or designate an individual to brief) the in-plant NRC SiteTeam upon arrival.3. Direct the TSC Manager to coordinate activities associated with theNRC Site Team.2.21 Confer with the Operations Coordinator and/or ENS Communicator to status of ongoing NRC communications. (What information is beingrequested and are there any issues?) NUCLEAR NoN-QUALTY RELATED E-P60RVS- MANAGEMENTIgy MANUAL REFERENCE USE PAGE 14 OF 62TECHNICAL SUPPORT CENTER (TSC) OPERATIONSATTACHMENT 9.1 EMERGENCY PLANT MANAGERSheet 7 of 73.0 Closeout Activity Notes3.1 Preparations for Recovery Phase:A. Provide information to the ED to support transition to the RecoveryPhase. Discuss the following:B. Plant configuration and core cooling status.1. In-plant radiation levels.2. Radioactive material releases to the environment and the potentialfor additional uncontrolled releases.3. Fires; flooding conditions and any other site damage.4. Vital areas requiring occupancy are habitable.5. Site security control is established.3.2 Direct onsite personnel to return all equipment to proper storage locations.3.3 Collect all documentation:A. Direct TSC staff to verify that logs, forms and other documentation arecomplete.B. Direct the TSC Manager to verify that all repairs performed by OSCTeams that deviate from normal station procedures are properlydocumented, so that necessary actions can be taken for continuousplant operations or plant recovery operations.C. Direct the TSC Manager to verify that all deviations from TechnicalSpecifications, Quality Assurance documents and other proceduresare documented in PCRS so that these items are evaluated duding theRecovery Phase.D. Provide all logs and records to the TSC Manager upon termination ofthe emergency. ATTACHMENT 9.2Sheet 1 of 6TSC MANAGERTSC Manager Name:_________________ Dal1.0 Initial Responsibilitv/Activity1.1 Initial Orientation.A. Upon arrival at the TSG:1. Card in the accountability readers (as required) and/or sign in EP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-I n/Accountability Form.2. Sign in on the TSC staffing board.3. Obtain the "TSC Manager" Binder & ID Badge.B. Review electronic displays, plant data, status boards and any otheravailable information to become familiar with current plant conditions.C. Obtain a briefing from the EPM to identify the following:1. Plant conditions.2. Actions that have been taken.3. Engineering actions to be initiated.te:Notes ATTACHMENT 9.2TSC MANAGERATTACHMENT 9.2 TSC MANAGERSheet 2 of 61.0 Initial Responsibilitv/Activitv (Cont'd)1.2 Assume the position of TSC Manager.A. IF the TSC has NOT been declared operational, THEN:NotesNOTETypical minimum staffing to declare the TSC operational. The site's staffingrequirements may differ as needed to address site specific requirements:-EPM-Reactor Engineer-Radiological Coordinator-Mechanical and Electrical/l&C Engineers -appropriate staff to perform thefacility's key function areas for the event.-ENS CommunicatorNOTEDuring a Security Event only personnel and facilities necessary to mitigate theemergency situation should be activated. The TSC may be declaredoperational without all key members being present. This will be determined bythe most senior person in the facility based on plant conditions.1. Verify the minimum TSC staff is present.(a) IF additional personnel are needed or positions are vacant,THEN direct someone to fill vacancies in accordance withEP-1 0-ALL, Filling an ERO Vacancy During FacilityActivation/Operation Form.2. Report readiness status to the EPM and Control Room whenprepared to assume the TSC Manager position and declare theTSC operational when minimum staffing for the TSC is met andequipment is setup and available to assume/perform TSC functions,including any equipment necessary to support communications withthe Control Room and OSC,(a) Notify the EPM when operational conditions exist. ATTACHMENT 9.2 TSC MANAGERSheet 3 of 61.0 Initial Responsibilitv/Activitv (Cont'd) NotesB. IF relieving another TSC Manager, THE..N perform a formal turnoverwith the current TSC Manager.1. Obtain the TSC Manager's position binder and review anydocuments used.2. Review facility log.3. Obtain a briefing from the acting TSC Manager.4. Relieve the current TSC Manager.C. Announce to the TSC staff that you are now the TSC Manager.0. IF not previously performed, THEN verify Emergency Response DataSystem (ERDS) is operational (set up to run 24/7 and should berunning).1. Verify ERDS is activated. ERDS is required to be activated withinone (1) hour of declared emergency at ALERT higher. Refer toEN-EP-31 1.2. IF TSC IT Support is available, THEN request ERDS activationverification.3. IF TSC IT Support is NOT available, THEN Verify ERDS isactivated.(a) IF, due to conflicting priorities, ERDS cannot be verified to beactivated, THEN request the EOF to verify ERDS activation.1.3 Call out additional personnel as needed. ATTACHMENT 9.2 TSC MANAGERSheet 4 of 62.0 Continuous ResponsibilitylActivity oe2.1 Maintain personnel accountability in the TSC.A. IF you leave the area, THEN:1. Inform the Emergency Plant Manager and Engineering Coordinatorof destination and expected return.2. Inform the Emergency Plant Manager and Engineering Coordinatorof return.(a) Upon return, obtain a briefing on any events that have occurredwhile away.2.2 Assist the EPM in the activation, operation and deactivation of the TSC.A. Assist the EPM to make operational decisions concerning the safety ofthe plant.2.3 Maintain a log.A. Use webEOC or if unavailable, EP-3-ALL, Log Sheet Form to maintaina log of significant items pertaining to the TSC Manager position.1. Log when the TSC Manager duties were assumed.2. Log significant communications to individuals outside the TSC andall communications to individuals offsite.3. Log major decisions and actions and any important details.2.4 Participate in periodic briefings with EPM.A. Coordinate with the OSC Manager, as appropriate, to schedule theconduct of periodic briefings.B. Establish briefing periods at every 30-60 minute intervals as conditionswarrant or as conditions change.C. Use EP-2-ALL, Essential Information Form and EP-14-ALL, BriefingForm as guidance for the conduct of briefs.2.5 Manage the activities of the TSC Staff:A. Analyze plant information to provide support to plant operationspersonnel in returning the plant to a safe condition.B. Develop action plans and procedures to repair and/or mitigateconsequences. ATTACHMENT 9.2 TSC MANAGERSheet 5 of 62.0 Continuous Responsibilitv/Activitv (Cont'd) Notes1. Recognize and implement all technical aspects of accidentmitigation for the emergency.2. Perform technical assessments and communicate the conclusionsto the EPM.C. Anticipate TSC support requirements from ERO.D. Procure drawings and information needed to solve plant problems.E. Direct the tracking of plant configuration changes.2.6 Maintain TSC StaffingA. Support/coordinate with the EOF Administration and LogisticsCoordinator to ensure that manpower planning is being conducted toprovide for response efforts over an extended period.B. Upon direction from the EPM, reduce staffing per shift schedule.C. Continually assess the need for additional personnel, especially duringoff hours.2.7 Direct EOP questions to the Operations Coordinator.A. Assist the EPM in setting priorities for TSC activities using theguidance for priority numbering in EP-1 1-ALL, Repair & CorrectiveAction Assignment Form.B. Keep TSC Staff informed of priorities.C. Direct that TSC assignments in webEOC are updated to reflectpriorities.2.8 Establish communications as needed with the Entergy EngineeringGroups for engineering support functions. Use company phone directoryand Emergency Telephone Directory to locate phone numbers.2.9 Core Damage AssessmentA. Direct TSC Staff members to complete core damage assessmentB. Provide summary of core status to EPM, TSC staff and otheremergency facilities when core damage assessment is complete.2.10 Notify Nuclear Steam Supply System (NSSS) vendor and other vendors ofemergency conditions, as required. (Phone numbers in EmergencyTelephone Directory). ATTACHMENT 9.2 TSC MANAGERSheet 6 of 62.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activitv (Cont'd) Notes2.11 Oversee the activities for relocation to an alternate location as necessary.3.0 Closeout Activity3.1 Direct TSC staff to return all equipment to proper storage locations.3.2 Review all documentation:A. Verify that logs, forms and other documentation are complete.B. Verify that all repairs performed by 0S0 Teams that deviate fromnormal station procedures are properly documented, so that necessaryactions can be taken for continuous plant operations or plant recoveryoperations.C. Verify that all deviations from Technical Specifications, QualityAssurance documents and other procedures are documented in PCRSso that these items are evaluated during the Recovery Phase.D. Verify that all temporary procedures Used and/or developed aredocumented in webEOC for use by Recovery Organization so thatnecessary actions can be taken for plant operations.3.3 Provide all logs and records to the EP Manager upon termination of theemergency. ATTACHMENT 9.3Sheet 1 of 4OPERATIONS COORDINATOROperations Coordinator Name:________________ Date:_____1.0 Initial Responsibility/Activitv Notes1.1 Initial Orientation.A. Upon arrival at the TSC:1. Card in the accountability readers (as required) and/or sign in onEP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-I n/Accountability Form.2. Sign in on the TSC staffing board.13. Obtain the "Operations Coordinator" Binder & ID Badge.B. Review electronic-displays, plant data and any other availableinformation to become familiar with current plant conditions.1.2 Assume the position of Operations Coordinator.A. IF the TSC has NOT been declared operational, THEN:1. Report readiness status to the Engineering Coordinator or TSCManager when prepared to assume the Operations Coordinatorposition.B. IF relieving another Operations Coordinator, THEN perform a formal \turnover with the current Operations Coordinator.1. Obtain the Operations Coordinator's position binder and review anydocuments used.2. Review facility log.3. Obtain a briefing from the acting Operations Coordinator on theemergency, plant conditions and any actions that have beencompleted or are in progress.4. Relieve the current Operations Coordinator.C. Inform the TSC Manager and Engineering Coordinator that you arenow the Operations Coordinator. LLne-y MANAGEMENTNCE INE.0 V.MANUAL REFERENCE USE PAGE 22 OF 62TECHNICAL SUPPORT CENTER (TSC) OPERATIONSATTACHMENT 9.3 OPERATIONS COORDINATORSheet 2 of 42.0 Continuous ResponsibilitylActivity Notes2.1 Maintain personnel accountability in the TSC.A. IF you leave the area, THEN:1. Inform the Engineering Coordinator and/or Security Coordinator ofdestination and expected return.2. Inform the Engineering Coordinator and/or Security Coordinator ofreturn.(a) Upon return, obtain a briefing on any events that have occurred7while away.2.2 Maintain a log.A. Use webEOC or if unavailable, EP-3-ALL, Log Sheet Form tomaintain a log of significant items pertaining to the OperationsCoordinator position.B. Log when the Operations Coordinator duties were assumed.2.3 Monitor plant data communications between Control Room and otherEmergency Response Facilities.A. Ensure the Control Room, TSC, and EOF are informed of significantchanges in event status (e.g. changes in classification, command andcontrol, initiation of station assembly, accountability, evacuation,etc.).2.4 Inform the TSC of the overall plant condition and significant changes tosystem and equipment status.2.5 Provide technical assistance to the Shift Manager.2.6 Monitor fission product barrier and plant statusA. Provide recommendations to TSC Manager and EPM for emergencyclassification changes based on EALs.B. Assist the Reactor Engineer in maintaining the fission product barrierstatus.C. Assist in clarifying plant parameter Information to EPM, TSCManager and other members of the engineering team. ATTACHMENT 9.3Sheet 3 of 4OPERATIONS COORDINATOR2.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activity (Cont'd)Noe2.7 Coordinate TSC efforts in determining the nature and extent ofemergencies pertaining to equipment and plant facilities in support ofControl Room actions.A. Recommend equipment operations checks and miscellaneousactions to the Control Room in support of restoration and accidentmitigation.B. Recommend changes in plant priorities.C3. Assist the EPM in determining the priority assigned to OSC activities.Refer to EP-1 1-ALL, Repair & Corrective Action Assignment Form.2.8 Work with other members of the Engineering Team to providesupport to the Control Room to mitigate the effects of the event andreturn the plant to a safe condition.A. Perform accident assessment activities.B. Recommend strategies and actions to prevent severe core damageand containment failure and reduce radiological releases.C3. Provide recommendations on plant operations.0. Provide assistance to initiate immediate corrective actions to limit orcontain the emergency invoking the provisions of 10 CFR 50.54(x) ifappropriate, and specifically when addressing Severe AccidentManagement Guidelines.E. Provide technical support to OSC teams as needed.F. Look ahead for possible plant problems and solutions.2.9 Coordinate requests for operations activities outside of the ControlRoom.2.10 Coordinate additional staffing for the Control Room if requested by theSM.2.11 As applicable and at the direction of the EPM, assume the duties andresponsibilities of the Evaluator, or Decision-Maker if qualified, whentransition to Severe Accident Management Guidelines is initiated.2.12 Complete EP-2-ALL, Essential Information Form to support periodicbriefs as requested by the EPM. ATTACHMENT 9.3Sheet 4 of 4OPERATIONS COORDINATOR3.0 Closeout Activity Notes3.1 Assist TSC personnel in returning all equipment to proper storagelocations.3.2 Review all documentation the Operations Coordinator(s) maintainedduring the emergency:A. Verify that logs, forms and other documentation are complete.B. Verify that all temporary procedures used and/or developed aredocumented for use by Recovery Organization so that necessaryactions can be taken for plant operations.3.3 Provide all logs and records to the Engineering Coordinator upontermination of the emergency and entry into the Recovery Phase. Sheet 1 of 3REACTOR ENGINEERATTACHMENT 9.4 REACTOR ENGINEERSheet I of 3Reactor Engineer Name:__________________ Date:_____1.0 Initial RespDonsibility/Activity Notes1.1 Initial Orientation.A. Upon arrival at the TSC:1. Card in the accountability readers (as required) and/or sign in onEP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-I n/Accountability Form.2. Sign in on the TSC staffing board.3. Obtain the "Reactor Engineer" Binder & ID Badge.B. Review electronic displays, plant data and any other availableinformation to become familiar with current plant conditions.C. Discuss Fission Product Barrier status with the OperationsCoordinator and update displays as required.1.2 Assume the position of Reactor Engineer.A. IF the TSC has NOT been declared operational, THEN:1. Report readiness status to the Engineering Coordinator or TSCManager when prepared to assume the Reactor Engineerposition.B. IF relieving another Reactor Engineer, THEN perform a formalturnover with the current Reactor Engineer.1. Obtain the Reactor Engineer's position binder and review anydocuments used.2. Review facility log.3. Obtain a briefing from the acting Reactor Engineer on theemergency, plant conditions and any actions that have beencompleted or are in progress.4. Relieve the current Reactor Engineer.C. Inform the TSC Manager and Engineering Coordinator that you arenow the Reactor Engineer. NUCLEAR JNON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-610I RE V. 21MANUAL J REFERENCE USE PAGE 26 OF 62TECHNICAL SUPPORT CENTER (TSC) OPERATIONSATAhMeNT2 9.43REACTOR ENGINEERSheet 2 of 32.02.1Continuous Responsibility/ActivityNotes*Maintain personnel accountability in the TSC.A. IF you leave the area, THEN:1. Inform the Engineering Coordinator of destination and expectedreturn.2. Inform the Engineering Coordinator of return.(a) Upon return, obtain a briefing on any events that haveoccurred while away.2.2 Maintain a log.A. Use webEOC or if unavailable, EP-3-ALL, Log Sheet Form tomaintain a log of significant items pertaining to the Reactor Engineerposition.B. Log when the Reactor Engineer duties were assumed.2.3 Monitor plant conditions for any indications of core damage.A. Perform and update core damage assessment based on currentinformation using site-specific procedure.B. Notify TSC Manager and/or Engineering Coordinator immediatelyof any changes in core status.C. Keep the Radiological Coordinator informed of core status to assistin maintaining radiological controls for plant personnel.0. Through the TSC Manager and/or the Radiological Coordinator,ensure that the EQE Radiological Assessment Coordinator is keptinformed of the. latest estimate of the amount of core damage.2.4 Assist in clarifying core parameter information to other members of theEngineering Team.A. Provide recommendations on plant operations.B. Assist in developing emergency procedures if needed. ATTACHMENT 9.4Sheet 3 of 3REACTOR ENGINEER2.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activitv (Cont'd) Notes2.5 Work with other members of the Engineering Team to provide support tothe Control Room to mitigate the effects of the event and return the plantto a safe condition.A. Provide recommendations on plant operations.B. Assist in developing emergency procedures if needed.C. Assist in Severe Accident Management Guideline implementation.3.0 Closeout Activity3.1 Assist TSC personnel in returning all equipment to proper storagelocations.3.2 Review all documentation the Reactor Engineers maintained during theemergency:A. Verify that logs, forms and other documentation are complete.B. Verify that any core parameters that were outside technicalspecifications during the event are documented so that properactions can be taken during the Recovery Phase.3.3 Provide all logs and records to the Engineering Coordinator upontermination of the emergency and entry into the Recovery Phase. ENGINEERING COORDINATORATTACHMENT 9.5Sheet 1 of 4ENGINEERING COORDINATOREngineering Coordinator Name:___1.0 Initial Responsibilitv/Activitv1.1 Initial Orientation.Date:NotesA. Upon arrival at the TSC:1. Card in the accountability readers (as required) and/or sign in onEP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form.2. Sign in on the TSC staffing board.3. Obtain the "Engineering Coordinator" Binder & ID Badge.B. Review electronic displays, plant data and any other availableinformation to become familiar with current plant conditions.C. Evaluate the adequacy of the Engineering Team staffing and abilityto support the Control Room in technical assessment activities, Thenormal Engineering Team includes:1. Reactor Engineer2. Electrical / I&C Engineer3. Mechanical Engineer1.2 Assume the position of Engineering Coordinator.A. IF the TSC has NOT, been declared operational, THEN:1. Report readiness status to the TSC Manager when prepared toassume the Engineering Coordinator position.B. IF relieving another Engineering Coordinator, THEN perform a formalturnover with the current Engineering Coordinator:1. Obtain the Engineering Coordinator's position binder and reviewany documents used.2. Review facility log.3. Obtain a briefing from the acting Engineering Coordinator on theemergency, plant conditions and any actions that have beencompleted or are in progress.4. Relieve the current Engineering Coordinator.C. Inform the TSC Manager and staff that you are now theEngineering Coordinator. ATTACHMENT 9.5Sheet 2 of 4ENGINEERING COORDINATOR2.0 Continuous Res ponsibility/Activity Notes2.1 Maintain personnel accountability in the TSC.A. IF you leave the area, THEN:1. Inform the TSC Manager of destination and expected return.2. Inform the TSC Manager of return.(a) Upon return, obtain a briefing on any events that haveoccurred while away.2.2 Maintain a log.A. Use webEOC or if unavailable, EP-3-ALL, Log Sheet Form tomaintain a log of significant items pertaining to the EngineeringCoordinator position.B. Log when the Engineering Coordinator duties were assumed.C. Note the Engineering Team activities undertaken with informationpending actions to ensure the plant is returned to a safe condition.D. Note communications external to the TSC.2.3 Coordinate with the TSC Manager to call in additional engineeringassistance as needed:A. All Entergy engineering resources should be utilized as required.Individuals may be tasked with activities to be completed atengineering offices external to the TSC, and to be called to report tothe TSC or directed to other facilities as needed.B. Call on non-Entergy engineering support such as Westinghouse,equipment vendors and/or NRC engineers as necessary (somesupport organization phone numbers are located in the Emergency,Telephone Directory).2.4 Track assignments to TSC engineering personnel using webEOC or EP-12-ALL, Engineering Task Assignment Form if webEOC is unavailable. ATTACHMENT 9.5Sheet 3 of 4ENGINEERING COORDINATOR2.0 Continuous ResponsibilitylActivity (Cont'd)Noe2.5 Assist the TSC Manager in planning and performing engineeringassessment of the plant conditions and/or actions to be taken to mitigateplant damage.A. Assist the EPM and TSC Manager in establishing onsite priorities inresponse to the emergency using the guidance for priority numberingin EP-1 2-ALL, Engineering Task Assignment Form.2.6 Direct the activities of the Engineering Team in the following areas andprovide results back to the TSC Manager:A. Direct the technical support and engineering activities inaccordance with the priorities established by the EPMand the TSC Manager.B. Use available computer systems to monitor and assessvital plant parameters and conditions.C. Direct the Engineering Team to monitor, trend and assess plantparameters and status to determine the condition of safety relatedsystems and the fission product barriers.1. Verify the status of equipment out-of-service is maintained.2. Provide recommendations for emergency classification changesbased on review of the EALs.3. Provide recommendations for mitigating activities.4. Forecast expected changes in the level of plant and systemsafety.5. Determine the extent of core damage.6. Recommend strategies and actions to prevent severe coredamage and containment failure and reduce radiological releases.D. When applicable, perform monitoring, assessment and evaluation tosupport Severe Accident Management Guideline activities andstrategies.E. Track plant configuration changes.F. Direct personnel to develop or modify procedures to performresponse activities as necessary. (For example, emergency repairsor emergency system lineups). ATTACHMENT 9.5Sheet 4 of 4ENGINEERING COORDINATOR2.0 Continuous Responsibilitv/Activitv (Cont'd) NotesG. Confirm any sample requests for chemistry sampling contain specificdetails on the type of information that is necessary (such as systemboron concentration, activity, etc.).H. Provide engineering support for OSC activities as requested.3.0 Closeout Activity3.1 Direct Engineering Team Staff to return all equipment to proper storagelocations.3.2 Review all documentation the Engineering Team maintained during theemergency:A. Verify that logs, forms and other documentation are complete.B. Verify that all temporary procedures used and/or developed aredocumented for use by the Recovery Organization so necessaryactions can be taken for continuous plant operations or long-termrestoration.3.3 Provide all logs and records to the TSC Manager upon termination of theemergency and entry into the Recovery Phase. ATTACHMENT 9.6Sheet 1 of 3MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICALII&C ENGINEERSEngineer Name:______________________ Date:_____1.0 Initial Responsibility/Activity Notes1.1 Initial Orientation.A. Upon arrival at the TSC:1. Card in the accountability readers (as required) and/or sign in onEP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form.2. Sign in on the TSC staffing board.3. Obtain the "Mechanical Engineer" Binder & ID Badge or"Electrical/l&C Engineer" Binder & ID Badge.B. Review facility electronic displays, plant data and any other availableinformation to become familiar with current plant conditions.1.2 Assume the position of Mechanical (Electrical/l&C) Engineer.A. IF the TSC has NOT been declared operational, THEN:1. Report readiness status to the Engineering Coordinator whenprepared to assume the Mechanical (Electrical/l&C) Engineerposition.B. IF relieving another engineer, THEN perform a formal turnover withthe current engineer.1. Obtain the Mechanical (Electrical/l&C) Engineer's position binderand review any documents used.2. Review facility log.3. Obtain a briefing from the acting engineer on the emergency,plant conditions and any actions that have been completed or arein progress.4. Relieve the current Mechanical (Electrical/l&C) Engineer.C. Inform Engineering Coordinator that you are now the Mechanical(Electrical/l&C) Engineer. ATTACHMENT 9.6Sheet 2 of 3MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICALII&C ENGINEERS2.0Continuous Res ponsibilitv/ActivitvNotes2.1 Maintain personnel accountability in the TSC.A. IF you leave the area, THEN:1. Inform the Engineering Coordinator of destination and expectedreturn.2. Inform the Engineering Coordinator of return.(a) Upon return, obtain a briefing on any events that haveoccurred while away.2.2 ~Maintain a log.A. Use webEOC or if unavailable, EP-3-ALL, Log Sheet Form tomaintain a log of significant items pertaining to the position.B. Log when the engineer duties were assumed.2.3 Assist in clarifying Mechanical or Electrical / I&C information to othermembers of the Engineering Team.2.4 Work with other members of the Engineering Team to provide support tothe Control Room to mitigate the effects of the event and return the plantto a safe condition.A. Respond to engineering requests from the Engineering Coordinator.B. Provide recommendations on equipment operations.C. Develop emergency procedures if needed.D. Identify emergency repairs that can be undertaken to restore andmaintain equipment operability and plant safety.2.5 Assist the OSC Mechanical and I&C/Electrical Coordinators in preparingto send repair teams into the plant.A. Provide information on parts needed.B. Provide information on tools required.C. Prepare emergent maintenance procedures for OSCrepair teams.D. Participate in team briefing if required.2.6 Evaluate Severe Accident Management Guideline strategyimplementation when designated. ATTACHMENT 9.6Sheet 3 of 3MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICALI.I&C ENGINEERS3.0 Closeout Activity Notes3.1 Assist TSC personnel in returning all equipment to proper storagelocations.3.2 Review all documentation the Mechanical or Electrical / I&C Engineersmaintained during the emergency:A. Verify that logs, forms and other documentation are complete.B. Verify that any equipment repairs that were performed outsidenormal requirements during the event are documented so that properactions can be taken during the recovery phase.3.3 Provide all logs and records to the Engineering Coordinator uponStermination of the emergency and entry into the Recovery Phase. ATTACHMENT 9.7IT SPECIALISTSheet 1 of 2NOTEIF the IT Specialist is staffed in the TSC versus the EOF, THEN thischecklist is applicable.IT Specialist Name:________1.0 Initial Responsibility/ActivityDate:Notes1 .1 Initial Orientation.A. Upon arrival at the TSC:1. Card in the accountability readers (as required) and/or sign in onEP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form.2. Sign in on the TSC staffing board.3. Obtain the "IT Specialist" Binder & ID Badge..1.2 Assume the position of IT Specialist.A. IF the TSC has NOT been declared operational, THEN:1. Report readiness status to the TSC Manager when preparedto assume the IT Specialist position.B. IF relieving another IT Specialist, THE..N perform a formalturnover with the current IT Specialist:1. Obtain the IT Specialist's position binder and review anydocuments used.2. Review facility log.3. Obtain a briefing from the acting IT Specialist on the emergency,plant conditions and any actions that have been completed or arein progress.4. Relieve the current IT Specialist.C. Inform TSC Manager and staff that you are now the IT Specialist.D. Emergency Response Data System (EROS)1. IF not previously performed, THEN. verify EROS is activatedwithin one (1) hour of declared emergency at ALERT O.R higherclassification. Refer to EN-EP-31 1.E. Support the setting up of the TSC/OSC electronic displays. ATTACHMENT 9.7Sheet 2 of 2IT SPECIALIST2.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activity Notes2.1 Maintain personnel accountability in the TSC.A. IF you leave the area, THEN:1. Inform the TSC Manager of destination and expected return.2. Inform the TSC Manager of return.(a) Upon return, obtain a briefing on any events that haveoccurred while away.2.2 Maintain a log.A. Use webEOC or if unavailable, EP-3-ALL, Log Sheet Form tomaintain a log of significant items pertaining to the position.B. Log when the IT Specialist duties were assumed.2.3 Assist the Engineering Team in obtaining plant data from the variousTSC Computer systems.2.4 Ensure computer displays continue to operate properly.2.5 Assist with issues related to webEOC.3.0 Closeout Activity3.1 Assist TSC personnel in returning all equipment to proper storagelocations:A. Erase TSC Electronic displays.B. Log off PCs.C. Turn off or dim computer display systems.3.2 Provide all logs and records to the Engineering Coordinator upontermination of the emergency and entry into the Recovery Phase. ATTACHMENT 9.8Sheet I of 3TSC COMMUNICATORTSC Communicator Name:_______________ Date1.0 Initial Responsibility/Activity1.1 Initial Orientation.A. Upon arrival at the TSC:1. Card in the accountability readers (as required) and/or sign in onEP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form.2. Sign in on the TSC staffing board.3. Obtain the "TSC Communicator' Binder & ID Badge.B. Review facility electronic displays, plant data and any other availableinformation to become familiar with current plant conditions.1.2 Assume the position of TSC Communicator.A. IF the TSC has NOT been declared operational, THEN:1. Report readiness status to the TSC Manager when preparedto assume the TSC Communicator position.B. IF relieving another TSC Communicator, THEN perform aformal turnover with the current TSC Communicator:1. Obtain the TSC Communicator's position binder and reviewany documents used.2. Review facility log.3. Obtain a briefing from the acting TSC Communicator on theemergency, plant conditions and any actions that have beencompleted or are in progress.4. Relieve the current TSC Communicator.C. Inform TSC Manager and staff that you are now the TSCCommunicator.D. IF inter-facility communications has NOT been established with theother facilities, THEN establish this communications link.1. Inform all parties you are establishing communications from theTSC and are now monitoring line.2. Stay on line at all times or inform other parties whenyou will be off line.Notes ATTACHMENT 9.8Sheet 2of 3TSC COMMUNICATOR2.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activity Notes2.1 Maintain personnel accountability in the TSC.A. IF you leave the area, THEN:1. Request the TSC Operations Coordinator monitor the inter-facilitycommunications to the Control Room, OSC and EQE asnecessary.2. Inform the TSC Manager and/or Security Coordinator ofdestination and expected return.3. Inform the TSC Manager and/or Security Coordinator of return.(a) Upon return, obtain a briefing on any events that haveoccurred while away. j2.2 Maintain alog.A. Use webEOC or if unaviailable, EP-3-ALL, Log Sheet Form tomaintain a log of significant items pertaining to the TSC facility and theTSC Communicator position.B. Log when the TSC Communicator duties were assumed.C. Update facility status in webEOC.0. Log significant Communications pertaining to plant operations and allcommunications to individuals offsite.2.3 Ensure timeliness of facility briefs by prompting EPM to develop andadhere to briefing schedule.2.4 Communicate between the other emergency response facilities (ERFs) ifnecessary regarding plant status or webEOC entries.A. Transmit/receive data to/from the TSC as applicable regarding actionbeing taken in all ERFs.B. Advise communicators in the other ERFs of the actions being takenin the TSC and OSC (as applicable):1. Report TSC and OSC (as applicable) activities.2. Question others regarding activities and actions at their facilities.3. Ask for feedback from OSC on engineering decisions.2.5 Maintain communications as necessary with satellite Entergy responsegroups outside ERFs. ATTACHMENT 9.8Sheet 3 of 3TSC COMMUNICATOR2.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activity (Cont'd) Notes2.6 Keep aware of Control Room personnel actions and procedures beingimplemented. Notify TSC Engineers if appropriate.2.7 Work with other members of the TSC Staff to provide support to theControl Room to mitigate the effects of the event and return the plant toa safe condition.2.8 Support the EPM/TSC Manager as requested.A. When requested by TSC Manager, notify the Nuclear Steam SupplySystem (NSSS) vendor and other vendors of emergency Phone numbers can be found in the Emergency Telephone Directory.B. Provide information to the NRC Operations Center as requested.3.0 Closeout Activity3.1 Assist TSC personnel in returning all equipment to proper storagelocations.3.2 Review all documentation maintained during the emergency.A. Verify that logs, forms and other documentation are complete.B. Verify that any equipment and procedure problems noted during theevent are documented so that proper actions can be taken to correctthem.3.3 Provide all logs and records to the TSC Manager upon termination of theemergency and entry into the Recovery Phase. ATTACHMEN~Sheet 1 of8RADIOLOGICAL COORDINATORIT 9.9 RADIOLOGICAL COORDINATOR8Radiological Coordinator Name:________________ Date:1.0 Initial Responsibilitv1Activitv1 .1 Initial Orientation.A. Upon arrival at the TSC:1. Card in the accountability readers (as required) and/or sign in onEP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form.2. Sign in on the TSC staffing board.3. Obtain the "Radiological Coordinator' Binder & ID Badge.B. Review facility electronic displays, plant data and any other availableinformation to become familiar with current plant and radiologicalconditions.1.2 Assume the position of Radiological Coordinator.A. IF the TSC has NOT been declared operational, THEN:1. Contact the shift RP personnel and receive a briefing ofradiological conditions and status of any ongoing jobs.2. Determine if any personnel are currently in the field.3. Report readiness status to the TSC Manager when prepared toassume the Radiological Coordinator position.B. IF relieving another Radiological Coordinator, THEN perform aformal turnover with the current Radiological Coordinator:1. Obtain the Radiological Coordinator's position binder andreview any documents used.2. Review facility log.3. Obtain a briefing from the acting Radiological Coordinator on theemergency, plant conditions and any actions that have beencompleted or are in progress.4. Relieve the current Radiological Coordinator.Notes ATTACHMENT 9.9Sheet 2 of 8RADIOLOGICAL COORDINATOR1.0 Initial Responsibility/Activity (Cont'd) NotesC. Inform the TSC Manager and TSC staff that you are now theRadiological Coordinator.1 .3 IF NOT already performed, THE.N perform the following:A. IF necessary, THEN direct a Rad Protection Technician to perform ahabitability survey of the TSC and set up radiological controls(access/egress checkpoints) as required.B. Establish the capability for monitoring of Iodine, should it becomenecessary, using an AMS-4 or other equipment.C. Establish contamination controls for the Control Room and TSC ifnecessary.D. IF individuals have not been previously issued dosimetry, THEN. havedosimetry issued to them.E. Assign personnel to the following positions:1. TSC RP monitor2. Protected Area/Onsite Monitoring Team, IF requested by the EOF3. EOF RP monitor, IF requested by the EOF4. Personnel to report to the EOF to support any decontaminationefforts, IF requested by the EOF.5. RP monitor to Assembly Area(s) as necessary.2.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activity2.1 Maintain personnel accountability in the TSC.A. IF you leave the area, THEN:1. Inform the TSC Manager and/or Security Coordinator ofdestination and expected return.2. Inform the TSC Manager and/or Security Coordinator of return.(a) Upon return, obtain a briefing on any events that haveoccurred while away. ATTACHMENT 9.9Sheet 3 of 8RADIOLOGICAL COORDINATOR2.0 Continuous ResponsibilitvlActivitv (Cont'd) Notes2.2 Maintain a log.A. Use webEOC or if unavailable, EP-3-ALL, Log Sheet Form tomaintain a log of significant items pertaining to the RadiologicalCoordinator position.B. Log when the Radiological Coordinator duties were assumed.C. Record any significant and unusual indications from the plant Radiation7Monitoring System.D. Record any significant changes in radiological conditions reportedfrom Field Teams.E. Record any communications outside the Protected Area Fence orsignificant communications to facilities outside the TSC/OSC.2.3 Assess radiological conditions and develop radiological plans.A. Obtain and evaluate data on plant conditions such as meteorologicaland radiological readings and other pertinent data.B. Keep the TSC Manager informed of radiological conditions.2.4 Advise the OSC Rad/Chem Coordinator of changes in plant conditionsor equipment that may change radiological conditions onsite.2.5 Establish and maintain radiological habitability.A. Direct periodic radiological monitoring of emergency responsefacilities within the Protected Area and other occupied areas asnecessary, particularly when a release of radioactive material~intoplant environments is in progress or suspected.1. At a minimum, verify habitability in the Control Room, TSC andOSC.2. Re-verify this habitability approximately once every 60 minutes orwhen conditions have likely worsened.3. IF there has been a release of radioactive material, THE._Ndispatch RP Technicians to Assembly Area(s) to verify habitabilityas necessary. ATTACHMENT 9.9Sheet 4 of 8RADIOLOGICAL COORDINATOR2.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activity (Cont'd) NotesB. IF the following conditions exist in the TSC or Control Room, THENrequest the EPM to implement restrictions on eating and drinking inthe affected areas.1. Radiological conditions are unknown.2. Contamination levels above background.3. Airborne contamination levels above background.C. Set up radiological controls for the TSC.D. Ensure Control RoomITSC/OSC/Security personnel are aware of anyrestrictions in place. Note any radiological release that may interferewith personnel movement outside.1. Advise the TSC Manager and EOF RadiologicalAssessment Coordinator of changes in radiological releasestatus.2. Coordinate with the Security Coordinator to determine the routesto be used for evacuation of non-essential personnel and BREs.E. IF any of the following conditions exist, THEN request the TSCManager immediately consider a planned evacuation of the TSC(OSC or other occupied area):1. TSC (OSC or other occupied area) dose rates > 500 mRem/hr2. Projected doses > 1 Rem TEDE or 5 Rem CDE over a 12 hourperiod3. Airborne concentrations which may result in exceedingoccupational limits for inhalation specified in 10CFR20, AppendixB, Table 1.F. IF any of the above limits are reached, THEN coordinate with theOSC/TSC Managers to survey alternate locations for habitability priorto relocation if possible. ATTACHMENT 9.9Sheet 5 of 8RADIOLOGICAL COORDINATOR2.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activitv (Cont'd) Notes2.6 Suspend normal RWP requirements for performing work in radiologicalcontrolled areas if necessary.A. Emergency Radiation Work Permits (ERWP) will then be used forteam dispatch.B. In the event that radiation fields change while a team is in the field,the RP Technician accompanying the team becomes a "WalkingERWP" and may determine what radiological precautions areappropriate for the situation.2.7 IF immediate action is necessary to mitigate a situation that severelythreatens plant or personnel safety, THEN documentation on ERWPsand Team Dispatching Forms may be deferred.A. Documentation shall be finished as soon as possible after teamdispatch.2.8 Suspend radiological posting requirements, if necessary, for areasoutside the RCA that are affected by the accident until the RecoveryPhase is entered.2.9 Document radiological readings taken by RP Technicians or other meterqualified individuals in the field on survey maps.2.10 Establish and maintain dosimetry, protective clothing, and otherprotective equipment requirements for onsite ERO personnel.A. Use ERWPs to control radiological requirements for personnel sentinto the ,plant.B. Initiate ERWPs for anticipated activities in various plant areas.C. WHEN possible, THEN use normal criteria when establishingrequirements for dosimetry, protective clothing, and respiratoryprotection equipment.2.11 Direct Radiation Protection Technicians in the following activities:A. Assign RP Technicians to assist in emergency response supportactivities.B. Use EP-5-ALL, Team Dispatching Form to prepare and documentteam assignments. Ensure each team dispatched has a copy of theTeam Dispatching Form. ATTACHMENT 9.9Sheet 6 of 8RADIOLOGICAL COORDINATOR2.0 Continuous ResponsibilitylActivity (Cont'd) NotesC. Assign personnel to conduct in-plant radiological surveys as requiredto support ERO activities.0. Assign RP Technicians to accompany teams requiring radiologicalsupport.2.12 Assist in planning rescue operations~ and provide monitoring services asrequired, including the transfer of injured and/or contaminated personnel.A IF there are contaminated injured personnel, THE..N perform thefollowing:1. Provide radiological support for the assessment, treatment, andtransportation of contaminated injured personnel.2. Monitor patients for contamination and decontaminate asappropriate.3. Make arrangements to pick up Rad Protection personnel at thehospital.4. Follow proper procedures to retrieve radioactive waste fromoffsite treatment locations.5. Obtain concurrence from the EPM prior to releasing the hospital'sRadiological Emergency Room or the ambulance for uncontrolleduse.2.13 Emergency Exposure Control:A. IF emergency exposure controls are implemented, THEN maintainindividual emergency exposures as follows:1. Give EPM the recommendation for the ERO Dose Limits to beraised to 5 Rem.2. IF individuals are required to receive greater than 5 Rememergency exposures, THEN complete EP-4-ALL, ExposureAuthorization Form AND request per mission from EPM authorizingexposure in excess of 5 Rem. ATTACHMENT 9.9Sheet 7 of 8RADIOLOGICAL COORDINATOR2.0 Continuous Responsibilitv/Activitv (Cont'd)NoeB. An RP Technician escort is required for any team being sent into anarea where any of the following conditions exist:1. Radiological conditions are unknown. Surveys or ARMs may beused to predict radiological conditions.2. Radiation field in excess of 1 R/hr is expected.3. In the event of any release of radioactivity to the environment.2.14 IF individuals receive or are expected to receive radioiodine uptakes > 5REM ODE thyroid dose or a General Emergency has been declared,THEN:A. Control the issuance of KI to onsite emergency workers as follows:1. Discuss issuance of KI with Radiological Assessment Coordinatorin the EOF.2. Get approval of the EPM for issuance of KI.3. Direct team members to read Patient Package Insert prior to*taking KI (see EP-8-ALL, KI Instructions/Briefing Form forsample).4. Recommend emergency workers to take one KI tablet per day.Refer to site specific procedure for location of KI.5. Record KI issuance information on EP-8-ALL, KIInstructions/Briefing Form.6. Select and announce appropriate locations (TSC, OSC, etc.) forall ERO members inside the Protected Area to report fordistribution of KI.7. Notify the Assembly Area Coordinator(s) to issue KI to personnelin the assembly area(s) as necessary.B. Evaluate iodine uptakes for persons issued KI, informing contractedmedical representatives of KI issuance.2.15 Direct the decontamination efforts of personnel, equipment, and onsiteareas as appropriate.2.16 Ensure that appropriate bioassay procedures have been implementedfor onsite personnel when a radioactivity incident has occurred. ATTACHMENT 9.9Sheet 8 of 8S RADIOLOGICAL COORDINATOR2.0 Continuous ResponsibilitvlActivitv (Cont'd) Notes.2.17 Ensure adequate personnel, materials and supplies are available forassigned missions.A. Obtain needed materials from normal station supply locations.B. IF additional personnel or supplies are needed, THEN request anymaterials, supplies, or personnel needs from the OSC3 Managerand/or EQE Administration and Logistics C3oordinator.3.0 Closeout Activity3.1 Review all documentation maintained during the emergency.A. Verify that logs, forms and other documentation are complete.B. Verify that any equipment and procedure problems noted during theevent are documented so that proper actions can be taken to correctthem.3.2 IF radiological conditions allow, THEN direct Rad ProtectionTechnicians:A. To return emergency equipment to proper storage areas and restocksupplies as needed.B. Review radiological conditions in the plant and update postings asrequired.C3. Review any open RWPs to ensure conditions have not changed thatmay affect their use.3.3 Provide all logs and records to the TSC Manager upon termination of theemergency and entry into the Recovery Phase. ATTACHMENT 9.10Sheet 1 of 5SECURITY COORDINATORSecurity Coordinator Name:__________________ Date:1.0 Initial Responsibility/Activitv*1.1 Initial Orientation.A. Upon arrival at the TSC:1. Card in the accountability readers (as required) and/or sign in onEP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form.2. Sign in on the TSC staffing board.3. Obtain the "Security Coordinator" Binder & ID Badge.1.2 Assume the position of Security Coordinator.A. IF the TSC has NOT been declared operational, THEN:1. Report readiness status to the TSC Manager when prepared toassume the Security Coordinator position.B. IF relieving another Security Coordinator, THEN perform a formalturnover with the current Security Coordinator:1. Obtain the Security Coordinator's position binder and reviewany documents used.2. Review facility log.3. Obtain a briefing from the acting Security Coordinator on theemergency, plant conditions and any actions that have beencompleted or are in progress.4. Relieve the current Security Coordinator.C. Inform the TSC Manager and TSC staff that you are now the SecurityCoordinator.D. Perform a communication check with the CAS and SAS andinform them that you are the Security Coordinator and how youcan be contacted.E. Perform a communications check with the OSC (as necessary) andEOF Security post personnel (as necessary).Notes ATTACHMENT 9.10Sheet 2 of 5SECURITY COORDINATOR1.0 Initial ResponsibilitylActivity ((3ont'd) Notes1.3 IF NOTQ already performed, THE..N perform the following:A. Have all visitors leave the plant site at an Alert or higherclassification.1. Notify the TSC3 Manager this has been done.B. Secure site access at a Site Area Emergency or GeneralEmergency classification.1. Notify the TSC3 Manager this has been done.C3. Initial Accountability.1. Designate a Lead Accountability Officer (LAO) and verify thatthe accountability card readers are active.2. IF the event has been classified as a Site Area Emergency orGeneral Emergency AN__D Initial Accountability has NOT beenperformed, THEN immediately perform accountability inaccordance with site specific procedures.0. Continuous Accountability.1. Assign an Accountability Coordinator.2. Report readiness to conduct accountability to the EPM. Utilizethe Accountability Coordinator to assist in accountability.3. Direct the Accountability Coordinator to support monitoring ofthe Accountability Card Readers while ERO members arecarding into the TSC3 (OS(0), direct them to verify badges areproperly read by the Accountability Card Reader and to log thename and badge number on EP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form of anyone having difficulty carding in.4. Inform the EPM and TSC (OSC) staff that y~ou are overseeingthe function of Accountability. ATTACHMENT 9.10Sheet 3 of 5SECURITY COORDINATOR2.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activity Notes2.1 Maintain personnel accountability in the TSC.A. IF you leave the area, THEN:1. Inform the TSC Manager of destination and expected return.2. Inform the TSC Manager of return.(a) Upon return, obtain a briefing on any events that have occurredwhile away.2.2 Maintain a log.A. Use webEOC or if unavailable, EP-3-ALL, Log Sheet Form tomaintain a log of significant items pertaining to the SecurityCoordinator position.B. Log when Security Coordinator duties were assumed.C. Record Security Team activities undertaken. (Sensitive orSafeguards Information from team briefing forms need not berepeated).D. Record all communications outside the Protected Area Fence.E. Record Accountability Team activities undertaken and completed.2.3 Establish and maintain communications with the TSC RadiologicalCoordinator. Review the following items as necessary.A. Radiological conditions and any protective actions for SecurityForce movements.B. Dosimetry requirements for Security Force.C. Issuance of Potassium Iodide (KI) to Security Force.2.4 Establish and maintain communications with the Security Force.Keep them updated on the following items.A. Plant conditions and actions being taken to end emergency.B. Radiological conditions, other hazards and any restrictions ofmovement.C. Implementation and status of site specific Security responseprocedures.2.5 Coordinate Security Force staffing needs with the TSC Manager andensure 24-hour staffing of the Security Force. ATTACHMENT 9.10Sheet 4 of 5SECURITY COORDINATOR2.0 Continuous Responsibilitv/Activitv Notes2.6 Coordinate the Security response to any emergency conditions withother emergency response organizations (TSCIOSCIEOFIICP) andact as designated National Incident Management System (NIMS)Liaison between the ICP and site organization. Use guidanceprovided in:A. Site specific procedures for response to Site Access Threat.B. Site specific procedures for assembly, accountability andrelocation of personnel offsite.C. Site specific procedures for responding to fire or medicalemergencies2.7 Keep the ED/EPM informed of any security contingency event thatmay be occurring and response in progress.2.8 Provide assistance in evaluating plant equipment / system(s) todetermine if malfunctions are related to sabotage.2.9 Coordinate assistance to monitoring teams by permitting access toowner controlled areas normally gated off.2.10 IF evacuation/relocation~of onsite personnel to offsite locations is calledfor, THEN:A. Coordinate with TSC Radiological Coordinator to monitor evacuationroutes as necessary.B. Ensure Security Force is aware of pending evacuation/relocation androutes to be used.C. Notify the Lead Accountability Officer (LAO) of the following:1. Pending evacuation2. Routes to beused3. Mode of transportation4. Establishment of decontamination location as necessaryD. Coordinate the evacuation/relocation efforts with the Security Forceand coordinate the dispatch of Security officers to evacuationassembly areas as necessary.1. Sound the applicable alarm (from Control Room as necessary)and make site-wide announcements.E. Keep the ED/EPM informed of evacuation accountability. ATTACHMENT 9.10 SECURITY COORDINATORATTACHMENT 9.10SECURITY COORDINATORSheet 5 of 5_2.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activity (Cont'd) Notes2.11 Provide overall coordination of offsite assistance for the security-relatedresponse.A. Interface with Offsite Law Enforcement Agencies as necessary.2.12 Establish and maintain continuous accountability.NOTE1. Initial Accountability shall be accomplished within 30 minutes of the classificationof Site Area Emergency or General Emergency. Accountability may be directedat the Alert classification (or any other time deemed necessary) at the direction ofthe Shift Manager or EPM.2. Accountability may be suspended if the safety of personnel may be jeopardizedby a security event or other event hazardous to personnel.WARN INGDuring Security Emergencies, do not evacuate personnel without permission fromSecurity (CAS/SAS).A. Accountability may be suspended if the safety of personnel may bejeopardized by a security event or other event hazardous topersonnelB. Perform or re-perform initial accountability as necessary.1. Initial accountability is accomplished by evacuation/assembly ofall non-essential personnel in locations outside of the ProtectedArea and physically accounting for all individuals who remainwithin the Protected Area. (Refer to step 2.9)2. IF the emergency classification is changed to a Site AreaEmergency or General Emergency OR if directed by the EPM,THEN establish or re-establish initial accountability in accordancewith site specific procedures.C. Ensure continuous accountability is maintained in emergencyresponse facilities and other locations where emergency responsepersonnel are located.3,0 Closeout Activity3.1 Return all equipment to proper storage locations.3.2 Provide all logs and records to the TSC (or OSC) Manager upontermination of the emergency and entry into the Recovery Phase. ATTACHMENT 9.11Sheet 1 of 4MAINTENANCE COORDINATORMaintenance Coordinator Name:_______________ Date1.0 Initial ResponsibilitvlActivity1.1 Initial Orientation.A. Upon arrival at the TSC:1. Card in the accountability readers (as required) and/or sign in onEP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form.2. Sign in on the TSC staffing board.3. Obtain the "Maintenance Coordinator' Binder & ID Badge.1.2 Assume the position of Maintenance Coordinator.A. IF the TSC has NOT been declared operational, THEN:1. Discuss with the OSC Work Control Coordinator any actionsthat have been completed or are in progress.2. Report readiness status to the TSC Manager when preparedto assume the Maintenance Coordinator position.B. IF relieving another Maintenance Coordinator, THE.N perform aformal turnover with thecurrent Maintenance Coordinator:1. Obtain the Maintenance Coordinator's position binder andreview any documents used.2. Review facility log.3. Obtain a briefing from the acting Maintenance Coordinator on theemergency, plant conditions and any actions that have beencompleted or are in progress.4. Relieve the current Maintenance Coordinator.C. Inform the TSC Manager and TSC staff you are now theMaintenance Coordinator.Notes "MAAGMNTULERNON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-610 REV. 2MANUAL REFERENCE USE PAGE 54 OF 62TECHNICAL SUPPORT CENTER (TSC) OPERATIONSATTACHMENT 9.11 MAINTENANCE COORDINATORSheet 2 of 42.0 Continuous ResponsibilitylActivity Notes2.1 Maintain personnel accountability in the TSC.A. IF you leave the area, THEN:1. Inform the TSC Manager of destination and expected return (foraccountability purposes).2. Inform the T.SC Manager of return.1. Upon return, obtain a briefing on any events that haveoccurred while away.2.2 Maintain a log.A. Use webEOC or if unavailable, EP-3-ALL, Log Sheet Form tomaintain a log of significant items pertaining to the MaintenanceCoordinator position.B. Log when Maintenance Coordinator duties were assumed.C. Ensure that chemistry sample requests are logged.2.3 Support OSC mitigation activities.A. Work with the EPM, TSC Manager and OSC Manager to providesupport to the Control Room to mitigate the effects of the event andreturn the plant to a safe condition.1. Obtain and provide operational guidance and recommendationson equipment operations.2. Obtain and identify emergency repairs that can be undertaken torestore and maintain equipment operability and plant safety.3. Look ahead for possible plant problems and solutions.4. Assist in developing emergency procedures if needed.5. Assist the Control Room, EPM, TSC Manager and OSC Managerin planning and preparing for any OSC maintenance activitiesneeded to return the plant to a safe condition.6. Maintain manpower status to ensure OSC is adequately staffed tosupport mitigation activities.7. Maintain a list/log and status of OSC work assignments bymaintaining frequent communications with the OSC Work ControlCoordinator. ATTACHMENT 9.11Sheet 3 of 4MAINTENANCE COORDINATOR2.0 Continuous ResponsibilitvlActivity (Cont'd) Notes2.4 Assist the OSC Coordinators in preparing to send repair teams into theplant.A. Provide technical support to OSC teams, as needed.2.5 Using webEOC, open a new record from the Repair/Corrective Actionboard menu to initiate assignments to OSC teams and transmit team.A. Select the appropriate team priority using the guidance for prioritynumbering in EP-1 1-ALL, Repair & Corrective Action AssignmentForm.B. Call the Work Control Coordinator to inform of job initiation.2.6 Provide/request information as directed by the EPM.A. Inform the EPM of activities of OSC Operations personnel -Non-Licensed Operators (NLOs) in the OSC1. IF informed by the OSC of any NLOs requested to be dispatchedfrom the OSC by the Control Room, THEN notify the EPMimmediately.2. IF requested by the OSC, THEN obtain prior approval fromthe EPM for:(a) OSC request to deviate from any existing plantprocedure dealing with changing plant configuration orpersonnel safety.(b) 050 request to perform an action that would normallyrequire a procedure but no procedure exists.B. Inform the EPM and/or the SM of changing situations in theplant based on information received from OSC teams in thefield.2.7 Assist in clarifying OSC/TSC information to the EngineeringCoordinator. -Etgy MANUAL REFERENCE USE PAGE 56 OF 62TECHNICAL SUPPORT CENTER (TSC) OPERATIONSATTACHMENT 9.11 MAINTENANCE COORDINATORSheet 4 of 43.0 Closeout Activity Notes3.1 Assist TSC personnel in returning all equipment to proper storagelocations.3.2 Review all documentation maintained during the emergency.A. Verify that logs, forms and other documentation are complete.B. Verify that all tasks performed that deviated from normal stationprocedures are properly documented so that necessary actions canbe undertaken for continuous plant operation or recovery operation~s.3.3 Provide all logs and records to the TSC Manager upon termination of theemergency and entry into the Recovery Phase. ATTACHMENT 9.12 ENS COMMUNICATORSheet 1 of 3ENS COMMUNICATORSheet I of 3ENS Communicator Name:__________________ Date1,0 Initial Responsibility/Activity1 .1 Initial Orientation.A. Upon arrival at the TSC:1. Card in the accountability readers (as required) and/or sign in onEP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form.2. Sign in on the TSC staffing board.3. Obtain the "ENS Communicator" Binder & ID Badge.1.2 Assume the position of ENS Communicator.A. IF the TSC has NOT been declared operational, THEN:1. Verify the TSC plant data electronic displays are on andoperational and adjust for viewing as necessary.2. Verify that the TSC NRC ENS phone is operational by checkingfor dial tone.3. Review facility electronic displays, plant data and any otheravailable information to become familiar with current plantconditions.4. Report readiness status to the TSC Manager when prepared toassume the ENS Communicator position.B. IF relieving another ENS Communicator, THE.N perform a formalturnover with the current ENS Communicator:1. Obtain the ENS Communicator's position binder and review anydocuments used.2. Review facility log.3. Obtain a briefing from the acting ENS Communicator on theemergency, plant conditions and any actions that have beencompleted or are in progress.4. Relieve the current ENS Communicator.C. Inform the TSC Manager and TSC staff you are now filling the dutiesof the ENS Communicator.Notes ATTACHMENT 9.12Sheet 2 of 3ENS COMMUNICATOR1.0 Initial Responsibility/Activity (Cont'd) Notes1.3 IF NOT already performed, THEN perform the following steps:A. Contact the Control Room Communicator and receive a turnover onNRC communications activities.B. Establish contact with the NRC Operations Center on the NRC ENSphone using the guidance in Attachment 9.13, ENS CommunicationsGuidance.2.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activity2.1 Maintain personnel accountability in the TSC.A. IF you leave the area, THEN:1. Inform the TSC Manager of destination and expected return.2. Inform the TSC Manager of return.(a) Upon return, obtain a briefing on any events that have occurredwhile away.2.2 Maintain a log.A. Use webEOC-or if unavailable, EP-3-ALL, Log Sheet Form tomaintain a log of significant items pertaining to the ENS Communicatorposition.B. Log when ENS Communicator duties were assumed.C. Log all significant communications with the NRC, TSC staff and otherERO members outside the TSC.2.3 Assist the Engineering Coordinator as necessary in obtaining plant data.2.4 Provide information to the NRC Operations Center as requested.A. Use the ENS phone to transmit information.B. Refer to the guidance in Attachment 9.13, ENS CommunicationsGuidance.C. IF the NRC requests an open, continuous ENS communicationschannel (ENS phone), THEN continuously maintain the ENSphone.1. Use Attachment 9.13, ENS Communications Guidance.2. Request support as necessary form the Operations Coordinator inproviding information. ATTACHMENT 9.12Sheet 3 of 3ENS COMMUNICATOR2.0 Continuous ResponsibilitvlActivitv (Cont'd) !_ Notes2.5 Keep the Emergency Plant Manager informed of the status of NRCcommunications (requests being made, questions asked, etc.)3.0 Closeout Activity3.1 Assist TSC personnel in returning all equipment to proper storagelocations.3.2 Review all documentation maintained during the emergency.A. Verify that logs, forms and other documentation are complete.3.3 Log off P~s as necessary.3.4 Provide all logs and records to the TSC Manager upon termination of theemergdncy and entry into the Recovery Phase. ATTACHMENT 9.13 ENS COMMUNICATIONS GUIDANCEATTACHMENT 9.13ENS COMMUNICATIONS GUIDANCESheet I of 31.Establish contact with the NRC Operations Center on the NRC ENS phone by:A. Lifting the receiverB. After receiving dial tone, dial the first number listed below using all 11 digits.1. IF the first number is busy, THEN use the second, etc.1-301 -816-51001-301-951-05501-301-415-0550C. Ask to be placed on the ENS Conference Bridge.NOTE1. In an emergency, the initial contact with the NRC is through the HeadquartersOperations Officer (HOO). The HOO also maintains the official log to document thetime the NRC event notifications are received. When the incident response center ismanned, the incident response center personnel recommend that the ENSCommunicators ask if the HOO is on the line when making notification of classificationor protective action recommendation updates to ensure the correct time is officiallyrecorded.2. NRC considers every event a potential security event until it is confirmed otherwise.The NRC may patch the ENS line through to a Security Counterpart Link during anyevent, and the NRC Safeguards personnel may ask to speak to plant Securitymanagement.2. Provide information directly to the NRC as requested, except information regardingdecisions in progress and not yet finalized.A. Information obtained from status boards, previously approved notification forms andother TSC personnel (including changes in classification and Protective ActionRecommendations) do NOTI require approval prior to transmittal.B. NRC Form-361 may be used to organize and collect information for the NRC.I. IF NRC Form-361 is used, THEN care should be taken to ensure that the use ofthis form does not slow the free flow of information about the emergencycondition to the NRC. ATTACHMENT 9.13Sheet 2 of 3ENS COMMUNICATIONS GUIDANCE3. Potential questions that may be asked by the NRC:A. What is the status of the fuel?B. What are you doing to protect the fuel?C. What is the status of safety systems?0. How many Reactor Coolant Pumps do you have?E. Is there an offsite release?F. What is the source of the release?G. What are you doing to secure the release?H. What protective actions are you taking for plant personnel and the general public?I. What is the status of evacuating/sheltering of local offsite areas?J. What are steam generator pressures?K. What are Core Exit Thermocouple temperatures?L. Is the core covered?M. What are your plans to restore the plant to normal operations?N. 'What is the potential to escalate to a higher emergency classification?0. Have the local government agencies been notified?P. What are the licensee's current top priorities for the station?Q. Are there significant uncertainties about any aspect of the event (e.g., is thesituation improving or degrading)?R. Does the licensee need help from the NRC or other Federal agencies?S. Is the licensee having any communication or staffing problems?T. (Security Event Related): Has the facility sustained significant damage (includingthe central and secondary alarm stations), damage to the physical security featuresor security force, or loss of licensed materials?U. (Security Event Related): What are the sources and status of offsite emergencyassistance (e.g., local law enforcement, State, Federal (especially Federal Bureauof Investigation), National Guard)? NULEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED E N-EP-610 REV. 2~Etry MANUAGEEN REFERENCE USE "PAGE 62 OF 62TECHNICAL SUPPORT CENTER (TSC) OPERATIONSATTACHMENT 9.13 ENS COMMUNICATIONS GUIDANCESheet 3 of 3V. (Security Event Related): Is additional Federal assistance required (e.g., personnel,material, communications)?W. (Security Event Related): What compensatory measures have been implemented(e.g., temporary barriers, relocation of responders)?4. Although NOT required (with the exception of commitments), it is desirable, if timepermits, to record (or summarize) contacts with the NRC in webEOC or in a facility log.A. Document and track any commitments made to the NRC.B. Ensure all commitments made are discussed with NRC prior to event closeout.5. IF the NRC requests the NRC Health Physics Network (HPN) Line to be manned,THEN inform the Radiological Coordinator. ATTACHMENT 9.1 10OCFR50.54(q) SCREENINGSheet 1 of 3Procedure/Document Number: EN-EP-61 0 Revision: 2Equipment/Facility/Other: Rive~r Bend StationTitle: Technical Support Center (TSC) OperationsPart I. Description of Activity Being Reviewed (event or action, or series of actions that may result in a changeto the emergency plan or affect the implementation-of the emergency plan):This change issues fleet procedure EN-EP-61 0, Technical Support Center (TSC) Operations, Rev. 2 for use by the RBSemergency response organization.Part I!. Activity Previously Reviewed? DYES [] NOIs this activity fully bounded by an NRC approved 10 CFR 50.90 submittal or 50.54(q)(3) Continue toAlert and Notification System Design Report? Evaluation is next partNOT required.EnterIf YES, identif~y bounding source document number/approval reference and justificationensure the basis for concluding the source document fully bounds the below and -proposed change is documented below: complete vI. _ _ _ _ _Justification:LI Bounding document attached (optional)Part Ill. Applicability of Other Regulatory Change Control ProcessesCheck if any other regulatory change processes control the proposed activity.(Refer to EN-LI-i100)NOTE: For example, when a design change is the proposed activity, consequential actions may include changes toother documents which have a different change control process and are NOT to be included in this 50.54(q)(3)Screening.APPLICABILITY CONCLUSION[] If there are no controlling change processes, continue the 50.54(q)(3) Screening.LI One or more controlling change processes are selected, however, some portion of the activity involves theemergency plan or affects the implementation of the emergency plan; continue the 50.54(q)(3) Screening for that portionof the activity. Identify the applicable controlling change processes below.LI One or more controlling change processes are selected and fully bounds all aspects of the activity. 50.54(q)(3) ,Evaluation is NOT required. Identify controlling change processes below and complete Part VI.CONTROLLING CHANGE PROCESSES10OGFR50.54(q)Part IV. Editorial Change D--YES []NO50.54(q)(3) Continue to nextIs this activity an editorial or typographical change such as formatting, paragraph Evaluation is partnumbering, spelling, or punctuation that does not change intent? NOT required.J ustification: Enterjustification and"No" is checked because there are changes in this revision that are not editorial, complete Part" -VI.Part V. Emergency Planning Element/Function Screen (Associated 10 CFR 50.47(b) planning standard function0654/FEMA REP-I Section II?1. Responsibility for emergency response is assigned. [1] [2. The response organization has the staff to respond and to augment staff on a continuing basis (24/7 []staffing) in accordance with the emergency plan. [1]3. The process ensures that on shift emergency response responsibilities are staffed and assigned. [2] LI4. The process for timely augmentation of onshift staff is established and maintained. [2] LIEN-EP-305 REV 3 ATTACHMENT 9.1 10OCFR50.54(q) SCREENINGSheet 2 of 3ProcedurelDocument Number: EN-EP-610 Revision: 2EquipmentlFacilitylOther: River Bend StationTitle: Technical Support Center (TSC) Operations5. Arrangements for requesting and using off site assistance have been made. [3] U]6. State and local staff can be accommodated at the EOF in accordance with the emergency plan. [3] [7. A standard scheme of emergency classification and action levels is in use. [4] U]8. Procedures for notification of State and local governmental agencies are capable of alerting them of U]the declared emergency within 15 minutes after" declaration of an emergency and providing follow-up notifications. [5]9. Administrative and physical means have been established for alerting and providing prompt U]instructions to the public within the plume exposure pathway. [5] ___10. The public ANS meets the design requirements of FEMA-REP-1 0, Guide for Evaluation of Alert and U]Notification Systems for Nuclear Power Plants, or complies with the licensee's FEMA-approved ANSdesign report and supporting FEMA approval letter. [5]11. Systems are established for prompt communication among principal emergency response U]organizations. [6] ___12. Systems are established for prompt communication to emergency response personnel. [6] U]13. Emergency preparedness information is made available to the public on a periodic basis within the U]plume exposure pathway emergency planning zone (EPZ). [7] ___14. Coordinated dissemination of public information during emergencies is established. [7] U15. Adequate facilities are, maintained to support emergency response. [8] U]16. Adequate equipment is maintained to support emergency response. [8] U]17. Methods, systems, and equipment for assessment of radioactive releases are in use. [9] U]18. A range of public PARs is available for implementation during emergencies. [10] U]19. Evacuation time estimates for the population located in the plume exposure pathway EPZ are U]available to support the formulation of PARs and have been provided to State and localgovernmental authorities. [10]20. A range of protective actions is available for plant emergency workers during emergencies, including U]those for hostile action events.[1 0121. The resources for controlling radiological exposures for emergency workers are established. [11] U]22. Arrangements are made for medical services for contaminated, injured individuals. [12] [23. Plans for recovery and reentry are developed. [13] U]24. A drill and exercise program (including radiological, medical, health physics and other program U]areas) is established. [14] ___25. Drills, exercises, and training evolutions that provide performance opportunities to develop, U]maintain, and demonstrate key skills are assessed via a formal critique process in order to identifyweaknesses. [14]26. Identified weaknesses are corrected. [14] U..... [27. Training is provided to emergency responders. [15] U]28. Responsibility for emergency plan development and review is established. [16] U]29. Planners responsible for emergency plan development and maintenance are properly trained. [16] U]EN-EP-305 REV 3 ATTACHMENT 9.1 10OCFR50.54(q) SCREENINGSheet 3 of 3ProcedureiDocument Number: EN-EP-610 Revision: 2Equipment/FacilitylOther: River Bend StationTitle: Technical Support Center (TSC) OperationsAPPLICABILITY CONCLUSION[] If no Part V criteria are checked, a 50.54(q)(3) Evaluation is NOT required; document the basis for conclusion belowand complete Part VI.C] If any Part V criteria are checked, complete Part VI and perform a 50.541(q)(3) Evaluation.BASIS FOR CONCLUSIONEntergy ERO responsibilities are outlined in EN-EP-801, Emergency Response Organization. These responsibilitieswere added to EIP-2-01 8 rev. 33 as part of implementation of the Fleet Standard ERO and were previously evaluatedunder a 10CFR50.54(q)(3) performed on 12/6/10. Entergy has since developed fleet procedure EN-EP-610, TechnicalSupport Center (TSC) Operations which includes those same ERO responsibilities. This procedure revision transitionsto the new fleet procedure. EIP-2-01 8 is being maintained by RBS to address site specific actions not contained in fleetprocedure EN-EP-61 0. Existing RBS facilities and equipment are still being maintained and there are no changes to anyintent in procedure actions.Summary:* No ERO positions have been added or deleted.* Some ERO responsibilities in EIP-2-018 have been relocated to align with EN-EP-610. A 10CFR50.54(q) willbe performed concurrently as part of the EIP-2-01 8 revision. The 10OCFR50.54(q) review for the EIP-2-01 8revision will be approved prior to the implementation of EN-EP-61 0 at RBS.* The description and activation of the TSG as described in the RBS Emergency Plan has not been changed.The ability of the TSC to perform classifications, notifications, dose assessments and protective actionrecommendations will be impacted as fleet procedures EN-EP-801 and EN-EP-610 do not reflect thesecapabilities as residing in the TSC. A 10CFR50,54(q) will be performed concurrently as part of the EIP-2-018revision to remove these capabilities. The RBS Emergency Plan will also be revised and this change incapability will be reflected in E-Plan revision 42. The 10CFR50.54(q) review for E-Plan revision 42 will beapproved prior to the implementation of EN-EP-61 0 at RBS.* All site specific commitments continue to be met under the fleet procedure and the use of a site-specificprocedure.* This change does not alter the TSC structure, organization or location.The revision of the site TSC procedure (EI P-2-018) and incorporating the use of fleet TSC procedure (EN-EP-610)screens out. No further evaluation is required for this revision.Part VI. Signatures:Preparer Name (Print) //T'parer~i a(ia(0re -__,_ Date:John Hurst i12-7-15(Optional Reviewer Name (Print) (. Reiwegnt Date:ReviwerNam IDate:EP manager or designee EN-EP-305 REV 3 Procedure Contains NMM ECH eB REFLIB Forms: YES II NO []Procedure Revision Type: New LI NON-Editorial [] Editorial III TC El Cancellation ElHQNMayAnWloEffective Procedure Owner: Dean Burnett Governance Owner:MayAnWloDae Title: Director, Emergency Title: Director, EmergencyDae Site: Programs Site: Programs1/27/2016 IHQN HQNSite Site Procedure Champion TitleANO NA NABRP N/A N/ACNS N/A N/AGGNS Jeffrey Seiter Manager, EPIPEC Lori Glander Manager, EPJAF James Jones Manager, EPPLP Dan Malone Manager, EPPNPS N/A N/ARBS Tim Schenk N/AVY N/A N/AW3 N/A N/AHQN Tim Garvey Project Manager, EPFor site implementation dates see ECH eB REFLIB using site tree view (Navigation panel)Site and NMM Procedures Canceled or Superseded By This RevisionProcess Applicability Exclusion: All Sites: liiSpecific Sites: ANO LI BRP El GGNS El IPECE] JAF El PLP El PNPS[-] RBS El VY El W3 El Change StatementRevision 2:* Implements the fleet standard Operations Support Center Operations procedure Palisades, IndianPoint, ANO and RBS.* Added Note to the procedure's Purpose that allows the procedure to be used at the backup/alternateOSC as applicable.* Added Form Number (EP-#-ALL) before all Forms referenced in the procedure.* In the Table of Contents, deleted reference to Attachment 9.7, which does not exist.* In Section 8.0 added Palisades' and River Bend's Site Specific Commitment.* Added guidance to the OSC Manager's checklist to coordinate with the EOF Admin & LogisticsCoordinator for call-out of additional staff as required.* Added guidance to the OSC Manager's checklist to use EP-1 4-ALL for facility briefs.* Clarified guidance in the OSC Manager's checklist regarding coordination with the EOF Admin &Logistics Coordinator regarding materials and supplies that are not available on site.* Clarified guidance in the Operations Support checklist regarding turnover of responsibility forOperations Team dispatch from the Control Room.* Grammatical correction in the Work Control Coordinator's checklist for clarification regarding logkeeping.* Added guidance to the Rad/Chem Coordinator's checklist to obtain current plant status from the shiftRadiation Protection personnel.* Clarified guidance in the Rad/Chem Coordinator's checklist regarding log keeping.* Clarified guidance in the Work Control Coordinator's checklist regarding communications with the TSCon team assignments.*Added guidance to the Rad/Chem Coordinator's checklist to deploy onsite radiation monitoring teamsto survey radiation levels and samPle for contamination.* Added guidance to the Rad/Chem Coordinator's checklist to ensure habitability of the OSC.* Deleted a duplicate step in the Rad/Chem Coordinator's checklist.Associated PRHQN #: PR-PRHQN-201 5-00505 /Procedure Writer: T. GreContains Proprietary Information: YES iii NO [] TABLE OF CONTENTSSection Title Paae1.0 PURPOSE..................................................................
.............................................................. 43.0 DEFINITIONS .............................................................. 44.0 RESPONSIBILITIES ....................................................... 45.0 DETAILS..........................,.......................................... 46.0 INTERFACES .............................................................. 57.0 RECORDS.................................................................. 58.0 SITE SPECIFIC COMMITMENTS ........................................ 59.0 ATTACHMENTS ........................................................... 6ATTACHMENT 9.1 OSC MANAGER ......................................................7ATTACHMENT 9.2 OSC OPERATIONS SUPPORT.................................... 14ATTACHMENT 9.3 WORK CONTROL COORDINATOR.....".................... ........ 17ATTACHMENT 9.4 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICALJI&C COORDINATORS.......... 21ATTACHMENT 9.5 RAD/CHEM COORDINATOR... ................................... 24ATTACHMENT 9.6 OSC LOG KEEPER ............... .. ............................. 29 1.0 PURPOSENOTEThis procedure may be used for activation and operations at the backup/alternate OSC asapplicable.[1] To describe the activation and operation of the OPERATIONS SUPPORT CENTER(OSC)
[1] Site Emergency Plans[2] Site Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures3.0 DEFINITIONS[1] Activation -Actions taken to staff and setup an emergency response facility to make itoperational. Actions include but are not limited to notification of emergency personnel,equipment setup and equipment operability testing.[2] Operational -Status of an emergency facility declared by the appropriate facilitymanager upon determining that the facility is adequately staffed and equipment issetup and available to assume/perform the emergency functions assigned to thatfacility.4.0 RESPONSIBILITIES[1] The entire staff of the Operations Support Center (OSC) is responsible for activationand operation of the facility using this procedure, their position specific checklists andapplicable site specific performance aides.5.0 DETAILSNOTEThe actions of this procedure may be completed in any sequence, however, the sequencepresented is recommended.[1] The OSC is required to be activated at the declaration of an Alert, Site AreaEmergency and General Emergency.[2] The OSC Manager follows the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.1, OSC Manager.[3]1 The OSC Operations Support follows the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.2,Operations Support. [4] The Work Control Coordinator follows the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.3,Work Control Coordinator.[5] The Mechanical and Electrical/l&C Coordinators follow the instructions outlined inAttachment 9.4, Mechanical and Electrical/l&C Coordinators[6] The Rad/Chem Coordinator follows the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.5,RadlChem Coordinator.[7] The OSC Log Keeper follows~the instructions outlined Attachment 9.6, OSC LogKeeper.[8] Other shift personnel and additional support personnel assemble at the OSC toprovide assistance as necessary.6.0 INTERFACES[I] EN-AD-i103, Document Control & Records Management Programs[2] EN-EP-601, Corporate Emergency Center Operations[3] EN-LI-I102, Corrective Action Process[4] EN-NS-1 02, Fitness for Duty Program[5] EN-FAP-OM-012, Notifications of Off-Normal Situations / Corporate Duty ManagerResponsibilities[6] EN-EP-609, Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) Operations[7] EN-EP-61 0, Technical Support Center (TSC) Operations7.0 RECORDSAny logs or forms completed by members of the ERO during an actual declaredemergency are permanent quality records and are maintained in accordance withEN-AD-i103.8.0 SITE SPECIFIC COMMITMENTSStep Site Document Commitment Number________________________ or ReferenceGGNS GNRO-97/001 13.97-15-01 .ITEMI P-331 88GGNS GGNS Emergency Plan 7.3.2 $1 P-289155.0 [8] GGNS GGNS Emergency Plan 7.3.2 S4 P-28916______GGNS GGNS Emergency Plan 7.3.2 $6 P28917_____ PAL NRC Inspection Report 93-07 CMT9320021 14____ RBS _____________P-i15578 OPERATIONS SUPPORT CENT]9.0 ATTACHMENTS9.1 OSC Manager9.2 Operations Support9.3 Work Control Coordinator9.4 Mechanical and Electrical/l&C Coordinator9.5 Rad/Chem Coordinator9.6 OSC Log Keeper NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-.EP-611 REV. 2Efltrgy' MANAGEMENTMANUAL REFERENCE USE PAGE 7 OF 30OPERATIONS SUPPORT CENTER (OSC) OPERATIONSATTACHMENT 9.1 OSC MANAGERSheet I of 7OSC Manager Name:_________________ Date:____1.0 Initial Responsibilitv/Activity NotesNOTEThe ERO should take appropriate actions necessary to mitigate the eventregardless of facility manning or status.1.1 Initial OrientationA. Upon arrival at the OSC:1. Card in the accountability readers and/or sign in on EP-7-ALL,Facility Sign-InfAccountability Form2. Sign in on the OSC staffing board3. Obtain the OSC Manager Binder & ID Badge.B. Review electronic displays, plant data, status boards and any otheravailable information to become familiar with current plant conditions.C. Obtain a briefing from the Emergency Plant Manager (EPM):1. Plant conditions ,2. Equipment Status3. Actions being taken (any repair/Operations personnelcurrently in the field)4. Team requirements for actions planned but not yetinitiated.1.2 Assume the Position of OSC ManagerA. IF the OSC has NOT been declared operational, THEN:* SEtry NUCLEAR NON-QUALTY RELATED EN-EP-611EV2MANUAL REFERENCE USE PAGE 8 OF 30OPERATIONS SUPPORT CENTER (OSC) OPERATIONSATTACHMENT 9.1 OSC MANAGERSheet 2 of 7Initial Responsibility1Activity (cont.) NotesNOTE:Typical minimum staffing needed to declare OSC Operational. The Site'sstaffing requirements may differ as needed to address site specificrequirements.* OSC Manager* Rad/Chem Coordinator* Maintenance (craft), RP and Chemistry personnel (the appropriate staff toperform the facilities key functional areas for the event).NOTE:During a Security Event only personnel and facilities necessary to mitigate theemergency situation should be activated. The OSC may be declaredoperational without all key members being present. This will be determined bythe most senior person in the facility.1. Verify the minimum OSC staffing is present.(a) IF additional personnel are needed or positions arevacant THEN direct someone to fill vacancies inaccordance with EP-10-ALL, Filling an ERO VacancyDuring Facility Activation I Operation Form.2. Ensure communication is available for the dispatching of teamsvia verbal concurrence by the Work Control Coordinator or theMechanical and/or the Electricalll&C Coordinator.3. Ensure communication is available to the Control Room viaverbal concurrence by the Operation Support personnel.4. Ensure radiological monitoring capabilities are available in theOSC via verbal concurrence by the Rad/Chem Coordinator.5. Ensure the OSC is ready to dispatch required teams andmaintain radiological onsite assessment.6. When the OSC is ready, contact the Control' Room and requesta complete listing of personnel currently performing tasks fromthe Control Room.7. Ensure the Control Room listing 'of personnel/tasks is providedto the Work Control Coordinator or the Mechanical and/orElectrical/l&C Coordinator. ATrACHMENT 9.1 OSC MANAGERSheet 3 of 7Initial Responsibility/Activity (cont.) Notes8. WHEN minimum staffing for the OSC is met AND Steps 2through 7 above are complete, THEN declare the OSCoperational and record in WebEOC or on EP-3-ALL, Log SheetForm.9. Make an announcement to the OSC and inform the CR, TSCand EOF that the OSO is operational.10. Consider assignment and preparation of a search and rescueteam to expedite dispatch if needed.11. Perform an initial briefing for the OSC staff using EP-2-ALL,Essential Information Form.B. IF relieving another OSC Manager THEN perform a formalturnover with the current OSC Manager.1. Obtain the OSC Manager's position binder/badge and reviewany documents used.2. Review facility log.3. Obtain a briefing from the acting OSC Manager on theemergency, plant conditions and any actions that have beencompleted or are in progress.4. Relieve the current OSC Manager.5. Announce to the OSC, TSC, CR, and EOF that you are now theOSC Manager.2.0 Continuous Responsibilitv/Activity2.1 Direct the activities of the OSCA. Coordinate and/or prioritize assessment and corrective actions with theTSC.B. Ensure work task priorities are being maintained.C. Keep OSC Coordinators updated on pending assignments.-D. IF multiple pre-assignment briefs are to occur simultaneously,THEN instruct the Coordinators to use other areas of the OSC toconduct briefings.E. Ensure OSC staff members are following appropriate procedures. ATT'ACHMENT 9.1 OSC MANAGERSheet 4 of 7Continuous ResponsibilitylActivity (cont.) Notes2.2 Maintain personnel accountability in the 0S0A. Ensure all ERO members reporting to the 0S0 swipe their SecurityBadge at one of the Accountability Card Readers or sign in onEP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-I n/Accountability Form.B. IF you leave the area, THEN:1. Assign the Work Control Coordinator to fulfill your responsibility.2. Upon your return, obtain a briefing from the Work ControlCoordinator on any events that occurred while you were away.2.3 Maintain Adequate OSC StaffingA. Ensure an adequate number of personnel are available for Repairand Corrective Action Teams.B. Coordinate shift scheduling with EOF Admin and LogisticsCoordinator.1 With assistance from OSC Coordinators, ensure those personnelrequired for the second shift are available and do not have otheremergency response duties.2. Ensure second shift personnel are notified of their assignmentsand time of shift turnover.C. Upon direction from the ED reduce staffing per shift schedule.D. Continually assess the need for additional personnel.E. Coordinate with the EOF Administration and Logistics Coordinatorfor call-out of additional staff as required.2.4 Maintain a LogA. Ensure the OSC Log Keeper is maintaining a log:1. Log when you assume the duties of the OSC Manager and OSCactivation.2. Log significant decisions and important details used to makedecisions.3. Log significant communications with other members of the EROand offsite officials.4. Log the dispatch of teams.B. Periodically review log for accuracy. A'T-ACHMENT 9.1Sheet 5 of 7OSC MANAGERContinuous Responsibility/Activity (Cont'd) Notes2.5 Assign an individual to monitor inter-facility communications between theControl Room, TSC and EQE as necessary2.6 Prepare and Facilitate Facility BriefingsA. Coordinate with the TSC Manager, as appropriate, to schedule periodicfacility briefings:1. Briefings should be every 30-60 minutes or as conditions change.2. Make an announcement approximately 5 minutes before the actualbriefing that a briefing will be conducted, if possible.B. Use EP-1 4-ALL, Briefing Form and EP-2-ALL, Essential InformationForm for periodic briefs.C. Direct key staff to provide information needed for the briefing, ifnecessary.D. Conduct briefing and ensure information provided in the briefing iscaptured and appropriately documented by the OSC Log Keeper.2.7 Supervise the activities of the OSC Coordinators and teampersonnel.A. The EPM is responsible for overall control of the onsiteemergency response. Obtain EPM concurrence prior to directingany actions that may affect the operability of a plant system.B. Coordinate activities of operations personnel in the OSC with theOperations Support and the Control Room.C. Inform the EPM immediately of any operations teams requested tobe dispatched from- the OSC by the Control Room.D. Maintain adequate personnel and material resources for the onsiteresponse.E. Assign tasks to OSC Coordinators. EP-6-ALL, Team TrackingForm, may be used to track task assignments if WebEOC isunavailable.F. Keep the Work Control Coordinator, OSC Coordinators, and TeamMembers informed of the overall focus of the emergency, taskpriorities and existing radiological conditions. ATTACHMENT 9.1 ,OSC MANAGERSheet 6 of 7Continuous Res ponsibility/Activity (cont. NotesG. Remind the Work Control Coordinator and OSC Coordinators tomaintain an awareness of the activities and concerns of OSC teammembers.H. Verify that the Work Control Coordinator is maintaining currentstatus as new tasks are assigned, old tasks completed, and aspriorities are changed.I. Interact wit~h the OSC Coordinators and clarify anyconcerns/questions regarding plant or equipment status.J. Prioritize team dispatch with EPM.K. Ensure the EPM/CRIEOF ED are notified when the team(s) aredispatched.L. Coordinate development of emergency repair and corrective actionswith the TSC Manager and the Ops Support personnel.2.8 Request assistance from the EOF Administration andLogistics Coordinator for materials and supplies not availableon site as required.2.9 Obtain approval from the EPM prior to deviating from any existing plantprocedure dealing with changing plant configuration or personnelsafety.2.10 Obtain approval from the EPM prior to performing an action that wouldnormally require a procedure but no procedure exists.2.11 Ensure timely dispatch of search and rescue teams.A. Coordinate the search and rescue activities in accordance with sitespecific procedures.B. Instruct search and rescue teams not to move an incapacitatedvictim without a Medical Representative or qualified First Responderunless the potential harm from radiation or other hazards outweighsthe potential harm of moving the victim.2.12 Inform the EPM of changing situations in the plant based on informationreceived from teams out in the field.2.13 IF conditions require an emergency radiation exposure and/or issuance ofKI, THEN obtain EPM approval prior to the emergency radiation exposureand/or issuance of KI to OSC personnel.A. Use EP-8-ALL, KI Instructions/Briefing Form if required. A'i-IACHMENT 9.1 OSC MANAGERSheet 7 of 7Continuous ResponsibilitvlActivity (cont'd.) Notes2.14 Additional/Long Term Emergency ResponseA. Support/coordinate with the Administration and Logistics Coordinatorto ensure that manpower planning is being conducted to provide forresponse efforts over an extended period.B. Depending upon the duration of the emergency, coordinate with theAdministration and Logistics Coordinator to make arrangements forfood and potable water delivery to all emergency response centers,including off-site teams.2.15 Evacuation of OSCA. IF it becomes necessary to evacuate or relocate the 0SC, THENnotify the EPM, EOF and Control Room.B. Ensure OSC staff completes the following:1. Bring their position books and any other required documents.2. Bring any required equipment -radios, satellite phones, etc.C. Refer to the applicable site specific performance aides for guidanceregarding set up and operations of the backup/alternate OSC3.0 Closeout Activity3.1 Direct 0S0 personnel to return all equipment to proper storagelocations.3.2 Collect all documentation:A. Direct 0S0 staff to verify that logs, forms and other documentationare complete.B. Verify that all repairs performed by oSC Teams which deviatedfrom normal station procedures are properly documented, so thatnecessary actions can be taken for continuous plant operations orplant recovery operations.3.3 Provide all logs and records to the EP Manager upon termination of theemergency. ATTFACHMENT 9.2 OSC OPERATIONS SUPPORTSheet I of 3Operations Support Name:__________________ Date:_____1.0 Initial Responsibility/Activity Notes1 .1 Initial OrientationA. Upon arrival at the 0S0:1. Card in the accountability readers and/or sign in onEP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-I n/Accountability Form2. Sign in on the OSC staffing board3. Obtain the Operations Support Binder & ID BadgeB. Review electronic displays, plant data, status boards and any otheravailable information to become familiar with current plant conditions.C. Obtain a briefing from the OSC Manager:1. Plant conditions2. Equipment Status3. Actions being taken (any repair/Operations personnel currentlyin the field)4. Team requirement for actions planned but not yet initiated.1.2 Assume the position of Operations SupportA. Track the dispatching of the non-license operators from the ControlRoom until released to the 0SC by establishing communicationswith the Control Room.B. Report your readiness to the OSC Manager when prepared toassume the Operations Support position.C. IF relieving another Operations Support person THEN perform aformal turnover.1. Review current logs.2. Obtain a briefing from the current Operations Support personnelon the emergency, radiological conditions and any actions that.have been completed or are in progress.3. Relieve current Operations Support person.4. Inform OSC Manager and staff that you are now the OperationsSupport person. ATTACHMENT 9.2 OSC OPERATIONS SUPPORTSheet 2 of 32.0 Continuous Res ponsibilitv/Activitv NOTES2.1 Inform an OSC Coordinator and/or the 050 Manager when temporarilyleaving the work area.A. IF you are leaving the OSC THEN:1. Inform an 050 Coordinator and/or OSC Manager when youleave, where you are going and when you expect to return.2. Inform an OSO Coordinator and/or 050 Manager when youreturn.B. Upon return, obtain a briefing on any events, which have occurredwhile away.2.2 Use WebEOC, or if unavailable, EP-3-ALL, Log Sheet Form, tomaintain a log of activities.A. Record the time you assume position of Operations Support person.B. Record Operations Team activities undertaken with information onrepairs performed and pending actions to ensure repairs arecompleted.C. Record key communications received and sent and associated time.2.3 Assist the Control Room and OSC Manager in planning and preparingfor any Operations activities needed to return the plant to a safecondition.A. Establish communications with the Control Room.B Keep the Control Room informed of field team activities currentlyunderway or that are planned.C. Coordinate operations and repair activities with the Control Room.D. Provide operational guidance to other OSC staff and in-plant teams.2.4 Participate in Team dispatch and field operations:A. Choose Operations personnel who are best qualified to conductassigned task(s) ATrACHMENT 9.2 OSC OPERATIONS SUPPORTSheet 3 of 3Continuous ResponsibilitylActivity (cont.) NotesNOTE:For urgent Operations requirements, EP-5-ALL, Team DispatchingForm, may be completed after team dispatch.B. Use EP-5-ALL, Team Dispatch Form, to prepare and document Jteam assignments. Ensure each team dispatched has a copy of theITeam Dispatching Form.C. Ensure the Team is properly equipped to conduct repairs, including*procedures, drawings, tools and repair parts.D. Participate in Team briefings to ensure team members understandassigned task and understand the hazard to be encountered.Briefings should be clear, concise, accurate and prompt.E. Ensure responsibility for dispatch of Operations Teams is turnedover to the OSC as soon as possible (e.g. no later than at Site AreaEmergency declaration).F. Keep the OSC Manager aware of all teams' progress.G. Maintain communication Capability (i.e. phone, radio) and work withthe Work Control Coordinator while the team is in the field to answerany question that may arise concerning task.H. Debrief Operations team members when they return and ensureactions are properly documented.I. Report results and status of team efforts to the OSC Manager asnecessary.J. Assist the OSC Manager as necessary.3.0 Closeout ResponsibilitvlActivitv3.1 Assist OSC personnel to return equipment to proper storage locations.3.2 Review all documentation the Operations Support person(s) maintainedduring the emergency.A. Ensure logs, forms and other documentation are complete.B. Ensure all repairs performed by OSC Operations Teams thatdeviated from normal station procedures are properly documented.C. Provide all logs and records to the OSC Manager upontermination of the emergency. ATT-ACHMENT 9.3 WORK CONTROL COORDINATORSheet 1 of 4Work Control Coordinator Name:_______________ Date1.0 Initial Responsibility/Activity1.1 Initial OrientationA. Upon arrival at the OSC:1. Card in the accountability readers and/or sign in on EP-7-ALL,Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form2. Sign in on the OSC staffing board3. Obtain the Operations Support Binder & ID BadgeB. Review electronic displays, plant data, status boards and any otheravailable information to become familiar with current plant conditions.C. Obtain a briefing from the OSC Manager:1. Plant conditions2. Equipment Status3. Actions being taken (any repair/Operations personnel currentlyin the field)4. Team .requirements for actions planned but not yet initiated.1.2 Assume the position of Work Control CoordinatorA. Obtain a briefing from the OSC Manager on the status of anypersonnel or teams currently in the field.B. Coordinate the formation, briefing/debriefing, of dispatched teams.Establish communications with field personnel and establish that theOSC has now taken control of their actions.C. Report your readiness to the OSC Manager" when prepared toassume the Work Control Coordinator position.0. IF relieving another Work Control Coordinator, THEN perform aformal turnover with the current Work Control Coordinator:1. Review current log(s).2. Obtain briefing from current Work Control Coordinator on theemergency and any actions that have been completed or are inprogress.Notes ATTACHMENT 9.3Sheet 2 of 4WORK CONTROL COORDINATORContinuous Responsibility/Activity (cont.) Notes3. Relieve current Work Control Coordinator.4. Inform OSC Manager and staff that you are now the WorkControl Coordinator.2.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activity2.1 Inform an OSC Coordinator and/or the OSC Manager when temporarilyleaving the work area.A. IF you are leaving the OSC THEN:1. Inform an OSC Coordinator and/or OSC Manager when youleave, where you are going and when you expect to return. (Foraccountability purposes)2. Inform an OSC Coordinator and/or OSC Manager when youreturn.B. Upon return, obtain a briefing on any events, which have occurredwhile away.2.2 Use WebEOC, or if unavailable, EP-1 1-ALL, Repair & Corrective ActionAssignment Form, EP-3-ALL, Log Sheet Form, and EP-6-ALL, TeamTracking Form, to maintain a log of significant items/tracking of theteams, including:A. Time you assume position of Work Control Coordinator.B. Teams dispatched from the OSC including updates when the teamstatus changes (i.e. priority, deployment status, task outcome).2.3 Maintain communications with the TSC regarding team assignmentsand priority.2.4 Issue radios (and headsets as needed) to OSC Coordinators and teamsbeing dispatched.NOTE:The headphone would normally be used when workers are dressed inProtective Clothing and/or respirators.A. Ensure that charged batteries are installed in portable radios.B. Ensure communication methodology is established and the proper(radio) communications protocol is utilized. Sheet 3 of 4WORK CONTROL COORDINATORATTACHMENT 9.3 WORK CONTROL COORDINATORSheet 3 of 4Continuous ResponsibilitylActivity (cont.) NotesC. Remind personnel using radios to check operability of their radiowhen entering any area for which communications might besuspect.2.5 Ensure ongoing accountability (unless directed otherwise) for OSCpersonnel.NOTE:A computer spreadsheet may be used in place of EP-6-ALL, TeamTracking Form, and EP-4-AII, Exposure Authorization Form, to keeprecords of teams sent into the field from the 0SC.A. Use EP-5-ALL, Team Dispatching Form, to prepare and documentteam assignments. Ensure each team dispatched has a copy of theTeam Dispatching Form.B. Track all individuals leaving OSC on EP-6-ALL, Team TrackingForm.1. IF the Computer spreadsheet is used THENJ printout copies of thespreadsheet to maintain hard copy records of team activities.C. IF individuals are going to be receiving emergency radiationexposure THEN track radiation exposures on EP-4-ALL, ExposureAuthorization Form.0. Inform the OSC Manager immediately of any missing personnel.E. IF anyone is unaccounted for THEN assist in search and rescueoperations utilizing teams.2.6 Monitor the activities of the team personnel in the field.A. Keep informed on team mission priorities1. The OSC Manager will inform you of task priorities.2. Track and communicate assigned priorities.3. Continually remind OSC personnel dispatched to perform task ofcurrent priorities and any changes to priorities.B. When possible, participate in team briefings to ensure you areaware of the team's assigned tasks and expected hazards. SEtry NUCLEAR NNQAIYRLTD EN-EP-611 REV. 2Eat ergy MANAGEMENTMANUAL REFERENCE USE PAGE 20 OF 30OPERATIONS SUPPORT CENTER (OSC) OPERATIONSATT-ACHMENT 9.3 WORK CONTROL COORDINATORSheet 4 of 4Continuous Res ponsibility/Activity (cont.) NotesC. Maintain communications with teams once they are dispatched fromthe OSO.0. Keep track of team radiation exposure while they are in the fieldusing spreadsheet or manual forms. Transfer information toEP-4-ALL, Exposure Authorization Form, when teams return.E. When possible, participate in Team Debriefings when teams returnto the OSC, to keep informed on field conditions.F. Immediately update teams of any change in emergencyclassifications or changing conditions, which may affect their safety,such as the start of a release.G. Immediately update OSC Rad/Chem Coordinator of any changing orunexpected conditions reported by teams in the field.2.7 Direct the 0S0 Log-Keeper to assist you in maintaining records asnecessary.2.8 Inform the OSC Manager and other OSO Coordinators of changingsituations in the plant based on information received from dispatchedteams.A. Unexpected radiation levels.B. Unreported hazardous conditions.C. Important equipment status.3.0 Closeout Responsibility/Activity3.1 Assist OSC personnel to return all equipment to proper storagelocations.3.2 Review all documentation the OSC Coordinators maintained during theemergency:A. Ensure logs, forms and other documentation are completeB. Work with other OSC Coordinators to ensure all repairs performedby OSC Teams that deviated from normal station procedures areproperly documented so that necessary actions can be taken forcontinuous plant operations or recovery operations.3.3 Provide all logs and records to the OSC Manager upon termination ofthe emergency. ATTACHMENT 9.4Sheet I of 3MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICALII&C COORDINATORSMechanical Coordinator Name:________________ Date:_____Electrical/l&C Coordinator Name:_______________ Date:_____1.0 Initial Responsibility/Activity Notes1.1 Initial OrientationA. Upon arrival at the OSC:1. Card in the accoL~ntability readers and/or sign in on EP-7-ALL,Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form2. Sign in on the OSC staffing board3. Obtain the Mechanical or Electrical/l&C Coordinator Binder & IDBadgeB. Review electronic displays, piant data, status boards and any otheravailable information to become familiar with current plant conditions.C. Obtain a briefing from the OSC Manager:1. Plant conditions2. Equipment Status3. Actions being taken (any repair/Operations personnel currentlyin the field)4. Team requirement for actions planned but not yet initiated.1.~2 Assume the position of Mechanical or Electrical/l&C CoordinatorA. Report readiness status to the OSC Manager when prepared toassume the Mechanical or Electrical/l&C Coordinator position.B. IF relieving another Mechanical or Electrical/l&C Coordinator, THENperform a formal turnover with the current Mechanica~l orElectrical/l&C Coordinator:1. Review current log(s).2. Obtain briefing from current Coordinator on the emergency andany actions that have been completed or are in progress.3. Relieve current Mechanical or Electrical/l&C Coordinator.4. Inform OSC Manager and staff that you are now the Mechanicalor Electrical/l&C Coordinator ATT-IACHMENT 9.4 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICALII&C COORDINATORSSheet 2 of 3Initial Responsibility/Activitv (cont'd) Notes2.0 Continuous Responsibility1Activities2.1 Inform an OSC Coordinator and/or the OSC Manager when temporarilyleaving the work area.A. Request another OSC Coordinator assume the Work ControlCoordinator duties while you are away.B. LF you are leaving the OSC THEN:1. Inform an OSC Coordinator and/or OSC Manager when youleave, where you are going and when you expect to return. (Foraccountability purposes)2. Inform an OSC Coordinator and/or OSC Manager when youreturn.C. Upon return, obtain a briefing on any events, which have occurredwhile away.2.2 Assist OSC Manager in planning and preparing for any maintenanceactivities needed to return the plant to a safe condition.2.3 Participate in team dispatch and field operations:A. Choose maintenance personnel who are best qualified to conductassigned task(s)B. Use EP-5-ALL,Team Dispatching Form, to prepare and documentteam assignments.C. Ensure each team dispatched has a copy of the Team DispatchingForm.D. Ensure Team is properly equipped to conduct repairs, includingprocedures, drawings, tools and repair parts.E. Participate in Team briefings to ensure team members properlyunderstand assigned task and understand the hazards to beencountered. Briefings should be clear concise, accurate andprompt. AI-FACHMENT 9.4 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL/I&C COORDINATORSSheet 3 of 3Continuous ResponsibilitylActivities (cont.) NotesF. Maintain communication capability (i.e. phone, radio) and work with.the Work Control Coordinator while the team is in the field toanswer any questions that may arise concerning task.G. Assist the Work Control Coordinator as required/requested withTeam status and dose tracking using EP-6-ALL, Team TrackingForm, and EP-4-ALL, Exposure Authorization Form.H. Debrief team members when they return and ensure actions areproperly documented.I. Inform the OSC Manager prior to dispatching teams.J. Report results and status of team efforts to the OSC Manager asnecessary.K. Assist with maintaining team status/results in WebEOC orapplicable forms as necessary.3.0 Closeout Responsibility/Activity3.1 Assist OSC personnel to return all equipment to proper storagelocations.3.2 Review all documentation the OSC Coordinators maintained during theemergency:A. Ensure logs, forms and other documentation are completeB. Work with other OSC Coordinators to ensure all repairs performedby OSC Teams that deviated from normal station procedures areproperly documented so that necessary actions can be taken'forcontinuous plant operations or recovery operations.3.3 Provide all logs and records to the OSC Manager upon termination ofthe emergency. ATTACHMENT 9.5 RAD/CHEM COORDINATORSheet 1 of 5Rad/Chem Coordinator:___________________ Date:_____1.0 Initial Responsibility/Activity Notes1 .1 Initial OrientationA. Upon arrival at the OSC:1. Card in the accountability readers and/or sign in on EP-7-ALL,Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form. 2. Sign in on the OSC staffing board3. Obtain the "Rad/Chem Coordinator" Binder & ID Badge.B. Review electronic displays, plant data, status boards and any otheravailable information to become familiar with current plant conditions.C. Obtain status of radiation protection activities and current plantradiological conditions from shift Radiation Protection personnel.D. 'Obtain a briefing from the 0S0 Manager:1. Plant conditions2. Equipment Status3. Actions being taken (any repair/Operations personnel, currently inthe field4. Team requirement for actions planned but not yet initiated.1.2 Assume the position of Rad/Chem CoordinatorA. Contact the TSC Radiological Coordinator and receive a briefing ofradiological conditions and status of any ongoing jobs.B. Determine if'any personnel are currently in the radiologicalcontrolled area (RCA) using available tools (e.g. Sentinel).C. Obtain a copy of current employee exposure for use in ALARAconsiderations when assigning OSC team members.D. Brief the OSC Manager of the information obtained from theRadiological Coordinator and/or Watch RP Tech.E. Ascertain the ability to conduct chemistry sampling via normal aswell as through PASS (if available) and provide this information tothe OSC Manager.F. Assess the need for additional Radiological or Chemistry personneland provide any requests to the OSC Manager. MNGMNNUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-611 REV. 2MANUAL REFERENCE USE PAGE 25 OF 30OPERATIONS SUPPORT CENTER (OSC) OPERATIONSATTACHMENT 9.5 RAD/CHEM COORDINATORSheet 2 of 5Initial ResponsibilitylActivity(cont.) NotesG. Ensure initial and subsequent provisions of habitability surveys ofthe 0SC (if co-located include the TSC) and other occupied stagingareas. Discuss any issues with the TSC Radiological Coordinator.H. Check radiological equipment supplies for operability andinventories.I. Obtain resultant dose and radiological information and provide tothe TSC Radiological Coordinator.J. Report readiness status to the 0S0 Manager when prepared toassume the OSC Rad/Chem Coordinator position.2.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activities2.1 IF relieving another 050 Rad/Chem Coordinator THEN perform aformal turnover:A. Review the OSC Rad/Chem Coordinator's EP-3-ALL, Log SheetForms, or WebEOC.B. Obtain a briefing on the emergency, radiological conditions and anyactions that have been completed or are in progress.C. Relieve current 0SC Rad/Chem Coordinator.D. Inform 050 Manager and staff that you are now the OSCRad/Chem Coordinator.2.2 Inform an OSC Coordinator and/or the 0SC Manager whentemporarily leaving the work area.A. IFE you are leaving the OSC THEN:1. Inform an OSC Coordinator and/or 0S0 Manager when youleave, where you are going and when you expect to return.2. Inform an OSC Coordinator and/or OSC Manager when youreturn.B. Upon return, obtain a briefing on any events, which have occurredwhile away. A'IrACHMENT 9.5 RADICHEM COORDINATORSheet 3 of 5Continuous ResponsibilitylActivities (cont.) Notes2.3 Use WebEOC or if unavailable, EP-3-ALL, Log Sheet Forms, tomaintain a log of activities.A. Record the time you assume position of Rad/Chem Coordinator.B. Record time and details of sample requests.C. Record radiological/chemistry activities undertaken with informationon tasks performed and pending actions to ensure tasks arecompleted. (You need not repeat information on team briefingforms)D. Record all communications outside the/Protected Area Fence.2.4 Assist 0S0 Manager in planning and preparing for anyRadiological/Chemistry activities needed to return the plant to a safecondition.2.5 Ensure adequate staffing is available and assign personnel as required(e.g. communication with TSC).2.6 Deploy onsite radiation monitoring teams to survey radiation levels andsample for contamination.2.7 Ensure habitability of the 030A. Ensure appropriate radiological controls are established for the0S0 (e.g. frisking, air sampling) per site procedures.B. Ensure emergency ventilation filtration system is started perappropriate site procedures.2.8 Ensure requests for chemistry sampling contain specific details on thetype of results information that is necessary (e.g. boron concentration,activity, etc.).2.9 Participate in team dispatch and field operations:A. Choose personnel who are best qualified to conduct assignedtask(s).B. Use EP-5-ALL, Team Dispatching Form, to prepare and documentteam assignments.C. Ensure each team dispatched has a copy of the Team DispatchingForm.D. Prepare or have prepared RWP documentation. Review andapprove the prepared form and then use or have it used. S*NUCLEAR NON-QUIAUTY RELATED E-P61RVE~nW1rg, MANAGEMENTMANUAL REFERENCE USE PAGE 27 OF 30OPERATIONS SUPPORT CENTER (OSC) OPERATIONSATTACHMENT 9.5 RADICHEM COORDINATORSheet 4 of 5Continuous ResponsibilitvlActivities (cont.) NotesE. Use the RWP to discuss dose limits, surveys to be performed,expected and maximum dose rates, and stay times. Advise teammembers to immediately contact or return to the OSC when doserates or stay times approach the established limits.F. Determine the need for emergency exposure limits and KI issuanceand communicate conditions to the OSC Manager and the TSC.G. Discuss dosimetry requirements.H. Discuss protective clothing and respiratory protection requirements.I. Discuss travel route requirements and if there are any releases inprogress.J. Advise team members on monitoring and decontaminationprocedures following mission completion.K. Advise team how they will be notified of changing conditions orclassifications. Direct radiological control personnel to readdosimetry for personnel whose exposure limits are approached.L. Participate in team briefings to ensure team members understandthe assigned task and understand the hazard to be encountered.Briefings should be clear, concise, accurate and prompt.M. Participate in OSO team post job briefings, if needed.N. Maintain communication capability (i.e. phone, radio) and work withthe Work Control Coordinator while the team is in the field toanswer any questions that may arise concerning the task.0. Verify the Work Control Coordinator is tracking individual exposuredata in WebEOC or on EP-4-ALL, Exposure Authorization Form.P. Coordinate with the OSC Manager for tasks involving injuredpersonnel or search and rescue activities.(a) IF potentially contaminated or highly exposed personnel requireoffsite medical facility attention, THEN support transport withOperations and Security.Q. Frequently brief the OSC Manager on assigned task status.R. Coordinate with the EOF Administration and Logistics Coordinatorto obtain equipment and materials not available onsite or throughpreviously arranged agreements. Discuss with the RadiologicalCoordinator. A'IrACHMENT 9.5 RAD/CHEM COORDINATORSheet 5 of 5Continuous Responsibility/Activities (cont.) NotesSS. Ensure adequate supplies of SCBA's/Respirators are maintained tosupport dispatched teams.2.10 IF there are contaminated injured personnel THEN perform the following:A. Provide radiological support for the assessment, treatment, andtransportation of contaminated injured personn~el.B. Monitor patients for contamination and decontaminate asappropriate.C. Make arrangements to pick up Rad Protection personnel at thehospital.D. Follow proper procedures to retrieve radioactive waste from offsitetreatment locations.E. Obtain concurrence from the Radiological Coordinator prior toreleasing the hospital's Radiological Emergency Room or theambulance, for uncontrolled use.3.0 Closeout Responsibility/Activity3.1 IF radiological conditions allow THEN direct Rad Protection Technicians:A. To return emergency equipment to proper storage areas and restocksupplies as needed.B. Review radiological conditions in the plant and update postings asrequired.C. Review any open RWPs to ensure conditions have not changedwhich may affect their use.3.2 Provide all logs and records to the OSC Manager upon termination of theemergency. ATTACHMENT 9.6 OSC LOG KEEPERSheet I of 2OSC Log Keeper: Date:1.0 Initial Responsibilitv/Activity1.1 Initial OrientationA. Upon arrival at the OSC:1. Card in the accountability readers and/or sign in on EP-7-ALL,Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form.2. Sign in on the OSC staffing board3. Obtain the 0SC Log Keeper Binder & ID BadgeB. Review electronic displays, plant data, status boards and any otheravailable information to become familiar with current plant conditions.C. Obtain a briefing from the OSC Manager:1. Plant conditions2. Equipment Status3. Actions being taken (any repair/Operations personnelcurrently in the field)4. Team requirements for actions planned but not yetinitiated.1.2 Assume the position of OSC Log KeeperA. Log on to WebEOCB. Report readiness to the OSC Manager when prepared toassume the 05C Log Keeper position, and assist in OSCstaffing2.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activities2.1 IF relieving another OSC Log Keeper THEN perform a formal reliefturnover:A. Review WebEOC logs and applicable Log Sheet Forms.B. Obtain a briefing on facility statusC. Inform the OSC Manager and staff that you are now the 0S0 Log-KeeperNotes ATTACHMENT 9.6 OSC LOG KEEPERSheet 2 of 2Continuous ResponsibilitylActivities (cont'd) Notes2.2 Inform the 050 Manager when temporarily leaving the area and uponreturn.2.3 Support the Security Coordinator with Accountability, if applicable2.4 Support the OSC in work activities needed during event e.g. logkeeping, tracking personnel leaving 0SC, document/drawing retrieval.2.5 Assist with TSC activitiesas requested where the TSC is co-locatedwith the 03G.2.6 Assist the 05C Manager in second shift schedulingA. Obtain shift turnover time from the 030 Manager.B. Assist the 05C Manager and Administration and LogisticsCoordinator (EOF) with coordination of second shift coverageincluding contacting personnel to verify availability and informingthem of turnover time.2.7 Use WebEOC, or if unavailable, EP-3-ALL, Log Sheet Forms, tomaintain a log.A. Log when the OSC Manager assumed the duties of OSC Manager(and when the 0SC was declared operational, if not previouslydone)B. Log significant decisions and important details used to makedecisions.C. Log significant communications with other ERO members andoffsite officials.2.8 Receive status updates from the 030 Manager and if directed postupdates on the appropriate electronic displays.3.0 Closeout Responsibility/Activity3.1 Assist 0SC personnel to retum all equipment to proper storagelocations.3.2 Review all documentation you maintained during the emergency.Ensure logs, forms and other documentation is complete.3.3 Provide all logs and records to the OSC Manager upon termination ofthe emergency. ATTACHMENT 9.1 10CFR5O.54(q) SCREENINGSheet 1 of 3Procedure/Document Number: EN-EP-611 Revision: 2Equipment/Facility/Other: River Bend StationTitle: Operations Support Center (OSC) OperationsPart I. Description of Activity Being Reviewed (event or action, or series of actions that may result in a changeto the emergency plan or affect the implementation of the emergency plan):I,This change issues fleet procedure EN-EP-61 1, Operations Support Center (TSC) Operations, Rev. 2 for use by theRBS emergency response organization.Part I1. Activity Previously Reviewed? E-IYES [] NOIs this activity fully bounded by an NRC approved 10 CFR 50.90 submittal or 50.54(q)(3) Continue toAlet ad NtiicaionSysemDesgn epotEvaluation is next partAler an NotfictionSysem Dsig ReprtNOT required.EnterIf YES, identify bounding source document number/approval reference and justificationensure the basis for concluding the source document fully bounds the below andproposed change is documented below: coplt PrJustification:I] Bounding document attached (optional)Part II1. Applicability of Other Regulatory Change Control ProcessesCheck if any other regulatory change processes control the proposed activity.(Refer to EN-LI-I100)NOTE: For example, when a design change is the proposed activity, consequential actions may include changes toother documents which have a different change control process and are NOT to be included in this 50.54(q)(3)Screening.APPLICABILITY CONCLUSION[] If there are no controlling change processes, continue the 50.54(q)(3) Screening.III One or more controlling change processes are selected, however, some portion of the activity involves theemergency plan or affects the implementation of the emergency plan; continue the 50.54(q)(3) Screening for that portionof the activity. Identify the applicable controlling change processes below.[] One or more controlling change processes are selected and fully bounds all aspects of the activity. 50.54(q)(3)Evaluation is NOT required. Identify controllinq change processes below and complete Part VI.CONTROLLING CHANGE PROCESSES10OCFR50.54(q)Part IV. Editorial Change L--YES []NO50.54(q)(3) Continue to nextIs this activity an editorial or typographical change such as formatting, paragraph Evaluation is partnumbering, spelling, or punctuation that does not change intent? NOT required.J ustification: Enterjustification and"No" is checked because there are changes in this revision that are 'not editorial, complete PartVI..P~art._V_. E~mergencyPann E ntl.F~uncn Scen Asoitd1CR504()langstdard function ........identified in brackets) Does this activity affect any of the following, including program elements from NUREG-0654/FEMA REP-i Section I1?1. Responsibility for emergency response is assigned. [1] [2. The response organization has the staff to respond and to augment staff on a continuing basis',(24/7 LIIstaffing) in accordance with the emergency plan. [1].3. The process ensures that on shift emergency response responsibilities are staffed and assigned. [2] []4. The process for timely augmentation of onshift staff is established and maintained. [12] [EN-EP-305 REV 3 ATTACHMENT 9.1 10OCFR50.54(q) SCREENINGSheet 2 of 3ProcedurelDocument Number: EN-EP-611I Revision: 2Equipment/Facility/Other: River Bend StationTitle: *Operations Support Center (OSC) Operations5. Arrangements for requesting and using off site assistance have been made. [3] El6. State and local staff can be accommodated at the EOF in accordance with the emergency plan. [3] El7. A standard scheme of emergency classification and action levels is in use. [4]1[8. Procedures for notification of State and local governmental agencies are capable of alerting them of Elthe declared emergency within 15 minutes after declaration of an emergency and providing follow-up notifications. [5]9. Administrative and physical means have been established for alerting and providing prompt [instructions to the public within the plume exposure pathway. [5]10. The public ANS meets the design requirements of FEMA-REP-10, Guide for Evaluation of Alert and El* Notification Systems for Nuclear Power Plants, or complies with the licensee's FEMA-approved ANSdesign report and supporting FEMA approval letter. [5] _11. Systems are established for prompt communication among principal emergency response [organizations. [6]12. Systems are established for prompt communication to emergency response personnel. [6] ____13. Emergency preparedness information is made available to the public on a periodic basis within the Elplume exposure pathway emergency planning zone (EPZ). [7] ___14. Coordinated dissemination of public information during emergencies is established. [7] 1111115. Adequate facilities are maintained to. support emergency response. [8] .E16. Adequate equipment is maintained to support emergency response. [8] El17. Methods, systems, and equipment for assessment of radioactive releases are in use. [9] El18. A range of public PARs is available for implementation during emergencies. [10] El19. Evacuation time estimates for the population located in the plume exposure pathway EPZ are Elavailable to support the formulation of PARs and have been provided to State and localgovernmental authorities. [10]20. A range of protective actions is available for plant emergency workers during emergencies, including Elthose for hostile action events.[1 01]___21. The resources for controlling radiological exposures for emergency workers are established: [11] El22. Arrangements are made for medical services for contaminated, injured individuals. [12] El23. Plans for recovery and reentry are developed. [13] El24. A drill and exercise program (including radiological, medical, health physics and other program El_.areas) is established. [14]25. Drills, exercises, and training evolutions that provide performance opportunities to develop, .Emaintain, and demonstrate key skills are assessed, via a formal critique process in order to identifyw e........ a k n e s _se s .[ ................... .. .... ..................14 ].. .. ........... ............. ............................. ... .. .... .., ,,......... ................. .... .. ....26. Identified weaknesses are corrected. [14] El27. Training is provided to emergency responders. [15] El28. Responsibility for emergency plan development and review is established. [16] El29. Planners responsible for emergency plan development and maintenance are properly trained. [16] ElEN-EP-305 REV 3 ATTACHMENT 9.1 10CFR5O.54(q) SCREENING3 of 3ProcedureiDocument Number: E-N-EP.611 Revision: 2Equipment/FacifltylOther: River Bend StationTitle: Operations Support Center (OSC) Operations"APPL.ICABILiTY CONCLusIoN "0] if no Part V criteria are checked, a 50.54(q)(3) Evaluation is NQT required; document the basis for conclusion belowand complete Part VI.[] If any Part V criteria are checked, complete Part VI and perform a 50.54(q)(3) Evaluation.BASIS FOR CONCLUSIONEntergy ERO responsibilities are outlined in EN-EP-80l, Emergency Response Organization. These responsibilitieswere added to EIP-2-016 rev. 26 as part of Implementation of the Fleet Standard ERG and ware previously evalutatdunder a 10CFR50.54(qX(3) performed on 12/6/10. Entergy has since developed fleet procedure EN-EP-611, OperationisSupport Center (OSC) Operations which includes those same ERO responsibilities. This procedure revision transitionsto the new fleet procedure. EIP-2-O1 6 is being maintained by RBS to address site specific actions not contained in fleetprocedure EN-EP-611. Existing RBS facilities and equipment are stifl being maintained and there are no changes to anyintent in procedure actions.Summary:* No ERG positions have been added or deleted.* some ERO responsibilities in EIP-2-016 have been relocated to align with EN-EP-61 1.* The description, activation and operation of the OSC as described in the RBS Emergency Plan has not beenchanged.* .All site specific commitments continue to be met under the fleet procedure and the use of a site-specificprocedure.* This change does not alter the OSC structure, organization or location.The revision of the site OSC procedure (ElP-2-016} and incorporating the use of fleet OSC procedure (ENoEP-61 1)*screens out. No further evaluation: Is required fo~r this revision.Part VI; Signatures:John Hurst * (Optional) Rjvlewer Name (Print) / Rvee iaua aeReviewer Name (Print) Reviewer Signature Data:Approver Name (Print) pprover SignaIureo Date:EP..manager or designee .. )-7EN-EP-305 REV 3 REFERENCE USE*P 13.01ENTERGYRIVER BEND STATIONSTATION SUPPORT MANUAL*EMERGENCY IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE*CLASSIFICA TIONA ACTIONSPROCEDURE NUMBER: *EIP-2-002REVISION NUMBER: *32Effective Date:
- 1/27/16NOTE: SIGNATURES ARE ON FILE.*INDEXING INFORMATION TABLE OF CONTENTSSECTIONPAGE NO.1 PURPOSE ........................................................................................... 22 REFERENCES.............................................................. :........................ 23 DEFINITIONS ...................................................................................... 34 RESPONSIBILITIES ............................ ................................................... 45 GENERAL ................................................................................... ........ 56 PROCEDURE........................................................................................ 67 DOCUMENTATION ....................... ....................................................... 6ATTACHMENT 1 -NOTIFICATION OF UMJSUAL EVENT ..................................... 7ATTACHMENT 2 -ALERT........................................................................... 10ATTACHMENT 3 -SITE AREA/GENERAL EMERGENCY ..................................... 13ATTACHMENT 4 -SIREN CONTROL FROM THE CONTROL ROOM ................... ....17ATTACHMENT 5 -TOXIC GAS RELEASE CHECKLIST ....................................... 19EIP-2-002EP202 REV -32 PAGEl1OF 20 1 PURPOSEThis procedure describes the actions to be taken by the EmergencyDirector/Emergency Plant Manager when an emergency condition has beenclassified as a Notification of Unusual Event (NOUE), Alert, Site Area orGeneral Emergency, per ELP-2-00 1, Classification of Emergencies.2 REFERENCES2.1 ADM-0060, First Responder Emergencies2.2 EIP-2-00l, Classification of Emergencies2.3 EIP-2-006, Notifications2.4 EIP-2-007, Protective Action Recommendation Guidelines2.5 EIP-2-0 12, Radiation Exposure Controls2.6 EIP-2-014, Offsite Radiological Monitoring2.7 EIP-2-024, Offsite Dose Calculations2.8 EIP-2-026, Evacuation, Personnel Accountability, and Search andRescue2.9 EIP-2-028, Recovery2.10 EPP 100, Procedure Review, Revision, and Approval2.11 FPP-0010, Fire Fighting Procedure2.12 RBNP~-035, Hazardous Material Emergency Response Plan2.13 NRC RIS 2007-02 Clarification of NRC Guidance for EmergencyNotifications During Quickly Changing Events2.14 EN-EP-801, Emergency Response OrganizationEIP-2-002 REV -32 PG F2PAGE 2 OF 20 3 DEFINITIONS3.1 Augmentation -Actions taken to Support onshift personnel or theEmergency Response Organization.3.2 Radiological Release -For emergency response purposes is defined asANY detectable discharge of radioactive material to the environment.The release characterization should be further defined whencommunicating to offsite agencies to characterize whether or not therelease is below or above Technical Specification limits. Indicate theappropriate release characterization on the Short and Long NotificationMessage Forms.3.2.1. Release BELOW federally approved operating limits(Technical Requirements Manual)3.2.2. Release ABOVE federally approved operating limits(Technical Requirements' Manual)3.2.3. Effluent Technical Requirements Manual1. Any one of three effluent monitors indicates a value threetimes the High alarm set pointOR2. Any two of the three effluent monitors indicate a valueequal or greater than the High alarm set point.The three effluent monitors are:TITLE NO.Main Plant Exhaust Stack RMS-RE 125 Channel 4 (4GE 125)Radwaste Vent. Exhaust RMS-RE006 Channel 4 (4GE006)Fuel Bldg. Vent. Exhaust RMS-RE005 Channel 4 (4GE005)O__R3. An unmonitored release is detected at the site boundaryby teams with survey instruments.4 RESPONSIBILITIES4.1 Shift Manager:EIP-2-002 REV -32 PAGE 3 OF 20 4.1.1. Assume the responsibilities and authority of the EmergencyDirector until properly relieved or until the emergencysituation is terminated.4.1.2. Decide the Severe Accident Procedure mitigation strategywhen applicable.4.1.3. Continue Shift Manager responsibilities after being relieved oron termination of the emergency.4.2 Emergency Director:4.2.1 Provide overall management of River Bend Station (RBS)response activities. The Emergency Director has the authorityto inmmediately and unilaterally initiate all emergency actions.4.2.2 Assess and classify emergency conditions.4.2.3 Provide notifications and make protective actionrecommendations to offsite authorities.4.2.4 Coordinate RBS response activities as required with offsiteorganizations.4.2.5 Ensures that offsite radiological conditions are projected andmonitored.4.2.6 Authorize issuance of KI and radiation exposure in excess of10OCFR20 limits for ERO members outside of the protectedarea.4.2.7 Authorize press releases.4.3 Emergency Plant Manager:4.3.1 Authorize doses in excess of 10OCFR20 limits.4.3.2 Direct onsite activities in support of the Control Room.4.3.3 Authorize departures from license conditions or TechnicalSpecifications in accordance with 10 CFR 50.54(x).4.3.4 Determine need for onsite evacuation, personnelaccountability, and implement search and rescue as required.EIP-2-002 REV -32 PAGE 4 OF 20 735 GENERAL5.1 The Emergency Director / Emergency Plant Manager inay delegate someactions on the Attachment checklists. The following may not bedelegated:5.1.1. Declaration of an emergency5.1.2. Notification -approval and direction to send the notification.5.1.3. Protective Action Recommendations (PAR)5:1.4. Authorize doses in excess of 10CFR20 limits.5.1.5. Authorize the issuance of KI5.1.6. Termination of the emergency5.2 Degrading plant conditions during a rapidly evolving event can cause anescalated emergency classification to be declared before the notificationsfor the previous (or initial declaration) are made. Use one of thefollowing three approaches to insure notifications are made within 15minutes of declaration of the initial or lower classification.[] If the plant condition degrades and a higher classificationemergency is declared before the notifications are made for thelesser emergency declaration, update the notification to reflect thehigher emeggency declaration and complete the updatednotification within 15 minutes of the lesser emergencydeclaration.E'. If the notification cannot be updated and completed within 15minutes of the lesser emergency declaration, make the notificationfor the lesser emergency within 15 minutes of its declaration. Thenotification should contain a caveat that a change in classificationis forthcoming. In parallel, prepare the notification for the higheremergency classification and make additional notification within15 minutes of its declaration time.EIP-2-002 REV -32 PAGE 5 OF 20 El If the notification for the lesser emergency declaration is inprogress when the escalation is declared, the notification for thelesser emergency should be completed within 15 minutes of itsdeclaration. The notification could contain a caveat (or verballywhen verifying receipt of the message) that a change inclassification is forthcoming. In parallel, prepare the notificationfor the higher emergency classification and make additionalnotification within 15 minutes of the escalated declaration>6 PROCEDURENOTEThe actions of this procedure may be completed in anysequence, however, the sequence presented isrecommended; steps not applicable should be marked N/A.NOTEIf the Control Room is evacuated, the Shift Manager,designated Communicator, and Chemistry Technician shallreport to the TSC with their binders to perform the actionsof this procedure.6.1 NOTIFICATION OF UNUSUAL EVENT -The Emergency Directorand Emergency Plant Manager should use Attachment 1 as a guideline.6.2 ALERT EMERGENCY -The Emergency Director and EmergencyPlant Manager should use Attachment 2 as a guideline.6.3 SITE AREA EMERGENCY OR GENERAL EMERGENCY -TheEmergency Director and Emergency Plant Manager should useAttachment 3 as a guideline.7 DOCUMENTATION7.1 Attachments 1 -3 and 5 of this procedure will be sent to Permanent PlantFiles (PPF) per EPP 100 by the Manager -Emergency Preparedness.EIP-2-002 REV -32' PAGE 6 OF 20EIP-2-002 REV -32 PAGE 6 OF 20 NOTIFICATION OF UNUSUAL EVENTDate:_______Time:______INITIAL ACTIONSATTACHMENT 1PAGE 1OF 3Action Completed(time) (initial)Merge the Page Party/Gaitronics and make plant announcementWARBLE tone "Attention in the plant. At time(declaration time) an UNUSUAL EVENT was declared dueto (brief cause of emergency). (Repeat message)1.1 Repeat the announcement over the GSB page phone two times(time) (initial)WARNINGIf a personnel hazard is still within the Protected Area (high winds, toxic gas, etc...) considerdelaying activation of the Emergency Response Organization until the danger has passed.2 Direct the Communicator to activate the onsite Emergency ResponseOrganization for the NOUE in accordance with EIP-2-006.3 Direct the Communicator to notify the following:3.10Offsite authorities -Within 15 minutes of the declaration using theShort Notification Message Form (SNMF).3.2 NRC -Immediately after notifying state and local authorities andnotlater than one hour after declaring the emergency.4 For toxic gas releases, refer to the actions of Attachment 5.5 Evacuate onsite affected area(s), if needed, in accordance with EIP-2-026.6 If the NOUE classification was due to a gaseous effluent release, then6.1 Request a Chemistry Technician, as necessary, to sample toverify less than two times the ODCM.6.2 Request a Chemistry Technician to report to the control room, asnecessary, to monitor and perform dose projections.(time) (initial)(time)(initial)(time) (initial)(initial)(time) (initial)(time)(initial)EIP-2-002 REV -32 PAGE 7 OF 20 ATTACHMENT 1PAGE 2 OF 3NOTIFICATION OF UNUSUAL EVENTSUBSEQUENT ACTIONS1 Periodically inform plant personnel of personnel hazards, plant line-ups,corrective actions and steps taken to mitigate the emergency.2 Invoke 10 CFR 50.54 (x) for departures from license conditions orTechnical Specifications when action is immediately needed to protectthe public health and safety and no action consistent with licenseconditions and Technical Specifications that can provide equivalentprotection is immediately apparent. (Emergency Director or SRO)3 Authorize and make log entries for all procedure deviations.4 Verify and update classification levels and onsite protective actions, asnecessary.(initial)(time) (initial)(time)(initial)(initial)5 Determine status of and need for persons previously sent to staging___________areas. (time) (initial)6 If additional manpower is needed, augment the staff.___________(time) (initial)7 Direct periodic status reports to the:7.1 Offsite authorities -Long Notification Message Forms (LNMF)_____should be prepared as soon as possible following a Short (initial)Notification Message Form (SNMF) or when significant changesoccur that don't warrant emergency escalation. During extendedemergencies, time between LNMVFs should not exceed 2 hours.7.2 NRC -Update as requested. ____(initial)8 If the initiating event of the emergency was a natural hazard (e.g.,___________tornado, hurricane force winds, earthquake, or flood), dispatch personnel (time) (initial)to perform a visual inspection per DFS-00 10, DFS Equipment Handlingand Storage Abnormal Conditions, when loaded cask are stored at thefacility and the hazard is no longer present.EIP-2-002 REV -32 PAGE 8 OF 20 ATTACHMENT 1PAGE 3 OF 3NOTIFICATION OF UNUSUAL EVENTTERMINATION ACTIONSDate:Time:____Action CompletedWhen NOUJE conditions are no longer met, terminate the emergencyDirect notification of the following of the emergency termination:2.1 Offsite authorities -Direct the Communicator to use the LongNotification Message Form (LNMF).2.2 NRCAnnounce emergency termination twice over the merged Gaitronics.Announce emergency termination twice over the GSB page phone.If activated, deactivate the OSC.(time) (initial)(time)(time)(time)S(time)(time)(initial)(initial)(iiil)(initial)(initial)Forward the originals of all documents generated by implementation ofthis procedure to the Manager -Emergency Preparedness.EIP-2-002 REV -32 PAGE 9 OF 20 ALERTATTACHMENT 2PAGE 1OF 3Action CompletedINITIAL ACTIONSDate:Time:WARNINGIf a personnel hazard is still within the Protected Area (high winds, toxic gas, etc...) considerdelaying activation of the ERO until the danger has passed. If off-hours consider activatingalternate ERO facilities. If a HOSTILE ACTION is present, refer to AOP-0054 or AOP-0063for making plant announcements and activation of the ERO.1 Merge the Page Party/Gaitronics and make plant announcementWARBLE tone "Attention in the plant. At time(declaration time) an ALERT was declared dueto (brief cause of emergency). Activate allEmergency Response Facilities. Escort all visitorsto the Primary Access Point." (Repeat message)1.1 Repeat the announcement over the GSB page phone two times.2 Direct the Communicator to activate the onsite Emergency ResponseOrganization for the ALERT in accordance with EIP-2-006.3 Direct the Communicator to notify the following:3.1 Offsite authorities -Within 15 minutes of the declaration using theShort Notification Message Form (SNMF).3.2 NRC -lImmediately after notifying state and local authorities andnotlater than one hour after declaring the emergency.4 For toxic gas releases, refer to the actions of Attachment 5.5 Evacuate onsite affected area(s), if needed, in accordance with EIP-2-026.6 Direct a chemistry technician to verify the Emergency Response DataSystem (ERDS) is running; activate ERDS if it is not. Must beperformed within an hour of an Alert or higher emergency classification.(time) (initial)(time)(time)(initial)(initial)(time)(initial)(time) (initial)(initial)(time) (initial)(time)(initial)EIP-2-002 REV -32 PAGE 10 OF 20 ATTACHMENT 2PAGE 2 OF 3ALERTSUBSEOUENT ACTIONS1 Dispatch RP personnel to sample and/or survey near the site boundary toverify whether or not a release of radioactive materials has occurred.2 If desired, direct Security Shift Supervisor to perform a precautionarynotification of all non-essential personnel, visitors, contractor personnel,and members of the public in the Owner Controlled Area.3 Periodically inform plant personnel of personnel hazards, plant line-ups,corrective actions and steps taken to mitigate the emergency.(time)(time)(initial)(initial)(initial)NOTEUltimate authority for invoking 10 CFR 50.54(x) resideswith the Emergency Director. If timely responseprecludes Emergency Director authorization, theminimal authority is an onshift licensed SRO.4 Authorize and make log entries for all procedure deviations5 Verify and update classification levels and onsite protective actions, asnecessary.6 Determine status of and need for persons previously sent to stagingareas.(time) (initial)(initial)(time) (initial)7 Direct periodic status reports to the:7.1 Offsite authorities -Long Notification Message Forms (LNMF)should be prepared as soon as possible following a ShortNotification Message Form (SNMF) or when significant changesoccur that don't warrant emergency escalation. During extendedemergencies, time between LNMFs should not exceed 2 hours.(initial)7.2 NRC -Update as requested. ____(initial)8 If the initiating event of the emergency was a natural hazard (e.g.,___________tomnado, hurricane force winds, earthquake, or flood), dispatch personnel (time) (initial)to perform a visual inspection per DFS-0010, DFS Equipment Handlingand Storage Abnormal Conditions, when loaded cask are stored at thefacility and the hazard is no longer present.EIP-2-002 REV -32 PAGE 11 OF 20 ATTACHMENT 2PAGE 3 OF 3ALERTTERMINATION ACTIONS Date:____Time:___1 Terminate the emergency when the ALERT conditions are nolonger met and the following have been accomplished: (tit1.1 The plant is in a stable condition.1.2 Excessive releases of radioactivity to the environment havebeen terminated and no further potential for significantradioactivity releases exist.1.3 No further potential for major damage to equipment exists.2 Direct notification of the following of the emergency termination:2.1 Offsite authorities -Direct the Communicator to use theLong Notification Message Form (LNMVIF).(t2.2 NRC(ti3 Announce emergency termination twice over the mergedGaitronics.(t4 Announce emergency termination twice over the GSB pagephone.(t5 Direct the emergency facilities to deactivate.(ti6 Forward the originals of all documents generated byimplementation of this procedure to the Manager -EmergencyPreparedness.Action Completedne)me)me)me)me)me)(initial)(initial)(initial)(initial)(initial)(initial)EIP-2-002 REV -32 PAGE 12 OF 20 ATTACHMENT 3PAGE 1OF 4SITE AREA/GENERAL EMERGENCY.INITIAL ACTIONS Date:Time:Action CompletedWARININGIf a personnel hazard is still within the Protected Area (high winds, toxic gas, etc...) considerdelaying activation of the ERO until the danger has Passed. If off-hours consider activatingalternate ERO facilities. If a HOSTILE ACTION is present, refer to AOP-0054 or AOP-0063for making plant announcements and activation of the ERO.1 Merge the Page Party/Gaitronics and make plant announcementWARBLE tone "Attention in the plant. At time(declaration time) a (Site Area Emergency orGeneral Emergency) was declared due to (briefcause of emergency). Activate all EmergencyResponse Facilities." (Repeat message)1.1 Repeat the announcement over the GSB page phone two times2 Direct the Communicator to activate the onsite Emergency ResponseOrganization for the SAE or GE in accordance with EIP-2-006, if notalready activated at an Alert.3 Evaluate protective actions offsite and implement EIP-2-007, asnecessary.(time) (initial)(time)(time)(time)(initial)(initial)(initial)4 Direct the Communicator to notify the following:4.10Offsite authorities -Within 15 minutes of the declaration using theShort Notification Message Form (SNMF).4.2 NRC -Immediately after notifying state and local authorities and nolater than one hour after declaring the emergency.5 For toxic gas releases, refer to the actions of Attachment 5.6 Evacuate the Owner Controlled Area in accordance with EIP-2-026.7 Dispatch personnel to sample and evaluate the release of radioactivematerials in accordance with EIP-2-0 14, as necessary.(time)(time)(time)(time)(time)(initial)(initial)(initial)(initial)(initial)EIP-2-002 REV -32 PAGE 13 OF 20 ATTACHMENT 3PAGE 2 OF 4SITE AREA/GENERAL EMERGENCYINITIAL ACTION (cont.'d)8 Initiate dose calculations in accordance with EIP-2-024, if a radiologicalrelease is occurring or imminent.9 At a General Emergency (if the Offsite Emergency Facilities are notmanned) perform the following:9.1 Contact the Governor's Office of Homeland Security and EmergencyPreparedness (GOHSEP) Operations Officer and verify that he isprepared to broadcast the appropriate EAS message.9.2 Coordinate the siren sound time with the GOHSEP OperationsOfficer.9.3 Activate the sirens at the agreed upon time using Attachment 4.SUBSEQUENT ACTIONS(time)(time)(initial)(initial)(time) (initial)(initial)(initial)1 Direct a chemistry technician to verify the Emergency ResponseData System (ERDS) is running; activate ERDS if it is not.Must be performed within an hour of an Alert or higheremergency classification.2 Periodically inform plant personnel of personnel hazards, plant line-ups,corrective actions and steps taken to mitigate the emergency.(time)(initial)(initial)NOTEUltimate authority for invoking 10 CFR 50.54(x) resideswith the Emergency Director. If timely response precludesEmergency Director authorization, the minimal authority isan onshift licensed SRO.3 Authorize and make log entries for all procedure deviations.4 Verify and update classification levels5 Direct periodic status reports to the:5.1 Offsite authorities -Long Notification Message Forms (LNMF)should be prepared as soon as possible following a Short NotificationMessage Form (SNMF) or when significant changes occur that don'twarrant emergency escalation. During extended emergencies, timebetween LNMFs should not exceed 2 hours.5.2 NRC -Update as requested.(time)(initial)(initial)(initial)(initial)EIP-2-002 REV -32 PAGE 14 OF 20 ATTACHMENT 3PAGE 3 OF 4SITE AREA/GENERAL EMERGENCYSUBSEOUENT ACTIONS (cont'd)6 Determine status of and need for persons previously sent to assemblyand/or staging areas.7 Verify and update offsite protective actions, as necessary.8 Authorize the issuance of KI if recommended by RP and in accordancewith EIP-2-0 12, Radiation Exposure Controls.9 Authorize emergency worker(s) exposure in excess of the limitsestablished by 10CFR2O if recommended by RP and in accordance withEIP-2-0 12, Radiation Exposure Controls.(time) (initial)(time) (initial)(time) (initial)(time)(initial)TERMINATION ACTIONSDate:____Time:Action CompletedTerminate the emergency when the SITE AREA/GENERALEMERGENCY conditions are no longer met and the following has beenaccomplished:1.1 The reactor is shut down, is in a stable, safe configuration, andadequate core cooling is available.1.2 Excessive releases of radioactivity to the environment have beenterminated and no further potential for significant~radioactivityrelease exist.1.3 Offsite concentrations of radioactivity in the atmosphere or inwaterways have dispersed to near background levels, excludingground deposition.1.4 The State of Louisiana, the local parishes, and the N-RC concur interminating the emergency.2 Direct notification of the following of the emergency termination:2.1 Offsite authorities -Direct the Communicator to use the LongNotification Message Form (LNMF).2.2 NRC3 Announce emergency termination twice over the Gaitronics.(time)(initial)(time)(initial)(time) (initial)(time) (initial)EIP-2-002 REV -32 PAGE 15 OF 20 ATTACHMENT 3PAGE 4 OF 4SITE AREA/GENERAL EMERGENCYTERMINATION ACTIONS (cont'd)4 Initiate recovery actions in accordance with EIP-2-028. ____(time) (initial)5 Direct the emergency facilities to deactivate. _________(time) (initial)6 Forward the originals of all documents generated by the implementation ofthis procedure to the Manager -Emergency Preparedness.EIP-2-002 REV -32 PAGE 16 OF 20 ATTACHMENT 4PAGE 1OF 2SIREN CONTROL FROM TilE CONTROL ROOMNOTERiver B end parish EOCs have the capability to sound theRiver Bend sirens in their respective parishes. Sounding ofthe sirens from the Control Roomn would only be performedfor fast breaking events where the parish EOCs were notstaffed or ifthe Emergency Operations Center(which cansound the sirens for the parishes ifnecessary) was unableto sound the sirens. If the Siren Control Unit in theContfrol Room does not work, the siren sounding time mayhave to be changed. Notif the EOF Emergency Directorwhen the EOF is operational or GOHSEP ifControl Roomis performing Protective Action Recommendations. If theSiren Control Unit in the Control Room does no__t work,contact one of the following and direct them to sound theSiren System.1. Emergency Operations Facility (Backup)2. Alternate Emergency Operations Facility (SecondaryBackup)3. Emergency Planning if available (normal workinghours)CANCEL AN INADVERTENT SIREN SOUNDINGInitial Conditions: White LED Test button on Control Room Siren Control Unit should be illuminated.No other lights should be illuminated on the Siren Control Unit. Press LED Test button -all switch andbuttons should illuminate -this Verifies that lights are working.1. Insert key into the ACTIVATE key switch of the Control Room Siren Control Unit2. Turn ARM switch momentarily to the right, switch should blink On/Off.3. Press CANCEL button. -The ARMV switch should illuminate solid. The CANCEL button shouldilluminate On/Off.4. Momentarily rutn ACTIVATE Key to the right. CANCEL button should illuminate solid.NOTE: Illuminated CANCEL button indicates CANCEL is still in progress. Once CANCEL iscomplete CANCEL button illumination will go out. After illumination of the CANCEL buttongoes out the system can be returned to the normal configuration. To return the system to thenormal configuration, perform the following.1. Remove key from ACTIVATE switch.2. Store keyEIP-2-002 REV -32 PAGE 17 OF 20 ATTACHMENT 4PAGE 2 OF 2SIREN CONTROL FROM THE CONTROL ROOMRBS CONTROL ROOM SIREN ACTIVATION SEQUENCEInitial Conditions: White LED Test button on Control Room Siren Control Unit should be illuminated.No other lights should be illuminated on the Siren Control Unit. Press LED Test button -all switch andbuttons should illuminate -this verifies that lights are working.1. Insert key into the ACTIVATE key switch of the Control Room Siren Control Unit2. Turn ARM switch momentarily to the right, switch should blink On/Off.3. Press ALL CALL button. The ARM switch should illuminate solid. The ALL CALL buttonshould illuminate On/Off..4. Momentarily tur ACTIVATE Key to the right. ALL CALL button should illuminate solid5. Depress and hold the ALL-CALL pushbutton switch until the red ALL-CALL lamp comes on.6. Verify that the yellow ACK lamp momentarily comes on.NOTE: Illuminated ACTIVATE button indicates siren activation is still in progress. Once activation iscomplete ACTIVATE button illumination will go out. After illumination of the ACTIVATEbutton goes out the system can be returned to the normal configuration. To retur the system tothe normal configuration, perform the following.1. Remove key from ACTIVATE switch.2. Store key.EIP-2-002REV -32 PAGE 18 OF 20EIP-2-002 REV -32 PAGE 18 OF 20 ATTACHMENT 5PAGE 1OF 2TOXIC GAS RELEASE CHECKLISTACTIONS Date:______ Time:______Action Completed1 HAZARD FROM OFFSITE RELEASE -If a report is received from _________an offsite organization (for example, Tembec or Big Cajun #2) or (time) (initial)governmental agency that a toxic gas is approaching River Bend:1.1 Use a 10 mile EPZ map and the following table to determinewhether the release is a threat to River Bend Station..Industrial Facilities Within 5 miles of River Bend Station(Facility Distance Wind Direction____________________ _______________________(from)Tembec (Crown Vantage) 3.4 miles 183 degreesBig Cajun #2 3.1 miles 235 degrees1.2 If the release is determined to be a threat, then perform thefollowing:1.2.1 Direct those personnel deemed necessary to remain onsiteto report to the Control Room.1.2.2 Direct Security to institute protective measures forSecurity Officers.1.2.3 Implement EIP-2-026 for evacuations as deemednecessary.1.2.4 Direct Chemistry to monitor the Control Room.1.2.5 Ensure Operators are prepared to dons SCBAs if needed.1.2.6 Take other actions as deemed necessary to protect thehealth and safety of personnel.1.2.7 Upon the determination that the hazard no longer exists,then refer to the recovery actions of Section 3 of thisattachment.1.3 If the release is not determined to be a threat, then monitor thesituation.(time)(time)(time)(time)(time)(time)(time)(time)(initial)(initial)(initial)(initial)(initial)(initial)(initial)(initial)EIP-2-002 REV -32 PAGE 19 OF 20 ATTACHMENT 5PAGE 2 OF 2TOXIC GAS RELEASE CHECKLIST2 HAZARD FROM ONSITE RELEASE -If a report is received that atoxic gas is being released onsite:2.1 Determine if the release is a threat to site personnel.2.1.1 If the release is determined to be a threat, then perform thefollowing: Determine the areas affected by the release2.1.1.2 Notify Security of potential or actual emergency conditionand request that access control for the affected areas beimplemented. Implement EIP-2-026 for evacuations as necessary. Direct Chemistry to monitor the Control Room if necessary. Ensure Operators are prepared to don SCBAs if needed. Contact Environmental Services and inform of the situation. Take other actions as deemed necessary to protect the healthand safety of personnel. Upon determination that the hazard no longer exists, thenrefer to the recovery actions of Section 3 of this attachment.(time) (initial)(time) (initial)(initial)(time) (initial)(initial)(time) (initial)(time) (initial)(time) (initial)(initial)3 RECOVERY ACTIONS3.1 If toxic chemicals actually entered the site boundary, then performthe following:3.1.1 Post and restrict access to all below ground level areas.3.1.2 Sample and determine that each restricted area has a safeenvironment prior to releasing the area for general access.(time) (initial)(initial)(initial)(initial)3.1.3Request an engineering evaluation of the effects of the toxicchemicals on the site (i.e. atmospheric vented tanks,electrical equipment, mechanical components, plantcompressed air systems, etc.)EIP-2-002 REV -32 PAGE 20 OF 20 ATTACHMENT 9.1 10OCFR50.54(q) SCREENINGSHEET I OF 4ProcedurelDocument Number: EIP-2-002 Revision: 32EquipmentlFacilitylOther: River Bend StationTitle: Classification ActionsPart I. Description of Activity Being Reviewed (event or action, or series of actions that may result in a change to theemergency plan or affect the implementation of the emergency plan):1. Revised definition 3.2 Radiological Release -From:For emergency response purposes is defined as ANY detectable discharge of radioactive material to the environmentthat is due to the classified event.To:"For emergency response purposes is defined as ANY detectable discharge of radioactive matedial to theenvironment.2. Revised release characterization contained in definition 3.2.From:No release.Release below federally approved operating limits.Release above federally approved operating limits.To:"Release below federally approved operating limits.Release above federally approved operating limits.I--YES [] NOPart II. Activity Previously Reviewed? 50.54(q)(3) Continue to nextIs this activity fully bounded by an NRC approved 10 CFR 50.90 submittal or Alert and Evaluation is partNotification System Design Report? NOT required.Enterjustificationbelow andIf YES, identify bounding source document number/approval reference and ensure the complete Partbasis for concluding the source document fully bounds the proposed change is VI.documented below:Justification:fl Bounding document attached (optional)ENI-EP-305 REV 3 ATTACHMENT 9.1 10OCFR50.54(q) SCREENINGSHEET 2OF 4Procedure/Document Number: EIP-2-002 Revision: 32EquipmentlFacilltylOther: River Bend StationTitle: Classification ActionsPart Ill. Applicability of Other Regulatory Change Control ProcessesCheck if any other regulatory change processes control the proposed activity.(Refer to EN-LI-I100)NOTE: For example, when a design change is the proposed activity, consequential actions may include changes to otherdocuments which have a different chanige control process and are NOT to be included in this 50.54(q)(3) Screening.APPLICABILITY CONCLUSION[] If there are no controlling change processes, continue the 50.54(q)(3) Screening. Per new templateE] One or more controlling change processes are selected, however, some portion of the activity involves the emergencyplan or affects the implementation of the emergency plan; continue the 50.54(q)(3) Screening for that portion of the activity.Identify the applicable controlling change processes below.LI One or more controlling change processes are selected and fully bounds all aspects of the activity. 50.54(q)(3)Evaluation is NOT required. Identify controlling change processes below and complete Part VI.CONTROLLING CHANGE PROCESSES1 0CFR50,54(ci)Part IV. Editorial Change EJYES [] NO50.54(oq(3) Continue to next partIs this activity an editorial or typographical change such as formatting, paragraph Evaluation isnumbering, spelling," or punctuation that does not change intent? NOT required.EnterJustficaion:justification andJustficaion:complete PartVLPart V. Emergency Planning Element/Function Screen (Associated 10 CFR 50.47(b) planning standard functionidentified in brackets) Does this activity affect any of the following, including program elements from NUREG-0654/FEMAREP-I Section I1?I. Responsibility for emergency response is assigned. [1] [2. The response organization has the staff to respond and to augment staff on a continuing basis (24/7 staffing) [in accordance with the emergency plan. [1]3. The process ensures that on shift emergency response responsibilities are staffed and assigned. [2] ____4. The process for timely augmentation of onshift staff is established and maintained. [2] _____5. Arrangements for requesting and using off site assistance have been made. [3] LI6. S~tate and local staff can be accommodated at the EOF in accordance with the emergency plan. [3] LIEN-EP-305 REV 3 ATTACHMENT 9.1 10OCFR50.54(q) SCREENINGSHEET 3 OF 4Procedure/Document Number: EIP-2-002 Revision: 32EquipmentlFacilitylOther: River Bend StationTitle: Classification ActionsPart V. (Continued)7. A standard scheme of emergency classification and action levels is in use. [41 LI8. Procedures for notification of State and local governmental agencies are capable of alerting them of the Q]declared emergency within 15 minutes after declaration of an emergency and providing follow-up notifications.(519. Administrative and physical means have been established for alerting and providing prompt instructions to the LIpublic within the plume exposure pathway. [5]10. The public ANS meets the design requirements of FEMA-REP-10, Guide for Evaluation of Alert and LINotification Systems for Nuclear Power Plants, or complies with the licensee's FEMA-approved ANS designreport and supporting FEMA approval letter. [5]11. Systems are established for prompt communication among principal emergency response organizations. [61 0]12. Systems are established for prompt communication to emergency response personnel. [6] LI13. Emergency preparedness information is made available to the public on a periodic basis within the plume LIexposure pathway emergency planning zone (EPZ). [7]14. Coordinated dissemination of public information during enmergencies is established. [7] Ii15. Adequate facilities are maintained to support emer ency response. [8] L16. Adequate equipment is maintained to support emergency response. [8] LI17. Methods, systems, and equipment for assessment of radioactive releases are in use. [9] LI18. A range of public PARs is available for implementation during emergencies. (10] LI19. Evacuation time estimates for the population located in the plume exposure pathway EPZ are available to LIsupport the formulation of PARs and have been provided to State and local governmental authorities. [10]___20. A range of protective actions is available for plant emergency workers during emergencies, including those for LIhostile action events.[1 0]21. The resources for controllingj radiological exposures for emergency workers are established. [11] LI22. Arran ements are made for medical services for contaminated, injured individuals. [12] LI23. lan forrecver andreetry re eveoped [1] [24. A, drill and exercise program (including radiological, medical, health physics and other program areas) is LI25. Drills, exercises, and training evolutions that provide performance opportunities to develop, maintain, and IIIdemonstrate key skills are assessed via a formal critique process in order to identify weaknesses. [14] ___26. Identified weaknesses are corrected. [14] [27. Training is provided to emergency responders. [15] ____28. Responsibility for emergency plan development and review is established. [16] LI29. Planners responsible for emergency plan development and maintenance are properiy trained. [16] El[APPLICABILITY CONCLUSION[] If no Part V criteria are checked, a 50.54(q)(3) Evaluation is NOT required; document the basis for conclusion below andcomplete Part VI.LI If any Part V criteria are checked, complete Part VI and perform a 50.54(q)(3) Evaluation.EN-EP-305 REV 3 ATTACHMENT 9.1 IO1CFR50.54(q) SCREENINGSHEET 4OF 4SProcedurelDocument Number: EIP-2-002 IRevision: 32EquipmentlFacilitylOther: River Bend StationTitle: Classification ActionsBASIS FOR CONCLUSIONChange Items 1 and 2. Revised release definition to remove 'due to the classified event' and also removed 'no release' asa release characterdzation.There are no changes to the current offsite notification procedure process with one exception associated with removing'no release' as an option with which to characterize releases from the site. With this change RBS will still provide to localorganizations emergency messages which contain information about the class of emergency, whether a release is takingplace, potentially affected populations, and whether protective measures are necessary. This change is in alignment withNRC RIS 2002-16 and has been agreed to by both State and local officials. Procedures for notification of State and localgovernmental agencies are still capable of alerting them of the declared emergency within 15 minutes after declaration ofan emergency and providing follow-up notifications therefore no further evaluation is required for this change.Part VI. Signatures:Preparer Name (Print)._._._'}-reparer _.Date:Fred Hurst .,/ , ., ,p/=.z-/11-23-15(Optional) Reviewer Name (Print) J Reviewer Signature t'Date:N/AReviewer Name (Print) Reviewer Signature Date:Tom Sowdon A / 1-321Nuclear EP Project ManagerApprover Name (Print) .Approvr Date:EN-EP-305 REV 3 REFERENCE USEENTERGYRIVER BEND STATIONSTATION SUPPORT MANUAL*EMERGENCY IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE*NO TIFI CA TIONSPROCEDURE NUMBER: *EIP-2-006REVISION NUMBER: *43Effective Date: " 1/27/16NOTE: SIGNATURES ARE ON FILE.*INDEXIN~G INFORMATION TABLE OF CONTENTSSECTION PAGE NO.1 PURPOSE ......................................................................................... 22 REFERENCES.................................................................................... 23 DEFINITIONS .................................................................................... 24 RESPONSIBILITY ............................................................................... 35 GENERAL......................................................................................... 46 PROCEDURE ..................................................................................... 57 DOCUMENTATION ............................................................................. 5ATTACHMENT 1 -CONTROL ROOM COMMUNICATOR ..................................... 6ATTACHMENT 2 -TSC/CONTROL ROOM COMMUNICATOR ............................... 9ATTACHMENT 3 --LONG NOTIFICATION MESSAGE FORM ................................10ATTACHMENT 4 -GUIDELINES FOR COMPLETING THE LONG NWF................... 11ATTACHMENT 5 -NMF VERIFICATION CHECKLIST .........................................12ATTACHMENT 6 -PAR VERIFICATION CHECKLIST......................................... 13ATTACHMENT 7 -ACTIVATION OF THE ERO .......... ..................................... 14ATTACHMENT 8 -SHORT NOTIFICATION MESSAGE FORM (TYPICAL) ................17ATTACHMENT 9 -GUIDELINE FOR COMPLETING THE SHORT NWF................... 18EIP-2-006 REV -43 PAGE 1 OF 18 1 PURPOSEThis procedure provides instructions for notifying offsite authorities andactivating the River Bend Station Emergency Response Organization.2 REFERENCES2.1 NRC RIS 2007-02, Clarification of NRC Guidance For EmergencyNotifications During Quickly Changing Events2.2 Emergency Telephone Book2.3 EN-EP-3 10, Emergency Response Organization Notification System2.4 EN-EP-3 12, ERO Notification System Activation and Response3 DEFINITIONS3.1 Short Notification Message Forn (SNMF) -Used for declaration of anemergency classification or changes to the Protective ActionRecommendations (PARs). Notification must be made to State and localauthorities within approximately 15 minutes. The Short NotificationMessage Form contains information about the class of emergency,whether a release is taking place, potentially affected population andareas, and whether protective measures may be necessary.3.2 Long Notification Message Form (LNMIF) -Used for providing State andlocal authorities follow-up information. The LNMIF is sent out as soon aspossible following a SNMF. The LNMF is also sent out for anysignificant changes to plant conditions that do not require an emergencyescalation or change in PARs. No more than 2 hours should be exceededbetween any two LNMFs.EIP-2-006 REV -43 PAGE 2 OF 18 3.3 Radiological Release -For emergency response purposes is defined asANY detectable discharge of radioactive material to the environment.The release characterization should be fuirther defined whencommunicating to offsite agencies to characterize whether or not therelease is below or above Technical Specification limits. Indicate theappropriate release characterization on the Short and Long NotificationMessage Forms.3.3.1. Release BELOW federally approved operating limitsS (Technical Requirements Manual)3.3.2. Release ABOVE federally approved operating limits(Technical Requirements Manual)3.3.3. Effluent Technical Requirements Manual1. Any one of three effluent monitors indicates a value threetimes the High alarm set pointOR2. Any two of the three effluent monitors indicate a valueequal or greater than the High alarm set point.The three effluent monitors are:TITLE NO.Main Plant Exhaust Stack RMS-RE125 Channel 4 (4GE 125)Radwaste Vent. Exhaust RMS-RE006 Channel 4 (4GE006)Fuel Bldg. Vent. Exhaust RMvS-RE005 Channel 4 (4GE005)OR3. An unmonitored release is detected at the site boundary byteams with survey instruments.4 RESPONSIBILITY4.1 Emergency Director (ED) -ensure that notifications to State and localauthorities, as well as the NRC, are completed as required by thisprocedure. Reviews the SNMF and LNMF prior to transmittal to offsiteauthorities.4.2 Communicator -when directed relays information concerning stationstatus to offsite agencies. Performs message verification after NMVFtransmittal.EIP-2-006 REV -43 PAGE 3 OF 18 4.3 TSC/Control Room Communicator -initially communicates with theNRC regarding plant events. Upon being relieved by the ENSCommunicator, the TSC/Control Room Communicator establishescommunications with the EOF and TSC keeping both facilities informedof plant conditions, evolutions, and other information as necessary. Ifdirected by the Shift Manager, the TSC/Control Room Communicator (ifqualified as Emergency Director) will assume Emergency Director dutiesduring EOF relocation to its backup or alternate facility.5 GENERAL5.1 Oflsite notification is expected to be initiated within 15 minutes of eventclassification and/or PAR development.5.2 The minimum information to include in the notification (SNMF):1. Class of emergency2. Date and time of declaration3. Brief description of the emergency4. Wind direction and speed5. Whether offsite protective measures are necessary6. Whether a release is taking place5.3 Degrading plant conditions during a rapidly evolving event can cause anescalated emergency classification to be declared before the notificationsfor the previous (or initial declaration) are made. Use one of the followingthree approaches to insure notifications are made within 15 minutes ofdeclaration of the initial or lower classification.*If the plant condition degrades and a higher classification emergencyis declared before the notifications are made for the lesser emergencydeclaration, update the notification to reflect the higher emergencydeclaration and complete the updated notification within 15 minutesof the lesser emergency declaration.*If the notification cannot be updated-and completed within 15 minutesof the lesser emergency declaration, make the notification for thelesser emergency within 15 minutes of its declaration. The notificationshould contain a caveat that a change in classification is forthcoming.In parallel, prepare the notification for the higher emergencyEIP-2-006 REV -43 PAGE 4 OF 18 classification and make additional notification within 15 minutes of itsdeclaration time.*If the notification for the lesser emergency declaration is in progresswhen the escalation is declared, the notification for the lesseremergency should be completed within 15 minutes of its declaration.The notification could contain a caveat (or verbally when verifyingreceipt of the message) that a change in classification is forthcoming.In parallel, prepare the notification for the higher emergencyclassification and make additional notification within 15 minutes ofthe escalated declaration.6 PROCEDURENOTEThe actions of this procedure may be completed in anysequence, however, the sequence presented isrecommended.6.1 Operations Shift Manager / Emergency Director6.1.1. Complete the Short Notification Message Form usingAttachment 9 guideline as necessary.6.1.2. Direct the Communicator to send after the INFORM messageis approved.6.2 Control Room Communicator6.2.1. The Control Room Communicator should use Attachment 1 asa guideline.6.3 TSC/Control Room Communicator6.3.1. The TSC/Control Room Communicator should use Attachment2 as a guideline.7 DOCUMENTATIONAttachments 1, 2, 5, 6, and 7 of this procedure will be sent to permanent plantfiles (PPF) per EPP-2-100 by the Manager -Emergency Preparedness.EIP-2-006 *REV -43 PAGE 5 OF 18 ATTACHMENT 1PAGE 1OF 3CONTROL ROOM COMMUNICATORINITIAL ACTIONS Date:______Time:______Action CompletedInitialsEnsure that the INFORM computer is ready for message preparation and _______transmission.2 Receive notification message form from ED for offsite notifications. _______NOTEThe recommended sequence is to activate the ERO firstunless notifcation time is short. Notifications to State andlocal must be made within 15 minutes of the declaration.The State and Local Hot Line is the preferred method ofcommunicating messages with the commercial phone andCivil Defense Radio as backups. Backup method(s) isunderstood as the intent if the Hot Line is not available.3Make the following offsite notifications in any sequence determined by the ED:3.1 Notify the State and local authorities within 15 minutes of the declaration ________using SNMF (Attachment 8)3.1.1 Generate a SNMF on INFORM using the message form provided bythe ED.3.1.2 Transmit SNMF to State and local authorities using INFORM.3.2 Activate the Emergency Response Organization using Attachment 7.4 Verify State and local authorities received the SNMvF using the verification list _______produced by INFORM or use the State and Local Hot Line and completeAttachment 5. Complete a new NMF Verification Checklist (Attachment 5) foreach message sent.4.1 If an agency did not receive the INFORM notification message, complete the _______verification of receipt of the other agencies.4.2 If the INFORM notification message is not received, then:4.2.1 If FAX is available, fax the message and verify receipt. _______OR4.2.2 Read the message to the agency(s) line by line over the Hot Line orby commercial phone. Use the Civil Defense Radio if the Hot Line orphones are not available. _______EIP-2-006 REV -43 PAGE 6 OF 18 ATTACHIMENT 1PAGE 2 OF 3CONTROL ROOM COMMUNICATORAction CompletedInitials5 If a General Emergency has been declared and Protective ActionRecommendation (PAR) is being issued from the Control Room:5.1 Call the State EOC (GOHSEP) and Parish EOCs on State/Local Hotline and ______inform them that you will call them back in 5 minutes for a PARconfirmation.5.2 After 5 minutes, contact the State EOC and the five Parish EOCs. Using the _______PAR Verification Checklist (Attachment 6), verify, the Directors or AssistantDirectors are on line for each Parish EOC and the Operations Officer is online for the State EOC.5.3 When verified on the Hot Line, request the Emergency Director (ED) topick up the Hot Line for PAR verification and give the ED Attachment 6 tocomplete.6 As directed by the ED, notify the NRC of the emergency using ENS after_______notifying the State and local authorities and no later than one hour after thedeclaration of the emergency.6.1 The NRC Operations Center phone numbers are 1-301-816-5100 (main) and1-301-951-0550 or 1-301-415-0550 (backups).6.2 Document the NRC notification using NRC Form 361 or similar form.SUBSEOUENT ACTIONS1. Make follow-up notifications to State and local authorities and the NRC as directed by the ED.Verify' receipt of each NMIF using a new NMF Verification Checklist (Attachment 5).1.10Offsite authorities -Long Notification Message Forms (LNMF) should be prepared as soon aspossible following a Short Notification Message Form (SNMIF) or when significant changesoccur that don't warrant emergency escalation.1.1.1 During extended emergencies, time between LNMFs should not exceed 2 hours.1.1.2 Refer to Attachments 3 and 4 for details on LNMF completion.1.2 NRC -Update as requested.2. If directed by the ED, activate the EROpagers for a higher classification.EIP-2-006 REV -43 PAGE 7 OF 18 ATTACHMENT 1PAGE 3 OF 3CONTROL ROOM COMMUNICATORTERMINATION ACTIONSDate:Action CompletedInitials1. Upon termination of the emergency, notify State and local authoritiesusing the LNMF, unless relieved by the TSC.2. Upon termination, forward the originals of all completed Attachmentsto the Operations Shift Manager.)/EIP-2-006 REV -43 PAGE 8 OF 18 ATTACHMENT 2PAGE 1lOFi1TSCICONTROL ROOM COMMUNICATORINITIAL ACTIONS Date:______Time:______Action CompletedInitials1. Perform a turnover with the Control Room Communicator regarding _____the status of information provided to the NRC.2. Communicate with the NRC using the ENS line. Maintain communications_____as requested by the NRC (LC #13626). The NRC Operations Center phonenumbers are 1-301-816-5100 (main) and 1-301-951-0550 or 1-301-415-0550(backups).Time NRC notified:_____3. Document the NRC notification using NRC Form 361 or similar form or log. _____SUBSEQUENT ACTIONS1. Provide the NRC with information updates as requested.2. ,'When relieved of ENS responsibilities by the ENS Communicator, establishcommunications on the status headset with the TSC Operations Coordinatorand EOF Technical Advisor.3. Ensure that the Operations Coordinator and the Technical Advisor are keptinformed on plant conditions, evolutions, equipment status, medical emergencies,fire emergencies, hazardous material emergencies and any other information asnecessary or as requested.4. If directed by the Shift Manager and if qualified as Emergency Director, assumeEmergency Director duties during BOF relocation to its backup or alternate facility.4.1 Refer to EIP-2-002, Classification Actions for guidance.4.2 Request that OSC provide Control Room Communicator (SNEO) and Dose Assessor(Chemistry Technician).4.3 The Shift Manager then assumes the responsibility of providing the TSCupdates on plant status as requested.TERMINATION ACTIONS Date:______Action CompletedInitials1. Upon termination, ensure that the originals of all Attachments are ______forwarded to the Operations Shift Manager.EIP-2-006 REV -43 PAGE 9 OF 18 ATTACHMENT 3PAGEl1OF 1LONG NOTIFICATION MESSAGE FORM(TYPICAL)NOTIFICATION MESSAGE FORM1. THIS IS RIVER BEND STATIONWITH MESSAGE NUMBER ____2. A. TIME ______DATE_____B. COMMUNICATOR:__________C. TEL NO.3. EMERGENCY CLASSIFICATION:A. El NOTIFICATION OF UNUSUAL EVENT C. El SITE AREA EMERGENCYB. El ALERT 0.0[ GENERAL EMERGENCY4. CURRENT EMERGENCY CLASSIFICATION El DECLARATIONTIME:______DA'IE. El TERMINATEDEl[ TERMINATION5. RECOMMENDED PROTECTIVE ACTIONS:A. El No Protective Actions Recommended at this time (Go to item 6).B. El EvacuateC. El Monitor and Prepare ________________D. El Shelter6. INCIDENT DESCRIPTION/UPDATE/COM MENTS:_7. REACTOR SHUTDOWN? El NO El YES TIME:8. METEOROLOGICAL DATA: El NOT AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME (Go to item 9)A. Wind Direction FROM ________Degrees at____________B. Sectors Affected (A-R).C. Stability Class (A-G)D. Precipitation: El None El Rain El Sleet El Snow El Hail El Other9. RELEASE INFORMATION:A. El A RELEASE is occurring BELOW federally approved operating limitsB. El A RELEASE is occurring ABOVE federally approved operating limits10. TYPE OF RELEASE:A. El Radioactive Gases B. El Radioactive Airborne Particulates C. El 11. RELEASE RATE: A. NOBLE GASES ________Ci/s B. IODINE12. ESTIMATE OF PROJECTED OFF-SITE DOSE:A. Projections for _____hours based on: El Field Data El Plant B. TEDE -WB DOSE COMMITMENT (moRemo) C. CDE -THYRC____ DATE: _______MPHoactive Liquids (Go to item 13)-S _____________Cl/sata)1D DOSE COMMITMENT (mRem)Site Boundary _ ______ 5 miles ______Site Boundary2 miles5 miles10 miles2 miles10 miles13. MESSAGE APPROVED BY: _ ____________TITLE: ___________14. MESSAGE RECEIVED BY: ________TITLE: ____EIP-2-006REV -43 PAGE 10 OF 18ETP-2-006 REV-43 PAGE 10 OF 18 ATTACHMENT 4PAGEl1OFi1GUIDELINES FOR COMPLETING THE LONG NMFINFORMMANUAL METHOD* River Bend and Message Number automatic Assign a message number. Number the messagesLine :1 sequentially until the emergency is terminated.** 2A Time/Date automatic upon transmission. 2A Enter Time/Date message was transmitted.Line 2 2B Comm: Enter facility name. 2B Comm.: Enter facility name*2C Tel. No.: Indicate "Hotline" unless alternate 2C Tel. No.: Indicate "Hotline" unless alternate* method is being used, then enter alternate method. method is being used, then enter alternate method.Line 3 Automatic from Short Form. If termination message, Check appropriate classification or terminated.Scheck "terminated".*Line 4 Automatic from Short Form. For termination, check Check either declaration or termination."termination" and enter termination time/date. Enter time/date of emergency declaration or termination.S Check appropriate box(es). If PAR has been Check appropriate box(es). If PARs have beenLine 5 recommended, select appropriate protective actions and recommended, indicate the scenario number. May add-:indicate scenario number. May add information as information as necessary.necessary.SEnter description from Short Form. May add Enter description from Short Form. May add:Line 6: information as necessary. Use this line to correct any information as necessary. Use this line to correct any: previous errors. previous errors.:Line 7 Indicate if the reactor is shutdown. Information should Indicate if the reactor is shutdown. Information should_____ be obtained from Operations. If yes, enter time/date. be obtained from Oerations. If yes, enter the time/date.* Meteorological data for Lines SA-C is available on Meteorological data for Lines SA-C is available on ERISERIS and printers in the Control Room and and printers in the Control Room and Meteorological:Line S: Meteorological Tower. Tower.S A -Enter wind direction (from) and speed. SA -Enter wind direction (from) and speed.8B -Enter the 3 affected wind sectors according to SB -Enter the 3 affected wind sectors according to thethe current wind direction, current wind direction.S C -Enter stability class. SC -Enter stability class.SD -Check appropriate box. SD -Check appropriate box.: Determine release characterization. Determine release characterization.;, 9A/B -Check A or B as appropriate. When checking 9A/B -Check A or B as appropriate. When checking AA or B complete lines 10, 11 and 12. or B complete lines 10, 11 and 12.SIinae 9,______________________...Indicate the type of release(s). If there is no core Indicate the type of release(s). If there is no core,Linej damage, check 1OA for airborne release. If there is damage, check i0A for airborne release. If there is clad1 0. clad damage or fuel melt, check 1OA & lOB for damage or ifuel melt, check 10A & lOB for airborne,,, airborne release. If the release is a liquid release, check release. If the release is a liquid release, check 10OC.... l0C.Line Enter release rate. DRMS provides release rates in Enter release rate. DRMS provides release rates ini11 uCi/sec. These rates must be converted to Ci/sec uCi/sec. These rates must be converted to Ci/sec., 12A Enter number of hours used and method used in 12A Enter number of hours used and method used inLine dose calculation, dose calculation.12 "*12B Obtain from URI/RASCAL results.. 12B Obtain from URI/RASCAL results.*Line. Enter Emergency Director's name and "ED" as title. Enter Emergency Director's name and "ED" as title. ED1i3: : ED must review and approve NMvFs prior to must review and approve NMFs prior to transmission.*
- transmission.Line Leave blank. For use by parishes. Leave blank. For use by parishes.14:-EIP-2-006 REV -43 PAGE 11 OF 18 ATTACHMENT 5PAGE 1lOFi1NMF VERIFICATION CHECKLISTEnsure at least on...e of the agencies in each of the following rows receives the message.(EOC -Emergency Operations Center)MESSAGE #______MSG. REC'DFACILITY (YES /NO /NA)La. Dept. of Environmental Quality (LDEQ)(M-F -8AM to 4PM only)Governor's Office Homeland Security &Emergency Preparedness -GOHSEP(EOC or 911)West Feliciana Parish 911West Feliciana Parish EOCEast Feliciana Parish 911East Feliciana Parish EOC _______Pointe Coupee Parish 911Pointe Coupee Parish EOCEast Baton Rouge Parish 911East Baton Rouge Parish EOCWest Baton Rouge Parish 911West Baton Rouge Parish EOCMississippi Emergency ManagementAgency (MEMA)Mississippi Highway Patrol (MIIP)________At General Emergency Parish EO~s and State EOC OperationsOfficer informed of 5-mninute PAR verification phone call YES NO NAMessage Verified ________________________Communicator Signature / KCN Time / DateEIP-2-006 REV -43 PAGE 12 OF 18 ATTACHMENT 6PAGEl1OFi1PAR VERIFICATION CHECKLISTScenario # Recommended: ____Date:____Communicator verifies that correct individuals are on the Hot Line by placing a check mark on theappropriate line. The ED will verify approved scenario and initial the form.(OHSEP -Office of Homeland Security & Emergency Preparedness)WEST FELICLANA PARISH: ED Initial On LineDirector (OHSEP) _____Assistant Director ______APPROVED SCENARIO #____ ____EAST FELICIANA PARISH:Director (OHSEP) _____Assistant Director ______APPROVED SCENARIO #____ ____POINTE COUPEE PARISH:Director (OHSEP) _____Assistant Director ______APPROVED SCENARIO #____ ____WEST BATON ROUGE PARISH:Director (OHSEP) _____Assistant Director ______APPROVED SCENARIO #____ ____EAST BATON ROUGE PARISH:Director (OHSEP) _____Assistant Director ______APPROVED SCENARIO #____ ____STATE OF LOUISIANAState EOC (GOHSEP) Operations Officer _____Siren Sounding Time:__________EIP-2-006 REV -43 PAGE 13 OF 18 ATTACHMENT 7PAGE 1 0F 3ACTIVATION OF THE EROPrimary Method of ERO ActivationNOTEIf the ERO has already been activated at an ALERT or higher classification, anysubsequent classifications do not require ERO Notification System activation.The ERO Global Page is initially used to alert the ERO of the ensuing EverB ridge Notification.If EverBridge cannot be accessed using the steps 'below, it can be accessed fromany internet ready PC at hftt://eron. enteriv. coin1. Obtain the following Primary_ ERO Activation codes from Communicator binder and input into blanks:Global Page Security Code_____ EverBridge Access Code_____ EverBridge Pass Code____2. Activate the ERO Global Page using the plant pager system:2.1 Dial 4605 or 5105.2.2 Enter 2000 as the pager number.2.3 When prompted enter the Global Page Security Code from step 1.2.4 When prompted key in the call back number *#*30#3. Activate the EverBridge ERO Notification system:3.1 Obtain the classification level, ________, from the ED/STA.3.2 Open the EverBridge ERO Notification System by clicking:Start All Programs Nuclear Corporate Apps Nuclear Emergency Response ERON3.3 Enter Access Code and Pass Code from step 1 and click Submit.3.4 Select the appropriate Emergency Classification.3.5 Answer "Yes" or "No" to Security EAL question, "Was the event declared on a Security EAL."NOTEIf a hazard is presently onsite that may jeopardize responding ERO members,the Emergency Director should consider using the EverBridge Action whichdirects personnel to alternate reporting locations.For NO UE Classification, "No Action/Information Only" should be the selectedAction unless directed otherwise by the Emergency Director.3.6 Select the appropriate response Action by clicking on it.3.7 Once satisfied with the message content, click "Send Notification" button.3.8 Answer "Yes" to verification question, "Are you CERTAIN you want to send this message?"4. Log time ERO activated.______5. Verify that pagers in the facility have sounded within approximately 3 minutes after EROactivation time in step 4.6. If message was successfully sent, proceed to page 2 of this attachment for the Alternate Method ofERO Activation.7. Upon completion, notify ED/STA _____________ ____Signature / KCNDateEIP-2-006 REV -43 PAGE 14 OF 18 ATTACHMENT 7PAGE 2 OF 3ACTIVATION OF T11E EROAlternate Method of ERO Activation1. Obtain the following Alternate ERO Activation codes from Communicator binder and enter into blanks:Global Page Security CodeEverBridge Member TDEverBridge Password2. If not perfonmed on page 1 of this attachment, activate the ERO Global Page using the plant pager system:2.1 Dial 4605 or 5105.2.2 Enter 2000 as the pager number.2.3 When prompted enter the Global Page Security Code from step 1.2.4 When prompted key in the call back number *#*30#3. Activate the EverBridge ERO Notification System:,3.1 Determine which message you wish to send from the flowchart. You will recite this message in Step 3.7.No'An unusuailEvent has been declaredat the plan~t:;. No ,additlonaL ctloris' are; II: ,': :requir(ed at thiis time.7;Khas beeni declared at: the plant.:;:Report to youri assigned emergency.:reaponse..facility:. FFD~requ irements:NO ac ion(required)A(n ) ;( Emero encvy Cassltcatlonl)* ,:has been dclar-ed: at ;the plant.;.it0 you~r altern~ate assignfed:i <* re'quirem'ents a Pply. ::: : :4:: A: Security Event has, declared at the'.I accordanice to the PA If:j DO'NOT REPORT TOT-IHE:SITE;;...'Dial 9-1-888-440-4911 or 9-1-303-825-2212.When prompted, enter the Member ID from Step 1 followed by the # sign.When prompted, enter the Password from Step 1 followed by the # sign.When prompted, press i to send the message to ALL PATHS and ALL GROUPS.When prompted, press 1 to record a message.When prompted, record your voice message from the flowchart.If necessary, press 1 to play the message, press 2 to re-record the message, or if satisfied with the messagerecording press 3 to send the message.When prompted, press 1 to launch broadcast.3.94.5.Log time ERO activated.Upon completion, notify ED/STA.Signature / KCNDate6. If unsuccessful in activating the EverBridge ERO notification system via the Primary or Alternate methods,proceed to page 3 of this attachment for the Backup Method of ERO Activation.EIP-2-006 REV -43 PAGE 15 OF 18 ATTACHMENT 7PAGE 3 OF 3ACTIVATION OF THE EROBackup Method of ERO Activation1. Obtain the following Backup ERO Activation codes from Communicator binder and input intoblank:Global Page Security Code ____2. Activate the pagers by dialing 4605 or 5105 on the plant phone system. If the plant phonesystem is inoperable, dial 381-4605, 635-5105, or 635-6864 on a direct line.3. Enter 2000 as the pager number.4. Enter the Global Page Security Code from step 1.5. When prompted key in the appropriate code as written from the following:1) Enter *ff*02# (Notification of Unusual Event)2) Enter *#*03# (Alert)3) Enter *#*04# (Site Area Emergency)4) Enter *#*05# (General Emergency)5) Enter *#* 10# (Alert. Staff alternate facilities.)6) Enter *#* 11#f (Site Area Emergency. Staff alternate facilities.)7) Enter *#* 1 2# (General Emergency. Staff alternate facilities.)8) Enter *#*43# (Protected Area Evacuation)6. When page is accepted, hang up.7. Log time pagers activated. ________8. Verify that pagers in the facility have sounded within approximately 3 minutes after EROactivation time in step 7. If not, begin calling the ERO using the Emergency Telephone Book.9. Upon completion, notify ED/STA.Signature/KCN DateEIP-2-006 REV -43 PAGE 16 OF 18 ATTACHMENT 8: ~PAGEl1OFiSHORT NOTIFICATION MESSAGE FORM (TYPICAL)Time/Date: Message:This is River Bend StationA General Emergency was declared at[I ]on [forWind from Deg. At MPHPAR Reference Scenario No.:O Release BELOW federally approved operating limitso Release ABOVE federally approved operating limitsAuthorized by: Title:Time/Date: Message:This is River Bend StationA Site Area Emergency was declared atI on [fo rWind from Deg. At MPHNo Protective Actions Required.O Release BELOW federally approved operating limitsO Release ABOVE federally approved operating limitsAuthorized by:I Title:[EIP-2-006 REV -43 PAGE 17 OF 18 ATTACHMENT 9PAGE 1lOF 1GUIDELINE FOR COMPLETING THE SHORT NMFNotification of General EmergencyTime/Date:Message: LiThis is River Bend StationA General Emergency was declared atZ1 I o°n f IorwWind from Deg.WAt _ MPHO Release BELOW federally approved operating limitso Release ABOVE federally approved operating limitsAuthorized by:,ETitle:Liz I II .. .... .1 Message transmittal time and date (auto generated by the program when transmitted). If INFORM is INOP and the message isread or faxed to the recipients, write the time and date the first contact was established to read the message or the time the>2 Sequential message number sent for the emergency (auto generated by the program when transmitted). Include the messagenumber when completing the hand written SNMIF.3 Time of emergency declaration (24 hour clock).4 Date of emergency declaration. Format mm/dd/yyyy5*Include IC-EAL #, example AU1-2.6 The description of the event causing the classification. The description may be brief with detailed event information sent on aLNMF as soon as possible after the SNMF. The description does not have to be worded exactly like the IC and EAL but shouldbe sufficient for the offsite agencies to understand the event that occurred. In most instances, the description in the IC containsadequate information. If the IC or EAL contains an "or" statement, include only the applicable part. (Example: H1A4 contains "fireor explosion" in the IC and EAL. If the initiating event is a fire, do not include explosion in the event description.)7 Wind directiOn FROM. This information is obtained from the AMI-80 MET Data printer in the control room or other source.EPP-2-503 provides guidance if MET data is not_ available.iWind speed. This information: is obtained from the AMI:80 MET Data printer in the control room or other source. EPP-2-503prvdsgidance if MET data is not_ available.9 Assess DRMS or ERIS effluent monitors trend to determine if any detectable discharge of radioactive material to the environmenthas occurred. Procedure section 3.3 contains definitions for release. Select the appropriate release characterization.O (GE only) PAR Scenario number. Use E]P-2-007 and PAR flow chart to determine the correct PAR.11 Eerec Director nameE12 ED* The wording of many ICs for the different classification levels differ by one or two words. The IC-EAL # is a tool to ensure the correctEAL condition is communicated.EIP-2-006 REV -43 PAGE 18 OF 18 ATTACHMENT 9.1 10OCFR50.54(q) SCREENINGSHEET t OF 5{Procedure/Document Number: EIP-2-006 Revision: 43EquipmentlFacility/Other: River Bend StationTitle: NotificationsPart I. Description of Activity Bei~ig Reviewed (event or action, or series of actions that may result in a change to theemergency plan or affect the implementation of the emergency plan):1. Revised definition 3.3 Radiological Release -From:For emergency response purposes is defined as ANY detectable discharge of radioactive material to the environmentthat is due to the classified event.To...:For emergency response purposes is defined as ANY detectable discharge of radioactive material to theenvironment.2. Revised release characterization contained in definition 3.3.From:No release.Release below federally approved operating limits.Release above federally approved operating limits.To:"Release below federally approved operating limits.Release above federally approved operating limits.3. Attachment 3 -Revised Long Notification Message Form to include on Line 5C 'Monitor and Prepare' as an option for aRecommended Protective Action. Moved 'Shelter' as an option from Line 5C to Line 5D.4. Attachment 3 -Revised Long Notification Message Form lines 9A, D and E to remove 'No Release' as releaseinformation characterization and to be consistent with change 2 above.5. Attachment 4- Revised Guidelines for Completing the Long NMF Line 9 to remove 'No release' as an option and to beconsistent with change 4 above. Reordered remaining steps.6. Attachment 8 -Revised Short Notification Message Form examples for the Site Area Emergency and GeneralEmergency to remove the 'No Release' option to be consistent with change 2 above.7. Attachment 9 -Revised Guideline for Completing the Short NMF to remove the option of 'No Release' to be consistentwith change 6 above.8. Attachment 9 -Revised Guideline for Completing the Short NMF line 7 and 8 to change procedure reference EIP-2-001to EPP-2-503.9. Attachment 9 -Revised Guideline for Completing the Short NMF line 9.From:Assess DRMS or ERIS effluent monitors trend to determine if any detectable discharge of radioactive material to theenvironment that is due to the classified event has occurred.To:"Assess DRMS or ERIS effluent monitors trend to determine if any detectable discharge of radioactive material to theenvironment has occurred.10. Responsibility -Added the following responsibility for the TSC/Control Room Communicator. TSC/Control RoomCommunicator -initially communicates with the NRC regarding plant events. Upon being relieved by the ENSCommunicator, the TSC/Control Room Communicator establishes communications with the EOF and TSC keeping bothfacilities informed of plant conditions, evolutions, and other information as necessary. If directed by the Shift Manager,the TSC/Control Room Communicator (if qualified as Emergency Director) will assume Emergency Director duties duringEOF relocation to its backup or alternate facility.11. Attachment 2 -Added Subsequent Action 4 -If directed by the Shift Manager and if qualified as Emergency Director,assume Emergency Director duties during EOF relocation to its backup or alternate facility. Refer to EIP-2-002,Classification Actions for guidance. Request CR Communicator (SNEO) and Dose Assessor (Chemistry Technician).The Shift Manager then assumes the responsibility of providing the TSC updates on plant status as requested.EN-EP-305 REV 3 ATTACHMENT 9.1 10OCFR50.54(q) SCREENINGSHEET 2 OF 5PrOcedure/Document Number: EIP-2-006 Revision: 43EquipmentlFacilitylOther: River Bend StationTitle: NotificationsPart II. Activity Previously Reviewed? [--IYES []NOIs this activity fully bounded by an NRC approved 10 CFR 50.90 submittal or Alert and 50.54(q)(3) Continue to nextNotfiatin ystm esin epotEvaluation is partNotiicaton yste Desgn epor? iNOT required.EnterIf YES, identify bounding source document number/approval reference and ensure the buelitow ndbasis for concluding the source document fully bounds the proposed change is complete Partdocumented below: VI.Justification:El Bounding document attached (optional)Part lUi. Applicability of Other Regulatory Change Control ProcessesCheck if any other regulatory change processes control the~proposed activity.(Refer to EN-LI-I100)NOTE: For example, when a design change is the proposed activity, consequential actions may include changes to otherdocuments which have a different change control process and are NOT to be included in this 50.54(q)(3) Screening.APPLICABILITY CONCLUSION[] If there are no controlling change processes, continue the 50.54(q)(3) Screening. Per new templateEl One or more controlling change processes are selected, however, some portion of the activity involves the emergencyplan or affects the implementation of the emergency plan; continue the 50.54(q)(3) Screening for that portion of the activity.Identify the applicable controlling change processes below.El One or more controlling change processes are selected and fully bounds all aspects of the activity. 50.54(q)(3)Evaluation is NOT required. Identify controlling change processes below and complete Part VI.CONTROLLING CHANGE PROCESSESI 0CFR50.54(q)Part IV. Editorial Change E]YES [] NOIs this activity an editorial or typographical change such as formatting, paragraph Evaluato3n Cotneionxtprnumbering, spelling, or punctuation that does not change intent? NOT required.EnterJustficaion:justification andVI.Part V. Emergency Planning Element/Function Screen (Associated 10 CFR 50.47(b) planning standard functionidentified in brackets) Does this activity affect any of the following, including program elements from NUREG-0654/FEMAREP-I Section II?1. Responsibility for emergency response is assigned. [1] ElI2. The response organization has the staff to respond and to augment staff on a continuing b~asis (24/7 staffing) Elin accordance with the emergency plan. [1]3. The process ensures that on shift emergency response responsibilities are staffed and assigned. [2] El4. The process for timely augmentation of onshift staff is established and maintained. [2] LII5. Arrangements for requesting and using off site assistance have been made. [3] El6. State and local staff can be accommodated at the EOF in accordance with the emergency plan. [3] LiiEN-EP-305 REV 3 ATI'ACHMENT 9.1 10CFR50.54(q) SCREENINGSHEET 3OF 5Procedure/Document Number: EIP-2-O06 Revision: 43EquipmentlFacility/Other: River Bend StationTitle: NotificationsPart Vi(Continued)7. A standard scheme of emergency classification and action levels is in use. [4] E8. Procedures for notification of State and local governmen~tal agencies are capable of alerting them of the []9. Administrative and physical means have been established for alerting and providing prompt instructions to the El10. The public ANS meets the design requirements of FEMA-REP-lo, Guide for Evaluation of Alert and Elreport and supporting FEMA approval letter. [5]11. Systems are established for prompt communication among principal emergency response organizations. [6] Q]12. Systems are established for prompt communication to emergency response personnel. [6] El13. Emergency preparedness information is made available to the public on a periodic basis within the plume Elexposure pathway emergency planning zone (EPZ). [7]14. Coordinated dissemination of public information during emergencies is established. [7] El15. Adequate facilities are maintained to support emergency response. [8] LI16. Adequate e uipment is maintained to support emer ency response. [8] E17. Methods, systems, and equipment for assessment of radioactive releases are in use. [9] El18. A range of public PARs is available for implementation duding emergencies. [10] El19. Evacuation time estimates for the population located in the plume exposure pathway EPZ are available to Elsupport the formulation of PARs and have been provided to State and local governmental authorities. [10] ___20. A range of protective actions is available for plant emergency workers during emergencies, including those for Elhostile action events. 10]____21. The resources for controlling radiological exposures for emergency workers are established. [11] El22. Arrangements are made for medical services for contaminated, injured individuals. [12] El23. Plans for recovery and reentry are developed. [13] El24. A drill and exercise program (including radiological, medical, health physics and other program areas) is Elestablished. [14]25. Drills, exercises, and training evolutions that provide performance opportunities to develop, maintain, and Eldemonstrate key skills are assessed via a formal critique process in order to identify weaknesses. [14] ___26. Identified weaknesses are corrected. [14] El27. Training is provided to emergency responders. [15] El28. Responsibility for emergency plan development and review is established. [16] El29. Planners responsible for emergency plan development and maintenance are properly trained. [16] ElAPPLICABILITY CONCLUSION[] If no Part V criteria are checked, a 50.54(q)(3) Evaluation is NOT required; document the basis for conclusion below andcomplete Part VI.El If any Part V criteria are checked, complete Part VI and perform a 50.54(q)(3) Evaluation.EN-EP-305 REV 3 ATTACHMENT 9.1 10OCFR50.54(q) SCREENINGSHEET 4 OF 5Procedure/Document Number: EIP-2-006 Revision: 43Equipment/Facility/Other: River Bend StationTitle: NotificationsBASIS FOR CONCLUSIONChangqe Items 1.,2 and 9. Revised release definition to remove 'due to the classified event' and also removed 'no release'as a release characterization.There are no changes to the current offsite notilication procedure process with one exception associated with removing'no release' as an option with which to characterize releases from the site. With this change RBS will still provide to localorganizations emergency messages which contain information about the class of emergency, whether a release is takingplace, potentially affected populations, and whether protective measures are necessary. This change is in alignment withNRC RIS 2002-16 and has been agreed to by both State and local officials. Procedures for notification of State and localgovemnmental agencies are still capable of alerting them of the declared emergency within 15 minutes after declaration ofan emergency and providing follow-up notifications therefore no further evaluation is required for this change.Chanae Item # 3. Attachment 3 -Revised Long Notification Message Form to include on Line 5C 'Monitor andPrepare' as an option for a Recommended Protective Action. Moved 'Shelter' as an option from Line 50 to Line5D. This change was previously evaluated by RBS under a 10CFR50.54(q)(3) performed on 12/2114 as part ofrevision 26 of EIP-2-007. That 10CFR50.54(q) determined the use of monitor and prepare was consisten~t withregulatory guidance and was not a reduction in effectiveness of Emergency Plan functions and could beincorporated without prior NRC approval. No further evaluation is required for this change.Chanqe Item # 4 Attachment 3 -Revised Long Notification Message Form Line 9A to remove 'No Release' as a release*information characterization to be consistent with change 2.Chanqe Item # 5. Attachment 4- Revised Guidelines for Completing the Long NMF Line 9 to remove 'No release' as anoption to be consistent with change 4. Reordered remaining steps.Changqe Item # 6. Attachment 8 -Revised Short Notification Message Form examples for the Site Area Emergency andGeneral Emergency to remove the 'No Release' option to be consistent with change 2.Chanqe Item # 7. Attachment 9 -Revised Guideline for Completing the Short NMF to remove the option of 'No Release' tobe consistent with change 6(2 or 6).Changes 4 and 6 remove 'No release' from typical forms on both the Long NMF and Short NMF. Changes 5 and7 remove from the guidance on completion of Long NMF and Short NMF the use of 'No Release'. The ability toperform notifications to State/Local agencies in a timely manner is not impacted by this change as notifications ofemergency classification and Protective Action Recommendation (PAR) are still being made by Short NotificationMessage Form. The evaluation of the removal of 'No Release' is being performed as part of change #2 above.Changes 4, 5, 6 and 7 do not change the meaning or intent of a description, does not change facilities orequipment, and does not change a process. No further evaluation is required for these changes.Changqe Item # 8. Attachment 9 -Revised Guideline for Completing the Short NMF line 7 and 8 to change procedurereference from EIP-2-001 to EPP-2-503. Lines 7 and 8 of the Guidelines direct the user to refer to a procedure foralternate methods of acquiring meteorological information if it's not available. The procedure attachment information hasbeen moved from EIP-2-001 to EPP-2-503. This change was previously evaluated by RBS under a 10CFR50.54(q)(3)performed on 12/2/14 as part of revision 25 of EIP-2-001. That I0CFR50.54(q) determined the move of this informationwas not a reduction in effectiveness of Emergency Plan functions and could be incorporated without prior NRC approval.No further evaluation is required for this change.Chanqe #10. Added Responsibility 4.3 to identify those of the TSC/Control Room Communicator. These responsibilitiesinclude those listed in Attachment 2 and an additional responsibility was included to assume the role of EmergencyDirector upon EOF relocation to its backup or altemnate facility. This additional responsibility is contingent upon theTSC/Control Room Communicator being Emergency Director qualified.Changqe #11. Attachment 2- Added Subsequent Action 4 -If directed by the Shift Manager and if qualified as EmergencyDirector, assume Emergency Director duties during EOF relocation to its backup or altemnate facility. Refer to EIP-2-002,Classification Actions for guidance. Request CR Communicator (SNEO) and Dose Assessor (Chemistry Technician). TheShift Manager then assumes the responsibility of providing the TSC updates on plant status as requested.EN-EP-305 REV 3 ATTACHMENT 9.1 10OCFR50.54(q) SCREENINGSHEET 5 OF 5Procedure/Document Number: EIP-2-006 Revision: 43SEquipmentlFacility/Other: River Bend StationTitle: NotificationsThe responsibilities of the TSCIControl Room Communicator were not previously listed under the responsibility section ofthe procedure. This addition is considered as an enhancement to the procedure. The additional responsibility of theTSC/Control Communicator assuming the role of Emergency Director would only apply during the unlikely event of the EOFrelocating to its backup or altemnate location and only if the individual was Emergency Director qualified. Upon the effectivedate of this procedure change, individuals assuming the role of TSC/Control Room Communicator will be Shift Managersand therefore will be ED qualified. Once the EOF has relocated and become operational, command and control includingEmergency Director responsibilities will be returned to the EOF Emergency Director. No further evaluation is required forthis change.Part VI. Signatures:___________Preparer Name (Print) ' ~R re rer Sig ture Date:Fred Hurst 11-23-15(Optional) Reviewer Name (Print) RverigaueDate:N/AReviewer Name (Print) Reviewer Signature Date:Tom Sowdon , f_. 11-23-2015Nuclear EP Project Manager ._________Approver Name (Print) Date:EP manager or designee Sc'e.)-EN-EP-305 REV 3 REFERENCE USE*P 13.01ENTERGYRIVER BEND STATIONSTATION SUPPORT MANUAL*EMERGENCY IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE*OPERA TIONS SUPPORT CENTERPROCEDURE NUMBER: *EIP-2-016REVISION NUMBER: *30Effective Date: *1/27/16NOTE : SIGNATURES ARE ON FILE.*INEXNGINFORMATION TABLE OF CONTENTSSECTION PAGE NO.1 PU R PO SE ..................................................................22 REFERENCES ...................................................................................... 23 DEFINITIONS ...... .............................. ................................................... 24 RESPONSIBILITIES................................................................................ 35 GENERAL........................................................................................ ...56 PROCEDURE........................................................................................ 67 DOCUMENTATION ............................................................................... 6ATTACHMENT 1 -OSC MANAGER ................................... 7ATTACHMENT 2 -WORK CONTROL COORDINATOR ......................................... 8ATTACHMENT 3 -MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL/I&C COORDINATORS ...........1I0ATTACHMENT 4 -RAD/CHEM COORDINATOR ............................................... 11ATTACHMENT 5 -TSC/OSC/CR HABITABILITY TECHNICIAN ..... ....................... 14ATTACHMENT 6 -OSC LOG KEEPER............................................................. 15ATTACHMENT 7 -OSC SUPPORT PERSONNEL ................................................ 16ATTACHMENT 8 -TSC VENTILATION EMERGENCY MODE OPERATIONS ............. 18ATTACHMENT 9 -OPERATIONS SUPPORT CENTER ORGANIZATION... ................ 20ATTACHMENT 10 -OPERATIONS SUPPORT CENTER FLOOR PLAN...................... 21ATTACHMENT 11 -OSC PERSONNEL CHECKLIST............................................ 22EIP-2-016 REV -30 PAGE 1 OF 22 1 PURPOSEThis procedure provides site specific instructions for activation, operation, andrelocation of the Operations Support Center (OSC). Entergy fleet procedure EN-EP-6 11, Operations Support Center (0OSC) Operations is the primary procedureto reference for OSC activation and operations.2 REFERENCES2.1 EIP-2-012, Radiation Exposure Controls2.2 EIP-2-0 15, Post Accident Sampling Operations*2.3 EN-RP-104, Personnel Contamination Events 2.4 EN-RP-121, Radioactive Material Control2.5 RPP-0006, Radiological Surveys2.6 EN-RP-108, Radiation Protection Posting2.7 EN-EP-61 1, Operations Support Center (OSC) Operations2.8 EN-EP-801, Emergency Response Organization3 DEFINITIONS3.1 Habitable -For the purpose of this procedure, the term habitable isbased solely on radiological conditions, however, the OSC Managermay declare the OSC uninhabitable based upon other conditions.3.2 Augmentation -Actions taken to support onshift personnel or theEmergency Response Organization.3.3 Search and Rescue Team -Teams used to locate missing/unaccountedindividuals and to provide assistance in removing individuals from theevacuated area. Search and Rescue Teams should be composed of atleast two persons selected from Radiation Protection Technicians,Chemistry Technicians, Nuclear Control Operators/Nuclear EquipmentOperators, or First Responders. If one of the team members is not anRP Technician, at least one of the team members must be trained in theuse of radiation survey instruments. At least one team member must betrained in search and rescue techniques. Fire Brigade members aretrained in search and rescue techniques.EIP-2-016 REV -30 PG F2PAGE 2 OF 22 4 RESPONSIBILITIES4.1 OSC Manager -reports to the Emergency Plant Manager and has theoverall responsibility for the activation and operation of the OperationsSupport Center. Direct and control the OSC, coordinate all OSCemergency response activities, and keep the Emergency Plant Managerinformed about OSC activities.4.2 Work Control Coordinator -reports to the OSC Manager. Ensure thatthe OSC is activated. Coordinate the formation, briefing, timelydispatch and debriefing of repair and corrective action teams, search andrescue teams and onsite monitoring teams and mobilize other requiredsupport personnel. Maintain communications with the MaintenanceCoordinator in the TSC. Ensure OSC Team Dispatching Forms arecompleted for all work teams dispatched, assume the responsibilities ofOSC Manager when the OSC Manager is not available, keep the OSCManager informed of the status of OSC operations, and ensure OSCstaff provides support functions per the applicable section(s) of thisprocedure. Use status boards or other acceptable methods.4.3 Mechanical and Electrical/I&C Coordinator(s) -reports to the WorkControl Coordinator. Assign team members to the repair and correctiveaction teams. Conduct or participate in the pre-job briefing for theassigned tasks. Ensure repair and corrective action teams are tracked.Ensure communication with the teams is maintained. Participate indebriefing of returning emergency teams.4.4 RadlChem Coordinator -reports to the Work Control Coordinator.Assist in making the OSC operational, coordinate the activities ofRadiation Protection and Chemistry personnel, ensure all work teamsdispatched in the plant are briefed and debriefed.4.5 OSC Operations Support -reports to the OSC Manager. This positionis filled by an On-shift Operator. Support the OSC as needed, ensuresthe OSM is informed of OSC teams and activities. Identify potentialoperational support needs. Assist Coordinators is assigning operationaltasks to qualified operators. OSC Operations Support may be assignedother duties and is not required to remain in the OSC.4.f6 OSC Log Keeper- reports to the OSC Manager. Maintain facility logon OSC status boards and/or displays. Ensure timeliness of facilitybriefs by prompting OSC Manager of the briefing schedule if necessary.Support the OSC Manager as requested.EIP-2-016 REV -30 PG F2PAGE 3 OF 22 4.7 OSC Teams -reports to Work Control Coordinator. Performs qualifiedjob functions and/or emergency plan functions as directed by the OSCManager or Coordinators.4.8 Mechanical Maintenance Personnel -Implement repair and correctiveactions as directed by the OSC Manager.4.9 Electrical Maintenance Personnel -Implement repair and correctiveactions as directed by the OSC Manager.4.10 I & C Maintenance Personnel -Implement repair and corrective actionsas directed by the OSC Manager.4.11 Operations Personnel -assist the OSC teams on plant/operationalmatters, fire brigade, or search and rescue as directed by the OSCManager.4.12 Chemistry Technician Personnel -support accident assessment effortsby obtaining and analyzing plant radiochemistry and chemistry samples,perform dose assessment in the Control Room until the TSC isoperational and serve as a member of the offsite RadiologicalMonitoring Team as directed by the Rad/iChem Coordinator. On-shiftChemistry Technician reporting to the Control Room to perform doseassessment reports to OSC after the EOF becomes operational.4.13 Radiation Protection Technician Personnel -provide personnelmonitoring and dosimetry for emergency response personnel; provideradiation protection coverage for repair and corrective actions, searchand rescue, first aid, and fire fighting; assist in access control toradioactive contaminated areas; provide for personnel monitoring duringan evacuation of site personnel; and assist with radiation protectiontasks as directed by the Rad/Chem Coordinator including radiologicalbriefing and debriefing of teams.4.14 Habitability Technician -complete the check of emergency equipmentand perform initial and periodic habitability surveys of the ControlRoom, TSC and OSC; keep the Radiological Coordinator andRad/Chem Coordinator informed of TSC, OSC and CR habitability;maintain the OSC contamination control point, and perform otheractions as directed by the Rad/Chem Coordinator.4.15 Fire Brigade -provide fire suppression and protection activities asrequired. Fire Brigade members may perform other functions asdirected when fire brigade emergency response is not required.EIP-2-016 REV -30 PG F2PAGE 4 OF 22 4.16 First Responder Team -provide emergency care or treatment to ill orinjured personnel before medical assistance can be obtained during anemergency. First Responder Team members may perform otherfunctions as directed when medical emergency response is not required.4.17 Search and Rescue -search for missing or troubled plant personnel andreturn them safely to the facility. Search and Rescue Team membersmay perform other functions as directed when search and rescueemergency response is not required.5 GENERAL5.1 Attachment 9, Operations Support Center Organization Chart is atypical makeup for the OSC.5.2 Attachment 10, Operations Support Center Floor Plan is a typical setupfor the OSC.The OSC may be activated at any time, and shall be activated at anAlert, Site Area Emergency, or General Emergency declaration. Onceactivated, the OSC shall become operational as soon as possible afterdeclaration of any of these emergency classifications. When OSCminimum staffing can be accomplished with onsite personnel, it is thegoal to become operational within 45 minutes. Otherwise, it is the goalto be operational in 90 minutes.5.4 Situations may arise where personnel responding to an emergency willnot be able to access the emergency response facilities in the protectedarea (e.g. terrorist event). In these situations, TSC personnel shouldman the Emergency Operations Facility located in the Training Center.Operations Support Center personnel should also be staged in the EOFand carry out the applicable steps of this procedure. EOF personnel willreport to the Alternate EOF in Baton Rouge. Joint Information Centerpersonnel will be directed to the Governor's Office of HomelandSecurity and Emergency Preparedness (GOHSEP) in Baton Rouge.EIP-2-016 REV -30 PAGE 5 OF 22 6 PROCEDURENOTEThe actions of this procedure may be completed in anysequence, however, the sequence presented isrecommended.6.1 OSC Manager6.1.1. The OSC Manager should use Attachment I as a guideline.NOTEThe Work Control Coordinator, Mechanical Coordinator,Electrical/I&C Coordinator, and Rad/Chem Coordinatorassigned to respond at the ALERT level however all threeare not required for minimum staffing.6.2 Work Control Coordinator6.2.1. The Work Control Coordinator should use Attachment 2 as aguideline..6.3 Mechanical and Electrical/I & C Coordinators6.3.1. The Mechanical and Electrical/I & C Coordinators should useAttachment 3 as a guideline.6.4 Rad/Chem Coordinator6.4.1. The Rad/Chem Coordinator should use Attachment 4 as aguideline.6.5 TSC/OSC/CR Habitability Technician6.5.1. The TSC/OSC/CR Habitability Technician should useAttachment 5 as a guideline.6.6 OSC Log Keeper6.6.1. The OSC Log Keeper should use Attachment 6 as a guideline.6.7 OSC Support Personnel6.7.1 The OSC Support Personnel should use Attachment 7 as aguideline.7 DOCUMENTATIONAttachment 1-7, and 11 of this procedure will be sent to Permanent Plant Files(PPF) per EPP-2-100 by the Manager -Emergency Preparedness.EIP-2-016 REV -30PAGE 6 OF 22EIP-2-016 REV -30 PAGE 6 OF 22 ATTACHMENT 1PAGE 1lOFt1OSC MANAGERActions CompletedACTIVATION Date: _ __Time: ____Initial1. Refer to EN-EP-6l1.2. If the OSC is determined to be uninhabitable, determine with the Emergency __Plant Manager the appropriate OSC personnel to relocate to the Main ControlRoom.3. Direct an On-shift Operator to fill the position of OSC Operations Support. __SUBSEQUENT ACTIONS1. Direct an individual to initiate a ventilation check using Attachment 8.2. If decision is made to relocate the OSC, implement the relocation section of thisprocedure.RELOCATIONNOTEThis section is applicable ifthe OSC Manager declares theOSC uninhabitable.1. Brief the OSC members of plan to relocate to the Main Control Room.2. Notify dispatched repair teams of OSC relocation decision.3. Direct OSC Coordinators to ensure work orders, dispatched work team status, applicableprocedures, handheld radios, respirators, SCBA's, spare SCBA bottles, and equipment asrequired are relocated to the Main Control Room.4. Direct the following OSC personnel to report to the Main Control Room briefing room toresume OSC operations:a. OSC Coordinator(s)b. Electrician (1)c. Mechanic (1)d. I&C Technician (1)e. RP Technician (1)f. Rad/Chem Coordinator (1)5. Determine with the Emergency Plant Manager the disposition of remaining OSCpersonnel. Send to EOF or to alternate location to be utilized as additional resources orsend them home to remain on standby.EIP-2-016 REV -30 PAGE 7 OF 22 ATTACHMENT 2PAGE 1OF 2WORK CONTROL COORDINATOR~Actions CompletedACTIVATION Date: _ __Time: ____Initial1. Refer to EN-EP-6 11.2. Periodically announce that no eating, drinking, or chewing is allowed __until habitability is determined.3. Obtain habitability status from the Rad/Chem Coordinator. Ensure that status __is posted on OSC status board and/or displays.4. Assume the OSC Manager's responsibilities during absence of the.__OSC Manager.5. Ensure OSC personnel have carded in on the accountability card reader or __accounted for on the status board and/or displays. If card reader is inoperable,prepare and maintain a list of names and badge numbers to manually maintainaccountability.6. Ensure that work teams dispatched by the Control Room are posted to the __OSC status board and/or displays and accounted for.SUBSEOUENT ACTIONS1. Augment the OSC staff as necessary by contacting the EOF Administration and LogisticsCoordinator. Call the Safety Representative to report to the OSC, if necessary.2. Direct OSC support personnel to complete the OSC PERSONNh.EL CHECKLIST andreport any activity not qualified to perfonrm.3. Obtain a status from the work teams dispatched by the Control Room and complete theapplicable information on a Team Dispatching Form, documenting teams dispatchedbefore OSC activation. Track these work teams to completion of assignment.4. Check qualifications of search and rescue team members as necessary. At least 1 teammember must be trained in search and rescue techniques and at least 1 team member mustbe trained in the use of radiation survey instruments. Fire Brigade members are trained insearch and rescue techniques.5. Provide the completed Team Dispatching form to the OSC Log Keeper for update ofstatus boards and/or displays.6. Maintain a file of active and completed Work Orders.7. Implement the relocation section of this procedure when directed by the OSC Manager.EIP-2-016 REV -30 PAGE 8 OF 22 ATTACHMENT 2PAGE 2 OF 2WORK CONTROL COORDINATORRELOCATIONNOTEThis section is applicable if the OSC Manager declares theOSC uninhabitable.1. Direct selected OSC personnel to relocate Team Dispatching Forms, work team status,applicable procedures, all handheld radios, respirators, SCBA's, spare SCBA bottles,instruments and equipment as required to the Control Room.2. Disposition remaining OSC personnel as directed by the OSC Manager.EIP-2-016 REV -30 PAGE 9 OF 22 ATTACHMENT 3PAGEl1OFi1MECHANICAL AN]) ELECTRICAL/I&C COORDINATORSActions CompletedACTIVATION Date: _ __Time: ____Initial1. Refer to EN-EP-611.2. Assume the OSC Manager's responsibilities during absence of the __OSC Manager.3. Determine the operational status of the following equipment: __(circle one)* At least one River Bend Phone extension Yes/No* Inplant/Services Building Gaitronics System Yes/No* Portable radios (six) Yes/No* TSC intercom Yes/No4. Ensure OSC personnel have carded in on the accountability card reader or __accounted for on the status board and/or displays. If card reader is inoperable,prepare and maintain a list of names and badge numbers to manually maintainaccountability.SUBSEOUENT ACTIONS1. Direct OSC support personnel to complete the OSC PERSONNEL CHECKLIST andreport any activity not qualified to perform.2. Obtain a status from the work teams dispatched by the Control Room and complete theapplicable information on a Team Dispatching Form, documenting teams dispatchedbefore OSC activation. Track these work teams to completion of assignment.3. Check qualifications of search and rescue team members as necessary. At least 1 teammember must be trained in search and rescue techniques and at least 1 team member mustbe trained in the use of radiation survey instruments. Fire Brigade members are trained insearch and rescue techniques.4. Implement the relocation section of this procedure when directed by the OSC Manager.RELOCATIONNOTEThis section is applicable if the OSC Manager declares theOSC uninhabitable.1. Direct selected OSC personnel to relocate work orders, work team status, applicableprocedures, all handhield radios, respirators, SCBA's, spare SCBA bottles, instrumentsand equipment as required to the Control Room.2. Disposition remaining OSC personnel as directed by the OSC Manager.EIP-2-016 REV -30 PAGE 10 OF 22 ATTACHMENT 4PAGE 1OF 3RAD/CHEM COORDINATORActions CompletedACTIVATION Date: _ __Time: ____Initial1. Refer to EN-EP-611.2. Direct 3 RP Technicians to the EOF to perform Offsite Radiological __Monitoring and Habitibility Technician responsibilities. (2 RP Techs requiredto report to EOF within 75 minutes for Offsite Monitoring Teams)3. Ensure the distribution of pocket/electronic dosimeters to TSC, OSC and __Control Room personnel and announce the frequency at which individualsshould read their dosimeters. As necessary, direct the issuing of DLRs usingpage 3 of this Attachment.SUBSEQUENT ACTIONSNOTEDuring a classified emergency, the RBS administrativecontrols are suspended, however, every effort shall bemade to maintain personnel exposure within the limitsestablished by IJOCFR20.The Rad/Chem Coordinator may delegate responsibilitiesto Senior Radiation Protection Technician(s).CAUTIONDuring a Fuel Handling Accident where the spent fuel is greater than 30 days old, ssKr (10.7year half-life) is the principle gaseous isotope available for release. It is important in this caseto take (RO-2/2A) open window as well as closed window readings since the primary dosefrom this isotope is Shallow Dose Equivalent. The [3-/ yemission ratio is approximately 240.1. As required, direct the establishment of a clean path between TSC/OSC and theOSC emergency locker and a contamination control point outside door # SB 123-19.2. Deploy onsite radiation monitoring teams to survey radiation levels and sample forcontamination. Keep the OSC Manager informed of plant monitoring team activities andradiological conditions.3. Pr'bvide a Radiation Protection Technician or Chemistry Technician to act as OffsiteTeam Coordinator in the TSC when directed by the Radiological Coordinator.4. Communicate rad/chemistry sample results to the TSC and/or CR.5. Periodically assess TSC and OSC habitability.EIP-2-016 REV -30 PAGE 11 OF 22 ATTACHMENT 4PAGE 2 OF 3RAD/CHEM COORDINATORRELOCATIONNOTEThis section is applicable if the OSC Manager declares theOSC uninhabitable.1. Relocate equipment required for continued emergency response to the Main ControlRoom. (Respirators, SCBA's, spare SCBA bottles, PCs, logs, exposure records,instruments, etc. as required.)2. Evaluate the need to move the contamination control points and relocate as necessary.EIP-2-016 REV -30 PAGE 12 OF 22 ATTACHMENT 4PAGE 3 OF 3RAD/CHEM COORDINATORDLR Tracking Log(Typical)Date:DLR# Name (LastFirstMI)Print SSN ReturnedDLR# Name (LastFirstMDPrint SSN Returned__ ______ I ___ :1 __EIP-2-016 REV -30 PAGE 13 OF 22 ATTACHMENT 5PAGE 1lOF 1TSC/OSC/CR HABITABILITY TECHNICIANACTIVATION Date: ____Time: _ ___Action CompletedInitial1. Perform operational checks on monitoring equipment prior to use.2. Perform radiation and airborne radioactivity surveys in accordance with __RPP-0006, Radiological Surveys or applicable attachments of EIIP-2-0 14,Offsite Radiological Monitoring, to ensure that the TSC, OSC and CR arehabitable. Report results to the Rad/Chem Coordinator.3. Inform the Rad/Chem Coordinator when prepared to perform functional __responsibilities.SUBSEOUENT ACTIONS1. Periodically perform surveys of the TSC, OSC and CR.2. Establish a contamination control point outside of door SB 123-19, as directed. Ifneeded, establish a clean path between the TSC and OSC supply locker.3. If personnel entering the TSC/OSC are contaminated, notify the Rad/ChemCoordinator and arrange for decontamination.4. Keep the Rad/Chem Coordinator informed of all activities:RELOCATIONNOTE.This section is applicable if the OSC Manager declares theOSC uninhabitable.If the TSC/OSC is relocating:1. Relocate to the control room or other location as directed by the OiSC Manager. Uponarrival resume habitability assessment and provide team coverage if necessary. Utilizesupplies located in the Emergency Planning locker if relocated to the control room.EIP-2-016 REV -30 PAGE 14 OF 22 ATTACHMENT 6PAGEl1OF 1OSC LOG KEEPERActions CompletedACTIVATION Date: _____Time: _____Initial1. Refer to EN-EP-6 11.2. Update status boards and/or displays with current information.3. Request information on work teams dispatched prior to OSC activation and __update status boards and/or displays.4. Ensure that OSC personnel are signed in on OSC Staffing sheet. __SUBSEOUENT ACTIONS1. Ensure timeliness of facility briefs by prompting the OSC Manager of the briefingschedule if necessary.RELOCATIONNOTEThis section is applicable if the OSC Manager declares theOSC uninhabitable.1. Relocate to the Main Control Room as directed.EIP-2-016 REV -30 PAGE 15 OF 22 ATTACHMENT 7PAGE 1OF 2OSC SUPPORT PERSONNELACTIVATION1. Sign in on the OSC staffing sheet.2. Perform duties as directed.SUBSEOIUENT ACTIONS1. Radiation Protection Techniciansa. Perform an operability check on all survey instruments prior to use.b. A Senior Radiation Protection Technician assumes the Rad/Chem Coordinatorresponsibilities when the Rad/Chem Coordinator is no__t available.c. Assist with radiation protection tasks as directed by the Rad/Chem Coordinator,including conducting briefs and debriefs.d. Provide support for fires, medical, as directed.e. If the EOF is relocated, perform the duties of the Offsite Team Coordinator in theTSC, as required.2. Chemistry Techniciansa. On-shift Chemistry Technician reporting to the Control Room to perform doseassessment reports to OSC after the EOF becomes operational.b. Perform samples as directed by the Rad/Chem Coordinator.c. If the EOF is relocated, perform the duties of the Offsite Team Coordinator in theTSC, as required.3. Maintenance Personnela. Receive task and radiological briefing before going on assignment.b. Ensure that a radio is provided for communications with the OSCManager/Coordinator.c. Ensure that you have proper tools, equipment and safety measures before going onassignment.d. Perform in-plant activities as directed by the OSC Coordinator(s).e. Ensure that debriefing is conducted on return to OSC.EIP-2-016 REV -30 PAGE 16 OF 22 ATTACHMENT 7PAGE 2 OF 2OSC SUPPORT PERSONNELSUBSEQUENT ACTIONS (cont'd)f. Ensure that Status Boards and/or displays are updated to reflect your currentstatus.g. Obtain tools and equipment from the OSC emergency locker or from the toolroom as necessary to complete task.h. If qualified, perform function of Fire Brigade member and Search and RescueTeam member as directed.4. OSC Operations Supporta. Refer to EN-EP-61 1.5. Operations Personnela. Assist the OSC teams on plant/operational matters, Fire Brigade, or Search andRescue as directed.6. Other personnel in the OSC perform duties as directed by the Work Control Coordinator.RELOCATIONNOTEThis section is applicable ifthe OSC Manager declares theOSC uninhabitable.1. Relocate to the Main Control Room as directed.2. Relocate logs, tools, instruments, and equipment as directed.EIP-2-016 REV -30 PAGE 17 OF 22 ATTACHMENT 8PAGE 1OF 2TSC VENTILATION EMERGENCY MODE OPERATIONSNOTEDuring a LOCA, the TSC Ventilation. System willautomatically go into the emergency mode and propersystem operation should be verified. For other emergencysituations, the system will have to be manually placed inthe emergency mode. Operation is identical during aLOCA or other emergency. SOP-0056 may also be used toshift TSC Ventilation System to the emergency mode.AT HVL-PNL261 VTSC PANEL, VERIFY HVL-HS420, HVL-FN1 OUTSIDE AIRFAN IS PLACED TO AUTO.2 AT VTSC PANEL, VERIFY HVL-MIC-414, EMERGENCY OUTSIDE AIRMOISTURE CONT. IS PLACED TO AUTO.3 AT VTSC PANEL, VERIFY HVL-HS-421, AH{U-1 START-STOP SWITCH ISPLACED TO START.4 AT VTSC PANEL, PLACE HVL-HS-223, STOP-NORMAL-EMIER. AHiU-2 TOEMERGENCY AND VERIFY THE FOLLOWING:4.1 HVL-AOD-202, EMERGENCY OUTSIDE AIR opens.4.2 HVL-FN-7, EMERGENCY OUTSIDE AIR is running.4.3 HVL-FN-8, NORMAL EXHAUST AIR AIR FAN stops.4.4 HVL-AOD-208, NORMAL OUTSIDE AIR DAMPER closes.4.5 HVL-AOD 216, NORMAL EXHAUST AIR DAMPER POS.. closes.4.6 HVL-AOD 218, EMER. EXHAUST AIR DAMPER opens.4.7 HVL-FN-9, EMER. EXHAUST AIR FAN, starts.EIP-2-016 REV -30 PAGE 18 OF 22 ATTACHMENT 8PAGE 2 OF 2TSC VENTILATION EMERGENCY MODE OPERATIONSNOTEDuring a LOCA, the following step is no required.5 AT VTSC PANEL, PLACE HVL-HS420, HVL-FN1 OUTSIDE AIR FAN IN THE RUNPOSITION.6 AT VTSC PANEL, VERIFY HVL-PDI-407, BUILDING PRESSURIZATION ISREADING A POSITIVE PRESSURE IN THE TSC.7 IF TSC PRESSURE IS NOT POSITIVE, THEN RAISE BUILDING PRESSURE BYPERFORMING ANY OF THE FOLLOWING:*Adjust HVL-PDC-407, BLDG. PRESSURIZATION CONTROL.*Place HVL-HS-406, TOILETS EXHAUST FAN Switch in the STOP position.*Place HVL-HS-422, EMERGENCY OUTSIDE AIR FAN to the MAN position.8CHECK THE FOLLOWING:8.1 HVL-FN1, OUTSIDE AIR FAN is running.8.2 HVL-AOD-41 1, EMERGENCY OUTSIDE AIR is open.8.3 HVL-AOD-408, LOCAL OUTSIDE AIR DAMPER is closed.NOTEHVL-A0D426, REMOTE OUTSIDE AIR DAMPER is operational but isisolated with a blank plate installed on the intake side of the ductwork toprevent airflow past the damper.8.4 Verify HVL-HS-428, LOCAL-REMOTE EMER. OUTSIDE AIR selector switchis in LOCAL with the following damper indications:8.4.1. HVL-AOD-427, LOCAL AIR FILTER INLET is open.8.4.2. HVL-AOD-426, REMOTE OUTSIDE AIR DAMPER is closed.8.5 HVL-AHU1, TSC AIR HANDLING UNIT is running.EIP-2-016 REV -30 PAGE 19 OF 22 ATTACHMENT 9PAGE 1lOF 1OPERATIONS SUPPORT CENTER ORGANIZATIONEmergencyPlant ManagerOSCLog KeeperWork ControlCoordinatorOperationsSupport_ _ _Mechanical Rad / Chem Electrical/I&CCoordinator Coordinator CoordinatorOSC SupportRiP TechniciansChemistry TechsOperationsMechanical Maint.Electrical Maint.I&C TechniciansI- ----i, Collateral Duties-2First RespondersSearch & RescueFire BrigadeEIP-2-016REV -30 PAGE 20 OF 22EIP-2-O1 6 REV-30 PAGE200F22 ATTACHMENT 10PAGE 1lOFi1OPERATIONS SUPPORT CENTER FLOOR PLAN(TYPICAL)OSC Area I -v.,vCORRIDOR~WOMEN'Sz ROOMIN uTSJCOPERATIONSAREACOMPUTERDISPLAYAREARAMPServices Building 1 23'COMPUTER ROOMTIOSO LayoutEIP-2-016REV -30 PAGE 21 OF 22EIP-2-016 REV-30 PAGE 21 OF 22 ATTACHMENT 11PAGE 1lOF 1OSC PERSONNEL CHECKLISTOSC PERSONNEL CHECKLIST (TYPICAL)NAME: ___________ POSITION:_________*Declared pregnant female Y__/_N (If Y, report to OSC Manager.)___Obtain DLR____ Logged on to RWP (if applicable)____ Verify Respirator/Fit Quals current YES / NO___ Verify SCBA/Fit Quals current YES / NO___Obtain PD/Electronic Dosimetry____ Obtain Dose margin ____mr___OSC Check-in and keycard in___ RP meter Qualified YES / NO____ Qualified ( YES!/ NO -Circle Crafts)(Mech., Elec., I & C, Ops, RP, Chem., Env.)____ Heat Stress Evaluation complete, if required____ Flashlight Obtained (Field crews)____ Search and Rescue Training____ Confined Space Training: Entry/Technician Rescue__ Hazmat TrainingOther qualifications:EIP-2-016 REV -30 PAGE 22 OF 22 ATI-ACHMENT 9.1 10CFR50.54(q) SCREENINGSHEET 1 OF 5Part I. Description of Activity Being Reviewed (event or action, or series of actions that may result in a changeto the emergency plan or affect the implementation of the emergency plan):1. This change revises site-specific RBS procedure EIP-2-016, Operations Support Center, Rev. 30 and issues fleetprocedure EN-EP-61 1, Operations Support Center (OSC) Operations, Rev. 2. Responsibilities and Definitionscommon to both EN-EP-611I and EIP-2-01 6 were deleted from EIP-2-01 6 and retained in EN-EP-61 1. Changes weremade throughout EIP-2-01 6 to reflect this change.2. Section 1. Purpose -Changed "This procedure provides instructions for activation, operation, and deactivation of the Operations SupportCenter (OSC)" TO "This procedure provides site specific instructions for activation, operation', and relocation of theOperations Support Center (OSC). Entergy fleet procedure EN-EP-61 1, Operations Support Center (OSC)Operations is the primary procedure to reference for OSC activation and operations."3. Section 2. References -* Added "EN-EP-61 1, Operations Support Center (OSC) Operations".* Changed "RP-1 04" to "EN-RP1 04"* Changed "RSP-0213, Control and Handling of Radioactive Material" to "EN-RP-121, Radioactive MaterialControl"* Added "EN-RP-1 08, Radiation Protection Posting".4. Step 4.12 and Attachment 7. Step 2.a -Revised the following sentence:From: On-Shift Chemistry Technician reporting to the Control Room to perform dose assessment reports to TSC andfill position of TSC Dose Assessor after the EOF becomes operational.To: On-Shift Chemistry Technician reporting to the Control Room to perform dose assessment reports to OSC afterSthe EQF becomes operational.5. Step 5.4 -Replaced "Alternate JIC" with "Governor's Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness(GOHSEP)" as the JIC will be relocated outside of the 10 mile EPZ when this procedure becomes effective.Part II. Activity Previously Reviewed? D-YES ]NOIs this activity fully bounded by an NRC approved 10 CFR 50.90 submittal or Alert and 50.54(q)(3) ContinueNotification System Design Report? Evaluation is NOT to nextrequired. Enter partIf YES, identify bounding source document numbed/approval reference and ensure the auntifcotionebelowrbasis for concluding the source document fully bounds the proposed change is Vl.documented below:Justification:3] Bounding document attached (optional)Part II1. Applicability of Other Regulatory Change Control ProcessesCheck if any other regulatory change processes control the proposed activity.(Refer to EN-LI-I100)NOTE: For example, when a design change is the proposed activity, consequential actions may include changes toother documents which have a different change control process and are NOT to be included in this 50.54(q)(3)Screening. APPLICABILITY CONCLUSION[] If there are no controlling change processes, continue the 50.54(q)(3) Screening.E] One or more controlling change processes are selected, however, some portion of the activity involves theemergency plan or affects the implementation of the emergency plan; continue the 50.54(q)(3) Screening for that portionof the activity. Identify the applicable controlling change processes below.LI One or more controlling change processes are selected and fully bounds all aspects of the activity. 50.54(q)(3).Evaluation is NOT required. Identify controlling change processes below and complete Part VI.EN-EP-305 REV 3 ATTACHMENT 9.1 10CFR50.54(q) SCREENINGSH-EET 2 0F 5Equipment/Facility/Other: River Bend StationTitle: Operations Support CenterPart IV. Editorial Change LIYES []NO50.54(q)(3) Continue toIs this activity an editorial or typographical change such as formatting, paragraph Evaluation is next partnumbering, spelling, or punctuation that does not change intent? NOT requied.Justification: Enter*Change # 3 from Part I -Section 2, References -Editorial change to make the following justification andchanges:complete Part* Added "EN-EP-61 1, Operations Support Center (OSC) Operations'.* Changed "RP-1 04" to "EN-RP1 04"* Changed "RSP-0213, Control and Handling of Radioactive Material" to "EN-RP-121, Radioactive Material Control"* Added "EN-RP-1 08, Radiation Protection Posting".This proposed change is editorial in nature in accordance with EN-AD-i101. It does notchange the intent or purpose of the procedure. No further evaluation is necessary."No" is checked because the procedure revision contains other changes that are noteditorialPart V. Emergency Planning Element/Function Screen (Associated 10 CFR 50.47(b) planning standard functionidentified in brackets) Does this activity affect any of the following, including program elements from NUREG-0654/FEMA REP-i Section II? ____1. Responsibility for emergency response is assigned. [1] [2. The response organization has the staff to respond and to augment staff on a continuing basis [(24/7 staffing) in accordance with the emergency plan. [1]3. The process ensures that on shift emergency response responsibilities are staffed and assigned. [[2]4. The process for timely augmentation of onshift staff is established and maintained. [2] LI5. Arrangements for requesting and using off site assistance have been made. [3] [6. State and local staff can be accommodated at the EOF in accordance with the emergency plan. [3] LI7. A standard scheme of emergency cldssification and action levels is in use. [41 LI8. Procedures for notification of State and local governmental agencies are capable of alerting them LIof the declared emergency within 15 minutes after declaration of an emergency and providingfollow-up notifications. [5]9. Administrative and physical means have been established for alerting and providing prompt LIinstructions to the public within the plume exposure pathway. [5] ____10. The public ANS meets the design requirements of FEMA-REP-1 0, Guide for Evaluation of Alert LIand Notification Systems for Nuclear Power Plants, or complies with the licensee's FEMA-approved ANS design report and supporting FEMA approval letter. [5] ____ii. Systems are established for prompt communication among principal emergency response LIorganizations. [6] ____EN-EP-305 REV 3 ATT-IACHMENT 9.1 10CFR50.54(q) SCREENINGSHEET 3 OF 5EquipmentlFacilitylOther: River Bend StationTitle: Operations Support Center12. SYStems are established for prompt communication to emergency response personnel. [61 LI13. Emergency preparedness information is made available to the public on a periodic basis within the LIplume exposure pathway emergency planning zone (EPZ). [7]____14. Coordinated dissemination of public information during emergencies is established. [7] LI15. Adequate facilities are maintained to support emergency response. [8] LI16. Adequate equipment is maintained to support emergency response. [8] LI17. Methods, systems, and equipment for assessment of radioactive releases are in use. [9] LI18. A~range of public PARs is available for implementation during emergencies. 110] LI19. Evacuation time estimates for the population located in the plume exposure pathway EPZ are LIavailable to support the formulation of PARs and have been provided to State and localgovernmental authorities. [10]20. A range of protective actions is available for plant emergency workers during emergencies, LIincluding those for hostile action events.[1 0] ____21. The resources for controlling radiological exposures for emergency workers are established. [11] LI22. Arrangements are made for medical services for contaminated, injured individuals. [121 LI23. Plans for recovery and reentry are developed. [13] LI24. A drill and exercise program (including radiological, medical, health physics and other program LIareas) is established. [14]25. Drills, exercises, and training evolutions that provide performance opportunities to develop, LImaintain, and demonstrate key skills are assessed via a formal critique process in order to identifyweaknesses. [14]26. Identified weaknesses are corrected. [14] LI27. Training is provided to emergency responders. [151 LI28. Responsibility for emergency plan development and review is established. [16] LI29. Planners responsible for emergency plan development and maintenance are properly trained. [16] LIAPPLICABILITY CONCLUSIONl] If no Part V criteria are checked, a 50.54(q)(3) Evaluation is NOTI required; document the basis for conclusion belowand complete Part VI.U3 If any Part V criteria are checked, complete Part VI and perform a 50.54(q)(3) Evaluation.BASIS FOR CONCLUSIONChange item #1Entergy ERO responsibilities are outlined in EN-EP-801, Emergency Response Organization. These responsibilitieswere added to EIP-2-01 6 rev. 26 as part of implementation of the Fleet Standard ERO and were previously evaluatedunder a 10OCFR50.54(q)(3) performed on 12/6/10. Entergy has since developed fleet procedure EN-EP-61 1, OperationsSupport Center (OSC) Operations, which includes those same ERO responsibilities. This procedure revision transitionsto the new fleet procedure. EIP-2-01 6 is being maintained to address site specific actions not contained in fleetprocedure EN-EP-61 1. Existing RBS facilities and equipment continue to be maintained with no change to the intent ofthe procedure actions. Timing requirements for augmentation and facility operability are also not changed.Process discussion: RBS currently uses the same process reflected in the fleet procedure of ERO position checklistsand position binders. A review of the RBS Emergency Plan commitments was performed against the fleet OSCEN-EP-305 REV 3 ATT'ACHMENT 9.1 10OCFR50.54(q) SCREENINGSHEET 4 OF 5procedure and EIP-2-01 6. Fleet procedure information was supported with site specific information as necessary toensure site-specific Emergency Plan requirements and associated processes were retained. Therefore, changes to thelocation of the description of emergency response processes were made (changed to fleet procedure or retained in site-specific EIP), but no changes to the emergency response processes addressed by 10CFR50.47(b) planning standardsthemselves were made.Summary:* No ERO positions have been added or deleted.* Some ERO responsibilities have been reiocated to align with EN-EP-61 1.* The description, activation and operation of the OSC as described in the RBS Emergency Plan has not beenchanged.* All site specific commitments continue to be met un~der the fleet procedure and the use of a site-specificprocedure.* This change does not alter the OSC structure, organization or location.The revision of the site Operations Support Center (OSC) procedure (EIP-2-01 6) and incorporating the use of fleetOperations Support Center (OSC) Procedure (EN-EP-61 1) does not change the meaning or intent of a description, doesnot change facilities or equipment, and does not change a process. The proposed revision does not affect theEmergency Plan. No further evaluation required for this change..Changqe Item #2This proposed change consists of revising the purpose of the procedure to state that this procedure is a site specificdocument, changed deactivation to relocation and identified the fleet procedure for operating the Operations SupportCenter (OSC). This proposed change removes all instructions that are duplicated in the fleet procedure thereby leavingonly site specific instructions. The user will use both procedures in conjunction to perform the processes in the OSC.Changed "deactivation" to "relocation" because the steps for deactivation are now located in the fleet procedure whilethe steps for relocation remain in the site specific procedure. Adding the fleet procedure ensures the user understandsthat the fleet procedure is the primary document for 0S0 operation. This proposed change does not change themeaning or intent of a description, does not change facilities or equipment, and does not change a process. Theproposed change does not affect the Emergency Plan. No further evaluation required for this change.Changqe Item #t 4This change is part of the process to remove the Emergency Director capabilities from the TSC and relocate thisfunction to the Main Control Room. The on-shift Chemistry Technician reporting to the Control Room to perform doseassessment will no longer be part of the TSC staff. This was previously reviewed under a 10OCFR50.54(q) evaluation forEIP-2-006 Revision 43. This proposed change does not change the meaning or intent of a description, does not changefacilities or equipment, and does not change a process. The proposed change does not affect the Emergency Plan. Nofurther evaluation is required for this change.Changqe Item #5 -This change was previously reviewed under a 10OCFR50.54(q) evaluation for the Emergency PlanRevision 42. This proposed change does not change the meaning or intent of a description, does not change facilitiesor equipment, and does not change a process. The proposed change does not affect the Emergency Plan. No furtherevaluation is reguired for this change.EN-EP-305 REV 3 A'FFACHMENT 9.1 10OCFR50.54(q) SCREENINGSHEET 5 OF 5ProeparerNa umeePrnt) Preparer SntReviDate:Revewrt Name(Prnat)ueveerSgntueDaeDuane White 1/13/2016Nuclear EP Project Manager __________Approver Name (Print) Approver Signature Date:EP manager or designeeEN-EP-305 REV 3 REFERENCE USEn = -llENTERGYRIVER BEND) STATIONSTATION SUPPORT MANUAL*EMERGENCY IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE* TECHNICAL S UPPOR T CENTERPROCEDURE NUMBER: *EIP-2-018REVISION NUMBER: *38Effective Date: *1/27/16NOTE : SIGNATURES ARE ON FILE.*INDEXING INFORMATION TABLE OF CONTENTSSECTION PAGE NO.1 PURPOSE............................................................................................ 22 REFERENCES ...................................................................................... 23 DEFINITIONS ...................................................................................... 24 RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................................................... 35 GENERAL ........................................................................................... 46 PROCEDURE ................................................................................ i....... 57 DOCUMENTATION ............................................................................... 7ATTACHMENT 1 -EMERGENCY PLANT MANAGER........................................... 7ATTACHMENT 2 -TSC MANAGER................................................................. 9ATTACHMENT 3 -IT SPECIALIST ................................................................ 11ATTACHMENT 4 -RADIOLOGICAL COORDINATOR......................................... 15ATTACHMENT 5 -MAINTENANCE COORDINATOR.......................................... 17ATTACHMENT 6 -REACTOR ENGINEER........................................................ 18ATTACHMENT 7 -ENGINEERING COORDINATOR............................................ 19ATTACHMENT 8 -MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL/I&C ENGINEERS ..................20ATTACHMENT 9 -OPERATIONS COORDINATOR............................................. 21ATTACHMENT 10 -SECURITY COORDINATOR ............................................... 22ATTACHMENT 11 -TSC COMMUNICATOR..................................................... 23ATTACHMENT 12- -ENS COMMUNICATOR..................................................... 24ATTACHMENT 13 -TECHNICAL SUPPORT CENTER ORGANIZATION CHART .........25ATTACHMENT 14 -TECHNICAL SUPPORT CENTER FLOOR PLAN........................ 26ATTACHMENT 15 -TSC ADDITIONAL RELOCATION GUIDELINES ...................... 27EIP-2-018 REV -38 PAGE 1 OF 28 1 PURPOSEThis procedure provides site specific instructions for the activation, operationand relocation of the Technical Support Center (TSC). Entergy fleet procedureEN-EP-6 10, Technical Support Center (TSC) Operations is the primaryprocedure to reference for TSC activation and operations.2 REFERENCES2.1 COP-i1050, Post Accident Estimation of Fuel Core Damage2.2 EIP-2-0 12, Radiation Exposure Controls2.3 EIP-2-014, Offsite Radiological Monitoring2.4 EIP-2-026, Evacuation, Personnel Accountability, and Search and Rescue2.5 EIP-2-028, Recovery2.6 RPP-0006, Radiological Surveys2.7 Commitment 155782.8 EN-EP-801, Emergency Response Organization2.9 EN-EP-610, Technical Support Center (TSC) Operations3 DEFINITIONS3.1 Augmentation -Actions taken to support onshift personnel or the EmergencyResponse Organization.3.2 Habitable -For the purpose of this procedure, the term habitable is basedsolely on radiological conditions, however, the TSC Manager may declare thefacility uninhabitable based on other conditions.3.3 Radiological Release -For emergency response purposes is defined as ANYdetectable discharge of radioactive material to the environment. The releasecharacterization should be further defined when communicating to offsiteagencies to characterize whether or not the release is below or above TechnicalSpecification limits. Indicate the appropriate release characterization on theShort and Long Notification Message Forms.3.3.1 Release BELOW federally approved operating limits(Technical Requirements Manual)EIP-2-018 REV -38 PAGE 2 OF 28 3.3.2 Release ABOVE federally approved operating limits(Technical Requirements Manual)3.3.3 Effluent Technical Requirements Manual1. Any one of three effluent monitors indicates a value threetimes the High alarm set pointOR2. Any two of the three effluent monitors indicate a valueequal or greater than the High alarm set point.The three effluent monitors are:TITLE NO.Main Plant Exhaust Stack RMS-RE125 Channel 4 (4GE125)Radwaste Vent. Exhaust RMS-RE006 Channel 4 (4GE006)Fuel Bldg. Vent. Exhaust RMS-RE005 Channel 4 (4GE005)OR3. An unmonitored release is detected at the site boundaryby teams with survey instruments.4 RESPONSIBILITIES4.1 Emergency Plant Manager:4.1.1 Authorize doses in excess of 10OCFR20 limits.4.1.2 Direct onsite activities in support of the Control Room.4.1.3 Authorize departures. from license conditions or TechnicalSpecifications in accordance with 10 CFR 50.54 (x).4.1.4 Determine need for onsite evacuation, personnelaccountability, and implement search and rescue as required.4.2 TSC Manager -ensures that TSC is activated, manages TSCstaff/resources in mitigation efforts, assesses plant conditions andrecommends potential mitigation actions, and that TSC staff providesupport functions per the applicable section(s) of this procedure..EIP-2-018 REV -38 PAGE 3 OF 28 5 GENERAL5.1 Attachment 13, Technical Support Center Organization Chart is a typicalmakeup for the TSC.5.2 Attachment 14, Technical Support Center Floor Plan is a typical setupfor the TSC.5.3 The TSC may be activated at any time, and shall be activated at an Alert,Site Area Emergency, or General Emergency declaration. Onceactivated, the TSC shall become operational as soon as possible afterdeclaration of any of these emergency classifications. When TSCminimum staffing can be accomplished with onsite personnel, it is thegoal to become operational within 45 minutes. Otherwise, it is the goalto become operational in 90 minutes.5.4 Situations may arise where personnel responding to an emergency willnot be able to access the emergency response facilities in the protectedarea (e.g.. terrorist event). In these situations, TSC personnel should manthe Emergency Operations Facility located in the Training Center andcarry out the applicable stePS of this procedure. Operations SupportCenter personnel should also be staged in the EOF. EOF personnel willreport to the Alternate EOF in Baton Rouge to assume their duties as perEIP-2-022. Joint Information Center personnel will be directed to theGovernor's Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness(GOHSEP) in Baton Rouge.EIP-2-018 REV -38 PAGE 4 OF 28 6 PROCEDURENOTEThe actions of this procedure may be completed in anysequence, however, the sequence presented isrecommended.6.1 Emergency Plant Manager6.1.1 The Emergency Plant Manager should use Attachment 1 as aguideline.6.2 TSC Manager6.2.1 The TSC Manager should use Attachment 2 as a guideline.6.3 IT Specialist6.3.1 The IT Specialist should use Attachment 3 as a guideline.6.4 Radiological Coordinator6.4.1 The Radiological Coordinator should use Attachment 4 as aguideline.6.5 Maintenance Coordinator6.5.1 The Maintenance Coordinator should use Attachment 5 as aguideline.6.6 Reactor Engineer6.6.1 The Reactor Engineer should use Attachment 6 as a guideline.6.7 Engineering Coordinator6.7.1 The Engineering Coordinator should use Attachment 7 as aguideline.6.8 Mechanical and Electrical/I&C Engineers6.8.1 The Mechanical and Electrical/I&C Engineers should useAttachment 8 as a guideline.6.9 Operations Coordinator6.9.1 The Operations Coordinator should use Attachment 9 as aguideline.EIP-2-018 REV -38 PAGE 5 OF 28 6.10 Security Coordinator6.10.1 The Security Coordinator should use Attachment 11 as aguideline.6.11 TSC Communicator6.11.1 The TSC Communicator should use Attachment 12 as aguideline.6.12 ENS Communicator6.12.1 The ENS Communicator should use Attachment 13 as aguideline.7 DOCUMENTATIONAttachments 1-12 of this procedure will be sent to Permanent Plant Files (PPF)per EPP-2-100 by the Manager -Emergency Preparedness.,EIP-2-018REV -38 PAGE 6 OF 28EIP-2-O1 8 REV-38 PAGE6OF28 ATTACHMENT 1PAGE 1 0F 2EMERGENCY PLANT MANAGERACTIVATION Date: _____Action CompletedInitialNOTESituations may arise where personnel responding to an emergency will not beable to access the emergency response facilities in the protected area. Refer toAttachment 15 for guidance on establishing the TSC.1. Refer to EN-EP-610.___2.. Review status of emergency with the Shift Manager and any work teams___dispatched out of the Control Room. Brief OSC Manager on teams dispatchedfrom the Control Room.3. Review habitability determination and if necessary provide direction___on evacuation of the TSC, OSC, or CR.SUBSEOUENT ACTIONS1. Brief OSC Manager on teams dispatched from the Control Room.2. If the TSC is relocating, refer to Relocation Actions portion of this checklist.EIP-2-018 REV -38 PAGE 7 OF 28 ATTACHMENT 1PAGE 2 OF 2EMERGENCY PLANT MANAGERRELOCATION ACTIONSNOTESituations may arise where it is not desirable to relocate to the main control roomdue to hazardous conditions. Refer to Attachment 15 for guidance.1. If the TSC becomes uninhabitable, the following personnel and their functionswill transfer to the Control Room. These personnel should relocate with theirS facility procedure binders.Emergency Plant Manager-Reactor Engineer-Radiological Coordinator-Operations Coordinator-ENS Communicator-To report to the Shift Manager's desk to assume EPMfunctions.To report to the RE desk to provide support to operations.To report to dose assessment computer to assist the EPM.To report to the Shift Manager's desk to assist the EPM.To report to the Communicator's desk to resume NRCcommunications.2. The following personnel will report to the Main Control Room Shift Manager's office to resumeOSC functions. They should relocate with radios, SCIBAs (with spare bottles), procedures, andforms.OSC Manager-Electrician (1)Mechanic (1)I&C Technician (1)Radiation Protection Technician (1)Rad!Chem Coordinator-To provide briefings and control teams.To perform habitability assessment and team coverage.To assist in team briefings and control offsiteteams if necessary.3. Determine with the Emergency Director the disposition of remaining OSC and TSC personnel.a. Send to BOF to be utilized as additional resources.b. Send home to remain on standby.4. Consult with Security Coordinator on disposition of security force.EIP-2-018 REV -38 PAGE 8 OF 28 ATTACHMENT 2PAGE 1OF 2TSC MANAGERACTIVATIONDate:Action CompletedInitialNOTESituations may arise where personnel responding to an emergency will not beable to access the emergency response facilities in the protected area. Refer toAttachment 1 5 for guidance on establishing the TSC.1. Refer to EN-EP-610.___2. Ensure TSC PA system is turned on for the OSC to hear briefings.___3. Make TSC habitability determination and inform EPM of finding.___a. Obtain status of radiological habitability for the TSC/OSC from theRadiological Coordinator.b. Deternine status of TSC facility power. If facility is running on backuppower review the situation and likelihood of recovery of power.NOTEERIS, DRMS, dose assessment and offsite communicationsequipment are powered through B YS-INV06. Battery durationis estimated to be 4 hours.c. Review other considerations which could impede operation of the facility.4. If the TSC/OSC is uninhabitable, obtain concurrence from the EPM___and implement the Relocation Action portion of this checklist.5. If the TSC/OSC is determined to be habitable, make announcement. __SUBSEOUENT ACTIONS1. Ensure the OSC Manager has had the TSC ventilation system placed in the emergency mode.2. Relieve the EPM as necessary. Remain in the immediate TSC area when functioning as theEPM and make appropriate announcements.3. Obtain a list of personnel located in the Protected Area from Security.This information can be utilized for later shift compliments.EIP-2-018 REV -38 PAGE 9 OF 28 ATTACHMENT 2PAGE 2 OF 2TSC MANAGERRELOCATION ACTIONSNOTESituations may arise where it is not desirable to relocate to the main control roomdue to hazardous conditions. Refer to Attachment 15 for guidance.1.theIf the TSC becomes uninhabitable, the following personnel and their functions will transfer toControl Room. These personnel should relocate with their facility procedure binders.Emergency Plant Manager-Reactor Engineer-Radiological Coordinator-Operations Coordinator-ENS Communicator-To report to the Shift Manager's desk to assume EPMfunctions.To report to the RE desk to provide support to operations.To report to dose assessment computer to assist the EPM.To report to the Shift Manager's desk to assist the EPM.To report to the Communicator's desk to resume N-RCcommunications.2. The following personnel will report to the Main Control Room Shift Manager's office to resumeSOSC functions. They should relocate with radios, SCBAs (with spare bottles), procedures, andforms.OSC Manager-Electrician (1)Mechanic (1)I&C Technician (1)Radiation Protection Technician (1)Rad!Chem Coordinator-To provide briefings and control teams.To assist in team briefimgs and control offsiteteams if necessary.3.Consult with the Emergency Plant Manager on disposition of remaining personnel.a. Send to EOF as additional resources.b. Send home to remain on standby.EIP-2-018 REV -38 PAGE 10 OF 28 IT SPECIALISTATTACHMENT 3PAGE 1 OF 4Action CompletedInitialACTIVATIONDate:1. Refer to EN-EP-610.2. Print daily plant status report and ensure distribution to TSC personnel.SUBSEOUENT ACTIONS1. Resolve any IT related malfunctions.2. Using pages 2-4 of this attachment provide a list of TSC, OSC, and Main ControlRoom staff to the EOF Administration and Logistics Coordinator for developmentof a staffing rotation.EIP-2-018 REV -38 PAGE 11 OF 28 ATTACHMENT 3PAGE 2 OF 4IT SPECIALISTTSC STAFF ROTATION(12-Hour Shifts)Date:______Time:_____PomergoncPlnMageEmergency Plant ManagerTSC ManagerRadiological CoordinatorOperations CoordinatorEngineering CoordinatorMaintenance CoordinatorReactor EngineerIT SpecialistTSC CommunicatorSecurity CoordinatorMechanical EngineerElectrical / I&C EngineerENS CommunicatorEIP-2-018 REV -38 PAGE 12 OF 28 ATTACHMENT 3PAGE 3 OF 4IT SPECIALISTOSC STAFF ROTATION(12-Hour Shifts)Date:_______Time:_____PositionOSC ManagerWork Control CoordinatorMechanical CoordinatorElectrical / I&C CoordinatorRad / Chem CoordinatorLog KeeperOperations Support Onshift OperatorRP Technicians (13) EOF Habitability TechnicianOffsite Monitoring Team /Offsite Monitoring TeamChemistry Technicians Offsite Monitoring TeamOffsite Monitoring TeamMechanical MaintenanceElectrical MaintenanceI&C TechnicianOperationsIEIP-2-018 REV -38 PAGE 13 OF 28 ATTACHMENT 3PAGE 4 OF 4IT SPECIALISTMAIN CONTROL ROOM STAFF ROTATION(12-Hour Shifts)Date:______Time:_____PositionShift ManagerControl Room SupervisorShift Technical AdvisorNuclear Control OperatorsNuclear Equipment OperatorsEIP-2-018 REV -38 PAGE 14 OF 28 ATTACHMENT 4PAGE 1OF 2RADIOLOGICAL COORDINATORACTIVATION Date: ____Action Compl1etedInitialNOTEThe TSC and OSC may be presumed to be radiologicallyhabitable without conducting surveys based on releaseconditions.If DRMS or meteorological tower information isunavailable in the facility, have an individual dispatched tothe Control Room to relay data. The onsite hotline, ifavailable, may be used to relay this information. DRMSdata may also be obtained from an ERIS computer.1. Refer to EN-EP-610.___2. Determine the capability for obtaining DRMS values.___3. Determine the capability for obtaining meteorological data. ___4. Verify operability of the onsite hotline. Call the OSC at 103.___SUBSEQUENT ACTIONSNOTE--VOffsite teams are expected to report in 75 minutes and beready for deployment as soon as possible but no later than90 minutes fo' llowing notifi cation.1. Assess plant radiological conditions and effectiveness of accident mitigation strategies.2. Verify operability of the offsite/onsite monitoring team radio by contacting thefollowing locations:SEOF on the OFF/RAD channel*OSC on the ON/RAD channel3. If the EOF is relocated, request a Radiation Protection Technician or ChemistryTechnician from the OSC to act as Offsite Team Coordinator in the TSC.EIP-2-018 ,REV -38 PAGE 15 OF 28 ATTACHMENT 4PAGE 2 OF 2RADIOLOGICAL COORDINATORSUBSEOUENT ACTIONS (Cont'd)4. At an Alert if the EOF is not operational, coordinate with the OSC Manager todispatch personnel for radiological and environmental monitoring in accordance withEIP-2-0 14, Offsite Radiological Monitoring. Even though it is NO__.T required at anAlert emergency classification, it is a good practice to assess radiological conditionsnear the site boundary to verify whether or not a release has occurred.5. Recommend the collection of samples using Chemistry Operating Procedures as necessary.6. Develop and implement methods to process liquid and gaseous radioactivewaste accumulated during the emergency.7. If containment radiation monitors are not available to assess source term for dose assessment,containment venting or PARs, use RPP-0098 and/or plant conditions (i.e., water level, time coreuncovered, etc.) to estimate containment dose rates.RELOCATION ACTIONSIf the TSC is relocating:1. Assume normal Radiological Coordinator responsibilities in control room or other facility asdirected to support mitigation activities.EIP-2-018 REV -38 PAGE 16 OF 28 ATTACHMENT 5PAGEl1OFi1MAINTENANCE COORDINATORACTIVATION Date: ____Action CompletedInitial1. Refer to EN-EP-610.___2. Obtain the status of work teams dispatched by the Control Room___and/or the OSC.3. Ensure that status boards and/or displays are operational.SUBSEQUENT ACTIONS1. Ensure that OSC is placing TSC ventilation in the emergency mode.2. Track TSC personnel leaving the TSC envelope who are not members of anOSC team.RELOCATION ACTIONSIf TSC is relocating:1. Relocate as directed by the TSC Manager.EIP-2-018 REV -38 PAGE 17 OF 28 ATTACHMENT 6PAGE 1lOF 1REACTOR ENGINEERACTIVATIONDate:Action CompletedInitial1. Refer to EN-EP-610.2. Inforn the TSC Manager if in the Control Room and estimate your time ofarrival in the TSC.SUIBSEOUENT ACTIONSNOTEThe Technical Support Guidelines may be used to assessaccident conditions.1. Report to the Control Room, as necessary, and return to the TSC.RELOCATION ACTIONS*If the TSC is relocating:1. Transfer to Reactor Engineer workstation in control room or other location asdirected by TSC Manager and resume functions.EIP-2-018 REV -38 PAGE 18 OF 28 ENGINEERING COORDINATORATTACHMENT 7PAGEl1OFi1Action CompletedInitialACTIVATIONDate:1. Refer to EN-EP-610.SUBSEQUENT ACTIONSNOTEThe Technical Support Guidelines may be used to assessaccident conditions.RELOCATION ACTIONSIf TSC is relocating1. Relocate as directed by the TSC Manager.EIP-2-018 REV -38 PAGE 19 OF 28 ATTACHMENT 8PAGEl1OFi1MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL/I&C ENGINEERSACTIVATION Date: ____Action CompletedInitial1. Refer to EN-EP-610.2. Ensure that prints and drawings are available. If not, use the administrative ___computer to obtain what is needed.3. If desired by Engineering Coordinator, set up the flip chart for trackingengineering activities.4. Verify engineering computers are functional.___SUBSEOUENT ACTIONS1. Verify that the TSC administrative computer is functional.RELOCATION ACTIONSIf TSC is relocating:1. Relocate as directed by the TSC Manager.EIP-2-018 REV -38 PAGE 20 OF 28 ATTACHMENT 9PAGEl1OFi1OPERATIONS COORDINATORACTIVATION Date: ___ Action CompletedInitial1. Verify ERIS monitor is operational. If power is not available, perform __the following:a. Obtain panel key from TSC key box.b. Proceed through door SB123-04 to~room #303 (Cable chase room).c. Check breaker panel 1VBN-PNL06.d. If the main breaker and/or other breakers have tripped,switch to the "OFF" position, then switch to the "ON" position.2. If ERIS monitor is inoperable, obtain plant parameters from the Control Room. __SUBSEOUENT ACTIONS1. Establish contact with the TSC/CR Communicator.2. Identify operators in the field and teams dispatched by the Shift Manager to theMaintenance Coordinator.NOTEThe Technical Support Guidelines may be used to assessaccident conditions.3. Follow the EOPs/SAPs and keep the Emergency Plant Manager informed on status.4. Review emergency classification and recommend upgrading of the emergency inaccordance with EIP-2-00 1, Classification of Emergencies.RELOCATION ACTIONSIf TSC is relocating:1. Relocate as directed and assist Emergency Plant Manager as necessary.EIP-2-018 REV -38 PAGE 21 OF 28 ATTACHMENT 10PAGEl1OFi1SECURITY COORDINATORACTIVATION Date: ____Action CompletedInitial1. Refer to EN-EP-610.2. Ensure that the lock plates of TSC doors SB123-03 and SB123-01 are___flipped and the doors are locked and signs posted. Activate card readeron door SB 123-12. Ensure that TSC/OSC personnel have carded in on theaccountability card reader.3. If card reader is inoperable, prepare manual list of personnel and maintain ___accountability.4. Obtain from Security Alarm Station compensation positions and locations. ___5. Verify that the Control Room card reader is activated. If inoperable, ___ensure that the Shift Manager maintains a manual list of personnel.SUBSEQUENT ACTIONSNOTE:Prior to a formal OCA evacuation, the Emergency Plant Manager maydirect Security to no'tify members of the public known to be in theOCA to evacuate River Bend property. Security may make thisnotifi cation using any communications method (i. e., telephone,direct contact, etc.).1. Begin preparations for possible Owner Controlled Area evacuation. Contact local lawenforcement to determine any impediments to routes leaving the site (e.g. bridges out, toxicreleases, etc.) Inform Emergency Plant Manager as needed.2. Obtain alpha listing report of personnel inside the PA for Administration and LogisticsCoordinator in EOF.3. At a Site Area Emergency or higher, perform evacuation and accountability in accordance withEIP-2-026.4. Notify the Security Shift Supervisor of vehicles needing entry into the Protected Area.5. Notify the OSC Manager and Radiological Coordinator of any offsite personnelresponding into the Protected Area as these personnel need to be tracked (ie.Local law enforcement, fire fighting personnel, EMS).RELOCATION ACTIONS1. Relocate as directed by the TSC Manager.EIP-2-018 REV -38 PAGE 22 OF 28 ATTACHMENT 11PAGEl1OF 1TSC COMMUNICATORACTIVATIONDate:Action CompletedInitial1. Refer to EN-EP-610.2. Have Administration and Logistics Coordinator call out another TSCCommunicator, if needed.3. Verify that all required TSC staff members are signed in on TSC Staffing sheet.Identify any TSC position not filled and report results to TSC Manager.1.BEOENsur tACTIteOpeaiNS CoriaoanTSMageprodclyvifthaccuracy of status board information.RELOCATION ACTIONSJ1. Relocate as directed by the TSC Manager.EIP-2-018 REV -38 PAGE 23 OF 28 ATTACHMENT 12PAGEl1OFi1ENS COMMUNICATORACTIVATIONDate:Action CompletedInitial1. Refer to EN-EP-610.2. Proceed to the Control Room and relieve the TSC/Control RoomCommunicator or Control Room Communicator of the NRC notification duties.3. Inform the TSC Manager that you are in the Control Room.4. When the TSC becomes operational, inform the NRC that you arerelocating duties to the TSC. Report to the TSC.SUBSEOUENT ACTIONS1. Upon termination of the emergency,. notify the NRC.RELOCATION ACTIONSIf TSC is relocating:1. Report to the Communicator's desk in the control room or other location as directedto resume ENS duties.EIP-2-018 REV -38 PAGE 24 OF 28 ATTACHMENT 13PAGEl1OFi1TECHNICAL SUPPORT CENTER ORGANIZATION CHARTEIP-2-018 REV -38 PAGE 25 OF 28 ATTACHMENT 14PAGE 1lOFi1TECHNICAL SUPPORT CENTER FLOOR PLAN (TYPICAL)OSO Area ! CORRIDORWME'z ROlirTSCOPERATIONSAREACOMPUTERDISPLAYAREARAMPServices Building 123'COMPUTER ROOMCABLECHASEEIP-2-018REV -38 PAGE 26 OF 28EIP-2-O1 S REV-38 PAGE26OF2S ATTACHMENT 15PAGE 1 OF 2TSC ADDITIONAL RELOCATION GUIDELINESNOTEUnforeseen factors may arise which make predetermined actions ineffective or impractical incertain circumstances. In these instances, the Emergency Plant Manager may use hisdiscretion in taking alternate courses of action based on available information.Situations may arise where personnel responding to an emergency will not be able to access theemergency response facilities in the protected area (e.g. security event). If the TSC and control roomare not available or not recommended, then consider establishing operations in the EOF. A finalalternative would be the Alternate BOF.Should the EOF be chosen, TSC personnel should man the Emergency Operations Facility located in theTraining Center. Operations Support Center personnel will also be staged in the EOF. EOF personnelwill report to the Alternate EOF to assume their duties and Joint Information Center personnel will bedirected to the Governor's Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness (GOHSEP) inBaton Rouge. ,If possible, TSC personnel should. consider taking certain items with them to the EOF -procedures,drawings, laptop Computers, etc.Arriving TSC personnel should use the provided Emergency Planning aid while staffing the facility to-man the appropriate chairs. They should also receive a turnover from EOF personnel, if present, prior tothe EOF relocating.Emergency Plant Manager should consider requesting some EOF personnel to stay in EOF to assist.Personnel should be directed to carry out the applicable steps of EIP-2-0 18 with the followingexceptions:1. Security Coordinator -Coordinates law enforcement response with plantsecunity in a security incident. Establishes controls for access to EOF.Provides initial accountability to the Emergency Plant Manager andmaintains accountability thereafter. Coordinates with Security ShiftSupervisor on teams dispatched to the site.2. Maintenance Coordinator -Coordinates activities with OSC personneland Security Coordinator.The Maintenance Coordinator should place the EOF ventilation in theemergency mode. For ventilation activation:a. Obtain master key from BOF key box.b. Place ventilation switch in Room TC 300-06 in emergency position.EIP-2-018 REV -38 PAGE 27 OF 28 ATTACHMENT 15PAGE 2 OF 2TSC ADDITIONAL RELOCATION GUIDELINESc. Go to Room TC 3 00-09 (Mechanical Equipment Room),and verify that valve "A" is closed and valve "B" is open.d. Leave ventilation switch in emergency position.e. Inform Radiological Coordinator of ventilation system mode.3. Operations Coordinator and Radiological Coordinator should checkbreakers in EOF UPS Breaker Panel on south wall of room behind doorTC300-14 for ERIS and DRMVS should they not be operable. IfAlternate EOF is staffed, Operations Coordinator should conference theEOF Technical Advisor to the bridge.4. ENS Communicator should consider taking over HPN duties while BOFtransitions to the ABOF.As soon as possible, communications should be established with the EmergencyDirector/Emergency Plant Manager (0OSM). These responsibilities should betransferred to the Alternate EOF upon that facility becoming operational.Any offsite agencies whose assistance is needed should be incorporated into the siteresponse as per established plans.Should the decision be made that the Training Center is not safe or secure, the TSC and OSC staffsshould report to the Alternate BOF with EOF personnel. From there, TSC personnel should re-establishcommunications with the control room, make a determination of plant needs, and develop plans toaddress those needs. Once a determination is made that the Training Center or TSC/OSC facilities areagain safe, then TSC and OSC personnel should relocate to those facilities to continue operations insupport of the control room.EIP-2-018 REV -38 PAGE 28 OF 28 ATTACHMENT 9.1 100FR50.54(q) SCREENINGSHEET 1 OF 6Procedure/Document Number: Revision:EIP-2-01 8 38EN-EP-61 0 2Equipment/Facility/Other: River Bend StationTitle: Technical Support CenterPart I. Description of Activity Being Reviewed (event or action, or series of actions that may result in a changeto the emergency plan or affect the implementation of the emergency plan):1. This change revises site-specific RBS procedure EIP-2-018, Technical Support Center, Rev. 38 and issues fleetprocedure EN-EP-610, Technical Support Center (TSC) Operations, Rev. 2. Responsibilities and Definitionscommon to both EN-EP-610 and EIP-2-018 were deleted from EIP-2-018 and retained in EN-EP-610. Changes weremade throughout EIP-2-018 to reflect this change.2. This change removes the Emergency Director function from the TSC when the EOF is not operational. TheEmergency Director responsibilities are now performed in the Control Room and applicable actions are located inEIP-2-006, Notifications. Changes were made throughout EIP-2-018 to remove responsibilities associated withClassifications, Notifications and Dose Assessment, including the following:* Section 3. Definitions -Removed definitions for Long Notification Message Form (LNMF), Short NotificationMessage Form (SNMF), and Rapidly Progressing Severe Accident (RPSA)* Section 4. Responsibilities -Removed Section 4.2, Emergency Director responsibilities.e Attachment 14. Protective Action Recommendations (PARS) -Deleted this attachment.* Attachment 10. TSC Dose Assessor -Deleted this position.* Attachments 1, 2. 3. and 4 -Removed procedure steps associated with the Emergency Director function fromthese attachments.3. Revised definition 3.3 Radiological Release:From:For emergency response purposes is defined as ANY detectable discharge of radioactive material to the environmentthat is due to the classified event.To:"For emergency response purposes is defined as ANY detectable discharge of radioactive material to theenvironment.4. Revised release characterization contained in definition 3.3:From:No release.Release below federally approved operating limits.Release above federally approved operating limits.To_:Release below federally approved operating limits.Release .above federally approved operating limits.5. In Step 5.4 and in Attachment 15, replaced "Alternate JIC" with "Governor's Office of Homeland Security andEmergency Preparedness (GOHSEP)" as the JIC will be relocated outside of the 10 mile EPZ when this procedurebecomes effective.6. Section 2, References -Editorial change to removed "EIP-2-001, Classification of Emergencies" and "EIP-2-024,Offsite Dose Calculations". Added "EN-EP-61 0, Technical Support Center (TSC) Operations".7. Attachment 15, Step 2 -Added additional guidance from EIP-2-020, Emergency Operations Facility for placing theEOF ventilation in emergency mode.8. Section 1, Purpose -Changed "This pSrocedure provides instructions for the activation, operation and deactivation ofthe Technical Support Center (TSC)" TO "This procedure provides site specific instructions for the activation,operation and relocation of the Technical Support Center (TSC). Entergy fleet procedure EN-EP-61 0, TechnicalSupport Center (TSC) Operations is the primary procedure to reference for TSC activation and operations.'EN-EP-305 REV 3 9.1 10OCFR50.54(q) SCREENINGSH-EET 2 OF 6ProcedurelDocument Number: Revision:ElIP-2-018 38EN-EP-61 0 2Equipment/Facility/Other: River Bend StationTitle: Technical Support CenterPart II. Activity Previously Reviewed? I--YES [] NOIs this activity fully bounded by an NRC approved 10 CFR 50.90 submittal or 50.54(q)(3) Continue toEvaluation is NOT next partAlert and Notification System Design Report? required. Enterjustification belowIf YES, identify bounding source document number/approval reference and and complete Partensure the basis for concluding the source document fully bounds the vI.proposed change is documented below: _____________Justification:Z] Bounding document attached (optional)Part Ill. Applicability of Other Regulatory Change Control ProcessesCheck if any other regulatory change processes control the proposed activty.(Refer to EN-LI-i 00)NOTE: For example, when a design change is the proposed activity, consequential actions may include changes toother documents which have a different change control process and are NOT to be included in this 50.54(q)(3)Screening.APPLICABILITY CONCLUSION[] If there are no controlling change processes, continue the 50.54(q)(3) Screening.[] One or more controlling change processes are selected, however, some portion of the activity involves theemergency plan or affects the implementation of the emergency plan; continue the 50.54(q)(3) Screening for that portionof the activity. Identify the applicable controlling change processes below.LI One or more controlling change processes are selected and fully bounds all aspects of the activity. 50.54(q)(3)Evaluation is NOT required. Identify controlling change processes below and complete Part VI. -CONTROLLING CHANGE PROCESSES10OCFR50.54(q)Part IV. Editorial ChangeIs this activity an editorial or typographical change such as formatting, paragraphnumbering, spelling, or punctuation that does not change intent?Justification:Chance # 6 from Part I -Section 2, References -Editorial change to removed "EIP-2-001, Classification of Emergencies" and "EIP-2-024, Offsite Dose Calculations". Added"EN-EP-61 0, Technical Support Center (TSC) Operations".This proposed change is editorial in nature in accordance with EN-AD-101. It does notchange the intent or purpose of the procedure. No further evaluation is necessary.NO is checked because the procedure revision contains other changes from Part I thatare Non-editorial.DYES50.54(q,)(3)Evaluation isNOT required.Enterjustification andcomplete Part,VI.[]NOContinue to nextpartEN-EP-305 REV 3 ATTACHMENT 9.1 10OCFR50.54(q) SCREENINGSHEET 3 OF 6Procedure/Document Number: Revision:EIP-2-01 8 38EN-EP-61 0 2EquipmentlFacilitylOther: River Bend StationTitle: Technical Support CenterPart V. Emergency Planning Element/Function Screen (Associated 10 CFR 50.47(b) planning standard functionidentified in brackets) Does this activity affect any of the following, including program elements from NUREG-0654/FEMA REP-I Section I1?1. Responsibility for emergency response is assigned. [1] ____2. The response organization has the staff to respond and to augment staff on a continuing basis (24/7 LIstaffing) in accordance with the emergency plan. [1] ___3. The process ensures that on shift emergency response responsibilities are staffed and assigned. [2] II]4. The process for timely augmentation of onshift staff is established and maintained. 121 LI5. Arrangements for requesting and using off site assistance have been made. [3] [6. State and local staff can be accommodated at the EOF in accordance with the emergency plan. [3] LI7. A standard scheme of emergency classification and action levels is in use. [4] Ej8. Procedures for notification of State and local governmental agencies are capable of alerting them of LIthe declared emergency within 15 minutes after declaration of an emergency and providing follow-upnotifications. [5]9. Administrative and physical means have been established for alerting and providing prompt [instructions to the public within the plume exposure pathway. [5]10. The public ANS meets the design requirements of FEMA-REP-10, Guide for Evaluation of Alert and LINotification Systems for Nuclear Power Plants, or complies with the licensee's FEMA-approved ANSdesign report and supporting FEMA approval letter. [5]11. Systems are established for prompt communication among principal emergency response LIorganizations. [6]12. Systems are established for prompt communication to emergency response personnel. [6] LI13. Emergency preparedness information is made available to the public on a periodic basis within the LIplume exposure pathway emergency planning zone (EPZ). [7]14. Coordinated dissemination of public information during emergencies is established. [7] LI15. Adequate facilities are maintained to Support emergency response. [8] LI16. Adequate equipment is maintained to support emergency response. [8] LI17. Methods, systems, and equipment for assessment of radioactive releases are in use. [9] LI18. A range of public PARs is available for implementation during emergencies. [10] LI19. Evacuation time estimates for the population located in the plume exposure pathway EPZ are LIavailable to support the formulation of PARs and have been provided to State and localgovernmental authorities. [10]20. A range of protective actions is available for plant emergency workers during emergencies, including LIthose for hostile action events.[1 0]21. The resources for controlling radiological exposures for emergency workers are established. [11] LI22. Arrangements are made for medical services for contaminated, injured individuals. [12] LI23. Plans for recovery and reentry are developed. [13] LIEN-EP-305 REV 3 ATTACHMENT 9.1 10CFR50.54(q) SCREENINGSHEET 4 OF 6ProcedurelDocument Number: Revision:EIP-2-01 8 38EN-EP-61 0 2EquipmentlFacilitylOther: River Bend StationTitle: Technical Support Center24. A drill and exercise program (including radiological, medical, health physics and otherprogram D]areas) is established. [14] __25. Drills, exercises, and training evolutions that provide performance opportunities to develop, maintain, Eland demonstrate key skills are assessed via a formal critique process in order to identifyweaknesses. [14]26. Identified weaknesses are corrected. [141 LI27. Training is provided to emergency responders. [15] Li28. Responsibility for emergency plan development and review is established. [161 -[29. Planners responsible for emergency plan development and maintenance are properly trained. [16] LIAPPLICABILITY CONCLUSION0] If no Part V criteria are checked, a 50.54(q)(3) Evaluation is NOT required; document the basis for conclusion belowand complete Part VI.0 If any Part V criteria are checked, complete Part VI and perform a 50.54(q)(3) Evaluation.BASIS FOR CONCLUSIONChancqe item #1 from Part I.Procedure EN-EP-801, Emergency Response Organization, outlines the Entergy ERO positions and responsibilities.Procedure EIP-2-01 8, TSC Support Center, was revised in revision 33 to implement the Fleet Standard ERO and waspreviously evaluated under a 1OCFR50.54(q)(3) performed on 12/6/2010. Entergy has since developed fleet procedureEN-EP-61 0, Technical Support Center (TSC) Operations, which delineates the operation of the TSC based on thepositions and responsibilities within EN-EP-801. This proposed procedure revision revises the site procedure to work inconcert with the fleet procedure. Site Procedure EIP-2-01 8 will address site specific actions not contained in fleetprocedure EN-EP-610. Existing RBS facilities and equipment continue to be maintained and there are no changes toany intent in procedure actions. Timing requirements for augmentation and facility operability are also unchanged.Process discussion: RBS currently uses the same processes reflected in the fleet procedure position checklists andposition binders. A review of the RBS Emergency Plan commitments was performed against the fleet TSC procedureand EIP-2-01 8. Fleet procedure information was supported with site specific information as necessary to ensure site-specific Emergency Plan requirements and associated processes were retained. Therefore, changes to the location ofthe description of emergency response processes were made (changed to fleet procedure or retained in site-specificEIP), but no changes to the emergency response processes addressed by 10CFR50.47(b) planning standardsthemselves were made.Summary:* No ERO positions have been added or deleted.* Some ERO responsibilities have been relocated to align with EN-EP-610.* The description, activation and operation of the TSC as described in the RBS Emergency Plan have not beenchanged.* All site specific commitments continue to be met under the fleet procedure and the use of a site-specificprocedure.* This change does not alter the TSC structure, organization or location.The proposed revision to the site Technical Support Center (TSC) Procedure EIP-2-018 and incorporating the use offleet Technical Support Center (TSC) Procedure EN-EP-610 does not affect the meaning or the intent of a description,'facilities, equipment or a process. This proposed change does not affect the Emergency Plan. No further evaluation isrequired for this change.EN-EP-305 REV 3 ATTACHMENT 9.1 100FR50.54(q) SCREENINGSHEET 5 OF 6Procedure/Document Number: Revision:EIP-2-01 8 38EN-EP-61 0 2Equipment/Facility/Other: River Bend StationTitle: Technical Support CenterBASIS FOR CONCLUSION (Continued)Changqe Item # 2This change to remove the Emergency Director capabilities from the TSC and relocate this function to the Main ControlRoom was previously reviewed under a 10CFR50.54(q) evaluation for RBS Emergency Plan, Revision 42, which will beimplemented on the same day as this revision. The evaluation determined that there was no reduction in effectivenessdue to this change. Therefore, this proposed change does not affect the meaning or the intent of a description, facilities,equipment or a process. This proposed change does not affect the Emergency Plan. No further evaluation is requiredfor this change.Changqe items # 3 and 4. Revised release definition to remove 'due to the classified event' and also removed 'norelease' as a release characterization.There are no changes to the current offsite notification procedure process with one exception associated with removing'no release' as an option with which to characterize releases from the site. With this change RBS will still provide tolocal organizations emergency messages which contain information about the class of emergency, whether a release istaking place, potentially affected populations, and whether protective measures are necessary. This change is inalignment with NRC RIS 2002-16 and has been agreed to by both State and local officials. Procedures for notification ofState and local governmental agencies are still capable of alerting them of the declared emergency within 15 minutesafter declaration of an emergency and providing follow-up notifications. This change was evaluated under a1 0CFR50.54(q) evaluation for EIP-2-020 Revision 39. Therefore, this proposed change does not affect the meaning orthe intent of a description, facilities, equipment or a process. This proposed change does not affect the Emergency Plan.No further evaluation is required for this change.Changqe Item # 5 -This change was previously reviewed under a 10OCFR50.54(q) evaluation for the Emergency PlanRevision 42, which will be implemented on the same day as this revision. The proposed change does not affect themeaning or the intent of a description, facilities, equipment or a process. This proposed change does not affect theEmergency Plan. No further evaluation required for this change.Changqe Item # 7 -Attachment 15, Step 2- -Added additional guidance from EIP-2-020, Emergency Operations Facilityfor placing the EOF ventilation in emergency mode.Previous guidance directed the TSC Maintenance Coordinator to refer to EIP-2-020 for placing the EOF ventilation in theemergency mode. This enhancement places those applicable steps in Attachment 15 of this procedure.. This preventsthe Maintenance Coordinator from using multiple procedures to complete this task.This proposed change is an enhancement and therefore does not affect the meaning or the intent of a description,facilities, equipment or a process. The proposed change does not affect the Emergency Plan. No further evaluation isrequired for this change.Change Item #8 -This change to revise Section 1, Purpose is addressed under Change #1.EN-EP-305 REV 3 A'I-ACHMENT 9.1 10CFR50.54(q) SCREENINGSHEET 6 OF 6Procedure/Document Number: Revision:EIP-2-O1 8 38EN-EP-61 0 2Equipment/Facility/Other: River Bend Station,Title: Technical Support CenterPart VI. Signatures:Preparer Name (Print) Preparer Signature Date:(Optional) Reviewer Name (Print) Reviewer Signature Date:Reviewer Name (Print) Reviewer Signature Date:Duane White 1/19/2016Nuclear EP Project ManagerApprover Name (Print) Approver Signature Date:EP manager or designeeEN-EP-305 REV 3 REFERENCE USE-SWENTERGYRIVER BEND) STATIONSTATION SUPPORT MANUAL*EMERGENCY IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE*EMERGENCY OPERA TIONS FACILITYPROCEDURE NUMBER: *EIP-2-020REVISION NUMBER: *39Effective Date:
- 1/27/16NOTE : SIGNATURES ARE ON FILE.*IND4JEXING INFORMATION TABLE OF CONTENTSSECTION PAGE NO.1 PURPOSE ......................................................................................... 22 REFERENCES.................................................................................... 23 DEFINITION S.................................................................................... 24 RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................................................. 45 GEINERAL......................................................................................... 56 PROCEDURE ............................................................... ...................... 57 DOCUMENTATION ............................................................................. 7ATTACHMENT 1 -EMERGENCY DIRECTOR................................................... 8ATTACHMENT 2 -EOF MANAGER.............................................................. 12ATTACHMENT 3 -ADMINISTRATION & LOGISTICS COORDINATOR................... 17ATTACHMENT 4 -RADIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT COORDINATOR...................... 21ATTACHMENT 5 -PUBLIC INFORMATION LIAISON........................................ 25ATTACHMENT 6 -DOSE ASSESSOR............................................................ 26ATTACHMENT 7 -OFFSITE TEAM COORDINATOR ......................................... 28ATTACHMENT 8 -BOF HABITABILITY TECHNICIAN ...................................... 30ATTACHMENT 9- -OFFSITE COMMUNICATOR .............................................. 32ATTACHMENT 10 -TECHNICAL ADVISOR.................................................... 36ATTACHMENT 11 -EOF COMMUNICATOR ................................................... 37ATTACHMENT 12 -LOG KEEPER............................................................... 38ATTACHMENT 13 -LEAD OFFSITE LIAISON ................................................. 39ATTACHMENT 14 -OFFSITE LIAISON ......................................................... 40ATTACHMENT 15 -SIREN SYSTEM OPERATION ........................................... 41ATTACHMENT 16 -ORGANIZATIONAL CHART............................................. 43ATTACHMENT 17 -EOF FLOOR PLAN ......................................................... 44ATTACHMENT 18 -PROTECTIVE ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS ....................... 45EJP-2-020 REV -39 PAGE 1 OF 50 1 PURPOSEThis procedure provides site specific instructions for activation, operation, andrelocation of the Emergency Operations Facility (EOF). Entergy fleet procedureEN-EP-609, Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) Operations is the primaryprocedure to reference for EOF activation and operations.2 REFERENCES2.1 RPP-0006, Radiological Surveys2.2 RP-104, Personnel Decontamination Event2.3 EIP-2.-012, Radiation Exposure Controls2.4 EIP-2-0 14, Offsite Radiological Monitoring2.5 EIP-2-024, Offsite Dose Calculations2.6 EIP-2-028, Recovery2.7 EPP-2-100, Procedure Review, Revision and Approval2.8 Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO) Resource Manual2.9 EIP-2-001, Classification of Emergencies2.10 EN-EP-609, Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) Operations3 DEFINITIONS3.1 Augmentation -Actions taken to support onshift personnel or theEmergency Response Organization.3.2 Habitable -For the purpose of this procedure, the term habitable is basedsolely on radiological conditions, however, the EOF Manager maydeclare the facility uninhabitable based on other conditions.3.3 Rapidly Progressing Severe Accident (RPSA)-A General Emergency withrapid loss of containment integrity (emergency action levels indicatecontainment loss) and loss of ability to cool the core.EIP-2-020 REV -39PAGE 2 OF 50EW-2-020 REV -39 PAGE 2 OF 50 3.4 Radiological Release -For emergency response purposes is defined asANY detectable discharge of radioactive material to the environment.The release characterization should be further defined whencommunicating to offsite agencies to characterize whether or not therelease is below or above Technical Specification limits. Indicate theappropriate release characterization on the Short and Long NotificationMessage Forms.3.4.1. Release BELOW federally approved operating limits(Technical Requirements Manual)3.4.2. Release ABOVE federally approved operating limits(Technical Requirements Manual)3.4.3. Effluent Technical Requirements Manual1. Any one of three effluent monitors indicates a value threetimes the High alarm set pointOR2. Any two of the three effluent monitors indicate a valueequal or greater than the High alarm set point.The three effluent monitors are:TITLE NO.Main Plant Exhaust Stack RMS-RE125 Channel 4 (4GE125)Radwaste Vent. Exhaust RMS-RE006 Channel 4 (4GE006)Fuel Bldg. Vent. Exhaust RMS-RE005 Channel 4 (4GE005).' OR3. An unmonitored release is detected at the site boundary byteams with survey instruments.3.5 Short Notification Message Form (SNMF) -Used for declaration of anemergency classification or changes to the Protective ActionRecommendations (PARs). Notification must be made to State and localauthorities within approximately 15 minutes. The Short NotificationMessage Form contains information about the class of emergency,whether a release is taking place, potentially affected population andareas, and whether protective measures may be necessary.EIP-2-020 REV -39PAGE 3 OF 50EIP-2-020 REV -39 PAGE 3 OF 50 3.6 Long Notification Message Form (LNMF) -Used for providing State andlocal authorities follow-up information. The LNMF is sent out as soon aspossible following a SNMF. The LNMF is also sent out for anysignificant changes to plant conditions that do no__t require an emergencyescalation or change in PARs. No more than 2 hours should be exceededbetween any two LNMFs.4 RESPONSIBILITIES4.1 Emergency Director:4.1.1. Provide overall management of River Bend station (RB S)response activities. The Emergency Director has the authority toimmediately and unilaterally initiate all emergency actions.4.1.2. Assess and classifyj emergency conditions.4.1.3.' Provide notifications and make protective actionrecommendations to offsite authorities.4.1.4. Coordinate RBS response activities as required with offsiteorganizations.4.1.5. Ensures that offsite radiological conditions are projected andmonitored.4.1.6. Authorize issuance of KI and radiation exposure in excess of0 CFR 20 limits for ERO members outside of the protectedarea.4.1.7. Authorize press releases.4.1.8. Establish a Recovery Organization.4.1.9. Terminate the emergency.4.2 EOF Manager -Ensure that the EOF is activated, ensure that notificationmessage forms are properly filled out and completed on time, and thatEOF staff provide support functions per the applicable section(s) of thisprocedure.EIP-2-020 REV -39 PAGE 4 OF 50 5 GENERAL5.1 Attachment 16, Emergency Operations Facility Organization Chart, is atypical makeup for the EOF.5.2 Attachment 17, Emergency Operations Facility Floor Plan, is a typicalsetup for the EOF.5.3 The EOF may be activated at any time, and shall be activated at an Alert,Site Area Emergency,, or General Emergency declaration. Onceactivated, the EOF shall become operational as soon as possible afterdeclaration of any of these emergency classifications. When facilityminimum staffing can be accomplished with onsite personnel, it is the goalto become operational within 45 minutes. Otherwise, it is the goal tobecome operational in 90 minutes.6 PROCEDURENOTEThe actions of this procedure may be completed in anysequence, however, the sequence presented in theattachments is recommended.Report any actions unable to complete, equipment issues,or problems to EOF Manager for resolution and/ordetermining facility operational status.6.1 Emergency Director6.1.1. The Emergency Director should use Attachment 1 as aguideline.6.2 EOF Manager.6.2.1. The EOF Manager should use Attachment 2 as a guideline.6.3 Administration (Admin) & Logistics Coordinator6.3.1. The Administration & Logistics Coordinator should useAttachment 3 as a guideline.EIP-2-O20 REV -39PAGE 5 OF 50EIP-2-020 REV -39 PAGE 5 OF 50 6.4 Radiological Assessment Coordinator6.4.1. The Radiological Assessment Coordinator should-useAttachment 4 as a guideline.6.5 Public Information Liaison6.5.1. The Public Information Liaison should use Attachment 5 as aguideline.6.6 Dose Assessor6.6.1. The Dose Assessor should use Attachment 6 as a guideline.6.7 Offsite Team Coordinator6.7.1. The Offsite Team Coordinator should use Attachment 7 as aguideline.6.8 EOF Habitability Technician6.8.1.. The EOF Habitability Technician should use Attachment 8 as aguideline.6.9 Offsite Communicator6.9.1. The Offsite Communicator should use Attachment 9 as aguideline.6.10 Technical Advisor6.10.1. The Technical Advisor should use Attachment 10 as aguideline.6.11 EOF Communicator6.11.1. The EOF Communicator should use Attachment 11 as aguideline.6.12 Log Keeper6.12.1. The Log Keeper should use Attachment 12 as a guideline.6.13 Offsite Monitoring Teams6.13.1. The Offsite Monitoring Teams should use EIP-2-014 as aguideline.REV -39PAGF, 6 OF 50Ti'TP~Xfl~fl T~EV -3Q PAGE 6 OF 50 6.1I4 Lead Offsite Liaison6.14.1. The Lead Offsite Liaison should use Attachment 13 as aguideline.6.15 Offsite Liaison6.15.1. The Offsite Liaison general guidance is contained inAttachment 14.7 DOCUMENTATIONAttachments 1-15 of this procedure will be sent to Permanent Plant Files (PPF)per EPP 100 by the Manager -Emergency Preparedness.EIP-2-O2O REV = 39PAGE 7 OF 50EIP-2-020 REV -39 PAGE 7 OF 50 ATTACHMENT 1PAGE 1 OF 4EMERGENCY DIRECTORACTIVATION Date: ___Actions CompletedInitials1. Refer to EN-EP-609. ___SUBSEOUENT ACTIONSNOTEThe Emergency Director has the authority to immediatelyand unilaterally initiate all emergency actions.1: If decision is made to relocate the EOF, implement the Relocation Actions portion of thischecklist.NOTEProtective Action Recommendations (PARs) must bedeveloped within 15 minutes of the declaration of aGeneral Emergency or data availability which requireupgrading the PARs.PARs2. Using Attachment 18, formulate Protective Action Recommendations (PARs) and scenario numberusing dose projections, field monitoring data, meteorological conditions and plant conditions.Unnecessary evacuation of the public is NOT considered a conservative decision. Do NO__T.recommend a PAR change that would direct shelter or monitor and prepare of an area (PAS) thathas already been recommended for evacuation.CAUTIONEmergency Operating Procedures (EOPs) require containment venting at specified pressuresand hydrogen concentrations, regardless of offsite consequences.3. Evaluate PARs in anticipation of intentional containment venting. As appropriate and timepermitting, other Considerations for containment venting include:* Notifyt JIC, States and Parishes about any venting and any expected PAR changes.* How will altering the venting start time affect offsite doses due to containment radioactivitybuildup\decay?EIP-2-020REV -39 PAGE 8 OF 50EIP-2-020 REV-39 PAGE8OF5O ATTACHMENT 1; PAGE 2 OF 4EMERGENCY DIRECTOR.* Will the release be a puff, series of puffs or continuous and what is the expected duration(s)?* Would the population-at-risk be able to evacuate before plume reaches them?* Are the winds variable or expected to change and affect areas where protective actions areNOTQ in place?* Are there any special interest groups or facilities to consider?4. Review and discuss protective actions to be recommended for the general public with theappropriate personnel and the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality (LDEQ) LiaisonOfficer, if available. If State representatives have not yet arrived, recommendations to the localauthorities shall not be delayed.5. Provide PARs to State and local authorities within 15 minutes. Once State and local authoritiesreceive the PARs, the State and local authorities will have approximately 5 minutes to review thePARs.6. Using Attachment 18, revise based on plant conditions, dose projections, field monitoringdata and meteorological conditions when advised by the Radiological Assessment Coordinator orTechnical Advisor.7. If doses > 1 rem TEDE. or > 5 rem CDE are projected at 10 miles, ensure the LDEQ Liaison isaware of the need for protective actions beyond 10 miles.EIP-2-020 REV -39 PAGE 9 OF 50 ATTACHMENT 1PAGE 3 OF 4EMERGENCY .DIRECTORTERMINATION1. Coordinate with the Emergency Plant Manager on terminating the emergency in accordance withthe following criteria:ALERT -Terminate the emergency when the Alert conditions are no longer met and thefollowing have been accomplished:1. The plant is in a stable condition.2. Excessive releases of radioactivity to the environment have been terminated and nofurther potential for significant radioactivity releases exists.3. No further potential for major damage to equipment existsSALE/GE -Terminate the emergency when the SALE/GE conditions are no longer met and thefollowing has been accomplished:1. The reactor is shutdown, is in a stable, safe configuration, and adequate core cooling is, available.2. Excessive releases of radioactivity to the environment have been tenminated and nofurther potential for significant radioactivity releases exists.3. Offsite concentrations of radioactivity in the atmosphere or in waterways havedispersed to near background levels, excluding ground deposition.4. The State of Louisiana, the local Parishes and the NRC concur in terminating theemergency.2. Notify the NRC via NRC ENS line and offsite authorities using a notification message form of theemergency termination.3. When a Site Area Emergency or General Emergency has been terminated, implement EIP-2-028,Recovery.EIP-2-020 REV -39 PAGE 10 OF 50 ATTACHMENT 1PAGE 4 OF 4EMERGENCY DIRECTORRELOCATION ACTIONS Date: ____Actions CompletedInitials1. Direct the EOF Manager to perform relocation actions and proceed to the AEOF___prior to releasing the EOF staff. Turnover of responsibilities is to be in accordancewith EN-EP-609.2. Inform the parishes, the states of Louisiana and Mississippi, and the NRC that ___the EOF staff will be relocating to the AFOF and all communication will bedirected from.3. If relocation is due to conditions other than radiological conditions, direct the ___EOF staff to relocate directly to the Alternate EOF.4. If relocation is due to radiological conditions, direct the EOF staff to relocate to ___*the AFOF through the Zachary Monitoring and Decontamination Station.EIP-2-020 REV -39 PAGE 11 OF 50 ATTACHMENT 2PAGE 1OF 5EOF MANAGERACTIVATION Date: _____Actions CompletedInitials1. Refer to EN-EP-609.2. Periodically announce that no eating, drinking, or chewing is allowed until ___habitability is determined.3. Obtain status of EOF radiological habitability firom Radiological Assessment __Coordinator and advise Emergency Director of status. Other considerations mayinclude environmental conditions, loss of power or other conditions which mayimpede operation of the facility.4. Make announcement when the EOF is determined to be habitable. __5. If the EOF is not habitable, direct EOF staff to implement the Relocation Actions __on their checklists, as appropriate.6. All minimum staffing personnel have completed the activation portion of their __checklists except for steps noted below and are prepared to perform functionalresponsibilities. (See section 5.3 -EOF Operational Goal is 45 or 90 minutes.)Emergency Classification Time: ____+ (45 or 90) _____EOF Operational Goal TimeMINIMUM STAFFING:a. Emergency Directorb. EOF Manager (Except for steps 5 & 6)c. Radiological Assessment Coordinatord. Dose Assessore. Technical Advisorf. Offsite Communicator7. Inform the Emergency Director that the EOF is ready to be declared operational. __SUBSEQUENT ACTIONS1. If the emergency is due to a hostile action against the plant, direct theAdministrative & Logistics Coordinator to ensure that operations, security andradiation protection liaisons have been dispatched to the WF Parish IncidentCommand Post (ICP). Direct that an additional security liaison be dispatched tothe EOF to establish communications with the ICP.EIP-2-020 REV -39 PAGE 12 OF 50 ATTACHMENT 2PAGE 2 OF 5EOF MANAGERSUBSEOUENT ACTIONS (cont'd)NOTENoti~fications to State and local authorities must be madewithin approximately 1_5 minutes of a declaration of anemergency or Protective Action Recommendations (PARs)change using the Short Notifcation Message Form(SNrMF).NOTEAll Notifi cation Message Forms must be reviewed andapproved by the Emergency Director.2. Conduct a PAR Call following each PAR issuancea. When all parish Directors or Assistant Directors, the Operations Officer atthe State Emergency Operations Center (GOHSEP), and the LDEQLiaison, if available, are on the Hotline, verify the PARs (ScenarioNumber) each parish intends to implement.b. Record scenario number each parish will implement on the PARVerification Checklist provide by Offsite Communicator.c. Obtain siren sounding time from the Operations Officer and record on PARVerification Checklist.d. If requested by a parish agency that RBS sound their sirens, then direct theEOF Communicator to do so using Attachment 15 at the agreed upon sirensounding time.3. Evaluate the need for retaining personnel relocating from the TSC.EIP-2-020 REV -39 PAGE 13 OF 50 ATTACHMENT 2PAGE 3 OF 5EOF MANAGERRELOCATION ACTIONS Date:____Actions CompletedInitials1. Obtain the Alternate EOF (AEOF) access package from the EOF key box.___2. Ensure EOF Staff is aware of route to Alternate EOF following direction___from the Radiological Assessment Coordinator.3. Proceed to the Alternate EOF.EIP-2-020 REV -39 PAGE 14 OF 50 ATTACH4MENT 2PAGE 4 OF 5EOF MANAGERLONG NOTIFICATION MESSAGE FORM (TYPICAL)NOTIFICATION MESSAGE FORM1. THIS IS RIVER BEND STATIONWITH MESSAGE NUMBER____2. A. TIME ____DATE______B. COMMUNICATOR:___________C. TEL NO. _____3. EMERGENCY CLASSIFICATION:A. El NOTIFICATION OF UNUSUAL EVENT C. El SITE AREA EMERGENCY E. El TERN INAEB. El ALERT 0.0[ GENERAL EMERGENCY4. CURRENT EMERGENCY CLASSIFICATION El DECLARATiON El TERMI AINTIME:______DATE:_____VllNATED5. RECOMMENDED PROTECTIVE ACTIONS:A. El No Protective Actions Recommended at this time (Go to item 6).B. El Evacuate ____________________________________________C. El Monitor and Prepare0. El Shelter6. INCIDENT DESCRIPTIONIUPDATEICOMMENTS:___________________________________________________________7. REACTOR SHUTDOWN? El NO El YES TIME:__- __8. METEOROLOGICAL DATA: El NOT AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME (Go to item 9)A. Wind Direction FROM ________Degrees at____________MPHB. Sectors Affected (A-R).C. Stability Class (A-G)D. Precipitation: El None El Rain El Sleet El Snow El Hail El Other_____9. RELEASE INFORMATION:A. El A RELEASE is occunring BELOW federally approved operating limitsB. El A RELEASE is occunring ABOVE federally approved operating limits10. TYPE OF RELEASE:A. El Radioactive Gases B. El Radioactive Airborne Particulates C. El Radioactive Liq11. RELEASE RATE: A. NOBLE GASES ________Cl/s B. IODINES___12. ESTIMATE OF PROJECTED OFF-SITE DOSE:A. Projections for _____hours based on: El Field Data El Plant DataB. TEDE -WB DOSE COMMITMENT (mRem) C. CDE -THYROID DOSEDATE: _______luids (Go to item 13)Ci/sCOMMITMENT (mRem)5 milesSite Boundary5 milesSite Boundary13.14.2 miles ____ ___ 10 miles_______MESSAGE APPROVED BY:____________MESSAGE RECEIVED BY: ____________2 miles ____ ___ 10 miles_______TITLE: ____________TITLE: ____________EIP-2-020 REV -39 PAGE 15 OF 50 ATTACHMENT 2PAGE 5 OF 5EOF MANAGERGUIDELINES FOR COMPLETING THE LNMFMANUAL METHODINFORMRiver Bend and Message Number automatic Assign a message number. Number the messages sequentiallyLine 1' until the emergency is terminated.S 2A Time/Date automatic upon transmission. 2A Enter Time/Date message was transmitted.Line 2 2B Comm: Enter facility name. 2B Comm.: Enter facility name2C Tel. No.: Indicate "Hotline" unless alternate 2C Tel. No.: Indicate "Hotline" unless alternate... method is being used, then enter alternate method. method is being used, then enter alternate method.Line 3 Automatic from Short Form. If termination message, check Check appropriate classification or terminated.: "terminated".*Line 4 Automatic from Short Form. For termination, check Check either declaration or termination."termination" and enter termination time/date. Enter time/date of emergency declaration or termination.Check appropriate box(es). If PAR has been recommended, Check appropriate box(es). If PARs have been recommended,Line 5 select appropriate protective actions and indicate scenario indicate the scenario number. May add information as... number. May add information as necessary, necessary... : Enter description from Short Form. May add information as Enter description from Short Form. May add information asLine 6 1 necessary. Use this line to correct any previous errors, necessary. Use this line to correct any previous errors.Line 7 Indicate if the reactor is shutdown. Information should be Indicate if the reactor is shutdown. Information should be*obtained from Operations. If yes, enter time/date. obtained from Operations. If yes, enter the time/date.,; ,Meteorological data for Lines 8A-C is available on ERIS and Meteorological data for Lines 8A-C is available on ElRiS andin the Control Room and Meteorological Tower. printers in the Control Room and Meteorological Tower.iLine 8 SA -Enter wind direction (from) and speed. 8A -Enter wind direction (from) and speed.S B -Enter the 3 affected wind sectors according to 8B -Enter the 3 affected wind sectors according~to theS the current wind direction, current wind direction.S.: C -Enter stability class. 8C -Enter stability class.S:: D -Check appropriate box. 8D -Check appropriate box....Determine release characterization. Determine release characterization.S 9A/B Check A or B as appropriate. When checking A or B 9A/B Check A or B as appropriate. When checking A or*complete lines 10, 11 and 12. B complete lines 10, 11 and 12.Line 9_________,__________Lin 1 Indicate the type of release(s). If there is no core damage, Indicate the type of release(s). If there is no core damage,Ln 1 *check 10OA for airborne release. If there is clad damage or fuel check 1 0A for airborne release. If there is clad damage or fuelS melt, check 10A & l0B for airborne release. If the release is a melt, check 10A & 10B for airborne release. If the release is* liquid release, check 10C. a liquid release, check 10C.Line 11 Enter release rate. DRMS provides release rates in uCi/sec. Enter release rate. DRMS provides release rates in uCi/sec.These rates must be converted to Ci/sec. These rates must be converted to Ci/sec.* 12A Enter number of hours used and method used in dose 12A Enter number of hours used and method used in dose'Line 112 calculation, calculation." *"12B Obtain from URI/RASCAL results. 12B Obtain from URI/RASCAL results.Line 13 Enter Emergency Director's name and "ED" as title. ED must Enter Emergency Director's name and "ED" as title. ED must_____ review and approve NMFs prior to transmission, review and approve NMFs prior to transmission.Line !4, Leave blank. For use by parishes. Leave blank. For use by parishes.EIP-2-02OREV -39 PAGE 16 OF 50EIP-2-020 REV-39 PAGE16OF5O ATTACHMENT 3PAGE 1OF 4ADMINISTRATION & LOGISTICS COORDINATORACTIVATION Date: _____Actions CompletedInitials1. Refer to EN-EP-609.2. Identify any EOF position not filled and report results to EOF Manager.3. Obtain plant daily report and distribute as necessary.4. Ensure EOF Access List is available. __SUBSEOUENT ACTIONS1. Contact personnel to fill any vacant EOF positions.2. Contact the TSC Manager in the TSC concerning any personnel injuries.3. Obtain requested personnel resources to assist with the emergency.4. After the EOF becomes operational, establish EOF access security controls.a. Position and operate doors per the posted instructions at EOF west inner door.b. Lock EOF east entrance (TC 100-19) and post sign to use west entrance.c. Emergency Director or BOF Manager must approve EOF entry for anyone not on theaccess list. NRC and LDEQ personnel should present their credentials as authorization toenter the EOF. Notify EOF Manager when any outside agencies enter the EOF.5. Verify the NRC FTS 2001 phones have a dial tone. Report any problems to the NRC OperationsCenter using a commercial phone and the numbers listed on the NRC phone.6. Contact the hospital for current information on injured personnel, as applicable. Keep the EOFManager informed of status.7. Assist in obtaining drawings and procedures as needed. The simulator documents may be used.8. Develop long-term staffing rotation list:a. Establish a 24 hour ERO staffing schedule, excluding the JIC. Obtain MCR, TSC, andOSC staffing from TSC IT Specialist. Once schedule is complete, obtain approval fromEOF Manager.b. If PARs have been issued, discuss recommended routes with the Radiological AssessmentCoordinator (RAC).c. Contact the individuals on the rotation list and inform them of the time they are scheduledto report and the proper route to be taken.EIP-2-020 REV -39 PAGE 17 OF 50 ATTACHMENT 3PAGE 2 OF 4ADMINISTRATION & LOGISTICS COORDINATORSUBSEOUENT ACTIONS (cont'd)i9. Coordinate assistance from the Corporate Emergency Center (CEC) using the phone orCorporate Hot Line. Use the INPO Emergency Resources Manual as a reference.10. Coordinate assistance for personnel, equipment, supplies, food, lodging, travel, and.communications, as necessary. Maintain a list of requests and estimated response times. If PARshave been issued, obtain recommended routes and staging areas from the RAC and arrange forEmergency Planning Zone (EPZ) access through the Lead Offsite Liaison to the ParishEmergency Operations Centers (EOCs).11. Coordinate with RAC, TSC Security and Maintenance Coordinator as necessary to get personnel,equipment and materials onsite and in Security Owner Controlled area or Protected area, asappropriate.12. Coordinate monetary matters through the Corporate Emergency Center. Assistance may berequested from Corporate Business Services.13. Obtain list of materials, supplies, and contractors that may be required for recovery from EOF andTSC personnel.14. If directed, place ventilation system in the Emergency Mode. For ventilation activation:a. Obtain master key from EOF key box.b. Place ventilation switch in Room TC 300-06 in emergency position.c. Go to Room TC 3 00-09 (Mechanical Equipment Room),and verify that valve "A" is closed and valve "B" is open.d. Leave ventilation switch in emergency position.e. Inform Radiological Assessment Coordinator of ventilation system mode.EIP-2-020 REV -39 PAGE. 18 OF 50 ATTACHMENT 3PAGE 3 OF 4ADMINISTRATION & LOGISTICS COORDINATORRELOCATION ACTIONS Date: ____Actions CornpletedInitials1. Coordinate with EOF staff on documents necessary to support Alternate EOF __functions. Ensure documents are collected and transferred to the Alternate EOF.2. When directed, contact the East Baton Rouge Emergency Operations Center __(EOC) and request the notification of the Zachary Monitoring/DecontaminationStation of personnel arriving and, if necessary, that a school bus be dispatched tothe EOF to assist in the relocation.3. Request an IT and Communication person to report to AEOF for assistance. __EIP-2-020 REV -39 PAGE 19 OF 50 ATTACHMENT 3PAGE 4 OF 4ADMINISTRATION & LOGISTICS COORDINATOR-JEOF STAFFING LIST (Typical)Agenc/PostionPrinted Name or SignatureEmergency DirectorE OF Manager _ _ _ _ _ _STechnical AdvisorSOffsite CommunicatorSRadiological Assessment CoordinatorDose AssessorOfisite Team CoordinatorEOF CommunicatorAdministration & Logistics CoordinatorLog KeeperPublic Information LiaisonLead Offsite LiaisonRP Technician HabitabilityRP Technician (OMT)RP Technician (OMT)Chemistry Technician (OMT)Chemistry Technician (OMT)Offsite Liaison -West FelicianaOffsite Liaison -East FelicianaOffsite Liaison -Pointe Coup eeOffsite Liaison -East Baton RougeOffsite Liaison -West Baton RougeOffsite Liaison -State EOC-t-t-t-i-4-4-4EIP-2-020REV -39 PAGE 20 OF 50ELP-2-020 REV-39 PAGE 20 OF 50 ATTACHMENT 4PAGE 1 OF 4RADIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT COORDINATORACTIVATION Date: _____Actions CompletedInitials1. Refer to EN-EP-609.2. Ensure the Dose Assessor is available and prepared to assume functionalresponsibilities.NOTEThe EOF may be presumed to be radiologically habitablewithout conducting surveys based on release conditions.3. Provide habitability results to the EOF Manager and post EOF habitabilitystatus. Refer to EN-EP-609 for guidance. __4. Inform the EOF Manager When the RAG and Dose Assessor checklists are ___completed and prepared to perform functional responsibilities.SUBSEOUENT ACTIONS1. As required, ensure the distribution of direct reading dosimeters and DLRs to EOFpersonnel and announce the frequency at which individuals should read their dosiimeters.2. As required, direct the establishment of an EOF contamination control point at the dooroutside the EOF Decontamination Facility (Door TC-300-17). Provide direction onfrisking requirements.3. Using Attachment 18, formulate Protective Action Recommendations (PARs) andscenario number using dose projections, field monitoring, meteorological conditions andplant conditions. Unnecessary evacuation of the public is NO...T considered a conservativedecision.4. Discuss the PARs with the Emergency Director (ED) and Louisiana Department ofEnvironmental Quality (LDEQ) Liaison, if available, including the basis and reasoningused to arrive at the PARs.5. Provide the PAR scenario number for the Short Notification Message Form6. Review all notification message forms containing radiological data prior to transmittal.EIP-2-020REV -39 PAGE 21 OF 50EIP-2-020 REV-39 PAGE 21 0F50 ATTACHMENT 4PAGE 2 OF 4RADIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT COORDINATORSUBSEOUENT ACTIONS (cont'd)7. If containment radiation monitors are not available to assess source term for dose assessment,containment venting or PARs, use RPP-.0098 and/or plant conditions (i.e., water level, time coreuncovered, etc.) to estimate containment dose rates.8. After initial PAR implementation, use Attachment 18 to keep the ED informed on PAR changesbased on plant conditions, dose projections, field monitoring data and meteorological conditions,including wind shifts. Obtain NWS forecast from Dose Assessor.9. When PARs are issued, provide recommended routes for personnel and deliveries into RBS.10. If doses_> 1 rem TEDE or >5 remn CDE thyroid are projected at 10 miles, estimate the projecteddose at 15, 20 and 25 miles, as appropriate. Inform the ED and the LDEQ Liaison of the distanceand downwind areas at which a Protective Action Guideline (PAG) is estimated to be exceeded.11. Evaluate the need for EOF or offsite team personnel to exceed 10OCFR20 limits or the need for theuse of Potassium Iodide (KI) in accordance with EIP-.2-.012, Radiation Exposure Controls. Obtainthe Emergency Director's authorization as necessary.12. Make arrangements with environmental services for analysis of environmental samples taken byoffsite monitoring teams.EIP-2-020 REV -39 PAGE 22 OF 50 ATTACHMENT 4PAGE 3 OF 4RADIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT COORDINATORRELOCATION ACTIONS Date: ____Actions CornpletedInitials1. Coordinate with the OSC the control of oftsite monitoring teams. A __Radiation Protection Technician or Chemistry Technician can assumecontrol or if desired, the EOF Offsite Team Coordinator can remain to controloffsite monitoring teams until the AEOF is established.2. Transfer overall responsibility for dose assessment to the Shift Manager. __3. If communicating on NRC H{PN, transfer HPN responsibilities to the Shift __Manager and notify NRC of transfer.4. Review radiological and meteorological information and provide directions to the __staff relocating to the Alternate EOF. A suggested route to the ZacharyMonitoring/Decontamination Station and the Alternate EOF is shown on Page 4.Ensure that the EOF staff have DLRs and direct reading dosimeters prior torelocating to the Alternate EOF, if radiological release above federally approvedoperating limits is in progress.5. Ensure that the EOF Habitability Technician obtains survey meters and the ___DLR Tracking Log for transport to the Alternate EOF.6. Direct the EOF Habitability Technician to perform a sweep of the EOF __and Training Center to verify that all personnel have evacuated the building priorto relocating and send the Technician to the Alternate EOIF or ZacharyMonitoring/ Decontamination Station.EIP-2-020REV -39 PAGE 23 OF 50EIP-2-02E) REV-39 PAGE23OF5O ATTACHMENT 4PAGE 4 OF 4RADIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT COORDINATORDirections from River Bend Station to the ZacharyFire Department Decontamination Station1. Turn right (south) onto UJS-61 S toward Baton Rouge. Continue to follow US-61 5. (10.8 miles)2. Turn left onto Mt Pleasant-Zachary Rd/LA-64 E. Continue to follow LA-64 E. (5.6 miles)3. The Zachary Fire Department is on the left at 4525 MAIN ST.Directions from River Bend Station to the Alternate / Entergy RBS Backup EmergeneyOperations Facility (5564 Essen Lane. Baton RouIse)1. Turn right (south) onto UJS-61 S toward Baton Rouge. Continue to follow US-61 5. (19 miles)2. Merge onto 1-110 5 toward Baton Rouge. (8.7 miles)3. Take 1-10 E. (4.9 miles)4. Merge right onto Essen LnILA-3064 W via EXIT 160. (1 mile)5. The Entergy Building is on the right at 5564 ESSEN LN.EIP-2-020 REV -39 PAGE 24 OF 50 ATTACHMENT 5PAGE 1lOFi1PUBLIC INFORMATION LIAISONACTIVATION Date: _____Actions CompletedInitials1. Refer to EN-EP-609.2. Attempt to contact a JIG representative and determine activation status.___3. Inform EOF Manager when prepared to perform functional responsibilities and __JiG status.SUBSEOUENT ACTIONS1. Determine operability of FAX machine.2. Inform EOF Manager when JIG is operational and prepared to perform functional responsibilities.3. Establish contact with JIG Technical Advisor or Press Release Writer.4. Keep JIG provided with current plant status and any injuries.5. Ensure classification upgrades, PAR upgrades and siren sounding times are communicated toCompany Spokesperson to ensure media briefings are accurate.6. Obtain information to address rumors received by JIG.RELOCATION ACTIONS Date: ___Actions CompletedInitials1. When directed by the EOF Manager to relocate, turnover responsibilities to __the Shift Manager.2. Notify EOF Manager and Company Spokesperson when responsibilities are __turned over.3. Relocate as directed by EOF Manager. __EIP-2-020 REV -39 PAGE 25 OF 50 ATTACHMENT 6PAGE 1OF 2DOSE ASSESSORACTIVATION Date: _____Actions CompletedInitialsNOTE:If the Digital Radiation Monitoring System (DRMS) ormeteorological tower information is unavailable in the facility,have Radiological Assessment Coordinator (RA C) request anindividual from the OSC be dispatched to the Control Room torelay data. The onsite hotline or other means ofcommunication may be used to relay this information andvalues may also be obtained from an ERIS computer..1. Refer to EN-EP-609.2. Dose assessment program is running.3. DRMS values for performing dose calculations can be obtained. __4. Meteorological data for perfonming dose calculations can be obtained. __5. Inform the RAG when prepared to perform functional responsibilities. __Alternate methods may be used, as necessary.SUBSEOUENT ACTIONS1. Determine if any DRMS or meteorological parameters used in dose calculations are in a LimitingCondition for Operation (LCO) and their limitations.2. Call the National Weather Service to obtain weather forecast.3. Perform dose assessment calculations in accordance with EIP-2-024, Offsite DoseCalculations. Provide 'the results to the RAG.4. Check operability of the Onsite Hotline by calling the TSC at 102..,5. Verify the operability of the backup dose assessment computer, as time permits.Place the LapTop computer battery on charge.6. Provide DRMS data to the RAG.ELP-2-020 REV -39 PAGE 26 OF 50 ATTACHMENT 6PAGE 2 OF 2DOSE ASSESSOR7. As directed, convert offsite monitoring team dosimeter readings to TEDE and provideresults to the RAG for evaluation.8. If doses > 1 rem TEDE or >5 rem CDE thyroid are projected at 10 miles, estimate theprojected dose at 15, 20 and 25 miles, as appropriate. Inform the Radiological AssessmentCoordinator of the distance and downwind areas at which a Protective Action Guideline(PAG) is estimated to be exceeded.Estimate radiation doses beyond 10 miles using the following factors:These ratios may be used regardless of Stability Class, Wind Speed or TimeAfter Shutdown when the Core State = "Fuel Melt".Radiation Dose at 15 miles = dose at 10 miles x 0.387Radiation Dose at 20 miles = dose at 10 miles x 0.267Radiation Dose at 25 n~iles --dose at 10 miles x 0.226Ratios are applicable to either TEDE or CDE, althoughCDE Thyroid will normally be the dominant factor.RELOCATION ACTIONSDate:Actions CompletedInitials_1. Turn over dose assessment functions to the Shift Manager.2. Obtain backup dose assessment computer and charger to transport to theAlternate BOF (AEOF).EIP-2-020 REV -39 PAGE 27 OF 50 ATTACHMENT 7PAGE 1OF 2OFFSITE TEAM COORDINATORACTIVATION Date: _____Actions CompletedInitials.1. Refer to EN-EP-609. __SUBSEQUENT ACTIONSNOTEOffsite teams are expected to report in 75 minutes and beready for deployment as soon as possible but no later than90 minutes following notifcation.1. Ensure offsite teams complete applicable attachment of EIP-2-012 in regards to the administrationof potassium iodide (KI), if directed to take KI.2. Dispatch offsite monitoring teams. Even though it is NOT required at an Alert emergencyclassification, it is a good practice to assess radiological conditions near the site boundary toverify whether or not a release has occurred.3. Check the operability of the Offsite Monitoring Team radio. Theradio check includes two portable radios, as well as, the vehicle's mobileradio for each of the monitoring teams.4. Record the Offsite Monitoring Teams's location and readings on the status board.5. Keep track of Offsite Monitoring Team radiation exposures. If any memberreaches 1 R on their dosimeter, notify the RAC immediately. Direct the DoseAssessor to convert the readings to TEDE and evaluate as follows:a. When a Team Member's dosimeter reading reaches 1 R, immediatelyconvert to TEDE and evaluate.b. If converted TEDE is greater than 5 rem, obtain a whole body count assoon as practical to confirm calculated TEDE, and consider replacing theindividual on the Team.c. If confirmed TEDE is greater than 5 rem, inform Radiological AssessmentCoordinator (RAC) of overexposure for NRC notification (10OCFR20).EIP-2-020 REV -39 PAGE 28 OF 50 ATTACHMENT 7PAGE 2 OF 2OFFSITE TEAM COORDINATORRELOCATION ACTIONS Date: ____Actions ComnpletedInitials1. Turn over control of offsite teams to the OSC. __2. Inform the offsite teams when control has been transferred.3. Inform the RAC when turnover is completed and report to AFOF as directed. __ELP-2-020 REV -39 PAGE 29 OF 50 ATTACHMENT 8PAGE 1 OF 2EOF HABITABILITY TECHNICIANACTIVATION Date: _ ___Actions CompletedInitials1. Perform operational checks on monitoring equipment prior to use. __2. Perform radiation and airborne radioactivity surveys in accordance with __RPP-0006 or applicable attachments of EIP-2-014 to ensure that the EOF ishabitable. Report survey results to the Radiological Assessment Coordinator(RAG).3. Inform the RAG when prepared to perform functional responsibilities. __SUBSEQUENT ACTIONS1. As directed, distribute direct reading dosimeters and issue DLRs using page 3.2. Establish a contamination control point outside of door TC-300-17, as directed.3. Perform periodic habitability surveys mn EOF.4. Decontaminate individuals as required in accordance with RP-104.5. Perform tasks as directed by the RAC. This may include manning the NRC HPN line.6. Keep the RAC informed ofall activities.RELOCATION ACTIONS Date: ____Actions CompletedInitials.1. Sweep the EOF and Training Center to ensure that all personnel have __evacuated.2. Bring survey instruments and DLR Tracking Log to the Alternate EOF (ABOF). __EIP-2-020REV -39 PAGE 30 OF 50EIP-2-020 REV-39 PAGE300F5O ATTACHMENT 8PAGE 2 OF 2EOF HABITABILITY TECHNICIANDLR Tracking Log(Typical)Date:DLR# Name(Last, First, MI) Print SSN ReturnedEIP-2-020 REV -39 PAGE 31 OF 50 ATTACHMENT 9PAGE 1 OF 4OFFSITE COMMUNICATORACTIVATION Date: ____Actions CompletedInitials1. Refer to EN-EP-609.2. Check operability of the following communications equipment:a) State and Local Hotline, call the State Emergency Operations Center ___(Governor's Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness(GOHSEP)) at 361.b) Civil Defense Radio, call GOHSEP. __c) IINFORM Computer __3. Inform EOF Manager when prepared to perform functional responsibilities. __SUB SEOUENT ACTIONSNOTESNotification to State and local authorities must be madewithin approximately 15 minutes of a declaration of anemergency or Protective Action Recommendation (PAR)change using the Short Notifi cation Message Form(SNMF).1. Verify NMFP receipt with State and local authorities. Complete a new NMF Verification Checklist(p age 3) for each message sent.2. If an agency has not received the message, obtain message receipt verification from the otheragencies. If FAX is available, fax the message to the agency which did not receive the messageand verify receipt.3. If the message is still not received, read it to the agency (s), line by line over the Hot Line or bycommercial phone. Use Civil Defense radio if Hot Line or phones are not available.4. If no contact is made with a location on the Hotline, call the location on the commercial telephoneto verify receipt of message. If commercial telephones are inoperable, the Civil Defense Radiomay be used.EIP-2-020 REV -39 PAGE 32 OF 50 ATTACHMENT 9PAGE 2 OF 4OFFSITE COMMUNICATOR5. When PARs are issued:a. Call the State EOC (GOHSEP) and Parish EOCs on State/Local Hotline and inform themthat you will call them back in 5 minutes for PAR confirmation.b. After five minutes, contact Louisiana and the five Parish EOCs. Using page 4, verify thatthe Director or the Assistant Director for all Parishes and the Operations Officer at StateEOC are on the Hotline.c. When verified, request the EOF Manager and the Louisiana Department of EnvironmentalQuality (LDEQ) Liaison to pick up the Hotline for PAR verification and give the EOF.Manager the PAR Verification Checklist.6. Make follow-up notifications to State and local authorities as directed by the Emergency Director.Verify receipt of each NMF using a new NMF Verification Checklist.7. Upon termination of the emergency, notify, State and local authorities using the Long NotificationMessage Form.RELOCATION ACTIONS Date: ____Actions CompletedInitials1. Transfer the responsibility for communications with State and local __authorities to the Shift Manager.ELP-2-020 REV -39 PAGE 33 OF 50 ATTACHMENT 9PAGE 3 OF 4OFFSITE COMMUNICATORNMF VERIFICATION CHECKLISTEnsure at least one of the agencies in each of the following rows receives the message.MESSAGE #MSG. REC'D(Y/N/NA)FACILITYLa. Department of EnvironmentalQuality (LDEQ)(M-F -8AM to 4PM only)Governor's Office of Homeland Securityand Emergency Preparedness (GOHSEP)(M-F -8AM to 4PM only)GOHSEP after hours numbersWest Feliciana Parish (WFP)East Feliciana Parish (EFP)Pointe Coupee Parish (PCP)East Baton Rouge Parish (EBRP)West Baton Rouge Parish (WBRP)Mississippi Emergency ManagementAgency (MEMA)Mississippi Highway Patrol (MIIP)At a General Emergency, Parish EOCs and State EOC Operations Officerinformed of 5-minute PAR verification phone callMessage Verified ____________________YES NO NACommunicator Signature / KCNTime/DateEIP-2-020 REV -39 PAGE 34 OF 50 ATTACHMENT 9PAGE 4 OF 4OFFSITE COMMUNICATORPAR VERIFICATION CHECKLISTScenario # Recommended: _____Date:_____Communicator verifes that correct individuals are on the Hotline by placing a check mark on theappropriate line. The EOF Manager will verify approved scenario and initial the form..(OHSEP -Office of Homeland Security & Emergency Preparedness)WEST FELICIANA PARISH: Manager Initial On LineDirector (OHSEP) _____Assistant Director______APPROVED SCENARIO #________EAST FELICLANA PARISH:Director (OHSEP)_ _ _ _ _ _Assistant Director ______APPROVED SCENARIO #________POINTE COUPEE PARISH:Director (OHSEP)______Assistant Director ______APPROVED SCENARIO #________WEST BATON ROUGE PARISH:Director (OHSEP) _____Assistant Director______APPROVED SCENARIO #________EAST BATON ROUGE PARISH:Director (OHSEP) _____Assistant Director _____APPROVED SCENARIO #________STATE OF LOUISIANAState EOC Operations Officer______Siren Sounding Time: _____EIP-2-020 REV -39 PAGE 35 OF 50 ATTACHMENT 10PAGEl1OFi1TECHNICAL ADVISORACTIVATION Date: _____Actions CompletedInitials1. Refer to EN-EP-609.2. Check operability of ERIS monitor.3. If ERIS is inoperable, obtain plant parameters from the Control Room. __4. Inform the EOF Manager when prepared to perform functional responsibilities. __SUBSEOUENT ACTIONS1. Follow EOPs/SAPs and keep Emergency Director informed of status.RELOCATION ACTIONS Date: ____Actions CompletedInitials1. Inform the Shift Manager of the transfer to the Alternate EOF (AEOF). __EIP-2-020 REV -39 PAGE 36 OF 50 EOF COMMUNICATOR*ATTAChM ENT 11PAGE 1lOFt1Actions CompletedInitialsACTIVATIONDate:1. Refer to EN-EP-609.SUB SEOUENT ACTIONS1. If requested by the EOF Manager to sound a parish's sirens, then use Attachment 15.RELOCATION ACTIONSDate:Actions CompletedInitials1. Assist EOF Manager as needed.EIP-2-020 REV -39 PAGE 37 OF 50 LOG KEEPERDate:ATTACHMENT 12PAGEl1OFi1Actions CompletedInitialsACTIVATION1.2.3.4.Refer to EN-EP-609.Check headset operability.Turn on available projectors and displays.Update status boards and/or displays with informationSUBSEQUENT ACTIONS1. Refer to EN-EP-609.RELOCATION ACTIONSDate:Actions CompletedInitials1. Assist EOF staff in gathering material to be transferred to the AlternateEOF (AEOF).EIIP-2-020 REV -39 PAGE 38 OF 50 ATTACHMENT 13PAGEl1OFi1LEAD OFFSITE LIAISONACTIVATION Date: _____Actions CompletedInitials1. Refer to EN-EP-609.SUB SEOUENT ACTIONS1. Report status of Offsite Liaisons to EOF Manager.2 Obtain contact information from Offsite Liaisons and fll in names on EOF sign in list.3. Obtain information fr~om Resource Data Book, as necessary.RELOCATION ACTIONS Date: ____Actions CompletedInitials1. When directed by the EOF Manager to relocate, turnover responsibilities to __TSC Communicator or AEOF.2. Notify EOF Manager and Offsite Liaisons when responsibilities are turned over. __3. Relocate as directed by EOF Manager. __EIP-2-020 REV -39 PAGE 39 OF 50 ATTACIIMENT 14PAGEl1OFi1OFFSITE LIAISONThe Offsite Liaison reports to their assigned Parish or State Emergency Operation Center (EOC) andperforms the responsibilities listed in their EOC position binder.EIP-2-02OREV -39 PAGE 40 OF 50EIP-2-020 REV-39 PAGE400F5O ATTACHMENT 15PAGE 1 OF 2SIREN SYSTEM OPERATIONActions CompletedInitialsActions to verify system is operational:1. Verify Siren Control Unit (Remote Control Panel) has power by observingwhite LED Test button (power light) is lit.___2. Verify siren radio has power and is on channel 01.___3. Verify, siren computer has power.___NOTEIf any of the above components do not have power, then the sirenswill not be able to be sounded from the EQE if requested by the parishes.In that instance they will have to be activated by the Main Control Room.Actions to sound sirens if requested by parish agency:1. Obtain RBS Siren Control Unit key from EOF key box.___2. Insert RBS Siren Control Unit key into switch labeled ACTIVATE.___3. Turn the ARM switch momentarily to the right. Switch will blink on and off.___4. Press the appropriate button (ex. ALL CALL, EBRP, EFP). The ARM switch willilluminate solid. The button pressed will blink on and off.___5. Momentarily turn the ACTIVATE key switch to the right. The button pressed willilluminate solid. Sirens will begin to sound.___NOTEWhile the siren Sounding is occurring (3 minute period), the lights onthe Siren Control Unit will be lit and the computer map shaded red.Once the sounding is complete, the system will automaticallyperform a siren status request which will indicate ifany sirens failed tosound. During this time the "'Stat-Re q" light on the Siren Control Unitwill be lit. This light will extinguish when the status request is complete.EIP-2-020 REV -39 PAGE 41 OF 50 ATTACHMENT 15PAGE 2 OF 2SIREN SYSTEM OPERATIONActions CompletedInitialsActions to obtain siren sounding results if requested by a parish agency:1. After the status request is complete, observe the siren computer screen. Any failed ___sirens will be indicated by a RED triangle (A).2. Right click the computer mouse over the RED triangle to open a screen which will ___indicate the siren name (ex. WF-l18, EBR-5).3. If a siren has indicated failure, then notify the respective parish of the need toimplement their backup route alerting steps for the public in the areas surroundingthat siren. ___Actions to return the system to normal configuration:1. Remove the RBS Siren Control Unit key from the ACTIVATE switch and store*in key box.EIP-2-020 REV -39 PAGE 42 OF 50 ATTACHMENT 16PAGE 1lOF 1ORGANIZATIONAL CHARTIiliI* s * .I I I' Offsite Offsite I--II', Monitoring Monitoring '.,' Team # 1 Team. #2 IIIIDose Assessment TeamI........................................., , [ J' In Other Locations ', In EOFIREV -39 PAGE 43 OF 50 ATTACHMENT 17PAGEl1OFi1EOF FLOOR PLAN(TYPICAL)CPER SONNEL.:2345678910111213L1L2L3L4L5L6Emergency DirectorEOF ManagerTechnical AdvisorRadiological Assessment CoordinatorDose AssessorOl~site Team CoordinatorL~og KeeperAdmin & Logistics CoordinatorOffsite CommunicatorEOF CommunicatorPublic Informnation LiaisonLead Offsite LiaisonHabitability TechnicianLD)EQ Senior LiaisonLDEQ Accident Assmt CoordLDEQ Logistics CoordinatorLDEQ Dose AssessmentLDEQ Technical Logististics CoordinatorLDEQ Field Monitoring Team CoordinatoNI NRC Site Team DirectorN 16 NRC Deputy Site Team [DirectorN3 NRC Liaison L.eaderN 14 NRC Technical Assessment Branch LeaderN 14 NRC Reac~tor Safety Counterpart Link Commnunicator RSCLN6 NRC Security / Safeguards CommunicatorN7 NRC Technical Specialist -Public InformationN8 NRC Protective Measures Branch LeaderN9 NRC D~eputy Protective Measures Branch LeaderN t01 NRC Protective Measures SpecialistNil1 NRC Dose AssessorN12 NRC Protective Measures Counterpart Link Communicator PMCLN 13 NRC Chronology / Documentation CommunicatorN 14 NRC Response Branch LeadterN14 NRC Informnation Technology SpecialistN 14 NRC Chronology Documentation LeaderrDOORS (A) TC300-06 (B) TC-3001-09 (C) TC-100-19 (D) TC-300-16 (E) TC-300-17 (F) TC-300-15(G) TC-300-14 (H) TC-300-07EOF LAYOUTr.CDREIP-2-020REV -39 PAGE 44 OF 50ETP-2-020 REV -39 PAGE 44 OF 50 ATTACHMENT 18PAGE 1OF 6PROTECTIVE ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS (PARS)Primary PAR Flow ChartNOTE: A Rapidly Progressing Severe Accidentis a significant reactor event with immediate orGeneral Emergency near-immediate offsite consequences that isDeclared intended to be easily recognizable. IF unsure~on the criteria below, THEN assume that aRapidly Progressing Severe Accident is no..t inprogress.Isthis a LOSS of thecontainment fissionproduct barrier asC aidyPontasinm eeen AAraioloicaA RapidlyaProgressingoSeverenAccidentEvacuate 2 mile radius NTAc Raid lyPoresntSvrEvacuate 10 miles downwindRecommend monitor and prepare Evacuate 2 mile radiusremainder of 10 mile radius Evacuate 5 miles downwindEvacuate Schools, Institutions andReomnmniradpeaeRecreation Areas 10 mile radius recmmende monitor andeprepareBok2Evacuate Schools, Institutions andContinue to monitor for windshifts or areas where EPA PAGswill be exceeded and adiust PARas necessary. Refer to EIP-2-020Subsequent PAR Guidance.EIP-2-020EP200 REV -39 PAGE 45 OF 50 ATTACHMENT 18PAGE 2 OF 6PROTECTIVE ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS (PARS)BLOCK 1EVACUATE 2 MILE RADIUS AND EVACUATE 5 MILES DOWNWIND AND MONITOR ANDPREPARE THE REMAINDER OF THE 10 MILE RADIUS. EVACUATE SCHOOLS,INSTITUTIONS, AND RECREATION AREAS WITHIN 5 MILE RADIUS.Locate the wind direction to find the scenario number to use.DEGREES SCENARIO CENTERLINE SIDEFROM NUMBER SECTOR SECTOR168.76-191.25 1 A R& B191.26-213.75 1 B A& C213.76-236.25 2 C B &D236.26-258.75 3 D C & E258.76-281.25 4 E D& F281.26-303.75 4 F E &G303.76-326.25 5 G F & H326.26-348.75 5 H G & J348.76-11.25 6 J H& K11.26-33.75 7 K J& L33.76-56.25 8 L K &M56.26-78.75 8 M L& N78.76-101.25 9 N M &P101.26-123.75 10 P N& Q123.76-146.25 10 Q P &R146.26-168.75 10 R AEIP-2-020 REV -39 PAGE 46 OF 50 ATTACHMENT 18PAGE 3 OF 6PROTECTIVE ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS (PARS)BLOCK 2EVACUATE 2 MILE RADIUS AND EVACUATE 10 MILES DOWNWIND AND MONITOR. ANDPREPARE THE REMAINDER OF THE 10 MILE RADIUS. EVACUATE SCHOOLS,INSTITUTIONS, AND RECREATION AREAS WITHIN 10 MILE RADIUS.Locate the wind direction to find the appropriate scenario number to use.DEGREES SCENARIO CENTERLINE SIDEFROM NUMBER SECTOR SECTOR168.76-191.25 11 A R&B191.26-213.75 12 B A& C213.76-236.25 13 C B& D236.26-258.75 14 D C & E258.76-281.25 15 E D &F281.26-303.75 16 F E &G303 .76-326.25 17 G F & H326.26-348.75 18 H G& J348.76-11.25 19 J H& K11.26-33.75 20 K J &L33.76-56.25 21 L K& M56.26-78.75 22 M L & N78.76-101.25 23 N M& P101.26-123.75 24 P N &Q123.76-146.25 24 Q P & R146.26-168.75 11 R. Q& AEIP-2-020 REV -39 PAGE 47 OF 50 ATTACHMENT 18PAGE 4 OF 6PROTECTIVE ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS (PARS)Subsequent PAR Guidance1. After initial PAR implementation changes in wind direction may change the PAR Scenario number.Before changing the PAR, consider current and projected plant conditions, dose projections andmeteorological conditions in determining whether to stay with current PAR or issue a new PAR.Obtain updates on weather forecast from National Weather Service (NWS).2. Minimize the number of protective action areas (PAS) evacuated when issuing PARs. Do notrecommend a PAR change that would cause an area (PAS) that has already been recommended forevacuation to shelter or monitor and prepare.3. IF an initial PAR has been issued due to declaration of a General Emergency an a new PAR is beingconsidered based on a wind shift or for any other reason, THEN assess the following criteria in steps3.1 and 3.2 or use the Subsequent PAR Flow Chart to determine whether the new PAR should beissued based on dose assessment or on plant conditions.NOTE: If a radiological assessment shows that an ongoing release or containment source term isnot sufficient to cause exposures in excess of EPA protective action guidelines, thenPARs should not be expanded based only on changes in wind direction.3.1 If the condition described in A or B exists, then provide the new PAR as indicated by thatcondition and the current evacuated areas (PAS) using PAR Scenario Maps. If no other PARScenario includes all required evacuated areas (PAS), then issue previous PAR Scenario andinclude in offsite notification message protective actions for new affected areas (PASs). IFneither condition A nor condition B exists, THEN proceed to subsequent step 3.2.A. Radiological assessment shows EPA PAGs will be exceeded in the new area based onan actual release.B. A potential loss of the containment fission product barrier (per EALs) exists andcontainment source term indicates PAGs could be exceeded in the new area if arelease were to start.3.2 WHEN step 3.1 does not apply:3.2.1 IF_ any answer in 1 through 3 is "yes", THEN issue the new PAR Scenario numbertaking into account the new and current evacuated areas (PAS) using PAR ScenarioMaps. If no other PAR Scenario includes all required evacuated areas (PAS), thenissue previous PAR Scenario and include in offsite notification message protectiveactions for new affected areas (PASs).1. Are there continuing degraded or unknown adverse plant conditions that could, impact or cause additional core damage and containment failure (e.g., magnitudeof source term, core not covered, and containment cooling degraded orunavailable)?2. Unsure radiological release pathway is understood (e.g., ifiltered, non-ifitered,monitored, unmonitored with potential for release rate to increase, or potential forRCS leak to increase)?EIP-2-020 REV -39 PAGE 48 OF 50 ATTACHMENT 18PAGE 5 OF 6PROTECTIVE ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS (PARS)3. IF available, does off-site radiological data support the protective actionrecommendation methodology based on dose assessment?4. Evaluate PARs in anticipation of intentional containment venting.SNOTE: Controlled venting could affect an area beyond initial evacuationorders (e.g., five to ten miles downwind).I4.1 Use the following criteria to determine the appropriate action for the controlled release ofradioactive material from containment.4.1.1 Dose assessment shows that the EPA protective action guidelines would be exceededin the new affected area (PAS).4.1.2 There is assurance that the release is short term (1 hour or less).4.1.3 If time allows, contact parish officials of the new affected area (PAS) to determinewhether the area can be evacuated prior to plume arrival.* Iffthe new affected area cannot be evacuated before the plume arrives, thenrecommend shelter for the newly affected area. Issue the previous PAR Scenarioand include in the offsite notification message the protective actions (shelter) for thenewly affected area (PAS).* If the new affected area can be evacuated prior to plume arrival, then recommendevacuation of the new affected area. Compare PAR Scenario maps to ensure thenewly affected area is included. If it is not, then issue the previous PAR Scenario andinclude in offsite notification message the protective actions (evacuation) for thenewly affected area (PAS).4.2 If the release duration cannot be readily or accurately determined, and dose or plantconditions warrant, then evacuation should be recommended.EIP-2-020 REV -39 PAGE 49 OF 50 ATTACHMENT 18PAGE 6 OF 6PROTECTIVE ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS (PARS)SUBSEQUENT PAR FLOW CHARTPAG -Protective ActionGuideline (1 Remn TEDEor 5 Rein CDE Thyroid)PAS -Protective ActionSection (I-18)General Emergency and PARs have been previously issued ANDwind shift changes PAR Scenario number or dose assessment indicates aPAG is exceeded in a new PASDo no._.t recommend the shelter or monitor and prepare of an evacuated PAS. Minimize evacuated areas (PAS).Ifra radiological assessment shows that an ongoing release or containment source term is not sufficient to causeIexposures in excess of EPA protective action guidelines, then PARs should not be expanded based only on changes inwind direction.SCompare PAR Scenario maps for current and new evacuated areas (PAS).incudethenewaresS No PAR changeevacuted (AS)?requiredIF THENRadiological assessment shows EPA PAGs will be exceeded i Issue PAR Scenario to include previouslyin the new area based on an actual release i evacuated areas and new areas (PAS). If no other PAROR Scenario includes all required evacuated areas (PAS), thenPotential loss of containment (per EALs) exists and containment issue previous PAR Scenario and include in offsitesource term indicates PAGs could be exceeded in the new area notification message protective actions for new affectedi fa release were to start. areas (PASs).4-SNoUnsure radiological releasand containment failure?(magnitude of source term,core not covered, andYEcontainment cooling degradedor unavailable)YES~Compare current and new evacuated areas (PAS) on PAR Scenario Maps and issue new PAR Scenario number as appropriate. IFno other PAR Scenario includes all required evacuated areas (PAS), then issue previous PAR Scenario and include in of~itenotification message protective actions for new affected areas (PASs).EIP-2-020REV -39 PAGE 50 OF 50EIP-2-020 REV-39 PAGE500F5O ATTACHMENT 9.1 I OCFR5O.54fca) SCREENINGATTAC HM ENT 9. t10CFR50.54(q) SCREENING* ,f ......Equipment/FacilitylOther: River Bend StationTitle: Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) OperationsPart I. Description of Activity Being Reviewed (event or action, or series of actions that may result in a changeto the emergency plan or affect the implementation of the emergency plan):1. This change issues fleet procedure EN-EP-609, Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) Operations, Rev. 2 andrevises site-specific RBS procedure EIP-2-020, Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) Operations, Rev. 39.Responsibilities common to both EN-EP-609 and EIP-2-020 were deleted from EIP-2-020 and retained in EN-EP-609.2. Revised definition 3.6 Radiological Release-From:For emergency response purposes is defined as ANY detectable discharge of radioactive material to the environmentthat is due to the classified event.To:For emergency response purposes is defined as ANY detectable discharge of radioactive material to theenvironment.3. Revised release characterization contained in definition 3.6.From:"No release.Release below federally approved operating limits.Release above federally approved operating limits.To:Release below federally approved operating limits.Release above federally approved operating limits.4. Attachment 2 -Revised Long Notification Message Form to include on Line 5C 'Monitor and Prepare' as an option fora Recommended Protective Action; Moved 'Shelter' as an option from Line 5C to Line 5D.5. Attachment 2 -Revised Long Notification Message Form Line 9A, D, and E to remove 'No Release' as releaseinformation characterization and to be consistent with change 3 above.6. Attachment 2 -Revised Guidelines for Completing the Long NMF Line 9 to remove 'No release' as an option and to beconsistent with change 3 above. Reordered remaining steps.7. Moved steps for placing EOF ventilation in Emergency Mode from the EOF Communicator (Attachment 11, step 1) tothe Administrative and Logistics Coordinator (Attachment 3).8. Throughout procedure removL~d actions in support of Joint Information Center (JIC) habitability as the JIC will berelocated outside of the 10 mile EPZ when this procedure becomes effective.9. EOF relocation steps as they pertain to transfer of responsibilities have been revised to align with EN-EP-609.Command and control and will be transferred back to the Shift Manager instead of the Emergency Plant Manager inthe TSC.10. Attachment 4 -Revised Note.,From:If NO release is occurring or has not previously occurred, the EOF and JIC may be presumed to be radiologicallyhabitable without conducting surveys.To:The EOF may be presumed to be radiologically habitable without conducting surveys based on release conditions.EN-EP-305 REV 3 ATTAC HM ENT 9.110CFR50.54(a) SCREENINGSheet 2 of 6Part II. Activity Previously Reviewed? E-IYES [] NOIs this activity fully bounded by an NRC approved 10 CFR 50.90 submittal or 50.54(q)(3) Continue toAlert and Notification System Design Report? NOTareuaionirextdarEnterIf YES, identify bounding source document number/approval reference and justificationensure the basis for concluding the source document fully bounds the below andproposed change is documented below: complete PartJustification:El Bounding document attached (optional)Part Ill. Applicability of Other Regulatory Change Control ProcessesCheck if any other regulatory change processes control the proposed activity.(Refer to EN-LI-i100)NOTE: For example, when a design change is the proposed activity, consequential actions may include changes toother documents which have a different change control process and are NOT to be included in this 50.54(q)(3)Screening.APPLICABILITY CONCLUSION01-f there are no controlling change processes, continue the 50.54(q)(3) Screening.El One or more controlling change processes are selected, however, some portion of the activty involves theemergency plan or affects the implementation of the emergency plan; continue the 50.54(q)(3) Screening for that portionof the activity. Identify the applicable controlling change processes below.El One or more controlling change processes are selected and fully bounds all aspects of the activity. 5o.54(q)(3)Evaluation is NOT required. Identify controlling change processes below and complete Part Vi.CONTROLLING CHANGE PROCESSES10OCFR50.54(q)Part IV. Editorial Change ElYES []NO50,54(oD(3) Continue to nextIs this activity an editorial or typographical change such as formatting, paragraph Evaluation is partnumbering, spelling, or punctuation that does not change intent? NOT required.Justification: Entercotnplete PartVI.Part V. Emergency Planning Element/Function Screen (Associated 10 CFR 50.47(b) planning standard functionidentified in brackets) Does this activity affect any of the following, indluding program elements from NUREG-.0654/FEMA REP-i Section I1?1. Responsibility for emergency response is assigned. [1] El2. The response organization has the staff to respond and to augment staff on a continuing basis (24/7 Elstaffing) in accordance with the emergency plan. [1] -3. The process ensures that on shift emergency response responsibilities are staffed and assigned. [2] El4. The process for timely augmentation of onshift staff is established and maintained. [2] El5. Arrangements for requesting and using off site assistance have been made. [3] [6. State and local staff can be accommodated at the EOF in accordance with the emergency plan. [31 ElEN-EP-305 REV 3 ATTACHMENT 9.110CFR50.54(q) SCREENINGEquipment/FacilitylOther: River Bend StationTitle: Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) Operations7. A standard scheme of emergency classification and action levels is in use. t4] U]8. Procedures for notification of State and local governmental agencies are capable of alerting them of flthe declared emergency within 15 minutes after declaration of an emergency and providing follow-up notifications. [5]9. Administrative and physical means have been established for alerting and providing prompt U]instructions to the public within the plume exposure pathway. [5]10. The public ANS meets the design requirements of FEMA-REP-10, Guide for Evaluation of Alert and [Notification Systems for Nuclear Power Plants, or complies with the licensee's FEMA-approved ANSdesign report and supporting FEMA approval letter. [5]11. Systems are established for prompt communication among principal emergency response U]organizations. [6]12. Systems are established for prompt communication to emergency response personnel. [6] [13. Emergency preparedness information is made available to the public on a periodic basis within the [plume exposure pathway emergency planning zone (EPZ). [7]14. Coordinated dissemination of public information during emergencies is established. [7] [15. Adequate facilities are maintained to support'emergency response. [8] [16. Adequate equipment is maintained to support emergency response. [8] [17. Methods, systems, and equipment for assessment of radioactive releases are in use. [9] [18. ,A range of public PARs is available for implementation during emergencies. [10] [19. Evacuation time estimates for the population located in the plume exposure pathway EPZ are [available to support the formulation of PARs and have been provided to State and localgovernmental authorities. [10]20. A range of protective actions is available for plant emergency workers during emergencies, including [those for hostile action eve nts.[1 0]21. The resources for controlling radiological exposures for emergency workers are established. [11] [22. Arrangements are made for medical services for contaminated, injured individuals. [12] [23. Plans for recovery and reentry are developed. [13] [24. A drill and exercise program (including radiological, medical, health physics and other program [areas) is established. [14]25. Drills, exercises, and training evolutions that provide performance opportunities to devrelop, U]maintain, and demonstrate key skills are assessed via a formal critique process in order to identifyweaknesses. [14]26. Identified weaknesses are corrected. [14] [27. Training is provided to emergency responders. [15] [28. Responsibility for emergency plan development and review is established. [16] [29. Planners responsible for emergency plan development and maintenance are properly trained. [16] [EN-EP-305 REV 3 ATTACHMENT 9.110CFR50.54(q) SCREENINGSheet 4 of 6EquipmentJFacilitylOther: River Bend StationTitle: Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) OperationsAPPLICABILITY CONCLUSION[] If no Part V criteria are checked, a 50.54(q)(3) Evaluation is NOT required; document the basis for condlusion belowand complete Part VI.0If any Part V criteria are checked, complete Part VI and perform a 50.54(q)(3) Evaluation.BASIS FOR CONCLUSIONChancqe items #1. 7. 8 and 9Entergy ERO responsibilities are outlined in EN-EP-801, Emergency Response Organization. These responsibilitieswere added to EIP-2-020 rev. 33 as part of implementation of the Standard ERO and were previously evaluated under a10OCFR50.54(q)(3) performed on 12/2/10. Entergy has since developed fleet procedure EN-EP-609, EmergencyOperations Facility (EOF) Operations, which indudes those same ERO responsibilities. This proposed revision removesduplicate instructions from the EIP-2-020 for transition to the fleet procedure. EIP-2-020 is being maintained to addresssite specific actions not contained in fleet procedure EN-EP-609. Existing RBS facilities and equipment continue to bemaintained. Regulatory requirements for the EOF (e.g. staffing time) remain unchanged.Habitability surveys of the JIC will no longer be required by EOF personnel as the JIC facility will be permanently locatedat the Governor's Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness facility which is located outside of the 10mile EPZ. The move of the JIC is reviewed under a 100FR50.54(q) evaluation for the Emergency Plan Revision 42.The responsibility related to emergency ventilation alignment was transferred from the EOF Communicator to theAdministrative and Logistics Coordinator. These responsibilities will not affect the ability of the Administrative andLogistics Coordinator to perform functions currently assigned to the position. Transfer of responsibilities in the unlikelyevent the EOF is relocating its backup facility has been aligned with those contained in EN-EP-609.Process discussion: RBS currently uses the same process reflected in the fleet procedure of ERO position checklistsand position binders. A review of the RBS Emergency Plan commitments was performed against the fleet EOFprocedure and EIP-2-020. Fleet procedure information was supported with site specific information as necessary toensure site-specific Emergency Plan requirements and associated processes were retained. Therefore, changes to thelocation of the description of emergency response processes were made (changed to fleet procedure or retained in site-specific EIP), but no changes to the emergency response processes addressed by 10CFR5O.47(b) planning standardsthemselves were made.Summary:* No ERO positions have been added or deleted.* Some ERO responsibilities have been relocated to align with EN-EP-609.* The description, activation and operation of the EOF as described in the RBS Emergency Plan has not beenchanged.* All site specific commitments continue to be met under the fleet procedure and the use of a site-specificprocedure.= This change does not alter the EOF structure, organization or location.The revision of the site Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) procedure (EIP-2-020) and incorporating the use of fleetEmergency Operations Facility (EOF) Procedure (EN-EP-609) screens out. This proposed change does not changethe meaning or intent of a description, does not change facilities or equipment, and does not change a process. Nofurther evaluation is required for these changesChanqe Items # 2 and 3. Revised release definition to remove "due to the dlassified event" and also removed "norelease" as a release characterization. There are no changes to the current offsite notification procedure process withone exception associated with removing 'no release' as an option with which to characterize releases from the site.With this change RBS will still provide to local organizations emergency messages which contain information about theclass of emergency, whether a release is taking place, potentially affected populations, and whether protectivemeasures are necessary. This change is in alignment with NRC RIS 2002-16 and has been agreed to by both Stateand local officials. Procedures for notification of State and local oovernmental aaencies are still caoable of alertina... ............ ........ ..... r ..... ...EN-EP-305 REV 3 ATTAC HM ENT 9.110CFR50.54(q) SCREENINGEquipment/Facility/Other: River Bend StationTitle: Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) Operationsthenm of the declared emergency within 15 minutes after declaration of an emergency and providing follow-upnotifications. This proposed change does not change the meaning or intent of a description, does not change facilitiesor equipment, and does not change a process. No further evaluation is required for this change.Chanqe Item # 4. Attachment 2 -Revised Long Notification Message Form to include on Line 5C 'Monitor andPrepare' as an option for a Recommended Protective Action. Moved 'Shelter' as an option from Line 5C toLine 5D. This change was previously evaluated by RBS under a 10CFR50.54(q)(3) performed on 1213/14 aspart of revision 38 of EIP-2-020. That 1OCFR50.54(q) determined the use of monitor and prepare wasconsistent with regulatory guidance and was not a reduction in effectiveness of Emergency Plan functions andcould be incorporated without prior NRC approval. This proposed change does not change the meaning orintent of a description, does not change facilities or equipment, and does not change a process. No furtherevaluation is required for this change.Change Item # 5. Attachment 2 -Revised Long Notification Message Form Line 9A, D, and E to remove 'No Release'as release information characterization and to be consistent with change 2 above.Chancqe Item # 6. Attachment 2- Revised Guidelines for Completing the Long NMF Line 9 to remove 'No release' as anoption and to be consistent with change 3 above. Reordered remaining steps.Change 5 removes 'No release' from the typical form for the Long NMF and supporting lines D and E whichrelate to start and stop times of a release. Change 6 removes from the guidance on completion of the LongNMF the use of 'No Release'. The ability to perform notifications to State/Local agencies in a timely manner isnot impacted by this change as notifications of emergency classification and Protective ActionRecommendation (PAR) are still being made. The evaluation of the removal of 'No Release' is beingperformed as part of change #3 above. Changes 5 and 6 do not change the meaning or intent of a description,does not change facilities or equipment, and does not change a process. No further evaluation is required forthese changes.Chance Item #10. Attachment 4- Revised Note.From:If NO release is occurring or has not previously occurred, the EOF and JIC may be presumed to be radiologicallyhabitable without conducting surveys.To:The EOF may be presumed to be radiologically habitable without conducting surveys based on release conditions,Habitability surveys of the JIC will no longer be required by EOF personnel as the JIC facility will be permanentlylocated at the Govemnor's Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness facility which is located outsideof the 10 mile EPZ. The relocation of the JIC was evaluated under a 10OCFR50.54(q) evaluation for the EmergencyPlan Revision 42. The removal of 'no release is occurring or has not previously occurred" is to coincide with change 2and 3 where the term "no release" has been deleted. In place of that statement, "based on release conditions" hasbeen included for guidance in determining if the facility is habitable prior to surveys being performed. This proposedchange does not change the meaning or intent of a description, does not change facilities or equipment, and does notchange a process. No further evaluation is required for these changes.EN-EP-305 REV 3 ATTACHMENT 9,110CFRS0.54(q) SCREENINGASAhMeNt6 o .1 6 CRO5(qCENNProedure6 ocuetfubrRviinEquipmentlFacilitylOther: River Bend StationTitle: Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) OperationsPart VI. Signatures:________Preparer Name (Print) ,7)f -Pr arrnature Date:(Optional) Reviewer Name (Print) /eve'rinu4Date:N/AReviewer Name (Print) Reviewer Signature Date:Duane Whitei ! II6'.// 1/13/2016Nuclear EP Project Manager j/ 1 JJ fc)EP manager or designee ___----_-."_"__-EN-EP-305 REV 3 REFERENCE USEENTERGYRIVER BEND STATIONSTATION SUPPORT MANUAL*EMERGENCY IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE*AL TERNA TE EOF -A CTIVA TION AND TRANSFER OF FUNCTIONSPROCEDURE NUMBER:REVISION NUMBER:Effective Date:*EIP-.2-022*31* 1/27/16NOTE: SIGNATURES ARE ON FILE.*INDEXING INFORMATION TABLE OF CONTENTSSECTION PAGE NO.1 PURPOSE ............................................................................................ 22 REFERENCES ...................................................................................... 23 DEFINITIONS ...................................................................................... 24 RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................................................... 45 GENERAL ........................................................................................... 56 PROCEDURE........................................................................................ 57 DOCUMENTATION ............................................................................... 7ATTACHMENT 1 -EMERGENCY DIRECTOR..................................................... 8ATTACHMENT 2 -EOF MANAGER............. ................................................... 11ATTACHMENT 3 -ADMINISTRATION & LOGISTICS COORDINATOR.................... 15ATTACHMENT 4 -RADIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT COORDINATOR ...................... 18ATTACHMENT 5 -PUBLIC INFORMATION LIAISON ......................................... 20ATTACHMENT 6 -DOSE ASSESSOR.............................................................. 21ATTACHMENT 7 -OFFSITE TEAM COORDINATOR........................................... 23ATTACHMENT 8 -EOF HABITABILITY TECHNICIAN ........................................ 24ATTACHMENT 9 -OFF SITE COMMUNICATOR................................................. 25ATTACHMENT 10 -TECHNICAL ADVISOR..................................................... 29ATTACHMENT i1 -EOF COMMUNICATOR.................... ................................. 30ATTACHMENT 12 -LOG KEEPER .................................................................31!ATTACHMENT 13 -LEAD OFFSITE LIAISON................................................... 32ATTACHMENT 14 -OFFSITE LIAISON ........................................................... 33ATTACHMENT 15 -ALT. EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILITY FLOOR PLAN.......34ATTACHMENT 16 -PROTECTIVE ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS ........................ 36ATTACHMENT 17- -PROMPT NOTIFICATION SYSTEM (SIREN) OPERATION........... 42EIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 1 OF 43 1 PURPOSEThis procedure provides site specific instructions for activation and operation ofthe Alternate Emergency Operations Facility (AEOF). Entergy fleet procedureEN-EP-609, Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) Operations is the primaryprocedure to reference for AEOF activation and operations.2 -REFERENCES2.1 EIP-2-0 12, Radiation Exposure Controls2.2 EIP-2-024, Offsite Dose Calculations2.3 EIP-2-028, Recovery2.4 EPP-2-100, Procedure Review, Revision and Approval2.5 EIP-2-OO01, Classification of Emergencies2.6 EN-EP-609, Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) Operations3 DEFINITIONS3.1 Augmentation -Actions taken to support onshift personnel or theEmergency Response Organization.3.2 Rapidly Progressing Severe Accident (RPSA)-A General Emergencywith rapid loss of containment integrity (emergency action levelsindicate containment loss) and loss of ability to cool the core.3.3 Radiological Release -For emergency response purposes is defined asANY detectable discharge of radioactive material to the environment.The release characterization should be further defined whencommunicating to offsite agencies to characterize whether or not therelease is below or above Technical Specification limits. Indicate theappropriate release characterization on the Short and Long NotificationMessage Forms.EIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 2 OF 43 3.3.1. Release BELOW federally approved operating limits(Technical Requirements Manual)3.3.2. Release ABOVE federally approved operating limits(Technical Requirements Manual)3.3.3. Effluent Technical Requirements Manual1. Any one of three effluent monitors indicates a value threetimes the High alarm set pointO__R2. Any two of the three effluent monitors indicate a valueequal or greater than the High alarm set point.The three effluent monitors are:TITLE NO.Main Plant Exhaust Stack RMS-RE125 Channel 4 (4GE125)Radwaste Vent. Exhaust RMS-RE006 Channel 4 (4GE006)Fuel Bldg. Vent. Exhaust RMS-RE005 Channel 4 (4GE005)OR3. An unmonitored release is detected at the site boundaryby teams with survey instruments.3.4 Short Notification Message Form (SNMF) -Used for declaration of anemergency classification or changes to the Protective ActionRecommendations (PARs). Notification must be made to State and localauthorities within approximately 15 minutes. The Short NotificationMessage Form contains information about the class of emergency,whether a release is taking place, potentially affected population andareas, and whether protective measures may be necessary.3.5 Long Notification Message Form (LNMF) -Used for providing Stateand local authorities follow-up information. The LNMF is sent out assoon as possible following a SNMF. The LNMF is also sent out for anysignificant changes to plant conditions that do no__t require an emergencyescalation or change in PARs. No more than 2 hours should be exceededbetween any two LNMFs.EIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 3 OF 43 4 RESPONSIBILITIES4.1 Emergency Director:4.1.1. Provide overall management of River Bend Station (RBS)response activities. The Emergency Director has the authorityto immediately and unilaterally initiate all emergency actions.4.1.2. Assess and classify emergency conditions.4.1.3. Provide notifications and make protective actionreconmmendations to offsite authorities.4.1.4. Coordinate RBS response activities as required with offsiteorganizations.4.1.5. Ensures that offsite radiological conditions are measured andmonitored.4.1.6. Authorize issuance of KI and radiation exposure in excess of10OCFR 20 limits for ERO members outside of the protectedarea.4.1.7. Authorize press releases.4.1.8. Establish a Recovery Organization.4.1.9. Terminate the emergency.4.2 BOF Manager -Ensure that the BOF is activated, ensure that notificationmessage forms are properly filled out and completed on time, and thatEOF staff provide support functions per the applicable section(s) of thisprocedure.'IEIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 4 OF 43 5 GENERAL5.1 Attachment 15, Alternate Emergency Operations Facility Floor Plan, is atypical setup for the ABOF.6 PROCEDURENOTEThe actions of this procedure may be completed in anysequence, however, the sequence presented in theattachments is recommended.Report any actions unable to complete, equipment issues,or problems to EOF Manager for resolution and/ordetermining facility operational status.6.1 Emergency Director6.1 .1. The Emergency Director should use Attachment 1 as aguideline.6.2 EOF Manager6.2.1. The EOF Manager should use Attachment 2 as a guideline.6.3 Administration & Logistics Coordinator6.3.1. The Administration & Logistics Coordinator should useAttachment 3 as a guideline.6.4 Radiological Assessment Coordinator6.4.1. The Radiological Assessment Coordinator should useAttachment 4 as a guideline.6.5 Public Information Liaison6.5.1. The Public Information Liaison should use Attachment 5 as aguideline.6.6 Dose Assessor6.6.1. Dose Assessor should use Attachment 6 as a guideline.EIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 5 OF 43 6.7 Offsite Team Coordinator6.7.1. The Offsite Team Coordinator should use Attachment 7 as aguideline.6.8 EOF Habitability Technician6.8.1. The EOF Habitability Technician should use Attachment 8 asa guideline.6.9 Offsite Communicator6.9.1. The Offsite Communicator(s) should use Attachment 9 as aguideline.6.10 Technical Advisor6.10.1. The Technical Advisor should use Attachment 10 as aguideline.6.11 EOF Communicator6.11.1. The EOF Communicator should use Attachment 11 as aguideline.6.12 Log Keeper6.12.1. The Log Keeper should use Attachment 12 as a guideline.6.13 Offsite Monitoring Teams6.13.1. The Offsite M~onitoring Teams should use EIP-2-014 as aguideline.6.14 Lead Offsite Liaison6.14.1. The Lead Offsite Liaison should use Attachment 13 as aguideline.6.15 Offsite Liaison6.15.1. The Offsite Liaison general guidance is contained inAttachment 14.EIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 6 OF.43 7 DOCUMENTATIONAttachments 1 through 13 of this procedure will be sent to Permanent Plant Files(PPF) per EPP-2-100 by the Manager -Emergency Preparedness.EIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 7 OF 43 EMERGENCY DIRECTORATTACHMENT 1PAGE 1OF 3Actions ComapletedInitialsACTIVATIONDate:1. Refer to EN-EP-609.SUBSEOUENT ACTIONSNOTEThe Emergency Director has the authority to immediatelyand unilaterally initiate all emergency actions.NOTEProtective Action Recommendations (PARs) must bedeveloped within 15 minutes of the declaration of aGeneral Emnergency or data availability which requireupgrading the PARs.1. Using Attachment 16, formulate Protective Action Recommendations (PARs) and scenarionumber using dose projections, field monitoring data, meteorological conditions and plantconditions. Unnecessary evacuation of the public is NO...T considered a conservative decision.Do NO.._TT recommend a PAR change that would direct shelter or monitor and prepare of an area(PAS) that has already been recommended for evacuation.CAUTIONEmergency Operating Procedures (EOPs) require containment venting at specified pressuresand hydrogen concentrations, regardless of offsite consequences.EIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 8 OF 43 ATTACHMENT 1PAGE 2 OF 3EMERGENCY DIRECTORSUBSEOUENT ACTIONS (cont'd)2. Evaluate PARs in anticipation of intentional containment venting. As appropriate and timepermitting, other considerations for containment venting include:* Notify JIG, States and Parishes about any venting and any expected PAR changes.* How will altering the venting start time affect offsite doses due to containment radioactivitybuildup\decay?* Will the release be a puff, series of puffs or continuous and what is the expected duration(s)?* Would the population-at-risk be able to evacuate before plume reaches them?* Are the winds variable or expected to change and affect areas where protective actions areNO._TTin place?* Are there any special interest groups or facilities to consider?3. Review and discuss the protective actions to be recommended for the general public with theappropriate personnel and the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality (LDEQ) LiaisonOfficer, if available. If State representatives have not yet arrived, recommendations to the localauthorities shall not be delayed.4. Provide PARs to State and local authorities within 15 minutes. Once State and local authoritiesreceive the PARs, the State and local authorities will have approximately 5 minutes to review thePARs prior to the PAR call.5. Using Attachment 16, revise PARs based on plant conditions, dose projections, field monitoringdata and meteorological conditions when advised by the Radiological Assessment Coordinatoror Technical Advisor.6. If doses > 1 rem TEDE or > 5 rem CDE are projected at 10 miles, ensure the LDEQ Liaison isaware of the need for protective actions beyond 10 miles.EIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 9 OF 43 ATTACHMENT 1PAGE 3 OF 3EMERGENCY DIRECTORTERMINATION1. Coordinate with the Emergency Plant Manager on terminating the emergency in accordance withthe following criteria:ALERT -Terminate the emergency when the Alert conditions are no longer met and thefollowing conditions have been accomplished:1. The plant is in a stable condition.2. ,Excessive releases of radioactivity to the environment have been terminated and nofurther potential for significant radioactivity releases exists.3. No further potential for major damage to equipment exists.SAF/GE -Terminate the emergency when the SAB/GE conditions are no longer met and thefollowing has been accomplished:1. The reactor is shutdown, is in a stable, safe configuration, and adequate corecooling is available.2. Excessive releases of radioactivity to the environment have been terminated andno further potential for significant radioactivity releases exist.3. Offsite concentrations of radioactivity in the atmosphere or in waterways havedispersed to near background levels, excluding ground deposition.4. The State of Louisiana, the local parishes, and the NRC concur in terminating theemergency.2. Notify the NRC via NRC ENS line and offsite authorities using a notification message form ofthe emergency termination.3. When a Site Area Emergency or General Emergency has been terminated, implement EIP-2-028,Recovery.EIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 10 OF 43 ATTACHMENT 2PAGE 1OF 4EOF MANAGERACTIVATION Date: _____Actions Completed/ Initials1. Refer to EN-EP-609. __2. Open lockers and direct personnel to obtain their phones, position binders, andsupplies needed to set up the Alternate EOF (AEOF) in accordancewith Attachment 15.3. Verify facility is habitable.___4. All minimum staffing personnel have completed the applicable activation portion __of their checklists and are prepared to perform functional responsibilities:MINIMUM STAFFING:a. Emergency Directorb. EOF Manager (except steps 4 and 5)c. Radiological Assessment Coordinatord. Dose Assessore. Technical Advisorf. Offsite Communicator5. Inform the Emergency Director that the AEOF is ready to be declared___operational.SUBSEOUENT ACTIONSNOTENotifications to State and local authorities must be madewithin approximately 15 minutes of a declaration of anemergency or Protective Action Recommendation (PAR)change using the Short Notification Message Form (SNMF).NOTEAll Notifcation Message Forms must be reviewed andapproved by the Emergency Director (ED).1. If the emergency is due to a hostile action against the plant, direct the Administrative &Logistics Coordinator to ensure that operations, security and radiation protection liaisons havebeen dispatched to the WF Parish Incident Command Post (ICP). Direct that an additionalsecurity liaison be dispatched to the AEOF to establish communications with the ICP.EIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 11 OF 43 ATTACHMENT 2, PAGE 2 OF 4EOF MANAGERSUBSEOUENT ACTIONS (cont'd)2. Conduct a PAR Call following each PAR issuancea. When all parish Directors or Assistant Directors, the Operations Officer at theState Emergency Operations Center (GOHSEP), and the LDEQ Liaison, ifavailable, are on the Hotline, verify the PARs (Scenario Number) each parishintends to implement:b. Record scenario number each parish will implement on the PAR VerificationChecklist provide by Offsite Communicator.c. Obtain siren sounding time from the Operations Officer and record on PARVerification Checklist.d. If requested by a parish agency that RBS sound their sirens, then direct the EOFCommunicator to do so using Attachment 17 at the agreed upon siren soundingtime.EIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 12 OF 43 ATTACHMENT 2PAGE 3 OF 4EOF MANAGERLONG NOTIFICATION MESSAGE FORM (TYPICAL)NOTIFICATION MESSAGE FORM1. THIS IS RIVER BEND STATIONWITH MESSAGE NUMBER2. A. TIME ______DATE______B. COMMUNICATOR:___________C. TEL NO.3. EMERGENCY CLASSIFICATION:A. El NOTIFICATION OF UNUSUAL EVENT C. 0 SITE AREA EMERGENCY E. 0 TERMINATEDB. 0 ALERT D. 0 GENERAL EMERGENCY4.CURRENT EMERGENCY CLASSIFICATION 0] DECLARATION 0] TERMINATIONTIME:______DATE:_____5.RECOMMENDED PROTECTIVE ACTIONS:A. 0] No Protective Actions Recommended at this time (Go to item 6).B. 0 EvacuateC. 0 Monitor and PrepareD. 0] Shelter6. INCIDENT DESCRIPTION/UPDATEICOMMENTS:____________________________7. REACTOR SHUTDOWN? 0] NO 0] YES TIME:_____8. METEOROLOGICAL DATA: 0] NOT AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME (Go to item 9)A. Wind Direction FROM ________Degrees at ____________MPHB. Sectors Affected (A-R)C. Stability Class (A-G)____________________DATE:D. Precipitation: 0] None 0] Rain 0] Sleet 0] Snow 0] Hail 0] Other_____9. RELEASE INFORMATION:A. 0 A RELEASE is occunring BELOW federally approved operating limitsB. 0 A RELEASE is occurring ABOVE federally approved operating limits10. TYPE OF RELEASE:A. 0 Radioactive Gases B. 0 Radioactive Airbor'ne Particulates C. 0] Radioactive Liquids (Go to item 13)RELEASE RATE: A. NOBLE GASES ________Cl/s B. IODINES __________Ci/s12. ESTIMATE OF PROJECTED OFF-SITE DOSE:A. Projections for _____hours based on: 0] Field Data 0] Plant DataB. TEDE -WB DOSE COMMITMENT (mRem) C. CDE -THYROID DOSE COMMITMENT (toRemo)Site Boundary5 milesSite Boundary2 miles5 miles10 miles13.14.2 miles ____ ___10 miles_______MESSAGE APPROVED BY: ___________MESSAGE RECEIVED BY: ____________TITLE:TITLE:EIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 13 OF 43 ATTACHMENT 2PAGE 4 OF 4EOF MANAGERGUIDELINES FOR COMPLETING THE LNMFINFORMMANUAL METHOD*
- River Bend and Message Number automatic Assign a message number. Number the messagesLine I sequentially until the emergency is terminated., 2A Time/Date automatic upon transmission. 2A Enter Time/Date message was transmitted.Line 2 2B Comm: Enter facility name 2B Comm.: Enter facility name,2C Tel. No.: Indicate "Hotline" unless alternate 2C Tel. No.: Indicate."Hotline" unless alternate" method is being used, then enter alternate method, method is being used, then enter alternate method.Line 31 Automatic from Short Form. If termination message, Check appropriate classification or terminated....check "terminated".tine 4: Automatic from Short Form. For termination, check Check either declaration or termination.S "termination" and enter termination time/date. Enter time/date of emergency declaration or termination.Line : ,, Check appropriate box(es). If PAR has been Check appropriate box(es). If PARs have beeni~n6. recommended, select appropriate protective actions and recommended, indicate the scenario number. May add,indicate scenario number. May add information as information as necessary.;:: necessary.* Enter description from Short Form. May add Enter description from Short Form. May add informationLine 6 information as necessary. Use this line to correct any as necessary. Use this line to correct any previous errors.i: : previous errors.Line 7, Indicate if the reactor is shutdown. Information should Indicate if the reactor is shutdown. Information should bebe obtained from Operations. If yes, enter time/date. obtained from Operations. If yes, enter the time/date.Meteorological data for Lines 8A-C is available on Meteorological data for Lines 8A-C is available on ElRiSSERIS and printers in the Control Room and and printers in the Control Room and MeteorologicalLine 8 ;.Meteorological Tower. Tower.* ......8A -Enter wind direction (from) and speed. '8A -Enter wind direction (from) and speed.8B -Enter the 3 affected wind sectors according to 8B -Enter the 3 affected wind sectors according to the*:: ... the current wind direction. current wind direction.* :8C -Enter stability class. 8C -Enter stability class.,: 8D -Check appropriate box. 8D -Check appropriate box.'*::'.Determine release characterization. Determine release characterization.S 9A/B Check A or B as appropriate. When checking A 9A/B Check A or B as appropriate. When checking A oror B complete lines 10, 11 and 12. B complete lines 10, 1 1 and 12.:. "Indicate the type of release(s). If there is no core Indicate the type of release(s). If there is no core damage,Line 10 damage, check 1OA for airborne release. If there is clad check 1OA for airborne release. If there is clad damage or! , "damage or fuel melt, check 10A & lOB for airborne fuel melt, check 1OA & lOB for airborne release. If the* , release. If the release is a liquid release, check 10C. release is a liquid release, check 10C.,Line 11 i Enter release rate. DRM\S provides release rates in Enter release rate. DRMS provides release rates inS uCi/sec. These rates must be converted to Ci/sec uCi/sec. These rates must be converted to Ci/sec.,: 12A. Enter number of hours used and method used in 12A Enter number of hours used and method used in*Line 12 ... dose calculation, dose calculation.-12B Obtain from URI/RASCAL results. 12B Obtain from UJRI/RASCAL results.;Line Enter Emergency's name and "ED" as title. ED must Enter Emergency Director's name and "ED" as title. ED'___.... review and approve NMFs prior to transmission, must review and approve NMFs prior to transmission.Line 14 Leave blank. For use by parishes. Leave blank. For use by parishes.EIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 14 OF 43 ATTACHMENT 3PAGE 1 0F 3ADMINISTRATION & LOGISTICS COORDINATORACTIVATION Date: _____Actions CompletedInitials1. Refer to EN-EP-609. __2. Identify any EOF position not filled and report results to EOF Manager. __3. Ensure BOF Access List is available. __SUBSEOUENT ACTIONS1. Contact personnel to fill any vacant ABOF positions.2. Contact the TSC Manager in the TSC concerning any personnel injuries. Contactthe hospital for current information on injured personnel, as applicable. Keep theEOF Manager informed of status.3. Obtain requested personnel resources to assist with the emergency.4. After the AEOF becomes operational, establish AEOF access security controls.5. Develop long-term staffing rotation list:a. Establish a 24 hour ERO staffing schedule, excluding the JIC. Obtain MCR,TSC and OSC staffing from the TSC IT Specialist. Once schedule is complete,obtain approval from EOF Manager.b. If PARs have been issued, discuss recommended routes with the RadiologicalAssessment Coordinator (RAC).c. Contact the individuals on the rotation list and inform them of the time they arescheduled to report and the proper route to be taken.6. Coordinate assistance from the Corporate Emergency Center (CEC). Use theINPO Emergency Resources Manual as reference.7. Coordinate assistance for personnel, equipment, supplies, food, lodging, travel,and communications, as necessary. Maintain a list of requests and estimatedresponse times. If PARs have been issued, obtain recommended routes andstaging areas from the RAC and arrange for Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ)access through the Lead Offsite Liaison to the Parish Emergency OperationsCenters (EOCs).8. Coordinate with RAC, TSC Security and Maintenance Coordinator as necessary to getpersonnel, equipment and materials onsite and in Security Owner Controlled area orProtected area, as appropriate.EIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 15 OF 43 ATTACHMENT 3PAGE 2 OF 3ADMINISTRATION & LOGISTICS COORDINATORSUBSEOUENT ACTIONS (cont'd)9. Coordinate monetary matters through the Corporate Emergency Center.Assistance may be requested from Corporate Business Services.10. Obtain list of materials, supplies, and contractors that may be required forrecovery from EOF and TSC personnel.11. Assist in obtaining drawings and procedures as necessary.EIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 16 OF 43 ATTACHMENT 3PAGE 3 OF 3ADMINISTRATION & LOGISTICS COORDINATOREOF STAFFING SHEET (Typical)EmeAgency/PisicionPrinted Name or SignatureI jEmergency Director IManager _________________Technical Advisor___________________SOffsite Communicator= Radiological Assessment CoordinatorDose AssessorOffsite Team CoordinatorEOF CommunicatorAdministration & Logistics Coordinator*Log KeeperPublic Information LiaisonLead Offsite LiaisonRP Technician HabitabilityRP Technician (OMT)PP Technician (OMT) _______________Chemistry Technician (OMT)__________________Chemistry Technician (OMT)__________________Offsite Liaison -West FelicianaOffsite Liaison -East FelicianaOffsite Liaison -Pointe Coupee____________________Offsite Liaison -East Baton RougeOffsite Liaison -West Baton Rouge ____________________Offsite Liaison -State EOCEIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 17 OF 43 ATTACHMENT 4PAGE 1OF 2RADIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT COORDINATORACTIVATION Date: _____Actions CompletedInitials1. Refer to EN-EP-6 09.2. Ensure the Dose Assessor is available and prepared to assume functional __responsibilities.3. Inform the EOF Manager when the RAC and Dose Assessor are prepared to __perform functional responsibilities.SUBSEQUENT ACTIONS1. Using Attachment 16, formulate Protective Action Recommendations (PARs) andscenario number using dose projections, field monitoring data, meteorologicalconditions and plant conditions. Unnecessary evacuation of the public is NO._.Tconsidered a conservative decision.2. Discuss the PARs with the Emergency Director (ED) and Louisiana Department ofEnvironmental Quality (LDEQ) Liaison, if available, including the basis andreasoning used to arrive at the PARs.3. Provide PAR scenario number for the Short Notification Message Form.4. Provide information for appropriate sections of the Long Notification Message Form.5. Review all notification message forms containing radiological data prior to transmittal.6. After initial PAR implementation, use Attachment 17 to keep the ED informed on PAR changesbased on plant conditions, dose projections, field monitoring data and meteorological conditions,including wind shifts. Obtain NWS forecast from Dose Assessor.7. If containment radiation monitors are not available to assess source term for doseassessment, containment venting or PARs, use RPP-0098 and/or plant conditions(i.e., water level, time core uncovered, etc.) to estimate containment dose rates.8. When PARs are issued, provide recommended routes for personnel and deliveries into RiverBend Station.EIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 18 OF 43 ATTACHMENT 4PAGE 2 OF 2RADIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT COORDINATORSUBSEOUENT ACTIONS (cont'd)9. If doses > 1 rem TEDE or > 5 remn CDE thyroid are projected at 10 miles, estimate the projecteddose at 15, 20, and 25 miles, as appropriate. Inform the Emergency Director and the LDEQLiaison of the distance and downwind areas at which a Protective Action Guideline (PAG) isestimated to be exceeded.10. Evaluate radiation exposures and inform Emergency Director of anyone approaching10CFR20 limits.11. Make arrangements with environmental services for analysis of environmental samplestaken by offsite monitoring teams.EIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 19 OF 43 ATTACHMENT 5PAGEl1OFi1PUBLIC INFORMATION LIAISONACTIVATION Date: ____Actions CompletedInitials1. Refer to EN-EP-609. __2. Attempt to contact JIG and determine activation status.___3. Inform EOF Manager when prepared to perform functional responsibilities and __JIG status.SUBSEQUENT ACTIONS1. Test FAX machine for operability.2. Keep EOF Manager informed on any JIG issues and operational status.3. Establish contact with JIG Technical Advisor or Press Release Writer.4. Keep JIG provided with current plant status and any injuries.5. Ensure classification upgrades, PAR upgrades and siren sounding times are communicated toCompany Spokesperson to ensure media briefings are accurate.6. Obtain information to address rumors received by JIG.EIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 20 OF 43 ATTACHMENT 6PAGE 1OF 2DOSE ASSESSORACTIVATION Date: -Actions CompletedInitialsNOTE:If the Digital Radiation Monitoring System (DRMS) ormeteorological tower information is unavailable in the facility,have Radiological Assessment Coordinator (RAG) request anindividual from the OSC be dispatched to the Control Room torelay data. Any means of communication may be used to relaythis information and values may also be obtained from an ERIScomputer.1. Refer to EN-EP-609. __2. Dose assessment program is running. __3. DRMS values for performing dose calculations can be obtained. __4. Meteorological data for performing dose calculations can be obtained. __5. Obtain the current status of dose projections and to establish a means __for obtaining Digital Radiation Monitoring System (DRMS) data if needed.6. Inform the Radiological Assessment Coordinator (RAG) when prepared to___perform functional responsibilities. Alternate methods may be used, as necessary.SUBSEQUENT ACTIONS1. Determine if any DRMS or meteorological parameters used in dose calculations.are in a Limiting Condition for Operation (LCO) and their limitations.2. Call the National Weather Service to obtain weather forecast.3. Perform dose assessment calculations in accordance with EIP-2-024, Offsite DoseCalculations. Provide the results to the RAC.4. If relocating from BOF with dose assessment Laptop, verify' the operability of thebackup Laptop computer and place computer battery on charge.5. Obtain DRMS data and provide data to the RAC.EIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 21 OF 43 ATTACHMENT 6PAGE 2 OF 2DOSE ASSESSORSUBSEOUENT ACTIONS (cont'd)6. As directed, convert offsite monitoring team dosimeter readings toTEDE and provide results to the RAG for evaluation.7. If doses > 1 rem TEDE or > 5 rem CDE thyroid are projected at 10 miles, estimatethe projected dose at 15, 20, and 25 miles, as appropriate. Inform the RAG of the distanceand downwind areas at which a PAG is estimated to be exceeded.Estimate radiation doses beyond 10 miles using the following factors:These ratios may be used regardless of Stability Class, Wind Speed or TimeAfter Shutdown when the Core State = "Fuel Melt".Radiation Dose at 15 miles =dose at 10 miles x 0.387Radiation Dose at 20 miles = dose at 10 miles x 0.267Radiation Dose at 25 miles = dose at 10 miles x 0.226Ratios are applicable to either TEDE or CDE, although*CDE Thycroid will normally be the dominant factor.EIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 22_OF 43 ATTACHMENT 7PAGEl1OFi1OFFSITE TEAM COORDINATORACTIVATION Date: _____Actions CompletedInitials1. Refer to EN-EP-6 09.2. Verify the operability of the Offsite Monitoring Team radio. __3. Contact the OSC, if controlling offsite teams, obtain Offsite Monitoring Team __status and inform OSC of when EOF will assume control of offsite teams.SUBSEOUENT ACTIONS1. If not already performed, brief teams on plant status, meteorological andradiological conditions and direct completion of KI form in EIP-2-0 12.2. Record the Offsite Monitoring Teams' location and readings.3. Keep track of Offsite Monitoring Team radiation exposures. If any memberreaches 1 R on their dosimeter, notify the RAC immediately. Direct the DoseAssessor to convert the readings to TEDE and evaluate as follows:a. When a Team Member's dosimeter reading reaches 1 R, immediatelyconvert to TEDE and evaluate.b. If converted TEDE is greater than 5 rem, obtain a whole body count assoon as practical to confirm calculated TEDE, and consider replacing theindividual on the Team.c. If confirmed TEDE is greater than 5 rem, inform Radiological AssessmentCoordinator (RAC) of overexposure for NRC notification (10CFR20).EIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 23 OF 43 ATTACHMENT 8PAGEl1OFi1EOF HABITABILITY TECHNICIANACTIVATION Date: ____Actions CompletedInitials1. Perform operational checks on monitoring equipment prior to use. __2. Inform the Radiological Assessment Coordinator (RAC) when prepared __to perform functional responsibilities.SUBSEQUENT ACTIONS1. Perform surveys of arriving individuals if there is a question as to wherethey may have been and if they could be contaminated. Report survey resultsto the Radiological Assessment Coordinator (RAC).2. Direct any contaminated individuals to the Zachary Monitoring and DecontaminationStation.3. Assist the dose assessment team as necessary.4. Perform tasks as directed by the RAC. This may include manning the NRC HPN line.5. Keep the RAC informed of all activities.EIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 24 OF 43 ATTACHMENT 9PAGE 1 OF 4OFFSITE COMMUNICATORACTIVATION Date: _____Actions CompletedInitials1. Refer to EN-EP-609. __2. Check the operability of the following communications equipment:a) State and Local Hotline, call the State Emergency Operations Center at ___Governor's Office of Homeland Security and EmergencyPreparedness (GOHSEP) at 361.b) Civil Defense Radio, call GOHSEP.c) INFORM Computer __3. Receive status of notifications from facility with offsite notification responsibility. __4. Inform EOF Manager when prepared to perform functional responsibilities. ___SUBSEOUENT ACTIONSNOTENotifications to State and local authorities must be madewithin approximately 15 minutes of a declaration of anemergency or Protective Action Recommendation (PAR)change using the Short Notifi cation Message Form(SNMF).1. Verify NMF receipt with State and local authorities using the verification list producedby INFORM or use the State and Local Hotline. Complete a new NMF VerificationChecklist (page 3) for each message sent.2. If an agency has not_ received the INFORM message, complete the verification receipt of theother agencies.3. If the INFORM message is not received then:3.1 If FAX is available, fax the message and verify receipt.OR3.2 Read the message to the agency(s) line by line over the Hot Line or by commercialphone. Use the Civil Defense Radio if the Hot Line or phones are not_ available.4. If no contact is made with a location on the Hotline, call the location on thecommercial telephone to verify receipt of message. If commercial telephones areinoperable, the Civil Defense Radio may be used.EIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 25 OF 43 ATTACHMENT 9PAGE 2 OF 4OFFSITE COMMUNICATORSUBSEQUENT ACTIONS (cont'd)5. When PARs are issued:a. Call the State and Parish Emergency Operations Centers (EO Cs) on the Hotline andinform them that you will call them back in five minutes for PAR confirmation.b. After five minutes, contact Louisiana and the five Parish EOCs. Usingpage 4, verify, that the Directors or the Assistant Directors of allParishes and the Operations Officer at State BOC are on the Hotline.c. When verified, request the EOF Manager and the LouisianaDepartment of Environmental Quality (LDEQ) Liaison to pick upthe Hotline for PAR verification and give the EOF Manager the PARVerification Checklist.6. Make follow-up notifications to State and local authorities as directed bythe Emergency Director. Verify receipt of each NMF using a new NMFVerification Checklist.7. Upon termination of the emergency, notify State and local authoritiesusing the Long Notification Message Form.EIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 26 OF 43 ATTACHMENT 9PAGE 3 OF 4OFFSITE COMMUNICATORNMF VERIFICATION CHECKLISTEnsure at least one of the agencies in each of the following rows receives the message.(EOC -Emergency Operations Center)MESSAGE #__ ____MSG. REC'DFACILITY (YES / NO I NA)La. Department of EnvironmentalQuality (LDEQ)(M-F -8AM to 4PM only)Governor's Office of Liomeland Securityand Emergency Preparedness (GOHSEP)(M-F -8AM to 4PM only)GOHSEP after hours numbersWest Feliciana Parish (WFP)_______East Feliciana Parish (EFP)Pointe Coupee Parish (PCP)East Baton Rouge Parish (EBRP)West Baton Rouge Parish (WBRP)Mississippi Emergency ManagementAgency (MEMA)Mississippi Highway Patrol (MHP)At a General Emergency, Parish EOCs and State EOC Operations Officerinformed of 5-minute PAR verification phone callYES NO NAMessage VerifiedCommunicator Signature/KCNTime/DateEIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 27 OF 43 ATTACHMENT 9PAGE 4 OF 4OFFSITE COMMUNICATORPAR VERIFICATION CHECKLISTSScenario # Recommended: _____ Date:_____Communicator verifies that correct individuals are on the Hot Line by placing a check mark onthe appropriate line. The EOF Manager will verify approved scenario and initial the form.(OHSEP -Office of Homeland Security & Emergency Preparedness)WEST FELICIANA PARISH: Manager Initial On LineDirector (OHSEP)______Assistant Director_______APPROVED SCENARIO #_ _______EAST FELICIANA PARISH:Director (OHSEP)______Assistant Director ______APPROVED SCENARIO #_ _______POINTE COUJPEE PARISH:Director (OHSEP)______Assistant Director ______APPROVED SCENARIO #I____WEST BATON ROUGE PARISH:Director (OHSEP)______Assistant Director_______APPROVED SCENARIO #_____ ___EAST BATON ROUGE PARISH:Director (OHSEP)______Assistant Director_______APPROVED SCENARIO #_____ ___STATE OF LOUISIANAState EOC Operations Officer______Siren Sounding Time: _____EIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 28 OF 43 ATTACHMENT 10PAGEl1OFi1TECHNICAL ADVISORACTIVATION Date: _____Actions CompletedInitials1. Refer to EN-EP-609. __2. Establish contact with the Operations Coordinator or Control Room __3. Obtain current plant status, emergency operations in progress, and key __plant parameters.4. Inform the EOF Manager when prepared to perform functional __responsibilities.SUBSEOUENT ACTIONS1. Obtain plant ERIS data as possible. Have the TSC fax ERIS data sheets tothe AEOF, as needed.2. Ensure status boards and/or displays are updated with information obtained from ERIS.3. Follow EOPs/SAPs and keep the Emergency Director informed on status.EIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 29 OF 43 EOF COMMUNICATORATTACHMENT 11PAGE 1lOFi1Actions CompletedInitialsACTIVATIONDate:1. Refer to EN-EP-609.SUBSEOUENT ACTIONS1. Place the AEOF Prompt Notification System (Siren) components in an operationalstate prior to siren sounding. Refer to Attachment 17.EIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 30 OF 43 LOG KEEPERDate:___ __ATTACHMENT 12PAGE 1lOFi1Actions CompletedInitialsACTIVATION1. Refer to EN-EP-609.SUBSEOUENT ACTIONS1. Refer to EN-EP-6 09.EIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 31 OF 43 ATTACHMENT 13PAGEl1OFi1LEAD OFFSITE LIAISONACTIVATION Date: ____Actions ComnpletedInitials1. Refer to EN-EP-609. __2. Inform EOF Manager when prepared tO perform functional responsibilities. __SUBSEOUENT ACTIONS1. Report status of Offsite Liaisons to EOF Manager.2 Establish communications with Corporate Emergency Center (CEC).3. Obtain information from Resource Data Book, as necessary.EIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 32 OF 43 ATTACHMENT 14PAGE 1lOF 1OFFSITE LIAISONThe Offsite.Liaison reports to their assigned Parish or State Emergency Operation Center (EOC) andperforms the responsibilities listed in their EOC position binder.EIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 33 OF 43 ATTACHMENT 15PAGE 1 0F 2ALT. EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILITY FLOOR PLANALT EOF Main Room (Typical)OffsiteCommunicatorEmergency DirectorEssen Lane2nd FloorTraining RoomTechnical AdvisorNRC Site TeamDirectorEOF ManagerLog KeeperEOF CommunicatorPublic InformationLiaisonLead Offsite LiaisonAdministration& LogisticsCoordinatorEIP-2-022REV -31 PAGE 34 OF 43EIP-2-022 REV-31 PAGE 34 0F43 ATTACHMENT 15PAGE 2 OF 2ALT. EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILITY FLOOR PLANALT EOF Conference Room (NRC) and Dose Assessment Room (Typical)Essen Lane2nd FloorTelecom RoomAEOF Spare 5Offsite TeamCoordinatorNRC Dose AssessorNRC ProtectiveMeasuresCounterpart LinkNRC Deputy ProtectiveMeasures Branch LeaderAEOF Spare 1AEOF Spare 2AEOF Spare 3Dose AssessorLDEQ DoseAssessmentLDEQ TechnicalLogisticsCoordinatorLDEQ FieldMonitoring TeamCoordinatorAEOF Spare 4Conference Room (NRC)NRC Deputy Site Team DirectorNRC Liaison LeaderNRC Reactor Safety Counterpart Link Communicator RSCLNRC Security / Safeguards CommunicatorNRC Technical Specialist -Public InformationNRC Protective Measures SpecialistNRC Chronology/IDocumentation CommunicatorNRC Response Branch LeaderNRC Information Technology SpecialistNRC Chronology Documentation LeaderSEssen Lane 2nd Floor Conference RoomEIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 35 OF 43 ATTACHMENT 16PAGE 1OF 6PROTECTIVE ACTION RECOMMENDATIONSPrimary PAR Flow ChartNOTE: A Rapidly Progressing Severe Accidentis a significant reactor event with immediate orGeneral Emergency near-immediate offsite consequences that isDeclared intended to be easily recognizable. IF unsure~on the criteria below, THEN assume that aRapidly Progressing Severe Accident is no..t inprogress.determined byCotanenA radiologIca release --radiationd monitor withprsiteeboundaryRem vinderof 10 rierading dose> 1,000 emaolu~~~~~~~remainder of 10 mile radiusEvcae5mlsdw inEvacuatee Schools, Institutions and~~~~~~~~~Recreation Areas 10 mile radiusReomnmniradpeaeContinue to monitor for windshifts or areas where EPA PAGswill be exceeded and adjust PARas necessary. Refer to EIP-2-022Subsequent PAR Guidance.EIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 36 OF 43 ATTACHMENT 16PAGE 2 oF 6PROTECTIVE ACTION RECOMMENDATIONSBLOCK 1EVACUATE 2 MILE RADIUS AND EVACUATE 5 MILES DOWNWIND AND MONITOR ANDPREPARE THE REMAINDER OF TH-E 10 MILE RADIUS. EVACUATE SCHOOLS,INSTITUTIONS, AND RECREATION AREAS WITHIN 5 MILE RADIUS.Locate the wind direction to find the a rpprriate scenario number to use.DEGREES SCENARIO CENTERLINE SIDEFROM NUMBER SECTOR SECTOR168.76-191.25 1 A R& B191.26-213.75 1 B A& C213.76-236.25 2 C B& D236.26-258.75 3 D C & E258.76-281.25 4 E D & F281.26-303.75 4 F E& G303.76-326.25 5 G F &H326.26-348.75 5 H G & J348.76-11.25 6 J H& K11.26-33.75 7 K J &L33.76-56.25 8 L K& M56.26-78.75 8 M L & N78.76-101.25 9 N M& P101.26-123.75 10 P N& Q123.76-146.25 10 Q P& R146.26-168.75 10 R Q& AEIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 37 OF 43 ATTACHMENT 16PAGE 3 OF 6PROTECTIVE ACTION RECOMMENDATIONSBLOCK 2EVACUATE 2 MILE RADIUS AND EVACUATE 10 MILES DOWNWIND AND MONITOR ANDPREPARE THE THE 10 MILE RADIUS. EVACUATE SCHOOLS,INSTITUTIONS, AND RECREATION AREAS WITHIN 10 MILE RADIUS.Locate the wind direction to find the appropriate scenario number to use.DEGREES SCENARIO CENTERLINE SIDEFROM NUMBER c- SECTOR SECTOR168.76-191.25 11 A R& B191.26-213.75 12 B A &C213.76-236.25 13 C B &D236.26-258.75 14 D C & E258.76-281.25 15 E D &F281.26-303.75 16 F E& G303.76-326.25. 17 G F &H326.26-348.75 18 H G& J348.76-11.25 19 J H& K11.26-33.75 20 K J &LI33.76-56.25 21 L K& M56.26-78.75 22 M L &N78.76-101.25 23 N M &P101.26-123.75 24 P N &Q123.76-146.25 24 Q P& R146.26-168.75 11 R Q& AEIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 38 OF 43 ATTACHMENT 16PAGE 4 OF 6PROTECTIVE ACTION RECOMMEND~ATIONSSubsequent PAR Guidance1. After initial PAR implementation changes in wind direction may change the PAR Scenario number.Before changing the PAR, consider current and projected plant conditions, dose projections andmeteorological conditions in determining whether to stay with current PAR or issue a new PAR.Obtain updates on weather forecast from National Weather Service (NWS).2. Minimize the number of protective action areas (PAS) evacuated when issuing PARs. Do notrecommend a PAR change that would cause an area (PAS) that has already been recommended forevacuation to shelter or monitor and prepare.3. IF an initial PAR has been issued due to declaration of a General Emergency and4 a new PAR isbeing considered based on a wind shift or for any other reason, THEN assess the following criteriamsteps 3.1 and 3.2 or use the Subsequent PAR Flow Chart to determine whether the new PARshould be issued based on dose assessment or on plant conditions.NOTE: If a radiological assessment shows that an ongoing release or containment source term isnot sufficient to cause exposures in excess of EPA protective action guidelines, thenPARs should not be expanded based only on changes in wind direction.3.1 I__f the condition described in A or B exists, then provide the new PAR as indicated by thatcondition and the current evacuated areas (PAS) using PAR Scenario Maps. If no otherPAR Scenario includes all required evacuated areas (PAS), then issue previous PARScenario and include in offsite notification message protective actions for new affected areas(PASs). IF neither condition A nor condition B exists, THE__NN proceed to subsequent step3.2.A. Radiological assessment shows EPA PAGs will be exceeded in the new area basedon an actual release.B. A potential loss of the containment fission product barrier (per EALs) exists andcontainment source term indicates PAGs could be exceeded in the new area if arelease were to start.3.2 WHEN step 3.1 does not apply:3.2.1 IF any answer in 1 through 3 is "yes", THEN issue the new PAR Scenario numbertaking into account the new and current evacuated areas (PAS) using PAR ScenarioMaps. If no other PAR Scenario includes all required evacuated areas (PAS), thenissue previous PAR Scenario and include in offsite notification message protectiveactions for new affected areas (PASs).1. Are there continuing degraded or unknown adverse plant conditions that couldimpact or cause additional core damage and containment failure (e.g., magnitudeof source term, core not covered, and containment cooling degraded orunavailable)?2. Unsure radiological release pathway is understood (e.g., filtered, non-filtered,monitored, unmonitored with potential for release rate to increase, or potential forRCS leak to increase)?EIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 39 OF 43 ATTACHMENT 16PAGE 4 OF 6PROTECTIVE ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS3. IF" available, does off-site radiological data support the protective actionrecommendation methodology based on dose assessment?EIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 40 OF 43 ATTACHMENT 16PAGE 5 OF 6PROTECTIVE ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS4. Evaluate PARs in anticipation of intentional containment venting.SNOTE: Controlled venting could affect an area beyond initial evacuationorders (e.g., five to ten miles downwind).4.1 Use the following criteria to determine the appropriate action for the controlled release ofradioactive material from containment.4.1.1 Dose assessment shows that the EPA protective action guidelines would be exceededin the new affected area (PAS).4.1.2 There is assurance that the release is short term (1 hour or less).4.1.3 If time allows, contact parish officials of the new affected area (PAS) to determinewhether the area can be evacuated prior to plume arrival.*If the new affected area cannot be evacuated before the plume arrives, thenrecommend shelter for the newyly affected area. Issue the previous PAR Scenarioand include in the offsite notification message the protective actions (shelter) for thenewly affected area (PAS).*If the new affected area can be evacuated prior to plume arrival, then recommendevacuation of the new affected area. Compare PAR Scenario maps to ensure thenewly affected area is included. If it is not, then issue the previous PAR Scenarioand include in offsite notification message the protective actions (evacuation) for thenewly affected area (PAS)."4.2 If the release duration cannot be readily or accurately determined, and dose or plantconditions warrant, then evacuation should be recommended.EIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 41 OF 43 PROTECTIVE ACTION RECOMMENDATIONSATTACHMENT 16PAGE 6 OF 6PAG -Protective ActionGuideline (1 Remn TEDEor 5 Remn CDE Thyroid)PAS -Protective ActionSection (1-18)SUBSEQUENT PAR FLOW CHART(IGeneral Emergency and PARs have been previously issued ANDwind shift changes PAR Scenario number or dose assessment indicates aPAG is exceeded in a new PASD4'Do not__ recommend the shelter or monitor and prepare of an evacuated PAS. Minimize evacuated areas (PAS).Ifsa radiological assessment shows that an ongoing release or containment source term is not sufficient to causeexposures in excess of EPA protective action guidelines, then PARs should not be expanded based only on changesin wind direction.Compare PAR Scenario maps for current and new evacuated areas (PAS). IinlueEhenw res o eNo PAR. changeevacuted (AS)?requiredNOIF iTHENRadiological assessment shows EPA PAGs will be exceeded I Issue PAR Scenario to include previouslyin the new area based on an actual release i evacuated areas and new areas (PAS). If no other PAROR i Scenario includes all required areas (PAS), thenPotential loss of containment (per EALs) exists and containment issue previous PAR Scenario and include in offsitesource term indicates PAGs could be exceeded in the new area notification message protective actions for new affectedi~f a release Were to start. I areas (PASs).-I-SNOS/runrYES p oterI \ incr-,<damage and containmentfalr?(magnitude of sourceterm, core not covered, andYEcontainment cooling degradedSor unavailable)lCompare current and new evacuated areas (PAS) on PAR Scenario Maps and issue new PAR Scenario number as appropriate.IF no other PAR_ Scenario includes all required evacuated areas (PAS), then issue previous PAR Scenario and include in offsitenotification message protective actions for new affected areas (PASs).EIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 42 OF 43 ATTACHMENT 17PAGE 1OF 2PROMPT NOTIFICATION SYSTEM (SIREN) OPERATIONActions CompletedInitialsActions to place system in operational state:1. Verify Siren Remote Control Panel has power by observing white LED Testbutton (power light) is lit.___2. Power on siren radio and verify siren radio is on channel 01. __3. Power on siren computer.4. Log onto computer as Observer and enter password Observer.___NOTEIf any of the above components do not have power, then the sirenswill not be able to be sounded from the AFOF ifre quested by the parishes.In that instance they will have to be activated by the Main Control Room.Actions to sound sirens if requested by parish agency:1. Obtain RBS Siren Control Unit key from Alternate EOF key box.___2. Insert RiBS Siren Control Unit key into switch labeled ACTIVATE.___3. Turn the ARM switch momentarily to the right. Switch will blink on and off.___4. Press the appropriate button (ex. ALL CALL, EBRP, EFP). The ARM switch willilluminate solid. The button pressed will blink on and off.___5. Momentarily turn the ACTIVATE key switch to the right. The button pressed willilluminate solid. Sirens will begin to sound. ___NOTEWhile the siren sounding is occurring (3 minute period), the lights onthe Siren Remote Control Panel will be lit and the computer mapshaded red. Once the sounding is complete, the system will automaticallyperform a siren status request which will indicate ifany sirens failed tosound. During this time the "Stat-Re q"' light on the Siren Remote ControlPanel will be lit. This light will extinguish when the status request is complete.EIP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 43 OF 43 ATTACHMENT 17PAGE 2 OF 2PROMPT NOTIFICATION SYSTEM (SIREN) OPERATIONActions CompletedInitialsActions to obtain siren sounding results if requested by a parish agency:1. After the status request is complete, observe the siren computer screen. Any failed ___sirens will be indicated by a RED triangle (A).-2. Right click the computer mouse over the RED triangle to open a screen which will ___indicate the siren name (ex. WF-18, EBR-5).3. If a siren has indicated failure, then notifyr the respective parish of the need toimplement their backup route alerting steps for the public in the areas surroundingthat siren.Actions to return the system to normal configuration:1. Remove the RBS Siren Control Unit key from the ACTIVATE switch and storein key box.___2. Log off of and power down computer3. Power off siren radio.ETP-2-022 REV -31 PAGE 44 OF 43 ATTACHMENT 9.110CFR50.54(q) SCREENINGAiltEernaenc EOF-Aerations Fandit TranFOerao FntionsPart 1. Description of Activity Being Reviewed (event or action, or series of actions that may result in a changeto the emergency plan or affect the implementation of the emergency plan):1. This change issues fleet procedure EN-EP-609, Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) Operations, Rev. 2 andrevises site-specific RBS procedure EIP-2-022, Alternate EOF-Activation and Transfer off Functions, Rev. 31.Responsibilities common to both EN-EP-609 and EIP-2-022 were deleted from EIP-2-022 and retained in EN-EP-609.2. Revised definition 3.5 Radiological Release -From:For emergency response purposes is defined as ANY detectable discharge of radioactive material to the environmentthat is due to the classified event.To:"For emergency response purposes is defined as ANY detectable discharge of radioactive material to theenvironment.3. Revised release characterization contained in definition 3.5.From:No release.Release below federally approved operating limits.Release above federally approved operating limits.To:Release below federally approved operating limits.Release above federally approved operating limits.4. Attachment 2 -Revised Long Notification Message Form to include on Line 5C 'Monitor and Prepare' as an option fora Recommended Protective Action. Moved 'Shelter' as an option from Line 50 to Line 5iD.5. Attachment 2 -Revised Long Notification Message Form Lines 9A, D, and E to remove 'No Release' as releaseinformation characterization and to be consistent with change 3 above.6. Attachment 2 -Revised Guidelines for Completing the Long NMF Line 9 to remove 'No release' as an option and to beconsistent with change 3 above. Reordered remaining steps.7. Attachment 3- Deleted step to ensure all telephones are in place.Part II. Activity Previously Reviewed? L-IYES [] NOIs this activity fully bounded by an NRC approved 10 CFR 50.90 submittal or 50.54(q)(3) Continue toAlert and Notification System Design Report? Evaluation is next partNOT required.EnterIf YES, identify bounding source document number/approval reference and justificationensure the basis for concluding the source document fully bounds the below andproposed change is documented below: complete PartVI.__ _ _ _ _Justification:LI Bounding document attached (optional)Part Ill. Applicability of Other Regulatory Change Control ProcessesCheck if any other regulatory change processes control the proposed activity.(Refer to EN-LI-I100)NOTE: For example, when a design change is the proposed activity, consequential actions may include changes toother documents which have a different change control process and are NOT to be included in this 50.54(q)(3)Screening.EN-EP-305 REV 3 A'I-rACHM ENT 9.110CFR50.54(a) SCREENINGEquipment/Facility/Other: River Bend StationTitle: Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) OperationsAlternate EOF-Activation and Transfer of FunctionsAPPLICABILITY CONCLUSION[] If there are no controlling change processes, continue the 50.54(q)(3) Screening.[] One or more controlling change processes are selected, however, some portion of the activity involves theemergency plan or affects the implementation of the emergency plan; continue the 50.54(q)(3) Screening for that portionof the activity. Identify the applicable controlling change processes below.[] One or more controlling change processes are selected and fully bounds all aspects of the activity. 50.54(q)(3)Evaluation Is NOT required. Identify controlling change processes below and complete Part VI.CONTROLLING CHANGE PROCESSES10OCFR50.54(q)Part IV. Editorial Change IZYES [] NO50.54(q)(3) Continue to nextIs this activity an editorial or typographical change such as formatting, paragraph Evaluation is partnumbering, spelling, or punctuation that does not change intent? NOT required.Justification: Enterjustification andcomplete PartVL.EN-EP-305 REV 3 ATTACHMENT 9.110CFR50.54(a) SCREENINGEquipment/Facility/Other: River Bend StationTitle: Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) OperationsAlternate EOF-Activation and Transfer of FunctionsPart V. Emergency Planning Element/Function Screen (Associated 10 CFR 50.47(b) planning standard functionidentified in brackets) Does this activity affect any of the following, including program elements from NUREG-0654/FEMA REP-i Section I1?1. Responsibility for emergency response is assigned. [1] Li*2. The response organization has the staff to respond and to augment staff on a continuing basis (24/7 Listaffing) in accordance with the emergency plan. [1]3. The process ensures that on shift emergency response responsibilities are staffed and assigned. [2] ElI4. The process for timely augmentation of onshift staff is established and maintained. [2] Li5. Arrangements for requesting and using off site assistance have been made. [3] Li6. State and local staff can be accommodated at the EOF in accordance with the emergency plan. [3] [7. A standard scheme of emergency classification and action levels is in use. [4] Li8. Procedures for notification of State and local govemnmental agencies are capable of alerting them of flthe declared emergency within 15 minutes after declaration of an emergency and providing follow-up notifications. [5]9. Administrative and physical means have been established for alerting and providing prompt Liinstructions to the public within the plume exposure pathway. [5]10. The public ANS meets the design requirements of FEMA-REP-1 0, Guide for Evaluation of Alert and LiNotification Systems for Nuclear Power Plants, or complies with the licensee's FEMA-approved ANSdesign report and supporting FEMA approval letter. [5]11. Systems are established for prompt communication among principal emergency response Liorganizations. [6]12. Systems are established for prompt communication to emergency response personnel. [6] Li13. Emergency preparedness information is made available to the public on a periodic basis within the Liiplume exposure pathway emergency planning zone (EPZ). [7]14. Coordinated dissemination of public information during emergencies is established. [7] Li15. Adequate facilities are maintained to support emergency response. [8] Li16. Adequate equipment is maintained to support emergency response. [8] Li17. Methods, systems, and equipment for assessment of radioactive releases are in use. [9] Li18. A range of public PARs is available for implementation during emergencies. [10] Li19. Evacuation time estimates for the population located in the plume exposure pathway EPZ are Liavailable to support the formulation of PARs and have been provided to State and localgovernmental authorities. [10]20. A range of protective actions is available for plant emergency workers during emergencies, including Lithose for hostile action events.[1 0]21. The resources for controlling radiological exposures for emergency workers are established. [11] Li22. Arrangements are made for medical services for contaminated, injured individuals. [12] LiEN-EP-305 REV 3 ATTACHMENT 9.110CFR50.54(q) SCREENINGSheet 4 of 6Equipment/Facility/Other: River Bend StationTitle: Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) OperationsAlternate EOF-Activation and Transfer of Functions23. Plans for recovery and reentry are developed. [13] [24. A drill and exercise program (including radiological, medical, health physics and other program Liiareas) is established. [~1425. Drills, exercises, and training evolutions that provide performance opportunities to develop, D]maintain, and demonstrate key skills are assessed via a formal critique process in order to identifyweaknesses. [14126. Identified weaknesses are corrected. [14] E]27. Training is provided to emergency responders. [15] D]28. Responsibility for emergency plan development and review is established. [161 [29. Planners responsible for emergency plan development and maintenance are property trained. [16] LIAPPLICABILITY CONCLUSION0] If no Part V criteria are checked, a 50.54(q)(3) Evaluation is NOT required; document the basis for conclusion belowand complete Part VI.If any Part V criteria are checked, complete Part VI and perform a 50.54(q)(3) Evaluation.BASIS FOR CONCLUSIONChange items #1. 7. 8 and 9Entergy ERO responsibilities are outlined in EN-EP-801, Emergency Response Organization. These responsibilitieswere added to EIP-2-022 rev. 25 as part of implementation of the Standard ERO and were previously evaluated under a10CFR50.54(q)(3) performed on 1212/10. Entergy has since developed fleet procedure EN-EP-609, EmergencyOperations Facility (EOF) Operations which includes those same ERO responsibilities. This procedure revisiontransitions to the new fleet procedure. EIP-2-022 is being maintained to address site specific actions not contained infleet procedure EN-EP-609. Existing RBS facilities and equipment and still being maintained and there are no changesto any intent in procedure actions. Timing requirements for augmentation and facility operability are also not changed.Process discussion: RBS currently uses the same process reflected in the fleet procedure of ERO position checklistsand position binders. A review of the RBS Emergency Plan commitments was performed against the fleet EOFprocedure and EIP-2-022. Fleet procedure information was supported with site specific information as necessary toensure site-specific Emergency Plan requirements and associated processes were retained. Therefore, changes to thelocation of the description of emergency response processes were made (changed to fleet procedure or retained in site-specific EIP), but no changes to the emergency response processes addressed by I0CFR50.47(b) planning standardsthemselves were made.Summary:* No ERO positions have been added or deleted.* No ERG responsibilities have been relocated.* The description, activation and operation of the Alternate EOF as described in the RBS Emergency Plan hasnot been changed.* All site specific commitments continue to be met under the fleet procedure and the use of a site-specificprocedure.* This change does not alter the Altemnate EOF structure, organization or location.The revision of the site Alternate Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) procedure (EiP-2-022) and incorporating the useof fleet Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) Procedure ('EN-EP-609) screens out. Based on the above, this chan qeEN-EP-305 REV 3 ATTACHMENT 9.110CFR50.54(a) SCREENINGATAHET91 OF5.4u SCRENINEquipment/FacilitylOther: River Bend StationTitle: Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) OperationsAlternate EOF-Activation and Transfer of Functionsdoes flat need to be evaluated.Chan qe Items # 2 and 3. Revised release definition to remove 'due to the classified event' and also removed 'norelease' as a release characterization.There are no changes to the current offsite notification procedure process with one exception associated withremoving 'no release' as an option with which to characterize releases from the site. With this change RBS will stillprovide to local organizations emergency messages which contain information about the class of emergency, whethera release is taking place, potentially affected populations, and whether protective measures are necessary. Thischange is in alignment with NRC RIS 2002-16 and has been agreed to by both State and local officials. Proceduresfor notification of State and local governmental agencies are still capable of alerting them of the declared emergencywithin 15 minutes after declaration of an emergency and providing follow-up notifications therefore no furtherevaluation is required for this change.Change Item # 4. Attachment 2 -Revised Long Notification Message Form to include on Line 5C 'Monitor andPrepare' as an option for a Recommended Protective Action. Moved 'Shelter' as an option from Line SC toLine 5D. This change was previously evaluated by RBS under a 10CFR50.54(q)(3) performed on 1214114 aspart of revision 30 of EIP-2-022. That 10CFR50.54(q) determined the use of monitor and prepare wasconsistent with regulatory guidance and was not a reduction in effectiveness of Emergency Plan functions andcould be incorporated without prior NRC approval. No further evaluation is required for this change.Changqe Item # 5. Attachment 2 -Revised Long Notification Message Form Lines 9A, D, and E to remove 'No Release'as release information characterization and to be consistent with change 2 above.Change Item # 6. Attachment 2- Revised Guidelines for Completing the Long NMF Line 9 to remove 'No release' as anoption and to be consistent with change 3 above. Reordered remaining steps.Change 5 removes 'No release' from the typical form for the Long NMF and supporting lines 0 and E whichrelate to start and stop times of a release. Change 6 removes from the guidance on completion of the LongNMF the use of 'No Release'. The ability to perform notifications to State/Local agencies in a timely manner isnot impacted by this change as notifications of emergency classification and Protective ActionRecommendation (PAR) are still being made. The evaluation of the removal of 'No Release' is beingperformed as part of change #3 above. Changes 5 and 6 do not change the meaning or intent of a description,does not change facilities or equipment, and does not change a process. No further evaluation is required forthese changes.Changqe Item #7. Attachment 3 -Deleted step to ensure all telephones are in place.Set up instructions for the Alternate EOF previously involved relocating phones from a storage locker to their intendedERO location. Phones have now been permanently located at the respective ERG positions. No further evaluation isrequired for this change at it is an enhancement.EN-EP-305 REV 3 ATTACHM ENT 9.110CFR50.54(a) SCREENINGSheet 6 of 6Equipment/FacilitylOther: River Bend StationTitle: Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) OperationsAlternate EOF-Activation and Transfer of FunctionsPart Vi. Signatures:Preparer Name (Print)John Hurst(Optional) Reviewer Name (Print)N/AReviewer Name (Print)Tom SowdonNuclear EP Project ManagerApprover Name (Print)EP manager or designeeEN-EP-305 REV 3
- G12.23.2ENTERGYRIVER BEND STATIONSTATION SUPPORT MANUAL*EMERGENCY IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE*JOINT INFORMATION CENTERPROCEDURE NUMBER: *EIP-2-023REVISION NUMBER: *14Effective Date: *1/27/2016NOTE: SIGNATURES ARE ON FILE.REFERENCE USE*INJDEXING INFORMATION TABLE OF CONTENTSSECTIONPAGE NO.1 PURPOSE............................................................................................ 22 REFERENCES ...................................................................................... 23 DEFINITIONS ...................................................................................... 24 RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................................................... 25 GENERAL ........................................................................................... 36 PROCEDURE ........................................................................................ 37 DOCUMENTATION ............................................................................... 6ATTACHMENT 1 -JOINT INFORMATION CENTER -FLOOR PLAN ......................... 7EIP-2-023REV -14 PAGE 1 OF 7EIP-2-023 REV-14 PAGE1OF7 1 PURPOSEThis procedure describes the activation of the Joint Infornation Center (JIC) andthe staff functions related to providing a place where all official news regardingthe emergency is available from all sources.2 REFERENCESECP-2-00 1, Joint Information Center (JIG) Staff Position Instructions3 DEFINITIONS3.1 Facility Staffing -The process of assembling personnel, verifyingequipment operability and making a facility ready to support theemergency response.3.2 Operational -The Joint Information Center (JIG) is considered to beoperational when, in the judgment of the Company Spokesperson,sufficient JIG staff and equipment are ready to provide their designatedfunctions in support of the emergency response.4 RESPONSIBILITIES4.1 JIG Manager -The JIG Manager's responsibilities include, but, are notlimited to the following:4.1.1. Coordinate activation of JIG personnel.4.1.2. Ensure that the JIG is made operational in accordance withprocedure.4.1.3. Provide timely and accurate information to the public throughthe media.4.1.4. Control rumors and misinformation.4.1.5. Report directly to the Company Spokesperson.EIP-2-023 REV -14 PAE2O7PAGE 2 OF 7 4.1.6. Manage all public information functions.4.1.7. Coordinate joint agency spokespersons.4.2 JIG Staff -Ensure that the JIG is made operational in accordance withprocedure and provide support to the JIG operation as directed.5 GENERAL5.1 The JIG is located on the first floor of the Govenor's Office of HomelandSecurity and Emergency Preparedness (GOHSEP) building at 7667Independence Blvd, Baton Rouge, LA.5.2 The JIG is staffed by licensee personnel along with representatives fromthe State of Louisiana, the five parishes within the ten-mile EmergencyPlanning Zone (EPZ), the State of Mississippi, the Nuclear RegulatoryCommission, the Federal Emergency Management Agency and otherfederal agencies if and as they respond.5.3 The JIG is activated at an Alert or higher declaration.6 PROCEDURE6.1 The Company Spokesperson should:6.1.1. Upon receiving a Notification of Unusual Event (NOUE):1. Acknowledge receipt of the NOUE by responding to theERO notification system as directed.2. Call the Control Room and verify the NOUE and plantstatus with the Emergency Director.EIP-2-023 REV- 14PAGE 3 OF 7EIP-2-023 REV -14 PAGE 3 OF 7
- 3. Call the site Corporate Communications representativeusing the Emergency Telephone Book, Section IV-Bphone numbers. Should the site CorporateCommunications personnel fail to respond, call theEchelon Corporate Communications representative listedin the same section of the Emergency Telephone Book.Inform them of the NOUB declaration and determine if apress release is appropriate. Utilize CorporateCommunications in development and distribution of thepress release to media outlets. Emergency Directorapproval of press releases is required prior to release tothe media and public.4. Maintain periodic contact with the Emergency Director inthe Control Room on the status of the NOUE, pressreleases, and termination of the NOUJE.6.1.2. Upon being notified of an Alert, Site Area Emergency, orGeneral Emergency acknowledge receipt by responding to theERO notification system as directed. At an Alert or higherproceed to the JIC and carry out duties and responsibilities.Ensure GOHSEP performs media notification (LC #13612).6.1.3. Participate in the initial recovery planning meeting, with theEmergency Director in conjunction with GOHSEP and OROsdetermine the extent to which Entergy should participate inthe JIC during the recovery phase.6.1.4. When the Emergency Director agrees end Entergyparticipation in the JIC and make assignments for any pressreleases during recovery operations. Ensure that alldocumentation is forwarded to the Manager-EmergencyPreparedness.6.2 Using ECP-2-001, Joint Information Center (JIC) Staff PositionInstruction and the Facility Setup Manuals, as a guide, the following JICpositions will perform the duties described:6.2.1. The Company Spokesperson should provide accurate andtimely dissemination of EOI information to the media at allpress conferences.EIP-2-023 REV -14 PAE4O7PAGE 4 OF 7 6.2.2. The .JIC Manager reports to the Company Spokesperson.The JIG Manager supervises JIG operations tO facilitateaccurate timely release of information to the media and public.The JIG Manager ensures pre-conference briefings are heldwith JIG Spokesperson Team as well as coordinatinginterviews and technical briefings with the Media Liaison.6.2.3. The Media Liaison should provide information to the mediapresent at the JIG, assist with press conferences, and arrangeinterviews when possible. The Media Liaison reports to theJIG Manager and will assume the duties and responsibilities ofthe JIG Manager, at press briefings, in his/her absence.6.2.4. The Technical Advisor in the JIG is responsible forinterpreting technical information received from the EOF asneeded for press releases as well as to support the CompanySpokesperson in responding to technical questions from themedia on the emergency. The Technical Advisor also advisesthe Inquiry Response Coordinator/Rumor Control on technicalquestions from the public or media. The Technical Advisorreports to the Company Spokesperson.6.2.5. The Press Release Writer should receive all technical inputfrom the Technical Advisor in the JIG and PublicInformation Liaison in the EOF. The Press Release Writerprepares press releases from acquired information for the JIGManager and Emergency Director's signatures. AssistCompany Spokesperson with technical input for pressconferences. Establish contact with and provide informationto the Corporate Emergency Center (GEG).6.2.6. The JIC Manager should serve as the primary EntergyOperations contact for Offsite Spokespersons at the JIG andreads EOI press releases for confirmation from offsiteagencies.6.2.7. The Technical Assistant assists with Offsite Spokespersonsactivities at the JIG as well as providing logistics support,copying and distributing Entergy press releases. TheTechnical Assistant reports to the JIG Manager.EIP-2-023REV -14 PAGE 5 OF 7EIP-2-023 REV-14 PAGE5OF7 6.2.8. Media Monitor monitors media reports on radio, television orintemnet (should be performed in conjunction with GOHSEPpersonnel if possible). The Media Monitor should report allmedia inacurracies to the JIG Manager for correction duringpress conferences. The Media Monitor reports to the J-IGManager.7 DOCUMENTATIONSend any documentation of NOUE actions to the Manager-EmergencyPreparedness.EIP-2-023 REV- 14PAGE 6 OF 7EIP-2-023 REV -14 PAGE 6 OF 7 ATTACHMENT 1PAGE 1lOF 1JOINT INFORMATION CENTER FLOOR PLANLend ~ ~.n4 ~7~67 Ikp~k~ B~. Ua~r~ ~ I A O~Qt~~225) 92!~-7~OOEIP-2-023 REV -14 PAGE 7 OF 7 .1Attacment .110CFR50.54(q) ScreeningProcedure/Document Number: EIP-2-023 lRevision: 14Sheet I of 5Equlipment/Facility/Other: River Bend StationTitle: Joint Information CenterPart I. Description of Activity Being Reviewed (event or action, or series of actions that may result in a changeto the emergency plan or affect the implementation of the emergency plan):This procedure revision moves the Joint Information Center (JIC) from the River Bend Station Training Center on site tothe Governor's Office of Homeland Security andEmergency Preparedness, 7667 Independence Blvd, Baton Rouge, LAwhich also moves the JIC out of the 10 mile Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ). This change eliminates the need tomaintain an Alt JIC at 446 North Blvd in Baton Rouge, LA previousiy needed to avoid radiation exposure of the press inevent of a release on site.1) Replace 'news release' with 'press release' throughout procedure to use updated terminology.2) Change 5.1 From: "The JIC is located on the first floor of the Training Center (See Attachment 1)To:" "The JIC is located on the first floor of the Governor's Office of Homeland Security and EmergencyPreparedness (GOHSEP) building at 7667 Independence Blvd, Baton Rouge, LA(See Attachment 1)."3) Change 6.1.2 F2rom: "Upon being notified of an Alert, Site Area Emergency, or General Emergencyacknowledge receipt by responding to the ERO notification system as directed. At an Alert proceed to the JICand carry out duties and responsibilities. At a Site Area or General Emergency proceed to the Alternate JIC tocarry out the duties and responsibilities. Ensure media notification (LC #1 3612).Tom: "Upon being notified of an Alert, Site Area Emergency, or General Emergency acknowledge receipt byresponding to the ERO notification system as directed. At an Alert or higher proceed to the JIC and carry outduties and responsibilities. Ensure GOHSEP performs media notification (LC #1361 2)."4) Delete 6.1.3 "If notified at any time by the Emergency Director that the JIC is uninhabitable or should berelocated, direct relocation of the JIC staff to the alternate facility at North Boulevard in Baton Rouge, per ECP-2-001, Joint Information Center (JIC) Staff Position Instruction."5) Delete 6.2.3 "The Information Coordinator reports to the JIC Manager and supervises media and publicresponse activities as well as establishing and maintaining frequent contact with Corporate Communicationspersonnel." -supports JIC relocation.6) Delete 6.2.6 "Logistics should provide staffing, administrative and logistic support for the JIC, and distributenews releases. The Logistics Coordinator reports to the JIC Manager. Logistics Coordinator will request ITsupport for both telecommunications and computer needs when relocation to Alt JiC is required. Logisticspersonnel report to the Logistics Coordinator. They maintain the master files, duplication, distribution, andassist in the activation/deactivation of the JIC." -supports JIC relocation.7) Change 6.2.8 From: "The Technical Assistant should serve as the primary Entergy Operations contact forOffsite Spokespersons at the JIC and reads EOI news releases for confirmation from offsite agencies. TheTechnical Assistant reports to the Information Coordinator."To:" "The Technical Assistant assists with Offsite Spokespersons activities at the JIC as well as providinglogistics support, copying and distributing Entergy press releases. The Technical Assistant reports to the JICManager."8) Delete 6.2.9 "The Inquiry Response Coordinator should take appropriate actions regarding incomingmedia/public queries and rapidly act upon rumors or misinformation identified by Phone Team or other sources.The Inquiry Response Coordinator reports to the Information Coordinator." -supports JIC relocation.9) Delete 6.2.10 "The inquiry Responders should contact the media upon activation of the Joint InformationCenter, provide responses to incoming media and public queries, and rapidly act upon rumors ormisinformation. Inquiry Responders report to the Inquiry Response Coordinator." -supports JIC relocation.10) Delete 6.2.11 "Credentialing personnel should establish and maintain access control at the Training CenterJIC Staff (breezeway) entrance and the Media (auditorium lobby) entrance, (See Attachment 1).11) Attachment 1 -update JIC Floor Plan by replacing Training Center Floor Plan with GOHSEP Floor PlanEN-EP-305 REV 3 .1Attacment .1 10CFR50.54(q) ScreeningProcedure/Document Number: E IP-2-023 /Revision: 14Sheet 2 of 5Equipment/Facility/Other: River Bend StationTitle: Joint Information CenterPart II. Activity Previously Reviewed? E-YES [] NOIs this activity fully bounded by an NRC approved 10 CFR 50.90 submittal or 50.54(q)(3)* \ Continue toAlert and Notification System Design Report? Evalreuaioniredt.arEnterIf YES, identify bounding source document number/approval reference and justificationensure the basis for concluding the source document fully bounds the below andproposed change is documented below: complete Partvi. _ _ _ _ _ _Justification:LI Bounding document attached (optional)Part IIl. Applicability of Other Regulatory Change Conltrol ProcessesCheck if any other regulatory change processes control the proposed activity. (Refer to EN-LI-i100)NOTE: For example, when a design change is the proposed activity, consequential actions may include changes toother documents which have a different change control process and are NOT to be included in this 50.54(q)(3)Screening.APPLICABILITY CONCLUSIONIXI If there are no controlling change processes, continue the 50.54(q)(3) Screening.[] One or more controlling change processes Eare selected, however, some portion of the activity involves theemergency plan or affects the implementation of the emergency plan: continue the 50.54(q)(3) Screening for that portionof the activity. Identify the applicable controlling change processes below.LI One or more controlling change processes are selected and fully bounds all aspects of the activity. 50.54(q)(3)Evaluation is NOT required. Identify controlling change processes below and complete Part VI.CONTROLLING CHANGE PROCESSES50.54(q)(3)Part IV. Editorial Change DYES IXINOsuc a frmatigpargrph50.54(q)(3) Continue to nextIs this activity an editorial or typographical change scasfrtinpagphEvaluation is partnumbering, spelling, or punctuation that does not change intent? Yes NOT re~quired.Justification: Enter1) Replace 'news release' with 'press release' is editorial, intent is unchanged. justification andcomplete PartVI."No" is selected because procedure revision contains other changes that are noteditorial.EN-EP-305 REV 3 .1Attacment .110CFR50.54(q) ScreeningProcedure/Document Number: EIP-2-023 Revision: 14Sheet 3 of 5IEquilpment/FacilitylOther: River Bend StationTitle: Joint Information CenterProcedurelDocument Number: EIP-2-023 Revision: 14Equipment/Facility/Other: River Bend StationTitle: Joint Information CenterPart V. Emergency Planning Element/Function Screen (Associated 10 CFR 50.47(b) planning standard functionidentified in brackets) Does this activity affect any of the following, including program elements from NUREG-0654/FEMA REP-I Section I1?1. Responsibility for emergency response is assigned. [1] D]2. The response organization has the staff to respond and to augment staff on a continuing basis (24/7 E]staffing) in accordance with the emergency plan. [1]3. The process ensures that on shift emergency response responsibilities are staffed and assigned. [2] []4. The process for timely augmentation of onshift staff is established and maintained. [2] [5. Arrangements for requesting and using off site assistance have been made. [3] III6. State and local staff can be accommodated at the EOF in accordance with the emergency plan. 131 D]7. A standard scheme of emergency classification and action levels is in use. [4] LI8. Procedures for notification of State and local governmental agencies are capable of alerting them of []the declared emergency within 15 minutes after declaration of an emergency and providing follow-up notifications. [5]9. Administrative and physical means have been established for alerting and providing prompt [instructions to the public within the plume exposure pathway. [5]10. The public ANS meets the design requirements of FEMA-REP-10, Guide for Evaluation of Alert and [Notification Systems for Nuclear Power Plants, or complies with the licensee's FEMA-approved ANSdesign report and supporting FEMA approval letter. [5]i11. Systems are established for prompt communication among principal emergency response LIorganizations. [6]12. Systems are established for prompt communication to emergency response personnel. [6] LII13. Emergency preparedness information is made available to the public on a periodic basis within the [plume exposure pathway emergency planning zone (EPZ). [7]14. Coordinated dissemination of public information during emergencies is established. [7]1[15. Adequate facilities are maintained to support emergency response. [8] [16. Adequate equipment is maintained to support emergency response. [8] LI17. Methods, systems, and equipment for assessment of radioactive releases are in use. [9] [18. A range of public PARs is available for implementation during emergencies. [10] [19. Evacuation time estimates for the population located in the plume exposure pathway EPZ are LIavailable to support the formulation of PARs and have been provided to State and localgovernmental authorities. [10]20. A range of protective actions is available for plant emergency workers during emergencies, including [those for hostile action events.[10]____EN-EP-305 REV 3 .1Attacment .110CFR50.54(q) ScreeningProcedure/Document Number: EIP-2-023 Revision: 14Sheet 4 of 5Equipment/Facility/Other: River Bend StationTitle: Joint Information CenterProcedurelDocument Number: EIP-.2-023 Revision: 14Equipment/FacilitylOther: River Bend StationTitle: Joint Information Center21. The resources for controlling radiological exposures for emergency workers are established. [11] D]22. Arrangements are made for medical services for contaminated, injured individuals. [12] LI23. Plans for recovery and reentry are developed. [13] LI24. A drill and exercise program (including radiological, medical, health physics and other program LIareas) is established. [14]25. Drills, exercises, and training evolutions that provide performance opportunities to develop, [maintain, and demonstrate key skills are assessed via a formal critique process in order to identifyweaknesses. [14]26. Identified weaknesses are corrected. [14] [27. Training is provided to emergency responders. [15] [28. Responsibility for emergency plan development and review is established. [16] [29. Planners responsible for emergency plan development and maintenance are properly trained. [16] _____APPLICABILITY CONCLUSION[] If no Part V criteria are checked, a 50.54(q)(3) Evaluation is NOT required; document the basis for condlusion belowand complete Part VI. .U3 If any Part V criteria are checked, complete Part VI and perform a 50.54(q)(3) Evaluation.BASIS FOR CONCLUSION2) Change 5.1 Frm The JIC is located on the first floor of the Training Center (See Attachment 1)To:" "The JIC is located on the first floor of the Governor's Office of Homeland Security and EmergencyPreparedness (GOH.SEP) building at 7667 Independence Blvd, Baton Rouge, LA(See Attachment 1)."3) Change 6.1.2 From: "Upon being notified of an Alert, Site Area Emergency, or General Emergencyacknowledge receipt by responding to the ERO notification system as directed. At an Alert proceed to the JICand carry out duties and responsibilities. At a Site Area or General Emergency proceed to the Alternate JIC tocarry out the duties and responsibilities. Ensure media notification (LC #1 3612).To:" "Upon being notified of an Alert, Site Area Emergency, or General Emergency acknowledge receipt byresponding to the ERO notification system as directed. At an Alert or higher proceed to the JIC and carry outduties and responsibilities. Ensure GOHSEP performs media notification (LC #1361 2)."4) Delete 6.1.3 "If notified at any time by the Emergency Director that the JIC is uninhabitable or should berelocated, direct relocation of the JIC staff to the alternate facility at North Boulevard in Baton Rouge, per ECP-2-001, Joint Information Center (JIC) Staff Position Instruction."5) Delete 6.2.3 "The Information Coordinator reports to the JIC Manager and supervises media and publicresponse activities as well as establishing and maintaining frequent contact with Corporate Communicationspersonnel." -supports JIC relocation.6) Delete 6.2.6 "Logistics should provide staffing, administrative and logistic support for the JIC, and distributenews releases. The Logistics Coordinator reports to the JIC Manager. Logistics Coordinator will request ITsupport for both telecommunications and computer needs when relocation to Alt JIC is required. Logisticspersonnel report to the Logistics Coordinator. They maintain the master files, duplication, distribution, andassist in the activation/deactivation of the JIC." -supports JIC relocation.EN-EP-305 REV 3 9.1 10CFRS0.54(q) ScreeningProcedure/Document Number: EIP-2-023 IRevision: 14Equip;m~enlacilltylOther: River Bend StationTitle- Center7) Change 6.2.8 From: "The Technical Assistant should serve as the primary Entergy Operations contact forDffsite pok~espersons at the JIC and reads EO! news releases for confirmation from offsite agencies. TheTechcl f!A.,ssistan~t reports to the Information Coordlnator, .To: 'he Technical Assistant assists with Offsite Spok~espersons activities at tthe JiC as well as providinglogisticSssupport, and distributing Entergy press releases. Th'eTechnical Assistant reports to the JIC8) 6i21.9 ='The :Inquiry ResPonse Coo rdinator shoucld take actions regar'ding incomingmedia/public queris ,and rapidly act upon rumors or misinf6rmtionId jent~ifiedI by ;Phone Team cr other sources.The ;Inquiry Resp~onse reports to the Inform:ation -supports JiC relocation.9) Delete 6.2.10 =The Inquiry Responders should contact the media upon activation of the Joint InformationCenter, provide responses to incoming media and public querieS, and raboidly act upon rumors ormisinformation. Inquiry Responders report to the Inquiry Response Coordinator." -supports JIC relocation.10) Delete 6.1.11 "Credentialing personnel should establish and maintain access control at the Training CenterJa C Staff.(breezeway) ehtr'ance and the Media (auditorium lobby) :entrance, (See Attachment 1l).11) Attachment 1 -update'.JlC Floor Plan by replacing Training Center Floor Plan with GOHSEP Floor PlanThe proposed! changes to this procedure support the relocation of the Joint Information Center (J IC) .fromRiv'er Banid ;Staion to GOHSEP in Baton Rouge, LA. The relocation of the JIC to GOHSEP facility and theremoval :of the sp~ecific JIC position have been reviewed in revision 042' to the RBS Emergency Plan.these proposed changes do not change the meaning or intent of a description, does not changefa'cilitiesor equipment, and does not change a process. No further evaluation Is required for this change.Preparer Nmde (Print) Preparer S:igna.ture Date:Norman E Tison ., : 1/17/16(Optional) Reviewer Name (Print) R./ eviewer Sign~atu're :. ...Date:Reviewer Nam'e (Print) :eviewer Signature ) ;Date:D uane Whfte / Nuclear EP project Manager EP manager or aestgnee 1-25-16U fEN-EP-305 REV 3 SE try MNGMNNUCLEAR NON-QtUALITY REL.ATED EN-EP-900 REV. 2MANUAL REFERENCE USE PAGE 1 OF 5Emergency Preparedness FormsIProcedure Contains NMM ECH eB REFLIB Forms: YES 13 NO Z]Procedure Revision Type: New LI NON-Editorial [] Editorial 13 TC 13 Cancellation LIHQN Prcdr we: Dean Burnett GvracOwe: Mary Ann WilsonEffetie Title: Director,- Emergency Title: DPreogramerecDate Programs Program01/27/16 St:HQN St:HQN W PSite Site Procedure Champion TitleANO N/A N/AB3RP N/A N/ACNS N/A N/AGGNS Jeff Seiter Manager, EPIPEC Lori Glander Manager, EPJAF James Jones Manager, EPPLP Dan Malone Manager, EPPNPS N/A N/ARBS Tim Schenk Manager, EPVY N/A N/AW3 N/A N/AHQN N/A N/AFor site implementation dates see ECH eB REFLIB using site tree view (Navigation panel)Site and NMM Procedures Canceled or Superseded By This Revision,N/AProcess Applicability Exclusion: All Sites: LISpecific Sites: ANO 13 BRP 13 GGNS 13 IPECI-- JAF 13 PLP 13 PNPS[-- RBS 13 VY 13 W3 13Change StatementRevision 2 is to implement the fleet standard Emergency Preparedness Forms procedure at Palisades, IndianPoint and RBS. This revision also adds EN-EP-609 to the interfacing procedure list for EP Form EP-7-ALL.Associated PRHQN #: PRHQN 2015-0063,4 Procedure Writer: D. TownsendContains Proprietary Information: YES 13 NO []
TABLE OF CONTENTSSection Title Pg1.0 PURPOSE................................................................................
........................................................................... 33.0 DEFINITIONS............................................................................. 34.0 RESPONSIBILITIES..................................................................... 35.0 DETAILS .................. .............................................................. 36.0 INTERFACES ............................................................................ 47.0 RECORDS................................................................................ 48.0 SITE SPECIFIC COMMITMENTS...................................................... 49.0 ATTACHMENTS ......................................................................... 4ATTACHMENT 9.1 CURRENT LIST OF EFFECTIVE FORMS ........................................ 5 1.0 PURPOSE[1] This procedure controls Forms used by the Emergency Response Organizationduring emergencies.
[1] Sites Emergency Plans[21 Site Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures3.0 DEFINITIONSNONE4.0 RESPONSIBILITIES[1] The Emergency Planning Department is responsible for maintaining forms used bythe Emergency Response Organization in accordance with this procedure.5.0 DETAILS~5.1 USE OF FoRMs[1] The Implementing Procedure that calls for a form to be completed will control theactual use of forms.[2] Any needed instructions for form completion will either be on the form itself or in theprocedure calling for its use.5.2 CONTROL OF FORMS[1] Forms are numbered sequentially as the need for them is defined by otherimplementing procedures.(a) Form numbers will be formatted as "EP-n-Site or All Rev x", where n is thesequential number of the form and x is the current revision of the form. Forthe Site, the designator will be as designated in PCRS. If All sites use theform, then All will be used.5.3 METHOD OF PLACING FORMS IN THIS PROCEDURE[1] Forms are attached as addendums to this procedure. They will appear formatted inthe end use format. There will be no annotation on the addendums or actual formsshowing addendum number or procedure page number.[2] Attachment 9.1, Current List of Effective Forms will list all effective forms and thenumber of pages in each form.[3] The Effective Forms are located in the EP Corporate drive (i.e., \\metne\EP FleetForms). 6.0 INTERFACES[1] EN-EP-609, Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) Operations[2] EN-EP-610, Technical Support Center (TSC) Operations[13] EN-EP-61 1, Operations Support Center (05C) Operations7.0 RECORDS[1] Forms completed by members of the ERO during an actual declared emergency arepermanent quality records and are maintained in accordance with EN-AD-i103.8.0 SITE SPECIFIC COMMITMENTS[1] None9.0 ATTACHMENTSAttachment 9.1 Current List of Effective Forms ATr'ACHMENT 9.1CURNLITOEFCIVFRMCURRENT LIST OF EFFECTIVE FORMSPage 1 of 1Form Form TitleInefcgNumber (number of pages if > 1) PoeueEP-1 -ALL This has been intentionally left biank NnEP-2-ALL Essential Information Form (2 pages) EN-EP-609, EN-EP-610, EN-EP-611EP-3-ALL Log Sheet FormENE-0,NEP6,E-P61EP-4-ALL Exposure Authorization Form (2 pages) EN-EP-609, EN-EP-610, EN-EP-611EP-5-ALL Team Dispatching Form EN-EP-609, ENEP-610, EN-EP-611EP-6-ALL Team Tracking Form EN-EP-610, EN-EP-611EP-7-ALL Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form (2 pages) EN-EP-609, EN-EP-610, EN-EP-611IEP-8-ALL KI Instructions/Briefing Form EN-EP-609, EN-EP-610, EN-EP-61 1NRC Form-361, Reactor Plant Event Notification EN-EP-609, EN-EP-610, EN-EP-611EP-g-ALL Worksheet (2 pages)Fillng n EO Vaanc Duing aciitySite Specific CR procedures/EN-EP-EP-10-ALL Activation/Operation Form60,E-P6,ENP61EP-1 1-ALL Repair & Corrective Action Assignment Form (3 pages) EN-EP-610, EN-EP-611IEP-12-ALL
- Engineering Task Assignment Form (2 pages) EN-EP-610EP-1 3-ALL NRC Briefing Form EN-EP-609EP-14-ALL Briefing Form EN-EP-609, EN-EP-6I0, EN-EP-611 ATTACHMENT 9.1 1 0CFR50.54(q) SCREENINGSHEET 1 OF 4ProcedurelDocument Number: EN-EP-900 Revision: 002EquipmentlFacility/Other: River Bend StationTitle: EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS FORMSPart I, Description of Activity Being Reviewed (event or action, or series of actions that may result in a changeto the emergency plan or affect the implementation of the emergency plan):This change implements fleet procedure EN-EP-900, Emergency Preparedness Forms, Rev. 2 for use by the RBSemergency response organization.Part II. Activity Previously Reviewed? [-]YES ~ O]NOIs this activity fully bounded by an NRC approved 10 CFR 50.90 submittal or 50.54(q)(3) Continue toAlert and Notification System Design Report? Evaluation is next partNOT required.EnterIf YES, identify bounding source document number/approval reference and justificationensure the basis for concluding the source document fully bounds the below andproposed change is documented below:, complete PartVI. _ _ _ _ _ _Justification:El Bounding document attached (optional)Part Ill. Applicability of Other Regulatory Change Control ProcessesCheck if any other regulatory change processes control the proposed activity.(Refer to EN-LI-I100)NOTE: For example, when a design change is the proposed activity, consequential actions may indlude changes toother documents which have a different change control process and are NOT to be included in this 50.54(q)(3)Screening.APPLICABILITY CONCLUSION0] If there are no controlling change processes, continue the 50.54(q)(3) Screening.El One or more controlling change processes are selected, however, some portion of the activity involves theemergency plan or affects the implementation of the emergency plan; continue the 50,54(q)(3) Screening for that portionof the activity. Identify the applicable controlling change processes below.El One or more controlling change processes are selected and fully bounds all aspects of the activity. 50.54(q)(3)Evaluation is NOT required. Identify controlling change processes below and complete Part VI.CONTROLLING CHANGE PROCESSES10CFR50.54 (q)Part IV. Editorial Change E--YES O]NO50,54(o,)(3) Continue to nextIs this activity an editorial or typographical change such as formatting, paragraph Evaluation is partnumbering, spelling, or punctuation that does not change intent? NOT required.Justification: Enter~justification andcomplete PartVI.Part V. Emergency Planning ElementlFunction Screen (Associated 10 CFR 50.47(b) planning standard functionidentified in brackets) Does this activity affect any of the following, incduding program elements from NUREG-0654/FE=MA REP-I Section II?1. Responsibility for emergency response is assigned. [1] lI]2. The response organization has the staff to respond and to augment staff on a continuing basis (24/7 LIstaffing) in accordance with the emergency plan. [1]3. The process ensures that on shift emergency response responsibilities are staffed and assigned. [2] _[EN-EP-305 REV 3 ATTACHMENT 9.1 100CFR50.54(q) SCREENINGSHEET 2 OF 4ProcedurelDocument Number: EN-EP-900 Revision: 002Equipment/FacilitylOther: River Bend StationTitle: EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS FORMS4. The process for timely augmentation of onshift staff is established and maintained. [2] i[]5. Arrangements for requesting and using off site assistance have been made. [3] [6. State and local staff can be accommodated at the EOF in accordance with the emergency plan. [3] I[l7. A standard scheme of emergency classification and action levels is in use. [4] LI8. Procedures for notification of State and local governmental agencies are capable of alerting them of []the declared emergency within 15 minutes after declaration of an emergency and providing follow-up notifications. [5]9. Administrative and physical means have been established for alerting and providing prompt [instructions to the public within the plume exposure pathway. [5]10. The public ANS meets the design requirements of FEMA-REP-10, Guide for Evaluation of Alert and [Notification Systems for Nuclear Power Plants, or complies with the licensee's FEMA-approved ANSdesign report and supporting FEMA approval letter. [5111. Systems are established for prompt communication among principal emergency response Elorganizations. [6]12. Systems are established for prompt communication to emergency response personnel. [6] [13. Emergency preparedness information is made available to the public on a periodic basis within the [plume exposure pathway emergency planning zone (EPZ). [7]14. Coordinated dissemination of public information during emergencies is established. 17] LI15. Adequate facilities are maintained to support emergency response. [8] [16. Adequate equipment is maintained to support emergency response. [8] _____17. Methods, systems, and equipment for assessment of radioactive releases are in use. [9] Ii18. A range of public PARs is available for implementation during emergencies. [10] [19. Evacuation time estimates for the population located in the plume exposure pathway EPZ are [available to support the formulation of PARs and have been provided to State and localgovernmental authorities. [10120. A range of protective actions is available for plant emergency workers during emergencies, including [those for hostile action events.[1 0]21. The resources for controlling radiological exposures for emergency workers are established. (11] LI22. Arrangements are made for medical services for contaminated, injured individuals. [12] [23. Plans for recovery and reentry are developed. [13] [24. A drill and exercise program (including radiological, medical, health physics and other program Elareas) is established. [14]25. Drills, exercises, and training evolutions that provide performance opportunities to develop, [maintain, and demonstrate key skills are assessed via a formal critique process in order to identifyweaknesses. [14]26. Identified weaknesses are corrected. [14] [27. Training is provided to emergency responders. [15] [28. Responsibility for emergency plan development and review is established. [16] III29. Planners responsible for emergency plan development and maintenance are properly trained. [16] [EN-EP-305 REV 3 ATTACHMENT 9.1 10OCFR50.54(q) SCREENINGSHEET 3 OF 4Procedure/Document Number: EN-EP-g00 IRevi~sion: 002Equipment(FacilitylOther: River Bend StationlAPPLICABILITY CONCLUSIONl]if no Part V criteria are checked, a 50.54(q)(3) Evaluation is NOT required; document the basis for conclusion belowand complete Part VI.U If any Part V criteria are checked, complete Part VI and perform a 50.54(q)(3) Evaluation.BASIS FOR CONCLUSIONTransition to the new fleet procedure will change processes as illustrated below:EP-2-ALL. EP-1 4-ALL: Essential Information Form and Briefin9 Form: These forms are used to supportturnovers and briefs and replace applicable RBS stand-alone forms which are not contained in siteprocedures. The information provided in both fleet forms, for briefings and Essential Information, is similar tothe subject areas contained in existing forms used at RBS. These forms constitute a replacement of theRBS site specific forms and contain the relevant information needed to facilitate turnovers, both from onefacility to another and within a facility (shift turnover) and for the use of periodic briefings within a facility.Additionally, the fleet forms support timely transfer and turnover and can be supplemented as needed byother information such as log entries, dose assessment printouts, notification forms, etc. This change doesnot affect the meaniing or the intent of a description, facilities or equipment or a process. This proposedchange does not change the Emergency Plan. No further evaluation is required for this change.EP-3-ALL: Loq Sheet Form: This change replaces an existing log form in RBS site procedures. Both formsare similar and contain no specific required information. This change does not affect the meaning or theintent of a description, facilities or equipment or a process. This proposed change does not change theEmergency Plan. No further evaluation is required for this change.EP-4-ALL: Exposure Authorization Form: This form does not replace an existing RBS site specific form orprocedure. The RBS procedure EIP-2-01 2, Radiation Exposure Controls, contains instructions for specialradiation exposure controls during an emergency and will continue be used by the ERO. The informationcontained in the fleet form (EP-4-ALL) supports the information contained in the site procedure in that the'V exposure limits and authorization requirements are the same. The use of this new fleet form provides for asystematic collection of information for the authorization in a single location (on the form). This change doesnot affect the meaning or the intent of a description, facilities or equipment or a process. This proposedchange does not change the Emergency Plan. No further evaluation is required for this change.' EP-5-ALL. EP-6-ALL. EP-1 1-ALL. EP-12-ALL: Team Dispatchinq Form. Team Trackinq Form. Repair &Corrective Action Assiqnment Form, and Engineering Task Assignment Form: This change replaces RBSforms and EP aids with fleet forms. Briefing, dispatching and tracking of OSC teams and/or assignment ofengineering tasks are not processes described in the 10CFR50.47 planning standards or NUREG-0654 andare not referenced in Regulatory Guide 1.219. This change does not affect a process associated with anemergency planning standard. This change does not affect the meaning or the intent of a description,facilities or equipment or a process. This proposed change does not change the Emergency Plan. Nofurther evaluation is required for this change.EP-7-ALL: Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form: RBS procedures currently contain facility sign-in forms.The current process for facility sign-in and the directions associated with this new form are consistent. Thefleet form is considered as an enhancement as it also provides for a clear "statement" (using a checkbox)from a responder as to whether or not they are fit-for-duty in accordance with Entergy requirements. Thischange does not affect the meaning or the intent (6f a description, facilities or equipment or a process. Thisproposed change does not change the Emergency Plan. No further evaluation is required for this change.EP-8-ALL: KI Instructions/Briefinq Form: The fleet form does not replace an existing RBS site specificformEN-EP-305 REV 3 ATTrACHMENT 9.1 10OCFRS0.54(q) SCREENINGSHEET 4OF 4ProcedurelDocument Number:. EN-EP-900 Revision: 002Equipment/FacilitylOther: River Bend StationTitle: EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS FORMSor procedure. RBS procedure ElP-2-012, Radiation Exposure Controls, contains instructions for specialradiation exposure controls including the use of KI during an emergency and will continue to be used by theERO. EIP-2-012, Attachment 2, "Potassium Iodide (KI) Administration Form', and fleet form EP-8-ALL willbe used in concert when administrating Potassium Iodide. The use of both forms will enhance the KIprocess with no loss of function. .The overall process for the authorization and issuance of KI essentiallyremains the same. This change does not affect the meaning or the intent of a description, facilities orequipment or a process. This proposed change does not change the Emergency Plan. No furtherevaluation is required for this change.EP-9-ALL: NRC Form 361: Current RBS procedure references NRC Form 361 or similar form or log todocument NRC notifications. The form itself is not contained in RBS procedures, but is used as a tool todocument the notification. The information in the form and its use remain the same. This change does notchange a process. This change does not affect the meaning or the intent of a description, facilities orequipment or a process. This proposed change does not change the Emergency Plan. No furtherevaluation is required for this change.Ep-1Q0-ALL: Fillina an ERO V~acancy: This change uses the same process for filling ERO vacancies as thatcontained in RBS Emergency Planning Position Paper, Filling an ERO Vacancy During FacilityActivation/Operation. Form EP-1 0-ALL will replace that position paper. This change does not affect themeaning or the intent of a description, facilities or equipment or a process. This proposed change does notchange the Emergency Plan. No further evaluation is required for this change.EP-1 3-ALL: NRC Briefing Form: This form is used to prepare for and conduct a briefing of NRC respondersand replaces a RBS stand-alone aid which is not contained in site procedures. The information provided inthis fleet form is similar to the subject areas contained in the existing aid used at RBS. This form constitutesa replacement of the RBS site specific aid and is considered to contain the relevant information needed tofacilitate the NRC briefings. This change does not affect the meaning or the intent of a description, facilitiesor equipment or a process. This proposed change does not change the Emergency Plan. No furtherevaluation is required for this change.Part VI. Signatures:ohPreparer usName (Print) Pr arer Si ature (Optional) Reviewer Name (Print) R*viDerSigntur--aN/AReviewer-Nam e(Print) ... .. ....... ... ... .. ie e -ig t re , .. ... .. ...... Date: .......Duane White///Nuclear EP Project Manager ___,__,___1!20/201A ppro ver"- ',, cName (Print) Appovr i uDate:EP manager or designee -J 7J ,//'....- -O-tEN-EP-305 REV 3 NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-.EP-609 REV. 2r MANAGEMENTMANUAL REFERENCE USE PAGE 1 OF 80EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILITY (EOF) OPERATIONSProcedure Contains NMM ECH eB REFLIB Forms: YES Li NO []Procedure Revision Type: New LI NON-Editorial [] Editorial LI TC LI Cancellation LIHQNMayAnWloEffective Procedure Owner: Dean Burnett Governance Owner:MayAnWsoDae Title: Director, Emergency Title: Director, EmergencyDae Site: Programs Site: ProgramsI1/27/2016 HQN HQNSite Site Procedure Champion TitleANO N/A N/ABRP N/A N/ACNS N/A N/ASGGNS Jeff Seiter Manager, EPIPEC Lori Glander Manager, EP_ JAF James Jones Manager, EP_ PLP Dan Malone Manager, EPPNPS N/A N/A... RBS Tim Schenk Manager, EPVY N/A N/AW3 N/A N/AHON David Townsend EP, Project ManagerFor site implementation dates see ECH eB REFLIB using site. tree view (Navigation panel)Site and NMM Procedures Canceled or Superseded By This RevisionOP-I1903.067, EI-4.3Superseded site procedures remain active until the site-specific implementation date._Process Applicability Exclusion: All Sites: LISpecific Sites: ANO LI BRP LI GGNS LI IPECL-I JAF LI PLP LI PNPSL-I RBS LI VY LI W3 LI Change StatementRevision 2:* Implements the fleet standard Emergency Operations Facility Operations procedure at Palisades, IndianPoint, ANO and RBS. /* Added Note to the procedure's purpose that allows the procedure to be used at the backup/alternate EOFas applicable.* Added INPO IER 13-10 to the reference section.* Correct title of Administration and Logistics Coordinator position in section 4.0 [10].* Added Form Number (EP-#-ALL) before all Forms referenced in the procedure.* Corrects typo on Attachment 9.16 that stated "The following actions should be taken once Attachment 9.19,Event Termination Checklist, is complete." The Event Termination Checklist is Attachment 9.15.* Add Hostile Action Based event criteria to the Event Termination Checklist and Emergency Director'sChecklist* Grammatical correction; Changed "effect" to 'affect" on the Radiological Assessment Coordinator'schecklist which stated "Any condition which may effect the emergency classification".* Added JIC to the list of locations that receive a copy of the approved press releases and clarified where theoffsite agencies, who receive a copy of the approved press release, are located.* Add locals to list of agencies to be notified/contacted of classification, termination, PARs and changes toclassification or PARs.* Changed Shift Manager to Control Room on the ED checklist to clarify that ED responsibilities should betransfeh'ed to the facility rather than an ERO position if the EOF has to relocate or evacuate to a backup oralternate facility.* Added the Company Spokesperson to the list of positions that are notified of the EOF relocation orevacuation.* Added guidance to the ED checklist to ensure EOF Staff transports all completed documentation with themto the backup or alternate facility.* Clarify the guidance in the ED, EOF Manager, and Offsite Communicator checklist on when periodicupdates to offsite agencies are done.* Added action to notify the NRC and Offsite Liaisons if the EOF is relocated to the Lead Offsite Liaison'schecklist.* Added EOF relocation to list of items requiring a periodic update to offsite agencies* Added action to Administration and Logistics Coordinator to ensure EOF is secure.* Added action to Administration and Logistics Coordinator to provide any special routing information to reliefstaff.* Replaced "and" with "/" on the ED checklist concerning contacting and informing the SVP, RegionalOperations of the event.* Reworded step on the ED checklist concerning maintaining the facility log for readability.* Corrects step for the Administration and Logistics Coordinator responsibilities, that describe to whom theAdministration and Logistics Coordinator provides support, by removing "TSC" before the EmergencyResponse Organization. The Administration and Logistics Coordinator provides support the entireEmergency Response Organization.* Corrects step on Radiological Assessment Coordinator checklist by changing "for" to "from" concerningrequesting decontamination support from the TSC* Add locals to list of agencies in the EOF to be kept informed of the events by the Lead Offsite Liaison* Grammatical correction; Changed "of' to "on" on the EOF Technical Advisor's checklist to read "make anannouncement on facility bridge"* Grammatical correction; Added an "s" to the word announcement on the ED's checklistAssociated PRHQN #: 2015-00479 Procedure Writer: D. TownsendContains Proprietary Information: YES III NO Z]
TABLE OF CONTENTSSection Title Paae1.0 PURPOSE ......................................
43.0 DEFINITIONS .............................................................. 44.0 RESPONSIBILITIES ....................................................... 45.0 DETAILS .................................................................. 56.0 INTERFACES .............................................................. 67.0 RECORDS................. .................................................. 78.0 SITE SPECIFIC COMMITMENTS ........................................ 79.0 ATTACHMENTS ........................................................... 7ATTACHMENT 9.1ATTACHMENT 9.2ATTACHMENT 9.3ATTACHMENT 9.4ATTACHMENT 9.5ATTACHMENT 9.6ATTACHMENT 9.7ATTACHMENT 9.8ATTACHMENT 9.9ATTACHMENT 9.10ATT-IACH MENT 9. 11ATTACHMENT 9.12ATTACHMENT 9.13ATTACHMENT 9.14ATTACHMENT 9.15ATTACHMENT 9.16ATTACHMENT 9.17ATTACHMENT 9.18ATTACHMENT 9.19ATTACHMENT 9.20EMERGENCY DIRECTOR ........................................... 8EOF MANAGER ..................................................1i8EOF TECHNICAL ADVISOR ...................................... 25EOF LOG KEEPER ............................................... 28RADIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT COORDINATOR.................. 31OFFSITE COMMUNICATOR ....................................... 38PUBLIC INFORMATION LIAISON................................... 43LEAD OFFSITE LIAISON........................................... 46OFFSITE TEAM COORDINATOR................................... 50ADMINISTRATION AND LOGISTICS COORDINATOR ............. 54IT SPECIALIST..................................................... 58DOSE ASSESSOR ....................................... 61OFFSITE LIAISON................".................................. 64EOF COMMUNICATOR....... ..................................... 66EVENT TERMINATION CHECKLIST ................................68RECOVERY ISSUES/STRATEGY GUIDE .......................... 69SHIFT AND RELIEF PLANNING WORKSHEET .................... 71OFFSITE MONITORING TEAM .......................... ...........76SITE SPECIFIC COMMITMENTS .................................. 79ERO STAFFING FOR LONG DURATION EVENTS................ 80 1.0 PURPOSENOTEThis procedure may be used for activation and operations at the backup/alternate EQE asapplicable.[1] To describe the activation and operation of the Emergency Operations Facility (EQE)focusing on classification, notification, dose assessment and protective actionrecommendations.
[1] Site Emergency Plans[21 Site Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures13] INPO IERI13-10O3.0 DEFINITIONS[1] Activation -Actions taken to staff and setup an emergency response facility to make itoperational. Actions include but are not limited to notification of emergency personnel,equipment setup and equipment operability testing.[2] Operational -Status of an emergency facility declared by the appropriate facilitymanager upon determining that the facility is adequately staffed and equipment issetup and available to assume/perform the emergency functions assigned to thatfacility.[3] Stratecqic Alliance for FLEX Emerqency Response (SAFER) -. The industryorganization that assists in providing equipment and resources from off-site followinga beyond-design-basis external event (BDBEE)4.0 RESPONSIBILITIES[1] The entire staff of the Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) is responsible foractivation and operation of the facility using this procedure, their position specificchecklists and applicable site specific performance aids.[2] The Emergency Director (ED) is responsible for overall command and control of theemergency response, including classifications; notifications, PARs and ensuring allresources are available to mitigate emergency conditions.[3] The EOF Manager is responsible for overseeing operations of the EOF and assistingthe ED in performance of key duties.[4] The EOF Technical Advisor (TA) is responsible for analyzing data from the plant andproviding technical advice to the EOF Staff and tracking EALs based on plant data.[5] The Radiological Assessment Coordinator (RAG) is responsible for overseeingoperations of the off-site dose assessment and all radiological controls for EntergyPersonnel. MNGENNUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-609 I REV. 2MANUAL REFERENCE USE PAGE 5 OF 80EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILITY (EOF) OPERATIONS[6] The Offsite Communicator is responsible for making required communications tooffsite authorities.[71 The Public Information Liaison is responsible for providing information on emergencyactions to the Joint Information Center (JIG).[8] The Lead Offsite Liaison is responsible for ensuring the offsite agencies, includingNRC, located in the EOF and the offsite liaisons, located at the EO~s are briefed onthe plant conditions.[9] The Offsite Team Coordinator is responsible for communicating with the offsitemonitoring teams and supporting the RAG in dose assessment activities.[10] The Administration and Logistics Coordinator is responsible for providing support tothe EOF Manager and the Emergency Response Organization. Responsibilitiesinclude managing 24 hour staffing of the emergency response facilities, managinglogistics for supporting the onsite and offsite emergency response such as additionalsupport personnel or equipment, meals, lodging, etc., and coordinating access securitymeasures in the EQE if applicable.[11] The IT Specialist is responsible for assisting EOF staff in operation of facility computerand communications issues as necessary.[12] Dose Assessor is responsible for monitoring plant data for possible releases andperforming dose projections based on any actual or potential, releases.[13] The Offsite Liaisons are responsible for reporting to their assigned offsite location,obtaining plant information from the Lead Offsite Liaison and ensuring the offsiteagencies located in the EOC are briefed on the plant conditions. They clarify plantconditions and respond to questions for the offsite agencies.[14] The EQE Log Keeper is responsible for providing administrative support to the ED inany EQE activity that is required. Activities may include log keeping, faxing, copying,etc.[15] The Offsite Monitoring Team is responsible for supporting plume tracking by takingmeasurements in the field and reporting results back to the EOF.5.0 DETAILSNOTEThe actions of this procedure may be completed in any sequence, however, the sequencepresented is recommended.[1] The EOF may be activated at any time, and shall be activated at an Alert, Site AreaEmergency, and General Emergency declaration.[2] Once activated, the EOF shall become operational as soon as possible (without delay)after declaration of any of these emergency classifications. [3] The EOF shall be made operational in accordance with site specific timecommitments.[4] The ED shall follow the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.1, Emergency Director.[5] The EOF Manager shall follow the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.2, EOEManager.[6] The EOF Technical Advisor shall follow the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.3,EOF Technical Advisor.[7] The EOF Log Keeper shall follow the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.4, EOF LogKeeper.[8] The Radiological Assessment Coordinator shall follow the instructions outlinedAttachment 9.5, Radiological Assessment Coordinator.[9] The Offsite Communicator shall follow the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.6,Offsite Communicator.[10] The Public Information Liaison shall follow tl~ie instructions outlined Attachment 9.7,Public Information Liaison.[11] The Lead Offsite Liaison shall follow the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.8, LeadOffsite Liaison.[12] The Offsite Team Coordinator shall follow the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.9,Offsite Team Coordinator.[13] The Administration and Logistics Coordinator shall follow the instructions outlined inAttachment 9.10, Administration and Logistics Coordinator.[14] The IT Specialist shall follow the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.11, IT Specialist.[15] The Dose Assessor shall follow the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.12, DoseAssessor.[16] The Offsite Liaisons shall follow the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.13, OffsiteLiaisons.[17] The EOF Communicator shall follow the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.14, EOFCommunicator.[18] The Offsite Monitoring Team shall follow the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.18,Offsite Monitoring Team.6.0 INTERFACES[1] EN-AD-I103, Document Control & Records Management Programs[2] EN-EP-31 1, Emergency Response Data System (ERDS) Activation via the VirtualPrivate Network (VPN)[3] EN-EP-601, Corporate Emergency Center Operations [4] EN-LI-i102, Corrective Action Process[5] EN-NS-1 02, Fitness for Duty Program[6] EN-RP-1 04, Personnel Contamination Events[7] EN-EP-61 0, Technical Support Center (TSC) Operations[8] EN-EP-61 1, Operations Support Center (OSC) Operations7.0 RECORDSAny logs or forms completed by members of the ERO during an actual declaredemergency are permanent quality records and are maintained in accordance withEN-AD-i103.8.0 SITE SPECIFIC COMMITMENTSStep Site Document Commitment Number or_____Reference* GGNS GGNS Emergency Plan 5.4.2 (A-G)* GGNS GGNS Emergency Plan 5.4.4_____________* GGNS GGNS Emergency Plan 6.1.2. S1* GGNS GGNS Emergency Plan 6.2.45 8 8 ____________I. t9.0 ATTACHMENTS9.1 Emergency Director9.2 EOF Manager9.3 EOF Technical Advisor9.4 EOF Log Keepers9.5 Radiological Assessment Coordinator9.6 Offsite Communicator9.7 Public Information Liaison9.8 Lead Offsite Liaison9.9 Offsite Team Coordinator9.10 Administration and Logistics Coordinator9.11 IT Specialist9.12 Dose Assessor9.13 Offsite Liaison9.14 EQE Communicator9.15 Event Termination Checklist9.16 Recovery Issues/Strategy Guide9.17 Shift and Relief Planning Worksheet9.18 Off~site Monitoring Team9.19 Site Specific Commitments9.20 ERO Staffing for Long Duration Events A'I-rACHMENT 9.1EMERGENCY DIRECTORATTACHMENT 9.1 EMERGENCY DIRECTORSheet 1 of 10Emergency Director Name:__________________ Date:_____1.0 Initial Responsibility/Activity Notes~NOTEThe ERO should take appropriate actions necessary to mitigate the eventregardless of facility manning or status.1.1 Initial OrientationA. Upon arrival at the EQE:1. Sign in on EP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form2. Sign in on the EOF staffing board if applicable.3. Obtain the Emergency Director binder & ID BadgeB. Review electronic displays, plant data, status boards and anyother available information to become familiar with current plantconditions and overall status of emergency situation.C. Call the Control Room Shift Manager (affected unit for ANO andIPEC) and receive a briefing on plant conditions. Use EP-2-ALL.Essential Information Form to document turnover information.1. This briefing is not required to declare the EOF operational.D. Verify that the correct emergency classification has been declaredNOTESSM retains responsibility for off-site agencies notification and the 1 hr NRCauthorities' notification until the Emergency Director (ED) assumes responsibilityfor implementation of the Emergency Plan.1.2 Assume the Position of Emergency Director (ED)A. Ensure EOF is ready to assess and classify the emergency.B. When notified by the EQE Manager that EQE is prepared toperform Offsite Notification and Protective Action Recommendationdeclare the EOF Operational and announce to the EOF staff.C. Contact the SM to obtain latest plant status and coordinate theofficial time of turnover to ensure it will not interfere with or delayrequired emergency classification, offsite agencies notifications orissuance of PARs. ATTACHMENT 9.1 EMERGENCY DIRECTORSheet 2 of 10Initial Responsibility/Activity (continued)NoeNOTESTransfer of Classification, Notification and Protective Action Recommendationfunctions from the Control Room to the EOF should be made as soon asreasonably practical.D. Once the formal transfer of Classification, Notification andProtective Action Recommendation functions are made from theControl Room to the EOF make an announcement to EQEpersonnel that you have assumed the ED function.E. Ensure facility log is maintained in WebEOC or EP-3-ALL, LogSheet Form, by appointing someone during minimum staffingsituations when the EOF Log Keeper is not present.F. If a radiological release is in progress or expected, inform theRadiological Assessment Coordinator to ensure on-site and off-siteradiological conditions are evaluated in accordance withprocedures. G. IF relieving another ED in the EOF THEN perform a formal turnoverwith the current ED.1. Review the facility log.2. Obtain a briefing from the acting ED on the emergency, plantconditions and any actions that have been completed or are inprogress using EP-2-ALL, Essential Information Form.(a) Review the EAL Chart and procedures in preparation forpossible classification escalation and recommendation ofprotective actions.3. Once formal turnover is complete, announce to the EOF that youare now the Emergency Director. Instruct the EOF Manager tonotify the TSC, Control Room, OSC, JIC and CEC.4. Sign in on the EOF Staffing Board.5. Document turnover in WebEOC or facility logs indicating changeof Emergency Director and relief by on coming EmergencyDirector. ATTACHMENT 9.1Sheet 3 of 10EMERGENCY DIRECTORInitial Responsibility/Activity (continued) Notes2.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activitv2.1 Direct the activities of the EOF With focus on classification, notification,dose assessment and protective action recommendations.A. Direct EOF organization activities in support of the TSC and offsiteresponse agencies.B. Direct protective actions for offsite monitoring teams, EOF staff, andoffsite agencies.C. Request assistance from offsite agencies, excluding requests foroffsite medical/fire, security assistance. (Coordinate request forFederal assistance through the State).D. Integrate off-site responders with site response efforts, when required.2.2 Notification of Corporate Duty ManagerA. Ensure the Corporate Duty Manager is notified of any Emergencydeclaration and briefed on event.B. Inform the Corporate Duty Manager if the Site Vice President ordesignee has or will contact/inform the SVP, Regional Operations ofthe event.2.3 Maintain personnel accountability in the EOFA. IF you leave the area, THEN assign the EOF Technical Advisor tofulfill your responsibility. Upon your return, obtain a briefing fromthe EOF Technical Advisor on any events that occurred while youwere away.B. Inform the EOF Manager to notify/retrieve you should significantchanges to event conditions occur.2.4 Maintain a LogA. Designate the EOF Log Keeper to maintain a log using WebEOC orEP-3-ALL, Log Sheet Form.1. Log when you assume the duties of the ED and EOF activation.2. Log significant decisions and important details used to makedecisions (i.e. emergency classification changes, EALs entered,time of offsite notifications and protective actionrecommendations). ATTACHMENT 9.1Sheet 4 of 10EMERGENCY DIRECTORContinuous Responsibility/Activity (continued) Notes3. Log all significant communications with other members of theERO and offsite officials.B. Periodically review log for accuracy.2.5 Conduct Periodic Facility BriefingsA. Coordinate with the EQE Manager to establish a time period for theconduct of facility briefings.1. Establish briefing periods at every 30-60 minute intervals asconditions warrant or as conditions change.2. Inform the Public Information Liaison to make an announcement*approximately 5 minutes before actual brief that a brief will beconducted (if possible).3. Direct key staff to provide information needed for the brief, ifnecessary.4. Direct the EQE Technical Advisor,.Radiological AssessmentCoordinator and other key ERO staff, as necessary, toparticipate in briefing facility personnel on current plant statusand offsite radiological conditions respectively.5. Conduct briefing using EP-1 4-ALL, Briefing Form and EP-2-ALL, Essential Infor~mation Form as guidance and ensureinformation provided in the briefing is captured and entered intoWebEOC by the EOF Log Keeper.B. Ensure that the Offsite Agency representatives at the EQE areupdated on the status of the emergency periodically.1. Coordinate with the EQE Manager and Lead Offsite Liaison tokeep Offsite Liaisons and offsite personnel in the EQE currenton:(a) Emergency events(b) Current plant conditions(c) Emergency response activities underway(d) Offsite radiological release status, dose assessment andPARs. ATTACHMENT 9.1 EMERGENCY DIRECTORSheet 5ofl10 NotesContinuous Responsibility1Activity (continued)C. Direct the EQE Technical Advisor to brief key EOF staff on eachsignificant plant parameter change, escalation, or PARrecommendation.D. Establish a frequency of regular EOF staff briefings andannounce time for next brief at end of each briefing.E. Periodically ensure the other emergency response facilitymanagers (Control Room, TSC, OSC and JIC) are briefed on EQEactivities.2.6 Classify Emergency Conditions. (Non-delegable)A. Review plant conditions wihteEmergency Plant Manager (EPM),SM and EOF TeChnical Advisor.B. Review offsite radiological data with the EOF Manager andRadiological Assessment Coordinator.C. Review current information and recommendations with the EALChart and procedure.D. Following discussion and concurrence with the EPM, SM, TechnicalAdvisor, Radiological Assessment Coordinator (if required) andEOF Manager, direct the completion of the following actions in theorder identified below:1. Escalate the emergency classification or terminate the eventand transition into Recovery.2. Ensure classification announcement are made in the plant.Work with Control Room, TSC, etc. as appropriate to makeannouncements.3. Direct notification of the Offsite Agencies in accordance withSection 2.8, "Initial Notification of emergency classificationand/or PARs to Offsite Agencies."4. Request accountability status from the TSC Manager, if.applicable.5. IF there is an escalation to a GENERAL EMERGENCY, THENimplement actions in accordance with Section 2.7, "ProtectiveAction Recommendations." A'I-IACHMENT 9.1 EMERGENCY DIRECTORSheet 6of 10Continuous Responsibility/Activity (continued) NotesE. Inform the EQE Manager, SM, and EPM when and at what time theemergency classification was made.F. Announce to EOF personnel when and at what time the emergencyclassification was made.G. In coordination with the Lead Offsite Liaison, inform each EOFState and local representative of a change in emergencyclassification and the condition producing the change.H. Authorize emergency dose commitments ~for EQE personnel andfield monitoring teams in accordance with EP-A-ALL, ExposureAuthorization Form.I. Authorize the use of KI in accordance with EP-8-ALL, KIInstructions/Briefing Form.2.7 Make Protective Action Recommendations (PARs) (non-delegable)NOTEProtective Action Recommendations (PARs) are to be made only at the GeneralEmergency classification.A. Assess, with the assistance of the EOF Technical Advisor and theRadiological Assessment Coordinator, the appropriate PAR per sitespecific procedure.B. Re-evaluate, with the assistance of the EOF Technical Advisor andthe Radiological Assessment Coordinator, the adequacy of thePARs when plant conditions, dose projections, meteorological orplant conditions change. SE 'try NUCLEAR NNQATYRLED N-E-69RV2I MANAGEMENTJMANUAL REFERENCE USE PAGE 14 OF 80EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILITY (EOF) OPERATIONSA'IrACHMENT 9.1 EMERGENCY DIRECTORSheet 7 of 10Continuous Responsibility/Activity (continued) Notesr~2.8 Initial Notification of Emergency Classification and/or PARs to OffsiteAgencies (States, Locals, NRC) (non-delegable)CAUTIONOffsite Agency notification must be initiated within 15 minutes of emergencyclassification declaration.The Control Room will make the notification to the NRC as soon as possibleafter the declaration and must be completed within 1 hour.A. Review and approve the completed "Emergency Notification Form".B. Direct the Offsite Communicator to transmit data on the form to theoffsite agencies and to report to you when complete.C. Direct the EOF Manager to notify the Corporate Emergency CenterManager of all declarations and information as containedon "Emergency Notification Form", if required.2.9 Review and Approve Entergy Press ReleasesA. Confer, as appropriate, with the Company Spokesperson, EOFTechnical Advisor, EOF Manager and Radiological AssessmentCoordinator if there is any question regarding the accuracy of aproposed press release prior to approval.B. Review and approve periodic press releases prepared by the JointInformation Center.1. After review, initial and time stamp front of press release.2. Immediately return press release to the Public InformationLiaison to provide to the Joint Information Center for distribution.C. IF it is a Security Event, THE.N press releases have beendeveloped, reviewed and pre-approved by Security Coordinator,FBI Public Information Officer (PlO) for release to the media. ATTACHMENT 9.1Sheet 8 of 10EMERGENCY DIRECTORContinuous Responsibility/Activity (continued) NotesD. Direct the Lead Offsite Liaison to provide copies of approved pressreleases to the Offsite Agencies representatives in the EQE.2.10 Periodic Update Notification to Offsite AgenciesNOTEWhen onsite conditions are stable, time period for periodic updates may beextended with concurrence from offsite agencies.A. Ensure the Offsite Communicator obtains the information neededfor "Emergency Notification Form", at the following frequencies:1. 15 minutes for any classification upgrade2. 15 minutes for any PAR change3. In accordance with site specific requirements when one of thefollowing occurs:*(a) There has been a release or(b) A significant change in release rates or(c) A significant change in meteorological conditions(d) A significant change in plant conditions(e) Conditions are stable (30, 60, or 120 minutes (JAF-approximately 30 minutes) following the last notification tooffsite agencies).B. Review and approve the completed, "Emergency NotificationForm".C. Direct the Offsite Communicator to transmit data on the form to theoffsite agencies and to report to you when complete;D. Determine reportability actions for non-emergency reportableevents during an emergency (hazardous material spills,contaminated injured personnel, etc.) and ensure they are reportedin accordance with procedure requirements.2.11 Additional/Long Term Emergency Response SupportA. Direct the Administration and Logistics Coordinator to ensure thatmanpower planning is being conducted to provide for responseefforts over an extended period. _____________ NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-609 REV. 2MANAGEM ENTb/ MANUAL REFERENCE USE PAGE 1 6 OF 80EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILITY (EOF) OPERATIONSATTACHMENT 9.1 EMERGENCY DIRECTORSheet 9 of 10Continuous Resl~onsibilitV/Activitv (continued) NotesB. Depending uponl the duration of the emergency, direct theSAdministration and Logistics Coordinator to make arrangements forfood and potable water delivery to all emergency response centers,including off-site teams.2.12 Relocation/Evacuation of the EQEA. IF it becomes necessary to relocate or evacuate the EOF to abackup or alternate facility, THEN transfer the following to theEmergency Director in the Control Room:1. Responsibility to make Protective Action Recommendations2. Approval of Offsite Notifications3. Dose Assessment4. Communications with Offsite Agencies5. Any other activities requiring the approval of the EmergencyDirect~rB. Ensure EOF staff transfers the following:1. Approval of Press Releases (Control Room)2. Command and control of Monitoring & Sampling Teams (OSC)3. Any other critical on-going activities (TSC)C. Once all actions listed above are complete, then direct the EOF torelocate the backup or alternate facility.D. Notify Shift Manager, Emergency Plant Manager and CompanySpokesperson the EOF is being evacuated and relocated,E. Ensure EOF staff transports all completed documentation with themto the backup or alternate facility.2.13 Integrate offsite responders with on-site response efforts whenrequired.A. Prepare for NRC Site Team response activities.1. Direct the Lead Offsite Liaison to coordinate activitiesassociated with the NRC Site Team:2. Brief (or designate Lead Offsite Liaison) the in-plant NRC SiteTeam upon arrival. ATTrACHMENT 9.1Sheet 10 of 10EMERGENCY DIRECTORContinuous Responsibility/Activity (continued) Notes3.0 Closeout Activity3.1 Termination to the Recovery PhaseA. Transition to a recovery phase is warranted IF the following criteriaare satisfied (Document using Attachment 9.15 "Event TerminationChecklist):1. The plant is in a stable configuration with adequate core cooling2. In-plant radiation levels are stable or decreasing with time.3. The release of radioactive material to the environment iscontrolled and there :is no significant potential for additionaluncontrolled releases.4. Fires are extinguished; flooding conditions and any other sitedamage are under control.5. All vital areas requiring occupancy are habitable.*6. All safety systems necessary to maintain the plant in a stableconfiguration are operable.7. Site security control is established.8. For a Hostile Action Based Event, FBI and Local LawEnforcement Agencies have completed associated actions.9. The decision to terminate the emergency classification,including the justification for termination, has been discussedwith the NRC and State/Locals officials (For Unusual Event onlyif their emergency response organizations have been activatedas a result of this event).B. IF conditions wa.rrant termination to a recovery phase, THEN theED completes the actions as listed in recovery plan usingAttachment 9.16, "Recovery Issues/Strategy Guide" of thisprocedure. A'IrACHMENT 9.2 EOF MANAGERSheet 1 of 7EOF Manager Name:___________________ Date:1.0 Initial Res ponsibility/Activitv1 .1 Initial OrientationA. Upon arrival at the EOF:1. Sign in on EP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form2. Sign in on the EOF staffing board if applicable.3. Obtain the EOF Manager binder & ID BadgeB. Review electronic displays, plant data, status boards and any otheravailable information to become familiar with current plant conditions.C. Obtain a briefing from the Emergency Director (ED) on emergencystatus.1.2 Assume the position of EOF ManagerA. IF the EOF has NOT been declared operational THEN:*NotesNOTETypical minimum staffing needed to declare EOF Operational. The Site's staffingrequirements may differ as needed to address site specific requirements:-Emergency Director-Radiological Assessment Coordinator o._r Dose Assessor-Offsite CommunicatorNOTEDuring a Security Event only personnel and facilities necessary to mitigate theemergency situation should be activated. The EOF may be declared operationalwithout all key members being present. This will be determined by the mostsenior person in the facility.1. Verify the minimum EOF staff is present.(a) IF additional personnel are needed or positions are vacantTHEN direct someone to fill vacancies in accordance withEP-1 0-ALL, Filling an ERO Vacancy During FacilityActivation/Operation Form.2. Ensure communication is available to the offsite agencies viaprimary or alternate notification method via verbal concurrenceby the Offsite Communicator. Enrg MNGMNNUCLEAR NON-QUALTY RELATED EN-EP-609RV2MANUAL REFERENCE USE PAGE 19 OF 80EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILITY (EOF) OPERATIONSA'I-ACHMENT 9.2 EOF MANAGERSheet 2 of 7Initial Responsibility/Activity (continued) Notes3. Ensure communication is available to the Control Room viaverbal concurrence by the EOF Technical Advisor.4. Ensure radiological monitoring and dose assessmentcapabilities are available in the EOF via verbal concurrence bythe Radiological Assessment Coordinator.(a) IF Dose Calc is not available in the EOF, THEN ensure dosecalculations can be performed in the Control Room.5. WHEN minimum staffing for the EOF is met AND Steps 2through 4 above are complete, THEN notify the EmergencyDirector that the ERO is ready to perform:(a) Classifications(b) Notification of off-site agencies.(c) Off-site Protective Action Recommendations (PARs).B. Ensure data systems and displays are displaying appropriate data.C. Obtain Control Room official time (time on their clock) andcoordinate with the Public Information Liaison the synchronizationof the EOF time with Control Room time.D. Ensure current classification level is posted throughout the facility.E. Ensure the appropriate personnel man the EOF entrance andscreens incoming personnel for FFD.F. Review the EOF staffing to verify Minimum Staffing is present.G. WHEN the Emergency Director assumes responsibility from theShift Manager, THEN notify the following that the EOF isoperational and that (name) is now the EmergencyDirector:1. JIC (Company Spokesperson) -use the emergency telephonebook for the phone number.2. Control Room (Shift Manager) / TSC (EPM)/IOSC (OSCManager)3. CEC (Corporate Emergency Center Manager) / e-' ~ h " AAEETNUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-609 REV. 2___________JMANUAL REFERENCE USE PAGE 20 OF 80EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILITY (EOF) OPERATIONSATTACHMENT 9.2 EOF MANAGERSheet 3 of 7Initial Responsibilitv/Activitv (continued) NotesH. Coordinate with the Radiological Assessment Coordinator toensure the needs of the State/Locals are met.I, Assist the Radiological Assessment Coordinator with facilityhabitability as requested.J. IF relieving another EQE Manager, THEN4 perform a formalturnover with the current EOF Manager.1, Review the log.2. Obtain a briefing from the current EOF Manager on theemergency and any actions that have been completed or are inprogress.3. Sign in on EP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form andEOF staffing board if applicable.4. Inform the ED when you assume the role of EOF Manager2.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activity2.1 Maintain personnel accountability in the EOFA. Inform the ED if you leave the area. Upon your return, obtain abriefing from the ED on any events that occurred while you wereaway.B. If the doors to the EOF need to be locked due to a radiological orsecurity issue, then notify the appropriate personnel assignedsecure the facility.2.2 Keep the ED informed of changing conditions that may cause achange in the Emergency ClassificationA. Ensure that radiological assessment of offsite conditions is beingperformed as determined by the Radiological AssessmentCoordinator. ATTACHMENT 9.2 EOF MANAGERSheet 4 of 7Continuous Responsibility/Activitv (continued) Notes2.3 Initial Notification of Emergency Classification and/or PARs to OffsiteAuthorities (States, locals, NRC)A. Ensure the Offsite Communicator transmits to offsite authoritiesusing, "Emergency Notification Form", within 15 minutes of theEmergency Classification declaration. Support as necessary.B. Ensure current classification level is posted in the facility.(WebEOC, whiteboard, placards, etc.)C3. Ensure status boards are updated, as required. Update theclassification/notification board as necessary.2.4 Direct periodic updates to offsite authoritiesB. Ensure the Offsite Communicator obtains the information neededfor "Emergency Notification Form", at the following frequencies:1. 15 minutes for any classification upgrade2. 15 minutes for any PAR change3. In accordance with site specific requirements when one of thefollowing occurs:(a) There has been a release or(b) A significant change in release rates or(c) A significant change in meteorological conditions(d) A significant change in plant conditions(e) Conditions are stable (30, 60, or 120 minutes (JAF-approximately 30 minutes) following the last notification tooffsite agencies).2.5 Assist in the review of Entergy Press ReleasesA. Assist the ED in obtaining accurate information if there is anyquestion regarding the accuracy of a proposed press release priorto approval.B. Ensure changes in classifications and release information isprovided promptly to the Public Information Liaison. ATTACHMENT 9.2 EOF MANAGERSheet 5 of 7Continuous Responsibility/Activity (continued) Notes.2.6 Ensure Offsite Representatives arriving at EOF are briefed.A. IF the Lead Offsite Liaison is not available upon the offsiterepresentatives' arrival at the facility, THEN brief on:1. Emergency events2. Current plant conditions3. Emergency response activities currently underway4. Offsite radiological release status5. Dose assessment and PARs2.7 Assist the ED in periodic facility briefingsA. Coordinate with the ED to schedule the conduct of periodic facilitybriefings.B. Ensure the EQE Technical Advisor and the RadiologicalAssessment Coordinator participates in briefing facility personnelon current plant status and offsite radiological conditionsrespectively.C. Ensure information provided in the briefing is captured andappropriately documented.2.8 KI issuance for Entergy WorkersA. Coordinate with the Radiological Assessment Coordinator thedistribution of KI to EOF staff.2.9 Additional/Long Term Emergency Response SupportA. IF additional resources are needed to support emergency responseTHEN assist, and or direct the Administration and LogisticsCoordinator to assist in obtaining resources.B. Periodically check with the Administration and Logistics Coordinatorto evaluate and discuss future manpower and logistics needs.C. Depending upon the duration of the emergency, ensurearrangements are made by the Administration and LogisticsCoordinator to have food/water delivered. Coordinate thedistribution with the Administration and Logistics Coordinator whennotified of food delivery. Sheet 6 of 7EOF MANAGERATTACHMENT 9.2 EOF MANAGERSheet 6 of 7Continuous ResponsibilitylActivity (continued)NoeA. IF it becomes necessary to evacuate or relocate the EQE, THENassist the ED in transferring duties to other facilities in accordancewith Attachment 9.1 of this procedure.B. Assist the ED in activating the Back-up/Alternate EOF inaccordance with procedure.2.11 ERDS ActivationA. If requested by the Control Room the EQE Manager or the ITSpecialist should activate ER~s in accordance with procedure.3.0 Closeout Activity3.1 Termination to the Recovery PhaseA. Assist the ED in formulation of a recovery plan using Attachment9.16, "Recovery Issues/Strategy Guide" of this procedure.B. Ensure all temporary procedures used and/or developed areproperly documented for use by Recovery Organization so thatnecessary actions can be taken for plant operations.C. Assist the Recovery Staff in collecting information and resources toprovide for long term operation of the site recovery function (e.g.,manpower, food, reference materials, and other logisticalconcerns).0. Ensure the Offsite Communicator notifies the NRC, State andLocals when the event has been terminated and the plant hasentered the Recovery Phase.E. Ensure the EOF Communicator notifies the Control Room, TSCand OSC when the event has been terminated and the plant hasentered the Recovery Phase. ATTACHMENT 9.2 EOF MANAGERSheet 7 of 7Closeout Activity (continued) NotesF. Notify the JIC and Corporate Emergency Center (CEC) when theevent has been terminated and the plant has entered the RecoverYPhase3.2 Direct EO)F personnel to return all equipment to proper storagelocation.3.3 Collect all documentation:A. Direct EQE staff to verify their logs, forms and other documentationis complete.B. Collect all documentation associated with event from the EO)F staffC. Provide all documentation to the EP Manager upon termination ofthe emergency. A'IrACHMENT 9.3Sheet 1 of 3EOF TECHNICAL ADVISOREOF Technical Advisor Name:______________ Date:____1.0 Initial Res ponsibility/Activity Notes1.1 Initial OrientationA. Upon arrival at the EOF:1. Sign in on EP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form I2. Sign in on the EQE staffing board if applicable.3. Obtain the EOF Technical Advisor binder & ID Badge.B. Review plant data electronic displays and any other availablesources to become familiar with current plant status.C. Obtain a briefing from the Emergency Director (ED) or EQEManager on emergency status.1.2 Assume the position of EOF Technical AdvisorA. IF initial activation THEN:1. Contact the TSC and/or Control Room to obtain informationon the status of plant conditions.2. Review current information and recommendations with thethresholds on the EAL Chart and/or procedure.3. Inform the ED and EOF Manager when you are prepared toassume EOF Technical Advisor duties.B. IF relieving another EOF Technical Advisor, THE..N perform a formalturnover with the current Technical Advisor:1. Review the current log.2. Obtain briefing from current EOF Technical Advisor on theemergency and any actions that have been completed or are inprogress.C. Sign in on the EOF Staffing BoardD. Inform the ED and EOF Manager that you are now the EOFTechnical Advisor. Eney ANEMTNUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-609RV2MANUAL REFERENCE PAGE 26 OF 80EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILITY (EOF) OPERATIONSA'I'rACHMENT 9.3 EOF TECHNICAL ADVISORSheet 2 of 3Initial ResponsibilitvlActivity (continued) NotesE. When the EOF is declared operational make announcement on thefacility bridge line, if applicable2.0 Continuous ResponsibilitylActivities2.1 Maintain personnel accountability in the EOFA. IF you are temporarily leaving the work area THEN, inform the EQELog Keeper you are leaving the work area.B. Upon return, obtain a briefing from the EOF Log Keeper on anyevents, which have. occurred while you wereaway.C. If the ED needs to leave the area, assume the role of ED. Upon theED's return, provide a briefing on any events that occurred whilethe ED was away.2.2 Obtain and Monitor Plant DataA. Keep the ED informed of changing conditions that may cause achange in the Emergency Classification.1. In coordination with the EOF Log Keeper, continuously monitorthe inter-facility communications and plant data system andadvise the Emergency Director of major events.2. Review the EAL Charts and procedures in preparation forpossible classification escalation and recommendation ofprotective actions.3. In coordination with the Radiological Assessment Coordinator,continuously compare radiological conditions with the thresholdson the EAL Chart and/or procedure.4. Advise the ED on the following items:(a) Any significant change in the condition of the plant.(b) Any observable trends in plant data.(c) Major Operator actions being undertaken.(d) Any condition which may affect the emergency classification. A'n'ACHMENT 9.3 EOF TECHNICAL ADVISORSheet 3 of 3Continuous ResponsibilitylActivities (continued) Notes5. Provide the Offsite Communicator, in preparation for the Stateand local notifications, the completed, "Emergency NotificationForm" following the ED's approval.B. IF any of the EOF plant data computer systems are not functioningTHEN inform the IT Specialist of malfunctions.C. If Plant Data electronic display becomes unavailable, inform thePublic Information Liaison to have the TSC Communicator fax acompleted EP-2-ALL, Essential Information Form to the EOF.2.3 Assist ED in conduct of briefingsA. Assist the ED in preparations for facility briefings by completing EP-2-ALL, Essential Information Form to support periodic briefs asrequested.B. Assist the ED with summary briefings of plant conditions tO EQEStaff and/or offsite authorities present in the EQE.3.0 Closeout Activity3.1 Termination to the Recovery PhaseA. Assist the ED in formulation of a recovery plan using Attachment9.16, "Recovery Issues/Strategy Guide" of this procedure.3.2 Return all equipment to its proper storage locations.3.3 Review all documentation you maintained during the emergency:A. Ensure ED log, forms and other documentation are complete.B. Verify that all temporary procedures used and/or developed aredocumented for use by Recovery Organization so that necessaryactions can be taken for plant operations.3.4 Provide all logs and records to the EOF Manager upon termination ofthe emergency and entry into the Recovery Phase. ATTACHMENT 9.4 EOF LOG KEEPERSheet I of 3EOF Log Keeper Name:__________________ Date:_____1.0 Initial Responsibilitv1Activityv Notes1.1 Initial OrientationA. Upon arrival at the EQE:1. Sign in on EP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form2. Sign in on the EOF staffing board if applicable.3. Obtain the EOF Log Keeper binder & ID BadgeB. Review plant data electronic displays and any other availablesources to become familiar with current plant status.C. Obtain a briefing from the Emergency Director (ED), EOF Manageror EOF Technical Advisor on emergency status.D. Log into WebEOC. If WebEOC is unavailable, create and maintaina facility log.1.2 Assume the position of EOF Log KeeperA. IF initial activation THEN"1. Inform the Emergency Director when you are prepared to ,.assume EOF Log Keeper duties.B. IF relieving another EOF Log Keeper, THEN perform a formalturnover with the current EOF Log Keeper:1. Review the current Emergency Director log. ,2. Obtain briefing from current EOF Log Keeper on t~heemergency and any actions that have been completed or are inprogress.3. Sign in on EP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form andEOF staffing board if applicable.4. Inform the Emergency Director that you are now the EOF LogKeeper.5. Log into WebEOC. AI~rACHMENT 9.4Sheet 2 of 3EOF LOG KEEPER2.0 Continuous ResponsibilitvlActivities Notes2.1 Maintain personnel accountability in the EOFA. IF you are temporarily leaving the work area THEN, inform EOFTechnical Advisor you are leaving the work area.B. Upon return, obtain a briefing from the EQE Technical Advisor' onany events, which have occurred while you wereaway.2.2 Perform EOF Log Keeper DutiesA.7Assist the Emergency Director and EQE Manager as necessary.B. Periodically review Attachment 9.1, "Emergency Director"' checklistof this procedure to ensure Emergency Director's completion ofrequired steps.C. Prompt the ED to maintain regular briefs.D. Maintain a chronological log of emergency status and EOFactivities on WebEOC. Use EP-3-ALL, Log Sheet Form if WebEOCis not available.E. Display the repair and corrective action team status via WebEOC, ifavailable.F. Provide other clerical functions as needed.2.3 Conduct and support of briefingsCAUTIONBe aware of sensitive information if Security event is in progress -coordinateinformation to be presented at the brief with the Security Coordinator.A. Assist the EOF Technical Advisor in preparations for facilitybriefings, if requested.B. Support the Plant Status/Briefing, if requested.C. Ensure information provided in the briefing is captured and enteredinto WebEOC/facility log. AI-rACHMENT 9.4Sheet 3 of 3EOF LOG KEEPERContinuous Responsibility/Activities (continued) Notes2.4 Distribute Emergency Notification FormsA. Copy and distribute Emergency Notification Forms received fromthe Offsite Communicator to the following:1. Emergency Director2. Radiological Assessment Coordinator3. EQEF Technical Advisor4. EOF Communicator5. Public Information Liaison6. Lead Offsite Liaison7. Offsite agencies located in the EOE.3.0 Closeout Activity3.1 Return all equipment to its proper storage locations.3.2 Review all documentation the EOF Log Keeper maintained duringthe emergency.A. Verify that logs, forms and other documentation are complete.3.3 Provide all logs, forms and records to the EOF Manager upontermination of the emergency and entry into theRecovery Phase. ATTACHMEISheet I off7T9.RADIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT COORDINATORIRadiological Assessment Coordinator:______________ Date:_____1.0 Initial Responsibility/Activity Notes1 .1 Initial OrientationA. Upon arrival at the EOF:1. sign in on EP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form2. Sign in on the EOF staffing board if applicable.3. Obtain the Radiological Assessment Coordinator binder & IDBadge.B. Review status boards, map boards and any other available sourcesto become familiar with current radiological conditions and plantstatus.C. Obtain a briefing from the EOF Manager on emergency statusD. Evaluate onsite andoffsite radiological conditions.1 .2 Assume the position of Radiological Assessment CoordinatorA. IF initial activation THE.N:1. Verify Control Room's initial projections, if applicable.2. Request Protected Area/Onsite Monitoring Team to supportdose assessment, if applicable.3. Review any current protective action recommendations* Offsite (Public)* Onsite (Site personnel)4. Direct the performance of dose projections in accordance withapplicable procedure(s).5. Make initial contact with State Radiological Personnel or localRadiological Personnel if applicable.6. Review any dose calculations (current/projected) performed,onsite/offsite monitoring team results and site evacuationroutes.7. Direct the Offsite Team Coordinator to coordinate monitoringand sampling activities. ATrACHMESheet 2 ofNT9.RADIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT COORDINATOR7____________________________________ NotesInitial ResponsibilitylActivities (continued)Noe8. Review, with the EOF Technical Advisor and EOF Manager,current information and recommendations with-the thresholdson the EAL Chart and/or Procedure.9. Inform the EOF Manager when you are ready to assumeradiological assessment and monitoring responsibilities.10. Advise State Radiological Personnel or local RadiologicalPersonnel (if applicable) when EOF is operational.11. Maintain awareness of dose projections generated by NRC,state(s), local (if applicable), utility models to recognize andunderstand significant differences.B. IF relieving another Radiological Assessment Coordinator, THENperform a formal turnover with the current Radiological AssessmentCoordinator:1. Review the current Radiological Assessment Coordinator Log.2. Obtain briefing from current Radiological AssessmentCoordinator on the emergency and any actions that have beencompleted or are in progress.3. Review Emergency Notification Forms, dose calculations, metdata, monitoring team data4. Sign in on EP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form andEOF staffing board if applicable.5. Inform the EOF Manager that you are now the RadiologicalAssessment Coordinator.2.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activities2.1 Maintain personnel accountability in the EOFA. IF you are temporarily leaving the EOF, THEN, inform the EOFManager you are leaving the area.2.2 Upon return, obtain a briefing from the EOF Manager on any events,which have occurred while you were away.2.3 Maintain a logA. Maintain a log using EP-3-ALL, Log Sheet Form. A'n'ACHMENT 9.5Sheet 3 of 7RADIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT COORDINATORContinuous Responsibility/Activities (continued) Notes1. Log when you assume the duties of the RadiologicalAssessment Coordinator.2. Log significant decisions and important details used to makedecisions (i.e. emergency classification changes and protectiveaction recommendations).3. Log all significant communications with other members ofthe ERO and offsite officials.B. Periodically review log for accuracy.2.4 Establish and maintain habitability in the EOFA. Request RP monitor to perform EOF habitability from the TSCRadiological Coordinator, if applicable.B. Direct periodic habitability surveys for the EOF particularly when arelease is in progress or suspected.1. Ensure habitability approximately once every 60 minutes ormore frequently in conditions warrant.2. IF there is a release, THEN , ensure habitability surveys areperformed immediately and r0otify the Administrative & LogisticCoordinator to place EOF Ventilation/Isolation in service, ifapplicable.C. IF the following conditions exist in the EOF, THEN request the EDto implement restrictions on eating and drinking in the EOE.1. Radiological conditions are unknown.2. Contamination Levels above background.3. Airborne contamination levels above background.D. Set up radiological controls for the EOF.E. Ensure EOF personnel are aware of any restrictions in place. Noteany radiological release that may interfere with personnelmovement outside.1. Advise the TSC Radiological Coordinator of changes inradiological release status.F. IF any of the following conditions exist, THEN request the EDimmediately to consider a planned evacuation of the EOF:1. EOE dose rates > 100 mRem/hr SNUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED 1 EN-EP-609 "RVJM1W T~r/ MANAGEM ENTMANUAL REFERENCE USE PAGE 34 OF 80EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILITY (EOF) OPERATIONSATTACHMENT 9.5 RADIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT COORDINATORSheet 4 of 7Continuous Responsibilitv1Activities (continued) Notes2. EQE Projected doses > 1 Rem TEDE or 5 Remn ODE over a 12hour period3. Airborne concentrations which may result in exceedingoccupational limits for inhalation specified in 10CFR20,Appendix B, Table 1.G. Support dosimetry control and record keeping in accordancewith procedure.H. Establish radiological controls for supplemental and reliefpersonnel responding to the station.I. Recommend emergency exposure limits for EOF personnel andOffsite Monitoring Teams.J. When necessary, request personnel from the TSC RadiologicalCoordinator to support any decontamination.2.5 KI issuance for Entergy Workers associated with the EOFA. Review radiological conditions.B. IF individuals receive or are expected to receive radioiodineuptakes > 5 REM ODE thyroid dose or a General Emergency hasbeen declared, THEN:1. Control the issuance of KI to emergency workers as follows:(a) Discuss issuance of KI with Radiological Coordinator in theTSC.(b) Discuss issuance of KI with offsite agencies present in theEOF(c) Get approval of the ED for issuance of KI.(d) Direct team members to read Patient Package Insert prior totaking KI (EP-8-ALL, KI Instructions/Briefing Form)./(e) Recommend emergency workers to take one KI tablet perday. Refer to site specific procedure for location of KI.(f) Record KI issuance information on KIInstructions/Briefing Form.(g) Notify the Assembly Area Coordinator(s) to issue KI topersonnel in the assembly area, if applicable.B. Evaluate iodine uptakes for persons issued KI, informing contractedmedical representatives of KI issuance. ATTACHMENT 9.5 ASSESSMENT COORDINATOR'Sheet 5 of 7Continuous Responsibility/Activities (continued) Notes2.6 Develop and provide recommendations for classification level changesand PARs based on radiological considerations to the EDA. Assess PARs based on plant conditions, dose projection,meteorological, or environmental measurements.1. Take into consideration previous PARs, if any.B. Re-evaluate PARs when plant conditions, dose projection,meteorological, or environmental measurements change.C3. Continuously compare dose projection and field survey results inaccordance with procedure.D. Evaluate any plant radiological changes.E. In coordination with the EQE Technical Advisor, continuouslycompare conditions with the thresholds on the EAL Chart and/orprocedure.G. Advise ED on the following items:1. Any significant change in the radiological conditions.2. Any observable trends in radiological data.3. Any condition which may affect the emergency classification. IH. When notified by the ED that a radiological release is in progress orexpected evaluate On-site and Off-Site Radiological Conditions inaccordance with procedures.I. Contact State Radiological Personnel or local RadiologicalPersonnel (if applicable) within 30 minutes of issuing a PAR toensure they understand basis.J. Maintain awareness of dose projections generated by NRC,state(s), local (if applicable) and utility models and recognizedifferences.K. Provide overall liaison and coordination of efforts in the area of fieldteam data with State Radiological Personnel or local RadiologicalPersonnel (if applicable).I /tf, NUCLEAR NoN-QuALITY RELATED EN-EP-609 REV. 2Entergy MANAGEMENTMANUAL REFERENCE USE PAGE 36 OF 80EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILITY (EOF) OPERATIONSATTACHMENT 9.5 RADIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT COORDINATORSheet 6 of 7Continuous ResponsibilitylActivities (continued) NotesL. Brief offsite authorities responding to the EOF on radiologicalinformation, if requested by EOE Manager.M. Provide the Offsite Communicator with the information completedon "Emergency Notification Form":1. Release status2. Meteorological conditions3. PARs, if any2.7 Assist ED in conduct of briefingsA. Assist the ED in preparations for facility briefings.B. When directed by the ED, provide summary briefings of radiologicalconditions to EOE Staff and/or offsite authorities present in the EOF.2.8 Coordinate and direct the dose assessment and offsite monitoringefforts.*A. Oversee the activities of your Staff.B. In coordination with the Radiological Coordinator, ensure the HealthPhysics Network (HPN) is staffed when requested by the NRC.1. IF the NRC requests an open, continuous Health PhysicsNetwork (HPN) communications channel, THEN ensure atechnically competent individual is available to continuouslymaintain the HPN phone. Request support from OSC asnecessary.C. Evaluate Offsite Radiological Conditions in accordance withProcedure.D. Provide direction to the Offsite Team in determiningmonitoring and sampling activities of the teams and receive periodicupdates.E. Ensure that the State/Local personnel in the EOE are provided withdose projection information for all Dose Calculations. Provideadditional data as requested by the State/Locals.F. Through the TSC Manager and/or the Radiological Coordinator,ensure that you are kept informed of the latest estimate of theamount of core damage. ATTACHMENT 9.5Sheet 7 of 7RADIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT COORDINATORContinuous ReSponsibilitylActivities (continued) NotesG. Ensure that there is an exchange of field team data with theState/Local lead dose assessment personnel.H. Direct possible predictive and worse-case dose projections, whennecessary.I. Conduct periodic briefings with the Emergency Director and the EOFManager to discuss the status of offsite radiological information andassessments.J. Organize the information and concisely state the latest radiologicalconditions on the status and map boards. As new or additionalinformation becomes available, update the boards.K. If necessary, obtain support from the OSC to assist the EQE ondecontamination activities.3.0 Closeout Activity3.1 Termination to the Recovery PhaseA. Assist the Emergency Director" in formulation of a recovery planusing Attachment 9.16, "Recovery Issues/Strategy Guide" of thisprocedure.3.2 Contact State Radiological Personnel or local Radiological Personnel(if applicable) and inform them that the EOE is deactivated.3.3 Return all equipment to its proper storage locations.3.4 Review all documentation the Radiological Assessment Coordinatormaintained during the emergency.A. Verify that logs, forms and other documentation are complete.3.5 Provide all logs, forms and records to the EOF Manager upontermination of the emergency and entry into theRecovery Phase. Sheet I of 5OFFSITE COMMUNICATORATTACHMENT 9.6 OFFSITE COMMUNICATORSheet I of 5Offsite Communicator Name:_________________ Date:____1.0 Initial Responsibility/Activities Notes1 .1 Initial OrientationA. Upon arrival at the EOF:1. Sign in on EP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form2. Sign in on the EOF staffing board if applicable.3. Obtain the Offsite Communicator binder & ID BadgeB. Review available sources to obtain overall status of emergencysituation.C. Obtain a briefing from the Emergency Director (ED) or EOFManager on emergency status.1.2 Assume the position of Offsite CommunicatorA. IF initial activation THEN:1. Obtain copies of all Emergency Notification Forms that havebeen transmitted prior to EOF activation from Room.2. Ensure communication is available to the states and locals viaprimary or alternate communication methods by conducting atest of the system.3. Call the Control Room to:(a) Determine and record other offsite notifications made.(NRC, Corporate).(b) Determine and record the next time required offsite agenciesnotifications are due. ATTACHMENSheet 2 of5T9.OFFSITE COMMUNICATOR5Initial Res ponsibilitylActivities Notes4. Obtain from the EQE Technical Advisor, RadiologicalAssessment Coordinator and/or EOF Manager the informationneeded for Emergency Notification Form:(a) Time of emergency classification declaration(b) Plant status(c) Release status(d) Meteorological conditions(e) PARs, if any5. Log on to Web EOC.6. Inform the EOF Manager when you are prepared to assumeOffsite Communicator duties.7. Notify the Offsite Agencies when the EOF was declaredoperational by the ED:B. IF relieving another Offsite Communicator, THEN perform a formalturnover with the current Offsite Communicator:1. Review the current Offsite Communicator log.2. Obtain briefing from current Offsite Communicator on theemergency and any notifications or actions that have beencompleted or are in progress.(a) Review all Emergency Notification Forms that have beentransmitted prior to your arrival.(b) Determine and record the next time required notificationsare due..(c) Sign in on EP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-In/Accountability Formand EQE staffing board if applicable.(d) Log on to Web EOC.3. Inform the EOF Manager that you are now the OffsiteCommunicator. ATTACHMEN~Sheet 3 of5T9.OFFSITE COMMUNICATOR52.0 Continuous ResponsibilitvlActivities Notes2.1 Maintain personnel accountability in the EQEA. IF you are temporarily leaving the work area, THEN inform ,the EQEManager you are leaving the work area.B. Upon return, obtain a briefing from the EQE Manager on anyevents, which have occurred while you were away.2.2 Maintain LogA. Maintain log using EP-3-ALL, Log Sheet Form for recording eventsand decisions.1. Log when you assumed the duties of the Offsite Communicator(and EQE activation, if not previously done).2. Log time of offsite agencies notifications and time for nextnotifications.3. Log all significant communications with other offsite officials.2.3 Initial Notification of. Emergency Classification and/or PARs to OffsiteAgenciesCAUTIONState/locals notifications MUST be initiated within 15 minutes of emergencyclassification declaration.A. Coordinate with the EOF Technical Advisor, RadiologicalAssessment Coordinator and/or EOF Manager to obtain theinformation needed to complete Emergency Notification Form:1. Time of emergency classification declaration2. Plant status3. Release status per the Note above,4. Meteorological conditions5. PARsB. Acquire Emergency Notification Form.C. Input the required data and review form for accuracy. ATTACHMENT 9.6OFFSITE COMMUNICATORATTACHMENT 9.6 OFFSITE COMMUNICATORSheet 4 of 5Continuous Responsibility/Activities (continued) NotesD. If not already accomplished, ensure the completed EmergencyNotification Form has been reviewed and approved by the ED (The*EDs approval is non-delegable).E. IF computer generated Emergency Notification Form is unavailable,THEN manually complete Emergency Notification Form.F. Using the Primary or alternate notification method, transmit theEmergency Notification Form to offsite agencies, within 15 minutesof the Emergency Classification declaration, in accordance withprocedure.G. Verify offsite agencies received and understood the emergencynotification.H. Provide a copy of transmitted Emergency Notification Forms to theEOF Log Keeper for distribution to appropriate personnel in theEOF including offsite agencies.I. Report to the Emergency Director, EOF Manager and PublicInformation Liaison when transmittal is complete.J. Maintain records of all notifications and communications.2.4 Periodic updates to offsite agenciesA. Ensure the Offsite Communicator obtains the information neededfor "Emergency Notification Form", at the following frequencies:1. 15 minutes for any classification upgrade2. 15 minutes for any PAR change3. In accordance with site specific requirements when one of thefollowing occurs:(a) There has been a release or.(b) A significant change in release rates or(c) A significant change in meteorological conditions(d) A significant change in plant conditions j MNGETNUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-609 REV. 2___________JMANUAL REFERENCE USE PAGE 42 OF 80EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILITY (EOF) OPERATIONSATTACHMENT 9.6 0OFFSITE COMMUNICATORSheet 5 of 5Continuous Responsibility/Activities (continued) Notes(e) Conditions are stable (30, 60, or 120 minutes (JAF- Iapproximately 30 minutes) following the last notification tooffsite agencies).B. IF computer generated Emergency Notification Form is unavailable,THEN manually complete Emergency Notification Form.*C. When periodic updates are required, refer back to Step 2.3.D. IF other plant events are occurring that do not require an upgradeto the emergency classification, THEN provide that information inthe remarks section.E. IF it becomes necessary to relocate or evacuate the EQE to a Ibackup or alternate facility, THEN provide that information in theremarks section.3.0 Closeout Activity3.1 Complete notifications for entry to Recovery using Emergency NotificationForm.3.1 Return all equipment to its proper storage locations.3.2 Review all the Offsite Communicator maintained duringthe emergency.A. Verify that Jogs, forms and other documentation are complete. 3.3 Provide all logs, forms and records to the EOF Manager upontermination of the emergency and entry into theRecovery Phase./ ATTACHMENT 9.7Sheet I of 3PUBLIC INFORMATION LIAISONPublic Information Liaison Name:_______________ Date:_____1.0 Initial Responsibilitv/Activitv Notes1 .1 Initial OrientationA. Upon arrival at the EQE:1. Sign in on EP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form2. Sign in on the EQE staffing board if applicable.3. Obtain the Public Information Liaison binder & ID BadgeB. Review any available sources of plant information to obtain overallstatus of emergency situation.C. Obtain a briefing from the Emergency Director (ED) or EOFManager on emergency status.D. Log into WebEOC.1 .2 Assume the Position of Public Information LiaisonA. IF initial activation THEN:1. Test the EOF PA system if applicable.2. In coordination with the EOF Manager, synchronize clocks inthe EOF with Control Room time.3. Notify the ED of any time discrepancies between Plant DataSystem and the Control Room times.4. When the EOF has been declared operational (obtain from theED), make the following announcement over the EOF PAsystem "The EOF was activated at ___hrs. The time is now____hrs, please synchronize clocks in your area."5. Inform the EOF Manager when you are prepared to assume thePublic Information Liaison duties. ATrACHMENT 9.7 PUBLIC INFORMATION LIAISONSheet 2 of 3Initial Responsibility/Activity NotesB. IF relieving another Public Information Liaison in the EOF THENperform a formal turnover with the current Public InformationLiaison.1. Obtain briefing from current Public Information Liaison on theemergency and any notifications or actions that have beencompleted or are in progress.(a) Review all Emergency Notification Forms that have beentransmitted prior to your arrival.2. Sign in on EP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form andEOF staffing board if applicable.3. Inform the ED that you are now the Public Information Liaison.2.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activity2.1 Maintain personnel accountability in the EOFA. IF you are temporarily leaving the work area, THEN inform the EOFManager you are leaving the work area.B. Upon return, obtain a briefing from the EOF Manager on anyevents, which have occurred while you were away.2.2 Perform Public Information Liaison DutiesA. Assist in the preparation of press releases by keeping the JICTechnical Advisor and Press Release Writer updated on the event.B. Immediately notify the Company Spokesperson of any classificationupgrades or changes in radiological release.C. Make EOF announcements as directed by the ED.2.3 Review and approve/concur Entergy press releasesA. Obtain draft press releases (may be done via WebEOC) from theJIC, provide a review of the information to check for key points andprovide to ED for review and approval. A'IrACHMENT 9.7 PUBLIC INFORMATION Sheet 3 of 3Continuous Responsibil ity/Activity NotesB. Obtain ED signature on final press releases.C. Notify the JIC Press Release Writer or Information Coordinator ofany necessary revisions to the press release and/for ED's approval.D. Provide a copy of the approved press releases to the JIC andoffsite agencies (state, local, NRC, etc.) in the EOF. Keep theoriginal press releases.3.0 Closeout Activity3.1 Return all equipment to its proper storage locations.3.2 Review all documentation the Public Information Liaison maintainedduring the emergency.A. Verify that logs, forms and other documentation are complete.3.3 Provide all logs, forms and records to the EOF Manager upontermination of the emergency and entry into theRecovery Phase. ATTACHMESheet I CofT 9.LEAD OFFSITE LIAISON,f 4Lead Offsite Liaison Name:_________________ Date:____1.0 Initial Responsibility1Activity Notes1.1 Initial OrientationA. Upon arrival at the EQE:1. Sign in on EP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form2. Sign in on the EOF staffing board if applicable.3. Obtain the Lead Offsite Liaison binder & ID BadgeB. Review any available sources to obtain overall status of emergencysituation.C. Obtain a briefing from the Emergency Director (ED) or EOFManager on emergency status.D. IF Emergency Notification Form has been generated in the EOF,THEN obtain copies of all the forms and provide to the State/LocalAgencies in the EOF.1.2 Assume the Position of Lead Offsite LiaisonA. IF initial activation THEN:1. Inform the EOF Manager when you are prepared to assume theLead Offsite Liaison duties.B. Notify the Offsite Communicator when State EOCs are staffed.C. Ensure that the offsite agencies (state, local, NRC, etc.) at the EOFare updated on the status of the emergency upon arrival at the EOFusing EP-1 3-ALL, NRC Briefing Form.D. IF relieving another Lead Offsite Liaison in the EOF THEN performa formal turnover with the current Lead Offsite Liaison.1. Obtain briefing from current Lead Offsite Liaison on theemergency and any notifications or actions that have beencompleted or are in progress.(a) Review all Emergency Classification and PARNotification/Upgrade Forms that have been transmitted priorto your arrival. ATTACHMENT 9.8 LEAD OFFSITE LIAISONSheet 2 of 4Initial Resp~onsibilitvIActivitv (continued) Notes2. Sign in on EP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form andEOF staffing board if applicable.3. Inform the EOF Manager that you are now the Lead OffsiteLiaison.2.0 Continuous Res ponsibility/Activity2.1 Maintain personnel accountability in the EOFA. IF you are temporarily leaving the work area, THEN inform the EOFManager you are leaving the work area.B. Upon return, obtain a briefing from the EOF Manager on anyevents, which have occurred while you were away.2.2 Ensure offsite agencies (state, local, NRC, etc.) in the EOF are keptinformedA. Provide initial briefings as offsite agencies (state, local, NRC, etc.)arrive at the EOF:1. Offsite radiological release status via Radiological AssessmentCoordinator2. Dose assessment and PARs via Radiological AssessmentCoordinatorB. Ensure that the offsite agencies (state, local, NRC, etc.) in the EOFare updated on the status of the emergency periodically.C. Provide additional information, if requested, on each significantchange in:1. Plant parameters2. Emergency classification escalations or de-escalations3. PAR recommendations4. Dose ProjectionsD. Ensure offsite agencies (state, local, NRC, etc.) in the EOF areaware of briefings.E. Respond to offsite agencies (state, local, NRC, etc.) in the EOFquestions. ATTACHMENT 9.8 LEAD OFFSITE LIAISONSheet 3 of 4Continuous Responsibility/Activity (continued) ,-NotesF. IF it becomes necessary to relocate or evacuate the EQE to abackup or alternate facility, THEN notify the offsite agencies (state,Ilocal, NRC, etc.) in the EQE of the relocation.G. Provide feedback to the ED directly or via the EOF TechnicalAdvisor regarding:1. Offsite agencies (state, local, NRC, etc.) questions andconcerns.2. State's or local's (if applicable) protective action directives.2.3 Ensure Offsite Liaisons are kept informedA. Provide initial briefings as Offsite Liaisons arrive at their locationsvia conference bridge line or another communications method:1. Emergency events2. Current plant conditions3. Emergency response activities currently underway4. Offsite radiological release status5. PARsB. Provide periodic briefings on the status of the emergency to OffsiteLiaisons via conference bridge line or another communicationsmethod.C. Provide additional information on each significant change in:1. Plant parameters2. Emergency classification escalations or de-escalations3. PAR recommendationsD. Respond to Offsite Liaisons' questions.E. IF it becomes necessary to relocate or evacuate the EOF to abackup or alternate facility, THEN notify the Offsite Liaisons of therelocation.3.0 Closeout Activity3.1 Termination to the Recovery Phase A'IrACHMENT 9.8 LEAD OFFSITE LIAISONSheet 4 of 4Closeout Activity (continued) NotesA. IF conditions warrant de-escalation to a recovery phase, THEN,facilitate a discussion between the ED and the State/Local/NRCrepresentatives at the EOF.3.2 Return all equipment to its proper storage locations.3.3 Review all documentation the Lead Offsite Liaison maintained duringthe emergency.A. Verify that logs, forms and other documentation are complete.3.4 Provide all logs, forms and records to the EOF Manager upontermination of the emergency and entry into theRecovery Phase. ATTACHMENT 9.9Sheet 1 of 4OFFSITE TEAM COORDINATOROffsite Team Coordinator Name:_______________ Date:____1.0 Initial Responsibility/Activitv Notes1.1 Initial OrientationA. Upon arrival at the EOF:1. Sign in on EP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form2. Sign in on the EOF staffing board if applicable.3. Obtain the Offsite Team Coordinator binder & ID BadgeB. Review status boards, map boards and any other availablesources to become familiar with current radiological conditions andplant status to develop a plume tracking strategy.C. Obtain a briefing from the Radiological Assessment Coordinator onemergency status.1. Review On-site!/Site Boundary team and Off-Site team data.2. Request any additional information on current status ofemergency response.D. Obtain and review field team data.E. Perform communication check (radio, telephone, etc.) check withOffsite Monitoring Teams.F. Obtain phone numbers for OMT cell/satellite phones (if applicable).1.2 Assume the position of Offsite Team CoordinatorA. IF initial activation THEN:1. As directed by the Radiological Assessment Coordinator, DirectOffsite Monitoring Teams in accordance with RadiologicalMonitoring procedure.2. When communications has been established with the Off-SiteTeams, inform the Radiological Assessment Coordinator thatyou are ready to assume the dispatching and tracking of themonitoring teams.3. Ensure that the EPZ map posted in the EOF indicates teamlocation and correct wind direction. I NON-QUALr'Y RELATED I N-EP609I1I EV. 2MANUAL REFERENCE USE PAGE 51 OF 80EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILITY (EOF) OPERATIONSA'IrACHMENT 9.9 OFFSITE TEAM COORDINATORSheet 2 of 4Initial Responsibility/Activities '(continued) Notes4. Log on to WebEOC and access the Rad Monitoring Field TeamData Board.5. Inform the Radiological Assessment Coordinator and Off-siteMonitoring Teams that you have assumed the responsibility ofdirection and coordination of the teams.B. IF relieving another Offsite Team Coordinator, THEN perform aformal turnover with the current Offsite Team Coordinator:1. Obtain briefing from current Offsite Team Coordinator on theemergency and any actions that have been completed or are inprogress.2. Upon arrival at the EOF, sign in on EP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form and EOF staffing board if applicable.3. Log on to WebE:OC using and access the Rad Monitoring FieldTeam Data Board.(a) IF WebEOC is unavailable, THEN use EP-3-ALL, Log SheetForm to record data.4. Inform the Radiological Assessment Coordinator and Off-siteTeams that you are now the Offsite Team Coordinator.2.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activities2.1 Maintain LogA. Maintain a log using WebEOC or EP-3-ALL, Log Sheet Form.1. Log when you assume the duties of the Offsite TeamCoordinator (and EOF activation, if not previously done).2. Log communications with OMT to include dose /air samplesurvey results, dosimeter reading, etc.3. Log significant events not captured on WebEOC (i.e. timescontact of field teams and purpose of contact, coordination withState/Local teams, etc.).4. Log all significant communications with other members of theERO and offsite agency officials.B. Periodically review log for accuracy. ATT-ACHMENT 9.9 OFFSlTE TEAM COORDINATORSheet 3 of 4Continuous Responsibility/Activities Notes2.2 Maintain personnel accountability in the EOFA. IF you are temporarily leaving the EQE, THEN inform theRadiological Assessment Coordinator you are leaving the area.B. Upon return, obtain a briefing from the Radiological AssessmentCoordinator on any events, which have occurred while you wereaway.2.3 Transmit information to the Off-Site Monitoring TeamsA. In the event that messages of a routine nature are occupying theradio channel and it is necessary to transmit an urgent message,depress the microphone button and announce "Break, Break,Break -Urgent Message." When the channel is cleared of traffic,proceed with the urgent message.B. Get direction from the Radiological Assessment Coordinator onteam dispatching and log in WebEOC or use EP-3-ALL, Log SheetForm.C. When directed by the Radiological Assessment Coordinator,inform all Off-Site Monitoring team personnel of their exposurelimits and authorization to ingest KI. -D. When directed by the Radiological Assessment Coordinator, briefthe Off-Site Monitoring Teams on their exposure limits, plantconditions and meteorology (wind direction, wind speed andstability class) Using the proper procedures.E. Periodically inform, Off-Site Monitoring Teams of major changes inemergency status:1. Changes in emergency classification.2. Start or stop of any offsite releases of radioactive materials.F. Continue to perform steps as directed by the RadiologicalAssessment Coordinator and procedure guidance.1. Notify/Advise Radiological Assessment Coordinator ofsignificant potential events or non-conservatism.2. Input air sample data into WebEOC. ATFACH-MENT 9.9Sheet 4 of 4OFFSITE TEAM COORDINATORContinuous ResponsibilitylActivities (continued) Notes(a) IF WebEOC is unavailable, THEN use EP-3-ALL, Log SheetForm to record air sample data.3. Log all surveys and provide to the Dose Assessor.4. Request support from the Radiological AssessmentCoordinator, as needed.G. Continuously exchange field team data with the States' or local's(if applicable) lead dose assessment personnel and DoseAssessor.H. Investigate other radiological concerns as requested by theRadiological Assessment Coordinator.I. Continue plume tracking in accordance with procedures until theRadiological Assessment Coordinator determines surveys andsampling is no longer necessary.3.0 Closeout Activity3.1 Direct On-site and Off-Site Monitoring Teams to return to site3.2 Direct and assist staff in returning all equipment to its proper storagelocations.3.3 Review all documentation Offsite team Coordinator and staffmaintained during the emergency.A. Verify that logs, forms and other documentation are complete.3.4 Provide all logs, forms and records to the Radiological AssessmentCoordinator upon termination of the emergency and entry into theRecovery Phase. ATTACHMENT 9.10 ADMINISTRATION AND LOGISTICS COORDINATORSheet 1 of 4Administration & Logistics Coordinator Name:__________ Datq1.0 Initial Responsibility/Activity1 .1 Initial Orientation.A. Upon arrival at the EOF:1. Sign in on EP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form2. Sign in on the EOF staffing board if applicable.3. Obtain the Administration and Logistics Coordinator binder &ID BadgeB. Review any available sources to obtain overall status of emergencysituation.C. Obtain a briefing from the EOF Manager on emergency status.1.2 Establish Access Control for the EOFA. Man the EOF main access point, if applicable, until Security orother designated personnel arrive. If a breath test is required due tofitness for duty concern, then Security must be contacted.B. Ensure EOF is secure by closing and locking doors as necessary.1.3 Assume the position of Administration and Logistics CoordinatorA. IF initial activation THEN:1. Review any outstanding requests.2. Report to the EOF Manager when prepared to assume the.Administration and Logistics Coordinator position.B. IF relieving another Administration and Logistics Coordinator,THEN perform a formal turnover with the current Administration andLogistics Coordinator:1. Review the Administration and Logistics Coordinator log.2. Obtain briefing from current Administration and LogisticsCoordinator on the emergency and any actions they havecompleted or are in progress.3. Sign in on EP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form andEOF staffing board if applicable.Notes MNGMNNUCLEAR NONj-QUALrY RELATED EN-EP-609 REV. 2~Etry MANUAL REFERENCE USE PAGE 55 OF 80EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILITY (EOF) OPERATIONSATT-ACHMENT 9.10 ADMINISTRATION AND LOGISTICS COORDINATORSheet 2 of 4Initial Responsibility/Activity (continued) Notes4. Ensure you have an understanding of any outstanding requestfor outside support or materials.Inform the EOF Manager that you are now the Administration andLogistics Coordinator.2.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activities2.1 Maintain personnel accountability in the EQEA. IF you are temporarily leaving the work area, THEN inform the EOFManager you are leaving the work area.B. Upon return, obtain a briefing from the EQE Manager on anyevents, which have occurred while you were away.2.2 Maintain a LogA. Maintain a log using EP-3-ALL, Log Sheet Form.1. Log when you assume the duties of the Administration andLogistics Coordinator (and EQE activation if not previouslydone).2. Log all significant tasks and requests.B. Periodically review log for accuracy.2.3 Prepare/support the Emergency Response Organization for resourceassistance:A. Determine initial staff by obtaining rosters from the EOF, TSC, OSCand JIC Manager's. Record on Attachment 9.17, "Shift and ReliefPlanning Worksheet".B. Determine available manpower:1. Ask ED what team (color, letter or number) will become reliefshift, in case a relief shift may be needed. Record onAttachment 9.17, "Shift and Relief Planning Worksheet".C. IF additional resources are needed to support emergencyresponse, THEN obtain resources via Emergency TelephoneBook/Directory. L NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-609 REV. 2MANAGEMENT~ntiy MANUAL J REFERENCE USE PAGE 56 OF 80EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILITY (EOF) OPERATIONSA'n'ACHMENT 9.10 'ADMINISTRATION AND LOGISTICS COORDINATORSheet 3 of 4Continuous Responsibilitv1Activities (continued) NotesD. Coordinate requests and expedite any urgent requests asappropriate.E. If offsite support (i.e. technical support, emergency responseequipment, offsite resources, etc.) is needed, coordinate directlywith other Entergy stations or industry sources of offsite support(i.e., INPO or other unaffected nuclear siteS) to locate and obtainthe needed support. The Corporate Emergency Center, if activated,may be able to assist with the coordination of offsite support.1. Act as Single Point of Contact in accordance with the SAFERResponse Plan.F. Manage logistics for supporting the onsite and offsite emergencyresponse such as additional support personnel or equipment,meals, lodging, etc.G. Conduct procurement activities under standard procedures to themaximum extent possible.H. Work with appropriate administrative units to negotiate rental ratesnot already established or purchase price with vendors as required.I.Periodically check with the EOF Manager, TSC Manager, ShiftManager, JIC Manager and OSC Manager to evaluate and discussfuture manpower and logistics needs. Numbers can be found viathe Emergency Telephone Book!/Directory.2.4 Long Term Emergency Response SupportA. Depending upon the duration of the emergency, ensurearrangements are made to have food/water delivered to allemergency response facilities (Control Room/OSC/TSC/EOF/JIC).Coordinate the delivery and distribution of supplies with EOFManager, TSC Manager, Shift Manager, JIC Manager and OSCManager.B. Arrange lodging for emergency workers if their homes are inevacuated areas.C. Depending upon the anticipated duration of the emergency,prepare relief schedules. The guidance listed in Attachment 9.20,"ERO Staffing for Long Duration Events" may be used indeveloping the relief schedules. SNUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-609 REV. 2122 MANAGEMENTMANUAL REFERENCE USE PAGE 57 OF 80EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILITY (EOF) OPERATIONSATTACHMENT 9.10 ADMINISTRATION AND LOGISTICS COORDINATORSheet 4 of 4Continuous Responsibility/Activities (continued) Notes1. Once agreement is obtained on the relief schedule:(a) Notify the Emergency Director.(b) Fax completed Attachment 9.20, "ERO Staffing for LongDuration E~vents" to the EOF Manager, TSC Manager, ShiftManager, JIC Manager and OSC Manager.(c) Coordinate implementation of the relief schedule.2. Ensure the relief staff is notified of any special routing tofacilities. Need for special routing can be obtained bydiscussing with the Radiological Assessment Coordinator.D. Support EQE Isolation (if applicable) in accordance with sitespecific performance aid.3.0 Closeout Activity3.1 Return all equipment to its proper storage locations.3.2 Review all documentation the Administration and Logistics Coordinatormaintained during the emergency.A. Verify that logs, forms and other documentation are complete.3.3 Provide all logs, forms and records to the E=OF Manager upontermination of the emergency and entry into the Recovery Phase. SNUCLEAR NoN-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-609 REV. 2En MANAGEMENTMANUAL REFERENCE USE PAGE 58 OF 80EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILITY (EOF) OPERATIONS "A1T-ACHMENT 9.11 IT SPECIALISTSheet 1 of 3IF th iT pecilistNOTEIF heIT peialstis staffed in the EOF versus the TSC, THEN this checklist isSapplicable.IT Specialist Name:_______1.0 Initial Responsibility/ActivityDate:____Notes1.1 Initial Orientation.A. Upon arrival at the EOF:1. Sign in on EP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form.2. Sign in on the EOF staffing board.3. Obtain the IT Specialist Binder & ID Badge.1.2 Assume the position of IT Specialist.A. IF the EOF has NOT been declared operational, THEN:1. Report readiness status to the EOF Manager when prepared toassume the IT Specialist position.B. IF relieving another IT Specialist, THEN perform a formal turnoverwith the current IT Specialist:1. Obtain the IT Specialist's position binder and review anydocuments used.2. Review facility log.3. Obtain a briefing from the acting IT Specialist on the emergency,plant conditions and any actions that have been completed or arein progress.4. Relieve the current IT Specialist.C. Inform EOF Manager and staff that you are now the IT Specialist.NOTE:ERDS is not functional in the Simulator for a Drill.D. Emergency Response Data System (ERDS) SEtry NUCLEAR NON-QUAUTY RELATED EN-EP-609 I REV. 2+/-ifltij~y MANAGEMENTMANUAL REFERENCE USE PAGE 59 OF 80__ EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILITY (EOF) OPERATIONSATi-ACHMENT 9.11 IT SPECIALISTSheet 2 of 3Initial Responsibility/Activity (continued) Notes1. IF not previously performed, THEN verify EROS is activatedwithin one (1) hour of declared emergency at ALERT OR higherclassification. Refer to EN-EP-31 1.E. Support the setting up the EQE electronic displays.2.0 Res ponsibilitylActivity2.1 Maintain personnel accountability in the EOE.A. IF you leave the area, THEN:1. Inform the EOF Manager of destination and expected return.2. Inform the EOF Manager of return.(a) Upon return, obtain a briefing on any events that haveoccurred while away.2.2 Maintain a log.A. Maintain log using EP-3-ALL, Log Sheet Form for recording eventsand decisions.1. Log when you assumed the duties of the IT Specialist.2. Log significant communications with ERO members.3. Log major decisions and actions and any important details.2.3 Assist the EQE personnel in obtaining plant data from the various EQEComputer systems.2.4 Ensure computer displays continue to operate properly.A. Monitor facility equipment (computer related and communications)to ensure adequate operationB. Resolve any IT related malfunctionsC. Verify or perform ERDS activation, as requested.D. Assist with issues related to WebEOC, if available S ter NUCLEAR NON-QUALTY RELATED EN-EP-609 REV. 2Enlergy MANAGEMENTMANUAL REFERENCE USE PAGE 60 OF 80EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILITY (EOF) OPERATIONSATrACHMENT 9.11 IT SPECIALISTSheet 3 of 33.0 Closeout Activity Notes3.1 Assist EQE personnel in returning all equipment to proper storagelocations:A. Log off P~s.B. Turn off or dim computer display systems.3.2 Provide all logs and records to the EQE Manager upon termination ofthe emergency and entry into the Recovery Phase. A'I-ACHMENT 9.12Sheet 1 of 3DOSE ASSESSORDose Assessor Name:____________________ Date:_____1.0 Initial Responsibility/Activity Notes1.1 Initial OrientationA. Upon arrival at the EQE:1. Sign in on EP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form2. Sign in on the EOF staffing board if applicable.3. Obtain the Dose Assessor binder & ID BadgeB. Review status boards, map boards and any other available sourcesto become familiar with current radiological conditions and plantstatus.C. Obtain a briefing from the Radiological Assessment Coordinator onemergency status.D. Obtain Field Survey information from Field Team Coordinator andperform dose calculations.1.2 Assume the position of Dose AssessorA. IF initial activation THEN:1. Log into the Dose Calc program and verify printer operation.(a) If the printer or Dose Calc computer is not working properlycontact the IT Specialist for assistance.2. Inform the Radiological Assessment Coordinator when you areready to assume Dose Assessor responsibilities.B. IF relieving another Dose Assessor THEN perform a formalturnover with the current Dose Assessor.1. Obtain briefing from current Dose Assessor on theemergency and any actions that have been completed or are inprogress.2. Verify current dose projections.3. Sign in on EP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form andEOF staffing board if applicable o :n"'- MNGMNNUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-609 REV. 2MANUAL REFERENCE USE PAGE 62 OF 80EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILITY (EOF) OPERATIONSATTACHMENT 9.12 DOSE ASSESSORSheet 2 of 3Initial Responsibility/Activitv (continued) Notes4. Inform the Radiological Assessment Coordinator that you arenow the Dose Assessor.2.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activities2.1 Maintain personnel accountability in the EOFA. IF you are temporarily leaving the EQE, THEN inform theRadiological Assessment Coordinator you are leaving the area.B. Upon return, obtain a briefing from the Radiological AssessmentCoordinator and/or other Dose Assessor on any events, which haveoccurred while you were away.2.2 Monitor Radiological Release Rates and Perform Dose AssessmentCalculationsA. When directed by the Radiological Assessment Coordinator,perform a base line dose projection based on current readings inaccordance with Radiological Assessment procedure.B. When directed by the Radiological Assessment Coordinator,perform "what if' dose projections out to 10 miles. Ensure this islabeled "what if "on the data sheet.C. Ensure "what if "calculations are provided to the State(s) or local (ifapplicable) Dose Assessment personnel.D. Notify the Radiological Assessment Coordinator immediately of anychange in release status as a result of:1. Monitoring Plant Effluent Monitors for changes in ReleaseRates.2. Monitoring of meteorological data for changes, which may affectoffsite dose projections, Emergency Classification or ProtectiveAction Recommendations.3. Updated field team surveys. Eney ANA METUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-609 REV. 2MANUAL REFERENCE USE PAGE 63 OF 80EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILITY (EOF) OPERATIONSATrACHMENT 9.12 DOSE ASSESSORSheet 3 of 3Continuous Responsibility/Activities (continued) NotesNOTES1. Protective Action Recommendations (PARs) shall only be made at the GeneralEmergency Classification.2. Any change of PAR must be transmitted to offsite agencies within 15 minutes.E. Assist the Radiological Assessment Coordinator with thedevelopment of PrOtective Action Recommendations.F. IF there is a change in any parameter, THEN recalculate doseprojections using Dose Assessment software and RadiologicalAssessment procedure and report results to the RadiologicalAssessment Coordinator immediately.G. Ensure each dose calculation is provided to the State or local (ifapplicable) Dose Assessment personnel after approval byRadiological Assessment Coordinator. Provide additionalinformation as requested by the offsite.H. As new or additional information becomes available, update statusand map boards.I. Continue performing dose projections in accordance with theactions listed in Radiological Assessment procedure.3.0 Closeout Activity3.1 Return all equipment to its proper storage locations.3.2 Review all documentation the Dose Assessor maintained during theemergency.A. Verify that logs, forms and other documentation are complete.3.3 Provide all logs, forms and records to the Radiological AssessmentCoordinator upon termination of the emergency and entry into theRecovery Phase. SEtry MNGMNNUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-609 REV. 2MANUAL REFERENCE USE PAGE 64 OF 80EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILITY (EOF) OPERATIONSATTACHMENT 9.13 OFFSITE LIAISONSheet I of 2Lead Offsite Liaison Name:__________________ Date:______Offsite Liaison Name:___________________ Date:_______1.0 Initial Responsibility/Activity ,Notes1.1 Initial OrientationA. Upon notification bf an event, report to your assigned offsite EQOCwithout delay.B. Ensure you are wearing your Entergy ID Badge.1.2 Upon arrival to your designated location:A. Sign in on the staffing board or equivalent.1. Review status boards, map boards and any other availablesources to become familiar with current radiological conditionsand plant status.2. Obtain a briefing from the individual in charge of the EOCfacility.3. Contact the Lead Offsite Liaison in the EOF to receive anupdate on the event.B. Assume the position of Offsite Liaison.1. IF initial activation THEN:(a) Inform the Lead Offsite Liaison when you are ready toassume Offsite Liaison responsibilities.2. IF relieving another Offsite Liaison, THEN perform a formalturnover with the current Offsite Liaison.(a) Obtain briefing from current Offsite Liaison on theemergency and any actions the have been completed or arein progress.S (b) Inform the Lead Offsite Liaison that you are now the OffsiteLiaison. ATTACHMENT 9.13Sheet 2 of 2OFFSITE LIAISON2.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activities Notes2.1 Perform Offsite Liaison DutiesA. Obtain plant information form Lead Offsite Liaison and ensure theoffsite agencies located in the EQOC are briefed on the plantconditions and the status of the emergency.B. Assist State/Local personnel by interpreting information/data, ifavailable/necessary, use the NRC-ERDS and any other computersystems used for radiological assessment.C. Provide clarification/information (not direction) to questions aboutinformation they are receiving from their representatives at the site.D. Assist State/local personnel in performing their duties by helping toanalyze information in engineering, operations, and radiologicalassessment areas.2.2 Maintain personal accountability.A. IF you are temporarily leaving the facility, THEN inform the EOCrepresentatives and the EOF Lead Offsite Liaison you are leavingthe area.1. Upon return, obtain a briefing from the Lead Offsite Liaisonand/or State/Local EOC representative on any events, whichhave occurred while you were away.3.0 Closeout Activity3.1 Return all equipment to proper storage locations.3.2 Review all documentation maintained during the emergency.A. Verify that logs, forms and other documentation are complete.3.3 Provide all forms and records obtained from your facility to the EOFManager upon termination of the emergency and entry into theRecovery Phase. A'I-ACHMENT 9.14 EOF COMMUNICATORSheet 1 of 2EOF Communicator Name:_______________ Date:_____1.0 Initial Res ponsibilitylActivity Notes1 .1 Initial OrientationA. Upon arrival at the EQE:1. Sign in on EP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form2. Sign in on the EOF staffing board if applicable.3. Obtain the EOF Communicator binder & ID BadgeB. Review any available sources to obtain overall status of emergencysituation.C. Obtain a briefing from the Emergency Director (ED) or EOFManager on emergency status.1.2 Assume the position of EOF CommunicatorA. IF initial activation THEN:1. Inform the EOF Manager that you have assumed the position EOF Communicator. ,B. IF relieving another EOF Communicator, THE.N perform a formalturnover with the current EOF Communicator.1. Obtain a briefing from the current FOF Communicator on theemergency and any actions that have been completed or are inprogress.2. Sign in on EP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form andEOF staffing board if applicable.3. Inform the EOF Manager that you have assumed the position ofEOF Communicator.2.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activity2.1 Maintain personnel accountability in the EOFA. IF you are temporarily leaving the work area, THEN inform theEOF Manager you are leaving the work area.B. Upon return, obtain a briefing from the EOF Manager on anyevents, which have occurred while you were away. ________JMANUAL REFERENCE USE PAGE 67 OF 80EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILITY (EOF) OPERATIONSATTACHMENT 9.14 EOF COMMUNICATORSheet 2 of 2Continuous Responsibility/Activity (continued)Notes2.2 Perform EOF Communicator DutiesA. Transmit and receive information from onsite ERF's as necessary.B. Ensure EOF is notified of information received of significantchanges in plant conditions (e.g., start of a release, LOCA, EALconditions) received over the inter-facility communications.C. Monitor inter-facility communications and document information inWebEOC or on EP-3-ALL, Log Sheet Form.D. Assist the EOF Manager with other non-regulatory notifications orcommunications.3.0 Closeout Activity3.1 Return all equipment to its proper storage locations.3.2 Review all documentation EOE Communicator maintained during theemergency.A. Verify that logs, forms and other documentation are complete.3.3 Provide all logs, forms and records to the EOF Manager upontermination of the emergency and entry into the Recovery Phase. A'T-ACHMENT 9.15 EVENT TERMINATION CHECKLISTSheet I of 1INSTRUCTION:This checklist may be used by the Emergency Director to evaluate a decision to terminate anexisting emergency condition. All criteria shall be met.This checklist, completed and signed by the Emergency Director, is a prerequisite forinitiation of the Recovery Organization.CRITERIA CRITERIA MET (Initials)1. The plant is in a stable configuration with adequate _____core cooling.2. In-plant radiation levels are stable or decreasing with time. _____3. The release of radioactive material to the environment is _____controlled and there is no significant potential for additionaluncontrolled release.4. Fires are extinguished; flooding conditions and any other site______damage is under control.5. All vital areas requiring occupancy are habitable.______6. All safety systems necessary to maintain the plant in a stable ______configuration are operable.7. Site security control is established.______8. For a Hostile Action Based Event, FBI and Local Law Enforcement _____Agencies have completed associated actions.9. The decision to terminate the emergency classification, including ______the justification for termination, has been discussed with theNRC/State/Local officials (For Unusual Event only if theiremergency response organizations have been activated as a resultof this event).Date TimeEmergency Director ATTACHMENT 9.16Sheet 1 of 2RECOVERY ISSUESISTRATEGY GUIDEThe following actions should be taken once Attachment 9.15, Event Termination Checklist, iscomplete. The goal of the recovery phase is to return the plant to pre-emergency conditions.All actions taken during the recovery phase are planned and deliberate.Establish a recovery organization in accordance with procedures:El Develop an organizational chart showing recovery organization members, reportingassignments and location. You may modify the Organization Chart as necessary to fitthe conditions, or develop a specific organization depending on the conditions.El Select a location for the recovery organization (EOF, 0CC etc.)[] Ensure the EOF Admin. Director develops a manning schedule and contacts recoveryorganization members.El Ensure transition from ERO to Recovery does not leave any responsibilitiesunmanned. Prior to eliminating an ERO position, ensure the duties are beingperformed by a Recovery Team member.El Develop recovery organization goals and priorities. These may be revised as recoveryprogresses.[] Inform offsite agencies that the recovery phase is being entered. Ensure that changesfrom the ERO to Recovery Organization that affect communications links arecoordinated.El Consider other information outlets, such as the Entergy web site or newsletters tokeep other plant personnel informed of plant conditions.El Make public address announcements to inform plant personnel that the recoveryphase is being entered into. Include information about any remaininghazards/restricted areas.[] Establish additional assurance of plant stability by providing additional safety systemcapability.El Designate a member of the organization to calculate total population exposure.El Perform a systematic investigation to determine what equipment has been damaged. ATTACHMENT 9.16 RECOVERY ISSUESISTRATEGY GUIDESheet 2 of 2Li Isolate and tag out components as necessary to control or minimize hazards.[] Consider the use of temporary shielding as necessary.[] Construct radiological boundaries and postings.Li Investigate the accident causes and consequences, both to the plant and theenvironment.Li Determine and initiate necessary plant repairs, modification and procedural changes.Li Develop and perform test programs (as necessary) to confirm system operability.[] Evaluate any planned radiological releases for environmental impact. Coordinate withoffsite agencies prior to releases.Li Develop a near site environmental monitoring program.Review the activities performed during the Emergency Phase. Verify the following:[] Ensure radiation protection administrative requirements and controls, including normalexposure limits, RWP's, ALARA reviews and postings are in use.[] Ensure maintenance activities are in accordance with approved directives, includingMaintenance Action Items and equipment tag-out.Li Ensure operations activities were performed in accordance with approved plantdirectives. Verify system line-ups and status.[] Develop a plan to dispose of all waste material generated during the emergency andrecovery phases.Terminating the recovery phase.[] Site Vice President (or designee) has determined the condition of the plant is suchthat the recovery phase may be terminated and normal operating organization (forcedoutage) may be established.[] Offsite agencies are notified of the return to normal operation.Li Plant personnel are notified by public address of the return to normal operation. EtNUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-609 REV. 2MANUAL REFERENCE USE PAGE 71 OF 80EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILITY (EOF) OPERATIONSATTACHMENT 9.17SHIFT AND RELIEF PLANNING WORKSHEETSheet I of 5EOFI/OFF-SITEDate: ________POSITION INITIAL RELIEF SHIFT POSITION INITIAL SHIFT RELIEF SHIFTSHIFTEOF ___________Offsite Team Coordinator _______________Emergency Director Off-Site Team No. 1 (2)Rad Assessment CoordinatorOffsite Communicator Off-Site Team No. 2 (2)EOF Technical AdvisorEOF Manager Offsite LiaisonEOF Communicator Offsite LiaisonPublic Information Liaison Offsite LiaisonEOF Log Keeper Offsite LiaisonLead Offsite Liaison-Admin. and Logistics CoordinatorIT SpecialistDose Assessor Sheet 2 of 5SHIFT AND RELIEF PLANNING WORKSHEETATTACHMENT 9.17 SHIFT AND RELIEF PLANNING WORKSHEETSheet 2 of 5JICDate:POSITION INITIAL SHIFT -RELIEF SHIFT POSITION INITIAL SHIFT RELIEF SHIFTJic Inquiry Response StaffCompany Spokesperson Inquiry Response StaffJIG Manager Inquiry Response StaffJIG Technical Advisor Inquiry Response StaffJIG Log KeeperMedia LiaisonInformation CoordinatorMedia MonitoringPress Release WriterLogistics CoordinatorInquiry ResponseCoordinatorTechnical AssistantN/A Positions not applicable to your specific site. ATTACHMENT 9.17 SHIFT AND RELIEF PLANNING WORKSHEETSheet 3 of 5IN-PLANT /0OSCDate:POSITION INITIAL SHIFT -RELIEF SHIFT POSITION INITIAL SHIFT RELIEF SHIFTControl Room , ,... :, :=* :Shift Manager OSC Manager ________Shift Technical Advisor _________Work Control Coordinator ________CR Supervisor Operations SupportSCRO\SRO Log Keeper _______CRs\~()Rad/Chem Coordinator _________________Mechanical CoordinatorA~s (3)Electrical /l &C CoordinatorRP Technician _________Chemistry Technician ATAhMeNt 9.of7SHIFT AND RELIEF PLANNING WORKSHEETSheet 4 of 50SC IN-PLANT REPAIR TEAMSNOTE: Numbers of personnel depend on the emergency. Consult with030 Manager for exact numbers needed. Date:POSITION INITIAL SHIFT -RELIEF SHIFT POSITION INITIAL SHIFT -RELIEF SHIFTOSC ': Mechanical l&CMechanical _ _ _ _ _ __ I&C _ _ _ _ _ _Mechanical I________ &C ________Mechanical ____ _____RPElectrical __________RPElectrical RPElectrical RPElectricalOperations ____________Operations_________ ____Operations _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _________________ SEntergNUCLEAR NON-QUALIT.Y RELATED EN-EP-69RVThfWI M'ANAGEMENT________j ANUAL REFERENCE USE PAGE- 75 OF 80EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILITY (EOF) OPERATIONSATTACHMENT 9.17SHIFT AND RELIEF PLANNING WORKSHEETSheet 5 of 5Date:______ __POSITION INITIAL SHIFT -RELIEF SHIFT POSITION INITIAL SHIFT -RELIEF SHIFTTSC EngineerEmergency Plant Manager Mechanical EngineerTSC Manager Reactor EngineerRadiological Coordinator IT SpecialistEngineering CoordinatorMaintenance CoordinatorOperations CoordinatorSecurity CoordinatorTSC CommunicatorENS Communicator ATTACHMENT 9.18 OFFSITE MONITORING TEAMSheet I of 31.0 Initial Responsibility/Activity Notes1.1 Initial OrientationA. Upon arrival at the EOF:1. Sign in on EP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form2. Sign in on the EOF staffing board if applicable.3. Obtain the Offsite Monitoring Team binder & ID BadgeB. Report to Radiological Assessment Coordinator or OffsiteMonitoring Team Coordinator.1.2 Assume the position of Offsite Monitoring TeamA. Obtain necessary equipment for offsite radiological fieldmonitoring.B. Complete necessary equipment and supply checks ofequipment as outlined in radiological field monitoringprocedure.C. Replace any defective equipment or supplies0. Locate cell/satellite phones and GPS to be used by each teamand verify operation, if applicable.E. Complete vehicle checks as outlined in procedure.F. Verify vehicle radio operability, if applicable.G. Ensure vehicle has adequate fuel.H. Receive briefing from Offsite Monitoring Team CoordinatorI. Receive desired sample location from Offsite Monitoring TeamCoordinator.J. A "site specific performance aid" listing of phone numbers,important to the Off Site Monitoring Team, is located in thePosition Binders. Exchange cell phone numbers betweenteams and the Off-Site Team Coordinator, if applicable.2.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activity ,2.1 Perform activities to support plume tracking and measurements asdirected by the Offsite Team Coordinator by:A. Maintain communication (radio/telephone) with EOF. " N UCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-609 *REV. 2Eterg MANAGEMENT__________ MANUAL REVERENCE USE PAGE 77 OF 80EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILITY (EOF) OPERATIONSATTACHMENT 9.18 OFFSITE MONITORING TEAMSheet 2 of 3Continuous Responsibility/Activity (continued) NotesB. Monitor radiological conditions during drive toassigned sample location.C. Upon arrival at assigned sample location completeradiological surveys and air sample if requested asoutlined in Radiological Monitoring procedure.D. If assigned by EQE report to additional sample locations andcomplete any requested radiological surveys.E. Use good radiological practices to prevent cross contaminationof samples and individuals.F. To ensure continuous Off-Site Monitoring capabilities the Off-Site Team Coordinator or Radiological AssessmentCoordinator will provide direction/arrange for "In Field" relief ofOff-Site Monitoring Team personnel, if required.*G. Monitor self-reading dosimeters and report results to theOffsite Team Coordinator.H. Implement KI protective measures when notified by the OffsiteTeam Coordinator.2.2 Maintain a log.A. Use WebEOC or if unavailable, EP-3-ALL, Log Sheet Form tomaintain a log of significant items pertaining to OffsiteMonitoring Team activities.1. Log when the Offsite Monitoring Team duties were assumed.2. Log significant communications with the EQE.3. Log major decisions and actions and any important details.Closeout Activity3.1 Restore the equipment and supplies to pre emergency condition:-A. Ensure equipment and kits are returned to proper storagelocations.B. Kits and equipment are to be returned in an organized andusable manner.3.2 Return vehicle to normal location and ensure the vehicle hasadequate fuel.3.3 Review all documentation maintained during the emergency toensure it is complete and organized. ATTACHMENT 9.18Sheet 3 of 3OFFSITE MONITORING TEAM_Closeout Activity (continued) Notes3.4 Provide all logs and records to the Radiological AssessmentCoordinator upon termination of the emergency and entry into theRecovery Phase. ATTACHMESheet 1 CfT 9.1SITE SPECIFIC COMMITMENTSf IGGNSWhen EOF staffing can be accomplished with onsite personnel, it is the goal to becomeoperational within 45 minutes. [Commitment # P-28920, E-Plan 7.3.3 S11]j Otherwise offsitepersonnel shall provide shift augmentation in 75 minutes and be fully operational in 90minutes. [Commitment # P-28921, E-Plan 7.3.3 S12] S-Fnrtetg / MNEMTNUCLEAR NON-QUALIT RELATED EN-EP-69RVMANUAL REFERENCE USE PAGE 80 OF 80EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILITY (EOF) OPERATIONSATTACHMENT 9.20 ERO STAFFING FOR LONG DURATION EVENTSSheet I of IThe following guidance is provided to assist the Admin & Logistics Coordinator establish aninitial event staffing plan for a "long duration event" expected to last multiple days. Thefollowing plan assumes an assignment of (1) ERO team/shift. The assignment of anadditional ERO team/shift or additional ERO members with specific expertise is acceptableand may be assigned if the additional resources are needed.[1] Develop an initial long duration event staffing plan for the Emergency ResponseOrganization using the following assumptions:* ERO teams will work 12-hours shifts (excluding turnover)* Work hours will be determined by the Emergency Director but will normally followstandard refueling outage schedules (ex. 0700 -1900)* Work hours may be adjusted as needed to allow a transition into the rotating shiftschedule.* Initial staffing of day/night shifts consists of one ERO team/shift. An additionalteam or ERO members with specific expertise may be added to each shift ifneeded.* Relaxation of the work schedule to allow additional time off between shift rotationsmay be implemented based on the man-power needs and availability offleet/industry support personnel.[2] Assign 1 of the 4 ERO response teams (Red, Blue, Yellow, Green) to days and oneERO team to nights. If an additional ERO team or specific ERO position is deemednecessary, assign two each shift. Identify which ERO team/position will be the "lead"and which will serve in the "support" role.[3] Coordinate with the ED to have the remaining ERO teams sent home with guidance toreturn at the start of their next scheduled shift.[4] Using the following "Example" Staffing Matrix as a guide, develop a schedule toensure 24-hour coverage of the event._____ __ ___Exam ple Staffinq MatrixDUTY:I M T WTh F Sa Su M T WiThE Sa Su M T W Th F Sa T.EAM... ....D D DD DD DO D N N N_N N N N N __N N 0 D D_ 0 DD-Yellow __ N N _ D D DDD _ DD D _Green 0 D N N N N N _ N N _ ATTACHMENT 9.1SHEET 1 OF 3I10CFR5O.54(q) SCREENINGSProcedure/Document Number: EN-EP-609 Revision: 002Equipment/FacilitylOther: River Bend StationTitle: EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILITY (EOF) OPERATIONSPart I. Description of Activity Being Reviewed (event or action, or series of actions that may result in a changeto the emergency plan or affect the implementation of the emergency plan):This change implements fleet procedure EN-EP-609, Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) Operations, Rev. 2 for useby the RBS emergency response organization.Part II. Activity Previously Reviewed? EIYES [] NOIs this activity fully bounded by an NRC approved 10 CFR 50.90 submittal or Evaluati3) oni etinpartoAlert and Notification System Design Report? NOT required.EnterIf YES, identify bounding source document number/approval reference and justificationensure the basis for concluding the source document fully bounds the below andproposed change is documented below: vlcomplete PartJustification:El Bounding document attached (optional)Part II1. Applicability of Other Regulatory Change Control ProcessesCheck if any other regulatory change processes control the proposed activity.(Refer to EN-LI-i100)NOTE: For example, when a design change is the proposed activity, consequential actions may include changes toother documents which have a different change control process and are NOT to be included in this 50.54(q)(3)-Screening.APPLICABILITY CONCLUSION[] If there are no controlling change processes, continue the 50.54(q)(3) Screening.El One or more controlling change processes are selected, however, some portion of the activity involves theemergency plan or affects the implementation of the emergency plan; continue the 50.54(q)(3) Screening for that portionof the activity. Identify the applicable controlling change processes below.El One or more controlling change processes are selected and fully bounds all aspects of the activity. 50.54(q:)(3)Evaluation is NOT required.' Identify controlling change processes below and complete Part VILCONTROLLING CHANGE PROCESSES10CFR50.54 (q)Part IV. Editorial Change EIYES [] NO50.54(qX3) Continue to nextIs this activity an editorial or typographical change such as formatting, paragraph Evaluation is partnumbering, spelling, or punctuation that does not change intent? NOT required.Justification: Enterjustification andcomplete PartVI.Part V. Emergency Planning Element/Function Screen (Associated 10 CFR 50.47(b) planning standard functionidentified in brackets) Does this activity affect any of the following, including program elements from NUREG-0654/FEMA REP-i Section I1?1. Responsibility for emergency response is assigned. [1] [2. The response organization has the staff to respond and to augment staff on a continuing basis (24/7 E]staffing) in accordance with the emergency plan. [1]3. The process ensures that on shift emergency response responsibilities are staffed and assigned. [2] E]EN-EP-305 REV 3 ATTACHMENT 9.1SHEET 2 OF 31 0CFR50.54(q) SCREENINGProcedure/Document Number: EN-EP-609 ]Revision: 002EquipmentlFacilitylOther: River Bend StationiTitle: EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILITY (EOF) OPERATIONS4. The process for timely augmentation of onshift staff is established and maintained. [2] []5. Arrangements for requesting and using off site assistance have been made. [3] U]6. State and local staff can be accommodated at the EOF in accordance with the emergency, plan. [3] LII7. A standard scheme of emergency classification and action levels is in use. [4] U]8. Procedures for notification of State and local governmental agencies are capable of alerting them of jjjthe declared emergency within 15 minutes after declaration of an' emergency and providing follow-up notifications. [5]9. Administrative and physical means have been established for alerting and providing prompt U]instructions to the public within the plume exposure pathway. [5]10:. The public ANS meets the design requirements of FEMA-REP-10, Guide for Evaluation of Alert and LINotification Systems for Nuclear Power Plants, or complies with the licensee's FEMA-approved ANSdesign report and supporting FEMA approval letter. [5]11. Systems are established for prompt communication among principal emergency response Elorganizations. [6]12. Systems are established for prompt communication to emergency response personnel. [6] El13. Emergency preparedness information is made available to the public on a periodic basis within the []plume exposure pathway emergency planning zone (EPZ). [7] ___14. Coordinated dissemination of public information during emergencies is established. [7] El15. Adequate facilities are maintained to support emergency response. [8] [16. Adequate equipment is maintained to support emergency response. [8] r []17. Methods, systems, and equipment for assessment of radioactive releases are in use. [9] _____18. A range of public PARs is available for implementation during emergencies. [10] U [19. Evacuation time estimates for the population located in the plume exposure pathway EPZ are []available to support the formulation of PARs and have been provided to State and localgovernmental authorities. [10]20. A range of protective actions is available for plant emergency workers during emergencies, including [those for hostile action events.[10]21. The resources for controlling radiological exposures for emergency workers are established. [11] LII22. Arrangements are made for medical services for contaminated, injured individuals. [12] []23. Plans for recovery and reentry are developed. [13] []24. A drill and exercise program (including radiological, medical, health physics and other program []areas) is established. [14]25. D rills, exercises,, and trainingevyolutions performance opportunities to dev~elop ...........................U.....maintain, and demonstrate key skills are assessed via a formal critique process in order to identifyweaknesses. [14126. Identified weaknesses are corrected. [14] U]27. Training is provided to emergency responders. [15] U]28. Responsibility for emergency plan development and review is established. [16] U]29. Planners responsible for emergency plan development and maintenance are properly trained. [16] U]EN-EP-305 REV 3 ATTACHMENT 9.1 10OCFR5O.54(q) SCREENINGSHEET 3 OF 3Procedure/Document Number: EN-EP-609 Revision: 002Equipment/Facility/Other: River Bend StationTitle: EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILITY (EOF) OPERATIONSAPPLICABILITY CONCLUSIONBlf no Part V criteria are checked, a 50.54(q)(3) Evaluation is NOTg required; document the basis for conclusion belowand complete Part VI.0If any Part V criteria are checked, complete Part VI and perform a 50.54(q)(3) Evaluation.BASIS FOR CONCLUSIONEntergy ERO responsib~ilities are outlined in EN-EP-801, Emergency Response Organization. Theseresponsibilities were added to EIP-2-020 rev. 33 as part of implementation of the Fleet Standard ERO andwere previously evaluated under a 10CFRS0.54(q)(3) performed on 12/2110. Entergy has since developedfleet procedure EN-EP-609, Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) Operations which includes those sameERO responsibilities. This procedure revision transitions to the new fleet procedure. EIP-2-020is beingmaintained by RBS to address site specific actions not contained in fleet procedure EN-EP-609. ExistingRBS facilities and equipment are still being maintained and there are no changes to any intent in procedureactions.Summary.* No ERO positions have been added or deleted.* Some ERO responsibilities in EIP-2-020 have been relocated to align with EN-EP-609.* The description, activation and operation of the EOF as described in the RBS Emergency Plan havenot been changed.* All site specific commitments continue to be met under the fleet procedure and the use of a site-specific procedure..* This change does not alter the EQF structure, organization or location.The revision of the site EOF procedure (EIP-2-020) and incorporating the use of fleet EOF procedure (EN-EP-609) does not alter the meaning or intent of this procedure, affect any facilities or equipment, or anyprocess described in the procedure. No further evaluation is required on this change.Part VI. Signatures:Preparer Name (Print) ' rlr i]aue/Date:John Hurst"/ j' , /,p '"q .j "(optional) Relviewer Name (Print) Reviewer Signature Date:Reviewer Name (Print) Reviewer Signature Date:Nuclear EP Project ManagerApprover Name (Print) Approver in~e Date: 'EP manager or designee -EN-EP-305 REV 3 Procedure Contains NMM ECH eB REFLIB Forms: YES []NO [Procedure Revision Type: New []NON-Editorial []Editorial []TC []Cancellation [HQN Dean Burnett Mary Ann WilsonEffective Procedure Owner: DrcoEegny Governance Owner: Director, EmergencyDate Title: Programs Sitle: Programs01/27/2016 1St:HQN HQNSite Site Procedure Champion TitleANO N/A N/ABRP N/A N/ACNS N/A N/AGGNS Jeff Seiter Manager, EPIPEC Lori Glander Manager, EPJAF James Jones Manager, EPPLP Dan Malone MngrERBS Tim SchenkMageEHQN Jack Lewis E rjc aaeFor site implementation dates see ECH eB REFLIB using site tree view (Navigation panel).Site and NMM Procedures Canceled or Superseded By This RevisionPAL: EI-4.1. Superseded site procedures remain active until the site-specific implementation date.Process Applicability Exclusion: All Sites: ElSpecific Sites: ANO lii BRP El GGNS El IPECE-- JAF El PLP El PNPS[]- RBS El VY El W3 El Change StatementThis revision corrects the procedure and implements lessons learned from use at GGNS and JAF.* Added IPEC, PAL and RBS to title page with corresponding deletion of site procedures as applicable.* Added NOTE that reads "This procedure may be used for activation and operations at thebackup/alternative TSC as applicable" in the Purpose section -1.0.* Corrected formatting (indentation) for Section 4.0.* Changed formatting to list the number of a form when the form title is "called" throughout the procedure.* Section 6.0[7]: Changed "LIST OTHER FLEET FACILITY PROCEDURES" to actually list the fleet EOFand OSC procedures as 6.0[7] and 6.0[8].* Section 8.0: Incorporated Palisades, Pilgrim and River Bend commitments.* Added section 2.1 in Attachment 9.2 and corrected numbering to provide accountability section for TSCManager that was inadvertently omitted in other revisions (IPEC gap #11).* Added reference to form EP-1 1-ALL for prioritization of repair team activities in step 2.7 of Attachment 9.3,Operations Coordinator (IPEC gap #6).* Added NOTES heading to top of page 32 (current) to correct procedure for formatting.* Changed "Engineering Action Tracking Form" to "EP-1 2-ALL. Engineering Task Assignment Form" in step2.5 of Attachment 9.5 to correct procedure. There is no "Engineering Action Tracking Form."* Changed "Accountability Roster Form" to "EP-7-ALL, "Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form" in step 1.30.3of Attachment 9.10 to correct procedure. There is no "Accountability Roster Form."* Added step 2.5, "Assist with issues related to webEOC" to Attachment 9.7, IT Specialist (PAL gap #39).* Added "Security" to step 2.12 (new number) of Attachment 9.1, Emergency Plant Manager that reads"Maintain adequate staffing, access control, and 24-hour functional continuity of the Control Room, TSC,Security and OSC" (JAF EAP-46 Rev 1).* Added step 2.22 to Attachment 9.1, Emergency Plant Manager that reads "Confer with the OperationsCoordinator and/or ENS Communicator to review status of ongoing NRC communications. (Whatinformation is being requested and are there any issues?)" (JAF EAP-46 Rev 1).* Added A to step 2.17 (new number) of Attachment 9.1 for 50.54(x) actions for the Emergency PlantManager that reads "IF actions being taken have the potential to directly affect offsite (such ascontainment venting or other action that may significantly increase offsite release), THEN obtainEmergency Director approval prior to taking action (JAF EAP-46 Rev 1).* *Added ". ..when leaving the primary TSC and when the backup or alternate TSC is operational" to the endof step 2.19 (new number) of Attachment 9.1, Emergency Plant Manager that reads "IF it becomesnecessary to evacuate or relocate the TSC, THEN notify the OSC, EOF and Control Room" (JAF EAP-46Rev 1).* Added step 2.10 (and renumbered succeeding steps) in Attachment 9.1, Emergency Plant Manager:"Provide periodic status updates using site-wide announcements, except during hostile action-basedevents."* Step 2.4B of Attachment 9.1, Emergency Plant Manager and step 2.4C of Attachment 9.2, TSC Manager:Added use of EP-1 4-ALL, Briefing Form where the conduct of briefings is referenced.* Added step 2.5 to Attachment 9.12, ENS Communicator: "Keep the Emergency Plant Manager informedof the status of NRC communications (requests being made, questions asked, etc.)."* Added step 2.5 (and renumbered succeeding steps) to Attachment 9.10, Security Coordinator:"Coordinate Security Force staffing needs with the TSC Manager and ensure 24-hour staffing of theSecurity Force."* Spelled out words Control Room (from CR), Nuclear Steam System Supplier (from NSSS), EmergencyTelephone Directory (from ETD), Radiation Monitoring System (from RMS), Reactor Coolant Pump (fromRCP) and Core Exit Thermocouple (from CET) throughout procedure to clarify procedure.* Removed "FTS" (Federal Telephone System) designation from NRC phone references throughoutprocedure to simplify procedure.* Removed superfluous "TSC" from the ENS phone designation in step 1 .3B of Attachment 9.12.* Revised step 1.2A2 in Attachment 9.1 that provides direction on when to declare the TSC operational tobetter align with the "operational" definition provided in step 3.0[2]. Chanaqe Statement (Cont'd)* Changed step 1.2E of Attachment 9.10 from "...Security posts (personnel as necessary)" to "...Securitypost personnel (as necessary)" to correct procedure.* Changed step 5 of Attachment 9.13 from "...NRC HPN Health Physics Network..." to "...NRC HealthPhysics Network (HPN). .." to correct procedure.* Changed step 4.0[1] from "...checklists applicable site specific..." to "...checklists and applicable sitespecific.. ." (inserted the word "and") to correct grammatical error.*Change the title of section 2.0 of Attachment 9.10 on page 48 (current revision) from "InitialResponsibility/Activity (Cont'd)" to "Continuous Responsibility/Activity" to correct typographical error.* Changed the title of section 3.0 of Attachment 9.11 on page 54 (current revision) from "ContinuousResponsibility/Activity (Cont'd)" to "Closeout Activity" to correct typographical error.* Renumbered step 2.1 B of Attachment 9.5 on page 27 (current revision) to 2.1A to correct typographicalerror.* Renumbered steps in section 2.2 of Attachment 9.5 on page 27 (current revision) to correct typographicalerror where two step "As" were listed.* Sheet 1 of Attachment 9.11 on page 51 (current revision): Changed numbering of section 2.2 to 1.1 tocorrect typographical error.* Change GGNS commitment document references in section 8.0 on page 7 because of GGNS EmergencyPlan changes.Associated PRHQN #: PR-PRHQN-2015-0494 /Procedure Writer: James J. LewisContains Proprietary Information: YES LI NO [] TABLE OF CONTENTSSection Title PaQe1.0 PURPOSE................................................................
........................................................... 53.0 DEFINITIONS............................................................. 54.0 RESPONSIBILITIES ..................................................... 55.0 DETAILS................................................................. 56.0 INTERFACES ............................................................ 67.0 RECORDS ..................................................... 68.0 SITE SPECIFIC COMMITMENTS ....................................... 79.0 ATTACHMENTS ......................................................... 7ATTACHMENT 9.1ATTACHMENT 9.2ATTACHMENT 9.3ATTACHMENT 9.4ATTACHMENT 9.5ATTACHMENT 9.6ATTACHMENT 9.7ATTACHMENT 9.8ATTACHMENT 9.9ATTACHMENT 9.10ATTACHMENT 9.11ATTACHMENT 9.1i2ATTACHMENT 9.13EMERGENCY PLANT MANAGER ......8TSC MANAGER.......................... i........................15OPERATIONS COORDINATOR....................................21REACTOR ENGINEER............................................ 25ENGINEERING COORDINATOR .................................. 28MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL/I&C ENGINEERS .............. 32IT SPECIALIST.................................................... 35TSC COMMUNICATOR....... .................................... 37RADIOLOGICAL COORDINATOR.................................. 40SECURITY COORDINATOR ...................................... 48MAINTENANCE COORDINATOR.................................. 53ENS COMMUNICATOR .................................... :......57ENS COMMUNICATIONS GUIDANCE ............................ 60 1.0 PURPOSENOTEThis procedure may be used for activation and operations at the backup/alternativeTSC as applicable.[1] To describe the activation and operation of the TSC.
[1] Site Emergency Plans[2] Site Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures3.0 DEFINITIONS[1] Activation -Actions taken to staff and setup an emergency response facility to make itoperational. Actions include but are not limited to notification of emergency personnel,equipment setup and equipment operability testing.[2] Operational -Status of an emergency facility declared by the appropriate facilitymanager upon determining that the facility is adequately staffed and equipment is setupand available to assume/perform the emergency functions assigned to that facility.4.0 RESPONSIBILITIES[1] The entire staff of the TSC is responsible for the activation and operation of the facilityusing this procedure, their position specific checklists and applicable site specificperformance aids.5.0 DETAILSNOTEThe actions Of this procedure may be completed in any sequence, however, thesequence presented is recommended.[1] The EPM follows the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.1, Emergency Plant Manager.[2] The TSC Manager follows the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.2, TSC Manager.[3] The Operations Coordinator follows the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.3,Operations Coordinator.[4] The Reactor Engineer follows the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.4, ReactorEngineer.[5] The Engineering Coordinator follows the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.5,Engineering Coordinator.[6] The Mechanical Engineer follows the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.6, Mechanicaland Electrical/l&C Engineers.[7] The Electrical/l&C Engineer follows the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.6,Mechanical and Electrical/l&C Engineers.
- 5. 0 cont'd[8] The IT Specialist (if in the TSC) follows the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.7, ITSpecialist.[9] The TSC Communicator follows the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.8, TSCCommunicator.[10] The Radiological Coordinator follows the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.9,Radiological Coordinator.[11] The Security Coordinator follows the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.10, SecurityCoordinator.[12] The Maintenance Coordinator follows the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.11,Maintenance Coordinator.[13] The ENS Communicator follows the instructions outlined in Attachments 9.12 and INTERFACES[1] EN-AD-I103, Document Control & Records Management Programs[2] EN-EP-311I, Emergency Response Data System (ERDS) Activation via the VirtualPrivate Network (VPN)[3] EN-EP-601, Corporate Emergency Center Operations[4] EN-LI-I102, Corrective Action Process[5] EN-NS-1 02, Fitness for Duty Program[6] EN-FAP-OM-012, Notifications of Off-Normal Situations / Corporate Duty ManagerResponsibilities[7] EN-EP-609, Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) Operations[8] EN-EP-611I, Operations Support Center (OSC) Operations7.0 RECORDSAny logs or forms completed by members of the ERO during an actual declaredemergency are permanent quality records and are maintained in accordance withEN-AD-1 03.
8.0 SITE SPECIFIC COMMITMENTSStep Site Document Commitment Number orReference* GGNS GGNS Emergency Plan 5.4.19* GGNS G GNS Emergency Plan 5.4.18* GGNS GGNS Emergency Plan 7.3.1 $1 ___________Attach 9.9 PAL NRC Inspection Report 93-07 CMT9320021 14step 2.0EAttach 9.9 PAL NRC Inspection Report 93-07 CMT9320021 16step 2.0EPIL -NRC Inspection Finding 86-39-01 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _PIL NRC Inspection Finding 82-15-47 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _RBS Commitment 155789.0 ATTACHMENTS9.1 Emergency Plant Manager9.2 TSC Manager9.3, Operations Coordinator9.4 Reactor Engineer9.5 Engineering Coordinator9.6 Mechanical and Electrical/l&C Engineer9.7 IT Specialist9.8 TSC Communicator9.9 Radiological Coordinator9.10 Security Coordinator9.11 Maintenance Coordinator9.12 ENS Communicator9.13 ENS Communications Guidance ATTACHMENT 9.1 EMERGENCY PLANT MANAGERSheet I of 7EPM Name:_____________________ Date:____1.0 Initial Resoonsibilitv/Activitv NotesNOTEThe ERO should take appropriate actions necessary to mitigate the eventregardless of manning or facility status.1.1 Initial Orientation.A. Upon arrival at the TSC:1. Card in the accountability readers (as required) and/or sign in onEP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-I n/Accountability Form.2. Sign in on the TSC staffing board.3. Obtain the EPM Binder & ID Badge.B. Call the (affected unit for ANO and IPEC) Control Room and receive abriefing on plant conditions. Use EP-2-ALL, Essential InformationForm to document turnover information.1. This briefing is not required to declare the TSC operational.C. Review electronic displays, plant data, status boards and any otheravailable information to become familiar with current plant conditions.D. Ensure that the OSC and TSC are in the process of meetingminimum staffing. Minimum staffing is listed in the TSC and OSCManager's checklists. ATTACHM ENT 9.1EMERGENCY PLANT MANAGERATTACHMENT 9.1 EMERGENCY PLANT MANAGERSheet 2 of 71.0 Initial Responsibility/Activitv (Cont'd) Notes1.2 Assume the position of Emergency Plant Manager (EPM).A. IF the TSC has NOT been declared operational, THEN:1. Direct the activation of the TSC.(a) IF additional personnel are needed or positions are vacant THENdirect someone to fill vacancies in accordance with EP-1 0-ALL,Filling an ERO Vacancy During Facility Activation/OperationForm.(1) This step should be performed by the TSC Manager.NOTEDuring a Security Event only personnel and facilities necessary to mitigate theemergency situation should be activated. The TSC may be declared operationalwithout all key members being present. This will, be determined by the most seniorperson in the facility.2. WHEN minimum staffing for the TSC is met AND equipment is setupand available to assume/perform TSC functions, including anyequipment necessary to support communications with the ControlRoom and OSC, THEN declare the TSC operational and record inwebEOC or on EP-3-ALL, Log Sheet Form.3. Make an announcement to the TSC and inform the Control Room,OSC and EOF that the TSC is operational.4. Perform an initial briefing for the TSC staff. Use EP-2-ALL, EssentialInformation Form as guidance.B. IF relieving another EPM, THEN perform a formal turnover with thecurrent EPM.1. Obtain the EPM's position binder and review any documentsused.2. Review facility log.3. Obtain a briefing from the acting EPM on the emergency, plantconditions and any actions that have been completed or are inprogress using EP-2-ALL, Essential Information Form.4. Relieve the current EPM.5. Announce to the TSC, OSC, Control Room and EOF that you arenow the EPM. ATTACHMENT 9.1 EMERGENCY PLANT MANAGERSheet 3 of 72.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activity Notes2.1 Direct the activities of the TSC.A. Coordinate the activities of the Control Room, TSC and OSC.B. Coordinate and direct the response activities of all onsite EROpersonnel.1. Establish and promulgate onsite priorities in response to theemergency using the guidance for priority numbering in EP-1 1-ALL,Repair & Corrective Action Assignment Form.2.2 Maintain personnel accountability in the TSC.A. IF you leave the area, THEN:1. Designate an individual to be in command during your absence.2. Inform the TSC Manager and/or Security Coordinator of destinationand expected return.3. Inform the TSC Manager and/or Security Coordinator of return.(a) Upon return, obtain a briefing from TSC Manager on any eventsthat have occurred while away.2.3 Maintain a log.A. Maintain (or direct an assistant to maintain) a log using webEOC or ifunavailable, EP-3-ALL, Log Sheet Form.1. Log when the EPM duties were assumed.2. Log significant communications to individuals outside the TSC andall communications to individuals offsite.3. Log major decisions and any important details used to make thedecision (i.e. emergency classification changes, accountabilitystatus, radioactive releases, station priorities, etc.).4. Periodically review log for accuracy. ATTACHMENT 9.1 EMERGENCY PLANT MANAGERSheet 4 of 72.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activity (Cont'd) Notes2.4 Prepare and facilitate facility briefings.A. Coordinate with the TSC Manager to establish a time period for theconduct of facility briefings.1. Establish briefing periods at every 30-60 minute intervals asconditions warrant or as conditions change.2. Make an announcement approximately 5 minutes before actualbrief that a brief will be conducted (if possible).B. Use EP-2-ALL, Essential Information Form and EP-1 4-ALL, BriefingForm as guidance.1. The EPM may use the Operations Coordinator to complete theEssential Information Form to support periodic briefs.C. Direct key staff to provide information needed for the briefing, ifnecessary.D. Conduct briefing, announce the time for the next briefing at the end ofthe briefing and ensure information provided in the briefing is capturedand appropriately documented.2.5 If there has been a loss of a large area of the plant due to fire orexplosion, implement the applicable site-specific procedure or guidelinefor a loss of a large area of the plant.2.6 Ensure timely ENS notifications.2.7 Perform accident assessment to prioritize mitigation actions.2.8 Direct personnel evacuation, assembly and accountability.A. Direct the establishment or re-establishment of accountability asdetermined to be appropriate.B. Confer with the Emergency Director on release or evacuation of non-essential personnel from the other buildings, Generation SupportBuilding and/or training building if used.C. Check with Control Room, TSC Manager and 0S0 Manager todetermine if additional personnel are needed.D. Inform the Emergency Director when there are no immediatepersonnel needs and the TSC concurs with release of non-essentialpersonnel from the site. ATTACHMENT 9.1 EMERGENCY PLANT MANAGERSheet 5 of 72.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activity (Cont'd) Notes2.9 Maintain communications with the Shift Manager/Control Room.A. Discuss current plant status and planned operations.B. Discuss tasks the TSC/OSC are performing and review priorities.C. Inform Control Room of any other important ERO activities (such asshift changes, arrival of NRC personnel, etc.).2.10 Provide periodic status updates using site-wide announcements, exceptduring hostile action-based events.2.11 Maintain Communications with the Emergency Director.A. Inform the Emergency Director of onsite priorities and activities.B. Provide information and recommendations to the Emergency Directorregarding plant activities/emergency classifications.C. Inform the ED of any plant conditions or events which have thepotential for change of emergency classification or radiologicalreleases status.1. Advise the ED on core damage and plant conditions forclassification and PAR determination.2. Verify event classifications.2.12 Maintain adequate staffing, access control, and 24-hour functionalcontinuity of the Control Room, TSC, Security and OSC.A. Request additional material, manpower, and equipment as necessaryfrom the EQE Administration and Logistics Coordinator.2.13 Direct the organization, coordination and prioritization of repair correctiveaction teams.A. Provide concurrence prior to any OSC repair team action that mayaffect the operability of a plant system.B. Approve deviations from any plant procedure dealing with changingplant configuration or personnel safety.C. Approve repair team actions that would normally require a procedurebut no procedure exists.2.14 Direct onsite protective actions. ATTACHMENT 9.1 EMERGENCY PLANT MANAGERSheet 6 of 72.0 Continuous ResponsibilitvlActivitv (Cont'd) Notes2.15 Authorize emergency radiation exposure and issuance of KI torecommended personnel in the Control Room, TSC or 0S0 or to -Securitypersonnel.,2.16 Make operational decisions involving the safety of the plant and itspersonnel and make recommendations to the Control Room.2.17 Initiate immediate corrective actions to limit or contain the emergency,invoking the provisions of 10 CFR 50.54(x) if appropriate.A. IF actions being taken have the potential to directly affect offsite (suchas containment venting or other action that may significantly increaseoffsite release), THEN obtain Emergency Director approval prior totaking action. ,2.18 When applicable, direct implementation of Severe -Accident Managementprocedures/guidelines.2.19 Direct relocation to an alternate location as necessary.A. IF it becomes~necessary to evacuate or relocate the TSC, THEN notifythe OSC, EOF and Control Room when leaving the primary TSC andwhen the backup or alternate TSC is operational.2.20 Integrate offsite responders with on-site response efforts when required.A. Prepare for NRC Site Team response activities.1. Coordinate the arrival of the Site Response Team with the EOF.2. Brief (or designate an individual to brief) the in-plant NRC SiteTeam upon arrival.3. Direct the TSC Manager to coordinate activities associated with theNRC Site Team.2.21 Confer with the Operations Coordinator and/or ENS Communicator to status of ongoing NRC communications. (What information is beingrequested and are there any issues?) NUCLEAR NoN-QUALTY RELATED E-P60RVS- MANAGEMENTIgy MANUAL REFERENCE USE PAGE 14 OF 62TECHNICAL SUPPORT CENTER (TSC) OPERATIONSATTACHMENT 9.1 EMERGENCY PLANT MANAGERSheet 7 of 73.0 Closeout Activity Notes3.1 Preparations for Recovery Phase:A. Provide information to the ED to support transition to the RecoveryPhase. Discuss the following:B. Plant configuration and core cooling status.1. In-plant radiation levels.2. Radioactive material releases to the environment and the potentialfor additional uncontrolled releases.3. Fires; flooding conditions and any other site damage.4. Vital areas requiring occupancy are habitable.5. Site security control is established.3.2 Direct onsite personnel to return all equipment to proper storage locations.3.3 Collect all documentation:A. Direct TSC staff to verify that logs, forms and other documentation arecomplete.B. Direct the TSC Manager to verify that all repairs performed by OSCTeams that deviate from normal station procedures are properlydocumented, so that necessary actions can be taken for continuousplant operations or plant recovery operations.C. Direct the TSC Manager to verify that all deviations from TechnicalSpecifications, Quality Assurance documents and other proceduresare documented in PCRS so that these items are evaluated duding theRecovery Phase.D. Provide all logs and records to the TSC Manager upon termination ofthe emergency. ATTACHMENT 9.2Sheet 1 of 6TSC MANAGERTSC Manager Name:_________________ Dal1.0 Initial Responsibilitv/Activity1.1 Initial Orientation.A. Upon arrival at the TSG:1. Card in the accountability readers (as required) and/or sign in EP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-I n/Accountability Form.2. Sign in on the TSC staffing board.3. Obtain the "TSC Manager" Binder & ID Badge.B. Review electronic displays, plant data, status boards and any otheravailable information to become familiar with current plant conditions.C. Obtain a briefing from the EPM to identify the following:1. Plant conditions.2. Actions that have been taken.3. Engineering actions to be initiated.te:Notes ATTACHMENT 9.2TSC MANAGERATTACHMENT 9.2 TSC MANAGERSheet 2 of 61.0 Initial Responsibilitv/Activitv (Cont'd)1.2 Assume the position of TSC Manager.A. IF the TSC has NOT been declared operational, THEN:NotesNOTETypical minimum staffing to declare the TSC operational. The site's staffingrequirements may differ as needed to address site specific requirements:-EPM-Reactor Engineer-Radiological Coordinator-Mechanical and Electrical/l&C Engineers -appropriate staff to perform thefacility's key function areas for the event.-ENS CommunicatorNOTEDuring a Security Event only personnel and facilities necessary to mitigate theemergency situation should be activated. The TSC may be declaredoperational without all key members being present. This will be determined bythe most senior person in the facility based on plant conditions.1. Verify the minimum TSC staff is present.(a) IF additional personnel are needed or positions are vacant,THEN direct someone to fill vacancies in accordance withEP-1 0-ALL, Filling an ERO Vacancy During FacilityActivation/Operation Form.2. Report readiness status to the EPM and Control Room whenprepared to assume the TSC Manager position and declare theTSC operational when minimum staffing for the TSC is met andequipment is setup and available to assume/perform TSC functions,including any equipment necessary to support communications withthe Control Room and OSC,(a) Notify the EPM when operational conditions exist. ATTACHMENT 9.2 TSC MANAGERSheet 3 of 61.0 Initial Responsibilitv/Activitv (Cont'd) NotesB. IF relieving another TSC Manager, THE..N perform a formal turnoverwith the current TSC Manager.1. Obtain the TSC Manager's position binder and review anydocuments used.2. Review facility log.3. Obtain a briefing from the acting TSC Manager.4. Relieve the current TSC Manager.C. Announce to the TSC staff that you are now the TSC Manager.0. IF not previously performed, THEN verify Emergency Response DataSystem (ERDS) is operational (set up to run 24/7 and should berunning).1. Verify ERDS is activated. ERDS is required to be activated withinone (1) hour of declared emergency at ALERT higher. Refer toEN-EP-31 1.2. IF TSC IT Support is available, THEN request ERDS activationverification.3. IF TSC IT Support is NOT available, THEN Verify ERDS isactivated.(a) IF, due to conflicting priorities, ERDS cannot be verified to beactivated, THEN request the EOF to verify ERDS activation.1.3 Call out additional personnel as needed. ATTACHMENT 9.2 TSC MANAGERSheet 4 of 62.0 Continuous ResponsibilitylActivity oe2.1 Maintain personnel accountability in the TSC.A. IF you leave the area, THEN:1. Inform the Emergency Plant Manager and Engineering Coordinatorof destination and expected return.2. Inform the Emergency Plant Manager and Engineering Coordinatorof return.(a) Upon return, obtain a briefing on any events that have occurredwhile away.2.2 Assist the EPM in the activation, operation and deactivation of the TSC.A. Assist the EPM to make operational decisions concerning the safety ofthe plant.2.3 Maintain a log.A. Use webEOC or if unavailable, EP-3-ALL, Log Sheet Form to maintaina log of significant items pertaining to the TSC Manager position.1. Log when the TSC Manager duties were assumed.2. Log significant communications to individuals outside the TSC andall communications to individuals offsite.3. Log major decisions and actions and any important details.2.4 Participate in periodic briefings with EPM.A. Coordinate with the OSC Manager, as appropriate, to schedule theconduct of periodic briefings.B. Establish briefing periods at every 30-60 minute intervals as conditionswarrant or as conditions change.C. Use EP-2-ALL, Essential Information Form and EP-14-ALL, BriefingForm as guidance for the conduct of briefs.2.5 Manage the activities of the TSC Staff:A. Analyze plant information to provide support to plant operationspersonnel in returning the plant to a safe condition.B. Develop action plans and procedures to repair and/or mitigateconsequences. ATTACHMENT 9.2 TSC MANAGERSheet 5 of 62.0 Continuous Responsibilitv/Activitv (Cont'd) Notes1. Recognize and implement all technical aspects of accidentmitigation for the emergency.2. Perform technical assessments and communicate the conclusionsto the EPM.C. Anticipate TSC support requirements from ERO.D. Procure drawings and information needed to solve plant problems.E. Direct the tracking of plant configuration changes.2.6 Maintain TSC StaffingA. Support/coordinate with the EOF Administration and LogisticsCoordinator to ensure that manpower planning is being conducted toprovide for response efforts over an extended period.B. Upon direction from the EPM, reduce staffing per shift schedule.C. Continually assess the need for additional personnel, especially duringoff hours.2.7 Direct EOP questions to the Operations Coordinator.A. Assist the EPM in setting priorities for TSC activities using theguidance for priority numbering in EP-1 1-ALL, Repair & CorrectiveAction Assignment Form.B. Keep TSC Staff informed of priorities.C. Direct that TSC assignments in webEOC are updated to reflectpriorities.2.8 Establish communications as needed with the Entergy EngineeringGroups for engineering support functions. Use company phone directoryand Emergency Telephone Directory to locate phone numbers.2.9 Core Damage AssessmentA. Direct TSC Staff members to complete core damage assessmentB. Provide summary of core status to EPM, TSC staff and otheremergency facilities when core damage assessment is complete.2.10 Notify Nuclear Steam Supply System (NSSS) vendor and other vendors ofemergency conditions, as required. (Phone numbers in EmergencyTelephone Directory). ATTACHMENT 9.2 TSC MANAGERSheet 6 of 62.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activitv (Cont'd) Notes2.11 Oversee the activities for relocation to an alternate location as necessary.3.0 Closeout Activity3.1 Direct TSC staff to return all equipment to proper storage locations.3.2 Review all documentation:A. Verify that logs, forms and other documentation are complete.B. Verify that all repairs performed by 0S0 Teams that deviate fromnormal station procedures are properly documented, so that necessaryactions can be taken for continuous plant operations or plant recoveryoperations.C. Verify that all deviations from Technical Specifications, QualityAssurance documents and other procedures are documented in PCRSso that these items are evaluated during the Recovery Phase.D. Verify that all temporary procedures Used and/or developed aredocumented in webEOC for use by Recovery Organization so thatnecessary actions can be taken for plant operations.3.3 Provide all logs and records to the EP Manager upon termination of theemergency. ATTACHMENT 9.3Sheet 1 of 4OPERATIONS COORDINATOROperations Coordinator Name:________________ Date:_____1.0 Initial Responsibility/Activitv Notes1.1 Initial Orientation.A. Upon arrival at the TSC:1. Card in the accountability readers (as required) and/or sign in onEP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-I n/Accountability Form.2. Sign in on the TSC staffing board.13. Obtain the "Operations Coordinator" Binder & ID Badge.B. Review electronic-displays, plant data and any other availableinformation to become familiar with current plant conditions.1.2 Assume the position of Operations Coordinator.A. IF the TSC has NOT been declared operational, THEN:1. Report readiness status to the Engineering Coordinator or TSCManager when prepared to assume the Operations Coordinatorposition.B. IF relieving another Operations Coordinator, THEN perform a formal \turnover with the current Operations Coordinator.1. Obtain the Operations Coordinator's position binder and review anydocuments used.2. Review facility log.3. Obtain a briefing from the acting Operations Coordinator on theemergency, plant conditions and any actions that have beencompleted or are in progress.4. Relieve the current Operations Coordinator.C. Inform the TSC Manager and Engineering Coordinator that you arenow the Operations Coordinator. LLne-y MANAGEMENTNCE INE.0 V.MANUAL REFERENCE USE PAGE 22 OF 62TECHNICAL SUPPORT CENTER (TSC) OPERATIONSATTACHMENT 9.3 OPERATIONS COORDINATORSheet 2 of 42.0 Continuous ResponsibilitylActivity Notes2.1 Maintain personnel accountability in the TSC.A. IF you leave the area, THEN:1. Inform the Engineering Coordinator and/or Security Coordinator ofdestination and expected return.2. Inform the Engineering Coordinator and/or Security Coordinator ofreturn.(a) Upon return, obtain a briefing on any events that have occurred7while away.2.2 Maintain a log.A. Use webEOC or if unavailable, EP-3-ALL, Log Sheet Form tomaintain a log of significant items pertaining to the OperationsCoordinator position.B. Log when the Operations Coordinator duties were assumed.2.3 Monitor plant data communications between Control Room and otherEmergency Response Facilities.A. Ensure the Control Room, TSC, and EOF are informed of significantchanges in event status (e.g. changes in classification, command andcontrol, initiation of station assembly, accountability, evacuation,etc.).2.4 Inform the TSC of the overall plant condition and significant changes tosystem and equipment status.2.5 Provide technical assistance to the Shift Manager.2.6 Monitor fission product barrier and plant statusA. Provide recommendations to TSC Manager and EPM for emergencyclassification changes based on EALs.B. Assist the Reactor Engineer in maintaining the fission product barrierstatus.C. Assist in clarifying plant parameter Information to EPM, TSCManager and other members of the engineering team. ATTACHMENT 9.3Sheet 3 of 4OPERATIONS COORDINATOR2.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activity (Cont'd)Noe2.7 Coordinate TSC efforts in determining the nature and extent ofemergencies pertaining to equipment and plant facilities in support ofControl Room actions.A. Recommend equipment operations checks and miscellaneousactions to the Control Room in support of restoration and accidentmitigation.B. Recommend changes in plant priorities.C3. Assist the EPM in determining the priority assigned to OSC activities.Refer to EP-1 1-ALL, Repair & Corrective Action Assignment Form.2.8 Work with other members of the Engineering Team to providesupport to the Control Room to mitigate the effects of the event andreturn the plant to a safe condition.A. Perform accident assessment activities.B. Recommend strategies and actions to prevent severe core damageand containment failure and reduce radiological releases.C3. Provide recommendations on plant operations.0. Provide assistance to initiate immediate corrective actions to limit orcontain the emergency invoking the provisions of 10 CFR 50.54(x) ifappropriate, and specifically when addressing Severe AccidentManagement Guidelines.E. Provide technical support to OSC teams as needed.F. Look ahead for possible plant problems and solutions.2.9 Coordinate requests for operations activities outside of the ControlRoom.2.10 Coordinate additional staffing for the Control Room if requested by theSM.2.11 As applicable and at the direction of the EPM, assume the duties andresponsibilities of the Evaluator, or Decision-Maker if qualified, whentransition to Severe Accident Management Guidelines is initiated.2.12 Complete EP-2-ALL, Essential Information Form to support periodicbriefs as requested by the EPM. ATTACHMENT 9.3Sheet 4 of 4OPERATIONS COORDINATOR3.0 Closeout Activity Notes3.1 Assist TSC personnel in returning all equipment to proper storagelocations.3.2 Review all documentation the Operations Coordinator(s) maintainedduring the emergency:A. Verify that logs, forms and other documentation are complete.B. Verify that all temporary procedures used and/or developed aredocumented for use by Recovery Organization so that necessaryactions can be taken for plant operations.3.3 Provide all logs and records to the Engineering Coordinator upontermination of the emergency and entry into the Recovery Phase. Sheet 1 of 3REACTOR ENGINEERATTACHMENT 9.4 REACTOR ENGINEERSheet I of 3Reactor Engineer Name:__________________ Date:_____1.0 Initial RespDonsibility/Activity Notes1.1 Initial Orientation.A. Upon arrival at the TSC:1. Card in the accountability readers (as required) and/or sign in onEP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-I n/Accountability Form.2. Sign in on the TSC staffing board.3. Obtain the "Reactor Engineer" Binder & ID Badge.B. Review electronic displays, plant data and any other availableinformation to become familiar with current plant conditions.C. Discuss Fission Product Barrier status with the OperationsCoordinator and update displays as required.1.2 Assume the position of Reactor Engineer.A. IF the TSC has NOT been declared operational, THEN:1. Report readiness status to the Engineering Coordinator or TSCManager when prepared to assume the Reactor Engineerposition.B. IF relieving another Reactor Engineer, THEN perform a formalturnover with the current Reactor Engineer.1. Obtain the Reactor Engineer's position binder and review anydocuments used.2. Review facility log.3. Obtain a briefing from the acting Reactor Engineer on theemergency, plant conditions and any actions that have beencompleted or are in progress.4. Relieve the current Reactor Engineer.C. Inform the TSC Manager and Engineering Coordinator that you arenow the Reactor Engineer. NUCLEAR JNON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-610I RE V. 21MANUAL J REFERENCE USE PAGE 26 OF 62TECHNICAL SUPPORT CENTER (TSC) OPERATIONSATAhMeNT2 9.43REACTOR ENGINEERSheet 2 of 32.02.1Continuous Responsibility/ActivityNotes*Maintain personnel accountability in the TSC.A. IF you leave the area, THEN:1. Inform the Engineering Coordinator of destination and expectedreturn.2. Inform the Engineering Coordinator of return.(a) Upon return, obtain a briefing on any events that haveoccurred while away.2.2 Maintain a log.A. Use webEOC or if unavailable, EP-3-ALL, Log Sheet Form tomaintain a log of significant items pertaining to the Reactor Engineerposition.B. Log when the Reactor Engineer duties were assumed.2.3 Monitor plant conditions for any indications of core damage.A. Perform and update core damage assessment based on currentinformation using site-specific procedure.B. Notify TSC Manager and/or Engineering Coordinator immediatelyof any changes in core status.C. Keep the Radiological Coordinator informed of core status to assistin maintaining radiological controls for plant personnel.0. Through the TSC Manager and/or the Radiological Coordinator,ensure that the EQE Radiological Assessment Coordinator is keptinformed of the. latest estimate of the amount of core damage.2.4 Assist in clarifying core parameter information to other members of theEngineering Team.A. Provide recommendations on plant operations.B. Assist in developing emergency procedures if needed. ATTACHMENT 9.4Sheet 3 of 3REACTOR ENGINEER2.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activitv (Cont'd) Notes2.5 Work with other members of the Engineering Team to provide support tothe Control Room to mitigate the effects of the event and return the plantto a safe condition.A. Provide recommendations on plant operations.B. Assist in developing emergency procedures if needed.C. Assist in Severe Accident Management Guideline implementation.3.0 Closeout Activity3.1 Assist TSC personnel in returning all equipment to proper storagelocations.3.2 Review all documentation the Reactor Engineers maintained during theemergency:A. Verify that logs, forms and other documentation are complete.B. Verify that any core parameters that were outside technicalspecifications during the event are documented so that properactions can be taken during the Recovery Phase.3.3 Provide all logs and records to the Engineering Coordinator upontermination of the emergency and entry into the Recovery Phase. ENGINEERING COORDINATORATTACHMENT 9.5Sheet 1 of 4ENGINEERING COORDINATOREngineering Coordinator Name:___1.0 Initial Responsibilitv/Activitv1.1 Initial Orientation.Date:NotesA. Upon arrival at the TSC:1. Card in the accountability readers (as required) and/or sign in onEP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form.2. Sign in on the TSC staffing board.3. Obtain the "Engineering Coordinator" Binder & ID Badge.B. Review electronic displays, plant data and any other availableinformation to become familiar with current plant conditions.C. Evaluate the adequacy of the Engineering Team staffing and abilityto support the Control Room in technical assessment activities, Thenormal Engineering Team includes:1. Reactor Engineer2. Electrical / I&C Engineer3. Mechanical Engineer1.2 Assume the position of Engineering Coordinator.A. IF the TSC has NOT, been declared operational, THEN:1. Report readiness status to the TSC Manager when prepared toassume the Engineering Coordinator position.B. IF relieving another Engineering Coordinator, THEN perform a formalturnover with the current Engineering Coordinator:1. Obtain the Engineering Coordinator's position binder and reviewany documents used.2. Review facility log.3. Obtain a briefing from the acting Engineering Coordinator on theemergency, plant conditions and any actions that have beencompleted or are in progress.4. Relieve the current Engineering Coordinator.C. Inform the TSC Manager and staff that you are now theEngineering Coordinator. ATTACHMENT 9.5Sheet 2 of 4ENGINEERING COORDINATOR2.0 Continuous Res ponsibility/Activity Notes2.1 Maintain personnel accountability in the TSC.A. IF you leave the area, THEN:1. Inform the TSC Manager of destination and expected return.2. Inform the TSC Manager of return.(a) Upon return, obtain a briefing on any events that haveoccurred while away.2.2 Maintain a log.A. Use webEOC or if unavailable, EP-3-ALL, Log Sheet Form tomaintain a log of significant items pertaining to the EngineeringCoordinator position.B. Log when the Engineering Coordinator duties were assumed.C. Note the Engineering Team activities undertaken with informationpending actions to ensure the plant is returned to a safe condition.D. Note communications external to the TSC.2.3 Coordinate with the TSC Manager to call in additional engineeringassistance as needed:A. All Entergy engineering resources should be utilized as required.Individuals may be tasked with activities to be completed atengineering offices external to the TSC, and to be called to report tothe TSC or directed to other facilities as needed.B. Call on non-Entergy engineering support such as Westinghouse,equipment vendors and/or NRC engineers as necessary (somesupport organization phone numbers are located in the Emergency,Telephone Directory).2.4 Track assignments to TSC engineering personnel using webEOC or EP-12-ALL, Engineering Task Assignment Form if webEOC is unavailable. ATTACHMENT 9.5Sheet 3 of 4ENGINEERING COORDINATOR2.0 Continuous ResponsibilitylActivity (Cont'd)Noe2.5 Assist the TSC Manager in planning and performing engineeringassessment of the plant conditions and/or actions to be taken to mitigateplant damage.A. Assist the EPM and TSC Manager in establishing onsite priorities inresponse to the emergency using the guidance for priority numberingin EP-1 2-ALL, Engineering Task Assignment Form.2.6 Direct the activities of the Engineering Team in the following areas andprovide results back to the TSC Manager:A. Direct the technical support and engineering activities inaccordance with the priorities established by the EPMand the TSC Manager.B. Use available computer systems to monitor and assessvital plant parameters and conditions.C. Direct the Engineering Team to monitor, trend and assess plantparameters and status to determine the condition of safety relatedsystems and the fission product barriers.1. Verify the status of equipment out-of-service is maintained.2. Provide recommendations for emergency classification changesbased on review of the EALs.3. Provide recommendations for mitigating activities.4. Forecast expected changes in the level of plant and systemsafety.5. Determine the extent of core damage.6. Recommend strategies and actions to prevent severe coredamage and containment failure and reduce radiological releases.D. When applicable, perform monitoring, assessment and evaluation tosupport Severe Accident Management Guideline activities andstrategies.E. Track plant configuration changes.F. Direct personnel to develop or modify procedures to performresponse activities as necessary. (For example, emergency repairsor emergency system lineups). ATTACHMENT 9.5Sheet 4 of 4ENGINEERING COORDINATOR2.0 Continuous Responsibilitv/Activitv (Cont'd) NotesG. Confirm any sample requests for chemistry sampling contain specificdetails on the type of information that is necessary (such as systemboron concentration, activity, etc.).H. Provide engineering support for OSC activities as requested.3.0 Closeout Activity3.1 Direct Engineering Team Staff to return all equipment to proper storagelocations.3.2 Review all documentation the Engineering Team maintained during theemergency:A. Verify that logs, forms and other documentation are complete.B. Verify that all temporary procedures used and/or developed aredocumented for use by the Recovery Organization so necessaryactions can be taken for continuous plant operations or long-termrestoration.3.3 Provide all logs and records to the TSC Manager upon termination of theemergency and entry into the Recovery Phase. ATTACHMENT 9.6Sheet 1 of 3MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICALII&C ENGINEERSEngineer Name:______________________ Date:_____1.0 Initial Responsibility/Activity Notes1.1 Initial Orientation.A. Upon arrival at the TSC:1. Card in the accountability readers (as required) and/or sign in onEP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form.2. Sign in on the TSC staffing board.3. Obtain the "Mechanical Engineer" Binder & ID Badge or"Electrical/l&C Engineer" Binder & ID Badge.B. Review facility electronic displays, plant data and any other availableinformation to become familiar with current plant conditions.1.2 Assume the position of Mechanical (Electrical/l&C) Engineer.A. IF the TSC has NOT been declared operational, THEN:1. Report readiness status to the Engineering Coordinator whenprepared to assume the Mechanical (Electrical/l&C) Engineerposition.B. IF relieving another engineer, THEN perform a formal turnover withthe current engineer.1. Obtain the Mechanical (Electrical/l&C) Engineer's position binderand review any documents used.2. Review facility log.3. Obtain a briefing from the acting engineer on the emergency,plant conditions and any actions that have been completed or arein progress.4. Relieve the current Mechanical (Electrical/l&C) Engineer.C. Inform Engineering Coordinator that you are now the Mechanical(Electrical/l&C) Engineer. ATTACHMENT 9.6Sheet 2 of 3MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICALII&C ENGINEERS2.0Continuous Res ponsibilitv/ActivitvNotes2.1 Maintain personnel accountability in the TSC.A. IF you leave the area, THEN:1. Inform the Engineering Coordinator of destination and expectedreturn.2. Inform the Engineering Coordinator of return.(a) Upon return, obtain a briefing on any events that haveoccurred while away.2.2 ~Maintain a log.A. Use webEOC or if unavailable, EP-3-ALL, Log Sheet Form tomaintain a log of significant items pertaining to the position.B. Log when the engineer duties were assumed.2.3 Assist in clarifying Mechanical or Electrical / I&C information to othermembers of the Engineering Team.2.4 Work with other members of the Engineering Team to provide support tothe Control Room to mitigate the effects of the event and return the plantto a safe condition.A. Respond to engineering requests from the Engineering Coordinator.B. Provide recommendations on equipment operations.C. Develop emergency procedures if needed.D. Identify emergency repairs that can be undertaken to restore andmaintain equipment operability and plant safety.2.5 Assist the OSC Mechanical and I&C/Electrical Coordinators in preparingto send repair teams into the plant.A. Provide information on parts needed.B. Provide information on tools required.C. Prepare emergent maintenance procedures for OSCrepair teams.D. Participate in team briefing if required.2.6 Evaluate Severe Accident Management Guideline strategyimplementation when designated. ATTACHMENT 9.6Sheet 3 of 3MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICALI.I&C ENGINEERS3.0 Closeout Activity Notes3.1 Assist TSC personnel in returning all equipment to proper storagelocations.3.2 Review all documentation the Mechanical or Electrical / I&C Engineersmaintained during the emergency:A. Verify that logs, forms and other documentation are complete.B. Verify that any equipment repairs that were performed outsidenormal requirements during the event are documented so that properactions can be taken during the recovery phase.3.3 Provide all logs and records to the Engineering Coordinator uponStermination of the emergency and entry into the Recovery Phase. ATTACHMENT 9.7IT SPECIALISTSheet 1 of 2NOTEIF the IT Specialist is staffed in the TSC versus the EOF, THEN thischecklist is applicable.IT Specialist Name:________1.0 Initial Responsibility/ActivityDate:Notes1 .1 Initial Orientation.A. Upon arrival at the TSC:1. Card in the accountability readers (as required) and/or sign in onEP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form.2. Sign in on the TSC staffing board.3. Obtain the "IT Specialist" Binder & ID Badge..1.2 Assume the position of IT Specialist.A. IF the TSC has NOT been declared operational, THEN:1. Report readiness status to the TSC Manager when preparedto assume the IT Specialist position.B. IF relieving another IT Specialist, THE..N perform a formalturnover with the current IT Specialist:1. Obtain the IT Specialist's position binder and review anydocuments used.2. Review facility log.3. Obtain a briefing from the acting IT Specialist on the emergency,plant conditions and any actions that have been completed or arein progress.4. Relieve the current IT Specialist.C. Inform TSC Manager and staff that you are now the IT Specialist.D. Emergency Response Data System (EROS)1. IF not previously performed, THEN. verify EROS is activatedwithin one (1) hour of declared emergency at ALERT O.R higherclassification. Refer to EN-EP-31 1.E. Support the setting up of the TSC/OSC electronic displays. ATTACHMENT 9.7Sheet 2 of 2IT SPECIALIST2.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activity Notes2.1 Maintain personnel accountability in the TSC.A. IF you leave the area, THEN:1. Inform the TSC Manager of destination and expected return.2. Inform the TSC Manager of return.(a) Upon return, obtain a briefing on any events that haveoccurred while away.2.2 Maintain a log.A. Use webEOC or if unavailable, EP-3-ALL, Log Sheet Form tomaintain a log of significant items pertaining to the position.B. Log when the IT Specialist duties were assumed.2.3 Assist the Engineering Team in obtaining plant data from the variousTSC Computer systems.2.4 Ensure computer displays continue to operate properly.2.5 Assist with issues related to webEOC.3.0 Closeout Activity3.1 Assist TSC personnel in returning all equipment to proper storagelocations:A. Erase TSC Electronic displays.B. Log off PCs.C. Turn off or dim computer display systems.3.2 Provide all logs and records to the Engineering Coordinator upontermination of the emergency and entry into the Recovery Phase. ATTACHMENT 9.8Sheet I of 3TSC COMMUNICATORTSC Communicator Name:_______________ Date1.0 Initial Responsibility/Activity1.1 Initial Orientation.A. Upon arrival at the TSC:1. Card in the accountability readers (as required) and/or sign in onEP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form.2. Sign in on the TSC staffing board.3. Obtain the "TSC Communicator' Binder & ID Badge.B. Review facility electronic displays, plant data and any other availableinformation to become familiar with current plant conditions.1.2 Assume the position of TSC Communicator.A. IF the TSC has NOT been declared operational, THEN:1. Report readiness status to the TSC Manager when preparedto assume the TSC Communicator position.B. IF relieving another TSC Communicator, THEN perform aformal turnover with the current TSC Communicator:1. Obtain the TSC Communicator's position binder and reviewany documents used.2. Review facility log.3. Obtain a briefing from the acting TSC Communicator on theemergency, plant conditions and any actions that have beencompleted or are in progress.4. Relieve the current TSC Communicator.C. Inform TSC Manager and staff that you are now the TSCCommunicator.D. IF inter-facility communications has NOT been established with theother facilities, THEN establish this communications link.1. Inform all parties you are establishing communications from theTSC and are now monitoring line.2. Stay on line at all times or inform other parties whenyou will be off line.Notes ATTACHMENT 9.8Sheet 2of 3TSC COMMUNICATOR2.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activity Notes2.1 Maintain personnel accountability in the TSC.A. IF you leave the area, THEN:1. Request the TSC Operations Coordinator monitor the inter-facilitycommunications to the Control Room, OSC and EQE asnecessary.2. Inform the TSC Manager and/or Security Coordinator ofdestination and expected return.3. Inform the TSC Manager and/or Security Coordinator of return.(a) Upon return, obtain a briefing on any events that haveoccurred while away. j2.2 Maintain alog.A. Use webEOC or if unaviailable, EP-3-ALL, Log Sheet Form tomaintain a log of significant items pertaining to the TSC facility and theTSC Communicator position.B. Log when the TSC Communicator duties were assumed.C. Update facility status in webEOC.0. Log significant Communications pertaining to plant operations and allcommunications to individuals offsite.2.3 Ensure timeliness of facility briefs by prompting EPM to develop andadhere to briefing schedule.2.4 Communicate between the other emergency response facilities (ERFs) ifnecessary regarding plant status or webEOC entries.A. Transmit/receive data to/from the TSC as applicable regarding actionbeing taken in all ERFs.B. Advise communicators in the other ERFs of the actions being takenin the TSC and OSC (as applicable):1. Report TSC and OSC (as applicable) activities.2. Question others regarding activities and actions at their facilities.3. Ask for feedback from OSC on engineering decisions.2.5 Maintain communications as necessary with satellite Entergy responsegroups outside ERFs. ATTACHMENT 9.8Sheet 3 of 3TSC COMMUNICATOR2.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activity (Cont'd) Notes2.6 Keep aware of Control Room personnel actions and procedures beingimplemented. Notify TSC Engineers if appropriate.2.7 Work with other members of the TSC Staff to provide support to theControl Room to mitigate the effects of the event and return the plant toa safe condition.2.8 Support the EPM/TSC Manager as requested.A. When requested by TSC Manager, notify the Nuclear Steam SupplySystem (NSSS) vendor and other vendors of emergency Phone numbers can be found in the Emergency Telephone Directory.B. Provide information to the NRC Operations Center as requested.3.0 Closeout Activity3.1 Assist TSC personnel in returning all equipment to proper storagelocations.3.2 Review all documentation maintained during the emergency.A. Verify that logs, forms and other documentation are complete.B. Verify that any equipment and procedure problems noted during theevent are documented so that proper actions can be taken to correctthem.3.3 Provide all logs and records to the TSC Manager upon termination of theemergency and entry into the Recovery Phase. ATTACHMEN~Sheet 1 of8RADIOLOGICAL COORDINATORIT 9.9 RADIOLOGICAL COORDINATOR8Radiological Coordinator Name:________________ Date:1.0 Initial Responsibilitv1Activitv1 .1 Initial Orientation.A. Upon arrival at the TSC:1. Card in the accountability readers (as required) and/or sign in onEP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form.2. Sign in on the TSC staffing board.3. Obtain the "Radiological Coordinator' Binder & ID Badge.B. Review facility electronic displays, plant data and any other availableinformation to become familiar with current plant and radiologicalconditions.1.2 Assume the position of Radiological Coordinator.A. IF the TSC has NOT been declared operational, THEN:1. Contact the shift RP personnel and receive a briefing ofradiological conditions and status of any ongoing jobs.2. Determine if any personnel are currently in the field.3. Report readiness status to the TSC Manager when prepared toassume the Radiological Coordinator position.B. IF relieving another Radiological Coordinator, THEN perform aformal turnover with the current Radiological Coordinator:1. Obtain the Radiological Coordinator's position binder andreview any documents used.2. Review facility log.3. Obtain a briefing from the acting Radiological Coordinator on theemergency, plant conditions and any actions that have beencompleted or are in progress.4. Relieve the current Radiological Coordinator.Notes ATTACHMENT 9.9Sheet 2 of 8RADIOLOGICAL COORDINATOR1.0 Initial Responsibility/Activity (Cont'd) NotesC. Inform the TSC Manager and TSC staff that you are now theRadiological Coordinator.1 .3 IF NOT already performed, THE.N perform the following:A. IF necessary, THEN direct a Rad Protection Technician to perform ahabitability survey of the TSC and set up radiological controls(access/egress checkpoints) as required.B. Establish the capability for monitoring of Iodine, should it becomenecessary, using an AMS-4 or other equipment.C. Establish contamination controls for the Control Room and TSC ifnecessary.D. IF individuals have not been previously issued dosimetry, THEN. havedosimetry issued to them.E. Assign personnel to the following positions:1. TSC RP monitor2. Protected Area/Onsite Monitoring Team, IF requested by the EOF3. EOF RP monitor, IF requested by the EOF4. Personnel to report to the EOF to support any decontaminationefforts, IF requested by the EOF.5. RP monitor to Assembly Area(s) as necessary.2.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activity2.1 Maintain personnel accountability in the TSC.A. IF you leave the area, THEN:1. Inform the TSC Manager and/or Security Coordinator ofdestination and expected return.2. Inform the TSC Manager and/or Security Coordinator of return.(a) Upon return, obtain a briefing on any events that haveoccurred while away. ATTACHMENT 9.9Sheet 3 of 8RADIOLOGICAL COORDINATOR2.0 Continuous ResponsibilitvlActivitv (Cont'd) Notes2.2 Maintain a log.A. Use webEOC or if unavailable, EP-3-ALL, Log Sheet Form tomaintain a log of significant items pertaining to the RadiologicalCoordinator position.B. Log when the Radiological Coordinator duties were assumed.C. Record any significant and unusual indications from the plant Radiation7Monitoring System.D. Record any significant changes in radiological conditions reportedfrom Field Teams.E. Record any communications outside the Protected Area Fence orsignificant communications to facilities outside the TSC/OSC.2.3 Assess radiological conditions and develop radiological plans.A. Obtain and evaluate data on plant conditions such as meteorologicaland radiological readings and other pertinent data.B. Keep the TSC Manager informed of radiological conditions.2.4 Advise the OSC Rad/Chem Coordinator of changes in plant conditionsor equipment that may change radiological conditions onsite.2.5 Establish and maintain radiological habitability.A. Direct periodic radiological monitoring of emergency responsefacilities within the Protected Area and other occupied areas asnecessary, particularly when a release of radioactive material~intoplant environments is in progress or suspected.1. At a minimum, verify habitability in the Control Room, TSC andOSC.2. Re-verify this habitability approximately once every 60 minutes orwhen conditions have likely worsened.3. IF there has been a release of radioactive material, THE._Ndispatch RP Technicians to Assembly Area(s) to verify habitabilityas necessary. ATTACHMENT 9.9Sheet 4 of 8RADIOLOGICAL COORDINATOR2.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activity (Cont'd) NotesB. IF the following conditions exist in the TSC or Control Room, THENrequest the EPM to implement restrictions on eating and drinking inthe affected areas.1. Radiological conditions are unknown.2. Contamination levels above background.3. Airborne contamination levels above background.C. Set up radiological controls for the TSC.D. Ensure Control RoomITSC/OSC/Security personnel are aware of anyrestrictions in place. Note any radiological release that may interferewith personnel movement outside.1. Advise the TSC Manager and EOF RadiologicalAssessment Coordinator of changes in radiological releasestatus.2. Coordinate with the Security Coordinator to determine the routesto be used for evacuation of non-essential personnel and BREs.E. IF any of the following conditions exist, THEN request the TSCManager immediately consider a planned evacuation of the TSC(OSC or other occupied area):1. TSC (OSC or other occupied area) dose rates > 500 mRem/hr2. Projected doses > 1 Rem TEDE or 5 Rem CDE over a 12 hourperiod3. Airborne concentrations which may result in exceedingoccupational limits for inhalation specified in 10CFR20, AppendixB, Table 1.F. IF any of the above limits are reached, THEN coordinate with theOSC/TSC Managers to survey alternate locations for habitability priorto relocation if possible. ATTACHMENT 9.9Sheet 5 of 8RADIOLOGICAL COORDINATOR2.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activitv (Cont'd) Notes2.6 Suspend normal RWP requirements for performing work in radiologicalcontrolled areas if necessary.A. Emergency Radiation Work Permits (ERWP) will then be used forteam dispatch.B. In the event that radiation fields change while a team is in the field,the RP Technician accompanying the team becomes a "WalkingERWP" and may determine what radiological precautions areappropriate for the situation.2.7 IF immediate action is necessary to mitigate a situation that severelythreatens plant or personnel safety, THEN documentation on ERWPsand Team Dispatching Forms may be deferred.A. Documentation shall be finished as soon as possible after teamdispatch.2.8 Suspend radiological posting requirements, if necessary, for areasoutside the RCA that are affected by the accident until the RecoveryPhase is entered.2.9 Document radiological readings taken by RP Technicians or other meterqualified individuals in the field on survey maps.2.10 Establish and maintain dosimetry, protective clothing, and otherprotective equipment requirements for onsite ERO personnel.A. Use ERWPs to control radiological requirements for personnel sentinto the ,plant.B. Initiate ERWPs for anticipated activities in various plant areas.C. WHEN possible, THEN use normal criteria when establishingrequirements for dosimetry, protective clothing, and respiratoryprotection equipment.2.11 Direct Radiation Protection Technicians in the following activities:A. Assign RP Technicians to assist in emergency response supportactivities.B. Use EP-5-ALL, Team Dispatching Form to prepare and documentteam assignments. Ensure each team dispatched has a copy of theTeam Dispatching Form. ATTACHMENT 9.9Sheet 6 of 8RADIOLOGICAL COORDINATOR2.0 Continuous ResponsibilitylActivity (Cont'd) NotesC. Assign personnel to conduct in-plant radiological surveys as requiredto support ERO activities.0. Assign RP Technicians to accompany teams requiring radiologicalsupport.2.12 Assist in planning rescue operations~ and provide monitoring services asrequired, including the transfer of injured and/or contaminated personnel.A IF there are contaminated injured personnel, THE..N perform thefollowing:1. Provide radiological support for the assessment, treatment, andtransportation of contaminated injured personnel.2. Monitor patients for contamination and decontaminate asappropriate.3. Make arrangements to pick up Rad Protection personnel at thehospital.4. Follow proper procedures to retrieve radioactive waste fromoffsite treatment locations.5. Obtain concurrence from the EPM prior to releasing the hospital'sRadiological Emergency Room or the ambulance for uncontrolleduse.2.13 Emergency Exposure Control:A. IF emergency exposure controls are implemented, THEN maintainindividual emergency exposures as follows:1. Give EPM the recommendation for the ERO Dose Limits to beraised to 5 Rem.2. IF individuals are required to receive greater than 5 Rememergency exposures, THEN complete EP-4-ALL, ExposureAuthorization Form AND request per mission from EPM authorizingexposure in excess of 5 Rem. ATTACHMENT 9.9Sheet 7 of 8RADIOLOGICAL COORDINATOR2.0 Continuous Responsibilitv/Activitv (Cont'd)NoeB. An RP Technician escort is required for any team being sent into anarea where any of the following conditions exist:1. Radiological conditions are unknown. Surveys or ARMs may beused to predict radiological conditions.2. Radiation field in excess of 1 R/hr is expected.3. In the event of any release of radioactivity to the environment.2.14 IF individuals receive or are expected to receive radioiodine uptakes > 5REM ODE thyroid dose or a General Emergency has been declared,THEN:A. Control the issuance of KI to onsite emergency workers as follows:1. Discuss issuance of KI with Radiological Assessment Coordinatorin the EOF.2. Get approval of the EPM for issuance of KI.3. Direct team members to read Patient Package Insert prior to*taking KI (see EP-8-ALL, KI Instructions/Briefing Form forsample).4. Recommend emergency workers to take one KI tablet per day.Refer to site specific procedure for location of KI.5. Record KI issuance information on EP-8-ALL, KIInstructions/Briefing Form.6. Select and announce appropriate locations (TSC, OSC, etc.) forall ERO members inside the Protected Area to report fordistribution of KI.7. Notify the Assembly Area Coordinator(s) to issue KI to personnelin the assembly area(s) as necessary.B. Evaluate iodine uptakes for persons issued KI, informing contractedmedical representatives of KI issuance.2.15 Direct the decontamination efforts of personnel, equipment, and onsiteareas as appropriate.2.16 Ensure that appropriate bioassay procedures have been implementedfor onsite personnel when a radioactivity incident has occurred. ATTACHMENT 9.9Sheet 8 of 8S RADIOLOGICAL COORDINATOR2.0 Continuous ResponsibilitvlActivitv (Cont'd) Notes.2.17 Ensure adequate personnel, materials and supplies are available forassigned missions.A. Obtain needed materials from normal station supply locations.B. IF additional personnel or supplies are needed, THEN request anymaterials, supplies, or personnel needs from the OSC3 Managerand/or EQE Administration and Logistics C3oordinator.3.0 Closeout Activity3.1 Review all documentation maintained during the emergency.A. Verify that logs, forms and other documentation are complete.B. Verify that any equipment and procedure problems noted during theevent are documented so that proper actions can be taken to correctthem.3.2 IF radiological conditions allow, THEN direct Rad ProtectionTechnicians:A. To return emergency equipment to proper storage areas and restocksupplies as needed.B. Review radiological conditions in the plant and update postings asrequired.C3. Review any open RWPs to ensure conditions have not changed thatmay affect their use.3.3 Provide all logs and records to the TSC Manager upon termination of theemergency and entry into the Recovery Phase. ATTACHMENT 9.10Sheet 1 of 5SECURITY COORDINATORSecurity Coordinator Name:__________________ Date:1.0 Initial Responsibility/Activitv*1.1 Initial Orientation.A. Upon arrival at the TSC:1. Card in the accountability readers (as required) and/or sign in onEP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form.2. Sign in on the TSC staffing board.3. Obtain the "Security Coordinator" Binder & ID Badge.1.2 Assume the position of Security Coordinator.A. IF the TSC has NOT been declared operational, THEN:1. Report readiness status to the TSC Manager when prepared toassume the Security Coordinator position.B. IF relieving another Security Coordinator, THEN perform a formalturnover with the current Security Coordinator:1. Obtain the Security Coordinator's position binder and reviewany documents used.2. Review facility log.3. Obtain a briefing from the acting Security Coordinator on theemergency, plant conditions and any actions that have beencompleted or are in progress.4. Relieve the current Security Coordinator.C. Inform the TSC Manager and TSC staff that you are now the SecurityCoordinator.D. Perform a communication check with the CAS and SAS andinform them that you are the Security Coordinator and how youcan be contacted.E. Perform a communications check with the OSC (as necessary) andEOF Security post personnel (as necessary).Notes ATTACHMENT 9.10Sheet 2 of 5SECURITY COORDINATOR1.0 Initial ResponsibilitylActivity ((3ont'd) Notes1.3 IF NOTQ already performed, THE..N perform the following:A. Have all visitors leave the plant site at an Alert or higherclassification.1. Notify the TSC3 Manager this has been done.B. Secure site access at a Site Area Emergency or GeneralEmergency classification.1. Notify the TSC3 Manager this has been done.C3. Initial Accountability.1. Designate a Lead Accountability Officer (LAO) and verify thatthe accountability card readers are active.2. IF the event has been classified as a Site Area Emergency orGeneral Emergency AN__D Initial Accountability has NOT beenperformed, THEN immediately perform accountability inaccordance with site specific procedures.0. Continuous Accountability.1. Assign an Accountability Coordinator.2. Report readiness to conduct accountability to the EPM. Utilizethe Accountability Coordinator to assist in accountability.3. Direct the Accountability Coordinator to support monitoring ofthe Accountability Card Readers while ERO members arecarding into the TSC3 (OS(0), direct them to verify badges areproperly read by the Accountability Card Reader and to log thename and badge number on EP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form of anyone having difficulty carding in.4. Inform the EPM and TSC (OSC) staff that y~ou are overseeingthe function of Accountability. ATTACHMENT 9.10Sheet 3 of 5SECURITY COORDINATOR2.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activity Notes2.1 Maintain personnel accountability in the TSC.A. IF you leave the area, THEN:1. Inform the TSC Manager of destination and expected return.2. Inform the TSC Manager of return.(a) Upon return, obtain a briefing on any events that have occurredwhile away.2.2 Maintain a log.A. Use webEOC or if unavailable, EP-3-ALL, Log Sheet Form tomaintain a log of significant items pertaining to the SecurityCoordinator position.B. Log when Security Coordinator duties were assumed.C. Record Security Team activities undertaken. (Sensitive orSafeguards Information from team briefing forms need not berepeated).D. Record all communications outside the Protected Area Fence.E. Record Accountability Team activities undertaken and completed.2.3 Establish and maintain communications with the TSC RadiologicalCoordinator. Review the following items as necessary.A. Radiological conditions and any protective actions for SecurityForce movements.B. Dosimetry requirements for Security Force.C. Issuance of Potassium Iodide (KI) to Security Force.2.4 Establish and maintain communications with the Security Force.Keep them updated on the following items.A. Plant conditions and actions being taken to end emergency.B. Radiological conditions, other hazards and any restrictions ofmovement.C. Implementation and status of site specific Security responseprocedures.2.5 Coordinate Security Force staffing needs with the TSC Manager andensure 24-hour staffing of the Security Force. ATTACHMENT 9.10Sheet 4 of 5SECURITY COORDINATOR2.0 Continuous Responsibilitv/Activitv Notes2.6 Coordinate the Security response to any emergency conditions withother emergency response organizations (TSCIOSCIEOFIICP) andact as designated National Incident Management System (NIMS)Liaison between the ICP and site organization. Use guidanceprovided in:A. Site specific procedures for response to Site Access Threat.B. Site specific procedures for assembly, accountability andrelocation of personnel offsite.C. Site specific procedures for responding to fire or medicalemergencies2.7 Keep the ED/EPM informed of any security contingency event thatmay be occurring and response in progress.2.8 Provide assistance in evaluating plant equipment / system(s) todetermine if malfunctions are related to sabotage.2.9 Coordinate assistance to monitoring teams by permitting access toowner controlled areas normally gated off.2.10 IF evacuation/relocation~of onsite personnel to offsite locations is calledfor, THEN:A. Coordinate with TSC Radiological Coordinator to monitor evacuationroutes as necessary.B. Ensure Security Force is aware of pending evacuation/relocation androutes to be used.C. Notify the Lead Accountability Officer (LAO) of the following:1. Pending evacuation2. Routes to beused3. Mode of transportation4. Establishment of decontamination location as necessaryD. Coordinate the evacuation/relocation efforts with the Security Forceand coordinate the dispatch of Security officers to evacuationassembly areas as necessary.1. Sound the applicable alarm (from Control Room as necessary)and make site-wide announcements.E. Keep the ED/EPM informed of evacuation accountability. ATTACHMENT 9.10 SECURITY COORDINATORATTACHMENT 9.10SECURITY COORDINATORSheet 5 of 5_2.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activity (Cont'd) Notes2.11 Provide overall coordination of offsite assistance for the security-relatedresponse.A. Interface with Offsite Law Enforcement Agencies as necessary.2.12 Establish and maintain continuous accountability.NOTE1. Initial Accountability shall be accomplished within 30 minutes of the classificationof Site Area Emergency or General Emergency. Accountability may be directedat the Alert classification (or any other time deemed necessary) at the direction ofthe Shift Manager or EPM.2. Accountability may be suspended if the safety of personnel may be jeopardizedby a security event or other event hazardous to personnel.WARN INGDuring Security Emergencies, do not evacuate personnel without permission fromSecurity (CAS/SAS).A. Accountability may be suspended if the safety of personnel may bejeopardized by a security event or other event hazardous topersonnelB. Perform or re-perform initial accountability as necessary.1. Initial accountability is accomplished by evacuation/assembly ofall non-essential personnel in locations outside of the ProtectedArea and physically accounting for all individuals who remainwithin the Protected Area. (Refer to step 2.9)2. IF the emergency classification is changed to a Site AreaEmergency or General Emergency OR if directed by the EPM,THEN establish or re-establish initial accountability in accordancewith site specific procedures.C. Ensure continuous accountability is maintained in emergencyresponse facilities and other locations where emergency responsepersonnel are located.3,0 Closeout Activity3.1 Return all equipment to proper storage locations.3.2 Provide all logs and records to the TSC (or OSC) Manager upontermination of the emergency and entry into the Recovery Phase. ATTACHMENT 9.11Sheet 1 of 4MAINTENANCE COORDINATORMaintenance Coordinator Name:_______________ Date1.0 Initial ResponsibilitvlActivity1.1 Initial Orientation.A. Upon arrival at the TSC:1. Card in the accountability readers (as required) and/or sign in onEP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form.2. Sign in on the TSC staffing board.3. Obtain the "Maintenance Coordinator' Binder & ID Badge.1.2 Assume the position of Maintenance Coordinator.A. IF the TSC has NOT been declared operational, THEN:1. Discuss with the OSC Work Control Coordinator any actionsthat have been completed or are in progress.2. Report readiness status to the TSC Manager when preparedto assume the Maintenance Coordinator position.B. IF relieving another Maintenance Coordinator, THE.N perform aformal turnover with thecurrent Maintenance Coordinator:1. Obtain the Maintenance Coordinator's position binder andreview any documents used.2. Review facility log.3. Obtain a briefing from the acting Maintenance Coordinator on theemergency, plant conditions and any actions that have beencompleted or are in progress.4. Relieve the current Maintenance Coordinator.C. Inform the TSC Manager and TSC staff you are now theMaintenance Coordinator.Notes "MAAGMNTULERNON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-610 REV. 2MANUAL REFERENCE USE PAGE 54 OF 62TECHNICAL SUPPORT CENTER (TSC) OPERATIONSATTACHMENT 9.11 MAINTENANCE COORDINATORSheet 2 of 42.0 Continuous ResponsibilitylActivity Notes2.1 Maintain personnel accountability in the TSC.A. IF you leave the area, THEN:1. Inform the TSC Manager of destination and expected return (foraccountability purposes).2. Inform the T.SC Manager of return.1. Upon return, obtain a briefing on any events that haveoccurred while away.2.2 Maintain a log.A. Use webEOC or if unavailable, EP-3-ALL, Log Sheet Form tomaintain a log of significant items pertaining to the MaintenanceCoordinator position.B. Log when Maintenance Coordinator duties were assumed.C. Ensure that chemistry sample requests are logged.2.3 Support OSC mitigation activities.A. Work with the EPM, TSC Manager and OSC Manager to providesupport to the Control Room to mitigate the effects of the event andreturn the plant to a safe condition.1. Obtain and provide operational guidance and recommendationson equipment operations.2. Obtain and identify emergency repairs that can be undertaken torestore and maintain equipment operability and plant safety.3. Look ahead for possible plant problems and solutions.4. Assist in developing emergency procedures if needed.5. Assist the Control Room, EPM, TSC Manager and OSC Managerin planning and preparing for any OSC maintenance activitiesneeded to return the plant to a safe condition.6. Maintain manpower status to ensure OSC is adequately staffed tosupport mitigation activities.7. Maintain a list/log and status of OSC work assignments bymaintaining frequent communications with the OSC Work ControlCoordinator. ATTACHMENT 9.11Sheet 3 of 4MAINTENANCE COORDINATOR2.0 Continuous ResponsibilitvlActivity (Cont'd) Notes2.4 Assist the OSC Coordinators in preparing to send repair teams into theplant.A. Provide technical support to OSC teams, as needed.2.5 Using webEOC, open a new record from the Repair/Corrective Actionboard menu to initiate assignments to OSC teams and transmit team.A. Select the appropriate team priority using the guidance for prioritynumbering in EP-1 1-ALL, Repair & Corrective Action AssignmentForm.B. Call the Work Control Coordinator to inform of job initiation.2.6 Provide/request information as directed by the EPM.A. Inform the EPM of activities of OSC Operations personnel -Non-Licensed Operators (NLOs) in the OSC1. IF informed by the OSC of any NLOs requested to be dispatchedfrom the OSC by the Control Room, THEN notify the EPMimmediately.2. IF requested by the OSC, THEN obtain prior approval fromthe EPM for:(a) OSC request to deviate from any existing plantprocedure dealing with changing plant configuration orpersonnel safety.(b) 050 request to perform an action that would normallyrequire a procedure but no procedure exists.B. Inform the EPM and/or the SM of changing situations in theplant based on information received from OSC teams in thefield.2.7 Assist in clarifying OSC/TSC information to the EngineeringCoordinator. -Etgy MANUAL REFERENCE USE PAGE 56 OF 62TECHNICAL SUPPORT CENTER (TSC) OPERATIONSATTACHMENT 9.11 MAINTENANCE COORDINATORSheet 4 of 43.0 Closeout Activity Notes3.1 Assist TSC personnel in returning all equipment to proper storagelocations.3.2 Review all documentation maintained during the emergency.A. Verify that logs, forms and other documentation are complete.B. Verify that all tasks performed that deviated from normal stationprocedures are properly documented so that necessary actions canbe undertaken for continuous plant operation or recovery operation~s.3.3 Provide all logs and records to the TSC Manager upon termination of theemergency and entry into the Recovery Phase. ATTACHMENT 9.12 ENS COMMUNICATORSheet 1 of 3ENS COMMUNICATORSheet I of 3ENS Communicator Name:__________________ Date1,0 Initial Responsibility/Activity1 .1 Initial Orientation.A. Upon arrival at the TSC:1. Card in the accountability readers (as required) and/or sign in onEP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form.2. Sign in on the TSC staffing board.3. Obtain the "ENS Communicator" Binder & ID Badge.1.2 Assume the position of ENS Communicator.A. IF the TSC has NOT been declared operational, THEN:1. Verify the TSC plant data electronic displays are on andoperational and adjust for viewing as necessary.2. Verify that the TSC NRC ENS phone is operational by checkingfor dial tone.3. Review facility electronic displays, plant data and any otheravailable information to become familiar with current plantconditions.4. Report readiness status to the TSC Manager when prepared toassume the ENS Communicator position.B. IF relieving another ENS Communicator, THE.N perform a formalturnover with the current ENS Communicator:1. Obtain the ENS Communicator's position binder and review anydocuments used.2. Review facility log.3. Obtain a briefing from the acting ENS Communicator on theemergency, plant conditions and any actions that have beencompleted or are in progress.4. Relieve the current ENS Communicator.C. Inform the TSC Manager and TSC staff you are now filling the dutiesof the ENS Communicator.Notes ATTACHMENT 9.12Sheet 2 of 3ENS COMMUNICATOR1.0 Initial Responsibility/Activity (Cont'd) Notes1.3 IF NOT already performed, THEN perform the following steps:A. Contact the Control Room Communicator and receive a turnover onNRC communications activities.B. Establish contact with the NRC Operations Center on the NRC ENSphone using the guidance in Attachment 9.13, ENS CommunicationsGuidance.2.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activity2.1 Maintain personnel accountability in the TSC.A. IF you leave the area, THEN:1. Inform the TSC Manager of destination and expected return.2. Inform the TSC Manager of return.(a) Upon return, obtain a briefing on any events that have occurredwhile away.2.2 Maintain a log.A. Use webEOC-or if unavailable, EP-3-ALL, Log Sheet Form tomaintain a log of significant items pertaining to the ENS Communicatorposition.B. Log when ENS Communicator duties were assumed.C. Log all significant communications with the NRC, TSC staff and otherERO members outside the TSC.2.3 Assist the Engineering Coordinator as necessary in obtaining plant data.2.4 Provide information to the NRC Operations Center as requested.A. Use the ENS phone to transmit information.B. Refer to the guidance in Attachment 9.13, ENS CommunicationsGuidance.C. IF the NRC requests an open, continuous ENS communicationschannel (ENS phone), THEN continuously maintain the ENSphone.1. Use Attachment 9.13, ENS Communications Guidance.2. Request support as necessary form the Operations Coordinator inproviding information. ATTACHMENT 9.12Sheet 3 of 3ENS COMMUNICATOR2.0 Continuous ResponsibilitvlActivitv (Cont'd) !_ Notes2.5 Keep the Emergency Plant Manager informed of the status of NRCcommunications (requests being made, questions asked, etc.)3.0 Closeout Activity3.1 Assist TSC personnel in returning all equipment to proper storagelocations.3.2 Review all documentation maintained during the emergency.A. Verify that logs, forms and other documentation are complete.3.3 Log off P~s as necessary.3.4 Provide all logs and records to the TSC Manager upon termination of theemergdncy and entry into the Recovery Phase. ATTACHMENT 9.13 ENS COMMUNICATIONS GUIDANCEATTACHMENT 9.13ENS COMMUNICATIONS GUIDANCESheet I of 31.Establish contact with the NRC Operations Center on the NRC ENS phone by:A. Lifting the receiverB. After receiving dial tone, dial the first number listed below using all 11 digits.1. IF the first number is busy, THEN use the second, etc.1-301 -816-51001-301-951-05501-301-415-0550C. Ask to be placed on the ENS Conference Bridge.NOTE1. In an emergency, the initial contact with the NRC is through the HeadquartersOperations Officer (HOO). The HOO also maintains the official log to document thetime the NRC event notifications are received. When the incident response center ismanned, the incident response center personnel recommend that the ENSCommunicators ask if the HOO is on the line when making notification of classificationor protective action recommendation updates to ensure the correct time is officiallyrecorded.2. NRC considers every event a potential security event until it is confirmed otherwise.The NRC may patch the ENS line through to a Security Counterpart Link during anyevent, and the NRC Safeguards personnel may ask to speak to plant Securitymanagement.2. Provide information directly to the NRC as requested, except information regardingdecisions in progress and not yet finalized.A. Information obtained from status boards, previously approved notification forms andother TSC personnel (including changes in classification and Protective ActionRecommendations) do NOTI require approval prior to transmittal.B. NRC Form-361 may be used to organize and collect information for the NRC.I. IF NRC Form-361 is used, THEN care should be taken to ensure that the use ofthis form does not slow the free flow of information about the emergencycondition to the NRC. ATTACHMENT 9.13Sheet 2 of 3ENS COMMUNICATIONS GUIDANCE3. Potential questions that may be asked by the NRC:A. What is the status of the fuel?B. What are you doing to protect the fuel?C. What is the status of safety systems?0. How many Reactor Coolant Pumps do you have?E. Is there an offsite release?F. What is the source of the release?G. What are you doing to secure the release?H. What protective actions are you taking for plant personnel and the general public?I. What is the status of evacuating/sheltering of local offsite areas?J. What are steam generator pressures?K. What are Core Exit Thermocouple temperatures?L. Is the core covered?M. What are your plans to restore the plant to normal operations?N. 'What is the potential to escalate to a higher emergency classification?0. Have the local government agencies been notified?P. What are the licensee's current top priorities for the station?Q. Are there significant uncertainties about any aspect of the event (e.g., is thesituation improving or degrading)?R. Does the licensee need help from the NRC or other Federal agencies?S. Is the licensee having any communication or staffing problems?T. (Security Event Related): Has the facility sustained significant damage (includingthe central and secondary alarm stations), damage to the physical security featuresor security force, or loss of licensed materials?U. (Security Event Related): What are the sources and status of offsite emergencyassistance (e.g., local law enforcement, State, Federal (especially Federal Bureauof Investigation), National Guard)? NULEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED E N-EP-610 REV. 2~Etry MANUAGEEN REFERENCE USE "PAGE 62 OF 62TECHNICAL SUPPORT CENTER (TSC) OPERATIONSATTACHMENT 9.13 ENS COMMUNICATIONS GUIDANCESheet 3 of 3V. (Security Event Related): Is additional Federal assistance required (e.g., personnel,material, communications)?W. (Security Event Related): What compensatory measures have been implemented(e.g., temporary barriers, relocation of responders)?4. Although NOT required (with the exception of commitments), it is desirable, if timepermits, to record (or summarize) contacts with the NRC in webEOC or in a facility log.A. Document and track any commitments made to the NRC.B. Ensure all commitments made are discussed with NRC prior to event closeout.5. IF the NRC requests the NRC Health Physics Network (HPN) Line to be manned,THEN inform the Radiological Coordinator. ATTACHMENT 9.1 10OCFR50.54(q) SCREENINGSheet 1 of 3Procedure/Document Number: EN-EP-61 0 Revision: 2Equipment/Facility/Other: Rive~r Bend StationTitle: Technical Support Center (TSC) OperationsPart I. Description of Activity Being Reviewed (event or action, or series of actions that may result in a changeto the emergency plan or affect the implementation-of the emergency plan):This change issues fleet procedure EN-EP-61 0, Technical Support Center (TSC) Operations, Rev. 2 for use by the RBSemergency response organization.Part I!. Activity Previously Reviewed? DYES [] NOIs this activity fully bounded by an NRC approved 10 CFR 50.90 submittal or 50.54(q)(3) Continue toAlert and Notification System Design Report? Evaluation is next partNOT required.EnterIf YES, identif~y bounding source document number/approval reference and justificationensure the basis for concluding the source document fully bounds the below and -proposed change is documented below: complete vI. _ _ _ _ _Justification:LI Bounding document attached (optional)Part Ill. Applicability of Other Regulatory Change Control ProcessesCheck if any other regulatory change processes control the proposed activity.(Refer to EN-LI-i100)NOTE: For example, when a design change is the proposed activity, consequential actions may include changes toother documents which have a different change control process and are NOT to be included in this 50.54(q)(3)Screening.APPLICABILITY CONCLUSION[] If there are no controlling change processes, continue the 50.54(q)(3) Screening.LI One or more controlling change processes are selected, however, some portion of the activity involves theemergency plan or affects the implementation of the emergency plan; continue the 50.54(q)(3) Screening for that portionof the activity. Identify the applicable controlling change processes below.LI One or more controlling change processes are selected and fully bounds all aspects of the activity. 50.54(q)(3) ,Evaluation is NOT required. Identify controlling change processes below and complete Part VI.CONTROLLING CHANGE PROCESSES10OGFR50.54(q)Part IV. Editorial Change D--YES []NO50.54(q)(3) Continue to nextIs this activity an editorial or typographical change such as formatting, paragraph Evaluation is partnumbering, spelling, or punctuation that does not change intent? NOT required.J ustification: Enterjustification and"No" is checked because there are changes in this revision that are not editorial, complete Part" -VI.Part V. Emergency Planning Element/Function Screen (Associated 10 CFR 50.47(b) planning standard function0654/FEMA REP-I Section II?1. Responsibility for emergency response is assigned. [1] [2. The response organization has the staff to respond and to augment staff on a continuing basis (24/7 []staffing) in accordance with the emergency plan. [1]3. The process ensures that on shift emergency response responsibilities are staffed and assigned. [2] LI4. The process for timely augmentation of onshift staff is established and maintained. [2] LIEN-EP-305 REV 3 ATTACHMENT 9.1 10OCFR50.54(q) SCREENINGSheet 2 of 3ProcedurelDocument Number: EN-EP-610 Revision: 2EquipmentlFacilitylOther: River Bend StationTitle: Technical Support Center (TSC) Operations5. Arrangements for requesting and using off site assistance have been made. [3] U]6. State and local staff can be accommodated at the EOF in accordance with the emergency plan. [3] [7. A standard scheme of emergency classification and action levels is in use. [4] U]8. Procedures for notification of State and local governmental agencies are capable of alerting them of U]the declared emergency within 15 minutes after" declaration of an emergency and providing follow-up notifications. [5]9. Administrative and physical means have been established for alerting and providing prompt U]instructions to the public within the plume exposure pathway. [5] ___10. The public ANS meets the design requirements of FEMA-REP-1 0, Guide for Evaluation of Alert and U]Notification Systems for Nuclear Power Plants, or complies with the licensee's FEMA-approved ANSdesign report and supporting FEMA approval letter. [5]11. Systems are established for prompt communication among principal emergency response U]organizations. [6] ___12. Systems are established for prompt communication to emergency response personnel. [6] U]13. Emergency preparedness information is made available to the public on a periodic basis within the U]plume exposure pathway emergency planning zone (EPZ). [7] ___14. Coordinated dissemination of public information during emergencies is established. [7] U15. Adequate facilities are, maintained to support emergency response. [8] U]16. Adequate equipment is maintained to support emergency response. [8] U]17. Methods, systems, and equipment for assessment of radioactive releases are in use. [9] U]18. A range of public PARs is available for implementation during emergencies. [10] U]19. Evacuation time estimates for the population located in the plume exposure pathway EPZ are U]available to support the formulation of PARs and have been provided to State and localgovernmental authorities. [10]20. A range of protective actions is available for plant emergency workers during emergencies, including U]those for hostile action events.[1 0121. The resources for controlling radiological exposures for emergency workers are established. [11] U]22. Arrangements are made for medical services for contaminated, injured individuals. [12] [23. Plans for recovery and reentry are developed. [13] U]24. A drill and exercise program (including radiological, medical, health physics and other program U]areas) is established. [14] ___25. Drills, exercises, and training evolutions that provide performance opportunities to develop, U]maintain, and demonstrate key skills are assessed via a formal critique process in order to identifyweaknesses. [14]26. Identified weaknesses are corrected. [14] U..... [27. Training is provided to emergency responders. [15] U]28. Responsibility for emergency plan development and review is established. [16] U]29. Planners responsible for emergency plan development and maintenance are properly trained. [16] U]EN-EP-305 REV 3 ATTACHMENT 9.1 10OCFR50.54(q) SCREENINGSheet 3 of 3ProcedureiDocument Number: EN-EP-610 Revision: 2Equipment/FacilitylOther: River Bend StationTitle: Technical Support Center (TSC) OperationsAPPLICABILITY CONCLUSION[] If no Part V criteria are checked, a 50.54(q)(3) Evaluation is NOT required; document the basis for conclusion belowand complete Part VI.C] If any Part V criteria are checked, complete Part VI and perform a 50.541(q)(3) Evaluation.BASIS FOR CONCLUSIONEntergy ERO responsibilities are outlined in EN-EP-801, Emergency Response Organization. These responsibilitieswere added to EIP-2-01 8 rev. 33 as part of implementation of the Fleet Standard ERO and were previously evaluatedunder a 10CFR50.54(q)(3) performed on 12/6/10. Entergy has since developed fleet procedure EN-EP-610, TechnicalSupport Center (TSC) Operations which includes those same ERO responsibilities. This procedure revision transitionsto the new fleet procedure. EIP-2-01 8 is being maintained by RBS to address site specific actions not contained in fleetprocedure EN-EP-61 0. Existing RBS facilities and equipment are still being maintained and there are no changes to anyintent in procedure actions.Summary:* No ERO positions have been added or deleted.* Some ERO responsibilities in EIP-2-018 have been relocated to align with EN-EP-610. A 10CFR50.54(q) willbe performed concurrently as part of the EIP-2-01 8 revision. The 10OCFR50.54(q) review for the EIP-2-01 8revision will be approved prior to the implementation of EN-EP-61 0 at RBS.* The description and activation of the TSG as described in the RBS Emergency Plan has not been changed.The ability of the TSC to perform classifications, notifications, dose assessments and protective actionrecommendations will be impacted as fleet procedures EN-EP-801 and EN-EP-610 do not reflect thesecapabilities as residing in the TSC. A 10CFR50,54(q) will be performed concurrently as part of the EIP-2-018revision to remove these capabilities. The RBS Emergency Plan will also be revised and this change incapability will be reflected in E-Plan revision 42. The 10CFR50.54(q) review for E-Plan revision 42 will beapproved prior to the implementation of EN-EP-61 0 at RBS.* All site specific commitments continue to be met under the fleet procedure and the use of a site-specificprocedure.* This change does not alter the TSC structure, organization or location.The revision of the site TSC procedure (EI P-2-018) and incorporating the use of fleet TSC procedure (EN-EP-610)screens out. No further evaluation is required for this revision.Part VI. Signatures:Preparer Name (Print) //T'parer~i a(ia(0re -__,_ Date:John Hurst i12-7-15(Optional Reviewer Name (Print) (. Reiwegnt Date:ReviwerNam IDate:EP manager or designee EN-EP-305 REV 3 Procedure Contains NMM ECH eB REFLIB Forms: YES II NO []Procedure Revision Type: New LI NON-Editorial [] Editorial III TC El Cancellation ElHQNMayAnWloEffective Procedure Owner: Dean Burnett Governance Owner:MayAnWloDae Title: Director, Emergency Title: Director, EmergencyDae Site: Programs Site: Programs1/27/2016 IHQN HQNSite Site Procedure Champion TitleANO NA NABRP N/A N/ACNS N/A N/AGGNS Jeffrey Seiter Manager, EPIPEC Lori Glander Manager, EPJAF James Jones Manager, EPPLP Dan Malone Manager, EPPNPS N/A N/ARBS Tim Schenk N/AVY N/A N/AW3 N/A N/AHQN Tim Garvey Project Manager, EPFor site implementation dates see ECH eB REFLIB using site tree view (Navigation panel)Site and NMM Procedures Canceled or Superseded By This RevisionProcess Applicability Exclusion: All Sites: liiSpecific Sites: ANO LI BRP El GGNS El IPECE] JAF El PLP El PNPS[-] RBS El VY El W3 El Change StatementRevision 2:* Implements the fleet standard Operations Support Center Operations procedure Palisades, IndianPoint, ANO and RBS.* Added Note to the procedure's Purpose that allows the procedure to be used at the backup/alternateOSC as applicable.* Added Form Number (EP-#-ALL) before all Forms referenced in the procedure.* In the Table of Contents, deleted reference to Attachment 9.7, which does not exist.* In Section 8.0 added Palisades' and River Bend's Site Specific Commitment.* Added guidance to the OSC Manager's checklist to coordinate with the EOF Admin & LogisticsCoordinator for call-out of additional staff as required.* Added guidance to the OSC Manager's checklist to use EP-1 4-ALL for facility briefs.* Clarified guidance in the OSC Manager's checklist regarding coordination with the EOF Admin &Logistics Coordinator regarding materials and supplies that are not available on site.* Clarified guidance in the Operations Support checklist regarding turnover of responsibility forOperations Team dispatch from the Control Room.* Grammatical correction in the Work Control Coordinator's checklist for clarification regarding logkeeping.* Added guidance to the Rad/Chem Coordinator's checklist to obtain current plant status from the shiftRadiation Protection personnel.* Clarified guidance in the Rad/Chem Coordinator's checklist regarding log keeping.* Clarified guidance in the Work Control Coordinator's checklist regarding communications with the TSCon team assignments.*Added guidance to the Rad/Chem Coordinator's checklist to deploy onsite radiation monitoring teamsto survey radiation levels and samPle for contamination.* Added guidance to the Rad/Chem Coordinator's checklist to ensure habitability of the OSC.* Deleted a duplicate step in the Rad/Chem Coordinator's checklist.Associated PRHQN #: PR-PRHQN-201 5-00505 /Procedure Writer: T. GreContains Proprietary Information: YES iii NO [] TABLE OF CONTENTSSection Title Paae1.0 PURPOSE..................................................................
.............................................................. 43.0 DEFINITIONS .............................................................. 44.0 RESPONSIBILITIES ....................................................... 45.0 DETAILS..........................,.......................................... 46.0 INTERFACES .............................................................. 57.0 RECORDS.................................................................. 58.0 SITE SPECIFIC COMMITMENTS ........................................ 59.0 ATTACHMENTS ........................................................... 6ATTACHMENT 9.1 OSC MANAGER ......................................................7ATTACHMENT 9.2 OSC OPERATIONS SUPPORT.................................... 14ATTACHMENT 9.3 WORK CONTROL COORDINATOR.....".................... ........ 17ATTACHMENT 9.4 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICALJI&C COORDINATORS.......... 21ATTACHMENT 9.5 RAD/CHEM COORDINATOR... ................................... 24ATTACHMENT 9.6 OSC LOG KEEPER ............... .. ............................. 29 1.0 PURPOSENOTEThis procedure may be used for activation and operations at the backup/alternate OSC asapplicable.[1] To describe the activation and operation of the OPERATIONS SUPPORT CENTER(OSC)
[1] Site Emergency Plans[2] Site Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures3.0 DEFINITIONS[1] Activation -Actions taken to staff and setup an emergency response facility to make itoperational. Actions include but are not limited to notification of emergency personnel,equipment setup and equipment operability testing.[2] Operational -Status of an emergency facility declared by the appropriate facilitymanager upon determining that the facility is adequately staffed and equipment issetup and available to assume/perform the emergency functions assigned to thatfacility.4.0 RESPONSIBILITIES[1] The entire staff of the Operations Support Center (OSC) is responsible for activationand operation of the facility using this procedure, their position specific checklists andapplicable site specific performance aides.5.0 DETAILSNOTEThe actions of this procedure may be completed in any sequence, however, the sequencepresented is recommended.[1] The OSC is required to be activated at the declaration of an Alert, Site AreaEmergency and General Emergency.[2] The OSC Manager follows the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.1, OSC Manager.[3]1 The OSC Operations Support follows the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.2,Operations Support. [4] The Work Control Coordinator follows the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.3,Work Control Coordinator.[5] The Mechanical and Electrical/l&C Coordinators follow the instructions outlined inAttachment 9.4, Mechanical and Electrical/l&C Coordinators[6] The Rad/Chem Coordinator follows the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.5,RadlChem Coordinator.[7] The OSC Log Keeper follows~the instructions outlined Attachment 9.6, OSC LogKeeper.[8] Other shift personnel and additional support personnel assemble at the OSC toprovide assistance as necessary.6.0 INTERFACES[I] EN-AD-i103, Document Control & Records Management Programs[2] EN-EP-601, Corporate Emergency Center Operations[3] EN-LI-I102, Corrective Action Process[4] EN-NS-1 02, Fitness for Duty Program[5] EN-FAP-OM-012, Notifications of Off-Normal Situations / Corporate Duty ManagerResponsibilities[6] EN-EP-609, Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) Operations[7] EN-EP-61 0, Technical Support Center (TSC) Operations7.0 RECORDSAny logs or forms completed by members of the ERO during an actual declaredemergency are permanent quality records and are maintained in accordance withEN-AD-i103.8.0 SITE SPECIFIC COMMITMENTSStep Site Document Commitment Number________________________ or ReferenceGGNS GNRO-97/001 13.97-15-01 .ITEMI P-331 88GGNS GGNS Emergency Plan 7.3.2 $1 P-289155.0 [8] GGNS GGNS Emergency Plan 7.3.2 S4 P-28916______GGNS GGNS Emergency Plan 7.3.2 $6 P28917_____ PAL NRC Inspection Report 93-07 CMT9320021 14____ RBS _____________P-i15578 OPERATIONS SUPPORT CENT]9.0 ATTACHMENTS9.1 OSC Manager9.2 Operations Support9.3 Work Control Coordinator9.4 Mechanical and Electrical/l&C Coordinator9.5 Rad/Chem Coordinator9.6 OSC Log Keeper NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-.EP-611 REV. 2Efltrgy' MANAGEMENTMANUAL REFERENCE USE PAGE 7 OF 30OPERATIONS SUPPORT CENTER (OSC) OPERATIONSATTACHMENT 9.1 OSC MANAGERSheet I of 7OSC Manager Name:_________________ Date:____1.0 Initial Responsibilitv/Activity NotesNOTEThe ERO should take appropriate actions necessary to mitigate the eventregardless of facility manning or status.1.1 Initial OrientationA. Upon arrival at the OSC:1. Card in the accountability readers and/or sign in on EP-7-ALL,Facility Sign-InfAccountability Form2. Sign in on the OSC staffing board3. Obtain the OSC Manager Binder & ID Badge.B. Review electronic displays, plant data, status boards and any otheravailable information to become familiar with current plant conditions.C. Obtain a briefing from the Emergency Plant Manager (EPM):1. Plant conditions ,2. Equipment Status3. Actions being taken (any repair/Operations personnelcurrently in the field)4. Team requirements for actions planned but not yetinitiated.1.2 Assume the Position of OSC ManagerA. IF the OSC has NOT been declared operational, THEN:* SEtry NUCLEAR NON-QUALTY RELATED EN-EP-611EV2MANUAL REFERENCE USE PAGE 8 OF 30OPERATIONS SUPPORT CENTER (OSC) OPERATIONSATTACHMENT 9.1 OSC MANAGERSheet 2 of 7Initial Responsibility1Activity (cont.) NotesNOTE:Typical minimum staffing needed to declare OSC Operational. The Site'sstaffing requirements may differ as needed to address site specificrequirements.* OSC Manager* Rad/Chem Coordinator* Maintenance (craft), RP and Chemistry personnel (the appropriate staff toperform the facilities key functional areas for the event).NOTE:During a Security Event only personnel and facilities necessary to mitigate theemergency situation should be activated. The OSC may be declaredoperational without all key members being present. This will be determined bythe most senior person in the facility.1. Verify the minimum OSC staffing is present.(a) IF additional personnel are needed or positions arevacant THEN direct someone to fill vacancies inaccordance with EP-10-ALL, Filling an ERO VacancyDuring Facility Activation I Operation Form.2. Ensure communication is available for the dispatching of teamsvia verbal concurrence by the Work Control Coordinator or theMechanical and/or the Electricalll&C Coordinator.3. Ensure communication is available to the Control Room viaverbal concurrence by the Operation Support personnel.4. Ensure radiological monitoring capabilities are available in theOSC via verbal concurrence by the Rad/Chem Coordinator.5. Ensure the OSC is ready to dispatch required teams andmaintain radiological onsite assessment.6. When the OSC is ready, contact the Control' Room and requesta complete listing of personnel currently performing tasks fromthe Control Room.7. Ensure the Control Room listing 'of personnel/tasks is providedto the Work Control Coordinator or the Mechanical and/orElectrical/l&C Coordinator. ATrACHMENT 9.1 OSC MANAGERSheet 3 of 7Initial Responsibility/Activity (cont.) Notes8. WHEN minimum staffing for the OSC is met AND Steps 2through 7 above are complete, THEN declare the OSCoperational and record in WebEOC or on EP-3-ALL, Log SheetForm.9. Make an announcement to the OSC and inform the CR, TSCand EOF that the OSO is operational.10. Consider assignment and preparation of a search and rescueteam to expedite dispatch if needed.11. Perform an initial briefing for the OSC staff using EP-2-ALL,Essential Information Form.B. IF relieving another OSC Manager THEN perform a formalturnover with the current OSC Manager.1. Obtain the OSC Manager's position binder/badge and reviewany documents used.2. Review facility log.3. Obtain a briefing from the acting OSC Manager on theemergency, plant conditions and any actions that have beencompleted or are in progress.4. Relieve the current OSC Manager.5. Announce to the OSC, TSC, CR, and EOF that you are now theOSC Manager.2.0 Continuous Responsibilitv/Activity2.1 Direct the activities of the OSCA. Coordinate and/or prioritize assessment and corrective actions with theTSC.B. Ensure work task priorities are being maintained.C. Keep OSC Coordinators updated on pending assignments.-D. IF multiple pre-assignment briefs are to occur simultaneously,THEN instruct the Coordinators to use other areas of the OSC toconduct briefings.E. Ensure OSC staff members are following appropriate procedures. ATT'ACHMENT 9.1 OSC MANAGERSheet 4 of 7Continuous ResponsibilitylActivity (cont.) Notes2.2 Maintain personnel accountability in the 0S0A. Ensure all ERO members reporting to the 0S0 swipe their SecurityBadge at one of the Accountability Card Readers or sign in onEP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-I n/Accountability Form.B. IF you leave the area, THEN:1. Assign the Work Control Coordinator to fulfill your responsibility.2. Upon your return, obtain a briefing from the Work ControlCoordinator on any events that occurred while you were away.2.3 Maintain Adequate OSC StaffingA. Ensure an adequate number of personnel are available for Repairand Corrective Action Teams.B. Coordinate shift scheduling with EOF Admin and LogisticsCoordinator.1 With assistance from OSC Coordinators, ensure those personnelrequired for the second shift are available and do not have otheremergency response duties.2. Ensure second shift personnel are notified of their assignmentsand time of shift turnover.C. Upon direction from the ED reduce staffing per shift schedule.D. Continually assess the need for additional personnel.E. Coordinate with the EOF Administration and Logistics Coordinatorfor call-out of additional staff as required.2.4 Maintain a LogA. Ensure the OSC Log Keeper is maintaining a log:1. Log when you assume the duties of the OSC Manager and OSCactivation.2. Log significant decisions and important details used to makedecisions.3. Log significant communications with other members of the EROand offsite officials.4. Log the dispatch of teams.B. Periodically review log for accuracy. A'T-ACHMENT 9.1Sheet 5 of 7OSC MANAGERContinuous Responsibility/Activity (Cont'd) Notes2.5 Assign an individual to monitor inter-facility communications between theControl Room, TSC and EQE as necessary2.6 Prepare and Facilitate Facility BriefingsA. Coordinate with the TSC Manager, as appropriate, to schedule periodicfacility briefings:1. Briefings should be every 30-60 minutes or as conditions change.2. Make an announcement approximately 5 minutes before the actualbriefing that a briefing will be conducted, if possible.B. Use EP-1 4-ALL, Briefing Form and EP-2-ALL, Essential InformationForm for periodic briefs.C. Direct key staff to provide information needed for the briefing, ifnecessary.D. Conduct briefing and ensure information provided in the briefing iscaptured and appropriately documented by the OSC Log Keeper.2.7 Supervise the activities of the OSC Coordinators and teampersonnel.A. The EPM is responsible for overall control of the onsiteemergency response. Obtain EPM concurrence prior to directingany actions that may affect the operability of a plant system.B. Coordinate activities of operations personnel in the OSC with theOperations Support and the Control Room.C. Inform the EPM immediately of any operations teams requested tobe dispatched from- the OSC by the Control Room.D. Maintain adequate personnel and material resources for the onsiteresponse.E. Assign tasks to OSC Coordinators. EP-6-ALL, Team TrackingForm, may be used to track task assignments if WebEOC isunavailable.F. Keep the Work Control Coordinator, OSC Coordinators, and TeamMembers informed of the overall focus of the emergency, taskpriorities and existing radiological conditions. ATTACHMENT 9.1 ,OSC MANAGERSheet 6 of 7Continuous Res ponsibility/Activity (cont. NotesG. Remind the Work Control Coordinator and OSC Coordinators tomaintain an awareness of the activities and concerns of OSC teammembers.H. Verify that the Work Control Coordinator is maintaining currentstatus as new tasks are assigned, old tasks completed, and aspriorities are changed.I. Interact wit~h the OSC Coordinators and clarify anyconcerns/questions regarding plant or equipment status.J. Prioritize team dispatch with EPM.K. Ensure the EPM/CRIEOF ED are notified when the team(s) aredispatched.L. Coordinate development of emergency repair and corrective actionswith the TSC Manager and the Ops Support personnel.2.8 Request assistance from the EOF Administration andLogistics Coordinator for materials and supplies not availableon site as required.2.9 Obtain approval from the EPM prior to deviating from any existing plantprocedure dealing with changing plant configuration or personnelsafety.2.10 Obtain approval from the EPM prior to performing an action that wouldnormally require a procedure but no procedure exists.2.11 Ensure timely dispatch of search and rescue teams.A. Coordinate the search and rescue activities in accordance with sitespecific procedures.B. Instruct search and rescue teams not to move an incapacitatedvictim without a Medical Representative or qualified First Responderunless the potential harm from radiation or other hazards outweighsthe potential harm of moving the victim.2.12 Inform the EPM of changing situations in the plant based on informationreceived from teams out in the field.2.13 IF conditions require an emergency radiation exposure and/or issuance ofKI, THEN obtain EPM approval prior to the emergency radiation exposureand/or issuance of KI to OSC personnel.A. Use EP-8-ALL, KI Instructions/Briefing Form if required. A'i-IACHMENT 9.1 OSC MANAGERSheet 7 of 7Continuous ResponsibilitvlActivity (cont'd.) Notes2.14 Additional/Long Term Emergency ResponseA. Support/coordinate with the Administration and Logistics Coordinatorto ensure that manpower planning is being conducted to provide forresponse efforts over an extended period.B. Depending upon the duration of the emergency, coordinate with theAdministration and Logistics Coordinator to make arrangements forfood and potable water delivery to all emergency response centers,including off-site teams.2.15 Evacuation of OSCA. IF it becomes necessary to evacuate or relocate the 0SC, THENnotify the EPM, EOF and Control Room.B. Ensure OSC staff completes the following:1. Bring their position books and any other required documents.2. Bring any required equipment -radios, satellite phones, etc.C. Refer to the applicable site specific performance aides for guidanceregarding set up and operations of the backup/alternate OSC3.0 Closeout Activity3.1 Direct 0S0 personnel to return all equipment to proper storagelocations.3.2 Collect all documentation:A. Direct 0S0 staff to verify that logs, forms and other documentationare complete.B. Verify that all repairs performed by oSC Teams which deviatedfrom normal station procedures are properly documented, so thatnecessary actions can be taken for continuous plant operations orplant recovery operations.3.3 Provide all logs and records to the EP Manager upon termination of theemergency. ATTFACHMENT 9.2 OSC OPERATIONS SUPPORTSheet I of 3Operations Support Name:__________________ Date:_____1.0 Initial Responsibility/Activity Notes1 .1 Initial OrientationA. Upon arrival at the 0S0:1. Card in the accountability readers and/or sign in onEP-7-ALL, Facility Sign-I n/Accountability Form2. Sign in on the OSC staffing board3. Obtain the Operations Support Binder & ID BadgeB. Review electronic displays, plant data, status boards and any otheravailable information to become familiar with current plant conditions.C. Obtain a briefing from the OSC Manager:1. Plant conditions2. Equipment Status3. Actions being taken (any repair/Operations personnel currentlyin the field)4. Team requirement for actions planned but not yet initiated.1.2 Assume the position of Operations SupportA. Track the dispatching of the non-license operators from the ControlRoom until released to the 0SC by establishing communicationswith the Control Room.B. Report your readiness to the OSC Manager when prepared toassume the Operations Support position.C. IF relieving another Operations Support person THEN perform aformal turnover.1. Review current logs.2. Obtain a briefing from the current Operations Support personnelon the emergency, radiological conditions and any actions that.have been completed or are in progress.3. Relieve current Operations Support person.4. Inform OSC Manager and staff that you are now the OperationsSupport person. ATTACHMENT 9.2 OSC OPERATIONS SUPPORTSheet 2 of 32.0 Continuous Res ponsibilitv/Activitv NOTES2.1 Inform an OSC Coordinator and/or the 050 Manager when temporarilyleaving the work area.A. IF you are leaving the OSC THEN:1. Inform an 050 Coordinator and/or OSC Manager when youleave, where you are going and when you expect to return.2. Inform an OSO Coordinator and/or 050 Manager when youreturn.B. Upon return, obtain a briefing on any events, which have occurredwhile away.2.2 Use WebEOC, or if unavailable, EP-3-ALL, Log Sheet Form, tomaintain a log of activities.A. Record the time you assume position of Operations Support person.B. Record Operations Team activities undertaken with information onrepairs performed and pending actions to ensure repairs arecompleted.C. Record key communications received and sent and associated time.2.3 Assist the Control Room and OSC Manager in planning and preparingfor any Operations activities needed to return the plant to a safecondition.A. Establish communications with the Control Room.B Keep the Control Room informed of field team activities currentlyunderway or that are planned.C. Coordinate operations and repair activities with the Control Room.D. Provide operational guidance to other OSC staff and in-plant teams.2.4 Participate in Team dispatch and field operations:A. Choose Operations personnel who are best qualified to conductassigned task(s) ATrACHMENT 9.2 OSC OPERATIONS SUPPORTSheet 3 of 3Continuous ResponsibilitylActivity (cont.) NotesNOTE:For urgent Operations requirements, EP-5-ALL, Team DispatchingForm, may be completed after team dispatch.B. Use EP-5-ALL, Team Dispatch Form, to prepare and document Jteam assignments. Ensure each team dispatched has a copy of theITeam Dispatching Form.C. Ensure the Team is properly equipped to conduct repairs, including*procedures, drawings, tools and repair parts.D. Participate in Team briefings to ensure team members understandassigned task and understand the hazard to be encountered.Briefings should be clear, concise, accurate and prompt.E. Ensure responsibility for dispatch of Operations Teams is turnedover to the OSC as soon as possible (e.g. no later than at Site AreaEmergency declaration).F. Keep the OSC Manager aware of all teams' progress.G. Maintain communication Capability (i.e. phone, radio) and work withthe Work Control Coordinator while the team is in the field to answerany question that may arise concerning task.H. Debrief Operations team members when they return and ensureactions are properly documented.I. Report results and status of team efforts to the OSC Manager asnecessary.J. Assist the OSC Manager as necessary.3.0 Closeout ResponsibilitvlActivitv3.1 Assist OSC personnel to return equipment to proper storage locations.3.2 Review all documentation the Operations Support person(s) maintainedduring the emergency.A. Ensure logs, forms and other documentation are complete.B. Ensure all repairs performed by OSC Operations Teams thatdeviated from normal station procedures are properly documented.C. Provide all logs and records to the OSC Manager upontermination of the emergency. ATT-ACHMENT 9.3 WORK CONTROL COORDINATORSheet 1 of 4Work Control Coordinator Name:_______________ Date1.0 Initial Responsibility/Activity1.1 Initial OrientationA. Upon arrival at the OSC:1. Card in the accountability readers and/or sign in on EP-7-ALL,Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form2. Sign in on the OSC staffing board3. Obtain the Operations Support Binder & ID BadgeB. Review electronic displays, plant data, status boards and any otheravailable information to become familiar with current plant conditions.C. Obtain a briefing from the OSC Manager:1. Plant conditions2. Equipment Status3. Actions being taken (any repair/Operations personnel currentlyin the field)4. Team .requirements for actions planned but not yet initiated.1.2 Assume the position of Work Control CoordinatorA. Obtain a briefing from the OSC Manager on the status of anypersonnel or teams currently in the field.B. Coordinate the formation, briefing/debriefing, of dispatched teams.Establish communications with field personnel and establish that theOSC has now taken control of their actions.C. Report your readiness to the OSC Manager" when prepared toassume the Work Control Coordinator position.0. IF relieving another Work Control Coordinator, THEN perform aformal turnover with the current Work Control Coordinator:1. Review current log(s).2. Obtain briefing from current Work Control Coordinator on theemergency and any actions that have been completed or are inprogress.Notes ATTACHMENT 9.3Sheet 2 of 4WORK CONTROL COORDINATORContinuous Responsibility/Activity (cont.) Notes3. Relieve current Work Control Coordinator.4. Inform OSC Manager and staff that you are now the WorkControl Coordinator.2.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activity2.1 Inform an OSC Coordinator and/or the OSC Manager when temporarilyleaving the work area.A. IF you are leaving the OSC THEN:1. Inform an OSC Coordinator and/or OSC Manager when youleave, where you are going and when you expect to return. (Foraccountability purposes)2. Inform an OSC Coordinator and/or OSC Manager when youreturn.B. Upon return, obtain a briefing on any events, which have occurredwhile away.2.2 Use WebEOC, or if unavailable, EP-1 1-ALL, Repair & Corrective ActionAssignment Form, EP-3-ALL, Log Sheet Form, and EP-6-ALL, TeamTracking Form, to maintain a log of significant items/tracking of theteams, including:A. Time you assume position of Work Control Coordinator.B. Teams dispatched from the OSC including updates when the teamstatus changes (i.e. priority, deployment status, task outcome).2.3 Maintain communications with the TSC regarding team assignmentsand priority.2.4 Issue radios (and headsets as needed) to OSC Coordinators and teamsbeing dispatched.NOTE:The headphone would normally be used when workers are dressed inProtective Clothing and/or respirators.A. Ensure that charged batteries are installed in portable radios.B. Ensure communication methodology is established and the proper(radio) communications protocol is utilized. Sheet 3 of 4WORK CONTROL COORDINATORATTACHMENT 9.3 WORK CONTROL COORDINATORSheet 3 of 4Continuous ResponsibilitylActivity (cont.) NotesC. Remind personnel using radios to check operability of their radiowhen entering any area for which communications might besuspect.2.5 Ensure ongoing accountability (unless directed otherwise) for OSCpersonnel.NOTE:A computer spreadsheet may be used in place of EP-6-ALL, TeamTracking Form, and EP-4-AII, Exposure Authorization Form, to keeprecords of teams sent into the field from the 0SC.A. Use EP-5-ALL, Team Dispatching Form, to prepare and documentteam assignments. Ensure each team dispatched has a copy of theTeam Dispatching Form.B. Track all individuals leaving OSC on EP-6-ALL, Team TrackingForm.1. IF the Computer spreadsheet is used THENJ printout copies of thespreadsheet to maintain hard copy records of team activities.C. IF individuals are going to be receiving emergency radiationexposure THEN track radiation exposures on EP-4-ALL, ExposureAuthorization Form.0. Inform the OSC Manager immediately of any missing personnel.E. IF anyone is unaccounted for THEN assist in search and rescueoperations utilizing teams.2.6 Monitor the activities of the team personnel in the field.A. Keep informed on team mission priorities1. The OSC Manager will inform you of task priorities.2. Track and communicate assigned priorities.3. Continually remind OSC personnel dispatched to perform task ofcurrent priorities and any changes to priorities.B. When possible, participate in team briefings to ensure you areaware of the team's assigned tasks and expected hazards. SEtry NUCLEAR NNQAIYRLTD EN-EP-611 REV. 2Eat ergy MANAGEMENTMANUAL REFERENCE USE PAGE 20 OF 30OPERATIONS SUPPORT CENTER (OSC) OPERATIONSATT-ACHMENT 9.3 WORK CONTROL COORDINATORSheet 4 of 4Continuous Res ponsibility/Activity (cont.) NotesC. Maintain communications with teams once they are dispatched fromthe OSO.0. Keep track of team radiation exposure while they are in the fieldusing spreadsheet or manual forms. Transfer information toEP-4-ALL, Exposure Authorization Form, when teams return.E. When possible, participate in Team Debriefings when teams returnto the OSC, to keep informed on field conditions.F. Immediately update teams of any change in emergencyclassifications or changing conditions, which may affect their safety,such as the start of a release.G. Immediately update OSC Rad/Chem Coordinator of any changing orunexpected conditions reported by teams in the field.2.7 Direct the 0S0 Log-Keeper to assist you in maintaining records asnecessary.2.8 Inform the OSC Manager and other OSO Coordinators of changingsituations in the plant based on information received from dispatchedteams.A. Unexpected radiation levels.B. Unreported hazardous conditions.C. Important equipment status.3.0 Closeout Responsibility/Activity3.1 Assist OSC personnel to return all equipment to proper storagelocations.3.2 Review all documentation the OSC Coordinators maintained during theemergency:A. Ensure logs, forms and other documentation are completeB. Work with other OSC Coordinators to ensure all repairs performedby OSC Teams that deviated from normal station procedures areproperly documented so that necessary actions can be taken forcontinuous plant operations or recovery operations.3.3 Provide all logs and records to the OSC Manager upon termination ofthe emergency. ATTACHMENT 9.4Sheet I of 3MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICALII&C COORDINATORSMechanical Coordinator Name:________________ Date:_____Electrical/l&C Coordinator Name:_______________ Date:_____1.0 Initial Responsibility/Activity Notes1.1 Initial OrientationA. Upon arrival at the OSC:1. Card in the accoL~ntability readers and/or sign in on EP-7-ALL,Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form2. Sign in on the OSC staffing board3. Obtain the Mechanical or Electrical/l&C Coordinator Binder & IDBadgeB. Review electronic displays, piant data, status boards and any otheravailable information to become familiar with current plant conditions.C. Obtain a briefing from the OSC Manager:1. Plant conditions2. Equipment Status3. Actions being taken (any repair/Operations personnel currentlyin the field)4. Team requirement for actions planned but not yet initiated.1.~2 Assume the position of Mechanical or Electrical/l&C CoordinatorA. Report readiness status to the OSC Manager when prepared toassume the Mechanical or Electrical/l&C Coordinator position.B. IF relieving another Mechanical or Electrical/l&C Coordinator, THENperform a formal turnover with the current Mechanica~l orElectrical/l&C Coordinator:1. Review current log(s).2. Obtain briefing from current Coordinator on the emergency andany actions that have been completed or are in progress.3. Relieve current Mechanical or Electrical/l&C Coordinator.4. Inform OSC Manager and staff that you are now the Mechanicalor Electrical/l&C Coordinator ATT-IACHMENT 9.4 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICALII&C COORDINATORSSheet 2 of 3Initial Responsibility/Activitv (cont'd) Notes2.0 Continuous Responsibility1Activities2.1 Inform an OSC Coordinator and/or the OSC Manager when temporarilyleaving the work area.A. Request another OSC Coordinator assume the Work ControlCoordinator duties while you are away.B. LF you are leaving the OSC THEN:1. Inform an OSC Coordinator and/or OSC Manager when youleave, where you are going and when you expect to return. (Foraccountability purposes)2. Inform an OSC Coordinator and/or OSC Manager when youreturn.C. Upon return, obtain a briefing on any events, which have occurredwhile away.2.2 Assist OSC Manager in planning and preparing for any maintenanceactivities needed to return the plant to a safe condition.2.3 Participate in team dispatch and field operations:A. Choose maintenance personnel who are best qualified to conductassigned task(s)B. Use EP-5-ALL,Team Dispatching Form, to prepare and documentteam assignments.C. Ensure each team dispatched has a copy of the Team DispatchingForm.D. Ensure Team is properly equipped to conduct repairs, includingprocedures, drawings, tools and repair parts.E. Participate in Team briefings to ensure team members properlyunderstand assigned task and understand the hazards to beencountered. Briefings should be clear concise, accurate andprompt. AI-FACHMENT 9.4 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL/I&C COORDINATORSSheet 3 of 3Continuous ResponsibilitylActivities (cont.) NotesF. Maintain communication capability (i.e. phone, radio) and work with.the Work Control Coordinator while the team is in the field toanswer any questions that may arise concerning task.G. Assist the Work Control Coordinator as required/requested withTeam status and dose tracking using EP-6-ALL, Team TrackingForm, and EP-4-ALL, Exposure Authorization Form.H. Debrief team members when they return and ensure actions areproperly documented.I. Inform the OSC Manager prior to dispatching teams.J. Report results and status of team efforts to the OSC Manager asnecessary.K. Assist with maintaining team status/results in WebEOC orapplicable forms as necessary.3.0 Closeout Responsibility/Activity3.1 Assist OSC personnel to return all equipment to proper storagelocations.3.2 Review all documentation the OSC Coordinators maintained during theemergency:A. Ensure logs, forms and other documentation are completeB. Work with other OSC Coordinators to ensure all repairs performedby OSC Teams that deviated from normal station procedures areproperly documented so that necessary actions can be taken'forcontinuous plant operations or recovery operations.3.3 Provide all logs and records to the OSC Manager upon termination ofthe emergency. ATTACHMENT 9.5 RAD/CHEM COORDINATORSheet 1 of 5Rad/Chem Coordinator:___________________ Date:_____1.0 Initial Responsibility/Activity Notes1 .1 Initial OrientationA. Upon arrival at the OSC:1. Card in the accountability readers and/or sign in on EP-7-ALL,Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form. 2. Sign in on the OSC staffing board3. Obtain the "Rad/Chem Coordinator" Binder & ID Badge.B. Review electronic displays, plant data, status boards and any otheravailable information to become familiar with current plant conditions.C. Obtain status of radiation protection activities and current plantradiological conditions from shift Radiation Protection personnel.D. 'Obtain a briefing from the 0S0 Manager:1. Plant conditions2. Equipment Status3. Actions being taken (any repair/Operations personnel, currently inthe field4. Team requirement for actions planned but not yet initiated.1.2 Assume the position of Rad/Chem CoordinatorA. Contact the TSC Radiological Coordinator and receive a briefing ofradiological conditions and status of any ongoing jobs.B. Determine if'any personnel are currently in the radiologicalcontrolled area (RCA) using available tools (e.g. Sentinel).C. Obtain a copy of current employee exposure for use in ALARAconsiderations when assigning OSC team members.D. Brief the OSC Manager of the information obtained from theRadiological Coordinator and/or Watch RP Tech.E. Ascertain the ability to conduct chemistry sampling via normal aswell as through PASS (if available) and provide this information tothe OSC Manager.F. Assess the need for additional Radiological or Chemistry personneland provide any requests to the OSC Manager. MNGMNNUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-611 REV. 2MANUAL REFERENCE USE PAGE 25 OF 30OPERATIONS SUPPORT CENTER (OSC) OPERATIONSATTACHMENT 9.5 RAD/CHEM COORDINATORSheet 2 of 5Initial ResponsibilitylActivity(cont.) NotesG. Ensure initial and subsequent provisions of habitability surveys ofthe 0SC (if co-located include the TSC) and other occupied stagingareas. Discuss any issues with the TSC Radiological Coordinator.H. Check radiological equipment supplies for operability andinventories.I. Obtain resultant dose and radiological information and provide tothe TSC Radiological Coordinator.J. Report readiness status to the 0S0 Manager when prepared toassume the OSC Rad/Chem Coordinator position.2.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activities2.1 IF relieving another 050 Rad/Chem Coordinator THEN perform aformal turnover:A. Review the OSC Rad/Chem Coordinator's EP-3-ALL, Log SheetForms, or WebEOC.B. Obtain a briefing on the emergency, radiological conditions and anyactions that have been completed or are in progress.C. Relieve current 0SC Rad/Chem Coordinator.D. Inform 050 Manager and staff that you are now the OSCRad/Chem Coordinator.2.2 Inform an OSC Coordinator and/or the 0SC Manager whentemporarily leaving the work area.A. IFE you are leaving the OSC THEN:1. Inform an OSC Coordinator and/or 0S0 Manager when youleave, where you are going and when you expect to return.2. Inform an OSC Coordinator and/or OSC Manager when youreturn.B. Upon return, obtain a briefing on any events, which have occurredwhile away. A'IrACHMENT 9.5 RADICHEM COORDINATORSheet 3 of 5Continuous ResponsibilitylActivities (cont.) Notes2.3 Use WebEOC or if unavailable, EP-3-ALL, Log Sheet Forms, tomaintain a log of activities.A. Record the time you assume position of Rad/Chem Coordinator.B. Record time and details of sample requests.C. Record radiological/chemistry activities undertaken with informationon tasks performed and pending actions to ensure tasks arecompleted. (You need not repeat information on team briefingforms)D. Record all communications outside the/Protected Area Fence.2.4 Assist 0S0 Manager in planning and preparing for anyRadiological/Chemistry activities needed to return the plant to a safecondition.2.5 Ensure adequate staffing is available and assign personnel as required(e.g. communication with TSC).2.6 Deploy onsite radiation monitoring teams to survey radiation levels andsample for contamination.2.7 Ensure habitability of the 030A. Ensure appropriate radiological controls are established for the0S0 (e.g. frisking, air sampling) per site procedures.B. Ensure emergency ventilation filtration system is started perappropriate site procedures.2.8 Ensure requests for chemistry sampling contain specific details on thetype of results information that is necessary (e.g. boron concentration,activity, etc.).2.9 Participate in team dispatch and field operations:A. Choose personnel who are best qualified to conduct assignedtask(s).B. Use EP-5-ALL, Team Dispatching Form, to prepare and documentteam assignments.C. Ensure each team dispatched has a copy of the Team DispatchingForm.D. Prepare or have prepared RWP documentation. Review andapprove the prepared form and then use or have it used. S*NUCLEAR NON-QUIAUTY RELATED E-P61RVE~nW1rg, MANAGEMENTMANUAL REFERENCE USE PAGE 27 OF 30OPERATIONS SUPPORT CENTER (OSC) OPERATIONSATTACHMENT 9.5 RADICHEM COORDINATORSheet 4 of 5Continuous ResponsibilitvlActivities (cont.) NotesE. Use the RWP to discuss dose limits, surveys to be performed,expected and maximum dose rates, and stay times. Advise teammembers to immediately contact or return to the OSC when doserates or stay times approach the established limits.F. Determine the need for emergency exposure limits and KI issuanceand communicate conditions to the OSC Manager and the TSC.G. Discuss dosimetry requirements.H. Discuss protective clothing and respiratory protection requirements.I. Discuss travel route requirements and if there are any releases inprogress.J. Advise team members on monitoring and decontaminationprocedures following mission completion.K. Advise team how they will be notified of changing conditions orclassifications. Direct radiological control personnel to readdosimetry for personnel whose exposure limits are approached.L. Participate in team briefings to ensure team members understandthe assigned task and understand the hazard to be encountered.Briefings should be clear, concise, accurate and prompt.M. Participate in OSO team post job briefings, if needed.N. Maintain communication capability (i.e. phone, radio) and work withthe Work Control Coordinator while the team is in the field toanswer any questions that may arise concerning the task.0. Verify the Work Control Coordinator is tracking individual exposuredata in WebEOC or on EP-4-ALL, Exposure Authorization Form.P. Coordinate with the OSC Manager for tasks involving injuredpersonnel or search and rescue activities.(a) IF potentially contaminated or highly exposed personnel requireoffsite medical facility attention, THEN support transport withOperations and Security.Q. Frequently brief the OSC Manager on assigned task status.R. Coordinate with the EOF Administration and Logistics Coordinatorto obtain equipment and materials not available onsite or throughpreviously arranged agreements. Discuss with the RadiologicalCoordinator. A'IrACHMENT 9.5 RAD/CHEM COORDINATORSheet 5 of 5Continuous Responsibility/Activities (cont.) NotesSS. Ensure adequate supplies of SCBA's/Respirators are maintained tosupport dispatched teams.2.10 IF there are contaminated injured personnel THEN perform the following:A. Provide radiological support for the assessment, treatment, andtransportation of contaminated injured personn~el.B. Monitor patients for contamination and decontaminate asappropriate.C. Make arrangements to pick up Rad Protection personnel at thehospital.D. Follow proper procedures to retrieve radioactive waste from offsitetreatment locations.E. Obtain concurrence from the Radiological Coordinator prior toreleasing the hospital's Radiological Emergency Room or theambulance, for uncontrolled use.3.0 Closeout Responsibility/Activity3.1 IF radiological conditions allow THEN direct Rad Protection Technicians:A. To return emergency equipment to proper storage areas and restocksupplies as needed.B. Review radiological conditions in the plant and update postings asrequired.C. Review any open RWPs to ensure conditions have not changedwhich may affect their use.3.2 Provide all logs and records to the OSC Manager upon termination of theemergency. ATTACHMENT 9.6 OSC LOG KEEPERSheet I of 2OSC Log Keeper: Date:1.0 Initial Responsibilitv/Activity1.1 Initial OrientationA. Upon arrival at the OSC:1. Card in the accountability readers and/or sign in on EP-7-ALL,Facility Sign-In/Accountability Form.2. Sign in on the OSC staffing board3. Obtain the 0SC Log Keeper Binder & ID BadgeB. Review electronic displays, plant data, status boards and any otheravailable information to become familiar with current plant conditions.C. Obtain a briefing from the OSC Manager:1. Plant conditions2. Equipment Status3. Actions being taken (any repair/Operations personnelcurrently in the field)4. Team requirements for actions planned but not yetinitiated.1.2 Assume the position of OSC Log KeeperA. Log on to WebEOCB. Report readiness to the OSC Manager when prepared toassume the 05C Log Keeper position, and assist in OSCstaffing2.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activities2.1 IF relieving another OSC Log Keeper THEN perform a formal reliefturnover:A. Review WebEOC logs and applicable Log Sheet Forms.B. Obtain a briefing on facility statusC. Inform the OSC Manager and staff that you are now the 0S0 Log-KeeperNotes ATTACHMENT 9.6 OSC LOG KEEPERSheet 2 of 2Continuous ResponsibilitylActivities (cont'd) Notes2.2 Inform the 050 Manager when temporarily leaving the area and uponreturn.2.3 Support the Security Coordinator with Accountability, if applicable2.4 Support the OSC in work activities needed during event e.g. logkeeping, tracking personnel leaving 0SC, document/drawing retrieval.2.5 Assist with TSC activitiesas requested where the TSC is co-locatedwith the 03G.2.6 Assist the 05C Manager in second shift schedulingA. Obtain shift turnover time from the 030 Manager.B. Assist the 05C Manager and Administration and LogisticsCoordinator (EOF) with coordination of second shift coverageincluding contacting personnel to verify availability and informingthem of turnover time.2.7 Use WebEOC, or if unavailable, EP-3-ALL, Log Sheet Forms, tomaintain a log.A. Log when the OSC Manager assumed the duties of OSC Manager(and when the 0SC was declared operational, if not previouslydone)B. Log significant decisions and important details used to makedecisions.C. Log significant communications with other ERO members andoffsite officials.2.8 Receive status updates from the 030 Manager and if directed postupdates on the appropriate electronic displays.3.0 Closeout Responsibility/Activity3.1 Assist 0SC personnel to retum all equipment to proper storagelocations.3.2 Review all documentation you maintained during the emergency.Ensure logs, forms and other documentation is complete.3.3 Provide all logs and records to the OSC Manager upon termination ofthe emergency. ATTACHMENT 9.1 10CFR5O.54(q) SCREENINGSheet 1 of 3Procedure/Document Number: EN-EP-611 Revision: 2Equipment/Facility/Other: River Bend StationTitle: Operations Support Center (OSC) OperationsPart I. Description of Activity Being Reviewed (event or action, or series of actions that may result in a changeto the emergency plan or affect the implementation of the emergency plan):I,This change issues fleet procedure EN-EP-61 1, Operations Support Center (TSC) Operations, Rev. 2 for use by theRBS emergency response organization.Part I1. Activity Previously Reviewed? E-IYES [] NOIs this activity fully bounded by an NRC approved 10 CFR 50.90 submittal or 50.54(q)(3) Continue toAlet ad NtiicaionSysemDesgn epotEvaluation is next partAler an NotfictionSysem Dsig ReprtNOT required.EnterIf YES, identify bounding source document number/approval reference and justificationensure the basis for concluding the source document fully bounds the below andproposed change is documented below: coplt PrJustification:I] Bounding document attached (optional)Part II1. Applicability of Other Regulatory Change Control ProcessesCheck if any other regulatory change processes control the proposed activity.(Refer to EN-LI-I100)NOTE: For example, when a design change is the proposed activity, consequential actions may include changes toother documents which have a different change control process and are NOT to be included in this 50.54(q)(3)Screening.APPLICABILITY CONCLUSION[] If there are no controlling change processes, continue the 50.54(q)(3) Screening.III One or more controlling change processes are selected, however, some portion of the activity involves theemergency plan or affects the implementation of the emergency plan; continue the 50.54(q)(3) Screening for that portionof the activity. Identify the applicable controlling change processes below.[] One or more controlling change processes are selected and fully bounds all aspects of the activity. 50.54(q)(3)Evaluation is NOT required. Identify controllinq change processes below and complete Part VI.CONTROLLING CHANGE PROCESSES10OCFR50.54(q)Part IV. Editorial Change L--YES []NO50.54(q)(3) Continue to nextIs this activity an editorial or typographical change such as formatting, paragraph Evaluation is partnumbering, spelling, or punctuation that does not change intent? NOT required.J ustification: Enterjustification and"No" is checked because there are changes in this revision that are 'not editorial, complete PartVI..P~art._V_. E~mergencyPann E ntl.F~uncn Scen Asoitd1CR504()langstdard function ........identified in brackets) Does this activity affect any of the following, including program elements from NUREG-0654/FEMA REP-i Section I1?1. Responsibility for emergency response is assigned. [1] [2. The response organization has the staff to respond and to augment staff on a continuing basis',(24/7 LIIstaffing) in accordance with the emergency plan. [1].3. The process ensures that on shift emergency response responsibilities are staffed and assigned. [2] []4. The process for timely augmentation of onshift staff is established and maintained. [12] [EN-EP-305 REV 3 ATTACHMENT 9.1 10OCFR50.54(q) SCREENINGSheet 2 of 3ProcedurelDocument Number: EN-EP-611I Revision: 2Equipment/Facility/Other: River Bend StationTitle: *Operations Support Center (OSC) Operations5. Arrangements for requesting and using off site assistance have been made. [3] El6. State and local staff can be accommodated at the EOF in accordance with the emergency plan. [3] El7. A standard scheme of emergency classification and action levels is in use. [4]1[8. Procedures for notification of State and local governmental agencies are capable of alerting them of Elthe declared emergency within 15 minutes after declaration of an emergency and providing follow-up notifications. [5]9. Administrative and physical means have been established for alerting and providing prompt [instructions to the public within the plume exposure pathway. [5]10. The public ANS meets the design requirements of FEMA-REP-10, Guide for Evaluation of Alert and El* Notification Systems for Nuclear Power Plants, or complies with the licensee's FEMA-approved ANSdesign report and supporting FEMA approval letter. [5] _11. Systems are established for prompt communication among principal emergency response [organizations. [6]12. Systems are established for prompt communication to emergency response personnel. [6] ____13. Emergency preparedness information is made available to the public on a periodic basis within the Elplume exposure pathway emergency planning zone (EPZ). [7] ___14. Coordinated dissemination of public information during emergencies is established. [7] 1111115. Adequate facilities are maintained to. support emergency response. [8] .E16. Adequate equipment is maintained to support emergency response. [8] El17. Methods, systems, and equipment for assessment of radioactive releases are in use. [9] El18. A range of public PARs is available for implementation during emergencies. [10] El19. Evacuation time estimates for the population located in the plume exposure pathway EPZ are Elavailable to support the formulation of PARs and have been provided to State and localgovernmental authorities. [10]20. A range of protective actions is available for plant emergency workers during emergencies, including Elthose for hostile action events.[1 01]___21. The resources for controlling radiological exposures for emergency workers are established: [11] El22. Arrangements are made for medical services for contaminated, injured individuals. [12] El23. Plans for recovery and reentry are developed. [13] El24. A drill and exercise program (including radiological, medical, health physics and other program El_.areas) is established. [14]25. Drills, exercises, and training evolutions that provide performance opportunities to develop, .Emaintain, and demonstrate key skills are assessed, via a formal critique process in order to identifyw e........ a k n e s _se s .[ ................... .. .... ..................14 ].. .. ........... ............. ............................. ... .. .... .., ,,......... ................. .... .. ....26. Identified weaknesses are corrected. [14] El27. Training is provided to emergency responders. [15] El28. Responsibility for emergency plan development and review is established. [16] El29. Planners responsible for emergency plan development and maintenance are properly trained. [16] ElEN-EP-305 REV 3 ATTACHMENT 9.1 10CFR5O.54(q) SCREENING3 of 3ProcedureiDocument Number: E-N-EP.611 Revision: 2Equipment/FacifltylOther: River Bend StationTitle: Operations Support Center (OSC) Operations"APPL.ICABILiTY CONCLusIoN "0] if no Part V criteria are checked, a 50.54(q)(3) Evaluation is NQT required; document the basis for conclusion belowand complete Part VI.[] If any Part V criteria are checked, complete Part VI and perform a 50.54(q)(3) Evaluation.BASIS FOR CONCLUSIONEntergy ERO responsibilities are outlined in EN-EP-80l, Emergency Response Organization. These responsibilitieswere added to EIP-2-016 rev. 26 as part of Implementation of the Fleet Standard ERG and ware previously evalutatdunder a 10CFR50.54(qX(3) performed on 12/6/10. Entergy has since developed fleet procedure EN-EP-611, OperationisSupport Center (OSC) Operations which includes those same ERO responsibilities. This procedure revision transitionsto the new fleet procedure. EIP-2-O1 6 is being maintained by RBS to address site specific actions not contained in fleetprocedure EN-EP-611. Existing RBS facilities and equipment are stifl being maintained and there are no changes to anyintent in procedure actions.Summary:* No ERG positions have been added or deleted.* some ERO responsibilities in EIP-2-016 have been relocated to align with EN-EP-61 1.* The description, activation and operation of the OSC as described in the RBS Emergency Plan has not beenchanged.* .All site specific commitments continue to be met under the fleet procedure and the use of a site-specificprocedure.* This change does not alter the OSC structure, organization or location.The revision of the site OSC procedure (ElP-2-016} and incorporating the use of fleet OSC procedure (ENoEP-61 1)*screens out. No further evaluation: Is required fo~r this revision.Part VI; Signatures:John Hurst * (Optional) Rjvlewer Name (Print) / Rvee iaua aeReviewer Name (Print) Reviewer Signature Data:Approver Name (Print) pprover SignaIureo Date:EP..manager or designee .. )-7EN-EP-305 REV 3}}