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Hope Creek Generating Station Updated Final Safety Analysis Report, Rev. 22, Chapter 5, Reactor Coolant System and Connected Systems, Appendix 5A
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Issue date: 05/09/2017
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Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
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APPENDIX SA COMPLIANCE WITH lOCFRSO, APPENDIX G AND APPENDIX H 5A.l REACTOR PRESSURE VESSEL BELTLINE PLATE AND WELD INFORMATION Available dropweight and Charpy V-Notch (CVN) data for the Hope Creek Generating Station (HCGS) beltline plates and welds are presented in Tables SA-l and SA-2. These materials were impact tested in accordance with the ASME .B&PV Code, 1968 Edition through the Winter 1969 Addenda and to the applicable General Electric reactor pressure vessel (RPV) purchase specification requirements. Estimated values of RTNDT (reference temperature, nil ductility transition) for the unirradiated beltline plates and welds are presented in Table SA-4. These estimates were made using the data in Tables SA-l and SA-2 in accordance with GE procedure Yl006A006, which meets the intent of paragraph N.B2300 of the ASME .B&PV Code. For the three plates that comprise shell course number 3 (heats 5K3025, SK2608, and SK2698), adequate toughness data are not available to determine their inherent RTNDT values. However, in comparing these three heats with the other beltline plate materials (Table SA-3), certain variables that affect toughness properties (i.e. , heat treatment, C content, Mn content, sulfur and phosphorus levels, mechanical strength, and grain size} are essentially the same. In addition, longitudinal +40°F CVN data for shell course number 3 plates are equivalent to longitudinal +40"F data for the other beltline plate materials. Therefore, it appears appropriate and conservative to estimate the initial RTNDT value (+19"F} for the shell course number 3 plates as the highest RTNDT value determined for the other beltline plate materials. The applicability of General Electric Procedure Y 1006A006, Revision 1 (submitted under separate cover) to the Hitachi-fabricated HCGS SA-l HCGS-UFSAR Revision 0 April 11, 1988 Unit 1 reactor pressure vessel (RPV) is demonstrated by Tables SA-20 and SA-21. These tables compare the chemistries, heat treatments, and mechanical properties of the materials that form the data base for the application of Yl006A006 with the properties of the HCGS RPV materials. Table SA-20 provides data for plate materials, and Table SA-21 provides data for forgings. The comparisons indicate that for both plates and forgings there are no significant differences in these properties between the Yl006A006 materials and the HCGS materials. Further evidence of the compatibility of the HCGS RPV material is presented in Tables SA-22 and SA-23, which compare Charpy V-notch test results. As shown in Table SA-22, the plates fabricated by Japan Steel/Hitachi have toughness properties equivalent to Yl006A006 data-base materials, although they were evaluated at test temperatures l0°F lower. Similarly, as shown in Table SA-23, the Japan Steel/Hitachi forgings demonstrate a -10° F notch toughness comparable to results for the Yl006A006 forgings, which were tested at +50°F. Evidence of the equivalence of the Y1006A006 and Hitachi weld materials is given in Table SA-24, which compares their respective chemistries, tensile properties, and thermal treatments. Except for the Ni content, these materials are very similar, although the Hitachi weld metals are generally lower in phosphorus and sulfur content. Table SA-25 compares the Charpy V-notch impact-test results for Yl006A006 and Hitachi weld materials. The Hitachi materials correspond well with the notch toughness values for the Yl006A006 materials and, in fact, are generally superior. The submerged-arc weld materials used for fabrication of the HCGS RPV are not presented because of their toughness properties are suitable to meet the requirements of Appendix G of lOCFRSO for establishing reference temperatures, and it was not necessary to apply procedure Y1006A006. HCGS-UFSAR SA-2 Revision 5 May 11, 1993 .........,.,.*

Copper and nickel values, used to estimate the effects of irradiation on toughness, are presented in Table SA-4. Estimated end of life (EOL) RTNDT values, including the shift for beltline materials, determined for the ( 1/4)T thickness location from the vessel I.D., are also given in Table SA-4 and are in accordance with Regulatory Guide 1. 99, Revision 2. Transverse CVN upper shelf toughness testing was not required at the time the HCGS vessel was manufactured. Therefore, upper shelf data are not available for some of the beltline plates and welds. Except for shell course 3 material, the beltline plates were transverse CVN impact tested at several relatively low Charpy test temperatures ranging from -76° to 104°F. For three of the six plates tested (heats 5K2963, 6C45, 5K2530), the 75 ft-lb minimum transverse upper shelf requirement was met, although for two of these heats less than three specimens were tested at the temperatures where the 75 ft-lb requirement was met. To initially demonstrate HCGS beltline plate materials had adequate toughness to meet the 75 ft-lb transverse upper shelf requirement, plots of the fracture appearance versus the corresponding CVN absorbed energy were prepared for each of the six heats tested at the low temperature regime as mentioned above. Least squares linear regressions and the 95 percent confidence limits were obtained. The data are shown in Figures SA-l through 5A-6. The value of the lower confidence limit at 100 percent fracture appearance was then used to infer the upper shelf energy. This procedure is validated by Reference 5A-1. In brief, this paper showed, for ferritic steels (all of which were related to light water nuclear reactors), there is a linear relationship between fracture appearance and CVN energy. Figures 5A-1 through 5A-6 indicate that all six heats have inferred transverse upper-shelf energies in excess of 75 ft-lbs. One of SA-l HCGS-UFSAR Revision 8 September 25, 1996 these heats, No. 5K32J8, is used in the HCGS surveillance program. Hence, extra CVN specimens were available, and supplemental CVN upper shelf tests were run at >190°F. The results, given in Table SA-l, confirm that the upper shelf energy for this heat is in excess of 75 ft-lbs, further substantiating the validity of the least-squares linear regression technique to infer upper-shelf energy. For the shell course number 3 plates, low CVN data are not available to infer the upper shelf energies. However, as outlined in the discussions on determining starting RTNDT values, these plates are considered essentially the same as the shell courses 4 and 5 plates. Therefore, it is consistent to assume that their upper shelf energies are equivalent as well and to predict minimum transverse upper shelf energies in excess of 75 ft-lbs. Unirradiated and end-of-life RTNDT values are given in Table SA-4 along with values for the shifts in RTNDT calculated by Ref. SA-6. The radiation shift values used for the pressure-temperature vessel discontinuity limit curves presented in Figures 5.3-lA, B, & C are those derived from shifts calculated according to the formula given in Revision 2 of Regulatory Guide 1.99. Unirradiated and end-of-life upper shelf energies are given in Table SA-19. Based on the results listed in Table 5A...;19, it is expected that the beltline materials will have upper shelf energy values above 50 ft-lb at 32 EFPY, as required in lOCFRSO, Appendix G. Moreover, Hope Creek. is a participant in a program to perform analyses to demonstrate equivalent margin in cases where the upper shelf energy drops below 50 ft-lb. This analysis shows equivalent margin at upper shelf energy values as low as 35 ft-lb. The calculations in Tables B-1 and B-2 in Appendix B of Ref. SA-4 show that the equivalent margin analysis is applicable. Beltline weld materials were CVN impact tested solely at +l0°F. However, most of these materials exceeded the 75 ft-lb upper shelf requirement at this temperature. Only two heats had test results that were less than the minimum required upper shelf energy. Table SA-2 indicates that material from heat 510-01205 is capable of meeting the 75-ft-lb requirement as evidenced by four out of six test results exceeding this value. One value that did not meet the requirement evidenced 4 8. 1 ft -lbs of absorbed energy. However, the corresponding fracture appearance was only 30 percent ductile whereas the upper-shelf by definition is considered 100 percent ductile fracture. This margin suggests that SA-4 HCGS-UFSAR Revision 14 July 26, 2005 * * *

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  • at much higher test temperatures, the material would evidence correspondingly higher impact properties and meet theupper-shelf limits . This same argument holds for material from heat flux D55733/1B10-02205 where a low value of 64.3 ft-lbs was determined but with a fracture appearance of only 40 percent ductile. Again, considerable margin exists to infer an upper-shelf energy in excess of 75 ft-lbs. 5A.2 REACTOR PRESSURE NONBELTLINE INFORMATION The following initial estimated reference temperatures were derived in accordance with GE procedure Y1006A006, paragraph NB2300 of the ASME B&PV code. which meets the intent of The top head flange (SASOB Class 2) and the shell flange (SASOS Class 2} both have an initial estimated reference temperature, RTNDT' of 10°F. Plates connected to vessel flanges (SA533, Gr. B, Class 1) have reference temperatures conservatively assumed to +19°F based on no-break dropweight test results at +10°F and an argument similar to that used in predicting the reference temperature for shell course number 3 belt line material (see Section SA-l). Available data on these plates are presented in Table SA-17. Available drop-weight and Charpy V-notch test results for the HCGS Unit 1 closure flange region materials are provided in Table SA-26. The nozzles for the Low Pressure Coolant Injection (LPCI) System have a starting estimated reference temperature of -20°F. Because of the design of the HCGS vessel, these nozzles are predicted to experience an EOL fluence at 17 2 1/4T of the vessel thickness of 3.26 x 10 n/cm . Based on a copper content of 0.14 percent and a nickel content of 0.82 percent, this fluence yields an estimated EOL RTNDT of 28°F (see Table 5A-5}. with NRC Regulatory Guide 1.99, Rev. 2 . SA-5 HCGS-UFSAR This estimate is in accordance Revision 14 July 261 2005 The feedwater nozzles (SA508 Class 2) have an estimated reference temperature of -20°F. Since CVN data are not available for these nozzles, this estimate was derived by assuming the feedwater nozzle materials have toughness properties comparable to the LPCI nozzle materials. One feedwater nozzle was made from material of heat number 19468, which was used to fabricate two of the four LPCI nozzles. Table 5A-6, which compares the chemistry, mechanical properties, grain sizes, and heat treatments of both nozzle materials, supports this assumption and shows that these materials are essentially equivalent. Moreover, the feedwater nozzles were dropweight tested at -20°F, and no breaks were reported; this suggests that the nil ductility transition temperature (NDTT) is at least -30°F and that the assumed NDTT of -20°F for the LPCI nozzle material is conservative. Closure studs (SA540 Grade B24 material) met the CVN test requirement of 45 ft-lbs of absorbed energy and 25 mils of lateral expansion at 10°F. SA.3 FERRITIC PRESSURE BOUNDARY PIPING AND VALVES The HCGS main steam piping is in compliance with lOCFRSO, Appendix G, since the material was toughness tested at +70°F in accordance with the ASME B&PV Code, 1971 Edition with Summer 1972 Addenda. The HCGS flued head fitting material is in compliance with 10CFRSO, Appendix G, since the material was toughness tested at 0°F in accordance with the ASME B&PV Code, 1971 Edition with Winter 1973 Addenda. The safety/relief valves (SRVs) are in compliance with lOCFRSO, Appendix G, since they are exempted by the ASME B&PV Code from toughness testing because of their 6-inch size. 5A-6 HCGS-UFSAR Revision 0 April 11, 1988 The HCGS main steam isolation valves (MSIVs) were built to the 1968 ASME B&PV Code, Addenda Draft for Pumps and Val vee, Class 1, and were exempt from toughness testing at time of purchase. These valves are exposed to less than 20 percent of design pressure at temperatures less than +250°F. The typical available information on the HCGS MSIV body materials is presented in Table 5A-7. The thickness of the MSIV bodies is 1. 925 inches. Toughness data on similar materials for MSIV bodies on other projects, where toughness testing was done, are presented in Tables 5A-8 through SA-13. In most cases, the valve vendor and the material supplier are the same as for the HCGS MSIVs (Atwood and Morrill and Quaker Alloy Casting co., respectively). In all cases, these materials were heat treated generally in the same manner. A typical heat treatment cycle was: Normalize at 1700°F and air cool plus temper at 1350°F and air cool plus postweld heat treatment at 1200°F and/or stress relief at 1100°F and air cool. By inference, the data in Tables SA-8 through SA-13 demonstrate the capability of the HCGS MSIV body materials (Table SA-7) to meet current toughness requirements (i.e., 25 mils of lateral expansion at a temperature lower than or equal to the lowest service temperature). The HCGS MSIV valve cover, i.e., bonnet materials are SAlOS Grade 2 forgings, normalized at 1650°F and air cooled (Table 5A-14). Some evidence of toughness for SA105 forgings can be found in Reference SA-2, which shows CVN toughness in excess of 25 mils of lateral expansion at +40°F and NDTT values no greater than -10°F for SA-105 material normalized at 1565°F for four hours and air cooled. The thickness of the MSIV valve covers is 5.095 inches. Further evidence of toughness for SA105 forging material is presented in Tables SA-15 and SA-16, which show toughness data for River Bend Unit 1 pipe fittings. These materials were normalized at l650°F for four hours and air cooled. The toughness data given are for longitudinally oriented specLmens, whereas the ASME B&PV Code requirements are for transverse specimens. However, prior GE Lmpact 5A-7 HCGS-UFSAR Revision 0 April 11, 1988 test experience with carbon steel material indicates it is appropriate to approximate transverse properties at about 40 percent of the corresponding longitudinal properties. On this basis the data in Tables SA-15 and SA-16 predict that the transverse properties meet the requirements for 25 mils of lateral expansion. 5A.4 REACTOR PRESSURE VESSEL SURVEILLANCE SPECIMENS The HCGS vessel was bu.ilt to the 1968 Edition of Section III of the ASME Code with Winter 1969 Addenda prior to the promulgation of lOCFRSO Appendix H and ASTM E1B5-73. Therefore, the HCGS surveillance program is designed to conform to the requirements applicable at the time the vessel was fabricated. Table SA-4 indicates that the HCGS beltline materials are generally resistant to irradiation degradation of impact properties. The highest predicted EOL I reference temperature, RTNDT1 is 75°F for heat material. The surveillance test plate weld materials consist of heat/lot 510-01205 stick electrode and heat/lot D53040/1125-02205 bare. wire and flux via submerged arc welding (SAW) . The Babcock-Hitachi K.K. weld procedure used to prepare the surveillance test plate is provided as Figure SA-7. Available information concerning the plate weld indicates the root of the weld consists of stick electrode heat/lot 510-012051 whereas the remainder of the weld if essentially heat/lot D53040/1125-02205 SAW filler. Documentation submitted by Babcock-Hitachi K. K. detailing the location and numbering of surveillance specimens SA-8 HCGS-UFSAR Revision 14 July 26, 2005 * *
  • shows weld metal surveillance specimens to have been fabricated away from the root of the weld. Therefore, it is assumed that weld metal surveillance specimens represent only heat/lot 053040/1125-02205 material. The number of surveillance specimen capsules and the number of specimens are in compliance with ASTM El85-73. The capsule holders inside the vessel are located at 30°, 120°, and 300° azimuths. The capsule located at the 30° azimuth was removed during the fifth refueling outage. Capsule contents, including number and orientation of specimens, are given in Table SA-18. The withdrawal schedule for the surveillance program capsules as specified in section 5. 3 .1. 6.1 meet the requirements of ASTM Standard E 185-82. The lead factors for the HCGS surveillance capsules are 1. 05 at the inside surface of the vessel and 1.52 at one-quarter of the way through the vessel wall measured from the inside surface. These lead factors were calculated assuming that the vessel is symmetrical. This assumption was made because the vessel qualification program did not provide for measurements of vessel radii to identify any angular locations where the inside diameter of the vessel is larger than nominal. Hence, it is possible that a surveillance capsule could be located at an extended radius position. This would provide surveillance sample test results lower than calculated and nonconservative values for the peak fluence when it is estimated from the capsule data using the aforementioned lead factors. The orientations of the surveillance specimens are acceptable since the data indicate that radiation embrittlement is independent of specimen orientation. Longitudinally oriented CVN specimens from the heat affected zone (HAZ) simulate the conditions of longitudinal production weld joints. The End-of-Life (EOL} calculated peak fluence at the inside diameter of the vessel is 1.10 x 1018 n/cm2 (E > 1. 0 Mev) and at one quarter of the vessel thickness is 7.63 x 1017 n/cm2 (E > 1.0 Mev). The 5A-9 HCGS-UFSAR Revision 17 June 23, 2009 withdrawal of the capsules will be according to the criteria found in the BWR Vessel and Internals Project (BWRVIP) Integrated Surveillance Program (ISP), reference 5.3-12. The construction tolerances on the reactor vessel required that the minimum (nominal) radius of the vessel be maintained. The applicable version of the ASME B&PV Code did allow for areas of the vessel to have larger radii. The measurement acceptance techniques for the vessel were either the use of a template to test the minimum diameter or a series of measurements to determine the diameter at various points. The measurement did not require the identification of the locations where the vessel diameter is longer than nominal. Hence the lead factors were calculated for the nominal dimension . SA-10 HCGS-UFSAR Revision 14 July 26, 2005 * *
  • If an area of increased vessel diameter were to coincide with a location of the surveillance sample specimens, the correct fluence at the samples would be less than that predicted from measurements on the samples. If these data were used to preduct the peak fluences, the values would be less than the calculated peak SA-lOa HCGS-UFSAR Revision 5 May 11, 1992 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK SA-lOb HCGS*UFSAR Revision 5 May 11, 1992
  • *
  • fluences. The calculated peak fluences using nominal dimensions will be conservative . SA. 5 REFERENCES SA-l SA-2 Oldfield1 W., 11Statistical Relationships between Charpy V-Notch Energy and Fracture Appearance, 11 Res Mechanica Letters 1, (1981) pp 149 -154. Becker, J.R. and c. Stead, 11Closed-Die Forgings for Nuclear Applications, Metal Progress,11 pages 35-39, July 1978. 5A-3 General Electric Company, "RPV Surveillance Materials Testing and Fracture Toughness and Analysis," GE-NE-A164-1294, Rl, DRF 137-0010-7, December 1997. 5A-4 General Electric Company, "lOCFRSO Appendix G Equivalent Margin Analysis for Low Upper Shelf Energy in BWR/2 through BWR/6 Vessels,11 NED0-32205-A, Rev. 1, February 1994 . SA-5 General Electric Company, "Basis for GE RTNDT Estimation Method, 11 NEDC-32399-P, September 1994. SA-6 HCGS-UFSAR Structural Integrity Associates, Inc., "Revised Pressure-Temperature Curves for Hope Creek," SIR-00-136, Rev. 1, March 231 2004 . SA-11 Revision 14 July 26, 2005 I

( ( ( TABLE SA-1 BELTLlNE PLATE TOUGHNESS DATA (SA-533, GRADE B, Class 1 Plate) V-Notch NDT Orientation Charpy lateral Heat#/ (Top/Bottom) Longitudinal (l) Test TetJll. Expansion Shear, Shell Course Slab# or Transvecse l Enersx 'ft-lb) 'mills) a;!!rcent No. 5 (lower) 51(3230!1 -10 Transverse +10 48.2, 59.5, 39.7 40, 42, 38 25, 30, 25 +40 59.5, 64.6, 68.5 49, 51, 51 30, 35, 40 +68 65.9, 48, -45, * *22 30.3, 31.5, 24, 22,

  • 10, 10, -*49 21.3, 13.9, 14, 9, -5, 5, . *76 12.8, 9,
  • 5 -, Longitudinal (top) +40 72, 56, 72 (bot) +40 114, 61, 104 6C35/1 *20 Transverse +10 33.8, 33.8, 32.6 29, 28, 25 25, 20, 15 +40 56.9, 47.3, 58.2 43, 30, 46 35, 25, 30 +68 58.3, 46,
  • 30, -*22 24.7, 28.0, 24, 37,
  • 5, 10, * -49 18.1, 17.0, 13, 12, . 5, 5, * *76 19.2, 5,
  • 3, -longitudinal (top> +40 67, 113, 59 (bot) +40 49, 58, 51 No. 5 (lower) 6C45/1 -20 Transverse +10 40.9, 38.5, 45.7 26, 31, 33 20, 20, 20 +40 62, 50.7, 43.3 48, 42, 33 45, 30, 25 +68 62, 48, . 30, -+104 85.4, 69, . 60, * -22 40.9, 37.3, 27, 36,
  • 10, 10, -*49 10.8, 7,
  • 3, -*16 9.7, 10, -D,
  • longitudinal (top) +40 72, 68, 54 (bot) +40 58, 78, 76 No. 4 (lower 5KZ963/1 *10 Transverse +10 62.0, 59.7, 60.7 38, 45, 46 35, 30, 30 intern.) +40 80.3, 82.9, 80.3 56, 58, 58 60, 65, 60 +68 88.2, 64, -65, -+104 107.1, 711
  • 85, --22 44.5, 37.3, 36, 29, -20, 20, --49 32.6, 14, -10, --76 13.9 25, -5
  • I Longitudinal (top) +40 66, 120, 79 (bot) +40 63, 72, 75 1 of 2 HCGS-UFSAR Revision 8 septeneer 25, 1996

( ( TABLE 5A*1 (Cont) Charpy V*Notch Toyghness NOT Orientation Charpy Heat ill (Top/Bottom) longitudinal (l) Test Teq>. Shell Course !!:.1.!2! or Transverse No. 4 (lower 5K2530/1 *10 Transverse +10 intern.) +40 +68 +104 -22 *49 longitudinal (top) +40 (bot) +40 5K3238/1(2) 0 Transverse +10 +40 +68 +104 *22 -49 *76 (1) !:+195 Longitudinal (top) +10 (bot) +10 No. 3 ( lnterm) 5K3025/1 +40 (no break)longftudinal (top) +40 (bot) 511:2608/1 +40 (no break)longitudinal (top) +40 (bot) 5K2698/1 +40 (no break)Longitudinal (top) +40 (bot) (1) Supplemental test results of surveillance program spares. (2) Surveillance test plate material. 59.5, 62.0, 56.9 37.3, 59.5, 51.9 123.3, 86.9, 88.2, 24.7, 20.3, 28.0, 120, 97, 111 138, 117, 103 31.5, 30.3, 30.3 40.9, 48.2, 43.3 62.0, 62.0 20.3, 21.3, 20.3, 12.8 88.0, 94.5, 91.0 58, 58, 62 35, 37, 43 75.8, 87.8, 61.5 +40 71.9, 74.5, 85.1 +40 98.5, 79.8, 85.1 +40 2 of 2 HCGS*UFSAR lateral Expansion Shear, Qgrcent 43, 48, 44 30, 40, 30 29, 45, 40 30, 40, 35 52, 71, -70, 70, . 71, . 80, -16, 16,

  • 10, 10,
  • 20,
  • 5, -20, 22, 22 15, 20, 15 36, 33, 33 45, 40, 25 46,
  • 40,
  • 50, . 50,
  • 17, 18, -10, 10, . 12, -10, -8 * , 2, -69, 78, 73 99,99,99 52, 66, 48 30, 50, 30 94.5, 77.1, 69.3 52, 59, 57 30, 30, 30 66.1, 51.4, 70.6 72, 58, 58 50, 40, 40 74.5, 91.8, 93.1 74, 86, 54 50, 40, 30 47, 37, 48 30, 20, 20 51, 69, 62 30, 30, 40 Revision 8 September 25, 1996 (

( Veld No. & Al.inuth BELTLINE VELD METAL ( Charev Inpact Toushness Lateral Absorbed Energy Expansion Weld Identtty Location Process Heat No. CharPV Test Flux lot NDT <"f) Temp. (0f) Cft*lb> <mills> Shear oercent Shell course V15-1 No. 5 longt-18° tudi na l seams (all seams) V15*2 138° V15*3 258" Girth weld V7 between shell courses 4 and 5 Shell course W14-1 No. 4 90" longitudinal seams V14-2 (all seams) 210° V14*3 330° Girth weld W6 between she tl courses 3 and 4 Shell course V13*1 No. 3 35° longitudinal seams W13-2 (all seams) 155° W13-3 275" HCGS-UFSAR SHAW 510-01205 -*40 +10 90.1 73.2 48.1 70, 64, 38 60, 40, 30 SAW(]) +10 98.4 87.0 92.2 65, 66, 65 50, 50, 50 053040 1125*02205 -30 +10 88.4 67.6 51.5 62, 55, 41 50, 40, 40 +10 63.9 51.8 66.6 45, 44, 55 so, 40, 50 +10 102.9 69.0 88.7 86, 57, 70 70, 40, 50 +10(1) 85.3, 73.2 77.3 58, 51, 57 50, 50, 40 +10(1) 64.6, 77.6 73.7 52, 62, 55 40, 45, 40 +40 (2) 113.9, 112.5 96.3 83,79,72 80, 80, 45 >+200 133.0 144.5 148.0 90, 87, 85 99,99,99 SMAW -----*--*-*****-***-********----*****--***--Same as W15*-------**----*****------**-& SAW SHAW *********--************************-********Same as W15*****************-******-*** & SAW SHAW SMAV SMAW SAW SAW SHAW SAW 519*01205 -504-01205 -510*01205 055733 1810-02205 053040 1810-02205 510-01205 -*49 +10 109.8, 109.8, 107.1 87, 78, 70 75, 75, 80 -31 +10 130.1, 120.6, 123.3 89, 84, 92 75, 80, 75 ****-************---same as W15*1-*******************--**** *40 +10 72.6, 64.3, 66.7, 62, 69, 62 50, 40, 50 -49 +10 89.6, 88.2, 107.1 82, 71, 89 60, 60, 75 --*****---------****Same as W15*1-*********-*****-*****----D53040 1125*02205 ****---********-----Same as W15-1***-----****************** 1 of 2 Revision 8 September 25, 1996 (

( Weld No. & Weld ldenti tv Location Process LPCI nozzle W179 SMAW welds 45° SMAW (4 total) W179 135° W179 225° W179 315° (1) surveillance Slqlle records. Heat No. 504*012.05 001*01205 504*01205 519*01205 001*01205 519*01205 504*01205 519*01205 ( TABLE 5A*2 (Cont) CherRY hmact Toushpess Charpy Test Flux Lot NOT (°F) Temp. (0f) Absorbed Energy (ft*lb) Lateral Expansion (m;tls) Shear percent --. . . -. *******************Same as W6 ----************************* *40 +10 127.5, 98.0, 102.0 88, 77, 79 80, 60, 60 ****-**************Same as W6*****-**************-***-***** *************-*****Same as W6****************************** --*****************Same as W179*-****--*******--***-**-*-** **--**-----*-**----same as W6-*****--*********-*******--*** *******************Same as W6-****-************************ ---*--*******------same as W6**----************************ (2) Supplemental test results of surveillance program spares. (3) surveillance weld material. 2 of 2 HCGS*UFSAR ( Revision 8 Septemer 25, 1996

  • Japan Steel Plate Heat Number 5K3025 5K2608 5K2698 5K3238 5K2530 5K2963 5K3230 6C35 6C45 HCGS-UFSAR *
  • TABLE 5A-3 HEAT 'rnBA'IMENT AND CHFMICAL MOCHANICAL PROPERTIES OF BELTI..INE PLATE MATERIAL Heat Treatment Chemistrzz wt. Austenitize Temper Postweld _Q_ _P _ _ s_ __§!_ 3.6l:IR@(860-890) 3.3HR@(650-670) 42.8HR@(595-605) 0.17 1.46 0.012 0.009 0.30 3.3HR@(860-870) 3.5HR@(650-660) 40.0HR@(595-605) 0.19 1.46 0.009 0.014 0.30 3.6HR@(860-875) 3.9HR@(650-670) 40.0HR@(595-605) 0.21 1.41 0.010 0.010 0.30 3.4HR@(860-890) 3.3HR@(650-670) 40.5HR@(600-610) 0.20 1.45 0.012 0.008 0.31 3.3HR@(860-895) 3.3HR@(650-670) 40.5HR(600-610) 0.20 1.43 0.010 0.008 0.30 3.5HR@(860-870) 3.3HR@(660-670) 40.5HR(600-610) 0.22 1.43 0.009 o.ooa 0.29 3.5HR@(860-880) 3.6HRl!!(650-680} 40.5HR8(600-610) 0.19 1.44 0.010 0.012 0.30 3.3HRfS(860-890} 3.7HR@(650-680) 40.5HR@(600-610) 0.20 1.46 0.010 0.011 0.27 3.4HR@(860-880) 3.7HR@(650-680) 40.5HR@(600-610) 0.18. 1.49 0.008 0.010 0.31 1 of 1 Ni 0.71 0.58 0.58 0.63 0.56 0.58 0.56 0.54 0.57 Mechanical Yield _MQ_ (ksi) 0.52 67.0 68.5 0.52 61.0 60.5 0.56 68.2 65.1 0.56 70.2 0.54 70.8 0.59 70.6 69.3 0.50 62.7 62.1 0.51 66.2 65.3 0.50 68.6 73.3 Hlong-U.T.S. ation, Grain (ksi) 99.0 87.3 85.0 85.5 89.4 87.5 92.5 92.3 91.7 91.8 87.5 85.3 89.4 87.7 90.5 93.8 Size 28.5 25.5 26.9 26.9 26.7 27.1 26.5 25.1 27.0 25.0 27.5 26.7 24.6 27.5 25.6 25.2 7.5 7.0 7.5 7.5 6.5 8.0 6.0 7.5 7.5 Revision 0 April 11, 1988
  • *
  • TABLE SA-4 RADIATION RTNDT AND EOL RTNDT FOR BELTLINE.MATERIALS Chemistry RTNDT ( F) Cu (Wt) Ni (Wt) Initial Percent Percent Value from Reg. Estimated Heat Number/Lot Guide 1.99, R2 Vessel Plate Material {SAS33, Gr. B, Cl-1) for Shell Courses 4 and 5 Peak EOL Fluence at I . 17 1 4T = 7.63 X 10 n/cm 2 SK2963-1-2 0.07 0.58 -10 32 5K2530-1-2 O.OB 0.56 +19 37 5K3238-1-2 (l) 0.09 0.64 +7 42 5K3230-1-2 0.07 0.56 -10 32 6C35-1-2 0.09 0.54 -11 42 6C45-1-2 O.OB 0.57 +1 37 Vessel Plate Material {SA533, Gr. B, Cl-1) for Shell Course 3 Peak EOL Fluence ( 2) at 1/4T 3.68 X 17 10 n/cm 2 5K3025-1 0.15 0.71 +19 56 SK2608-1 0.09 0.58 +19 29 5K2698-1 0.10 0.58 +19 32 Material for Girth and Longitudinal Welds for Shell Courses 4 and 5 Peak EOL Fluence at 1/4T = 7.63 x 1017 n/cm2 510-01205(3) 0.09 D53040/1125-02205(3'5) 0.081 0.54 -40 0. 611 (6) -30 1 of 2 80 78 EOL +22 +56 +49 +22 +31 +38 +75 +48 +51 +40 +48 HCGS-UFSAR Revision 14 July 26, 2005
  • *
  • Heat Number/Lot Girth Weld Material TABLE SA-4 (Cont) Chemistry Cu (Wt) Ni {Wt) Initial Percent Percent Value between Shell Courses 3 and 4 RTNDT ( F) from Reg. Estimated Guide 1. 99, R2 EOL Peak EOL Fluence (2) (Shell Course 3) at 1/4T .. 3.68 17 2 x 10 n/cm 519-01205(4) 0.01 0.53 -49 504-01205 (4)' 0.01 0.51 -31 055733/1810-022 0.10 0.68 -40 D53040/1810-02205(6) 0.081 0.611 -49 LPCI Nozzle Weld Material (Bottom of Nozzles) Peak EOL Fluence(2} at 1/4T-3.26 x 1017 n/cm2 001-01205 0.02 0.51 -40 (1) Surveillance test plate material. (2) Axial and radial distributions included. 10 -39 10 -21 62 +22 53 +4 13 -27 (3) These materials were also used in the longitudinal seams of shell course 3 and in the girth welds between shell courses 3 and 4. (4) These materials were also used for the LPCI nozzle welds. (5) Surveillance weld material. (6) Average chemistry of this weld material, surveillance weld material, and I mechanical test weld material. From Ref. 5.3-12, Table 3-5 . 2 of 2 HCGS-UFSAR Revision 14 July 26, 2005
  • *
  • Chemistry ( 1) Heat Number 19468-1-4,5 10024-1-2,3 Cu (Wt) Percent 0.12 0.14 {1) LPCI Nozzles (SA5081 Cl2) Ni (Wt) Percent 0 .. 80 0.82 NDTNDT ( F) Initial from Reg. Estimated Value Guide 1. 99, R2 EOL -20 40 +20 -20 48 +29 (2) Peak EOL Fluence at 1/4T of vessel thickness = 3.26 x 1017 n/cm2 1 of 1 HCGS-UFSAR Revision 14 July 26, 2005
  • Nozzle Type Heat Number 12 in. 690 min.@ LPCI 910°C Heat 19468 12 in. 545 min. @ LPCI 895°C Heat 10024 12 in. 640 min. @ feed-900°C '-'ater Heat 19432 12 in. 600 min. @ feed-900°C water Heat 19468 12 in. 540 min. @ feed-900°C ;;ater Heat 193<16 HCGS-UFSAR *
  • TABLE 5A-6 HEAT TREA'INENT AND CHEMICAL' PROPERTIES OF NOZZLE Heat Treatment !OC) 1200 min @ 2400 min @ 665°C 625°C 1200 min. @ 2400 min. @ 660°C 620°C 1140 min. @ 2400 min. @ 670°C 620°C 1040 min. @ 2400 min. @ 665°C 620°C 1020 min. @ 2400 min. @ 678°C 620°C Chemistry * .J2!Ercent) Mechanical Elong-Yield, U.T.S. ation, Grain __L .l!!L _P_ _s_ Ni _MQ_ (ksi) (ksU (percent) Size 0.15 0. 74 0.008 0.011 0.28 0.80 0.62 -7.5 0.35 0.15 0.73 0.010 0.009 0.29 0.82 0.64 71.0 88.0 8.5 0.40 0.16 0.77 0.009 o.oo8 0.30 0.83 0.67 73.0 90.0 8.0 0.36 "( (Date provided above for LPCI nozzle material) 8.0 0.16 0.59 0.006 0.007 0.25 1 of 1 0.91 0.65 6ti,O 0.34 81.0 8.0 Revision 0 April 11 , 1988
  • *
  • TABLE SA-7 TYPICAL HCGS MSIV BODY MATERIAL INFORMATION Applicable Code: 1968 ASME B&PV Code, Addenda draft for pumps and valves, Class 1 Vendor: Atwood and Morrill Co. Material Vendor: Quaker Alloy Casting Co. Material Specification: ASTM SA 216 WCB Heat Number: R9070 .JL. Mn __...;:,___ Chemical Composition (Wt. percent) : 0.24 0.83 0.49 0.015 0.02 NA(l) Grain Size (ASTM No.): Heat Treatment: NA (l) Normalize 1690°F to 1710°F (7 hr, 5 min.) air cool +Temper 1380°F (6 hr,. 15 min.) air cool + Postweld 1140°F to 1165°F (6 hr, 50 min.) *air cool Charpy V-Notch Impact Toughness: Test Temperature: NA Energy, ft-lb: NA Lateral Expansion, mils: NA Shear, percent: NA (1) NA -Not Available. HCGS-UFSAR 1 of 1 Revision 0
  • *
  • TABLE 5A-8 GRAND GULF MSIV BODY MATERIAL INFORMATION Applicable Code: ASME B&PV Code,Section III, 1974 Valve Vendor: Atwood and Morrill, Co. Material Vendor: Quaker Alloy Casting Co. Material Specification: ASME SA216 Grade WCB Heat Number: F6406 Chemical Composition (lrlt. percent): Grain Size (ASTM No.): .JL _MIL _ll_ 0.23 0.89 0.53 NA (l) p 0.019 s _AL 0.012 NA(l) Heat Treatment: Normalize 1680/1710°F (5 hr, 30 min) air cool + Temper 1350°F (5 hr, 30 min) air cool + Postweld 1200°F (6 hr) air cool Charpy V-Notch Impact Toughness: Test Temperature: +60°F Energy, ft-lb: 32, 31, 34 Lateral Expansion, mils: 33, 32, 31 Shear, percent: 40, 40, 40 (1) NA -Not Available . 1 of 1 HCGS-UFSAR Revision 0 Anri 1 11 1 QRR
  • *
  • TABLE SA-9 TVA X20 MSIV BODY MATERIAL INFORMATION Applicable Code: Valve Vendor: Material Vendor: Material Specification: Heat Number: Chemical Composition {'W't. percent): Grain Size (ASTM No.): Heat Treatment: ASME B&PV Code,Section III, 1975 with Summer 1975 Addenda Atwood & Morrill Co. Quaker Alloy Casting Co. ASME SA216 Grade WCB F3547 _Q_ .J1n._ ....§.L p s Al 0.23 0.88 0.38 0.016 0.015 NA (l) NA Normalize 1700°/l725°F (6 hr, 20 min) air cool +Temper 1345°F (6 hr, 45 min) air cool + Postweld 1200°/l225°F (6 hr, 30 min) air cool Charpy V-Notch Impact Toughness Test Temperature: Energy, ft .. lb: Lateral Expansion, mils: Shear, percent: (1) NA -Not Available . HCGS-UFSAR +60°F 66, 56, 54 53, 50, 53 40, 40, 40 1 of 1 Revision 0 April 11, 1988
  • *
  • TABLE SA-10 CLINTON 1 MSIV BODY MATERIAL INFORMATION Applicable Code: ASME B&PV Code,Section III, 1974 Valve Vendor: Atwood and Morrill Co. Material Vendor: Quaker Alloy Casting Co. Material Specification: ASME SA216 Grade WCB Heat Number: F7516 Chemical Composition _JL Mn -.SL p s ....AL_ (Wt. percent): 0.25 0.78 0.53 0.018 0.013 NA (l) Grain Size (ASTM No.): NA(l) Heat Treatment: Normalize 1690/1710°F (6 hr 5 min) air cool + Temper 1350/1360°F (6 hr) air cool + Postweld 1200°F (6 hr, 5 min)air cool Charpy V-Notch Impact Toughness Test Temperature: Energy, ft-lb: Lateral Expansion, mils: Shear, percent: (1) NA-Not Available . HCGS-UFSAR +60°F 30, 24, 34 37, 27, 33 40, 40, 40 1 of 1 Revision 0 April 11, 1988 TABLE SA-11 CNV MSIV BODY MATERIAL INFORMATION *
  • Applicable Code: ASME B&PV Code,Section III, 1971 with S73 Addenda Valve Vendor: Rockwell International Material Vendor: Rockwell International Material Specification: SA216 Grade WCC Heat Number: 3760171 Chemical Composition _c_ .1m_ __n__ p s (Wt. percent): 0.17 1.09 0.50 0.008 0.011 Grain Size (ASTM No.): Heat Treatment: NA(l) Normalize 1700°F (8 hr) air cool Temper 1275°F (8 hr) air cool Postweld 1100°F (6 hr) air cool Charpy V-Notch Impact Toughness Test Temperature: +40°F Energy, ft-lb: 35.0, 38.0, 29.0 Lateral Expansion, mils: 32.0, 36.0, 29.0 Shear, percent: 20, 20, 20 (1) NA -Not Available . 1 of 1 ...AL 0.060 HCGS-UFSAR Revision 0 April 11, 1988
  • *
  • TABLE LAGUNA VERDE 1 MSIV-BODY MATERIAL INFORMATION Applicable Code: ASME B&PV Code,Section III, 1971 with Summer 1973 Addenda Valve Vendor: Rockwell International Material Vendor: NA(l) Material Specification: SA216 Grade WCC Heat Number: 1750262 Chemical Composition _c_ Mn _§.L (Wt. percent): 0.21 1.19 0.43 0.011 0.009 Grain Size (ASTM No.): NA(l) Heat Treatment: Normalize 1700°F (10 hr) air cool +Temper 1225°F (7.5 hr) air cool + Postweld 1100°F {6 hr) air cool Charpy V*Notch Impact Toughness Test Temperature: +40°F Energy, ft-lb: 29.0, 33.0, 35.0 Lateral Expansion, mils: 25.0, 26.0, 30.0 Shear, percent: 15, 15, 15 (1) NA -Not Available . 1 of 1 Al 0.043 HCGS-UFSAR Revision 0 April 11, 1988
  • *
  • TABLE 5A-13 RIVER BEND 1 MSIV BODY MATERIAL INFORMATION Applicable Code: ASME B&PV Code,Section III, 1974 Valve Vendor: Atwood & Morrill Co. Material Vendor: Atwood & Morrill, Ltd. Material Specification: SA216 Grade WCB Heat Number: Chemical Composition (Wt. percent): Grain Size (ASTM No.): Heat Treatment: 35 _c_ _Mn_ ...s.L p s Al 0.24 0.82 0.46 0.022 0.013 NA (l) NA(l) Normalize 1650°F -1800°F (8 hr) air cool to 400°F +Temper 1150°/l250°F (8 hr) air cool + Postweld 1095°/ll95°F (18 hr) furnace cool to 800°F (100°F/hr) air cool Charpy V-Notch Impact Toughness Test Temperature: Energy, ft-lb: Lateral Expansion, mils: Shear, percent: (1) NA -Not Available . HCGS-UFSAR +60°F 31.5, 37.5, 33, 41, 40 10, 10, 10 1 of 1 39.5 Revision 0 April 11, 1988
  • *
  • HCGS MSIV COVER MATERIAL INFORMATION Applicable Code: 1968 ASME B&PV Code, Addenda Draft for Pumps (Valves, Cl.l) Valve Vendor: Atwood & Morrill Co. Material Vendor: Cann & Saul Steel Co. Material Specification: ASTM AlOS Grade 2 Heat Number: 229076 Chemical Composition .JL Mn _§,!_ p s Al (Wt. percent): 0.35 0.76 0.20 0.010 0.017 NA (l) Grain Size (ASTM No.): NA(l) Heat Treatment: 1650°F (12 hr) cool in still air Charpy V-Notch Impact Toughness Test Temperature: NA Energy, ft-lb: NA Lateral Expansion, mils: NA Shear, percent: NA _(1) NA -Not Available . 1 of 1 HCGS-UFSAR Revision 0 April 11, 1988
  • *
  • TABLE SA-15 RIVERBEND 1 PIPE FITTING MATERIAL INFORMATION (HEAT NUMBER 631218) Applicable Code: Vendor: ASME B&PV Code,Section III, 1974 Edition S74 Addendum Bonney Forge Division, Gulf & Western Manufacturing Material Vendor: Sharon Steel Material Specification: SAlOSN Heat Number: 631218 (Sharon Steel) Chemical Composition (Wt. percent): Grain Size (ASTM No.): _c_ 0.28 NA(l) Mn 0.87 0.22 p 0.014 S Al 0.015 NA(l) Heat Treatment: Normalize 1650°F (4 hr) air cool Charpy V*Notch Impact Toughness (Longitudinal): Test Temperature: Energy, ft-lb: 68.2, 83.5, 76.0 Lateral Expansion, mils: 64, 71, 69 Shear, percent: 80, 80, 80 (1) NA -Not Available . 1 of 1 HCGS-UFSAR Revision 0 April 11, 1988
  • *
  • TABLE 5A-16 RIVER BEND 1 PIPE FITTINGS MATERIAL INFORMATION (HEAT NUMBER 630614) Applicable Code: Vendor: Material Vendor: Material Specification: Heat Number: Chemical Composition (Wt. percent): Grain Size (ASTM No.): Heat Treatment: ASME B&PV Code,Section III, 1974 Edition S74 Addendum Bonney Forge Division, Gulf & Western Manufacturing Sharon Steel SA105N 630614 (Sharon Steel) ..1m_ _M_ p s Al 0.26 0.86 0.16 0.022 0.017 NA(l) NA(l) Normalize 1650°F (4 hr) air cool Charpy V-Notch Impact Toughness (Longitudinal): Test Temperature: +70°F Energy, ft-lb: 76.6, 74.9, Lateral Expansion, mils: 68, 69, Shear, percent: 80, 90, (1) NA -Not Available . 1 of 1 HCGS-UFSAR 62.0 63 80 107.7, 108.5, 109.3 75, 100, 84, 85 100, 100 Revision 0 April 11, 1988
  • *
  • TABLE 5A-17 HEAT TREATMENT AND CHEMICAL MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF PLATES OJNNECTING TO CLOSURE FLANGES Japan (°Cl Steel Heat Treatment Plate Heat Austenitize Temper Postweld _Q_ _tl!L.. _P_ _s_ _§.!__ Ni (SHELL COURSE NUMBER 1 PLATES) 51{3015 3.7HH@(860-890) 3.4HH@(650-670) 40.0HR(595-605) 0.20 1.41 0.009 0.010 0.26 0.58 5K3101 3.5HH@(860-880) 3.3HR@(660-680} 40.5HR@(595-605) 0.19 1.47 0.012 0.010 0.29 0.57 5K3150 3.4HR(B60-890) 3.6HR(650-675) 40.0HR(595-605) 0.19 1.47 0.010 0.007 0.29 0.57 (TOP HEAD PETAL PlATE MATERIAL) 6C35 2.31m@(860-890) 2.4HR(650-670) 20.7HR@(595-620) 0.19 1.44 0.011 0.010 0.28 0.55 2.8HR(860-890} 2.3HR(650-695) 20.0HR@(600-630) 0.19 1.44 0.011 0.010 0.28 0.55 6C102 2.3HR@(860-890) 2.3HR(650-675) 20.0HR@(600-630) 0.19 1.44 0.012 0.011 0.29 0.57 2.3HR@(860-890) 2.2HR@(650-670) 20.3HR@(595-610) 0.19 1.44 0.012 0.011 0.29 0.57 1 of 1 HCGS-UFSAR Mechanical Elong-Yieldt U.T.S. ation, Grain _MQ_ (ksil 0.53 68.0 0.55 72.0 0.54 68.0 0.52 72.0 0.52 68.0 0.52 69.0 0.52 73.0 92.0 26.0 95.0 25.3 90.0 28.3 95.0 24.8 90.0 25.8 90.0 24.6 91.0 26.8 7.5 7.5 7.5 6.5 7.0 7.5 7.0 Revision 0 April 11, 1988 TABLE SA-18
  • RPV SURVEILLANCE SPECIMEN INFORMATION Capsule Holder No. Charpy V-Notch Tensile 1 12 Long. Base 2 Long. Base 12 Long. HAZ 2 Long. HAZ 12 Weld Material 2 Weld Material 2 12 Trans. Base 2 Long. Base 12 Trans. HAZ 2 Long. HAZ 12 Weld Material 2 Weld Material 3 12 Long. Base 2 Long. Base 12 Long. HAZ 2 Long. HAZ 12 Weld Material 2 Weld Material *
  • 1 of 1 HCGS-UFSAR Revision 0 TABLE SA-19 UPPER SHELF ENERGY ANALYSIS FOR HOPE CREEK 1 BELTLINE MATERIAL LOCATION PLATES: Lower Low-Int. Unirradiated(3) Surveillance Int. LPCI Nozzle WELD: Vertical Unirradiated(3) Surveillance LPCI Nozzle Girth HEAT 5K3230/1 6C35/l 6C45/1 5K2963/1 5K2530/1 5K3238/1 5K3238/1 5K3025/1 5K2608/1 5K2698/1 19468/1 10024/1 510-01205 053040 053040 001-01205 519-01205 504-01205 053040 055733 INITIAL. (1) TRANS. USE 121 107 97 102 86 76 91 75 75 75 >79 >70 >92.5 135 164 >109 >109 >125 >95 >68 %Cu 0.07 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.09 0.15 0.09 0.10 0.12 0.14 0.09 0.081 0.08 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.081 0.10 %DECR. (2) USE 8.5 10 9.5 8.5 9.5 10 10 11.5 8.5 9 10 10.5 13 12.5 12.5 6.5 5.5 5.5 12.5 11.5 32 EFPY TRANS. USE 111 96 88 93 78 68 82 66 69 68 71 63 80 118 144 102 103 118 83 60 (1) Transverse plate values are conservatively estimated as described in the UFSAR; test temperatures for plate materials were not available. Weld values are conservatively based on data taken at 10°F. (2) (3) Values obtained from Figure 2 of R. G. 1. 99 Rev. 2 for 32 EFPY 1/4 T 17 2 fluences equal to 7.63 x 10 n/cm 1 for Low. and Low-Int. shells; 3.68 x 17 2 17 2 10 n/cm , for Int. shell; and 3.26 x 10 n/cm , for LPCI Nozzle. A fluence of 7.63 x 1017 n/cm2 was used for the welds identified as vertical and 3.68 x 1017 n/cm2 for the welds identified as girth. Initial USE data taken from Table 5-4 and chemistry data from Table 3-5 of Ref. 5.3-12. 1 of 1 HCGS:-UFSAR Revision 17 June 23, 2009 I
  • Thickness
  • TABLE SA-20 COMPARISON OF SA 533 PLATE MATERIAL USED AS THE DATA BASE FOR GE PROCEDURE Yl006A006 VERSUS SA533 MATERIAL MANUFACTURED BY JAPAN STEEL WORKS FOR HOPE CREEK UNIT 1 REACTOR PRESSURE VESSEL Average Com2osition of Materials Grade (in.) Source c Hn p s Si Ni Cr Mo Heat Treatment Orient. A533 6-6.5 GE 5 0.21 1.32 0.009 0.014 0.18 0.51 0.48 1625F-6Hr.-Agitated Long. Brine-Q+1200F-6Hr.-Tran. Brine -Q+1125F-30Hr.-FC to 600F A533 7-7.5 Comb. 6 0.22 1.36 0.011 0.014 0.19 0.53 0.49 l675F-4Hr.-AC+1600F-4Hr.-Agitated WQ+ 1225F-4Hr.-FC+1150F-40Hr.-FC A533 8-8.5 GE 4 0.22 1.39 0.011 0.018 0.20 0.54 0.11 0.49 1775F-8.5Hr.-Agitated Brine-Q+l200F-BHr.-Brine-Q+1125F-30Hr.-FC AS33 8.5-9 Comb. 1 0.22 1. 38 0.011 0.013 0.21 0.44 0.49 1675F-4Hr.-AC+l600F-4Hr. Agitated WQ+l225F-4Hr. FC-1150F-40Hr.-FC A533 9.5-10 West. 6 0.21 1. 31 0.011 0.017 0.22 0.57 0.14 0.47 1600F-4Hr.-Agitated Tran. WQ-1225F-4Hr.-AC+ Long. 1150F-40Hr.-FC A533 11.5-12 Comb. 3 0.23 1.31 0.010 0.015 0.19 0.55 0.58 1675F-4Hr.-AC+1600F-Tran. 4Hr.Agitated WQ+ 1225F-4Hr.-FC+1150F-J*OHr. -FC A533 11.5-12 West. 4 0.21 1.35 0.013 0.022 0.24 0.51 0.48 1600F-4Hr.-Agitated Long. WQ+l22SF-4Hr.-AC+ Tran. 1150F-27Hr. -FC A533(2) 6-6.5 Japan Steel 0.20 1.45 0.012 0.008 0.31 0.63 0.56 (1580F-1634F)-3.4Hr.-Q+(1202F-1238F)-3.3Hr. (1112F-1130F)-40.5Hr. A533 6-6.5 Japan Steel 0.20 1.43 0.010 0.008 0.30 0.56 0.54 u A533 6-6.5 Japan Steel 0.22 1.43 0.009 0.008 0.29 0.58 0.59 II A533 6-6.5 Japan Steel 0.19 1.44 0.010 0.012 0.30 0.56 0.50 II A533 6-6.5 Japan Steel 0.20 1.46 0.010 0.011 0.27 0.54 0.51 II A533 6-6.5 Japan Steel 0.18 1.49 0.008 0.010 0.31 0.57 0.50 11 (l)No. = Number of plates tested. (2) SA533, Gr. B. C1.1 1 of 1 HCGS-IIFSAR
  • Ultimate Yield Tensile Percent Strength Strength Elongation {Ksil 69.2 90.4 27.9 66.0 88.4 26.6 Tran 68.3 88.6 25.4 66.4 86.3 24.3 66.2 87.4 26.0 64.4 86.7 26.5 66.7 87.3 26.2 67.8 86.9 26.0 70.2 92.5 26.5 70.8 92.3 25.1 69.3 91.8 25.0 62.7 87.5 27.5 66.2 89.4 24.6 68.6 90.5 25.6 Revision 0 April 11. 1984 Tabh SA-21 Comptrtson of SA 508 Forging Hatar1t1 U&ad as the Data Base for GE Procedure YI006A006 Ver&us SASOB Material Manufactured by Japan Stael Works for Hope Creek Untt 1 Reactor Pressure Vassal Thickness _______ Average Composition of Materials (Wt %} Yield Strerogth Orient. (t::st) (in.) Source Ho.(ll C Mn P S St Ht Cr Mo v 0.19 0.65 0.010 0.007 0.23 0.69 ASOB Cl.Z 9-9.5 0.22 0.63 0.009 0.011 0.24 0.68 A508 C1.2 15-20 GE 0.21 0.60 0.010 0.007 0.24 0.67 ASOB C1.2 20-25 Ladish 4 0.23 0.63 0.009 0.010 0.26 0. 78 ASOS C 1 . 2 6. 7 0.16 0.72 0.010 0.009 0.32 0.84 ASOB C 1 . 2 6. 7 Japan Steel 0.15 0.70 0.011 0.011 0.32 0.81 (l) No.
  • Numbar of forgings tasted HCGS*IJFSAR 0.33 0.34 0.33 0.35 0.39 0.38 0.60 0.02 1550F-9Hr.-WQ+l210F-Tang. 12Hr.-AC+1125F-11Hr.-FC 0.59 0.02 ll8SF-11Hr.-Doub1e WQ-1220F-22Hr .* AC+ lllOF -6Hr. +50°/Hr. t.o 600F Tang. 0.58 0.04 WQ+1230F-20Hr.-WQ+ 1125F -30Hr.
  • 100°/Hr. to 600F-AC 0.63 0.045 1650F-8Hr.-AC*1650F-Tang. 8Hr.-WQ+l275f-24Hr.-WQ+ll501'*30Hr.-FC to 600F-AC 0.62 0.63 Tr. I of 1 ( 1634F *164JF) Au$tanittze-9.lHr. +(1211F-1220F)lemper-16Hr.+l144F-PWH1-40Hr. (1652-1670F) (1220-123QF)-Temp*r* 16.5Hr.+ll56f-PWHT-40Hr. 72.1 58.9 60.0 62.5 71.0 65.1 Ultimat* Tensile Reduction Strength of Area (Ksi) (%) 91.3 82.1 82.1 8?.0 88.4 82.5 69.1 ?0.8 73.5 66.9 70.0 Revhcion 5 May ll. 1993
  • TABLE SA-22 COMPARISON OF NOTCH TOUGHNESS INFORMATION FOR JAPAN STEEL AND Yl006A006 PLATE MATERIAL A533 A533 A533 A533 A533 A533 SA533, Gr.B, Cl.l SA533, Gr.B, Cl.l SA533, Gr.B, Cl.l SA533, Gr.B, Cl.l SA533, Gr.B, Cl.l SA533, Gr.B, Cl.l Thickness (in.) 6-6.5 7-7.5 8-8.5 8.5-9 11.5-12 11.5-12 6.2-6.8 6.2-6.8 6.2-6.8 6.2-6.8 6.2-6.8 6.2-6.8 (1) No = Number of plates tested GE Comb. GE Comb. Comb. West. Japan Steel Japan Steel Japan Steel Japan Steel Japan Steel Japan Steel Orientation Transverse Transverse Transverse Transverse Transverse Transverse Transverse Transverse Transverse Transverse Transverse Transverse No. (l) 5 6 4 1 3 4 See below(2) 1/4T Charpy V-Notch Test Results Test Average Temperature Absorbed Energy (°F) (ft-lb) +50 +50 +50 +50 +50 +50 +40 +40 +40 +40 +40 +40 60 56 60 53 47 44 44 so 81 64 54 52 (2) Each row of data represents a heat of material used in the beltline region of the Hope Creek Unit 1 RPV. l of 1 HCGS-UFSAR
  • Average Lateral Expansion (mils) 44 45 40 40 36 40 34 38 57 50 40 41 Revision 0 April 11 , 1988
  • TABLE SA-23 COMPARISON OF NOTCH TOUGHNESS INFORMATION FOR JAPAN STEEL AND Yl006A006 FORGINGS ASOS Class 2 A508 Class 2 A508 Class 2 A508 Class 2 ASME SASOS, Class 2 ASME SA508, Class 2 Thickness (in.) 8-8.5 9-9.5 15-20 20-25 6.7 6.7 (1) No. Number of forgings tested Source Orientation West. Tang. West. Tang. GE Long. Lad ish N.R. Japan Steel/ Long. Katsuta Works, Hitachi Ltd. Japan Steel/ Long. Katsuta Works, Hitachi Ltd. No.(l) 1 1 1 4 See below(2) 1/4 Charpy V-Notch Test Results Test Average Temperature Absorbed Energy (°F) (ft-lb) +50 +SO +50 +50 10 81 96 96 80 77
  • Average Lateral Expansion (mils) 60 64 55 NR 66 62 (2) Each row of data represents a heat of material used in the fabrication of the low pressure core injection nozzles for Hope Creek Unit 1 RPV. 1 of 1 HCGS-UFSAR Revision 0 April 11, 1988 e TABLE SA-24 COMPARISONS OF V1006A006 AND HITACHI SHIELDED METAL ARC WELD MATERIAL Ul t fmata Reduc-Yield Tansile t1on of Cham1ca1 Comeos it ion (wt. %} Strength Strangth Area u .. tlLot _c_ ...!!L ..!!!!.... 2L _P_ _s_ __v_ fL.. (kstl (ksl} __{&__ Heat Treatmant Y1006A006 DATA 9ASE: 0.066 0.83 1.06 0.46 0.02 0.018 0.49 0.019 0.03 78.7 9(). 7 42.8 1150°F zo" for so hours 40lP2871/H430827AF 0.06 0.98 1.09 0.36 0.013 0.017 0.02 0.03 73.5 83.5 71.2 U50°F 20° tor SO hour 'I> 03L048/8525827AF 0.04 0.96 1.23 0.40 0.014 0.014 0.53 o.oz 0.09 18.0 91.0 64.7 U50°F 20° for 50 hours5.787037e-4 days <br />0.0139 hours <br />8.267196e-5 weeks <br />1.9025e-5 months <br /> L83978/J414827AO 0.08 1.06 1.15 0.51 0.017 0.014 0.54 0.02 0.02 83.7 94.5 69.5 1150"F 20° for SO hours 401S0371/B504827AE 0.05 l. o* 1.18 0.37 0.012 0.012 0.56 0.02 0.03 84.2 94.4 68.2 l150°F 20° for 50 hour5.787037e-4 days <br />0.0139 hours <br />8.267196e-5 weeks <br />1.9025e-5 months <br /> 'I> 492L4871/A421B27AE 0.07 0.95 1. 06 o. 37 0.018 0.025 o.oz 0.04 72.0 84.5 72.7 1150°F 20° for 50 hours5.787037e-4 days <br />0.0139 hours <br />8.267196e-5 weeks <br />1.9025e-5 months <br /> 422K851l/G313A27AD 1).06 1.00 1.21 o. 31 0.016 0.013 0.54 o.oz 0.01 81.3 91.5 74.5 US0°F zo" for 50 hours5.787037e-4 days <br />0.0139 hours <br />8.267196e-5 weeks <br />1.9025e-5 months <br /> 640892/J424827AE 0.08 1.00 1.20 0.44 0.015 0.018 0.55 0.02 0.09 76.5 90.0 71.0 1150°1' zo" for 50 hours5.787037e-4 days <br />0.0139 hours <br />8.267196e-5 weeks <br />1.9025e-5 months <br /> 07R458/8503827AG 0.06 0.97 1. 14 0 . .35 0.020 0.021 0.51 0.02 0.04 68.0 80.5 71.4 1150°f' 20° for 50 hours5.787037e-4 days <br />0.0139 hours <br />8.267196e-5 weeks <br />1.9025e-5 months <br /> 510-012:05 0.072 0.54 I .20 0.42 0.010 0.011 0.45 0.09 85.6 94.6 67.9 lll2-1170°F 40 hours4.62963e-4 days <br />0.0111 hours <br />6.613757e-5 weeks <br />1.522e-5 months <br /> 519-012:05 0.051 0.53 1.17 0.26 0.010 0.001 0.45 0.01 73.0 85.5 n. 1 1112-1170°f 40 hours4.62963e-4 days <br />0.0111 hours <br />6.613757e-5 weeks <br />1.522e-5 months <br /> 504-012:05 0.06 0.51 l. 30 0.26 o.011 0.005 0.41 o.o1 69.8 83.3 68.2 1112-1170°F of 1 40 hour* HCGS-UfSAil 5 Moy 11. 1993
  • *
  • TABLE SA-25 COMPARISON OF CVN TEST RESULTS OF Y1006A006 AND HITACHI WELD MATERIALS Test Temp Absorbed Energy Lateral Expansion Shear Source Heat/Flux Process Y1006A006 031048/B525B27AF SHAW 0 61, 75, 79 44, 58, 59 50, 60, 60 + 40 104, 108 75, 77 80, 80 +130 122, 123, 126 89, 83, 91 100, 100, 100 02R486/J404B27AG SMAW -10 52, 64, 66 39, 45, 46 40, 40, 40 + 40 84, 87 63, 68 60, 60 +130 121, 124, 129 91, 96, 95 100, 100, 100 L83978/J414B27AD SMAW -20 51, 52, 81 37, 40, 63 35, so. 40 + 40 120, 123 72, 73 80, 80 +72 128, 140 78, 81 90, 90 401S0371/BS04B27AE SMAW 0 80, 85, 82 63, 62, 60 35, so, 35 + 40 95, 97 71. 76 40, 75 + 70 111, 107. 109, 87, 85, 77 80, 90, 80 402P3162/H426B27AE SMAW -10 60, 54, 68 44, 37, 53 40, 30, 30 + 40 96, 99 57, 68 60, 60 +212 119, 122. 124 93, 90, 68 100, 100, 100 492L4871/A421B27AE SMAW 0 50, 51, 57 36, 38, 40 30, 40, 45 + 40 135, 137 84, 80 90, so 422K8SAA/G313A27AD SHAW -20 65, 74, 127 44, 48, 76 40, 50, 60 + 25 107, 108 74, 80 80, 70 640892/J424B27AE SMAW 0 55, 62, 62 38, 44, 48 35, 40, 40 + 40 56, 75 42, 55 50, 60 +130 118, 122. 130 87, 89, 82 100, 100, 100 401P2871/H430B27AE SMAW 0 27, so, 56 25, 42, 46 40, 45. 45 + 10 75, 76, 107 60, 62, 74 60, so. 80 + 40 90, 100 71, 76 70; 80 07R458/S403B27AG SMAW 0 59, 61, 70 51, 52, 58 50, 50, 60 + 40 99, 101 77, 78 80, 75 +72 106, 110 85, 87 so. 80 Hitachi 510-01205 SMAW + 10 90, 73, 48 70, 64, 38 60, 40, 30 98, 87, 92 65, 66, 65 50, SO, so 519-01205 SMAW + 10 110, 110, 107 87, 78, 70 75, 75, 80 504-01205 SMAW + 10 130, 120, 123 89, 84, 92 75, so. 75 1 of 1 HCGS-UFSAR Revision 0 April 11, 1989
  • *
  • TABLE 5A-26 DROP WEIGHT AND CHARPY V-NOTCH TEST RESULTS(1) CLOSURE FLANGE REGION MATERIALS NDT Temp . Material Orientation .!..:n SA508, Longitudinal -20/ Cl.2 -10 (Head @180° Flange) AWAY SA508, Longitudinal -10 Cl.l (Shell Flange) SA533,* Gr. B, Cl.l (Top Petal Plate connected to Head Flange) (Piece Longitudinal T2A) (Piece Longitudinal T2B) (Piece Longitudinal T2C) (Piece Longitudinal T2D) HCGS-UFSAR Test Absorbed Lateral Temp. Energy Expansion .!..:n_ (ft-lbs) (Mils) -40 64.1,70.6,20.8,77.1 48,51,11,58 -10 93.1,114.7,106.6, 64,78,62,55, 87.8,97.1,71.9 64,49 10 81.1,108,133.6, 49,68,78,95, 137.6, 165.1 68,74 40 157.4,121.5,137.6, 89,73,77,86, 134.9,144.3,137.6 79,85 60 199.9,154.8,159.9 77,69,88,87, 195.4,144.3,170.1 82,73 10 120.1,122.8,130.9 77,81,83,81, 130.9,132.3,116.1 77,64 -10 120.1,95.8,128.2, 72,58,80,74 109.3,101.2,87.8 59,57 +40 141.6,134.9,141.6, 81,77,84,82, 145.6,167.6,182.4 85,89 -40 13.4,69.3,59.0,55.2 7,48,41,38, 74.5,101.2 54,68 10 46.5,39.2,39.2 36,34,33, 103.9, 81.1' 75.8 73,57,54 10 77.1,70.6,79.8 55,55,64 74.5,71.9,61.5 57,55,50 10 85.1,70.6,81.1 67,53,62 95.8,85.1,85.1 70,65,70 10 69.3,73.2,87.8 57,57,72 61.5' 66.7 '85 .1 59,63,72 1 of 2 Revision 0 April 11, 1988
  • *
  • TABLE (Cont) NDT Test Absorbed
  • Temp. Temp. Energy Material Orientation 1.:El .crL (ft-lbs) SA533,GR.B, Cl.l (Upper Shell Connected to Shell Flange) (Piece Longitudinal 10 71.8,46.9,61.5 SlC) 66.7,73.2,62.4 (Piece Longitudinal 10 74.5,87.8,53.0 S2A) 65.4,74.5,79.8 (Piece Longitudinal 10 84.7,95.8,95.8 S2C) 90.0,55.2,89.1 (1) In accordance with the ASME Code and GE requirements, the weld metals joining the materials have CVN absorbed energy values 30 at +l0°F . 2 of 2 Lateral Expansion (Mils) 59,39,53 52,58,49 57,74,45 52,55,65 65,75,79 70,44,71 specification. flange region of at least HCGS-UFSAR Revision 0 April 11, 1988 '

.... t..a. d) ..J

  • t-LL -,.... C> rx w z w 2 > 0 60.1 __ __ ___,r---+-----+----_j v qo.: 0 ________ l_ ______ _l ______ .__j 0. . 20. QO. 60. 80. 100. 120. DUCT lLE fRACTURE AREA C PER CENT I -UPPER CONFIDENCE LIMIT 0 *DATA POINT 0 -LOWER CONFIDENCE LIMIT PUBLIC SERVICE ElECTRIC AND GAS COMPANY HOPE CREEK GENERATING STATION CVN ENERGY vs FRACTURE AREA SK2963 Updated FSAR Revision 5, May 11, 1993 Sheet 1 of 1 Figure SA-1 160.
  • tl40. / v i20. 0 / v 100. -v u. (0 ...J
  • I I .... ..._ 90. / ,... v C) (k w z w z 60. > u / '10. */ 0 20. ,
  • LOWER CONFIDENCE LIMIT CVN ENERGY vs FRACTURE AREA SK2530 Updated FSAA Sheet 1 of 1 Revision 5, May 11, 1993 Figure SA-2

, .... m .J I t--1..1. 120 . _,.,v 100 . __ 60. qo. /v 20. " __________ _L ________ __J o. 20. f:l. -UPPER CONFIDENCE LIMIT Q-DATA POINT 0 -lOWER CONFIDENCE liMIT IJO. 60. 90. DUCTILE FRnCTUR£ nREA (PER C£NJ) 100. 120. PUBLIC SERVICE ElECTRIC AND GAS COMPANY HOPE CREEK GENERATING STATION CVN ENERGY vs FRACTURE AREA SK3238 Updated FSAR Revision 5, May 11, 1993 Sheet 1 of 1 Figure SA-3 160.

  • v lliO. / 7 1!1 / 120. / -100. Ll. v en / J l ..... Ll. ....., >-80. <.:) v (.£ w z w 2 y 0 > u 60. L 20. 07 /8 C!l 0. o. 20. 1.10. 60. 80. 100. 120. DUCTILE FRACTURE AREA (PER CENTJ PUBLIC SERVICE ELECTRIC AND GAS COMPANY f:l. *UPPER CONFIDENCE LIMIT HOPE CREEK GENERATING STATION Q *DATA POINT 0 -LOWER CONFIDENCE LIMIT CVN ENERGY vs FRACTURE AREA SK3230 Updated FSAR Sheetl of 1 Revision 5, May 11, 1993 Figure 5A*4

-...J t t-u. -120. /"" too. // 80. /v 60. 7 40. 07 0 20. /"8

  • o. ____________ _. o. 20. 8
  • JIJO. v / 120. v """ / u. ID i:O ...J I tOO. t-v ...... ._ >-L"l / 0:: w r5 80. / z :> {,) / 60. 0 0 110. 0 20. /
  • LOWER CONFIDENCE LIMIT CVN ENERGY vs FRACTURE AREA 6C45 Updated FSAR Sheet 1 of 1 Revision 5. May t 1, 1993 Figure SA-6
  • *
  • Rev15ed portion 18 .arked IJ')"IA Oc.t. 22 '7S
  • R,eV1t;ed rt1ons ere 1nd1c.ateA b,. A frloY. '72 (EDS-23&, ...
  • GQ1EAAL PROC.SP£C.. NO. R.5-0576 fROC. QUAL. 1'ES1 Sf£C: .. JIO * .,.t. or lfJ,C:*ts Qu,t;c tEST t1>. H Pt;-oa t ,*ftiatEss MHG£ to s 1 ' pgsnJON Etl rs/tw)' P.R06RESS10N -J'l,PE Sit.£' I l'J!S OP tLBctRODE 1ST' LAfi.R CONSUf:Wj,E . .SVIJSQUQn' CotJSuMAslJi. . :*f'li.LER l<<JAL 4lSMAtV) i*TJP£ OR TIWE IIIJE OF f'LUX '(F -2.DQ *WELD NITAL A-10. % :j Oil fftAfJE' *-OF FJU.liit fQ"Al.)!%04-f',$W!) . COHPO.SnlOU Of IWit'l' GAS -f'l.OW RA1£ -* 'Wtwt, !liiiiCK SII!EID (YES. @l-$PI<SS (SI!l&£, l $llUP JalSe<<r HULttPLtl *JIOL.ARtTY OSCILLAtiON ( ¥&$_ fl.IJ
  • PGlfJAt .L lNI'ER.PASS 'TEMP. 9 9 .a_ 'ro S'oo °F. lfltGR!iTAGE 1'05'1" WEt.D HEA'l' TREA"'I'Httn-15 HJ.rt. MlNlNJM .f'IW..t. POST 'IEI.O HEA'l' 'TREAlMEflT-1. lfR./IN.. Of &ASE HE.TAL THlauJESS tWtcr fEST (AT I 0 °F) )BfO ' <:iii! It) ) SAZ ( CjiiJ WO ) FOSI-SIZS TJOG (Ill) l) I1'EHs VITI !HE tSI'EfU.k r'