ML22123A163 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | 07109218, 07109279 |
Issue date: | 11/18/2021 |
From: | Sellmer T Nuclear Waste Partnership |
To: | Division of Fuel Management |
Garcia-Santos N | |
Shared Package | |
ML22123A131 | List: |
References | |
L-2021-LLA-0033, L-2021-LLA-0034 | |
Download: ML22123A163 (728) | |
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Revision 25 November 2021
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TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 GENERAL INFORMATION ........................................................................................ 1.1-1 1.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................. 1.1-1 1.2 Package Description ................................................................................................. 1.2-1 1.2.1 Packaging ..................................................................................................... 1.2-1 Packaging Description ................................................................... 1.2-1 Gross Weight ................................................................................. 1.2-5 Neutron Moderation and Absorption ............................................ 1.2-5 Receptacles, Valves, Testing, and Sampling Ports ....................... 1.2-5 Heat Dissipation ............................................................................ 1.2-6 Coolants ......................................................................................... 1.2-6 Protrusions ..................................................................................... 1.2-6 Lifting and Tie-down Devices ....................................................... 1.2-6 Pressure Relief System .................................................................. 1.2-7 Shielding ........................................................................................ 1.2-7 1.2.2 Operational Features..................................................................................... 1.2-7 1.2.3 Contents of Packaging .................................................................................. 1.2-8 1.3 Appendices ............................................................................................................... 1.3-1 1.3.1 Packaging General Arrangement Drawings .............................................. 1.3.1-1 1.3.2 Glossary of Terms and Acronyms ............................................................. 1.3.2-1 2.0 STRUCTURAL EVALUATION ................................................................................... 2.1-1 2.1 Structural Design ...................................................................................................... 2.1-1 2.1.1 Discussion .................................................................................................... 2.1-1 Containment Vessel Structure (ICV) ............................................ 2.1-1 Non-Containment Vessel Structures (OCV and OCA) ................. 2.1-2 2.1.2 Design Criteria ............................................................................................. 2.1-3 Analytic Design Criteria (Allowable Stresses) ............................. 2.1-3 Miscellaneous Structural Failure Modes ....................................... 2.1-4 2.2 Weights and Centers of Gravity ............................................................................... 2.2-1 2.2.1 Effect of a Radial Payload Imbalance .......................................................... 2.2-1 2.2.2 Effect of an Axial Payload Imbalance .......................................................... 2.2-3 2.2.3 Significance of Package Center of Gravity Shifts ........................................ 2.2-4 Lifting ............................................................................................ 2.2-4 Tie-down ....................................................................................... 2.2-4 Vibration ........................................................................................ 2.2-5 Free Drop and Puncture ................................................................. 2.2-5 2.3 Mechanical Properties of Materials .......................................................................... 2.3-1 2.3.1 Mechanical Properties Applied to Analytic Evaluations ............................. 2.3-1 i
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 2.3.2 Mechanical Properties Applied to Certification Testing .............................. 2.3-2 2.4 General Standards for All Packages ......................................................................... 2.4-1 2.4.1 Minimum Package Size ................................................................................ 2.4-1 2.4.2 Tamper-indicating Feature ........................................................................... 2.4-1 2.4.3 Positive Closure ............................................................................................ 2.4-1 2.4.4 Chemical and Galvanic Reactions ................................................................ 2.4-1 Packaging Materials of Construction ............................................ 2.4-2 Payload Interaction with Packaging Materials of Construction .... 2.4-3 2.4.5 Valves ........................................................................................................... 2.4-3 2.4.6 Package Design ............................................................................................ 2.4-3 2.4.7 External Temperatures ................................................................................. 2.4-3 2.4.8 Venting ......................................................................................................... 2.4-4 2.5 Lifting and Tie-down Standards for All Packages ................................................... 2.5-1 2.5.1 Lifting Devices ............................................................................................. 2.5-1 2.5.2 Tie-down Devices......................................................................................... 2.5-2 Tie-down Forces ............................................................................ 2.5-2 Tie-down Stress Due to a Vertical Tensile Load .......................... 2.5-3 Tie-down Stress Due to a Vertical Compressive Load ................. 2.5-7 Tie-down Stresses Due to a Horizontal Compressive Load .......... 2.5-8 Response of the Package if Treated as a Fixed Cantilever Beam 2.5-10 Summary ..................................................................................... 2.5-11 2.6 Normal Conditions of Transport .............................................................................. 2.6-1 2.6.1 Heat .............................................................................................................. 2.6-2 Summary of Pressures and Temperatures ..................................... 2.6-2 Differential Thermal Expansion .................................................... 2.6-3 Stress Calculations ........................................................................ 2.6-3 Comparison with Allowable Stresses ............................................ 2.6-4 Range of Primary Plus Secondary Stress Intensities ..................... 2.6-5 2.6.2 Cold .............................................................................................................. 2.6-6 Stress Calculations ........................................................................ 2.6-6 Comparison with Allowable Stresses ............................................ 2.6-7 2.6.3 Reduced External Pressure ........................................................................... 2.6-7 2.6.4 Increased External Pressure.......................................................................... 2.6-8 Stress Calculations ........................................................................ 2.6-8 Comparison with Allowable Stresses ............................................ 2.6-9 Buckling Assessment of the Torispherical Heads ......................... 2.6-9 Buckling Assessment of the Cylindrical Shells .......................... 2.6-10 2.6.5 Vibration ..................................................................................................... 2.6-11 Vibratory Loads Determination................................................... 2.6-12 Calculation of Alternating Stresses ............................................. 2.6-12 Stress Limits and Results ............................................................ 2.6-13 2.6.6 Water Spray ................................................................................................ 2.6-14 ii
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 2.6.7 Free Drop .................................................................................................... 2.6-14 2.6.8 Corner Drop ................................................................................................ 2.6-14 2.6.9 Compression ............................................................................................... 2.6-14 2.6.10 Penetration .................................................................................................. 2.6-14 2.7 Hypothetical Accident Conditions ........................................................................... 2.7-1 2.7.1 Free Drop ...................................................................................................... 2.7-2 Technical Basis for the Free Drop Tests ....................................... 2.7-2 Test Sequence for the Selected Tests ............................................ 2.7-3 Summary of Results from the Free Drop Tests ............................. 2.7-3 End Drop Bucking Evaluation ...................................................... 2.7-4 2.7.2 Crush ............................................................................................................ 2.7-4 2.7.3 Puncture ........................................................................................................ 2.7-5 Technical Basis for the Puncture Drop Tests ................................ 2.7-5 Test Sequence for the Selected Tests ............................................ 2.7-6 Summary of Results from the Puncture Drop Tests ...................... 2.7-6 2.7.4 Thermal ........................................................................................................ 2.7-7 Summary of Pressures and Temperatures ..................................... 2.7-8 Differential Thermal Expansion .................................................... 2.7-8 Stress Calculations ........................................................................ 2.7-8 Comparison with Allowable Stresses ............................................ 2.7-9 2.7.5 Immersion - Fissile Material ........................................................................ 2.7-9 2.7.6 Immersion - All Packages ............................................................................ 2.7-9 Buckling Assessment of the Torispherical Heads ......................... 2.7-9 Buckling Assessment of the Cylindrical Shells .......................... 2.7-10 2.7.7 Deep Water Immersion Test....................................................................... 2.7-12 2.7.8 Summary of Damage .................................................................................. 2.7-12 2.8 Special Form............................................................................................................. 2.8-1 2.9 Fuel Rods .................................................................................................................. 2.9-1 2.10 Appendices ............................................................................................................. 2.10-1 2.10.1 Finite Element Analysis (FEA) Models .................................................. 2.10.1-1 Outer Confinement Assembly (OCA) Structural Analysis ...... 2.10.1-1 Inner Containment Vessel (ICV) Structural Analysis .............. 2.10.1-5 2.10.2 Elastomer O-ring Seal Performance Tests .............................................. 2.10.2-1 Introduction .............................................................................. 2.10.2-1 Limits of O-ring Seal Compression and Temperature ............. 2.10.2-1 Formulation Qualification Test Fixture and Procedure ............ 2.10.2-6 Rainier Rubber R0405-70 Formulation Qualification Test Results
.................................................................................................. 2.10.2-7 ASTM D2000 Standardized Batch Material Tests ................... 2.10.2-8 2.10.3 Certification Tests ................................................................................... 2.10.3-1 Introduction .............................................................................. 2.10.3-1 Summary .................................................................................. 2.10.3-1 iii
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Test Facilities ........................................................................... 2.10.3-3 Description of the Certification Test Units .............................. 2.10.3-4 Technical Basis for Tests ....................................................... 2.10.3-10 Test Sequence for Selected Free Drop, Puncture Drop, and Fire Tests ................................................................................ 2.10.3-14 Test Results ............................................................................ 2.10.3-23 3.0 THERMAL EVALUATION ........................................................................................ ..3.1-1 3.1 Discussion ................................................................................................................ 3.1-1 3.1.1 Packaging ..................................................................................................... 3.1-1 3.1.2 Payload Configuration .................................................................................. 3.1-2 3.1.3 Boundary Conditions .................................................................................... 3.1-3 3.1.4 Analysis Summary ....................................................................................... 3.1-4 3.2 Summary of Thermal Properties of Materials .......................................................... 3.2-1 3.3 Technical Specifications of Components ................................................................. 3.3-1 3.4 Thermal Evaluation for Normal Conditions of Transport ........................................ 3.4-1 3.4.1 Thermal Model ............................................................................................. 3.4-1 Analytical Model ........................................................................... 3.4-1 Test Model ..................................................................................... 3.4-3 3.4.2 Maximum Temperatures .............................................................................. 3.4-3 3.4.3 Minimum Temperatures ............................................................................... 3.4-3 3.4.4 Maximum Internal Pressure ......................................................................... 3.4-3 Design Pressure ............................................................................. 3.4-3 Maximum Pressure for Normal Conditions of Transport ............. 3.4-3 Maximum Normal Operating Pressure.......................................... 3.4-9 3.4.5 Maximum Thermal Stresses ....................................................................... 3.4-10 3.4.6 Evaluation of Package Performance for Normal Conditions of Transport 3.4-11 3.5 Thermal Evaluation for Hypothetical Accident Conditions ..................................... 3.5-1 3.5.1 Thermal Model ............................................................................................. 3.5-1 Analytical Model ........................................................................... 3.5-1 Test Model ..................................................................................... 3.5-1 3.5.2 Package Conditions and Environment ......................................................... 3.5-2 CTU-1 Package Conditions and Environment .............................. 3.5-2 CTU-2 Package Conditions and Environment .............................. 3.5-3 3.5.3 Package Temperatures .................................................................................. 3.5-3 3.5.4 Maximum Internal Pressure ......................................................................... 3.5-3 3.5.5 Maximum Thermal Stresses ......................................................................... 3.5-4 3.5.6 Evaluation of Package Performance for the Hypothetical Accident Thermal Conditions .................................................................................................... 3.5-4 3.6 Appendices ............................................................................................................... 3.6-1 iv
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 3.6.1 Computer Analysis Results ....................................................................... 3.6.1-1 Fourteen 55-Gallon Drum Payload with 100 ºF Ambient and Full Solar, Uniformly Distributed Decay Heat Load in All Drums (Case 1)
.................................................................................................... 3.6.1-1 Fourteen 55-Gallon Drum Payload with 100 ºF Ambient and Full Solar, Uniformly Distributed Decay Heat Load in Two Center Drums (Case 2)....................................................................................... 3.6.1-4 Fourteen 55-Gallon Drum Payload with 100 ºF Ambient and Full Solar, Uniformly Distributed Decay Heat Load in Top Center Drum (Case 3)....................................................................................... 3.6.1-7 Two Standard Waste Box Payload with 100 ºF Ambient and Full Solar, Uniformly Distributed Decay Heat Load in Both SWBs (Case
- 4) ............................................................................................... 3.6.1-10 Two Standard Waste Box Payload with 100 ºF Ambient and Full Solar, Uniformly Distributed Decay Heat Load in Top SWB (Case 5)
.................................................................................................. 3.6.1-12 Fourteen 55-Gallon Drum Payload with 100 ºF Ambient and No Solar, 40 Watts Uniform Decay Heat Load ............................. 3.6.1-14 Two Standard Waste Box Payload with 100 ºF Ambient and No Solar, 40 Watts Uniform Decay Heat Load ............................. 3.6.1-16 3.6.2 Thermal Model Details .............................................................................. 3.6.2-1 Convection Coefficient Calculation ........................................... 3.6.2-1 Polyethylene Plastic Wrap Transmittance Calculation .............. 3.6.2-2 4.0 CONTAINMENT ............................................................................................................ 4.1-1 4.1 Containment Boundary............................................................................................. 4.1-1 4.1.1 Containment Vessel ...................................................................................... 4.1-1 Outer Confinement Assembly (Secondary Confinement)............. 4.1-1 Inner Containment Vessel (Primary Containment) ....................... 4.1-1 4.1.2 Containment Penetrations............................................................................. 4.1-1 4.1.3 Seals and Welds............................................................................................ 4.1-2 Seals............................................................................................... 4.1-2 Welds ............................................................................................. 4.1-2 4.1.4 Closure.......................................................................................................... 4.1-3 Outer Confinement Assembly (OCA) Closure ............................. 4.1-3 Inner Containment Vessel (ICV) Closure ..................................... 4.1-3 4.2 Containment Requirements for Normal Conditions of Transport ............................ 4.2-1 4.2.1 Containment of Radioactive Material .......................................................... 4.2-1 4.2.2 Pressurization of Containment Vessel .......................................................... 4.2-1 4.2.3 Containment Criterion .................................................................................. 4.2-1 4.3 Containment Requirements for Hypothetical Accident Conditions ......................... 4.3-1 4.3.1 Fission Gas Products .................................................................................... 4.3-1 4.3.2 Containment of Radioactive Material .......................................................... 4.3-1 v
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 4.3.3 Containment Criterion .................................................................................. 4.3-1 4.4 Special Requirements ............................................................................................... 4.4-1 4.4.1 Plutonium Shipments ................................................................................... 4.4-1 4.4.2 Interchangeability ......................................................................................... 4.4-1 5.0 SHIELDING EVALUATION ........................................................................................ 5.1-1 5.1 Description of Shielding Design .............................................................................. 5.1-2 5.1.1 Design Features ............................................................................................ 5.1-2 TRUPACT-II and HalfPACT ........................................................ 5.1-2 Generic .......................................................................................... 5.1-2 Criticality Control Overpack ......................................................... 5.1-3 6-in. Standard Pipe Overpack ........................................................ 5.1-3 12-in. Standard Pipe Overpack ...................................................... 5.1-3 SC-30G1 Shielded Container ........................................................ 5.1-4 SC-30G2 Shielded Container ........................................................ 5.1-4 SC-30G3 Shielded Container ........................................................ 5.1-4 SC-55G1 Shielded Container ........................................................ 5.1-5 SC-55G2 Shielded Container ........................................................ 5.1-5 5.1.2 Summary Table of Maximum Radiation Levels ........................................ 5.1-15 5.2 Source Specification ................................................................................................. 5.2-1 5.2.1 Gamma Source ............................................................................................. 5.2-1 5.2.2 Neutron Source ............................................................................................. 5.2-2 5.3 Shielding Model ....................................................................................................... 5.3-1 5.3.1 Configuration of Source and Shielding ........................................................ 5.3-1 TRUPACT-II and HalfPACT ........................................................ 5.3-1 Generic .......................................................................................... 5.3-1 Criticality Control Overpack ......................................................... 5.3-2 6-in. Standard Pipe Overpack ........................................................ 5.3-2 12-in. Standard Pipe Overpack ...................................................... 5.3-3 SC-30G1 Shielded Container ........................................................ 5.3-4 SC-30G2 Shielded Container ........................................................ 5.3-4 SC-30G3 Shielded Container ........................................................ 5.3-5 SC-55G1 Shielded Container ........................................................ 5.3-6 SC-55G2 Shielded Container ........................................................ 5.3-7 5.3.2 Material Properties ..................................................................................... 5.3-26 5.4 Shielding Evaluation ................................................................................................ 5.4-1 5.4.1 Methods ........................................................................................................ 5.4-1 5.4.2 Input and Output Data .................................................................................. 5.4-1 5.4.3 Flux-to-Dose Conversion ............................................................................. 5.4-2 5.4.4 External Radiation Levels ............................................................................ 5.4-4 Generic .......................................................................................... 5.4-4 Criticality Control Overpack ......................................................... 5.4-5 vi
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 6-in. Standard Pipe Overpack ........................................................ 5.4-6 12-in. Standard Pipe Overpack ...................................................... 5.4-7 SC-30G1 Shielded Container ........................................................ 5.4-7 SC-30G2 Shielded Container ........................................................ 5.4-8 SC-30G3 Shielded Container ........................................................ 5.4-8 SC-55G1 Shielded Container ........................................................ 5.4-9 SC-55G2 Shielded Container ........................................................ 5.4-9 Summary ..................................................................................... 5.4-10 5.4.5 Evaluation for Axial Gaps in the Sidewall Lead ........................................ 5.4-13 5.5 Activity Limits ......................................................................................................... 5.5-1 5.5.1 Generic ......................................................................................................... 5.5-3 5.5.2 Criticality Control Overpack ...................................................................... 5.5-10 5.5.3 6-in. Standard Pipe Overpack ..................................................................... 5.5-17 5.5.4 12-in. Standard Pipe Overpack ................................................................... 5.5-21 5.5.5 SC-30G1 Shielded Container ..................................................................... 5.5-25 5.5.6 SC-30G2 Shielded Container ..................................................................... 5.5-29 5.5.7 SC-30G3 Shielded Container ..................................................................... 5.5-34 5.5.8 SC-55G1 Shielded Container ..................................................................... 5.5-39 5.5.9 SC-55G2 Shielded Container ..................................................................... 5.5-44 5.5.10 Determination of Acceptable Activity ....................................................... 5.5-49 Acceptable Activity Examples .................................................... 5.5-50 5.6 Conclusions .............................................................................................................. 5.6-1 5.7 Appendices ............................................................................................................... 5.7-1 5.7.1 Sample MCNP Input Files ........................................................................ 5.7.1-1 TRUPACT-II - Generic ............................................................. 5.7.1-1 HalfPACT - Generic ................................................................ 5.7.1-10 TRUPACT-II - Criticality Control Overpack .......................... 5.7.1-13 HalfPACT - Criticality Control Overpack ............................... 5.7.1-18 HalfPACT in. Standard Pipe Overpack ............................. 5.7.1-22 HalfPACT in. Standard Pipe Overpack ........................... 5.7.1-26 HalfPACT - SC-30G1 Shielded Container .............................. 5.7.1-31 HalfPACT - SC-30G2 Shielded Container .............................. 5.7.1-35 HalfPACT - SC-30G3 Shielded Container .............................. 5.7.1-45 HalfPACT - SC-55G1 Shielded Container .............................. 5.7.1-55 HalfPACT - SC-55G2 Shielded Container .............................. 5.7.1-62
.................................................................................... 6.1-1 6.1 Discussion and Results ............................................................................................. 6.1-2 6.2 Package Contents ..................................................................................................... 6.2-1 6.2.1 Applicability of Case A Limit ...................................................................... 6.2-2 6.2.2 Applicability of Case B Limit ...................................................................... 6.2-3 vii
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 6.2.3 Applicability of Case C Limit ...................................................................... 6.2-3 6.2.4 Applicability of Case D Limit ...................................................................... 6.2-4 6.2.5 Applicability of Case E Limit ...................................................................... 6.2-5 6.2.6 Applicability of Case F Limit ....................................................................... 6.2-5 6.2.7 Applicability of Case I Limit........................................................................ 6.2-5 6.3 Model Specification ................................................................................................. 6.3-1 6.3.1 Contents Model ............................................................................................ 6.3-1 Case A Contents Model ................................................................. 6.3-1 Case B Contents Model ................................................................. 6.3-2 Case C Contents Model ................................................................. 6.3-2 Case D Contents Model ................................................................. 6.3-2 6.3.2 Packaging Model .......................................................................................... 6.3-3 6.3.3 Single-Unit Models ...................................................................................... 6.3-4 6.3.4 Array Models ................................................................................................ 6.3-5 6.3.5 Package Regional Densities ......................................................................... 6.3-5 6.4 Criticality Calculations ............................................................................................. 6.4-1 6.4.1 Calculational or Experimental Method ........................................................ 6.4-1 6.4.2 Fuel Loading or Other Contents Loading Optimization .............................. 6.4-1 6.4.3 Criticality Results ......................................................................................... 6.4-2 Criticality Results for a Single TRUPACT-II Package ................. 6.4-3 Criticality Results for Infinite Arrays of TRUPACT-II Packages 6.4-4 Special Reflectors in CH-TRU Waste ........................................... 6.4-7 Machine Compacted CH-TRU Waste ........................................... 6.4-8 Applicable Criticality Limits for CH-TRU Waste ........................ 6.4-9 6.5 Critical Benchmark Experiments ............................................................................. 6.5-1 6.5.1 Benchmark Experiments and Applicability ................................................. 6.5-1 6.5.2 Details of Benchmark Calculations .............................................................. 6.5-2 6.5.3 Results of Benchmark Calculations ............................................................. 6.5-2 7.0 OPERATING PROCEDURES ...................................................................................... 7.1-1 7.1 Procedures for Loading the Package ........................................................................ 7.1-1 7.1.1 Removal of the TRUPACT-II Package from the Transport Trailer/Railcar 7.1-1 7.1.2 Outer Confinement Assembly (OCA) Lid Removal .................................... 7.1-1 7.1.3 Inner Containment Vessel (ICV) Lid Removal ............................................ 7.1-2 7.1.4 Loading the Payload into the TRUPACT-II Package .................................. 7.1-2 7.1.5 Inner Containment Vessel (ICV) Lid Installation ........................................ 7.1-3 7.1.6 Outer Confinement Assembly (OCA) Lid Installation ................................ 7.1-4 7.1.7 Final Package Preparations for Transport (Loaded)..................................... 7.1-5 7.2 Procedures for Unloading the Package .................................................................... 7.2-1 viii
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 7.2.1 Removal of the TRUPACT-II Package from the Transport Trailer/Railcar 7.2-1 7.2.2 Outer Confinement Assembly (OCA) Lid Removal .................................... 7.2-1 7.2.3 Inner Containment Vessel (ICV) Lid Removal ............................................ 7.2-2 7.2.4 Unloading the Payload from the TRUPACT-II Package ............................. 7.2-2 7.2.5 Inner Containment Vessel (ICV) Lid Installation ........................................ 7.2-2 7.2.6 Outer Confinement Assembly (OCA) Lid Installation ................................ 7.2-3 7.2.7 Final Package Preparations for Transport (Unloaded) ................................. 7.2-4 7.3 Preparation of an Empty Package for Transport ...................................................... 7.3-1 7.4 Preshipment Leakage Rate Test ............................................................................... 7.4-1 7.4.1 Gas Pressure Rise Leakage Rate Test Acceptance Criteria.......................... 7.4-1 7.4.2 Determining the Test Volume and Test Time .............................................. 7.4-1 7.4.3 Performing the Gas Pressure Rise Leakage Rate Test ................................. 7.4-2 7.4.4 Optional Preshipment Leakage Rate Test .................................................... 7.4-2 8.0 ACCEPTANCE TESTS AND MAINTENANCE PROGRAM .................................. 8.1-1 8.1 Acceptance Tests ...................................................................................................... 8.1-1 8.1.1 Visual Inspection .......................................................................................... 8.1-1 8.1.2 Structural and Pressure Tests ....................................................................... 8.1-1 Lifting Device Load Testing ......................................................... 8.1-1 Pressure Testing ............................................................................ 8.1-2 8.1.3 Fabrication Leakage Rate Tests ................................................................... 8.1-2 Fabrication Leakage Rate Test Acceptance Criteria ..................... 8.1-3 Helium Leakage Rate Testing the ICV Structure Integrity ........... 8.1-3 Helium Leakage Rate Testing the ICV Main O-ring Seal ............ 8.1-3 Helium Leakage Rate Testing the ICV Outer Vent Port Plug O-ring Seal ................................................................................................ 8.1-4 Optional Helium Leakage Rate Testing the OCV Structure Integrity
....................................................................................................... 8.1-5 Optional Helium Leakage Rate Testing the OCV Main O-ring Seal Integrity ......................................................................................... 8.1-5 Optional Helium Leakage Rate Testing the OCV Vent Port Plug O-ring Seal Integrity .......................................................................... 8.1-6 8.1.4 Component Tests .......................................................................................... 8.1-7 Polyurethane Foam ........................................................................ 8.1-7 8.1.5 Tests for Shielding Integrity ....................................................................... 8.1-19 8.1.6 Thermal Acceptance Test ........................................................................... 8.1-19 8.2 Maintenance Program............................................................................................... 8.2-1 8.2.1 Structural and Pressure Tests ....................................................................... 8.2-1 Pressure Testing ............................................................................ 8.2-1 ICV Interior Surfaces Inspection ................................................... 8.2-1 8.2.2 Maintenance/Periodic Leakage Rate Tests................................................... 8.2-1 ix
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Maintenance/Periodic Leakage Rate Test Acceptance Criteria .... 8.2-2 Helium Leakage Rate Testing the ICV Main O-ring Seal ............ 8.2-2 Helium Leakage Rate Testing the ICV Outer Vent Port Plug O-ring Seal ................................................................................................ 8.2-3 8.2.3 Subsystems Maintenance ............................................................................. 8.2-3 Fasteners ........................................................................................ 8.2-3 Locking Rings ............................................................................... 8.2-3 Seal Areas and Grooves ................................................................ 8.2-4 8.2.4 Valves, Rupture Discs, and Gaskets ............................................................. 8.2-6 Valves ............................................................................................ 8.2-6 Rupture Discs ................................................................................ 8.2-6 Gaskets .......................................................................................... 8.2-6 8.2.5 Shielding ....................................................................................................... 8.2-7 8.2.6 Thermal ........................................................................................................ 8.2-7 9.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE ............................................................................................... 9.1-1 9.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................. 9.1-1 9.2 Quality Assurance Requirements ............................................................................. 9.2-1 9.2.1 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ......................................................... 9.2-1 9.2.2 U.S. Department of Energy .......................................................................... 9.2-1 9.2.3 Transportation to or from WIPP ................................................................... 9.2-1 9.3 Quality Assurance Program...................................................................................... 9.3-1 9.3.1 NRC Regulatory Guide 7.10 ........................................................................ 9.3-1 9.3.2 Design ........................................................................................................... 9.3-1 9.3.3 Fabrication, Assembly, Testing, and Modification ...................................... 9.3-1 9.3.4 Use ................................................................................................................ 9.3-1 DOE Shipments: To/From WIPP ................................................. 9.3-1 Other DOE Shipments: Non-WIPP .............................................. 9.3-2 Non-DOE Users of TRUPACT-II ................................................. 9.3-2 9.3.5 Maintenance and Repair ............................................................................... 9.3-2 LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1 Containment Structure Allowable Stress Limits ................................................ 2.1-7 Table 2.1 Non-Containment Structure Allowable Stress Limits ........................................ 2.1-7 Table 2.2 TRUPACT-II Weight and Center of Gravity ..................................................... 2.2-6 Table 2.3 Mechanical Properties of Type 304 Stainless Steel Components (for Analysis)2.3-5 Table 2.3 Mechanical Properties of Polyurethane Foam (for Analysis) ............................ 2.3-7 Table 2.3 Mechanical Properties of Metallic Materials (for Testing) ................................ 2.3-7 Table 2.6 Summary of Stress Intensity Results for OCA Load Case 1 .......................... 2.6-16 x
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 2.6 Summary of Stress Intensity Results for OCA Load Case 2 .......................... 2.6-17 Table 2.6 Summary of Stress Intensity Results for OCA Load Case 3 .......................... 2.6-18 Table 2.6 Summary of Stress Intensity Results for OCA Load Case 4 .......................... 2.6-19 Table 2.6 Summary of Stress Intensity Results for ICV Load Case 1 ........................... 2.6-20 Table 2.6 Summary of Stress Intensity Results for ICV Load Case 2 ........................... 2.6-21 Table 2.6 Buckling Geometry Parameters per Code Case N-284 .................................... 2.6-22 Table 2.6 Stress Results for 14.7 psig External Pressure ................................................. 2.6-23 Table 2.6 Shell Buckling Summary for 14.7 psig External Pressure ............................... 2.6-23 Table 2.6 Tie-Down Lug Weld Shear Stresses............................................................... 2.6-24 Table 2.6 OCA Outer Shell Compressive Membrane Stresses ............................................ 2.6-24 Table 2.6 OCA Tie-down Weldment Compressive Membrane Stresses ............................. 2.6-24 Table 2.6 Maximum Unit Alternating Stress Intensities ................................................ 2.6-24 Table 2.7 Summary of Tests for TRUPACT-II CTU-1.................................................... 2.7-13 Table 2.7 Summary of Tests for TRUPACT-II CTU-2.................................................... 2.7-14 Table 2.7 Summary of Tests for TRUPACT-II CTU-3.................................................... 2.7-15 Table 2.7 Buckling Geometry Parameters for a 385g HAC End Drop ............................ 2.7-17 Table 2.7 Shell Buckling Summary for a 385g HAC End Drop ...................................... 2.7-18 Table 2.7 Buckling Geometry Parameters per Code Case N-284 .................................... 2.7-19 Table 2.7 Stress Results for 21 psig External Pressure .................................................... 2.7-20 Table 2.7 Shell Buckling Summary for 21 psig External Pressure .................................. 2.7-20 Table 2.10.1 ANSYS Input Listing for OCA Load Case 1 ......................................... 2.10.1-7 Table 2.10.1 ANSYS Input Listing for OCA Load Case 2 ....................................... 2.10.1-11 Table 2.10.1 ANSYS Input Listing for OCA Load Case 3 ....................................... 2.10.1-15 Table 2.10.1 ANSYS Input Listing for OCA Load Case 4 ....................................... 2.10.1-19 Table 2.10.1 ANSYS Input Listing for ICV Load Case 1......................................... 2.10.1-23 Table 2.10.1 ANSYS Input Listing for ICV Load Case 2......................................... 2.10.1-25 Table 2.10.2 Formulation Qualification Test O-ring Seal Compression Parameters .... 2.10.2-5 Table 2.10.2 Rainier Rubber R0405-70 Formulation Qualification O-ring Seal Test Results ................................................................................................................ 2.10.2-11 Table 2.10.3 Summary of CTU-1 Test Results in Sequential Order ........................... 2.10.3-37 Table 2.10.3 Summary of CTU-2 Test Results in Sequential Order ........................... 2.10.3-38 Table 2.10.3 Summary of CTU-3 Test Results in Sequential Order ........................... 2.10.3-39 Table 2.10.3 CTU-1 Temperature Indicating Label Locations and Results.................... 2.10.3-41 xi
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 2.10.3 CTU-2 Temperature Indicating Label Locations and Results.................... 2.10.3-43 Table 3.1 NCT Steady-State Temperatures with 40 Watts Decay Heat Load and Insolation; Fourteen 55-Gallon Drums ............................................................................................... 3.1-6 Table 3.1 NCT Steady-State Temperatures with 40 Watts Decay Heat Load and No Insolation; Fourteen 55-Gallon Drums ............................................................................. 3.1-7 Table 3.1 NCT Steady-State Temperatures with 40 Watts Decay Heat Load and Insolation; Two Standard Waste Boxes .............................................................................................. 3.1-8 Table 3.1 NCT Steady-State Temperatures with 40 Watts Decay Heat Load and No Insolation; Two Standard Waste Boxes ............................................................................ 3.1-9 Table 3.2 Thermal Properties of Materials ......................................................................... 3.2-2 Table 3.2 Thermal Properties of Air ................................................................................... 3.2-2 Table 3.2 Thermal Radiative Properties ............................................................................. 3.2-3 Table 3.4 NCT Steady-State Temperatures with Insolation, Payload Configuration 1 -
Fourteen 55-Gallon Drums, Thermal Case 1 .................................................................. 3.4-12 Table 3.4 NCT Steady-State Temperatures with Insolation, Payload Configuration 1 -
Fourteen 55-Gallon Drums, Thermal Case 2 .................................................................. 3.4-13 Table 3.4 NCT Steady-State Temperatures with Insolation, Payload Configuration 1 -
Fourteen 55-Gallon Drums, Thermal Case 3 .................................................................. 3.4-14 Table 3.4 NCT Steady-State Temperatures with Insolation, Payload Configuration 2 - Two Standard Waste Boxes, Thermal Case 4 ......................................................................... 3.4-15 Table 3.4 NCT Steady-State Temperatures with Insolation, Payload Configuration 2 - Two Standard Waste Boxes, Thermal Case 5 ......................................................................... 3.4-16 Table 3.4 TRUPACT-II Pressure Increase with a 14-Drum Payload, 60-Day Duration* 3.4-17 Table 3.4 TRUPACT-II Pressure Increase with a 2 SWB Payload, 60-Day Duration* ......... 3.4-17 Table 3.4 TRUPACT-II Pressure Increase with 8 Drums Overpacked in 2 SWBs, 60-Day Duration* ......................................................................................................................... 3.4-17 Table 3.4 TRUPACT-II Pressure Increase with 8 85-Gallon Drums or 8 55-Gallon Drums Overpacked in 8 85-Gallon Drums, 60-Day Duration*....................................................... 3.4-18 Table 3.4 TRUPACT-II Pressure Increase with 6 100-Gallon Drums, 60-Day Duration* ... 3.4-18 Table 3.4 TRUPACT-II Pressure Increase with a 1 TDOP Payload, 60-Day Duration*...... 3.4-18 Table 3.4 TRUPACT-II Pressure Increase with 14 CCOs, 60-Day Duration* .................... 3.4-19 Table 3.5 HAC Pre-Fire Steady-State Temperatures with 40 Watts Decay Heat Load and No Insolation; Fourteen 55-Gallon Drums ............................................................................. 3.5-5 Table 3.5 HAC Pre-Fire Steady-State Temperatures with 40 Watts Decay Heat Load and No Insolation; Two Standard Waste Boxes ............................................................................ 3.5-6 Table 3.5 CTU-1 Temperature Indicating Label Locations and Results ............................ 3.5-7 xii
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 3.5 CTU-2 Temperature Indicating Label Locations and Results ............................ 3.5-9 Table 3.5 HAC Fire Temperature Readings; Fourteen 55-Gallon Drums ....................... 3.5-11 Table 5.1 TRUPACT-II with Generic Payload Summary of Maximum Dose Rates (mrem/hr) ........................................................................................................................ 5.1-15 Table 5.1 HalfPACT with Generic Payload Summary of Maximum Dose Rates (mrem/hr) ........................................................................................................................ 5.1-15 Table 5.1 TRUPACT-II with CCO Payload Summary of Maximum Dose Rates (mrem/hr) ........................................................................................................................ 5.1-16 Table 5.1 HalfPACT with CCO Payload Summary of Maximum Dose Rates (mrem/hr) ........................................................................................................................ 5.1-16 Table 5.1 HalfPACT with 6PO Payload Summary of Maximum Dose Rates (mrem/hr) 5.1-17 Table 5.1 HalfPACT with 12PO Payload Summary of Maximum Dose Rates (mrem/hr) ........................................................................................................................ 5.1-17 Table 5.1 HalfPACT with SC-30G1 Payload Summary of Maximum Dose Rates (mrem/hr) ........................................................................................................................ 5.1-18 Table 5.1 HalfPACT with SC-30G2 Payload Summary of Maximum Dose Rates (mrem/hr) ........................................................................................................................ 5.1-18 Table 5.1 HalfPACT with SC-30G3 Payload Summary of Maximum Dose Rates (mrem/hr) ........................................................................................................................ 5.1-19 Table 5.1 HalfPACT with SC-55G1 Payload Summary of Maximum Dose Rates (mrem/hr) ........................................................................................................................ 5.1-19 Table 5.1 HalfPACT with SC-55G2 Payload Summary of Maximum Dose Rates (mrem/hr) ........................................................................................................................ 5.1-20 Table 5.3 Summary of Shield Regional Densities............................................................ 5.3-26 Table 5.4 Case Naming Conventions for Generic, CCO, 6PO, 12PO, and SC-30G1 Payloads ............................................................................................................................ 5.4-2 Table 5.4 Case Naming Conventions for SC-30G2, SC-30G3, SC-55G1, and SC-55G2 Payloads ............................................................................................................................ 5.4-2 Table 5.4 Neutron Flux-to-Dose Rate Conversion Factors from ANSI/ANS 6.1.1-1977.. 5.4-3 Table 5.4 Gamma Flux-to-Dose Rate Conversion Factors from ANSI/ANS 6.1.1-1977 .. 5.4-3 Table 5.4 TRUPACT-II - Generic Dose Rates for 1 par/s Source..................................... 5.4-4 Table 5.4 HalfPACT - Generic Dose Rates for 1 par/s Source ......................................... 5.4-5 Table 5.4 TRUPACT-II - CCO Dose Rates for 1 par/s Source ......................................... 5.4-5 Table 5.4 HalfPACT - CCO Dose Rates for 1 par/s Source .............................................. 5.4-6 Table 5.4 HalfPACT - 6PO Dose Rates for 1 par/s Source ............................................... 5.4-6 Table 5.4 HalfPACT - 12PO Dose Rates for 1 par/s Source ........................................... 5.4-7 xiii
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 5.4 HalfPACT - SC-30G1 Dose Rates for 1 par/s Source ..................................... 5.4-7 Table 5.4 HalfPACT - SC-30G2 Dose Rates for 1 par/s Source ..................................... 5.4-8 Table 5.4 HalfPACT - SC-30G3 Dose Rates for 1 par/s Source ..................................... 5.4-8 Table 5.4 HalfPACT - SC-55G1 Dose Rates for 1 par/s Source ..................................... 5.4-9 Table 5.4 HalfPACT - SC-55G2 Dose Rates for 1 par/s Source ..................................... 5.4-9 Table 5.4 Summary of Dose Rate Changes Due to Axial Gaps ..................................... 5.4-13 Table 5.5 Discrete Gamma and Neutron Energies ............................................................. 5.5-2 Table 5.5 TRUPACT-II - Generic Gamma Activity Limits .............................................. 5.5-4 Table 5.5 TRUPACT-II - Generic Neutron Activity Limits.............................................. 5.5-5 Table 5.5 HalfPACT - Generic Gamma Activity Limits ................................................... 5.5-6 Table 5.5 HalfPACT - Generic Neutron Activity Limits .................................................. 5.5-7 Table 5.5 TRUPACT-II - CCO Gamma Activity Limits ................................................ 5.5-11 Table 5.5 TRUPACT-II - CCO Neutron Activity Limits ................................................ 5.5-12 Table 5.5 HalfPACT - CCO Gamma Activity Limits ..................................................... 5.5-13 Table 5.5 HalfPACT - CCO Neutron Activity Limits ..................................................... 5.5-14 Table 5.5 HalfPACT - 6PO Gamma Activity Limits .................................................... 5.5-18 Table 5.5 HalfPACT - 6PO Neutron Activity Limits .................................................... 5.5-19 Table 5.5 HalfPACT - 12PO Gamma Activity Limits .................................................. 5.5-22 Table 5.5 HalfPACT - 12PO Neutron Activity Limits .................................................. 5.5-23 Table 5.5 HalfPACT - SC-30G1 Gamma Activity Limits ............................................ 5.5-26 Table 5.5 HalfPACT - SC-30G1 Neutron Activity Limits ............................................ 5.5-27 Table 5.5 HalfPACT - SC-30G2 Gamma Activity Limits ............................................ 5.5-30 Table 5.5 HalfPACT - SC-30G2 Neutron Activity Limits ............................................ 5.5-31 Table 5.5 HalfPACT - SC-30G3 Gamma Activity Limits ............................................ 5.5-35 Table 5.5 HalfPACT - SC-30G3 Neutron Activity Limits ............................................ 5.5-36 Table 5.5 HalfPACT - SC-55G1 Gamma Activity Limits ............................................ 5.5-40 Table 5.5 HalfPACT - SC-55G1 Neutron Activity Limits ............................................ 5.5-41 Table 5.5 HalfPACT - SC-55G2 Gamma Activity Limits ............................................ 5.5-45 Table 5.5 HalfPACT - SC-55G2 Neutron Activity Limits ............................................ 5.5-46 Table 5.5 Acceptable Activity Example #1 .................................................................... 5.5-50 Table 5.5 Acceptable Activity Example #2 .................................................................... 5.5-52 Table 5.5 Acceptable Activity Example #3 .................................................................... 5.5-54 Table 6.1 Fissile Material Limit per Payload Container .................................................... 6.1-4 xiv
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 6.1 Fissile Material Limit per TRUPACT-II Package.............................................. 6.1-4 Table 6.1 Summary of Criticality Analysis Results ........................................................... 6.1-5 Table 6.2 Special Reflector Material Parameters that Achieve the Reactivity of a 25%/75%
Polyethylene/Water Mixture Reflector ............................................................................. 6.2-6 Table 6.3 Description of Contents Displacement in Array Models ................................... 6.3-6 Table 6.3 Fissile Contents Model Properties for Various H/Pu Ratios .............................. 6.3-7 Table 6.3 Composition of Modeled Steels ......................................................................... 6.3-8 Table 6.3 Composition of the Polyethylene/Water/Beryllium Reflector ........................... 6.3-8 Table 6.4 Single-Unit, NCT, Case A, 325 FGE; ks vs. H/Pu Ratio with Different Moderator and Reflector Compositions ............................................................................................ 6.4-11 Table 6.4 Single Unit, NCT, Case A, 325 FGE; Variation of Reflector Volume Fraction (VF) at Near-Optimal H/Pu Ratio............................................................................................ 6.4-12 Table 6.4 Single-Unit, HAC, Case A, 325 FGE; ks vs. H/Pu at Maximum Reflection Conditions ....................................................................................................................... 6.4-12 Table 6.4 Infinite Array Variation 0, HAC, Case A, 325 FGE; ks vs. H/Pu at Extremes of Reflection Conditions ..................................................................................................... 6.4-13 Table 6.4 Infinite Array Variation 0, HAC, Case A, 325 FGE; Variation of Reflector Volume Fraction at Near-Optimal H/Pu Ratios .............................................................. 6.4-14 Table 6.4 Infinite Array Variation 1, HAC, Case A, 325 FGE; Variation of H/Pu Ratio at Extremes of Reflection Conditions ................................................................................. 6.4-15 Table 6.4 Infinite Array Variation 0, HAC, Case A; Variation of H/Pu Ratio for Various Gram Quantities of Pu-240 at Maximum Reflection Conditions ................................... 6.4-16 Table 6.4 Infinite Array Variation 0, HAC, Case A, 5 g Pu-240, 340 FGE; ks vs. H/Pu for Various Combinations of U-235 and Pu-239 under Maximum Reflection Conditions.. 6.4-17 Table 6.4 Infinite Array Variation 0, HAC, Case B, 100 FGE; ks vs. H/Pu at Maximum Reflection Conditions ..................................................................................................... 6.4-18 Table 6.4 Infinite Array Variation 0, HAC, Case B, 100 FGE; ks vs. H/Pu for Various Moderator Volume Fractions of Beryllium under Maximum Reflection Conditions .... 6.4-19 Table 6.4 Infinite Array Variation 0, HAC, Case B, 100 FGE; Variation of Reflector Volume Fraction at Near-Optimal H/Pu Ratio ............................................................... 6.4-20 Table 6.4 Infinite Array Variation 1, HAC, Case B, 100 FGE; Variation of H/Pu Ratio at Reflector Volume Fraction to Maximize Interaction while Maintaining Beryllium Reflection ........................................................................................................................ 6.4-20 Table 6.4 Infinite Array Variation 0, HAC, Case C, 250 FGE; ks vs. H/Pu at Maximum Reflection Conditions ..................................................................................................... 6.4-21 Table 6.4 Infinite Array Variation 0, HAC, Case C, 250 FGE; Variation of Reflector Volume Fraction at Near-Optimal H/Pu Ratio ............................................................... 6.4-21 xv
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 6.4 Infinite Array Variation 1, HAC, Case C, 250 FGE; Variation of H/Pu Ratio at Reflector Volume Fraction to Maximize Interaction while Maintaining Reflection ...... 6.4-22 Table 6.4 Infinite Array Variation 0, HAC, Case D, 325 FGE; ks vs. H/Pu at Maximum Reflection Conditions ..................................................................................................... 6.4-23 Table 6.4 Infinite Array Variation 0, HAC, Case D, 325 FGE; Variation of Reflector Volume Fraction at Near-Optimal H/Pu Ratio ............................................................... 6.4-24 Table 6.4 Infinite Array Variation 1, HAC, Case D, 325 FGE; Variation of H/Pu Ratio at Reflector Volume Fraction to Maximize Interaction while Maintaining Reflection ...... 6.4-24 Table 6.5 Benchmark Experiment Description with Experimental Uncertainties ............................. 6.5-4 Table 6.5 Benchmark Case Parameters and Computed Results ............................................... 6.5-5 Table 6.5 Calculation of USL ........................................................................................... 6.5-13 Table 8.1 Acceptable Compressive Stress Ranges for Foam (psi) ................................... 8.1-19 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1.1 TRUPACT-II Package Assembly ..................................................................... 1.1-3 Figure 1.1 TRUPACT-II Packaging Closure/Seal Region Details..................................... 1.1-4 Figure 1.2 ICV Closure Design (OCV closure is similar).................................................. 1.2-9 Figure 2.2 TRUPACT-II Package Components ................................................................. 2.2-7 Figure 2.2 Radial CG Shift for a 14 55-Gallon Drum Payload .......................................... 2.2-8 Figure 2.2 Radial Shift of CG for Eight 85-Gallon Drum Payload .................................... 2.2-9 Figure 2.2 Radial Shift of CG for Six 100-Gallon Drum Payload ................................... 2.2-10 Figure 2.2 Radial Shift of CG for SWB Payload ............................................................. 2.2-11 Figure 2.2 Radial Shift of CG for TDOP Payload............................................................ 2.2-12 Figure 2.5 Tie-down Device Layout................................................................................. 2.5-12 Figure 2.5 Tie-down Device Detail .................................................................................. 2.5-13 Figure 2.5 Tie-down Plan View and Reaction Force Diagram ........................................ 2.5-14 Figure 2.5 Tie-down Tensile/Shear Failure Modes .......................................................... 2.5-15 Figure 2.5 Tie-down Lug Dimensions and Load Diagram............................................... 2.5-16 Figure 2.5 Horizontal Doubler and Tripler Plate Details ................................................. 2.5-17 Figure 2.6 OCA Load Case 1, Overall Model .................................................................. 2.6-25 Figure 2.6 OCA Load Case 1, Seal Region Detail ........................................................... 2.6-26 Figure 2.6 OCA Load Case 2, Overall Model .................................................................. 2.6-27 Figure 2.6 OCA Load Case 2, Seal Region Detail ........................................................... 2.6-28 Figure 2.6 OCA Load Case 3, Overall Model .................................................................. 2.6-29 xvi
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.6 OCA Load Case 3, Seal Region Detail ........................................................... 2.6-30 Figure 2.6 OCA Load Case 4, Overall Model .................................................................. 2.6-31 Figure 2.6 OCA Load Case 4, Seal Region Detail ........................................................... 2.6-32 Figure 2.6 ICV Load Case 1, Overall Model ................................................................... 2.6-33 Figure 2.6 ICV Load Case 1, Seal Region Detail ........................................................... 2.6-34 Figure 2.6 ICV Load Case 2, Overall Model ................................................................. 2.6-35 Figure 2.6 ICV Load Case 2, Seal Region Detail ........................................................... 2.6-36 Figure 2.7 CTU-2 Free Drop Test No. 2 Accelerometer Data (Gage 1) .......................... 2.7-21 Figure 2.7 CTU-2 Free Drop Test No. 2 Accelerometer Data (Gage 2) .......................... 2.7-21 Figure 2.7 CTU-3 Free Drop Test No. 2 Accelerometer Data (Gage 1) .......................... 2.7-22 Figure 2.7 CTU-3 Free Drop Test No. 2 Accelerometer Data (Gage 2) .......................... 2.7-22 Figure 2.10.1 OCA Finite Element Analysis Model Element Plot ............................. 2.10.1-27 Figure 2.10.1 ICV Finite Element Analysis Model Element Plot ............................... 2.10.1-28 Figure 2.10.2 Configuration for Minimum ICV O-ring Seal Compression ................ 2.10.2-13 Figure 2.10.2 Test Fixture for O-ring Seal Performance Testing ................................ 2.10.2-14 Figure 2.10.3 Drop Pad at the Coyote Canyon Aerial Cable Facility ......................... 2.10.3-45 Figure 2.10.3 CTU OCV and ICV Pressurization Port Detail..................................... 2.10.3-46 Figure 2.10.3 CTU Payload Representation (Concrete-Filled 55-Gallon Drums) ...... 2.10.3-47 Figure 2.10.3 Schematic of the CTU-1 Test Orientations ........................................... 2.10.3-48 Figure 2.10.3 Schematic of the CTU-2 Test Orientations ........................................... 2.10.3-49 Figure 2.10.3 Schematic of the CTU-3 Test Orientations ........................................... 2.10.3-50 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-1 and CTU-2 ICV Temperature Indicating Label Locations ....... 2.10.3-51 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-1 OCV Temperature Indicating Label Locations ........................ 2.10.3-52 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-2 OCV Temperature Indicating Label Locations ........................ 2.10.3-53 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-1 OCV Thermocouple Locations ............................................... 2.10.3-54 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-2 OCV Thermocouple Locations ............................................... 2.10.3-55 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-1 OCV Thermocouple Data (TH-1, TH-2, TH-3, TH-4) ........... 2.10.3-56 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-1 OCV Thermocouple Data (TH-1A, TH-2A, TH-3A, TH-4A) 2.10.3-56 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-1 OCV Thermocouple Data (TH-1C, TH-2C, TH-3C, TH-4C) 2.10.3-57 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-1 OCV Thermocouple Data (TH-1D, TH-2D, TH-3D, TH-4D) 2.10.3-57 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-2 OCV Thermocouple Data (TH-1, TH-2, TH-3, TH-4) ........... 2.10.3-58 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-2 OCV Thermocouple Data (TH-1A, TH-2A, TH-3A, TH-4A) 2.10.3-58 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-2 Free Drop Test No. 2 Accelerometer Data (Gage 1) .............. 2.10.3-59 xvii
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-2 Free Drop Test No. 2 Accelerometer Data (Gage 2) .............. 2.10.3-59 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-2 Free Drop Test No. 3 Accelerometer Data (Gage 1) .............. 2.10.3-60 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-2 Free Drop Test No. 3 Accelerometer Data (Gage 2) .............. 2.10.3-60 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-3 Free Drop Test No. 2 Accelerometer Data (Gage 1) .............. 2.10.3-61 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-3 Free Drop Test No. 2 Accelerometer Data (Gage 2) .............. 2.10.3-61 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-1 Pressure Transducer Data During Fire Test No. 10 ................ 2.10.3-62 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-2 Pressure Transducer Data During Fire Test No. 9 .................. 2.10.3-62 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-1 Free Drop No. 1; Initial Preparation for Testing .................... 2.10.3-63 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-1 Free Drop No. 1; Pre-Drop Positioning .................................. 2.10.3-63 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-1 Free Drop No. 1; Post-Drop Damage at Top (Lid) ...................... 2.10.3-64 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-1 Free Drop No. 1; Post-Drop Damage at Bottom (Body)...................... 2.10.3-64 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-1 Free Drop No. 2; Pre-Drop Positioning .................................. 2.10.3-65 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-1 Free Drop No. 2; Post-Drop Damage ..................................... 2.10.3-65 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-1 Free Drop No. 3; Pre-Drop Positioning .................................. 2.10.3-66 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-1 Free Drop No. 3; Post-Drop Damage ..................................... 2.10.3-66 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-1 Free Drop No. 4; Pre-Drop Positioning .................................. 2.10.3-67 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-1 Free Drop No. 4; Post-Drop Damage ..................................... 2.10.3-67 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-1 Puncture Drop No. 5; Pre-Drop Positioning ........................... 2.10.3-68 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-1 Puncture Drop No. 5; Post-Drop Damage .............................. 2.10.3-68 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-1 Puncture Drop No. 6; Pre-Drop Positioning ........................... 2.10.3-69 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-1 Puncture Drop No. 6; Post-Drop Damage .............................. 2.10.3-69 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-1 Puncture Drop No. 7; Pre-Drop Positioning ........................... 2.10.3-70 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-1 Puncture Drop No. 7; Post-Drop Damage .............................. 2.10.3-70 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-1 Puncture Drop No. 8; Pre-Drop Positioning ........................... 2.10.3-71 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-1 Puncture Drop No. 8; Moment of Impact ............................... 2.10.3-71 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-1 Puncture Drop No. 9; Pre-Drop Positioning ........................... 2.10.3-72 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-1 Puncture Drop No. 9; Post-Drop Damage .............................. 2.10.3-72 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-1 Fire No. 10; Pre-Fire Positioning, Side View ......................... 2.10.3-73 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-1 Fire No. 10; Pre- Fire Positioning, Top End View ................. 2.10.3-73 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-1 Fire No. 10; Fully Engulfing Fire ........................................... 2.10.3-74 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-1 Fire No. 10; Post-Fire Cool-Down ......................................... 2.10.3-74 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-1 Disassembly; OCA Lid Unburned Foam ................................ 2.10.3-75 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-1 Disassembly; OCA Lid Unburned Foam Thickness .................... 2.10.3-75 xviii
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-1 Disassembly; Payload Drum Removal ................................... 2.10.3-76 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-1 Disassembly; Loose Debris on Pallet in ICV Body ................... 2.10.3-76 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-2 Free Drop No. 1; Initial Preparation for Testing .................... 2.10.3-77 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-2 Free Drop No. 1; Pre-Drop Positioning .................................. 2.10.3-77 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-2 Free Drop No. 1; Post-Drop Damage ..................................... 2.10.3-78 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-2 Free Drop No. 1; Post-Drop Damage ..................................... 2.10.3-78 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-2 Free Drop No. 2; Pre-Drop Positioning .................................. 2.10.3-79 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-2 Free Drop No. 2; Post-Drop Damage ..................................... 2.10.3-79 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-2 Free Drop No. 3; Pre-Drop Positioning .................................. 2.10.3-80 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-2 Free Drop No. 3; Post-Drop Damage ..................................... 2.10.3-80 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-2 Puncture Drop No. R; Pre-Drop Positioning .......................... 2.10.3-81 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-2 Puncture Drop R; Post-Drop Damage .................................... 2.10.3-81 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-2 Puncture Drop No. 4; Pre-Drop Positioning ........................... 2.10.3-82 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-2 Puncture Drop 4; Post-Drop Damage ..................................... 2.10.3-82 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-2 Puncture Drop No. 5; Pre-Drop Positioning ........................... 2.10.3-83 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-2 Puncture Drop 5; Post-Drop Damage ..................................... 2.10.3-83 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-2 Puncture Drop No. 6; Pre-Drop Positioning ........................... 2.10.3-84 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-2 Puncture Drop 6; Post-Drop Damage ..................................... 2.10.3-84 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-2 Puncture Drop No. 7; Pre-Drop Positioning ........................... 2.10.3-85 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-2 Puncture Drop 7; Post-Drop Damage ..................................... 2.10.3-85 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-2 Puncture Drop No. 8; Pre-Drop Positioning ........................... 2.10.3-86 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-2 Puncture Drop 8; Post-Drop Damage ..................................... 2.10.3-86 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-2 Fire No. 9; Pre-Fire Positioning.............................................. 2.10.3-87 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-2 Fire No. 9; Pre-Fire Positioning.............................................. 2.10.3-87 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-2 Fire No. 9; Starting Fire .......................................................... 2.10.3-88 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-2 Fire No. 9; Post-Fire Cool-Down ........................................... 2.10.3-88 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-2 Disassembly; Loose Debris in ICV Lid .................................. 2.10.3-89 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-2 Disassembly; Debris Contaminating the ICV Main O-ring Seals ........................................................................................................................... 2.10.3-89 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-3 Free Drop No. 1; Pre-Drop Positioning .................................. 2.10.3-90 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-3 Free Drop No. 1; Post-Drop Damage ..................................... 2.10.3-90 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-3 Free Drop No. 2; Pre-Drop Positioning .................................. 2.10.3-91 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-3 Free Drop No. 2; Post-Drop Damage ..................................... 2.10.3-91 xix
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-3 Free Drop No. 3; Pre-Drop Positioning .................................. 2.10.3-92 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-3 Free Drop No. 3; Post-Drop Damage ..................................... 2.10.3-92 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-3 Puncture Drop No. 4; Pre-Drop Positioning ........................... 2.10.3-93 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-3 Puncture Drop 4; Post-Drop Damage ..................................... 2.10.3-93 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-3 Puncture Drop No. 5; Pre-Drop Positioning ........................... 2.10.3-94 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-3 Puncture Drop 5; Post-Drop Damage ..................................... 2.10.3-94 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-3 Puncture Drop No. 6; Pre-Drop Positioning ........................... 2.10.3-95 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-3 Puncture Drop 6; Post-Drop Damage ..................................... 2.10.3-95 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-3 Puncture Drop No. 7; Pre-Drop Positioning ........................... 2.10.3-96 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-3 Puncture Drop 7; Post-Drop Damage ..................................... 2.10.3-96 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-3 Puncture Drop No. 8; Pre-Drop Positioning ........................... 2.10.3-97 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-3 Puncture Drop 8; Post-Drop Damage ..................................... 2.10.3-97 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-3 Disassembly; OCA Lid ........................................................... 2.10.3-98 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-3 Disassembly; OCA Body ........................................................ 2.10.3-98 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-3 Disassembly; ICV Lid Removal ............................................. 2.10.3-99 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-3 Disassembly; Loose Debris on Pallet in ICV Body ................... 2.10.3-99 Figure 3.4 TRUPACT-II Packaging Thermal Model Node Layout ................................. 3.4-21 Figure 3.4 Seal Region Thermal Model Node Layout ..................................................... 3.4-22 Figure 3.4 Fourteen 55-Gallon Drum Payload Thermal Node Layout............................. 3.4-23 Figure 3.4 Two Standard Waste Boxes Thermal Model Node Layout ............................ 3.4-24 Figure 3.5 CTU-1 and CTU-2 ICV Temperature Indicating Label Locations......................... 3.5-13 Figure 3.5 CTU-1 OCV Temperature Indicating Label Locations .................................. 3.5-14 Figure 3.5 CTU-2 OCV Temperature Indicating Label Locations .................................. 3.5-15 Figure 3.5 CTU-1 OCV Thermocouple Locations ........................................................... 3.5-16 Figure 3.5 CTU-2 OCV Thermocouple Locations ........................................................... 3.5-17 Figure 3.5 CTU-1 OCV Thermocouple Data (TH-1, TH-2, TH-3, TH-4) ....................... 3.5-18 Figure 3.5 CTU-1 OCV Thermocouple Data (TH-1A, TH-2A, TH-3A, TH-4A) ........... 3.5-18 Figure 3.5 CTU-1 OCV Thermocouple Data (TH-1B, TH-2B, TH-3B, TH-4B) ............ 3.5-19 Figure 3.5 CTU-1 OCV Thermocouple Data (TH-1C, TH-2C, TH-3C, TH-4C) ............ 3.5-19 Figure 3.5 CTU-2 OCV Thermocouple Data (TH-1, TH-2, TH-3, TH-4) ..................... 3.5-20 Figure 3.5 CTU-2 OCV Thermocouple Data (TH-1A, TH-2A, TH-3A, TH-4A) ......... 3.5-20 Figure 3.5 CTU-1 Pressure Transducer Data During Fire Test No. 10 ............................... 3.5-21 Figure 3.5 CTU-2 Pressure Transducer Data During Fire Test No. 9 ............................... 3.5-21 xx
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 5.1 Criticality Control Overpack ............................................................................. 5.1-7 Figure 5.1 6-in. Standard Pipe Overpack ........................................................................... 5.1-8 Figure 5.1 12-in. Standard Pipe Overpack ......................................................................... 5.1-9 Figure 5.1 SC-30G1 Shielded Container .......................................................................... 5.1-10 Figure 5.1 SC-30G2 Shielded Container .......................................................................... 5.1-11 Figure 5.1 SC-30G3 Shielded Container .......................................................................... 5.1-12 Figure 5.1 SC-55G1 Shielded Container .......................................................................... 5.1-13 Figure 5.1 SC-55G2 Shielded Container .......................................................................... 5.1-14 Figure 5.3 TRUPACT-II Generic Payload MCNP Model for NCT................................... 5.3-8 Figure 5.3 HalfPACT Generic Payload MCNP Model for NCT ....................................... 5.3-9 Figure 5.3 TRUPACT-II Generic Payload MCNP Model for HAC ................................ 5.3-10 Figure 5.3 HalfPACT Generic Payload MCNP Model for HAC ..................................... 5.3-11 Figure 5.3 TRUPACT-II CCO Payload MCNP Model for NCT ..................................... 5.3-12 Figure 5.3 HalfPACT CCO Payload MCNP Model for NCT .......................................... 5.3-13 Figure 5.3 TRUPACT-II CCO Payload MCNP Model for HAC..................................... 5.3-14 Figure 5.3 HalfPACT CCO Payload MCNP Model for HAC ......................................... 5.3-15 Figure 5.3 HalfPACT SC-30G1 Payload MCNP Model for NCT ................................... 5.3-16 Figure 5.3 HalfPACT SC-30G1 Payload MCNP Model for HAC................................. 5.3-17 Figure 5.3 HalfPACT SC-30G2 Payload MCNP Model for NCT ................................. 5.3-18 Figure 5.3 HalfPACT SC-30G2 Payload MCNP Model for HAC................................. 5.3-19 Figure 5.3 HalfPACT SC-30G3 Payload MCNP Model for NCT ................................. 5.3-20 Figure 5.3 HalfPACT SC-30G3 Payload MCNP Model for HAC................................. 5.3-21 Figure 5.3 HalfPACT SC-55G1 Payload MCNP Model for NCT ................................. 5.3-22 Figure 5.3 HalfPACT SC-55G1 Payload MCNP Model for HAC................................. 5.3-23 Figure 5.3 HalfPACT SC-55G2 Payload MCNP Model for NCT ................................. 5.3-24 Figure 5.3 HalfPACT SC-55G2 Payload MCNP Model for HAC................................. 5.3-25 Figure 5.4 Allowable Activity Comparison for Concentrated Sources for Generic, CCO, 6PO, 12PO, and SC-30G1 Payloads ............................................................................... 5.4-11 Figure 5.4 Allowable Activity Comparison for Concentrated Sources for SC-30G2, SC-30G3, SC-55G1, and SC-55G2 Payloads ....................................................................... 5.4-12 Figure 5.5 TRUPACT-II & HalfPACT Generic Payload MCNP Models for Distributed Source at Unit Density ...................................................................................................... 5.5-8 Figure 5.5 TRUPACT-II Generic Payload DCF ................................................................ 5.5-9 xxi
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 5.5 HalfPACT Generic Payload DCF ..................................................................... 5.5-9 Figure 5.5 TRUPACT-II & HalfPACT CCO Payload MCNP Models for Distributed Source at Unit Density ................................................................................................................ 5.5-15 Figure 5.5 TRUPACT-II CCO Payload DCF................................................................... 5.5-16 Figure 5.5 HalfPACT CCO Payload DCF........................................................................ 5.5-16 Figure 5.5 HalfPACT 6PO Payload MCNP Model for Distributed Source at Unit Density ............................................................................................................................ 5.5-20 Figure 5.5 HalfPACT 6PO Payload DCF ......................................................................... 5.5-20 Figure 5.5 HalfPACT 12PO Payload MCNP Model for Distributed Source at Unit Density ............................................................................................................................ 5.5-24 Figure 5.5 HalfPACT 12PO Payload DCF..................................................................... 5.5-24 Figure 5.5 HalfPACT SC-30G1 Payload MCNP Model for Distributed Source at Unit Density ............................................................................................................................ 5.5-28 Figure 5.5 HalfPACT SC-30G1 Payload DCF............................................................... 5.5-28 Figure 5.5 HalfPACT SC-30G2 Payload MCNP Model for Distributed Source at Unit Density ............................................................................................................................ 5.5-32 Figure 5.5 HalfPACT SC-30G2 Payload DCF............................................................... 5.5-33 Figure 5.5 HalfPACT SC-30G3 Payload MCNP Model for Distributed Source at Unit Density ............................................................................................................................ 5.5-37 Figure 5.5 HalfPACT SC-30G3 Payload DCF............................................................... 5.5-38 Figure 5.5 HalfPACT SC-55G1 Payload MCNP Model for Distributed Source at Unit Density ............................................................................................................................ 5.5-42 Figure 5.5 HalfPACT SC-55G1 Payload DCF............................................................... 5.5-43 Figure 5.5 HalfPACT SC-55G2 Payload MCNP Model for Distributed Source at Unit Density ............................................................................................................................ 5.5-47 Figure 5.5 HalfPACT SC-55G2 Payload DCF............................................................... 5.5-48 Figure 6.3 Case A Contents Model .................................................................................... 6.3-9 Figure 6.3 Case B Contents Model................................................................................... 6.3-10 Figure 6.3 Case C Contents Model................................................................................... 6.3-11 Figure 6.3 Case D Contents Model .................................................................................. 6.3-12 Figure 6.3 NCT, Single-Unit Model; R-Z Slice ............................................................... 6.3-13 Figure 6.3 HAC, Single-Unit Model; R-Z Slice ............................................................... 6.3-14 Figure 6.3 Array Model Variation 0 (Reflective Boundary Conditions Imposed) ................... 6.3-15 Figure 6.3 Array Model Variation 1; X-Y Slice Through Top Axial Layer .................... 6.3-16 Figure 7.4 Pressure Rise Leakage Rate Test Schematic ..................................................... 7.4-2 xxii
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 8.2 Method of Measuring Upper Seal Flange Groove Widths................................ 8.2-8 Figure 8.2 Method of Measuring Lower Seal Flange Groove Widths ............................... 8.2-9 Figure 8.2 Method of Measuring Upper Seal Flange Tab Widths ................................... 8.2-10 Figure 8.2 Method of Measuring Lower Seal Flange Tab Widths ................................... 8.2-11 xxiii
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 This page intentionally left blank.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 1.0 GENERAL INFORMATION This chapter of the Safety Analysis Report (SAR) presents a general introduction and description of the TRUPACT-II contact-handled transuranic waste (CH-TRU) package. The major components comprising the TRUPACT-II package are presented as Figure 1.1-1 and Figure 1.1-2, where Figure 1.1-1 presents an exploded view of all major TRUPACT-II packaging components, and Figure 1.1-2 presents a detailed view of the closure and seal region. Detailed drawings presenting the TRUPACT-II packaging design are presented in Appendix 1.3.1, Packaging General Arrangement Drawings. All details relating to payloads and payload preparation for shipment in a TRUPACT-II package are presented in the Contact-Handled Transuranic Waste Authorized Methods for Payload Control (CH-TRAMPAC) 1. Descriptions of the standard, S100, S200, and S300 pipe overpack payload configurations are provided in Appendices 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, and 4.4 respectively, of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices 2. A description of the criticality control overpack payload configuration is provided in Appendix 4.6 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices. Terminology and acronyms used throughout this document are presented as Appendix 1.3.2, Glossary of Terms and Acronyms.
1.1 Introduction The model TRUPACT-II package has been developed for the U. S. Department of Energy (DOE) as a safe means for the transportation of CH-TRU materials and other authorized payloads.
The TRUPACT-II package is designed for truck transport. As many as three, loaded TRUPACT-II packages can be transported on a single semi-trailer. The rugged, lightweight design of the TRUPACT-II package allows the efficient transport of a maximum payload, thereby reducing the total number of radioactive shipments. The TRUPACT-II package is also suitable for rail transport. As many as seven loaded TRUPACT-II packages can be transported per railcar.
The goals of maintaining public safety while achieving a lightweight design are satisfied by use of a deformable sealing region that can absorb both normal conditions of transport (NCT) and hypothetical accident condition (HAC) deformations without loss of leaktight capability 3. A variety of scaled and full-scale engineering development tests were included as part of the design process. Ultimately, three full-scale certification test units (CTUs) were subjected to a series of free drops and puncture drops. Following free drops and puncture tests, two CTUs were exposed to a fully engulfing pool fire test. These tests conclusively demonstrated containment integrity of the TRUPACT-II package.
The payload within each TRUPACT-II package will be within 55-gallon drums, 85-gallon drums, 100-gallon drums, standard waste boxes (SWBs), or a ten drum overpack (TDOP). Hereafter, the term 85-gallon drum is used to refer to 75- to 88-gallon drums that may, with the appropriate 1
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Contact-Handled Transuranic Waste Authorized Methods for Payload Control (CH-TRAMPAC), U.S. Department of Energy, Carlsbad Field Office, Carlsbad, New Mexico.
2 U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), CH-TRU Payload Appendices, U.S. Department of Energy, Carlsbad Field Office, Carlsbad, New Mexico.
3 Leaktight is defined as 1 x 10-7 standard cubic centimeters per second (scc/s), or less, air leakage per the definition in ANSI N14.5-1997, American National Standard for Radioactive Materials - Leakage Tests on Packages for Shipment, American National Standards Institute, (ANSI), Inc.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 dimensions, overpack a single 55-gallon drum. Pipe overpacks and criticality control overpacks (CCO) utilize 55-gallon drums as overpacks. A single TRUPACT-II package can transport fourteen 55-gallon drums (with or without pipe components or criticality control containers), eight 85-gallon drums, six 100-gallon drums, two SWBs, or one TDOP. Specifications for payload containers are provided in Section 2.0, Container and Physical Properties Requirements, of CH-TRAMPAC.
The TRUPACT-II packaging provides a single leakage rate testable level of containment for the payload during both normal conditions of transport (NCT) and hypothetical accident conditions (HAC). However, the TRUPACT-II package was originally designed, tested, and licensed prior to 2004 with two levels of containment. The 2004 NRC Rule change with regard to 10 CFR
§71.63 4,5 eliminated the requirement for double containment in packages carrying in excess of 20 curies of plutonium in solid form. With only a single level of containment now required, the outer containment assembly (OCA) has been revised throughout this document to be the outer confinement assembly (still the OCA), and the outer containment vessel (OCV) has been revised throughout this document to be the outer confinement vessel (still the OCV). The use of O-ring seals (and corresponding pressure and leakage rate testing) is now optional for the OCV, and design and fabrication of the OCA (including the OCV) now falls under ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section III, Subsection NF 6. For conservatism, structural calculations for the OCV presented in Chapter 2.0, Structural Evaluation, continue to use the requirements from ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section III, Subsection NB 7.
Based on the shielding and criticality assessments provided in Chapter 5.0, Shielding Evaluation, and Chapter 6.0, Criticality Evaluation, the Criticality Safety Index (CSI) for the TRUPACT-II package is zero (0.0), and the shielding Transport Index (TI) is determined at the time of shipment.
Authorization is sought for shipment of the TRUPACT-II package by truck or railcar as a Type B(U)F-96 package per the definition delineated in 10 CFR §71.44.
4 Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 71 (10 CFR 71), Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Material, 01-01-19 Edition.
5 Compatibility With IAEA Transportation Safety Standards (TS-R-1) and Other Transportation Safety Amendments, Federal Register, 69 FR 3698, effective date October 1, 2004.
6 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section III, Rules for Construction of Nuclear Power Plant Components, Subsection NF, Supports, 1986 Edition.
7 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section III, Rules for Construction of Nuclear Power Plant Components, Subsection NB, Class 1 Components, 1986 Edition.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 1.1 TRUPACT-II Package Assembly 1.1-3
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 1.1 TRUPACT-II Packaging Closure/Seal Region Details 1.1-4
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 1.2 Package Description This section presents a basic description of the TRUPACT-II package. General arrangement drawings of the TRUPACT-II packaging are presented in Appendix 1.3.1, Packaging General Arrangement Drawings. Drawings illustrating payload assembly details are presented in the CH-TRAMPAC 1.
1.2.1 Packaging Packaging Description The TRUPACT-II packaging is comprised of an outer confinement assembly (OCA) that provides a secondary confinement boundary when its optional O-ring seals are utilized, and an inner containment vessel (ICV) that provides the primary containment boundary. Two aluminum honeycomb spacer assemblies are used within the ICV, one inside each ICV torispherical head. A silicone wear pad is utilized at the interface between the bottom exterior of the ICV and the bottom interior of the OCA. An optional polyester foam annulus ring may be used in the annulus between the ICV and OCV, just below the OCV lower seal flange, to prevent debris from becoming entrapped between the vessels.
Inside the ICV, the payload will be within 55-gallon drums, 85-gallon drums, 100-gallon drums, standard waste boxes (SWBs), or a ten drum overpack (TDOP). The OCA, ICV, and the aluminum honeycomb spacer assemblies are fully described in the following subsections. The design details and overall arrangement of the TRUPACT-II packaging are presented in the Appendix 1.3.1, Packaging General Arrangement Drawings. Drawings illustrating payload assembly details are presented in the CH-TRAMPAC. Outer Confinement Assembly (OCA)
The OCA consists of an OCA lid and OCA body, each primarily comprised of an inner stainless steel shell structure, a relatively thick layer of rigid polyurethane foam, and an external stainless steel shell structure. The inner OCA shell structure comprises the outer confinement vessel (OCV).
Not considering the seal flange region, the OCA lid has a nominal external diameter of 94 inches and a nominal internal diameter of 76 inches. Likewise, not considering the seal flange region, the OCA body has a nominal external diameter of 94 inches and a nominal internal diameter of 73 inches, tapering outward to a nominal inside diameter of 76 inches at the OCV lower seal flange. The nominal external diameter of the OCV seal region is 95 inches, and the nominal internal diameter of the OCV seal region is 76 inches. With the OCA lid installed onto the OCA body, the OCA has a nominal external length of 121 inches, and a nominal internal height is 100 inches at the OCV cavity centerline.
The confinement boundary provided by the OCA consists of the inner stainless steel vessel formed by a mating lid and body, plus the uppermost of two optional main O-ring seals enclosed between an upper and lower seal flange. The main O-ring seals are polymer with a nominal 1
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Contact-Handled Transuranic Waste Authorized Methods for Payload Control (CH-TRAMPAC), U.S. Department of Energy, Carlsbad Field Office, Carlsbad, New Mexico.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 3/8+/-1/8-inch diameter cross-section. The purpose of the lower main O-ring seal is for establishing a vacuum on the exterior side of the upper main O-ring seal for optional helium and/or pressure rise leakage rate testing.
A vent port feature in the OCV bodys lower seal flange is the only other confinement boundary penetration. A vent port coupling, a seal welded threaded fitting, and an OCV vent port plug with an optional O-ring seal defines the confinement boundary at the OCV vent port penetration.
Access to the OCV vent port is gained through an external penetration in the OCA outer shell once an outer 11/2 NPT plug and a foam or ceramic fiber material plug is removed. The connecting tube is fabricated of non-thermally conductive fiberglass.
Optional leakage rate testing of the OCVs optional upper main O-ring seal (confinement seal) is performed through an OCV seal test port that is located in the OCA lid. Similar in design to the OCV vent port, access to the OCV seal test port is gained through an external penetration in the OCA outer shell once an outer 11/2 NPT plug and a foam or ceramic fiber material plug is removed. The connecting tube is fabricated of thin-walled stainless steel.
The cylindrical portion of the OCV body is 3/16-inch nominal thickness, Type 304, stainless steel.
All other shells comprising the OCV are 1/4-inch nominal thickness, Type 304, stainless steel, including the lower and upper torispherical heads. A single, 3/8-inch thick stiffening ring, extending radially out from the OCV shell, is included in the design. The OCA outer shell varies between 1/4- and 3/8-inch nominal thickness, Type 304, stainless steel. The 3/8-inch nominal thickness material is used adjacent to the closure interface to ensure protection from HAC puncture bar penetration near the sealing regions. All other shells comprising the OCA exterior are 1/4-inch nominal thickness, Type 304, stainless steel, including the lower flat head and upper torispherical head. As illustrated in Figure 1.1-2, the inner and outer shell structures for both the OCA lid and OCA body are connected together via 14-gauge (0.075-inch thick), Type 304, stainless steel Z-flanges. Secure attachment of the 14-gauge Z-flanges to the 3/8-inch thick OCA outer shell is assured by the use of rolled angle reinforcements (2 x 2 x 1/4 inches for the OCA body junction, and 1 x 1 x 1/8 inches for the OCA lid junction). A locking Z-flange between the upper and lower (i.e., OCA lid and OCA body) Z-flanges allows rotation of the OCV locking ring from the TRUPACT-II package exterior. The Z-flanges serve the purpose of precluding direct flame impingement on the OCV seal flanges during the hypothetical accident condition (HAC) thermal event (fire). To further preclude flame and hot gas entry into the Z-flange channel, inner and outer thermal shields are included as part of the locking Z-flange assembly.
The OCA lid is secured to the OCA body via the OCV locking ring located at the outer diameter of the OCV upper and lower seal flanges. Closure design and operation for the ICV is illustrated in Figure 1.2-1 (the OCV is similar). The lower end of the OCV locking ring has 18 tabs that mate with a corresponding set of 18 tabs on the OCV lower seal flange. To install the OCA lid, the OCV locking ring is rotated to the unlocked position, using alignment marks on the OCA exterior for reference. The unlocked position aligns the tabs on the OCV locking ring with the cutouts between the tabs on the OCV lower seal flange. Next, install the OCA lid onto the OCA body, optionally evacuating the OCV cavity through the OCV vent port sufficiently to allow free movement of the OCV locking ring. Positive closure is attained by rotating the OCV locking ring to the locked position, again using the alignment marks on the OCA exterior for reference.
In order to allow rotation of the OCV locking ring from the TRUPACT-II packaging exterior, a locking Z-flange extends radially outward to the OCA exterior. Six, 1/2-inch diameter stainless 1.2-2
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 steel socket head cap screws secure the locking Z-flange in the locked position. A single, localized cutout in the OCV locking ring is provided for access to the OCV seal test port feature.
Within the annular void between the OCV and the OCA outer shell structure is a relatively thick layer of thermally insulating and energy absorbing, rigid, polyurethane foam. Surrounding the periphery of the polyurethane foam cavity is a layer of 1/4-inch nominal thickness, ceramic fiber paper capable of resisting temperatures in excess of 2,000 ºF. The combination of OCA exterior shell, fire resistant polyurethane foam, and insulating ceramic fiber paper is sufficient to protect the confinement boundary from the consequences of all regulatory defined tests.
Two forklift pockets are incorporated into the base of the OCA body. These pockets provide the handling interface for lifting a TRUPACT-II package. Three sets of lifting straps are included in the OCA lid assembly for lifting of the OCA lid only, and are so appropriately identified. Four tie-down lugs with reinforcing doubler plates are also provided at the base of the OCA body.
Polymer materials used in the OCA include butyl, and ethylene propylene or neoprene, as applicable, for the main O-ring seals, silicone for the wear pad, and polyester foam for the optional annulus foam ring. Plastic is used for the polyurethane foam cavity, fire-consumable vent plugs, and optional guide plates. The OCA lid lift pockets, vent port access tube, and a portion of the seal test port access tube are made from fiberglass. Brass is used for the OCV vent and seal test port plugs. High alloy stainless steel is used for the OCV locking ring joint pins.
Insulating materials such as ceramic fiber paper along the periphery of the polyurethane foam cavity, and fiberglass-type insulation for the inner thermal shield are also used. Finally, a variety of stainless steel fasteners, greases and lubricants, and adhesives are also utilized, as specified in Appendix 1.3.1, Packaging General Arrangement Drawings. Inner Containment Vessel (ICV) Assembly The inner containment vessel (ICV) assembly consists of an ICV lid and ICV body, each primarily comprised of a stainless steel shell structure. Not considering the seal flange region, the ICV lid has a nominal external diameter of 74 inches and a nominal internal diameter of 73 inches.
Likewise, not considering the seal flange region, the ICV body has a nominal external diameter of 73 inches and a nominal internal diameter of 72 inches. The nominal external diameter of the ICV seal region is 76 inches, and the nominal internal diameter of the ICV seal region is 72 inches. With the ICV lid installed onto the ICV body, the ICV has a nominal external length of 99 inches, and a nominal internal height is 981/2 inches at the ICV cavity centerline.
The containment boundary provided by the ICV consists of a stainless steel vessel formed by a mating lid and body, plus the uppermost of two main O-ring seals enclosed between an upper and lower seal flange. The upper main O-ring seal (containment) is butyl rubber with a nominal 0.400-inch diameter cross-section. The lower main O-ring seal (test) may be neoprene or ethylene propylene with a nominal 0.375-inch diameter cross-section. The purpose of the lower main O-ring seal is for establishing a vacuum on the exterior side of the upper main O-ring seal for helium and pressure rise leakage rate testing. To protect the main O-ring seals from debris that may be associated with some payloads, a wiper O-ring seal is used between the ICV upper and lower seal flanges. In addition to the wiper O-ring seal, a silicone debris shield, located at the top of the ICV lower seal flange, provides a secondary debris barrier to the upper main O-ring seal. To ensure that helium tracer gas reaches the region directly above the upper main O-ring seal (containment) during helium leakage rate testing, a helium fill port is integral to the 1.2-3
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 ICV vent port configuration (see Appendix 1.3.1, Packaging General Arrangement Drawings).
In addition, to allow for pressure equalization across the silicone debris shield during ICV lid installation and removal, three, 1/8-inch nominal diameter holes are located in the top of the ICV lower seal flange.
A vent port feature in the ICV bodys lower seal flange is the only other containment boundary penetration. A vent port insert and an outer ICV vent port plug with an O-ring seal define the containment boundary at the ICV vent port penetration.
Leakage rate testing of the ICVs upper main O-ring seal (containment seal) is performed through an ICV seal test port that is located in the ICV lid.
All shells comprising the ICV are 1/4-inch nominal thickness, Type 304, stainless steel, including the lower and upper torispherical heads.
The ICV lid is secured to the ICV body via the ICV locking ring located at the outer diameter of the ICV upper and lower seal flanges. Closure design and operation is illustrated in Figure 1.2-1.
The lower end of the ICV locking ring has 18 tabs that mate with a corresponding set of 18 tabs on the ICV lower seal flange. To install the ICV lid, the ICV locking ring is rotated to the unlocked position, using alignment marks for reference. The unlocked position will align the tabs on the ICV locking ring with the cutouts between the tabs on the ICV lower seal flange.
Next, the ICV lid is installed onto the ICV body, optionally evacuating the ICV cavity through the ICV vent port sufficiently to allow free movement of the ICV locking ring. Positive closure is attained by rotating the ICV locking ring to the locked position, using the alignment marks for reference. Three, 1/2-inch diameter stainless steel socket head cap screws secure the ICV locking ring in the locked position.
Three lift sockets, each containing a lift pin, are integrated into the ICV lid for lifting the ICV lid or an empty ICV assembly. Any lifting of the loaded ICV is performed using the OCA forklift pockets with the ICV located within the OCA.
Polymer materials used in the ICV include butyl, ethylene propylene, neoprene, buna-N, flourosilicone or flourocarbon, as applicable, for the main and wiper O-ring seals, and silicone for the debris shield. Brass is used for the ICV vent and seal test port plugs. High alloy stainless steel is used for the ICV locking ring joint pins. Finally, a variety of stainless steel fasteners, and greases and lubricants are also utilized, as specified in Appendix 1.3.1, Packaging General Arrangement Drawings. Aluminum Honeycomb Spacer Assemblies Aluminum honeycomb spacer assemblies are designed to fit within the torispherical heads at each end of the ICV cavity. Each aluminum honeycomb spacer assembly includes an optional, 18-inch nominal diameter by 11/2-inch nominal depth pocket that may be used in the future to accommodate a catalyst assembly. The lower spacer assembly also includes a 3-inch nominal diameter hole at the center that serves as an inspection port to check for water accumulation in the ICV lower head.
With the spacer assemblies in place, the nominal ICV cavity height becomes 74 inches.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Gross Weight The gross shipping weight of a TRUPACT-II package is 19,250 pounds maximum. A summary of overall component weights is delineated in Table 2.2-1 of Section 2.2, Weights and Centers of Gravity. Neutron Moderation and Absorption The TRUPACT-II package does not require specific design features to provide neutron moderation and absorption for criticality control. Fissile materials in the payload are limited to amounts that ensure safely subcritical packages for both NCT and HAC. The fissile material limits for a single TRUPACT-II package are based on optimally moderated and reflected fissile material. The structural materials in the TRUPACT-II packaging are sufficient to maintain reactivity between the fissile material in an infinite array of damaged TRUPACT-II packages at an acceptable level. Further discussion of neutron moderation and absorption is provided in Chapter 6.0, Criticality Evaluation. Receptacles, Valves, Testing, and Sampling Ports There are no receptacles or valves used on the TRUPACT-II packaging, however, the OCV and ICV each have a seal test port and a vent port (see Appendix 1.3.1, Packaging General Arrangement Drawings). For each containment/confinement vessel, a seal test port provides access to the region between the upper and lower (containment/confinement and test) main O-ring seals between the upper and lower (lid and body) seal flanges. The seal test ports are used to leakage rate test the upper main ICV seal and, if used, the optional upper main OCV seal to verify proper assembly of the TRUPACT-II package prior to shipment.
The vent port is used during loading and unloading to facilitate lid installation and removal, and to allow blowdown of internal vacuum or pressure prior to opening a loaded package. As an option, a low vacuum may be applied to the vent port to fully seat the lid and assure free rotation of the locking ring.
Two separate penetrations through the polyurethane foam within the OCA are provided to access the seal test port and vent port plugs. The access ports are capped at the OCA exterior surface with 11/2-inch pipe plugs (NPT) within 3-inch diameter couplings. Reinforcing doubler plates are also included on the inner surface of the OCA exterior shell, adjacent to the couplings. In addition, removable foam or ceramic fiber plugs fill the region within the access hole tubes to provide a level of thermal protection from the HAC thermal event. The vent port access tube is comprised of a non-metallic fiberglass, and a fiberglass link is included with the stainless steel, seal test port access tube as a lining to reduce radial thermal conductivity. When the OCA lid is removed, the ICV vent and seal test port plugs are readily accessible.
The OCV seal test port and both the ICV seal test and vent port plugs are accessed through localized cutouts in the corresponding vessel locking rings. An elongated cutout in the ICV locking ring is utilized at the ICV vent port location to allow locking ring rotation while an optional vacuum pump is installed. Smaller cutouts are provided in the ICV and OCV locking rings at the seal test port locations since these ports are only used with the locking rings in the locked position. The OCV vent port feature is located in the OCA body, therefore a cutout in the OCV locking ring is not necessary.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Detailed drawings of the test and vent port features and the associated local cutouts in the locking rings are provided in Appendix 1.3.1, Packaging General Arrangement Drawings. Heat Dissipation The TRUPACT-II package design capacity is 40 thermal watts maximum. The TRUPACT-II package dissipates this relatively low internal heat load entirely by passive heat transfer for both NCT and HAC. No special devices or features are needed or utilized to enhance the dissipation of heat. Features are included in the design to enhance thermal performance in the HAC thermal event. These include the use of a high temperature insulating material (ceramic fiber paper) at polyurethane foam-to-steel interfaces and the presence of an inner and outer thermal shield at the OCA lid-to-body interface. A more detailed discussion of the package thermal characteristics is provided in Chapter 3.0, Thermal Evaluation. Coolants Due to the passive design of the TRUPACT-II package with regard to heat transfer, there are no coolants utilized within the TRUPACT-II package. Protrusions The only significant protrusions on the TRUPACT-II package exterior are those associated with the lifting and tie-down features on the OCA exterior. The only significant external protrusions from the OCA lid are lift straps and corresponding guide pockets that extend from three equally spaced locations at the lid top. These lift features protrude above the OCA upper torispherical head, but are radially located such that they remain below torispherical heads crown and do not affect overall package height. The guide pockets are made of a fiberglass material that is designed to break away for lid-end impacts. The only significant external protrusions from the OCA body are the tie-down features at the bottom end of the package. Four tie-down lugs, with associated doubler plates, are used at locations corresponding with the main beams of the trailer. These tie-down protrusions extend a maximum of 2 inches radially from the OCA body exterior shell.
The only significant protrusion on the ICV exterior is the ICV locking ring. The ICV locking ring extends radially outward approximately one inch from the outside surface of the upper ICV torispherical head. With its 3-inch axial length directly backed and supported by the OCV (the nominal radial gap is 1/4 inch), this external protrusion is of little consequence for the package.
The only significant protrusions on the ICV interior are the three lift pockets that penetrate the upper ICV torispherical head. These lift pockets are equally spaced on a 56-inch diameter, extending into the ICV cavity a maximum of 41/2 inches from the inner surface of the upper ICV torispherical head. The ICV lift pockets are of little consequence as they are protected by the surrounding aluminum honeycomb spacer assembly. There are no significant internal or external protrusions associated with the ICV body. Lifting and Tie-down Devices Three sets of lift pins, lift straps and associated doubler plates used in the OCA lid are designed to handle the OCA lid only (including overcoming any resistance to lid removal associated with the presence of the main O-ring seals). The OCA lid lifting devices are not designed to lift a loaded package or empty OCA. Under excessive load, failure occurs in the region of the OCA lift pin locations (at the pin-to-strap welds), away from the OCA torispherical head. A loaded 1.2-6
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 TRUPACT-II package or any portion thereof can be lifted via the pair of forklift pockets that are located at the base of the OCA body. These pockets are sized to accommodate forks up to 10 inches wide and up to 4 inches thick. An overhead crane can also be used to lift the loaded package, utilizing lifting straps through the fork lift pockets.
Lifting of the ICV is via the three lift pockets inset into the upper ICV torispherical head. These lift pockets, with their associated lift pins and adjacent doubler plates, are sized to lift an empty ICV or handle the ICV lid (including overcoming any resistance to lid removal associated with the presence of the main O-ring seals). A loaded ICV must be fully supported with the OCA body and lifted via the OCA forklift pockets. Under excessive load, the ICV lift pins are designed to fail in shear prior to compromising the ICV containment boundary.
Both the OCA and ICV lifting points are appropriately labeled to limit their use to the intended manner.
Four tie-down lugs, with associated doubler plates, are used at locations corresponding with the main beams of the trailer. At each tie-down location, one doubler is used on the outside surface of the OCA side wall and one on the inside surface of the OCA lower flanged head. At each tie-down lug location, an internal gusset plate is also used between the inside of the OCA exterior shell and the doubler in the lower head to stiffen the tie-down regions. The doubler plates are sized to adequately distribute the regulatory-defined tie-down loads (10 gs longitudinal, 5 gs lateral, and 2 gs vertical, applied simultaneously) outwardly into the 1/4-inch thick OCA exterior shell. Each tie-down lug is welded directly to the adjacent side doubler plate. In an excessive load condition, these tie-down lug welds are sized to shear from the corresponding doubler plate.
A detailed discussion of lifting and tie-down designs, with corresponding structural analyses, is provided in Section 2.5, Lifting and Tie-down Standards for All Packages. Pressure Relief System There are no pressure relief systems included in the TRUPACT-II package design to relieve pressure from within the ICV or OCV. Fire-consumable vents in the form of plastic pipe plugs are employed on the exterior surface of the OCA. These vents are included to release any gases generated by charring polyurethane foam in the HAC thermal event (fire). During the HAC fire, the plastic pipe plugs melt allowing the release of gasses generated by the foam as it flashes to a char. Three vents are used on the OCA lid and six on the OCA body, located at the center of foam mass in each component. For optimum performance, the vents are located uniformly around the circumference of the OCA lid and body. Shielding Due to the nature of the contact-handled transuranic (CH-TRU) payload, no biological shielding is necessary or provided by the TRUPACT-II packaging.
1.2.2 Operational Features The TRUPACT-II package is not considered to be operationally complex. All operational features are readily apparent from an inspection of the drawings provided in Appendix 1.3.1, Packaging General Arrangement Drawings, and the previous discussions presented in Section 1.2.1, Packaging. Operational procedures and instructions for loading, unloading, and preparing 1.2-7
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 an empty TRUPACT-II package for transport are provided in Chapter 7.0, Operating Procedures.
1.2.3 Contents of Packaging The TRUPACT-II packaging is designed to transport contact-handled transuranic (CH-TRU) and other authorized payloads such as tritium-contaminated materials that do not exceed 105 A2 quantities. The Contact-Handled Transuranic Waste Authorized Methods for Payload Control (CH-TRAMPAC)1 is the governing document for shipments of solid or solidified CH-TRU and tritium-contaminated wastes in the TRUPACT-II package. All users of the TRUPACT-II package shall comply with all payload requirements outlined in the CH-TRAMPAC, using one or more of the methods described in that document.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 1.2 ICV Closure Design (OCV closure is similar) 1.2-9
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TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 1.3 Appendices 1.3.1 Packaging General Arrangement Drawings 1.3.2 Glossary of Terms and Acronyms 1.3-1
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 This page intentionally left blank.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 1.3.1 Packaging General Arrangement Drawings This section presents the TRUPACT-II packaging general arrangement drawing 1, consisting of 11 sheets entitled, TRUPACT-II Packaging SAR Drawing, Drawing Number 2077-500SNP. In addition, the standard pipe overpack general arrangement drawing, consisting of 3 sheets entitled, Standard Pipe Overpack, Drawing Number 163-001, is presented in this section. The S100 pipe overpack, the S200 pipe overpack, and the S300 pipe overpack are depicted in Drawing Numbers 163-002, 163-003, and 163-004, respectively. The 55-gallon, 85-gallon, and 100-gallon compacted puck drum spacers are depicted in Drawing Number 163-006. The criticality control overpack is depicted in Drawing Number 163-009.
Within the packaging general arrangement drawing, dimensions important to the packagings safety are dimensioned and toleranced (e.g., structural shell thicknesses, polyurethane foam thicknesses, and the sealing regions on the seal flanges). All other dimensions are provided as a reference dimension, and are toleranced in accordance with the general tolerance block.
1 The TRUPACT-II packaging, pipe overpack, and compacted puck drum spacer general arrangement drawings utilize the uniform standard practices of ASME/ANSI Y14.5M, Dimensioning and Tolerancing, American National Standards Institute, Inc. (ANSI).
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TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 1.3.2 Glossary of Terms and Acronyms 55-Gallon Drum - A payload container yielding 55 gallons.
85-Gallon Drum - A payload container with a range of dimensions yielding 75 to 88 gallons.
85-Gallon Drum Overpacks - A payload container consisting of a 55-gallon drum overpacked within an 85-gallon drum of the appropriate dimensions.
100-Gallon Drum - A payload container yielding 100 gallons.
Aluminum Honeycomb Spacer Assembly - An assembly that is located within each end of the ICV. The aluminum honeycomb spacer assembly supplements the ICV void volume to accommodate gas generated by the payload material, and acts as an energy-absorbing barrier between the payload and the ICV torispherical heads for axial loads.
ASME - American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
ASME B&PVC - ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.
CCO - Criticality Control Overpack CCC - Criticality Control Container CTU - Certification Test Unit.
CH-TRAMPAC - Contact-Handled Transuranic Waste Authorized Methods for Payload Control.
CH-TRU Waste - Contact-Handled Transuranic Waste.
ICV - Inner Containment Vessel.
ICV Body - The assembly consisting of the ICV lower seal flange, the cylindrical vessel, and the ICV lower torispherical head.
ICV Inner Vent Port Plug - The brass plug and accompanying O-ring seal that provides the pressure boundary in the ICV vent port penetration.
ICV Lid - The assembly consisting of the ICV upper seal flange, the ICV locking ring, a short section of cylindrical vessel, and the ICV upper torispherical head.
ICV Lock Bolts - The three 1/2-inch, socket head cap screws used to secure the ICV locking ring in the locked position.
ICV Locking Ring - The component that connects and locks the ICV upper seal flange to the ICV lower seal flange; included as an ICV lid component.
ICV Lower Seal Flange - The ICV bodys sealing interface containing two O-ring grooves, the ICV vent port access, and the ICV test port.
ICV Main O-ring Seal - The upper elastomeric O-ring seal in the ICV lower seal flange; forms the containment boundary.
ICV Main Test O-ring Seal - The lower elastomeric O-ring seal in the ICV lower seal flange; forms the test boundary for leakage rate testing.
ICV Outer Vent Port Plug - The brass plug and accompanying O-ring seal that provides the containment boundary in the ICV vent port penetration.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 ICV Seal Test Port - The radial penetration between the ICV main O-ring seal and ICV main test O-ring seal to allow leakage rate testing of the ICV main O-ring seal.
ICV Seal Test Port Plug - The brass plug and accompanying O-ring seal for the ICV seal test port.
ICV Seal Test Port Insert - A welded-in, replaceable component within the ICV lower seal flange that interfaces with the ICV seal test port plug.
ICV Upper Seal Flange - The ICV lids sealing interface containing a mating sealing surface for the ICV lower seal flange and location for a wiper O-ring seal.
ICV Vent Port - The radial penetration into the ICV cavity that is located in the ICV lower seal flange.
ICV Vent Port Cover - The outer brass cover that directly protects the ICV vent port plugs.
Inner Containment Vessel - The assembly (comprised of an ICV lid and ICV body) providing the primary level of containment for the payload. Within each end of the inner containment vessel (ICV) is an aluminum honeycomb spacer assembly.
Locking Z-Flange - The z-shaped shell situated between the upper and lower Z-flanges that connects to the OCV locking ring; allows external operation of the OCV locking ring.
Lower Z-Flange - The z-shaped shell in the OCA body, connecting the OCA outer shell to the OCV lower seal flange.
OCA - Outer Confinement Assembly.
OCA Body - The assembly consisting of the OCV lower seal flange, the OCV cylindrical and conical shells (including stiffening ring), the OCV lower torispherical head, the lower Z-flange, the OCA cylindrical shell, the OCA lower flat head, corner reinforcing angles, tie-down structures, ceramic fiber paper, and polyurethane foam.
OCA Inner Thermal Shield - The L-shaped, 16-gauge (0.060-inch thick), inner shield that holds fiberglass insulating material against the OCV locking ring thereby preventing hot gasses and flames from directly impinging on the OCV sealing region in the event of a HAC fire.
OCA Lid - The assembly consisting of the OCV upper seal flange, the OCV locking ring, a short section of cylindrical vessel, the OCV upper torispherical head, the upper and locking Z-flanges, the inner and outer thermal shields, a short section of cylindrical shell, the OCA upper torispherical head, corner reinforcing angles, ceramic fiber paper, and polyurethane foam.
OCA Lock Bolts - The six 1/2-inch, socket head cap screws used to secure the OCV locking ring in the locked position.
OCA Lower Head - The lower ASME flat head comprising the OCA outer shell.
OCA Outer Thermal Shield - The 14-gauge (0.075-inch thick) x 6-inch wide outer shield surrounding the OCA lid-to-body joint that prevents hot gasses and flames from entering the joint in the event of a HAC fire.
OCA Upper Head - The upper ASME torispherical head comprising the OCA outer shell.
OCV - Outer Confinement Vessel.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 OCV Locking Ring - The component that connects and locks the OCV upper seal flange to the OCV lower seal flange; included as an OCA lid component.
OCV Lower Seal Flange - The OCA bodys sealing interface containing two O-ring grooves.
OCV Main O-ring Seal - The optional upper O-ring seal in the OCV lower seal flange; forms the confinement boundary.
OCV Main Test O-ring Seal - The optional lower O-ring seal in the OCV lower seal flange; forms the test boundary for optional leakage rate testing.
OCV Seal Test Port - The radial penetration between the OCV main O-ring seal and OCV main test O-ring seal to allow optional leakage rate testing of the OCV main O-ring seal.
OCV Seal Test Port Access Plug - The 11/2-inch NPT plug located at the outside end of the OCV seal test port access tube (i.e., at the outside surface of the OCA lid outer shell).
OCV Seal Test Port Insert - A welded-in, replaceable component within the OCV lower seal flange that interfaces with the OCV seal test port plug.
OCV Seal Test Port Plug - The brass plug and accompanying optional O-ring seal for the OCV seal test port.
OCV Seal Test Port Thermal Plug - The foam or ceramic fiber plug located within the OCV seal test port access tube that thermally protects the OCV seal test port region.
OCV Upper Seal Flange - The OCA lids sealing interface containing a mating sealing surface for the OCV lower seal flange.
OCV Vent Port - The radial penetration into the OCV cavity that is located in the OCV conical shell.
OCV Vent Port Access Plug - The 11/2-inch NPT plug located at the outside end of the OCV vent port access tube (i.e., at the outside surface of the OCA body outer shell).
OCV Vent Port Access Tube - The fiberglass tube allowing external access to the OCV vent port.
OCV Vent Port Cover - The outer brass cover that directly protects the OCV vent port plug.
OCV Vent Port Plug - The brass plug and accompanying optional O-ring seal that provides the confinement boundary in the OCV vent port penetration.
OCV Vent Port Thermal Plug - The foam or ceramic fiber plug located within the OCV vent port access tube that thermally protects the OCV vent port region.
Outer Confinement Assembly - The assembly (comprised of an OCA lid and OCA body) providing a secondary level of confinement for the payload when its optional O-ring seals are utilized. The Outer Confinement Assembly (OCA) completely surrounds the Inner Containment Vessel and consists of an exterior stainless steel shell, a relatively thick layer of polyurethane foam and an inner stainless steel boundary that forms the Outer Confinement Vessel (OCV).
Outer Confinement Vessel - The innermost boundary of the Outer Confinement Assembly.
Packaging - The assembly of components necessary to ensure compliance with packaging requirements as defined in 10 CFR §71.4. Within this SAR, the packaging is denoted as the TRUPACT-II packaging.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Package - The packaging with its radioactive contents, or payload, as presented for transportation as defined in 10 CFR §71.4. Within this SAR, the package is denoted as the TRUPACT-II contact-handled transuranic waste package, or equivalently, the TRUPACT-II package.
Payload - Contact-handled transuranic (CH-TRU) waste or other authorized contents such as tritium-contaminated materials contained within approved payload containers. In this SAR, the payload includes a payload pallet for handling when drums are used. Any additional dunnage used that is external to the payload containers is also considered to be part of the payload.
Payload requirements are defined by the CH-TRAMPAC.
Payload Container - Payload containers may be 55-gallon drums, pipe overpacks, criticality control overpacks (CCOs), 85-gallon drums (including overpacks), 100-gallon drums, standard waste boxes (SWBs), or a ten drum overpack (TDOP).
Payload Pallet - A lightweight pallet, used for handling drum-type payload containers.
Pipe Component - A stainless steel container used for packaging specific waste forms within a 55-gallon drum. The pipe component is exclusively used as part of the pipe overpack.
Pipe Overpack - A payload container consisting of a pipe component positioned by dunnage within a 55-gallon drum with a rigid, polyethylene liner and lid. Fourteen pipe overpack assemblies will fit within the TRUPACT-II packaging.
RTV - Room Temperature Vulcanizing.
SAR - Safety Analysis Report (this document).
Standard Waste Box - A specialized payload container for use within the TRUPACT-II packaging.
SWB - Standard Waste Box.
Ten Drum Overpack - A specialized payload container for use within the TRUPACT-II packaging.
TDOP - Ten Drum Overpack.
TRUPACT-II Package - The package consisting of a TRUPACT-II packaging and the Payload.
TRUPACT-II Packaging - The packaging consisting of an outer confinement assembly (OCA),
an inner containment vessel (ICV), and two aluminum honeycomb spacer assemblies.
Upper Z-Flange - The z-shaped shell in the OCA lid, connecting the OCA outer shell to the OCV upper seal flange.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 2.0 STRUCTURAL EVALUATION This section presents evaluations demonstrating that the TRUPACT-II package meets all applicable structural criteria. The TRUPACT-II packaging, consisting of an outer confinement assembly (OCA), with an integral outer confinement vessel (OCV), and an inner containment vessel (ICV), with aluminum honeycomb spacer assemblies, is evaluated and shown to provide adequate protection for the payload. Normal conditions of transport (NCT) and hypothetical accident condition (HAC) evaluations, using analytic and empirical techniques, are performed to address 10 CFR 71 1 performance requirements. Analytic demonstration techniques comply with the methodology presented in NRC Regulatory Guides 7.6 2 and 7.8 3.
Numerous component and scale tests were successfully performed on the TRUPACT-II package during its development phase. Subsequent TRUPACT-II certification testing involved three, full-scale certification test units (CTUs). The TRUPACT-II CTUs were subjected to a series of free drop and puncture drop tests, and two of the three TRUPACT-II CTUs were subjected to fire testing. The TRUPACT-II CTUs remained leaktight 4 throughout certification testing.
Details of the certification test program are provided in Appendix 2.10.3, Certification Tests.
2.1 Structural Design 2.1.1 Discussion A comprehensive discussion on the TRUPACT-II package design and configuration is provided in Section 1.2, Package Description. Specific discussions relating to the aspects important to demonstrating the structural configuration and performance to design criteria for the TRUPACT-II package are provided in the following sections. Standard fabrication methods are utilized to fabricate the TRUPACT-II packaging. Containment Vessel Structure (ICV)
The containment vessel cylindrical shell structure is fabricated in accordance with the tolerance requirements of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section III 5, Division 1, Subsection NE, Article NE-4220, as delineated on the drawings in Appendix 1.3.1, Packaging General Arrangement Drawings. The containment vessel shell-to-shell joints are fabricated in accordance with the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section III, Division 1, Subsection 1
Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 71 (10 CFR 71), Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Material, 01-01-19 Edition.
2 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Regulatory Guide 7.6, Design Criteria for the Structural Analysis of Shipping Cask Containment Vessels, Revision 1, March 1978.
3 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Regulatory Guide 7.8, Load Combinations for the Structural Analysis of Shipping Casks for Radioactive Material, Revision 1, March 1989.
4 Leaktight is defined as leakage of 1 x 10-7 standard cubic centimeters per second (scc/s), air, or less per ANSI N14.5-1997, American National Standard for Radioactive Materials - Leakage Tests on Packages for Shipment, American National Standards Institute, Inc. (ANSI).
5 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section III, Rules for Construction of Nuclear Power Plant Components, 1986 Edition.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 NB, Article NB-4230, as delineated on the drawings in Appendix 1.3.1, Packaging General Arrangement Drawings.
All containment vessel heads are flanged torispherical heads, fabricated in accordance with the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section VIII, Division 1 6, as delineated on the drawings in Appendix 1.3.1, Packaging General Arrangement Drawings.
All seal flange material is ultrasonically or radiographically test inspected in accordance with the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section III, Division 1, Subsection NB, Article NB-2500 and Section V 7, Article 5 (ultrasonic) or Article 2 (radiograph), as delineated on the drawings in Appendix 1.3.1, Packaging General Arrangement Drawings.
Circumferential and longitudinal welds for the containment vessel shells, seal flanges, and locking rings are full penetration welds, subjected to visual and liquid penetrant examinations, and radiographically test inspected, as delineated on the drawings in Appendix 1.3.1, Packaging General Arrangement Drawings. Visual weld examinations are performed in accordance with AWS D1.6 8. Liquid penetrant examinations are performed on the final pass in accordance with the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section III, Division 1, Subsection NB, Article NB-5000 and Section V, Article 6. Radiograph test inspections are performed in accordance with the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section III, Division 1, Subsection NB, Article NB-2500 and Section V, Article 2.
For the ICV vent port penetration and lifting sockets, liquid penetrant examinations are performed on the final pass for single pass welds and on the root and final passes for multipass welds in accordance with the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section III, Division 1, Subsection NB, Article NB-5000 and Section V, Article 6, as delineated on the drawings in Appendix 1.3.1, Packaging General Arrangement Drawings.
The maximum weld reinforcement for containment vessel welds shall be 3/32 inch in accordance with the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section III, Division 1, Subsection NB, Article NB-4426, Paragraph NB-4426.1, as delineated on the drawings in Appendix 1.3.1, Packaging General Arrangement Drawings. Non-Containment Vessel Structures (OCV and OCA)
All non-containment vessel shell-to-shell joints and transitions in thickness, such as from the 1/4-inch thick OCV lower head to the 3/16-inch thick OCV shell and the 3/8-to-1/4-inch thick OCA outer shell transition, are fabricated in accordance with the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section III, Division 1, Subsection NF, Article NF-4230, as delineated on the drawings in Appendix 1.3.1, Packaging General Arrangement Drawings.
The OCV has a top and bottom, flanged torispherical head, and the OCA outer shell has a top, flanged torispherical head and bottom, flanged flat head that are fabricated in accordance with the 6
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section VIII, Division 1, Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels, 1986 Edition.
7 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section V, Nondestructive Examination, 1986 Edition.
8 ANSI/AWS D1.6, Structural Welding Code - Stainless Steel, American Welding Society (AWS).
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section VIII, Division 1, as delineated on the drawings in Appendix 1.3.1, Packaging General Arrangement Drawings.
Circumferential and longitudinal welds for the non-containment vessel shells are full penetration welds, subjected to visual and liquid penetrant examinations, as delineated on the drawings in Appendix 1.3.1, Packaging General Arrangement Drawings. Visual weld examinations are performed in accordance with AWS D1.6. Liquid penetrant examinations are performed on the final pass in accordance with the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section III, Division 1, Subsection NF, Article NF-5000.
The maximum weld reinforcement for non-containment vessel welds shall be 3/32 inch in accordance with the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section III, Division 1, Subsection NF, Article NF-4400, as delineated on the drawings in Appendix 1.3.1, Packaging General Arrangement Drawings.
2.1.2 Design Criteria Proof of performance for the TRUPACT-II package is achieved by a combination of analytic and empirical evaluations. The acceptance criteria for analytic assessments are in accordance with Regulatory Guide 7.6 and Section III of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. The acceptance criterion for empirical assessments is a demonstration that the containment boundary remains leaktight throughout NCT and HAC certification testing. Additionally, package deformations obtained from certification testing must be such that deformed geometry assumptions used in subsequent thermal, shielding, and criticality evaluations are validated.
The remainder of this section presents the detailed acceptance criteria used for all analytic structural assessments of the TRUPACT-II package. Analytic Design Criteria (Allowable Stresses)
This section defines the stress allowables for primary membrane, primary bending, secondary, shear, peak, and buckling stresses for containment and non-containment structures. These stress allowables are used for all analytic assessments of TRUPACT-II package structural performance.
Regulatory Guide 7.6 is used in conjunction with Regulatory Guide 7.8 to evaluate the package integrity. Material yield strengths used in the analytic acceptance criteria, Sy, ultimate strengths, Su, and design stress intensity values, Sm, are presented in Table 2.3-1 of Section 2.3, Mechanical Properties of Materials. Containment Structure (ICV)
A summary of allowable stresses used for containment structures is presented in Table 2.1-1.
These data are consistent with Regulatory Guide 7.6, and the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section III, Subsection NB-3000 and Appendix F. Non-Containment Structures (OCV and OCA)
A summary of allowable stresses used for non-containment structures is presented in Table 2.1-2.
For conservatism, the allowable stresses applicable to containment structures presented in Table 2.1-1 are utilized for OCV evaluations.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 For evaluation of lifting devices, the allowable stresses are limited to one-third of the material yield strength, consistent with the requirements of 10 CFR §71.45(a). For evaluation of tie-down devices, the allowable stresses are limited to the material yield strength, consistent with the requirements of 10 CFR §71.45(b).
For evaluations involving polyurethane foam, primary, load controlled compressive stresses are limited to two-thirds of the parallel-to-rise or perpendicular-to-rise compressive strength (as applicable) at 10% strain. Use of a two-thirds factor on compressive strength ensures elastic behavior of the polyurethane foam. Miscellaneous Structural Failure Modes Brittle Fracture By avoiding the use of ferritic steels in the TRUPACT-II packaging, brittle fracture concerns are precluded. Specifically, most primary structural components are fabricated of Type 304 austenitic stainless steel. Since this material does not undergo a ductile-to-brittle transition in the temperature range of interest (down to -40 ºF), it is safe from brittle fracture.
The lock bolts used to secure the ICV and OCV locking rings in the locked position are stainless steel, socket head cap screws ensuring that brittle fracture is not of concern. Other fasteners used in the TRUPACT-II packaging assembly, such as the 36, 1/4-inch screws attaching the locking Z-flange to the OCV locking ring, provide redundancy and are made from stainless steel, again eliminating brittle fracture concerns. Fatigue Assessment Normal Operating Cycles Normal operating cycles do not present a fatigue concern for the various TRUPACT-II packaging components. Most TRUPACT-II packaging components exhibit little-to-no stress concentrations, and by satisfying the allowable limit for range of primary plus secondary stress intensity for NCT (3.0Sm), the allowable fatigue stress limit for the expected number of operating cycles is satisfied.
For TRUPACT-II packaging components that do exhibit stress concentrations, stresses are low enough that allowable fatigue stress limits are again satisfied.
The maximum number of operating cycles reasonably expected for the TRUPACT-II package is 3,640, and is based on two round trips per week for 35 years. Conservatively, 5,000 cycles (or in excess of 1 cycle every 3 days) is used in the following calculations. A cycle is defined as the process of the internal pressure within the ICV increasing gradually from zero psig at the time of loading, to 50 psig (the maximum normal operating pressure, MNOP, per Section 3.4.4, Maximum Internal Pressure) during transport and then returning to 0 psig when the containment vessel is vented prior to unloading the payload. This scenario is conservative because most shipments will never generate pressure to the magnitude of the MNOP, and the system could never achieve MNOP in less than the assumed transportation cycle of 3 days.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 From Figure I-9.2.1 and Table I-9.1 of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code 9, the fatigue allowable alternating stress intensity amplitude, Sa, for 5,000 cycles is 76,000 psi. This value, when multiplied by the ratio of elastic hot NCT modulus at 160 ºF (the package wall temperature from Section 2.6.1, Heat) to a modulus at 70 ºF, 27.8(10)6/28.3(10)6, results in a fatigue allowable alternating stress intensity amplitude at 160 ºF of 74,657 psi. The non-fatigue allowable stress intensity range, from the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section III, Division 1, Subsection NB-3222.2, is 60,000 psi (3.0Sm, where Sm is 20,000 psi from Table 2.3-1 in Section 2.3, Mechanical Properties of Materials, at 160 ºF). The alternating stress intensity is one-half of this range, or 30,000 psi. Thus, in the absence of stress concentrations, the fatigue allowable alternating stress intensity will not govern the TRUPACT-II packaging design.
Regions of stress concentrations for the package occur in the ICV and OCV seal flanges and locking rings. The maximum range of primary plus secondary stress intensity occurs between the case of maximum internal pressure under NCT hot conditions (see Section, Stress Calculations) and the vacuum case. For the seal flanges and locking rings, the maximum primary plus secondary stress intensity of 30,810 + 2,688 = 33,498 psi occurs in the upper seal flange (see Table 2.6-1 and Table 2.6-4 for OCA Load Cases 1 and 4, respectively). The stress range is therefore 33,498 psi.
In accordance with Paragraph C.3 of Regulatory Guide 7.6, a stress concentration factor of four will conservatively be applied to the value of maximum stress intensity from above. The resultant range of peak stress intensity, correcting the modulus of elasticity for temperature, becomes:
28.3(10)6 Srange = (33,498)(4) = 136,400 psi 6
27 . 8(10 )
where the modulus of elasticity at 70 ºF is 28.3(10)6 psi, and the modulus of elasticity at 160 ºF is 27.8(10)6 psi, both from Table 2.3-1 in Section 2.3, Mechanical Properties of Materials. The alternating stress intensity is one-half of this range, or:
1 Salt = 136,400 = 68,200 psi 2
From Figure I-9.2.1 and Table I-9.1 of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, the allowable number of cycles for an alternating stress intensity amplitude of 68,200 psi is 7,740, or 55% more than the 5,000 cycles conservatively considered herein. Normal Vibration Over the Road Fatigue associated with normal vibration over the road is addressed in Section 2.6.5, Vibration.
9 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section III, Rules for Construction of Nuclear Power Plant Components, Appendix I, Design Stress Intensity Values, Allowable Stresses, Material Properties, and Design Fatigue Curves, 1986 Edition.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Extreme Total Stress Intensity Range Per paragraph C.7 of Regulatory Guide 7.6:
The extreme total stress intensity range (including stress concentrations) between the initial state, the fabrication state, the normal operating conditions, and the accident conditions should be less than twice the adjusted value (adjusted to account for modulus of elasticity at the highest temperature) of Sa at 10 cycles given by the appropriate design fatigue curves.
Since the response of the TRUPACT-II package to accident conditions is typically evaluated empirically rather than analytically, the extreme total stress intensity range has not been quantified.
However, full scale certification test units (see Appendix 2.10.3, Certification Tests) were tested at relatively low ambient temperatures during free drop and puncture testing, as well as exposure to fully engulfing pool fire events. The CTUs were also fabricated in accordance with the drawings in Appendix 1.3.1, Packaging General Arrangement Drawings, thus incurring prototypic fabrication induced stresses, increased internal pressure equal to 150% of MNOP during fabrication pressure testing, and reduced internal pressure (i.e., a full vacuum during leak testing) conditions as part of initial acceptance. Exposure to these extreme conditions while demonstrating leaktight containment resulting from certification testing satisfies the intent of the previously defined extreme total stress intensity range requirement. Buckling Assessment Buckling, per Regulatory Guide 7.6, is an unacceptable failure mode for the ICV. The intent of this provision is to preclude large deformations that would compromise the validity of linear analysis assumptions and quasi-linear stress allowables, as given in Paragraph C.6 of Regulatory Guide 7.6.
Buckling prevention criteria is applicable to the ICV containment boundary within the TRUPACT-II packaging. For conservatism, the criteria is also applied to the OCV confinement boundary. Shells for both vessels incorporate cylindrical midsections with torispherical heads at each end. The different geometric regions are considered separately to demonstrate that buckling will not occur for the two vessels. The methodology of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Case N-284 10 is applied for the cylindrical regions of the containment and confinement vessels (buckling analysis details are provided in Section 2.7.6, Immersion - All Packages). The methodology of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section III, Subsection NE, is applied for the torispherical heads.
Consistent with Regulatory Guide 7.6 philosophy, factors of safety corresponding to ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Level A and Level D service conditions are employed for NCT and HAC loadings, respectively, with factors of safety of 2.00 and 1.34, respectively.
It is also noted that 30-foot drop tests performed on full scale models with the package in various orientations produced no evidence of buckling of any of the ICV and OCV shells (see Appendix 2.10.3, Certification Tests). Certification testing does not provide a specific determination of the margin of safety against buckling, but is considered as evidence that buckling will not occur.
10 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section III, Rules for Construction of Nuclear Power Plant Components, Division 1, Class MC, Code Case N-284, Metal Containment Shell Buckling Design Methods, August 25, 1980 approval date.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 2.1 Containment Structure Allowable Stress Limits Stress Category NCT HAC General Primary Membrane 2.4 Sm Sm Lesser of:
Stress Intensity 0.7 Su Local Primary Membrane 3.6 Sm 1.5Sm Lesser of:
Stress Intensity Su Primary Membrane + Bending 3.6 Sm 1.5Sm Lesser of:
Stress Intensity Su Range of Primary + Secondary 3.0Sm N/A Stress Intensity Pure Shear Stress 0.6Sm 0.42Su Peak Per Section, Fatigue Assessment Buckling Per Section, Buckling Assessment Table 2.1 Non-Containment Structure Allowable Stress Limits Stress Category NCT HAC General Primary Membrane Sm Greater of: Sy 0.7Su Stress Intensity Local Primary Membrane 1.5 Sm Greater of: Sy Su Stress Intensity Primary Membrane + Bending 1.5 Sm Greater of: Sy Su Stress Intensity Range of Primary + Secondary 3.0 Sm Greater of: Sy N/A Stress Intensity 0.6 Sm Pure Shear Stress Greater of: 0.6 S 0.42Su y
Peak Per Section, Fatigue Assessment Buckling Per Section, Buckling Assessment 2.1-7
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 This page intentionally left blank.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 2.2 Weights and Centers of Gravity The maximum gross weight of a TRUPACT-II package, including a maximum payload weight of 7,265 pounds, is 19,250 pounds. The maximum vertical center of gravity (CG) is located 59.0 inches above the bottom surface of the package for a fully loaded package. A conservative value of 60 inches is used in the lifting and tie-down calculations presented in Section 2.5, Lifting and Tie-down Standards for All Packages. These results are based on an assumption of a payload configuration consisting of uniformly loaded drums, standard waste boxes (SWBs), or a ten-drum overpack (TDOP). All other payload configurations result in a lower, package gross weight and CG than the uniformly loaded drum, SWB, or TDOP configurations. With reference to Figure 2.2-1, a detailed breakdown of the TRUPACT-II package component weights and CG is summarized in Table 2.2-1.
2.2.1 Effect of a Radial Payload Imbalance A radial offset of the CG occurs when the individual payload containers do not have the same weight. The maximum offset of the radial CG is calculated in the following paragraphs.
Fourteen 55-Gallon Drum Payload Configuration:
The worst case CG offset occurs for an arrangement of four minimum weight (empty) 55-gallon drums, each having a weight of approximately 60 pounds, together with three maximum weight (fully loaded) 55-gallon drums, each having a weight of 1,000 pounds, located in adjacent outside positions, as illustrated in Figure 2.2-2. A 55-gallon drum has a nominal outer diameter of 24 inches. For this case, the worst case radial location of the payload CG is:
(24.0)(1,000) + 2(12.0)(1,000) + (0.0)(60) 2(12.0)(60) (24.0)(60) r= = 13.93 inches 3(1,000) + 4(60)
The pipe overpack and criticality control overpack payload configurations, since they are enclosed and centered by dunnage within a 55-gallon drum, are enveloped by the foregoing considerations. For an empty package weight of 11,985 pounds, and a payload pallet weight of 350 pounds (see Table 2.2-1), the worst case radial offset of the CG of the entire TRUPACT-II package is:
(13.93)(2)[3(1,000) + 4(60)]
R= = 4.80 inches 11,985 + 350 + 2 [3(1,000) + 4(60)]
This radial offset equates to only 5.1% of the TRUPACT-II packages outer diameter of 94 inches. The effect of this relatively small radial offset may be neglected.
Eight 85-Gallon Drum Payload Configuration:
The term 85-gallon drum refers to drum overpacks of 75 to 88 gallons, as discussed in Section 1.1, Introduction. The worst case CG offset occurs for an arrangement of two minimum weight (empty), tall 85-gallon drums, each having a weight of approximately 81 pounds, together with two maximum weight (fully loaded), tall 85-gallon drums, each having a weight of 1,000 pounds, located adjacent, as illustrated in Figure 2.2-3. A tall 85-gallon drum has a nominal outer diameter of 28 inches. For this case, the worst case radial location of the payload CG is:
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 2(14.31)(1,000) 2(14.31)(81) r= = 12.17 inches 2(1,000) + 2(81)
For an empty package weight of 11,985 pounds, and a payload pallet weight of 350 pounds (see Table 2.2-1), the worst case radial offset of the CG of the entire TRUPACT-II package is:
(12.17)(2)[2(1,000) + 2(81)]
R= = 3.16 inches 11,985 + 350 + 2 [2(1,000) + 2(81)]
This radial offset equates to only 3.3% of the TRUPACT-II packages outer diameter of 94 inches. The effect of this relatively small radial offset may be neglected Six 100-Gallon Drum Payload Configuration:
The worst case CG offset occurs for an arrangement of two minimum weight (empty), 100-gallon drums, each having a weight of approximately 95 pounds, together with one maximum weight (fully loaded), 100-gallon drum of 1,000 pounds, as illustrated in Figure 2.2-4. A 100-gallon drum has a nominal outer diameter of 32 inches. For this case, the worst case radial location of the payload CG is:
(18.48)(1,000) 2(9.24)(95) r= = 14.05 inches 1,000 + 2(95)
For an empty package weight of 11,985 pounds, and a payload pallet weight of 350 pounds (see Table 2.2-1), the worst case radial offset of the CG of the entire TRUPACT-II package is:
(14.05)(2)[1,000 + 2(95)]
R= = 2.27 inches 11,985 + 350 + 2 [1,000 + 2(95)]
This radial offset equates to only 2.4% of the TRUPACT-II packages outer diameter of 94 inches. The effect of this relatively small radial offset may be neglected.
Two Standard Waste Box (SWB) Payload Configuration:
For the maximum payload weight of 7,265 pounds, the maximum weight of a single loaded SWB is 7,265/2 = 3,633 pounds, where the weight of an empty SWB is approximately 640 pounds.
Therefore, the maximum weight of the contents is approximately 3,633 - 640 = 2,993 pounds. The CG of the contents is conservatively located at a distance of 17.75 inches from the geometric center (i.e., one-quarter the SWB length), as illustrated in Figure 2.2-5. For this case, the worst case radial location of the payload CG is:
(17.75)(2,993) r= = 14.6 inches 3,633 For an empty package weight of 11,985 pounds (see Table 2.2-1), the worst case radial offset of the CG of the entire TRUPACT-II package is:
R= = 5.51 inches 11,985 + 7,265 2.2-2
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 This radial offset equates to only 5.8% of the TRUPACT-II packages outer diameter of 94 inches. As before, the effect of this relatively small radial offset may be neglected.
One Ten-Drum Overpack (TDOP) Payload Configuration:
For the maximum payload weight of 6,700 pounds, the weight of an empty TDOP is approximately 1,700 pounds. Therefore, the maximum weight of the contents is approximately 6,700 - 1,700 = 5,000 pounds. Conservatively assume the CG of the contents is located at a distance of 18 inches from the geometric center (i.e., one-quarter the TDOP diameter), as illustrated in Figure 2.2-6. For this case, the worst-case radial location of the payload CG is:
(18)(5,000) r= = 13.4 inches 6,700 For an empty package weight of 11,985 pounds (see Table 2.2-1), the worst case radial offset of the CG of the entire TRUPACT-II package is:
R= = 4.80 inches 11,985 + 6,700 This radial offset equates to only 5.1% of the TRUPACT-II packages outer diameter of 94 inches. As before, the effect of this relatively small radial offset may be neglected.
2.2.2 Effect of an Axial Payload Imbalance The maximum height of the package CG is associated with a uniformly loaded payload, where the CG of the payload containers is located at their mid-height. Due to a payload of non-uniform density or possible settling of the payload contents, the CG height of the payload containers may decrease somewhat. The fourteen 55-gallon drum payload configuration, since it is the heaviest payload, will result in greatest potential shift in axial CG. The greatest shift in location of the CG of an individual drum is bounded by one-quarter of the drum height, i.e., a shift from the drum mid-height to the quarter height. Thus, for a total 55-gallon drum height of 35 inches, the drum centerline is 35/2 = 17.50 inches below the nominal centerline for all 14 drums and the axial shift is 35/4 = 8.75 inches downward from the drum centerline. Since the empty weight of a 55-gallon drum is approximately 60 pounds, the maximum contents weight for one drum is approximately 1,000 - 60 = 940 pounds. The greatest downward shift in CG location of the TRUPACT-II packaging, assuming all seven drums in the upper layer are empty and the CG location of all seven maximally loaded drums in the lower layer is at one quarter of the drum height instead of at mid-height, is:
7(17.50 + 8.75)(940)
H= = 8.97 inches 19,250 The axial offset amounts to only 7.4% of the total TRUPACT-II package height of 1211/2 inches.
The effect of this relatively small axial offset may be neglected. As an example, in the case of a hypothetical accident condition (HAC) puncture event where the puncture bar axis passes through the CG of the TRUPACT-II package, the variation in CG location of 9 inches is the same order of magnitude as the puncture bar diameter resulting in a variation of the puncture bar orientation of TAN-1[59.00/(94.375)] - TAN-1[(59.00 - 8.97)/(94.375)] = 4.7º. In addition, 2.2-3
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 vertical reduction of the CG would have no effect on lifting forces, and would serve to reduce tie-down forces. Therefore, the lifting and tie-down calculations, and the HAC free drop and puncture tests, are performed using a value that bounds the maximum CG height presented in Table 2.2-1, and the downward axial offset is conservatively neglected.
2.2.3 Significance of Package Center of Gravity Shifts The 5.51-inch radial shift and 8.97-inch axial (downward) shift of the package CG associated with worst case non-uniform payload weight distributions are of little consequence for the TRUPACT-II package. The only load cases affected by such shifts are lifting, tie-down, vibration, free drop, and puncture. Each of these cases is discussed below. Lifting A radial package CG shift will affect the lifting load by increasing the compressive stress in the polyurethane foam directly above the forklift pockets. Per Section 2.5.1, Lifting Devices, the compressive stress in the polyurethane foam was determined to be 60 psi with the overall package CG centered between the forklift pockets. With a 49-inch spacing between the forklift pocket centerlines, a 5.51-inch radial shift in the package CG increases the maximum stress in the polyurethane foam by a factor of:
49.5 2 + 5.51 f = = 1.22 49.5 2 Using the polyurethane foam allowable crush strength of 100 psi per Section 2.5.1, Lifting Devices, the design margin becomes:
100 1 = +0.37 1.22(60)
An axial package CG shift will have no effect on the lifting load cases since all lifting loads are applied along the axis of the package. Tie-down A radial package CG shift results in a slight increase in the vertical loads acting on the tie-down hardware since the four (4) tie-down locations no longer uniformly react the applied, vertical 2g tie-down load. With a 58.93-inch lateral distance between tie-down lugs, a 5.51-inch radial CG shift results in a maximum tie-down reaction load due to the vertical 2g tie-down load of:
1 2(19,250)(58.93 2 + 5.51)
F =
58.93 = 11,425 lb 2
or 1,800 pounds greater than the 9,625 pounds previously calculated in Section, Tie-down Forces. When added to the combined lateral and longitudinal tie-down load of 84,906 pounds from Section, Tie-down Forces, the maximum vertical tensile force on any single tie-down lug is 84,906 + 11,425 = 96,331 pounds, again 1,800 pounds greater than the 94,531 pounds previously calculated. This 1.9% increase in the tie-down force reduces the minimum design margin from +0.31 to +0.29.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 An axial package CG shift is always downward, thus reducing the overturning moment resulting from the lateral and longitudinal tie-down loads. A reduction in overturning moment has the beneficial effect of directly reducing the vertical loads acting on the tie-down hardware. Vibration The vibration evaluation per Section 2.6.5, Vibration, utilized results available from the tie-down analysis to arrive at peak vibratory stress magnitudes. Repeating the Section 2.6.5, Vibration, calculations with the 11,425 pound vertical load determined in Section, Tie-down, in place of the previously used 9,625 pound load results in a maximum alternating stress intensity of 745 psi (as compared to the previous value of 628 psi per Section, Calculation of Alternating Stresses). Thus, the maximum alternating stress becomes 12,662 psi (as compared to the previous value of 11,726 psi per Section, Calculation of Alternating Stresses). With an allowable of 13,360 psi per Section, Stress Limits and Results, and the margin of safety becomes:
Sa 13,360 MS = 1 = 1 = +0.06 Salt 12,662 Free Drop and Puncture The free drop and puncture load conditions have been addressed by an extensive test program that utilized four full-scale TRUPACT-II package prototypes. For all test units, the payload weight was uniformly distributed within the payload cavity to achieve the highest possible CG for the loaded package. The high CG was selected for testing so that maximum damage to the closure/seal regions would occur.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 2.2 TRUPACT-II Weight and Center of Gravity Weight, pounds Height to CG, inches Item Component Assembly Component Assembly Outer Confinement Assembly (OCA) 9,365 58.8
- Lid 3,600 97.2
- Body 5,765 34.8 Inner Containment Vessel (ICV) 2,620 64.7
- Lid 795 96.4
- Body 1,625 49.8
- Aluminum Honeycomb Spacers 200 60.4 Total Empty Package 11,985 60.1 Payload and Payload Components 7,265 57.3
- Payload (14 55-Gallon Drums) 6,915 59.1
- Payload Pallet 350 22.5 Total Loaded Package (Maximum) 19,250 59.0 Notes:
The reference datum is the bottom of the TRUPACT-II package.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.2 TRUPACT-II Package Components 2.2-7
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.2 Radial CG Shift for a 14 55-Gallon Drum Payload 2.2-8
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.2 Radial Shift of CG for Eight 85-Gallon Drum Payload 2.2-9
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.2 Radial Shift of CG for Six 100-Gallon Drum Payload 2.2-10
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.2 Radial Shift of CG for SWB Payload 2.2-11
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.2 Radial Shift of CG for TDOP Payload 2.2-12
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 2.3 Mechanical Properties of Materials The major structural components, i.e., the outer confinement assembly (OCA) outer shells, outer confinement vessel (OCV), and inner containment vessel (ICV), of the TRUPACT-II packaging are fabricated of Type 304, austenitic stainless steel and 8 lb/ft3 (nominal density) polyurethane foam. Other materials performing a structural function are ASTM B16 brass (for the ICV and OCV vent port and seal test port plugs and covers), aluminum honeycomb (for the ICV aluminum honeycomb spacer assemblies), 300 series stainless steel (for the ICV and OCV locking ring lock bolts, and for attaching the locking Z-flange to the OCV locking ring), and ASTM A564, Type 630, stainless steel (joint pins for the OCV and ICV locking rings). Several varieties of non-structural materials are also utilized. Representative non-structural materials include butyl rubber and other elastomeric O-ring seals, a silicone wear pad, aluminum guide tubes for the OCA lid lift operation, ceramic fiber paper, fiberglass insulation, and plastic fire consumable foam cavity vent plugs. The drawings presented in Appendix 1.3.1, Packaging General Arrangement Drawings, delineate the specific material(s) used for each TRUPACT-II packaging component.
The remainder of this section presents and discusses pertinent mechanical properties for the materials that perform a structural function. Section 2.3.1, Mechanical Properties Applied to Analytic Evaluations, presents all properties used in analytic structural evaluations of the TRUPACT-II package. Most normal conditions of transport (NCT) tests are demonstrated analytically. Section 2.3.2, Mechanical Properties Applied to Certification Testing, presents the mechanical properties associated with components whose performance is demonstrated via certification testing. With the exception of immersion, all hypothetical accident condition (HAC) tests are demonstrated via certification testing.
2.3.1 Mechanical Properties Applied to Analytic Evaluations Analytic evaluations are performed for the basic OCA, OCV, and ICV shells, seal flanges, and locking rings, comprised of Type 304 stainless steel. Table 2.3-1 presents the mechanical properties for the Type 304 stainless steel used in the TRUPACT-II packaging. Each of the mechanical properties of Type 304 stainless steel is taken from Section III of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code 1.
All analyses of the basic OCA, OCV, and ICV shells, seal flanges and locking rings utilize the properties presented for ASTM A240, Type 304, stainless steel. With the exception of elongation, which is not specifically used in the linear elastic analytic assessments, all materials presented in Table 2.3-1 exhibit equivalent or better properties than the ASTM A240 material.
Minimum elongation values are important regarding testing and are therefore discussed in Section 2.3.2, Mechanical Properties Applied to Certification Testing. The density of stainless steel is taken as 0.29 lb/in3, and Poissons Ratio is 0.3.
Unlike the other ASTM materials specified in Table 2.3-1, ASTM A276 material does not have an identical ASME material specification. However, structural use of ASTM A276 is as an option for the OCA rolled angles used at the lid-to-body interface, the OCV stiffening ring, and 1
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section III, Rules for Construction of Nuclear Power Plant Components, 1986 Edition.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 the OCA lid lifting straps. As these components are not part of the containment boundary, the use of ASTM A276, whose chemical and mechanical properties are identical to ASTM A479, is justified. Thus, material properties of ASTM A276 versus temperature are taken to be the same as for ASTM A479.
The analytic assessments of the polyurethane foam used in the TRUPACT-II packaging are limited to the NCT internal pressure, differential thermal expansion, and lifting load cases. The data summarized in Table 2.3-2 are established according to the procedures outlined in Section, Polyurethane Foam. Detailed stress-strain relationships for the polyurethane foam are not required for analysis since analytic assessments for the NCT or HAC free drop or puncture events are not performed. However, as discussed in Section 2.3.2, Mechanical Properties Applied to Certification Testing, since TRUPACT-II package performance is demonstrated by certification testing, and performance is a function of foam properties, compressive stress-strain characteristics and installation techniques are carefully controlled.
Material properties are linearly interpolated between, or, if necessary, extrapolated beyond the temperature values shown. For example, when a temperature outside a tabulated range is of interest (e.g., low temperature properties to -40 ºF), data are extrapolated. When a particular analysis requires data extrapolation, it is identified within the applicable section of this chapter.
2.3.2 Mechanical Properties Applied to Certification Testing The primary means of demonstrating the structural performance capabilities of the TRUPACT-II packaging under imposed NCT and HAC free drops, puncture, and thermal (fire) events is via certification testing. The overall response of the TRUPACT-II packaging to these events is dependent on the characteristics of several structural components. The characteristics of the polyurethane foam used in the OCA are of primary importance regarding TRUPACT-II package performance. For this reason, the method of installation of the foam material into the OCA, and the foams compressive stress-strain characteristics are carefully controlled and monitored.
Section, Polyurethane Foam, presents the details associated with foam installation and performance testing. Importantly, all TRUPACT-II packages will respond similarly to free drop, puncture, and thermal events. Thermal performance of the foam is discussed in Section 3.2, Summary of Thermal Properties of Materials.
At the time of polyurethane foam installation, test samples are retained from each foam pour, as discussed in Section, Polyurethane Foam. Using these samples, each foam pour is tested for compressive strength at strains of 10%, 40%, and 70%, both parallel and perpendicular to the direction of foam rise. To be acceptable, the average compressive strength of all tested samples from a single foamed component (i.e., the OCA lid or OCA body) for a particular rise direction is to fall within +/-15% of the corresponding nominal compressive stress. Additionally, the stress value of any single test specimen from a single pour is to fall within +/-20% of the corresponding nominal compressive stress.
In addition to controls on foam compressive stress, OCA foam thicknesses are controlled by the tolerances shown on the drawings provided in Appendix 1.3.1, Packaging General Arrangement Drawings. The foam thickness tolerance at the OCA top and sides is set at approximately +/-5%
of the nominal thickness. In regions where foam strains are very small (e.g., bottom end), a slightly greater thickness tolerance (approximately +/-8%) is allowed. The thickness tolerance is set at approximately one-third the magnitude of the compressive stress tolerance to minimize the 2.3-2
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 effect on package performance in the unlikely event that both tolerances are simultaneously at their extreme values in a given TRUPACT-II packaging assembly. Importantly, in the unlikely event that compressive stress and thickness tolerances are simultaneously at their worst case extremes, the net effect of combining the two tolerances is nearly identical to the compressive stress tolerance acting alone. This is directly attributable to the fact that a long portion of the compressive stress-strain curve for foam (at strains of ~50% or less) exhibits a relatively shallow slope (i.e., plateau). Consequently, although small changes in foam thickness directly affect foam strains, small changes in strain while on the plateau portion of the stress-strain curve do not significantly affect stress. As demonstrated by testing (documented in Appendix 2.10.3, Certification Tests), the TRUPACT-II packaging deformations due to 30-foot free drops were relatively small, demonstrating that resultant foam strains remained within the plateau portion of the compressive stress-strain curve.
In addition to the polyurethane foam, the performance of other primary TRUPACT-II packaging structural components is addressed by certification testing rather than by analysis. These components include the ASTM B16, Alloy 360, half-hard temper, brass vent port plugs, the ICV upper and lower aluminum honeycomb spacer assemblies, the 300 series stainless steel socket head cap screws used to secure the locking rings in the locked position, the ASTM A564, Type 630, Condition 1150, stainless steel pins used in the locking ring joints, and the 1/4-inch, 300 series stainless steel pan head screws used to attach the locking Z-flange to the OCV locking ring. As indicated above, and on the drawings provided in Appendix 1.3.1, Packaging General Arrangement Drawings, each of these components has a specific material callout thereby providing a specific control on its mechanical properties. The structurally significant mechanical properties for these materials are presented in Table 2.3-3.
With the exception of the aluminum honeycomb spacer assemblies, the 1/4-inch stainless steel pan head screws, and the OCV lock bolts, all of the above components remained intact during certification testing, and showed essentially no evidence of distress. By design, the aluminum honeycomb spacer assemblies were partially crushed as a result of the certification test program, but still provided adequate protection for the ICV torispherical heads from the simulated payload of fourteen, rigid, concrete-filled, 55-gallon drums.
Many of the 1/4-inch pan head screws that attach the locking Z-flange to the OCV locking ring (or, in some cases, the Z-flanges sheet metal adjacent to the screws) failed in each of the first two certification test units: 19 of 24 for CTU No. 1, and 20 of 24 for CTU No. 2; the number of failed screws was not noted for CTU No. 3. Although failure of these fasteners does not directly unlatch the 18 interlocking seal flange/locking ring tabs, 36 fasteners are used for TRUPACT-II packaging production units instead of the 24 that were used for each of the test units. Failure of the fasteners for a particular test unit is not likely attributed to a single accident sequence (i.e., a single 30-foot free drop followed by a single, 40-inch puncture event), but rather probably due to the multiple drops that were conservatively performed on each test unit.
The optional use of Type 304 stainless steel forgings or castings instead of ASTM A240 plate material for the OCV and ICV seal flanges and locking rings is stated on the drawings provided in Appendix 1.3.1, Packaging General Arrangement Drawings. As shown in Table 2.3-1, the ASTM A182 forging option and ASTM A351 casting option provide equivalent or improved strength, but a somewhat reduced elongation than does the ASTM A240. The reduced elongation values (30% for ASTM A182 and 35% for ASTM A351 versus 40% for ASTM A240 material) are acceptable based on the results of the certification testing program. Relatively little 2.3-3
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 permanent deformation was observed for the OCV or ICV seal flanges and locking rings as a result of certification testing, indicating that strains were well below the 30% minimum elongation provided by any of the specified materials. Any of the three material options are therefore acceptable for fabricating TRUPACT-II packagings.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 2.3 Mechanical Properties of Type 304 Stainless Steel Components (for Analysis)
Thermal Minimum Yield Ultimate Allowable Elastic Expansion Material Elongation Temperature Strength, Sy Strength, Su Strength, Sm Modulus, E Coefficient, Specification (%) (°F) (x103 psi) (x103 psi) (x103 psi) (x106 psi) (x10-6 in/in/°F)
ASTM A213 35 70 30.0 75.0 20.0 28.3 8.46 ASTM A240 40 100 30.0 75.0 20.0 ----- 8.55 ASTM A312 35 200 25.0 71.0 20.0 27.6 8.79 ASTM A376 35 300 22.5 66.0 20.0 27.0 9.00 ASTM A479 30 400 20.7 64.4 18.7 26.5 9.19 Type 304 500 19.4 63.5 17.5 25.8 9.37 70 30.0 75.0 20.0 28.3 8.46 100 30.0 75.0 20.0 ----- 8.55 ASTM A182 200 25.0 71.0 20.0 27.6 8.79 Type F304 30 300 22.5 66.0 20.0 27.0 9.00
(<5 inch thick) 400 20.7 64.4 18.7 26.5 9.19 500 19.4 63.5 17.5 25.8 9.37 70 35.0 77.0 23.3 28.3 8.46 100 35.0 77.0 23.3 ----- 8.55 ASTM A351 200 29.1 72.8 23.3 27.6 8.79 35 Grade CF8A 300 26.3 67.8 22.6 27.0 9.00 400 24.2 66.1 21.8 26.5 9.19 500 22.8 65.2 20.5 25.8 9.37 ASTM A276 30 70 30.0 75.0 20.0 28.3 8.46 Notes: ASME Code,Section III, Part A, 1986. ASME Code,Section III, Table I-1.2, 1986. Mean from 70 ºF.
ASME Code,Section III, Table I-2.2, 1986. ASME Code,Section III, Table I-6.0, 1986. ASTM Standards, A276, Type 304, 1988.
ASME Code,Section III, Table I-3.2, 1986. ASME Code,Section III, Table I-5.0, 1986. ASTM A479 material properties.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 This page intentionally left blank.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 2.3 Mechanical Properties of Polyurethane Foam (for Analysis)
Nominal Room Property Direction Temperature Value Compressive Strength, S Axial (Parallel-to-Rise) 235 psi Radial (Perpendicular-to-Rise) 195 psi Compressive Modulus, Ec Axial (Parallel-to-Rise) 6,810 psi Radial (Perpendicular-to-Rise) 4,773 psi Tensile Modulus, Et Axial (Parallel-to-Rise) 10,767 psi Radial (Perpendicular-to-Rise) 6,935 psi Shear Modulus, Es Axial (Parallel-to-Rise) 1,921 psi Radial (Perpendicular-to-Rise) 2,553 psi Thermal Expansion Coefficient, ----- 3.5 x 10-5 in/in/ºF Poissons Ratio, ----- 0.33 Density, ----- 8.25 lb/ft3 Table 2.3 Mechanical Properties of Metallic Materials (for Testing)
Minimum Mechanical Properties Material (unless otherwise specified) Notes ASTM B16, Alloy 360 Brass, y = 25,000 psi Half-Hard Temper -----
u = 55,000 psi Hexcel ACG-3/8-.003-3.6P bc = 340 psi +/-15% (Bare Compressive Strength)
Aluminum Honeycomb c = 120 psi +/-15% (Crush Strength) 300 Series Stainless Steel y = 40,000 psi Socket Head Cap Screws u = 80,000 psi ASTM A564, Type 630, y = 105,000 psi Condition 1150, Stainless Steel u = 135,000 psi 1/4-inch, 300 Series Stainless y = 30,000 psi Steel Pan Head Screws u = 75,000 psi Notes:
Mechanical Properties of Hexcel Honeycomb Materials, TSB-120 (Technical Service Bulletin 120), Hexcel, 1992. The term Bare Compressive Strength is defined as the maximum strength that is exhibited by the honeycomb material at the onset of crushing. The term Crush Strength is defined as the average compressive strength that is sustained as the honeycomb material undergoes crushing.
UNBRAKO Socket Screw Products Catalog, Copyright 1988, SPS Technologies.
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section III, 1986 Edition.
Industrial Fasteners Institute, Fastener Standard, Fifth Edition.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 This page intentionally left blank.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 2.4 General Standards for All Packages This section defines the general standards for all packages. The TRUPACT-II package, with an outer confinement vessel (OCV) that is integral to an outer confinement assembly (OCA), and an inner containment vessel (ICV) for primary containment, meets all requirements delineated for this section.
2.4.1 Minimum Package Size The minimum transverse dimension (i.e., the diameter) of the TRUPACT-II package is 94 inches, and the minimum longitudinal dimension (i.e., the height) is 1211/2 inches. Thus, the requirement of 10 CFR §71.43(a) 1 is satisfied.
2.4.2 Tamper-indicating Feature Tamper-indicating seals are installed at one OCA lock bolt location and at the OCV vent port access plug, as delineated on the drawings in Appendix 1.3.1, Packaging General Arrangement Drawings. A lock wire device is used between two tie-points. For the OCV lock bolt, the tie-points are the bolt head and the locking Z-flange. The two tie-points for the OCV vent port access plug are the plug itself and a bolt tapped and welded to the OCA body outer shell. Failure of either tamper-indicating device provides evidence of possible unauthorized access. Thus, the requirement of 10 CFR §71.43(b) is satisfied.
2.4.3 Positive Closure The TRUPACT-II package cannot be opened unintentionally. Both the OCA and ICV lids are attached to their respective bodies with locking rings. The OCV locking ring is secured with six, 1/2-13UNC, OCA lock bolts through the attached locking Z-flange. Similarly, the ICV locking ring is secured in the locked position with three, 1/2-13UNC, ICV lock bolts. For either lid, the presence of a single, lock bolt will prevent lid removal.
The OCV vent port has three levels of protection against inadvertent opening: 1) the OCV vent port access plug, 2) the OCV vent port cover, and 3) the OCV vent port plug. Each of these components are secured via threaded fittings. The ICV vent port has two levels of protection against inadvertent opening: 1) the ICV vent port cover, and 2) the ICV vent port plug. Thus, the requirements of 10 CFR §71.43(c) are satisfied.
2.4.4 Chemical and Galvanic Reactions The major materials of construction of the TRUPACT-II packaging (i.e., austenitic stainless steel, aluminum, brass, polyurethane foam, ceramic fiber paper, fiberglass insulation, butyl rubber O-ring seals and other elastomeric materials) will not have significant chemical, galvanic or other reactions in air, inert gas or water environments, thereby satisfying the requirements of 10 CFR §71.43(d). These materials have been previously used, without incident, in radioactive material (RAM) packages for transport of similar payload materials. A successful RAM 1
Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 71 (10 CFR 71), Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Material, 01-01-19 Edition.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 packaging history combined with successful use of these fabrication materials in similar industrial environments ensures that the integrity of the TRUPACT-II package will not be compromised by any chemical, galvanic or other reactions. The materials of construction and the payload are further evaluated below for potential reactions. Packaging Materials of Construction The TRUPACT-II packaging is primarily constructed of Type 304 stainless steel. This material is highly corrosion resistant to most environments. The metallic structure of the TRUPACT-II packaging is composed entirely of this material and compatible 300 series weld material. The weld material and processes have been selected in accordance with the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code 2 to provide as good or better material properties, including corrosion resistance, as the base material. Since both the base and weld materials are 300 series materials, they have nearly identical electrochemical potential thereby minimizing any galvanic corrosion that could occur.
The stainless steel within the OCA foam cavity is lined with a ceramic fiber paper, composed of alumina silica. This material is nonreactive with either the polyurethane foam or the stainless steel, both dry or in water. The ceramic fiber paper and the silicone adhesive are very low in free chlorides to minimize the potential for stress corrosion of the OCA structure.
The polyurethane foam that is used in the OCA is essentially identical to previously licensed transportation packagings, such as the NuPac 125B (Docket 71-9200), the NuPac 10-142 (71-9208), and the NuPac PAS-1 (Docket 71-9184). All of these packagings have had a long and successful record of performance demonstrating that the polyurethane foam does not cause any adverse conditions with the packaging. The polyurethane foam in the OCA is a rigid, closed-cell (non-water absorbent) foam that is very low in free halogens and chlorides, as discussed in Section, Polyurethane Foam. The polyurethane foam material cavity is sealed with plastic pipe plugs to preclude the entrance of moisture.
Aluminum honeycomb is used in the TRUPACT-II packaging for the two, ICV aluminum honeycomb spacer assemblies in the upper and lower ICV torispherical heads. Aluminum honeycomb material is used for dunnage only, and is not used as any part of the TRUPACT-II packagings containment boundary. The aluminum honeycomb is maintained at relatively low temperatures ensuring that no adverse reaction could occur at aluminum/steel interfaces that would compromise the packagings containment integrity. Of final note, aluminum material is slightly anodic which serves to protect the stainless steel of the ICV.
The various brass fittings and plugs used in the TRUPACT-II packaging are very corrosion resistant. Like aluminum, brass material is slightly anodic to the stainless steel. Any damage that could occur to the brass is easily detectable since the fittings are all handled each time the TRUPACT-II package is loaded and unloaded.
The various elastomers (e.g., butyl rubber, polyester, silicone, etc.) that are used in the O-rings, annulus foam ring, debris shield, wear pad, etc., contain no corrosives that would react adversely affect the TRUPACT-II packaging. These materials are organic in nature and noncorrosive to the stainless steel containment boundary of the TRUPACT-II packaging.
2 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section III, Rules for Construction of Nuclear Power Plant Components, 1986 Edition.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Payload Interaction with Packaging Materials of Construction The materials of construction of the TRUPACT-II packaging are checked for compatibility with the various payload chemistries when the payloads are evaluated for chemical compatibility. All payload materials are in approved payload containers delineated in the CH-TRAMPAC 3.
The payload is typically further confined within multiple layers of plastic for radiological health purposes. This configuration ensures that the payload material has an insignificant level of contact with the TRUPACT-II packaging materials of construction. However, the evaluation of compatibility is based on complete interaction of payload materials with the packaging.
The design of the TRUPACT-II package is for transport of CH-TRU materials and other authorized payloads that are limited in form to solid or solidified material. Corrosive materials, pressurized containers, explosives, non-radioactive pyrophorics, and liquid volumes greater than 1% are prohibited. These restrictions ensure that the waste in the payload is in a non-reactive form for safe transport in the TRUPACT-II package. For a comprehensive discussion defining acceptable payload properties, see the CH-TRAMPAC.
2.4.5 Valves Neither the OCV nor the ICV have valves. However, beside their respective lids, the ICV and the OCV each have a vent port penetration into their containment and confinement cavities, respectively. These vent port penetrations are sealed using threaded vent port plugs comprised of brass material. Since the ICV is entirely contained within the OCV during transport, a tamper indicating device is not necessary. Access to the OCV vent port penetration is prevented by a lockwire that secures the OCV vent port access plug, as discussed in Section 2.4.2, Tamper-indicating Feature. Thus, the requirements of 10 CFR §71.43(e) are satisfied.
2.4.6 Package Design As shown in Chapter 2.0, Structural Evaluation, Chapter 3.0, Thermal Evaluation, Chapter 5.0, Shielding Evaluation, and Chapter 6.0, Criticality Evaluation, the structural, thermal, shielding, and criticality requirements, respectively, of 10 CFR §71.43(f) are satisfied for the TRUPACT-II package.
2.4.7 External Temperatures As shown in Table 3.5-1 and Table 3.5-2 from Section 3.5.3, Package Temperatures, the maximum accessible surface temperature with maximum internal decay heat load and no insolation is 102 ºF. Since the maximum external temperature does not exceed 185 ºF, the requirements of 10 CFR §71.43(g) are satisfied.
3 U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Contact-Handled Transuranic Waste Authorized Methods for Payload Control (CH-TRAMPAC), U.S. Department of Energy, Carlsbad Field Office, Carlsbad, New Mexico.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 2.4.8 Venting The TRUPACT-II package does not include any features intended to allow continuous venting during transport. Thus, the requirements of 10 CFR §71.43(h) are satisfied.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 2.5 Lifting and Tie-down Standards for All Packages For analysis of the lifting and tie-down components of the TRUPACT-II packaging, material properties from Section 2.3, Mechanical Properties of Materials, are taken at a bounding temperature of 160 ºF per Section, Summary of Pressures and Temperatures. The primary structural materials are Type 304 stainless steel, and polyurethane foam that is used in the outer confinement assembly (OCA).
A loaded TRUPACT-II package is only lifted by forklift pockets, located at the bottom of the OCA body. For this case, TRUPACT-II package lifting loads act parallel to the direction of foam rise. The nominal compressive strength of the polyurethane foam, as delineated in Table 2.3-2 from Section 2.3.1, Mechanical Properties Applied to Analytic Evaluations, is reduced by 15% to account for manufacturing tolerance; polyurethane foam manufacturing tolerances are discussed in Section, Parallel-to-Rise Compressive Stress. The nominal compressive strength of the polyurethane foam is further reduced by 25% to account for elevated temperature effects, as discussed in Section, Summary of Pressures and Temperatures.
Properties of Type 304 stainless steel and polyurethane foam, parallel to the direction of foam rise accounting for manufacturing tolerances and elevated temperature, are summarized below.
Material Property Value Reference Type 304 Stainless Steel at 160 ºF Elastic Modulus, E 27.8 x 106 psi Yield Strength, y 27,000 psi Table 2.3-1 Shear Stress, equal to (0.6)y 16,200 psi Polyurethane Foam (parallel-to-rise) at 160 ºF Minimum compressive strength, c 150 psi Table 2.3-2 Bearing stress, assumed equal to (2/3)c 100 psi 2.5.1 Lifting Devices This section demonstrates that the forklift pockets, the only attachments designed to lift the TRUPACT-II package, are designed with a minimum safety factor of three against yielding, per the requirements of 10 CFR §71.45(a). The lifting devices in the OCA lid are restricted to only lifting the OCA lid, and the lifting devices in the ICV lid are restricted to only lifting an ICV lid or empty ICV. Although these lifting devices are designed with a minimum safety factor of three against yielding, detailed analyses are not specifically included herein since these lifting devices are not intended for lifting a TRUPACT-II package.
When lifting the entire package, the applied lift force without yielding is simply three times the total package weight of 19,250 pounds, as given in Section 2.2, Weights and Centers of Gravity.
FL = (3)(19,250) = 57,750 pounds 2.5-1
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 The entire package is lifted via two forklift pockets located at the bottom of the OCA. Loads are considered to be concentrated at the forklift pocket interfaces and act parallel to the direction of foam rise. For the purposes of this analysis, the minimum assumed fork width is 8 inches, and the minimum assumed engagement length is 60 inches. The total bearing area for two forks is:
A = (2)(8)(60) = 960 in2 Assuming the entire lifted load is carried directly into the polyurethane foam, thereby ignoring any beneficial load carrying associated with the presence of the relatively stiff stainless steel forklift pocket and OCA outer shell, the compressive stress is:
FL 57,750 c = = = 60 psi A 960 The allowable compressive stress for the polyurethane foam is 100 psi. Therefore, the margin of safety is:
100 MS = 1 = +0.67 60 2.5.2 Tie-down Devices The TRUPACT-II package is secured to its dedicated semi-trailer at four points, two on each trailer main beam. For railcar shipments, the TRUPACT-II package is secured to an adapter that mimics the trailers four attachment points. Subsequent use of the term trailer or trailer main beam(s) encompass the railcar adapter and railcar frame. The attachment is made using trailer tie-down devices that pass over the tie-down lugs located at the bottom of the OCA body. The semi-trailer is also fitted with kick plates at the four tie-down points to provide horizontal restraint (blocking). The tie-down scheme utilized for the TRUPACT-II package is illustrated in Figure 2.5-1 and Figure 2.5-2.
Inertial loads of 10g longitudinally, 5g laterally, and 2g vertically, per 10 CFR §71.45(b)(1), are applied through the TRUPACT-II package center of gravity, conservatively assumed to be 60 inches above the packages base. The horizontal loads of 10g longitudinally and 5g laterally are reacted in compression against the kick plates. The resultant overturning moment is reacted in compression on a trailer main beam and in tension by the four tie-down lugs. The vertical load applied to the center of gravity (2g) is evenly reacted at the four tie-down points, and is assumed to act in the direction (up or down) that maximizes the total tie-down load (i.e., down for the compressive reaction point and up for the tensile reaction points). Tie-down Forces Tensile tie-down points are on a 48.4-inch radius circle (to the center of the tie-down lugs, in line with the tie-down fixture). The compressive reaction point is at the trailer main beam, occurring at the edge of the tie-down lugs doubler plate, a radius of 47.56 inches. A plan view of the tie-down geometry is depicted in Figure 2.5-3, including a corresponding free-body force diagram.
If the TRUPACT-II package is treated as a rigid body, the reaction forces may be determined from the following set of equations:
F1L1 + F2L2 + F3L3 + F4L4 = HFg 2.5-2
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 F1 F2 F F
= = 3 = 4 =k L1 L 2 L 3 L 4 F1 + F2 + F3 + F4 = Fc where, the height of the package center of gravity above its base, H = 60 inches, the horizontal inertia force, Fg = 19,250 x (102 + 52)1/2 = 215,222 pounds, and the tie-down lug reaction lengths, L1 = 47.56 - 47.52 = 0.04 inches, L2 = 47.56 - 21.16 = 26.40 inches, L3 = 47.56 + 21.16 = 68.72 inches, and L4 = 47.56 + 47.52 = 95.08 inches. Solving for k:
HFg (60)(215,222) k= 2 2 2 2
= = 893 lb/in L +L +L +L 1 2 3 4 (0.04) + (26.40) 2 + (68.72) 2 + (95.08) 2 2
Therefore, F1 = k x L1 = 36 pounds, F2 = k x L2 = 23,575 pounds, F3 = k x L3 = 61,367 pounds, F4 = k x L4 = 84,906 pounds, and Fc = 169,884 pounds. The maximum vertical tensile force on any single tie-down lug, including the contribution of the vertical load of 2g, is then found as:
(2 g)(19,250)
Ft max = 84,906 + = 94,531 pounds 4 lugs Similarly, the maximum compressive force is found as:
(2 g )(19,250)
Fc max = 169,884 + = 179,509 pounds 4 lugs Since the line of action of the combined 10g longitudinal and the 5g lateral accelerations pass almost exactly over the centerline of the kickplate (27.6º for the kickplate centerline versus 26.6º for the line of action of the force), the total horizontal reaction force is conservatively assumed to be reacted against a single kickplate. This force is given by:
Fh = Fg = 215,222 pounds Tie-down Stress Due to a Vertical Tensile Load Several failure modes are considered for the vertical tensile force on the tie-down lug. Shear failure of the tie-down lug itself is not an issue because the shear area of the lug is much greater than the lug attachment welds. The remaining failure modes, as illustrated in Figure 2.5-4, are:
(a) Shear and bending failure of the tie-down lug welds (shear + bending loads),
(b) Tearout of the tie-down lug doubler plate at the lug weld outline, (c) Shear failure of the welds attaching the lug doubler plate to the OCA outer shell, and (d) Tearout of the OCA outer shell at the doubler outline. Failure of the Tie-down Lug Welds Due to Shear and Bending Loads Figure 2.5-5 presents dimensional details of the tie-down, including an appropriate free-body diagram. The length of the tie-down lug weld along the two sides is 5.49 inches. The arc length of the weld across the top of the lug is 3.38 inches. The groove weld at the bottom is 2.38 inches long. On three sides, the weld is a 3/8-inch fillet over a 3/8 inch-groove. The minimum throat 2.5-3
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 length for this weld is 0.375/(sin 45º) = 0.53 inches. For the 3/8-inch groove weld at the bottom, the minimum throat length is 0.375 inches. Thus, the total shear area for the weld is:
As = [(2)(5.49) + 3.38](0.53) + (2.38) (0.375) = 8.50 in2 The maximum shearing force, V, is the maximum tensile force, Ft-max = 94,531 pounds from Section, Tie-down Forces, resulting in a corresponding shear stress of:
V 94,531 V = = = 11,121 psi As 8.50 The maximum weld shear stress due to bending is found using the standard beam bending formula, but by treating the weld as a line 1, or:
Mc B =
I where M is the moment on weld group, c is the maximum weld distance from the weld group centroid, and is the moment of inertia of weld group. The weld group centroid, relative to the bottom edge of the tie-down lug, is:
(0.53)(3.38)(6.00) + 2(0.53)(5.49)(5.49 2) y= = 3.143 inches (0.53)(3.38) + 2(0.53)(5.49) + (0.375)(2.38) where the centroid of the arc formed by the weld at the top of the tie-down lug is located 6.00 inches above the base of the lug. For the sides, the contribution to the moment of inertia is:
tL3 (0.53)(5.49) 3 5.49 2
I s = 2 + Ad 2 = 2 + (0.53)(5.49) 3.143 = 15.54 in 4
12 12 2 For the top (arc-shaped) weld, conservatively ignoring the moment of inertia about its own centroid, the contribution to the moment of inertia is:
t = Ad2 =(0.53)(3.38)(6.00 - 3.143)2 = 14.62 in4 For the bottom weld, the contribution to the moment of inertia is:
b = Ad2 = (0.375)(2.38)(3.143)2 = 8.82 in4 Summing the contributions from each part of the weld group, the total moment of inertia of the weld group, treated as a line, is:
= s + t + b = 15.54 + 14.62 + 8.82 = 38.98 in4 The distance from the centroid of the weld group to the extreme fiber is c = 3.143 inches. The line of action for the vertical force is 0.7 inches from the side of the tie-down doubler plate, as illustrated in Figure 2.5-5. Therefore, the shear stress on the weld group due to bending is:
1 Shigley, Mechanical Engineering Design, Third Edition, McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1977, Section 7-4, Bending in Welded Joints.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Mc (94,531)(0.7)(3.143)
B = = = 5,335 psi I 38.98 The maximum shear stress in the tie-down lug weld due to the shear and bending loads is:
= 2V + 2B = (11,121) 2 + (5,335) 2 = 12,334 psi The allowable shear stress for the tie-down lug welds is 16,200 psi. Therefore, the margin of safety is:
16,200 MS = 1 = +0.31 12,334 Tearout of the Tie-down Doubler Plate at the Tie-Down Lug Weld Outline Assume that a rectangular region equal to 2.88 + 2 x 0.375 = 3.63 inches wide by (6.25 + 0.375)
= 6.63 inches high, tears out from the 3/8-inch thick doubler plate. Under the direct shear load of 94,531 pounds, the top edge will be in direct tension while the sides and bottom will be in direct shear. Conservatively assuming the top and sides are all in direct shear, the shear area in the 3/8-inch thick, tie-down doubler plate is:
Ap = [3.63 + 2(6.63)](0.375) = 6.33 in2 The shear area of the 1.0-inch groove weld attaching the bottom of the doubler plate to the OCA body flat head is:
Aw = (3.63)(1.0) = 3.63 in2 Thus, the total shear area is:
As = Ap + Aw = 6.33 + 3.63 = 9.96 in2 The maximum shearing force, V, is the maximum tensile force, Ft-max = 94,531 pounds from Section, Tie-down Forces, resulting in a corresponding shear stress of:
V 94,531 V = = = 9,491 psi As 9.96 The maximum weld shear stress due to bending is found using the standard beam bending formula, but by treating the weld as a line, or:
Mc B =
I where M is the moment on weld group, c is the maximum weld distance from the weld group centroid, and is the moment of inertia of weld group. The weld group centroid, relative to the bottom edge of the tie-down lug, is:
(0.375)(3.63)(6.63) + 2(0.375)(6.63)(6.63 2) + (1.0)(3.63)(1.0 2) y= = 2.742 inches (0.375)(3.63) + 2(0.375)(6.63) + (1.0)(3.63) 2.5-5
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 For the sides of the rectangular region, the contribution to the moment of inertia is:
L3 t 2 (6.63) 3 (0.375) 6.63 2
4 I s = 2 + Ad = 2 + (0.375)(6.63) 2.742 = 19.85 in 12 12 2 For the top of the rectangular region, the contribution to the moment of inertia is:
Lt 3 (3.63)(0.375) 3 It = + Ad 2 = + (0.375)(3.63)(6.63 2.742) 2 = 20.59 in 4 12 12 For the bottom groove weld, the contribution to the moment of inertia is:
2 Lt 3 (3.63)(1.0) 3 1.0 Ib = + Ad 2 = + (1.0)(3.63) 2.742 = 18.55 in 4
12 12 2 Summing the contributions from each part of the rectangular region, the total moment of inertia of the weld group, treated as a line, is:
= s + t + b = 19.85 + 20.59 + 18.55 = 58.99 in4 The distance from the centroid of the rectangular region to the extreme fiber is c = 6.63 - 2.742
= 3.888 inches. The line of action for the vertical force is 0.7 + 0.375/2 = 0.89 inches from the center of the tie-down doubler plate. Therefore, the shear stress due to bending is:
Mc (94,531)(0.89)(3.888)
B = = = 5,545 psi I 58.99 The maximum shear stress in the tie-down doubler plate due to the shear and bending loads is:
= 2V + 2B = (9,491) 2 + (5,545) 2 = 10,992 psi The allowable shear stress for the tie-down doubler plate is 16,200 psi. Therefore, the margin of safety is:
16,200 MS = 1 = +0.47 10,992 Shear Failure of the Tie-down Lug Doubler Plate to OCA Outer Shell Welds The tie-down lug doubler plate is 24 inches square, and welded to the OCA outer shell on its top and sides with 1/4-inch fillet welds. Although the bottom weld is a groove weld, conservatively assume it acts as a 1/4-inch fillet weld, resulting in a total weld length of 96 inches. In addition, 30, 11/2-inch diameter, 1/4-inch fillet welds supplement the peripheral fillet welds, providing an additional 30 x (1.5) = 141 inches of weld. Thus, the total weld length is 237 inches, resulting in a weld shear area of:
As = (0.25)(sin 45º)(237) = 41.9 in2 2.5-6
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 The weld shear area is much greater than determined in both previous cases (i.e., As = 8.50 in2 for Section, Failure of the Tie-down Lug Welds Due to Shear and Bending Loads, and As =
9.96 in2 for Section, Tearout of the Tie-down Doubler Plate at the Tie-Down Lug Weld Outline). Thus, the weld shear stress for the same vertical load will be correspondingly less.
Similarly, a much larger moment of inertia will be determined for a nearly identical bending moment, thereby resulting in a substantially reduced bending stress. In conclusion, by inspection the resulting margin of safety will correspondingly be much greater and does not need to be explicitly determined. Tearout of the OCA Outer Shell at the Tie-Down Lug Doubler Plate Outline A potential failure mode for the tie-down hardware is tearout of the 1/4-inch thick OCA outer shell just outboard of the 24.0 inch square doubler plate. The downward acting force puts the OCA shell adjacent to the top edge of the doubler plate in direct tension. The OCA outer shell immediately adjacent to the sides and bottom edge of the doubler plate is in direct shear.
Assume that the 24- x 24-inch tie-down lug doubler plate tears out from 1/4-inch thick OCA outer shell. Under the direct shear load of 94,531 pounds, the top edge will be in direct tension while the sides and bottom will be in direct shear. Conservatively assuming that all sides are all in direct shear, the shear area in the 1/4-inch thick OCA outer shell is:
As = 4(24)(0.25) = 24.0 in2 Once again, the shell shear area is much greater than determined in both previous cases (i.e., As =
8.50 in2 for Section, Failure of the Tie-down Lug Welds Due to Shear and Bending Loads, and As = 9.96 in2 for Section, Tearout of the Tie-down Doubler Plate at the Tie-Down Lug Weld Outline). Thus, the weld shear stress for the same vertical load will be correspondingly less.
As before, a much larger moment of inertia will be determined for a nearly identical bending moment, thereby resulting in a substantially reduced bending stress. In conclusion, by inspection the resulting margin of safety will correspondingly be much greater and does not need to be explicitly determined. Tie-down Stress Due to a Vertical Compressive Load The stresses in the TRUPACT-II package due to a vertical compressive load may be analyzed by two bounding cases. First, the combination of overturning and vertical, 2g inertial compressive loads carried through the OCA outer shell and tie-down lug doubler plate, and second, the 2g inertial compressive load carried entirely by the polyurethane foam. Bearing Stress in the OCA Outer Shell and Tie-down Lug Doubler Plate The vertical compressive tie-down load is carried in bearing against the semi-trailer main beams.
Conservatively assume that this load is carried only by the cylindrical portion of the OCA outer shell and doubler that is directly over the trailer main beams and tie-down support structure.
With reference to Figure 2.5-3, the arc length, s, of the OCA that spans the trailer main beams is:
1 32 1 18 s = R (1 2 ) = (47.56) sin sin = 16.64 inches 180 180 47.56 47.56 2.5-7
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 For an OCA outer shell thickness of 1/4 inch, and a tie-down lug doubler plate thickness of 3/8 inch, the area is:
A = (16.64)(0.25 + 0.375) = 10.40 in2 Thus, from Section, Tie-down Forces, the maximum compressive force, Fc-max = 179,509 pounds, and the corresponding compressive stress is:
Fc max 179,509 c = = = 17,260 psi A 10.40 The allowable stress for the OCA outer shell and tie-down lug doubler plate is 27,000 psi.
Therefore, the margin of safety is:
27,000 MS = 1 = +0.56 17,260 Compressive Stress in the Polyurethane Foam The TRUPACT-II package is supported on the two main trailer beams during transport. With reference to Figure 2.5-3, the length, L, under the OCA that spans the trailer main beams is:
L = 2 ( 47.56) 2 ( 22) 2 = 84.3 inches For two, 8-inch wide trailer main beams, the total compressive area is:
A = 2(8)(84.3) = 1,349 in2 Conservatively ignoring the load carrying capacity of the OCA outer shell and forklift pockets, the compressive stress in the polyurethane foam due to a 2g vertical (downward) inertial force is:
2(19,250) 38,500 c = = = 29 psi A 1,349 The allowable stress for the polyurethane foam is 100 psi. Therefore, the margin of safety is:
100 MS = 1 = +2.45 29 Tie-down Stresses Due to a Horizontal Compressive Load The horizontal load, Fh = 215,222 pounds, determined in Section, Tie-down Forces, is reacted by a single tie-down weldment. The following sections consider the bearing stress in the tie-down weldment, and the shear stresses in the welds holding the horizontal tripler plate to the doubler plate, and the doubler plate to the lower OCA flat head. Based on their relative thicknesses, assume that one-quarter the horizontal load is carried through the 1/4-inch thick OCA flat head, one-quarter is carried through the 1/4-inch thick doubler plate, and one-half is carried through the 1/2-inch thick tripler plate.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Bearing Stress in the Tie-down Weldment The horizontal load, Fh = 215,222 pounds, is carried from the 8.0-inch wide trailer kickplate through the horizontal doubler and tripler plates welded inside the lower OCA flat head, as illustrated in Figure 2.5-3. For a kickplate length, L = 8 inches, a bottom shell thickness, ts = 1/4 inch, a doubler plate thickness, td = 1/4 inch, and a tripler plate thickness, tt = 1/2 inch, the area available to carry the horizontal compressive load at the kickplate interface is:
A = L(ts + td + tt) = (8.0)(0.25 + 0.25 + 0.5) = 8.0 in2 The corresponding compressive (bearing) stress is:
Fh 215,222 c = = = 26,903 psi A 8 .0 The allowable bearing stress for the OCA outer shell, including the horizontal doubler and tripler plates, is 27,000 psi. Therefore, the margin of safety is:
27,000 MS = 1 = +0.004 26,903 Shear Stress in the Tripler Plate Welds Based on the assumed load distribution in Section, Tie-down Stresses Due to a Horizontal Compressive Load, the force on the welds attaching the tripler plate to the doubler plate is then one-half of 215,222 pounds, or 107,611 pounds. The tripler plate is welded with 3/8-inch fillet welds along three of its edges, and a 1/2-inch groove weld along the outer edge. The two side welds are approximately 8 inches long, and the back weld is 7 inches long, for a total, 3/8-inch fillet weld length of 23 inches. Four, 11/2-inch diameter, 3/8 inch fillet welds supplement the peripheral 3/8-inch fillet welds, providing an additional 4 x (1.5) = 18.85 inches of 3/8-inch fillet weld. Thus, the total 3/8-inch fillet weld length is 41.85 inches. In addition, the 10-inch long outer edge is welded with a 1/2-inch groove weld. The resulting weld shear area is:
As = (0.375)(sin 45º)(41.85) + (0.5)(10) = 16.1 in2 Thus, the shear stress in the tripler plate fillet welds is:
= = 6,684 psi 16.1 The allowable shear stress for the tripler plate welds is 16,200 psi. Therefore, the margin of safety is:
16,200 MS = 1 = +1.42 6,684 As an option, the tripler plate may be one inch thick and welded into a cutout through the 1/4-inch thick lower OCA flat head and 1/4-inch thick doubler plate in the same orientation and location as shown in Figure 2.5-6. Full penetration groove welds are used around the periphery of the tripler plate (i.e., a one inch groove weld along the outside, 10-inch long edge, and 1/2-inch groove welds along the remaining three edges). The two side welds are approximately 8 2.5-9
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 inches long, and the back weld is 7 inches long, for a total weld length of 23 inches. The resulting weld shear area is:
A = (0.5)(23) + (1.0)(10) = 21.5 in2 Thus, the shear stress in the tripler plate groove welds is:
= = 10,010 psi 21.5 The allowable shear stress for the tripler plate welds is 16,200 psi. Therefore, the margin of safety is:
16,200 MS = 1 = +0.62 10,010 Shear Stress in the Doubler Plate Welds Based on the assumed load distribution in Section, Tie-down Stresses Due to a Horizontal Compressive Load, the force on the welds attaching the doubler plate to the OCA flat head is then one-half plus one-quarter of 215,222 pounds, or 161,417 pounds. The doubler plate is welded with 1/4-inch fillet welds along its four inner edges, for a total 1/4-inch fillet weld length of approximately 35 inches. Eighteen, 1-inch diameter, 1/4-inch fillet welds supplement the peripheral 1/4-inch fillet welds, providing an additional 18 x (1.0) = 56 inches of 1/4-inch fillet weld. Thus, the total 1/4-inch fillet weld length is 91 inches. In addition, the 20-inch long outer edge is welded with a 1/4-inch groove weld. The resulting weld shear area is:
As = (0.25)(sin 45º)(91) + (0.25)(20) = 21.1 in2 Thus, the shear stress in the doubler plate fillet welds is:
= = 7,650 psi 21.1 The allowable shear stress for the doubler plate welds is 16,200 psi. Therefore, the margin of safety is:
16,200 MS = 1 = +1.12 7,650 Response of the Package if Treated as a Fixed Cantilever Beam The preceding sections considered stresses in a localized region in and around the tie-down components. This section demonstrates that a more global response of the TRUPACT-II package to tie-down loads is also acceptable. For this assessment, the TRUPACT-II package is treated as a cantilever beam, fixed at its base. The 1/4 inch thick, OCA outer shell is conservatively assumed to be the only structural member resisting the applied 10g, 5g and 2g inertia loads. Stress intensity, SI, in the OCA outer shell is determined as follows:
2 2 2 P Mc 2V SI = 2 + 2 = + +
2 A I A 2.5-10
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 where for 2g vertically, the axial force, P = (2)(19,250) = 38,500 pounds, the bending moment from Section, Tie-down Forces, M = HFg = (60)(215,222) = 12,913,320 in-lbs, the extreme fiber distance, c = 1/2(94) = 47.2 inches, the horizontal shear force, V = Fg = 215,222 pounds, the OCA outer shell cross-sectional area, A = (/4)[(94.375)2 - (93.875)2] = 74 in2, and the OCA outer shell moment of inertia, I = (/64)[(94.375)4 - (93.875)4] = 81,869 in4. The resulting stress intensity is:
2 2 38,500 (12,913,320)(47.2) 2(215,222)
SI = + + = 9,863 psi 74 81,869 74 The allowable stress intensity for the OCA outer shell is 27,000 psi. Therefore, the margin of safety is:
27,000 MS = 1 = +1.74 9,863 Summary All margins of safety for tie-down loads, per 10 CFR §71.45(b)(1), are positive. The smallest tensile or shear margin of safety, MS = +0.31, is for failure of the welds attaching the tie-down lug to the doubler plate, indicating that this will be the mode of failure for the tie-downs under an excessive load condition. Note that compressive modes of failure are not considered relevant in the excessive load evaluation. In accordance with 10 CFR §71.45(b)(3), this failure mode does not compromise the performance capabilities of the TRUPACT-II package since no main shell is breached. Finally, it is noted that the forklift pockets and OCA lifting sockets are not intended to be used as tie-down devices, and are appropriately disabled to prevent inadvertent use. The forklift pockets and OCA lifting sockets are disabled by affixing a plate over each pocket and a cover over the each socket respectively (see the drawings in Appendix 1.3.1, Packaging General Arrangement Drawings).
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.5 Tie-down Device Layout 2.5-12
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.5 Tie-down Device Detail 2.5-13
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.5 Tie-down Plan View and Reaction Force Diagram 2.5-14
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.5 Tie-down Tensile/Shear Failure Modes 2.5-15
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.5 Tie-down Lug Dimensions and Load Diagram 2.5-16
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.5 Horizontal Doubler and Tripler Plate Details 2.5-17
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 This page intentionally left blank.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 2.6 Normal Conditions of Transport The TRUPACT-II package, when subjected to the normal conditions of transport (NCT) specified in 10 CFR §71.71 1, is shown to meet the performance requirements specified in Subpart E of 10 CFR 71. As discussed in the introduction to this chapter, with the exception of the NCT free drop, the primary proof of NCT performance is via analytic methods. Regulatory Guide 7.6 2 criteria are demonstrated as acceptable for all NCT analytic evaluations presented in this section. Specific discussions regarding brittle fracture and fatigue are presented in Section, Miscellaneous Structural Failure Modes, and are shown not to be limiting cases for the TRUPACT-II package design. The ability of the butyl O-ring containment seals to remain leaktight is documented in Appendix 2.10.2, Elastomer O-ring Seal Performance Tests.
With the exception of the NCT free drop evaluation, analyses for heat, cold, reduced external pressure, increased external pressure, and vibration are performed in this section. Allowable stress limits are consistent with Table 2.1-1 and Table 2.1-2 in Section, Analytic Design Criteria (Allowable Stresses), using temperature-adjusted material properties taken from Table 2.3-1 from Section 2.3.1, Mechanical Properties Applied to Analytic Evaluations.
For the analytic assessments performed within this section, properties for Type 304 stainless steel are based on data in Table 2.3-1 from Section 2.3.1, Mechanical Properties Applied to Analytic Evaluations. Similarly, the bounding values for polyurethane foam compressive strength are based on data in Table 2.3-2 from Section 2.3.1, Mechanical Properties Applied to Analytic Evaluations. Polyurethane foam compressive strength is further adjusted +/-15% to account for manufacturing tolerance. At elevated NCT temperatures (i.e., 160 ºF), the nominal compressive strength is reduced 25% for elevated temperature effects and reduced 15% for manufacturing tolerance. At reduced NCT temperatures (i.e., -40 ºF), the nominal compressive strength is increased 50% for reduced temperature effects and increased 15% for manufacturing tolerance.
Properties of Type 304 stainless steel and polyurethane foam are summarized below.
Material Property Value (psi)
Material Property -40 ºF 70 ºF 160 ºF Reference Type 304 Stainless Steel Elastic Modulus, E 28.8 x 106 28.3 x 106 27.8 x 106 Design Stress Intensity, Sm 20,000 20,000 20,000 Table 2.3-1 Yield Strength, Sm N/A 30,000 27,000 Polyurethane Foam Compressive Strength Parallel-to-Rise Direction, c 405 235 150 Table 2.3-2 Perpendicular-to-Rise Direction, c 336 195 124 1
Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 71 (10 CFR 71), Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Material, 01-01-19 Edition.
2 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Regulatory Guide 7.6, Design Criteria for the Structural Analysis of Shipping Cask Containment Vessels, Revision 1, March 1978.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Finite element analysis methods are utilized to determine stresses in the TRUPACT-II packaging structure at various temperature extremes, including the effects of differential thermal expansion, when appropriate, and internal (I) and external (E) pressure combinations, as summarized below.
Load Case Reference Differential Pressure Temperature Table Figure Number Section Expansion? Differential Uniform Reference Number Numbers OCA Case 1 §2.6.1 No 61.2 psig (I) 160 ºF 160 ºF 2.6-1 2.6-1/-2 OCA Case 2 §2.6.1 Yes 61.2 psig (I) 160 ºF 70 ºF 2.6-2 2.6-3/-4 OCA Case 3 §2.6.2 Yes 0 psig -40 ºF 70 ºF 2.6-3 2.6-5/-6 OCA Case 4 §2.6.4 No 14.7 psig (E) 70 ºF 70 ºF 2.6-4 2.6-7/-8 ICV Case 1 §2.6.1 No 61.2 psig (I) 160 ºF 160 ºF 2.6-5 2.6-9/-10 ICV Case 2 §2.6.4 No 14.7 psig (E) 70 ºF 70 ºF 2.6-6 2.6-11/-12 For the NCT free drop evaluation, a certification test program was undertaken using three TRUPACT-II certification test units (CTUs). Results from certification testing demonstrated that under NCT free drop conditions, two leaktight levels of containment were maintained. NCT certification testing also demonstrated the TRUPACT-II packages ability to survive subsequent HAC, 30-foot free drop, puncture, and fire tests was not compromised. Analyses are performed, when appropriate, to supplement or expand on the available test results. This combination of analytic and test, structural evaluations provides an initial configuration for NCT thermal, shielding and criticality performance. In accordance with 10 CFR §71.43(f), the evaluations performed herein successfully demonstrate that under NCT tests the TRUPACT-II package experiences no substantial reduction in the effectiveness of the packaging. Summaries of the more significant aspects of the full scale free drop testing are included in Section 2.6.7, Free Drop, with details presented in Appendix 2.10.3, Certification Tests.
2.6.1 Heat The NCT thermal analyses presented in Section 3.4, Thermal Evaluation for Normal Conditions of Transport, consists of exposing the TRUPACT-II package to direct sunlight and 100 ºF still air per the requirements of 10 CFR §71.71(b). Although the actual internal heat load is a function of the particular payload configuration being transported, this section utilizes the maximum internal heat allowed within a TRUPACT-II package, or 40 thermal watts. The 40-thermal watt case results in maximum temperature gradients throughout the TRUPACT-II package. Summary of Pressures and Temperatures The maximum normal operating pressure (MNOP) is 50 psig, as determined in Section 3.4.4, Maximum Internal Pressure. The pressure stress analyses within this section combine the internal pressure of 50 psig due to MNOP with a reduced external pressure, per 10 CFR
§71.71(c)(3), of 3.5 psia (11.2 psig). The net resulting internal pressure utilized in all NCT structural analyses considering internal pressure is therefore 61.2 psig.
The NCT heat input results in modest temperatures and temperature gradients throughout the TRUPACT-II package. Maximum temperatures for the major packaging components are 2.6-2
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 summarized in Table 3.4-1 from Section 3.4.2, Maximum Temperatures. As shown in Table 3.4-1, all packaging temperatures remain at or below 156 ºF. For conservatism, structural analyses of the OCA and ICV utilize a uniform bounding temperature of 160 ºF. Use of a uniform bounding temperature is also conservative since material strengths are lowest at the highest temperatures. In addition, in the case of the OCA, the main contributor to thermal stress is the result of differential expansion of the polyurethane foam and the surrounding stainless steel. Also shown by the temperatures presented in Table 3.4-1, temperature gradients are modest for the NCT heat condition. Thus, temperature gradients are reasonably ignored in the analyses herein. Differential Thermal Expansion With NCT temperatures throughout the packaging being relatively uniform, (i.e., no significant temperature gradients), the concern with differential expansions is limited to regions of the TRUPACT-II packaging that employ adjacent materials with sufficiently different coefficients of thermal expansion. The OCA is a double-wall, composite construction of polyurethane foam between inner and outer shells of stainless steel. The polyurethane foam expands and contracts to a much greater degree than the surrounding stainless steel shells resulting in stresses due to differential thermal expansion. Finite element analyses presented in the following sections quantify these differential thermal expansion stresses. Differential thermal expansion stresses are negligible in the ICV for three reasons: 1) the temperature distribution throughout the entire ICV is relatively uniform, 2) the ICV is fabricated from only one type of structural material, and
- 3) the ICV is not radially or axially constrained within a tight-fitting structure (i.e., the OCV). Stress Calculations A finite element model of the OCA is used to determine the stresses due to the combined effects of pressure loads, and temperature loads due to differential thermal expansion. The details of this model are presented in Appendix, Outer Confinement Assembly (OCA) Structural Analysis. The ICV is also analyzed for the combined effects of pressure and temperature using a finite element model that is described in Appendix, Inner Containment Vessel (ICV)
Structural Analysis. For the NCT heat condition, evaluations include two load cases for the OCA and one load case for the ICV.
Maximum stress intensities are determined for each component, and classified according to primary or secondary, membrane or bending. Classification of stress intensities is per Table NB-3217-1 of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code 3. Maximum stress intensities are presented for the maximum general primary membrane stress intensity, Pm, the maximum local primary membrane stress intensity, PL, the maximum primary membrane (general or local) plus primary bending stress intensity, Pm + Pb or PL + Pb, and the maximum primary plus secondary stress intensity, Pm + Pb + Q or PL + Pb + Q.
OCA Load Case 1 (see Table 2.6-1, and Figure 2.6-1 and Figure 2.6-2): This analysis is performed at a uniform temperature of 160 ºF, but with the reference temperature also set to 160 ºF thereby eliminating any differential thermal expansion stresses. The internal pressure considers the effects of a maximum normal operating pressure (MNOP) of 50 psig, internal, 3
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section III, Rules for Construction of Nuclear Power Plant Components, 1986 Edition.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 coupled with a reduced external pressure of 3.5 psia (i.e., 11.2 psig, internal). The net result is an internal pressure of 50.0 + 11.2 = 61.2 psig.
Pm = 16,170 psi, located in the OCV shell at the cylindrical/conical transition, PL = 27,990 psi, located in the knuckle region of the upper OCV torispherical head, PL + Pb = 30,810 psi, located in the upper OCV seal flange/shell transition, and PL + Pb + Q = 37,978 psi, located in the knuckle region of the upper OCV torispherical head.
OCA Load Case 2 (see Table 2.6-2, and Figure 2.6-3 and Figure 2.6-4): This analysis is performed at a uniform temperature of 160 ºF, but with the reference temperature set to 70 ºF thereby including any differential thermal expansion stresses. As with OCA Load Case 1, the MNOP is coupled with the reduced external pressure for a net internal pressure of 61.2 psig. The use of these two cases allows primary stress intensities (from pressure loads) to be considered independently of secondary stress intensities (from differential thermal expansion loads).
PL + Pb + Q = 39,520 psi, located in the knuckle region of the lower OCV torispherical head.
ICV Load Case 1 (see Table 2.6-5, and Figure 2.6-9 and Figure 2.6-10): This analysis is performed at a uniform temperature of 160 ºF, but with the reference temperature also set to 160 ºF thereby eliminating any differential thermal expansion stresses. As with OCA Load Cases 1 and 2, the MNOP is coupled with the reduced external pressure for a net internal pressure of 61.2 psig.
Pm = 15,236 psi, located in the crown region of the upper ICV torispherical head, PL = 26,935 psi, located in the knuckle region of the upper ICV torispherical head, PL + Pb = 31,310 psi, located in the upper ICV seal flange/shell transition, and PL + Pb + Q = 38,280 psi, located in the knuckle region of the upper ICV torispherical head.
Polyurethane foam stress intensities are insignificant for OCA Load Case 1 (maximum stress intensity is 16 psi) and reach a maximum value of 197 psi for OCA Load Case 2. This highly localized, secondary stress intensity results primarily from a compressive stress parallel to the direction of foam rise and occurs where the lower Z-flange joins the OCA body outer 3/8-inch thick shell. Adjacent nodes 528, 530, and 531 have stress intensities in the range 149 - 190 psi whereas stress intensity levels at all other nodes are less than 70 psi.
For the polyurethane foam at 160 ºF, the parallel-to-rise compressive strength is 150 psi and the perpendicular-to-rise compressive strength is 124 psi. Since the calculated compressive stress in the foam exceeds its crush strength, a minor amount of highly localized permanent crushing of the foam will occur. Such localized crushing will relieve the deformation controlled polyurethane foam stresses and will not affect the overall performance of the package. In addition, a beneficial effect results because stresses are also relieved in the adjacent stainless steel shell structures. Comparison with Allowable Stresses Section 2.1.2, Design Criteria, presents the design criteria for structural evaluation of the TRUPACT-II packaging. The containment vessel design criteria for NCT analyses are in accordance with Regulatory Guide 7.6, which uses as a basis the criteria defined for Level A 2.6-4
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 service limits in Section III of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code 4. Load combinations follow the guidelines of Regulatory Guide 7.8 5.
From Table 2.3-1 in Section 2.3.1, Mechanical Properties Applied to Analytic Evaluations, the design stress intensity for Type 304 stainless steel used in the ICV and OCV is Sm = 20,000 psi at 160 ºF. From Table 2.1-1 in Section, Containment Structure (ICV), the allowable stress intensities for the NCT hot condition is Sm for general primary membrane stress intensity (Pm), 1.5Sm for local primary membrane stress intensity (PL), 1.5Sm for primary membrane (general or local) plus primary bending stress intensity (Pm + Pb or PL + Pb ), and 3.0Sm for the range of primary plus secondary stress intensity (Pm + Pb + Q or PL + Pb + Q).
Maximum stress intensity, allowable stress intensity, and minimum margins of safety for each stress category and each load case are presented in Table 2.6-1, Table 2.6-2, and Table 2.6-5 for each of the cases discussed above. Since all margins of safety are positive, the design criteria are satisfied. Range of Primary Plus Secondary Stress Intensities Per Paragraph C.4 of Regulatory Guide 7.6, the maximum range of primary plus secondary stress intensity for NCT must be less than 3.0Sm. This limitation on stress intensity range applies to the entire history of NCT loadings and not only to the stresses from each individual load transient. Range of Primary Plus Secondary Stress Intensities for the OCA The extreme ends of the stress range are determined from OCA Load Case 2 (from Section 2.6.1, Heat) and OCA Load Case 4 (from Section 2.6.4, Increased External Pressure). One extreme, OCA Load Case 2 represents the case of maximum internal pressure coupled with reduced external pressure, plus the effect of differential thermal expansion associated with heat-up from 70 ºF to 160 ºF. The other extreme, OCA Load Case 4, considers the effect of a minimum internal pressure at 70 ºF. Note that combinations of other OCA load cases such as increased external pressure (20 psia, 5.3 psig) plus cool-down from 70 ºF to -20 ºF were also considered and found not to be bounding for the stress intensity range calculation.
The maximum range of primary plus secondary stress intensity occurs in the knuckle region of the lower OCV torispherical head (element 320). The extreme values of stress intensity are 39,520 psi and 9,219 psi from Table 2.6-2 and Table 2.6-4 for OCA Load Cases 2 and 4, respectively. Since OCA Load Cases 2 and 4 have opposite loads, the maximum range of primary plus secondary stress intensity is simply 39,520 + 9,219 = 48,739 psi. The allowable stress intensity is 3.0Sm, where Sm =
20,000 psi for Type 304 stainless steel at 160 ºF. The margin of safety is:
MS = 1 = +0.23 48,739 The positive margin of safety indicates that the design criterion is satisfied.
4 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section III, Rules for Construction of Nuclear Power Plant Components, 1986 Edition.
5 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Regulatory Guide 7.8, Load Combinations for the Structural Analysis of Shipping Casks for Radioactive Material, Revision 1, March 1989.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Range of Primary Plus Secondary Stress Intensities for the ICV The extreme ends of the stress range are determined from ICV Load Case 1 (from Section 2.6.1, Heat) and ICV Load Case 2 (from Section 2.6.4, Increased External Pressure). One extreme, ICV Load Case 1 represents the case of maximum internal pressure coupled with reduced external pressure, plus the effect of differential thermal expansion associated with heat-up from 70 ºF to 160 ºF. The other extreme, ICV Load Case 2, considers the effect of a minimum internal pressure at 70 ºF.
The extreme values of stress intensity are 38,280 psi and 9,105 psi from Table 2.6-5 and Table 2.6-6 for ICV Load Cases 1 and 2, respectively, conservatively ignoring the fact that the extreme values occur at locations remote from each other. Since ICV Load Cases 1 and 2 have opposite loads, the maximum range of primary plus secondary stress intensity is simply 38,280 + 9,105
= 47,385 psi. The allowable stress intensity is 3.0Sm, where Sm = 20,000 psi for Type 304 stainless steel at 160 ºF. The margin of safety is:
MS = 1 = +0.27 47,385 The positive margin of safety indicates that the design criterion is satisfied.
2.6.2 Cold The NCT cold condition consists of exposing the TRUPACT-II packaging to a steady-state ambient temperature of -40 ºF. Insolation and payload internal decay heat are assumed to be zero. These conditions will result in a uniform temperature throughout the package of -40 ºF.
With no internal heat load (i.e., no contents to produce heat and, therefore, pressure), the net pressure differential is assumed to be zero (14.7 psia internal, 14.7 psia external).
For the OCA, the principal structural concern due to the NCT cold condition is the effect of the differential expansion of the polyurethane foam relative to the surrounding stainless steel shells.
During the cool-down from 70 ºF to -40 ºF, the foam material shrinks onto the OCV because thermal expansion coefficient for foam is greater than stainless steel. The resulting stresses are discussed in Section, Stress Calculations.
Differential thermal expansion stresses are negligible in the ICV for three reasons: 1) the temperature distribution throughout the entire ICV is relatively uniform, 2) the ICV is fabricated from only one type of structural material, and 3) the ICV is not radially or axially constrained within a tight-fitting structure (i.e., the OCV).
Brittle fracture at -40 ºF is addressed in Section, Brittle Fracture. Performance of the O-ring seals at -40 ºF is discussed in Appendix 2.10.2, Elastomer O-ring Seal Performance Tests. Stress Calculations A finite element model of the OCA is used to determine the stresses due to the combined effects of pressure loads, and temperature loads due to differential thermal expansion. The details of this model are presented in Appendix, Outer Confinement Assembly (OCA) Structural Analysis. For the NCT cold condition, evaluations include one load case for the OCA.
Maximum stress intensities are determined for each component, and classified according to primary or secondary, membrane or bending. Classification of stress intensities is per Table NB-3217-1 of 2.6-6
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. Membrane and membrane plus bending stresses due to differential thermal expansion are classified as secondary stresses (Q). Since there are no pressure loads, primary stresses (Pm, PL, and Pm + Pb or PL + Pb) are equal to zero.
OCA Load Case 3 (see Table 2.6-3, and Figure 2.6-5 and Figure 2.6-6): This analysis is performed at a uniform temperature of -40 ºF, but with the reference temperature set to 70 ºF thereby including differential thermal expansion stresses. For a uniform temperature cold case at -40 ºF, both payload decay heat and solar heat are assumed to be zero. These conditions result in an internal pressure of 14.7 psia balanced with an external pressure of 14.7 psia, for a net pressure differential of zero.
PL + Pb + Q = 14,746 psi, located in the lower OCV shell near the stiffening ring.
Polyurethane foam stress intensities are well below the allowable crush strength for OCA Load Case 3 (maximum stress intensity is 69 psi). For the polyurethane foam at -40 ºF (+50%) and applying the manufacturing tolerance (-15%), the minimum parallel-to-rise compressive strength is 300 psi and the minimum perpendicular-to-rise compressive strength is 249 psi. Comparison with Allowable Stresses Section 2.1.2, Design Criteria, presents the design criteria for structural evaluation of the TRUPACT-II packaging. The containment vessel design criteria for NCT analyses are in accordance with Regulatory Guide 7.6, which uses as a basis the criteria defined for Level A service limits in Section III of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. Load combinations follow the guidelines of Regulatory Guide 7.8.
In Table 2.3-1 from Section 2.3.1, Mechanical Properties Applied to Analytic Evaluations, the design stress intensity for Type 304 stainless steel used in the ICV and OCV is Sm = 20,000 psi at -40 ºF. In Table 2.1-1 from Section, Containment Structure (ICV), the allowable stress intensity for the NCT cold condition is 3.0Sm for the range of primary plus secondary stress intensity (Pm + Pb + Q or PL + Pb + Q).
Maximum stress intensity, allowable stress intensity, and minimum margins of safety for each stress category and each load case are presented in Table 2.6-3 for OCA Load Case 3. Since all margins of safety are positive, the design criteria are satisfied.
Since the NCT cold condition results in shrinking of the polyurethane foam onto the OCV shell, compressive stresses develop in the OCV shell. The buckling evaluation within Section 2.6.4, Increased External Pressure, demonstrates that the compressive stresses due to increased external pressure do not exceed the NCT allowable stresses. The compressive stresses generated during the NCT cold condition are bounded by the NCT increased external pressure condition, therefore no explicit buckling evaluation is required for the NCT cold condition.
2.6.3 Reduced External Pressure The effect of a reduced external pressure of 3.5 psia (11.2 psig internal pressure), per 10 CFR
§71.71(c)(3), is negligible for the TRUPACT-II packaging. This conclusion is based on the analyses presented in Section 2.6.1, Heat, addressing the ability of both the ICV and OCV to independently withstand a maximum normal operating pressure (MNOP) of 50 psig, combined with a reduced external pressure of 3.5 psia, for a net effective internal pressure of 61.2 psig.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 2.6.4 Increased External Pressure The effect of an increased external pressure of 20 psia (5.3 psig external pressure), per 10 CFR
§71.71(c)(4), is negligible for the TRUPACT-II packaging. Both the ICV and OCV are designed to withstand a full vacuum equivalent to 14.7 psi external pressure during acceptance leakage rate testing of the TRUPACT-II package, as described in Section 8.1.3, Fabrication Leakage Rate Tests. Therefore, the worst case NCT external pressure loading is 14.7 psig.
The external pressure induces small compressive stresses in the ICV and OCV that are limited by stability (buckling) requirements. Buckling assessments are performed for the OCV and ICV in Section, Buckling Assessment of the Torispherical Heads, and Section, Buckling Assessment of the Cylindrical Shells. Stress Calculations A finite element model of the OCA is used to determine the stresses due to the effect of a pressure load. The details of this model are presented in Appendix, Outer Confinement Assembly (OCA) Structural Analysis. The ICV is also analyzed for the effects of a pressure using a finite element model that is described in Appendix, Inner Containment Vessel (ICV) Structural Analysis. For the NCT increased external pressure condition, evaluations include one load case for the OCA and one load case for the ICV.
Maximum stress intensities are determined for each component, and classified according to primary or secondary, membrane or bending. Classification of stress intensities is per Table NB-3217-1 of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. Maximum stress intensities are presented for the maximum general primary membrane stress intensity, Pm, the maximum local primary membrane stress intensity, PL, the maximum primary membrane (general or local) plus primary bending stress intensity, Pm + Pb or PL + Pb, and the maximum primary plus secondary stress intensity, Pm + Pb + Q or PL + Pb + Q.
OCA Load Case 4 (see Table 2.6-4, and Figure 2.6-7 and Figure 2.6-8): This analysis is performed at a uniform temperature of 70 ºF, and the reference temperature also set to 70 ºF thereby eliminating any differential thermal expansion stresses. The external pressure is 14.7 psig.
Pm = 4,621 psi, located in the OCV shell at the cylindrical/conical transition, PL = 6,843 psi, located in the knuckle region of the upper OCV torispherical head, PL + Pb = 4,880 psi, located in the OCV shell at the cylindrical/conical transition, and PL + Pb + Q = 9,322 psi, located in the knuckle region of the upper OCV torispherical head.
ICV Load Case 2 (see Table 2.6-6, and Figure 2.6-11 and Figure 2.6-12): This analysis is performed at a uniform temperature of 70 ºF, but with the reference temperature also set to 70 ºF thereby eliminating any differential thermal expansion stresses. As with OCA Load Case 4, the external pressure is 14.7 psig.
Pm = 3,636 psi, located in the crown region of the upper ICV torispherical head, PL = 6,382 psi, located in the knuckle region of the upper ICV torispherical head, PL + Pb = 4,650 psi, located in the crown region of the upper ICV torispherical head, and PL + Pb + Q = 9,105 psi, located in the knuckle region of the upper ICV torispherical head.
Polyurethane foam stress intensities are insignificant for OCA Load Case 4.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Comparison with Allowable Stresses Section 2.1.2, Design Criteria, presents the design criteria for structural evaluation of the TRUPACT-II packaging. The containment vessel design criteria for NCT analyses are in accordance with Regulatory Guide 7.6, which uses as a basis the criteria defined for Level A service limits in Section III of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. Load combinations follow the guidelines of Regulatory Guide 7.8.
In Table 2.3-1 from Section 2.3.1, Mechanical Properties Applied to Analytic Evaluations, the design stress intensity for Type 304 stainless steel used in the ICV and OCV is Sm = 20,000 psi at 160 ºF. In Table 2.1-1 from Section, Containment Structure (ICV), the allowable stress intensities for the NCT increased external pressure condition is Sm for general primary membrane stress intensity (Pm), 1.5Sm for local primary membrane stress intensity (PL), 1.5Sm for primary membrane (general or local) plus primary bending stress intensity (Pm + Pb or PL + Pb),
and 3.0Sm for the range of primary plus secondary stress intensity (Pm + Pb + Q or PL + Pb + Q).
Maximum stress intensity, allowable stress intensity, and minimum margins of safety for each stress category and each load case are presented in Table 2.6-4 and Table 2.6-6 for each of the cases discussed above. Since all margins of safety are positive, the design criteria are satisfied. Buckling Assessment of the Torispherical Heads The buckling analysis of the torispherical heads is based on the methodology outlined in Paragraph NE-3133.4(e), Torispherical Heads, of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section III, Subsection NE. The results from following this methodology are summarized below.
OCV Torispherical Head ICV Torispherical Head Parameter Upper Lower Upper Lower R 77.3125 74.1250 74.3750 73.1250 T 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.125 A= 0.00040 0.00042 0.00042 0.00043 (R T )
B6 5,600 5,800 5,800 5,900 B
Pa = 18.1 19.6 19.5 20.2 (R T )
The smallest allowable pressure, Pa, is 18.1 psig for the OCV upper head. For an applied external pressure of 14.7 psig, the corresponding buckling margin of safety is:
6 Factor B is found from American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section III, Rules for Construction of Nuclear Power Plant Components, Figure VII-1102-4, Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Cylindrical and Spherical Components Under External Pressure When Constructed of Austenitic Steel (18Cr-8Ni, Type 304), 1986 Edition. The 100 ºF temperature curve is used for each case.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 18.1 MS = 1 = +0.23 14.7 Since the margin of safety in the worst case is positive, it is concluded that none of the OCV or ICV torispherical heads will buckle for an external pressure of 14.7 psig. Buckling Assessment of the Cylindrical Shells The cylindrical portions of the OCV and ICV are evaluated using ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Case N-284 7. Consistent with Regulatory Guide 7.6 philosophy, a factor of safety of 2.0 is applied for NCT buckling evaluations per ASME Code Case N-284, corresponding to ASME Code, Service Level A conditions.
Buckling analysis geometry parameters are summarized in Table 2.6-7, and loading parameters are summarized in Table 2.6-8. The cylindrical shell buckling analysis utilizes an OCV and ICV temperature of 70 ºF. The stresses are determined using an external pressure of 14.7 psig. The hoop stress, , and axial stress, , are found from:
Pr Pr
t 2t where P is the applied external pressure of 14.7 psi, r is the mean radius, and t is the cylindrical shell thickness. As shown in Table 2.6-9, since all interaction check parameters are less than 1.0, as required, the design criteria are satisfied.
The OCV length is conservatively measured from the ring stiffener to an assumed support point located one-third of the depth of the lower OCV torispherical head below the head-to-shell interface (i.e., 32.67 inches).
OCV Shell Ring Stiffener Axial Compression Check:
Per Paragraph -1714.1(a) of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Case N-284, the required ring stiffener cross-section area is the larger of:
0.334 A 0.6 0.063 s t = 0.076 in 2 or A (0.06) s t = 0.350 in 2 Ms where, from Table 2.6-7, R = 36.91 inches and t = 0.188 inches, and Ms = si/(Rt)1/2 = 11.77, and the length, s, is the average of the distance from the stiffening ring to the lower head (32.67 inches) and the distance from the stiffening ring to the upper seal flange (29.33 inches), or s =
si = 1/2(32.67 + 29.33) = 31.00 inches.
The cross-section area of the stiffening ring is A = 0.375 x 1.5 = 0.563 in2. Since A = 0.563 in2
> 0.350 in2 = A, the size of the stiffening ring for axial compression is acceptable.
7 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section III, Rules for Construction of Nuclear Power Plant Components, Division 1, Class MC, Code Case N-284, Metal Containment Shell Buckling Design Methods, August 25, 1980, approval date.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 OCV Shell Ring Stiffener Hoop Compression Check:
Per Paragraph -1714.1(b)(1) of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Case N-284, the required moment of inertia for an intermediate stiffening ring to resist hoop compression is:
(1.2) eL s R c2 t I E = 2
0.264 in 4 E(n 1) where eL = 11,273 psi (Table 2.6-9), s = 31.00 inches, Rc = 36.91 + 0.356 = 37.27 inches, t
0.188 inches, E = 28.3(10)6 psi at 70 ºF, and n2 is:
3 2 (1.875)R 2 n = 1
= 15.64 LBt 2 where R = 36.91 inches (Table 2.6-7), the effective length of the OCV shell between bulkheads is LB = 62.0 inches, and t = 0.188 inches (Table 2.6-7).
The effective stiffness of the ring stiffener also includes a portion of the adjacent cylindrical shell whose length is determined from Paragraph -1200 of ASME Code Case N-284 as follows:
ei = 1.56 Rt = 4.11 in where, from Table 2.6-7, R = 36.91 inches and t = 0.188 inches.
The distance to the composite stiffening ring neutral axis, X, is:
(0.375)(1.5)(0.188 + 1.5)
X= = 0.356 in 2[(0.188)(4.11) + (0.375)(1.5)]
Knowing the distance to the neutral axis of the composite stiffening ring, the ring stiffener in-plane moment of inertia is:
2 (0.375)(1.5) 3 0.188 + 1.5 Ir = + (0.375)(1.5) 0.356 = 0.239 in 4 12 2 Similarly, the shell out-of-plane moment of inertia is:
(4.11)(0.188) 3 Is = + (0.188)(4.11)(0.356) 2 = 0.100 in 4 12 Combining both results, the effective moment of inertia is IE = 0.239 + 0.100 = 0.339 in4. Since IE = 0.339 in4 > 0.264 in4 = IE, the size of the stiffening ring for hoop compression is acceptable.
2.6.5 Vibration By comparing the alternating stresses arising during NCT with the established endurance limits of the TRUPACT-II packaging materials of construction, the effects of vibration normally incident to transport are shown to be acceptable. These comparisons apply the methodology and limits of NRC Regulatory Guide 7.6. By conservatively comparing NCT stresses with endurance stress 2.6-11
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 limits for an infinite service life, the development of accurate vibratory loading cycles is not required. The vibration evaluation is comprehensively addressed in the following sections. Vibratory Loads Determination ANSI N14.23 8 provides a basis for estimating peak truck trailer vibration inputs. A summary of peak vibratory accelerations for a truck semi-trailer bed with light loads (less than 15 tons) is provided in Table 2 of ANSI N14.23. The component accelerations are given in Table 2 as 1.3g longitudinally, 0.5g laterally, and 2.0g vertically. Three fully loaded TRUPACT-II packages on a single trailer will exceed the light load limit, but acceleration magnitudes associated with light loads are conservative for heavy loads per Table 2 of ANSI N14.23. The commentary provided within Section 4.2, Package Response, of ANSI N14.23 states that recent tests conducted by Sandia National Laboratories have shown that the truck bed accelerations provide an upper bound on cask (response) accelerations. Based upon these data, conservatively assume the peak acceleration values from Table 2 are applied to the TRUPACT-II package in a continuously cycling fashion.
The compressive stress in the polyurethane foam for a 2g vertical acceleration is determined by conservatively ignoring the contributory effect of the OCA outer shell and dividing a maximum weight TRUPACT-II package (19,250 pounds) by the projected area of the packages bottom.
The projected area of a TRUPACT-II package is simply (/4)(94.375)2 = 6,995 in2. Therefore, the compressive stress is (2)(19,250)/6,995 = 6 psi. This stress is negligible compared to the parallel-to-rise compressive strength of 150 psi for polyurethane foam at 160 ºF, as discussed in Section 2.6.1, Heat. Therefore, the remainder of the NCT vibration evaluation addresses only the structural steel portions of the TRUPACT-II packaging. Calculation of Alternating Stresses The TRUPACT-II package is a compact right circular cylinder. As such, the stresses developed as a result of transportation vibration become significant only where concentrated in the vicinity of the tie-downs and package interfaces with the transport vehicle. This fact allows the stress analyses of Section 2.5.2, Tie-down Devices, to serve as the basis for derivation of alternating stress estimates.
The analyses of Section 2.5.2, Tie-down Devices, identify three maximum stress locations of importance in the immediate vicinity of the tie-down lugs:
- 1. Tie-down lug weld shear stresses due to tensile tie-down forces. Under a combined set of tie-down forces (i.e., 10g longitudinally, 5g laterally, and 2g vertically), the tie-down lug vertical tensile force is Ft-max = 94,531 pounds. The corresponding tie-down lug weld shear stress is = 12,334 psi, from Section, Failure of the Tie-down Lug Welds Due to Shear and Bending Loads. Weld shear stresses associated with unit accelerations (i.e., 1g) are derived from these values, as presented in Table 2.6-10. Under unit horizontal and vertical accelerations, the maximum weld shear stresses are 991 psi and 628 psi, respectively, as shown in Table 2.6-10.
8 ANSI N14.23, Design Basis for Resistance to Shock and Vibration of Radioactive Material Packages Greater than One Ton in Truck Transport (Draft), 1980, American National Standards Institute, Inc, (ANSI).
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021
- 2. OCA outer shell compressive membrane stresses due to vertical compressive loads.
Under a combined set of tie-down forces (i.e., 10g longitudinally, 5g laterally, and 2g vertically), the OCA outer shell and tie-down lug doubler plate vertical compressive load is Fc-max = 179,509 pounds. The corresponding compressive membrane stress is c = 17,260 psi, from Section, Bearing Stress in the OCA Outer Shell and Tie-down Lug Doubler Plate. Compressive membrane stresses associated with unit accelerations (i.e., 1g) are derived from these values, as presented in Table 2.6-11. Under unit horizontal and vertical accelerations, the maximum membrane compression stresses are 1,461 psi and 463 psi, respectively, as shown in Table 2.6-11.
- 3. OCA tie-down weldment compressive membrane stresses due to horizontal compressive loads. Under a combined set of tie-down forces (i.e., 10g longitudinally, 5g laterally, and 2g vertically), the OCA tie-down weldment horizontal compressive load is Fh = 215,222 pounds.
The corresponding compressive membrane stress is c = 26,903 psi, from Section, Bearing Stress in the Tie-down Weldment. Compressive membrane stresses associated with unit accelerations (i.e., 1g) are derived from these values, as presented in Table 2.6-12.
Under unit horizontal accelerations, the maximum membrane compression stress is 2,406 psi, as shown in Table 2.6-12.
Alternating stress intensities, Salt, due to 1g unit accelerations, are calculated directly from the above values since there are no other measurable stresses acting on the package at the locations considered. Unit alternating stress intensities at the three evaluated locations are found as shown in Table 2.6-13, making use of the definition of alternating stress intensity as one-half of the range of stress intensity at the location of interest, and the definition of stress intensity as twice the shear stress.
These maximum alternating stress intensity unit values correspond to the bearing stress in the tie-down weldment (horizontal component) and shear stress in the tie-down lug weld (vertical component). A stress concentration factor of four is conservatively applied in accordance with Paragraph C.3.d of Regulatory Guide 7.6. Normalizing the unit values to the peak acceleration estimates given in Section, Vibratory Loads Determination, and including the stress concentration factor of four and assuming these worst cases occur at the same location, results in the following conservative estimates of alternating stress intensity associated with the vibratory environments.
For the maximum horizontal alternating stress intensity of 1,203 psi from Table 2.6-13:
Salt = 4(1,203) (1.3) 2 + (0.5) 2 = 6,702 psi and for the maximum vertical alternating stress intensity of 628 psi from Table 2.6-13:
S alt = 4(628)(2.0) = 5,024 psi Assuming a simultaneous application of the above alternating stress intensities associated with horizontal and vertical loads yields a maximum alternating stress of 6,702 + 5,024 = 11,726 psi. Stress Limits and Results The permissible alternating stress intensity, Sa, is given by conservatively using the minimum asymptotic value from the design fatigue curves in Table I-9.2.2 of the ASME Boiler and 2.6-13
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Pressure Vessel Code 9. For design fatigue curve C at 1011 cycles, Sa = 13,600 psi, based on an elastic modulus of 28.3(10)6 psi. This value, when multiplied by the ratio of the elastic modulus at 160 ºF of 27.8(10)6 psi to an elastic modulus at 70 ºF of 28.3(10)6 psi results in an allowable alternating stress intensity amplitude at 160 ºF of:
27.8 Sa = 13,600 = 13,360 psi 28.3 Finally, a conservative estimate of the margin of safety for vibratory effects becomes:
Sa 13,360 MS = 1 = 1 = +0.14 Salt 11,726 2.6.6 Water Spray The materials of construction utilized for the TRUPACT-II package are such that the water spray test identified in 10 CFR §71.71(c)(6) will have a negligible effect on the package.
2.6.7 Free Drop Since the maximum gross weight of the TRUPACT-II package is 19,250 pounds, a 3-foot free drop is required per 10 CFR §71.71(c)(7). As discussed in Appendix 2.10.3, Certification Tests, a NCT, 3-foot side drop, aligned over the OCV vent port, was performed on a TRUPACT-II package certification test unit (CTU) as an initial condition for subsequent hypothetical accident condition (HAC) tests. Leakage rate testing following certification testing demonstrated the ability of the TRUPACT-II package to maintain leaktight (i.e., 1.0 x 10-7 standard cubic centimeters per second (scc/sec), air) sealing integrity. Therefore, the requirements of 10 CFR
§71.71(c)(7) are met.
2.6.8 Corner Drop This test does not apply, since the package weight is in excess of 100 kg (220 pounds), and the materials do not include wood or fiberboard, as delineated in 10 CFR §71.71(c)(8).
2.6.9 Compression This test does not apply, since the package weight is in excess of 5,000 kg (11,000 pounds), as delineated in 10 CFR §71.71(c)(9).
2.6.10 Penetration The one-meter (40-inch) drop of a 13-pound, hemispherically-headed, 1-inch diameter, steel cylinder, as delineated in 10 CFR §71.71(c)(10), is of negligible consequence to the TRUPACT-II package. This is due to the fact that the TRUPACT-II package is designed to minimize the consequences associated with the much more limiting case of a 40-inch drop of the entire package 9
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section III, Rules for Construction of Nuclear Power Plant Components, Appendix I, Design Stress Intensity Values, Allowable Stresses, Material Properties, and Design Fatigue Curves, 1986 Edition.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 onto a puncture bar as discussed in Section 2.7.3, Puncture. The 1/4-inch minimum thickness, OCA outer shell, the tie-down lugs and doubler plates, and the vent port and seal test port penetrations are not damaged by the penetration event.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 2.6 Summary of Stress Intensity Results for OCA Load Case 1 Stress Intensity (psi)
General Local Primary Primary Primary Primary Membrane Plus Membrane Membrane + Bending Secondary Component Location (Pm) (PL) (Pm/L + Pb) (Pm/L + Pb + Q)
Cylindrical and 16,170 17,338 OCV Shells ----- -----
Conical Shells (Element 336) (Element 340)
Crown 10,971 ----- 15,300 -----
OCV Lower (Element 318) (Element 317)
Torispherical Head 24,769 35,850 Knuckle ----- (Element 320)
(Element 320)
Crown 13,360 ----- 18,672 -----
OCV Upper (Element 347) (Element 348)
Torispherical Head 27,990 37,978 Knuckle ----- (Element 345)
(Element 345)
Shell side of the 30,810 OCV Upper ----- ----- -----
thickness transition (Node 2010) and Lower Seal Flanges Flange side of the 18,460 thickness transition (Node 2016)
OCV Locking 23,040 Any location ----- ----- -----
Ring (Node 3050)
OCA Outer Shell and Z- Any location 7,986 ----- 13,642 -----
(Element 414) (Element 414) flanges Maximum Stress Intensity 16,170 27,990 30,810 37,978 20,000 30,000 30,000 60,000 Allowable Stress Intensity (Sm) (1.5Sm) (1.5Sm) (3.0Sm)
Minimum Design Margin +0.24 +0.07 -0.03 +0.58 Notes:
64.7 psia internal pressure, 3.5 psia external pressure; without differential thermal expansion (i.e., the uniform temperature is 160 ºF and the reference temperature is 160 ºF).
Although slightly above the allowable stress intensity, this result is within the accuracy of the ANSYS finite element model which itself is affected by element mesh size and element aspect ratio. In addition, actual pressure testing to 150% of the design pressure of 50 psig (75 psig) during the certification test program resulted in an acceptable nondestructive examination and no permanent dimensional changes to the OCV structure.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 2.6 Summary of Stress Intensity Results for OCA Load Case 2 Stress Intensity (psi)
General Local Primary Primary Primary Primary Membrane Plus Membrane Membrane + Bending Secondary Component Location (Pm) (PL) (Pm/L + Pb) (Pm/L + Pb + Q)
Cylindrical and 14,954 OCV Shells ----- ----- -----
Conical Shells (Element 324)
Crown ----- ----- ----- 18,000 OCV Lower (Element 317)
Torispherical Head Knuckle ----- ----- ----- 39,520 (Element 320)
Crown ----- ----- ----- 18,514 OCV Upper (Element 348)
Torispherical Head Knuckle ----- ----- ----- 37,490 (Element 345)
Shell side of the 27,650 OCV Upper ----- ----- -----
thickness transition (Node 2010) and Lower Seal Flanges Flange side of the 17,130 thickness transition (Node 1025)
OCV Locking 22,740 Any location ----- ----- -----
Ring (Node 3050)
OCA Outer Shell and Z- Any location ----- ----- ----- 20,581 (Element 406) flanges Maximum Stress Intensity ----- ----- ----- 39,520 20,000 30,000 30,000 60,000 Allowable Stress Intensity (Sm) (1.5Sm) (1.5Sm) (3.0Sm)
Minimum Design Margin ----- ----- ----- +0.52 Notes:
64.7 psia internal pressure, 3.5 psia external pressure; with differential thermal expansion (i.e., the uniform temperature is 160 ºF and the reference temperature is 70 ºF).
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 2.6 Summary of Stress Intensity Results for OCA Load Case 3 Stress Intensity (psi)
General Local Primary Primary Primary Primary Membrane Plus Membrane Membrane + Bending Secondary Component Location (Pm) (PL) (Pm/L + Pb) (Pm/L + Pb + Q)
Cylindrical and 14,746 OCV Shells ----- ----- -----
Conical Shells (Element 331)
Crown ----- ----- ----- 3,048 OCV Lower (Element 317)
Torispherical Head Knuckle ----- ----- ----- 2,587 (Element 323)
Crown ----- ----- ----- 580 OCV Upper (Element 354)
Torispherical Head Knuckle ----- ----- ----- 3,677 (Element 342)
Shell side of the 682 OCV Upper ----- ----- -----
thickness transition (Node 2005) and Lower Seal Flanges Flange side of the 543 thickness transition (Node 2121)
OCV Locking 7 Any location ----- ----- -----
Ring (Node 3006)
OCA Outer Shell and Z- Any location ----- ----- ----- 2,969 (Element 414) flanges Maximum Stress Intensity ----- ----- ----- 14,746 20,000 30,000 30,000 60,000 Allowable Stress Intensity (Sm) (1.5Sm) (1.5Sm) (3.0Sm)
Minimum Design Margin ----- ----- ----- +3.07 Notes:
14.7 psia internal pressure, 14.7 psia external pressure; with differential thermal expansion (i.e., the uniform temperature is -40 ºF and the reference temperature is 70 ºF).
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 2.6 Summary of Stress Intensity Results for OCA Load Case 4 Stress Intensity (psi)
General Local Primary Primary Primary Primary Membrane Plus Membrane Membrane + Bending Secondary Component Location (Pm) (PL) (Pm/L + Pb) (Pm/L + Pb + Q)
Cylindrical and 4,621 4,880 OCV Shells ----- -----
Conical Shells (Element 336) (Element 336)
Crown 2,780 ----- 4,283 -----
OCV Lower (Element 318) (Element 317)
Torispherical Head 6,330 9,219 Knuckle ----- (Element 320)
(Element 320)
Crown 3,328 ----- 4,565 -----
OCV Upper (Element 347) (Element 348)
Torispherical Head 6,843 9,322 Knuckle ----- (Element 345)
(Element 345)
Shell side of the 3,534 OCV Upper ----- ----- -----
thickness transition (Node 1016) and Lower Seal Flanges Flange side of the 4,103 thickness transition (Node 1164)
OCV Locking 51 Any location ----- ----- -----
Ring (Node 3148)
OCA Outer Shell and Z- Any location 860 ----- 1,343 -----
(Element 414) (Element 414) flanges Maximum Stress Intensity 4,621 6,843 4,880 9,322 20,000 30,000 30,000 60,000 Allowable Stress Intensity (Sm) (1.5Sm) (1.5Sm) (3.0Sm)
Minimum Design Margin +3.33 +3.38 +5.15 +5.44 Notes:
0.0 psia internal pressure, 14.7 psia external pressure; without differential thermal expansion (i.e., the uniform temperature is 70 ºF and the reference temperature is 70 ºF).
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 2.6 Summary of Stress Intensity Results for ICV Load Case 1 Stress Intensity (psi)
General Local Primary Primary Primary Primary Membrane Plus Membrane Membrane + Bending Secondary Component Location (Pm) (PL) (Pm/L + Pb) (Pm/L + Pb + Q)
ICV Shells Cylindrical Shells 14,827 ----- 21,441 -----
(Element 364) (Element 365)
Crown 14,712 ----- 18,910 -----
ICV Lower (Element 299) (Element 298)
Torispherical Head Knuckle ----- 25,853 ----- 36,741 (Element 302) (Element 301)
Crown 15,236 ----- 19,483 -----
ICV Upper (Element 376) (Element 377)
Torispherical Head Knuckle ----- 26,935 ----- 38,280 (Element 373) (Element 374)
Shell side of the 31,310 ICV Upper ----- ----- -----
thickness transition (Node 2058) and Lower Seal Flanges Flange side of the 25,930 thickness transition (Node 2053)
ICV Locking 21,030 Any location ----- ----- -----
Ring (Node 3046)
Maximum Stress Intensity 15,236 26,935 31,310 38,280 20,000 30,000 30,000 60,000 Allowable Stress Intensity (Sm) (1.5Sm) (1.5Sm) (3.0Sm)
Minimum Design Margin +0.31 +0.11 -0.04 +0.57 Notes:
64.7 psia internal pressure, 3.5 psia external pressure; without differential thermal expansion (i.e., the uniform temperature is 160 ºF and the reference temperature is 160 ºF).
Although slightly above the allowable stress intensity, this result is within the accuracy of the ANSYS finite element model which itself is affected by element mesh size and element aspect ratio. In addition, actual pressure testing to 150% of the design pressure of 50 psig (75 psig) during the certification test program resulted in an acceptable nondestructive examination and no permanent dimensional changes to the ICV structure.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 2.6 Summary of Stress Intensity Results for ICV Load Case 2 Stress Intensity (psi)
General Local Primary Primary Primary Primary Membrane Plus Membrane Membrane + Bending Secondary Component Location (Pm) (PL) (Pm/L + Pb) (Pm/L + Pb + Q)
ICV Shells Cylindrical Shells 2,354 ----- 2,532 -----
(Element 363) (Element 364)
Crown 3,534 ----- 4,542 -----
ICV Lower (Element 299) (Element 298)
Torispherical Head Knuckle ----- 6,210 ----- 8,825 (Element 302) (Element 301)
Crown 3,636 ----- 4,650 -----
ICV Upper (Element 376) (Element 377)
Torispherical Head Knuckle ----- 6,382 ----- 9,105 (Element 373) (Element 374)
Shell side of the 2,577 ICV Upper ----- ----- -----
thickness transition (Node 2054) and Lower Seal Flanges Flange side of the 3,561 thickness transition (Node 1129)
ICV Locking 10 Any location ----- ----- -----
Ring (Node 3141)
Maximum Stress Intensity 3,636 6,382 4,650 9,105 20,000 30,000 30,000 60,000 Allowable Stress Intensity (Sm) (1.5Sm) (1.5Sm) (3.0Sm)
Minimum Design Margin +4.50 +3.70 +5.45 +5.59 Notes:
0.0 psia internal pressure, 14.7 psia external pressure; without differential thermal expansion (i.e., the uniform temperature is 70 ºF and the reference temperature is 70 ºF).
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 2.6 Buckling Geometry Parameters per Code Case N-284 Geometry and Material Input ICV OCV Mean Radius, inch 36.44 36.91 Shell Thickness, inch 0.25 0.188 Length, inch 65.70 32.67 Geometry Output (nomenclature consistent with ASME Code Case N-284)
R= 36.44 36.91 t= 0.25 0.188 (Rt) =
1/2 3.018 2.634
= 65.70 32.67
= 229.0 231.9 M = 21.77 12.40 M = 75.87 88.03 M= 21.77 12.40 Notes:
The ICV length is conservatively measured from five inches below the top of the lower ICV seal flange (at the beginning of the 1/4-inch wall thickness) to an assumed support point located one-third of the depth of the lower ICV torispherical head below the head-to-shell interface.
The OCV length is conservatively measured from the ring stiffener to an assumed support point located one-third of the depth of the lower OCV torispherical head below the head-to-shell interface. This length assumes that the ring stiffener is sized per the requirements in Paragraphs -1714.1(a) and -1714.1(b)(1) of ASME Code Case N-284.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 2.6 Stress Results for 14.7 psig External Pressure ICV OCV Axial Stress, 1,071 Axial Stress, 1,443 Hoop Stress, 2,143 Hoop Stress, 2,886 Table 2.6 Shell Buckling Summary for 14.7 psig External Pressure Condition ICV OCV Remarks Capacity Reduction Factors (-1511)
L = 0.2670 0.2670 L = 0.8000 0.8000 Plasticity Reduction Factors (-1610)
= 1.0000 1.0000
= 1.0000 1.0000 Theoretical Buckling Values (-1712.1.1)
C = 0.6050 0.6050 eL = 117,464 psi 87,208 psi Ch = 0.0435 0.0782 eL = heL = 8,452 psi 11,273 psi Elastic Interaction Equations (-1713.1.1) s = 8,022 psi 10,809 psi s = 5,358 psi 7,215 psi Axial + Hoop Check (a): N/A N/A Axial + Hoop Check (b): 0.435 0.473 <1OK 2.6-23
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 2.6 Tie-Down Lug Weld Shear Stresses Case and Load Factors Load Shear Stress Orientation (gs) (pounds) (psi)
Combined 10(x), 5(y), 2(z) 94,531 12,334
[102 + 52] = 11.18 84,906 11,079 Horizontal (unit horizontal of 1g) (7,594) (991) 2.00 9,625 1,255 Vertical (unit vertical of 1g) (4,813) (628)
Table 2.6 OCA Outer Shell Compressive Membrane Stresses Case and Load Factors Load Membrane Stress Orientation (gs) (pounds) (psi)
Combined 10(x), 5(y), 2(z) 179,509 17,260 2 2
[10 + 5 ] = 11.18 169,884 16,334 Horizontal (unit horizontal of 1g) (15,195) (1,461) 2.00 9,625 925 Vertical (unit vertical of 1g) (4,813) (463)
Table 2.6 OCA Tie-down Weldment Compressive Membrane Stresses Case and Load Factors Load Membrane Stress Orientation (gs) (pounds) (psi)
[102 + 52] = 11.18 215,222 26,903 Horizontal (unit horizontal of 1g) (19,250) (2,406)
Table 2.6 Maximum Unit Alternating Stress Intensities Case and Orientation Alternating Stress Intensity 2 max = 991 psi, Horizontal Lug Weld Shear Salt =
2 = 628 psi, Vertical max = 731 psi, Horizontal OCA Shell Compression Salt =
2 = 232 psi, Vertical max OCA Base Compression Salt = = 1,203 psi, Horizontal 2
= 1,203 psi, Horizontal Maximum Unit Values
= 628 psi, Vertical 2.6-24
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.6 OCA Load Case 1, Overall Model 2.6-25
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.6 OCA Load Case 1, Seal Region Detail 2.6-26
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.6 OCA Load Case 2, Overall Model 2.6-27
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.6 OCA Load Case 2, Seal Region Detail 2.6-28
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.6 OCA Load Case 3, Overall Model 2.6-29
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.6 OCA Load Case 3, Seal Region Detail 2.6-30
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.6 OCA Load Case 4, Overall Model 2.6-31
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.6 OCA Load Case 4, Seal Region Detail 2.6-32
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.6 ICV Load Case 1, Overall Model 2.6-33
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.6 ICV Load Case 1, Seal Region Detail 2.6-34
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.6 ICV Load Case 2, Overall Model 2.6-35
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.6 ICV Load Case 2, Seal Region Detail 2.6-36
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 2.7 Hypothetical Accident Conditions The TRUPACT-II package, when subjected to the sequence of hypothetical accident condition (HAC) tests specified in 10 CFR §71.73 1, subsequent to the sequence of normal conditions of transport (NCT) tests specified in 10 CFR §71.71, is shown to meet the performance requirements specified in Subpart E of 10 CFR 71. As discussed in the introduction to Chapter 2.0, Structural Evaluation, with the exception of the immersion test, the primary proof of performance for the HAC tests is via the use of full-scale testing. Three certification test units (CTUs) were free drop, puncture, and fire tested (fire testing was not performed on the last CTU) to confirm that both the inner containment vessel (ICV) and outer containment (now confinement) vessel (OCV) boundaries remained leaktight after a worst-case HAC sequence. Observations from CTU testing confirm the conservative nature of the deformed geometry assumptions used in the criticality assessment provided in Chapter 6.0, Criticality Evaluation.
Test results are summarized in Section 2.7.8, Summary of Damage, with details provided in Appendix 2.10.3, Certification Tests. Immersion is addressed by analysis, employing acceptance criteria consistent with NRC Regulatory Guide 7.6 2.
For the analytic assessments performed within this section, properties for Type 304 stainless steel are based on data in Table 2.3-1 from Section 2.3.1, Mechanical Properties Applied to Analytic Evaluations. Similarly, the bounding values for the compressive strength of polyurethane foam are based on data in Table 2.3-2 from Section 2.3.1, Mechanical Properties Applied to Analytic Evaluations. Polyurethane foam compressive strength is further adjusted +/-15% to account for manufacturing tolerance. At elevated HAC temperatures (i.e., 160 ºF), the nominal compressive strength is reduced 25% for elevated temperature effects and reduced 15% for manufacturing tolerance. At reduced HAC temperatures (i.e., -20 ºF), the nominal compressive strength is increased 40% for reduced temperature effects and increased 15% for manufacturing tolerance.
Properties of Type 304 stainless steel and polyurethane foam, as applied to analytic assessments within this section, are summarized below.
Material Property Value (psi)
Material Property -20 ºF 70 ºF 160 ºF Reference Type 304 Stainless Steel Elastic Modulus, E 28.72 x 106 28.3 x 106 27.8 x 106 Design Stress Intensity, Sm 20,000 20,000 20,000 Table 2.3-1 Yield Strength, Sm 35,000 30,000 27,000 Polyurethane Foam Compressive Strength Parallel-to-Rise Direction, c 378 235 150 Table 2.3-2 Perpendicular-to-Rise Direction, c 314 195 124 1
Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 71 (10 CFR 71), Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Material, 01-01-19 Edition.
2 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Regulatory Guide 7.6, Design Criteria for the Structural Analysis of Shipping Cask Containment Vessels, Revision 1, March 1978.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 2.7.1 Free Drop Subpart F of 10 CFR 71 requires performing a free drop test in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR §71.73(c)(1). The free drop test involves performing a 30-foot HAC free drop onto a flat, essentially unyielding, horizontal surface, with the package striking the surface in a position (orientation) for which maximum damage is expected. The ability of the TRUPACT-II package to adequately withstand this specified free drop condition is demonstrated via testing of three full-scale, TRUPACT-II CTUs. Technical Basis for the Free Drop Tests To properly select a worst-case package orientation for the 30-foot free drop event, items that could potentially compromise containment integrity, shielding integrity, and/or criticality safety of the TRUPACT-II package must be clearly identified. For the TRUPACT-II package design, the foremost item to be addressed is the ability of the containment seals to remain leaktight.
Shielding integrity is not a controlling case for the reasons described in Chapter 5.0, Shielding Evaluation. Criticality safety is conservatively evaluated based on measured physical damage to the outer containment (now confinement) assembly (OCA) shells and polyurethane foam from certification testing, as described in Chapter 6.0, Criticality Evaluation.
The leaktight capability of the containment seals may be compromised by two methods: 1) as a result of excessive sealing surface deformation leading to reduced seal compression, and/or 2) as a result of thermal degradation of the seal material itself in a subsequent fire event. Importantly, these methods require significant impact damage to the surrounding polyurethane foam. In other words, a significant reduction in polyurethane foam thickness or a gross exposure of the foam through splits or punctures in the OCA outer shell would have to occur near the main O-ring seal or vent port seal region.
Additional items for consideration include the possibility of separating the OCA lid from the OCA body (or significantly opening up the nominal 1/2-inch gap which exists between the upper and lower Z-flanges at the lid to body interface), and buckling of the OCV or ICV from a bottom end drop.
For the above reasons, testing must include impact orientations that affect the upper end of the TRUPACT-II package, with particularly emphasis in the closure region. Loads and resultant deformations occurring over the lower half of the package do not present a worst case regarding the leaktight capability of the seals or the separation of the OCA lid from the OCA body.
However, as discussed above, a bottom end drop is of interest regarding the possibility of shell buckling because of the high axial acceleration forces imparted to the package.
In addition to package orientation, initial test conditions such as temperatures and pressures must be selected to complete the definition of the conditions existing at the time of a HAC free drop.
In general, higher temperatures at the time of a drop test result in greater deformations and lesser acceleration loads than do lower temperatures. This is due primarily to the modest temperature sensitivity of the energy absorbing polyurethane foam used within the TRUPACT-II OCA.
Appendix 2.10.3, Certification Tests, provides a comprehensive report of the certification test process and results. Discussions specific to the configuration of the test units are provided in Appendix, Description of the Certification Test Units. Discussions specific to CTU test orientations for free drop, puncture, and fire tests, including initial test conditions, are provided 2.7-2
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 in Appendix, Technical Basis for Tests. Discussions specific to CTU test sequences for selected tests are provided in Appendix, Test Sequence for Selected Free Drop, Puncture Drop, and Fire Tests. Test Sequence for the Selected Tests Based on the above general discussions, the three CTUs were tested for various HAC 30-foot free drops. Although only a single worst-case 30-foot free drop is required by 10 CFR
§71.73(c)(1), multiple 30-foot free drop tests were performed at different orientations to ensure that the most vulnerable package features were subjected to worst-case loads and deformations. The specific conditions selected for CTU free drop testing are summarized in Table 2.7-1, Table 2.7-2, and Table 2.7-3. Summary of Results from the Free Drop Tests Successful HAC free drop testing of the CTUs indicates that the various TRUPACT-II packaging design features are adequately designed to withstand the HAC 30-foot free drop event. The most important result of the testing program was the demonstrated ability of the OCV and ICV to remain leaktight3. Significant results of HAC free drop testing common to all test units are as follows:
- Buckling was not observed for either the ICV or OCV shells. Additionally, accelerometers mounted directly on the OCV shell were utilized to determine the axial acceleration resulting from a 30-foot bottom end drop events on CTU Nos. 2 and 3 (see Section, End Drop Bucking Evaluation).
- No excessive distortion of the seal flange regions occurred for either the ICV or OCV, although some permanent deformation was noted.
- All three (3) ICV and all six (6) OCV locking ring lock bolts remained intact and locking ring and lower seal flange tabs remained fully interlocked during and following the drop tests. Some OCA locking Z-flange-to-locking ring fasteners failed during the testing, but a sufficient number remained intact to securely retain the locking ring in the locked position. Additionally, for test purposes, only 24 fasteners were used whereas 36 are specified for the design.
- The ICV and OCV were shown to be capable of maintaining pressure before, during, and after each 30-foot drop test. At the instant of impact, internal pressures in both the ICV and OCV would typically increase slightly (a few psi) for a moment and then return, within the accuracy of the instrumentation, to their initial, pre-drop test values.
- The aluminum honeycomb spacer assemblies used in the ICV upper and lower torispherical heads were shown to adequately protect the heads from damaging payload interactions.
- Rupture was not observed for the 3/8-inch thick, OCA outer shell.
- Internal pressures increased during the drops, but returned to pre-drop pressures afterward.
- Observed permanent deformations of the TRUPACT-II packaging were less than those assumed for the criticality evaluation.
3 Leaktight is a leak rate not exceeding 1 x 10-7 standard cubic centimeters per second (scc/sec), air, as defined in ANSI N14.5-1997, American National Standard for Radioactive Materials - Leakage Tests on Packages for Shipment, American National Standards Institute, Inc. (ANSI).
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 A comprehensive summary of free drop test results is provided in Appendix, Test Results. End Drop Bucking Evaluation Figure 2.7-1 and Figure 2.7-2 present the axial acceleration time histories (filtered at 500 Hz) obtained from two axially oriented accelerometers located 180º apart on the OCV shell during bottom end drop event (Free Drop Test No. 2) for CTU-2. From Figure 2.7-1, a maximum acceleration of 385 gs results. The bottom end drop accelerations measured for CTU-3 are presented in Figure 2.7-3 and Figure 2.7-4, and show a lesser maximum impact acceleration of 335 gs. The CTU-2 value of 385 gs is therefore selected for analysis.
Although the ICV shell is slightly thicker than the OCV shell (1/4 inch versus 3/16 inch), it is the more buckling sensitive component. The OCV shell is less sensitive to buckling because it is surrounded by polyurethane foam and is reinforced by a stiffening ring located approximately at its mid-length. Under the action of 385 gs acceleration, the compressive stress in the 1/4-inch ICV shell at a location just above the lower torispherical head is:
= (385) = 14,192 psi 2(36.44)(0.25) where the axial ICV stress, , is determined using a weight of 2,110 pounds consisting of the upper torispherical head (with honeycomb spacer), seal flanges and locking ring, and cylindrical shell. The ICV shells cross-sectional area is 2Rt, where R = 36.44 inches, and t = 0.25 inches.
Note that the hoop stress, , and in-plane shear stress, , are zero.
The cylindrical portion of the ICV is evaluated using ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Case N-284 4. Consistent with Regulatory Guide 7.6 philosophy, a factor of safety of 1.34 is applied for HAC buckling evaluations per ASME Code Case N-284, corresponding to ASME Code, Service Level D conditions.
Buckling analysis geometry parameters are summarized in Table 2.7-4. The cylindrical shell buckling analysis utilizes an ICV temperature of -20 ºF, consistent with the temperature of the shells during the drop tests. At the -20 ºF temperature, the materials yield strength and elastic modulus are extrapolated from Table 2.3-1 in Section 2.3.1, Mechanical Properties Applied to Analytic Evaluations, and found to be 35,000 psi and 28.72(10)6 psi, respectively.
As shown in Table 2.7-5, since all interaction check parameters are less than 1.0, as required, the design criteria are satisfied.
2.7.2 Crush Subpart F of 10 CFR 71 requires performing a dynamic crush test in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR §71.73(c)(2). Since the TRUPACT-II package weight exceeds 1,100 pounds, the dynamic crush test is not required.
4 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section III, Rules for Construction of Nuclear Power Plant Components, Division 1, Class MC, Code Case N-284, Metal Containment Shell Buckling Design Methods, August 25, 1980, approval date.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 2.7.3 Puncture Subpart F of 10 CFR 71 requires performing a puncture test in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR §71.73(c)(3). The puncture test involves a 40-inch free drop of a package onto the upper end of a solid, vertical, cylindrical, mild steel bar mounted on an essentially unyielding, horizontal surface. The bar must be 6 inches in diameter, with the top surface horizontal and its edge rounded to a radius of not more than 1/4 inch. The package is to be oriented in a position for which maximum damage will occur. The minimum length of the bar is to be 8 inches. The ability of the TRUPACT-II package to adequately withstand this specified puncture drop condition is demonstrated via testing of three full-scale, TRUPACT-II CTUs. Technical Basis for the Puncture Drop Tests To properly select a worst-case package orientation for the puncture drop event, items that could potentially compromise containment integrity, shielding integrity, and/or criticality safety of the TRUPACT-II package must be clearly identified. For the TRUPACT-II package design, the foremost item to be addressed is the ability of the containment seals to remain leaktight.
Shielding integrity is not a controlling case for the reasons described in Chapter 5.0, Shielding Evaluation. Criticality safety is conservatively evaluated based on measured physical damage to the OCA shells and polyurethane foam from certification testing, as described in Chapter 6.0, Criticality Evaluation.
The leaktight capability of the O-ring seals would be most easily compromised by imposing gross deformations in the sealing region. These types of deformations are of concern from a mechanical viewpoint (i.e., leakage caused by excessive relative movement of the sealing surfaces). In addition, such deformations are of concern from a thermal viewpoint (i.e., leakage caused by thermal degradation of the butyl O-ring seals in a subsequent fire). Importantly, for mechanical damage to occur in the seal regions, the puncture event would have to result in a gross rupturing of the OCA outer shell near the O-ring seals. This could allow the puncture bar to reach and directly impact the OCA seal flanges or locking ring. Similarly, for thermal degradation of the butyl O-ring seals to occur in a subsequent fire, damage to the OCA outer shell near the O-ring seals would again have to occur as a result of the puncture event. Another item associated with the puncture event is the possibility of the puncture bar penetrating the OCA outer shell and rupturing the OCV. Puncture is most likely to occur if the center of gravity of the package is directly in-line with the puncture bar, and the surface of the package is oriented at an angle to the bar axis. If the center of gravity of the package is not in-line with the puncture bar, puncture is less likely since package potential energy is transformed into rotational kinetic energy. Puncture is also more likely if the puncture bar impacts the package surface adjacent to a package shell weld seam. Observations from prior testing indicate that impacts with the package surface, normal to the axis of the puncture bar, will not lead to penetration of the OCA exterior shell. This is the primary reason for utilizing a torispherical head for the OCA lid. The torispherical head results in the puncture bar being oriented normal to the package surface when the center of gravity of the package is directly over the puncture bar. Further, a 3/8-inch thick OCA outer shell is used near the closure region to ensure that no puncture will occur in this region, regardless of impact angle.
In addition to package orientation, initial test conditions such as temperatures and pressures must be selected to complete the definition of the conditions existing at the time of a HAC puncture drop. In general, higher temperatures at the time of a puncture test result in greater deformations 2.7-5
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 and lesser acceleration loads than do lower temperatures. This is due primarily to the modest temperature sensitivity of the polyurethane foam used within the TRUPACT-II OCA.
Appendix 2.10.3, Certification Tests, provides a comprehensive report of the certification test process and results. Discussions specific to the configuration of the test units are provided in Appendix, Description of the Certification Test Units. Discussions specific to orientations of the test units for free drop, puncture, and fire tests, including initial test conditions, are provided in Appendix, Technical Basis for Tests. Discussions specific to test sequences for selected tests for the test units is provided in Appendix, Test Sequence for Selected Free Drop, Puncture Drop, and Fire Tests. Test Sequence for the Selected Tests Based on the above general discussions, the three CTUs were tested for various HAC puncture drops. Although only a single worst-case puncture drop is required by 10 CFR §71.73(c)(3),
multiple puncture drop tests were performed at different orientations to ensure that the most vulnerable package features were subjected to worst-case loads and deformations. The specific conditions selected for CTU puncture drop testing are summarized in Table 2.7-1, Table 2.7-2, and Table 2.7-3. Summary of Results from the Puncture Drop Tests Successful HAC puncture drop testing of the CTUs indicates that the various TRUPACT-II packaging design features are adequately designed to withstand the HAC puncture drop event.
As with the free drop test, the most important result of the testing program was the demonstrated ability of the OCV and ICV to remain leaktight. Significant results of puncture drop testing common to all test units are as follows:
- With one exception, permanent deformations of the containment boundary are not attributed to the puncture event. The single exception occurred for a puncture impact onto the 1/4-inch thick OCA outer shell at a location 40 inches above the base of the package (Test No. 7 for CTU No. 1, and Test No. R for CTU No. 2). This puncture event resulted in a hole through the OCA outer shell. The permanent damage to the OCV and ICV shells was an inward bulge of approximately 11/2 inches to the OCV and ICV sidewalls. Importantly, permanent deformations were limited to the cylindrical shell portions of the OCV and ICV lower bodies, with no significant deformation near the seal flanges.
- Rupture was not observed for the 3/8-inch thick OCA outer shell. Penetrations of the OCA outer shell closest to the seal regions were 22 inches above and 37 inches below the closure interface. Minor tearing of the Z-flange-to-3/8-inch thick OCA interfaces was observed for some test orientations. These regions are covered by the outer thermal shield; therefore, such tears are of little consequence.
- Tearing of the OCA outer shell occurred at the 3/8-to-1/4-inch thick, OCA body outer shell transition (weld) during testing of CTU-2 and CTU-3 (Test 4).
- In the regions where a significant amount of polyurethane foam was exposed by a puncture event (i.e., 40 inches above the package base and near the OCA top knuckle), the intumescent (i.e., self-extinguishing) characteristics of the polyurethane foam were sufficient to provide effective insulation from the effects of the subsequent HAC fire. Additional discussion regarding HAC fire testing is provided in Section 2.7.4, Thermal.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 A comprehensive summary of test results is provided in Appendix, Test Results.
2.7.4 Thermal Subpart F of 10 CFR 71 requires performing a thermal test in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR §71.73(c)(4). To demonstrate the performance capabilities of the TRUPACT-II package when subjected to the HAC thermal test specified in 10 CFR §71.73(c)(4), two full-scale TRUPACT-II CTUs were burned in two, separate, fully engulfing pool fires. Each test unit was subjected to a variety of HAC, 30-foot free drop and puncture tests prior to being burned, as discussed in Section 2.7.1, Free Drop, and Section 2.7.3, Puncture, respectively. Active and passive temperature instrumentation was employed during CTU fire testing.
As discussed further in Appendix 2.10.3, Certification Tests, each CTU was oriented horizontally in a test stand a distance one-meter above the fuel per the requirements of 10 CFR
§71.73(c)(4). The CTU was oriented circumferentially to position the worst-case damage from the various 30-foot free drops and puncture drops 1/2-meter above the lowest part of the package while on the stand (i.e., 11/2 meters above the fuel 5). This particular arrangement placed the maximum drop damage in the hottest section of the fire. Prior to fire testing, each CTU was preheated to the worst-case NCT steady-state temperature (i.e., 100 ºF still air without insolation).
Successful HAC fire testing of the CTUs indicates that the various TRUPACT-II packaging design features are adequately designed to withstand the HAC fire event. As with the free drop and puncture tests, the most important result of the testing program was the demonstrated ability of the OCV and ICV to remain leaktight. Significant results of fire testing common to both test units are as follows:
- The intumescent (i.e., self-extinguishing) characteristic of the polyurethane foam was sufficient to provide insulation from the effects of the HAC fire even in regions where the most significant amounts of foam were exposed.
- The maximum measured temperatures for the OCV and ICV elastomeric (butyl) O-ring seals were 260 ºF (thermocouple reading during the fire, 250 ºF by passive temperature indicating label) and 200 ºF, respectively. The maximum measured temperatures for the OCV and ICV structural components were 439 ºF and 270 ºF, respectively. The 270 ºF ICV temperature was most likely a result of the preheat operation used to heat the vessels prior to the fire test, rather than a result of the fire test itself. Air was pumped into the OCV/ICV annulus at 40 psi and 350 ºF, and within close proximity of the particular temperature indicating label that measured the 270 ºF temperature. The next highest ICV temperature reading was 220 ºF.
- Both the ICV and OCV demonstrated the capability of maintaining pressure before, during, and after the fire event. Note that pressure was lost in the CTU No. 1 OCV during fire 5
M. E. Schneider and L. A. Kent, Measurements of Gas Velocities and Temperatures in a Large Open Pool Fire, Sandia National Laboratories (reprinted from Heat and Mass Transfer in Fire, A. K. Kulkarni and Y. Jaluria, Editors, HTD-Vol. 73 (Book No. H00392), American Society of Mechanical Engineers). Figure 3 shows that maximum temperatures occur at an elevation approximately 2.3 meters above the pool floor. The pool was initially filled with water and fuel to a level of 0.814 meters. The maximum temperatures therefore occur approximately 11/2 meters above the level of the fuel, i.e., 1/2 meter above the lowest part of the package when set one meter above the fuel source per the requirements of 10 CFR §71.73(c)(4).
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 testing. However, the loss of pressure was due to failure of a test-related pressure fitting, not to a packaging design feature. Post-test repair of the fitting and re-pressurization of the OCV indicated that the pressure retention capabilities of the OCV had not been compromised by the fire test.
- Following fire testing, disassembly of the OCA demonstrated that, except for the local area damaged by the puncture impacts 40 inches above the base of the package, a layer of unburned polyurethane foam remained around the entire OCV. For both CTUs, the average thickness of the layer was approximately 5 to 6 inches along the cylindrical sides and lower head of the OCV, and even greater adjacent to the OCV upper dished head. This residual polyurethane foam thickness is consistent with the shielding evaluation provided in Chapter 5.0, Shielding Evaluation, and the criticality evaluation presented in Chapter 6.0, Criticality Evaluation.
A comprehensive summary of test results is provided in Appendix, Test Results. Summary of Pressures and Temperatures Package pressures and temperatures due to the HAC fire test are presented in Appendix 2.10.3, Certification Tests. Detailed discussions regarding measured temperatures are provided in Section 3.5.3, Package Temperatures. Detailed discussions regarding calculated pressures are provided in Section 3.5.4, Maximum Internal Pressure. Summary of Temperatures Both active and passive temperature measuring devices were employed prior to, during, and following the HAC fire tests. As discussed in Section 2.7.4, Thermal, the maximum measured temperatures for the OCV and ICV O-ring seals were 260 ºF and 200 ºF, respectively. Summary of Pressures Even considering the test anomaly associated with CTU No. 1, the maximum measured internal pressures occurred for CTU No. 2. The maximum measured ICV pressure was 65.7 psia (53.7 psig internal pressure, plus 12 psia atmospheric pressure), with a 63.1 psia (51.1 psig) starting pressure. The maximum measured OCV pressure was 66.6 psia (54.6 psig), with a 62 psia (50 psig) starting pressure. Differential Thermal Expansion Fire testing of two, full scale TRUPACT-II prototypes indicate that the effects associated with differential thermal expansion of the various packaging components are negligible. Subsequent to all NCT and HAC free drop, puncture drop, and fire tests, comprehensive helium leak testing of both the ICV and OCV demonstrated that differential thermal expansion does not affect the capability to remain leaktight. Stress Calculations As shown in Section, Summary of Pressures, the measured internal pressure within the ICV increases 2.6 psig (+5%), and within the OCV increases 4.6 psig (+9%) due to the HAC fire test. Pressure stresses due to the HAC fire test correspondingly increase a maximum of 9%.
With reference to Table 2.1-1 from Section, Containment Structure (ICV), the HAC 2.7-8
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 allowable stress intensity for general primary membrane stresses (applicable to pressure loads) is 240% of the NCT allowable stress intensity. Therefore, a HAC pressure stress increase of 9%
will not exceed the HAC allowable stresses. Further, the pressure stresses in conjunction with stresses associated with differential thermal expansion are limited to an acceptable level since both the ICV and OCV were shown to be leaktight after all NCT and HAC free drop, puncture drop, and fire tests (see Appendix, Test Results). Comparison with Allowable Stresses As discussed in Section, Stress Calculations, further quantification of stresses in the various TRUPACT-II package components is not required.
2.7.5 Immersion - Fissile Material Subpart F of 10 CFR 71 requires performing an immersion test for fissile material packages in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR §71.73(c)(5). The criticality evaluation presented in Chapter 6.0, Criticality Evaluation, assumes optimum hydrogenous moderation of the contents, thereby conservatively addressing the effects and consequences of water in-leakage.
2.7.6 Immersion - All Packages Subpart F of 10 CFR 71 requires performing an immersion test for all packages in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR §71.73(c)(6). For the TRUPACT-II package design, the effect of a 21 psig external pressure due to immersion in 50 feet of water is applied to the ICV and OCV.
The external pressure induces small compressive stresses in the ICV and OCV that are limited by stability (buckling) requirements. Buckling assessments are performed for the OCV and ICV in Section, Buckling Assessment of the Torispherical Heads, and Section, Buckling Assessment of the Cylindrical Shells. Buckling Assessment of the Torispherical Heads The buckling analysis of the torispherical heads is based on the methodology outlined in Paragraph NE-3133.4(e), Torispherical Heads, of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section III 6, Subsection NE. Since the external pressure loading due to immersion may be classified as Level D, the allowable buckling stress and, therefore, the allowable pressure, can be increased by 150% per paragraph NE-3222.2. The results from following this methodology are summarized below.
6 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section III, Rules for Construction of Nuclear Power Plant Components, 1986 Edition.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 OCV Torispherical Head ICV Torispherical Head Parameter Upper Lower Upper Lower R 77.3125 74.1250 74.3750 73.1250 T 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.125 A= 0.00040 0.00042 0.00042 0.00043 (R T )
B7 5,600 5,800 5,800 5,900 (1.5)B Pa = 27.2 29.3 29.2 30.3 (R T )
The smallest allowable pressure, Pa, is 27.2 psig for the OCV upper head. For an applied external pressure of 21 psig, the corresponding buckling margin of safety is:
27.2 MS = 1 = +0.30 21 Since the margin of safety in the worst case is positive, it is concluded that none of the OCV or ICV torispherical heads will buckle for an external pressure of 21 psig. Buckling Assessment of the Cylindrical Shells The cylindrical portions of the OCV and ICV are evaluated using ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Case N-284. Consistent with Regulatory Guide 7.6 philosophy, a factor of safety of 1.34 is applied for HAC buckling evaluations per ASME Code Case N-284, corresponding to ASME Code, Service Level D conditions.
Buckling analysis geometry parameters are summarized in Table 2.7-6, and loading parameters are summarized in Table 2.7-7. The cylindrical shell buckling analysis utilizes an OCV and ICV temperature of 70 ºF. The stresses are determined using an external pressure of 21.0 psig. The hoop stress, , and axial stress, , are found from:
Pr Pr
t 2t where P is the applied external pressure of 21.0 psi, r is the mean radius, and t is the cylindrical shell thickness. As shown in Table 2.7-8, since all interaction check parameters are less than 1.0, as required, the design criteria are satisfied.
The OCV length is conservatively measured from the ring stiffener to an assumed support point located one-third of the depth of the lower OCV torispherical head below the head-to-shell interface (i.e., 32.67 inches).
7 Factor B is found from American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section III, Rules for Construction of Nuclear Power Plant Components, Figure VII-1102-4, Chart for Determining Shell Thickness of Cylindrical and Spherical Components Under External Pressure When Constructed of Austenitic Steel (18Cr-8Ni, Type 304), 1986 Edition. The 100 ºF temperature curve is used for each case.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 OCV Shell Ring Stiffener Axial Compression Check:
Per Paragraph -1714.1(a) of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Case N-284, the required ring stiffener cross-section area is the larger of:
0.334 A 0.6 0.063 s t = 0.076 in 2 or A (0.06) s t = 0.350 in 2 Ms where, from Table 2.7-6, R = 36.91 inches and t = 0.188 inches, and Ms = si/(Rt)1/2 = 11.77, and the length, s, is the average of the distance from the stiffening ring to the lower head (32.67 inches) and the distance from the stiffening ring to the upper seal flange (29.33 inches), or s =
si = 1/2(32.67 + 29.33) = 31.00 inches.
The cross-section area of the stiffening ring is A = 0.375 x 1.5 = 0.563 in2. Since A = 0.563 in2
> 0.350 in2 = A, the size of the stiffening ring for axial compression is acceptable.
OCV Shell Ring Stiffener Hoop Compression Check:
Per Paragraph -1714.1(b)(1) of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Case N-284, the required moment of inertia for an intermediate stiffening ring to resist hoop compression is:
(1.2) eL s R c2 t I E = 2
0.264 in 4 E(n 1) where eL = 11,273 psi (Table 2.7-8), s = 31.00 inches, Rc = 36.91 + 0.356 = 37.27 inches, t
0.188 inches, E = 28.3(10)6 psi at 70 ºF, and n2 is:
3 2 (1.875)R 2 n = 1
= 15.64 LBt 2 where R = 36.91 inches (Table 2.7-6), the effective length of the OCV shell between bulkheads is LB = 62.0 inches, and t = 0.188 inches (Table 2.7-6).
The effective stiffness of the ring stiffener also includes a portion of the adjacent cylindrical shell whose length is determined from Paragraph -1200 of ASME Code Case N-284 as follows:
ei = 1.56 Rt = 4.11 in where, from Table 2.7-6, R = 36.91 inches and t = 0.188 inches.
The distance to the composite stiffening ring neutral axis, X, is:
(0.375)(1.5)(0.188 + 1.5)
X= = 0.356 in 2[(0.188)(4.11) + (0.375)(1.5)]
Knowing the distance to the neutral axis of the composite stiffening ring, the ring stiffener in-plane moment of inertia is:
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 2
(0.375)(1.5) 3 0.188 + 1.5 Ir = + (0.375)(1.5) 0.356 = 0.239 in 4 12 2 Similarly, the shell out-of-plane moment of inertia is:
(4.11)(0.188) 3 Is = + (0.188)(4.11)(0.356) 2 = 0.100 in 4 12 Combining both results, the effective moment of inertia is IE = 0.239 + 0.100 = 0.339 in4. Since IE = 0.339 in4 > 0.264 in4 = IE, the size of the stiffening ring for hoop compression is acceptable.
2.7.7 Deep Water Immersion Test Subpart E of 10 CFR 71 requires performing a deep water immersion test in accordance with 10 CFR §71.61. Since the TRUPACT-II does not transport payloads with an activity of greater than 105 A2, this requirement does not apply.
2.7.8 Summary of Damage As discussed in the previous sections, the cumulative damaging effects of free drop, puncture drop, and fire tests were satisfactorily withstood by the TRUPACT-II packaging during certification testing. Subsequent helium leak testing confirmed that containment integrity was maintained throughout the test series. Therefore, the requirements of 10 CFR §71.73 have been adequately met.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 2.7 Summary of Tests for TRUPACT-II CTU-1 Test Unit Angular Orientation Pressure (psig)
Test CTU No. Test Description Axial Circumferential ICV OCV Temperature Remarks 1 NCT, 3-foot side drop onto OCV 0º 110º 50 50 Ambient Impact in region expected to produce worst-vent port case cumulative damage to package.
2 HAC, 30-foot side drop onto 0º 110º 50 0 Ambient Impact in region expected to produce worst-OCV vent port case cumulative damage to package.
3 HAC, 30-foot CG onto OCA lid -47º -100º 50 50 Ambient Payload drums centered over OCA lid lift knuckle near OCA lid lift pocket pocket to produce maximum cumulative damage to lids.
4 HAC, 30-foot top drop -90º N/A 50 50 Ambient Impact to produce maximum cumulative internal damage to lids.
5 HAC, puncture drop on OCA -15º 110º 50 50 Ambient Puncture in region expected to produce vent port fitting worst-case cumulative damage to package.
6 HAC, puncture drop onto OCA -3º 110º 50 50 Ambient Puncture in region expected to produce body below 1/4-to-3/8 shell weld worst-case cumulative damage to package.
7 HAC, puncture drop 40 inches 28º 110º 50 0 Ambient Puncture in region expected to produce above package bottom worst-case cumulative damage to package.
8 HAC, puncture drop onto -54º 110º 50 0 Ambient Puncture in region expected to produce damaged OCA lid knuckle worst-case cumulative damage to package.
9 HAC, puncture drop on OCA seal -24º 20º 50 50 Ambient Puncture in thinnest region of the package test port fitting sidewall.
10 HAC, fire test 0º 145º 50 50 At HAC pre- Circumferential orientation places damage fire temperature from most drop tests in hottest part of fire.
Axial angle, , is relative to horizontal (i.e., side drop orientation).
Circumferential angle, , is relative to the forklift pockets when parallel to the ground.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 2.7 Summary of Tests for TRUPACT-II CTU-2 Test Unit Angular Orientation Pressure (psig)
Test CTU No. Test Description Axial Circumferential ICV OCV Temperature Remarks 1 HAC, 30-foot top slapdown drop; -20º -5º 33 0 -20 ºF Slapdown onto locking ring joints.
initial impact on OCA lid knuckle 2 HAC, 30-foot bottom drop 90º N/A 33 33 -20 ºF Drop producing maximum axial acceleration.
3 HAC, 30-foot slapdown drop; 18º 143º 50 50 Ambient Slapdown in region expected to produce initial impact on tie-down lug worst-case cumulative damage to package.
R HAC, puncture drop 40 inches 23º 143º 50 0 Ambient Impact in region expected to produce worst-above package bottom case cumulative damage to package; repeat of Test No. 7 for CTU-1.
4 HAC, puncture drop at the -42º 143º 50 50 Ambient Puncture in region expected to produce 1/4-to-3/8 lid shell interface worst-case cumulative damage to package.
5 HAC, puncture drop onto package 55º -110º 50 0 Ambient HAC impact at location not tested during bottom adjacent to forklift pocket previous TRUPACT-II certification tests.
6 HAC, puncture drop onto outer -67º -67º 0 0 Ambient Attempt to tear outer thermal shield away thermal shield from OCA.
7 HAC, puncture drop onto OCA -15º 110º 50 50 Ambient Puncture at closure region at same body at closure; 40º from OCA elevation as OCA vent port fitting.
vent port fitting 8 HAC, puncture drop onto OCA -22º -145º 50 50 Ambient Puncture at closure region at same lid at closure; 180º from OCA elevation as OCA seal test port fitting; seal test port fitting thinnest region of the package sidewall.
9 HAC, fire test 0º 200º 50 50 At HAC pre- Circumferential orientation places damage fire temperature from Tests 3, R, and 4 in hottest part of fire.
Axial angle, , is relative to horizontal (i.e., side drop orientation).
Circumferential angle, , is relative to the forklift pockets when parallel to the ground.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 2.7 Summary of Tests for TRUPACT-II CTU-3 Test Unit Angular Orientation Pressure (psig)
Test CTU No. Test Description Axial Circumferential ICV OCV Temperature Remarks 1 HAC, 30-foot top slapdown drop; -20º -5º 33 0 -20 ºF Slapdown onto locking ring joints.
initial impact on OCA lid knuckle 2 HAC, 30-foot bottom drop 90º N/A 33 33 -20 ºF Drop producing maximum axial acceleration.
3 HAC, 30-foot slapdown drop; 18º 143º 50 50 Ambient Slapdown in region expected to produce initial impact on tie-down lug worst-case cumulative damage to package.
4 HAC, puncture drop at the -42º 143º 50 50 Ambient Puncture in region expected to produce 1/4-to-3/8 lid shell interface worst-case cumulative damage to package.
5 HAC, puncture drop onto package 55º -110º 50 0 Ambient HAC impact at location not tested during bottom adjacent to forklift pocket previous TRUPACT-II certification tests.
6 HAC, puncture drop onto outer -67º -67º 0 0 Ambient Attempt to tear outer thermal shield away thermal shield from OCA.
7 HAC, puncture drop onto OCA -15º 110º 50 50 Ambient Puncture at closure region at same body at closure; 40º from OCA elevation as OCA vent port fitting.
vent port fitting 8 HAC, puncture drop onto OCA -22º -145º 50 50 Ambient Puncture at closure region at same lid at closure; 180º from OCA elevation as OCA seal test port fitting; seal test port fitting thinnest region of the package sidewall.
Axial angle, , is relative to horizontal (i.e., side drop orientation).
Circumferential angle, , is relative to the forklift pockets when parallel to the ground.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 This page intentionally left blank.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 2.7 Buckling Geometry Parameters for a 385g HAC End Drop Geometry and Material Input ICV Mean Radius, inch 36.44 Shell Thickness, inch 0.25 Length, inch 65.70 Geometry Output (nomenclature consistent with ASME Code Case N-284)
R= 36.44 t= 0.25 (Rt) =
1/2 3.018
= 65.70
= 229.0 M = 21.77 M = 75.87 M= 21.77 Notes:
The ICV length is conservatively measured from five inches below the top of the lower ICV seal flange (at the beginning of the 1/4-inch wall thickness) to an assumed support point located one-third of the depth of the lower ICV torispherical head below the head-to-shell interface.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 2.7 Shell Buckling Summary for a 385g HAC End Drop Condition ICV Remarks Capacity Reduction Factors (-1511)
L = 0.3170 L = 0.8000 Plasticity Reduction Factors (-1610)
= 1.0000
= 1.0000 Theoretical Buckling Values (-1712.1.1)
C = 0.6050 eL = 119,207 psi Ch = 0.0435 eL = heL = 8,577 psi Elastic Interaction Equations (-1713.1.1) s = 59,991 psi s = 0 psi Axial + Hoop Check (a): N/A Axial + Hoop Check (b): 0.485 <1OK 2.7-18
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 2.7 Buckling Geometry Parameters per Code Case N-284 Geometry and Material Input ICV OCV Mean Radius, inch 36.44 36.91 Shell Thickness, inch 0.25 0.188 Length, inch 65.70 32.67 Geometry Output (nomenclature consistent with ASME Code Case N-284)
R= 36.44 36.91 t= 0.25 0.188 (Rt)1/2 = 3.018 2.634
= 65.70 32.67
= 229.0 231.9 M = 21.77 12.40 M = 75.87 88.03 M= 21.77 12.40 Notes:
The ICV length is conservatively measured from five inches below the top of the lower ICV seal flange (at the beginning of the 1/4-inch wall thickness) to an assumed support point located one-third of the depth of the lower ICV torispherical head below the head-to-shell interface.
The OCV length is conservatively measured from the ring stiffener to an assumed support point located one-third of the depth of the lower OCV torispherical head below the head-to-shell interface. This length assumes that the ring stiffener is sized per the requirements in Paragraphs -1714.1(a) and -1714.1(b)(1) of ASME Code Case N-284.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 2.7 Stress Results for 21 psig External Pressure ICV OCV Axial Stress, 1,530 Axial Stress, 2,061 Hoop Stress, 3,061 Hoop Stress, 4,123 Table 2.7 Shell Buckling Summary for 21 psig External Pressure Condition ICV OCV Remarks Capacity Reduction Factors (-1511)
L = 0.2670 0.2670 L = 0.8000 0.8000 Plasticity Reduction Factors (-1610)
= 1.0000 1.0000
= 1.0000 1.0000 Theoretical Buckling Values (-1712.1.1)
C = 0.6050 0.6050 eL = 117,464 psi 87,208 psi Ch = 0.0435 0.0782 eL = heL = 8,452 psi 11,273 psi Elastic Interaction Equations (-1713.1.1) s = 7,679 psi 10,344 psi s = 5,127 psi 6,906 psi Axial + Hoop Check (a): N/A N/A Axial + Hoop Check (b): 0.398 0.433 <1OK 2.7-20
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.7 CTU-2 Free Drop Test No. 2 Accelerometer Data (Gage 1)
Figure 2.7 CTU-2 Free Drop Test No. 2 Accelerometer Data (Gage 2) 2.7-21
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.7 CTU-3 Free Drop Test No. 2 Accelerometer Data (Gage 1)
Figure 2.7 CTU-3 Free Drop Test No. 2 Accelerometer Data (Gage 2) 2.7-22
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 2.8 Special Form This section does not apply for the TRUPACT-II package, since special form is not claimed.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 This page intentionally left blank.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 2.9 Fuel Rods This section does not apply for the TRUPACT-II package, since fuel rods are not included as an approved payload configuration.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 This page intentionally left blank.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 2.10 Appendices 2.10.1 Finite Element Analysis (FEA) Models 2.10.2 Elastomer O-ring Seal Performance Tests 2.10.3 Certification Tests 2.10-1
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 This page intentionally left blank.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 2.10.1 Finite Element Analysis (FEA) Models Outer Confinement Assembly (OCA) Structural Analysis Finite element analyses (FEA) are performed on the OCA structure to determine the stress states of the various components under normal conditions of transport (NCT) loads. The FEA analyses are performed using ANSYS 4.3A2 1. The OCA FEA model is comprised of six separate major structural components, modeled as shown in :
- upper OCV seal flange
- OCV shells
- lower OCV seal flange
- OCA shells and z-flanges
- OCV locking ring
- polyurethane foam The lower and upper seal flanges, locking ring and polyurethane foam are modeled using 2-D, isoparametric solid elements (PLANE42). The quadrilateral elements are defined by four nodal points (a triangular element may be formed by defining duplicate the 3rd and 4th node numbers), each having two degrees of freedom: translations in the nodal x-direction (radial) and y-direction (axial).
The upper and lower OCA shells (OCA lid and body shells, respectively) are modeled using 2-D, axisymmetric conical shell elements (SHELL51). The lineal elements are defined by two nodal points, each having three degrees of freedom: translations in the nodal x-direction (radial) and y-direction (axial), and rotation about the nodal z-axis (hoop). In addition, the axisymmetric conical shell element is biaxial, with membrane and bending capabilities. The OCA inner shell defines the outer confinement vessel (OCV).
Relatively stiff, 2-D elastic beams (BEAM3) are utilized to maintain bending continuity between the three degree of freedom conical shell elements and two degree of freedom, isoparametric solid elements. Specifically, for both the lower and upper OCV seal flanges, four stiff beams are placed at each junction between the shell elements and the solid elements of the seal flanges.
These elements are included to transmit the moment (i.e., to maintain slope continuity) between the shell and flange portions of the model, and have a negligible effect on the stress results.
Three sets of 2-D interface elements (CONTAC12) are utilized to connect the lower and upper OCV seal flanges to each other and to the OCV locking ring. The interface element is capable of supporting a load only in the direction normal to the surfaces, and is frictionless in the tangential direction. The interface element has two degrees of freedom at each node: translations in the nodal x-direction (radial) and y-direction (axial). A stiffness of 2 x 1010 lb/in is chosen to reflect the relatively high contact stiffness when closed. Three sets of interface elements are used in these analyses: 1) between the lower OCV seal flange and the OCV locking ring, 2) between the upper OCV seal flange and the OCV locking ring, and 3) between the lower OCV seal flange and the upper OCV seal flange.
Interface elements are also located along the entire shell-to-foam periphery to allow relative motion between the steel shells and the polyurethane foam. This approach effectively models the ceramic fiber paper by allowing compression-only forces, and assumes no shear continuity or tension effects. A contact stiffness of 2 x 1010 lb/in is chosen to reflect the stiffness between the 1
ANSYS, Inc., ANSYS Engineering Analysis System Users Manual for ANSYS Revision 4.3A2, Houston, PA.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 shells, ceramic fiber paper, and polyurethane foam. Stress results in the package shells and OCV seal flanges exhibit a negligible dependence on the actual magnitude of the gap contact stiffness.
To account for the tangential (hoop) direction slotting for the lower OCV seal flange and OCV locking ring in the axisymmetric model, the material properties in the directly affected regions are modified. Specifically, material properties for the shaded elements in the lower OCV seal flange and OCV locking ring, illustrated in Figure 2.10.1-1, are modified to reflect only one-half the stainless steel being present for strength purposes. Specifically, the elastic modulus in the x-and y-directions is reduced to one-half their normal value (since only approximately one-half the material remains in the slotted regions), and the elastic modulus in the z-direction is set to set to a very low value to eliminate virtually all tangential (hoop) stiffness in the slotted regions. In addition, Poissons ratio is set at the normal value of 0.3 for the x-y plane, but is set to zero in the x-z and y-z planes. In these ways, the analyses accurately depict the stress levels in all regions.
The global origin of the nodal coordinate system is located at the bottom center of the OCA body, as shown in Figure 2.10.1-1. As such, the nodal x-axis corresponds to the radial direction, the nodal y-axis corresponds to the axial direction, and the nodal z-axis corresponds to the tangential (or hoop) direction. The model is constrained from translating in the radial direction and rotating about the hoop axis at the y-z symmetry plane at x equal zero. The model is also constrained from translating in the axial direction at a single node on the OCV locking ring. OCA Structural Analysis - Load Case 1 For OCA Load Case 1, the OCA structural analysis uses a 50 psig (64.7 psia) internal pressure, corresponding to the maximum normal operating pressure (MNOP) from Section 3.4.4, Maximum Internal Pressure, coupled with a reduced external pressure of 3.5 psia (equivalently an 11.2 psig internal pressure), per Section 2.6.3, Reduced External Pressure, and 10 CFR §71.51(c)(3) 2. The net internal pressure for this case is 61.2 psig, applied throughout the inner periphery of the model.
Relative to the upper and lower OCV seal flanges, the internal pressure does not extend beyond (below) the top of the upper main O-ring seal groove.
A uniform temperature of 160 ºF, per Section, Summary of Pressures and Temperatures, is utilized to determine the temperature-dependent, material property values. The only material properties affected by a temperature of 160 ºF are the elastic modulus and the thermal expansion coefficient for the stainless steel. Consistent with Table 2.3-1 from Section 2.3.1, Mechanical Properties Applied to Analytic Evaluations, the elastic modulus and thermal expansion coefficient for Type 304 stainless steel are 27.8(10)6 psi and 8.694(10)-6 inches/inch/ºF, respectively, at a temperature of 160 ºF.
The material properties for the polyurethane foam are consistent with those specified within Table 2.3-2 from Section 2.3.1, Mechanical Properties Applied to Analytic Evaluations. The elastic modulus in the x- (radial) and z- (hoop) directions is based on the average of the tensile and compressive, perpendicular-to-rise elastic modulus, or 5,854 psi. The elastic modulus in the y- (axial) direction is based on the average of the tensile and compressive, parallel-to-rise elastic modulus, or 8,789 psi. In addition, Poissons ratio is 0.33, and the thermal expansion coefficient is 4.9(10)-5 inches/inch/ºF. Due to the relatively low stiffness of the polyurethane foam 2
Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 71 (10 CFR 71), Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Material, 01-01-19 Edition.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 compared with the surrounding stainless steel structures, temperature adjusting the foams elastic modulus will have a negligible effect on component stresses.
Both the reference and uniform temperature are set to 160 ºF, thereby excluding the effects of differential thermal expansion for this case. The effects of differential thermal expansion are considered in Section, OCA Structural Analysis - Load Case 2.
For analysis model review, the ANSYS input file is listed in Table 2.10.1-1. OCA Structural Analysis - Load Case 2 For OCA Load Case 2, the OCA structural analysis uses a 50 psig (64.7 psia) internal pressure, corresponding to the maximum normal operating pressure (MNOP) from Section 3.4.4, Maximum Internal Pressure, coupled with a reduced external pressure of 3.5 psia (equivalently an 11.2 psig internal pressure), per Section 2.6.3, Reduced External Pressure, and 10 CFR §71.51(c)(3). The net internal pressure for this case is 61.2 psig, applied throughout the inner periphery of the model. Relative to the upper and lower OCV seal flanges, the internal pressure does not extend beyond (below) the top of the upper main O-ring seal groove.
A uniform temperature of 160 ºF, per Section, Summary of Pressures and Temperatures, is utilized to determine the temperature-dependent, material property values. The only material properties affected by a temperature of 160 ºF are the elastic modulus and the thermal expansion coefficient for the stainless steel. Consistent with Table 2.3-1 from Section 2.3.1, Mechanical Properties Applied to Analytic Evaluations, the elastic modulus and thermal expansion coefficient for Type 304 stainless steel are 27.8(10)6 psi and 8.694(10)-6 inches/inch/ºF, respectively, at a temperature of 160 ºF.
The material properties for the polyurethane foam are consistent with those specified within Table 2.3-2 from Section 2.3.1, Mechanical Properties Applied to Analytic Evaluations. The elastic modulus in the x- (radial) and z- (hoop) directions is based on the average of the tensile and compressive, perpendicular-to-rise elastic modulus, or 5,854 psi. The elastic modulus in the y- (axial) direction is based on the average of the tensile and compressive, parallel-to-rise elastic modulus, or 8,789 psi. In addition, Poissons ratio is 0.33, and the thermal expansion coefficient is 4.9(10)-5 inches/inch/ºF. Due to the relatively low stiffness of the polyurethane foam compared with the surrounding stainless steel structures, temperature adjusting the foams elastic modulus will have a negligible effect on component stresses.
The reference temperature is set to 70 ºF, and the uniform temperature is set to 160 ºF, thereby including the effects of differential thermal expansion for this case.
For analysis model review, the ANSYS input file is listed in Table 2.10.1-2. OCA Structural Analysis - Load Case 3 For OCA Load Case 3, the OCA structural analysis uses a 0.0 psig (14.7 psia) internal pressure coupled with an external pressure of 0.0 psig (14.7 psia) for a net pressure differential of 0.0 psig.
A uniform temperature of -40 ºF, per Section 2.6.2, Cold, is utilized to determine the temperature-dependent, material property values. The only material properties affected by a temperature of -40 ºF are the elastic modulus and the thermal expansion coefficient for the stainless steel. Consistent with Table 2.3-1 from Section 2.3.1, Mechanical Properties Applied to Analytic Evaluations, the 2.10.1-3
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 elastic modulus and thermal expansion coefficient for Type 304 stainless steel are 28.8(10)6 psi and 8.08(10)-6 inches/inch/ºF, respectively, at a temperature of -40 ºF.
The material properties for the polyurethane foam are consistent with those specified within Table 2.3-2 from Section 2.3.1, Mechanical Properties Applied to Analytic Evaluations. The elastic modulus in the x- (radial) and z- (hoop) directions is based on the average of the tensile and compressive, perpendicular-to-rise elastic modulus, or 5,854 psi. The elastic modulus in the y- (axial) direction is based on the average of the tensile and compressive, parallel-to-rise elastic modulus, or 8,789 psi. In addition, Poissons ratio is 0.33, and the thermal expansion coefficient is 4.3(10)-5 inches/inch/ºF. Due to the relatively low stiffness of the polyurethane foam compared with the surrounding stainless steel structures, temperature adjusting the foams elastic modulus will have a negligible effect on component stresses.
The reference temperature is set to 70 ºF, and the uniform temperature is set to -40 ºF, thereby including the effects of differential thermal expansion for this case.
For analysis model review, the ANSYS input file is listed in Table 2.10.1-3. OCA Structural Analysis - Load Case 4 For OCA Load Case 4, the OCA structural analysis uses a -14.7 psig (0.0 psia) internal pressure (i.e., full vacuum) coupled with an increased external pressure of 0.0 psig (14.7 psia), per Section 2.6.4, Increased External Pressure. The net external pressure for this case is 14.7 psig, applied throughout the inner periphery of the model. Relative to the upper and lower OCV seal flanges, the internal pressure does not extend beyond (below) the top of the upper main O-ring seal groove.
A uniform temperature of 70 ºF is utilized to determine the temperature-dependent, material property values. The only material properties affected by a temperature of 70 ºF are the elastic modulus and the thermal expansion coefficient for the stainless steel. Consistent with Table 2.3-1 from Section 2.3.1, Mechanical Properties Applied to Analytic Evaluations, the elastic modulus and thermal expansion coefficient for Type 304 stainless steel are 28.3(10)6 psi and 8.46(10)-6 inches/inch/ºF, respectively, at a temperature of 70 ºF.
The material properties for the polyurethane foam are consistent with those specified within Table 2.3-2 from Section 2.3.1, Mechanical Properties Applied to Analytic Evaluations. The elastic modulus in the x- (radial) and z- (hoop) directions is based on the average of the tensile and compressive, perpendicular-to-rise elastic modulus, or 5,854 psi. The elastic modulus in the y- (axial) direction is based on the average of the tensile and compressive, parallel-to-rise elastic modulus, or 8,789 psi. In addition, Poissons ratio is 0.33, and the thermal expansion coefficient is 4.6(10)-5 inches/inch/ºF.
Both the reference and uniform temperature are set to 70 ºF, thereby excluding the effects of differential thermal expansion for this case.
For analysis model review, the ANSYS input file is listed in Table 2.10.1-4.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Inner Containment Vessel (ICV) Structural Analysis Finite element analyses (FEA) are performed on the ICV structure to determine the stress states of the various components under normal conditions of transport (NCT) loads. The FEA analyses are performed using ANSYS 4.3A2. The ICV FEA model is comprised of four separate major structural components, modeled as shown in Figure 2.10.1-2:
- ICV locking ring
- ICV shells The lower and upper seal flanges, and locking ring are modeled using 2-D, isoparametric solid elements (PLANE42). The quadrilateral elements are defined by four nodal points (a triangular element may be formed by defining duplicate the 3rd and 4th node numbers), each having two degrees of freedom: translations in the nodal x-direction (radial) and y-direction (axial).
The upper and lower ICV shells (ICV lid and body shells, respectively) are modeled using 2-D, axisymmetric conical shell elements (SHELL51). The lineal elements are defined by two nodal points, each having three degrees of freedom: translations in the nodal x-direction (radial) and y-direction (axial), and rotation about the nodal z-axis (hoop). In addition, the axisymmetric conical shell element is biaxial, with membrane and bending capabilities.
Relatively stiff, 2-D elastic beams (BEAM3) are utilized to maintain bending continuity between the three degree of freedom conical shell elements and two degree of freedom, isoparametric solid elements. Specifically, for both the lower and upper ICV seal flanges, four stiff beams are placed at each junction between the shell elements and the solid elements of the seal flanges.
These elements are included to transmit the moment (i.e., to maintain slope continuity) between the shell and flange portions of the model, and have a negligible effect on the stress results.
Three sets of 2-D gap elements (CONTAC12) are utilized to connect the lower and upper ICV seal flanges to each other and to the ICV locking ring. The gap element is capable of supporting a load only in the direction normal to the surfaces, and is frictionless in the tangential direction. The gap element has two degrees of freedom at each node: translations in the nodal x-direction (radial) and y-direction (axial). A stiffness of 2 x 1010 lb/in is chosen to reflect the relatively high contact stiffness when closed. Three sets of gap elements are used in these analyses: 1) between the lower ICV seal flange and the ICV locking ring, 2) between the upper ICV seal flange and the ICV locking ring, and 3) between the lower ICV seal flange and the upper ICV seal flange.
To account for the tangential (hoop) direction slotting for the lower ICV seal flange and ICV locking ring in the axisymmetric model, the material properties in the directly affected regions are modified. Specifically, material properties for the shaded elements in the lower ICV seal flange and ICV locking ring, illustrated in Figure 2.10.1-2, are modified to reflect only one-half the stainless steel being present for strength purposes. Specifically, the elastic modulus in the x-and y-directions is reduced to one-half their normal value (since only approximately one-half the material remains in the slotted regions), and the elastic modulus in the z-direction is set to set to a very low value to eliminate virtually all tangential (hoop) stiffness in the slotted regions. In addition, Poissons ratio is set at the normal value of 0.3 for the x-y plane, but is set to zero in the y-z and x-z planes. In these ways, the analyses accurately depict the stress levels in all regions.
The global origin of the nodal coordinate system is located at the bottom center of the ICV body, as shown in Figure 2.10.1-2. As such, the nodal x-axis corresponds to the radial direction, the 2.10.1-5
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 nodal y-axis corresponds to the axial direction, and the nodal z-axis corresponds to the tangential (or hoop) direction. The model is constrained from translating in the radial direction and rotating about the hoop axis at the y-z symmetry plane at x equal zero. The model is also constrained from translating in the axial direction at a single node on the ICV locking ring. ICV Structural Analysis - Load Case 1 For ICV Load Case 1, the ICV structural analysis uses a 50 psig (64.7 psia) internal pressure, corresponding to the maximum normal operating pressure (MNOP) from Section 3.4.4, Maximum Internal Pressure, coupled with a reduced external pressure of 3.5 psia (equivalently an 11.2 psig internal pressure), per Section 2.6.3, Reduced External Pressure, and 10 CFR §71.51(c)(3). The net internal pressure for this case is 61.2 psig, applied throughout the inner periphery of the model. Relative to the upper and lower ICV seal flanges, the internal pressure does not extend beyond (below) the top of the upper main O-ring seal groove.
A uniform temperature of 160 ºF, per Section, Summary of Pressures and Temperatures, is utilized to determine the temperature-dependent, material property values. The only material properties affected by a temperature of 160 ºF are the elastic modulus and the thermal expansion coefficient for the stainless steel. Consistent with Table 2.3-1 from Section 2.3.1, Mechanical Properties Applied to Analytic Evaluations, the elastic modulus and thermal expansion coefficient for Type 304 stainless steel are 27.8(10)6 psi and 8.694(10)-6 inches/inch/ºF, respectively, at a temperature of 160 ºF.
Both the reference and uniform temperature are set to 160 ºF, thereby excluding the effects of differential thermal expansion for this case.
For analysis model review, the ANSYS input file is listed in Table 2.10.1-5. ICV Structural Analysis - Load Case 2 For ICV Load Case 2, the ICV structural analysis uses a -14.7 psig (0.0 psia) internal pressure (i.e., full vacuum) coupled with an increased external pressure of 0.0 psig (14.7 psia), per Section 2.6.4, Increased External Pressure. The net external pressure for this case is 14.7 psig, applied throughout the inner periphery of the model. Relative to the upper and lower ICV seal flanges, the internal pressure does not extend beyond (below) the top of the upper main O-ring seal groove.
A uniform temperature of 70 ºF is utilized to determine the temperature-dependent, material property values. The only material properties affected by a temperature of 70 ºF are the elastic modulus and the thermal expansion coefficient for the stainless steel. Consistent with Table 2.3-1 from Section 2.3.1, Mechanical Properties Applied to Analytic Evaluations, the elastic modulus and thermal expansion coefficient for Type 304 stainless steel are 28.3(10)6 psi and 8.46(10)-6 inches/inch/ºF, respectively, at a temperature of 70 ºF.
Both the reference and uniform temperature are set to 70 ºF, thereby excluding the effects of differential thermal expansion for this case.
For analysis model review, the ANSYS input file is listed in Table 2.10.1-6.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 2.10.1 ANSYS Input Listing for OCA Load Case 1
/TITLE, OCV: PRES=64.7/3.5 PSIA; TEMP=160/160 DEG-F R,138,-51.4561,2E+10,,1 R,139,-38.6081,2E+10,,1 C*** Define the element types R,140,-25.7602,2E+10,,1 ET,1,42,,,1 R,141,-23.1841,2E+10,,1 ET,2,51 R,142,-20.6081,2E+10,,1 ET,3,42,,,1 R,143,-18.0321,2E+10,,1 ET,4,12,,,1 R,144,-15.4561,2E+10,,1 ET,5,12 R,145,-12.8801,2E+10,,1 ET,6,3 R,146,-10.3041,2E+10,,1 R,147,-7.72805,2E+10,,1 C*** Define the reference and uniform temperatures R,148,-5.15203,2E+10,,1 TREF,160 R,149,-2.57602,2E+10,,1 TUNIF,160 R,150,,2E+10,,1 R,639,-58.7238,2E+10,,1 C*** Define the material properties for non-slotted R,640,-27.4476,2E+10,,1 steel regions R,641,-24.7029,2E+10,,1 EX,1,27.8E+06 R,642,-21.9581,2E+10,,1 NUXY,1,.3 R,643,-19.2133,2E+10,,1 DENS,1,7.505E-04 R,644,-16.4686,2E+10,,1 ALPX,1,8.694E-06 R,645,-13.7238,2E+10,,1 R,646,-10.9790,2E+10,,1 C*** Define the material properties for slotted R,647,-8.23429,2E+10,,1 steel regions R,648,-5.48952,2E+10,,1 EX,2,13.9E+06 R,649,-2.74476,2E+10,,1 EY,2,13.9E+06 C*** Define the nodes for the lower seal flange EZ,2,1 NUXY,2,.3 LOCAL,11,,38.24941495,80.051977923,,-12 NUXZ,2,0 N,1001 NUYZ,2,0 N,1005,.25 DENS,2,3.7525E-04 FILL ALPX,2,8.694E-06 N,1016,,.58677836 ALPY,2,8.694E-06 N,1020,.25,.58677836 ALPZ,2,8.694E-06 FILL FILL,1001,1016,2,1006,5,5,1 C*** Define the material properties for the N,1026,,.896632635 polyurethane foam LOCAL,12,,38.505,80 EX,3,5854 MOVE,1026,11,0,999,0,12,-.065,999,0 EY,3,8789 FILL,1016,1026,1,1021 EZ,3,5854 LOCAL,11,1,39.12699808,80.47 GXY,3,2553 N,1025,.5,148.5 GXZ,3,1921 N,1030,.5,129 GYZ,3,2553 N,1031,.5,109.5 NUXY,3,.33 N,1032,.5,90 DENS,3,1.198E-05 CSYS,12 ALPX,3,4.9E-05 FILL,1021,1025,3,1022,1,2,5 N,1033,.775,.97 C*** Define the material properties for the rigid N,1034,1.145,.97 coupling elements (STIF3 beams) N,1076,-.065,2.98 EX,4,27.8E+06 FILL,1026,1076,8,1035,5 NUXY,4,.3 FILL,1035,1076,7,1041,5 DENS,4,0 N,1060,.775,2.15593612 ALPX,4,8.694E-06 NGEN,2,6,1033,1034,1,,.16 FILL,1039,1060,3,1045,5 C*** Define the element real constants FILL,1035,1039 R,1,.25 FILL,1041,1045,3,1042,1,4,5 R,2,.1875 N,1064,1.245,2.03 R,3,.375 FILL,1060,1064 R,4,.075 N,1092,-.065,2.98 R,5,,2E+10,,1 N,1096,.77960172,2.76 R,6,-15,2E+10,-.036 FILL R,7,15,2E+10,-.036 N,1100,1.245,2.76 R,8,0,2E+10,,1 FILL,1096,1100 R,9,1,1,1 FILL,1056,1092,3,1065,9,9,1 R,101,-180.000,2E+10,,1 NGEN,3,9,1098,1100,1,,.26 R,102,-177.444,2E+10,,1 N,1146,.14020351,4.4 R,103,-174.888,2E+10,,1 FILL,1092,1146,5,1101,9 R,104,-172.333,2E+10,,1 N,1164,.14020351,4.98 R,105,-169.777,2E+10,,1 FILL,1146,1164,1,1155 R,106,-167.221,2E+10,,1 LOCAL,11,,39.13520351,84.98,,-86.15 R,107,-164.665,2E+10,,1 N,1168 R,108,-162.109,2E+10,,1 N,1159,.3 R,109,-159.553,2E+10,,1 NGEN,3,-1,1159,1159,,,-.125 R,110,-156.998,2E+10,,1 N,1148,.58,-.25 R,111,-154.442,2E+10,,1 NGEN,2,-18,1157,1159,1,.56 R,112,-141.553,2E+10,,1 NGEN,2,-9,1139,1141,1,.25 R,113,-128.665,2E+10,,1 NGEN,2,-27,1148,1148,,.81 R,114,-115.777,2E+10,,1 NGEN,2,-18,1130,1132,1,.56 R,115,-102.888,2E+10,,1 FILL,1096,1114,1,1105 R,116,-90.0000,2E+10,,1 CSYS,12 R,130,-102.000,2E+10,,1 FILL,1101,1105 R,136,-77.1520,2E+10,,1 FILL,1110,1112,1,1111,,6,9 R,137,-64.3041,2E+10,,1 FILL,1164,1168 2.10.1-7
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 C*** Define the nodes for the upper seal flange FILL,123,129 LOCAL,11,,38.405,82.81 NGEN,2,-872,1003,1003 N,2001,,5 FILL,129,131 N,2005,.25,5 NGEN,2,-1870,2003,2003 FILL N,135,38.53,93.78649751 NGEN,3,5,2001,2005,1,,-.25 FILL,133,135 N,2031,,3.45 LOCAL,13,1,29.905,93.78649751 N,2035,.91,3.45 N,140,8.625,64.23984399 FILL,135,140 FILL LOCAL,14,1,,31.8125 FILL,2011,2031,3,2016,5,5,1 N,150,77.4375,90 N,2051,,2.543442101 FILL,140,150 N,2055,.91,2.543442101 FILL C*** Define the nodes for the OCA outer shell FILL,2031,2051,3,2036,5,4,1 CSYS N,2040,.91,3.29 N,601 FILL,2040,2055,2,2045,5 N,613,47.0625 N,2059,1.345,2.66 FILL FILL,2055,2059 N,626,47.0625,64.7775 N,2071,,2.17 FILL,613,626 N,2073,.21504507,2.17 N,629,47.0625,76.7775 FILL FILL,626,629 N,2077,.74504507,2.17 N,630,47.0625,77.6325 FILL,2073,2077 N,638,47.0625,105.3440689 FILL,2051,2071,1,2060 FILL,630,638 FILL,2054,2076,1,2065 LOCAL,15,1,40.5625,105.3440689 FILL,2060,2065 N,640,6.5,62.55238078 N,2081,1.345,2.17 FILL,638,640 FILL,2077,2081 LOCAL,16,1,,27.25 FILL,2055,2077,1,2066,,5,1 N,650,94.5,90 N,2107,.85759646,.54 FILL,640,650 N,2109,1.10488343,.54 FILL C*** Define the nodes for the polyurethane foam N,2111,1.345,.54 inner surface FILL,2109,2111 FILL,2077,2107,5,2082,5,5,1 CSYS N,2117,.94488343 NGEN,2,100,101,150,1 N,2119,1.10488343 N,132,38.58338729,80.97 FILL N,232,38.53,86.26 FILL,2109,2119,1,2114 C*** Define the nodes for the polyurethane foam N,2112,.870715847,.35 outer surface FILL,2112,2114 N,2120,1.345,3.45 NGEN,2,-100,601,650,1 N,2121,1.345,3.29 C*** Define the intermediate polyurethane foam nodes NGEN,2,51,2071,2073,1,,-.305 NGEN,2,3,2122,2124,1,,-.305 FILL,201,501,2,301,100,29,1 N,300,43.9375,80.9 C*** Define the nodes for the locking ring N,331,41.5375,81.8825 LOCAL,11,,39.35,81.29 N,332,41.5375,86.26 N,3001 N,429,43.9375,76.7775 N,3005,.435 N,430,44.2375,77.6375 FILL N,431,44.2375,81.8825 N,3009,.935 FILL,229,429,1,329,100,2,1 FILL,3005,3009 FILL,230,300,1,330 N,3037,,.81 FILL,332,532,1,432 N,3041,.435,.693442101 FILL,233,533,2,333,100,18,1 FILL N,323,38.4375,51.79659664 N,3045,.935,.693442101 C*** Define the nodes for the Z-flanges FILL,3041,3045 FILL,3001,3037,3,3010,9,9,1 NGEN,2,272,429,429,0 N,3145,,4.11 NGEN,2,402,300,300,0 N,3149,.435,4.226557899 NGEN,2,273,430,430,0 FILL RP2,,,1,1 N,3153,.935,4.226557899 NGEN,2,374,331,331,0 FILL,3149,3153 RP2,,,1,1 FILL,3041,3149,11,3050,9,5,1 C*** Define the elements for the lower seal flange N,3181,,4.67 N,3185,.535,4.67 TYPE,1 FILL MAT,1 N,3189,.935,4.67 REAL,1 FILL,3185,3189 E,1001,1002,1007,1006 FILL,3145,3181,3,3154,9,9,1 RP4,1,1,1,1 EGEN,5,5,1,4,1 C*** Define the nodes for the OCA inner shell (OCV) E,1026,1027,1036,1035 LOCAL,11,1,,84.5 E,1027,1028,1036 N,101,74.25,-90 E,1028,1029,1037,1036 N,111,74.25,-64.44174492 E,1029,1030,1031,1037 FILL E,1031,1032,1038,1037 LOCAL,12,1,28.3125,24.29659664 RP3,1,1,1,1 N,116,8.625 E,1035,1036,1042,1041 FILL,111,116 RP4,1,1,1,1 CSYS E,1041,1042,1047,1046 N,117,36.9375,25.79659664 RP4,1,1,1,1 N,123,36.9375,51.79659664 EGEN,3,5,32,35,1 FILL E,1056,1057,1066,1065 N,129,36.9375,73.95292590 RP4,1,1,1,1 EGEN,4,9,44,47,1 2.10.1-8
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 MAT,2 E,702,1034 E,1060,1061,1070,1069 E,1034,1033 RP4,1,1,1,1 E,630,703 EGEN,4,9,60,63,1 E,703,704 EGEN,3,9,74,75,1 RP3,1,1 EGEN,3,9,56,59,1 E,706,2120 EGEN,7,9,84,85,1 E,2120,2035 EGEN,3,1,99,99 EGEN,3,1,93,93 C*** Define the polyurethane foam elements C*** Define the elements for the upper seal flange TYPE,3 MAT,3 TYPE,1 REAL,1 MAT,1 E,201,301,302,202 REAL,1 RP29,1,1,1,1 E,2006,2007,2002,2001 E,231,230,330 RP4,1,1,1,1 E,301,401,402,302 EGEN,10,5,104,107,1 RP28,1,1,1,1 E,2040,2121,2120,2035 E,329,429,300,330 E,2060,2061,2052,2051 E,300,132,231,330 E,2061,2062,2052 E,401,501,502,402 E,2062,2063,2053,2052 RP28,1,1,1,1 E,2063,2064,2053 E,333,233,232,332 E,2064,2065,2054,2053 E,233,333,334,234 RP6,1,1,1,1 RP17,1,1,1,1 E,2071,2072,2061,2060 E,331,431,432,332 RP10,1,1,1,1 RP19,1,1,1,1 E,2122,2123,2072,2071 E,430,530,531,431 RP2,1,1,1,1 RP20,1,1,1,1 E,2125,2126,2123,2122 RP2,1,1,1,1 C*** Define the interface elements between the steel E,2082,2083,2078,2077 shells and the polyurethane foam RP4,1,1,1,1 TYPE,5 EGEN,6,5,169,172,1 MAT,1 EGEN,3,5,189,190,1 REAL,101 C*** Define the elements for the locking ring E,101,201 REAL,102 TYPE,1 E,102,202 MAT,2 REAL,103 REAL,1 E,103,203 E,3001,3002,3011,3010 REAL,104 RP4,1,1,1,1 E,104,204 EGEN,4,9,197,200,1 REAL,105 MAT,1 E,105,205 E,3005,3006,3015,3014 REAL,106 RP4,1,1,1,1 E,106,206 EGEN,20,9,213,216,1 REAL,107 E,3145,3146,3155,3154 E,107,207 RP4,1,1,1,1 REAL,108 EGEN,4,9,293,296,1 E,108,208 C*** Define the elements for the OCA inner shell REAL,109 (OCV) E,109,209 REAL,110 TYPE,2 E,110,210 MAT,1 REAL,111 REAL,1 E,111,211 E,101,102 REAL,112 RP16,1,1 E,112,212 REAL,2 REAL,113 E,117,118 E,113,213 RP12,1,1 REAL,114 REAL,3 E,114,214 E,123,323 REAL,115 REAL,1 E,115,215 E,129,130 REAL,116 E,130,1003 E,116,216 E,2003,134 RP7,1,1 E,134,135 E,124,224 RP16,1,1 RP6,1,1 REAL,130 C*** Define the elements for the OCA outer shell E,129,229 REAL,1 RP2,1,1 E,601,602 E,1003,231 RP25,1,1 REAL,101 REAL,3 E,702,300 E,626,627 E,701,429 RP3,1,1 E,622,529 E,630,631 REAL,150 RP8,1,1 E,706,332 REAL,1 E,705,331 E,638,639 E,704,431 RP12,1,1 E,703,430 E,630,530 C*** Define the elements for the Z-flanges REAL,116 REAL,4 E,300,702 E,629,701 E,429,701 E,701,702 E,706,332 2.10.1-9
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 E,705,331 C*** Define the interface elements between the upper E,704,431 seal flange and the locking ring E,703,430 E,2003,233 TYPE,4 E,134,234 MAT,1 RP2,1,1 REAL,7 REAL,136 E,2056,3146 E,136,236 RP3,1,1 REAL,137 C*** Define the interface elements between the lower E,137,237 seal flange and the upper seal flange REAL,138 E,138,238 TYPE,5 REAL,139 MAT,1 E,139,239 REAL,8 REAL,140 E,1164,2073 E,140,240 RP5,1,1 REAL,141 C*** Couple the lower shell to the lower seal flange E,141,241 REAL,142 TYPE,6 E,142,242 MAT,4 REAL,143 REAL,9 E,143,243 E,1001,1002 REAL,144 RP4,1,1 E,144,244 C*** Couple the upper shell to the upper seal flange REAL,145 E,145,245 TYPE,6 REAL,146 MAT,4 E,146,246 REAL,9 REAL,147 E,2001,2002 E,147,247 RP4,1,1 REAL,148 C*** Define the displacement constraints E,148,248 REAL,149 D,101,UX,0,,601,500,ROTZ E,149,249 D,201,UX,0,,501,100 REAL,150 D,150,UX,0,,650,500,ROTZ E,150,250 D,250,UX,0,,550,100 REAL,101 D,3099,UY,0 E,501,601 C*** Define the pressure loads RP13,1,1 REAL,116 P,101,102,61.2,,129,1 E,513,613 P,130,1003,61.2 RP26,1,1 P,1001,1006,61.2,,1021,5 REAL,639 P,1026,1035,61.2 E,539,639 P,1035,1041,61.2 REAL,640 P,1041,1046,61.2,,1051,5 E,540,640 P,1056,1065,61.2,,1155,9 REAL,641 P,1164,1165,61.2,,1167,1 E,541,641 P,1168,1159,61.2 REAL,642 P,2077,2082,61.2 E,542,642 P,2073,2074,61.2,,2076,1 REAL,643 P,2127,2124,61.2 E,543,643 P,2124,2073,61.2 REAL,644 P,2125,2126,61.2,,2126,1 E,544,644 P,2122,2125,61.2 REAL,645 P,2071,2122,61.2 E,545,645 P,2001,2002,61.2,,2002,1 REAL,646 P,2001,2006,61.2,,2046,5 E,546,646 P,2051,2060,61.2 REAL,647 P,2060,2071,61.2 E,547,647 P,2003,134,61.2 REAL,648 P,134,135,61.2,,149,1 E,548,648 C*** Re-order the elements to reduce execution time REAL,649 E,549,649 WSTART,101,601,100 REAL,150 WSTART,150,650,100 E,550,650 WSTART,1003 WSTART,1034 C*** Define the interface elements between the lower WSTART,2120 seal flange and the locking ring WSTART,2003 TYPE,4 WAVES MAT,1 C*** Set convergence criteria, write a solution REAL,6 file, and exit E,3038,1061 RP3,1,1 ITER,-20,20 AFWRITE FINISH 2.10.1-10
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 2.10.1 ANSYS Input Listing for OCA Load Case 2
/TITLE, OCV: PRES=64.7/3.5 PSIA; TEMP=70/160 DEG-F R,138,-51.4561,2E+10,,1 R,139,-38.6081,2E+10,,1 C*** Define the element types R,140,-25.7602,2E+10,,1 ET,1,42,,,1 R,141,-23.1841,2E+10,,1 ET,2,51 R,142,-20.6081,2E+10,,1 ET,3,42,,,1 R,143,-18.0321,2E+10,,1 ET,4,12,,,1 R,144,-15.4561,2E+10,,1 ET,5,12 R,145,-12.8801,2E+10,,1 ET,6,3 R,146,-10.3041,2E+10,,1 R,147,-7.72805,2E+10,,1 C*** Define the reference and uniform temperatures R,148,-5.15203,2E+10,,1 TREF,70 R,149,-2.57602,2E+10,,1 TUNIF,160 R,150,,2E+10,,1 R,639,-58.7238,2E+10,,1 C*** Define the material properties for non-slotted R,640,-27.4476,2E+10,,1 steel regions R,641,-24.7029,2E+10,,1 EX,1,27.8E+06 R,642,-21.9581,2E+10,,1 NUXY,1,.3 R,643,-19.2133,2E+10,,1 DENS,1,7.505E-04 R,644,-16.4686,2E+10,,1 ALPX,1,8.694E-06 R,645,-13.7238,2E+10,,1 R,646,-10.9790,2E+10,,1 C*** Define the material properties for slotted R,647,-8.23429,2E+10,,1 steel regions R,648,-5.48952,2E+10,,1 EX,2,13.9E+06 R,649,-2.74476,2E+10,,1 EY,2,13.9E+06 C*** Define the nodes for the lower seal flange EZ,2,1 NUXY,2,.3 LOCAL,11,,38.24941495,80.051977923,,-12 NUXZ,2,0 N,1001 NUYZ,2,0 N,1005,.25 DENS,2,3.7525E-04 FILL ALPX,2,8.694E-06 N,1016,,.58677836 ALPY,2,8.694E-06 N,1020,.25,.58677836 ALPZ,2,8.694E-06 FILL FILL,1001,1016,2,1006,5,5,1 C*** Define the material properties for the N,1026,,.896632635 polyurethane foam LOCAL,12,,38.505,80 EX,3,5854 MOVE,1026,11,0,999,0,12,-.065,999,0 EY,3,8789 FILL,1016,1026,1,1021 EZ,3,5854 LOCAL,11,1,39.12699808,80.47 GXY,3,2553 N,1025,.5,148.5 GXZ,3,1921 N,1030,.5,129 GYZ,3,2553 N,1031,.5,109.5 NUXY,3,.33 N,1032,.5,90 DENS,3,1.198E-05 CSYS,12 ALPX,3,4.9E-05 FILL,1021,1025,3,1022,1,2,5 N,1033,.775,.97 C*** Define the material properties for the rigid N,1034,1.145,.97 coupling elements (STIF3 beams) N,1076,-.065,2.98 EX,4,27.8E+06 FILL,1026,1076,8,1035,5 NUXY,4,.3 FILL,1035,1076,7,1041,5 DENS,4,0 N,1060,.775,2.15593612 ALPX,4,8.694E-06 NGEN,2,6,1033,1034,1,,.16 FILL,1039,1060,3,1045,5 C*** Define the element real constants FILL,1035,1039 R,1,.25 FILL,1041,1045,3,1042,1,4,5 R,2,.1875 N,1064,1.245,2.03 R,3,.375 FILL,1060,1064 R,4,.075 N,1092,-.065,2.98 R,5,,2E+10,,1 N,1096,.77960172,2.76 R,6,-15,2E+10,-.036 FILL R,7,15,2E+10,-.036 N,1100,1.245,2.76 R,8,0,2E+10,,1 FILL,1096,1100 R,9,1,1,1 FILL,1056,1092,3,1065,9,9,1 R,101,-180.000,2E+10,,1 NGEN,3,9,1098,1100,1,,.26 R,102,-177.444,2E+10,,1 N,1146,.14020351,4.4 R,103,-174.888,2E+10,,1 FILL,1092,1146,5,1101,9 R,104,-172.333,2E+10,,1 N,1164,.14020351,4.98 R,105,-169.777,2E+10,,1 FILL,1146,1164,1,1155 R,106,-167.221,2E+10,,1 LOCAL,11,,39.13520351,84.98,,-86.15 R,107,-164.665,2E+10,,1 N,1168 R,108,-162.109,2E+10,,1 N,1159,.3 R,109,-159.553,2E+10,,1 NGEN,3,-1,1159,1159,,,-.125 R,110,-156.998,2E+10,,1 N,1148,.58,-.25 R,111,-154.442,2E+10,,1 NGEN,2,-18,1157,1159,1,.56 R,112,-141.553,2E+10,,1 NGEN,2,-9,1139,1141,1,.25 R,113,-128.665,2E+10,,1 NGEN,2,-27,1148,1148,,.81 R,114,-115.777,2E+10,,1 NGEN,2,-18,1130,1132,1,.56 R,115,-102.888,2E+10,,1 FILL,1096,1114,1,1105 R,116,-90.0000,2E+10,,1 CSYS,12 R,130,-102.000,2E+10,,1 FILL,1101,1105 R,136,-77.1520,2E+10,,1 FILL,1110,1112,1,1111,,6,9 R,137,-64.3041,2E+10,,1 FILL,1164,1168 2.10.1-11
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 C*** Define the nodes for the upper seal flange FILL,123,129 LOCAL,11,,38.405,82.81 NGEN,2,-872,1003,1003 N,2001,,5 FILL,129,131 N,2005,.25,5 NGEN,2,-1870,2003,2003 FILL N,135,38.53,93.78649751 NGEN,3,5,2001,2005,1,,-.25 FILL,133,135 N,2031,,3.45 LOCAL,13,1,29.905,93.78649751 N,2035,.91,3.45 N,140,8.625,64.23984399 FILL,135,140 FILL LOCAL,14,1,,31.8125 FILL,2011,2031,3,2016,5,5,1 N,150,77.4375,90 N,2051,,2.543442101 FILL,140,150 N,2055,.91,2.543442101 FILL C*** Define the nodes for the OCA outer shell FILL,2031,2051,3,2036,5,4,1 CSYS N,2040,.91,3.29 N,601 FILL,2040,2055,2,2045,5 N,613,47.0625 N,2059,1.345,2.66 FILL FILL,2055,2059 N,626,47.0625,64.7775 N,2071,,2.17 FILL,613,626 N,2073,.21504507,2.17 N,629,47.0625,76.7775 FILL FILL,626,629 N,2077,.74504507,2.17 N,630,47.0625,77.6325 FILL,2073,2077 N,638,47.0625,105.3440689 FILL,2051,2071,1,2060 FILL,630,638 FILL,2054,2076,1,2065 LOCAL,15,1,40.5625,105.3440689 FILL,2060,2065 N,640,6.5,62.55238078 N,2081,1.345,2.17 FILL,638,640 FILL,2077,2081 LOCAL,16,1,,27.25 FILL,2055,2077,1,2066,,5,1 N,650,94.5,90 N,2107,.85759646,.54 FILL,640,650 N,2109,1.10488343,.54 FILL C*** Define the nodes for the polyurethane foam N,2111,1.345,.54 inner surface FILL,2109,2111 FILL,2077,2107,5,2082,5,5,1 CSYS N,2117,.94488343 NGEN,2,100,101,150,1 N,2119,1.10488343 N,132,38.58338729,80.97 FILL N,232,38.53,86.26 FILL,2109,2119,1,2114 C*** Define the nodes for the polyurethane foam N,2112,.870715847,.35 outer surface FILL,2112,2114 N,2120,1.345,3.45 NGEN,2,-100,601,650,1 N,2121,1.345,3.29 C*** Define the intermediate polyurethane foam nodes NGEN,2,51,2071,2073,1,,-.305 NGEN,2,3,2122,2124,1,,-.305 FILL,201,501,2,301,100,29,1 N,300,43.9375,80.9 C*** Define the nodes for the locking ring N,331,41.5375,81.8825 LOCAL,11,,39.35,81.29 N,332,41.5375,86.26 N,3001 N,429,43.9375,76.7775 N,3005,.435 N,430,44.2375,77.6375 FILL N,431,44.2375,81.8825 N,3009,.935 FILL,229,429,1,329,100,2,1 FILL,3005,3009 FILL,230,300,1,330 N,3037,,.81 FILL,332,532,1,432 N,3041,.435,.693442101 FILL,233,533,2,333,100,18,1 FILL N,323,38.4375,51.79659664 N,3045,.935,.693442101 C*** Define the nodes for the Z-flanges FILL,3041,3045 FILL,3001,3037,3,3010,9,9,1 NGEN,2,272,429,429,0 N,3145,,4.11 NGEN,2,402,300,300,0 N,3149,.435,4.226557899 NGEN,2,273,430,430,0 FILL RP2,,,1,1 N,3153,.935,4.226557899 NGEN,2,374,331,331,0 FILL,3149,3153 RP2,,,1,1 FILL,3041,3149,11,3050,9,5,1 C*** Define the elements for the lower seal flange N,3181,,4.67 N,3185,.535,4.67 TYPE,1 FILL MAT,1 N,3189,.935,4.67 REAL,1 FILL,3185,3189 E,1001,1002,1007,1006 FILL,3145,3181,3,3154,9,9,1 RP4,1,1,1,1 EGEN,5,5,1,4,1 C*** Define the nodes for the OCA inner shell (OCV) E,1026,1027,1036,1035 LOCAL,11,1,,84.5 E,1027,1028,1036 N,101,74.25,-90 E,1028,1029,1037,1036 N,111,74.25,-64.44174492 E,1029,1030,1031,1037 FILL E,1031,1032,1038,1037 LOCAL,12,1,28.3125,24.29659664 RP3,1,1,1,1 N,116,8.625 E,1035,1036,1042,1041 FILL,111,116 RP4,1,1,1,1 CSYS E,1041,1042,1047,1046 N,117,36.9375,25.79659664 RP4,1,1,1,1 N,123,36.9375,51.79659664 EGEN,3,5,32,35,1 FILL E,1056,1057,1066,1065 N,129,36.9375,73.95292590 RP4,1,1,1,1 EGEN,4,9,44,47,1 2.10.1-12
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 MAT,2 E,702,1034 E,1060,1061,1070,1069 E,1034,1033 RP4,1,1,1,1 E,630,703 EGEN,4,9,60,63,1 E,703,704 EGEN,3,9,74,75,1 RP3,1,1 EGEN,3,9,56,59,1 E,706,2120 EGEN,7,9,84,85,1 E,2120,2035 EGEN,3,1,99,99 EGEN,3,1,93,93 C*** Define the polyurethane foam elements C*** Define the elements for the upper seal flange TYPE,3 MAT,3 TYPE,1 REAL,1 MAT,1 E,201,301,302,202 REAL,1 RP29,1,1,1,1 E,2006,2007,2002,2001 E,231,230,330 RP4,1,1,1,1 E,301,401,402,302 EGEN,10,5,104,107,1 RP28,1,1,1,1 E,2040,2121,2120,2035 E,329,429,300,330 E,2060,2061,2052,2051 E,300,132,231,330 E,2061,2062,2052 E,401,501,502,402 E,2062,2063,2053,2052 RP28,1,1,1,1 E,2063,2064,2053 E,333,233,232,332 E,2064,2065,2054,2053 E,233,333,334,234 RP6,1,1,1,1 RP17,1,1,1,1 E,2071,2072,2061,2060 E,331,431,432,332 RP10,1,1,1,1 RP19,1,1,1,1 E,2122,2123,2072,2071 E,430,530,531,431 RP2,1,1,1,1 RP20,1,1,1,1 E,2125,2126,2123,2122 RP2,1,1,1,1 C*** Define the interface elements between the steel E,2082,2083,2078,2077 shells and the polyurethane foam RP4,1,1,1,1 TYPE,5 EGEN,6,5,169,172,1 MAT,1 EGEN,3,5,189,190,1 REAL,101 C*** Define the elements for the locking ring E,101,201 REAL,102 TYPE,1 E,102,202 MAT,2 REAL,103 REAL,1 E,103,203 E,3001,3002,3011,3010 REAL,104 RP4,1,1,1,1 E,104,204 EGEN,4,9,197,200,1 REAL,105 MAT,1 E,105,205 E,3005,3006,3015,3014 REAL,106 RP4,1,1,1,1 E,106,206 EGEN,20,9,213,216,1 REAL,107 E,3145,3146,3155,3154 E,107,207 RP4,1,1,1,1 REAL,108 EGEN,4,9,293,296,1 E,108,208 C*** Define the elements for the OCA inner shell REAL,109 (OCV) E,109,209 REAL,110 TYPE,2 E,110,210 MAT,1 REAL,111 REAL,1 E,111,211 E,101,102 REAL,112 RP16,1,1 E,112,212 REAL,2 REAL,113 E,117,118 E,113,213 RP12,1,1 REAL,114 REAL,3 E,114,214 E,123,323 REAL,115 REAL,1 E,115,215 E,129,130 REAL,116 E,130,1003 E,116,216 E,2003,134 RP7,1,1 E,134,135 E,124,224 RP16,1,1 RP6,1,1 REAL,130 C*** Define the elements for the OCA outer shell E,129,229 REAL,1 RP2,1,1 E,601,602 E,1003,231 RP25,1,1 REAL,101 REAL,3 E,702,300 E,626,627 E,701,429 RP3,1,1 E,622,529 E,630,631 REAL,150 RP8,1,1 E,706,332 REAL,1 E,705,331 E,638,639 E,704,431 RP12,1,1 E,703,430 E,630,530 C*** Define the elements for the Z-flanges REAL,116 REAL,4 E,300,702 E,629,701 E,429,701 E,701,702 E,706,332 2.10.1-13
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 E,705,331 C*** Define the interface elements between the upper E,704,431 seal flange and the locking ring E,703,430 E,2003,233 TYPE,4 E,134,234 MAT,1 RP2,1,1 REAL,7 REAL,136 E,2056,3146 E,136,236 RP3,1,1 REAL,137 C*** Define the interface elements between the lower E,137,237 seal flange and the upper seal flange REAL,138 E,138,238 TYPE,5 REAL,139 MAT,1 E,139,239 REAL,8 REAL,140 E,1164,2073 E,140,240 RP5,1,1 REAL,141 C*** Couple the lower shell to the lower seal flange E,141,241 REAL,142 TYPE,6 E,142,242 MAT,4 REAL,143 REAL,9 E,143,243 E,1001,1002 REAL,144 RP4,1,1 E,144,244 C*** Couple the upper shell to the upper seal flange REAL,145 E,145,245 TYPE,6 REAL,146 MAT,4 E,146,246 REAL,9 REAL,147 E,2001,2002 E,147,247 RP4,1,1 REAL,148 C*** Define the displacement constraints E,148,248 REAL,149 D,101,UX,0,,601,500,ROTZ E,149,249 D,201,UX,0,,501,100 REAL,150 D,150,UX,0,,650,500,ROTZ E,150,250 D,250,UX,0,,550,100 REAL,101 D,3099,UY,0 E,501,601 C*** Define the pressure loads RP13,1,1 REAL,116 P,101,102,61.2,,129,1 E,513,613 P,130,1003,61.2 RP26,1,1 P,1001,1006,61.2,,1021,5 REAL,639 P,1026,1035,61.2 E,539,639 P,1035,1041,61.2 REAL,640 P,1041,1046,61.2,,1051,5 E,540,640 P,1056,1065,61.2,,1155,9 REAL,641 P,1164,1165,61.2,,1167,1 E,541,641 P,1168,1159,61.2 REAL,642 P,2077,2082,61.2 E,542,642 P,2073,2074,61.2,,2076,1 REAL,643 P,2127,2124,61.2 E,543,643 P,2124,2073,61.2 REAL,644 P,2125,2126,61.2,,2126,1 E,544,644 P,2122,2125,61.2 REAL,645 P,2071,2122,61.2 E,545,645 P,2001,2002,61.2,,2002,1 REAL,646 P,2001,2006,61.2,,2046,5 E,546,646 P,2051,2060,61.2 REAL,647 P,2060,2071,61.2 E,547,647 P,2003,134,61.2 REAL,648 P,134,135,61.2,,149,1 E,548,648 C*** Re-order the elements to reduce execution time REAL,649 E,549,649 WSTART,101,601,100 REAL,150 WSTART,150,650,100 E,550,650 WSTART,1003 WSTART,1034 C*** Define the interface elements between the lower WSTART,2120 seal flange and the locking ring WSTART,2003 TYPE,4 WAVES MAT,1 C*** Set convergence criteria, write a solution REAL,6 file, and exit E,3038,1061 RP3,1,1 ITER,-20,20 AFWRITE FINISH 2.10.1-14
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 2.10.1 ANSYS Input Listing for OCA Load Case 3
/TITLE, OCV: PRES=14.7/14.7 PSIA; TEMP=70/-40 DEG-F R,138,-51.4561,2E+10,,1 R,139,-38.6081,2E+10,,1 C*** Define the element types R,140,-25.7602,2E+10,,1 ET,1,42,,,1 R,141,-23.1841,2E+10,,1 ET,2,51 R,142,-20.6081,2E+10,,1 ET,3,42,,,1 R,143,-18.0321,2E+10,,1 ET,4,12,,,1 R,144,-15.4561,2E+10,,1 ET,5,12 R,145,-12.8801,2E+10,,1 ET,6,3 R,146,-10.3041,2E+10,,1 R,147,-7.72805,2E+10,,1 C*** Define the reference and uniform temperatures R,148,-5.15203,2E+10,,1 TREF,70 R,149,-2.57602,2E+10,,1 TUNIF,-40 R,150,,2E+10,,1 R,639,-58.7238,2E+10,,1 C*** Define the material properties for non-slotted R,640,-27.4476,2E+10,,1 steel regions R,641,-24.7029,2E+10,,1 EX,1,28.8E+06 R,642,-21.9581,2E+10,,1 NUXY,1,.3 R,643,-19.2133,2E+10,,1 DENS,1,7.505E-04 R,644,-16.4686,2E+10,,1 ALPX,1,8.080E-06 R,645,-13.7238,2E+10,,1 R,646,-10.9790,2E+10,,1 C*** Define the material properties for slotted R,647,-8.23429,2E+10,,1 steel regions R,648,-5.48952,2E+10,,1 EX,2,14.4E+06 R,649,-2.74476,2E+10,,1 EY,2,14.4E+06 C*** Define the nodes for the lower seal flange EZ,2,1 NUXY,2,.3 LOCAL,11,,38.24941495,80.051977923,,-12 NUXZ,2,0 N,1001 NUYZ,2,0 N,1005,.25 DENS,2,3.7525E-04 FILL ALPX,2,8.080E-06 N,1016,,.58677836 ALPY,2,8.080E-06 N,1020,.25,.58677836 ALPZ,2,8.080E-06 FILL FILL,1001,1016,2,1006,5,5,1 C*** Define the material properties for the N,1026,,.896632635 polyurethane foam LOCAL,12,,38.505,80 EX,3,5854 MOVE,1026,11,0,999,0,12,-.065,999,0 EY,3,8789 FILL,1016,1026,1,1021 EZ,3,5854 LOCAL,11,1,39.12699808,80.47 GXY,3,2553 N,1025,.5,148.5 GXZ,3,1921 N,1030,.5,129 GYZ,3,2553 N,1031,.5,109.5 NUXY,3,.33 N,1032,.5,90 DENS,3,1.198E-05 CSYS,12 ALPX,3,4.3E-05 FILL,1021,1025,3,1022,1,2,5 N,1033,.775,.97 C*** Define the material properties for the rigid N,1034,1.145,.97 coupling elements (STIF3 beams) N,1076,-.065,2.98 EX,4,28.8E+06 FILL,1026,1076,8,1035,5 NUXY,4,.3 FILL,1035,1076,7,1041,5 DENS,4,0 N,1060,.775,2.15593612 ALPX,4,8.080E-06 NGEN,2,6,1033,1034,1,,.16 FILL,1039,1060,3,1045,5 C*** Define the element real constants FILL,1035,1039 R,1,.25 FILL,1041,1045,3,1042,1,4,5 R,2,.1875 N,1064,1.245,2.03 R,3,.375 FILL,1060,1064 R,4,.075 N,1092,-.065,2.98 R,5,,2E+10,,1 N,1096,.77960172,2.76 R,6,-15,2E+10,-.036 FILL R,7,15,2E+10,-.036 N,1100,1.245,2.76 R,8,0,2E+10,,1 FILL,1096,1100 R,9,1,1,1 FILL,1056,1092,3,1065,9,9,1 R,101,-180.000,2E+10,,1 NGEN,3,9,1098,1100,1,,.26 R,102,-177.444,2E+10,,1 N,1146,.14020351,4.4 R,103,-174.888,2E+10,,1 FILL,1092,1146,5,1101,9 R,104,-172.333,2E+10,,1 N,1164,.14020351,4.98 R,105,-169.777,2E+10,,1 FILL,1146,1164,1,1155 R,106,-167.221,2E+10,,1 LOCAL,11,,39.13520351,84.98,,-86.15 R,107,-164.665,2E+10,,1 N,1168 R,108,-162.109,2E+10,,1 N,1159,.3 R,109,-159.553,2E+10,,1 NGEN,3,-1,1159,1159,,,-.125 R,110,-156.998,2E+10,,1 N,1148,.58,-.25 R,111,-154.442,2E+10,,1 NGEN,2,-18,1157,1159,1,.56 R,112,-141.553,2E+10,,1 NGEN,2,-9,1139,1141,1,.25 R,113,-128.665,2E+10,,1 NGEN,2,-27,1148,1148,,.81 R,114,-115.777,2E+10,,1 NGEN,2,-18,1130,1132,1,.56 R,115,-102.888,2E+10,,1 FILL,1096,1114,1,1105 R,116,-90.0000,2E+10,,1 CSYS,12 R,130,-102.000,2E+10,,1 FILL,1101,1105 R,136,-77.1520,2E+10,,1 FILL,1110,1112,1,1111,,6,9 R,137,-64.3041,2E+10,,1 FILL,1164,1168 2.10.1-15
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 C*** Define the nodes for the upper seal flange FILL,123,129 LOCAL,11,,38.405,82.81 NGEN,2,-872,1003,1003 N,2001,,5 FILL,129,131 N,2005,.25,5 NGEN,2,-1870,2003,2003 FILL N,135,38.53,93.78649751 NGEN,3,5,2001,2005,1,,-.25 FILL,133,135 N,2031,,3.45 LOCAL,13,1,29.905,93.78649751 N,2035,.91,3.45 N,140,8.625,64.23984399 FILL,135,140 FILL LOCAL,14,1,,31.8125 FILL,2011,2031,3,2016,5,5,1 N,150,77.4375,90 N,2051,,2.543442101 FILL,140,150 N,2055,.91,2.543442101 FILL C*** Define the nodes for the OCA outer shell FILL,2031,2051,3,2036,5,4,1 CSYS N,2040,.91,3.29 N,601 FILL,2040,2055,2,2045,5 N,613,47.0625 N,2059,1.345,2.66 FILL FILL,2055,2059 N,626,47.0625,64.7775 N,2071,,2.17 FILL,613,626 N,2073,.21504507,2.17 N,629,47.0625,76.7775 FILL FILL,626,629 N,2077,.74504507,2.17 N,630,47.0625,77.6325 FILL,2073,2077 N,638,47.0625,105.3440689 FILL,2051,2071,1,2060 FILL,630,638 FILL,2054,2076,1,2065 LOCAL,15,1,40.5625,105.3440689 FILL,2060,2065 N,640,6.5,62.55238078 N,2081,1.345,2.17 FILL,638,640 FILL,2077,2081 LOCAL,16,1,,27.25 FILL,2055,2077,1,2066,,5,1 N,650,94.5,90 N,2107,.85759646,.54 FILL,640,650 N,2109,1.10488343,.54 FILL C*** Define the nodes for the polyurethane foam N,2111,1.345,.54 inner surface FILL,2109,2111 FILL,2077,2107,5,2082,5,5,1 CSYS N,2117,.94488343 NGEN,2,100,101,150,1 N,2119,1.10488343 N,132,38.58338729,80.97 FILL N,232,38.53,86.26 FILL,2109,2119,1,2114 C*** Define the nodes for the polyurethane foam N,2112,.870715847,.35 outer surface FILL,2112,2114 N,2120,1.345,3.45 NGEN,2,-100,601,650,1 N,2121,1.345,3.29 C*** Define the intermediate polyurethane foam nodes NGEN,2,51,2071,2073,1,,-.305 NGEN,2,3,2122,2124,1,,-.305 FILL,201,501,2,301,100,29,1 N,300,43.9375,80.9 C*** Define the nodes for the locking ring N,331,41.5375,81.8825 LOCAL,11,,39.35,81.29 N,332,41.5375,86.26 N,3001 N,429,43.9375,76.7775 N,3005,.435 N,430,44.2375,77.6375 FILL N,431,44.2375,81.8825 N,3009,.935 FILL,229,429,1,329,100,2,1 FILL,3005,3009 FILL,230,300,1,330 N,3037,,.81 FILL,332,532,1,432 N,3041,.435,.693442101 FILL,233,533,2,333,100,18,1 FILL N,323,38.4375,51.79659664 N,3045,.935,.693442101 C*** Define the nodes for the Z-flanges FILL,3041,3045 FILL,3001,3037,3,3010,9,9,1 NGEN,2,272,429,429,0 N,3145,,4.11 NGEN,2,402,300,300,0 N,3149,.435,4.226557899 NGEN,2,273,430,430,0 FILL RP2,,,1,1 N,3153,.935,4.226557899 NGEN,2,374,331,331,0 FILL,3149,3153 RP2,,,1,1 FILL,3041,3149,11,3050,9,5,1 C*** Define the elements for the lower seal flange N,3181,,4.67 N,3185,.535,4.67 TYPE,1 FILL MAT,1 N,3189,.935,4.67 REAL,1 FILL,3185,3189 E,1001,1002,1007,1006 FILL,3145,3181,3,3154,9,9,1 RP4,1,1,1,1 EGEN,5,5,1,4,1 C*** Define the nodes for the OCA inner shell (OCV) E,1026,1027,1036,1035 LOCAL,11,1,,84.5 E,1027,1028,1036 N,101,74.25,-90 E,1028,1029,1037,1036 N,111,74.25,-64.44174492 E,1029,1030,1031,1037 FILL E,1031,1032,1038,1037 LOCAL,12,1,28.3125,24.29659664 RP3,1,1,1,1 N,116,8.625 E,1035,1036,1042,1041 FILL,111,116 RP4,1,1,1,1 CSYS E,1041,1042,1047,1046 N,117,36.9375,25.79659664 RP4,1,1,1,1 N,123,36.9375,51.79659664 EGEN,3,5,32,35,1 FILL E,1056,1057,1066,1065 N,129,36.9375,73.95292590 RP4,1,1,1,1 EGEN,4,9,44,47,1 2.10.1-16
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 MAT,2 E,702,1034 E,1060,1061,1070,1069 E,1034,1033 RP4,1,1,1,1 E,630,703 EGEN,4,9,60,63,1 E,703,704 EGEN,3,9,74,75,1 RP3,1,1 EGEN,3,9,56,59,1 E,706,2120 EGEN,7,9,84,85,1 E,2120,2035 EGEN,3,1,99,99 EGEN,3,1,93,93 C*** Define the polyurethane foam elements C*** Define the elements for the upper seal flange TYPE,3 MAT,3 TYPE,1 REAL,1 MAT,1 E,201,301,302,202 REAL,1 RP29,1,1,1,1 E,2006,2007,2002,2001 E,231,230,330 RP4,1,1,1,1 E,301,401,402,302 EGEN,10,5,104,107,1 RP28,1,1,1,1 E,2040,2121,2120,2035 E,329,429,300,330 E,2060,2061,2052,2051 E,300,132,231,330 E,2061,2062,2052 E,401,501,502,402 E,2062,2063,2053,2052 RP28,1,1,1,1 E,2063,2064,2053 E,333,233,232,332 E,2064,2065,2054,2053 E,233,333,334,234 RP6,1,1,1,1 RP17,1,1,1,1 E,2071,2072,2061,2060 E,331,431,432,332 RP10,1,1,1,1 RP19,1,1,1,1 E,2122,2123,2072,2071 E,430,530,531,431 RP2,1,1,1,1 RP20,1,1,1,1 E,2125,2126,2123,2122 RP2,1,1,1,1 C*** Define the interface elements between the steel E,2082,2083,2078,2077 shells and the polyurethane foam RP4,1,1,1,1 TYPE,5 EGEN,6,5,169,172,1 MAT,1 EGEN,3,5,189,190,1 REAL,101 C*** Define the elements for the locking ring E,101,201 REAL,102 TYPE,1 E,102,202 MAT,2 REAL,103 REAL,1 E,103,203 E,3001,3002,3011,3010 REAL,104 RP4,1,1,1,1 E,104,204 EGEN,4,9,197,200,1 REAL,105 MAT,1 E,105,205 E,3005,3006,3015,3014 REAL,106 RP4,1,1,1,1 E,106,206 EGEN,20,9,213,216,1 REAL,107 E,3145,3146,3155,3154 E,107,207 RP4,1,1,1,1 REAL,108 EGEN,4,9,293,296,1 E,108,208 C*** Define the elements for the OCA inner shell REAL,109 (OCV) E,109,209 REAL,110 TYPE,2 E,110,210 MAT,1 REAL,111 REAL,1 E,111,211 E,101,102 REAL,112 RP16,1,1 E,112,212 REAL,2 REAL,113 E,117,118 E,113,213 RP12,1,1 REAL,114 REAL,3 E,114,214 E,123,323 REAL,115 REAL,1 E,115,215 E,129,130 REAL,116 E,130,1003 E,116,216 E,2003,134 RP7,1,1 E,134,135 E,124,224 RP16,1,1 RP6,1,1 REAL,130 C*** Define the elements for the OCA outer shell E,129,229 REAL,1 RP2,1,1 E,601,602 E,1003,231 RP25,1,1 REAL,101 REAL,3 E,702,300 E,626,627 E,701,429 RP3,1,1 E,622,529 E,630,631 REAL,150 RP8,1,1 E,706,332 REAL,1 E,705,331 E,638,639 E,704,431 RP12,1,1 E,703,430 E,630,530 C*** Define the elements for the Z-flanges REAL,116 REAL,4 E,300,702 E,629,701 E,429,701 E,701,702 E,706,332 2.10.1-17
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 E,705,331 REAL,150 E,704,431 E,550,650 E,703,430 E,2003,233 C*** Define the interface elements between the lower E,134,234 seal flange and the locking ring RP2,1,1 TYPE,4 REAL,136 MAT,1 E,136,236 REAL,6 REAL,137 E,3038,1061 E,137,237 RP3,1,1 REAL,138 E,138,238 C*** Define the interface elements between the upper REAL,139 seal flange and the locking ring E,139,239 TYPE,4 REAL,140 MAT,1 E,140,240 REAL,7 REAL,141 E,2056,3146 E,141,241 RP3,1,1 REAL,142 E,142,242 C*** Define the interface elements between the lower REAL,143 seal flange and the upper seal flange E,143,243 TYPE,5 REAL,144 MAT,1 E,144,244 REAL,8 REAL,145 E,1164,2073 E,145,245 RP5,1,1 REAL,146 E,146,246 C*** Couple the lower shell to the lower seal flange REAL,147 TYPE,6 E,147,247 MAT,4 REAL,148 REAL,9 E,148,248 E,1001,1002 REAL,149 RP4,1,1 E,149,249 REAL,150 C*** Couple the upper shell to the upper seal flange E,150,250 TYPE,6 REAL,101 MAT,4 E,501,601 REAL,9 RP13,1,1 E,2001,2002 REAL,116 RP4,1,1 E,513,613 RP26,1,1 C*** Define the displacement constraints REAL,639 D,101,UX,0,,601,500,ROTZ E,539,639 D,201,UX,0,,501,100 REAL,640 D,150,UX,0,,650,500,ROTZ E,540,640 D,250,UX,0,,550,100 REAL,641 D,3099,UY,0 E,541,641 REAL,642 C*** Re-order the elements to reduce execution time E,542,642 WSTART,101,601,100 REAL,643 WSTART,150,650,100 E,543,643 WSTART,1003 REAL,644 WSTART,1034 E,544,644 WSTART,2120 REAL,645 WSTART,2003 E,545,645 WAVES REAL,646 E,546,646 C*** Set convergence criteria, write a solution REAL,647 file, and exit E,547,647 ITER,-20,20 REAL,648 AFWRITE E,548,648 FINISH REAL,649 E,549,649 2.10.1-18
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 2.10.1 ANSYS Input Listing for OCA Load Case 4
/TITLE, OCV: PRES=0/14.7 PSIA; TEMP=70/70 DEG-F R,138,-51.4561,2E+10,,1 R,139,-38.6081,2E+10,,1 C*** Define the element types R,140,-25.7602,2E+10,,1 ET,1,42,,,1 R,141,-23.1841,2E+10,,1 ET,2,51 R,142,-20.6081,2E+10,,1 ET,3,42,,,1 R,143,-18.0321,2E+10,,1 ET,4,12,,,1 R,144,-15.4561,2E+10,,1 ET,5,12 R,145,-12.8801,2E+10,,1 ET,6,3 R,146,-10.3041,2E+10,,1 R,147,-7.72805,2E+10,,1 C*** Define the reference and uniform temperatures R,148,-5.15203,2E+10,,1 TREF,70 R,149,-2.57602,2E+10,,1 TUNIF,70 R,150,,2E+10,,1 R,639,-58.7238,2E+10,,1 C*** Define the material properties for non-slotted R,640,-27.4476,2E+10,,1 steel regions R,641,-24.7029,2E+10,,1 EX,1,28.3E+06 R,642,-21.9581,2E+10,,1 NUXY,1,.3 R,643,-19.2133,2E+10,,1 DENS,1,7.505E-04 R,644,-16.4686,2E+10,,1 ALPX,1,8.460E-06 R,645,-13.7238,2E+10,,1 R,646,-10.9790,2E+10,,1 C*** Define the material properties for slotted R,647,-8.23429,2E+10,,1 steel regions R,648,-5.48952,2E+10,,1 EX,2,14.15E+06 R,649,-2.74476,2E+10,,1 EY,2,14.15E+06 C*** Define the nodes for the lower seal flange EZ,2,1 NUXY,2,.3 LOCAL,11,,38.24941495,80.051977923,,-12 NUXZ,2,0 N,1001 NUYZ,2,0 N,1005,.25 DENS,2,3.7525E-04 FILL ALPX,2,8.460E-06 N,1016,,.58677836 ALPY,2,8.460E-06 N,1020,.25,.58677836 ALPZ,2,8.460E-06 FILL FILL,1001,1016,2,1006,5,5,1 C*** Define the material properties for the N,1026,,.896632635 polyurethane foam LOCAL,12,,38.505,80 EX,3,5854 MOVE,1026,11,0,999,0,12,-.065,999,0 EY,3,8789 FILL,1016,1026,1,1021 EZ,3,5854 LOCAL,11,1,39.12699808,80.47 GXY,3,2553 N,1025,.5,148.5 GXZ,3,1921 N,1030,.5,129 GYZ,3,2553 N,1031,.5,109.5 NUXY,3,.33 N,1032,.5,90 DENS,3,1.198E-05 CSYS,12 ALPX,3,4.6E-05 FILL,1021,1025,3,1022,1,2,5 N,1033,.775,.97 C*** Define the material properties for the rigid N,1034,1.145,.97 coupling elements (STIF3 beams) N,1076,-.065,2.98 EX,4,28.3E+06 FILL,1026,1076,8,1035,5 NUXY,4,.3 FILL,1035,1076,7,1041,5 DENS,4,0 N,1060,.775,2.15593612 ALPX,4,8.460E-06 NGEN,2,6,1033,1034,1,,.16 FILL,1039,1060,3,1045,5 C*** Define the element real constants FILL,1035,1039 R,1,.25 FILL,1041,1045,3,1042,1,4,5 R,2,.1875 N,1064,1.245,2.03 R,3,.375 FILL,1060,1064 R,4,.075 N,1092,-.065,2.98 R,5,,2E+10,,1 N,1096,.77960172,2.76 R,6,-15,2E+10,-.036 FILL R,7,15,2E+10,-.036 N,1100,1.245,2.76 R,8,0,2E+10,,1 FILL,1096,1100 R,9,1,1,1 FILL,1056,1092,3,1065,9,9,1 R,101,-180.000,2E+10,,1 NGEN,3,9,1098,1100,1,,.26 R,102,-177.444,2E+10,,1 N,1146,.14020351,4.4 R,103,-174.888,2E+10,,1 FILL,1092,1146,5,1101,9 R,104,-172.333,2E+10,,1 N,1164,.14020351,4.98 R,105,-169.777,2E+10,,1 FILL,1146,1164,1,1155 R,106,-167.221,2E+10,,1 LOCAL,11,,39.13520351,84.98,,-86.15 R,107,-164.665,2E+10,,1 N,1168 R,108,-162.109,2E+10,,1 N,1159,.3 R,109,-159.553,2E+10,,1 NGEN,3,-1,1159,1159,,,-.125 R,110,-156.998,2E+10,,1 N,1148,.58,-.25 R,111,-154.442,2E+10,,1 NGEN,2,-18,1157,1159,1,.56 R,112,-141.553,2E+10,,1 NGEN,2,-9,1139,1141,1,.25 R,113,-128.665,2E+10,,1 NGEN,2,-27,1148,1148,,.81 R,114,-115.777,2E+10,,1 NGEN,2,-18,1130,1132,1,.56 R,115,-102.888,2E+10,,1 FILL,1096,1114,1,1105 R,116,-90.0000,2E+10,,1 CSYS,12 R,130,-102.000,2E+10,,1 FILL,1101,1105 R,136,-77.1520,2E+10,,1 FILL,1110,1112,1,1111,,6,9 R,137,-64.3041,2E+10,,1 FILL,1164,1168 2.10.1-19
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 C*** Define the nodes for the upper seal flange FILL,123,129 LOCAL,11,,38.405,82.81 NGEN,2,-872,1003,1003 N,2001,,5 FILL,129,131 N,2005,.25,5 NGEN,2,-1870,2003,2003 FILL N,135,38.53,93.78649751 NGEN,3,5,2001,2005,1,,-.25 FILL,133,135 N,2031,,3.45 LOCAL,13,1,29.905,93.78649751 N,2035,.91,3.45 N,140,8.625,64.23984399 FILL,135,140 FILL LOCAL,14,1,,31.8125 FILL,2011,2031,3,2016,5,5,1 N,150,77.4375,90 N,2051,,2.543442101 FILL,140,150 N,2055,.91,2.543442101 FILL C*** Define the nodes for the OCA outer shell FILL,2031,2051,3,2036,5,4,1 CSYS N,2040,.91,3.29 N,601 FILL,2040,2055,2,2045,5 N,613,47.0625 N,2059,1.345,2.66 FILL FILL,2055,2059 N,626,47.0625,64.7775 N,2071,,2.17 FILL,613,626 N,2073,.21504507,2.17 N,629,47.0625,76.7775 FILL FILL,626,629 N,2077,.74504507,2.17 N,630,47.0625,77.6325 FILL,2073,2077 N,638,47.0625,105.3440689 FILL,2051,2071,1,2060 FILL,630,638 FILL,2054,2076,1,2065 LOCAL,15,1,40.5625,105.3440689 FILL,2060,2065 N,640,6.5,62.55238078 N,2081,1.345,2.17 FILL,638,640 FILL,2077,2081 LOCAL,16,1,,27.25 FILL,2055,2077,1,2066,,5,1 N,650,94.5,90 N,2107,.85759646,.54 FILL,640,650 N,2109,1.10488343,.54 FILL C*** Define the nodes for the polyurethane foam N,2111,1.345,.54 inner surface FILL,2109,2111 FILL,2077,2107,5,2082,5,5,1 CSYS N,2117,.94488343 NGEN,2,100,101,150,1 N,2119,1.10488343 N,132,38.58338729,80.97 FILL N,232,38.53,86.26 FILL,2109,2119,1,2114 C*** Define the nodes for the polyurethane foam N,2112,.870715847,.35 outer surface FILL,2112,2114 N,2120,1.345,3.45 NGEN,2,-100,601,650,1 N,2121,1.345,3.29 C*** Define the intermediate polyurethane foam nodes NGEN,2,51,2071,2073,1,,-.305 NGEN,2,3,2122,2124,1,,-.305 FILL,201,501,2,301,100,29,1 N,300,43.9375,80.9 C*** Define the nodes for the locking ring N,331,41.5375,81.8825 LOCAL,11,,39.35,81.29 N,332,41.5375,86.26 N,3001 N,429,43.9375,76.7775 N,3005,.435 N,430,44.2375,77.6375 FILL N,431,44.2375,81.8825 N,3009,.935 FILL,229,429,1,329,100,2,1 FILL,3005,3009 FILL,230,300,1,330 N,3037,,.81 FILL,332,532,1,432 N,3041,.435,.693442101 FILL,233,533,2,333,100,18,1 FILL N,323,38.4375,51.79659664 N,3045,.935,.693442101 C*** Define the nodes for the Z-flanges FILL,3041,3045 FILL,3001,3037,3,3010,9,9,1 NGEN,2,272,429,429,0 N,3145,,4.11 NGEN,2,402,300,300,0 N,3149,.435,4.226557899 NGEN,2,273,430,430,0 FILL RP2,,,1,1 N,3153,.935,4.226557899 NGEN,2,374,331,331,0 FILL,3149,3153 RP2,,,1,1 FILL,3041,3149,11,3050,9,5,1 C*** Define the elements for the lower seal flange N,3181,,4.67 N,3185,.535,4.67 TYPE,1 FILL MAT,1 N,3189,.935,4.67 REAL,1 FILL,3185,3189 E,1001,1002,1007,1006 FILL,3145,3181,3,3154,9,9,1 RP4,1,1,1,1 EGEN,5,5,1,4,1 C*** Define the nodes for the OCA inner shell (OCV) E,1026,1027,1036,1035 LOCAL,11,1,,84.5 E,1027,1028,1036 N,101,74.25,-90 E,1028,1029,1037,1036 N,111,74.25,-64.44174492 E,1029,1030,1031,1037 FILL E,1031,1032,1038,1037 LOCAL,12,1,28.3125,24.29659664 RP3,1,1,1,1 N,116,8.625 E,1035,1036,1042,1041 FILL,111,116 RP4,1,1,1,1 CSYS E,1041,1042,1047,1046 N,117,36.9375,25.79659664 RP4,1,1,1,1 N,123,36.9375,51.79659664 EGEN,3,5,32,35,1 FILL E,1056,1057,1066,1065 N,129,36.9375,73.95292590 RP4,1,1,1,1 EGEN,4,9,44,47,1 2.10.1-20
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 MAT,2 E,702,1034 E,1060,1061,1070,1069 E,1034,1033 RP4,1,1,1,1 E,630,703 EGEN,4,9,60,63,1 E,703,704 EGEN,3,9,74,75,1 RP3,1,1 EGEN,3,9,56,59,1 E,706,2120 EGEN,7,9,84,85,1 E,2120,2035 EGEN,3,1,99,99 EGEN,3,1,93,93 C*** Define the polyurethane foam elements C*** Define the elements for the upper seal flange TYPE,3 MAT,3 TYPE,1 REAL,1 MAT,1 E,201,301,302,202 REAL,1 RP29,1,1,1,1 E,2006,2007,2002,2001 E,231,230,330 RP4,1,1,1,1 E,301,401,402,302 EGEN,10,5,104,107,1 RP28,1,1,1,1 E,2040,2121,2120,2035 E,329,429,300,330 E,2060,2061,2052,2051 E,300,132,231,330 E,2061,2062,2052 E,401,501,502,402 E,2062,2063,2053,2052 RP28,1,1,1,1 E,2063,2064,2053 E,333,233,232,332 E,2064,2065,2054,2053 E,233,333,334,234 RP6,1,1,1,1 RP17,1,1,1,1 E,2071,2072,2061,2060 E,331,431,432,332 RP10,1,1,1,1 RP19,1,1,1,1 E,2122,2123,2072,2071 E,430,530,531,431 RP2,1,1,1,1 RP20,1,1,1,1 E,2125,2126,2123,2122 RP2,1,1,1,1 C*** Define the interface elements between the steel E,2082,2083,2078,2077 shells and the polyurethane foam RP4,1,1,1,1 TYPE,5 EGEN,6,5,169,172,1 MAT,1 EGEN,3,5,189,190,1 REAL,101 C*** Define the elements for the locking ring E,101,201 REAL,102 TYPE,1 E,102,202 MAT,2 REAL,103 REAL,1 E,103,203 E,3001,3002,3011,3010 REAL,104 RP4,1,1,1,1 E,104,204 EGEN,4,9,197,200,1 REAL,105 MAT,1 E,105,205 E,3005,3006,3015,3014 REAL,106 RP4,1,1,1,1 E,106,206 EGEN,20,9,213,216,1 REAL,107 E,3145,3146,3155,3154 E,107,207 RP4,1,1,1,1 REAL,108 EGEN,4,9,293,296,1 E,108,208 C*** Define the elements for the OCA inner shell REAL,109 (OCV) E,109,209 REAL,110 TYPE,2 E,110,210 MAT,1 REAL,111 REAL,1 E,111,211 E,101,102 REAL,112 RP16,1,1 E,112,212 REAL,2 REAL,113 E,117,118 E,113,213 RP12,1,1 REAL,114 REAL,3 E,114,214 E,123,323 REAL,115 REAL,1 E,115,215 E,129,130 REAL,116 E,130,1003 E,116,216 E,2003,134 RP7,1,1 E,134,135 E,124,224 RP16,1,1 RP6,1,1 REAL,130 C*** Define the elements for the OCA outer shell E,129,229 REAL,1 RP2,1,1 E,601,602 E,1003,231 RP25,1,1 REAL,101 REAL,3 E,702,300 E,626,627 E,701,429 RP3,1,1 E,622,529 E,630,631 REAL,150 RP8,1,1 E,706,332 REAL,1 E,705,331 E,638,639 E,704,431 RP12,1,1 E,703,430 E,630,530 C*** Define the elements for the Z-flanges REAL,116 REAL,4 E,300,702 E,629,701 E,429,701 E,701,702 E,706,332 2.10.1-21
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 E,705,331 C*** Define the interface elements between the upper E,704,431 seal flange and the locking ring E,703,430 E,2003,233 TYPE,4 E,134,234 MAT,1 RP2,1,1 REAL,7 REAL,136 E,2056,3146 E,136,236 RP3,1,1 REAL,137 C*** Define the interface elements between the lower E,137,237 seal flange and the upper seal flange REAL,138 E,138,238 TYPE,5 REAL,139 MAT,1 E,139,239 REAL,8 REAL,140 E,1164,2073 E,140,240 RP5,1,1 REAL,141 C*** Couple the lower shell to the lower seal flange E,141,241 REAL,142 TYPE,6 E,142,242 MAT,4 REAL,143 REAL,9 E,143,243 E,1001,1002 REAL,144 RP4,1,1 E,144,244 C*** Couple the upper shell to the upper seal flange REAL,145 E,145,245 TYPE,6 REAL,146 MAT,4 E,146,246 REAL,9 REAL,147 E,2001,2002 E,147,247 RP4,1,1 REAL,148 C*** Define the displacement constraints E,148,248 REAL,149 D,101,UX,0,,601,500,ROTZ E,149,249 D,201,UX,0,,501,100 REAL,150 D,150,UX,0,,650,500,ROTZ E,150,250 D,250,UX,0,,550,100 REAL,101 D,3099,UY,0 E,501,601 C*** Define the pressure loads RP13,1,1 REAL,116 P,101,102,-14.7,,129,1 E,513,613 P,130,1003,-14.7 RP26,1,1 P,1001,1006,-14.7,,1021,5 REAL,639 P,1026,1035,-14.7 E,539,639 P,1035,1041,-14.7 REAL,640 P,1041,1046,-14.7,,1051,5 E,540,640 P,1056,1065,-14.7,,1155,9 REAL,641 P,1164,1165,-14.7,,1167,1 E,541,641 P,1168,1159,-14.7 REAL,642 P,2077,2082,-14.7 E,542,642 P,2073,2074,-14.7,,2076,1 REAL,643 P,2127,2124,-14.7 E,543,643 P,2124,2073,-14.7 REAL,644 P,2125,2126,-14.7,,2126,1 E,544,644 P,2122,2125,-14.7 REAL,645 P,2071,2122,-14.7 E,545,645 P,2001,2002,-14.7,,2002,1 REAL,646 P,2001,2006,-14.7,,2046,5 E,546,646 P,2051,2060,-14.7 REAL,647 P,2060,2071,-14.7 E,547,647 P,2003,134,-14.7 REAL,648 P,134,135,-14.7,,149,1 E,548,648 C*** Re-order the elements to reduce execution time REAL,649 E,549,649 WSTART,101,601,100 REAL,150 WSTART,150,650,100 E,550,650 WSTART,1003 WSTART,1034 C*** Define the interface elements between the lower WSTART,2120 seal flange and the locking ring WSTART,2003 TYPE,4 WAVES MAT,1 C*** Set convergence criteria, write a solution REAL,6 file, and exit E,3038,1061 RP3,1,1 ITER,-20,20 AFWRITE FINISH 2.10.1-22
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 2.10.1 ANSYS Input Listing for ICV Load Case 1
/TITLE, ICV: PRES=64.7/3.5 PSIA; TEMP=160/160 DEG-F N,1093,1.67,-.25 C*** Define the element types FILL CSYS,11 ET,1,42,,,1 N,1145,.205,5.5 ET,2,51 FILL,1127,1145,1,1136 ET,3,12,,,1 N,1149,.695,5.5 ET,4,12 FILL,1145,1149 ET,5,3 FILL,1120,1138,1,1129 FILL,1093,1111,1,1102 C*** Define the reference and uniform temperatures FILL,1077,1095,1,1086 TREF,160 FILL,1091,1093,,,,6,9 TUNIF,160 FILL,1073,1091,1,1082,,5,1 NGEN,3,9,1079,1081,1,,.26 C*** Define the material properties for non-slotted steel regions C*** Define the nodes for the upper seal ring EX,1,27.8E+06 N,2001,-.035,4.89 NUXY,1,.3 N,2003,.180045070,4.89 DENS,1,7.505E-04 FILL ALPX,1,8.694E-06 N,2007,-0.035,5.5 N,2009,.180045070,5.5 C*** Define the material properties for slotted FILL steel regions FILL,2001,2007,1,2004,,3,1 EX,2,13.9E+06 N,2013,.710045070,5.5 EY,2,13.9E+06 FILL,2009,2013 EZ,2,1 N,2017,1.31,5.5 NUXY,2,.3 FILL,2013,2017 NUYZ,2,0 N,2040,-0.035,5.98 NUXZ,2,0 FILL,2007,2040,2,2018,11 DENS,2,3.7525E-04 N,2035,0.875,5.873442101 ALPX,2,8.694E-06 FILL,2029,2035 ALPY,2,8.694E-06 N,2039,1.31,5.99 ALPZ,2,8.694E-06 FILL,2035,2039 FILL,2008,2030,1,2019,,10,1 C*** Define the material properties for the rigid N,2042,.245,5.98 coupling elements FILL,2040,2042 N,2043,.390419704,6.008925778 EX,3,27.8E+06 N,2044,.513700577,6.091299423 NUXY,3,.3 N,2049,.596074222,6.214580296 DENS,3,0 N,2054,.625,6.36 ALPX,3,8.694E-06 N,2058,.875,6.36 C*** Define the element real constants FILL FILL,2035,2058,2,2048,5 R,1,.25 FILL,2044,2048 R,2,-15,2E+10,-.036 FILL,2049,2053 R,3,15,2E+10,-.036 NGEN,5,5,2054,2058,1,,.1875 R,4,0,2E+10,-.01 N,2104,.822596460,3.87 R,5,1,1,1 N,2106,1.07,3.87 C*** Define the nodes for the lower seal ring FILL N,2116,1.07,3.33 LOCAL,11,0,36.315,75.08954245 FILL,2106,2116,1,2111 N,1001 N,2108,1.31,3.87 N,1005,.25 FILL,2106,2108 FILL FILL,2013,2104,5,2079,5,5,1 N,1016,,.575 N,2109,.835715950,3.68 N,1020,.25,.575 FILL,2109,2111 FILL N,2114,.909883430,3.33 FILL,1001,1016,2,1006,5,5,1 FILL,2114,2116 N,1031,,1.48 N,1035,.84,1.48 C*** Define the nodes for the locking ring FILL LOCAL,13,0,37.225,76.89954245 FILL,1016,1031,2,1021,5,5,1 N,3001 N,1046,,2.6759361 N,3005,.435 N,1050,.84,2.67593612 FILL FILL N,3008,.789412 FILL,1031,1046,2,1036,5,5,1 FILL,3005,3008 N,1054,1.31,2.55 N,3037,,.81 FILL,1050,1054 N,3041,.435,.693442101 N,1073,,3.5 FILL N,1077,.844601720,3.28 N,3045,.935,.693442101 FILL FILL,3041,3045 N,1079,1.095,3.28 FILL,3001,3037,3,3010,9,8,1 FILL,1077,1079 N,3027,.935,.4 N,1081,1.31,3.28 FILL,3008,3027,1,3018 FILL,1079,1081 FILL,3027,3045,1,3036 FILL,1046,1073,2,1055,9,9,1 N,3101,,4.11 N,1127,.205,4.92 N,3105,.435,4.226557898 FILL,1073,1127,5,1082,9 FILL LOCAL,12,,37.01020351,80.58954246,,-86.15 N,3109,.935,4.226557899 N,1140,.3 FILL,3105,3109 N,1138,.3,-.25 FILL,3041,3105,11,3046,5,5,1 FILL N,3137,,4.67 N,1122,.86 N,3141,.435,4.67 N,1120,.86,-.25 FILL FILL N,3144,.789412,4.67 N,1113,1.11 FILL,3141,3144 N,1111,1.11,-.25 FILL,3101,3137,3,3110,9,8,1 FILL FILL,3109,3144,3,3118,9 N,1095,1.67 2.10.1-23
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 C*** Define the nodes for the lower shell E,3117,3118,3127,3126 LOCAL,14,1,,73.25 E,3126,3127,3136,3135 N,4001,73.25,-90 E,3135,3136,3144,3144 N,4016,73.25,-64.50665929 C*** Define the elements for the lower shell FILL LOCAL,15,1,27.815,14.9171927 TYPE,2 N,4025,8.625 MAT,1 FILL,4016,4025 REAL,1 CSYS,0 E,4001,4002 N,4081,36.44,75.08954245 RP79,1,1 FILL,4025,4081 E,4080,1003 N,4001,0,0 C*** Define the elements for the upper shell C*** Define the nodes for the upper shell TYPE,2 LOCAL,16,1,,24.25 MAT,1 N,5001,74.5,90 REAL,1 N,5016,74.5,64.42280563 E,2076,5026 FILL E,5026,5025 LOCAL,17,1,28.44,83.66954245 RP25,-1,-1 N,5025,8.625 C*** Define the interface elements between the lower FILL,5016,5025 seal flange and the locking ring CSYS,0 N,5027,37.065,82.16954245 TYPE,3 FILL,5025,5027 MAT,1 N,5001,0,98.75 REAL,2 E,3038,1051 C*** Define the elements for the lower seal ring RP3,1,1 TYPE,1 C*** Define the interface elements between the upper MAT,1 seal flange and the locking ring REAL,1 E,1001,1002,1007,1006 TYPE,3 RP4,1,1,1,1 MAT,1 EGEN,9,5,1,4,1 REAL,3 E,1046,1047,1056,1055 E,2036,3102 RP4,1,1,1,1 RP3,1,1 EGEN,5,9,37,40,1 C*** Define the interface elements between the lower EGEN,7,9,53,54,1 seal flange and the upper seal flange EGEN,3,27,55,56,1 MAT,2 TYPE,4 E,1050,1051,1060,1059 MAT,1 RP4,1,1,1,1 REAL,4 EGEN,3,9,73,76,1 E,1145,2009 EGEN,3,9,83,84,1 RP5,1,1 C*** Define the elements for the upper seal ring C*** Couple the lower shell to the lower seal flange TYPE,1 TYPE,5 MAT,1 MAT,3 REAL,1 REAL,5 E,2001,2002,2005,2004 E,1001,1002 RP2,1,1,1,1 RP4,1,1 EGEN,2,3,89,90,1 C*** Couple the upper shell to the upper seal flange E,2007,2008,2019,2018 RP10,1,1,1,1 TYPE,5 EGEN,2,11,93,102,1 MAT,3 EGEN,2,11,103,107,1 REAL,5 E,2046,2045,2034 E,2074,2075 RP2,1,1,0 RP4,1,1 E,2034,2035,2048,2047 E,2044,2045,2050,2049 C*** Define the displacement constraints RP4,1,1,1,1 D,4001,UX,0,,5001,1000,ROTZ EGEN,6,5,121,124,1 D,3075,UY,0 E,2079,2080,2014,2013 RP4,1,1,1,1 C*** Define the pressure loads E,2084,2085,2080,2079 P,4001,4002,61.2,,4079,1 RP4,1,1,1,1 P,4080,1003,61.2 EGEN,5,5,149,152,1 P,1001,1006,61.2,,1041,5 EGEN,3,5,165,166,1 P,1046,1055,61.2,,1136,9 C*** Define the elements for the locking ring P,1145,1146,61.2,,1148,9 P,1140,1149,61.2 TYPE,1 P,2001,2002,61.2,,2002,1 MAT,2 P,2003,2006,61.2,,2006,3 REAL,1 P,2009,2010,61.2,,2012,1 E,3001,3002,3011,3010 P,2013,2079,61.2 RP4,1,1,1,1 P,2001,2004,61.2,,2004,3 EGEN,4,9,173,176,1 P,2007,2018,61.2,,2029,11 MAT,1 P,2040,2041,61.2,,2043,1 E,3005,3006,3015,3014 P,2044,2049,61.2,,2069,5 RP3,1,1,1,1 P,5001,5002,61.2,,5025,1 E,3018,3017,3008 P,5026,2076,61.2 E,3014,3015,3024,3023 RP4,1,1,1,1 C*** Re-order the elements to reduce execution time EGEN,3,9,193,196,1 WSTART,4001 E,3041,3042,3047,3046 WAVES RP4,1,1,1,1 EGEN,11,5,205,208,1 C*** Set convergence criteria, write a solution E,3096,3097,3106,3105 file, and exit RP4,1,1,1,1 ITER,-10,10 E,3101,3102,3111,3110 AFWRITE RP8,1,1,1,1 FINISH EGEN,4,9,253,259,1 2.10.1-24
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 2.10.1 ANSYS Input Listing for ICV Load Case 2
/TITLE, ICV: PRES=0/14.7 PSIA; TEMP=70/70 DEG-F N,1093,1.67,-.25 C*** Define the element types FILL CSYS,11 ET,1,42,,,1 N,1145,.205,5.5 ET,2,51 FILL,1127,1145,1,1136 ET,3,12,,,1 N,1149,.695,5.5 ET,4,12 FILL,1145,1149 ET,5,3 FILL,1120,1138,1,1129 FILL,1093,1111,1,1102 C*** Define the reference and uniform temperatures FILL,1077,1095,1,1086 TREF,70 FILL,1091,1093,,,,6,9 TUNIF,70 FILL,1073,1091,1,1082,,5,1 NGEN,3,9,1079,1081,1,,.26 C*** Define the material properties for non-slotted steel regions C*** Define the nodes for the upper seal ring EX,1,28.3E+06 N,2001,-.035,4.89 DENS,1,7.505E-04 N,2003,.180045070,4.89 NUXY,1,.3 FILL ALPX,1,8.46E-06 N,2007,-0.035,5.5 N,2009,.180045070,5.5 C*** Define the material properties for slotted FILL steel regions FILL,2001,2007,1,2004,,3,1 EX,2,14.15E+06 N,2013,.710045070,5.5 EY,2,14.15E+06 FILL,2009,2013 EZ,2,1 N,2017,1.31,5.5 NUXY,2,.3 FILL,2013,2017 NUYZ,2,0 N,2040,-0.035,5.98 NUXZ,2,0 FILL,2007,2040,2,2018,11 DENS,1,3.7525E-04 N,2035,0.875,5.873442101 ALPX,2,8.46E-6 FILL,2029,2035 ALPY,2,8.46E-6 N,2039,1.31,5.99 ALPZ,2,8.46E-6 FILL,2035,2039 FILL,2008,2030,1,2019,,10,1 C*** Define the material properties for the rigid N,2042,.245,5.98 coupling elements FILL,2040,2042 N,2043,.390419704,6.008925778 EX,3,28.3E+06 N,2044,.513700577,6.091299423 NUXY,3,.3 N,2049,.596074222,6.214580296 DENS,3,0 N,2054,.625,6.36 ALPX,3,8.46E-6 N,2058,.875,6.36 C*** Define the element real constants FILL FILL,2035,2058,2,2048,5 R,1,.25 FILL,2044,2048 R,2,-15,2E+10,-.036 FILL,2049,2053 R,3,15,2E+10,-.036 NGEN,5,5,2054,2058,1,,.1875 R,4,0,2E+10,-.01 N,2104,.822596460,3.87 R,5,1,1,1 N,2106,1.07,3.87 C*** Define the nodes for the lower seal ring FILL N,2116,1.07,3.33 LOCAL,11,0,36.315,75.08954245 FILL,2106,2116,1,2111 N,1001 N,2108,1.31,3.87 N,1005,.25 FILL,2106,2108 FILL FILL,2013,2104,5,2079,5,5,1 N,1016,,.575 N,2109,.835715950,3.68 N,1020,.25,.575 FILL,2109,2111 FILL N,2114,.909883430,3.33 FILL,1001,1016,2,1006,5,5,1 FILL,2114,2116 N,1031,,1.48 N,1035,.84,1.48 C*** Define the nodes for the locking ring FILL LOCAL,13,0,37.225,76.89954245 FILL,1016,1031,2,1021,5,5,1 N,3001 N,1046,,2.6759361 N,3005,.435 N,1050,.84,2.67593612 FILL FILL N,3008,.789412 FILL,1031,1046,2,1036,5,5,1 FILL,3005,3008 N,1054,1.31,2.55 N,3037,,.81 FILL,1050,1054 N,3041,.435,.693442101 N,1073,,3.5 FILL N,1077,.844601720,3.28 N,3045,.935,.693442101 FILL FILL,3041,3045 N,1079,1.095,3.28 FILL,3001,3037,3,3010,9,8,1 FILL,1077,1079 N,3027,.935,.4 N,1081,1.31,3.28 FILL,3008,3027,1,3018 FILL,1079,1081 FILL,3027,3045,1,3036 FILL,1046,1073,2,1055,9,9,1 N,3101,,4.11 N,1127,.205,4.92 N,3105,.435,4.226557898 FILL,1073,1127,5,1082,9 FILL LOCAL,12,,37.01020351,80.58954246,,-86.15 N,3109,.935,4.226557899 N,1140,.3 FILL,3105,3109 N,1138,.3,-.25 FILL,3041,3105,11,3046,5,5,1 FILL N,3137,,4.67 N,1122,.86 N,3141,.435,4.67 N,1120,.86,-.25 FILL FILL N,3144,.789412,4.67 N,1113,1.11 FILL,3141,3144 N,1111,1.11,-.25 FILL,3101,3137,3,3110,9,8,1 FILL FILL,3109,3144,3,3118,9 N,1095,1.67 2.10.1-25
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 C*** Define the nodes for the lower shell E,3126,3127,3136,3135 LOCAL,14,1,,73.25 E,3135,3136,3144,3144 N,4001,73.25,-90 C*** Define the elements for the lower shell N,4016,73.25,-64.50665929 FILL TYPE,2 LOCAL,15,1,27.815,14.9171927 MAT,1 N,4025,8.625 REAL,1 FILL,4016,4025 E,4001,4002 CSYS,0 RP79,1,1 N,4081,36.44,75.08954245 E,4080,1003 FILL,4025,4081 C*** Define the elements for the upper shell N,4001,0,0 TYPE,2 C*** Define the nodes for the upper shell MAT,1 LOCAL,16,1,,24.25 REAL,1 N,5001,74.5,90 E,2076,5026 N,5016,74.5,64.42280563 E,5026,5025 FILL RP25,-1,-1 LOCAL,17,1,28.44,83.66954245 C*** Define the interface elements between the lower N,5025,8.625 seal flange and the locking ring FILL,5016,5025 CSYS,0 TYPE,3 N,5027,37.065,82.16954245 MAT,1 FILL,5025,5027 REAL,2 N,5001,0,98.75 E,3038,1051 RP3,1,1 C*** Define the elements for the lower seal ring C*** Define the interface elements between the upper TYPE,1 seal flange and the locking ring MAT,1 REAL,1 TYPE,3 E,1001,1002,1007,1006 MAT,1 RP4,1,1,1,1 REAL,3 EGEN,9,5,1,4,1 E,2036,3102 E,1046,1047,1056,1055 RP3,1,1 RP4,1,1,1,1 C*** Define the interface elements between the lower EGEN,5,9,37,40,1 seal flange and the upper seal flange EGEN,7,9,53,54,1 EGEN,3,27,55,56,1 TYPE,4 MAT,2 MAT,1 E,1050,1051,1060,1059 REAL,4 RP4,1,1,1,1 E,1145,2009 EGEN,3,9,73,76,1 RP5,1,1 EGEN,3,9,83,84,1 C*** Couple the lower shell to the lower seal flange C*** Define the elements for the upper seal ring TYPE,5 TYPE,1 MAT,3 MAT,1 REAL,5 REAL,1 E,1001,1002 E,2001,2002,2005,2004 RP4,1,1 RP2,1,1,1,1 C*** Couple the upper shell to the upper seal flange EGEN,2,3,89,90,1 E,2007,2008,2019,2018 TYPE,5 RP10,1,1,1,1 MAT,3 EGEN,2,11,93,102,1 REAL,5 EGEN,2,11,103,107,1 E,2074,2075 E,2046,2045,2034 RP4,1,1 RP2,1,1,0 C*** Define the displacement constraints E,2034,2035,2048,2047 E,2044,2045,2050,2049 D,4001,UX,0,,5001,1000,ROTZ RP4,1,1,1,1 D,3075,UY,0 EGEN,6,5,121,124,1 E,2079,2080,2014,2013 C*** Define the pressure loads RP4,1,1,1,1 P,4001,4002,-14.7,,4079,1 E,2084,2085,2080,2079 P,4080,1003,-14.7 RP4,1,1,1,1 P,1001,1006,-14.7,,1041,5 EGEN,5,5,149,152,1 P,1046,1055,-14.7,,1136,9 EGEN,3,5,165,166,1 P,1145,1146,-14.7,,1148,9 C*** Define the elements for the locking ring P,1140,1149,-14.7 P,2001,2002,-14.7,,2002,1 TYPE,1 P,2003,2006,-14.7,,2006,3 MAT,2 P,2009,2010,-14.7,,2012,1 REAL,1 P,2013,2079,-14.7 E,3001,3002,3011,3010 P,2001,2004,-14.7,,2004,3 RP4,1,1,1,1 P,2007,2018,-14.7,,2029,11 EGEN,4,9,173,176,1 P,2040,2041,-14.7,,2043,1 MAT,1 P,2044,2049,-14.7,,2069,5 E,3005,3006,3015,3014 P,5001,5002,-14.7,,5025,1 RP3,1,1,1,1 P,5026,2076,-14.7 E,3018,3017,3008 E,3014,3015,3024,3023 C*** Re-order the elements to reduce execution time RP4,1,1,1,1 WSTART,4001 EGEN,3,9,193,196,1 WAVES E,3041,3042,3047,3046 RP4,1,1,1,1 C*** Set convergence criteria, write a solution EGEN,11,5,205,208,1 file, and exit E,3096,3097,3106,3105 ITER,-10,10 RP4,1,1,1,1 AFWRITE E,3101,3102,3111,3110 FINISH RP8,1,1,1,1 EGEN,4,9,253,259,1 E,3117,3118,3127,3126 2.10.1-26
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.10.1 OCA Finite Element Analysis Model Element Plot 2.10.1-27
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.10.1 ICV Finite Element Analysis Model Element Plot 2.10.1-28
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 2.10.2 Elastomer O-ring Seal Performance Tests Introduction Each containment O-ring seal material formulation shall be initially qualified for use in the TRUPACT-II packaging through the application of performance tests that demonstrate the materials ability to achieve and maintain a leaktight 1 seal at or beyond extremes for temperature, duration, minimum seal compression, and maximum seal compression change in a prototypical test fixture. The basis for formulation qualification test conditions applicable to the TRUPACT-II packaging is provided in Section, Limits of O-ring Seal Compression and Temperature. Section, Formulation Qualification Test Fixture and Procedure, defines the test fixture and test procedure for O-ring seal material qualification tests. Section, Rainier Rubber R0405-70 Formulation Qualification Test Results, summarizes the results of qualification testing successfully performed on Rainier Rubber 2 butyl rubber compound R0405-70.
Each batch of containment O-ring seal material shall additionally be required to satisfy the requirements of ASTM D2000 3 M4AA710 A13 B13 F17 F48 Z Trace Element. Section, ASTM D2000 Standardized Batch Material Tests, summarizes the industry standardized batch tests and correlates the ASTM D2000 designator to specific O-ring performance characteristics.
Additional information regarding past containment O-ring seal testing is presented in the report Design Development and Certification Testing of the TRUPACT-II Package 4. Limits of O-ring Seal Compression and Temperature Inner Containment Vessel Containment O-ring Seal Compression The inner containment vessel (ICV) closure seal configuration consists of two O-ring seals, each located on a slightly different diameter in the ICV lid due to the tapered bore (see Appendix 1.3.1, Packaging General Arrangement Drawings, Sheets 4 and 7 of 11, for dimensional details).
The upper O-ring seal is defined as the containment boundary, and the lower O-ring seal provides an annulus in which to establish a vacuum for leak testing.
In order to determine the minimum compression that may occur for the ICV containment O-ring seal, the worst-case tolerance stack-up on the lid flange, body flange, locking ring, and O-ring seal dimensions are utilized with the upper and lower seal flanges offset relative to each other.
Figure 2.10.2-1 depicts the O-ring seal flange geometry for minimum ICV containment O-ring seal compression (note the reference datum for calculations).
1 Leaktight is defined as leakage of 1 x 10-7 standard cubic centimeters per second (scc/sec), air, or less, per Section 5.4(3), Reference Air Leakage Rate, of ANSI N14.5-1997, American National Standard for Radioactive Materials -
Leakage Tests on Packages for Shipment, American National Standards Institute, Inc. (ANSI).
2 Rainier Rubber Company, Seattle, WA.
3 ASTM D2000-08, Standard Classification System for Rubber Products in Automotive Applications, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, PA, Volume 09.02, 2008.
4 S. A. Porter, et al, Design Development and Certification Testing of the TRUPACT-II Package, 016-03-09, Portemus Engineering, Inc., Puyallup, Washington.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 With reference to Figure 2.10.2-1, the following dimensions define the worst-case configuration for determining the minimum ICV containment O-ring seal compression:
a = 0.153 inches (maximum vertical gap; see Section, Axial Play) b = 0.493 inches (minimum tab width; see Section, Tab Widths) c = 0.561 inches (maximum groove width; see Section, Groove Widths) dL = 0.251 inches (maximum vertical offset (gage depth); see Figure 8.2-4) dU = 0.249 inches (minimum vertical offset (ball diameter); see Figure 8.2-1) e = 0.330 inches (maximum seal groove offset; based on 0.300 +/- 0.030) f = 0.000 inches (minimum horizontal gap between upper and lower seal flange; closed) r = 0.125 inches (nominal lower seal flange tab edge radius) h = 0.253 inches (maximum O-ring seal groove depth; based on 0.250 +/- 0.003) w = 0.563 inches (maximum O-ring seal groove width; based on 0.560 +/- 0.003)
= 3.60º (minimum lower flange tab angle; based on 3.85º +/- 0.25º)
= 4.20º (maximum upper flange seal surface angle; based on 3.95º +/- 0.25º)
= 3.60º (contact surfaces angle based on the average of angles and )
= 5.00º (maximum O-ring seal groove angle; based on 0º - 5º)
- 1. Worst-Case Location for the Center-Bottom of the O-ring Seal Groove With reference to Figure 2.10.2-1, the worst-case location for the center-bottom of the O-ring seal groove is determined by finding the horizontal and vertical distance from the datum to the O-ring seal contact point on the lower seal flange, xi and yi, respectively:
dL w x i = f + b + e + (h ) tan( ) + sin () (h ) cos() = 0.264494 inches cos() 2 dL w y i = a + d L + e + (h ) tan( ) + cos () + (h ) sin() = 0.801270 inches cos() 2
- 2. Worst-Case Location for O-ring Seal Contact on the Upper Flange Sealing Surface With reference to Figure 2.10.2-1, the worst-case location for O-ring seal contact on the upper seal flange sealing surface is determined by finding the horizontal and vertical distance from the datum to the O-ring seal contact point on the upper seal flange, xo and yo, respectively:
c y i + ( x i ) tan() + dU tan()
xo = = 0.599877 inches 1
+ tan()
xo c yo = d U + = 0.778404 inches tan()
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021
- 3. Maximum O-ring Seal Groove-to-Contact Surface Gap The maximum O-ring seal groove-to-contact surface gap is determined by using the distance formula in two-dimensional Cartesian space:
g= (x o x i )2 + (y o y i )2 = 0.336162 inches
- 4. Minimum O-ring Seal Cross-Sectional Diameter Due to Stretch The minimum reduced O-ring seal cross-sectional diameter, dcsr, is determined by finding the maximum ICV containment O-ring seal groove diameter, Dg, calculating the O-ring seal stretch, s, and calculating the corresponding maximum reduction in O-ring seal cross-sectional diameter, rcs, using worst-case dimensions.
Given a maximum lower seal flange control diameter, DL = 74.185 inches (based on 74.155 +/-
0.030), and a minimum lower seal flange control height, HL = 0.970 inches (based on 1.000 +/-
0.030), the maximum ICV containment O-ring seal groove diameter, Dg, is:
w D g = D L 2H L e + (h ) tan( ) + cos () tan( ) (h ) cos() = 73.637517 inches 2
Given a minimum ICV containment O-ring seal inside diameter, Di = 70.070 inches (based on 71.500 +/- 2%), the maximum ICV containment O-ring stretch, s, is Dg Di s= = 5.09%
Di The maximum reduction in O-ring seal cross-sectional diameter, rcs, due to stretch (from Figure 3-3 of the Parker O-ring Handbook 5) is calculated with the stretch, s = 5.09:
rcs = 0.56 + 0.59s 0.0046s 2 = 3.44%
Given a minimum ICV containment O-ring seal cross-sectional diameter, ds = 0.390 inches (based on 0.400 +/- 0.010), the resulting reduced O-ring seal cross-sectional diameter, dcsr, is:
d csr = d s (1 rcs ) = 0.376584 inches
- 5. Minimum O-ring Seal Compression with an Offset Lid The minimum ICV containment O-ring seal compression, , is:
d csr g
= = 10.73%
d csr The minimum O-ring seal compression is 10.73% with an offset lid. This is the worst case possible as a result of the HAC free drop.
5 ORD 5700, Parker O-ring Handbook, 2007, Parker Hannifin Corporation, Cleveland, OH.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021
- 6. Minimum O-ring Seal Compression with a Centered Lid With reference to Figure 2.10.2-1, the centered position for the lower seal flange relative to the upper seal flange occurs when point on the lower seal flange is moved to the midpoint between points and . Calculate the x-locations for points and :
x 1 = b (d L r[1 sin()]) tan() = 0.484579 inches x 2 = c + (a + r[1 sin()] d U ) tan() = 0.562553 inches Half the difference between the x1 and x2 values centers the lower seal flange tab within the upper seal flange groove (i.e., the ICV lid is centered in the ICV body). The centered horizontal offset, fc, is:
x1 x 2 fc = = 0.038987 inches 2
Recalculate the O-ring seal gap, gc, based on the lid centered relative to the body:
dL w x ci = f c + b + e + (h ) tan( ) + sin () (h ) cos() = 0.303481 inches cos() 2 dL w y ci = a + d L + e + (h ) tan( ) + cos () + (h ) sin() = 0.801270 inches cos() 2 c
y ci + ( x ci ) tan() + dU tan()
x co = = 0.6000071 inches 1
+ tan()
x co c y co = d U + = 0.781046 inches tan()
gc = (x co x ci )2 + (y co y ci )2 = 0.297279 inches Knowing that the ICV containment O-ring seal groove diameter, Dg, and correspondingly the O-ring seal stretch, s, and the reduced O-ring seal cross-sectional diameter, dcsr, are the same, the minimum ICV containment O-ring seal compression, c:
d csr g c c = = 21.06%
d csr The minimum O-ring seal compression is 21.06% with a centered lid. This is the normal, as-installed configuration, since the presence of the O-ring seal will inherently self-center the lid.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021
- 7. Maximum Change in O-ring Seal Compression from a Centered Lid to an Offset Lid The maximum resulting change in compression, , resulting in a minimally compressed ICV containment O-ring seal is:
= c = 10.33%
This is the maximum change in compression of the O-ring seal as a result of the HAC free drop. Containment O-ring Seal Qualification Temperature Per Section 3.4.3, Minimum Temperatures, the minimum ICV containment O-ring seal temperature is -40 ºF for normal conditions of transport (NCT) and -20 ºF for hypothetical accident conditions (HAC). Per Table 3.4-1 through Table 3.4-5 in Section 3.4.2, Maximum Temperatures, the maximum ICV O-ring seal temperature for NCT is 150 ºF. The duration of O-ring seal material exposure to elevated temperatures under NCT can conservatively be assumed as one year based on the replacement frequency of the O-ring seals. Per Table 3.5-5 in Section 3.5.3, Package Temperatures, the maximum ICV O-ring seal temperature for HAC is 200 ºF. Evaluating the time-history of OCV O-ring seal temperatures provided in Figure 3.5-6 for Certification Test Unit 1 (CTU-1) and Figure 3.5-10 for Certification Test Unit 2 (CTU-2),
the duration of ICV O-ring seal material exposure to elevated temperatures within 90% of the reported 260 ºF maximum is conservatively estimated to be less than 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.
An Arrhenius correlation for butyl material with an activation energy of 80 kJ/mol for butyl rubber has been developed to account for diffusion limited oxidation effects. 6 Use of the Arrhenius correlation allows the effects of both NCT and HAC elevated temperature/duration conditions identified above to be conservatively enveloped by a single, 360 ºF, 8-hour test.
Based on the above evaluations, the minimum O-ring seal qualification test parameters required for initial formulation testing of ICV containment O-ring seal materials is summarized in Table 2.10.2-1.
Table 2.10.2 Formulation Qualification Test O-ring Seal Compression Parameters Required Required Required Required Temperature Simulated Compression Compression Temperature Duration Condition (%) Change (%) (ºF) (hours)
NCT Cold 21.06 N/A -40 N/A HAC Free Drop 10.33 -20 N/A 10.73 HAC Fire N/A 360 8 6
K. T. Gillen, C. Mathias, and M. R. Keenan, Methods for Predicting More Confident Lifetimes of Seals in Air Environments, SAND99-0553J, Sandia National Laboratories, March 1999.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Formulation Qualification Test Fixture and Procedure A bore-type test fixture shall be used to test the containment O-ring seal, representative of the bore seal configuration of the TRUPACT-II packaging. The fixture shall include an inner disk containing two, side-by-side O-ring seal grooves. An O-ring seal of prototypic cross-section for the ICV and butyl material, as delineated on the drawings in Appendix 1.3.1, Packaging General Arrangement Drawings, shall be placed into each seal groove, and the assembly then placed within a mating bore component. The test fixture shall employ jacking screws or equivalent devices to displace the disk radially relative to the bore, affecting the required O-ring compression on one side of the test fixture. Figure 2.10.2-2 conceptually illustrates the O-ring seal test fixture.
The sizes of all sealing components and O-ring seals utilized in the test fixture, including the amount of O-ring seal stretch, may be adjusted along with the amount of radial displacement to ensure that the parameters in Table 2.10.2-1 can be achieved. The test fixtures overall diameter may be reduced relative to a full-scale TRUPACT-II package to achieve a practical size for testing. A reduction in relative diameter is acceptable since the O-ring seal compression, compression change, and temperature are the parameters of primary importance relative to evaluating an O-ring materials ability to maintain a leaktight seal.
All test specimens may be coated lightly with vacuum grease prior to installation into the test fixture. The fully assembled test fixture shall be placed within an environmental test chamber for both heating and cooling with thermocouples attached to the fixture used to confirm the O-ring seal temperature.
The region between the two O-ring seals constitutes a test volume. To perform a leak test, the test volume shall be connected to a helium mass spectrometer leak detector, then evacuated to an appropriate level of vacuum and the outside of the test fixture surrounded with a contained and highly concentrated environment of helium gas, consistent with the guidelines of Appendix A, Section A.5.3, Gas Filled Envelope - Gas Detector, of ANSI N14.5 7. An O-ring seal test shall be successful if the leakage between the seals is 1 x 10-7 standard cubic centimeters per second (scc/sec), air, or less (i.e., leaktight).
Test conditions shall be selected to simulate temperature/duration and minimum compression for the prototypic O-ring seals under NCT and HAC conditions. Each set of two test O-ring seals shall be subjected to an initial test at NCT Cold conditions with the inner disk offset as necessary to achieve the NCT required compression, to a second test at HAC Free Drop conditions with the inner disk initially positioned and then radially offset as necessary to achieve the HAC required compression and compression change magnitudes, to a third test at HAC Fire conditions after the required soak duration with the inner disk remaining offset, and to a fourth test at HAC Cold conditions with the inner disk remaining offset (see Table 2.10.2-1).
Helium leakage rate tests shall be performed at each cold temperature test configuration, either at
-40 ºF for the NCT Cold condition case, or at -20 ºF for all other cases. Helium leakage rate testing is not practical at hot condition temperatures due to the rapid permeation and saturation of helium gas through the elastomeric material at high temperatures; a fully saturated O-ring seal test specimen results in a measured leakage in excess of 1 x 10-7 scc/sec, air. In lieu of leakage rate testing at the hot temperature test configuration, the ability to establish a rapid, hard vacuum 7
ANSI N14.5-1997, American National Standard for Radioactive Materials - Leakage Tests on Packages for Shipment, American National Standards Institute, Inc. (ANSI).
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 between the O-ring seals shall be used as the basis for acceptance at elevated temperatures, with leaktightness proven subsequent to the elevated temperature phase by the final leakage rate test at -20 ºF. The duration of each of the cold temperature phases of the test shall be defined by the time required to achieve the requisite cold temperatures whereas the duration of the hot phase shall be defined by the required elevated temperature and associated temperature duration given in Table 2.10.2-1. Formulation Qualification Test Procedure The process of formulation qualification leak testing O-ring seal material is given below.
- 1. Assemble the test fixture with two test O-ring seals.
- 2. Radially shift the disk inside the bore to establish reduced O-ring seal compression on one side of the test fixture, ensuring the NCT Cold compression requirements are met per Table 2.10.2-1.
- 3. Cool the test fixture to -40 ºF, continuing to restrain the disk in the NCT offset position relative to the bore.
- 4. Perform a helium leakage rate test with the test fixture temperature at -40 ºF.
- 5. Reposition the disk inside the bore to establish an appropriate starting position for the HAC Free Drop test with the test fixture temperature at -20 ºF.
- 6. Radially shift the disk inside the bore to establish a reduced O-ring seal compression on one side of the test fixture, ensuring the HAC Cold compression and compression change requirements are met per Table 2.10.2-1.
- 7. Perform a helium leakage rate test with the test fixture temperature at -20 ºF.
- 8. Warm the test fixture to the elevated test temperature (i.e., HAC Fire temperature per Table 2.10.2-1), continuing to restrain the disk in the HAC offset position relative to the bore.
- 9. Maintain the elevated temperature for 8-hour duration.
- 10. At the end of the elevated temperature duration, confirm that a rapid, hard vacuum can be achieved and maintained in the test volume between the two, test O-ring seals at the elevated temperature.
- 11. Cool the test fixture to -20 ºF, continuing to restrain the disk in the HAC offset position relative to the bore.
- 12. Perform a helium leakage rate test with the test fixture temperature at -20 ºF. Rainier Rubber R0405-70 Formulation Qualification Test Results Test results are summarized in Table 2.10.2-2, as referenced from GEN-REP-0001. 8 As shown in the table, the Rainier Rubber compound R0405-70 butyl rubber material is capable of maintaining a leaktight seal when subjected to worst-case seal compressions beyond the range of NCT and HAC cold and hot temperatures applicable to the TRUPACT-II package. For 8
Formulation Qualification Testing of Rainier Rubber Butyl Compound RR0405-70, GEN-REP-0001, Rev. 0, Washington TRU Solutions, February 2010.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 comparison, the minimum O-ring seal compression applicable for the NCT Cold condition (see Table 2.10.2-1) is 21.06% for the ICV. The NCT Cold tests summarized in Table 2.10.2-2 were conservatively performed with the disk in its full offset position, thus showing leaktight capability at NCT Cold conditions to as low as 10.38%. For the remaining tests, the applicable minimum compression is 10.73% for the ICV whereas the tests were all performed in the full offset position, thus showing leaktight capability to as low as 10.38%. For the HAC Free Drop test, the disk was initially centered and then shifted as much as 10.74%, which enveloped the applicable worst-case shift of 10.33% for the ICV. For the HAC Fire test, again per Table 2.10.2-1, a test temperature of at least 360 ºF for at least 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> is applicable, whereas the actual test was conservatively performed at 400 ºF for 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />, as noted in Table 2.10.2-2. Therefore, formulation qualification testing of Rainier Rubber compound R0405-70 bounds the minimum O-ring seal compressions for the TRUPACT-II package. ASTM D2000 Standardized Batch Material Tests Based on successfully demonstrating the ability to remain leaktight when subject to the formulation qualification tests, Rainier Rubber R0405-70 butyl rubber compound was selected to benchmark material performance parameters that can be evaluated using available industry standardized tests. Correlation of the R0405-70 butyl rubber compound performance to industry standard performance specifications establishes a standard quality and performance benchmark that is suitable for use in material batch testing. Note that a formulation represents a controlled chemical recipe and production process as defined by the material supplier, a batch represents the chemical compounding of a production quantity of material before vulcanizing, and a lot refers to the quantity of finished product made at any one time.
Qualification testing identified certain key parameters that are important to seal performance. Of these, two important parameters for this application are resistance to helium permeation and acceptable resiliency at cold temperatures. Butyl rubber performs very well resisting helium permeation, and the TR-10 test in ASTM D1329 9 provides an acceptable method for determining cold temperature material resiliency, with the properties of the R0405-70 acting as a baseline for the required resiliency.
The ability of the compound to withstand elevated temperatures while not having significant reduction in material properties is also required to maintain seal integrity after the hypothetical accident condition thermal event. Material properties in elastomers are reduced through the process of de-polymerization, an aging phenomenon. Elastomer aging can be accelerated by the application of energy (heat). The effect of aging can be quantified by measuring the reduction of physical properties after maintaining the seal material at an elevated temperature for a specific length of time. For the same amount of reduction in properties, a shorter time can be used at a higher temperature, or a longer time can be used at a lower temperature. ASTM D573 10 provides an acceptable method for determining the effects of temperature aging on elastomeric compounds.
9 ASTM D1329-88 (re-approved 1998), Standard Test Method for Evaluating Rubber Property - Retraction at Lower Temperatures (TR Test), American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, PA, Volume 09.01, 2001.
10 ASTM D573-99, Standard Test Method for Rubber - Deterioration in an Air Oven, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, PA, Volume 09.01, 2001.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 ASTM D395 11 provides an acceptable method for determining the effects of compression set.
R0405-70 butyl rubber compound uses an acceptance criteria of less than 25% compression set for 22 hours2.546296e-4 days <br />0.00611 hours <br />3.637566e-5 weeks <br />8.371e-6 months <br /> at an elevated temperature of 70 ºC.
ASTM D2137 12 provides an acceptable method for determining an elastomeric materials ability to withstand cold temperatures and remain pliable. Although the TR-10 test in ASTM D1329 demonstrates the seal materials resiliency at a much lower temperature, this test verifies the seal materials lack of brittleness at the minimum regulatory temperature of -40 ºC.
Hardness or durometer along with tensile strength and elongation are defined and checked to ensure durability of the seal material during operation. ASTM D2240 13 provides an acceptable method for determining the required 70 +/-5 durometer, and ASTM D412 14 provides an acceptable method for determining the required minimum 10 MPa (1,450 psi) tensile strength and minimum 250% elongation, with the properties of the R0405-70 acting as a baseline for the required hardness, tensile strength, and elongation.
For proprietary seal materials that have fairly demanding requirements such as the R0405-70 butyl rubber compound, the compound is commonly specified by a company designator and subsequently checked against exacting performance standards. Specifying an elastomeric compound by its chemistry alone is difficult considering the sheer number of parameters that affect seal performance. However, by applying the above nationally recognized standards to a material batch, the important parameters are defined for verifying the performance of the seal material.
ASTM D1414 15 is the standard method for testing O-ring seals, and covers most, but not all, of the required testing delineated above. However, due to the overall size of the O-ring seals and the additional testing specified, ASTM D20003 provides a better standard classification system.
Using the ASTM D2000 designator, O-ring seals with properties equivalent to R0405-70 butyl rubber material are classified as follows and summarized in the table below:
M4AA710 A13 B13 F17 F48 Z Trace Element 11 ASTM D395-01, Standard Test Methods for Rubber Property - Compression Set, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, PA, Volume 09.01, 2001.
12 ASTM D2137-94 (re-approved 2000), Standard Test Methods for Rubber Property - Brittleness Point of Flexible Polymers and Coated Fabrics, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, PA, Volume 09.02, 2001.
13 ASTM D2240-00, Standard Test Method for Rubber Property - Durometer Hardness, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, PA, Volume 09.01, 2002.
14 ASTM D412-98a, Standard Test Methods for Vulcanized Rubber and Thermoplastic Rubbers and Thermoplastic Elastomers - Tension, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, PA, Volume 09.01, 2001.
15 ASTM D1414-94 (re-approved 1999), Standard Test Methods for Rubber O-Rings, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, PA, Volume 09.02, 2001.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Designator Condition M Metric units designator (default condition) 4 Grade 4 acceptance criteria for the tests specified AA Butyl rubber compound 7 70 Shore A durometer hardness per ASTM D2240 10 Tensile strength and elongation per ASTM D 412; acceptance criteria are a minimum 10 MPa (1,450 psi) tensile strength and a minimum 250% elongation A13 Heat resistance test per ASTM D573; the acceptance criteria are a maximum 10 Shore A durometer hardness increase, a maximum reduction in tensile strength of 25%, and a maximum reduction in ultimate elongation of 25% at 70 ºC B13 Compression set per Method B of ASTM D395; acceptance criterion is a maximum 25% compression set after 22 hours2.546296e-4 days <br />0.00611 hours <br />3.637566e-5 weeks <br />8.371e-6 months <br /> at 70 ºC F17 Cold temperature resistance specifying low temperature brittleness per Method A, 9.3.2, of ASTM D2137; non-brittle after 3 minutes at -40 ºC F48 Cold temperature resiliency, where F is for cold temperature resistance, and 4 specifies testing to the TR-10 test of ASTM D1329; 8 indicates a TR-10 temperature of -50 ºC (-58 ºF), or less Z Trace Z designator allows specific notes to be added; Z Trace Element allows trace Element elements to be added to the elastomeric compound to meet the seal material requirements 2.10.2-10
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 2.10.2 Rainier Rubber R0405-70 Formulation Qualification O-ring Seal Test Results O-ring Minimum Seal O-ring O-ring Reduction Seal O-ring Seal Seal O-ring in Cross- Cross-Cross-Sectional Temperature for Leaktight Leak O-ring Inside Seal Sectional Sectional Diameter, dcs (in) O-ring Seal Compression (%) Test ( 8.8 x 10-8 scc/sec, He)
Test Seal Diameter, Stretch, Diameter, Diameter, Number Number Ds (in) Max Min S (%) R (%) dcsr (in) Center Disk Offset Disk Change -40 ºF -20 ºF 400 ºF -20 ºF 1 11.368 0.396 0.394 6.80 4.36 0.377 21.12 10.38 10.74 1 Yes Yes Yes Yes 4 11.500 0.396 0.392 5.58 3.71 0.377 21.12 10.38 10.74 2 11.417 0.396 0.395 6.34 4.12 0.379 21.54 10.85 10.69 2 Yes Yes Yes Yes 3 11.465 0.395 0.394 5.90 3.88 0.379 21.54 10.85 10.69 Notes:
The test fixtures pertinent dimensions are taken in line with the direction of offset, which is also the position where the minimum cross-sectional diameter of the O-ring seals are placed: bore inside diameter, Di = 12.736 inches; disk outside diameter, Do = 12.655 inches; and the O-ring seal groove diameter, Dg = 12.14125 inches (based on the average of fixture measurements taken along the axis of offset). All tests are performed using WTS Test Fixture No. 4.
Material for all O-ring seal test specimens is butyl rubber compound R0405-70, Rainier Rubber Co., Seattle, WA.
Given the O-ring seal inside diameter, Ds, the percent of O-ring seal stretch, S = 100 x (Dg - Ds)/Ds.
From Figure 3-3 of the Parker O-ring Handbook5 and based on the O-ring seal cross-sectional diameter, dcs, the percent reduction in O-ring seal cross-sectional diameter, R = -0.005 + 1.19S - 0.19S2 - 0.001S3 + 0.008S4 for 0 S 3%, and R = 0.56 + 0.59S - 0.0046S2 for 3% < S 25%.
The reduced O-ring seal cross-sectional diameter, dcsr = dcs(1 - R/100).
The percent O-ring seal compression with the disk centered is 100 x [dcsr - 1/2(Di - Dg)]/dcsr.
The percent O-ring seal compression with the disk offset is 100 x [dcsr - (Di - Do) - 1/2(Do - Dg)]/dcsr.
A Yes response indicates that helium leakage testing demonstrated that the leakage rate was 1.0 x 10-7 scc/sec, air (i.e., leaktight per ANSI N14.5). In all cases, measured leakage rates were 8.8 x 10-8 scc/sec, helium, for tests with a Yes response.
No helium leak tests were performed at elevated temperatures due to O-ring seal permeation and saturation by helium gas. The ability of the test fixture to establish a rapid, hard vacuum between the O-ring seals was used as the basis for leak test acceptance at elevated temperatures.
A Yes response indicates that all tests rapidly developed a hard vacuum.
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TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021
= 4.20° REFERENCE = 3.60° DATUM POINT a = 0.153 r = 0.125 dU = 0.249 c = 0.561 1 2 d L = 0.251 e = 0.330 x o = 0.599877 y = 0.778404 o
b = 0.493 y = 0.801270 i
= 5.00° f = 0.000 H L = 0.970 h = 0.253 w = 0.563 D g = 73.637517 g = 0.336162 LOWER = 3.90° x i = 0.264494 SEAL FLANGE UPPER SEAL FLANGE D L = 74.185 Figure 2.10.2 Configuration for Minimum ICV O-ring Seal Compression 2.10.2-13
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.10.2 Test Fixture for O-ring Seal Performance Testing 2.10.2-14
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 2.10.3 Certification Tests Presented herein are the results of normal conditions of transport (NCT) and hypothetical accident condition (HAC) tests that address the free drop, puncture, and fire test performance requirements of 10 CFR 71 1. This appendix summarizes the information presented in the report Design Development and Certification Testing of the TRUPACT-II Package 2. The test units discussed in this section were configured for testing with two independent containment boundaries. All test results and conclusions with respect to the inner containment vessel (ICV) remain unchanged with the outer containment (now confinement) vessel (OCV) configured as secondary confinement boundary when its optional O-ring seals are utilized. The leaktight capability of the ICV and the structural response and ability of the outer containment (now confinement) assembly (OCA) to protect the ICV are unaffected by the OCV configuration using optional O-ring seals. Introduction The TRUPACT-II package, when subjected to the sequence of hypothetical accident condition (HAC) tests specified in 10 CFR §71.73, subsequent to the sequence of normal conditions of transport (NCT) tests specified in 10 CFR §71.71, is shown to meet the performance requirements specified in Subpart E of 10 CFR 71. As indicated in the introduction to Chapter 2.0, Structural Evaluation, with the exception of the immersion test, the primary proof of performance for the HAC tests is via the use of full-scale testing. In particular, free drop, puncture, and fire testing of three TRUPACT-II certification test units (CTUs) confirmed that the ICV and OCV remained leaktight after a worst case HAC sequence. Observations from testing of the CTUs also confirm the conservative nature of deformed geometry assumptions used in the criticality assessment provided in Chapter 6.0, Criticality Evaluation. Summary Three CTUs (hereafter referred to as CTU-1, CTU-2, and CTU-3) were used to demonstrate compliance with the HAC structural and thermal requirements of 10 CFR 71. CTU-1 was subjected to ten tests: one NCT 3-foot free drop, three HAC 30-foot free drops, five HAC 40-inch puncture drops, and one HAC 30-minute fire. CTU-2 was subjected to nine separate tests and one repeat test: three HAC 30-foot free drops, six HAC 40-inch puncture drops (one being a repeat test for CTU-1), and one HAC 30-minute fire. CTU-3, using the same ICV and OCV as CTU-2 but modified to prevent debris encroachment into the ICV seals, was subjected to eight repeat tests for CTU-2: three HAC 30-foot free drops and five HAC 40-inch puncture drops; the HAC 30-minute fire test was not repeated.
As seen in the figures presented in Section, Test Sequence for Selected Free Drop, Puncture Drop, and Fire Tests, successful testing of the CTUs indicates that the various TRUPACT-II packaging design features are adequately designed to withstand the HAC tests 1
Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 71 (10 CFR 71), Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Material, 01-01-19 Edition.
2 S. A. Porter, et al, Design Development and Certification Testing of the TRUPACT-II Package, 016-03-09, Portemus Engineering, Inc., Puyallup, Washington.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 specified in 10 CFR §71.73. The most important result of the testing program was the demonstrated ability of the OCV and ICV to remain leaktight 3.
Significant results of HAC free drop testing common to all CTUs are as follows:
- Buckling was not observed for either containment boundary shell. Additionally, accelerometers mounted directly on the OCV shell were utilized to determine the axial acceleration resulting from a 30-foot bottom end drop events on CTU-2 and CTU-3.
- No excessive distortion of the seal flange regions occurred for either containment vessel, although some permanent deformation was noted.
- All three (3) ICV and all six (6) OCV locking ring lock bolts remained intact and locking ring and lower seal flange tabs remained fully interlocked during and following the drop tests.
Some OCA locking Z-flange-to-locking ring fasteners failed during the testing, but a sufficient number remained intact to securely retain the locking ring in the locked position. Additionally, for test purposes, only 24 fasteners were used whereas 36 are specified for the design.
- The containment boundaries were shown to be capable of maintaining pressure before, during, and after each 30-foot drop test. At the instant of impact, internal pressures in both the ICV and OCV would typically increase slightly (a few psi) for a moment and then return, within the accuracy of the instrumentation, to their initial, pre-drop test values.
- The aluminum honeycomb spacer assemblies used in the ICV upper and lower torispherical heads were shown to adequately protect the heads from damaging payload interactions.
- Rupture was not observed for the 3/8-inch thick, OCA outer shell.
- Internal pressures increased during the drops, but returned to pre-drop pressures afterward.
- Observed permanent deformations of the TRUPACT-II packaging were less than those assumed for the criticality evaluation.
Significant results of puncture drop testing common to all CTUs are as follows:
- With one exception, permanent deformations of the containment boundary are not attributed to the puncture event. The single exception occurred for a puncture impact onto the 1/4-inch thick OCA outer shell at a location 40 inches above the base of the package (Test No. 7 for CTU-1, and Test No. R for CTU-2). This puncture event resulted in a hole through the OCA outer shell. The permanent damage to the OCV and ICV shells was an inward bulge of approximately 11/2 inches to the OCV and ICV sidewalls. Importantly, permanent deformations were limited to the cylindrical shell portions of the OCV and ICV lower bodies, with no significant deformation near the seal flanges.
- Rupture was not observed for the 3/8-inch thick, OCA outer shell. Penetrations of the OCA outer shell closest to the seal regions were 22 inches above and 37 inches below the closure interface. Minor tearing of the Z-flange-to-3/8-inch thick OCA interfaces was observed for some test orientations. These regions are covered by the outer thermal shield; therefore, such tears are of little consequence.
- Tearing of the OCA outer shell occurred at the 3/8-to-1/4-inch thick, OCA body outer shell transition (weld) during testing of CTU-2 and CTU-3 (Test 4).
3 Leaktight is a leak rate not exceeding 1 x 10-7 standard cubic centimeters per second (scc/sec), air, as defined in ANSI N14.5-1997, American National Standard for Radioactive Materials - Leakage Tests on Packages for Shipment, American National Standards Institute, Inc. (ANSI).
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021
- In the regions where a significant amount of polyurethane foam was exposed by a puncture event (i.e., 40 inches above the package base and near the OCA top knuckle), the intumescent (i.e., self-extinguishing) characteristics of the polyurethane foam were sufficient to provide effective insulation from the effects of the subsequent HAC fire.
Significant results of fire testing common to the first two CTUs are as follows:
- The intumescent (i.e., self-extinguishing) characteristic of the polyurethane foam was sufficient to provide insulation from the effects of the HAC fire even in regions where the most significant amounts of foam were exposed.
- The maximum measured temperatures for the OCV and ICV elastomeric (butyl) O-ring seals were 260 ºF (thermocouple reading during the fire, 250 ºF by passive temperature indicating label) and 200 ºF, respectively. The maximum measured temperatures for the OCV and ICV structural components were 439 ºF and 270 ºF, respectively. The 270 ºF ICV temperature was most likely a result of the preheat operation used to heat the vessels prior to the fire test, rather than a result of the fire test itself. Air was pumped into the OCV/ICV annulus at 40 psi and 350 ºF, and within close proximity of the corresponding temperature indicating label that measured the 270 ºF temperature. The next highest ICV temperature reading was 220 ºF.
- Both containment boundaries demonstrated the capability of maintaining pressure before, during, and after the fire event. Note that pressure was lost in the CTU-1 OCV during fire testing. However, the loss of pressure was due to failure of a test-related pressure fitting, not to a packaging design feature. Post-test repair of the fitting and re-pressurization of the OCV indicated that the pressure retention capabilities of the OCV had not been compromised by the fire test.
- Following fire testing, disassembly of the OCA demonstrated that, except for the local area damaged by the puncture impacts 40 inches above the base of the package, a layer of unburned polyurethane foam remained around the entire OCV. For both CTUs, the average thickness of the layer was approximately 5 to 6 inches along the cylindrical sides and lower head of the OCV, and even greater adjacent to the OCV upper dished head. This residual polyurethane foam thickness is consistent with the shielding evaluation provided in Chapter 5.0, Shielding Evaluation, and the criticality evaluation presented in Chapter 6.0, Criticality Evaluation. Test Facilities Drop testing of the TRUPACT-II package prototype test unit was performed at Sandia National Laboratories Coyote Canyon Aerial Cable Facility in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The drop test facility utilizes free fall and, if needed, rocket power to attain closely controlled impact velocities as defined by a particular testing program. The drop test facility consists of a 5,000-foot long wire cable suspended across a mountain canyon. The cable can support proportionally heavier package weights at lower elevations, with a package weight in excess of 50,000 pounds for the regulatory defined, hypothetical accident condition 30-foot free drop test. The unyielding target consists of a highly reinforced, armor steel plated concrete block as illustrated in Figure 2.10.3-1. The target is designed to accommodate test packages weighing up to 100 tons.
In accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR §71.73(c)(3), the puncture bar was fabricated from solid, 6.0-inch diameter mild steel, and of sufficient length to perform the necessary test. The puncture bar was welded perpendicularly to a 11/2-inch thick, mild steel plate having an outside 2.10.3-3
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 diameter of approximately 24 inches. The top edge of the puncture bar was finished to a 1/4-inch radius. When utilized, the puncture bar was securely welded (mounted) to the impact surface.
Fire testing of the TRUPACT-II package prototype test unit was performed at Sandia National Laboratories Lurance Canyon Burn Site in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The open pool fire facility can be adjusted to a maximum size of 30-by-60 feet for performing free-burning fires for a duration of 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />, maximum. Packages weighing up to 149 tons can be supported at heights up to a few meters above the pool surface. During fire testing, thermocouples and calorimeters that are strategically placed measure and record fire temperatures and heat flux, respectively. Description of the Certification Test Units Three prototypic TRUPACT-II packages were built for certification testing, using prototypic fabrication processes and inspection techniques. Each CTU was built according to the design requirements delineated in Appendix 1.3.1, Packaging General Arrangement Drawings, with additions, omissions, differences from the general arrangement drawing requirements, measured as-built configurations, and selection of component options are described as follows. Payload representation is also described. Additions, Omissions, Differences from Drawing Requirements, As-Built Configurations, and Component Options Additions
- Painted external reference grid for photographic documentation; red for CTU-1, blue for CTU-2, and orange for CTU-3.
- External lifting devices for lifting and handling during certification testing.
- Internal lifting cables for lifting and handling the payload within the ICV.
- Secondary test vent port located circumferentially 180º from the prototypic vent port.
- Thermocouples (16 internal and 10 external for CTU-1, 8 internal and 8 external for CTU-2, and 5 internal for CTU-3).
- Temperature indicating labels.
- Axial-only accelerometers (two for CTU-2, and four for CTU-3).
- Remote pressurization port through the OCA/OCV/ICV bottom (see Figure 2.10.3-2) Omissions
- Tamper-indicating devices.
- Warning/informational stenciling.
- OCV and ICV lock ring stop plates.
- OCA lid lift pocket fiberglass guide tubes (removed for tests 1 and 2 on CTU-1; removed for all tests on CTU-3).
- ICV lid lift pin diameter reduction grooves.
- Nameplates.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Differences from Drawing Requirements
- The OCV was fabricated to the requirements of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section III, Division 1, Subsection NB (rather than Subsection NF).
- The relative locations of the OCA seal test port, vent port, and locking ring joint are different than delineated in Appendix 1.3.1, Packaging General Arrangement Drawings; fabrication of the CTUs occurred before operational considerations defined the final locations.
- The relative locations of the OCA lid lifting pockets are different than delineated in Appendix 1.3.1, Packaging General Arrangement Drawings; fabrication of the CTUs occurred before operational considerations defined the final locations.
- A 10-inch inside diameter (rather than a 3-inch inside diameter) was used for the silicone wear pad to prevent interference with the bottom test pressurization port.
- A 10-inch width (rather than the optional 18-inch width) was used for the neoprene weather seal for CTU-1.
- The OCV locking Z-flange was secured to the OCV lock ring via 24 (rather than 36), 1/4-20 UNC screws.
- The thickness of the ceramic fiber industrial textile (woven tape) between the upper/lower Z-flanges and the locking Z-flange was 1/4 inch thick (rather than 1/8 inch thick) for CTU-1 and CTU-2.
- The OCV lock bolt attachments in the OCA outer shell used inset Rivnuts with a 0.34-inch lock bolt thread engagement (rather than internal thread inserts inside cylindrical blocks with a 0.59-inch lock bolt thread engagement).
- The OCA lid top centerline thickness was 121/2 inches (rather than 121/4 inches).
- The OCA body bottom centerline thickness was 91/2 inches (rather than 91/4 inches).
- The outer thermal shield is located 3/8 inch above the location shown in Appendix 1.3.1, Packaging General Arrangement Drawings; the outer thermal shield was located 3/8 inch downward to enhance interchangeability of lids and bodies between different TRUPACT-II packages; a 3/4-inch x 101/2-inch relief, not present in the CTUs, was added along the bottom edge of the outer thermal shield for OCA vent port tool clearance.
- The ICV vent port configuration included a polyurethane filter in the inner vent port plug to facilitate post-test helium leak testing (rather than a solid inner vent port plug).
- An ICV wiper O-ring seal and holder were not included for CTU-1 or CTU-2.
- ICV lid guide plates were used to facilitate assembly for CTU-1 and CTU-2; the addition of the ICV wiper O-ring seal configuration eliminated the need for the ICV lid guide plates.
- Some detailed dimensions for the tie-down lugs are slightly different from those delineated in Appendix 1.3.1, Packaging General Arrangement Drawings; fabrication of the CTUs occurred before operational considerations defined the final dimensions.
- The cross-sectional diameter of the lower main ICV and OCV O-ring seals was 0.393 inches and the material was butyl rubber (rather than a cross-section diameter of 0.375 inches and a material of either neoprene or ethylene propylene); these are non-containment seals.
- The CTUs were fabricated with a minimum main containment O-ring seal compression of 15%, whereas a minimum main containment O-ring seal compression of 10.73% is attainable by the dimensions delineated in Appendix 1.3.1, Packaging General Arrangement Drawings.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Additional bench testing was performed after fabrication and testing of the CTUs that demonstrated the acceptability of the lower compression.
- The maximum reinforcement for the OCA external welds was 1/32 inch for the CTUs; a maximum reinforcement of 3/32 inch is delineated in Appendix 1.3.1, Packaging General Arrangement Drawings.
- The CTUs used an ICV silicone sponge debris shield with a nominally 1/4-inch thickness; a minimum 1/8-inch thickness is delineated in Appendix 1.3.1, Packaging General Arrangement Drawings.
- Some detailed dimensions for the recesses in the ICV and OCV seal test port plugs, ICV inner and outer vent port plugs, and the ICV vent port cover are slightly different from those delineated in Appendix 1.3.1, Packaging General Arrangement Drawings.
- Some detailed dimensions for the OCV seal flanges, locking ring, and OCV upper main O-ring seal are slightly different from those delineated in Appendix 1.3.1, Packaging General Arrangement Drawings.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 As-Built Measurements Component Weights The following table summarizes the major component weights for the three CTUs, and includes the calculated weights from Section 2.2, Weights and Centers of Gravity, for comparison:
Packaging Component CTU-1 CTU-2 CTU-3 Calculated Empty Package:
- ICV Lid (without Spacer) 750 890 760 795
- ICV Body (without Spacer) 1,650 1,718 1,620 1,625
- ICV Upper Honeycomb Spacer 105 83 95 100
- ICV Lower Honeycomb Spacer 109 82 95 100
- OCA Lid 3,550 3,600 3,466 3,600
- OCA Body 5,900 5,800 5,730 5,765
- Total 12,064 12,173 11,766 11,985 Payload:
- Drums 7,000 7,000 7,000 6,915
- Pallet 156 130 187 200
- Guide Tubes 20 21 20 20
- Slipsheets, Plates, and Cables 139 118 108 130
- Total 7,315 7,269 7,375 7,265 Package Total:
- Summing Above Components 19,379 19,442 19,141 19,250
- Truck Scale 19,360 19,260 --- ---
Assembled payload weight using a Sandia National Laboratory load cell, and does not equal the sum of the individual components.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Polyurethane Foam Properties The average parallel-to-rise and perpendicular-to-rise compressive strengths for the polyurethane foam in the OCA lids and bodies, including the nominal +/-15% limits that are defined in Table 8.1-1 from Section, Polyurethane Foam, are summarized in the following table:
Parallel-to-Rise at Strain, // Perpendicular-to-Rise at Strain, Compressive Strength (psi) =10% =40% =70% =10% =40% =70%
Nominal +15% 270 311 782 224 270 771
- CTU-1, Lid 231 266 667 190 234 667
- CTU-1, Body 233 267 674 194 239 670
- CTU-2, Lid 249 289 739 214 265 745
- CTU-2, Body 242 276 709 207 254 716
- CTU-3, Lid 222 258 666 194 237 678
- CTU-3, Body 230 261 673 201 245 676 Nominal -15% 200 230 578 166 200 570 In addition to the polyurethane foam compressive strength properties, the measured thicknesses of the OCA, including the minimum and maximum thicknesses specified in Appendix 1.3.1, Packaging General Arrangement Drawings, are summarized in the following table:
Polyurethane Foam OCA Lid OCA Body Thickness (inches) Top Side Side Bottom Maximum Thickness 12 9 11 10 CTUs 121/2 83/4 10 91/2 Minimum Thickness 11 8 9 81/2 Upper Main O-ring Seal Compression (Containment)
The range of percent compression in the upper main O-ring seals is calculated via a set of direct measurements (O-ring seal cross-section, O-ring seal inside diameter, upper groove depth, upper groove inside diameter, and initial perpendicular gap between the lower and upper seal flanges at the upper groove). The following table summarizes the maximum and minimum percent O-ring compression for a production package based on the dimensions specified in Appendix 1.3.1, Packaging General Arrangement Drawings, and measurements taken for each CTU:
Percent O-ring Production CTU-1 CTU-2 CTU-3 Compression ICV OCV ICV OCV ICV OCV ICV OCV Maximum 31.5 31.5 18.0 17.5 17.1 18.0 18.3 17.5 Minimum 16.8 16.8 13.6 14.1 12.8 15.3 12.6 13.6 2.10.3-8
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Component Options
- Z-flanges may be a welded construction of discs and cylinders or a spun construction; CTU-1 and CTU-2 used the welded option whereas CTU-3 used the spun option.
- Upper seal flanges, lower seal flanges, and locking rings may be fabricated using rolled and welded plate, forgings, or castings; all CTUs used the rolled and welded plate option.
- Attachment of the inner thermal shield to the locking Z-flange may be via pop rivets or spot welds; CTU-1 used the rivet option whereas CTU-2 and CTU-3 used the spot weld option.
- Vacuum grease may be applied to the seal flanges as well as the O-ring seals; only the O-ring seals were greased for CTU-1, whereas CTU-2 and CTU-3 used grease on the seal flanges as well.
- Vacuum grease may be applied to the vent port plug O-ring seals and covers; the CTU vent port plug O-ring seals and covers were greased.
- The upper inside taper on the ICV lower seal flange may have a length of 2.0 or 2.2 inches; all CTUs used a length of 2.0 inches.
- The wiper O-ring seal holder may be integrated into the ICV upper seal flange or fabricated from rolled sheet metal and attached with drive screws; CTU-3 used the rolled sheet metal/drive screw option.
- The 55-gallon drums used in the payload representation may be steel banded or wrapped with stretch plastic; all CTUs used the steel banding option.
- The 14-gauge aluminum sheet used for the aluminum honeycomb spacer assembly may be fabricated using a single sheet or two sheets with a full-penetration weld; all CTU spacers used a single sheet.
- The OCA outer shell welds may be inspected on the final pass using the liquid penetrant method; all CTU outer shell welds were inspected using the radiograph method.
- The exposed surfaces of the OCA may be unpainted or painted with a low-halogen paint; with the exception of painting colored reference grids, all CTUs were unpainted.
- Ceramic fiber paper is used on the inner surfaces of the OCA and OCV; all CTUs used Lytherm ceramic fiber paper.
- The wear pad may be plain or self-adhesive for securing to the bottom of the lower OCV torispherical head; all CTU wear pads were adhered to the lower OCV torispherical head.
- The maximum reinforcement for the OCA shell welds is 3/32 inch; the maximum reinforcement for the OCA shell welds for all CTUs was 1/32 inch.
- The ICV and OCV locking rings may be unplated or electroless nickel plated; all CTU locking rings were unplated.
- The ICV upper and lower spacer assembly bracket configurations may be a cantilever bracket or angle section; all CTUs used cantilever brackets.
- The insulating material for OCV vent and seal test port access plugs may be fabricated using polyurethane foam or ceramic fiber material; all CTUs used polyurethane foam plugs.
- The round tubing for the OCA lid lifting covers may be equivalent material to fiberglass; all CTUs used round fiberglass tubing.
- The OCA fire consumable vent plugs may use any plastic material; all CTUs used ABS plastic plugs.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021
- The OCA thread inserts may use an equivalent to Tridair inserts; all CTUs used Tridair KeenSerts.
- Generic polymer may be used for the optional OCV containment (now confinement), test, and OCV vent port plug O-ring seals; all CTUs utilized butyl rubber for these seals.
- Butyl, neoprene, or ethylene propylene elastomers may be used for the ICV inner vent port plug O-ring seal, and the ICV seal test port plug O-ring seal; all CTUs used butyl rubber for these seals.
- Generic polymer may be used for the optional OCV vent port plug and cover handling O-ring seals, the OCV vent port cover O-ring seal, and the OCV seal test port plug O-ring seal; all CTUs used butyl rubber for these seals.
- The OCA lock bolts may use either the OCA or OCA/ICV lock bolt configuration; all CTUs used the OCA lock bolt configuration.
- The material for the ICV inner and outer vent port plugs and cover may be ASTM B10 or B16 brass; all CTUs used ASTM B10 brass for the ICV inner and outer vent port plugs and cover.
- The ICV vent port insert has an optional configuration; all CTUs used the non-optional ICV vent port insert.
- The OCV and ICV seal test port inserts may be a threaded or slip-in configuration; all CTUs used the threaded configuration for the OCV and ICV seal test port inserts.
- Generic polymer may be used for the optional OCV guide plates; all CTUs used stainless steel for these plates.
- Aluminum honeycomb spacers may be constructed with one or two top sheet layers of aluminum; all CTUs used one top sheet layer. Payload Representation Payloads for the all CTUs are essentially identical. Fourteen concrete filled 55-gallon drums are used to represent the worst-case payload configuration since they place the highest concentrated loading on the ICV. For conservatism, a 12-inch diameter tube was centered within each drum and the annulus filled with concrete to a weight near, but not over 500 pounds. Sand-filled bags were used to provide the remaining weight for precisely meeting the weight limit of 500 pounds.
Figure 2.10.3-3 illustrates the payload representation.
In addition to the 500-pound 55-gallon drums, approximately nine (9) pounds of Portland cement and sand were added to the ICV cavity to represent loose debris that could move freely within the ICV and contaminate the sealing regions. Technical Basis for Tests The following sections supply the technical basis for the chosen test orientations and sequences for the TRUPACT-II CTUs as presented in Section, Test Sequence for Selected Free Drop, Puncture Drop, and Fire Tests.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Initial Test Conditions Internal Pressure The maximum normal operating pressure as well as the design pressure for both the ICV and the OCV is 50 psig. This pressure corresponds to a normal operating average ICV air temperature of 148 ºF (from Table 3.1-1 in Section 3.1, Discussion). Because of a constant internal volume, the corresponding pressure at -20 ºF is 33 psig, as found using Ideal Gas Law equations as follows:
20 + 460 P20 = (50 + 12) = 45 psia = 33 psig 148 + 460 where the ambient pressure at the Sandia National Laboratory test site is 12 psia.
For drop test purposes, pressurizing the ICV to its maximum pressure consistent with the temperature selected for the particular drop is reasonable. The OCV may be either unpressurized or pressurized to its maximum design pressure consistent with the temperature selected for the drop. Note that with the exception of a slight pressure change associated with normal heat-up of the ICV/OCV annulus air or due to barometric changes, an unpressurized OCV is the expected condition during transport since the OCV can only become pressurized if the ICV fails. By pressurizing the OCV in some tests and not in others, pressure can be eliminated as a primary factor in demonstrating the packages ability to meet the applicable regulatory performance requirements. This conclusion is proven by showing that at the instant of impact, pressures within the vessels only increase by a few psig and immediately return to their initial values, and subsequent leak testing demonstrated containment integrity. Temperature In general, higher temperatures result in greater deformations and lesser acceleration loads than lower temperatures. This result is due primarily to the temperature sensitivity of the energy absorbing polyurethane foam used within the TRUPACT-II OCA. Linearly interpolating the polyurethane foam data shown in Section 2.6, Normal Conditions of Transport, the compressive strength at -20 ºF is approximately 40% greater than the compressive strength at 70 ºF, and the compressive strength at 160 ºF is approximately 25% less than the compressive strength at 70 ºF.
The strength of the Type 304 stainless steel used in the TRUPACT-II packaging similarly varies as a function of temperature, but to a much lesser extent (e.g., yield strength decreases from 30,000 psi at 70 ºF to 27,000 psi at 160 ºF, per Table 2.3-1 in Section 2.3.1, Mechanical Properties Applied to Analytic Evaluations). Thus, for drop orientations where stresses in structural steel members are of concern (e.g., containment shell buckling), the worst-case temperature is -20 ºF, since this temperature results in the greatest ratio of the impact induced acceleration load-to-steel strength.
In contrast, for drop orientations where deformations are of concern, a higher temperature would result in a worst-case condition. Free drop tests at maximum temperatures are not necessary; parametric analyses2 demonstrate an increase in polyurethane foam permanent deformation of 1/2 inches to 1 inches, depending on the particular orientation. For this reason, free and puncture drops are performed at the prevailing ambient temperature at the time of the test.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Free Drop Tests Properly selecting a worst-case TRUPACT-II package orientation for the 30-foot free drop event requires investigating parameters that may compromise package integrity. For the TRUPACT-II packaging design, the primary regulatory requirement is demonstration of containment integrity (i.e., the containment boundary remaining leaktight).
For the 30-foot free drop event, leaktightness of the O-ring seals may be compromised due to mechanical degradation caused by relative movement of the sealing surfaces (resulting in reduced O-ring seal compression), or thermal degradation of the butyl rubber material from the hypothetical accident condition fire event. Importantly, for mechanical or thermal degradation to occur, significant reduction in polyurethane foam thickness or significant direct exposure of the polyurethane foam to the fire would have to occur in the vicinity of the O-ring seals due to a 30-foot free drop event.
Another possibility is separation of the OCA lid from the OCA body (or significantly opening up the nominal 1/2-inch gap that exists between the upper and lower Z-flanges at the OCA lid-to-body interface), and buckling of the ICV or OCV in a bottom end drop orientation. Separation of the OCA lid from the OCA body is most likely to occur from a drop that imposes a significant lateral load on the knuckle portion of the OCA exterior torispherical head. Therefore, free drop testing includes impact orientations that affect the upper end of the package in general and the seal/closure area in particular. Loads and resultant deformations occurring over the lower half of the package do not present a worst-case regarding separation of the OCA lid from the OCA body.
As discussed earlier, a bottom end drop orientation is of interest because of the possibility of containment shell buckling due to the high acceleration forces imparted to the package in this orientation. These potential failure modes are worst when the ratio of applied load-to-steel strength is at its maximum value. Therefore, these free drop cases will be the worst-case if performed at cold temperatures. Puncture Drop Tests Properly selecting a worst-case TRUPACT-II package orientation for the puncture drop event requires investigating parameters that may compromise package integrity. For the TRUPACT-II packaging design, the primary regulatory requirement is demonstration of containment integrity (i.e., the containment boundary remaining leaktight).
For the puncture drop event, leaktightness of the O-ring seals may be compromised due to mechanical degradation caused by relative movement of the sealing surfaces (resulting in reduced O-ring seal compression), gross deformations of the sealing region, or thermal degradation of the butyl rubber material from the hypothetical accident condition fire event.
Importantly, for mechanical degradation to occur, the puncture event would require gross rupturing of the OCA outer shell near the O-ring seals, thereby allowing the puncture bar to impact directly on the OCV seal flanges or locking ring. Similarly, for thermal degradation to occur, the puncture event would require gross rupturing of the OCA outer shell near the O-ring seals, thereby allowing direct flame impingement on the underlying polyurethane foam. For these reasons, puncture events are mostly directed at the seal regions.
Another possibility is the puncture bar penetrating the OCA outer shell and breaching the OCV containment boundary in a region removed from the seal regions. Based on the results of 1/2-2.10.3-12
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 and 3/4-scale design development testing and the full-scale engineering development testing, the puncture events most likely to lead to a penetration of the OCA exterior shell are those that have the package center of gravity directly above the puncture bar and, importantly, have the surface of the package at the point of contact with the puncture bar at an oblique angle with respect to the puncture bar. Specifically, if the impacting package surface is at an angle equal to or greater than approximately 20º relative to the top horizontal surface of the puncture bar, penetration is much more likely than if the package surface is normal to the axis of the puncture bar. The following table summarizes observations from the aforementioned development test programs.
These results tested the package with the center of gravity directly over the puncture bar. If the center of gravity is not directly over the puncture bar, penetration becomes less likely since some of the available impact energy is transformed into rotational kinetic energy.
Orientation Relative to Puncture Bar Full Scale Shell Thickness (in) 0º (normal) 20º 3/16 no penetration penetration 1/4 no penetration penetration 3/8 no penetration no penetration Observations from testing concluded that impacting the puncture bar with the package surface normal to the axis of the puncture bar will not lead to penetration of the OCA exterior shell. This was the primary reason for utilizing a torispherical (dished) upper head for the OCA lid. With a dished head, orientations with the package center of gravity directly over the puncture bar tend to be such that the package surface is also normal to the axis of the bar. Furthermore, observations concluded that a 3/8-inch thick shell could not be penetrated by the puncture bar, even under the worst-case conditions described earlier. Thus, 3/8-inch thick material was selected for use adjacent to the OCA closure joint (sealing regions) and as backup to the OCA vent and seal test ports to prevent puncture bar encroachment under all conditions.
Puncture drop tests were also selected to investigate regions containing stiffness discontinuities:
1/4- to-3/8-inch outer shell transitions, vent port and seal test port penetrations, and the forklift pocket structure. Finally, discontinuities in the OCA outer shell such as at the lid-to-body interface were tested to firmly establish the puncture resistant capability of that region.
Puncture drop events that do not significantly penetrate the OCA outer shell to expose significant amounts of foam are not of concern as packaging deformations and resultant acceleration loads associated with these events will be much less significant than the deformations and acceleration loads associated with the preceding 30-foot free drop tests. Additionally, differing temperatures and pressures during puncture drop testing will not significantly affect performance of the package. For this reason, although a variety of initial pressure conditions were included in the drop sequences, all puncture tests were performed at the prevailing ambient temperature. Fire Test At the conclusion of free drop and puncture drop testing, the CTU-1 and CTU-2 were subjected to a fully engulfing pool fire test in accordance with 10 CFR §71.73(c)(4). The package was oriented horizontally in the flames and minimally supported to least impede the heat flow into 2.10.3-13
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 the package. The combined worst-case damage due to the drop tests was located in the hottest portion of the fire, i.e., 11/2 meters above the fuel surface and 1/2 meter above the lowest part of the package 4. Prior to fire testing, each CTU was preheated to the worst-case NCT steady-state temperature (i.e., 100 ºF still air without insolation). Test Sequence for Selected Free Drop, Puncture Drop, and Fire Tests The following sections establish the selected free drop, puncture drop, and fire test sequence for the TRUPACT-II CTUs based on the discussions provided in Section, Technical Basis for Tests. Test sequences are summarized in Table 2.10.3-2, Table 2.10.3-3, and Table 2.10.3-3, and correspondingly illustrated in Figure 2.10.3-4, Figure 2.10.3-5, and Figure 2.10.3-6, for CTU-1, CTU-2, and CTU-3, respectively. Test Sequence for CTU-1 CTU-1 Free Drop No. 1 is an NCT free drop from a height of 3 feet, impacting horizontally on the CTU side, aligned with the OCV vent port. The 3-foot free drop height is based on the requirements of 10 CFR §71.71(c)(7). The purpose of this test is to demonstrate that the NCT free drop does not compromise the ability of the TRUPACT-II package to successfully sustain subsequent HAC test events in the same or other orientations.
CTU-1 Free Drop No. 2 is a HAC free drop from a height of 30 feet, impacting horizontally on the CTU side, aligned with the OCV vent port. The 30-foot drop height is based on the requirements of 10 CFR
§71.73(c)(1). The purpose of Free Drop Nos. 1 and 2, combined with Puncture Drop Nos. 5, 6, 7, and 8, is to create the greatest possible cumulative damage (i.e., the greatest reduction in foam thickness) in a region punctured through the OCA outer shell.
4 M. E. Schneider and L. A. Kent, Measurements of Gas Velocities and Temperatures in a Large Open Pool Fire, Sandia National Laboratories (reprinted from Heat and Mass Transfer in Fire, A. K. Kulkarni and Y. Jaluria, Editors, HTD-Vol. 73 (Book No. H00392), American Society of Mechanical Engineers). Figure 3 shows that maximum temperatures occur at an elevation approximately 2.3 meters above the pool floor. The pool was initially filled with water and fuel to a level of 0.814 meters. The maximum temperatures therefore occur approximately 11/2 meters above the level of the fuel, i.e., 1/2 meter above the lowest part of the package when set one meter above the fuel source per the requirements of 10 CFR §71.73(c)(4).
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 CTU-1 Free Drop No. 3 is a HAC free drop from a height of 30 feet, impacting near an OCA lid lift pocket and almost opposite the cumulative damage created by Free Drop Nos. 1 and 2, and Puncture Drop Nos. 5, 6, 7, and 8. The 30-foot drop height is based on the requirements of 10 CFR §71.73(c)(1). This drop orientation aligns the centerline of the 55-gallon drums with the point of impact. The purpose of this test is to produce maximum concentrated damage to the OCA lid.
CTU-1 Free Drop No. 4 is a HAC free drop from a height of 30 feet, impacting vertically on the CTU top. The 30-foot drop height is based on the requirements of 10 CFR §71.73(c)(1). This top-down drop aligns the 55-gallon drums directly over the three lift pockets. The purpose of this test is to create the greatest possible damage (i.e.,
the greatest reduction in foam thickness) to the OCA lid top, and to drive the OCA lift pocket steel straps inward against the OCV lids torispherical (i.e., dished) head.
CTU-1 Puncture Drop No. 5 impacts directly onto the OCV vent port fitting, compounding the cumulative damage created by Free Drop Nos. 1 and 2. The puncture drop height is based on the requirements of 10 CFR §71.73(c)(3). The purpose of this test is to create the greatest cumulative damage (i.e., greatest reduction in foam thickness) over the OCV vent port region.
Cumulative testing of this package region demonstrates that containment integrity is maintained.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 CTU-1 Puncture Drop No. 6 impacts directly onto the damage created by Free Drop Nos. 1 and 2, and onto the 3/8-to-1/4-inch OCA bodys outer shell transition. The puncture drop height is based on the requirements of 10 CFR
§71.73(c)(3). The purpose this test is to penetrate the outer shell. Cumulative testing of this package region demonstrates that containment integrity is maintained.
CTU-1 Puncture Drop No. 7 impacts directly onto the damage created by Free Drop Nos. 1 and 2, at a distance 40 inches above the package bottom. The puncture drop height is based on the requirements of 10 CFR §71.73(c)(3). The purpose of this test is to penetrate the 1/4-inch thick OCA body outer shell; this impact angle will ensure penetration occurs. Cumulative testing of this package region demonstrates that containment integrity is maintained.
CTU-1 Puncture Drop No. 8 impacts directly onto the OCAs torispherical (i.e.,
dished) head, compounding the cumulative damage created by Free Drop Nos. 1 and 2. The puncture drop height is based on the requirements of 10 CFR
§71.73(c)(3). The purpose of this test is to penetrate the region most weakened by Free Drop Nos. 1 and 2 (i.e., side drops).
Cumulative testing of this package region demonstrates that containment integrity is maintained.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 CTU-1 Puncture Drop No. 9 impacts directly onto the OCV seal test port fitting.
The puncture drop height is based on the requirements of 10 CFR §71.73(c)(3). The purpose of this test is to create the greatest cumulative damage (i.e., greatest reduction in foam thickness) over the OCV seal test port region, and to demonstrate reliability of the underlying doubler support structure.
Testing of this package region demonstrates that containment integrity is maintained.
CTU-1 Fire No. 10 is performed by orienting the cumulative damage from Free Drop Nos. 1 and 2, and Puncture Drop Nos.
5, 6, 7, and 8 at the hottest location in the fire (i.e., 11/2 meters above the fuel surface).
The purpose of this test is to demonstrate that the reduction in sidewall thickness and puncture drop damage do not inhibit the packages containment integrity. Test Sequence for CTU-2 CTU-2 Free Drop No. 1 is a HAC free drop from a height of 30 feet. This slapdown drop initially impacts on the OCA top knuckle.
The 30-foot drop height is based on the requirements of 10 CFR §71.73(c)(1). The impact point is aligned with both the ICV and OCV pinned locking ring joints and underlying 55-gallon drum payload. The purpose of Free Drop No. 1 is to cause the most damage to the locking rings.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 CTU-2 Free Drop No. 2 is a HAC free drop from a height of 30 feet, impacting vertically on the CTU bottom. The 30-foot drop height is based on the requirements of 10 CFR §71.73(c)(1).
The purpose of this test is to create the greatest axial acceleration on the cylindrical containment vessels. This test will demonstrate that both the ICV and OCV cylindrical shells will not buckle or collapse.
CTU-2 Free Drop No. 3 is a HAC free drop from a height of 30 feet. This slapdown drop initially impacts on the tie-down lug and its relatively rigid underlying structure, with secondary impact on the OCA top knuckle. The 30-foot drop height is based on the requirements of 10 CFR
§71.73(c)(1). The purpose of this test is to create the maximum bending moment in the closure region by maximizing the slapdown drop accelerations.
CTU-2 Puncture Drop No. R impacts at a distance 40 inches above the package bottom; this puncture drop test repeats Puncture Drop No. 7 on CTU-1. The puncture drop height is based on the requirements of 10 CFR §71.73(c)(3). The purpose of this test is to penetrate the 1/4-inch thick OCA body outer shell; this impact angle will assure that penetration occurs.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 CTU-2 Puncture Drop No. 4 impacts directly onto the damage created by Free Drop No. 3, and onto the 3/8-to-1/4-inch, OCA lids outer shell transition. The puncture drop height is based on the requirements of 10 CFR §71.73(c)(3).
The purpose of this test is to attempt to penetrate the outer shell at the 3/8-to-1/4-inch transition between the OCA lid cylindrical shell and the relatively stiff upper torispherical (i.e., dished) heads knuckle. Cumulative testing of this package region demonstrates that containment integrity is maintained.
CTU-2 Puncture Drop No. 5 impacts directly onto the package bottom corner, adjacent to a forklift pocket. The puncture drop height is based on the requirements of 10 CFR §71.73(c)(3). The purpose of this test is to penetrate the 1/4-inch thick OCA flat bottom at a location where structural discontinuities will more easily induce tearing.
Should tearing occur, this location could create a possible chimney for the HAC fire test by allowing free flow of air from the penetration due to Puncture Drop No. R.
CTU-2 Puncture Drop No. 6 impacts directly onto the inverted packages OCA lid side, adjacent to the outer thermal shield.
The puncture drop height is based on the requirements of 10 CFR §71.73(c)(3). The purpose of this test is to attempt a tearing dislocation of the outer thermal shield by getting the pin to slide into and snag the protruding sheet metal. Sufficient removal of the outer thermal shield could expose the OCA closure joint gap to direct flame impingement during the HAC fire test.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 CTU-2 Puncture Drop No. 7 impacts directly onto the OCA body at the same elevation as the OCV vent port fitting. The puncture drop height is based on the requirements of 10 CFR §71.73(c)(3). The purpose of this test is to demonstrate that the 3/8-inch thick OCA body cylindrical shell adjacent to the closure will not deform inward to the extent that the HAC fire test damages the O-ring seal region.
CTU-2 Puncture Drop No. 8 impacts directly onto the OCA body at the same elevation as the OCV seal test port fitting.
The puncture drop height is based on the requirements of 10 CFR §71.73(c)(3). The purpose of this test is to demonstrate that the 3/8-inch thick OCA lid cylindrical shell adjacent to the closure will not deform inward to the extent that the HAC fire test damages the O-ring seal region.
CTU-2 Fire No. 9 is performed by orienting the cumulative damage from Free Drop No. 3, and Puncture Drop Nos.
4, R, and 5 at the hottest location in the fire (i.e., 11/2 meters above the fuel surface).
The purpose of this test is to demonstrate that the reduction in sidewall thickness and puncture drop damage do not inhibit the packages containment integrity.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Test Sequence for CTU-3 CTU-3 Free Drop No. 1 is a HAC free drop from a height of 30 feet. This slapdown drop initially impacts on the OCA top knuckle.
The 30-foot drop height is based on the requirements of 10 CFR §71.73(c)(1). The impact point is aligned with both the ICV and OCV pinned locking ring joints and underlying 55-gallon drum payload. The purpose of Free Drop No. 1 is to cause the most damage to the locking rings.
CTU-3 Free Drop No. 2 is a HAC free drop from a height of 30 feet, impacting vertically on the CTU bottom. The 30-foot drop height is based on the requirements of 10 CFR §71.73(c)(1).
The purpose of this test is to create the greatest axial acceleration on the cylindrical containment vessels. This test will demonstrate that both the ICV and OCV cylindrical shells will not buckle or collapse.
CTU-3 Free Drop No. 3 is a HAC free drop from a height of 30 feet. This slapdown drop initially impacts on the tie-down lug and its relatively rigid underlying structure, with secondary impact on the OCA top knuckle. The 30-foot drop height is based on the requirements of 10 CFR §71.73(c)(1). The purpose of this test is to create the maximum bending moment in the closure region by maximizing the slapdown drop accelerations.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 CTU-3 Puncture Drop No. 4 impacts directly onto the damage created by Free Drop No. 3, and onto the 3/8-to-1/4-inch OCA lids outer shell transition. The puncture drop height is based on the requirements of 10 CFR §71.73(c)(3).
The purpose of this test is to attempt to penetrate the outer shell at the 3/8-to-1/4-inch transition between the OCA lid cylindrical shell and the relatively stiff upper torispherical (i.e., dished) heads knuckle. Cumulative testing of this package region demonstrates that containment integrity is maintained.
CTU-3 Puncture Drop No. 5 impacts directly onto the package bottom corner, adjacent to a forklift pocket. The puncture drop height is based on the requirements of 10 CFR §71.73(c)(3). The purpose of this test is to penetrate the 1/4-inch thick OCA flat bottom at a location where structural discontinuities will more easily induce tearing. Should tearing occur, this location could create a possible chimney for a subsequent HAC fire test. Alternating the axial impact direction also verifies the effectiveness of the wiper O-ring seal design by attempting to drive more debris into the ICV sealing region.
CTU-3 Puncture Drop No. 6 impacts directly onto the inverted packages OCA lid side, adjacent to the outer thermal shield.
The puncture drop height is based on the requirements of 10 CFR §71.73(c)(3). The purpose of this test is to attempt a tearing dislocation of the outer thermal shield by getting the pin to snag the protruding sheet metal. Sufficient outer thermal shield damage could expose the closure joint gap to direct flame impingement during the HAC fire test. Alternating the axial impact direction also verifies the effectiveness of the wiper O-ring seal design by attempting to drive more debris into the ICV sealing region.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 CTU-3 Puncture Drop No. 7 impacts directly onto the OCA body at the same elevation as the OCV vent port fitting. The puncture drop height is based on the requirements of 10 CFR §71.73(c)(3). The purpose of this test is to demonstrate that the 3/8-inch thick OCA body cylindrical shell adjacent to the closure will not deform inward to the extent that the HAC fire test damages the O-ring seal region.
CTU-3 Puncture Drop No. 8 impacts directly onto the OCA body at the same elevation as the OCV seal test port fitting.
The puncture drop height is based on the requirements of 10 CFR §71.73(c)(3). The purpose of this test is to demonstrate that the 3/8-inch thick OCA lid cylindrical shell adjacent to the closure will not deform inward to the extent that the HAC fire test damages the O-ring seal region. Test Results The following sections report the results of free drop, puncture drop, and fire tests following the sequence provided in Section, Test Sequence for Selected Free Drop, Puncture Drop, and Fire Tests. Results are summarized in Table 2.10.3-2, Table 2.10.3-3, and Table 2.10.3-3, and correspondingly illustrated in Figure 2.10.3-4, Figure 2.10.3-5, and Figure 2.10.3-6 for CTU-1, CTU-2, and CTU-3, respectively.
Figure 2.10.3-26 through Figure 2.10.3-53 sequentially photo-document the certification testing process for the CTU-1, Figure 2.10.3-54 through Figure 2.10.3-79 sequentially photo-document the certification testing process for the CTU-2, and Figure 2.10.3-80 through Figure 2.10.3-99 sequentially photo-document the certification testing process for the CTU-3. Test Results for CTU-1 CTU-1 Free Drop No. 1 Free Drop No. 1 was an NCT free drop from a height of 3 feet, impacting onto the OCA vent port. As shown in Figure 2.10.3-4, CTU-1 was oriented horizontal to the impact surface (axial angle (i.e., pitch) = 0º), and circumferentially aligned to impact onto the OCA vent port (110º from the forklift pocket reference). At the time of the test, the measured ICV and OCV temperatures were 58 ºF and 48 ºF, respectively. The test was conducted on 12/04/88.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 The measured permanent deformations for CTU-1 were flats 18 inches wide at the top (OCA lid), and 18 inches wide at the bottom (OCA body), each corresponding to a crush depth of approximately 7/8 inches. The ICV and OCV internal pressures did not change. CTU-1 Free Drop No. 2 Free Drop No. 2 was a HAC free drop from a height of 30 feet, impacting onto the OCA vent port. As shown in Figure 2.10.3-4, CTU-1 was oriented horizontal to the impact surface (axial angle (i.e., pitch) = 0º), and circumferentially aligned to impact onto the OCA vent port (110º from the forklift pocket reference). At the time of the test, the measured OCV temperature was 53 ºF. The test was conducted on 12/04/88.
The measured permanent deformations for CTU-1 were flats 37 inches wide at the top (OCA lid), and 35 inches wide at the bottom (OCA body), corresponding to a crush depth of approximately 3 inches. The ICV and OCV internal pressures did not change. CTU-1 Free Drop No. 3 Free Drop No. 3 was a HAC free drop from a height of 30 feet, impacting onto the CTU lid knuckle near an OCA lid lifting pocket. As shown in Figure 2.10.3-4, CTU-1 was oriented -47º from horizontal (axial angle (i.e., pitch) = 47º top down), and circumferentially aligned to impact nearly opposite the OCA vent port (-100º from the forklift pocket reference). At the time of the test, the measured OCV temperature was 50 ºF. The test was conducted on 12/05/88.
The measured permanent deformation for CTU-1 was a flat 30 inches wide and 53 inches long on the OCA lid, corresponding to a crush depth of approximately 33/4 inches. The ICV and OCV internal pressures were not measured due to test damage to the pressurization lines. CTU-1 Free Drop No. 4 Free Drop No. 4 was a HAC free drop from a height of 30 feet, impacting vertically onto the CTU lid (i.e., top-down orientation), as shown in Figure 2.10.3-4. At the time of the test, the measured OCV temperature was 47 ºF. The test was conducted on 12/06/88.
The measured permanent deformation for CTU-1 was a 53-inch diameter flat on the OCA lid, corresponding to a crush depth of approximately 3 inches. The ICV internal pressure did not change; however, the OCV internal pressure dropped 1.3 psig. CTU-1 Puncture Drop No. 5 Puncture Drop No. 5 was a HAC puncture drop from a height of 40 inches, impacting onto the OCA vent port. As shown in Figure 2.10.3-4, CTU-1 was oriented -15º from horizontal (axial angle (i.e., pitch) = 15º top down) through the packages center of gravity, and circumferentially aligned to impact onto the OCA vent port (110º from the forklift pocket reference). At the time of the test, the measured OCV temperature was 32 ºF. The test was conducted on 12/07/88.
The measured permanent deformation for CTU-1 was a dent approximately 3 inches deep, and a 16-inch long tear at the shell-to-angle (Z-flange) interface. The ICV and OCV internal pressures did not change.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 CTU-1 Puncture Drop No. 6 Puncture Drop No. 6 was a HAC puncture drop from a height of 40 inches, impacting onto the OCA body at the 1/4-to-3/8-inch thickness outer shell transition. As shown in Figure 2.10.3-4, CTU-1 was oriented -3º from horizontal (axial angle (i.e., pitch) = 3º top down) through the packages center of gravity, and circumferentially aligned with the OCA vent port (110º from the forklift pocket reference). At the time of the test, the measured OCV temperature was 30 ºF.
The test was conducted on 12/07/88.
The measured permanent deformation for CTU-1 was a dent approximately 3/4 inches deep.
The ICV internal pressure did not change; however, the OCV internal pressure dropped 0.3 psig. CTU-1 Puncture Drop No. 7 Puncture Drop No. 7 was a HAC puncture drop from a height of 40 inches, impacting onto the OCA body at a location 40 inches above the package bottom. As shown in Figure 2.10.3-4, CTU-1 was oriented 28º from horizontal (axial angle (i.e., pitch) = 28º top up) through the packages center of gravity, and circumferentially aligned with the OCA vent port (110º from the forklift pocket reference). At the time of the test, the measured OCV temperature was 25 ºF.
The test was conducted on 12/08/88.
The measured permanent deformation for CTU-1 was an 8-inch wide, 11-inch long, and 81/2-inch deep hole through the OCA outer shell. The ICV and OCV internal pressures did not change. CTU-1 Puncture Drop No. 8 Puncture Drop No. 8 was a HAC puncture drop from a height of 40 inches, impacting onto the OCA lids knuckle at the location of side drop damage from Free Drop Nos. 1 and 2. As shown in Figure 2.10.3-4, CTU-1 was oriented -54º from horizontal (axial angle (i.e., pitch) = 54º top down) through the packages center of gravity, and circumferentially aligned with the OCA vent port (110º from the forklift pocket reference). At the time of the test, the measured OCV temperature was 37 ºF. The test was conducted on 12/09/88.
The measured permanent deformation for CTU-1 was some additional denting of the OCA lids knuckle. The ICV and OCV internal pressures did not change. CTU-1 Puncture Drop No. 9 Puncture Drop No. 9 was a HAC puncture drop from a height of 40 inches, impacting onto the OCA seal test port. As shown in Figure 2.10.3-4, CTU-1 was oriented -24º from horizontal (axial angle (i.e., pitch) = 24º top down) through the packages center of gravity, and circumferentially aligned with the OCA seal test port (20º from the forklift pocket reference). At the time of the test, the measured OCV temperature was 36 ºF. The test was conducted on 12/10/88.
The measured permanent deformation for CTU-1 was a dent approximately 3 inches deep, and a 7-inch wide tear in the outer thermal shield. The ICV internal pressure did not change; however, the OCV internal pressure dropped 0.5 psig.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 CTU-1 Fire No. 10 Fire No. 10 was performed to demonstrate packaging compliance with the requirements of 10 CFR §71.73(c)(4) and the guidelines set forth in IAEA Safety Series No. 37 5. The following list summarizes the test parameters:
- CTU-1 was oriented on an insulated test stand with the most severe damage approximately 11/2 meters above the fuel surface. With a circumferential orientation of 145º (see Figure 2.10.3-4), the most severe damage was determined to be from the cumulative effects of Free Drop Nos. 1 and 2, and Puncture Drop Nos. 5 and 7 located 11/2 meters above the fuel surface.
- Consistent with 10 CFR §71.73(c)(4), CTU-1 was installed onto an insulated test stand at an elevation to place the lowest part of the package one meter above the fuel surface. CTU-1 was oriented horizontally on the test stand to maximize heat input.
- Consistent with 10 CFR §71.73(c)(4), requiring the test pool to extend 1 to 3 meters beyond the package edges, the test pool size extended approximately 11/2 meters beyond each side of CTU-1.
- Consistent with Paragraph A-628.5 of IAEA Safety Series No. 37, requiring wind speeds not to exceed 2 m/s (4.5 mph), the average wind speed was measured to be 1.97 m/s (4.4 mph).
- Consistent with 10 CFR §71.73(c)(4), a JP4-type fuel was used for the fire test, and the amount of fuel was controlled to ensure the fire duration exceeded 30 minutes. The fuel was floated on a pool of water approximately 1/2 meter deep to ensure even distribution during burning. The fire test lasted approximately 32 minutes, and burning continued for approximately 64 minutes after the end of the fire.
- The test pool was instrumented to measure fire temperatures and heat fluxes at various locations around CTU-1. Temperatures were monitored before, during, and following the fire test until magnitudes stabilized back to ambient conditions. The average OCA surface temperature, based on thermocouple traces, was between 1,500 ºF and 1,750 ºF.
- The CTU-1 containment O-ring seals were leak tested following performance testing to verify containment integrity, as discussed in Section, CTU-1 Post-Test Disassembly.
- The average OCV thermocouple pre-heat temperature was 127 ºF at the time of the test (compared to the analytically determined HAC initial temperature of 120 ºF).
- The test was conducted on 12/14/88.
The maximum ICV seal flange temperature was 170 ºF (via temperature indicating labels), and the maximum OCV seal flange temperature was 260 ºF (via thermocouples; 250 ºF via temperature indicating labels). The temperature indicating label locations and results are provided in Table 2.10.3-4, and Figure 2.10.3-7 and Figure 2.10.3-8. The thermocouple locations are provided in Figure 2.10.3-10, and the results are provided in Figure 2.10.3-12, Figure 2.10.3-13, Figure 2.10.3-14, and Figure 2.10.3-15. The ICV internal pressure increased 1.9 psig, and the OCV internal pressure increased 1.6 psig (see Figure 2.10.3-24).
5 IAEA Safety Series No. 37, Advisory Material for the IAEA Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material (1985 Edition), Third Edition (As Amended 1990), International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 1990.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 CTU-1 Testing Anomalies As can be expected with any test program, a certain number of test-related anomalies occurred during CTU-1 testing. The following paragraphs summarize each anomaly and its significance.
- The secondary impact from Free Drop No. 3 resulted in the ICV and OCV pressurization lines being cut (however, pressure was maintained throughout the primary impact; post-test re-pressurization of the ICV and OCV demonstrated containment integrity was maintained.
- Pressure rise leak testing of the OCV was planned between each free drop and puncture test; shifting of the OCV relative to the seal leak test port, pump oil contamination (used to pump hot, pre-heat air into the ICV and OCV), and expediting testing were the reasons that pressure rise leak testing was not always performed.
- Puncture Drop No. 7 was not considered a valid test, and was repeated as Puncture Drop No.
R on CTU-2; CTU-1 contacted the ground prior to expending all of its kinetic energy on the puncture bar.
- Pressure within the OCV was lost during post-fire test cool-down; the pressure loss was traced to a non-prototypic test gasket (see FLAT GASKET in Figure 2.10.3-2).
- During post-test helium leak testing of the ICV, the bottom port to be used for helium injection had frozen closed; a new port was drilled in the ICV lids torispherical head (in an undamaged region on the crown). CTU-1 Post-Test Disassembly Post-test disassembly of CTU-1 was performed following Fire No. 10. Both abrasive cutting and gas plasma cutting methods were utilized, depending on their potential effect on subsequent post-test seal testing, to enable destructive disassembly of CTU-1.
Upon removal of the OCA lid and body outer shells, the presence of several inches of very light density foam char showed the intumescing behavior of the polyurethane foam. Except for the local area damaged by the puncture impact 40 inches above the bottom of the OCA body, a layer of unburned polyurethane foam remained around the entire OCV. The average thickness of the layer was approximately 5 to 6 inches along the cylindrical sides and bottom, and 10 inches on top.
Demonstration of containment vessel leaktightness was accomplished by performing helium mass spectrometer leakage rate testing on each containment vessels main O-ring seal, vent port O-ring seal, and metallic boundary. The main and vent port O-ring seals were tested when cooled to an average measured temperature below -20 ºF; the metallic boundary was tested at ambient temperature. Results of successful mass spectrometer helium leakage rate testing are summarized in the following table:
Sealing Component OCV ICV Main O-ring Seal <2.0 x 10-8 cc/s, helium 3.0 x 10-8 cc/s, helium Vent Port Plug O-ring Seal <2.0 x 10-8 cc/s, helium 6.4 x 10-8 cc/s, helium Metallic Boundary 2.0 x 10-8 cc/s, helium 7.0 x 10-8 cc/s, helium When accounting for the conversion between air leakage (per ANSI N14.5) and helium leakage, a 2.6 factor applies for standard temperatures and pressures. Thus, a reported helium leakage 2.10.3-27
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 rate of 1.3 x 10-7 cc/s, helium, is equivalently 5 x 10-8 cc/s, air, a magnitude well below the leaktight criterion of 1 x 10-7 cc/s, air, per ANSI N14.5.
In conclusion, the test series performed on CTU-1 demonstrates the TRUPACT-II packages ability to meet the normal conditions of transport and hypothetical accident conditions regulatory requirements as defined in 10 CFR §71.71 and §71.73, respectively. Test Results for CTU-2 CTU-2 Free Drop No. 1 Free Drop No. 1 was a HAC free drop from a height of 30 feet. The primary impact for this slapdown drop occurred onto the OCA lid knuckle, with the secondary impact onto the OCA bodys bottom edge, approximately midway between tie-down lugs. As shown in Figure 2.10.3-5, CTU-2 was oriented -20º from horizontal (axial angle (i.e., pitch) = 20º top down), and circumferentially aligned to impact the ICV and OCV locking ring pinned joints and coincident payload drums to produce maximum damage (-5º from the forklift pocket reference). At the time of the test, the measured OCV temperature was -26 ºF. The test was conducted on 01/14/89.
The measured permanent deformations for CTU-2 were flats 45 inches wide at the top (OCA lid), and 21 inches wide at the bottom (OCA body). The OCV internal pressure did not change; however, the ICV internal pressure dropped 0.5 psig, and was most likely due to disconnecting and reconnecting the pressure monitoring device. CTU-2 Free Drop No. 2 Free Drop No. 2 was a HAC free drop from a height of 30 feet, impacting vertically onto the CTU bottom, as shown in Figure 2.10.3-5. At the time of the test, the measured OCV temperature was -26 ºF. The test was conducted on 01/16/89.
The permanent deformation for CTU-2 was negligible. The ICV and OCV internal pressures were lost due to damaged pressure test fittings from the free drop test. The maximum axial acceleration was 385 gs (filtered at 500 Hz; see Figure 2.10.3-18 and Figure 2.10.3-19). CTU-2 Free Drop No. 3 Free Drop No. 3 was a HAC free drop from a height of 30 feet. The primary impact for this slapdown drop occurred onto a tie-down lug, with the secondary impact onto the OCA lid. As shown in Figure 2.10.3-5, CTU-2 was oriented 18º from horizontal (axial angle (i.e., pitch) = 18º top up), and circumferentially aligned with the tie-down lug (143º from the forklift pocket reference). The test was conducted on 01/17/89.
The measured permanent deformations for CTU-2 were flats 15 inches wide at the top (OCA lid), and 45 inches wide at the bottom (OCA body). The ICV and OCV internal pressures did not change. The maximum axial acceleration was 44 gs (filtered at 500 Hz; see Figure 2.10.3-20 and Figure 2.10.3-21. CTU-2 Puncture Drop No. R Puncture Drop No. R was a HAC puncture drop from a height of 40 inches, impacting onto the OCA body at a location 40 inches above the package bottom. As shown in Figure 2.10.3-5, 2.10.3-28
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 CTU-2 was oriented 23º from horizontal (axial angle (i.e., pitch) = 23º top up) through the packages center of gravity, and circumferentially aligned with the tie-down lug (143º from the forklift pocket reference). The test was conducted on 01/17/89.
The measured permanent deformation for CTU-2 was a 10-inch wide, 11-inch long, and 9-inch deep hole through the OCA outer shell. The ICV and OCV internal pressures did not change. CTU-2 Puncture Drop No. 4 Puncture Drop No. 4 was a HAC puncture drop from a height of 40 inches, impacting onto the OCA body at the 1/4-to-3/8-inch thickness outer shell transition. As shown in Figure 2.10.3-5, CTU-2 was oriented -42º from horizontal (axial angle (i.e., pitch) = 42º top down) through the packages center of gravity, and circumferentially aligned with the tie-down lug (143º from the forklift pocket reference). The test was conducted on 01/18/89.
The measured permanent deformation for CTU-2 was an 8-inch wide, 10-inch long, and 7-inch deep hole through the OCA outer shell. The ICV internal pressure did not change; however, the OCV internal pressure dropped 1.0 psig. CTU-2 Puncture Drop No. 5 Puncture Drop No. 5 was a HAC puncture drop from a height of 40 inches, impacting onto the OCA bottom edge, adjacent to a forklift pocket. As shown in Figure 2.10.3-5, CTU-2 was oriented 55º from horizontal (axial angle (i.e., pitch) = 55º top up) through the packages center of gravity, and circumferentially -110º from the forklift pocket reference. The test was conducted on 01/19/89.
The measured permanent deformation for CTU-2 was a dent approximately 5 inches deep. The ICV and OCV internal pressures did not change. CTU-2 Puncture Drop No. 6 Puncture Drop No. 6 was a HAC puncture drop from a height of 40 inches, impacting glancingly onto the OCA lid adjacent to the outer thermal shield. As shown in Figure 2.10.3-5, CTU-2 was oriented -67º from horizontal (axial angle (i.e., pitch) = 67º top down), and circumferentially -67º from the forklift pocket reference. The test was conducted on 01/20/89.
The measured permanent deformation for CTU-2 was a 24-inch long dent approximately 1 inch deep. The ICV and OCV internal pressures did not change. CTU-2 Puncture Drop No. 7 Puncture Drop No. 7 was a HAC puncture drop from a height of 40 inches, impacting onto the OCA body at the closure joint. As shown in Figure 2.10.3-5, CTU-2 was oriented -15º from horizontal (axial angle (i.e., pitch) = 15º top down) through the packages center of gravity, and circumferentially 110º from the forklift pocket reference. The test was conducted on 01/20/89.
The measured permanent deformation for CTU-2 was a 4-inch deep dent and a 3-inch long tear in the outer shell-to-Z-flange angle interface. The ICV and OCV internal pressures did not change.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 CTU-2 Puncture Drop No. 8 Puncture Drop No. 8 was a HAC puncture drop from a height of 40 inches, impacting onto the OCA lid at the closure joint. As shown in Figure 2.10.3-5, CTU-2 was oriented -22º from horizontal (axial angle (i.e., pitch) = 22º top down) through the packages center of gravity, and circumferentially -145º from the forklift pocket reference. The test was conducted on 01/21/89.
The measured permanent deformation for CTU-2 was a 4-inch deep dent. The ICV and OCV internal pressures did not change. CTU-2 Fire No. 9 Fire No. 9 was performed to demonstrate packaging compliance with the requirements of 10 CFR §71.73(c)(4) and the guidelines set forth in IAEA Safety Series No. 37. The following list summarizes the test parameters:
- CTU-2 was oriented on an insulated test stand with the most severe damage approximately 11/2 meters above the fuel surface. With a circumferential orientation of 200º (see Figure 2.10.3-5), the most severe damage was determined to be from the cumulative effects of Free Drop No. 3, and Puncture Drop Nos. R and 4 located 11/2 meters above the fuel surface.
- Consistent with 10 CFR §71.73(c)(4), CTU-2 was installed onto an insulated test stand at an elevation to place the lowest part of the package one meter above the fuel surface. CTU-2 was oriented horizontally on the test stand to maximize heat input.
- Consistent with 10 CFR §71.73(c)(4), requiring the test pool to extend 1 to 3 meters beyond the package edges, the test pool size extended approximately 11/2 meters beyond each side of CTU-2.
- Consistent with Paragraph A-628.5 of IAEA Safety Series No. 37, requiring wind speeds not to exceed 2 m/s (4.5 mph), the average wind speed was measured to be 1.9 m/s (4.2 mph).
- Consistent with 10 CFR §71.73(c)(4), a JP4-type fuel was used for the fire test, and the amount of fuel was controlled to ensure the fire duration exceeded 30 minutes. The fuel was floated on a pool of water approximately 1/2 meter deep to ensure even distribution during burning. The fire test lasted approximately 31 minutes, and burning continued for approximately 70 minutes after the end of the fire.
- The test pool was instrumented to measure fire temperatures and heat fluxes at various locations around CTU-2. Temperatures were monitored before, during, and following the fire test until magnitudes stabilized back to ambient conditions. The average OCA surface temperature, based on thermocouple traces, was between 1,500 ºF and 1,750 ºF.
- The CTU-2 containment O-ring seals were leakage rate tested following performance testing to verify containment integrity, as discussed in Section, CTU-2 Post-Test Disassembly.
- The average OCV thermocouple pre-heat temperature was 127 ºF at the time of the test (compared to the analytically determined HAC initial temperature of 120 ºF).
- The test was conducted on 01/30/89.
The maximum ICV seal flange temperature was 200 ºF (via temperature indicating labels), and the maximum OCV seal flange temperature was 253 ºF (via thermocouples; 250 ºF via temperature indicating labels). Temperature indicating label locations and results are provided in Table 2.10.3-5, and Figure 2.10.3-7 and Figure 2.10.3-9. Thermocouple locations are provided in Figure 2.10.3-30
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 2.10.3-11, and the results are provided in Figure 2.10.3-16 and Figure 2.10.3-17. The ICV internal pressure increased 2.6 psig, and the OCV internal pressure increased 4.6 psig (see Figure 2.10.3-25). CTU-2 Testing Anomalies As can be expected with any test program, a certain number of test-related anomalies occurred during CTU-2 testing. The following paragraphs summarize each anomaly and its significance.
- The impact from Free Drop No. 2 caused the neoprene weather seal to slide downward and break the OCV pressurization line, the break occurring just after the impact event and, therefore, not compromising the test; post-test re-pressurization of the OCV demonstrated containment integrity was maintained.
- Following impact from Puncture Drop No. 4, CTU-2 rolled off the puncture bar and damaged the OCV and ICV pressurization fittings; the 1.0 psig OCV pressure loss was attributed to this post-test condition.
- Pressure rise leak testing of the OCV was planned between each free drop and puncture test; shifting of the OCV relative to the seal leak test port and expediting testing were the reasons that pressure rise leak testing was not always performed.
- The ICV main O-ring seal could not be made to pass the post-test helium leakage rate test; however, the lower (non-containment) O-ring seal was leakage rate tested and shown to remain leaktight at -20 ºF. The cause of debris getting past the debris shield was determined to be water condensate from the concrete-filled payload drums collecting on the open-cell foam rubber and freezing, thereby loosing enough resiliency to prevent debris from getting into the main O-ring seal (see Figure 2.10.3-79). A wiper O-ring seal was added to the ICV design to prevent debris from contaminating the main O-ring seals for all temperature and moisture ranges. CTU-2 Post-Test Disassembly Post-test disassembly of CTU-2 was performed following Fire No. 9. Both abrasive cutting and gas plasma cutting methods were utilized, depending on their potential effect on subsequent post-test seal testing, to enable destructive disassembly of CTU-2.
As with CTU-1, upon removal of the OCA lid and body outer shells, the presence of several inches of very light density foam char showed the intumescing behavior of the polyurethane foam. Except for the local area damaged by the puncture impact 40 inches above the bottom of the OCA body and in the OCA lid, a layer of unburned polyurethane foam remained around the entire OCV. The average thickness of the layer was approximately 5 to 6 inches along the cylindrical sides and bottom, and 10 inches on top.
Demonstration of containment vessel leaktightness was accomplished by performing helium mass spectrometer leakage rate testing on each containment vessels main O-ring seal, vent port O-ring seal, and metallic boundary. The main and vent port O-ring seals were tested when cooled to an average measured temperature below -20 ºF; the metallic boundary was tested at ambient temperature. Results of successful mass spectrometer helium leakage rate testing for all components of each containment boundary, except the ICV main O-ring seal, are summarized in the following table:
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Sealing Component OCV ICV Main O-ring Seal 4.5 x 10-8 cc/s, helium ---
Vent Port Plug O-ring Seal <2.0 x 10-8 cc/s, helium <2.0 x 10-8 cc/s, helium Metallic Boundary 6.0 x 10-8 cc/s, helium <2.0 x 10-8 cc/s, helium Subsequent testing of the main ICV non-containment (test) O-ring seal showed it to be leaktight.
When accounting for the conversion between air leakage (per ANSI N14.5) and helium leakage, a 2.6 factor applies for standard temperatures and pressures. Thus, a reported helium leakage rate of 1.3 x 10-7 cc/s, helium, is equivalently 5 x 10-8 cc/s, air, a magnitude well below the leaktight criterion of 1 x 10-7 cc/s, air, per ANSI N14.5. Test Results for CTU-3 CTU-3 Free Drop No. 1 Free Drop No. 1 was a HAC free drop from a height of 30 feet. The primary impact for this slapdown drop occurred onto the OCA lid knuckle, with the secondary impact onto the OCA bodys bottom edge, approximately midway between tie-down lugs. As shown in Figure 2.10.3-6, CTU-3 was oriented -20º from horizontal (axial angle (i.e., pitch) = 20º top down), and circumferentially aligned to impact the ICV and OCV locking ring pinned joints and coincident payload drums to produce maximum damage (-5º from the forklift pocket reference). At the time of the test, the measured OCV temperature was -26 ºF. The test was conducted on 04/19/89.
The measured permanent deformations for CTU-3 were flats 48 inches wide at the top (OCA lid), and 23 inches wide at the bottom (OCA body). The ICV and OCV internal pressures did not change. CTU-3 Free Drop No. 2 Free Drop No. 2 was a HAC free drop from a height of 30 feet, impacting vertically onto the CTU bottom, as shown in Figure 2.10.3-6. At the time of the test, the measured OCV temperature was -22 ºF. The test was conducted on 04/19/89.
The permanent deformation for CTU-3 was negligible. The ICV internal pressure did not change; however, the OCV internal pressure dropped 0.5 psig. The maximum axial acceleration was 335 gs (filtered at 500 Hz; see Figure 2.10.3-22 and Figure 2.10.3-23). CTU-3 Free Drop No. 3 Free Drop No. 3 was a HAC free drop from a height of 30 feet. The primary impact for this slapdown drop occurred onto a tie-down lug, with the secondary impact onto the OCA lid. As shown in Figure 2.10.3-6, CTU-3 was oriented 18º from horizontal (axial angle (i.e., pitch) = 18º top up), and circumferentially aligned with the tie-down lug (143º from the forklift pocket reference). The test was conducted on 04/19/89.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 The measured permanent deformations for CTU-3 were flats 13 inches wide at the top (OCA lid), and 40 inches wide at the bottom (OCA body). The ICV internal pressure did not change; however, the OCV internal pressure dropped 1.0 psig. CTU-3 Puncture Drop No. 4 Puncture Drop No. 4 was a HAC puncture drop from a height of 40 inches, impacting onto the OCA body at the 1/4-to-3/8-inch thickness outer shell transition. As shown in Figure 2.10.3-6, CTU-3 was oriented -42º from horizontal (axial angle (i.e., pitch) = 42º top down) through the packages center of gravity, and circumferentially aligned with the tie-down lug (143º from the forklift pocket reference). The test was conducted on 04/19/89.
The measured permanent deformation for CTU-3 was an 8-inch wide, 10-inch long, and 8-inch deep hole through the OCA outer shell. The ICV internal pressure did not change; however, the OCV internal pressure dropped 0.5 psig. CTU-3 Puncture Drop No. 5 Puncture Drop No. 5 was a HAC puncture drop from a height of 40 inches, impacting onto the OCA bottom edge, adjacent to a forklift pocket. As shown in Figure 2.10.3-6, CTU-3 was oriented 55º from horizontal (axial angle (i.e., pitch) = 55º top up) through the packages center of gravity, and circumferentially -110º from the forklift pocket reference. The test was conducted on 04/20/89.
The measured permanent deformation for CTU-3 was a hole approximately 8 inches deep. The ICV and OCV internal pressures did not change. CTU-3 Puncture Drop No. 6 Puncture Drop No. 6 was a HAC puncture drop from a height of 40 inches, impacting glancingly onto the OCA lid adjacent to the outer thermal shield. As shown in Figure 2.10.3-6, CTU-3 was oriented -67º from horizontal (axial angle (i.e., pitch) = 67º top down), and circumferentially -67º from the forklift pocket reference. The test was conducted on 04/21/89.
The measured permanent deformation for CTU-3 was a dent approximately 2 inches deep. The ICV and OCV internal pressures did not change. CTU-3 Puncture Drop No. 7 Puncture Drop No. 7 was a HAC puncture drop from a height of 40 inches, impacting onto the OCA body at the closure joint. As shown in Figure 2.10.3-6, CTU-3 was oriented -15º from horizontal (axial angle (i.e., pitch) = 15º top down) through the packages center of gravity, and circumferentially 110º from the forklift pocket reference. The test was conducted on 04/21/89.
The measured permanent deformation for CTU-3 was a 4-inch deep dent. The ICV and OCV internal pressures did not change. CTU-3 Puncture Drop No. 8 Puncture Drop No. 8 was a HAC puncture drop from a height of 40 inches, impacting onto the OCA lid at the closure joint. As shown in Figure 2.10.3-6, CTU-3 was oriented -22º from 2.10.3-33
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 horizontal (axial angle (i.e., pitch) = 22º top down) through the packages center of gravity, and circumferentially -145º from the forklift pocket reference. The test was conducted on 04/21/89.
The measured permanent deformation for CTU-3 was a 4-inch deep dent. The ICV and OCV internal pressures did not change. CTU-3 Testing Anomalies As can be expected with any test program, a certain number of test related anomalies occurred during CTU-3 testing. The following paragraphs summarize each anomaly and its significance.
- Pressure rise leak testing of the OCV was planned between each free drop and puncture test; shifting of the OCV relative to the seal leak test port and expediting testing were the reasons that pressure rise leak testing was not always performed.
- One of the four OCV seal region thermocouples failed early in testing; reported temperatures are the average of the remaining three thermocouples.
- Pressure drops in the OCV were noted for Free Drop Nos. 2 and 3, and Puncture Drop No. 4; a momentary increase in pressure occurred at the moment of CTU impact, followed by a reduction below the original value, was most likely due to the gauge sticking because of the pressure pulse.
- Because the ICV main O-ring seal could not be made to pass the post-test helium leakage rate test for CTU-2, a wiper O-ring seal was added to the ICV design for CTU-3 to prevent debris from contaminating the main O-ring seal for all temperature and moisture ranges. The wiper O-ring seal holder was fabricated from rolled sheet and attached via 114 drive screws.
Of the 114 original drive screws, 16 were damaged (sheared head); nevertheless, the seal holder remained in position and prevented debris from contaminating the main O-ring seal. CTU-3 Post-Test Disassembly Post-test disassembly of CTU-3 was performed following Puncture Drop No. 8. Both abrasive cutting and gas plasma cutting methods were utilized, depending on their potential effect on subsequent post-test seal testing, to enable destructive disassembly of CTU-3.
Demonstration of containment vessel leaktightness was accomplished by performing helium mass spectrometer leakage rate testing on each containment vessels main O-ring seal, vent port O-ring seal, and metallic boundary. The ICV main and ICV vent port O-ring seals were tested when cooled to an average measured temperature below -20 ºF; the metallic boundary was tested at ambient temperature. The OCV main and OCV vent port O-ring seals, and metallic boundary were tested at ambient temperature. Results of successful mass spectrometer helium leakage rate testing are summarized in the following table:
Sealing Component OCV ICV
-8 -8 Main O-ring Seal <2.0 x 10 cc/s, helium <2.0 x 10 cc/s, helium Vent Port Plug O-ring Seal <2.0 x 10-8 cc/s, helium <2.0 x 10-8 cc/s, helium Metallic Boundary <2.0 x 10-8 cc/s, helium <9.2 x 10-8 cc/s, helium 2.10.3-34
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 When accounting for the conversion between air leakage (per ANSI N14.5) and helium leakage, a 2.6 factor applies for standard temperatures and pressures. Thus, a reported helium leakage rate of 1.3 x 10-7 cc/s, helium, is equivalently 5 x 10-8 cc/s, air, a magnitude well below the leaktight criterion of 1 x 10-7 cc/s, air, per ANSI N14.5.
In conclusion, the test series performed on CTU-3 demonstrates the TRUPACT-II packages ability to meet the normal conditions of transport and hypothetical accident conditions regulatory requirements as defined in 10 CFR §71.71 and §71.73, respectively, and demonstrates that the wiper O-ring seal retrofit prevents debris from contaminating the ICV main O-ring seal.
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TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 2.10.3 Summary of CTU-1 Test Results in Sequential Order Test Unit Angular Orientation Pressure (psig)
Test CTU No. Test Description Axial Circumferential ICV OCV Temperature Observations and Results 1 NCT, 3-foot side drop onto OCV 0º 110º 50 50 Ambient 18" wide flat at top (OCA lid) x 18" wide vent port flat at bottom (OCA body) x ~7/8" deep 2 HAC, 30-foot side drop onto 0º 110º 50 0 Ambient 37" wide flat at top (OCA lid) x 35" wide OCV vent port flat at bottom (OCA body) x ~3" deep 3 HAC, 30-foot CG onto OCA lid -47º -100º 50 50 Ambient 30" wide x 53" long flat at top (OCA lid) knuckle near OCA lid lift pocket x ~33/4" deep 4 HAC, 30-foot top drop -90º N/A 50 50 Ambient 53" diameter flat at top (OCA lid) x ~3" deep 5 HAC, puncture drop on OCA -15º 110º 50 50 Ambient 16" long tear at shell-to-angle interface on vent port fitting OCA body at vent port x ~3" deep 6 HAC, puncture drop onto OCA -3º 110º 50 50 Ambient ~3/4" deep dent body below 1/4-to-3/8 shell weld 7 HAC, puncture drop 40 inches 28º 110º 50 0 Ambient 8" wide x 11" long x ~81/2" deep hole above package bottom through OCA outer shell; CTU-1 may have hit ground; repeated as CTU-2, Test No. R 8 HAC, puncture drop onto -54º 110º 50 0 Ambient Some additional denting; no penetration damaged OCA lid knuckle 9 HAC, puncture drop on OCA seal -24º 20º 50 50 Ambient ~3" deep dent; ~7" wide tear of outer test port fitting thermal shield 10 HAC, fire test 0º 145º 50 50 At HAC pre- ~32 minute fire; maximum 170 ºF and 260 fire temperature ºF ICV and OCV seal flange temperature, and maximum 1.9 psig and 1.4 psig ICV and OCV pressure rise, respectively Notes:
Axial angle, , is relative to horizontal (i.e., side drop orientation).
Circumferential angle, , is relative to the forklift pockets when parallel to the ground.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 2.10.3 Summary of CTU-2 Test Results in Sequential Order Test Unit Angular Orientation Pressure (psig)
Test CTU No. Test Description Axial Circumferential ICV OCV Temperature Observations and Results 1 HAC, 30-foot top slapdown drop; -20º -5º 33 0 -20 ºF 45" wide flat at top (OCA lid) x 21" wide initial impact on OCA lid knuckle flat at bottom (OCA body) 2 HAC, 30-foot bottom drop 90º N/A 33 33 -20 ºF negligible visible damage 3 HAC, 30-foot slapdown drop; 18º 143º 50 50 Ambient 15" wide flat at top (OCA lid) x 45" wide initial impact on tie-down lug flat at bottom (OCA body)
R HAC, puncture drop 40 inches 23º 143º 50 0 Ambient 10" wide x 11" long hole; ~9" deep hole; above package bottom minor denting of OCV and ICV shells 4 HAC, puncture drop at the -42º 143º 50 50 Ambient 8" wide x 10" long hole; ~7" deep hole 1/4-to-3/8 lid shell interface 5 HAC, puncture drop onto package 55º -110º 50 0 Ambient ~5" deep dent bottom adjacent to forklift pocket 6 HAC, puncture drop onto outer -67º -67º 0 0 Ambient ~24 long x ~1" deep dent thermal shield 7 HAC, puncture drop onto OCA -15º 110º 50 50 Ambient 3" long tear at shell-to-angle interface on body at closure; 40º from OCA OCA body x ~4" deep dent vent port fitting 8 HAC, puncture drop onto OCA -22º -145º 50 50 Ambient ~4" deep dent lid at closure; 180º from OCA seal test port fitting 9 HAC, fire test 0º 200º 50 50 At HAC pre- ~31 minute fire; maximum 200 ºF and 250 fire temperature ºF ICV and OCV seal flange temperature, and maximum 2.7 psig and 4.5 psig ICV and OCV pressure rise, respectively Notes:
Axial angle, , is relative to horizontal (i.e., side drop orientation).
Circumferential angle, , is relative to the forklift pockets when parallel to the ground.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 2.10.3 Summary of CTU-3 Test Results in Sequential Order Test Unit Angular Orientation Pressure (psig)
Test CTU No. Test Description Axial Circumferential ICV OCV Temperature Observations and Results 1 HAC, 30-foot top slapdown drop; -20º -5º 33 0 -20 ºF 48" wide flat at top (OCA lid) x 23" wide initial impact on OCA lid knuckle flat at bottom (OCA body) 2 HAC, 30-foot bottom drop 90º N/A 33 33 -20 ºF negligible visible damage 3 HAC, 30-foot slapdown drop; 18º 143º 50 50 Ambient 13" wide flat at top (OCA lid) x 40" wide initial impact on tie-down lug flat at bottom (OCA body) 4 HAC, puncture drop at the -42º 143º 50 50 Ambient 8" wide x 10" long hole; ~8" deep hole 1/4-to-3/8 lid shell interface 5 HAC, puncture drop onto package 55º -110º 50 0 Ambient ~8" deep hole bottom adjacent to forklift pocket 6 HAC, puncture drop onto outer -67º -67º 0 0 Ambient ~2" deep dent thermal shield 7 HAC, puncture drop onto OCA -15º 110º 50 50 Ambient ~4" deep dent body at closure; 40º from OCA vent port fitting 8 HAC, puncture drop onto OCA -22º -145º 50 50 Ambient ~4" deep dent lid at closure; 180º from OCA seal test port fitting Notes:
Axial angle, , is relative to horizontal (i.e., side drop orientation).
Circumferential angle, , is relative to the forklift pockets when parallel to the ground.
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TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 2.10.3 CTU-1 Temperature Indicating Label Locations and Results Label Location Indicated Identifier Y (in) C (deg) Temperature Remarks TI-1 0.0 0.0 160 ºF Payload pallet; top center TI-2 19.0 85.0 130 ºF Drum #1; side toward payload center TI-3 19.0 12.0 140 ºF Drum #4 (bottom center drum); side TI-4 34.0 0.0 130 ºF Drum #4 (bottom center drum); top center TI-5 53.0 85.0 130 ºF Drum #8; side toward payload center TI-6 53.0 12.0 130 ºF Drum #11 (top center drum); side TI-7 69.0 0.0 130 ºF Drum #11 (top center drum); top TI-8 62.0 49.0 150 ºF ICV body; inner lower seal flange surface TI-9 62.0 13.5 170 ºF ICV body; inner lower seal flange surface TI-10 62.0 205.0 170 ºF ICV body; inner lower seal flange surface TI-11 62.0 166.0 150 ºF ICV body; inner lower seal flange surface TI-12 62.0 128.0 140 ºF ICV body; inner lower seal flange surface TI-13 62.0 88.5 150 ºF ICV body; inner lower seal flange surface TI-14 29.5 49.0 160 ºF ICV body; inner shell surface TI-15 29.5 13.5 170 ºF ICV body; inner shell surface TI-16 29.5 205.0 160 ºF ICV body; inner shell surface TI-17 29.5 166.0 140 ºF ICV body; inner shell surface TI-18 29.5 128.0 140 ºF ICV body; inner shell surface TI-19 29.5 88.5 160 ºF ICV body; inner shell surface TI-20 1.5 49.0 150 ºF ICV body; shell-to-lower torispherical head weld TI-21 1.5 13.5 170 ºF ICV body; shell-to-lower torispherical head weld TI-22 1.5 205.0 190 ºF ICV body; shell-to-lower torispherical head weld TI-23 1.5 166.0 140 ºF ICV body; shell-to-lower torispherical head weld TI-24 1.5 128.0 150 ºF ICV body; shell-to-lower torispherical head weld TI-25 1.5 88.5 180 ºF ICV body; shell-to-lower torispherical head weld TI-26 Bottom Center 270 ºF ICV body; lower torispherical head TI-27 1.5 90.0 160 ºF ICV lid; shell-to-upper torispherical head weld TI-28 1.5 210.0 160 ºF ICV lid; shell-to-upper torispherical head weld TI-29 1.5 330.0 130 ºF ICV lid; shell-to-upper torispherical head weld TI-30 Top Center 150 ºF ICV lid; upper torispherical head TI-31 Near TI-29 140 ºF Upper aluminum honeycomb spacer; lower face TI-32 57.5 30.0 220 ºF OCV body; inner lower seal flange surface TI-33 57.5 64.0 230 ºF OCV body; inner lower seal flange surface TI-34 57.5 74.0 250 ºF OCV body; inner lower seal flange surface TI-35 57.5 101.0 220 ºF OCV body; inner lower seal flange surface TI-36 57.5 138.0 190 ºF OCV body; inner lower seal flange surface TI-37 57.5 183.0 190 ºF OCV body; inner lower seal flange surface TI-38 57.5 201.0 210 ºF OCV body; inner lower seal flange surface 2.10.3-41
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Label Location Indicated Identifier Y (in) C (deg) Temperature Remarks TI-39 57.5 236.0 200 ºF OCV body; inner lower seal flange surface TI-40 50.5 30.0 190 ºF OCV body; inner conical shell surface TI-41 50.5 74.0 240 ºF OCV body; inner conical shell surface TI-42 50.5 101.0 180 ºF OCV body; inner conical shell surface TI-43 50.5 138.0 160 ºF OCV body; inner conical shell surface TI-44 50.5 183.0 170 ºF OCV body; inner conical shell surface TI-45 50.5 201.0 170 ºF OCV body; inner conical shell surface TI-46 50.5 236.0 170 ºF OCV body; inner conical shell surface TI-47 26.5 30.0 310 ºF OCV body; inner shell surface near stiffening ring TI-48 26.5 74.0 340 ºF OCV body; inner shell surface near stiffening ring TI-49 26.5 101.0 290 ºF OCV body; inner shell surface near stiffening ring TI-50 26.5 138.0 220 ºF OCV body; inner shell surface near stiffening ring TI-51 26.5 183.0 170 ºF OCV body; inner shell surface near stiffening ring TI-52 26.5 201.0 160 ºF OCV body; inner shell surface near stiffening ring TI-53 26.5 236.0 170 ºF OCV body; inner shell surface near stiffening ring TI-54 1.5 30.0 160 ºF OCV body; shell-to-lower torispherical head weld TI-55 1.5 74.0 340 ºF OCV body; shell-to-lower torispherical head weld TI-56 1.5 101.0 270 ºF OCV body; shell-to-lower torispherical head weld TI-57 1.5 138.0 170 ºF OCV body; shell-to-lower torispherical head weld TI-58 1.5 183.0 150 ºF OCV body; shell-to-lower torispherical head weld TI-59 1.5 201.0 170 ºF OCV body; shell-to-lower torispherical head weld TI-60 1.5 236.0 200 ºF OCV body; shell-to-lower torispherical head weld TI-61 -16.6 30.0 210 ºF OCV body; lower torispherical head TI-62 -16.6 74.0 200 ºF OCV body; lower torispherical head TI-63 -16.6 160.0 200 ºF OCV body; lower torispherical head TI-64 -16.6 201.0 230 ºF OCV body; lower torispherical head TI-65 1.0 90.5 220 ºF OCV lid; shell-to-upper torispherical head weld TI-66 1.0 131.5 220 ºF OCV lid; shell-to-upper torispherical head weld TI-67 1.0 171.5 230 ºF OCV lid; shell-to-upper torispherical head weld TI-68 1.0 211.5 190 ºF OCV lid; shell-to-upper torispherical head weld TI-69 1.0 251.5 200 ºF OCV lid; shell-to-upper torispherical head weld TI-70 1.0 291.5 210 ºF OCV lid; shell-to-upper torispherical head weld TI-71 18.0 90.5 160 ºF OCV lid; upper torispherical head TI-72 18.0 131.5 260 ºF OCV lid; upper torispherical head TI-73 18.0 171.5 300 ºF OCV lid; upper torispherical head TI-74 18.0 211.5 170 ºF OCV lid; upper torispherical head TI-75 18.0 251.5 340 ºF OCV lid; upper torispherical head TI-76 18.0 291.5 170 ºF OCV lid; upper torispherical head TI-77 Top Center Damaged OCV lid; upper torispherical head 2.10.3-42
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 2.10.3 CTU-2 Temperature Indicating Label Locations and Results Label Location Indicated Identifier Y (in) C (deg) Temperature Remarks TI-1 Top Center 160 ºF Payload pallet; top center TI-2 19.0 27.0 140 ºF Drum #1 (bottom center drum); side TI-3 19.0 210.0 150 ºF Drum #3; side TI-4 Top Center 150 ºF Drum #1 (bottom center drum); top center TI-5 19.0 180.0 Damaged Drum #3; side (outside edge of payload)
TI-6 19.0 250.0 150 ºF Drum #5; side (outside edge of payload)
TI-7 19.0 120.0 170 ºF Drum #7; side (outside edge of payload)
TI-8 54.0 90.0 160 ºF Drum #8 (top center drum); side TI-9 Top Center 150 ºF Drum #8 (top center drum); top center TI-10 56.0 120.0 150 ºF Drum #10; side (outside edge of payload)
TI-11 6.0 0.0 Damaged OCV lid; shell surface TI-12 6.0 90.0 200 ºF OCV lid; shell surface TI-13 6.0 180.0 170 ºF OCV lid; shell surface TI-14 6.0 270.0 190 ºF OCV lid; shell surface TI-15 25.0 0.0 340 ºF OCV lid; upper torispherical head TI-16 25.0 90.0 250 ºF OCV lid; upper torispherical head TI-17 25.0 180.0 170 ºF OCV lid; upper torispherical head TI-18 25.0 270.0 220 ºF OCV lid; upper torispherical head TI-19 18.0 143.0 270 ºF OCV lid; upper torispherical head TI-20 Top Center 290 ºF OCV lid; upper torispherical head TI-21 6.0 135.0 220 ºF OCV lid; upper torispherical head TI-22 6.0 225.0 280 ºF OCV lid; upper torispherical head TI-23 57.0 0.0 250 ºF OCV body; inner lower seal flange surface TI-24 57.0 90.0 220 ºF OCV body; inner lower seal flange surface TI-25 57.0 180.0 220 ºF OCV body; inner lower seal flange surface TI-26 57.0 215.0 230 ºF OCV body; inner lower seal flange surface TI-27 57.0 270.0 200 ºF OCV body; inner lower seal flange surface TI-28 49.0 0.0 220 ºF OCV body; inner conical shell surface TI-29 49.0 90.0 190 ºF OCV body; inner conical shell surface TI-30 49.0 180.0 210 ºF OCV body; inner conical shell surface TI-31 49.0 215.0 170 ºF OCV body; inner conical shell surface TI-32 49.0 270.0 170 ºF OCV body; inner conical shell surface TI-33 26.0 0.0 Damaged OCV body; inner shell surface near stiffening ring TI-34 26.0 90.0 170 ºF OCV body; inner shell surface near stiffening ring TI-35 26.0 180.0 190 ºF OCV body; inner shell surface near stiffening ring TI-36 26.0 270.0 170 ºF OCV body; inner shell surface near stiffening ring TI-37 1.0 0.0 Damaged OCV body; shell-to-lower torispherical head weld TI-38 1.0 90.0 Damaged OCV body; shell-to-lower torispherical head weld TI-39 1.0 135.0 220 ºF OCV body; shell-to-lower torispherical head weld TI-40 1.0 180.0 Damaged OCV body; shell-to-lower torispherical head weld 2.10.3-43
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Label Location Indicated Identifier Y (in) C (deg) Temperature Remarks TI-41 1.0 225.0 190 ºF OCV body; shell-to-lower torispherical head weld TI-42 1.0 270.0 Damaged OCV body; shell-to-lower torispherical head weld TI-43 -18.0 0.0 350 ºF OCV body; lower torispherical head TI-44 -18.0 90.0 250 ºF OCV body; lower torispherical head TI-45 -18.0 180.0 250 ºF OCV body; lower torispherical head TI-46 -11.0 250.0 250 ºF OCV body; lower torispherical head TI-47 -18.0 270.0 260 ºF OCV body; lower torispherical head TI-48 66.5 0.0 200 ºF ICV body; inner lower seal flange surface TI-49 Seal Test Port 170 ºF ICV body; inner lower seal flange surface TI-50 Vent Port 170 ºF ICV body; inner lower seal flange surface TI-51 66.5 270.0 170 ºF ICV body; inner lower seal flange surface TI-52 66.5 180.0 170 ºF ICV body; inner lower seal flange surface TI-53 66.5 90.0 180 ºF ICV body; inner lower seal flange surface TI-54 45.5 0.0 200 ºF ICV body; inner shell surface TI-55 45.5 90.0 170 ºF ICV body; inner shell surface TI-56 45.5 180.0 Damaged ICV body; inner shell surface TI-57 45.5 270.0 160 ºF ICV body; inner shell surface TI-58 -14.5 270.0 190 ºF ICV body; lower torispherical head TI-59 21.5 0.0 210 ºF ICV body; inner shell surface TI-60 21.5 90.0 170 ºF ICV body; inner shell surface TI-61 21.5 180.0 180 ºF ICV body; inner shell surface TI-62 21.5 270.0 160 ºF ICV body; inner shell surface TI-63 3.5 0.0 220 ºF ICV body; shell-to-lower torispherical head weld TI-64 3.5 90.0 170 ºF ICV body; shell-to-lower torispherical head weld TI-65 3.5 180.0 Damaged ICV body; shell-to-lower torispherical head weld TI-66 3.5 270.0 180 ºF ICV body; shell-to-lower torispherical head weld TI-67 -14.5 0.0 Damaged ICV body; lower torispherical head TI-68 -14.5 90.0 200 ºF ICV body; lower torispherical head TI-69 -14.5 180.0 190 ºF ICV body; lower torispherical head TI-70 Near Test Ports 250 ºF ICV body; lower torispherical head TI-71 4.0 0.0 200 ºF ICV lid; shell-to-upper torispherical head weld TI-72 4.0 90.0 Damaged ICV lid; shell-to-upper torispherical head weld TI-73 4.0 180.0 210 ºF ICV lid; shell-to-upper torispherical head weld TI-74 4.0 270.0 180 ºF ICV lid; shell-to-upper torispherical head weld TI-75 24.0 0.0 190 ºF ICV lid; upper torispherical head TI-76 24.0 90.0 170 ºF ICV lid; upper torispherical head TI-77 24.0 180.0 200 ºF ICV lid; upper torispherical head TI-78 24.0 270.0 190 ºF ICV lid; upper torispherical head TI-79 N/A 120.0 180 ºF ICV lid; inner lift pocket surface TI-80 N/A 240.0 190 ºF ICV lid; inner lift pocket surface 2.10.3-44
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.10.3 Drop Pad at the Coyote Canyon Aerial Cable Facility 2.10.3-45
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.10.3 CTU OCV and ICV Pressurization Port Detail 2.10.3-46
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.10.3 CTU Payload Representation (Concrete-Filled 55-Gallon Drums) 2.10.3-47
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.10.3 Schematic of the CTU-1 Test Orientations 2.10.3-48
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.10.3 Schematic of the CTU-2 Test Orientations 2.10.3-49
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.10.3 Schematic of the CTU-3 Test Orientations 2.10.3-50
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-1 and CTU-2 ICV Temperature Indicating Label Locations 2.10.3-51
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-1 OCV Temperature Indicating Label Locations 2.10.3-52
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-2 OCV Temperature Indicating Label Locations 2.10.3-53
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-1 OCV Thermocouple Locations 2.10.3-54
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-2 OCV Thermocouple Locations 2.10.3-55
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-1 OCV Thermocouple Data (TH-1, TH-2, TH-3, TH-4)
Figure 2.10.3 CTU-1 OCV Thermocouple Data (TH-1A, TH-2A, TH-3A, TH-4A) 2.10.3-56
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-1 OCV Thermocouple Data (TH-1C, TH-2C, TH-3C, TH-4C)
Figure 2.10.3 CTU-1 OCV Thermocouple Data (TH-1D, TH-2D, TH-3D, TH-4D) 2.10.3-57
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-2 OCV Thermocouple Data (TH-1, TH-2, TH-3, TH-4)
Figure 2.10.3 CTU-2 OCV Thermocouple Data (TH-1A, TH-2A, TH-3A, TH-4A) 2.10.3-58
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-2 Free Drop Test No. 2 Accelerometer Data (Gage 1)
Figure 2.10.3 CTU-2 Free Drop Test No. 2 Accelerometer Data (Gage 2) 2.10.3-59
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-2 Free Drop Test No. 3 Accelerometer Data (Gage 1)
Figure 2.10.3 CTU-2 Free Drop Test No. 3 Accelerometer Data (Gage 2) 2.10.3-60
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-3 Free Drop Test No. 2 Accelerometer Data (Gage 1)
Figure 2.10.3 CTU-3 Free Drop Test No. 2 Accelerometer Data (Gage 2) 2.10.3-61
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-1 Pressure Transducer Data During Fire Test No. 10 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-2 Pressure Transducer Data During Fire Test No. 9 2.10.3-62
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-1 Free Drop No. 1; Initial Preparation for Testing Figure 2.10.3 CTU-1 Free Drop No. 1; Pre-Drop Positioning 2.10.3-63
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-1 Free Drop No. 1; Post-Drop Damage at Top (Lid)
Figure 2.10.3 CTU-1 Free Drop No. 1; Post-Drop Damage at Bottom (Body) 2.10.3-64
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-1 Free Drop No. 2; Pre-Drop Positioning Figure 2.10.3 CTU-1 Free Drop No. 2; Post-Drop Damage 2.10.3-65
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-1 Free Drop No. 3; Pre-Drop Positioning Figure 2.10.3 CTU-1 Free Drop No. 3; Post-Drop Damage 2.10.3-66
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-1 Free Drop No. 4; Pre-Drop Positioning Figure 2.10.3 CTU-1 Free Drop No. 4; Post-Drop Damage 2.10.3-67
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-1 Puncture Drop No. 5; Pre-Drop Positioning Figure 2.10.3 CTU-1 Puncture Drop No. 5; Post-Drop Damage 2.10.3-68
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-1 Puncture Drop No. 6; Pre-Drop Positioning Figure 2.10.3 CTU-1 Puncture Drop No. 6; Post-Drop Damage 2.10.3-69
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-1 Puncture Drop No. 7; Pre-Drop Positioning Figure 2.10.3 CTU-1 Puncture Drop No. 7; Post-Drop Damage 2.10.3-70
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-1 Puncture Drop No. 8; Pre-Drop Positioning Figure 2.10.3 CTU-1 Puncture Drop No. 8; Moment of Impact 2.10.3-71
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-1 Puncture Drop No. 9; Pre-Drop Positioning Figure 2.10.3 CTU-1 Puncture Drop No. 9; Post-Drop Damage 2.10.3-72
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-1 Fire No. 10; Pre-Fire Positioning, Side View Figure 2.10.3 CTU-1 Fire No. 10; Pre- Fire Positioning, Top End View 2.10.3-73
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-1 Fire No. 10; Fully Engulfing Fire Figure 2.10.3 CTU-1 Fire No. 10; Post-Fire Cool-Down 2.10.3-74
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-1 Disassembly; OCA Lid Unburned Foam Figure 2.10.3 CTU-1 Disassembly; OCA Lid Unburned Foam Thickness 2.10.3-75
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-1 Disassembly; Payload Drum Removal Figure 2.10.3 CTU-1 Disassembly; Loose Debris on Pallet in ICV Body 2.10.3-76
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-2 Free Drop No. 1; Initial Preparation for Testing Figure 2.10.3 CTU-2 Free Drop No. 1; Pre-Drop Positioning 2.10.3-77
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-2 Free Drop No. 1; Post-Drop Damage Figure 2.10.3 CTU-2 Free Drop No. 1; Post-Drop Damage 2.10.3-78
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-2 Free Drop No. 2; Pre-Drop Positioning Figure 2.10.3 CTU-2 Free Drop No. 2; Post-Drop Damage 2.10.3-79
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-2 Free Drop No. 3; Pre-Drop Positioning Figure 2.10.3 CTU-2 Free Drop No. 3; Post-Drop Damage 2.10.3-80
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-2 Puncture Drop No. R; Pre-Drop Positioning Figure 2.10.3 CTU-2 Puncture Drop R; Post-Drop Damage 2.10.3-81
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-2 Puncture Drop No. 4; Pre-Drop Positioning Figure 2.10.3 CTU-2 Puncture Drop 4; Post-Drop Damage 2.10.3-82
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-2 Puncture Drop No. 5; Pre-Drop Positioning Figure 2.10.3 CTU-2 Puncture Drop 5; Post-Drop Damage 2.10.3-83
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-2 Puncture Drop No. 6; Pre-Drop Positioning Figure 2.10.3 CTU-2 Puncture Drop 6; Post-Drop Damage 2.10.3-84
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-2 Puncture Drop No. 7; Pre-Drop Positioning Figure 2.10.3 CTU-2 Puncture Drop 7; Post-Drop Damage 2.10.3-85
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-2 Puncture Drop No. 8; Pre-Drop Positioning Figure 2.10.3 CTU-2 Puncture Drop 8; Post-Drop Damage 2.10.3-86
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-2 Fire No. 9; Pre-Fire Positioning Figure 2.10.3 CTU-2 Fire No. 9; Pre-Fire Positioning 2.10.3-87
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-2 Fire No. 9; Starting Fire Figure 2.10.3 CTU-2 Fire No. 9; Post-Fire Cool-Down 2.10.3-88
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-2 Disassembly; Loose Debris in ICV Lid Figure 2.10.3 CTU-2 Disassembly; Debris Contaminating the ICV Main O-ring Seals 2.10.3-89
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-3 Free Drop No. 1; Pre-Drop Positioning Figure 2.10.3 CTU-3 Free Drop No. 1; Post-Drop Damage 2.10.3-90
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-3 Free Drop No. 2; Pre-Drop Positioning Figure 2.10.3 CTU-3 Free Drop No. 2; Post-Drop Damage 2.10.3-91
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-3 Free Drop No. 3; Pre-Drop Positioning Figure 2.10.3 CTU-3 Free Drop No. 3; Post-Drop Damage 2.10.3-92
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-3 Puncture Drop No. 4; Pre-Drop Positioning Figure 2.10.3 CTU-3 Puncture Drop 4; Post-Drop Damage 2.10.3-93
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-3 Puncture Drop No. 5; Pre-Drop Positioning Figure 2.10.3 CTU-3 Puncture Drop 5; Post-Drop Damage 2.10.3-94
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-3 Puncture Drop No. 6; Pre-Drop Positioning Figure 2.10.3 CTU-3 Puncture Drop 6; Post-Drop Damage 2.10.3-95
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-3 Puncture Drop No. 7; Pre-Drop Positioning Figure 2.10.3 CTU-3 Puncture Drop 7; Post-Drop Damage 2.10.3-96
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-3 Puncture Drop No. 8; Pre-Drop Positioning Figure 2.10.3 CTU-3 Puncture Drop 8; Post-Drop Damage 2.10.3-97
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-3 Disassembly; OCA Lid Figure 2.10.3 CTU-3 Disassembly; OCA Body 2.10.3-98
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 2.10.3 CTU-3 Disassembly; ICV Lid Removal Figure 2.10.3 CTU-3 Disassembly; Loose Debris on Pallet in ICV Body 2.10.3-99
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 This page intentionally left blank.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 3.0 THERMAL EVALUATION This chapter identifies and describes the principal thermal design aspects of the TRUPACT-II package. This chapter further demonstrates the thermal safety of the system and compliance with the thermal requirements of 10 CFR 71 1 when transporting a payload generating a maximum of 40 watts decay heat. Specifically, per 10 CFR §71.43(g), the maximum accessible package surface temperature is shown to be less than 185 ºF during normal conditions of transport (NCT). The bulk temperature of the impact absorbing, polyurethane foam is shown to be less than 160 ºF based on NCT maximum temperature conditions thereby retaining sufficient structural integrity to protect the payload during the subsequent hypothetical accident condition (HAC) drop scenarios described in Chapter 2.0, Structural Evaluation. Finally, the maximum HAC O-ring seal temperature of 260 ºF is sufficiently below the seal material limit to ensure containment and confinement integrity.
All details relating to payloads and payload preparation for shipment in a TRUPACT-II package are presented in the Contact-Handled Transuranic Waste Authorized Methods for Payload Control (CH-TRAMPAC) 2.
3.1 Discussion 3.1.1 Packaging The TRUPACT-II packaging is designed with a totally passive thermal system. As illustrated in Figure 1.1-1 and Figure 1.1-2 from Section 1.1, Introduction, the principal thermal characteristic of the TRUPACT-II package is that it does not contain the relatively thick steel shells and lead shielding typical of other shipping packages. Instead, the TRUPACT-II packaging utilizes a relatively thin containment and confinement vessel with shell thicknesses of 1/4 inch and 3/16 inch, respectively.
Use of thin shells means that the thermal response of the packaging shells to transient heat input is more rapid than for conventional, heavy walled packages. This characteristic is significantly offset by the unusually large, insulating capability of the polyurethane foam tending to isolate, or decouple, interior responses from temperature variations due to exterior transients. The outer surface of these shells may be painted. The analyses herein use unpainted surface (i.e., bare stainless steel) thermal properties. Since painted surfaces have higher emissivities that allow for better decay heat rejection than unpainted surfaces, the use of unpainted surface thermal properties is conservative.
Both the inner containment vessel (ICV) and the outer confinement vessel (OCV) are constructed of Type 304 stainless steel. As discussed in Section 1.2, Package Description, the ICV has a 72-inch inside diameter, and the OCV has a 73-inch inside diameter and is completely encased in polyurethane foam with a density of approximately 81/4 lb/ft3. The foam provides impact protection for the NCT and HAC drop events, and thermal protection during the subsequent HAC thermal event. The 1/4-to-3/8-inch thick outer shell of the outer confinement 1
Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 71 (10 CFR 71), Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Material, 01-01-19 Edition.
2 U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Contact-Handled Transuranic Waste Authorized Methods for Payload Control (CH-TRAMPAC), U.S. Department of Energy, Carlsbad Field Office, Carlsbad, New Mexico.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 assembly (OCA) is comprised of Type 304 stainless steel that serves to protect the polyurethane foam from damage encountered during normal handling and shipping operations.
3.1.2 Payload Configuration As described in Section 1.1, Introduction, the TRUPACT-II packaging is designed to carry five different payload configurations. The first payload configuration consists of fourteen 55-gallon drums arranged on one pallet. The drums are arranged by placing six drums symmetrically around a seventh, center drum, in two layers of seven drums each. Figure 2.9-2 of the Contact-Handled Transuranic Waste Authorized Methods for Payload Control (CH-TRAMPAC) 3 illustrates the arrangement of the fourteen, 55-gallon drums. This fourteen drum configuration represents the bounding thermal case for the TRUPACT-II package due to the center drum being insulated from the package side wall by six peripheral drums, and due to their smaller relative size, a higher volumetric heat generation than the other payload configurations described below.
Four polyethylene sheets (a molded, bottom slip sheet, and a flat, top reinforcing plate for each set of seven drums) may be used for handling operations (as an option, the bottom slip sheets may be of cardboard). In addition, optional polyethylene plastic wrap may be used to provide greater stability for the payload drums once loaded on the pallet. Calculations show that as many as eighteen layers of the clear-to-translucent plastic wrap (each 0.002 inches thick) may be installed around the outside of the drums without having a significant thermal effect (see Appendix, Polyethylene Plastic Wrap Transmittance Calculation). The plastic wrap may also overlap the top of the drums by a few inches. As an option, steel banding straps may be used around the outside of the payload drums instead of the polyethylene stretch wrap to maintain drum stability.
The second payload configuration consists of two 37-inch tall standard waste boxes (SWBs) designed specifically for this type of packaging. Figure 2.9-17 of the CH-TRAMPAC illustrates the two SWB arrangement. This configuration does not represent a bounding thermal condition due to its relatively large size corresponding to a lower volumetric heat generation rate in comparison to the fourteen 55-gallon drum payload configuration; however, analyses for SWBs are included herein.
The third payload configuration consists of eight 85-gallon drums, which range in dimensions to yield 75 to 88 gallons. Figure 2.9-10 of the CH-TRAMPAC illustrates the arrangement of eight short 85-gallon drums. As with the 55-gallon drums, both top and bottom polyethylene sheets may be used for handling operations (as an option, the bottom slip sheet may be of cardboard). In addition, the 85-gallon drums may be banded together with either polyethylene plastic wrap or steel banding straps. Similarly, this configuration does not represent a bounding thermal condition since all of the drums are adjacent to the package side wall resulting in cooler payload drum temperatures.
Thus, presentation of the 85-gallon drum payload evaluation is not explicitly included herein.
The fourth payload configuration consists of six 100-gallon drums. Figure 2.9-14 of the CH-TRAMPAC illustrates the arrangement of six 100-gallon drums. As with the 55-gallon drums, both top and bottom polyethylene sheets may be used for handling operations. In addition, the 100-gallon drums may be banded together with either polyethylene plastic wrap or steel banding straps. Similarly, this configuration does not represent a bounding thermal condition since all of 3
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Contact-Handled Transuranic Waste Authorized Methods for Payload Control (CH-TRAMPAC), U.S. Department of Energy, Carlsbad Field Office, Carlsbad, New Mexico.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 the drums are adjacent to the package side wall resulting in cooler payload drum temperatures.
Thus, presentation of the 100-gallon drum payload evaluation is not explicitly included herein.
The fifth payload configuration consists of a ten drum overpack (TDOP). Figure 2.9-20 of the CH-TRAMPAC illustrates the arrangement of the TDOP. Similarly, this configuration does not represent a bounding thermal condition since the TDOP is adjacent to the package side wall resulting in cooler payload temperatures. Thus, presentation of the TDOP payload evaluation is not explicitly included herein.
Based on the wide variety of payloads for the TRUPACT-II, the analyses presented herein use a bounding thermal payload of 40 thermal watts per package 4 uniformly distributed in one or more payload container(s) combined with a conservatively low payload conductivity commensurate with that of loosely packed paper. Actual payload decay heat is typically far less than 40 watts.
Additionally, high heat payloads typically have correspondingly higher thermal conductivities than loosely packed paper, so a combination of low conductivity with a uniform heat generation will lead to conservatively upper bounded temperature predictions. Five steady-state thermal analysis cases are presented based on decay heat distributions as follows:
- 1. Fourteen 55-gallon drums with all the decay heat distributed uniformly in all fourteen drums (Case 1),
- 2. Fourteen 55-gallon drums with all the decay heat distributed uniformly in the top and bottom center drums (Case 2),
- 3. Fourteen 55-gallon drums with all the decay heat distributed uniformly within the top center drum (Case 3),
3.1.3 Boundary Conditions The heat transfer characteristics of the TRUPACT-II packaging are evaluated for the bounding payload configuration under three thermal boundary conditions. These conditions are:
A. Steady-state conditions at an ambient temperature of 100 ºF, with insolation as defined in 10 CFR §71.71(c)(1), and B. Steady-state conditions at an ambient temperature of 100 ºF, without insolation as an initial condition to the hypothetical accident condition (HAC) thermal event. The basis for excluding insolation as an initial condition to the HAC thermal event is discussed further in Section 3.5, Thermal Evaluation for Hypothetical Accident Conditions.
C. Steady-state conditions at an ambient temperature of -40 ºF, without insolation as described in 10 CFR §71.71(c)(1).
Note that 10 CFR §71.43(g) stipulates that for exclusive use packages, maximum accessible surface temperatures must be less than 185 ºF for a package under 100 ºF ambient conditions 4
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Contact-Handled Transuranic Waste Authorized Methods for Payload Control (CH-TRAMPAC), U.S. Department of Energy, Carlsbad Field Office, Carlsbad, New Mexico, Section 5.0, Gas Generation Requirements.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 without insolation. Package temperatures prior to the start of the HAC thermal event are based on this condition, and are presented in Table 3.5-1 from Section 3.5.3, Package Temperatures.
Maximum steady-state package temperatures with insolation are determined by using a combination of solar heating values. An analysis is made using the insolation values delineated in 10 CFR §71.71(c)(1), averaged over 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. This action is intended to simulate the slow thermal response that the payload and internal package components have to a varying (i.e.,
cyclic) solar load. The relatively large thermal mass on the inside of the polyurethane foam insulation isolates (i.e., decouples) the 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> on / 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> off solar step function cycle applied to the outside of the foam insulation. Thus, components on the inside of the polyurethane foam use the insolation values of 10 CFR §71.71(c)(1), averaged over 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.
In contrast, the outer sections of the polyurethane foam and the OCA outer shell will respond much more quickly to varying external solar loads. As such, the maximum steady-state temperatures of the polyurethane foam and OCA outer shell are estimated using the 10 CFR
§71.71(c)(1) insolation values averaged over 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> thereby resulting in a more accurate estimate of the maximum external temperature during the 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> on solar cycle. Table 3.1-1 presents results from both analyses, depending on the packaging component being considered.
Package performance and resulting component temperatures, when subjected to the hypothetical accident thermal event as described in 10 CFR §71.73(c)(4), are determined via full scale fire testing of the TRUPACT-II packaging, and are discussed in Section 3.5, Thermal Evaluation for Hypothetical Accident Conditions.
3.1.4 Analysis Summary The primary heat transfer mechanisms utilized in the thermal analyses are conduction and radiation from component to component within the TRUPACT-II packaging, and convection and radiation from the exterior of the packaging to the ambient. Due to the relatively close coupling of the bodies within the package, convective heat transfer within the payload cavity is conservatively neglected.
As discussed in Section 3.2, Summary of Thermal Properties of Materials, the thermal conductivity of the material inside the drums is conservatively chosen to be that of still air, based on the assumption of loosely packed paper. The following sections present these analyses in greater detail.
In all cases, the steady-state heat transfer analyses are performed using the Martin Marietta Interactive Thermal Analysis System (MITAS-II) computer program 5.
Table 3.1-1 through Table 3.1-4 present a summary of the temperatures determined by the steady-state heat transfer analyses for the major components of the TRUPACT-II packaging for the five payload configurations with the maximum internal decay heat of 40 thermal watts.
Temperatures denoted as average use volume-based weighting of the nodal temperatures to determine the average. Further details of these analyses are presented in Section 3.4, Thermal Evaluation for Normal Conditions of Transport.
Discussion of HAC fire testing is provided in Section 3.5, Thermal Evaluation for Hypothetical Accident Conditions. From the certification test results, the maximum containment and confinement seal temperatures are 200 ºF for the ICV seals and 260 ºF for the OCV seals, 5
Martin Marietta Interactive Thermal Analysis System (MITAS-II), Version 2.0, May 1976, Martin Marietta Corporation, Denver, Colorado, 80201.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 respectively. All seal temperatures are shown to be well below the 360 ºF temperature limit for short-term exposure (see Appendix 2.10.2, Elastomer O-ring Seal Performance Tests).
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 3.1 NCT Steady-State Temperatures with 40 Watts Decay Heat Load and Insolation; Fourteen 55-Gallon Drums Solar Temperature (ºF)
Location Loading Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Max Allowable Center Drum Centerline
- Maximum 24 hr avg 167 245 334 N/A
- Average 24 hr avg 163 240 239 Center Drum Wall
- Maximum 24 hr avg 154 159 162 2,750
- Average 24 hr avg 150 154 153 2,750 Outer Drum Centerline
- Maximum 24 hr avg 165 153 155 N/A
- Average 24 hr avg 162 150 149 Outer Drum Wall
- Maximum 24 hr avg 154 157 160 2,750
- Average 24 hr avg 149 149 148 2,750 Average All Drums
- Centerline 24 hr avg 162 163 162
- Wall 24 hr avg 149 150 149 2,750 ICV Wall
- Maximum 24 hr avg 149 149 156 800
- Average 24 hr avg 146 146 145 800
- Minimum 24 hr avg 142 143 133 800 ICV Air
- Average 24 hr avg 148 149 148 N/A ICV Main O-ring Seal
- Maximum 24 hr avg 146 146 150 -40 to 225 OCV Wall
- Maximum 24 hr avg 148 148 154 800 OCV Main O-ring Seal
- Maximum 24 hr avg 143 143 145 -40 to 225 Polyurethane Foam
- Maximum 12 hr avg 155 155 155 300 OCA Outer Shell
- Maximum 12 hr avg 155 155 155 800 3.1-6
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 3.1 NCT Steady-State Temperatures with 40 Watts Decay Heat Load and No Insolation; Fourteen 55-Gallon Drums Temperature (ºF)
Location Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Max Allowable Center Drum Centerline
- Maximum 141 220 308 N/A
- Average 138 215 214 Center Drum Wall
- Maximum 128 134 137 2,750
- Average 125 129 128 2,750 Outer Drum Centerline
- Maximum 139 127 128 N/A
- Average 136 124 123 Outer Drum Wall
- Maximum 128 131 133 2,750
- Average 124 124 123 2,750 Average All Drums
- Centerline 137 137 136
- Wall 124 125 124 2,750 ICV Wall
- Maximum 123 123 128 800
- Average 121 121 120 800
- Minimum 118 117 113 800 ICV Air
- Average 123 123 122 N/A ICV Main O-ring Seal
- Maximum 118 117 122 -40 to 225 OCV Wall
- Maximum 122 122 126 800 OCV Main O-ring Seal
- Maximum 114 114 117 -40 to 225 Polyurethane Foam
- Maximum 122 122 126 300 OCA Outer Shell
- Maximum 102 102 102 185 3.1-7
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 3.1 NCT Steady-State Temperatures with 40 Watts Decay Heat Load and Insolation; Two Standard Waste Boxes Solar Temperature (ºF)
Location Loading Case 4 Case 5 Max Allowable SWB Centerline
- Maximum 24 hr avg 239 328 N/A
- Average 24 hr avg 238 236 SWB Wall
- Maximum 24 hr avg 150 154 2,750
- Average 24 hr avg 148 148 2,750 ICV Wall
- Maximum 24 hr avg 148 153 800
- Average 24 hr avg 146 146 800
- Minimum 24 hr avg 144 138 800 ICV Air
- Average 24 hr avg 148 147 N/A ICV Main O-ring Seal
- Maximum 24 hr avg 146 150 -40 to 225 OCV Wall
- Maximum 24 hr avg 148 152 800 OCV Main O-ring Seal
- Maximum 24 hr avg 143 145 -40 to 225 Polyurethane Foam
- Maximum 12 hr avg 155 155 300 OCA Outer Shell
- Maximum 12 hr avg 155 155 800 3.1-8
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 3.1 NCT Steady-State Temperatures with 40 Watts Decay Heat Load and No Insolation; Two Standard Waste Boxes Temperature (ºF)
Location Case 4 Case 5 Max Allowable SWB Centerline
- Maximum 213 300 N/A
- Average 212 210 SWB Wall
- Maximum 124 126 2,750
- Average 123 122 2,750 ICV Wall
- Maximum 122 125 800
- Average 120 120 800
- Minimum 118 115 800 ICV Air
- Average 122 121 N/A ICV Main O-ring Seal
- Maximum 118 122 -40 to 225 OCV Wall
- Maximum 121 123 800 OCV Main O-ring Seal
- Maximum 114 116 -40 to 225 Polyurethane Foam
- Maximum 121 123 300 OCA Outer Shell
- Maximum 102 102 185 Notes for Table 3.1-1 through Table 3.1-4:
The temperature limit for the waste material is discussed in Appendix 6.6 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices.
Temperature limit based on the minimum melting temperature for carbon steel (see Section 3.3, Technical Specifications of Components).
Temperature limit based on the ASME B&PV Code.
Temperature limits based on the allowable long-term temperature range for butyl rubber (see Section 3.3, Technical Specifications of Components).
Temperature limit based on the maximum operating limit for polyurethane foam (see Section 3.3, Technical Specifications of Components).
Temperature limit based on the maximum accessible surface temperature for exclusive use shipments per 10 CFR 71.43(g).
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TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 3.2 Summary of Thermal Properties of Materials The TRUPACT-II packaging is fabricated primarily of Type 304 stainless steel, 6061-T6 aluminum, polyurethane foam, and ceramic fiber paper insulation. The payload containers (i.e., the 55-gallon drums, 85-gallon drums, 100-gallon drums, SWBs, and a TDOP) are constructed of carbon steel, and may be painted or galvanized.
The payload is expected to consist of a combination of low decay heat, non-solidified organically-based material, and higher decay heat, solidified organic or inorganically-based material as described in Section 5.0 of the Contact-Handled Transuranic Waste Authorized Methods for Payload Control (CH-TRAMPAC) 1. Analyses presented herein assume a thermally conservative (i.e., very low thermal conductivity; analyzed as still air) payload of loosely packed paper with a maximum total decay heat of 40 watts. This assumption combines the low conductivity of a paper-based payload with the highest decay heat load expected from an all-metallic payload to yield the highest and, therefore, the most conservative payload temperatures. For the purposes of the thermal model, the space between the payload containers is conservatively assumed to be still air.
Table 3.2-1 presents the thermal properties used in the heat transfer model and the references from which they are obtained. The thermal conductivity of the ceramic paper insulation used as a liner between the polyurethane foam and the outer confinement assembly (OCA) inner and outer shell surfaces is 0.0333 - 0.0358 Btu/hr-ft-ºF. The thermal analysis model ignores the relatively small effect that the ceramic paper insulation would have on the overall conductivity through the package wall. This assumption is valid because the relatively small thickness of the ceramic fiber paper insulation (1/4 inch thick on both the inside and outside shell surfaces) coupled with a thermal conductivity comparable to polyurethane foam (i.e., 0.0333 - 0.0358 Btu/hr-ft-ºF versus 0.0193 Btu/hr-ft-ºF, respectively) tends to minimize the overall effect. Also, using the lower conductivity of the polyurethane foam bounds the temperatures in the NCT steady-state thermal analyses.
Table 3.2-2 presents the thermal conductivity of air. Because the thermal conductivity of air varies significantly with temperature, the computer model calculates the thermal conductivity across air spaces as a function of the mean film temperature. The void spaces within the ICV, and between the ICV and OCV are conservatively assumed filled with one atmosphere air.
Table 3.2-3 presents the important parameters in radiative heat transfer, emissivity () for each radiating surface and solar absorptivity () value for the exterior surfaces. The outer shell of the OCA conservatively uses the lower value of emissivity ( = 0.25) for the NCT steady-state analyses lower bounding heat transmission in the outward direction thereby conservatively upper bounding the package internal temperatures. Optionally painting the OCA outer surface significantly increases the emissivity; therefore, use of the lower value of emissivity of = 0.25 is conservative 2. Transmittance () of the optional drum polyethylene plastic wrap is discussed in Appendix, Polyethylene Plastic Wrap Transmittance Calculation.
1 U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Contact-Handled Transuranic Waste Authorized Methods for Payload Control (CH-TRAMPAC), U.S. Department of Energy, Carlsbad Field Office, Carlsbad, New Mexico.
2 Rohsenow, W. M. and J. P. Hartnett, Handbook of Heat Transfer, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1973, Section 15, Table 5. This provides an effective emissivity for painted surfaces from 0.81 for oil based paint on polished iron to 0.95 for enamel based paints. Per Table 3.2-3, the package surface emissivity used in this analysis is 0.25.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 3.2 Thermal Properties of Materials Thermal Temperature Conductivity Specific Heat Density Material (ºF) (Btu/hr-ft-°F) (Btu/lb-°F) (lb/ft3)
Stainless Steel, Type 304 212 9.6 0.11 500 Carbon Steel, A516, Gr. 70 212 26 0.113 487 Aluminum, 6061-T6 212 89.5 0.23 169 Polyurethane Foam 75 0.0193 0.300 8.25 Fiberglass Insulation --- 0.023 0.160 12.5 Payload --- 0.02 0.2 40 Notes:
General Electric Company, Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Data Books, Genium Publishing Company, Schenectady, NY 12303.
W. M. Rohsenow and J. P. Hartnett, Handbook of Heat Transfer, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1973, Chapter 2, Table 28.
Thermal conductivity and specific heat for 81/4 pcf polyurethane foam are documented in Section, Thermal Conductivity, and Section, Specific Heat.
W. M. Rohsenow and J. P. Hartnett, Handbook of Heat Transfer, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1973. Properties for glass wool were used.
Table 3.2 Thermal Properties of Air Temperature Thermal Conductivity Specific Heat Density
(ºF) (Btu/hr-ft-°F) (Btu/lb-°F) (lb/ft3) 32 0.0140 --- ---
100 0.0154 0.240 0.071 200 0.0174 --- ---
300 0.0193 --- ---
400 0.0212 --- ---
500 0.0231 --- ---
600 0.0250 --- ---
700 0.0268 --- ---
800 0.0286 --- ---
1,000 0.0319 --- ---
1,500 0.0400 --- ---
W. M. Rohsenow and J. P. Hartnett, Handbook of Heat Transfer, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1973, Chapter 2, Tables 35 and 39, et. al.
Frank Kreith, Principles of Heat Transfer, 3rd Edition, Intext Press, Inc., 1973, Table A-3.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 3.2 Thermal Radiative Properties Material Emissivity Absorptivity Transmittance Stainless Steel 0.25 0.50 ---
Painted Carbon Steel 0.80 --- ---
Aluminum Honeycomb 0.30 --- ---
Plastic Shrink Wrap
--- --- 0.75 Ambient Environment 1.00 --- ---
Nuclear Packaging, Inc., Emissivity of Metal Surfaces, Report No. 2-2623-2-RF-C86-349, August 21, 1986.
General Electric Company, Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Data Books, et. al., Genium Publishing Company, Schenectady, NY 12303. The emissivity for painted surfaces ranges from 0.53 to 0.98, depending on pigment color and surface temperature.
Y.S. Touloukian and C.Y. Ho, Editors, Thermophysical Properties of Matter, Thermophysical Properties Research Center (TPRC) Data Series, Purdue University, 1970, IFI/Plenum, New York.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 This page intentionally left blank.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 3.3 Technical Specifications of Components The materials used in the TRUPACT-II packaging that are considered temperature sensitive are the butyl O-ring seals and the polyurethane foam.
The butyl rubber O-ring seals are fabricated of Rainier Rubber compound R0405-70 1, or equivalent, per Appendix 2.10.2, Elastomer O-ring Seal Performance Tests. With reference to Appendix 2.10.2, Elastomer O-ring Seal Performance Tests, the butyl rubber O-ring seals have an allowable short-term temperature limit of 360 ºF (up to 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />). The allowable long-term temperature range of -40 ºF to 225 ºF is conservatively bounded by data in Figure 2-25 of Parker O-ring Handbook 2 for butyl rubber and by Rainier Rubber Company material data for butyl rubber compound R0405-70. The results summarized in Table 3.1-1 through Table 3.1-4 show the O-ring seal temperatures are within these limits.
The minimum operational temperature of polyurethane foam is -20 ºF, since this is the lowest initial temperature at which the packaging must perform. The allowable temperature range for the polyurethane foam during impact loadings is -20 ºF to 300 ºF 3. In addition, temperature excursions to -40 ºF for the foam will not permanently degrade its properties. Foam performance under hypothetical accident condition (HAC) transient conditions is discussed in Section 3.5, Thermal Evaluation for Hypothetical Accident Conditions. Foam strength sensitivity to temperature is addressed in Chapter 2.0, Structural Evaluation.
The ceramic fiber paper, comprised almost entirely (>99%) of Al2O3 and SiO2 in approximately 50/50 proportions, has a maximum use temperature of 2,300 ºF and a melting point of 3,260 ºF.
Like the polyurethane foam, this essentially inert material is not subject to degradation with age when encased within the stainless steel shells of the OCA.
The other primary packaging materials are stainless steel and aluminum. The melting point for each of these materials is 2,600 ºF and 1,100 ºF, respectively. Carbon steel used for the payload containers has a melting temperature of approximately 2,750 ºF. Polyethylene plastic wrap has a melting temperature of approximately 250 ºF. Loss of the plastic wrap is of no consequence to the safety of the TRUPACT-II package since its effect on conductive and radiative heat transfer is negligible, as discussed in Appendix, Polyethylene Plastic Wrap Transmittance Calculation. Similarly, the loss of items such as foam rubber padding or plastic sheets have negligible impact on the package thermal performance.
1 Rainier Rubber Company, Seattle, WA.
2 ORD 5700, Parker O-ring Handbook, Parker Hannifin Corporation, Cleveland, OH. The Parker O-ring Handbook is available at
3 General Plastics, LAST-A-FOAM FR-3700 for Crash and Fire Protection of Nuclear Material Shipping Containers, General Plastics Manufacturing Company, 4910 Burlington Way, Tacoma, Washington, February 1990.
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TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 3.4 Thermal Evaluation for Normal Conditions of Transport This section presents the steady-state thermal analyses of the TRUPACT-II package for normal conditions of transport (NCT). Under NCT, the package is mounted in an upright position on its transport trailer or railcar. This establishes the orientation of the exterior surfaces of the package for determining the free convection heat transfer coefficients and insolation loading. In addition, the bottom of the dedicated transport trailer is open to free air. Thus, the bottom of the TRUPACT-II package would be exposed to ambient air instead of resting on the ground or some other semi-adiabatic, conducting surface.
The thermal conditions that are considered for NCT are those specified in 10 CFR §71.71(c)(1) 1.
Accordingly, a 100 ºF ambient temperature with the following insolation values are used for heat input to the exterior package surfaces. Note that the flat base of the package has no insolation; all other surfaces, since they are curved, have an insolation value of 400 gcal/cm2 (1,475 Btu/ft2).
Total Insolation for a 12-Hour Period Form and Location of Surface (gcal/cm2) (Btu/ft2)
Flat surfaces transported horizontally:
- Base None None
- Other surfaces 800 2,950 Flat surfaces not transported horizontally 200 737.5 Curved surfaces 400 1,475 3.4.1 Thermal Model Analytical Model Figure 3.4-1 through Figure 3.4-4 illustrate the location of the thermal nodes used in the analytical model of the TRUPACT-II package and its two alternative payload configurations.
The location and the number of thermal nodes are chosen to achieve an accurate determination of the temperature distribution within the major package components.
The analysis model was constructed using Martin Marietta Interactive Thermal Analysis System (MITAS-II) 2, and utilizes the thermal properties presented in Section 3.2, Summary of Thermal Properties of Materials. For purposes of these analyses, constant values of thermal conductivity are used for the metals and the polyurethane foam because their change in conductivity with temperature is relatively small over the NCT temperature range of interest. However, the thermal conductivity for air is computed as a function of the mean film temperature since its conductivity variation is significant.
1 Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 71 (10 CFR 71), Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Material, 01-01-19 Edition.
2 Martin Marietta Interactive Thermal Analysis System (MITAS-II), Version 2.0, May 1976, Martin Marietta Corporation, Denver, Colorado, 80201.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 The thermal model represents a two-dimensional axisymmetric model of the packaging and its payload. The two bounding payloads, described in Section 3.1.2, Payload Configuration, consist of a uniform payload of low conductivity and uniform heat distribution. Sensitivity studies have shown that, with a maximum total decay heat load of 40 watts, the placement of the payload within the TRUPACT-II packaging cavity has a negligible effect on component maximum temperatures.
As seen from Figure 3.4-1, a two-dimensional, axisymmetric model consisting of 154 nodes is used to represent the TRUPACT-II packaging. The model is spread over five (5) axial stations for the package and four (4) axial stations for the payload. In addition, a one-dimensional model is used to represent the polyurethane foam on each end of the package. Approximately 400 linear and non-linear conductors are used in constructing the thermal model. Increased resolution is utilized in the outer confinement vessel (OCV) and inner containment vessel (ICV) sealing regions to enhance the accuracy of seal temperature predictions (refer to Figure 3.4-2).
Figure 3.4-3 and Figure 3.4-4 illustrate the thermal model used for the 55-gallon drum and SWB payload configurations, respectively. To account for the non-symmetric effects that occur within the drum-based payload configuration, a quasi-three-dimensional model (i.e., a three-dimensional model with symmetry planes along adiabatic boundaries) of the drums is used.
Using the quasi-three-dimensional model with the drum-based payload configuration provides a simplified, yet accurate representation of the packaging as each analysis assumes the heat is either uniformly distributed in all fourteen drums, in both center drums, or in one center drum.
Thus, with none of the outer drums loaded in an anti-symmetric configuration, the heat transfer out of the package is completely radial and axial in nature with no outer drum-to-outer drum heat transfer taking place. The drum configuration with all the decay heat in the center drum represents the bounding case. This is because this particular payload configuration has the highest heat concentration within a single drum and six surrounding drums adding an additional insulating barrier.
Heat transfer across air gaps is calculated using a combination of conduction and radiation heat transfer. Since any offset of the ICV within OCV would be relatively small, and would tend to decrease the net thermal resistance across the shells, the ICV and OCV are assumed to be concentric cylinders. Thus, the air gaps separating the side and top of these components are assumed to be uniform with no contacting surfaces. The bottom ICV/OCV interface is separated by a 1/8-inch thick rubber pad. To maximize the insulating properties of this interface, the pad is assumed to behave as a layer of still air without radiative heat transfer (air conduction only).
Both payload configurations are assumed loaded in the ICV cavity with uniform and symmetrical separation from the ICV walls. Again, any eccentricity in the placement of the payload in the package would result in reduced thermal resistance between the payload and cask.
Due to the relatively low decay heat load and the narrowness of most gaps and the blockage provided by the pallets, stretch wrap, etc., the model also assumes that no significant internal natural convection paths exist. Free convection of decay heat and solar radiation from the exterior surfaces of the package is computed as a function of temperature and orientation of the surface using standard equations for free convection from vertical and horizontal surfaces.
Methodology for calculating convection coefficients is presented in Appendix, Convection Coefficient Calculation.
The optional polyethylene plastic wrap around the payload drums has a small effect on the radiative heat transfer between the drums and the ICV wall. As discussed in Appendix, Polyethylene 3.4-2
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Plastic Wrap Transmittance Calculation, the interaction of the plastic wrap with regard to the heat transfer process is determined to have a negligible effect and, therefore, is ignored. Test Model This section is not applicable since NCT thermal tests are not performed.
3.4.2 Maximum Temperatures The maximum temperatures noted for normal conditions of transportation (i.e., 100 ºF ambient temperature and insolation) are presented in Table 3.4-1 through Table 3.4-5 for the major components of the TRUPACT-II packaging for the two payload configurations at different levels of internal decay heat. Average drum wall temperatures, ICV wall temperatures, and ICV air temperatures are determined using the area-weighted nodal temperatures. A complete listing of nodal temperatures for the evaluated cases is also provided in the Appendix 3.6.1, Computer Analysis Results.
3.4.3 Minimum Temperatures The minimum temperature distribution for the TRUPACT-II package occurs with a zero decay heat load and an ambient air temperature of -40 ºF per 10 CFR §71.71(c)(2). Since the steady-state analysis of this condition represents a trivial case, no thermal calculations are performed.
Instead, it is assumed that all package components achieve the -40 ºF temperature under steady-state conditions. As discussed in Section 3.3, Technical Specifications of Components, the -40 ºF temperature is within the allowable range of all TRUPACT-II packaging components. As a potential initial condition for all normal or accident events, a minimum uniform temperature of
-20 ºF must be considered per 10 CFR §71.71(b) and §71.73(b). Detailed structural analyses considering the effects of minimum temperatures are presented in Section 2.6.2, Cold.
3.4.4 Maximum Internal Pressure The evaluation of the maximum internal pressure for the TRUPACT-II package considers the factors that affect pressure to demonstrate that the pressure increases are below the allowable pressure for the package. Design Pressure The TRUPACT-II packaging has a design pressure of 50 psig. Chapter 2.0, Structural Evaluation, discusses the ability of the package to withstand 50 psig for both normal conditions of transport and hypothetical accident conditions. The ICV or both the OCV and ICV were pressurized to 50 psig in many of the full-scale tests for hypothetical accident conditions as described in Appendix 2.10.3, Certification Tests. The maximum normal operating pressure (MNOP) is discussed in Section, Maximum Normal Operating Pressure. Maximum Pressure for Normal Conditions of Transport The maximum pressure in the ICV under normal conditions of transport is less than the 50 psig design pressure, as shown by the following analysis. The major factors affecting the ICV internal pressure are radiolytic gas generation, thermal expansion of gases, and the vapor pressure of water within the ICV cavity. Barometric changes that affect the external pressure and, hence, the gauge pressure of the TRUPACT-II packaging containment and confinement 3.4-3
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 vessels, are bounded by the regulatory condition of a 3.5 psia external pressure and considered in the use of the 50 psig pressure increase limit. ICV internal pressure would not increase significantly due to chemical reactions, biological gas generation, or thermal decomposition in the payload. For the payload shipping categories qualified for transport by gas generation testing, the maximum pressure increase allowed in the ICV for normal conditions is the 50 psig pressure increase limit.
The maximum pressure in the ICV for all categories is calculated for the maximum shipping period of 60 days. The use of a 60-day shipping period in the calculation of maximum normal operating pressure is consistent with 10 CFR 71.41(c). As specified by 10 CFR 71.41(c), this section shows that the controls proposed to be exercised by the shipper are demonstrated to be adequate to provide equivalent safety of the shipment. The use of this shipping period is consistent with the analysis presented in Appendix 3.4 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices 3, which shows that the maximum normal shipping period will be less than 60 days by a large margin of safety. As described in Appendix 3.4 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices, routine monitoring of shipments includes the use of the TRANSCOM system at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant, which provides continuous tracking of shipments from the shipping site to its destination.
Calculation of maximum pressure in the ICV for all categories considers immediate release of gases from the innermost layer of confinement around the waste to the available void volume of the ICV cavity. The available void volume for accumulation of gas in the ICV is conservatively estimated. The available ICV void volume is the ICV void volume less the volume occupied by the payload assembly. The ICV void volume is the internal volume within the ICV containment boundary less the volume occupied by the materials of construction of the end spacers. Since the end spacers were purposely designed to use perforated aluminum honeycomb, each has a large void volume for gas accumulation.
The volume occupied by the payload assembly is the volume of the payload containers plus the volume occupied by the pallet, slipsheets, reinforcing plates, and guide tubes, if applicable. The estimate of the void volume of the ICV considers only the volume in the ICV outside of the payload containers with no credit for the void volume present within the payload containers except for SWBs overpacking four 55-gallon drums. Since drum payload containers have a significant void volume that has historically averaged over 50% of the internal volume, neglecting the void volume in the payload containers will overestimate the pressure increase in the ICV.
The void volume between the SWB and four overpacked 55-gallon drums is included in the ICV volume for pressure analyses because this SWB overpack configuration is not sealed and the internal void volume is quantifiable. The external volume of a single, steel 55-gallon drum can be calculated based on its internal dimensions, tare weight, and the density of steel as follows:
W 0.01639 liters Vdrum = x D 2 x H + x 4 inches 3 3
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), CH-TRU Payload Appendices, U.S. Department of Energy, Carlsbad Field Office, Carlsbad, New Mexico.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 where:
D = Internal diameter of a 55-gallon drum (cubic inches)
H = Internal height of a 55-gallon drum (cubic inches)
W = Tare weight (empty) of a 55-gallon drum (pounds)
= Density of steel (pounds per cubic inch)
Therefore, the external volume of a 55-gallon drum is:
60 0.01639 liters Vdrum = x 22.5 2 x 33.25 + x = 220 liters 4 0.285 inches 3 As shown in Appendix 2.4 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices, the internal void volume of an empty SWB is conservatively taken as 1,750 liters. Subtracting the volume of four overpacked 55-gallon drums from the empty SWB void volume results in an internal void volume of approximately 870 liters per SWB overpack.
The net void volume in the ICV is assumed filled with air at 70 ºF and 14.7 psia when the ICV is sealed for transport. Sufficient water is assumed present for saturated water vapor at any temperature. The pressure increase due to water vapor is obtained from the tabulated thermodynamic properties of saturated water and steam.
The maximum pressure increase analysis for TRUPACT-II payloads can be categorized as follows:
- Analytical category payloads have decay heat limits based on conservative theoretical analyses of flammable gas generation as shown in Section 5.0 of the Contact-Handled Transuranic Waste Authorized Methods for Payload Control (CH-TRAMPAC) 4. These limits are lower than applicable limits for test category wastes and the pressure increase for all analytical category payloads is bound by the test category payloads.
- Test category payloads for which the MNOP can be shown to be below the design pressure by analysis. This analysis is presented in Section, MNOP Determination by Analysis.
- Test category payloads for which the MNOP is limited to the design pressure and compliance is shown by measurement. Derivation of gas generation rates for these cases in compliance with the pressure limit is presented in Section, MNOP Determination by Measurement.
In addition, the following conditions govern the pressure analysis for TRUPACT-II package payloads:
- Waste Material Types I.2, I.3, II.3, III.2, and III.3 have lower G values compared to Waste Material Types I.1, II.1, and III.1, respectively, and will therefore have lower pressure increases.
- The case of the decay heat uniformly distributed in all containers in a payload (versus all decay heat in one container) results in the lowest void volume and bounds the pressure increase calculations (Note that to meet flammable gas generation requirements, the decay heat in a TRUPACT-II with a single drum will be less than the decay heat in a TRUPACT-II package with 14 drums.)
4 U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Contact-Handled Transuranic Waste Authorized Methods for Payload Control (CH-TRAMPAC), U.S. Department of Energy, Carlsbad Field Office, Carlsbad, New Mexico.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021
- The evaluation of the thermal analysis for SWBs indicates that the temperatures needed for the pressure analysis for other container types are bounded by the SWB temperatures. Therefore, the use of the SWB temperature versus decay heat curves for payload containers other than 55-gallon drums is considered to be conservative. MNOP Determination by Analysis The method used to calculate the maximum ICV pressure is provided below for an example payload shipping category. The number of moles per second of total gas generated by radiolysis is calculated from the following equation:
n gen = G eff ( T ) x W x C where ngen is the rate of radiolytic gas generation (moles/sec), Geff(T) is the temperature-corrected effective G value (the total number of molecules of gas generated per 100 eV of energy emitted (molecules/100 eV) at the temperature of the target material), W is the total decay heat (watts), and the conversion constant for the units used is C = 1.04(10)-5 (g-moles)(eV)/(molecule)(watt-sec).
The effective G values are provided in Appendix 3.2 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices for the payload shipping categories. Pressure increase calculations are carried out for the waste material types up to a maximum of 40 watts. The maximum decay heat for each category determines the average contents temperature for that category. As discussed in Appendix 3.2 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices, the effective G values provided at room temperature (RT) are a function of temperature based on the activation energy (Ea) for the material. The effective G values used in the calculation for pressure increase in the ICV are corrected to the average contents temperature for each category using the activation energy of the material in the category that is provided in Appendix 3.2 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices.
For example, the effective G value (total gas) at room temperature for Waste Material Type I.1 is 2.4 (from Appendix 3.2 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices). The temperature-corrected effective G value is calculated using the following equation:
Ea T TRT R ( T )( TRT )
G ( Total , T) = G ( Total , RT) e where G(Total, RT) is the effective G value at room temperature (the number of molecules of gas generated per 100 eV of energy (molecules/100 eV) for target material at room temperature), Ea is the activation energy for the target material, kcal/g-mole, the ideal gas constant R = 1.99(10)-3 kcal/g-mole-K, T is the temperature of the target material (the average contents temperature),
and the room temperature is TRT = 25 ºC = 298 K.
The temperature-corrected effective G value for Waste Material Type I.1 is calculated at the average contents temperature based on the maximum decay heat for that waste material type.
Table 3.4-1 through Table 3.4-5 provide the normal condition, steady state temperatures for decay heat values from 0 to 40 watts for package temperatures of interest including average contents temperatures. From Table 3.4-1, the average contents temperature for a payload of 14 drums with a total payload decay heat of 40 watts is 163.0 ºF. From Appendix 3.2 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices, the activation energy is zero (Ea = 0) for water, which is the target material. The temperature corrected effective G-value is:
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 0 kcal/g - mole 346 K 298 K 1.99(10) - 3 kcal/g - mole- K (346 K)(298 K)
G (eff, 163.0 F) = (2.4 molecules/100 eV)e
= 2.4 molecules/100 eV Using this temperature-corrected effective G value, the radiolytic gas generation rate, ngen, is:
n gen = (2.4 molecules/100 eV)(40 watts)[1.04(10) 5 (g - moles)(eV)/(molecule)(watt - sec)]
= 9.98(10)- 6 moles/sec The total number of liters of radiolytic gases that is generated, VR, when corrected from moles to liters at STP (32 ºF and 1 atmosphere pressure) after 60 days would be:
VR = [n gen ](60 days){conversion factors}
= [9.98(10) -6 ](60){(86,400 sec/day)(22.4 liters/mole )} = 1,158.89 liters @ STP The generated volume of radiolytic gases (corrected to STP) is heated to the average ICV gas temperature for normal conditions of transport. The average ICV gas temperature is also available from the TRUPACT-II package temperatures given in Table 3.4-1. For Waste Material Type I.1, the average gas temperature is 148.0 ºF. The radiolytic gas would occupy a volume, Vrg of:
148 °F + 460 °R Vrg = (1,158.89) = 1,432.13 liters @ 148 °F 32 °F + 460 °R For a payload of fourteen 55-gallon drums and an available void volume in the ICV of 2,450 liters, this gas contributes a pressure, prg, of:
1,432.13 p rg = = 0.58 atm (8.53 psia) @ 148 °F 2,450 The initial volume of gas present in the ICV at 70 ºF and 14.7 psia is also heated to 148.0 ºF for a decay heat of 40 watts. The increased pressure associated with this heat-up, phu, is:
148 °F + 460 °R p hu = (14.7 psia ) = 16.86 psia 70 °F + 460 °R The water vapor pressure is based on the temperature of the coolest or condensing surface of the ICV. From Table 3.4-1, the minimum ICV wall temperature is 142 ºF for a decay heat of 40 watts. The corresponding water vapor pressure, pwv, at this temperature is 3.04 psia.
The maximum ICV pressure after 60 days for Waste Material Type I.1, pmax, is the sum of the three pressure components less an assumed atmospheric pressure, pa, of 14.7 psia, or:
pmax = prg + phu + pwv - pa = 8.53 psia + 16.86 psia + 3.04 psia - 14.7 psia = 13.73 psig After 60 days, the maximum ICV pressure would be 13.73 psig for a payload of fourteen 55-gallon drums of Waste Material Type I.1 with a total payload decay heat of 40 watts. Thus, the pressure increase for any such payload with a decay heat less than 40 watts is below the allowable pressure increase limit of 50 psig.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Waste Material Types I.2 and I.3 have lower G values and will therefore have lower total gas generation rates. This means that the pressure increase will be lower than that of Waste Material Type I.1. Hence, the pressure increase for Waste Material Type I.1 is the bounding value for Waste Type I.
Similar logic applies for Waste Types II and III and hence Table 3.4-6 provides pressure increase values for Waste Material Types I.1, II.1 and III.1 only. In addition to the above-stated decay heat limit for a payload of fourteen 55-gallon drums for Waste Type I, compliance with the 50 psig pressure limit can be demonstrated for other container types and Waste Material Types as shown in Table 3.4-6 through Table 3.4-12. Maximum allowable decay heat limits for analytical shipping categories are below the associated test category values shown in Table 3.4-6 through Table 3.4-12, and will therefore have lower pressure increase values.
For all payloads satisfying the applicable container decay heat limits specified in Table 3.4-6 through Table 3.4-12, there is no need to perform total gas generation testing to determine compliance with the 50 psig pressure limit.
For cases where the wattage limits specified in Table 3.4-6 through Table 3.4-12 are exceeded but the packaging design limit of 40 watts per TRUPACT-II is met, compliance with the container flammable gas generation can be used to evaluate compliance with the total gas generation rate limit. Because the primary mechanism for gas generation for both flammable and total gas for Waste Types I, II, and III is radiolysis, compliance with the flammable gas generation rate limit implies actual G values (both flammable and total) that are much lower than those used to derive the limits in Table 3.4-6 through Table 3.4-12. Therefore, as described in Section of the CH-TRAMPAC, compliance with the flammable gas generation rate limits will ensure compliance with the total gas generation rate limits for these cases (e.g., SWBs of Waste Type III greater than 23 watts). Note that, as shown below, Waste Type IV containers compliance with the total gas generation rate limit will be evaluated by measurement. MNOP Determination by Measurement For all containers of Waste Type IV, the total gas generation rate must be measured by testing and shown to comply with the applicable limits as described below. (Note: Payloads must also comply with the TRUPACT-II decay heat limit of 40 watts.)
For containers requiring total gas generation testing as specified above, the allowable number of moles per second of gases (excluding water vapor) released may not exceed a specified limit (see Table 5.2-11 in Section 5.2.5 of the CH-TRAMPAC). The calculation is based on the maximum decay heat for each test category. This decay heat provides the minimum ICV wall temperature for determining the vapor pressure of water, and the average ICV gas temperature for determining the pressure rise due to heating the gases initially present when the ICV is sealed. Assuming that atmospheric pressure is 14.7 psia, the allowable absolute pressure in the ICV, pabs, is:
pabs = 50 psig + 14.7 psia = 64.7 psia This absolute pressure is decreased by the water vapor pressure and the increased pressure of the gas initially present in the ICV.
The maximum gas release rate in moles/sec per payload container for containers subjected to total gas generation testing is provided in Section 5.2.5 of the CH-TRAMPAC. The method used to calculate the maximum gas release rate is provided below with an example for Waste Type IV.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 The maximum decay heat for Waste Type IV in 55-gallon drums is 7 watts (see Section 5.2.5 of the CH-TRAMPAC). Interpolating from data in Table 3.4-1, the minimum ICV wall temperature is 124.5 ºF and the average ICV gas temperature is 130.2 ºF. The corresponding water vapor pressure at the ICV wall temperature is 1.92 psia. The increased pressure of the ICV gas initially present (assuming air at 70 ºF and 14.7 psia), pini, is then:
130.2 °F + 460 °R pini = (14.7 psia ) = 16.4 psia 70 °F + 460 °R The allowable absolute pressure in the ICV available for accumulation of gas released from the payload containers, pall, is:
pall = 64.7 psia - 1.92 psia - 16.4 psia = 46.4 psia (3.16 atm)
For a payload of fourteen 55-gallon drums and an available void volume in the ICV of 2,450 liters, the amount of gas that may be released from the payload containers at 130.2 ºF, Vg, is:
Vg = (3.16 atm)(2,450 liters) = 7,742 liters @ 130.2 °F and 1 atm pressure Thus, the number of moles per second at STP allowed for 60 days from all fourteen (14) 55-gallon drums for Waste Type IV, ng, is:
32 °F + 460 °R 1 mole 1 1 day n g = (7,742 liters) 130.2 °F + 460 °R 22.4 liters 60 days 86,400 sec
= 5.56(10) 5 moles/sec The number of moles/sec per 55-gallon drum, np, would be:
5.56(10) 5 moles/sec np = = 3.97(10) 6 moles/sec per drum 14 drums The maximum allowable gas release rate for 60 days for 55-gallon drums from Waste Type IV is 3.97(10)-6 moles/sec per payload container. The limit for moles/sec per payload container for Waste Type IV is provided in Section 5.2.5 of the CH-TRAMPAC. Compliance with these limits will be evaluated for payload containers of Waste Type IV less than or equal to a decay heat of 7 watts per payload container and per TRUPACT-II. The maximum allowable gas release rates provided ensure that the maximum pressure increase in 60 days under normal conditions of transport will not exceed the 50 psig design limit.
The maximum allowable internal pressure in the OCV is also 50 psig. The OCV would only experience significant internal pressure if the ICV had such a pressure and the gases were free to communicate with the OCV. In this case, the maximum internal pressure is 50 psig in the ICV and the additional void volume in the OCV would result in a maximum pressure in the OCV of less than 50 psig. Maximum Normal Operating Pressure The TRUPACT-II package was designed to withstand 50 psig of internal pressure to accommodate the transport of payload materials with the potential to generate gases and increase pressure within the ICV. For the analytical payload shipping categories, the pressure increase in 60 days is less than that for test category waste due to the decay heat limits imposed 3.4-9
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 on analytical category waste. Therefore, the MNOP for the ICV for the analytical categories is not the limiting MNOP for the ICV since a higher value is established by the test payload shipping categories. As discussed in Section, Maximum Pressure for Normal Conditions of Transport, the maximum pressure increase in the ICV in 60 days for a test category is allowed to be 50 psig. Since the ICV pressure is allowed to increase to the design pressure of 50 psig, the MNOP for the ICV in the TRUPACT-II package is 50 psig.
The MNOP for the OCV is low and the pressure increase is due to the temperature increase of the air in the OCV cavity and the vapor pressure of water within the OCV cavity when the TRUPACT-II package reaches the maximum normal operating temperature. Per Table 3.4-1 through Table 3.4-5, the normal condition steady state temperature of the ICV and OCV walls with 40 watts of decay heat is less than 156 ºF. Conservatively assuming that the initial volume of gas present in the OCV at 70 ºF and 14.7 psia is heated to 156 ºF, the increased pressure associated with this heat-up, phu, is:
156 °F + 460 °R p hu = (14.7 psia ) = 17.09 psia 70 °F + 460 °R Also, conservatively assuming a condensing OCV surface temperature of 156 ºF, the water vapor pressure, pwv, at this temperature is 4.31 psia.
Thus, for normal conditions of transport, the MNOP for the OCV is the sum of the two pressure components less an assumed atmospheric pressure, pa, of 14.7 psia, or:
pmax = phu + pwv - pa = 17.09 psia + 4.31 psia - 14.7 psia = 6.70 psig The design pressure for the OCV is the same as that for the ICV or 50 psig and ensures pressure retention by the OCV in a non-normal situation in which the ICV cavity communicates with the OCV cavity.
3.4.5 Maximum Thermal Stresses Maximum thermal stresses for NCT are determined using the temperature results from Section 3.4.2, Maximum Temperatures, and Section 3.4.3, Minimum Temperatures. NCT thermal stresses are discussed in Section 2.6.1, Heat, and Section 2.6.2, Cold. Corresponding structural analyses utilize a minimum temperature of -40 ºF (-20 ºF when combined with any other load cases), and a maximum temperature of 160 ºF for any TRUPACT-II packaging component.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 3.4.6 Evaluation of Package Performance for Normal Conditions of Transport The component temperatures and internal decay heat distributions presented in Section 3.4.2, Maximum Temperatures, and Section 3.4.3, Minimum Temperatures, are all within the allowable limits for the materials of construction delineated in Section 3.3, Technical Specifications of Components.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 3.4 NCT Steady-State Temperatures with Insolation, Payload Configuration 1 - Fourteen 55-Gallon Drums, Thermal Case 1 Temperature (ºF) with Internal Decay Heat (watts)
Location 0 10 20 30 40 Center Drum Centerline
- Maximum 129 138 147 157 167
- Average 126 136 145 154 163 Center Drum Wall
- Maximum 129 134 141 148 154
- Average 126 132 138 144 150 Outer Drum Centerline
- Maximum 129 137 147 156 165
- Average 126 136 144 153 162 Outer Drum Wall
- Maximum 129 134 141 148 154
- Average 126 132 138 144 149 Average All Drums
- Centerline 126 136 144 153 162
- Wall 126 132 138 144 149 ICV Wall
- Maximum 129 134 138 143 149
- Average 126 131 136 141 146
- Minimum 121 126 131 137 142 ICV Air
- Average 126 132 137 143 148 ICV Main O-ring Seal
- Maximum 129 133 138 142 146 OCV Wall
- Maximum 129 133 138 143 148 OCV Main O-ring Seal
- Maximum 129 133 136 139 143 Polyurethane Foam
- Maximum 155 155 155 155 155 OCA Outer Shell
- Maximum 155 155 155 155 155 Notes:
Based on the Case 3 heat distribution; 40 watts internal decay heat and full solar heat load averaged over 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 3.4 NCT Steady-State Temperatures with Insolation, Payload Configuration 1 - Fourteen 55-Gallon Drums, Thermal Case 2 Temperature (ºF) with Internal Decay Heat (watts)
Location 0 10 20 30 40 Center Drum Centerline
- Maximum 129 157 187 216 245
- Average 126 155 184 212 240 Center Drum Wall
- Maximum 129 136 144 151 159
- Average 126 133 140 147 154 Outer Drum Centerline
- Maximum 129 134 141 147 153
- Average 126 132 138 144 150 Outer Drum Wall
- Maximum 129 135 142 150 157
- Average 126 132 138 144 149 Average All Drums
- Centerline 126 136 145 154 163
- Wall 126 132 138 144 150 ICV Wall
- Maximum 129 134 139 143 149
- Average 126 131 136 141 146
- Minimum 121 126 132 137 143 ICV Air
- Average 126 132 138 143 149 ICV Main O-ring Seal
- Maximum 129 133 137 141 146 OCV Wall
- Maximum 129 134 138 143 148 OCV Main O-ring Seal
- Maximum 129 133 136 139 143 Polyurethane Foam
- Maximum 155 155 155 155 155 OCA Outer Shell
- Maximum 155 155 155 155 155 Notes:
Based on the Case 3 heat distribution; 40 watts internal decay heat and full solar heat load averaged over 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 3.4 NCT Steady-State Temperatures with Insolation, Payload Configuration 1 - Fourteen 55-Gallon Drums, Thermal Case 3 Temperature (ºF) with Internal Decay Heat (watts)
Location 0 10 20 30 40 Center Drum Centerline
- Maximum 129 181 232 283 334
- Average 126 155 183 211 239 Center Drum Wall
- Maximum 129 138 146 154 162
- Average 126 133 140 147 153 Outer Drum Centerline
- Maximum 129 136 142 149 155
- Average 126 132 138 143 149 Outer Drum Wall
- Maximum 129 137 145 152 160
- Average 126 132 138 143 148 Average All Drums
- Centerline 126 135 144 153 162
- Wall 126 132 138 143 149 ICV Wall
- Maximum 129 136 143 149 156
- Average 126 131 136 140 145
- Minimum 121 124 127 130 133 ICV Air
- Average 126 132 137 142 148 ICV Main O-ring Seal
- Maximum 129 134 140 145 150 OCV Wall
- Maximum 129 136 142 148 154 OCV Main O-ring Seal
- Maximum 129 133 137 141 145 Polyurethane Foam
- Maximum 155 155 155 155 155 OCA Outer Shell
- Maximum 155 155 155 155 155 Notes:
Based on the Case 3 heat distribution; 40 watts internal decay heat and full solar heat load averaged over 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 3.4 NCT Steady-State Temperatures with Insolation, Payload Configuration 2 - Two Standard Waste Boxes, Thermal Case 4 Temperature (ºF) with Internal Decay Heat (watts)
Location 0 10 20 30 40 SWB Centerline
- Maximum 128 158 186 212 239
- Average 126 157 184 210 238 SWB Wall
- Maximum 128 134 140 144 150
- Average 126 132 138 143 148 ICV Wall
- Maximum 128 134 139 143 148
- Average 126 132 137 141 146
- Minimum 122 128 134 138 144 ICV Air
- Average 126 132 138 142 148 ICV Main O-ring Seal
- Maximum 128 133 139 141 146 OCV Wall
- Maximum 129 133 139 142 148 OCV Main O-ring Seal
- Maximum 129 133 137 139 143 Polyurethane Foam
- Maximum 155 155 155 155 155 OCA Outer Shell
- Maximum 155 155 155 155 155 Notes:
Based on the Case 4 heat distribution; 40 watts internal decay heat and full solar heat load averaged over 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 3.4 NCT Steady-State Temperatures with Insolation, Payload Configuration 2 - Two Standard Waste Boxes, Thermal Case 5 Temperature (ºF) with Internal Decay Heat (watts)
Location 0 10 20 30 40 SWB Centerline
- Maximum 128 181 229 279 328
- Average 126 155 181 209 236 SWB Wall
- Maximum 128 136 141 147 154
- Average 126 132 137 143 148 ICV Wall
- Maximum 128 135 140 147 153
- Average 126 132 136 141 146
- Minimum 122 127 130 134 138 ICV Air
- Average 126 132 136 142 147 ICV Main O-ring Seal
- Maximum 128 135 139 145 150 OCV Wall
- Maximum 129 135 140 146 152 OCV Main O-ring Seal
- Maximum 129 133 137 141 145 Polyurethane Foam
- Maximum 155 155 155 155 155 OCA Outer Shell
- Maximum 155 155 155 155 155 Notes:
Based on the Case 4 heat distribution; 40 watts internal decay heat and full solar heat load averaged over 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 3.4 TRUPACT-II Pressure Increase with a 14-Drum Payload, 60-Day Duration*
Decay Total Decay Average Temperature Radiolytic Gas Radiolytic Gas Average ICV Initial Gas Minimum Water Pressure Waste Heat per Heat per Contents Total Gas Activation Correlation Generation Generation Gas Radiolytic Gas Pressure ICV Wall Vapor Increase Material Drum Package Temperature Value, Geff Energy Value, Geff Rate STP/60 days Temperature Pressure Increase Temperature Pressure @ 60 days Type (watts) (watts) (°F) (molecules/100eV) (kcal/g-mole) (molecules/100eV) (moles/sec) (liters) (°F) Increase (psia) (psia) (°F) (psia) (psig)
I.1 2.8571 40.00 163.0 2.4 0 2.4 9.98(10)-6 1158.89 148.0 8.53 16.86 142.0 3.04 13.73 II.1 2.8571 40.00 163.0 1.7 0.8 2.0 8.53(10)-6 990.52 148.0 7.35 16.86 142.0 3.04 12.56 III.1 2.6429 37.00 160.3 8.4 2.1 13.5 5.21(10)-5 6049.94 146.5 44.69 16.82 140.5 2.93 49.74
- void volume in the TRUPACT-II with 14 55-gallon drums is 2,450 liters Table 3.4 TRUPACT-II Pressure Increase with a 2 SWB Payload, 60-Day Duration*
Decay Total Decay Average Temperature Radiolytic Gas Radiolytic Gas Average ICV Initial Gas Minimum Water Pressure Waste Heat per Heat per Contents Total Gas Activation Correlation Generation Generation Gas Radiolytic Gas Pressure ICV Wall Vapor Increase Material SWB Package Temperature Value, Geff Energy Value, Geff Rate STP/60 days Temperature Pressure Increase Temperature Pressure @ 60 days Type (watts) (watts) (°F) (molecules/100eV) (kcal/g-mole) (molecules/100eV) (moles/sec) (liters) (°F) Increase (psia) (psia) (°F) (psia) (psig)
I.1 20.0000 40.00 238.0 2.4 0 2.4 9.98(10)-6 1158.89 148.0 12.05 16.86 144.0 3.20 17.42 II.1 20.0000 40.00 238.0 1.7 0.8 2.3 9.66(10)-6 1121.73 148.0 11.61 16.86 144.0 3.20 16.98 III.1 11.5000 23.00 191.8 8.4 2.1 15.7 3.76(10) -5 4361.53 139.2 44.69 16.62 135.2 2.55 49.16
- void volume in the TRUPACT-II with two direct load SWBs is 1,750 liters Table 3.4 TRUPACT-II Pressure Increase with 8 Drums Overpacked in 2 SWBs, 60-Day Duration*
Decay Total Decay Average Temperature Radiolytic Gas Radiolytic Gas Average ICV Initial Gas Minimum Water Pressure Waste Heat per Heat per Contents Total Gas Activation Correlation Generation Generation Gas Radiolytic Gas Pressure ICV Wall Vapor Increase Material Drum Package Temperature Value, Geff Energy Value, Geff Rate STP/60 days Temperature Pressure Increase Temperature Pressure @ 60 days Type (watts) (watts) (°F) (molecules/100eV) (kcal/g-mole) (molecules/100eV) (moles/sec) (liters) (°F) Increase (psia) (psia) (°F) (psia) (psig)
I.1 5.0000 40.00 238.0 2.4 0 2.4 9.98(10)-6 1158.89 148.0 6.03 16.86 144.0 3.20 11.39 II.1 5.0000 40.00 238.0 1.7 0.8 2.3 9.66(10) -6 1121.73 148.0 5.88 16.86 144.0 3.20 11.25 III.1 4.7500 38.00 232.4 8.4 2.1 18.6 7.36(10)-5 8550.03 146.8 44.39 16.83 142.8 3.11 49.63
- void volume in the TRUPACT-II with eight 55-gallon drums in two SWB overpacks is 3,490 liters 3.4-17
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 3.4 TRUPACT-II Pressure Increase with 8 85-Gallon Drums or 8 55-Gallon Drums Overpacked in 8 85-Gallon Drums, 60-Day Duration*
Decay Total Decay Average Temperature Radiolytic Gas Radiolytic Gas Average ICV Initial Gas Minimum Water Pressure Waste Heat per Heat per Contents Total Gas Activation Correlation Generation Generation Gas Radiolytic Gas Pressure ICV Wall Vapor Increase Material Drum Package Temperature Value, Geff Energy Value, Geff Rate STP/60 days Temperature Pressure Increase Temperature Pressure @ 60 days Type (watts) (watts) (°F) (molecules/100eV) (kcal/g-mole) (molecules/100eV) (moles/sec) (liters) (°F) Increase (psia) (psia) (°F) (psia) (psig)
I.1 5.0000 40.00 238.0 2.4 0 2.4 9.98(10)-6 1158.89 148.0 10.14 16.86 144.0 3.20 15.51 II.1 5.0000 40.00 238.0 1.7 0.8 2.3 9.66(10) -6 1121.73 148.0 9.70 16.86 144.0 3.20 15.07 III.1 3.2500 26.00 199.6 8.4 2.1 16.3 4.40(10)-5 5103.54 140.4 43.81 16.65 136.4 2.63 48.39
- void volume in the TRUPACT-II with eight 85-gallon drums is 2,087 liters Table 3.4 TRUPACT-II Pressure Increase with 6 100-Gallon Drums, 60-Day Duration*
Decay Total Decay Average Temperature Radiolytic Gas Radiolytic Gas Average ICV Initial Gas Minimum Water Pressure Waste Heat per Heat per Contents Total Gas Activation Correlation Generation Generation Gas Radiolytic Gas Pressure ICV Wall Vapor Increase Material Drum Package Temperature Value, Geff Energy Value, Geff Rate STP/60 days Temperature Pressure Increase Temperature Pressure @ 60 days Type (watts) (watts) (°F) (molecules/100eV) (kcal/g-mole) (molecules/100eV) (moles/sec) (liters) (°F) Increase (psia) (psia) (°F) (psia) (psig)
I.1 6.6667 40.00 238.0 2.4 0 2.4 9.98(10)-6 1158.89 148.0 7.79 16.86 144.0 3.20 13.16 II.1 6.6667 40.00 238.0 1.7 0.8 2.3 9.66(10) -6 1121.73 148.0 7.50 16.86 144.0 3.20 12.86 III.1 5.3333 32.00 215.6 8.4 2.1 17.4 5.79(10)-5 6724.60 143.2 44.69 16.73 139.2 2.83 49.55
- void volume in the TRUPACT-II with six 100-gallon drums is 2,715 liters Table 3.4 TRUPACT-II Pressure Increase with a 1 TDOP Payload, 60-Day Duration*
Decay Total Decay Average Temperature Radiolytic Gas Radiolytic Gas Average ICV Initial Gas Minimum Water Pressure Waste Heat per Heat per Contents Total Gas Activation Correlation Generation Generation Gas Radiolytic Gas Pressure ICV Wall Vapor Increase Material TDOP Package Temperature Value, Geff Energy Value, Geff Rate STP/60 days Temperature Pressure Increase Temperature Pressure @ 60 days Type (watts) (watts) (°F) (molecules/100eV) (kcal/g-mole) (molecules/100eV) (moles/sec) (liters) (°F) Increase (psia) (psia) (°F) (psia) (psig)
I.1 40.0000 40.00 238.0 2.4 0 2.4 9.98(10)-6 1158.89 148.0 16.46 16.86 144.0 3.20 21.83 II.1 40.0000 40.00 238.0 1.7 0.8 2.3 9.66(10) -6 1121.73 148.0 16.02 16.86 144.0 3.20 21.39 III.1 18.0000 18.00 178.6 8.4 2.1 14.8 2.77(10)-5 3213.08 136.8 44.84 16.55 132.8 2.40 49.08
- void volume in the TRUPACT-II with one direct load TDOP is 1,277 liters 3.4-18
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 3.4 TRUPACT-II Pressure Increase with 14 CCOs, 60-Day Duration*
Decay Total Decay Average Temperature Radiolytic Gas Radiolytic Gas Average ICV Initial Gas Minimum Water Pressure Waste Heat per Heat per Contents Total Gas Activation Correlation Generation Generation Gas Radiolytic Gas Pressure ICV Wall Vapor Increase Material CCO Package Temperature Value, Geff Energy Value, Geff Rate STP/60 days Temperature Pressure Increase Temperature Pressure @ 60 days Type (watts) (watts) (°F) (molecules/100eV) (kcal/g-mole) (molecules/100eV) (moles/sec) (liters) (°F) Increase (psia) (psia) (°F) (psia) (psig)
I.1 2.8571 40.00 153.0 2.4 0 2.4 9.98E-06 1158.89 139.7 8.53 16.63 134.4 2.50 12.96 II.1 2.8571 40.00 153.0 1.7 0.8 2.0 8.37E-06 971.94 139.7 7.06 16.63 134.4 2.50 11.49 III.1 2.7857 39.00 152.1 8.4 2.1 13.0 5.27E-05 6120.77 139.2 44.69 16.62 134.0 2.47 49.08
- void volume in the TRUPACT-II with 14 CCOs is 2,450 liters 3.4-19
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 This page intentionally left blank.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 3.4 TRUPACT-II Packaging Thermal Model Node Layout 3.4-21
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 3.4 Seal Region Thermal Model Node Layout 3.4-22
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 3.4 Fourteen 55-Gallon Drum Payload Thermal Node Layout 3.4-23
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 3.4 Two Standard Waste Boxes Thermal Model Node Layout 3.4-24
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 3.5 Thermal Evaluation for Hypothetical Accident Conditions This section presents the results of thermal testing of the TRUPACT-II package for the hypothetical accident condition (HAC) specified in 10 CFR §71.73(c)(4) 1.
3.5.1 Thermal Model Analytical Model Consistent with the Summary and Resolution of Public Comments relating to §71.73, the effects of solar radiation may be neglected before and during the thermal test, the initial conditions for the HAC thermal event ignore insolation. Table 3.5-1 and Table 3.5-2 summarize component temperatures with the maximum decay heat load of 40 watts, but ignoring insolation.
These analyses utilize the NCT model as described in Section 3.4.1, Thermal Model, and provide a basis for the worst-case HAC initial temperatures for the five thermal cases. Test Model HAC thermal event (fire) testing was performed on two prototypical TRUPACT-II packages, Certification Test Unit No. 1 and No. 2 (CTU-1 and CTU-2). A full description of the CTUs, the test facilities, the pre-fire damage, initial orientation in the fire, and the test results are presented in Appendix 2.10.3, Certification Tests. Both CTU-1 and CTU-2 utilized both active and passive temperature measuring instrumentation at various locations near the ICV and OCV seal flanges (as well as many other locations) to record temperatures from the HAC fire test.
Seventy-seven (77) sets of passive temperature indicating labels were installed inside the CTU-1 OCV and ICV cavity, and eighty (80) sets of passive temperature indicating labels were installed inside the CTU-2 OCV and ICV cavity. Each set of temperature indicating labels covered the temperature range from 100 ºF to 550 ºF in 10 ºF increments. CTU-1 temperature indicating label locations and results are provided in Table 3.5-3, and Figure 3.5-1 and Figure 3.5-2, and CTU-2 temperature indicating label locations and results are provided in Table 3.5-4, and Figure 3.5-1 and Figure 3.5-3.
Sixteen (16) active thermocouples were installed on the exterior surface of the CTU-1 OCV, with ten (10) active thermocouples installed onto the CTU-1 OCA outer shell surface just prior to the beginning of the fire test; CTU-1 thermocouple locations are provided in Figure 3.5-4, and the results are provided in Figure 3.5-6, Figure 3.5-7, Figure 3.5-8, and Figure 3.5-9.
Eight (8) active thermocouples were installed on the exterior surface of the CTU-2 OCV, with eight (8) active thermocouples installed onto the CTU-2 OCA outer shell surface just prior to the beginning of the fire test; CTU-2 thermocouple locations are provided in Figure 3.5-5, and the results are provided in Figure 3.5-10 and Figure 3.5-11.
The Y and C locations in the aforementioned tables and figures refer to the axial and circumferential locations of the temperature indicating strips and thermocouples.
1 Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 71 (10 CFR 71), Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Material, 01-01-19 Edition.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 3.5.2 Package Conditions and Environment The exterior surfaces of CTU-1 and CTU-2 were not painted (other than painted reference grids),
an option allowed on the drawings in Appendix 1.3.1, Packaging General Arrangement Drawings. If the paint were present on the OCA exterior surface, it would be conservative for the HAC fire test because of the relatively high emissivity of paint ( > 0.90) compared to that of bare stainless steel ( = 0.25). The higher emissivity results in higher heat flow into the CTU during the HAC fire test, but the net affect is small since the paint burns away shortly after the start of the fire.
As discussed further in Appendix 2.10.3, Certification Tests, CTU-1 and CTU-2 were supported horizontally on a test stand with the bottom of the package approximately two (2) meters above the fuel pool floor. The test stand was designed to minimize its effect on the packages thermal testing.
Within the pool, JP-4 jet fuel of sufficient quantity to sustain a fire for thirty (30) minutes was floated on a layer of water. Consistent with 10 CFR §71.73(c)(4), the surface of the fuel was adjusted to a level approximately one (1) meter from the bottom of each CTU. The maximum damage for each CTU was positioned at a level 11/2 meters above the fuel surface (1/2 meter above the CTU bottom surface). These particular arrangements put the maximum drop damage in the hottest part of the fire 2.
Prior to beginning the hypothetical accident thermal event, both CTUs were elevated in temperature to achieve the initial condition requirement of approximately 120 ºF for the average ICV/OCV wall temperature. Very warm, dry air (approximately 330 ºF for CTU-1, and 350 ºF for CTU-2) was circulated through the ICV and OCV annulus to preheat each CTU. CTU-1 Package Conditions and Environment A total of nine (9) free and puncture drop events were performed on CTU-1 prior to the fire test, as presented in Figure 2.10.3-4 in Appendix 2.10.3, Certification Tests. With reference to Figure 2.10.3-4, CTU-1 was circumferentially oriented at an angle of 145º to position the damage from Free Drop Nos. 1 and 2, and Puncture Drop Nos. 5 and 7 at a distance 1/2 meter above the lowest part of the package on the stand (i.e., 11/2 meters above the fuel).
The CTU-1 OCV seal region thermocouple readings at the start of the fire averaged 109 ºF. For purposes of comparison, all sixteen OCV thermocouples averaged 127 ºF, a temperature well above the hypothetical accident initial condition temperature of 120 ºF determined in Section, Analytical Model.
Per Appendix, CTU-1 Fire No. 10, the ICV and OCV internal pressures were set to 50.0 psig and 48.5 psig, respectively, at the start of the fire test, the ambient temperature was 36 ºF (2 ºC) at the start of the fire test, and the wind speed averaged 4.4 mph (1.97 meter/sec) during the fire test.
2 M. E. Schneider and L. A. Kent, Measurements of Gas Velocities and Temperatures in a Large Open Pool Fire, Sandia National Laboratories (reprinted from Heat and Mass Transfer in Fire, A. K. Kulkarni and Y. Jaluria, Editors, HTD-Vol. 73 (Book No. H00392), American Society of Mechanical Engineers). Figure 3 shows that maximum temperatures occur at an elevation approximately 2.3 meters above the pool floor. The pool was initially filled with water and fuel to a level of 0.814 meters. The maximum temperatures therefore occur approximately 11/2 meters above the level of the fuel, i.e., 1/2 meter above the lowest part of the package when set one meter above the fuel source per the requirements of 10 CFR §71.73(c)(4).
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 CTU-2 Package Conditions and Environment A total of nine (9) free and puncture drop events were performed on CTU-2 prior to the fire test, as presented in Figure 2.10.3-5 in Appendix 2.10.3, Certification Tests. With reference to Figure 2.10.3-5, CTU-2 was circumferentially oriented at an angle of 200º to position the damage from Free Drop No. 3, and Puncture Drop Nos. R and 4 at a distance 1/2 meter above the lowest part of the package on the stand (i.e., 11/2 meters above the fuel).
The CTU-2 OCV seal region thermocouple readings at the start of the fire averaged 119 ºF. For purposes of comparison, all eight OCV thermocouples averaged 127 ºF, a temperature well above the hypothetical accident initial condition temperature of 120 ºF determined in Section, Analytical Model.
Per Appendix, CTU-2 Fire No. 9, the ICV and OCV internal pressures were set to 51.1 psig and 50.0 psig, respectively, at the start of the fire test, the ambient temperature was 21 ºF (-6 ºC) at the start of the fire test, and the wind speed averaged 4.2 mph (1.88 meter/sec) during the fire test.
3.5.3 Package Temperatures As stated in Section, Analytical Model, the maximum initial temperatures noted for the hypothetical accident initial conditions (40 thermal watts maximum internal decay heat, without insolation) are presented in Table 3.5-1 and Table 3.5-2 for the major components of the TRUPACT-II package for both of the payload configurations. As a result, a temperature of approximately 120 ºF for the average ICV/OCV shell temperature was utilized as the desired pre-fire condition of both CTU-1 and CTU-2.
The actual length of time of the fire tests was approximately 32 and 31 minutes for CTU-1 and CTU-2, respectively. In addition, the time-averaged temperature of the exterior of both test units exceeded the minimum requirement of 1,475 ºF per 10 CFR §71.73(c)(4).
A summary of the maximum temperatures attained in CTU-1 and CTU-2 during the hypothetical accident thermal event is presented in Table 3.5-5. On the average, the payload drums and ICV in CTU-1 averaged approximately 30 ºF cooler than the payload drums and ICV in CTU-2.
Similarly, the OCV in CTU-1 averaged approximately 10 ºF cooler than the OCV in CTU-2.
Maximum and average OCV seal area temperatures were very similar between the two CTUs.
Additional details of the temperature results are presented in Appendix 2.10.3, Certification Tests.
3.5.4 Maximum Internal Pressure Prior to initiating the CTU-1 fire test, the ICV and OCV were pressurized to 50.0 and 48.5 psig, respectively. The CTU-1 ICV internal pressure increased 1.9 psig, and the OCV internal pressure increased 1.6 psig (see Figure 3.5-12). The ICV pressure peaked at 51.9 psig, 154 minutes after the start of the fire test, then dropped slowly. The OCV pressure peaked at 50.1 psig, 136 minutes after the start of the fire test, then dropped rapidly to zero. Additional HAC fire testing details are available in Appendix, CTU-1 Fire No. 10. Thus, the maximum OCV pressure for CTU-1 is not available due to a test-related failure of the OCV pressure-measuring hardware. Further discussion of this anomaly is presented in Appendix, CTU-1 Testing Anomalies 3.5-3
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Prior to initiating the CTU-2 fire test, the ICV and OCV were pressurized to 51.1 and 50 psig, respectively. The CTU-2 ICV internal pressure increased 2.6 psig, and the OCV internal pressure increased 4.6 psig (see Figure 3.5-13). The ICV pressure peaked at 53.7 psig, 230 minutes after the start of the fire test. The OCV pressure peaked at 54.6 psig, 185 minutes after the start of the fire test.
Additional HAC fire testing details are available in Appendix, CTU-2 Fire No. 9.
3.5.5 Maximum Thermal Stresses As shown for CTU-2 in Section 3.5.4, Maximum Internal Pressure, the internal pressure within the ICV increases 2.6 psig (+5%), and within the OCV increases 4.6 psig (+9%) due to the HAC fire test. Pressure stresses due to the HAC fire test correspondingly increase a maximum of 9%.
With reference to Table 2.1-1 from Section, Containment Structure (ICV), the HAC allowable stress intensity for general primary membrane stresses (applicable to pressure loads) is 240% of the NCT allowable stress intensity. Therefore, a HAC pressure stress increase of 9%
will not exceed the HAC allowable stresses. Further discussion regarding HAC thermal stresses is presented in Section 2.7.4, Thermal.
3.5.6 Evaluation of Package Performance for the Hypothetical Accident Thermal Conditions The most temperature sensitive material in the TRUPACT-II package is the butyl rubber used for the containment O-ring seals. The certification test units (CTU-1 and CTU-2), when subjected to the rigors of the HAC free drops, puncture drops, and fire testing, were shown to be leaktight (i.e., demonstrating a leakage rate of 1 x 10-7 standard cubic centimeters per second (scc/s), air, or less) for both the ICV and OCV. Following testing, the maximum ICV and OCV O-ring seal region temperatures were recorded as 200 ºF and 260 ºF, respectively, temperatures well below the 360 ºF O-ring seal material limit for short durations (8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />).
With regard to the criticality analyses of Chapter 6.0, Criticality Evaluation, the minimum remaining polyurethane foam for the CTU averaged approximately five inches. Sufficient polyurethane foam material remained to validate modeling assumptions used in the criticality analyses.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 3.5 HAC Pre-Fire Steady-State Temperatures with 40 Watts Decay Heat Load and No Insolation; Fourteen 55-Gallon Drums Temperature (ºF)
Location Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Center Drum Centerline
- Maximum 141 220 308
- Average 138 215 214 Center Drum Wall
- Maximum 128 134 137
- Average 125 129 128 Outer Drum Centerline
- Maximum 139 127 128
- Average 136 124 123 Outer Drum Wall
- Maximum 128 131 133
- Average 124 124 123 Average All Drums
- Centerline 137 137 136
- Wall 124 125 124 ICV Wall
- Maximum 123 123 128
- Average 121 121 120
- Minimum 118 117 113 ICV Air
- Average 123 123 122 ICV Main O-ring Seal
- Maximum 118 117 122 OCV Wall
- Maximum 122 122 126 OCV Main O-ring Seal
- Maximum 114 114 117 Polyurethane Foam
- Maximum 122 122 126 OCA Outer Shell
- Maximum 102 102 102 3.5-5
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 3.5 HAC Pre-Fire Steady-State Temperatures with 40 Watts Decay Heat Load and No Insolation; Two Standard Waste Boxes Temperature (ºF)
Location Case 4 Case 5 SWB Centerline
- Maximum 213 300
- Average 212 210 SWB Wall
- Maximum 124 126
- Average 123 122 ICV Wall
- Maximum 122 125
- Average 120 120
- Minimum 118 115 ICV Air
- Average 122 121 ICV Main O-ring Seal
- Maximum 118 122 OCV Wall
- Maximum 121 123 OCV Main O-ring Seal
- Maximum 114 116 Polyurethane Foam
- Maximum 121 123 OCA Outer Shell
- Maximum 102 102 3.5-6
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 3.5 CTU-1 Temperature Indicating Label Locations and Results Label Location Indicated Identifier Y (in) C (deg) Temperature Remarks TI-1 0.0 0.0 160 ºF Payload pallet; top center TI-2 19.0 85.0 130 ºF Drum #1; side toward payload center TI-3 19.0 12.0 140 ºF Drum #4 (bottom center drum); side TI-4 34.0 0.0 130 ºF Drum #4 (bottom center drum); top center TI-5 53.0 85.0 130 ºF Drum #8; side toward payload center TI-6 53.0 12.0 130 ºF Drum #11 (top center drum); side TI-7 69.0 0.0 130 ºF Drum #11 (top center drum); top TI-8 62.0 49.0 150 ºF ICV body; inner lower seal flange surface TI-9 62.0 13.5 170 ºF ICV body; inner lower seal flange surface TI-10 62.0 205.0 170 ºF ICV body; inner lower seal flange surface TI-11 62.0 166.0 150 ºF ICV body; inner lower seal flange surface TI-12 62.0 128.0 140 ºF ICV body; inner lower seal flange surface TI-13 62.0 88.5 150 ºF ICV body; inner lower seal flange surface TI-14 29.5 49.0 160 ºF ICV body; inner shell surface TI-15 29.5 13.5 170 ºF ICV body; inner shell surface TI-16 29.5 205.0 160 ºF ICV body; inner shell surface TI-17 29.5 166.0 140 ºF ICV body; inner shell surface TI-18 29.5 128.0 140 ºF ICV body; inner shell surface TI-19 29.5 88.5 160 ºF ICV body; inner shell surface TI-20 1.5 49.0 150 ºF ICV body; shell-to-lower torispherical head weld TI-21 1.5 13.5 170 ºF ICV body; shell-to-lower torispherical head weld TI-22 1.5 205.0 190 ºF ICV body; shell-to-lower torispherical head weld TI-23 1.5 166.0 140 ºF ICV body; shell-to-lower torispherical head weld TI-24 1.5 128.0 150 ºF ICV body; shell-to-lower torispherical head weld TI-25 1.5 88.5 180 ºF ICV body; shell-to-lower torispherical head weld TI-26 Bottom Center 270 ºF ICV body; lower torispherical head TI-27 1.5 90.0 160 ºF ICV lid; shell-to-upper torispherical head weld TI-28 1.5 210.0 160 ºF ICV lid; shell-to-upper torispherical head weld TI-29 1.5 330.0 130 ºF ICV lid; shell-to-upper torispherical head weld TI-30 Top Center 150 ºF ICV lid; upper torispherical head TI-31 Near TI-29 140 ºF Upper aluminum honeycomb spacer; lower face TI-32 57.5 30.0 220 ºF OCV body; inner lower seal flange surface TI-33 57.5 64.0 230 ºF OCV body; inner lower seal flange surface TI-34 57.5 74.0 250 ºF OCV body; inner lower seal flange surface TI-35 57.5 101.0 220 ºF OCV body; inner lower seal flange surface TI-36 57.5 138.0 190 ºF OCV body; inner lower seal flange surface TI-37 57.5 183.0 190 ºF OCV body; inner lower seal flange surface TI-38 57.5 201.0 210 ºF OCV body; inner lower seal flange surface 3.5-7
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Label Location Indicated Identifier Y (in) C (deg) Temperature Remarks TI-39 57.5 236.0 200 ºF OCV body; inner lower seal flange surface TI-40 50.5 30.0 190 ºF OCV body; inner conical shell surface TI-41 50.5 74.0 240 ºF OCV body; inner conical shell surface TI-42 50.5 101.0 180 ºF OCV body; inner conical shell surface TI-43 50.5 138.0 160 ºF OCV body; inner conical shell surface TI-44 50.5 183.0 170 ºF OCV body; inner conical shell surface TI-45 50.5 201.0 170 ºF OCV body; inner conical shell surface TI-46 50.5 236.0 170 ºF OCV body; inner conical shell surface TI-47 26.5 30.0 310 ºF OCV body; inner shell surface near stiffening ring TI-48 26.5 74.0 340 ºF OCV body; inner shell surface near stiffening ring TI-49 26.5 101.0 290 ºF OCV body; inner shell surface near stiffening ring TI-50 26.5 138.0 220 ºF OCV body; inner shell surface near stiffening ring TI-51 26.5 183.0 170 ºF OCV body; inner shell surface near stiffening ring TI-52 26.5 201.0 160 ºF OCV body; inner shell surface near stiffening ring TI-53 26.5 236.0 170 ºF OCV body; inner shell surface near stiffening ring TI-54 1.5 30.0 160 ºF OCV body; shell-to-lower torispherical head weld TI-55 1.5 74.0 340 ºF OCV body; shell-to-lower torispherical head weld TI-56 1.5 101.0 270 ºF OCV body; shell-to-lower torispherical head weld TI-57 1.5 138.0 170 ºF OCV body; shell-to-lower torispherical head weld TI-58 1.5 183.0 150 ºF OCV body; shell-to-lower torispherical head weld TI-59 1.5 201.0 170 ºF OCV body; shell-to-lower torispherical head weld TI-60 1.5 236.0 200 ºF OCV body; shell-to-lower torispherical head weld TI-61 -16.6 30.0 210 ºF OCV body; lower torispherical head TI-62 -16.6 74.0 200 ºF OCV body; lower torispherical head TI-63 -16.6 160.0 200 ºF OCV body; lower torispherical head TI-64 -16.6 201.0 230 ºF OCV body; lower torispherical head TI-65 1.0 90.5 220 ºF OCV lid; shell-to-upper torispherical head weld TI-66 1.0 131.5 220 ºF OCV lid; shell-to-upper torispherical head weld TI-67 1.0 171.5 230 ºF OCV lid; shell-to-upper torispherical head weld TI-68 1.0 211.5 190 ºF OCV lid; shell-to-upper torispherical head weld TI-69 1.0 251.5 200 ºF OCV lid; shell-to-upper torispherical head weld TI-70 1.0 291.5 210 ºF OCV lid; shell-to-upper torispherical head weld TI-71 18.0 90.5 160 ºF OCV lid; upper torispherical head TI-72 18.0 131.5 260 ºF OCV lid; upper torispherical head TI-73 18.0 171.5 300 ºF OCV lid; upper torispherical head TI-74 18.0 211.5 170 ºF OCV lid; upper torispherical head TI-75 18.0 251.5 340 ºF OCV lid; upper torispherical head TI-76 18.0 291.5 170 ºF OCV lid; upper torispherical head TI-77 Top Center Damaged OCV lid; upper torispherical head 3.5-8
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 3.5 CTU-2 Temperature Indicating Label Locations and Results Label Location Indicated Identifier Y (in) C (deg) Temperature Remarks TI-1 Top Center 160 ºF Payload pallet; top center TI-2 19.0 27.0 140 ºF Drum #1 (bottom center drum); side TI-3 19.0 210.0 150 ºF Drum #3; side TI-4 Top Center 150 ºF Drum #1 (bottom center drum); top center TI-5 19.0 180.0 Damaged Drum #3; side (outside edge of payload)
TI-6 19.0 250.0 150 ºF Drum #5; side (outside edge of payload)
TI-7 19.0 120.0 170 ºF Drum #7; side (outside edge of payload)
TI-8 54.0 90.0 160 ºF Drum #8 (top center drum); side TI-9 Top Center 150 ºF Drum #8 (top center drum); top center TI-10 56.0 120.0 150 ºF Drum #10; side (outside edge of payload)
TI-11 6.0 0.0 Damaged OCV lid; shell surface TI-12 6.0 90.0 200 ºF OCV lid; shell surface TI-13 6.0 180.0 170 ºF OCV lid; shell surface TI-14 6.0 270.0 190 ºF OCV lid; shell surface TI-15 25.0 0.0 340 ºF OCV lid; upper torispherical head TI-16 25.0 90.0 250 ºF OCV lid; upper torispherical head TI-17 25.0 180.0 170 ºF OCV lid; upper torispherical head TI-18 25.0 270.0 220 ºF OCV lid; upper torispherical head TI-19 18.0 143.0 270 ºF OCV lid; upper torispherical head TI-20 Top Center 290 ºF OCV lid; upper torispherical head TI-21 6.0 135.0 220 ºF OCV lid; upper torispherical head TI-22 6.0 225.0 280 ºF OCV lid; upper torispherical head TI-23 57.0 0.0 250 ºF OCV body; inner lower seal flange surface TI-24 57.0 90.0 220 ºF OCV body; inner lower seal flange surface TI-25 57.0 180.0 220 ºF OCV body; inner lower seal flange surface TI-26 57.0 215.0 230 ºF OCV body; inner lower seal flange surface TI-27 57.0 270.0 200 ºF OCV body; inner lower seal flange surface TI-28 49.0 0.0 220 ºF OCV body; inner conical shell surface TI-29 49.0 90.0 190 ºF OCV body; inner conical shell surface TI-30 49.0 180.0 210 ºF OCV body; inner conical shell surface TI-31 49.0 215.0 170 ºF OCV body; inner conical shell surface TI-32 49.0 270.0 170 ºF OCV body; inner conical shell surface TI-33 26.0 0.0 Damaged OCV body; inner shell surface near stiffening ring TI-34 26.0 90.0 170 ºF OCV body; inner shell surface near stiffening ring TI-35 26.0 180.0 190 ºF OCV body; inner shell surface near stiffening ring TI-36 26.0 270.0 170 ºF OCV body; inner shell surface near stiffening ring TI-37 1.0 0.0 Damaged OCV body; shell-to-lower torispherical head weld TI-38 1.0 90.0 Damaged OCV body; shell-to-lower torispherical head weld TI-39 1.0 135.0 220 ºF OCV body; shell-to-lower torispherical head weld TI-40 1.0 180.0 Damaged OCV body; shell-to-lower torispherical head weld 3.5-9
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Label Location Indicated Identifier Y (in) C (deg) Temperature Remarks TI-41 1.0 225.0 190 ºF OCV body; shell-to-lower torispherical head weld TI-42 1.0 270.0 Damaged OCV body; shell-to-lower torispherical head weld TI-43 -18.0 0.0 350 ºF OCV body; lower torispherical head TI-44 -18.0 90.0 250 ºF OCV body; lower torispherical head TI-45 -18.0 180.0 250 ºF OCV body; lower torispherical head TI-46 -11.0 250.0 250 ºF OCV body; lower torispherical head TI-47 -18.0 270.0 260 ºF OCV body; lower torispherical head TI-48 66.5 0.0 200 ºF ICV body; inner lower seal flange surface TI-49 Seal Test Port 170 ºF ICV body; inner lower seal flange surface TI-50 Vent Port 170 ºF ICV body; inner lower seal flange surface TI-51 66.5 270.0 170 ºF ICV body; inner lower seal flange surface TI-52 66.5 180.0 170 ºF ICV body; inner lower seal flange surface TI-53 66.5 90.0 180 ºF ICV body; inner lower seal flange surface TI-54 45.5 0.0 200 ºF ICV body; inner shell surface TI-55 45.5 90.0 170 ºF ICV body; inner shell surface TI-56 45.5 180.0 Damaged ICV body; inner shell surface TI-57 45.5 270.0 160 ºF ICV body; inner shell surface TI-58 -14.5 270.0 190 ºF ICV body; lower torispherical head TI-59 21.5 0.0 210 ºF ICV body; inner shell surface TI-60 21.5 90.0 170 ºF ICV body; inner shell surface TI-61 21.5 180.0 180 ºF ICV body; inner shell surface TI-62 21.5 270.0 160 ºF ICV body; inner shell surface TI-63 3.5 0.0 220 ºF ICV body; shell-to-lower torispherical head weld TI-64 3.5 90.0 170 ºF ICV body; shell-to-lower torispherical head weld TI-65 3.5 180.0 Damaged ICV body; shell-to-lower torispherical head weld TI-66 3.5 270.0 180 ºF ICV body; shell-to-lower torispherical head weld TI-67 -14.5 0.0 Damaged ICV body; lower torispherical head TI-68 -14.5 90.0 200 ºF ICV body; lower torispherical head TI-69 -14.5 180.0 190 ºF ICV body; lower torispherical head TI-70 Near Test Ports 250 ºF ICV body; lower torispherical head TI-71 4.0 0.0 200 ºF ICV lid; shell-to-upper torispherical head weld TI-72 4.0 90.0 Damaged ICV lid; shell-to-upper torispherical head weld TI-73 4.0 180.0 210 ºF ICV lid; shell-to-upper torispherical head weld TI-74 4.0 270.0 180 ºF ICV lid; shell-to-upper torispherical head weld TI-75 24.0 0.0 190 ºF ICV lid; upper torispherical head TI-76 24.0 90.0 170 ºF ICV lid; upper torispherical head TI-77 24.0 180.0 200 ºF ICV lid; upper torispherical head TI-78 24.0 270.0 190 ºF ICV lid; upper torispherical head TI-79 N/A 120.0 180 ºF ICV lid; inner lift pocket surface TI-80 N/A 240.0 190 ºF ICV lid; inner lift pocket surface 3.5-10
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 3.5 HAC Fire Temperature Readings; Fourteen 55-Gallon Drums Measured Temperature (ºF)
Location CTU-1 CTU-2 Max Allowable Center Drum Wall
- Maximum 140 160 2,750
- Average 135 150 2,750 Outer Drum Wall
- Maximum 130 170 2,750
- Average 130 155 2,750 Average All Drums
- Wall 132 153 2,750 ICV Wall
- Maximum 190 220 2,600
- Average 161 187 2,600 ICV Air
- Average 155 179 N/A ICV Main O-ring Seal
- Maximum 170 200 360
- Average 155 177 360 OCV Wall, Maximum
- Thermocouples 312 439 2,600
- Temperature Indicating Labels 340 350 2,600 OCV Wall, Average
- Thermocouples 206 284 2,600
- Temperature Indicating Labels 214 225 2,600 OCV Main O-ring Seal, Maximum
- Thermocouples 260 253 360
- Temperature Indicating Labels 250 250 360 OCV Main O-ring Seal, Average
- Thermocouples 229 230 360
- Temperature Indicating Labels 215 224 360 3.5-11
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Notes for Table 3.5-5:
Maximum passive temperature indicating label reading of 270 ºF at a location (TI-26) near the inlet where 350 ºF pre-heat air was injected; this temperature is test-induced and not real.
Maximum passive temperature indicating label reading of 250 ºF at a location (TI-70) near the inlet where 350 ºF pre-heat air was injected; this temperature is test-induced and not real.
Conservatively taken as the average of the absolute maximum temperature, a conservative estimate because maximum temperatures do not occur at the same time. Thus, the actual average at any time would be less (see Figure 3.5-6 through Figure 3.5-11).
Temperature limit based on the minimum melting temperature for stainless steel or carbon steel (see Section 3.3, Technical Specifications of Components).
Temperature limit based on the allowable short-term temperature limit for butyl rubber (see Section 3.3, Technical Specifications of Components).
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 3.5 CTU-1 and CTU-2 ICV Temperature Indicating Label Locations 3.5-13
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 3.5 CTU-1 OCV Temperature Indicating Label Locations 3.5-14
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 3.5 CTU-2 OCV Temperature Indicating Label Locations 3.5-15
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 3.5 CTU-1 OCV Thermocouple Locations 3.5-16
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 3.5 CTU-2 OCV Thermocouple Locations 3.5-17
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 3.5 CTU-1 OCV Thermocouple Data (TH-1, TH-2, TH-3, TH-4)
Figure 3.5 CTU-1 OCV Thermocouple Data (TH-1A, TH-2A, TH-3A, TH-4A) 3.5-18
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 3.5 CTU-1 OCV Thermocouple Data (TH-1B, TH-2B, TH-3B, TH-4B)
Figure 3.5 CTU-1 OCV Thermocouple Data (TH-1C, TH-2C, TH-3C, TH-4C) 3.5-19
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 3.5 CTU-2 OCV Thermocouple Data (TH-1, TH-2, TH-3, TH-4)
Figure 3.5 CTU-2 OCV Thermocouple Data (TH-1A, TH-2A, TH-3A, TH-4A) 3.5-20
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 3.5 CTU-1 Pressure Transducer Data During Fire Test No. 10 Figure 3.5 CTU-2 Pressure Transducer Data During Fire Test No. 9 3.5-21
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 This page intentionally left blank.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 3.6 Appendices 3.6.1 Computer Analysis Results 3.6.2 Thermal Model Details 3.6-1
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 This page intentionally left blank.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 3.6.1 Computer Analysis Results Fourteen 55-Gallon Drum Payload with 100 ºF Ambient and Full Solar, Uniformly Distributed Decay Heat Load in All Drums (Case 1)
l----------- Decay Heat (watts) -----------l Location 0 10 20 30 40
============================= ======== ======== ======== ======== ==
Maximum Center Drum Centerline: 129.21 137.74 147.49 157.19 166.85 Average Center Drum Centerline: 126.22 135.76 144.77 153.78 162.68 Maximum Center Drum Wall: 129.21 134.23 140.92 147.57 154.17 Average Center Drum Wall: 126.22 132.25 138.20 144.15 150.00 Maximum Outer Drum Centerline: 129.17 137.37 146.65 155.91 165.07 Average Outer Drum Centerline: 126.38 135.57 144.30 153.03 161.67 Maximum Outer Drum Wall: 129.20 134.22 140.89 147.52 154.12 Average Outer Drum Wall: 126.43 132.18 137.87 143.56 149.15 Average Drum Centerline: 126.35 135.59 144.37 153.14 161.82 Average Drum Wall: 126.40 132.19 137.92 143.64 149.27 Maximum ICV Wall: 129.23 133.63 138.31 143.45 149.01 Average ICV Wall: 126.20 131.22 136.21 141.23 146.17 Minimum ICV Wall: 120.58 125.99 131.34 136.73 142.07 Average ICV Air: 126.33 131.85 137.32 142.79 148.18 Maximum ICV O-ring Seal: 129.17 133.36 137.53 141.72 145.83 Maximum OCV Wall: 129.34 133.45 137.90 142.91 148.30 Maximum OCV O-ring Seal: 129.34 132.72 136.10 139.49 142.85 Maximum Polyurethane Foam: 154.95 154.95 154.95 154.95 154.95 Maximum OCA Outer Shell: 154.95 154.95 154.95 154.95 154.95
Area of Each Node (ft^2)
Center Drum Outer Drums ICV Wall (Node) (Area) (Node) (Area) (Node) (Area) 208: 11.35145 218: 11.35145 152: 28.96573 308: 11.35145 228: 22.70291 252: 27.42553 408: 11.35145 238: 22.70291 352: 30.20783 508: 11.35145 248: 11.35145 452: 25.83564
-------- 318: 11.35145 552: 14.70644 Total: 45.40583 328: 22.70291 652: 16.29633 338: 22.70291 752: 28.96573 348: 11.35145 ------ --------
418: 11.35145 Total: 172.4032 428: 22.70291 438: 22.70291 448: 11.35145 518: 11.35145 528: 22.70291 538: 22.70291 548: 11.35145 Total: 272.4349
NOTE: Average temperatures are area-weighted based on the above nodal areas 3.6.1-1
DECAY HEAT = 0 WATTS 202 120.963 302 127.253 402 127.446 502 129.205 204 120.962 304 127.253 404 127.446 504 129.205 206 120.962 306 127.253 406 127.446 506 129.205 208 120.962 308 127.253 408 127.446 508 129.205 212 121.58 312 127.084 412 127.603 512 129.176 222 121.653 322 127.064 422 127.622 522 129.172 232 121.838 332 127.019 432 127.669 532 129.166 242 121.925 342 126.998 442 127.691 542 129.162 214 121.324 314 127.152 414 127.538 514 129.186 224 121.465 324 127.105 424 127.574 524 129.179 234 122.06 334 126.964 434 127.725 534 129.157 244 122.3 344 126.906 444 127.787 544 129.149 216 121.132 316 127.209 416 127.488 516 129.196 226 121.261 326 127.185 426 127.522 526 129.19 236 122.339 336 126.895 436 127.797 536 129.147 246 122.706 346 126.805 446 127.89 546 129.133 218 121.046 318 127.232 418 127.467 518 129.2 228 121.126 328 127.212 428 127.487 528 129.194 238 122.486 338 126.863 438 127.834 538 129.142 248 122.9 348 126.757 448 127.939 548 129.126 5 127.35 10 127.35 15 127.35 260 124.769 360 127.244 262 126.712 362 128.397 264 128.511 364 129.493 266 130.175 366 130.524 460 128.686 462 129.382 464 130.054 466 130.69 562 129.694 564 130.188 566 130.792 660 129.425 662 129.833 664 130.382 666 130.835 160 117.554 162 112.417 164 107.444 166 103.576 760 129.328 762 129.46 764 129.589 766 129.714 768 129.835 170 102.14 172 130.858 270 130.963 370 131.015 470 130.994 570 130.97 670 131.038 77O 129.883 100 120.585 110 120.585 115 120.585 120 120.584 700 129.229 152 120.583 154 120.165 752 129.23 754 129.26 252 123.466 352 126.616 452 128.079 552 128.998 254 123.727 354 126.648 454 128.196 554 129.338 556 129.339 558 129.338 652 129.168 654 129.168 656 129.169 658 129.292 200 120.963 300 127.253 400 127.446 500 129.205 240 121.653 340 127.064 440 127.622 540 129.172
DECAY HEAT = 10 WATTS 202 129.84 302 137.242 402 137.371 502 137.107 204 129.126 304 136.529 404 136.658 504 136.393 206 127.832 306 135.235 406 135.364 506 135.099 208 126.697 308 134.099 408 134.228 508 133.964 212 130.332 312 136.594 412 137.022 512 136.85 222 130.402 322 136.541 422 136.999 522 136.836 232 130.586 332 136.463 432 136.949 532 136.84 242 130.673 342 136.421 442 136.926 542 136.837 214 129.431 314 136.122 414 136.453 514 136.244 224 129.528 324 135.886 424 136.36 524 136.11 234 130.152 334 135.716 434 136.235 534 136.194 244 130.393 344 135.58 444 136.175 544 136.162 216 128.009 316 135.079 416 135.286 516 135.081 226 128.022 326 134.86 426 135.107 526 134.944 236 129.178 336 134.36 436 134.908 536 134.962 246 129.536 346 134.096 446 134.809 546 134.858 218 126.825 318 134.062 418 134.22 518 134.01 228 126.735 328 133.805 428 133.987 528 133.845 238 128.209 338 133.118 438 133.754 538 133.779 248 128.604 348 132.857 448 133.635 548 133.705 5 134.164 10 133.896 15 133.896 260 129.299 360 131.922 262 129.869 362 131.652 264 130.376 364 131.416 266 130.831 366 131.208 460 132.773 462 132.27 464 131.808 466 131.382 562 132.392 564 131.942 566 131.381 660 132.956 662 132.491 664 131.864 666 131.353 160 122.089 162 115.51 164 109.141 166 104.187 760 133.067 762 132.319 764 131.594 766 130.891 768 130.209 170 102.349 172 130.866 270 131.044 370 131.11 470 131.182 570 131.215 670 131.125 770 129.94 100 125.994 110 125.994 115 125.994 120 125.993 700 133.629 152 125.991 154 125.433 752 133.628 754 133.448 252 128.848 352 132.243 452 133.205 552 133.294 254 128.977 354 132.08 454 133.056 554 132.718 556 132.718 558 132.718 652 133.356 654 133.356 656 133.356 658 133.108 200 130.21 300 137.613 400 137.742 500 137.477 240 130.772 340 136.912 440 137.37 540 137.207
DECAY HEAT = 20 WATTS 202 138.562 302 147.049 402 147.116 502 144.883 204 137.19 304 145.678 404 145.744 504 143.511 206 134.626 306 143.114 406 143.18 506 140.947 208 132.363 308 140.851 408 140.917 508 138.684 212 139.003 312 146.008 412 146.35 512 144.475 222 139.069 322 145.921 422 146.283 522 144.447 232 139.258 332 145.817 432 146.144 532 144.469 242 139.347 342 145.757 442 146.078 542 144.467 214 137.467 314 145.003 414 145.281 514 143.26 224 137.521 324 144.582 424 145.062 524 143.001 234 138.178 334 144.387 434 144.668 534 143.193 244 138.419 344 144.176 444 144.49 544 143.138 216 134.818 316 142.861 416 142.998 516 140.928 226 134.717 326 142.451 426 142.611 526 140.662 236 135.953 336 141.748 436 141.948 536 140.743 246 136.304 346 141.316 446 141.663 546 140.549 218 132.538 318 140.804 418 140.886 518 138.783 228 132.28 328 140.315 428 140.407 528 138.462 238 133.87 338 139.299 438 139.604 538 138.384 248 134.248 348 138.889 448 139.268 548 138.251 5 140.884 10 140.361 15 140.361 260 133.797 360 136.577 262 133.004 362 134.89 264 132.227 364 133.33 266 131.483 366 131.888 460 136.848 462 135.15 464 133.557 466 132.073 562 135.086 564 133.694 566 131.968 660 136.482 662 135.146 664 133.343 666 131.87 160 126.577 162 118.571 164 110.819 166 104.79 760 136.792 762 135.165 764 133.59 766 132.064 768 130.582 170 102.554 172 130.874 270 131.126 370 131.205 470 131.369 570 131.459 670 131.212 770 129.997 100 131.346 110 131.345 115 131.345 120 131.343 700 138.004 152 131.341 154 130.647 752 138.004 754 137.619 252 134.188 352 137.836 452 138.31 552 137.57 254 134.189 354 137.485 454 137.9 554 136.095 556 136.094 558 136.094 652 137.532 654 137.531 656 137.531 658 136.92 200 138.932 300 147.42 400 147.486 500 145.253 240 139.439 340 146.291 440 146.653 540 144.818
DECAY HEAT = 30 WATTS 202 147.31 302 156.817 402 156.821 502152.675. 204 145.28 304 154.787 404 154.792 504 150.645 206 141.446 306 150.953 406 150.958 506 146.811 208 138.056 308 147.563 408 147.567 508 143.42 212 147.7 312 155.396 412 155.649 512 152.111 222 147.761 322 155.275 422 155.539 522 152.07 232 147.954 332 155.147 432 155.312 532 152.107 242 148.045 342 155.07 442 155.205 542 152.106 214 145.528 314 153.854 414 154.08 514 150.289 224 145.54 324 153.25 424 153.737 524 149.904 234 146.225 334 153.037 434 153.076 534 150.199 244 146.467 344 152.753 444 152.784 544 150.12 216 141.653 316 150.611 416 150.677 516 146.788 226 141.44 326 150.013 426 150.087 526 146.395 236 142.749 336 149.117 436 148.965 536 146.53 246 143.09 346 148.52 446 148.499 546 146.243 218 138.276 318 147.511 418 147.519 518 143.569 228 137.854 328 146.796 428 146.797 528 143.095 238 139.552 338 145.461 438 145.432 538 142.993 248 139.908 348 144.908 448 144.885 548 142.8 5 147.565 10 146.797 15 146.797 260 138.323 360 141.251 262 136.159 362 138.141 264 134.09 364 135.252 266 132.138 366 132.571 460 140.944 462 138.044 464 135.315 466 132.766 562 137.799 564 135.457 566 132.559 660 140.028 662 137.816 664 134.831 666 132.389 160 131.099 162 121.653 164 112.509 166 105.396 760 140.548 762 138.036 764 135.604 766 133.246 768 130.959 170 102.758 172 130.882 270 131.207 370 131.3 470 131.558 570 131.704 670 131.3 770 130.054 100 136.734 110 136.733 115 136.733 120 136.73 700 142.412 152 136.728 154 135.9 752 142.411 754 141.825 252 139.559 352 143.449 452 143.432 552 141.86 254 139.434 354 142.912 454 142.768 554 139.494 556 139.492 558 139.492 652 141.722 654 141.722 656 141.72 658 140.753 200 147.68 300 157.187 400 157.192 500 153.045 240 148.131 340 155.646 440 155.91 540 152.44
DECAY HEAT = 40 WATTS 202 156.003 302 166.48 402 166.422 502 160.34 204 153.315 304 163.793 404 163.734 504 157.653 206 148.211 306 158.688 406 158.63 506 152.548 208 143.693 308 154.171 408 154.112 508 148.031 212 156.343 312 164.692 412 164.854 512 159.631 222 156.399 322 164.539 422 164.702 522 159.576 232 156.597 332 164.389 432 164.389 532 159.631 242 156.688 342 164.294 442 164.241 542 159.632 214 153.536 314 162.611 414 162.782 514 157.198 224 153.506 324 161.827 424 162.317 524 156.69 234 154.219 334 161.599 434 161.393 534 157.094 244 154.46 344 161.245 444 160.988 544 156.993 216 148.433 316 158.262 416 158.258 516 152.525 226 148.11 326 157.481 426 157.468 526 152.008 236 149.491 336 156.401 436 155.892 536 152.207 246 149.821 346 155.644 446 155.248 546 151.832 218 143.958 318 154.118 418 154.052 518 148.231 228 143.376 328 153.182 428 153.093 528 147.606 238 145.178 338 151.539 438 151.17 538 147.493 248 145.514 348 150.848 448 150.418 548 147.245 5 154.141 10 153.137 15 153.137 260 142.817 360 145.889 262 139.291 362 141.368 264 135.939 364 137.158 266 132.788 366 133.248 460 144.999 462 140.909 464 137.055 466 133.453 562 140.477 564 137.197 566 133.142 660 143.51 662 140.437 664 136.292 666 132.9 160 135.584 162 124.71 164 114.183 166 105.995 760 144.208 762 140.833 764 137.566 766 134.398 768 131.325 170 102.958 172 130.89 270 131.288 370 131.394 470 131.744 570 131.946 670 131.386 770 130.11 100 142.076 110 142.075 115 142.074 120 142.072 700 146.701 152 142.069 154 141.111 752 146.699 754 145.923 252 144.89 352 149.013 452 148.503 552 146.07 254 144.641 354 148.296 454 147.59 554 142.851 556 142.847 558 142.848 652 145.825 654 145.824 656 145.822 658 144.517 200 156.373 300 166.851 400 166.792 500 160.711 240 156.769 340 164.909 440 165.072 540 159.946
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Fourteen 55-Gallon Drum Payload with 100 ºF Ambient and Full Solar, Uniformly Distributed Decay Heat Load in Two Center Drums (Case 2)
l----------- Decay Heat (watts) -----------l Location 0 10 20 30 40
============================= ======== ======== ======== ======== ==
Maximum Center Drum Centerline: 129.21 157.42 186.77 215.99 245.14 Average Center Drum Centerline: 126.22 155.21 183.62 211.93 240.15 Maximum Center Drum Wall: 129.21 135.58 143.54 151.36 159.13 Average Center Drum Wall: 126.22 133.37 140.38 147.3 154.14 Maximum Outer Drum Centerline: 129.17 134.15 140.60 146.98 153.34 Average Outer Drum Centerline: 126.38 132.30 138.14 143.94 149.71 Maximum Outer Drum Wall: 129.20 135.01 142.43 149.78 157.13 Average Outer Drum Wall: 126.43 132.27 138.04 143.77 149.46 Average Drum Centerline: 126.35 135.57 144.64 153.65 162.63 Average Drum Wall: 126.40 132.43 138.37 144.27 150.12 Maximum ICV Wall: 129.23 133.89 138.54 143.21 148.69 Average ICV Wall: 126.20 131.26 136.27 141.27 146.26 Minimum ICV Wall: 120.58 126.23 131.78 137.33 142.84 Average ICV Air: 126.33 132.02 137.64 143.21 148.76 Maximum ICV O-ring Seal: 129.17 133.29 137.40 141.47 145.56 Maximum OCV Wall: 129.34 133.68 138.09 142.66 147.98 Maximum OCV O-ring Seal: 129.34 132.67 136.00 139.32 142.65 Maximum Polyurethane Foam: 154.95 154.95 154.95 154.95 154.95 Maximum OCA Outer Shell: 154.95 154.95 154.95 154.95 154.95
Area of Each Node (ft^2)
Center Drum Outer Drums ICV Wall (Node) (Area) (Node) (Area) (Node) (Area) 208: 11.35145 218: 11.35145 152: 28.96573 308: 11.35145 228: 22.70291 252: 27.42553 408: 11.35145 238: 22.70291 352: 30.20783 508: 11.35145 248: 11.35145 452: 25.83564
-------- 318: 11.35145 552: 14.70644 Total: 45.40583 328: 22.70291 652: 16.29633 338: 22.70291 752: 28.96573 348: 11.35145 ------ --------
418: 11.35145 Total: 172.4032 428: 22.70291 438: 22.70291 448: 11.35145 518: 11.35145 528: 22.70291 538: 22.70291 548: 11.35145 Total: 272.4349
NOTE: Average temperatures are area-weighted based on the above nodal areas 3.6.1-4
DECAY HEAT = 0 WATTS 202 120.963 302 127.253 402 127.446 502¶29.205 204 120.962 304 127.253 404 127.446 504 129.205 206 120.962 306 127.253 406 127.446 506 129.205 208 120.962 308 127.253 408 127.446 508 129.205 212 121.58 312 127.084 412 127.603 512 129.176 222 121.653 322 127.064 422 127.622 522 129.172 232 121.838 332 127.019 432 127.669 532 129.166 242 121.925 342 126.998 442 127.691 542 129.162 214 121.324 314 127.152 414 127.538 514 129.186 224 121.465 324 127.105 424 127.574 524 129.179 234 122.06 334 126.964 434 127.725 534 129.157 244 122.3 344 126.906 444 127.787 544 129.149 216 121.132 316 127.209 416 127.488 516 129.196 226 121.261 326 127.185 426 127.522 526 129.19 236 122.339 336 126.895 436 127.797 536 129.147 246 122.706 346 126.805 446 127.89 546 129.133 218 121.046 313 127.232 418 127.467 518 129.2 228 121.126 328 127.212 428 127.487 528 129.194 238 122.486 338 126.863 438 127.834 538 129.142 248 122.9 348 126.797 443 127.939 548 129.126 5 127.35 10 127.35 15 127.35 260 124.769 360 127.244 262 126.712 362 128.397 264 128.511 364 129.493 266 130.175 366 130.524 460 128.636 462 129.382 464 130.054 466 130.69 562 129.694 564 130.188 566 130.792 660 129.425 662 129.833 664 130.382 666 130.835 160 117.554 162 112.417 164 107.444 166 103.576 760 129.328 762 129.46 764 129.589 766 129.714 768 129.835 170 102.14 172 130.858 270 130.963 370 131.015 470 130.994 570 130.97 670 131.038 770 129.883 100 120.585 110 120.585 115 120.585 120 120.584 700 129.229 152 120.583 154 120.165 752 129.23 754 129.26 252 123.466 352 126.616 452 128.079 552 128.998 254 123.727 354 126.648 454 128.196 554 129.338 556 129.339 558 129.338 652 129.168 654 129.168 656 129.169 658 129.292 200 120.963 300 127.253 400 127.446 500 129.205 240 121.653 340 127.064 440 127.622 540 129.172
DECAY HEAT = 10 WATTS 202 149.064 302 156.925 402 157.052 502 156.335 204 144.402 304 152.263 404 152.39 504 151.673 206 135.487 306 143.348 406 143.475 506 142.758 208 127.588 308 135.448 408 135.575 508 134.858 212 127.365 312 133.849 412 134.229 512 133.945 222 127.398 322 133.746 422 134.154 522 133.894 232 127.526 332 133.568 432 134.031 532 133.818 242 127.589 342 133.488 442 133.976 542 133.784 214 127.262 314 134.229 414 134.511 514 134.134 224 127.24 324 133.868 424 134.239 524 133.937 234 127.681 334 133.353 434 133.883 534 133.726 244 127.865 344 133.15 444 133.751 544 133.645 216 127.254 316 134.635 416 134.824 516 134.353 226 127.046 326 134.097 426 134.299 526 134.015 236 127.887 336 133.099 436 133.714 536 133.621 246 128.176 346 132.796 446 133.524 546 133.503 218 127.278 318 134.851 418 135.006 518 134.476 228 126.907 328 134.143 428 134.324 528 134.02 238 127.997 338 132.978 438 133.627 538 133.571 248 128.325 348 132.629 448 133.418 548 133.437 5 135.512 10 134.233 15 134.233 260 129.235 360 131.865 262 129.825 362 131.612 264 130.349 364 131.393 266 130.822 366 131.199 460 132.723 462 132.235 464 131.786 466 131.374 562 132.356 564 131.919 566 131.373 660 132.921 662 132.465 664 131.849 666 131.348 160 122.281 162 115.641 164 109.213 166 104.213 760 133.278 762 132.48 764 131.707 766 130.957 768 130.23 170 102.358 172 130.866 270 131.043 370 131.109 470 131.179 570 131.212 670 131.124 770 129.943 100 126.234 110 126.232 115 126.231 120 126.23 700 133.894 152 126.229 154 125.656 752 133.894 754 133.684 252 128.761 352 132.175 452 133.144 552 133.214 254 128.903 354 132.014 454 132.997 554 132.673 556 132.673 558 132.673 652 133.289 654 133.289 656 133.289 658 133.07 200 149.434 300 157.295 400 157.422 500 156.705 240 127.398 340 133.746 440 134.154 540 133.894
DECAY HEAT = 20 WATTS 202 176.941 302 186.336 402 186.401 502 183.31 204 167.673 304 177.068 404 177.132 504 174.042 206 149.867 306 159.262 406 159.326 506 156.236 208 134.077 308 143.472 408 143.536 508 140.445 212 133.054 312 140.519 412 140.765 512 138.682 222 133.048 322 140.334 422 140.599 522 138.585 232 133.122 332 140.027 432 140.308 532 138.44 242 133.162 342 139.89 442 140.179 542 138.377 214 133.101 314 141.203 414 141.386 514 139.048 224 132.919 324 140.536 424 140.813 524 138.664 234 133.212 334 139.654 434 139.96 534 138.265 244 133.344 344 139.31 444 139.64 544 138.112 216 133.272 316 141.951 416 142.053 516 139.472 226 132.734 326 140.911 426 140.983 526 138.807 236 133.348 336 139.22 436 139.554 536 138.067 246 133.564 346 138.71 446 139.091 546 137.846 218 133.405 318 142.356 418 142.434 518 139.712 228 132.591 328 140.976 428 141.067 528 138.814 238 133.423 338 139.011 438 139.346 538 137.972 248 133.671 348 138.429 448 138.833 548 137.721 5 143.504 10 141.022 15 141.022 260 133.65 360 136.452 262 132.902 362 134.803 264 132.167 364 133.279 266 131.461 366 131.869 460 136.743 462 135.075 464 133.512 466 132.055 562 135.012 564 133.646 566 131.952 660 136.41 662 135.091 664 133.313 666 131.859 160 126.929 162 118.811 164 110.951 166 104.838 760 137.215 762 135.489 764 133.817 766 132.197 768 130.625 170 102.57 172 130.874 270 131.123 370 131.202 470 131.364 570 131.452 670 131.21 770 130.003 100 131.784 110 131.78 115 131.78 120 131.778 700 138.537 152 131.776 154 131.055 752 138.536 754 138.093 252 133.99 352 137.689 452 138.181 552 137.409 254 134.017 354 137.34 454 137.777 554 136.002 556 136 558 136 652 137.397 654 137.397 656 137.396 658 136.842 200 177.312 300 186.707 400 186.771 500 183.681 240 133.048 340 140.334 440 140.599 540 138.585
DECAY HEAT = 30 WATTS 202 204.782 302 215.616 402 215.617 502 210.21 204 190.907 304 201.742 404 201.743 504 196.336 206 164.21 306 175.044 406 175.045 506 169.638 208 140.528 308 151.362 408 151.363 508 145.957 212 138.739 312 147.128 412 147.237 512 143.375 222 138.694 322 146.864 422 146.981 522 143.231 232 138.713 332 146.43 432 146.525 532 143.018 242 138.73 342 146.237 442 146.323 542 142.925 214 138.934 314 148.108 414 148.191 514 143.915 224 138.593 324 147.143 424 147.323 524 143.348 234 138.739 334 145.903 434 145.98 534 142.76 244 138.819 344 145.424 444 145.476 544 142.538 216 139.283 316 149.189 416 149.205 516 144.542 226 138.418 326 147.66 426 147.601 526 143.556 236 138.805 336 145.292 436 145.341 536 142.471 246 138.948 346 144.584 446 144.611 546 142.148 218 139.523 318 149.779 418 149.78 518 144.897 228 138.272 328 147.744 428 147.744 528 143.565 238 138.844 338 144.998 438 145.011 538 142.331 248 139.013 348 144.191 448 144.204 548 141.966 5 151.363 10 147.744 15 147.744 260 138.068 360 141.036 262 135.981 362 137.991 264 133.985 364 135.163 266 132.101 366 132.539 460 140.756 462 137.911 464 135.234 466 132.734 562 137.66 564 135.368 566 132.529 660 139.879 662 137.703 664 134.768 666 132.367 160 131.581 162 121.982 164 112.689 166 105.461 760 141.129 762 138.48 764 135.915 766 133.429 768 131.016 170 102.779 172 130.882 270 131.203 370 131.295 470 131.549 570 131.692 670 131.296 770 130.063 100 137.337 110 137.331 115 137.331 120 137.329 700 143.145 152 137.326 154 136.46 752 143.144 754 142.475 252 139.221 352 143.194 452 143.206 552 141.575 254 139.136 354 142.662 454 142.549 554 139.32 556 139.318 558 139.318 652 141.472 654 141.471 656 141.47 658 140.592 200 205.152 300 215.987 400 215.987 500 210.58 240 138.694 340 146.864 440 146.981 540 143.231
DECAY HEAT = 40 WATTS 202 232.554 302 244.774 402 244.713 502 237.073 204 214.073 304 226.293 404 226.233 504 218.592 206 178.484 306 190.704 406 190.644 506 183.003 208 146.912 308 159.132 408 159.071 508 151.431 212 144.389 312 153.679 412 153.654 512 148.062 222 144.306 322 153.337 422 153.31 522 147.873 232 144.271 332 152.75 432 152.693 532 147.593 242 144.266 342 152.533 442 152.419 542 147.471 214 144.729 314 154.95 414 154.934 514 148.773 224 144.233 324 153.692 424 153.778 524 148.025 234 144.234 334 152.102 434 151.953 534 147.254 244 144.263 344 151.491 444 151.271 544 146.963 216 145.253 316 156.357 416 156.288 516 149.6 226 144.066 326 154.35 426 154.163 526 148.299 236 144.231 336 151.318 436 151.085 536 146.573 246 144.303 346 150.419 446 150.097 546 146.451 218 145.598 318 157.126 418 157.054 518 150.069 228 143.917 328 154.451 428 154.363 528 148.309 238 144.235 338 150.94 438 150.636 538 146.688 248 144.327 348 149.917 448 149.546 548 146.212 5 159.102 10 154.407 15 154.407 260 142.473 360 145.614 262 139.051 362 141.176 264 135.798 364 137.045 266 132.739 366 133.208 460 144.775 462 140.75 464 136.958 466 133.415 562 140.318 564 137.095 566 133.108 660 143.364 662 140.327 664 136.23 666 132.878 160 136.208 162 125.136 164 114.416 166 106.079 760 145.049 762 141.476 764 138.016 766 134.663 768 131.409 170 102.985 172 130.89 270 131.282 370 131.388 470 131.733 570 131.932 670 131.382 770 130.123 100 142.857 110 142.849 115 142.848 120 142.846 700 147.754 152 142.843 154 141.836 752 147.753 754 146.865 252 144.435 352 148.688 452 148.23 552 145.747 254 144.24 354 147.978 454 147.321 554 142.65 556 142.647 558 142.647 652 145.561 654 145.56 656 145.558 658 144.359 200 232.924 300 245.144 400 245.084 500 237.443 240 144.306 340 153.337 440 153.31 540 147.873
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Fourteen 55-Gallon Drum Payload with 100 ºF Ambient and Full Solar, Uniformly Distributed Decay Heat Load in Top Center Drum (Case 3)
l----------- Decay Heat (watts) -----------l Location 0 10 20 30 40
============================= ======== ======== ======== ======== ==
Maximum Center Drum Centerline: 129.21 180.98 232.13 283.09 333.98 Average Center Drum Centerline: 126.22 154.71 182.87 210.90 238.85 Maximum Center Drum Wall: 129.21 137.74 146.12 154.31 162.41 Average Center Drum Wall: 126.22 133.09 139.86 146.50 153.07 Maximum Outer Drum Centerline: 129.17 135.76 142.30 148.73 155.18 Average Outer Drum Centerline: 126.38 132.02 137.62 143.15 148.66 Maximum Outer Drum Wall: 129.20 136.98 144.68 152.26 159.81 Average Outer Drum Wall: 126.43 132.00 137.52 142.98 148.42 Average Drum Centerline: 126.35 135.26 144.08 152.82 161.54 Average Drum Wall: 126.40 132.15 137.86 143.48 149.08 Maximum ICV Wall: 129.23 135.89 142.50 149.04 155.60 Average ICV Wall: 126.20 130.98 135.75 140.48 145.22 Minimum ICV Wall: 120.58 123.65 126.71 129.74 132.78 Average ICV Air: 126.33 131.74 137.12 142.42 147.73 Maximum ICV O-ring Seal: 129.17 134.47 139.77 145.01 150.30 Maximum OCV Wall: 129.34 135.54 141.79 147.98 154.21 Maximum OCV O-ring Seal: 129.34 133.25 137.19 141.10 145.05 Maximum Polyurethane Foam: 154.95 154.95 154.95 154.95 154.95 Maximum OCA Outer Shell: 154.95 154.95 154.95 154.95 154.95
Area of Each Node (ft^2)
Center Drum Outer Drums ICV Wall (Node) (Area) (Node) (Area) (Node) (Area) 208: 11.35145 218: 11.35145 152: 28.96573 308: 11.35145 228: 22.70291 252: 27.42553 408: 11.35145 238: 22.70291 352: 30.20783 508: 11.35145 248: 11.35145 452: 25.83564
-------- 318: 11.35145 552: 14.70644 Total: 45.40583 328: 22.70291 652: 16.29633 338: 22.70291 752: 28.96573 348: 11.35145 ------ --------
418: 11.35145 Total: 172.4032 428: 22.70291 438: 22.70291 448: 11.35145 518: 11.35145 528: 22.70291 538: 22.70291 548: 11.35145 Total: 272.4349
NOTE: Average temperatures are area-weighted based on the above nodal areas 3.6.1-7
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 CASE 3 - ALL DECAY HEAT IN TOP CENTER DRUM (FULL SOLAR LOAD)
DECAY HEAT = 0 WATTS 202 920.963 302 127.253 402 127.446 502 129.205 204 120.962 304 127.253 404 127.446 504 129.205 206 120.962 306 127.253 406 127.446 506 129.205 208 120.962 308 127.253 408 127.446 508 129.205 212 121.58 312 127.084 412 127.603 512 129.176 222 121.653 322 127.064 422 127.622 522 129.172 232 121.838 332 127.019 432 127.669 532 129.166 242 121.925 342 126.998 442 127.691 542 129.162 214 121.324 314 127.152 414 127.538 514 129.186 224 121.465 324 127.105 424 127.574 524 129.179 234 122.06 334 126.964 434 127.725 534 129.157 244 122.3 344 126.906 444 127.787 544 129.149 216 121.132 316 127.209 416 127.488 516 129.196 226 121.261 326 127.185 426 127.522 526 129.19 236 122.339 336 126.895 436 127.797 536 129.147 246 122.706 346 126.805 446 127.89 546 129.133 218 121.046 318 127.232 418 127.467 518 129.2 228 121.126 328 127.212 428 127.487 528 129.194 238 122.486 338 126.863 438 127.834 538 129.142 248 122.9 348 126.757 448 127.939 548 129.126 5 127.35 10 127.35 15 127.35 260 124.769 360 127.244 262 126.712 362 128.397 264 128.511 364 129.493 266 130.175 366 130.524 460 128.686 462 129.382 464 130.054 466 130.69 562 129.694 564 130.188 566 130.792 660 129.425 662 129.833 664 130.382 666 130.835 160 117.554 162 112.417 164 107.444 166 103.576 760 129.328 762 129.46 764 129.589 766 129.714 768 129.835 170 102.14 172 130.858 270 130.963 370 131.015 470 130.994 570 130.97 670 131.038 770 129.883 100 120.585 110 120.585 115 120.585 120 120.584 700 129.229 152 120.583 154 120.165 752 129.23 754 129.26 252 123.466 352 126.616 452 128.079 552 128.998 254 123.727 354 126.648 454 128.196 554 129.338 556 129.339 558 129.338 652 129.168 654 129.168 656 129.169 658 129.292 200 120.963 300 127.253 400 127.446 500 129.205 240 121.653 340 127.064 440 127.622 540 129.172
DECAY HEAT = 10 WATTS 202 124.083 302 134.157 402 179.255 502 180.606 204 124.083 304 134.157 404 169.987 504 171.337 206 124.083 306 134.157 406 152.181 506 153.531 208 124.083 308 134.157 408 136.39 508 137.741 212 124.798 312 133.215 412 134.389 512 135.869 222 124.882 322 133.133 422 134.294 522 135.762 232 125.096 332 132.964 432 134.162 532 135.595 242 125.198 342 132.885 442 134.106 542 135.522 214 124.501 314 133.509 414 134.757 514 136.27 224 124.665 324 133.275 424 134.36 524 135.861 234 125.354 334 132.756 434 134.005 534 135.393 244 125.632 344 132.546 444 133.88 544 135.213 216 124.277 316 133.783 416 135.203 516 136.725 226 124.428 326 133.548 426 134.377 526 136.041 236 125.678 336 132.503 436 133.835 536 135.163 246 126.103 346 132.182 446 133.664 546 134.898 218 124.178 318 133.911 418 135.472 518 136.979 228 124.27 328 133.63 428 134.364 528 136.059 238 125.848 338 132.382 438 133.75 538 135.052 248 126.327 348 132.009 448 133.564 548 134.751 5 135.275 10 133.997 15 133.997 260 127.775 360 131.303 262 128.818 362 131.219 264 129.758 364 131.161 266 130.613 366 131.118 460 132.933 462 132.378 464 131.876 466 131.418 562 132.821 564 132.23 566 131.478 660 133.867 662 133.174 664 132.239 666 131.481 160 120.133 162 114.176 164 108.409 166 103.924 760 134.933 762 133.744 764 132.593 766 131.478 768 130.396 170 102.26 172 130.863 270 131.015 370 131.099 470 131.204 570 131.255 670 131.144 770 129.968 100 123.647 110 123.648 115 123.647 120 123.646 700 135.885 152 123.645 154 123.161 752 135.885 754 135.537 252 126.968 352 131.522 452 133.321 552 134.174 254 127.197 354 131.364 454 133.171 554 133.254 556 133.254 558 133.254 652 134.471 654 134.471 656 134.47 658 134.095 200 124.083 300 134.157 400 179.625 500 180.976 240 124.882 340 133.133 440 134.294 540 135.762
DECAY HEAT = 20 WATTS 202 127.208 302 140.977 402 230.792 502 231.758 204 127.208 304 140.977 404 212.311 504 213.277 206 127.208 306 140.977 406 176.722 506 177.688 208 127.208 308 140.977 408 145.15 508 146.116 212 128.02 312 139.299 412 141.113 512 142.504 222 128.116 322 139.155 422 140.905 522 142.295 232 128.36 332 138.863 432 140.598 532 141.971 242 128.475 342 138.729 442 140.466 542 141.829 214 127.682 314 139.813 414 141.905 514 143.287 224 127.869 324 139.396 424 141.083 524 142.485 234 128.653 334 138.507 434 140.232 534 141.579 244 128.968 344 138.148 444 139.927 544 141.232 216 127.428 316 140.298 416 142.835 516 144.178 226 127.599 326 139.859 426 141.168 526 142.832 236 129.022 336 138.071 436 139.825 536 141.132 246 129.503 346 137.526 446 139.4 546 140.623 218 127.315 318 140.529 418 143.388 518 144.675 228 127.42 328 139.995 428 141.177 528 142.866 238 129.216 338 137.864 438 139.62 538 140.916 248 129.758 348 137.232 448 139.155 548 140.339 5 143.067 10 140.586 15 140.587 260 130.783 360 135.365 262 130.925 362 134.043 264 131.006 364 132.329 266 131.052 366 131.712 460 137.187 462 135.379 464 133.701 466 132.148 562 135.962 564 134.28 566 132.167 660 138.317 662 136.521 664 134.098 666 132.129 160 122.717 162 115.939 164 109.376 166 104.272 760 140.516 762 138.012 764 135.587 766 133.236 768 130.955 170 102.378 172 130.868 270 131.068 370 131.183 470 131.414 570 131.541 670 131.251 770 130.053 400 126.715 110 126.716 115 126.715 120 126.714 700 142.5 152 126.713 154 126.163 752 142.498 754 141.79 252 130.471 352 136.427 452 138.562 552 139.343 254 130.668 354 136.083 454 138.152 554 137.188 556 137.187 558 137.187 652 139.768 654 139.769 656 139.767 658 138.905 200 127.208 300 140.977 400 231.162 500 232.128 240 128.116 340 139.155 440 140.905 540 142.295
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 CASE 3 - ALL DECAY HEAT IN TOP CENTER DRUM (FULL SOLAR LOAD)
DECAY HEAT = 30 WATTS 202 130.298 302 147.69 402 282.129 502 282.724 204 130.298 304 147.69 404 254.436 504 255.031 206 130.298 306 147.69 406 201.064 506 201.659 208 130.298 308 147.69 408 153.71 508 154.305 212 131.207 312 145.306 412 147.747 512 149.044 222 131.315 322 145.103 422 147.43 522 148.734 232 131.588 332 144.691 432 146.95 532 148.256 242 131.717 342 144.502 442 146.744 542 148.046 214 130.828 314 146.036 414 148.954 514 150.201 224 131.037 324 145.441 424 147.716 524 149.015 234 131.918 334 144.188 434 146.378 534 147.675 244 132.271 344 143.685 444 145.898 544 147.165 216 130.543 316 146.727 416 150.358 516 151.519 226 130.735 326 146.091 426 147.868 526 149.527 236 132.332 336 143.573 436 145.739 536 147.014 246 132.87 346 142.811 446 145.066 546 146.268 218 130.415 318 147.059 418 151.19 518 152.255 228 130.534 328 146.281 428 147.898 528 149.578 238 132.55 338 143.28 438 145.414 538 146.695 248 133.155 348 142.397 448 144.68 545 145.849 5 150.708 10 147.09 15 147.09 260 133.761 360 139.403 262 133.012 362 136.85 264 132.242 364 134.488 266 131.456 366 132.303 460 141.418 462 138.363 464 135.516 466 132.874 562 139.085 564 136.318 566 132.852 660 142.733 662 139.843 664 135.943 666 132.771 160 125.272 162 117.681 164 110.331 166 104.615 760 146.048 762 142.239 764 138.551 766 134.977 768 131.508 170 102.495 172 130.873 270 131.12 370 131.267 470 131.623 570 131.825 670 131.357 770 130.137 100 129.747 110 129.748 115 129.748 120 129.746 700 149.038 152 129.744 154 129.13 752 149.036 754 147.984 252 133.939 352 141.301 452 143.769 552 144.464 254 134.105 354 140.774 454 143.105 554 141.099 556 141.098 558 141.098 652 145.013 654 145.014 656 145.011 658 143.68 200 130.298 300 147.69 400 282.5 500 283.094 240 131.315 340 145.103 440 147.43 540 148.734
DECAY HEAT = 40 WATTS 202 133.39 302 154.348 402 333.326 502 333.607 204 133.39 304 154.348 404 296.42 504 296.701 206 133.39 306 154.347 406 225.266 506 225.547 208 133.39 308 154.347 408 162.129 508 162.411 212 134.397 312 151.287 412 154.343 512 155.583 222 134.517 322 151.025 422 153.918 522 155.175 232 134.82 332 150.495 432 153.271 532 154.543 242 134.964 342 150.252 442 152.992 542 154.266 214 133.976 314 152.228 414 155.955 514 157.108 224 134.209 324 151.458 424 154.311 524 155.546 234 135.186 334 149.847 434 152.498 534 153.776 244 135.578 344 149.203 444 151.848 544 153.104 216 133.66 316 153.122 416 157.823 516 158.845 226 133.873 326 152.294 426 154.528 526 156.224 236 135.647 336 149.055 436 151.631 536 152.902 246 136.242 346 148.082 446 150.72 546 151.923 218 133.518 318 153.551 418 158.928 518 159.814 228 133.65 328 152.537 428 154.579 528 156.291 238 135.89 338 148.677 438 151.189 538 152.479 248 136.558 348 147.552 448 150.196 548 151.371 5 158.252 10 153.559 15 153.559 260 136.743 360 143.455 262 135.101 362 139.667 264 133.48 364 136.153 266 131.921 366 132.895 460 145.673 462 141.365 464 137.342 466 133.604 562 142.239 564 138.376 566 133.542 660 147.191 662 143.196 664 137.806 666 133.419 160 127.828 162 119.424 164 111.287 166 104.958 760 151.61 762 146.49 764 141.533 766 136.727 768 132.065 170 102.61 172 130.878 270 131.173 370 131.35 470 131.834 570 132.111 670 131.464 770 130.222 100 132.782 110 132.782 115 132.782 120 132.78 700 155.599 152 132.778 154 132.101 752 155.596 754 154.212 252 137.409 352 146.189 452 148.996 552 149.614 254 137.546 354 145.482 454 148.084 554 145.05 556 145.048 558 145.048 652 150.298 654 150.298 656 150.294 658 148.5 200 133.39 300 154.348 400 333.696 500 333.978 240 134.517 340 151.025 440 153.918 540 155.175
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Two Standard Waste Box Payload with 100 ºF Ambient and Full Solar, Uniformly Distributed Decay Heat Load in Both SWBs (Case 4)
l----------- Decay Heat (watts) -----------l Location 0 10 20 30 40
====================================== ======== ======== ======== ======== ==
Maximum Standard Waste Box Centerline: 128.10 158.11 185.59 211.54 238.95 Average Standard Waste Box Centerline: 126.22 156.67 184.36 210.21 237.51 Maximum Standard Waste Box Wall: 128.34 133.72 139.62 144.31 150.37 Average Standard Waste Box Wall: 126.22 132.19 138.35 142.69 148.47 Maximum ICV Wall: 128.47 133.60 139.14 142.54 148.18 Average ICV Wall: 126.18 131.62 137.29 141.09 146.40 Minimum ICV Wall: 122.28 128.04 133.90 138.33 143.91 Average ICV Air: 126.20 131.92 137.86 141.96 147.52 Maximum ICV O-ring Seal: 128.47 133.38 138.64 141.30 146.04 Maximum OCV Wall: 128.77 133.42 138.70 142.08 147.55 Maximum OCV O-ring Seal: 128.77 132.56 136.73 139.00 142.79 Maximum Polyurethane Foam: 154.93 154.93 154.93 154.93 154.93 Maximum OCA Outer Shell: 154.93 154.93 154.93 154.93 154.93
Area of Each Node (ft^2)
Standard Waste Box ICV Wall (Node) (Area) (Node) (Area) 208: 50.80244 152: 28.96573 308: 50.80244 252: 27.42553 408: 50.80244 352: 30.20783 508: 50.80244 452: 25.83564
-------- 552: 14.70644 Total: 203.2097 652: 16.29633 752: 28.96573 Total: 172.4032
NOTE: Average temperatures are area-weighted based on the above nodal areas CASE 4 - ALL DECAY HEAT EQUALLY IN BOTH STANDARD WASTE BOXES (FULL SOLAR LOAD)
DECAY HEAT = 0 WATTS 201 123.572 301 126.011 401 127.2 501 128.098 203 123.498 303 126.084 403 127.173 503 128.125 205 123.405 305 126.178 405 127.138 505 128.159 207 123.277 307 126.307 407 121.09 507 128.207 208 122.907 308 126.677 408 126.953 508 128.344 260 125.17 360 127.127 262 126.986 362 128.317 264 128.671 364 129.445 266 130.232 366 130.506 460 128.167 462 129.019 464 129.833 466 130.599 562 129.237 564 129.891 566 130.692 660 128.829 662 129.384 664 130.132 666 130.748 160 118.947 162 113.367 164 107.965 166 103.764 760 128.613 762 128.914 764 129.207 766 129.489 768 129.763 170 102.205 172 130.86 270 130.971 370 131.012 470 130.964 570 130.929 670 131.023 770 129.872 120 122.279 700 128.382 152 122.278 154 121.784 752 128.382 754 128.46 252 123.95 352 126.466 452 127.44 552 128.313 254 124.2 354 126.511 454 127.602 554 128.766 556 128.767 558 128.767 652 128.471 654 128.471 656 128.472 658 128.647 200 123.572 300 126.011 400 127.2 500 128.098
DECAY HEAT = 10 WATTS 201 151.183 301 153.838 401 154.871 501 155.22 203 148.256 303 151.071 403 152.014 503 152.384 205 144.827 305 147.846 405 148.673 505 149.069 207 140.443 307 143.744 407 144.412 507 144.844 208 128.863 308 132.974 408 133.184 508 133.721 260 129.896 360 131.923 262 130.278 362 131.656 264 130.615 364 131.421 266 130.916 366 131.209 460 132.537 462 132.107 464 131.71 466 131.344 562 132.265 564 131.863 566 131.355 660 132.932 662 132.472 664 131.851 666 131.347 160 123.776 162 116.661 164 109.772 166 104.414 760 133.046 762 132.303 764 131.582 766 130.884 768 130.207 170 102.426 172 130.868 270 131.056 370 131.11 470 131.172 570 131.204 670 131.123 770 129.939 120 128.039 700 133.604 152 128.037 154 127.392 752 133.604 754 133.424 252 129.567 352 132.212 452 132.872 552 133.203 254 129.677 354 132.076 454 132.764 554 132.559 556 132.559 558 132.559 652 133.384 654 133.384 656 133.384 658 133.082 200 154.072 300 156.727 400 157.76 500 158.109
DECAY HEAT = 20 WATTS 201 178.84 301 181.775 401 182.697 501 182.558 203 173.099 303 176.211 403 177.049 503 176.902 205 166.344 305 169.682 405 170.412 505 170.254 207 157.71 307 161.358 407 161.94 507 161.768 208 134.923 308 139.465 408 139.622 508 139.407 260 134.737 360 136.899 262 133.652 362 135.122 264 132.607 364 133.471 266 131.617 366 131.939 460 137.167 462 135.379 464 133.701 466 132.137 562 135.594 564 134.029 566 132.081 660 137.349 662 135.797 664 133.702 666 131.994 160 128.692 162 120.012 164 111.609 166 105.074 760 137.757 762 135.903 764 134.108 766 132.367 768 130.679 170 102.649 172 130.877 270 131.143 370 131.213 470 131.396 570 131.506 670 131.232 770 130.012 120 133.902 700 139.142 152 133.899 154 133.104 752 139.141 754 138.7 252 135.314 352 138.166 452 138.568 552 138.416 254 135.287 354 137.848 454 138.2 554 136.729 556 136.728 558 136.728 652 138.635 654 138.634 656 138.633 658 137.158 200 181.729 300 184.664 400 185.586 500 185.447
DECAY HEAT = 30 WATTS 201 205.01 301 208.058 401 208.648 501 207.562 203 196.461 303 199.693 403 200.223 503 199.072 205 186.388 305 189.853 405 190.308 505 189.074 207 173.513 307 177.3 407 177.652 507 176.303 208 139.545 308 144.26 408 144.313 508 142.633 260 138.394 360 140.541 262 136.199 362 137.655 264 134.111 364 134.968 266 132.145 366 132.471 460 140.234 462 137.544 464 135.013 466 132.649 562 137.403 564 135.203 566 132.474 660 139.643 662 137.524 664 134.666 666 132.331 160 132.408 162 122.546 164 112.998 166 105.571 760 140.354 762 137.888 764 135.5 766 133.185 768 130.939 170 102.816 172 130.883 270 131.21 370 131.286 470 131.528 570 131.669 670 131.289 770 130.051 120 138.331 700 142.2 152 138.328 154 137.422 752 142.198 754 141.607 252 139.663 352 142.537 452 142.5 552 141.353 254 139.526 354 142.077 454 141.902 554 138.998 556 138.996 558 138.996 652 141.295 654 141.295 656 141.293 658 140.337 200 207.9 300 210.947 400 211.537 500 210.452
DECAY HEAT = 40 WATTS 201 232.357 301 235.628 401 236.064 501 234.426 203 220.995 303 224.464 403 224.851 503 223.114 205 207.599 305 211.319 405 211.643 505 209.78 207 190.475 307 194.541 407 194.779 507 192.744 208 145.308 308 150.37 408 150.359 508 147.825 260 143.011 360 145.26 262 139.417 362 140.941 264 136.011 364 136.911 266 132.814 366 133.162 460 144.565 462 140.604 464 136.873 466 133.388 562 140.432 564 137.173 566 133.135 660 143.652 662 140.543 664 136.348 666 132.918 160 137.091 162 125.738 164 114.746 166 106.196 760 144.667 762 141.185 764 137.812 766 134.543 768 131.371 170 103.025 172 130.891 270 131.293 370 131.383 470 131.734 570 131.943 670 131.388 770 130.117 120 143.909 700 147.258 152 143.906 154 142.863 752 147.257 754 146.436 252 145.142 352 148.179 452 147.855 552 146.114 254 144.878 354 147.552 454 147.01 554 142.792 556 142.789 558 142.789 652 146.037 654 146.036 656 146.034 658 144.671 200 235.246 300 238.517 400 238.953 500 237.316
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Two Standard Waste Box Payload with 100 ºF Ambient and Full Solar, Uniformly Distributed Decay Heat Load in Top SWB (Case 5)
l----------- Decay Heat (watts) -----------l Location 0 10 20 30 40
====================================== ======== ======== ======== ======== ==
Maximum Standard Waste Box Centerline: 128.10 181.19 229.28 278.88 328.25 Average Standard Waste Box Centerline: 126.22 155.34 181.39 208.59 235.74 Maximum Standard Waste Box Wall: 128.34 135.53 140.58 147.22 153.60 Average Standard Waste Box Wall: 126.22 132.34 136.87 142.55 148.18 Maximum ICV Wall: 128.47 135.33 140.17 146.61 152.83 Average ICV Wall: 126.18 131.78 135.78 140.97 146.14 Minimum ICV Wall: 122.28 126.58 129.68 133.64 137.91 Average ICV Air: 126.20 132.08 136.37 141.82 147.24 Maximum ICV O-ring Seal: 128.47 134.90 139.00 144.87 150.44 Maximum OCV Wall: 128.77 135.06 139.64 145.77 151.70 Maximum OCV O-ring Seal: 128.77 133.49 136.54 140.85 144.85 Maximum Polyurethane Foam: 154.93 154.93 154.93 154.93 154.93 Maximum OCA Outer Shell: 154.93 154.93 154.93 154.93 154.93
Area of Each Node (ft^2)
Standard Waste Box ICV Wall (Node) (Area) (Node) (Area) 208: 50.80244 152: 28.96573 308: 50.80244 252: 27.42553 408: 50.80244 352: 30.20783 508: 50.80244 452: 25.83564
-------- 552: 14.70644 Total: 203.2097 652: 16.29633 752: 28.96573 Total: 172.4032
NOTE: Average temperatures are area-weighted based on the above nodal areas CASE 5 - ALL DECAY HEAT IN TOP STANDARD WASTE BOX (FULL SOLAR LOAD)
DECAY HEAT = 0 WATTS 201 123.572 301 126.011 401 127.2 501 128.098 203 123.498 303 126.084 403 127.173 503 128.125 205 123.405 305 126.178 405 127.138 505 128.159 207 123.277 307 126.307 407 127.09 507 128.207 208 122.907 308 126.677 408 126.953 508 128.344 260 125.17 360 127.127 262 126.986 362 128.317 264 128.671 364 129.445 266 130.232 366 130.506 460 128.167 462 129.019 464 129.833 466 130.599 562 129.237 564 129.891 566 130.692 660 128.829 662 129.384 664 130.132 666 130.748 160 118.947 162 113.367 164 107.965 166 103.764 760 128.613 762 128.914 764 129.207 766 129.489 768 129.763 170 102.205 172 130.86 270 130.971 370 131.012 470 130.964 570 130.929 670 131.023 770 129.872 120 122.279 700 128.382 152 122.278 154 121.784 752 128.382 754 128.46 252 123.95 352 126.466 452 127.44 552 128.313 254 124.2 354 126.511 454 127.602 554 128.766 556 128.767 558 128.767 652 128.471 654 128.471 656 128.472 658 128.647 200 123.572 300 126.011 400 127.2 500 128.098
DECAY HEAT = 10 WATTS 201 128.311 301 131.937 401 177.031 501 178.295 203 128.201 303 132.046 403 171.341 503 172.682 205 128.062 305 132.185 405 164.651 505 166.088 207 127.87 307 132.376 407 156.105 507 157.676 208 127.318 308 132.927 408 133.572 508 135.528 260 128.973 360 131.782 262 129.644 362 131.557 264 130.243 364 131.363 266 130.785 366 131.19 460 133.045 462 132.463 464 131.93 466 131.443 562 133.01 564 132.354 566 131.52 660 134.145 662 133.383 664 132.354 666 131.522 160 122.557 162 115.829 164 109.316 166 104.25 760 134.503 762 133.416 764 132.364 766 131.343 768 130.353 170 102.371 172 130.866 270 131.038 370 131.109 470 131.213 570 131.273 670 131.151 770 129.962 120 126.577 700 135.329 152 126.575 154 125.976 752 135.329 754 135.056 252 128.409 352 132.061 452 133.372 552 134.483 254 128.596 354 131.914 454 133.267 554 133.491 556 133.492 558 133.491 652 134.897 654 134.897 656 134.896 658 134.394 200 128.311 300 131.937 400 179.921 500 181.185
DECAY HEAT = 20 WATTS 201 131.8 301 136.438 401 225.155 501 226.392 203 131.661 303 136.577 403 213.855 503 215.167 205 131.483 305 136.755 405 200.537 505 201.944 207 131.237 307 137 407 183.521 507 185.059 208 130.531 308 137.705 408 138.664 508 140.578 260 131.774 360 135.293 262 131.603 362 133.998 264 131.403 364 132.805 266 131.192 366 131.703 460 136.555 462 134.939 464 133.434 466 132.04 562 135.441 564 133.94 566 132.053 660 137.574 662 135.962 664 133.788 666 132.02 160 125.168 162 117.61 164 110.293 166 104.601 760 138.595 762 136.543 764 134.557 766 132.631 768 130.763 170 102.49 172 130.871 270 131.088 370 131.181 470 131.38 570 131.494 670 131.233 770 130.024 120 129.684 700 140.167 152 129.681 154 129.01 752 140.166 754 139.638 252 131.687 352 136.295 452 137.762 552 138.641 254 131.832 354 135.992 454 137.419 554 136.537 556 136.536 558 136.536 652 139 654 139 656 138.999 658 138.102 200 131.8 300 136.438 400 228.044 500 229.281
DECAY HEAT = 20 WATTS 201 136.179 301 141.954 401 274.449 501 275.989 203 136.004 303 142.128 403 257.529 503 259.162 205 135.782 305 142.35 405 237.571 505 239.321 207 135.478 307 142.654 407 212.068 507 213.98 208 134.599 308 143.533 408 144.835 508 147.215 260 135.297 360 139.657 262 134.067 362 137.035 264 132.861 364 134.601 266 131.704 366 132.343 460 141.095 462 138.143 464 135.385 466 132.821 562 138.882 564 136.186 566 132.807 660 142.451 662 139.63 664 135.825 666 132.729 160 128.493 162 119.877 164 111.535 166 105.047 760 144.011 762 140.728 764 137.492 766 134.355 768 131.311 170 102.64 172 130.877 270 131.15 370 131.272 470 131.608 570 131.807 670 131.35 770 130.108 120 133.64 700 146.608 152 133.638 154 132.873 752 146.606 754 145.769 252 135.814 352 141.54 452 143.304 552 144.319 254 135.904 354 141.058 454 142.709 554 140.846 556 140.845 958 140.844 652 144.872 654 144.871 656 144.869 658 143.375 200 136.179 300 141.954 400 277.338 500 278.878
DECAY HEAT = 20 WATTS 201 140.767 301 147.462 401 323.611 501 325.357 203 140.565 303 147.664 403 301.075 503 302.926 205 140.307 305 147.921 405 274.48 505 276.465 207 139.953 307 143.274 407 240.495 507 242.664 208 138.933 308 149.292 408 150.9 508 153.601 260 138.98 360 144.019 262 136.641 362 140.071 264 134.382 364 136.396 266 132.239 366 132.982 460 145.493 462 141.246 464 137.272 466 133.574 562 142.076 564 138.273 566 133.505 660 147.07 662 143.104 664 137.753 666 133.4 160 132.079 162 122.322 164 112.875 166 105.527 760 149.366 762 144.775 764 140.33 766 136.021 768 131.841 170 102.802 172 130.883 270 131.215 370 131.362 470 131.823 570 132.097 670 131.46 770 130.188 120 137.909 700 152.832 152 137.907 154 137.039 752 152.83 754 151.699 252 140.139 352 146.774 452 148.723 552 149.738 254 140.164 354 146.121 454 147.87 554 144.846 556 144.844 558 144.844 652 150.438 654 150.438 656 150.434 658 148.37 200 140.767 300 147.462 400 326.501 500 328.247
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Fourteen 55-Gallon Drum Payload with 100 ºF Ambient and No Solar, 40 Watts Uniform Decay Heat Load 40 WATTS DECAY HEAT (NO SOLAR LOAD)
Two Top All Center Center Drums Drums Drums Location (Case 1) (Case 2) (Case 3)
============================= ======== ======== ==
Maximum Center Drum Centerline: 140.90 219.64 308.36 Average Center Drum Centerline: 137.55 215.37 214.15 Maximum Center Drum Wall: 128.22 133.63 136.79 Average Center Drum Wall: 124.87 129.35 128.37 Maximum Outer Drum Centerline: 139.03 127.48 127.63 Average Outer Drum Centerline: 136.32 124.35 123.36 Maximum Outer Drum Wall: 128.14 131.27 132.99 Average Outer Drum Wall: 123.74 124.04 123.06 Average Drum Centerline: 136.50 137.35 136.33 Average Drum Wall: 123.90 124.80 123.82 Maximum ICV Wall: 123.14 122.84 127.60 Average ICV Wall: 120.72 120.79 119.81 Minimum ICV Wall: 117.52 117.20 112.57 Average ICV Air: 122.78 123.39 122.41 Maximum ICV O-ring Seal: 117.52 117.20 122.11 Maximum OCV Wall: 122.35 122.20 126.03 Maximum OCV O-ring Seal: 114.25 114.02 116.50 Maximum Polyurethane Foam: 122.35 122.20 126.03 Maximum OCA Outer Shell: 101.96 101.93 102.26
Area of Each Node (ft^2)
Center Drum Outer Drums ICV Wall (Node) (Area) (Node) (Area) (Node) (Area) 208: 11.35145 218: 11.35145 152: 28.96573 308: 11.35145 228: 22.70291 252: 27.42553 408: 11.35145 238: 22.70291 352: 30.20783 508: 11.35145 248: 11.35145 452: 25.83564
-------- 318: 11.35145 552: 14.70644 Total: 45.40583 328: 22.70291 652: 16.29633 338: 22.70291 752: 28.96573 348: 11.35145 ------ --------
418: 11.35145 Total: 172.4032 428: 22.70291 438: 22.70291 448: 11.35145 518: 11.35145 528: 22.70291 538: 22.70291 548: 11.35145 Total: 272.4349
NOTE: Average temperatures are area-weighted based on the above nodal areas 3.6.1-14
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 40 WATTS DECAY HEAT (NO SOLAR LOAD)
CASE 1 - ALL DECAY HEAT EQUALLY IN ALL DRUMS 202 135.663 302 140.53 402 140.292 502 132.215 204 132.976 304 137.843 404 137.604 504 129.527 206 127.871 306 132.738 406 132.5 506 124.423 208 123.354 308 128.221 408 127.982 508 119.906 212 135.4 312 138.796 412 138.473 512 131.524 222 135.384 322 138.655 422 138.296 522 131.472 232 135.403 332 138.535 432 137.926 532 131.536 242 135.411 342 138.454 442 137.75 542 131.541 214 132.844 314 136.675 414 136.485 514 129.083 224 132.671 324 135.913 424 135.967 524 128.576 234 132.81 334 135.784 434 134.865 534 129.011 244 132.822 344 135.464 444 134.379 544 128.92 216 127.934 316 132.297 416 132.03 516 124.408 226 127.47 326 131.507 426 131.176 526 123.874 236 121.811 336 130.637 436 129.283 536 124.14 246 127.796 346 129.926 446 128.509 546 123.779 218 123.548 318 128.144 418 127.858 518 120.114 228 122.865 328 127.186 428 126.839 528 119.464 238 123.355 338 125.801 438 124.521 538 119.434 248 123.304 348 125.159 448 123.615 548 119.2 5 128.102 10 127.012 15 127.012 260 118.656 360 119.323 262 113.14 362 113.615 264 107.945 364 108.276 266 103.086 366 103.303 460 117.061 462 112.3 464 107.801 466 103.59 562 111.573 564 107.858 566 103.293 660 114.836 662 111.337 664 106.614 666 102.741 160 118.491 162 112.692 164 107.078 166 102.711 760 115.653 762 112.066 764 108.592 766 105.226 768 101.959 170 101.091 172 100.139 270 100.777 370 100.941 470 101.592 570 101.955 670 101.009 770 100.668 100 122.027 110 122.026 115 122.025 120 122.024 700 118.373 152 122.022 154 121.438 752 118.372 754 117.476 252 122.074 352 123.137 452 121.213 552 117.971 254 121.544 354 122.345 454 120.131 554 114.25 556 114.246 558 114.247 652 117.521 654 117.519 656 117.517 658 115.984 200 136.034 300 140.901 400 140.662 500 132.585 240 135.755 340 139.025 440 138.667 540 131.842
CASE 2 - ALL DECAY HEAT IN TOP AND BOTTOM CENTER DRUMS 202 212.445 302 219.271 402 219.031 502 209.232 204 193.965 304 200.79 404 200.551 504 190.752 206 158.376 306 165.201 406 164.962 506 155.163 208 126.803 308 133.629 408 133.39 508 123.59 212 123.453 312 127.817 412 127.305 512 119.891 222 123.295 322 127.479 422 126.929 522 119.699 232 123.075 332 126.94 432 126.242 532 119.418 242 122.981 342 126.701 442 125.933 542 119.296 214 124.059 314 129.078 414 128.701 514 120.616 224 123.408 324 127.811 424 127.462 524 119.846 234 122.813 334 126.288 434 125.421 534 119.081 244 122.602 344 125.694 444 124.64 544 118.788 216 124.79 316 130.491 416 130.159 516 121.467 226 123.443 326 128.42 426 127.911 526 120.108 236 122.529 336 125.541 436 124.456 536 118.705 246 122.236 346 124.661 446 123.307 546 118.276 218 125.23 318 131.271 418 130.978 518 121.951 228 123.426 328 128.499 428 128.151 528 120.111 238 122.386 338 125.182 438 123.959 538 118.523 248 122.067 348 124.174 448 122.679 548 118.036 5 133.509 10 128.325 15 128.325 260 118.315 360 119.036 262 112.901 362 113.412 264 107.801 364 108.153 266 103.031 366 103.254 460 116.811 462 112.12 464 107.687 466 103.537 562 111.385 564 107.734 566 103.243 660 114.653 662 111.197 664 106.532 666 102.708 160 119.148 162 113.142 164 107.328 166 102.806 760 116.468 762 112.693 764 109.038 766 105.494 768 102.057 170 101.128 172 100.139 270 100.764 370 100.928 470 101.569 570 101.927 670 100.997 770 100.698 100 122.849 110 122.841 115 122.841 120 122.84 700 119.404 152 122.837 154 122.201 752 119.402 754 118.387 252 121.623 352 122.799 452 120.912 552 117.599 254 121.15 354 122.013 454 119.842 554 114.019 556 114.014 558 114.015 652 117.203 654 117.202 656 117.2 658 115.787 200 212.816 300 219.641 400 219.402 500 209.603 240 123.295 340 127.479 440 126.929 540 119.699
CASE 3 - ALL DECAY HEAT IN TOP CENTER DRUM 202 112.826 302 128.552 402 307.986 502 306.5 204 112.826 304 128.552 404 271.08 504 269.594 206 112.826 306 128.552 406 199.926 506 198.44 208 112.826 308 128.552 408 136.789 508 135.304 212 113.241 312 125.392 412 128.085 512 127.82 222 113.29 322 125.138 422 127.625 522 127.401 232 113.414 332 124.632 432 126.902 532 126.759 242 113.472 342 124.397 442 126.588 542 126.476 214 113.07 314 126.307 414 129.829 514 129.389 224 113.164 324 125.548 424 128.084 524 127.772 234 113.562 334 124.015 434 126.043 534 125.983 244 113.724 344 123.391 444 125.292 544 125.292 216 112.941 316 127.186 416 131.821 516 131.185 226 113.028 326 126.334 426 128.363 526 128.444 236 113.749 336 123.266 436 125.074 536 125.105 246 113.997 346 122.313 446 124.001 546 124.086 218 112.884 318 127.613 418 132.992 518 132.191 228 112.937 328 126.558 428 128.452 528 128.501 238 113.846 338 122.91 438 124.58 538 124.681 248 114.127 348 121.802 448 123.397 548 123.52 5 132.686 10 127.506 15 127.506 260 112.524 360 116.855 262 108.879 362 111.878 264 105.4 364 107.233 266 102.121 366 102.908 460 117.787 462 112.811 464 108.147 466 103.805 562 113.402 564 109.134 566 103.824 660 118.609 662 114.192 664 108.233 666 103.372 160 110.605 162 107.285 164 104.07 166 101.57 760 123.309 762 117.958 764 112.776 766 107.753 768 102.88 170 100.643 172 100.096 270 100.557 370 100.854 470 101.75 570 102.262 670 101.201 770 100.954 100 112.574 110 112.574 115 112.574 120 112.573 700 127.601 152 112.572 154 112.292 752 127.598 754 126.029 252 114.529 352 120.275 452 121.765 552 121.605 254 114.398 354 119.497 454 120.678 554 116.498 556 116.495 558 116.495 652 122.113 654 122.113 656 122.109 658 120.057 200 112.826 300 128.552 400 308.356 500 306.871 240 113.29 340 125.138 440 127.625 540 127.401
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Two Standard Waste Box Payload with 100 ºF Ambient and No Solar, 40 Watts Uniform Decay Heat Load 40 WATTS DECAY HEAT (NO SOLAR LOAD)
Both Top SWBs SWB Location (Case 4) (Case 5)
====================================== ======== ==
Maximum Standard Waste Box Centerline: 212.98 300.43 Average Standard Waste Box Centerline: 211.70 209.63 Maximum Standard Waste Box Wall: 124.20 125.52 Average Standard Waste Box Wall: 122.66 122.07 Maximum ICV Wall: 121.97 124.59 Average ICV Wall: 120.45 119.87 Minimum ICV Wall: 117.70 115.14 Average ICV Air: 121.64 121.06 Maximum ICV O-ring Seal: 117.70 121.88 Maximum OCV Wall: 121.28 123.30 Maximum OCV O-ring Seal: 114.14 116.32 Maximum Polyurethane Foam: 121.28 123.30 Maximum OCA Outer Shell: 101.94 102.24
Area of Each Node (ft^2)
Standard Waste Box ICV Wall (Node) (Area) (Node) (Area) 208: 50.80244 152: 28.96573 308: 50.80244 252: 27.42553 408: 50.80244 352: 30.20783 508: 50.80244 452: 25.83564
-------- 552: 14.70644 Total: 203.2097 652: 16.29633 752: 28.96573 NOTE: Average temperatures are
-------- area-weighted based on Total: 172.4032 the above nodal areas
CASE 4 - ALL DECAY HEAT EQUALLY IN BOTH STANDARD WASTE BOXES 201 209.134 301 210.09 401 209.337 501 206.667 203 197.843 303 198.857 403 198.155 503 195.324 205 184.536 305 185.623 405 184.986 505 181.951 207 167.536 307 168.724 407 168.177 507 164.86 208 122.722 308 124.2 408 123.914 508 119.785 260 118.133 360 118.406 262 112.768 362 112.981 264 107.719 364 107.899 266 102.999 366 103.159 460 116.635 462 111.993 464 107.611 466 103.513 562 111.48 564 107.803 566 103.273 660 114.95 662 111.42 664 106.657 666 102.754 160 118.352 162 112.597 164 107.025 166 102.691 760 116.235 762 112.514 764 108.911 766 105.418 768 102.029 170 101.083 172 100.136 270 100.756 370 100.907 470 101.569 570 101.944 670 101.009 770 100.69 120 121.871 700 119.091 152 121.869 154 121.277 752 119.089 754 118.127 252 121.476 352 121.971 452 120.628 552 118.005 254 120.947 354 121.271 454 119.581 554 114.135 556 114.131 558 114.131 652 117.697 654 117.696 656 117.693 658 116.107 200 212.024 300 212.98 400 212.226 500 209.556
CASE 5 - ALL DECAY HEAT IN TOP STANDARD WASTE BOX 201 116.913 301 121.566 401 296.737 501 297.538 203 116.773 303 121.707 403 274.229 503 275.079 205 116.594 305 121.886 405 247.671 505 248.582 207 116.349 307 122.131 407 213.735 507 214.731 208 115.641 308 122.839 408 124.285 508 125.523 260 113.676 360 116.904 262 109.674 362 111.922 264 105.873 364 107.264 266 102.3 366 102.922 460 117.52 462 112.625 464 108.032 466 103.755 562 113.261 564 109.033 566 103.781 660 118.255 662 113.925 664 108.081 666 103.312 160 112.735 162 108.746 164 104.884 166 101.88 760 120.863 762 116.076 764 111.441 766 106.948 768 102.589 170 100.765 172 100.106 270 100.597 370 100.859 470 101.73 570 102.237 670 101.182 770 100.865 120 115.145 700 124.589 152 115.143 154 114.763 752 124.587 754 123.295 252 115.959 352 120.259 452 121.381 552 121.507 254 115.748 354 119.541 454 120.347 554 116.324 556 116.322 558 116.321 652 121.881 654 121.88 656 121.877 658 119.675 200 116.913 300 121.566 400 299.627 500 300.427
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 3.6.2 Thermal Model Details Convection Coefficient Calculation Heat transfer coefficients from the OCA outer surface are calculated as follows. From Principles of Heat Transfer 1, the convective heat transfer coefficient, h, is:
k h = Nu Btu/hr-in2-°F L
where k is the conductivity of gas at film temperature (Btu/hr-in-°F) and L is the effective length of the vertical surface or cylinder diameter for the horizontal surface.
The Nusselt number, Nu, for horizontally heated surfaces facing upward is:
Nu = 0.54(Gr Pr)1 4 for 105 < GrPr < 2x107 Nu = 0.14(Gr Pr)1 3 for 2x107 < GrPr < 3x1010 and, for horizontally heated surfaces facing downward:
Nu = 0.27(Gr Pr)1 4 for 3x105 < GrPr < 3x1010 The Nusselt number, Nu, for vertically heated surfaces is:
Nu = 0.555(Gr Pr)1 4 for 10 < GrPr < 109 For both horizontally and vertically heated surfaces, the Grashof number, Gr, is:
gTL3 Gr =
2 where g is the gravitational acceleration constant (in/s2), is the gas coefficient of thermal expansion (ºF-1), where = (Tabs)-1 for an ideal gas, T is the differential temperature (ºF), where T = lTwall - Tl, is the kinematic viscosity of gas at the film temperature (in2/s), and Pr is the Prandtl number. Note that k, Gr, and Pr are each a function of air temperature as taken from Table A-3 of Principles of Heat Transfer1.
1 Frank Kreith, Principles of Heat Transfer, InText Press, Inc., New York, 1973, pp396-398.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Polyethylene Plastic Wrap Transmittance Calculation As many as 18 layers of the optional, 0.002-inch thick, polyethylene plastic wrap is used to restrain the payload drums during transport. Data on the transmittance of polyethylene is available from Figure 659 of Thermophysical Properties of Matter 2. Assuming a plastic wrap temperature of 200 ºF to 250 ºF, Curve 1 through Curve 4 from Figure 659 of Thermophysical Properties of Matter are applicable. Wiens displacement law states:
max T =5215.6 µm-ºR Thus, at 250 ºF, the wavelength of maximum intensity is:
5215.6 max = =7.436 µm (250 + 460)
The number of wraps is of secondary importance to the overall transmittance, since the first few layers perform essentially all of the filtering. The maximum monochromatic radiation is near 10
µm, and since the low end of the transmittance curves is near = 0.75, an overall transmittance of 0.75 is applicable.
2 Y.S. Touloukian and C.Y. Ho, Editors, Thermophysical Properties of Matter, Thermophysical Properties Research Center (TPRC) Data Series, Purdue University, 1970, IFI/Plenum, New York.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 4.0 CONTAINMENT 4.1 Containment Boundary 4.1.1 Containment Vessel One level of containment and an optional secondary level of confinement are established within the TRUPACT-II package. In general, the containment and confinement vessels are constructed primarily of ASTM A240, Type 304, austenitic stainless steel. The exceptions to the use of ASTM A240, Type 304, stainless steel are so noted in the following detailed descriptions. Outer Confinement Assembly (Secondary Confinement)
The confinement boundary of the outer confinement vessel (OCV), provided as part of the outer confinement assembly (OCA), consists of the inner stainless steel vessel comprised of a mating lid and body, plus the uppermost (innermost) of two optional main O-ring seals between them.
In addition, the confinement boundary includes an ASTM B16, Alloy 360, brass OCV vent port plug with a mating optional O-ring seal. A more detailed description of the OCV confinement boundary is provided in Section, Outer Confinement Assembly (OCA), and in Appendix 1.3.1, Packaging General Arrangement Drawings.
The non-stainless steel components utilized in the OCV confinement boundary are the optional upper O-ring seal, the brass vent port plug, and the optional O-ring seal on the vent port plug. Inner Containment Vessel (Primary Containment)
The containment boundary of the inner containment vessel (ICV) consists of a stainless steel vessel comprised of a mating lid and body, plus the uppermost (innermost) of the two main O-ring seals between them. In addition, the containment boundary includes an ASTM B16, Alloy 360, brass ICV outer vent port plug with a mating butyl O-ring seal. A more detailed description of the ICV containment boundary is provided in Section, Inner Containment Vessel (ICV) Assembly, and in Appendix 1.3.1, Packaging General Arrangement Drawings.
The non-stainless steel components utilized in the ICV containment boundary are the upper (inner) butyl O-ring seal, the brass outer vent port plug, and the butyl O-ring seal on the vent port plug.
4.1.2 Containment Penetrations The only containment and confinement boundary penetrations into the ICV containment and OCV confinement vessels are the lids themselves, and their corresponding vent ports. Each penetration is designed to demonstrate leaktight sealing integrity, i.e., a leakage rate not to exceed 1 x 10-7 standard cubic centimeters per second (scc/sec), air, as defined in ANSI N14.5 1.
1 ANSI N14.5-1997, American National Standard for Radioactive Materials - Leakage Tests on Packages for Shipment, American National Standards Institute, Inc. (ANSI).
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 4.1.3 Seals and Welds Seals Seals affecting containment and confinement are described above. A summary of seal testing prior to first use, during routine maintenance, and upon assembly for transportation is as follows. Fabrication Leakage Rate Tests During fabrication and following the pressure testing per Section, Pressure Testing, the ICV (primary containment) shall be leakage rate tested as delineated in Section 8.1.3, Fabrication Leakage Rate Tests. The fabrication leakage rate tests are consistent with the guidelines of Section 7.3 of ANSI N14.5. This leakage rate test verifies the containment integrity of the TRUPACT-II packages ICV to a leakage rate not to exceed 1 x 10-7 scc/sec, air.
The OCV (secondary confinement) may optionally be leakage rate tested as delineated in Section 8.1.3, Fabrication Leakage Rate Tests. Maintenance/Periodic Leakage Rate Tests Annually, or at the time of damaged containment seal replacement or sealing surface repair, the ICV O-ring containment seals shall be leakage rate tested as delineated in Section 8.2.2, Maintenance/Periodic Leakage Rate Tests. The maintenance/periodic leakage rate tests are consistent with the guidelines of Sections 7.4 and 7.5 of ANSI N14.5. This test verifies the sealing integrity of the TRUPACT-II packages ICV lid and vent port containment seals to a leakage rate not to exceed 1 x 10-7 scc/sec, air. The OCV O-ring confinement seals may optionally be leakage rate tested as delineated in Section 8.2.2, Maintenance/Periodic Leakage Rate Tests. Preshipment Leakage Rate Tests Prior to shipment of the loaded TRUPACT-II package, the main O-ring seal and outer vent port plug O-ring seal for the ICV shall be leakage rate tested per Section 7.4, Preshipment Leakage Rate Test. The preshipment leakage rate tests are consistent with the guidelines of Section 7.6 of ANSI N14.5. This test verifies the sealing integrity of the TRUPACT-II packages ICV lid and vent port containment seals to a leakage rate sensitivity of 1 x 10-3 scc/sec, air, or less. The main O-ring seal and vent port plug O-ring seal for the OCV may optionally be leakage rate tested per Section 7.4, Preshipment Leakage Rate Test.
As an option, the maintenance/periodic leakage rate tests, delineated in Section 8.2.2, Maintenance/Periodic Leakage Rate Tests, may be performed in lieu of the preshipment leakage rate tests. Welds All containment vessel body welds are full penetration welds that have been radiographed to ensure structural and containment integrity. Non-radiographed, safety related welds such as those that attach the ICV vent port insert to its containment shell are examined using liquid penetrant testing on the final pass or both the root and final passes, as applicable. All containment (and, optionally, confinement) boundary welds are confirmed to be leaktight as delineated in Section 8.1.3, Fabrication Leakage Rate Tests.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 4.1.4 Closure Outer Confinement Assembly (OCA) Closure With reference to Figure 1.1-1 and Figure 1.1-2 from Section 1.1, Introduction, the OCA lid is secured to the OCA body via an OCV locking ring assembly located at the outer diameter of the OCV upper (lid) and lower (body) seal flanges. The upper end of the OCV locking ring is a continuous ring that mates with the OCV upper seal flange (also a continuous ring). The lower end of the OCV locking ring is comprised of 18 tabs that mate with a corresponding set of 18 tabs on the OCV lower seal flange. The OCV locking ring and OCV upper seal flange are an assembly that normally does not disassemble.
Figure 1.2-1 from Section 1.2, Package Description, illustrates ICV/OCA lid installation in five steps:
- 1. As an option, lightly lubricate the main O-ring seals with vacuum grease and install the main O-ring seals into the O-ring seal grooves located in the OCV lower seal flange.
- 2. Using external alignment stripes as a guide, align the OCA lids OCV locking ring tabs with the OCV lower seal flange tab spaces.
- 3. Install the OCA lid; if necessary, evacuate the OCV cavity through the OCV vent port to fully seat the OCA lid and allow free movement of the OCV locking ring.
- 4. Rotate the OCV locking ring to the locked position, again using external alignment stripes as a guide. The locked position aligns the OCV locking rings tabs with the OCV lower seal flanges tabs. A locking Z-flange is bolted to the bottom end of the OCV locking ring and extends radially outward to the exterior of the TRUPACT-II package. The exterior flange of the locking Z-flange is attached to an outer thermal shield. This Z-flange/thermal shield assembly allows external operation of the OCV locking ring.
- 5. Install six 1/2-inch diameter lock bolts (socket head cap screws) through the outer thermal shield and into the exterior surface of the OCA to secure the OCV locking ring assembly in the locked position. Inner Containment Vessel (ICV) Closure With the exception of the locking Z-flange/outer thermal shield assembly, required use of main O-ring seals, and the use of three rather than six locking ring lock bolts, ICV lid installation is identical to OCA lid installation as described in Section, Outer Confinement Assembly (OCA) Closure.
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TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 4.2 Containment Requirements for Normal Conditions of Transport 4.2.1 Containment of Radioactive Material The results of the normal conditions of transport (NCT) structural and thermal evaluations performed in Section 2.6, Normal Conditions of Transport, and Section 3.4, Thermal Evaluation for Normal Conditions of Transport, respectively, and the results of the full-scale, structural testing presented in Appendix 2.10.3, Certification Tests, verify that there will be no release of radioactive materials per the leaktight definition of ANSI N14.5 1 under any of the NCT tests described in 10 CFR §71.71 2.
4.2.2 Pressurization of Containment Vessel The maximum normal operating pressure (MNOP) of both the OCV and ICV is 50 psig per Section 3.4.4, Maximum Internal Pressure. The design pressure of both the OCV and ICV is 50 psig. Based on the structural evaluations performed in Chapter 2.0, Structural Evaluation, pressure increases to 50 psig will not reduce the effectiveness of the TRUPACT-II package to maintain containment integrity per Section 4.2.1, Containment of Radioactive Material.
4.2.3 Containment Criterion At the completion of fabrication, the ICV shall be leakage rate tested as described in Section, Fabrication Leakage Rate Tests. For annual maintenance, the ICV shall be leakage rate tested as described in Section, Maintenance/Periodic Leakage Rate Tests. In addition, at the time of seal replacement if other than during routine maintenance (e.g., if damage during assembly necessitates seal replacement), maintenance/ periodic leakage rate testing shall be performed for that seal. For verification of proper assembly prior to shipment, the ICV shall be leakage rate tested as described in Section, Preshipment Leakage Rate Tests. The above delineated criterion may optionally be applied to the OCV confinement components.
1 ANSI N14.5-1997, American National Standard for Radioactive Materials - Leakage Tests on Packages for Shipment, American National Standards Institute, Inc. (ANSI).
2 Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 71 (10 CFR 71), Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Material, 01-01-19 Edition.
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TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 4.3 Containment Requirements for Hypothetical Accident Conditions 4.3.1 Fission Gas Products There are no fission gas products in the TRUPACT-II package payload.
4.3.2 Containment of Radioactive Material The results of the hypothetical accident condition (HAC) structural and thermal evaluations performed in Section 2.7, Hypothetical Accident Conditions, and Section 3.5, Thermal Evaluation for Hypothetical Accident Conditions, respectively, and the results of the full-scale, structural and thermal testing presented in Appendix 2.10.3, Certification Tests, verify that there will be no release of radioactive materials per the leaktight definition of ANSI N14.5 1 under any of the HAC tests described in 10 CFR §71.73 2.
4.3.3 Containment Criterion The TRUPACT-II package has been designed, and has been verified by leakage rate testing both prior to and following structural and thermal certification testing as presented in Appendix 2.10.3, Certification Tests, to meet the leaktight definition of ANSI N14.5.
1 ANSI N14.5-1997, American National Standard for Radioactive Materials - Leakage Tests on Packages for Shipment, American National Standards Institute, Inc. (ANSI).
2 Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 71 (10 CFR 71), Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Material, 01-01-19 Edition.
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TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 4.4 Special Requirements 4.4.1 Plutonium Shipments The TRUPACT-II package was designed and structurally and thermally tested as a Type B(U),
double containment package meeting the requirements of 10 CFR §71.63 1 for plutonium shipments. With the revised designation of the outer confinement vessel (OCV) as a secondary confinement boundary when its optional O-ring seals are utilized, the TRUPACT-II package is a Type B(U), single containment package meeting the requirements of 10 CFR §71.63 for plutonium shipments. Both the inner containment vessel (ICV) and OCV are shown on the drawings in Appendix 1.3.1, Packaging General Arrangement Drawings, and described in Section, Outer Confinement Assembly (Secondary Confinement), and Section, Inner Containment Vessel (Primary Containment). Further, the TRUPACT-II package has been designed, and has been verified by leakage rate testing both prior to and following structural and thermal certification testing as presented in Appendix 2.10.3, Certification Tests, to meet the leaktight definition of ANSI N14.5 2.
4.4.2 Interchangeability The TRUPACT-II package is designed and fabricated so that both the OCV lid assembly and the ICV lid assembly are interchangeable between OCV body assemblies and ICV body assemblies, respectively. Each combination of a particular ICV lid assembly and ICV body assembly becomes a containment system that shall be maintained in accordance with Section, Maintenance/Periodic Leakage Rate Tests, and used in accordance with Section, Preshipment Leakage Rate Tests. When the ICV interchangeability option has been exercised, newly combining a lid and a body, measure the axial play per the requirements of Section, Axial Play, to determine acceptability. Each combination of a particular OCV lid assembly and OCV body assembly becomes a confinement system that may optionally be maintained in accordance with Section, Maintenance/Periodic Leakage Rate Tests, and used in accordance with Section, Preshipment Leakage Rate Tests. When the OCV interchangeability option has been exercised, newly combining a lid and a body, optionally measure the axial play per the requirements of Section, Axial Play, to determine acceptability.
1 Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 71 (10 CFR 71), Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Material, 01-01-19 Edition.
2 ANSI N14.5-1997, American National Standard for Radioactive Materials - Leakage Tests on Packages for Shipment, American National Standards Institute, Inc. (ANSI).
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TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 5.0 SHIELDING EVALUATION The analyses in this chapter demonstrate that the TRUPACT-II and HalfPACT packages comply with the requirements of 10 CFR §71.47 1 and §71.51. The analyses show that the dose rate requirements are satisfied when limiting the activity of the TRUPACT-II and HalfPACT package in accordance with the methodology defined in Section 5.5.10, Determination of Acceptable Activity.
The acceptable gamma and/or neutron source term is determined for both the TRUPACT-II and HalfPACT packages when transporting 55-gallon, 85-gallon, and 100-gallon drums, Standard Waste Boxes (SWB), Ten Drum Overpack (TDOP), Criticality Control Overpacks (CCO), 6-in.
Standard Pipe Overpacks (6PO), 12-in. Standard Pipe Overpacks (12PO), and Shielded Containers (i.e., SC-30G1, SC-30G2, SC-30G3, SC-55G1, and SC-55G2), as applicable to the authorized payload containers for each packaging. The evaluations consider both normal conditions of transport (NCT) and hypothetical accident condition (HAC) regulatory dose rate limits under exclusive use requirements.
The 55-gallon, 85-gallon, and 100-gallon drums, SWBs, and TDOP are generically grouped for evaluation due to the commonality of their thin-wall carbon steel construction and corresponding insignificant dose rate attenuation. Separate analyses are performed for the CCOs, 6POs, 12POs, SC-30G1s, SC-30G2s, SC-30G3, SC-55G1s, and SC-55G2 to evaluate the dose rate attenuation provided by their materials of construction and geometry. The Generic and CCO cases are evaluated as payloads in both the TRUPACT-II and HalfPACT, demonstrating that the TRUPACT-II and HalfPACT limits for the Generic case are essentially identical and demonstrating the HalfPACT is limiting for the CCO case due to the reduced distance attenuation for a single tier of payload containers. As such, the HalfPACT is used for all subsequent payload container evaluations to determine the limiting package activity for both the TRUPACT-II and HalfPACT.
The shielding analyses for the above listed cases utilize a 60Co gamma source and a 252Cf neutron source for NCT and HAC under exclusive use conditions. Dose rates on the package surface and 2 m from the package surface are shown to be less than the 10 CFR 71 limits of 200 mrem/hr and 10 mrem/hr, respectively. For hypothetical accident conditions (HAC), the dose rates are shown to be less than 1000 mrem/hr at 1 m. Additionally, the maximum allowable gamma and neutron source strength (as a function of particle energy) for concentrated and distributed sources with varying density is determined to ensure compliance with the most restrictive regulatory dose rate requirement of 10 mrem/hr at 2 meters from the package surface. Compliance with the 2-meter NCT requirement ensures all other NCT and HAC dose rate requirements are met.
Corresponding evaluations for the S100, S200, and S300 pipe overpacks are provided in Appendices 4.2, 4.3, and 4.4 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices. 2 1
Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 71 (10 CFR 71), Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Material, 01-01-19 Edition.
2 U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), CH-TRU Payload Appendices, U.S. Department of Energy, Carlsbad Field Office, Carlsbad, New Mexico.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 5.1 Description of Shielding Design 5.1.1 Design Features TRUPACT-II and HalfPACT The TRUPACT-II and HalfPACT packagings are not designed to provide significant gamma or neutron shielding. The packagings are comprised of an outer confinement assembly (OCA) that provides both free drop and thermal protection, and an inner containment vessel (ICV) that provides the containment boundary. Two aluminum honeycomb spacer assemblies are used within the ICV, one inside each ICV torispherical head to attenuate impact loads. The only significant difference between the TRUPACT-II and HalfPACT packagings is their height (length); the HalfPACT packaging is 30 inches shorter than the TRUPACT-II packaging (44 vs. 74 payload cavity height). A complete description of the TRUPACT-II and HalfPACT packagings is provided in Chapter 1.0, General Information, of this document and the HalfPACT Safety Analysis Report (SAR) 1.
As illustrated in Figure 1.1-1 for the TRUPACT-II packaging and Figure 1.1-1 of the HalfPACT SAR for the HalfPACT packaging, the principal shielding characteristic of these packagings is associated with the structural materials of the containment boundary and protective overpack.
The TRUPACT-II and HalfPACT packagings utilize two relatively thin confinement/
containment vessels with shell thicknesses of 3/16 and 1/4 inch. Torispherical head thicknesses are all 1/4 inch. Both the ICV and outer confinement vessel (OCV) shells and heads are constructed of Type 304 stainless steel. The ICV has a 72 inch inside diameter. The OCV has a 73 inch inside diameter, and is completely encased in polyurethane foam with a density of approximately 8 lb/ft3. The outer shell of the OCA is comprised of 1/4-to-3/8-inch thick, Type 304, stainless steel that serves to protect the polyurethane foam from damage encountered during normal handling and shipping operations.
Under NCT, material and distance attenuation credit is taken for the TRUPACT-II and HalfPACT ICV, OCV, and OCA shells and heads and polyurethane foam. Under HAC, material and distance attenuation credit is taken for the TRUPACT-II and HalfPACT ICV and OCV shells and heads with distance-only attenuation credit taken for the OCA outer shell and heads subject to post-drop reduced dimensions. Generic The generic payload configuration represents all TRUPACT-II and HalfPACT authorized payload containers with thin-walled (~16 gauge to 3/16 inch thick) steel construction. A complete description of each payload container is provided in the CH-TRAMPAC 2. To represent these thin-walled payload containers with a single generic payload configuration, no 1
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), HalfPACT Safety Analysis Report, USNRC Certificate of Compliance 71-9279, U.S. Department of Energy, Carlsbad Area Office, Carlsbad, New Mexico.
2 U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Contact-Handled Transuranic Waste Authorized Methods for Payload Control (CH-TRAMPAC), U.S. Department of Energy, Carlsbad Area Office, Carlsbad, New Mexico.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 credit is taken for the materials of construction of the 55-gallon drum, 85-gallon drum, 100-gallon drum, SWB, or TDOP under NCT or HAC conditions. Criticality Control Overpack As illustrated in Figure 5.1-1, the Criticality Control Overpack is an approximately 24-inch diameter, 35-inch tall steel 55-gallon drum with a stainless steel Criticality Control Container (CCC) and plywood Upper and Lower Dunnage assemblies. The CCC is constructed of 304/304L stainless steel 6-inch Class 150 standard blind (1.0 inch thick) and slip flanges and Schedule 40 pipe (0.28 inch wall). The lid of the CCC is sealed with an aramid-inorganic/nbr standard ring gasket and heavy hex head stainless steel bolts.
Under NCT, material and distance attenuation credit is taken for the CCC stainless components but only distance attenuation is credited for the 55-gallon drum and dunnage assemblies. Under HAC, material and distance attenuation credit is taken for the CCC stainless components with distance-only attenuation credit taken for the drum and dunnage subject to post-drop reduced dimensions. 6-in. Standard Pipe Overpack As illustrated in Figure 5.1-2, the 6-in. Standard Pipe Overpack is an approximately 24-inch diameter, 35-inch tall steel 55-gallon drum overpacking a stainless steel pipe component surrounded by fiberboard dunnage. The pipe component is constructed of a 304/304L stainless steel nominally 6-inch pipe body (0.245 inch min wall thickness), end cap (0.25 inch min thickness), and lid (0.9 inch min thickness). The lid of the pipe component is sealed with an elastomeric O-ring and stainless steel closure bolts.
Under NCT, material and distance attenuation credit is taken for the pipe component stainless components but only distance attenuation is credited for the 55-gallon drum and fiberboard dunnage. Under HAC, material and distance attenuation credit is taken for the pipe component stainless components with distance-only attenuation credit taken for the drum and fiberboard dunnage subject to post-drop reduced dimensions. 12-in. Standard Pipe Overpack As illustrated in Figure 5.1-3, the 12-in. Standard Pipe Overpack is an approximately 24-inch diameter, 35-inch tall steel 55-gallon drum overpacking a stainless steel pipe component surrounded by fiberboard dunnage. The pipe component is constructed of a 304/304L stainless steel nominally 12-inch pipe body (0.219 inch min wall thickness), end cap (0.25 inch min thickness), and lid (0.9 inch min thickness). The lid of the pipe component is sealed with an elastomeric O-ring and stainless steel closure bolts.
Under NCT, material and distance attenuation credit is taken for the pipe component stainless components but only distance attenuation is credited for the 55-gallon drum and fiberboard dunnage. Under HAC, material and distance attenuation credit is taken for the pipe component stainless components with distance-only attenuation credit taken for the drum and fiberboard dunnage subject to post-drop reduced dimensions.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 SC-30G1 Shielded Container As illustrated in Figure 5.1-4, the SC-30G1 shielded container is an approximately 23-inch diameter, 35-inch tall, lead-shielded payload container used to overpack a 30-gallon inner drum. The SC-30G1 consists of a twin-shelled, carbon steel cylindrical structure and a lid.
Nominally, 1 inch of lead (0.94-inch minimum) shielding is contained between the 7-gauge (0.179 inch thick) inner shell and 11-gauge (0.12 inch thick) outer shell. The shells are connected to an upper flange and a 3-inch thick solid steel bottom. The 3-inch thick solid steel lid integrates a silicone rubber gasket and alloy steel closure bolts. The SC-30G1s are located with the HalfPACT package both axially and radially through the use of aluminum/rigid urethane foam dunnage assemblies.
Under NCT, material and distance attenuation credit is taken for the SC-30G1s laminate steel and lead shells and steel lid/base but only distance attenuation is credited for the aluminum/foam dunnage assemblies which roughly center the SC-30G1 containers with the HalfPACT payload cavity. No distance or material attenuation credit is taken for the internal 30-gallon container.
Under HAC, material and distance attenuation credit is taken for the SC-30G1s laminate steel and lead shells and steel lid/base subject to reduced/damaged lead shield thickness. The aluminum/foam dunnage assemblies are ignored under HAC. SC-30G2 Shielded Container As illustrated in Figure 5.1-5, the SC-30G2 shielded container is an approximately 241/2-inch diameter, 36-inch tall, lead-shielded payload container used to overpack a 30-gallon inner drum. The SC-30G2 consists of a twin-shelled, carbon steel cylindrical structure and a lid.
Nominally, 1 inches of lead (1.40-inch minimum) shielding is contained between 0.30-inch thick inner and outer shells. The shells are connected to an upper flange and a 3-inch thick steel base. The base integrates a 211/2-inch diameter, 0.50-inch thick lower lead plate, and a 20-inch diameter, 0.70-inch thick upper lead plate. The 3.89-inch thick steel lid integrates a 191/2-inch diameter, 0.75-inch thick lead plate, and a 4-inch diameter, 0.25-inch thick lead disk that is aligned under the vent port feature. The lid also includes a silicone rubber gasket, alloy steel closure bolts, penetrations for lifting features, and alignment pins to facilitate remote lid installation.
Under NCT, material and distance attenuation credit is taken for the SC-30G2s laminated steel and lead sidewall, base, and lid, but only distance attenuation is credited for the aluminum and urethane foam dunnage assemblies that roughly center the two SC-30G2 containers within the HalfPACT packages payload cavity. No distance or material attenuation credit is taken for the internal 30-gallon payload drum.
Under HAC, material and distance attenuation credit is taken for the SC-30G2s laminated steel and lead sidewall, base, and lid, but with reduced steel and lead shield thicknesses to account for presumed damage. The aluminum/foam dunnage assemblies are ignored under HAC. SC-30G3 Shielded Container As illustrated in Figure 5.1-6, the SC-30G3 shielded container is an approximately 28-inch diameter, 421/4-inch tall, lead-shielded payload container used to overpack a 30-gallon inner drum. The SC-30G3 consists of a twin-shelled, carbon steel cylindrical structure and a lid.
Nominally, 2 inches of lead (2.75-inch minimum) shielding is contained between 0.50-inch 5.1-4
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 thick inner and outer shells. The shells are connected to an upper flange and a 53/4-inch thick steel base. The base integrates a 23-inch diameter, 0.75-inch thick lower lead plate, and a 20-inch diameter, 1.75-inch thick upper lead plate. The 6.79-inch thick steel lid integrates a 19-inch diameter, 2.25-inch thick lead plate, and a 231/2-inch outside diameter, 173/4-inch inside diameter, 0.75-inch thick lead ring. The lid also includes a silicone rubber gasket, alloy steel closure bolts, penetrations for lifting features, and alignment pins to facilitate remote lid installation.
Under NCT, material and distance attenuation credit is taken for the SC-30G3s laminated steel and lead sidewall, base, and lid, but only distance attenuation is credited for the aluminum and urethane foam dunnage assemblies that roughly center the single SC-30G3 container within the HalfPACT packages payload cavity. No distance or material attenuation credit is taken for the internal 30-gallon payload drum.
Under HAC, material and distance attenuation credit is taken for the SC-30G3s laminated steel and lead sidewall, base, and lid, but with reduced steel and lead shield thicknesses to account for presumed damage. The aluminum/foam dunnage assemblies are ignored under HAC. SC-55G1 Shielded Container As illustrated in Figure 5.1-7, the SC-55G1 shielded container is an approximately 29-inch diameter, 401/2-inch tall, solid steel payload container used to overpack a 55-gallon inner drum.
The SC-55G1 consists of a carbon steel cylindrical structure and a lid. The 2.20-inch thick sidewall is connected to a 2.35-inch thick steel base. The 2.40-inch thick steel lid integrates a 4-inch diameter, 0.40-inch thick lead disk that is aligned under the vent port feature. The lid also includes a silicone rubber gasket, alloy steel closure bolts, penetrations for lifting features, and alignment pins to facilitate remote lid installation.
Under NCT, material and distance attenuation credit is taken for the SC-55G1s steel sidewall, base, and lid, but only distance attenuation is credited for the aluminum and urethane foam dunnage assemblies that roughly center the two SC-55G1 containers within the HalfPACT packages payload cavity. No distance or material attenuation credit is taken for the internal 55-gallon payload drum.
Under HAC, material and distance attenuation credit is taken for the SC-55G1s steel sidewall, base, and lid, but with reduced steel shield thicknesses to account for presumed damage. The aluminum/foam dunnage assemblies are ignored under HAC. SC-55G2 Shielded Container As illustrated in Figure 5.1-8, the SC-55G2 shielded container is an approximately 31-inch diameter, 453/4-inch tall, lead-shielded payload container used to overpack a 55-gallon inner drum. The SC-55G2 consists of a twin-shelled, carbon steel cylindrical structure and a lid.
Nominally, 2 inches of lead (1.98-inch minimum) shielding is contained between 0.50-inch thick inner and outer shells. The shells are connected to an upper flange and a 41/4-inch thick steel base. The base integrates a 27-inch diameter, 0.75-inch thick lower lead plate, and a 241/2-inch diameter, 1.00-inch thick upper lead plate. The 5.76-inch thick steel lid integrates a 233/4-inch diameter, 1.50-inch thick lead plate, and a 26-inch outside diameter, 21-inch inside diameter, 0.50-inch thick lead ring. The lid also includes a silicone rubber gasket, alloy steel closure bolts, penetrations for lifting features, and alignment pins to facilitate remote lid installation.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Under NCT, material and distance attenuation credit is taken for the SC-55G2s laminated steel and lead sidewall, base, and lid, but only distance attenuation is credited for the aluminum and urethane foam dunnage assemblies that roughly center the single SC-55G2 container within the HalfPACT packages payload cavity. No distance or material attenuation credit is taken for the internal 55-gallon payload drum.
Under HAC, material and distance attenuation credit is taken for the SC-55G2s laminated steel and lead sidewall, base, and lid, but with reduced steel and lead shield thicknesses to account for presumed damage. The aluminum/foam dunnage assemblies are ignored under HAC.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 5.1 Criticality Control Overpack 5.1-7
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 5.1 6-in. Standard Pipe Overpack 5.1-8
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 5.1 12-in. Standard Pipe Overpack 5.1-9
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 5.1 SC-30G1 Shielded Container 5.1-10
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 5.1 SC-30G2 Shielded Container 5.1-11
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 5.1 SC-30G3 Shielded Container 5.1-12
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 5.1 SC-55G1 Shielded Container 5.1-13
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 5.1 SC-55G2 Shielded Container 5.1-14
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 5.1.2 Summary Table of Maximum Radiation Levels Table 5.1-1 through Table 5.1-11 summarize the NCT and HAC dose rates resulting from a concentrated 60Co gamma and a 252Cf neutron source for each of the analyzed payload container configurations. The activity (Ci) listed for each configuration is for the loaded package.
Table 5.1 TRUPACT-II with Generic Payload Summary of Maximum Dose Rates (mrem/hr)
Activity Package 1m from 2m from Condition (Ci) Surface Surface Surface NCT
- Gamma 0.122 77.18 NA 9.98
- Neutron 0.034 82.51 NA 9.97 HAC
- Gamma 0.122 NA 105.47 NA
- Neutron 0.034 NA 102.97 NA Allowable NA 200 1000 10 Table 5.1 HalfPACT with Generic Payload Summary of Maximum Dose Rates (mrem/hr)
Activity Package 1m from 2m from Condition (Ci) Surface Surface Surface NCT
- Gamma 0.123 77.93 NA 9.98
- Neutron 0.034 86.19 NA 9.97 HAC
- Gamma 0.123 NA 106.22 NA
- Neutron 0.034 NA 105.70 NA Allowable NA 200 1000 10 5.1-15
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 5.1 TRUPACT-II with CCO Payload Summary of Maximum Dose Rates (mrem/hr)
Activity Package 1m from 2m from Condition (Ci) Surface Surface Surface NCT
- Gamma 0.162 69.56 NA 9.98
- Neutron 0.034 75.23 NA 9.98 HAC
- Gamma 0.162 NA 52.06 NA
- Neutron 0.034 NA 57.95 NA Allowable NA 200 1000 10 Table 5.1 HalfPACT with CCO Payload Summary of Maximum Dose Rates (mrem/hr)
Activity Package 1m from 2m from Condition (Ci) Surface Surface Surface NCT
- Gamma 0.158 99.51 NA 9.98
- Neutron 0.034 105.07 NA 9.98 HAC
- Gamma 0.158 NA 53.54 NA
- Neutron 0.034 NA 55.37 NA Allowable NA 200 1000 10 5.1-16
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 5.1 HalfPACT with 6PO Payload Summary of Maximum Dose Rates (mrem/hr)
Activity Package 1m from 2m from Condition (Ci) Surface Surface Surface NCT
- Gamma 0.154 99.25 NA 9.98
- Neutron 0.034 104.87 NA 9.98 HAC
- Gamma 0.154 NA 46.54 NA
- Neutron 0.034 NA 48.93 NA Allowable NA 200 1000 10 Table 5.1 HalfPACT with 12PO Payload Summary of Maximum Dose Rates (mrem/hr)
Activity Package 1m from 2m from Condition (Ci) Surface Surface Surface NCT
- Gamma 0.163 101.13 NA 9.98
- Neutron 0.035 106.01 NA 9.98 HAC
- Gamma 0.163 NA 48.28 NA
- Neutron 0.035 NA 50.34 NA Allowable NA 200 1000 10 5.1-17
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 5.1 HalfPACT with SC-30G1 Payload Summary of Maximum Dose Rates (mrem/hr)
Activity Package 1m from 2m from Condition (Ci) Surface Surface Surface NCT
- Gamma 0.738 92.75 NA 9.98
- Neutron 0.038 100.84 NA 9.97 HAC
- Gamma 0.738 NA 100.84 NA
- Neutron 0.038 NA 93.89 NA Allowable NA 200 1000 10 Table 5.1 HalfPACT with SC-30G2 Payload Summary of Maximum Dose Rates (mrem/hr)
Activity Package 1m from 2m from Condition (Ci) Surface Surface Surface NCT
- Gamma 1.500 91.09 NA 9.99
- Neutron 0.036 97.08 NA 9.98 HAC
- Gamma 1.500 NA 102.81 NA
- Neutron 0.036 NA 103.45 NA Allowable NA 200 1000 10 5.1-18
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 5.1 HalfPACT with SC-30G3 Payload Summary of Maximum Dose Rates (mrem/hr)
Activity Package 1m from 2m from Condition (Ci) Surface Surface Surface NCT
- Gamma 29.463 76.62 NA 9.97
- Neutron 0.051 85.91 NA 9.97 HAC
- Gamma 29.463 NA 298.72 NA
- Neutron 0.051 NA 153.65 NA Allowable NA 200 1000 10 Table 5.1 HalfPACT with SC-55G1 Payload Summary of Maximum Dose Rates (mrem/hr)
Activity Package 1m from 2m from Condition (Ci) Surface Surface Surface NCT
- Gamma 0.715 93.41 NA 9.99
- Neutron 0.041 97.52 NA 9.98 HAC
- Gamma 0.715 NA 83.16 NA
- Neutron 0.041 NA 83.56 NA Allowable NA 200 1000 10 5.1-19
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 5.1 HalfPACT with SC-55G2 Payload Summary of Maximum Dose Rates (mrem/hr)
Activity Package 1m from 2m from Condition (Ci) Surface Surface Surface NCT
- Gamma 8.231 77.45 NA 9.98
- Neutron 0.047 86.54 NA 9.98 HAC
- Gamma 8.231 NA 244.42 NA
- Neutron 0.047 NA 146.97 NA Allowable NA 200 1000 10 5.1-20
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 5.2 Source Specification 5.2.1 Gamma Source The concentrated gamma source utilized for evaluation of the TRUPACT-II and HalfPACT payloads is 60Co with the following photon energies and associated intensities: 1 Photon Radionuclide Intensity (%)
Energy (MeV) 3.469300E-01 7.600000E-03 8.262800E-01 7.600000E-03 60 1.173237E+00 9.997360E+01 Co 1.332501E+00 9.998560E+01 2.158770E+00 1.110000E-03 2.505000E+00 2.000000E-06 Total Source Strength 7.3991E+10
(/s/Ci) 1 R.R. Kinsey, et al., The NUDAT/PCNUDAT Program for Nuclear Data, paper submitted to the 9th International Symposium of Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics, Budapest, Hungary, October 1996; data extracted from the NUDAT database, version September 7, 2000, CD-ROM.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 5.2.2 Neutron Source The concentrated neutron source utilized for evaluation of the TRUPACT-II and HalfPACT payloads is determined using the SOURCES-4A 2 computer program as documented in report ED-042. 3 The neutron source is modeled with a representative UO2 target material. The total neutron source strength (/n plus spontaneous fission) for 1 g of 252Cf, as a function of energy, is provided below:
Neutron Radionuclide Energy Neutrons/s/g Interval (MeV) 0.0 - 0.1 0.00E+00 0.1 - 0.5 1.80E+11 0.5 - 1.0 2.71E+11 1.0 - 2.0 5.36E+11 252 Cf 2.0 - 3.0 4.10E+11 3.0 - 4.0 2.73E+11 Specific Activity =
536 Ci/g 4.0 - 6.0 2.66E+11 6.0 - 8.0 8.53E+10 8.0 - 10.0 2.44E+10 10.0 - 15.0 8.36E+09 Total 2.0541E+12 Total Source 3.8322E+09 Strength (n/s/Ci) 2 Los Alamos National Laboratory, SOURCES 4A: A Code for Calculating (,n), Spontaneous Fission, and Delayed Neutron Sources and Spectra, LA-13639-MS, Los Alamos, New Mexico, September 1999.
3 Packaging Technology, Inc., Neutron Source Rates for TRU Waste, ED-042, Tacoma, WA, November 2000.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 5.3 Shielding Model 5.3.1 Configuration of Source and Shielding Under NCT, the concentrated source is centralized within the package for the Generic case and the sources are centralized within each of the payload containers for all other cases. Under HAC, the concentrated source is shifted toward the detector and located just inside the ICV shell for the Generic case and the sources are located just inside the confinement boundary of each of the payload containers for all other cases. NCT assumptions maximize the distance from the source(s) to the nearest detector whereas HAC assumptions minimize the distance from the source(s) to the nearest detector. This approach is conservative: maximizing the content activity to satisfy the most restrictive NCT dose rate requirement (2 meter from package surface dose rate 10 mrem/hr) while also demonstrating that the contents meet the HAC dose rate requirement (1 meter from package surface dose rate 1000 mrem/hr) when reconfigured. TRUPACT-II and HalfPACT Damage to the packaging under NCT conditions is negligible, so the SAR drawing dimensions for the packagings are utilized. The torispherical ICV/OCV and OCA heads are treated as flat plates to maintain the TRUPACT-II and HalfPACT overall packaging heights of 120 and 90 inches, respectively. The inside diameter of the 1/4-inch thick ICV shell is modeled as 72 inches. Eliminating the gap between the ICV and OCV shells and combining the ICV shell with the 3/16-inch thick OCV shell results in an ICV/OCV outside diameter of 73 inches. Rigid urethane foam [8 pounds per cubic foot (pcf)] is modeled between the ICV/OCV and OCA shells. The outside diameter of the 1/4-inch thick OCA outer shell is modeled as 94 inches.
The aluminum honeycomb end spacers are not explicitly modeled, but credit for the spacing provided by the honeycomb ensures that the radial package dose rates are the most limiting. Due to the greater material thickness of the ICV/OCV/OCA heads (as compared to the radial shells) and axial distances to detectors, only radial shielding configurations and dose rates are necessarily evaluated.
HAC packaging models utilize dimensions from NCT with the following exceptions: 1) crush of the OCA bottom is accounted for by reducing the axial distance between the OCA and ICV/OCV shells by 1 inch, 2) crush of the OCA top is accounted for by reducing the axial distance between the OCA and ICV/OCV shells by 3 inches, 3) crush of the OCA radial sidewall is accounted for by reducing the OCA outer shell diameter to 86 inches (3 inches of radial crush). For convenience, the bounding HAC crush values are conservatively applied to both the TRUPACT-II and HalfPACT models. To account for HAC puncture damage to the OCA outer shell and rigid urethane foam, these materials are treated as a void in the HAC models. Generic The TRUPACT-II and HalfPACT NCT and HAC package models with a generic payload are illustrated in Figure 5.3-1 through Figure 5.3-4. The source that represents the contents for 55-gallon drums, 85-gallon drums, 100-gallon drums, SWBs, and/or a TDOP (as applicable) is modeled as a 1-inch stub-cylinder centralized in the package under NCT conditions and located adjacent to the inner surface of the ICV nearest the receptor under HAC conditions. For convenience and consistency with models developed to evaluate distributed sources with 5.3-1
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 variable-density self-shielding properties discussed later in Section 5.5, Activity Limits, the stub-cylinder source is modeled as embedded in zirconium. For the small concentrated source, this assumption has an insignificant effect on model results. No distance or material attenuation credit is taken for any of the payload containers to which the generic case applies. This assumption conservatively does not credit steel for drums with a ~16 gauge wall, SWBs with a 10 gauge wall, and TDOP with a 3/16-inch wall thickness. Criticality Control Overpack The TRUPACT-II and HalfPACT NCT and HAC package models with a CCO payload utilize the package dimensions and materials discussed in Section, TRUPACT-II and HalfPACT.
The CCO models are illustrated in Figure 5.3-5 through Figure 5.3-8. A 1-inch stub-cylinder source is modeled in the center of each CCO payload cavity under NCT conditions and located adjacent to the inner surface of the CCC body nearest the receptor under HAC conditions. For the TRUPACT-II model, the HAC sources in the upper-tier of payload containers are adjusted adjacent to the inside base of the CCC whereas the sources in the lower-tier of payload containers are adjusted to the inside lid of the CCC to further reduce the aggregate distance from the sources to the detector.
Damage to the CCOs under NCT conditions is negligible, so the SAR drawing dimensions for the CCO are utilized. The array spacing provided by the CCO drum is utilized to spatially locate the CCCs within the TRUPACT-II and HalfPACT. Each CCC is centered within the CCO drum, and the 1/4-inch thick CCC body shell and 1.00-inch thick base and lid is credited for material attenuation. The outside diameter of the CCC body shell is modeled as 6 inches. The CCC is modeled with a 26.943 inch cavity height. The plywood upper and lower dunnage is credited for centering the CCC within the CCO, but no credit is taken for material attenuation of the plywood. Due to the greater material thickness of the CCC lid/base (as compared to the body shell) and axial distances to detectors, only radial shielding configurations and dose rates are necessarily evaluated.
HAC CCO payload models utilize dimensions from NCT with the following exceptions:
- 1) radial crush of the CCO drum is accounted for by reducing the CCO drum diameter from 24 to 15 inches, 2) axial crush of the CCO drum is accounted for by reducing the CCO drum height from 35 to 31 inches. 1 6-in. Standard Pipe Overpack The HalfPACT NCT and HAC package models with a 6PO payload utilize the package dimensions and materials discussed in Section, TRUPACT-II and HalfPACT. The 6PO models are topologically the same as the CCO models so no illustrations are included herein and only the HalfPACT configuration is evaluated since it is more conservative than the TRUPACT-II configuration. A 1-inch stub-cylinder source is modeled in the center of each 6PO payload cavity under NCT conditions and located adjacent to the inner surface of the pipe component body nearest the receptor under HAC conditions.
1 Petersen Inc., Criticality Control Overpack 30-Foot Free Drop Post-Test Summary Report, Engineering Report 8448-R-001, Rev. 1, Ogden UT, March 2011.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Damage to the 6POs under NCT conditions is negligible, so the SAR drawing dimensions for the 6PO are utilized. The array spacing provided by the 6PO drum is utilized to spatially locate the pipe components within the HalfPACT. Each pipe component is centered within the 6PO drum, and the 0.245-inch thick pipe component body shell and 0.25-inch thick base and 0.90-inch thick lid is credited for material attenuation. The outside diameter of the pipe component body shell is modeled as 6.7 inches. The pipe component is modeled with a 25.75 inch cavity height. The fiberboard dunnage is credited for centering the pipe component within the 6PO, but no credit is taken for material attenuation of the fiberboard. Due to the greater material thickness of the pipe component lid/base (as compared to the body shell) and axial distances to detectors, only radial shielding configurations and dose rates are necessarily evaluated.
HAC 6PO payload models utilize dimensions from NCT with the following exceptions: 1) radial crush of the 6PO drum is accounted for by reducing the 6PO drum diameter from 24 to 18.19 inches, 2) axial crush of the 6PO drum is accounted for by reducing the 6PO drum height from 35 to 29.27 inches. 2 12-in. Standard Pipe Overpack The HalfPACT NCT and HAC package models with a 12PO payload utilize the package dimensions and materials discussed in Section, TRUPACT-II and HalfPACT. The 12PO models are topologically the same as the 6PO models so no illustrations are included herein and only the HalfPACT configuration is evaluated since it is more conservative than the TRUPACT-II configuration. A 1-inch stub-cylinder source is modeled in the center of each 12PO payload cavity under NCT conditions and located adjacent to the inner surface of the pipe component body nearest the receptor under HAC conditions.
Damage to the 12POs under NCT conditions is negligible, so the SAR drawing dimensions for the 12PO are utilized. The array spacing provided by the 12PO drum is utilized to spatially locate the pipe components within the HalfPACT. Each pipe component is centered within the 12PO drum, and the 0.219-inch thick pipe component body shell and 0.25-inch thick base and 0.90-inch thick lid is credited for material attenuation. The outside diameter of the pipe component body shell is modeled as 12.8 inches. The pipe component is modeled with a 25.45-inch cavity height. The fiberboard dunnage is credited for centering the pipe component within the 12PO, but no credit is taken for material attenuation of the fiberboard. Due to the greater material thickness of the pipe component lid/base (as compared to the body shell) and axial distances to detectors, only radial shielding configurations and dose rates are necessarily evaluated.
HAC 12PO payload models utilize dimensions from NCT with the following exceptions:
- 1) radial crush of the 12PO drum is accounted for by reducing the 12PO drum diameter from 24 to 20.25 inches, 2) axial crush of the 12PO drum is accounted for by reducing the 12PO drum height from 35 to 29.62 inches.2 2
Ammerman, D.J., and J.G. Bobbe, October 1995, Rocky Flats Pipe Component Testing, TTC-1434, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 SC-30G1 Shielded Container The HalfPACT NCT and HAC package models with a SC-30G1 shielded container payload utilize the package dimensions and materials discussed in Section, TRUPACT-II and HalfPACT. The SC-30G1 models are illustrated in Figure 5.3-9 and Figure 5.3-10. A 1-inch stub-cylinder source is modeled in the center of each SC-30G1 payload cavity under NCT conditions and located adjacent to the inner surface of the SC-30G1 inner shell nearest the receptor under HAC conditions.
Damage to the SC-30G1s under NCT conditions is negligible, so the SAR drawing dimensions for the SC-30G1 are utilized. The array spacing provided by the SC-30G1 exterior dimensions is utilized to spatially locate the SC-30G1s within the HalfPACT. The 0.12-inch thick SC-30G1 outer shell, 0.94 inch minimum thickness radial lead shield, 0.179-inch thick inner shell, and 3-inch thick SC-30G1 lid and base are credited for material attenuation. The inside diameter of the SC-30G1 body inner shell is modeled as 20.522 inches. The SC-30G1 is modeled with a 29.75-inch cavity height. The aluminum/foam dunnage materials surrounding the SC-30G1s are credited for centering the SC-30G1 within the HalfPACT, but no credit is taken for material attenuation of these components. Due to the greater material thickness and dose rate attenuating characteristics of the SC-30G1 lid/base (as compared to the SC-30G1 composite shell) and axial distances to detectors, only radial shielding configurations and dose rates are necessarily evaluated.
HAC SC-30G1 payload models utilize dimensions from NCT with the following exceptions:
- 1) localized damage/deformation to the outer shell and lead is accounted for by for by reducing the SC-30G1 lead thickness from 0.94 to 0.85 inches, 2) thickness of the carbon steel lid and base is conservatively reduced from 3.0 to 2.5 inches, and 3) the SC-30G1 assembly is translated radially to the inner wall of the HalfPACT ICV, thus ignoring the distance attenuating presence of the aluminum/foam dunnage. 3 SC-30G2 Shielded Container The HalfPACT NCT and HAC models with two SC-30G2 shielded containers utilize the package dimensions and materials discussed in Section, TRUPACT-II and HalfPACT.
The SC-30G2 models are illustrated in Figure 5.3-11 and Figure 5.3-12. A 1 inch stub-cylinder source (i.e., 1 inch diameter by 1 inch long) is modeled in the center of each SC-30G2 payload cavity under NCT conditions, and located adjacent to the inner surface of the SC-30G2 inner shell nearest the receptor under HAC conditions.
Although not explicitly tested 4, observed and measured damage to the tested SC-55G1s and SC-30G3 resulting from NCT drop test conditions is negligible, so the SAR drawing dimensions for the SC-30G2 are utilized. Offset with a nominal 0.5-inch lateral gap between, the two SC-30G2s are spatially located at the radial center of the HalfPACTs payload cavity. The SC-30G2s lead and steel shells and plates in the radial and axial directions, respectively, are credited for material attenuation. The SC-30G2s payload cavity is modeled with a 20.38-inch 3
Regulatory Hypothetical Accident Condition Type B Testing for the HalfPACT Shielded Container Payload, WP 08-PT.15, Rev. 0, Washington TRU Solutions, December 2007.
4 Nuclear Waste Partnership LLC, Regulatory Hypothetical Accident Condition Type B Testing for the HalfPACT Shielded Container Payloads, HPT-REP-0001, Rev. 1, September 2021.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 inside diameter and 29.74-inch inside height. The aluminum/foam dunnage materials surrounding the SC-30G2s are credited for centering the two SC-30G2s within the HalfPACT packages payload cavity, but no credit is taken for material attenuation of these components.
Due to the greater material thickness and dose rate attenuating characteristics of the SC-30G2 lid and base, as compared to its sidewall, and axial distances to detectors, only radial shielding configurations and dose rates are necessarily evaluated.
The HAC SC-30G2 model utilizes dimensions from the NCT model4, with the following exceptions to account for localized damage/deformation to the sidewall, base, and/or lid:
- 1) 10% thickness reduction of the sidewalls steel shells and lead shell, i.e., the 0.30-inch thick inner and outer shells are reduced to 0.27 inches, and the 1.40-inch thick lead shell is reduced to 1.26 inches;
- 2) 10% thickness reduction of the bases steel plates and lead plates, i.e., the 0.91-inch thick inner steel plate is reduced to 0.819 inches, and the 0.88-inch thick outer steel plate is reduced to 0.792 inches; the composite 1.20-inch thick lead plate is reduced to 1.08 inches; and
- 3) 10% thickness reduction of the lids steel plates and lead plate, i.e., the 0.75-inch thick inner steel plate is reduced to 0.675 inches, and the 2.38-inch thick outer steel plate is reduced to 2.142 inches; the 0.75-inch thick lead plate is reduced to 0.675 inches.
Finally, the SC-30G2 HAC models are translated radially to the inner wall of the HalfPACT ICV, thus ignoring the distance attenuating presence of the aluminum/foam dunnage. SC-30G3 Shielded Container The HalfPACT NCT and HAC models with one SC-30G3 shielded container utilize the package dimensions and materials discussed in Section, TRUPACT-II and HalfPACT. The SC-30G3 models are illustrated in Figure 5.3-13 and Figure 5.3-14. A 1 inch stub-cylinder source (i.e., 1 inch diameter by 1 inch long) is modeled in the center of the SC-30G3 payload cavity under NCT conditions, and located adjacent to the inner surface of the SC-30G3 inner shell nearest the receptor under HAC conditions.
Observed and measured damage to the SC-30G3s resulting from NCT drop test conditions is negligible, so the SAR drawing dimensions for the SC-30G3 are utilized. The SC-30G3 is spatially located at the radial center of the HalfPACTs payload cavity. The SC-30G3s lead and steel shells and plates in the radial and axial directions, respectively, are credited for material attenuation. The SC-30G3s payload cavity is modeled with a 20.41-inch inside diameter and 29.715-inch inside height. The aluminum/foam dunnage materials surrounding the SC-30G3 are credited for centering the SC-30G3 within the HalfPACT packages payload cavity, but no credit is taken for material attenuation of these components. Due to the greater axial distances to surface detectors compared to the radial direction, only radial shielding configurations and dose rates are necessarily evaluated.
The HAC SC-30G3 model utilizes dimensions from the NCT model4, with the following exceptions to account for localized damage/deformation to the sidewall, base, and/or lid:
- 1) 10% thickness reduction of the sidewalls steel shells and lead shell, i.e., the 0.50-inch thick inner and outer shells are reduced to 0.45 inches, and the 2.75-inch lead shell thickness is reduced to 2.475 inches; 5.3-5
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021
- 2) 10% thickness reduction of the bases steel plates and lead plates, i.e., the 1.74-inch thick inner steel plate is reduced to 1.566 inches, and the 1.50-inch thick outer steel plate is reduced to 1.35 inches; the composite 2.50-inch thick lead plate is reduced to 2.25 inches; and
- 3) 10% thickness reduction of the lids steel plates and lead plates, i.e., the 1.75-inch thick inner steel plate is reduced to 1.575 inches, and the 2.75-inch thick outer steel plate is reduced to 2.475 inches; the 2.25-inch thick lead plate is reduced to 2.025 inches, and the 0.75-inch thick lead ring is reduced to 0.675 inches.
Finally, the SC-30G3 HAC model is rotated to a vertical orientation and translated radially to the inner wall of the HalfPACT ICV, thus ignoring the distance attenuating presence of the aluminum/foam dunnage and positioning it closest to the receptor. SC-55G1 Shielded Container The HalfPACT NCT and HAC models with two SC-55G1 shielded containers utilize the package dimensions and materials discussed in Section, TRUPACT-II and HalfPACT.
The SC-55G1 models are illustrated in Figure 5.3-15 and Figure 5.3-16. A 1 inch stub-cylinder source (i.e., 1 inch diameter by 1 inch long) is modeled in the center of each SC-55G1 payload cavity under NCT conditions, and located adjacent to the inner surface of the SC-55G1 inner shell nearest the receptor under HAC conditions.
Observed and measured damage to the SC-55G1 resulting from NCT drop test conditions is negligible, so the SAR drawing dimensions for the SC-55G1 are utilized. Offset with a nominal 0.5-inch lateral gap between, the two SC-55G1s are spatially located at the radial center of the HalfPACTs payload cavity. The SC-55G1s steel shell and plates in the radial and axial directions, respectively, are credited for material attenuation. The SC-55G1s payload cavity is modeled with a 25.00-inch inside diameter and 35.75-inch inside height. The aluminum/foam dunnage materials surrounding the SC-55G1s are credited for centering the two SC-55G1s within the HalfPACT packages payload cavity, but no credit is taken for material attenuation of these components. Due to the greater material thickness and dose rate attenuating characteristics of the SC-55G1 lid and base, as compared to its sidewall, and axial distances to detectors, only radial shielding configurations and dose rates are necessarily evaluated.
The HAC SC-55G1 model utilizes dimensions from the NCT model4, with the following exceptions to account for localized damage/deformation to the sidewall, base, and/or lid:
- 1) 10% thickness reduction of the sidewalls steel shell, i.e., the 2.20-inch thick shell is reduced to 1.98 inches;
- 2) 10% thickness reduction of the bases steel plate, i.e., the 2.35-inch thick steel plate is reduced to 2.115 inches; and
- 3) 10% thickness reduction of the lids steel plate, i.e., the 2.40-inch thick steel plate is reduced to 2.16 inches.
Finally, the SC-55G1 HAC models are translated radially to the inner wall of the HalfPACT ICV, thus ignoring the distance attenuating presence of the aluminum/foam dunnage.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 SC-55G2 Shielded Container The HalfPACT NCT and HAC models with one SC-55G2 shielded container utilize the package dimensions and materials discussed in Section, TRUPACT-II and HalfPACT. The SC-55G2 models are illustrated in Figure 5.3-17 and Figure 5.3-18. A 1 inch stub-cylinder source (i.e., 1 inch diameter by 1 inch long) is modeled in the center of the SC-55G2 payload cavity under NCT conditions, and located adjacent to the inner surface of the SC-55G2 inner shell nearest the receptor under HAC conditions.
Although not explicitly tested4, observed and measured damage to the tested SC-55G1s and SC-30G3 resulting from NCT drop test conditions is negligible, so the SAR drawing dimensions for the SC-55G2 are utilized. The SC-55G2 is spatially located at the radial center of the HalfPACTs payload cavity. The SC-55G2s lead and steel shells and plates in the radial and axial directions, respectively, are credited for material attenuation. The SC-55G2s payload cavity is modeled with a 24.96-inch inside diameter and 35.735-inch inside height. The aluminum/foam dunnage materials surrounding the SC-55G2 are credited for centering the SC-55G2 within the HalfPACT packages payload cavity, but no credit is taken for material attenuation of these components. Due to the greater axial distances to surface detectors compared to the radial direction, only radial shielding configurations and dose rates are necessarily evaluated.
The HAC SC-55G2 model utilizes dimensions from the NCT model4, with the following exceptions to account for localized damage/deformation to the sidewall, base, and/or lid:
- 1) 10% thickness reduction of the sidewalls steel shells and lead shell, i.e., the 0.50-inch thick inner and outer shells are reduced to 0.45 inches, and the 1.98-inch lead shell thickness is reduced to 1.782 inches;
- 2) 10% thickness reduction of the bases steel plates and lead plates, i.e., the 1.24-inch thick inner steel plate is reduced to 1.116 inches, and the 1.25-inch thick outer steel plate is reduced to 1.125 inches; the composite 1.75-inch thick lead plate is reduced to 1.575 inches; and
- 3) 10% thickness reduction of the lids steel plates and lead plates, i.e., the 1.25-inch thick inner steel plate is reduced to 1.125 inches, and the 3.00-inch thick outer steel plate is reduced to 2.70 inches; the 1.50-inch thick lead plate is reduced to 1.35 inches, and the 0.50-inch thick lead ring is reduced to 0.45 inches.
Finally, the SC-55G2 HAC model is rotated to a vertical orientation and translated radially to the inner wall of the HalfPACT ICV, thus ignoring the distance attenuating presence of the aluminum/foam dunnage and positioning it closest to the receptor.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 5.3 TRUPACT-II Generic Payload MCNP Model for NCT 5.3-8
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 5.3 HalfPACT Generic Payload MCNP Model for NCT 5.3-9
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 5.3 TRUPACT-II Generic Payload MCNP Model for HAC 5.3-10
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 5.3 HalfPACT Generic Payload MCNP Model for HAC 5.3-11
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 5.3 TRUPACT-II CCO Payload MCNP Model for NCT 5.3-12
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 5.3 HalfPACT CCO Payload MCNP Model for NCT 5.3-13
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 5.3 TRUPACT-II CCO Payload MCNP Model for HAC 5.3-14
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 5.3 HalfPACT CCO Payload MCNP Model for HAC 5.3-15
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 5.3 HalfPACT SC-30G1 Payload MCNP Model for NCT 5.3-16
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 5.3 HalfPACT SC-30G1 Payload MCNP Model for HAC 5.3-17
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 5.3 HalfPACT SC-30G2 Payload MCNP Model for NCT 5.3-18
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 5.3 HalfPACT SC-30G2 Payload MCNP Model for HAC 5.3-19
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 5.3 HalfPACT SC-30G3 Payload MCNP Model for NCT 5.3-20
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 5.3 HalfPACT SC-30G3 Payload MCNP Model for HAC 5.3-21
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 5.3 HalfPACT SC-55G1 Payload MCNP Model for NCT 5.3-22
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 5.3 HalfPACT SC-55G1 Payload MCNP Model for HAC 5.3-23
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 5.3 HalfPACT SC-55G2 Payload MCNP Model for NCT 5.3-24
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 5.3 HalfPACT SC-55G2 Payload MCNP Model for HAC 5.3-25
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 5.3.2 Material Properties The shielding models are comprised of plain carbon steel, Type 304 stainless steel, lead, and rigid urethane foam; with material densities of 490 lb/ft³ (7.8526 g/cc), 500 lb/ft³ (8.0128 g/cc),
708 lb/ft³ (11.3500 g/cc), and 8.25 lb/ft3 (0.1322 g/cc), respectively. Table 5.3-1 summarizes the shield regional densities for each of these attenuating materials. Zirconium is modeled in the source region at densities ranging from 0.5 to 8 g/cc to represent a conservative basis for self-shielding in distributed sources discussed in Section 5.5, Activity Limits. For convenience, Zirconium at 1 g/cc was also modeled in the source region for concentrated 1-inch stub-cylinder sources.
Table 5.3 Summary of Shield Regional Densities Type 304 Rigid Urethane Carbon Steel Lead Stainless Steel Foam Element Partial Partial Partial Partial Density Density Density Density Percent (g/cc) Percent (g/cc) Percent (g/cc) Percent (g/cc)
Silicon 1% 0.0801 1% 0.0013 Chromium 19% 1.5224 Manganese 2% 0.1603 Iron 100% 7.8526 68% 5.4487 Nickel 10% 0.8013 Lead 100% 11.3500 Hydrogen 7% 0.0093 Carbon 60% 0.0793 Nitrogen 8% 0.0106 Oxygen 24% 0.0317 Total 100% 7.8526 100% 8.0128 100% 11.3500 100% 0.1322 Notes:
Weight percent from chemical composition (median of range) from Section, Polyurethane Foam Chemical Composition.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 5.4 Shielding Evaluation 5.4.1 Methods MCNP5 v1.60 1 is used for the shielding analysis of the generic, CCO, 6PO, 12PO, and SC-30G1 shielded container payloads, and MCNP6 v6.2.0 2 is used for the shielding analysis of the SC-30G2 shielded container, SC-30G3 shielded container, SC-55G1 shielded container, and SC-55G2 shielded container payloads. Both MCNP5 and MCNP6 are standard, well-accepted shielding programs utilized to compute dose rates for shielding licenses. Three-dimensional models are developed to capture all of the relevant design parameters of the TRUPACT-II and HalfPACT packages and the associated payload configurations. Dose rates are calculated by tallying the neutron and gamma fluxes over surfaces of interest and converting these fluxes to dose rates. The models are run in either a photon or neutron mode, depending upon the radionuclide being evaluated. Combined photon/neutron mode evaluations were not employed for the neutron analyses as multiple test runs demonstrated that the gamma dose rate due to the interaction of neutrons in the shielding materials contributes a statistically insignificant (<1%)
change in the dose rate as compared to the neutron dose rate. The gamma energies and intensities for 252Cf were similarly ignored based on the same logic.
5.4.2 Input and Output Data Four input/output cases are used to generate the results for each packaging/payload combination.
Both TRUPACT-II and HalfPACT models are employed for the Generic and CCO payload cases. Once it was established that the HalfPACT was the limiting packaging for the CCO, only HalfPACT analyses were run for the 6PO and 12PO cases due to their close similarity to the CCO. The SC-30G1, SC-30G2, SC-30G3, SC-55G1, and SC-55G2 are only authorized for use within a HalfPACT.
Case naming conventions are defined in Table 5.4-1 and Table 5.4-2. Sample input files are provided in Appendix 5.7.1. All cases are run with a 1 particle/second (par/s) source and the results are scaled to the desired source activity to meet the most restrictive NCT and HAC dose rate limit.
1 LA-CP-03-0245, MCNP - A General Monte Carlo N-Particle Transport Code, Version 5, Vol. 2: Users Guide, Los Alamos National Laboratory, February 2008.
2 LA-UR-17-29981, MCNP Users Manual, Code Version 6.2, Rev. 0; Los Alamos National Laboratory, October 27, 2017.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 5.4 Case Naming Conventions for Generic, CCO, 6PO, 12PO, and SC-30G1 Payloads Input file = .i Output file = .io Tally file = .it Runtpe file = .ir extension extension extension extension Case Name Case Variable, Name Description X Packaging / Payload Xng001 Gamma, 60Co, NCT t TRUPACT-II / Generic 60 Xhg001 Gamma, Co, HAC h HalfPACT / Generic Xnn001 Neutron, 252Cf, NCT c TRUPACT-II / CCO 252 Xhn001 Neutron, Cf, HAC d HalfPACT / CCO 6 HalfPACT / 6PO 7 HalfPACT / 12PO s HalfPACT / SC-30G1 Table 5.4 Case Naming Conventions for SC-30G2, SC-30G3, SC-55G1, and SC-55G2 Payloads Case Name Case Name Case Name Case Name Variable, X Variable, Y Variable, Z X_HP_Y_Z NCT SC-30G2 60Co HAC SC-30G3 252Cf SC-55G1 SC-55G2 Example Case Names Case Name Description NCT_HP_SC-30G2_60Co NCT, SC-30G2, 60Co, Gamma HAC_HP_SC-55G1_252Cf HAC, SC-55G1, 252Cf, Neutron File Extension Definitions Input File = .i Output File = .o Runtpe File = .r WWout File = .e Tally File = .m 5.4.3 Flux-to-Dose Conversion ANSI/ANS-6.1.1-1977 flux-to-dose-rate conversion factors are utilized for both neutron and gamma radiation. These factors are provided in Table 5.4-3 and Table 5.4-4.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 5.4 Neutron Flux-to-Dose Rate Conversion Factors from ANSI/ANS 6.1.1-1977 n-Energy DFg(E) Quality n-Energy DFg(E) Quality (MeV) (n/cm²-s to mrem/hr) Factor (MeV) (n/cm²-s to mrem/hr) Factor 2.50E-08 3.67E-03 2.0 0.5 9.26E-02 11.0 1.00E-07 3.67E-03 2.0 1.0 1.32E-01 11.0 1.00E-06 4.46E-03 2.0 2.5 1.25E-01 9.0 1.00E-05 4.54E-03 2.0 5 1.56E-01 8.0 1.00E-04 4.18E-03 2.0 7 1.47E-01 7.0 0.001 3.76E-03 2.0 10 1.47E-01 6.5 0.01 3.56E-03 2.5 14 2.08E-01 7.5 0.1 2.17E-02 7.5 20 2.27E-01 8.0 Table 5.4 Gamma Flux-to-Dose Rate Conversion Factors from ANSI/ANS 6.1.1-1977
-Energy DFg(E) -Energy DFg(E)
(MeV) (/cm²-s to mrem/hr) (MeV) (/cm²-s to mrem/hr) 0.01 3.96E-03 1.4 2.51E-03 0.03 5.82E-04 1.8 2.99E-03 0.05 2.90E-04 2.2 3.42E-03 0.07 2.58E-04 2.6 3.82E-03 0.10 2.83E-04 2.8 4.01E-03 0.15 3.79E-04 3.25 4.41E-03 0.20 5.01E-04 3.75 4.83E-03 0.25 6.31E-04 4.25 5.23E-03 0.30 7.59E-04 4.75 5.60E-03 0.35 8.78E-04 5 5.80E-03 0.40 9.85E-04 5.25 6.01E-03 0.45 1.08E-03 5.75 6.37E-03 0.50 1.17E-03 6.25 6.74E-03 0.55 1.27E-03 6.75 7.11E-03 0.60 1.36E-03 7.5 7.66E-03 0.65 1.44E-03 9 8.77E-03 0.70 1.52E-03 11 1.03E-02 0.80 1.68E-03 13 1.18E-02 1 1.98E-03 15 1.33E-02 5.4-3
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 5.4.4 External Radiation Levels The MCNP5 models used to determine external radiation levels use segmented surface detectors to calculate the radial dose rates on the surface of the package and at 2 meters from the surface of the package for NCT and at 1 meter from the surface of the package for HAC. The surface detectors for NCT are either axially aligned with the source centerline when a single source or tier of sources exist or axially aligned with a plane that is midway between upper and lower tiers of sources. The axial alignment of the surface detectors is to minimize the aggregate distance from the source(s) to the detector and to report the maximum dose rate.
Dose rates and the associated statistical error are computed based on a 1 par/s source strength.
The source strengths for 1 Curie (Ci) of 60Co and 252Cf are 7.3991E+10 /s and 3.8322E+09 n/s, respectively, based on the data provided in Section 5.2, Source Specification. Conservatively accounting for the statistical error, an activity allowable (par/s) is then determined for the gamma and neutron sources to meet each of the regulatory dose rate limits by dividing the allowable dose rate by the product of the calculated dose rate and one plus the error. The activity limit (Ci) to meet each regulatory dose rate limit is then determined by dividing the allowable activity (par/s) by the source strength (par/s/Ci). Finally, the NCT and HAC dose rates associated with the limiting activity are then determined by multiplying the allowable dose rate by the ratio of the limiting allowable activity to the allowable activity for each case (NCT at surface, NCT at 2 meters, HAC at 1 meter). Generic The TRUPACT-II dose rates and statistical errors computed for the Generic concentrated gamma and neutron sources with 1 par/s source strength are provided in Table 5.4-5. The dose rates based on the limiting allowable activity (i.e., the NCT at 2 meters values) are provided in Table 5.1-1.
Table 5.4 TRUPACT-II - Generic Dose Rates for 1 par/s Source Source Calculated Allowable Allowable Strength Dose Rate Tally Activity Activity Case Nuclide (par/s/Ci) (mrem/hr) Error (par/s) (Ci)
NCT @ surface 60 tng001.i Co 7.3991E+10 8.55E-09 0.2% 2.34E+10 0.316 252 tnn001.i Cf 3.8322E+09 6.41E-07 0.2% 3.11E+08 0.081 NCT @ 2m 60 tng001.i Co 7.3991E+10 1.11E-09 0.3% 9.01E+09 0.122 252 tnn001.i Cf 3.8322E+09 7.76E-08 0.3% 1.28E+08 0.034 HAC @ 1m 60 thg001.i Co 7.3991E+10 1.16E-08 0.7% 8.54E+10 1.155 252 thn001.i Cf 3.8322E+09 7.97E-07 0.5% 1.25E+09 0.326 5.4-4
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 The HalfPACT dose rates and statistical errors computed for the Generic concentrated gamma and neutron sources with 1 par/s source strength are provided in Table 5.4-6. The dose rates based on the limiting allowable activity (i.e., the NCT at 2 meters values) are provided in Table 5.1-2.
Table 5.4 HalfPACT - Generic Dose Rates for 1 par/s Source Source Calculated Allowable Allowable Strength Dose Rate Tally Activity Activity Case Nuclide (par/s/Ci) (mrem/hr) Error (par/s) (Ci)
NCT @ surface 60 hng001.i Co 7.3991E+10 8.57E-09 0.2% 2.33E+10 0.315 252 hnn001.i Cf 3.8322E+09 6.57E-07 0.2% 3.04E+08 0.079 NCT @ 2m 60 hng001.i Co 7.3991E+10 1.10E-09 0.2% 9.08E+09 0.123 252 hnn001.i Cf 3.8322E+09 7.62E-08 0.3% 1.31E+08 0.034 HAC @ 1m 60 hhg001.i Co 7.3991E+10 1.16E-08 0.7% 8.55E+10 1.156 252 hhn001.i Cf 3.8322E+09 8.03E-07 0.5% 1.24E+09 0.323 Criticality Control Overpack The TRUPACT-II dose rates and statistical errors computed for the CCO concentrated gamma and neutron sources with 1 par/s source strength are provided in Table 5.4-7. The dose rates based on the limiting allowable activity (i.e., the NCT at 2 meters values) are provided in Table 5.1-3.
Table 5.4 TRUPACT-II - CCO Dose Rates for 1 par/s Source Source Calculated Allowable Allowable Strength Dose Rate Tally Activity Activity Case Nuclide (par/s/Ci) (mrem/hr) Error (par/s) (Ci)
NCT @ surface 60 cng001.i Co 7.3991E+10 5.78E-09 0.2% 3.45E+10 0.467 252 cnn001.i Cf 3.8322E+09 5.69E-07 0.2% 3.51E+08 0.092 NCT @ 2m 60 cng001.i Co 7.3991E+10 8.31E-10 0.2% 1.20E+10 0.162 252 cnn001.i Cf 3.8322E+09 7.56E-08 0.2% 1.32E+08 0.034 HAC @ 1m 60 chg001.i Co 7.3991E+10 4.29E-09 1.2% 2.31E+11 3.117 252 chn001.i Cf 3.8322E+09 4.35E-07 1.0% 2.28E+09 0.595 5.4-5
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 The HalfPACT dose rates and statistical errors computed for the CCO concentrated gamma and neutron sources with 1 par/s source strength are provided in Table 5.4-8. The dose rates based on the limiting allowable activity (i.e., the NCT at 2 meters values) are provided in Table 5.1-4.
Table 5.4 HalfPACT - CCO Dose Rates for 1 par/s Source Source Calculated Allowable Allowable Strength Dose Rate Tally Activity Activity Case Nuclide (par/s/Ci) (mrem/hr) Error (par/s) (Ci)
NCT @ surface 60 dng001.i Co 7.3991E+10 8.48E-09 0.1% 2.36E+10 0.318 252 dnn001.i Cf 3.8322E+09 7.96E-07 0.2% 2.51E+08 0.065 NCT @ 2m 60 dng001.i Co 7.3991E+10 8.51E-10 0.2% 1.17E+10 0.158 252 dnn001.i Cf 3.8322E+09 7.57E-08 0.2% 1.32E+08 0.034 HAC @ 1m 60 dhg001.i Co 7.3991E+10 4.52E-09 1.1% 2.19E+11 2.958 252 dhn001.i Cf 3.8322E+09 4.20E-07 0.9% 2.38E+09 0.621 6-in. Standard Pipe Overpack The HalfPACT dose rates and statistical errors computed for the 6PO concentrated gamma and neutron sources with 1 par/s source strength are provided in Table 5.4-9. The dose rates based on the limiting allowable activity (i.e., the NCT at 2 meters values) are provided in Table 5.1-5.
Table 5.4 HalfPACT - 6PO Dose Rates for 1 par/s Source Source Calculated Allowable Allowable Strength Dose Rate Tally Activity Activity Case Nuclide (par/s/Ci) (mrem/hr) Error (par/s) (Ci)
NCT @ surface 60 6ng001.i Co 7.3991E+10 8.70E-09 0.1% 2.30E+10 0.310 252 6nn001.i Cf 3.8322E+09 7.94E-07 0.2% 2.52E+08 0.066 NCT @ 2m 60 6ng001.i Co 7.3991E+10 8.76E-10 0.2% 1.14E+10 0.154 252 6nn001.i Cf 3.8322E+09 7.56E-08 0.2% 1.32E+08 0.034 HAC @ 1m 60 6hg001.i Co 7.3991E+10 4.04E-09 1.2% 2.45E+11 3.310 252 6hn001.i Cf 3.8322E+09 3.68E-07 0.9% 2.70E+09 0.704 5.4-6
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 12-in. Standard Pipe Overpack The HalfPACT dose rates and statistical errors computed for the 12PO concentrated gamma and neutron sources with 1 par/s source strength are provided in Table 5.4-10. The dose rates based on the limiting allowable activity (i.e., the NCT at 2 meters values) are provided in Table 5.1-6.
Table 5.4 HalfPACT - 12PO Dose Rates for 1 par/s Source Source Calculated Allowable Allowable Strength Dose Rate Tally Activity Activity Case Nuclide (par/s/Ci) (mrem/hr) Error (par/s) (Ci)
NCT @ surface 60 7ng001.i Co 7.3991E+10 8.40E-09 0.1% 2.38E+10 0.322 252 7nn001.i Cf 3.8322E+09 7.83E-07 0.2% 2.55E+08 0.067 NCT @ 2m 60 7ng001.i Co 7.3991E+10 8.29E-10 0.2% 1.20E+10 0.163 252 7nn001.i Cf 3.8322E+09 7.38E-08 0.2% 1.35E+08 0.035 HAC @ 1m 60 7hg001.i Co 7.3991E+10 3.97E-09 1.2% 2.49E+11 3.368 252 7hn001.i Cf 3.8322E+09 3.69E-07 0.9% 2.69E+09 0.701 SC-30G1 Shielded Container The HalfPACT dose rates and statistical errors computed for the SC-30G1 concentrated gamma and neutron sources with 1 par/s source strength are provided in Table 5.4-11. The dose rates based on the limiting allowable activity (i.e., the NCT at 2 meters values) are provided in Table 5.1-7.
Table 5.4 HalfPACT - SC-30G1 Dose Rates for 1 par/s Source Source Calculated Allowable Allowable Strength Dose Rate Tally Activity Activity Case Nuclide (par/s/Ci) (mrem/hr) Error (par/s) (Ci)
NCT @ surface 60 sng001.i Co 7.3991E+10 1.70E-09 0.2% 1.18E+11 1.592 252 snn001.i Cf 3.8322E+09 6.77E-07 0.2% 2.95E+08 0.077 NCT @ 2m 60 sng001.i Co 7.3991E+10 1.83E-10 0.2% 5.46E+10 0.738 252 snn001.i Cf 3.8322E+09 6.79E-08 0.3% 1.47E+08 0.038 HAC @ 1m 60 shg001.i Co 7.3991E+10 1.83E-09 0.9% 5.42E+11 7.322 252 shn001.i Cf 3.8322E+09 6.35E-07 0.7% 1.56E+09 0.408 5.4-7
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 SC-30G2 Shielded Container The HalfPACT dose rates and statistical errors computed for the SC-30G2 concentrated gamma and neutron sources with 1 par/s source strength are provided in Table 5.4-12. The dose rates based on the limiting allowable activity (i.e., the NCT at 2 meters values) are provided in Table 5.1-8.
Table 5.4 HalfPACT - SC-30G2 Dose Rates for 1 par/s Source Source Calculated Allowable Allowable Strength Dose Rate Tally Activity Activity Case Nuclide (par/s/Ci) (mrem/hr) Error (par/s) (Ci)
NCT @ surface 60 NCT_HP_SC-30G2_60Co.i Co 7.3991E+10 8.20E-10 0.1% 2.44E+11 3.298 252 NCT_HP_SC-30G2_252Cf.i Cf 3.8322E+09 7.02E-07 0.2% 2.84E+08 0.074 NCT @ 2m 60 NCT_HP_SC-30G2_60Co.i Co 7.3991E+10 9.04E-11 0.1% 1.11E+11 1.500 252 NCT_HP_SC-30G2_252Cf.i Cf 3.8322E+09 7.30E-08 0.2% 1.37E+08 0.036 HAC @ 1m 60 HAC_HP_SC-30G2_60Co.i Co 7.3991E+10 9.24E-10 0.3% 1.08E+12 14.596 252 HAC_HP_SC-30G2_252Cf.i Cf 3.8322E+09 7.47E-07 0.3% 1.33E+09 0.347 SC-30G3 Shielded Container The HalfPACT dose rates and statistical errors computed for the SC-30G3 concentrated gamma and neutron sources with 1 par/s source strength are provided in Table 5.4-13. The dose rates based on the limiting allowable activity (i.e., the NCT at 2 meters values) are provided in Table 5.1-9.
Table 5.4 HalfPACT - SC-30G3 Dose Rates for 1 par/s Source Source Calculated Allowable Allowable Strength Dose Rate Tally Activity Activity Case Nuclide (par/s/Ci) (mrem/hr) Error (par/s) (Ci)
NCT @ surface 60 NCT_HP_SC-30G3_60Co.i Co 7.3991E+10 3.51E-11 0.2% 5.69E+12 76.901 252 NCT_HP_SC-30G3_252Cf.i Cf 3.8322E+09 4.39E-07 0.2% 4.55E+08 0.119 NCT @ 2m 60 NCT_HP_SC-30G3_60Co.i Co 7.3991E+10 4.57E-12 0.3% 2.18E+12 29.463 252 NCT_HP_SC-30G3_252Cf.i Cf 3.8322E+09 5.10E-08 0.3% 1.95E+08 0.051 HAC @ 1m 60 HAC_HP_SC-30G3_60Co.i Co 7.3991E+10 1.36E-10 0.6% 7.31E+12 98.796 252 HAC_HP_SC-30G3_252Cf.i Cf 3.8322E+09 7.84E-07 0.3% 1.27E+09 0.331 5.4-8
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 SC-55G1 Shielded Container The HalfPACT dose rates and statistical errors computed for the SC-55G1 concentrated gamma and neutron sources with 1 par/s source strength are provided in Table 5.4-14. The dose rates based on the limiting allowable activity (i.e., the NCT at 2 meters values) are provided in Table 5.1-10.
Table 5.4 HalfPACT - SC-55G1 Dose Rates for 1 par/s Source Source Calculated Allowable Allowable Strength Dose Rate Tally Activity Activity Case Nuclide (par/s/Ci) (mrem/hr) Error (par/s) (Ci)
NCT @ surface 60 NCT_HP_SC-55G1_60Co.i Co 7.3991E+10 1.76E-09 0.1% 1.14E+11 1.541 252 NCT_HP_SC-55G1_252Cf.i Cf 3.8322E+09 6.20E-07 0.2% 3.22E+08 0.084 NCT @ 2m 60 NCT_HP_SC-55G1_60Co.i Co 7.3991E+10 1.89E-10 0.1% 5.29E+10 0.715 252 NCT_HP_SC-55G1_252Cf.i Cf 3.8322E+09 6.29E-08 0.2% 1.59E+08 0.041 HAC @ 1m 60 HAC_HP_SC-55G1_60Co.i Co 7.3991E+10 1.57E-09 0.4% 6.34E+11 8.569 252 HAC_HP_SC-55G1_252Cf.i Cf 3.8322E+09 5.30E-07 0.4% 1.88E+09 0.491 SC-55G2 Shielded Container The HalfPACT dose rates and statistical errors computed for the SC-55G2 concentrated gamma and neutron sources with 1 par/s source strength are provided in Table 5.4-15. The dose rates based on the limiting allowable activity (i.e., the NCT at 2 meters values) are provided in Table 5.1-11.
Table 5.4 HalfPACT - SC-55G2 Dose Rates for 1 par/s Source Source Calculated Allowable Allowable Strength Dose Rate Tally Activity Activity Case Nuclide (par/s/Ci) (mrem/hr) Error (par/s) (Ci)
NCT @ surface 60 NCT_HP_SC-55G2_60Co.i Co 7.3991E+10 1.27E-10 0.1% 1.57E+12 21.219 252 NCT_HP_SC-55G2_252Cf.i Cf 3.8322E+09 4.80E-07 0.2% 4.16E+08 0.109 NCT @ 2m 60 NCT_HP_SC-55G2_60Co.i Co 7.3991E+10 1.64E-11 0.2% 6.09E+11 8.231 252 NCT_HP_SC-55G2_252Cf.i Cf 3.8322E+09 5.52E-08 0.3% 1.81E+08 0.047 HAC @ 1m 60 HAC_HP_SC-55G2_60Co.i Co 7.3991E+10 3.99E-10 0.4% 2.50E+12 33.788 252 HAC_HP_SC-55G2_252Cf.i Cf 3.8322E+09 8.13E-07 0.3% 1.23E+09 0.321 5.4-9
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Summary As shown in Table 5.4-5 through Table 5.4-15, each packaging/payload configuration is defined by a limiting allowable activity to meet the NCT at 2 meters from the surface dose rate of 10 mrem/hr. The tally errors are all less than or equal to 1.2%, demonstrating a well-converged solution. All allowable activity calculations conservatively add the error associated with the Monte-Carlo simulation to determine the activity that meets the regulatory dose rate requirement.
None of the NCT at 2 meter based activity limits for any of the payload configurations are determined to be greater than the allowable activity required to meet the 1000 mrem/hr HAC dose rate requirement calculated for the Generic payload case. As such, any payloads that meet the NCT dose rate requirements (particularly the 2 meter dose rate limit of 10 mrem/hr) are ensured to meet the HAC dose rate limit of 1000 mrem/hr. The limiting NCT activity and the limiting HAC activity are graphically summarized in Figure 5.4-1 and Figure 5.4-2.
Generally, when at the NCT at 2 meter dose rate limit, the NCT package surface dose rate is approximately a factor of two below the regulatory allowable (200 mrem/hr) and the HAC at 1 meter dose rate is approximately a factor of four below the regulatory allowable (1000 mrem/hr) for all packaging/payload configurations.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 5.4 Allowable Activity Comparison for Concentrated Sources for Generic, CCO, 6PO, 12PO, and SC-30G1 Payloads 5.4-11
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 5.4 Allowable Activity Comparison for Concentrated Sources for SC-30G2, SC-30G3, SC-55G1, and SC-55G2 Payloads 5.4-12
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 5.4.5 Evaluation for Axial Gaps in the Sidewall Lead Structural testing of the SC-30G2, SC-30G3, and SC-55G2 designs demonstrated that lead slump did not occur for the sidewall lead. However, post-test destructive disassembly of some of the test containers found axial gaps in the sidewall lead that were attributed to cold shuts formed during the lead pouring process. 3 Although the largest measured axial gap was 0.318 inches for an SC-55G2 test unit, this evaluation demonstrates that axial gaps as great as 1/2-inch at either the lowest or highest end of the sidewall lead column results in a maximum NCT dose rate increase of only 0.8%, and a maximum HAC dose rate increase of 17.2%, both for the SC-30G2 design. Table 5.4-12 for the SC-30G2 shows that the HAC activity limit is 9.73x greater than the NCT activity limit; similarly, Table 5.4-13 and Table 5.4-15 show HAC/NCT activity limit ratios of 3.35x and 4.10x for the SC-30G3 and SC-55G2 designs, respectively. Therefore, the reported increases in HAC dose rates due to 1/2-inch axial gaps are of no consequence since the NCT 2-meter dose rate bounds the activity limits for all shielded container designs. Axial gaps and their effect on dose rates are summarized below in Table 5.4-16 from SCA-CAL-0005. 4 Table 5.4 Summary of Dose Rate Changes Due to Axial Gaps Shielded Tally Source Axial Gaps Container Case Location Location 0.00-in 0.25-in 0.50-in Surface Middle 0.11% 0.33%
NCT 2-Meters Middle 0.34% 0.80%
SC-30G2 Middle 0.06% 0.08%
HAC 1-Meter Lowest 1.02% 3.46% 9.81%
Highest 4.04% 8.49% 17.22%
Surface Middle 0.10% 0.47%
NCT 2-Meters Middle 0.48% 0.51%
SC-30G3 Middle 0.02% 0.15%
HAC 1-Meter Lowest 0.04% 1.00% 2.87%
Highest 0.81% 3.33% 7.73%
Surface Middle 0.01% 0.05%
NCT 2-Meters Middle 0.40% 0.79%
SC-55G2 Middle 0.02% 0.06%
HAC 1-Meter Lowest 1.23% 4.51% 11.02%
Highest 2.52% 6.67% 13.80%
3 Nuclear Waste Partnership, Regulatory Hypothetical Accident Condition Type B Testing for the HalfPACT Shielded Container Payloads, HPT-REP-0001, Rev. 1, September 2021.
4 Nuclear Waste Partnership, Effect of Axial Gaps in the SC-30G2, SC-30G3, and SC-55G2 Lead Sidewalls, SCA-CAL-0005, Rev. 0, September 2021.
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TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 5.5 Activity Limits The calculations summarized in Section 5.4, Shielding Evaluation, were associated with a 60Co gamma and a 252Cf neutron source term, but TRU waste can be comprised of a multitude of radionuclides. Therefore, a generalized method for determining compliance with 10 CFR §71.47 and §71.51 is required to accommodate any mixture of gamma and/or neutron-emitting radionuclides. Using the packaging models described in Section 5.3, Shielding Model, additional calculations were performed to determine the maximum activity that can be contained in the TRUPACT-II and HalfPACT while meeting the requirements of 10 CFR §71.47. Since the results in Section 5.4, Shielding Evaluation, demonstrate that contents meeting the NCT limits at 2 meters will meet NCT surface and HAC at 1 meter limits, maximum activity was determined only for NCT.
For each of the packaging and payload configurations considered in Section 5.4, Shielding Evaluation, two source configurations were evaluated as follows:
- Concentrated Source - activity in a stub-cylinder with dimensions of 1 inch in diameter by 1 inch in height centered in the payload cavity of the packaging or centered in each payload cavity defined by the payload container confinement boundary.
- Distributed Source - activity homogenously distributed in a right-circular cylinder centered in the payload cavity of the packaging or centered in each payload cavity defined by the payload container confinement boundary. The size of the distributed source is dependent upon the available size of the payload cavity and the maximum allowed weight of the contents in the payload cavity. To conservatively model the source (i.e., minimize the effects of self-attenuation and distance), the diameter of the source region is maintained at the payload cavity inside diameter (minus an 1/8 inch radial and axial clearance) and the source height is varied based on the assumed density of the contents ranging from 0.5 to 8 g/cc. The material for the source region was selected as Zr (z=40); multiple calculations with various materials showed a material selection of Zr was conservative for gamma calculations and inconsequential to neutron calculations.
Dose rates were calculated at 2 meters from the surface of the package for a range of discrete gamma (0.15 to 10 MeV) and neutron (0.1 to 15 MeV) energies provided in Table 5.5-1 with a source strength of 1 par/s. Dose rates were determined with segmented surface detectors either axially aligned with the source centerline when a single source or tier of sources exist or axially aligned with a plane that is midway between upper and lower tiers of sources. The axial alignment of the surface detectors is to minimize the aggregate distance from the source(s) to the detector and to report the maximum dose rate. The flux-to-dose rate conversion factors are the same as used previously and listed in Table 5.4-3 and Table 5.4-4.
The maximum allowed gamma and neutron activity in par/s, for each discrete energy, was determined by multiplying the modeled source activity (1 par/s) by the ratio of the dose rate limit (10 mrem/hr) to the calculated dose rate after conservatively adjusting for statistical error. The concentrated source results were determined for a 1 g/cc source density but apply to all concentrated gamma and neutron sources as the assumed source material had no statistically significant effect on the results.
The distributed source results were determined for a range of source densities from 0.5 to 8 g/cc.
The 1 g/cc results were evaluated for each discrete gamma and neutron energy listed in Table 5.5-1
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 5.5-1. For distributed gamma sources, the 1 g/cc (unit density) results are utilized along with a density correction factor (DCF) to apply the distributed gamma unit-density source results to any source density in the range. For distributed neutron sources, the source was evaluated at a single density, 1 g/cc, which applies to any density in the source range without the use of a DCF since the Zr material does not attenuate neutrons. Therefore, the distributed neutron source has an activity allowable that differs from the concentrated neutron source due to distance attenuation effects alone whereas the distributed gamma source has an activity allowable that differs from the concentrated gamma source due to distance and material attenuation effects.
The gamma DCFs were determined by first calculating the maximum allowable activity for gamma energies in the range of 0.5 to 2.0 MeV over the 0.5 to 8 g/cc density range. The gamma DCF is the ratio of the maximum activity at a density other than 1 to the maximum activity for the unit-density source. A 3rd order polynomial curve-fit of the minimum DCF, determined as the smallest DCF for all evaluated energies at each source density, was produced to facilitate calculation of a DCF for any density of contents.
Table 5.5 Discrete Gamma and Neutron Energies
-Energy (MeV) n-Energy (MeV) 0.15 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.75 0.75 1 1 1.25 1.25 1.5 1.5 1.75 1.75 2 2 2.5 2.5 4 5 6 10 10 15 5.5-2
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 5.5.1 Generic The maximum allowed gamma and neutron activity for a concentrated and distributed unit-density source in a TRUPACT-II with Generic payload is given in Table 5.5-2 and Table 5.5-3, respectively. Table 5.5-4 and Table 5.5-5 provide the results for the HalfPACT with Generic payload. Figure 5.5-1 illustrates the source models for the unit-density distributed source in the TRUPACT-II and HalfPACT with Generic payload, for comparison. The DCFs for the TRUPACT-II and HalfPACT with Generic payload and polynomial curve fit of the minimum values are provided in Figure 5.5-2 and Figure 5.5-3, respectively.
It is concluded from the results that the Generic maximum gamma and neutron activity for the TRUPACT-II and HalfPACT with either concentrated or distributed payload is almost identical (within 2.1% difference for concentrated payloads and within 5.5% difference for distributed payloads) with the TRUPACT-II being generally more restrictive. Therefore, application of the TRUPACT-II maximum activity limits provided in Table 5.5-2 and Table 5.5-3 and the TRUPACT-II DCF summarized below can conveniently be used to ensure compliance with 10 CFR §71.47 and §71.51 dose rate requirements for both the TRUPACT-II and HalfPACT packages through the process defined in Section 5.5.10, Determination of Acceptable Activity:
DCFGeneric= 0.0044*3 - 0.0948*2 + 0.8404* + 0.2465 where is the density of the source region in units of grams per cubic centimeter (g/cc).
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 5.5 TRUPACT-II - Generic Gamma Activity Limits Calculated Allowable Source Energy Dose Rate Tally Activity Case Type (MeV) (mrem/hr) Error (/s) tng100.i Concentrated 0.15 2.39E-11 0.2% 4.17E+11 tng101.i Concentrated 0.2 7.29E-11 0.2% 1.37E+11 tng102.i Concentrated 0.3 1.93E-10 0.2% 5.17E+10 tng103.i Concentrated 0.5 4.19E-10 0.2% 2.38E+10 tng104.i Concentrated 0.75 6.69E-10 0.2% 1.49E+10 tng105.i Concentrated 1 8.96E-10 0.2% 1.11E+10 tng106.i Concentrated 1.25 1.11E-09 0.3% 9.02E+09 tng107.i Concentrated 1.5 1.30E-09 0.3% 7.65E+09 tng108.i Concentrated 1.75 1.49E-09 0.3% 6.68E+09 tng109.i Concentrated 2 1.67E-09 0.3% 5.98E+09 tng110.i Concentrated 2.5 1.99E-09 0.3% 5.01E+09 tng111.i Concentrated 4 2.81E-09 0.3% 3.54E+09 tng112.i Concentrated 6 3.71E-09 0.3% 2.69E+09 tng113.i Concentrated 10 5.36E-09 0.4% 1.86E+09 tng120.i Distributed 0.15 6.40E-13 0.6% 1.55E+13 tng121.i Distributed 0.2 3.36E-12 0.4% 2.96E+12 tng122.i Distributed 0.3 1.63E-11 0.3% 6.12E+11 tng123.i Distributed 0.5 5.81E-11 0.3% 1.72E+11 tng124.i Distributed 0.75 1.20E-10 0.3% 8.32E+10 tng125.i Distributed 1 1.85E-10 0.3% 5.40E+10 tng126.i Distributed 1.25 2.53E-10 0.3% 3.93E+10 tng127.i Distributed 1.5 3.22E-10 0.3% 3.10E+10 tng128.i Distributed 1.75 3.90E-10 0.3% 2.56E+10 tng129.i Distributed 2 4.55E-10 0.3% 2.19E+10 tng130.i Distributed 2.5 5.73E-10 0.3% 1.74E+10 tng131.i Distributed 4 8.52E-10 0.4% 1.17E+10 tng132.i Distributed 6 1.12E-09 0.4% 8.91E+09 tng133.i Distributed 10 1.54E-09 0.5% 6.48E+09 5.5-4
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 5.5 TRUPACT-II - Generic Neutron Activity Limits Calculated Allowable Source Energy Dose Rate Tally Activity Case Type (MeV) (mrem/hr) Error (n/s) tnn100.i Concentrated 0.1 5.30E-09 0.3% 1.88E+09 tnn101.i Concentrated 0.2 1.03E-08 0.3% 9.65E+08 tnn102.i Concentrated 0.3 1.73E-08 0.3% 5.78E+08 tnn103.i Concentrated 0.5 3.34E-08 0.3% 2.99E+08 tnn104.i Concentrated 0.75 5.06E-08 0.3% 1.97E+08 tnn105.i Concentrated 1 6.34E-08 0.3% 1.57E+08 tnn106.i Concentrated 1.25 7.43E-08 0.3% 1.34E+08 tnn107.i Concentrated 1.5 7.82E-08 0.3% 1.28E+08 tnn108.i Concentrated 1.75 8.00E-08 0.2% 1.25E+08 tnn109.i Concentrated 2 8.25E-08 0.3% 1.21E+08 tnn110.i Concentrated 2.5 8.57E-08 0.2% 1.16E+08 tnn111.i Concentrated 5 1.06E-07 0.2% 9.40E+07 tnn112.i Concentrated 10 1.06E-07 0.2% 9.41E+07 tnn113.i Concentrated 15 1.50E-07 0.3% 6.67E+07 tnn120.i Distributed 0.1 4.31E-09 0.3% 2.31E+09 tnn121.i Distributed 0.2 7.74E-09 0.3% 1.29E+09 tnn122.i Distributed 0.3 1.35E-08 0.4% 7.40E+08 tnn123.i Distributed 0.5 2.55E-08 0.3% 3.90E+08 tnn124.i Distributed 0.75 4.26E-08 0.3% 2.34E+08 tnn125.i Distributed 1 5.47E-08 0.3% 1.82E+08 tnn126.i Distributed 1.25 5.92E-08 0.3% 1.68E+08 tnn127.i Distributed 1.5 6.34E-08 0.3% 1.57E+08 tnn128.i Distributed 1.75 6.51E-08 0.3% 1.53E+08 tnn129.i Distributed 2 6.55E-08 0.3% 1.52E+08 tnn130.i Distributed 2.5 6.34E-08 0.3% 1.57E+08 tnn131.i Distributed 5 7.94E-08 0.3% 1.26E+08 tnn132.i Distributed 10 8.82E-08 0.3% 1.13E+08 tnn133.i Distributed 15 1.28E-07 0.3% 7.78E+07 5.5-5
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 5.5 HalfPACT - Generic Gamma Activity Limits Calculated Allowable Source Energy Dose Rate Tally Activity Case Type (MeV) (mrem/hr) Error (/s) hng100.i Concentrated 0.15 2.35E-11 0.2% 4.25E+11 hng101.i Concentrated 0.2 7.14E-11 0.2% 1.40E+11 hng102.i Concentrated 0.3 1.89E-10 0.2% 5.28E+10 hng103.i Concentrated 0.5 4.12E-10 0.2% 2.42E+10 hng104.i Concentrated 0.75 6.61E-10 0.2% 1.51E+10 hng105.i Concentrated 1 8.88E-10 0.2% 1.12E+10 hng106.i Concentrated 1.25 1.10E-09 0.2% 9.09E+09 hng107.i Concentrated 1.5 1.30E-09 0.2% 7.70E+09 hng108.i Concentrated 1.75 1.48E-09 0.3% 6.72E+09 hng109.i Concentrated 2 1.66E-09 0.3% 6.00E+09 hng110.i Concentrated 2.5 1.98E-09 0.3% 5.03E+09 hng111.i Concentrated 4 2.80E-09 0.3% 3.56E+09 hng112.i Concentrated 6 3.71E-09 0.3% 2.69E+09 hng113.i Concentrated 10 5.36E-09 0.4% 1.86E+09 hng120.i Distributed 0.15 6.15E-13 0.6% 1.62E+13 hng121.i Distributed 0.2 3.23E-12 0.4% 3.08E+12 hng122.i Distributed 0.3 1.57E-11 0.3% 6.33E+11 hng123.i Distributed 0.5 5.66E-11 0.3% 1.76E+11 hng124.i Distributed 0.75 1.17E-10 0.3% 8.51E+10 hng125.i Distributed 1 1.82E-10 0.3% 5.49E+10 hng126.i Distributed 1.25 2.50E-10 0.3% 3.99E+10 hng127.i Distributed 1.5 3.18E-10 0.3% 3.14E+10 hng128.i Distributed 1.75 3.87E-10 0.3% 2.58E+10 hng129.i Distributed 2 4.51E-10 0.3% 2.21E+10 hng130.i Distributed 2.5 5.69E-10 0.3% 1.75E+10 hng131.i Distributed 4 8.46E-10 0.4% 1.18E+10 hng132.i Distributed 6 1.11E-09 0.4% 8.94E+09 hng133.i Distributed 10 1.53E-09 0.5% 6.52E+09 5.5-6
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 5.5 HalfPACT - Generic Neutron Activity Limits Calculated Allowable Source Energy Dose Rate Tally Activity Case Type (MeV) (mrem/hr) Error (n/s) hnn100.i Concentrated 0.1 5.07E-09 0.3% 1.97E+09 hnn101.i Concentrated 0.2 9.96E-09 0.3% 1.00E+09 hnn102.i Concentrated 0.3 1.68E-08 0.3% 5.93E+08 hnn103.i Concentrated 0.5 3.25E-08 0.3% 3.07E+08 hnn104.i Concentrated 0.75 4.93E-08 0.3% 2.02E+08 hnn105.i Concentrated 1 6.19E-08 0.3% 1.61E+08 hnn106.i Concentrated 1.25 7.27E-08 0.3% 1.37E+08 hnn107.i Concentrated 1.5 7.64E-08 0.3% 1.30E+08 hnn108.i Concentrated 1.75 7.81E-08 0.2% 1.28E+08 hnn109.i Concentrated 2 8.09E-08 0.2% 1.23E+08 hnn110.i Concentrated 2.5 8.41E-08 0.2% 1.19E+08 hnn111.i Concentrated 5 1.05E-07 0.2% 9.55E+07 hnn112.i Concentrated 10 1.05E-07 0.2% 9.53E+07 hnn113.i Concentrated 15 1.48E-07 0.3% 6.73E+07 hnn120.i Distributed 0.1 4.07E-09 0.3% 2.45E+09 hnn121.i Distributed 0.2 7.35E-09 0.3% 1.36E+09 hnn122.i Distributed 0.3 1.30E-08 0.4% 7.64E+08 hnn123.i Distributed 0.5 2.48E-08 0.3% 4.02E+08 hnn124.i Distributed 0.75 4.15E-08 0.3% 2.40E+08 hnn125.i Distributed 1 5.33E-08 0.3% 1.87E+08 hnn126.i Distributed 1.25 5.79E-08 0.3% 1.72E+08 hnn127.i Distributed 1.5 6.20E-08 0.3% 1.61E+08 hnn128.i Distributed 1.75 6.35E-08 0.3% 1.57E+08 hnn129.i Distributed 2 6.41E-08 0.3% 1.56E+08 hnn130.i Distributed 2.5 6.21E-08 0.3% 1.61E+08 hnn131.i Distributed 5 7.80E-08 0.3% 1.28E+08 hnn132.i Distributed 10 8.71E-08 0.3% 1.15E+08 hnn133.i Distributed 15 1.27E-07 0.3% 7.88E+07 5.5-7
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 5.5 TRUPACT-II & HalfPACT Generic Payload MCNP Models for Distributed Source at Unit Density 5.5-8
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 5.5 TRUPACT-II Generic Payload DCF Figure 5.5 HalfPACT Generic Payload DCF 5.5-9
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 5.5.2 Criticality Control Overpack The maximum allowed gamma and neutron activity for a concentrated and distributed unit-density source in a TRUPACT-II with CCO payload is given in Table 5.5-6 and Table 5.5-7, respectively. Table 5.5-8 and Table 5.5-9 provide the results for the HalfPACT with CCO payload. Figure 5.5-4 illustrates the source models for the unit-density distributed source in the TRUPACT-II and HalfPACT with CCO payload, for comparison. The DCFs for the TRUPACT-II and HalfPACT with CCO payload and polynomial curve fit of the minimum values are provided in Figure 5.5-5 and Figure 5.5-6, respectively.
It is concluded from the results that the CCO maximum gamma and neutron activity for the TRUPACT-II and HalfPACT with either concentrated or distributed payload is almost identical (within 5.6% difference for concentrated payloads and within 6.3% difference for distributed payloads) with the HalfPACT being generally more restrictive. Therefore, application of the HalfPACT maximum activity limits provided in Table 5.5-8 and Table 5.5-9 and the HalfPACT DCF summarized below can conveniently be used to ensure compliance with 10 CFR §71.47 and
§71.51 dose rate requirements for both the TRUPACT-II and HalfPACT packages through the process defined in Section 5.5.10, Determination of Acceptable Activity:
DCFCCO= 0.0006*3 - 0.0048*2 + 0.2279* + 0.7456 where is the limiting density of the source regions in units of grams per cubic centimeter (g/cc).
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 5.5 TRUPACT-II - CCO Gamma Activity Limits Calculated Allowable Source Energy Dose Rate Tally Activity Case Type (MeV) (mrem/hr) Error (/s) cng100.i Concentrated 0.15 6.75E-12 0.3% 1.48E+12 cng101.i Concentrated 0.2 2.97E-11 0.2% 3.36E+11 cng102.i Concentrated 0.3 1.03E-10 0.2% 9.68E+10 cng103.i Concentrated 0.5 2.66E-10 0.2% 3.75E+10 cng104.i Concentrated 0.75 4.62E-10 0.2% 2.16E+10 cng105.i Concentrated 1 6.51E-10 0.2% 1.53E+10 cng106.i Concentrated 1.25 8.28E-10 0.2% 1.21E+10 cng107.i Concentrated 1.5 1.00E-09 0.2% 9.98E+09 cng108.i Concentrated 1.75 1.17E-09 0.2% 8.56E+09 cng109.i Concentrated 2 1.32E-09 0.3% 7.55E+09 cng110.i Concentrated 2.5 1.61E-09 0.3% 6.21E+09 cng111.i Concentrated 4 2.32E-09 0.3% 4.29E+09 cng112.i Concentrated 6 3.09E-09 0.3% 3.23E+09 cng113.i Concentrated 10 4.48E-09 0.4% 2.22E+09 cng120.i Distributed 0.15 1.82E-12 0.4% 5.48E+12 cng121.i Distributed 0.2 1.17E-11 0.3% 8.51E+11 cng122.i Distributed 0.3 5.70E-11 0.2% 1.75E+11 cng123.i Distributed 0.5 1.82E-10 0.2% 5.48E+10 cng124.i Distributed 0.75 3.42E-10 0.2% 2.91E+10 cng125.i Distributed 1 5.03E-10 0.2% 1.98E+10 cng126.i Distributed 1.25 6.56E-10 0.2% 1.52E+10 cng127.i Distributed 1.5 8.08E-10 0.2% 1.23E+10 cng128.i Distributed 1.75 9.51E-10 0.3% 1.05E+10 cng129.i Distributed 2 1.09E-09 0.3% 9.18E+09 cng130.i Distributed 2.5 1.34E-09 0.3% 7.43E+09 cng131.i Distributed 4 1.95E-09 0.3% 5.11E+09 cng132.i Distributed 6 2.59E-09 0.3% 3.85E+09 cng133.i Distributed 10 3.70E-09 0.4% 2.69E+09 5.5-11
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 5.5 TRUPACT-II - CCO Neutron Activity Limits Calculated Allowable Source Energy Dose Rate Tally Activity Case Type (MeV) (mrem/hr) Error (n/s) cnn100.i Concentrated 0.1 5.02E-09 0.2% 1.99E+09 cnn101.i Concentrated 0.2 9.55E-09 0.3% 1.04E+09 cnn102.i Concentrated 0.3 1.66E-08 0.3% 5.99E+08 cnn103.i Concentrated 0.5 3.10E-08 0.3% 3.21E+08 cnn104.i Concentrated 0.75 4.86E-08 0.3% 2.05E+08 cnn105.i Concentrated 1 6.17E-08 0.2% 1.62E+08 cnn106.i Concentrated 1.25 7.23E-08 0.2% 1.38E+08 cnn107.i Concentrated 1.5 7.57E-08 0.2% 1.32E+08 cnn108.i Concentrated 1.75 7.76E-08 0.2% 1.29E+08 cnn109.i Concentrated 2 8.03E-08 0.2% 1.24E+08 cnn110.i Concentrated 2.5 8.43E-08 0.2% 1.18E+08 cnn111.i Concentrated 5 1.02E-07 0.2% 9.75E+07 cnn112.i Concentrated 10 1.05E-07 0.2% 9.53E+07 cnn113.i Concentrated 15 1.48E-07 0.2% 6.75E+07 cnn120.i Distributed 0.1 4.95E-09 0.2% 2.01E+09 cnn121.i Distributed 0.2 9.44E-09 0.3% 1.06E+09 cnn122.i Distributed 0.3 1.67E-08 0.3% 5.96E+08 cnn123.i Distributed 0.5 3.13E-08 0.3% 3.18E+08 cnn124.i Distributed 0.75 4.92E-08 0.3% 2.03E+08 cnn125.i Distributed 1 6.20E-08 0.2% 1.61E+08 cnn126.i Distributed 1.25 7.23E-08 0.2% 1.38E+08 cnn127.i Distributed 1.5 7.62E-08 0.2% 1.31E+08 cnn128.i Distributed 1.75 7.70E-08 0.2% 1.30E+08 cnn129.i Distributed 2 7.93E-08 0.2% 1.26E+08 cnn130.i Distributed 2.5 8.21E-08 0.2% 1.22E+08 cnn131.i Distributed 5 9.98E-08 0.2% 1.00E+08 cnn132.i Distributed 10 1.04E-07 0.2% 9.59E+07 cnn133.i Distributed 15 1.48E-07 0.3% 6.75E+07 5.5-12
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 5.5 HalfPACT - CCO Gamma Activity Limits Calculated Allowable Source Energy Dose Rate Tally Activity Case Type (MeV) (mrem/hr) Error (/s) dng100.i Concentrated 0.15 7.13E-12 0.3% 1.40E+12 dng101.i Concentrated 0.2 3.11E-11 0.2% 3.20E+11 dng102.i Concentrated 0.3 1.07E-10 0.2% 9.36E+10 dng103.i Concentrated 0.5 2.74E-10 0.2% 3.64E+10 dng104.i Concentrated 0.75 4.77E-10 0.2% 2.09E+10 dng105.i Concentrated 1 6.68E-10 0.2% 1.49E+10 dng106.i Concentrated 1.25 8.49E-10 0.2% 1.18E+10 dng107.i Concentrated 1.5 1.03E-09 0.2% 9.73E+09 dng108.i Concentrated 1.75 1.19E-09 0.2% 8.36E+09 dng109.i Concentrated 2 1.35E-09 0.2% 7.39E+09 dng110.i Concentrated 2.5 1.64E-09 0.2% 6.08E+09 dng111.i Concentrated 4 2.37E-09 0.3% 4.21E+09 dng112.i Concentrated 6 3.15E-09 0.3% 3.16E+09 dng113.i Concentrated 10 4.55E-09 0.4% 2.19E+09 dng120.i Distributed 0.15 1.93E-12 0.4% 5.16E+12 dng121.i Distributed 0.2 1.24E-11 0.2% 8.02E+11 dng122.i Distributed 0.3 6.00E-11 0.2% 1.66E+11 dng123.i Distributed 0.5 1.90E-10 0.2% 5.26E+10 dng124.i Distributed 0.75 3.57E-10 0.2% 2.80E+10 dng125.i Distributed 1 5.21E-10 0.2% 1.92E+10 dng126.i Distributed 1.25 6.79E-10 0.2% 1.47E+10 dng127.i Distributed 1.5 8.34E-10 0.2% 1.20E+10 dng128.i Distributed 1.75 9.83E-10 0.2% 1.01E+10 dng129.i Distributed 2 1.12E-09 0.2% 8.88E+09 dng130.i Distributed 2.5 1.38E-09 0.3% 7.24E+09 dng131.i Distributed 4 2.01E-09 0.3% 4.95E+09 dng132.i Distributed 6 2.66E-09 0.3% 3.74E+09 dng133.i Distributed 10 3.80E-09 0.4% 2.62E+09 5.5-13
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 5.5 HalfPACT - CCO Neutron Activity Limits Calculated Allowable Source Energy Dose Rate Tally Activity Case Type (MeV) (mrem/hr) Error (n/s) dnn100.i Concentrated 0.1 5.03E-09 0.2% 1.98E+09 dnn101.i Concentrated 0.2 9.61E-09 0.3% 1.04E+09 dnn102.i Concentrated 0.3 1.68E-08 0.3% 5.94E+08 dnn103.i Concentrated 0.5 3.15E-08 0.3% 3.17E+08 dnn104.i Concentrated 0.75 4.88E-08 0.2% 2.05E+08 dnn105.i Concentrated 1 6.20E-08 0.2% 1.61E+08 dnn106.i Concentrated 1.25 7.25E-08 0.2% 1.38E+08 dnn107.i Concentrated 1.5 7.63E-08 0.2% 1.31E+08 dnn108.i Concentrated 1.75 7.76E-08 0.2% 1.29E+08 dnn109.i Concentrated 2 8.03E-08 0.2% 1.24E+08 dnn110.i Concentrated 2.5 8.44E-08 0.2% 1.18E+08 dnn111.i Concentrated 5 1.03E-07 0.2% 9.71E+07 dnn112.i Concentrated 10 1.05E-07 0.2% 9.53E+07 dnn113.i Concentrated 15 1.48E-07 0.2% 6.73E+07 dnn120.i Distributed 0.1 4.95E-09 0.2% 2.02E+09 dnn121.i Distributed 0.2 9.50E-09 0.3% 1.05E+09 dnn122.i Distributed 0.3 1.69E-08 0.3% 5.92E+08 dnn123.i Distributed 0.5 3.14E-08 0.3% 3.18E+08 dnn124.i Distributed 0.75 4.95E-08 0.2% 2.02E+08 dnn125.i Distributed 1 6.23E-08 0.2% 1.60E+08 dnn126.i Distributed 1.25 7.28E-08 0.2% 1.37E+08 dnn127.i Distributed 1.5 7.63E-08 0.2% 1.31E+08 dnn128.i Distributed 1.75 7.73E-08 0.2% 1.29E+08 dnn129.i Distributed 2 7.98E-08 0.2% 1.25E+08 dnn130.i Distributed 2.5 8.25E-08 0.2% 1.21E+08 dnn131.i Distributed 5 1.00E-07 0.2% 9.94E+07 dnn132.i Distributed 10 1.04E-07 0.2% 9.57E+07 dnn133.i Distributed 15 1.48E-07 0.2% 6.72E+07 5.5-14
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 5.5 TRUPACT-II & HalfPACT CCO Payload MCNP Models for Distributed Source at Unit Density 5.5-15
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 5.5 TRUPACT-II CCO Payload DCF Figure 5.5 HalfPACT CCO Payload DCF 5.5-16
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 5.5.3 6-in. Standard Pipe Overpack The maximum allowed gamma and neutron activity for a concentrated and distributed unit-density source in a HalfPACT with 6PO payload is given in Table 5.5-10 and Table 5.5-11, respectively. Figure 5.5-7 illustrates the source model for the unit-density distributed source in the HalfPACT with 6PO payload. The DCF for the HalfPACT with 6PO payload and polynomial curve fit of the minimum values is provided in Figure 5.5-8.
It is concluded from the results that the 6PO is sufficiently similar in design, dimensions, and construction to the CCO that the maximum gamma and neutron activity for the HalfPACT can conservatively be applied to both the TRUPACT-II and HalfPACT. Therefore, application of the HalfPACT maximum activity limits provided in Table 5.5-10 and Table 5.5-11 and the HalfPACT DCF summarized below can conveniently be used to ensure compliance with 10 CFR §71.47 and §71.51 dose rate requirements for both the TRUPACT-II and HalfPACT packages through the process defined in Section 5.5.10, Determination of Acceptable Activity:
DCF6PO= 0.0006*3 - 0.0053*2 + 0.2315* + 0.7419 where is the limiting density of the source regions in units of grams per cubic centimeter (g/cc).
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 5.5 HalfPACT - 6PO Gamma Activity Limits Calculated Allowable Source Energy Dose Rate Tally Activity Case Type (MeV) (mrem/hr) Error (/s) 6ng100.i Concentrated 0.15 8.05E-12 0.3% 1.24E+12 6ng101.i Concentrated 0.2 3.40E-11 0.2% 2.94E+11 6ng102.i Concentrated 0.3 1.14E-10 0.2% 8.78E+10 6ng103.i Concentrated 0.5 2.87E-10 0.2% 3.48E+10 6ng104.i Concentrated 0.75 4.95E-10 0.2% 2.02E+10 6ng105.i Concentrated 1 6.90E-10 0.2% 1.45E+10 6ng106.i Concentrated 1.25 8.74E-10 0.2% 1.14E+10 6ng107.i Concentrated 1.5 1.05E-09 0.2% 9.48E+09 6ng108.i Concentrated 1.75 1.22E-09 0.2% 8.15E+09 6ng109.i Concentrated 2 1.38E-09 0.2% 7.21E+09 6ng110.i Concentrated 2.5 1.68E-09 0.2% 5.94E+09 6ng111.i Concentrated 4 2.42E-09 0.3% 4.13E+09 6ng112.i Concentrated 6 3.22E-09 0.3% 3.10E+09 6ng113.i Concentrated 10 4.64E-09 0.4% 2.15E+09 6ng120.i Distributed 0.15 2.17E-12 0.4% 4.60E+12 6ng121.i Distributed 0.2 1.35E-11 0.2% 7.41E+11 6ng122.i Distributed 0.3 6.37E-11 0.2% 1.57E+11 6ng123.i Distributed 0.5 1.98E-10 0.2% 5.04E+10 6ng124.i Distributed 0.75 3.70E-10 0.2% 2.70E+10 6ng125.i Distributed 1 5.37E-10 0.2% 1.86E+10 6ng126.i Distributed 1.25 6.99E-10 0.2% 1.43E+10 6ng127.i Distributed 1.5 8.57E-10 0.2% 1.16E+10 6ng128.i Distributed 1.75 1.01E-09 0.2% 9.92E+09 6ng129.i Distributed 2 1.15E-09 0.2% 8.70E+09 6ng130.i Distributed 2.5 1.41E-09 0.3% 7.10E+09 6ng131.i Distributed 4 2.05E-09 0.3% 4.86E+09 6ng132.i Distributed 6 2.72E-09 0.3% 3.67E+09 6ng133.i Distributed 10 3.87E-09 0.4% 2.58E+09 5.5-18
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 5.5 HalfPACT - 6PO Neutron Activity Limits Calculated Allowable Source Energy Dose Rate Tally Activity Case Type (MeV) (mrem/hr) Error (n/s) 6nn100.i Concentrated 0.1 5.02E-09 0.2% 1.99E+09 6nn101.i Concentrated 0.2 9.60E-09 0.3% 1.04E+09 6nn102.i Concentrated 0.3 1.67E-08 0.3% 5.96E+08 6nn103.i Concentrated 0.5 3.14E-08 0.3% 3.17E+08 6nn104.i Concentrated 0.75 4.86E-08 0.2% 2.05E+08 6nn105.i Concentrated 1 6.17E-08 0.2% 1.62E+08 6nn106.i Concentrated 1.25 7.24E-08 0.2% 1.38E+08 6nn107.i Concentrated 1.5 7.63E-08 0.2% 1.31E+08 6nn108.i Concentrated 1.75 7.76E-08 0.2% 1.29E+08 6nn109.i Concentrated 2 8.03E-08 0.2% 1.24E+08 6nn110.i Concentrated 2.5 8.43E-08 0.2% 1.18E+08 6nn111.i Concentrated 5 1.03E-07 0.2% 9.70E+07 6nn112.i Concentrated 10 1.05E-07 0.2% 9.53E+07 6nn113.i Concentrated 15 1.48E-07 0.2% 6.72E+07 6nn120.i Distributed 0.1 4.96E-09 0.2% 2.01E+09 6nn121.i Distributed 0.2 9.49E-09 0.3% 1.05E+09 6nn122.i Distributed 0.3 1.67E-08 0.3% 5.96E+08 6nn123.i Distributed 0.5 3.14E-08 0.3% 3.18E+08 6nn124.i Distributed 0.75 4.93E-08 0.2% 2.03E+08 6nn125.i Distributed 1 6.20E-08 0.2% 1.61E+08 6nn126.i Distributed 1.25 7.22E-08 0.2% 1.38E+08 6nn127.i Distributed 1.5 7.59E-08 0.2% 1.31E+08 6nn128.i Distributed 1.75 7.71E-08 0.2% 1.29E+08 6nn129.i Distributed 2 7.96E-08 0.2% 1.25E+08 6nn130.i Distributed 2.5 8.22E-08 0.2% 1.21E+08 6nn131.i Distributed 5 1.00E-07 0.2% 9.94E+07 6nn132.i Distributed 10 1.04E-07 0.2% 9.59E+07 6nn133.i Distributed 15 1.48E-07 0.2% 6.73E+07 5.5-19
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 5.5 HalfPACT 6PO Payload MCNP Model for Distributed Source at Unit Density Figure 5.5 HalfPACT 6PO Payload DCF 5.5-20
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 5.5.4 12-in. Standard Pipe Overpack The maximum allowed gamma and neutron activity for a concentrated and distributed unit-density source in a HalfPACT with 12PO payload is given in Table 5.5-12 and Table 5.5-13, respectively. Figure 5.5-9 illustrates the source model for the unit-density distributed source in the HalfPACT with 12PO payload. The DCF for the HalfPACT with 12PO payload and polynomial curve fit of the minimum values is provided in Figure 5.5-10.
It is concluded from the results that the 12PO is sufficiently similar in design, dimensions, and construction to the CCO that the maximum gamma and neutron activity for the HalfPACT can conservatively be applied to both the TRUPACT-II and HalfPACT. Therefore, application of the HalfPACT maximum activity limits provided in Table 5.5-12 and Table 5.5-13 and the HalfPACT DCF summarized below can conveniently be used to ensure compliance with 10 CFR §71.47 and §71.51 dose rate requirements for both the TRUPACT-II and HalfPACT packages through the process defined in Section 5.5.10, Determination of Acceptable Activity:
DCF12PO= 0.0005*3 - 0.0154*2 + 0.5000* + 0.4834 where is the limiting density of the source regions in units of grams per cubic centimeter (g/cc).
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 5.5 HalfPACT - 12PO Gamma Activity Limits Calculated Allowable Source Energy Dose Rate Tally Activity Case Type (MeV) (mrem/hr) Error (/s) 7ng100.i Concentrated 0.15 7.29E-12 0.3% 1.37E+12 7ng101.i Concentrated 0.2 3.08E-11 0.2% 3.24E+11 7ng102.i Concentrated 0.3 1.04E-10 0.2% 9.62E+10 7ng103.i Concentrated 0.5 2.65E-10 0.2% 3.77E+10 7ng104.i Concentrated 0.75 4.62E-10 0.2% 2.16E+10 7ng105.i Concentrated 1 6.49E-10 0.2% 1.54E+10 7ng106.i Concentrated 1.25 8.27E-10 0.2% 1.21E+10 7ng107.i Concentrated 1.5 1.00E-09 0.2% 9.97E+09 7ng108.i Concentrated 1.75 1.17E-09 0.2% 8.55E+09 7ng109.i Concentrated 2 1.32E-09 0.2% 7.55E+09 7ng110.i Concentrated 2.5 1.61E-09 0.2% 6.19E+09 7ng111.i Concentrated 4 2.33E-09 0.3% 4.28E+09 7ng112.i Concentrated 6 3.11E-09 0.3% 3.21E+09 7ng113.i Concentrated 10 4.48E-09 0.4% 2.22E+09 7ng120.i Distributed 0.15 9.60E-13 0.5% 1.04E+13 7ng121.i Distributed 0.2 6.26E-12 0.3% 1.59E+12 7ng122.i Distributed 0.3 3.39E-11 0.2% 2.94E+11 7ng123.i Distributed 0.5 1.21E-10 0.2% 8.28E+10 7ng124.i Distributed 0.75 2.41E-10 0.2% 4.14E+10 7ng125.i Distributed 1 3.65E-10 0.2% 2.73E+10 7ng126.i Distributed 1.25 4.90E-10 0.2% 2.03E+10 7ng127.i Distributed 1.5 6.14E-10 0.2% 1.62E+10 7ng128.i Distributed 1.75 7.33E-10 0.3% 1.36E+10 7ng129.i Distributed 2 8.45E-10 0.3% 1.18E+10 7ng130.i Distributed 2.5 1.05E-09 0.3% 9.50E+09 7ng131.i Distributed 4 1.55E-09 0.3% 6.44E+09 7ng132.i Distributed 6 2.05E-09 0.3% 4.86E+09 7ng133.i Distributed 10 2.88E-09 0.4% 3.46E+09 5.5-22
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 5.5 HalfPACT - 12PO Neutron Activity Limits Calculated Allowable Source Energy Dose Rate Tally Activity Case Type (MeV) (mrem/hr) Error (n/s) 7nn100.i Concentrated 0.1 4.83E-09 0.2% 2.07E+09 7nn101.i Concentrated 0.2 9.23E-09 0.3% 1.08E+09 7nn102.i Concentrated 0.3 1.62E-08 0.3% 6.17E+08 7nn103.i Concentrated 0.5 3.03E-08 0.3% 3.29E+08 7nn104.i Concentrated 0.75 4.73E-08 0.3% 2.11E+08 7nn105.i Concentrated 1 6.01E-08 0.2% 1.66E+08 7nn106.i Concentrated 1.25 7.08E-08 0.2% 1.41E+08 7nn107.i Concentrated 1.5 7.48E-08 0.2% 1.33E+08 7nn108.i Concentrated 1.75 7.54E-08 0.2% 1.32E+08 7nn109.i Concentrated 2 7.85E-08 0.2% 1.27E+08 7nn110.i Concentrated 2.5 8.19E-08 0.2% 1.22E+08 7nn111.i Concentrated 5 1.00E-07 0.2% 9.96E+07 7nn112.i Concentrated 10 1.03E-07 0.2% 9.70E+07 7nn113.i Concentrated 15 1.46E-07 0.2% 6.86E+07 7nn120.i Distributed 0.1 4.61E-09 0.2% 2.17E+09 7nn121.i Distributed 0.2 8.68E-09 0.3% 1.15E+09 7nn122.i Distributed 0.3 1.55E-08 0.3% 6.42E+08 7nn123.i Distributed 0.5 2.88E-08 0.3% 3.47E+08 7nn124.i Distributed 0.75 4.59E-08 0.3% 2.17E+08 7nn125.i Distributed 1 5.83E-08 0.2% 1.71E+08 7nn126.i Distributed 1.25 6.72E-08 0.2% 1.48E+08 7nn127.i Distributed 1.5 7.09E-08 0.2% 1.41E+08 7nn128.i Distributed 1.75 7.19E-08 0.2% 1.39E+08 7nn129.i Distributed 2 7.39E-08 0.2% 1.35E+08 7nn130.i Distributed 2.5 7.54E-08 0.2% 1.32E+08 7nn131.i Distributed 5 9.23E-08 0.2% 1.08E+08 7nn132.i Distributed 10 9.75E-08 0.2% 1.02E+08 7nn133.i Distributed 15 1.41E-07 0.3% 7.08E+07 5.5-23
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 5.5 HalfPACT 12PO Payload MCNP Model for Distributed Source at Unit Density Figure 5.5 HalfPACT 12PO Payload DCF 5.5-24
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 5.5.5 SC-30G1 Shielded Container The maximum allowed gamma and neutron activity for a concentrated and distributed unit-density source in a HalfPACT with a SC-30G1 shielded container payload is given in Table 5.5-14 and Table 5.5-15, respectively. Due to the significant thickness of the SC-30G1 steel/lead/steel sidewall and associated attenuation, no statistically valid results were obtained for the 0.15 and 0.2 MeV distributed unit-density source cases. As such, the concentrated source results were conservatively applied to the distributed source unit-density results. Figure 5.5-11 illustrates the source model for the unit-density distributed source in the HalfPACT with SC-30G1 payload. The DCF for the HalfPACT with SC-30G1 payload and polynomial curve fit of the minimum values is provided in Figure 5.5-12.
The SC-30G1 is only authorized for transport in the HalfPACT. Therefore, application of the HalfPACT maximum activity limits provided in Table 5.5-14 and Table 5.5-15 and the HalfPACT DCF summarized below can conveniently be used to ensure compliance with 10 CFR §71.47 and §71.51 dose rate requirements for the HalfPACT package through the process defined in Section 5.5.10, Determination of Acceptable Activity:
DCFSC-30G1= 0.0009*3 - 0.0308*2 + 0.6810* + 0.2995 where is the limiting density of the source regions in units of grams per cubic centimeter (g/cc).
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 5.5 HalfPACT - SC-30G1 Gamma Activity Limits Calculated Allowable Source Energy Dose Rate Tally Activity Case Type (MeV) (mrem/hr) Error (/s) sng100.i Concentrated 0.15 2.74E-16 4.9% 3.48E+16 sng101.i Concentrated 0.2 6.63E-15 1.8% 1.48E+15 sng102.i Concentrated 0.3 8.93E-14 0.9% 1.11E+14 sng103.i Concentrated 0.5 4.41E-12 0.4% 2.26E+12 sng104.i Concentrated 0.75 3.99E-11 0.2% 2.50E+11 sng105.i Concentrated 1 1.04E-10 0.2% 9.55E+10 sng106.i Concentrated 1.25 1.82E-10 0.2% 5.48E+10 sng107.i Concentrated 1.5 2.60E-10 0.2% 3.84E+10 sng108.i Concentrated 1.75 3.33E-10 0.2% 3.00E+10 sng109.i Concentrated 2 3.98E-10 0.3% 2.51E+10 sng110.i Concentrated 2.5 5.10E-10 0.3% 1.95E+10 sng111.i Concentrated 4 7.44E-10 0.3% 1.34E+10 sng112.i Concentrated 6 9.51E-10 0.4% 1.05E+10 sng113.i Concentrated 10 1.29E-09 0.4% 7.73E+09 sng120.i Distributed 0.15 2.74E-16 4.9% 3.48E+16 sng121.i Distributed 0.2 6.63E-15 1.8% 1.48E+15 sng122.i Distributed 0.3 2.41E-14 0.9% 4.12E+14 sng123.i Distributed 0.5 9.14E-13 0.7% 1.09E+13 sng124.i Distributed 0.75 1.09E-11 0.3% 9.19E+11 sng125.i Distributed 1 3.43E-11 0.3% 2.91E+11 sng126.i Distributed 1.25 6.73E-11 0.3% 1.48E+11 sng127.i Distributed 1.5 1.05E-10 0.3% 9.52E+10 sng128.i Distributed 1.75 1.42E-10 0.3% 7.04E+10 sng129.i Distributed 2 1.77E-10 0.3% 5.63E+10 sng130.i Distributed 2.5 2.39E-10 0.3% 4.16E+10 sng131.i Distributed 4 3.68E-10 0.3% 2.71E+10 sng132.i Distributed 6 4.66E-10 0.4% 2.14E+10 sng133.i Distributed 10 6.19E-10 0.5% 1.61E+10 5.5-26
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 5.5 HalfPACT - SC-30G1 Neutron Activity Limits Calculated Allowable Source Energy Dose Rate Tally Activity Case Type (MeV) (mrem/hr) Error (n/s) snn100.i Concentrated 0.1 4.50E-09 0.2% 2.22E+09 snn101.i Concentrated 0.2 8.46E-09 0.3% 1.18E+09 snn102.i Concentrated 0.3 1.59E-08 0.3% 6.29E+08 snn103.i Concentrated 0.5 2.99E-08 0.3% 3.33E+08 snn104.i Concentrated 0.75 4.56E-08 0.3% 2.19E+08 snn105.i Concentrated 1 5.66E-08 0.3% 1.76E+08 snn106.i Concentrated 1.25 6.62E-08 0.3% 1.51E+08 snn107.i Concentrated 1.5 7.03E-08 0.3% 1.42E+08 snn108.i Concentrated 1.75 7.22E-08 0.2% 1.38E+08 snn109.i Concentrated 2 7.50E-08 0.3% 1.33E+08 snn110.i Concentrated 2.5 7.69E-08 0.2% 1.30E+08 snn111.i Concentrated 5 8.81E-08 0.2% 1.13E+08 snn112.i Concentrated 10 9.75E-08 0.3% 1.02E+08 snn113.i Concentrated 15 1.38E-07 0.3% 7.21E+07 snn120.i Distributed 0.1 4.03E-09 0.2% 2.48E+09 snn121.i Distributed 0.2 7.25E-09 0.3% 1.38E+09 snn122.i Distributed 0.3 1.39E-08 0.3% 7.16E+08 snn123.i Distributed 0.5 2.67E-08 0.3% 3.74E+08 snn124.i Distributed 0.75 4.22E-08 0.3% 2.36E+08 snn125.i Distributed 1 5.24E-08 0.3% 1.90E+08 snn126.i Distributed 1.25 5.91E-08 0.3% 1.69E+08 snn127.i Distributed 1.5 6.34E-08 0.3% 1.57E+08 snn128.i Distributed 1.75 6.42E-08 0.3% 1.55E+08 snn129.i Distributed 2 6.58E-08 0.3% 1.52E+08 snn130.i Distributed 2.5 6.48E-08 0.3% 1.54E+08 snn131.i Distributed 5 7.58E-08 0.3% 1.32E+08 snn132.i Distributed 10 8.68E-08 0.3% 1.15E+08 snn133.i Distributed 15 1.26E-07 0.4% 7.89E+07 5.5-27
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 5.5 HalfPACT SC-30G1 Payload MCNP Model for Distributed Source at Unit Density Figure 5.5 HalfPACT SC-30G1 Payload DCF 5.5-28
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 5.5.6 SC-30G2 Shielded Container The maximum allowed gamma and neutron activity for a concentrated and distributed unit-density source in a HalfPACT package with a SC-30G2 shielded container payload is given in Table 5.5-16 and Table 5.5-17, respectively, based on the most limiting results at a distance of 2 meters from the package surface. Due to the significant thickness of the SC-30G2s steel/lead/steel sidewall and associated attenuation, no statistically valid results were obtained for the 0.15 MeV gamma distributed unit-density source case. As such, the gamma concentrated source result was conservatively applied to the gamma distributed source unit-density result.
Figure 5.5-13 illustrates the source model for the unit-density distributed source in the HalfPACT package with the SC-30G2 payload. The DCF for the HalfPACT with the SC-30G2 payload and corresponding polynomial curve fit of the minimum values is provided in Figure 5.5-14.
The SC-30G2 is only authorized for transport in the HalfPACT package. Therefore, application of the HalfPACT package maximum activity limits provided in Table 5.5-16 and Table 5.5-17, and the HalfPACT package DCF summarized below can conveniently be used to ensure compliance with 10 CFR §71.47 and §71.51 dose rate requirements for the HalfPACT package through the process defined in Section 5.5.10, Determination of Acceptable Activity:
DCFSC-30G2 = 0.0013*3 - 0.0369*2 + 0.7016* + 0.2848 where is the limiting density of the source regions in units of grams per cubic centimeter (g/cc).
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 5.5 HalfPACT - SC-30G2 Gamma Activity Limits Gamma Calculated Allowable Source Energy Dose Rate Tally Activity Case Type (MeV) (mrem/hr) Error (/s)
HP_SC-30G2_G015C_1.i Concentrated 0.15 1.96E-19 0.2% 5.09E+19 HP_SC-30G2_G020C_1.i Concentrated 0.20 2.94E-17 0.1% 3.40E+17 HP_SC-30G2_G030C_1.i Concentrated 0.30 1.48E-15 0.3% 6.74E+15 HP_SC-30G2_G050C_1.i Concentrated 0.50 4.66E-13 0.2% 2.14E+13 HP_SC-30G2_G075C_1.i Concentrated 0.75 1.13E-11 0.2% 8.83E+11 HP_SC-30G2_G100C_1.i Concentrated 1.00 4.25E-11 0.2% 2.35E+11 HP_SC-30G2_G125C_1.i Concentrated 1.25 8.95E-11 0.1% 1.12E+11 HP_SC-30G2_G150C_1.i Concentrated 1.50 1.42E-10 0.1% 7.04E+10 HP_SC-30G2_G175C_1.i Concentrated 1.75 1.93E-10 0.2% 5.17E+10 HP_SC-30G2_G200C_1.i Concentrated 2.00 2.40E-10 0.2% 4.16E+10 HP_SC-30G2_G250C_1.i Concentrated 2.50 3.21E-10 0.3% 3.11E+10 HP_SC-30G2_G400C_1.i Concentrated 4.00 4.87E-10 0.4% 2.05E+10 HP_SC-30G2_G600C_1.i Concentrated 6.00 6.08E-10 0.5% 1.64E+10 HP_SC-30G2_G1000C_1.i Concentrated 10.00 8.12E-10 0.7% 1.22E+10 0.15 1.96E-19 0.2% 5.09E+19 HP_SC-30G2_G020D_3.i Distributed 0.20 2.74E-18 0.5% 3.63E+18 HP_SC-30G2_G030D_1.i Distributed 0.30 2.02E-16 0.4% 4.93E+16 HP_SC-30G2_G050D_1.i Distributed 0.50 7.62E-14 0.2% 1.31E+14 HP_SC-30G2_G075D_1.i Distributed 0.75 2.66E-12 0.2% 3.75E+12 HP_SC-30G2_G100D_1.i Distributed 1.00 1.23E-11 0.2% 8.11E+11 HP_SC-30G2_G125D_1.i Distributed 1.25 2.99E-11 0.2% 3.34E+11 HP_SC-30G2_G150D_1.i Distributed 1.50 5.21E-11 0.1% 1.92E+11 HP_SC-30G2_G175D_1.i Distributed 1.75 7.57E-11 0.1% 1.32E+11 HP_SC-30G2_G200D_1.i Distributed 2.00 9.84E-11 0.2% 1.01E+11 HP_SC-30G2_G250D_1.i Distributed 2.50 1.41E-10 0.2% 7.08E+10 HP_SC-30G2_G400D_1.i Distributed 4.00 2.27E-10 0.4% 4.39E+10 HP_SC-30G2_G600D_1.i Distributed 6.00 2.84E-10 0.5% 3.50E+10 HP_SC-30G2_G1000D_1.i Distributed 10.00 3.67E-10 0.6% 2.71E+10 5.5-30
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 5.5 HalfPACT - SC-30G2 Neutron Activity Limits Neutron Calculated Allowable Source Energy Dose Rate Tally Activity Case Type (MeV) (mrem/hr) Error (n/s)
HP_SC-30G2_N010C_0.i Concentrated 0.10 4.98E-09 0.4% 2.00E+09 HP_SC-30G2_N020C_0.i Concentrated 0.20 9.94E-09 0.4% 1.00E+09 HP_SC-30G2_N030C_0.i Concentrated 0.30 1.72E-08 0.4% 5.79E+08 HP_SC-30G2_N050C_0.i Concentrated 0.50 3.37E-08 0.4% 2.96E+08 HP_SC-30G2_N075C_0.i Concentrated 0.75 5.12E-08 0.4% 1.95E+08 HP_SC-30G2_ N100C_0.i Concentrated 1.00 5.33E-08 0.4% 1.87E+08 HP_SC-30G2_ N125C_0.i Concentrated 1.25 6.38E-08 0.3% 1.56E+08 HP_SC-30G2_ N150C_0.i Concentrated 1.50 6.88E-08 0.3% 1.45E+08 HP_SC-30G2_ N175C_0.i Concentrated 1.75 7.28E-08 0.3% 1.37E+08 HP_SC-30G2_ N200C_0.i Concentrated 2.00 7.48E-08 0.3% 1.33E+08 HP_SC-30G2_ N250C_0.i Concentrated 2.50 7.95E-08 0.3% 1.25E+08 HP_SC-30G2_ N500C_0.i Concentrated 5.00 8.46E-08 0.3% 1.18E+08 HP_SC-30G2_ N1000C_0.i Concentrated 10.00 9.31E-08 0.3% 1.07E+08 HP_SC-30G2_ N1500C_0.i Concentrated 15.00 1.30E-07 0.3% 7.67E+07 HP_SC-30G2_N010D_0.i Distributed 0.10 4.62E-09 0.4% 2.16E+09 HP_SC-30G2_N020D_0.i Distributed 0.20 9.05E-09 0.5% 1.10E+09 HP_SC-30G2_N030D_0.i Distributed 0.30 1.57E-08 0.4% 6.34E+08 HP_SC-30G2_N050D_0.i Distributed 0.50 3.06E-08 0.4% 3.25E+08 HP_SC-30G2_N075D_0.i Distributed 0.75 4.95E-08 0.4% 2.01E+08 HP_SC-30G2_ N100D_0.i Distributed 1.00 5.29E-08 0.4% 1.88E+08 HP_SC-30G2_ N125D_0.i Distributed 1.25 5.78E-08 0.4% 1.72E+08 HP_SC-30G2_ N150D_0.i Distributed 1.50 6.33E-08 0.3% 1.58E+08 HP_SC-30G2_ N175D_0.i Distributed 1.75 6.65E-08 0.3% 1.50E+08 HP_SC-30G2_ N200D_0.i Distributed 2.00 6.75E-08 0.3% 1.48E+08 HP_SC-30G2_ N250D_0.i Distributed 2.50 6.79E-08 0.3% 1.47E+08 HP_SC-30G2_ N500D_0.i Distributed 5.00 7.38E-08 0.3% 1.35E+08 HP_SC-30G2_ N1000D_0.i Distributed 10.00 8.37E-08 0.3% 1.19E+08 HP_SC-30G2_ N1500D_0.i Distributed 15.00 1.17E-07 0.3% 8.52E+07 5.5-31
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 5.5 HalfPACT SC-30G2 Payload MCNP Model for Distributed Source at Unit Density 5.5-32
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 5.5 HalfPACT SC-30G2 Payload DCF 5.5-33
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 5.5.7 SC-30G3 Shielded Container The maximum allowed gamma and neutron activity for a concentrated and distributed unit-density source in a HalfPACT package with a SC-30G3 shielded container payload is given in Table 5.5-18 and Table 5.5-19, respectively, based on the most limiting results at a distance of 2 meters from the package surface. Due to the very significant thickness of the SC-30G3s steel/lead/steel sidewall and associated attenuation, no statistically valid results were obtained for the 0.15, 0.20 MeV, and 0.30 MeV gamma distributed unit-density source cases. As such, the gamma concentrated source results were conservatively applied to the gamma distributed source unit-density results. Figure 5.5-15 illustrates the source model for the unit-density distributed source in the HalfPACT package with the SC-30G3 payload. The DCF for the HalfPACT with the SC-30G3 payload and corresponding polynomial curve fit of the minimum values is provided in Figure 5.5-16.
The SC-30G3 is only authorized for transport in the HalfPACT package. Therefore, application of the HalfPACT package maximum activity limits provided in Table 5.5-18 and Table 5.5-19, and the HalfPACT package DCF summarized below can conveniently be used to ensure compliance with 10 CFR §71.47 and §71.51 dose rate requirements for the HalfPACT package through the process defined in Section 5.5.10, Determination of Acceptable Activity:
DCFSC-30G3 = 0.0051*3 - 0.0987*2 + 0.8030* + 0.2342 where is the limiting density of the source region in units of grams per cubic centimeter (g/cc).
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 5.5 HalfPACT - SC-30G3 Gamma Activity Limits Gamma Calculated Allowable Source Energy Dose Rate Tally Activity Case Type (MeV) (mrem/hr) Error (/s)
HP_SC-30G3_G015C_3.i Concentrated 0.15 2.64E-24 1.3% 3.74E+24 HP_SC-30G3_G020C_3.i Concentrated 0.20 5.68E-21 0.4% 1.75E+21 HP_SC-30G3_G030C_1.i Concentrated 0.30 2.87E-18 1.1% 3.45E+18 HP_SC-30G3_G050C_1.i Concentrated 0.50 7.50E-16 0.5% 1.33E+16 HP_SC-30G3_G075C_1.i Concentrated 0.75 1.23E-13 0.3% 8.11E+13 HP_SC-30G3_G100C_1.i Concentrated 1.00 1.23E-12 0.3% 8.11E+12 HP_SC-30G3_G125C_1.i Concentrated 1.25 4.41E-12 0.3% 2.26E+12 HP_SC-30G3_G150C_1.i Concentrated 1.50 9.53E-12 0.3% 1.05E+12 HP_SC-30G3_G175C_1.i Concentrated 1.75 1.57E-11 0.2% 6.36E+11 HP_SC-30G3_G200C_1.i Concentrated 2.00 2.21E-11 0.3% 4.51E+11 HP_SC-30G3_G250C_1.i Concentrated 2.50 3.46E-11 0.4% 2.88E+11 HP_SC-30G3_G400C_1.i Concentrated 4.00 5.88E-11 0.7% 1.69E+11 HP_SC-30G3_G600C_1.i Concentrated 6.00 7.45E-11 0.9% 1.33E+11 HP_SC-30G3_G1000C_1.i Concentrated 10.00 8.97E-11 1.2% 1.10E+11 Distributed 0.15 2.64E-24 1.3% 3.74E+24 Distributed 0.20 5.68E-21 0.4% 1.75E+21 Distributed 0.30 2.87E-18 1.1% 3.45E+18 HP_SC-30G3_G050D_1.i Distributed 0.50 1.23E-16 0.5% 8.09E+16 HP_SC-30G3_G075D_1.i Distributed 0.75 2.31E-14 0.4% 4.31E+14 HP_SC-30G3_G100D_1.i Distributed 1.00 2.80E-13 0.4% 3.56E+13 HP_SC-30G3_G125D_1.i Distributed 1.25 1.16E-12 0.3% 8.59E+12 HP_SC-30G3_G150D_1.i Distributed 1.50 2.75E-12 0.3% 3.63E+12 HP_SC-30G3_G175D_1.i Distributed 1.75 4.87E-12 0.3% 2.05E+12 HP_SC-30G3_G200D_1.i Distributed 2.00 7.24E-12 0.3% 1.38E+12 HP_SC-30G3_G250D_1.i Distributed 2.50 1.20E-11 0.5% 8.29E+11 HP_SC-30G3_G400D_1.i Distributed 4.00 2.25E-11 0.7% 4.41E+11 HP_SC-30G3_G600D_1.i Distributed 6.00 2.81E-11 0.8% 3.53E+11 HP_SC-30G3_G1000D_1.i Distributed 10.00 3.39E-11 1.1% 2.92E+11 5.5-35
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 5.5 HalfPACT - SC-30G3 Neutron Activity Limits Neutron Calculated Allowable Source Energy Dose Rate Tally Activity Case Type (MeV) (mrem/hr) Error (n/s)
HP_SC-30G3_N010C_0.i Concentrated 0.10 3.92E-09 0.3% 2.54E+09 HP_SC-30G3_N020C_0.i Concentrated 0.20 7.55E-09 0.4% 1.32E+09 HP_SC-30G3_N030C_0.i Concentrated 0.30 1.29E-08 0.4% 7.72E+08 HP_SC-30G3_N050C_0.i Concentrated 0.50 2.63E-08 0.3% 3.79E+08 HP_SC-30G3_N075C_0.i Concentrated 0.75 4.02E-08 0.3% 2.48E+08 HP_SC-30G3_ N100C_0.i Concentrated 1.00 3.91E-08 0.3% 2.55E+08 HP_SC-30G3_ N125C_0.i Concentrated 1.25 4.46E-08 0.3% 2.24E+08 HP_SC-30G3_ N150C_0.i Concentrated 1.50 5.17E-08 0.3% 1.93E+08 HP_SC-30G3_ N175C_0.i Concentrated 1.75 5.20E-08 0.3% 1.92E+08 HP_SC-30G3_ N200C_0.i Concentrated 2.00 5.35E-08 0.3% 1.86E+08 HP_SC-30G3_ N250C_0.i Concentrated 2.50 5.67E-08 0.3% 1.76E+08 HP_SC-30G3_ N500C_0.i Concentrated 5.00 5.60E-08 0.3% 1.78E+08 HP_SC-30G3_ N1000C_0.i Concentrated 10.00 6.57E-08 0.3% 1.52E+08 HP_SC-30G3_ N1500C_0.i Concentrated 15.00 9.11E-08 0.3% 1.09E+08 HP_SC-30G3_N010D_0.i Distributed 0.10 3.62E-09 0.4% 2.75E+09 HP_SC-30G3_N020D_0.i Distributed 0.20 6.77E-09 0.4% 1.47E+09 HP_SC-30G3_N030D_0.i Distributed 0.30 1.18E-08 0.4% 8.44E+08 HP_SC-30G3_N050D_0.i Distributed 0.50 2.32E-08 0.3% 4.30E+08 HP_SC-30G3_N075D_0.i Distributed 0.75 3.81E-08 0.3% 2.62E+08 HP_SC-30G3_ N100D_0.i Distributed 1.00 3.89E-08 0.3% 2.56E+08 HP_SC-30G3_ N125D_0.i Distributed 1.25 3.99E-08 0.3% 2.50E+08 HP_SC-30G3_ N150D_0.i Distributed 1.50 4.55E-08 0.3% 2.19E+08 HP_SC-30G3_ N175D_0.i Distributed 1.75 4.79E-08 0.3% 2.08E+08 HP_SC-30G3_ N200D_0.i Distributed 2.00 4.76E-08 0.3% 2.09E+08 HP_SC-30G3_ N250D_0.i Distributed 2.50 4.77E-08 0.3% 2.09E+08 HP_SC-30G3_ N500D_0.i Distributed 5.00 4.86E-08 0.3% 2.05E+08 HP_SC-30G3_N1000D_0.i Distributed 10.00 5.77E-08 0.3% 1.73E+08 HP_SC-30G3_ N1500D_0.i Distributed 15.00 8.10E-08 0.3% 1.23E+08 5.5-36
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 5.5 HalfPACT SC-30G3 Payload MCNP Model for Distributed Source at Unit Density 5.5-37
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 5.5 HalfPACT SC-30G3 Payload DCF 5.5-38
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 5.5.8 SC-55G1 Shielded Container The maximum allowed gamma and neutron activity for a concentrated and distributed unit-density source in a HalfPACT package with a SC-55G1 shielded container payload is given in Table 5.5-20 and Table 5.5-21, respectively, based on the most limiting results at a distance of 2 meters from the package surface. Figure 5.5-17 illustrates the source model for the unit-density distributed source in the HalfPACT package with the SC-55G1 payload. The DCF for the HalfPACT with the SC-55G1 payload and corresponding polynomial curve fit of the minimum values is provided in Figure 5.5-18.
The SC-55G1 is only authorized for transport in the HalfPACT package. Therefore, application of the HalfPACT package maximum activity limits provided in Table 5.5-20 and Table 5.5-21, and the HalfPACT package DCF summarized below can conveniently be used to ensure compliance with 10 CFR §71.47 and §71.51 dose rate requirements for the HalfPACT package through the process defined in Section 5.5.10, Determination of Acceptable Activity:
DCFSC-55G1 = 0.0024*3 - 0.0668*2 + 0.7557* + 0.2630 where is the limiting density of the source regions in units of grams per cubic centimeter (g/cc).
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 5.5 HalfPACT - SC-55G1 Gamma Activity Limits Gamma Calculated Allowable Source Energy Dose Rate Tally Activity Case Type (MeV) (mrem/hr) Error (/s)
HP_SC-55G1_G015C_3.i Concentrated 0.15 1.11E-14 1.6% 8.87E+14 HP_SC-55G1_G020C_3.i Concentrated 0.20 3.04E-13 0.1% 3.29E+13 HP_SC-55G1_G030C_3.i Concentrated 0.30 3.84E-12 0.1% 2.60E+12 HP_SC-55G1_G050C_1.i Concentrated 0.50 2.40E-11 0.1% 4.16E+11 HP_SC-55G1_G075C_1.i Concentrated 0.75 6.68E-11 0.1% 1.50E+11 HP_SC-55G1_G100C_1.i Concentrated 1.00 1.23E-10 0.1% 8.12E+10 HP_SC-55G1_G125C_1.i Concentrated 1.25 1.89E-10 0.1% 5.29E+10 HP_SC-55G1_G150C_1.i Concentrated 1.50 2.58E-10 0.1% 3.87E+10 HP_SC-55G1_G175C_1.i Concentrated 1.75 3.31E-10 0.1% 3.02E+10 HP_SC-55G1_G200C_1.i Concentrated 2.00 4.02E-10 0.1% 2.49E+10 HP_SC-55G1_G250C_1.i Concentrated 2.50 5.36E-10 0.1% 1.86E+10 HP_SC-55G1_G400C_1.i Concentrated 4.00 8.77E-10 0.1% 1.14E+10 HP_SC-55G1_G600C_1.i Concentrated 6.00 1.21E-09 0.2% 8.25E+09 HP_SC-55G1_G1000C_1.i Concentrated 10.00 1.74E-09 0.3% 5.73E+09 HP_SC-55G1_G015D_3.i Distributed 0.15 4.54E-16 2.9% 8.87E+14 HP_SC-55G1_G020D_3.i Distributed 0.20 2.15E-14 0.1% 4.65E+14 HP_SC-55G1_G030D_1.i Distributed 0.30 4.97E-13 0.1% 2.01E+13 HP_SC-55G1_G050D_1.i Distributed 0.50 4.99E-12 0.1% 2.00E+12 HP_SC-55G1_G075D_1.i Distributed 0.75 1.77E-11 0.1% 5.64E+11 HP_SC-55G1_G100D_1.i Distributed 1.00 3.76E-11 0.1% 2.66E+11 HP_SC-55G1_G125D_1.i Distributed 1.25 6.38E-11 0.2% 1.56E+11 HP_SC-55G1_G150D_1.i Distributed 1.50 9.42E-11 0.2% 1.06E+11 HP_SC-55G1_G175D_1.i Distributed 1.75 1.27E-10 0.2% 7.86E+10 HP_SC-55G1_G200D_1.i Distributed 2.00 1.61E-10 0.2% 6.20E+10 HP_SC-55G1_G250D_1.i Distributed 2.50 2.28E-10 0.2% 4.38E+10 HP_SC-55G1_G400D_1.i Distributed 4.00 3.97E-10 0.3% 2.51E+10 HP_SC-55G1_G600D_1.i Distributed 6.00 5.56E-10 0.4% 1.79E+10 HP_SC-55G1_G1000D_1.i Distributed 10.00 7.68E-10 0.7% 1.29E+10 5.5-40
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 5.5 HalfPACT - SC-55G1 Neutron Activity Limits Neutron Calculated Allowable Source Energy Dose Rate Tally Activity Case Type (MeV) (mrem/hr) Error (n/s)
HP_SC-55G1_N010C_0.i Concentrated 0.10 4.55E-09 0.3% 2.19E+09 HP_SC-55G1_N020C_0.i Concentrated 0.20 8.97E-09 0.3% 1.11E+09 HP_SC-55G1_N030C_0.i Concentrated 0.30 1.54E-08 0.3% 6.47E+08 HP_SC-55G1_N050C_0.i Concentrated 0.50 2.98E-08 0.3% 3.35E+08 HP_SC-55G1_N075C_0.i Concentrated 0.75 4.75E-08 0.2% 2.10E+08 HP_SC-55G1_ N100C_0.i Concentrated 1.00 4.22E-08 0.3% 2.36E+08 HP_SC-55G1_ N125C_0.i Concentrated 1.25 5.23E-08 0.2% 1.91E+08 HP_SC-55G1_ N150C_0.i Concentrated 1.50 6.23E-08 0.2% 1.60E+08 HP_SC-55G1_ N175C_0.i Concentrated 1.75 6.23E-08 0.2% 1.60E+08 HP_SC-55G1_ N200C_0.i Concentrated 2.00 6.54E-08 0.2% 1.53E+08 HP_SC-55G1_ N250C_0.i Concentrated 2.50 6.81E-08 0.2% 1.47E+08 HP_SC-55G1_ N500C_0.i Concentrated 5.00 7.37E-08 0.2% 1.35E+08 HP_SC-55G1_ N1000C_0.i Concentrated 10.00 7.66E-08 0.2% 1.30E+08 HP_SC-55G1_ N1500C_0.i Concentrated 15.00 1.03E-07 0.2% 9.69E+07 HP_SC-55G1_N010D_0.i Distributed 0.10 4.17E-09 0.3% 2.39E+09 HP_SC-55G1_N020D_0.i Distributed 0.20 8.04E-09 0.3% 1.24E+09 HP_SC-55G1_N030D_0.i Distributed 0.30 1.42E-08 0.3% 7.02E+08 HP_SC-55G1_N050D_0.i Distributed 0.50 2.61E-08 0.3% 3.82E+08 HP_SC-55G1_N075D_0.i Distributed 0.75 4.40E-08 0.3% 2.27E+08 HP_SC-55G1_ N100D_0.i Distributed 1.00 4.39E-08 0.3% 2.27E+08 HP_SC-55G1_ N125D_0.i Distributed 1.25 4.63E-08 0.3% 2.15E+08 HP_SC-55G1_ N150D_0.i Distributed 1.50 5.33E-08 0.2% 1.87E+08 HP_SC-55G1_ N175D_0.i Distributed 1.75 5.65E-08 0.2% 1.77E+08 HP_SC-55G1_ N200D_0.i Distributed 2.00 5.67E-08 0.2% 1.76E+08 HP_SC-55G1_ N250D_0.i Distributed 2.50 5.57E-08 0.2% 1.79E+08 HP_SC-55G1_ N500D_0.i Distributed 5.00 6.16E-08 0.2% 1.62E+08 HP_SC-55G1_N1000D_0.i Distributed 10.00 6.68E-08 0.2% 1.49E+08 HP_SC-55G1_ N1500D_0.i Distributed 15.00 9.17E-08 0.2% 1.09E+08 5.5-41
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 5.5 HalfPACT SC-55G1 Payload MCNP Model for Distributed Source at Unit Density 5.5-42
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 5.5 HalfPACT SC-55G1 Payload DCF 5.5-43
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 5.5.9 SC-55G2 Shielded Container The maximum allowed gamma and neutron activity for a concentrated and distributed unit-density source in a HalfPACT package with a SC-55G2 shielded container payload is given in Table 5.5-22 and Table 5.5-23, respectively, based on the most limiting results at a distance of 2 meters from the package surface. Due to the very significant thickness of the SC-55G2s steel/lead/steel sidewall and associated attenuation, no statistically valid results were obtained for the 0.15 and 0.20 MeV gamma distributed unit-density source cases. As such, the gamma concentrated source results were conservatively applied to the gamma distributed source unit-density results. Figure 5.5-19 illustrates the source model for the unit-density distributed source in the HalfPACT package with the SC 55G2 payload. The DCF for the HalfPACT with the SC-55G2 payload and corresponding polynomial curve fit of the minimum values is provided in Figure 5.5-20.
The SC-55G2 is only authorized for transport in the HalfPACT package. Therefore, application of the HalfPACT package maximum activity limits provided in Table 5.5-22 and Table 5.5-23, and the HalfPACT package DCF summarized below can conveniently be used to ensure compliance with 10 CFR §71.47 and §71.51 dose rate requirements for the HalfPACT package through the process defined in Section 5.5.10, Determination of Acceptable Activity:
DCFSC-55G2 = 0.0058*3 - 0.1042*2 + 0.6923* + 0.3101 where is the limiting density of the source region in units of grams per cubic centimeter (g/cc).
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 5.5 HalfPACT - SC-55G2 Gamma Activity Limits Gamma Calculated Allowable Source Energy Dose Rate Tally Activity Case Type (MeV) (mrem/hr) Error (/s)
HP_SC-55G2_G015C_1.i Concentrated 0.15 5.19E-22 0.6% 1.92E+22 HP_SC-55G2_G020C_1.i Concentrated 0.20 3.91E-19 0.3% 2.55E+19 HP_SC-55G2_G030C_1.i Concentrated 0.30 6.86E-17 0.6% 1.45E+17 HP_SC-55G2_G050C_1.i Concentrated 0.50 1.50E-14 0.4% 6.64E+14 HP_SC-55G2_G075C_1.i Concentrated 0.75 9.51E-13 0.3% 1.05E+13 HP_SC-55G2_G100C_1.i Concentrated 1.00 5.79E-12 0.3% 1.72E+12 HP_SC-55G2_G125C_1.i Concentrated 1.25 1.61E-11 0.4% 6.19E+11 HP_SC-55G2_G150C_1.i Concentrated 1.50 2.99E-11 0.3% 3.33E+11 HP_SC-55G2_G175C_1.i Concentrated 1.75 4.55E-11 0.3% 2.19E+11 HP_SC-55G2_G200C_1.i Concentrated 2.00 6.06E-11 0.3% 1.65E+11 HP_SC-55G2_G250C_1.i Concentrated 2.50 8.89E-11 0.5% 1.12E+11 HP_SC-55G2_G400C_1.i Concentrated 4.00 1.48E-10 0.8% 6.70E+10 HP_SC-55G2_G600C_1.i Concentrated 6.00 1.84E-10 1.0% 5.38E+10 HP_SC-55G2_G1000C_1.i Concentrated 10.00 2.33E-10 1.3% 4.24E+10 Distributed 0.15 5.19E-22 0.6% 1.92E+22 Distributed 0.20 3.91E-19 0.3% 2.55E+19 HP_SC-55G2_G030D_3.i Distributed 0.50 8.54E-18 0.3% 1.17E+18 HP_SC-55G2_G050D_1.i Distributed 0.50 1.93E-15 0.5% 5.16E+15 HP_SC-55G2_G075D_1.i Distributed 0.75 1.61E-13 0.3% 6.19E+13 HP_SC-55G2_G100D_1.i Distributed 1.00 1.20E-12 0.3% 8.31E+12 HP_SC-55G2_G125D_1.i Distributed 1.25 3.84E-12 0.3% 2.60E+12 HP_SC-55G2_G150D_1.i Distributed 1.50 7.96E-12 0.3% 1.25E+12 HP_SC-55G2_G175D_1.i Distributed 1.75 1.31E-11 0.3% 7.61E+11 HP_SC-55G2_G200D_1.i Distributed 2.00 1.83E-11 0.3% 5.45E+11 HP_SC-55G2_G250D_1.i Distributed 2.50 2.91E-11 0.5% 3.42E+11 HP_SC-55G2_G400D_1.i Distributed 4.00 5.21E-11 0.7% 1.91E+11 HP_SC-55G2_G600D_1.i Distributed 6.00 6.63E-11 0.8% 1.50E+11 HP_SC-55G2_G1000D_1.i Distributed 10.00 8.14E-11 1.0% 1.22E+11 5.5-45
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 5.5 HalfPACT - SC-55G2 Neutron Activity Limits Neutron Calculated Allowable Source Energy Dose Rate Tally Activity Case Type (MeV) (mrem/hr) Error (n/s)
HP_SC-55G2_N010C_0.i Concentrated 0.10 4.09E-09 0.2% 2.44E+09 HP_SC-55G2_N020C_0.i Concentrated 0.20 7.98E-09 0.2% 1.25E+09 HP_SC-55G2_N030C_0.i Concentrated 0.30 1.37E-08 0.2% 7.28E+08 HP_SC-55G2_N050C_0.i Concentrated 0.50 2.74E-08 0.2% 3.64E+08 HP_SC-55G2_N075C_0.i Concentrated 0.75 4.16E-08 0.2% 2.40E+08 HP_SC-55G2_ N100C_0.i Concentrated 1.00 4.09E-08 0.2% 2.44E+08 HP_SC-55G2_ N125C_0.i Concentrated 1.25 4.82E-08 0.2% 2.07E+08 HP_SC-55G2_ N150C_0.i Concentrated 1.50 5.53E-08 0.2% 1.80E+08 HP_SC-55G2_ N175C_0.i Concentrated 1.75 5.55E-08 0.2% 1.80E+08 HP_SC-55G2_ N200C_0.i Concentrated 2.00 5.77E-08 0.2% 1.73E+08 HP_SC-55G2_ N250C_0.i Concentrated 2.50 6.04E-08 0.2% 1.65E+08 HP_SC-55G2_ N500C_0.i Concentrated 5.00 6.17E-08 0.2% 1.62E+08 HP_SC-55G2_ N1000C_0.i Concentrated 10.00 7.04E-08 0.2% 1.42E+08 HP_SC-55G2_ N1500C_0.i Concentrated 15.00 9.73E-08 0.2% 1.03E+08 HP_SC-55G2_N010D_0.i Distributed 0.10 3.76E-09 0.2% 2.65E+09 HP_SC-55G2_N020D_0.i Distributed 0.20 7.08E-09 0.3% 1.41E+09 HP_SC-55G2_N030D_0.i Distributed 0.30 1.22E-08 0.2% 8.18E+08 HP_SC-55G2_N050D_0.i Distributed 0.50 2.38E-08 0.2% 4.19E+08 HP_SC-55G2_N075D_0.i Distributed 0.75 3.92E-08 0.2% 2.55E+08 HP_SC-55G2_ N100D_0.i Distributed 1.00 4.08E-08 0.2% 2.45E+08 HP_SC-55G2_ N125D_0.i Distributed 1.25 4.23E-08 0.2% 2.36E+08 HP_SC-55G2_ N150D_0.i Distributed 1.50 4.75E-08 0.2% 2.10E+08 HP_SC-55G2_ N175D_0.i Distributed 1.75 5.00E-08 0.2% 2.00E+08 HP_SC-55G2_ N200D_0.i Distributed 2.00 5.00E-08 0.2% 2.00E+08 HP_SC-55G2_ N250D_0.i Distributed 2.50 4.97E-08 0.2% 2.01E+08 HP_SC-55G2_ N500D_0.i Distributed 5.00 5.22E-08 0.2% 1.91E+08 HP_SC-55G2_ N1000D_0.i Distributed 10.00 6.07E-08 0.2% 1.64E+08 HP_SC-55G2_ N1500D_0.i Distributed 15.00 8.49E-08 0.2% 1.18E+08 5.5-46
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 5.5 HalfPACT SC-55G2 Payload MCNP Model for Distributed Source at Unit Density 5.5-47
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 5.5 HalfPACT SC-55G2 Payload DCF 5.5-48
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 5.5.10 Determination of Acceptable Activity The TRUPACT-II and/or HalfPACT package activity limits for the Generic, CCO, 6PO, 12PO, SC-30G1, SC-30G2, SC-30G3, SC-55G1, and SC-55G2 payloads (as applicable to the authorized payload containers for each packaging) shall be determined per the following to ensure compliance with 10 CFR §71.47 and §71.51:
- 1. Determine the list of radionuclides and associated activity (Ci) for each in the package contents.
- 2. Optionally determine if the package contents are eligible to be considered a distributed source as follows:
Case A: For 55-gallon drums, 6POs, 12POs, and CCOs, the package contents may be considered distributed if the measured surface dose rate of each payload container in the package varies by less than a factor of 10 from the average surface dose rate of all payload containers in the package.
Case B: For 85-gallon drums, 100-gallon drums, SWBs, TDOP, SC-30G1s, SC-30G2s, SC-30G3s, SC-55G1s, and SC-55G2s, the package contents may be considered distributed if the contents in each payload container in the package meet the definition of distributed throughout from NUREG-1608.
Case C: For payloads with 55-gallon drums overpacked in an SWB or TDOP, the package contents may be considered distributed if the measured surface dose rate of each 55-gallon drum in the package varies by less than a factor of 10 from the average surface dose rate of all drums in the package.
- 3. If considered a distributed source, determine the density (, g/cc) of the contents in each payload container in the package and note the minimum density value.
- 4. For each gamma-emitting radionuclide in the contents, obtain all discrete gamma energies and intensities from Kinsey1 (or an equivalent nuclear structure and decay database),
ignoring energies less than 0.15 MeV or energies with associated intensities less than 0.1%.
Radionuclides with photon energies above 10 MeV with intensities greater than or equal to 0.1% are not acceptable for transport.
- 5. For each discrete gamma energy, determine its source strength (/s).
- 6. For each discrete gamma energy, determine the ratio of its source strength to the allowable activity determined by logarithmically interpolating from Table 5.5-2, Table 5.5-8, Table 5.5-10, Table 5.5-12, Table 5.5-14, Table 5.5-16, Table 5.5-18, Table 5.5-20, or Table 5.5-22, as applicable to the configuration (package, payload container, and source type).
Calculate the sum of fractions for the gamma source term by adding the ratios defined above.
If the source is distributed, optionally obtain the allowable activity by calculating the DCF based on the minimum payload container density value and multiplying the unit-density allowable activity by the DCF.
- 7. For each neutron-emitting radionuclide in the contents, obtain the neutron source spectrum from ED-0423 (or an equivalent nuclear reference or Sources2 analysis), ignoring energies less than 0.10 MeV or energies that contribute less than 1% of the total source strength.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Radionuclides with neutron energies above 15 MeV that contribute greater than or equal to 1% of the total source strength are not acceptable for transport.
- 8. For each neutron energy interval, determine its source strength (n/s).
- 9. For each neutron energy interval, determine the ratio of its source strength to the allowable activity determined by logarithmically interpolating from Table 5.5-3, Table 5.5-9, Table 5.5-11, Table 5.5-13, Table 5.5-15, Table 5.5-17, Table 5.5-19, Table 5.5-21, or Table 5.5-23, as applicable to the configuration (package, payload container, and source type).
Calculate the sum of fractions for the neutron source term by adding the ratios defined above.
- 10. For the payload, ensure that the combined sum of the sum of fractions for the gamma and the neutron source term is less than or equal to 0.9. Acceptable Activity Examples Concentrated 60Co Source in 55-gallon Drums in TRUPACT-II A TRUPACT-II payload consists of 55-gallon drums, each containing a concentrated 60Co source of 0.005 Ci in the form of a metal capsule 1 cm in diameter and 3 cm long.
- 1. The radionuclide is 60Co with a total activity of 14x0.005=0.07 Ci.
- 2. The content is not a distributed source.
- 3. NA
- 4. See Table 5.5-16.
- 5. See Table 5.5-16.
- 6. See Table 5.5-16 (using Table 5.5-2 values).
- 7. NA
- 8. NA
- 9. NA
- 10. The sum of fractions is equal to 0.574, so the package meets the activity limits.
Table 5.5 Acceptable Activity Example #1 Gamma Energy Intensity Strength Allowable (MeV) (%) (/s) Fraction Comment 0.34693 7.6000E-03 0.0000E+00 0.00E+00 Ignored: Intensity < 0.1%
0.82628 7.6000E-03 0.0000E+00 0.00E+00 Ignored: Intensity < 0.1%
1.173237 9.9974E+01 2.5893E+09 2.70E-01 1.332501 9.9986E+01 2.5896E+09 3.04E-01 2.15877 1.1100E-03 0.0000E+00 0.00E+00 Ignored: Intensity < 0.1%
2.505 2.0000E-06 0.0000E+00 0.00E+00 Ignored: Intensity < 0.1%
Total 5.74E-01 Authorized for Transport, F 0.9 5.5-50
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Distributed 252Cf Source in CCOs in HalfPACT A HalfPACT payload consists of CCOs, containing debris waste contaminated with a 252Cf source term totaling 0.02 Ci. The dose rates of the CCOs range from 50 to 100 mrem/hr.
- 11. The radionuclide is 252Cf with a total activity of 0.02 Ci.
- 12. The content is a distributed source under Case A.
- 13. Minimum contents weight of an individual CCO is 50 lb. Minimum density is
[(50 lb)/(709 in3)]x[(27.68 g/cm3)/(1 lb/in3)] = 1.95 g/cm3.
- 14. See Table 5.5-17.
- 15. See Table 5.5-17.
- 16. See Table 5.5-17 (using Table 5.5-8 values):
DCF = 0.0006*3 - 0.0048*2 + 0.2279* + 0.7456 = 1.17
- 17. See Table 5.5-17.
- 18. See Table 5.5-17:
Specific Activity = 536 Ci/g
- 19. See Table 5.5-17 (using Table 5.5-9 values).
- 20. The sum of fractions is equal to 0.621, so the package meets the activity limits.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 5.5 Acceptable Activity Example #2 Gamma Energy Intensity Strength Allowable (MeV) (%) (/s) Fraction Comment Ignored: Energy < 0.15 MeV 0.0434 1.4800E-02 0.0000E+00 0.00E+00 Intensity < 0.1%
Ignored: Energy < 0.15 MeV 0.1002 1.3000E-02 0.0000E+00 0.00E+00 Intensity < 0.1%
0.1545 5.0400E-04 0.0000E+00 0.00E+00 Ignored: Intensity < 0.1%
Total Gamma 0.00E+00 DCF has no effect due to screening Neutron Energy Strength Strength Allowable (MeV) (n/s/g) (n/s) Fraction Comment 0.5 1.8000E+11 6.7164E+06 2.11E-02 1 2.7100E+11 1.0112E+07 6.32E-02 2 5.3600E+11 2.000E+07 1.60E-01 3 4.1000E+11 1.5299E+07 1.33E-01 4 2.7300E+11 1.0187E+07 9.62E-02 6 2.6600E+11 9.9254E+06 1.01E-01 8 8.5300E+10 3.1828E+06 3.29E-02 10 2.4400E+10 9.1045E+05 9.52E-03 15 8.3600E+09 3.1194E+05 4.64E-03 Total Neutron 6.21E-01 DCF not applicable to neutrons Total Gamma & Neutron 6.21E-01 Authorized for Transport, F 0.9 5.5-52
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Concentratred 137Cs and 239Pu Sources in CCOs in HalfPACT A HalfPACT payload consists of CCOs, containing debris waste contaminated with a 137Cs source term totaling 0.75 Ci and 2,660 grams of 239Pu totaling 167.3 Ci.
- 21. The radionuclides are 137Cs and 239Pu with a total activity of 0.75 and 167.3 Ci, respectively.
- 22. The content is not a distributed source.
- 23. NA
- 24. See Table 5.5-18.
- 25. See Table 5.5-18 (using Table 5.5-8 values).
- 26. See Table 5.5-18.
- 27. See Table 5.5-18.
- 28. See Table 5.5-18:
239 Pu Specific Activity = 0.062 Ci/g
- 29. See Table 5.5-18 (using Table 5.5-9 values).
- 30. The sum of fractions is equal to 0.952, so the package does not meet the activity limits.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 5.5 Acceptable Activity Example #3 Gamma Energy Intensity Strength Allowable (MeV) (%) (/s) Fraction Comment 137 0.2835 5.8000E-04 0.0000E+00 0.00E+00 Cs - Ignored: Intensity < 0.1%
137 0.661657 8.5100E+01 2.3615E+10 9.51E-01 Cs 239 0.129296 6.3100E-03 0.0000E+00 0.00E+00 Pu - Ignored: Energy < 0.15 MeV 239 0.375054 1.5540E-03 0.0000E+00 0.00E+00 Pu - Ignored: Intensity < 0.1%
239 0.413713 1.4660E-03 0.0000E+00 0.00E+00 Pu - Ignored: Intensity < 0.1%
Total Gamma 9.51E-01 Neutron Energy Strength Strength Allowable (MeV) (n/s/g) (n/s) Fraction Comment 0.5 1.7300E+00 4.6682E+03 1.47E-05 1 1.7100E+00 4.6142E+03 2.87E-05 2 9.2900E+00 2.5068E+04 2.02E-04 3 1.8800E+01 5.0730E+04 4.52E-04 4 6.8400E+00 1.8457E+04 1.78E-04 6 2.8500E-01 7.6904E+02 7.96E-06 8 4.5800E-04 1.2359E+00 1.29E-08 10 9.6600E-05 2.6066E-01 2.73E-09 15 2.2800E-05 6.1523E-02 9.14E-10 Total Neutron 8.83E-04 Total Gamma & Neutron 9.52E-01 Unauthorized for Transport, F > 0.9 Note:
For conciseness, only 239Pu gamma energies greater than 0.1 MeV with associated intensities greater than 0.001% are listed in the table.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 5.6 Conclusions Based on the geometry, materials of construction, and configuration of the TRUPACT-II and HalfPACT packagings, the NCT at 2 meters from the surface of the package dose rate requirement is the most limiting for all analyzed payload configurations. Establishing compliance with the limiting NCT dose rate requirement of 10 mrem/hr at 2 meters ensures compliance with the surface dose rate requirement of 200 mrem/hr under NCT and the 1000 mrem/hr at 1 meter dose rate requirement under HAC. Therefore, application of the methodology defined in Section 5.5, Activity Limits, for the TRUPACT-II and HalfPACT, confirmed by the preshipment dose rate measurement, ensures compliance with 10 CFR §71.47 and §71.51.
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TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 5.7 Appendices 5.7.1 Sample MCNP Input Files TRUPACT-II - Generic NCT Concentrated 60Co Gamma Source - tng001.i NCT Concentrated 252Cf Neutron Source - tnn001.i NCT Distributed 0.15 MeV Gamma Source - tng120.i NCT Distributed 0.1 MeV Neutron Source - tnn120.i HAC 60Co Gamma Source - thg001.i HAC 252Cf Neutron Source - thn001.i HalfPACT - Generic NCT Distributed 0.15 MeV Gamma Source - hng120.i HAC 60Co Gamma Source - hhg001.i TRUPACT-II - Criticality Control Overpack NCT Concentrated 60Co Gamma Source - cng001.i HAC 252Cf Neutron Source - chn001.i HalfPACT - Criticality Control Overpack NCT Concentrated 60Co Gamma Source - dng001.i HAC 252Cf Neutron Source - dhn001.i HalfPACT in. Standard Pipe Overpack NCT Concentrated 60Co Gamma Source - 6ng001.i HAC 252Cf Neutron Source - 6hn001.i HalfPACT in. Standard Pipe Overpack NCT Concentrated 60Co Gamma Source - 7ng001.i HAC 252Cf Neutron Source - 7hn001.i HalfPACT - SC-30G1 Shielded Container NCT Concentrated 60Co Gamma Source - sng001.i HAC 252Cf Neutron Source - shn001.i HalfPACT - SC-30G2 Shielded Container NCT Concentrated 60Co Gamma Source - NCT_HP_SC-30G2_60Co_1.i HAC 252Cf Neutron Source - HAC_HP_SC-30G2_252Cf_0.i HalfPACT - SC-30G3 Shielded Container NCT Concentrated 60Co Gamma Source - NCT_HP_SC-30G3_60Co_1.i HAC 252Cf Neutron Source - HAC_HP_SC-30G3_252Cf_0.i HalfPACT - SC-55G1 Shielded Container NCT Concentrated 60Co Gamma Source - NCT_HP_SC-55G1_60Co_1.i HAC 252Cf Neutron Source - HAC_HP_SC-55G1_252Cf_0.i HalfPACT - SC-55G2 Shielded Container NCT Concentrated 60Co Gamma Source - NCT_HP_SC-55G2_60Co_1.i HAC 252Cf Neutron Source - HAC_HP_SC-55G2_252Cf_0.i 5.7-1
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 This page intentionally left blank.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 5.7.1 Sample MCNP Input Files TRUPACT-II - Generic NCT Concentrated 60Co Gamma Source - tng001.i title TRUPACT-II NCT Gamma Concentrated 1 g/cc Co60 C
C Cell Cards C
1 1 -1 10 30 imp:p=1 $ Source 10 0 210 -250 -230 (-10:20:30) imp:p=2 $ ICV cavity 20 2 -8.01280 200 -210 -220 imp:p=1 $ ICV/OCV bottom 30 2 -8.01280 250 -240 -220 imp:p=1 $ ICV/OCV top 40 2 -8.01280 210 -250 230 -220 imp:p=4 $ ICV/OCV shell 50 3 -0.13215 110 -150 -130 (-200:220:240) imp:p=8 $ OCA annulus 60 2 -8.01280 100 -110 -120 imp:p=1 $ OCA bottom 70 2 -8.01280 150 -140 -120 imp:p=1 $ OCA top 80 2 -8.01280 110 -150 130 -120 imp:p=16 $ OCA shell 777 0 120 -160 100 -140 imp:p=32 $ Outside to tally 888 0 -999 (-100:160:140) imp:p=8 $ Outside pkg 999 0 999 imp:p=0 $ Outside world C
C Geometry Cards C
10 pz 147.955 $ Source bottom 20 pz 150.495 $ Source top 30 c/z 0 0 1.27 $ Source radius C
100 pz 0 $ OCA bottom (outside) 110 pz 0.635 $ OCA bottom (inside) 120 cz 119.38 $ OCA shell (outside) 130 cz 118.745 $ OCA shell (inside) 140 pz 306.07 $ OCA top (outside) 150 pz 305.435 $ OCA top (inside) 160 cz 319.38 $ 2-meter from OCA C
200 pz 22.86 $ ICV/OCV bottom (outside) 210 pz 24.13 $ ICV/OCV bottom (inside) 220 cz 93.345 $ ICV/OCV shell (outside) 230 cz 92.234 $ ICV/OCV shell (inside) 240 pz 275.59 $ ICV/OCV top (outside) 250 pz 274.32 $ ICV/OCV top (inside)
C 777 pz 146.685 $ Ring tally (lower) 888 pz 151.765 $ Ring tally (upper) 999 sz 149.225 382.88 $ Outside world C
C Physics Cards C
mode p C
C Source Cards C
C Cylindrical Source sdef pos 0 0 149.225 erg=d1 par=2 axs=0 0 1 rad=d2 ext=d3 sc1 CO60 C Source Energy (MeV) and Intensity (%)
si1 L 3.469300E-01 8.262800E-01 1.173237E+00 1.332501E+00 2.158770E+00 2.505000E+00 sp1 7.600000E-03 7.600000E-03 9.997360E+01 9.998560E+01 1.110000E-03 2.000000E-06 si2 0 1.27 $ Source radius sp2 -21 1 si3 -1.27 1.27 $ Source extent sp3 -21 0 5.7.1-1
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 C
C Tally Cards C
f2:p 120 fc2 Surface Dose (mrem/hr) $ Surface detector fs2 888 777 t sd2 1.0 3810.44 1.0 1.0 $ Surface tally area f22:p 160 fc22 2-meter Dose (mrem/hr) $ 2-m detector fs22 888 777 t sd22 1.0 10194.144 1.0 1.0 $ Surface tally area C
C ANSI/ANS-6.1.1-1977 Gamma Flux to Dose Factors (mrem/hr) de0 1.0e-02 3.0e-02 5.0e-02 7.0e-02 1.0e-01 $ Energy (Mev) 1.5e-01 2.0e-01 2.5e-01 3.0e-01 3.5e-01 4.0e-01 4.5e-01 5.0e-01 5.5e-01 6.0e-01 6.5e-01 7.0e-01 8.0e-01 1.00 1.40 1.80 2.20 2.60 2.80 3.25 3.75 4.25 4.75 5.00 5.25 5.75 6.25 6.75 7.50 9.00 11.00 13.00 15.0000 df0 3.96e-03 5.82e-04 2.90e-04 2.58e-04 2.83e-04 $ Conversion (mrem/hr) 3.79e-04 5.01e-04 6.31e-04 7.59e-04 8.78e-04 9.85e-04 1.08e-03 1.17e-03 1.27e-03 1.36e-03 1.44e-03 1.52e-03 1.68e-03 1.98e-03 2.51e-03 2.99e-03 3.42e-03 3.82e-03 4.01e-03 4.41e-03 4.83e-03 5.23e-03 5.60e-03 5.80e-03 6.01e-03 6.37e-03 6.74e-03 7.11e-03 7.66e-03 8.77e-03 1.03e-02 1.18e-02 1.33e-02 C
C Material Cards C
m1 40000 -1.00 $ Zirconium m2 14000 -0.01 $ Stainless Steel 24000 -0.19 25000 -0.02 26000 -0.68 28000 -0.10 m3 6000 -0.60 $ Urethane Foam 7000 -0.08 8000 -0.24 1000 -0.07 14000 -0.01 C
C Runtime and Print Cards C
prdmp j j 1 2 ctme 20 NCT Concentrated 252Cf Neutron Source - tnn001.i title TRUPACT-II NCT Neutron Concentrated 1 g/cc Cf252 C
C Cell Cards C
1 1 -1 10 30 imp:n=1 $ Source 10 0 210 -250 -230 (-10:20:30) imp:n=2 $ ICV cavity 20 2 -8.01280 200 -210 -220 imp:n=1 $ ICV/OCV bottom 30 2 -8.01280 250 -240 -220 imp:n=1 $ ICV/OCV top 40 2 -8.01280 210 -250 230 -220 imp:n=4 $ ICV/OCV shell 50 3 -0.13215 110 -150 -130 (-200:220:240) imp:n=8 $ OCA annulus 60 2 -8.01280 100 -110 -120 imp:n=1 $ OCA bottom 70 2 -8.01280 150 -140 -120 imp:n=1 $ OCA top 80 2 -8.01280 110 -150 130 -120 imp:n=16 $ OCA shell 777 0 120 -160 100 -140 imp:n=32 $ Outside to tally 888 0 -999 (-100:160:140) imp:n=8 $ Outside pkg 999 0 999 imp:n=0 $ Outside world C
C Geometry Cards 5.7.1-2
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 C
10 pz 147.955 $ Source bottom 20 pz 150.495 $ Source top 30 c/z 0 0 1.27 $ Source radius C
100 pz 0 $ OCA bottom (outside) 110 pz 0.635 $ OCA bottom (inside) 120 cz 119.38 $ OCA shell (outside) 130 cz 118.745 $ OCA shell (inside) 140 pz 306.07 $ OCA top (outside) 150 pz 305.435 $ OCA top (inside) 160 cz 319.38 $ 2-meter from OCA C
200 pz 22.86 $ ICV/OCV bottom (outside) 210 pz 24.13 $ ICV/OCV bottom (inside) 220 cz 93.345 $ ICV/OCV shell (outside) 230 cz 92.234 $ ICV/OCV shell (inside) 240 pz 275.59 $ ICV/OCV top (outside) 250 pz 274.32 $ ICV/OCV top (inside)
C 777 pz 146.685 $ Ring tally (lower) 888 pz 151.765 $ Ring tally (upper) 999 sz 149.225 382.88 $ Outside world C
C Physics Cards C
mode n C
C Source Cards C
C Cylindrical Source sdef pos 0 0 149.225 erg=d1 par=1 axs=0 0 1 rad=d2 ext=d3 sc1 Cf252 C Source Energy (MeV) and Fraction si1 0.1 0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 15.0 sp1 0.00E+00 1.80E+11 2.71E+11 5.36E+11 4.10E+11 2.73E+11 2.66E+11 8.53E+10 2.44E+10 8.36E+09 si2 0 1.27 $ Source radius sp2 -21 1 si3 -1.27 1.27 $ Source extent sp3 -21 0 C
C Tally Cards C
f2:n 120 fc2 Surface Dose (mrem/hr) $ Surface detector fs2 888 777 t sd2 1.0 3810.44 1.0 1.0 $ Surface tally area f22:n 160 fc22 2-meter Dose (mrem/hr) $ 2-m detector fs22 888 777 t sd22 1.0 10194.144 1.0 1.0 $ Surface tally area C
C ANSI/ANS-6.1.1-1977 Neutron Flux to Dose Factors (mrem/hr) de0 2.5e-08 1.0e-07 1.0e-06 1.0e-05 1.0e-04 $ Energy (Mev) 1.0e-03 1.0e-02 1.0e-01 5.0e-01 1.0 2.5 5.0 7.0 10.0 14.0 20.0 df0 3.67e-03 3.67e-03 4.46e-03 4.54e-03 4.18e-03 $ Conversion (mrem/hr) 3.76e-03 3.56e-03 2.17e-02 9.26e-02 1.32e-01 1.25e-01 1.56e-01 1.47e-01 1.47e-01 2.08e-01 2.27e-01 C
C Material Cards C
m1 40000.60c -1.00 $ Zirconium m2 14000.60c -0.01 $ Stainless Steel 24052.60c -0.19 25055.60c -0.02 26057.60c -0.68 28058.60c -0.10 5.7.1-3
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 m3 6000.60c -0.60 $ Urethane Foam 7014.60c -0.08 8016.60c -0.24 1001.60c -0.07 14000.60c -0.01 mt3 poly.01t C
C Runtime and Print Cards C
prdmp j j 1 2 ctme 20 NCT Distributed 0.15 MeV Gamma Source - tng120.i title TRUPACT-II NCT Gamma Distributed 1 g/cc 0.15 MeV C
C Cell Cards C
1 1 -1 10 30 imp:p=1 $ Source 10 0 210 -250 -230 (-10:20:30) imp:p=2 $ ICV cavity 20 2 -8.01280 200 -210 -220 imp:p=1 $ ICV/OCV bottom 30 2 -8.01280 250 -240 -220 imp:p=1 $ ICV/OCV top 40 2 -8.01280 210 -250 230 -220 imp:p=4 $ ICV/OCV shell 50 3 -0.13215 110 -150 -130 (-200:220:240) imp:p=8 $ OCA annulus 60 2 -8.01280 100 -110 -120 imp:p=1 $ OCA bottom 70 2 -8.01280 150 -140 -120 imp:p=1 $ OCA top 80 2 -8.01280 110 -150 130 -120 imp:p=16 $ OCA shell 777 0 120 -160 100 -140 imp:p=32 $ Outside to tally 888 0 -999 (-100:160:140) imp:p=8 $ Outside pkg 999 0 999 imp:p=0 $ Outside world C
C Geometry Cards C
10 pz 90.138 $ Source bottom 20 pz 208.312 $ Source top 30 c/z 0 0 91.916 $ Source radius C
100 pz 0 $ OCA bottom (outside) 110 pz 0.635 $ OCA bottom (inside) 120 cz 119.38 $ OCA shell (outside) 130 cz 118.745 $ OCA shell (inside) 140 pz 306.07 $ OCA top (outside) 150 pz 305.435 $ OCA top (inside) 160 cz 319.38 $ 2-meter from OCA C
200 pz 22.86 $ ICV/OCV bottom (outside) 210 pz 24.13 $ ICV/OCV bottom (inside) 220 cz 93.345 $ ICV/OCV shell (outside) 230 cz 92.234 $ ICV/OCV shell (inside) 240 pz 275.59 $ ICV/OCV top (outside) 250 pz 274.32 $ ICV/OCV top (inside)
C 777 pz 146.685 $ Ring tally (lower) 888 pz 151.765 $ Ring tally (upper) 999 sz 149.225 382.88 $ Outside world C
C Physics Cards C
mode p C
C Source Cards C
C Cylindrical Source sdef pos 0 0 149.225 erg=d1 par=2 axs=0 0 1 rad=d2 ext=d3 sc1 0.15 MeV C Source Energy (MeV) and Intensity (%)
si1 L 0.15 sp1 100 5.7.1-4
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 si2 0 91.916 $ Source radius sp2 -21 1 si3 -59.087 59.087 $ Source extent sp3 -21 0 C
C Tally Cards C
f2:p 120 fc2 Surface Dose (mrem/hr) $ Surface detector fs2 888 777 t sd2 1.0 3810.44 1.0 1.0 $ Surface tally area f22:p 160 fc22 2-meter Dose (mrem/hr) $ 2-m detector fs22 888 777 t sd22 1.0 10194.144 1.0 1.0 $ Surface tally area C
C ANSI/ANS-6.1.1-1977 Gamma Flux to Dose Factors (mrem/hr) de0 1.0e-02 3.0e-02 5.0e-02 7.0e-02 1.0e-01 $ Energy (Mev) 1.5e-01 2.0e-01 2.5e-01 3.0e-01 3.5e-01 4.0e-01 4.5e-01 5.0e-01 5.5e-01 6.0e-01 6.5e-01 7.0e-01 8.0e-01 1.00 1.40 1.80 2.20 2.60 2.80 3.25 3.75 4.25 4.75 5.00 5.25 5.75 6.25 6.75 7.50 9.00 11.00 13.00 15.0000 df0 3.96e-03 5.82e-04 2.90e-04 2.58e-04 2.83e-04 $ Conversion (mrem/hr) 3.79e-04 5.01e-04 6.31e-04 7.59e-04 8.78e-04 9.85e-04 1.08e-03 1.17e-03 1.27e-03 1.36e-03 1.44e-03 1.52e-03 1.68e-03 1.98e-03 2.51e-03 2.99e-03 3.42e-03 3.82e-03 4.01e-03 4.41e-03 4.83e-03 5.23e-03 5.60e-03 5.80e-03 6.01e-03 6.37e-03 6.74e-03 7.11e-03 7.66e-03 8.77e-03 1.03e-02 1.18e-02 1.33e-02 C
C Material Cards C
m1 40000 -1.00 $ Zirconium m2 14000 -0.01 $ Stainless Steel 24000 -0.19 25000 -0.02 26000 -0.68 28000 -0.10 m3 6000 -0.60 $ Urethane Foam 7000 -0.08 8000 -0.24 1000 -0.07 14000 -0.01 C
C Runtime and Print Cards C
prdmp j j 1 2 ctme 20 NCT Distributed 0.1 MeV Neutron Source - tnn120.i title TRUPACT-II NCT Neutron Distributed 1 g/cc 0.1 MeV C
C Cell Cards C
1 1 -1 10 30 imp:n=1 $ Source 10 0 210 -250 -230 (-10:20:30) imp:n=2 $ ICV cavity 20 2 -8.01280 200 -210 -220 imp:n=1 $ ICV/OCV bottom 30 2 -8.01280 250 -240 -220 imp:n=1 $ ICV/OCV top 40 2 -8.01280 210 -250 230 -220 imp:n=4 $ ICV/OCV shell 50 3 -0.13215 110 -150 -130 (-200:220:240) imp:n=8 $ OCA annulus 60 2 -8.01280 100 -110 -120 imp:n=1 $ OCA bottom 70 2 -8.01280 150 -140 -120 imp:n=1 $ OCA top 80 2 -8.01280 110 -150 130 -120 imp:n=16 $ OCA shell 777 0 120 -160 100 -140 imp:n=32 $ Outside to tally 888 0 -999 (-100:160:140) imp:n=8 $ Outside pkg 5.7.1-5
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 999 0 999 imp:n=0 $ Outside world C
C Geometry Cards C
10 pz 90.138 $ Source bottom 20 pz 208.312 $ Source top 30 c/z 0 0 91.916 $ Source radius C
100 pz 0 $ OCA bottom (outside) 110 pz 0.635 $ OCA bottom (inside) 120 cz 119.38 $ OCA shell (outside) 130 cz 118.745 $ OCA shell (inside) 140 pz 306.07 $ OCA top (outside) 150 pz 305.435 $ OCA top (inside) 160 cz 319.38 $ 2-meter from OCA C
200 pz 22.86 $ ICV/OCV bottom (outside) 210 pz 24.13 $ ICV/OCV bottom (inside) 220 cz 93.345 $ ICV/OCV shell (outside) 230 cz 92.234 $ ICV/OCV shell (inside) 240 pz 275.59 $ ICV/OCV top (outside) 250 pz 274.32 $ ICV/OCV top (inside)
C 777 pz 146.685 $ Ring tally (lower) 888 pz 151.765 $ Ring tally (upper) 999 sz 149.225 382.88 $ Outside world C
C Physics Cards C
mode n C
C Source Cards C
C Cylindrical Source sdef pos 0 0 149.225 erg=d1 par=1 axs=0 0 1 rad=d2 ext=d3 sc1 0.1 MeV C Source Energy (MeV) and Fraction si1 L 0.1 sp1 1 si2 0 91.916 $ Source radius sp2 -21 1 si3 -59.087 59.087 $ Source extent sp3 -21 0 C
C Tally Cards C
f2:n 120 fc2 Surface Dose (mrem/hr) $ Surface detector fs2 888 777 t sd2 1.0 3810.44 1.0 1.0 $ Surface tally area f22:n 160 fc22 2-meter Dose (mrem/hr) $ 2-m detector fs22 888 777 t sd22 1.0 10194.144 1.0 1.0 $ Surface tally area C
C ANSI/ANS-6.1.1-1977 Neutron Flux to Dose Factors (mrem/hr) de0 2.5e-08 1.0e-07 1.0e-06 1.0e-05 1.0e-04 $ Energy (Mev) 1.0e-03 1.0e-02 1.0e-01 5.0e-01 1.0 2.5 5.0 7.0 10.0 14.0 20.0 df0 3.67e-03 3.67e-03 4.46e-03 4.54e-03 4.18e-03 $ Conversion (mrem/hr) 3.76e-03 3.56e-03 2.17e-02 9.26e-02 1.32e-01 1.25e-01 1.56e-01 1.47e-01 1.47e-01 2.08e-01 2.27e-01 C
C Material Cards C
m1 40000.60c -1.00 $ Zirconium m2 14000.60c -0.01 $ Stainless Steel 24052.60c -0.19 25055.60c -0.02 5.7.1-6
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 26057.60c -0.68 28058.60c -0.10 m3 6000.60c -0.60 $ Urethane Foam 7014.60c -0.08 8016.60c -0.24 1001.60c -0.07 14000.60c -0.01 mt3 poly.01t C
C Runtime and Print Cards C
prdmp j j 1 2 ctme 20 HAC 60Co Gamma Source - thg001.i title TRUPACT-II HAC Gamma Concentrated 1 g/cc Co60 C
C Cell Cards C
1 1 -1 10 30 imp:p=1 $ Source 10 0 210 -250 -230 (-10:20:30) imp:p=2 $ ICV cavity 20 2 -8.01280 200 -210 -220 imp:p=1 $ ICV/OCV bottom 30 2 -8.01280 250 -240 -220 imp:p=1 $ ICV/OCV top 40 2 -8.01280 210 -250 230 -220 imp:p=4 $ ICV/OCV shell 50 0 110 -150 -130 (-200:220:240) imp:p=8 $ OCA annulus 60 0 100 -110 -120 imp:p=1 $ OCA bottom 70 0 150 -140 -120 imp:p=1 $ OCA top 80 0 110 -150 130 -120 imp:p=16 $ OCA shell 777 0 120 -160 100 -140 imp:p=32 $ Outside to tally 888 0 -999 (-100:160:140) imp:p=8 $ Outside pkg 999 0 999 imp:p=0 $ Outside world C
C Geometry Cards C
10 pz 145.415 $ Source bottom 20 pz 147.955 $ Source top 30 c/z 0 90.963 1.27 $ Source radius C
100 pz 0 $ OCA bottom (outside) 110 pz 0.635 $ OCA bottom (inside) 120 cz 109.855 $ OCA shell (outside) 130 cz 109.22 $ OCA shell (inside) 140 pz 293.688 $ OCA top (outside) 150 pz 293.053 $ OCA top (inside) 160 cz 209.855 $ 1-meter from OCA C
200 pz 20.32 $ ICV/OCV bottom (outside) 210 pz 21.59 $ ICV/OCV bottom (inside) 220 cz 93.345 $ ICV/OCV shell (outside) 230 cz 92.234 $ ICV/OCV shell (inside) 240 pz 273.05 $ ICV/OCV top (outside) 250 pz 271.78 $ ICV/OCV top (inside)
C 777 c/x 0 146.685 2.54 $ Tally cylinder 888 px 0 $ Tally truncation 999 sz 146.685 273.355 $ Outside world C
C Physics Cards C
mode p C
C Source Cards C
C Cylindrical Source sdef pos 90.963 0 146.685 erg=d1 par=2 axs=0 0 1 rad=d2 ext=d3 sc1 CO60 C Source Energy (MeV) and Intensity (%)
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 si1 L 3.469300E-01 8.262800E-01 1.173237E+00 1.332501E+00 2.158770E+00 2.505000E+00 sp1 7.600000E-03 7.600000E-03 9.997360E+01 9.998560E+01 1.110000E-03 2.000000E-06 si2 0 1.27 $ Source radius sp2 -21 1 si3 -1.27 1.27 $ Source extent sp3 -21 0 C
C Tally Cards C
f2:p 120 fc2 Surface Dose (mrem/hr) N/A $ Surface detector fs2 -888 -777 t sd2 1.0 20.268 1.0 1.0 $ Surface tally area f22:p 160 fc22 1-meter Dose (mrem/hr) $ 1-m detector fs22 -888 -777 t sd22 1.0 20.268 1.0 1.0 $ Surface tally area C
C ANSI/ANS-6.1.1-1977 Gamma Flux to Dose Factors (mrem/hr) de0 1.0e-02 3.0e-02 5.0e-02 7.0e-02 1.0e-01 $ Energy (Mev) 1.5e-01 2.0e-01 2.5e-01 3.0e-01 3.5e-01 4.0e-01 4.5e-01 5.0e-01 5.5e-01 6.0e-01 6.5e-01 7.0e-01 8.0e-01 1.00 1.40 1.80 2.20 2.60 2.80 3.25 3.75 4.25 4.75 5.00 5.25 5.75 6.25 6.75 7.50 9.00 11.00 13.00 15.0000 df0 3.96e-03 5.82e-04 2.90e-04 2.58e-04 2.83e-04 $ Conversion (mrem/hr) 3.79e-04 5.01e-04 6.31e-04 7.59e-04 8.78e-04 9.85e-04 1.08e-03 1.17e-03 1.27e-03 1.36e-03 1.44e-03 1.52e-03 1.68e-03 1.98e-03 2.51e-03 2.99e-03 3.42e-03 3.82e-03 4.01e-03 4.41e-03 4.83e-03 5.23e-03 5.60e-03 5.80e-03 6.01e-03 6.37e-03 6.74e-03 7.11e-03 7.66e-03 8.77e-03 1.03e-02 1.18e-02 1.33e-02 C
C Material Cards C
m1 40000 -1.00 $ Zirconium m2 14000 -0.01 $ Stainless Steel 24000 -0.19 25000 -0.02 26000 -0.68 28000 -0.10 C
C Runtime and Print Cards C
prdmp j j 1 2 ctme 60 HAC 252Cf Neutron Source - thn001.i title TRUPACT-II HAC Neutron Concentrated 1 g/cc Cf252 C
C Cell Cards C
1 1 -1 10 30 imp:n=1 $ Source 10 0 210 -250 -230 (-10:20:30) imp:n=2 $ ICV cavity 20 2 -8.01280 200 -210 -220 imp:n=1 $ ICV/OCV bottom 30 2 -8.01280 250 -240 -220 imp:n=1 $ ICV/OCV top 40 2 -8.01280 210 -250 230 -220 imp:n=4 $ ICV/OCV shell 50 0 110 -150 -130 (-200:220:240) imp:n=8 $ OCA annulus 60 0 100 -110 -120 imp:n=1 $ OCA bottom 70 0 150 -140 -120 imp:n=1 $ OCA top 80 0 110 -150 130 -120 imp:n=16 $ OCA shell 777 0 120 -160 100 -140 imp:n=32 $ Outside to tally 888 0 -999 (-100:160:140) imp:n=8 $ Outside pkg 999 0 999 imp:n=0 $ Outside world 5.7.1-8
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 C
C Geometry Cards C
10 pz 145.415 $ Source bottom 20 pz 147.955 $ Source top 30 c/z 0 90.963 1.27 $ Source radius C
100 pz 0 $ OCA bottom (outside) 110 pz 0.635 $ OCA bottom (inside) 120 cz 109.855 $ OCA shell (outside) 130 cz 109.22 $ OCA shell (inside) 140 pz 293.688 $ OCA top (outside) 150 pz 293.053 $ OCA top (inside) 160 cz 209.855 $ 2-meter from OCA C
200 pz 20.32 $ ICV/OCV bottom (outside) 210 pz 21.59 $ ICV/OCV bottom (inside) 220 cz 93.345 $ ICV/OCV shell (outside) 230 cz 92.234 $ ICV/OCV shell (inside) 240 pz 273.05 $ ICV/OCV top (outside) 250 pz 271.78 $ ICV/OCV top (inside)
C 777 c/x 0 146.685 2.54 $ Tally cylinder 888 px 0 $ Tally truncation 999 sz 146.685 273.355 $ Outside world C
C Physics Cards C
mode n C
C Source Cards C
C Cylindrical Source sdef pos 90.963 0 146.685 erg=d1 par=1 axs=0 0 1 rad=d2 ext=d3 sc1 Cf252 C Source Energy (MeV) and Fraction si1 0.1 0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 15.0 sp1 0.00E+00 1.80E+11 2.71E+11 5.36E+11 4.10E+11 2.73E+11 2.66E+11 8.53E+10 2.44E+10 8.36E+09 si2 0 1.27 $ Source radius sp2 -21 1 si3 -1.27 1.27 $ Source extent sp3 -21 0 C
C Tally Cards C
f2:n 120 fc2 Surface Dose (mrem/hr) $ Surface detector fs2 -888 -777 t sd2 1.0 20.268 1.0 1.0 $ Surface tally area f22:n 160 fc22 2-meter Dose (mrem/hr) $ 2-m detector fs22 -888 -777 t sd22 1.0 20.268 1.0 1.0 $ Surface tally area C
C ANSI/ANS-6.1.1-1977 Neutron Flux to Dose Factors (mrem/hr) de0 2.5e-08 1.0e-07 1.0e-06 1.0e-05 1.0e-04 $ Energy (Mev) 1.0e-03 1.0e-02 1.0e-01 5.0e-01 1.0 2.5 5.0 7.0 10.0 14.0 20.0 df0 3.67e-03 3.67e-03 4.46e-03 4.54e-03 4.18e-03 $ Conversion (mrem/hr) 3.76e-03 3.56e-03 2.17e-02 9.26e-02 1.32e-01 1.25e-01 1.56e-01 1.47e-01 1.47e-01 2.08e-01 2.27e-01 C
C Material Cards C
m1 40000.60c -1.00 $ Zirconium m2 14000.60c -0.01 $ Stainless Steel 24052.60c -0.19 5.7.1-9
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 25055.60c -0.02 26057.60c -0.68 28058.60c -0.10 C
C Runtime and Print Cards C
prdmp j j 1 2 ctme 60 HalfPACT - Generic NCT Distributed 0.15 MeV Gamma Source - hng120.i title HalfPACT NCT Gamma Distributed 1 g/cc 0.15 MeV C
C Cell Cards C
1 1 -1 10 30 imp:p=1 $ Source 10 0 210 -250 -230 (-10:20:30) imp:p=2 $ ICV cavity 20 2 -8.01280 200 -210 -220 imp:p=1 $ ICV/OCV bottom 30 2 -8.01280 250 -240 -220 imp:p=1 $ ICV/OCV top 40 2 -8.01280 210 -250 230 -220 imp:p=4 $ ICV/OCV shell 50 3 -0.13215 110 -150 -130 (-200:220:240) imp:p=8 $ OCA annulus 60 2 -8.01280 100 -110 -120 imp:p=1 $ OCA bottom 70 2 -8.01280 150 -140 -120 imp:p=1 $ OCA top 80 2 -8.01280 110 -150 130 -120 imp:p=16 $ OCA shell 777 0 120 -160 100 -140 imp:p=32 $ Outside to tally 888 0 -999 (-100:160:140) imp:p=8 $ Outside pkg 999 0 999 imp:p=0 $ Outside world C
C Geometry Cards C
10 pz 51.311 $ Source bottom 20 pz 170.939 $ Source top 30 c/z 0 0 91.916 $ Source radius C
100 pz 0 $ OCA bottom (outside) 110 pz 0.635 $ OCA bottom (inside) 120 cz 119.38 $ OCA shell (outside) 130 cz 118.745 $ OCA shell (inside) 140 pz 229.87 $ OCA top (outside) 150 pz 229.235 $ OCA top (inside) 160 cz 319.38 $ 2-meter from OCA C
200 pz 22.86 $ ICV/OCV bottom (outside) 210 pz 24.13 $ ICV/OCV bottom (inside) 220 cz 93.345 $ ICV/OCV shell (outside) 230 cz 92.234 $ ICV/OCV shell (inside) 240 pz 199.39 $ ICV/OCV top (outside) 250 pz 198.12 $ ICV/OCV top (inside)
C 777 pz 108.585 $ Ring tally (lower) 888 pz 113.665 $ Ring tally (upper) 999 sz 111.125 382.88 $ Outside world C
C Physics Cards C
mode p C
C Source Cards C
C Cylindrical Source sdef pos 0 0 111.125 erg=d1 par=2 axs=0 0 1 rad=d2 ext=d3 sc1 0.15 MeV C Source Energy (MeV) and Intensity (%)
si1 L 0.15 sp1 100 si2 0 91.916 $ Source radius 5.7.1-10
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 sp2 -21 1 si3 -59.814 59.814 $ Source extent sp3 -21 0 C
C Tally Cards C
f2:p 120 fc2 Surface Dose (mrem/hr) $ Surface detector fs2 888 777 t sd2 1.0 3810.44 1.0 1.0 $ Surface tally area f22:p 160 fc22 2-meter Dose (mrem/hr) $ 2-m detector fs22 888 777 t sd22 1.0 10194.144 1.0 1.0 $ Surface tally area C
C ANSI/ANS-6.1.1-1977 Gamma Flux to Dose Factors (mrem/hr) de0 1.0e-02 3.0e-02 5.0e-02 7.0e-02 1.0e-01 $ Energy (Mev) 1.5e-01 2.0e-01 2.5e-01 3.0e-01 3.5e-01 4.0e-01 4.5e-01 5.0e-01 5.5e-01 6.0e-01 6.5e-01 7.0e-01 8.0e-01 1.00 1.40 1.80 2.20 2.60 2.80 3.25 3.75 4.25 4.75 5.00 5.25 5.75 6.25 6.75 7.50 9.00 11.00 13.00 15.0000 df0 3.96e-03 5.82e-04 2.90e-04 2.58e-04 2.83e-04 $ Conversion (mrem/hr) 3.79e-04 5.01e-04 6.31e-04 7.59e-04 8.78e-04 9.85e-04 1.08e-03 1.17e-03 1.27e-03 1.36e-03 1.44e-03 1.52e-03 1.68e-03 1.98e-03 2.51e-03 2.99e-03 3.42e-03 3.82e-03 4.01e-03 4.41e-03 4.83e-03 5.23e-03 5.60e-03 5.80e-03 6.01e-03 6.37e-03 6.74e-03 7.11e-03 7.66e-03 8.77e-03 1.03e-02 1.18e-02 1.33e-02 C
C Material Cards C
m1 40000 -1.00 $ Zirconium m2 14000 -0.01 $ Stainless Steel 24000 -0.19 25000 -0.02 26000 -0.68 28000 -0.10 m3 6000 -0.60 $ Urethane Foam 7000 -0.08 8000 -0.24 1000 -0.07 14000 -0.01 C
C Runtime and Print Cards C
prdmp j j 1 2 ctme 20 HAC 60Co Gamma Source - hhg001.i title HalfPACT HAC Gamma Concentrated 1 g/cc Co60 C
C Cell Cards C
1 1 -1 10 30 imp:p=1 $ Source 10 0 210 -250 -230 (-10:20:30) imp:p=2 $ ICV cavity 20 2 -8.01280 200 -210 -220 imp:p=1 $ ICV/OCV bottom 30 2 -8.01280 250 -240 -220 imp:p=1 $ ICV/OCV top 40 2 -8.01280 210 -250 230 -220 imp:p=4 $ ICV/OCV shell 50 0 110 -150 -130 (-200:220:240) imp:p=8 $ OCA annulus 60 0 100 -110 -120 imp:p=1 $ OCA bottom 70 0 150 -140 -120 imp:p=1 $ OCA top 80 0 110 -150 130 -120 imp:p=16 $ OCA shell 777 0 120 -160 100 -140 imp:p=32 $ Outside to tally 888 0 -999 (-100:160:140) imp:p=8 $ Outside pkg 999 0 999 imp:p=0 $ Outside world 5.7.1-11
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 C
C Geometry Cards C
10 pz 107.315 $ Source bottom 20 pz 109.855 $ Source top 30 c/z 0 90.963 1.27 $ Source radius C
100 pz 0 $ OCA bottom (outside) 110 pz 0.635 $ OCA bottom (inside) 120 cz 109.855 $ OCA shell (outside) 130 cz 109.22 $ OCA shell (inside) 140 pz 217.488 $ OCA top (outside) 150 pz 216.853 $ OCA top (inside) 160 cz 209.855 $ 1-meter from OCA C
200 pz 20.32 $ ICV/OCV bottom (outside) 210 pz 21.59 $ ICV/OCV bottom (inside) 220 cz 93.345 $ ICV/OCV shell (outside) 230 cz 92.234 $ ICV/OCV shell (inside) 240 pz 196.85 $ ICV/OCV top (outside) 250 pz 195.58 $ ICV/OCV top (inside)
C 777 c/x 0 108.585 2.54 $ Tally cylinder 888 px 0 $ Tally truncation 999 sz 108.585 273.355 $ Outside world C
C Physics Cards C
mode p C
C Source Cards C
C Cylindrical Source sdef pos 90.963 0 108.585 erg=d1 par=2 axs=0 0 1 rad=d2 ext=d3 sc1 CO60 C Source Energy (MeV) and Intensity (%)
si1 L 3.469300E-01 8.262800E-01 1.173237E+00 1.332501E+00 2.158770E+00 2.505000E+00 sp1 7.600000E-03 7.600000E-03 9.997360E+01 9.998560E+01 1.110000E-03 2.000000E-06 si2 0 1.27 $ Source radius sp2 -21 1 si3 -1.27 1.27 $ Source extent sp3 -21 0 C
C Tally Cards C
f2:p 120 fc2 Surface Dose (mrem/hr) N/A $ Surface detector fs2 -888 -777 t sd2 1.0 20.268 1.0 1.0 $ Surface tally area f22:p 160 fc22 1-meter Dose (mrem/hr) $ 1-m detector fs22 -888 -777 t sd22 1.0 20.268 1.0 1.0 $ Surface tally area C
C ANSI/ANS-6.1.1-1977 Gamma Flux to Dose Factors (mrem/hr) de0 1.0e-02 3.0e-02 5.0e-02 7.0e-02 1.0e-01 $ Energy (Mev) 1.5e-01 2.0e-01 2.5e-01 3.0e-01 3.5e-01 4.0e-01 4.5e-01 5.0e-01 5.5e-01 6.0e-01 6.5e-01 7.0e-01 8.0e-01 1.00 1.40 1.80 2.20 2.60 2.80 3.25 3.75 4.25 4.75 5.00 5.25 5.75 6.25 6.75 7.50 9.00 11.00 13.00 15.0000 df0 3.96e-03 5.82e-04 2.90e-04 2.58e-04 2.83e-04 $ Conversion (mrem/hr) 3.79e-04 5.01e-04 6.31e-04 7.59e-04 8.78e-04 9.85e-04 1.08e-03 1.17e-03 1.27e-03 1.36e-03 1.44e-03 1.52e-03 1.68e-03 1.98e-03 2.51e-03 5.7.1-12
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 2.99e-03 3.42e-03 3.82e-03 4.01e-03 4.41e-03 4.83e-03 5.23e-03 5.60e-03 5.80e-03 6.01e-03 6.37e-03 6.74e-03 7.11e-03 7.66e-03 8.77e-03 1.03e-02 1.18e-02 1.33e-02 C
C Material Cards C
m1 40000 -1.00 $ Zirconium m2 14000 -0.01 $ Stainless Steel 24000 -0.19 25000 -0.02 26000 -0.68 28000 -0.10 C
C Runtime and Print Cards C
prdmp j j 1 2 ctme 60 TRUPACT-II - Criticality Control Overpack NCT Concentrated 60Co Gamma Source - cng001.i title TRUPACT-II CCO NCT Gamma Concentrated 1 g/cc Co60 C
C Cell Cards C
1 1 -1 10 14 u=1 imp:p=1 $ Lower Source 2 2 -8.01280 30 34 (-31:33:35) u=1 imp:p=1 $ Lower CCC 3 0 31 35 (-10:11:14) u=1 imp:p=1 $ Lower CCC cavity 4 0 #1 #2 #3 u=1 imp:p=1 $ Lower Drum cavity 5 1 -1 20 24 u=2 imp:p=1 $ Upper Source 6 2 -8.01280 30 34 (-31:33:35) u=2 imp:p=1 $ Upper CCC 7 0 31 35 (-20:21:24) u=2 imp:p=1 $ Upper CCC cavity 8 0 #5 #6 #7 u=2 imp:p=1 $ Upper Drum cavity 11 0 50 52 trcl=1 fill=1 imp:p=1 $ CCO #1 12 0 50 52 trcl=2 fill=1 imp:p=1 $ CCO #2 13 0 50 52 trcl=3 fill=1 imp:p=1 $ CCO #3 14 0 50 52 trcl=4 fill=1 imp:p=1 $ CCO #4 15 0 50 52 trcl=5 fill=1 imp:p=1 $ CCO #5 16 0 50 52 trcl=6 fill=1 imp:p=1 $ CCO #6 17 0 50 52 trcl=7 fill=1 imp:p=1 $ CCO #7 18 0 50 52 trcl=8 fill=2 imp:p=1 $ CCO #8 19 0 50 52 trcl=9 fill=2 imp:p=1 $ CCO #9 20 0 50 52 trcl=10 fill=2 imp:p=1 $ CCO #10 21 0 50 52 trcl=11 fill=2 imp:p=1 $ CCO #11 22 0 50 52 trcl=12 fill=2 imp:p=1 $ CCO #12 23 0 50 52 trcl=13 fill=2 imp:p=1 $ CCO #13 24 0 50 52 trcl=14 fill=2 imp:p=1 $ CCO #14 200 0 210 -250 -230
- 11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17
- 18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #24 imp:p=1 $ ICV cavity 210 2 -8.01280 200 -210 -220 imp:p=1 $ ICV/OCV bottom 220 2 -8.01280 250 -240 -220 imp:p=1 $ ICV/OCV top 230 2 -8.01280 210 -250 230 -220 imp:p=4 $ ICV/OCV shell 240 3 -0.13215 110 -150 -130 (-200:220:240) imp:p=8 $ OCA annulus 250 2 -8.01280 100 -110 -120 imp:p=1 $ OCA bottom 260 2 -8.01280 150 -140 -120 imp:p=1 $ OCA top 270 2 -8.01280 110 -150 130 -120 imp:p=16 $ OCA shell 777 0 120 -160 100 -140 imp:p=32 $ Outside to tally 888 0 -999 (-100:160:140) imp:p=8 $ Outside pkg 999 0 999 imp:p=0 $ Outside world C
C Geometry Cards C
10 pz 147.955 $ Lower Source bottom 11 pz 150.495 $ Lower Source top 14 c/z 0 0 1.27 $ Lower Source radius 20 pz 147.955 $ Upper Source bottom 5.7.1-13
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 21 pz 150.495 $ Upper Source top 24 c/z 0 0 1.27 $ Upper Source radius C
30 pz 112.467 $ CCC base (outside) 31 pz 115.007 $ CCC base (inside) 32 pz 185.983 $ CCC lid (outside) 33 pz 183.443 $ CCC lid (inside) 34 cz 8.414 $ CCC shell (outside) 35 cz 7.703 $ CCC shell (inside)
C 50 pz 104.775 $ Drum bottom 51 pz 193.675 $ Drum top 52 cz 30.48 $ Drum radius (outside)
C 100 pz 0 $ OCA bottom (outside) 110 pz 0.635 $ OCA bottom (inside) 120 cz 119.38 $ OCA shell (outside) 130 cz 118.745 $ OCA shell (inside) 140 pz 306.07 $ OCA top (outside) 150 pz 305.435 $ OCA top (inside) 160 cz 319.38 $ 2-meter from OCA C
200 pz 22.86 $ ICV/OCV bottom (outside) 210 pz 24.13 $ ICV/OCV bottom (inside) 220 cz 93.345 $ ICV/OCV shell (outside) 230 cz 92.234 $ ICV/OCV shell (inside) 240 pz 275.59 $ ICV/OCV top (outside) 250 pz 274.32 $ ICV/OCV top (inside)
C 777 pz 146.685 $ Ring tally (lower) 888 pz 151.765 $ Ring tally (upper) 999 sz 149.225 446.38 $ Outside world C
C Translation Cards C
- tr1 0 0 -44.609
- tr2 52.793 30.48 -44.609
- tr3 0 60.96 -44.609
- tr4 -52.793 30.48 -44.609
- tr5 -52.793 -30.48 -44.609
- tr6 0 -60.96 -44.609
- tr7 52.793 -30.48 -44.609
- tr8 0 0 44.609
- tr9 52.793 30.48 44.609
- tr10 0 60.96 44.609
- tr11 -52.793 30.48 44.609
- tr12 -52.793 -30.48 44.609
- tr13 0 -60.96 44.609
- tr14 52.793 -30.48 44.609 C
C Physics Cards C
mode p C
C Source Cards C
C Cylindrical Sources sdef pos=d1 erg=d2 par=2 axs=0 0 1 rad=d3 ext=d4 sc1 Co60 C Source Position and Fraction si1 L 0 0 104.616 52.793 30.48 104.616 0 60.96 104.616
-52.793 30.48 104.616
-52.793 -30.48 104.616 0 -60.96 104.616 52.793 -30.48 104.616 0 0 193.834 52.793 30.48 193.834 0 60.96 193.834 5.7.1-14
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021
-52.793 30.48 193.834
-52.793 -30.48 193.834 0 -60.96 193.834 52.793 -30.48 193.834 sp1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 C Source Energy (MeV) and Intensity (%)
si2 L 3.469300E-01 8.262800E-01 1.173237E+00 1.332501E+00 2.158770E+00 2.505000E+00 sp2 7.600000E-03 7.600000E-03 9.997360E+01 9.998560E+01 1.110000E-03 2.000000E-06 C Source Radius si3 0 1.27 sp3 -21 1 C Source Extent si4 -1.27 1.27 sp4 -21 0 C
C Tally Cards C
f2:p 120 fc2 Surface Dose (mrem/hr) $ Surface detector fs2 888 777 t sd2 1.0 3810.44 1.0 1.0 $ Surface tally area f22:p 160 fc22 2-meter Dose (mrem/hr) $ 2-m detector fs22 888 777 t sd22 1.0 10194.144 1.0 1.0 $ Surface tally area C
C ANSI/ANS-6.1.1-1977 Gamma Flux to Dose Factors (mrem/hr) de0 1.0e-02 3.0e-02 5.0e-02 7.0e-02 1.0e-01 $ Energy (Mev) 1.5e-01 2.0e-01 2.5e-01 3.0e-01 3.5e-01 4.0e-01 4.5e-01 5.0e-01 5.5e-01 6.0e-01 6.5e-01 7.0e-01 8.0e-01 1.00 1.40 1.80 2.20 2.60 2.80 3.25 3.75 4.25 4.75 5.00 5.25 5.75 6.25 6.75 7.50 9.00 11.00 13.00 15.0000 df0 3.96e-03 5.82e-04 2.90e-04 2.58e-04 2.83e-04 $ Conversion (mrem/hr) 3.79e-04 5.01e-04 6.31e-04 7.59e-04 8.78e-04 9.85e-04 1.08e-03 1.17e-03 1.27e-03 1.36e-03 1.44e-03 1.52e-03 1.68e-03 1.98e-03 2.51e-03 2.99e-03 3.42e-03 3.82e-03 4.01e-03 4.41e-03 4.83e-03 5.23e-03 5.60e-03 5.80e-03 6.01e-03 6.37e-03 6.74e-03 7.11e-03 7.66e-03 8.77e-03 1.03e-02 1.18e-02 1.33e-02 C
C Material Cards C
m1 40000 -1.00 $ Zirconium m2 14000 -0.01 $ Stainless Steel 24000 -0.19 25000 -0.02 26000 -0.68 28000 -0.10 m3 6000 -0.60 $ Urethane Foam 7000 -0.08 8000 -0.24 1000 -0.07 14000 -0.01 C
C Runtime and Print Cards C
prdmp j j 1 2 ctme 30 HAC 252Cf Neutron Source - chn001.i title TRUPACT-II CCO HAC Neutron Concentrated 1 g/cc Cf252 C
C Cell Cards 5.7.1-15
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 C
1 1 -1 10 14 u=1 imp:n=1 $ Lower Source 2 2 -8.01280 30 34 (-31:33:35) u=1 imp:n=1 $ Lower CCC 3 0 31 35 (-10:11:14) u=1 imp:n=1 $ Lower CCC cavity 4 0 #1 #2 #3 u=1 imp:n=1 $ Lower Drum cavity 5 1 -1 20 24 u=2 imp:n=1 $ Upper Source 6 2 -8.01280 30 34 (-31:33:35) u=2 imp:n=1 $ Upper CCC 7 0 31 35 (-20:21:24) u=2 imp:n=1 $ Upper CCC cavity 8 0 #5 #6 #7 u=2 imp:n=1 $ Upper Drum cavity 11 0 50 52 trcl=1 fill=1 imp:n=1 $ CCO #1 12 0 50 52 trcl=2 fill=1 imp:n=1 $ CCO #2 13 0 50 52 trcl=3 fill=1 imp:n=1 $ CCO #3 14 0 50 52 trcl=4 fill=1 imp:n=1 $ CCO #4 15 0 50 52 trcl=5 fill=1 imp:n=1 $ CCO #5 16 0 50 52 trcl=6 fill=1 imp:n=1 $ CCO #6 17 0 50 52 trcl=7 fill=1 imp:n=1 $ CCO #7 18 0 50 52 trcl=8 fill=2 imp:n=1 $ CCO #8 19 0 50 52 trcl=9 fill=2 imp:n=1 $ CCO #9 20 0 50 52 trcl=10 fill=2 imp:n=1 $ CCO #10 21 0 50 52 trcl=11 fill=2 imp:n=1 $ CCO #11 22 0 50 52 trcl=12 fill=2 imp:n=1 $ CCO #12 23 0 50 52 trcl=13 fill=2 imp:n=1 $ CCO #13 24 0 50 52 trcl=14 fill=2 imp:n=1 $ CCO #14 200 0 210 -250 -230
- 11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17
- 18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #24 imp:n=1 $ ICV cavity 210 2 -8.01280 200 -210 -220 imp:n=1 $ ICV/OCV bottom 220 2 -8.01280 250 -240 -220 imp:n=1 $ ICV/OCV top 230 2 -8.01280 210 -250 230 -220 imp:n=4 $ ICV/OCV shell 240 0 110 -150 -130 (-200:220:240) imp:n=8 $ OCA annulus 250 0 100 -110 -120 imp:n=1 $ OCA bottom 260 0 150 -140 -120 imp:n=1 $ OCA top 270 0 110 -150 130 -120 imp:n=16 $ OCA shell 777 0 120 -160 100 -140 imp:n=32 $ Outside to tally 888 0 -999 (-100:160:140) imp:n=8 $ Outside pkg 999 0 999 imp:n=0 $ Outside world C
C Geometry Cards C
10 pz 178.362 $ Lower Source bottom 11 pz 180.902 $ Lower Source top 14 c/z 6.432 0 1.27 $ Lower Source radius 20 pz 112.468 $ Upper Source bottom 21 pz 115.008 $ Upper Source top 24 c/z 6.432 0 1.27 $ Upper Source radius C
30 pz 109.927 $ CCC base (outside) 31 pz 112.467 $ CCC base (inside) 32 pz 183.443 $ CCC lid (outside) 33 pz 180.903 $ CCC lid (inside) 34 cz 8.414 $ CCC shell (outside) 35 cz 7.703 $ CCC shell (inside)
C 50 pz 107.156 $ Drum bottom 51 pz 186.214 $ Drum top 52 cz 19.685 $ Drum radius (outside)
C 100 pz 0 $ OCA bottom (outside) 110 pz 0.635 $ OCA bottom (inside) 120 cz 109.855 $ OCA shell (outside) 130 cz 109.22 $ OCA shell (inside) 140 pz 293.688 $ OCA top (outside) 150 pz 293.053 $ OCA top (inside) 160 cz 209.855 $ 1-meter from OCA C
200 pz 20.32 $ ICV/OCV bottom (outside) 210 pz 21.59 $ ICV/OCV bottom (inside) 220 cz 93.345 $ ICV/OCV shell (outside) 230 cz 92.234 $ ICV/OCV shell (inside) 240 pz 273.05 $ ICV/OCV top (outside) 5.7.1-16
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 250 pz 271.78 $ ICV/OCV top (inside)
C 777 c/x 0 146.685 2.54 $ Tally cylinder 888 px 0 $ Tally truncation 999 sz 146.685 336.855 $ Outside world C
C Translation Cards C
- tr1 35.728 0 -39.687
- tr2 69.825 19.686 -39.687
- tr3 35.728 39.373 -39.687
- tr4 1.63 19.686 -39.687
- tr5 1.63 -19.686 -39.687
- tr6 35.728 -39.373 -39.687
- tr7 69.825 -19.686 -39.687
- tr8 35.728 0 39.688
- tr9 69.825 19.686 39.688
- tr10 35.728 39.373 39.688
- tr11 1.63 19.686 39.688
- tr12 1.63 -19.686 39.688
- tr13 35.728 -39.373 39.688
- tr14 69.825 -19.686 39.688 C
C Physics Cards C
mode n C
C Source Cards C
C Cylindrical Sources sdef pos=d1 erg=d2 par=1 axs=0 0 1 rad=d3 ext=d4 sc1 Cf252 C Source Position and Fraction si1 L 42.159 0 139.944 76.257 19.686 139.944 42.159 39.373 139.944 8.062 19.686 139.944 8.062 -19.686 139.944 42.159 -39.373 139.944 76.257 -19.686 139.944 42.159 0 153.426 76.257 19.686 153.426 42.159 39.373 153.426 8.062 19.686 153.426 8.062 -19.686 153.426 42.159 -39.373 153.426 76.257 -19.686 153.426 sp1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 C Source Energy (MeV) and Fraction si2 0.1 0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 15.0 sp2 0.00E+00 1.80E+11 2.71E+11 5.36E+11 4.10E+11 2.73E+11 2.66E+11 8.53E+10 2.44E+10 8.36E+09 C Source Radius si3 0 1.27 sp3 -21 1 C Source Extent si4 -1.27 1.27 sp4 -21 0 C
C Tally Cards C
f2:n 120 fc2 Surface Dose (mrem/hr) $ Surface detector fs2 -888 -777 t sd2 1.0 20.268 1.0 1.0 $ Surface tally area f22:n 160 fc22 1-meter Dose (mrem/hr) $ 1-m detector fs22 -888 -777 t sd22 1.0 20.268 1.0 1.0 $ Surface tally area 5.7.1-17
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 C
C ANSI/ANS-6.1.1-1977 Neutron Flux to Dose Factors (mrem/hr) de0 2.5e-08 1.0e-07 1.0e-06 1.0e-05 1.0e-04 $ Energy (Mev) 1.0e-03 1.0e-02 1.0e-01 5.0e-01 1.0 2.5 5.0 7.0 10.0 14.0 20.0 df0 3.67e-03 3.67e-03 4.46e-03 4.54e-03 4.18e-03 $ Conversion (mrem/hr) 3.76e-03 3.56e-03 2.17e-02 9.26e-02 1.32e-01 1.25e-01 1.56e-01 1.47e-01 1.47e-01 2.08e-01 2.27e-01 C
C Material Cards C
m1 40000.60c -1.00 $ Zirconium m2 14000.60c -0.01 $ Stainless Steel 24052.60c -0.19 25055.60c -0.02 26057.60c -0.68 28058.60c -0.10 C
C Runtime and Print Cards C
prdmp j j 1 2 ctme 90 HalfPACT - Criticality Control Overpack NCT Concentrated 60Co Gamma Source - dng001.i title HalfPACT CCO NCT Gamma Concentrated 1 g/cc Co60 C
C Cell Cards C
1 1 -1 10 14 u=1 imp:p=1 $ Source 2 2 -8.01280 30 34 (-31:33:35) u=1 imp:p=1 $ CCC 3 0 31 35 (-10:11:14) u=1 imp:p=1 $ CCC cavity 4 0 #1 #2 #3 u=1 imp:p=1 $ Drum cavity 11 0 50 52 trcl=1 fill=1 imp:p=1 $ CCO #1 12 0 50 52 trcl=2 fill=1 imp:p=1 $ CCO #2 13 0 50 52 trcl=3 fill=1 imp:p=1 $ CCO #3 14 0 50 52 trcl=4 fill=1 imp:p=1 $ CCO #4 15 0 50 52 trcl=5 fill=1 imp:p=1 $ CCO #5 16 0 50 52 trcl=6 fill=1 imp:p=1 $ CCO #6 17 0 50 52 trcl=7 fill=1 imp:p=1 $ CCO #7 200 0 210 -250 -230
- 11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 imp:p=1 $ ICV cavity 210 2 -8.01280 200 -210 -220 imp:p=1 $ ICV/OCV bottom 220 2 -8.01280 250 -240 -220 imp:p=1 $ ICV/OCV top 230 2 -8.01280 210 -250 230 -220 imp:p=4 $ ICV/OCV shell 240 3 -0.13215 110 -150 -130 (-200:220:240) imp:p=8 $ OCA annulus 250 2 -8.01280 100 -110 -120 imp:p=1 $ OCA bottom 260 2 -8.01280 150 -140 -120 imp:p=1 $ OCA top 270 2 -8.01280 110 -150 130 -120 imp:p=16 $ OCA shell 777 0 120 -160 100 -140 imp:p=32 $ Outside to tally 888 0 -999 (-100:160:140) imp:p=8 $ Outside pkg 999 0 999 imp:p=0 $ Outside world C
C Geometry Cards C
10 pz 109.855 $ Source bottom 11 pz 112.395 $ Source top 14 c/z 0 0 1.27 $ Source radius C
30 pz 74.367 $ CCC base (outside) 31 pz 76.907 $ CCC base (inside) 32 pz 147.883 $ CCC lid (outside) 33 pz 145.343 $ CCC lid (inside) 34 cz 8.414 $ CCC shell (outside) 35 cz 7.703 $ CCC shell (inside)
C 50 pz 66.675 $ Drum bottom 5.7.1-18
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 51 pz 155.575 $ Drum top 52 cz 30.48 $ Drum radius (outside)
C 100 pz 0 $ OCA bottom (outside) 110 pz 0.635 $ OCA bottom (inside) 120 cz 119.38 $ OCA shell (outside) 130 cz 118.745 $ OCA shell (inside) 140 pz 229.87 $ OCA top (outside) 150 pz 229.235 $ OCA top (inside) 160 cz 319.38 $ 2-meter from OCA C
200 pz 22.86 $ ICV/OCV bottom (outside) 210 pz 24.13 $ ICV/OCV bottom (inside) 220 cz 93.345 $ ICV/OCV shell (outside) 230 cz 92.234 $ ICV/OCV shell (inside) 240 pz 199.39 $ ICV/OCV top (outside) 250 pz 198.12 $ ICV/OCV top (inside)
C 777 pz 108.585 $ Ring tally (lower) 888 pz 113.665 $ Ring tally (upper) 999 sz 111.125 446.38 $ Outside world C
C Translation Cards C
- tr1 0 0 0
- tr2 52.793 30.48 0
- tr3 0 60.96 0
- tr4 -52.793 30.48 0
- tr5 -52.793 -30.48 0
- tr6 0 -60.96 0
- tr7 52.793 -30.48 0 C
C Physics Cards C
mode p C
C Source Cards C
C Cylindrical Sources sdef pos=d1 erg=d2 par=2 axs=0 0 1 rad=d3 ext=d4 sc1 Co60 C Source Position and Fraction si1 L 0 0 111.125 52.793 30.48 111.125 0 60.96 111.125
-52.793 30.48 111.125
-52.793 -30.48 111.125 0 -60.96 111.125 52.793 -30.48 111.125 sp1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 C Source Energy (MeV) and Intensity (%)
si2 L 3.469300E-01 8.262800E-01 1.173237E+00 1.332501E+00 2.158770E+00 2.505000E+00 sp2 7.600000E-03 7.600000E-03 9.997360E+01 9.998560E+01 1.110000E-03 2.000000E-06 C Source Radius si3 0 1.27 sp3 -21 1 C Source Extent si4 -1.27 1.27 sp4 -21 0 C
C Tally Cards C
f2:p 120 fc2 Surface Dose (mrem/hr) $ Surface detector fs2 888 777 t sd2 1.0 3810.44 1.0 1.0 $ Surface tally area f22:p 160 fc22 2-meter Dose (mrem/hr) $ 2-m detector 5.7.1-19
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 fs22 888 777 t sd22 1.0 10194.144 1.0 1.0 $ Surface tally area C
C ANSI/ANS-6.1.1-1977 Gamma Flux to Dose Factors (mrem/hr) de0 1.0e-02 3.0e-02 5.0e-02 7.0e-02 1.0e-01 $ Energy (Mev) 1.5e-01 2.0e-01 2.5e-01 3.0e-01 3.5e-01 4.0e-01 4.5e-01 5.0e-01 5.5e-01 6.0e-01 6.5e-01 7.0e-01 8.0e-01 1.00 1.40 1.80 2.20 2.60 2.80 3.25 3.75 4.25 4.75 5.00 5.25 5.75 6.25 6.75 7.50 9.00 11.00 13.00 15.0000 df0 3.96e-03 5.82e-04 2.90e-04 2.58e-04 2.83e-04 $ Conversion (mrem/hr) 3.79e-04 5.01e-04 6.31e-04 7.59e-04 8.78e-04 9.85e-04 1.08e-03 1.17e-03 1.27e-03 1.36e-03 1.44e-03 1.52e-03 1.68e-03 1.98e-03 2.51e-03 2.99e-03 3.42e-03 3.82e-03 4.01e-03 4.41e-03 4.83e-03 5.23e-03 5.60e-03 5.80e-03 6.01e-03 6.37e-03 6.74e-03 7.11e-03 7.66e-03 8.77e-03 1.03e-02 1.18e-02 1.33e-02 C
C Material Cards C
m1 40000 -1.00 $ Zirconium m2 14000 -0.01 $ Stainless Steel 24000 -0.19 25000 -0.02 26000 -0.68 28000 -0.10 m3 6000 -0.60 $ Urethane Foam 7000 -0.08 8000 -0.24 1000 -0.07 14000 -0.01 C
C Runtime and Print Cards C
prdmp j j 1 2 ctme 30 HAC 252Cf Neutron Source - dhn001.i title HalfPACT CCO HAC Neutron Concentrated 1 g/cc Cf252 C
C Cell Cards C
1 1 -1 10 14 u=1 imp:n=1 $ Source 2 2 -8.01280 30 34 (-31:33:35) u=1 imp:n=1 $ CCC 3 0 31 35 (-10:11:14) u=1 imp:n=1 $ CCC cavity 4 0 #1 #2 #3 u=1 imp:n=1 $ Drum cavity 11 0 50 52 trcl=1 fill=1 imp:n=1 $ CCO #1 12 0 50 52 trcl=2 fill=1 imp:n=1 $ CCO #2 13 0 50 52 trcl=3 fill=1 imp:n=1 $ CCO #3 14 0 50 52 trcl=4 fill=1 imp:n=1 $ CCO #4 15 0 50 52 trcl=5 fill=1 imp:n=1 $ CCO #5 16 0 50 52 trcl=6 fill=1 imp:n=1 $ CCO #6 17 0 50 52 trcl=7 fill=1 imp:n=1 $ CCO #7 200 0 210 -250 -230
- 11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 imp:n=1 $ ICV cavity 210 2 -8.01280 200 -210 -220 imp:n=1 $ ICV/OCV bottom 220 2 -8.01280 250 -240 -220 imp:n=1 $ ICV/OCV top 230 2 -8.01280 210 -250 230 -220 imp:n=4 $ ICV/OCV shell 240 0 110 -150 -130 (-200:220:240) imp:n=8 $ OCA annulus 250 0 100 -110 -120 imp:n=1 $ OCA bottom 260 0 150 -140 -120 imp:n=1 $ OCA top 270 0 110 -150 130 -120 imp:n=16 $ OCA shell 777 0 120 -160 100 -140 imp:n=32 $ Outside to tally 888 0 -999 (-100:160:140) imp:n=8 $ Outside pkg 999 0 999 imp:n=0 $ Outside world 5.7.1-20
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 C
C Geometry Cards C
10 pz 107.315 $ Source bottom 11 pz 109.855 $ Source top 14 c/z 6.431 0 1.27 $ Source radius C
30 pz 71.827 $ CCC base (outside) 31 pz 74.367 $ CCC base (inside) 32 pz 145.343 $ CCC lid (outside) 33 pz 142.803 $ CCC lid (inside) 34 cz 8.414 $ CCC shell (outside) 35 cz 7.703 $ CCC shell (inside)
C 50 pz 69.056 $ Drum bottom 51 pz 148.114 $ Drum top 52 cz 19.685 $ Drum radius (outside)
C 100 pz 0 $ OCA bottom (outside) 110 pz 0.635 $ OCA bottom (inside) 120 cz 109.855 $ OCA shell (outside) 130 cz 109.22 $ OCA shell (inside) 140 pz 217.488 $ OCA top (outside) 150 pz 216.853 $ OCA top (inside) 160 cz 209.855 $ 1-meter from OCA C
200 pz 20.32 $ ICV/OCV bottom (outside) 210 pz 21.59 $ ICV/OCV bottom (inside) 220 cz 93.345 $ ICV/OCV shell (outside) 230 cz 92.234 $ ICV/OCV shell (inside) 240 pz 196.85 $ ICV/OCV top (outside) 250 pz 195.58 $ ICV/OCV top (inside)
C 777 c/x 0 108.585 2.54 $ Tally cylinder 888 px 0 $ Tally truncation 999 sz 108.585 336.855 $ Outside world C
C Translation Cards C
- tr1 35.728 0 0
- tr2 69.825 19.686 0
- tr3 35.728 39.373 0
- tr4 1.63 19.686 0
- tr5 1.63 -19.686 0
- tr6 35.728 -39.373 0
- tr7 69.825 -19.686 0 C
C Physics Cards C
mode n C
C Source Cards C
C Cylindrical Sources sdef pos=d1 erg=d2 par=1 axs=0 0 1 rad=d3 ext=d4 sc1 Cf252 C Source Position and Fraction si1 L 42.159 0 108.585 76.257 19.686 108.585 42.159 39.373 108.585 8.062 19.686 108.585 8.062 -19.686 108.585 42.159 -39.373 108.585 76.257 -19.686 108.585 sp1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 C Source Energy (MeV) and Fraction si2 0.1 0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 15.0 sp2 0.00E+00 1.80E+11 2.71E+11 5.36E+11 4.10E+11 2.73E+11 2.66E+11 8.53E+10 2.44E+10 8.36E+09 5.7.1-21
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 C Source Radius si3 0 1.27 sp3 -21 1 C Source Extent si4 -1.27 1.27 sp4 -21 0 C
C Tally Cards C
f2:n 120 fc2 Surface Dose (mrem/hr) $ Surface detector fs2 -888 -777 t sd2 1.0 20.268 1.0 1.0 $ Surface tally area f22:n 160 fc22 1-meter Dose (mrem/hr) $ 1-m detector fs22 -888 -777 t sd22 1.0 20.268 1.0 1.0 $ Surface tally area C
C ANSI/ANS-6.1.1-1977 Neutron Flux to Dose Factors (mrem/hr) de0 2.5e-08 1.0e-07 1.0e-06 1.0e-05 1.0e-04 $ Energy (Mev) 1.0e-03 1.0e-02 1.0e-01 5.0e-01 1.0 2.5 5.0 7.0 10.0 14.0 20.0 df0 3.67e-03 3.67e-03 4.46e-03 4.54e-03 4.18e-03 $ Conversion (mrem/hr) 3.76e-03 3.56e-03 2.17e-02 9.26e-02 1.32e-01 1.25e-01 1.56e-01 1.47e-01 1.47e-01 2.08e-01 2.27e-01 C
C Material Cards C
m1 40000.60c -1.00 $ Zirconium m2 14000.60c -0.01 $ Stainless Steel 24052.60c -0.19 25055.60c -0.02 26057.60c -0.68 28058.60c -0.10 C
C Runtime and Print Cards C
prdmp j j 1 2 ctme 90 HalfPACT in. Standard Pipe Overpack NCT Concentrated 60Co Gamma Source - 6ng001.i title HalfPACT 6PO NCT Gamma Concentrated 1 g/cc Co60 C
C Cell Cards C
1 1 -1 10 14 u=1 imp:p=1 $ Source 2 2 -8.01280 30 34 (-31:33:35) u=1 imp:p=1 $ Pipe 3 0 31 35 (-10:11:14) u=1 imp:p=1 $ Pipe cavity 4 0 #1 #2 #3 u=1 imp:p=1 $ Drum cavity 11 0 50 52 trcl=1 fill=1 imp:p=1 $ 6PO #1 12 0 50 52 trcl=2 fill=1 imp:p=1 $ 6PO #2 13 0 50 52 trcl=3 fill=1 imp:p=1 $ 6PO #3 14 0 50 52 trcl=4 fill=1 imp:p=1 $ 6PO #4 15 0 50 52 trcl=5 fill=1 imp:p=1 $ 6PO #5 16 0 50 52 trcl=6 fill=1 imp:p=1 $ 6PO #6 17 0 50 52 trcl=7 fill=1 imp:p=1 $ 6PO #7 200 0 210 -250 -230
- 11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 imp:p=1 $ ICV cavity 210 2 -8.01280 200 -210 -220 imp:p=1 $ ICV/OCV bottom 220 2 -8.01280 250 -240 -220 imp:p=1 $ ICV/OCV top 230 2 -8.01280 210 -250 230 -220 imp:p=4 $ ICV/OCV shell 240 3 -0.13215 110 -150 -130 (-200:220:240) imp:p=8 $ OCA annulus 250 2 -8.01280 100 -110 -120 imp:p=1 $ OCA bottom 260 2 -8.01280 150 -140 -120 imp:p=1 $ OCA top 270 2 -8.01280 110 -150 130 -120 imp:p=16 $ OCA shell 777 0 120 -160 100 -140 imp:p=32 $ Outside to tally 888 0 -999 (-100:160:140) imp:p=8 $ Outside pkg 5.7.1-22
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 999 0 999 imp:p=0 $ Outside world C
C Geometry Cards C
10 pz 109.855 $ Source bottom 11 pz 112.395 $ Source top 14 c/z 0 0 1.27 $ Source radius C
30 pz 77.788 $ Pipe base (outside) 31 pz 78.423 $ Pipe base (inside) 32 pz 146.114 $ Pipe lid (outside) 33 pz 143.828 $ Pipe lid (inside) 34 cz 8.509 $ Pipe shell (outside) 35 cz 7.887 $ Pipe shell (inside)
C 50 pz 66.675 $ Drum bottom 51 pz 155.575 $ Drum top 52 cz 30.48 $ Drum radius (outside)
C 100 pz 0 $ OCA bottom (outside) 110 pz 0.635 $ OCA bottom (inside) 120 cz 119.38 $ OCA shell (outside) 130 cz 118.745 $ OCA shell (inside) 140 pz 229.87 $ OCA top (outside) 150 pz 229.235 $ OCA top (inside) 160 cz 319.38 $ 2-meter from OCA C
200 pz 22.86 $ ICV/OCV bottom (outside) 210 pz 24.13 $ ICV/OCV bottom (inside) 220 cz 93.345 $ ICV/OCV shell (outside) 230 cz 92.234 $ ICV/OCV shell (inside) 240 pz 199.39 $ ICV/OCV top (outside) 250 pz 198.12 $ ICV/OCV top (inside)
C 777 pz 108.585 $ Ring tally (lower) 888 pz 113.665 $ Ring tally (upper) 999 sz 111.125 446.38 $ Outside world C
C Translation Cards C
- tr1 0 0 0
- tr2 52.793 30.48 0
- tr3 0 60.96 0
- tr4 -52.793 30.48 0
- tr5 -52.793 -30.48 0
- tr6 0 -60.96 0
- tr7 52.793 -30.48 0 C
C Physics Cards C
mode p C
C Source Cards C
C Cylindrical Sources sdef pos=d1 erg=d2 par=2 axs=0 0 1 rad=d3 ext=d4 sc1 Co60 C Source Position and Fraction si1 L 0 0 111.125 52.793 30.48 111.125 0 60.96 111.125
-52.793 30.48 111.125
-52.793 -30.48 111.125 0 -60.96 111.125 52.793 -30.48 111.125 sp1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 C Source Energy (MeV) and Intensity (%)
si2 L 3.469300E-01 8.262800E-01 1.173237E+00 1.332501E+00 2.158770E+00 2.505000E+00 5.7.1-23
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 sp2 7.600000E-03 7.600000E-03 9.997360E+01 9.998560E+01 1.110000E-03 2.000000E-06 C Source Radius si3 0 1.27 sp3 -21 1 C Source Extent si4 -1.27 1.27 sp4 -21 0 C
C Tally Cards C
f2:p 120 fc2 Surface Dose (mrem/hr) $ Surface detector fs2 888 777 t sd2 1.0 3810.44 1.0 1.0 $ Surface tally area f22:p 160 fc22 2-meter Dose (mrem/hr) $ 2-m detector fs22 888 777 t sd22 1.0 10194.144 1.0 1.0 $ Surface tally area C
C ANSI/ANS-6.1.1-1977 Gamma Flux to Dose Factors (mrem/hr) de0 1.0e-02 3.0e-02 5.0e-02 7.0e-02 1.0e-01 $ Energy (Mev) 1.5e-01 2.0e-01 2.5e-01 3.0e-01 3.5e-01 4.0e-01 4.5e-01 5.0e-01 5.5e-01 6.0e-01 6.5e-01 7.0e-01 8.0e-01 1.00 1.40 1.80 2.20 2.60 2.80 3.25 3.75 4.25 4.75 5.00 5.25 5.75 6.25 6.75 7.50 9.00 11.00 13.00 15.0000 df0 3.96e-03 5.82e-04 2.90e-04 2.58e-04 2.83e-04 $ Conversion (mrem/hr) 3.79e-04 5.01e-04 6.31e-04 7.59e-04 8.78e-04 9.85e-04 1.08e-03 1.17e-03 1.27e-03 1.36e-03 1.44e-03 1.52e-03 1.68e-03 1.98e-03 2.51e-03 2.99e-03 3.42e-03 3.82e-03 4.01e-03 4.41e-03 4.83e-03 5.23e-03 5.60e-03 5.80e-03 6.01e-03 6.37e-03 6.74e-03 7.11e-03 7.66e-03 8.77e-03 1.03e-02 1.18e-02 1.33e-02 C
C Material Cards C
m1 40000 -1.00 $ Zirconium m2 14000 -0.01 $ Stainless Steel 24000 -0.19 25000 -0.02 26000 -0.68 28000 -0.10 m3 6000 -0.60 $ Urethane Foam 7000 -0.08 8000 -0.24 1000 -0.07 14000 -0.01 C
C Runtime and Print Cards C
prdmp j j 1 2 ctme 30 HAC 252Cf Neutron Source - 6hn001.i title HalfPACT 6PO HAC Neutron Concentrated 1 g/cc Cf252 C
C Cell Cards C
1 1 -1 10 14 u=1 imp:n=1 $ Source 2 2 -8.01280 30 34 (-31:33:35) u=1 imp:n=1 $ Pipe 3 0 31 35 (-10:11:14) u=1 imp:n=1 $ Pipe cavity 4 0 #1 #2 #3 u=1 imp:n=1 $ Drum cavity 11 0 50 52 trcl=1 fill=1 imp:n=1 $ 6PO #1 12 0 50 52 trcl=2 fill=1 imp:n=1 $ 6PO #2 13 0 50 52 trcl=3 fill=1 imp:n=1 $ 6PO #3 5.7.1-24
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 14 0 50 52 trcl=4 fill=1 imp:n=1 $ 6PO #4 15 0 50 52 trcl=5 fill=1 imp:n=1 $ 6PO #5 16 0 50 52 trcl=6 fill=1 imp:n=1 $ 6PO #6 17 0 50 52 trcl=7 fill=1 imp:n=1 $ 6PO #7 200 0 210 -250 -230
- 11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 imp:n=1 $ ICV cavity 210 2 -8.01280 200 -210 -220 imp:n=1 $ ICV/OCV bottom 220 2 -8.01280 250 -240 -220 imp:n=1 $ ICV/OCV top 230 2 -8.01280 210 -250 230 -220 imp:n=4 $ ICV/OCV shell 240 0 110 -150 -130 (-200:220:240) imp:n=8 $ OCA annulus 250 0 100 -110 -120 imp:n=1 $ OCA bottom 260 0 150 -140 -120 imp:n=1 $ OCA top 270 0 110 -150 130 -120 imp:n=16 $ OCA shell 777 0 120 -160 100 -140 imp:n=32 $ Outside to tally 888 0 -999 (-100:160:140) imp:n=8 $ Outside pkg 999 0 999 imp:n=0 $ Outside world C
C Geometry Cards C
10 pz 107.315 $ Source bottom 11 pz 109.855 $ Source top 14 c/z 6.616 0 1.27 $ Source radius C
30 pz 75.248 $ Pipe base (outside) 31 pz 75.883 $ Pipe base (inside) 32 pz 143.574 $ Pipe lid (outside) 33 pz 141.288 $ Pipe lid (inside) 34 cz 8.509 $ Pipe shell (outside) 35 cz 7.887 $ Pipe shell (inside)
C 50 pz 71.412 $ Drum bottom 51 pz 145.758 $ Drum top 52 cz 23.101 $ Drum radius (outside)
C 100 pz 0 $ OCA bottom (outside) 110 pz 0.635 $ OCA bottom (inside) 120 cz 109.855 $ OCA shell (outside) 130 cz 109.22 $ OCA shell (inside) 140 pz 217.488 $ OCA top (outside) 150 pz 216.853 $ OCA top (inside) 160 cz 209.855 $ 1-meter from OCA C
200 pz 20.32 $ ICV/OCV bottom (outside) 210 pz 21.59 $ ICV/OCV bottom (inside) 220 cz 93.345 $ ICV/OCV shell (outside) 230 cz 92.234 $ ICV/OCV shell (inside) 240 pz 196.85 $ ICV/OCV top (outside) 250 pz 195.58 $ ICV/OCV top (inside)
C 777 c/x 0 108.585 2.54 $ Tally cylinder 888 px 0 $ Tally truncation 999 sz 108.585 336.855 $ Outside world C
C Translation Cards C
- tr1 25.143 0 0
- tr2 65.158 23.103 0
- tr3 25.143 46.205 0
- tr4 -14.871 23.103 0
- tr5 -14.871 -23.103 0
- tr6 25.143 -46.205 0
- tr7 65.158 -23.103 0 C
C Physics Cards C
mode n C
C Source Cards C
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 C Cylindrical Sources sdef pos=d1 erg=d2 par=1 axs=0 0 1 rad=d3 ext=d4 sc1 Cf252 C Source Position and Fraction si1 L 31.759 0 108.585 71.774 23.103 108.585 31.759 46.205 108.585
-8.256 23.103 108.585
-8.256 -23.103 108.585 31.759 -46.205 108.585 71.774 -23.103 108.585 sp1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 C Source Energy (MeV) and Fraction si2 0.1 0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 15.0 sp2 0.00E+00 1.80E+11 2.71E+11 5.36E+11 4.10E+11 2.73E+11 2.66E+11 8.53E+10 2.44E+10 8.36E+09 C Source Radius si3 0 1.27 sp3 -21 1 C Source Extent si4 -1.27 1.27 sp4 -21 0 C
C Tally Cards C
f2:n 120 fc2 Surface Dose (mrem/hr) $ Surface detector fs2 -888 -777 t sd2 1.0 20.268 1.0 1.0 $ Surface tally area f22:n 160 fc22 1-meter Dose (mrem/hr) $ 1-m detector fs22 -888 -777 t sd22 1.0 20.268 1.0 1.0 $ Surface tally area C
C ANSI/ANS-6.1.1-1977 Neutron Flux to Dose Factors (mrem/hr) de0 2.5e-08 1.0e-07 1.0e-06 1.0e-05 1.0e-04 $ Energy (Mev) 1.0e-03 1.0e-02 1.0e-01 5.0e-01 1.0 2.5 5.0 7.0 10.0 14.0 20.0 df0 3.67e-03 3.67e-03 4.46e-03 4.54e-03 4.18e-03 $ Conversion (mrem/hr) 3.76e-03 3.56e-03 2.17e-02 9.26e-02 1.32e-01 1.25e-01 1.56e-01 1.47e-01 1.47e-01 2.08e-01 2.27e-01 C
C Material Cards C
m1 40000.60c -1.00 $ Zirconium m2 14000.60c -0.01 $ Stainless Steel 24052.60c -0.19 25055.60c -0.02 26057.60c -0.68 28058.60c -0.10 C
C Runtime and Print Cards C
prdmp j j 1 2 ctme 90 HalfPACT in. Standard Pipe Overpack NCT Concentrated 60Co Gamma Source - 7ng001.i title HalfPACT 12PO NCT Gamma Concentrated 1 g/cc Co60 C
C Cell Cards C
1 1 -1 10 14 u=1 imp:p=1 $ Source 2 2 -8.01280 30 34 (-31:33:35) u=1 imp:p=1 $ Pipe 3 0 31 35 (-10:11:14) u=1 imp:p=1 $ Pipe cavity 4 0 #1 #2 #3 u=1 imp:p=1 $ Drum cavity 11 0 50 52 trcl=1 fill=1 imp:p=1 $ 12PO #1 5.7.1-26
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 12 0 50 52 trcl=2 fill=1 imp:p=1 $ 12PO #2 13 0 50 52 trcl=3 fill=1 imp:p=1 $ 12PO #3 14 0 50 52 trcl=4 fill=1 imp:p=1 $ 12PO #4 15 0 50 52 trcl=5 fill=1 imp:p=1 $ 12PO #5 16 0 50 52 trcl=6 fill=1 imp:p=1 $ 12PO #6 17 0 50 52 trcl=7 fill=1 imp:p=1 $ 12PO #7 200 0 210 -250 -230
- 11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 imp:p=1 $ ICV cavity 210 2 -8.01280 200 -210 -220 imp:p=1 $ ICV/OCV bottom 220 2 -8.01280 250 -240 -220 imp:p=1 $ ICV/OCV top 230 2 -8.01280 210 -250 230 -220 imp:p=4 $ ICV/OCV shell 240 3 -0.13215 110 -150 -130 (-200:220:240) imp:p=8 $ OCA annulus 250 2 -8.01280 100 -110 -120 imp:p=1 $ OCA bottom 260 2 -8.01280 150 -140 -120 imp:p=1 $ OCA top 270 2 -8.01280 110 -150 130 -120 imp:p=16 $ OCA shell 777 0 120 -160 100 -140 imp:p=32 $ Outside to tally 888 0 -999 (-100:160:140) imp:p=8 $ Outside pkg 999 0 999 imp:p=0 $ Outside world C
C Geometry Cards C
10 pz 109.855 $ Source bottom 11 pz 112.395 $ Source top 14 c/z 0 0 1.27 $ Source radius C
30 pz 78.169 $ Pipe base (outside) 31 pz 78.804 $ Pipe base (inside) 32 pz 145.733 $ Pipe lid (outside) 33 pz 143.447 $ Pipe lid (inside) 34 cz 16.256 $ Pipe shell (outside) 35 cz 15.7 $ Pipe shell (inside)
C 50 pz 66.675 $ Drum bottom 51 pz 155.575 $ Drum top 52 cz 30.48 $ Drum radius (outside)
C 100 pz 0 $ OCA bottom (outside) 110 pz 0.635 $ OCA bottom (inside) 120 cz 119.38 $ OCA shell (outside) 130 cz 118.745 $ OCA shell (inside) 140 pz 229.87 $ OCA top (outside) 150 pz 229.235 $ OCA top (inside) 160 cz 319.38 $ 2-meter from OCA C
200 pz 22.86 $ ICV/OCV bottom (outside) 210 pz 24.13 $ ICV/OCV bottom (inside) 220 cz 93.345 $ ICV/OCV shell (outside) 230 cz 92.234 $ ICV/OCV shell (inside) 240 pz 199.39 $ ICV/OCV top (outside) 250 pz 198.12 $ ICV/OCV top (inside)
C 777 pz 108.585 $ Ring tally (lower) 888 pz 113.665 $ Ring tally (upper) 999 sz 111.125 446.38 $ Outside world C
C Translation Cards C
- tr1 0 0 0
- tr2 52.793 30.48 0
- tr3 0 60.96 0
- tr4 -52.793 30.48 0
- tr5 -52.793 -30.48 0
- tr6 0 -60.96 0
- tr7 52.793 -30.48 0 C
C Physics Cards C
mode p C
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 C Source Cards C
C Cylindrical Sources sdef pos=d1 erg=d2 par=2 axs=0 0 1 rad=d3 ext=d4 sc1 Co60 C Source Position and Fraction si1 L 0 0 111.125 52.793 30.48 111.125 0 60.96 111.125
-52.793 30.48 111.125
-52.793 -30.48 111.125 0 -60.96 111.125 52.793 -30.48 111.125 sp1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 C Source Energy (MeV) and Intensity (%)
si2 L 3.469300E-01 8.262800E-01 1.173237E+00 1.332501E+00 2.158770E+00 2.505000E+00 sp2 7.600000E-03 7.600000E-03 9.997360E+01 9.998560E+01 1.110000E-03 2.000000E-06 C Source Radius si3 0 1.27 sp3 -21 1 C Source Extent si4 -1.27 1.27 sp4 -21 0 C
C Tally Cards C
f2:p 120 fc2 Surface Dose (mrem/hr) $ Surface detector fs2 888 777 t sd2 1.0 3810.44 1.0 1.0 $ Surface tally area f22:p 160 fc22 2-meter Dose (mrem/hr) $ 2-m detector fs22 888 777 t sd22 1.0 10194.144 1.0 1.0 $ Surface tally area C
C ANSI/ANS-6.1.1-1977 Gamma Flux to Dose Factors (mrem/hr) de0 1.0e-02 3.0e-02 5.0e-02 7.0e-02 1.0e-01 $ Energy (Mev) 1.5e-01 2.0e-01 2.5e-01 3.0e-01 3.5e-01 4.0e-01 4.5e-01 5.0e-01 5.5e-01 6.0e-01 6.5e-01 7.0e-01 8.0e-01 1.00 1.40 1.80 2.20 2.60 2.80 3.25 3.75 4.25 4.75 5.00 5.25 5.75 6.25 6.75 7.50 9.00 11.00 13.00 15.0000 df0 3.96e-03 5.82e-04 2.90e-04 2.58e-04 2.83e-04 $ Conversion (mrem/hr) 3.79e-04 5.01e-04 6.31e-04 7.59e-04 8.78e-04 9.85e-04 1.08e-03 1.17e-03 1.27e-03 1.36e-03 1.44e-03 1.52e-03 1.68e-03 1.98e-03 2.51e-03 2.99e-03 3.42e-03 3.82e-03 4.01e-03 4.41e-03 4.83e-03 5.23e-03 5.60e-03 5.80e-03 6.01e-03 6.37e-03 6.74e-03 7.11e-03 7.66e-03 8.77e-03 1.03e-02 1.18e-02 1.33e-02 C
C Material Cards C
m1 40000 -1.00 $ Zirconium m2 14000 -0.01 $ Stainless Steel 24000 -0.19 25000 -0.02 26000 -0.68 28000 -0.10 m3 6000 -0.60 $ Urethane Foam 7000 -0.08 8000 -0.24 1000 -0.07 14000 -0.01 C
C Runtime and Print Cards C
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 prdmp j j 1 2 ctme 30 HAC 252Cf Neutron Source - 7hn001.i title HalfPACT 12PO HAC Neutron Concentrated 1 g/cc Cf252 C
C Cell Cards C
1 1 -1 10 14 u=1 imp:n=1 $ Source 2 2 -8.01280 30 34 (-31:33:35) u=1 imp:n=1 $ Pipe 3 0 31 35 (-10:11:14) u=1 imp:n=1 $ Pipe cavity 4 0 #1 #2 #3 u=1 imp:n=1 $ Drum cavity 11 0 50 52 trcl=1 fill=1 imp:n=1 $ 12PO #1 12 0 50 52 trcl=2 fill=1 imp:n=1 $ 12PO #2 13 0 50 52 trcl=3 fill=1 imp:n=1 $ 12PO #3 14 0 50 52 trcl=4 fill=1 imp:n=1 $ 12PO #4 15 0 50 52 trcl=5 fill=1 imp:n=1 $ 12PO #5 16 0 50 52 trcl=6 fill=1 imp:n=1 $ 12PO #6 17 0 50 52 trcl=7 fill=1 imp:n=1 $ 12PO #7 200 0 210 -250 -230
- 11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 imp:n=1 $ ICV cavity 210 2 -8.01280 200 -210 -220 imp:n=1 $ ICV/OCV bottom 220 2 -8.01280 250 -240 -220 imp:n=1 $ ICV/OCV top 230 2 -8.01280 210 -250 230 -220 imp:n=4 $ ICV/OCV shell 240 0 110 -150 -130 (-200:220:240) imp:n=8 $ OCA annulus 250 0 100 -110 -120 imp:n=1 $ OCA bottom 260 0 150 -140 -120 imp:n=1 $ OCA top 270 0 110 -150 130 -120 imp:n=16 $ OCA shell 777 0 120 -160 100 -140 imp:n=32 $ Outside to tally 888 0 -999 (-100:160:140) imp:n=8 $ Outside pkg 999 0 999 imp:n=0 $ Outside world C
C Geometry Cards C
10 pz 107.315 $ Source bottom 11 pz 109.855 $ Source top 14 c/z 14.429 0 1.27 $ Source radius C
30 pz 75.629 $ Pipe base (outside) 31 pz 76.264 $ Pipe base (inside) 32 pz 143.193 $ Pipe lid (outside) 33 pz 140.907 $ Pipe lid (inside) 34 cz 16.256 $ Pipe shell (outside) 35 cz 15.7 $ Pipe shell (inside)
C 50 pz 70.968 $ Drum bottom 51 pz 146.202 $ Drum top 52 cz 25.718 $ Drum radius (outside)
C 100 pz 0 $ OCA bottom (outside) 110 pz 0.635 $ OCA bottom (inside) 120 cz 109.855 $ OCA shell (outside) 130 cz 109.22 $ OCA shell (inside) 140 pz 217.488 $ OCA top (outside) 150 pz 216.853 $ OCA top (inside) 160 cz 209.855 $ 1-meter from OCA C
200 pz 20.32 $ ICV/OCV bottom (outside) 210 pz 21.59 $ ICV/OCV bottom (inside) 220 cz 93.345 $ ICV/OCV shell (outside) 230 cz 92.234 $ ICV/OCV shell (inside) 240 pz 196.85 $ ICV/OCV top (outside) 250 pz 195.58 $ ICV/OCV top (inside)
C 777 c/x 0 108.585 2.54 $ Tally cylinder 888 px 0 $ Tally truncation 999 sz 108.585 336.855 $ Outside world 5.7.1-29
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 C
C Translation Cards C
- tr1 16.794 0 0
- tr2 61.341 25.719 0
- tr3 16.794 51.438 0
- tr4 -27.752 25.719 0
- tr5 -27.752 -25.719 0
- tr6 16.794 -51.438 0
- tr7 61.341 -25.719 0 C
C Physics Cards C
mode n C
C Source Cards C
C Cylindrical Sources sdef pos=d1 erg=d2 par=1 axs=0 0 1 rad=d3 ext=d4 sc1 Cf252 C Source Position and Fraction si1 L 31.223 0 108.585 75.769 25.719 108.585 31.223 51.438 108.585
-13.323 25.719 108.585
-13.323 -25.719 108.585 31.223 -51.438 108.585 75.769 -25.719 108.585 sp1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 C Source Energy (MeV) and Fraction si2 0.1 0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 15.0 sp2 0.00E+00 1.80E+11 2.71E+11 5.36E+11 4.10E+11 2.73E+11 2.66E+11 8.53E+10 2.44E+10 8.36E+09 C Source Radius si3 0 1.27 sp3 -21 1 C Source Extent si4 -1.27 1.27 sp4 -21 0 C
C Tally Cards C
f2:n 120 fc2 Surface Dose (mrem/hr) $ Surface detector fs2 -888 -777 t sd2 1.0 20.268 1.0 1.0 $ Surface tally area f22:n 160 fc22 1-meter Dose (mrem/hr) $ 1-m detector fs22 -888 -777 t sd22 1.0 20.268 1.0 1.0 $ Surface tally area C
C ANSI/ANS-6.1.1-1977 Neutron Flux to Dose Factors (mrem/hr) de0 2.5e-08 1.0e-07 1.0e-06 1.0e-05 1.0e-04 $ Energy (Mev) 1.0e-03 1.0e-02 1.0e-01 5.0e-01 1.0 2.5 5.0 7.0 10.0 14.0 20.0 df0 3.67e-03 3.67e-03 4.46e-03 4.54e-03 4.18e-03 $ Conversion (mrem/hr) 3.76e-03 3.56e-03 2.17e-02 9.26e-02 1.32e-01 1.25e-01 1.56e-01 1.47e-01 1.47e-01 2.08e-01 2.27e-01 C
C Material Cards C
m1 40000.60c -1.00 $ Zirconium m2 14000.60c -0.01 $ Stainless Steel 24052.60c -0.19 25055.60c -0.02 26057.60c -0.68 28058.60c -0.10 C
C Runtime and Print Cards C
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 prdmp j j 1 2 ctme 90 HalfPACT - SC-30G1 Shielded Container NCT Concentrated 60Co Gamma Source - sng001.i title HalfPACT SCA NCT Gamma Concentrated 1 g/cc Co60 C
C Cell Cards C
1 1 -1 10 14 imp:p=1 $ Source #1 2 1 -1 10 15 imp:p=1 $ Source #2 3 1 -1 10 16 imp:p=1 $ Source #3 20 5 -7.85260 30 50 imp:p=1 $ SCA #1 base 21 5 -7.85260 33 50 imp:p=1 $ SCA #1 lid 22 5 -7.85260 31 -33 41 -40 imp:p=2 $ SCA #1 inner shell 23 4 -11.3500 31 -33 40 -51 imp:p=4 $ SCA #1 lead 24 5 -7.85260 31 -33 51 -50 imp:p=8 $ SCA #1 outer shell 30 5 -7.85260 30 52 imp:p=1 $ SCA #2 base 31 5 -7.85260 33 52 imp:p=1 $ SCA #2 lid 32 5 -7.85260 31 -33 43 -42 imp:p=2 $ SCA #2 inner shell 33 4 -11.3500 31 -33 42 -53 imp:p=4 $ SCA #2 lead 34 5 -7.85260 31 -33 53 -52 imp:p=8 $ SCA #2 outer shell 40 5 -7.85260 30 54 imp:p=1 $ SCA #3 base 41 5 -7.85260 33 54 imp:p=1 $ SCA #3 lid 42 5 -7.85260 31 -33 45 -44 imp:p=2 $ SCA #3 inner shell 43 4 -11.3500 31 -33 44 -55 imp:p=4 $ SCA #3 lead 44 5 -7.85260 31 -33 55 -54 imp:p=8 $ SCA #2 outer shell 100 0 31 41 (-10:11:14) imp:p=1 $ SCA #1 cavity 101 0 31 43 (-10:11:15) imp:p=1 $ SCA #2 cavity 102 0 31 45 (-10:11:16) imp:p=1 $ SCA #3 cavity 200 0 210 -250 -230 (-30:32:50)
(-30:32:52) (-30:32:54) imp:p=8 $ ICV cavity 210 2 -8.01280 200 -210 -220 imp:p=1 $ ICV/OCV bottom 220 2 -8.01280 250 -240 -220 imp:p=1 $ ICV/OCV top 230 2 -8.01280 210 -250 230 -220 imp:p=16 $ ICV/OCV shell 240 3 -0.13215 110 -150 -130 (-200:220:240) imp:p=32 $ OCA annulus 250 2 -8.01280 100 -110 -120 imp:p=1 $ OCA bottom 260 2 -8.01280 150 -140 -120 imp:p=1 $ OCA top 270 2 -8.01280 110 -150 130 -120 imp:p=64 $ OCA shell 777 0 120 -160 100 -140 imp:p=64 $ Outside to tally 888 0 -999 (-100:160:140) imp:p=32 $ Outside pkg 999 0 999 imp:p=0 $ Outside world C
C Geometry Cards C
10 pz 109.855 $ Source bottom 11 pz 112.395 $ Source top 14 c/z -33.731 0 1.27 $ Source #1 radius 15 c/z 16.868 -29.213 1.27 $ Source #2 radius 16 c/z 16.868 29.213 1.27 $ Source #3 radius C
30 pz 65.723 $ SCA base (outside) 31 pz 73.343 $ SCA base (inside) 32 pz 156.528 $ SCA lid (outside) 33 pz 148.908 $ SCA lid (inside) 40 c/z -33.731 0 26.518 $ SCA #1 inner shell (outside) 41 c/z -33.731 0 26.063 $ SCA #1 inner shell (inside) 42 c/z 16.868 -29.213 26.518 $ SCA #2 inner shell (outside) 43 c/z 16.868 -29.213 26.063 $ SCA #2 inner shell (inside) 44 c/z 16.868 29.213 26.518 $ SCA #3 inner shell (outside) 45 c/z 16.868 29.213 26.063 $ SCA #3 inner shell (inside) 50 c/z -33.731 0 29.21 $ SCA #1 outer shell (outside) 51 c/z -33.731 0 28.905 $ SCA #1 outer shell (inside) 52 c/z 16.868 -29.213 29.21 $ SCA #2 outer shell (outside) 53 c/z 16.868 -29.213 28.905 $ SCA #2 outer shell (inside) 54 c/z 16.868 29.213 29.21 $ SCA #3 outer shell (outside) 55 c/z 16.868 29.213 28.905 $ SCA #3 outer shell (inside) 5.7.1-31
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 C
100 pz 0 $ OCA bottom (outside) 110 pz 0.635 $ OCA bottom (inside) 120 cz 119.38 $ OCA shell (outside) 130 cz 118.745 $ OCA shell (inside) 140 pz 229.87 $ OCA top (outside) 150 pz 229.235 $ OCA top (inside) 160 cz 319.38 $ 2-meter from OCA C
200 pz 22.86 $ ICV/OCV bottom (outside) 210 pz 24.13 $ ICV/OCV bottom (inside) 220 cz 93.345 $ ICV/OCV shell (outside) 230 cz 92.234 $ ICV/OCV shell (inside) 240 pz 199.39 $ ICV/OCV top (outside) 250 pz 198.12 $ ICV/OCV top (inside)
C 777 pz 108.585 $ Ring tally (lower) 888 pz 113.665 $ Ring tally (upper) 999 sz 111.125 446.38 $ Outside world C
C Physics Cards C
mode p C
C Source Cards C
C Cylindrical Sources sdef pos=d1 erg=d2 par=2 axs=0 0 1 rad=d3 ext=d4 sc1 Co60 C Source Position and Fraction si1 L -33.731 0 111.125 16.868 -29.213 111.125 16.868 29.213 111.125 sp1 1 1 1 C Source Energy (MeV) and Intensity (%)
si2 L 3.469300E-01 8.262800E-01 1.173237E+00 1.332501E+00 2.158770E+00 2.505000E+00 sp2 7.600000E-03 7.600000E-03 9.997360E+01 9.998560E+01 1.110000E-03 2.000000E-06 C Source Radius si3 0 1.27 sp3 -21 1 C Source Extent si4 -1.27 1.27 sp4 -21 0 C
C Tally Cards C
f2:p 120 fc2 Surface Dose (mrem/hr) $ Surface detector fs2 888 777 t sd2 1.0 3810.44 1.0 1.0 $ Surface tally area f22:p 160 fc22 2-meter Dose (mrem/hr) $ 2-m detector fs22 888 777 t sd22 1.0 10194.144 1.0 1.0 $ Surface tally area C
C ANSI/ANS-6.1.1-1977 Gamma Flux to Dose Factors (mrem/hr) de0 1.0e-02 3.0e-02 5.0e-02 7.0e-02 1.0e-01 $ Energy (Mev) 1.5e-01 2.0e-01 2.5e-01 3.0e-01 3.5e-01 4.0e-01 4.5e-01 5.0e-01 5.5e-01 6.0e-01 6.5e-01 7.0e-01 8.0e-01 1.00 1.40 1.80 2.20 2.60 2.80 3.25 3.75 4.25 4.75 5.00 5.25 5.75 6.25 6.75 7.50 9.00 11.00 13.00 15.0000 df0 3.96e-03 5.82e-04 2.90e-04 2.58e-04 2.83e-04 $ Conversion (mrem/hr) 3.79e-04 5.01e-04 6.31e-04 7.59e-04 8.78e-04 9.85e-04 1.08e-03 1.17e-03 1.27e-03 1.36e-03 1.44e-03 1.52e-03 1.68e-03 1.98e-03 2.51e-03 5.7.1-32
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 2.99e-03 3.42e-03 3.82e-03 4.01e-03 4.41e-03 4.83e-03 5.23e-03 5.60e-03 5.80e-03 6.01e-03 6.37e-03 6.74e-03 7.11e-03 7.66e-03 8.77e-03 1.03e-02 1.18e-02 1.33e-02 C
C Material Cards C
m1 40000 -1.00 $ Zirconium m2 14000 -0.01 $ Stainless Steel 24000 -0.19 25000 -0.02 26000 -0.68 28000 -0.10 m3 6000 -0.60 $ Urethane Foam 7000 -0.08 8000 -0.24 1000 -0.07 14000 -0.01 m4 82000 -1.00 $ Lead m5 26000 -1.00 $ Carbon Steel (iron)
C C Runtime and Print Cards C
prdmp j j 1 2 ctme 40 HAC 252Cf Neutron Source - shn001.i title HalfPACT SCA HAC Neutron Concentrated 1 g/cc Cf252 C
C Cell Cards C
1 1 -1 10 14 imp:n=1 $ Source #1 2 1 -1 10 15 imp:n=1 $ Source #2 3 1 -1 10 16 imp:n=1 $ Source #3 20 5 -7.85260 30 50 imp:n=1 $ SCA #1 base 21 5 -7.85260 33 50 imp:n=1 $ SCA #1 lid 22 5 -7.85260 31 -33 41 -40 imp:n=2 $ SCA #1 inner shell 23 4 -11.3500 31 -33 40 -51 imp:n=4 $ SCA #1 lead 24 5 -7.85260 31 -33 51 -50 imp:n=8 $ SCA #1 outer shell 30 5 -7.85260 30 52 imp:n=1 $ SCA #2 base 31 5 -7.85260 33 52 imp:n=1 $ SCA #2 lid 32 5 -7.85260 31 -33 43 -42 imp:n=2 $ SCA #2 inner shell 33 4 -11.3500 31 -33 42 -53 imp:n=4 $ SCA #2 lead 34 5 -7.85260 31 -33 53 -52 imp:n=8 $ SCA #2 outer shell 40 5 -7.85260 30 54 imp:n=1 $ SCA #3 base 41 5 -7.85260 33 54 imp:n=1 $ SCA #3 lid 42 5 -7.85260 31 -33 45 -44 imp:n=2 $ SCA #3 inner shell 43 4 -11.3500 31 -33 44 -55 imp:n=4 $ SCA #3 lead 44 5 -7.85260 31 -33 55 -54 imp:n=8 $ SCA #2 outer shell 100 0 31 41 (-10:11:14) imp:n=1 $ SCA #1 cavity 101 0 31 43 (-10:11:15) imp:n=1 $ SCA #2 cavity 102 0 31 45 (-10:11:16) imp:n=1 $ SCA #3 cavity 200 0 210 -250 -230 (-30:32:50)
(-30:32:52) (-30:32:54) imp:n=8 $ ICV cavity 210 2 -8.01280 200 -210 -220 imp:n=1 $ ICV/OCV bottom 220 2 -8.01280 250 -240 -220 imp:n=1 $ ICV/OCV top 230 2 -8.01280 210 -250 230 -220 imp:n=16 $ ICV/OCV shell 240 0 110 -150 -130 (-200:220:240) imp:n=32 $ OCA annulus 250 0 100 -110 -120 imp:n=1 $ OCA bottom 260 0 150 -140 -120 imp:n=1 $ OCA top 270 0 110 -150 130 -120 imp:n=64 $ OCA shell 777 0 120 -160 100 -140 imp:n=64 $ Outside to tally 888 0 -999 (-100:160:140) imp:n=32 $ Outside pkg 999 0 999 imp:n=0 $ Outside world C
C Geometry Cards C
10 pz 107.315 $ Source bottom 5.7.1-33
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 11 pz 109.855 $ Source top 14 c/z 88.042 0 1.27 $ Source #1 radius 15 c/z 60.963 51.769 1.27 $ Source #2 radius 16 c/z 60.963 -51.769 1.27 $ Source #3 radius C
30 pz 63.183 $ SCA base (outside) 31 pz 69.533 $ SCA base (inside) 32 pz 153.988 $ SCA lid (outside) 33 pz 147.638 $ SCA lid (inside) 40 c/z 63.021 0 26.746 $ SCA #1 inner shell (outside) 41 c/z 63.021 0 26.292 $ SCA #1 inner shell (inside) 42 c/z 35.943 51.769 26.746 $ SCA #2 inner shell (outside) 43 c/z 35.943 51.769 26.292 $ SCA #2 inner shell (inside) 44 c/z 35.943 -51.769 26.746 $ SCA #3 inner shell (outside) 45 c/z 35.943 -51.769 26.292 $ SCA #3 inner shell (inside) 50 c/z 63.021 0 29.21 $ SCA #1 outer shell (outside) 51 c/z 63.021 0 28.905 $ SCA #1 outer shell (inside) 52 c/z 35.943 51.769 29.21 $ SCA #2 outer shell (outside) 53 c/z 35.943 51.769 28.905 $ SCA #2 outer shell (inside) 54 c/z 35.943 -51.769 29.21 $ SCA #3 outer shell (outside) 55 c/z 35.943 -51.769 28.905 $ SCA #3 outer shell (inside)
C 100 pz 0 $ OCA bottom (outside) 110 pz 0.635 $ OCA bottom (inside) 120 cz 109.855 $ OCA shell (outside) 130 cz 109.22 $ OCA shell (inside) 140 pz 217.488 $ OCA top (outside) 150 pz 216.853 $ OCA top (inside) 160 cz 209.855 $ 1-meter from OCA C
200 pz 20.32 $ ICV/OCV bottom (outside) 210 pz 21.59 $ ICV/OCV bottom (inside) 220 cz 93.345 $ ICV/OCV shell (outside) 230 cz 92.234 $ ICV/OCV shell (inside) 240 pz 196.85 $ ICV/OCV top (outside) 250 pz 195.58 $ ICV/OCV top (inside)
C 777 c/x 0 108.585 2.54 $ Tally cylinder 888 px 0 $ Tally truncation 999 sz 108.585 336.855 $ Outside world C
C Physics Cards C
mode n C
C Source Cards C
C Cylindrical Sources sdef pos=d1 erg=d2 par=1 axs=0 0 1 rad=d3 ext=d4 sc1 Cf252 C Source Position and Fraction si1 L 88.042 0 108.585 60.963 51.769 108.585 60.963 -51.769 108.585 sp1 1 1 1 C Source Energy (MeV) and Fraction si2 0.1 0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 15.0 sp2 0.00E+00 1.80E+11 2.71E+11 5.36E+11 4.10E+11 2.73E+11 2.66E+11 8.53E+10 2.44E+10 8.36E+09 C Source Radius si3 0 1.27 sp3 -21 1 C Source Extent si4 -1.27 1.27 sp4 -21 0 C
C Tally Cards C
f2:n 120 5.7.1-34
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 fc2 Surface Dose (mrem/hr) $ Surface detector fs2 -888 -777 t sd2 1.0 20.268 1.0 1.0 $ Surface tally area f22:n 160 fc22 1-meter Dose (mrem/hr) $ 1-m detector fs22 -888 -777 t sd22 1.0 20.268 1.0 1.0 $ Surface tally area C
C ANSI/ANS-6.1.1-1977 Neutron Flux to Dose Factors (mrem/hr) de0 2.5e-08 1.0e-07 1.0e-06 1.0e-05 1.0e-04 $ Energy (Mev) 1.0e-03 1.0e-02 1.0e-01 5.0e-01 1.0 2.5 5.0 7.0 10.0 14.0 20.0 df0 3.67e-03 3.67e-03 4.46e-03 4.54e-03 4.18e-03 $ Conversion (mrem/hr) 3.76e-03 3.56e-03 2.17e-02 9.26e-02 1.32e-01 1.25e-01 1.56e-01 1.47e-01 1.47e-01 2.08e-01 2.27e-01 C
C Material Cards C
m1 40000.60c -1.00 $ Zirconium m2 14000.60c -0.01 $ Stainless Steel 24052.60c -0.19 25055.60c -0.02 26057.60c -0.68 28058.60c -0.10 m4 82000.50c -1.00 $ Lead m5 26057.60c -1.00 $ Carbon Steel (iron)
C C Runtime and Print Cards C
prdmp j j 1 2 ctme 120 HalfPACT - SC-30G2 Shielded Container NCT Concentrated 60Co Gamma Source - NCT_HP_SC-30G2_60Co_1.i title HP/SC-30G2 with a Concentrated 60Co Gamma Source - NCT c
c Universe Fill Boundary c
1 0 -97 98 -99 fill=1 $Shielded Container 1 imp:p=1 trcl=1 2 0 -97 98 -99 fill=1 $Shielded Container 2 imp:p=1 trcl=2 c
c Payload Cells $Material Density 100%
c 3 1 -1.0000 -1 2 -3 $Payload imp:p=1 u=1 c
c Shielded Container Cells $Material Density 100%
c 4 2 -7.8526 -11 12 14 $Lower Steel Flange
((11 :13 :-15 :-16)
(11 :16 :-17 :-18)
(11 :18 :-19 :-20)
(11 :20 :-21 :-22)
(-12 :26 :27)
(23 :24 :-27))
imp:p=1 u=1 5 3 -11.3500 24 25 $Lower Flange Upper Lead imp:p=1 u=1 6 3 -11.3500 27 28 $Lower Flange Lower Lead imp:p=1 u=1 7 2 -7.8526 (-26 30 -31): $Lower Flange Steel Base
(-29 31 -32) imp:p=1 u=1 8 2 -7.8526 16 33 45 $Inner Steel Shell imp:p=1 u=1 5.7.1-35
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 9 3 -11.3500 (-16 17 18 -35): $Lead Shell (16 34 40):
(-18 19 20 -35):
(34 40 45) imp:p=1 u=1 10 2 -7.8526 36 -37 22 -45 $Outer Steel Shell imp:p=1 u=1 11 2 -7.8526 ((38 41 45): $Upper Steel Flange (40 43 45))
((-38 :41 :42))
imp:p=1 u=1 12 2 -7.8526 -49 50 52 $Steel Lid
((39 :41 :-50 :-74)
(-50 :-53 :54 :74)
(-41 :55 :56 :-74))
imp:p=1 u=1 13 2 -7.8526 74 77 -78 $Steel Lid Base
((54 :76 :-81)
(74 :-75 :78 :-79))
imp:p=1 u=1 14 3 -11.3500 76 80 $Lead Lid Plate imp:p=1 u=1 c
c Cavity (Void) Cells c
15 0 ((13 -33 -77): $Payload Cavity
(-13 15 16 -33):
(-33 77 78):
(-33 -45 75 -78 79):
(-33 -45 74 -79):
(-38 42 45 74):
(-41 -42 74):
(41 -55 -56 74))
(1 :-2 :3) imp:p=1 u=1 16 0 25 27 $Lower Flange Upper Lead imp:p=1 u=1 $ Axial Cavity 17 0 (-26 -28 29 31): $Lower Flange Lower Lead
(-28 -29 32) $ Axial/Radial Cavity imp:p=1 u=1 18 0 (-20 21 22 -36): $Sidewall Lead Outer Radial Gap (20 35 40):
(-36 40 44 -45) imp:p=1 u=1 19 0 50 53 76 $Lid Lead Plate Radial Cavity imp:p=1 u=1 20 0 80 81 $Lid Lead Plate Axial Cavity imp:p=1 u=1 21 0 ((11 :-12 :14 :22) $Exterior Void
(-12 :29 :30 :-31)
(-22 :37 :45)
(-45 :49 :51 :52))
imp:p=1 u=1 c
c HalfPACT Package Cells $Material Density 100%
c 201 4 -8.0128 (201 -202 204 -205): $HalfPACT ICV/OCV Steel Structure
(-202 203 -204):
(-202 205 -206) imp:p=1 202 5 -0.1322 (202 203 -206 -211): $HalfPACT OCA Polyurethane Foam
(-203 -211 214):
(206 -211 -215) imp:p=1 203 4 -8.0128 (211 -212 214 -215): $HalfPACT OCA Steel Structure
(-212 213 -214):
(-212 215 -216) imp:p=1 c
c HalfPACT Package Void Cells c
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 204 0 -201 204 -205 $HalfPACT ICV Interior Void
- 1 #2 imp:p=1 205 0 ((-998 212 213 -216): $HalfPACT OCA Exterior Void
(-998 -213):
(-998 216))
(-301 :302:-305 :306)
(-303 :304:-305 :306) imp:p=1 c
c HalfPACT Package Surface and 2-meter Tally Cells c
301 0 301 -302 305 -306 $Package Side Middle @ Surface imp:p=1 302 0 303 -304 305 -306 $Package Side Middle @ 2-meters imp:p=1 c
c External Weight Window (Particle Bias) c 998 0 998 -999 imp:p=1 c
c World Cell c
999 0 999 imp:p=0 c
c Payload Surfaces c
1 cz 1.27000 $Radius 2 pz 44.11980 $Plane, Bottom 3 pz 46.65980 $Plane, Top c
c Shielded Container Lower Flange Surfaces c
11 cz 31.11500 $Radius, Outer 12 pz 0.00000 $Plane, Lower Flange Bottom 13 pz 7.62000 $Plane, Lower Flange Top 14 kz -30.79750 1.00000 1 $Chamfer, Bottom Outer Corner 15 cz 25.75560 $Radius, Inner Shell Step 16 pz 6.98500 $Plane, Inner Shell Step 17 cz 26.72080 $Radius, Inner Lead Step 18 kz 5.70831 820.0350 -1 $Cone, Inner Lead Step Vertex 19 cz 28.57500 $Radius, Outer Lead Step 20 pz 2.87020 $Plane, Outer Lead Step 21 cz 30.25140 $Radius, Outer Shell Step 22 pz 2.23520 $Plane, Outer Shell Step 23 cz 25.40000 $Radius, Upper Lead Plate Step 24 pz 5.30860 $Plane, Upper Lead Plate Step 25 pz 3.53060 $Plane, Upper Lead Plate Bottom 26 cz 27.30500 $Radius, Lower Lead Plate Step 27 pz 3.50520 $Plane, Lower Lead Plate Step 28 pz 2.23520 $Plane, Lower Lead Plate Bottom 29 cz 27.16530 $Radius, Base Plate 30 pz 0.00000 $Plane, Base Plate Bottom 31 pz 1.58750 $Plane, Base Plate Weld Elevation 32 pz 2.23520 $Plane, Base Plate Top c
c Shielded Container Sidewall Inner Shell Surfaces c
33 cz 25.88260 $Radius, Inner 34 cz 26.64460 $Radius, Outer c
c Shielded Container Sidewall Lead Shell Surface c
35 cz 30.20060 $Radius, Outer c
c Shielded Container Sidewall Outer Shell Surfaces c
36 cz 30.30220 $Radius, Inner 5.7.1-37
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 37 cz 31.06420 $Radius, Outer c
c Shielded Container Upper Flange Surfaces c
38 cz 25.72385 $Radius, Inner 39 cz 31.11500 $Radius, Outer 40 pz 85.90280 $Plane, Flange Bottom 41 pz 89.53500 $Plane, Flange Top 42 kz 18.22430 0.13247 1 $Chamfer, Top Inner Corner 43 cz 26.69540 $Radius, Inner Shell Step 44 cz 30.25140 $Radius, Outer Shell Step 45 pz 86.53780 $Plane, Shell Step Top c
c Shielded Container Lid Surfaces c
49 cz 31.11500 $Radius, Lid Outer 50 pz 86.99500 $Plane, Lid Bottom 51 pz 93.04020 $Plane, Lid Top 52 kz 123.83770 1.00000 -1 $Chamfer, Top Outer Corner 53 cz 24.73960 $Radius, Lid Base Step 54 pz 87.60460 $Plane, Lid Base Step 55 cz 27.94000 $Radius, Gasket Recess Outer 56 pz 89.85250 $Plane, Gasket Recess Top c
c Shielded Container Lid Base Surfaces c
74 cz 25.66035 $Radius, Outer Upper 75 cz 25.52700 $Radius, Outer Lower 76 cz 24.76500 $Radius, Inner 77 pz 83.15960 $Plane, Bottom 78 kz 13.65974 0.13247 1 $Chamfer, Bottom Outer Corner 79 kz 15.19837 0.13247 1 $Cone, Outer Radius Transition 80 pz 85.09000 $Plane, Lead Plate Bottom 81 pz 85.06460 $Plane, Lead Recess Bottom c
c Shielded Container Universe Fill Boundary Surfaces c
97 cz 31.11501 $Radius, Fill Boundary 98 pz -0.00001 $Plane, Fill Boundary Bottom 99 pz 93.04021 $Plane, Fill Boundary Top c
c HalfPACT Package ICV/OCV Surfaces c
201 cz 92.23375 $Radius, Shell Inner 202 cz 93.34500 $Radius, Shell Outer 203 pz 22.86000 $Plane, Lower Head Bottom 204 pz 24.13000 $Plane, Lower Head Top 205 pz 198.12000 $Plane, Upper Head Bottom 206 pz 199.39000 $Plane, Upper Head Top c
c HalfPACT Package OCA Surfaces c
211 cz 118.74500 $Radius, Shell Inner 212 cz 119.38000 $Radius, Shell Outer 213 pz 0.00000 $Plane, Lower Head Bottom 214 pz 0.63500 $Plane, Lower Head Top 215 pz 229.23500 $Plane, Upper Head Bottom 216 pz 229.87000 $Plane, Upper Head Top c
c HalfPACT Package Tally Surfaces c
301 cz 119.38000 $Radius, Inner (at Surface) 302 cz 119.48000 $Radius, Outer (at Surface) 303 cz 319.38000 $Radius, Inner (at 2.000-Meters) 304 cz 319.48000 $Radius, Outer (at 2.001-Meters) 305 pz 108.58500 $Plane, Bottom Elevation 306 pz 113.66500 $Plane, Top Elevation c
c Define External Weight Window Region c
998 sz 114.93500 350 5.7.1-38
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 c
c Define World Surface (Problem Boundary) c 999 sz 114.93500 400 c
c Physics Cards c
mode p c
c Material Cards c
m1 40000.84P -1.000000 $Payload (Zirconium) c m2 26000.84P -1.000000 $Carbon Steel c
m3 82000.84P -1.000000 $Lead c
m4 14000.84P -0.010000 $Stainless Steel (ASTM A240, Type 304) 24000.84P -0.190000 25000.84P -0.020000 26000.84P -0.680000 28000.84P -0.100000 c
m5 1000.84P -0.070000 $Urethane Foam 6000.84P -0.600000 7000.84P -0.080000 8000.84P -0.240000 14000.84P -0.010000 c
c Specify Universe Transformations c
- tr1 -31.75000 0.00000 65.73519 $Shielded Container 1
- tr2 31.75000 0.00000 65.73519 $Shielded Container 2 c
c Specify Explicit Analysis for Weight Windows Evaluation c
cut:p 2j 0 c
c Source Cards c
sdef par=2 axs=0 0 1 erg=d1 pos=d2 rad=d3 ext=d4 sc1 Concentrated 60Co Gamma Source si1 L 0.346930 0.826280 1.173237 1.332501 2.158770 2.505000 sp1 7.60E-05 7.60E-05 0.999736 0.999856 1.11E-05 2.00E-08 si2 L -31.75000 0.00000 111.12500 31.75000 0.00000 111.12500 sp2 1 1 si3 0.00000 1.27000 sp3 -21 1 1 si4 -1.27000 1.27000 sp4 -21 0 0 c
c Package Tally Cards c
f4:p 301 fc4 Package Surface Dose Rate (mrem/hr) @ Z = 111.12500 sd4 381.20362 f14:p 302 fc14 2-M from Package Surface Dose Rate (mrem/hr) @ Z = 111.12500 sd14 1019.57524 c
c ANSI/ANS-6.1.1-1977 Gamma Flux-to-Dose Rate Factor Cards c
de0 0.01 0.03 0.05 0.07 0.10 $Energy (Mev) 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.80 1.00 1.40 1.80 2.20 2.60 2.80 3.25 3.75 4.25 4.75 5.00 5.25 5.75 6.25 6.75 7.50 9.00 11.00 13.00 15.00 df0 3.96E-03 5.82E-04 2.90E-04 2.58E-04 2.83E-04 $Factor (mrem/hr) 3.79E-04 5.01E-04 6.31E-04 7.59E-04 8.78E-04 9.85E-04 1.08E-03 1.17E-03 1.27E-03 1.36E-03 1.44E-03 1.52E-03 1.68E-03 1.98E-03 2.51E-03 5.7.1-39
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 2.99E-03 3.42E-03 3.82E-03 4.01E-03 4.41E-03 4.83E-03 5.23E-03 5.60E-03 5.80E-03 6.01E-03 6.37E-03 6.74E-03 7.11E-03 7.66E-03 8.77E-03 1.03E-02 1.18E-02 1.33E-02 c
c Weight Windows Cards c
f104:p 998 sd104 1 wwp:p 4j -1 j 1 j 1 wwg 104 0 mesh geom=cyl origin=0 0 -10 ref= -31.75000 0.00000 111.12500 imesh 62.86500 92.23375 119.38000 129.38000 330.38000 iints 75 10 28 10 10 jmesh 10.00000 75.73519 168.77539 239.87000 249.87000 jints 2 20 100 20 2 kmesh 1 kints 180 c
c Runtime and Print Cards c
prdmp j j 1 2 ctme 1000 HAC 252Cf Neutron Source - HAC_HP_SC-30G2_252Cf_0.i title HP/SC-30G2 with a Concentrated 252Cf Neutron Source - HAC c
c Universe Fill Boundary c
1 0 -97 98 -99 fill=1 $Shielded Container 1 imp:n=1 trcl=1 2 0 -97 98 -99 fill=1 $Shielded Container 2 imp:n=1 trcl=2 c
c Payload Cells $Material Density 100%
c 3 1 -1.0000 -1 2 -3 $Payload imp:n=1 u=1 c
c Shielded Container Cells $Material Density 100%
c 4 2 -7.8526 -11 12 14 $Lower Steel Flange
((11 :13 :-15 :-16)
(11 :16 :-17 :-18)
(11 :18 :-19 :-20)
(11 :20 :-21 :-22)
(-12 :26 :27)
(23 :24 :-27))
imp:n=1 u=1 5 3 -11.3500 24 25 $Lower Flange Upper Lead imp:n=1 u=1 6 3 -11.3500 27 28 $Lower Flange Lower Lead imp:n=1 u=1 7 2 -7.8526 (-26 30 -31): $Lower Flange Steel Base
(-29 31 -32) imp:n=1 u=1 8 2 -7.8526 16 33 45 $Inner Steel Shell imp:n=1 u=1 9 3 -11.3500 (-16 17 18 -35): $Lead Shell (16 34 40):
(-18 19 20 -35):
(34 40 45) imp:n=1 u=1 10 2 -7.8526 36 -37 22 -45 $Outer Steel Shell imp:n=1 u=1 11 2 -7.8526 ((38 41 45): $Upper Steel Flange (40 43 45))
((-38 :41 :42))
imp:n=1 u=1 5.7.1-40
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 12 2 -7.8526 -49 50 52 $Steel Lid
((39 :41 :-50 :-74)
(-50 :-53 :54 :74)
(-41 :55 :56 :-74))
imp:n=1 u=1 13 2 -7.8526 74 77 -78 $Steel Lid Base
((54 :76 :-81)
(74 :-75 :78 :-79))
imp:n=1 u=1 14 3 -11.3500 76 80 $Lead Lid Plate imp:n=1 u=1 c
c Cavity (Void) Cells c
15 0 ((13 -33 -77): $Payload Cavity
(-13 15 16 -33):
(-33 77 78):
(-33 -45 75 -78 79):
(-33 -45 74 -79):
(-38 42 45 74):
(-41 -42 74):
(41 -55 -56 74))
(1 :-2 :3) imp:n=1 u=1 16 0 25 27 $Lower Flange Upper Lead imp:n=1 u=1 $ Axial Cavity 17 0 (-26 -28 29 31): $Lower Flange Lower Lead
(-28 -29 32) $ Axial/Radial Cavity imp:n=1 u=1 18 0 (-20 21 22 -36): $Sidewall Lead Outer Radial Gap (20 35 40):
(-36 40 44 -45) imp:n=1 u=1 19 0 50 53 76 $Lid Lead Plate Radial Cavity imp:n=1 u=1 20 0 80 81 $Lid Lead Plate Axial Cavity imp:n=1 u=1 21 0 ((11 :-12 :14 :22) $Exterior Void
(-12 :29 :30 :-31)
(-22 :37 :45)
(-45 :49 :51 :52))
imp:n=1 u=1 c
c HalfPACT Package Cells $Material Density 100%
c 201 4 -8.0128 (201 -202 204 -205): $HalfPACT ICV/OCV Steel Structure
(-202 203 -204):
(-202 205 -206) imp:n=1 c
c HalfPACT Package Void Cells c
202 0 -201 204 -205 $HalfPACT ICV Interior Void
- 1 #2 imp:n=1 203 0 (202 203 -206 -211): $HalfPACT OCA Foam Void
(-203 -211 214):
(206 -211 -215) imp:n=1 204 0 (211 -212 214 -215): $HalfPACT OCA Steel Structure
(-212 213 -214):
(-212 215 -216) imp:n=1 205 0 -999 $HalfPACT OCA Exterior Void
((212 213 -216):
(-301 :302 :303)
(-401 :402 :403) imp:n=1 c
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 c HalfPACT Package 1-meter Tally Cell c
301 0 301 -302 -303 $Package Side Middle @ 1-Meter imp:n=1 c
c External Weight Window (Particle Bias) c 998 0 401 -402 -403 imp:n=1 c
c World Cell c
999 0 999 imp:n=0 c
c Payload Surfaces c
1 c/z 0.00000 24.68879 1.27000 $Radius 2 pz 44.11980 $Plane, Bottom 3 pz 46.65980 $Plane, Top c
c Shielded Container Lower Flange Surfaces c
11 cz 30.98800 $Radius, Outer 12 pz 0.22352 $Plane, Lower Flange Bottom 13 pz 7.38886 $Plane, Lower Flange Top 14 kz -30.79750 1.00000 1 $Chamfer, Bottom Outer Corner 15 cz 25.75560 $Radius, Inner Shell Step 16 pz 6.98500 $Plane, Inner Shell Step 17 cz 26.72080 $Radius, Inner Lead Step 18 kz 5.70831 820.0350 -1 $Cone, Inner Lead Step Vertex 19 cz 28.57500 $Radius, Outer Lead Step 20 pz 2.87020 $Plane, Outer Lead Step 21 cz 30.25140 $Radius, Outer Shell Step 22 pz 2.23520 $Plane, Outer Shell Step 23 cz 25.40000 $Radius, Upper Lead Plate Step 24 pz 5.30860 $Plane, Upper Lead Plate Step 25 pz 3.70840 $Plane, Upper Lead Plate Bottom 26 cz 27.30500 $Radius, Lower Lead Plate Step 27 pz 3.50520 $Plane, Lower Lead Plate Step 28 pz 2.36220 $Plane, Lower Lead Plate Bottom 29 cz 27.16530 $Radius, Base Plate 30 pz 0.22352 $Plane, Base Plate Bottom 31 pz 1.58750 $Plane, Base Plate Weld Elevation 32 pz 2.23520 $Plane, Base Plate Top c
c Shielded Container Sidewall Inner Shell Surfaces c
33 cz 25.95880 $Radius, Inner 34 cz 26.64460 $Radius, Outer c
c Shielded Container Sidewall Lead Shell Surface c
35 cz 29.84500 $Radius, Outer c
c Shielded Container Sidewall Outer Shell Surfaces c
36 cz 30.30220 $Radius, Inner 37 cz 30.98800 $Radius, Outer c
c Shielded Container Upper Flange Surfaces c
38 cz 25.72385 $Radius, Inner 39 cz 30.98800 $Radius, Outer 40 pz 85.90280 $Plane, Flange Bottom 41 pz 89.53500 $Plane, Flange Top 42 kz 18.22430 0.13247 1 $Chamfer, Top Inner Corner 43 cz 26.69540 $Radius, Inner Shell Step 44 cz 30.25140 $Radius, Outer Shell Step 45 pz 86.53780 $Plane, Shell Step Top 5.7.1-42
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 c
c Shielded Container Lid Surfaces c
49 cz 30.98800 $Radius, Lid Outer 50 pz 86.99500 $Plane, Lid Bottom 51 pz 92.43568 $Plane, Lid Top 52 kz 123.83770 1.00000 -1 $Chamfer, Top Outer Corner 53 cz 24.73960 $Radius, Lid Base Step 54 pz 87.60460 $Plane, Lid Base Step 55 cz 27.94000 $Radius, Gasket Recess Outer 56 pz 89.85250 $Plane, Gasket Recess Top c
c Shielded Container Lid Base Surfaces c
74 cz 25.66035 $Radius, Outer Upper 75 cz 25.52700 $Radius, Outer Lower 76 cz 24.76500 $Radius, Inner 77 pz 83.35010 $Plane, Bottom 78 kz 13.65974 0.13247 1 $Chamfer, Bottom Outer Corner 79 kz 15.19837 0.13247 1 $Cone, Outer Radius Transition 80 pz 85.28050 $Plane, Lead Plate Bottom 81 pz 85.06460 $Plane, Lead Recess Bottom c
c Shielded Container Universe Fill Boundary Surfaces c
97 cz 30.98801 $Radius, Fill Boundary 98 pz -0.00001 $Plane, Fill Boundary Bottom 99 pz 93.04021 $Plane, Fill Boundary Top c
c HalfPACT Package ICV/OCV Surfaces c
201 cz 92.23375 $Radius, Shell Inner 202 cz 93.34500 $Radius, Shell Outer 203 pz 22.86000 $Plane, Lower Head Bottom 204 pz 24.13000 $Plane, Lower Head Top 205 pz 198.12000 $Plane, Upper Head Bottom 206 pz 199.39000 $Plane, Upper Head Top c
c HalfPACT Package OCA Surfaces c
211 cz 109.22000 $Radius, Shell Inner 212 cz 109.85500 $Radius, Shell Outer 213 pz 2.54000 $Plane, Lower Head Bottom 214 pz 3.17500 $Plane, Lower Head Top 215 pz 219.39250 $Plane, Upper Head Bottom 216 pz 220.02750 $Plane, Upper Head Top c
c HalfPACT Package Tally Surfaces c
301 py 209.85500 $Plane, Side Disk Inside @ 1.00-meter 302 py 209.95500 $Plane, Side Disk Outside @ 1.00-meter 303 c/y 0.00000 111.12500 2.54000 $Radius, Side Disk c
c Define External Weight Window Region c
401 py 210.85500 $Plane, Side Disk Inside @ 1.00-meter 402 py 210.95500 $Plane, Side Disk Outside @ 1.00-meter 403 c/y 0.00000 111.12500 5.08000 $Radius, Side Disk c
c Define World Surface (Problem Boundary) c 999 sz 114.93500 400 c
c Physics Cards c
mode n c
c Material Cards c
m1 40090.84C -0.507061 $Payload (Zirconium) 5.7.1-43
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 40091.84C -0.111809 40092.84C -0.172781 40094.84C -0.178911 40096.84C -0.029438 c
m2 26054.84C -0.058450 $Carbon Steel 26056.84C -0.917540 26057.84C -0.021190 26058.84C -0.002820 c
m3 82204.84C -0.014000 $Lead 82206.84C -0.241000 82207.84C -0.221000 82208.84C -0.524000 c
m4 14028.84C -0.009222 $Stainless Steel (ASTM A240, Type 304) 14029.84C -0.000469 14030.84C -0.000309 24050.84C -0.008256 24052.84C -0.159199 24053.84C -0.018052 24054.84C -0.004494 25055.84C -0.020000 26054.84C -0.039746 26056.84C -0.623927 26057.84C -0.014409 26058.84C -0.001918 28058.84C -0.068077 28060.84C -0.026223 28061.84C -0.001140 28062.84C -0.003635 28064.84C -0.000926 c
c Specify Universe Transformations c
- tr1 -30.98802 52.75315 65.73519 $Shielded Container 1
- tr2 30.98802 52.75315 65.73519 $Shielded Container 2 c
c Specify Explicit Analysis for Weight Windows Evaluation c
cut:n 2j 0 c
c Source Cards c
sdef par=1 axs=0 0 1 erg=d1 pos=d2 rad=d3 ext=d4 sc1 Concentrated 252Cf Neutron Source si1 L 0.100000 0.500000 1.000000 2.000000 3.000000 4.000000 6.000000 8.000000 10.000000 15.000000 sp1 0.00E+00 1.80E+11 2.71E+11 5.36E+11 4.10E+11 2.73E+11 2.66E+11 8.53E+10 2.44E+10 8.36E+09 si2 L -30.98802 77.44194 111.12500 30.98802 77.44194 111.12500 sp2 1 1 si3 0.00000 1.27000 sp3 -21 1 1 si4 -1.27000 1.27000 sp4 -21 0 0 c
c Package Tally Cards c
f4:n 301 fc4 Package 1-Meter Dose Rate (mrem/hr) @ Z = 111.12500 sd4 2.02683 c
c ANSI/ANS-6.1.1-1977 Neutron Flux-to-Dose Rate Factor Cards c
de0 2.50E-08 1.00E-07 1.00E-06 1.00E-05 1.00E-04 $Energy (Mev) 1.00E-03 1.00E-02 1.00E-01 5.00E-01 1.00E+00 2.50E+00 5.00E+00 7.00E+00 1.00E+01 1.40E+01 2.00E+01 df0 3.67E-03 3.67E-03 4.46E-03 4.54E-03 4.18E-03 $Factor (mrem/hr) 3.76E-03 3.56E-03 2.17E-02 9.26E-02 1.32E-01 1.25E-01 1.56E-01 1.47E-01 1.47E-01 2.08E-01 2.27E-01 c
c Weight Windows Cards c
f104:n 998 sd104 1 c wwp:n 4j -1 j 1 j 1 wwg 104 0 mesh geom=cyl origin=0 0 -10 ref= 30.98802 77.44194 111.12500 imesh 62.86500 92.23375 119.38000 129.38000 330.38000 iints 75 10 28 10 10 jmesh 10.00000 75.73519 168.77539 239.87000 249.87000 jints 2 20 100 20 2 kmesh 1 kints 180 5.7.1-44
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 c
c Runtime and Print Cards c
prdmp j j 1 2 ctme 1200 HalfPACT - SC-30G3 Shielded Container NCT Concentrated 60Co Gamma Source - NCT_HP_SC-30G3_60Co_1.i title HP/SC-30G3 with a Concentrated 60Co Gamma Source - NCT c
c Universe Fill Boundary c
1 0 -107 108 -109 fill=1 $Shielded Container imp:p=1 trcl=1 c
c Payload Cell $Material Density 100%
c 2 1 -1.0000 -1 2 -3 $Payload imp:p=1 u=1 c
c Shielded Container Cells $Material Density 100%
c 3 2 -7.8526 -11 12 14 $Lower Flange Steel
((11 :13 :-15 :-16)
(11 :16 :-17 :-18)
(11 :18 :-19 :-20)
(11 :20 :-21 :-22)
(-12 :26 :27)
(23 :24 :-27))
imp:p=1 u=1 4 3 -11.3500 24 25 $Lower Flange Upper Lead imp:p=1 u=1 5 3 -11.3500 27 28 $Lower Flange Lower Lead imp:p=1 u=1 6 2 -7.8526 (12 31): $Lower Flange Base Steel
(-29 31 -32) imp:p=1 u=1 7 2 -7.8526 16 33 45 $Inner Shell Steel imp:p=1 u=1 8 3 -11.3500 (-16 17 18 -35): $Sidewall Lead (16 34 40):
(-18 19 20 -35):
(34 40 45) imp:p=1 u=1 9 2 -7.8526 22 36 45 $Outer Shell Steel imp:p=1 u=1 10 2 -7.8526 ((38 41 45): $Upper Flange Steel (40 43 45))
((-38 :41 :42))
imp:p=1 u=1 11 2 -7.8526 -49 50 52 $Lid Steel
((39 :41 :-50 :-80)
(-41 :63 :-64 :65)
(-50 :51 :-65 :83)
(51 :-57 :58 :-59)
(-53 :54 :-55 :59))
imp:p=1 u=1 12 2 -7.8526 80 82 83 $Lid Ring Steel (80 :-81 :-83 :-84) imp:p=1 u=1 13 2 -7.8526 -81 86 89 $Lid Base Steel (81 :-83 :87 :-88) imp:p=1 u=1 14 3 -11.3500 82 85 $Lid Plate Lead imp:p=1 u=1 15 3 -11.3500 53 -54 55 -56 $Lid Ring Lead imp:p=1 u=1 16 2 -7.8526 59 60 62 $Lid Ring Cover Plate Steel 5.7.1-45
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 imp:p=1 u=1 c
c Cavity (Void) Cells c
17 0 ((13 -33 -86): $Payload Cavity
(-13 15 16 -33):
(-33 86 89):
(-33 81 84 -89):
(-33 -45 80 -84):
(-38 42 45 80):
(-41 -42 80))
(1 :-2 :3) imp:p=1 u=1 18 0 25 27 $Lower Flange Upper Lead imp:p=1 u=1 $ Axial Cavity 19 0 (-26 -28 29 31): $Lower Flange Lower Lead
(-28 -29 32) $ Axial/Radial Cavity imp:p=1 u=1 20 0 (-20 21 22 -36): $Sidewall Lead Outer Radial Gap (20 35 40):
(-36 40 44 -45) imp:p=1 u=1 21 0 41 -63 64 -65 $Lid Gasket Recess Cavity imp:p=1 u=1 22 0 53 -54 56 -59 $Lid Lead Ring Axial Cavity imp:p=1 u=1 23 0 (-82 83 -87 88): $Lid Lead Plate Axial Cavity
(-82 -85 87) imp:p=1 u=1 24 0 ((11 :-12 :14 :22) $Exterior Void
(-22 :37 :45)
(-45 :49 :51 :52)):
((12 -29 -30):
(-51 57 -58 62):
(57 59 62):
(-58 59 61 -62))
imp:p=1 u=1 c
c HalfPACT Package Cells $Material Density 100%
c 201 4 -8.0128 (201 -202 204 -205): $HalfPACT ICV/OCV Steel Structure
(-202 203 -204):
(-202 205 -206) imp:p=1 202 5 -0.1322 (202 203 -206 -211): $HalfPACT OCA Polyurethane Foam
(-203 -211 214):
(206 -211 -215) imp:p=1 203 4 -8.0128 (211 -212 214 -215): $HalfPACT OCA Steel Structure
(-212 213 -214):
(-212 215 -216) imp:p=1 c
c HalfPACT Package Void Cells c
204 0 -201 204 -205 $HalfPACT ICV Interior Void
- 1 imp:p=1 205 0 ((-998 212 213 -216): $HalfPACT OCA Exterior Void
(-998 -213):
(-998 216))
(-301 :302:-305 :306)
(-303 :304:-305 :306) imp:p=1 c
c HalfPACT Package Surface and 2-meter Tally Cells c
301 0 301 -302 305 -306 $Package Side Middle @ Surface imp:p=1 302 0 303 -304 305 -306 $Package Side Middle @ 2-meters imp:p=1 5.7.1-46
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 c
c External Weight Window (Particle Bias) c 998 0 998 -999 imp:p=1 c
c World Cell c
999 0 999 imp:p=0 c
c Payload Surfaces c
1 cz 1.27000 $Radius 2 pz 51.07305 $Plane, Bottom 3 pz 53.61305 $Plane, Top c
c Shielded Container Lower Flange Surfaces c
11 cz 35.56000 $Radius, Outer 12 pz 0.00000 $Plane, Lower Flange Bottom 13 pz 14.60500 $Plane, Lower Flange Top 14 kz -35.24250 1.00000 1 $Chamfer, Bottom Outer Corner 15 cz 25.79370 $Radius, Inner Shell Step 16 pz 13.97000 $Plane, Inner Shell Step 17 cz 27.19070 $Radius, Inner Lead Step 18 kz 10.47452 192.3724 -1 $Cone, Inner Lead Step Vertex 19 cz 31.43250 $Radius, Outer Lead Step 20 pz 5.08000 $Plane, Outer Lead Step 21 cz 34.23920 $Radius, Outer Shell Step 22 pz 4.44500 $Plane, Outer Shell Step 23 cz 25.40000 $Radius, Upper Lead Plate Recess 24 pz 10.18540 $Plane, Upper Lead Plate Recess 25 pz 5.74040 $Plane, Upper Lead Plate Bottom 26 cz 29.21000 $Radius, Lower Lead Plate Recess 27 pz 5.71500 $Plane, Lower Lead Plate Recess 28 pz 3.81000 $Plane, Lower Lead Plate Bottom 29 cz 29.07030 $Radius, Base Plate 30 pz 0.00000 $Plane, Base Plate Bottom 31 pz 2.54000 $Plane, Base Plate Weld Elevation 32 pz 3.81000 $Plane, Base Plate Top c
c Shielded Container Sidewall Inner Shell Surfaces c
33 cz 25.92070 $Radius, Inner 34 cz 27.19070 $Radius, Outer c
c Shielded Container Sidewall Lead Shell Surface c
35 cz 34.17570 $Radius, Outer c
c Shielded Container Sidewall Outer Shell Surfaces c
36 cz 34.29000 $Radius, Inner 37 cz 35.56000 $Radius, Outer c
c Shielded Container Upper Flange Surfaces c
38 cz 25.72385 $Radius, Inner 39 cz 35.56000 $Radius, Outer 40 pz 97.15500 $Plane, Upper Flange Bottom 41 pz 101.91750 $Plane, Upper Flange Top 42 kz 30.60680 0.13247 1 $Chamfer, Top Inner Corner 43 cz 27.24150 $Radius, Inner Shell Step 44 cz 34.23920 $Radius, Outer Shell Step 45 pz 97.79000 $Plane, Shell Step Top c
c Shielded Container Lid Surfaces c
49 cz 35.56000 $Radius, Lid Outer 5.7.1-47
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 50 pz 100.34270 $Plane, Lid Bottom 51 pz 107.32770 $Plane, Lid Top 52 kz 142.57020 1.00000 -1 $Chamfer, Top Outside Corner 53 cz 22.54250 $Radius, Lead Ring Recess Inner 54 cz 29.84500 $Radius, Lead Ring Recess Outer 55 pz 104.91470 $Plane, Lead Ring Recess Bottom 56 pz 106.81970 $Plane, Lead Ring Top 57 cz 22.22500 $Radius, Lead Ring Cover Recess Inner 58 cz 30.16250 $Radius, Lead Ring Cover Recess Outer 59 pz 106.84510 $Plane, Lead Ring Cover Recess Bottom 60 cz 22.27580 $Radius, Lead Ring Cover Inner 61 cz 30.11170 $Radius, Lead Ring Cover Outer 62 pz 107.29976 $Plane, Lead Ring Cover Top 63 cz 28.57500 $Radius, Gasket Recess Outer 64 cz 26.33980 $Radius, Gasket Recess Inner 65 pz 102.23500 $Plane, Gasket Recess Top c
c Shielded Container Lid Ring Surfaces c
80 cz 25.66035 $Radius, Outer Upper 81 cz 25.52700 $Radius, Outer Lower 82 cz 24.13000 $Radius, Inner 83 pz 93.28150 $Plane, Bottom 84 kz 26.24737 0.13247 1 $Cone, Outer Radius Transition 85 pz 94.62770 $Plane, Lead Plate Bottom c
c Shielded Container Lid Base Surfaces c
86 pz 90.08110 $Plane, Bottom 87 pz 94.52610 $Plane, Top 88 cz 24.06650 $Radius, Lid Ring Step 89 kz 20.58124 0.13247 1 $Chamfer, Bottom Outside Corner c
c Shielded Container Universe Fill Boundary Surfaces c
107 cz 35.56001 $Radius, Fill Boundary 108 pz -0.00001 $Plane, Fill Boundary Bottom 109 pz 107.32771 $Plane, Fill Boundary Top c
c HalfPACT Package ICV/OCV Surfaces c
201 cz 92.23375 $Radius, Shell Inner 202 cz 93.34500 $Radius, Shell Outer 203 pz 22.86000 $Plane, Lower Head Bottom 204 pz 24.13000 $Plane, Lower Head Top 205 pz 198.12000 $Plane, Upper Head Bottom 206 pz 199.39000 $Plane, Upper Head Top c
c HalfPACT Package OCA Surfaces c
211 cz 118.74500 $Radius, Shell Inner 212 cz 119.38000 $Radius, Shell Outer 213 pz 0.00000 $Plane, Lower Head Bottom 214 pz 0.63500 $Plane, Lower Head Top 215 pz 229.23500 $Plane, Upper Head Bottom 216 pz 229.87000 $Plane, Upper Head Top c
c HalfPACT Package Tally Surfaces c
301 cz 119.38000 $Radius, Inner (at Surface) 302 cz 119.48000 $Radius, Outer (at Surface) 303 cz 319.38000 $Radius, Inner (at 2.000-Meters) 304 cz 319.48000 $Radius, Outer (at 2.001-Meters) 305 pz 108.58500 $Plane, Bottom Elevation 306 pz 113.66500 $Plane, Top Elevation c
c Weight Window Surfaces c
998 sz 114.93500 350 c
c World Surface (Problem Boundary) 5.7.1-48
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 c
999 sz 114.93500 400 c
c Physics Cards c
mode p c
c Material Cards c
m1 40000.84P -1.000000 $Payload (Zirconium) c m2 26000.84P -1.000000 $Carbon Steel c
m3 82000.84P -1.000000 $Lead c
m4 14000.84P -0.010000 $Stainless Steel (ASTM A240, Type 304) 24000.84P -0.190000 25000.84P -0.020000 26000.84P -0.680000 28000.84P -0.100000 c
m5 1000.84P -0.070000 $Urethane Foam 6000.84P -0.600000 7000.84P -0.080000 8000.84P -0.240000 14000.84P -0.010000 c
c Specify Universe Transformations c
- tr1 -53.66386 0.00000 111.12500
-90 90 0 90 0 90 0 90 -90 c
c Specify Explicit Analysis for Weight Windows Evaluation c
cut:p 2j 0 c
c Source Cards c
sdef par=2 axs=1 0 0 erg=d1 pos=d2 rad=d3 ext=d4 sc1 Concentrated 60Co Gamma Source si1 L 0.346930 0.826280 1.173237 1.332501 2.158770 2.505000 sp1 7.60E-05 7.60E-05 0.999736 0.999856 1.11E-05 2.00E-08 si2 L -1.32080 0.00000 111.12500 sp2 1 si3 0.00000 1.27000 sp3 -21 1 si4 -1.27000 1.27000 sp4 -21 0 0 c
c Package Tally Cards c
f4:p 301 fc4 Package Surface Dose Rate (mrem/hr) @ Z = 111.12500 sd4 381.20362 f14:p 302 fc14 2-M from Package Surface Dose Rate (mrem/hr) @ Z = 111.12500 sd14 1019.57524 c
c ANSI/ANS-6.1.1-1977 Gamma Flux-to-Dose Rate Factor Cards c
de0 0.01 0.03 0.05 0.07 0.10 $Energy (Mev) 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.80 1.00 1.40 1.80 2.20 2.60 2.80 3.25 3.75 4.25 4.75 5.00 5.25 5.75 6.25 6.75 7.50 9.00 11.00 13.00 15.00 df0 3.96E-03 5.82E-04 2.90E-04 2.58E-04 2.83E-04 $Factor (mrem/hr) 3.79E-04 5.01E-04 6.31E-04 7.59E-04 8.78E-04 9.85E-04 1.08E-03 1.17E-03 1.27E-03 1.36E-03 1.44E-03 1.52E-03 1.68E-03 1.98E-03 2.51E-03 2.99E-03 3.42E-03 3.82E-03 4.01E-03 4.41E-03 4.83E-03 5.23E-03 5.60E-03 5.80E-03 6.01E-03 5.7.1-49
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 6.37E-03 6.74E-03 7.11E-03 7.66E-03 8.77E-03 1.03E-02 1.18E-02 1.33E-02 c
c Weight Windows Cards c
f2004:p 998 sd2004 1 wwp:p 4j -1 j 1 j 1 wwg 2004 0 mesh geom=cyl origin=0 0 -10 ref= -1.32080 0.00000 111.12500 imesh 64.37641 92.23375 119.38000 129.38000 330.38000 iints 75 10 28 10 10 jmesh 10.00000 85.56500 156.68500 239.87000 249.87000 jints 2 30 100 20 2 kmesh 1 kints 180 c
c Runtime and Print Cards c
prdmp j j 1 2 ctme 1200 HAC 252Cf Neutron Source - HAC_HP_SC-30G3_252Cf_0.i title HP/SC-30G3 with a Concentrated 252Cf Neutron Source - HAC c
c Universe Fill Boundary c
1 0 -107 108 -109 fill=1 $Shielded Container imp:n=1 trcl=1 c
c Payload Cell $Material Density 100%
c 2 1 -1.0000 -1 2 -3 $Payload imp:n=1 u=1 c
c Shielded Container Cells $Material Density 100%
c 3 2 -7.8526 -11 12 14 $Lower Flange Steel
((11 :13 :-15 :-16)
(11 :16 :-17 :-18)
(11 :18 :-19 :-20)
(11 :20 :-21 :-22)
(-12 :26 :27)
(23 :24 :-27))
imp:n=1 u=1 4 3 -11.3500 24 25 $Lower Flange Upper Lead imp:n=1 u=1 5 3 -11.3500 27 28 $Lower Flange Lower Lead imp:n=1 u=1 6 2 -7.8526 (12 31): $Lower Flange Base Steel
(-29 31 -32) imp:n=1 u=1 7 2 -7.8526 16 33 45 $Inner Shell Steel imp:n=1 u=1 8 3 -11.3500 (-16 17 18 -35): $Sidewall Lead (16 34 40):
(-18 19 20 -35):
(34 40 45) imp:n=1 u=1 9 2 -7.8526 22 36 45 $Outer Shell Steel imp:n=1 u=1 10 2 -7.8526 ((38 41 45): $Upper Flange Steel (40 43 45))
((-38 :41 :42))
imp:n=1 u=1 11 2 -7.8526 -49 50 52 $Lid Steel
((39 :41 :-50 :-80)
(-41 :63 :-64 :65)
(-50 :51 :-65 :83) 5.7.1-50
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 (51 :-57 :58 :-59)
(-53 :54 :-55 :59))
imp:n=1 u=1 12 2 -7.8526 80 82 83 $Lid Ring Steel (80 :-81 :-83 :-84) imp:n=1 u=1 13 2 -7.8526 -81 86 89 $Lid Base Steel (81 :-83 :87 :-88) imp:n=1 u=1 14 3 -11.3500 82 85 $Lid Plate Lead imp:n=1 u=1 15 3 -11.3500 53 -54 55 -56 $Lid Ring Lead imp:n=1 u=1 16 2 -7.8526 59 60 62 $Lid Ring Cover Plate Steel imp:n=1 u=1 c
c Cavity (Void) Cells c
17 0 ((13 -33 -86): $Payload Cavity
(-13 15 16 -33):
(-33 86 89):
(-33 -45 81 84 -89):
(-33 -45 80 -84):
(-38 42 45 80):
(-41 -42 80))
(1 :-2 :3) imp:n=1 u=1 18 0 25 27 $Lower Flange Upper Lead imp:n=1 u=1 $ Axial Cavity 19 0 (-26 -28 29 31): $Lower Flange Lower Lead
(-28 -29 32) $ Axial/Radial Cavity imp:n=1 u=1 20 0 (-20 21 22 -36): $Sidewall Lead Outer Radial Gap (20 35 40):
(-36 40 44 -45) imp:n=1 u=1 21 0 41 -63 64 -65 $Lid Gasket Recess Cavity imp:n=1 u=1 22 0 53 -54 56 -59 $Lid Lead Ring Axial Cavity imp:n=1 u=1 23 0 (-82 83 -87 88): $Lid Lead Plate Axial Cavity
(-82 -85 87) imp:n=1 u=1 24 0 ((11 :-12 :14 :22) $Exterior Void
(-22 :37 :45)
(-45 :49 :51 :52)):
((12 -29 -30):
(-51 57 -58 62):
(57 59 62):
(-58 59 61 -62))
imp:n=1 u=1 c
c HalfPACT Package Cells $Material Density 100%
c 201 4 -8.0128 (201 -202 204 -205): $HalfPACT ICV/OCV Steel Structure
(-202 203 -204):
(-202 205 -206) imp:n=1 c
c HalfPACT Package Void Cells c
202 0 -201 204 -205 $HalfPACT ICV Interior Void
- 1 imp:n=1 203 0 (202 203 -206 -211): $HalfPACT OCA Foam Void
(-203 -211 214):
(206 -211 -215) imp:n=1 204 0 (211 -212 214 -215): $HalfPACT OCA Steel Structure
(-212 213 -214):
(-212 215 -216) 5.7.1-51
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 imp:n=1 205 0 -999 $HalfPACT OCA Exterior Void
((212 213 -216):
(-301 :302 :303)
(-401 :402 :403) imp:n=1 c
c HalfPACT Package 1-meter Tally Cell c
301 0 301 -302 -303 $Package Side Middle @ 1-meter imp:n=1 c
c External Weight Window (Particle Bias) c 998 0 401 -402 -403 imp:n=1 c
c World Cell c
999 0 999 imp:n=0 c
c Payload Surfaces c
1 c/z 0.00000 24.77769 1.27000 $Radius 2 pz 51.07305 $Plane, Bottom 3 pz 53.61305 $Plane, Top c
c Shielded Container Lower Flange Surfaces c
11 cz 35.43300 $Radius, Outer 12 pz 0.38100 $Plane, Lower Flange Bottom 13 pz 14.16304 $Plane, Lower Flange Top 14 kz -35.24250 1.00000 1 $Chamfer, Bottom Outer Corner 15 cz 25.79370 $Radius, Inner Shell Step 16 pz 13.97000 $Plane, Inner Shell Step 17 cz 27.19070 $Radius, Inner Lead Step 18 kz 10.47452 192.3724 -1 $Cone, Inner Lead Step Vertex 19 cz 31.43250 $Radius, Outer Lead Step 20 pz 5.08000 $Plane, Outer Lead Step 21 cz 34.23920 $Radius, Outer Shell Step 22 pz 4.44500 $Plane, Outer Shell Step 23 cz 25.40000 $Radius, Upper Lead Plate Recess 24 pz 10.18540 $Plane, Upper Lead Plate Recess 25 pz 6.18490 $Plane, Upper Lead Plate Bottom 26 cz 29.21000 $Radius, Lower Lead Plate Recess 27 pz 5.71500 $Plane, Lower Lead Plate Recess 28 pz 4.00050 $Plane, Lower Lead Plate Bottom 29 cz 29.07030 $Radius, Base Plate 30 pz 0.38100 $Plane, Base Plate Bottom 31 pz 2.54000 $Plane, Base Plate Weld Elevation 32 pz 3.81000 $Plane, Base Plate Top c
c Shielded Container Sidewall Inner Shell Surfaces c
33 cz 26.04770 $Radius, Inner 34 cz 27.19070 $Radius, Outer c
c Shielded Container Sidewall Lead Shell Surface c
35 cz 33.47720 $Radius, Outer c
c Shielded Container Sidewall Outer Shell Surfaces c
36 cz 34.29000 $Radius, Inner 37 cz 35.43300 $Radius, Outer c
c Shielded Container Upper Flange Surfaces 5.7.1-52
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 c
38 cz 25.72385 $Radius, Inner 39 cz 35.43300 $Radius, Outer 40 pz 97.15500 $Plane, Upper Flange Bottom 41 pz 101.91750 $Plane, Upper Flange Top 42 kz 30.60680 0.13247 1 $Chamfer, Top Inner Corner 43 cz 27.24150 $Radius, Inner Shell Step 44 cz 34.23920 $Radius, Outer Shell Step 45 pz 97.79000 $Plane, Shell Step Top c
c Shielded Container Lid Surfaces c
49 cz 35.43300 $Radius, Lid Outer 50 pz 100.34270 $Plane, Lid Bottom 51 pz 106.62920 $Plane, Lid Top 52 kz 142.57020 1.00000 -1 $Chamfer, Top Outside Corner 53 cz 22.54250 $Radius, Lead Ring Recess Inner 54 cz 29.84500 $Radius, Lead Ring Recess Outer 55 pz 104.21620 $Plane, Lead Ring Recess Bottom 56 pz 105.93070 $Plane, Lead Ring Top 57 cz 22.22500 $Radius, Lead Ring Cover Recess Inner 58 cz 30.16250 $Radius, Lead Ring Cover Recess Outer 59 pz 106.14660 $Plane, Lead Ring Cover Recess Bottom 60 cz 22.27580 $Radius, Lead Ring Cover Inner 61 cz 30.11170 $Radius, Lead Ring Cover Outer 62 pz 106.55579 $Plane, Lead Ring Cover Top 63 cz 28.57500 $Radius, Gasket Recess Outer 64 cz 26.33980 $Radius, Gasket Recess Inner 65 pz 102.23500 $Plane, Gasket Recess Top c
c Shielded Container Lid Ring Surfaces c
80 cz 25.66035 $Radius, Outer Upper 81 cz 25.52700 $Radius, Outer Lower 82 cz 24.13000 $Radius, Inner 83 pz 93.28150 $Plane, Bottom 84 kz 26.24737 0.13247 1 $Cone, Outer Radius Transition 85 pz 95.19920 $Plane, Lead Plate Bottom c
c Shielded Container Lid Base Surfaces c
86 pz 90.52560 $Plane, Bottom 87 pz 94.52610 $Plane, Top 88 cz 24.06650 $Radius, Lid Ring Step 89 kz 20.58124 0.13247 1 $Chamfer, Bottom Outside Corner c
c Shielded Container Universe Fill Boundary Surfaces c
107 cz 35.43301 $Radius, Fill Boundary 108 pz -0.00001 $Plane, Fill Boundary Bottom 109 pz 107.32771 $Plane, Fill Boundary Top c
c HalfPACT Package ICV/OCV Surfaces c
201 cz 92.23375 $Radius, Shell Inner 202 cz 93.34500 $Radius, Shell Outer 203 pz 22.86000 $Plane, Lower Head Bottom 204 pz 24.13000 $Plane, Lower Head Top 205 pz 198.12000 $Plane, Upper Head Bottom 206 pz 199.39000 $Plane, Upper Head Top c
c HalfPACT Package OCA Surfaces c
211 cz 109.22000 $Radius, Shell Inner 212 cz 109.85500 $Radius, Shell Outer 213 pz 2.54000 $Plane, Lower Head Bottom 214 pz 3.17500 $Plane, Lower Head Top 215 pz 219.39250 $Plane, Upper Head Bottom 216 pz 220.02750 $Plane, Upper Head Top c
c HalfPACT Package Tally Surfaces 5.7.1-53
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 c
301 py 209.85500 $Plane, Side Disk Inside @ 1.00-meter 302 py 209.95500 $Plane, Side Disk Outside @ 1.00-meter 303 c/y 0.00000 111.12500 2.54000 $Radius, Side Disk c
c Define External Weight Window Region Behind Tally Region c
401 py 210.85500 $Plane, Side Disk Inside @ 1.01-meter 402 py 210.95500 $Plane, Side Disk Outside @ 1.01-meter 403 c/y 0.00000 111.12500 5.08000 $Radius, Side Disk c
c World Surface (Problem Boundary) c 999 sz 114.93500 400 c
c Physics Cards c
mode n c
c Material Cards c
m1 40090.84C -0.507061 $Payload (Zirconium) 40091.84C -0.111809 40092.84C -0.172781 40094.84C -0.178911 40096.84C -0.029438 c
m2 26054.84C -0.058450 $Carbon Steel 26056.84C -0.917540 26057.84C -0.021190 26058.84C -0.002820 c
m3 82204.84C -0.014000 $Lead 82206.84C -0.241000 82207.84C -0.221000 82208.84C -0.524000 c
m4 14028.84C -0.009222 $Stainless Steel (ASTM A240, Type 304) 14029.84C -0.000469 14030.84C -0.000309 24050.84C -0.008256 24052.84C -0.159199 24053.84C -0.018052 24054.84C -0.004494 25055.84C -0.020000 26054.84C -0.039746 26056.84C -0.623927 26057.84C -0.014409 26058.84C -0.001918 28058.84C -0.068077 28060.84C -0.026223 28061.84C -0.001140 28062.84C -0.003635 28064.84C -0.000926 c
c Specify Universe Transformations c
- tr1 0.00000 56.80073 58.78195 c
c Specify Explicit Analysis for Weight Windows Evaluation c
cut:n 2j 0 c
c Source Cards c
sdef par=1 axs=0 0 1 erg=d1 pos=d2 rad=d3 ext=d4 sc1 Concentrated 252Cf Neutron Source si1 L 0.100000 0.500000 1.000000 2.000000 3.000000 4.000000 6.000000 8.000000 10.000000 15.000000 sp1 0.00E+00 1.80E+11 2.71E+11 5.36E+11 4.10E+11 2.73E+11 2.66E+11 8.53E+10 2.44E+10 8.36E+09 si2 L 0.00000 81.57842 111.12500 sp2 1 si3 0.00000 1.27000 sp3 -21 1 si4 -1.27000 1.27000 sp4 -21 0 0 c
c Package Tally Cards c
f4:n 301 fc4 Package 1-Meter Dose Rate (mrem/hr) @ Z = 111.12500 sd4 2.02683 c
c ANSI/ANS-6.1.1-1977 Neutron Flux-to-Dose Rate Factor Cards c
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 de0 2.50E-08 1.00E-07 1.00E-06 1.00E-05 1.00E-04 $Energy (Mev) 1.00E-03 1.00E-02 1.00E-01 5.00E-01 1.00E+00 2.50E+00 5.00E+00 7.00E+00 1.00E+01 1.40E+01 2.00E+01 df0 3.67E-03 3.67E-03 4.46E-03 4.54E-03 4.18E-03 $Factor (mrem/hr) 3.76E-03 3.56E-03 2.17E-02 9.26E-02 1.32E-01 1.25E-01 1.56E-01 1.47E-01 1.47E-01 2.08E-01 2.27E-01 c
c Weight Windows Cards c
f2004:n 998 sd2004 1 c wwp:n 4j -1 j 1 j 1 wwg 2004 0 mesh geom=cyl origin=0 0 -10 ref= 81.57842 0.00000 111.12500 imesh 64.37641 92.23375 119.38000 129.38000 330.38000 iints 75 10 28 10 10 jmesh 10.00000 85.56500 156.68500 239.87000 249.87000 jints 2 30 100 20 2 kmesh 1 kints 180 c
c Runtime and Print Cards c
prdmp j j 1 2 ctme 1200 HalfPACT - SC-55G1 Shielded Container NCT Concentrated 60Co Gamma Source - NCT_HP_SC-55G1_60Co_1.i title HP/SC-55G1 with a Concentrated 60Co Gamma Source - NCT c
c Universe Fill Boundary c
1 0 -97 98 -99 fill=1 $Shielded Container 1 imp:p=1 trcl=1 2 0 -97 98 -99 fill=1 $Shielded Container 2 imp:p=1 trcl=2 c
c Payload Cell $Material Density 100%
c 3 1 -1.0000 -1 2 -3 $Payload imp:p=1 u=1 c
c Shielded Container Cells $Material Density 100%
c 4 2 -7.8526 -11 12 14 $Base Steel imp:p=1 u=1 5 2 -7.8526 13 15 18 20 $Sidewall Steel
(-15 :17 :18 :19) imp:p=1 u=1 6 2 -7.8526 -24 25 28 $Lid Steel
((18 :-25 :-27)
(18 :27 :-30 :-31)
(-18 :-27 :32 :33)
(-25 :27 :-29))
imp:p=1 u=1 c
c Cavity (Void) Cells c
7 0 ((13 25): $Payload Cavity (15 19 -25):
(17 20):
(-17 -18 30 31):
(-17 25 29):
(-17 27 31):
(18 27 33))
(1 :-2 :3) 5.7.1-55
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 imp:p=1 u=1 8 0 (11 :-12 :13 :14) $Exterior Void
(-13 :16 :18)
(-18 :24 :26 :28) imp:p=1 u=1 c
c HalfPACT Package Cells $Material Density 100%
c 201 4 -8.0128 (201 -202 204 -205): $HalfPACT ICV/OCV Steel Structure
(-202 203 -204):
(-202 205 -206) imp:p=1 202 5 -0.1322 (202 203 -206 -211): $HalfPACT OCA Polyurethane Foam
(-203 -211 214):
(206 -211 -215) imp:p=1 203 4 -8.0128 (211 -212 214 -215): $HalfPACT OCA Steel Structure
(-212 213 -214):
(-212 215 -216) imp:p=1 c
c HalfPACT Package Void Cells c
204 0 -201 204 -205 $HalfPACT ICV Interior Void
- 1 #2 imp:p=1 205 0 ((-998 212 213 -216): $HalfPACT OCA Exterior Void
(-998 -213):
(-998 216))
(-301 :302:-305 :306)
(-303 :304:-305 :306) imp:p=1 c
c HalfPACT Package Surface and 2-meter Tally Cells c
301 0 301 -302 305 -306 $Package Side Middle @ Surface imp:p=1 302 0 303 -304 305 -306 $Package Side Middle @ 2-meters imp:p=1 c
c External Weight Window (Particle Bias) c 998 0 998 -999 imp:p=1 c
c World Cell c
999 0 999 imp:p=0 c
c Payload Surfaces c
1 cz 1.27000 $Radius 2 pz 50.10150 $Plane, Bottom 3 pz 52.64150 $Plane, Top c
c Shielded Container Base Surfaces c
11 cz 37.33800 $Radius, Base Outer 12 pz 0.00000 $Plane, Base Bottom 13 pz 5.96900 $Plane, Base Top 14 kz -37.02050 1.00000 1 $Chamfer, Base Bottom Outside Corner c
c Shielded Container Sidewall Surfaces c
15 cz 31.75000 $Radius, Sidewall Inner 16 cz 37.33800 $Radius, Sidewall Outer 17 cz 31.95320 $Radius, Lid Engagement Step 18 pz 99.31400 $Plane, Sidewall Top 19 kz 64.70650 1.00000 1 $Cone, Lid Engagement Transition 5.7.1-56
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 20 kz 11.20580 0.13247 $Chamfer, Top Inside Corner c
c Shielded Container Lid Surfaces c
24 cz 37.33800 $Radius, Lid Outer 25 pz 96.77400 $Plane, Lid Bottom 26 pz 102.87000 $Plane, Lid Top 27 cz 31.91510 $Radius, Lid Step 28 kz 139.89050 1.00000 -1 $Chamfer, Top Outside Corner 29 kz 9.72298 0.13247 1 $Chamfer, Bottom Outside Corner 30 cz 31.76270 $Radius, Vent Port Groove Inner 31 pz 98.39960 $Plane, Vent Port Groove Bottom 32 cz 33.78200 $Radius, Gasket Recess Outer 33 pz 99.63150 $Plane, Gasket Recess Top c
c Shielded Container Universe Fill Boundary Surfaces c
97 cz 37.33801 $Radius, Fill Boundary 98 pz -0.00001 $Plane, Fill Boundary Bottom 99 pz 102.87001 $Plane, Fill Boundary Top c
c HalfPACT Package ICV/OCV Surfaces c
201 cz 92.23375 $Radius, Shell Inner 202 cz 93.34500 $Radius, Shell Outer 203 pz 22.86000 $Plane, Lower Head Bottom 204 pz 24.13000 $Plane, Lower Head Top 205 pz 198.12000 $Plane, Upper Head Bottom 206 pz 199.39000 $Plane, Upper Head Top c
c HalfPACT Package OCA Surfaces c
211 cz 118.74500 $Radius, Shell Inner 212 cz 119.38000 $Radius, Shell Outer 213 pz 0.00000 $Plane, Lower Head Bottom 214 pz 0.63500 $Plane, Lower Head Top 215 pz 229.23500 $Plane, Upper Head Bottom 216 pz 229.87000 $Plane, Upper Head Top c
c HalfPACT Package Tally Surfaces c
301 cz 119.38000 $Radius, Inner (at Surface) 302 cz 119.48000 $Radius, Outer (at Surface) 303 cz 319.38000 $Radius, Inner (at 2.000-Meters) 304 cz 319.48000 $Radius, Outer (at 2.001-Meters) 305 pz 108.58500 $Plane, Bottom Elevation 306 pz 113.66500 $Plane, Top Elevation c
c Define External Weight Window Region c
998 sz 114.93500 350 c
c Define World Surface (Problem Boundary) c 999 sz 114.93500 400 c
c Physics Cards c
mode p c
c Material Cards c
m1 40000.84P -1.000000 $Payload (Zirconium) c m2 26000.84P -1.000000 $Carbon Steel c
m4 14000.84P -0.010000 $Stainless Steel (ASTM A240, Type 304) 24000.84P -0.190000 25000.84P -0.020000 26000.84P -0.680000 28000.84P -0.100000 c
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 m5 1000.84P -0.070000 $Urethane Foam 6000.84P -0.600000 7000.84P -0.080000 8000.84P -0.240000 14000.84P -0.010000 c
c Specify Universe Transformations c
- tr1 -37.97300 0.00000 59.75349 $Shielded Container 1
- tr2 37.97300 0.00000 59.75349 $Shielded Container 2 c
c Specify Explicit Analysis for Weight Windows Evaluation c
cut:p 2j 0 c
c Source Cards c
sdef par=2 axs=0 0 1 erg=d1 pos=d2 rad=d3 ext=d4 sc1 Concentrated 60Co Gamma Source si1 L 0.346930 0.826280 1.173237 1.332501 2.158770 2.505000 sp1 7.60E-05 7.60E-05 0.999736 0.999856 1.11E-05 2.00E-08 si2 L -37.97300 0.00000 111.12500 37.97300 0.00000 111.12500 sp2 1 1 si3 0.00000 1.27000 sp3 -21 1 1 si4 -1.27000 1.27000 sp4 -21 0 0 c
c Package Tally Cards c
f4:p 301 fc4 Package Surface Dose Rate (mrem/hr) @ Z = 111.12500 sd4 381.20362 f14:p 302 fc14 2-M from Package Surface Dose Rate (mrem/hr) @ Z = 111.12500 sd14 1019.57524 c
c ANSI/ANS-6.1.1-1977 Gamma Flux-to-Dose Rate Factor Cards c
de0 0.01 0.03 0.05 0.07 0.10 $Energy (Mev) 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.80 1.00 1.40 1.80 2.20 2.60 2.80 3.25 3.75 4.25 4.75 5.00 5.25 5.75 6.25 6.75 7.50 9.00 11.00 13.00 15.00 df0 3.96E-03 5.82E-04 2.90E-04 2.58E-04 2.83E-04 $Factor (mrem/hr) 3.79E-04 5.01E-04 6.31E-04 7.59E-04 8.78E-04 9.85E-04 1.08E-03 1.17E-03 1.27E-03 1.36E-03 1.44E-03 1.52E-03 1.68E-03 1.98E-03 2.51E-03 2.99E-03 3.42E-03 3.82E-03 4.01E-03 4.41E-03 4.83E-03 5.23E-03 5.60E-03 5.80E-03 6.01E-03 6.37E-03 6.74E-03 7.11E-03 7.66E-03 8.77E-03 1.03E-02 1.18E-02 1.33E-02 c
c Weight Windows Cards c
f104:p 998 sd104 1 wwp:p 4j -1 j 1 j 1 wwg 104 0 mesh geom=cyl origin=0 0 -10 ref= 0.00000 0.00000 111.12500 imesh 75.31100 92.23375 119.38000 129.38000 330.38000 iints 75 10 28 10 10 jmesh 10.00000 34.13000 69.75350 172.62350 208.12000 239.87000 249.87000 jints 2 10 5 100 5 10 2 kmesh 1 kints 180 c
c Runtime and Print Cards c
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 prdmp j j 1 2 ctme 600 HAC 252Cf Neutron Source - HAC_HP_SC-55G1_252Cf_0.i title HP/SC-55G1 with a Concentrated 252Cf Neutron Source - HAC c
c Universe Fill Boundary c
1 0 -97 98 -99 fill=1 $Shielded Container 1 imp:n=1 trcl=1 2 0 -97 98 -99 fill=1 $Shielded Container 2 imp:n=1 trcl=2 c
c Payload Cell $Material Density 100%
c 3 1 -1.0000 -1 2 -3 $Payload imp:n=1 u=1 c
c Shielded Container Cells $Material Density 100%
c 4 2 -7.8526 -11 12 14 $Base Steel imp:n=1 u=1 5 2 -7.8526 13 15 18 20 $Sidewall Steel
(-15 :17 :18 :19) imp:n=1 u=1 6 2 -7.8526 -24 25 28 $Lid Steel
((18 :-25 :-27)
(18 :27 :-30 :-31)
(-18 :-27 :32 :33)
(-25 :27 :-29))
imp:n=1 u=1 c
c Cavity (Void) Cells c
7 0 ((13 25): $Payload Cavity (15 19 -25):
(17 20):
(-17 -18 30 31):
(-17 25 29):
(-17 27 31):
(18 27 33))
(1 :-2 :3) imp:n=1 u=1 8 0 (11 :-12 :13 :14) $Exterior Void
(-13 :16 :18)
(-18 :24 :26 :28) imp:n=1 u=1 c
c HalfPACT Package Cells $Material Density 100%
c 201 4 -8.0128 (201 -202 204 -205): $HalfPACT ICV/OCV Steel Structure
(-202 203 -204):
(-202 205 -206) imp:n=1 c
c HalfPACT Package Void Cells c
202 0 -201 204 -205 $HalfPACT ICV Interior Void
- 1 #2 imp:n=1 203 0 (202 203 -206 -211): $HalfPACT OCA Polyurethane Foam
(-203 -211 214):
(206 -211 -215) imp:n=1 204 0 (211 -212 214 -215): $HalfPACT OCA Steel Structure
(-212 213 -214):
(-212 215 -216) imp:n=1 205 0 -999 $HalfPACT OCA Exterior Void 5.7.1-59
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021
((212 213 -216):
(-301 :302 :303)
(-401 :402 :403) imp:n=1 c
c HalfPACT Package 1-meter Tally Cell c
301 0 301 -302 -303 $Package Side Middle @ 1-Meter imp:n=1 c
c External Weight Window (Particle Bias) c 998 0 401 -402 -403 imp:n=1 c
c World Cell c
999 0 999 imp:n=0 c
c Payload Surfaces c
1 c/z 0.00000 30.47999 1.27000 $Radius 2 pz 50.10150 $Plane, Bottom 3 pz 52.64150 $Plane, Top c
c Shielded Container Base Surfaces c
11 cz 36.77920 $Radius, Base Outer 12 pz 0.59690 $Plane, Base Bottom 13 pz 5.96900 $Plane, Base Top 14 kz -37.02050 1.00000 1 $Chamfer, Base Bottom Outside Corner c
c Shielded Container Sidewall Surfaces c
15 cz 31.75000 $Radius, Sidewall Inner 16 cz 36.77920 $Radius, Sidewall Outer 17 cz 31.95320 $Radius, Lid Engagement Step 18 pz 99.31400 $Plane, Sidewall Top 19 kz 64.70650 1.00000 1 $Cone, Lid Engagement Transition 20 kz 11.20580 0.13247 $Chamfer, Top Inside Corner c
c Shielded Container Lid Surfaces c
24 cz 36.77920 $Radius, Lid Outer 25 pz 96.77400 $Plane, Lid Bottom 26 pz 102.26040 $Plane, Lid Top 27 cz 31.91510 $Radius, Lid Step 28 kz 139.89050 1.00000 -1 $Chamfer, Top Outside Corner 29 kz 9.72298 0.13247 1 $Chamfer, Bottom Outside Corner 30 cz 31.76270 $Radius, Vent Port Groove Inner 31 pz 98.39960 $Plane, Vent Port Groove Bottom 32 cz 33.78200 $Radius, Gasket Recess Outer 33 pz 99.63150 $Plane, Gasket Recess Top c
c Shielded Container Universe Fill Boundary Surfaces c
97 cz 36.77921 $Radius, Fill Boundary 98 pz -0.00001 $Plane, Fill Boundary Bottom 99 pz 102.87001 $Plane, Fill Boundary Top c
c HalfPACT Package ICV/OCV Surfaces c
201 cz 92.23375 $Radius, Shell Inner 202 cz 93.34500 $Radius, Shell Outer 203 pz 22.86000 $Plane, Lower Head Bottom 204 pz 24.13000 $Plane, Lower Head Top 205 pz 198.12000 $Plane, Upper Head Bottom 5.7.1-60
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 206 pz 199.39000 $Plane, Upper Head Top c
c HalfPACT Package OCA Surfaces c
211 cz 118.74500 $Radius, Shell Inner 212 cz 119.38000 $Radius, Shell Outer 213 pz 0.00000 $Plane, Lower Head Bottom 214 pz 0.63500 $Plane, Lower Head Top 215 pz 229.23500 $Plane, Upper Head Bottom 216 pz 229.87000 $Plane, Upper Head Top c
c HalfPACT Package Tally Surfaces c
301 py 219.38000 $Plane, Side Disk Inside @ 1.00-meter 302 py 219.48000 $Plane, Side Disk Outside @ 1.00-meter 303 c/y 0.00000 111.12500 2.54000 $Radius, Side Disk c
c Define External Weight Window Region c
401 py 220.38000 $Plane, Side Disk Inside @ 1.00-meter 402 py 220.48000 $Plane, Side Disk Outside @ 1.00-meter 403 c/y 0.00000 111.12500 5.08000 $Radius, Side Disk c
c Define World Surface (Problem Boundary) c 999 sz 114.93500 400 c
c Physics Cards c
mode n c
c Material Cards c
m1 40090.84C -0.507061 $Payload (Zirconium) 40091.84C -0.111809 40092.84C -0.172781 40094.84C -0.178911 40096.84C -0.029438 c
m2 26054.84C -0.058450 $Carbon Steel 26056.84C -0.917540 26057.84C -0.021190 26058.84C -0.002820 c
m4 14028.84C -0.009222 $Stainless Steel (ASTM A240, Type 304) 14029.84C -0.000469 14030.84C -0.000309 24050.84C -0.008256 24052.84C -0.159199 24053.84C -0.018052 24054.84C -0.004494 25055.84C -0.020000 26054.84C -0.039746 26056.84C -0.623927 26057.84C -0.014409 26058.84C -0.001918 28058.84C -0.068077 28060.84C -0.026223 28061.84C -0.001140 28062.84C -0.003635 28064.84C -0.000926 c
c Specify Universe Transformations c
- tr1 -36.77922 41.00094 59.75349 $Shielded Container 1
- tr2 36.77922 41.00094 59.75349 $Shielded Container 2 c
c Specify Explicit Analysis for Weight Windows Evaluation c
cut:n 2j 0 c
c Source Cards c
sdef par=1 axs=0 0 1 erg=d1 pos=d2 rad=d3 ext=d4 sc1 Concentrated 252Cf Neutron Source si1 L 0.100000 0.500000 1.000000 2.000000 3.000000 4.000000 6.000000 8.000000 10.000000 15.000000 sp1 0.00E+00 1.80E+11 2.71E+11 5.36E+11 4.10E+11 2.73E+11 2.66E+11 8.53E+10 2.44E+10 8.36E+09 si2 L -36.77922 71.48093 111.12500 36.77922 71.48093 111.12500 sp2 1 1 si3 0.00000 1.27000 sp3 -21 1 1 si4 -1.27000 1.27000 5.7.1-61
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 sp4 -21 0 0 c
c Package Tally Cards c
f4:n 301 fc4 Package 1-Meter Dose Rate (mrem/hr) @ Z = 111.12500 sd4 2.02683 c
c ANSI/ANS-6.1.1-1977 Neutron Flux-to-Dose Rate Factor Cards c
de0 2.50E-08 1.00E-07 1.00E-06 1.00E-05 1.00E-04 $Energy (Mev) 1.00E-03 1.00E-02 1.00E-01 5.00E-01 1.00E+00 2.50E+00 5.00E+00 7.00E+00 1.00E+01 1.40E+01 2.00E+01 df0 3.67E-03 3.67E-03 4.46E-03 4.54E-03 4.18E-03 $Factor (mrem/hr) 3.76E-03 3.56E-03 2.17E-02 9.26E-02 1.32E-01 1.25E-01 1.56E-01 1.47E-01 1.47E-01 2.08E-01 2.27E-01 c
c Weight Windows Cards c
f104:n 998 sd104 1 c wwp:n 4j -1 j 1 j 1 wwg 104 0 mesh geom=cyl origin=0 0 -10 ref= 36.77922 71.48093 111.12500 imesh 75.31100 92.23375 119.38000 129.38000 330.38000 iints 75 10 28 10 10 jmesh 10.00000 34.13000 69.75350 172.62350 208.12000 239.87000 249.87000 jints 2 10 5 100 5 10 2 kmesh 1 kints 180 c
c Runtime and Print Cards c
prdmp j j 1 2 ctme 1000 HalfPACT - SC-55G2 Shielded Container NCT Concentrated 60Co Gamma Source - NCT_HP_SC-55G2_60Co_1.i title HP/SC-55G2 with a Concentrated 60Co Gamma Source - NCT c
c Universe Fill Boundary c
1 0 -107 108 -109 fill=1 $Shielded Container imp:p=1 trcl=1 c
c Payload Cell $Material Density 100%
c 2 1 -1.0000 -1 2 -3 $Payload imp:p=1 u=1 c
c Shielded Container Cells $Material Density 100%
c 3 2 -7.8526 -11 12 14 $Lower Flange Steel
((11 :13 :-15 :-16)
(11 :16 :-17 :-18)
(11 :18 :-19 :-20)
(-12 :24 :25)
(21 :22 :-25))
imp:p=1 u=1 4 3 -11.3500 22 23 $Lower Flange Upper Lead imp:p=1 u=1 5 3 -11.3500 25 26 $Lower Flange Lower Lead imp:p=1 u=1 6 2 -7.8526 (12 29): $Lower Flange Base Steel
(-27 29 -30) 5.7.1-62
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 imp:p=1 u=1 7 2 -7.8526 16 31 -32 -43 $Inner Shell Steel imp:p=1 u=1 8 3 -11.3500 (-16 17 18 -33): $Sidewall Lead (16 32 -33 -38):
(32 38 -41 -43) imp:p=1 u=1 9 2 -7.8526 20 34 -35 -43 $Outer Shell Steel imp:p=1 u=1 10 2 -7.8526 ((36 -37 -39 43): $Upper Flange Steel (38 41 -42 -43))
(-36 :39 :40) imp:p=1 u=1 11 2 -7.8526 -47 48 50 $Lid Steel
((39 :47 :-48 :-80)
(-39 :63 :-64 :65)
(-48 :-55 :56 :80)
(-48 :49 :-65 :83)
(49 :-57 :58 :-59)
(-51 :52 :-53 :59))
imp:p=1 u=1 12 2 -7.8526 80 83 $Lid Base Steel
((56 :82 :-86)
(80 :-81 :-83 :-84)
(81 :-83 :-87))
imp:p=1 u=1 13 3 -11.3500 82 85 $Lid Plate Lead imp:p=1 u=1 14 3 -11.3500 51 -52 53 -54 $Lid Ring Lead imp:p=1 u=1 15 2 -7.8526 59 60 62 $Lid Ring Cover Plate Steel imp:p=1 u=1 c
c Cavity (Void) Cells c
16 0 ((13 -31 -83): $Payload Cavity
(-13 15 16 -31):
(-31 83 87):
(-31 81 84 -87):
(-31 -43 80 -84):
(-36 40 43 80):
(-39 -40 80))
(1 :-2 :3) imp:p=1 u=1 17 0 23 25 $Lower Flange Upper Lead imp:p=1 u=1 $ Axial Cavity 18 0 (-24 -26 27 29): $Lower Flange Lower Lead
(-26 -27 30) $ Axial/Radial Cavity imp:p=1 u=1 19 0 (-18 19 20 -34): $Sidewall Lead Outer Radial Gap (18 33 38):
(-34 38 42 -43) imp:p=1 u=1 20 0 39 -63 64 -65 $Lid Gasket Recess Cavity imp:p=1 u=1 21 0 51 -52 54 -59 $Lid Lead Ring Axial Cavity imp:p=1 u=1 22 0 85 86 $Lid Lead Plate Axial Cavity imp:p=1 u=1 23 0 48 55 82 $Lid Lead Plate Radial Cavity imp:p=1 u=1 24 0 ((11 :-12 :14 :20) $Exterior Void
(-20 :35 :43)
(-43 :47 :49 :50)):
((12 -27 -28):
(-49 57 -58 62):
(57 59 62):
(-58 59 61 -62))
imp:p=1 u=1 c
c HalfPACT Package Cells $Material Density 100%
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 c
201 4 -8.0128 (201 -202 204 -205): $HalfPACT ICV/OCV Steel Structure
(-202 203 -204):
(-202 205 -206) imp:p=1 202 5 -0.1322 (202 203 -206 -211): $HalfPACT OCA Polyurethane Foam
(-203 -211 214):
(206 -211 -215) imp:p=1 203 4 -8.0128 (211 -212 214 -215): $HalfPACT OCA Steel Structure
(-212 213 -214):
(-212 215 -216) imp:p=1 c
c HalfPACT Package Void Cells c
204 0 -201 204 -205 $HalfPACT ICV Interior Void
- 1 imp:p=1 205 0 ((-998 212 213 -216): $HalfPACT OCA Exterior Void
(-998 -213):
(-998 216))
(-301 :302:-305 :306)
(-303 :304:-305 :306) imp:p=1 c
c HalfPACT Package Surface and 2-meter Tally Cells c
301 0 301 -302 305 -306 $Package Side Middle @ Surface imp:p=1 302 0 303 -304 305 -306 $Package Side Middle @ 2-meters imp:p=1 c
c External Weight Window (Particle Bias) c 998 0 998 -999 imp:p=1 c
c World Cell c
999 0 999 imp:p=0 c
c Payload Surfaces c
1 cz 1.27000 $Radius 2 pz 54.90845 $Plane, Bottom 3 pz 57.44845 $Plane, Top c
c Shielded Container Lower Flange Surfaces c
11 cz 39.37000 $Radius, Outer 12 pz 0.00000 $Plane, Lower Flange Bottom 13 pz 10.79500 $Plane, Lower Flange Top 14 kz -39.05250 1.00000 1 $Chamfer, Bottom Outer Corner 15 cz 31.57220 $Radius, Inner Shell Step 16 pz 10.16000 $Plane, Inner Shell Step 17 cz 32.96920 $Radius, Inner Lead Step 18 pz 6.35000 $Plane, Lead Step 19 cz 38.04920 $Radius, Outer Shell Step 20 pz 5.71500 $Plane, Outer Shell Step 21 cz 31.11500 $Radius, Upper Lead Plate Recess 22 pz 7.64540 $Plane, Upper Lead Plate Recess 23 pz 5.10540 $Plane, Upper Lead Plate Bottom 24 cz 34.29000 $Radius, Lower Lead Plate Recess 25 pz 5.08000 $Plane, Lower Lead Plate Recess 26 pz 3.17500 $Plane, Lower Lead Plate Bottom 27 cz 34.15030 $Radius, Base Plate 28 pz 0.00000 $Plane, Base Plate Bottom 29 pz 2.22250 $Plane, Base Plate Weld Elevation 5.7.1-64
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 30 pz 3.17500 $Plane, Base Plate Top c
c Shielded Container Sidewall Inner Shell Surfaces c
31 cz 31.69920 $Radius, Inner 32 cz 32.96920 $Radius, Outer c
c Shielded Container Sidewall Lead Shell Surface c
33 cz 37.99840 $Radius, Outer c
c Shielded Container Sidewall Outer Shell Surfaces c
34 cz 38.10000 $Radius, Inner 35 cz 39.37000 $Radius, Outer c
c Shielded Container Upper Flange Surfaces c
36 cz 31.50870 $Radius, Inner 37 cz 39.37000 $Radius, Outer 38 pz 106.04500 $Plane, Upper Flange Bottom 39 pz 110.80750 $Plane, Upper Flange Top 40 kz 23.60306 0.13247 1 $Chamfer, Top Inner Corner 41 cz 33.02000 $Radius, Inner Shell Step 42 cz 38.04920 $Radius, Outer Shell Step 43 pz 106.68000 $Plane, Shell Step Top c
c Shielded Container Lid Surfaces c
47 cz 39.37000 $Radius, Lid Outer 48 pz 108.57230 $Plane, Lid Bottom 49 pz 116.19230 $Plane, Lid Top 50 kz 155.24480 1.00000 -1 $Chamfer, Top Outside Corner 51 cz 27.47010 $Radius, Lead Ring Recess Inner 52 cz 33.82010 $Radius, Lead Ring Recess Outer 53 pz 114.41430 $Plane, Lead Ring Recess Bottom 54 pz 115.68430 $Plane, Lead Ring Top 55 cz 30.09900 $Radius, Lid Base Step 56 pz 109.18190 $Plane, Lid Base Top 57 cz 27.15260 $Radius, Lead Ring Cover Recess Inner 58 cz 34.13760 $Radius, Lead Ring Cover Recess Outer 59 pz 115.70970 $Plane, Lead Ring Cover Recess Bottom 60 cz 27.20340 $Radius, Lead Ring Cover Inner 61 cz 34.08680 $Radius, Lead Ring Cover Outer 62 pz 116.16436 $Plane, Lead Ring Cover Top 63 cz 33.97250 $Radius, Gasket Recess Outer 64 cz 31.73730 $Radius, Gasket Recess Inner 65 pz 111.12500 $Plane, Gasket Recess Top c
c Shielded Container Lid Base Surfaces c
80 cz 31.43250 $Radius, Outer Upper 81 cz 31.30550 $Radius, Outer Lower 82 cz 30.16250 $Radius, Inner 83 pz 101.56190 $Plane, Bottom 84 kz 19.01182 0.13247 1 $Cone, Outer Radius Transition 85 pz 104.76230 $Plane, Lead Plate Bottom 86 pz 104.73690 $Plane, Lead Recess Bottom 87 kz 16.18575 0.13247 1 $Chamfer, Bottom Outside Corner c
c Shielded Container Universe Fill Boundary Surfaces c
107 cz 39.37001 $Radius, Fill Boundary 108 pz -0.00001 $Plane, Fill Boundary Bottom 109 pz 116.19231 $Plane, Fill Boundary Top c
c HalfPACT Package ICV/OCV Surfaces c
201 cz 92.23375 $Radius, Shell Inner 202 cz 93.34500 $Radius, Shell Outer 203 pz 22.86000 $Plane, Lower Head Bottom 5.7.1-65
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 204 pz 24.13000 $Plane, Lower Head Top 205 pz 198.12000 $Plane, Upper Head Bottom 206 pz 199.39000 $Plane, Upper Head Top c
c HalfPACT Package OCA Surfaces c
211 cz 118.74500 $Radius, Shell Inner 212 cz 119.38000 $Radius, Shell Outer 213 pz 0.00000 $Plane, Lower Head Bottom 214 pz 0.63500 $Plane, Lower Head Top 215 pz 229.23500 $Plane, Upper Head Bottom 216 pz 229.87000 $Plane, Upper Head Top c
c HalfPACT Package Tally Surfaces c
301 cz 119.38000 $Radius, Inner (at Surface) 302 cz 119.48000 $Radius, Outer (at Surface) 303 cz 319.38000 $Radius, Inner (at 2.000-Meters) 304 cz 319.48000 $Radius, Outer (at 2.001-Meters) 305 pz 108.58500 $Plane, Bottom Elevation 306 pz 113.66500 $Plane, Top Elevation c
c Weight Window Surfaces c
998 sz 111.12500 350 c
c World Surface (Problem Boundary) c 999 sz 111.12500 400 c
c Physics Cards c
mode p c
c Material Cards c
m1 40000.84P -1.000000 $Payload (Zirconium) c m2 26000.84P -1.000000 $Carbon Steel c
m3 82000.84P -1.000000 $Lead c
m4 14000.84P -0.010000 $Stainless Steel (ASTM A240, Type 304) 24000.84P -0.190000 25000.84P -0.020000 26000.84P -0.680000 28000.84P -0.100000 c
m5 1000.84P -0.070000 $Urethane Foam 6000.84P -0.600000 7000.84P -0.080000 8000.84P -0.240000 14000.84P -0.010000 c
c Specify Universe Transformations c
- tr1 -58.09616 0.00000 111.12500
-90 90 0 90 0 90 0 90 -90 c
c Specify Explicit Analysis for Weight Windows Evaluation c
cut:p 2j 0 c
c Source Cards c
sdef par=2 axs=1 0 0 erg=d1 pos=d2 rad=d3 ext=d4 sc1 Concentrated 60Co Gamma Source si1 L 0.346930 0.826280 1.173237 1.332501 2.158770 2.505000 sp1 7.60E-05 7.60E-05 0.999736 0.999856 1.11E-05 2.00E-08 si2 L -1.91770 0.00000 111.12500 sp2 1 si3 0.00000 1.27000 sp3 -21 1 si4 -1.27000 1.27000 5.7.1-66
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 sp4 -21 0 0 c
c Package Tally Cards c
f4:p 301 fc4 Package Surface Dose Rate (mrem/hr) @ Z = 111.12500 sd4 381.20362 f14:p 302 fc14 2-M from Package Surface Dose Rate (mrem/hr) @ Z = 111.12500 sd14 1019.57524 c
c ANSI/ANS-6.1.1-1977 Gamma Flux-to-Dose Rate Factor Cards c
de0 0.01 0.03 0.05 0.07 0.10 $Energy (Mev) 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.80 1.00 1.40 1.80 2.20 2.60 2.80 3.25 3.75 4.25 4.75 5.00 5.25 5.75 6.25 6.75 7.50 9.00 11.00 13.00 15.00 df0 3.96E-03 5.82E-04 2.90E-04 2.58E-04 2.83E-04 $Factor (mrem/hr) 3.79E-04 5.01E-04 6.31E-04 7.59E-04 8.78E-04 9.85E-04 1.08E-03 1.17E-03 1.27E-03 1.36E-03 1.44E-03 1.52E-03 1.68E-03 1.98E-03 2.51E-03 2.99E-03 3.42E-03 3.82E-03 4.01E-03 4.41E-03 4.83E-03 5.23E-03 5.60E-03 5.80E-03 6.01E-03 6.37E-03 6.74E-03 7.11E-03 7.66E-03 8.77E-03 1.03E-02 1.18E-02 1.33E-02 c
c Weight Windows Cards c
f1004:p 998 sd1004 1 wwp:p 4j -1 j 1 j 1 wwg 1004 0 mesh geom=cyl origin=0 0 -10 ref= -1.91770 0.00000 111.12500 imesh 70.17948 92.23375 119.38000 129.38000 330.38000 iints 75 10 28 10 10 jmesh 10.00000 81.75500 160.49500 239.87000 249.87000 jints 2 20 80 20 2 kmesh 1 kints 180 c
c Runtime and Print Cards c
prdmp j j 1 2 ctme 1000 HAC 252Cf Neutron Source - HAC_HP_SC-55G2_252Cf_0.i title HP/SC-55G2 with a Concentrated 252Cf Neutron Source - HAC c
c Universe Fill Boundary c
1 0 -107 108 -109 fill=1 $Shielded Container imp:n=1 trcl=1 c
c Payload Cell $Material Density 100%
c 2 1 -1.0000 -1 2 -3 $Payload imp:n=1 u=1 c
c Shielded Container Cells $Material Density 100%
c 3 2 -7.8526 -11 12 14 $Lower Flange Steel
((11 :13 :-15 :-16)
(11 :16 :-17 :-18)
(11 :18 :-19 :-20)
(-12 :24 :25) 5.7.1-67
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 (21 :22 :-25))
imp:n=1 u=1 4 3 -11.3500 22 23 $Lower Flange Upper Lead imp:n=1 u=1 5 3 -11.3500 25 26 $Lower Flange Lower Lead imp:n=1 u=1 6 2 -7.8526 (12 -24 -29): $Lower Flange Base Steel
(-27 29 -30) imp:n=1 u=1 7 2 -7.8526 16 31 -32 -43 $Inner Shell Steel imp:n=1 u=1 8 3 -11.3500 (-16 17 18 -33): $Sidewall Lead (16 32 -33 -38):
(32 38 -41 -43) imp:n=1 u=1 9 2 -7.8526 20 34 -35 -43 $Outer Shell Steel imp:n=1 u=1 10 2 -7.8526 ((36 -37 -39 43): $Upper Flange Steel (38 41 -42 -43))
((-36 :39 :40)
(44 :45 :46))
imp:n=1 u=1 11 2 -7.8526 -47 48 50 $Lid Steel
((39 :47 :-48 :-80)
(-39 :63 :-64 :65)
(-48 :-55 :56 :80)
(-48 :49 :-65 :83)
(49 :-57 :58 :-59)
(-51 :52 :-53 :59))
imp:n=1 u=1 12 2 -7.8526 80 83 $Lid Base Steel
((56 :82 :-86)
(80 :-81 :-83 :-84)
(81 :-83 :-87))
imp:n=1 u=1 13 3 -11.3500 82 85 $Lid Plate Lead imp:n=1 u=1 14 3 -11.3500 51 -52 53 -54 $Lid Ring Lead imp:n=1 u=1 15 2 -7.8526 59 60 62 $Lid Ring Cover Plate Steel imp:n=1 u=1 c
c Cavity (Void) Cells c
16 0 ((13 -31 -83): $Payload Cavity
(-13 15 16 -31):
(-31 83 87):
(-31 81 84 -87):
(-31 -43 80 -84):
(-36 40 43 80):
(-39 -40 80))
(1 :-2 :3) imp:n=1 u=1 17 0 23 25 $Lower Flange Upper Lead imp:n=1 u=1 $ Axial Cavity 18 0 (-24 -26 27 29): $Lower Flange Lower Lead
(-26 -27 30) $ Axial/Radial Cavity imp:n=1 u=1 19 0 (-18 19 20 -34): $Sidewall Lead Outer Radial Gap (18 33 38):
(-34 38 42 -43) imp:n=1 u=1 20 0 45 -46 $Upper Flange Tap Drill Cavity imp:n=1 u=1 21 0 39 -63 64 -65 $Lid Gasket Recess Cavity imp:n=1 u=1 22 0 51 -52 54 -59 $Lid Lead Ring Axial Cavity imp:n=1 u=1 23 0 85 86 $Lid Lead Plate Axial Cavity imp:n=1 u=1 24 0 48 55 82 $Lid Lead Plate Radial Cavity 5.7.1-68
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 imp:n=1 u=1 25 0 ((11 :-12 :14 :20) $Exterior Void
(-20 :35 :43)
(-43 :47 :49 :50)):
((12 -27 -28):
(-49 57 -58 62):
(57 59 62):
(-58 59 61 -62))
imp:n=1 u=1 c
c HalfPACT Package Cells $Material Density 100%
c 201 4 -8.0128 (201 -202 204 -205): $HalfPACT ICV/OCV Steel Structure
(-202 203 -204):
(-202 205 -206) imp:n=1 c
c HalfPACT Package Void Cells c
202 0 -201 204 -205 $HalfPACT ICV Interior Void
- 1 imp:n=1 203 0 (202 203 -206 -211): $HalfPACT OCA Foam Void
(-203 -211 214):
(206 -211 -215) imp:n=1 204 0 (211 -212 214 -215): $HalfPACT OCA Steel Structure
(-212 213 -214):
(-212 215 -216) imp:n=1 205 0 -999 $HalfPACT OCA Exterior Void
((212 213 -216):
((-301 :302 :303)
(-401 :402 :403))
imp:n=1 c
c HalfPACT Package 1-meter Tally Cell c
301 0 301 -302 -303 $Package Side Middle @ 1-meter imp:n=1 c
c External Weight Window (Particle Bias) c 998 0 401 -402 -403 imp:n=1 c
c World Cell c
999 0 999 imp:n=0 c
c Payload Surfaces c
1 c/z 0.00000 30.55619 1.27000 $Radius 2 pz 54.90845 $Plane, Bottom 3 pz 57.44845 $Plane, Top c
c Shielded Container Lower Flange Surfaces c
11 cz 39.24300 $Radius, Outer 12 pz 0.31750 $Plane, Lower Flange Bottom 13 pz 10.48004 $Plane, Lower Flange Top 14 kz -39.05250 1.00000 1 $Chamfer, Bottom Outer Corner 15 cz 31.57220 $Radius, Inner Shell Step 16 pz 10.16000 $Plane, Inner Shell Step 17 cz 32.96920 $Radius, Inner Lead Step 18 pz 6.35000 $Plane, Lead Step 19 cz 38.04920 $Radius, Outer Shell Step 5.7.1-69
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 20 pz 5.71500 $Plane, Outer Shell Step 21 cz 31.11500 $Radius, Upper Lead Plate Recess 22 pz 7.64540 $Plane, Upper Lead Plate Recess 23 pz 5.35940 $Plane, Upper Lead Plate Bottom 24 cz 34.29000 $Radius, Lower Lead Plate Recess 25 pz 5.08000 $Plane, Lower Lead Plate Recess 26 pz 3.36550 $Plane, Lower Lead Plate Bottom 27 cz 34.15030 $Radius, Base Plate 28 pz 0.31750 $Plane, Base Plate Bottom 29 pz 2.22250 $Plane, Base Plate Weld Elevation 30 pz 3.17500 $Plane, Base Plate Top c
c Shielded Container Sidewall Inner Shell Surfaces c
31 cz 31.82620 $Radius, Inner 32 cz 32.96920 $Radius, Outer c
c Shielded Container Sidewall Lead Shell Surface c
33 cz 37.49548 $Radius, Outer c
c Shielded Container Sidewall Outer Shell Surfaces c
34 cz 38.10000 $Radius, Inner 35 cz 39.24300 $Radius, Outer c
c Shielded Container Upper Flange Surfaces c
36 cz 31.50870 $Radius, Inner 37 cz 39.24300 $Radius, Outer 38 pz 106.04500 $Plane, Upper Flange Bottom 39 pz 110.80750 $Plane, Upper Flange Top 40 kz 23.60306 0.13247 1 $Chamfer, Top Inner Corner 41 cz 33.02000 $Radius, Inner Shell Step 42 cz 38.04920 $Radius, Outer Shell Step 43 pz 106.68000 $Plane, Shell Step Top 44 c/z 36.83000 0.00000 0.83344 $Radius, Closure Bolt Tap Drill 45 pz 107.86110 $Plane, Closure Bolt Bottom 46 k/z 36.83000 0.00000 $Cone, Closure Bolt Tap Drill 106.61791 3.00000 1 c
c Shielded Container Lid Surfaces c
47 cz 39.24300 $Radius, Lid Outer 48 pz 108.57230 $Plane, Lid Bottom 49 pz 115.43030 $Plane, Lid Top 50 kz 155.24480 1.00000 -1 $Chamfer, Top Outside Corner 51 cz 27.47010 $Radius, Lead Ring Recess Inner 52 cz 33.82010 $Radius, Lead Ring Recess Outer 53 pz 113.65230 $Plane, Lead Ring Recess Bottom 54 pz 114.79530 $Plane, Lead Ring Top 55 cz 30.09900 $Radius, Lid Base Step 56 pz 109.18190 $Plane, Lid Base Top 57 cz 27.15260 $Radius, Lead Ring Cover Recess Inner 58 cz 34.13760 $Radius, Lead Ring Cover Recess Outer 59 pz 114.94770 $Plane, Lead Ring Cover Recess Bottom 60 cz 27.20340 $Radius, Lead Ring Cover Inner 61 cz 34.08680 $Radius, Lead Ring Cover Outer 62 pz 115.35689 $Plane, Lead Ring Cover Top 63 cz 33.97250 $Radius, Gasket Recess Outer 64 cz 31.73730 $Radius, Gasket Recess Inner 65 pz 111.12500 $Plane, Gasket Recess Top c
c Shielded Container Lid Base Surfaces c
80 cz 31.43250 $Radius, Outer Upper 81 cz 31.30550 $Radius, Outer Lower 82 cz 30.16250 $Radius, Inner 83 pz 101.87940 $Plane, Bottom 84 kz 19.01182 0.13247 1 $Cone, Outer Radius Transition 85 pz 105.14330 $Plane, Lead Plate Bottom 5.7.1-70
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 86 pz 104.73690 $Plane, Lead Recess Bottom 87 kz 16.18575 0.13247 1 $Chamfer, Bottom Outside Corner c
c Shielded Container Universe Fill Boundary Surfaces c
107 cz 39.24301 $Radius, Fill Boundary 108 pz -0.00001 $Plane, Fill Boundary Bottom 109 pz 116.19231 $Plane, Fill Boundary Top c
c HalfPACT Package ICV/OCV Surfaces c
201 cz 92.23375 $Radius, Shell Inner 202 cz 93.34500 $Radius, Shell Outer 203 pz 22.86000 $Plane, Lower Head Bottom 204 pz 24.13000 $Plane, Lower Head Top 205 pz 198.12000 $Plane, Upper Head Bottom 206 pz 199.39000 $Plane, Upper Head Top c
c HalfPACT Package OCA Surfaces c
211 cz 109.22000 $Radius, Shell Inner 212 cz 109.85500 $Radius, Shell Outer 213 pz 2.54000 $Plane, Lower Head Bottom 214 pz 3.17500 $Plane, Lower Head Top 215 pz 219.39250 $Plane, Upper Head Bottom 216 pz 220.02750 $Plane, Upper Head Top c
c HalfPACT Package Tally Surface c
301 py 209.85500 $Plane, Side Disk Inside @ 1.00-meter 302 py 209.95500 $Plane, Side Disk Outside @ 1.00-meter 303 c/y 0.00000 111.12500 2.54000 $Radius, Side Disk c
c Define External Weight Window Region Behind Tally Region c
401 py 210.85500 $Plane, Side Disk Inside @ 1.01-meter 402 py 210.95500 $Plane, Side Disk Outside @ 1.01-meter 403 c/y 0.00000 111.12500 5.08000 $Radius, Side Disk c
c World Surface (Problem Boundary) c 999 sz 111.12500 400 c
c Physics Cards c
mode n c
c Material Cards c
m1 40090.84C -0.507061 $Payload (Zirconium) 40091.84C -0.111809 40092.84C -0.172781 40094.84C -0.178911 40096.84C -0.029438 c
m2 26054.84C -0.058450 $Carbon Steel 26056.84C -0.917540 26057.84C -0.021190 26058.84C -0.002820 c
m3 82204.84C -0.014000 $Lead 82206.84C -0.241000 82207.84C -0.221000 82208.84C -0.524000 c
m4 14028.84C -0.009222 $Stainless Steel (ASTM A240, Type 304) 14029.84C -0.000469 14030.84C -0.000309 24050.84C -0.008256 24052.84C -0.159199 24053.84C -0.018052 24054.84C -0.004494 25055.84C -0.020000 26054.84C -0.039746 26056.84C -0.623927 26057.84C -0.014409 26058.84C -0.001918 28058.84C -0.068077 28060.84C -0.026223 28061.84C -0.001140 28062.84C -0.003635 28064.84C -0.000926 c
c Specify Universe Transformations c
- tr1 0.00000 52.99073 54.94655 5.7.1-71
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 c
c Specify Explicit Analysis for Weight Windows Evaluation c
cut:n 2j 0 c
c Source Cards c
sdef par=1 axs=0 0 1 erg=d1 pos=d2 rad=d3 ext=d4 sc1 Concentrated 252Cf Neutron Source si1 L 0.100000 0.500000 1.000000 2.000000 3.000000 4.000000 6.000000 8.000000 10.000000 15.000000 sp1 0.00E+00 1.80E+11 2.71E+11 5.36E+11 4.10E+11 2.73E+11 2.66E+11 8.53E+10 2.44E+10 8.36E+09 si2 L 0.00000 83.54692 111.12500 sp2 1 si3 0.00000 1.27000 sp3 -21 1 si4 -1.27000 1.27000 sp4 -21 0 0 c
c Package Tally Cards c
f4:n 301 fc4 Package 1-Meter Dose Rate (mrem/hr) @ Z = 111.12500 sd4 2.02683 c
c ANSI/ANS-6.1.1-1977 Neutron Flux-to-Dose Rate Factor Cards c
de0 2.50E-08 1.00E-07 1.00E-06 1.00E-05 1.00E-04 $Energy (Mev) 1.00E-03 1.00E-02 1.00E-01 5.00E-01 1.00E+00 2.50E+00 5.00E+00 7.00E+00 1.00E+01 1.40E+01 2.00E+01 df0 3.67E-03 3.67E-03 4.46E-03 4.54E-03 4.18E-03 $Factor (mrem/hr) 3.76E-03 3.56E-03 2.17E-02 9.26E-02 1.32E-01 1.25E-01 1.56E-01 1.47E-01 1.47E-01 2.08E-01 2.27E-01 c
c Weight Windows Cards c
f1004:n 998 sd1004 1 c wwp:n 4j -1 j 1 j 1 wwg 1004 0 mesh geom=cyl origin=0 0 -10 ref= -1.91770 0.00000 111.12500 imesh 70.17948 92.23375 119.38000 129.38000 330.38000 iints 75 10 28 10 10 jmesh 10.00000 81.75500 160.49500 239.87000 249.87000 jints 2 20 80 20 2 kmesh 1 kints 180 c
c Runtime and Print Cards c
prdmp j j 1 2 ctme 1000 5.7.1-72
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021
The following analyses demonstrate that the TRUPACT-II package complies with the requirements of 10 CFR §71.55 1 and §71.59. The analyses show that the criticality requirements are satisfied when limiting the payload containers and the TRUPACT-II package to fissile gram equivalent (FGE) of Pu-239 limits given in Table 6.1-1 and Table 6.1-2, respectively for the payloads described in the Contact-Handled Transuranic Waste Authorized Methods for Payload Control (CH-TRAMPAC) 2. In summary, Case A is applicable to waste that is not machine compacted and contains less than or equal to 1% by weight quantities of special reflector materials and Case B is applicable to waste that is not machine compacted and contains greater than 1% by weight quantities of special reflector materials. For Case A, package limits were calculated for various Pu-240 contents in the package. Case C is applicable to machine compacted waste that contains less than or equal to 1% by weight quantities of special reflector materials. Case D is specifically applicable to machine compacted waste in the form of puck drums overpacked in 55-, 85-, or 100-gallon drums with less than or equal to 1% by weight quantities of special reflector materials. Case E is applicable to waste in the standard, S100, S200, and S300 pipe overpacks with less than or equal to 1% by weight quantities of special reflector materials and Case F is applicable to waste that is not machine compacted in the standard, S100, S200, and S300 pipe overpacks with greater than 1% by weight quantities of special reflector materials. Case I is applicable to waste in the criticality control overpack (CCO) with less than or equal to 1% by weight quantities of special reflector materials, provided that machine compacted waste contents are additionally limited to a maximum of 2,000 grams of plastic per CCO. However, if the quantity of special reflector material in the payload is greater than 1% by weight but the form of the payload is such that the thickness and/or packing fraction of the special reflector material is less than the reference poly/water reflector or the special reflector material (excluding beryllium in non-pipe overpack configurations) is mechanically or chemically bound to the fissile material, then Case A and Case E limits apply in lieu of Case B and Case F limits, respectively. Also, the Case I limit is applicable to waste that is not machine compacted with greater than 1% by weight quantities of special reflectors in the above stated forms. Similarly, Case C, Case D, Case E, and Case I limits are applicable to machine compacted waste with greater than 1% by weight quantities of special reflectors in the above stated forms.
The criticality evaluations for Cases E and F are presented in Appendices 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, and 4.4 in the CH-TRU Payload Appendices 3 and Case I is presented in Appendix 4.6 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices whereas the analyses for Cases A through D are presented in this chapter.
Based on an unlimited array of undamaged or damaged TRUPACT-II packages, the Criticality Safety Index (CSI), per 10 CFR §71.59, is 0.0.
1 Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 71 (10 CFR 71), Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Material, 01-01-19 Edition.
2 U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Contact-Handled Transuranic Waste Authorized Methods for Payload Control (CH-TRAMPAC), U.S. Department of Energy, Carlsbad Field Office, Carlsbad, New Mexico.
3 U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), CH-TRU Payload Appendices, U.S. Department of Energy, Carlsbad Field Office, Carlsbad, New Mexico.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 6.1 Discussion and Results The criticality analyses presented herein are identical to the analyses presented in Chapter 6.0, Criticality Evaluation, of the HalfPACT Shipping Package Safety Analysis Report 1. Since the height of a HalfPACT package is 30 inches shorter than a TRUPACT-II package, resulting in a closer axial packaging in the infinite arrays, the criticality analyses utilizing the HalfPACT package geometry are considered conservative for Cases A through D. A comprehensive description of the TRUPACT-II packaging is provided in Section 1.2, Package Description, and in the packaging drawings in Appendix 1.3.1, Packaging General Arrangement Drawings.
For the contents of the TRUPACT-II package specified in Section 6.2, Package Contents, no special features are required to maintain criticality safety for any number of TRUPACT-II packages for both normal conditions of transport (NCT) and hypothetical accident conditions (HAC). The presence and location of the stainless steel, inner containment vessel and outer confinement vessel shells (ICV and OCV, respectively) and outer confinement assembly (OCA) outer shell are all that are required to maintain criticality safety.
The criteria for ensuring that a package (or package array) is safely subcritical is:
ks = keff + 2 < USL where the quantity ks is the multiplication factor computed for a given configuration plus twice the uncertainty in the computed result, . This quantity is computed and reported in order to permit a direct comparison of results against the upper subcriticality limit, USL, determined in Section 6.5, Critical Benchmark Experiments. The USL is determined on the basis of a benchmark analysis and incorporates the combined effects of code computational bias, the uncertainty in the bias based on both experimental and computational uncertainties, and an administrative margin. Further discussion regarding the USL is provided in Chapter 4, Determination of Bias and Subcritical Limits, of NUREG/CR-6361 2.
The results of the criticality calculations are summarized in Table 6.1-3. Calculations performed for Case A for a TRUPACT-II single unit and infinite arrays of damaged TRUPACT-II packages indicate that the maximum reactivity of the package arrays are essentially the same as that of the NCT single-unit to within the calculated uncertainty of the Monte Carlo analysis. This occurs because:
- When the ICV and OCA regions are filled with reflecting material, the size of these regions allows the presence of enough material to isolate the fissile material region of each TRUPACT-II packages from each other, and
- When the fissile material region of each damaged or undamaged TRUPACT-II package is unreflected, interaction among TRUPACT-II packages is maximized. However, interactive effects are not as great as the effect of full reflection.
1 U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), HalfPACT Shipping Package Safety Analysis Report, USNRC Certificate of Compliance 71-9279, U.S. Department of Energy, Carlsbad Area Office, Carlsbad, New Mexico.
2 J. J. Lichtenwalter, S. M. Bowman, M. D. DeHart, C. M. Hopper, Criticality Benchmark Guide for Light-Water-Reactor Fuel in Transportation and Storage Packages, NUREG/CR-6361, ORNL/TM-13211, March 1997.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 As discussed below, all ks values are less than the USL of 0.9382. For all cases, the modeled conditions are considered to be extremely conservative, nevertheless, they provide an upper limit on ks. Therefore, the requirements of 10 CFR §71.55 are met when the contents of a single TRUPACT-II package are limited in accordance with Table 6.1-1 and Table 6.1-2. The application of these limits to the TRUPACT-II payload described in the CH-TRAMPAC 3 is discussed, in summary, in Section, Applicable Criticality Limits for CH-TRU Waste.
Infinite arrays of both damaged and undamaged TRUPACT-II packages, as defined in Section 6.3.4, Array Models, are also safely subcritical (ks < USL). The post-accident geometry used in the model of the damaged TRUPACT-II packages conservatively bounds the damage experienced from certification testing described in Appendix 2.10.3, Certification Tests. Based on the results of the HAC 30-foot drops, the criticality model conservatively assumes that the OCA outer shell is deformed inward on the side, top, and bottom to a distance of 5 inches from the OCV. Further, the criticality model conservatively models the region between the ICV and the OCA as containing a mixture of 25% polyethylene, 74% water and 1% beryllium in all bounding cases to bound the presence of polyurethane foam in this region. After the HAC thermal event (fire),
actual post-test measurements show 3 inches of foam, minimum, remains in impact regions, and 5 inches, minimum, remains elsewhere.
For an infinite array of damaged TRUPACT-II packages, the maximum calculated ks values for each case occurred for optimal internal moderation and maximum reflection within the ICV, OCA and interspersed regions. Of all calculations performed and summarized in Table 6.1-3, the maximum neutron multiplication factor, adjusted for code bias and uncertainty, of ks =
0.9359 occurs in Case A at the 360 FGE limit with 15 g of Pu-240 for an infinite array of HAC packages when optimally moderated and reflected. All results are detailed in Section 6.4.3, Criticality Results. As with the single-unit cases, the calculations contain conservatism in the geometry and material assumptions (as identified in Section 6.2, Package Contents, and Section 6.4.2, Fuel Loading or Other Contents Loading Optimization). At maximum reflection, the packages in the array are isolated from each other. An investigation of array reactivity when array interaction effects become significant as a result of decreased reflector volume fraction is provided in Section, Criticality Results for Infinite Arrays of TRUPACT-II Packages.
Therefore, the requirements of 10 CFR §71.59 are met as arrays of TRUPACT-II packages will remain subcritical when the contents of a single TRUPACT-II package is limited as indicated in Table 6.1-1 and Table 6.1-2. Furthermore, a CSI of zero (0.0) is justified.
3 U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Contact-Handled Transuranic Waste Authorized Methods for Payload Control (CH-TRAMPAC), U.S. Department of Energy, Carlsbad Field Office, Carlsbad, New Mexico.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 6.1 Fissile Material Limit per Payload Container Fissile Material Limit per Payload Container (Pu-239 FGE)
Payload Configuration Case Case Case Case Case Case Case A B C D E F I 55-gallon drums 325 100 250 200 - - -
Pipe overpacks - - - - 200 140 -
SWB or TDOP 325 100 250 - - - -
85-gallon drums 325 100 250 200 - - -
100-gallon drums 325 100 250 200 - - -
CCOs - - - - - - 380 Note:
The FGE limits in Table 6.1-2 apply if crediting Pu-240 content.
Table 6.1 Fissile Material Limit per TRUPACT-II Package Minimum Fissile Material Limit per TRUPACT-II Package (Pu-239 FGE)
Pu-240 Content in Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Package A B C D E F I 0g 325 100 250 325 2800 1960 5320 5g 340 - - - - - -
15 g 360 - - - - - -
25 g 380 - - - - - -
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 6.1 Summary of Criticality Analysis Results Case A Case B Case C Case D Normal Conditions of Transport (NCT)
Number of undamaged packages calculated to be subcritical Single Unit Maximum ks 0.9339 Same as HAC Infinite Array ks Infinite Array Maximum ks Same as HAC Infinite Array ks Hypothetical Accident Conditions (HAC)
Number of damaged packages calculated to be subcritical Single Unit Maximum ks (0 g Pu-240) 0.9331 Same as HAC Infinite Array ks Infinite Array Maximum ks (0 g Pu-240) 0.9331 0.9184 0.9345 0.9349 Infinite Array Maximum ks (with 0.9359 - - -
Upper Subcriticality Limit (USL) 0.9382 6.1-5
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 This page intentionally left blank.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 6.2 Package Contents The payload cavity of a TRUPACT-II package can accommodate fourteen 55-gallon drums, eight 85-gallon drums, six 100-gallon drums, two standard waste boxes (SWB), or a single ten drum overpack (TDOP). Different fissile gram equivalent (FGE) limits are available depending on the contents of the shipment as described in the subsections below.
The quantities of all fissile isotopes other than Pu-239 present in the CH-TRU waste material and other authorized payloads may be converted to a FGE using the conversion factors outlined in the CH-TRAMPAC 1. For modeling purposes, the package is assumed to contain Pu-239 at the FGE limit. The fissile composition of the payload will typically be as follows:
Nuclide Weight-Percent Pu-238 Trace Pu-239 93.0 Pu-240 5.8 Pu-241 0.4 Pu-242 Trace Am-241 Trace All other fissile isotopes 0.7 Except for Cases A and D, no credit is taken for parasitic neutron absorption in CH-TRU waste materials and other authorized payloads, dunnage, or package contents. The entire contents of a TRUPACT-II package are conservatively modeled as an optimally moderated sphere of Pu-239 as determined by varying the H/Pu atom ratio. The size of the sphere is calculated based on the H/Pu ratio and the Pu mass. Case A takes credit for the presence of varying amounts of Pu-240 in the package, see Table 6.1-2. Case D is applicable to a very specific case where drums and their contents are machine compacted and then overpacked in 55-, 85-, or 100-gallon drums.
Due to the machine compaction, a higher polyethylene packing fraction is achieved and the fissile material is in a more reactive state within the pucks than if it reconfigured outside of the pucks and homogenized at a lower polyethylene packing fraction within the inner containment vessel (ICV). Thus, in this case, some of structural materials are credited and a cylindrical fissile region is modeled as discussed in Section, Case D Contents Model. The TRUPACT-II package meets the criticality safety requirements as specified in 10 CFR §71.55 2 and §71.59, provided the limits specified in Table 6.1-1 and Table 6.1-2 are not exceeded.
1 U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Contact-Handled Transuranic Waste Authorized Methods for Payload Control (CH-TRAMPAC), U.S. Department of Energy, Carlsbad Field Office, Carlsbad, New Mexico.
2 Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 71 (10 CFR 71), Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Material, 01-01-19 Edition.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 6.2.1 Applicability of Case A Limit The Case A limit is applicable provided the contents are manually compacted (i.e., not machine compacted) and contain less than or equal to 1% by weight quantities of special reflector materials. These requirements drive the assumptions regarding the appropriately bounding moderator and reflector materials that are utilized in the analyses to bound the presence of all materials that are authorized for shipment under the Case A FGE limits. The contents model assumptions are provided in Section, Case A Contents Model.
The utilization of polyethylene as the bounding hydrogenous moderating material is justified by the SAIC-1322-001 3 study which concludes that polyethylene is the most reactive moderator that could credibly moderate CH-TRU waste in a pure form. A 25% volumetric packing fraction for polyethylene is used as a conservative value which is based on physical testing that bounds the packing fraction of polyethylene in manually compacted CH-TRU waste of 13.36% 4.
Materials that can credibly provide better than 25% polyethylene/75% water equivalent reflection are termed special reflectors and not authorized for shipment under Case A in quantities that exceed 1% by weight except in specific configurations discussed below. Based on the results from SAIC-1322-0013, Be, BeO, C, D2O, MgO and depleted U (0.3% 235U) are the only materials that can provide reflection equivalent to a 2 ft thickness of 25% polyethylene and 75% water mixture under any of the following conditions and are therefore the only materials considered as special reflectors:
- Less than 5/8 inch thick at 100% of theoretical density 5 in the form of large solids
- Less than 11/16 inch thick at 70% of theoretical density in the form of tightly-packed particulate solids
- Less than 20% packing fraction at 24 inches thick in the form of randomly dispersed particulate solids The utilization of 1% by volume beryllium in the reflector material filling the ICV bounds the presence of up to 1% by weight quantities of special reflectors that are randomly dispersed in the payload containers based on the volume of the ICV and the maximum allowed weight of the payload containers in the package. SAIC-1322-001 found that beryllium is the bounding special reflector as it provides the best reflection of the system resulting in the highest reactivity.
If the fissile material is bound to the special reflector material, these materials will provide moderation of the fissile material but will not be available to reflect the fissile region. The reference study, SAIC-1322-001, found that adding special reflector materials, with the exception of beryllium, to the fissile region reduced the reactivity of a single 325 FGE 25%
polyethylene/75% water reflected sphere. The moderating effect of heavy water was not studied, but the quantity of liquid allowed in the TRUPACT-II is limited such that heavy water would not 3
Neeley, G. W., D. L. Newell, S. L. Larson, and R. J. Green, Reactivity Effects of Moderator and Reflector Materials on a Finite Plutonium System, SAIC-1322-001, Revision 1, Science Applications International Corporation, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, May 2004.
4 WP 08-PT.09, Test Plan to Determine the TRU Waste Polyethylene Packing Fraction, Washington TRU Solutions, LLC., Revision 0, June 2003.
5 Theoretical densities used in the study are 1.85 g/cm3 for Be, 2.69 g/cm3 for BeO, 2.1 g/cm3 for C, 1.1054 g/cm3 for D2O, 3.22 g/cm3 for MgO, and 19.05 g/cm3 for U.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 be present in greater than 1% by weight quantities. Thus, if the special reflector, excluding beryllium, is chemically or mechanically bound to the fissile material, Case A limits apply even in the presence of greater than 1% by weight quantities of the special reflector. Chemically bound means that the special reflector materials are chemically reacted with the fissile material such that the reflector materials and the fissile materials are chemically interacted and are stable.
Mechanically bound means the fissile material is mechanically bound to the reflector such that the reflector material will not disengage from the fissile material because it is topographically imbedded, topographically interlocked, or surface contaminated. A summary discussion of special reflectors is provided in Section
6.2.2 Applicability of Case B Limit The Case B limit is applicable for contents containing greater than 1% by weight quantities of special reflector materials provided the contents are manually compacted (i.e., not machine compacted). These requirements drive the assumptions regarding the appropriately bounding moderator and reflector materials that are utilized in the analyses to bound the presence of all materials that are authorized for shipment under the Case B FGE limits. However, if the special reflector materials can be demonstrated to be in thicknesses and/or packing fractions that are less than the 25% polyethylene/ 75% water equivalent parameters given in Table 6.2-1, then Case A limits can be used. Note that equivalent thicknesses for Be and BeO are not given as, for thin reflectors of these materials, 100% packing fraction does not result in the highest reactivity and the equivalent thickness increases inversely with the packing fraction; thus, only a packing fraction comparison can be used for Be and BeO. The contents model assumptions are provided in Section, Case B Contents Model.
The utilization of polyethylene as the bounding hydrogenous moderating material at a 25%
packing fraction is consistent with the justification provided in Section 6.2.1, Applicability of Case A Limit. However, the fissile sphere is moderated with varying volume fractions of beryllium as beryllium was also found in SAIC-1322-001 to increase reactivity when significant quantities are included in the moderator. The use of a 100% dense thick Be reflector in the model bounds the presence of other special reflector materials.
6.2.3 Applicability of Case C Limit The Case C limit is applicable provided the contents are machine compacted and contain less than or equal to 1% by weight quantities of special reflector materials. These requirements drive the assumptions regarding the appropriately bounding moderator and reflector materials that are utilized in the analyses to bound the presence of all materials that are authorized for shipment under the Case C FGE limits. The contents model assumptions are provided in Section, Case C Contents Model.
The utilization of polyethylene as the bounding hydrogenous moderating material at a 100%
packing fraction is consistent with the justification provided in Section 6.2.1, Applicability of Case A Limit. Additionally, SAIC-1322-001 concluded no material, that could credibly moderate a fissile sphere in a pure form, resulted in a higher reactivity than the 100%
polyethylene moderated system. Thus, compared to Case A, the packing fraction of the moderator is the dominant factor that results in an increase in reactivity. The only inorganic material that increased reactivity when added to the fissile mixture was beryllium. The effect of more than 1% by weight quantities of beryllium in the moderator is studied under Case B as 6.2-3
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 beryllium is also the leading special reflector. The use of 99% polythylene and 1% beryllium (by volume) in the reflector region is an appropriately bounding reflector material as it is consistent with the moderator assumption and accounts for the less than or equal to 1% by weight quantities of special reflector materials allowed in the package.
Again, if the special reflector material, excluding beryllium, is chemically or mechanically bound to the fissile material or if the special reflector materials can be demonstrated to be in thicknesses and/or packing fractions that are less than the 25% polyethylene/ 75% water equivalent parameters given in Table 6.2-1, then Case C limits apply even in the presence of greater than 1% by weight quantities of the special reflector.
6.2.4 Applicability of Case D Limit The Case D limit is specifically applicable provided the contents are machine compacted in the form of puck drums overpacked in 55-, 85-, or 100-gallon drums with less than or equal to 1%
by weight quantities of special reflector materials and either of the following two controls: a) the packing fraction of polyethylene in the pucks is not greater than 70% or b) the separation between pucks in two axially adjacent overpack drums is maintained at greater than or equal to 0.50 inch through the use of a compacted puck drum spacer placed in the bottom of each overpack drum. These requirements drive the assumptions regarding the appropriately bounding moderator and reflector materials that are utilized in the analyses to bound the presence of all materials that are authorized for shipment under the Case D FGE limits. The contents model assumptions are provided in Section, Case D Contents Model.
The utilization of polyethylene as the bounding hydrogenous moderating material is consistent with the justification provided in Section 6.2.1, Applicability of Case A Limit. The use of a 70%
packing fraction is applicable provided that controls are implemented to ensure the packing fraction is limited during machine compaction. The use of 70% polyethylene, 29% water and 1% beryllium (by volume) in the reflector region is an appropriately bounding reflector material as it is consistent with the moderator assumption, again provided that controls are implemented to ensure the packing fraction is limited during machine compaction, and accounts for the less than or equal to 1% by weight quantities of special reflector materials allowed in the package.
Otherwise, the use of 99% polyethylene and 1% beryllium (by volume) in the reflector region is an appropriately bounding reflector material as it is consistent with the moderator assumption and accounts for the less than or equal to 1% by weight quantities of special reflector materials allowed in the package.
The compacted puck drum spacers have been demonstrated to maintain the minimum required axial spacing between pucks in axially adjacent overpack drums under Hypothetical Accident Conditions (HAC) and are described in Appendix 1.3.1, Packaging General Arrangement Drawings 6.
Again, if the special reflector material, excluding beryllium, is chemically or mechanically bound to the fissile material or if the special reflector materials can be demonstrated to be in thicknesses and/or packing fractions that are less than the 25% polyethylene/ 75% water 6
Packaging Technology, Inc., Test Report for Compacted Drums, TR-017, Revision 0, Packaging Technology, Inc.,
Tacoma, Washington, March 2004.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 equivalent parameters given in Table 6.2-1, then Case D limits apply even in the presence of greater than 1% by weight quantities of the special reflector.
6.2.5 Applicability of Case E Limit The Case E limit is specifically applicable provided the contents are shipped in the standard, S100, S200, or S300 pipe overpacks with less than or equal to 1% by weight quantities of special reflector materials. Following the logic presented in Section 6.2.1, Applicability of Case A Limit, the presence of greater than 1% by weight quantities of special reflectors may be authorized for shipment under the Case E FGE limits if the fissile material is chemically and/or mechanically bound to the special reflector material. Due to the fact that beryllium was also specifically evaluated as a moderator in the pipe overpacks, this applies to all special reflector materials except heavy water, which is restricted based on the free liquid requirements for the package.
The contents model assumptions and analysis results are provided in Appendices 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, and 4.4 in the CH-TRU Payload Appendices.
6.2.6 Applicability of Case F Limit The Case F limit is specifically applicable provided the contents are manually compacted and shipped in the standard, S100, S200, or S300 pipe overpacks with greater than 1% by weight quantities of special reflector materials. However, if the special reflector materials can be demonstrated to be in thicknesses and/or packing fractions that are less than the 25%
polyethylene/ 75% water equivalent parameters given in Table 6.2-1, then Case E limits can be used. The contents model assumptions and analysis results are provided in Appendices 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, and 4.4 in the CH-TRU Payload Appendices.
6.2.7 Applicability of Case I Limit The Case I limit is specifically applicable provided the contents are shipped in CCOs with less than or equal to 1% by weight quantities of special reflector materials. However, if the quantity of special reflector material in the payload is greater than 1% by weight but the form of the payload is such that the thickness and/or packing fraction of the special reflector material is less than the reference poly/water reflector or the special reflector material (excluding beryllium) is mechanically or chemically bound to the fissile material, then the Case I limit is applicable to waste meeting these form requirements. Also, if the contents of a CCO are machine compacted then the plastic content of each CCO is limited to a maximum of 2,000 grams. The contents model assumptions and analysis results are provided in Appendix 4.6 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 6.2 Special Reflector Material Parameters that Achieve the Reactivity of a 25%/75% Polyethylene/Water Mixture Reflector Equivalent Equivalent Thickness at 100% Thickness at 70% Equivalent Packing Special Reflector of Theoretical of Theoretical Fraction at 24 in.
Material Density (inch) Density (inch) Thickness (%)
Be N/A N/A 7 BeO N/A N/A 7 C 0.18 0.25 9 D2O 0.24 0.27 14 MgO 0.26 0.33 15 U(Natural) 0.08 0.10 1 U(0.6% 235U) 0.14 0.18 1 U(0.5% 235U) 0.18 0.28 2 U(0.4% 235U) 0.33 0.51 3 U(0.3% 235U) 0.56 0.73 5 6.2-6
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 6.3 Model Specification Criticality calculations for the TRUPACT-II package are performed using the three-dimensional Monte Carlo computer code KENO-V.a 1, executed as part of the SCALE-PC v4.4a system 2 using the CSAS25 driver utility 3. Descriptions of the calculational models are given in Section 6.3.1, Contents Model, Section 6.3.2, Packaging Model, Section 6.3.3, Single-Unit Models, and Section 6.3.4, Array Models for all cases except Cases E, F, and I, which are discussed in Appendices 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, and 4.6 in the CH-TRU Payload Appendices 4. A summary of materials and atom densities that are used in the evaluation of the TRUPACT-II package is given in Section 6.3.5, Package Regional Densities.
The limiting mass of fissile material that may be transported in a single TRUPACT-II package is shown to provide adequate subcritical margin based on detailed KENO-V.a analyses. These calculations are performed for an optimally moderated single-unit model and an infinite array model of TRUPACT-II packages under both normal conditions of transport (NCT) and hypothetical accident conditions (HAC).
In all cases, the computational model consists of a contents model and a packaging model. The contents model conservatively represents the package contents, including all payload material, dunnage, fissile and moderating material. The packaging model represents the remaining structural materials comprising the TRUPACT-II packaging. The amount of moderating and reflecting material assumed to be present in the packaging model is varied to maximize reactivity.
6.3.1 Contents Model Case A Contents Model The Case A contents are represented as an optimally moderated homogeneous sphere of Pu-239 and a 25% polyethylene and 75% water mixture (by volume). The radius of the model sphere is determined based on the modeled mass of plutonium and a specified H/Pu ratio. In each case, the H/Pu ratio is varied until the most reactive configuration is identified. FGE limits with 0 g, 5 g, 15 g, and 25 g Pu-240 present are calculated. When Pu-240 is present, the H/Pu ratio specified represents the H/Pu-239 atom ratio.
The remainder of the inner containment vessel (ICV) around the fissile sphere is filled with a 25% polyethylene, 74% water and 1% beryllium mixture (by volume). (Henceforward, unless otherwise specified, any reference to a polyethylene/water/beryllium mixture implies this particular 25% polyethylene, 74% water and 1% beryllium reflector composition.) The beryllium is added to 1
L. M. Petrie and N. F. Landers, KENO-V.a: An Improved Monte Carlo Criticality Program with Supergrouping, ORNL/NUREG/CSD-2/V2/R6, Volume 2, Section F11, March 2000.
2 Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), SCALE 4.4a: Modular Code System for Performing Standardized Computer Analyses for Licensing Evaluation for Workstations and Personal Computers, ORNL/NUREG/CSD-2/R6, March 2000.
3 N. F. Landers and L. M. Petrie, CSAS: Control Module for Enhanced Criticality Safety Analysis Sequences, ORNL/NUREG/CSD-2/V1/R6, Volume 1, Section C4, March 2000.
4 U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), CH-TRU Payload Appendices, U.S. Department of Energy, Carlsbad Field Office, Carlsbad, New Mexico.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 represent less than or equal to 1% by weight quantities of special reflectors that are allowed under the Case A loading limits. Based on the volume of the ICV and the maximum allowed weight of the payload containers in the package, modeling 1% beryllium by volume bounds the limit of 1% by weight. The reactivity effect of the addition of the 1% beryllium is shown to be very slight but positive. The KENO-V.a representation of the Case A single-unit contents model is illustrated in Figure 6.3-1.
The fissile sphere is nominally positioned in the center of the packaging model. In the array analyses, the effect of displacing the contents model within the packaging model in directions likely to increase reactivity is investigated. These array models are further described in Section 6.3.4, Array Models. Case B Contents Model The fissile sphere composition in the Case B model is identical to the Case A fissile sphere composition. Unlimited quantities of beryllium in the fissile sphere are also studied but shown to reduce reactivity with the beryllium reflector. The difference in the Case A and B model lies in the reflector material filling the ICV. In the Case B model, the ICV is filled with beryllium and the volume fraction is varied from 10% to 100% to determine the point of maximum reactivity.
The KENO-V.a representation of the Case B single-unit contents model is illustrated in Figure 6.3-2. Case C Contents Model The fissile sphere composition in the Case C model is moderated with 100% polyethylene and the reflector material filling the ICV is 99% polyethylene and 1% beryllium (by volume). The 1% beryllium in the ICV accounts for the reactivity increase provided by less than or equal to 1% by weight quantities of special reflector materials allowed in the package. The KENO-V.a representation of the Case C single-unit contents model is illustrated in Figure 6.3-3. Case D Contents Model The Case D model is an extension of Case C applied to compacted puck drums overpacked in 55-, 85-, or 100-gallon drums where either the packing fraction of the contents is limited to 70%
through the use of process controls implemented during machine compaction or the separation between pucks in two axially adjacent overpack drums is maintained at greater than or equal to 0.50 inch through the use of a compacted puck drum spacer placed in the bottom of each overpack drum. The HalfPACT package can accommodate only a single tier of overpack drums whereas two tiers of overpack drums can be loaded into a TRUPACT-II package.
Reconfiguration of the fissile material from within each compacted puck is bounded by the Case A analysis since the reconfiguration would reduce the polyethylene packing fraction to below 25% as the material with the ICV is homogenized. Because of the axial separation between the overpack drums in a single tier and the 200 FGE limit per overpack drum, the most reactive scenario occurs in the TRUPACT-II package instead of in the HalfPACT package.
The most reactive, credible scenario consists of 325 FGE in two overpack drums that are stacked on top of one another. The fissile material will be separated by the steel of the compacted puck and overpack drum (or steel of the compacted puck drum spacer) and the polyethylene slip-sheet and reinforcing plate placed between the layers of overpack drums in the package. Thus, the contents model includes two cylinders of fissile material with 0.06-inch (0.1524-cm) thick steel 6.3-2
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 representing a conservative lower bound of the thickness of the steel in the lid of the lower puck and overpack drum (or steel in the compacted puck drum spacer), 0.15-inch (0.3810-cm) thick polyethylene representing 50% of the thickness of the slip-sheet and reinforcing plate, and another 0.06-inch (0.1524-cm) thick layer of steel representing a conservative lower bound of the thickness of steel in the bottom of the upper puck and overpack drum (or steel in the compacted puck drum spacer). Where applicable due to the use of a compacted puck drum spacer, the contents model includes an additional 0.50 inch of separation between the pucks, modeled filled with polyethylene or water to determine which is most reactive.
A 325 FGE fissile cylinder is modeled with an optimum height to diameter ratio of 0.924 to maximize reactivity and then split in two to represent the material in each overpack drum. The bottom half of the cylinder contains 200 FGE to represent the FGE limit in an overpack payload container and the top half of the cylinder contains 125 FGE. Modeling of the polyethylene in the slip-sheet and reinforcing plate is more reactive than modeling a water gap. The moderator is modeled either as 70% polyethylene and 30% water by volume or as 100% polyethylene. The material filling the ICV is either 70% polyethylene, 29% water and 1% beryllium or 99%
polyethylene and 1% beryllium. The 1% beryllium is included to account for less than or equal to 1% by weight quantities of special reflector materials. Filling the ICV with this material is conservative as the void space around the overpack drums is filled with the better reflecting polyethylene/water/beryllium or polyethylene/beryllium mixture. The results of calculations performed for Case A as discussed in Section, Case A Single Unit Results, showed that including 1% beryllium in the ICV region but not in the moderator was the most reactive placement and thus this configuration was modeled in the Case D calculations.
Even though only the TRUPACT-II package would allow the stacked drum configuration modeled, the packaging model representing the HalfPACT configuration is used to increase interaction between packages as discussed in the following section. The KENO-V.a representation of the Case D single-unit contents model is illustrated in Figure 6.3-4.
6.3.2 Packaging Model The criticality analyses presented herein are identical to the analyses presented in Chapter 6.0, Criticality Evaluation, of the HalfPACT Shipping Package Safety Analysis Report 5. With the exception of removing 30 inches from the packages height, all other post-test aspects (i.e., the packages configuration following free drop, puncture, and fire testing) between the HalfPACT and TRUPACT-II packages are essentially identical, especially with regard to the amount of remaining polyurethane foam. Also, the ICV region of the HalfPACT is large enough to provide full reflection of the fissile contents by the material contained therein. Therefore, due to the closer axial packaging in the infinite arrays, the criticality analyses utilizing the HalfPACT package geometry are considered conservative.
The packaging model represents the package structural materials, including the stainless steel shells and polyurethane foam. The model consists of nested, right circular cylindrical shells of Type 304 stainless steel (SS304). The right cylindrical geometry of the model conservatively neglects the torispherical shape of the ICV and OCV ends. The models inner shell represents 5
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), HalfPACT Shipping Package Safety Analysis Report, USNRC Certificate of Compliance 71-9279, U.S. Department of Energy, Carlsbad Area Office, Carlsbad, New Mexico.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 the combined ICV and OCV components of the actual package. The narrow gap between the ICV and OCV shells is neglected, and the two components are modeled as a single shell of thickness 1/4 + 3/16 = 7/16 inches thick (1.1113 cm) on the side, and 1/4 + 1/4 = 1/2 inches thick (1.2700 cm) on the top and bottom. The outside radius of the cylindrical shell representing the combined ICV and OCV components is 38 inches (98.1869 cm), preserving the outer radius of OCV lid shell. The height of the cylinder, 44 inches (114.1413 cm), preserves the distance between the upper and lower aluminum honeycomb spacer assemblies within the ICV.
The second, outermost, cylindrical shell is 1/4 inches (0.6350 cm) thick, also of Type 304 stainless steel, and represents the outer confinement assembly (OCA) outer shell. The 3/8-inch thick portion of the OCA outer shell is conservatively ignored. Under NCT, the inside radius and inside height of the OCA outer shell are 46 inches (119.2213 cm) and 70 inches (177.8000 cm), respectively and the outer radius and height are 47 inches (119.8563 cm) and 701/2 inches (179.0700 cm), respectively. Under HAC, the inner radius and height of the OCA outer shell are based on the observed maximum deformation of the OCA following certification testing. At the conclusion of testing, approximately 5 inches of foam remained in the certification test units, except for local areas damaged by puncture bar drops. Hence, the inside of the OCA outer shell is set a distance of 5 inches (12.7000 cm) from the outside of the combined ICV and OCV shell and the 1/4-inch (0.6350-cm) thick OCA shell is modeled. Under both NCT and HAC, no credit is taken for parasitic neutron absorption properties of the polyurethane foam. Instead, the foam is replaced with the 25% polyethylene/74% water/1%
beryllium mixture used in Case A as a bounding reflecting material at a volume fraction that maximizes reactivity. Consideration is made for the structural properties of the foam by assuming that the inner cylindrical shell is maintained in its central position subsequent to all HAC tests. The KENO-V.a representation of single-unit undamaged and damaged TRUPACT-II packages are illustrated in Figure 6.3-5 and Figure 6.3-6, respectively.
The following simplifying assumptions tend to decrease the amount of structural material represented in the calculational model and decrease the center-to-center separation between TRUPACT-II packages in the array analyses and are, therefore, conservative.
- The domed surfaces of the torispherical heads are represented as flat surfaces and are positioned such that the overall height of the TRUPACT-II packaging is reduced.
- Under HAC, the thickness of the polyurethane foam region is reduced to 5 inches (12.7000 cm) throughout the entire OCA. In all cases, polyurethane foam is ignored and replaced with a polyethylene/water/beryllium mixture that fills the space at a volume fraction that optimizes reactivity.
6.3.3 Single-Unit Models Compliance with the requirements of 10 CFR §71.55 6 is demonstrated by analyzing optimally moderated damaged and undamaged, single-unit TRUPACT-II packages. In the NCT single-unit model, the packaging and contents models described above are employed, and water is conservatively assumed to leak into the containment vessel to an extent that optimizes reactivity.
In Case A, the ICV is filled with the same polyethylene/water/beryllium mixture employed in the 6
Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 71 (10 CFR 71), Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Material, 01-01-19 Edition.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 contents model. In Case B, the ICV is filled with beryllium to represent the bounding special reflector material and in Case C, the ICV is filled with 99% polyethylene and 1% beryllium to represent machine compacted waste with no limitations on compaction. In Case D, the ICV is filled with either a mixture of 70% polyethylene, 29% water and 1% beryllium to represent machine compacted waste that is controlled to a 70% packing fraction or 99% polyethylene and 1% beryllium to represent machine compacted waste without packing fraction controls. In all cases, the area between the ICV/OCV shells and the OCA outer shell, simply termed the OCA, is filled with the 25% polyethylene/74% water/1% beryllium mixture employed in the ICV of Case A. This material is a bounding reflector for the low density foam normally present and the water that could leak into this area. These reflectors are assumed to occupy all void space within the packaging model at full theoretical density to maximize reflection of the fissile material and thus maximize reactivity. In addition, a 30-cm thick, close-fitting water reflector is placed around the outside of the packaging model to ensure full reflection is achieved.
The single-unit, HAC model is identical to the single-unit, NCT model, except the HAC packaging model assumes the models outer shell is displaced to within 5 inches (12.7000 cm) of the models inner shell.
6.3.4 Array Models Calculations are performed for an infinite array of damaged TRUPACT-II packages in a close-packed, square-pitch configuration. Triangular-pitched array configurations are not considered because the square-pitch array analyses demonstrate that array interaction effects are of minor consequence. A specularly reflective boundary condition is applied to all six faces of the unit cell defining the array configuration in order to represent an infinite array of TRUPACT-II packages. Displacement of the contents models within the ICV/OCV shell is considered in a manner that maximizes interaction of the fissile material between packages. Table 6.3-1 describes the configurations considered, with reference to KENO-generated plots that graphically illustrate each variation.
In the HAC array analysis, reflection of the fissile sphere by a 25% polyethylene/74% water/1%
beryllium mixture filling the ICV is considered in Case A. Case B considers beryllium filling the ICV as the bounding special reflector material and Case C considers full density polyethylene in the ICV to represent machine compacted waste. Case D is specific to machine compacted waste compacted in puck drums and then placed in 55-, 85-, or 100-gallon overpack drums with either a 70% packing fraction or puck separation controls modeled with either 70%
polyethylene/29% water/1% beryllium or 99% polyethylene/1% beryllium reflection filling the ICV, respectively. In all cases, water is considered between the packages in addition to a 25%
polyethylene/74% water/1% beryllium mixture in the OCA region. The volume fraction of all of these materials is varied to ensure the most reactive conditions are analyzed.
As a result of the explicit optimization of reactivity against interspersed moderator volume fraction, and because of the closer spacing between packages achieved in the accident geometry, the result of the HAC array calculations bound the NCT array cases.
6.3.5 Package Regional Densities A summary of all material compositions used in the TRUPACT-II package contents models is given in Table 6.3-2 for various H/Pu ratios. The parameters are computed based on SCALE 6.3-5
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Standard Composition Library 7 values of a plutonium density of 19.84 g/cm3, a polyethylene density of 0.923 g/cm3 and a water density of 0.9982 g/cm3. The material used to represent the TRUPACT-II package is Type 304 stainless steel (SS304) with a density of 7.94 g/cm3 and carbon steel, with a density of 7.82 g/cm3, was used to represent the drum lid/bottom modeled in Case D. Number densities of the SS304 and carbon steel constituent nuclides are also based on the SCALE Standard Composition Library composition as presented in Table 6.3-3. The number densities for the various polyethylene, water and beryllium reflector mixtures are given in Table 6.3-4. The SCALE standard composition identifier BEBOUND, nuclide identifier 4309, was used to model the beryllium reflector. The theoretical density of this material is 1.85 g/cm3 and the number density is 1.23621E-01 a/b-cm. The cross-section for BEBOUND is based on a beryllium metal whereas the cross-section for standard material BE is based on a free gas representation. BEBOUND is also used to model beryllium in the benchmark cases discussed in Section 6.5, Critical Benchmark Experiments.
Table 6.3 Description of Contents Displacement in Array Models Replicated Variation Array Size Description Reference 0 1x1x1 Contents centered in packaging model Figure 6.3-7 1 2x2x2 All contents models displaced toward center Figure 6.3-8 7
L.M. Petrie, P.B. Fox and K. Lucius, Standard Composition Library, ORNL/NUREG/CSD-2/V3/R6, Volume 3, Section M8, March 2000.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 6.3 Fissile Contents Model Properties for Various H/Pu Ratios Pu Conc- Number Density H/Pu entration Pu H O C Ratio (g/l) (a/b-cm) (a/b-cm) (a/b-cm) (a/b-cm) 25% Polyethylene/75% Water Moderator used in Cases A and B 500 55.32 1.39374E-04 6.96904E-02 2.49700E-02 9.88730E-03 600 46.12 1.16199E-04 6.97198E-02 2.49802E-02 9.89131E-03 700 39.55 9.96359E-05 6.97470E-02 2.49901E-02 9.89517E-03 800 34.61 8.71898E-05 6.97634E-02 2.49958E-02 9.89720E-03 900 30.77 7.75285E-05 6.97805E-02 2.50019E-02 9.89996E-03 1,000 27.70 6.97733E-05 6.97894E-02 2.50040E-02 9.90030E-03 1,100 25.19 6.34398E-05 6.97967E-02 2.50067E-02 9.90185E-03 1,200 23.09 5.81675E-05 6.98011E-02 2.50093E-02 9.90271E-03 1,300 21.31 5.36925E-05 6.98150E-02 2.50137E-02 9.90445E-03 1,400 19.79 4.98652E-05 6.98177E-02 2.50142E-02 9.90461E-03 1,500 18.48 4.65401E-05 6.98231E-02 2.50171E-02 9.90571E-03 100% Polyethylene Moderator used in Cases C and D 500 62.76 1.58107E-04 7.90648E-02 --- 3.95315E-02 600 52.33 1.31834E-04 7.91113E-02 --- 3.95542E-02 700 44.87 1.13038E-04 7.91400E-02 --- 3.95699E-02 800 39.27 9.89296E-05 7.91566E-02 --- 3.95785E-02 900 34.92 8.79796E-05 7.91787E-02 --- 3.95891E-02 1,000 31.43 7.91773E-05 7.91959E-02 --- 3.95974E-02 1,100 28.58 7.20029E-05 7.92017E-02 --- 3.95998E-02 1,200 26.20 6.60091E-05 7.92166E-02 --- 3.96070E-02 1,300 24.19 6.09431E-05 7.92274E-02 --- 3.96122E-02 70% Polyethylene/30% Water Moderator used in Case D 500 59.79 1.50619E-04 7.53181E-02 9.98572E-03 2.76775E-02 600 49.85 1.25577E-04 7.53520E-02 9.99020E-03 2.76903E-02 700 42.75 1.07685E-04 7.53858E-02 9.99448E-03 2.77024E-02 800 37.41 9.42500E-05 7.54065E-02 9.99712E-03 2.77094E-02 900 33.26 8.37973E-05 7.54144E-02 9.99869E-03 2.77136E-02 1,000 29.94 7.54335E-05 7.54312E-02 1.00011E-02 2.77201E-02 1,100 27.22 6.85754E-05 7.54447E-02 1.00022E-02 2.77236E-02 1,200 24.96 6.28771E-05 7.54476E-02 1.00029E-02 2.77255E-02 6.3-7
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 6.3 Composition of Modeled Steels Component SCALE Nuclide ID Number Density (a/b-cm)
Type 304 Stainless Steel for TRUPACT-II Package Cr 24304 1.74726E-02 Mn 25055 1.74071E-03 Fe 26304 5.85446E-02 Ni 28304 7.74020E-03 P 15031 6.94680E-05 Si 14000 1.70252E-03 C 6012 3.18772E-04 Carbon Steel used in Case D Fe 26000 8.34982E-02 C 6012 3.92503E-03 Table 6.3 Composition of the Polyethylene/Water/Beryllium Reflector Component SCALE Nuclide ID Number Density (a/b-cm) 25% Polyethylene/ 74% Water/ 1% Beryllium Reflector used in Case A C 6012 9.91472E-03 H 1001 6.92387E-02 O 8016 2.47046E-02 Be 4309 1.23621E-03 99% Polyethylene/ 1% Beryllium used in Cases C and D C 6012 3.92623E-02 H 1001 7.85246E-02 Be 4309 1.23621E-03 70% Polyethylene/ 29% Water/ 1% Beryllium used in Case D C 6012 2.77612E-02 H 1001 7.48855E-02 O 8016 9.68153E-03 Be 4309 1.23621E-03 6.3-8
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 325 FGE moderated with 25% polyethylene/ 75% water, 340 FGE and 5 g Pu-240 moderated with 25% polyethylene/ 75% water, 360 FGE and 15 g Pu-240 moderated with 25% polyethylene/ 75% water, or 380 FGE and 25 g Pu-240 moderated with 25% polyethylene/ 75% water 25% polyethylene/ 74% water/ 1% beryllium mixture filling the ICV Figure 6.3 Case A Contents Model 6.3-9
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 100 FGE moderated with 25% polyethylene/ 75% water Beryllium at theoretical density filling the ICV Figure 6.3 Case B Contents Model 6.3-10
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 250 FGE moderated with 100% polyethylene 99% polyethylene/ 1% beryllium mixture filling the ICV Figure 6.3 Case C Contents Model 6.3-11
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 125 FGE moderated with 70% polyethylene/ 30% water or 100% polyethylene 0.06 in. steel, 0.15 in. polyethylene, and 200 FGE moderated with 0.06 in. steel layers separating cylinders 70% polyethylene/ 30% water plus an additional 0.50 in. polyethylene or 100% polyethylene or water gap in the case of 100%
polyethylene moderation 70% polyethylene/ 29% water/ 1% beryllium or 99% polyethylene/ 1% beryllium mixture filling the ICV Figure 6.3 Case D Contents Model 6.3-12
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 21 [98.1869cm]
ICV/OCV SHELLS 7/16 [1.1113cm] THK TYPE 304 STAINLESS STEEL (SIDE) 1 [179.0700cm]
702 70 [177.8000cm] 4415 4515 16 [114.1413cm] 16 [116.6813cm]
R4615 16 [119.2213cm] ICV/OCV SHELLS OCA OUTER SHELL 1/2 [1.2700cm] THK 1/4 [0.6350cm] THK TYPE 304 STAINLESS STEEL TYPE 304 STAINLESS STEEL 3 [119.8563cm]
Figure 6.3 NCT, Single-Unit Model; R-Z Slice 6.3-13
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 ICV REGION PACKAGING 21 [98.1869cm]
R3832 MODEL OCA REGION ICV/OCV SHELLS CONTENTS MODEL 7/16 [1.1113cm] THK (RADIUS VARIES) R38 7 [97.0756cm] TYPE 304 STAINLESS STEEL 32 (SIDE) 7 [143.3513cm]
5616 5515 16 [142.0813cm] 4415 16 [114.1413cm] 4515 16 [116.6813cm]
21 [110.8869cm]
Figure 6.3 HAC, Single-Unit Model; R-Z Slice 6.3-14
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 6.3 Array Model Variation 0 (Reflective Boundary Conditions Imposed) 6.3-15
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 6.3 Array Model Variation 1; X-Y Slice Through Top Axial Layer 6.3-16
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 6.4 Criticality Calculations A description of the criticality calculations performed for the TRUPACT-II package is presented in this section. The calculational methodology is discussed in Section 6.4.1, Calculational or Experimental Method. The optimization of the payload model is discussed in Section 6.4.2, Fuel Loading or Other Contents Loading Optimization. The results of all calculations are presented in Section 6.4.3, Criticality Results.
The intent of the analysis is to demonstrate that the TRUPACT-II package is safely subcritical under normal conditions of transport (NCT) and hypothetical accident conditions (HAC).
6.4.1 Calculational or Experimental Method Calculations for the TRUPACT-II package are performed with the three-dimensional Monte Carlo transport theory code, KENO-V.a 1. The SCALE-PC v4.4a 2, CSAS25 utility 3 is used as a driver for the KENO code. In this role, CSAS25 determines nuclide number densities, performs resonance processing, and automatically prepares the necessary input for the KENO code based on a simplified input description. The 238 energy-group (238GROUPNDF5), cross-section library based on ENDF/B-V cross-section data 4 is used as the nuclear data library for the KENO-V.a code.
The KENO code has been used extensively in the criticality safety industry. KENO-V.a is an extension of earlier versions of the KENO code and includes many versatile geometry capabilities and screen plots to facilitate geometry verification. The KENO-V.a code and the associated 238GROUPNDF5 cross-section data set are validated for proper operation on the PC platform by performing criticality analyses of a number of relevant benchmark criticality experiments. A description of these benchmark calculations, along with justification for the computed bias in the code and library for the relevant region of applicability, is provided in Section 6.5, Critical Benchmark Experiments.
6.4.2 Fuel Loading or Other Contents Loading Optimization The allowable fuel loading for a single TRUPACT-II package is based on the FGE package fissile loading limit established in the CH-TRAMPAC 5. The analysis demonstrates that the TRUPACT-II package is safely subcritical under NCT and HAC. Calculations are based on the following conservative assumptions:
1 L. M. Petrie and N. F. Landers, KENO-V.a: An Improved Monte Carlo Criticality Program with Supergrouping, ORNL/NUREG/CSD-2/V2/R6, Volume 2, Section F11, March 2000.
2 Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), SCALE 4.4a: Modular Code System for Performing Standardized Computer Analyses for Licensing Evaluation for Workstations and Personal Computers, ORNL/NUREG/CSD-2/R6, March 2000.
3 N. F. Landers and L. M. Petrie, CSAS: Control Module For Enhanced Criticality Safety Analysis Sequences, ORNL/NUREG/CSD-2/V1/R6, Volume 1, Section C4, March 2000.
4 W. C. Jordan and S. M. Bowman, Scale Cross-Section Libraries, ORNL/NUREG/CSD-2/V3/R6, Volume 3, Section M4, March 2000.
5 U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Contact-Handled Transuranic Waste Authorized Methods for Payload Control (CH-TRAMPAC), U.S. Department of Energy, Carlsbad Field Office, Carlsbad, New Mexico.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021
- 1. Pu-239 is present at the fissile gram equivalent (FGE) limit. FGE limits with 0 g, 5 g, 15 g, and 25 g Pu-240 are calculated for Case A. FGE limits ignoring Pu-240 are calculated for Cases B, C and D.
- 2. All Pu is assumed to be optimally moderated and reflected with the optimal degree of moderation determined in each case for the applicable moderator. Studies indicate that the presence of voids in the optimal spherical contents model significantly reduces keff. The presence of less than or equal to 1% by weight beryllium in the moderator was also shown to have a small effect on keff, and at larger quantities, keff is reduced.
- 3. The reflector material is tight fitting around the fissile geometry and assumed to fill the inner containment vessel (ICV) at up to 100% of theoretical density. Especially in Case B with a beryllium reflector, results in Section 6.4.3, Criticality Results show that the presence of voids in the reflector reduces keff.
The two additional conservative assumptions below are applicable to Cases A, B and C but not to Case D. As discussed is Section, Case D Contents Model, Case D is applicable to a very specific scenario and thus details of the specific configuration are credited.
- 4. The fissile material is represented in a spherical geometry. Calculations performed for other geometries, such as cylinders and cubes, indicate a reduction in keff for these other geometries
- 5. All structural material comprising the payload drums and material within the payload drums, other than Pu-239 and hydrogenous material (represented as a polyethylene/water/beryllium mixture), are conservatively neglected.
The same conservative assumptions that are used to analyze the single-unit TRUPACT-II package are used for the infinite array calculations. However, the presence of reflector in the ICV and outer confinement assembly (OCA) region and water around the package tends to isolate the replicated fissile regions from each other. In order to identify the limiting case, the volume fraction of the materials in these regions are varied in order to maximize reactivity of the configuration. Additional conservative assumptions used to model the TRUPACT-II package are delineated in Section 6.2, Package Contents.
6.4.3 Criticality Results The results of the calculations for the TRUPACT-II package criticality evaluation are divided into two sections. Results for a single TRUPACT-II package are presented in Section, Criticality Results for a Single TRUPACT-II Package, and results for arrays of TRUPACT-II packages are presented in Section, Criticality Results for Infinite Arrays of TRUPACT-II Packages. Reported multiplication factors represent the computed keff values plus twice the standard deviation in the result calculated for each case, as follows:
ks = keff + 2 This quantity is then compared with the upper subcriticality limit (USL) in order to demonstrate an adequate margin of subcriticality. Generally, the Monte Carlo calculations reported here are performed with sufficient histories to bring the computed relative standard deviation in the result to approximately 0.1%. Typical KENO parameters required to obtain this level of uncertainty are 1000 generations of 1000 histories per generation, with the initial 50 generations skipped.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Criticality Results for a Single TRUPACT-II Package With the model described in Section 6.3.3, Single-Unit Models, subcriticality of the TRUPACT-II package under both NCT and HAC is demonstrated for each case. Case A Single Unit Results The results of studies that identify optimal model parameters for NCT calculations are summarized in Table 6.4-1 and Table 6.4-2. Although tabulated values of both ks and the reported Monte-Carlo standard deviation, , are provided, recall that ks includes the 2 uncertainty in the result.
Calculations were performed for the single-unit TRUPACT-II package model to demonstrate the reactivity effect of adding less than or equal to 1% by weight quantities of beryllium to the package under NCT and HAC. First, the reactivity of a 325 FGE sphere of 239Pu, polyethylene and water with a polyethylene/water mixture filling the ICV and OCA (25% by volume polyethylene and 75% by volume water in both the moderator and reflector) was calculated.
Optimal moderation of the contents model is determined by parametrically varying the H/Pu ratio in the fissile sphere. Then, two different compositions for the fissile moderator were considered, namely one in which the moderator consisted only of 239Pu, polyethylene and water and the other in which the moderator contained less than or equal to 1% by weight quantities of beryllium resulting in a conservative mixture of 239Pu and 25% polyethylene, 74% water and 1%
by volume beryllium. In both cases, the ICV and OCA regions were filled with a 25%
polyethylene, 74% water and 1% by volume beryllium. The results of these calculations are shown in Table 6.4-1. The difference in reactivity for the cases with beryllium in the moderator and those without is statistically insignificant. However, the maximum reactivity occurs when beryllium is not included in the moderator but is included in the reflector. Thus, a polyethylene/water moderator and polyethylene/water/beryllium reflector were modeled in the remainder of the calculations.
Table 6.4-2 shows that the reactivity of the NCT single-unit model decreases as the volume fraction of the reflector material is decreased. As expected for a single unit, the full density reflector case is limiting, with a ks value of 0.9339.
Thus, optimal reactivity parameters for the single-unit, NCT model with a 25% polyethylene and 75% water moderator are H/Pu(900) at maximum reflection conditions with a 25% polyethylene, 74% water, and 1% beryllium reflector composition.
For HAC conditions, variation of ks with H/Pu ratio at maximum reflection conditions is shown in Table 6.4-3. The maximum ks value (0.9331) for the single-unit, HAC occurs at H/Pu(1000).
Note that the maximum reactivity of the NCT single unit model (0.9339) is statistically the same as the maximum reactivity for the HAC single unit model. This is expected because of the similarity of the models and the fact that maximum reflection increases the reactivity of a single unit. Although the OCA region is thinner under HAC vs. NCT, the single-unit package model contains a 30 cm external water reflector to ensure that the package is infinitely reflected under both HAC and NCT. Case B Single Unit Results Section, Case A Infinite Array Results, found that the maximum reactivity of a single-unit TRUPACT-II package under NCT or HAC conditions is statistically equivalent to that of an 6.4-3
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 infinite array of HAC packages under maximum reflection conditions. Thus the analysis given in Section, Case B Infinite Array Results is bounding for the Case B single unit. Case C Single Unit Results Section, Case A Infinite Array Results, found that the maximum reactivity of a single-unit TRUPACT-II package under NCT or HAC conditions is statistically equivalent to that of an infinite array of HAC packages under maximum reflection conditions. Thus the analysis given in Section, Case C Infinite Array Results is bounding for the Case C single unit. Case D Single Unit Results Section, Case A Infinite Array Results, found that the maximum reactivity of a single-unit TRUPACT-II package under NCT or HAC conditions is statistically equivalent to that of an infinite array of HAC packages under maximum reflection conditions. Thus the analysis given in Section, Case D Infinite Array Results is bounding for the Case D single unit. Conclusions from Single Unit Calculations Based on optimum moderation of the fissile contents and the maximum reflection conditions modeled by filling the ICV and OCA regions with full density materials appropriate for each case and surrounding the package by an additional 30 cm of water, all single unit results are less than the USL. Thus, a single TRUPACT-II package will remain subcritical under both NCT and HAC conditions. Criticality Results for Infinite Arrays of TRUPACT-II Packages The infinite array model studies the interaction between the fissile contents in adjacent TRUPACT-II packages. The models described in Section 6.3, Model Specification provide the basis for the KENO-V.a calculations. The only difference in the NCT and HAC models is that the thickness of the OCA area is reduced to 5 inches (12.7000 cm) in the HAC model. Thus, the interaction between HAC packages will be greater compared to NCT packages as the spacing between fissile regions is smaller. Also, the results shown below indicate that the reactivity effects of array interaction are less than those of close, full reflection of the package contents. Thus, the infinite array calculations based on the HAC model performed in the following subsections demonstrate that an infinite array of TRUPACT-II packages is safely subcritical under both NCT and HAC conditions.
In addition, the infinite array calculations assume the presence of interspersed water between the damaged packages. The volume fraction of water in the array interstitial space, abbreviated Int in the tables, is varied to determine the most reactive condition. Case A Infinite Array Results As in the single unit calculations for Case A, additional moderation of the spheres of fissile contents is assumed by in-leakage of water into the ICV. The maximum polyethylene density in the cavity is 25% and 1% by volume beryllium is present. The fissile material is assumed to mix homogeneously with a 25% polyethylene/75% water moderator (by volume). The ICV and OCA areas are filled with a 25% polyethylene/74% water/1% beryllium composition (by volume) reflector. The moderator does not contain 1% by volume beryllium based on the slight reduction in ks obtained from the single-unit model when beryllium was added to the moderator as discussed in 6.4-4
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Section, Case A Single Unit Results. The optimum H/Pu ratio for the HAC infinite array model is determined to be 1000 from the results in Table 6.4-4.
Results for an infinite number of TRUPACT-II packages arranged in a close-packed, square-pitched array with contents models centered in each package (model variation 0) and various reflector volume fractions are shown in Table 6.4-5. These results indicate that the reactivity effect of tight reflection of the fissile contents by the full density 25% polyethylene/74%
water/1% beryllium mixture is greater than that of array interaction. With the reflector removed and the ICV, OCA and exterior regions of the package voided, the array interaction effect is maximized. However, in this case the computed reactivity is less than that at full moderator density in which the packages are effectively isolated from one another.
These results also indicate that the HAC infinite array maximum reactivity (0.9331) achieved with maximum reflection is statistically equivalent to the HAC single-unit maximum reactivity (0.9331) and the NCT single-unit maximum reactivity (0.9339). Thus, the HAC infinite array model with maximum reflection is equivalent to the single-unit model and is used in the remainder of the calculations.
The reactivity results for the fissile contents displacement Variation 1 described in Section 6.3.4, Array Models, are shown in Table 6.4-6 as a function of H/Pu for the case with only the ICV filled with the polyethylene/water/beryllium reflector mixture and the case with the entire interior and exterior of the package voided. The case with maximum array interaction resulted in a lower ks compared to the case with the ICV region filled with the polyethylene/water/beryllium mixture. Both model Variation 1 cases, however, were less reactive than the Variation 0 model with the spheres centered in the package surrounded by the full density reflector mixture.
The addition of Pu-240 to the fissile sphere was also studied and FGE limits calculated based on the Pu-240 gram content in the package. As shown in Table 6.4-7, a package containing 5 g Pu-240 is subcritical at a FGE limit of 340, a package containing 15 g Pu-240 is subcritical at a FGE limit of 360 and a package containing 25 g Pu-240 is subcritical at a FGE limit of 380. The fissile sphere was modeled centered in the package with the polyethylene/water/beryllium mixture filling the ICV and OCA regions and water in the interstitial region between packages as these parameters were found to result in the most reactive configuration for the cases without Pu-240. These limits are based on the grams of Pu-240 present, not wt% Pu-240 in order to allow the limits to apply to packages containing both U and Pu fissile isotopes. Calculations were performed based on the 340 FGE limit with 5 g Pu-240 with varying mixtures of U-235 and Pu-239 to verify applicability of this limit to mixed fissile systems. The conversion factor of 0.643 g U-235 per FGE given in the CH-TRAMPAC 6 was used. The results shown in Table 6.4-8 verify that mixed fissile systems will remain subcritical under this limit. In fact, the most reactive scenario occurs with 100% Pu-239. The case with 100% U-235 and 5 g Pu-240 is obviously unrealistic but shown for comparison purposes.
All infinite array results are less than the USL. Thus, an infinite array of TRUPACT-II packages containing 325 FGE per package (with 0 g Pu-240), 340 FGE per package (with 5 g Pu-240),
360 FGE per package (with 15 g Pu-240), and 380 FGE per package (with 25 g Pu-240) under the limitations imposed for Case A is subcritical.
6 U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Contact-Handled Transuranic Waste Authorized Methods for Payload Control (CH-TRAMPAC), U.S. Department of Energy, Carlsbad Field Office, Carlsbad, New Mexico.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Case B Infinite Array Results The results for the Case B beryllium reflected cases are consistent with the results for Case A in that the maximum reactivity occurs at maximum reflection conditions. The maximum reactivity (0.9184) occurs at an H/Pu ratio of 800 for the 100 FGE beryllium reflected, polyethylene/water moderated scenario as shown in Table 6.4-9. The addition of beryllium to the fissile sphere was also studied as beryllium was found to increase reactivity when added to a polyethylene/water moderator in a water reflected system per SAIC-1322-001 7. Volume fractions in the fissile sphere from 1 to 60% beryllium were modeled and the results shown in Table 6.4-10 indicate that ks is reduced as more beryllium is added to this beryllium reflected system. The results in Table 6.4-11 indicate that the reactivity is reduced as the volume fraction of the reflectors in the ICV, OCA and interstitial regions are reduced. As expected from the Case A results, array Variation 1 with the fissile spheres moved off-center in the ICV to minimize distance between spheres in adjacent packages is significantly less reactive than the Variation 0 base model. These results are shown in Table 6.4-12. Overall, these calculations indicate that an infinite array of TRUPACT-II packages is subcritical with 100 FGE and an unlimited mass of special reflectors. Case C Infinite Array Results The Case C results support the 250 FGE package limit for mechanically compacted waste that does not meet the Case D specifications. As shown in Table 6.4-13, the reactivity is increased when 1% beryllium is added to the polyethyelene reflector in the ICV and the maximum reactivity (0.9345) occurs at an H/Pu ratio of 900. The results in Table 6.4-14 indicate that the reactivity is lower as the volume fraction of the reflector materials in the ICV, OCA and interstitial regions are reduced. Again, moving the fissile spheres off-center in the ICV reduces reactivity based on the results tabulated in Table 6.4-15. Thus, again the maximum reactivity occurs at maximum reflection conditions with the fissile spheres centered in the packages and remains below the USL. Thus, an infinite array of TRUPACT-II packages containing machine compacted waste is subcritical at 250 FGE per package. Case D Infinite Array Results The results of the Case D calculations show that at a maximum packing fraction of 70%,
machine compacted pucks are subcritical when each overpack drum is limited to 200 FGE and the package is limited to 325 FGE or if the packing fraction is not limited, when a minimum gap of 0.50 inches exists between the puck drums. The results shown in Table 6.4-16 indicate that the highest reactivity for the modeled configuration at 70% packing fraction (0.9325) occurs at an H/Pu ratio of 800 and the highest reactivity at 100% packing fraction (0.9349) also occurs at an H/Pu ratio of 800. At 100% packing fraction, the required separation distance between the puck drums, in addition to the 1/2 thickness of the the drum steel and the 1/2 thickness of the slip sheet/ reinforcing plate thicknesses modeled, is 0.50 inches. The reactivity resulting from filling the gap with polyethylene versus water is statistically equivalent. As in the other cases, the results in Table 6.4-17 show that reducing the volume fraction of reflector material in the ICV, OCA and interstitial regions reduces reactivity as does placing the fissile material off-center in 7
Neeley, G. W., D. L. Newell, S. L. Larson, and R. J. Green, Reactivity Effects of Moderator and Reflector Materials on a Finite Plutonium System, SAIC-1322-001, Revision 1, Science Applications International Corporation, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, May 2004.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 the package (i.e., infinite array variation 1) as shown in Table 6.4-18. The cases in these tables were only calculated at the 70% packing fraction, but the results are obviously also applicable to the 100% packing fraction case. Thus, an infinite array of TRUPACT-II packages containing machine compacted waste under the specific restrictions applied to Case D is subcritical at 325 FGE per package. Conclusions from Infinite Array Calculations The calculations reported in this section are performed with conservative representations of arrays of damaged TRUPACT-II packages. The HAC model used gives a smaller center-to-center spacing between packages compared to the NCT model. In addition, the results indicate that the reactivity effects of array interaction are less than those of close, full reflection of the package contents. Hence, maximum reactivity results for arrays of TRUPACT-II packages under NCT are essentially the same as those under HAC at optimal moderation conditions. Therefore, infinite arrays of TRUPACT-II packages are safely subcritical under both NCT and HAC, and the requirements of 10 CFR §71.59 8 are satisfied. Furthermore, a CSI of zero (0.0) is justified. Special Reflectors in CH-TRU Waste As described previously, the only special reflectors credibly applicable to CH-TRU waste criticality analysis are: beryllium (Be), beryllium oxide (BeO), carbon (C), deuterium (D2O),
magnesium oxide (MgO), and depleted uranium (0.3% 235U) when present in quantities greater than 1 weight percent. Each special reflector with regard to its possible presence in CH-TRU waste is discussed below:
Beryllium and Beryllium Oxide - Be, and/or BeO, may be present in CH-TRU waste in quantities greater than 1% by weight. The limits for payload containers other than pipe overpacks are found in Table 6.1-1 and Table 6.1-2 under Case B. As described in Section 6.2.1, beryllium is the limiting special reflector for CH-TRU waste. For pipe overpack configurations, beryllium may be present in neutron sources and other source materials where the beryllium is completely bound to the fissile material in the source. Therefore, for pipe overpack configurations, Case E limits in Table 6.1-1 and Table 6.1-2 apply.
Carbon - Carbon is present as a constituent in CH-TRU waste but not in forms that can credibly reconfigure as a reflector. For example: (1) Carbon may be present as graphite molds or crucibles. In these forms the carbon will be chemically and irreversibly bound to the plutonium or other fissile material and cannot be separated. (2) Carbon may be present in filter media as spent or activated carbon. The plutonium or other fissile material would then be attached to the carbon filter media and would not be easily separated. (3) Granular activated carbon (GAC) pads may also be present in an enclosed bag for the purpose of absorbing volatile organic compounds. Once the GAC pad is placed inside the payload container, there is no credible method for the carbon to fully-surround the fissile material and reconfigure as a reflector.
(4) Carbon may also be present in alloys, which are by definition chemically and/or mechanically bound. In summary, there is no identified mechanism that could cause the carbon in CH-TRU waste to be separated from the fissile material and/or to be reconfigured as a reflector.
8 Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 71 (10 CFR 71), Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Material, 01-01-19 Edition.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Deuterium - The presence of liquid waste in the payload containers, except for residual amounts in well-drained containers, is prohibited. As specified by the CH-TRAMPAC, the total volume of residual liquid in a payload container shall be less than 1 percent (volume) of the payload container. This limitation on the authorized contents is such that D2O will not be present in greater than 1% by weight.
Magnesium Oxide - Magnesium oxide crucibles used in high temperature-controlled applications, such as reduction processes, may be present in solid inorganic waste forms such as glass, metal, and pyrochemical salts. If present, MgO will be bound to the fissile material and would not be easily separated. MgO used for neutralization in solidified material cannot be separated out as it is chemically reacted in the waste generation process. There is no identified mechanism that could cause the magnesium oxide in CH-TRU waste to be reconfigured as a reflector.
Depleted Uranium (0.3% 235U) - Depleted uranium may be present in CH-TRU waste, but it will be chemically and/or mechanically bound to the plutonium or physically inseparable because the densities of U and Pu are similar. Separation by mechanical means or by leaching is extremely difficult and is considered highly unlikely in CH-TRU waste. Depleted uranium in CH-TRU waste will, therefore, not be separated from the fissile material and/or reconfigured as a reflector. Machine Compacted CH-TRU Waste Four criticality cases were analyzed for machine compacted CH-TRU waste:
Case C assumes all the machine compacted waste reconfigures into a single sphere during the hypothetical accident conditions and is applicable to machine compacted waste in a 55-gallon drum, 85-gallon drum, 100-gallon drum, SWB, or TDOP. As shown in Table 6.1-1 and Table 6.1-2, the limits for Case C are 250 FGE per drum, 250 FGE per SWB or TDOP, and 250 FGE per package.
Case D assumes either a maximum 70% packing fraction or a minimum vertical spacing of at least 0.50 inches is maintained between two cylinders during the hypothetical accident conditions (in addition to credit for the steel and slipsheets as described in Section
Case D is applicable to machine compacted waste in the form of compacted pucks in a 55-gallon drum, 85-gallon drum, or 100-gallon drum. As shown in Table 6.1-1 and Table 6.1-2, the limits for Case D are 200 FGE per payload container and 325 FGE per package.
Case E assumes that the fissile material in each pipe overpack is moderated with 100%
polyethylene and the remainder of the pipe is filled with up to 100% dense polyethylene. Case E is thus applicable to machine compacted waste in a standard, S100, S200, or S300 pipe overpack.
As shown in Table 6.1-1 and Table 6.1-2, the limits for Case E are 200 FGE per payload container and 2,800 FGE per package.
Case I assumes that the fissile material in each CCO is moderated and reflected by a mixture of 25% polyethylene, 74% water, and 1% beryllium by volume. An evaluation 9 was performed determining that this case is also applicable to machine compacted waste when limiting the 9
K. L. Moyant, Evaluation of the Criticality Safety Analysis for Criticality Control Overpacks Containing Machine Compacted Waste, CCO-CAL-0005, Rev. 0, Nuclear Waste Partnership LLC, Carlsbad, NM, July 2020.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 amount of polyethylene in a CCO to a maximum of 2,000 grams. As shown in Table 6.1-1 and Table 6.1-2, the limits for Case I with controls on the plastic content are 380 FGE per payload container and 5,320 FGE per package. Applicable Criticality Limits for CH-TRU Waste In conclusion, the only special reflector in CH-TRU waste requiring special controls is Be/BeO.
The criticality analyses for CH-TRU waste with greater than 1% by weight Be/BeO in any form is bounded by Case B (excluding CCOs). Non-machine compacted CH-TRU waste payloads are covered by Cases A, E, and I. Machine compacted CH-TRU waste payloads are covered by Cases C, D, E, and I. The applicable FGE limits are specified by case in Table 6.1-1 and Table 6.1-2. Considering machine compaction and special reflectors in CH-TRU waste, as discussed in Sections and, the applicable FGE limits are summarized below.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 FGE Limits Considering Machine Compaction and Special Reflectors Fissile Limit per Payload Fissile Limit Applicable Payload Container per Package Analysis Contents Container (Pu-239 FGE) (Pu-239 FGE) Case Drum 325 325 A Not machine Pipe Overpack 200 2,800 E compacted with SWB 325 325 A 1% by weight TDOP 325 325 A Be/BeO CCO 380 5,320 I Drum 100 100 B Not machine Pipe Overpack 200 2,800 E compacted with SWB 100 100 B
> 1% by weight TDOP 100 100 B Be/BeO CCO Unauthorized Unauthorized N/A Drum 250 250 C Machine compacted Pipe Overpack 200 2,800 E with 1% by SWB 250 250 C weight Be/BeO TDOP 250 250 C CCO Unauthorized Unauthorized N/A Drum 200 325 D Machine compacted Pipe Overpack Unauthorized Unauthorized N/A with controls and SWB Unauthorized Unauthorized N/A 1% by weight TDOP Unauthorized Unauthorized N/A Be/BeO CCO 380 5,320 I Drum Unauthorized Unauthorized N/A Machine compacted Pipe Overpack Unauthorized Unauthorized N/A with > 1% by SWB Unauthorized Unauthorized N/A weight Be/BeO TDOP Unauthorized Unauthorized N/A CCO Unauthorized Unauthorized N/A Notes:
Special reflectors other than Be/BeO in greater than 1% by weight quantities are exempted by the evaluation given in Section
Case E is applicable in lieu of Case F because Be/BeO is always mechanically or chemically bound to fissile material in pipe overpack payloads (see Section
The contents shall be machine compacted waste in the form of puck drums with the payload controls specified in Sections 6.2.4 and
Limited to a maximum of 2,000 grams of plastic per CCO.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 6.4 Single-Unit, NCT, Case A, 325 FGE; ks vs. H/Pu Ratio with Different Moderator and Reflector Compositions Case H/Pu Composition keff ks NPWPW5 500 0.8981 0.0011 0.9003 NPWPW6 600 0.9141 0.0010 0.9161 NPWPW7 700 0.9242 0.0010 0.9262 NPWPW8 800 Moderator and 0.9280 0.0010 0.9300 Reflector in ICV and NPWPW9 900 0.9299 0.0010 0.9319 OCA = 25% poly/
NPWPW10 1,000 75% water 0.9288 0.0009 0.9306 NPWPW11 1,100 0.9247 0.0010 0.9267 NPWPW12 1,200 0.9216 0.0010 0.9236 NPWPW13 1,300 0.9155 0.0009 0.9173 NPWPWB5 500 0.9000 0.0009 0.9018 NPWPWB6 600 0.9149 0.0011 0.9171 NPWPWB7 700 Moderator = 0.9259 0.0010 0.9279 NPWPWB8 800 25% poly/75% water 0.9297 0.0009 0.9315 NPWPWB9 900 Reflector in ICV and 0.9319 0.0010 0.9339 OCA = 25% poly/
NPWPWB10 1,000 74% water/ 0.9308 0.0009 0.9326 NPWPWB11 1,100 1% beryllium 0.9281 0.0009 0.9299 NPWPWB12 1,200 0.9211 0.0009 0.9229 NPWPWB13 1,300 0.9169 0.0009 0.9187 N2PWB5 500 0.9015 0.0011 0.9037 N2PWB6 600 0.9155 0.0010 0.9175 N2PWB7 700 0.9265 0.0010 0.9285 Moderator and N2PWB8 800 Reflector in ICV and 0.9302 0.0010 0.9322 N2PWB9 900 OCA = 25% poly/ 0.9318 0.0010 0.9338 N2PWB10 1,000 74% water/ 0.9302 0.0010 0.9322 1% beryllium N2PWB11 1,100 0.9277 0.0008 0.9293 N2PWB12 1,200 0.9224 0.0009 0.9242 N2PWB13 1,300 0.9173 0.0010 0.9193 6.4-11
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 6.4 Single Unit, NCT, Case A, 325 FGE; Variation of Reflector Volume Fraction (VF) at Near-Optimal H/Pu Ratio Case H/Pu Reflector VF keff ks NPWPWB9 1.00 0.9319 0.0010 0.9339 NWCVOL95 ICV = OCA 0.95 0.9283 0.0010 0.9303 NWCVOL90 = 25% poly/ 0.90 0.9256 0.0009 0.9274 NWCVOL75 74% water/ 0.75 0.9157 0.0010 0.9177 900 1% Be at VF NWCVOL50 given 0.50 0.8888 0.0009 0.8906 NWCVOL25 Int = water at 0.25 0.8434 0.0010 0.8454 NWCVOL10 VF given 0.10 0.7963 0.0011 0.7985 NWCVOL00 0 0.7583 0.0010 0.7603 Table 6.4 Single-Unit, HAC, Case A, 325 FGE; ks vs. H/Pu at Maximum Reflection Conditions Case H/Pu Reflector keff ks HPWPWB5 500 0.8996 0.0010 0.9016 HPWPWB6 600 0.9149 0.0011 0.9171 ICV = OCA HPWPWB7 700 0.9234 0.0009 0.9252
= 25% poly/
HPWPWB8 800 74% water/ 0.9296 0.0010 0.9316 HPWPWB9 900 1% Be at 0.9295 0.0009 0.9313 HPWPWB10 1,000 VF=1.0 0.9311 0.0010 0.9331 Int = water at HPWPWB11 1,100 0.9273 0.0009 0.9291 VF=1.0 HPWPWB12 1,200 0.9219 0.0009 0.9237 HPWPWB13 1,300 0.9170 0.0009 0.9188 6.4-12
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 6.4 Infinite Array Variation 0, HAC, Case A, 325 FGE; ks vs. H/Pu at Extremes of Reflection Conditions Case H/Pu Reflector keff ks HINFAR5 500 0.8997 0.0012 0.9021 HINFAR6 600 0.9163 0.0010 0.9183 ICV = OCA HINFAR7 700 0.9275 0.0009 0.9293
= 25% poly/
HINFAR8 800 74% water/ 0.9291 0.0010 0.9311 HINFAR9 900 1% Be at 0.9307 0.0009 0.9325 HINFAR10 1,000 VF=1.0 0.9311 0.0010 0.9331 Int = water at HINFAR11 1,100 0.9266 0.0010 0.9286 VF=1.0 HINFAR12 1,200 0.9224 0.0008 0.9240 HINFAR13 1,300 0.9161 0.0008 0.9177 HVINAR8 800 0.8677 0.0010 0.8697 HVINAR9 900 0.8759 0.0009 0.8777 HVINAR10 1,000 0.8832 0.0010 0.8852 ICV = Void HVINAR11 1,100 0.8859 0.0008 0.8875 OCA = Void HVINAR12 1,200 0.8878 0.0009 0.8896 Int = Void HVINAR13 1,300 0.8860 0.0008 0.8876 HVINAR14 1,400 0.8840 0.0009 0.8858 HVINAR15 1,500 0.8814 0.0008 0.8830 6.4-13
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 6.4 Infinite Array Variation 0, HAC, Case A, 325 FGE; Variation of Reflector Volume Fraction at Near-Optimal H/Pu Ratios Case H/Pu Reflector VF keff ks HINFAR10 1.00 0.9311 0.0010 0.9331 HWC10VOL95 0.95 0.9266 0.0009 0.9284 HWC10VOL90 ICV = OCA 0.90 0.9244 0.0011 0.9266 HWC10VOL75 = 25% poly/ 0.75 0.9159 0.0010 0.9179 HWC10VOL50 74% water/ 0.50 0.8915 0.0010 0.8935 1000 1% Be at VF HWC10VOL25 given 0.25 0.8483 0.0010 0.8503 HWC10VOL10 Int = water at 0.10 0.8047 0.0009 0.8065 HWC10VOL1 VF given 0.01 0.7888 0.0009 0.7906 HWC10VOL01 0.001 0.8439 0.0009 0.8457 HVINAR10 0 0.8832 0.0010 0.8852 HINFAR12 1.00 0.9224 0.0008 0.9240 HWC12VOL90 0.95 0.9190 0.0009 0.9208 HWC12VOL95 ICV = OCA 0.90 0.9201 0.0009 0.9219 HWC12VOL75 = 25% poly/ 0.75 0.9098 0.0009 0.9116 HWC12VOL50 74% water/ 0.50 0.8888 0.0010 0.8908 1,200 1% Be at VF HWC12VOL25 given 0.25 0.8543 0.0010 0.8563 HWC12VOL10 Int = water at 0.10 0.8129 0.0009 0.8147 HWC12VOL1 VF given 0.01 0.7972 0.0010 0.7992 HWC12VOL01 0.001 0.8014 0.0010 0.8034 HVINAR12 0 0.8878 0.0009 0.8896 6.4-14
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 6.4 Infinite Array Variation 1, HAC, Case A, 325 FGE; Variation of H/Pu Ratio at Extremes of Reflection Conditions Case Variation H/Pu Reflector keff ks HINFAROFF9 900 ICV = 0.9226 0.0009 0.9244 HINFAROFF10 1,000 25% poly/74% 0.9239 0.0010 0.9259 water/1% Be HINFAROFF11 1 1,100 at VF=1.0 0.9209 0.0010 0.9229 HINFAROFF12 1,200 OCA = Int = 0.9188 0.0010 0.9208 HINFAROFF13 1,300 Void 0.9118 0.0008 0.9134 HVINAROFF9 900 0.8948 0.0010 0.8968 HVINAROFF10 1,000 ICV = Void 0.9006 0.0009 0.9024 HVINAROFF11 1 1,100 OCA = Void 0.9027 0.0010 0.9047 HVINAROFF12 1,200 Int = Void 0.9022 0.0009 0.9040 HVINAROFF13 1,300 0.8997 0.0009 0.9015 6.4-15
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 6.4 Infinite Array Variation 0, HAC, Case A; Variation of H/Pu Ratio for Various Gram Quantities of Pu-240 at Maximum Reflection Conditions Pu-240 Pu-239 Case H/239Pu Reflector keff ks (g) (g) 5PU340H6 600 0.9144 0.0011 0.9166 5PU340H7 700 ICV = 0.9237 0.0022 0.9281 OCA =
5PU340H8 800 25% poly/ 0.9313 0.0009 0.9331 5PU340H9 900 74% water/ 0.9316 0.0010 0.9336 5 340 1% Be at 5PU340H10 1,000 0.9304 0.0009 0.9322 VF=1.0 5PU340H11 1,100 0.9278 0.0009 0.9296 Int = water 5PU340H12 1,200 at VF=1.0 0.9248 0.0011 0.9270 5PU340H13 1,300 0.9196 0.0010 0.9216 15PU360H6 600 0.9136 0.0009 0.9154 15PU360H7 700 ICV = 0.9233 0.0008 0.9249 OCA =
15PU360H8 800 25% poly/ 0.9307 0.0009 0.9325 15PU360H9 900 74% water/ 0.9337 0.0011 0.9359 15 360 1% Be at 0.9302 15PU360H10 1,000 0.0009 0.9320 VF=1.0 15PU360H11 1,100 0.9308 0.0008 0.9324 Int = water 15PU360H12 1,200 at VF=1.0 0.9254 0.0010 0.9274 15PU360H13 1,300 0.9197 0.0008 0.9213 25PU380H6 600 0.9121 0.0009 0.9139 25PU380H7 700 ICV = 0.9246 0.0010 0.9266 OCA =
25PU380H8 800 25% poly/ 0.9299 0.0009 0.9317 25PU380H9 900 74% water/ 0.9316 0.0010 0.9336 25 380 1% Be at 25PU380H10 1,000 0.9339 0.0009 0.9357 VF=1.0 25PU380H11 1,100 0.9298 0.0010 0.9318 Int = water 25PU380H12 1,200 at VF=1.0 0.9268 0.0009 0.9286 25PU380H13 1.300 0.9206 0.0008 0.9222 6.4-16
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 6.4 Infinite Array Variation 0, HAC, Case A, 5 g Pu-240, 340 FGE; ks vs. H/Pu for Various Combinations of U-235 and Pu-239 under Maximum Reflection Conditions Case Fissile Material H/X keff ks U100H3 300 0.9000 0.0011 0.9022 U100H4 400 0.9198 0.0009 0.9216 FGE = 100% U-235 U100H5 500 0.9261 0.0009 0.9279
= 528.7 g U-235 U100H6 600 0.9214 0.0009 0.9232 U100H7 700 0.9131 0.0010 0.9151 U75H4 400 0.9141 0.0010 0.9161 U75H5 FGE = 75% U-235/ 500 0.9245 0.0009 0.9263 25% Pu-239 U75H6 600 0.9272 0.0010 0.9292
= 396.6 g U-235/
U75H7 85.0 g Pu-239 700 0.9224 0.0010 0.9244 U75H8 800 0.9162 0.0008 0.9178 U50H5 500 0.9188 0.0009 0.9206 U50H6 FGE = 50% U-235/ 600 0.9272 0.0009 0.9290 50% Pu-239 U50H7 700 0.9275 0.0010 0.9295
= 264.4 g U-235/
U50H8 170.0 g Pu-239 800 0.9240 0.0008 0.9256 U50H9 900 0.9194 0.0010 0.9214 U25H5 500 0.9152 0.0010 0.9172 U25H6 FGE = 25% U-235/ 600 0.9253 0.0011 0.9275 75% Pu-239 U25H7 700 0.9310 0.0010 0.9330
= 132.2 g U-235/
U25H8 255 g Pu-239 800 0.9295 0.0010 0.9315 U25H9 900 0.9289 0.0010 0.9309 5PU340H7 700 0.9237 0.0022 0.9281 5PU340H8 800 0.9313 0.0009 0.9331 FGE = 100% Pu-239 5PU340H9 900 0.9316 0.0010 0.9336
= 340 g Pu-239 5PU340H10 1,000 0.9304 0.0009 0.9322 5PU340H11 1,100 0.9278 0.0009 0.9296 Note:
1 g U-235 = 0.643 FGE 6.4-17
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 6.4 Infinite Array Variation 0, HAC, Case B, 100 FGE; ks vs. H/Pu at Maximum Reflection Conditions Case H/Pu Reflector keff ks HINFAR5B 500 ICV = Be at 0.8892 0.0009 0.8910 HINFAR6B 600 VF=1.0 0.9041 0.0009 0.9059 HINFAR7B 700 OCA = 0.9127 0.0008 0.9143 HINFAR8B 800 25% poly/ 0.9168 0.0008 0.9184 74% water/
HINFAR9B 900 1% Be at 0.9127 0.0009 0.9145 HINFAR10B 1,000 VF =1.0 0.9095 0.0008 0.9111 HINFAR11B 1,100 Int = water 0.9042 0.0008 0.9058 HINFAR12B 1,200 at VF=1.0 0.8988 0.0008 0.9004 6.4-18
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 6.4 Infinite Array Variation 0, HAC, Case B, 100 FGE; ks vs.
H/Pu for Various Moderator Volume Fractions of Beryllium under Maximum Reflection Conditions VF Beryllium Case H/Pu keff ks in Moderator B01H6 600 0.9027 0.0008 0.9043 B01H7 700 0.9102 0.0009 0.9120 B01H8 1 800 0.9144 0.0010 0.9164 B01H9 900 0.9129 0.0009 0.9147 B01H10 1,000 0.9101 0.0008 0.9117 B10H6 600 0.9027 0.0009 0.9045 B10H7 700 0.9102 0.0009 0.9120 B10H8 10 800 0.9125 0.0008 0.9141 B10H9 900 0.9104 0.0009 0.9122 B10H10 1,000 0.9075 0.0009 0.9093 B20H6 600 0.9001 0.0010 0.9021 B20H7 700 0.9081 0.0009 0.9099 B20H8 20 800 0.9093 0.0009 0.9111 B20H9 900 0.9094 0.0009 0.9112 B20H10 1,000 0.9042 0.0008 0.9058 B40H6 600 0.8972 0.0010 0.8992 B40H7 700 0.9012 0.0009 0.9030 B40H8 40 800 0.9022 0.0009 0.9040 B40H9 900 0.9010 0.0009 0.9028 B40H10 1,000 0.8960 0.0008 0.8976 B60H6 600 0.8822 0.0009 0.8840 B60H7 700 0.8859 0.0008 0.8875 B60H8 60 800 0.8846 0.0009 0.8864 B60H9 900 0.8815 0.0008 0.8831 B60H10 1,000 0.8771 0.0008 0.8787 6.4-19
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 6.4 Infinite Array Variation 0, HAC, Case B, 100 FGE; Variation of Reflector Volume Fraction at Near-Optimal H/Pu Ratio Case H/Pu Reflector VF keff ks HINFAR8B ICV = Be at 1.00 0.9168 0.0008 0.9184 HINFAR8B95 VF given 0.95 0.8973 0.0009 0.8991 HINFAR8B90 OCA = 0.90 0.8838 0.0009 0.8856 HINFAR8B75 25% poly/ 0.75 0.8320 0.0008 0.8336 800 74% water/
HINFAR8B50 1% Be at 0.50 0.7188 0.0009 0.7206 HINFAR8B25 VF given 0.25 0.5671 0.0008 0.5687 HINFAR8B10 Int = water 0.10 0.4678 0.0009 0.4696 HINFAR8B00 at VF given 0 0.5013 0.0008 0.5029 Table 6.4 Infinite Array Variation 1, HAC, Case B, 100 FGE; Variation of H/Pu Ratio at Reflector Volume Fraction to Maximize Interaction while Maintaining Beryllium Reflection Case Variation H/Pu Reflector keff ks HINFAR8BOFF 800 0.7680 0.0010 0.7700 HINFAR9BOFF 900 ICV = Be at 0.7752 0.0009 0.7770 HINFAR10BOFF 1,000 VF=1.0 0.7795 0.0009 0.7813 1
HINFAR11BOFF 1,100 OCA = Void 0.7798 0.0009 0.7816 HINFAR12BOFF 1,200 Int = Void 0.7800 0.0008 0.7816 HINFAR13BOFF 1,300 0.7782 0.0007 0.7796 6.4-20
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 6.4 Infinite Array Variation 0, HAC, Case C, 250 FGE; ks vs. H/Pu at Maximum Reflection Conditions Case H/Pu Reflector keff ks C0B250H6 600 ICV = 0.9152 0.0010 0.9172 C0B250H7 700 100% poly 0.9248 0.0010 0.9268 C0B250H8 800 OCA = 0.9287 0.0010 0.9307 C0B250H9 900 25% poly/ 0.9320 0.0010 0.9340 74% water/
C0B250H10 1,000 1% Be 0.9305 0.0009 0.9323 C0B250H11 1,100 Int = water 0.9274 0.0009 0.9292 C0B250H12 1,200 All at 0.9223 0.0010 0.9243 C0B250H13 1,300 VF=1.0 0.9148 0.0008 0.9164 C1B250H5 500 0.8969 0.0010 0.8989 ICV =
C1B250H6 600 99% poly/ 0.9148 0.0009 0.9166 C1B250H7 700 1% Be 0.9250 0.0009 0.9268 C1B250H8 800 OCA = 0.9309 0.0011 0.9331 25% poly/
C1B250H9 900 74% water/ 0.9325 0.0010 0.9345 C1B250H10 1,000 1% Be 0.9296 0.0010 0.9316 C1B250H11 1,100 Int = water 0.9271 0.0009 0.9289 C1B250H12 1,200 All at 0.9237 0.0008 0.9253 VF=1.0 C1B250H13 1,300 0.9188 0.0009 0.9206 Table 6.4 Infinite Array Variation 0, HAC, Case C, 250 FGE; Variation of Reflector Volume Fraction at Near-Optimal H/Pu Ratio Case H/Pu Reflector VF keff ks C1B250H9 ICV = 99% 1.00 0.9325 0.0010 0.9345 C1B250H9V95 poly/1% Be 0.95 0.9295 0.0009 0.9313 at VF given C1B250H9V90 0.90 0.9269 0.0010 0.9289 OCA = 25%
C1B250H9V75 poly/ 74% 0.75 0.9149 0.0010 0.9169 900 C1B250H9V50 water/ 1% 0.50 0.8880 0.0009 0.8898 Be at VF C1B250H9V25 given 0.25 0.8460 0.0010 0.8480 C1B250H9V10 Int = water at 0.10 0.7974 0.0010 0.7994 C1B250H9V00 VF given 0 0.8560 0.0009 0.8578 6.4-21
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 6.4 Infinite Array Variation 1, HAC, Case C, 250 FGE; Variation of H/Pu Ratio at Reflector Volume Fraction to Maximize Interaction while Maintaining Reflection Case Variation H/Pu Reflector keff ks C1BOFF7 700 0.9134 0.0010 0.9154 ICV = 99%
C1BOFF8 800 poly/1% Be at 0.9202 0.0009 0.9220 C1BOFF9 1 900 VF=1.0 0.9218 0.0011 0.9240 C1BOFF10 1,000 OCA = Int = 0.9224 0.0009 0.9242 Void C1BOFF11 1,100 0.9185 0.0009 0.9203 6.4-22
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 6.4 Infinite Array Variation 0, HAC, Case D, 325 FGE; ks vs. H/Pu at Maximum Reflection Conditions Case H/Pu Reflector keff ks 70% Polyethylene/ 30% Water Moderator and No Separation Between Pucks CASED70H5 500 ICV = 0.9123 0.0010 0.9143 CASED70H6 600 70% poly/ 0.9245 0.0010 0.9265 29% water/
CASED70H7 700 1% Be 0.9298 0.0010 0.9318 CASED70H8 800 OCA = 0.9307 0.0009 0.9325 CASED70H9 900 25% poly/ 0.9292 0.0010 0.9312 CASED70H10 1,000 74% water/ 0.9257 0.0010 0.9277 1% Be CASED70H11 1,100 0.9183 0.0008 0.9199 Int = water CASED70H12 1,200 All VF=1.0 0.9144 0.0009 0.9162 100% Polyethylene Moderator and 0.50 in. Separation Between Pucks Filled with Water CASED100H5 500 ICV = 0.9154 0.0010 0.9174 CASED100H6 600 99% poly/ 0.9258 0.0009 0.9276 CASED100H7 700 1% Be 0.9319 0.0009 0.9337 CASED100H8 800 OCA = 0.9320 0.0008 0.9336 25% poly/
CASED100H9 900 74% water/ 0.9310 0.0009 0.9328 CASED100H10 1,000 1% Be 0.9263 0.0009 0.9281 CASED100H11 1,100 Int = water 0.9233 0.0010 0.9253 CASED100H12 1,200 All VF=1.0 0.9147 0.0009 0.9165 100% Polyethylene Moderator and 0.50 in. Separation Between Pucks Filled with Polyethylene CASED100H5P 500 ICV = 0.9159 0.0010 0.9179 CASED100H6P 600 99% poly/ 0.9261 0.0009 0.9279 CASED100H7P 700 1% Be 0.9319 0.0010 0.9339 CASED100H8P 800 OCA = 0.9329 0.0010 0.9349 25% poly/
CASED100H9P 900 74% water/ 0.9308 0.0009 0.9326 CASED100H10P 1,000 1% Be 0.9260 0.0009 0.9278 CASED100H11P 1,100 Int = water 0.9210 0.0009 0.9228 CASED100H12P 1,200 All VF=1.0 0.9136 0.0009 0.9154 6.4-23
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 6.4 Infinite Array Variation 0, HAC, Case D, 325 FGE; Variation of Reflector Volume Fraction at Near-Optimal H/Pu Ratio Case H/Pu Reflector VF keff ks CASED70H8 ICV = 70% 1.00 0.9307 0.0009 0.9325 CASED70H8V95 poly/29% 0.95 0.9292 0.0009 0.9310 water/1% Be CASED70H8V90 0.90 0.9252 0.0009 0.9270 at VF given CASED70H8V75 OCA = 25% 0.75 0.9143 0.0009 0.9161 800 CASED70H8V50 poly/74% 0.50 0.8893 0.0009 0.8911 water/1% Be CASED70H8V25 at VF given 0.25 0.8382 0.0011 0.8404 CASED70H8V10 Int = water at 0.10 0.7828 0.0010 0.7848 CASED70H8V00 VF given 0 0.8501 0.0010 0.8521 Table 6.4 Infinite Array Variation 1, HAC, Case D, 325 FGE; Variation of H/Pu Ratio at Reflector Volume Fraction to Maximize Interaction while Maintaining Reflection Case Variation H/Pu Reflector keff ks D1BOFF70H6 600 ICV = 70% 0.9037 0.0010 0.9057 D1BOFF70H7 700 poly/29% 0.9125 0.0011 0.9147 water/1% Be D1BOFF70H8 1 800 at VF=1.0 0.9144 0.0008 0.9160 D1BOFF70H9 900 OCA = Int = 0.9153 0.0009 0.9171 D1BOFF70H10 1,000 Void 0.9131 0.0008 0.9147 6.4-24
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 6.5 Critical Benchmark Experiments The KENO-V.a Monte Carlo criticality code 1 has been used extensively in criticality evaluations. The 238 energy-group, ENDF-B/V cross-section library 2 employed here has been selected based on its relatively fine neutron energy group structure. This section justifies the validity of this computation tool and data library combination for application to the TRUPACT-II package criticality analysis.
The ORNL USLSTATS code, described in Appendix C, Users Manual for USLSTATS V1.0, of NUREG/CR-6361 3, is used to establish an upper subcriticality limit, USL, for the analysis.
Computed multiplication factors, keff, for the TRUPACT-II package are deemed to be adequately subcritical if the computed value of keff plus two standard deviations is below the USL as follows:
ks = keff + 2 < USL The USL includes the combined effects of code bias, uncertainty in the benchmark experiments, uncertainty in the computational evaluation of the benchmark experiments, and an administrative margin of subcriticality. The USL is determined using the confidence band with administrative margin technique (USLSTATS Method 1).
The result of the statistical analysis of the benchmark experiments is a USL of 0.9382. Due to the significant positive bias exhibited by the code and library for the benchmark experiments, the USL is constant with respect to the various parameters selected for the benchmark analysis.
6.5.1 Benchmark Experiments and Applicability A total of 196 benchmark experiments of water-reflected solutions of plutonium nitrate are evaluated using the KENO-V.a Monte Carlo criticality code with the SCALE-PC v4.4a 4, 238 energy-group, ENDF-B/V cross-section library. The benchmark cases are evaluated with respect to three independent parameters: 1) the H/Pu ratio, 2) the average fission energy group (AEG),
and 3) the ratio of Pu-240 to total Pu.
Detailed descriptions of the benchmark experiments are obtained from the OECD Nuclear Energy Agencys International Handbook of Evaluated Criticality Safety Benchmark Experiments 5. The critical experiments selected for this analysis are presented in Table 6.5-1.
Experiments with beryllium and Pu as the fissile component are not available. The only experiments with beryllium in the thermal energy range identified from the OECD Handbook 1
L. M. Petrie and N. F. Landers, KENO-V.a: An Improved Monte Carlo Criticality Program with Supergrouping, ORNL/NUREG/CSD-2/V2/R6, Volume 2, Section F11, March 2000.
2 W. C. Jordan and S. M. Bowman, Scale Cross-Section Libraries, ORNL/NUREG/CSD-2/V3/R6, Volume 3, Section M4, March 2000.
3 J. J. Lichtenwalter, S. M. Bowman, M. D. DeHart, C. M. Hopper, Criticality Benchmark Guide for Light-Water-Reactor Fuel in Transportation and Storage Packages, NUREG/CR-6361, ORNL/TM-13211, March 1997.
4 Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), SCALE 4.4a: Modular Code System for Performing Standardized Computer Analyses for Licensing Evaluation for Workstations and Personal Computers, ORNL/NUREG/CSD-2/R6, March 2000.
5 OECD Nuclear Energy Agency, International Handbook of Evaluated Criticality Safety Benchmark Experiments, NEA/NSC/DOC(95)03, September 2002.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 contained U-233 as the fissile isotope. Thus, 31 benchmarks with U-233 and beryllium in the thermal energy range and 15 benchmarks with U-233 and no beryllium also in the thermal energy range were evaluated. With respect to validation of polyethylene, CH2, in the models, some of the U-233 benchmarks contained polyethylene and some of the plutonium experiments contained Plexiglas, which also contains carbon. All criticality models of the TRUPACT-II package fall within the range of applicability of the benchmark experiments for the H/Pu ratio and AEG trending parameters as follows:
Range of Applicability for Trending Parameters 45 H/Pu Ratio 2,730 173 AEG 220 4.95 x 10 Pu-240/Pu Ratio 2.32 x 10-1
-3 The intent of using the Pu-240/Pu ratio is to demonstrate the validity of an extension of the range of applicability of this parameter to the TRUPACT-II package criticality models. The Case A models include a Pu-240/Pu Ratio of up to 6.6 x 10-2, which is within the range of applicability.
Only thermal benchmark experiments are analyzed. Criticality analysis of the TRUPACT-II package and package arrays demonstrate that multiplication factors are insignificant when the package contents are unmoderated.
6.5.2 Details of Benchmark Calculations A total of 196 experimental benchmarks with Pu in the thermal energy range were evaluated with the KENO-V.a code with the SCALE-PC v4.4a, 238 group, ENDF-B/V cross-section library. Detailed descriptions of these experiments are found in the OECD Handbook. A summary of the experiment titles is provided in Table 6.5-1. The benchmark results were evaluated using the USLSTATS program as discussed in the next section.
6.5.3 Results of Benchmark Calculations Table 6.5-2 summarizes the trending parameter values, computed keff values, and uncertainties for each case. The uncertainty value, c, assigned to each case is a combination of the experimental uncertainty for each experiment, exp, and the Monte Carlo uncertainty associated with the particular computational evaluation of the case, comp, or:
c = (exp2 + comp2)1/2 These values were input into the USLSTATS program in addition to the following parameters:
- P, proportion of population falling above lower tolerance level = 0.995
- 1-, confidence on fit = 0.95
- , confidence on proportion P = 0.95
- xmin, minimum value of AEG for which USL correlation are computed = N/A, minimum of supplied data used by code 6.5-2
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021
- xmax, maximum value of AEG for which USL correlation are computed = N/A, maximum of supplied data used by code
- eff, estimate in average standard deviation of all input values of keff = -1.0, use supplied values
- km, administrative margin used to ensure subcriticality = 0.05.
This data is followed by triplets of trending parameter value, computed keff, and uncertainty for each case. The USL Method 1 result was chosen which performs a confidence band analysis on the data for the trending parameter.
Three trending parameters are identified for determination of the bias. First, the AEG is used in order to characterize any code bias with respect to neutron spectral effects. The USL is calculated vs. AEG separately for the Pu experiments, U-233 experiments with beryllium and U-233 experiments without beryllium in addition to the combined results of the Pu and U-233 with beryllium experiments. Because the U-233 fissile isotope introduces a component that is not relative to the calculations performed for the TRUPACT-II and may have a distinct bias of its own, comparison of the USL for the U-233 experiments with beryllium to the USL for those without beryllium allows the effect of the beryllium reflector to be separated from the effect of the U-233 isotope. Next, the H/Pu ratio of each experimental case containing Pu is used in order to characterize the material and geometric properties of each sphere. Finally, since all the Pu experiments include Pu-240 to some extent and the TRUPACT-II models contain varying amount of Pu-240, a trending analysis of the results of the Pu experiments with respect to Pu-240/Pu ratio is performed. The U-233 results are not considered in the trending with respect to H/Pu as the optimum H/Pu range will be significantly different for a U-233 system vs. a Pu system. For obvious reasons, the U-233 results are also not considered in the trending with respect to the Pu-240/Pu ratio.
The USLs calculated using USLSTATS Method 1 for the benchmark combinations discussed above are tabulated in Table 6.5-3. The USL calculated based on the combined results of the U-233 with beryllium and Pu experiments of 0.9382 is chosen as the USL for this analysis. This USL value is ~0.001 below that of the Pu experiments alone. The 233U benchmarks without Be result in a lower USL (0.0032) than calculated from the U-233 benchmark results with beryllium.
This difference is greater than the experimental uncertainty of each benchmark case (~0.001).
Both of the U-233 USL values are lower than the Pu experiment USL values indicating that the U-233 isotope in the experiments has a more significant effect on the USL than the beryllium.
Thus, the USL based on the combined results of the U-233 with beryllium and Pu experiments chosen adequately accounts for any bias attributable to beryllium. In addition, the USLs calculated for the Pu experiments using either H/X or the Pu-240/Pu ratio as the trending parameter do not differ significantly from the Pu USL vs. AEG and are bounded by the chosen USL value of 0.9382. USLSTATS calculated constant USL values with respect to H/Pu and Pu-240/Pu ratio indicating no appreciable trend with respect to these parameters.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 6.5 Benchmark Experiment Description with Experimental Uncertainties Series Title PU-SOL-THERM-001 Water-reflected 11.5-inch diameter spheres of plutonium nitrate solutions PU-SOL-THERM-002 Water-reflected 12-inch diameter spheres of plutonium nitrate solutions PU-SOL-THERM-003 Water-reflected 13-inch diameter spheres of plutonium nitrate solutions Water-reflected 14-inch diameter spheres of plutonium nitrate solutions PU-SOL-THERM-004 0.54% to 3.43% Pu-240 Water-reflected 14-inch diameter spheres of plutonium nitrate solutions PU-SOL-THERM-005 4.05% and 4.40% Pu-240 PU-SOL-THERM-006 Water-reflected 15-inch diameter spheres of plutonium nitrate solutions Water-reflected 11.5-inch diameter spheres partly filled with plutonium PU-SOL-THERM-007 nitrate solutions PU-SOL-THERM-009 Unreflected 48-inch diameter sphere of plutonium nitrate solution Water-reflected 9-, 10-, 11-, and 12-inch diameter cylinders of plutonium PU-SOL-THERM-010 nitrate solutions PU-SOL-THERM-011 Bare 16- and 18-inch diameter spheres of plutonium nitrate solutions PU-SOL-THERM-014 Interacting cylinders of 300-mm diameter with plutonium nitrate solution (115.1gPu/l) in air PU-SOL-THERM-015 Interacting cylinders of 300-mm diameter with plutonium nitrate solution (152.5gPu/l) in air PU-SOL-THERM-016 Interacting cylinders of 300-mm and 256-mm diameters with plutonium nitrate solution (152.5 and 115.1gPu/l) and nitric acid (2n) in air PU-SOL-THERM-017 Interacting cylinders of 256-mm and 300-mm diameters with plutonium nitrate solution (115.1gPu/l) in air PU-SOL-THERM-020 Water-reflected and water-cadmium reflected 14-inch diameter spheres of plutonium nitrate solutions PU-SOL-THERM-021 Water-reflected and bare 15.2-inch diameter spheres of plutonium nitrate solutions PU-SOL-THERM-024 Slabs of plutonium nitrate solutions reflected by 1-inch thick Plexiglas U233-SOL-THERM-001 Unreflected spheres of 233U nitrate solutions U233-SOL-THERM-003 Paraffin-reflected 5-, 5.4-, 6-, 6.6-, 7.5- 8-, 8.5-, 9- and 12-inch diameter cylinders of 233U uranyl fluoride solutions U233-SOL-THERM-015 Uranyl-fluoride (233U) solutions in spherical stainless steel vessels with reflectors of Be, CH2, and Be-CH2 composites 6.5-4
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 6.5 Benchmark Case Parameters and Computed Results Experiment Pu-240/ Uncertainty Case Name keff comp AEG H/X Pu Ratio exp PUST001_CASE_1 1.0080 0.0010 212.494 352.9 0.04650 0.0050 PUST001_CASE_2 1.0100 0.0010 209.961 258.1 0.04650 0.0050 PUST001_CASE_3 1.0133 0.0010 207.777 204.1 0.04650 0.0050 PUST001_CASE_4 1.0073 0.0010 206.439 181 0.04650 0.0050 PUST001_CASE_5 1.0111 0.0011 205.757 171.2 0.04650 0.0050 PUST001_CASE_6 1.0089 0.0010 195.766 86.7 0.04650 0.0050 PUST002_CASE_1 1.0074 0.0010 214.693 508 0.03110 0.0047 PUST002_CASE_2 1.0088 0.0011 214.457 489.2 0.03110 0.0047 PUST002_CASE_3 1.0074 0.0010 213.798 437.3 0.03110 0.0047 PUST002_CASE_4 1.0103 0.0010 213.343 407.5 0.03110 0.0047 PUST002_CASE_5 1.0125 0.0011 212.898 380.6 0.03110 0.0047 PUST002_CASE_6 1.0099 0.0010 211.974 333.5 0.03110 0.0047 PUST002_CASE_7 1.0101 0.0010 211.146 299.3 0.03110 0.0047 PUST003_CASE_1 1.0089 0.0010 216.630 774.1 0.01750 0.0047 PUST003_CASE_2 1.0076 0.0011 216.438 742.7 0.01750 0.0047 PUST003_CASE_3 1.0103 0.0010 216.055 677.2 0.03110 0.0047 PUST003_CASE_4 1.0094 0.0010 215.948 660.5 0.03110 0.0047 PUST003_CASE_5 1.0097 0.0010 215.535 607.2 0.03110 0.0047 PUST003_CASE_6 1.0099 0.0011 214.960 545.3 0.03110 0.0047 PUST003_CASE_7 1.0121 0.0009 216.482 714.8 0.03110 0.0047 PUST003_CASE_8 1.0091 0.0011 216.321 692.1 0.03110 0.0047 PUST004_CASE_1 1.0080 0.0010 217.470 981.7 0.00538 0.0047 PUST004_CASE_2 1.0032 0.0009 217.408 898.6 0.04180 0.0047 PUST004_CASE_3 1.0059 0.0008 217.241 864 0.04500 0.0047 PUST004_CASE_4 1.0033 0.0009 217.034 842 0.03260 0.0047 PUST004_CASE_5 1.0043 0.0010 217.257 780.2 0.03630 0.0047 PUST004_CASE_6 1.0074 0.0009 217.195 668 0.00495 0.0047 PUST004_CASE_7 1.0104 0.0010 217.030 573.3 0.00495 0.0047 PUST004_CASE_8 1.0040 0.0009 216.917 865 0.00504 0.0047 PUST004_CASE_9 1.0041 0.0009 216.580 872.2 0.01530 0.0047 6.5-5
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Experiment Pu-240/ Uncertainty Case Name keff comp AEG H/X Pu Ratio exp PUST004_CASE_10 1.0078 0.0009 215.881 971.6 0.02510 0.0047 PUST004_CASE_11 1.0041 0.0010 215.106 929.6 0.02330 0.0047 PUST004_CASE_12 1.0094 0.0009 217.031 884.1 0.03160 0.0047 PUST004_CASE_13 1.0042 0.0009 217.074 925.5 0.03350 0.0047 PUST005_CASE_1 1.0072 0.0010 217.069 866.4 0.04030 0.0047 PUST005_CASE_2 1.0084 0.0009 216.909 832.7 0.04030 0.0047 PUST005_CASE_3 1.0092 0.0009 216.749 800.7 0.04030 0.0047 PUST005_CASE_4 1.0091 0.0010 216.360 734.4 0.04030 0.0047 PUST005_CASE_5 1.0102 0.0010 215.906 666.1 0.04030 0.0047 PUST005_CASE_6 1.0112 0.0010 215.451 607.9 0.04030 0.0047 PUST005_CASE_7 1.0099 0.0010 215.004 557.2 0.04030 0.0047 PUST005_CASE_8 1.0024 0.0010 216.903 830.6 0.04030 0.0047 PUST005_CASE_9 1.0078 0.0010 216.687 788.9 0.04030 0.0047 PUST006_CASE_1 1.0059 0.0008 217.615 1028.2 0.03110 0.0035 PUST006_CASE_2 1.0079 0.0009 217.459 986.2 0.03110 0.0035 PUST006_CASE_3 1.0072 0.0010 217.147 910.9 0.03110 0.0035 PUST007_CASE_2 1.0090 0.0011 198.911 102.6 0.04570 0.0047 PUST007_CASE_3 1.0024 0.0010 199.553 110.11 0.04570 0.0047 PUST007_CASE_5 1.0099 0.0010 209.885 253.3 0.04570 0.0047 PUST007_CASE_6 1.0054 0.0011 209.689 247.3 0.04570 0.0047 PUST007_CASE_7 1.0072 0.0010 209.816 250.5 0.04570 0.0047 PUST007_CASE_8 1.0007 0.0012 209.577 246.5 0.04570 0.0047 PUST007_CASE_9 0.9996 0.0011 209.628 246.5 0.04570 0.0047 PUST007_CASE_10 1.0009 0.0011 210.426 275.5 0.04570 0.0047 PUST009_CASE_1 1.0202 0.0007 219.730 2579.3 0.02510 0.0033 PUST009_CASE_2 1.0242 0.0005 219.819 2706.5 0.02510 0.0033 PUST009_CASE_3 1.0232 0.0006 219.830 2729.8 0.02510 0.0033 PUST010_CASE_1.11 1.0158 0.0011 219.830 471.3 0.02840 0.0048 PUST010_CASE_1.12 1.0125 0.0009 214.122 527.7 0.02890 0.0048 PUST010_CASE_1.9 1.0183 0.0012 214.895 259.3 0.02840 0.0048 PUST010_CASE_2.11 1.0124 0.0011 210.075 542.3 0.02840 0.0048 PUST010_CASE_2.12 1.0136 0.0010 214.882 600.5 0.02890 0.0048 6.5-6
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Experiment Pu-240/ Uncertainty Case Name keff comp AEG H/X Pu Ratio exp PUST010_CASE_2.9 1.0140 0.0011 215.514 346.8 0.02840 0.0048 PUST010_CASE_3.11 1.0128 0.0011 212.361 542.3 0.02840 0.0048 PUST010_CASE_3.12 1.0208 0.0009 215.036 707 0.02890 0.0048 PUST010_CASE_3.9 1.0120 0.0010 216.250 470.4 0.02840 0.0048 PUST010_CASE_4.11 1.0055 0.0011 214.300 588.7 0.02840 0.0048 PUST010_CASE_4.12 1.0142 0.0009 215.366 825.1 0.02890 0.0048 PUST010_CASE_5.11 1.0068 0.0010 216.852 646.5 0.02840 0.0048 PUST010_CASE_6.11 1.0176 0.0012 215.739 402.3 0.02890 0.0048 PUST010_CASE_7.11 1.0065 0.0010 213.340 519.8 0.02890 0.0048 PUST011_CASE_1.16 1.0135 0.0010 214.790 733 0.04150 0.0052 PUST011_CASE_1.18 1.0001 0.0009 215.818 1157.3 0.04180 0.0052 PUST011_CASE_2.16 1.0196 0.0010 217.686 705.5 0.04150 0.0052 PUST011_CASE_2.18 1.0065 0.0011 215.633 1103.2 0.04180 0.0052 PUST011_CASE_3.16 1.0213 0.0010 217.509 662.8 0.04150 0.0052 PUST011_CASE_3.18 1.0027 0.0010 215.281 1109.8 0.04180 0.0052 PUST011_CASE_4.16 1.0139 0.0011 217.525 653.4 0.04150 0.0052 PUST011_CASE_4.18 0.9991 0.0011 215.196 1053.7 0.04180 0.0052 PUST011_CASE_5.16 1.0113 0.0010 217.313 550.7 0.04150 0.0052 PUST011_CASE_5.18 1.0099 0.0010 214.156 995.4 0.04180 0.0052 PUST011_CASE_6.18 1.0068 0.0010 217.071 870.4 0.04180 0.0052 PUST011_CASE_7.18 1.0050 0.0010 216.471 1056.4 0.04180 0.0052 PUST014_CASE_1 1.0068 0.0012 205.455 210.2 0.04230 0.0032 PUST014_CASE_3 1.0065 0.0010 205.477 210.2 0.04230 0.0032 PUST014_CASE_4 1.0079 0.0011 205.504 210.2 0.04230 0.0032 PUST014_CASE_5 1.0065 0.0011 205.510 210.2 0.04230 0.0032 PUST014_CASE_6 1.0073 0.0013 205.516 210.2 0.04230 0.0032 PUST014_CASE_7 1.0082 0.0012 205.434 210.2 0.04230 0.0043 PUST014_CASE_8 1.0051 0.0012 205.462 210.2 0.04230 0.0032 PUST014_CASE_9 1.0068 0.0012 205.477 210.2 0.04230 0.0032 PUST014_CASE_10 1.0060 0.0011 205.499 210.2 0.04230 0.0032 PUST014_CASE_11 1.0046 0.0010 205.526 210.2 0.04230 0.0032 PUST014_CASE_12 1.0076 0.0010 205.522 210.2 0.04230 0.0032 6.5-7
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Experiment Pu-240/ Uncertainty Case Name keff comp AEG H/X Pu Ratio exp PUST014_CASE_13 1.0080 0.0011 205.420 210.2 0.04230 0.0043 PUST014_CASE_14 1.0062 0.0011 205.458 210.2 0.04230 0.0043 PUST014_CASE_15 1.0067 0.0011 205.507 210.2 0.04230 0.0043 PUST014_CASE_16 1.0057 0.0011 205.512 210.2 0.04230 0.0043 PUST014_CASE_17 1.0033 0.0011 205.506 210.2 0.04230 0.0043 PUST014_CASE_18 1.0070 0.0011 205.430 210.2 0.04230 0.0043 PUST014_CASE_19 1.0045 0.0011 205.469 210.2 0.04230 0.0043 PUST014_CASE_20 1.0061 0.0011 205.487 210.2 0.04230 0.0043 PUST014_CASE_21 1.0066 0.0012 205.514 210.2 0.04230 0.0043 PUST014_CASE_22 1.0060 0.0012 205.527 210.2 0.04230 0.0043 PUST014_CASE_23 1.0048 0.0012 205.530 210.2 0.04230 0.0043 PUST014_CASE_24 1.0080 0.0012 205.393 210.2 0.04230 0.0043 PUST014_CASE_25 1.0042 0.0011 205.445 210.2 0.04230 0.0043 PUST014_CASE_26 1.0066 0.0011 205.490 210.2 0.04230 0.0043 PUST014_CASE_27 1.0044 0.0011 205.504 210.2 0.04230 0.0043 PUST014_CASE_28 1.0052 0.0011 205.534 210.2 0.04230 0.0043 PUST014_CASE_29 1.0050 0.0011 205.525 210.2 0.04230 0.0043 PUST014_CASE_30 1.0060 0.0010 205.416 210.2 0.04230 0.0043 PUST014_CASE_31 1.0046 0.0011 205.444 210.2 0.04230 0.0043 PUST014_CASE_33 1.0021 0.0011 205.446 210.2 0.04230 0.0043 PUST014_CASE_34 1.0045 0.0011 205.480 210.2 0.04230 0.0043 PUST015_CASE_1 1.0065 0.0010 201.243 155.3 0.04230 0.0038 PUST015_CASE_2 1.0069 0.0011 201.272 155.3 0.04230 0.0038 PUST015_CASE_3 1.0060 0.0011 201.289 155.3 0.04230 0.0038 PUST015_CASE_4 1.0056 0.0012 201.324 155.3 0.04230 0.0038 PUST015_CASE_5 1.0072 0.0011 201.311 155.3 0.04230 0.0038 PUST015_CASE_6 1.0078 0.0012 201.327 155.3 0.04230 0.0038 PUST015_CASE_7 1.0078 0.0011 201.209 155.3 0.04230 0.0047 PUST015_CASE_8 1.0056 0.0011 201.255 155.3 0.04230 0.0047 PUST015_CASE_9 1.0062 0.0012 201.292 155.3 0.04230 0.0047 PUST015_CASE_10 1.0060 0.0011 201.333 155.3 0.04230 0.0047 PUST015_CASE_11 1.0012 0.0010 201.196 155.3 0.04230 0.0047 6.5-8
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Experiment Pu-240/ Uncertainty Case Name keff comp AEG H/X Pu Ratio exp PUST015_CASE_12 1.0053 0.0011 201.280 155.3 0.04230 0.0047 PUST015_CASE_13 1.0084 0.0010 201.307 155.3 0.04230 0.0047 PUST015_CASE_14 1.0065 0.0012 201.335 155.3 0.04230 0.0047 PUST015_CASE_15 1.0082 0.0013 201.196 155.3 0.04230 0.0047 PUST015_CASE_16 1.0064 0.0010 201.222 155.3 0.04230 0.0047 PUST015_CASE_17 1.0067 0.0010 201.299 155.3 0.04230 0.0047 PUST016_CASE_1 1.0077 0.0011 201.225 155.3 0.04230 0.0043 PUST016_CASE_2 1.0048 0.0011 201.265 155.3 0.04230 0.0043 PUST016_CASE_3 1.0072 0.0011 201.295 155.3 0.04230 0.0043 PUST016_CASE_4 1.0075 0.0011 201.318 155.3 0.04230 0.0043 PUST016_CASE_5 1.0054 0.0012 205.463 210.2 0.04230 0.0038 PUST016_CASE_6 1.0047 0.0011 205.476 210.2 0.04230 0.0038 PUST016_CASE_7 1.0093 0.0013 205.511 210.2 0.04230 0.0038 PUST016_CASE_8 1.0072 0.0011 205.508 210.2 0.04230 0.0038 PUST016_CASE_9 1.0070 0.0012 205.607 210.2 0.04230 0.0033 PUST016_CASE_10 1.0065 0.0012 205.556 210.2 0.04230 0.0033 PUST016_CASE_11 1.0063 0.0011 205.516 210.2 0.04230 0.0033 PUST017_CASE_1 1.0076 0.0011 205.535 210.2 0.04230 0.0038 PUST017_CASE_2 1.0050 0.0011 205.488 210.2 0.04230 0.0038 PUST017_CASE_3 1.0041 0.0011 205.492 210.2 0.04230 0.0038 PUST017_CASE_4 1.0054 0.0012 205.482 210.2 0.04230 0.0038 PUST017_CASE_5 1.0066 0.0012 205.488 210.2 0.04230 0.0038 PUST017_CASE_6 1.0056 0.0011 205.479 210.2 0.04230 0.0038 PUST017_CASE_7 1.0069 0.0011 205.485 210.2 0.04230 0.0038 PUST017_CASE_8 1.0051 0.0011 205.497 210.2 0.04230 0.0038 PUST017_CASE_9 1.0071 0.0012 205.525 210.2 0.04230 0.0038 PUST017_CASE_10 1.0060 0.0011 205.500 210.2 0.04230 0.0038 PUST017_CASE_11 1.0050 0.0011 205.531 210.2 0.04230 0.0038 PUST017_CASE_12 1.0057 0.0011 205.509 210.2 0.04230 0.0038 PUST017_CASE_13 1.0047 0.0011 205.490 210.2 0.04230 0.0038 PUST017_CASE_14 1.0049 0.0013 205.487 210.2 0.04230 0.0038 PUST017_CASE_15 1.0072 0.0012 205.533 210.2 0.04230 0.0038 6.5-9
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Experiment Pu-240/ Uncertainty Case Name keff comp AEG H/X Pu Ratio exp PUST017_CASE_16 1.0075 0.0010 205.522 210.2 0.04230 0.0038 PUST017_CASE_17 1.0068 0.0012 205.519 210.2 0.04230 0.0038 PUST017_CASE_18 1.0056 0.0010 205.487 210.2 0.04230 0.0038 PUST020_CASE_1 1.0075 0.0010 215.482 596.5 0.04570 0.0059 PUST020_CASE_2 1.0117 0.0010 215.622 615.6 0.04570 0.0059 PUST020_CASE_3 1.0049 0.0009 216.499 743.8 0.04570 0.0059 PUST020_CASE_5 1.0074 0.0010 213.992 462.9 0.04570 0.0059 PUST020_CASE_6 1.0078 0.0009 213.637 450.5 0.04570 0.0059 PUST020_CASE_7 1.0022 0.0009 216.277 722.9 0.04570 0.0059 PUST020_CASE_8 1.0066 0.0011 210.650 341.1 0.04570 0.0059 PUST020_CASE_9 1.0004 0.0010 214.048 543.2 0.04570 0.0059 PUST021_CASE_7 1.0109 0.0011 215.405 662 0.04570 0.0032 PUST021_CASE_8 1.0044 0.0010 197.712 125 0.04570 0.0065 PUST021_CASE_9 1.0117 0.0010 215.136 634 0.04570 0.0032 PUST021_CASE_10 1.0123 0.0008 218.033 1107 0.04570 0.0025 PUST024_CASE_1 1.0018 0.0010 191.676 87.5 0.18400 0.0062 PUST024_CASE_2 0.9999 0.0009 191.828 87.5 0.18400 0.0062 PUST024_CASE_3 1.0002 0.0011 191.933 87.5 0.18400 0.0062 PUST024_CASE_4 1.0020 0.0010 192.026 87.5 0.18400 0.0062 PUST024_CASE_5 0.9986 0.0011 192.017 87.5 0.18400 0.0062 PUST024_CASE_6 0.9988 0.0009 173.477 44.9 0.18400 0.0077 PUST024_CASE_7 1.0072 0.0010 201.097 143.9 0.18400 0.0053 PUST024_CASE_8 1.0073 0.0010 201.200 143.9 0.18400 0.0053 PUST024_CASE_9 1.0068 0.0010 201.253 143.9 0.18400 0.0053 PUST024_CASE_10 1.0090 0.0010 201.353 143.9 0.18400 0.0053 PUST024_CASE_11 1.0065 0.0011 201.418 143.9 0.18400 0.0053 PUST024_CASE_12 1.0069 0.0010 201.452 143.9 0.18400 0.0053 PUST024_CASE_13 1.0066 0.0010 201.493 143.9 0.18400 0.0053 PUST024_CASE_14 1.0019 0.0011 197.708 115.8 0.23200 0.0053 PUST024_CASE_15 1.0033 0.0012 197.781 115.8 0.23200 0.0053 PUST024_CASE_16 1.0017 0.0009 197.845 115.8 0.23200 0.0053 PUST024_CASE_17 1.0026 0.0010 197.990 115.8 0.23200 0.0053 6.5-10
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Experiment Pu-240/ Uncertainty Case Name keff comp AEG H/X Pu Ratio exp PUST024_CASE_18 1.0085 0.0010 212.039 367.3 0.18400 0.0051 PUST024_CASE_19 1.0079 0.0009 212.057 367.3 0.18400 0.0051 PUST024_CASE_20 1.0100 0.0010 212.074 367.3 0.18400 0.0051 PUST024_CASE_21 1.0075 0.0010 212.106 367.3 0.18400 0.0051 PUST024_CASE_22 1.0054 0.0010 212.142 367.3 0.18400 0.0051 PUST024_CASE_23 1.0068 0.0011 212.166 367.3 0.18400 0.0051 233ST001CASE_1 0.9975 0.0008 218.415 1531.5 N/A 0.0031 233ST001CASE_2 0.9959 0.0008 218.224 1471.7 N/A 0.0033 233ST001CASE_3 0.9955 0.0007 218.055 1420.1 N/A 0.0033 233ST001CASE_4 0.9970 0.0007 217.875 1369.7 N/A 0.0033 233ST001CASE_5 0.9956 0.0008 217.697 1325.4 N/A 0.0033 233ST003CASE_40 1.0029 0.0011 192.780 74.1 N/A 0.0087 233ST003CASE_41 1.0164 0.0011 191.195 74.1 N/A 0.0151 233ST003CASE_42 1.0002 0.0013 191.824 74.1 N/A 0.0087 233ST003CASE_45 1.0040 0.0013 180.246 45.9 N/A 0.0126 233ST003CASE_55 1.0102 0.0011 176.271 39.4 N/A 0.0122 233ST003CASE_57 1.0196 0.0012 204.026 154 N/A 0.0087 233ST003CASE_58 1.0119 0.0012 209.393 250 N/A 0.0087 233ST003CASE_61 1.0056 0.0011 211.723 329 N/A 0.0087 233ST003CASE_62 1.0079 0.0012 213.031 396 N/A 0.0087 233ST003CASE_65 1.0039 0.0010 216.519 775 N/A 0.0087 233ST015_CASE_1 0.9928 0.0012 175.241 51.58 N/A 0.0075 233ST015_CASE_2 0.9869 0.0013 173.581 51.58 N/A 0.0070 233ST015_CASE_3 0.9863 0.0012 181.133 51.58 N/A 0.0068 233ST015_CASE_4 0.9863 0.0012 181.133 51.58 N/A 0.0041 233ST015_CASE_5 0.9844 0.0012 172.140 51.58 N/A 0.0055 233ST015_CASE_6 0.9750 0.0012 171.626 51.58 N/A 0.0099 233ST015_CASE_7 0.9807 0.0012 179.879 51.58 N/A 0.0070 233ST015_CASE_8 0.9719 0.0012 171.311 51.58 N/A 0.0067 233ST015_CASE_9 0.9664 0.0013 171.019 51.58 N/A 0.0050 233ST015_CASE_10 0.9841 0.0012 174.951 51.58 N/A 0.0051 233ST015_CASE_11 0.9937 0.0012 181.620 64.23 N/A 0.0075 6.5-11
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Experiment Pu-240/ Uncertainty Case Name keff comp AEG H/X Pu Ratio exp 233ST015_CASE_12 0.9942 0.0012 180.243 64.23 N/A 0.0069 233ST015_CASE_13 0.9924 0.0011 179.562 64.23 N/A 0.0069 233ST015_CASE_14 0.9930 0.0011 187.157 64.23 N/A 0.0036 233ST015_CASE_15 0.9881 0.0012 178.911 64.23 N/A 0.0060 233ST015_CASE_16 0.9877 0.0013 178.599 64.23 N/A 0.0043 233ST015_CASE_17 0.9924 0.0012 186.084 64.23 N/A 0.0029 233ST015_CASE_18 0.9727 0.0014 178.045 64.23 N/A 0.0056 233ST015_CASE_19 0.9728 0.0012 177.964 64.23 N/A 0.0052 233ST015_CASE_20 0.9969 0.0011 193.458 102.54 N/A 0.0079 233ST015_CASE_21 0.9992 0.0012 192.290 102.54 N/A 0.0070 233ST015_CASE_22 0.9966 0.0011 191.669 102.54 N/A 0.0062 233ST015_CASE_23 0.9949 0.0011 191.140 102.54 N/A 0.0055 233ST015_CASE_24 0.9901 0.0013 190.850 102.54 N/A 0.0051 233ST015_CASE_25 0.9917 0.0012 196.919 102.54 N/A 0.0023 233ST015_CASE_26 0.9964 0.0011 204.143 199.4 N/A 0.0066 233ST015_CASE_27 0.9982 0.0011 203.709 199.4 N/A 0.0063 233ST015_CASE_28 0.9948 0.0010 203.459 199.4 N/A 0.0058 233ST015_CASE_29 0.9928 0.0012 203.220 199.4 N/A 0.0051 233ST015_CASE_30 0.9940 0.0011 203.118 199.4 N/A 0.0048 233ST015_CASE_31 0.9946 0.0012 203.041 199.4 N/A 0.0055 X refers to Pu or U-233 as applicable for the benchmark cases All cases were run with 1000 neutrons per generation for 1000 generations with the initial 50 generations skipped.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Table 6.5 Calculation of USL Benchmark Set Number of USL vs. USL vs. USL vs.
Cases AEG H/X Pu-240/Pu U-233 without Be 15 0.9270 N/A N/A U-233 with Be 31 0.9302 N/A N/A (204.14)
Pu 196 0.9395 0.9393 0.9395 Pu + U-233 with Be 227 0.9382 N/A N/A Calculated at maximum AEG of the set 204.14. USL increases with AEG such that this is conservative for the AEG of the calculations (~217)
Range of applicability is 195.928 < AEG < 219.83 6.5-13
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 This page intentionally left blank.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 7.0 OPERATING PROCEDURES 7.1 Procedures for Loading the Package This section delineates the procedures for loading a payload into the TRUPACT-II packaging, and leakage rate testing the inner containment vessel (ICV) and, optionally, the outer confinement vessel (OCV). Hereafter, reference to specific TRUPACT-II packaging components may be found in Appendix 1.3.1, Packaging General Arrangement Drawings.
The loading operation shall be performed in a dry environment. In the event of precipitation during outdoor loading operations, precautions, such as covering the OCV and ICV cavities shall be implemented to prevent water or precipitation from entering the cavities. If precipitation enters the cavities, the free-standing water shall be removed prior to loading the payload.
Based on the current configuration of the TRUPACT-II packaging when preparing for loading, begin at the section applicable to the following criteria:
- If the TRUPACT-II package will be loaded while on the transport trailer or railcar, proceed directly to Section 7.1.2, Outer Confinement Assembly (OCA) Lid Removal.
- If the outer confinement assembly (OCA) lid has already been removed, proceed directly to Section 7.1.3, Inner Containment Vessel (ICV) Lid Removal.
- If both the OCA and ICV lids have already been removed, proceed directly to Section 7.1.4, Loading the Payload into the TRUPACT-II Package.
7.1.1 Removal of the TRUPACT-II Package from the Transport Trailer/Railcar
- 1. Uncover the forklift pockets located at the base of the OCA body.
- 2. Disengage each of the four (4) tie-down devices on the transport trailer or railcar from the corresponding tie-down lugs on the package.
CAUTION: Failure to disengage the tie-down devices may cause damage to the packaging and/or transport trailer/railcar.
- 3. Using a forklift of appropriate size, position the forklifts forks inside the forklift pockets.
- 4. Lift the package from the transport trailer or railcar and move the package to the loading station.
- 5. Place the package in the loading station and remove the forklift.
7.1.2 Outer Confinement Assembly (OCA) Lid Removal
- 1. If necessary, clean the surfaces around the joint between the OCA lid and body as required.
- 2. Remove the OCV seal test port access plug, OCV seal test port thermal plug, and OCV seal test port plug.
- 3. Remove the OCV vent port access plug, OCV vent port thermal plug, and OCV vent port cover.
- 4. Remove the OCV vent port plug to vent the OCV cavity to ambient atmospheric pressure.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021
- 5. Remove the six 1/2-inch lock bolts (socket head cap screws) from the exterior of the OCA thermal shield.
- 6. Optionally install a vacuum pump to the OCV vent port and evacuate the OCV cavity sufficiently to allow the OCV locking ring to freely rotate. Rotate the OCV locking ring approximately 10º counterclockwise until the exterior alignment mark indicates the unlocked position. If used, disconnect the vacuum system and equalize pressure to the OCV cavity.
- 7. Rig an overhead crane, or equivalent, with an appropriate lift fixture capable of handling the OCA lid. Engage the lift fixture and remove the OCA lid from the OCA body. Store the OCA lid in a manner such that potential damage to the OCA lids sealing region is minimized.
7.1.3 Inner Containment Vessel (ICV) Lid Removal
- 1. Remove the ICV vent port cover, the ICV outer vent port plug, and ICV inner vent port plug to vent the ICV cavity to ambient atmospheric pressure.
- 2. Remove the ICV seal test port plug.
- 3. Remove the three 1/2-inch lock bolts (socket head cap screws) from the exterior of the ICV locking ring.
- 4. Install a vacuum pump to the ICV vent port and evacuate the ICV cavity sufficiently to allow the ICV locking ring to freely rotate. Rotate the ICV locking ring approximately 10º counterclockwise until the exterior alignment mark indicates the unlocked position.
Disconnect the vacuum system and equalize pressure to the ICV cavity.
- 5. Rig an overhead crane, or equivalent, with an appropriate lift fixture capable of handling the ICV lid. Engage the lift fixture and remove the ICV lid from the ICV body. Store the ICV lid in a manner such that potential damage to the ICV lids sealing region and ICV upper aluminum honeycomb spacer assembly is minimized.
7.1.4 Loading the Payload into the TRUPACT-II Package The following loading sequence requires that a payload configuration has been properly prepared per the requirements of the Contact-Handled Transuranic Waste Authorized Methods for Payload Control (CH-TRAMPAC) 1.
- 1. Verify the presence of an ICV upper aluminum honeycomb spacer assembly in the ICV lid, and an ICV lower aluminum honeycomb spacer assembly in the ICV body.
- 2. Utilizing the 3-inch diameter hole in the ICV lower aluminum honeycomb spacer assembly, inspect the ICV lower head for the presence of water. Remove all freestanding water prior to loading the payload assembly into the ICV cavity.
- 3. Connect an appropriate lifting device to the payload assembly.
- 4. Balance the payload assembly to ensure the payload does not damage either the ICV or the OCV sealing regions during the loading operation.
1 U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Contact-Handled Transuranic Waste Authorized Methods for Payload Control (CH-TRAMPAC), U.S. Department of Energy, Carlsbad Field Office, Carlsbad, New Mexico.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021
- 5. Lower the payload assembly into the ICV cavity; disconnect and remove the lifting device.
7.1.5 Inner Containment Vessel (ICV) Lid Installation
- 1. Visually inspect each of the following ICV components for wear or damage that could impair their function and, if necessary, replace or repair per the requirements of the drawings in Appendix 1.3.1, Packaging General Arrangement Drawings.
- a. ICV debris shield
- b. ICV wiper O-ring seal and wiper O-ring holder
- c. ICV seal test port plug and accompanying O-ring seal
- d. ICV inner vent port plug and accompanying O-ring seal
- f. Lock bolts
- 2. Visually inspect both ICV main O-ring seals. If necessary, remove the O-ring seal(s) and clean the seal(s) and sealing surface(s) on the ICV lid and body to remove contamination. If, during the visual examination, it is determined that damage to the O-ring seal(s) and/or sealing surface(s) is sufficient to impair ICV containment integrity, replace the damaged seal(s) and/or repair the damaged sealing surface(s) per Section, Seal Area Routine Inspection and Repair.
- 3. Visually inspect the O-ring seal on the ICV outer vent port plug. If necessary, remove the O-ring seal and clean the seal and sealing surfaces on the ICV outer vent port plug and in the ICV vent port to remove contamination. If, during the visual examination, it is determined that damage to the O-ring seal and/or sealing surface(s) is sufficient to impair ICV containment integrity, replace the damaged seal and/or repair the damaged sealing surface(s) per Section, Seal Area Routine Inspection and Repair.
- 4. As an option, sparingly apply vacuum grease to the O-ring seals and install into the appropriate O-ring seal grooves in the ICV body, ICV seal test port and vent port plugs.
- 5. Rig an overhead crane, or equivalent, with an appropriate lift fixture capable of handling the ICV lid. Engage the lift fixture and install the ICV lid onto the ICV body. Remove the lift fixture.
- 6. Install a vacuum pump to the ICV vent port and evacuate the ICV cavity sufficiently to allow the ICV locking ring to freely rotate. Rotate the ICV locking ring approximately 10º clockwise until the exterior alignment mark indicates the locked position. After rotating the ICV locking ring, disconnect the vacuum system and equalize pressure to the ICV cavity.
- 7. Install the three 1/2-inch lock bolts (socket head cap screws) through the cutouts in the ICV locking ring to secure the ICV locking ring in the locked position. Tighten the lock bolts to 28 - 32 lb-ft torque, lubricated.
- 8. Leakage rate testing of the ICV main O-ring seal shall be performed based on the following criteria:
- a. If the ICV upper main O-ring seal (containment) is replaced, or the corresponding sealing surface(s) was repaired, then perform the maintenance/periodic leakage rate test per Section, Helium Leakage Rate Testing the ICV Main O-ring Seal.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021
- b. If there are no changes to the ICV upper main O-ring seal (containment) and no repairs made to the corresponding sealing surfaces, then perform preshipment leakage rate testing per Section 7.4, Preshipment Leakage Rate Test, or per Section, Helium Leakage Rate Testing the ICV Main O-ring Seal.
- 11. Leakage rate testing of the ICV outer vent port plug O-ring seal shall be performed based on the following criteria:
- a. If the ICV outer vent port plug O-ring seal is replaced, or the corresponding ICV vent port sealing surface was repaired, then perform the maintenance/periodic leakage rate test per Section, Helium Leakage Rate Testing the ICV Outer Vent Port Plug O-ring Seal.
- b. If the ICV outer vent port plug and accompanying O-ring seal are the same as previously removed, and no repairs made to the corresponding sealing surfaces, then perform preshipment leakage rate testing per Section 7.4, Preshipment Leakage Rate Test, or per Section, Helium Leakage Rate Testing the ICV Outer Vent Port Plug O-ring Seal.
7.1.6 Outer Confinement Assembly (OCA) Lid Installation
- 1. Visually inspect each of the following OCA components for wear or damage that could impair their function and, if necessary, replace or repair per the requirements of the drawings in Appendix 1.3.1, Packaging General Arrangement Drawings.
- a. OCV seal test port plug and, if used, the accompanying O-ring seal
- b. OCV vent port cover and, if used, the accompanying O-ring seal
- c. Lock bolts
- 2. If used, visually inspect both OCV main O-ring seals; otherwise, skip this step. If necessary, remove the O-ring seal(s) and clean the seal(s) and sealing surface(s) on the OCA lid and body to remove contamination. If, during the visual examination, it is determined that damage to the O-ring seal(s) and/or sealing surface(s) is sufficient to impair OCV confinement integrity, replace the damaged seal(s) and/or repair the damaged sealing surface(s) per Section, Seal Area Routine Inspection and Repair.
- 3. If used, visually inspect the O-ring seal on the OCV vent port plug; otherwise, skip this step.
If necessary, remove the O-ring seal and clean the seal and sealing surfaces on the OCV vent port plug and in the OCV vent port to remove contamination. If, during the visual examination, it is determined that damage to the O-ring seal and/or sealing surface(s) is sufficient to impair OCV confinement integrity, replace the damaged seal and/or repair the damaged sealing surface(s) per Section, Seal Area Routine Inspection and Repair.
- 4. As an option and if the O-ring seals are used, sparingly apply vacuum grease to the O-ring seals and install into the appropriate O-ring seal grooves in the OCV body, OCV seal test port plug, and OCV vent port plug.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021
- 5. Rig an overhead crane, or equivalent, with an appropriate lift fixture capable of handling the OCA lid. Engage the lift fixture and install the OCA lid onto the OCA body. Remove the lift fixture.
- 6. Optionally install a vacuum pump to the OCV vent port and evacuate the OCV cavity sufficiently to allow the OCV locking ring to freely rotate. Rotate the OCV locking ring approximately 10º clockwise until the alignment mark indicates the locked position. After rotating the OCV locking ring, disconnect the vacuum system and equalize pressure to the OCV cavity.
- 7. Install the six 1/2-inch lock bolts (socket head cap screws) through the cutouts in the OCA outer thermal shield to secure the OCV locking ring in the locked position. Tighten the lock bolts to 28 - 32 lb-ft torque, lubricated.
- 8. Optionally perform leakage rate testing of the OCV main O-ring seal based on the following criteria:
- a. If the OCV upper main O-ring seal (confinement) is replaced, or the corresponding sealing surface(s) was repaired, then perform the maintenance/periodic leakage rate test per Section, Optional Helium Leakage Rate Testing the OCV Main O-ring Seal Integrity.
- b. If there are no changes to the OCV upper main O-ring seal (confinement) and no repairs made to the corresponding sealing surfaces, then perform preshipment leakage rate testing per Section 7.4, Preshipment Leakage Rate Test, or per Section, Optional Helium Leakage Rate Testing the OCV Main O-ring Seal Integrity.
- 9. Install the OCV seal test port plug; tighten to 55 - 65 lb-in torque. Install the OCV seal test port thermal plug and the OCV seal test port access plug; tighten to 28 - 32 lb-ft torque.
- 10. Install the OCV vent port plug; tighten to 55 - 65 lb-in torque.
- 11. Optionally perform leakage rate testing of the OCV vent port plug O-ring seal based on the following criteria:
- a. If the OCV vent port plug O-ring seal is replaced, or the corresponding OCV vent port sealing surface was repaired, then perform the maintenance/periodic leakage rate test per Section, Optional Helium Leakage Rate Testing the OCV Vent Port Plug O-ring Seal Integrity.
- b. If the OCV vent port plug and accompanying O-ring seal are the same as previously removed, and no repairs made to the corresponding sealing surfaces, then perform preshipment leakage rate testing per Section 7.4, Preshipment Leakage Rate Test, or per Section, Optional Helium Leakage Rate Testing the OCV Vent Port Plug O-ring Seal Integrity.
- 12. Install the OCV vent port cover; tighten to 55 - 65 lb-in torque.
- 13. Install the OCV vent port thermal plug and the OCV vent port access plug; tighten to 28 -
32 lb-ft torque.
7.1.7 Final Package Preparations for Transport (Loaded)
- 1. Install the two tamper-indicating devices (security seals). One security seal is located at the OCA vent port access plug; the second is located at an OCA lock bolt.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021
- 2. If the TRUPACT-II package is not already loaded onto the transport trailer or railcar, perform the following steps:
- a. Using a forklift of appropriate size, position the forklifts forks inside the forklift pockets.
- b. Lift the loaded TRUPACT-II package, aligning the packaging over the tie-down points on the transport trailer or railcar.
- c. Secure the loaded TRUPACT-II package to the transport trailer or railcar using the appropriate tie-down devices.
- d. Load as many as three TRUPACT-II packages per transport trailer or up to seven TRUPACT-II packages per railcar.
- e. Install forklift pocket covers over the four forklift pockets located at the base of the OCA body.
- 3. Monitor external radiation for each loaded TRUPACT-II package per the guidelines of 49 CFR §173.441 2.
- 4. Determine that surface contamination levels for each loaded TRUPACT-II package are per the guidelines of 49 CFR §173.443.
- 5. Determine the shielding Transport Index (TI) for each loaded TRUPACT-II package per the guidelines of 49 CFR §173.403.
- 6. Complete all necessary shipping papers in accordance with Subpart C of 49 CFR 172 3.
- 7. TRUPACT-II package marking shall be in accordance with 10 CFR §71.85(c) 4 and Subpart D of 49 CFR 172. Package labeling shall be in accordance with Subpart E of 49 CFR 172. Package placarding shall be in accordance with Subpart F of 49 CFR 172.
2 Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 173 (49 CFR 173), Shippers-General Requirements for Shipments and Packagings, Current Version.
3 Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 172 (49 CFR 172), Hazardous Materials Tables and Hazardous Communications Regulations, Current Version.
4 Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 71 (10 CFR 71), Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Material, 01-01-19 Edition.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 7.2 Procedures for Unloading the Package This section delineates the procedures for unloading a payload from the TRUPACT-II packaging. Hereafter, reference to specific TRUPACT-II packaging components may be found in Appendix 1.3.1, Packaging General Arrangement Drawings.
The unloading operation shall be performed in a dry environment. In the event of precipitation during outdoor unloading operations, precautions, such as covering the outer confinement vessel (OCV) and inner containment vessel (ICV) cavities shall be implemented to prevent water or precipitation from entering the cavities. If precipitation enters the cavities, the free-standing water shall be removed prior to installing the lids.
- If the TRUPACT-II package will be unloaded while on the transport trailer or railcar, proceed directly to Section 7.2.2, Outer Confinement Assembly (OCA) Lid Removal.
7.2.1 Removal of the TRUPACT-II Package from the Transport Trailer/Railcar
- 1. Uncover the forklift pockets located at the base of the OCA body.
- 2. Disengage each of the four (4) tie-down devices on the transport trailer or railcar from the corresponding tie-down lugs on the package.
CAUTION: Failure to disengage the tie-down devices may cause damage to the packaging and/or transport trailer/railcar.
- 3. Using a forklift of appropriate size, position the forklifts forks inside the forklift pockets.
- 4. Lift the package from the transport trailer or railcar and move the package to the loading station.
- 5. Place the package in the loading station and remove the forklift.
7.2.2 Outer Confinement Assembly (OCA) Lid Removal
- 1. If necessary, clean the surfaces around the joint between the OCA lid and body as required.
- 2. Remove the OCV seal test port access plug, OCV seal test port thermal plug, and OCV seal test port plug.
- 3. Remove the OCV vent port access plug, OCV vent port thermal plug, and OCV vent port cover.
- 4. Remove the OCV vent port plug to vent the OCV cavity to ambient atmospheric pressure.
- 5. Remove the six 1/2-inch lock bolts (socket head cap screws) from the exterior of the OCA thermal shield.
- 6. Optionally install a vacuum pump to the OCV vent port and evacuate the OCV cavity sufficiently to allow the OCV locking ring to freely rotate. Rotate the OCV locking ring approximately 10º counterclockwise until the exterior alignment mark indicates the unlocked position. If used, disconnect the vacuum system and equalize pressure to the OCV cavity.
- 7. Rig an overhead crane, or equivalent, with an appropriate lift fixture capable of handling the OCA lid. Engage the lift fixture and remove the OCA lid from the OCA body. Store the OCA lid in a manner such that potential damage to the OCA lids sealing region is minimized.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 7.2.3 Inner Containment Vessel (ICV) Lid Removal
- 1. Remove the ICV vent port cover, the ICV outer vent port plug, and ICV inner vent port plug to vent the ICV cavity to ambient atmospheric pressure.
- 2. Remove the ICV seal test port plug.
- 3. Remove the three 1/2-inch lock bolts (socket head cap screws) from the exterior of the ICV locking ring.
- 4. Install a vacuum pump to the ICV vent port and evacuate the ICV cavity sufficiently to allow the ICV locking ring to freely rotate. Rotate the ICV locking ring approximately 10º counterclockwise until the alignment mark indicates the unlocked position. Disconnect the vacuum system and equalize pressure to the ICV cavity.
- 5. Rig an overhead crane, or equivalent, with an appropriate lift fixture capable of handling the ICV lid. Engage the lift fixture and remove the ICV lid from the ICV body. Store the ICV lid in a manner such that potential damage to the ICV lids sealing region and ICV upper aluminum honeycomb spacer assembly is minimized.
7.2.4 Unloading the Payload from the TRUPACT-II Package
- 1. Connect an appropriate lifting device to the payload assembly.
- 2. Balance the payload assembly sufficiently to ensure the payload does not damage either the ICV or the OCV sealing regions during the unloading operation.
- 3. Remove the payload assembly from the ICV cavity; disconnect and remove the lifting device.
7.2.5 Inner Containment Vessel (ICV) Lid Installation
- 1. Visually inspect each of the following ICV components for wear or damage that could impair their function and, if necessary, replace or repair per the requirements of the drawings in Appendix 1.3.1, Packaging General Arrangement Drawings.
- a. ICV debris shield
- b. ICV wiper O-ring seal and wiper O-ring holder
- c. ICV main O-ring seals and sealing surfaces
- d. ICV seal test port plug and accompanying O-ring seal
- e. ICV inner and outer vent port plugs and accompanying O-ring seals
- g. Lock bolts
- 2. As an option, sparingly apply vacuum grease to the O-ring seals and install into the appropriate O-ring seal grooves in the ICV body, ICV seal test port and vent port plugs.
- 3. Rig an overhead crane, or equivalent, with an appropriate lift fixture capable of handling the ICV lid. Engage the lift fixture and install the ICV lid onto the ICV body. Remove the lift fixture.
- 4. Install a vacuum pump to the ICV vent port and evacuate the ICV cavity sufficiently to allow the ICV locking ring to freely rotate. Rotate the ICV locking ring approximately 10º 7.2-2
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 clockwise until the alignment mark indicates the locked position. After rotating the ICV locking ring, disconnect the vacuum system and equalize pressure to the ICV cavity.
- 5. Install the three 1/2-inch lock bolts (socket head cap screws) through the cutouts in the ICV locking ring to secure the ICV locking ring in the locked position. Tighten the lock bolts to 28 - 32 lb-ft torque, lubricated.
- 7. Install the ICV inner and outer vent port plugs, followed by the ICV vent port cover; tighten each to 55 - 65 lb-in torque.
7.2.6 Outer Confinement Assembly (OCA) Lid Installation
- 1. Visually inspect each of the following OCA components for wear or damage that could impair their function and, if necessary, replace or repair per the requirements of the drawings in Appendix 1.3.1, Packaging General Arrangement Drawings.
- a. OCV main O-ring seals, if used, and sealing surfaces
- b. OCV seal test port plug and, if used, the accompanying O-ring seal
- c. OCV vent port plug and, if used, the accompanying O-ring seal
- d. OCV vent port cover and, if used, the accompanying O-ring seal
- e. Lock bolts
- 2. As an option and if O-ring seals are used, sparingly apply vacuum grease to the O-ring seals and install into the appropriate O-ring seal grooves in the OCV body, OCV seal test port and vent port plugs.
- 3. Rig an overhead crane, or equivalent, with an appropriate lift fixture capable of handling the OCA lid. Engage the lift fixture and install the OCA lid onto the OCA body. Remove the lift fixture.
- 4. Optionally install a vacuum pump to the OCV vent port and evacuate the OCV cavity sufficiently to allow the OCV locking ring to freely rotate. Rotate the OCV locking ring approximately 10º clockwise until the alignment mark indicates the locked position. After rotating the OCV locking ring, disconnect the vacuum system and equalize pressure to the OCV cavity.
- 5. Install the six 1/2-inch lock bolts (socket head cap screws) through the cutouts in the OCA outer thermal shield to secure the OCV locking ring in the locked position. Tighten the lock bolts to 28 - 32 lb-ft torque, lubricated.
- 6. Install the OCV seal test port plug; tighten to 55 - 65 lb-in torque. Install the OCV seal test port thermal plug and the OCV seal test port access plug; tighten to 28 - 32 lb-ft torque.
- 7. Install the OCV vent port plug and OCV vent port cover; tighten each to 55 - 65 lb-in torque.
Install the OCV vent port thermal plug and the OCV vent port access plug; tighten to 28 - 32 lb-ft torque.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 7.2.7 Final Package Preparations for Transport (Unloaded)
- 1. If the TRUPACT-II package is not already loaded onto the transport trailer or railcar, perform the following steps:
- a. Using a forklift of appropriate size, position the forklifts forks inside the forklift pockets.
- b. Lift the TRUPACT-II package, aligning the packaging over the tie-down points on the transport trailer or railcar.
- c. Secure the TRUPACT-II package to the transport trailer or railcar using the appropriate tie-down devices.
- d. Load as many as three TRUPACT-II packages per transport trailer or up to seven TRUPACT-II packages per railcar.
- e. Install forklift pocket covers over the four forklift pockets located at the base of the OCA body.
- 2. Transport the TRUPACT-II package in accordance with Section 7.3, Preparation of an Empty Package for Transport.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 7.3 Preparation of an Empty Package for Transport Previously used and empty TRUPACT-II packagings shall be prepared and transported per the requirements of 49 CFR §173.428 1.
1 Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 173 (49 CFR 173), Shippers-General Requirements for Shipments and Packagings, Current Version.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 This page intentionally left blank.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 7.4 Preshipment Leakage Rate Test After the TRUPACT-II package is assembled and prior to shipment, leakage rate testing shall be performed to confirm proper assembly of the package following the guidelines of Section 7.6, Preshipment Leakage Rate Test, and Appendix A.5.2, Gas Pressure Rise, of ANSI N14.51.
7.4.1 Gas Pressure Rise Leakage Rate Test Acceptance Criteria In order to demonstrate containment integrity in preparation for shipment, no leakage shall be detected when tested to a sensitivity of 1 x 10-3 reference cubic centimeters per second (scc/s) air, or less, per Section 7.6, Preshipment Leakage Rate Test, of ANSI N14.5.
7.4.2 Determining the Test Volume and Test Time
- 1. Assemble a leakage rate test apparatus that consists of, at a minimum, the components illustrated in Figure 7.4-1, using a calibrated volume with a range of 100 - 500 cubic centimeters, and a calibrated pressure transducer with a minimum sensitivity of 100 millitorr. Connect the test apparatus to the test volume (i.e., the OCV or ICV seal test port, or OCV or ICV vent port, as appropriate).
- 2. Set the indicated sensitivity on the digital readout of the calibrated pressure transducer, P, to, at a minimum, the resolution (i.e., sensitivity) of the calibrated pressure transducer (e.g, P = 1, 10, or 100 millitorr for a pressure transducer with a 1 millitorr sensitivity).
- 3. Open all valves (i.e., the vent valve, calibration valve, and vacuum pump isolation valve),
and record ambient atmospheric pressure, Patm.
- 4. Isolate the calibrated volume by closing the vent and calibration valves.
- 5. Evacuate the test volume to a pressure less than the indicated sensitivity on the digital readout of the calibrated pressure transducer or 0.76 torr, whichever is less.
- 6. Isolate the vacuum pump from the test volume by closing the vacuum pump isolation valve.
Allow the test volume pressure to stabilize and record the test volume pressure, Ptest (e.g., Ptest < 1 millitorr for an indicated sensitivity of 1 millitorr).
- 7. Open the calibration valve and, after allowing the system to stabilize, record the total volume pressure, Ptotal.
- 8. Knowing the calibrated volume, Vc, calculate and record the test volume, Vt, using the following equation:
P Ptotal Vt = Vc atm Ptotal Ptest
- 9. Knowing the indicated sensitivity on the digital readout of the calibrated pressure transducer, P, calculate and record the test time, t, using the following equation:
t = P(1.32)Vt 1
ANSI N14.5-1997, American National Standard for Radioactive Materials - Leakage Tests on Packages for Shipment, American National Standards Institute, Inc. (ANSI).
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 7.4.3 Performing the Gas Pressure Rise Leakage Rate Test
- 1. Isolate the calibrated volume by closing the calibration valve.
- 2. Open the vacuum pump isolation valve and evacuate the test volume to a pressure less than the test volume pressure, Ptest, determined in step 6 of Section 7.4.2, Determining the Test Volume and Test Time.
- 3. Isolate the vacuum pump from the test volume by closing the vacuum pump isolation valve.
Allow the test volume pressure to stabilize and record the beginning test pressure, P1. After a period of time equal to t seconds, determined in Step 9 of Section 7.4.2, Determining the Test Volume and Test Time, record the ending test pressure, P2. To be acceptable, there shall be no difference between the final and initial pressures such that the requirements of Section 7.4.1, Gas Pressure Rise Leakage Rate Test Acceptance Criteria, are met.
- 4. If, after repeated attempts, the O-ring seal fails to pass the leakage rate test, replace the damaged seal and/or repair the damaged sealing surfaces per Section, Seal Area Routine Inspection and Repair. Perform verification leakage rate test per the applicable procedure delineated in Section 8.2.2, Maintenance/Periodic Leakage Rate Tests.
7.4.4 Optional Preshipment Leakage Rate Test As an option to Section 7.4.3, Performing the Gas Pressure Rise Leakage Rate Test, Section 8.2.2, Maintenance/Periodic Leakage Rate Tests, may be performed.
To Test Volume Vent Calibration Valve Valve Vc 999.9 Pressure Digital Calibrated Vacuum Pump Transducer Readout Volume Isolation Valve Vacuum Pump Figure 7.4 Pressure Rise Leakage Rate Test Schematic 7.4-2
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 8.0 ACCEPTANCE TESTS AND MAINTENANCE PROGRAM 8.1 Acceptance Tests Per the requirements of 10 CFR §71.85 1, this section discusses the inspections and tests to be performed prior to first use of the TRUPACT-II packaging.
8.1.1 Visual Inspection All TRUPACT-II packaging materials of construction and welds shall be examined in accordance with requirements delineated on the drawings in Appendix 1.3.1, Packaging General Arrangement Drawings, per the requirements of 10 CFR §71.85(a). Furthermore, the inspections and tests of Section, Seal Areas and Grooves, shall be performed prior to pressure and leakage rate testing.
8.1.2 Structural and Pressure Tests Lifting Device Load Testing The bounding design load of the outer confinement assembly (OCA) lid lifting devices is 7,500 pounds total, or 2,500 pounds per lifting point. Load test each set of OCA lid lifting devices to 150% of their bounding design load, 11,250 pounds total, or 3,750 pounds per lifting point.
Perform load testing of the OCA lid lifting devices prior to polyurethane foam installation.
Following OCA load testing, all accessible base material and welds and adjacent base metal (minimum 1/2 inch on each side of the weld) directly related to OCA load testing shall be visually inspected for plastic deformation or cracking, and liquid penetrant inspected per ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section V 2, Article 6, and ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section III 3, Division 1, Subsection NF, Article NF-5000. Indications of cracking or distortion shall be recorded on a nonconformance report and dispositioned prior to final acceptance in accordance with the cognizant quality assurance program.
The bounding design load of the inner containment vessel (ICV) lifting sockets is 5,000 pounds total, or 1,667 pounds per lifting socket. Load test each set of ICV lifting sockets to 150% of their bounding design load, 7,500 pounds total, or 2,500 pounds per lifting socket.
Following ICV load testing, all accessible base material and welds and adjacent base metal (minimum 1/2 inch on each side of the weld) directly related to ICV load testing shall be visually inspected for plastic deformation or cracking, and liquid penetrant inspected per ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section V2, Article 6, and ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section III3, Division 1, Subsection NB, Article NB-5000. Indications of cracking or distortion 1
Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 71 (10 CFR 71), Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Material, 01-01-19 Edition.
2 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section V, Nondestructive Examination, 1986 Edition.
3 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section III, Rules for Construction of Nuclear Power Plant Components, 1986 Edition.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 shall be recorded on a nonconformance report and dispositioned prior to final acceptance in accordance with the cognizant quality assurance program. Pressure Testing Per the requirements of 10 CFR §71.85(b), the ICV shall be pressure tested to 150% of the maximum normal operating pressure (MNOP) to verify structural integrity. The MNOP of the ICV is equal to the 50 psig design pressure. Thus, the ICV shall be pressure tested to 50 x 1.5 =
75 psig.
Following ICV pressure testing, all accessible welds and adjacent base metal (minimum 1/2 inch on each side of the weld) directly related to the pressure testing of the ICV shall be visually inspected for plastic deformation or cracking, and liquid penetrant inspected per ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section V, Article 6, and ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section III, Division 1, Subsection NB, Article NB-5000, as delineated on the drawings in Appendix 1.3.1, Packaging General Arrangement Drawings. Indications of cracking or distortion shall be recorded on a nonconformance report and dispositioned prior to final acceptance in accordance with the cognizant quality assurance program.
The outer confinement vessel (OCV) may optionally be pressure tested to 150% of the maximum normal operating pressure (MNOP) to verify structural integrity. The MNOP of the OCV is equal to the 50 psig design pressure. Thus, the OCV may optionally be pressure tested to 50 x 1.5 = 75 psig.
Following optional OCV pressure testing, all accessible welds and adjacent base metal (minimum 1/2 inch on each side of the weld) directly related to the pressure testing of the OCV shall be visually inspected for plastic deformation or cracking, and liquid penetrant inspected per ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section V, Article 6, and ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section III, Division 1, Subsection NF, Article NF-5000, as delineated on the drawings in Appendix 1.3.1, Packaging General Arrangement Drawings. Indications of cracking or distortion shall be recorded on a nonconformance report and dispositioned prior to final acceptance in accordance with the cognizant quality assurance program.
Leakage rate testing per Section 8.1.3, Fabrication Leakage Rate Tests, shall be performed on the ICV and may optionally be performed on the OCV after completion of pressure testing to verify package configuration and performance to design criteria.
8.1.3 Fabrication Leakage Rate Tests This section provides the generalized procedure for fabrication leakage rate testing of the containment and, optionally, confinement vessel boundaries and penetrations following the completion of fabrication. Fabrication leakage rate testing shall follow the guidelines of Section 7.3, Fabrication Leakage Rate Test, of ANSI N14.5 4.
Prior to leakage rate testing, internal components such as the payload and spacer pallets, ICV aluminum honeycomb spacer assemblies, etc., shall be removed. For ease of leakage rate testing, each vessel should be thoroughly cleaned.
4 ANSI N14.5-1997, American National Standard for Radioactive Materials - Leakage Tests on Packages for Shipment, American National Standards Institute, Inc. (ANSI).
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Fabrication leakage rate testing shall be performed on the ICV and may optionally be performed on the OCV. Six separate tests comprise the series with three on the ICV and three on the OCV.
Each test shall meet the acceptance criteria delineated in Section, Fabrication Leakage Rate Test Acceptance Criteria. Fabrication Leakage Rate Test Acceptance Criteria
- 1. To be acceptable, each leakage rate test shall demonstrate a leaktight leakage rate of 1 x 10-7 reference cubic centimeters per second (scc/s), air, or less, per Section 6.3, Application of Referenced Air Leakage Rate (LR), of ANSI N14.5.
- 2. In order to demonstrate a leaktight leakage rate, the sensitivity of the leakage rate test procedure shall be 5 x 10-8 scc/s, air, or less, per Section 8.4, Sensitivity, of ANSI N14.5. Helium Leakage Rate Testing the ICV Structure Integrity
- 1. The fabrication leakage rate test of the ICV structure shall be performed following the guidelines of Section A.5.4, Evacuated Envelope - Gas Detector, of ANSI N14.5.
- 2. The ICV shall be assembled with both main O-ring seals installed into the ICV lower seal flange. Assembly is as shown in Appendix 1.3.1, Packaging General Arrangement Drawings.
- 3. Install the assembled ICV into a functional OCV body.
- 5. Connect a vacuum pump to the ICV vent port and evacuate the ICV cavity to 90% vacuum or better (i.e., 10% ambient atmospheric pressure).
- 6. Provide a helium atmosphere inside the ICV cavity by backfilling with helium gas to a pressure slightly greater than atmospheric pressure (+1 psi, -0 psi).
- 7. Install the ICV outer vent port plug, followed by the ICV vent port cover; tighten each to 55 - 65 lb-in torque.
- 8. Ensure the OCV vent port access plug, OCV vent port thermal plug, OCV vent port cover, and OCV vent port plug have been removed from the OCV body.
- 9. With both main O-ring seals installed into the OCV lower seal flange, install the OCV lid.
Assembly is as shown in Appendix 1.3.1, Packaging General Arrangement Drawings.
- 10. Install a helium mass spectrometer leak detector to the OCV vent port. Evacuate through the OCV vent port until the vacuum is sufficient to operate the helium mass spectrometer leak detector.
- 11. Perform the helium leakage rate test to the requirements of Section, Fabrication Leakage Rate Test Acceptance Criteria. If, after repeated attempts, the ICV structure fails to pass the leakage rate test, isolate the leak path and, prior to repairing the leak path and repeating the leakage rate test, record on a nonconformance report and disposition prior to final acceptance in accordance with the cognizant quality assurance program. Helium Leakage Rate Testing the ICV Main O-ring Seal
- 1. The fabrication leakage rate test of the ICV main O-ring seal shall be performed following the guidelines of Section A.5.4, Evacuated Envelope - Gas Detector, of ANSI N14.5.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021
- 2. The ICV shall be assembled with both main O-ring seals installed into the ICV lower seal flange. Assembly is as shown in Appendix 1.3.1, Packaging General Arrangement Drawings.
- 3. Remove the ICV vent port cover, outer vent port plug, and inner vent port plug.
- 4. Connect a vacuum pump to the ICV vent port and evacuate the ICV cavity to 90% vacuum or better (i.e., 10% ambient atmospheric pressure).
- 5. Remove the ICV seal test port plug and install a helium mass spectrometer leak detector to the ICV seal test port. Evacuate through the ICV seal test port until the vacuum is sufficient to operate the helium mass spectrometer leak detector.
- 6. Provide a helium atmosphere inside the ICV cavity by backfilling with helium gas to a pressure slightly greater than atmospheric pressure (+1 psi, -0 psi).
- 7. Perform the helium leakage rate test to the requirements of Section, Fabrication Leakage Rate Test Acceptance Criteria. If, after repeated attempts, the ICV main O-ring seal fails to pass the leakage rate test, isolate the leak path and, prior to repairing the leak path and repeating the leakage rate test, record on a nonconformance report and disposition prior to final acceptance in accordance with the cognizant quality assurance program. Helium Leakage Rate Testing the ICV Outer Vent Port Plug O-ring Seal
- 1. The fabrication leakage rate test of the ICV outer vent port plug O-ring seal shall be performed following the guidelines of Section A.5.4, Evacuated Envelope - Gas Detector, of ANSI N14.5.
- 2. The ICV shall be assembled with both main O-ring seals installed into the ICV lower seal flange. Assembly is as shown in Appendix 1.3.1, Packaging General Arrangement Drawings.
- 4. Connect a vacuum pump to the ICV vent port and evacuate the ICV cavity to 90% vacuum or better (i.e., 10% ambient atmospheric pressure).
- 5. Provide a helium atmosphere inside the ICV cavity by backfilling with helium gas to a pressure slightly greater than atmospheric pressure (+1 psi, -0 psi).
- 7. Install a helium mass spectrometer leak detector to the ICV vent port. Evacuate through the ICV vent port until the vacuum is sufficient to operate the helium mass spectrometer leak detector.
- 8. Perform the helium leakage rate test to the requirements of Section, Fabrication Leakage Rate Test Acceptance Criteria. If, after repeated attempts, the ICV outer vent port plug O-ring seal fails to pass the leakage rate test, isolate the leak path and, prior to repairing the leak path and repeating the leakage rate test, record on a nonconformance report and disposition prior to final acceptance in accordance with the cognizant quality assurance program.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Optional Helium Leakage Rate Testing the OCV Structure Integrity
- 1. The fabrication leakage rate test of the OCV structure shall be performed following the guidelines of Section A.5.3, Gas Filled Envelope - Gas Detector, of ANSI N14.5.
- 2. Remove the OCV vent port access plug, OCV vent port thermal plug, OCV vent port cover, and OCV vent port plug.
- 3. Install the OCV lid with both main O-ring seals installed into the OCV lower seal flange. As an option, an assembled ICV may be placed within the OCV cavity for volume reduction.
Assembly is as shown in Appendix 1.3.1, Packaging General Arrangement Drawings.
- 4. Install a helium mass spectrometer leak detector to the OCV vent port. Evacuate through the OCV vent port until the vacuum is sufficient to operate the helium mass spectrometer leak detector.
- 5. Surround the assembled OCV with an envelope filled with helium.
- 6. Perform the helium leakage rate test to the requirements of Section, Fabrication Leakage Rate Test Acceptance Criteria. If, after repeated attempts, the OCV structure fails to pass the leakage rate test, isolate the leak path and, prior to repairing the leak path and repeating the leakage rate test, record on a nonconformance report and disposition prior to final acceptance in accordance with the cognizant quality assurance program. Optional Helium Leakage Rate Testing the OCV Main O-ring Seal Integrity
- 1. The fabrication leakage rate test of the OCV main O-ring seal shall be performed following the guidelines of Section A.5.4, Evacuated Envelope - Gas Detector, of ANSI N14.5.
- 2. The OCA shall be assembled with both main O-ring seals installed into the OCV lower seal flange. Assembly is as shown in Appendix 1.3.1, Packaging General Arrangement Drawings.
- 3. Remove the OCV vent port access plug, OCV vent port thermal plug, OCV vent port cover, and OCV vent port plug.
- 4. Connect a vacuum pump to the OCV vent port and evacuate the OCV cavity to 90% vacuum or better (i.e., 10% ambient atmospheric pressure).
- 5. Remove the OCV seal test port access plug, OCV seal test port thermal plug, and OCV seal test port plug and install a helium mass spectrometer leak detector to the OCV seal test port.
Evacuate through the OCV seal test port until the vacuum is sufficient to operate the helium mass spectrometer leak detector.
- 6. Provide a helium atmosphere inside the OCV cavity by backfilling with helium gas to a pressure slightly greater than atmospheric pressure (+1 psi, -0 psi).
- 7. Perform the helium leakage rate test to the requirements of Section, Fabrication Leakage Rate Test Acceptance Criteria. If, after repeated attempts, the OCV main O-ring seal fails to pass the leakage rate test, isolate the leak path and, prior to repairing the leak path and repeating the leakage rate test, record on a nonconformance report and disposition prior to final acceptance in accordance with the cognizant quality assurance program.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Optional Helium Leakage Rate Testing the OCV Vent Port Plug O-ring Seal Integrity
- 1. The fabrication leakage rate test of the OCV vent port plug O-ring seal shall be performed following the guidelines of Section A.5.4, Evacuated Envelope - Gas Detector, of ANSI N14.5.
- 2. The OCV shall be assembled with both main O-ring seals installed into the OCV lower seal flange. Assembly is as shown in Appendix 1.3.1, Packaging General Arrangement Drawings.
- 3. Remove the OCV vent port access plug, OCV vent port thermal plug, OCV vent port cover, and OCV vent port plug.
- 4. Connect a vacuum pump to the OCV vent port and evacuate the OCV cavity to 90% vacuum or better (i.e., 10% ambient atmospheric pressure).
- 5. Provide a helium atmosphere inside the OCV cavity by backfilling with helium gas to a pressure slightly greater than atmospheric pressure (+1 psi, -0 psi).
- 6. Install the OCV vent port plug; tighten to 55 - 65 lb-in torque.
- 7. Install a helium mass spectrometer leak detector to the OCV vent port. Evacuate through the OCV vent port until the vacuum is sufficient to operate the helium mass spectrometer leak detector.
- 8. Perform the helium leakage rate test to the requirements of Section, Fabrication Leakage Rate Test Acceptance Criteria. If, after repeated attempts, the OCV vent port plug O-ring seal fails to pass the leakage rate test, isolate the leak path and, prior to repairing the leak path and repeating the leakage rate test, record on a nonconformance report and disposition prior to final acceptance in accordance with the cognizant quality assurance program.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 8.1.4 Component Tests Polyurethane Foam This section establishes the requirements and acceptance criteria for installation, inspection, and testing of rigid, closed-cell, polyurethane foam utilized within the TRUPACT-II packaging. Introduction and General Requirements The polyurethane foam used within the TRUPACT-II packaging is comprised of a specific formulation of foam constituents that, when properly apportioned, mixed, and reacted, produce a polyurethane foam material with physical characteristics consistent with the requirements given in this section. In practice, the chemical constituents are batched into multiple parts (e.g., parts A and B) for later mixing in accordance with a formulation. Therefore, a foam batch is considered to be a specific grouping and apportionment of chemical constituents into separate and controlled vats or bins for each foam formulation part. Portions from each batch part are combined in accordance with the foam formulation requirements to produce the liquid foam material for pouring into a component. Thus, a foam pour is defined as apportioning and mixing the batch parts into a desired quantity for subsequent installation (pouring).
The following sections describe the general requirements for chemical composition, constituent storage, foamed component preparation, foam material installation, and foam pour and test data records. Polyurethane Foam Chemical Composition The foam supplier shall certify that the chemical composition of the polyurethane foam is as delineated below, with the chemical component weight percents falling within the specified ranges. In addition, the foam supplier shall certify that the finished (cured) polyurethane foam does not contain halogen-type flame retardants or trichloromonofluoromethane (Freon 11).
Carbon ....................... 50% - 70% Phosphorus .................... 0% - 2%
Oxygen ...................... 14% - 34% Silicon ................................. < 1%
Nitrogen ...................... 4% - 12% Chlorine............................... < 1%
Hydrogen..................... 4% - 10% Other ................................... < 1% Polyurethane Foam Constituent Storage The foam supplier shall certify that the polyurethane foam constituents have been properly stored prior to use, and that the polyurethane foam constituents have been used within their shelf life. Foamed Component Preparation Prior to polyurethane foam installation, the foam supplier shall visually verify to the extent possible (i.e., looking through the foam fill ports) that the ceramic fiber insulation is still attached to the component shell interior surfaces. In addition, due to the internal pressures generated during the foam pouring/curing process, the foam supplier shall visually verify that adequate bracing/shoring of the component shells is provided to maintain the dimensional configuration throughout the foam pouring/curing process.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Polyurethane Foam Installation As illustrated in the accompanying illustration, the direction of foam rise shall be vertically aligned with the shell component axis.
The surrounding walls of the component shell where the liquid foam material is to be installed shall be between 55 ºF and 95 ºF prior to foam installation. Measure and record the component shell temperature to an accuracy of +/-2 ºF prior to foam installation.
In the case of multiple pours into a single foamed component, the cured level of each pour shall be measured and recorded to an accuracy of +/-1 inch.
Measure and record the weight of liquid foam material installed during each pour to an accuracy of +/-10 pounds.
All test samples shall be poured into disposable containers at the same time as the actual pour it represents, clearly marking the test sample container with the pour date and a unique pour identification number. All test samples shall be cut from a larger block to obtain freshly cut faces.
Prior to physical testing, each test sample shall be cleaned of superfluous foam dust. Polyurethane Foam Pour and Test Data Records A production pour and testing record shall be compiled by the foam supplier during the foam pouring operation and subsequent physical testing. Upon completion of production and testing, the foam supplier shall issue certification referencing the production record data and test data pertaining to each foamed component. At a minimum, relevant pour and test data shall include:
- formulation, batch, and pour numbers, with foam material traceability, and pour date,
- foamed component description, part number, and serial number,
- instrumentation description, serial number, and calibration due date,
- pour and test data (e.g., date, temperature, dimensional, and/or weight measurements, compressive modulus, thermal conductivity, compressive stress, etc., as applicable), and
- technician and Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) sign-off.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Physical Characteristics The following subsections define the required physical characteristics of the polyurethane foam material used for the TRUPACT-II packaging design.
Testing for the various polyurethane foam physical characteristics is based on a formulation, batch, or pour, as appropriate, as defined in Section, Introduction and General Requirements. The physical characteristics determined for a specific foam formulation are relatively insensitive to small variations in chemical constituents and/or environmental conditions, and therefore include physical testing for compressive modulus, Poissons ratio, thermal expansion coefficient, thermal conductivity, and specific heat. Similarly, the physical characteristics determined for a batch are only slightly sensitive to small changes in formulation and/or environmental conditions during batch mixing, and therefore include physical testing for flame retardancy, intumescence, and leachable chlorides. Finally, the physical characteristics determined for a pour are also only slightly sensitive to small changes in formulation and slightly more sensitive to variations in environmental conditions during pour mixing, and therefore include physical testing for density and compressive stress. Physical Characteristics Determined for a Foam Formulation Foam material physical characteristics for the following parameters shall be determined once for a particular foam formulation. If multiple components are to be foamed utilizing a specific foam formulation, then additional physical testing, as defined below, need not be performed. Parallel-to-Rise Compressive Modulus
- 1. Three (3) test samples shall be taken from the sample pour. Each test sample shall be a rectangular prism with nominal dimensions of 1.0 inch thick (T) x 2.0 inches wide (W) x 2.0 inches long (L). The thickness dimension shall be in the parallel-to-rise direction.
- 2. Place the test samples in a room (ambient) temperature environment (i.e., 65 ºF to 85 ºF) for sufficient time to thermally stabilize the test samples.
Measure and record the room temperature to an accuracy of +/-2 ºF.
- 3. Measure and record the thickness, width, and length of each test sample to an accuracy of +/-0.001 inches.
- 4. Compute and record the surface area of each test sample by multiplying the width by the length (i.e., W x L).
- 5. Place a test sample in a Universal Testing Machine. Lower the machines crosshead until it touches the test sample. Set the machines parameters for the thickness of the test sample.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021
- 6. Apply a compressive load to each test sample at a rate of Linear Yield Region Region 0.10 +/-0.05 inches/minute until the compressive stress 300 somewhat exceeds the elastic range of the foam material (i.e., the elastic range is typically 0% - 6% strain). Plot the compressive stress versus strain for each test sample. 250
- 7. Determine and record the parallel-to-rise compressive modulus, E, of each test sample by computing the slope in 200 the linear region of the elastic range of the stress-strain Compressive Stress (psi) curve, where i and j, and i and j are the strain and j compressive stress at two selected points i and j, 150 respectively, in the linear region of the stress-strain curve (see example curve to right) as follows:
100 j i j i E= , psi j i 50 i
- 8. Determine and record the average parallel-to-rise j i compressive modulus of the three test samples. The numerically averaged, parallel-to-rise compressive 0 0
i j 5 Strain (%) 10 15 modulus of the three test samples shall be 6,810 psi +/-20%
(i.e., within the range of 5,448 to 8,172 psi). Perpendicular-to-Rise Compressive Modulus
- 1. Three (3) test samples shall be taken from the sample pour. Each test sample shall be a rectangular prism with nominal dimensions of 1.0 inch thick (T) x 2.0 inches wide (W) x 2.0 inches long (L). The thickness dimension shall be in the perpendicular-to-rise direction.
- 2. Place the test samples in a room (ambient) temperature environment (i.e., 65 ºF to 85 ºF) for sufficient time to thermally stabilize the test samples. Measure and record the room temperature to an accuracy of +/-2 ºF.
- 3. Measure and record the thickness, width, and length of each test sample to an accuracy of +/-0.001 inches.
- 4. Compute and record the surface area of each test sample by multiplying the width by the length (i.e., W x L).
- 5. Place a test sample in a Universal Testing Machine. Lower the machines crosshead until it touches the test sample. Set the machines parameters for the thickness of the test sample.
- 6. Apply a compressive load to each test sample at a rate of 0.10 +/-0.05 inches/minute until the compressive stress somewhat exceeds the elastic range of the foam material (i.e., the elastic range is typically 0% - 6% strain). Plot the compressive stress versus strain for each test sample.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Linear Yield Region Region
- 7. Determine and record the perpendicular-to-rise compressive 300 modulus, E, of each test sample by computing the slope in the linear region of the elastic range of the stress-strain curve, where i and j, and i and j are the strain and compressive 250 stress at two selected points i and j, respectively, in the linear region of the stress-strain curve (see example curve to right) as follows:
200 Compressive Stress (psi) j j i E= , psi 150 j i
- 8. Determine and record the average perpendicular-to-rise 100 j i compressive modulus of the three test samples. The numerically averaged, perpendicular-to-rise compressive modulus of the three test samples shall be 4,773 psi +/-20% 50 i
(i.e., within the range of 3,818 to 5,728 psi). j i Poissons Ratio 0 0
i j 5 10 15 Strain (%)
- 1. Three (3) test samples shall be taken from the sample pour. Each test sample shall be a rectangular prism with nominal dimensions of 2.0 inches thick (T) x 2.0 inches wide (W) x 2.0 inches long (L). The thickness dimension shall be in the parallel-to-rise direction.
- 2. Place the test samples in a room (ambient) temperature environment (i.e., 65 ºF to 85 ºF) for sufficient time to thermally stabilize the test samples. Measure and record the room temperature to an accuracy of +/-2 ºF.
- 3. Measure and record the thickness, width, and length of each test sample to an accuracy of +/-0.001 inches.
- 4. Place a test sample in a Universal Testing Machine.
Lower the machines crosshead until it touches the test sample. Set the machines parameters for the thickness of the test sample.
- 5. As illustrated below, place two orthogonally oriented dial indicators at the mid-plane of one width face and one length face of the test sample to record the lateral deflections. The dial indicators shall be capable of measuring to an accuracy of +/-0.001 inches.
- 6. Apply a compressive load to each test sample so that the strain remains within the elastic range of the material, as determined in Section, Parallel-to-Rise Compressive Modulus. Record the axial crosshead displacement (T) and both dial indicator displacements (W and L) at one strain point within the elastic range for each test sample.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021
- 7. Determine and record Poissons ratio of each test sample as follows:
W W + L L
- 8. Determine and record the average Poissons ratio of the three test samples. The numerically averaged Poissons ratio of the three test samples shall be 0.33 +/-20% (i.e., within the range of 0.26 to 0.40). Thermal Expansion Coefficient
- 1. Three (3) test samples shall be taken from the sample pour. Each test sample shall be a rectangular prism with a nominal cross-section of 1.0 inch square and a nominal length of 6.0 inches.
- 2. Place the test samples in a room (ambient) temperature environment (i.e., 65 ºF to 85 ºF) for sufficient time to thermally stabilize the test samples. Measure and record the room temperature (TRT) to an accuracy of +/-2 ºF.
- 3. Measure and record the room temperature length (LRT) of each test sample to an accuracy of
+/-0.001 inches.
- 4. Place the test samples in a -40 ºF to -60 ºF cold environment for a minimum of three hours.
Measure and record the cold environment temperature (TC) to an accuracy of +/-2 ºF.
- 5. Measure and record the cold environment length (LC) of each test sample to an accuracy of
+/-0.001 inches.
- 6. Determine and record the cold environment thermal expansion coefficient for each test sample as follows:
C =
(L C L RT ) , in/in/ °F (L RT )(TC TRT )
- 7. Place the test samples in a 180 ºF to 200 ºF hot environment for a minimum of three hours.
Measure and record the hot environment temperature (TH) to an accuracy of +/-2 ºF.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021
- 8. Measure and record the hot environment length (LH) of each test sample to an accuracy of
+/-0.001 inches.
- 9. Determine and record the hot environment thermal expansion coefficient for each test sample as follows:
H =
(L H L RT ) , in/in/°F (L RT )(TH TRT )
- 10. Determine and record the average thermal expansion coefficient of each test sample as follows:
C + H
= , in/in/ o F 2
- 11. Determine and record the average thermal expansion coefficient of the three test samples. The numerically averaged thermal expansion coefficient of the three test samples shall be 3.5 x 10-5 in/in/ºF +/-20% (i.e., within the range of 2.8 x 10-5 to 4.2 x 10-5 in/in/ºF). Thermal Conductivity
- 1. The thermal conductivity test shall be performed using a heat flux meter (HFM) apparatus.
The HFM establishes steady state unidirectional heat flux through a test specimen between two parallel plates at constant but different temperatures. By measurement of the plate temperatures and plate separation, Fouriers law of heat conduction is used by the HFM to automatically calculate thermal conductivity. Description of a typical HFM is provided in ASTM C518 5. The HFM shall be calibrated against a traceable reference specimen per the HFM manufacturers operating instructions.
- 2. Three (3) test samples shall be taken from the sample pour. Each test sample shall be of sufficient size to enable testing per the HFM manufacturers operating instructions.
- 3. Measure and record the necessary test sample parameters as input data to the HFM per the HFM manufacturers operating instructions.
- 4. Perform thermal conductivity testing and record the measured thermal conductivity for each test sample following the HFM manufacturers operating instructions.
- 5. Determine and record the average thermal conductivity of the three test samples. The numerically averaged thermal conductivity of the three test samples shall be 0.230 Btu-in/hr-ft2-ºF +/-20% (i.e., within the range of 0.184 to 0.276 Btu-in/hr-ft2-ºF). Specific Heat
- 1. The specific heat test shall be performed using a differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) apparatus. The DSC establishes a constant heating rate and measures the differential heat flow into both a test specimen and a reference specimen. Description of a typical DSC is 5
ASTM C518, Standard Test Method for Steady-State Heat Flux Measurements and Thermal Transmission Properties by Means of the Heat Flux Meter Apparatus, American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM).
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 provided in ASTM E1269 6. The DSC shall be calibrated against a traceable reference specimen per the DSC manufacturers operating instructions.
- 2. Three (3) test samples shall be taken from the sample pour. Each test sample shall be of sufficient size to enable testing per the DSC manufacturers operating instructions.
- 3. Measure and record the necessary test sample parameters as input data to the DSC per the DSC manufacturers operating instructions.
- 4. Perform specific heat testing and record the measured specific heat for each test sample following the DSC manufacturers operating instructions.
- 5. Determine and record the average specific heat of the three test specimens. The numerically averaged specific heat at 77 ºF of the three test samples shall be 0.30 Btu/lb-ºF +/-20% (i.e.,
within the range of 0.24 to 0.36 Btu/lb-ºF). Physical Characteristics Determined for a Foam Batch Foam material physical characteristics for the following parameters shall be determined once for a particular foam batch based on the batch definition from Section, Introduction and General Requirements. If a single or multiple components are to be poured utilizing multiple pours from a single foam batch, then additional physical testing, as defined below, need not be performed for each foam pour. Flame Retardancy
- 1. Three (3) test samples shall be taken from a pour from each foam batch. Each test sample shall be a rectangular prism with nominal dimensions of 0.5 inches thick, 3.0 inches wide, and a minimum length of 6.0 inches. In addition, individual sample lengths must not be less than the total burn length observed for the sample when tested.
- 2. Place the test samples in a room (ambient) temperature environment (i.e., 65 ºF to 85
ºF) for sufficient time to thermally stabilize the test samples. Measure and record the room temperature to an accuracy of +/-2 ºF.
- 3. Measure and record the length of each test sample to an accuracy of +/-0.1 inches.
- 4. Install a Ø3/8 inches (10 mm), or larger, Bunsen or Tirrill burner inside an enclosure of sufficient size to perform flame retardancy testing. Adjust the burner flame height to 11/2 +/-1/8 inches. Verify that the burner flame temperature is 1,550 ºF, minimum.
6 ASTM E1269, Standard Test Method for Determining Specific Heat Capacity by Differential Scanning Calorimetry, American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM).
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021
- 5. Support the test sample with the long axis oriented vertically within the enclosure such that the test samples bottom edge will be 3/4 +/-1/16 inches above the top edge of the burner.
- 6. Move the burner flame under the test sample for an elapsed time of 60 +/-2 seconds. As illustrated, align the burner flame with the front edge of the test sample thickness and the center of the test sample width.
- 7. Immediately after removal of the test sample from the burner flame, measure and record the following data:
- a. Measure and record, to the nearest second, the elapsed time until flames from the test sample extinguish.
- b. Measure and record, to the nearest second, the elapsed time from the occurrence of drips, if any, until drips from the test sample extinguish.
- c. Measure and record, to the nearest 0.1 inches, the burn length following cessation of all visible burning and smoking.
- 8. Flame retardancy testing acceptance is based on the following criteria:
- a. The numerically averaged flame extinguishment time of the three test samples shall not exceed fifteen (15) seconds.
- b. The numerically averaged flame extinguishment time of drips from the three test samples shall not exceed three (3) seconds.
- c. The numerically averaged burn length of the three test samples shall not exceed six (6) inches. Intumescence
- 1. Three (3) test samples shall be taken from a pour from each foam batch. Each test sample shall be a cube with nominal dimensions of 2.0 inches.
- 2. Place the test samples in a room (ambient) temperature environment (i.e., 65 ºF to 85 ºF) for sufficient time to thermally stabilize the test samples. Measure and record the room temperature to an accuracy of +/-2 ºF.
- 3. Preheat a furnace to 1,475 ºF +/-18 ºF.
- 4. Identify two opposite faces on each test sample as the thickness direction. The thickness dimension shall be in the parallel-to-rise direction. Measure and record the initial thickness (ti) of each test sample to an accuracy of +/-0.01 inches.
- 5. Mount a test sample onto a fire resistant fiberboard, with one face of the thickness direction contacting to the board. As illustrated above, the test samples may be mounted by installing onto a 12 to 16 gauge wire (Ø0.105 to Ø0.063 inches, respectively) of sufficient length, oriented perpendicular to the fiberboard face. The test samples may be pre-drilled with an undersized hole to allow installation onto the wire.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021
- 6. Locate the test sample/fiberboard assembly over the opening of the pre-heated furnace for a 90 +/-3 second duration. After removal of the test sample/fiberboard assembly from the furnace, gently extinguish any remaining flames and allow the test sample to cool.
- 7. Measure and record the final thickness (tf) of the test sample to an accuracy of +/-0.1 inches.
- 8. For each sample tested, determine and record the intumescence, I, as a percentage of the original sample length as follows:
t ti I = f x 100 ti
- 9. Determine and record the average intumescence of the three test samples. The numerically averaged intumescence of the three test samples shall be a minimum of 50%. Leachable Chlorides
The IC measures inorganic anions of interest (i.e., chlorides) in water. Description of a typical IC is provided in EPA Method 300.0 7. The IC shall be calibrated against a traceable reference specimen per the IC manufacturers operating instructions.
- 2. One (1) test sample shall be taken from the sample pour. The test sample shall be a cube with dimensions of 2.00 +/-0.03 inches.
- 3. Place the test sample in a room (ambient) temperature environment (i.e., 65 ºF to 85 ºF) for sufficient time to thermally stabilize the test sample. Measure and record the room temperature to an accuracy of +/-2 ºF.
- 4. Measure and record the thickness, width, and length of each test sample to an accuracy of
+/-0.001 inches.
- 5. Obtain a minimum of 550 ml of distilled or de-ionized water for testing. The test water shall be from a single source to ensure consistent anionic properties for testing control.
- 6. Obtain a 400 ml, or larger, contaminant free container that is capable of being sealed. Fill the container with 262 +/-3 ml of test water. Fully immerse the test sample inside the container for a duration of 72 +/-3 hours. If necessary, use an inert standoff to ensure the test sample is completely immersed for the full test duration. Seal the container prior to the 72 hour8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> duration.
- 7. Obtain a second, identical container to use as a control. Fill the control container with 262 +/-3 ml of the same test water. Seal the control container for a 72 +/-3 hour duration.
- 8. At the end of the test period, measure and record the leachable chlorides in the test water per the IC manufacturers operating instructions. The leachable chlorides in the test water shall not exceed one part per million (1 ppm).
7 EPA Method 300.0, Determination of Inorganic Anions in Water by Ion Chromatography, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021
- 9. Should leachable chlorides in the test water exceed 1 ppm, measure and record the leachable chlorides in the test water from the control container. The difference in leachable chlorides from the test water and control water sample shall not exceed 1 ppm. Physical Characteristics Determined for a Foam Pour Foam material physical characteristics for the following parameters shall be determined for each foam pour based on the pour definition from Section, Introduction and General Requirements. Density
- 1. Three (3) test samples shall be taken from the foam pour. Each test sample shall be a rectangular prism with nominal dimensions of 1.0 inch thick (T) x 2.0 inches wide (W) x 2.0 inches long (L).
- 2. Place the test samples in a room (ambient) temperature environment (i.e., 65 ºF to 85 ºF) for sufficient time to thermally stabilize the test samples. Measure and record the room temperature to an accuracy of +/-2 ºF.
- 3. Measure and record the weight of each test sample to an accuracy of +/-0.01 grams.
- 4. Measure and record the thickness, width, and length of each test sample to an accuracy of
+/-0.001 inches.
- 5. Determine and record the room temperature density of each test sample utilizing the following formula:
Weight, g 1,728 in 3 /ft 3 foam = x , pcf 453.6 g/lb T x W x L in 3
- 6. Determine and record the average density of the three test samples. The numerically averaged density of the three test samples shall be 81/4 pcf +/-15% (i.e., within the range of 7 to 91/2 pcf). Parallel-to-Rise Compressive Stress
- 1. Three (3) test samples shall be taken from the foam pour. Each test sample shall be a rectangular prism with nominal dimensions of 1.0 inch thick (T) x 2.0 inches wide (W) x 2.0 inches long (L). The thickness dimension shall be the parallel-to-rise direction.
- 2. Place the test samples in a room (ambient) temperature environment (i.e., 65 ºF to 85 ºF) for sufficient time to thermally stabilize the test samples. Measure and record the room temperature to an accuracy of +/-2 ºF.
- 3. Measure and record the thickness, width, and length of each test sample to an accuracy of
+/-0.001 inches.
- 4. Compute and record the surface area of each test sample by multiplying the width by the length (i.e., W x L).
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021
- 5. Place a test sample in a Universal Testing Machine.
Lower the machines crosshead until it touches the test sample. Set the machines parameters for the thickness of the test sample.
- 6. Apply a compressive load to each test sample at a rate of 0.10 +/-0.05 inches/minute until a strain of 70%, or greater, is achieved. For each test sample, plot the compressive stress versus strain and record the compressive stress at strains of 10%, 40%, and 70%.
- 7. Determine and record the average parallel-to-rise compressive stress of the three test samples from each pour. As delineated in Table 8.1-1, the average parallel-to-rise compressive stress for each pour shall be the nominal compressive stress +/-20% at strains of 10%, 40%, and 70%.
- 8. Determine and record the average parallel-to-rise compressive stress of all test samples from each foamed component. As delineated in Table 8.1-1, the average parallel-to-rise compressive stress for a foamed component shall be the nominal compressive stress +/-15% at strains of 10%, 40%, and 70%. Perpendicular-to-Rise Compressive Stress
- 1. Three (3) test samples shall be taken from the foam pour. Each test sample shall be a rectangular prism with nominal dimensions of 1.0 inch thick (T) x 2.0 inches wide (W) x 2.0 inches long (L). The thickness dimension shall be the perpendicular-to-rise direction.
- 2. Place the test samples in a room (ambient) temperature environment (i.e., 65 ºF to 85 ºF) for sufficient time to thermally stabilize the test samples. Measure and record the room temperature to an accuracy of +/-2 ºF.
- 3. Measure and record the thickness, width, and length of each test sample to an accuracy of
+/-0.001 inches.
- 4. Compute and record the surface area of each test sample by multiplying the width by the length (i.e., W x L).
- 5. Place a test sample in a Universal Testing Machine.
Lower the machines crosshead until it touches the test sample. Set the machines parameters for the thickness of the test sample.
- 6. Apply a compressive load to each test sample at a rate of 0.10 +/-0.05 inches/minute until a strain of 70%, or greater, is achieved. For each test sample, plot the compressive stress versus strain and record the compressive stress at strains of 10%, 40%, and 70%.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021
- 7. Determine and record the average perpendicular-to-rise compressive stress of the three test samples from each pour. As delineated in Table 8.1-1, the average perpendicular-to-rise compressive stress for each pour shall be the nominal compressive stress +/-20% at strains of 10%, 40%, and 70%.
- 8. Determine and record the average perpendicular-to-rise compressive stress of all test samples from each foamed component. As delineated in Table 8.1-1, the average perpendicular-to-rise compressive stress for a foamed component shall be the nominal compressive stress
+/-15% at strains of 10%, 40%, and 70%.
8.1.5 Tests for Shielding Integrity The TRUPACT-II packaging does not contain any biological shielding.
8.1.6 Thermal Acceptance Test Material properties utilized in Chapter 3.0, Thermal Evaluation, are consistently conservative for the normal conditions of transport (NCT) and hypothetical accident condition (HAC) thermal analyses performed. In addition, HAC fire certification testing of the TRUPACT-II package (see Appendix 2.10.3, Certification Tests) served to verify material performance in the HAC thermal environment. As such, with the exception of the tests required for polyurethane foam, as shown in Section 8.1.4, Component Tests, specific acceptance tests for material thermal properties are not performed.
Table 8.1 Acceptable Compressive Stress Ranges for Foam (psi)
Parallel-to-Rise at Strain, // Perpendicular-to-Rise at Strain, Sample Range =10% =40% =70% =10% =40% =70%
Nominal -20% 188 216 544 156 188 536 Nominal -15% 200 230 578 166 200 570 Nominal 235 270 680 195 235 670 Nominal +15% 270 311 782 224 270 771 Nominal +20% 282 324 816 234 282 804 8.1-19
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TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 8.2 Maintenance Program This section describes the maintenance program used to ensure continued performance of the TRUPACT-II package.
8.2.1 Structural and Pressure Tests Pressure Testing Perform structural pressure testing on the inner containment vessel (ICV) and, optionally, the outer confinement vessel (OCV) per the requirements of Section, Pressure Testing, once every five years. Upon completing the structural pressure test, perform leakage rate testing on the ICV and, optionally, the OCV per the requirements of Section 8.1.3, Fabrication Leakage Rate Tests. ICV Interior Surfaces Inspection Annual inspection shall be performed of the accessible interior surfaces of the ICV for evidence of chemically induced stress corrosion. After removal of the ICV spacer assemblies, perform a visual inspection for indications of ICV interior surface corrosion. Should evidence of corrosion exist, a liquid penetrant inspection of the ICV interior surfaces, including accessible shell, head, flange, and weld surfaces, shall be performed per ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section V 1, Article 6, and ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section III 2, Division 1, Subsection NB, Article NB-5000, as delineated on the drawings in Appendix 1.3.1, Packaging General Arrangement Drawings. Indications of cracking or distortion shall be recorded on a nonconformance report and dispositioned prior to corrective actions.
Once the packaging is put into service, at a maximum interval of five (5) years, an examination shall be performed on the accessible interior surfaces of the ICV for evidence of chemically induced stress corrosion. This examination shall consist of a liquid penetrant inspection of the entire ICV interior surfaces, including the accessible shell, head, flange, and weld surfaces, and shall be performed per ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section V, Article 6, and ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section III, Division 1, Subsection NB, Article NB-5000, as delineated on the drawings in Appendix 1.3.1, Packaging General Arrangement Drawings.
Indications of cracking or distortion shall be recorded on a nonconformance report and dispositioned prior to corrective actions.
8.2.2 Maintenance/Periodic Leakage Rate Tests This section provides the generalized procedure for maintenance and periodic leakage rate testing of the vessel penetrations during routine maintenance, or at the time of seal replacement or seal area repair. Maintenance/periodic leakage rate testing shall follow the guidelines of 1
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section V, Nondestructive Examination, 1986 Edition.
2 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section III, Rules for Construction of Nuclear Power Plant Components, 1986 Edition.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Section 7.4, Maintenance Leakage Rate Test, and Section 7.5, Periodic Leakage Rate Test, of ANSI N14.5 3.
Maintenance/periodic leakage rate testing shall be performed on the main O-ring seal and vent port plug seal for the inner containment vessel (ICV) in accordance with Section, Helium Leakage Rate Testing the ICV Main O-ring Seal, and Section, Helium Leakage Rate Testing the ICV Outer Vent Port Plug O-ring Seal. Optional leakage rate testing of the outer confinement vessel (OCV) main O-ring seal and OCV vent port plug shall be performed in accordance with Section, Optional Helium Leakage Rate Testing the OCV Main O-ring Seal Integrity, and Section, Optional Helium Leakage Rate Testing the OCV Vent Port Plug O-ring Seal Integrity. Each leakage rate test shall meet the acceptance criteria delineated in Section, Maintenance/Periodic Leakage Rate Test Acceptance Criteria. Maintenance/Periodic Leakage Rate Test Acceptance Criteria Maintenance/periodic leakage rate test acceptance criteria are identical to the criteria delineated in Section, Fabrication Leakage Rate Test Acceptance Criteria. Helium Leakage Rate Testing the ICV Main O-ring Seal
- 1. The maintenance/periodic leakage rate test of the ICV main O-ring seal shall be performed following the guidelines of A.5.4, Evacuated Envelope - Gas Detector, of ANSI N14.5.
- 2. The ICV shall be assembled with both main O-ring seals installed into the ICV lower seal flange and the wiper O-ring installed into the holder. Assembly is as shown in Appendix 1.3.1, Packaging General Arrangement Drawings.
- 3. Verify that the ICV vent port cover and ICV outer vent port plug have been removed. Verify that the ICV inner vent port plug is installed and tighten to 55 - 65 lb-in torque.
vacuum or better (i.e., 10% ambient atmospheric pressure). If the ICV vent port cavity cannot be evacuated to the required vacuum, remove the ICV lid and inspect the ICV wiper O-ring seal, the ICV upper main O-ring seal, and sealing surfaces for damage. Replace any damaged O-ring seals and repair any damaged sealing surfaces prior to re-performing the ICV main O-ring seal test.
- 5. Remove the ICV seal test port plug and install a helium mass spectrometer leak detector to the ICV seal test port. Evacuate the ICV seal test port cavity until the vacuum is sufficient to operate the helium mass spectrometer leak detector.
- 6. Provide a helium atmosphere inside the ICV vent port cavity by backfilling with helium gas to a pressure slightly greater than atmospheric pressure (+1 psi, -0 psi).
- 7. Perform the helium leakage rate test to the requirements of Section, Maintenance/Periodic Leakage Rate Test Acceptance Criteria. If, after repeated attempts, the ICV main O-ring seal fails to pass the leakage rate test, isolate the leak path and, prior to repairing the leak path and repeating 3
ANSI N14.5-1997, American National Standard for Radioactive Materials - Leakage Tests on Packages for Shipment, American National Standards Institute, Inc. (ANSI).
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 the leakage rate test, record on a nonconformance report and disposition prior to final acceptance in accordance with the cognizant quality assurance program. Helium Leakage Rate Testing the ICV Outer Vent Port Plug O-ring Seal
- 1. The maintenance/periodic leakage rate test of the ICV outer vent port plug O-ring seal shall be performed following the guidelines of A.5.4, Evacuated Envelope - Gas Detector, of ANSI N14.5.
- 2. The ICV shall be assembled with both main O-ring seals installed into the ICV lower seal flange and the wiper O-ring installed into the holder. Assembly is as shown in Appendix 1.3.1, Packaging General Arrangement Drawings.
- 3. Verify that the ICV vent port cover and ICV outer vent port plug have been removed. Verify that the ICV inner vent port plug is installed and tighten to 55 - 65 lb-in torque.
vacuum or better (i.e., 10% ambient atmospheric pressure). If the ICV vent port cavity cannot be evacuated to the required vacuum, remove the ICV lid and inspect the ICV wiper O-ring seal, the ICV upper main O-ring seal, and sealing surfaces for damage. Replace any damaged O-ring seals and repair any damaged sealing surfaces prior to re-performing the ICV main O-ring seal test.
- 5. Provide a helium atmosphere inside the ICV vent port cavity by backfilling with helium gas to a pressure slightly greater than atmospheric pressure (+1 psi, -0 psi).
- 7. Install a helium mass spectrometer leak detector to the ICV vent port. Evacuate the ICV vent port cavity until the vacuum is sufficient to operate the helium mass spectrometer leak detector.
- 8. Perform the helium leakage rate test to the requirements of Section, Maintenance/Periodic Leakage Rate Test Acceptance Criteria. If, after repeated attempts, the ICV outer vent port plug O-ring seal fails to pass the leakage rate test, isolate the leak path and, prior to repairing the leak path and repeating the leakage rate test, record on a nonconformance report and disposition prior to final acceptance in accordance with the cognizant quality assurance program.
8.2.3 Subsystems Maintenance Fasteners All threaded components shall be inspected annually for deformed or stripped threads. Damaged components shall be repaired or replaced prior to further use. The threaded components to be visually inspected include the lock bolts, the OCV and ICV seal test port and vent port plugs, the OCV and ICV vent port covers, and OCV access plugs. Locking Rings Before each use, inspect the OCV and ICV locking ring assemblies for restrained motion. Any motion-impairing components shall be corrected prior to further use.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Seal Areas and Grooves Seal Area Routine Inspection and Repair Before each use and at the time of seal replacement, the ICV sealing surfaces shall be visually inspected for damage that could impair the sealing capabilities of the TRUPACT-II packaging.
Damage shall be corrected prior to further use (e.g., using emery cloth restore sealing surfaces) to the surface finish specified in Section, Surface Finish of Sealing Areas. The above delineated requirements may optionally be applied to the OCV.
Upon completion of ICV seal area repairs, verify depth of O-ring groove does not exceed the value in Section, O-ring Groove Depth, when repairs are in the O-ring groove; perform leakage rate test per the applicable section of Section 8.2.2, Maintenance/Periodic Leakage Rate Tests. The above delineated requirements may optionally be applied to the OCV. Annual Seal Area Dimensional Inspection In order to demonstrate compliance of the ICV main O-ring seal regions, annual inspection of sealing area dimensions and surface finishes shall be performed as defined in Section, Groove Widths, through Section, O-ring Groove Depth. The above delineated requirements may optionally be applied to the OCV.
Allowable ICV measurements for these dimensions are based on a minimum O-ring compression of 10.73%, which will ensure leaktight seals are maintained (see calculation in Appendix 2.10.2, Elastomer O-ring Seal Performance Tests).
All ICV measurement results shall be recorded and retained as part of the overall inspection record for the TRUPACT-II package. ICV measurements not in compliance with the following dimensional requirements require repairs. Upon completion of ICV repairs, perform a maintenance/periodic leakage rate test per the applicable section of Section 8.2.2, Maintenance/Periodic Leakage Rate Tests. The above delineated requirements may optionally be applied to the OCV. Groove Widths The method of measuring the ICV and, optionally, OCV upper (lid) seal flange groove width is illustrated in Figure 8.2-1. Remove the ICV debris shield to measure the ICV upper seal flange groove width. As an option, the lid may be inverted to facilitate the measurement process. The measuring equipment includes a Ø0.560 +/-0.001 inch pin gauge of any convenient length, and a
Ø0.250 +/-0.001 inch ball. With reference to Figure 8.2-1, the pin gauge is aligned parallel with the inner lip of the upper seal flange. Acceptability is based on the following conditions:
- Having contact at location - and a gap at location - is a NO-GO condition indicating that the upper seal flange groove width is acceptable.
- Having contact or a gap at location - and contact at location - is a GO condition indicating that the upper seal flange groove width is unacceptable.
The method of measuring the ICV and, optionally, OCV lower (body) seal flange groove width is illustrated in Figure 8.2-2. The measuring equipment includes a Ø0.273 +/-0.001 inch pin gauge of any convenient length, and a Ø0.250 +/-0.001 inch ball. With reference to Figure 8.2-2, 8.2-4
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 the pin gauge is aligned parallel with the outer lip of the lower seal flange. Acceptability is based on the following conditions:
- Having contact at location - and a gap at location - is a NO-GO condition indicating that the lower seal flange groove width is acceptable.
- Having contact or a gap at location - and contact at location - is a GO condition indicating that the lower seal flange groove width is unacceptable.
Groove width measurements shall be taken and recorded at six equally spaced locations around the circumference of the seal flanges. Tab Widths The method of measuring the ICV and, optionally, OCV upper (lid) seal flange tab width is illustrated in Figure 8.2-3. As an option, the lid may be inverted to facilitate the measurement process. The measuring device is a tab width gauge of any convenient size, with a 0.234 +/-0.001 inch inside width x 0.428 +/-0.001 inch inside height x 0.375 +/-0.005 inch thickness. With reference to Figure 8.2-3, the tab width gauge is aligned parallel with the lowermost lip of the upper seal flange. Acceptability is based on the following conditions:
- Having contact at location - and a gap at location - is a NO-GO condition indicating that the upper seal flange tab width is acceptable.
- Having contact or a gap at location - and contact at location - is a GO condition indicating that the upper seal flange tab width is unacceptable.
The method of measuring the ICV and, optionally, OCV lower (body) seal flange tab width is illustrated in Figure 8.2-4. The measuring device is a 0.494 +/-0.001 inch inside width x 0.250
+/-0.001 inch inside height x 0.375 +/-0.005 inch thick tab width gauge of any convenient size. With reference to Figure 8.2-4, the tab width gauge is aligned parallel with the uppermost lip of the lower seal flange. Acceptability is based on the following conditions:
- Having contact at location - and a gap at location - is a NO-GO condition indicating that the lower seal flange tab width is acceptable.
- Having contact or a gap at location - and contact at location - is a GO condition indicating that the lower seal flange tab width is unacceptable.
Tab width measurements shall be taken and recorded at six equally spaced locations around the circumference of the seal flanges. Axial Play Measurement of axial play shall be performed to ensure that O-ring compression is sufficient to maintain package configuration and performance to design criteria. Axial play is the maximum axial distance that a lid can move relative to a body. Because the seal flange sealing surfaces are tapered, any axial movement where the lid moves away from the body results in a separation of the sealing surfaces and a slight reduction in O-ring compression. The procedure for measuring ICV and, optionally, OCV axial play is as follows:
- 1. Remove the vent port access plug (OCV only), vent port thermal plug (OCV only), vent port cover, and vent port plug(s). Remove the ICV debris seal (ICV only).
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021
- 2. Assemble the lid onto the body.
- 3. Locate a minimum of six equally spaced locations around the exterior circumference of the lid and body. At each location, place vertically aligned temporary reference marks on the lid and body.
- 4. Install a vacuum pump to the vent port and evacuate the vessel sufficiently to fully compress the upper seal flange to the lower seal flange.
- 5. At each location, scribe a horizontal mark that intersects both the lid and the body vertical marks.
- 6. Install a source of pressure to the vent port and pressurize the vessel sufficiently to fully separate the upper seal flange from the lower seal flange.
- 7. At each location, scribe a second horizontal mark that intersects either the lid or the body vertical mark (select either the lid or body mark as a base point).
- 8. Measure and record the difference between the initial and final horizontal marks at each location. The maximum acceptable axial play at any location is 0.153 inch.
- 9. Other measuring devices, such as dial indicators, digital calipers, etc., may be used in lieu of the reference marking method, provided that the axial play is measured at a minimum of six equally spaced locations. Surface Finish of Sealing Areas The surface finish in the ICV main O-ring sealing regions shall be a 125 micro inch finish, or better, to maintain package configuration and performance to design criteria. Perform ICV surface finish inspections for the bottom of the grooves on the lower seal flange and the mating sealing surfaces on the upper seal flange. If the ICV surface condition is determined to exceed 125 micro inch, repair the surface per the requirements of Section, Seal Area Routine Inspection and Repair. The above delineated requirements may optionally be applied to the OCV. O-ring Groove Depth Verify the ICV O-ring groove depth to be less than 0.253 inches at six equally spaced locations around the circumference of the seal flanges. The above delineated requirements may optionally be applied to the OCV.
8.2.4 Valves, Rupture Discs, and Gaskets Valves The TRUPACT-II packaging does not contain any valves. Rupture Discs The TRUPACT-II packaging does not contain any rupture discs. Gaskets ICV containment boundary O-ring seals shall be replaced within the 12-month period prior to shipment or when damaged (whichever is sooner), per the size and material requirements delineated on the drawings in Appendix 1.3.1, Packaging General Arrangement Drawings.
Following ICV containment O-ring seal replacement and prior to a loaded shipment, the new 8.2-6
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 seals shall be leakage rate tested to the requirements of Section 8.2.2, Maintenance/Periodic Leakage Rate Tests. The above delineated requirements may optionally be applied to the OCV.
The ICV debris shield and wiper O-ring seal shall be replaced within the 12-month period prior to shipment or when damaged (whichever is sooner), per the size and material requirements delineated on the drawings in Appendix 1.3.1, Packaging General Arrangement Drawings.
8.2.5 Shielding The TRUPACT-II packaging does not contain any biological shielding.
8.2.6 Thermal No thermal tests are necessary to ensure continued performance of the TRUPACT-II packaging.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 8.2 Method of Measuring Upper Seal Flange Groove Widths 8.2-8
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 8.2 Method of Measuring Lower Seal Flange Groove Widths 8.2-9
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 8.2 Method of Measuring Upper Seal Flange Tab Widths 8.2-10
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Figure 8.2 Method of Measuring Lower Seal Flange Tab Widths 8.2-11
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TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 9.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE This section describes the quality assurance (QA) requirements and methods of compliance applicable to the TRUPACT-II package.
9.1 Introduction The TRUPACT-II package is designed and shall be built for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), and must be approved by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) for the shipment of radioactive material in accordance with the applicable provisions of the U.S.
Department of Transportation, described in Subpart I of 49 CFR Part 173 1. Procurement, design, fabrication, assembly, testing, maintenance, repair, modification, and use of the TRUPACT-II package are all done under QA programs that meet all applicable NRC and DOE QA requirements.
QA requirements for payloads to be transported in the TRUPACT-II package are discussed in the Contact-Handled Transuranic Waste Authorized Methods for Payload Control (CH-TRAMPAC) 2.
1 Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 173 (49 CFR 173), Shippers-General Requirements for Shipments and Packagings, Current Version.
2 U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Contact-Handled Transuranic Waste Authorized Methods for Payload Control (CH-TRAMPAC), U.S. Department of Energy, Carlsbad Field Office, Carlsbad, New Mexico.
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TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 9.2 Quality Assurance Requirements 9.2.1 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission The QA requirements for packaging established by the NRC are described in Subpart H of 10 CFR 71 1. Subpart H is an 18 criteria QA program based on ANSI/ASME NQA-1 2. Guidance for QA programs for packaging is provided in NRC Regulatory Guide 7.10 3.
9.2.2 U.S. Department of Energy The QA requirements of DOE for the use of NRC certified packaging are described in Chapter 4 of DOE Order 460.1D 4. The DOE and its contractors may use NRC certified Type B packaging only under the conditions specified in the certificate of compliance.
9.2.3 Transportation to or from WIPP Public Law 102-579, enacted by the 102nd Congress, reads as follows:
(a) SHIPPING CONTAINERS. - No transuranic waste may be transported by or for the Secretary [of Energy] to or from WIPP, except in packages -
(1) the design of which has been certified by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission; and (2) that have been determined by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to satisfy its quality assurance requirements.
The determination under paragraph (2) shall not be subject to rulemaking or judicial review.
1 Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 71 (10 CFR 71), Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Material, 01-01-19 Edition.
2 ANSI/ASME NQA-1, Quality Assurance Requirements of Nuclear Power Plants, American National Standards Institute.
3 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Regulatory Guide 7.10, Establishing Quality Assurance Programs for Packaging Used in the Transport of Radioactive Material, Revision 3, June 2015.
4 U.S. Department of Energy Order 460.1D, Hazardous Materials Packaging and Transportation Safety, December 2016.
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TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 9.3 Quality Assurance Program 9.3.1 NRC Regulatory Guide 7.10 Guidance for QA programs applicable to design, fabrication, assembly, testing, maintenance, repair, modification, and use of packaging used in transport of radioactive material is covered in NRC Regulatory Guide 7.10 1.
9.3.2 Design The TRUPACT-II package was designed under a QA program approved by the NRC for packaging design. Requests for modification or changes to the design will be submitted to the NRC for approval prior to modification of the TRUPACT-II packaging. Any future design changes shall be made under an appropriate QA program that has been verified to satisfy 10 CFR 71, Subpart H 2.
9.3.3 Fabrication, Assembly, Testing, and Modification Fabrication, assembly, testing, and modification of each TRUPACT-II packaging are performed under a QA program verified to satisfy 10 CFR 71, Subpart H2 and approved for these activities.
9.3.4 Use The TRUPACT-II package will be used primarily by the DOE for shipments of authorized contents to the WIPP site. However, it may also be used between DOE sites other than WIPP (inter-site),
and for DOE on-site shipments within site boundaries (intra-site). The DOE is registered with the NRC as a user of the TRUPACT-II package under the general license provisions of 49 CFR
§173.471 3. The TRUPACT-II package may also be used for non-DOE shipments as authorized by the NRC. DOE Shipments: To/From WIPP Use of the TRUPACT-II packaging for shipments to/from the WIPP site shall be made under a QA program that meets the QA requirements of the NRC. The appropriate DOE Field Office(s) shall evaluate and approve the QA programs of the DOE contractors that make shipments to/from WIPP in the TRUPACT-II package. DOE or the DOE managing and operating contractor for the WIPP shall perform surveillances of the TRUPACT-II package users QA programs to ensure that the package is used in accordance with the requirements of the certificate of compliance.
1 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Regulatory Guide 7.10, Establishing Quality Assurance Programs for Packaging Used in the Transport of Radioactive Material, Revision 3, June 2015.
2 Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 71 (10 CFR 71), Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Material, 01-01-19 Edition.
3 Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 173 (49 CFR 173), Shippers-General Requirements for Shipments and Packagings, Current Version.
TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report Rev. 25, November 2021 Other DOE Shipments: Non-WIPP The appropriate DOE Field Office(s) shall evaluate and approve the shippers and receivers QA programs for equivalency to the NRCs QA program requirements in Subpart H of 10 CFR 712.
For example, a contractor working under an 18 criteria QA program per ANSI/ASME NQA-1 4 could be deemed acceptable if the portion of the program applicable to packaging is found compliant with 10 CFR 71, Subpart H2. DOE or the DOE managing and operating contractor for the WIPP shall perform surveillances of the TRUPACT-II package users QA programs to ensure that the package is used in accordance with the requirements of the certificate of compliance. Non-DOE Users of TRUPACT-II Non-DOE users of the TRUPACT-II package shall have QA programs verified to satisfy 10 CFR 71, Subpart H2.
9.3.5 Maintenance and Repair Minor maintenance, such as changing seals or fasteners, may be performed under the users QA program. Major maintenance, such as cutting or welding a containment boundary, shall be performed under an appropriate QA program that has been verified to satisfy 10 CFR 71, Subpart H2.
4 ANSI/ASME NQA-1, Quality Assurance Requirements of Nuclear Power Plants, American National Standards Institute.