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Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report
Person / Time
Site: Dresden  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 05/02/2023
Constellation Energy Company
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML23121A240 (1)


Docket Numbers: 50-010/50-237 /50-249 Units 1, 2, 3

DRESDEN NUCLEAR POWER STATION 2022 ANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT DOCKET NUMBER: 505-010/50-237/50-249 Dresden Nuclear Power Station Units 1,2, 3 Licensee: Constellation Energy Company, LLC

  • Table of Contents EXECUTIVE


................................................................................................................. 1 BACKGROUND ............................................................................................................................... 2 REGULATORY LIMITS ................................................................................................................... 2 EFFLUENT MONITORING .............................................................................................................. 4 RELEASE


..................................................................................................................... 8 RADIOLOGICAL IMPACT ON MAN ............................................................................................. 31 CHANGES TO THE PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM ............................................................. 33 DIRECT RADIATION ..................................................................................................................... 33 Attachment 1 RADIOACTIVE GROUNDWATER PROTECTION PLAN (RGPP) ....................... 40



The Radiological Effluent Controls (REC) Program monitors and records all radioactive effluents released from the plant for the purpose of calculating a dose to a member of the public. The results are recorded in this report for the Dresden Nuclear Power Station from January 1 through December 31, 2022. The Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP) is a separate program that serves as a backup or independent verification of the REC Program. The REMP samples are analyzed_ for radioactivity associated with the operation of Dresden Nuclear Power Station by an outside vendor and the results are compared against historical REMP data as well as the calculations from the REC Program. The REMP results and comparisons are contained within the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report (AREOR) for the Site.

There were no regulatory effluent limit exceedances in 2022 and the resultant calculated dose to a member of the public for 2022 due to all sources cif the uranium fuel cycle was 7.47E+00 mRem, which is 29.88% of the regulatory limit of 25 mRem/year. The annual organ dose from all effluent sources is 3.1 BE-02 mRem/yr which is 4.23E-02% of the 75 mRem/yr (Thyroid) limit.

Additionally, the AREOR supported the effluent dose calculation and indicates that Units 1, 2, and 3 of the Dresden Nuclear Power Station did not result in any adverse environmental impact.

The total dose to the nearest member of the public is a calculation of the sum of the gaseous and liquid effluents, the direct radiological dose from all sources including: ISFSI pad, storage tanks, skyshine, and Carbon-14 based upon Equivalent Full-Power Operation in days. There are many variables to consider, and in all cases, the most conservative factors were used to ensure there is sufficient margin to maintain regulatory compliance.

Table 1: Summation of Total Dose:

Liquid Effluents (All Units):

Total Body 2.25E-09 mRem Noble Gas (All Units):

Total Body 1. 76E-03 mRem Radioiodines, tritium and Particulate (All units):

Total Body 3.00E-03 mRem Direct Radiation GE Facility 9.?0E-02 mRem Skyshine 4.39E+00 mRem ISFSI/ CST 2.97E+00 mRem C-14 1.03E-02 mRem Total Page 1 of 40 7.47E+00 mRem


  • Dresden Nuclear Power Station Units 1,2, 3 Licensee: Constellation Energy Company, LLC BACKGROUND Dresden Nuclear Power Station, located in rural Grundy County in Northern Illinois, is home to the nation's first full-scale, privately financed nuclear power plant, which began operation in 1960. Capable of generating 210 megawatts of electricity before its retirement in 1978, Dresden Unit 1 is designated a Nuclear Historic Landmark by the American Nuclear Society. Dresden Units 2 and 3 began commercial operation in June 1970 and November 1971, respectively. In October of 2004, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRG) renewed the operating licenses for both units for an additional 20 years, extending them to 2029 and 2031. Both units contain boiling water reactors designed by General Electric. The units generate a combined 1,845 net megawatts of electricity (MWe), which is enough power to support the electricity needs of more than 1 million average American homes.

Part of the regulatory requirements of nuclear operation is to maintain a Radiological Effluent Control (REC) Program to track and record all radioactive effluent releases to the environment and calculate a dose to the public from all uranium fuel sources. This includes direct doses from storage tanks and off-site facilities. This requires a knowledge not only of plant operations but of plant design and potential sources of radioactive effluent releases. There are two forms of releases: gaseous and liquid. These can be released continuously or by a batch process.

Particulate and iodine monitors are installed on plant effluent ventilation systems, which are monitored continuously and analyzed weekly. The continuous gaseous effluent release points

  • are the 2/3 Chimney (a 300' elevated stack) and the 2/3 Reactor Building Ventilation Stack (150' mixed mode stack). A discrete volume that is released over a specific time period with a defined start and stop time is an example of a batch release. Effluent releases that are not typical or expected are categorized as "abnormal". These are documented in a Dresden Abnormal Release (DAR) report.

REG ULTORY LIMITS The NRG sets a Total Effective Dose Equivalent (TEDE) in 10CFR Part 20 Subpart D-Radiation Dose Limits for the Individual Members of the Public of 100 mRem/year. In 1977 the Environmental Protection Agency enacted 40 CFR Part 190 "Environmental Radiation Protection Standards for Nuclear Power Operations", which sets the annual dose equivalent to any member of the public at 25 millirem (0.25 millisievert (mSv)) to the whole body, 75 millirem (0.75 mSv) to the thyroid and 25 millirem (0.25 mSv) to any other organ .

  • Page 2 of 40

DRESDEN NUCLEAR POWER STATION 2022 ANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT Docket Numbers: 50-010/50-237/50-249 Dresden Nuclear Power Station Units 1,2, 3 Licensee: Constellation Energy Company, LLC

Fission and activation gases:

A. Dose Rate (site)

(1) Less than 500 mRem/year to the whole body.

(2) Less than 3000 mRem/year to the skin.

B. Gamma Air Dose (each unit)

(1) Less than or equal to 5 mrad/quarter.

(2) Less than or equal to 10 mrad/year.

C. Beta Air Dose (each unit)

(1) Less than or equal to 10 mrad/quarter.

(2) Less than or equal to 20 mrad/year.

lodine-131, lodine-133, and all radionuclides in particulate form with half-lives greater than 8 days:

A. Dose Rate (site)

(1) Less than 1500 mRem/year to any organ.

B. Dose (each unit)



Less than or equal to 7.5 mRem/quarter to any organ.

Less than or equal to 15 mRem/year to any organ.

Liquid effluents (each unit):

(1) Less than or equal to 1.5 mRem to the whole body during any calendar quarter.

(2) Less than or equal to 5 mRem to any organ during any calendar quarter.

(3) Less than or equal to 3 mRem to the whole body during any calendar year.

(4) Less than or equal to 10 mRem to any organ during any calendar year.

40CFR 190 and 10CFR72 (all uranium fuel cycle operations in the region):

(1) Less than or equal to 25 mRem annual whole body dose.

(2) Less than or equal to 75 mRem annual thyroid dose.

(3) Less than or equal to 25 mRem annual dose to any other critical organ.

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  • Dresden Nuclear Power Station Units 1,2, 3 Licensee: Constellation Energy Company, LLC EFFLUENT CONCENTRATION LIMITS Dose rates, rather than effluent concentrations, are used to calculate permissible release rates for gaseous effluents. The maximum permissible dose rates for gaseous releases are defined in Dresden ODCM Radiological Effluent Control (REC) Section 12.4.1.

Liquid effluent concentrations are limited per ODCM REC Section 12.3.1 to 10 times the concentration specified in 10CFR20 Appendix B, Table 2, Column 2 for radionuclides other than dissolved or entrained noble gases and 2.00E-04 µCi/ml total activity for all dissolved or entrained noble gases.

The ODCM limits dose rates at or beyond the site boundary due to the release of noble gases to less than or equal to 500 mRem per year to the total body and less than or equal to 3,000 mRem per year to the skin, and average energy is not used to determine dose to the public .

. Compliance with these limits is demonstrated based on dose calculations using measured isotopic concentrations of effluent streams and not based on gross count rate measuring systems. Therefore, the average beta and gamma energies (E) for gaseous effluents as described in Regulatory Guide 1.21, "Measuring, Evaluating, and Reporting Radioactivity in Solid Wastes and Releases of Radioactive Materials in Liquid and Gaseous Effluents from

  • Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants," are not applicable.

EFFLUENT MONITORING Gaseous Effluents The 2/3 Chimney (elevated), 2/3 Reactor Building Vent (mixed mode), and the Unit 1 Chemical Cleaning Building (mixed mode) effluents are continuously sampled for iodine and particulates.

These samples are obtained weekly and analyzed by gamma spectroscopy. The particulate filters are composited and sent to a vendor for gross alpha, Sr-89, Sr-90, Ni-63 and Fe-55 analysis quarterly. Noble gas grab samples of the 2/3 Chimney and 2/3 Reactor Building Vent are obtained weekly and analyzed by gamma spectroscopy. Contributing streams of the 2/3 Chimney and 2/3 Reactor Building Vent are also sampled and analyzed by gamma spectroscopy. Tritium samples of the 2/3 Chimney and 2/3 Reactor Building Vent are obtained monthly and analyzed by liquid scintillation.

For the 2/3 Chimney and 2/3 Reactor Building Vent effluents, the resultant activity concentration and measured flowrate at the release points are used to calculate the curies released. For the Chemical Cleaning Building effluent, the design basis flows are used to calculate curies released.

On June 15, 2022, Operations received a notification that the 2/3 Chimney SPING control switch

  • was identified to be in the "backup" position versus the "normal" position. As a result, the 2/3 Page 4 of 40

DRESDEN NUCLEAR POWER STATION 2022 ANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT Docket Numbers: 50-0 I 0/50-23 7/50-249 Dresden Nuclear Power Station Units 1,2, 3- Licensee: Constellation Energy Company, LLC

  • Chimney effluent monitoring system was declared inoperable. An investigation determined that the switch was accidentally moved during maintenance in the area on June 13, 2022 around 11 :00 am. Normal operation was restored on June 15, 2022 at 1:00 pm. The sample was obtained and analyzed on June 15th per the normal schedule; however, the sample volume was adjusted to account for the loss in monitoring time. The resultant isotopic concentration was then applied to the time that the 2/3 SPING was declared inoperable to account for activity released in the 10CFR50 Appendix I report.

The Unit 1 Main Turbine Floor is used as an area to work on contaminated equipment. The Unit 1 Fuel Building is used as a storage area and potentially as a work area. The ventilation systems to these areas are no longer operational and the areas are at ambient pressure with the outside environment. The potential exists for airborne activity to be released to the environment through various points .. Based on the work normally performed in these areas, an estimated 6.00E-06 Ci of Cs-137 was released via this path per month for a total of 7.20E-05 Ci during 2022.

The Unit 2/3 Heating Steam System has been contaminated in the past and occasionally contains low-level contamination. During normal operation, the condensate is converted to steam, a portion of which gets vented to the atmosphere. There was tritium identified above minimum detectable activity in 2022 for the months of January and November. An estimated 7.13E+03 µCi of tritium was released. This will continue to be monitored when the system is running.

The Chemistry Laboratory exhausts directly into the environment via its ventilation system and is not monitored. The activity concentration from the Offgas Recombiner samples taken weekly from each unit and the sample size (15 cc) was used to calculate a monthly activity released from each unit from the Chemistry Hot Lab fumehood. This activity was captured in the monthly.

10CFR50 Appendix I calculation and is included in the noble gas totals in the Gaseous Release Tables 2.2.A(2) and 2.2.A(3) for Ground level releases.

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  • Dresden Nuclear Power Station Units 1,2, 3 Licensee: Constellation Energy Company, LLC Carbon-14 Carbon-14 activity released is determined using Electric Power Research Institute Report 1021106 Boiling Water Reactor proxy value of 5.1 Ci per GWth year, gaseous release fraction of 0.99%, a carbon dioxide fraction of 0.95, a reactor power rating of 2957 MWt for Units 2 and 3.

The resultant dose due to C-14 was calculated using the EPRI approved C-14 worksheet. The equivalent full power days (EFPD) of operation of Unit 2 was 361.5 EFPD. The EFPD of operation of Unit 3 was 337.3 EFPD. This resulted in 14.94 Ci of C-14 from Unit 2 and 13.94 Ci of C-14 from Unit 3 being produced in 2022. The calculated dose from C-14 produced from Unit 2 was 5.34E-03 mrem/yr (Total Body-Child) and 4.97E-03 mrem/yr (Total Body-Child) for Unit 3 for a Station total of 1.03E-02 mrem/yr.

Liquid Effluents The Waste Surge Tank (WST) utilized for river discharges is analyzed for gamma-emitting nuclides by gamma spectroscopy and for tritium by liquid scintillation prior to discharge. A representative portion of this sample is saved and composited with other discharges that occur during the calendar month. The composite is sent to a vendor for analyses of gross alpha, Sr-89, Sr-90, Ni-63 and Fe-55. The tank volumes and activities are used to calculate the diluted

  • activity released at the discharge point from batch discharges. There were no discharges from the Waste Surge Tank in 2022. Batch release data can be found in Table 4 of this report.

Containment Cooling Service Water (CCSW) is sampled from the Low-Pressure Coolant Injection (LPCI) heat exchangers monthly and analyzed for gamma-emitting nuclides by gamma spectroscopy. These samples are composited quarterly and analyzed for tritium, gross alpha, Sr-89, Sr-90, Fe-55, and Ni-63. Results are conservatively applied for each month of the quarter. Batch release volume is based on LPCI heat exchanger volume. There were no releases from this system in 2022.

On-site storm sewers are sampled and analyzed for tritium content. The CBG well tritium concentration measured during each month of 2022 was used to calculate the released activity for each month via the storm sewers. The volume was based on the monthly rain fall over a 100,000 sqft area of the Site. Low level tritium was detected periodically throughout the 2022 year, and the total estimated tritium activity released via the storm sewers in 2022 was 6.15E-04 Ci in 8.77E+04 gallons of rain water.

Water in the Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) effluent is routinely sampled and analyzed for tritium, gross alpha, Sr-89, Sr-90, Fe-55, and Ni-63. Tritium was sampled monthly and was below the minimum detectable activity each month in 2022.

Beginning in September 2019, groundwater from the West Tritium Remediation Well was

  • monitored via the 2/3 Discharge Tunnel. Although this is a planned continuous release, it is Page 6 of40

DRESDEN NUCLEAR POWER STATION 2022 ANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT Docket Numbers: 50-010/50-23 7/50-249 Dresden Nuclear Power Station Units 1,2, 3

  • Licensee: Constellation Energy Company, LLC
  • being mentioned here due to its relatively short duration over this life of the plant. For the year 2022, the pump was broken for all but the month of December. While the pump was broken, no tritium was released. In December, the monthly sample was below the minimum detected activity for tritium.

The estimated calculated dose from all of these releases was well below the regulatory limit of 25 mRem/yr for the whole body and 75 mRem/yr Thyroid as well as all quarterly dose limits.

Estimated Total Errors The estimated total errors were calculated as the square root of the sum of the squares of significant errors present in the sampling and analysis process.

Less than the Lower Limit of Detection (<LLD)

Samples are analyzed such that the ODCM LLD requirements are met. When a nuclide is not detected, then "<LLD" is reported.

Abnormal Releases None Changes to the ODCM There were no changes to the ODCM in 2022.

Errata None Page 7 of40


  • Dresden Nuclear Power Station Units 1,2, 3 Licensee: Constellation Energy Company, LLC RELEASE


Table 2.1 (1 ): Gaseous Effluents- Summation of All Effluent Releases Unit 1 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Est. Total Units Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Error,%

A Fission & Activation Gases 1 Total Release Ci N/A N/A N/A N/A 1.31 E+01 I 2 Averaqe release rate for period µCi/sec N/A N/A N/A N/A Percent of ODCM Quarterly dose  % Gamma 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A 3

limit (site)

% Beta 2 N/A N/A N/A N/A B lodine-131 1 Total release Ci N/A N/A N/A N/A 2.60E+01 I 2 Averaqe release rate for period µCi/sec N/A N/A N/A N/A Percent of ODCM Quarterly dose 3 limit/*)

% N/A N/A N/A N/A C Particulates 1 Particulates with half-life >8 days Ci 1.S0E-05 1.S0E-05 1.S0E-05 1.S0E-05 2.94E+01 I

  • 2 3

D Tritium 1

Averaqe release rate for period Percent of ODCM Quarterly dose limit(*)

Total release

µCi/sec Ci 2.28E-06 9.02E-03 N/A 2.28E-06 9.02E-03 N/A 2.28E-06 9.02E-03 N/A 2.28E-06 9.02E-03 N/A 7.56E+00 I 2 Averaqe release rate for period µCi/sec N/A N/A N/A N/A Percent of ODCM Quarterly dose 3 limit(*)

% N/A N/A N/A N/A E G ross AlIP h a 1 Total release Ci N/A N/A N/A N/A 2.94E+01 I 2 Averaqe release rate for period µCi/sec N/A N/A N/A N/A F Carbon14 1 Total release Ci N/A N/A N/A N/A 2 Averaqe release rate for period µCi/sec N/A N/A N/A N/A

1. Based upon a quarterly dose limit of 5.00 mRad/yr for the Site
2. Based upon a quarterly dose limit of 10.00 mRad/yr for the Site
  • "Percent of ODCM quarterly dose limit" indicates combined total of lodine-131, Particulates, and Tritium
  • Page 8 of40

DRESDEN NUCLEAR POWER STATION 2022 ANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT Docket Numbers: 50-010/50-237/50-249 Dresden Nuclear Power Station Units 1,2, 3 Licensee: Constellation Energy Company, LLC

  • Table 2.1(2): Gaseous Effluents- Summation of All Effluent Releases Unit 2 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Est. Total Units Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Error, %

A Fission & Activation Gases 1 Total Release Ci 6.03E+00 6.01E+00 6.02E+O0 4.38E+00 1.31 E+01 I Average release rate for 7.75E-01 7.65E-01 7.57E-01 5.51E-01 2 period uCi/sec 5.58E-03 6.0?E-03 6.10E-03 4.40E-03 3

Percent of ODCM Quarterly Gamma1 dose limit (site)

% Beta 2 1.0?E-04 1.10E-04 1.12E-04 8.41 E-05 B. lodine-131 1 Total release Ci 3.99E-05 3.62E-05 4.26E-05 6.03E-05 2.60E+01 I Average release rate for 5.13E-06 4.60E-06 5.36E-06 7.59E-06 2 oeriod uCi/sec Percent of ODCM Quarterly

% 3.11 E-02 2.92E-02 3.35E-02 5.01E-02 3 dose limit (*)

C. Particulates 1

Particulates with half-life >8 davs Ci 3.52E-05 5.53E-05 5.39E-05 3.39E-04 2.94E+01 l Average release rate for 4.52E-06 7.04E-06 6.78E-06 4.26E-05 2 period uCi/sec Percent of ODCM Quarterly

% 3.11 E-02 2.92E-02 3.35E-02 5.01E-02 3 dose limit (*)

D. Tritium 1 Total release Ci 2.53E+00 3.26E+00 9.4DE+00 1.07E+01 7.56E+00 Average release rate for 3.25E-01 4.14E+01 1.18E+00 1.35E+00 2 period µCi/sec Percent of ODCM Quarterly

% 3.11E-02 2.92E-02 3.35E-02 5.01E-02 3 dose limit (*)

E Gross AlIPIha 1 Total release Ci 0.00E+0D 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.94E+01 I Average release rate for 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.0DE+00 0.00E+00 2 oeriod uCi/sec F. Carbon14 1 Total release Ci 3.71E+O0 3.74E+00 3.70E+00 3.79E+00 Average release rate for 2 period uCi/sec 4.77E-01 4.71E-01 4.65E-01

  • 4.77E-01
1. Based upon a quarterly dose limit of 5.00 mRad/yr for the Site
2. Based upon a quarterly dose limit of 10.00 mRad/yrfor the Site
  • "Percent of ODCM quarterly dose limit" indicates combined total of lodine-131, Particulates, and Tritium Page 9 of40


  • Dresden Nuclear Power Station Units 1,2, 3 Licensee: Constellation Energy Company, LLC Table 2.1 (3): Gaseous Effluents- Summation of All Effluent Releases Unit 3 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Est. Total Units Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Error,%

A. Fission & Activation Gases 1 Total Release Ci 3.48E+01 4.04E+00 4.29E+00 2.06E+00 1.31 E+01 I 2 Averaqe release rate for period uCi/sec 4.48E+O0 5.14E-01 5.39E-01 2.59E-01 Percent of ODCM Quarterly 2.38E-02 2.35E-03 3.00E-03 1.?0E-03 3 Gamma 1 dose limit (site)

% Beta 2 5.91E-04 7.09E-05 7.95E-05 3.84E-05 B. lodine~131 1 Total release Ci 4.66E-05 7.87E-05 1.28E-04 9.36E-05 2.60E+01 I 2 Average release rate for period µCi/sec 6.00E-06 1.00E-05 1.60E-05 1.18E-05 Percent of ODCM Quarterly

% 3.81 E-02 6.31 E-02 1.01 E-01 7.77E-02 3 dose limit (*)

C. Particulates Particulates with half-life >8 1 days Ci 6.54E-05 1.20E-04 1.69E-04 3.37E-04 2.94E+01 I Average release rate for 2 period uCi/sec 8.42E-06 1.53E-05 2.12E-05 4.23E-05 Percent of ODCM Quarterly

% 3.81 E-02 6.31 E-02 1.01 E-01 7.77E-02 3 dose limit (*)

D. Tritium 1 Total release Ci 4.51E+00 7.04E+00 3.60E+01 1.25E+01 7.56E+00 I 2 Averaqe release rate for period µCi/sec 5.80E-01 8.95E-01 4.53E+00 1.57E+O0 Percent of ODCM Quarterly

% 3.81E-02 6.31 E-02 1.01 E-01 7.77E-02 3 dose limit (*)

E G ross AlIP h a 1 Total release Ci 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.94E+01 I 2 Averaqe release rate for period µCi/sec 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 F. Carbon14 1 Total release Ci 3.71E+00 3.62E+00 3.78E+O0 2.83E+00 2 Averaqe release rate for period uCi/sec 4.77E-01 4.60E-01 4.76E-01 2.99E-01

1. Based upon a quarterly dose limit of 5.00 mRad/yr for the Site
2. Based upon a quarterly dose limit of 10.00 mRad/yr for the Site
  • "Percent of ODCM quarterly dose limit" indicates combined total of lodine-131, Particulates, and Tritium
  • Page 10 of 40

DRESDEN NUCLEAR POWER STATION 2022 ANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT Docket Numbers: 50-0 I 0/50-23115 0-249 Dresden Nuclear Power Station Units 1,2, 3 Licensee: Constellation Energy Company, LLC

  • Lower Limits of Detectability for Gaseous Effluents Fission / Activation Gases µCi/cc Kr-87 1.00E-04 Kr-88 1.00E-04 Xe-133 1.00E-04 Xe-133m 1.00E-04 Xe-135 1.00E-04 Xe-138 1.00E-04 Iodines 1-131 1.00E-12 1-133 1.00E-10 Particulates Sr-89 1.00E-11 Sr-90 1.00E-11 Mn-54 Co-58 Fe-59 Co-60 Zn-65 1.00E-11 1.00E-11 1.00E-11 1.00E-11 1.00E-11 Mo-99 1.00E-11 Cs-134 1.00E-11 Cs-137 1.00E-11 Ce-141 1.00E-11 Ce-144 1.00E-11 Other H-3 1.00E-06 Gross Alpha 1.00E-11 Tt,e above limits are the ODCM required Lower Limit~ of Detection (LLD).

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  • Dresden Nuclear Power Station Units 1,2, 3 Licensee: Constellation Energy Company, LLC Table 2.2.A(1) Gaseous Effluents Release Point: Unit 1 Ground Level Nuclides Continuous Mode Batch Mode Released 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Units Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter

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1. Fission gases
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Sr-89 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Sr-90 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Cs-134 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Cs-137 Ci 1.BOE-05 1.BOE-05 1.BOE-05 1.BOE-05 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Ba-140 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD La-140 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD cr-51 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Mn-54 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Co-58 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Co-60 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Mo-99 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Ag-110m Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Ce-141 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD .<LLD Ce-144 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Total for Period Ci 1.BOE-05 1.BOE-05 1.BOE-05 1.BOE-05 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD

4. Tritium

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<::' 4 ,,;,,,,,' 1 Gross Alpha Total Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD

6. Carbon 14 {:\::/.. )'.,. *:c.*"

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C-14 Total for Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Period Page 12 of 40

DRESDEN NUCLEAR POWER STATION 2022 ANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT Docket Numbers: 50-010/50-237/50-249 Dresden N~clear Power Station Units 1,2, 3 Licensee: Constellation Energy Company, LLC

  • Table 2.2.A (2) Gaseous Effluents Release Point: Unit 2 Ground Level Nuclides Continuous Mode Batch Mode Released 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Units Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter
1. Fission gases . **

Kr-85 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Kr-85m Ci 3.79E-08 3.SOE-08 4.32E-08 4.45E-08 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Kr-87 Ci 2.16E-07 2.22E-07 2.51E-07 2.66E-07 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Kr-88 Ci 1.36E-07 1.38E-07 1.54E-07 1.74E-07 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Xe-131m Ci <LLD <LLD 3.20E-08 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Xe-133 Ci 5.65E-09 7.47E-09 3.64E-09 8.92E-09 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Xe-133m Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Xe-135 Ci 2.04E-07 2.12E-07 2.34E-07 2.61 E-07 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Xe-135m Ci 4.38E-07 4.30E-07 5.23E-07 6.04E-07 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Xe-138 Ci 1.68E-06 1.69E-06 2.13E-06 2.42E-06 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Ar-41 Ci 4.27E-08 3.74E-08 4.90E-08 6.18E-08 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Total for Period Ci 2.76E-06 2.78E-06 3.42E-06 3.84E-06 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD

2. Iodines 1-131 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD 1-132 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD 1-133 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD 1-134 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD 1-135 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Total for Period Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD

<LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Zr-95 Ci <LLD <LLD Nb-95 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Sn-117m Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Page 13 of 40


  • Dresden Nuclear Power Station Units 1,2, 3 Licensee: Constellation Energy Company, LLC Sb-124 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Sb-125 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Total for Period Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD
4. Tritium ', ' },, , , ,,,a '
;*,, ' '\

H-3 Total for Period Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD

5. Gross Alpha '

Gross Alpha Total Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD

6. Carbon 14 C-14 Total for Period Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD
  • Page 14 of 40

DRESDEN NUCLEAR POWER STATION 2022 ANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT Docket Numbers: 50-010/50-237/50-249 Dresden Nuclear Power Station Units 1,2, 3 Licensee: Constellation Energy Company, LLC

  • Table 2.2.A(3) Gaseous Effluents Release Point: Unit 3 Ground Level Nuclides Continuous Mode Batch Mode Released 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Units Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter
1. Fission gases Kr-85 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Kr-85m Ci 3.40E-08 2.49E-08 3.06E-08 1.36E-08 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Kr-87 Ci 1.84E-07 1.44E-07 1.85E-07 7.63E-08 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Kr-88 Ci 1.1 BE-07 9.0?E-08 1.1 OE-07 4.90E-08 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Xe-131m Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Xe-133 Ci 3.02E-09 7.79E-10 3.30E-09 3.81E-09 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Xe-135 Ci 2.14E-07 1.71 E-07 1.96E-07 9.60E-08 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Xe-135m Ci 4.66E-07 3.61 E-07 4.20E-07 2.15E-07 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Xe-138 Ci 1.69E-06 1.26E-06 1.54E-06 7.56E-07 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Ar-41 Ci 3.38E-08 3.0?E-08 3.43E-08 2.36E-07 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Total for Period Ci 2.74E-06 2.0BE-06 2.51 E-06 1.45E-06 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD
2. Iodines 1-131 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD 1-133 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD 1-134 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD . <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD 1-135 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Total for Period Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD








<LLD Page 15 of 40










  • Dresden Nuclear Power Station Units 1,2, 3 Licensee: Constellation Energy Company, LLC

... *-*- . -- -- *- - - .. --- **-- .,. -~-- *-* **- ---- - .. . ---

4. Tritium H-3 Total for Period Ci 6.61 E-03 <LLD <LLD 5.12E-04 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD
5. Gross Alpha Gross Alpha Total Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD
6. Carbon 14 C-14 Total for Period Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD
  • Page 16 of 40

DRESDEN NUCLEAR POWER STATION 2022 ANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT Docket Numbers: 50-010/50-23 7/50-249 Dresden Nuclear Power Station Units 1,2, 3 Licensee: Constellation Energy Company, LLC

  • Table 2.2.8(1) Gaseous Effluents Release Point: Unit 1 Elevated Nuclides Continuous Mode Batch Mode Released 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Units Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter
1. Fission gases ,,


2. Iodines 1-131 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD 1-133 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD 1-135 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Total for Period Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD
3. Particulates ',


4. Tritium ' c",

H-3 Total for Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Period

5. Gross Alpha Gross Alpha Total Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD
6. Carbon 14 C-14 Total for Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Period Page 17 of 40


  • Dresden Nuclear Power Station Units 1,2, 3 Licensee: Constellation Energy Company, LLC Table 2.2.8(2) Gaseous Effluents Release Point: Unit 2 Elevated Nuclides Continuous Mode Batch Mode Released 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Units Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter
1. Fission gases Kr-85 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Kr-85m Ci 3.12E-01 2.26E-01 2.05E-01 1.14E-01 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Kr-87 Ci 1.15E-01 1.16E-01 1.20E-01 9.88E-02 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Kr-88 Ci 1.44E-01 1.19E-01 1.09E-01 7.49E-02 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Xe-133 Ci 8.28E-01 5.63E-01 5.18E-01 3.17E-01 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Xe-135 Ci 1.25E-01 9.54E-02 9.61E-02 8.38E-02 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Xe-135m Ci 6.50E-01 6.24E-01 6.50E-01 5.50E-01 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Xe-138 Ci 2.80E+OO 2.74E+OO 2.94E+OO 2.44E+OO <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Ar-41 Ci 1.06E+OO 1.53E+OO 1.39E+OO 6.98E-01 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Total for Period Ci 6.03E+OO 6.01E+OO 6.02E+OO 4.38E+OO <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD
2. Iodines 1-131 Ci 3.99E-05 3.62E-05 4.26E-05 5.81 E-05 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD 1-133 Ci 3.06E-04 3.96E-04 3.27E-04 3.41 E-04 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD 1-135 Ci <LLD 5.04E-05 2.58E-04 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Total for Period Ci 3.45E-04 4.82E-04 6.28E-04 3.99E-04 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD
3. Particulates .

Zn-65 Ci 5.39E-06 7.51E-06 3.60E-06 5.59E-06 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Sr-89 Ci 6.26E-06 1.09E-05 4.03E-06 1.16E-05 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Sr-90 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Cs-134 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Cs-137 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Ba-140 Ci 3.33E-06 5.20E-07 8.09E-06 9.08E-06 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD La-140 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Cr-51 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Mn-54 Ci <LLD 2.65E-07 2.98E-06 1.88E-05 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Co-58 Ci 2.15E-06 1.94E-06 5.40E-06 1.41 E-05 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Co-60 Ci 1.54E-05 3.42E-05 2.97E-05 8.85E-05 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Mo-99 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Ag-11 Om Ci <LLD <LLD 9.1 OE-08 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Sn-117m Ci 2.63E-06 <LLD <LLD 1.85E-05 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Ce-141 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Ce-144 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Total for Period Ci 3.52E-05 5.53E-05 5.39E-05 1.66E-04 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD

4. Tritium

H-3 Total for Ci 1.92E+OO 1.99E+OO 8.06E+OO 6.24E+OO <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Period

5. Gross Alpha Gross Alpha Total Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD
6. Carbon 14 C-14 Total for Ci 3.71E+OO 3.74E+OO 3.70E+OO 3.79E+OO <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Period
  • Page 18 of 40

DRESDEN NUCLEAR POWER STATION 2022 ANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT Docket Numbers: 50-010/50-23 7/50-249 Dresden Nuclear Power Station Units 1,2, 3 Licensee: Constellation Energy Company, LLC

  • Table 2.2.8(3) Gaseous Effluents Release Point: Unit 3 Elevated Nuclides Continuous Mode Batch Mode Released 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Units Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter
1. Fission gases Kr-85 Ci <LLD 1.48E+00 1.11 E+00 2.09E-01 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Kr-85m Ci 2.07E+00 8.49E-03 1.09E-02 2.74E-02 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Kr-87 Ci 3.16E+00 2.1 BE-01 2.11E-01 8.18E-02 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Kr-88 Ci 5.47E+00 3.16E-02 4.04E-02 2.25E-02 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Xe-133 Ci 1.82E+00 4.44E-02 3.59E-02 9.13E-02 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Xe-135 Ci 1.80E+01 3.18E-01 3.29E-01 2.00E-01 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Xe-135m Ci 4.25E-01 3.91 E-01 5.01 E-01 2.66E-01 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Xe-138 Ci 1.71 E+00 1.54E+00 2.03E+00 1.01 E+00 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Ar-41 Ci 2.14E+00 1.24E-02 1.33E-02 1.57E-01 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Total for Period Ci 3.48E+01 4.04E+00 4.29E+00 2.06E+00 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD
2. Iodines 1-131 Ci 4.66E-05 7.87E-05 1.28E-04 8.96E-05 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD 1-133 Ci 6.21 E-04 7.96E-04 1.03E-03 5.29E-04 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD 1-135 Ci <LLD 1.04E-04 7.57E-04 1.44E-04 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Total for Period Ci 6.68E-04 9.79E-04 1.91 E-03 7.62E-04 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD
3. Particulates Zn-65 Ci 1.03E-05 1.53E-05 1.1 0E-05 1.01 E-05 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Sr-89 Ci 8.52E-06 2.31E-05 1.37E-05 1.S0E-05 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Sr-90 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Cs-134 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Cs-137 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Ba-140 Ci 6.13E-06 9.10E-07 2.40E-05 5.90E-06 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD La-140 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Cr-51 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Mn-54 Ci <LLD 4.63E-07 9.08E-06 2.06E-05 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Co-58 Ci 4.36E-06 5.12E-06 1.77E-05 2.79E-05 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Co-60 Ci 3.11 E-05 7.52E-05 9.29E-05 9.36E-05 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Mo-99 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Ag-110m Ci <LLD <LLD 2.56E-07 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Sn-117m Ci 5.0SE-06 <LLD <LLD 2.03E-05 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Ce-141 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Ce-144 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Total for Period Ci 6.55E-05 1.20E-04 1.69E-04 1.93E-04 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD
4. Tritium H-3 Total for Ci 3.83E+00 4.28E+00 3.12E+01 7.11E+00 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Period
5. Gross Alpha Gross Alpha Total Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD
6. Carbon 14 C-14 Total for Ci 3.71E+00 3.62E+00 3.78E+00 2.83E+00 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Period Page 19 of 40


  • Dresden Nuclear Power Station Units 1,2, 3 Licensee: Constellation Energy Company, LLC Table 2.2.C(1) Gaseous Effluents Release Point: Unit 1 Mixed Mode Nuclides Continuous Mode Batch Mode Released 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Units Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter
1. Fission gases >


2. Iodines 1-131 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD 1-133 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD 1-135 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Total for Period Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD
4. Tritium H-3 Total for Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Period <LLD <LLD <LLD
5. Gross Alpha Gross Alpha Total Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD
6. Carbon 14 C-14 Total for Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Period
  • Page 20 of 40

DRESDEN NUCLEAR POWER STATION 2022 ANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT Docket Numbers: 50-010/50-237/50-249 Dresden Nuclear Power Station Units 1,2, 3 Licensee: Constellation Energy Company, LLC

  • Table 2.2.C(2} Gaseous Effluents Release Point: Unit 2 Mixed Mode Nuclides Continuous Mode Batch Mode Released 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Units Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter
1. Fission gases ' .


2. Iodines 1-131 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD 2.21 E-06 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD 1-133 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD 1-135 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Total for Period Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD 2.21 E-06 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD
3. Particulates Zn-65 Ci <LLD <LLD ,LLD 8.29E-06 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Sr-89 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Sr-90 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Cs-134 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Cs-137 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Ba-140 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD La-140 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Cr-51 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD 1.22E-04 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Mn-54 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD 5.81 E-06 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Co-58 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD 6.74E-06 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Fe-59 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD 5.03E-06 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Co-60 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD 2.47E-05 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Mo-99 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Ag-110m Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Sn-11 ?m Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Ce-141 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Ce-144 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Total for Period Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD 1.73E-04 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD
4. Tritium H-3 Total for Ci 6.09E-01 1.27E+OO 1.33E+OO 4.47E+OO <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Period
5. Gross Alpha Gross Alpha Total Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD
6. Carbon 14 *'

C-14 Total for Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Period Page 21 of40


  • Dresden Nuclear Power Station Units 1,2, 3 Licensee: Constellation Energy Company, LLC Table 2.2.C(3) Gaseous Effluents Release Point: Unit 3 Mixed Mode Nuclides Continuous Mode Batch Mode Released 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Units Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter
2. Iodines 1-131 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD 3.98E-06 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD 1-133 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD 1-135 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Total for Period Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD 3.98E-06 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD
3. Particulates Zn-65 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD 5.39E-06 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Sr-89 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Sr-90 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Cs-134 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Cs-137 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Ba-140 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD La-140 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Cr-51 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD 8.10E-05 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Mn-54 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD 4.25E-06 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Co-58 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD 2.26E-05 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Co-60 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD 1.47E-05 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Fe-59 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD 1.52E-05 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Mo-99 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Ag-110m Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Sn-117m Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Ce-141 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Ce-144 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Total for Period Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD 1.43E-04 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD
4. Tritium H-3 Total for Ci 6.72E-01 2.76E+OO 4.78E+OO 5.35E+OO <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Period
5. Gross Alpha Gross Alpha Total Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD
6. Carbon 14 C-14 Total for Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Period Page 22 of40

DRESDEN NUCLEAR POWER STATION 2022 ANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT Docket Numbers: 50-010/50-237/50-249 Dresden Nuclear Power Station Units 1,2, 3 Licensee: Constellation Energy Company, LLC

  • Table 3.1 (1) Liquid Effluents- Summation of All Releases: Unit 1 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Est. Total Units Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Error,%

A. Fission & Activation Gases Total Release Ci NIA NIA NIA NIA 1.95E+01 2 Average Concentration Ci/ml NIA NIA NIA NIA Percent of ODCM Quarterly 3

dose limit NIA NIA NIA NIA B. Tritium Total release Ci NIA NIA NIA NIA 2.37E+00 2 Avera e Concentration Ci/ml N/A NIA N/A N/A 3 Percent of ODCM Quarterly  % NIA NIA NIA NIA dose limit C. Dissolved and Entrained Gases 2

3 Total release Avera e Concentration Percent of ODCM Quarterly dose limit D. Gross Alpha Ci Ci/ml NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA 2.03E+01 Total release Ci NIA NIA NIA NIA 2.00E+01 2 Avera e Concentration Ci/ml NIA NIA NIA NIA E. Liquid Release Volume I 1 I I Total Release Liters NIA NIA NIA NIA F. Dilution Volume I Total Release Liters NIA NIA NIA NIA Page 23 of40


  • Dresden Nuclear Power Station Units 1,2, 3 Licensee: Constellation Energy Company, LLC Table 3.1(2) Liquid Effluents- Summation of All Releases: Unit 2 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Est. Total Units Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Error,%

A. Fission & Activation Gases Total Release Ci N/A N/A N/A N/A 1.95E+01 2 Average Concentration Ci/ml N/A N/A N/A N/A Percent of ODCM Quarterly 3

dcise limit N/A N/A N/A N/A B. Tritium Total release Ci 8.35E-05 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.24E-04 2.37E+00 2 Avera e Concentration Ci/ml 1.06E-13 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.84E-13 3 Percent of ODCM Quarterly  %

dose limit 2.03E-08 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 5.46E-07 C. Dissolved and Entrained Gases N/A N/A N/A N/A 2.03E+01 Total release Ci 2 Avera e Concentration Ci/ml N/A N/A N/A N/A 3 Percent of ODCM Quarterly  % N/A N/A N/A N/A dose limit D. Gross Alpha Total release Ci N/A N/A N/A N/A 2.00E+01 2 Avera e Concentration Ci/ml N/A N/A N/A N/A E. Liquid Release Volume Total Release Liters 5.73E+04 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.09E+05 F. Dilution Volume Total Release Liters 7.89E+11 5.73E+04 5.73E+04 7.89E+11

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DRESDEN NUCLEAR POWER STATION 2022 ANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT Docket Numbers: 50-010/50-237/50-249 Dresden Nuclear Power Station Units 1,2, 3 Licensee: Constellation Energy Company, LLC

  • Table 3.1 (3) Liquid Effluents- Summation of All Releases: Unit 3 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Est. Total Units Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Error,%

A Fission & Activation Gases 1 Total Release Ci N/A N/A NIA N/A 1.95E+01 I 2 Average Concentration µCi/ml N/A N/A N/A N/A Percent of ODCM Quarterly 3

dose limit NIA N/A N/A N/A B. Tritium 1 Total release Ci 8.35E-05 0.00E+00 0.00E+O0 2.24E-04 2.37E+00 I 2 Averaae Concentration uCi/ml 1.06E-13 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.84E-13 Percent of ODCM Quarterly 3

dose limit

% 2.03E-08 0.00E+00 0.00E+O0 5.46E-08 C. Dissolved and Entrained Gases 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A 2.03E+01 I Total release Ci 2 Average Concentration uCi/mL N/A N/A N/A N/A Percent of ODCM Quarterly 3

dose limit

% N/A N/A NIA N/A D. Gross Alpha 1 Total release Ci N/A N/A N/A N/A 2.00E+01 I 2 Averaae Concentration uCi/mL NIA N/A NIA N/A E. Liquid Release Volume Total Release Liters 5.73E+04 0.00E+00 0.00E+O0 1.09E+D5 F. Dilution Volume Total Release Liters 7.89E+11 0.0DE+00 0.00E+00 1.56E+12 Page 25 of 40


  • Dresden Nuclear Power Station Units 1,2, 3 Licensee: Constellation Energy Company, LLC Lower Limits of Detection for Liquid Effluents Fission and Activation Gase µCi/mL Kr-87 l.00E-05 Kr-88 1.00E-05 Xe-133 1.00E-05 Xe-133m 1.00E-05 Xe-135 1.00E-05 Xe-138 1.00E-05 Iodines 1-131 1.00E-06 Particulates Fe-55 1.00E-06
  • Sr-89 Sr-90 Mn-54 Co-58 Fe-59 5.00E-08 5.00E-08 5.00E-07 5.00E-07 5.00E-07 Co-60 5.00E-07 Zn-65 5.00E-07 Mo-99 5.00E-07 Cs-134 5.00E-07 Cs-137 5.00E-07 Ce-141 5.00E-07 Ce-144 5.00E-06 Other H-3 1.00E-05 Gross Alpha 1.00E-07 The above limits are the ODCM required Lower Limits of Detection (LLD) .
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DRESDEN NUCLEAR POWER STA TION 2022 ANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT Docket Numbers: 50-010/50-237/50-249 Dresden Nuclear Power Station Units 1,2, 3 Licensee: Constellation Energy Company, LLC

  • Table 3.2(1) Liquid Effluents Release Point: Unit 1 Nuclides Continuous Mode Batch Mode Released 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Units Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Sr-89 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Sr-90 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Cs-134 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Cs-137 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD 1-131 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Co-58 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Co-60 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Fe-59 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Zn-65 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Mn-54 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Cr-51 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Zr-95 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Nb-95 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Mo-99 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Tc-99m Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Ba-140 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD La-140 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Ce-141 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Ag-110m Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Fe-55 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD H-3 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Ci Ci Total for Period Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Xe-133 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Xe-135 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Page 27 of40


  • Dresden Nuclear Power Station Units 1,2, 3 Licensee: Constellation Energy Company, LLC Table 3.2(2) Liquid Effluents Release Point: Unit 2 Nuclides Continuous Mode Batch Mode Released 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Units Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Sr-89 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Sr-90 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Cs-134 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Cs-137 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD 1-131 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Co-58 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Co-60 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Fe-59 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Zn-65 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Mn-54 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Cr-51 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Zr-95 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Nb-95 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Mo-99 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Tc-99m Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Ba-140 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD La-140 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Ce-141 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Ag-110m Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Fe-55 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD H-3 Ci 8.35E-05 <LLD <LLD 2.24E-04 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Ci Ci Total for Period Ci 8.35E-05 <LLD <LLD 2.24E-04 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Xe-133 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Xe-135 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD
  • Page 28 of 40

DRESDEN NUCLEAR POWER STATION 2022 ANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT Docket Numbers: 50-010/50-237/50-249 Dresden Nuclear Power Station Units 1,2, 3 Licensee: Constellation Energy Company, LLC

  • Table 3.2(3) LiQuid Effluents Release Point: Unit3 Nuclides Continuous Mode Batch Mode Released 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Units Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Sr-89 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Sr-90 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Cs-134 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Cs-137 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD 1-131 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Co-58 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Co-60 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Fe-59 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Zn-65 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Mn-54 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Cr-51 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Zr-95 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Nb-95 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Mo-99 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Tc-99m Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Ba-140 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD La-140 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Ce-141 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Ag-110m Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Fe-55 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD H-3 Ci 8.35E-0.5 <LLD <LLD 2.24E-04 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Ci Ci Total for Period Ci 8.35E-05 <LLD <LLD 2.24E-04 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Xe-133 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Xe-135 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Page 29 of 40


  • Dresden Nuclear Power Station Units 1,2, 3 Licensee: Constellation Energy Company, LLC Table 4 Batch and Abnormal Release Totals Site Batch Releases A. Liquid Releases Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Annual
1. Number of Batch Releases 0 0 0 0 0
2. Total duration of batch releases min N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
3. Maximum batch release duration min N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
4. AveraQe batch release duration min N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
5. Minimum batch release duration min NIA N/A N/A N/A N/A
8. Gaseous Releases Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Annual
1. Number of Batch Releases 0 0 0 0 0
2. Total duration of batch releases min N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
3. Maximum batch release duration min N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
4. Average batch release duration min N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
  • 5. Minimum batch release duration min N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Abnormal Releases

. IQUI"d RIe eases AL" ums *t A nnua

1. Number of Abnormal Releases 0
2. Total Activity Ci O.OOE+OO
8. Gaseous Releases Units Annual
1. Number of Abnormal Releases 0
2. Total Activity Ci O.OOE+OO
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DRESDEN NUCLEAR POWER STATION 2022 ANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT Docket Numbers: 50-010/50-237/50-249 Dresden Nuclear Po wer Station Units 1,2, 3 Licensee: Constellation Energy Company, LLC

  • RADIOLOGICAL IMPACT ON MAN Table 5 Total Bo dy Dose from Gaseous and Liquid Effluents Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Site Li uid mRem N/A 1.12E-09 1.12E-09 2.25E-09 Gaseous mRad N/A 7.38E-04 1.03E-03 1.76E-03 Radioiodines, tritium mRem 1.04E-03 7.89E-04 1.28E-03 3.10E-03 and Particulates C-14 mRem N/A 5.34E-03 4.97E-03 1.03E-02 Table 5.1 Or an Dose from Gaseous and Liquid Effluents Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Site Liquid mRem N/A 1.12E-09 1.12E-09 2.25E-09 Gaseous (Skin) mRad N/A 1.25E-03 1.75E-03 3.00E-03 Radioiodines, trit ium 2.71 E-03 1.08E-02 2.10E-02 mRem 3.18E-02 and Particulates (Liver) (Thyroid) (Thyroid)

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  • Dresden Nuclear Power Station Units 1,2, 3 Licensee: Constellation Energy Company, LLC Table 6 Solid Waste Shipped Offsite for Burial or Disposal (Not irradiated fuel)

- T.vpes ofW as te Est. Total Error Types of Waste Total Quantity (m 3 ) Total Activity (Ci) Period

a. Spent resins, filter sludges, 9.03E+01 1.30E+02 01/01-12/31 +/- 25 evaoorator bottoms, etc.
b. Dry compressible waste, 4.49E+02 3.64E-01 01/01-12/31 +/- 25 contaminated equip., etc.
c. Irradiated components, control rods, 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 01/01-12/31 +/- 25 etc.
d. Other (describe) 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 01/01-12/31 +/- 25 2- Estimate of major nuclide composition (by waste type)

Major Nuclide Composition  %

Resins, Filters, and Evap Bottoms

a. Cs-137 (2.59E+01 Ci) 19.94 Fe-55 (3.18E+01 Ci) 24.5 Co-60 (6.27E+01 Ci) 48.28 Ni-63 (3.24E+00 Ci) 2.5 Zn-65 (2.95E+00 Ci) 2.27 Mn-54 (1.89E+00 Ci) 1.46 Dry Active Waste
b. Mn-54 (2.44E-02 Ci) 6.69 Fe-55 (1.60E-01 Ci) 43.84 Fe-59 (3.88E-03 Ci) 1.06 Co-58 (6.32E-03 Ci) 1.73 Co-60 (1.42E-01 Ci) 38.96 Zn-65 (1.05E-02 Ci) 2.87 Cr-51 (1.14E-02 Ci) 3.12 Irradiated Components
c. None Other
d. Mn-54 (0.00E+00 Ci) 0.00 Fe-55 (0.00E+00 Ci) 0.00 Co-58 (0.00E+00 Ci) 0.00 Co-60 (0.00E+00 Ci) 0.00 Zn-65 (0.00E+00 Ci) 0.00 Cs-137 (0.00E+00 Ci) 0.00 Cr-51 (0.00E+00 Ci) 0.00
  • 3- Solid Waste Disposition Page 32 of40

DRESDEN NUCLEAR POWER STATION 2022 ANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT Docket Numbers: 50-010/50-237/50-249 Dresden Nuclear Power Station Units 1,2, 3 Licensee: Constellation Energy Company, LLC

There have been no new changes for the 2022 year.

DIRECT .RADIATION There are five identified sources of direct radiation dose that meets the definition referenced in 10CFR72.104 and must be added to the gaseous and liquid effluents dose. They are:

1. Skyshine
2. West Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) Pad
3. East ISFSI Pad
4. Condensate Storage Tanks (CST)
5. General Electric Facility located southwest of the plant on Collins Road.

Skyshine The radioactivity source that results in the most significant offsite radiation dose at the Dresden Station is skyshine resulting from 16 N decay inside turbines and steam piping.

The 16 N that produces the skyshine effect is formulated through neutron activation of the oxygen atoms in the reactor coolant as the coolant passes through the operating reactor core. The 16N travels with the steam produced in the reactor to the steam-driven turbine. While the 16 N is in transport, it radioactively decays with a half-life of about 7 seconds and produces 6-7 MeV gamma rays. Typically, offsite dose points are shielded from a direct view of components containing 16 N, but there can be skyshine at offsite locations due to scattering of gamma rays off the mass of air above the steam lines and turbine.

The dose rate due to skyshine has been found to have the following dependencies:

1. The dose rate decreases as distance from the station increases.
2. The dose rate increases non-linearly as the power production level increases.
3. The dose rate increases when hydrogen is added to the reactor coolant, an action taken to improve reactor coolant chemistry characteristics.

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  • Dresden Nuclear Power Station Units 1,2, 3 Licensee: Constellation Energy Company, LLC To calculate offsite dose due to skyshine in a given time period, Dresden Station must track the following parameters:
1. The total gross energy Eh produced with hydrogen being added.
2. The total gross energy Ea produced without hydrogen being added.

The turbines at the site are sufficiently close to each other, such that energy generated by the two operating units may be summed. Because the hydrogen addition system is normally in-service during plant operation, the conservative assumption that all power is generated during hydrogen addition can be used.

An initial estimate of skyshine dose is calculated using equation 5-1 on page 11.5.4 in the Dresden Offsite Dose Calculation Manual with the following assumptions from Table 5.1 on page 11.5-11:

Table 6.1 Parameters for Calculations of N-16 Skyshine Radiation from Dresden Units 2 and 3 Shielding Location Occupancy Occupancy Factor Number K Activity Hours (OH) Factor (OF) (SF) Distance (R) 1 Livino at Home 8344 0.95 0.7 800 2 Fishing 416 0.05 1.0 610 These parameters are used to obtain an initial estimate of skyshine dose to the maximally exposed member of the public using Equation 5-1. If desired, more realistic parameters could be used in place of these to refine the estimate. For example, one could determine whether the nearest resident really fishes the specified number of hours at the specified location.

a. The amount of time in a year that a maximally exposed fisherman would spend fishfng near the site is estimated as 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> per week for 8 months per year. This yields an estimate of:

[12 hours/week] x [(8 months/yr)/(12 months/yr)] x [52 weeks/yr]= 416 hour0.00481 days <br />0.116 hours <br />6.878307e-4 weeks <br />1.58288e-4 months <br />s/yr The remaining time is assumed to be. spent at the nearest residence.

b. Distance to nearest residence (See ODCM Table 4-1).
  • c. Estimated from a drawing of the site .

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DRESDEN NUCLEAR POWER STATION 2022 ANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT Docket Numbers: 50-010/50-23 7/50-249 Dresden Nuclear Power Station Units 1,2, 3 Licensee: Constellation Energy Company, LLC *

d. The OFk is the quotient of the number of hours a location is occupied and the number of hours in a year. Thus OHk/8760 hours= OFk rounded to the 0.01 digit.

A survey of the nearest residents revealed that as they do enjoy fishing, they spend far less time than the above estimate in Table 6.1 above. Additionally, because they live on the Kankakee River, they enjoy fishing near their homes rather than the designated 610 meters from the plant.

As such, these assumptions have been adjusted in order to calculate a more accurate dose to the nearest resident at 868 meters from the plant with 8000 occupancy hours per year allowing more time away from home to work, shop, and take vacation. This yielded a dose from Unit 2 due to skyshine of 2.271 mRem and 2.119 mRem from Unit 3 for a total of 4.39 mRem for the Site.

Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation There are currently two ISFSI pads (east and west) located within the Protected area of the Dresden station. These casks contain the spent fuel from the reactor and the pad is designed to store the spent fuel until a more suitable location is available. Optically stimulated luminescence dosimeters (OSLO) are placed on the fence around the pads and exchanged semi-annually to measure the direct dose from the ISFSI pad. The dose from each location is summed to acquire

  • an annual dose for that specific location being a known distance from the casks.

The equation for a point source is used (DR1*Dl= DR2*D22) to calculate the annual dose to the nearest member of the public. The OSLO with the highest annual reading was used because they have a lesser contribution by percent of background radiation lending to more accuracy in the dose attributable only to the ISFSI pad.

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  • Dresden Nuclear Power Station Units 1,2, 3 Licensee: Constellation nergy Company, LLC Table 7: West ISFSI Pad Dose Calculations Ql Q2 DR1 DR2 (mrem) (mrem) (mrem/yr) D1 (ft) Dz (ft) (mrem/yr) 23 248 .6 263 .3 511.9 136.18 2640 1.36 24 857.8 806.2 1664.0 91.38 2640 1.99 25 545.4 446.8 992.2 98.41 2640 1.38 26 146.2 156.6 302.8 89.99 2640 0.35 27 413.6 324.2 737.8 61.40 2640 0.40 28 252 .5 218.9 471.4 117.3 2640 0.93 Figure 1: West ISFSI Pad
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DRESDEN NUCLEAR POWER STATrON 2022 ANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT Docket Numbers: 50-0 I 0/50-23 7/50-249 Dresden Nuclear Power Station Units 1,2, 3 Licensee : Constellation Energy Company, LLC

  • Table 7.1 : East ISFSI Pad Dose Calculations Ql Q2 (mrem) (mrem) (mrem /y r) (ft) (ft) (mrem/yr) 17 75.1 85.3 160.4 88.84 2660 0.18 18 76.1 87.3 163.4 99.39 2660 0.23 19 69.5 81.1 150.6 102.30 2660 0.22 20 104.8* 104.8 209.6 117.00 2660 0.41 21 263.2 228.1 491.3 118.40 2660 0.97 22 90.8 90.3 181.1 97.39 2660 0.24
  • Dosimeter lost and dose not reported . Assumed to be similar to 02 value .

Figure 2: East ISFSI Pad Page 37 of 40


. Dresden Nuclear Power Station Units 1,2, 3 Licensee: Constellation Energy Company, LLC The highest annual dose received from the ISFSI pads were locations 21 and 24. These results and distances from the center of the pad were used to calculate a dose of 9.70E-01 mRem/yr for the West pad and 1.99E+00 mRem/yr for the East pad . This resulted in a combined annual dose of 2.96E+00 mRem/ yr. due to direct radiation from storage of spent fuel on the IFSFI pads.

Condensate Storage Tank (CST)

The Condensate Storage Tanks (A and B) are a source of make-up water and have become contaminated through the operation of the plant. Although the level of contamination of the water inside the tank is not at a level to produce a measurable dose rate , tanks are specifically listed in 40CFR 190 and a calculation of the annual dose to the nearest resident must be performed .

A direct radiation dosimeter (07) was placed on the northeast perimeter fence of the 2/3 Condensate Storage Tank identical to those on the ISFSI pad , and as such will use the same methodology to calculate an annual dose.

Table 7.2: CST Dose Calculations

  • 7 I Ql (mrem) 146.3 I Q2 (mrem) 153 DR, (mrem/yr) 299.3 D1 (ft) 17 D2 (ft) 2540 DR2 (mrem/yr) 0.013 Figure 3: 2/3 Condensate Storage Tanks Figure 4: Distance to Nearest Resident
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DRESDEN NUCLEAR POWER STATION 2022 ANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT Docket Numbers: 50-0l0/50-237/50-249 Dresden Nuclear Power Station Units 1,2, 3 Licensee: Constellation Energy Company, LLC

  • The approximate distance from the dosimeter on the fence to the edge of the tank is 17 ft.

Using the same equation and the distance to the nearest residence (2543 ft.) DR1*D1 2=DR2*Di yields an annual dose of 1.30E-02 mRem/year. These calculations are conservative because the measured dose is almost entirely from background and not from the plant or storage tanks .

GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy Facility This facility is located southwest of the Dresden Nuclear Power Station on Collins Rd and is the location of a de facto high-level radioactive waste storage site that holds 772 tons of spent nuclear fuel. The used fuel from various nuclear generating sites across the country are stored in a spent fuel pool.

Since the source of radiation from the site is from the uranium fuel cycle, the site is also required to ensure that the requirements of 40CFR190 and 10CFR72 are met. Therefore, an Annual Operating Report is generated and submitted to the NRG to demonstrate that the regulatory limits are not exceeded to members of the public.

40CFR190 states that the annual whole-body dose to a member of the public shall not exceed

  • 25 mRem/yr from all sources of the uranium fuel cycle. This distinction dictates that the sum of the dose from the operation of the Dresden Nuclear Power Station and the GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy site cannot cause a member of the public to exceed a whole-body dose of 25 mRem/year. As a result, communication from the two sites is necessary to exchange the calculated dose contributions to ensure this requirement is met. The dose contribution from the GE Hitachi site for the 2022 year was: 9.70E-02 mRem/yr.

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  • Dresden Nuclear Power Station Units 1,2, 3 Licensee : Constellation Energy Company, LLC Attachment 1
  • Page 40 of 40

875 North Easton Road AMO ENVIRONMENTAL DECISIONS Suite 10 Doylestown, PA 18902 Environmental Risk & Remediation Consultants 215-230-8282 (Phone) Geologists 215-230-8283 (Fax) Hydrogeologlsts GIS Analysts Environmental Scientists March 1, 2023 Constellation Energy Company, LLC Dresden Generating Station 6500 North Dresden Road Morris, IL 60450-9709


2022 Annual RGPP Monitoring Report Summary of Results and Conclusions Dresden Generating Station Morris, Illinois This letter report presents the summary of Radiologic Groundwater Protection Plan (RGPP) results for the 2022 groundwater and surface water monitoring rounds conducted at the Constellation Dresden Generating Station. RGPP data for previous monitoring rounds is summarized in AMO's semi-annual/quarterly reports.


In 2006, Conestoga-Rovers & Associates (CRA) was retained by Exelon Nuclear to perform a hydrogeologic investigation at the Dresden Generating Station to evaluate whether groundwater at or near the Station has been impacted by releases of radionuclides. Prior to performing the investigation, CRA evaluated available information concerning historic releases, as well as components, structures, and areas of the facility that have the potential to release radioactive liquid to the environment.

The results of the 2006 investigation identified that almost half of the 39 wells within the protected are showed measurable concentrations of tritium. It was concluded that the tritium in groundwater within the protected area came from historic spills from above ground tanks and leaks of underground lines within the protected area. Groundwater samples collected outside the protected area showed no detectable tritium for 24 of the 26 wells. The two exceptions for the wells outside the protected area include wells DSP 149(R) and DSP-159-1 (M).

The results of the fleet wide study for the Dresden Generating Station (the Station) are presented in the report, entitled Hydrogeologic Investigation Report, Fleetwide Assessment, Dresden Generating Station, Braceville, Illinois (Conestoga-Rovers & Associates, September 2006). The referenced report also provides detailed descriptions of the Station's location, surrounding features and land use, subsurface geology and hydrogeology, and a summary of groundwater use in the area of the Station.

GHD completed three five-year update hydrogeologic investigation reports for the Station (NE/ 07-07, Hydrogeologic Investigation Report, dated May 2011, December 2015, and December 2020). The reports summarized station activities since the 2006 hydrogeologic investigation, including changes at the Station as well as RGPP sampling activities and groundwater flow. Relevant conclusions from the 2020 report are:

  • Tritium is not migrating off the Station at concentrations greater than the State of Illinois criteria of 200 pCi/L .
  • Tritium concentrations in groundwater were detected at concentrations greater than the USEP A drinking water standard. The maximum tritium concentration at the end of 2019 was 33,850 pCi/L Dresden 2022 Summary Report - Text

2022 RGPP Monitoring Report Dresden Generating Station (MD-11 ). Tritium concentrations greater than the US EPA drinking water standard were limited to the *

"B" CST, south of the Unit 3 Turbine Building.

  • No gamma-radionuclides associated with licensed plant operations were detected at concentrations greater than their respective LLDs.
  • Select transuranics U-233/234 and U-238 were occasionally detected in several wells since 2016. The concentrations are considered background.
  • In 2019, Ni-63 was consistently detected in monitoring well MW-DN-1011 and MW-DN-1191. Per revision 9 of the RGPP, and to investigate Ni-63 in groundwater, the Station includes Ni-63 and Fe-55 analysis for all Source wells and all Long-Term Shutdown wells currently sampled as part of the RGPP.
  • In 2019, multiple Sr-90 concentrations were detected above its LLD. Sr-90 was detected in samples collected from MW-DN-105S three of the four sampling rounds in 2019. Sr-90 was also detected in DSP-108 during the second quarter 2019 RGPP sampling round.
  • AFE-1 remains an ongoing tritium source to groundwater. No new AFEs were identified based on results between 2006 and 2015.
  • Extraction well RW-DN-l00S continued to withdraw tritiated water from the "B" CST area. Up until August/September 2019, groundwater withdrawal from RW-DN-l00S was on an intermittent basis.

Continuous groundwater extraction ofRW-DN-l00S began in September 2019. As of the date of the report, over one million gallons of groundwater was extracted from RW-DN-l00S. The extracted groundwater is discharged to the Kankakee River through a permitted outfall (Outfall 002).

The next hydrogeologic investigation update is due by the end of 2025.

"B" Condensate Storage Tank Elevated tritium concentrations in surface water (Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) samples and RGPP surface water samples), shallow aquifer samples, and intermediate aquifer samples were detected during the 2nd quarter 2014 RGPP sampling round. The source of the tritiated groundwater was determined to be the "B" Condensate Storage Tank (CST) south of the Turbine Buildings. The groundwater sample collected from shallow aquifer well MD-11, which is in the immediate vicinity of the CST, had a tritium concentration of approximately 1.5 million pCi/L. Subsequent samples collected from MD-11 have had a maximum tritium concentration of approximately 2.3 million pCi/L (June 27, 2014). The CST was taken out of service and water from the CST removed. The CST was inspected and subsequently repaired in August 2015.

A tritium monitoring plan was developed and implemented in June 2014, with weekly sampling of surface water, storm sewer water, sewer treatment plant water, shallow aquifer groundwater, and intermediate aquifer groundwater to evaluate and delineate the tritium plume. A modified tritium monitoring plan was implemented in November 2014. Based on tritium data collected, the plume was relatively small and only encompassed the area between the CST and Turbine Building.

Two groundwater extraction wells (RW-DN-l00S and RW-DN-l0lS) were installed in January 2015 to assist in the mitigation of tritiated groundwater in the area of the CST. Aquifer testing was completed on the two extraction wells near the end of 2015. Results of the aquifer test concluded that only RW-DN-1 00S produced sufficient water to operate as a viable groundwater extraction well. RW-DN-1 00S began intermittent operation during the l st quarter 2016 and continued operating intermittently through August 2019. In August 2019, the extraction well began pumping groundwater on a continuous basis. The extracted water is discharged to the

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As of the end of 2022, the maximum tritium concentration in the area of the CST was approximately 12,000 pCi/L (MD-11).

MW-DN-1191 Nickel 63 Hard-to-detect radionuclide Nickel-63 was detected at a concentration over 50 pCi/L in a sample collected during the 2nd quarter 2017. An investigation into the source of the Nickel-63 was completed and additional samples were collected from MW-DN-1191 and surrounding wells. Results and recommendations of the evaluation are included in AMO's Evaluation of Nickel -63 detections in MW-DN-1191 Update (March 28, 2018). Hard-to-detects (Fe-55 and Ni-63) are currently analyzed annually to monitor concentrations in the area ofMW-DN-1191.

As of the end of 2022, the Ni-63 concentrations over time in MW-DN-1191 show a decreasing trend.

Current RGPP Summary Dresden Generating Station had a total of 59 wells (20 Background wells, 18 Source wells, six Mid-Field wells, ten Long-Term Shutdown wells, and five perimeter wells), that are sampled as part of the Station RGPP (EN-DR-408-4160 Revision 10). Figure la shows the shallow aquifer RGPP sample locations and Figure lb shows the intermediate aquifer RGPP sample locations.

  • RGPP sampling at the Station is performed by ATI, under contract to Exelon. Laboratory testing is performed by Teledyne Brown Engineering. The laboratory data, field data, and depth to water readings are uploaded to the RACER website, which is a data repository for the RGPP sampling rounds. The uploaded data is used by AMO for quarterly RGPP reporting.

Gross-Alpha Alert Level At Dresden Generating Station, gross-alpha (dissolved and suspended fractions) was analyzed annually from 2011 through 2019. In 2020, gross-alpha data was evaluated to establish an Alert Level for the dissolved and suspended gross-alpha fractions. The gross alpha data was evaluated by looking at the average concentration for each gross-alpha fraction for each well. Statistical outlier results were considered during the gross-alpha evaluation. An outlier is a value that is significantly higher or lower than most of the results, that can skew the results and not reflect the true dataset. Therefore, outlier results are not factored into the average gross-alpha concentrations. Outliers were established using methods an online website such as

Additional websites identified similar statistical models for removing outlier data.

Procedure EN-DR-408-4160 (Revision 9) established an Alert Level of three times the ongoing average gross-alpha concentration for each RGPP monitoring well that had gross-alpha analyzed more than one time and that will continue to be monitored for during future RGPP sampling rounds. According to the EN-DR-408-4160 (Revision 10), samples from the eighteen Source designated sample points and ten Long-Term Shutdown designated wells will be analyzed once every two years for gross alpha dissolved and suspended fractions in the future. The Alert Level will be able to account for fluctuations in naturally occurring alpha activity in the area of wells, while identifying a result that may be indicative of a potential release. Beginning in 2021, select transuranics were analyzed if a gross alpha concentration exceeded the Alert Level in a particular well, to ensure that the Alert Level is conservative enough to detect whether licensed material could be present in groundwater. If the results of the select transuranics analysis showed no unusual activity, the gross-alpha result that triggered the select transuranics analysis, was incorporated into the ongoing average concentration for that Dresden 2022 Summary Report- Text Page 3 of JO AMO Environmental Decisions

2022 RGPP Monitoring Report Dresden Generating Station well.

Table 1 provides a gross-alpha (dissolved and suspended) results summary as well as the average concentration and Alert Level for each well. Gross-alpha analysis was most recently performed on samples collected from Long-Term Shutdown designated wells and Source designated wells during the 2nd quarter 2021 RGPP sampling round. The sample collected from MW-DN-116S had a gross-alpha (suspended) concentration of 3.35 pCi/L, which exceeded the Alert Level of2.37 pCi/L, established for that well. Therefore, the 2nd quarter 2021 RGPP sample collected from MW-DN-116S was analyzed for select transuranics. Select transuranics were not detected in the sample collected from MW-DN-116S during the 2nd quarter 2021 RGPP sampling round.

Gross-alpha (dissolved and suspended) detections from other wells sampled during the 2nd quarter 2021 RGPP sampling round did not exceed the Alert Level. All Long-Term Shutdown and Source designated wells will have gross-alpha analysis performed again in 2023.

ANI completed a corporate audit in 2020 and informed Exelon that it needed to analyze a sample from the well with the highest gross-alpha result for select transuranics to ensure that the Alert Level is conservative enough that no unusual transuranics are present when the gross-alpha concentrations do not exceed the Alert Level.

To satisfy the ANI request, the well with the highest average gross-alpha (dissolved) concentration (DSP-125) was analyzed for select transuranics during the 2nd quarter 2022. No select transuranics were detected in the sample collected from DSP-125 during the 2nd quarter 2022 RGPP sampling round.

Gamma-Radionuclides Gamma-radionuclide analysis has been performed on RGPP samples (quarterly to annually) at Dresden Generating Station since 2006. This extensive sampling and analysis produced over 16,800 data records for

  • the Station. Gamma-radionuclides have not been detected at concentrations greater than their respective LLDs, in RGPP samples submitted to the vendor laboratory since 2006. Therefore, in the 2020 RGPP, gamma-radionuclide analysis frequency was reduced from annual to every two years.

Samples collected from all wells were most recently analyzed for gamma-radionuclides during the 2nd quarter 2021 RGPP sampling round. Gamma radionuclides were not detected at concentrations greater than their respective LLDs in the samples collected in 2021. All wells will have gamma-radionuclide analysis performed again in 2023.

Select Transuranics Select transuranics analysis is procedurally required annually for RGPP sample locations that were identified as Elevated designated wells in the historic EN-DR-408-4160 revisions and continued additional evaluation is warranted. Additionally, as part of the current EN-DR-408-4160 (Revision 10), select transuranics analysis is also warranted if a gross alpha concentration exceeds the Alert Level in a particular well.

Select transuranics analysis was performed on former Elevated designated wells MD-11, MW-DN-124S, and MW-DN-1241, during the 2nd quarter 2022 RGPP sampling round. Additionally, the sample collected from DSP-125 (highest historic gross-alpha (dissolved) concentrations) was analyzed for select transuranics during the 2nd quarter 2022 to satisfy an ANI request. Select Transuranics were not detected at concentrations greater than their respective LLDs in the samples collected during the 2nd quarter 2022 RGPP sampling round. Table 2 provides a summary of select transuranics results (U-233/234 and U-238) since 2006.

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  • Hard-to-Detects {Fe-55 and Ni-63)

Hard-to-detect analysis (Fe-55 and Ni-63) is procedurally required annually for RGPP sample locations that were identified as Elevated designated wells in the historic EN-DR-408-4160 revisions and continued additional evaluation is warranted, as well as Long-Term Shutdown designated wells. Additionally, as part of the current EN-DR-408-4160 (Revision 9), hard-to-detect analysis is warranted on samples collected from Source designated wells once every 5 years, starting in 2021.

In 2022, samples collected from the nine Long-Term Shutdown designated wells, one former Elevated designated well, and two Source designated wells were analyzed for hard-to-detects (Fe-55 and Ni-63). Ni-63 was detected in the samples collected from Long-Term Shutdown wells MW-DN-1011 and MW-DN-l 19I during the 2nd quarter 2022 RGPP sampling round at 10.6 pCi/L and 9.28 pCi/L, respectively. Ni-63 was not detected in the other samples collected during the 2nd quarter 2022 RGPP sampling round.

Sr-89 and Sr-90 Sr-89 and Sr-90 have been an annual procedurally required analysis on Detection, Long-Term Shutdown, and Elevated designated wells since sample point designations became part of the RGPP in 2010. EN-DR-408-4160 (Revision 9) states that Sr-89 and 90 analyses should be performed annually for Source and Long-Term Shutdown designated sample locations. If a positive result is reported, samples collected from the wells with Sr-89 and Sr-90 detections will be analyzed quarterly to evaluate the activity in the area of the well. In 2022, samples were collected from the eighteen Source designated wells, nine Long-Term Shutdown designated wells, and one Mid-Field designated well (former Elevated designation) were analyzed for Sr-89 and Sr-90.

Sr-90 was detected in the sample collected from MW-DN-105S 1.59 pCi/L. Sr-89 and Sr-90 were not detected

  • in any of the other samples collected in 2022 .

Precipitation Recapture Dresden Generating Station is a Boiling Water Reactor (BWR) generating station. The RGPP requires BWR generating stations to sample precipitation on a semi-annual basis. The RGPP states that a minimum of eight samples should be collected from within the protected area in a manner that surrounds the Turbine Building and Reactor Building as well as ancillary structures that could vent tritiated vapor to the atmosphere.

In 2022, four sample rounds were completed between March and November to evaluate if tritium was present in the atmosphere at the Station. Eight onsite samples were collected during each sampling round. A summary of2022 precipitation recapture results is presented in Table 3 and a summary of historic precipitation recapture results is provided in Appendix A.

Tritium was detected in one or more samples during the four sampling rounds completed in 2022. The highest tritium concentrations were reported during the November 2022 precipitation recapture sampling round with detected tritium concentrations ranging between 230 pCi/L (FW-12) and 1,860 pCi/L (FW-1). Tritium was also detected at 1,330 pCi/L in the sample collected from FW-3 during the November 2022 precipitation recapture sampling round .

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2022 RGPP Monitoring Report Dresden Generating Station Summary of 2022 RGPP Sampling Rounds March 2022 RGPP Sampling Round Activities (I Quarter 2022)

Data Summary A total of 29 groundwater samples were collected during the 1st quarter 2022 sampling round. A sample was not collected from MW-DN-1171 due to the well being inaccessible during the 1st quarter 2022. Per the RGPP, the Background, Perimeter, and Mid-Field designated wells were not sampled during the 1st quarter 2022 RGPP sampling round. All samples were analyzed for tritium.

Tritium was detected in seven shallow aquifer samples with a maximum tritium concentration of 10,000 pCi/L (MD-11 ). Tritium was detected in eight intermediate aquifer samples with a maximum tritium concentration of9,680 pCi/L (MW-DN-1241).

The tritium concentration in MW-DN-11 lS averaged 412 pCi/L since the inception of the RGPP in 2006 through the 4th quarter 2019. The tritium concentration in MW-DN-11 lS increased from approximately 1,000 pCi/L to almost 3,500 pCi/L between the 4 th quarter 2019 and 1st quarter 2020. The tritium concentration in the area of this well has been fluctuating between 1,470 pCi/L and 5,530 pCi/L since the I st quarter 2020. The 1st quarter 2022 RGPP tritium result for this well was 4,250 pCi/L. The increased tritium activity in this well could be due to historic plumes migrating around the building structures.

The Station continued to implement the tritium monitoring plan for the "B" Condensate Storage Tank (CST).

The tritium concentrations in the area of the CST showed a decreasing trend at the Station. While the tritium concentration in MD-11 decreased from its maximum reported tritium concentration of approximately 2.29 million pCi/L, an elevated concentration persists in the area of the CST. Tritium concentrations in samples

  • collected from wells (other than MD-11) used to monitor the CST leak have decreased to less than 2,000 pCi/L, indicating the extent of the CST leak is confined to a small geographic area south of the Turbine Building.

AMO concluded that since the CST responsible for the release was repaired, there does not appear to be an active source of tritium to groundwater at the Station. Note that high existing tritium concentrations present a masking effect for detections of a new leak in the area of the CST.

Water Elevations All groundwater sample locations had depth to water measurements collected during the 1st quarter 2022 sampling round. The 1st quarter 2022 groundwater elevation data was compared to the 1st quarter 2021 sampling round to evaluate if changes in groundwater elevations occurred that may have an effect on groundwater flow direction. The variations in groundwater elevations have no significant effect on groundwater flow direction. Based on comparison of groundwater elevations, the wells sampled effectively monitored groundwater conditions at the Station.

June 2022 RGPP Sampling Round Activities (2 nd Quarter 2022)

Data Summary A total of 54 groundwater samples were collected during the 2nd quarter 2022 sampling round. Samples were not collected from DSP-126, MW-DN-1031, MW-DN-103S, MW-DN-106S, MW-DN-1081, and MW-DN-1171 due to inaccessibility or well damage during the 2nd quarter 2022. All samples were analyzed for tritium.

The samples collected from Long-Term Shutdown designated wells were also analyzed for hard-to-detects

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  • (Fe-55 and Ni-63) and Sr-89 and Sr-90. Source designated wells were also analyzed for Sr-89 and Sr-90.

Samples collected from mid-field designated well MW-DN-1241; and source designated wells MD-11 and MW-DN-124S were also analyzed for select transuranics and hard-to-detects (Fe-55 and Ni-63).

Tritium was detected in seven shallow aquifer samples with a maximum tritium concentration of 8,450 pCi/L (MD-11 ). Tritium was detected in twelve intermediate aquifer samples with a maximum tritium concentration of 10,900 pCi/L (MW-DN-124I).

The tritium concentration in MW-DN-11 lS averaged 412 pCi/L since the inception of the RGPP in 2006 through the 4 th quarter 2019. The tritium concentration in MW-DN-11 lS increased from approximately 1,000 pCi/L to almost 3,500 pCi/L between the 4 th quarter 2019 and 1st quarter 2020. The tritium concentration in the area of this well has been fluctuating between 1,470 pCi/L and 5,530 pCi/L since the 1st quarter 2020. The 2nd quarter 2022 RGPP tritium result for this well was 3,730 pCi/L. The increased tritium activity in this well could be due to historic plumes migrating around the building structures.

The Station continued to implement the tritium monitoring plan for the "B Condensate Storage Tank (CST).

The tritium concentrations in the area of the CST showed a decreasing trend at the Station. Tritium concentrations in samples collected from wells (other than MD-11) used to monitor the CST leak have generally decreased to Jess than 1,000 pCi/L, indicating the extent of the CST leak is confined to a small geographic area south of the Turbine Building.

Select transuranics analysis was performed on MD-11, MW-DN-124S, and MW-DN-124I, during the 2nd quarter 2022 RGPP sampling round. Additionally, select transuranics analysis was performed on the sample collected from DSP-125 to satisfy an ANI request. Select Transuranics were not detected at concentrations greater than their respective LLDs in the samples collected during the 2nd quarter 2022 RGPP sampling round .

Ni-63 continued to be detected in the sample collected from Long-Term Shutdown well MW-DN-1 l 9I during the 2nd quarter 2022 RGPP sampling round at 9.28 pCi/L. However, Ni-63 concentrations in the well show a decreasing trend over time. Ni-63 was also detected at 10.6 pCi/L in the sample collected from MW-DN-101I, which is in the same area as MW-DN-119I. Ni-63 was not detected in the other samples collected during the 2nd quarter 2022 RGPP sampling round.

Sr-90 continued to be detected in the samples collected from MW-DN-105S at 1.59 pCi/L. Detected Concentrations ofSR-90 have ranged from 1.09 pCi/L to 4.93 pCi/L in MW-DN-105S. Sr-90 was not detected in the other samples collected during the 2nd quarter 2022 RGPP sampling round.

AMO concluded that since the CST responsible for the release was repaired, there does not appear to be an active source of tritium to groundwater at the Station. Note that high existing tritium concentrations present a masking effect for detections of a new leak in the area of the CST.

Water Elevations All groundwater sample locations had depth to water measurements collected during the 2nd quarter 2022 sampling round. The 2nd quarter 2022 sampling round groundwater elevation data was compared to the 2nd quarter 2021 sampling round to evaluate if changes in groundwater elevations occurred that may have an effect

  • on groundwater flow direction. The variations in groundwater elevations have no significant effect on groundwater flow direction. Based on comparison of groundwater elevations, the wells sampled effectively monitored groundwater conditions at the facility .
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2022 RGPP Monitoring Report Dresden Generating Station July 2022 RGPP Sampling Round Activities (3 rd Quarter 2022)

Data Summary A total of 29 groundwater samples were collected during the 3rd quarter 2022 sampling round. Per the RGPP, the Background, Perimeter, and Mid-Field designated wells were not sampled during the 3rd quarter 2022 RGPP sampling round. Additionally, a sample was not collected from MW-DN-1171 due to inaccessibility.

All samples were analyzed for tritium.

Tritium was detected in seven shallow aquifer samples with a maximum concentration of 9,390 pCi/L (MD-11 ). Tritium was detected in nine intermediate aquifer samples with a maximum concentration of 13,300 pCi/L (MW-DN-1241).

The tritium concentration in MW-DN-11 lS averaged 412 pCi/L since the inception of the RGPP in 2006 through the 4 th quarter 2019. The tritium concentration in MW-DN-11 lS increased from approximately 1,000 pCi/L to almost 3,500 pCi/L between the 4th quarter 2019 and 1st quarter 2020. The tritium concentration in the area of this well has been fluctuating between 1,470 pCi/L and 5,530 pCi/L since the 1st quarter 2020. The 3rd quarter 2022 RGPP tritium result for this well was 4,510 pCi/L. The increased tritium activity in this well is likely due to historic plumes migrating around the building structures.

The tritium concentrations in MW-DN-141S show an increasing tritium concentration trend since the beginning of 2022. It was recommended that the Station evaluate SSCs in the area of MW-DN-141S for potential sources of the increased tritium activity.

The Station continued to implement the tritium monitoring plan for the "B" Condensate Storage Tank (CST).

  • The tritium concentrations in the area of the CST showed a decreasing trend at the Station. Tritium concentrations in samples collected from wells (other than MD-11) used to monitor the CST leak have generally decreased to less than 1,000 pCi/L, indicating the extent of the CST leak is confined to a small geographic area south of the Turbine Building.

Water Elevations All groundwater sample locations had depth to water measurements collected during the 3rd quarter 2022 sampling round. The 3rd quarter 2022 sampling round groundwater elevation data was compared to the 3rd quarter 2021 sampling round to evaluate if changes in groundwater elevations occurred that may have an effect on groundwater flow direction. The variations in groundwater elevations have no significant effect on groundwater flow direction. Based on comparison of groundwater elevations, the wells sampled effectively monitored groundwater conditions at the facility.

November 2022 RGPP Sampling Round Activities (4'h Quarter 2022)

Data Summary A total of 33 groundwater samples were collected during the 4th quarter 2022 sampling round. Samples were not collected from MW-DN-1171 and MW-DN-127S due to the wells being inaccessible at the time of the 4 th quarter 2022 RGPP sampling. All samples were analyzed for tritium.

Tritium was detected in nine shallow aquifer samples with a maximum concentration of 12,000 pCi/L (MD-11 ). Tritium was detected in eleven intermediate aquifer samples with a maximum concentration of 6,580 pCi/L (MW-DN-1241).

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2022 RGPP Monitoring Report Dresden Generating Station

  • The tritium concentration in the area ofMW-DN-11 lS had been fluctuating between 1,470 pCi/L and 5,530 pCi/L since the 1st quarter 2020. The 4th quarter 2022 tritium result for this well increased to 6,370 pCi/L. It was recommended that the Station sample MW-DN-11 lS on a monthly basis to further evaluate the tritium concentration in the area of the well.

The tritium concentration in MW-DN-141S increased from 2,910 pCi/L to 4,430 pCi/L between the 3rd and 4th quarter 2022 RGPP sampling rounds and shows an increasing tritium concentration trend since the beginning of 2022. It was recommended that the Station evaluate SSCs in the area ofMW-DN-141S for potential sources of the increased tritium activity. Additionally, the Station should sample MW-DN-141 Son a monthly basis to further evaluate the tritium concentration in the area of the well.

The Station continued to implement the tritium monitoring plan for the "B" CST. Tritium concentrations in samples collected from wells (other than MD-11) used to monitor the CST leak have generally decreased to less than 1,000 pCi/L, indicating the extent of the CST leak is confined to a small geographic area south of the Turbine Building.

Water Elevations All sampled groundwater locations had depth to water measurements collected during the 4th quarter 2022 sampling round. Groundwater elevations and groundwater flow direction for the shallow aquifer are provided on Figure 2a and groundwater elevations and groundwater flow direction for the intermediate aquifer are provided on Figure 2b. Based on the groundwater flow depicted on figures 2a and 2b, the wells sampled effectively monitored groundwater conditions at the facility .

  • 2023 RGPP Sample Locations Samples could not be collected fromDSP-126, MW-DN-1031, MW-DN-103S, MW-DN-106S, MW-DN-1081, and MW-DN-1171 in 2022 due to inaccessibility and/or well damage. Not being able to sample these wells and assess data associated to the area of these wells is considered a data gap. Therefore, these wells should be repaired and made accessible to sampling crews to complete the RGPP.

Summary of 2022 RGPP Conformance The Station did not conform with its RGPP in 2022 with respect to RGPP sampling protocol because water levels and samples were not collected from several Background, Perimeter, Mid-Field, and Long Term Shutdown wells. Several of these wells have not been assessed for over two years.

Conclusions Based on the review of the data collected during the 2022 RGPP sampling rounds AMO concludes:

  • The Station continued to implement the tritium monitoring plan for the "B" CST. The tritium concentrations in the area of the CST showed a decreasing trend at the Station through 2020. While the tritium concentration in MD-11 decreased from its maximum reported tritium concentration of approximately 2.29 million pCi/L, an elevated concentration persists in the area of the CST. However, tritium concentrations in samples collected from wells (other than MD-11) used to monitor the CST leak have generally decreased to less than 1,000 pCi/L, indicating the extent of the CST leak is confined to a small geographic area south of the Turbine Building.

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  • The tritium concentration in MW-DN-11 lS averaged 412 pCi/L since the inception of the RGPP in
  • 2006 through the 4 th quarter 2019. The tritium concentration in MW-DN-11 lS increased from approximately 1,000 pCi/L to almost 3,500 pCi/L between the 4th quarter 2019 and pt quarter 2020.

The tritium concentration in the area of this well has been fluctuating between 1,470 pCi/L and 5,530 pCi/L since the 1st quarter 2020. The 3rd quarter 2022 RGPP tritium result for this well was 4,510 pCi/L. The increased tritium activity in this well is likely due to historic plumes migrating around the building structures.

  • The tritium concentration in MW-DN-141 S showed an increasing tritium concentration trend since the beginning of 2022. It was recommended that the Station evaluate SSCs in the area ofMW-DN-141S for potential sources of the increased tritium activity.
  • Select Transuranics were not detected at concentrations greater than their respective LLDs in the samples collected during the 2nd quarter 2022 RGPP sampling round.
  • Ni-63 continued to be detected in the sample collected from Long-Term Shutdown well MW-DN-1191, as well as MW-DN-1011 during the 2nd quarter 2022 RGPP sampling round at 9.28 pCi/L, and 10.6 pCi/L, respectively. However, Ni-63 concentrations in the well show a decreasing trend over time.
  • Sr-90 continued to be detected in the samples collected from MW-DN-105S (1.59 pCi/L). However, Sr-90 concentrations remained in the historic range for this well.
  • Based on the evaluation of groundwater flow direction, the wells sampled effectively monitored groundwater conditions at the facility.

Please call me at 215-230-8282 if you have questions.

Respectfully, AMO Environmental Decisions Ralph T. Golia, P.G. attachments Principal Hydro geologist File Dresden 2022 Summary Report - Text Page JO of JO AMO Environmental Decisions

Dresden Generating Station Constellation Energy Company

  • ** Table 1 Summary of Gross-Alpha Results CHili* Alplui
  • DliiofJl'lid lblub Bll Jll14 291!11 :t0*t 201' AlEirfl.EVB. - = ;_*;;;;;---~-~--~~---+--~~--~~* .... .Jua 'T Now .. ~......,,. ..,-. ...- ...,_F.,.

.... .....-_ ~ ~ f--'.."--4--'= -+--

._,. 3.08 1.9 - - 1.79 - -

l.tJ 2.84 1.81 - - 1.53 - - 1.07 5.04 2.116 1.74 - 2.73 - - 1.17 !1

~ D!IP-108 - +

DSP-122 3.93H fS.42 h .79 1t,.:2t J -

n--:--9 3 I--

I - : -

- I -

I - : 1.05 I - I - I 1.37 I 7.87 I - ,~IIA l

- I - - - - - - -

5.79 I

- I I - I 2.95 j

I I --

I - I 3.84 I - I -

I 4.71 I - I - I 23 DSP-123 DSP-124 2.00 2.25 e.oo

  • m o.1193 o.91 us 1.11 2.45 2.91 2.83 I -- I -- I -- I 1.7

- 1 I - U!&


~ -1~_ 8.01 "J,li,i" - - 4.93 - - 9.1 - - 8.84 - 8.81


- ,a,. - - 1: - --- 9.8 M0-11 1.20 3.$1 - - t._it - - - - - I - I - I - I - 1-----=-7 o.977 1 - -I - I - I 1.22 1.87 0.978 0.998 1.59 MW-DN-101~ I 2.74 I a.23 I - I - I - 1 I_ - I 2.39 _J - I - I 1.2s I - I 2.32 - I 1.28 I - I 3.05 I 1.88 3.3 mIIIY-DN-102~

lOI~ ' 4.71 2.30

' 1i H!l

.. ,. I -:1;.to 1--

- I - I - .8,o - I- I- I 8.2 I 1.411

- I -- I 1.29 1.54 I -- I 5.98 -

3.03-I *.*-

33 I -

4.08 - 87 2.83 I, . --* 0.758 I= __ __ . 19.59

__14 I - I - I - I - I - - - - 19.9 28.3 - 51.11-- . I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - 1(.2

_:-I ::_

IIIY-DN-102~ 111.79 13.9 15.8


- ~ U4 I -- I - I - I -- I -- I -- I -- I -- - I - I 7.55 I~~

r=-=r==+.-:. I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - T 1 r~--=-~-.-_1 - 1 -- 1* - - 1 1 8

.2 q=I~ i=i +'-+---+-----1 r..-~ 1

~107-$ 5 .71 17 .I~ 7 9 D.1195

- 1 - 1 -

i -~ I1 111.04 1 - u* 1 I -

.13 F-- I 00.499*

929 0.928 0.499 I -- I 0.938 1.73 1 73

  • I ---- I 3.81 1.1171 1.8 I -- I 24.29 I -- I -- - - I 4.02

.22 1 - 1 1

us - * - [' 3.79 - - I - I I 3.71-- [ - I - I 8.116 3.74 r4 1 - I - 1 2.74 1 - 1 4.01 1 - - 1 1.97 1 - 1 B.52 1 - I - I - - 1 5,93 5.15 5.17 8.57

- I -- L u- _ I -- I -- I -- I -- I a.91- I -- I -- I 3.88 MW-DN-111~ IIDIVIIJI

-* , , - I - I .... - I. - I. *3.87 -81 I -- I -- I 1.54 - I 1.53 - I -- I -- I 2.95 - I - I 0 818 I MW-DN-113-1 I

2.31 I HJ

..t, 0.4115**

e I - I - I 2.oe 2.08 I 1.45 I - I 3.02 I - I - I - I 3.18 I - I - I 2.1 I - I - I 1.85
  • I w=~#= 14~8 I =I3~ I ~ h MW-ON-11U 2.24 j 2.34 2.58 r -
: : I 3;9~ =µ t-u. += =447:;;4-=-

~-ON*1l1*1i- _ I ---+--+- ~ * ~~ ~


~ 3ji ss I - I 1.15 I - I 5.21 I - I 4.83 I - I - I _ 1 _ I u2 I _ I _ I 1.57 I _ I 2.oa

~ ~

I 1_

1 08 1.24 0.884 1.13 1.24 !-t 1 _ _ 1.84 0.1197 _ r * *1 _ , _ , _ _ 2.34 _ 0.551 _ _ 1.11 _ u1 t -m=-

__ _ 3.82 12--r-= 1 2.42 1 - 1 3.18 1 - - 1 4.44 ~ - 1 - 1 2U 8.25 1 - 1 2.115 1 - 1 3.85 1 2.24 3.29 1 2.53

= =~ 75

~m~ -


35 1 - ___j._1,57 _J_ - 3.03 2.911~

- ~~~,:.;.--,--,--'~~ ---,i-- ~ 2 .~3~ .JI = I -= -= 12.= I ;- I - 13;, - I ~


- ~

4.28 99 H MW-DN-128-8 MW-ON-128-8 I 3.03H 8.IM 12.111 9-:CS 2Ui I - I - I - : - I -

l - ~- ~-

--1----111.5T I

2.83 2.62 I

- 1.71

- H.113 I -

- - 12Yl -

I- - 474

- - -,.38 4.83 13.17 8.66


+- =~ ':_1 =  : *:::=---+~=-+- -

- =


-- - -- -- ~-c..+-= ~ ~=--+---- - -=---+~ +--- - -~ -

~ - O N - 1 3 ~ 4.88- - j MW-ON-1~ us 1*:U us-I_ - 1 + -

1 -


- I --

j -

- 7 J a.52 I 1.58 I 8.59 r---=-7 I -- I 4.51_

4.9 I -- I 5.57


I 8.85- I I - I =

- -i--::7 -

I -- I 5.48 I -- I -- I 3.43 -

I -- I -- +--~ - I - I 4.18 1.1 MW-ON-1414 - ~ ~- 2.ti - - - - - 0.837 '-+---'-'~- __,~=+--- - +- -_;__ - =--t---- - 0.757 MW-ON-1424 13.87 - - - - - - - 7.27 - - -

I I f-::::::::


,8 1

~~ r tllMIN

= = = = =  : -'--+---*-'--+---___,----+---

l - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - T- l - I - I - I - I - , - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I

= , ;:~ I = - -

4 57

' I RW-DN-101~ #ON/QI IDMIN - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I - - - -

ReoultlklpCI/L Page I of 2 AMO Envlmnm,,ntal Oecl*lon*

Dresden Generating Station Table 1 Constellation Energy Company Summary of Gross-Alpha Results IITE I


-ID OSP-10!5 OSP-108 DSP~1D7 -

f - -~ *108 OSP-122 0.118 0.73 0.82- -

0.71 1.32 0.118 ALDIT I.Mi 2,5!1 2.211 1,17 2.13 3.W ue 2.19 0.345 0.245 0.814 t--+---+--




j 0.909

- - - 0.349-i-----

- t-0. ~ ~

Mir lll'R Jun 0.793 0.793 0.361 0.361 0.601 Ji, 0.151


l'l14 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.923 0.923 D.918 0.83 ~ 0.933 0.923 lll 5 J U4 J Iii

- ~-~ ~

0.608 DH 0.599 I 0.599 I A. .



- t- = = -t - _ 0.817 I





-t ~


J1117 0.817 0.117 0.811




- ~

1.13 1 - = - -


  • JL- _

O.lte 0-~

71~9- + -


- f - 0~367 0.78 0.818 DSP-12!5 1.87 uo 128 + 0.61_

- ~ - 0.192 0.711 -

- 1.9 2.88 2.21 1.6!! ~ --- 1.84 MD-11 0.67 IUD 0.839 -=,- - - -


r -=-4 o:;, -l-0_;.7 0.824

..e _..___, - - 0.82 0.922 0.198 0.821 0.368


~ 0.7!__ e--=-

~10U _ 0.13 0.2117 1.24 0.923 1.04 I 1.14 0.719 0.717 MW-ON-101-S MW-ON-102~

1 1., -

1.02 U1 308 1.12 D."96 0.195 0.491 1.24 0.83 0.912 0.359 3A1 - - 2.33 I tJN 1.73 1.73

- 3.12-0.752

- 2.1'

- t--"---+-- -

I --DN-102-S f- MW-ON-104-S MW-ON-105-S 2.12



IIJMII ~-82 e--=-

~ -


+ t= =


1.1 0.83 2.14 =~ 3 .11

- II -- -IIt --- - + - - + --- t--=--~ - -+----1-- - ~ - ~

1.37 5.18 3.59 3.58 t-:z:::::.:



""lit 10.20 U'r

~ - ~ -1.17 0.84 2.5 8.98

":..._~ +----+---+--

0.781 0.608 1.24



- J - - +--=- t -

UJ 3!.l I -


--DN-109-S 1.02 1.48 3.05 Ul9 0.502 0.398 0.804 0.503 1.24 1.24 0.51 0.508 0.357 2.05 - I -

- I - 1.94 1.84 1.8 1.8 1.41 1.41 I

I 3.58

- -DN-111-S #DIVIIII tcMII - I - I - I 0.517 n.r - - -

- -ON-113-1 2.70 8.o& 1.11 0.499 1.3 121 0.361 2tn I  : 1.15 7.89 7.27 I MW-ON-113-S 4.70 IUO 0.1149 1.93 0.441 2.47 3.2A 7.59 1.82 1.94 I o...- ,O!V,111

- I -

--DN-114-8 ilDIVIIII 0.831 lllllv.lll

--DN-115-S MW-DN-11 ~

  1. llll/11)1 0.70- - 2.11 -+---+-- +-1~.02 ~-+-- - 0.503 1.24 0.503 o.374 .,__________::_ +---+-o-.~- t - o.~ -r- :


- -DN-118-S MY\I-DN-117-t 1.07 0.92 t22 2.48 0.19 1.24 ~-506 __ 0.746_ - L___..=_____l___

l -

- _ 1.02 *~°"'.=-


~ t - _-- 0.D71

- - ~,

0.931 -

0.1*1 _L__ -

  • -~

l .. -1.*15~ -~ -""'I

--DN-118-S MW-ON-119-1 0.73 0.91

!211 2~

0.822 0.62 -

- 0.491

- 1.03 o~:a 1

--DN-119-S MW-DN-122-=.-


  1. DIVIIII 1.14 MJN/111 ..j. =---=- 0.122- +---+---+-o~.5~-+-- 57

~-ON-1u-1 _gs__ UJ

'IIN-124-S 1.IM &.92

- -DN-12!5-S 1.1' 3.Q

- --12&.s U5 5.U

--DN-127-S 0.92 2.77

-MW-DN-134 - - o.n - 2.15

- -DN-135-S 0.75 H$

- -DN-1311-S 1.13 3.39 A...,

- -DN-137-S 1.41

--DN-140-S 1.11 )~

--DN-141-S 0.92 2.45 0.909

~-ON,,142.s- - - 1.18-r::::::::


1.29 1.99 fDIVIIII J?A 5 61 mM!ll

- L...::.....J__ -

I - I -

I 1

i 0.819 1-3i31 -

- i .::__0.81

- I 1.85

- 1 -

I 1.43 I 1.-.- ~

- _ __D.982 1.02 6.81 RW-DN-101-S #DIVIIII l!Ol>'JVJ - I - - I - I - - I - - I -


2.13 H--au111er'""""'8d frum lho-lionollho1-"'"""'1trali lhllWIII- to-t,eAlortLewl.

U5 3.51 Alert UMII Excoodonco wllarw leleet - - ~ and laund 1o be Ion then lheir , _ - LI.DI. Tho resuft la Alert Level Excoedanco Howevor, the result 11 ND and Ian than LLD now.- I n ~ tho Alor!Loval.

RNublnpCIII. "-2"' 2 AMO Envlronmt1ntal Dt1t:l s l ons

Dresden Generating Station Table2 Constellation Energy Company Summary of U-233/234 and U238 Results U-2!1i'!M RiN utbi station Well ID DSP-107 0.09023

... 2111 0...

2D12 2111! 21'14 JIM 2D1!


ffl l Ocil FIii!

2D1 T 11 117 J* ,F.


,DIii N.. II*


  • 1111 0.. 111 ..

ill~D Joi zo;!2 Jl:lfti DSP-122 0.1733 DSP-123 0.1&17 DSP-12<1 0.03502 ' - -

DSP-125 0.1329 0.08067 MD-11 0.05816 0.1496 0.1019 0.()33(7 0.1252 0.1154 0.1121 0.04995 0.13TT 0.1474 0.1156 0.1418 MW-DN-101.f 0.3694 0.05872 0.451!7 0.2905 0.527 o.44n 0..2788 0.5173 0.2971 MW-DN-102.f 0.5784 MW-DN-102-S 0.1116 MW-DN-104-S 0.8506 -~

iivv-DN-106-S 1.091 MW-DN-107-S 0.371 0.9135 MW-DN-108-1 0.3799 MW-DN-111S 0.03651 Druden MW-DN-113-1 MW-DN-113-S 0.09059 0.544 - -

MW-DN-1 16-S 0.072911


MW-DN-119.f 0.8408 0.09179 0.1428 0.0229 ' 0.0217 0.04891! 0.1045 0.1441 0.1716 0.1 187 0.06836 O.O&ln MW-DN-122-1 0.32<1 MW-DN-124-1 0.05192 O.O&l65 0.08076 ---0.1292 - 0.143 0.08868 0.1273 0.104 0.1055 0.03658 0.1186 0.1395 0.04893 42 0.1878 0.113 0.02586 0.1175 MW-DN-124-S 0.057~ ~ 0.7096 0.03496 1----0 . ~

RW-0N-10DS I 0.1454_

sw:l>ITT01 0.4082 *- - -

- f--- f--

SW-DN-102 ~ .441 SW-DN-103 0.8737 '

SW-DN-104 0.7946 SW-DN-105 0.553 SW-DN-108 0.489 Stotlon DSP-107 DSP-122 DSP-123 Woll lD 0.07628 0.1805 0.0743 2111 1 JUft 2.Q12 21114


2!11 S 21111 Clat


...u,m -


- JM FIii!

i D11 i llot l!I.. Ila,

- n1,

.,,,,. DK !Illa, - - ....

.M ii!,,-,

~, ~

DSP-12<1 0.06065 DSP-125 0.1879 0.0433 MD-11 0.07942 0.1058 0.09531 0.05797 0.1252 0.1233 0.1068 0.06118 0.1124 0.1575 0.03103 0.07612 MW-DN-101.f MW-DN-102.f MW-DN-102-S MW-DN-104-8 0.1068 0.1116

- - -~ - ~

0.1486 ~

0.08303.,...-0.1215 f - - - - _ 0.1775 _ 0.2164


0.1499 0.1993 0.12<1 0.1755 0.4353 MW-DN-108-S 0.845 I MW-DN-107-S 0.4338 0.6636 MW-DN-108.f 0.2105 MW-DN-111S 0.08802 Drasdn MW-DN-113.f O.O&I08 MW-DN-113-S 0.2991 -

IIW-tJl,l.116-S 0.07296 MW-DN-119.f 0.4422 0.1 124 0.08746 0.04265 0.0217 0.08136 0.08333 0.1556 0.1403 0.1346 0.1141 0.1295 MW-DN-122.f 0.3512 MW-DN-12<1.f 0.1465 0.07465 0.08076 0.0914 0.1891 0.05121 0.2437 0.1644 0.08623 0.122 0.08389 0.1601 0.04893 MW-DN-12<1-s 0.04089 0.3869 0.1532 0.2626 0.1399 0.04273 0.1274 0.08283 0.1191 0.1472 0.09203 RW-0N-10DS 0.1781

~DN-101 0.5516 SW-DN-102




-f---- - - -;- - - - -

SW-DN-103 0.4088 SW-DN-104 0.4812 SW-DN-105 0.3978 SW-DN-106 0.5952 Notes:

1 - If a sample was re-analyzed on particula date, onty the highest c::oncentratlon is noted.

R- inpCUL Page 1 of1 AMO Environmental Decision

Dresden Generating Station Table 3 Constellation Energy Company Summary of 2022 Precipitation Results Sample Location FW-1 FW-10 FW-11 FW-12 FW-2 FW-3 Sample Date 3/15/2022 3/15/2022 3/15/2022 3/15/2022 3/15/2022 3/15/2022 Directional Sector NW E

ESE SSE NNE NNW Result 229 195 193 175 360 589 Qual


u u




FW-4 3/15/2022 SW 171 u FW-5 3/16/2022 NE 172 u FW-1 6/7/2022 NW 735 +

FW-10 6/7/2022 E 204 +

FW-11 6/7/2022 ESE 173 u FW-12 6/7/2022 SSE 182 +

FW-2 6/7/2022 NNE 377 +

FW-3 6/7/2022 NNW 394 +

FW-4 6/7/2022 SW 470 +

FW-5 6/6/2022 NE 229 +

FW-1 7/27/2022 NW 418 +

FW-10 7/27/2022 E 196 u FW-11 7/26/2022 ESE 194 u FW-12 7/28/2022 SSE 195 u FW-2 7/27/2022 NNE 234 +

FW-3 7/27/2022 NNW 266 +

FW-4 7/27/2022 SW 195 u FW-5 7/25/2022 NE 196 u FW-1 11/16/2022 NW 1,860 +

FW-10 11/16/2022 E 176 u FW-11 11/16/2022 ESE 242 +

FW-12 11/16/2022 SSE 230 +

FW-2 11/16/2022 NNE 902 +

FW-3 11/16/2022 NNW 1,330 +

FW-4 11/16/2022 SW 353 +

FW-5 11/16/2022 NE 191 u Explanation:

U - Tritium not detected at a concentration greater than the laboratory detection limit.

+ - Tritium detected at a Concentration greater than the laboratory detection limit.

- All results presented in pCi/L.

2022 Summary of Preci pitation Tritium Results/ 20 22 Summary Page 1 of 1 AMO Environmental Decisions


MW-DN-144-S 43-S MW-DN-142-S e

LI MW-DN-134-S MW-ON-135-S MW-DN-136-S MW-DN-137-S

' MW-DN-140-S

  • MW-DN-1 41-S MW-DN-107-S MW-DN-111-S ,e *
  • MW-DN-114-S MW-DN-112-S ..

MW-DN-125-S MW-DN-124-S RW-DN-100-S RW-DN-1 01-S

  • MD-11
  • MW-DN-115-S MW-DN-127-S
  • MW-DN-126-S MW-DN-1 02-S J

MW-DN- 103-S 500 1,000 0 400 800

---==--c::::::i 0

Feet Feet Explanation:

Shallow Aquifer RGPP Monitoring Location

  • Background Figure 1a Long-Term Shutdown RGPP Sample Locations
  • Mid-Field Shallow Aquifer
  • Perimeter Exelon Corporation
  • Source Dresden Generating Station

DSP-149R DSP- 123 MW-DN-1 01-I MW,ON,116-1 DSP-150 0

  • i!)


  • MW-DN-117-1 0

0_ DSP- 08

' MW-ON-1 09-1 *

© DSP-107 MW-DN-1 14-I ,. 4 DSP-124

  • DSP-106 MW-DN-115-I DSP-125 DSP-154
  • MW-DN-122-I MW-DN-103-1 0 500 1,000 0 400 800 Feet Feet Explanation:

Intermediate Aquifer RGPP Monitoring Location

  • Background Figure 1b 0 Long-Term Shutdown RGPP Sample Locations
  • Mid-Field Intermediate Aqu ifer
  • Peri* E,a Corporation
  • Sou Dresden ~ ating Station

MW-ON-107-S 512.76 MW-OtH25-S MW-ON*12+S 512.05 511.99 MW-ON-102-S 512.53

' ~-,

, 1.71 MW-Olt-113-S 515.62 0 1,000 Feet Explanauon: Figure 2a

  • 4th Qtr. 2022 RGPP Shallow Aquifer Monitoring Location 4th Quarter 2022 (November) RGPP 4th Qtr. 2022 RGPP Shallow Aquifer Groundwater Elevation Contour Groundwater Elevations and Groundwater Elevation Contour Water Elevation Contours Inferred Groundwater Elevation Contour Surface Water and Shallow Aquifer

+ Estimated Groundwater Flow Direction Constellation Energy Corporation Dresden Generating Station

0 1,000 Feet Explanation: Figure 2b

  • 4th Qtr. 2022 RGPP Intermediate Aquifer Monitoring Location 4th Quarter 2022 (November) RGPP 4th Qtr. 2022 RGPP Intermediate Aquifer Groundwater Elevation Contour Groundwater Elevations and Groundwater Elevation Contour Water Elevation Contours Esti.

Inferred Groundwater Elevation Contour Intermediate Aquifer Groundwater Flow Direction Constellation En*

  • Corporation Dresden G ting Station

... 0 FW-5


  • 229 0 1,000 Feet Explanation: .

2022 Precipitation Recapture Sample Locations e Result >200 pCi/L Figure 3 e Result <200 pCi/L 2022 Precipitation Recapture Sample Locations Constellation Energy Corporation Dresden Generating Station

Dresden Generating Station Appendix A Constellation Energy Company Summary of 2011 - 2022 Precipitation Sample Tritium Results Sample ID RB-1 RB-10 RB-11 RB-12 RB-2 RB-3 Date 7/28/2011 7/28/2011 7/28/2011 7/28/20 11 7/28/2011 7/28/2011 Directional Sector NW E

ESE SSE NNE NNW Result 400 630 300 100 630 200 Qual






u Units pCi/L pCi/L pCi/L pCi/L pCi/L pCi/L RB-4 7/28/2011 SW 100 u pCi/L RB-5 7/28/2011 NE 100 u pCi/L RB-6 7/28/2011 ENE 200 u pCi/L RB-7 7/28/2011 SE 200 u pCi/L RB-8 7/28/2011 s 100 u pCi/L RB-9 7/28/2011 SSW 100 u pCi/L RB-1 10/21/2011 NW 300 + pCi/L RB-10 10/21/2011 E 0 u pCi/L RB-11 10/21/2011 ESE 200 + pCi/L RB-12 10/21/2011 SSE 100 u pCi/L RB-2 10/21/2011 NNE 300 + pCi/L RB-3 10/21/2011 NNW 300 + pCi/L RB-4 10/21/2011 SW 400 + pCi/L RB-5 10/21/2011 NE 300 + pCi/L RB-6 10/21/2011 ENE 200 u pCi/L RB-7 10/21/2011 SE 200 u pCi/L RB-8 10/21/2011 s 100 u pCi/L RB-9 10/21/2011 SSW 0 u pCi/L RB-1 1/11/2012 NW 400 + pCi/L RB-10 1/11/2012 E 300 + pCi/L RB-11 1/11/2012 ESE 100 u pCi/L RB-12 1/11/2012 SSE 300 + pCi/L RB-2 1/11/2012 NNE 600 + pCi/L RB-3 1/11/2012 NNW 600 + pCi/L RB-4 1/11/2012 SW 500 + pCi/L RB-5 1/11/2012 NE 400 + pCi/L RB-6 1/11/2012 ENE 300 + pCi/L RB-7 1/11/2012 SE 400 + pCi/L RB-8 1/11/2012 s 300 + pCi/L RB-9 1/11/2012 SSW 100 u pCi/L RB-1 5/23/2012 NW 191 u pCi/L RB-10 5/23/2012 E 199 u pCi/L RB-11 5/30/2012 ESE 168 u pCi/L RB-12 5/30/2012 SSE 167 u pCi/L FW-1 6/6/2013 NW 161 u pCi/L FW-10 6/7/2013 E 160 u pCi/L FW-11 6/13/2013 ESE 169 u pCi/L FW-12 6/14/2013 SSE 168 u pCi/L FW-1 5/29/2014 NW 194 u pCi/L FW-10 5/30/2014 E 191 u pCi/L FW-11 5/30/201 4 ESE 194 u pCi/L FW-12 5/30/2014 SSE 196 u pCi/L FW-1 6/1/201 5 NW 190 u pCi/L FW-10 6/2/2015 E 188 u pCi/L FW-11 6/3/201 5 ESE 182 u pCi/L FW-12 6/8/201 5 SSE 175 u pCi/L FW-1 06/07/2016 NW 181 u pCi/L FW-10 06/01/2016 E 183 u pCi/L FW-11 06/01/2016 ESE 181 u pCi/L FW-12 06/01/2016 SSE 182 u pCi/L FW-1 05/15/2017 NW 177 u pCi/L FW-10 05/23/2017 E 177 u pCi/L FW-11 05/17/2017 ESE 175 u pCi/L FW-12 05/24/2017 SSE 178 u pCi/L FW-1 06/12/2018 NW 193 u pCi/L 2022 Summary of Precipitation Tritium Re,ults/ 2011

  • 2022 Tritium Data Page 1 of 3 AMO Environmental Decisions

Dresden Generating Station Appendix A Constellation Energy Company Summary of 201 1 - 2022 Precipitation Sample Tritium Results Sample ID Date Directional Sector Result Quat Units FW-10 06/12/2018 E 193 u pCi/L FW-11 06/12/2018 ESE 196 u pCi/L FW-12 06/02/2018 SSE 196 u pCi/L FW-1 5/28/2019 NW 188 u pCi/L FW-10 5/28/2019 E 181 u pCi/L FW-11 5/28/2019 ESE 186 u pCi/L FW-12 5/28/2019 SSE 187 u pCi/L FW-1 11/12/2020 NW 207 + pCi/L FW-10 11/12/2020 E 170 u pCi/L FW-11 11/12/2020 ESE 175 u pCi/L FW-12 11/12/2020 SSE 276 u pCi/L FW-11 3/8/2021 ESE 182 u pCi/L FW-10 3/8/2021 E 187 u pCi/L FW-1 3/9/2021 NW 404 + pCi/L FW-4 3/11/2021 SW 180 u pCi/L FW-12 3/11/2021 SSE 186 u pCi/L FW-2 3/11/2021 NNE 184 u pCi/L FW-3 3/11/2021 NNW 182 u pCi/L FW-5 3/11/2021 NE 182 u pCi/L FW-11 8/10/2021 ESE 169 u pCi/L FW-5 8/10/2021 NE 169 u pCi/L FW-10 8/11/2021 E 161 u pCi/L FW-2 8/11/2021 NNE 176 u pCi/L FW-3 8/11/2021 NNW 421 + pCi/L FW-1 8/12/2021 NW 177 u pCi/L FW-4 8/12/2021 SW 176 u pCi/L FW-12 8/12/2021 SSE 173 u pCi/L FW-4 11/8/2021 SW 193 u pCi/L FW-5 11/8/2021 NE 177 u pCi/L FW-12 11/9/2021 SSE 187 u pCi/L FW-11 11/9/2021 ESE 181 u pCi/L FW-10 11/9/2021 E 186 u pCi/L FW-2 11/9/2021 NNE 192 + pCi/L FW-3 11/9/2021 NNW 239 + pCi/L FW-1 11/10/2021 NW 215 + pCi/L FW-1 3/15/2022 NW 229 + pCi/L FW-10 3/15/2022 E 195 u pCi/L FW-11 3/15/2022 ESE 193 u pCi/L FW-12 3/15/2022 SSE 175 u pCi/L FW-2 3/15/2022 NNE 360 + pCi/L FW-3 3/15/2022 NNW 589 + pCi/L FW-4 3/15/2022 SW 171 u pCi/L FW-5 3/16/2022 NE 172 u pCi/L FW-1 6/7/2022 NW 735 + pCi/L FW-10 6/7/2022 E 204 + pCi/L FW-11 6/7/2022 ESE 173 u pCi/L FW-12 6/7/2022 SSE 182 + pCi/L FW-2 6/7/2022 NNE 377 + pCi/L FW-3 6/7/2022 NNW 394 + pCi/L FW-4 6/7/2022 SW 470 + pCi/L FW-5 6/6/2022 NE 229 + pCi/L FW-1 7/27/2022 NW 418 + pCi/L FW-10 7/27/2022 E 196 u pCi/L FW-11 7/26/2022 ESE 194 u pCi/L FW-12 7/28/2022 SSE 195 u pCi/L FW-2 7/27/2022 NNE 234 + pCi/L FW-3 7/27/2022 NNW 266 + pCi/L FW-4 7/27/2022 SW 195 u pCi/L FW-5 7/25/2022 NE 196 u pCi/L FW-1 11/16/2022 NW 1,860 + pCi/L FW-10 11/16/2022 E 176 u pCi/L 2022 Summary of Precipitation Tritium Results/ 2011

  • 2022 Tritium Data Page 2 of 3 AMO Environmental Decisions

Dresden Generating Station Appendix A Constellation Energy Company Summary of 2011 - 2022 Precipitation Sample Tritium Results Sample ID FW-11 FW-12 FW-2 FW-3 FW-4 FW-5 Date 1/16/2022 1/16/2022 1/16/2022 1/16/2022 1/16/2022 1/16/2022 Directional Sector ESE SSE NNE NNW SW NE Result 242 230 902 1,330 353 191 Qual






u Units pCi/L pCi/L pCi/L pCi/L pCi/L pCi/L 2022 Summary of Precipitation Tritium Results/ 2011

  • 2022 Tritium Data Page 3 of 3 AMO Environmental Decisions