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Draft Written Examination and Operating Test Outlines (Folder 2)
Person / Time
Site: Hope Creek PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 03/09/2021
Public Service Enterprise Group
To: Todd Fish
Operations Branch I
EPID L-2021-OLL-0001
Download: ML21075A104 (25)


Appendix D Scenario Outline FormESD-1 Facility: X Scenario No.: 1 No.:

Op-Test 1 Examiners: Operators:

Initial Conditions:=79% power. B RFPTinRecirc Turnover:

Critical Tasks:

1 m R RaisePowerwith Recirculation Pumps l 2 PC07A C Ea@uake m) ofSSWPump(TS)

Trip 3 QQ09 C MSLRMS Channel A Fails upscale (TS) 4 RM01A I .

5 RR31A1 I Inskumenwne &emn WweH AM 6 RP06 M IAuk InWaknfaHure

7 HP06E C

.' 8 CU11B C AutoIsdation FaHure E

(R)eactivity, (N)ormal, (C)omponent, (I)nstrument, (M)ajor

Appendix D ScenarioOutline FormESD-1 Facility: Scenario No.: 2 Op-Test No.: 1 Examiners: Operators:

Initial Conditions:

100% Power Turnover: RPSMG Set 1BG401 has anoisybearing. Transfer RPSBusB Power to T itsAlternate inaccordancewith HC.OP-SO.SB-0001.

Supply CriticalTasks:

. 1 N/A N TransferRPStoAlternate

'B' Power Supply (TS)

2 N/A R ReducePowerto95%

n 3 Rz02A C RRCSPressureTransmitter Failure(TS) 4 CU11A C RWCULeak w/FailuretoAutomatically isolate (TS) 5 TCO2-2 C HighReactor Pressure RR31A2 M LOCA 6

, 7 PC03E I A/CChannelInitiationFailures

8. ET052 C Failure KL-HV-5147 toClose x ..

.* (N)ormal, (1)nstrument, (R)eactivity, (C)omponent, (M)ajor

Appendix D ScenarioOutline FormES-D-1 Facility: 1 Scenario No.: 3 Op-TestNo.: 1' Examiners: Operators:

Initial Conditions:


Critical Tasks:

1 FW12B R,C Leam 2 SL03A C Ina e en System Adua@n W 3 ED11A I

. 4 EG12 M ssMsRe her DGO3B Aub madFaHum MNs 5 DG04B C RCICTrip onOverspeed 6 .

RC01 C SACSPumpTrip QQ15 C 7

(N)ormal, (1)nstrument, (R)eactivity, (C)omponent, (M)ajor

ES301 Administrative Topics Outline FormES-3011 Facility: M Date ofExamination: 2/15/21 Examination Level: RO 2 SRO D Operating Test Number: 1 Administrative Topic Note)

(see Type Describe activity tob'e performed Code*

Perform a Reactor Recirculation PumpQuick Restart Conduct ofOperations Task Standard: Operator completes Step G.12 ofHC.OP-AB.RPV-0003 for restart ofReactor D,S Recirculation Pump KA 2.1.18 Ability tomakeaccurate, clear, andconcise logs, records, status boards, and reports.

Perform Steps 5.1 through 5.6.3 ofHC.OP-ST.SH-0001 Conduct bfOperations Task Standard: Operator performs Steps 5.1 through 5.6.3 ofHC.OP-ST.SH-0001(Q) and D,S notifies CRS and/or systemengineering ofany

. . vanance KA 2.1.45 Abilityto identify andinterpret diverse indications tovalidate theresponseof another indication.

ISOLATE ANDDRAINCRDPP "A" toperform the a pumpinternal inspection.Using Equipment Control controlled station drawings (provided):

1.IDENTIFY the Mechanical components that arerequired tobetagged, andtheir required N,R positions.

2.IDENTIFY theElectrical component(s) that is/are required tobetagged, andrequired position.

KA 2.2.41 Ability toObtain andInterpret Station Electrical & Mechanical Drawin s Determine Liquid Radwaste RadMonitor CTB Weir Flow Radiation Control Task Standard:Operator completes the Day Shift reading for HC.OP-DL.zz-0026, D Attachment 1a,ITEM47,for theRMSCooling Tower Blowdown Weir Flow Rate Monitor and identifies anyvariance.

KA 2.3.11 Ability tocontrol radiation releases.

,J ES-301 Administrative Topics Outline FormES-301-1 EmergencyPlan N/A NOTE:AII items (fivetotal) are required for SROs.ROapplicantsrequire four only unless items they areretaking only the administrative topics(which wouldrequire all five items).

TypeCodes andCriteria: (C)ontrol room,(S)imulator, orClass(R)oom (D)irect from bank (53forROs;s4 for SROsandROretakes)

(N)ewor (M)odified from bank(21)

(P)revious 2 exams (51,randomly selected)

. i

ES-301 Administrative Topics Outline FormES-301-1 Facility: M Date ofExamination: 2/15/21 Examination Level: RO C SRO @ Operating Test Number: 1 Administrative Topic (seeNote) Type Describe activity tobeperformed Code*

PERFORM the ShiftManager review ofthe OP-AA-105-102, Attachment 2,for anSROlicense Conduct ofOperations renewal for the Control RoomSupervisor D,R position Task Standard: Determines license reactivation requirements have not been met(and why) in accordance with OP-AA-105-102.

KA 2.1.5Ability touseprocedures related to shift staffing, such asminimum crew com lement, overtime limitations, etc.

Complete Daily Surveillance log Conduct ofOperations Task Standard: Operator implements the logat the beginning of thedaybycompleting Attachment 1,Section A,ofHC.OP-DLzz-0026 P,R andidentifies attachments requiredIAWthe answer .key KA 2.1.18 Ability tomake accurate, clear, andconcise, logs, records,status boards and reorts Review andapprove WorkClearance Documents (WCDs). Youhave been presented Equipment Control with the WCDfor Independent Review and Pre-N,R Approval inaccordance with OP-AA-109-115, Safety Tagging Operations forCRDPP"A" Task Standard: Identify discrepancies IAW answer key KA 2.2.41 Ability toObtain andInterpret Station Electrical & Mechanical Drawin s PERFORM step 5.1.11 ofHC.OP-GP.zz-0004 todetermine the leakage into the Core Spray Radiation Control Loop A Injection Header. Determine any D,R required actions andRECORD them below Task Standard: Operator completes the CRS/SM review ofa completed HC.OP-GP.zz-0004 andnotes actions required.

KA 2.3.11 Ability tocontrol radiation releases.

ES-301 Administrative Topics Outline FormES-301-1

. Utilize TheECGToDetermine TheEmergency Classification And/Or Reportability OfAnEvent EmergencyPlan And/Or PlantCondition D,R Task Standard:Operator appropriate ~

declaration inaccordance with answerkey; initiates a PAR;andmakesnotifications within identified CriticalTimesinaccordance withEP-HC-111-101.

KA2.4.38 -Abilitytotake actions for called in the emergency facility including plan,

[supporting oracting asemergencycoordinator if reuired.

NOTE:All items (five total) arerequired forSROs. ROapplicantsrequire only fouritems unless they only areretaking administrative the topics (which would require all items).

five Type CodesandCriteria:(C)ontrolroom, (S)imulator, orClass(R)oom (D)irect from bank(5 3 for ROs; s4for SROsandROretakes) or(M)odified (N)ew from bank (2 1)

(P)revious2 exams(5 1,randomly selected)

ES-301 Control Room/In-Plant Systems Outline FormES-301-2 Facility: M Date ofExamination: 2/15/21 Exam Level: RO 2 SRO-ID SRO-U O Operating Test Number: 1 Control Room Systems:* 8for RO,7for SRO-1, and2 or3forSRO-U System/JPM Title Type Code* Safety Function a.Respond toRising Drywell Pressure S,D,A,L 5 b.Place HPCIinfull flowTest Operation S,P,A,EN,L 4 c.Place RCICinservice from the RSP S,D,A,EN 2 d.Perform Non-Emergency Operation oftheEDG S,D 6 A


e.SwapRACspumps S,N, 8

. . f.Enabling Automatic Backup Stability Protection foranAPRM IAW S,N 7 HC.OP-SE-0001 Step 4.10 g.Resetting RPSTrips S,P,A 1 h.SwapControl RoomVent trains IAWHC.OP-SO.GK-0001 S,D 9 ,

1 In-Plant Systems:* 3for RO,3 for SRO-I, and3or2 for SRO-U A '. i. Transfer RPSBusA/BPower from AlternateSourcetoRPSMGSet D,A 7 1

D,R 1 Shift in-serviceCRDflow control valves D,E 3 k.Resondtoa Failed O enSRV

  • AllROandSRO-1 control room(and in-plant) systemsmustbedifferent andserve different safety functions, all fiveSRO-Usystems mustservedifferent functions, safety andin-plant systems and functions mayoverlap those tested inthecontrol room.

TypeCodes Criteria for R/SRO-I/SRO-U (A)Itemate path 4-6/4--6/2-3 (C)ontrol room (D)irect frombank s9/s8/54 (E)mergency orabnormal in-plant a1/21/21 (EN)gineered safetyfeature a1/21/h 1 (control roomsystem)

(L)ow-Power/Shutdown 2 1/21/2 1 (N)ew or(M)odifiedfrom bank including1(A) 2 2/22/21 (P)revious 2 exams 5 3/53/s selected) 2 (randomly (R)CA a1/21/21 (S)imulator

Facility: M Date ofExamination: 2/15/21 ExamLevel: RO C SRO-I2 SRO-U O Operating Test Number: 1 Control Room Systems:" 8for RO,7for SRO-1, and2or3for SRO-U System/JPM Title TypeCode* Safety Function a.Respond toRising Drywell Pressure S,D,A,L 5 b.Place HPCIinfull flowTest Operation S,D,A,EN 4 c.Place RCICinservice from the RSP S,D,A,EN 2 d.Perform Non-Emergency Operation oftheEDG S,D 6 e.SwapRACspumps S,N,A 8 f.Enabling Automatic Backup Stability ProtectionforanAPRM IAW S,N 7 HC.OP-SE-0001 Step 4.10 g.Resetting RPSTrips S,P,A 1 In-Plant Systems:* 3 forRO,3for SRO-I, and3 or2 forSRO-U D,A 7

'- i.Transfer RPSBusA/BPower from Alternate SourcetoRPSMGSet D,R 1

". Shift in-serviceCRDflow control valves D,E 3 k.Respond toa Failed O enSRV ROandSRO-I All control room(and in-plant) systemsmustbedifferentandserve safety different all functions, fiveSRO-Usystems mustserve safety different functions,andin-plant and systems mayoverlap functions those tested inthe room control (A)ltematepath 4-6/4-6 /2-3 (C)ontrolroom (D)irectfrombank s9/s 8/s 4 (E)mergency orabnormal in-plant 2 1/2 1/2 1 (EN)gineered safety feature 2 1/2 1/2 1(control roomsystem)

(L)ow-Power/Shutdown 1/2 2 1/2 1 (N)ew or(M)odified from bank including1(A) 2/21 2 2/2 (P)revious2 exams 5 3/s3/s selected) 2 (randomly

, (R)CA 2 1/21/2 1 (S)imulator

ES-401 Written Examination Outline FormES-401-1 DateofExam: 02/21 Facility: HC21-2 ..

ROK/ACategoryPoints SRO-OnlyPoints .' '-

Tier GroupK K K K K K A A A A G 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4

  • Total A2 G* Total 1.Emergency I 3 5 3 EMA@


4 4 T.TL V 1 20 4 3 7

& 2 1 2 0 A@U1 2 i!jdj@

1 7 2 1 3 Evolutions Tier 7 3 16 5 6 A 6 4 10 Totals 4

ggj$gg jagpp2 27 1 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 4 2 26 2 3 5 '~

2. -'C Plant 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 0 1 2 3 ..

Systems Tier

Totals3 3 4 4 3 3 4 3 3 5 3 38 3 5 8 3.GenericKnowledge&Abilities 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 10 7 Categories 2 3 3 2 2 2 1 2 Note' 1' Ensure thatatleast twotopics from every applicable K/A category are sampled within each tier ofthe ROand SRO-only outline sections (i.e., except for onecategory inTier 3 ofthe SRO-only section, the"Tier in Totals" eachK/Acategory shallnot beless than two). (One Tier 3 radiation control K/Aisallowed ifiitsreplaced bya K/Afrom another Tier3 category.)

2. Thepoint totalforeach group andtier intheproposed outlinemust match that specified inthe table. Thefinal pointtotal for each group andtier maydeviate byt1from that specified inthe table based onNRCrevisions. --"

ThefinalROexammusttotal 75points, andtheSRO-only exammust total 25points.

3. Systems/evolutions within each group areidentified ontheoutline. Systems orevolutions that donot applyat thefacility should bedeleted withjustification. Operationally important, site-specific systems/evolutions that are notincluded ontheoutline should beadded. Refer toSection D.1.b ofES-401 for guidance regarding the eliminationofinappropriate K/Astatements. -
4. Selecttopicsfrom asmanysystems andevolutions aspossible. Sample every system or evolution inthe group beforeselecting a second topic for anysystem orevolution.
5. Absent priority, a plant-specific onlythose K/As having animportance rating (IR) of2.5orhigher. Use theRO andSROratings theROandSRO-only for portions, respectively.
6. Select SROtopics forTiers 1and2from the shaded systems andK/Acategories.
7. Thegeneric (G) K/AsinTiers 1and2shall beselected from Section 2 ofthe K/Acatalog, but the topicsmust berelevant tothe applicable evolution orsystem. Refer toSection D.1.b ofES-401 for theapplicable K/As.
8. Onthe followingpages, enter theK/Anumbers, a briefdescription ofeach topic, the topics' IRs for the -

applicablelicense andthe level, point totals (#) foreachsystem andcategory. Enter the group andtier totalsfor each category inthe table above. Iffuel-handling equipment issampled ina category other than Category A2or G*ontheSRO-only exam, enter itontheleft side ofColumn A2for Tier 2,Group 2.(Note 1does notapply.)

Useduplicate pages forROandSRO-only exams.

9. ForTier 3,select topicsfrom Section 2 ofthe K/Acatalog, andenter theK/Anumbers, descriptions, IRs,and pointtotals(#)onFormES-401-3. Limit SROselections toK/As that arelinked to10CFR55.43.


  • These systems/evolutions mustbeincluded aspart ofthe sample (as applicable tothe facility) when Generic Revision 3ofthe K/Acatalog is used todevelop thesample plan. Theyarenotrequired tobeincluded when K/As usingearlierrevisionsofthe K/Acatalog.

These systems/evolutions maybeeliminated from the sample (as applicable tothe facility)whenRevision 3 ofthe K/Acatalog isused todevelop the sample plan.

ES-401 2 FOrmES-401-1 HC21-2 Examination Written Outline EmergencyandAbnormal Plant Evolutions -

Tier 1Group1 EAPE#/Name Safety imp Q#

Function K1 K2 K3 A1 A2 G K/ATopic(s) .

g@@@the EA2.01 -

Ability todetermine and/or interpret 295026SuppressionPool High @@@

RANW SUPPRESSION following asthey apply POOLHIGHWATER to 4.2 76 WaterTemp. /5 jjj@j TEMPERATURE:

EAjlifE!!!!!llin Suppression pool water temperature


!!!!W!!!!!!!!W AA2.03Ability todetermine and/or 295016Control Room j@lll$!lW interpret the following asthey apply to 44 77 Abandonment /7  !!!!!T[

!jll==!!!!!l!!i CONTROL Reactor m!a!!!E!!!!!!!!!!!l;lj!!!!!ll!ill[l!!!!!!!!!!!!

ROOMABANDONMENT ressure Ell)jiC!l%jjil!!!!!!!!!!!!! EA2.07Ability todetermine and/or interpret 295037SCRAMConditions f!!!l?2@jj!l$ the following asthey apply toSCRAM andReactor Present Power mm!!!ij!!jiM!!!!!iG$ CONDITION PRESENT ANDREACTOR 4.2 78 Above APRMDownscale or @j@A POWER ABOVEAPRMDOWNSCALE OR Unknown /1 gAymn UNKNOWN:Containment WAjjE)Al[i?l4 conditions/isolations 295021Loss ofShutdown jjjjgg 2.2.40Equipment-Control: Ability toapply 47 79 Cooling/4 !liyi!M1WA Technical Specifications for asystem. '

295001 orComplete Partial Loss jjjj 2.4.50 jifil;ji!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!2!!i -

Emergency Procedures /Plan: Ability ofForcedCore Flow Circulation il!!!!!jgjjjjj[to verify system alarm setpoints andoperate 4.0 80

/1& 4 6,wigjpf controls identified inthe alarm response i!@!B!!!! manual.

TTj!WE!AlW 2.4.4Emergency Procedure/Plan: Ability to 2950I8PartialorTotalLoss of @@p[ recognize abnormal indications for system CCW/8 pgj ex operating conditions parameters foremergency that areentry andabnormal level 4.7 81 Dhjib o erating procedures 600000 Plant Fire On-site

/8 j@l@!% AA2.03Ability todetermine and interpret e!j!ME iW!2!E the following asthey apply to PLANT FIRE 3.2 82 ONSITE: Fire alarm 295024 High DrywellPressure/ X jjjjf$fjpe Am e@implications EKl.01Knowledge ofthe ofthe following operational asthey 4 1

@lA concepts 5 W!M ilW apply toHIGHDRYWELL PRESSURE

^ 39 Ed!;iM!( D ell inteo i :Plant-S ecific 42j!NE!:li:l!2E EK1.03 -

Knowledge ofthe operational 295037SCRAM Conditions @@j![ implications ofthe following concepts asthey PresentandReactorPower X hy jjpQAND apply toSCRAM CONDITION PRESENT 4.2 40 Above APRMDownscale or ag$

pm 499g REACTOR POWER ABOVEAPRM Unknown /1 lllWl!

effects onreactor ower(SBLC) g!?!j? W EK1.03Knowledge ofthe operational 295030 Water LowSuppression Level/5 Pool X l$$ 6lhe W$12 implications apply ofthe toLOWSUPPRESSION following concepts POOL asthey 3.8 41 AE WATERLEVEL: Heat caacity AtWAAl lhlli: EK2.06 Knowledge ofthe interrelations 295038 Rate/9 High OffsiteRelease X l!!!!!!!!!DR 1b andthefollowing:

Eg jil!ll!ljj!;l!jlAl!jG between HIGHOFF-SITE Process RELEASE liquid RATE radiation3.4 42

$216AlEl!!121 monitorin system WMWE AK2.02 Knowledge ofthe interrelations 295003PartialorComplete X MEETS p@j@;!

between PARTIAL ORCOMPLETE LOSS 4.1 43 LossofAC/6 Q OF A.C.

Emeroency POWER andthe enerators following:

~ews  ; AK2.03Knowledge ofthe interrelations 600000PlantFireOn-site/8 X !j! jl& between PLANTFIREONSITE andthe 2.5 44 sid following: Motors MB $4!kj!l.l!!!!!!!!!!l!ll AK3.02Knowledge -

ofthe reasons for the 295004 DCPwr/6 PartialorTotalLoss of X Q

""W following PARTIAL responses ORCOMPLETE asthey apply to LOSSOFD.C. 2.9 45 W;$ WA!l!!i?

l!@ POWER :Ground isolation/fault

ES-401 2 FOrmES-401-1 HC21-2 Written Examination Outline EmergencyandAbnormal Plant Evolutions -

Tier 1Group1 EAPE#/Name Safety K1 K2 K3 A1 A2 G K/ATopic(s)

. Imp Q#

Function . .

pj$NEAgg AK3.03Knowledge ofthereasons for 295001Partial orCornplete $p@@@ the following responses asthey apply to LossofForcedCoreFlow X NM WW PARTIAL ORCOMPLETE LOSSOF 2.8 46


Idle looflow P AK3.02Knowledge ofthereasons for thefollowing responses asthey apply to 4$@C!l0l@f

  • C "" GENERATOR VOLTAGE AND 700000GeneratorVoltage and Electric GridDisturbances X Egg AM ELECTRIC GRIDDISTURBANCES: 3.6 47 Actions contained inabnormal operating procedure for voltage andgrid s disturbances.

WW EA1.03Ability the following tooperate asthey apply and/or to monitor 295026SuppressionPool High h@iSl/ig X WW& b SUPPRESSION POOL HIGHWATER 3.9 48 WaterTemp./5 ..m


TEMPERATURE: Temperature Mi@j% ?jMihiki% monitorin 6 AA1.07 Ability tooperate and/or monitor 295023RefuelingAccidents X thefollowing asthey apply to 29 49 Cooling Mode/8 REFUELING ACCIDENTS:Fuel pool '

coolin andcleanu s stem pggg EA1.05 Ability tooperate -

and/or monitor 295025High ReactorPressure / X M WjEEthefollowing asthey apply toHIGH 3 MAA@h REACTOR S ecific PRESSURE: RCIC:Plant- 3.7 50

- - AA2.04Ability to determine and/or 295006 SCRAM /1 @jj[ @ interpret thefollowing as they apply to 4.1 51 wwmWM SCRAM:Reactor ressure ppp@@AA2.03 Ability todetermine and/or 295005Main Turbine Generator BjjjppQ interpret the following as they apply to 3.1 52 Trip/'3 $3r@ @@

M MAINTURBINE Turbine valve GENERATOR osition TRIP :

as aARWAA2.01Ability -

todetermine and/or 295019 Partial orTotal Loss of interpret the following asthey apply to Air Inst. /8 27 MS % AACINSTRUMENT A PARTIAL ORCOMPLETE LOSSOF AIR:Instrument air 3.5 53 gpAidiW s stem ressure B@R@@!ji; AK2.02Knowledge ofthe interrelations 295018Partial orTotal Loss of between PARTIAL ORCOIl/IPLETE CCW/8 X AAE LOSSOFCOMPONENT COOLING 3.4 54 A2WW WATERandthe following: Plant assmm -;'..-.

o erations PM WA AA1.06Ability -

tooperate and/or monitor 295016 Room Control $QjQN the following asthey apply toCONTROL 4 0 55 Abandonment/7 X

@iit ROOMABANDONMENT:%db level Reactor water '

EK2.12- Knowledge ofthe interrelations 295031 LowWater Reactor mp%

m$b between REACTOR LOWWATER Level/2 X w LEVELandthe following: 4.5 56 em AA Primary containment isolation AW G@Ws stem/NS4

@@j@ AA2.02 -

Abilitytodetermine and/or 295021LossofShutdown ppWjpA interpret the following asthey apply to 34 57 Cooling/4 flowimAA y8 gj@ RHR/shutdown QM LOSSOFSHUTDOWN coolin COOLING s stem 295028HighDrywell

+ m 2.4.18 -

Emergency Procedures /Plan:

4:A@Ein hp

/5 Temperature q,gg as EOPs jjjji Knowledge ofthespecific bases for 3.3 58 j: '

K/ACategoryTotals: 3 5 3 4 $(j$5p GroupPoint Total: 20/7


wd w-

ES-401 3 FormES-401-1 HC21-2 Written Examination Outline EmergencyandAbnormal Plant Evolutions -

Tier 1 Group2 EAPE# /Name Safety Function K1 K2 K3 A1 A2 G K/ATopic(s) Imp. Q#

SCRAM /1 Incomplete 295015 AA2.01Ability -

todetermine and/or

--c@lA 7M ftBA INCOMPLETE interpret the following asthey SCRAM:Reactor apply to ower 4.3 83 High 295012 Drywell $9 E

WM q%e 2.1.25 -

Conduct ofOperations: Ability to

/5 Temperature wp ga .

mterpret reference materials, such asgraphs, 4.2 84

$$iE%$k curves, tables, etc.

E E@ AA2.02Ability -

todetermine and/or 295010 HighDrywell /5 Pressure QgilE interpret the following asthey apply to An yyg! HIGHDRYWELLPRESSURE :Drywell 3.9 85 pressure AK1.03Knowledge ofthe operational High 295008 Reactor Water Level X  ? implications ofthe following concepts as 3.2 59

/2 they apply toHIGHREACTOR WATER LEVEL:Feed flow/steam flow mismatch A;@ j$A AK2.04 -

Knowledge ofthe interrelations 295022 Loss ofCRDPumps /1 X WE W;6 between LOSSOFCRDPUMPS and the 2.5 60 followin :Reactor water level AA2.01 -

Ability todetermine and/or 295009 LowReactorWaterLevel Mipe a m mterpret the following asthey apply to 4.2 61 mg 2 LOW REACTOR WATERLEVEL:

@@ijidi$@dReactor water level EA1.04 -

Ability tooperate and/or monitor 295034 Containment Secondary Aff $Ap the following asthey apply to High Ventilation Radiation



ecific7 PilA SBGT/FRVS: Plant-S High E!@WW@if EA2.01Ability -

to determine and/or 295032 Secondary JPjj jt HIGH interpret the following as they apply to 3.8 63 Containment Area /5 Temperature @22!$!E E ENA AREATEMPERATURE:Area SECONDARY CONTAINMENT tem erature 2.1.31 -

Conduct ofOperations: Ability to 295020 Inadvertent

/5& 7 Isolation Cont.

ad pppygindications, yA locate control room switches, andtodetermine controls, and that they 4.6 64 TEM A$ilk correctl reflect the desired lantlineu ,

High 500000 CTMTHydrogen j@



$jybetween EK2.03Knowledge HIGHCONTAINMENT ofthe interrelations 4

/5 Conc. X " ^ '


the following:

E Control S stem Containment Atmosphere La ..

jj2/(( j/1jj K/ACategory Totals: 1 2 0 1 Group Point Total: 7/3

ES-401 4 FormES-401-1 HC21-2 Written Examination Outline SystemsTier Plant -

2 Group1 System # /Name K K K K K K A A2 A A G Imp Q#

1 2 3 4 5 6 1 3 4 to(a)

[ A2.08Ability predict the jE impacts of following the onthe AVERAGE POWER RANGE d MONITOR/LOCAL POWER APRM/LPRM WE RANGE MONITOR SYSTEM  :

215005 xe 91 and(b) based onthose predictions, 3.4 86 A di use procedures tocorrect, control, ormitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions: Faulty M orerratic operation of AAA detectors/systems A2.01Ability impacts ofthe (a) to predict following onthe the DCElectrical 263000 D.C. ELECTRICAL Distribution

. xmn cin DISTRIBUTION , and(b) based on 3.2 87 mps those predictions, use procedures to correct, control,ormitigate the "M

m ag consequences ofthose abnormal th conditions oro erations: Grounds A 2.4.49 Emergency Procedures /

Plan: Ability toperform without 223002 PCIS/NuclearSteam AA reference toprocedures those Shutoff Supply 33@! A actions thatrequire immediate 4.4 88 Up b>

operation of andcontrols.

systemcomponents Air Ak pq 2.4.11Emergency Procedures /

300000 72069 Instrument w 2

WdK Ps Plan: Knowledge of abnormal 4.2 89 xwa sex condition rocedures.

2.2.44 -

Equipment Control: Ability A pgy tointerpret control room indications ADS 218000 j@ + j@

At toverify asystem, the status andoperation of 4.4 andunderstandhow 90

MW operator actions anddirectives 2Wl? $$!Meffect lant and system conditions.

WA mm Kl.01Knowledge ofthe physical W4A W@ connections and/or cause- effect 221Aa m relationships between ADS 218000 X "#

A32AUTOMATIC 4.0 1 ed;a  ;!AE A DEPRESSURIzATION SYSTEM t@ 8% Plant-S andthe following: RHR/LPCI:

ecific K1.06Knowledge ofthe

) physical connections and/or J @A cause- effect relationships SRVs X WE WA between RELIEF/SAFETY 239002 andthefollowing: 3.4 2 m '

VALVES de pp Drywell instrument air/drywell D$! 0 pneumatics: Plant-e S ecific 203000 RHR/LPCI:

Injection X K2.01Knowledge ofelectrical Mode . .,

qgjp power Pum s supplies tothe following: 3.5 3 K2.01Knowledge ofelectrical 215003 IRM X am , =A power supplies tothe following: 2.5 4 i/Ek di#WIRMchannels/detectors

ES-401 4 FormES-401-1 HC212 Written Examination Outline SystemsTier Plant -

2 Group 1 System#/Name K K K K K K A A2 A A G imp Q#

1 2 3 4 5 6 1 3 4 ..

B@ **


%A K3.01Knowledge oftheeffect ACElectrical 262001 that a loss ormalfunction ofthe Distribution X ..

WA A.C. ELECTRICAL 3.5 5 DISTRIBUTION will haveon followin :Ma'or s stemIoads F NAA K3.02Knowledge -

ofthe effect

$A W DE@

WW UNINTERRUPTABLE that a loss ormalfunction ofthe UPS(AC/DC) 262002 X N" SUPPLY (A.C./D.C.)

POWER 2.9 6 have will onfollowing: Recirculation pump 9 s eed:Plant-S ecific AS K4.09Knowledge -


  1. R WATERLEVEL 259002 Reactor Level Water X Widil CONTROL SYSTEM design interlocks 31 7 mm Control f; TM feature(s) and/or '

which provide for the following:

L Sinle element control M K4.05Knowledge of SHUTDOWN COOLING

!@ @i@if SYSTEM(RHR SHUTDOWN 205000 ShutdownCooling X Q QlMif COOLING MODE) and/or design interlocks 3.6 8 feature(s) y which providefor the following:

ratey Ajityji) Reactor cooldown K5.01 -

Knowledge ofthe operational implications ofthe DCElectrical 263000 following concepts asthey apply Distribution X mA A to D.C. ELECTRICAL 2.6 9 7 WW5WWgeneration DISTRIBUTION: Hydrogen during battery charin ,

5 K5.05Knowledgeof the A operational implications of the nah ye following concepts asthey apply EDGs 264000 X toEMERGENCY 3.4 10 diag GENERATORS (DIESEL/JET)

WWA Mii@Parallelin A.C.owersources u K6.04Knowledge oftheeffect

@d ,

that a loss followin ormalfunction will have onthe ofthe RPS 212000 X REACTOR PROTECTION 2.8 11 SYSTEM:D.C. electrical distribution K6.03Knowledge oftheeffect

.C AW that a loss ormalfunction ofthe SLC 211000 X gp wA t following

? STANDBY will haveonthe LIQUID CONTROL 3.2 12 SYSTEM :A.C.ower fL Tl0 A1.05Ability -

topredict and/or S$W @ASmonitor changes inparameters associated with operating the RCIC 217000 X WWE MA REACTOR COREISOLATION 3.7 13 smia m mmwA COOLING SYSTEM(RCIC) controls including:

RCICturbine s eed A1.04Ability topredict and/or 400000 Component Coohng f %W -

monitor changes inparameters Xs Water associated with operating the 2.8 14 CCWScontrols including: Surge TankLevel

ES-401 4 FormES-401-1 HC21-2 Written Examination Outline SystemsTier Plant -

2Group1 System# /Name K K K K K K A A2 A A g Imp q, 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 3 4 T""[ Tjij[!? A2.11Ability to(a) predict the s i E E impacts ofthe following onthe


[jjlj(!!j@$lll)jljlll!!j SYSTEM ;and(b) based on SGTS 261000 j@!@p

=A jjf!j Wiijaisip!;

those predictions, procedures mitigate the use tocorrect, c

control, onsequences of or 3.2 15 pl!0!A3)E those abnormal conditi,ons or

$Q fipi?i! operations: High containment xm ressure A&

jjE A2.01Ability -

(a) to predict ofthefollowing the onthe A impacts jan $ AVERAGE POWER RANGE Q$1 MONITOR/LOCAL POWER Mi3iW RANGE MONITOR SYSTEM  ;

APRM/LPRM 215005 :1l1lll me jp and


(b) predictions, based onthose useprocedures to 2.7 16

, correct, control, ormitigate the ddA consequences ofthose

%bj abnormalconditions

!!!iliiilii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! or hC!! j Aij;!ll?A operations: Power supply FM fif!!!!!!;!An de raded Elyid A3.02 -

Abilitytomonitor p < igli.itlixautomatic operations ofthe PRIMARY CONTAINMENT 223002PCIS/NuclearSteam  ! J X AA ISOLATION 3.5 17 Shutoff Supply ..


ww t$iijjjj[llii: SUPPLYSHUT-OFF including:

bh!l!D A . Valve closures A3.01Abilityto monitor p w .

automatic operations ofthe 206000HPCI W X 'iMili5!1io HIGHPRESSURECOOLANT 3.6 18 INJECTION SYSTEMincluding:

A MW Turbine s eed:BWR-2,3,4 EA . f A A4.01Ability -

tomanually E!M X A Cigiii:

300000InstrumentAir operate and/or monitor inthe 2.6 19 control room: Pressure aues a A4.06Ability tomanually 215004SourceRange Monitor wmeijiii;li j X i jjjjj!jj[

ajA $5 control operate and/or room:

monitor Alarms inthe andIIhts 3.2 20 Wh3 !!!!!!!!l!Liiiliii)!illiilillilli A4.11Ability tomanually LPCS 209001 jpg

  1. 5!!!ll[!i? X gjw W

operate control and/or room:

monitor S stem inthe flow 3.7 21 gg jjjjjjy 2.1.30 -

Conduct ofOperations:

SLC 211000 Qg was localjPy Jh Ability to components, locate and operate including 44 22 f!!!Wll!!AA controls.

d@! i!il$w K4.01Knowledge ofCCWS 400000 Componen ooling  %@$$i.1!A!P design feature(s) andor X jbjjjj following: interlocks which provide forthe 3.4 23 pp" witEixis standbum Automatic start of A4.01Ability tomanually 259002 Reactor Level Water operate and/or monitor inthe Control X :i control room: AII individual 3.8 24 pislisik component controllers Inthe manual mode.

ACElectrical 262001 2.1.20 -

Conduct ofOperations:

flif Distribution Ability tointerpret andexecute 4.6 25 racedure stes.

ES-401 4 FormES-401-1 HC21-2 Examination Written Outline Plant SystemsTier -

2 Group1 System

  1. /Name K K K K K K A A2 A A G Imp Q#

1 2 3 4 5 6 1 3 4 ..

@@jG ijijjl?jjl;jjls A1.03Ability and/or topredict SGTS 261000


$@F t monitor associated with inparameters changes the operating X i$iAjif STANDBY GASTREATMENT 3.2 26 A SYSTEM controls Off-including:

site levels release may jvlago Totals:

K/ACategory 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 2)f2/2; 2 4 1E2/3E

.= .


Group Point Total: 26/5

ES-401 5 FormES-401-1 HC21-2 Written Examination Outline SystemsTier Plant -

2 Group2 System# /Name K K K K K K A A2 A A a Imp Q 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 3 4 #

A2.03Ability impacts ofthe (a) to predict following the onthe ed Vd W WAV RODBLOCK MONITOR NAlti' SYSTEM ;and(b) based on RBM 215002 gpg Ai@p W41those predictions, procedures use tocorrect, control,3.3 91 AAi; ormitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions or E' A!A operations: Loss ofassociated APRMchannel:


NA reference BWR-3,4,5 n  : 2.4.31Emergency Procedures g......... .

ControlRoomHVAC /Plan: Knowledge of 290003 ..y 4.I 92

A annunciator alarms, indications, orresonserocedures.

[jE!!!!!iijil fij?jAjia!$i2.4.30 -

Emergency Procedures A /Plan; Knowledge ofevents em .

CfA related tosystem operation /

272000 Radiation Monitoring PAj Qp status that mustbereported to 4.1 93 a:de internal organizationsor external agencies, suchasthe state, theNRC,orthe transmission s stemo erator.

K1.07 -

Knowledge ofthe physical connections and/or 256000 Reactor CondensateX cause- effect relationships 2.9 27 between REACTOR CONDENSATE SYSTEM and EiAW@i@iM thefollowin :SJAE condenser Primary 223001 CTMTand p K2.10Knowledge of electrical Aux X power supplies tothefollowing: 2.7 28

, , :maitD ell chillers: Plant-S ecific K3.04Knowledge oftheeffect that a loss ormalfunction ofthe 234000 Fuel Handling X FUELHANDLING EQUIPMENT Equipment K3.03 will have onfollowing: Reactor 2 9 ' 29 manual control system: Plant-S ecific K4.01Knowledge ofOFFGAS n A + SYSTEM design feature(s)

Off-gas 271000 X and/or interlocks which provide 2.9 30 jgg gy for thefollowing:

h droen asconcentration Dilution of K5.04Knowledge ofthe operational implications ofthe RHR/LPCI:

230000 following concepts asthey apply Torus/Pool Spray Mode X W+ /C s toRHR/LPCI: 2.5 31 TORUS/SUPPRESSION POOL SPRAY MODE :Evaporative coolin K6.01Knowledge oftheeffect q:3 that aloss ormalfunction ofthe 216000 Nuclear Boiler Inst. X following will have onthe 3.1 32 NUCLEAR BOILER INSTRUMENTATION :A.C.

electrical distribution

ES-401 5 FormES-401-1 HC212 Written Examination Outline Plant SystemsTier -

2 Group 2 System# /Name K K K K K K A A A G Imp Q 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 A2 3 4 #

monitor changes inparameters associated with operating the 202001 Recirculation X Afhn ih RECIRCULATION SYSTEM 3.1 33 controls including: Recirculation M AEC loop temperatures: Plant-Wie M)3AS ecific

? A2.05Ability impacts ofthe (a) to predict following on the the CONTROL RODAND 201003 ControlRodand $3! A based DRIVEMECHANISM ;and(b)

Drive Mechanism A onthose predictions, use 4.1 34 procedures tocorrect, control, ormitigate theconsequences of those abnormal conditions or 521 o erations: Reactor Scram g4  ; A3.01Ability tomonitor automatic operations ofthe RHR/LPCI:

219000 X RHR/LPCI:

Torus/Pool Mode Cooling 2 TORUS/SUPPRESSION POOL 33 35 '

COOLING MODEincluding:

Valve o eration

@h ( A4.03 -

Ability tomonitor automatic operations of the ROD WORTH MINIMIzER RWM 201006 kW X .i SYSTEM (RWM) (PLANT 3.0 36 Nf d$

Nya group SPECIFIC) including:


Latched P-Spec(Not-BWR6 E 2.4.9 -

Emergency Procedures /

e$iit tifiMPlan: Knowledgeof low power /

RWCU 204000 EAiE shutdown implications in Addj


@U accident accident (e.g.,

orloss loss ofcoolant ofresidual heat 3.8 37 A iG removal miti ationstrate les.

, ( K3.02Knowledge oftheeffect RMCS 201002 idiA 3

( that WW REACTORMANUAL a loss ormalfunction ofthe X CONTROL SYSTEM willhave 29

' 38 onfollowing: Rodblock monitor:

Plant-S ecific waw ,=x K/ACategoryTotals: 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 p$gi1 1 W22% Group Point Total: 12/3 Me ePN

ES-401 Generic Knowledge andAbilities Outline(Tier 3) FormES-401-3 Facility: HC21-2 Date: 02/01/21 RO SRO-Only Category K/A# Topic IR Q# IR Q#

Ability toidentify andinterpret diverse 2.1.45 indications tovalidate theresponse of 4.3 94 another indicator.

Ability toperform specific system and 2.1.23 integrated plant procedures during all modes 4.4 98 of lant o eration.


Conduct Abilityto evaluate plant performance and ofOperations2 17 makeoperational judgements based on operating characteristics, reactorbehavior, 44 66 '

andinstrument inter retation.

2.1.32 Ability toexplainand apply all system limits 3.8 67 and recautions.

Subtotal Knowledge oftheprocess forcontrolling

$j@ 2 @l!2 2.23 1 tem ora desi n chanes. 3.3 95 2.2.7 sKnowledge ecial oftheprocess orinfre uent for tests.

conducting 3.6 99 2 2.2.12 Knowledge ofsurveillance procedures. 3.7 68 Equipment Ability to determine thee xpected plant Control configuration using design andconfig,uration 2.2.15 control documentation, suchasdrawings, 3.9 69 line-u s,ta-outs, etc.

Ability torecognize system parameters that 2.2.42 areentry-level conditions forTechnical 3.9 74 S ecifications.

Subtotal @@3 @@2 2.3.6 Ability toapprove release permits. 3.8 96 3 Ability tocomply with radiation work permit R'adiation 2.3.7 requirements conditions.

during normalorabnormal 3.5 70 Control Knowledge ofRadiological Safety Procedures pertaining tolicensed operator duties, 23 13 alarms, such a s response toradiation monitor3 4 71 containment entryrequirements, fuel '

handling responsibilities, access tolocked hihradiation areas, alininfilters, etc.

ES-401 GenericKnowledge Outline(Tier andAbilities 3) FormES-401-3 Knowledge ofradiation orcontainment hazards 2.3.14 abnormal, that may during arise normal, 3.4 75 oremergency conditions or activities.

Subtotal Knowledge ofSROresponsibilitiesin

@E23 pj@@1 2.4.40 emerenc lan im lementation. 4.5 97 2.4.6 Knowledge ofEOPmitigation strategies. 4.7 100 4' Knowledge oflocal auxiliary tasks operator Emergency 2.4.35during emergency andtheresultant 3.8 72 Procedures

/ o erational effects.

Plan Knowledge of procedures relating toa 2.4.28 securit event.

3.2 73 Subtotal jhj@ 2 $$l!!il;!@i 2

Tier3 Point Total @@@ 10 jjjggj7

ES-401 Record ofRejected K/A's FormES-401-4 Tier/ Group Random Selected Reason for Rejection K1.02Knowledge ofthephysical connections and/or cause-effect relationships between RELIEF/SAFETY VALVESandthe following: SPDS/ERIS/CRIDS/GDS: Plant-Specific There isnospecific physical connection to 2/1 (#2) 239002/K1.06 SPDS/ERIS/CRIDS/GDS with a cause-effect relationship for SRVs.Nolicense level question canbewritten for this specific K/Afor SRVs.

Randomly reselected: Drywell instrument air/drywell pneumatics:

Plant-Specific (PCIG)

A1.03 Ability topredict and/ormonitor changes inparameters associated with operating the CCWScontrols including: CCW Pressure 2/1(#14) 400000/A1.04 There isnopressure setpoint orvalue forthe CCWsystems that isspecifically monitored. Flows, Temperatures, andSurge Tank levels arecontinuously monitored along with setpoints.

Randomly reselected: Surge Tank Level 2.1.23 -

Conduct ofOperations: Ability toperform specific system andintegrated plant procedures during all modes ofplant operation.

2/1(#21) 209001/A4.11There isnoreference tothe Core Spray system in theintegrated procedures ata level for a license examquestion.

Randomly reselected: Ability tomanually operate and/or monitor inthecontrol room: System flow.

2.2.38 -

Equipment Control: Knowledge ofconditions and limitations inthe facility license.

2/1(#22) 211000/ 2.1.30 This K/Areferences TechSpecs which isattheSROlevel.

Randomly reselected: Conduct ofOperations: Abilitytolocate andoperate components, including localcontrols.

A4.09Ability tomanually operate and/or monitor inthe control room: TDRFPlockout reset: TDRFP 2/1(#24) 259002/A4.01 There isnolockout parameter for the RFP's atHopeCreek.

Randomly reselected: All individual component controllers inthe manual mode.

ES-401 Record ofRejected K/A's FormES-401-4 2.1.27 -

Conduct ofOperations: Knowledge ofsystem purpose and/orfunction.

2/1(#25) 262001/

Cannot 2.1.20 Toolow write a licenselevel question with a purpose ofa system.

ofa cognitivelevelquestion.

Randomly reselected:

Ability tointerpret andexecute procedure steps.

A1.05Ability topredict and/or monitor changes inparameters associated withoperating the STANDBY GASTREATMENT SYSTEM controls including:Primary containment oxygen level:

Mark-I&II 2/1(#26) 261000/ A1.03 There isnoOxygenparameter that directly interfaces with the FRVS system.

Randomlyreselected: Off-siterelease levels EK1.06Knowledge of the operational implications ofthe following conceptsas they apply toSCRAMCONDITION PRESENT ANDREACTOR POWER ABOVEAPRM DOWNSCALE ORUNKNOWN: Cooldown effectsonreactor power.

1/1(#40) 295037/ EK1.03 A cooldown oftheRPVprior tobeing shutdown under all conditions wouldnotbeallowed IAW emergency operating procedures.

Randomly reselected:

Boron effects onreactor power (SBLC).

EK2.12 Knowledge oftheinterrelations between HIGH OFF-SITERELEASE RATEandthe following: Feedwater leakage control: BWR-6 1/1(#42) 295038/ EK2.06 There arenoHopeCreek procedures thatreference Feedwater leakage control withOffsite Release. Cannot writea license level question for thisK/A.

Randomly reselected:

Process liquid radiationmonitoring system AK3.01Knowledge ofthe reasons forthe following responses asthey apply toPARTIAL ORCOMPLETE LOSSOFD.C.

POWER:Load shedding 1/1(#45) 295004/ AK3.02 There isnoautomatic "load shedding" duetoa loss ofD.C.Load shedding occursfrom a loss ofA.C.

Randomly reselected:

Ground isolation/fault determination

ES-401 Record ofRejected K/A's FormES-401-4 AA1.07 -

Ability tooperate and/or monitor the following asthey apply toREFUELING ACCIDENTS :Standby gas treatment/FRVS 1/1(#49) 295023/ AA1.02 Theabove concept (K/A) issimilar toQuestion #26which would cause "Double Jeopardy" onthe exam.

Randomly reselected: Fuel pool cooling andcleanup system AA2.01 Ability todetermine and/or interpret the following as they apply toSCRAM :Reactor power 1/1(#51) 295006/ AA2.04 L.O.D fora question onwhat happens toreactor power ona scram (power lowers, APRMsdownscale) would be1 Randomly reselected: Reactor pressure 2.4.6Emergency Procedures /Plan: Knowledge ofEOP mitigation strategies.

1/1 EOPmitigation 2.4.18 of strategies are atthe SROlevel duetoselection

(#58) 295028 EOPprocedures andactions withinthe legs oftheEOP procedures tosatisfy themitigation strategy.

Randomly selected: Knowledgeof the specific bases for EOPs.

2.4.41- Emergency Procedures /Plan:Knowledge ofthe emergency action level thresholds andclassifications.

2/1(#89) 300000 2.4.11 There arenoECG/classifications for theInstrument AirSystem IAWthe HopeCreek EALsandRALs.

Randomly reselected: Knowledge ofabnormal condition procedures.

A2.01- Ability RODBLOCKMONITOR (a) to predict theimpacts SYSTEM ofthe

and(b) following based onthe onthose predictions, useprocedures tocorrect, control, ormitigate the consequences ofthose abnormal conditions oroperations

Withdrawal ofcontrol rodinhigh power region ofcore: BWR-3,4,5 2/2 (#91) 215002/ A2.03 There isnoprocedure that directly addresses ormitigates the consequences ofa control rod withdrawal inthehigher power region ofthe core. This ismoreofaGFEStype K/A.

Randomly reselected: Loss ofassociated reference APRM channel: BWR-3,4,5

ES-401 RecordofRejected K/A's FormES-401-4 Knowledge 2.4.26 offacility protection including requirements, fire brigade andportablefirefighting equipment usage.

There isnofire brigade fire (separatedepartment) atHope 3/4

(#97) 2.4.40 Creek.

Cannot write a SROlicense question level K/A.

tothis Randomly reselected: ofSROresponsibilities Knowledge in emergency plan implementation.
