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Rept of UCLA Reactor Decommissioning,Guide for Phase II, Final Phase
Person / Time
Site: 05000142
Issue date: 06/09/1988
Shared Package
ML20155C626 List:
NUDOCS 8806140275
Download: ML20155C633 (21)


_ _ _ .


Guide for Phase II, Final Phase License R-71 Docket 50-142 June 9,1988 l

fjj614027se8061o gp ADOCK 05000142 DCD

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The dismantlement and decommissioning of the UCLA nuclear reactor facility wasiplanned aa a two phase program. .

I The. Decommissioning Plan.for Phaso I was submitted to - the Nuclear Regtlatory Commission (NRC) on October 29, 1985. Phase I commenced after approval of the plan by the NRC on July 14, 1986.~ -A report .on Phase I reactor. decommissioning was submitted to the.NRC on April 12,-1988. j f

4 The goal of . Phase II is the dismantlement t.nd removal of - the concrete l biological shield and. complete decontamination of'the room, its- ,

appurtenances, and the remaining equipr.nnt'. .Tne facility is to be released . -[

for unrestricted use as defined by US NBC Regulatory Guide 1.86. .Tnis i Phase II Plan follows the format outlined oy the US NRC Standardization and ~ '

Special Projects Branch paper ' entitled, "Guidance and Discussion of-Regairements for an Application- to Terminate a Non-Power Reactor Facility Operating License," dated September 15,19M. .

t i

1.1 Summary Description i l

After approval of this plan by the NRC, UCLA intends to distribute a  !

Request for Proposal to prospectivt coanercial bidders to_ complete  !

deccamissioning of the- reactor facility in accordance with ~ the Phase II l plan.  ;

l Thi3 Plan provides a description of the reactor) facility, its current  :

radiological status, the decommissioning approacn, tasks and schedules, j estimated costs, and the radiation protection program to be exercised  ;

durLng Phase II.


  • j 1.2 Reactor iPacility Descriptien

't 1

Ine UCLA reactor and support facilities are located in the reactor building

  • witnin Boelter Hall. Tne facility includes the reactor room (room 104),  ;

adjacent first floor work spaces (rooms 102 and 103), and the former '

control (room 201). Fig 1.1 and 1.2 illustrate these rooms. The e transformer vault '(room 104) ' serves as the power distribution center for ^!

the entire reactor building. A restroom and a snower are located in the '!

southwest corner of the former control room. Other support areas that were ;l once a part of tne facility were cleared for general use prior to '!

initiation of decommissioning. f 4

1 1

Besides the concrete biological shield and movable shield blocks, the ]

reactor room houses a balcony at the second floor level, a stairway to the j ground floor of t he acom, a ventilation exhaust system, a 10 ton bridge l crane,. piping and drains, 30 cylindrical fuel storage. pits, a sing usable 1 fcr low-level decontamination of small tools, a shower, three floor drains  !

and tne process pit containing the sump, sump pump, and two 250 gallon I holding tanks. >

, i.

4 I


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I Fi p, . 1.1. Reactor Facility Floor Plan i


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i i r' i i ROOM j _ ,

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!c 75' =l 1000 SECTION Y-Y Fig. 1.2. Reactor Building - Sections l



s The ventilation exhaust system includer ductwork which extends from the floor of the reactor room to the seventh floor (roof), the exhaust fan and intake plenum on that roof, and the exhaust stack which rises about 20 feet above the roof level.

The reactor building is a two story structure 75 feet long (east-west), 49 feet wide (north-south), and 27 feet high. It is walled off and provides the foundation of a seven story building. It shares common walls with laboratories, shops, ano affices on the north, east, and south sides. Thw reactor room occupies the eastern 43 feet or tne building and is 49 reet wice by 27 feet hign.

1.3 Current Radiological Status cf the Facility All non-embedceo components of the reactor hade been removed from the site.

These include tne core-moderatur, the graphite thermal column, shield tank,'

peripheral equipment, fuel boxes, control blade system components, protruding parts of pipe and structures, and twenty-five cf the twenty-nine concrete shield blocks. Tne remains of the reactor colisist of the concrete biological shield wnicn includes the monolithic structure and four removable shield blocks. The principal embedments in the blocks is steel in tne form of reinforcing bar, angle iron edging, beam port liners, and plugs. Tl.a total radioisotope inventory in the recains is shown in Table 1.1. The radiation levels in the reactor room are present in Fig. 13 Table 1.1. Racioisotope Inventory -

Fixec Concrete Isotope Half-life Concrete Activity Steel Activity Total

'. y e ar s )  % (C1)  % (C1) (C1)

Mn-54 0.365 0.3 0.04 0.4 0.01 0.05 Co-60 5.27 9.0 1.07 16.1 0. . 1.25 Cs-134 2.06 0.2 0.02 -- --

0.02 Eu-152 13.6 13.7 1.62 -- --

1.62 Eu-154 8.6 1.0 0.12 -- --

0.12 H-j 14 3 61.6 7.32 -- --

7 32 C-14 5730.0 14.0 1,66 -- --

1.66 Fe-55 2.7 -- --

75.1 0.76 0.76 To-99 214000.0 -- --

6.5 0.07 0.07 100.0 11.d5 100.0 1.02 12.d7 4.

1 .


Bkg. Bkg.

38 80 Bkg. o -


e 110 cn

- O 80

\ ~


, Bkg. 7 Bkg.


1.4 2.1 1.4 ~

1.0 1.2 1.0 1

fig.1.3. Radiction . Levels (mR/h) in the Reactor Room.

Note: All measurements acquired with icn chamber survey instrument at 1.0 meter above floor surface.

Background Leve:Is (Bkg.) are less then 0.1 mR/h.

s. .


- 1.3.1 Pipes, Drainlines, and Ductwork The primary water system has also been removed and the residual equipment in the process pit consista of a s um p , a sump pump anc two 250 gallon holding tanks. The sink anc shower drainlines merge with three other floor drains to empty into the sump. A separate crain from the reactor core also passes to the sump. Swipes of inlets and outleta of these drainpipes and the accessible pointa of the exhaust system ductwork when counted on a beta counter, revealed all surface contamination levela below the limits prescribed in Table 1 of USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.86. However, it is possible that the pipes and drainlines may have been' activated from neutron streaming. Further surveys will be performed during Pnase II as increase access is gained.

The sump is a reservoir 24 inenes wide, 24 inches long and 61 inches deep.

At toe bottom tnere is about an inch and a nalf of sludge covered by approximately 44 inches of water. Samples of the water and the sludge were individually counted on a hign resolution Ge(Li) spectrometry system and a liquid scintillation spectrometer for possible contamination. Tne resulta are reported in Table 1.2.

Table 1.2. Activity of Racioisotopes in the Sump Concrete Isotopes H al f-L i f e Water Activity

  • Sediment Activity ** Total (years)  % (pC1)  % (pC1) (sci)

Cs-60 5.27 --- ---

10 3 50.0 50.0 Eu-152 13.6 --- ---

26.0 127.0 127.0 H-3 12.3 100 18.3 52.1 253.8 272.1 C-14 5730.0 --- ---

11.6 56.7 56.7 100 16 3 100.0 487.5 505.6

  • Volume of Sump water is approximately equal to 7.33 f t 3
    • Volume of tne seciment is approximately equal to 0.5 ft3. pensity of tne sediment la taken to be that of concrete, i.e., 200 lbm/ft3 1.4 The Decommissioning Approach For Pnase 11, UCLA intends to complete cecommissioning of tne facility for "unrestricted" use by availlig the services of an outaice contractor.

"SAFSTOR" is no longer under c onaideration. The selecteq decommissioning alternative is "DECON". After the approval of this plan by the NRC, UCLA will soon ciatribute a n~;uest for Proposal to potential commercial bidders.


e 1.5 Decommissioning Organization and Responsibilitics An organizational line. has been developed to overview the decommissioning program. Since most of the demolition ano decommissioning work will be performed by the outside contractor, the organizational line as detailed in Fig 1.4 will only be peripherally involved. UCLA will provide a Health Physicist at the site whenever work is in progress.

1.6 Regulation, Regulatory Guides, and Standards Demolition, decontamination, and decommissioning will be governed by all applicable State and Federal regulations and requirements. Table l.3 provides a list of the major regulations; regulatory guides, Standards and the pertaining subject matters.

1.7 Training and Qualifications UCLA would require the outside contractor to do the following:

a. Demonstrate the qualification and experience of all the personnel (subcontractors included) involved in decontamination, decommls-sioning activities, health physics, and use and maintenance of monitoring and safety equipment.
b. Provide a detailed account of tne training program used for workers concerning radiation hazards and work with radioactive material.
c. Provide a complete description of 'the metnods proposed by the firm to bring the project to completion.

These items are expected to be in the quotation submitted by the bidaer.

UCLA will review these items to ensure ALARA procedures, health and safety compliance with all State and Federal guidelines and regulations, anc the UCLA license. UCLA will reserve the rignt to interrupt operations which are seen as unnecessarily compromising to the health and safety of the

students, faculty or staff or leading to unacceptable environmental 2

contamination, until the problem is rectified.

l l

i l 7. , j

4 l Chancellor l ,

v v Executive Vice Chancellor Administrative Vice Chancellor Dean, Sc[ool of Engg. Assistent Vice Chancellor l Director, NEL ! ) Director, Research. &

4 Occupational Saf ety l  :

-* v Health Physicist /

Site f1enager v

Health Physics Support Personnel v

NEL Support Personnel i

Fig.1.4. Orgenizational Line during Decommissioning.


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  • Table 1.3. Regulations, Guidelines, and Standards ,

l Subject Title.

! . Radiation Protection
  • Title 10 Code of Federal Regulations and Surveys Part 20
  • NUREG/CR ?082, "Monitoring -for Compliance with Decommissioning Termination Survey Criteria" Worker Safety


  • Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations (EPA - NEPA)
  • Title 14 CAC, Chapter 3. "Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Act"
  • NUREG-0586, "Draf t Generic Environ-mental Impact Statement on Decommis- >

sioning of Nuclear Facilities" 1

Transport of Radioactive

  • Title 10 Code of Federal Regulations Materials Part 71, "Packaging of Radioactive Materials for Transport and Transpor-tation of Radioactive Material under Certain Conditions"
  • Title 49 Code of Federal Regulation, Department of Transportation Hazardous Material Regulations Decommissioning
  • NRC's, "Guidance and Discussion of Requirements for an Application to Terminate a Non-Power Reactor Facility Operating License"
  • ANSI /ANS-15.10-1981, "Decommission 1rg of Research Reactors" l l
9. -


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2.0 OCCUPATIONAL AND RADIATION PROTECTION PROGRAMS 2.1 Radiation Protection Program The Radiation Safety Office will exercise a supervisory role during the dismantling and decommissioning through an ' assigned tecnnologist (health physicist). Policies, procedures, and practices will be those specified in the UCLA Radiation Protection Manual and other - applicable regulations and guides (see Table 1.3). Its Radiation Protection Program for decommissioning involves requirements to monitor, control, and acequately limit surface ccr. amination, radiation field, and personnel exposure. All tecnniques and practices will be designed to keep radiation exposure levels ALARA and within 10CFR20 requirements.

2.1.1 Personnel Dosimetry For external exposure assessment, all workers will be required to wear personnel cosimeter film badges.and calibrated pocket ionization chambers.

The ionization chambers will provide a daily record of personnel doses.

Extremity dosimeters will ' be kept at hand and provided to personnel if required.

For assessment of int 3 /nal contamination, the Radiation-Safety Office has counting facilities f or bioassays such as tnyroid, urine, and total body count. TBCs will be employed on workers before and after the Phase II work.

The estimated collective dose-equivalents during Phase II is shown in Table 2.1.

Table 2.1. Estimated Collective Dose-Equivalent of Personnel during Phase II Task Activity Person-Rem

1. Contractor Move-in & Initial 0 Radiation Survey
2. Concrete Demolition and Removal 1.5 3 Package Materials for Transport & Burial 0.5 4 Final Release Survey 0.0 2.0 2.1.2 Instrumentation A wide range of radiatio., monitoring instruments are currently available at the reactor. These include portable and non portable instruments for radiation field surveys, radioactive contamination surveys, area monitoring, particulate monitoring, personnel monitoring, and sample 10.

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  • analysis. Table 2.2 lists the type of these instruments.. These instruments'are routinely calibrated by the Radiation Safety-Office. Only "NBS traceable" stancards are used in calibration of these instruments.

The contractor,will supplement the list with his/her own equipment. He/She will be required to. furnish detailed documentation . of _ appropriate calibrations for all radiation survey and measuring instruments to be used on the project.

Table 2.2. Types of Radiation Honitoring Instruments Available for Reactor Decommissioning

  • Portable GM Survey Meters
  • Portable Ion Chamber Rate Meters
  • Single Channel Analyzers with Scintillation and GM Probes
  • Micro R Meter
  • Liquid Scintillation Counter System
  • Gamma Spectroscopy System
  • Pressurized Ion Chamber System
  • Hand and Foot Monitor
  • Pocket.lon Cnamber Dosimeters
  • High Volume Air Sampler
  • Stack Effluent Monitor 2.2 Industrial Safety and Hygiene Program The Office of Research and Occupational Safety (OROS) will oversee the industrial safety and hygiene program. ORUS nas specialists in the areas of toxic materials, electrical safety, machine safety, and fire protection. ,

All personnel protective equipment such as half-face dust respirators, anticontamination clothing, safety shoes, safety glasses, temporary shield,

, etc. provided Dy the contractor will be used under the guidance and j direction of the OROS.

1 I

23 Contractor Assistance 4

The selected contractor will be required to provice all labor, equipment, materials, shipping, routine nealth and safety monitoring, and any other requisite factor to complete the project. This will include the packaging, d


.i ll

.- removal, and . transportation of radioactive and non radioactive: material from tne site in.accordance with all governing regulations. However, UCLA 3 shall .~ oversee and review all tasks during the decommissioning proj ect .

UCL A' will retain overall responsibility for. health and safety i considerations.during decommissioning, i

- 2 . 11 Cost Estimate and Funding

'The cost of Phase 11 decommissioning is estimated to be $200,000 exclusive of internal personnel costs. This includes the estimated cost of the-termination survoy. The. School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) has approved this cost.

1 1

30 DISMANTLind AND DECONTAMINATION TASKS AND SCHEDULES 3.1 Tasks The Contractor's tasks in Phase II will include the followingt

a. raising the concrete monolith and pedegtal to floor level,
b. excavation of the approximately 52 ft of concrete down to about 22 inches below floor level,
c. removal of four large concrete blocks,
d. packaging materials for appropriate land burial,
e. transfer of suon material to burial site,
f. decontamination of the reactor room and nearby areas, and
g. final release survey of the facility.

3.2 Schedule d

The schedule for the decommissioning project af ter approval of this plan by ,

tne NRC is shown in Table 3.1 '

'l 4

12. )


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Table 31. Estimated Sonedule 'of Phase- Il1 Decommissioning of the UCLA Argonaut Reactor Facility-Task / Activity Time Period

1. Selection of Contractor 30 days
2. Contractor Move-in and Initial -30 days Radiation Survey 3 Concrete Demolition.and Removal 60 days
4. Packaging and transfer of materials 20 days to burial site
5. Clean up and final release survey 30 days Total duration after NRC plan approval 170 days Of course, the schedule is subject to unforseeable delays and/or events beyond the control of UCLA.

3.3 Tasks Analysis 3 3 1 Contractor Move-in and Initial Radiation Survey inis initial task would involve setting up a temporary office for the Contractor, planning of f uture tasks, demarcation of work areas, health and-safety training of all employees, and an initial radiation survey by the Contractor. This survey would be based on the existing data supplied by UCLA indicating the current radiological status of the facility.

Room 201 (see Fig. 1.1) whion was formerly the control room is cleaned and can be used as an' of fice. It houses reactor records, health physics supplies, and a darment change room for donning protective clothing. It will be used as a control point of entry to the reactor room during decommissioning.

3 3.2 Concrete Demolition and Removal The concrete to be removed by the Contractor can be classified in several ways: composition, structural geometry, and neutron inouced radioactivity level. The latter is detailed in Table 1.1. A brief description of the other'two classification follows: Composi tion: Tncee different concrete mixes were used in forming the biological snield. These are: i 13.

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Type Density (lbm/ft 3)

Mix No.1 : Heavy Concrete 197 (207)

Mix No. 2: Extra Heavy Concrete 235 (247)

Mix No. 3: Conventional Concrete 147 (150)

For each mix, the first density is the builder's specification of minimum density. The density enclosed in parenthesis is the number used by UCLA in estimating weights as built. No further description of the mixtures has been found. Physical examination of core samples show a grayish continuum witn both lighter and very dark aggregates. The dark aggregate, with typical dimensions of a few centimeters, is magnetite. It is assumed that the concrete consists of a conventional concrete with magnetite substituted for some of the more commonly used aggregates.

3 3 2.2 Structural Geometry: The extra heavy concrete is found only in some of tne removaole blocks. Tne pecestal aid subfloor are assumec to be constructed of conventiona'. concrete.

The following estimates of volume and weight of on-site concrete are based upon gross volume of tne prismatic structure less the sum of voids (core, thermal column, and anield tank) and removable blocks plus a subfloor excavation.

Table 3.d. Summary of volume and Weight of Structures Types of Structures Mass Volge Densitg (ft ) (lbm/ft ) (tons)

Monolithic Structures 1196 150 89.7 1139 207 117.9 Pedestal 140 150 10.5 Removable Blocks 288 (see Table 3.3) 32.7 Excavation 52 150 39 Total 2315 254.7 Further dstalls of tnese structures are cescribed in the following paragraphs.

3 3 2 3 Monolithic Structures: Tne vendor drawings indicate tnat the upper 30 inches and west most 7e inches of the monolitn are constructed of 14.

conventional concrete, the remainder is heavy concrete. Tne monolithic structures contain reinforcing bar, electrical conduit, three steel be am port liners (each wing), and a steel plate in the western, conventional concrete, region of each wing. The single drawing that refers to tne plate specifies only a 24 inch width. Tne thickness sealer to 1/2 inch, the height is not specified.

3 3.2.4 The Pedestal: The pedestal runs the entire east-west length of the shield at a width of approximately 5 feet and rises 14 to 16 inches above the floor level. Tne height and widtn enange in discrete steps to reduce neutron streaming paths.

The pedestal contains tne embedded part of the reacter "framework' which supported the control blade system within the core. It is rectan6ular in outline consisting of two parallel 5 inch 5.? no. cnannels, .About 76 inches long with 24 inches lung end pieces of the same stock. The 21 inches inside distance between the long channels is further fixe d by two angles 5 inches x 5 inenes x 5/16 inenes perpendicular and weld >ad to the channels. One flange of each channel and one leg of each of the angles is visibly flusn with the top surf ace of tne pedestal . Because of mass and close preximity to the core center, this entity is likely to be the single most radioactive object to be encountered in the demolition wor %.

The pedestal contains some abandoned aluminum pipe and manifolding, and a centered floor drain whion t!mpties to the sump.

3 3 2.5 Removable Blocks: All of the removable blocks are fitted witn lifting lugs and are manageable with tne 10 ton crane and 4 cnain sling.

These blocks are described in Table 3.3 15.

l e

Table 3.3. Removable Blocks Type Dimension Volge Density Mass LxWxH (ft ) (lbm/ft 3) (tons)

(inches) l l

C8 90 x 50 x 30 92.25 207 9.55 Embedded Steel 1.50 480 0.36 C9 84 x 48 x 30 68.79 247 8.50 Embedded Steel 1.21 480 0.29 A+B 66 x 20 x 69 37.93 247 4.68 Void (15 ports) 11.98 0 0.00 Embedued Steel '2.13 4bo 0.51 A+B Port Plugs 10.32 247 1.27 Steel 1.56 480 0.38 C+D 66 x 10 x 60 42.03 247 5.19 Void (15 ports) 7.40 0 0.00 Embedded Steel 3.21 480 0.77 C+D Port Plugs 6.18 247 0.76 Steel 1.28 480 0 31

  • The locaticn of tnese blocks are shown in Fig. 3.1.

All blocks are edged with 2 inches x2 inches x 1/4 inches angle (3 19 lbm/ft3) and contain varying amounts of reinforcing bar. Tne rebar is sometimes terminated by welds to the center of edge strips. Blocks C-8 and )

C-9 eacn contain three cylindrical, vertical steel beam part liners, 35 inches x 3.125 inches x 30 inanes in C-8 and 2.5 inches x 2.125 inches x 30 inches in C-9.

Blocks A + B and C + D were cast as four separate entities eacn 10 inenes i thick and subsequently welded in pairs along adjacent edge strips to form two blocks eacn 20 incnes tnick. Bloce A+ B and block C + D caen contain 15 rectangular beam ports with matchind plugs. The void volumes indicated in the table above are the volumes of the plugs, consequently if the plugs are regarded as a portion of tne block, they do not contribute incremental volume to tne amount of concrete to be removed. Excavation: The volume is tnat of a spherical segment of base radius 49 inches extending to a depth of 22 inones below floor level.


__ _. ._ _ _ - , ~ , __ . . . . - - - _

C-8 C-9 enmn

'/ M X V N M J />

V 7 o m Pedestal East ,

Blocks removed during Phase l Blocks to be removed during Phase ll i

Fig. 3.1. Location of Removable Blocks I

l a

4 d

17. .

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3 3 2.7 Tne Bridge crane: The bridge crane is nominally of 10 ton capacity. Tne bridge runs north-south, the trolley east-west. Balconies limit crane travel in the east-west direction to within about 4 feet of the walls. Bridge carriage widtn limits crane travel to about 6 feet of tne north wall and about 8 feet of the south wall.

3 3 2.6 Balconies and s tairways : There is a reinf orced concrete perimeteral balcony at the second floor level on the nortn, east, and south sides of the reactoa room. It continues around the northeast and southeast corners, then drops to the elevation of the reactor top via a steel grid ramp. The steel grid structure continues across the west wall of the room, and supports a steel stairway to the first floor of the reactor room. This steel structure on the west wall is supported by steel beams partially supported by the monolith. Removal of tne monolith will require the installation of two columns to replace the two support points. Access: A ramp of 10% slope leaca upward from tne reactor room floor to tne cargo door and the exterior. The door width is about 92 inches and the useful height is limited to about 104 incnes by essential plumbing across the ramp ceiling. Because of the height limit, the largest capacity fork-lift that UCLA has found to be capable of entry is a five-ton unit.

3.3.3 Package and Transfer of Materials to Burial Site All the activatec metal components, concrete rubbie, any radioactive waste generated curing demolition would be securely packaged, surveyed, and shipped to a burial site in conformance with all tne governing regulations.

3 3.4 Clean-up and Final Release Survey Upon completion of the above tasks, a thorough decontamination will be done of tne reactor room and nearby areas and a final radiation survey will be performed for release of tne facility.

3 3.5 Final Report At the time of tne request for NRC termination survey, UCLA will submit a final report cetailing the results of its Final release survey.

3.4 Safe storage SAFSTOR ir no longer under consideracion.



There is no fuel on the site. Normal 1idustrial and physical security measures such as locked doors, limitea access to work areas, etc. will be undertaken to' prevent inadvertent or unauthorized entry.

r 6

5.0 RADIOLOGICAL ACCIDENT ANALYSIS Since no fuel is no site, this section is not applicable.

f 6.0 RADI0 ACTIVE MATERIALS AND WASTE MANAGEPENT 6.1 Fuel Disposal Not applicable.

6.2 Radioactive Waste Processing Decontamination of structures, equipment, and floors may generate some liquid radwaste. This will ce collected, monitored, and then released to the sanitary sewer, if under the limits of 10CFR20. Whenever possible efforts will be made to absorb or solidify any ' liquid waste during concrete demolition. Tne major. bulk of radwaste would be solid radwaste from demolition. These would include concrete rubble, activated metallic embeaments, equipment and tools, and other auxiliary materials. All'these would be packaged on site, surveyec, appropriately classified ~ in a waste a

class, and shipped to licensed disposal site.


19. ,


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7.0- TECHNICAL AND ENVIRONENTAL SPECIFICATIONS' UCLA's radiation protection program, its health ' .and safety limits, its i adherence to federal and state regulations, its experience in Phase I decommissioning demonstrate its capability to accomplish Phase 11 decommissioning without any significant impact to the environment or health and safety of the public. Besides, as shown in Table 1.1, about 75% of the

' total radioactivity in the concrete is-due to non penetrating-beta

, emitters. Hence, radiation field hazards are minimal. i 4

i i

i 8.0 TERMINATION RADIATION SURVEY PLAN 4 . I The details of- this termination survey plan would depend on the procecures J employed during decommissioning and the interim results of the radiation surveys. A thorough survey under the guidance of the document NUREG/CR 2082 of tne reactor and its adjacent rooms is planned.

1 1

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3 4

20. '

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