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Intervenor Exhibit I-OHIO-G,consisting of Undated Facility Certificate Application Re Excavation & Backfill & Summary of Static & Dynamic Soil Properties
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 08/06/1986
ML-I-OHIO-G, NUDOCS 8708120429
Download: ML20236P586 (2)


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The Toledo Idisen Oc=pany

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Davis-Besse Certificate Application DOL KE fil backfill. These include the borated water storage tank, electric uwkC h manholes, diesel oil storage tank, and the service water piping manholes.

In all cases, the factor-of-safety of ultimate bearing capacity E MAY 18 P6 :39


maximum contact stress was greater than five. These data are included Off!n - Ac in Table 1302-B-3 00CKETite 4 :L W!U iiHANCH Based on the gradation of the backfill material (crushed granular

=aterial er glacial till) and placement criteria, Catego:7 : backfill i

vill not underge differential consolidation or liquefaction under l the effects of the vibratory motions of the safe shutdevn earthquake.

Consequently, there i- no potential for these earthquake-induced phenomena to cause instability of the Category : backfill beneath the foundations of the station.

Excavation and Backfill Plan and profiles of structural backfill are presented in Figure 1302-E-19 Structural backfill in the station area vill consist of granular material obtt.ined frem off-site quarries and/or recompacted glacial till from borrow excavations.

Ctructural backfill is to be placed in loose lift thicknesses ranging frem 12 in. in large work areas to 6 in. in small verk areas.

Structural backfill is to be compacted to 98% of the maximum dry density determined in accordance with ASTM Specification ::c. Ef98 Method D, latest revisien, or to 807, relative density determined in accordance with ASW Specification : o. 000!.9 Sumnary of Static and Dynamic Soil Properties Major soil deposits at the site consist of a glaciciacustrine and a till deposit. The glaciolecustrine deposit censists of a stiff, N1JCLEAR RECllLATORY COMMIS$10N Docket No. N -3Vb M b Official Esh. No, la the matter of #


Staff Applicant . RECEIVED Intervenot .__ REJEC~lD Cent'g Off'r Actrac OATE


Other .

Witness N,.,,,, #4' 1302-B-17 t

8708120429 060006 PDR ADOCK 05000346 /

0 PDR g ,


  • The Toledo Edisen Cc pany Davis-Besse Certificate Application fissured, gray and brown silty clay. Representative values for selected static properties for the glaciolacustrine deposit are listed as follows:

Representative Property Value*

Range of thickness in statier, area, ft -6 to 10 Water content, %. 2h e

Liquid limit, % 51 Plastic limit, % 23 Tetal unit weight, lb/cu ft . 125 Unconfined compression strength,' tons /sq ft 35 Standard penetration resistance, blovs/ft 12.


Permeability, em/see less than 10 Ccepression index, C c 0.15 Recon:pression index, C r 0.h


s. ~

Coefficient of consolidation, C y, sq cm/sec 0 5 x 10 Range of maximum past effective consolidation pressure, tons /sq ft h to 12

No dynamic parameterc vere determined for glaciclacustrine deposit because no major structures are to be founded en the deposit.

The till deposit consists of a hard, fissured, grey to brewn silty sandy clay with generally less th9.n 10% gravel. Representative values for selected static and dynamic properties for till deposit are listed as follows:

Representative Property Value Range.of thickness in station area, ft 6 to 10 l Water content, % 15 i

, l O

1302-B-16 l

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