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Insp Rept 70-0824/87-02 on 870817-19 & 21.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Onsite Review of Liquid & Gaseous Waste Mgt,Environ Monitoring & Confirmatory Measurements
Person / Time
Site: 07000824
Issue date: 09/04/1987
From: Kahle J, Marston R
Shared Package
ML20238F656 List:
70-0824-87-02, 70-824-87-2, NUDOCS 8709160271
Download: ML20238F668 (8)


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'of REGION 18 o ]

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.... SEP 0.91987 i

I Report No.: 70-824/87-02 1 i

' Licensee: Babcock and Wilcox Company Naval Nuclear Fuel Division i Lynchburg, VA 24505-0785 j Docket No.: 70-824 License No.: SNM-778 Facility Name: Naval . Nuclear Fuel Division Research Laboratory

.. Inspection Conducted: August 17-19, and 21, 1987 Inspector: W- .I[87 -

R. R.- to Date Signed Approve'd by: .

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J.~B. Kahl6T Section Chief Date Signed Division of Radiation Safety and Safeguards


Scope: This routine unannounced inspection involved onsite review of liquid l' and gaseous waste management, environmental monitoring, and confirmatory measurements.  !

Results: No violations or deviations were identified.

I 8709160271 870909 PDR ADOCK 07000824 C PDR

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1. Persons Contacted
  • R. Tetrault, Vice President and General Manager
  • L. K. Trent, Manager, Regulatory Regulations
  • C. E. Bell, Manager, Facilities
  • R. L. Bennett, Manager, Safety and Licensing A. F. Olsen, License Administrator
  • G. S. Hoovler, Health and Safety Supervisor
  • D. R. Harris, Health Physics Senior Technician
  • Attended Exit Interview
2. Exit Interview l The. inspection scope and findings were summarized on August 21, 1987, with those persons indicated in paragraph 1 above. No violations or deviations were noted during the inspection. The licensee acknowledged the inspector's comments and expressed no contrary opinions. The licensee did not identify as proprietary any of the materials provided to or reviewed by the inspector during this inspection.


3. Licensee Action on Previous Enforcement Matters This subject was not addressed in the inspection.
4. Audits (88035, 88045, 84844)

License Condition 2.8.2 requires the Supervisor, Health and Safety or his designated alternate to conduct internal audits once a month for the purpose of evaluating the health physics aspects of operations. The License Condition further requires that the License Administrator be responsible for assuring the appropriate corrective actions are taken to address the audit findings. License Condition 2.8.3 requires the Safety Audit Subcommittee (SAS) to perform an audit of general safety and compliance of the Health and Safety Group at least annually. The License Condition also requires the License Administrator to be responsible for assuring that the appropriate corrective actions are taken to address the audit findings.

The inspector reviewed the Health and Safety Audit Reports for the fourth quarter of 1986 and the first quarter of 1987. The audit reports included a description of the audit, a list of specific findings and recommended .

corrective actions and a list of the status of items from previous audits. l The audits addressed health physics practices, general housekeeping and

  • occupational health. The inspector also reviewed the quarterly audits q performed in the current year by the SAS. These audits discussed the 3 areas audited, items requiring action, status of previous items, and J details of the audit. These audits appeared to be comprehensive. 1 The inspector reviewed documentation of Quality Assurance Audit of TMA Eberline, performed June 19, 1986, with the report dated June 25, 1986.


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1 Eberline has performed analyses of vegetation, sediment, an annual l composite of liquid radwaste and bioassay samples. Other audits of 1 Eberline from other licensees were in the file, supplied under the 1 auspices of the Coordinating Agency for Supplier Evaluation (CASE). The s licensee audited the vendor for compliance to 10CFR 50, Appendix B; )

ANSI-N323; NRC Regulatory Guide 4.15; and other standards.

No. violations or deviations were identified.

5. Procedures (88035,88045,84844)

License Condition describes the requirements for establishment, review, approval, and implementation of technical procedures. The inspector reviewed a selection of technical procedures (listed in Attachnent 1). The procedures had been reviewed, updated, and approved as required. The inspector noted that no procedures were in effect for reading the pressure differential across HEPA filters in effluent pathways, and no procedures were in effect for determining concentrations of radioactive material in gaseous effluent pathways. The pressure differential was read in accordance with the February 11, 1987, revision of the Health and Safety Weekly Checklist. A review of licensee records showed that the differential pressure check across HEPA filters had been performed weekly as required by License Condition A procedure number and title (LRC-TP-251, Calculating the Activity Concentration of Air Samples) was designated for analysis of air samples, but the procedure had not yet been released. Licensee representatives agreed to include these areas in their procedure development program; a six part program specified in the licensee's February 19, 1987, letter to Region II, subject: Responses to Notice of Violation (NRC Report No. 70-824/86-06).

Parts one and two of the program have been completed; no definite schedule has been established for the remainder of the program. The inspector stated that the progress of the procedures for weekly readings of differential pressure across HEPA filters and for calculating activity concentration in airborne samples would be tracked as an Inspector Followup Item: (IFI) 87-02-01: Develop and implement procedures for reading differential pressure across HEPA filters and for calculating activity concentration of airborne samples.

No violations or deviations were identified.

6. Records (88035, 88045, 84844)

The inspector selectively reviewed the following records:

HEPA Filter D0P Testing Logs from August 6,1986, through May 27, 1987.

Weekly HEPA filter pressure differential inspection records from January through June,1987.

3 Background (Environmental) Air Sample logs for January through June, 1987.

Effluent Air Sample logs (including Stack) for January 7, through August 5, 1987.

Environmental Sample Analyses (Eberline) for the second quarter of 1986 through the first quarter of 1987.

Liquid Waste Composite Strontium-90 Analysis (by Eberline) for 1986.

Liquid Waste Pumping Record / batch release analysis, August 11, 1986-August 4, 1987.

Environmental Sample Collection and Analysis, July 29, 1986-August 6, 1987.

LRC Hillside Annual Survey, November 5,1986 Sharp Low Beta Counter Calibration, plateau, source check, background check, and control charts for July 1986-July 1987.

Beckman Wide Beta II Counter standardization, plateau, source check, background check, and control charts for July 1986-July 1987.

ORTEC and PGT Gamma Spectroscopy systems calibration data and control charts.

Packard Tri-Carb Liquid Scintillation system calibration data and control charts for July 1986-August 1987.

Alpha and beta calibration source certificates.

No violations or deviations were identified.

7. Liquid and Airborne Effluent Sampling and Analysis (88035)

The inspector reviewed procedures, facilities, sampling and analytical equipment and methods, and resulting data produced by the program. Du ring a tour of the facility, the inspector noted the status of the sampling equipment and provisions for obtaining representative semples. Low level liquid waste was transferred from process areas to tanks in the Liquid l Waste Building, then on to the B & W Naval Nuclear Fuel Division (NNFD).

Prior to release to NNFD, the contents of the tank were mixed and sampled.

l If the contents were above specified limits, the contents were diluted to meet the concentration limits prior to discharge. It was noted that in some cases, contents of a tank near or above the limits were discharged t with another tank so the combined release would be below the concentration limits. Housekeeping appeared to be good in the Liquid Waste Building and no leaks were observed.



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No violations or deviations were identified.

- 8. Environmental Monitoring (88045)

The inspector reviewed the licensee's ' environmental monitoring program with respect to . license conditions 5.2 and 13.1. The inspector and a cognizant licensee representative toured the plant grounds and examined

-representative sample stations and equipment. Counting equipment in the

-Health Physics ' Laboratory and the Chemistry Counting Room were examined.

Records reviewed by the inspector indicated that calibrations were current and that the licensee had performed all required sampling and analysis.

No violations or deviations were identified.

9. Confirmatory Measurements (84844)

The inspector examined quality control records for the Health Physics Laboratory's counting systems and the Chemistry Counting Room's. Ge(L1) and

~ Liquid Scint111ator systems, Calibrations, source checks, backgrounds',

plateaus, and control charts were current. A licensee representative stated that control charts were now plotted manually rather than by computer.

As part of the confirmatory measurements program, the licensee agreed to send an airborne effluent sample (particulate sample) and a liquid waste sample with analytical results to Region II. This commitment and the results will be tracked as an inspe'ctor followup item: (IFI) 87-02-02: Provide effluent particulate filter and liquid waste sample with analytical results to Region II.

No violations or deviations were identified.

10.- IndependentInspection(92706)

!~ Shortly after 1:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 18, 1987, the inspector heard the evacuation alarm sound in Building B at the NNFD Research Laboratory.

The inspector was advised to evacuate the buil ing to the parking lot.

.The inspector noted that accountability was be119 taken es people arrived in the parking lot by licensee representatives. %ce the inspector's l escort had other duties, the inspector was turned over to one of the representatives taking accountability for escort purposes. Due to the t small size of the . organization, accountability was quickly and easily accomplished. The cause of the alarm was determined by the licensee to be a failure to disable two monitors in the Cask Handling Area, where a radiographic examination was being performed.

The licensee identified two deficiencies during the event:

  • The evacuation alarm was not heard in the SEM lab; and 1

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l A person entered Building B through a side entrance after the alarm had gone silent.

The inspector discussed these deficiencies and proposed corrective action during a. telephone conversation with the licensee's Senior License Administrator on August 27, 1987. The licensee representative stated that a decision had been made to install an alarm in the SEM, lab and further evaluation would have to be made to determine corrective action to prevent entry into the building after an alarm is silenced. No date for l completion of corrective action for either deficiency could be determined at this time.

The inspector stated that these items would be tracked as an Inspector Followup Item (IFI) 87-02-03: Ensure audibility of evacuation alarms, and prevent uncontrolled reentry of an evacuated building.

No violations or deviations were identified. - .

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l y ,, lk ATTACHMENT 1

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/ Technica1' Procedures Reviedd By Inspector n .,

LRC-TP-56, Procedure for DOP Testing HEPA.

Filters, Revision 1, July 23, ,


  • ~ LRC-TP-163, Building B Sharp Low Beta hounters, Revision 0, .Fehruary 19, 1982.

LRC-iP-164,. Building B Beckman Wide' Beta II Counting'Equipra.nt, Revision O, February 19, 1982. I 3

LRC-TP-182, Procedure for Changing Area TLD's and Film Badges, Revision 0, May 19, 1982.

LRC-TP-202, Stack Iodine konitor Calibration Procedure, Revision 0, December 6, 1982.

'LRC-TP-204, NMC Stack Gas Nonitor Calibration Procedure, Revision 0, December 6, 1982. ,

LRC-TP-210, Analysis of Radionuclides-in Soil by Gama Ray Spectroscopy, Revision 4, January 25, 1985.

LRC-TP-219, Efficiency Calibration for Gamma Ray Spectrometry System, Revision 0, . February 10, 1984.

LRC-TP-220, Gamma Ray Spectrometry System - Count Reproducibility Centrol Chart Preparation, Revision 0, February 10, 1984 ,

LRC-TP-221, Gama Ray Spectronietry System - Energy Calibration and Periodic Checks of Activity and Energy Calibration, revision 1, August 2, 1985.

LRC-TP-222, Gamma Ray Spectrometry System - Background Checks, Revision 0, February 10, 1984.

LRC-TP-223, Counting Procedure for Gamma Spectrometry - Measurements of Health Physics Samples, Revision 3, June 10, 1987.

LRC-TP-243, Environmental Vegetation Sample CollE tion, Revision 0, August 1, 1984.

LRC-TP/244, Environmental Sediment Sample Collection, Revision 0, August 23, 1984, LRC-TP-248, C'alculating the Activity Concentration of Water Samples, Pevision 0. December 4, 1984 s




Attachment 1 2 LRC-TP- 271, Standardization of the Beckman Wide Beta Counting Sysf~sm, Revision 0, March 21, 1985. ..g, r.,

LRC-TP-302, Liquid Scintillation System - Count Reproducibility Control '-

Chart Preparation, Revision 0, February 19, 1986. -

LRC-TP-309, Determination of Tritium Activity, Revision 0, March 6, } 86) }

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