IR 05000326/1999201

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Insp Rept 50-326/99-201 on 990223-25.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Maint,Engineering & Plant Support
Person / Time
Site: University of California - Irvine
Issue date: 03/25/1999
NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned)
Shared Package
ML20205B899 List:
50-326-99-201, NUDOCS 9903310397
Download: ML20205B903 (10)


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l License No: R-116

Report No: 50-326/99-201  !

i Licensee: University of California, Irvine ,

Facility: Department of Chemistry Nuclear Reactor Facility Location: Department of Chemistry University of California Irvine Irvine, CA 92697-2025 Dates: February 23-25, 1999 Inspector: Stephen W. Holmes, Reactor inspector

. Approved by: Seymour H. Weiss, Director Non-Power Reactors and Decommissioning Project Directorate Division of Regulatory improvement Programs Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation 9903310397 990325 PDR ADOCK 05000326 G PDR .

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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This routine, announced inspection consisted of the review of selected conditions and records since the last inspection, verification of corrective actions previously committed to by the licensee, and related discussions with licensee personnel. The inspection was conducted following the guidance of NRC Inspection Manual.

Operations e Staffing, reporting, and record keeping met requirements specified in Technical Specifications. Maintenance was being completed as required.

e The program for the control of experiments satisfied regulatory requirements and license commitments.

e Reactor operations conformed to TS and licensee procedural requirements. No safety concerns were identified.

e Reactor fuel movements and inspections were made and documented in accordance with procedure and the fuel elements were being inspected biennially as specified by TS.

e The material control and accountability program satisfied regulatory requirements. l SNM possession and use limits were satisfied.

e Facility procedures, operating records, logs, and document reviews satisfied TS requirements. Procedural compliance was acceptable. TS amendment on deferred Surveillances was issued. Inspection Follow-up Item IFi 50-326-97-201-02is closed, e The requalification/ training program was up-to-date and acceptably maintained.

Medical examinations were being completed as required.

e Organizational and administrative controls remain consistent with TS, and license requirements and commitments.

  • Review and oversight functions required by TS were acceptably completed by the Reactor Operations Committee. Meeting schedules satisfied TS requirements.

Inspection Follow-up item URI 50-326-97-201-01 is closed.

  • No problems with respect to the Year 2000 concerns had been identified in the area of reactor operational safety.

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Maintenance o The program for surveillance and Limiting Conditions of Operation confirmations was being implemented in accordance with TS requirements.

e Reactor maintenance was in accordance with the reactor's license conditions and T.S. requirements. Logs and records were acceptable.

Enaineerina e Design changes satisfied regulatory requirements.

Plant Support e Radioactive shipments were conducted in accordance with DOT and NRC regulations.

e. The licensee's security activities, facilities and equipment satisfied the physical security plan and licensee requirements.

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Report Details Egmmary of Plant Status


The reactor was being operated a few days per week in support of research and training programs.

1. Operations 01 Conduct of Operations 01.1 Reactor Staffina a. Insoection Scone (insoection Procedure 69001)

The inspector reviewed reactor staff qualifications, operations logs and records, selected events, and interviewed staff.

I b. Observations and Findinas Licensed staff consisted of the Reactor Supervisor (RS), and one other Senior l Reactor Operator (SRO) professor. The reactor staff satisfied the training and l experience required by the TS. Operation logs and records confirmed that shift l staffing met the minimum requirements for duty and on-call personnel. Since

! December 1995 direct support staff had consisted of a quarter time temporary technician. This position had previously been a permanent half time position until vacated in December 1991.

l c. Conclusions


l The operations staffing of the research reactor satisfied TS requirernents.

The inspector discussed with the RS, the Chair of Chemistry, the Dean of Physical Sciences and his Associate Dean that, although the licensed reactor staff meet TS requirements and is acceptable for the present operations workload, the staffing, especially support staff, might need to be augmented if operations increasc.

01.2 Control and Performance of Exoeriments j a. Inspection Scope (Inspection Procedure 69001)


The inspector reviewed a@oved experiment records, reactor logs, experimental data, Reactor Operations Committee (ROC) minutes, observed experimental runs, and interviewed staff and experimenters.

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2-l b. Observations and Findinas l l

Experiments and changes to approved experiments had been reviewed and approved as required by TS.

Review of the experiment data in the reactor log and observation by the inspector of two experi., ental runs verified that experiments were constrained as required by the l


TS and experiment authorization. The experiments were also installed, performed, and removed as outlined in the experiment authorization and licensee's procedures.

l c. Conclusions License control and performance of experiments met TS and licensee requirements.

01.3 Reactor Operations a. Insoection Scope (Insoection Procedure 69001)

The inspector interviewed staff, reviewed reactor operations, and periodic checkout, start-up and shutdown checklists. The inspector observed a start-up, a shutdown, and several experimental irradiations from insertion to retrieval.

b. Observations and Findings Reactor operations were carried out following written procedures and TS.

Information on operational status was recorded in log books and checklists as I required by procedures and TS. Events (e.g., rabbit broke) were noted and addressed in log books. Use of maintenance and repa:r logs complied with procedures and satisfied regulatory and licensee requirements.

c. Conclusions Reactor operations conformed to TS and licensee procedural requirements. No safety concerns were identified.

01.4 Fuel Handlina a. inspection Scope (69001)

The fuel handling and inspection records were reviewed.

i b. Observations and Findinas l

The inspector determined that the licensee was maintaining the required records of the various fuelinspections. No fuel mov3ments have occurred since the last inspection. The next fuelinspection is scheduled for November 2000.

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-3-c. Conclusions Reactor fuel inspection records were in accordance with TS requirements.

01.5 Materials Control and Accountability

. a. Insoection Scooe (85102)

The inspector reviewed locations of nuclear material and accountability documents.

b. Findinas and Observations i The inventory of selected material was verified. The material control and


accountability program tracked locations and content of fuel and fission detectors l under the research re actor license. The possession and use of special nuclear material (SNM) was limited to the locations and purposes authorized under the license. The material control and accountability forms (DOE /NRC Forms 741 and 742) were prepared and transmitted as required. No concerns were identified.

c. Conclusions The licensee was in compliance of the possession and use limits of the research ;

reactor license and had effective control of licensed materials.  ;

03 Operations Procedures and Documentation I a. Inspection Scace (Insoection Procedure 69001)

The inspector reviewed operating procedures and updates, reactor operating records and. logs, and ROC minutes. l

b. Observations and Findinas )

I Written procedures required by the TS were available and used by the staff. Use of l and adherence to the procedures was acceptable. Procedure changes had been reviewed and approved as required.

Records of power level, operating periods, unusual events, calibration and

maintenance procedures, installed experiments, and start-up and shutdown checks-were being kept. Also, a record of SRO evaluations of unanticipated / unscheduled scrams was being kept as required.

The licensee submitted and was issued a TS amendment on deferred Surveillances to bring them in line with current guidance in NUREG 1537. IFl 50-326-97-201-02


is closed.


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c. Conclusions Facility operational procedures satisfied TS requirements. Reactor operating records and logs were being maintained as required by TS.

05 Operator Training and Qualification Program a. Insoection Scooe (69001)

The requalification program records and NRC licenses were reviewed, b. Observations and Findinas Logs showed that licensed operators were actively performing their duties to maintain qualifications in accordance with regulatory requirements. Training records showed that written and operating examinations were being administered in accordance with requalification program requirements. Biennial medical exams had ;

been performed as required. '

c. Conclusions The requalification program was being acceptably implemented.

06 Organization and Administration a. insoection Scope (Insoection Procedure 69001)

-The inspector reviewed organization, staffing and administrative controls and interviewed management and staff.

b. Observations and Findinas Although a new

Dear had been appointed since the last inspection,

no functional changes in the management organization or administrative controls had been made, c. Conclusions Organizational and administrative controls remain consists at with TS and license requirements and commitments.

07 Quality Assurance in Operations a. Inspection Scope (Inspection Procedure 69001)

The inspector reviewed ROC minutes, annual reviews, audits, and interviewed staff.

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5-b. Observations and Findinos Membership and attendance at meetings satisfied TS requirements and the Committee's procedural rules. Review of meeting minutes showed that the committee provided guidance, direction and oversight, and ensured suitable use of the reactor.

The inspector confirmed that the ROC semiannual meeting schedule conformed to the school calender year. Committee meeting times satisfied TS requirements, inspection Follow-up item URI 50-326-97-201-01 is closed, c. Conclusions The ROC carried out its safety duties as required by license, TS, and administrative criteria.

07 Year 2000 Concerns Review a. Inspection Scope (69001)

The status of the licensee's preparations to deal with the potential problems caused by the Year 2000 (Y2K) was reviewed.

b. Observations and Findinas The licensee had reviewed their operations, security, and spectroscopy systems and had concluded that the only systems with computer components were the security and the spectroscopy or counting system used at the facility. The licensee had tested the security system and verified operation at dates beyond Y2K. The in house spectroscopy systems were not used for safety related functions. Nothing had been identified that would pose a problem to the reactor operations and no-instances were identified that could pose a threat to public health and safety.

c. Conclusions Y2K concerns were being addressed.

II. Maintenance M1 Surveillances and Limiting Conditions for Operation a. Insoection Scoce (Insoection Procedure 69001)

The inspector observed several tests, and reviewed selected surveillance records, data sheets and records of tests, licensee procedures, reactor logs, checklists, periodic reports, and interviewed staff.

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6-b. Observations and Findings Daily and other periodic TS required checks, tests, as well as verifications for limiting conditions for operations (LCO) were completed as required. Surveillance and LCO veritications were completed on schedule as required by TS and following licensee procedures, l

During the last two quarters when the reactor was shutdown for asbestos removal, a few procedure directed checks (not TS required procedures) were missed or performed late. Subsequent checks had normal results, The licensee stated that they would evaluate the needed frequency for these procedural requirements and ensure they were performed on time.

c. Conclusions The facility's program for surveillance and LCO confirmations satisfied TS requirements.

M2 Maintenance and Material Condition of Facilities and Equipment Scoce (Insoection Procedure 69001)

The inspector reviewed maintenance and reactor logs, ROC minutes, repair records, I and observed facility and equipment during an accompanied tour.

b. Observations and Findinas Routine / preventative maintenance was controlled and documented. Unscheduled maintenance or repairs were informally evaluated to decide that it did not cross over into being a facility change or if it did that it was approved under 50.59 criteria, j c. Conclusions '


Maintenance logs, records, performance, and maintenance reviews satisfied TS and procedure requirements.

Ill. Epaineerina l

l E1 Conduct of Engineering, Design Changes a. insoection Scope (69001)

A design change package was reviewed.

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b. Observations and Findinas The 10 CFR 50.59 design change package was reviewed for the addition to the reactor pool of a temperature probe to the secondary cooling system. The package considered the potential effect of the change on reactor safety in accordance with 10 CFR 50.59. It was tranemitted to the safety committee as required by TS.

c. Conclusions Design changes satisfied regulatory requirements.

IV. Elant Suonort R8 Radioactive Material Transfer a. insoection Scoce (86740)

The radioactive materials shipping program was reviewed for compliance with the requirements in Department of Transportation (DOT) and NRC regulations.

b. Observations and Findinas l The disposal of resins was reviewed. Records show that the material was transferred to the broad scope license in accordance with licensee requirements.

This program for radioactive material transport is consistent with license requirements.

The transport of radiological samples was also reviewed. Records showed that the j radioisotope type and quantities were calculated and dose rates were measured. .!

These records also showed that transportation of the radioactive materials were in accordance with DOT and NRC requirements.

l c. Conclusions  !

Radioactive shipment <. were conducted in accordance with DOT and NRC regulations.

S1 Security Activities, Facilities and Equipment a. Insoection Scope (81401/81421)

l The inspector reviewed the licensee's physical security plan and associated l


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l b. . Findinas and Observations l l

The physical security plan was acceptably secured against release to unauthorized


individuals. There were no changes to the plan since the last inspection.

The security system was as described in the NRC approved plan. Alarms and devices were tested as required. The log book records showed that response to an off-hour high radiation alarm was in accordance with the security plan. The records required by the security plan were retained.

The Reactor Supervisor has maintained liaisons with the University of California ,

Irvine Police Department (UCIPD) as required by the plan. UCIPD personnel  !

understood response procedures and requirements. I c. Conclusions The licensee's security activities, facilities and equipment satisfied the physical security plan and licensee requirements, i V. Manaaement Meetinas

X1 Exit Meeting Summary The inspector presented the inspection results to members of licensee management at the conclusion of the inspection on February 25,1999. The licensee acknowledged the findings presented.


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R. Chamberlin Chair, Department of Chemistry.

'F. Gallagher ll1 Radiation Safety Officer, Environmental Health and Safety

  • G. Miller Reactor Supervisor
  • P.J. Rogers Senior Reactor Operator J. Stern Dean, Physical Sciences K. Wolonsky Associate Dean, Physical Sciences
  • Attended exit briefing







l Closed URI 50-326-97-201-01 Determine if ROC meeting times satisfied TS requirements IFl 50-326 97-201-02 The licensee was to submit a TS amendment on deferred Surveillances bringing them in line with current guidance in l NUREG 1537. l i

PARTIAL LIST OF ACRONYMS USED DOT Department of Transl ortation LCO Limiting Conditions for Operations NRC- Nuclear Regulatory Commission RO Reactor Operator ROC- Reactor Operations Committee RS Reactor Supervisor SNM Special Nuclear Material

SRO Senior Reactor Operator l TS Technical Specifications l UCIPD University of California Irvine Police Department Y2K Year 2000 l