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Rev E3 to Calculation M-662, RHR & Core Spray Pump NPSH & Suction Pressure Drop
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 12/22/1997
From: Harizi P, Mileris G, White T
Shared Package
ML20202B485 List:
M-662, M-662-RE3, NUDOCS 9901290097
Download: ML20202B498 (114)


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i 1 1 l i BECo Calculation M-662, Rev. E3

                                                                             'I l

9901290097 990121 PDR ADOCK 05000293't.6i . P PDR ~ r s 1



RHR and Core Spray Pump NPSH and Suction Preliminary Calc. O Pressure Drop l Finalization  ; Discipline Division Manager: T.F. White Due Date: 5 Approval /s/: a : Final Calc. @ {} r i independent Reviewer: Geome V. Mileris /s/ Statement Attached W . Page(s) By: Philip D. Harizi Date Ch'k'd George V. Miteris Date Agreed '


I'I fh0 12-l5- 9 7 I dH -~ '

                                                                                                                    /r/2 Q 7           W     {

i i Note: Revision E1 provided NPSH analyses for 75 F heat sink temperature. l ' l Revision E2 is based on new stacked-dis: strainers and removes the debris head loss analysis. l- Revision (~3 is based on a new Containment Heatup analysis per License Amendment 173. This design analysis @ DOES. O DOES NOT require revision to aff ected design documents. Affected Design Documents: Refer to Calc M-664 for Potentially Affected Documents A PDC O IS, @ IS NOT Required. A Safety Evaluation @ IS. O IS NOT Required. Refer to SE-3127 This design analysis O DOES, @ DOES NOT affect the piping analysis index (pal). If the pal is affected. initiate a revision to Calculation M561. Minor revisions made on pages of this calculation. See next revision. Replaces Calc. No. Voided By Calc. No. O i Or Attached Memo l

   ' CALCULATION CHEET                                                PREPARED BY: PD14-             i
c, i

() Boston Edison I CALC.# M442 CHECKED BY: h l REV. E3 DATE 25-NOV 97 SHEET Z OF 103 , 1 l l Table of Contents Section Number Description 1.0 Statement of Problem 2.0 Summary of Results and Recommendations j 3.0 Calculation of Total Suction Losses and NPSH Available  ! 3.A Method of Solution 3.B Input Data and Assumptions 3.C Calculations / Analyses j 3.C.1 Suction Line Head L.oss Calculation 3.C.2 Net Positive Suction Head Calculation 3.C., Sump Hydraulic Performance 3.C.4 Maximum Allowable Pump Suction dP @ IST Conditions { 3.C.5 Containment Initial Conditions (0 Updated FSA.R NPSH Analyses and Figures 4.A Method of Solution 4.B Input Data and Assumptions 4C Calculations / Analyses 4 C.1 Definition of Terms 4.C.2 Equations 4.C.3 Benchmark Case 4 C.4 Updated FSAR NPSH Analysis and Figures 5.0 References 6.0 Attachments l l l l l l _ - . . _ . .

CALCULATION SHEET PREPARED BY: MH- . CALC. # M442 Boston EdiSOff CHECKED BY: REV. E3 DATE 25-NOV-97 SHEET 3 OF- 103 I 1 Table  ; Number Table Description l 1 Input Values , 2 Pump Suction Line Configuration l 3 Pipe Line Losses 4 Total Suction Loss 5 NPSH & Max Suction dP @ 130 F 6 NPSH & Max Suction dP @ 166 F 7 NPSH & Max Suction dP @ 185 F 8 NPSH & Max Suction dP @ 0 PSIG 9 Section 4 Inputs 10 Benchmark Case Containment Pressure Available and Required i1 Benchmark Case NPSH Available and Required 12 Containment Pressure Available @ 1%/ Day Leakage Rate 65 F Seawater Temperature 13 Containment Pressure Available @ 5%/ Day Leakage Rate 65 F Seawater Temperature 14 RHR Pump with 1%/ Day Leakage Rate - 65 F Seawater Temperature 15 Core Spray Pump with 1%/ Day Leakage Rate - 65 F Seawater Temperature 16 FliR Pump with 5%/ Day Leakage Rate - 65 F Seawater Temperature

 '17         Core Spray Pump with 5%/ Day Leakage Rate - 65'F Seawater Temperature 18-       Containment Pressure Available @.1%/ Day Leakage Rate 75 F Seawater Temperature 19        Containment Pressure Available @ 5%/ Day Leakage Rate 75 F Seawater Temperature 20          RHR Pump with 1%/ Day Leakage Rate - 75 F Seawater Temperature 21         Core Spray Pump with 1%/ Day Leakage Rate - 75cF Seawater Temperature 22          RHR Pump with 5%/ Day Leakage Rate - 75#F Seawater Temperature 23         Core Spray Pump with 5%/ Day Leakage Rate - 75 F Seawater Temperature 24          ECCS Pump NPSHA Over a Range of Pool Temperatures and Zero Containment Leakage
 - CALCULATION SHEET                                                 PREPARED BY:                        %Q.

CALC.# M462 h SOSf0f Edisorp CHECKED BY: MW REV. E3 DATE 25-NOV 97 SHEET 4 OF 103 2 Figure Number Figure Description 1 Evaluation of Sump Hydraulic Performance 2 Amendment 9 Benchmark Case - Original FSAR Figure 14.5-10 3 Amendment 9 Benchmark Case - Original FSAR Figure 14.5-9 4 FSAR Figure 14.5-10 NPSH Availability for RHR and Core Spray Pumps After a DBA-LOCA 65 F Seawater Temperature 5 FSAR Figure 14.5-13 NPSH Margin for RHR and Core Spray Pumps After a DBA-LOCA 65 F Seawater Temperature ' 6 FSAR Figure 14.5-18 NPSH Availabili.:y for RHR and Core Spray Pumps After a DBA-LOCA 75 F Seawater Temperature 7 FSAR Figure 14.5-19 NPSH Margin for RHR and Core Spray Pumps After a DBA-LOCA - 75 F Seawater Temperature 8 FSAR Figure 14.5-9 Total NPSH Available at Maximum Flow

CALCULATION SHEET gggg PREPARED BY: PD}f CALC.# M462 CHECKED BY: h REV. E3 DATE 25-NOV-97 SHEET 6 OF 103 1.0 Statement of Problem This calculation provides an analysis of NPSH conditions for the RHR and Core Spray Pumps during performance test conditions and determines the margin for NPSH available following the Design Basis Loss of Coolant Accident (DBA LOCA). Proper and reliable , performance of Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS) pumps requires adequate net i positive suction head (NPSH) which is defined as the absolute pressure at the pump impeller datum less the vapor pressure of the fluid being pumped. If the available NPSH is less than the NPSH required by the pump, cavitation will occur within the pump. Cavitation reduces the pump performance and may cause mechanical damage. It is necessary to calculate the head losses in the suction lines for the RHR and Core Spray Pumps under normal testing and accident conditions The suction head losses will be used to evaluate pump NPSH at the normal testing and DBA LOCA conditions to determine the minimum margin that will be available to accommodate potential degradation of the suction strainers from LOCA-generated debris. A fixed amount of margin is subtracted from the total available and is used as the basis for the maximum allowable strainer head loss at normal conditions to be applied during pump In-Service Testing (IST). l It is necessary to perform a time dependent analysis of NPSH conditions following the DBA LOCA using the predicted suppression pool temperature profiles and postulated values for containment leakage to determine the minimum NPSH margin that will be l available. The suppression pool profiles are based on the design basis recirculation line break DBA LOCA with 65 F and 75 F ultimate heat sinks Results from the analysis are presented in new FSAR figures showing the minimum NPSil margin for the low pressure ECCS pumps following a DBA LOCA. 2.0 Summary of Results and Recommendations i ! Table 4 provides the suction pressure drop that is calculated for each RHR and Core i I Spray Pump operating at the normal IST performance test conditions and at accident conditions The test condition value represents the pressure drop at the pump suction I l between the idle pump no-flow condition and with the normal pump test flow rate 1 i Tables 5,6, and 7 provide calculations of the available NPSH and margin for suppression  ; I pool temperatures of 130 F,166 F. and 185 F. These are the suppression pool temperatures at the stan and at the peak for the 65 F and 75 F heat sink design cases  ! [Refs 10 & 37]. Table 8 gives the available NPSH at the point of minimum NPSH margin l during the Suppression Pool cooldown when containment pressure drops back to o psig. l With the suction conditions degraded due to LOCA-generated debris, a positive NPSH margin must be maintained at the peak pool temperature based on the corresponding

l CALCULATION SHEET g gg PREPARED BY: PDit CALC.# M-662 CHECKED BY: M REV. E3 DATE 25-NOV-97 l SHEET 6 OF 1o3 wetwell pressure shown on Figures 4 and 6 (described below). Evaluation of the ECCS , pump NPSH conditions with LOCA-generated debris is included in Ca'.ulation M-734 l [Ref. 39]. Conditions associated with the DBA LOCA are used because this event produces the highest peak in suppression pool temperature. Table 8 provides the available NPSH and margin for the point of minimum NPSH margin l following a DBA LOCA based on the results shown in Figures 5 and 7 (described below). l The 128 F data corresponds to the 5% per day leakage case at the peint of minimum l margin when the containment pressure has decreased to atmospheric pressure for the 65 F ! heat sink design case. The 124 F data corresponds to the 1% per day leakage case and the 132 F data corresponds to the 5% per day leakage case at the point of minimum margin when the containment pressure has decreased to atmospheric pressure for the 75 F heat sink design case. ! Figures 4 and 6 provide graphical presentations of the calculated values for " primary l containment pressure" and the " containment pressure necessary to meet NPSH required" for both the RHR and Core Spray pumps after a DBA LOCA with 65 F and 75 F heat ! ' sinks. Containment pressure is evaluated for a containment leakage rate equal to the l Technical Specification (TS) limit (1%/ day) and 5 times the TS limit (5%/ day). Figures 5 and 7 provide graphical presentations of NPSH margin as a function of time i after a DB A LOCA with 65 F and 75 F heat sinks. The margin curves shown on this  ! figure are the difference between the primary containment pressure and the containment l pressure required to meet the NPSHa for the pump. The Core Spray pumps are predicted j to have smaller NPSH margin throughout the accident response. For the 65 F heat sink l i case, the point ofleast margin for the Core Spray pump occurs during the suppression  ! pool cooldown, approximately 39 hours afler the accident at which time Core Spray pump l l margin is approximately 10.6 feet. The minimum RHR pump margin occurs at the same l time and is approximately 11.7 feet. For the 75 F heat sink case, the point ofleast margin l for the Core Spray pump occurs during the suppression pool cooldown, approximately 72 j hours afler the accident at which time Core Spray pump margin is approximately 10 0 feet. 1 The minimum RHR pump margin occurs at the same time and is approximately iI 2 feet From these total NPSH margin values 2 feet are deducted and the remaining margin is the minimum available for accornmodating LOCA-generated debris on the suction strainers. Based on the information pre:sented, substantial NPSH margin will be available to assure reliable operation of the RHR and Core Spray pumps Available NPSH will exceed l required NPSH over the entire range of suppression pool temperatures that are predicted j following the DBA LOCA. To complete an analysis for the adequacy of NPSH available i to the RHR and Core Spray pumps, a debris head loss analysis must be performed for l comparison to the margin for NPSH available presented in this calculation The debris I analysis and comparison to the NPSH margin is included in Calculation M-734 [Ref 39). l


                               $ Boston Edison                                                         l

! CALC,# M-662 CHECKED BY: - - M 1 ! REV. E3 DATE 25-NOV-97


l l SHEET 7 OF 103

I 3.0 Calculation of Total Suction Losses and NPSH Available 3.A Method of Solution i This calculation determines the suction line losses for the RHR and Core Spray Pump. )

These losses are used to predict the suction pressure drop that will occur with a clean  ! strainer. The suction line head loss is calculated at the conditions for temperature and pump flow rate for the pump performance In-Sersice Test (IST). The calculation for  : suction head loss is repeated at the predicted accident conditions for wetwell temperature, l pressure, and pump flow rate. This calculation predicts the NPSH available at the ECCS pump suctions under accident conditions and the resulting margin between NPSH , Available and NPSH Required. A number ofvariables determine the margin for NPSil available to the pumps. Principally

      ' they are:

Suppression pool water level, temperature, and density. Wetwell pressure. Vapor Pressure of the suppression pool water. Pump suction line head loss which is principally a function of geometry and flowrate (which includes the clean suction strainer head loss). 3 The suction pressure drop as would be read on a pressure gage mounted at the pump suction is also calculated. The pressure drop is the difTerence in the pressure read with the  ! pump idle (0 gpm) and with the pump at the test flow rate. This measurement method cancels out the effect of gage height versus the datum such that only the delta-P is imponant. There is a maximum amount of strainer fouling that can be tolerated such that there will be l adequate NPSH to the ECCS pumps under containment accident conditions. This calculation determines the minimum margin for NPSH available to the ECCS pumps following the bounding DB A LOCA. A fixed amount of the total available margin is used to calculate the maximum pressure drop that may be allowed during routine pump performance testing. The allowable pressure drop for the test conditions is based on the calculated suction line losses at the accident conditions for wetwell temperature, pressure, and pump flow rate. The pressure drop at the test conditions (Poror-suuc - Poror.atwiso ) provides a measure of the dynamic pressure drop caused by resistances and restrictions in the suction line plus l the conversion of static head to velocity head as follows. l dP = Parar-snue - Paror.uivre; = Suction Line Pressure Drop + Velocity Head 1

CALCULATION SHEET gg g PREPARED BY: Pt>ff CALC.# M462 CHECKED BY: M REV. E3 DATE 2540V-97 SHEET 8 OF 103 The allowable suction dP is a fixed amount of NPSH margin allocated for surveillance testing purposes and must be of suflicient magnitude so that it is within a reasonable measurement range considering testing accuracy and repeatability. 3.B Input Data and Assumptions The physical configurations of the suction lines to the RHR and Core Spray Pumps are taken from the drawings listed in the Reference section. The head losses due to pipe fittings are in accordance with [Ref. 7]. Pipe friction values are based on the Moody diagram [Ref. 7]. The pipe roughness value was selected for steel pipe with light rust per [Ref. 8]. The strainer characteristics are in accordance with [Ref.14]. The design basis accident conditions inside containment are in accordance with [Ref 10,37]. The 5600 gpm RHR Pump flow rate is the mnout flow for single pump operation. This single pump value of flow bounds the per-pump flow for the two-pump case used in accident analyses [Ref.11,12]. The 4400 gpm Core Spray Pump flow rate is the runout flow rate assumed in the accident analysis (4100 gpm) plus a minimum flow recirculation flow rate of 300 gpm [Ref. I1,12]. The following assumptions apply:

1. The RHR and Core Spray Pump accident flow rates of 5600 gpm and 4400 gpm, respectively, correspond to the flow at zero reactor pressure.
2. The RHR and Core Spray Pump performance test Oow rates of 4800 gpm and 3300 gpm, respectively, correspond to the IST test conditions with 80 F torus water

l CALCUI.ATION SHEET gg PREPARED BY: PDS CALC,# M442 CHECKED BY: l REV. E3 DATE 25 NOV 97 SHEET 7 OF 103 3.C Calculations / Analyses 3.C.1 Suction 1 ine Head I,oss Calculation Definition of Terms  : l l K = resistance coefficientfor velocity headloss calculation Q = rate ofpow (gym) V = mean velocity offlow (ft'sec) hr = velocity head (ft) haar = headloss due topuidflow through valves andfittings (ft) htsrnmen " headloss due topow through a clean suction strainer (ft) - l htnee = head loss due topaw through suction pipe (ft) hst ~ total headloss due topow in the suction line with a clean suction strainer (ft) p = density (lbmft') g = acceleration ofgravity equal to 32.2ft'sec' dP = pressure drop at pump suction (psi) a = cross sectional area ofpipe or anfice, orpow area in valve (in') A = cross sectional area ofpipe or onfice, orpuw area in valve (ft')

 ,  d            =     internaldiameter ofpipe (in)

D = internaldiameter ofpipe (ft) c = absolute roughness (in) cD = relative roughness l l = frictionfactor in Equation 5 readfrom Moody diagram lRef 7] l L = length ofpipe (ft) 1:D = equivalent length ofa resistance topow, in pipe diameters v " kinematic viscosity (ft'sec) IIcad 1.oss Formulas Averarc Flow Velocity l' = (O 17 4805 x 160)


Eq I A Velocity IIcad hr = 1,2 Eq. 2 2R i ( - - _. . .-

CALCULATION SHEET g,gg PREPARED BY: PD}4-CALC.# M462 CHECKED BY: M REV. E3 DATE 25-NOV 97 SHEET 10 OF 103 Reynolds Number Re= Eq.3 v Losses For Valves and Fittines hieg = K y 2 Eq.4 2g Losses For Straight Pipe hipipe = f L' V* Eq.5 r D> 2g Clean Strainer Losses The clean strainer rated pressure drop was taken from Calculation M-667 [Ref. 38] and used to generate a table of values at different flow rates by using a flow-squared relationship. In addition, the initial pipe spool piece is 16" ID which connects to the 17.25" ID suction lines. A head loss K-factor for the sudden enlargement (K = 0.036) was rdded to obtain the total K-factor for the valves and fittings in each suction line. Total Line Loss hst =huar - htnre - h swuwa t Eq.6 Pump Suction Pressure Dron dP = (hst he ) x (p I44) Eq. ~ Note: This pressure drop (psi) represents the difference betu een the gage pressure readings taken at the pump suction w F *e pump idle (0 gpm) and with the pump at the normal flow rate. Since the gage i, ag from a static pressure tap, the velocity head (hr ) is added to the line loss to give ae total change in head


                                     $ Soston Edison l

CALC.# M462 CHECKED BY: b REV. E3 DATE 25-NOV-97 1 SHEET 11 OF 103 3.C.2 Net Positive Suction Head Calculation l Definition of Terms ) NPSHs = Netpositive suction head available at the centerline of the pump inlet (ft) NPSHa = Netpositive suction head required at the centerline of the pump inlet (ft) NPSHu = Net positive suction head margin: NPSHs - NPSHa (ft) hz = Elevation head ofsuppression pool water measured at the centerline of thepump inlet (ft) hst = Dynamic head loss caused bypow through a clean suction strainer and the i suction line (ft) Troot = Temperature of the suppression pool water ('F) 1 i Pc = Primary containment positive pressure (psig) Pm = Saturation vaporpressure at the temperature of the pumpedfluid (psia) Vsr = Specipe volume offluid(ft'ilbm) Eaustions , The NPSH available to the RHR and Core Spray pumps is-NPSH,, = h2-hSt + (14.696 + Pc - Sp)(144)(vsp) Eq. 8 The margin for NPSH available is: NPSH ti = NPSH,t - NPSHn Eq.9


Tota / Avallable Afargin is the arithmetic difference between the NPSH available and required as de(med above. Available Ala ginfor LOCA Debris is equal 1o 1he Total Available Afargin minus the fixed head loss of 2 feet allocated for pump in-senice te:, ting Constant Inputs

. NPSHa = lulR Pumps
27 feet at 5600 gym [Ref b}

Core Spray Pumps: 29 feet at 4400 gpm /Ref 5] hi = 12.5feetfrom minimum normal suppresuion water level (-3 '0") to the promp inlet centerline at (-15 '6 ") l Per = From the ASAfE Steam Table I " Properties ofSaturatedSteam andSaturated l Water (1'e mperature)" Vsr = Same as above.

CALCULATION SHEET gggg PREPARED BY: YD CALC.# M462 CHECKED BY: M REV. E3 DATE- 25-NOV-97 SHEET 12 OF 103 3.C.3 Sump Hydraulic Performance Sump hydraulic performance, with respect to air ingestion potential, can be evaluated on the basis of submergence level and inlet velocity. Submergence level refers to the water depth above the suction strainer outlet and inlet velocity is the water average velocity entering the strainer outlet pipe. These parameters are expressed nondimensionally as the Froude Number: y Froude Number = hs-V = mean velocity offlow (ftdec) s v water depth above strainer outlet pipe (ft) g = acceleration ofgravity equal to 32.2ft%ec' For BWR's, the air ingestion is zero for Froude Numbers less than 0.8 with a minimum submergence of 6 feet (Ref. 3]. The limiting case for the Pilgrim ECCS suction strainers is the suction line to the RHR pump from the common ECCS strainer since the RHR velocity is greater than for the Core Spray pump, with the evaluation as follows (refer to Figure 1): EL -3'0" = minimum tonis water level EL -l2'3" = strainer core pipe outlet top ofopening 7.69ft/sec = RHR inletpipe mean velocity id; 5600 gym (ID - l7.25 ") 7.69 FrouJe Number = = 0.45 Froude Number 0.45 < 0.8 and submergence 9.25 ft > 6 ft,

               /. Air ingestion potential = ZERO i

i i


                                         $ Boston Edison CALC.#           M462                                                                                          CHECKED BY:

REV. E3 DATE 25-NOV-97 SHEET /3 OF (03 3.C.4 Maximum Allowable Pump Suction dP a IST Conditions

   ,   The maximum allowable pump suction pressure drop as measured at the IST testing conditions is based on the total suction head losses plus the additional fixed head loss of 2 feet at the accident conditions for wetwell '.empetature, pressure, and pump flow rate. The total suction head loss (hst)is calculated at both the IST conditions for temperature and pump Dow rate and for the accident conditions. The fixed head loss of 2 feet at the accident conditions is used to calculate a
+      maximum dP for the test conditions that will ensure that NPSH s will meet or exceed the available margin for LOCA debris at the accident conditions using the following relationship:

dl%r = { [(hst-rux + h st ) x (hst-rest I hst.rux )} + hr.n:sr h x (prest I 14-1) i (Gj.10 d1%r = Maximum allowable suction pressure drop at ISTconditions (psi) h ist = Fixed head loss of 2 feet at accident conditions allocated to pump In-Service Testing (157) (fi) hst.rux = Suction head loss at accident conditions (ft)


hst-rest Suction head loss at IST conditions (ft) hr. rest = Velocity headatISTconditions (ft) prest = Density at ISTtemperature (thmft') 3.C.5 Containment Initial Conditions The initial conditions assumed for containment temperature and pressure prior to a DBA-LOCA are determined in accordance with BECo Calculation M-748 [Ref 40]: Volume Temperature Pressure Relative (ft') ( F) (psig) Humidity ($) Drywell 132.000 150 1 30 80 Wetwell Airspace 124,500 85 0 00 100 Calculate Initial Mass of Noncondensible Gas:

                  '(Pn + 14.696)-( Pyp)'(Vn )*i44i "~                                                              ,

Alp = fl (Drynii) R(T, f 460) i L . . .

CALCULATION SHEET Fd % PREPARED BY: WW CALC.# M-662 CHECKED BY: } REV. E3 DATE 25-NOV.97 SHEET /f OF 103 2 (Pg + 14.696)-(pPyp) (Vy)*l44 in My= (wetwell) R(7jy + 460) where: R = 53.3 fl-lbf/lbm- R Pir = 17184 psia @ 150 F 961 psia @ 85 F Dryweil = 7,613 lbm Wetwell Airspace = 8,702 lbm Total Noncondensible Gas = 16,315 lbm The value of 16,315 lbm is used as the initial nitrogen mass inside containment at the stan of the DBA-LOCA. This mass of nitrogen is based on a Drywell volume of 132,000 ft' which is a conservatively low value for determining the minimum credible initial mass. The DB A-LOCA involves a breakdown of the reactor vessel pressure boundary with subsequent flooding of only the core volume within the reactor shroud. Therefore, the Drywell volume used to calculate the containment pressure Pc after a DBA-LOCA is conservatively based on the larger volume of 147,000 ft' as was used in the original FS AR NPSH analysis. l

CALCULATION SHEET . gggg PR2DARED DY: Ppn-CALC.# M462 CHECKED BY: M REV. E3 DATE 25-NOV-97 SHEET ff OF fo3 Evaluation of Sump Hydraulic Performance 2 Strainers w/ 2 RHR & 1 Core Spray Suction Nozzle Each Stacked Disk Construction with Horizontal Core Tube 2 Strainer Screen Area = 670 ft Each Screen Openings = 1/8" Diameter 40% Open Area 0.120' Thick Rated Head Loss = 0.5254 psi at 10,000 GPM l Torus Mnmum Water Levell u l EL -3'0" l l s a Minimum Submergence = 9 Y l Torus l l E L -12'3"l"

                                                             -                        N  18" Outlet Pipe for Each Pump RHR Flow V = 7 69 ft/sec

[Refs.13,14,15,38] l Strwner 24" Core Pipe @ 5600 GPM per Pump l Figure 1


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               $                O 9
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              -i 5       5l g    C Table 1 - Input Values                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        "            h E    O Friction Factor f for 18" Fitti. gs =                                         0.012                                                                                                                                                           E                  4    Z Piping Absolute Roughness e (in) =                                                            0.006                                              -

2 $ e (ft) = 0.00050 S Q o

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            '           5!          -1 lK Values (Crane)                                                                              ]   45 EL    l 90 LR EL l 90 SR EL                                     Tee Branch l Tee Run l Gate Valve l B' fly Valve Effective UD for Fitting                                                                            10     1              14                      20                                60                         20                   8      25                                g fr Turbulent Flow Friction Factor K = (UD)
  • f r FOR 18" FITTINGS 0.0120 0.120 0.0120 0.168 0.0';20 0.240 0.0120 0.720 0.0120 0.240 0.0120 0.096 0.0120 0.300 3" g g.

4 lK Values (Calculated) l 56 EL l 64 EL l Flex Joint Effective UD for Fitting i 12.4 1 14.2 8 fr Turbulent Flow Friction Factor l 0.0120 0.0120 0.0120 K = (UD)

  • fi FOR 18' FITTINGS l 0.149 0.170 0.096 lK Values (Crane) l Expand l Reducer ,

[' Effective K for Fittings Pipe Eccentric independent of Friction Factor 16 x 17.25 18 x 12 K = fixed 0.036 0.090 RHR and Core Spray Pumps 0 s Suction Strainer Loss (Clean) Flow Loss (psi) Loss (ft) y Q o > 3000 0.047 0.112 0.136 Q $ O 3500 0.057 O 3600 3750 0.068 0.074 0.161 0.175

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              $. E 4100                 0.088                0.209 4400                 0.102                0.241                                                                                                                                      g 4600                 0.111                0.263                                                                                                                               9      U 4800                 0.121               0.287                                                                                                                                       @

5000 0.131 0.311 5100 0.137 0.324 5600 0.165 0.390 Rated delta 0.5254 psi at 10000 gpm 10000 0.525 1.245 RHR/CS NPSH Calc 25-NOV-97 File = RHRSST03.XLS l

Table 2 - Pump Suction Line Configurelion to 2 O o ' L Length d Di meter D Diimeter a Area A Ares pipe g m g g l Pipe No. (ft) (inches) (ft) 2 (in ) (ft ) 2 Pipe Class Schedule m - O g Std

  • CS A-1 79.0 17.25 1.44 233.71 1.62 18*-HL/HD g CS A-2 1.0 11.25 0.94 99.40 0.69 12"-HD Std g g CS B-1 79.0 17.25 1.44 233.71 1.62 18"-HUHD Std - g O CS B-2 1.0 11.25 0.94 99.40 0.69 12"-HD Std g h RHR A 94.0 17.25 1.44 233.71 1.62 18"-HUHB Std a g RHR B 56.0 17.25 1.44 233.71 1.62 18"-HL/HB Std m O m RHR C 56.0 17.25 1.44 233.71 1.62 18"-HUHB Std n RHR D i 94.0 17.25 1.44 233.71 1.62 18"-HUHB Std Valve or CS A-1 CS A-1 CS A-2 CS A-2 CS B-1 CS B-1 CS B-2 ' CS B-2 3 ;h g Fitting Count K Count K Count K Count K w O w l

45 EL l 4 0.480 1 0 0.000 4 0.480 0 0.000 6 90 LR EL i 1 0.168  ! 0 0.000 1 0.168 0 0.000 90 SR EL I 3 0.720 0 0.000 3 0.720 0 0.000 56 EL ' 1 0.149 0 0.000 1 0.149 0 0.000 Flex Joint 1 0.096 I O 0.000 1 0.096 0 0.000 Tee Branch 0 0.000 i 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 Tee Run 1 0.240 , 0 0.000 1 0.240 0 0.000 Gate Valve 1 0.096 O 0.000 1 0.096 0 0.000 ' Butterfly ValvC 1 0.300 0 0.000 1 0.300 0 0.000 l Expand 1 0.036 1 0 0.000 1 0.036 0 0.000 Reducer 0 0.000  ! 1 0.090 0 0.000 1 0.090 V & F Total K = 2.285 0.090 2.285 0.090 o 3 m T . Valve or RHR A RHR A RHRB RHR B RHR C RHR C RHR D RHR D m g Fitting Count K Count K Count K Count K ;x: x 45 EL 3 0.360 3 ' O.360 3 0.360 3 0.360 l $ $ 90 LR EL 4 0.672 2 0.336 2 0.336 4 0.672 y

                                                                                                                                                                                                     "y 90 SR EL !                          0              0.000       .

0 0,000 0 0.000 0 0.000 56 EL  ! 0 0.000 i 1 0.149 1 0.149 0 0.000 64 EL i 1 0.170 0 0.000 0 0.rA0 1 0.170 g i 0.096 0.096 0.096 Flex Joint i 1 0.096 1 1 1 0.000 4 Tee Branch ! 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 Tee Run 1 0.240 1 0.240 1 0.240 1 0.240 Gate Valve 1 0.096 1 0.096 1 0.096 1 0.096 l Butterfly Valve, 1 0.300 1 0.300 1 0.300 1 0.300  !

   !     Expand                      '

1 , 0.036 1 0.036 1 l 0.036  ; 1 0.036  ! Reducer 0 , 0.000 0 0.000 0  ! 0.000 1 0 j 0.000 f V & F Total K = 1.970 1.613 1.613 1.970 RHR/CS NPSH Calc 25-NOV-97 File = RHRSST03.XLS \ __ -.. ._

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          $  k     O   O Table 3 - Pipe Line Losses                                                                                                                                                                             @  5     6   5 (Eq 1)       (Eq3)          (Ref 8)   (Ref 7)                      (Eq4)

Valves & (Eq5) 0 h f y _ g Reynolds Pipe Relative Pipe Fittings Pipe 0* g z Flow Rate Velocity V Number Roughness Friction h tvar he pin _ $ @ Pipe No. Q (gpm) (ft/sec) Re e/D Factor f (ft) (ft) y @ O rY -4 For Torus Testing Temp Tpoot (F) = 80 CS A-1 3300 4.53 6.93E+05 0.00035 0.0160 0.73 0.28 CS A-2 3300 10.65 1.06E+06 0.00053 0.0170 0.16 0.03 U CS B-1 3300 4.53 6.93E+05 0.00035 0.0160 0.73 0.28 E

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          "  h CS B-2              3300                 10.65     1.06E+06        0.00053    0.0170                        0.16     0.03                                                                                 <

RHR A 4800 6.59 1.01E+06 0.00035 0.0160 1.33 0.71 4 RHRB 4800 6.59 1.01 E+06 O L 35 0.0160 1.09 0.42 RHR C 4800 6.59 1.01E+0G 0.000 ^, E 0.0160 1.09 0.42 RHR D 4800 6.59 1.01 E+06 0.00035 0.0160 1.33 0.71 For Torus Peak Temp Tpoot (F) = l 130 l. CS A-1 4400 6.04 1.55E+06 0.00035 0.0158 1.29 0.49 CS A-2 4400 14.20 2.38E+06 0.00053 0.0170 0.28 0.06 CS B-1 4400 6.04 1.55E+06 0.00035 0.0158 1.29 0.49 CS B-2 4400 14.20 2.38E+06 0.00053 0.0170 0.28 0.06 RHR A 5600 7.69 1.98E+06 0.00035 0.0158 1.81 0.95 RHR B 5600 7.69 1.98E+06 0.00035 0.0158 1.48 0.56 o 3 RHR C 5600 7.69 1.98E+06 0.00035 0.0158 1.48 0.56 5 @ RHR D 5600 7.69 1.98E+06 0.00035 0.0158 1.81 0.95 Q $ 8 8 For Torus Peak Temp Troot (F) = 166 cn tn , l l 5 ' CS A-1 4400 6.04 2.05E+ 06 0.00035 0.0155 1.29 0.48 CS A-2 4400 14.20 3.15E+06 0.00053 0.0170 0.28- 0.06 CS B-1 4400 6.04 2.05E+06 0.00035 0.0155 1.29 0.28 0.48 0.06

p CS B-2 4400 14.20 3.15E+06 0.00053 0.0170  ;

RHR A 5600 7.69 2.61E+06 0.00035 0.0155 1.81 0.93 RHR B 5600 7.69 2.61 E+06 0.00035 0.0155 1.48 0.55 RHR C 5600 7.69 2.61E+06 0.00035 0.0155 1.48 0.55 RHR D 5600 7.69 2.61 E+06 0.00035 0.0155 1.81 0.93 RHR/CS NPSH Calc 25-NOV-97 File = RHRSST03.XLS

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 $ b   $   $

Table 3 (Cont.) - Pipe Line Losses (Eq1) (Eq3) (Ref 8) (Ref 7) (Eq4) (Eq5) h-h*g m _4 Valves & z g 5 Reynolds Pipe Relative Pipe Fittings Pipe gZ w Flow Rate Velocity V Number Roughness Friction htvar he pipe g z, Pipe No. Q (gpm) ~ (ft/sec) Re e/D Factor f (ft) (ft) A rri For Torus Peak Temp Tpoet (F) = 185 MM CS A-1 4400 6.04 2.32E+06 0.00035 0.0155 1.29 0.48 y CS A-2 4400 14.20 3.55E+06 0.00053 0.0170- 0.28 0.06 s y CS B-1 4400 6.04 2.32E+06 _0.00035 0.0155 1.29 0.48 3 o g CS B-2 4400 14.20 3.55E+06 0.00053 0.0170 0.28 0.06 5 W RHR A 5600 7.69 2.95E+06 0.00035 0.0155 1.81 0.93 0 RHR B 5600 7.69 2.95E+06 0.00035 0.0155 1.48 0.55 RHR C 5600 7.69 2.95E+06 0.00035 0.0155 1.48 0.55 > RHR D 5600 7.69 2.95E+06 0.00035 0.0155 1.81 0.93 i O A E 9 9 s 8 8 AA T-RHR/CS NPSH Calc 25-NOV-97 File = RHRSST03.XLS

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               $       k S
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          'O              $

Table 4 - Total Suction Loss @ 6 E (Table 3) (Table 3) (Table 1) (Eq6) Total (Eq 2) (Eq7) Total 0 fd E Valve & Total Piping Clean Suction Suction Velocity Suction $ z Fitting Head Loss Strainer Head Loss Head @ Pi Pressure y Flow Rate Losses hevy h tpipe hL STRAINER hst hv Drop j g Pump No. Q (gpm) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (psi) O M -4 For Torus Testing Temp Tpoot (F) = 80 Core Spray A 3300 0.89 0.31 0.14 1.33 1.76 1.34 DI Core Spray B 3300 0.89 0.31 0.14 1.33 1.76 1.34 6 E RHR A RHR B 4800 4800 1.33 1.09 0.71 0.42 0.29 0.29 2.32 1.79 0.67 0.67 1.29 1.07 h h RHR C 4800 1.09 0.42 0.29 1.79 0.67 1.07 RHR D 4800 1.33 0.71 0.29 2.32 0.67 1.29 For Torus Peak Temp Tm (F) = l 130 l Core ^rray A 4400 1.58 0.55 0.24 2.37 3.13 2.35 Core Spray B 4400 1.58 0.55 0.24 2.37 3.13 2.35 RHR A 5600 1.81 0.95 0.39 3.15 0.92 1.74 . RHR B 5600 1.48 0.56 0.39 2.44 0.92 1.43 RHR C 5600 1.48 0.56 0.39 2.44 0.92 1.43 RHR D 5600 1.81 0.95 0.39 3.15 0.92 1.74 S m b t For Torus Peak Temp Troot (F) = l 166 l Core Spray A 4400 1.58 0.54 0.24 2.36 3.13 2.32 O N Core Spray B 4400 1.58 0.54 0.24 2.36 3.13 2.32 $ $ RHR A 5600 1.81 0.93 0.39 3.13 0.92 1.71 tn to , RHR B 0.55 0.39 2.43 0.92 1.41 5 5600 1.48 ' RHR C 5600 1.48 0.55 0.39 2.43 0.92 1.41 RHR D 5600 1.81 0.93 0.39 3.13 0.92 1.71 , h v For Torus Peak Temp Troot (F) = l 185 l  ; Core Spray A 4400 1.58 0.54 0.24 2.36 3.13 2.31 Core Spray B 4400 1 58 0.54 0.24 2.36 3.13 2.31 RHR A 5600 1.81 0.93 0.39 3.13 0.92- 1.70 RHRB 5600 1.48 0.55 0.39 2.43 0.92 1.40 RHR C 5600 1.48 0.55 0.39 2.43 0.92 1.40 RHR D 5600 1.81 0.93 0.39 3.13 0.92 1.70 RHR/CS NPSH Calc 25-NOV-97 File = RHRSST03.XLS

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          $                               $   $          h a5
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         -4 5
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ~, . C o

Table 5 - NPSH & Max Suction dP @ 130F ,. (Table 4) (Eq8) (Ref S&6) (Eq9) (Eq 10) g g 5 i - Z g Available Max Suction u @ Suction Suction Total Ma. gin for dP S Q Torus Elev Head Wetwell Available LOCA Measured O M -1 Temp Vapor Spec Head Loss Press Available Required Margin Debris @ IST - Tpoet Press Pvp Volume Vsp hz hst Pc NPSHA NPSHa NPSHu NPSHu conditions 3 (F) (psia) l (ft'/lbm) (ft) (ft) (psig) (ft) ' (ft) (ft) (ft) (psi) o E Core Spray Pumps A & B @ 4400 GPM: h 130 2.2230 0.016247 12.50 2.38 0.00 39.30 29.00 10.30 8.30 1.82 $ 2.00 43.98 29.00 14.98 12.98 1.82 5.00 51.00 29.00 22.00 20.00 1.82 RHR Pumps A & D @ 5600 GPM: 130 2.2230 0.016247 12.50 3.20 0.00 38.48 27.00 11.48 9.48 1.92 2.00 43.16 27.00 16.16 14.16 1.92 5.00 50.18 27.00 23.18 21.18 1.92 ==. RHR Pumps B & C @ 5600 GPM: g - 130 2.2230 0.016247 12.50 2.46 0.00 39.22 27.00 12.22 10.22 1.70  ; 2.00 43.90 27.00 16.90 14.90 1.70 g j 5.00 50.92 27.00 23.92 21.92 1.70 g m

  • Q $
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             'n          B m           =

Note. Wetwell pressures of 2.0 & 5.0 psig are presented for information. $ $


RHR/CS NPSH Calc 25-NOV-97 File = RHRSST03.XLS ,

g g O g .< gR H i c Table 6 - NPSH & Max Suction dP @ 166F , h (Table 4) (Eq8) (Ref S&S) (Eq9) (Eq 10) tg g h-Z' 14 g Available Max Suction u $ Suction Suction Total Margin for dP S Q Torus Elev Head Wetwell Available LOCA- Measured O M M Temp Vapor Spec Head Loss Press Available Required Margin Debris @ IST Tpcxx Press Pvp Volume Vsp h2 hst Pc NPSHA NPSHa NPSHu NPSH, Conditions M (F) (psia) (ft'/lbm) (ft) (ft) (psig) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (psi) h Core Spray Pumps A & B @ 4400 GPM. 166 5.4620 0.016428 12.50 2.38 0.00 31.96 29.00 2.96 0.96 1.82 h 3.21 39.56 29.00 10.56 8.56 1.82 4.70 43.08 29.00 14.08 12.08 1.82

                                        ~                   ~ ~ ~ ~                            ' '~

~RAR' Pumps A & D @ 55 0 GPM:' 166 5.4620 0.016428 12.50 3.20 0.00 31.14 27.00 4.14 2.14 1.92 3.21 38.74 27.00 11.74 9.74 1.92 4.70 42.26 27.00 15.26 13.26 1.92. . RHR Pumps B & C @ 5600 GPM: 166 5.4620 0.016428 12.50 2.46 0.00 31.88 27.00 4.88 2.88 1.70 3.21 39.48 27.00 12.48 10.48 1.70 g j 4.70 43.00 27.00 16.00 14.00 1.70 g m Q $ 8 9 m m Note: Wetwell pressure of 3.21 psig is the minimum required pressure at 166F to maintain the minimum NPSH margin of 10.56 ft from Table 8 for the limiting Core Spray Pump at 128F. Wetwell pressure of 4.70 psig is the equilibrium pressure at the 166F peak pool temperature. J


l RHR/CS NPSH Calc 25-NOV-97 File = RHRSST03.XLS

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             . (n                   :D   o     o m                -k   ?     h Table 7 - NPSH & Max Suction dP @ 185F                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              m                     'o    o
  • C (Table 4) (Eq8) (Ref S&6) (Eq9) (Eq 10) {

m _4 M " Available Max Suction g O 1 Suction Suction Tntal Margin for dP g h f Torus Elev Head Wetwell Available LOCA Measured a g  ! Temp Vapor Spec Head Loss Press Available Required Margin Debris @IST $ m Tpoot Press Pvp Volume Vsp Pc NPSH4 NPSHg NPSHu NPSHu Conditions n m hz hst (F) (psia) (ft'/lbm) (ft) (ft) (psig) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (psi) , Core Spray Pumps A & B @ 4400 GPM: _,, 185 8.3855 0.016541 12.50 2.38 0.00 25.15 29.00 -3.85 -5.85 n/a 8 h 3 2.46 31.01 29.00 2.01. 0.01 1.82 5 W 5.82 39.01 29.00 10.01 8.01 1.82 0 8.00 44.21 29.00 15.21 13.21 1.82 RHR Pumps A & DYS606 GPMi 185 8.3855 0.016541 12.50 3.20 0.00 24.33 27.00 -2.67 -4.67 n/a 2.46 30.19 27.00 3.19 1.19 1.92 5.82 38.19 27.00 11.19 9.19 1.92 8.00 43.39 27.00 16.39 14.39 1.92

                                                                            ~                                       "

RHR Pumps B & Cg5660 GPM: 185 8.3855 0.016541 12.50 2.46 0.00 25.07 27.00 -1.93 -3.93 n/a y 2.46 30.93 27.00 3.93 1.93 1.70 o x , 5.82 38.93 27.00 11.93 9.93 1.70 m $ 8.00 44.13 27.00 17.13 15.13 1.70 Q $ m m >

                                                                                                                                                                                                 . _ _ . - . - . . . _ . - -                                                                                     -              ----          .                                                          D. O Note: Wetwell pressure of 2.46 psig is the minimum required pressure at 185F to maintain a positive                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          3 U

Available Margin for LOCA Debris for the limiting Core Spray Pump. ' Wetwell pressure of 5.82 psig is the minimum required pressure at 185F to mair.tain the minimum NPSH margin of 10.0 ft from Table 8 for the limiting Core Spray Pump. Wetwell pressure of 8.00 psig is the equilibrium pressure at 185F peak pool temperature. RHR/CS NPSH Calc 25-NOV-97 File = RHRSST03.XLS  ;


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             $ k   O Table 8 - NPSH & Max Suction dP @ 0 PSIG                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        $ -< 5  ~

(Table 4) (Eq8) (Ref S&6) (Eq 9) (Eq 10) M

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   *f  A Available Max Suction                                                                                                        p    E     O Suction     Suction                                                                                                          Total          Margin for                                                             dP                                                    +    6     Z To ,                                                                                                                  Elev        Head         Wetwell                                                                             Available                      LOCA                                        Measured                                                                             O     $

Temp Vapor Spec Head Loss Press Available Required Margin Debris @ IST S- E Tecxx Press Pvp Volume Vsp 3 bz hst Pc NPSH4 NPSHa NPSHu NPSHu Conditions Qm (F) (psia) (ft /lbm) (ft) (ft) (psig) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (psi) . Core Spray Pumps A & B @ 4400 GPM _ 5 Pool Temp @ 0 psig: _ 124 1.8901 0.016221 12.50 2.38 0.00 40.03 29.00 11.03 9.03 1.82 5 128_ 2.1068_ _0.01_6238 12.50 0.00 39.56 29.00 _ _ _10.56 8.56 1.82 2_.38 132 2.3445 0.016256 12.50 2.38 0.00 39.03 29.00 10.03 8.03 1.82 RHR Pumps A & D @ 5600 GPM Pool Temp @ 0 psig: = 124 1.8901, 0.016221 12.50 _ 3.20 , _ __0.00 39.21 23.00 _ 16.21 14.21 1.92 128 2.1068 0.016238 12.50 3.20 0.00 38.74 27.00 11.74 9.74 1.92 o 3 E 9 132 2.3445 0.016256 12.50 3.20 0.00 38.21 27.00 11.21 _ 9.21 1.92 O g m m RHR Pumps B & C @ 5600 GPM Pool Temp @ 0 psig:

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  $$.5 124                                        1.8901                                      0.016221         12.50         2.46                                      0.00      39.95      23.00                                                 16.95       14.95                                                                               1.70 128                                       2.1068                                       0.016238                                                                 0.00      39.48      27.00                                                 12.48       10.48                                                                               1.70 12.50 _ _2.46                       ,                                                                       ._

132 2.3445 0.016256 12.50 2.46 0.00 38.95 27.00 11.95 9.95 1.70 Note: This data gives the point of Minimum NPSH Margin during the cooldown when Pc drops to O psig. The 124 & 132 deg F data corresponds to the 1% & 5% per Day leakage cases for a 75 deg F heat sink. RHR/CS NPSH Calc 25-NOV-97 File = RHRSST03.XLS __ _ _ _ --__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ - - _ - _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ . _ - -_-___ - . - ______ _ ________ _ __ _- _=_ - -_-_-_-_--__- - - - _.

CALCULATION SHEET fj Boston Edison PREPARED BY: PDR CALC.# M-662 CHECKED BY: MW REV. E3 DATE 25-NOV-97 SHEET _ ZI OF (03 Section 4.0 Modated FSAR NPSH Analyses and Finures i Section 4.A Method of Solution i This section of the calculation prepares updated NPSH analysis for the FSAR. The original , analysis was submitted to the AEC during the Pilgrim licensing review via Amendments 9 and 24 ) to the SAR. This analysis was incorporated into the FSAR as Figures 14.5-9,14.5-10, and l 14.5-13 and Section The revised analysis in this calculation will be incorporated into I. the UFSAR. The same approach used in the original FSAR analysis is used. Considering a known suppression pool temperature profile, the coincident containment pressure is calculated using simple thermal i equilibrium assumptions. The " Containment Pressure Required" to provide the necessary NPSH is calculated and plotted with the coincident containment pressure. The difference between the containment pressure at any point in time and the containment pressure required represents NPSH margin. Calculation results are plotted as figures. l 1 i 1 l l l I l -. . .-


REV. E3 DATE 25-NOV-97 SHEET 26 OF 103 Section 4.B Input Data and Assumptions Table 9 - Section 4 Inputs Amendment 9 Ref. 65 F Seawater Ref. 75 FSeawater Ref. Parameter Benchmark see Temperature see Temperature see Note 1 Note 1 Revised Analysis N"" I Revised Analysis a.Contauinient Leakage Rate ..g_ 0.5?Mday ., 31,33c , I?Vday _ , , 34f , I?Vday  ; 34f , 31,33c ~

    ' impaired Containment                                       5?Uday                                       53Vday                     33c                              5%/ day             33c t.. Leakage Rate _ ,_ ,. .._ _.                  , . .
    ' Pool temperature profile                       i       Amendment 9              31,33c            FSAR Fig.14.5-7                33d (6)                      FSAR Fig.14.5-17         37(8)

Figure 1-2 v... .. . . . .

                                             ..._.... .FS AR Fig 14.5-10 65 F                                                        75 F
    ' Ultimate 11 eat Sink                                         65 F               31,33c                                             33c                                                   37
    ' Temperature                         _                _

Operator action time to 10 min 33b 10 min 33b 10 min 37 initiate containment coolme ' SSW Flowrate ,. .. 5000 ppni . ,.. 33d . 4500 gpm . _. _ 3 3 e __ _ 45f.!0 gpm 37 Core Spray..NPSil Rgpiired 3 28 feet _,j 31,33c 29 f1 at 4400 gpm , 8 29 ft at 4400 gpm _ 8 i..RIlR NPSil Required

           .                                    _ i..             28 feet.
                                                                                   ' 31,33c       ,

27 ft at 5600 gpm j 9 j 27 ft at 5600 gpm j. 9 , j 147,000 ff 147,000 ff

    ; Drmell Free Volume                                       147,000 ff              33a                                               33a                                                   33a             ;
                                                              ..l20,000 fP             33a                  124,500 ft'                  35a                            124,500 ff             35a Wetwell Free Volume _

5.2E6 lbm 31,33c 84,000 ft' 34a 84,000 ff 34a  ; i Toms Water Volume _ . Initial Torus Water 80'F 31,33c 80 F 40 85 F 40

     .Tcmperature _ ,                                ,                     ._
                                                                                                                                                                                           ' 40(5) '

Initial Drvucil Relatise 100 % 31,33c 80 % 40(5) 80 %

    . Ilumidjty              .___                    ,

initial Wetwell Relatise 100 % 31.33c 100 % 40 100 % 40 llunudity _ .,,


                                                               $ Boston Eh                             PREPARED BY:            13)Q.

CALC.# M-662 . CHECKED BY: REV. E3 DATE 25-NOV-97 SHEET 27 OF 103 Table 9 - Section 4 Inputs Amendment 9 Ret 65 FSeawater Ret 75 FSeawater Ret Parameter Benchmark see Temperature see Temperature see Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 Revised Analysis Revised Analysis Initial Wetwell Airspace 80 F 31,33c 80 F 40(3) 85'F 40(3)

5. Temperature . , . , , , ,

[ initial Drywell Temperature i. 150 F 31,33c 150 F 40(4) 150 F 40(4) j

                               , Initial Drywell Pressure         .
                                                                        .. .__0.psig .      , 31,33c   ,

1.30 psig. . 40 J 1.30ysig _,_ , 40 j 40


Initial Wetwell Airspace 0 psig 31,33c 0 psig 40 0 psig

                               . Pressure                                                                                            '                                         *

[ Initial Mass of Nitrogen _,.. ~ ' 15,666 lbm 40 16,315 lbm 45 psig or 59.7 psia j 40 34f 1 16,315 lbm 45 psig or 59.7 psia 40 34f


Containment Reference . n/a Pressure Pr _' , Containment Reference Leak n/a I?Uday ofAfr 34f ISVday ofAfr 34f Raty /.t . , . RIIR Pump Suction ime 4.2 feet (7) 3.20 feet Table 6 3.20 feet Table 7 IIcad Loss CS liump Suction line IUad ' 4.2 feet (7) 2.38 feet ' Table 6 2.38 feet Table 7 Loss " *

  • Elevation head 12.5 feet " Section 12.5 feet Section 12.5 feet Section 3.C.2.b , , 3.C.2.b , 3.C.2.b Notes for Table 9
1. Numbers in parentheses refer to the following notes. References are given at the end of this section.
2. Initial "Dywell Airspace Pressure"is assumed at 1.30 psig. Drywell and Wetwell pressure, temperature, and humidity are used to calculate the initial mass of noncondensible gas inside containment. The combination of the values selected for each orthese six parameters provides a conservative estimate of the initial mass of noncondensible gas.
3. Initial Wetwell airspace temperature is assumed to equal the initial suppression pool temperature.


4. Initial Drywell Temperature is assumed to equal a uniform value of 150 F instead of the 135 F (General area temperature l

per FS AR Table 5.2-2 "Drywell Atmosphere Cooling Data Sheet") which is used in containment and decay heat removal system analysis. A higher initial temperature is conservative because less initial noncondensible mass is present in containment. Therefore, the partial pressure of noncondensible gas is less initially and less over the course of the transient and cooldown resulting in a lower value for NPSHA.

5. The initial Drywell humidity used is 80% versus 100% assumed in the Amendment 9 analysis as described in the reference.
6. A table of values for suppression pool temperature as a function of time after the accident is taken from the pool temperature curve specified.
7. Amendment 9 analysis was prepared before the actual piping configuration was knowm The suction line head loss used in the benchmark analysis was estimated between 4.2 and 4.7 feet. Use of the value of 4.2 feet gives good agreement between the benchmark case for Figure 14.5-10. Use of the value of 4.7 feet gives good agreement between the benchmark case and Figure 14.5-9. The actual suction line head losses are lower based on the as-built piping configuration.
8. The data table for the suppression pool temperature curve contained in reference 37 was provided by GE.

l 1



                                            $hmEh                             PREPARED BY:     PDit CALC.#          M-662                                                CHECKED BY:       b   -

I REV. E3 DATE 25-NOV-97 SHEET 29 OF (03 I l Section 4.C Calculations / Analyses i Section 4,C.1 Definition of Terms l H: E!cration ofsuppression pool unter surface above thepump centerline,ft Hsl Suction line losses,ft 14 Reference mass leakage rate at reference pressure Pr, ihm/sec Mt Initial mass ofdry air inside the Dr>well and Il'etwell, ihm Mt

  • Mass ofdry air remaining inside the Dr>well and li'etwell after leakage, ihm ,

in gas Mass ofaireiirrogen in mixture, lhm inteak Mass leakage ratefrom containment, lhm&ec inwater Mass of water vapor in mixture, ihm NPSHA Netpositive suction headavailable, feet NPSHM Net positive suction head margin, feet NPSHR Net positive suction head required, feet Pc Pressure ofprimary containment, psia Pc Req'd Pressure ofprimary containment required to provide NPSHR, psia PJ Initialpressure of Dr>well, psia Pgas Pressure ofgas in a mixture ofgas and water vapor, psia Ps Initialpressure of lYetwell air space, psia PT Reference pressurefor mass leakage rate Lr, 45 prig or 59. 7 psia Psp Saturation vaporpressure, psia R or Rgas Specific gas constantfor air / nitrogen, 53.3ft-lbfihm 'R Rwater Specific gas constantfor uuter vapor, 85.8ft-lbfihm- R AT Length of time step, see Td Temperature in Dr>well. *R 7p 1'emperature ofsuppressionpool water, F Ts Temperature in li'etwell air space, R l's l'olume offree air space in li'etu ell ft' l'd Free Dr>well vohane,ft' p Density of unter in pool, thft'

           $               Relative Humidity as              Humidity Ratio l

l l

i CALCULATION SHEET PREPARED BY: PDR-Fd % CALC.# M442 CHECKED BY: REV. E3 DATE 25-NOV-97 -l SHEET So OF lo3 I Section 4.C.2 Eaustions 1 An expression for calculating the initial mass of noncondensible gas inside the Dgwell and torus can be derived based on the ideal gas law:  ; PV = MRT l I Solving for the mass (M): ' M ='PV RT l The total initial mass of noncondensible gas inside containment is the sum of the initial mass located in two separate volumes (torus airspace, and Drywell): Mt = Md + Ms The initial mass in each volume is composed of water vapor and noncondensible gas (air / nitrogen). To calculate the initial mass of noncondensible gas, the contribution to tne initial pressure from water vapor is subtracted. The magnitude of this water vapor contribution is a function of relative humidity p and the saturation pressure corresponding to the mixture temperature: Per Dalton's Rule: 3 Pmixture = Pgas+ $P,p} f i so Pgas =Pmixture ~ \$P,p} Equation i l is used to calculate the total initial mass in the Drywell and Wetwell airspace. As discussed above the equation is derived from the ideal gas law, Dalton's rule and the defmition of j relative humidity. The result of Equation i 1 provides the initial mass of noncondensible gas in primary containmeni:

                                                   ,                                ,                          I

{Pd-( Pip)](14Jk)l'd [Ps-(p Pip))(/JJ"# )! s Eq.I1 M=- fl ~ + -- fi -- f R Ts R 1d Equation 11 is the general equation to calculate the initial mass of noncondensible gas inside containment as a function ofinitial pressure. humidity, and temperature. Amendment 9 analysis used Eq.12 which is derived from Eq. I1 by setting Drywell pressure equal to 14.7 psia (0 gage). Wetwell airspace pressure equal to 14.7 psia (0 gage), and Drywell and Wetwell humidity equal to 100%. Equation 12 was used to calculate the Amendment 9 FSAR curves.


                                                                                       '" 2 (14.7 - Pvp) (144 '"2D, ) Vd        '                        p * )(14.7-Vs    Pvp)(144 Eq.12              M=f                                            -+    -

RTd RTs Equations 13a and 13b were used in the Amendment 9 analysis to calculate the percentage of the original mass of noncondensibles in containment afler 1.5 days: Eq.13a At 5% per day: M f = (0.95)'SM f= 0.926M, Eq.13b At 0.5% per day M f = (0.995)I M f= 0.9925M, The above ratio's for 5%/ day and 0.5%/ day were applied as a flat amount in An:endment 9 analysis. Although conservative, this approach is unrealistic and arbitrary. FSAR Appendix R (Equation R.49) provides a rational basis for calculating the leakage from containment based on the calculated pressure during any time step, and a reference leakage at a reference pressure. This equation is presented as Equation 14: 0.5 2 ( ,% j- -

                                            \ P)

Eq.14 171/cak LT (atmosphere's) ( \


j- - ( P r> _ Where: Lr = Leak rate al reference preshure (lhin imil fitne) Py NC/CYCitCC prCSAlfre lH UllHOAp/IClYA P = COHIQlHlHCHIprCSSilft' U1 liHit' AICp lH UllHOAp/lCYCS ' Equation 14 is modified as shown in Equation 15 to calculate leakage as a function of pressure measured in units of psia. t

r CALCULATION SHEET. gg PREPARED BY: M CALC.# M462 CHECKED BY: b l REV. E3 DATE 254lOV-97 SHEET 32 OF 103 0.5  ; I 14.7

                                             \ Pc )                                                        ?

Eq.15 micak = LT (Psia) f %2

                                     ,         14.7 sj_                                                                    ?

_ \P) T _  ; Only a portion of the mass leaked from the containment is gas since the mixture leaking from  ! containment is a mixture of water vapor and noncondensible gas. The humidity ratio (w) can be ( used to determine the amount of dry gas contained in the vapor / gas mixture. This ratio is derived from the ideal gas law since the water vapor and gas are homogeneously mixed in the containment l volume (Drywell and Wetwell) and both the water vapor and gas are at the suppression pool l temperature. Also, the containment atmosphere is assumed to be at 100% relative humidity  ; (saturated) aner the event has been initiated. Equation 16 which provides the humidity ratio  ! based on the ratio of gas and water vapor pressure is derived from the ideal gas law as follows: l m b' water ___ Ras 'P 'P m __ M gas Ewater* ? gas 85.8 Pgas P W = 0.621 Pgas Pgas =P-Pc sp P,p Eq.16 m = 0.62/  ; Py - P,p  ! Since "mw" from Equation 15 is a mixture gas and waier Japor where: j micak = mwater + mgas i and &= \ mgas I Solving for and m water mwater = M mgas

l s CALCULATION SHEET p PREPARED BY: PDM-CALC.# M462 CHECKED BY: M REV. E3 DATE 25-NOV-97 SHEET '33 0F IO3 Substituting e m for m in the first equation yields: gas water micak = m mgas + mgas Solving for mgas yields: micap Eq.17 = m#"# (m + 1) Equation 17 provides the mass of noncondensible gas in a mixture with total mass equal to mica and a humidity ratio m. The noncondensible gas remaining in containment at any time after the containment isolates is the initial mass minus the mass of noncondensible gas that has leaked. The remaining mass (Mt*) is calculated by the following formula: Eq.I8 ( At) Mt* = Mt m-+E1) (*/'" Equation 19 is used to calculate the containment pressure at any time as the sum of the partial pressure of the remaining noncondensible gas and the vapor pressure corresponding to the suppression pool temperature. e ,3 Mt

  • R 7p ft ~

Eq.19 Pc - + Pip til+1's 144in I s NPSHA is defined by the following terms: ( . n f 44 '"1 Eq.20 NPSHA =(Pc-Pip) \ ft]) +H.-#3/ P The term (Pc-Pip) represents the net pressure above the vapor pressure provided by the noncondensible gas inside containment. Therefore: Eq 21 Pgas =(Pc-Pip) NPSHA is calculated as follows, where Pgas is measured in feet of water:

CALCULATION CHEET PREPARED BY: PDS Fd % CALC.# M462 CHECKED BY: b REV. E3 DATE 25-NOV-97 SHEET Sf OF 107 f - 144"'2 h k ft * ) Eq.22 NPSHA = Pgas + H: - Hst P The containment pressure required to provide adequate NPSH is derived using Equation 20 by letting NPSHA equal NPSHR and solving for the containment pressure Pc. When NPSHA equals , NPSFIR the containment pressure is by definition egual to the required containment pressure' l Pc R:q 'd. } l Eq.23 A j Pc Reg'd= Psp +(NPSHR - H:+ Hst) , g-

                                                              ]44 "' .


                                                            \     fi )

The NPSH margin is the difference between the containment pressure that is available and the ! containment pressure required. f

                                                  ]44'"2 h Eq.24           NPSHM=(Pc-Pc Reg'd) \                ft2)

P or NPSHM = NPSHA - NPSHR The following three equations are general conversions used throughout this calculation: ( h

                                     ]44     in ! ,

Eq.25 P(feet)= P(psi) \ ' ft ") 7 3 p lbm l

                                         \      ft )                                          l r          3 p lbm Eq.26           P(psi)= P(feet)
                                         \ ' ft3) g 2
                                     ]44 in ,-

( Eq.27 7'( R)= T( F)+460

CALCULATION CHEET g,g PREPARED BY: PbH-CALC.# M462 CHECKED BY: l REV. E3 DATE 25-NOV-97 j SHEET .7f OF 103 i Section 4.C.3 Benchmark Case The calculation performed to prepare the curves currently presented in the FSAR is repeated to benchmark the methodology. This case is the first case performed and is hereafler referred to as the " Benchmark Case" Per Amendment 9 to the FSAR, the following methodology is used: ! 1. Calculate the initial mass of air [or nitrogen] inside the primary containment assuming atmospheric pressure and a 100% relative humidity in both the Wetwell and Drywell. The l; initial Drywell temperature was assumed to be 150 F, and the Wetwell temperature 80 F. The total mass is given by Equation 12.

2. Assume the containment leaked at a constant rate of 5% free vol/ day for 1.5 days, the time
required following an accident for the pool temperature to return to 130 F with one RHR l loop operating. The reduced mass is then given by Equation 13a and 13b.

! 3. Due to flow through the Drywell vents or vacuum breakers, the Drywell and Wetwell pressures will be approximately equal, i.e., Pd = Ps.

4. The Drywell and Wetwell airspace masses and volumes can be combined and the l containment (Drywell and Wetwell) pressure calculated as a function of the suppression pool temperature for the following reasons:

j Water from the pool is being pumped into the reactor vessel by a core spray cooling system l pump. This water is heated by the decay heat of the reactor core and pours out of the vessel via the break and into the suppression pool via the Drywell vent system. The water which returns to the Wetwell is hotter than the suppression pool water by approximately L 50 F. Because of the large flow of water involved, the low thermal capacity of the Drywell atmosphere, and the slow time rate of change of the temperature of the water flowing i through the Drywell, the Drywell atmospheric temperature will track the water temperature. I The Drywell airspace temperature will always be hotter than the pool temperature because of the elevated temperature of the break flow. l l 5. The containment pressure is then given by Equation 19. l l 6. The total NPSH available to the pumps is given by Equation 20.

CALCULATION SHEET gg g PREPARED BY: TfpQ. CALC. # M-662 CHECKED BY: M REV. E3 DATE 25-NOV-97 SHEET 36 OF 103 in the following table the methodology used to calculate values plotted on the original FSAR Figure 14.5-10 is repeated. Based on a comparison, the values contained in the following table and plotted on the attached Figure 2 are consistent with the results presented in original FSAR Figure 14.5-10. Tahic 10 - Henchmark Case Containment Pressure Available and Required at 0.5% and 5%/ day Leakage FI4.5-10 Eq.27 Lookup Eq 13a Eq 19 Eq 21 Eq.13b Eq 19 Eq.21 Eq.23 Mt%lt ca. Mt%1t en, Pc Req'd for 5?Vday Pc d 5% 0.5*Vday Pc d 0.5% NPSHA of Tune Pool Temp Tp Psp Leakage Rate Leakage Pgas Leakage Rate Leakage Pgas Hz Hsl 28 feet bec) ( F) ( R) (psian (%) (psia) (fect) (%) (psia) (fect) (fect) (fect) (psia) i i *alues below ! ' l'alues below ' l'alues below ' l' clues below plotted on plotted on plotted on plotted on Rgure : Rgure 2 Rgure : Rgure 2 U U U U - l(H) I 2(, 0 58r. I 99(, 0 92(, 1-l.696 29.(>8 09925 14 6'1(. 29.68 ' I 2.5 4.2 10.42

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                " bili ~

21Mt 126 2 5x6 2 007 0 9 N. . l4 696 I "29.66 09925 . 14 696 ' 59 66 . III5 d '2 100 . I27I . 587 2 069 . 0926 I4.695~ : ~59'.'52 'I 0.9925 ' ~ "I4.732 . 29.6l[115~ ' 4II 35.49 4lH) 158 8 589 2S l'53 0926 14.696 ~5Ui ~ !9925 0 ~ II549 29.70 12.5 4.2 10.58 500 . '13 0.0 . 590 - 2.'255" - 0926 14.696 29.18 0.9925 14.947 - 29.77 . 12.5 4.2 10.64

              .2      . . . . . . . - .

600 131.0 ' 591 ~ 2.286 : 0.926 14.696 29.04 0.9925 15.029 29.82 ' 12.5 . 4.2 10.70  ;

  ~7tio                    l32.0                 591 ' '2.34i "~0.9 56                                                                       14.696        28.91                                                          0.9925                                             15.111 9

29.88 p 12.5 4.2 10.76


4...-...... . . . . . . , , , . . , , . . . S00 133 0 . 593 2 407 0.926 14.696 28.77 0.9925 15.194 .' 29.94 ; 12.5 4.2 10.82


900 134.0 ~[


Sya~^'2375 0 956~ 14.696 28.63 0.9925 15.281 30 00 12.5 4.2 10.88 1000 134 8 ' 595 2.526 0926 . 14.696 28.52 0.9925 15.351 30.05 12.5 4.2 . 10 93




2A00 l40 5 . 601 2.U'2 5 0.U26 ~ 'I5.008 0.9925 15.876 } 30 39 12.5 4.21 11.32 e . -...-.4 . . . .

                                                                               ..4..                                                                   *                                                                                                            '

18 H H) I44.5 ' 605 3.242 ' o926 "i55402 28.57 0.9925 ~ 16.276 ' 30 62 12.5 4.2 11.63 41H N) ~l. 57.i , 608 U96 0 956 I"5.717 28.ii' . 09925~ 16 595 30.81 12.5 ' 4.2 11.87 51H10 I 50 0 610 " 3 72l' " 05'6 2 ~~ .993 15 58.88~ , 0.9025 _ _ , " ~ l6~ '57{ [30.95 _12.5 4.2 12.09


                                                                             $ Boston Edison CALC.#                        M-662                                                                                                                                                CHECKED BY:                M REV.                      E3                         DATE              25-NOV-97 SHEET                         T/                             OF               /oS Talite 10 - Benchmark Case Containment Pressure Available and Required at 0.5% and 5%/ day Leakage F14.5-10                          Eq 27                      Lookup                                                 Eq 13a              Eq.19         Eq.21-              Eq.13b                         Eq.19        Eq.21                                             Eq.23 Mt%1 (r.                                              Mt%1t Q                                                                                      Pc Reg'd for 5"Vday          Pc g 5%                              0.5?Uday                   Pc g 0.5%                                                         NPSHA of Time                   Pool Temp                              Tp                                thp                                     Leakage Rate         Leakage            Pgas           Leakage Rate                      Leakage        Pgas          Hz                 Hsl             28 feet

( R) (psial (*') (psia) (fect) (%) (psia) (feet) (feet) (fect) (psia) (sec) ( F) . 6tH10  ; 152.0 . 612 3.903 , 0.926 16.220 . 28.99 . 0.9925 , 17.104 , 31.08 12.5 i 4.2 i 12.27 , .r 9g,gg t- 154.0 514 ' "iSIM~ 0.955 16.454 29.11 0.9925 17.342  ! 31.20 12 5 II 12.46 50H)o 156.0 516 [511" 0.925 16.703 29.22 0.9925 . 17.59 i 31.32 12.5 I'5 12.67 9t H Hi 157.5 . 61x 4.468 ; 0926 16.890 1 29.31 i 0.9925  ; 17.782 i 31.41 ^ 12.5 4.2 12.82

                                                                                                                                                                                  ' 29.39 '

itHHNI ' 159 0 ' 619 4 633 ~ 0.926 17.085 O.9925 17.980 ' 31.50 12.5 4.2 12.98 15000~ 163 2" , inii' ; 5 113 . 0.926 17.655 , 29.63 . 0.9925 18.555 31.76 ^. 12.5 "li" 13.45 20t'Uii ~ ~ ~I55 0 " 'A25'^ 1555" OI125 l'7.909 29.15 0.9925 18.812 i 31.87 12.5 4.2 13.67 25000 165 5 626 5 401 ~ 0926 17.984 29.76 0.9925

                                                                                                                                                                                                             . . . . . . . . . . ~ . .

18 888 ' 31.90 12.5 4.2 13.73 ItHHH1 1650 625 5 116 . 0926 . 17.909 29.73 09925 IM MI2 , 3I87 12 5 42 . 13 67 III5 12 ' '40000 1620 022 4 972 0 926 I7[485 " 29 56 0.9955" IX'3xI 5IS68 13.31 Sout Hi ' l5M I 618 4 542' . Oi)in 'I6.979 . 29.35 , 0525  ; "iiii2 " . "5IT4i . 'lil~ "I'2 , 12.89 6t H M H) $ ~15I)~" . 5i.4 . i.IUT [~iii>I5 16.454 I 29.11 0.9925 [ 17.342  !^ 31.20 12.5 ; 4.2 12.46 7t H HiO "5.55 0 5iiU ' 57,W "IEUi5 ~ 15.382 28.82 0.9925 16.762 30.89 12.5 4.2 12.00

           .-. .+                 . . . . . . _ .                      . . .                 .............                                     .       . . . .

30 59 . 12.5 xtNH10 144.0 604 . 3.200 . 0.926 15.350 28.54 0.9925 16.223 4.2 . I1.59 600 0.956 [ ~l4.959  ! 28.32 0.9925 15.826 30.36 12.5 4.2 11.28 90t H M)

                          ~[ ' "14il.0                                                             2"xx9 ~                                                                                                          ~

ItHHHHi "136 5" 55i ' 2 64ti 0.926 14.696 28.26 0.9925 15.502 30.15 12.5 4.2 11.04 15tHHN)


[25 5 5S6

                                                             .. p . . . .            . . .

1.U0 ....;_.. 0.925 q.

                                                                                                                                                                 .      14.696 t

29.74 . . - 0.9925 14.696

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 .p 29.74 ; 12.5
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ..                        II .             10.40

CALCULATION SHEET gggg PREPARED BY: PpH-CALC.# M-662 CHECKED BY: M REV. E3 DATE 25-NOV-97 SHEET 38 OF 10.7 In the following table the methodology used to calculate values plotted on the original FSAR Figure 14.5-9 is repeated, and the results of the recalculation are plotted. Based on a comparison, the values contained in the following table and plotted on the attached Figure 3 are consistent with the results presented in the original FSAR and Amendment 9. Table i1 - llenchmark Case NPSil Available and Required Eq 27 Lookup Eq 13a Eq.19 Eq 21 Eq.22 Pool Mt%1t@5% Pc @ 5% Temperature Tp hp lit list Leakage Leakage Pgas NPSHA NPSHR ( F) ('R) (psia) (feet) (fect) (%) (psia) (fect) (fect) (feet) l'alues below plotted on Fig 3 l'alues below plottedon Fig 3 O O i 140 600 ' 2 889 j 12.5 ~ 4.2 ~ 0.926 14.959 28.3 36.6 28 13 0 . 5io li5i[I2.5 42 0.926 15.993


28.9 g- --* 37.2 28

                     - t --

g-t -- t-g n g-

                                                                                                                                                                                                - . .                     ~ - - .



g m 170 12 5 4.2 0.926 18.669 30 0 38 3 28 l 630 . . .,. 5 99 5

                                             . . . . . . . . . .                                                                           +......
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ..r...                                   ,

ISO 640 7.511 12 5 4.2 0926 20.386 30 6 38.9 28  !

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            -.                                                                         o Eq.27                Lookup                                              Eq.13a                       Eq.19                       Eq.21                                                                                Eq.22 Pool                                                                                     M t % 1t 4 5 %                 Pc @ .5%

Temperature Tp Ihp lif Hsl Leakage Leakage Pgas NPSHA NPSHR (#F) ( R) (psia) (fect) (fect) (%) (psia) (feet) (fect) (fect) j l'alues below plotted on Fig 3 l'alues below plotted on Fig 3 0 0



                     . t..
                                               ~5AM9                   12.5" 15"                  ~i9925

( 15.826 30.4 38.7 28

       .. . . .                                        ......,.....4...
       . . . ~ . .          .........._j. , . . - . . . . . .

0.9925 18.114 31 6 39.9 28 160 620 . 4.746 12 5 4.2 ;

                                                                                                                                                                                                          *                                                   ~

T76 ...-.......I.L.........7,5U 12.[ ~ I'995~II 0.9955 19.579 32.2 40.5 28 i I 180 12 5 4.2 0 9925 21.311 32.8 41.1 28 640 } 7.511 . . . . . . . . .

i CALCULATION SHEET #tg ,gg PREPARED BY: Pp M-- CALC.# M462 CHECKED BY: l REV. E3 DATE 25-NOV-97 SHEET 39 OF 103 I l l l l Section 4.C.4 Updated FSAR NPSH Analysis and Figures I 1 1 The calculation performed to prepare the updated FSAR curves is fundamentally consistent with l that used in the " Benchmark Case" Revised inputs are utilized in this analysis per Table 9. The following methodology is used:

1. Calculate the initial mass of air (or nitrogen) inside the primary containment. The total initial mass is given in Section 3.C.5 as 16,315 lbm. )
2. Calculate the reference leakage rate Lr:

The reference leakage rate is a percentage of the initial mass of noncondensibles per unit time. So for the 1%/ day and 5%/ day cases, the reference leak rate is: L T(1%) = 16315lbm(.01/ day) = 163.15lbm day or 0.001888lbm / sec L T[5%) = 16315lbm(.05/ day) = 815.75lbm dar or 0.009442 lbm / sec

3. In successive steps from after the accident until the point of minimum NPSHM is passed, calculate:

Mass leakage (water vapor + gas) from containment ( m/cak ) using Eq.15 l Relative humidity to using Eq.16 i Noncondensible gas leakage from containment ( mgay ) using Eq.17 Remaining mass of noncondensible gas in containment (Alt *) using Eq.18 Containment pressure (Pc) using Eq.19. , ! This calculation is performed for: ! l 1%/ Day leakage rate - Table 12-for a 65 F seawater temperature i Table 18 for a 75 F seawater temperature j 5%/ Day leakage rate - Table 13 for a 65 F seawater temperature l Table 19 for a 75 F seawater temperature l l

4. Using the same suppression pool temperature data and time steps from the previous step, calculate:

Pressure provided by the remaining mass of noncondensible gas in containment (Pgas) is calculated using Eq. 21, NPSHA using Eq. 22, Pc Rey 'd using Eq. 23, NPSHM using Eq. 24. l l l

                   - . .             ..---          . _ -   .-     ~. --        -. -         - - - _ _   _.


                                 $ Boston Edh                     PREPARED BY:         PDW                  ,

! CALC.# M462 CHECKED BY: _ REV. E3 DATE 25-NOV-97 SHEET 40 OF 103 l These steps are performed separately for the RHR and Core Spray pumps. The results are contained in the following tables: l RHR pump at 1%/ Day leakage rate - 65 F Seawater Temperature (Table 14) i RHR pump at 5%/ Day leakage rate - 65 F Seawater Temperature (Table 16) CS pump at 1%/ Day leakage rate - 65 F Seawater Temperature (Table 15) CS pump at 5%/ Day leakage rate - 65 F Seawater Temperature (Table 17) RHR pump at 1%/ Day leakage rate - 75 F Seawater Temperature (Table 20) l- RHR pump at 5%/ Day leakage rate - 75 F Seawater Temperature (Table 22) CS pump at 1%/ Day leakage rate - 75 F Seawater Temperature (Table 21) CS pump at 5%/ Day leakage rate - 75 F Seawater Temperature (Table 23)

5. As in the Amendment 9 methodology; due to flow through the Drywell vents or vacuum breakers, the Drywell and Wetwell pressures will be approximately equal, i.e., Pd = Ps.

The Drywell and Wetwell airspace masses and volumes can be combined and the containment (Drywell and Wetwell) pressure calculated as a function of the suppression t pool temperature for the following reasons: l Water from the pool is being pumped into the reactor vessel by a core spray cooling system pump for the 65 F case (by a Core Spray pump and LPCI pump for the 75 F). This water i is heated by the decay heat of the reactor core and pours out of the vessel via the break and into the suppression pool via the Drywell vent system. Because of the large flow of water involved, the low thermal capacity of the Drywell atmosphere, and the slow time rate of change of the temperature of the water flowing through the Drywell, the Drywell atmosphuic temperature will track the water temperature The Drywell airspace temperature will always be hotter than the pool temperature because of the elevated temperature of the break flow. l l

CALCULATION CHEET pt PREPARED BY: M g gdjgort CALC.# O2 CHECKED BY: REV. E3 DATE 25-NOV-97 SHEET 41 OF (03 PILGRIM STATION NPSil Availability for RIIR and Core Spray System

                                     -+-Pc (psia) a 5% Leakage                                          --e--Pc (psia) 'a; 0.5% Leakage                                            -*-Pc Req'd                             -e-Pool Temp ( F) 22             ._. .                                           ,,                                                                                                                                                                                                           170
                   .5NN-N {; ! ! l } r_- U ~iz-4$ = hr i + Ns:

_ =-. = - ;=. ._ a ' t

                                                                                                                                                                           - -5~!M-$d                                 --

f _;-$~.@ _ r_- y>+-+-+r.

                                                        .                                        _.2                                                                                          1 -t_;_


                                  ,r         ;


                                                        ;       .t..

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         'O                                                                                                                                                                                .


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__;_2=1gg__2f; _a :_. :_.4_.m; g __ . 1 _.4- .- __ _ g 100 liHH) 10000 100000 1000000 Time After Accident (seconds) l i l Amendment 9 Benchmark Case Original FSAR Figure 14.5-10 NPSil Availability for RIIR and Core Spray System Figure 2 l 1

il I \ l i[ O4.J O35> $ $b [Wa4 Om I O<. o3 J 2 9 , g UIwo Om 0 W>.

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s CALCULATION CHEET PREPARED BY: DW Bostors Edieors CALC.# M-662 CHECKED BY: h REV. E3 DATE 25-NOV-97 SHEET 43 or 103 22 0 Based on Case (B) Suppression Pool Temperature Cune Figure 14.5-7 65 F Seawater Temperature Suppression Pool 20 . _ _ _ 160 y 1T emperature l

  -   lx     - - - - -                                                                                                                                                       -

150 S I Containment Pressure C I with Design Basis { a 16 --- -- i L @ ge @ l % ay --- 140 2n 2 s

c. Margin k E E gn .! V e 130 [

c 2

^3                                        f                                                         .,                                  ? Containment Pressure                       &

E with Leakage R 5 ?VDay E L gy Contamment Pressure _ . _ _ . . _ _. j . _ - _.._: . - C' 120 ~5 for CS l' ump NPSIIR  ! E 5

  • in __

_{ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ - .. _ _ _ . _ .. 110 Containment Pressure g .. _ j _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - 100 l 1 6 90 00 01 1.0 10.0 100.0 1000.0 Time After Accident (hours) Figure 14.5-10 NPSil Availability for RHR and Core Spray Pumps After a DBA-I OCA Figure 4 9


                                                                                                                       & Boston Edison                            CHECKED BY:

REV. E3 DATE 25-NOV-97 SHEET if OF 103 20 RHR Pump Margin -

                                                                                                                                                   ,                                  .              .'d.1%/Dar Leakage                                       .


                                                                                                                                                                                                        /     .          il                       .        .i j < @ 5%/ Day Leakage 15       - - - - - - -
                                                                                                                         -{   - - -        - - -

s f ll O

                                                                                                                                                    ' ,l               .             .                                 ..l l
                                                                       %g                                  -                                                                                     ,

n CS Pump Margin I" ~ ~ ^ ~ - - ~ ~ ~ ~ 3,e 41 IWDay Leakage

                                                                                                                                                                                     ,               f                .,                            , .      4 vs                                                 '
                                                                       ).                                                 ,

W SWDay Leak' age i 5 5 . - . . ~ . . . - . - - . . . --- -- - - - - - , I


i Based on Case (B) Suppression Pool

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ,              3 Temperature Cunc Figure 14.5-7 65'F Scanater Temperaturc                                                                                        '                                   '           '

O 0.0 0.I 1.0 10 0 100.0 1000.0 Time After Accident (hours) , t Figure 14.5-13 NPSil Margin for RIIR and Core Spray Pumps After a DBA-LOCA Figure 5


                                                                                           & Boston Edison                                                                           CHECKE0 BY:

REV. E3 DATE 25-NOV-97 SHEET 4f OF 10'$ 26 190 Based on Suppression Pool , Temperature Cune Figure 14.5-17 j 24 - - 75'F Scanater Temperature i; Suppression Pool , ,

                                                                                                                    !                                                                                                                    Temperature
                            ; 22                     - - - -                        -                                                           ----        -                                               -- -                              --                                             -

170 lj

                          -d                                                                                                                                        -                         -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ,                 C 1                                                                                                                                                                                             e, E 20                 -- ----
                                                                                                              .i                                                                                                                    - - -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  - -Containment Pressure ,                           gg y t

[ i l uith Design Basis Leakage 'd I WDay j b


I IX - - - - - - 150 $" g , Margin {' Leakage @5%fDay- y

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   /                                            =

E j 16 - -- --- .- -/, - 140 2

                         .E                                                                                                                                                                            ,                                                                                       ,                  E
                         "                                                                                         i Containment Pressure                                                                                                                                                                       3
                                                                                                                                                                               ~ ~ ~ - - ~ ' ~ ~]

k Il for CS Pump NPSilR

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ~                   ~              ' ~ ~ ~ ~             ~ ~ ~ ' 

I30 $

                          '                                                                                                                              $                                                                                                                                                      r 12                                --                                           i                               --
                                                                                                                                                                  - -V                    - - - -- - -                                     --
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ----------                               120 j                                                      Containment Pressurc for RIIR Pump NPSIIR 10                       - -             - -    -                                                                -      -- -                                                                     - - - - - .                                                      I10 f

x 100 0.0 ol 1.0 10.0 100.0 1000.0 Time After Accident (hours) FSAR Figure 14 5-18 NPSil Availability for RHR and Core Spray Pumps Aller a DBA-LOCA Figurc 6


                         -SHEET       K                                                       OF    103 20 RHR Pump Margin j                                                                                                               . --                                                        -d ISVDay Leakage l                                                                                                                                                                   ';/              I IS         - -----                                                                       - - - - -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    .l- - -/--lR 5tVDay Leakage             '            '

l -

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            .:j                                  -

y / . l 5 i CS Pump Margin  !


4R liVDay Leakage g h o .____ _ l j_

                            $                                                                                                                                                             +                                       .                            ,'                             ..                                                                                    ..

TJi ft 55UDa.v Leakage 7. 3 . _. .d _ _ _ _ _- .. . . _ _ _ _ . . _ _ Based on Suppression Pool Temperaturc Curve Figure 14.5-17 75'F Scanater Temperaturc 0 0o nI 1.0 10.0 100.0 1000.0 Time After Accident (hours) Figure 14 5-19 NPSil Margin for RHR and Core Spray Pumps After a DBA-LOCA Figure 7


                                     & Boston Edison                                                        r CALC.#          M-662                                                          CHECKED BY:              Ah REV.       E3        DATE      25-NOV-97 SHEET        47            OF     103 50
                                 ,       . .       .-                   ,   s 45                                                                                                        1 Minimum NPSHA with Zero Containment Leakage                         . - .             .


                                      .                            ,                                  i
                          !.          l                t' 1

j  ! I' i l l 40 d l I i 4 1 8 - l

    .2                                                                      .
    'E                                                                      -

i 4 35 -d ' i

    =-                                                                                                    .

2: - t 5 '

    $                                                                       I 30                ,
                                                       - NPSHR for Core Spray Pump ]
                          '            I                             I                   i
                                      ;                 I 1                             +           i                   4              ,
                         =           -
                                                       =          =     = =            =         =

i  ! + NPSHR for RHR Pump . + 25 - - - - - - - -J--- l 4 l Pc Based on Nitrogen .\ lass = 16,315 lbm 20 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 Suppression Pool Temperature ('F) Initial Conditions: i Drywell 150*F. 80% RH.1.3 psig.132.000 ft' l Wetucti 85'F.100% RH. O psig. 124.500 ft' ( Figure 14.5-9 Total NPSH Available at Maximum Flow Figure 8 i l


                                                                                                                                                           & Boston Edison                                        CHECKED BY:                                                    .M REV.            E3                            DATE                                                                  25-NOV-97 SHEET             48                                                      OF                                                         fo3 Talite 12 - Containment Pressure Availal>Ie fa 1%/ Day Leakage Rate - 65 F Seawater Temperature Lookup                                                                                                                                        Eq 15       Eq 16                                        Eq 17                                            Eq 18       Eq 19 Time                          Tp                                                                                      Tp               Psp                          ma,u.          c)                                        nus                        JT                    Mt*           Pc (seconds)                       ('F)                                                                                 ( R)               (psia)                      (Ibm /sec)     (n/a)                                     (Ibm %c)                     (sec)                 (Ibm)       (psia)
128.8 ,
                                                                                                                                         $dx M                 ! 2.150 l

_ _j j _f 16.315 15.25 I28 8 j_ 5MM M i 2.150 .j 0 00052 J, 0.102 0 00047 { 100 l 16.315 15.25

                     ,        I "".    .            .                                                                                                                  .
                     !        200                      131.8                                                !                             591M                 ; 2.329                   ; 0 00052 { 0.102                                             0.00047                      100
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   }~ 16.315         15.49    ~
0.00061 0 00055 200 400 D3.[ 5931 , 2.414 0.110 16.315 15 61 600 13 T .7 j 593.7 2.453 j 0 00(165 0.114 0.00059 200 15 66
                     !                 j                                                                                                                       {                                                                                                                                         16.315 J IINN)                     135.9                                                i                            595.9                j  2.598                   !

0.00067 j 0.116 0 00060 g 400 ] _ 16.314 15.85 j 2tHH1  : 141 3 601.3 2.984  ! OlHN)73 } 0.122 03)0065 1000 16.314 16.36 l i } 608 3 i 0 (HH)35 0.139 0.00075 2000 17.10 4000 148 3 .

                                                                                                           ;                                                   : 3.568                                                                                                                             } 16.312 i       6t H.H1

153.7 . 613 7 4.068  ! 0.00099 0.164 0.00085 2000 16.311 17.71 10000 l60.7 620 7 , 4T8f2 [ 0 Oii10Q 0.185 T00092 4000 _ 16.307 18 t12_ . 14000 , 164 5 624 5 5.275  ! u.tK)120 ! 0.217 0.00098 4000 16,303 19.16 16tHHI 165 7 625 7 5 419 000125 l 0.236 2000 16.101.__j 19 32 0.00101 l 20f H)0 166 4 6261 5.514 0 00126 3 0242

                                                                                                                                                                                                             -                                         0 00102                     4000            ;     16.297 ,    19.43                                                   j 240tH                       166 2                                                                           n2<. 2                   5 48:;                       o00127       0.246                                       0 00102 4000            ,     16.291 l    19 40                                                   !

100t >0 165 0 625 n 5 341 ii tHil27 .j 0.245 0 00102 6000 ' 16.287 j 19.22__ 35000 163 6 , 623 6 5 168 i 0.00126 l 0.239 0.00101 5000 j 16.282 19.01 4tWHHi 1620 622.0 4.972 5000 16.277 18.77

                     ;                                                                                    j                                                                              ; o 00124 1 0.232                                             0.00100 l ntHHHi 154 0                                               j                            614.0                    4.103

0.t K)121 { 0.224 0.00099 } 20000 16.257 j 17.71 300tHi 146.0 (.06 0 33M f o tH1109 [ 0.188 0.00092 l 20000 16.238 [ 1638 I(MH100 138.2 i 593 2 2.758 0 00094 ~ 0.156 0.00081 l 20(HK) 16.222 15.99 I2iMHHi 132.3 j 5921 2.360 OJKH)77 0.130 0.00068 16.209 15.45 [ 200(H 140tHH) 127.5 587 5 2.079 0.112 0.00054 i 20000 16.198 ! _ 15 05 O.00060 { 15(HN)0 125 5 5M5 5 1.969 , 0110042 !_ 0.100 10000 _j 16,194 j , 14.90 J 0AK)038 ! _ 16001H1 1238 531 8 1.MMO O00031 0.095 0.00029 j 10000 16.191 14.77 _ 180000 120 8 . , 580 M 1.729

                                                                                                                                                                     .                        0 00018 ] _ 0.091                                      . 0 00017] _ 20(NH)_,                               16.188 l _14.70 19f M H10                   119.3                                                                            5791                     1.658                        01HHKM) J    0.083 J 0.00(H)0 [ 10000                                                      _               16.188 Cl4.71 2tHNHHI                      ]18 0                                                                            578 0                    l .60 l                      000000 !     0.079                             l OJHN)00 '                          10000            [     16,188 j    14.70 RHR/CS Calc 25-NOV-97 Fife = NPSH65.XLS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Page 1 of 2


                                                & Boston Edison M-662                                                                          CHECKED BY: Mb 1

REV. E3 DATE 25-NOV-97 SHEET 47 OF lO3 Table 12 - Containment Pressure Available @ 1%/ Day Leakage Rate - 65 F Seawater Temperature Lookup Eq 15 Eq.16 Eq 17 Eq 18 Eq 19 Time Tp Tp thp ma c) mou JT Mt* Pc Iseconds) ( F) ('R n (psia) (Ibm /sec) (n/a) (Ibm /sec) (sec) (Ibm 1 (psia) i 2ltHMMI t 116.8 l 576.8 1.546 1 0.0(KKX) 0.076 j OJKXXX) 100(K) 16,188 14.70 [ I 22(HMM) , Il5[ 575 6 1.495 0.073 O.00000 10000 16.188 14.70 l

                                                                           ~{0.00000 21mHHi !          I14.5'       574.5                 l'.451            000000            0.070        0.00000                                           14.70 i

10000 ( l6.188 I _ 24mHNI l 113.5 _j 571.5 , l .41() L 0.0(MXX) [ 0.068 O f KKXK) j_1(xXH) l 16.188 j 14.70 250tHNI 112.5 j 572 5 1.370 { OJKKHX) { 0.066 { 03HX)00 10000 i 16,188 14.70

    ; 2MHH10                111.5        571 5                 1.333         ; 0 0(x4)0 1                                        100tK)               16.188      14.70 0.064 J OTHK)00 1

j ( 16.188[ l 27(HHHi i10._7 , 570 7 I 301  ; o 00fK)0 l 0.062 0 0(K)00 10000 1 14.70 28tHHHi 110.0 570 0 1.275 j O (XXKK) 1 0.060 14.70

                                                  ,                                                        l 0 00000           _ImHX)J 16.188 [          _

t 29t H H HI i 109.1 56') i I243 . 11:0000() j 0.059 1 0.00(X)0 }_10000 l 16.188 I 14.70 itHHHHi 108 4 568 4 1.217 0.057 10000 14.70 litHHHi l  ! 0 00mK) [


0.(XX)00 l }_ 16.188

                       !    1078         5678                 I194          ! 0 (KKK)0             0.056        C O(X)oo j       100(X) !             16,188      14.70 12f M H H'        107 0        567 0                 i If5        ) fl 000(x)            0.055        OJHXHX) l        10000 l              16.188 _j_ 14.70    _

110t H Hi 100 3 566 1 'J6 ti t HH H K) 0.054 i O tHHHH) 10mH) ! 16.188 , 14.70 1 14 HHHi 105 8 St 5 S i 127 ti(HHHH6 f 0()53  ; O (HHH M) . IMHNI 16.I88 14 70 f 15t H H Hi 105 1  ! 5651 1.105 0 0mHHI ' O.052  ! 1(HHH) 16.188 i 14.70 t

                                                                                                           ]f 03MHiOO TNHHHi      ,

104.4 564 4 l.083 0 (KHKK) 0.051 O WXKX) 1_10000 ! 16.188 ! 14l7U ] 18t H M N) ; _ l(_)3.4_ , 563 4 1.051 j 000000 i 0.049 1 0 00000 l 20000 1 16,188 14.70 j JIMHHN) 102.3 ' 5621 1.016  ; 03XXXX) l 0.048 j 0 0mK)0 L 20m)0 l 16.188_ 14.70 5tHHHHI 97.5 557 5 0 880 0.046 j 03)o000 J _100(MH) j_ _16.188 14.70

                      ,             l                                            0 00000 {                                           . _

NHHHHI 94_0 554 0 0,791 0 0000() j 0.040 j 0.00000 l 10mM)0 1_16,188 j_ 14.70 l 7t H H Hin 91.4  ; 551 4 0.729 0.00000 j 0.035 1 0 0(XX)0 10000() I 16.188 [ _ 14.70.__. 80tHH Hi 89 3 549 1 0682 03xXxx) f 0.032

                               -     ,                                      t 1
                                                                                                           } O mXX)0 i f 100fRK) I 16.188 [ 14.70.                      _

9f MH HHi 87.4 ' 547 4 0 643 0.00000 ____j 0 030 u 14.70 l

                                                                                                           ! 03KXX_K)4. 100000 ' 16.188 1                                   4 92iHHHI           87 0    l    5470                 0 635              0.00000 j         0.028 ,l_ OJHKXH) [ 2fMHK)                         16.188 j_14.70 J RHR/CS Calc 25-NOV-97 File = NPSH65.XLS                                                                                                                                                 Page 2 of 2


                                                                                   & Boston Edison                                                          CHECKED BY: _ M, REV.             E3                       DATE         25-NOV-97 SHEET               fo                              OF _ 103 Talile 13 - Containment Pressure Available @ 5%/ Day Leakage Rate - 65 F Seawater Temperature Lookup                                                                 Eq.15                        Eq 16        Eq.17                      Eq IM      Eq.19 Time                             Tp                Tp           Psp                            mu                            o           nus           JT           Mt*         Pc (seconds)                         ( F)               ("R )       (psia)                       (ibm /sec)                      (n/a)      (Ibm /sec)      (sec)        (Ibm)      (psia) 2.150                                                                                                            15.25 i                  ;                 12M1_ j            5MM.M l                         j           _                                                  _ _ 4 __16.315 1(H)      +

128.8 i SMM M 2.l50  ; 0.00258 0.102 0.00234 100 j _16.315 15.25 { _ j 200 131 8 591 M 2.129 i 0.00258 0.102 0.00234 100 1 15.49 400 133.l__ j 5931  ; 2.414  ; 0.00307 0.110 0.00277 200 i. _16.314 16.315 15.61 600 133.7 593.7 2.453 0.00327 0.114 200 16.313 15 66 l , _ 0 00294 }_

                     ,        10(H)                       135.9              595 9        2 598                         0.00335                        0.116       0 00301         400         16.312      15.85
                     !       2(HH1                        141.3             601 3      !  2.984                         0.00364                        0.122       0 00325        1000         16.309      16.35 4tHHi      ;                 I48.3_ ,'         60M.3         1.56M                  ' 0 00427 l                           0.139       0.00375 3      2000         16.301_ _ 17.09 l                                                               0.I64 68 H HI                      153.7             613.7      1  4.068                  . 0.00497 {                                  j 0.00427           2000   j 16.293          17.70 10000                    _

160.7 _ 620.7 l 4.M22 i 000543 0.186 0 00458 4000 16.275 18.59 14(HHi 164.5 j 624 5 l 5.275  ; 0.00597 0.218 0.00490 4000 16.255 19.11 16000 165.7 i 625 7 5 419 ' 0 00623 . 0.237 j,000503 2000 16.245 4 19.27 .; 20000 160 4 6264 1514 o00610 0.243 , 000507 ! 4000 . 16.225 ! 19 37 1


24000 166 2 020 2 5 4MM o00634 i T24M ! o00508 . 4(H H1 ! 10.204 19.32 1(HHHi 1650 625o 514 l , o00632 g 0.247 J _000507 6000 j 16.I74 19.12 15000  ; 161.6 j_ 623 6 5.16M , 000623j 0.241 1 0.00502 5000 i 16.149 18.90 0.234 0.00496 5000 18 65

                      '    40000        ,

162.0 [ 622.0 4.972 0 00612 _{ _ f 16.124 NHHHI 1540 614.0 , 4.103 . [0.00599 j 0.226 g 0.00489 20000 } 16,026 17.52 M0(HHI 146 0 _ j 606 0 1 161 l 0.00530j 0.190 [ 0.00445 20000 15.937 j 16.53 0.159 j 0.00384 20000 15.M60 j _15.69 1(HHHH1 13K.2 i 59M 2 2.75M _ i 000445 } 12tHHH1 132.3 5921 2.360  ! 0.00341 ! 0.133 1 0.00301 .} 20000 15,800 l 15.12 140000 l27.5 SM7 5 2.079 i 000227 i 0.115  ! 0.00204J__20000 _ _ 15.758 15.759 L 14.70 ._J 15(HHH1 125.5 585 5 1.969 0 00014__j 0.102 l 0.00013 10(M)0 l 14.70 160000 123M 5M1 M 1.MMO , 0 0(M)oo O.096 1 0.00000 10000 15.758 { 14.70 J 15.758 j _ 14.70 .J I MIMHlo 120.8 5M0 M 1.729 0.00(HN) O.091  ! 0.00000 20(HM) l19.3 5791 165M 0 00000 j_ 0.083 0.0(XMM) . 10(HH1 15.758 l 14.70


l'MHHHi 2t H H H)u llM O 578 t} l 601 0 00000 ' O.079  ! 0 0(MHK) 10000 ; 15.758 ] 14._70 ; RHR/CS Calc 25-NOV-97 File = NPSH65 XLS Page 1 of 2


                                                                                                         & Boston Edison                                               CHECKED BY:

REV. E3 DATE 25-NOV-97 SHEET fl OF 103 Tal>Ie 13 - Containment Pressure Availalite @ 5%/ Day Leakage Rate - 65 F Seawater Temperature Lookup Eq 15 Eq.16 Eq.17 Eq 18 Eq 19 Time Tp Tp Pvp mi m c) maxs JT Mt* Pc (seconds) (*F) ( R1 (psia) (Ibm /sec) (n/a) (Ibm /sec) (sec) (lbm) (psia) 21(HHHI ) I16 8 . 576 8 t 1.546 1 0 0(K)00 0.076 0.00000 10000 15.758 14.70 ~ 220IHto I i15A l


575.6  ! 1.495 f 0.(KN)00 0.073 0.00000 10000 15.758 14.70

                                  . 210iMH)                            141              574 5                   1.451       : 0 00000                            0.070               0.0000()                        10000                                             15.758               14.70 l 24fMHM)                            113.5            573.5               ,   1.410

[ 0.000(M) ' O.068 0.00000 10000 j 15.758 14.70

                                  ,!  25(HH10i . _112.5
                                                                                  .t i  572 5                   1.370       1 0.00000                            0.066               0.00000                         10000 l 15,758                                                         14.70 10000                                                                 14.70

0.00000 6 0.064 0.(KK)00 15.758

                                                        ;              111.5         !  571 5                  1.333 l 260000 270000            i

_110._7 _ l 570.7 , .l 30I_ _ _ 0.000m) ] 0.062 0.00(XX) 10000 15.758 14.70 2M0(HND i 110 0 , 570 0 1.275 0.00(KX) j 0.060 0.00000 10(HR) 15.758 14.70 29tHM H) 109.1 I 569.1 l.243 0 00000 l 0.059 0.00000 10000 1 15.758 14.70 4 Tt HHH vo . 108.4 ' l 56M 4 1.217 i 0.00000 1 0.057 0.00(X)0 10000 l 15.758 14.70 3itHHHi 107 8 567N 1.194 j 0.00000 ) 0.056 0.000 >0 10000j_ 15.758 14.70 12(H)00 ~ 107 0 5670 1.169 , 0 0tHHM) j 0.055 _; 0 00000 1(xWM) _j 15.758 14.70 l iof M H) 106.3 566 1 1 146 O(HHHH) 0 054 j 0 00000 10000 14.70 15.75X [ 140t HHi 105x , 565x 1.127 , H 0(Ht00 ;, 0.053 j 0 00000. j 1(HHH1 _j 15.75M i 14 70 35tHN)0 565l 1.105 , 0 00(KM) ; 0.052 10(RM) j_ 15.758 14.70

                                  ,                                    1(J5.1      ;                       .

1 0.(KKHM) J 104.4 564.4 1.083  : 0 0mHM) 1 0.051 10000 15.758 14.70 0.00000 J i 160t HM) i ~ 103 ] l TMtHHH1 i 563 4  ; 0.00(KX) 0 00()00 20(HXI 15.758 14.70 j 1.051 . f 0.049 i 4tHHHHi l 102.3 562.1 1.016 - 0.00000 j 9.048 0.0000() , 20000 y 15,758 14.70 l l


50t HH)0 97 5 557.5 0 580 0.00000 j 0.046 0.00000 1 10(xx)0 15,758 1.5.70 6(HHHHI ' 94 0 .j 5540 0.791 0 00000 } 0.040 { 0.0000 J0 _100000 15.758 14.70 1 7tHMH)0 91 4  ! 551 4 O_729 0.00000 ! 0.035 1 0.00000 ; 100000 15.758 14 70

                                                                     ~          ~

I 100000 15.758 14.70 89 3 5493 0.652 0.032 0.00(K)0 St H H N10

                                                       ,           .                                                       ! 0.005UI)]

91NHHH1 87 4 547 4 0643 0.00000 I 0.030 15.758 14.70 1 0.(NxXM M 100000 9200(Hi 87 0 547.0 0.635 O (KHK)oj 0.028 l 0.0(MN)0 [ 20m)0 15.758 L 14.70 RHR/CS Calc 25-NOV-97 File = NPSH65.XLS Page 2 of 2

                                                                                                                                                    ,____...___m                         _______.____..______m.          _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -                              _ _ _ _ _                           _                        m -__ _   _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 __


                                                    & Boston Edison                          CHECKED BY:

REV. E3 DATE 25-NOV-97 SHEET 62 OF lo3 Table 14 - RIIR Pump with 1%/ Day Leakage Rate - 6C"F S-water Temperature Fl4 5-10 Lookup Lookup Eq 19 Eq.21 Eq.22 Eq 23 Eq 24 P, Req'd for NPSHA of Time Time Tp Density INp Pc Pgas llz list NPSHA 27 feet Margin (secs) (hours) (cF) (Ibnvil') (psia) (psia) (feet) (fect) (fect) (fect) (psia) (fect)

                                                                                                                                          !   Piotted           Plotted i                 i Plotted I                             l Plotted l

I on Rg 5

                                   ' on Hg 4                                on Fig 4                          ( _ _ _ _ __.___ _ _ on Fig 4                ,                  ,\

j 100 0.03 128.8  : bl.57 2.150 15.25 30.63 12.5 3.20 39.9 9.72 12.9 _j l 2tH) , 0.06 ., 13I M : 61.52 2.329 15.49 30.81 12.5 3.20 40.I i. 9.89 I 3. I j 2.414 ! 15.61 30.89 12.5 3.20 40.22 _ 9.97 13.2 j 400 l 0.1 l._j_131.1 j 61.50 _ l _2_.453 ! 15.66 600 6149 30.93 12.5 3.20 40.2 [ 10.01 13.2

                ! 0 .17
                      . . ..! p133 7 .'

l 2 _ 4 10tHI 0 28 __ 135.9 ; 61.45 2.598 { .15 85_ r31.06 12.5 4__3.20 J, ,40.4 ,_10.15 j 13.4 _ . < 2000 0.56 141.3 61.35 1 2.984 ! 16.36 31.39 12 5 l 3.20 40.72_ 10.53 (j _ 13.7_. 4f MH)  ; 1.11 148 3 61 22 i 3.568 l 17.10 - 12.5 l

                                                                                                              ._  _3_. 20a 41.1   1     11.09              14.1 N H H1        1 67

151 7 61 12

                                                              ; 4.06M ' . 17.71

___. i} 31.82 _1 _2. 5 l' 3.20 i 41.4 I_1.58 .' 14.4 32.15 1' ' t _. t ot HiO 2.78 160 7 <,o 9M 4 M22 18 62 ; 32_.59 12.5 1 20 41.9 12.32 , I49 14tHHi 1 89 164 5 s.o on 5275 19.16 i 32 82 12.5 , 3 20 42.1 12.76 . 15 1 INHH1 4.44 165 7 on.MM , 5.419 19.32 _ 52 89- ~ ~ ~ 12.5  ! 3 20 i 42.2 1 1250 15 2, _. j 5 56 j 166.4  ! 5.514 ; 19.43_ !_ 32.93 12.5_j 13.00 20000 ' 60 M6 3.20 1 42.2 ! {_ _ _15.2 24(HH) 6 67 j 1(>h.2 60 M7 j 5_488 ; 19.40 l 32.91 12.5 [ 3.20 _j_42.2 j , 12.97 L 15.2 3t WHH) U3 165 H l 60 M9 i 5 341 [ _19.22 [ 32.82 12.5 j 3.20 [ 42.1 12.83 j _15.1_)

                                                                                                                               }_ 42.0 ]t_

l 35(HH) 9.72_ ; 161 6 ; 60.92  ! 5.168 i 19.01 l 32.72 12.5 ! 3.20 12.66 l 15.0 j 4fHHH) 11.l] ; 162.0 j 60.95 l 4.972 i 18.77 ! 32.61 12.5 l 3_20. __! 419 _ [ _ _12.46 _j _14.9_ 12.5 j__3 20_j _41.4j __ 11.61 14.4 l 60t HHi 16 67 , 1540 , 61.1I l _4;ioi l 17.71J 32.06 , 1 40 j 13 8 Mt H H H1 22.22 1460 ' 01 27 4 3.361 ; 16 78 !m31.53 12.5 , __s__8_n 4_ _3.20 _ 10.89 , IIH H H H) 27.i8 13M 2 61 41  ; 2.75M j l_5.99J 31.02 12.5 j_ 3 20j . 40.3_i _ l0.31_ ,,13.3 _ j 12tHHHi 33 33 132.3 61 51 } 2.360 , 15 45_ _ l 30.64 { 12.5 j_ 3.20 , 39.9 j 9.92 j _ l_2.9__ l 140(HH) 18 M9 127.5 61.59 , 2.079 15 05 i 30.33 ( 12.5 j. 3.20 39.6 j_ 9.65 _, l2.6 _ } s RHR/CS Calc 25-NOV-97 File = NPSH65.XLS Page 1 of 3


                                              & Boston Edison                               CHECKED BY:

REV. E3 DATE 25-NOV-97 SHEET f7 OF 103 Table 14 - RIIR Pump witti 1%/ Day Leakage Rate - 65 F Seawater Temperature F14 5-10 Lookup Lookup Eq.19 Eq.21 Eq 22 Eq.23 Eq.24 P, Req'd for NPSHA of Tune Time Tp Density Psp Pc Pgas IIz Hsl NPSHA 27 feet Margin (secs) t hours) ( F) t ibm /ft'l (psia) (psia) (fect) (fect) (fect) (fect) (psia) (fect) 61.63 14.90 30.21 12.5 3.20 39.5 9.54 j 12.5 _j i f50000 , 41.67 { J25 5 } l 1.969 16tH)00 : 44.44 1 123.8 1 61.65 j l.K80 14.77 30.10 12.5 3.20 39.4 9.46 [ 12.4 _j i f IKtHHHi 50 00 f ' l'2ii 8 61.70 1 1.729 14.70 30.27 12.5 3.20 39.6 9.31 } 12.6 - 190000 52578 i~U9.3 61.72  ! l 65M 12.5 3.20 39.7 9.25  ; 12.7 14 70 J 30.43 59~ [ 20tHHM) 55 56 . 118.0 . 61.74 1.601 14.70 1 30.55 12.5 { 3.20 l ~ 39.9 ~~~ }' 9.19 l

 !210000          5M.33 U6x f         61.76     ! l.546 14 70       30.67        12.5_}_ 3 20 _j . 40.0 9.14        !     13 0 220000       6 I .1 I         I15 6 ;       61.78           1.495 l 14.70          30.78        12.5        3.20 l       40.1          9.09              13.1     ~~

y) 24HHin ' 63IM9 114.5 I; 6130 1.451 30.87 ~ 'I5[ 3 20 [ 40.2 { 9.05 13.2 i 9.01 13.3 f 24fMH)0 ' 66 67 113.5 ; 61 81 1.410 l 14.70 J 30.96 [ 12.5 3.20 J 40.3 . 8.97 13.3 250000 69.44 112.5 i ' 61.82 1.370 ' 14.70 L 31.05 J 12.5_ ._ 3.20 _j 40.3 26t H HHI 72 22 l I 1,5 61 XI ' lW I4T70 ! 31.13 j 12 5 3.20 { 40.4 8 93 13.4  ! I 270t H Hi 7; 00 110.7 61 x;  ! ml 14.70 3I 20 12 5 . 2 20 40.5 8 90 'I3.5 2SlHHHi 77.7X 110.0 , 61 86 1 275 14.70 j ~ II 25 ] 12.5_ { 12tf _; 40 6 _ 8.88  ! 13 6 i 29tH HMl X0.56 109.1  ; 61.87 1.241 14.70 31.32 12.5 13.20 ; 40.6 8.85 i 13.6 4 30(HHH) X3.33 1(JK 4 j 61 SX _ l.217 14.70 31.37 12.5 l 3.20 j _ 40.7 __ 8.82 { 13.7 13.7__ 310'H Hi M6Ii 107.M ! 61.89 i 1.194 14.70 31.42 12.5 ! 3.20 j ~ 40.7 [ 8.80 l ~ 31.48 3 12.5 I 3.20 ! 40.8 } [ 8.78 MM M9 til7.0 61.90 14.70  ! 13.8 l320000 } [ 1.169 33fM100 , 91 67 106.3 ; 61.91 j _ _1.146 ; 14 70_ j 31.53 12.5 1 3.20 ] 40.8 } 8.76 13_S t

 ,  140000 , 94 44 { 105.K                      61.92     l _ l.127 j 14.70            31.57        12.5    { 3 20. _j      40.9 j         8.74       ;__13.9 40.9_j _       8.72              13.9
 ' 350000        97.22      {. 105.1         61 93     j l.105 j 14.70        ,

31.61 12.5__ 4 _ 3.20 ._ 41.0 8.70 40000 It Hl.00 l 104.4 61.94 1 1.081 j . 14.70 31 66 [ l2.5_}_ 3.20 _ [ _ 14 0 61.95  ; 1.051 14.70 j 31.73 _ 12.5j 3.20 41.0 8.67 _l40_ 3xlHH)0 , 105.56 103.4 ; 4 3.20 j 400000 111.11 102.3 61.97 , I.016 ' 14.70 l 31.80 12;5_ _ 41.1 8 63 t 14.1 , RHR/CS Calc 25-NOV-97 File = NPSH65.XLS Page 2 of 3

CALCULATION SHEET PREPARED BY: Wd Soston EdisOM CALC.# M-662 CHECKED BY: REV. E3 DATE 25-NOV-97 SHEET Ff OF 103 Tal>Ie 14 - RilR Pump with 1%/ Day Leakage Rate- 65 F Seawates Temperature F14.5-10 Lookup Lookup Eq 19 Eq 21 Eq 22 Eq.23 Eq.24 P, Req'd for NPSHA of Time Time Tp Density 15p Pc Pgas Hz Hsl NPSHA 27 feet Margin (secs) t hours) ( F) tibnt ft'l / (psia) (psia) (feet) (fect) (fect) (fect) (psia) (feet) j 62.03 0 880 14.70 32.03 12.5 3.20 _ j 41.4 8.50 14.4 ,J

   . 5(H HH.HI ! l38.89 { 97.5
   ' NHHHN) ; 166.67 I 94.0                                        i    62.07 0.791 14.70                                                     32.27                                                         12.5   3.20 { 41.6 _               8.42         14 6     j 71M NMM1 i I94.44                    91.4                         62.10                                                      0.729                                                       14.70                                                    32.40                                                          12.5   3.20          41.7          8.36         14.7 80(HMH1 j 222.22                      89.3                         62.12                                     I 0.682                                                                      14.70                                                    32.49                                                          12.5  3.20   _

41.8 8.32 14.8 _, 91MMNW) 1 250 00 87.4 62.I5 l 32.57 I 2.5 3.20 41.9 8.28 14.9_ j _[,0635 0.643_ } l4.70f_ 14.70 920tHM1 i 255 56 { 87 0 l _ 62.I5 32.59 12.5 3.20 _ j _ 41.9 8.27 l 14.9 j 1 RHR/CS Calc 25-NOV-97 File = NPSH65.XLS Page 3 of 3


                                                           & Boston Edison                                       CHECKED BY:

REV. E3 DATE 25-NOV-97 SHEET ST OF 103 Talile 15 - Core Spray Pump with 1%/ Day Leakage Rate - 65 F Seawater Temperature F14.5-10 Lookup Lookup Eq.19 Eq.21 Eq 22 Eq.23 Eq.24 P Reg'd for NPSHA of Time Time Tp Densit) Psp Pc Pgas liz Hsl NPSHA 29 feet Margin Isecs) Ihours) FF) (Ibm /ft') (psia) (psia) (fect) (fect) (fect) (fect) (psia) (fect) Plotted l l Plotted Plotted  ! Plotted l l l \ on Fig 4 'j l on Fig 4 on Fig 4 " on Fig 5-~


[, 100 0.U3' ~ .. 12x x .' 61.57 ._.. 2 150 I 15.25 30.63 12.5 _2.38 i 4

                                                                                                                                               . _0.7 2.___
                                                                                                                                                    .        7 ~ 10.22            11.7 200                                                 61.52                2.329      15.49          30.81       12.5                     40.9         l    10.40          11.9 i                         0 06. . - - _3 I N   1       ,!                                                                           2.38 J' 400 j             0.11_ . _[ 133.1 .i 61.50            .-

2.414 4 _15.6_ _1_ 30.89 12.5 12.5 _ __2_.3 8_ _ . 4_1_.0. a 2.38 41.0 i i 10.48 10.51 r.12.012.0 f300 i 61.49  !

 ,                         0._17. _ _. _1_3 3.7 'y                    . _2.453     .

_15.66 _ _ 30.93 w { ' i ItHHI !

 ;                    . 0.2_8_ c 135 9                    61.45                2.598      15.85          31.06       12.5         2.38 l      41.2         L 10.65    i 12.2 2000               0 56_ L _41.1   i 1               61.35               2.984       16.36          31.39       12.5         2.38 1a     41.5      !       I1.03    i     12.5 4
 .                    .                                 ,                                                                                                                   +
  ! 4fHH1 l                1.11            i                 61 22    1 3_.568 i  17.10           31.82       12.5 __ _2_ _3 8aI       41.9      !       11.59    1     12.9 6t H NI            1.67            9 148.1 151.7        61 12 4

i 4 06M i 17.71 4 2.38 l 42.3 ' 12 08 13.3 j

                      ,                    1                                                                32.15J _12.5_                         .                      .  {

It H100 2 7x 160 ? no 9M 4 X22 iK 62 32_.5_9

                                                                                                               . m
                                                                                                                     !  12 5 2 38 ~      42.7              12.82    ,'    13.7 14000               3 M9                 164 5        60 90                5.275       19.16        .32_.82 12.5 . 23M               42.9              13.26          13.9
                                                                                                        ,.       . +i          ;                                                           ;

lotHin 4.44 + 165.7 603M 5.419  ; 19.32 ! 32.89 12.5  ; 2.3M l 43.0 J _13.40 14 0 J 20000 5.56 60 x6 12.5 2 38 j 43 0 L_13.49 l 14.0 166.4 l 5.514 [ 19.43 [ 32.93 24000 ' 6 67 { 166 2 , 60 M7 5.488 19.40 32.91 12.5 2.38 j 43.0 1 13.47 j __14.0_ 5.341 ,j 19.22 i 3 TMH 10 j M.33 {1650 ; 60 S9 32.82 12.5 2.38 42.9 [ _ _13.32

13.9 35000 . 9.72_


t. . _163.6 6t t92 .! _ 5_ 168 i 19.01 32.72 12.5 2.38 a 42.8 l 13.16 I 13.8 I
   ' 4f HH10              I 1. I 1      _


                                           , 1620 .'         60.95    1 4 972 l ._18 77             __L     32.61       12.5         2.38 l      42.7 l            12.96    !     13.7 6t H HHI           16.67     ~ ~ g  i 154.0       ,

61.1I } i 4.103 ; 17.71 } 32.06 12.5 2.38 l 42.2 L' ._ 12.12  !



                                                                       ; 3 361 l 16.78 1 31.53                                       2.38 ,

8t H H H1 22.22 i 146 0 61.27 12.5 i _41.6J _II.39 _ 12.6_ y lot H H10 27.7M ; 13M 2 61 4i j 2 75M i 15.99_ [ 31.02 12.5 ] 2.38 i 41.1 i 10.81 12.l_.J 12t H HHI 33.31 1323 61.51 ,

                                                                       ,          2.360       15.45 wi 30 64 12.5 l       2.38 _a i   .840   . .- 2
                                                                                                                                                              !    10.43    .

11.8 j 140000 1M 89 i 127.5 61.59  ; 2.079 15;05 [ 30.33 12.5 l 2.38 I 40.5 10.15 , I 1.5 i RHR/CS Calc 25-NOV-97 File = NPSH65 XLS Page 1 of 3


                                                                                             & Boston Edison                                  CHECKED BY:

REV. E3 DATE 25-NOV-97 SHEET 66 OF 103 Table 15 - Core Spray Pump with 1%/ Day Leakage Rate- 65 F Seawater Temperature F 14.5-10 Lookup Lookup Eq.19 Eq.21 Eq 22 Eq.23 Eq.24 P, Reg'd for NPSHA of Time Time Tp Density Ps p Pc Pgas Hz Hsl NPSHA 29 feet Margin (secs) t hours) ( F) tibm/fth (psia) (psia) (fect) (fect) (feet) (feet) (psia) (fect) 61.63 .j 1.969 j 14.90 l 30.21 12.5 2.38 j 40.3 [ _ 10.05 11.3

                  } 15tH100j 41.67_ j _125.5 j
                                                                                                        '                                                                                                                                     11.2

( 16tH100 l 44 44 { 123.8 i 61.65 1 880 j 14.77 j 30.10 _ 12.5__2.38__ 40.2 _ _ 9.96 . _ _ _

                 ; IXtHM10               50 00 j _ 120.8 f                                    61.70          1.729          14.70_j 30.27             12.5       2.38             40.4                  _ 9.82 _                  _ I I .4_

19tH100 52.78 119.1 ! 61.72 l.658 j 14.70 ] 30.43 _j_ 12 5 _ {_ 2.38 40.5 9.75 11.5

                  ; 2(HH100              55 56            118.0                               61.74         1.601 ! 14.70 l 30.55                     12.5       2.38            40.7                        9.70                             11.7 4

21tHM10 58 33 [ II6.8 61.76 1.546 .I 14.70 _l 30.67 12.5 2.38 40.M ] 9.64 ] {y 11.8 r 40.9 9.60 l22tNHH1 ,

61. I I _

115.6 61.78 1.495 14.70 } 30.78 _ 12.5 2.38 _ 41.0 7 9.55 Q l1.9 12.0 61 M9 I14.5 61.80 1.451 2.38 l, 21t H M N)

                                                   ...                                                     .             _14 . _ .70_ [ 30.87# _12.5     -                a 24tHHHi , 66.67 l 113.5                                                  618 l         1.4 t o         14.70 ' 30.96             12.5      2.38 l 41.1                                  9.51     _ L12.1 25iHHH1             69,44     ,

112.5 i (il M2 , 1.370 14.70 31.05 g.5_ _ 2;38_ j 4 l_.2 .94_8, { 12.2 _ 260t H M) 72 22 I i 1. 5 6I M4 i 111 14.70 1 31.13 12.5 . 23M ! 41.2 , 9 44 i 12.2

                                                                                                       '                                   ~

270000 75 00 110 7 oI Mi  ! 'o1 14.70 ! ~5l.20 . 12.5 ! 2.3M 41.3 9.4 l 12.3 + 2XIMHHi 77. 7M 110 0 b l M6 i 1 275 14.70 '5 i~.25 ! 12.5 ^ 2.3M 41.4 9.39

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ;                     12.4 291 H H HI          MO.56 f 109.1 f                                  61.M7        l.241            14.70 N I~3 I l I2.5                2.38             45'.4                      9.36        [~f2.4 -                     __

12.5 2.38 41.5 _t 9.33 _ 12.5 3(HMHN) l MT.31 ] 108.4 j (> l .XM 1.217 ; l_4.70__ 31.37 l

                 > 310000                86.11 j 107 M                                        61.89                                      31.42 i 12.5           2.38             41.5 l                     9.31                              12.5 _

1.194 l 14.70 ._ 32(M100 l XM 89 j 107.0 61.90 j 1.169 1 14.70 31.48 12.5 2.38 41.6 _ 9.28___ C _12_6_ j 12.5 2.38 41.6 9.26 33(HH)0 l 91 67 j 106.3 l 61.91 j 1.146 l 14.70 31.53 3 _ Q 12.6 34t H91 ; 94.44. J 105.x ! 61.92 1.127 l 14.70 31.57 12.5 2.38 41.7 _j . 9.24  ! 12.7 15fMNN) 97.22 j _105. I 61.93 , 1.105 l 14.70 g 31.61 12.5 2.38 41.7 j 9.22 l 12.7 16t HM)0 100 00 l 104 4 61.94  ! 1.0M3 ; _ 14.70 .j 31.66 12.5 j _ 2.38 , T 41.,8 _j 9.202 _ { _ _12.8 _ ] IMiH M H) 40t HM10 105.56 ' 101 4 lll ]I l02) 51.95 61.97 { l.051 l 1.016 14 70 } 31.73 14.70 L 31.80 } 12.5 12.5 2.38 2.38 i _f. 41.8 ! 41.9 i 9.17 9.14 i i 12.8 12.9 RHR/CS Calc 25-NOV-97 File = NPSH65 XLS Page 2 of 3


                                                     & Boston Edison                   CHECKED BY:

REV. E3 DATE 25-NOV-97 SHEET I~7 OF 103 Table 15 - Core Spray Pump with 1%/ Day Leakage Rate - 65 F Seawater Temperature F14.5-10 Lookup Imkup Eq.19 Eq.21 Eq.22 Eq.23 Eq 24 P Req'd for NPSHA of Time Time Tp Densit_s Psp Pc Pgas Hz Hsl NPSHA 29 feet Margin (secs) (hours) (*F) (ibm /ll') (psia) (psia) (feet) (feet) (fect) (feet) (psia) (feet) 9.01 13.2 5(HHHl0 13N M9 1 97.5 62.03 , } 0.M80 { 14.70 32.08 12.5 2.38 J 42.2 L 6fHHH)0 166.67 94.0 62 07 0.791 14.70 32.27 12.5 2.38 42.4 1 _ _ 8.93 13.4 13.5 _


7(H HHH1 194.44 91 4 62.10 0.729 14.70 32.40 12.5 2.38 42.5 8.87 1 KlHHHN) 222.22 89.3 62.12 0.682 14.70 32.49 12.5 2.38 42.6 8.83 13.6 9tMNNM1 250 (M.) _. 87.4 l 62.I5 '} 0.643 14.70 32.57 12.5 2.38 42.7 8.79 13.7 92iHHH1 ! 255.56 E7.0 i 62.15 i _0.635 14.70 32.59 12.5 2.38 _ _42.7_ _ 8.78 u 13.7 RHR/CS Calc 25-NOV-97 File = NPSH65.XLS Page 3 of 3


                                                                   & Boston Edison                            CHECKED BY:                                                                                                                                                           M REV.                     E3            DATE            F LNOV-97 SHEET                        56               OF           10 3 Table 16 - RIIR Pump with 5%/ Day Leakage Rate - 65 F Seawater Temperature F14.5-10           Lookup         Lookup     Eq 19    Eq. 21                                                                                                                                                                    Eq 22                  Eq 23                      Eq 24 P. Req'd for NPSHA of Time                      Time                Tp          Density          Ps p        Pc       Pgas                                     Hz                                                                        Hsl                                                 NPSHA                  27 feet                    Margin (secs)                   (liours)            (*F)        (Ibm /ft'n       (psia)    (psia)    (fect)                            (fect)                                                                      (fect)                                                      (fect)                (psia)                      (feet) l                       ,                    Plotted                       l            Plotted                                                                                                                                                                         l                        Plotted                     Plotted
     ;                     y                    on Fog t                       i            on Fig 4                                                                                                                                                                                                on Fig 4                  on Fig 5
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       } 39.9 100             j        0 03       _ 281 8         61.57     ,   _2.I50     15.25    30.63                                   12.513.20_{                                                                                                                               _        _.

9.72 L_12.9 200 0.06 131.M~ 61.52 I 2.329 I5.49 30.81 l 12.5 3.20 40.I 9.89 l 13.1 4tM) O 11 ~ T33.1 61.50 15.61 30.89 12.5 , 3.20 40.2_j 9.97 13.2

                           .                                  ,               f 2.414                                                                                                                                                                                         _                      _

600 ' 0 17-133 7 l 61.49 l 2 451 15.66 30.92 12.5 1 3.20 40.2 I 10 01 13.2 t i 1000 0.2M '135 9 . 61.45  ! 2.598 15.85 31.05 12.5 3.20 40.4 10.15 l 13.4 2tH H) O.56 j[41.3 f 6115 31.38 12.5 3.20 40.7 10.53 13.7

                                            ,                                      21984 f 16.35                                                                                                                                                                                             _                                             _
    ! JIMMI                          1.1 I [ _l48.3 j               61.22     l 3.568 l ,17.09        31.80                                  12.5           .

3.20 . _ _41.1 [ l1.09 14.1 61.12 4 06M j 17.70 32.11 _ ,12.5 3.20 41 4 l 11.58 l4.4 l { btHHi 1 67 l 151 7 , 40000 2 78 160 7 < >0 9M 4 M22 iM.59 _ 3 2. _.52 12 5 i # 1 20 t 4i M ' 12.32 14.M  ! I4tN)0 1 M9 : 164.5 bo 9a 5275 19.11 32.72 12 5 ' 3.20 42 0 12.76 , 15.0


10000 4 44 [ 165 7 , 60 MM j 5 419 ; 1917_ 32.77 12.5 3.20 j 42.1 j I2.90 _f 15.1 5 56 166 4 60.M6 j _$514 l _19.37 32.73 12;5 15.I 20t M10 _  ; 3.20_ ! 42. l l _13.00 _ __ i 24000 6.67 i 166.2 : 60 M7 l 5.488 i 19.32 32.73 12.5 3.20 42.0 } 12.97 4 15.0 f30000  ; M.33 165.0 163 6 ; 60 89 5.341 f %I2 32.59 12.5 j 3.25 3.20 l l} 41.8 41.9[ ] _' 12.83 l 14.9 14.8 15000 9.72 60.92 5.168 ! 18.90 32.45 12.5 12.66 11.'11 60.95 4.972 32.30 12.5 12.46 IW ' ' f 41HiOO  ;

                                               ' 162.0 f                                  f 18 65                                                                                                                     3.2'U-] _41.6 -
    ' 6t N H N)                    l6 67           154.0            61 1I         4,103 [ 17.52       31.61                                 12.5                                                                                                                                                       11.61                       13.9

( ._ 3.20440.9 40.2 4 _ 10.89

    ,   M(HHH)                     22.22 ! 146 0             7      61.27         3.361 I 16.53

30.94 12.5 3.20  ! i 13.2

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ~ ' 12.6 ~~

100000 , 27578 [ ~l3M.2 I 61.41 ~ 1758 ' f ~l579~ 30.33 12.5 3.20 39.6_ f _10.31 12tHMH) 61.51  ; 2160 ! 15.l2_ j 29.87 12.5 {_,,3.20 j _ 39 2_ j 9.92 _j 12.2

    ,                              33.33 l 132.3                                                 _

140000 38.89 ' 127.5 61.59 ' 2.079 14.70 ; 29.51 ! 12.5 [ 3.20 ' 38 8 j . 9.65 [ 11.8 RHR/CS Calc 25-NOV-97 Fite = NPSH65.XLS Page 1 of 3


                                                      & Boston Edison CHECKED BY: M REV.          E3                   DATE         25-NOV-97 SHEET           f7                      OF          /03 Talile 16 - RilR Pump with 5%/ Day Leakage Rate - 65*F Seawater Temperature F14 5-10       Lookup      Lookup     Eq 19      Eq 21                                                     Eq 22                                              Eq.23                                                        Eq 24 P, Reg'd for NPSIIA of Time         Time                      Tp        Density        Pvp       Pc        Pgas       llz                      list                NPSilA                                              27 feet                                                     Margin (secs)      timurs) $                 ('F)      tilmvft')     (psia)    (psia)      (fect)   (fect)                    (fect)                  (fect)                                             (psia)                                                        (fect) 6I63        1.969 j 14.70 j 29.75 l         12.5                      3.20      [ 39 0                                                            9.54                                                         12.0
 ; I5tHHH)     ,   41 67 l _ .2}.5 l l16tHH)0l 44.44 j l_23 x j                             61.65   j 1.380 1 14.70 { 29.94             12.5                      3.20 j 39.2                                                                 9.46                                                         12.2 llxtHHHi      ;    50 0() [__120 8 l 61 70    i 1329 ;     14.70       30.27     12.5                      3.20 J 39.6 J 9.31                                                         12.6 l 19tHH)0         52.7M l 119.3 !                      61.72   l 1 658 i 14.70           30.43     12.5 }_ 3.20                                       39,7__{                                            9.25                                                         12.7      j
 ! 2tHHHH) ! 55.56                  '

118 0 i 61 74 i 1.601 ! 14.70 30.55 12.5 3.20 39.9 l 9.19 12.9

 ! 210tHH)         58 33                  116.X .       6136        1.546 l 14.70         30 67     12.5                      3.20                     40.0                        1                      9.14                                                         13.0 a      . , . .             ..

115,6 617x j 1.495 i 14.70 30.78 12.5 9.09 13.I 1 22 H H)O 61. I l__  ; 3.20 a _40.I J 210000 , 63.89 j _ l14 5 l 61 80 30.87 12.5 3.20 40.2 J _ 9.05 13.2 l 1.451 ! 14.70 L 24tHHl0 , 66 67 ; 113 5 ; 61 81 j l.410 l 14 70 ._ 30.96 _y_ 12.5 i 3.20 40.3 l 9.01 13.3 250t H)0 69 44 ll2 5 til x2 ' l.370 ! 14.70 31.05 ' 12.5 I 3.20  ; 40.3  ! 8.97 } 13.3 260000 72 22 I11 5 61 x1 1.111 14 70 31.13 - 12.5 . 3 20 .' 40 4 3 93 13.4 '

                                    ,                                                 .     --                                                                                     ,.                                                                                             i 3

27t n H to 75 00 ! I10.7 ' ol x; 1.101 14 70 ' 31.20 4i 12.5 : + 3 20 . 40 5 . 8.90 13 5 250000 77.78 110.0  ; 6i x6 t.275 14.70 I . 31 .25 12.5 i 3.20 j 40 6 j 8 88 .j i 3.6 109.i 6i M7  ; 1.243 l 14.70 31.32 12.5 l 3.20 j _ 40 6,_[ 8.85 13.6 29tHH10 l 80 56 , J_ it H H H)O M3.33 j__ 108 4 , 61 xx  ; 1.217 { 14.70. 31.37 12.5 l 3.20_ j 40.7 .j 8 82 j. 13.7 _ j 110000 , S6.11 j _107 8 ; 61 89 1.194 l 14.70 3 31.42 _j 12.5 ( 3.20 j 40.7_}. _ 8.80 { 13.7 j 120000 x8 89 j 107 0 61.90 1.169 l 14.70 j 3148 ' 12.5 ] 3.20 j 40 8_j _8 78 [_ 13.8_ 11tHHM) 91.67 61.91 1.146 i 31.53 12.5 3.20 [ 40.8 i1 - 8.76 13 8 4 _ .! .100.3. ,. i

                                                                           . _14.70
                                                                                .__.4                                    .1' 140000 ; 94 44 i, 1058                        ,

61.92 1.127 j 14.70 ! 31.57 12.5 3.20 j. 40.9 ] _ 8.74 _ {: 13.9


150000 97.22 [ 105.1 61.91 ,_ l.105 j 14.70 _j 31.61 12.5 3.20 J 40.9 j 8.72 _ _ [ 13.9 160000 100.00 ' 104.4 ' 61.94 1.083 i 14 70 l 3166 g 12.5 3.20 { 41.0 ! 8.70 j_ 14 0 _ 1x0"00 105.56 , 1034 , 61.95 , 1.05I ; _14.70 J 31.73 L 12.5_ g _3 2(1_ ! 410 _ j _ 8.67 l 14 0 j 400000 III I1 102.3 6I 97 1 016 j 14 70 l 3180 j 12.5 L 3.20 l 41.1 i 8.63 - 14.1  ! RHR/CS Calc 25-NOV-97 File = NPSH65.XLS Page 2 of 3


                                      ?) Boston Edison                 CHECKED BY:

REV. E3 DATE 25-NOV-57 SHEET 60 OF 103 Talile 16 - RIIR Pump willi 5%/ Day Leakage Rate - 65 F Seawater Temperature Fl4.5-10 Lookup Lookup Eq.19 Eq 21 Eq 22 Eq.23 Eq.24 P, Reg'd for NPSHA of Time Time Tp Density Ps p Pc Pgas Hz Hsl NPSHA 27 feet Margin (secs) (hours) ("F) (thm/ft') (psia) (psia) (fect) (fect) (fect) (fect) (psia) (fect) 5tHHKMt j ,138.89 97.5 62.03 _j 0.x80 ,j 14.70 l 32.08 12.5 3.20 41.4 8.50 _ 14.4 _ 60f KK10 l 166.67 94.0  ! 0.791 14.70 32.27 12.5 3.20 41.6 8.42 14.6 62.07__i0.729 7(NWKH) 194.44 91.4 62.10 14.70 32.40 12.5 3.20 41.7 8.36 14.7 [372iI'j{

                                                                                                                                         ~                                                                 ~ ~ ~

M(HNNM) 222.22 89.1 62.12 0.682 14.70 32.49 12.5 41.8 8.32 14.8 9(MNHM) 250 00 , 87 4 ! 62.15 0

                                               . L 643 4 _I4.70   32.57                         12.5     3.20 j 41.9                       _

8.28 14.9 _, 92tMKH1 255.56 j 87.0 l 62.15 . L 0.635 l 14.70 32.59 12.5 3.20 J 41.9 8.27 _ 14.9 _ _ _ RHR/CS Calc 25-NOV-97 File = NPSH65 XLS Page 3 of 3


                                                                                  & Boston Edison                                                         CHECKED BY:

REV. E3 DATE 25-NOV-97 SHEET Q OF 10 3 Talile 17 - Core Spray Pump with 5%/ Day Leakage Rate- 65 F Seawater Temperature Fl4 5-10 Lookup Lookup Eq 19 Eq.21 Eq.22 Eq 23 Eq 24 P, Req'd for NPSIIA of Time Time Tp Density 15 p Pc Pgas llz list NPS11A 29 feet Margin (secs) t hours) ( F1 (Ibnuft's (psia) (psia) (fect) (fect) (fect) (feet) (psia) (fect) l Plotted i ( I Plotted l Plotted Plotted 1 i I "" hR# \ . I""I$8 A .---_-L---_-. -

                                                                                                                                                                                                   "" NS #           L      "" NC 3 IIH)                                       61.57                                                             30.63 l 12.5 [_ 2.38 0 01 l 128 x i                         _; _;150 2                             15.25      _

40.7 1 10.22 11.7 2tH) 0 06 i


111 8 61.52 1 2.329 15.49 30.81 12.5 1L 2.38 40.9 1 10.40 11.9 j i 400 i 133 1 t 0 11 2 6I.50 _2.414

                                                                                                                               ,  15.61              S .39 l    12.5 l 2 38             41.0 i4- _ _ _10.4 8                     12.0 4

0 17 6149 .i -.2.451 i, 15.66_ 6t H) 133 7 3< .W 12 5 2.38 10.51_ _ 1. l 41.0 i 12.0 1 ltHN) 0 2x f 135 9 , 61.45_ ; _2.59x ! 15.85 31.05 12.5 2.38 412 j _10 65 _ {i 12.2 _. 2f MHi 0 56 ' I41.1 61.35 ' 2.984 ' 16.35 t' 31.38  ! 2.5  !

n. _2_.3_8
                                                                                                                                                                                .. g I   41.5   8 1

11.03 l 12.5 4000 j 14x.3 1.11 61.22 . _ 3.56x _17119 j. 3180 12.5 l 2.38 j 41.9 11.59 12.9 a .t H Hi 1 67 153 7 61.I2 . 4.06x . 17.70 32.11 l 2. 5 l 2.38 I 42.2 12.08 13.2

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ' I16 l                                  10t Hl0           2 78         160 7            no 9x            4 X22                          lx 59            _

32 52 12.5 , 21x f 12 6 IIx2 , , 14tHN) 1 R9 164 i f >0 90 E 2'i 19 II , 32 72 12.5 21x :' 42 x 13 26 13 x 16tHto 4 44 165 7 60 xx 5 419 19.27 f 3177 . l_2.5_ ; 21x . 4_2 9 j 13.40

                                                             ,                                                               ,                                                                                             _ 53 9 20t H H) 5 56 ! 166 4                  60 x6     ;      5.514 j 19 37.j 32.78                                        12.5   l   2.38         42.9 j _ 13.49               1 13.9 _;

32.73 ._L 12.5 I~ 2.38 240t H) 6 67 . 166.2 ; 60 x7 5.4MM 19.32 42.8 11 13.47 ' 13 8 1 4 4

,i ,! ..
                                                                                                                                               .1'                                                                -+

3t H HH1 M.33 165 0 ' 60 89 5.341 19.12 13.32 13.7 .- J 12.5 } 2.38 , : 442.7__! 35tHHI 9.72 I 163 6 60.92 1

                                                                                            ; 5.16x                                                  32.59 32.45                                     !      13.16

13 6

                                                                         ;                  ,_                               .! _18.90_.

_12.5_ r!2 38 _ . _ p _2.6 _ 5 ,! 4' 40000 11. I I 60.95 l 4 972 ; 18 65 32.30 12.5 i 2 38 3 42.4 12.96 13 4

                                                            ,    1620 l                                                                    _

6t H HHi 16 67 , 1540 61 11 , _ 4 103 ; 17.52 , 31.61 12.5 i _2.38 ,j_1.7 4 12.12 . 12.7 Mt H M)O 22.22 146 0 61.27  ; 3.361

                                                            ,            ,                                                   ,    _l6_.53 ! 30 94 12.5_ ( 2.38 _ { 41 l_         ,  __11.39            l _12._1 .

ItHHHHI 27.78 . 13x 2 61 41  : 2.75M ' 15 69 I 30.33 [_ _12.5 ! 2.38 i 40.5 i 10 81 11.5  ! 120t H N) 31 33 l'23 61.51 2.360 15Il2 f 29 87 j_ l 2.5 ' 2.38' [4T(I~ ^ 10.43'  !~To ] 14t H H10 18 M9 127.5 61 59 2.079 14.70 29.51 [ l_2 5__ ! 2.3x ! 39 6 10.15 j 10 6 i RHR/CS Calc 25-NOV-97 File = NPSH65.XLS Page 1 of 3 _____o


                                                 & Boston Ettison                                                                                                CHECKED BY:

REV. E3 DATE 25-NOV-97 SHEET 62 OF /03 Talite 17 - Core Spray Pump with 5%/ Day Leakage Rate- 65 F Seawater Temperature F14.5-lo Lookup Lookup Eq.19 Eq 21 Eq 22 l Eq 23 Eq 24 P, Reg'd for NPSHA of Time Tmic Tp Densit3 Ps p Pc Pgas Hz Hsl NPSHA 29 feet Margin o ecs) (hours) ("F tibm/f th (psia) (psia) (feet) (fect) (fect) (fect) (psia) (fect) 15(H H H 8 41 f_,7, Ll25.5 l 61.61 l.969 j 14.70 29.75 12_5 l 2.38_ _ ( 39.9 [ 10.05 10.9_ _ 16f H H H1 , 44.44 . -

                                    ! 123x ,i      6165                          f.KMO I 14.70                                                    29.94                               12.5 j 2.38                    40.1         l      9.96             11.1 _

IMIHHHi 50 00 l 120 M 61 To  ; 1.729 ! 14.70 30.27 12.5 2.38 40 4 j, 9.82 11.4 _. 5x 1! 14.70 52.7M i 119.3 2.38 40.5 9.75 11.5 l'NHHHt _ i _. , 61.72 ,i _16 30.43 12. 5___n 1' 20tHHH) 55.56 ]18 0 61 74 14.70 j 30.55 l 12.5 {__ 2.38 40.7 9.70 11.7

                  ,                          ,                          { l 601 21tHHHf          58 33          1 I6.x  '

61 70 . i546 12.5 ! 2 38 40.8 9.64 11.8

                                      .                                                                    ._14.70 { 30.67 1 40.9                 9.60 1

22iHHH) 61.1I j i15 6  ; 61 7K ~ 1.495 __I4.70 30.78 { 12.5 l 2.38 _ 11.9 __ 2itHHHi 61 89 j 114 5 61 Mo l.451 14.70 30.87 l 12.5 2.38 41.0 1 __ 9.55 12 O _ 24'Hion 66 67 ^ 113 5 61.x1 ,i 1.410 , . _. 70 14 30.96 l 12.5 2.38 41.1 l 9.51  ! 12.1

                                                                                                                            ._. y                                                                                                p 25t H Hio       6944            112 5         61 x2                         1.170 i 14.70                                                    3105 !                              12.5             2.3M j 41.2               .       9 48            12.2
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ~ {[
                                                                                                                                                                                        ~ ~~

26'HHHi 72.22 III s v.1 xJ I.111 14.70 31.13 l25 2.3M  ; 41.2 9 44 I2.2 , 2 78 Hlf Mt 75 00 110 7 ol x5 1. ;o l 14 70  : I 12 5 .! 2.1M 41.3 9.41 1, 12.1 .

4. 3_1.20 ...e _

2.38 41 4 9 39 12.4 77 78 l io n 1275 14.70 7 31.25 { 12.5 2 xi H H >o e,l x6 i

 ,                             ,                                                                        ,                                                                                                       3               3 2'MHH10         Mo 56           109 i   ,

61.x7 , I.241 j _14.70_l 31.32 l 12.5 2.38 i 41.4 _ [ _ _ 9.36 I l_2 -l __ j 100000 108 4 61 xx 12.5 2.38 41.5 I 9.33 12.5 M3.33 , l 1.217 i 14.70 l 31.37 l llotHHI 61 M9 1.194 14.70 1 31 42 12.5 2.38 41.5 ; 12.5 _ x6 I I [ 107 x  ; . a __. _9.3 _1 _ i. 9.28 12.6 xx 89 14.70 j 31.48 12.5_ j _ 2.38 _ _ 41.6 i i I 120000 107 o 61 90 1.169 i 11t H Hlo 9167  ; 196 3 61.91 1.146 ; 14.70 31.53 12.5 2.38 ,j 41.6  ! 9.26  ! 12.6 34rHHH) 94.44 { 105 x 61.92 , 1.127 , 14;70 31.57 12;5 _2 33 j 41] j_ 9.24 l 12.7 j 35f H H H) 97.22 g 105.1 61.91  ; 1.105 l 14.70 . 31 61 l 12.5 _ 2.38 j _, 417 j _ 9.22 j__ _ I2.7 _ _ 16t H HHi 10000 104 4 61.94  ; I UST . 14.70 l 31.66 ! 12.5 2.38 :, _1 4 8 .i g_ 9.20 p__12.8 _j

                 ,                                                     1 .. .

3x0000 105.56 101.4 61.95  ; 1.051 14.70 j 31.73 l 12.5 2 38 j _ 41.8 9.17 i 12.8 3 JIN Hlon 1021 61 97 1.016 1 2.38 41.9 9.14 _ ] _ _. j iIl 11 , 14.70 1 31 80 l _ _12.5 _ [ l_2.9 RHR/CS Calc 25-NOV-97 File = NPSH65 XLS Page 2 of 3

CALCULATION CHEET PREPARED BY: 'PD R gosfog Edison CALC.# M462 CHECKEDPV' REV. E3 DATE 25-NOV-97 SHEET @ OF 10 3 Table 17 - Core Spray Pump with 5%/ Day Leakage Rate- 65 F Seawater Temperature F14 5-10 Lookup Lookup Eq 19 Eq.21 Eq.22 Eq 23 Eq 24 P, Req'd for NPSHA of Tinic Time Tp Densit) Ps p Pc Pgas Hz Hsi NPSHA 29 fect Margin (wes) (liours) ('F) (Ibm /fi') (psia) (psia) (fect) (fect) (fect) (fect) (psia) (fect) 5(HHHH) 138.M9 L 97.5 3 62 01 l _ 0. NMO 14.70 l 32.08 12.5 2.38 j_ 42.2 j_ 9.01 , 13.2 2.38 j_ 42.4 _{ 6 HHHH) 166 67 l 94.0 62 07 0.791 12.5 8.93 13.4

                                                                                                                                                                            .         14.70 } 32.27                                                                       ,

7(H HHHI l94.44 9 ] .4 62 10 0.729 14.70 32.40 12.5 2.38 42.5 8.87 . 13.5 ~ M(HHHHI ; 222.22 ._ N9.3 62.12 0 6M2 14.70 32.49 12.5 2.38 42.6 . 8.83 i 13.6 _ j 87.4 62 15 3 0.643 14.70 32.57 12.5 2.38 42.7 _j_ . 8.79 13.7

 ; 9(HHHH1 f 250.tK)                                                                                                                                      ,

_ 13.7

 ! 92tHHNi { 255.56                                                                                                                          37.0         l     62.15    l 0 635      14.70    32.59    12.5 l  2.38                   42.7 [ _ 8.78 RHR/CS Cafe 25-NOV-97 Fife = NPSH65 XLS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Page 3 of 3
         . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - - _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - _ _                                                              _ _ - - - _ _ _ - _ _ - - -              _ _ = _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ - _ - _ _ . _ _ - . _ - - _


                                                            & Boston Edison                                                                         CHECKED BY: ,

REV. E3 DATE 25-NOV-97 SHEET 64 OF lO3 Talile 18 - Containment Pressure Availalile @ 1%/ Day Leakage Rate - 75 F Seawater Temperature Lookup Eq 15 Eq.16 Eq.17 Eq 18 Eq.19 Time Tp Tp Psp mtm c) maxs JT Mt* Pc (secondo ( F) ("R t (psia) (Ibm / scc) (n/a) (Ibm /sec) (sec) (Ibm) (psia) j i6315 15.35 j j i30.0J 590 0 , 2.2_2_3_ j 1I2  ; I33,7 ] _ 593.7 - 2.453 0(>0056 0.105 j 0.00051 312 16315 15.66 l 139 5 j 599.5 O 00()67 245 16.19

       ;             557                                          ,

2;M53 _ _f 0.116 { 01H)060 _16315 5x8 < 140 6 l 600.6 ' 2.935 0.00032 0.133 0 00072 31 16315 16.29 { 619 141. 601.3 2.95X  ; _0,000R4 0.137 _ 0.00074 _ _ 31 l 16315 16.36 656 142 0 602 0 3 041  ! 0 00086 0.139 0.00075 37 16315 16 43 969 147.g j 607M 3.521  ; 0 00087 J 0.141 0.00076 313 16314 17.04 i j 1.281 1521  ! 612.1  ! 3.916  ! 0.00099 0.162 0.00085 312 16314 17.53

                            '                                              ~~ ~ ^

1.594 155.3 1 615 1 I 4.235 000106 0.179 0.00090 T 313 16314 17.92 ' 1.906 158 O 61M 0 4.520 OjEi!II ~ 0.192 00093 313 16314 18.26 __-[ f 16313 18 54 2.219 1601 j 620.1 4.753  ! 0.00116 0.205 j 0.00096 313 2.531 1620  ! 6220 4 972 ~ 000119 0.214 1 0 00098 313 16313 } ~ 18 81 2.M44 1617 621 7 5 176 0 00122 , 0.224 ' 0 0m199 , 313 16113 j 19 05 1.156 165 4 62s a 5C 000124 0.232 0.00101 313 16112 19 30 I 1469 166.9 . 626 9 5 579 0

                                                                                                                        ~ l241 _{0.00102                                                                                                             311 _j    16112        19.52 00t]I26 0 00128 . ! 0.249

1.7x l 168 2  ! 628 2 5.749  ; j 0.00103 j 313 i 16312 19.72 629 4 5 912 . 000130 0.256 0 00103 313 1631I 19.91 4.094 169[ . 610 4 6.049 0.00104 313 163II 20.07 4.406 170 4 i

                                               .a _                  ._.          l 0.0013I ,i 0.263 5    ~                                                                                    t 4.719           171.3             i   631.3         6.175         ! 0.00133 1                              0.268                                             j 0.00105                                                               313       16311        20.2 l 5.031          172 2                 612 2         6 305             0 ( II                               0.274                                                                                                                     313       16310        20.36

[0.00105 613 0 0.279 3!3 20.49 5.144 173((_; 6 420_

                                                                                  ;   0.00135 _,                                                                            [ 0.00105                                                                          16310 J 5.656          173.7            j    611 7         6 52_2            0.00136 ]                            0.284                                             l 0.00106 j                                                             313       16310]       20 61 _

20.73_ J 5.969 174 4 , 614 4 6 626 , 01K)l37 j 0.288 j 0 00106 j_ 313 16309 l 6.2X I 175.0 615 0 6.717 0.00137 ; 0.292 1 0.00106 ' 313 i 16109 j 20 B4 0.296 i 0.00107 j 20 96 6 594 175 7  ; 635 7 6 X23 0 0013N ~313 _ 1 16309 1 6.906 176.2 616 2 0 00139 313 i 16308 j 21.05 l 6.9{11 0.300 _}_ 0.00107 . 7.157 176.7 616 7 6 979 0 00139 0.303 251 i 16308 l 21 14

                                                 !                                                                                                                           1 0 00107 RHR/CS Calc 25-NOV-97 File = NPSH75.XLS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Page 1 of 6


                                                                                                                                                & Boston Edison                                                                                                                                                                                                                          CHECKED BY:

REV. E3 DATE 25-NOV-97 SHEET 6 OF 103 Talite 18 - Containment Pressure Availalile @ 1%/ Day Leakage Rate - 75 F Seawater Temperature Lookup Eq 15 Eq 16 Eq.17 Eq IM Eq 19 Time Tp Tp INp muu c) mas J 7' Mt* Pc beconds) ( F) ("R) (psia) (Ibm /sec) (n/a) (Ibm /sec) (sec) (Ibm) (psia) l 7.1 M8 l_76E ! 636.x 6.995 0110140 1 0.307 0 00107 { _31 l 1630M 21.15 _ 9.033 63M M t 7.315 0.307 0.00107 }_ 1,845 L 16306 21.52 j 1_7M M_  ; 0.00140 J t 12.49M i 181.0 641 0 7.6M 1 j 0.00142 _i 0.320 0 00108 l 3,465 j_16302 21.93 __ l 15.M4M  ! 182.0 6420 ' 7.850 l 000145] 0.335 03)0108 I_ 3.350 ! 16299 22.12 19,325 lM 2 3 . 642 3 7.903 0.342 0.00108 { _ 3,477_ L l6295 { 22.17 [ ._  ; 0 00146 ] __ 182.2 642 2 7.MK5 ' O.00146 j 0.344 0.00108 1 3,599 16291 22.15 { 22.924 . l l 26.715 181 7 l 64I.7 l 7.799 ' O 00146 J 0.344 0.0010M { 3,811 16287 22 05 _ ] i 10.495 IMI e  ! 641 0 7 681 0 00145 0.340 0.00108 l 3.760 [ 162M3 21.91 14.32M 180.1 1 640.1 7.52M 04x)l44 0.336 0.00108 3,M34 l 16279 21.73

                                         !                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   i                      21.53 179 5 '             619 0                                                                                                                                                                          O00144                                                                    0.330                  0.0010M           3.790          16275 3M. l l M                                                                                                                                                    7.34M                                                                                                            ~

42.011 1775 637.7 7.15i , 01IO142' ~ 0.322 16270 21 28 0.00108 [ 5~M93 l 15.91. 1765 616 3 6.916 ' 0 00141 1 ~ 0.314 0.00107 l


3.907 16266 ! ~ 21.03

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ~i 49.M69                                       174 3               6:4x                                                                                       6 6M7                                                                               000119                                                                    0.305                ~il00I'Hi           1.952          16262 -i           20 76        i G 1.MM I                                    171 3               v T; ;                                                                                    6 461                                                                                0 0013M                                                                   0

_ M6._' 0 00I06 , 4.012 , Ib25M 20 50 57.850 171 M 611 M 6 246 000136 i U.2M6 0.00106 ! 3.999 16254 20.25 61.995 170.3 t 610.3 6 035 . 0.00134 i 0.277 0.00105 ! 4,118 16249 20 00 f 66.179 168 7 62M 7 5 817 0 00132 l 0.269 10.001041 4,lK1 _ 16245 _. 19.74__j 70.369 627 2 5 61M 0.260 4.191 16241 19.51 i 167.2_ , 014!!30 ] l 0.00103 }_ 74.594 165.7 l 625.7 5.425 0.00128_[_ 0.252 l 0.00102 J _4.225J 162_36J l9.27 78.915 , 164 2 _ l 624 2 5.237  ; 0110126 _ { 0.244 } O00101 4.321 j 16232 i 19.05 S1.272 162.8


622M 5 068  ; O00124 j 0.236 1 0.00100 4,357 1 16227 i IM 85 62I.4 0.229 l Op0099 j . 4,318 16223 M 7.590 l61.{ { 4 503  ; OJJ0122 _ } . { _18.65 _ . 91.959 160.0 620 0 4.741 0 00120 1 0.222 4,3_69.,  ! 16219 _Ql8.45

                                                                                                             ,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              1 0 00098 .{

96.115 158 7 i 61M 7 4.597 0001IM . [ 0.215 l OAm097 ; 4.355 _ { 16215_ L 18.27 100.721 157.5  ; 617 5 4.466 0 0011_6 [ 0.209 j _ 0.0fK)96._[ 4,409 j _16210 _j _ _IM ll__ 105.12M 156.3 , 6161 4.339 0 00114 i 0.204 1 0 00095 ) 4.405  ! 16206 j 17.96

                                                                                                                                                                              '                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ^                 '

109.611 155I 615 I 42i5 0 00lI2 ['Ei9F liHE)93 4.484 i6252_j__1[K0 RHR/CS Calc 25-NOV-97 File = NPSH75.XLS Page 2 of 6


                                                      & Boston Edison                                           CHECKED BY:

REV. E3 DATE 25-NOV-97 SHEET 66 OF 103 Table 18 - Containment Presuire Available (d) 1%/ Day Leakage Rate - 75 F Seawater Temperature Lookup Eq 15 Eq 16 Eq 17 Eq 18 Eq 19 Time Tp Tp Pvp mtexx (a mins elT Mt* Pc (seconds) ( F) (*R) (psia) (!bm/sec) (n/a) (Ibm /sec) (sec) (Ibm) (psia)

 ! 114.124              154.0 1 614.0                   l                4.103,       j (Lt}0llo l       0.193                      0.00092                 4.512 J ,16198                                                                                                                 17.66
 ! 118.662              153.0_j                61311                     4 005        ' O.00108 j        0.188                      0.00091                 4,539                            16194                                                                                         17.54 1233 06 ;         151.9__{, 611.9                  l               3 897            0.00106        0.184                      0.00090                 4.644                            16190                                                                                         17.40
 ;    127.955 l         151.0  _

j, 6li 0 4 3 812 _ OJK)l04 0.179 0.00088 , __ 4.64 9 _ I6186 17.29 j 112.617 150 0 610 0 3.718 0 00103 ' O.176 0.00087 4.682_ _l6131 _ 17.18 l 117.29x ; I49p 609 0 j 3 628 O00101 0.172 4.662 16177 17.06 _ { 0.00086

 . 141.980           148.1               l  608.1    !                3.547            0.00099        0.168                      0.00085                 4.682                           16174                                                                                          16.96 f 146.749              ,147.l],607.1                                    3 460           OI)0097         0.165                      0.00083                 4,769 [ I6170                               _

16.84 I 16.74 l 151.545 146.2 606.2 i 3.3x3 - 0.00095

                                                                                      .                  0.161                      0.00082                 4,796                           16166 605 3                     3.307       I 0 00093           0.157                      0.00081                 4.789                           16162                                                                                         16.64 j 156.333       ,      14[5.1 ~                        )                                                0.154                      0.00079                 4,823                           16158                                                                                         16.56 j 161.157              144.5                  604 5    i                1.241 l000091                                                                                                16154 165.970           143.7              l 601 7                     3.176       ; 000090            0.151                      0.00078                 4.813                                                                             _ { 16;47 _

170.M l 4 142 9 602 9 1 112 0 tHHISM 0.149 0.00077 }, 4,844 4 16150 l 16 39 172 SOU 142 6 602e, 1 US9 0 (H HiS6 0.14(, 0 thio 75 ; 1.987 16149 ,i 16.36

                                            ,                                                                                _1                                     l 176.400           142.2                  602 2                     1.054        . 0000X5           0.145                 l 0.jH1075 j_ 3.600 _ !                                      16146 j_16.31 j    IS0JH)O           141 7           . j _ 6017      ;                3.020   _ ,

0.00084 0.143 }_0.00074 L 3,600] 16144 16.26

 ; 181.600              141 3                  6013     ;                2.987            0.00083        0.142                      0.00073                 3.600                          16141                                                                                          16.22 l                                    .

140.8 600X 2.954 - 000082 0.140 0.00072 3,600 16138 16.17 j I M7.200 .


190.St H) 140.4 I 600 4 2.921 0.139 0.00071 3.600 16136 16.13

                                                                                     ! 0.00081 194.400                                  600 0                                 i 000080          0.138                      0.00070                 3.600           _16133                                                                                                        16.08 140.0[                                           2.8(7                     _

195.000 139.5 . 599.5 2.856 000079 0.136 0.00070 n 3600 16131 16 04._j 201.600 5991 2 x24 0.135 3,600 16128 16 00 139.1 l 0 00078 } j 0.00069 205.200 138 7 598.7 2.792 0.133 0.tKK)68 3.600 16126 15.95 0.00077] 20S.800 5W 2 2.760 0110076 l 0.132 0.00067 i 15.91 13M 2 .

                                                                                                                                               ,            3.600 _}_16123 212.400           137 F.                 597h                      2 729           0.00075 1       0.131                      0J10066                 3.600 j                       l6121_

[ l5 87 _ 2163HHi !313 5971 2.699 0 00073 i 0.129 I 0.00065 3.600 i 16119 i


15 83 l 0.00064_ _ .35d N


219.600 Iin 9 596 9 2.668 000072 ~f , _ 0._I28 . _ l . < I6115 l5.78 RHR/CS Calc 25-NOV-97 File = NPSH75.XLS Page 3 of 6


                                                                       & Boston Edison                                                                 CHECKED BY:

REV. E3 DATE 25-NOV-97 SHEET 47 OF 103 Table 18 - Containment Pressure Available rai 1%/ Day Leakage Rate - 75 F Seawater Temperature Lookup Eq 15 Eq.16 Eq.17 Eq.18 Eq.19 Time Tp Tp Psp mau c) m0AS JT Mt* Pe (seconds) ( F) ( R) (psia) (Ibm /sec) (n/a) (Ibm /sec) (sec) (Ibm) (psia) l 223,200 136 5 j $96 5  ; 2.638

                                                                                                                 ) 0.00071 0.127                                                                  0.00063 L3,600                                                                                      l 16114     15.74      _
                 ;    226,800 l             136 O_ j 5960        { 2.607       __

i 0.00070 0.125 0.00062 3,600 j 16112 15.70 , j 230.400 l 135 6  ! 595 6 2.578  ! 000068 0.124 0.00061 3,600 1 16110 15.66 ~ l234JMKl . } b5 2' [ 595 2 j 2.549 _ 0.00067 , 0.123 0.00060 _ _ 3,600 16108 15.62 i 237,600 134.7  ! 594,7  ! 2.520 t 03H)066 j 0.121 0.00059 3,600 l 16106 15.58 3,600 l


[ 241,2ito f }l[14.3~ _ 594 3  ; 239I f000064 l 0.120 0.00058 16103 15.5i ~ j 593 x j 0.00063 0.119 0.00056 j _ 3.600 16101 15.50 l 244.800 l _133 8  ! {462 1 24M.400 1 133 4 1 593.4 i 2.434 i 0.00062 0.117 0.00055 3,600 16099 15.46

                 ! 252ilUO                 d1Ji              591 0         23U7' f 0.00060 _}0.I16                                                                                                        0.00054                                                                                     3,600       16097     I5.42 132.5            592 5         2.379                                     0.00059        0.115                                                                 0.00053                                                                          _ 3,600                16096     15.38 l 255.6tH) .                                                    __                                            _

j 259,200 ,l 132 1 5921 2.35,1 000057 0.I14 0.00051 3,600 16094 15.34 3 262.KIMI 4 13 l 9 591 9 2 337 000056 0.113 _ , 000050 , 3,600 16092 15.32 266,400 131.7 591 7 2 124 0 (HH155 i 0.112 1.600 16090 15.30 0.00049 l  : 270.000 131.5 591 5 2.3 I I o (HH154 0.111 0.00049 j 3,600  ! 16058 15 28 273.600 , 131 2 j 591 2 2 298 0.00053 0.111 0 00048 { 3,600 J 16087 15.26 277,200 111 O_j 5910 2.285 0 00052 0.110 0.00047 ( 3,600 16085 15.25

                                 ,                                       l 250 800 '             130.8          ! 590 8       : 2.272                                 ,

0.00052 0.110 0.00047 ~ ~~ 3,600 16083 15.23


284.400 ; 130 6 i 590 6  ! 2.258  ! 0.00051 ~ 0.109 0.00046 3,600 16082 15I21 2XM.000 ! 004 590.4  : 2.245 0110050 0.108 1 0.00045 3 600 16080 15.19 0 tiUUF . 0.00044 3,600 15.17 291.600 f 1101 f 590 2 2 135 0.108 __ Ll6078 295,200 129.9 589.9 2 219 > 0 00048 0.107 0.00043 3,600 16077 15.15 3 298.800 129.7 589.7 2.207 j 0 00047 0.107 0.00043 J 3,600 ._ 16075 15.13 102.400 129.5 _ 589 5 2.194 0.00046 0.106 0.00042 ! 3,600 16074 15.11 4 306.000 129.3 5X9. 3 2.I81

  • 0.00045 ; 0.106 0.00041 3.600 16072 j 15.09 0.105 l 000040 f ~~3,600 109.600 129.1 589.1 2.159 15071 15.08 0.0UO44 }

311.200 128.9 588.9 2.156 3.600 16069 15 06

                                                                         ,                                       l 0 00043]         0.105 _ Of)(1039 [

116.800 12x 6 I 58x 6 2.144 0 00042 1 0.104 0.00038 1 3.600 l 16068 l _15 04, RHR/CS Calc 25-NOV-97 File = NPSH75.XLS Page 4 of 6


                                                                                                                                                               & Boston Edison                                                       CHECKED BY: _

REV. E3 DATE 25-NOV-97 SHEET $8 OF fo3 Table 18 - Containment Pressure Available @ l'A/ Day Leakage Rate - 75 F Seawater Temperature Lookup Eq.15 Eq.16 Eq 17 Eq 18 Eq 19 Time Tp Tp Pvp maxx to mars JT Mt* Pc (seconds) ( F) (cR) (psia) i (Ibm /sec) (n/a) (Ibm /sec) (sect (lbm) (psia) j 320.4f MI 12M 4_ j _ 588 4 2.131  ; o00041 0.103 OJKK)37 3.600 16067 { 15 02 j l 324.000 l 128.2 j 588.2 2.1 I 8 . l 000040 0.103 _. 0.00036 3.600 16065 15.00 t l 327.600 128 0 _ 588 0 2.106  ! 0.00039 0.102 0.00035 3.600 16064 14.98 j 311.200 127.8 587M 0.102 0.00034 3.600 l 16063_j_ 14.97

                                                                                                                                      ,                          f  2.(J94    ! 0 00038 0.00033                                  16062 334.S00         127 6 .j      587.6       2.082                           0.00037       0.10I                j                                                                      14.95 31S.400         127.3      j   5M7.3    i 2.070     , 0.00035
                                                                                                                                                                               !                                  0.101                 l 0.00032 f _3.600                 3.600      16061                   14.93 142.000         127.i j        587.1    .

2.0[K  ; 000034 0.100 0 00031 j { 3.600 16060 14.91

                                                                                                                                                                              ; 0.00033                                                                                                                       14.89 345.600         126.9       '

5K6 9 2.046 0.100 0.00030 3.600 16058

                                                                                                                                     '          ^                       ~
                                                                                                          ! 149.200                       126.7 '        5X6 7      2.036     [ 0.00031 ~                         0.099 [0.00029                                      ~~

3.600 16057 14.88 152.800 126 6 586.6  ! 2.027'  ! 0$00030 0.099 ~ E00028 3.600 ' i 15056 14.87 156.400 126 4 586 4 2 017 0.098 3.600 16055 14.85

                                                                                                                                                    .f                        f 03K)029                                                ,

160J H NI 12(e.2  ! SS6 2 2.()08 0 0(H)28 1 0.098 j _0.00026 0.00025 j j 3.600 _ 16055 . I4.84 _ tt,1.61HI 1260 i 5x6 0 1.998 000027 l 0.097 j 0.00024 ; . 3.600 , 16054 14 M2


167.200 125.9 %49 l 989 0 tHHi25 l 0.097 ' o iH H)23 1.600 16051 14 MI 170.800 125.7 5x5 7 1.980 0 00024 ~0IO96 000022 i 3.600 16052 f 14 80 374.400 125.5 i 585.5 1.971 j 01K4)22 0.096 0.00020 f 3.600 16051 ) ~ ~14f8 ~ 125 4 1.962 0.0 % 0.00019 l 3,600 16051] 14.77 17MJH M) [ 585 4 , l 0 00021 _ 14.76_

                                                                                                                                                                              ! 0.00019                                                                                  3.600 3x t.600        125.2         585 2    i 1.953                                         0.095                     0.00017 l                                 16050]

185.200 1250 l 585 0 1.944 ~ 0.00017 0.095 0.00016 1 3,600 16049 1 14.74 T SM. Son 124f 584.9 1.935 . 0 0(K)l5 ' O.094 J 00014 [~ 3.600 { 16049 l 14 73 192.400 124.7 i 584 7 1.926 0.00013 0.094 _j 0 00012 1 3.600 16049 14.72

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       '                                 3,600 396JH)0         124 5         584 5       1.917                           0.00010       0.094                     O.00009 I                                 16048                   14.71 199.600         124.3         5x41        1.9(i3'                                       0.093                     0.00005 l                    3.600 _. I6048                   14.70 _

O.00005 { _


401.2tH1 124 2 5X4 2 1.899 0.00000 j 0.093  ! 03M)0'K) j 3,600 16048 14.70 406.800 1240 5S40 I M90 0.00000 0.092  ! 0.00000 1 3.600 16048 14.70 410.400 l23.8 5M3 S 1.881 < OJN)000 0.092 i ~II O(K)00 I 3,600 i 16048 14.70 414.000 121.7 5x17 I 873 0.00000 ~ 3191 0 N00000 3.500' f 15U8 ~[ j [I4 70~~ RHR/CS Calc 25-NOV-97 File = NPSH75.XLS Page 5 of 6


                                            & Boston Edison                  CHECKED BY:           M REV.       E3           DATE     25-NOV-97 SHEET         69          OF-          [03 Talite 18 - Containment Pressure Availalile @ 1%/ Day Leakage Rate - 75 F Seawater Temperature Lookup                                     Eq.15    Eq 16       Eq.17               Eq 18 Eq 19 Time            Tp              Tp          Pvp        man        c)        nws        JT       Mt*    Pc (seconds)         ( F)            ( R)       (psia)    (Ibm /sec)  (n/a)    (Ibm /sec)   (sec)    (Ibm) (psia) 417.6tH)      123.5            5M3 5         1.864     0.00000   0.091      0.000(X) L 3,600   1 16048 14.70 l

421.200 123.3 SM3.3 i 1.855 0.00000 0.090 0.000(x) 3,600 16048 14.70 _ 424.8(N) 123.1 _j 583 I  ! 1.847 0 00000 0.090 0.00000 3.600 16048 14.70 42M,400 ! 123.0 581.0  ! I.838 0.00000 0.089 0.00000 L_ 3,600 16048 14.70 432,000 l22 8 582.x 1.830 0.00000 0.089 0.00000 3,600 16048 14.70 i S I M.400 _120 2 j 5X0.2

  • 1.702 0.00(xx) 0.088 0.00000 86,400 16048 14.70 l 604.8tM' _l i M 2_ _ j . 57M 2 1.610 0 tx)o00 0.081 0.00000 86,400 16048 14.70 i 691.200 576 2  ; 1.522 0.tNHRM) 0.077 0.00000 86,400 16048 14.70
  ; 777.600     f _   I164_j

_114.3_ 574 1 l 1.442 0.00000 0.072 0.00000 86,400 16048 14.70

  ;   x64.000 I     i12.3            572.3     i 1.362  j 0 0(x)00    0.068      0.00000 [ 86,400     16048 14.70 RHR/CS Calc 25-NOV-97 File = NPSH75 XLS                                                                               Page 6 of 6


                                                                                                                                                   & Boston Edison                                                                                                                                     CHECKED BY:

REV. E3 DATE 25-NOV-97 SHEET 70 OF 103 Talile 19 - Containment Pressure Availalite @ 5%/ Day Leakage Rate - 75 F Seawater Temperature Lookup Eq 15 Eq.16 Eq 17 Eq 18 Eq 19 Time Tp Tp Pvp mu.a c) mm JT Mt* Pe (seconds) (*F) (*R) (psia) (Ibm /sec) (n/a) (Ibm /sec) (sec) (Ibm) (psia) {  ; _I3"S.  ! 59" U  ! 2J2,3 j_ j 16315 15.35

                          ;       312          j         133.7 591 7      .

2.453  ; 0.00280 l 0.105 0.00253 __312 16314 15.66 i' 557 139.5 i 599 5  ! 2 853 f 0.00335 0.I16 0.00301 8 245 16313 16.19 ~ 585 ~i40 6  ! 600 6 0.133 0.00360 [~31 16313 16.29

                                              ;                                                                                                           [955_. l 0 00408 _

l 619  ! 141.3 _j 601.3  ; 2.988 0.00420 l _ 0.137 j 0 00370 [. 31 ] 16313 16.36 6020 0.139 37 16313 16.43 656  ;. 142.0 , 3.041 0.00428 0.00375 j i 969 147.8 607 x 3.521 0.00435 0 141 0 00381 1 313 1 I_6312 17.04 _

                          ,'     1.2M 1       i l

152.1 612 I t 3.916 0.162 0.00424 ' 312 163II 17.53 r 0.00492 ] 1.594 , 155.3_ _ j 615.1  ! 4.235 , 0.00531 0.179 0.00450 313 16309 17.92 1.906 158 0 i 618 0 4.520 l 0.00557 0.193 0.00467 313 16308 18.26 0.00480 18.54 1 2.219 I60 l~ 620 1 4'.735 1 0kSE' O.205 [313 }_16306 2.531 162.0 6220 4.972 0 00594 0.214 I 0.00489 313 j 16305. 1 18 80 2.844 161.7 621 7 5.I76 000607 _ 0.224 _ 0.00496 313  ; 16103_j i9 04 165.4 625 4 51x7 0 00619 0.232 0.00502 313 i

                          ;     1.156                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ,              16102 ( 19 29 1.469                    166 9                                                       >                     626 9          5.579                                                           .                  0.00631                                              0.241        0.00508 i       313       16300                                               19.51 1.781        {      _li>M 2_                                                                               62x 2          Si749                              _ ! 0.0063T                                     0 00649 l 0.256

(( 0.249 I 0.00513 l 0.00517 313 313 16298 16297 19.71 19.90 4.094 169.4 l 629 4 5.912 4 1 4.406 , it0 4 { 610 4 , 6 049 j 0.00656 [ 0.263 } 0.00520 g_ 313 16295 20.05 j 4.719 171 3 i 611.3 6.175 0 00663 0.269 0.00522 i 313 16294 20.20 5.031 172i 612 2 6 305 0]Ei6T8~ 0.274 _ Oy0524 _ ]I}3[ __16252 _ 20.34 ] 5.344 173.0 631.0 6.42(I 0 00673_j 0.279 313 16290 20.48

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ;                                                                                  { 0.00526 5.656                  173.7 613.7           6.522 O (K)678                                              0.284        0.00528         313       16289                                            20.59 20.71 5.969                  174.4                                                                              634 4           6 626                                                                             000682 _                                       _

0.288 300530 i_ 313 _ ] 6287 6.281 ._ l75() , 615 0 6.717 0.00686 i 0.293 , 0.00531 ! 313 l 16285 20.82 6.594  ; I75 7 , 635 7 , 6 M23 0.0(Ky9!i j, 0.296 } 0.00532 [ 313 l__16284))O.94 _ 6.906 176 2 616 2 6 901 . 0.00694 j 0.301 _ j 000533 t 313 l . 16282 21.02_. 7.157 176 7 616 7 6.979 0 00696 . 0.304 j 0 00534 i. 251 i 16281 .i 21.11_ j RHR/CS Calc 25-NOV-97 File = NPSH75.XLS Page 1 of 6


                                                                                 & Boston Edison                                                                           CHECKED BY:

REV. E3 DATE 25-NOV-97 SHEET 7/ OF lO3 Tahic 19 - Containment Pressure Available @ 5%/ Day Leakage Rate - 75 F Seawater Temperature Lookup Eq 15 Eq 16 Eq 17 Eq 18 Eq.19 Time Tp Tp Pvp mtsig to moAs JT Mt* Pc (seconds) ('F) ( R) (psia) (Ibm /sec) (n/a) (Ibm /sec) (sec) (Ibm) (psia) 000699 21.13 i 7. I MM i 176.8 _ [ 616 M , 6 995 j 0.307 0 00535 l 31 ] 16280 9.033 17M.8 j 63M M 7.315 i 0.00700 0.308 0.00535 {_ 1,845 l 16271 21.48

                !     12.49M i                     181.0 j                641.0              ,

7.6M 1 0 00710 0.321 j 0.00538 3,465 i !6252 { 21.88 15.84M 182.0 1 6420 7.M50 O.00722 0.336 0.00540 3,350 16234 22.06


l 19.325 ! IE2.i 642.3 7.9U3  ! OI)0726 0.344 0.00541 l ~ 3,477 16215 22.10 I,82[ [j 642.2 7 M55 0 00727 0.346 01)0540 { 3,599 ~ 16i96 22.06 ~ f 22.924 21.95 26.735 1 M 1.7_j 641.7 7.799 0 00726 j 0.346 0.00540 3.811 16175 10.495 181.0 1 641 0 7.681 0.00723 ~ 0.343 0.00539 3,760 16I55 21.80

                !                                                          640 1                                           7.528                    ; O E1719         0.338                                              16134         21.61 14.32M                      iMO.I[                                                                                                                              0.00537 1 3.834                  .

TM.IIM i79.0 639.0 7.34M  ! 000714 0.333 0.00536 3,790 16114 21.39


42.0 l I l77.7 617.7 7.I37 0.326 0.00534 3,892 ~~~i6093 21.13 l f0.00708 _ i 45.9 l x 176 3 j 616 1 6.916 ' 0 00700 0.317 0 00531 3,907 16072_ _ 20.86._ 49.M69 1748 614 8 6 6M7 000691 l ,.309 0 , 0.00528 i 3.952  ; 16051

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   !   20.58 51.MM I                       171 1                  611 1                                           6 461                         o tH1682     0.299      i 000525       ,      4.012        '

16010 1 20.30 I 57.MMn 171.M 611 M 6 246 000672 I 0.290 ~~ O00521 ~ 3.999 16010  ! 20.04 b l .99M 170.3  ! 6301 6 035 0 00662  ! 0.282 it.00516 [ 4' ~,118 ~ 15988

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ~ ! ~i9I7 f 66.179                        16M[7~ l               628.7                                           5 M17                         0.00652 i 0.273              0.00512 l        4,181 l5967 J       19.50 ~

5 618 i 0.09640 0.264 0.00506 1L 4,191 15946 19.25 70.169 167.2

                                                                     !     627.2 s                                  f 74.594                        165.7            i     625 7                                            5 425                        O00629       0.256           0.00501 [        4.225 ~}          I5925         19.01
                                                                 ~     ~

7M.915 164.2 624.2 5237 O00618 0.248 0.00495 1 4,321


l l'5903 18.77 ] Mt.272 162M . 622M 5 068 0.00606 0.241 J 00488' 4.357_ [ i_5882 } IM[5_ M7.590 161.4 621.4 4.903 0.00594 i 0.234 0.00482 i 4,318 l 15861 l 18.34_ , 91.959 160.0 620 0 4.741 0 00582 ; 0.227 0.00475 j. 4.369 1 15840 l 18.13 96.315 i SM.7 6iM 7 4.597 01)0467 i 4.355 i 15820 i I7.94 000570 [ 0.220 , 100.721 157.5 617 5 4 466 0 00558 {_ 0.214 i 0.00460 l 4,409_ ; 15800_ { 17 77_ 105.12 M 156.1 616 1 4 139 000547 ' O.209  ! 0 00453 . 4.405  ! 15780 1 17.60 _ o00445  ! I7 43 , ; 109.6 I i 155.1 6151 4 215 000515 ' O.204 _; 4.484 ' 15760 l RHR/CS Calc 25-NOV-97 File = NPSH75 XLS Page 2 of 6


                                                       & Boston Edison CALC.#             M-662                                                                    CHECKED BY: M REV.         E3             DATE         25-NOV-97 SHEET           72              OF         lo3 Talite 19 - Containment Pressure Available @ 5%/ Day Leakage Rate - 75 F Seawater Temperature Lookup                                         Eq 15            Eq 16           Eq.17                          Eq 18        Eq.19 Time                 Tp              Tp           Psp           muu                 c)           mars              JT            Mt*           Pe (seconds)               ( F)            (#R)         (psial       (Ibm /sec)          (n/a)       (Ibm /sec)          (sec)         (Ibm)        (psia)      i I I 4. l_24 ;        l             614.0           4.103     j 000523 l            0.198     l 0.00437 i           4,512          15740 1       17.28 3
       ; 118.662

_54 0 J 153 0 613 0 ' 4 005 j 0.00512 [ 0.194 1 15721 17.14 0.00429 [ _ 4.539

       ! 123.306                151.9          611.9           3.897     l 0 00501             0.190         0.00421 j _ 4.644                15701 17.00 J l 127.955                15I.0          611.0           3.M 12   i 000489               0.185                           4.649 0.00413 J                        15682        16.88 j 132.637              150 0          610 0        [' 3.718    ! 0.00478 l            0.182         0 00405 1         4,682          15663        16.74

[ l 117.29M t 1490 1 609 0 ' 3.628  ! 0 00466 1 0.178 0.00396 4.662 15645 16.62 141.950 ' I4x I f 608.I 3.5j7 005454 0.I74 j_ 0.00387 ] ' 4.682 15626 16.50 146.749 147.1 607.1 3.460 0.170 { 0.00378 j 4,769 15608 16.38

                         ,                                 ;           l 0 00443 l 151.545              146.2          606 2           1.383                           0.167    l 0 00368 j _ _4.796_{_ _15591                     16.27
                         ,                 ;               l           ;     000430 }                                                                            _

156.311 145 1  ! 605 1 3.307 ' 0 00417 0.163 l 0.00359 I 4.789 15574 16.16 161.157 144 5 i 604.5 , 3.241 O.00404 0.160 0.00349 [ 4,823 15557 j 16.06 165.970 141.7 l 601 7 3.176 000393 0.157 4.813 j

                                                                       ,                                   _0 00339_ {                        15540 { _ _15.97__

170.x la 142 9 602 9 1.I12 0001M0 f, 6.154 l 000329 , 4,844 j 15524 l 15 37 172.xini 142 6 v.02 v, t ox9 0 00167 i 0.152 ' 0 00319 1.9x7 t 15;lM i 15 84 I I76.400 142 2 602 2 1054 o00362 l 0.151 l_O00315 ; 1.6tMi _ 15507 . 15 7M 180AHH 141 7 601 7 3.020 0.00355 l 0.149 l 0 00309 3.600 15496 } 15.73 _ 1S3.600 141.1 601 3 i 2.987 0 00347 j 0.148 0.00302 3.600 1 15485 j 15 68

           ! M7.200             140 8      !   600 M           2.954        000339             0.146 _ 0 00296 j . 3.600 __ 15474
                        ,                                             ;                                                                                    15 63_ _

190.800 I40.4 600 4 0 00331 0.145 3.600 15464 15.58

                                                           ;   2.92_I ;                _

l 0.00289 J 194.400 , 140.0 . 6000 2.887 0 00322 0.144 0.00282 j 3.60() 15454 l_15 53 198.000 139 5 599.5 2.856 ' O.00314 ; 0.142 3.600 0.00275 ] 15444 1 15.48._ 201.600 139I , 599l 2 824 , 000305 l _ 0.141 , 0 00167 L 3,600 j__15434 g_5.43_ l _ 205.200 138 7 595 7 2.792 0 00296 i 0.139 1 0 00260 ! 3.600 j 15425  ! 15 38 i 203.800 13X 2 598 2 2.760 0 0U57' O.138 3,600 j 15416Y 15 33 l f 0.00252_ { 212.400 137 8 , 597x 2.729 0.002,77 j 0.137 [ 0.00244 ; 3.600 _j_ 15407_j. 15.29 216.000 137 3 5971 2.699 0.135 _j 000235,j_ 3.600 _} 15398 15.24 0.00267] 2I9.600 136.9 596 9 2 668 0.00257 j 0.134 i 0.00226 4 3.6(10 j 153W1_j , 15.19g RHR/CS Calc 25-NOV-97 File = NPSH75.XLS Page 3 of 6 l



                                                      & Boston Edison                                                                                                  CHECKED BY: /

CALC # ____ M-662 REV. E3 DATE 25-NOV-97 SHEET 7J OF 103 Table 19 - Containment Pressure Availabic @ 5%/ Day Leakage Rate - 75 F Seawater Temperature Lookup Eq.15 Eq 16 Eq 17 Eq 18 Jg.19 Time Tp Tp Ihp man c) m oAs JT Mt* Pc (seconds) ( F) ( R) (psia) libm/sec) (n/a) (!bm/sec) (sec) (Ibm) l (psia) I 223.200 136.5 596 5 2.63M  : 0.00246j 0.I33 0.00217 l _ 3.600 {_15382 15.15 j 226.800 ! 1360 596.0 2 607 0.00235 1 0.131 0.00208 l 3.600 __p_ l 15.10 l .

                                                                                                                                                                                                   ._     __1_5375 210.400          _ 135 6 j               595 6      2 578                                                     0.00223 .                                   0.I30        0.00197 j 3.600              15368      L I5.06 _

214.000 , 135 2_ _j 595 2 2.549 {0.00211]4 0.129 0.00187 { 3.600 15361 l 15.01

 ;     237.600 {           1341 j 594.7   ,

2.520 ,

                                                                                                     ; 0.00198 1                                                 0.127        0.00176 _ _ 3.600 _ l_5155 { 14.97 241.200 ;           134 3

j 594 3 2 491 ' 0.00184 { 0.126 0.00163 3.600 1 15349


14.93 ~ 244.800 I l33A 1 591 M 2 463 O.00169 f 0125 l 0.00150 ! 3.600 l5343 14 88 T 3.600 15339 14 84

 ', 248.400 !       ,      133 A' J

591 4 2 434 0.00153 l 0.123 7 00136 { 252.000 t l33IO. j 593 0 1 2.407 {000135 [ 0.122 0.00120 l 3,600 15334 14.80 592 5 2.179 0.00115 j 0.121 _,15331 14.76 255.600 l 132.5 i 1 0 00102 1 3.600 259.200 ; _ 132.l _ j 5921 2.351 j 0.00090 j 0.119 0.00080 l 3.600 15328 14.72 262.800 131 9  ! 591 9 2 137 0.00055 _j 0.118 0 00()49 3.600 15326 14.70

                    .                      a            ,                                                                                                                                             {

2< 6.400 131 7 i 591 7 2 124 0 00023 i 0.118  ! 0.00021 3.600 { 15125 14.70 270.ut H I 131 5 591 4 J ill o tHHH)0 k[.k l7 k5 f MMMM) 3.600 15125 } I4 70 271.600 131 2 I 591 2 2 298 0.t H H Hl0 l 0[116  ! 0 00000 , 3.68H) 15125 I ~~ 14.70

  , 277.200                131 0            i   591 0    .

2.2M5 O.00000Nt 0.I15 . j 0.00000 ir 3.600 15325 l4.70 5 _.4 2MO.M00 1303 i 590M  ! 2.272 , 0.00000mi 0.114  ! 0.00000 ! 3.600  ! 15325 14.70 J

                                                        '                                                                                                                                i 2.258                                                     0 00000                                     0.114                                     15325          14.70           l 234.400             130 6           a    590 6                                                                                                                         0.00000 L 3.600         L'                             -

2MS.(HHI 130 4 I 590 4 2.245 ' 0 00000 0.113 0.00(K)0 l 3.600 l 15325 l 14.70 2.252 0.00000 0.112 0.000fA) [~ 3.600 15325 14 70 291.600 ' ~ 130 f_ ~!,' 590.2 . _ _ _ + 295.200 j 5M9.9 2.219 0 00000_j 0.111 0.00000 l 3.600  ! 15325 J4.70 12'.9f. '

                                            '                                                                                                                                               3.600          15325          14.70           j 29M.800      ,

129 7 _ 589 7 2.207 , 0 (HKM)0 j 0.1 I I ] 0.00000 i 102,400 129 5 _ j 5M9 5 2.194 000000 ' O.110 l 000000 l 3.600 15325 14.70 j 206.0tHi 129 3 539.1 2.181 0.tHHX)0 0.109 _{ 0.00000 _ [. 3.600 __I_5325 14;70 j 309.600 129.1 5M9.1 2.169 0.00(KMJj 0.108 }_0.(!0000j 3.600 , 1532_5 _ I4 70 _ ] 313.200 128 9 583.9 2 156 0.00000 ! 0.108  ! 0.00000 ! 3.600 l _ 15325 14.70 _j T 16.800 128 6 5MM 6 2.144 0.107  ! 0.tKKK10 i 3.600 i 15125 14 70  ! o tMHH)] RHR/CS Calc 25-NOV-97 File = NPSH75 XLS Page 4 of 6


                                                                                  & Boston Edison                               CHECKED BY:

REV. E3 DATE 25-NOV-97 SHEET 74 OF 10 3 Table 19 - Containment Pressure Available @ 5%/ Day Leakage Rate - 75 F Seawater Temperature Lookup Eq.15 Eq 16 Eq 17 Eq 18 Eq 19 Tunc Tp Tp Psp ma c) moAs JT Mt* Pc beconds) ( F) ( R) (psia) (Ibm /sec) (n/a) (Ibm /sec) (sec) (Ibm) (psia) 128 4 SXM 4 2.131 0.106 3,600 15325 14.70

 ,   120.400 !                                                           ,          ,          _
                                                                                                   , 0 00tK)0                      [ 0.00000           _

l 3 24.0(H) 128.2 1 588 2 i 2.118 0 00000 0.105 0.00000 3,600_j 15325 14.70 14.70 _ 127.600 ' 128 0 i 58M 0 2.106 0.00000 y 0.105 0.00000 j_ 3.600 15325

 . 131.200 !                127.M                                        j  587 M       2.094      . 0 0(xxx) ! 0.104                   0.00000             3,600       15325          14.70 i   114,MtH1               127.6                                           587 6       2.082           0.00000 j. 0.103                0.00000             3,600       15325          14.70
         .       ,                                                       ]          ;              ,

11M.400 ! 127.3 5M7. 3 2.070 0.0(HK)0 j 3,600 14.70 _ j 0.103 J 0.00000 ( 153_25 j_l5325jl Q 00000 , _ 3,600 342.000 ; I 27. I 587.I 2 058 l 000000 j, O.102 14.70 145.600 126.9  ! 5M6 9 2.046 i O00000 j 0.101 0.00000 3.600 15325 14.70 149.200 ! 126.7 f 586.7 2.036 I 0(HKW i 0.101 0.(KXX)0 3,600 15325 14.70 152.800 126.6 j 586 6 2.027 0.(Ei(EiU 0.100 3,600 15325 14.70 4 0.00000 { 456.400 126 4 5M6.4 2.017  ; O00000 3,600 15325 14.70 0 00000 { 160.(H Hi 126 2 f SM6 2 2.00M  ! 0.1MHK)00.099 }[ ,0.099 0.00000 ] 3,600_. _15325 _ , __ l4 70 .. 161.6( H) I26 0 5Mo o I 998 0 0(HH)O O 098 0.00000 ! 3.600 15125 14 70 167.200 125.9 5M; 9 1 9X9 0 00000 3.600 I5125 I4 70 j { 0 00iH>0  ; 170.M00 125.7 585 7 1 980 0 tHHHin ' [0.09M O.097] 0.00(HH) 3.600 i I5325 14.70 125.5 5x5 5 1.97I o O(HM10 0.097 0.00000 3,600 l5325 14 70 174.400 ' ' ~~

                                                                                                                                                         ~         {

17M.(H H) I"25 4 5M5 4 1.962 0.0UU50-~ 0.096 0.00000 3.600 l 15325 14.70 1X I .600 125.2 i 585 2 1.953 0.00000 0.096 0 00000 3,600 l 15325 14.70 ~


i25 0 3.600 14.70 185.200 5x5.0 1.9I4 0 00000 0.095 0.00000 _ 3,600 (l5325 3XX.M00 124.9 SMI 9 l.935 0.00000 0.095 0.00000 1 15125 g 14.70 192.400 124.7 5M4 7 1.926 0 0(H)00 0.094 0.00000 3.600 15325 14 70 3 { ~ 0.094 l 000000 3,600 I4.70 196.000 124.5 . 584 5 1.917  ; O 00(H)0 j _ ( l5325 199.600 124.3 5M41 1.908 . 0 (HH)00 j 0.093 l 0.00000_[ _3,600 i 15325 j 14.70 403.200 124 2 5M4 2 1.M99 0.0iHH)0 j 0.093 _[ 0.00000,j 3/100_ { 15325 l 14 70 J 406.800 124.0 5M4 0 i M90 ti.00000j 0.092 ] _000000_t 3.600 i 15325 1 . 14 70 J I I 410.400 123.8 581 M i MMI 000000_j 0.092_j 0(J0000 j _3.600 _ 15325 j 14.70 414.t H Hi 123.7 5M1.7 1.873 0 00000 ! 0.091 i 0.tH)o00 3,600 . 15325 _ [ _ 14.70 _ _ RHR/CS Calc 25-NOV-97 File = NPSH75 XLS Page 5 of 6


   - CALCULATION SHEET                                                   PREPARED BY;
   -CALC.#           M-662
                                           & Boston Edison                 CHECKED BY:    M REV.          E3         DATE    25-NOV-97 SHEET            7.7        OF      103 Tahic 19 - Containment Pressure Available @ 5%/ Day Leakage Rate - 75oF Seawater Temperature Lookup                               Eq.15    Eq.16       Eq 17               Eq.18  Eq 19 Time             Tp           Tp          FNp       mm         c)        nws       JT         Mt*    Pc (seconds)         (*F)         (*R)      (psia)    (Ibm /sec)  (n/a)    (Ibm /sec)  (sec)      (ibm) (psia) 583.5       i.864     0.00000   0.091      0.00000    3,600 1 15325    14.70 4 37 9H' !     _123.5___[_            ;                                                                    _

421.200 i; _123 3 J 583.3 1.855 0.00000 0.090 0.00000 3,600 15325 14.70 j j 583.1 1.847 0.00000 0.090 3,600 15325 14.70 424.8tNI l _123.1 l [0.00000 428.400 ! ' l.838 0.00000 0.089 0.00000 3,600 15325 14.70 123.0 J_ 583.0 432.tH10 i 122.8 j 582.8 1.830 0.00000 0.089 0.00000 3.600 14.70 i { 15325 0.088 0.00000 86,400 ! 15325 14.70 518.400  ; 120 2 . 580.2 l .l 702 0.00000 604.800 l 118 2 g 578 2 l 1.610 0.00000 0.081 0.00000 86,400 [ 15325 _j 14.70 691.200 576.2 j l.52,2 0 00000 0.077 0 0(X)00 86,400 15325 14.70

                   ,    116.2 _ !                                                                                    _

777.600 1 I 4.3 1 574 3 , 1.442 0 0.072 0.00000 86,400 15325 14.70

    ,   864.(H NI       I12.3    l   572.3   !   1.362  fo.00000 iHXX)0  0.068      0.00000 _ 86,40 ]0 15325    14.70 RHR/CS Calc 25-NOV-97 File = NPSH75.XLS                                                                                 Page 6 of 6


                                                                                                     & Boston Edison                                                                      CHECKED BY:

REV. E3 DATE 25-NOV-97 SHEET 76 OF 103 Tahic 20 - RilR Pump with 1%/ Day Leakage Rate - 75 F Seawater Temperature F14.5-10 Lookup Lookup Eq.19 Eq.21 Eq.22 Eq 23 Eq 24 Pc Req'd for NPSHA of Time Time Tp Density 15 p Pc Pgas llz list NPSilA 27 feet Margin (secs) (hours) ( F) (Ibnt/ I)$ (psia) (psia) (fect) (fect) (feet) (fect) (psia) (fect)

          !                                                          Plotted l

Plotted l Plotted Plotted l on Fig 7

on Fig 6 l j_ un Fig 6 l on Fig 6 I, 312 i 0.09 [ _133.7 l 61.49 [ 2.453 ._ 15.66 30.93 { 12.5?_g.20 3 40.2__ ,I _ 10.01 13.2 __

j 557 , 0.15 [_ 139.5 61.3M  ! 2.851 16.19 j 31.28 ' 12.50 3.20 l 40.6 .[ 10.40 _ 13.6_ _ 5xx  ; O 16 Ll40;6 1 61.16  ! 2.915 16.29 31.35 12.50 3.20 _j 40.6 { 10.48 i 13.6 619 0.1,7 61.15 2.988 16.36 31.39 l 12.50 3.20 ' 40.7 10.53 13.7 [ 141_.3 l 656 01H 61.34 3.041 16.43 31.43 { 12.50 3.20 40.7 10.58 13.7 [._142. 0 !i . 969 0.27 61 21 3.521 17.04 31.79 12.50 3.20 41.1 11.05 14.I [ 147.8 l  ; 1.251 i 0.36 l 152.1 ; 61 15 3.916 i 32JM 12.50 3.20 41.4 t 11.43 14.4 ~ j l.594 0 44 I, '155 ~ 1 6109 4.235 f ~17.53l[ ., 32.26 92

                                                                                                                                                                                            } 12.50        3.20 3 20 .

41 6 j 41.7 11.74 12.02 l 14.6 14.7 1.906 61 01 4 520 1M.26 [ _32 43 l 12.50 0 51 l 15X 0 . I 3 20 41.9 12.25

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   '     ~

l4.9 2.219 0 62 ; 160 1 < o 99 4 751 18 54 32.56 12 50 . 2.531 0.70 j 162.0 t,0 9 5 4.972 . 1M.81 32.63 12.50 3.20 42 0 $ 12.46 15 0  ! 0.79 60 92 5.176 { 19.U5 32.79 12.50 3.20 42.1 j 12.66 15.1 l 2.M44 , [ l63.7 { _ j 12.50 3.20 47.2 i 12.87 15.2

          ! 3.I56                                   0.83          ! 165 4 ;                            60 SM                     j 5.3X7 j 19.30                            32.89 3.469 ;                                0.96         [_ 166.9 l                            60 85                     4 . 5 579 j _19.52                         32.99              12.50       3.20 3         42.3_ j_ _13.06          [    15.3 _j T.78 I ;                                 1.05 l 168.2 l                            60 X2                      j 5.749 j                       19.72     33.07              12.50       3.20           42.4 .[      13.23

[ 15.4 j 4.094 1.I4 [ I69.4 . i 60 80 > 5.912 , 19.9I 33.15 12.50 3.20 _ 42.4 j 13.38 __ [ l 5.4 j 1.22 i 170 4 12.50 15.5 4.406  ; 60 78 6 049 ; 20 07 l 33.21 _ 3.20_ J 42.5. } _ l 3.52_ [ j 4.719 , 1.31 f __ _171.1 ; 60 76 , 6.175 l 20.21 j 33.27 12.50 3.20 42.6 l 13.64 i 15.6 5.011 , 1.40 i 172.2 60 74 6.303 ' 20 36 l 33.33 12.50 3.20 42.6 j _13.77_ _ , _ _15.6 y 5.144 ' I.4M j i73 0 60.72 ' 6 420 l 20 49 ] 33.38 _ 12.50 [ 3 20 _ L 42.7_j 13 88 15.7 _J 15.7 20 61_ { 33.42 J 12 50 l 3;20 [ 42.7 5.656 1.57 60 ? ! 6 522 i 13.98 t j

                           ,                                      { I73.7                   .

42.3 14.09 15 8 5.969 1.66 ' 174.4 60 69 6 626 20.73 l 33.47 12.50 i 3.20 i - l RHR/CS Calc 2 -NOV-97 File = NPSH75 XLS Page 1 of 6


                                                                       & Boston Edison                                                                                                CHECKED BY: Mjk REV.            E3               DATE         25-NOV-97 SHEET            77                     OF       103 Table 20 - RIIR Pump _with 1%/ Day Leakage Rate - 75 F Seawater Temperature F14.5-10       Lookup                 Lookup      Eq 19                                 Eq 21                                                                                                                                                             Eq 22          Eq.23           Eq 24 Pc Req'd for NPSHA of Time         Time                     Tp       Density                   th p            Pc                                    Pgas                                                                              Hz                                                         Hsl           NPSIIA        27 feet          Margin Becs)       (hours)                 (*F)      (ibm /Q'l                (psial       (psia)                                   (fect)                                                                      (fect)                                                            (fect)          (fect)        (psia)           (fect) n.2M I .j       1.74              l75.0 j       60 6M             ! _6.717 j 2_0 K4                                                                                                                                                                                                                l     14.18             15.8 6.594 '

60 66

                                                                                                        '                                           33.51 33.55 Li[ 12.50                                                      12.50 ( 3.,20 _ J _ 42.8_I l

l.M3 875.7

                                                                                         .l. 6. M 21 j 20.96                                                                                                                                                                           1 f_._3 _3.20.                             _ 14.28
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   . _ J' _ 42.9                   _15_.9 _ .

14.36 15.9

                   ; 6.906 ,            1.92              176 2         6065              l 6.901 j 21.05 33.58                                                                        12.50                                                L .20                   t 42.9 J 15.9 60 64                                                                      33 61 12.50 ( 3 20 _ ] _ 4 2.9_ }

1.99 176.7 [ 6.979 21.14 l 7.157 ! ' 6.995 ; 12.50 42,9 l 14.43 _ .l 14.45 33 62 i 7.1 M8 2.00 l 176M ', 60.64 _21.15 4 l _15._.9 _ 4 33.75 l 12.50 {; 3__.20

                                                  . i                                          .

4 _. _ - , 9.013 2 51 j 178 8 l 60 60 , _ 7.315 ' 21.52 3.20 16 0 i

                                 ,                .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             _ 43.0 _ { 14.76                              J 12.49M .        3.47 j 181.0 l                   60 55             ' 7.681           21.93                                  33.88                                                                         12.50 l                                                            3.20 3 _ 43.2 [              15.12             16.2        l
                   ,   15.M4M j        4.40

{ 182.0 { 60.53 [ 7.850 , [2.12 33.94 12.50 3.20 l 43.2 l J 16.2 19.125 5.37 { 182.1 l 60.52 l 7.901 l 22.17 _ 33.95 12.50 3.20 _ 43.3 { _ 15.32 15.29 15.34_ j _ _ 16.3 j 22.924 , 6 37  ; 1M2.2 l 60.52  ! _ 7.M85 ! 22.15 J 33.94 . 12.50 3.20 e 43.2 j  ; 16,.2 _ . j 2v.735

                          .            741            '

IMi 7 60 51 7.799 22 05 1 33.90 12.50 i 3.20 ' 43.2  ! 15.24 16.2 i in 495 x 47 , IMI o no 5 s 7 6x t 21 91 33.M4 ! 12.50 I 1 20 43 I l'5 12 16.1 14.128 9 54 1Mo i on 57 7. 52x 21.73 ~U.77 12.50 ) 3 20 . 43.I 14.97 16.I f _7.34M { 21.53 33 6'i [ 12.50 { 3 20 j_ _f 1059 179.0 60.59 43.0 I A.80 16.0 f f 3M.ll8  ; l 42.01I i iI 67 j l_77.7 60,62 7.137 ! _21._28 33.60 j 12.50 3.20 42.9 ! 14.59 i 15.9 4 5."l x , 12.75 l76.3

                                                                  ;     60.65                _

6.916 j .2103 33.50 12,50 3.20 42.8 l 14.37  ! 15.8 49.869 ' 13 85  ; I74.8 i 60 6M g 6 6M7 j 20.76 33.40 12.50 3.20 i 42.7 ~ 14.15 _ 15.7 51.MM I , 14.97 l _ 173.3 l 60.72 [ 6 463 ! 20.50 33.29 . 12.50_ ! 3.20 ; 42.6 13.93 . 15.6 57.8M0 16 03 , 171.8 ! 60.75 i 6 246 ! 20.25 33.19 12.50 l 3.20 j 42.5 ! 13.71 . 15.5 61.99M i7 22 ; 170.3 , 60 78 [ 6.035 1 _20._00 33.08 { 3.2_0__[ 42.4 _ ,f 13.51 15.4_ j 66.179 12.50_ j J20 l 42.3 j 13.29 15.3  ! 60 M i

                                                                                                                             } 32.87                    32.97                                               1 12.50 [i _12.50 i

1M 3M l 168.7 , [ 5 817 [ 19.74  ; 70.169 19.55 i 1_67.2 i 60 85 ' 19.51 3.20 a 13 10 15.2  ! 5 61M ' 42.2 .i . 15.1 74.594 20 72 I65 7 l 60 MM  ; 5 425 l 19 27 j 32.76 j 12.50 l _ 3 20 l _42.1. { 12.91  : l 7M.915 21.92 , 164.2 i 60 91 ', 5.237 i

                                                                                                       ,    _.19.05 ..!.

32.66a1_.12- 50 _ _ l - 3.20 i _ . .i 1 42.0 12.72 . 15.0 t S t.272 23 13 162M 60 94 ' 5.06x IM M5 j 32.5_6 _ ! 12.50 j _ 3.20 41.9 12.56 14.9 i RHR/CS Calc 25-NOV-97 File = NPSH75 XLS Page 2 of 6


                                                 & BoMon Edison                              CHECKED BY:

REV. E3 DATE 25-NOV-97 SHEET 76 OF 103 Table 20 - RIIR Pump with 1%/ Day Leakage Rate - 75 F Seawater Temperature F14.5-10 Lookup Lookup Eq 19 Eq.21 Eq.22 Eq.23 Eq 24 Pc Req'd for NPSHA of Time Time Tp Densit.s Psp Pc Pgas Hz Hsl NPSHA 27 feet Margin becs) t hours) (*F) (lbm/flh (psia) (pria) (fect) (fect) (fect) (fect) (psia) (feet) 87.590 60 97 32.46 12.50 3.20 41.8 12.40 14.8

               ;  24.33 [ 161.4                            (_,4.903_ j 18.65 60.99   l 4.74I         IM 45       32.37     12.50                     3.20                                              41.7                                      12.24          14.7 91.959 l 25.54 j _160.0 6I 02                    I8.27      32.28      12.50                    3.20                                                                                                       14.6 96.315 ' 26.75 ' l_58 7 j 4.597      ,

41.6 _ _ 12.10 _ 100.723 27.9M 157.5 61.04 18.11 32.19 41.5_ 1 ,_ 11.97 14.5 _  ! 4.466 12.50 {_ 3.20 156.3 ' 4 339 32.11 12.50 3.20 14.4

 ,105.128 l 29.20                                  61 07   ;

17.96 41.4 { _ l1.84

 ; 109.611 , 10 45                  1551           61 09   j 4 215          17.80      32.03     12.50                     3.20                                              41.3                                      11.72

{ 14.3

 ; I14.124         11.70            154 0 j        61.1I   i 4.103         17.66       31.95     12.50                     3.20                                              41.2 _                                    I1.61          14._2]

[_3.20 g] 41.2( _ l1.52 61.13 4.005 12.50 14.2 I 1 x.662 , 12.96 151 0 l . 17.54 { 31.88 121.106 14.25 151.9 j 61 15 i 3.897 17.40 ' 31.80 _ 12.50 J 3.20141.1 ] 11.41 L I 4. '__ 12.50 l 3 20 ' 41 0 j 127.955 15 54 ! 15] O of 17 1 812 . 17.29 31.74 11.33 j 14.0 112.617 16 M4 ol 19 3 7iM 12.50 I ~ 3.20 '4 l' .0 l 11.24 14.0 f l50 0 17 18 } 3167 3 20 ! 40 9 !


137.29x 13 14 . 1490 ol 21 362x I7.06 i 31.60 12 50 11.15 13.9 19 44 14M i o1.21 3.5> 7 , 16.96 ~3l

                                                                                        ~ '.53  i2 50                      3 20 .j. 40.3 _'                                                                            IIIl7          l 3.8 l 14 I.980                       _          ,

3.460 i 16.84 31.47 12.50 3.20 ; 10.99 13.8 146.749 40.76 ! 147.1 l 61.25 , 40.8 _ 12.50 13.7 l 151.545 ' 42.10 { 146 2 j 61 26 j 3.381 j 16.74 j 31.40 3.20. J 40.7

 ; 156.131        43 43 [ _145.3 j                 61 28   j 3 307 j 16 64             31.34     12.50                     3 20 _ J 40.6
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  . _10.84 10.91 _j_.13.6 _

161.157 44.77 [ 144.5 j 61.30 l 3.241 j 16.56 31.28 12.50 3.20 { 40.6 _. 10.78 j _ 13.6_ _ [ 165.970 46.10 [ 143.7 l 61.11 ' 3.I76 i 16 47 31 23 12.50 . 3 20 J 40.5 10.71 [ 13.5 170.814 47.45 j 142.9 61.32 i 3.112 i 16.39 31.17 12.50 {_ 3.20 J 40.5 . 10.65  ! 13.5 j 172.800 , 43.00 j 142 6 , 61 11 L 3.059 16.36 31.15 12.50 {_ 3.20 J 40.5_ _, 10.63 i 13.5_ j o1 14 I 3 054 16.31 1 31.12 12.50 l 3.20 1 404._ { 10.59  ! l 3.4 176.400 , 49 00 l 142.2 , 12.50 j , 3.20 _ j 40.4 10.56 13.4 180.000 50 00 ! I41.7 . 61 14 1 3.020 M.26 j 31.09 __ l i K1.600 51 00 L I41.3 61.15 2 987 _ 16 2_2 l 3106 12.50 [ 3 20 .j 40.4 10.53 i 13.4 l 2.954 16.17 ; 31.02 40.3 10.50 l 13.3 IS7.200 i 52 00 i 140.M ' 61.36 ^ 12.50 } ~ 3.20 i 190.x00 53.00 ! 140.4 61.17 2.921 16 13 > 30.99 l 12.50 [ 3 20 _

                                                                                                                                                                       ~5.3                                                . __ [~

10.46 13.3 _ RHR/CS Calc 25-NOV-97 Fife = NPSH75.XLS Page 3 of 6


                                                                    & Boston Edison CHECKED BY: MM REV.        E3         DATE           25-NOV-97 SHEET         77             OF           10 3 Table 20 - RIIR Pump with 1%/ Day Leakage Rate - 75 F Seawater Temperature F 14.5-10        Lookup       Lookup         Eq 19           Eq.21                                  Eq 22               Eq.23               Eq 24 Pc Req'd for NPSHA of Time       Time              Tp        Density          Pvp          Pc             Pgas          Hz           Hsl       NPSHA                27 feet            Margin (secs)   t hours)         t F)        (Ibm /ft')      (psia)       (psia)           (fect)      (fect)        (feet)       (feet)             (psia)              (fcet) 2.887 ! 16.08                30.96       12.50          3.20         40.3               10.43                13.3          I
                         ! 194.400 j 54 00 ! 140.0 i                  61.3M                                                                                     ~                   ~~
                                                                !                                                                            3.20         40.2               10.40                13.2         1 I 198.000 ? 55.00 [ 139.5       ~
61. 3M ~2.liS6 l 16.04 30.93 12.50 j 201.600 ! 56 00 I l.51 61.39 2.824 16.00 30.90 12.50 3.20 40.2 10.37 _[ 13.2 ]

12.50 3.20 40.2 I1 10.34 13.2 205.200 ' 57.00 133.7 61 40 ..2 _.792 , _1._5.9_5 30.87

                                                                                                                           .                     -y 15.91 i 30.84 g                            _. _

20x.803 ' 5M 00 61 41 2.760 l 12.50 i 10.31 13.1 138 2 3 20 J~ 40.1 3.20 } 40.1 T


I 212.400 i - 59.tMi . I 3_1. ;M ! 61.41 2.729 ! 15.87 ~ 1 30.81 12.50 10.28 ~~ ' 13. I


12.50 10.25 13 1 i 216.000 ' 60 00 i 61.42 .t 2.699 15.83 l 30.77 3.20 } 40.1 l __ t.

                                                 }' . 137.3 61.43 4

i . 2.66M 4 I_5.78 j 30.74 12.50 3.20 40 0 } 10.22 13.0 219.600 , 61.00 136.9 l

                         , 223,200 , 62.00            136.5 l 61.44                  2.63M       15.74            30.71       12.50          3.20         40.0               10.19                13.0 i                              ~

1 10.I6 13.0 l226.S00i 61 00 f: l36.0 61 45 2.607 I5.70 30.68 12.50 [ _3.20__ [ 40.0 l , 64 00 61 45  ! 2 578 15 66 ! 30.65 12.50 ! 3 20 ! 40.0 10 13 13 0

                         ! 210.400               { l15 6 '                                                                                           ^                                               ~

1 I 2T4JHM) 65 00 135 2 61 46 2 549 15.62 , _._ 30.62 l 12.50 i 3.20 < 39.9 , 10.10 ,

                                                                                                                                                                                                  'l 2.9 i
                                                 '                                                                       7 217.600 , 66 00          134 7           nl 47          2.520       15.58 , 30.59 1 12 50_.                :    1.20    .t 3_9.9 ,

1_0.0X . _ . .

                         , 241.200 ; 67 00 l 134.3                    61.4 x   I 2.491           15.54 I 30.56                12.50 ( 3.20 _{ 39.9_[ _. 10.05                             [_12.9  12.9 l244.800; 6M 00 [ 133.x {                   614x     j 2 462        ,  15.50 f 30.53                12.50          3.20 { 39.8 _ _ 10.02                       { l2.8
                          , 248.400 ' 69 00 { 133.4             ,

61 49  !

4. 2.434 15.46 30.50 12.50 3.20 l 39.8 9 99 +! ._12.8
                          . 252.000      70 00        133 0           61.50    1 2.407                            30.47       12.50          3.20         39.8 L             9.97          l      12.8
                          ' 255.600      71 00 [ 132.5 l              61.51    !' 2.379 .15        15.42 T        30.44       12.50          3.20         39.7 [             9.94          !

_.t__ 12.7 259.200 72 00 .! . 132.1 61.51 l 2 351 ; 15.34 I 30.41

                                                                                              ,                               12.50 { 3.20 m _._39.7 l

__w l 9.91 j 12.7 262.S00 61 52  ; 15.32 30.39 12.50 1 3.20 l 39.7 I 9.90 12.7 j 73.00 .i _ 131.9 .

2. 337 , 15.30 -e 266.400 74 00 13I.7 61 52 . 2.324 30.38 _12.50__l 3.20 l 39.7_ L 9.89 _i _ 12.7 _

270.000 75 00

  • I31.5 61 53 i 2.3 I I 15.28

_I_ 30.36 j 12.50 i 3.20 } 30.35 l 12.50 ; 3 20 ;

                                                                                                                                                             . _{

39.7 39 6 ; 9.87 9.86 L _ 12.7 _. 6 12.6 271.600 76 00 131.2 61.51 2.298 15.26

                                                                                                                                   . ....- -T.

77.00 131.0 01 5; 2.2x5 15.25 4 39 6 ; 9.85  ! 12.6 277.200 Iy 30 . _33._+{ ' 1_2.50 . 20' 4 i , .. + _. 2xo.x00 7x(H) 130.x 69 54 2.272 15.21 . 30.31 ! 12.50 l 3.20 : 39 6 i 9.84 l 12.6 RHR/CS Calc 25-NOV-97 File = NPSH75.XLS Page 4 of 6


                                                                                                          & Boston Edison                                               CHECKED BY:                                  .

REV. E3 DATE 25-NOV-97 SHEET 80 OF 103 Table 20 - RIIR Pump with 1%/ Day Leakage Rate - 75 F Seawater Temperature FI4.5-Io 1.ookup Lookup Eq.19 Eq 21 Eq.22 Eq.23 Eq.24 Pc Req'd for NPSHA of Time Time Tp Density thp Pc Pgas Hz Hsl NPSHA 27 feet Margin (secs) t hours) ( F) (Ibm /Ili (psia) (psia) (fect) (fect) (fect) (fect) (psia) (fect) i JM4.400 1 79.00 1 130.6 61.54 3.20 39.6 i 9.82 [ 12.6 [ 2.258 ! 15.21 30 30 {_ 12.50 J 28x.(HH) 80 00 i30 4 61.54 ' 2 245 4 15.19 30.28 ~ 12.50 3.20 - 39.6 I 9.81 12.6 ~ 291.600 ; Mi 00 i ~l30 2 ~

                                                                                                     !      6155         2.232 f 15.17                             30.27                   12.50           3.20                     39.6 l ' ~ 9.80 " '                                                   12.6 295.200' ! x2 00 I l2U.9                                                            61.55   I 2.219 ! 15.15                                30 25                   12.50           3.20                     39.6                                9.78                              12.6 j
                                                                                                     '                                                                                                                                                                           ~ ~{

298.800 M3 00 i 129.7 61.55 2.207 15.13 30.23 12.50 3.20 l 39.5 9.77 i 12.5 4 -t 302.400 X4 00 129.5 ; 61.56 i 2.194 ! 15.11 4 39.5 9.76 12.5 1'. .  ; 30.22 l 12.50 4 _ 3.20 _. t_ 1' 306.000 85.00 f 129.3 61.56 2.181 Ii 15.09 30.20 12.50 3.20 39.5 9.75 l 12.5 F 3.20 39.5 9.74 309.600 86 00 $ L 120.1 61.57 1 1 2.169 i 15.08 l 30.19 12.50 _ sf _ 12.5 111.200 ' x7I00 128 9 61 57 l 2.156 ,; _ _15.06 30.17 12.50 3.20 39.5 9.72 12.5

                    .                           .t                                                   i              ,

316.800 61.57 2.144 ! 15.04 9.71 12.5 xx 00 i 128 6 30.16 [ 12.50 [ 3.20 ] 39.5 9.70 12.4 320.400 M9 00 ' 12x 4 n13x 2 Ill 15.02 i 30.14 j 12.50 l' 3 20 ' ' 39.4  :  ! 211x 12'.50 1 20 39 4 9'69 l'2.4 124.000 90 00 12x 2 al ;x 15 00 i [io.13 ! f 127.600 91 00 , 123 0 oI <x 2 100 14 9x j _ 30.1I_ L 12.50 ; 3 20 , 39 4 9.68 , _I _2.4 311,200 92 00 . 127x ; 61 59 2 094 [ _I4.97 j 30.09 '_ I2.50_ _3.20 j _ 39.4 J _ _ 9.66 p _ 12.4 _ , 134.X00 9300 127.6 , 61 59 30.08 12.50 3.20 ! 39.4 ! 9.65 12.4 l 2.082 it 14.95 1 9.64 12.4

                   , 118.400            94 00                                                              61 60        2.070                                      30.06                                                      1    39.4 127.1                                                    i i                      _14.93                             _12.50 __3.20w.

J. 342.000 95.00 12'7.1 ; 61 60 [ _2.058 ; 14.91 { 30.05 12.50 3.20 l _ 39.3 l _ 12.3 14 89 j 30.03 l 12.50 lr 3.20_o! 39.3 j-__ 9.62 9.63 _t 345.600 96 00 ,' I26.9 !

                                                .                                                           61 60   ,

2 046 . 12.3 _ 149.200 97.00 i 126 7 61 61 2.036

  • I4 88 30.02 l _12.50g 3]O j ,39.3 j _ 9.61 _
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   , _12.3        l 152.800         9x 00 ! 126 6                                                       61 61        2.027 ' 14 87                             30.01 l 12.50 { 3.20 _j , 39.3 [ 9.60                                                                                                12.3     j 39.3 j _                             9.59                            12.3       i 356.400         99.00   ,                        126 4                              61.61   ,   2 017   t 14.85 l 30.00 l 12.50 i 3.20                                                                                                                    12.3 2.00s                          14 84 i 29.99 j 12.50 1                          3.20                                                           9.58 160.000         100 00  '

126 2 61 61 39.3 { 161 600 101.00 120 0 6162 1.99X 14.82 i 29.98 ! 12.50 3.20 39.3 i 9.57 i 12.3 U6~ 1418[1] 29.96 T 12.50 3 20 i 39.3 !. 9.59

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ~II.3      )

367.200 102.00 l 125.9 6162 > I .9X9 , f~ 170.800 103.00 125 7 61 62 1.980 14 80 ! 29.95 l 12.50 L 3 20 .! 39.3 i . _12.3 l Page 5 of 6 RHR/CS Calc 25-NOV-97 File = NPSH75.XLS


                                          & Boston Edison                                CHECKED BY:

REV. E3 DATE 25-NOV-97 SHEET 81 OF 103 Table 20 - RIIR Pump with 1%/ Day Leakage Rale - 75 F Seawater Temperature Fl4 5-10 Lookup Lookup Eq 19 Eq.21 Eq 22 Eq.23 Eq 24 Pc Req'd for NPSHA of Time Time Tp Density Pvp Pc Pgas Hr. Hsl NPSilA 27 feet Margin (secs) t hours) ( F) (Ibm /0') (psia n (psia) (fect) (fect) (feet) (fect) (psia) (fect) l 37 8.400 j .l04.00 _ l_25.5 61.61 L1,.971 j . 14.78 29.94 12.50 3.20 39.2 i. 9.55 L _ 12.2_

 ! 17M.000 ! 105.00          125.4          61 63                    1   14.77      29.93            12.50                                                                        3.20       39.2                   9.54                             12.2
 ! 3x1.600 [ 106ltH].      .

125.2 61.63 ]j 1.9621.953 i 14.16 1 29.92 12.50 J 3.20 l 39.2 9.53 12.2

 - TX5.200     107.00        125 0 ;

61.63 i 1.944 l 14.74 l 29.91 12.50 3.20 I ~ 39 2 j 9. 5 ". ~ 1272 TXX.800 f 108 00 l24.9 61.64 [~i335 ! '14.73 29.90 12.50 3.20 l 39.2 9.51 12.2 109.00 61.64 I.926 14.72 29.89 12.50 9.50 12.2

 , 392.400                   124.7 l                                                                                                                                              3.20 { 39.2 796,tHH1 ; I10.00        124.5 !        61.64           1.917 ~ 14.71           29.87           12.50                                                                         3.20 } 39.2      ~         ~~

9.49 ~~ 12.2


i 199.600 111.00 124.3 I 61.64 l.908  ! 14.70 29.88 12.50 3.20 } 39.2 9.48 -~'li2 401.200 112 (H) l'24 2 61.65 1.899 ! 14.70 l 29.90 12.50 3.20 9.48 12.2

                                                                                                                                                                                        ]j 39.2 I

[ 15890 ! 14.jii { 29.92] 12.50 3.20 9.47 406.800 I13.00 1240 61.65 39.2 [ _ I 2_.2


410.400 114 00 , 121 8 (>l t.5 ' l .SS I 14.70 l 12.50 ~ 1 20 39 2 ! 9.46 ' 12.2 414.000 115 00 121 7 al as 1 871 I4.70  ! [29.942[9I9631 20 i f l2 50 20 39 3 9.45 9.44 12 1 417.600 116 00  ; 121 5 6 I on 1.864 14.70 ,! 29.98 ] 12.50_ , 39 1 , .. j 12 3  ; l231 til .66 3.20 39.3 9.43 _ g 12.3 421.200 , 117.00 _ l I;M55 , 14.70 _f 30.00 _ ( 12.50 i  ! J 424.800 11800 123.1  ; 61 66  ! 1.847 ! 14.70 30.02 12.50 3.20 { 39.3 l 9.43 . [__ 12.3 .] 423.400 . 119.00 i 123.0 ' 61 66 ' l.838 l 14.70 30.04 12.50 3.20 l 39.3 _ 9.42 L 12.3 _] 432.000 120 tH) j 122 8 _ 6I t.7 . 1.830 ; I4.70 l 30.05 l 12.50 3.20 ) 39.4 9.41 _ _ j . 12.4 _ 5 iM.400 , I44.00 [ l20 2 ; 61.7I , 1.702 I 14.70 } 30.33 1 12.50 3 20 39.6 9.29 _ [ l2;6 604.S00 168.00 i l18.2 61.74 I 1.610 14.70 i 30 53 l 12.50 3 20 39.8 g 9.20 j . 12.8 691.200 192 00 l l16.2 , 61.77  ! 1.522 14.70 l 30.72 l 12.50 3.20 j _ 40.0 J _ 9. I I _ l __i 3.0 , 3.20 9.04 13.2 777.600 , 216.00 . I14 3 , 61 80 1.442 ' I4.70 l 30.89 l 12.50 . i 40.2 { i X643HH) 240 00 112.3 61 x1 1.362 14._70 l 31.06 l 12.50 [ 3.20 ! 40.4 j 8.96 1 13.4 RHR/CS Calc 25-NOV-97 File = NPSH75 XLS Page 6 of 6


                                                     & Boston Edison CALC. #           M-662                                                                           CHECKED BY:                   )N REV.          E3        DATE             25-NOV-97 SHEET          82                 OF           lo3 Table 21 - Core Spray Pump with 1%/ Day Leakage Rate - 75 F Seawater Temperature Fl4 5-10          Lookup           Lookup         Eq 19      Eq.21                               Eq.22           Eq.23                Eq 24 P.- Reg'd for NPSHA of Time         Time               Tp           Density              Psp           Pc       Pgas        Hz         Hsl         NPSIIA          29 feet            Margin becs)       (hours)             (*F)         (Ibm /f t ')       (psia)        (psia)      (fect)    (fect)    (fect)          (fect)          (psia)              (feet)

Plotted l Plotted l' Plotted Plotted l vnFignl } on Fug 6 on F:g 6 on Fog 7 4 312  ; 0.09 _ 133.7 ' 61.49 ,2 453  ! 15 66_, 30.93 12.50 2.38 41.0 10.51 12.0 557 j t 0.15 139.5 61.1M j 2 851 2 38 41.4 10.90 12.4 [_ i 5xx 0.16 16.19J 3128 l 12.50 140.6 { 61 16 j 2.935 12.50 619 0,17 61.35 16 29 !_ 31.35 31.39 12.50__ 2.3M 2.38 _ ; _41.5 41.5 _ _ 10.98 11.03 _ _12._5

                                                                                                                                                                                  .l 141.3 l                     } 2.9S8 l 16.36                                                t                                        12.5 656         U.IM    j 142 0                  61.34 16.43      31 43      12.50      2.38 j          41.6       _ 11.08           _ _12.6          !


        ! 2M1 0.27 l 147 x 0.36 61 21 61.15 3041{!l_7.04 } 31.79 3.521                                12.50 12.50 2.38 I 2.38      1 41.9_j_ _ II .55 4 2.2 j_ _ 11.93

[__12.9__ l 152.1  ; 3.916 ! 17.53 J 32.06 _ 13.2 0 44 ' 1551 1.594 61 09 i 4.235 17.92._ . [ 32.26 . 12.50 2.3M 42.4 .l 12 24 13.4 1.906 0.51 15x 0 61 04 4 520 1M.26 ; 32.43 ; 12.50 2.1M 42.5 12.52 _ , ' 13 5 2.219 0 62 160 I no 99 47s1 Ix 54 $12.56 { 12.50' , l2.1x 42.7 12.75 11.7 2.511 0.70 . 1620 60.95 4.972 18 81 ; 32.68 ! 12.50 ! 2.38 i 42 8 ! 12.96 13.M j


2.S44 't79 163 7 ; 60.92 l[0$ IEI6 159 f 5.176  ; 32.79 l 12.50 [ 2.38 $ 4E9 _[_ O 88 j 165.4 2.38 ,,] 43 0 j 1.156 i 60.88 l _5.3M7 , 19.30__ 32.89 j 12.50 13.37 14.0 1.469 0.96 [ 166 9 60 MS 32.99 12.50 2.38 j 431 j _ _ _l3.56 14.I l 5.579 l _19.52 1.7S I 1 05 }_ 168.2 l, 60 82 l 5.749 ; I9.72 i 33.07 14.2 12.50 J 2.38 .} 43.2 _{ _ 13.72 4.094 1. I 4 ! 169 4 ; 60 80 ' 5.912 19.91 _ 12.50 2.38 l 43.3 j_ 13 88 _ l4.3 _ ] 20.07__ _ j 33.21 f 33.I5 4.406 1.22 170 4 ; 60.78 12.50 2.38 43.3 l 14.02 6 049 l _ 4 1 14.3 , J 4.719 1.31 i 171 3 , 60.76 6.175 t 20.21 j 33.27_j 12.50 2.38 j 43 4 ! 14.14 j _ l44 , .{ 5.011 1.40 ' 172 2 60.74 6.301 14.27_; _ _14.4 i 20 36 ! 33.33 i 12.50 l 2.38 j 43.4 j j 5 144 1.48 . 1730 60 72 6 420 20.49 ! 33.38 [ 12.50 l 2.38 43.5 ! 14.38 j 14._5, j 5.656 1.57  ; 171 7 60 71 6 522 20 61 { 33 42 , 12.50 i 2.38 43.5 i 14.48 . 14.5 t 5.969 I 66 ! 174.4 60 69 6.626 20.73 ! 33.47 12.50 l 2.38 43 6 _{ 14 58 _ _ 14,6 f 1 RHR/CS Calc 25-NOV-97 File = NPSH75.XLS Page 1 of 6 l 4 L


CALCULATION CHEET PREPARED BY: FD)}- CALC.# M-662 Q Boston Edison CHECKED BY: REV. E3 DATE 25-NOV-97 SHEET 83 OF 103 Table 21 - Core Spray Pump with 1%/ Day Leakage Rate - 75 F Seawater Temperature F14 5-10 Lookup Lookup Eq.19 Eq 21 Eq 22 Eq.23 Eq 24 Pc Req'd for NPSHA of Time Time Tp Densit.s Psp Pc Pgas Hz Hsi NPSilA 29 feet Margin becs) (hours) ( F) (Ilim/H') (psia) (psia) (fect) (fect) (fect) (fect) (psia) (fect) 1.74 60 6x i 6 33.51 12.50 2.38 l 43.6 _ _ 14.67 14.6 _ J

                   ! 6.2X I..i
                   ,                                                            [_ ._175.0 i

j i . 717 .t1 _ 20.84 _ ii 6.594 ' 60 66 33.55 14.78 14.7 l.K3__ .i _175.7 t j 6.323 [ _ 20.96 __12.50 2.38 { 43.7 l 6.906 ; i.92 j l76 2 j _ 60 65 j _ .6.901 21.05 33.58 12.50 2.38 43.7 14.85 14.7 1.99  ! 60 64 ,! 6.979 33.61 12.50 14.7 l 7.157 , 1 1._76.7 _ _ 21.14 2_.38 43.7.._ [ . . _14.93 ._ 2.00 60.64 2.38 14.95 14.7 __ j 7.188 i l76.x _ l 6 995 21.15 { 33.62 } 12.50 43.7 ] 9.033 2.51 _ _ _ l78 8 j 60 60  ! 7.315 21.52 ' 33.75 { 12.50 2.38 43.9 _[_ 15.26 14.9 j ' i 12.498 , 3.47 e _ _181_.0 i  ! 60 55 i 7.681 21.93 33.88 12.50 2.38 44.0 15.62 15.0 15.848 4 40 i 60 51 l 7.850 22.12 33.94 12.50 2.38 44.1 15.79 15.1 19.325 5.37 j[ 182.0 182.3 f 60.52 { 7.'903 ~~22.17 33.95 12.50 238 7 44.1 15.84 I 15.i'~'~ 22.924 6.37 ' 182.2 60 52 :i 7 XX5 22.15 1' 33.94 i 12.50 t 2.38 1 44.1 15.82  ! 15.1 2.38 ' 44 0 5 , 26.735 7.43 181.7 60 51 7.799 i 22 05 ' 33.90 l 12.50 l  ! 15.74 15.0 x 47 IMI o 7 oSI 21.91 44 0 15.62 15.0 10.495 , , 60.55 { % U ] 12.50 I 2 TX f 14.12X 9 54 , 180.1 00 57 7.52x , 21.73 ! 33.77 l 12.50 2.38 l 43.9  ! 15.47 p l 14.9 1 i i 35.118 10.59 t_! 179.0 i i 60.59 i 7.148

t. _

21.53 } 33.69 12.50 2.38~ i 43.8 ~ l 15.29 __ l 14.8 42.011 11.67 i __.177.7 6062 i 7.137 i . _21.28 1i 33.60 12.50 2.38_ _t 1 43.7 14 15.08  ! 14.7 4 . _ 6065 21.03 33.50 14.87 14.6 __g 45.918 12.75 j. 176;3 ' { 6 u'o 12.50 _ 2.38 ] 43.6 [_ l 14.64 _[, 49.869 11.85 i 174x 60 6M 4 i 6 687 i 20.76 I 33.40 12.50 2.38 i 43.5 h 14.5 I 2.38 ! 43.4 l

                                                                                + - - . - - -

51.851 14.97 173.3 60 72 6.463 l 20.50 33.29 12.50 14.42 j 14.4 4 12.50 2.38 l 43.3 j 14.3 57.880 16 08 ; 171.x 6u 75 _6 .246 l 20.25 ( 33.19 _14.21 _ [ 61.99M I7.22 [ l70.3  ; 60 78 6 035 } _20.00 _' 33.08 12.50 _ 2_.38 j 43.2 ] 14.00  ! 14.2 j j 5;817 l _19.74 l 32.97 13.79 66.179 18.38 j 163.7  ; 60 x 1 12.50 , __2 38 J 43.1 [ _[ __14.l _ J 70.369 19.55 t 167.2 60 M5 1 5.618 i 19.51 ! 32.87 _12.50 l _ 2.38 i 43.0_ j _ 13.60_ [_ ,14.0_ 74.594 20.72 l65.7 l 60 MM  ; 5 425 ; .19 27] 32.76 12.50 j . 2.38 _ _! 42.9 i 13.4I i 13.9


7X.915 21.92 164 2 60 91 ' 5.237 i 19.05 i 32.66 12.50 4-l 2.38  :


42.8 i 13.22 L' 13 8 6 Mt.272 23.13 f li>2 5 l 60 94 5.068 18 85 1 32.56 12.50 j 2 38  ; 42.7 'l 13.06 i 13.7 i RHR/CS Calc 25-NOV-97 File = NPSH75 XLS Page 2 of 6


                                          & Boston Edison                                                        CHECKED BY:

REV. E3 DATE 25-NOV-97 SHEET 84 OF [03 Table 21 - Core Spraf Pump with 1%! Day Leakage Rate - 75 F Seawater Temperature F14.5-10 Lookup Lookup Eq.19 Eq.21 Eq 22 Eq.23 Eq.24 Pc Req'd for NPSHA of Time Time Tp Density Ps p Pc Pgas Hz Hsl NPSHA 29 feet Margin (secs) (hours) ( F) tibm/ft') (psia) (psia) (fect) 6cet) (fect) (fect) (psia) (fect)

 ! M7.590 l 24.33 [ ~ 161.4 j              60.97    ! 4.903 ! 18.65             32.46 ' 12.50                                                                                                                                               2.38 "                   i      42.6       '

12.90 1 13 6 32.37 12.50 2.38 42.5 12.74 i3.5 f 91.959 l 2534 l i60 o j 60 99 [ 434i l i8.45 32.28 12.50 2.38 42.4 12.60 13.4

 ,   96.315 j 26.75 ;         ISM 7 j      61 02    [ 4.597 l 1127_                                                                                                                                                                                                                      _

27.98 :, 157.5 1  ! 61 04 12.50  ! 2.38 42.3 12.47 13.3

 ', 100.723                                         ! 4.466 i._     . .i _18.11 t 32.19 13.2
 ;  105.128 , 29.20 . 156.3 l              61 07    ;_ 4.339 l 17.96 j_ 32.11 _ 12.50 4 2.38 g _42.2 j                                                                                                                                                                                   ___I 2.3 5 _         _

13.1_ 61 09 32.03 12.50 j 109.61I ; 30 45 ; 155.I l [4 215 ! 17.80 2.38142.1 l _12.22 114.124 i 31 70 ' 1540 ! 61.11 ' 4.103 i 17.66 31.95 12.50 2.38442.1 g 12.12 _ j 13.1


61.I3 4 005 17.54 j 31.88 12.50 2.38 y 42.0 J_ l 3.0 1 I x.662 12.96 1530 ' 12.02 _ [ 121.106 34 25 15I 9 f 6I.I5 l 3 897 17.40 31.80 12.50 2.38 ! 41.9 I i1.91 ~~{ 12.9 127.955 ' 35.54 151 0 f 61 17  ! 1 812 l 17.5 31.74 12.50 L2.387 41.9 i~ 11.83 j 'Ij.9] 112.617 16 84 1500 61 19  ! T 71x 17.1x t 31 67 12.50 l 2.38 41.8 i 1_1.74 12.8 - 117.29X 1x I4 149 0 61 21 1 625 17 06 ' 31 60 12 50 2.3x 41.7 11 65 12.7 t 19.44 61 21 1547 16.96 41.7 11.57 12.7 141.950 145.1 { 31.5 { _ 12.50 f 215

  , 146.749 , 40 76       ,

1471 . 61 25 l 3 460 16.84 [ 31.47 12.50 { 2 38 . 41.6 L _ l1.49 _ j. 12 6 l 151.545 42.10 [ 186.2 ! 61.26 j _ _3.333 16.74 1 31.40 12.50 { 2.38 j _ 41.5 i 11.41 l 12.5 12.50 l 2.38 1 41.5 11.34 _L 12.5 43.43 [ 145 1 ; { 3.307 _ .. 16 64 j 31.34 156.333 61.28 161.157 44 77 1 144.5 l 61 30 ( 3.241 j _ 16.56 l 31.28 12.50 l 2.38 j _41.4 [ 11.28 __j _ 12.4 __ 165.970 46 10 , 143.7 61 31 4 3 176 ! 16.47 ! 31.23 ( 12.50 } __ 2_38 _j 41.3 ! 11.21  ! 12_3 j 170.x14 47.45 _ 142.9 61.32 . 3.112 { lh39 [ 31.17 l 12.50 2.38 i 41.3 1 __11.15 _, 12.3 _ j 172.M00 48 00 . 142 6 61.33 3.089 ! 16.36 j_ 31.15 12.50 _. 2.38 _ _ 41.3 , _ _ _l1.13 _ j 1 2.1 _ j 176.400 49 00 ' 142 2 61 34 j 3.054 t _16.31 t 31.12 12.50_L 2.38 __ 41.2 11.10 l 12.2 __j 1 x0.000 50.00  ; 141.7 61 34 i 3 020 ; 16 26 ! 31.09 12.50 j _ 2.38_j 41.2 11.06  ! 12._2 _ j I 1X3.600 61.35 l 2.957 ; 16 22 _ ,I~ 3106 l _12._50_j , 2 38 j 41;2_ l 11 03_ ,12.2.__ j 51.00 l 141.3 187.200 52 00 , 140 x 61 16 ,' 2.954 : 1._6.17 .1 31.02 1 12.50 2.38 i 41.1 i 1_1_.00  : 1

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  .._2.1     -

4 2.38  ! 7 '

                                                    ' 2.921                                                                                                                                                                                                                 41.1    -

10 97-. 12,.1 , 190.X00 51 00 140 4 61 17 16.13 , 30.99 1. 12.5(L . RHR/CS Calc 25-NOV-97 File = NPSH75.XLS Page 3 of 6


                                              & Boston Edison                                   CHECKED BY:

REV. E3 DATE 25-NOV-97 SHEET 85' OF 103 Talite 21 - Core Spray Pump with 1%/ Day Leakage Rate - 75 F Seawater Temperature F14.5-10 Lookup Lookup Eq.19 Eq.21 Eq 22 Eq.23 Eq.24 Pc Req'd for NPSHA of Time Time Tp Density Pvp Pc Pgas Hz Hsl NPSHA 29 feet Margin (secs) (hours) ( F) tibm/ft ') (psia) (psia) (fect) (fect) (fect) (fect) (psia) (fect}

   'i 194.400 ; 54.00 ! 1403) i                61. 3M                         16.08        30.96               12.50                                                        2.38                                            41.1     1      10.93              12.1

_ 2.MM7 1 { -


l' 198.0(Hi 55.00 j _,139.5 61.38 . 2.856 i

16.04 30.93 12.50 2.38 41.0 1+ 10.90 j 12.0 i

201.600 56 00 l _ l.39.1 61 19 i

                                                          . 2.824 ' 16.00   -         1 30.90              12.50                                                        2.38                                             41 0 i          10.87             12.0
 ' 205.200 , 57.00 1' . 13M 7                  614ti      ! 2.792                                              12.50                                                       2.38                                             41 0 ,i _. 10.84                  12.0 i                              ._        ,                                   15.95 { 30.87
 ' 20M.M00          5M 00 1t    13M 2 ii       61.41 7
                                                          - 2.760 i

15.91 1 30.84 12.50 2.38 41.0 10.81 J' 12.0 1 t +

 ; 212.400 l.       59 00 [ 137.M              61 41      ' 2.729             15 87        30.81               12.50                                                       2.38                                             40.9            10.78             11.9 216.000 i 60 00           137.3          6142            2.699          15.83        30.77              12.50                                                        2.38                                            40.9             10.75             11.9 I 219.600 ' 6 l .00        l 156.9     l
                                          ;    61 41           2.66M          I5.78        30.74              12.50                                                        2.38 j _ 40.9 _ _ _ 10.72                                                          11.9     j 221.200   1 62.00 ._ 136.5 i i

61.44 1

                                                         . 2.638          15.74        30.71              12.50 [ 2.38 j                                                                                               40.8            10.69              11.8 J'

2.38 40.8 10 66 11.8

  ,   22t.800
          .         61.00 t 136.0
                            .                  61.45     t, 2.607
                                                               .              1_5._70 _. 30.68 12.50                                                                                                                                   2.

I 210 400 64.00 135 6 61 4; , 2.57M ^ 15 66 ~ 30.65 ! 12.50 2 38 . 40.8 10 64 11.8 ' 214J H Hi 65.00 135.2 v.! 46 2.549 15 62 30 62 12.50 21M 40 7 10 61 11.7 217m00 66 00 I34.7 v.I 47 2 520 15 58 30.59 - 12.50 2. 3 M . 40.7 . 10 SM

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ,      I 1.7 f                !

l 241.200 67 00 134.3 I 614M i 2 491 ! 15.54 30.56 12.50 2.38 f 40.7  ! 10.55 _.u. I I .7

 ; 244.800 l 68 00 [_ l}1.8                    614x     l 2.462 j 15.50 ,                  30.53              12.50                                                        2.38 J _40.7                                                    10.52
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      } __ l 1.7
 ; 24M.400 ; 69.00 [_133.4                     61.49    l 2.434       _

15.46 , 30.50 12.50 2.38 j 40 6 _ _ 10.50 _ 11.6_

 ' 252JMH)          70 00 , 1_31 0 .           61.50     1 2 407 i            15.42   I 30.47                 12.50                                                       2.38                                             40.5            10.47             11.6 q

255.600 71.00 l 132.9 i 61.51 l 2.379 l 15.38 i _ s 30.44 12.50 j _2.38 . - , 40.6 l 10.44 11.6 259.200 , 72 00 [_ 132.1 ;

                                         !     61.51 2.351 ; 15.34 i 30.41                         12.50                                     1 p._              _2.38_g                                    l         40.5 l          10.42      i 4      11_.5
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             -        4 262.M00 . 73.00 n 131 9 ,i               61.52                                                          12.50 i                                                                                            !         40.5 j          10.40      i      i 1.5     1
                                                         ' 2.337 >} 15.32 I' 30.39 1                   .

2_.3_8 _.s _ .; - _ _..___ - 266.400 , 74.00 ; 131.7 61.52 1 2.324 - 15.30 ! 30.38 [ 12.50 ! 2.38~4! 40.5 !

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 - +-

10.39 11.5 1' 270.000 75 00 [ 131.5 ; 61 51  ! 2.311 j 15.28 ; 30.36 ~ 12.50 j_2 38 j _ 40.5 l 10.38  ! 11.5 i 271.600 76 00 ; 131 2 61.51 l 2.298 ; 15._26 _ !_ 30.3,5_ 12.50 l 2.38 j 10.37 _[ l1.5_ j 40_.5_ [ _ 277.200 77.00 i 131 0 61 51 15._25. ! 30.33 l 12 50 [ _ 2.38 ; 40 __ 4 ; 10.35 j 11.4 l

                                         ,              l 2.285         ,

30.3l j !2.50 [ 2.38 j 2M0.M00 , 7M 00 ito 8 61.54 2.272 15.23 ,_ _ _ 40.4 10.34 11.4 i RHR/CS Calc 25-NOV-97 File = NPSH75.XLS Page 4 of 6


                                          & Boston Edison                             CHECKED BT :                        M REV.         E3        DATE          25-NOV-97 SHEET         86            OF          103 Tahic 21 - Core Spray Pump with 1%/ Day Leakage Rate - 75 F Seawater Temperature F14 5-10        Lookup      Lookup        Eq 19      Eq.21                                 Eq.22         Eq 23          Eq 24 Pc Req'd for NPSHA of Time         Time             Tp       Density          Psp          Pc      Pgas       Hz           Hsl          NPSHA         29 feet       Margin                    ,

(secs) (liours) ( F) (Ibntflh

                                                /         (psia)     (psia)      (fect)   (feet)       (feet)          (feet)       (psia)         (feet) 2X4.4tH) , 79.00 L 130 6 i          '    61.54  t 2.258            15.21      30.30    12.50         2.38      i     40.4         10.33      l   11.4 s

l288.000' K0 00 } 130.4 l 61.54  : 2.245 15.19 30.28 12.50 2.38 9 40.4 3 10.31 11.4 291MH) ' X I .00 { '130.2 61.55 1 2.232 15.17 30.27 12.50 2.38 i 40.4 10.30 11.4 J t 295.200 , M2.00 [ I29.9 f . 61.55 {M19 .j 15 15 30.25 12.50 2.3 h _j _ 40.4 10.29 11.4 f295.M00 M3 00 l I29,7 ! _ 61.55 i 2 207 l 15.13 ! 30.23 12.50 2.38 40.4 { 10.28 l 11.4 302.400 , K4po j 129.5 1 61.56 _ 2.194 ! 1511_ j 30.22 12.50 2.38 ,_ 40.3 ] 10.26 L 11.3 106.t H HI ' M5 00 l 129.3 61.56 4 2.181 ! 15.09 i 30.20 12.50 2.38 ' 40.3 [ 10.25 - I 11.3 109.600 , 8 6 (10 [ 129.1 . 61.57 f [2.169 [ i5i) 30.19 12.50 _ [ 2.3 _

                                                                                                                      '40.3    [    10.24           IB 311.200      87.00 [ 128 9 ;             61.57  ' 2.156 l 15 (16_ _ l 30.17            12.50 L2.38 _ l 40.3 _[__10.23 _ { 11 3,                          _]

116.x00 SS 00 , 12S 6 61 57 ' 2.144 ! 15.04 l 30.16 12.50 [ 2.38 ; 40.3 10.22 l 11.3 l 120.400 M9 00 12x 4 615x 2.111 ' 15 02 ' 30.14 12.50 1 2. 3 M 40.3 10.20

                                                                                                                                               ,    II 3      ;

324.000 90 00  ; 125 2 bl 58 2.1 Ix 15 00 ! 30.13_j 12.50_ 1I 2 38 40.2 . 10.19

                                                                                                                                      -       4 I 1.2 327.600                                  615x          2.106      14.9x_ [ 30.11 g2__$0J _ 2.38                     40.2        ._10 18 ._'      11.2     ;

91.00 [ 128 0 , , l 131.200 61.59 _2y94 { 14.97 ] 30.09 12.50 2.38 40.2 i 10.17 11.2 1 92 00 ! 127.M , . _4 1 314.800 61.59 12.50 1 10.16 11.2 93.00 ! 127 6 i 2_.082 l 14.95_ [ 30.08 2.38 } _ 40.2 12.50 10.15 11.2 31M.400 1 94.!H) [ 127.3 ; 61 60  ; 2 070 l 14.93 ! 30.06 _2.38 _ ! _ _ _40.2] . 142.000 1 61 60 14.91 i 30.05 12.50 40.2  ! 10.13 i 1.2 40.2 j _10J2_ _ +[,--lIJ 95_.00 .' .1_2 7.1 1' L' _ 2.38 f _2.058 j 14.89 i 30.03 145.600 96.00 ! I26.9 i 61 60 _ 2.0 16 12.50 [ _2.38 349.200 97.00  ; .126 7 61 6I  ; 2.016 j I4.88 ._ f 30.02 j 12.50 2.38 i 40.I j _10. I 1_1 _ _11._1_ ([ 2.38 g _40.1[ 152.M00 , 98 00 [ 126 6 61 61 2.027 ! 14.87 1 30.01 12.50 10.10 l 11.1  ! 356.400 ' 99 00 i 126 4 , 61 61 [ 2.017 ; _I4 85 j 30.00 12.50 ! .2.38 j 40.l j _ 10.10 _ L _ 11.1 ,j 160.000 100.00 ! 126.2 61 61 2.00x i 14 r.4 i. 29.99 12.50 -. i. 238 ._ , i 40.1 l 10.09 i 11.1 361.600 , 101.00 j 1260 61 62 , 1.998 l 14 82 l 29.98 12.50 L 2.38. , 40. l j , 10.08 _(_ 11.l_ _ _ 167.2t HI 102 00 . . 125.9 . 61 62 . . 1.959 14 Mi ! 29.96 l 12.50 } 2 38 ; 40 I. - - - -.i 10.07 . I 1.1 170.S00 103.00 125 7 61 62 1.9S0 14.80 29.95 i 12.50 ! 2.38 , 40. I j 10.06 1 11.1 i RHR/CS Calc 25-NOV-97 File = NPSH75.XLS Page 5 of 6


                                                             & Boston Edison                                          CHECKED BY:

REV. E3 DATE 25-NOV-97 SHEET 87 OF 10 3 Table 21 - Core Spray Pump with 1%/ Day I.cakage Rate - 75 F Seawater Temperature Fl4.5-10 Lookup Lookup Eq 19 Eq.21 Eq.22 Eq.23 Eq.24 Pe Req'd for NPSIIA of Time Time Tp Density 15 p Pc Pgas Hz Hsl NPSHA 29 feet Margin (secs) (f ours) (*F) tibne'R $ (psia) (psia) (feet) (fect) (fect) (fect) (psia) (fect) 374.400 ; 104.00 _ 125.5 l 61 63  ; i.971 14.78 29.94 12.50 1 2.38 40.1 [ 10.05 _ l 1.1 125.4 j 6163 l.962 14.77 29.93 12.50 2.38 40.0 10.04 11.0 378.(HK) l 105.00 _ j_ 11.0 I 381.600 j 106.00 125.2 61 63 1.953 14.76 29.92 12.50 2.38 40.0 10.03 l f 3MS.200 I107.(H) 125.0 6163 1.944 14.74 29.91 12.50 2.38 40 0 ~ 10.02 I 11.0 l 3SM.300 ! l08.00 124.9 6I 64 + 1.915 14.73 29.90 12.50 2.38 '40.0 10.02 I ~ ~ l 1.0 61.64 1.926 14.72 29.89 12.50 2.38 40.0 10.01 [' ~ 11.0 f 392.400 f 109.05 . _ [15.7 ,

 ! 396.tKHI , i10 00                          124.5            61.64    -

1.917 14.71 29.87 12.50 2.38 40.0 10.00 11.0 61.64 1.908 14.70 29.88 12.50 2.38 40.0 9.99 11.0 j f 399.600 ! 111 00 [ 124.3  ! __ _

 , 403.200                       1I2.00       124.2 !          61.65         1.899      I4.70        29.90                     12.50                2.38            40.0                             9.98                                                     11.0 I I 3.00     124.0 ;          61.65         'l 890     14.70        29.92                     12.50                 2.38           40.0                             9.97                                     _ _11,0_

[ 406.500 _ _. __ 114 (Mi 123 x 61.65 18xl 14.70 29.94 12.50 2.38 40.1 l 9.96 11.1 { 410.400 _ _ _ 414.t H Hi 115 00 121.7 ni os I .M71 6 14.70 29.96 12.50 2.3M - 40.1 9.96 l 11.1 j 417.600 116.00 121 5 b i n6 29.98 12.50 2.1M 40.1 9.95 _ ; 11.1

                             ,                         ,                     1.S64 l 14.70                                                                                                                                                                .

1.M55 i 14.70 30.00 12.50 40.1 9.94 j _ _11.1 421.200 117 00 l23.1 } 61.66  ; 2.38 i 424.500 ) , 118.00 I l_23.1

                                                       !       61 66   l 1.847          14.70        30.02                    12.50                 2.38      j 40.1                   __

9.93 { 11.1 l 428.4(H) ; i19.00 l23.0 f 6166 1.838 14.70 30.04 12.50 9.92 j 11.2 j , 2.3Q _ 40.2 j 412.tHJO ' 120 00 122.8 61.67 30.05 12.50 2.38 40.2 9.91 i 11.2

                                                                       !     1.830 l 14.70                                                                                               {_
                                                                                                                                                             ]j _40.5 l 51M.400 l 144.00 [ 120.2 j                                  61.71                                 30.33                    12.50                 2.38                                            9.79                                                    11.5 l 1.702 ! 14.70                                                                                                              9.70
 ! 604.800i ; 168.00 .' .113.2 ,'                              61 74   l 1.610 ! 14.70               30.53 1                                        2.38            40.7                                                                                    11.7
                                      - .     ..                                                                           4_ 12.50                                                                             r                                                     -

t 691.200 i 192.00 l l 16.2 ' 61 77 1.522 i I4.70 30.72 12.50 2.38 _ 40 8J_ 9.62 i I 1.8 777.600 , 216.00 [ l I4.3 , 6 I MO 1,442 ; _I4.70. , 30.89 12.50 2.38 41.0 { __9.55 _j . 12.0 j M64.000 240.00 [ l12.3 ' 61 x1 1.162 l 14.70 { 31.06 12.50 l 2.38 [ 41.2 i 9.47  ! 12.2  ! RHR/CS Calc 25-NOV-97 File = NPSH75 XLS Page 6 of 6


                                            & Boston Edison                                    CHECKED BY:

REV. E3 DATE 25-NOV-97 SHEET 88 OF 103 Table 22 - RIIR Pump with 5%/ Day Leakage Rate - 75 F Seawater Temperature F l4.5-10 Lookup Lookup Eq.19 Eq.21 Eq.22 Eq.23 Eq 24 Pc Req'd for NPSHA of Time Time Tp Psp Pc Pgas IIz Hsl NPSHA 27 feet Margin Densit.s tsecs) (liours) (*F) (ibm'fth (psia) (psia) (fect) (fect) (fect) (feet) (psia) (fect) Plotted Plotted I l Plotted , li Plotted l I

                                                                     \ "" 080                                                                                                                                                                          on Rg 6        _,____ on Rg [

1 [?" NFA : $- $ -4.--._

                                                                                                                                                    .20__j                40.2                                                                              10.01 i    TI2  l 0 .09 . - . [ 133.7              61.49                                       30.92           12.50                            {__3                                                                                                                               13.2 _ _

i l 2.453_ f 15.66 3.20 i 40.6. ~ ., 10.40 557  ; O 15 l1 139.5. , 61 TS i

                                                      , 2_K53 i _1_6.19 4 31.28 12.50                                                                                                                                                       ,
p. . _13.6 3.20 , 40 6 10.48 13.6 5xx 0.16  ! 140 6 61.16 2.915 I 16.29 ! 31.34 4

12.50 619 0 17 I41.1 6135 ~ 2.988 l 16.36 ! 31.39 12.50 3.20 40.7 10.53 13.7 2 ._ . ,. . 4 656 , O 18 1420  ; 61.14 j 3 041 l 16.43 ! 31.43 12.50 3.20 40.7 10.58 13.7 969 0.27 1478 61 21 17.04 31.79 12.50 3.20__j 41. l _ . [_ _11.05 }_ _ 14.1

                         ,              ;             ; 3.521                                                                                                                                                                                                                         _

l.2x1 0.36 j 152.1 ' 61.15 i 3.916 17.53 32.05 12.50 J 3.20 l 41.4 } 11.43

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    .[__ 14_.4 1.594      0 44           1551 !   i 61 09   l 4.215 i 17.92 -

12.50 iI 3.20 I 41.5 1' 11.74 ,i - 14.5 1.906 0 51 15xo nl 04 4 520 lx 26 1'  ; 32_42 32.25 { . 12 50 { 1 20 41.7 12.02 l 14 7  ; 2.219 0 62 Ita I v.o 99 4m lx 54 12 55 , 12.50 l 1.20 41 x 12.25 , 14 x l 2 ;il o 70 1620 vo 95 4 972 12.50 1 20 42 0 , 12 46 15.0 18 80 ,! 32 66 .l . - -12.50 .

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ._.   .       -            t 2.x44       0.79           161.7 ;       60 92           5.176    1    19.04         32.77                                                  3.20        .

_.2.1 4  : __12.66 l 15 i

                                                                                                                                                           -                               .                                 2 T.156 0 xx l 165 4 l               60 xx           5.387         19.29 j 32.87 ! 12.50                                                3.20        1 42.2 1 _ 12.87                                                                           .[        15.2 3.20 '                    42.3 _ j__ _13.06                                                                                  15 3 1.469       0 96 ! 166.9-                60 M5   ; 5.579 . 19.51 (32.97 j 12.50 _                                                                  _      ,

l 1.781 1.05 16M 2 ' 60 x2 5.749 ! 19.71 ( 33 05 J 12.50 l 3.20 _ 42.3 { l3.23 { 15.3 _ y 4.094 1.14 , 169 4 l 60 80 5 912 . 19.90 i 3312 J 12.50 L3.20 j 42 4 j _ _ _ 13.38 [ 15_.4 _ 4.406 1.22  ! 170 4 60.7M ,. . 6 049 . .20_ . 05

                                                                                 .. _,l __3_3.18_,i         12.50                 _.          _ _3 . 20 l . 4._2._5 . ! . _ _13.52 ._ i _ _15.5_

4.719 i TI , 171.1 60 76 l 6175 l 20.20 ! 33.24 i 12.50 3 20 42.5 ! 13.64 j 15.5 60 74 6 101 3.20  ; 42.6 ! 13.77 15.6 I 5.011 1.40 172 2 , . 20.34 ! 33.29 } 12.50 l -4 -- [ --

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       -1 5.144       14x            171 o         no 72          6 420         20 48 ! 33 34 . 12.50 L' _3 20. . . , _4.2 6                                                                                                      .

13 88 1 ._15.6 a 5.656 1.57 , 171.7 60 71 6 522 20 59 ; 33.38 12.50 j _. 3.2p 42._7 l 13.98 [ 15.7 _ 42.7 l 5.969 1 66 t 174 4 60 69 6 626 20.7I [ _3 3_.4_2 12.50 i 3 20 1 14.09  ; 15.7 Page 1 of 6 RHR/CS Calc 25-NOV-97 Ftie = NPSH75.XLS


                                               & Boston Edison                                                                                                               CHECKED BY:

REV. E3 DATE 25-NOV-97 SHEET 89 OF 103 Table 22 - RilR Pump with 5%/ Day Leakage Rate - 75 F Seawater Temperature F14 5-10 Lookup Lookup Eq 19 Eq.21 Eq 22 Eq 23 Eq 24 Pc Req'd for NPSHA of Tunc Time Tp Density Ps p Pc Pgas Hz Hsl NPSHA 27 fect Margin (secs) (hours) ( F) tibnt'fi$ (psia) (psia) (tec0 (feet) (fcct) (feet) (psia) (feco 60.6x 3.20 (, 42 8_ [ 14.18 15.8 j j 6.2x 1 I 74 ( ,175;0 j l 6.717 _ 20.82 l 33.46 l 12.50 _ t i 6.594  ; 1 83 _ [ 175.7 l 60 66 i 6 823 20.94 l 33.50 12.50 3.20 1 42.8 _j _ 14 28 _ L 15.8_ l 6.906 ,' l.92  ; 176.2 i

t. 4 60 65 . 6.90I 21.02 l 33.53 12.50 3.20 l 42.8 14.36  ! 15.8
                                                                              .'.i -6.979 21.I1 j 33.56 i                     -

I.99 1 176.7 i 60.64 12.50 42.9 I4.43  ! l 5.9 7.I57 ,' _ p 4 3.20 _1' t-- 7.1xx 2.00 [_176.x j 60 64 i 6.995 21.13 j. 33.56 12.50 3.20 ! 42.9 14.4 5_ L 15.9 _

 ! 9.033 ',i 2 51 178 x !          6n 60                              7.315      214x l 33.67                                                                                      12.50        3.20 !         43.0 ,           14 76    l      16.0 4              4 12.498         3'47 ,i IMI o               60 55                              7.6x1      21.58                                                33.78                                        12.50        3.20 __        43.1      l _ 1_5.12 _ _ _       16.1_ .

I 5.x4x 4.40 l I82.0 : 60 51  ! 7 550 22.06 I 33 80 12.50 3.20 43.1 1 15.29 i 16.I f 19.125 5 37 f IX2.1 ! 60.52 7.903 i 2f5~i 33.78 12.50 3.20 ] 43.1

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ~'    ~

15 34~I 16.l

 !, 22.924          6 37 i, Ix2.2 i,             60 52                        ,
                                                                              ,     7.xx5 ! 22.06 l 33.74                                                                                        12.50

3.20 l 43.0 15 32 l 16.0 12.50 ! 15.24 16.0 26.715 7 41 , IMI.7 60 51 7.799  ; 21.95 j 33.66 3.20 l 41 0 { l l' 10.495 S 47 1x10 no s s 7 6x 1 21 x0 33.5x 12.50 3 20 42 9 15.12 15.9 34.128 9 54 INo I no 57 7 52K 21.61 33.47 ; 12.50 3.20 42.5 14 97 15 X 60 59 . 7.148 21.39 3 20 42 7 14 50 i5.7 15.1 I X 10 59 -{ l79.0 [~ 33.35 h 12.50 4 _ 42.011 l 11 67 L 177.7  ! 60 62 7.137 [ 21.13 33.24 {_ 12.50 3 20 _j. 42.5 _ ; _14.59_ { 15.5 45.918 12 75 ( 176.3 ; 6065 , 6.916 l 20.86 33.10 ~ 12.50 3.20 J 42.4 j 14.37 L 15.4 ___ 49.569 13 55 [ 174.x ; 60 6x  ; 6;657 j 20.58 [ 32.96 12.50 3.20 ! 42.3 j 14.15 [_ 15.3 _ _ 51.XK1 I4.97 j _ l73.1 l 60 72 l 6.463 l 20.30 l 32.83 _ 12.50 3.20 j . 42.1 13.93 [ ._ 15._I l 13.7i 15.0 3 i 57.xx0 16 08 ! l7l 8 60.75 6.246 i 20.04 [ 32.69 3 12.50 3.20 _J 42.0 4' t l 17.22 ! 170 3 60 7x 41.5 13.51 14 8 l

                                                                              ,' 6 015 ,l _19 7_7                       _4 1 32.55 i l 12.50 l                                r 61.998                                ,
                                                                                                                                                                                                          . _3.20.g                    t 5 x17 . 19.50 1                                                                                                                          41.7             13.29           14.7 1 32.41 l 66.179        18.38 i 163.7                60 51                         '                                                                                                                                       :                                                    l 12._5 _0L 3.20 70169                                                                                                                                                                                                            l _1_6..

4 13 10 14.6  ; 19.55 ; I67 2 60 M5 5 61x i 19.25 _..i 32.27 l 12.50 l 4__ 3_. 20 j 74.594 20 72 165.7 32.13 l 12.50 i 3.20 41.4 12.91 l 14.4 60 xx 5425 i

                            ,                                                 ,                 19.01__1 78.915        21.92 j 164 2                60.91                              5.237       18.77 ! 32.00 l 12.50                                                                                         3.20           41.3 i           12.72    {    _ 14.3          i 23 13 ' 162 x                                                                                                                                                                12_.50 3, 3.20                               12.56           14.2         l S t.272                                    60.94                              5.06M       13.55 i 31 37 _}                                                                                                             41.2 {

RHR/CS Calc 25-NOV-97 File = NPSH75.XLS Page 2 of 6


                                              & Boston Edison                                                                      CHECKED BY:

REV. E3 DATE 25-NOV-97 SHEET 90 OF 10 3 Table 22 - RIIR Pump with 5"'./ Day Leakage Rate - 75 F Seawater Temperature FI4 5-10 Lookup Lookup Eq.19 Eq 21 Eq 22 Eq.23 Eq 24 Pc Req'd for NPSHA of Tmic Time Tp Density Ps p Pc Pgas liz Hsl NPSHA 27 feet Margin (secs) (hours) ( F) tibm/fth (psia) (psia) (fect) (fect) (fect) (fecti (psia) (fect) M7.590 24.33 , 161.4 ! 60.97 12.50 3.20 l 41.0 12.40 14 0 4.903 i 18.34 } 31.74 1 91.959 ' 25.54 1600 - 60.99 4.74I 18.13 31 61 12.50 12.24 1 13.9 3.20 { ' 40.9 ~ ~ 96.315 ; 26 75 [58 7 61 02 4.597 17.94 31.49 12.50 3.20 l 40.8 [_I2.10 _b 13.8 , 100.723 , 27.9X 157.5 , 6104 l _4.466 17.77 l 12.50 3.20 J 40.7 11.97 j 13.7 . _ 31.38 ] 12 50 3 105. I 2X 29.20 156 3 j 61 07 ' 4.339 l 17.60 1 31.26 . 3.20 40.6 11.84 13.6

 , 109.61I , 3045                              61.09      ,_215 4          17.43                                                           12.50     3.20           40.5 _g                                 i1.72                                                                            13.5       q 155.I !

f __ 31.15 l14.124 31.70 154.0  ; 61 II l 4.101 , 17.28 i 31.05 12.50 3.20 40.3 _ i _ l I .61_ . 13.3, y l 4 005 ! 17.14 30.95 12.50 13.2 I1x.662 ; 32.96 153 0 l 61.13 3.20 J 40.2 J _ l1.52 } 121.106 34.25 151 9 1 61.15  : 3.897 i 17.00 30.84 12.50 3.20 l 40.1 l 11.41 ~ l 13 1 ~ 127.955 35 54 l'51 0 61.17 i~$21M12 16 88 30.75 12.50 3.20 j 40.1 ~T I1.33 i 13 i 112 617 36 X4 1500 61 19 3.71 x 16.74 30.65 _, _ 12.50 _ 3 20 ; 40 0 I _ 11.2_4 _ f I 3.0  ; 117.29x 1x.14 , 1490 v.1 21 162M 16 62 30 56 12.50 . 1.20 l 19 9 11.15 12.9 141.9x0 19.44 , 148 1 61 21 3 547 16.50 30 47 12.50 3.20 , 19 x , Ii 07  ; 12 M 147.1 61 25 3 460 16 38 30.37 12.50 _ 3 20 _ l _39._7 ,{ 10.99 { 12.7

 , 146.749 , 40.76         ;                                                  ;                                                                                       _

151.545 , 42 10 i 146.2 61 26 l _ 3.381 . 16.27 ! 30.29 12.50 3.20 J 39.6 j_ 10.91 J 12.6


156.133 41.43 } 145.3 , 612x i 3.307 ! 16.16 30.20 12.50 3.20 l 39.5 Q 10.84 l 12.5 _ _ _j 161.157 , 44.77 { 144 5 , 61.10 l 3 241 i 16.06 30.12 12.50 3.20 j 39.4 1 .10.78 { 12.4___ 165.970 46.10 { f43.' ~ 61.31  ! ~ 3.176

                                                      '            i 15.97 1 30.04                                                     12.50    3.20 j          39.3 [                                  10.71                                                [_ _ l_2.3 170.M14 , 47 45 i l_42.9                   61 12        3.112 ' l~5 87 ' 29.96                                                     12.50     3.20139.3 1 10.65                                                                            12.3 172.800       4x 00          142 6         61 31  ;     3 089 i 15.84 } 29.93                                                      12.50    3.20_j 39.2                                             10.63                                                !                           12.2       j 176.400       49 00          142.2         61.14  i 3 054  '

15.78 t 29.89 j 12.50 3.20 j _ 39.2 10.59 j _12._2 1S0.000 50.00 , 141 7 61 14 , 3 020 . 15.73.__ [ 29.84 [ 12.50_{_3 20 j_ 39.l _j _ 10.56 _ L 12.1 a 151.600 51 00 , 141.1 61.15 2.987 15.68 ; 29.79 l 12.50 l 3 20 j _ 39.1 l _ 10.53 4_ _ ,12.1 I S7.200 52.00 ' 140.8 61 16 2.954 15.63 29.75 j 12.50 _ {__3 20 3 _39.0 .

                                                                                                                                                                        ;                               10.50                                                !                           12.0 29.70 . 12.50 i                                                                                                                                               '

190.800 53.00 140 4 61 37 2.921 15.58 3.20 39 0 , 10.46 12.0 J RHR/CS Calc 25-NOV-97 File = NPSH75.XLS Page 3 of 6


                                                                                                                                              & Boston Edison                                                                         CHECKED BY:

REV. E3 DATE 25-NOV-97 SHEET 91 OF lo3 Tahic 22 - RIIR Pump with 5%/ Day Leakage Rate - 75 F Seawater Temperature F14 5-10 Lookup Lookup Eq 19 Eq.21 Eq.22 Eq.23 Eq 24 Pc Req'd for NPSHA of Time Time Tp Density Psp Pc Pgas Hz Hsl NPSHA 27 feet Margin (secs) (liours) ( F1 t ibm /ft') (psm) (psia) (fect) (fect) (feet) (fect) (psia) (fect) j 194.400 , 54 00 [ 140 0 j 61.tx 2.MM7 15.53 l 29.66 12.50 3.20439.0___ 10.43 _ 12.0 _j j 195.000 l 55 00 , 139.5 ' 61.38 2.M56 15.48 j 29.61 12.50 3.20 1 389 10.40 11.9 j {201.600 56 00 139.1 61.39 2 M24 15.43 ~ 29.57 12.50 [ 3.20 38.9_} _ _10.37._ _ _ { 11.9 I {205.200; 57.00 t 13M 7 , 61 40 I 2 792 15.38 29.53 12.50 [ 3.20 38.8 10.34 i 11.8

                                                                                      , 20x.X00 l 58 00                      ,   I3M 2 j       61 4I     i 2.760                                         15.33 } 29.48                     12.50        3.20                                                                        38.8                 10.3I      [_ l I .8 212.400            59 00       137.x ,       6141      i 2.729                                         15.29      29.44                  12.50        3.20                                                                        38 7                 10.28             11.7
                                                                                      , 216JHH1 ; 60.00                          137.3 j       6142             2.699                                    15.24      29.40                                                                                                           38.7                 10.25             11.7
                                                                                                                                                           .                                                                               12.50 [_ 3.20 l 219.600 ; 61.00                           136 9         61.43            2 668                                    15.19      29.36                                                                                                          38.7                  10.22             11.7

__ 12.50 [ 3.20 221.200 , 62 00 61 44 2.63 M 15.15 j 29.32 3.20 38 6 I I .6

                                                                                                                             ,   136.5 l                                            ;                                                      12.50 l                                  _                                                           _.

10.19 _] 226,M00 61 45 2.607 ; 15 10 ! 29.28 12.50 j 3.20 38 6 10.16 i 11.6 61 00 l 136 0 !  ;  ; ' 135 6 61 15 2 57x 3.20  ! 38 5 10.13 11.5 210.400 l 64.txt 15.06 { 29.2_4_ [ 12.50 l ,  ; 234.000 65.t HI 135 2 61 46 2.549 15 01 ' 29.20 12.50 1.20 l 3M.5 10.10 11.5 I 217.600 6147 2.520 3.20 38.5 10.08 . IIJ 66 00 . I34.7 , I4.97 [ 29.16 1 _ _ 2.50 4 241.200 67 00 ; 134.3 61.4x j 2.491 , 14 93 { 29.13 . , 12.50 3.20 .

j. 38 4 _j. _10 05_ L 11.4
                                                                                     ; 244.X00 l 68 00 j 133.8 !                               61.48     j _2 462 f 14.88                                           29.09                  12.50  g .20J3                                              38 4 _ {_ _1102 _ _{ 11.4_

248.400 ! 69.00 . 1' 133 4 , 61.49 l 2.414 1 14.84 29.06 12.50 3.20 -t l 38.4 9.99 j 11.4 252.000 , 70 00 j 133.0 61 50 l 2;407 j 14 80 29.03 12.50 3.20 _j 38.3 9.97 _j 11.3 255.600 71 00 ! 132.5 61.51  ; 2.379 l 14.76 28.99 12.50 3.20 l _ 38] [_ 9.94  ! 11.3 259.200 72 00 132.1 ,' 61.51  ; 2.351 . 14.72 28 96 12.50 l 3.20 g 38 3 J _9.91 i 11.3  :


262.x00 73 00 131.9 61 52  ; 2.337 l 14.70 _ 28.95 , 12.50 l 3 20 } 38 2 j 9.90  ? I1.2 266.400 74 00 131.7 , 61.52  ; 2.324 l 14.70__; 28.97 l 12.50 ( 3.20 ! 38.3 _j. 9.89 _ I 1.3 ,_ j 2703H H1 75 00 131.5 , 61 51 2.311 ! 14.70 l 29.00 l 12.50 l 3.20 i 38 3 ] . _ 9.87 j__ 11.3 _j 273.600 76 00 , I31 2 , 61.51 2.298 14.70 {_ 29.03 j_12.50 l 3.20_j 38 3 ! 9.86 j 11.3 l 277.200 77.00 131 0 61 51 2.285 ; 14.70 ! 29.05 l _12;50_{. 3.20 ; 38.4 .{ 9.85 l 11.4 j 280.M00 78 (H) 130x 61 54 i 2.272 l 14.70 j 29.08 l 12.50 ! 3.20 1 38 4 9.84 _ C .4lI _ J RHR/CS Calc 25-NOV-97 File = NPSH75.XLS Page 4 of 6


                                                                          & Boston Edison                                                                                 CHECKED BY:         M REV.             E3                  DATE                25-NOV-97 SHEET             92                     OF~                   (03 Table 22 - RIIR Pump with 5%/ Day Leakage Rate - 75 F Seawater Temperature F14 %I0                    Lookup                                                  Lookup                 Eq.19     Eq.21                            Eq 22             Eq.23               Eq.24 Pc Reg'd for NPSHA of Time          Time                       Tp                  Densits                                                              Psp          Pc        Pgas         Hz       Hsl     NPSHA             27 feet             Margin (secs)       t hours)                   ( F)                (Ibm /ft')                                                    (psia)             (psia)    (fect)       (feet)   (fect)     (fect)           (psia)               (feet) 1 284.400      ,   79.00 _ 130 6                                   61.54                                                       2.25M { 14.70 1 29.11                     12.50     3.20       38.4  _    ,

9.M2 _, i 1.4_ _j

       ; 288.000           30.00                  130 4                    61.54                                                                                                 12.50     3.20       38.4             9.81                  11.4 2.245 [ 14.70 } 29.14 t

291.600 : M 1.00 130.2 i 61.55 2.232 i 14.70 29.17 12.50 3.20 38.5 9.80 11.5 295.200 ' M2.00 I29.9 : 61 55 ~ 2.219 ~ 14.70 29.20 12.50 3.20 38.5 9.78 '- 11.5 - 298.X00 M1.iHi ~~}i7 l  ! 61.55 2 207 14.70 29.23 12.50 3.20 3855~~~ 9.77 11.5 l 302.400 l M4.00_ 129.5 61.56 2.194 l 14.70 29.25 12.50 52(I1{38;6 [ 9.76 ]_ ]f' 11.6 _ _ l 106.tHHi , M5.00 129.3 j 61.56 , 2. I X 1 [ 14.70 29.28 12.50 3.20 _j 38 6 j 9.75 _ l I .6 _ _

       ; 309.600 , M6.00 [ l29.1 l                                         6I 57                                  i 2.169 j 14.70                                   29.3I                                              9.74                 11.6 I2.50 {_ 3.20 l 38 6                            4
       ! 313.2tN)          M7 00 j I28.9 l          _

61.57 2.156 i 14.70 29.34 12.50 3.20 l 3 8.6 _ ., 9.72 I 11.6 316.XtH1 + M3 00 j 12M 6 ! 6157 29.37 12.50 3.20 l 38.7 9.71 l 11.7 2.144 { 14.70

        ' 320.400          M9.00 ; 12M 4                                   615x                                   ,

2.111 ! 14.70 , 209 _ l_2.50 3.20 j . 38.7 ; 9.70 11.7

        ; 324.000          90 00                 12M.2                     v.1 48                                                     211M                14 70     29.42        12.50 ,   1.20      3M 7 [            9 69      ,

11.7 12 7.t 00 91 00 12M 0 foi 58 2 100 14.70 { 29.45

                                                                                                                                                                 '           j; 12.50 l    120       3M 7 .            9.68                 I I ,7
                                                                                                                                                      ^                                           '                             '

311.200 , 92.00 127.M t.1 59 ' 2.094 14.70 2937 12 50 i 3.20 38 8 _j 9.66 ii.M 334.800 93.00 127.6 ' 61 59 2.082 14 70 4 29.50 l 12.50 l 3.20 38.8 _{ 9.65 _ . I 1.8 __ 61 60 2.070 14.70 29.53 38 8 j 9.64 I I .8

       , 33M.400 , 94 00 [ 127.3                                                                                                                      ,_                         12.50 }_ 3 20 95.00 [ l27.I                                   < > I no                             l _ _2.05K j 14.70                                  29.55        12.50 [ 3.20        38.9 I            9.63     i           i 1.9 l 342.000                           .      _

j 2.046 l 14.70 l 29.58 9.62 1 11.9 345.600 , 96 00 i 126.9 61 60 12.50_}_ 3.20 38.9 {

       , 349.200 , 97.00 j _ l26.7              _

61.61 [ 2.036 ! 14.70 ! 29.60 12.50 j._ 3.20 38.9 i 9.61 [, i 1.9 352.M00 98.00 [ 126.6 61.61 l 2.027 j 14.70 {__29.62 _14.70 l 29.64 12.50_[. 3.20 ; 38.9 1 9.60 [ I 1.9 l


356.400 99.00 ' I26 4 6I 6i , 2.0I7 12.50 { 3_20 _(38;9 J _9.59 j i 1.9 100 00 i 126 2 ' 2.008 14.70 l 29.66 9.58 12.0 360.000 61 61 12.50 [ 3.20 l 39 0 .} _ . L i 361.600 101 00 i 126.0 61.62 1.99M 14.70 1 29.68 12.50 l 3.20  ! 39.0 4 _ 9.57. _ 12.0 12.0 367.200 102.00 , 125.9 6I62 , 1.9X9 14.70 ! 29.70 t 12.50 [ 3 20 .{ 39.0 j _ 9.56 _ , __ 370.800 10100 125.7 61 62 + 1.980 14.70 l 29.72 ] 12.50 [ 3.20 j _ 39 0 ! _ 9.55 i 12_.0 RHR/CS Calc 25-NOV-97 File = NPSH75.XLS Page 5 of 6


                                                   & Boston Edison                                                                CHECKED BY:            ,

REV. E3 DATE 25-NOV-97 SHEET 73 OF 10 3 Table 22 - RIIR Pump with 5%/ Day Leakage Rate - 75 F Seawater Temperature F14 5-10 Lookup Lookup Eq.19 Eq 21 Eq 22 Eq 23 Eq 24 Pc Reg'd for NPSHA of Time Time Tp Density Ps p Pc Pgas Hz list NPSHA 27 feet Margin (secs) t hours) ( F) tibm/ft') (psia) (psia) (rect) (fect) (fect) (fect) (psia) (fect) 01.63 29.74 12.50 3.20 39.0 9.55 .i 12.0_j j 374.400 j 104.00 l 125.5 {  ! _1.971 l _14.70

 ! 378.000 [ 105.00 j_ l25.4 {                      6163. l 1.962             14.70              29.76                             12.50        3.20                                        39.1 _ _ 9.54 j_ 12.1_ j
 , 38 I J.00 1 106._00 { 125 2 i                    6I 63           1.953        14.70              29.78                                                                                      39.I               9.53

_! _ 12.1 _ 12.50 L 3.20

 - 385.200 ! 107.00                    125.0 i      61.61           1.944        14.70              29.80                             12.50 l      3.20                                        39.1               9.52                                         1                                12.1

_ ~~

 ! 38K.800 ! 108 00                   T24 9 !       61 64           1.915        14.70              29.82                             12.50 l      3.20                                        39.1               9.51                                                                          12.1~
 ; 392.400 ; 109.00                    124.7 l      61 64         _

l.926 IOO 29.84 } 12.50 3.20 39.1 9.50 y 12.l _ i 196.000 l 110.00 124.5 ! 61 64 1.917 14.70 29.86 12.50 3.20 39.2 9.49 12.2

                               ~                               ~               -

f 399.600 f 111.00 ~ ' 124 3 61 64 1.908 14.70 29.88 12.50 3.20 l 39.2 _ 9.48 12.2 _ 3

 , 401.200 ' 112.00                    124 2        6165            1.899        !4.70              29.90                             12.50        3.20                                        39.2               9.48 12.2 _ ]

l 40n.x00 I13 00 I 124 0 , 61.65 1.890 14.70 29.92 12.50 3.20 39.2 9.47 12.2

 ' 410.400                114 00                    61 65           1.xxl        14.70                                                             3.20                                                        _ 9.46 _ ;                                                                       12.2 l 123 x                                 ;                .       29.94 W2_.50                                                                               39.2 _

l l 5 00 ; 123.7 61 65 1 871 3.20 39 3 9.45 ' 12.1  ; l 414.000 , 14 70 1 29.96 [ 12.50_ { , ,

 ' 417.600                l l61Hi  ;

121 s ni o6 , i e. 4 14 70 { 29._98_ , 12.50 ' 3.20  ; 39.1 , 9.44 12.3 i

 ' 421.200                117.00 j 121.3       ,

61 66  ;, l.M55 , 14 ]O ! 30.00 12.50 3.20 . j _39.3 _j 9.4 3 _ L ,12_.3 _ . . 61 66  ! 1.847 14.70_i 30.02 12.50 12.3 f 424.800 118.00 [_,123 1 ; 3.20 _ 39.3 [ 9.43 _ ( 428.400 , 111).0f! [ l23 0 ! . _ 61.66 j 1.838 14.70 30.04 12.50 i 3.20 39.3 l 9.42 l 12.3 l 432.tHHI f 120.00 j 122.K i 61 67 l 1.830 14.70 30.05 12.50 3.20 39.4 j 9.41 ~ 1 - ~ 12.4 ~

 ' 5iM.400                144IDO [ 120 2 l          61 71 1 1.702            , I4.70 _    _

30.33 12.50 _ _ _3 2 39.6 l _ _.92 9_ f 12.6 9.20 , 12_8 _ _ 604.300 168 00 , 118.2 , 6l.74 { l.610 . 14.70 30.53 12.50 3.20 39.8 _( 192.00 i16.2 61.77 30.72 12.50 3.20 _ 40.0 l _ 9.1 I 13.0 j 691.200 _ , [ 1.522 I 14.70 . 777.600 216.00 , i14 1 61 SO 1.442 i 14.70 30.89 12.50 } _ , 3.20 40.2 i 9.04  ! 13.2 240 00 t 112.3 61 81 1.362 12.50 l 3.20 40.4 [ 8.96  ! 13.4 l M643 HH) , , 14.70 ] 31.06 RHR/CS Calc 25-NOV-97 File = NPSH75.XLS Page 6 of 6


                                                                              & Boston Edison                                                                                                                                         CHECKED BY REV.          E3                                 DATE 25-NOV-97 SHEET         W                                           OF        103 Table 23 - Core Spray Pump with 5%/ Day Leakage Rate - 75 F Seawater Temperature F14.5-10       Lookup                                      Lookup                                                        Eq 19                                   Eq.21                                         Eq.22          Eq 23            Eq 24 Pc Reg'd for NPSHA of Time         Time                                            Tp     Density                                                Ps p                                                              Pc                        Pgas       Hz                    Hsl         NPSHA          29 feet          Margm (secs)      (Imurs)                                        ( F)    (Ibnvfth                                           (psia)                                                     (psia)                               (fect)   (fect)                  (fect)        (fect)         (psia)           (feco Plotted j                                                                                                          Plotted                                                                                                  Plotted         Plotted l          l l

on Fig 6 I on Fog 6 on Fig 6 on Fig 7 f 312.. l 0.09 133.7 f 61.49 i 2.453 i 15.66


30.92 12.50 2.38 41.0 10.51 [_ 12.0 l l 557 j O.15 139.5 61.38 i 2.853 16.19 31.28 12.50 2.38 , 41 4 _, _ 10.90 _ { _ 12.4 _ 2.38 10.98

        !    5xM    i    0.16                                      140 6   ;    61.36                          j _2.935                                                                       16.29                              31.34    12.50                                                          { _12.5                        .

2.38 g]41.5 41.5 619 61.35 16.36 31.39 12.50 11.03 12.5 f 017 [ 141 3

                              ;                                            ,                                   { 2.9xx 41.6          11.08             12.6 656         0.18                                              1    61 14                          j 3.041                                                                        16.43                              31.43    12.50                    2.38 i

[ 142.0~ _ l 969 . 0.27 i l47.8  ! 61 23 i 3.521 17.04 31.79 12.50 2.38 l 41.9 11.55 f 12.9 f i


I I.2MI l O'.36 f l52.1 + 61 15 17.53 32.05 12.50 2.38 ~{ 42.2 !1.93 13.2

        !   l.594 O 44                                      155.1        6I 09                           I ~45235                  3.916' T752                     i                                                      32.25    12.50                    2.38 f        42.4          12.24     l       13.4 i

1.906 0.53 [ I5S o r.1 04 4 520 1836 32.42 i 12.50 2.38 42.5 l 12.52 l 13.5

        ; 2.219          0 62                                      160 I        t.o 99                                           4.751                                                         1M 54                             32.55 { 12.50              ,      2.38          42.7     ;    12.75     i       I37

2 531 0 70 162o no 95 4.972 i iM.80 32.66 l2.50 2.3M 42.8 12.96 i I38

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ~ ~

2.844 0.79 '163 7 j 60 92 32.77 12.50 ~ ' 2.38 ~ 41 9 ~ 13.16~I 13.9 l

        ; 3.156 !        0.88                                      l_65.4 j     60 MS

[ ~5.387 5.176 f 19.03 ~ 32.87 12.50 2.38 43.0 [ _ 13.37 {_ 14.0 g _19.29

        ! 3.469 ~        0.96                                 I 166 9 i         60 M5                                            5.579                                                        19.51                              32.97    12.50                    2.38          43.1 } _ 13.56          [ _14.1       _

60 x2 5.749 33.05 12.50 2.38 a 43.2 14.2 3.7X 1 , I.05 [ _ l_68.2 i _ _19.71 13.72 _ [

        ' 4.094 .        1.14

_ _ [_ _169.4 , 60.50 [ _ 5.912 19.90 33.12 12.50 2 38 ! 43.2 13.88 [ 14.2 4.406 1._22.

                                                              ; 170 4 p_.._..

60 7M i 6.049 { 20.05 33.18 12.50 2.38y I 43.3 14.02 - 14

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ,!. ._____._3_-.

j 4.719 1 31 [ 171.3 60 76 i 6.175 l 20.20 33.24 12.50 2.38 43.4 _ 14.14 _j _ _ 14.4_ 5.011 60 74 33.29 12.50 2.38 43.4 14.27 14.4

        ,                1 40 [ 172.2                                      ,

f _6.303 l _20.34 g _ 5.144 1.48  : 173.0 60 72 6.420 l 20.48 33.34 12.50 [ 2.38_ ,43.5 14.38___ [ J._5__ 5656 1.57 j 173.7 , 60 71  ; 6.522 ; 2_0.59_ 33.38 12.50 l 2.38 , 43.5 ! I4.48 , [ _ _ I,4.5 j 5.9t>9 , 1.66 174.4 6069 ' 6.626 ; 20.71, f 33.42 12.50 [ 2.3 8_ . j 43.5 l 14.58 _[ 14.5  ! RHR/CS Calc 25-NOV-97 File = NPSH75 XLS Page 1 of 6


                                            & Boston Edison                                                                                                                                       CHECKED BY:            M REV.           E3       DATE          25-NOV-97 SHEET            9f          OF           103 Table 23 - Core Spray Pump with 5%/ Day Leakage Rate - 75 F Seawater Temperature Fl4.5-10         Lookup                                         Lookup                                                                          Eq 19           Eq.21                             Eq 22          Eq 23                Eq 24 Pc Reg'd for NPSHA of Time          Time             Tp       Density                                                     th p                                                                     Pc         Pgas         Hz        list      NPSHA          29 feet             Margin (secs)      (hours)        ( F)        (Ibm /ft')                                            (psia)                                                                       (psia)        (feet)     (fect)     (feet)      (fect)         (psia)               (fect) j 6.2X 1     ,

1.74 1 60 6M [_ _6. 717 i _20.82 } 33.46 12.50 2.38 J 43.6 l _ 14.6

 ! 6.594      3 1.83  f, _175.0 175.7           60 66                             ._

6 823  ; 20.94 33.50 12.50 _ 2.38 l 43.6 ] _ _ 14.6714.6 _ _14.78 6.906 l 1.92 [ l76.2 f_ 60 65 6.901 j 21.02 33.53 12.50 2.38 j 43.6 . _ 14.85 _,_ 14.6 _ 7.I57 I.99 { I76.7 l 60 64 2.38 43.7 _ _ i4.93 j 14.7 [ _6.979 [ 21.II 33.56 { 12.50 3 60.64 12.50 2.38 43.7 14.95 14.7 f 7.188 , 2 00 [ 1768 i l 6.995 , 21.13_.] 33.56 15.26 14.3 2.51 60.60 7.315 ! 21.48 33.67 12.50 2.38 43.8 , l 9.013 [ 178.8 _ .


43.9 15.62  ! 14.9 l 12.49S 3 47 j lMi0 _ 3 60 55 _7.681 I 21.88 33.78 12.50 2 38 33.80 12.50 2.38 43.9 15.79 14.9 l 15.K48 ( 4.40 { 182.0 j 60.53 7 M50 22.06 l l 22.10 33.78 12.50 2.38 15.84 14.9

 ' 19.325 j        5.37       182 3 j         60.52                                               7.903                                                                                                                         43.9 }

22.924 l 6.37 182.2 1 60.52 i 7.885 22.06 33.74 12.50 2.38 , 43.9 [ __ 15 82 14.9_; I 26.715 7.41 1x1.7 60 51 i 7.799 , 21.95 [ 33.66 12.50 [_ _ 2.38 .[ 43 8 l l_5.74 _ __4;8_ l I 30.495 M 47 181 0 m 45 7 6MI 2.38 43.7 15.62 14.7 21 M0 l 33.5_8 l 12.50 ~ 43+ 14.6 l 14.12S 9.54 180 I w 57 7 ;2x 21.61 l 33.47 j 12.50 2.3M . 15 47 3S. I I X , 10 59 l79.0 m.59 , 7.348 21.39 33.36 12 50 2.38 ! 43.5 4 15.29  ; 14.5 i 42.011 l 11.67 j _l77.7 _

                                        . 60 62                            ! 7.137 ! 21.13                                                                                               33.24      12.50       2.38        43.4 i _ 15.08             [

14.4 _ ] i, 45.91 M ; 12 75_ l 176 3 ! 60 65

                                                                              ) 6 916 l 20.86_                                                                                             _ 33.10

_ 12.50 2.38 _ 43.2 L _14.87 L 14.2 49.X69 ' 13 85 j 1748 ; 60.6x 6.687 ! 20.58 32.96 12.50 2.38 43.1 l 14.64  ! 14.1 51.SS I 14.97 j_ 173 3 ' 60.72 l 6.461. ; 20.30 _ 32.83 Ll2_.50_ 2.38 j _ 42.9 1 _14.42 j. 39_ 57.M80 16 08 [ 171.M , 60.75 ' 6.246 _203{4__ 32.69 [ 12.50 g 2.38 i 42.8 1 14.21 i 13 8 61.995 60.78 6.035 19.77  ! 32.55 _ { l2.50 j 2.38_j _ 42.7 j 14.00 13.7 17.22 [ 170 3 , 66.179 IX 18 168.7 60.81 ~ 5.817 19.50__ [ 32.41 L !2.50 ! 2.38 42.5 ! i3.79 t _ i 3.5 , j 70.169 19.55 167.2 60 85 5 6iM 19.25 i 32.27 12.50 }_ 2.38 4_2_4__] 13.60 _ _ _ _13.4_ 74.594 20 72 { 165 7 60 SM 5425 . 191)1 . [ 32.13 12.50 1 2.38  ; 42.3 .j 13.41 13.3  ! 75.915 21.92 , 164 2 60.u l 5 237 _ 18._77 [ 32.00 , 12.50 [ 2.38 42.1 . [ 13.22 . 13.1 j M1.272 23 11 i 162.x 60 94 5.06x 18 55 31.87 j 12.50 [ 2.38 42.0  : 13.06 13;0 ) RHR/CS Calc 25-NOV-97 File = NPSH75.XLS Page 2 of 6


                                                                                                                  & Boston Edison                           CHECKED BY:

REV. E3 DATE 25-NOV-97 SHEET 76 OF 103 Table 23 - Core Spray Pump with 5%/ Day Leakage Rate - 75 F Seawater Temperature FI4.5-10 I.colup Lookup Eq 19 Eq 21 Eq 22 Eq 23 Eq 24 Pc Req'd for NPSHA of Time Time Tp Density Pip Pc Pgas Hr. Hsl NPSilA 29 feet Margin (secs) (hours) ( F) (Ibm /ft') (psia) (psia) (feet) (fect) (fect) (feet) (psia) (feet)

 ! M7.590         24.33                                              161.4 1                                        60.97    j _4.901.j      18.34     31.74    12.50      2.38 41.9 { _ 12.90 j     12.9_ j I

i 91.959 . 25.54 160.0 60 99 1 4.741 ! l8 I3 31.61 12.50 2.38 41.7 12.74 I I 2.7

     %.315 ! 26."[5[ [ T55t.7                                                                                       61 02        41597~ ! 17.94        31.49    12.50      2.38        41 6       ~ii60      T       12.6 ] }
 ,100.721 f 27.9X                                                                                                   61 04                              31.38    12.50      2.38                     I2.47            12.5         I

_ 157.5 ; i 4.466 l 17.77 41.5 _ [_ 156.3 i 61 07 f 4.339 j 17 60 2.38 41.4 12.35 l 12.4 l 105.128 ! 29.20 31.26 i 12.50_, . 109.611 30.45

                        ~ ~'

155.I 61 09  ! 4.215 l 17.43 31.15 12.50 2.38 i 41.3 12.22 [ 12 3 - 114.124 31.70 I54.0 61 11 I 4.103 17.28 31.05 12.50 2.38 41.2_ [ 12.12 l 12.2 32.96 1530 61.I3 f 4 005 .i _ 17.14 30.95 12.50 2.38 12.1 l 118.662  ;. 34 25

                                                                                                               ,1            .                                                   4    41.1_ . }   _ 12.02     L 121.306   ,                                                     _

I51.9 l 61.15 j _3 897 ' ,17.00 30.84 12.50 2.38 j 41.0_} _ 11.91 L 12.0 __ 30.75 12.50 l 1.83 11.9 127.955 35.54 l l51.0 i _ 61 17 3.812 _ 16.88 2.38 } 40.9 12.50 . 2.38 1 40.8 61 19  ! 3.718 16 74 30 65 11.74 11.8 132.617 , 36 84 j 150 0 ' ' l 117.298 18 14 149 0 61 21 1 628 16 62 30.56 40.7 11.65 11.7 1.1 50 { 2 3X  ; l a 1.980 19 44 14x 1 01 24 1 547 16 50  ; 30 47 12.50 21x , 40.6 11.57 11 6

 , 146.749        40 76                                              147.I ,                                        o1 25        1460        16.3x l 30 37      12.50      2.3M       40.5          11.49            I 1.5        j j                                         :
                                                                                                                                                                                                              }.                _

i 151.545 42.10 146.2 ' 61 26 . 3.381 ~ 16.27 [ 30.29 12.50 2.38 1 40.4_[_ i 1.4 I .j i 1.4 l56.333 43 43 145.3 612M l 3.307 j 16.16 l 30.20 12.50 2.38 _{ 40.3 11.34 [ _ 11.3 _ 101.157 44.77 ! 144 5 . 61 30 l 3.241 ! 16.06 l 30.12 12.50 2.38 i 40.2 11.28 I 11.2 165.970 46.10 143.7 61.31 '3.176 I 15.97 l 30.04 12.50 2.38 i 40.2 ~ 11.21  : 11.2 i 170.814 47.45 48.00 142.9 142.6 6I 32 61 13 3 I12 3 089  ! 15;87 _j 29.96 12.50 2.38

                                                                                                                                                                                     ~IGIl'f 3 5]                    1 lj _

I 1. I 172.500 15.84 [ 29.93 _ 12.50 ! 2.38 _1 40.1_ [ _11.13  ! 40.0 I76.400 4900 142.2 61 14 . 3 054 15.78 l 29.89 12.50 2.38 11.10 11.0 1S0.000 50 00 i I41.7 61 14 3.020 15.73 l 29.84 12.50 2.38 ' 10 0 11.06  ! 11.0 I 181.600 $ 1.00 141.3 ' 61 15 ' 2.987 15 58 ~ l 29.79 ~ 12.5N 2.3x l 39.9_j ' 11.03 ~ ~l iU ~ I S7.200 52.00 140 K 61 in 2.954 15 63 7 29.75 12.50  ! 2.38 ! 39.9 11.00 ~ i 10.9 I ' 29.70 [ 12.50 l 2.38 ! 3958 ~ 10.97 I IO 8 ~ ~ ~! ; 190.800 53 00 140 4 61.17 2.921 15.58 RHR/CS Calc 25-NOV-97 File = NPSH75.XLS Page 3 of 6

CALCULATION SHEET PREPARED BY _ R>)}- CALC. # M-662 Q Boston Eclison CHECKED BY: REV. E3 DATE 2$-NOV-97 ) SHEET 77 OF 103 Table 23 - Core Spray Pump w;th 5%/ Day Leakage Rate - 75 F Seawater Temperature Fl4.5-10 Lookup Lookup Eq 19 Eq 21 Eq 22 Eq 23 Eq 24 Pc Req'd for NPSHA of Time Time Tp Density l5p Pc Pgas fiz lisl NPSIIA 29 feet Margin (wes) t hours) ( F) ( thm/ft'n (psia) (psia) (fect) (fect) (fect) (fect) (psia) (feet) 194.4(H 3 ,i 54 _. 00 t 140.0 61.3 M 29.66 l 12.50 2.38 39.8 10.93 10.8

                                                                               } 2.8M7 l 15.53 1                   i                    l                     i l19MJHM; 55 00 l 139.5                                   61.3M         ' _2 M56         ,15.48      29.61 l 12.50           2.38 39.7__[         __10.90          !        10.7       j
          ,  201.600 ,!     56 00 '            _139.1__      ,

61.39 _2.M24 _ 4 _15.43.t. 29.57 1 12.50 2.38 1 39.7 j 10.87 I 10.7 I 205.200 ! 57.00 138.7 j 61 40 t _2.792 j 1 15.38 I 29.53 12.50 2.38 ! 39.6 l 10.84 l 10.6 1 l 208.800 58 00 . I3M 2 , 61.41 15.33 2148 12.50 L2.38 j 39 1 [ _ 10.81 10 6 _2.760 j  ; 212.400 59 00 i 137.M .' 61 41 2.729 l 15.29  ! 29 44 12.50 { 2.38 1j 39.6 i 4 10.78 i 10 6 1 60 00 216.t H H1 137.3 61.42 2.699 ; 15.24 29.40 39.5 10.75 10.5 1 12.50 { 2.38 3 . j 219.600 ' 61 00 ; 136.9 j 61.43  ! 2.66M j 15.19_j{ 29.36_ 12.50 l 2 38 ! 39.5 10.72 l 10.5 j 221.200 62 00 j 136.5 ; 6144 I 2.61M ' 15.15 j, 29.32 , 12.50 2.38 ! 39.4 10.69 i 10.4 226.M00 61 00 ; 1360 6145  ! 2.607 ! 15.10 i l 12.50 2.38 l 39.4 10.66  ; 10.4 {f


155' f _29.28 210.400 , 64 00 t 135 6 61.45 2.57M 29.24 , 12.50 2.38 : 39 4 10.64 ~'! ~ ~l 0 4 i , _ _ 4 - 2143HN) 65 00 ! 135 2 61 46 2 549 15 01 l 29.20 j 12.50 2.1x 39.3 !O 61 10.3 237.600 66 t Hi i14 7 61 47 2.520 14.97 ' 29.16 1 12.50 2 iM 39 1 10 SM 10.3 24I.200 6700 I34 1 61 JM 2;491 12.50 ; _2 TM I 39.2 _j 10.55_ ; _ _ _ 10 2 _

                                       ,                   ,                 ,                ,   14 91 }_ 29 13 244.800    ,

6M 00 ; 133.M , i l.48 ' 2 462  ; 14 88_ }_ 29.09 12.50


39.2 .}. 10.52 j _10 2_ j _ 24M.400 , 69 00 [ 133 4 , 6149 , 2.434 ' l4.84 } 29.06 _ 12.50 ! 2.38 _j 39.2 ( 1050 _{ 10.2 j 252.t H N) 70 00 ; 1330 61 50 l 2;407 14 80 1 29.03 12.50 i 2.38 39.1 l 10.47 10.1 _ j 255.600 12.50 l 71 tHI 132.5 61.51 2 379 , 14.76 1 28.99 2.38 39.1  ! 10.44 10.1 l

                                                                                              ! I4 7f
                                                                                                     ~                                                                  ~

259.200 72 00 12.50 ! 2.38 ; 39.I 152.1 61.51 2.351 28.96 10.42 10.'l ) 262.M00 ' 73(H) i 131.9 61.52 , 2.317 14.70 tl 28.95 12.5jl _ ._ ui 2_. 3_8_..._,i 39 i _ . _. 1. _ t . .-__ 10 4 _0 _ _10.1 l 266.400 , 74 00 131.7 , 61 52 l 2.324 _14.70 l 28.97 12.50 L2.3M g 39.1__! _. 10.39 10.l___l 270J H H1 75 00 131 5 61 53 2.31I . 14.70 [ 29.00 J _12.50 ! 2.38 , 39.1 i 10.38__ , __.10.1  ! l 271.600 76 00 131 2 61.53 2.29M ' I4.70 _ [ 29.03 l 12.50 L_2.38 j _ _39.l _ [ l

                                                                            ,                                                                                 _           _10.37_     ;           10.1_ q 277.200       77 00            131.0                 61 53     ; 2_2M5                                                                     39.2                 10.35                10;2 _ _ ;
                                      ,                                                           l_4 70 _ [ 29.05 [ 12 50 L 2.38         _         ..            !                   [

280.M00 7M (H) 130.M 61 54 2 272 39 2 ' 14 70 l 2_9 08 l 12 50__ i_ _ 2.38 _, 10J4_ 4 _ 10 2 _ t R!!R/CS Calc 25-NOV-97 File = NPSH75.XLS Page 4 of 6



                                                        & Boston Edison                               CHECKED BY:

REV _ E3 DATE 25-NOV-97 SHEET 78 OF 103 Table 23 - Core Spray Pump wilh 5%/ Day Leakage Rate - 75oF Seawater Temperature Fl4 5-10 Lookup Lookup Eq 19 Eq 21 Eq.22 Eq 23 Eq 24 Pe Req'd for NPSHA of Time Time Tp Density Ps p Pc Pgas Hz Hsl NPSHA 29 feet Margin necs) t hours) (*F) tibneft's (psia) (psia) (fect) (fect) (fect) (fect) L (psia) (feet)

    ,  2x4.400 , 791M1 j 130 6                           61 54           2.25M j I4.70          29. I I     12.50       2.38           39.2            10.33

( 10.2_ _J j i 2xx of Mi x0 tHI 130 4 (.l 54  ; 2.245 14.70 _ 29.14 12.5t) . 238 39.3 10.3! 10.3 _

    > 291Jd'0          x 1.00   ;   130 2 ,              61 55      '

2.232 14.70 29.17 12.50 2.38 39.3 1 10.30 l 10.3 i 295.200 ; x2 00

                               .!   1_2_9.9  ..    ,

I 61 55 , t 2.219 14 70 i 29.20 12.50 2.38 39.3 ! ~ ~16 29 I __ 4 ._ 10.3 _ .4 2.207 l 14.70 I. 29.23 298.800 M3.00 129.7 61 55 12.50 2.38 39.3 i

                                                                                                                                                     . 10

_ .28 10 3 1 3 102.400 -, x4 _00+ , __ 4 129.5 . .' 61 56 4

                                                                   ! 2.194 l _14___.4
                                                                               .         70 i 29.25         12.50 1'    2.38 1 39.4           i 10.26       [          10 4 106 tuni x5 00   ;

1_29.3 .. . 61.56 , j ..2.1x1 14.70 1' 29.28 12.50 2.38 39.4 4 '. . _10.25 __ . o l 10._.4_ _ _ . _ . 109.6t Mi x6 00 } 129I 61 57 ' 2.169 l 14.70 l 29.31 12.50 2.38 39.4 l 10.24 [ 10.4 . 4 111.200 M7.00 128.9

                                                   ;     6157          2.156        14.70 j 29.34           12.50       2.38          39.5 1           10.23       l          10.5      l 1

316.x00 xx 00 61.57 2.38 10.22 10.5 j l 128.6 '  ; 2 144 l 14.70 { 29.37 ] 12.50 39.5 _ l j 120.4t H) 89 00 128.4 615x 2.111 2.3x 39.5 - 10.20 10.5 l 14.70 [ 29.39 1 12.50 l

                                                                                                 ~~          ~~

124 (N MI 90 tui 12x 2 of sx 2 llx 14.70 ; 29 42 I2.50 2 3x 5955 ' 10119' , 10.5 127 f.tMi 91 00 ; 125 0 61 4x 2 ItH. 14 70 29.45 12.50 ! 2 3x 39.6 10.1x 10 6 l l 131.200 92 00 . 127 x t . 61 59 2 094 14 70 i_ _29 ~ i 1_50._ g_ 2..-y 47_ _2 i 3 x . . _39 6 . . 10 _.17.- . . . __10.6__ 134.800 4 93.00 i 127.6 5 _ 6159 2.0x2 ,.

                                                                                        . a- l 29.50        12.50
                                                                                                                     !  2 38 J 4 39.6 l           10.16       i

10.6 11x.400 1 94 00 i 127.3 . 61 60 2.070 l 14.70 ! 29.53 12 50 j 2.38 l 39.6 j _ 10 15 _l 10.6 34 2.t H M t 95.00 61 60 2.05x 14.70 l 29.55 39.7 l 10.13 10.7 l_27.1 _ , r 12.50 { 2.38 t 345.600 96 00 126 9 61 60 ' 2046 14.70 7 29.58 12.50 l 2.38 39.7 t4 10.12 l 10.7 i { 149.200 97 00 ; 126.7 61 61 2 016 _14 70__ 429.60 %_

                                                                                                         ! 12.50
                                                                                                             . _ 54 2.38 i         39.7 1           10.11                  10.7
                    .          i j

352.x00 , 9x 00 ; 126 6 , 61 61 1 2.027  ; 1430_j 29.62 l 12.50 1 2.38 j 39.7  ! 10 10 [ _10.7 150.400 99 00 126 4 6 I t.1 2 017 14.70 j 29.64 ( 12.50 ( 2 38 j _ 39.8 t 10.10 l 10.8 160 t M W) 1(H { 00 (26 2 6I 61 2.008 . 14 70 ! 29.66 { 12.50 2 2.38 i 39.8 j 10 09 10 8 j 1260 39.8 10.08_ __, 10.8 _j 161/dHi , 101 00 61.62 , 1.998 1430 [ 29.68 _j 12.50 i 2.38  ! 367.200 102 00 , 125.9 14.70 ! 29.70 i 12.50 ! 2.38 10.07 10,8 61 62 1.989 39.x i


1 370 Xf Hi 101.t Mi 125 7 6162 1 980 14.70 ; 29.72 i 12.50 2 3x 39 x 10 06 , 10 8 RHR/CS Calc 25-NOV-97 File = NPSH75.XLS Page 5 of 6


                                                                                                                                                                        & Boston Edison                                              CHECKED BY:

z REV. E3 DATE 25-NOV-97 SHEET  ?? OF 103 Table 23 - Core Spray Pump with 5%/ Day Leakage Rate - 75 F Seawater Temperature Fl4.5-10 Lookup Lookup Eq 19 Eq.21 Eq 22 Eq 23 Eq 24 Pc Reg'd for NPSHA of Tunc Time Tp Density Pg Pc Pgas Hz Hsl NPSHA 29 feet Margin (secs) t hours) ( F) tibm/ft'n (psian Ipsia) (fect) (fect) (fect) (fect) (psia) (fect)

                                               ; 374.400 j 104.t]O                                                                                           125.5 l 61.63 1 1.971                 3 14.70               29.74       12.50                                  2.38 l 39.9 { _ _ 10.05 j_                            10.9              j j 37M.tHM) j 105.00 } 125.4 ' 61 63                                                                                                        1.962            14.70               29.76       12.50                                  2.38 L _39.9 { 10.04                            [ 10.9 l 381.600 j 106 00 j 12S.2                                                                                         _

61.63 1.953 14.70 j 29.78 12.50 2.38 j 39.9 L 10.03 [ 10.9 12.50 10.9 3X5.200 l 107.00 ' l25.0 l 61 63 __ l.944 ._ 14.70 [ 29.80 2.38 j 39.9 L _10.02  ! 39.9 l 61.64 1.935 14.70 29.82 12.50 2.38 1 4 1XX.800 j 108 00 124 9 10.02 _ [ _ 10.9 40.0 i 1.0 j 392.400 l 109.00 124.7 j 61 64 1.926  ; 14.70 29.84 12.50 } 2.38 l _10.01 i j 196.t H 10 110 00 124.5 ! 61 64 1.917 j _14.70_ 29.86 l 12.50 2.38 __ 40.0 {_ _10.00 [ _ 11 O__l

                                               ;  199.600                    1I1.00                                                                          124 3   ,

61.64 _l .90M j 14;70_4 29.88 j 12.50 2.38 . 40.0 l_ 9.99 { l 1.0_ _j 401.200 112 00 124.2 j 61 65 j l.K99 1 14.70 } 29.90 l 12.50 2;38g _ 40.0 [_ 9.98 _{. _11.0_ j 406.800 - 111.00 ! 1240 , 61 65 j _ l.890 14.70 i 29.92 i 12.50 ~ 2.38  ; 40.0 j 9.97 l 11.0  ! 410.400 114 00 121 M 61.65  ! 1 MMi 14.70 29.94 12.50 ! 2. 3M i 40.1 ' 9.96 l 11.I . 414.t H Hi 115 00 121 7 61 65 1 871 I4 70 29.96 12.50 f 2.1M 40_I E96. 11.1 417.600 , i16 00 121 5 61 66 i 1 M64 12.50 j _ 2 38 , 40.I j l 1.1 I4.70 l _29.98 .  ; 11 . 9 5 . 421.200 117.00 ; 123 1 61 % , 14.70 ,n 30 00 12.50 (__218_ ; 40.1 j _ _ 9.94 i 11.1 _ _j _ 1.847 l M55 " 14.70 i 30.0212.50 424.M00 118.00 i 123.1 61 M 2.38  ! 40.1  ! 9.93 1 11.1 j


42M.400  ! I I9.00 123 0


61 66 N38

                                                                                                                                                                                                          }i4]O                  [ 30.04                 ] 12.50                                      [}40.2 { _ _ 9.91 2[38~~i 40.2 } _ _ 9.92                        _j

_ _ j _ lI.2_ ] 412.(H N1 , 120.00 l22.8 61.67  ; _ l.M30 , _ l4.70 _ _ 30 05 _ 12.50 { 2 38 ] _ l 1.2_ _ j 518.400 144.00 l 120.2 61.71  ; 1.702 14.70 , 30.33 12.50 j _2.38  ; _40.5 9.79 _ j 11.5 _ i

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      , 11.7 604.800                      16M 00 , 118 2                                                                             6I 74                                                                                                   2.38 { _ 40.7_j _                    9.70 l _ l.610     l     _14.70 3                30.53 { 12.50 i                                                                                   ;              __ ;

691.200 192.00 l16 2 61.77 1.522 14.70 l 30.72 12.50 l 2.38 i 40.8 j_ 9.62 l 1.8 [ . 777.600 , 216 00 l 114.1 61 80 1.442 _l 4.7t1 12 50 [ 2.38 . 41.0 ! 9.55 j_ 12.0 864.(H HI 240 00 ; i12.3 61 MT 1.362 l4.70 _ _ f( 30.89 __ 12.50 41.2 31 06 y . [ _2.38! 9.47  ; I,2.2 _ _ j i RHRICS Calc 25-NOV-97 File = NPSH75.XLS Page 6 of 6 i

CALCULATION SHEET gggg PREPARED BY: PDbb 1 l CALC,# M462 CHECKED BY: M l REV. E3 DATE 25-NOV-97 1 SHEET 100 OF 103 This table contains calculated values of NPSHA and NPSHR for RHR and CS pumps as presented on FSAR Figure 14.5 9. Containment leakage is assumed equal to zero in this calculation. Table 24 - ECCS Pump NPSHA Over a Range of Pool Temperatures and Zero Containment Leakage Core Spray Pump Pc Based on Nitrogen Mass - 16.315 lbm Eq.27 Lookup Eq.19 Eq.21 Eq.22 0% Suppression Pool Leakage CS  ; Temperature Tp Pvp Pc Pgas H/ Hsl NPSHA NPSHR 1 ('F) ( R) (psia) (psia) (fect) (feet) (fect) (feet) (feet) l l

                                                                                                                                                    \ *alues plotted
                                                                                                                                 . . . . . . . .   . 6K.E...

130 , 590.0 , 2.2230 15.346 30.702 12T. 2.38 40.82 29 140 j,600.0 {, 2.8892 16.235 j 31.311 ._12 5... ,_2.38_ g4 l .43 j . ,29

                                                                                                                                                              ,,,g' 150            j 610.0 J 3.7184                    17.286 j 31.931 _                                 2.38                                29 12.5. 4                 ( 42.05 '

160 ' 620.0 4.7414 18.532 32.557 12.5 i 2.38 42.68 29 166 626.0 5.4623 19.386 32.938 12.5 2.38 43.06 29 I 170 630.0 f 5.9926 20.005 33.195 I 12.5"'l 2.38 43.32 29 180 liidif 7.5110 21.746 ~55Eil~i55 " 2.38 45 96 24 185 645.0 i 8.55f"I~5535i ~E.IfiT ii5 * "2.38 44.29 29 I RIIR Pump Pc Based on Nitrocen Wss in 315 lbm 1 Eq.27 Lookup Eq 19 Eq.21 Eq 22 0% Suppression Pool Leakage RHR Temperature Tp Pvp Pc Pgas He Hsl NPSHA NPSHR ( F) ( R) (psia) (psia) (feet) (feet ) (feet) (feet) (feet)

 }                                             !                                                                                    I 'alues         Iidues            I plotted          planed
                                . . . . -                            .         . . . .      . . . + . .                .              H8?             F.?)

i30 .. 540.0 ! 2 2230 _ _15.346 > 30.702

                                                           .                                           l 2. 5 3.20             40 00              27 140             ! 600.0 l 2.8892 I 16.235                         31.311 .              12.5         3.20       . 40.61                  27 2I !

150 'l 610.0 I 3.7184 i 17.286 31.931"I" 'IE5 3.3U' I 4I?23' $ 160 I 620.'O ' 4.7414 "IUE' 55.55I li5' ~ 5.20 I~ 4II6 Y 2I l 166 626;0 i 5;462.[ ..g I4.386 32,438.. I25 . 3.20 42 24 .E.. . 170 630.0 5.9926 ; 20 005 . 33 195 12 5 3.20 42.50 27 [.. 180,. .[640 0 Mil 0' [21.56 [33 843 , . 123 5.2() . ...[ 43514.[ 2I ] l ... ..... I 8 5 .._.. ' 645.0 8 3855 ' 22.732 ' 34.171 12 5 3 20 ' 43 47 27

CALCULATION SHEET PREPARED BY: PDN-CALC.# M.442 i Bostors Edisor ' CHECKED BY: h REV. E3 DATE 25-NOV-97 SHEET 101 OF 103 Section 5.0 References

1. FSAR Section 4.8, Residual Heat Removal System
2. FSAR Section 6.4, Core Spray S.,etem )
3. Regulatory Guide 1.82 Rev.1, " Water Sources for Long-Term Recirculation Cooling Following a Loss-of-Coolant Accident", U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, November,1985
4. GE Report GE-NE-523-A044-0595
5. Bingham Pump Curve No. 27956 and 27763 (Core Spray Pumps)
6. Bingham Pump Curve No. 28457, 28167, 28168, and 28169 (RHR Pumps) l
7. Crane Technical Paper No. 410, Crane Co., New York, N.Y.,1981 j
8. Brater & King, Handbook ofHydraulics, Sixth Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York, NY,1976
9. General Electric Report GE-NE-523-A044-0595, "PNPS Decay Heat Removal ,

Capability", May 1995 (SUDDS/RF #95-127 Rev.1) l

10. FSAR Section 14.5, Postulated Design Basis Accidents
11. General Electric Report NEDC-31852P Rev.1, "PNPS SAFER /GESTR-LOCA Loss-of-Coolant Accident Analysis",1992 j
12. BECo Calculation N110, Rev. O, "OPL-4 (ECCS Parameters) for SAFER /GESTR-LOCA Analysis for PNPS"
13. Pilgrim ECCS Suction Strainer Data Sheet per Specification M-618
14. CI A363. Rev. E0 "ECCS Suction Strainer Installation Branch Pipes #1 & #2"
15. CI A365, Rev. EO "ECCS Suction Strainer Installation Branch Pipe #3"
16. M100-51-7, " Core Spray System Suction Piping to Core Spray Pump P-215A"
17. M100-54, Rev. E2, " Core Spray System Core Spray Line Rerouting Assembly"
18. M100-256-4, Rev. E2, " Core Spray Critical Piping, S.E. Quadrant Below Elev. 23'-0"
19. M100-52-6, Rev. E2," Core Spray System Suction Piping to Core Spray Pump P 215B"
20. M100-265-4, Rev. E2, " Core Spray Critical Piping, N.W Quadrant Below Elev. 23'-0"
21. M100-251-4, Rev. El, "RHR Nuclear Piping S.E. Quadrant Below Elev. 23'-0"

CALCULATION SHEET PREPARED BY: PD}t CALC.# M462 O soroaedi ,. CHeCxeD Bv: REV. E3 DATE 25-NOV-97 l SHEET l 02. OF 103

22. M100-43-7, Rev. El, "RHR Nuclear Piping, S.E. Quadrant Below Elev. 23'-0"
23. M100-47-8, Rev. El, "RHR Nuclear Piping, NW Quadrant Below Elev. 23'-0" 24 M100-266-3, "RHR Nuclear Piping, N.W. Quadrant Below Elev. 23'-0"
25. M100-262-4, Rev. El, "RHR Nuclear Piping, N.W. Quadrant Below Elev. 23'-0" l 26. M100-42-9, Rev. El, "RHR Nuclear Piping S.E. Quadrant Below Elev. 23'-0"
27. M100-252-4, Rev. El, "RHR Nuclear Piping, S.E. Quadrant Below Elev. 23'-0"
28. M100-47-6, Rev. El, "RHR Nuclear Piping, N.W. Quadrant Below Elev. 23'-0"
29. M100-263-3, Rev. El, "RHR Nuclear Piping, N.W. Quadrant Below Elev. 23'-0"
30. M100-264-6, Rev. El, "RHR Nuclear Piping, N.W. Quadrant Below Elev. 23'-0" l
31. Amendment 9 to License Application Filed June 30,1967 (Docket No. 50-293),03/11/68
32. Amendment 24 to License Application (Docket No. 50-293)
33. FSAR:

a) Table 5.2-1 Primary Containment System Principal Design Parameters and Characteristics b) Section Containment Response c) Section Core Standby Cooling System Pump Net Positive Suction Head d) FSAR Figure 14.5-7 Loss of Coolant Accident Suppression Pool Temperature


e) FSAR Table 14.5-1 Loss of Coolant Accident Primary Containment Response Summary

34. Technical Specifications for Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station:

a) Minimum water volume per LCO 3.7.A.I.a. b) Maximum water volume per LCO 3.7.A.I.b. c) Maximum suppression pool temperature during normal continuous power operation per LCO 3.7.A.1.c. d) Minimum differential pressure between drywell and suppression chamber per LCO 3.7.A.1.i. e) Allowable suppression chamber water level range per LCO 3.7.A.l.m. f) Maximum containment leakage rate per surveillance requirement 4.7.A.2.a. I


35. BECo Calculation S&SA-91 Rev. El, " Containment and Decay Heat Removal i Analysis Inputs"
36. GE Specification,22A5756, Containment Data, Rev. 3, February 1982
37. GE Report GE-NE-T23 00749-01 " Containment Heatup Analysis with ANS 5.1 Plus 2 Sigma Decay Heat" December 1997 with Transmittal ofData Tables as Attachment, SUDDS/RF # 97-96
38. BECo Calculation M-667 Rev. I "RHR System Hydraulic Analysis"
39. BECo Calculation M-734 Rev. I "RHR and Core Spray Pump Suction Strainer Debris Head Loss NPSH Evaluation"
40. BECo Calculation M-748 Rev. O " Containment Temperature & Humidity Conditions and Nitrogen Mass"
41. PCI Report PCI-NP-PNS-01 Rev. 0 " Suction Strainer Head Loss Analysis" February 1997, SUDDS/RF # 97-48
42. BECo Dwg CI A300 Rev. E0 "RHR/CS Strainer Assembly Drawing" l 43. BECo Dwg Cl A363 Rev. E0 "RHR/CS Strainer Branch Pipe Design" J

l 44. BECo Dwg CI A365 Rev. E0 "RHR/CS Strainer Branch Pipe Design" l l ! Section 6.0 Attachments l l Attachment 1 = Independent Verification Statement Record l l 1 i

CALC M-662 R:V E3 At'achment d. Page 1 of 9 Calculation - Independent Verification Statement Record l Calculation # IHl62 , Revision # E3 has been independently verified by the following method (s), 1 as noted below; i I Mark each item yes, no or not applicable (N/A) and initial each item checked by you. Design Review neluding verification that: l . Design inputs were correctly selected and included in the calculation.

           .     ' Assumptions are adequately described and are reasonable.
           .        Input or assumptions requiring confirmation are identified, and if any exist, the calculation has been identified as " Preliminary" and a " Finalization Due Date" has been specified.

l . Design requirements from applicable codes, standards and regulatory documents are identified and reflected in the design. Applicable construction and operating experience was considered in the design.

           .       The calculation number has been property obtained and entered.
           .       An appropriate design method or computer code was used.                                                                         I
           .       A mathematical check has been performed.
           .       Thw output is reasonable compared to the input.

Attemate Calculation ciuding verification of asterisked items noted above. , l The attemate calculation ( 7 pages) is attached. ] Qualification Testing for design feature including verification of asterisked items l noted above and the following:  ;

           .     . The test was performed in accordance with written test procedures.
           .       Most adverse design conditions were used in the test.
           .       Scaling laws were established and verified and error analyses were performed, if applicable.                                                                                                                     l
           .      Test acceptance criteria were clear 1y related to the design calculation.                                                        .

Test results (documented in ) were reviewed by the calculation Preparer or other cognizant engineer. Independent Reviewer Comments: MP g eg%"fs.WA DWa IS/ M. - /286/9> l Independent Reviewer /Date Preparer concunence with /S/ . /2-/s-97 l findings and comment resolution PreparIr or Other C6gnizant Engineer a ! NESD 3.06 Rev 7 Exhibit 3.06-C

                                                                                                       ' CALC M-662 Rsv E3 Calc M662 RIV 3 Check

p,g, "h I Review of Calc M-662 Rev 3 I I WATER PROPERTIES-Cameron Hydraulic Data Vsp ft*/lbm p - lbm/ft' Om/cm 3 centesches conhposses p-abf.sectrt2 v-ft 2/sce Pvp-psia Temp F 62.37 0.9991 1.12 1.118992 2.34E-05 1.21E-05 60 62.27 0.9974 0.9 0.89766 1.87E-05 9.69E-06 75 62.22 80 62 0.9931 0.69 0.685239 1.43E-05 7.43E-06

                                                                                                                                   ~ ~ ~

100 0.016247 61.56 0.986 0.51 0.50286 1.05E-05 5.49E-06 2.223 130 60.79 0.9737 0.38 0.370006 7.73E-06 4.09E-06 170 60.61 0.971 0.364 0.353444 7.38E 06 3.92E-06 178 60.57 0.9703 0.36 0.349308 7.3E-06 3.88E-06 180 60.87 0.392 4.22E-06 166 60.455 0.345 3.71E-06 185 Mo= 7612.601 OK Mw= 8702.102 OK Mrov = 18314.7 OK Strainer Suction Loss @ 5600 Opm = 0.16518, psi OK ^ Should'anio mf DvugtipiA300lC1 A350lC1 A369)lllReEE0 sixi SUDL$t 1RF 97-0487 m Tables 1862 lfBeforences l l l changedjo Revl.E0 l l M( Devgs_C1A36As LReplEEYiordin0 of 47i.R'ElliviIti35fEfsinI6sKlosi'6iisSR45W6sei$ "

oniaechstrainerMandML/DfanguesdMSR,451;a.u , g Table 3 Velocity = 7.687755 ft/sec for 17.25 pipe id and 5600 Opm flow OK I I Re= 2013698 for 130F and 5600 Opm 18"line OK close to calc value Re= 2419862 for 166F and 5600 gpm 18"line OK close to calc value Re= 2976771 for 185F and 5600 gpm 18"line OK close to cale value l I HL v&f = 1.808977 Eqa 4 for RHR D @ 130F OK HL line = 0.948403 Eqa 5 for RHR D @ 130F OK Teble 4 HL vel = 0.918262 Eqa 2 for RHR D @ 130F OK close to cale value HL suct = 3.15 Eqa 6 for RHR D @ 130F OK close to cale value dp = 1.739925 Ega 7 for RHR D @ 130F OK close to cale value l I Table 5 NPSH4= 38.48143 Eqa 8 for RHR D @ 130F and Pc = 0 OK NPSHu= 11.48 Eqa 9 for RHR D @ 130F and Pc = 0 OK DP IST = 1.91845 Eqa 10 for RHR D @ 130F and Pc = 0 OK Note: Table 4 values for suction loss were rounded up slightly (increased) for

, input into Table 5 for conservatism. i l I I Table 6/7 Same as Table 5 but at 166 and 185F and not recelcu!ded. It is noted that the max iST DP for the B & C RHR lines could be increased to 1.92 psi and still provide more total margin than the A & D RHR lines. I I l l Page1

CALC M-662 Rev E3 Calc M662 R;v 3 Check I p g, g I Review of Calc M462 Rev 3 ' Table 8 NPSH4= 39.03318 Eqa 8 for CS @ 132F OK NPSHu= 10.03 Eqa 9 for CS @ 132F OK DP IST = 1.818054 Eqa 10 for CS @ 132F OK Checked point of minimum margin. I I I Table 9 Same as Rev 2 Table 8 with minor changes except that suction head loss values have been revised for CS and RHR as recalculated in previous sections. I I I l I Section 4.C.1 MUidtia[liduidtENENedIIbNi/se$~fiiditdi{iss57[ D.. [ h kk - Tables 10

    & 11       Benchmark same as previous calc rev except tables were numbered 9 & 10.

I I l Table 12 max = 0.000767 Eqa 15 - 120000 sec and 1% leakage 65F OK

               ,=              0.129438 Eqa 16                                                   OK mcas=           0.000679 Eqa 17                                                   OK Mt* =           16208.43 Eqa 18                                                   OK Pc =            15.44869 Eqa 19 1

OK Notes: for eqa 15 & 16 use Pc and Py from previous step. for eqa 18 used M* from previous step for Mt for eqa 19 used 147000 for drywell volume for conservatism. The symbol for time in eqa 18 should be t instead of T which is used elsewhere for temperature i I I I I I I Table 13 Similar to Table 12 except leakage rate highter and Pc same time as Table 12 is less. I I I I Table 14 Pgas = 30.10803 Eqa 21 for 160000 seconds and 1% leaka0e RHR OK NPSHA = 39.4 Ega 22 OK Pc req. = 9.467813 Eqa 23 OK NPSHm = 12.4 Eqa 24 OK NPSHm = 12.40292 Eqa 24 att OK Table 15 NPSHA = 40.22 Eqa 22 at 160000 see 1% leak CS OK Pc req. = 9.963 Eqa 23 at 160000 sec 1% leak CS OK NPSHm= 11.2 Eqa 24 at 160000 sec 1% leak CS OK I I I Table 16 Similar to Table 14 but highter leakage and NPSH margin less at 160000 sec. I I  ! I I I Table 17 Similar to Table 15 but highter leakage and NPSH margin less at 160000 sec. I I I Table 18 m etag = 0.000844 Eqa 15 - 180000 sec and 1% leakage 75F OK

              ,=                0.14307 Eqa 16                                                            OK mcas=           0.000738 Eqa 17                                                             OK Mt* =           16143.34 Eqa 18                                                             OK Pc =            16.26299 Eqa 19                                                             OK Table 19  Similar to Table 18 except 5% leak rate and for same time Mt* and Pc are lower l              l                 l          l      I                I         l Page 2

_. -. - - . .. ~ _ _ - . - _ _ . . . - - _ _ - - - ~ . . _ _ . - CALC M-662 Rsv E3 Cile M662 Rev 3 Check p g, o((  ! I Review of Calc M462 Rev 3 l l Table 20 Similar to Table 14 but 75F water temperature vs 65F. Pas 0 = 31.08184 Eqa 21 for 180000 seconds and 1% leakage RHR OK NPSHA = 40.39 Eqa 22 OK Pc req. = 10.66971 Eqa 23 OK NPSHm = 13.4 Eqa 24 OK NPSHm = 13.38116 Eqa 24 alt " OK Table 21 Similar to Table 20 except for CS NPSHA = 41.21 Eqa 22 at 180000 sec 1% leak CS OK Pc req. = 11.06236 Eqa 23 at 180000 sec 1% leak CS OK NPSHm = 12.2 Eqa 24 at 180000 sec 1% leak CS OK l l l Table 22 Similar to Table 20 but hi0hter leakage and NPSH margin less at 180000 sec. I I I I I I Tabla 23 Similar to Table 21 but highter leakage and NPSH margin less at 180000 sec. I Table 24 Pc = 16.34803 Eqa 19 for 130F OK P0as = 30.69714 OK l CSf@ R? RHR NPSHR'anii NPSinshould'refdr 16fisine $~ndt 'flaiire 6?" l l l l i Page 3

Calc M662 Rev 3 Check Equations 12/16/97 Review of Calc M-662 Rev 3 WATER PROPERTIE v rvt'/ ibm p-Ibm /ft om/cm' centision 62.37 0.9991 1.12 62.27 0.9974 0.9 62.22 62 0.9931 0.69 0.016247 61.56 0.986 0.51 60.79 0.9737 0.38 60.61 0.971 0.364 60.57 0.9703 0.36 60.87 0.392 60.455 . 0.345 Mo= ={(1.3 + 14.696)-{ 0.8* 3.7184))* 132000* 144/53.3/(460+150) Mw= =((14.696H1 0.5961)) 124500*144/53.3/(460+85) Mror = = SUM (C16:C17) Strainer Sudion Loss @ 5600 gpm = =(5600/5100)^2*0.137 Should alsh'hef DwgiCIA300?ciAssoltiAMe~all Rei.'e' " ~ F '~' ' References should t(changed to.ReWE0 for Dwg5 CI A38 .. : , . m , ,m . - Tables 1&2 l l f6ipl55iwofdiigM 45' IN 80itfIifIC51 tic ~eIBIM5fiitis f"""7'"""

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  -on embh strainer line end the IJD and.K for $R.45Lg x                                                                                         a mm           ya o   >

Table 3 g Velocity = a 5

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   =5600/7.4805/60/(17.25 ^ 2* 0.7854)* 144                                                                                                                                        g UTE  k Re=                                                                            =17.25/12*7.69/G9                                                                                                                                                             g.N Re =                                                                           =17.25/12*7.69/G13                                                                                                                                                         E 3@

Re= =17.25/12*7.69/G14 4S h , w HL v&f = =1.97*(7.69)^2/64.4 HL line = =(0.0158* 94/1.438)*(7.69)^ 2/64.4 Page1

Calc M662 Rev 3 Check Equations 12/16/97 Review of Calc M-662 Rev 3 Table 4 HL vel = =(7.69)^2/64.4 HL suct = =1.81 +0.95+0.39 dp = r{d.92+3.15)*61.56/144 Table 5 NPSH4 = =12.5-3.2+((14.696-2.223)*144*0.016247) NPSHu= m38.48-27 DP IST =


Note: Table 4 values for suction loss were rounded up slighti input into Table 5 for conservatism. Table 6/7 Same as Table 5 but IST DP for the B & C total margin than the Table 8 NPSHA = =12.5-2.38+((14.696-2.3445)*144*0.016256) NPSHu= =29.03-29 DP IST = =(((2.38+2)*(1.33/2.38))+1.76)*(62.22/144) Checked point of mini Table 9 Same as Rev 2 Table have been revised for Section 4.C.1 M5ititiElouldEEibeNidE16rs/s55"tsihiidftM7". TPM"F*" 1, . .

                                                                                          ..c ~ ..    . . a .: p w                    a NMMM"MMM4,3= 59.7psisjgggggg 3.a jsgg ,                                ,

y g a Tables 10 & 11 Benchmark same as E Table 12 h mm= 9=

  • 2)/(1.(14.7/59.7) ^ 2))^ 0.5

of$E m,as= e Mt* =

                                                   =C65/(C66+1)                                                                y$.

Pc = =((16209*53.3*592.3/(147000+124500))/144)+2.36 Notes: for eqa 15 & 16 use Pc and Py from previous step. Page 2 L

Calc M662 Rev 3 Check Equations 12/16/97 Review of Calc M-662 Rev 3 for eqa 18 used M* from previous step for Mt for eqa 19 used 147000 for drywell volume for conservatism The symbol for time i Table 13 Similar to Table 12 ex Table 14 Pgas = =(14.77-1.88)*144/61.65 NPSHA = =30.1+12.5-3.2 Pc req. = =1.88+((27-12.5+3.2)*61.65/144) NPSHm = =39.4-27 NPSHm = =(14.77-9.46)*144/61.65 Table 15 NPSHA = =30.1+12.5-2.38 Pc req. = =1.88+((29-12.5+2.38)*61.65/144) NPSHm = =40.2-29 Table 16 Similar to Table 14 b Table 17 Similar to Table 15 b Table 18 mm= =0.001888*((1 -(14.7/16.31 ) ^ 2)/(1 -(14.7/59.7)^ 2))^ 0.5

                          ,=                                             =0.621*(3.054/(16.31-3.054))

mou = =C911(C92+1) Mt* = =16146-((C91/(C92+1))*(180000-176400)) Pc = =((16144*53.3*601.7/(147000+124500))/144)+3.02 o

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ?     D Table 19                   Similar to Table 18 ex                                                                                                                                                                                                              O S
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           >f 423on Table 20                   Similar to Table 14 b                                                                                                                                                                                                         9,, y Pgas =


                                                                        =31.09+12.5-3.2                                                                                                                                                                 Q <@g m

Pc req. = =3.02+((27-12.5+3.2)*61.34/144) NPSHm = =40.4-27 NPSHm = =(16.26-10.56)*144/61.34 Page 3

Calc M862 Rev 3 Check Equations 12/16/97-Review of Calc M-662 Rev 3 Table 21 Similar to Table 20 ex NPSHA = =31.09+12.5-2.38 Pc req. = =3.02+((29-12.5+2.38)41_.34/144) NPSHm = =41.2-29 Table 22 Similar to TaNe 20 b Table 23 Similar to Table 21 b Table 24 Pc = =((16315*53.3*590/(147000+124500))/144)+2.223 Pgas = =(C116-2.223)*144/61.56 NPSHA= m30.7+12.5-2.38 g gggyapwiew emmgsprp7mmmm;rtwsypgr"wegggggyp"emwegmgg o o > F m e O

                                                                                                                             >E ell 8 9 .ai 9 "f 4a< -. m w

Page 4

Calc M862 Rev 3 Check Equations 12/11W97 i l p-ibfd 2 v-R /sec Pvp psia Temp F =C5*D5 =EST.0000206854 =D51.0000107639 60 =C6*D6 =E61.0000208854 =D61.00001G7639 75 80 3C8*D8 =E81.0000208854 =D81.0000107639 100 & =C9*D9 =E91.0000208854 =D91.0000107639 2.223 130  ; =C10*D10 =E101.0000208854 =D10T.0000107639 170  ; =C11*D11 =E111.0000203854 =D111.0000107639 178 t =C12*D12 =E121.0000208854 =D121.0000107639 180

                                                                =D13*0.0000107639                                                            166                                                                           1
                                                                             .                                                               185 5

1 pQ$ f ly p*MDic.MPd'y:p y y9g g g?Cig g J e &g& Als4$GE&T

                       % 4:

tjyg'WN*]M*Ty{W^1ypWyQEMFK]MyW;p%ca n- ag w?pabMi343Gn iss M %elinisAW8hM$k%$3SEMNIE4fik ne:l Sfik 'Wm <t%'-;%gunc??@M$ 7W^AlsI2s'# g 7 N f Q7 ]yp{ &%{w N 4

                                        @6 M                                                                                                                  sAdaddd5 E'WJHinG N;Nv ibn2nde                                *
                                                                                   - , -ss        > -

E t s '

                                                                          >-     ,                                              ( ., <


                          ',                           *               ~>'                                        , ,           ,7         <              ,
                                                                                                                                                                                 'n c.-     s        <s-.   %   we s $O *r  s # Aces /. / E' " yo. v  y's Ds         ( )    x  <w   *S*  ' Ass s& <r b s       #

M & s[ <v. Wv f ?Mm O i > r-t e$. 0 4I o g~ ,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 - 38<.:o 4 *3 m    .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    -s u   e E

I Pa0e 5 . r i

BECo Calculation M-734, Rev. 2 I l 1 l i 1 l l l l l l l' i I l l}}