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Insp Rept 70-0824/88-03 on 880516-18.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Liquid & Gaseous Effluents,Radiological Environ Monitoring & Confirmatory Measurements
Person / Time
Site: 07000824
Issue date: 06/30/1988
From: Bermudez H, Kahle J, Marston R
Shared Package
ML20153B392 List:
70-0824-88-03, 70-824-88-3, NUDOCS 8807130118
Download: ML20153B554 (5)


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. Report No.: 70-324/88-03 Licensee: Babcock and Wilcox Company

, Naval Nuclear Fuel Division Research Laboratory Lynchburg, VA 24505 Docket No.: 70-824 License No.: SNM-778 Facility Name: B&W NNTD Research Laboratory Inspection Conducted: May 16-18, 1988 Inspectors:

. Marston d/fd Date Signed 8

'mudez Y $ Y3 D4te Signed dl


Approved . ) WC-Kahle, Section Chief df3 c/f2 Ditte ' Signed sion of Radiation Safety and Safeguards


Scope: This routine, unannounced inspection was conducted in the areas of liquid and gaseous effluents, radiologicci environmental monitoring, and confirmatory measurements.

Results: In the areas inspected, violations or deviations were not identified.

8807130118 880630 PDR ADOCK 07000824 C PDC

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1. Licensee. Employees Contacted
  • R. Bennett, Safety and Licensing Manager, NNFO-RL
  • A. Olsen,-Senior License Administrator, NNFD-RL
  • S. Schilthelm, Health & Safety-Supervisor (Acting) NNFD-RL -
  • L. Trent, Manager, Regulatory Relations, NNFD Other licensee ~ employees contacted during this inspection included technicians and administrative personnel.
  • Attended exit interview
2. Audits (88035,88045,84844)

Chapter 2, Paragraph 2.8.2 of the license application requires that the Supervisor, Health and Safety, or his designated alternate conduct internal audits once a month for the purpose of evaluating the health physics aspects of operations. Further, it requires that the License Administrator be responsible for assuring the appropriate corrective actions are taken to address the audit findings. Chapter 2 Paragraph 2.8.3 of the license application requires the Safety Audit Subcommittee (SAS) to perform an audit of general safety and compliance of the Health and Safety group at least annually. Further, it requires the License Administrator to be responsible for assuring that the appropriate corrective actions are taken to address the audit findings.

The inspector reviewed the Health and Safety Audit Reports for February and March of 1988. A Safety Audit Subcommittee Audit had not been issued since the previous inspection of this facility (Region 11 Report No. 70-824/88-02). The audit reports showed that the audits were planned to include specific areas on a periodic basis and included stetus of findings from previous audits.

Violations or deviations were not identified in the review of this program area.

3. Procedures (88035,88045,84844)

Chapter 2. Paragraph of the license application describes the requirements for establishment, review, approval, and implementation of technical procedures.

The inspector selectively reviewed the licensee's Technical Procedures applicable to the scope of this report. A licensee representative stated that the procedure development program (discussed in Report No. 70-824/87-02, Paragraph 5) was continuing, but was in its final phase.

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The procedures appeared to provide necessary information and to have been issued in accordance with requirements.

Violations or deviations were not identified in the review of this program area.

4. Liquid and Airborne Effluents (88035)

The inspectors reviewed facilities, procedures, sampling and analytical equipment, and resulting data produced by the program. During a tour of the facility, the inspector noted the status of the sampling equipment and provisions for obtaining representative samples,

a. Liquid Effluent Program The inspectors reviewed Technical Procedures dealing with the program, toured the plant and examined components of the system, and discussed the program with licensee representatives. The inspectors determined that the licensee's program appeared to be conducted in accordance with the license application, Chapter 5, Paragraph 5.1.3; Chapter 10, Paragraph 10,4.1, and Chapte.13, Paragraph 13.3. In addition, the inspectors reviewed the NNFD Liquid Waste Pumping Records for February 4, through May 16, 1988.

The inspectors inspected the temporary storage facility. A licensee representative stated that the facility would provide for dry storage of hot cell waste by stacking steel drums in concrete silos. The inspectors noted that the excavation had been completed, the concrete base pad poured, and the two concrete silos where sampling for residual liquid was to be done were in place,

b. Effluent Program The inspectors reviewed Technical Procedures applicable to the program, toured the plant and examined components of the system, and discussed the program with licensee representatives. The inspectors also reviewed Area Air Sample Records for those sample filters removed from March 2 to May 4,1988, and 00P testing records for those HEPA filters tested during the period from February 9 through March 15, 1988. The inspectors determined that this program was ccnducted in accordance with the license application, Chapter 3 Paragraph 3.2.2; Chapter 5, Paragraph 5.1.4; Chapter 10, Paragraph; Chapter 12, Paragraph 12,8.3; and Chapter 13, Paragraph 13.2.

Violations and deviations were not identified in the review of this program area.


5. Instrumentation (88035,88045,84844)

The inspectors reviewed applicable procedures, examined systems and components, and discussed the instrumentation systems used to measure liquid and gaseous effluents and environmental levels with licensee representatives. In addition, the inspectors reviewed calibration records for the stack gas monitor conducted October 21, 1987; the stack particulate monitor, conducted March 25, 1988; the Sharp low Beta Proportional Counter, conducted February 4, 1988; and the Beckman Widebeta II, conducted March 31, 1988; and efficiency calibrations for the Count Room's Gamma Spectroscopy systems for February through May 16, 1988. The inspectors reviewed the responst checks, backgrounds, control charts and other Quality Control records for the proportional counters and gamma spectroscopic systems for Calendar Year 1988 to date.

Violations and deviations were not identified in the review of this program area.

6. Environmental Monitoring Program The inspector reviewed the licensee's environmental monitoring program with respect to Chapter 5 Paragraph 5.2 of the license application. Tne inspectors and a cognizant licensee representative toured the plant grounds and examined representative sample locations and equipment. The inspector reviewed Environmental Reports submitted by the licensee's contractor. Results were given for two vegetation samples and four James River mud samples taken in December 1987 and analyzed for gross alpha and beta. Results were also provided for four liquid waste tank composites for 1987 which were analyzed for strontium-90. The inspector determined from the above that the environmer,tal monitoring program was conducted in accordance with the licensee application.

Violations or deviations were not identified in the review of this program area.

7. Quality Control and Confirmatory Measurements (84844)

The inspectors examined quality control reccrds for the Health Physics Laboratory's counting systems and the Count Romn Gamma Spectroscopy 5ystem. Calibrations, source checks, backgrounds, and control charts were current.

As part of the confirmatory measurements program, the licensee agreed to send an airborne effluent sample (particulate sample) and a liquid waste sample with analytical results to Region II. This commitment and the results will be tracked as an inspector followup item. Inspector Followup Item (IFI) 88-03-01: Provide effluent particulate filter and liquid waste sample with analytical results to Region 11.


8. Exit Interview '

The inspection scope and results were sumarized on May 18, 1988, with those ptersons indicated in Paragraph 1. The inspectors described the areas inspected and discussed in detail the inspection results listed above. Proprietary information is not contained in this report.

Dissenting coments were not received from the licensee.