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Rev 1 to RCIC Pump Room Temp Transient Following Sbo
Person / Time
Site: LaSalle  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 05/12/1992
From: Peterson R
Shared Package
ML20096E925 List:
3C7-0290-002, 3C7-0290-002-R01, 3C7-290-2, 3C7-290-2-R1, NUDOCS 9205200108
Download: ML20096E938 (21)


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' Calc. No.

TOLI.OWING STATION BLACKOUT ' 3C7-0290-002 Date May 21. 1990 Safety Related YES ommonwealth Edison Company- Project No(s). 8726-12 LaSalle Station Units 1&2 Page No. 1

- Project Pile No.: 35.2 System Code  : SBO .





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i ATD (formerly NSLD)

Calc. No. 3C7-0290 002 Revision: 1 Page: 1 Dr.te: May 12, 1992 Safety Related: Yes Prepared by v7  ! e Date SA /9?


Reviewed by T aAL [/vb Date E M 91 Approved by , , , , _


Comonwealth Edison Company LaSalle Station - Units 1 & 2 Project No. 8726-17 Project File No. 35.2 System Code: SB0 WIN 1218

s i

. 1 Calc. NO. 3C7-0290 002 Revision: 1 Page: 2

. . Project No. 8726 17 Table of Contents l

Section East 1.0 Exception to Verified Data 5

2.0 Purpose and Scope

6 3.0 Computer Programs 7 4.0 Method of Analysis 8 5.0 Information and Assumptions 9 6.0 Results and Discussion 11 7.0 References 12 Tables 14 figures 17 Review Method 20 Appendix A - Computer input and Output Listings Al-A21

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i Calc. No. 3C7 0290 002 Revision: 1 Page: 3 Project No. 8726 17 LIST OF TABLES j Table lille Plat 1 Node Parameters 14 2 Heat Structure Parameters 15

-3' Heat load in the RCIC Room 16


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Calc. No. 3C7 0290-002 i Revision: 1 i Page: 4 I Project No. 8726 17 LIST OF FIGURES fioure Title ELqt 1 Reactor Building Basement Floor i Elevation 673'-4" 17 2 Node Heat Structure Model of the System Analyzed 18 3 RCIC Room (5B0) Temperature Transient 19 ,


Calc. No. 3C7 0290 002 Revision- 1 Page: 5 Project No. 8726 17 1.0 Excentions to Verified Data .

Information used in this calculation was obtained from HVACD and approved Calculations and is, therefore, considered to be verified data except as follows:

None L

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1 Calc. No. 3C7 0290 002 Revision: 1 Page: 6

. . Project!io. 8726 17

2.0 Purpose and Scope

in order to demonstrate compilance with 10 CFR 50 Section 50.63 requirements relative to Station Blackout (SBO), specific plant parameters have been examined for a 4-hour station blackout scenario.

These parimeters are directly related to plant capability of maintaining core cooling and appropriate containment integrity. This report examines the LaSalle Station Units 1&2 RCIC room temperature response to station blackout (580).

The purpose of this revision is to:

1. Adjust heat loads in the RCIC room.
2. Modify initial temperatures of all nodes.
3. Modify final temperatures of all nodes.

Calc. No. 3C7 0290 002 i Revision: 1 Page: 7 Project No. 8726-17 3.0 Comouter Procrams The heat transfer calculations reported herein were performed by using S&L Computer Program RATT (09.8.077-2.01) and the resulting temperature plotted using another S&L Computer Program, PPP (09.8.099 1.31). These programs are described in References 1 and 2, respectively. The documentation for these programs is maintained in the S&L Computer Software Library.

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Calc. No. 3C7 0290 002 ,

Revision: 1 Page: 8 Project No. 8726-17 l 4.0 Informatiqn and Assumotions The analytical model for this calculation consists of one dependent temperaturenode(1),four'ndependenttemperaturenodes(2through 5), and five heat structures. These elements are thermally connected as shown in Figure 2. A brief descript'lon of each node (summarized l in Table 1) follows: 1) Node 1: the RCIC cubicle at elevation 673'-

4" of the reactor building, shown in Figure 1; 2) Node 2: soil next to the east side wall of the RCIC ronm; 3) Node 3: the RHR heat exchanger room located at the north side of Node 1, shown in Figure 1; 4) Node 4" the equipment cubicles and containment annulus located at the west and southwest side of node 1 and off-gas filter building, shown in Figure 1; elevation 694'-6" of the reactor building.

The-initial temperature of the subject room (node) was 124.0'F. The temperatures of nodes 2 through 5 were assumed to be constant throughout the transient event at the final temperature and are listed in Table 1. Table 2 identifies each of the five heat structures modeled, presents their physical dimensions, and the ,

initial temperature and heat transfer coefficient for each Left Hand Face (LHF) and Right Hand Face (RHF). The heat load during the stati 4 blackout test to the RCIC turbine heat and other equipment is tabulated in Table 3.

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Calc. No. 3C7 0290 002 Revision: 1 Page: 9 Project No. 8726 17

. 5.0 Information and Assumptions The S&L computer code RATT was used to model the physical system of interest. General assumptions relevant to RATT are discussed in detail in the users' manual for this code (Reference 1). Modeling assumptions used in this calculation are discussed below.

1. The entirety of the model used in this calculation was taken from Reference 4 with the exception of air node temperatures and the heat loads. In addition, the RCIC east wall is represented by two separate heat structures instead of one.
2. The temperatures of node 2 (soil temperature) and the wall surface facing it were assumed to be 52*F (Reference 5) and 67.2*F respectively (see below). The_ projected SB0 ,

temparatures of node 3 and node 5 were 129.2*F and 229.6*F, respectively (Reference 3), and the projected temperature of node 4 was taken to be 252.0'F (Rqference 3).

The outer surface temperature for Wall #5 is calculated as follows:

Q" U x (T, - T,,n) - h x (T, - T,,g) where U = 0.2 Btu /Hr sq. ft 'I (overall heat transfer cot:ficient across the wall per Page B6 of Ref. 4) h = 0.95 Btu /hr sq. ft *F (Heat transfer coefficient for the wall outer surface per Page 07 of Ref. 4)

T, - 124.0*F (Initial air temperature for the RCIC Pump room, l Ref. 31 i

l l


Calc. No. 3C7 0290 002 Revision: 1 Page: 10 +

Project No. 8726 17 T,gi = 52'F (Soil temperature, Ref. 5)

T, = Outer surface temperature to be calculated.  ;

q" = Constant heat flux per unit area. t i

- 3. The boundary node 2 (soil node) was thermally insulated from  ;

the connected heat structure (no. 2) during the transient. - .

4. No HVAC systems are operating during the SB0 transient. In addition, air flow was assumed to be negligible between the r RCIC room and neighboring rooms.


~ 5. The thermal properties of air within the subject room were assumed to be constant throughout the transient event.

6. Heat loss through theLfloor. was neglected for conservatism.
7. The RCIC turbine was actuated immediately upon receiving the stetton blackout-signal and.kept at full load throughout the transient event.
8. The SB0 heat-loads for the RCIC room were obtained from Reference 7 and are given in Table 3. Since SB0 heat loads are


' greater 1n the Unit l'RCIC room and the Unit 2 RCIC room north 1 wall is. exposed to-earth at-52'F.rather than 123'F, as is the -

case in the Unit 1.RCIC room, the Unit 1 results upperbound temperature which 1s applicable to both units.

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1 Calc. No. 3C7 0290 002 ,

Revision: 1 Page: 11  !

Project No. 8726 17

9. Per Reference 4, the height of the RCIC room is 18.83 feet, and per Reference 6, the length of the east wall is 46.3 feet. The 21.3 foot portion of this wall is exposed to the air in the off-gas filter building. Since this area is containe. within node 4, the highest initial and final temperatures of all the rooms comprising node 4 were used for conservatism. Therefore, the initial air temperature of this adjacent area was assumed to be at ll8.0'F per Reference 3. The 25 foot portion of the east wall is exposed to earth.
10. To be conservative, the nodes are stepped up to the final temperature at time zero.


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Calc. No. 3C7 0290 002 Revision: 1 Page: 12 Project No. 8726-17 6.0 Results and Discussieg l

Figure 3 shows the RCIC cubicle temperature profile following SBO. l The room temperature was at 124.0'F prior to the station blackout and reached IS3.7'T in 30 min. Subsequently, the room temperature rose at a slower rate and reached 164.7'F at 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> after the transient started. S&L computer program PPP (Reference 2) was used to plot the  ;

results Two items to note are:

l a) The RCIC turbine pump was assumed to be manually initiated immediately after the station blackout to obtain a conservative room temperature transient profile. However, it should be noted that there is a certain time delay between the station blackout and the initiation of the RCIC system.

b) Single active failures were not postulated in this analysis.

1 l



Calc. No. 3C7-0290 002 Revision: )

Page: 13 l

.. Project No. 8726 17 7.0 Reference 1

1. User's Manual for RATT (S&L Progr.m No. 09.8.077-2.01)," Room Air Temperature Transient." This computer code is stored in the S&L Computer Software Library, i
2. S&L Program PPP, No. 09.8.099 1.31. " Post Processing Program".

This computer code is stored in the S&L Computer Software Library.


3. " Temperature in the area adjacent to the Control Room and AEER l for 580,* Dli LS HVAC 0033 04, May ll, 1992.
4. " Station Blackout: RCIC Room Temperature Transient Study,"

LaSalle Station NSLD Calc. No. 3C7-1082 003,. Rev. O, approved February 7, 1983.

5. "Research Report on Methods for Disposing of Excess Shelter Heat," John D. Hummell, et al, Batte111e Memorial Institute, August 1964, Contract No. 0C0 05-62-191, Subtask 1422A,
6. S&L Drawing A-?.17, Rev. R
7. " Heat Generated frorr Electrical Equipment & Cables in RCIC Room (Units 1 & 2) During a SBO," DIT LS EPED-0091, March 6, 1990.

s Calc. No. 3C7 0290 002 Revision: 1 Page: 14 Project No. 8726 17 i ABLE i . NCOE P Ag'Q 8 v, 3 Teatereture t'$)

M*_N g QeyhM @ ft In!11eI f,10ft1 RCIC Cublete 19.000 124.0 Cateuteted 1

toll next te the - 52.0 52.0 2

RCIC eastside watt Northside neighboring - 123.0 129.2 3

roca of node 1 (mit 2 RNR ha Room)

Westsl & neighboring - 116.0 252.0 4

rooms of node 1 v

(coi.tairsnent annulus &

equipment cubicle) &

off ges filter building _

- n 4.0 229.6 5 Equipment room above the RCiC c dicte G

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l Calc. No. 3C7-0290-002 Revision: 1-Page: 15 -

Project No. 8726-17 TABLE 2, HEAT STRUCTURE PARMtETERS LliF #eet Transfer RdF heat fransfee Area Thictres Modes Coefficient Coef?tcient i H?st l Comected (STU/sq. ft./F/br) (STU/sq. ft.F/hr)

Structure No. Description (sq. ft.) (ft)

LNF RMF 1190. 2.33 1 5 1.43 unturet convection 1 RCIC C 2 icle Celting 470. 3.00 1 2 maturet Corwection insutat e soundsry 2 itCIC eastside we"4 Cord! tion (portion exposed to sof t) 3.00 t J watural Co m tlen asturat torwection 3 RCIC Cubiete northside 725.

watt 2.00 1 4 Natural C e tion secu-et Convectier.

4 RCIC C 4 fete westside wett fil0.

3.00 1 5 maturst Corweetion saturet Convection 5 RCtc essiside wets 401.

(portion exposed to the off-ges filter building)

Nots: LNF = lef t Hard Face, RMF e Right Mand face

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Calc. No, 3C7 0290 002.

Revision: 1-

  1. ' 4  : Page: _ 16 Project No. 8726-17 TABLE 3

+ -

. V-

T LOAD IN THE RCIC ROOM Snitrit . . M on Heat load (Btu /h) Reference

. Hechanical--- '0 4 Hours 70,000 3 Electrical l' Minute' 106,247- -7 1 Minute - 4 Hours- 29,284 7 a- <

HEAT-LOAD fBtu/hr) .,

Total.:loadifor;the;first minute 176,247--

' Total 11oadLafter the- first minute - 99,284-Lup to:4.0 hours0 days <br />0 hours <br />0 weeks <br />0 months <br /> 4

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l Calc. No. 3C7-0290-002 L

' Revision: 1 I Page: 18 i

l Project No. 8726-17 l


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S FIGURE 2: Node-Heat St.ructures Model of the Syst.em Analyzed ~


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i' Calc. No. 3C7-0290-002 REVIEW METHOD SHEI"' Revision: 1 Page: 20/20 Project No. 8726-17 This calculation has been reviewed by me according to the method (s) checked below.

1. Computer Aided Calculations a nevi.. to oete-mine snet tne comester programt s i nas o.en va i ntee one coeument.o. is ssitante te sne proeier esing enaivrea, ano snat sne ca.ewission contains ali necessary information for recons *ruct ion at a later oste.

o nevi.. to este mine snat sne snout cata as soecifiea for program e..cwtion is consist-ent itn tne essig, inows, co-rectiv oefines tne prooiem for tne comester sigoritne ano is sveficiensiv seewrote to proasce resuits witnin any numerical iimitations e, tne e-Co*aR=

Review to veai#y tnat tne resvits cotained from tne program are Correct and witntn Cg statec assumctions anc itettations of tne prop am anc e e consistent with t ne input.

o Revie valioation occamentation fo temocra y enanges to itston, or oeveicomental, or

, uniose singie sociicat io- o.op .ms, to assv e snes metnoos usea soeowateiy vaiioate l- ine o-op am vor tne int -o.e soolication.

ey nevie. o< come snows only, since tne comowse program nas sufficient nistory er wie at Sa* pent 6 Lunog in similar CaiCwlations, evl nevie, er,tnmeti: necessa , se e-eoa o coes incas esta.

g etner:

2. Hand Prepared Design Calculations a Detaile= revie. of tne o-tginal calcJ1stions.

O Review Dy an alternate, timelif iec, o soo-cuimate retnoc of calculatton, c Revie= c' a reo*esentative sample of repetitive calcalations, a Review of tne calcwlation against a similar calculation previously performee,

.,m m

3. Revisions aV Editorial enanges-enbr -

D Elimination of unacorovec input cate witnout altering calculated results.

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  • r Date Devie,e . - ,.


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Calc. No. 3C7-0290 002 Revision: 1 Page: A1 Project No. 8726-17 P


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        • [ Ceco LASALLC STATION UNITS 1&2 ] { Calc No R.., j

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17 exOT OPS $*O98 ABSOLUTES.RATO980772OI 18 STATION BLACKOUT: RCIC RGOM TEMPERATURE TRANSIENT 19 $ DATA 20 NW=5 21 AW=1190. 470. 725. 1110. 401.

22 MW=2.33.3. 3. 2. 3..

23 KW=t*O.92, 24 CW=5 0.156 25 OW=5'145. ,

26 N(=5 27 HI1.^)=1.63.-1.-1.-1.-l.

2F IAWt ,1)= 29 HI1.2,=-1.0..-1.-1.-1 30 IAW(1,2)= 31 NA=5 32 ITAt1)=- 33 TAI (1)=124. 124.

34 DA( 1 ) =0. 068 35 VA(1)=19000..

36 Cvi t )=0.171 '7 "7 30 f3 37 CP(1)=0.24* F1 2 m W 38 Q(1)=1- O dl < us 39 17Q( 1 ) = 1 LJ- O ka O M ** M

  • 40 NIT =4 41 NTT=7 h ".

42 TIN =0. y :: o 25 J. .. .

43 TNAX=6.. O 44 DT=0.OOS. "

45 DIF=O.05 ,,fj 46 DYo=0.05. no a 4 1 47 CRITER=T. h> O 48 STEADY =T. O bJ 49 RFILE=12 d, y) 50 TIME =0.0, 0.0001 0.0167 0.0168 1.7 1.7001 6.0.

51 CT=176247.. 176247.. 176247.. 99284.. 99284.. 99284. 99284. s  :

52 TEMP =123.,129.2. o O

53 118.. 252. 252. 252. 252. 252. 252. 252.. "J o 54 124.. 229.G.,6 o 55 $END

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4 5) 4.942+004 -8.63t+004 9.928*004 ,000 hI

.200 ( 1) 151.08 125.59 ( 1) 127.31 229.60 .<x)O O. >**

67.20 ( 2) 1.450+004 .000 9.9286004 .

O :t

.200 ( 1) 151.08 99.81 ( 2) 67.64 900 rt 9.485+003 -1.208*003 9.928+004

.200 ( 1) 151.08 124.00 ( 3)- 123.St 12%.68 129.20 252.00




4) 8.600+004 -t.061+005 9.928*004 .000  ;; f$ 3 f

.200 ( t) 15I.03 121.97 ( 4) 5.74t+003 -3.839*004 9.928*004 .txx) o 151.08 122.12' ( 5) 124.53 252.00 ( 4) . u

.200 ( t) 9.928+004 .000 P' (3 229.60 ( 5) 4.993+004 -8.538*004

.250 151.81 126.07 ( 1). 129.12 9.92G+004 .tkN) [$ ]#

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100.04 ( 2) 67.74 67.20 8 2) 1.468+004 .000

.250 1 11 151.8% 9.760+003 -1.203+003 9.928*004 .000 g; o 151.81 '124.15 ( 3) 123.53 129.20 4 3) og SJ

.250 ( .t)

( 4) 1.643+004 -1.049+005 9.928+004 000

.250 ( t) 151.91 122.12 ( d) 125.69 252.00 .000 t u) 125.55 252.00 ( 4) 5.894+003 -3.797+004 9.928+004 F3 O

.250 ( t) 151.81 122.29 ( 5) sJ f 128.90 229.60 ( 5) 4.999+004 -8.449+004 9.928*004 .000 c)

.300 ( 1) tS2.31 126.54 ( t) 9.928+004 000 o 67.84 67.20 ( 2) 1.478+004 .000 l .300 ( 1) 152.31 100.27 ( 2) 9.926*003 -1.198+003 9.926*004 000 As 123.54 129.20 ( 3)

.300 ( t) 152.31 124.29 ( 3) 1.668+004 -1.038*005 9.928*004 3xy) 300 ( t) 152.31 122.28 ( 4) 126.67 252.00 ( 4) 9.928*004 .000 126.52 252.00 ( 4) 5.984+003 -3.757+004

.300 1 1) 152.31 122.43 ( 5) 4.988+004 -8.364+004 9.928+004 aOOO 127.00 ( 1) 129.65 229.60 ( 5)

.350 ( tt 152.71 1.484+004 .000 9.928+004 .000 100.49 ( 2) 67.94 67.20 ( 2) 4Xp3

.350 ( in 152.71 1.004+004 -1.193+033 9.928+004 124;43 ( 3) 123.56 129.20 ( 3) (xy)

.350 ( 1) 152.71 1.685+004 -1.028+005 9.928+004 122.43 ( 4) 127.62 252.00 ( 4)

.350 t 1) 152.79 6.048+003 -3.719+004 9.928*004 JDOO 122.58 ( 5) 127.47 252.00 ( 4)

.350 ( t). 152.71 4.969*O04 -8.282+004 9.928+004 M# nG 127.-44 ( 1) 130.37 229.30 ( 53 400 4 il '53.06 67.20 f 2) 1.488+004 .000 9.92R+OO4 My K) i t) 53.06 100.71 ( 2) 68.04 9.928*004 000

.400 123.56 129.20 ( 3) 1 014+004 -1.188+003

.400 ( 1) 153.06 124.57 ( 3) 1.700+004 -1.G17+005 9.928+004 000 122.58 ( d) 128.53 252.00 ( 4)

.400 ( 1) 153.06 6.100+003 -3.681+004 9.920+004 .000 153.06 122.73 ( 5) 128.38 252.00 ( 4) 400 i t) 4.949+004 -8.203+004 9.928+004 .000 131.07 229.60 ( 51

.450 ( 18 153.38 127.87 ( 1) 1.492+004 .000 9.928+004 aOOO 153.38 100.93 ( 2) 68.13 67.20 ( 2) 9.928+004 .000

.450 ( 1) 129.20 ( 3) 1.022+004 -1.184+003

( 1) 153.38 124.71 ( 3) 123.59 -1.008*005 9.9284004 XXX)

.450 252.00 ( 4) 1.712+004 153.38 122.73 ( 4) 129.41 9.928*004 400

.450 ( 1) 129.27 252.00 ( 4) 6.145+003 -3.646+004

.450 i 1) e53.38 122.88 ( 5) 4.928+004 -8.127+004 9.928+004 No t 1) 153.69 128.28 ( t) 139.?d 229.60- ( di

.000 9.928+004 .000

.500 68.23 67.20 f 2) 1.495*004

.500 ( 1) 153.69 101.14 ( 2)

( 3) ).030+004 -1.179+003 9.92B+004 .000 153.69 124.85 ( 3) 123.68 125.20 9.928+004 000

.500 ( 1) 130.26 252.00 ( 4) 1.724+004 -9.980+004

.500 ( 1) 153 69 122.88 ( 4)

( 4) 6.156+003 -3.611+004 9.928+004 000 153.69 123.02 ( 5) 130.12 252.00

.500 ( 1)

( Ss 4.907+004 -8.054+004 9.928+004 .000 153.96 128.68 ( t) 132.38 229.60 9.928+004 .000

.550 1) 68.32 67.10 ( 2) 1.498+004 .000 550 ( 1) 153.98 105.35 ( 21

( 3) 1.037+004 -1.175+003 9.928*O04 aOOO

( f) 153.99 124.99 ( 3) 123.63 129.00 1.235+004 -9 887+004 9.928+004 .000

.550 131.08 252.00 ( 4)

.550 ( 1) 153.98 123.02 ( 4)

( 4) 6.226+003 -3.578+004 9.928+004 000 153.98 123.17 ( 5) 130.94 252.00

.550 ( t) e O

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  • C T WT) t (iA1) TA TW (tW) TW TA (IA2) QWItW.1) QW(tW.2) QAteA1) 9AteA2) 51 W OU


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.000 9,928+004 9.9288004 t>>>

000 IfO .. ((w. h 1.000 ( tl 156.31 126.ta t 3) 123.75 129.20 ( 3) 1.e :-004 -1.14**003 9.920+004 (Ko rt O 2*

1.000 t 1) 156.31 124.23 ( 4) 137.39 252.00 ( 4) 1.815+004 -9.190+004 9.92B+004 t Ko _,

1.000 ( 11 156.31 124.38 ( 5) 137.26 252.00 ( 4) 6.51G+003 -3.325+004 9.928*004 000 (( { { OW t.050 ( 1) iS6.54 132.12 ( 1) 137.72 229.60 ( 5) 4.736+004 -7.459+004 9.928+004 GO F* C) 1.050 t 11 156.54 103.24 ( 2) 69.12 67.20 ( 2) 1.52O+004 .000 9.928+004 . my) 03 4 1.050 1.050 t

t 1) il 156.54 156.54 126.25 124.35

( 3) 123.76 137,99 129.20 252.00

( 3) 1.097*O04 -1.137+G 3 9.92B+004 (XX) [j [)

( 4) ( 4) 1.822+004 -9.125*004 9.928+004 1XK) m o3 1.050 i il 156.54 124.50 ( 5) 137 85 252.00 ( 4) 6.543+003 -3.3024004 9.928+004 000 e u2

+" C) 1.100 i 1) 156.76 132.42 t 1) 138.te 229.60 1 5) 4.722+004 -7.dtt+0C0 9.928+004 OM 4 8 1.100 1.100 1

t 1) 18 156.76 156.76 103.4I 126.37



2) 3)

69,19 123.77 67.20 129.20



2) 3)

1.521+004 1.102+004


-1.134+003 9.928+004 9.928+004 000 000 hy 1.100 ( 11 156.76 124.48 ( 4) 138.57 252.00 ( 4) 1.829+004 -9.061+004 9.928+004 . uy) 1.100 i 1) 156.76 124.62 ( 5) 138.43 252.00 ( 4) 6.569*003 -3.279+004 9.928+004 000 1.150 t il 156 98 132.71 ( 1) 138.59 229.60 ( 5) 4.708+004 -7.364+004 9 928*004 . t xx) 1.850 t 11 156.98 103.58 ( 2) 69.26 67.20 1 2) 1.523+004 .000 9.9284004 000 1.150 I Il 156.98 126.48 ( 3) 123.78 129.20 t 3) 1.107+004 -1.131+003 9.928+004 . mx) 1.150 ( 1) 156.98 124.60 I di 139.13 252.00 ( 4) 1.836+004 -9.000+004 9.92B+004 ( KK) 1.150 t 1) 156.98 124.74 ( 5) 138.99 252.00 ( 4) 6.594+003 -3.257+004 9.92B+004 .sy)]

1.200 ( 11 157.19 132.98 ( 1) 139.00 229.60 4 5) 4.695+004 -7 318+004 9.92R+OO4 f KX) t.200 t 1) 157.19 103.74 ( 2) 69.33 67.20 ( 2) 1.524*O04 .000 9.928+0u4 000 1.200 t t) 157.19 126.60 ( 31 123.79 129.20 ( 3) 1.111+004 -1.128+003 9.928+004 LKo 1.200 t fl 157.19 124.72 ( 4) 139.67 252.00 ( 4) 1.843*OO4 -8.94t+004 9.92B+004 000 1.200 1 1) 157.19 124.86 ( 5) 139.54 252.00 4 4) 6.618+003 -3.235+004 9.928+004 000 1.250 ( 1) 157.40 133.25 ( t) 139.40 229.60 t 5) 4.683+004 -7.274+004 9.928+004 .000 1.250 ( il 157.40 103.91 ( 2) 69.40 67.20 ( 2) 1.526+004 .000 9.928+004 000 1.260 1 1) 157.40 126.71 ( 3) 123.80 129 20 ( 33 1.116+004 -1.125+003 9.928*004 . mX>

1.250 ( 1) 157.40 124.84 ( 4) 140.20 252.00 ( 4) 1.849+004 -8.884+004 9.92B+004 .000 1.250 ( 1) 157.40 124.98 ( 5) 140.07 252.00 t 4) 6.64t+003 -3.215+004 9.928+004 000 1.300 t 1) 157.60 133.52 i 1) 139.79 229.60 ( 5) 4.671+004 -7.232+004 9.928*004 000 1.300 t $) 157.60 104.07 ( 2) 69.47 67.20 ( 2) 1.527+004 .000 9.928+004 Wo 1.300 ( 1) 157.60 126.82 ( 3) 123.81 129.20 ( 3) 1.120+004 -1.122+003 9.92e+004 . m>3 1.300 i t) 157.60 124.95 ( 4) 140.72 252.00 ( 4) 1.856+004 -8.828+00* 9.928+004 000 t.3OO I 1) 157.60 125.10 ( 5) 140.58 252.00 ( 4) 6.663+003 -3.195+001 9.928+004 (Xx>

1.350 ( 1) 157.80 133.78 ( 1) 140.17 229.60 ( 5) 4.659+004 -7.191+004 9.928+004 .000 1.350 ( 11 157.80 104.22 ( 2) 69.57 67.20 ( 2) 1.528+004 .000 9.928+004 O(n 1.350 ( 1) 157.80 126.93 ( 3) 123.82 129.20 ( 3) 1.124+004 -1.119*003 9.928+004 000 1.350 ( 1) 157.80 125.07 ( 4) 141.21 252.00 ( 4) 1.862+004 -8.774*O04 9.92B+004 .(xx) 1.350 ( 1) 157.80 125.21 ( 5) 141.08 252.00 ( 4) 6.685+003 -3.1756004 9.928+004 . tx4 e




, (3 ) SARGI 4LUNDY_  ;

11 S&L NJ CALC 3C7-0290-DO2 RCv 1 PROJECT 8726-17 PART 1 TdB DAff OS t ."U P STATION BLACKOUT: RCIC ROOM TEMPERATURE TRANSIENT t tiA1) TA TW (nW) TW TA (iA2) OW(iW.t) OW(tW.2) OAtsAll OAItA29 1.400 ( t) 159.00 134.03 ( 1) 140.53 229.60 ( 5) 4.648+004 -7.15t+004 9.928+004 000 -

1.400 ( 1) 158.00 104.38 ( 2) 69.60 6?.20 ( 2) 9.529+004 .000 9 . 9 2 S + (X)4 (X O ,

1.400 ( Il 158.00 127.04 ( 3i 123.83 129.20 ( 3) 1.128+O04 -1.116+003 9.928+004 CKO 1.400 ( f) 158.00 925.18 ( 4) 141.70 252.00 ( 4) 1.867*004 -8.722+00'4 9.928+004 000 1.400 ( 1) 158.00 125.33 ( 5) e41.57 252.00 ( 4) 6.706+003 -3.156+004 9.928+004 .Cxp>

t.450 ( 1) 158.19 134.28 ( 1) 140.89 229.60 ( 5) 4.637+004 -7 112*004 9.928+004 O x) 1.450 ( 1) 158.19 104.53 ( 2) 69.66 67.20 ( 2) 1.531+004 .000 9.928+004 .ou t.450 ( t) 158.19 127.15 ( 3) 123.84 129.20 ( 3) 1.132+004 -1.114+003 9.928+904 .tx 0 1.450 ( 1) 158.19 125.29 ( 4) 942.17 252.00 ( 4) 1.873+004 -8.671+004 9.928+004 000 1.450 ( 1) 158.19 125.44 ( 5) 142.04 252.00 ( 4) 6.726*003 -3.138+004 9.928+004 .000 1.500 ( 1) 158.37 124.52 ( +1 141.23 229.60 ( 5) 4 626+004 -7.075+004 9.928+004 .000 1.500 ( 1) 158.37 10s.68 ( 2) 69.72 67.20 ( 28 1.532*004 .000 9.928+004 . <xx) 1.500 ( 1) 158.37 127.25 ( 3) 123.85 129.20 ( 3) 1.136+004 -1. tit +003 9.928+004 . O}O t.500 ( 1) 158.37 125.40 ( 4) 142.63 252.00 ( di 1.879+004 -8.622*004 9.928+004 . (XM) 1.500 ( t) 158.37 125.55 ( 5) 142.50 252.00 ( 4) 6.746+003 -3.120+004 9.928+004 .000 1.550 ( 1) 158.55 1'4.76 ( 1) 141.57 229.60 ( 5) 4.616+004 -7.038*004 9.928+004 . (Xx) 1.550 ( 1) 158.55 104.83 ( 2) 69.78 67.20 ( 2) 1.533+004 .000 9.928+004 .000

'.550 ( t) is8.55 127.36 ( 3) 123.86 129.20 ( 3) 1.139+004 -1.108+003 9.928+004 . (X))

1.550 1 1) 158.55 125.51 ( 4) 143.07 252.00 ( 4) 1.884+004 -8.574+004 9.928+004 000 1.550 ( t) 158.55 125.66 ( 5) 142.94 252.00 ( 4) 6.765+003 -3.103+004 9.928+004 . 0))

1.600 ( 1) 158.7? 134.99 ( 1) 141.89 229.60 ( 5) 4.606+004 -7.003+004 9.928+004 . OX) 1.600 ( t) 158.73 104.97 ( 2) 69.84 67.20 ( 2) 1.534+004 .000 9.928+004 l>>)

1.600 ( 1) 158.73 127.46 ( 3) 123.87 129.20 ( 3) 1.143+004 -1.106+003 9.928+004 000 1.600 ( t) 158.73 125.62 ( 4) 143.51 252.00 ( 4) 1.889+004 -8.528+004 9.928+004 000 1.600 ( 1) ISB.73 125.77 ( 5) 143.38 252.00 ( 4) 6.784+003 -3.086+004 9.928*004 .000 1.650 ( t) 158.91 135.21 ( 1) 142.21 229.60 ( 5) 4.596+004 -6.969+004 9.928+004 000 1.650 ( t) 158.91 105.11 4 2) 69.90 67 20 ( 2) 1.535+004 .000 9.928+004 .000 1.650 ( 1) 158.91 127.56 ( 3) 123.88 129.20 ( 3) 1.146+004 -1.103+003 9.928+004 . (xxi 1.650 ( t) 158.91 125.73 ( 4) 143.93 252.00 ( 4) 1.894+004 6.8024003


-3.069+004 9.92B+004 9.928+004 OOO 000 k hf f h 1.650 ( 1) 158.91 125.87 ( 5) 143.80 252.00 ( 4) o d) < os t-.s. cn v. o

' O'**D*

1.700 ( t) 159.08 135.43 ( t) 142.52 229.60 ( 5) 4.587+004 -6.935+004 9.928+004 .000 1.700 159.08 105.26 ( 2) 69.96 67.20 ( 2) 1.536+004 .000 9.920+004 000 1.700




1) 159.08 127.66 ( 3) 123.89 129.20 ( 3) 1.150+004 -1.10t+003 9.928*004 cxo h 3. h'3o n 1.700 ( I) ;59.08 125.83 ( 4) 144.34 252.00 ( 4) 1.899+004 -S.438+004 9.92B+004 000  : se -* -

1.700 159.08 125.98 ( 5) 144.21 252.00 ( 4) 6.810+003 -3.054*004 9.92e+004 . (XO oo

( 1) ,

1.750 ( 1) 159.25 135.65 ( 1) 142.82 229.60 ( 5) 4.578+004 -6.903+004 9.928+004 . (xo m O 159.25 105.39 ( 2) 70.01 67.20 ( 2) 1.537+004 .000 9.9284004 . (xy) ~J (

1.750 ( 1) h> O e.750 ( 1) 159.25 127.76 (-3) 123.90 129.20 ( 3) 1.153+004 -1.098+003 9.929+004 000 O "

1.750 ( 1) 159.25 125.94 ( 4) 144.74 252.00 ( 4) 1.903+004 -8.396+004 9.928+004 lXX) 1.750 ( 1) 159.25 126.08 ( 5) 144.61 252.00 ( 4) 6.836+003 -3.038+004 9.928+004 000 1 $

sJ B O


to O

f7 n


  • b 14 DAtt 05 t ynr r a , .s ..

PROJECT B726-17 PART 1 1d5 S&L NSLO CALC 3C7-0290-DO2 REV .!


t 53 4.569+004 -6.871+004 9.928*004 two .

i t) 143.81 229.60 800 ( ti 159.42 159.42 135.86 105.53 ( 2) 70. (*7 67.20 1 2) 1 538+004 .000 9.928+004 .vo h h" 1.800 1 1)

( 3) 1.156+004 -1.096*003 9.928+004 (XO *

>* 23 Ci 1.800 I il 159.d2 127.96 ( 3) 123.91 129.20 22 Fe ~ -

( di 1.908*004 -8.354*004 9.978+004 .000 251.00 1.800 4 11

( 1) 159.42 159.42 126.04 126.18


.( 5)

4) 145.13 145.00 252.00 ( 4) 6.852+003 -3.023+004 9.928+004 000 f P' c*

1.800 F# ()

4.561+004 -6.84t+004 9.9286004 000 os sa

( 17 159.58 136.07 ( f) 142.40 229.60 ( 51 txM s3 I (

1.850 ( 2) 1.538+004 .000 9.928+004 1.850 ( t) 159.58 105.66 ( 2) 70.13 67.20 000 PJ C) 129.20 ( 3) 1.159+004 -1.094*003 9.929+004 t.850 ( tl 159.58 127.95 ( 3) 123.92 1.912+004 -8.314+004 9.928+004 .000 f (#

159.58 126.84 ( di 145.5t 252.00 ( 4) cy t.850 t il 6.868*003 -3.008+004 9.920*004 . (MN) p.

159.58 126.28 ( 5) 145.38 252.00 ( 4) -J t 1.850 ( t)

O 4.552+004 -6.81t+004 9.928+004 .txx)

O 1.900 t 11 159.74 136.27 ( t) 143.67 229.60 ( 5) 9.928+004 no 70.18 67.20 1 2)- 1.539*004 .000 #

t.900 t 18 159.74 105.80 f 2) 9.928+004 .000 128.05 ( 3) 123.92 129.20 ( 3) 1.162*004 -1.091+003 1.900 t il 159.74 1.917*004 -8.274+004 9.928*004 .000 t.900 1 11 159.74 126.24 ( 4) 145.88 252.00 ( 4)

-2.994+004 9.928+004 000 145.75 252.00 ( 4) 6.884+003 1.900 t 1) 159.74 126.38 ( 5)

( 5) 4.544+004 -6.782+004 9.928+004 .MO t il 159.90 136.47 ( f) 143.94 22".60 9 928+004 3xx) 1.950 67.20 1 2) 1 540+004 .G00 1.950 t 1) 159.90 805.93 ( 2) 70.23 9.928+004 .000 128.14 ( 3) 123.93 129.20 ( 3) 1.165+004 -1.0896003

. my) 1.950 1 1) 159.90 1.921+004 -8.236*004 9.928*D04 126.34 ( 4) 946.25 252.00 ( 4) 1.950 1 18 159.90 6.899+003 -2.980*O04 9.92B+004 .000 1.950 t il 159.90 126.48 ( 51 146.12 252.00 ( 4) i 4.537+004 -6.754+004 9.928+004 <xx) 136.66 ( ti f44.21 229.60 ( 5) 2.000 i 1) 160.05 t.541+004 .000 9.928+004 .000 106.05 ( 2) 70.29 '67 20 ( 2) 2.000 t ti 160.05 1.16s+004 -1.087+003 9.928+004 000 128.24 ( 3) 123.94 129.20 ( 3) .000 2.000 ( 1) 160.05 1.925+004 -8.198+004 9.928*O04 2.000 t 1) 160.05 126.44 ( 4) 846.60 252.00 ( 4)

-2.967+004 9.928*O04 1D00 f46.47 252.00 ( 4) 6.913+003 2.000 ( 1) 160.05 126.58 ( 5) 4.529+004 -6.726+004 9.928+004 .000 1 1) 160 20 136.85 ( 1) 144.46 229.60 ( 5)

.000 9.928*004 .000 2.050 70.34 67.20 ( 2) 1.541+004 2.050 i 1) 160.20 106.18 ( 2) 1.170+004 -1.085+003 9.928*004 .000

( 3) 123.95 129.20 ( 3) 2.050 ( 1) 160.20 128.33 ' 929+004 -8.162+004 9.928+004 l>>3 126.53 ( 4) 146.94 252.00 ( 4) 2.050 t il 160.20 6.927+003 -2.953+004 3.928+004 .000 126.68 ( 5) 146.89 252.00 8 4) 2.050 t 1) 160.20 4.521+004 -6.699+004 9.928+004 .000 137.04 ( 1) 144.71 229.60 ( 5) .000 2.100 t 1) 160.35 1.542+004 .000 9.928+004 160.35 106.31 ( 2) 70.39 67.20 ( 2) 9.928*004 .000 2.100 ( t) 129.20 ( 3) 1.173+004 -1.083+003 160.35 128.42 ( 3) 123.96 9.928+004 000 2.100 ( t) 147.28 252.00 ( 4) 1.933+004 -8.126+004 2.?OO ( 1) 160.35 126.63 ( 4)

( 4) 6.941+003 -2.94t+004 9.92B+004 .000 160.35 126.77 ( 5) 147.15 252.00 2.100. ( 1) 4.594+004 -6.673+004 9.928+004 .000 137 22 ( 1) 144.96 229.60 ( 5) .000 2.150 ( 1) 160.50 ( 2) 1.542'004 .000 9.928+004 160.50 106.43 ( 2) 70.44 67.20 9.928*O04 .000 2.150 ( t) 129.20 ( 3) 1.175+004 -1.081+003 160.50 128.51 ( 3) 123.96 -8.092+004 9.928+004 l>OO 2.150 ( 1) ( 4) t.936+004

( 11 160.50 126.72 ( di 147.61 252.00

-2.928*004 9.928+004 .000 2.150 147.48 252.00 ( 4) 6.955+003 2.150 ( t) 160.50 126.87 ( 5) o O

n M


13 S&L Nx0 CALC 3C7-0290-OO2 REV t PROJECT - 8726-17 PART 1 TdB Daft 051 M2 P A d .1 4*

5TATION BLACKOUT. RCIC RUCM TEMPERATURE TRANSIENT t ilA1) TA TW (*W) TW TA ((A2) OWtiW.1) OWIiW.25 QAttA1) tJ A t s o ? I 2.200 ( 11 160.64 137.40 ( 1) 145.20 229.60 ( 5) 4.507+004 -6.647+004 9.928+004 .orv) 7.200 ( 1) 160.64 106.55 ( 2) 70.49 67.20 ( 2) 1.543+004 .000 9.928+004 .000

  • 2.200 ( 1) 160.64 128.60 ( 3) 1M 97 129.20 ( 3) 1.178*004 -1.079+003 9.9284004 .000 2.200 ( ti 160.64 126.81 ( 4) '

93 252.00 ( 4) 1.940+004 -8.0586004 9 928*004 O(X 2.200 ( 1) 160.64 126.96 ( 5) 1<.I.80 252.00 ( 4) 6.968*003 -2.916*004 9.928+004 .O(X) 2.250 4 11 160.7d 137.58 ( 1) 145.43 229.60 ( 51 4.500+004 -6.622+004 9.928+004 .000 2.250 ( t) 160.78 106.67' ( 2) 70.54 67.20 ( 2) 1.544+004 .000 3.928*004 .000 2.250 ( 1) 160.78 128.69 ( 3) 123.98 129.20 ( 3) 1.180+004 -1.077*003 9.92B+004 .000 2.250 ( 1) 160.78 126.91 ( d) 148.24 252.00 ( 4) 1.943+004 -8.025+004 9.928*004 .Om) 2.250 ( tl 160.78 127.05 ( 5) 148.11 252.00 ( 45 6.981+003 -2.904+004 9.928+004 Oon 2.300 ( 1) 160.92 137.75 ( 1) 145.66 229.60 ( 5) 4.494*O04 -6.598+004 9.928+004 Orxy 2.300 t il 160.92 106.79 ( 2) 70.59 67.20 ( 2) 1.545+004 .000 '3.928*004 000 2.300 ( 1) 160.92 128.78 ( 3) 123.98 129.20 f 3) 1.183*004 -1.075*003 9.928+004 000 2.300 ( 1) 160.92 127.00 ( di 148.55 252.00 ( 4) 1.947*004 -7.992+004 9.928*004 .000 2.300 ( 13 160.92 127.14 ( 5) 148.42 252.00 ( 43 6.993+003 -2.892+004 9.928+004 000 2.350 ( t) 161.06 137.92 ( 1) 145.88 229.60 ( 5) 4.487+004 -6.574+004 9.928+004 .000 2.3bO ( 11 161.06 106.91 1 2) 70.63 67.20 ( 2) 1. 'i4 5 +004 .000 9.928+004 000 2.350 ( tl 161.06 128.86 ( 3) 123.99 129.20 ( 3) 1.185+004 -1.073+003 9.928*004 .000 2.350 ( Il 161.06 127.09 ( 4) 148.85 252.00 ( 4) 1.950+004 -7.96t+004 9.928+004 000 2.350 ( tl 161.06 127.23 ( 5) 148.72 252.00 ( 4) 7.005+003 -2.881+004 9.928+004 .000 2.400 ( tl 161.19 138.09 ( 1) 146.10 229.60 ( 5) 4.481+004 -6.55t+004 9.928+004 .000 2.400 ( t1 161.19 107.02 ( 2) 70.68 67.20 ( 2) 1.546*O04 .tOO 9.928+004 .000 2,400 ( ti 161.19 128.95 ( 3) 124.00 129.20 ( 3) 1.187+004 -1.071+003 9.928+004 .. G.)O 2.400 4 1) 161.19 127.18 ( 4) 149.14 252.00 ( 4) 1.953+004 -7.93O+004 9.T2B+004 .000 2.400 ( il 161.19 127.32 ( 5) 149.02 252.00 ( 4) 7.017+003 -2.870+004 9.928+004 .000 2.450 ( tl 161.33 138.26 ( 1) 146.32 229.60 (-5) 4.474+004 -6.528+004 9.928+O04 000 2.450 4 1) 161.33 107.13 ( 2) 70.73 67.20 ( 2) 1.546+004 .000 9.928+OO4 000 2.450 1 1) 161.33 129.03 ( 3) 124.01 129.20 ( 3) 1.190+004 -1.069+003 9.92B+004 .000 *O *O M O 2.450 ( t) 161.33 127.26 ( 4) 149.#3 252.00 ( 4) 1.957+004 -7.900+004 9.928+004 .000 "TDGS 2.450 ( 11 161.33 127.41 ( 5) 149.30 252.00 ( 4) 7.029+003 -2.859+004 3.928+OO4 .000 d h. h g3 .. (f3 2.500 ( 1) 161.4E 138.42 ( 1) 146.53 229.60 ( 5) 4.468+004 -6.506+004 9.928+004 000 O P-2.500 161.46 107.25 ( 2) 70.77 67.20 ( 21 1.547+004 OOO 9.928+004 .000 ft O :*

i t) 2.500 ( 1) 161.46 129.12 ( 3) 124.01 129.20 ( 3) 1.192+004 -1.067+003 9.928+004 000 ~

,h3 P 2.500 ( 1) 161.46 127.35 ( 4) 149.71 252.00 ( 4) 1.960+004 -7.870+004 9.928+004 000 on 2.500 ( 1) 161.46 127.49 ( 5) 149.58 252.00 ( 4) 7.040+003 -2.848+004 9.928+004 . ooc t . w Hn 146.73 229.60 15) 4.462+004 -6.484+004 9.928+004 .G00 * "

2.550 ( 1) '161.59 138.58 ( 1) 2.550 ( 1) 168.59 107.36 ( 2) 70.82 67.20 ( 21 1.547+004 .000 9.928+004 .000 h 2.550 ( 11 161.59 129.20 ( 3) 124.02 129.20 ( 3) 1 194+004 -t.066+003 9.928+004 .000 m >

161.59 127.44 ( 4) 149.99 252.00 ( 4) 1.963*OO4 -7.842+004 9.928+004 .000 I *O 2.550 i 1) P O 2.550 ( t) 161.59 127.58 ( 5) 149.86 252.00 ( 4) 7.051+003 -2.838+004 9.92B+004 .000 v i O

O fu o

O m


l SARGENTLLUNDY ,. ~ n,~ ... m

+ e 10 58L NSLO CALC 3C7-0290-OO2 REV 1 PROJECT 8726-17 PART 1 TJB OAtt os1292 c>a4 a STATION BLACKOUT: RCIC ROOM TEMPERATURE TRANSIENT t (iA1) TA TW (tW) TW TA (tA2) OW(tW.1) OWItW.2) QAtiA1) 044 t A2 )

2.600 i 1) 161.71 138.74 ( 1) 146.93 229.60 ( 5) 4.457+004 -6.463+004 9.928+004 000 2.600 4 1) 161.71 107.47 1 2) 70.86 67.20 ( 2) 1.548+004 .000 9.928+004 000 2 600 ( 1) 161.71 129.28 6 3) 124.02 129.20 ( 3) 1.196+004 -1.064+003 9.928+004 000 2.600 t 1) 168.71 127.52 t 4) 150.26 252.00 ( 4) 1.966+004 -7.813+004 9.928+004 .000 2.600 ( 1) 161.71 127.67 ( 5) 150.i3 252.00 ( di 7.062+003 -2.827+004 9.928+004 oOOO 2.650 1 1) 161.84 138.89 4 1) 147.13 229.60 ( 5) 4.451+004 -6.442+004 9.928+004 .000 2.650 t 1) 161.84 107.57 ( 21 70.90 67.20 ( 2) 1.548*004 .000 9.928*004 &X) 2,650 ( 1) 161.84 129.36 ( 3) 124.03 129.20 ( 3+ 1.198+004 -1.062+003 9.928+004 . OX) 2.650 ( 1) 161.84 127.61 ( 4) 150.52 252.00 ( 4) 1.969+004 -7.786+004 9.928*004 . (xX) 2.650 ( 1) 161.84 127.75 4 5) 150.39 252.00 ( 4? 7.072+003 -2.817+004 9.928*004 1XX) 2.700 ( 16 168.96 139.04 ( 1) 147.32 229.60 ( 5) 4.445+004 -6.421+004 9.928+004 .000 2.700 t 1) 161.96 107.68 ( 2) 70.55 67.20 4 2) 1.549+004 .000 9.928+O04 . OX1 2.700 t 1) 161.96 129.44 1 3) 124.04 129.20 1 3) 1.200+004 -1.060+003 9.928+004 .000 2.700 ( 1) 161.96 127.69 ( 4) 150.78 252.00 ( 4) 1.972+004 -7.759+004 9.928+004 000 2.700 ( 1) 161.95 127.83 ( 5) 150.65 252.00 ( 4) 7.083+003 -2.808+004 9.928+004 .000 2.750 ( 1) 162.08 139.19 ( 1) 147.51 229.60 ( 5) 4.440+004 -6.40t+004 9.928+004 000 2.750 t 1) 162.08 107.79 ( 2) 70.99 67.20 ( 2) 1.549+004 .000 9.928+004 000 2.750 ( t) 162.08 129.52 ( 3) 124.04 129.20 ( 3) 1.202+004 -1.059+003 9.928+004 .000 2.750' ( 1) 162.08 127.77 4 4) 151.03 252.00 ( 4) 1.974+004 -7.732+004 9.928+004 .000 2.750 t 1) 162.08 127.92 ( 5) 150.91 252.00 0 4) 7.093+003 -2.798+004 9.928+004 (WX) 2.800 t 1) 162.20 139.04 ( 1) 147.70 229.60 ( 5) 4.435+004 -6.382+004 9.928eOO4 .<xX) 2.800 ( 1) 162.20 107.89 ( 2) 71.03 67.20 4 2) 1.550+004 .000 9.928+004 .000 2.800 f 1) 162.20 129.60 ( 3) 124.05 129.20 ( 3) 1.204+004 -1.057*003 9.928+004 000 2.800 t 1) 162.20 127.86 ( 4) 151.28 252.00 ( 4) 1.977*004 -7.706+004 9.928*004 000 2.800 t 1) 162.20 128.00 ( 5) 151.16 252.00 ( 4) 7.103*003 -2.789+004 9.928+004 .000 2.850 ( 1) 162,32 139.49 ( 1) 147.89 229.60 ( 5) 4.429+004 -6.362+004 9.928+004 000 2.850 1 1) 162.32 107.99 ( 2) 71.07 67.20 ( 2) 1.550+004 .000 9.928+004 000 2.850 t 1) 162.32 129.68 ( 3) 124.06 129.20 ( 3) 1.206+004 -1.055+003 9.928+004 000 M1 t 97 O "I *O*

2.850 ( 1) 162.32 127.94 ( 4) 151.53 252.00 ( 4) 1.980*004 -7.68t+004 9.928+004 000 2.850 t 1) 162.32 128.08 ( 5) 151.40 252.00 ( 4) 7.112+003 -2.780*004 9.928+004 a>>O [$.If b h[

m .. m .

148.06 229.60 ( 5) 4.424+004 -6.343+004 9.928+004 .000 0 F'~

2.900 ( 1) 162.44 139.63 ( 1) d OZ 2.900 ( 1) 162.44 108.10 ( 2) 71.12 67.20 ( 2) t 550*O04 .000 9.928+004 . WX) 2.900 1 1) 162.44 129.76 ( 3) 124.06 129.20 ( 3) 1.208+004 -1.054+003 9.928+004 r KX) y,f$ 3 h 2.900 1 1) 162.44 128.02 ( 4) 151.77 252.00 ( 4) 1.982+004 -7.656+004 9.928+004 axx) o o+

7.122+003 -2.771+004 9.928+004 . u>)

  • U 2.900 ( f) 162.44 128,16 ( 5) 151.64 252.00 1 4)

H O 2.950 t 1) 162.56 139.77 ( 1) 148.24 229.60 ( 5) 4.419+004 -6.325+004 9.928+004 000 [$ f 2.950 ( 1) 162.56 108.20 ( 2) 71.16 67.20 ( 2) 1.551*004 .000 9.928+004 000 y o 1.210+004 -1.052+003 9.928+004 .000 cs o>

2.950 i t) 162.56 129.83 ( 3) 124.07 129.20 ( 3) C 1.985+004 -7.632+004 9.928+004 .000 I 2.950 ( 1) 162.56 128.1C ( 4) 152.00 252.00 ( 4) 2.950 t 1) 162.56 128.24 ( 5) 151.88 252.00 ( 4) 7.131+003 -2.762+004 9 92s+004 000 Fj O


+J O

n n

1 l r., LUNDY

_ UJ a i SARGI _a

15 S&L N M. 0 CALC 3C7-0290-OO2' REV 1 PROJECT 8726-17 PART 1 TJB OAti < >S i W i A . .A ,e

. STATION BLACKOUT: RCIC ROOM TEMPERAYURE TRANSIENT t (tat) TA TW (iW) TW TA ($A2) OW(6W.1) OW(sW 2) OAleAll QAti4?D 3.000 4 1) 162.67 139.91 ( il 148.41 229.60 ( 5) 4.414+004 -6.307+004 9.928*004 (p w) 3.000 ( f) 162.67 108.30 ( 2) 71.20 67.20 ( 2) 1.551*004 .000 9.928+004 000 .

3.000 ( 1) 162.67 129.91 ( 3) 124.07 129.20 ( 3) 1.211+004 -1.05t*003 9.928+004 tX)O 3.000 1 1) 162.67 128.18 ( 4) 152.23 252.00 ( 4) t.937+004 -7.608+004 9.928+004 L000 3.000 ( 1) 162.67 125.32 ( 5) 152.11 252.00 ( 4) 7.140+003 -2.753+004 9.928+004 (M) 3,050 4 1) 162.78 140.05 ( f) 148.58 229.60 ( 5) -6.289+004 3.050 4.dO9f004 9.928+004 (z )t r i t) 162.78 108.39 ( 2) 71.24 67.20 ( 2) 1.552+004 .000 9.928*O04 . sp>>

3.050 1 1) 162.78 129.98 ( 3) 124.08 129.20 ( 3) 1.213*O04 -1.049+003 9.928*004 000 3 050 ( 1) 162.78 128.26 ( 4) 152.46 252.00 ( 4) 1.990+004 -7.584+004 9.928+004 009 3.050 1 1) 162.78 128.39 ( 5) 152.33 252.00 ( 4) 7.149+003 -2.744+004 9.928*004 .000 3.100 1 11 162.89 140.13 ( 1) 148.75 229.60 ( 5) 4.405+004 -6.271*O04 9.928*004 .000 3.100 4 1) 162.89 108.49 ( 21 71.28 67.20 ( 2) 1.552+004 .000 9.928+004 .000 3.100 i s) 162.89 130.06 I 3) 124.08 129.20 ( 3) 1.215+004 -1.048+003 9.928+004 000 3.100 ( 1) 162.89 128.33 ( 4) 152.68 252.00 ( di 1.992+004 -7.5614004 9.928+004 .000 3.100 ( 1) 162.89 128.47 ( 5) 152.56 252.00 ( 4) 7.15S*003 -2 736*O04 9.928+004 .000 3.150 ( Il 163.01 140.32 ( 1) 148.91 229.60 ( 5) 4.400+004 -6.254+004 9.928+004 .000 3.150 ( Il 163.01 100.59 ( 2) 71.32 67.20 ( 2) 1.552*O04 .000 9.928*004 .000

'3.150 ( t) 163.01 130.13 ( 3) 124.09 129.20 ( 3) 1.216*004 -1.046+003 9.928*004 .000 3.150 ( t) 163.01 128.41 ( 4) 152.90 252.00 ( 4) 1.994+004 -7.538+004 9 928+004 000 3.150 ( 1) 163.01 128.55 ( 5) 152.78 252.00 ( 4) 7 . 14,7 + 003 -2.728+004 9.928*004 000 3.200 ( 1) 163.11 140.45 ( 1) 149.07 229.60 ( 5) 4.395+004 -6.237*O04 9.928*004 .000 3.200 e 1) 163.11 108.68 ( 2) 71.35 67.20 1 2) 1.553+004 .000 c.928+004 .<xx) 3.200 ( 1) 163.11 t?O.21 ( 3) 124.09 129.20 ( 3) 1.218*004 -1.045+002 9.928+004 .000 3.200 ( 1) 163.11 128.49 ( 4) 153.12 252.00 ( 4) 1.997+004 -7.516+004 9.928*004 000 3.200 ( 1) 163.11 128.62 ( 5) 152.99 252.00 ( 4) 7.175+003 -2.720+004 9.928+004 000 3.250 ( Il 163.22 140.58 ( 1) 149.23 229.60 ( 5) 4.3914004 -6.220+004 9.928+004 .000 3.250 ( 1) 663.22 108.78 ( 2) 71.39 67.20 ( 2) 1.553+004 .000 9.92B+004 000 3.250 ( t) 163.22 130.28 ( 3) 124.10 129.20 ( 3) 1.22O+004 ~1.043+003 9.928+004 .000 .g .g x n 3.250 i 1) f63.22 128 56 ( 4) 153.33 252.00 ( 4) 1.999+004 -7.494+004 9.928+004 .000 +1 Da o to 3.250 ( t) 163.22 128.70 ( 5) 153.20 252.00 ( 4) 7.184+003 -2.712+004 9.928+004 000 04<w u m e- r) 3.300 149.39 229.60 4.386+004 -6.204+004 m .. m .

( 1) 163.33 140.71 ( 1) ( 5) 9.928+004 000 o p.

3.300 ( 1) 163.33 108.87 ( 2) 71.43 67.20 ( 2) 1.553+004 .000 9 928+004 .000 tt O ":"

3.300 ( t) 163.33 130.35 ( 3) 124.10 129.20 ( 3) 1.22t+004 -1.042+003 9.928+004 000 >30 3.300 3.300




1) 163.33 163.33 128.64 128.77



4) 5)

153.54 153.41 252.00 252.00



4) 4)

2.001+004 7.192+003


-2.704*OO4 9.928+004 9.928+004



[ [ ** *v

+* O 3.350 ( 1) 163.43 140.84 ( 1) 149.54 229.60 ( 5) 4.382+004 -6.188+004 9.928+004 .000 'D 'J

.000 4 8 3.350 ( t) 163.43 108.96 ( 2) '71.47 67.20 ( 2) 1.554+004 9.928+004 .000 3.350 ( 1) 163.43 130.42 126.71

( 3) 124.11 153.74 129.20 252.00



3) 4)

1.223+004 2.003*004


-7.451+004 9.928+004 9.928+004



$t O e

3.350 ( 1) 163.43 ( 4) 3.350 ( ti 16,.43 128.85 ( 5) 153.62 252.00 ( 4) 7.200+003 -2.697+004 9.928+004 000 P CN

.a s O

n t)



  1. "1 h SARGENTALUN _ _

16 S&L NSLO CALC 3C7-0290-DO2 REV 1 PROJECT 8726-17 PART 1 TJB OATE 05 t ?'y f > At .8 11 STATION BLACKOUT- RCIC ROOM TEMPERATURE TRANSIENT T M JO O ttAtt TA M&oR t TW (lW) TW TA (tA2) OW(tW.1) OW(tW.2) OAttAti UAtsA28 g q3 4 ps (J. @ >~ O 3.400 t 1) 163.54 140.97 4 11 149.70 229.60 1 5) 4,378+004 -6.172+004 9.928+004 . t <M) O ** M

  • 3.400 t 1) 163.54 109.06 ( 21 71.50 67.20 1 28 9.554+004 .000 y' 7 3.400 t 1) 163.54 130.49 ( 3) 124.11 129.20 ( 3) 1.224+004 -1.039*O03 9 928+004 9.928*004



h 3.400 >*

t il 163.54 128.79 ( 4) 153.94 252.00 t 41 2.005+004 -7_431*004 9.928+004 ' #o 7: H .25 -. 0 3.400 1 11 163.54 128.92 1 5) 153.82 252.00 ( 4) 7.208+003 -2.689+004 9.92B+004 (x o O Ln

. u 3.450 3.450 t


il tl 163.64 153.64 14f.09 109.15 8


1) 2)

149.85 71.54 229,60 67.20


t 58 21 4.374+004 1.554+004


.000 9.928+004 9.928*004


((o o3


'(} e 3.450 f 1) 163.64 130.56 1 3) 124.12 529.20 ( 3) 1.226eOO4 -1.038+003 9.928+004 000 h3 C) 3 450 t 11 163.64 128.06 ( 4) 154.14 252.00 ( 4) 2.008+004 -7.410+004 9.918+004 60 O' 'J 3.450 t it 163 64 128.99 ( 5) 154.02 252.00 ( 4) 7.216+003 -2.682+004 9.928+004 (ww) p( ((

< t

.7.500 ( 1) 163.s 74 141.22 ( 1) 149.99 229.60 ( 5) 4.369+004 -6.14t+004 9.928+004 000 o 3.500 1 13 163.74 109.24 ( 29 71.E8 67.20 f 2) 1.555+004 .000 9.928+004 .txo O 3.500 ( 11 163.74 130.63 1 30 124.12 129.20 1 3) 1.227*004 -1.036+003 9.928+004 _ (K o 'J 3.500 ( il 1G3.74 128 93 ( di 154.34 252.00 ( 4) 2.010+004 -7.390+004 9.928+004 000 3.500 8 1) *63.74

. 129.04 ( 5) 154.25 252.00 t 4) 7.224+003 -2.674+004 9.928*004 .000 3.550 t il 163.84 t 14'.34  ! 1) 150.14 229.60 ( 5) 4.365+004 -6.125+004 9.928+004 000 3.550 I il 163.84 109.32 8 2) 71.61 67.20 4 2) 1.555+004 .000 9.928+004 000 3.550 t 1) 163.84 130.70 ( 3) 124.13 129.20 f 3) 1.229+004 -1.035+003 9.928+004 ( KX) 3.550 t 11 163.84 129.01 ( 4) 154.53 252.00 1 4) 2.012+004 -7.370+004 9.928+004 (Ko 3.550 t il 163.84 129.13 ( 55 154.41 252.00 ( 4) 7.23t+003 -2.667+004 9.928+004 000 3.600 t il 163.94 141.46 ( 1) 150.28 229.6C ( SI 4.36t+004 -6.110+004 9.928*004 .000 3 600 t il 163.94 109.41 ( 2) 71.65 67.20 ( 2) 1.555*004 .000 9.920*004 . tyra 3.600 t 1) 163.94 130.77 ( 3) 124.13 129.20 ( 3) 1.23O+004 -1.034+003 9.928+004 000 3.600 1 1) 163.94 129.08 ( 4) 154.72 252.00 ( 4) 2.013+004 -7.351+004 9.928+004 000 3.600 i 1) 163.94 129.21 8 5) 154.60 252.00 ( 4) 7.2394003 -2.660+004 9.928+004 83.x) 3.650 ( 11 164.04 141.58 ( 1) 150.42 229.60 ( 5) 4.357+004 -6.096+004 9.928+004 000 3.650 t t) 164 04 109.50 ( 2) 71.68 67.20 i 2) 1.556+004 .000 9.928+004 .000 3.650 4 1) 164.04 130.84 ( 3) 124.14 129.20 ( 3) 1.232+004 -1.032*O03 9.928+004 .000 3.650 ( 1) 164.04 129.15 ( 4) 154.99 252.00 ( 4) 2.015+004 -7.331+004 9.928*004 000 3.650 t il 164.04 129.28 ( 5) 154.78 252.00 ( 4) 7.246+003 -2.653+004 9.928+004 000 3.700 8 1) 164.14 141.70 ( 1) 150.56 229.60 ( 5) 4.353+004 -6.08t+0C4 9.928+004 . < wy]

3.100 t 1) 164.14 109.59 ( 2) 71.72 67.20 ( 2) 1.556+004 TXX) 9.928+004 .000 3.700 1 11 164.14 130.90 ( 3) 124.14 129.20 ( 3) 1.233+004 -1.031+003 9.928+004 t Ko 3.700 i t) 164.14 129.22 ( 4) 155.09 252.00 ( 4) 2.017+004 -7.312+004 9.928+004 000 3.700 i 1) 164.14 129.34 ( 5) 154.97 252.00 ( 4) 7.253+003 -2.646+004 9.928+004 000 3.750 ( 1) 164.24 141.82 ( 1) 150.70 229.60 ( 5) 4.350+004 -6.067+004 9.928+004 000 3.750 ( 18 164.24 109.67 ( 2) 71.75 67.20 ( 2) 1.556+004 .000 9.928+004 .000 3.750 ( 1) 164.24 130.97 ( 3) 124.15 129.20 ( 3) 1.235*004 -1.03O+OO3 9.928+004 .000 3.750 ( 1) 164.24 129.29 ( 4) 155.27 252.00 ( 4) 2.019*004 -7.294+004 9.928+004 000 3.750 ( 1) 164.24 129.41 ( 5) 155.15 252.00 ( 4) 7.26t*003 -2.640+004 9.928+004 000 e

O, n


17 S&L NSLD CALC 3C7-0290-OO2 REV 1 PROJECT 8726-17 PAR 1 1 TJH DAlf 051/92 ' $' A f.f 1$



3.800 t 1) 164.34 141.93 ( 1) 150.34 229.60 ( 51 4.346+004 -6.053+004 9.928*004 AX)>

3.800 t 1) 164.34 109.76 ( 2) 71.79 67.20 ( 2) 1.556+004 .000 9.928*004 . mx) 3.800 1 11 164.34 131.04 ( 3) 124.15 129.20 ( 3) 1.236*004 -1.029+003 9.928+004 .<no 3.000 ( ti 164.34 129.36 4 4) 155.45 252.00 ( 4) 2.021+004 -7 275+004 9.928+004 cx K) 3.800 i el 164.34 129.48 ( 5) 155.33 252.00 ( 4) 7.268*003 -2.633+004 9.928+004 txe 3.850 , 4 il 164.43 142.05 ( 1) 150.97 2?9.60 ( 5) 4,3425004 -6.039+004 9.928+004 15 M 3.850 ( 11 164.43 109.84 ( 2) 71.82 67.20 ( 2) 1.557+004 .000 9.920+004 (n w) 3.850 t il 164 43 131.10 ( 3) 124.16 129.20 ( 33 1.237+004 -1.027*003 9.928+004 (wr>

3.850 ( f) 164.43 129.43 ( 4) 155.63 252.00 ( di 2 023+004

. -7.257*004 9.928+004 on 3.850 ( tl 164.43 129.55 ( 5) 155.50 252.00 ( 4) 7.275+003 -2.626+004 9.928+004 (xu 3.900 ( 1) av* S3 142.16 I t) 151.10 229.60 ( 5) 4.338+004 -6.025+004 9.9284004 oo 3.900 ( 1) 164.53 109.93 ( 2) 71.85 67.20 4 2) 1.557+004 .000 9.928*004 (X O 3.900 t 1) 164.53 131.17 ( 3) 124.16 129.20 ( 3) +.239+004 -1.026*003 9.928+004 two 3.900 4 Il 164.53 129.50 ( 4) 155.80 252.00 I 4) 2.025+004 -7.240+004 9.928*004 LKM) 3.900 ( il 164.53 129.62 ( 5) 155.68 252.00 ( 4) 7.282+003 -2.E20*004 9.928*004 rxx) 3.950 ( t) 164.62 142.27 ( t) 151.23 229.60 ( 5) 4.335+004 -6.011+004 9.728+004 000 3.950 t 11 164.62 110.01 ( 21 71.89 67.20 ( 2) 1.557+004 .000 9.928*004 A>>>

3,950 ( t) 164.62 131.23 ( 3) 124.17 129.20 ( 3) 1.240+004 -1.025+003 9.928+004 Txx) 3.950 ( 11 164.62 129.57 ( 4) 155.98 252.00 ( di 2.026+004 -7.222+004 9.928*004 007 3.950 t il 164.62 129.68 ( 5) 155.85 252.00 ( 4) 7.288+003 -2.614*004 9.928+004 .000 4.000 ( 11 164.71 142.38 ( 1) 151.36 229.60 ( 5) 4.331+004 -5.998+004 9.928+004 .000 4.000 ( 1) 164.71 110.09 ( 2) 71.92 67.20 ( 2) 1.558+004 .000 9.928*004 Txx) 4.000 ( 1) 164.71 131.30 ( 3) 124.17 124.20 ( 3) 1.241+VO4 -1.024*003 9.92B+004 .000 4.000 t t) 164.71 129.64 ( 4) 156.15 252.00 ( 4) 2.028+004 -7.205+004 9.928+004 . (xo 4.000 ( t) 964.71 129.75 ( 5) 156.02 252.00 ( 4) 7.295+003 -2.607+004 9.928+004 . <X))

4.050 ( 1) 164.80 142.49 ( 1) 151.49 229.60 ( 5) 4.328+004 -5.985+004 9.928*004 .000 4.050 ( il 164.80 110.17 ( 2) 71.95 67.20 ( 2) 1.558+004 .000 9.928+004 Ory) 4.050 ( t) 164.80 131.36 ( 3) 124.18 129.20 ( 3) 1.243+004 -1.023+003 9.920+004 ,000 yy 3y y, n 4.050 ( 11 164.80 129.71 ( 4) 156.31 252.00 ( 4) 2.03O+004 -7 fdP+004 9.928+004 OX) M D m ti 4.050 ( 1) 164.80 129.82 ( 5) 156.19 252.00 ( 4) 7.302+003 -2.60t+004 9.928+004 000 O d2 < Fa

u. m + . n 4.100 ( 1) 164.90 164.90 142.60 110.25



1) 2)

151.62 71.99 229.60 E7.20



5) 2)

4.324+004 1.558+004


.000 9.928+004 9.928+004 000 AX O g

O ;;

4.100 ( t) rt 4.100 ( 1) 164.90 131.42 ( 3) 124.18 129.20 ( 3) 1.244+004 -1.021+003 9.928+004 Ap p> >30 164.90 129.78 ( 4) 156.48 252.00 ( 4) 2.031+004 -7.171+004 9.928+004 (xwa 25 >* " -

4.100 ( 1) 4.800 ( 1) 164.90 129.83 ( 5) 156.35 252.00 ( 4) 7.308+003 -2.595+004 9.928+004 000 9* v F* fi 4.150 164.99 142.71 ( 1) 151.74 229.60 ( 5) 4.321+OG4 -5.959+004 9.928+004 .OM 03 a

( 1) 72.02 67.20 ( 2) 1.558+004 .000 9.928+004 Axws '8 8 4.150 ( 1) 164.99 110.33 ( 2) BJ C' 4.150 ( 1) 164.99 131.49 ( 3) 124.18 129.20 ( 3) 1.245+004 -1.02O+003 9.928+004 000 4.150 l 1) 164.99 129.84 ( 4) 156.64 252.00 ( 4) 2.033+004 -7.154+004 9.928+004 000 jf h(

4.150 ( 1) 164.99 129.95 ( 5) 156.51 252.00 ( 4) 7.315+003 -2.589+004 9.928+004 000 p, c.

-f f G


  • J O

n M




$8L NSLO CALC 3C7-0290-OO2 REV 1 PROJECT 8726-17 PART 1 TJB Oaf f 05 t 732 s .o ,e $,

STQTION BLACKOUT; RCIC ROOM TEMPERATURE TRANSIENT y 77 M D CD t (tA1) TA TW (1W) TW TA liA2) OWitW.1) OwtiW.2) OAttAtl 941+A2) Q d3 4 es LJ. O >~ G 4.200 t 11 165.08 142.82 ( 1) 151.86 229 60 ( 5) 4.317+004 -5.946+004 9.928*O04 . O z) . G ** M

  • 4.200 4.200 t

1 il 1) 165.08 165.08 110.41 131.5

( 2) 72.05 124.19 67.20 129.20 t 2) 1.559+004 1.246+004

.000 9 928+004 000

  • $ y' 7

( 3) ( 3) -1.019+003 9.920+004 .0 90 33o 4.200 ( t) 165.08 129.91 ( 4) 156.EO 252.00 ( di 2.034*004 -7.138+004 9.9282004 or;O 2 w --

4.200 t 1) 165.08 130.01 ( 5) 156.68 252.00 ( 4) 7.32t+003 -2.583+004 9.928+004 000 O -3

  • GJ 4.250 t If t65.17 142.93 ( t) 151.99 229.60 t 5) 4.314+004 -5.933+004 9.920+004 000 93 ()

4.250 ( 1) 165.17 110.49 ( 2) 72.08 67.20 ( 2) 1.559+004 .000 9.928*004 . <Xa ~

4.250 ( 1) 165.17 131.61 ( 3) 124.19 129.20 ( 3) 1.248+004 -1.01P'oO3 9.928*O04 . (xx) t> O 4.250 t il 165.17 129.98 ( 4) 156.96 252.00 ( 4) 2.O36+004 -7.12s- 44 9.928*004 U K) C '#

4.250 ( t) 165.17 130.08 ( 5) 156.83 252.00 ( di 7.328+003 -2.577+004 9.928+004 . u x) [,' [ft

~J 4.300 ( 1) 165.25 143.03 ( 1) 152.11 229.60 ( 5) 4.311+004 -5.921*O04 9.928+00* . fyx) O 4.300 ( 11 165.25 110.57 ( 2) 72.11 67.20 ( 2) 1.559*004 1000 9 92R+004 u () C) 4.300 165.25 131.67 124.20 129.20 1.249+004 '#

t ti ( 3) ( 3) -1.017+003 9.92e+004 000 4.300 t 1) 165.25 130.05 6 4) 157.12 252.00 ( 4) 2.037+004 -7.105+004 9.929*004 000 4.300 t 1) 165.25 130.14 ( 5) 156.99 2S?.00 ( 4) 7.334+003 -2.572*004 9.928+004 . mx) 4.350 t 11 165.?4 143.14 ( 1) 152.23 229.60 ( 5) 4.307+004 -5.909+004 9.928+004 . 9 30 4.350 ( 13 165.34 110.65 ( 2) 72.15 67.20 ( 2) 1.559+004 .000 9.928+004 000 4.350 l 1) 165.34 131.74 ( 3) 124.20 129.20 ( 3) 1.250+004 -1.016+003 9.928+004 (XO 4.350 ( t) 165.34 130.19 ( 4) 157.28 252.00 ( 4) 2.039+004 -7.089+004 9.928+004 u n) 4.350 t t) 165.34 130.20 ( 56 157.15 252.00 ( 4) 7.340+003 -2.566+004 9.928+004 . my) 4.400 ( 1) 165.43 143.24 ( t) 152.34 229.60 ( 5} 4.304+004 -5.896*O04 9.928+004 .000 4.400 t 1) 165.43 110.72 ( 23 72.18 67.20 ( 2) 1.560+004 .000 9.928+004 000 4.400 6 1) 165.43 131.80 ( 3) 124.20 129.20 ( 3) 1.25t+004 -1.015+003 9.928+004 _mo 4.400 ( tl 165.43 130.18 ( 4) 157.43 252.00 ( 4) 2.040+004 -7.074*004 9.928+004 .000 4.400 1 1) 165.43 130.27 ( 5) 157.30 252.00 ( 4) 7.346+003 -2.560*O04 9.92B+004 . 0)0 4.450 t 1) 165.52 143.34 ( 1) 152.46 229.60 ( 5) 4.30t+004 -5.884+004 9.92s+004 000 4.450 t 1) 165.52 110.80 ( 2) 72.21 67.20 ( 2) 1 560+004 .000 9.928+004 .000 4.450 ( 1) 165.52 131.86 ( 3) 124.21 129.20 ( 31 1.252+004 -1.014+003 9.928+004 000 4.450 4 1) 165.52 130.24 ( 4) 157.53 252.00 ( 4) 2.042+004 -7.058+004 9.928+004 . ux) 4.450 1 1) 165.52 130 33 ( 5) 157.45 252.00 ( 4) 7.353+003 -2.555*004 9.928+004 mo 4.500 f 1) 165.60 143.45 ( 1) 152.58 229.60 ( 51 4.298+004 -5.872+004 9.928+004 ux) 4.500 t 1) 165.60 110.88 ( 2) 72.24 67.20 ( 2) 1.560+004 .000 9.928+004 .000 4.500 ( 1) 165.60 131.92 ( 3) 12a.21 129.20 ( 3) 1.254+004 -1.012+003 9.928+004 90 4.500 ( f) 165.60 130.31 ( 4) 157.73 252.00 ( 4) 2.043+004 -7.043*004 9.928*004 .000 4.500 ( 1) 165.60 130.39 ( 5) 157.60 252.00 ( 4) 7.359+003 -2.549+004 9.928+004 .000 4.550 ( 1) 165.69 143.55 ( 1) 152.69 229.60 ( 5) 4.295*004 -5.861+004 9.920+004 . O_w) 4.550 ( f) 165.69 110.95 ( 2) 72.27 67.20 ( 2) 1.560+004 000 9.928+0C4 .000 4.550 ( 1) 165.69 131.98 ( 3) 124.22 129.29 ( 3) 1.255*004 -1.01t+003 9.928+JO4 000 4.550 f 1) 165.69 130.37 ( 4) 157.88 252.00 ( 4) 2.045+00 -7.028+004 9.928+004 .000 4.550 t 1) 165.69 130.45 ( 5) 157.75 252.00 ( 4) 7.365+003 -2.544+004 9.928+004 000 L,1

(,s.) SARGI %LUNDY um ms

i 19

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S&L N>to CALC 3C7 0290-OO2 REV 1 PROJECT B726-17 PART 1 108 flAlf ost>9e F r. u

  • STATIGN BLACKOUT: RC(C ROOM TEMPERATURE TRANSIENT t tiAl) TA TW (sW) TW TA (iA2) OW(tw,1) Ow l iw . 2 ) OAtSAtt tJa e .3 2 6 4.600 ( 1) 165.77 143.65 ( 1) 152.80 229.60 ( 5) 4.291+004 -5.849+004 9.928*004 000 4.600 ( 1) 165.77 111.03 ( 21 72.30 67.20 ( 2) 1.561*004 .000 9.928+004 .000 -

4.600 t 1) 165.77 132.04 ( 3) 124.22 129.20 ( 3) 1.256*O04 -1.010+003 9 928+004 . OA) 4.600 ( 1) 165.77 130.44 ( 4) 158.03 252.00 ( di 2.046+004 -7 013*O04 9 M8+004 000 4.600 ( 1) 165.77 130.51 ( 5) 157.90 252.00 ( 4) 7.371+003 -2.53B+004 9.,28*004 (KU 4.650 ( 1) 165.86 143.75 ( 1) 152.91 229.60 ( 5) 4.288*O04 -5.837+004 9.928+004 .(xx) 4.650 ( t) 165.86 111.10 ( 2) 72.33 67.20 ( 2) 1.561+004 .000 9.928+004 . u z) 4.650 ( t) 165.86 132.10 ( 3) 124.22 129.20 ( 3) 1.257+004 -1.009*003 9.928+004 .ty o 4.650 ( il 165.86 130.50 ( 4) 158.17 252.00 ( 4) 2.047+004 -6.998+004 9.928*004 .000 4.650 ( 1) 165.86 130.57 ( 5) 158.04 252.00 ( 4) 7.376*003 -2.533*004 9.928*004 ((wp 4.700 8 1) 165.94 143.85 ( 1) 153.03 229.60 ( 5) 4.285+004 -5.826+004 9 928+004 . O w]

4.700 ( 1) 165.94 111.18 ( 2) 72.36 67.20 ( 2) 1.5G1*004 .000 9.928*004 000 4.700 t il 165.94 132.16 ( 3) 124.23 129,20 ( 3) 2.258+004 -1.00B+003 9.928+004 A KX) 4.700 ( 1) 165.94 130.57 ( 4) 158.32 252.00 ( 4) 2.0494004 -6 984+004 9.928*004 . O M) 4.700 t t) 165.94 130.64 ( 5) 158.19 252.00 ( 4) 7.382+003 -2.528+004 9.928+00e 000 4.750 ( t) 166.02 143.95 ( 1) 153.14 229.60 ( 5) 4.282+004 -5.815+O04 9.928+004 000 4.750 8 1) 166.02 111.25 ( 2) 72.39 67.20 ( 2) 1.561*004 .000 3 928*004 .000 4.750 t 1) 166.02 132.21 ( 38 124.23 129.20 ( 3) 1.259+004 -1.007+003 9.9284004 .000 4.750 t 1) 166.02 130.63 ( 4) 158.46 252.00 ( 4) 2.050+004 -6.969*004 9.928+004 a>>0 4.750 4 1) 166.02 130.70 ( 5) 158.33 252.00 ( 4) 7.388*003 -2.523*004 9.928+004 .000 4.800 ( 9) 166.11 144.04 ( 1) 153.24 229.60 ( 5) 4.279+004 -5.804+004 9.928+004 . tyX) 4.800 ( ll 166.11 115.32 ( 2) 72.42 67.20 ( 2) 1.562+004 .000 9.928+004 .000 4.800 t il 166.11 132.27 ( 3) 124.24 129.20 ( 3) 1.260+004 -1.006*O03 9.928*004 TXX) 4.800 t 1) 166.11 110.70 ( 4) 158.60 252.00 ( 4) 2.051*D04 -6.955+004 9.928+004 oOOO 4.800 ( t) 166.11 130.76 ( 5) 158.47 252.00 ( 4) 7.394+003 -2.517+004 9.928+004 .00 4.850 ( 1) 166.19 144.14 ( t) 153.35 229.60 ( 5) 4.276+004 -5.792*004 9.928+004 .000 4.850 g il 166.19 111,40 ( 2) 72.45 67.20 ( 2) 1.562+004 .000 9.928*004 000 4.850 t 1) '166.19 132.33 ( 3) 124.24 129.20 ( 3) 1.262+004 -1.005*003 9.928+004 .000 gy gy ya o 4.850 ( 1) 166.19 130.76 ( 4) 158.74 252.00 ( 4) 2.053+004 -6.941*O04 9.928+004 .000 P1 Dr m D 4.850 1 1) 166.19 130.82 ( 5) 158.61 252.00 ( 4) 7.400+003 -2.512+004 9.928+004 .cxX) O d3 < > '

u. (D o O 4.900 ( 1) 166.27 144.24 ( 1) 153.46 229.60 ( 5) 4.274+004 -5.781+004 9.928+004 000 g " h.
  • 4.900 ( 11 166.27 111.47 ( 2) 72.48 67.20 ( 2) 1.562+004 .000 9.92B+004 .000 rt O 25 4.900 ( 1) 166.27 132.39 ( 3) 124.24 129.20 ( 3) 1.263+004 -1.004*003 9.928+004 000 >3O
  • 4.900 ( 1) 166.27 130 82 158.99 252.00 ( 4) 2.054+004 -6.927*004 9.928+004 . O X) 25 F' "

( 4) 4.900 ( 11 166.27 130.87 ( 5) ~58.74 252.00 ( 4) 7.405+003 -2.507*004 9.928*004 000 h w

-n 4.950 1 1) 166.35 144.33 ( 1) 153.56 229.60 ( 5) 4.271+004 -5.77t+004 9.9284004 (X o o) -J 166.35 111.54 ( 2) 72.50 67.20 ( 2) 1.562+004 .000 9.928+004 l> y) 'J 8 4.950 i 11 4.950 ( 1) 166.35 166.35 132.44 130.89

( 3) 124.25 159.02 129.20 252.00



2) 4)

1.264+004 2.O?3*004


-6.913+004 9.928+004 9.928*004 000

. my)

$ O e

4.950 ( 1) ( 4) g 4.950 ( 1) 166.35 130.93 ( 5) 158.88 252.00 ( 4) 7.4' +003 -2.502*004 9m928+004 000 Fa o a t c.

O to e

O n


_ _ - . . _ _ - - _ . - - _ _ _ . ._ ._~

Sat NSLO CALC 3C7-0290-DO2 REV 1 PROJECT 8726-17 PART 1 708 OAtt 05 29) e n .t v .*


+1 D G b t (iA1) TA TW (tW) TW TA ((A2) OW(tW t) OW(tW.2) OAftAl) UAtiAll O d2 < >=

LJ- O F~ O 5.000 5.000

( 1)

( 1p 166.43 166.43 144.43 111.61



1) 2)

153.67 72.53 229.60 67.20~



5) 2)

4.268+004 1.562+004


.000 9.928+004 9 928+004 ux)


, h " [,

  • 5.000 ( tl 166.43 132.50 124.25 rt OZ

( 3) 129.20 ( 3) 1.265*004 +1.002+001 9.928+004 000 . >* I O 5.000 ( 1) 166.43 130.95 ( 4) 159.15 252,00 ( 4) 2.056+004 -6.899+004 9.928+004 000 2: bd ~

  • 5.000 ( 1) 166.43 130.99 4 5) 159.02 252.00 ( 4) 7.416*003 -2.497+004 9 928*004 Ow x) O u) 5.050 ( 11 166.51 144.52 ( 13 153.77 229.60 ( 5) 4.265+004 -5.749+004 9 928+004 ovo

~ n 03 ss 5.050 ( 1) 166.51 111.68 ( 2) 72.56 67.20 ( 2) 1.563+004 .000 9 928+004 000 'J t 5.050 1 11 166.51 132.56 ( 3) 124.25 129.20 ( 3) 1.266+004 -1.00t+003 9.928*004 .000 FJ C3 5.050 5,050


i t) il 166.51 166.51 131.01 131.05



4) 5)

159.29 159.15 252.00 252,00



di 40 2.057+004 7.422+003


-2.493+004 9.928*O04 9.928+004 AWDO

.000 I ([

pa c)

~3 E 5.100 i t) 166.59 144.62 4 1) 153.88 229.60 4 5) 4.262+004 -5.739+004 9.928+004 . O x) C) 5.100 ( 1) 1G6.59 111.75 ( 2) 72.59 67.20 ( 2) 1.563*004 .000 9.928*004 000 C) 5.100 1 1) 166.59 132.61 ( 31 124.26 *29.20 ( 3) 1.267+004 -1.000+003 9.928+004 .000 5,100 t 1) 166.59 131.08 ( 4) 159.42 252.00 t 4) 2.058+004 -6.872+004 9.928+004 .000 5.100 1 1) 166.59 131.11 ( 5) 159.28 252.00 ( 4) 7.427+003 -2.488+004 9.928*004 .000 5.150 ( t) 166.67 144.71 ( 1) 153.98 229.60 ( 5) 4.259+004 -5.728+004 9.928*004 Twy0 5.150 ( 1) 166.67 111.82 ( 2) 72.62 67.20 ( 2) f.563+004 .000 9.928*004 000 5.150 t 1) 166.67 132.67 ( 3) 124.26 129.20 ( 3) 1.268+004 -9.993+002 9.928+004 .000 5.150 1 11 16E.67 131.14 ( 4) 159.55 252.00 ( di 2.060+004 -6.859+004 9.928+004 000 F 150 t il sG6.67 131.17 ( 5) 159.41 252.00 ( 4) 7.433+003 -2.483+004 9.928+004 ,tX)3 5.200 t 1) 166.75 144.81 ( t) 154.08 229.60 ( 5) 4.257+004 -5.718*004 9.928+004 .000 5.200 t il 166.75 111.89 ( 2) 72.65 67.20 ( 2) 1.563+004 .000 9.928+004 90 5.200 ( 11 166.75 132.73 ( 3) 124.27 129.20 ( 31 1.269+004 -9.983+002 9.928+004 .000 5.200 ( t) 166.75 .131.20 ( 4) 159.68 252.00 ( 4) 2.061+004 -6.846+004 9.928+004 000 5.200 8 1) 166.75 131.22 ( 5) 159.54 252.00 ( 4) 7.436 003 -2.478+004 9.928+OO4 .000 5.250 t il 166.83 144.90 ( t) 154.18 229.60 ( 5) 4.254+004 -5.707*O04 9.928+004 .oOO 5.250 t il 166.83 111.96 ( 2) 72.67 67.20 ( 2) 1.564+004 .000 9.928*004 1000 5.250 4 1) 166.83 132.78 ( 3)- 124.27 129.20 ( 3) 1.270+004 -9.974+002 9.928*004 .000 5.250 ( 1) 166.83 131.26 4 4) 159.81 252.00 ( 4) 2.062+004 -6.833*O04 9.920+004 Ay>0 5.250 t 1) 166.83 131.26 i 5) 159.67 252.00 ( 4) 7.444+003 -2.473+004 9.928+004 1000 5.300 t il 166.91 144.9's ( 1)' 154.28 229.60 ( 5) 4.251+004 -5.697+004 9.928*O04 R&OO 5.300 ( t) 166.91 112.03 ( 2) 72.70 67.20 ( 2) 1.564+004 .000 9.928+004 aOOO 5.300 t t) 166.91 132.84 ( 3) 124.27 129.20 ( 3) 1.271+004 -9.964+002 9.928+004 TKy) 5.300 t 1) 166.91 131.33 ( 4) 159.94 252.00 ( 4) 2.063+004 -6.820+004 9.928+004 . cerv 5.300 ( 1) 166.91 131.34 ( 5) 159.8G 252.00 ( 4) 7.449+003 -2.469+004 9.928*004 .000 5.350 ( 1) 166.98 145.08 ( 1) 154.38 229.60 ( 5) 4.249*004 -5.687+004 9.928+004 .tXy) 5.350 ( 1) 166.98 112.10 t 2) 72.73 67.20 ( 2) 1.564+004 .000 9.928+004 .000 5 350 ( Il 166.98 132.89 ( 3) 124.28 129.20 ( 3) 1.272+004 -9.955*002 9.928+004 000 5.350 ( 16 166.98 131.39 ( 4) 160.07 252.00 ( 4) 2.064+004 -6.807+004 9.928+004 000 5.350 ( 1) 166.98 131.39 ( 5) 159.93 232.00 ( 4) 7.454+001 -2.464+004 9.928+004 .000 o


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21 S&L N. J CALC 3C7-0290-OO2 REV 1 PROJECT 8726-17 '

PART 1 TJO t}A t t 05:292 t a. .I 1 .

4 STATION BLACKOUT: RCIC ROOM TEMPERATURE TRANSIENT t (6A1) TA TW (tW) TW TA (tA2) QWitw.t; QWIIW.2) QAtsA1) QAt1Af) 5.400 ( 1) 167.06 145.17 ( 1) 154.48 229,60 ( 5) 4.246*004 -5.677+004 9.928+004 1D00 5.400 ( 1) 167.06 112.17 ( 2) 72.76 67.20 ( 2) 1.564+004 .000 9.928+004 .000 ,

5.400 ( 1) 167.06 132.95 ( 3) 124.28 129.20 ( 3) 1.273+004 -9.945+002 9.928+004 000 5.400 ( 1) 167.06 131.45 ( 4) 160.19 252.00 ( 4) 2.065+004 -6.794+004 9.9284004 < (w) 5.400 t 1) 167.06 131.45 ( 5) 160.05 252.00 ( 4) 7.460+003 -2.460+004 9.928+004 .0&O 5.450 ( 1) 167.14 145.26 4 1) 154.57 229.60 ( 5) 4.243+004 -5.6G7*004 9.920+004 . tp h) 5.450 ( t) 167.14 112.23 ( 2) 72.78 67.20 ( 2) 1.565+004 .000 9. 92 8 + 004 .000 5.450 ( 1) 167.14 133.00 ( 3) 124.28 129.20 ( 3) 1.274+004 -9.936+002 9.928+004 .000 5.450 ( 1) 167.14 131.51 ( 4) 160.32 252,00 ( 4) 2.066*004 -6.782+004 9.928+004 000 5.450 ( 1) 167.14 131.51 ( 5) 160.18 252.00 ( 4) 7.4G5+003 -2.455+004 9.928*004 Ax x) 5.500 ( 1) 167.21 145.35 ( 1) 154.67 229.60 ( 5) 4.24t*004 -5.657*004 9.928*004 000 5.500 ( 1) 167.21 112.30 ( 2) 72.81 67.20 ( 2) 1.565+004 .000 9.928+004 .000 5.500 ( 1) 167.21 133.05 ( 3) 124 29 129.20 ( 3) 1.275*004 -9.927+002 9.928+004 .000 5.500 t 11 167.21 131.57 ( 48 160.44 252.00 ( 4) 2.067*004 -6.769*004 9.928+004 000 5.500 t il 167.21 131.56 ( 5) 160.30 252.00 ( 4) 7.470+003 -2.451+O04 9.92R*OO4 000 5.550 t 1) 167.29 145.44 ( 1) 154.77 229.60 ( 5) 4.238+004 -5.648+004 9.928+004 (x K) 5.550 t 18 167.29 112.37 ( 2) 72.84 67.20 .( 2) 1.365+004 .000 9.928+004 000 5.550 t 1) 167.29 133.11 ( 3) 124.29 129.20 ( 3) 1.276+004 -9.918+002 9.928+004 000 5.550 t 1) 167.29 131.64 ( 4) 160.57 252.00 ( 4) 2.063+004 -6.757+004 9.928+004 . ty))

5.550 ( 1) 167.29 131.62 ( 5) 160.42 252.00 ( 4) 7.475+003 -2.446+004 9.928+004 000 5.600 t 1) 167.37 145.53 t 1) 154.86 229.60 ( 5) 4.236+004 -5.638+004 9.9s8+004 000 5.600 ( 1) 167.37 112.43 ( 2) 72.86 67.20 1 2) 1.565+004 .000 9.928+004 .000 5.600 ( ti 167.37 133.16 ( 3) 124.29 129.20 ( 3) 1.277+004 -9.909+002 9.928+004 000 5.600 ( t) 167.37 131.70 ( 4) 160.69 252.00 ( 4) 0.069+004 -6.745+004 9.928*004 000 5.600  ? 1) 167.37 S31.67 ( 5) 160.54 252.00 ( 4) . 481+003 -2.442+004 9.928+004 000 5.650 t I) 167.44 145.62 ( 1) 154.96 229.60 ( 5) 4.233+004 -5.628*O04 9.928*004 . uw) 5.650 t t) 167.44 112.50 ( 2) 72.89 67.20 ( 2) 1.566+004 .000 9.928+004 .000 5.650 ( t) 167.44 133.22 ( 3) 124.30 129.20 ( 3) 1.278+004 -9.900+002 9.928+004 (y> ) 17 92 DC f) 5.650 167.44 131.76 ( 4) 160.81 252.00 ( 4) 2.070+004 -6.733*OO4 9.928+004 . tyy> MN OP

( 1) 5.650 ( t) 167.44 131.73 ( 5) 160.66 252.00 ( 4) 7.486+003 -2.438+004 9.928*004 .03) ((if h.h(

Q ** m -

5.700 t t) 167.52 145.71 ( 1) 155.05 229.60 ( 5) 4.23t+004 -5.619+004 9.928+004 l&OO O F~

111.57 ( 2) 72.92 67.20 ( 2) 1.566+004 .000 9.928+004 .000 et O Z.

5.700 ( 1) 167.52 5.700 ( 1) 167.52 133.27 ( 3) 124.30 129.20 ( 3) 1.279+004 -9.891+002 9.928+004 .000 _, fj ?, ?

5.700 ( 1) 167.52 131.82 ( 4) 100.93 252.00 ( 4) 2.07t+004 -6.720+00? 9.928*004 000 di o ta 5.700 ( 1) 167.52 131.78 ( 5) 160.78 252.00 ( 4) 7.491+003 -2.433+004 9.928+004 .000 -

ea t")

4.228+004 -5.609+004 9.928+004 .000 5 750 ( 1) 167.59 145.79 ( 1) 155.14 229.60 ( 5) 5.750 t 1) 167.59 112.63 ( 2) 72.94 67.20 ( 2) 1.566+004 .000 9.928+004 .000 [f $

5.750 ( 1) 167.59 133.32 ( 3) 124.30 129.20 ( 3) 1.280+004 -9.882+002 9.928+004 .000 os s.

161.05 252.00 ( 4) 2.071+004 -6.709+004 9.928+004 .000 t u?

'a.750 ( 1) 167.59 131.88 ( 4) F' 5.750 ( 1) 167.59 131.84 ( 5) 160.90 252.00 ( 4) 7.496+003 -2.429+004 9.928+004 JOOO -> C,'




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[f [ ff h O d2 < w t tiA1) TA TW (iW) TW TA (tA2) QW(tW.1) CW(tW.2) oat #A1) OAteAJJ LJ- @ PO m .. m .

5.800 5.800


4 11 1) 167,67 167.67 145.88 112.70



15 2) 155.23 72.97 229.60 67.20



5) 2)

4.226+004 1.566+004


.000 9 923*004 9 92e*O04 (wx) un .

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5.800 4 1) 167.67 133.37 ( 3) 124.31 129.20 ( 3) 1.281+004 -9.871+002 9.928+004 .000 2* h3 -- -

5.800 ( 11 167.67 131.94 1 4) 161.17 252.00 ( 41 2.072+004 -6.697*004 9.928+004 .000 O Fa 5.800 t t) 167.67 131.89 I 5) 161.02 252.00 ( 4'l 7.501+003 -2.425*004 9.928*004 (Kx)


03 w ss 5.850 ( 11 167.74 145.97 ( 1) 155.33 229.60 ( 5) 4.223+004 -5.590+004 9.92B+004 .000 sJ t 5.850 t il 167.74 112.76 ( 2) 72.99 67.20 ( 2) 1.566+004 .000 9.928+004 .000 h3 C) 5.850 ( il 167.74 133.43 ( 31 124.31 129.20 ( 3) 1.282+004 -9.865+002 9.928+004 . my) C' *#

5.859 5.850

( 1) 167.74 132.00 131.95

( 4) 161.28 252.00 252.00

( 4) 2.073*004 7.506+003


-2.42t+004 9 928+004 .000 h [

( 1) 167.74 ( 5) 168.13 ( 4) 9.928+004 .000 ~J 1 0

5.900 1 1) 167.81 146.05 ( 1) 155.42 229.60 ( 5) 4.221+004 -5.581+004 9.928*004 . ,xm O "J

5 900 4 il 167.81 112.82 ( 2) 73.02 67.20 4 2) 1.567*004 .000 9.928+004 Ax w) 5.900 t il 167.81 133.48 ( 3) 124.31 129.20 ( 3) 1.283+004 -9.856+002 9 928+004 AXX) 5.900 ( 1) 167.81 132.07 ( 4) 161.40 252.00 ( 4) 2.074*004 -6.673*004 9.9286004 000 5.900 t il 167.81 132.00 ( 5) 161.25 252.00 ( 4) 7.511+003 -2.416+004 9.928+004 . aV) 5.950 1 1) 167.89 146.14 ( 1) 155.51 229.60 1 5) 4.218+004 -5.572'004 9.928*004 1p K) 5.950 ( Il 167.89 112.89 ( 2) 73.05 67.20 4 2) 1.567+004 .l>OO 9.928+004 . u x) 5.950 1 1) 167.89 133.53 ( 3) 124.32 129.20 ( 3) 1.284+004 -9.847+002 9.928+004 000 5.950 t il 167.89 132.13 ( 4) 161 52 252.00 ( 4) 2.075+004 -6.662+004 9.928+004 1XX) 5.950 t il 167.89 132.05 ( SI 161.36 252.00 ( 4) 7.516+003 -2.482+004 9.928+004 .ux 6.000 t il 167.96 146.23 ( 1) 155.60 229.60 ( 5) 4.216*004 -5.563+004 9.928+004 AXX)

S.000 t il 167.96 112 95 ( 2) 73.07 67.20 ( 29 1.567+003 sOOO 9.928+004 000 6.000 ( 11 167.96 133.58 ( 3) 124.32 129.20 f 3) 1.285+004 -9.e39+002 9.928+004 .000 6.000 ( tl 167.96 132.19 ( 4) 161.63 252.00 ( 4) 2.015+004 -6.650*O04 9.928+004 000 6.000 ( 11 16l ?G 132.11 ( 5) 161.47 252.00 ( 4) 7.521+003 -2.400+004 9.928+004 1300 E riO R A T T PROGRAM HAD 0 OVRFLW. O UNDFLW. 4 O!VFtT. O O/O FLT

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