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Rev 0 to Calculation for EQ Impact Due to SBO Conditions
Person / Time
Site: LaSalle  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 05/11/1992
Shared Package
ML20096E925 List:
CQD-055096, CQD-055096-R00, CQD-55096, CQD-55096-R, NUDOCS 9205200117
Download: ML20096E970 (7)


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a c. r 0 Impact Due to Stadca cate. he. C00-055096

. SAP. GENT & LUNDY EM EER$ . Blackout Conditions sev 00 cate 05-11-92 X safety-metateo ) son-safety nelated ran 1 er 7 client Commonwealth Edison Company preoered by /> mn w c cate 5 ,<- Q n c pro 3ect LaSalle County Station - Units lis2 E: vie ed by f Q; cw ' cate c., . . o y i pro 3. no. 9012 26 tauto. no. Various  ! Acoroved by M >r y, ,, e % Date 5- /3-y2.

J JV 1.0 PURPOSI To perform Environmental Qualificction impset assessme, for equipment affected by a temperature increase during a Station Blackout at Lalalle County Station - Units 1 and 2.


2.1 LaSalle County FSAR, Table 3.11. (Not Included) 2.2 Ingresoll-Rand Drawing Nos. VPF #3069-7-5, VPF #3069-137-6, VPF #3069-143-1, VPF #3069-29-'. VPF #D830389, VPF #2993 10, VPF #2993-411-1, VPF #2993-412-1, VPF #2993-177-4.

2.3 John Crane Shaft Seals, Bulletin Nos. S-2003-1 and S-282-3.

2.4 Specification T-1211, "GE Purchase vrder Specification 21A9526 for Auxiliary Drive Steam Turbine", Rev. 03. (Not Included) 2.5 Bingham-Willamette Co. Drawings: B-26351, VPF #3059-24-2 and VPF #3059-24 (1)-2, 2.6 0-Ring Design Data - Lyons Valve Designers Handbook.

1.7 " Static Seals and Their Application", ORNL-TM-3308.

2.8 Garlock Gasketing Materials, Feb 1, 1978.

2.9 Bingham-Willamette Co. Instruction Manual Order No. 205-AC776 and Series 10324.


[DR ADOCK 05000 PDR 825683. rep Form (A-3.08.1. Rev. 2 SL-FS47 10-Bs KP1

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Calc. for EO Impact Due to Station c. :t no. COD 055096 SARGENT & LUNDY '

ENGINEEM Blackout Conditions Rev 00 Dat. 05 11-92 X s.rety-Relates hon-s.fety selatea p.oe 2 of 7 ciient Commonwealth Edison Company Preo. red b) D te pro 3ect LaSalle County Station - Units 1&2 Revie.ed by 0.t.

I Proj. ho. 9012-26 itauio.-he. VariouS Aporoved by o.t.

2.10 Bingham-Willamette Co. Letter to K. Raja dated 10-24-83.


  • The following are the only adverse conditior.s anticipated due to the Station Blackout:

Duration Location Maximum Temocrature of Event Main Control Room < 120*F 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> Auxiliary Electrical Equipment Room < 12 0'F 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> RCIC Pump Room (ambient) < 212*F 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> (Suppression Pool Ambient) < 215*F 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> HPCS & RHR Pump Rooms (Suppression Pool Ambient) < 233'F 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> Drywell < 300*F 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />

< 2 50*F 18 hours2.083333e-4 days <br />0.005 hours <br />2.97619e-5 weeks <br />6.849e-6 months <br />

  • The metallic and inorganic materials are not age sensitive to the postulated environmental conditions.

'4. 0 METHOD OF ANALYSIS The equipment that is required to operate under the Station Blackout's adverse environment has been environmentally qualified for normal operating conditions including the accident and post-accident environment This analysis shows BJ5683. rep Form 00-3.v4.1. Rev. 2 SL-F647 10-85 K?S

9 a . a d Da to Mad on- n he. C00-05509'

- SARGENT & LUNDY ENGINEERS Blackout Conditions nev_ 00 cete 05-11-92 X safety-nelated son.s.rety nei.ted rene 3 of 7 client -Commonwealth Edison Company Pren red by c.te Project laSalle County Station - Units 1&2 Rev$ .ed by cate Prof. ho. 9012-26 tauto. no. Various e nroved by 0.t.

that the SBO adverse environment does not exceed the conditions under which the subject equipment has been qualified to operate.

5.0 OUALIFICATION ANALYSIS 5.1 Main C9Dtrol Room and Auxiliary Electrical Ecuj oment Room The electrical equipment located inside the Main control Room and the Auxiliary Electrical Equipment Room is qualified to operate under mild environment at LaSalle County Station. The mild environment is defined in 10CFR50.49 as "... environment that would at no time be L. significantly more severe than the environment that would L -

occur during normal plant operation, including anticipated operational- occurrences". The maximum temperature inside 'this rooms under SBO, will not exceed 120'F; therefore, the equipment will not be exposed to a se'wre environment.

5.2 Drvwell Eauipment l

The EQ equipment inside cont.ainment is identified in the attacht.ents. All of the equipment is-qualified to meet the environmental requirements specified in LaSalle County Station FSAR, Table 3.11 (see Figure 1) . Thc high temperature event caused by a Station Blackout ~ would cause the temperature to increase to a peak temperature

. of less than- 300*F. The power would be restored within i

825683. rep Form GQ-3.08.1, Rev, 2 5L F647 10-85 KPS.

1 e.

l Calc. for T 1mpact Due to Station caic he COD-055096 l lSARGENT & LUNDY-l ENGINEER $ Blackout Conditions Eev. 00 cit. 05-11-92 l X Safety-Relatea non-Safety Related vace 4 of 7 )

c uent Commonwealth Edison Company Preo rea by ru t e i pre 3.ct LaSalle County Station - Units 1&2 Revie ed by Date pro 3. no. 9012-2,6 rouie. no. Various- Acoroved by Date a maximum of 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> into the event. The temperature will begin to drop and would be less than 250*F within 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> af ter the power is restored. Hence, the conditions specified in the LSCS-FSAR LOCA design spec.ification envelop the SBO with adequate margin.

The existing DBE qualification for the above equipment L

demonstrates the equipment's ability to function under the pcstulated conditions. However, subsequent to the postulated- SBO, the equipment would not be able to immediately return to service since the DBE portion of the qualification is assumed to be used. In order to declare the eauipment operable followina the SBO. the eouioment must be evaluated to show the ability. t,g perform its safety function under the actual DBE conditions.

5.3 RCIC Turbine The Reactor Core Isolation Cooling Systems auxiliary steam turbine drive assemblias would experience a peak ambient temperature of less than 212*F and a process fluid temperature of less than 215'F.

Per GE Specification (Ref. 2.4), the subject equipment is designed to withstand the ambient temperature of 212*F for 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />. The equipment that would see a temperature exceeding 212*F is the Bingham-Willamette RCIC Pump, Model No. 21A9243BU (Equipment Tag Nos. 1(2) E51-C001) .

825683. rep Form GL 8.1. Rev. 2 SL-F647 10-85 KPS-

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alc. M Q Nad Due to Mamn :aie; he COD-055096

- 5 GENT & LUNDY--

M Blackout Conditions s. e 00 cate. 05-11-92 l X Safety-Related hon-Safety Eelated Face 5 ef 7


l tiie it Comrnonweal,th Edison Company Prepared by Date l pro wet LaSalle Q unty Station - Units 1&2 Revie-ed by cate pec3. No. 9012-26 toutp. Ms. Various Approved by Date l

Per the manuf acturer's drawing (Ref. 2.5), the following age sensitive materials are located inside the RCIC pump and will be exposed to the process fluid tea.gerature:

Temperature Comoonent Material EgL Threshold EgL i: Case Gaskets Asbestos 2.9, 2.10 950'F 2.7 l'

! O-Rings -lene Propylene

! Terepolymer 2.9, 2.10 300'F 2.6 Bearing Cover to Bearing Housing Garlock 660, Gasket Cork, Vegetacts ,*iber 2.10 221*F 2.8 O-Ring Buna N 2.9, 2.10 250'F 2.6 Hence, the non-metallic components in the subject pumps are designed to withstand the postulated process fluid temperature of 215'F.

5.4 HPCS and-RHR SUP Pool Pumps The High Pressure Core Spray Pump and Residual Heat Removal Pump would be exposed to a Suppression Pool ambient temperature of less than 233'F.

'"c e components that. are sensitive to the above temperature are of non-metallic (age-sensitive) materials. The list of non-metallic componen:s inside the subject pumps is given below.

l l

825683. rep Form GO-3.08.1. Rev. 2 SL r647 10-85 KPS.

i a . mpa ue ad on :a k e C00 0%096 SARGENT & LUNDY - ,

ENGINEERS Blackout Conditions Fen 00 case 05-11-92 1 Safety-Related hon Safety Aelated pace 6 e' 7

nent Commonwealth Edison Company rrecaren by cate project LaSalle County Station - Units 1&2 _

nevie ed by cate Proj. No.' 9012-26 tauto. No. Various Acoroved by cate Equipment: HPCS Pump Tag Nos.: 1,2E22c001 Manufacturer: Ingresoll-Rard Model No.: 21A9243CK RHR Pump Tag Nos.: 1,2E12C002A,B,C Manufacturer: Ingresoll-Rand

( '- Model No.: 29-APKD-3 lur i ference 2.2, the materials of construction for the abs a pumps are:

Material Max. Stry Temn Refs.

Ethylene Propylene 300*F 2.3 Canadian Asbestos Paper 14 00

  • F 2. 3 Asbestos 750*F 2.3 Graphite 700*F 2.3 The non-metallic components inside the subject pumps are designed to withstand the postulated ambient temperature of 233*F.


l L

Based on the above, the subject equipment would perform its intended function during the postulated 330 conditions.

l L Following the postulated event, an evalaation is required to l be performed, documenting the change in the Qualified Life for j - the equipment exposed to the abnormal conditions.

l l

825683. rep Form GQ-3.08.1. Rev. 2 SL F647 10-85 KPS-


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-... SARGENT & LUNn Y ENGINEds Blackotet Conditions s. 00 e cate 05-11-921_

X- safety-nelateo ! Pao. 7 e< 7

_c i t ent - Commonwealth' Edison Company Preparea ey oate Project l.aSalle County-Station - Units 1&2 Revie ed by case Proj. ho. 9012-26; 'I tauto. no. Various Acoroveo by'



Temperature Profile LaSalle County Station Temperature ( F' 400 -

l-H 350 - -

1 300 250 200 150 100 -

50 0

O 5- 10 16 20 26-TIME, hours Drywell DBE Profile L Figure 1 l

825663dep form GQ-3.08.1 Rev. 2 SL-F64710-85 KP5 d

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