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Proposed Tech Specs Providing Clarity & Consistency W/Plant Design & Operation
Person / Time
Site: Grand Gulf Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 08/01/1983
Shared Package
ML20077G231 List:
NUDOCS 8308030422
Download: ML20077G240 (25)





zo m TABLE (Continued) -






" Level - High S M R I9) 1, 2, 5 i

! Turbine Stop Valve - Closure S M R I9) 1 10.

! 11. Turbine Control Valve Fast Closure Valve Trip System 011 R I9) 5 M 1 I Pressure - Low i

l g

12. Reactor Mode Switch Shutdown Position NA R NA 1,2,3,4,5 g


s 1,2,3,4,5 s

i i

i., 13. Manual Scram NA M MA .

g d i

,a (a) Neutron detectors may be excluded from CHANNEL CALIBRATION. b (b) The IRM and SRM channels shall be determined to overlap for at least 1/2 decade during each U startup after entering OPERATIONAL CONDITION 2 and the IRM and APRM channels shall be deter-mined to overlap for at least 1/2 decade during each controlled shutdown, if not performed within the previous 7 days.

l (c) Within This 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> prior to startup, if not performe&within the previous 7 days.

calibration shall consist of the adjustment of the APRM channel to conform to the power values ,

i .

(d) g i

calculated by a heat balance during OPERATIONAL CONDITION 1 when THERMAL POWER > 25% of RATED ~r THERMAL POWER. Adjust the APRM channel if the absolute difference is greater tEan 2% of RATED 53 THERMAL POWERa ^ry ^""" ern:? ;;rf r Mjrrtz::t r:d f :::;?!:::: rit5 E;;;f'i::ti: 2.2.2 h.

[(e) 14?' -Et W 'm?d d '~ dete *~'~~ t% & c?cte d'fere ce.This calibration shall consist of the adjustment o 8 calibrated flow signal.

1 (f)

The LPRMs shall be calibrated at least once per 1000 effective full power hours (EFPH) using the TIP system.

(g) Calibrate trip g tj at least once per 31 days. ,g,w .

(h) Verify measured 44> flow to be less than or equal to established-eeee flow at the existing flow con-l trol valve position.

(i) This calibration shall consist of verifying the 6 1 1 second simulated thermal power time constant.

li wdess e APRM cW ad 34a auly h a-t b=5 l***a awad* ic, ce% Jfb spei.f~<.mi ca 3.2.2..



c. At least once per 92 days and from new oil prior to addition to the storage tanks by verifying that a sample obtained in accordance with ASTM-D270-1975 has a water and sediment content of less than or equal to' .05 volume percent and a kinematic viscosity 9 40*C of greater than or equal to 1.9 but less than or equal to 4.1 when tested in accordance with ASTM-0975-77, and an impurity level of less than 2 mg. of insolubles per 100 al. when tested in accordance with ASTM-D2274-70, except that the test of new fuel for impurity level shall be performed within 7 days after addition of the new fuel to the storage tank.
d. At least once per 18 months, during shutdown, by:
1. Subjecting the diesel to an inspection in accordance with pro-1200 kW(Lets PM cedures prepared in conjunction with its manufacturer's recom-

%mendations for this class of standby service.

2. Verifying the diesel e rator capability to reject a load of

-N46-4:W. for diesel generator 11, greater i Mo kW (RRR B/C P.-p greater than or .equalJ than or equal tr490-hW for diesel genera or equal tq;N69-4:W-for diesel generator 13 while maintaining less MO W MS %[than or equal to 75% trip the overspeed of the difference setpoint, or 15% between above nominal, nominalwhichever speed and is less.

3. Verifying the diesel generator capability to reject a load of 7000 kW for diesel generators 11 and 12 and 3300 kW for diesel generator 13 without tripping. The generator. voltage s, hall not exceed 5000 volt's 'during and following the idad rejection.
4. Simulating a loss of offsite power by itself, and:

a) For Divisions 1 and 2:  ;

1) Verifying deenergization of the emergency busses and load shedding from the emergency busses.
2) Verifying the diesel generator starts on the auto-start signal, energizes the emergency busses with permanently l connected loads within 10 seconds, energizes the auto-l connected shutdown loads through the load sequencer and operates for greater than or equal to 5 minutes while its l generator is loaded with the shutdown loads. After ener-gization, the steady state voltage and frequency of the emergency busses shall be maintained at 4160 1 416 volts I and 60 2 1.2 Hz during this test.

I b) For Division 3:

1) Verifying de-energization of the emergency bus.
2) Verifying the diesel generator starts on the auto-start
signal, energizes the emergency bus with the loads within l 10 seconds and operates for greater than or equal to l 5 minutes while its generator is loaded with the shutdown loads. After energization, the steady state voltage and frequency of the emergency bus shall be maintained at 4160 1 416 volts and 60 2 1.2 Hz during this test.


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-__-,_,,,,,,,,.wm-,,,,,, ,,. m____,__,,,,----_.-w

Jo (GGNS- 152, 3. 81, 2.11aj 2. 2. 3 3 2. '+ 1 )

PLANT SYSTEMS SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS E'ach of the above required CO2 systems shall be demoristrated OPERA 8LE at least once per 31 days by verifying that each valve, manual, power operated or automatic, in the flow path is in its correct position. Each of the above required low pressure CO2 systems shall be demonstrated OPERABLE:

a. At least once per 7 days by verifying the CO2 storage tank level to be greater than 50% and pressure to be greater than 275 psig, and
b. At least once per 18 months by:
1. - Y:ry h; th:t th: y t- v '"::,  :::chted re-tihth" 1-_ ;:r: Or.d th:tr:-th:- :1 -h: ::txt: : te--tict'.'.y u;t-

- : ipt c' ci uhted 20tu-the ti;--', --d

2. Flow from each nozzle by performance of a " Puff Test".

3 Ewdsing e ek ved Istro, sgs%m h. 4 ye t %

c\ose.J pesMien and verW ya3 % dampars movs Nrse\$. '

l' h.a.t VscWg^(3 A -tke sy'te.m, inelwcli ve.n-t;l.3toa g associde.d sgshe ftc d=~ p u-lef t, achdss' adomdttc=RgM#


upon ca. cept 8 simdde.A adsdien aga.d

(..% t co,, sle.deo-%e J lia. hsrs* y

(\ ma.( 4:44.cedt4 valvs opsaiag ***3 b'-

exc.ludsel 4' rom tW;s -tsd ), eck y Pee % nriI;en,'*n of d;'are,di. I yeesso ea. saleJ** vsIses is net ray l red, however, the y,Ive s ' I.e vers


skeil be variR;n) ro be. in tha eavre d' fos lh'*e . e GRAND GULF-UNIT 1 3/4 7-33

l 3, (&&NS ~152,18 s,2.Ils, 2 3 b 14I) PLANT SYSTEMS t HALON SYSTEMS LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION The following Halon systems shall be OPERABLE with the storage tanks having at least 95% of full charge weight and 90% of full charge pressure:

a. Control Building, elev. 148'0", Computer and Control Panel Room
b. Control Building, elev.166'0", PGCC Room unJu Flur ama
c. Control Cabinet Room, elev. 189'0", PGCC Aeon vaJu flwr aua APPLICABILITY: Whenever equipment protected by the Halon systems is required to be OPERABLE.

ACTION: ! a. With one or more of the above required Halon systems inoperable, within 1 one hour establish a continuous fire watch with backup fire suppression equipment for those areas in which redundant systems or components could be damaged; for other areas, establish an hourly fire watch patrol. Restore the system to OPERABLE status within 14 days or, in lieu of any other report required by Specification 6.9.1, prepare and submit a Special Report to the Commission pursuant to Specifica-tion 6.9.2 within the next 30 days outlining the action taken, the cause of the inoperability and the plans and schedule for restoring the system to OPERABLE status.

b. The provisions of Specifications 3.0.3 and 3.0.4 are not applicable.

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS Each of the above required Halon systems shall be demonstrated OPERABLE: i

a. At het =:: ;;r 31 d:y: by =r' fyh; th:t =:h ::h:, :==1, p r r :; r ted er :t rts:, *- the '! = ;:th h '- ft: rrr::t
b. At least once per 6 months by verifying Halon storage tank weight and pressure.
c. At least once per 18 months by:
1. Ye-4*yia; the eyet-- -d ereceisted re.t!!stier 9 ;e :

tetir =tr:tf =!!y epe- re ipt -' efre!st M :testi:-

                                                        ' ' =f;: = 1 , = :

jd g 2. Performance of a flow test through headers and nozzles to assure

               ~                       4"                    no blockage.

GRAND GULF-UNIT 1 3/4 7-34

3. (GGNS - 152, 211, 211a, 223, 241)


   -3. Exercising each ventilation system fire dampers to the closed position and verifying the dampers move freely.

(Insert "A") Insert to page 3/4 7-34 Verifying that the system, including associated ventilation system fire damper logic, actuates automatically upon receipt of a simulated actuation signal (Actual Halon release, Halon bottle initiator valve acuation, and ' electro-thermal link burning may be excluded from the test), and GRAND GULF - UNIT 1 43/4 7-34a C63sp9

4. (GG N S - 153,23z,z'59)

TABLE i YARD FIRE HYDRANTS AND A550CIATE0 HYDRANT HOSE HOUSES Hypa%NTHOSE M pl""M LOCATION - HYDRANT NUMBER /T!a! *.!"ra iOOP 00 :: L".E !",,.";; r North Coord. East Coord. Elevation 9,616.00 10,500.00 #33 125'^" 4 WOO 21/NH00Z98 9.570.00 14h 960-99 10,2.19.00 #33 -100'0"- 4EMD023/MHb8190 9,570.00 10,012.50 #53 4E64F' 4WD024/H gbo2.9D

             " ,?^5. 00 1,79 9,00         9,979.00               #33 ne4P&'      4(M0025/HH oo29E 10,112.50                      9,753.92                133 niWP       &GWD010/HHDo19 G 9,886.00                     9.758.25                i33 nE6'4"    44WD009/Hgbo2%

9,641.00 9,766.25 133 424P6" nGWD008/HHD019 F 10,097.12 10,500.00 #33 426J4" 4WD019/HHVs2.9 T 9,871.87 10,5";. ;; 10,f 34.33 g33 liHPW 46MD020/H@o2iA 4 l I l l l GRAND GULF-UNIT 1 3/4 7-39


                                              ~ As a minimum, the fire detection instr aentation for each fire detection zone shown in Table shall be OPERABLE. APPLICABILITY: Whenever equipment protected by the fire detection instroent 1s required to be OPERABLE. l ACTION: Cith the number of OPERABLE fire detection instroents less than the Minimum Instruments, OPERABLE requirement of Table g3 g(

a. Within 1 hour, establish a fire watch patrol to inspect the zone (s) with the inoperable instrument (s) at least once per hour, unless the e instrument (s) is located inside the containmeqtyen drywel , then l inspect the primary containment at least once ptr S hours or monitor the containment pad /ee d air temperature at least once per hour at the locations listed ification;and,a.d 3.7.F.

r- stee,% hueA

b. Restore the minimum number of instruments to OPERABLE status within 14 days or, in lieu of any other report required by Specification 6.9.1, prepare and submit a Special Report to the Commission pur-svant to Specification 6.9.2 within 30 days outlining the action taken, the cause of the inoperability and t.he plans and schedule for restoring the instr oent(s) to OPERABLE status.
c. The provisions of Specifications 3.0.3 and 3.0.4 are not applicable. ,

1 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS Each of the above required fire detection instruments which are accessible during unit operation shall be demonstrated OPERABLE at least once per 6 months by performance of a CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST. Fire detectors which cre not accessible during unit operation shall be demonstrated OPERABLE by the performance of a CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST during each COLD SHUTDOWN exceeding 24 hours unless performed in the previous 6 months. The NFPA Standard 720 supervised circuits supervision associated with the detector alares of each of the above required fire detection instruments shall be demonstrated OPERABLE at least once per 6 months. GRAND GULF-UNIT 1 3/4 3-76 . e.,

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w ,wsp- w- ,- y

5. (GGNS - 6BB)


                           . AREA                                                               TEMPERATURE LIMIT (*F)


                                        .                                               NOT OPERATING                 OPERATING
a. Containment Inside Drywell 135 150 CRD Cavity 135 185 Outside Drywell 80 105 Steam Tunnel 125 125
b. Auxiliary Building General 104 104 ECCS Rooms 105 150 ESF Electrical Rooms 104 104 S % ~ Tu.ane) its las
c. Control Building E'SF Switchgear and Battery Rooms 104 104 Control Room 77 77
d. Diesel Generator Rooms 125 125'
e. SSW Pumphouse 104* 104*
         *For this area, the limit shall be the greater of 104'F or outside ambient temperature plus 20*F, not to exceed 122*F for greater than one hour.

GRAND GULF-UNIT 1 3/4 7-43 .

 -- ~                , , - - - . - - - - - - - - . - -  --,
                                                              - . , , , , , , _ , - - -    ,_ -e.+-,..,,wc.  ,  ,.n., ,,_-_.n,.      , , - - , , _ , . . . , . , . _ . - , - - - - --
6. (GG N S - 2+2.)


                                        .7.i                E. Ti vi ....                            ... ..y ; .. 7 ; . . .... . g, 11 ;,. .., ; r ;., ;; ;;;;,n ,
a. rifying the position of each closed fire door at less 24 s. ce per
b. Verifying tha ors with automatic hold- n and release mechanisms
                        ,                                      are free of obstru                             ns at least o       per 24 hours.
c. Verifying the position of locked closed fire door at least once per 7 days.
d. Verifying BILITY of the fire door sup 'sion system by perfo ' g a CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST at least o er 31 days.

Inspecting the automatic hold-open, release and closing nism i and latches at least once per 6 months. i 7* 7 E Each"of the above required fire doors shall be verified OPERABLE by l > [cs We)at least once' per 6 months, and by verifying: an inspecting the automatic hold-open, release and closing mechanism and latches (if

a. The OPERABILITY of the fire door supervision system for each electrically supervised fire door by performing a CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST at least once per 31 days.
b. That each locked-closed fire door is closed at least once per 7 days.
c. That doors with automatic hold-open and release mechanisms are free of obstructions at least once per 24 hours and perforni m e.

functional test of these mechanisms at least once per 18 months.

d. That each unlocked fire door without electrical supervision is closed at least once per 24 hours.

GRAND GULF-UNIT 1 3/4 7-41

7. (GGNS-+79,4-Bo,486)

ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMS REACTOR PROTECTION SYSTEM ELECTRIC POWER MONITORING LIMITING CtNDITION FOR OPERATION Two RPS electric power monitoring assemblies for each inservice RPS IG set or alternate power supply shall be OPERABLE. APPLICABILITY: At all times. l ACTION: i

a. With one RPS electric power monitoring assembly for an inservice RPS MG l

set or alternate power supply inoperable, restore the inoperable power monitoring system to OPERABLE status within 72 hours or remove the j associated RPS MG set or alternate power supply from service. ! b. With both RP5 electric power monitoring assemblies for an inservice RPS MG i set or alternate power supply inoperable, restore at least one electric power monitoring assembly to OPERABLE status within 30 minutes or remove the associated RPS MG set or alternate power supply from service. l SURVEILLANCE REOUIREMENTS The above specified RPS electric power monitoring assemblies shall be determined OPERABLE:

a. At least once per six months by performance of a CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST, and

, b. At least once per 18 months by demonstrating the OPERABILITY of l - over-voltage, under-voltage and under-frequency protective instrumentation by performance of a CHANNEL CALIBRATION including simulated automatic actuation of the protective relays, tripping logic and output circuit breakers and verifying the following setpoints:

1. Over-voltage 132 ^ 0, - 2.5 VA;,

E ll7 VAC

2. Under-voltage 117 4 2.5, O VA;, and 2r 67 H Z
3. Under-frequency $7 ; 2.0, -- 0 %.

GRAND CULF-UNIT 1 3/4 8-46

8 B

s. (se ws -as)

PLANT SYSTEMS SPRAY AND/OR SPRINKLER SYSTEMS LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION 01:::1 ;;n:r:t:r A, 5, ::: C = c :ti: prr ::ti:n :y:t::: " M1"Stali: A, ENsanth

                                   ' APPLICABILITY: Whenever equipment protected by the spray / sprinkler systems is required to be OPERABLE.


a. With one or more of the above required spray and/or sprinkler systems inoperable, within one hour establish a continuous fire watch with backup fire suppression equipment for those areas in which redundant i systems or components could be damaged; for other areas, establish an hourly fire watch patrol. Restore the system to OPERABLE status within 14 days or, in lieu of any other report required by Specifica-tion 6.9.1, prepare and submit a Special Report to the Commission pursuant to Specification 6.9.2 within the next 30 days outlining the action taken, the cause of the inoperability and the plans and schedule for restoring the system to OPERABLE status.
b. The provisions of Specification 3.0.3 and 3.0.4 are not applicable.

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS The above required spray and sprinkler systems shall be demonstrated OPERABLE:

a. At least once per 31 days by verifying that each valve, manual, power operated or automatic, in the flow path is in its correct position.
b. At least once per 12 months by cycling each testable valve in the flow path through at least one complete cycle of full travel.
c. At least once per 18 months:
1. By performing a system functional test which includes simulated automatic actuation of the system, and: (;g gu 6ty i a) Verifying that the automatic valvesV in the flow path actuate l to their correct positions on a test signal, and b) Cycling each valve in the flow path that is not testable during plant operation through at least one complete cycle of full travel.
2. By a visual inspection of the dry pipe spray and sprinkler headers 3 to verify their integrity. , ,

l m .een .- % GRAND GULF-UNIT 1 3/4 7-31 .

  .n--e----,-         y.w,n- - - . _ _ . , , , , - , , , . , - - , ,          ,,,,_,mm.,,,-.,-,,,,,,,             . , . , . , ,          ,,- ,_,,,-_,e,    . , , , , . , , , , , . , . , , _ _ _ _ , , _ _ , - - - - _ - , , _ . _ _
8. (ssws - ac) se.rT 3/+ 7-31 The following spray / sprinkler systems shall be operable:
a. Diesel Generator Building
1. Diesel Generator A pre-action sprinkler system 51P64D142A
2. Diesel Generator B pre-action sprinkler system 31P64D142B
3. Diesel Generator C pre-action sprinkler system WIP64D142C
b. Auxiliary Building
1. Elevation 93'/103' Northeast Corridor N1P64D150
2. Elevation 119' Northeast Corridor N1P64D151
3. Elevation 139' Northeast Corridor N1P64D152
4. Elevation 166' Northeast Corridor N1764D153 1
5. Elevation 119' West Corridor N1P64D158
6. Elevation 139' West Corridor N1P64D159 C. Control Building
1. Elevation 148' Lower Cable Room N1P64D154
2. Elevation 189' Upper Cable Room 51P64D155
3. E le.13 ' N/P6+oi+o 1

D. Fire. %p Hou.u. NS P6&ol% A/B

                                                               *L. (G G MS - X O*h ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 6.5.2 SAFETY REVIEW COMMITTEE (SRC)

FUNCTION The SRC shall function to provide independent review and audit of designated activities in the areas of:

a. nuclear power plant operations
b. puclear engineering
c. qhemistryandradiochemistry
d. 14etallurgy
e. .i'nstrumentation and control
f. radiological safety
g. mechanical and electrical engineering
h. quality assurance practices COMPOSITION The SRC shall be composed of_the:

I y:.9: .:AsF.dadt trt Vf:: - Nas. tear"r::te:rt f:r M :1:: Fr:d::ti:F Chairman: . l Member: Manager of Nuclear Plant Engineering Member: Manager of Quality Assurance Member: ": :;;:r Of Sy t- N92- @r : tier:, Middle South Services, Inc. L es d h Member: Nuclear Plant Manager

  • Du'.DJd Member: Manager of Nuclear Services hmGEA oF bADroboGac.h M gp Nember' Care : M M::1th Th iai;i:t %Envrnenneurai Sewces Principal Engineer, Operations Analysis Og _MemberM: Advisor to the t:i:t:rt Vice-PresidentgNuclear Op...M . a Member W er more Tgadditional voting members shall be consultants to Mississippi Power and Light Company consistent with the recommendations of the Advisory Committee en Reactor Safeguards letter, Mark to Palladino dated October 20, 1981.

The SRC members shall hold a Bachelor's degree in an engineering or physical ! science field or equivalent experience and a minimum of five years of technical l experience of which a minimum of three years shall be in one or more of the l disciplines of through h. In the aggregate, the membership of the committee shall provide specific practical experience in the majority of the disciplines of through h. , ALTERNATES All alternate members shall be appointed in writing by the SRC Chairman to serve on a temporary basis; however, no more than two alternates shall participate as voting members in SRC activities at any one time. gg; 3 l $ GRAND GULF-UNIT 1 6-9

fo . (Cr&NS-305,745$ ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMS . SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS Each of the above req'uired independent circuits between the offsite transmission network and the onsite Class 1E distribution system shall be:

a. Determined OPERABLE at least once per 7 days by verifying correct breaker alignments and indicated power availability, and
b. Demonstrated OPERABLE at least once per 18 months during shutdown by transferring, manually 4 .d ::t r tic: 11, 5 unit power supply from the 4

normal circuit to the alternate circuit. Each of the above required diesel generators shall be demonstrated OPERABLE:

a. In accordance with the frequency specified in Table on a STAGGERED TEST BASIS by:
1. Verifying the fuel level in the day tank.

Verifying the fuel level in the fuel storage tank. 2.

3. Verifying the fuel transfer piamp starts and transfers fuel from the storage system to the day tank.

4 Verifying the diesel starts from ambient condition and accelerates to at least 441 rpm for diesel generators 11 and 12 and 882 rpm ' for diesel generator 13 in less than or equal to 10 seconds. The generator voltage and frequency shall ty 4160 t 416 volts and

     -                      60 2 1.2 Hz within 10 seconds after th( start signal. The diesel                                     ,

generator shall be started for this test by using one of the i following signals: a) Manual. b) Simulated loss of offsite power by itself. c) Simulated loss of offsite power in conjunction with an ESF actuation test signal. d) An ESF actuation test signal by itself.

5. Verifying the diesel generator is synchronized, loaded to greater 700C) snan or equal tog 50& kW for diesel generators 11 andl 12 and to 60 seconds,
                 .iMbp1656kWfordieselgenerator13inlessthanorsquaand operates with
6. Verifying the diesel generator is aligned to provide standby power to the associated emergency busses.
7. Verifying the pressure in all diesel generator air start receivers to be greater than or equal to:

a) 160 psig for diesel generator 11 and 12, and " b) 175 psig for diesel generator 13.

b. At L 'st once per 31 days and after each operation of the diesel where the feriod of operation was greater than or equal to I hour by checking for and removing accumulated water from the day fuel tanks. ,

l GRAND GULF-UNIT 1 3/4 8-3 ,

                                           ,,,...,___,_-,__,,,_,n_                          , ,,,.,,   _ ,-. ,, _ _ _ _ . _-
11. (GG N S - 75% 540 d . TABLE
            -4 @


             )#    d                                                         CHANNEL         CHANNEL
       ,p I                              INSTRUMENT                            CHECK       CALIBRATION o           i 9d             1. Reactor Vessel Pressure                      M               R f
    ,y { f,,                2. Reactor Vessel Water Level                   M               R il #         d             3. Suppression Pool Water Level                 M               R
     -                      4. Suppression Pool Water Temperature           M               R y$o
   . ,                              5. Drywell/ Containment Differential Pressure                                     M               R 1              3 r          .3        6. Drywell Pressure                             M               R
  • s. j
7. Drywell and Control Rod Cavity Temperature M R
   ' g % (*


     'G * s s.            8. Containment Hydrogen Concentration ts'h d

Analyzer and Monitor NA M [* ,' y 9

9. Drysell Hydrogen Concentration Analyzer
    -3*$'9a [W                     and Monitor                                  NA          M [*
   ' 2 [ % , 10.                   Containment Pressure                         M                R l
   .f4 4 _sy :f             11. Containment Air Temperature                     M                R
   ;et ,! # $ 12. Safety / Relief Valve Tail Pipe Pressure
   ,.d j<g                         Switch Position Indicators                   M                R       ,

I 13. Containment /Drywell Area Monitors M R** c6  %

       ,,1       -j h 14.          Containment Ventilation Monitor              M                R to Y#       4 2 } dj 2
15. Off gas and Radwaste Bldg. Ventilation Monitor M R Ug[k Fuel Handling Area Ventilation Monitor o 16. M R
              .s         e-
17. Turbine 81dg. Ventilation Monitor M R


18. Standby Gas Treatment System A & B 4 Exhaust Monitors M R g

I "Using sample gas containing: $

a. One volume percent hydrogen, remainder nitrogen.
b. Four volume percent hydrogen, remainder nitrogen.

( L - GRAND GULF-UNIT 1 3/4 3-72


                 .E D                                                           CHANNEL          CHANNEL
           , p *I                           . INSTRUMENT                              CHECK         CALIBRATION o              f 98              1. Reactor Vossal Pressure                         M                 R f
        ;.8 { f,                 2. Reactor Vessel Water Level                      M                 R i                 8           3. Suppression Pool Water Level                    M                 R
        -                        4. Suppression Pool Water Temperature              M                 R
5. Drywell/ Containment Differential
      . $ 4 "o                         Pressure                                        M                 R 1                 3 g              j       6. Drywell Pressure                                M                 R 8 i. .I               7. Drywell and Control Rod
' g % '-
      ' -                              Cavity Temperature                              M                 R Vo Ws.'ha
  • 8. Containment Hydrogen Concentration Analyzer and Monitor NA M [* ," g
        -$j                       9. Drysell Hydrogen Concentration Analyzer
         }-6.p u es and' Monitor                                    NA            M [*

2 f , 10. Containment Pressure M R

11. Containment Air Temperature M R
      . g & .gs $

i ac j d i 12. Safety / Relief Valve Tail Pipe Pressure

      ,.d jc g                         Switch Position Indicators                      M                  R         q I 13. Containment /Drywell Area Monitors                  M                  R**


           ,J          c- # #p 14. Containment Ventilation Monitor                     M                  R i

W 2 # I 8$ j 15. Off gas and Radwaste Bldg. Ventilation J Monitor jx h.y 4 .. ) M R M R U g.s {.n o16. Fuel Handling Area Ventilation Monitor

17. Turbine 81dg. Ventilation Monitor M R

{ g 18. Standby Gas Treatment System A & B g Exhaust Monitors M R i i .J "Using sample gas containing: $ i a. One volume percent hydrogen, remainder nitrogen. ( -

b. Four volume percent hydrogen, remainder nitrogen.

GRAND GULF-UNIT 1 3/4 3-72


       .                 .                                                                                                                          l 1


2. IfthEinoperablecontrolrod(s)isinserted,withinonehour disarm the associated directional control valves ** either: .

a) Electrically, or b) Hydraulically by closing the drive water and exhaust water isolation valves. Otherwise, be in at least HOT SHUTDOWN within the next 12 hours.

3. L prou.m 4 sp cos. 3.o.+ .c t . ppm. bt . l
c. With more than 8 control rods inoperable, be in at least HOT SHUTDOWN within 12 hours.

1 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS ,' The scram discharge volume drain and vent valves shall be demonstrated OPERABLE by:

a. At least once per 31 days verifying each valve to be open,* and
b. At least once per 92 days cycling each valve through at least one complete cycle of full travel. When above the low power setpoint of the RPCS, all withdrawn control rods not required to have their directional control valves disarmed electrically or hydraulically shall be demonstrated OPERABLE by moving each control rod at least one notch:

a. At least once per 7 days, and
b. At least once per 24 hours when any control rod is immovable as a result of excessive friction or mechanical interference. All control rods shall be demonstrated OPERABLE by perfonsance of Surveillance Requirements,, and

                          "These valves may be closed intermittently for testing under ahinistrative controls.                                                                                        .

an . May be redrmed intermittently, under shinistrative control, to permit testing associated with restoring the control rod to OPERABLE status. GRAND GULF-UNIT 1 3/4 1-4

  • f
13. (GG N S - 79 2.)

REACTIVITY CONTROL SYSTEMS SURVEILLANCERE0dIREMEilTS(Continued) The"-scram discharge volume shall be determined OPERABLE by demonstrating:

  • The scram discharge volume drain and vent valves OPERABLE, when control rods are scram tested from a normal control rod configuration of less tnan or equal to 50% ROD DENSITY at least once per 18 months, by verifying that the drain and vent valves:
1. Close within 30 seconds after receipt of a signal for cent.rol rods to scram, and
2. Openwhenthe[$ e o
                                      +) CScram signal is reset.                                        $       j
 -                                                                                                            0I t) Trip :i;;n:' i: typ::::d.                                           g
b. Proper level sensor response by performance of a CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST of the scram discharge volume scram and control rod block level instrumentation at least once per 31 days.

i l r l ..

                                                                      +.o.+.c. a ge uw
            #'rW:p u. , a s,.:.s s:.                           re.3wice.~. t is gros.asa p ri e'r t o         % saeveilla,acse.S c.sedig 107. 69 R ATE GRAND GULF-UNIT 1                               3/4 1-5


          . Secondary containment is designed to minimize any ground level release of radioactive mater.ial which may result from an accident. The Auxiliary Building and Enclosure Bui1 ding provide secondary containment during nomal operation when the containment is sealed and in service. When the reactor is in COL!)

SHUTDOWN or REFUELING, the containment may be open and the Auxiliary Buifding and Enclosure Building then become the.only containment. Establishing and maintaining a vacuum in the Auxfliary Building and Enclo-sure Building with the standby gas treatment system once per 18 months, along with the surveillance of the doors, latches, dampers and valves, is adequate to ensure that there are no violations of the integrity of the secondary containment. l The OPERABILITY of the standby gas treatment systems ensures that suffi-cietit iodine removal capability will be available in the event of a LOCA. The reduction-in containment iodine inventory reduces the resulting site boundary I radiation doses associated with containment leakage. sThe operation of this ! system and resultant iodine removal capacity are consistent with the assumptians used in the LOCA analyses. Cumulative operation of the system with the heaters OPERABLE for 10 hours over a 31 day period is sufficient to rsduce the buildup of moisture on the absorbers and HEPA filters. ~ l 3/4.6.7 ATMOSPHERE CONTROL i The OPERABILITY of the systems required for the detection and control of hydrogen gas ensures that these systems will be available to maintain the hydro-gen concentration within the containment below its flammable limit during post-LOCA conditions. The hydrogen recombiner and the hydrogen ignition systems are capable of controlling the expected hydrogan generation associated with (1) zirconium-water reactions, (2) radiolytic decomposition of water and (3) corrosion of metals within containment. , Two 100% drywell purge systems are the primary means of He control within the drywell purging hydrogen produced following a LOCA into the containment volume. Hydrogen generated from the metal-water reaction and radiolysis is assumed to evolve to the drywell atmosphere and form a homogenous mixture through natural forces and mechanical turbulence (ECCS pipe break flow). The l drywell purge system forces drywell atmosphere through the horizontal ve.nts I and into the containment and as a result no bypass path exists The hydrogen control system is consistent with the recommendations of Regulatory Guide 1.7, " Control of Combustible Gas Concentrations in Containment Following a LOCA", March 1971. The operability of at least 41 of 45 ignitors in either ftydrogen ignition subsystem will maintain an effective coverage throughout the containment and drywell. Each subsystem of ignitors will initiate contiustion of any sig- , nificant amo~unt of hydrogen released after a_ degraded core accident. This. system will ensure burning in a controlled manner as the hydrogen is released instead of allowing it to be ignited at high concentrations by a randon'igni-tion source.

     % sures lla.,ee fusrly he var l.h,y 5,Jr );ss;yat,' , % g,. sr .)L y                                                    g,,

Mat a T sysra n w1a,s ig pa,f,,mj y, ok e n val <m. e e selH. AN tr Msw -197s A rha. n uup n of **

  • 7:o pannd ha, , macl , s. 5 7, ,,,,,a.x GRAND GULF-UNIT 1 8 3/4 6-5 rAare Lafa - a crita,la 47.G h sv.2.3.
14. C&GNS -8 7)
   ,         ,                    3/4.7 PLANT SYSTEMS

( BASES 3/4.7.1 SERVICE WATER SYSTEMS The OPERABILITY of the service water systems ensures that sufficient cooling capacity is available for continued operation of safety-related equipment during . normal and accident conditions. The redundant cooling capacity of these systems, r assuming a-single failure, is consistent with the assumptions used in the accident conditions within acceptable limits. i 3/4.7.2 CONTROL ROOM EMERGENCY FILTRATION SYSTEM ! The OPERABILITY of the control room emergency filtration system ensures ! that the control room will remain habitable for operations personnel during and following all design basis accident conditions. Cumulative operation of the system for 10 hours with the heaters OPERABLE over a 31 day period is ( sufficient to reduce the buildup of moisture on the adsorbers and HEPA I filters.- The OPERABILITY of this system in conjunction with control room l design provisions is based on limiting the radiation exposure to personnel occupying the control room to 5 rem or less whole body, or its equivalent. This limitation is consistent with the requirements of General Design Criteria l 19 of Appendix "A", 10 CFR Part 50. 3/4.7.3 REACTOR CORE ISOLATION COOLING SYSTEM The reactor coresisolation cooling (RCIC) system is provided to assure adequate core cooling in the event of reactor isolation from its primary heat sink and the loss of feedwater flow to the reactor vessel without requiring actuation of any of the Emergency Core Cooling System equipment. The RCIC system is conservatively required to be OPERABLE whenever reactor pressure exceeds 135 psig even though the LPCI mode of the residual heat removal (RHR) system provides adequate core cooling up to 225 psig. The RCIC system specifications are appifcable during OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS 1, 2 and 3 when reactor vessel pressure exceeds 135 psig because RCIC is the primary non-ECCS source of emergency core cooling when the reactor is pressurized. With the RCIC system inoperable, adequate core cooling is assured by the OPERABILITY of the HPCS system and justifies the specified 14 day out-of-service period. - The surveillance requirements provide adequate assurance that RCICS will be OPERA 8LE when required. Although all active components are testable and full flow can be demonstrated by recirculation during reactor operation, a complete. functional test requires reactor shutdown. The pump discharge piping i is maintained full to prevent water hammer damage and to start cooling at the carliest possible moment. The, 4.c su,rvaittnsa.te.stre$~fe, ss c..ztr.\ R.a- vari.fy lay be.& =Ussin d on

                              -               N FM%e.n 5sw                                                    s Ses***d from msd r., Aws$                                           Dsio -n is As w.uses                     . w..ek. rak
                                                                                                                                                                   . .fJ ec.c L.ocs sf t, iks 6 % cu,cc an't p kss s b l a n c e.                                                     %
                                             .citsc h .5 s...m . g +.z,3               i

, GRAND GULF-UNIT 1 6 3/4 7-1 **V. i

       - - - - - - - - _ _ _ - - - - _ _                   ,w  .-- ,_ _.,-,-,.n  _ n.,       . . . , , . . , _ . - - - , , , , .          ,.m-,-,_,,__,             -,,,-,,-,,n---,-           - - _ . ,


a. Reactor Vessel k%ter level - Low, Low, Level 2 4g 1, 2, 3 33 l
b. Oryuell Pressure - High Mr# # 2j)) 1, 2. 3, 48, 58 31 ,
c. Reactor Vessel Water Level-High, Level 8 1, 2, 3, 4*, 5* 34
d. Condensate Storage Tank Level-tow 2(d) 2 1, 2, 3, 4*, 5* 34 l e. Suppression Pool Wate/ Level-High 1/ system 1, 2, 3, 4* , 5* 32
f. Manual Initiation , M M l

! D. LC55 0F POWER

1. Division 1 and 2 4 1, 2, 3, 4**, 5** 30 l R* a. 4.16 kV Bus Undervoltage

{ (Loss of Voltage) 4 1, 2, 3, 4**, 5** 30

Y 4.16 kV pus Undervoltage l M b.

(809 Load Shed) 4 1, 2, 3, 4**, 5** 30 g l 4.16 kV Bus Undervoltage ,g l c. (Oegraded Voltage)  % l Division 3 4**, 5** 30 D

2. 4 1, 2, 3, i

l a. 4.'ifkV Bus Eulervoltage g l (Loss of Voltage) b Ial's chenrel myTm placed in an inoperable status for up to 2 hours during periods of required surveillance wittwet placing the trip system in the tripped condition previded at least one  % other OPERABLE channel in tim same trip systou is monitoring that parameter. N eq ! (b) AlsoPrevides actuates the associated divisten diesel generator. signal to close HPCS pump discharge valve only. \/ l (c) l (d) Provides signal to HPCS pump suction valves only. - , (e) One out-of-two taken. A,9 15 cable when the systas is required to be'OPFRROLE per Specification 3.5.2 or 3.5.3. l

  • l
            "*      Required when ESF equipment is required *a se OPERABLE.

Mot required to be OPERABLE when reactor steam dame pres *vre isoS less%than or equal gI y 135 i 9 utet rks rewt s:oo e4' q= st:<. 4;oa 4.0.q ue. sd n.

e  % 4er L poc h en i :s per r.r eg ,,

sea..n ac. A+ egate.s v t. opemq pray:4.a L, urw:st.,4pr ,.su <= : s. 54 9..:t. t, y, f , %teit; 5( w:n.w iI k.ves, //,,re +.c sfe % -, l .. _ .-- .. _

15. G6 Ais-n r5 TABLE 3.3.3 1 (Continued?

IMERCENCY CORE COO *.ING SYSTEM ACWATION INSTRUMENTATION NOTATION Hf Until restart after the first refueling outage, the following note shall apply: with indicatad reactor vessel vatar level on the wide range instrument above the Level 8 setpoint, and the reacter pressure less than 1025 peig, the injection function of Drywell Pressure:-High and Manual Initiaticn are not required to be OPERABLE. t 5 l l l t I l l l l 1 I l GhAND C'JI,F - UNIT 1 3/4 3-26a



     ,-   TRIP FINICTION                                 CHECK          TEST          CAllBIL4T!0N   SURVEILLANCE REQUIRED l'

E Z . 6 (Crntinued) B. DIVIsTUR 2 TRIP SYSTEM TRIP SYSTEM "B"# 11ATION SYSTEM ' e a. Reactor Vessel Water Level - Low Low Low, Level 1 M 1,2,3

b. Drywell Pressure-High S

S M Rf* R* 1,2,3 l

c. A05 Timer NA M Q 1, 2, 3 l d. Reactor Vessel Water Level -

! Low, Level 3 S M RI *) 1, 2, 3

e. LPCI Pump 8 and C Discharge R(,)

x Pressure-High 5 1, 2, 3 9

f. Manual Initiation MA f( Jt. MA 1, 2, 3 C. DIVISION 3 TRIP SYSTEM " @e i R*
a. Reactor Vessel Water Level -

RI ") Y Low Low, Level 2 5 M 1, 2, 3, 4*, 5" M b. Drywell Pressure-High ## 5 M R 1,2,3 i l 1,2,3,48, 5* i c. Reactor Vessel Water S M R I Level-High, Level 8

d. Condensate Storage Tank
;                             Level - Low                   S           M                      Rg ,) 1, 2, 3, 4*, 5*
e. Suppression Pool Water RI ")

l Level - High S M 1, 2, 3, 4*, 5* l , j f. Manual Initiation -# W!h NA NA 1, 2, 3, 4*, 5" g k-i i D. LOSS OF POWER

1. Division 1 and 2 1, 2, 3, 4**, 5**


a. 4.16 kV Bus Undervoltage NA M R i (Loss of Voltage)
b. 4.16 kV Bus Undervoltage NA M R 1, 2, 3, 4**, 5**

(BOP Load Shed) N c- 4.16 kV Bus Undervoltage NA M R 1, 2, 3, 4**, 5** (Degraded Voltage) . 4

2. Division 3
a. 4.16 kV Bus Undervoltage NA NA R 1, 2, 3, 48*, 5** h

]j (Loss of Voltage) i k s


15.(GGus-rzs0 s .

 ,,                                                           TABLE (Continued)

EMERGENCY CORE COOLING SYSTEM ACTUATION INSTRUMENTATION SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS NOTATION i Not required to be OPERABLE when reactor steam done pressure is less than g or equal to 135 psig. e M g g A ennthe system

li;r:d, is required
:;;1f::b!:, per to be OPERABLE, Specification 3.5.2e :fterorh 3.5.3 fng r re?'y S'
  • w]
               **       Required when ESF equipment is required to be OPERABLE.                                                                                 ?

(a) Calibrate trip unit at least once per 31 days. b ual initiation switches shall be tested at least once per 18 montV[ dur n down. All other circuitry associated with manual ation shall receive NEL FUNCTIONAL TEST at least o 1 days as a ic system actuation. [ part of circuitry req to be tested for 3 ication of the OPERABILITY of e (c) Manual initiation test shall 3 the LPCS and LPCI injectio in . P i (d) This calibration s onsist of the CHANNE RATION of the LPCS and LPCI inje alve interlocks with the interlock se verified to be

                         <                     ig.
               ## udt;l rest =ct #t e h -V:,st ,Jott                                   oh.3 -the follooie -

sb=0 app \g: .u;% o m hed ceAc c vesse.'l watee leve h aide c age testrumed above -ths. Leve\ s sity;d,.ed tke. re. doc presswee. /sss 1%% /c25 psT3 , the !$*dao b di, # a M u Im dr., Dr3w itPmou.r.s-m3L is a d t v. p h s d t c. lo4. cPERABLE. l GRANO GULF-UNIT 1 3/4 2-33


             *                                                                                                           $5,(66YS~%2$)
     ' '                                        af0TJ:
                                                         "T SCALE W INCHES                                WA71R LEVEL NOMENCLATURE ASOVE VESSEL EERO DGEDOMT ABOVE VESSEL RERQ          READING           g LEVEL NO.                Einshool p           eneheel A WD=   -                                                                                               l
                                                        ~                                           et                     38.5                  B.5 m                      EF3.7                 67 M)                     W.7                   B.7 m)                     Sea.4                  11.


                                                              -                                     g)                     St.4                 41.8 WESSEL til                    mL7                 50.3

( _PLANGE_w TED- - D~648 - MAIN M

                                                              =WE.8 51 t                                                         + #" -                     5          --                   ""
                                                              .srs.7 m
  • a.5
                                                                                                                        .7      m -Ni ALARM E" E                                                          M.1       g3 -LO ALARM BOTTOM OF,M .g s sg.)
                                       --:gm,y;, - ..ggyi,~su f ,                                 -.--.                        .
                                           = = =u            . ., .. m WAN                                                     - - . ,.. m
                                                             -47sJ         sP y                      mmATE RCaC. AND MPcs. Trip rec Rc me- -                                         pumps 4-                               age-  -                                                               '
                                                             -32.7 nl g

go.,esosa 3TM1AT RMR. LPCS AND START DitstL . JL CONTalBUTE TO A.D.S. AND CLost Msiv s 30- - ACTIVE PUEL

                                                                                                # 3a. jt,ve.l s'aeUcade' ens get
                          '                                                      II                                                                         '

aisa 20=" "# REcAc c u dor coole # d u $T3'i t'vt.

                                                                                              'lL. ;.dhm A c=\;krdt.'. s nee:Re uc      ma         ~"#~# moz      **$Y'              a.c     . d e.            to bc e st wer_wed ncgT           iso.  -

at g d.'a (c.tsd)

c oE.hs. Th. lav.\ re.c
                                                       ,,,,, .                                ' t low pr 55 ac s /+ 9.r.Les3
s wasa s3 %* S6.'r3 l An.1 3 .:s -k:a c6t.ets h mess eV wol.At aloovs %t.
                                                                                              /ow.c t=p , d ^*1 bd?cd*d
- l=< e\ . .


            . _ ~ .. _ . _ -- . - - _-- - _

I 3/4 3'7

                                                                        -. - .. __ . . .                 . - _ -.-..-                     - - - _ . - - .}}