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Thirty-First Annual Progress Rept of Tx A&M Univ Nuclear Science Ctr, for Period of 940101-1231
Person / Time
Site: 05000128
Issue date: 12/31/1994
From: Okelly S, Reece W
95-0121, 95-121, NUDOCS 9504100157
Download: ML20082D552 (19)




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31 March 1995  ;

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 95-0121 i ATTN: Document Control Desk  :

Washington, D.C. 20555 ,


Annual Report  :


Facility Operating License R-83, Docket 50-128  :

Dear Sir,

Attached you will find the Texas A&M Nuclear Science Center 1994 Annual Report. Please contact me if you have any questions.  ;

Respectfully sub itted, .

( /  :

Sean O'Kel y i Assistant Director 1 SOK/ss Attachment ,

xc: 12110/ Central File 11410/ Annual Report ,

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800nLs 9504100157 94123g RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT FOR MANKIND q0 t

t PDR ADOCK 0500012e Or

2. ..;.  ;






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i Texas Engineering Experiment Station Texas A&M University System ,l College Station, Texas

  • I January 1, 1994  ;

.Through .

December 31, 1994 .i:

i i

Prepared by l

.i 4 ,

4. D. Reece, Director i

March 27, 1995 l 3

I w ,

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I. Introduction The Nuclear Science Center (NSC) is operated by the Texas

' Engineering Experiment Station (TEES) as a service to the Texas A&M University System (TAMU) and the State of Texas. The Nuclear Science Center reactor and laboratories are available to students, researchers, faculty and staff from Texas A&M University, other colleges and universities, government agencies, and private industry. .

The Nuclear Science Center is comprised of a 1 Megawatt TRIGA reactor operating under license by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory ,

Commission (NRC); license R-83 currently extends through March, 2003. The nuclear fuel for the reactor is provided by the U.S.

Department of Energy (DOE) under contract #DE-AC05-76ERO4207 i (formerly EY-76-C-05-4207).

II. REACTOR USE The NSC reactor operated for 1924 hours0.0223 days <br />0.534 hours <br />0.00318 weeks <br />7.32082e-4 months <br /> in 1994 for a total integrated power of 76.8 MW-days. During this period, 610 requests for reactor services were fulfilled. These requests are classified as either Academic Use, Internal Research, External Research, or Commercial activities. Academic Use provides '

services for primary, secondary and higher education programs in the form of educational laboratories or research in pursuit of advance degrees. Internal Research provides services to TAMU system basic research. External Research provides access to the reactor facilities by other colleges or universities, government i agencies and non-profit institutions for basic research.

Commercial work is also performed for private firms in support of research and production.

The Department of Energy provides funding to the NSC under the Reactor Sharing Program to provide no cost or low cost access to researchers and teachers from outside the Texas A&M University System. The state of Texas provides direct funding to give access to all Texas academic and governmental agencies at reduced costs. Commercial firms are charged at full recovery rates for research and isotope production in accordance with published service fee schedules.

The reactor was used by students, faculty and staff from 7 departments at Texas A&M University. Access was also provided to the faculty and students from 11 other educational institutions during this year. Escorted tours were provided to 3,310 visitors during 1994. A summary listing of the NSC users is provided in the attached Tables 1-3:


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-Nuclcar science Center Table'l'  ;

Commercial Account Listing-  !


. Company / Institution User Name AAE/BCS Traders Mr..Helmut Eimmermann j

, s

Arco' Exploration'& Production Technology Mr. Steven Bergman-


.Ccrdinal Survey Company Mr. George Newman  !

Donalick Analytical Mr. Raymond Donelick {

FRAC-MATE LTD. Mr. Cam Carlson- ,

'Hughes Aircraft Company Dr. Ron Hart IcoTag Mr. Fred'Calaway Icotech Laboratories Mr. Lynn Williams Louisiana State University Dr. Ron Knaus-  ;

r M.D. Anderson, University of Texas Cancer Mr. Tim Ochran M:;thodist Hospital Dr. William Cole {

I Poretics Corporation Mr. Greg Stasny i

Protechnics/Spectratek Mr. Mike Brewer' i Schlumberger Well Services Mr. J.F. Poupeau  ;

Stanford University, Dept of Geology' Mr. Trevor A. Dumitru .l Tsxas Instruments Corporation Mr. Joe Keenan f Tracer Services Ltd. Mr. Norman Seely  ;

Tracerco Mr. Dave Bucior'  ;

Tru-Tec Division Mr. Chuck Winfield f TruTag Systems Mr. Wade Hutchinson i

University of California, LANL Mr. Archie Velarde i


!Nucidar Science Center. Table 2 ,

TexOc Academic Accounts l

'i i

Company / Institution User Name  !

Department of Anthropology Dr. Harry J. Schafer  !

N.E./405/REECE- Dr. W. D. Reece l

N.E./606/REECE Dr. W. D. Reece i

N.E./691/ PARISH Dr.. Parish ,

TAMU, College of GeoSciences, Oceanography Dept Dr. Paul Boothe TAMU, College of Sci, Dept of Animal Science Dr. Ellis  !

TAMUS, College of Eng, Dept of Nuclear Engineering Dr. W. D.'Reece TAMUS, College of Science, Dept of Chemistry Dr. Marvin Rowe l TAMUS, College of Eng, Dept of Nuclear Engineering Dr. John Poston  ;

TAMUS, College of Eng, Dept'of Nuclear Engineering Dr. Ted Parish  :

.i TAMUS, College of Eng, Dept of Nuclear Engineering. Dr. Yassin Hassan TAMUS, College of Eng, Dept of Nuclear Engineering Dr. Wesley Bolch


Department of Anthropology (Archeology) Dr. David L. Carlson l Department of Archeology Dr. Don. Hamilton'  !

Department of Geology & Geophysics Dr. Thomas T. Tieh j Horticultural Sciences Department Dr. Edward L. McWilliams 'I i

Ocean Drilling Program (Coll. of Geosciences) Dr. James F. Allen j l

Soil & Crop Sciences / Dept. Of Agriculture Dr. Richard H. Loeppert  ;

TAMU, College of A&LS, Dept of Animal Science Dr. William Ellis


TAMU, College of Geosciences, Dept of Geology Dr. John Spang TAMU, College of Geosciences, Dept of Physics Dr. Eugene Barasch t

9 3 l l


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aNucidar' Science' Center Table 2 .;

T,2xto Aca'demic Accounts ~

l Company / Institution User Name =

-TAMU,. College of Sci, CCCA' Dr. Dennis James  !


' TAMU, College of Sci, Dept of Chemistry Dr. O..M. Bockrisi

.l1 TAMU, College of Sci, Dept of Physics Dr. Eugene Barasch l TAMU, College of Vet Med, Dept of Physio & Pharm Dr. Sheri Keele ~j TAMUS, College of Eng, Dept of Nuclear Engineering Dr. John Wagner ]

TAMUS, College of Eng, Dept of Nuclear Engineering Dr. Ted Parish .;


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-iEucicar' science Center ' Table.3 q IExternal1 Academic and Research~ Accounts W

I l Company / Institution User Name i i

<  ?

' Louisiana State University Dr. Ron Knaus-  !

~j McLennan Community College' Mr. Don Tatum  ;


~ Miami University Dr. Kevin Crowley j N:w Mexico Technical College Dr. Phillip Kyle i R3 actor Tours-DOE Funded Various

-t Sam Houston State University Dr. Bill Covington ,

Southern Methodist University Dr. Shari Kelley f

'l Stanford Univ., Dept of Geology, Research Dr. Trevor Dumitru. r


Texas State Technical College Ms. Georgia Martinif ~)

.U.S. Dept of Agriculture Dr. Al Hollister .!

Univ of Houston, Inst For Beam Particle Dynamics Dr. Roy Weinstein

Univ of Texas At Austin, Dept of Geological-Scie Dr. Mark Cloos j

I Univ Of Texas At El Paso Dr. Elizabeth Anthony  !

' University of' Houston, Thermochronology Lab Dr. Peter Copeland ,

i . i University of Southwest Louisiana Dr. John Meriwether j i

"Naw Mexico Technical College Dr. Matt Heizler '


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. l III. FACILITY AND PROCEDURE CHANGES In accordance with the requirements of 10CFR50.59, changes to the facility and procedures were reviewed and documented. During 1993 no changes were performed that required additional safety ,

analysis or changes to the Technical Specifications. The following changes and experiments were implemented as not representing an unreviewed safety question, and not increasing the probability of an accident previously analyzed in the Safety Analysis Report.

A. Facility Modifications Date MA No. Facility Modification 8/94 43 Radioactive Material Warning Lights ,

8/94 44 Modification of Security Alarm System -

B. Procedure Chances l No procedures contained in the SAR were changed. A complete revision of the Emergency Plan and the Security Plan were reviewed and approved by the Reactor Safety Board. The changes in the plans did not reduce the effectiveness of either plan.

  • r C. Experiment Authorizations Date EA No. Experiment 12/94 24 Lanthanum Gamma Source .,


All required maintenance as set forth in the Technical Specifications was performed annually, semi-annually, or weekly as required. Pre-startup checklists are performed daily prior to reactor operation to assure reactor facility readiness. ,

V. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION SURVEILLANCE The Technical Specification requirements for maintenance and surveillance were completed for all required channels as follows:

A. Calibrations

. Fuel Element Temperature Measuring Channel Linear Power Channel Log Power Channel High Power (Safety) Channels 6


1 Area Radiation Monitoring Channels B. Compliance Testina Control rod worth, and time measurements were performed in l January, 1994. Total rod worth was measured at $16.49; providing a shutdown margin of $3.32. The rod scram time is within the Technical Specification limit of 1.2 seconds. The maximum l allowable pulse reactivity insertion is $2.09 for Core VIII-A as -

determined by a pulse test program. An administrative limit of

$1.90 is imposed for pulse operations.

The power level (linear) channel was calibrated by the calorimetric method on 01/18/94. The pulse measuring channel was calibrated on 02/18/94. Pulse operation parameters are verified semi-annually by pulsing the reactor for comparison of pulse energy and fuel temperature to previous pulse operation values.

Twenty-one fuel elements were inspected in January 1994. All elements satisfied the inspection criteria.

The reactivity worth for each experiment was measured or estimated before initially performing an experiment. The most reactive ($0.98) fixed experiments are the East Face Stone Irradiator Boxes.

C. Readiness Review and Emeroency Plannina A review of the NSC security plan and emergency plan was conducted by the NSC staff on 8/18/94 and by the Reactor Safety Board on 8/21/94. The annual facility evacuation drill and staff emergency response was conducted on 6/2/94. A review of the NSC ALARA program was conducted by the Office of Radiological Safety on 7/26/94.

VI. REACTOR OPERATIONS A. Availability The NSC reactor operates 3 days a week from 0800 to 1700 and 2 days a week from 0800 to 2300 hours0.0266 days <br />0.639 hours <br />0.0038 weeks <br />8.7515e-4 months <br />. Performance statistics for calendar year 1994 are as follows:

Number of Days Reactor Operated - 192 Reactor Operation (MW-Days) - 76.8 Number of Hours at Steady State - 1924 Average Number of Operating Hours Per Week - 37.0 Total Number of Pulses - 17 7

i l


- js- l

- j Number of Irradiations - 601' -1 Beam. Port Experiment-Hours - 69.6-1 Irradiation Cell Experiment-Hours.- 4.2' j Number of Visitors - 3,549 f 1

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B'. Unscheduled Shutdowns j A total of 5 unscheduled shutdowns occurred during 1994. The-unscheduled shutdowns were caused by the following:

Loss of Facility Electrical Power -

5 occurrences J

C. Reportable Occurrences There were no reportable occurrences.  ;

VII. ADMINISTRATION The reporting structure and reactor organizational requirements j are contained in the Technical Specifications. The complete i Nuclear Science Center organization is identified in chart format t below.

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VIII. HEALTH PHYSICS SURVEILLANCES fA dedicated Health Physics group is maintained at the NSC reactor facility as an integral'part of the line organization.

Additional support is provided, upon request, by the TAMU Office of Radiological Safety.

A. Radioactive Shiomenta The Health Physica's monitoring and technical support-that was provided in 1994, assured minimal, hazard exposure as well as state and federal regulation compliance during sample handling, shipment of radioactive material, and normal reactor operation.

During 1994, there were 373 radioactive material shipments of' which 72 were sent to various departments on the campus of Texas A&M.

B. Personnel Monitorina Personnel Monitoring was provided to 45 NSC employees. All radiation exposure to personnel was below the limit set forth in 10CFR20. Three individuals did receive greater than 10% of the annual, maximum exposure. Their exposures were: 550, 620, and 790 mrem. A total of 5.17 man-rem was recorded for 1994.

During 1994, 3;549 visitors. toured the Nuclear Science Center.

Minimal exposures were measured with film badges worn by these visitors.

Both, NSC employees and visitors wore TLDs that were provided by Landauer, an accredited supplier. Landauer also provided the analysis reports of the exposure received.

C. Facility Monitorina Surveys of the Nuclear Science Center facilities were performed to assess radiological hazards to NSC workers. Radiation levels and sources of radioactive contamination were frequently monitored. Approximately 350 smear samples were collected and evaluated each month.

D. Particulate Effluent Monitorina Radioactive particulates were monitored at the base of the central exhaust stack and summarized on a monthly basis. The annual average release rate was 3.1912 x 10-" pCi/cc. Total activity release for 1994 was 3.81 x 10-2 Ci.


p - -- x-4 l


' The following table summarizes: annual particulate effluent-

- releases during 1994.


' Average Diluted -Exhaust Total-Release conc.*1 conc *2 Volisse*3 nelease*4

.g%g noeth Luci/och Luciloc) toc 1 tcil

'l I- January -1.86e-11 9.30e-14 1.0117e+13- 1.8817e-04  ;

February 2.92e-11 1.46e-13 9.1377e+12 2.6682e-04 Ji March 1.54e-11 1.54e-14' 1.0117e+13 1.5579e i Average: 2.11e-11 1.05e-13 9.7904e+12 2.0359e-04 l t

Total 2.9371e+13 6.2621e-04~ j II April 3.09e-11 1.55e-13 9.7904e+12 3.0252e-04 f May 2.70e-11 1.35e-13 _1.0'117e+13 2.7315e-04 ';

June 4.30e-12 2.15e-14 '9.7904e+12 4.2099e-05 '!

Average 2.073e-11 1.04e-13 9.8992e+12 2.0592e-04 Total 2.9697e+13 '5.2112e-04 '!

.-l III July <bkgd <bkgd 1.0117e+13 <bkgd' f August 2.06e-11 1.03e-13 1.0117e+13 2.0840e-04 september _1.34e-10 6.70e-10 9.7904e+12 1.3119e-04 ,

Average: 5.15e-11 2.58e-13 1.0008e+13 .5.0677e-04 Total 3.0024e+13 2.0271e-04 -t IV october 7.33e-11 3.67e-13 1.0117e+13 7.4156e-04 N November 2.29e-11 1.15e-13 9.7904e+12 '2.2419e-04' December 6.74e-12 3.37e-14 1.0117e+13 6.8187e-05  ;

Average 3.43e-11 1.72e-13 1.0008e+13 3.4465e-04  :

Total -3.0024e+13 6.3703e-04 1



Average: 3.19117-11 1.59558e-13 9.9263e+12 3.15235e-4 4 1

Total: 1.1912e+14 3. 81151e-3

Notes 1. Average Release Concentration data from Form 805, Channel 1 l

" Activity Released" -l

2. Diluted Concentration equal to Average Release Concentration.

multiplied by 0.005(Technical' specification 3;5.2, dilution i value for release concentration at exclusion boundary) 1

3. Exhaust Volume equaltos($ days / month)*(24 hrs / day)*(60 min /hr)* l (8000cfa)/(3.53E-Scfm/ce)
4. Total Release equal tos (Average Release Concentration)
  • (Exhaust volume)/(IE6uci/Ci)

' Total central Exhaust Air Volumes 1.19 x 10" cc Central Exhaust Annual Average Release Rate: 3.19 -x 10-" pCi/cc.

Total Central Exhaust Annual Release: 3. 81 x 10-8 C1.

11 i

4 . ,

E. Gaseous Effluents Monitorina


Argon-41 is the major gaseous effluent produced and released at the Nuclear Science Center. This effluent is monitored at the central exhaust stack. Total Argon-41 release during 1994 was "

7.49 Ci with an annual release rate of 5.609 x 10-8 pCi/cc (no J dilution factors applied). Release rates are also determined using the dilution factors for the release rate at the exclusion area boundary. The total amount released is determined from the undiluted release rate. These data are summarized below: l RADIOACTIVE GASEOUS EFFLUENT RELEASES Average Diluted Exhaust Total Release conc.*1 Cone.*2 volunne*3 Release *4 Str Month (uci/cc) (uci/cc) (cc.)_ (Ci)  :

I January 2.54e-08 1.27e-10 1.0117e+13 0.2569 February 5.68e-08 2.84e-10 9.1377e+12 0.5190 March 5.87e-08 2.94e-10 1.0117e+13 0.5939 Average 4.697e-08 2.348e-10 9.7904e+12 0.4566 Total: 2.9371e+13 1.5695 ,

II April 2.12e-08 1.06e-10 9.7904e+12 0.2076 May 9.10e-08 4.55e-10 1.0117e+13 0.9206 '

June 4.10e-08 2.05e-10 9.7904e+12 0.4014 Average: 5.107e-08 2.553e-10 9.8992e+12 0.5099 Total: 2.9697e+13 1.8319 III July 6.60e-08 3.30e-10 1.01167e+13 0.6677 August 1.25e-07 6.25e-10 1.01167e+13 1.2645-september 2.55e-10 9.79037e+12 0.4993 5.10e-08 Average: 8.067e-08 4.03e-10 1.000Be+13 0.8105 Total: 2.9915e+13 2.5744 IV october 3.00e-08 1.50e-10 1.01167e+13 0.3035 November 5.70e-08 2.85e-10 9.79037e+12 0.5581 December 5.00e-08 2.50e-10 1.01167e+13 0.5058 1 Average: 4.5667e-08 2.2833e-10 1.00080e+13 0.4557 l Total: 2.99150e+13 1.5196 I



Average: 5.60917-08 2.80458e-08 9.92635e+12 0.5582 i Total: 1.1912e+14 7.495 Notes: 1. Average Release Concentration data from Form 805, Channel 3, " Activity Released"

2. Diluted Concentration equal to Average Release Concentration multiplied by 0.005 (Technical specification 3.5.2, dilution value for release concentration at exclusion boundary)
3. Exhaust Volume equal to

(# days / month)*(24 hrs / day)*(60 min /hr)*(8000cfm)/(3.53E-5cf m/ce) 1

4. Total Release equal tos (Average Release j Concentration)*(Exhaust volume)/(IE6uci/C1) i l

Total Air Volume: 1.19 x 10" cc l 12 l 1


. t COctral Cxhnust Av0rcg3 RDlocco R:to 5.61 x 10-' pCi/cc Total Ar-41 Activity Released: 7.49 Ci i

~ ~ ~

F. Liould Effluents Monitorin_g Radioactive Liquid effluents are maintained in collection tanks prior to release from the confines of the Nuclear Science Center.  ;

. Sample activity concentrations and isotope identifications were determined prior to each release. There were 24 releases in 1994, totalling 6.94 x 10' liters, excluding dilution from the Nuclear Science Center. The total radioactivity released that was 4.59 x 10-8 Ci with an average concentration of 5.00 x 10-5 pCi/cc. Summaries of the radioisotopic data are presented below.

Radioactivity concentrations for each isotope were below the limits specified in 10CFR20, Appendix B.


Total of Monthly Isotopic Release Concentration (pCi/cc) .

Month Releases Na-24 Sc-46 Cr-51 Mn-54 co-57  !

January 0  ;

February 1 1.41E-7 1.06E-6 March 2 2.65E-8 7.57E-7 2.48E-6 2.13E-6 3.92E-8 i April 0  :

May 4 8.03E-9 3.43E-7 5.89E-6 2.58E-6  !

June 2 3.03E-7 2.75E-7 2.42E-6 July 4 8.90E-8 2.14E-7 1.53E-6 2.49E-6

  • August 1 3.117-5 7.54E-7 4.01E-6 September 5 3.44E-9 6.76E-8 3.28E-7 1.55E-6 october 2 1.24E-7 3.04E-7 '

November 1 1.56E-7 6.27E-8 December 2 6.36E-7 1.52E-6 1.97E-6 i

Monthly Isotopic Release Concentration (pC1/cc)  !

Honth Co-58 co-60 Zn-65 sb-124 Ir-192 I-131 January February 5.88E-8 3.91E-7 5.27E-7 1.01E-6 March 2.25E-7 0.70E-6 2.35E-7 7.58E-8 3.18E-7 ,

April May 2.36E-7 9.95E-7 3.53E-7 4.01E-7 3.28E-7 June 2.09E-7 1.12E-6 3.42E-7 1.45E-7 4.07E-7 July 2.67E-7 4.19E-7 9.06E-7 1.60E-8 1.14E-7 August 4.31E-7 1.67E-6 3.59E-7 3.91E-7 2.57E-7 l September 1.68E-7 2.01E-7 2.44E-7 3.13E-7 1.04E-8 6.14E-8 l october 1.31E-7 4.44E-8 5.99E-8 November 6.41E-8 7.93E-7 l

December 1.91E-7 8.75E-7 1.45E-7 2.44E-7 l

1 1

Total Volume Total Released Average j Month Released fec) Activity (ci) Conc.


January 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 February 2.69E+7 8.58E-5 3.19E-6 March 5.63E+7 4.13E-4 7.34E-6 April 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 May 1.04E+8 1.57E-3 1.51E-5 t June 1.26E+8 5.72E-4 4.54E-6 July 9.37E+7 8.61E-4 9.19E-6 August 2.87E+7 2.35E-4 8.19E-6 i september 1.24E+8 3.88E-4 3.13E-6 )

October 5.41E+7 4.68E-5 8.65E-7 l' November 2.61E+7 2.81E-5 1.08E-7 December 5.45E+7 3.89E-4 7.14E-6 13



, , I l

Angual Totals:- 6.94s+8 4.59s-3 Annual Avg 4.89s-6 )

The, annual summary ~for liquid waste effluent is as follows:

Total Liquid. Volumes 6.94 x 10' liters (1.78 x 10' gallons)

Average Release Rate: 4. 89 x ' 10-' . pci/cc Total Activity: 4. 59 x 10-5 Ci IX. ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING In conjunction with representatives from the State of Texas Department of Health, a quarterly environmental ~ survey program is.

conducted to insure compliance with federal regulations. This program consists of TLD monitors located at various locations on the NSC site. The collection, analysis, and evaluation of soil, water, and milk samples is included in the program.

A. Environmental Survey Samples The environmental survey samples were collected in accordance with the schedules of the cooperative surveillance program between'the Texas State Department of Health and the Texas A&M University. These samples were analyzed using an intrinsic '

germanium detection system for isotopic identification at the NSC.- A second set of samples are also analyzed by a Department of Health lab for comparison to NSC results. Data collected from  !

this analysis reflect the continued positive use of retention facilities and sample analysis for laboratory effluents prior to their release.  :

Summaries of the environmental survey program for 1994 are presented in the three tables below for isotopic activity as  !

reported to the NSC or as determined by the NSC when data from the state was unavailable.

Water Samples 1

1994 Quarter sample Location Concentration (pci/ml) 1st Brazos River 9.31 X 10d  !

ist NSC Creek 3.71 X 10-'

2nd Brazos River < MDA 2nd NSC Creek < MDA 3rd Brazos River < MDA 3rd NSC Creek < MDA 4th Brazos River N/A 14 l

' l 4th' NSC Creek '< MDA l Milk Samples 1992 Quarter Sample Location Concentration (pci/ml) 1 lat- TAMU Dairy 1.11 x 10-'  !

2nd TAMU Dairy < MDA 3rd TAMU Dahy N/A-  !

4th TAMU Dairy < MDA l l

Soil Samples  !

1992 Quarter Sample Location. Concentration (pci/ml)  ;

let NSC Soil 1.35 x 10-5  !

2nd NSC Soil 9.83 x 10-7 3rd NSC Soil < MDA l 4th NSC Soil 1. 7 9 x 10-8 t

i B. Site Boundary Dose Rate l

The environmental survey program measures the integrated  :

radiation exposures at the exclusion area boundaries. These  ;

measurements are made for periods of approximately 90 days,.using ,

TLDs. The dosimeters are provided and-processed by Texas i Department of Health, Bureau of Radiation Control, Division of l Environmental Programs. The state background monitor (survey point 14) is located at a point 5.25 miles west-southwest of the -

facility and generally at right angles to the prevailing l southeasterly winds.

Site i Location Ortly Annual l Exposure Rate Exposure (mR/91 day) 1993 (mR) {;

2 300 ft. W of reactor 21.8 59.0 l building, near fence corner 3 250 ft W-SW of reactor 28.2 84.0 >

building, on SW chain link fence i 4 200 ft NW of reactor 24.4 76.0 .

building, on chain link fence, near butane tank.


~ . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _. . . _ _ . _ - . _ .- ._

5' ... 225 ft'NE of reactor. 11.5 31.0 l building, on! fence N of j driveway --

-li 6 300 ft N-NE reactor 25.6 97.0 building, near fence corner 10 190 ft SE of reactor 7.7 24.0 building, near fence corner 11 300 ft NE of reactor 3.8 13.0 l building, near fence corner j


18 375 ft NE of reactor 12.8 57.0 l building i 19 320 ft NE of reactor 10.3 32.0  !

building i 14 5.25 miles W-SW of reactor. 0.0 0.0 l building, at FM 60 bridge ,

over Brazos River l The highest exposure point was determined to be at site #6 (97.0 .f mR/yr) which is on the N-NE corner of the reactor building near the calibration range. The fence line at this location was moved in December of 1994 and the TLD was relocated at.that time. The boundary readings for 1995 should be considerably less. The closest off-site point of extended occupancy is located just  ;

beyond the site boundary fence directly behind the site #10 l

monitoring location; the occupants of this area continue to.

receive only background exposure. i i

X. RADIOACTIVE WASTE A. Solid Waste During the 1994 year, there was no solid waste released from the NSC for disposal offsite.  !

i XI. Reactor Safety Board j A. Membershio i Chairman:

Dr. Gary Hogg,' Associate Director, TEES j l

i Members:

Dr. Marvin Adams, Professor, Nuclear Engineering j Department j Dr. Ted Parish, Professor, Nuclear Engineering Department Dr. Robert Kenefick, Professor, Physics Department 16

($ i a ,

Dr. Rogsr Kopp3,-A0cociato Profsacor, Inductrial

. Engineering Department: j Dr. Earl Morris, Professor, Veterinary Medicine- )

Large Animal. Clinic-  !

Dr. Emile Schweikert, Professor, Chemistry'  !

Department Ex-Officio Members: l Dr. Warren Reece, Director, Nuclear Science Center B

Mr. Sean O' Kelly, Assistant Director,' Nuclear Science Center  !

Dr. Milton McLain, Director, Radiological Safety  ;

Office Dr. John Poston, Professor and Head, Nuclear Engineering Department i TEES:

Dr. Raymond Flumerfelt, Licensee s

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