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ABWR DCD Revision 7 Chapter Change Lists - Revised
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Site: 05200045
Issue date: 03/16/2020
GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20076D961 List:
M190211, M200041
Download: ML20076D967 (60)


ENCLOSURE 1 M200041 ABWR DCD Revision 7 Chapter Change Lists - revised

M190211 ABWR DCD Tier 1 25A5675AA Rev 7 Change List Item Location Description of Change Global chapter editorial change to change the revision number from

1. Entire Chapter Revision 6 to Revision 7.

To address changes in the numbering of NRC regulations and minor

2. S1.1 wording changes, the definition of ASME Code is modified per M170054 and M170072.

Reference to ASME materials is clarified to identify ASME Code

3. S2.1.1 Section II in this section per M170054 and M170072.

Revised figure adding and removing asterisks identifying SRVs with

4. F2.1.2a display and/or control interfaces with RSS per MFN 15-069, Supplement 1.

Revised figure adding an asterisk to RPV Narrow Range Level and

5. F2.1.2e correcting the spelling error in Divisions for RPV Wide Range Level per MFN 15-069, Supplement 1.

Added the following RSS indication (12) High Pressure Nitrogen

6. S2.2.6 Gas Supply System per MFN 15-069, Supplement 1.

Inserted Drywell Pressure, MUWC A, and HPIN A, B

7. F2.2.6 indication to the RSS per MFN 15-069, Supplement 1.

For Item 4c, under Inspection, Test, Analyses, (1) clarified the types of inspections that are to be performed, and (2) replaced 50%

8. T2.4.1 blockage of pump suction Strainer with Analytically derived values for blockage of pump suction strainers based upon the as-built system. See MFN 16-034 and MFN 16-034, Revision 1.

For Item 4c, under Inspection, Test, Analyses, added an item stating, Design basis debris loading of pumped fluid under conditions

9. T2.4.1 ranging from normal operating to design basis accident conditions.

This in response to RAI 06.03-9 in M170209.

For Item 4c, under Inspection, Test, Analyses, added the following

10. T2.4.1 Confirm vertical and horizontal separation between the SRV Quencher and RHR Suction Strainer per MFN 16-065.

For Item 4c, under Acceptance Criteria, added information pertaining

11. T2.4.1 to what is required of the test results/report for RHR. This in response to RAI 06.03-9 in M170209.

For Item 3g, under Inspection, Test, Analyses, (1) clarified the types of inspections that are to be performed, and (2) replaced 50%

12. T2.4.2 minimum blockage of pump suction strainer with Analytically derived values for blockage of pump suction strainers based upon the as-built system. See MFN 16-034 and MFN 16-034, Revision 1.

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M190211 Item Location Description of Change For Item 3g, under Inspection, Test, Analyses, added an item stating, Design basis debris loading of pumped fluid under conditions

13. T2.4.2 ranging from normal operating to design basis accident conditions.

This in response to RAI 06.03-9 in M170209.

For Item 3g, under Inspection, Test, Analyses added the following:

14. T2.4.2 Confirm vertical and horizontal separation between the SRV Quencher and HPCF Suction Strainer per MFN 16-065.

For Item 3g, under Acceptance Criteria, added information pertaining

15. T2.4.2 to what is required of the test results/report for HPCF. This in response to RAI 06.03-9 in M170209.

For Item 3j, under Inspection, Test, Analyses, (1) clarified the types of inspections that are to be performed, and (2) replaced 50%

16. T2.4.4 minimum blockage of pump suction strainer with Analytically derived values for blockage of pump suction strainers based upon the as-built system. See MFN 16-034 and MFN 16-034, Revision 1.

For Item 3j, under Inspection, Test, Analyses, added new Item (5) stating, Design basis debris loading of pumped fluid under

17. T2.4.4 conditions ranging from normal operating to design basis accident conditions. This in response to RAI 06.03-9 in M170209. This change necessitated renumbering following items as (5) and (6).

For Item 3j, under Inspection, Test, Analyses, added: (7) Confirm

18. T2.4.4 vertical and horizontal separation between the SRV Quencher and RCIC Suction Strainer. per MFN 16-065 For Item 3j, under Acceptance Criteria, added information pertaining
19. T2.4.4 to what is required of the test results/report for RCIC. This in response to RAI 06.03-9 in M170209.

Updated Note 2 to read is for Division I and Division II Level

20. F2.11.2 Sensor per MFN 15-069, Supplement 1.

Added to S2.11.6 to address the beyond-design-basis event of a postulated aircraft impact. Design features provide mechanical cross

21. S2.11.6 connects (HECW-Division A), along with electrical power manual alignments from Division 1 to MCR HVAC (Div III / C) fans and components per MFN 16-027.

Added return from CRHA Area HVAC System C and Supply to

22. F2.11.6a CRHA Area HVAC System C per MFN16-027.

Added return to HECW A from CRHA Area HVAC System C and

23. F2.11.6b Supply from HECW A to CRHA Area HVAC System per MFN16-027.

Added ITAAC number 10 to include design features providing

24. T2.11.6 emergency mechanical cross connects per MFN 16-027.

Add #8 to Reactor Service Water System Interface Requirements

25. S2.11.9 explaining the site-specific design of RSW per MFN 16-027.

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M190211 Item Location Description of Change Inserted the following sentence in the Design Description after the HPIN System Discussion: The HPIN System has Pressure indication

26. S2.11.13 for Division I and Division II on the Remote Shutdown Panel. per MFN 15-069, Supplement 1.

Changes in the Design Description address in greater detail open-

27. S2.12.1 phase circuit protection for the Electrical Power Distribution System.

See MFN-15-073, Revision 2.

Changed FLEX to External for the portable diesel generators

28. S2.12.1 associated with the R/B external connections for mitigation strategies.

See M170020.

Changes in the ITAAC address in greater detail open-phase circuit protection for the Electrical Power Distribution System. ITAAC 26 and 27 are deleted. ITAAC 28 is replaced with greater details and with the addition of the Main Power Transformer. ITAAC 29 is modified with greater detail and to address monitoring of the non-

29. T2.12.1 safety-related power feeder circuit breakers to the safety-related bus.

ITAAC 30 is modified with greater detail and to address protection of the safety-related busses. New ITAAC 31 is added to verify that there is no data communication from the nonsafety-related to the Class 1E safety-related micro-processor based protective relays. See MFN 073, Revision 2.

Changed FLEX to External for the portable diesel generators

30. F2.12.1 associated with the R/B external connections for mitigation strategies.

See M170020.

Adding additional paragraph: To address the beyond-design-basis event of a large aircraft crash, design features provide mechanical

31. S2.15.5 cross connects (HECW-Division A), along with electrical power manual alignments from Division I to MCR HVAC (Div III / C) fans and components per MFN 16-027.

Added ITAAC number 11 to include design features providing

32. T2.15.5a mechanical cross connects and electrical power per MFN 16-027.

Added cross-connection for HECW A and HVAC C to figure per

33. F2.15.5a MFN 16-027.

Added a to ITAAC #3. Added ITAAC #3b to explain the use of

34. T2.15.10 steel roof trusses to support Reactor Building for postulated aircraft impact. See MFN 16-027.

2nd paragraph, after the first sentence added the following sentence:

35. S2.17.1 The TCS radiological habitability is comparable to the control room habitability under accident conditions. See MFN 16-041.

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M190211 Item Location Description of Change Added ITAAC number 6 to inspect and test the TSC habitability

36. T2.17.1 system and confirm it is comparable to the MCR habitability system per MFN 16-041.

Added additional paragraph to #3 The site specific design of the UHS demonstrates that sufficient capacity is maintained to support RSW System cooling capacity following postulated aircraft impact

37. S4.1 strike locations on the UHS. Divisional separation of the RSW components that interface with the UHS is required in accordance with 10 CFR 50.150. See MFN 16-027.

Information is added to Note 4 to clarify the missile spectrum to

38. T5.0 account for missiles above grade level. See MFN-14-075, Supplement 4.

Added a note to the maximum tornado wind speed, modified the maximum hurricane wind speed, adjusted the notes at the end of the

39. T5.0 table to clarify the wind speed in fastest mile and 3-second gust, and added a reference to RG 1.221 in Note (8). See M170090.

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M190211 ABWR DCD Tier 2 TOC 25A5675AB Rev 7 Change List Item Location Description of Change Global chapter editorial change to change the revision number from

1. Entire Chapter Revision 6 to Revision 7.

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M190211 ABWR DCD Tier 2 Chapter 1 25A5675AC Rev 7 Change List Item Location Description of Change Global chapter editorial change to change the revision number from

1. Entire Chapter Revision 6 to Revision 7.

Added to this section: Table 1.6-2 is a list of technical reports which are incorporated by reference into Tier 2 for the ABWR. This is to

2. S1.6 separate the technical report for the ABWR aircraft impact assessment in a new Table 1.6-2. See M170049.

Added NEDC-32721P-A for the methodology used in the design of the ECCS Suction Strainer to the Table of Referenced Reports per

3. T1.6-1 MFN 16-034 and added (using an updated head loss correlation) per MFN 16-034, Revision 1.

This new table is added to show the report that are incorporated by reference in the ABWR DCD. NEDO-33875 and NEDE-33875P are

4. T1.6-2 listed in this new table to provide the licensing basis information for the ABWR aircraft impact assessment per M170049.

Added NEDO-33878 and NEDE-33878P to the table of reports

5. T1.6-2 incorporated by reference to document information regarding ECCS Suction Strainers previously added per M170046. See M180068.

1st paragraph, deleted the second sentence; 2nd paragraph, 1st sentence updated the current issues date for GLs, IE Bulletins, IN and circulars

6. S1.8.3 to end of June 2016; Added a paragraph summarizing the review of international operating experience related to ABWR. See MFN 16-065 and MFN 16-065, Supplement 1.

Added BTP 8-9 for addressing open-phase circuits. See MFN 7. T1.8-19 073, Revision 2.

Changes include: (1) added a note to RG 1.1 to explain that RG 1.1

8. T1.8-20 has been withdrawn and replaced by RG 1.82, Revision 4; (2) changed RG 1.82 to Rev. 4, 03/2012. See MFN 16-034, Revision 1.

Added RG 1.217 Guidance for the Assessment of Beyond-Design-

9. T1.8-20 Basis Aircraft Impacts, per MFN 16-027.
10. T1.8-21 Inserted ANS Reference 55.1-1992 per MFN 15-063, Supplement 1.
11. T1.8-21 Inserted ANS Reference 55.6-1993 per MFN 15-063, Supplement 1.

Deleted NEI 12-06 regarding diverse and flexible mitigation

12. T1.8-21 strategies per M170023.

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M190211 Item Location Description of Change Added NEI 07-13 Revision 8 Methodology for Performing Aircraft

13. T1.8-21 Impact Assessment for New Plant Designs to Industrial Codes and Standards per MFN 16-027.

Updated Table 1.8-22 through June 2016 for ABWR applicable

14. T1.8-22 Generic Letters, IE Bulletins per MFN 16-065 and MFN 16-065, Supplement 2.

Deleted COL License Information Items: Item No. 4.1a, Fuel design

15. T1.9-1 for ECCS Suction Strainer Bypass, and Item No. 6.12, ECCS Suction Strainer. See MFN 16-034, Revision 1.

Added COL License Information Items 8.11, Physical Location of Connections for Portable Diesel Generators and 8.12, Develop

16. T1.9-1 Procedures for Connecting Portable External Diesel Generators. See M170239.

Added COL License Information Items 8.16, Mitigation of Open Phase Condition on RAT and UATs, and 8.17, Mitigation of Open

17. T1.9-1 Phase Condition on Main Power Transformer (MPT). See MFN 073, Revision 2.

EDITORIAL/ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGE. This change is an editorial/administrative change due to a formatting issue from Revision 4 to Revision 5, which was also carried over to Revision 6.

No content is changed from the certified design. This changes to the S1A.2.34 and sections to the correct format to be as it was in Revision 4 of the 18.

S1A.2.35 DCD (which was the certified design reference DCD). This change corrects a formatting error in DCD Section 1A.2.34. The list of closed systems outside the containment for systems (9) through (13) were misplaced to Section 1A.2.35 and blocked part of the text for Section 1A.2.35.

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M190211 ABWR DCD Tier 2 Chapter 2 25A5675AD Rev 7 Change List Item Location Description of Change Global chapter editorial change to change the revision number from

1. Entire Chapter Revision 6 to Revision 7.

Changed Maximum Dynamic Bearing Pressure to Minimum

2. T2.0-1 Dynamic Bearing Pressure per MFN 15-062, Supplement 2.

Added a footnote reference to the Hurricane missile spectrum I site

3. T2.0-1 parameter and expanded the footnote (which already existed) to address missiles for above grade. See MFN-14-075, Supplement 4.

Added a note to the maximum tornado wind speed, modified the maximum hurricane wind speed, adjusted the notes at the end of the

4. T2.0-1 table to clarify the wind speed in fastest mile and 3-second gust, and added a reference to RG 1.221 in Note ***. See M170090.

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M190211 ABWR DCD Tier 2 Chapter 3 25A5675AE Rev 7 Change List Item Location Description of Change Global chapter editorial change to change the revision number from

1. Entire Chapter Revision 6 to Revision 7.

Added suction strainer information for RHR (E1, 5a), HPCF (E2,

2. T3.2-1 3a) and RCIC (E4, 4a) and adds Note ii on ASME code section applicability and exceptions. See M170154.

Added (fastest-mile) after wind velocity for consistency with

3. S3.3.1.1 the ABWR design basis for wind speed. See M170090.

Deleted which is consistent with that of ASCE/SEI 7-05 and

4. S3.3.1.2 added (fastest-mile) after wind velocity for clarity in the ABWR design basis for wind speed. See M170090.

In the first Item (1), changed 286.5 km/h to 257 km/h (fastest

5. S3.3.2.1 mile) and added (fastest 1/4 mile) to the second Item (1) for clarity in the ABWR design basis for wind speed. See M170090.

Added a sentence at the beginning of this section regarding

6. S3.3.2.2 procedures for transforming extreme hurricane wind loading for clarifying the ABWR design basis. See M170090.

Modified Reference 3.3-1 to clarify the version of ANSI/ASCE that

7. S3.3.4 is the design basis for the ABWR design. See M170090.

Added at the end of the 1st paragraph: See Table 2.0-1. This is added to the description of missiles generated by natural phenomena

8. S3.5.1.4 as a reference to the ABWR site parameter table where the specifics on the missile spectra are identified. See MFN-14-075, Supplement 4.

Added: According to Table 2.0-1, the automobile missile is considered to impact at all altitudes less than 9.14 m (30 feet) above all plant grade levels within 0.8 km (0.5 mile) of the plant structures.

For site-specific situations for which automobiles parked within 0.8 km of the plant may be at elevations higher than 9.14 m above plant

9. S3.5.3 grade level (e.g., elevated parking garage), a site-specific automobile missile evaluation must be performed by the COL applicant and addressed in the barrier design (see COL information in Section This clarifies the missile spectra above grade.

See MFN-14-075, Supplement 4.

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M190211 Item Location Description of Change Added: and Subsection 3.5.3. This ensures that the COL information described in S3.5.3 is identified as part of the COL

10. S3.5.4.2 License Information for Section 3.5. See MFN-14-075, Supplement 4.

In Item (9), the maximum hurricane wind speed is changed to 257

11. S3H.1.4.2 km/h for consistency with changed in Section See M170090.

This section provides the summary of key structural design features for the ABWR aircraft impact assessment. It is modified to be

12. 3H.6 consistent with the final assessment results, as described in MFN 16-027; MFN 16-027, Revisions 1 and 2; and M170049.

EDITORIAL CHANGES: Minor editorial changes that correct incorporation of changes in Revision 6 are made to delete extra lines

13. 3MA and to adjust headers in subsections. No content is changed. The original Revision 6 changes were as shown in MFN-15-069.

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M190211 ABWR DCD Tier 2 Chapter 4 25A5675AF Rev 7 Change List Item Location Description of Change

1. Entire Chapter Global chapter editorial change to change the revision number from Revision 6 to Revision 7.
2. S4.2.1.1 Deleted the last paragraph of this section, which discussed actions related to a COL item for ECCS suction strainers potential for debris. See MFN 16-034, Revision 1.
3. S4.2.5.1 Deleted COL License Information, Section, Evaluation of Post-LOCA Fuel Bundle Blockage due to ECCS Strainer Debris Bypass, per MFN 16-034, Revision 1.

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M200041 ABWR DCD Tier 2 Chapter 5 25A5675AG Rev 7 Change List Item Location Description of Change

1. Entire Chapter Global chapter editorial change to change the revision number from Revision 6 to Revision 7.
2. S5. Added a note regarding RG 1.1 being withdrawn and replaced by information in RG 1.84. See MFN 16-034, Revision 1.
3. S5. Paragraph (2)(c) - The second sentences was revised to insert the word safety between limiting and functioning. This was added for clarification per MFN 14-052, Revision 1, Supplement 1.
4. S5.4.7.3 Last sentence of the paragraph was modified with a change of the last part of the sentence to as described in Appendix 5B. See MFN 14-052, Revision 1, Supplement 1.
5. S5. The following clarifying sentence was added after the 6 events:

The normal shutdown condition is used to establish the limiting heat exchanger capacity and is evaluated in Appendix 5B.3. In addition, safety was added between limiting and event in the 1st sentence of the next paragraph. The first sentence of the next paragraph was revised to read: The heat exchanger size evaluated in Appendix 5B.3 will also support the safety function of limiting suppression pool Reason (2) was replaced. See MFN 14-052, Revision 1, Supplement 1.

6. S5.4.15.5 Added COL actions 1) to perform analysis of ECCS pump suction piping configuration for potential gas accumulation locations and gas intrusion mechanisms and 2) to address the potential for gas accumulation in ECCS on a programmatic basis including vents and design features to prevent gas accumulation in the suction line.
7. T5.4-2 Replaced (a) under (10) Suction Strainer Sizing with the following Pump NPSH requirements are satisfied given the strainer design methods described in Appendix 6C. See MFN 16-034.
8. T5.4-4 Table 5.4-4 was clarified. The word Safety was added to Design Point Function and the Normal Design Point Function was added.

See MFN 14-052, Revision 1, Supplement 1.

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M190211 ABWR DCD Tier 2 Chapter 6 25A5675AH Rev 7 Change List Item Location Description of Change Global chapter editorial change to change the revision number from

1. Entire Chapter Revision 6 to Revision 7.

Added a note regarding RG 1.1 being withdrawn and replaced by

2. S6. information in RG 1.84. See MFN 16-034, Revision 1.

In item (4) Overpressure Protection, changed the size of the 2 air-

3. S6. operated butterfly valves from 250A to 350A, per MFN 16-001, Revision 1, Supplement 2.

2nd paragraph, 1st sentence, changed rupture disc size to 250 mm

4. S6. and changed the line size to 350 A per MFN 16-001, Revision 1, Supplement 2.

Changed the rupture disc size to 250 mm, updated the stream flow mass flow rate to 33.7 and updated the corresponding energy flow

5. S6. to 2.3 % of rated power per MFN 16-001, Revision 1, Supplement 2.

3rd paragraph, last sentence, the overprotection line size is changed

6. S6.2.5.3 to 350 A per MFN 16-001, Revision 1, Supplement 2.

Updated Vent Loss Coefficient to 4.2 - 6.7 and added the following note: Overall Vent System Loss Coefficient. Includes

7. T6.2-2 Flow Loss Coefficient Contribution of 1.7 for the Drywell Connecting Vent (DCV). See MFN 14-052, Revision 1, Supplement 2.

Added a note regarding RG 1.1 being withdrawn and replaced by

8. S6.3.2.2 information in RG 1.84. See MFN 16-034, Revision 1.

Added reference to M180187, Peak Cladding Temperature 2018 Annual Reporting Under 10 CFR §50.46 for the GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy Advanced Boiling Water Reactor (ABWR) Design

9. S6.3.7 Certification and the ABWR Design Certification Renewal Application (October 29, 2018), Enclosure 1, Advanced Boiling Water Reactor 2018 Annual Report Under 10 CFR § 0.46(a)(3)(iii).

Refer to letter M190008 Added Renewal PCT/w delta PCT adjustment (°C) column with values for each break location, changed Note 1 applicability to

10. T6.3-4 Break Size column, added (Note 2) to the newly added column and (Note 3) to Maximum Local Oxidation Column. See letter M190008.

Added a new 7th paragraph to describe the ABWR ECCS suction strainers as the patented GE optimized stacked disk design. See

11. S6C.2 M170046. Clarified ECCS pump seal cooling flow restrictions to include cyclone separator type filters. See M180068.

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M190211 Item Location Description of Change Changed Item (1) to read: The debris generation model utilizes spherical zones of influence (ZOI) in accordance with the Utility Resolution Guidance, Reference 6C-3. Third paragraph, 1st sentence deleted plus margin; 4th paragraph, first sentence, deleted

12. S6C.3.1 proportionally and added maximum debris load fraction assuming; and 4th paragraph, last sentence, changed to read The conditions are one RHR loop, one HPCF loop, and the RCIC system. See MFN 16-034 and MFN 16-034, Revision 1.

Replaced the previous text on Chemical Effects with new text

13. S6C.3.2 clarifying the chemical effects on ECCS suction strainer head loss following a LOCA. See MFN 16-034 and MFN 16-034, Revision 1.

Clarifies the Downstream Effects for debris being transported from the Suppression Pool and describes ABWR design mitigating features to reduce debris interaction. See MFN 16-034 and MFN

14. S6C.3.3 16-034, Revision 1. Information is also added to refer to NEDE-33878P as providing results of an assessment of the downstream effects per M170046. Additional clarification for pressure insruments provided per M180068.

New section added to address Strainer Sizing Analysis Summary per

15. S6C.5 MFN 16-034. Added paragraph on ECCS suction strainer detail such as size and critical parameters per M170154.

Updated section number to account for new section 6C.5. Deleted

16. S6C.6 section 6C.6.1 per MFN 16-034, Revision 1.

Changed 6C-2 to refer to RG 1.82, Revision 4 (MFN 16-034, Revision 1). Updated section number to account for new section

17. S6C.7 6C.5 and added Reference 6C-4 per MFN 16-034, and added Reference 6C-5 per M170046. Reference 6C-5 revision level changed per M180068.

Added Table 6C-1 ECCS Strainer Debris Load per MFN 16-034 and

18. T6C-1 MFN 16-034, Revision 1.

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M190211 ABWR DCD Tier 2 Chapter 7 25A5675AJ Rev 7 Change List Item Location Description of Change Global chapter editorial change to change the revision number from

1. Entire Chapter Revision 6to Revision 7.

Changed the following information under (4) Nuclear Boiler:

changed (ii) from shutdown range to narrow range and added

2. S7. (v) Reactor Water level wide range indication - cold calibration (A,B) per MFN 15-069, Supplement 1.

Under (9) Atmospheric Control (AC) System: changed (a) to Suppression pool Narrow Range and Wide Range, inserted (b)

Containment Wide Range Pressure on both RS panels. Under (10)

Makeup Water Condensate System (MUCW): (a) was revised to

3. S7. state provided on both RS panels and Item (13) was added:

(13) High Pressure Instrument Nitrogen (HPIN) System (a)

Nitrogen Supply Header Pressure on both RS Panels. Refer to MFN 15-069, Supplement 1.

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M190211 ABWR DCD Tier 2 Chapter 8 25A5675AK Rev 7 Change List Item Location Description of Change

1. Entire Chapter Global chapter editorial change to change the revision number from Revision 6 to Revision 7.
2. S8. This subsection is added to describe the monitoring and protection against design vulnerabilities for mitigation of an open phase condition as identified in NRC Bulletin 2012-01. See MFN-15-073, Revision 2.
3. S8.2.4.6 This COL license information item that was previously established to address NRC Bulletin 2012-01 is deleted. See MFN-15-073, Revision 2.
4. S8. Item (6) is added to this section on Bus Protection to describe the design features for monitoring for open phase conditions. See MFN-15-073, Revision 2.
5. S8. In the 3rd paragraph, changed FLEX to External for associated mitigating strategies power connections (three instances) per M170020.
6. S8. New paragraph is added to describe COL requirements to describe details and location of external diesel generator connections and to develop procedures for making connections per M170239
7. S8. A new paragraph is added to Item (1) to describe micro-processor based protective relays for bus protection for open phase conditions.

See MFN-15-073, Revision 2.

8. S8. Changes are made to address the protection requirements for diesel generators. See MFN-15-073, Revision 2.
9. S8.3.4.5 A new COL License Information Item is added to address details and physical location of connection for portable external diesel generators per M170239.
10. S8.3.4.6 A new COL License Information Item is added to address development of procedures for connection of portable external diesel generators per M170239.
11. S8.3.4.10 A new COL License Information Item is added to address mitigation of open phase condition on RAT and UATs. See MFN-15-073, Revision 2.

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M190211 Item Location Description of Change

12. S8.3.4.11 A new COL License Information Item is added to address mitigation of open phase condition on the main power transformer. See MFN-15-073, Revision 2.

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M190211 ABWR DCD Tier 2 Chapter 9 25A5675AL Rev 7 Change List Item Location Description of Change Global chapter editorial change to change the revision number from

1. Entire Chapter Revision 6 to Revision 7.

EDITORIAL CHANGE: MFN 14-071, Supplement 1, Revision 1, included a change that was inadvertently omitted (Level 1 at the top of active fuel to Level 1 at the top of the fuel assembly bail

2. S9.1.3.2 handle). This is a correction to make the change consistent with the DCD markups submitted in MFN 14-071, Supplement 1, Revision 1. Also, see CR-25146, which documents this error.

EDITORIAL CHANGE: 1st paragraph, first sentence. Corrected

3. S9. editorial error. Changed casks to cask.

Added additional information to 2nd paragraph: During normal

4. S9. operating conditions, the R/B crane will be parked at the Reactor Building North wall when not in use. See MFN 16-027.

Added 2nd sentence to (10): The site specific design of the UHS demonstrates that sufficient capacity is maintained to support RSW System cooling capacity following postulated aircraft impact strike

5. S9.2.5.1 locations on the UHS. Divisional separation of the RSWSSCs that interface with the UHS is required in accordance with 10 CFR 50.150. See MFN 16-027.

Added to 2nd paragraph to include information regarding site

6. S9. specific design for the RSW system and physical separation distances per MFN 16-027.

Added information to this section to describe a means of cross-

7. S9. connecting divisions for HVAC in the Main Control Room area in the event of an aircraft impact. See MFN 16-027.

In the 3rd paragraph, the figure numbers for the diesel generator

8. S9. room louvers are changes to Figures 1.2-9 and 1.2-10. See MFN 16-027, Revision 2.

Item (9) after the last sentence information was modified to add that the COL applicant will perform TSC radiological consequence analyses, considering plant and site conditions, to ensure that TSC

9. S9.4.8.2 radiological habitability design features are comparable to the MCR habitability system during a LOCA per MFN 16-041.

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M190211 Item Location Description of Change Added information after the last sentence to clarify that the COL applicant will perform TSC radiological consequence analyses, considering plant and site conditions, to ensure that TSC

10. S9.4.10.1 radiological habitability design features are comparable to the MCR habitability system during a 30-day post-accident period. See MFN 16-041.

Clarified paragraph 1 to read As stated above, the systems are separated by fire areas on a divisional basis. The multiplexing system is a dual channel system. Two simultaneous, identical digitized control signals that must match are required at the de-

11. S9. multiplexer for control action to be taken at the field device. The likelihood of two identical spurious signals, induced by physical damage (including fire damage) to the fiber-optic transmission cable sent simultaneously and matching, is minuscule. Refer to MFN 15-064, Revision 1, Supplements 1 and 2.

Inserted the following statement after the first paragraph: Spurious operation of equipment controlled by Remote Multiplexing Units (RMU) in the field due to physical damage because of fire or smoke

12. S9. will be considered in cases where the connection between the RMU and the field devices is transmitting a command signal. Refer to MFN 15-064, Revision 1, Supplement 1.

Added the following after the third paragraph: The likelihood of fire or smoke-induced spurious signals initiating in and propagating through the integrated digital instrumentation and control systems and the supporting Essential Multiplexing System (EMS) is miniscule due to the use of message authentication, which requires the message format and sequence to be correct to be recognized, and the use of optical fiber cabling, which cannot hot short to other cables. Nevertheless, spurious operation of plant equipment due to fire or smoke damage to the following digital instrumentation and control and EMS equipment is considered, regardless of its location:

13. S9. Main Control Room (MCR) components or equipment that are connected via electrical wires to other equipment, both digital controller and EMS equipment, located in two (2) separate rooms in the C/B arranged adjacent to and on opposite sides of the MCR, and to other equipment in other plant locations.

Digital controller and EMS equipment connected via fiber-optic cable, arranged as Divisions 1 and 3 and Divisions 2 and 4, located in their own separate rooms in the C/B wherein each room is adjacent to and on opposite sides of the MCR.

Page 2 of 18

M190211 Item Location Description of Change EMS equipment located in the two (2) separate rooms in the C/B that is connected via fiberoptic cable to other EMS equipment in other plant locations.

Remote Multiplexing Units (RMUs) located in the field that are connected via electrical wires to plant process components (e.g., instruments and actuators).

The COL applicant shall provide an evaluation of the ABWRs susceptibility to Multiple Spurious Operations (MSOs) in accordance with the methodology contained in NEI 00-01, Guidance for Post Fire Safe Shutdown Circuit Analysis, Revision 2 and as modified by Regulatory Guide 1.189, Revision 2. Spurious operation of equipment due to fire or smoke damage to the equipment listed above will be considered. The COL applicant will submit the results of this evaluation to the NRC for review. See Subsection for COL license information. Refer to MFN 15-064, Revision 1, Supplement 2.

The content of this section is deleted. Refer to MFN 15-064,

14. S9. Revision 1, Supplement 2.

In the last paragraph in the section, after the 1st sentence of the paragraph the following was added: The equipment listed in

15. S9.5.13.22 Subsection will be considered in this evaluation. Refer to MFN 15-064, Revision 1, Supplement 2.

Added Reference 9.5-11: Regulatory Guide 1.189Fire

16. S9.5.14 Protection for Nuclear Power Plants, Revision 2. Refer to MFN 15-064, Revision 1, Supplement 2.

Added information to (5) regarding steel roof trusses as design

17. S9A.2.4 features for aircraft impacts. See MFN 16-027.

In both subsections, Item (4) is replaced as follows: The fire barriers (3-hour rated, 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including S9A. doors, walls and floors associated with this room are illustrated on

18. and Fire Protection Figures 9A.4-1 through 9A.4-3. These fire S9A. protection figures also show personnel entry and egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

Page 3 of 18

M190211 Item Location Description of Change In both subsections, Item (4) is replaced as follows: The fire S9A. barriers (3-hour rated, 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including

19. and doors, walls and floors associated with this room are illustrated on S9A. Fire Protection Figure 9A.4-1. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

Replaced Corridor A with Corridor C and deleted Room 115. In (4),

information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors associated

20. S9A. with this room are illustrated on Fire Protection Figure 9A.4-1. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

Changed Room 116 to 115. In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors associated with this room are

21. S9A. illustrated on Fire Protection Figure 9A.4-1. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, S9A. 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors

22. and associated with this room are illustrated on Fire Protection Figure S9A. 9A.4-1. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, S9A. 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors

23. and associated with this room are illustrated on Fire Protection Figure S9A. 9A.4-1 through 9A.4-8 These fire protection figures also show personnel entry and egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

S9A., In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, S9A., 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors

24. S9A., associated with this room are illustrated on Fire Protection Figure and 9A.4-1. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and S9A. egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

Deleted Room 134. In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including

25. S9A. doors, walls and floors associated with this room are illustrated on Fire Protection Figure 9A.4-1. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

Page 4 of 18

M190211 Item Location Description of Change In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors

26. S9A. associated with this room are illustrated on Fire Protection Figure 9A.4-1. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, S9A. 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors

27. and associated with this room are illustrated on Fire Protection Figure S9A. 9A.4-1 through 9A.4-8 These fire protection figures also show personnel entry and egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

S9A., In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, S9A., 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors S9A., associated with this room are illustrated on Fire Protection Figure S9A., 9A.4-1. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and 28.

S9A., egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

S9A., and S9A. Replaced Corridor D with RWCU/SPDS Instrument Room. In (4),

information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors associated

29. S9A. with this room are illustrated on Fire Protection Figure 9A.4-1. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, S9A. 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors

30. and associated with this room are illustrated on Fire Protection Figure S9A. 9A.4-1. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

Replaced F1400 with F1100. In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors associated with this room are

31. S9A. illustrated on Fire Protection Figure 9A.4-1. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, S9A. 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors

32. through associated with this room are illustrated on Fire Protection Figure S9A. 9A.4-1. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

Page 5 of 18

M190211 Item Location Description of Change S9A. In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, through 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors

33. S9A., associated with this room are illustrated on Fire Protection Figure and 9A.4-2. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and S9A. egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

Deleted RM 234. In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including

34. S9A. doors, walls and floors associated with this room are illustrated on Fire Protection Figure 9A.4-2. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

S9A. In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, through 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors S9A., associated with this room are illustrated on Fire Protection Figure

35. S9A., 9A.4-2. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and S9A. egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

through S9A. In (4) information deleted and replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors associated with this room are illustrated on Fire

36. S9A. Protection Figure 9A.4-3. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and egress for this room. Also, in (9), deleted EHVAC and replaced with Electrical HVAC (EHVAC). See MFN 16-027.

In (4) information deleted and replaced with The fire barriers (3-S9A. hour rated, 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls

37. thru and floors associated with this room are illustrated on Fire S9A. Protection Figure 9A.4-3. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, S9A. 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors

38. and associated with this room are illustrated on Fire Protection Figure S9A. 9A.4-3 through 9A.4-8. These fire protection figures also show personnel entry and egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

S9A. In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, through 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors S9A., associated with this room are illustrated on Fire Protection Figure 39.

S9A. 9A.4-3. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and through egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

S9A. Page 6 of 18

M190211 Item Location Description of Change Deleted RM 348. In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including

40. S9A. doors, walls and floors associated with this room are illustrated on Fire Protection Figure 9A.4-3. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, S9A. 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors

41. thru associated with this room are illustrated on Fire Protection Figure S9A. 9A.4-3. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

In Item (1), replaced F4901 with F1900. In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors associated with this

42. S9A. room are illustrated on Fire Protection Figure 9A.4-4. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

S9A. In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, through 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors S9A.4.1.13, associated with this room are illustrated on Fire Protection Figure S9A. 9A.4-4. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and

43. through egress for this room. MFN 16-027.

S9A.4.1.20, S9A. through S9A.4.1.23 Change room 441 to room 446. In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors associated with this room are

44. S9A.4.1.24 illustrated on Fire Protection Figure 9A.4-4. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and egress for this room. MFN 16-027.

In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, S9A.4.1.26 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors

45. through associated with this room are illustrated on Fire Protection Figure S9A.4.1.28 9A.4-4. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and egress for this room. MFN 16-027.

Page 7 of 18

M190211 Item Location Description of Change S9A. In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, through 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors S9A., associated with this room are illustrated on Fire Protection Figure S9A. 9A.4-5. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and through egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

S9A., 46.

S9A. through S9A., S9A. through S9A. In Item (1), change Fire Area to F3200. In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors associated with this

47. S9A. room are illustrated on Fire Protection Figure 9A.4-5. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

S9A. In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, through 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors S9A., associated with this room are illustrated on Fire Protection Figure 48.

S9A. 9A.4-5. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and through egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

S9A. In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, S9A. 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors

49. through associated with this room are illustrated on Fire Protection Figure S9A. 9A.4-6. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

In (4), changed room to 643 and information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including

50. S9A. doors, walls and floors associated with this room are illustrated on Fire Protection Figure 9A.4-6. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors

51. S9A. associated with this room are illustrated on Fire Protection Figure 9A.4-6. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

Page 8 of 18

M190211 Item Location Description of Change Changed to SGTS C division. In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors associated with this room are

52. S9A. illustrated on Fire Protection Figure 9A.4-6. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, S9A. 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors through associated with this room are illustrated on Fire Protection Figure

53. S9A., 9A.4-7. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and S9A., egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

S9A. In Item (1), changed fire area to F4201. In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors associated with this

54. S9A. room are illustrated on Fire Protection Figure 9A.4-6. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors

55. S9A. associated with this room are illustrated on Fire Protection Figure 9A.4-7. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

In Item (1), changed fire area to F4203. In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors associated with this

56. S9A. room are illustrated on Fire Protection Figure 9A.4-7. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors

57. S9A. associated with this room are illustrated on Fire Protection Figure 9A.4-7. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

Page 9 of 18

M190211 Item Location Description of Change In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors

58. S9A. associated with this room are illustrated on Fire Protection Figure 9A.4-6. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

Changed fire area to F4306. In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors associated with this room are

59. S9A. illustrated on Fire Protection Figure 9A.4-6 and 9A.4-7. These fire protection figures also show personnel entry and egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors S9A., associated with this room are illustrated on Fire Protection Figure 60.

S9A. 9A.4-6. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, S9A. 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors

61. through associated with this room are illustrated on Fire Protection Figure S9A. 9A.4-7. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

In Item (1), changed fire are to F6200. In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors associated with this

62. S9A. room are illustrated on Fire Protection Figure 9A.4-7. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors

63. S9A. associated with this room are illustrated on Fire Protection Figure 9A.4-6. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors associated with this room are illustrated on Fire Protection Figure

64. S9A. 9A.4-8. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

Page 10 of 18

M190211 Item Location Description of Change Section title is changed. In (1), F3300 is replaced with F7300. In (2), safety-related and purpose are changed to No. In (4),

information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors associated

65. S9A. with this room are illustrated on Fire Protection Figure 9A.4-8. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and egress for this room. In (6) and (7), references to 6.3.E.9 are deleted. See MFN 16-027.

Section heading is now RCW (C) Surge Tank (Rm No. 735) and this

66. S9A. section is added. See MFN 16-027.

In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors

67. S9A. associated with this room are illustrated on Fire Protection Figure 9A.4-8. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

In (1), F7200 is replaced with F7201. In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors associated with this room are

68. S9A. illustrated on Fire Protection Figure 9A.4-8. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors S9A.,

69. associated with this room are illustrated on Fire Protection Figure S9A. 9A.4-8. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

Section heading Gallery (Rm No. 762) is replaced with Viewing Gallery (Rm No. 763). In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including

70. S9A. doors, walls and floors associated with this room are illustrated on Fire Protection Figure 9A.4-8. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

Section deleted. See MFN 16-027.

71. S9A. Page 11 of 18

M190211 Item Location Description of Change S9A. In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, through 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors

72. S9A., associated with this room are illustrated on Fire Protection Figure S9A., 9A.4-8. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and S9A. egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors

73. S9A. associated with this room are illustrated on Fire Protection Figure 9A.4-12 and 9A.4-13. These fire protection figures also show personnel entry and egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors

74. S9A. associated with this room are illustrated on Fire Protection Figure 9A.4-12. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors

75. S9A. associated with this room are illustrated on Fire Protection Figure 9A.4-12 and 9A.4-13. These fire protection figures also show personnel entry and egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors associated with this room are illustrated on Fire Protection Figure

76. S9A. 9A.4-12. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors

77. S9A. associated with this room are illustrated on Fire Protection Figure 9A.4-12 and 9A.4-13. These fire protection figures also show personnel entry and egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors associated with this room are illustrated on Fire Protection Figure

78. S9A. 9A.4-12. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

Page 12 of 18

M190211 Item Location Description of Change In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors S9A. associated with this room are illustrated on Fire Protection Figure

79. through 9A.4-13. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and S9A. egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, S9A. 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors

80. through associated with this room are illustrated on Fire Protection Figure S9A. 9A.4-14. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors S9A. associated with this room are illustrated on Fire Protection Figure

81. through 9A.4-14, 9A.4-15, 9A.4-16 and 9A.4-16a. These fire protection S9A. figures also show personnel entry and egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors associated with this room are illustrated on Fire Protection Figure

82. S9A. 9A.4-15. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors

83. S9A. associated with this room are illustrated on Fire Protection Figure 9A.4-16. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

Rooms 511, 512 and 513 are replaced with 511. In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors associated with this

84. S9A. room are illustrated on Fire Protection Figure 9A.4-16. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

Page 13 of 18

M190211 Item Location Description of Change Rooms 531, 532 and 533 are replaced with 531. In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors associated with this

85. S9A. room are illustrated on Fire Protection Figure 9A.4-16. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

In (1), FC1310 is replaced with FC1210. In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors associated with this

86. S9A. room are illustrated on Fire Protection Figure 9A.4-16. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

Room 534 is replaced with 533. In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors associated with this room are

87. S9A. illustrated on Fire Protection Figure 9A.4-16. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

Rooms 501, 502, 503 and 504 are replaced with 501. In (4),

information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors associated

88. S9A. with this room are illustrated on Fire Protection Figure 9A.4-16.

This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors associated with this room are illustrated on Fire Protection Figure

89. S9A. 9A.4-16. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

Room 521 is replaced with 505. In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors associated with this room are

90. S9A. illustrated on Fire Protection Figure 9A.4-16. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

Page 14 of 18

M190211 Item Location Description of Change In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors

91. S9A. associated with this room are illustrated on Fire Protection Figure 9A.4-16. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

In (2), Safety-Related is changed to D3 and Provides Core Cooling is changed to D3. In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including

92. S9A. doors, walls and floors associated with this room are illustrated on Fire Protection Figure 9A.4-16. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, S9A. 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors

93. and associated with this room are illustrated on Fire Protection Figure S9A. 9A.4-16. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors

94. S9A. associated with this room are illustrated on Fire Protection Figure 9A.4-16a. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

Changed room number to 601. In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors associated with this room are

95. S9A. illustrated on Fire Protection Figure 9A.4-16a. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors

96. S9A. associated with this room are illustrated on Fire Protection Figure 9A.4-16a. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

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M190211 Item Location Description of Change Rooms 624, 625, 627, 661, 664 are deleted and replaced with 621.

In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors

97. S9A. associated with this room are illustrated on Fire Protection Figure 9A.4-16a. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

Rooms 613, 617, 618, 619 are deleted and replaced with 614. In (4),

information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors associated

98. S9A. with this room are illustrated on Fire Protection Figure 9A.4-16a.

This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors

99. S9A. associated with this room are illustrated on Fire Protection Figure 9A.4-16a. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

Room 612 deleted and replaced with 613. In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors associated with this 100. S9A. room are illustrated on Fire Protection Figure 9A.4-16a. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

Room 615 is replaced with 694. In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors associated with this room are 101. S9A. illustrated on Fire Protection Figure 9A.4-16a. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

Rooms 611 and 652 are deleted and replaced with 602. In (4),

information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors associated 102. S9A. with this room are illustrated on Fire Protection Figure 9A.4-16a.

This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

Page 16 of 18

M190211 Item Location Description of Change (1) FC4310 is replaced with FC1110. In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors associated with this room are 103. S9A. illustrated on Fire Protection Figure 9A.4-16a. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

Rooms 631, 632, 633, 634, 651, and 653 are deleted and replaced with 634. In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls 104. S9A. and floors associated with this room are illustrated on Fire Protection Figure 9A.4-16a. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors S9A. associated with this room are illustrated on Fire Protection Figure 105. through 9A.4-18. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and S9A. egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

Added FT1502, FT1503 to heading. In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors associated with this room are 106. S9A. illustrated on Fire Protection Figure 9A.4-19. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors S9A. associated with this room are illustrated on Fire Protection Figure 107. through 9A.4-19. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and S9A. egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

Added FT1502, FT1503, FT2501, FT2502, FT2503, FT2504 are added to heading. In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including 108. S9A. doors, walls and floors associated with this room are illustrated on Fire Protection Figure 9A.4-20. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

Page 17 of 18

M190211 Item Location Description of Change In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors 109. S9A. associated with this room are illustrated on Fire Protection Figure 9A.4-19. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors S9A. associated with this room are illustrated on Fire Protection Figure 110. and 9A.4-20. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and S9A. egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors 111. S9A.4.3.4 associated with this room are illustrated on Fire Protection Figure 9A.4-21. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

In (4), information is replaced with The fire barriers (3-hour rated, 3-hour rated 5 psid) or unrated including doors, walls and floors 112. S9A.4.7 associated with this room are illustrated on Fire Protection Figure 9A.4-16. This fire protection figure also shows personnel entry and egress for this room. See MFN 16-027.

This section is modified to be consistent with the ABWR aircraft impact assessment assumptions regarding cable routing, HVAC 113. S9A.5.5.10 ducts, and certain fire protection design features. See MFN 16-027 and M170049.

Room numbers changed in items No. 103, 104 and 105 all changed 114. T9A.6-2 to 123 from 116, per MFN 16-027.

Item number 2568 description changed from (A) to (C) per MFN 115. T9A.6-2 16-027.

Room number changed in items No. 2778, 2779, 2780, 2781, 2782, 116. T9A.6-2 2783 and 2784 from 715 to room 735 per MFN 16-027.

Items 220 and 221 Elect Div. changed from 3 to 3/1 and added 117. T9A.6-3 footnote #1 per MFN 16-027.

Items 236 and 237 Elect Div. changed from 3 to 3/1 and added 118. T9A.6-3 footnote #2 per MFN 16-027.

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M190211 ABWR DCD Tier 2 Chapter 10 25A5675AM Rev 7 Change List Item Location Description of Change Global chapter editorial change to change the revision number from

1. Entire Chapter Revision 6 to Revision 7.

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M190211 ABWR DCD Tier 2 Chapter 11 25A5675AN Rev 7 Change List Item Location Description of Change Global chapter editorial change to change the revision number from

1. Entire Chapter Revision 6 to Revision 7.

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M190211 ABWR DCD Tier 2 Chapter 12 25A5675AP Rev 7 Change List Item Location Description of Change Global chapter editorial change to change the revision number from

1. Entire Chapter Revision 6 to Revision 7.

Inserted statement addressing process piping embedded in concrete Section and added references to NRC Regulatory Guides 1.143, 4.21, 8.8 as 2. well as ANSI/ANS Standards 55.1 and 55.6 per MFN 15-063 Supplement 1.

The lead in paragraph starting with Generic ABWR design Section features deleted a comma and added and between 3. contamination & generation. Deleted a comma after waste per MFN 15-063 Supplement 1.

Replace bullets 6 and 7 with the following: Appropriately sloped floors around floor drains in areas where the potential for a spill exists to limit the extent of contamination. The floor drains are monolithic in construction to minimize possibility of liquid penetrating at embedment boundaries. No grout is used in the installation of floor drains. Periodic visual inspections of the installation around the floor drains are performed to ensure no bypass exists in these floor drain areas; and Provisions for Section

4. decontaminable epoxy-type wall and floor coverings, which provide smooth surfaces to ease decontamination. Epoxy-type coatings are applied to both steel surfaces and concrete areas appropriate for contamination control. These areas consist of the walls and floors of the Reactor and Turbine Buildings, radwaste areas, rooms containing equipment with liquid radioactive sources, floor drain areas, washdown bays, and tunnels containing piping transporting potentially radioactive contaminated liquids; per MFN 15-063 Supplement 1.

Added the following


12.3-13, 12.3-14, 12.3-15 and

5. Section 12.3.8 12.3-16 per MFN 15-063 Supplement 1.

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M190211 ABWR DCD Tier 2 Chapter 13 25A5675AR Rev 7 Change List Item Location Description of Change Global chapter editorial change to change the revision number from

1. Entire Chapter Revision 6 to Revision 7.

In the 3rd bullet of the 1st paragraph, reference to the FLEX Support Guidelines (FSGs) is removed. References to the FSGs are

2. S13.5.3.2 removed from the sub-bullets and the reference 13.5-13 is changed to 13.5-12 in the last sub-bullet. See M170023.

Added additional bullet Aircraft impact (see Section 19G) per

3. S13.5.3.4 MFN 16-027.

Deleted NEI 12-06 as a reference and renumbered the last reference

4. S13.5.4 to 13.5-12 (reference to NEI 14-01). See M170023.

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M190211 ABWR DCD Tier 2 Chapter 14 25A5675AS Rev 7 Change List Item Location Description of Change Global chapter editorial change to change the revision number from

1. Entire Chapter Revision 6 to Revision 7.

Deletes validation of a 50% plugged temporary suction strainer for

2. S14. the RHR system preoperational test per M170046.

Deletes validation of a 50% plugged temporary suction strainer for

3. S14. the HPCF system preoperational test per M170046.

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M190211 ABWR DCD Tier 2 Chapter 15 25A5675AT Rev 7 Change List Item Location Description of Change Global chapter editorial change to change the revision number from

1. Entire Chapter Revision 6 to Revision 7.


2. paragraph, 2nd to the last sentence: corrected typographical errors. Changed adjusstable to adjustable and dirve to drive.


3. Subsection (which does not exist) with Subsection (the correct COL Information Item for this site-specific parameter).

This editorial correction was authorized by CR 19622.


4. Subsection (which does not exist) with Subsection (the correct COL Information Item for this site-specific parameter).

This editorial correction was authorized by CR 19622.


5. Subsection (which does not exist) with Subsection (the correct COL Information Item for this site-specific parameter).

This editorial correction was authorized by CR 19622.


6. Subsection (which does not exist) with Subsection (the correct COL Information Item for this site-specific parameter).

This editorial correction was authorized by CR 19622.

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M190211 ABWR DCD Tier 2 Chapter 16 25A5675AU Rev 7 Change List Item Location Description of Change Global chapter editorial change to change the revision number from

1. Entire Chapter Revision 6 to Revision 7.


Condensate Storage Tank Water Level from 1 to 2 and after Item 23 inserted the following:

24. N2 Header Pressure [required number of divisions] 2
25. Drywell Pressure - Wide Range [required number of
2. Table divisions] 2
26. Suppression Pool Water Level Wide Range [required number of divisions] 2
27. RPV Wide Range Water Level - Cold [required number of divisions] 2 Refer to MFN 15-069, Supplement 1.


3. SR IN REVISION 6. Changed 0.294 MPaG to 0.312 MPaG.

Refer to CR-19705 and see Chapter 16 change list for Revision 4 to Revision 5.

Deleted the subsection number Deleted subsection

4. S4.3.1 in its entirety. Refer to MFN-15-065, Supplement 1.

Deleted the subsection number Refer to MFN-15-065,

5. S4.3.3 Supplement 1.

Under LCO: Changed 12 and 13 to 12, 13, and 27.; inserted the following sentence There is an additional set of wide range instruments that have been calibrated for cold conditions and will

6. Bases be used when the normal instruments are off scale. Modified the next sentence to read One channel of each of the RPV Water level conditions and ranges Refer to MFN 15-069, Supplement 1.

Added 26 to item 18 Suppression Pool Water Level and added Narrow and Wide Range; 2nd sentence added the term narrow range; added the following sentence: The wide range level indicators monitor the suppression pool from the centerline of the

7. Bases ECCS suction piping to the wetwell spargers. Changed the next sentence to read One channel of both Functions are Refer to MFN 15-069, Supplement 1.

Page 1 of 2

M190211 Item Location Description of Change Item 19 was modified as follows: 1st sentence was changed to water supply to RCIC and HPCF. The second sentence was modified to read: MODE 3 when using RCIC and HPCF. The 3rd sentence was deleted and the 4th sentence was changed as

8. Bases follows: Both channels arefrom both RSS panels.

Item 24. N2 Header Pressure and Item 25. Drywell Pressure -

Wide Range were added.

Refer to MFN 15-069, Supplement 1.


9. IN REVISION 6. Changed 0.269 MPaG to 0.284 MPaG.

SAFETY Refer to CR-19705 and see Chapter 16 change list for Revision 4 to ANALYSES Revision 5.


10. IN REVISION 6. Changed 0.269 MPaG to 0.284 MPaG.

SAFETY Refer to CR-19705 and see Chapter 16 change list for Revision 4 to ANALYSES Revision 5.


11. IN REVISION 6. Changed 0.269 MPaG to 0.284 MPaG.

SAFETY Refer to CR-19705 and see Chapter 16 change list for Revision 4 to ANALYSES Revision 5.

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M190211 ABWR DCD Tier 2 Chapter 17 25A5675AV Rev 7 Change List Item Location Description of Change Global chapter editorial change to change the revision number from

1. Entire Chapter Revision 6 to Revision 7.

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M190211 ABWR DCD Tier 2 Chapter 18 25A5675AW Rev 7 Change List Item Location Description of Change Global chapter editorial change to change the revision number from

1. Entire Chapter Revision 6 to Revision 7.

Delete the New Fuel Storage Area from Table 1 - Operating Values

2. Appendix 18A of Secondary Containment Parameters. Refer to MFN 15-065, Supplement 1.

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M190211 ABWR DCD Tier 2 Chapter 19 25A5675AX Rev 7 Change List Item Location Description of Change Global chapter editorial change to change the revision number from

1. Entire Chapter Revision 6 to Revision 7.

Calculated peak clad temperatures in this section are conservatively

2. S19. updated to account for estimated adjustments based on 10 CFR 50.46. See M190008.

Reference 19.3-8 is added to refer to letter M180187, Peak Cladding Temperature 2018 Annual Reporting Under 10 CFR 50.46 for the

3. S19.3.5 GEH Hitachi Nuclear Energy Advanced Boiling Water Reactor (ABWR) Design Certification and the ABWR Design Certification Renewal Application for information on 10 CFR 50.46 compliance.

Updated the Safety Issues Index Table for New Generic Issues

4. 19B through June 2016 per MFN 16-065.

Updated 19B.2 to address New Generic issues 186, 189, 191, 193

5. S19B.2 and 199 per MFN 16-065 and MFN 16-065, Supplement 1.

Replaced Equation 19E.2-41b with Reference 19E.2-38;

6. 19E. corrected Equation 19E.2-41k. See MFN 16-001, Revision 1, Supplement 2.

Per MFN 16-027, included (References 19G-2 and 19G-1) after

7. S19G.1 NEI 07-13 in the 1st paragraph, 2nd sentence, and added Detailed information is provided in Reference 19G-3.

EDITORIAL CORRECTION to remove an extraneous quote

8. S19G.2 symbol in each of the bulleted items in the first paragraph.
9. S19G.2 Add RCCV to 2nd paragraph. See MFN 16-027.

Editorial correction in the section number to remove a period 19G.4.1 and

10. between 19 and G for consistency with other section numbers.

19G.4.2 See MFN 16-027 DCD markups.

Items (1), (2), (3), (6), (7), (9), (10), and (11) are modified to be consistent with the key design features of the final ABWR aircraft

11. 19G.4.2 impact assessment. See MFN 16-027, MFN 16-027 R1, MFN 16-027 R2, and M170049.

This section is modified to be consistent with the key design features

12. 19G.4.3 of the final ABWR aircraft impact assessment. See MFN 16-027 and M170049.

Page 1 of 2

M190211 Item Location Description of Change This section is modified to be consistent with the key design features

13. 19G.4.4 of the final ABWR aircraft impact assessment. See MFN 16-027.

Changed reference numbers from 19.7-1 to 19G-1 and 19.7-2 to 19G-2. Reference 19G.2 is modified to add the title and issue date for RG 1.217. Added a new Reference 19G-3, NEDE-33875P,

14. 19G.6 ABWR US Certified Design Aircraft Impact Assessment, Licensing Basis Information and Design Details for Key Design Features.

See MFN 16-027, MFN 16-027 R2, and M170049.

Modified specific components to cycle and instrumentation to

15. 19K.11.5 check. See M170257.

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M190211 ABWR DCD Tier 2 Chapter 20 25A5675BA Rev 7 Change List Item Location Description of Change Global chapter editorial change to change the revision number from

1. Entire Chapter Revision 6 to Revision 7.

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M190211 ABWR DCD Tier 2 Chapter 21, Volume 1 25A5675BB Rev 7 Change List Item Location Description of Change Global chapter editorial change to change the revision number from

1. Entire Chapter Revision 6 to Revision 7.

Added EDG protective awnings at HVAC intake openings per approved design change. Enhanced R/B door between Rm No 613 and Rm No 614 as water tight (WT) at R6/RB. Updated R/B door at

2. F1.2-10 corridor Rm No 614 from water tight (WT) door to standard door at R5/RA. Strengthened wall at R6/RA-RB. Elevator wall thickness at R1/RD corrected at elevation 23500mm. See MFN 16-027, Revision 2.

Figure was revised to correctly identify Rm No 733 with Rm 735

3. F1.2-12 (RCW (C) Surge Tank) and to identify Rm No 743 in R/B Operating Floor. See MFN 16-027.

Deleted duct space adjacent to elevator R2/RF at elevation

4. F1.2-12 31700mm. See MFN 16-027, Revision 2.

The T-conical ECCS suction strainers are changed to depict a

5. F1.2-13i stacked-disk strainer in the locations on this figure. See M170046.

Corrected elevation of C/B roof at MSL to correspond with Figure

6. F1.2-14 3H.2-28, Control Building Section. See MFN 16-027, Revision 2.

Corrected elevation of C/B roof at MSL to correspond with Figure

7. F1.2-22 3H.2-28, Control Building Section. See MFN 16-027, Revision 2.

Figure was revised to show RSS signal coming to the solenoids for F5.1-3 (sheet 2

8. SRVs C, H, R, and L and signals from RSS for G, J, K and P were of 11) deleted per MFN 15-069, Supplement 1.

This Figure is revised to show Division A RPV Narrow range and F5.1-3 (sheet 5

9. Wide Range Water Level signals going to the RSS per MFN 15-069, of 11)

Supplement 1.

This Figure is revised to show Division B RPV Narrow range and F5.1-3 (sheet 6

10. Wide Range Water Level signals going to the RSS per MFN 15-069, of 11)

Supplement 1.

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M190211 ABWR DCD Tier 2 Chapter 21, Volume 2 25A5675BC Rev 7 Change List Item Location Description of Change Global chapter editorial change to change the revision number from

1. Entire Chapter Revision 6 to Revision 7.

In Note 10, changed suppression pool suction strainer is 50%

F5.4-9 (sheet 1

2. plugged to suppression pool suction strainer head loss is at the of 2) design value. See M170046.

The 50% plugged assumption for the ECCS suction strainers is F5.4-11 (sheet

3. changed to be the head loss at design value for each instance on this 2 of 2) figure. See M170046.

Figure was revised to show signals being sent to the RSS for F6.2-39 (sheet Suppression Pool Water Level Narrow and Wide Range per MFN 4.

2 of 3)15-069, Supplement 1.

F6.2-39 (sheet Figure revised to show Drywell Pressure - Wide Range signals

5. being sent to the RSS per MFN 15-069, Supplement 1.

3 of 3)

In Note 4, changed suction strainers 50 percent plugged to

6. F6.3-1 suction strainer head loss at the design value. See M170046.

Figure revised to show N2 Header Pressure signals going to the RSS

7. Figure 6.7-1 and a to add the RSS IED to the list of Reference Documents per MFN 15-069, Supplement 1.

Page 1 of 1

M190211 ABWR DCD Tier 2 Chapter 21, Volume 3 25A5675BD Rev 7 Change List Item Location Description of Change Global chapter editorial change to change the revision number from

1. Entire Chapter Revision 6 to Revision 7.

F7.3-2 Figure was revised to add a note 17 on Manual operation of the

2. Division I ADS valves per MFN 15-069, Supplement 1.

(sheet 2 of 37)

Figure revised to show modified SRV logic signal for SRV P and F7.3-2

3. to move the RSS SRV Open signal logic to SRV C to Figure 7.3-2 (sheet 3 of 37)

(sheet 9 of 37) per MFN 15-069, Supplement 1.

Figure revised to show modified SRV logic signal for SRV J and to F7.3-2 move the RSS SRV Open signal logic to SRV L to Figure 7.3-2 4.

(sheet 4 of 37) (sheet 10 of 37) per MFN 15-069, Supplement 1.

Figure revised to show modified SRV logic signal for SRV G and F7.3-2 to move the RSS SRV Open signal logic to SRV H to Figure 7.3-2 5.

(sheet 6 of 37) (sheet 9 of 37) per MFN 15-069, Supplement 1.

Figure revised to show modified SRV logic signal for SRV K and F7.3-2 to move the RSS SRV Open signal logic to SRV H to Figure 7.3-2 6.

(sheet 7 of 37) (sheet 10 of 37) per MFN 15-069, Supplement 1.

Figure revised to show modified SRV logic signal for SRV C and F7.3-2 H and to move the RSS SRV Open signal logic for SRV C and 7.

(sheet 9 of 37) SRV H to Figure 7.3-2 Sh. 9 (from sheets 3 and 6 of 37) per MFN 15-069, Supplement 1.

Figure revised to show modified SRV logic signal for SRV L and R F7.3-2 and to move the RSS SRV Open signal logic for SRV L and SRV 8.

(sheet 10 of 37) R to Figure 7.3-2 Sh. 10 (from sheets 4 and 7 of 37) per MFN 15-069, Supplement 1.

F7.3-2 Figure updated to show SRV C, H, L & R logic ties to RSS and

9. added a reference to See Note 17 per MFN 15-069, Supplement 1.

(sheet 18 of 37)

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M190211 ABWR DCD Tier 2 Chapter 21, Volume 4 25A5675BE Rev 7 Change List Item Location Description of Change Global chapter editorial change to change the revision number from

1. Entire Chapter Revision 6 to Revision 7.

Page 1 of 1

M190211 ABWR DCD Tier 2 Chapter 21, Volume 5 25A5675BF Rev 7 Change List Item Location Description of Change Global chapter editorial change to change the revision number from

1. Entire Chapter Revision 6 to Revision 7.

Figure was revised to updated the RSS IED for the addition of N2 Header PT A, B signals, Wide Range Drywell Pressure PT A, B signals, CST Level LT A signal, Wide Range SP Level A, B signals,

2. F7.4-2 RPV Wide Range Cold LT A, B signals and to update the SRVs that can be manually operated from RSS to C, H, R, and L per MFN 15-069, Supplement 1.

F7.4-3 Figure revised to replace SRVs P, G, K and J with SRVs R, C, H 3.

(Sheet 2 of 27) and L per MFN 15-069, Supplement 1.

F7.4-3 Figure revised to update the Air Operated Safety Relief Valves as 4.

(Sheet 9 of 27) SRVs C, H, L and R per MFN 15-069, Supplement 1.

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M190211 ABWR DCD Tier 2 Chapter 21, Volume 6 25A5675BG Rev 7 Change List Item Location Description of Change Global chapter editorial change to change the revision number from

1. Entire Chapter Revision 6 to Revision 7.

Page 1 of 1

M190211 ABWR DCD Tier 2 Chapter 21, Volume 7 25A5675BH Rev 7 Change List Item Location Description of Change Global chapter editorial change to change the revision number

1. Entire Chapter from Revision 6 to Revision 7.

Changed FLEX DG to External DG in three places. See

2. F8.3-1 Sh3 M170020.

F9.2-3 Figure was revised to identified cross connects from HECW C 3.

(Sheet 1 of 3) and HECW A per MFN 16-027.

F9.2-3 Figure was revised to identified cross connects from HECW C 4.

(Sheet 3 of 3) and HECW A per MFN 16-027.

Figure was revised to add a connection from the LIS Z601 B to the

5. F9.2-4 RSS per MFN 15-069, Supplement 1.

Figure was revised to add following: note: 7 - MCR AREA HVAC "C" powered from Div I under manual mode operation for F9.4-1

6. postulated aircraft impact scenarios and note: 8 MCR Area HVAC (Sheet 2 of 5)

"C" is operated in a manual mode supplied from HECW "A" under postulated aircraft impact scenarios. See MFN 16-027.

Revised fire area F4201 to F1200 for duct space adjacent to

7. F9A.4-2 elevator R2/RF at elevation -1700mm. See MFN-16-027, Revision 2.

Figure was revised to identify Rm No. 312 and Rm. No 381 per

8. F9A.4-3 MFN 16-027.

Figure was revised to add a note to above grade R/B fire protection figures that structural components on this elevation may be classified as an interface boundary under aircraft impact. In general, interface boundaries are assumed to contain no

9. F9A.4-4 penetrations. If considering changes (including adding a penetration) to any walls, ceiling, or floors on this elevation, refer to NEDE-33875P and the AIA cognizant engineer and to deleted F1900 for containment fire area. See MFN 16-027.

Updated F4201 as a 3-hour rated floor per MFN 16-027, Revision

10. F9A.4-4 2.

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M190211 Item Location Description of Change Figure was revised to add a note to above grade R/B fire protection figures that structural components on this elevation may be classified as an interface boundary under aircraft impact. In general, interface boundaries are assumed to contain no

11. F9A.4-5 penetrations. If considering changes (including adding a penetration) to any walls, ceiling, or floors on this elevation, refer to NEDE-33875P and the AIA cognizant engineer and to add room numbers 538 and 539 for cask pit and spent fuel pool for completeness. See MFN 16-027.

Figure was revised to add a note to above grade R/B fire protection figures that structural components on this elevation may be classified as an interface boundary under aircraft impact. In general, interface boundaries are assumed to contain no penetrations. If considering changes (including adding a

12. F9A.4-6 penetration) to any walls, ceiling, or floors on this elevation, refer to NEDE-33875P and the AIA cognizant engineer; Identified door in corridor as not a 3 hour3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> rated fire door; Added door in corridor to match figure 1.2-10; and Correctly identified a fire zone. See MFN 16-027.

Added EDG protective awnings at HVAC intake openings per approved design change. Enhanced R/B door between Rm No 613 and Rm No 614 as water tight (WT) at R6/RB. Updated R/B door

13. F9A.4-6 at corridor Rm No 614 from water tight (WT) door to standard door at R5/RA. Strengthened wall at R6/RA-RB as 3 hr rated fire and 5 psid barrier (blue). Elevator wall thickness at R1/RD corrected at elevation 23500mm. See MFN 16-027, Revision 2.

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M190211 Item Location Description of Change Figure was revised to add a note to above grade R/B fire protection figures that structural components on this elevation may be classified as an interface boundary under aircraft impact. In general, interface boundaries are assumed to contain no

14. F9A.4-7 penetrations. If considering changes (including adding a penetration) to any walls, ceiling, or floors on this elevation, refer to NEDE-33875P and the AIA cognizant engineer and Rm No. 685 floor rated for 3hr was revised to reflect 3hr overlay from Rm No.

614 at elev. 23700. See MFN 16-027.

Updated F6100 as 3 hr rated floor at Rm No 659 at elevation

15. F9A.4-7 27200mm. See MFN 16-027, Revision 2.

Figure was revised to add a note to above grade R/B fire protection figures that structural components on this elevation may be classified as an interface boundary under aircraft impact. In general, interface boundaries are assumed to contain no penetrations. If considering changes (including adding a penetration) to any walls, ceiling, or floors on this elevation, refer

16. F9A.4-8 to NEDE-33875P and the AIA cognizant engineer and corrected Figure 9A.4-8 which in the last revision separated Rm No. 715 and 733. Room number 733 was inadvertently re-used and duplicated.

Rm No 733 is located on RB operating deck elev. 31700mm.

Figure 9A.4-8 is also revised to reflect new Rm No 735 as RCW C surge tank room. See MFN 16-027.

Deleted duct space adjacent to elevator R2/RF at elevation

17. F9A.4-8 31700mm. See MFN 16-027, Revision 2.

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M190211 ABWR DCD Tier 2 Chapter 21, Volume 8 25A5675BJ Rev 7 Change List Item Location Description of Change Global chapter editorial change to change the revision number from

1. Entire Chapter Revision 6 to Revision 7.

Added Rm No 522 in agreement with 9A. Control Room HVAC B Exhaust Duct Chase. Added Rm No 595 in agreement

2. F9A.4-16 with 9A. Control Room HVAC C Exhaust Duct Chase.

Corrected Rm No. 593 label described in 9A. See MFN 16-027.

Added fire protection figure legend for building fire hazard

3. F9A.4-18 symbols omitted from this figure. See MFN 16-027.

Added fire protection figure legend for building fire hazard

4. F9A.4-19 symbols omitted from this figure. See MFN 16-027.

Added fire protection figure legend for building fire hazard symbols omitted from this figure. Added Rm No 310 for

5. F9A.4-20 Switchgear B Area (Rm No. 310) described in 9A. See MFN 16-027.

Added fire protection figure legend for building fire hazard

6. F9A.4-21 symbols omitted from this figure. See MFN 16-027.

Added EDG protective awnings at HVAC intake openings per approved design change. Enhanced R/B door between Rm No 613 and Rm No 614 as water tight (WT) at R6/RB. Updated R/B door at

7. F12.3-7 corridor Rm No 614 from water tight (WT) door to standard door at R5/RA. Strengthened wall at R6/RA-RB. See MFN-16-027 Revision 2.

Revised to reflect Rm denoted 734 (error) is labeled Rm No 735 (RCW (C) Surge Tank) and unnamed room in RB Operating Floor

8. F12.3-9 Rm No 716 is labeled Rm No 734 to reflect that an additional room was created. See MFN 16-027.

Deleted duct space adjacent to elevator R2/RF at elevation

9. F12.3-9 31700mm. MFN 16-027, Revision 2.

Added EDG protective awnings at HVAC intake openings per approved design change. Enhanced R/B door between Rm No 613 and Rm No 614 as water tight (WT) at R6/RB. Updated R/B door at

10. F12.3-18 corridor Rm No 614 from water tight (WT) door to standard door at R5/RA. Strengthened wall at R6/RA-RB. See MFN-16-027, Revision 2.

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M190211 Item Location Description of Change Revised to reflect Rm denoted 734 (error) is labeled Rm No 735 (RCW (C) Surge Tank) and unnamed room in RB Operating Floor

11. F12.3-20 Rm No 716 is labeled Rm No 734 to reflect that an additional room was created. See MFN-16-027.

Deleted duct space adjacent to elevator R2/RF at elevation

12. F12.3-20 31700mm. See MFN-16-027, Revision 2.

Added EDG protective awnings at HVAC intake openings per approved design change. Enhanced R/B door between Rm No 613 and Rm No 614 as water tight (WT) at R6/RB. Updated R/B door at

13. F12.3-60 corridor Rm No 614 from water tight (WT) door to standard door at R5/RA. Strengthened wall at R6/RA-RB. See MFN-16-027, Revision 2.

Revised to reflect Rm denoted 734 (error) is labeled Rm No 735 (RCW (C) Surge Tank) and unnamed room in RB Operating Floor

14. F12.3-62 Rm No 716 is labeled Rm No 734 to reflect that an additional room was created. See MFN-16-027.

Deleted duct space adjacent to elevator R2/RF at elevation

15. F12.3-62 31700mm. See MFN-16-027, Revision 2.

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