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Memo to T. Hanley Dresden Station Radiological Groundwater Protection Program Status Report - 4th Quarter 2007
Person / Time
Site: Dresden  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 02/14/2008
From: Strmec J
Exelon Corp
To: Hanley T
Exelon Corp, Office of Information Services
Download: ML101970341 (38)


JFebruary 14, 2008:


Dresden Station Radiological Groundwater Protection Program (RGPP)

Status Report - 4 h Quarter 2007 To: Tmothy K. Hanley

~resdeny Plant Manager The purpose of this letter is to provide a status of the Dresden Radiological Groundwater Protection Program. There have been no new leaks or spills from contaminated systems that have impacted groundwater.

The RGPP provides information on groundwater movement and groundwater contamination.

Trending of this data is helpful in predicting potential off-site dose and groundwater contamination consequences. The RGPP may, in some instances, identify a leak in a piping system. It is important to note that other leak detection methodologies such as pressure testing, the use of tracer gases, and G-Scan (guided-wave ultrasonic examinations) are better for leak detection.

The most notable result from the 4 th quarter corporate sampling is the elevated tritium concentration found in the cooling pond. The previous three samples showed tritium concentrations at LLD. Tritium in the cooling pond was measured at 1,300 pCi/L in November of 2007. This tritium comes from Braidwood radwaste discharges.


The Dresden RGPP consists of two parts: (1) The corporate sponsored program consisting of groundwater samples taken every six months, and, the station's supplemental RGPP consisting of groundwater sampling once per month.

Corporate RGPP:

The corporate program samples 39 developed wells within the Protected Area (P.A.), 26 developed wells outside the P.A., and 6 surface water samples of the canals and cooling pond. Water levels are also taken to determine groundwater hydrology and trend groundwater movement. The sampling methodology follows a time consuming sampling standard where the wells are purged and the samples drawn at a slow rate. Samples are sent to an off-site lab and analyzed using a long count (2-hours) for improved Lower Level of Detectability (LLD).

Supplemental RGPP:

After identifying that the HPCI suction piping was leaking in 2004, the Dresden Chemistry groundwater-monitoring program was enhanced to include sentinel wells, sewers and trenches in the vicinity of this leak to assess changing conditions. The program continued to monitor other areas of historic leaks/spills and piping systems known to carry contaminated water. 'Tritium Maps' were developed to provide a tool to trend the analytical results. Grab samples are used to minimize the time required to collect the samples and analysis is performed in the counting room lab for 30 minutes. This is a flexible program that is also used to sample and analyze water from locations requested by different de artments as well as regulators. lC EVED

  • 0 2MAYi 1, REE

Corporate RGPP Results:

Results are from samples taken in November of 2007. These results are included in the ODCM Annual Environmental Radiological Operating Report (AEROR) submitted to the NRC. Trends of the results are provided in Attachment 1.

The results of the 39 samples taken from within the P.A. show about 2/3rds of the wells have measurable tritium contamination. The contaminated groundwater is located in areas of historic leaks and/or spills that have occurred over the last 40 years of operation.

The wells outside the P.A. form a ring around the site. In general, the results of these samples show no measurable tritium contamination with the exception of the well near the radwaste discharge line and the wells near the hot canal.

Supplemental RGPP Results:

Results are from samples taken in January of 2008. Trends of the results are provided in Attachment 2. There are no significant changes in this data.

Specific Results:

1. Cribhouse Electrical Penetration:

On September 3 rd, 2007, following heavy rains; water started flowing into the Cribhouse basement through one electrical penetration. Samples of this water showed an elevated tritium concentration. The tritium concentration increased over the next few days suggesting a leak in a nearby piping system. Further monitoring showed the tritium concentration and the flow dropping off (indicative of groundwater in-leakage that had picked tip tritium from a historic spill). CRA and Associates, an independent environmental consultant, was asked to evaluate this situation. CRA is suggesting additional groundwater monitoring wells to help quantify the local conditions (IR 668190 & 732919).

2. HRSS Ventilation duct On October 2 2 "d,2007, Water was found internal to the ductwork of an HRSS air conditioning unit. The water contained a measurable tritium concentration. An investigation identified that the most probable source of the contamination was a leaking valve on the HRSS hold tank. The water was transferred to a radwaste drain in the Unit 2 Turbine Building (IR 687732).
3. Sample Well DSP- 122 This sample well is located north of the Radwaste Tank farm. This well has showed a slowly increasing trend in tritium concentration. Chemistry continues to monitor this data.
4. Sample Well DSP-124 This well is just south of the Floor Drain Surge Tank south of the Unit 3 Reactor Building. This well shows a steady to increasing trend of tritium contamination. Chemistry continues to monitor this data (IR 619751).
5. Sample Wells MW-DN-124-S & I These wells are located just south of the liquid nitrogen tanks. They were installed to intercept the plume created by the leak of the 2004 HPCI suction piping. These wells show the highest concentration of tritium contamination on site (-100,000 pCi/L). For comparison, the tritium concentration in the 2/3 CST is about two orders of magnitude higher (-8,000,000 pCi/L). The concentration of tritium in these wells has been steady for the last year. Chemistry continues to monitor this data.
6. DSP-131 & DSP-132 The storm sewers on the Unit I side of the plant (east side) route through DSP-132 then discharge into the Unit Intake Canal. The sewers on the Unit 2/3 side of the plant (west side) route through DSP-13 1, then through an oil separator, then discharge into the Unit 2/3 Hot Canal. Results of samples taken from these storm sewers show trace amounts of tritium contamination, usually after a heavy rain. Chemistry continues to monitor this data.
7. Unit 2/3 Electrical Cable Tunnel There is groundwater leaking into the Unit 2/3 electrical cable tunnel. RP has mopped up this groundwater from time to time. The water shows measurable tritium whose source is unknown.

The tritium could be coming from the groundwater leaking in or from the plugged drain line that connects to radwaste. Engineering has determined that groundwater is leaking into the building rather than the water in the cable tunnel leaking out; therefore, there is low risk of contaminating groundwater from this source (IR 732915).

8. Condensate Pump Room From time to time there have been discoveries of standing water in the condensate pump room.

If there is tritium in the water the most probable source is leakage from the Condensate/Condensate Booster pumps. The water in this room routes to a sump that routes to radwaste. Engineering has determined that groundwater is leaking into the building rather than the water in the Condensate Pump Room leaking out; therefore, there is low risk of contaminating groundwater from this source.

Joe Strmec*

Dresden Che istry Manager CC: D. Wozniak J. Sipek J. Ellis B. Rybak R. Sisk P. Mankoo R. Kalb C. Phillips B. Schultz

MW-DN-1 16-S 20,000 15,000 -I 10,000-5,000 x

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0 N ~ I WWT Effluent cu,uuuJ -i . .. . . . .. . .

15,000 MW-DN-1 16-1 20,000 10,000 --

15,000 5,000 10,000 5,000 5- --

0 " 6 o .- 0 0 -

-_ jiL I-ll I I


0 ua

- 0 -0 -

- 0 0 0 DSP-122 40,000 35,000 Unit 2 HRSS Ventilation 30,000 Cribhouse South Wall Leak 25,000 80,000

  • Leak has stopped 20,000 100,000 -

60,000 15,000 -

10,000 80,000 40,000 60.000 N ( 20,000 -

oT 0 0 C 0-g 0 40,000 20,000

/*'*7 ý-

0- 0-Distribution: 0 o

1. David Wozniak o-i a) 0 C,. 0
6. Bob Rybak N 7
2. Tim Hanley 7. Chuck Phillips
3. Joe Strmec 8. Bob Schultz
4. Joe Sipek 9. Randy Kalb
5. Jim Ellis

on: 2/19/08 DSP-124 100,000 60,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 0l-

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- N 0 - 04 E-4 20,000 15,000 10,000 5.000

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0 1, 0 0o 7 - 0o . 0) -

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. I Cribhouse Leak - Map 1 Sc Olf~e I It*6 1 Sam01e 2 f6 S,-.4m 2 el6 rpe3 Xf6 S-011114 ý,(6 sacn-Pf,:*o 6 WVWT Effluen DSP-122 Sewer "X' Cribhouse L.Ok -MW-DN-116-S MW-DN-1164 Ctal Activty _Date Actwity Date Acbh,t., Oat"* Aclivityt Wte Ad-tyvt DaIe Adhv,ty 01/02/07 346 1W24106 2,600 04]/29104 5*.000 09!n3.07 30.000 0&.09()06 431 C0/09/06 4.150 01,109307 422 01;0207 .q00 0905t07 90 09/"407 -33,000 05(10;07 345 10;20i06 ,0

'01/16/07 Q*9 01110/107 ýý£.700 C9107.07 4,20*0 CW/0507 -:03.00C* 090f4V07 400 05/t0;'07 4*390 01ý231t07 24,5 0 1;18107 IMO0 09107,i07 1,500 09W06,107 52,000 0911ý07 ;l00 09/14,07 4.0 0'30/07 444 01/:12:07 1,500 09,19/07 5,3r00 C90-/07 50.900 09/27/07 300 OT9/1907 5,300 GPJO&107 262 02M1207 2.100 09'26107 00 09,0&.07 58.600 1,i]/)2J07 .100 0")27!07 4.LI00 02J/13107 zoo 03,03107 2.300 09,09/07 64,400 10/02,07 4,300 0Q,'20/07 218 03112107 2,00 OWMA107 55,400 02/'27/0i7 NG6 03124W0 i.60w 09/111/07 56.900

,13/(GG107- 124 0-V311e7 4!000 09g11PJ07 56.600 03/13!,07 169 04/12!07 3*400 09/I1307 51,t0m 03120,'07 213 04'1 9107 31500 09/I14/07 51,(00 3/,0 7 372 04r-8t07 3,000 09117107 46,GC0 04;'03,07 209 0)5/0ZI07 3,400 09118107 38,400 041101"07 1 .3 05123/07 3.600 1 0.11'19107 37,.100 040'I7107 120 05,30/07 2,400 09/20/07 27,500 04/2.4/07  ! 70 06,06107 1,900 0,5101107 197 06114/07 4,200O 05;08/07 132 06/21107 4.500 05/1,5/07 201 06/29107 4,400 05it22,07 189 107120107 4. t00 05,29107 102 08104107 1 4,100 0&05,07 386 08f18/7 30200 OV6V/120 '159 08(29/07 5,100 06/19/07 54 09VI1/07 4,500 0&62C407 136 09/!8/07 4.100 07,103;07 1,150 09,26107 4,200 07,110;07 1 1,400 10/01107 5,2.00 07;17W0 t86 10118107 6.300 0"/24o07 165 11/10,'07 6.300 07,131/07 37 1IA 8/107 6,500

-0%,06107- 100 t11130/07, 4,6, 09.0;'/017 12J13/07' 1,0 10.000 09/08/07 2100 01,'10/08 .1.200o

{1'3/11/07 100o 0 9,1 VO07 loo 09/1.4;07 200 QWm1707 300 0 9/I 1 a07 300 09111]0"7 0 09/20107 100 09/21;07 1,400

Groundwater Monitoring - Map 2 Sewers - Map 3 Simple 1o5o 5 _ a_ ple 20 5 S/ropl, 3 of 5 '4apl I of 2 !1,1, 2 .ef 2 OSP-131 0SP-132 Date AOtIvl, Date Ac/oi 12/14i( 011t 1,071 700 04/13/06 400 03,03/06 710

.000 01,05/07 1 23.000 414,06 8.200 01/11 07 04/17106 1.000 04/1106 700 01/11/07 1 83,100 01/11;07 118.100 024,06 3.700 01,22/07 04/24/06 800 04/17/06 1000 01/11107 1 81.700 1/182007 99.300 L'-" 04/27/'061 3,500 02/1ZO07 200 1300 (14/27/06 .300 '1/24,06 600 01/20/07 03/03/07 05,04M0 1.100 04127/06 1,101) 0312/07 I ,400G 05/08/06 500 05004,06 1,100 03033107 03/12J07 I o80.00.1. 03/12/07 98.200 05,11106 3,500 03/24/07 400 05,11,06 1,200 0i.08(06 600 03/24107 -,000 7C 0132.07 9.,900 05051506 3.700 03/31/07 1200 06/15/06 .1;o 05/11,06 300 03(31/0 0 600 03,31/07 900.1 05/18106 3,300 04/13/07 400 05/18(06 500 06/15/06 460 04;13/07 84,100 04/13/07 104,000 ,' 05/25/06 5300 04120/07 1,C,00 05i2./06 1.110 05114W06 300 04o!9 07 '/0000 04,1107 110,000 06/01106 12.000 04/28107 /

400 36/01/06 900 05,25K06 500 05,02/07 G.700 ', 05/02/07 111"000 0605/06 14.000 05/03/07 1.600 C(505/06 700 06/01/06 W00 00,33,07 840200 05/23/07 117.700 06/1606 16,000 05/17107 1.300 076/N0806 9300 06/05/06 500 05.30/07 823000 05/30/07 110,000 06(105 j 15,000 05123/07 1.300 06/15/06 700 06/08(06 700 06/06.07 79,000 06/00G- 1 1 "000 07.06C06 14,000 05/00,07 1,000 06/1106 700 06/15/06 700 06/15,07 51,000 0&/15,07 110.000 07/11106 12,000 05/06/07 900 07/06/06 500 06,19/06 600 06,22/07 0,000 ' 06/30/07 1I'0000 07117/06 11.000 06/14/07 /00 07/11/06 700 07/06/06 1,700 06/30/07 120.000 ' 08/09/07 141,200 ,'. 07/25/06 11000 06/21/07 700 07/17/06 700 07/11106 700 08(0907 63,800 ?W " .8,30/07 132.200 07131/06 10.000 06/29/07 800 07/25/06 1,100 07/17/06 1,100 0&(31,07 82.300 _" _ 09117107 125,000 08(07106 11.000 07/07/07 1.100 07,'31/06 300 07/25/06 1.100 09:17/07 23,700 ' 10102/07 125.000 09/18(06 11.000 07/11/07 G00 07131/06 800 07/31,06 750 10,02/07 10;110/07 120,000 130.000  ! R* 10(1/07 83,000 1112'9;07_ 120,0('0 "00,0 09(28906 9.400 07/24107 ,00 o 00/07(06 1,000 06103106 500 0 07 10 10/04,06 ,000 08(04/07 100 08(15,06 700 08(117/06 1,000 11/16&07 120.000 10;10/06 6,900 08/18(07 600 06/23/06 600 08/150,6 900 11.30/07 130000 (0 10/16/06 9.300 1(101107 300 08a31,06 600 08(23/06 600 12J14/07 95,"3000 ' 10(23,06 5,600 11/10,07 1,700 09107,06 903 09/31/06 800 10127/06 6,100 11;18/07 1.100 09(112.06 500 03/07/06 700 11/02/06 6.300 12/1a07 2.800 09/2206 300 /9/1,06 000 11/09/06 0,067 09(29/06 200 09/20/06 700 12/03/06 10,000 10/13/06 1,100 0 /29/06 100 12,'13/06 13.000 10/10106 500 10/03/06 1,100

[: 01/02/07 1 10.000 10/16/06 400 10/10,06 500 10/26/06 300 10;16/06 500

.1~j* 01/10/07 17,600 10/31/06 400 10/23/06 400 01/18/07 17.600 11/09,06 300 10/31/06 900 13J(1506 700 11/09/06 900 12/27/06 100 1,02,06 400 03/03/07 1 26.500 01,02107 400 12/27(06 200 01/10107 300 01/10/07 300 01/11807 200 01/10107 500 01/20/07 0000 01/8(07 300 04,11a07 24.600 02/09/07 100 01/12107 100 04/107 24,000 /3,03/07 ,/00 02,12/07 300 04124407 03/12/07 700 03/03107 0 04128107 03/24/07 400 03/1207 900 05/02/07 0 03/31/07 .II00 03/2./V07 2,100 05/23,07 27.700 04/06W07 100 03,31/07 2.0/)0 05/30/07 27.000 04/12(07 1,500 04/12/07 200 04/11(07 800 04/18(07 300 04/28/07 900 04/28/07 500 06/21107 1 19.000 05/03,07 1,000 05/03/07 1,000 Or/30/07 27,000 (05/07/07 900 05,07/07 1.300 07/1 2i07 22,000 05/23/07 1.100 05.23/07 600 07/20,'07 27.000 05/30107 700 05/30,07 2.600 0110,1107 20.000 06/06/07 500 G6106/07 700 08/18107 24.000 06/14,107 900 06/14/07 '/00 08&27/07 26,000 ,36/21/*)7 1.050 06,21,07 (00 0112/07 18.700 /16,70/07 G00 06129107 /6/0 10/01107 17,(00 07/05/07 W00 07/05/07 300 10(18(07 23.0G0 07/11/07 500 07(11/07 700 o07119(07 500 07/19/07 600 05,04;07 200 /2004/07 W00 O34(/07 200 08118107 500 12/13,07 17,000 00,W3,07 500 0W13,07 800 01010/08 17.,900 10;01(07 "00 1/,01,07 100 10/17107 1.200 10(17/07 2.500 11/30,07 '/00 11/30/07 1,40 12j/1O,0 700 1/1,3,07 1.100

/(09/I/O /100 01,10'(3 1.f'/0 F--- I

ro-,ers as to pocsCiI L from, uC,/LI, rult',pIyuO/Lret forma,,DCP 3220-01. Data 1/eel 2 lo1mes ?E9.

Sentinel Wells - Map 4 S o- of 6 S-tosple 2 f 6Saple I 1l6 . 40/010l' 405 f4F,, Saot 0 ~

.. 6.116 EA -1 T-5 T.6] W-3 W-2R r)It -~Ae I-1 Les itim60010 Ontl Al,oiw ILe~ee/IL-1 Date AIMN5ot ILseve .0Ivl Date 8111.01 I. L-1 T

e L- e 1Ca.0 AIWOt IL-1ITL.oeI I tt Q.t, ATtV ~L - L-04,10,06 1300 ,t '7,'14/06 3.300 04M17/06 55.00 IO " 02120,06 S,6,000 I. I01,03/06 17.000~ 01,0706 9 C()00

93. j 04114/06 300 " 07117106 12.000 " tK'i* 01//02/07 5.90o 0:1 34.13,06

)-1,'2;1,06 0 10.000 30ý,3/06 1 12/2.60 I . 03.20/06 99,400 5 533/L 4.47 0o5l0/06 01/22107 !i.000 04/11,06 190,000 040104,06 1 159,200 1 A 03/31V06 97,100 I 4.46 05011106 I700 0 80615/06 6,500 ':01 0212107 8.4,00  !,t 04/21/06 ,W0O0 b i. 04/07/06 224,200 1 " 447.08 i 04/01/06 123,4 4.68 025/15;06 500 I /023/06 O. 3.000 0303/07 34~,00 , 3 05/1f106 09/12/06 6,tO0 1 04124/06 1 l13.100 04104/06 104.300 38 03/31,07 2.700 1 05/04/06 39.000 I:! 04,24,06 110.000 04105106 10L5,000 &W4io4.50 300 11/133/06 31,000 s 04/13/07 3,500V.1 j05;C8/06 010,1 .00I~ 11V01/06 05/25/06 I 5.f0 60,0w0


/35/I 1,'06 220T000 I,* ,/0'*

200,000 /t 7.64 04207/06

.74/06'04 120,600 141.100 6441.1 456

&2&,.I 4,75

?1.000 0)5/02,07 3,500 05/15/06 1 08,000 1  %-16,79 04/031/06 155,600 s.15o 4.85 10115/06 I25,000 "1. 05/17/07 3,000 ,'; (c 07/1,'06 Poo 00 13/27206 21.200 0.000 'IT OO6;0 0.000 04117106 1 08.000 1 5,79A 4.21 4.2D0..O 06015/06 120.000 S06:05o06o 1 65.000 177' it 04;19!06 I93.000 to I~v*4 01,07 I 10,000 I. I 06014,07 4,600 o 21.0 06A91/06 j86,000 I O5/o&O6J 250,000[..~ 04,24,06 61,000 01/22107 .15,300 06&21/07 5,000 . .- 0 07,0.06 140.000 -"

07,11/07 200 800 10103,06 1 1,100 .700 19.000 05/25106 49,000 3.112 1Gm610 1 0o 10,2&06ý13GOO 00 71&7] A 04,19/07 600 I 09/14,07 5,600 41,000 06,06/06 22,000 11/03)06 1 500 M0;01107 3.000 52.000 09,29306 26,000 *:1..' 06m13/06 46.000 -

05/23/07 8.800 05/30107 12,000 .1, 1.00I) 07/31/06 I 02i1207 31311007 01122/07 2Z900 12115/06 21,000 08,07/06 11.000 [,17.,/1 03/12/07 1 T T07/19/07 8,600 021207 2.1100 12/27106 27.000 03124/07 400 ... 01110077 5.700 03/03/07 2.700 01 02/07 27,000

/33/31,07 01110307 08/18/07 03/12107 3.500 32,300 7000I 03/24,07 2,00 01,18/07 26,300 04/10/07 08;27,07 7,100

,400  ; 03/31/07 3,400 01/22/07 33.100 09173,07 0,4/13/07 1 0 -f, 02112,07 17,100 (34/26007 04/1/07 03/034'07 0,1900

/15/03/07 (4018/07 03/12/07 23,500 05/1T707 04128/07 03/2//07 23,700 05/23/07 Al I W1/09/07 1 1.300 1 0560*,'07 03/31/07 17,800 12)03/06 3,600 05/30/07 05/17/07 0&06007 400 05/23/07 0651,1107 700 05130/07 3,300 IWIM07 30.000 4 01,1007 4,100 06/21107 ,00 06/06007 3.300 04,2WO7 27,000 01/18/07 3.400 06041T07 3,260 01,2/207 4.600 fV.

06129107 300

  • 0,W2107 07/07/07 000 1. 06021,07 3,500

-600 05123107 03/03/07 3,400 .; 7 07112/07 1/00 035/23/07 05, 30107 1-,")Oo I A 03/12107 4,000  : 1 07/05/07 4,1100 06,1/07 200 .,5 ~2~3 0 07/11107 3,000 7 10,000 1i/0 1/07 03713/07 30,00 7 7.6.00 10/17,07 41100 2.000 07/31/07 /1630.07 7,100 0.1/19/07 4400 08/04107 37,05/07 0421M07 3.600 09/ 1007 1,900 07,'11.07 14000 00,02/07 3,.00 20600 07719,07 11,000 09/827/07 13/13;07 1.200 /17/31,'07 11,000 10/01,07 1.,100 12,000 06O0G/07 3.300 .16/14.,07 1 h,30,'07 1.1,000 /35/*21/07 1,800 8,,27/07 13.000 01410107 1.400 07,05'07 2.300 07/11,07 037/19/07 I 500 31.037 07,31/07 0 '.05/08 0,13,04,07 12.00) 1,300 016,141,37 1027/07 11,13,07 10',01,07 1017.37 11,10,037 3,305.08 2.I50 T

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Additional Wells ,ooE-06 I.E+09 ,000


On le ACI,v, Actidv I Oale Actwiltv Doi, I A0/owly 0/26,1061 4,0)N I 06li306 707.,O00 l02/4,06 I7.80,.600 10/!/.07 1 62,600 01,30/06 1,000 0"30106 4,100 07/10M06 40,000 02111,/06 7.359,800 101'2/07 .15.900 06/10006 1,).000 06&00,6 3.900 07/28O06 '0.,00 10122,07 16,10.0 0607106 4,400 064'7/106 4,100 01/03,07 21.000 06/15/06 3.300 0M/15/06 2,500 06/22/07 .,7,000

',);22106 9.400 161,'/,06 7.000 09110107 4.500 07/0&.06  ;/00 07/07/06 2.100 01/30,08 110.000 0,.07.06 f.900 07/20/06 22,00 07/10;06 2.500 01115/06 2,100 07,14/06 2,M00 0.1 19006  ;.400 07120/06 3.100 10VI1AV6 2.700 071/1106 27.000 l/06 1I/ 300 01110406 1 ,,WO 1 1/24;06 ,900 08"I 5*'06 f ,wo0 12119136 46'0 0W25*'6 1,100 02/13W07  ! ,GOO 09108/06 1,400 03;20,07  ;,So 01916106 1.600 "017107 1,100 0/1G07 1.000 0I507 1 400 0PW27/06 2.150 06/19/07 400 10118/06 1,500 0/117,07 10o 1 il1111J06 1,-.00 0811I*07 wo0 12311/06 460 0)9/1a'07 500 01111947 1.100 10t f 6;07 1,000 02/I3M7 1,400 11/13/07 700 031M2007 2.300 1f,'1$107 ! '00 04117,07 1,700 011/15,08 ,0 0510OT07 1 ,4r O511007 4ý00 056/1007 200 0 6;1 M7 --Go 07/17/107 1.500 08/14,07 2,700 M918107 2,700 1Q/1r.07 2t,400 11/1307 l ,.*0 1.i 11'1 07 1.300 01/'I/i;08 550 I .....


i ic~ CLL

Dresden Radiological Groundwater Protection Program (RGPP)

S = Shallow Depth Screened Well (20 to 25 ft) I = Intermediate Depth Screened Well (35 to 55 ft)

M = Medium Depth Screened Well (35 to 55 ft)

I. Groundwater Wells - Inside the Protected Area Total Wells: 39 A. East-side of the Plant: Casing Well Depth

  • Tritium Well # Type Size Depth to Water (pCi/L) 1 1 DSP-105 1 ft stand 4" 51.53 10.26 300 30 ft east of the East wall of the EM Shop 2 2 DSP-106 2 ft stand 4" 50.76 9.48 2,500 65 ft E of East wall of EM Shop 3 3 MW-DN-118-S Flu sh Mount 2" 31.13 6.8 3,200 SE Corner of the Unit 1 Fuel Pool 4 4 DSP-151 4 ft Stand 2" 51.61 7.73 < 200 65 ft North of the NE Corner of the Storeroom 5 5 MW-DN-105-S Flu ish Mount 2" 19.76 4.91 < 200 65 ft North of the NE Corner of the Storeroom 6 6 DSP-150 3 ft Stand 2" 51.22 10.62 < 200 85 ft E of NE corner of Ul Spent Fuel Pad 7 7 DSP-107 2 ft Stand 4" 51.81 13.25 7,500 9 ft E of the E Unit 1 Fuel Pool wall 8 8 DSP-108 2 ft Stand 4" 51.8 13.01 2,200 40 ft E of the Unit 1 Sphere 9 9 MW-DN-119-1 Flu Jsh Mount 2" 42.3 11.37 1,800 20 ft E by NE of the Unit I Sewage Ejector Building 10 10 MW-DN-1 19-S Flu ish Mount 2" 20.68 9.88 < 200 21 ft E by NE of the Unit 1 Sewage Ejector Building B. South-side of the Plant: Casing Well Depth "Tritium Well # Type Size Depth to Water (p Ci/L) 11 1 MW-DN-124-1 Flush Mount 2" 50.29 3.14 120,000 11 ft S of Liquid Nitrogen Tank 12 2 MW-DN-124-S Flush Mount 2" 31.1 2.8 120,000 12 ift S of Liquid Nitrogen Tank 13 3 MW-DN-102-1 Flush Mount 2" 48.66 1.78 < 200 12 ift S of the SE corner of the MUDS Bid 14 4 MW-DN-102-S Flush Mount 2" 14.66 3.18 250 13 ft S of the SE corner of the MUDS Bid 15 5 MW-DN-113-1 Flush Mount 2" 47.26 3.91 < 200 90 ft W of the SW corner of the Administration Bid 16 6 MW-DN-113-S Flush Mount 2" 11.00 2.53 < 200 91 ft W of the SW corner of the Administration Bid 17 7 MW-DN-107-S Flush Mount 2" 6.08 5.23 300 15ftWbySWofUnit1 CST 18 8 DSP-125 3 ft Stand 2" 37.34 7.07 300 NE corner of the Unit 2/3A CST 19 9 MW-DN-114-1 Flush Mount 2" 52.76 8.32 7,900 50 ft E of the Unit 1 Clean Demin Tank 20 10 MW-DN-114-S Flush Mount 2" 40.88 8.98 1,100 8 ft SW of the RP West access doors 21 11 MW-DN-115-1 Flush Mount 2" 55.6 7.66 < 200 11 ft South of IM Shop 22 12 MW-DN-115-S Flush Mount 2" 29.88 7.37 < 200 12 ft South of IM Shop C. West-side of the Plant: Casing Well Depth
  • Tritium Well # Type Size Depth to Water (pCi/L) 23 1 MW-DN-110-1 Flush Mount 2" 51.27 7.76 400 25 ft W of WWT Building 24 2 MW-DN-110-S Flush Mount 2" 20.14 5.84 < 200 25 ft W of WWT Building 25 3 MW-DN-109-1 Flush Mount 2" 50.15 6.4 1,100 8 ft N of Chemistry Building 26 4 MW-DN-109-S Flush Mount 2" 20.18 9.09 300 8 ft N of Chemistry Building 27 5 DSP-124 3 ft Stand 2" 37.09 6.71 20,000 9 ft S of Floor Drain Collector Tank 28 6 MW-DN-1 11-S Flush Mount 2" 20.14 4.62 800 9 ft E of Floor Drain Collector Tank 29 7 MW-DN-112-1 Flush Mount 2" 42.34 4.98 1,400 100 Ft S of Chemistry Bid 30 8 MW-DN-1 12-S Flush Mount 2" 11.67 3.12 < 200 100 Ft S of the Chemistry Bid D. North-side of the Plant: Casing Well Depth "Tritium Well # Type Size Depth to Water (p Ci/L) 31 1 MW-DN-101-1 4 ft Stand 2" 53.5 15.83 2,400 60 ft N of the Unit 1 Diesel Fuel Storage 32 2 MW-DN-101-S 4 ft Stand 2" 23.65 4.59 < 200 60 IftN of the Unit 1 Diesel Fuel Storage 33 3 DSP-123 3 ft Stand 2" 52.4 14.8 12,200 NE corner of the Unit 1 Off-gas Bid 34 4 MW-DN- 117-1 Flush Mount 2' 47.21 13.02 300 35 ft E by NE of the Unit 1 Stack 35 5 MW-DN-108-1 Flush Mount 1V 49.9 12.52 < 200 7 ft SW of the SW Corner of the Unit 1 Cribhouse 36 6 MW-DN-116-1 Flush Mount 2" 45.51 12.43 4,400 75 ft S of Calgon Bid Roll-up door 37 7 MW-DN-116-S Flush Mount 2" 27.65 12.43 300 76 ft S of Calgon Bid Roll-up door 38 8 DSP-122 3 ft Stand 2" 37.06 10.61 4,100 N of Radwaste Tank Farm 39 9 MW-DN-104-S Flush Mount 2" 19.81 7.54 300 N of Radwaste Tank Farm

' Result within the last three months

Dresden Radiological Groundwater Protection Program (RGPP)

S = Shallow Depth Screened Well (20 to 25 ft) I = Intermediate Depth Screened Well (35 to 55 ft)

M = Medium Depth Screened Well (35 to 55 ft)

II. Groundwater Wells - Outside the Protected Area Total Wells: 26 A. East-side of the Plant: Casing Well Depth

  • Tritium Well # Type Size Depth to Water (pCi/L) 1 1 DSP-152 4 It Stand 2" 52.66 6.36 < 200 210 ft S by SE of SE Corner of Maint. Garage B. South-side of the Plant: Casing Well Depth
  • Tritium Well # Type Size Depth to Water (p Ci/L) 2 1 DSP 158-1 (M) 4 ft Stand 2" 59.28 5.85 < 200 53 ft W of Kankakee; 33 ft W of cinder track 3 2 DSP 158-S 4 ft Stand 2" 15,26 6.29 < 200 50 It W of Kankakee; 30 ft W of cinder track 4 3 DSP-154 4 ft Stand 2" 52.09 7.1 < 200 33 ft W of track; 165 ft E of Security Check point 5 4 DSP-153 3 It Stand 2" 52.25 9.71 < 200 150 ft E of SE corner of liquid H2 fence 6 5 DSP 157-1 (M) 4 ft Stand 2" 50.54 13.49 < 200 25 ft S of S edge of Employee Parking lot 7 6 DSP 157-S 4 ft Stand 2" 15.75 6.23 < 200 25 ft S of S edge of Employee Parking lot 8 7 DSP 159-1 (M) 4 ft Stand 2" 61.47 11.8 600 250 ft W of Thorsen; 450 ft S of access gate 9 8 DSP 159-S 4 ft Stand 2" 18.3 10.62 < 200 251 It W of Thorsen; 450 ft S of access gate 10 9 MW-DN-123-1 3 ft Stand 2" 46.34 6.11 < 200 400 ft W of Thorsen; W of Cold Canal 11 10 MW-DN-123-S 3 It Stand 2" 20.85 13.67 < 200 400 ft W of Thorsen; W of Cold Canal D. West-side of the Plant: Casing Well Depth "Tritium Well # Type Size Depth to Water (pCi/L) 12 1 MW-DN-121-S 4 ft Stand 2" 26.82 8.2 < 200 7 ft W of dirt road; 42 It E of 345KV fence 13 2 MW-DN-103-1 4 ft Stand 2" 44.11 12 400 280 ft W of NW corner of N-GET Bid 14 3 MW-DN-103-S 4 ft Stand 2" 23.6 12.72 < 200 281 ft W of NW corner of N-GET Bid 15 4 DSP-126 2 ft Stand 2" 55.89 14.15 < 200 21 It NW of NW bend in road behind training BId 16 5 MW-DN-122-1 3 ft Stand 2" 45.95 12.71 < 200 NE of G.E. Facility; 150 ft N of Heineke Road 17 6 MW-DN-122-S 3 ft Stand 2" 14.31 5.72 < 200 NE of G.E. Facility; 150 ft N of Heineke Road E. North-side of the Plant: Casing Well Depth "Tritium Well # Type Size Depth to Water (p Ci/L) 18 1 MW-DN-120-1 3 ft Stand 2" 60.52 6.25 < 200 45 ft N by NE of Ross Bridge railing 19 2 MW-DN-120-S 3 ft Stand 2" 40.33 6.05 < 200 46 ft N by NE of Ross Bridge railing 20 3 DSP-117 2 ft Stand 4" 51.77 11.67 < 200 NE of Unit 1 Sphere; 825 It W of Ross Bridge 21 4 MW-DN-106-S 4 ft Stand 2" 23.22 11.35 < 200 75 ft N of 2/3 Intake Canal fence 22 5 DSP-121 3 It Stand 2" 52.18 11.4 < 200 72 It N of 2/3 Intake Canal fence 23 6 DSP-149 (R) 3 ft Stand 2" 52.2 12.91 500 35 ft S by SW of the 138 KV yard fence 24 7 DSP-156 3 ft Stand 2" 52.56 12.76 < 200 70 ft E by NE of NW corner of 138 KV fence 25 8 DSP-148 3 ft Stand 2" 51.45 12.42 300 130 It SE of the Flow Reg Station Breaker Bid 26 9 DSP-147 3 ft Stand 2" 51.95 18.42 < 200 325 It W of Telemetry Bridge IlI. Surface Water - Outside the Protected Area Total Wells: 6 A. North-side of the Plant: Casing Well Depth
  • Tritium Surface Water # Type Size Depth to Water (pCi/L) 1 1 SW-DN-101 N/A N/A N/A N/A < 200 Unit 2/3 Intake (DSP50) - Ross Bridge 2 2 SW-DN-102 N/A N/A N/A N/A < 200 Unit 2/3 Discharge (DSP20) - Telemetry Bridge 3 3 SW-DN-103 N/A N/A N/A N/A < 200 Unit 2/3 Return Canal (From Discharge to Intake]

D. West-side of the Plant: Casing Well Depth

  • Tritium Surface Water It Type Size Depth to Water (pCi/L) 4 1 SW-DN-104 N/A N/A N/A N/A < 200 Cold Canal (DSP34A) - Cooling Tower Walkway 5 2 SW-DN-105 N/A N/A N/A N/A 250 Hot Canal (DSP34B) - Cooling Tower Walkway B. South-side of the Plant: Casing Well Depth Tritium Surface Water # Type Size Depth to Water (pCi/L) 6 1 SW-DN-106 N/A N/A N/A N/A < 200 Cooling Pond - Pool II - E side of Covered Bridge
  • Result within the last three months

Inside P.A. - East Side of Plant Radioactive Groundwater Protection Program (RGPP)

Wells Inside P.A. - East-side of Plant 1 DSP-105 2 DSP-1 06 3 MW-DN-118-S 4 DSP-151 5 MW-DN-105-S 6 DSP-1 50 7 DSP-107 8 DSP-108 9 MW-DN-119-1 10 MW-DN-119-S DSP-i 05 20,000 - --....--. . ... .

4 CL 15,000 U

0 10,000 5,000 -- -- _ //_

CD 0 ., 0 T

C\J CC) co 0

0 0 CD S n - *CD 0 c~J a) In 0 0 DSP-1 06 20,000 CL 15,000

.C U

C 10,000 E

5,000 0

a) C)J 0O 0 CD 0 a) a) C) 0 0D C, CD CO c'j CO 0 0 2,1 C) 0 a) 0') C\0 0 0 0 0 0)

MW-DN-1 18-S 20,000 ..... ... .....

-J O 15,000-----

U 0 10,000

  • 5,000 0

(0 0 - r~- CO CO )

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-~r >- O-o \0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0

__ _ M_ a,) __ _O

Inside P.A. - East Side of Plant Radioactive Groundwater Protection Program (RGPP) - (continued)

Wells Inside P.A. - East-side of Plant DSP-1 51 20,000-

-J O 15,000-o 10,000--


.* 5,000 I-0 f A N o N MW-DN-105-S 20,000 7

-J O 15,000 C

-i o 10,000 E

5,000 A-0 t-0 0 0 0 0 C=

60 L?) LO O CMJ 0CD- N

- 0 0 0 DSP-1 50

.-J 20,000

. 15,000 o 10,000 E 5,000 .

0 0)-"01 0) 0 1 0. 0O M Q (O 0

M ) CM 0D 0O 0

0 (0 C) N 0 A N -

o __ _ ~ _~0O

Inside P.A. - East Side of Plant Radioactive Groundwater Protection Program (RGPP) - (continued)

Wells Inside P.A. - East-side of Plant DSP-1 07 50,000 40,000 C. _oooo_ _ _

E 20,000 10,000 0


0) 0 0O 00 o 0-C0D 0 0 DSP-108

--J 60,000 50,000 C0 40,000 0

o 30,000 E 20,000 10,000 I.-

0 V* - 0) N~ U') OD 0>

0) a) 0) 0M 0 0 0C>
0) If) 0 0 CO N (0

- 0N

0) (0 MN M) If)O 0 S C 0D 0D 0C1 MW-DN-1 19-1 20,000 O 15,000 o 10,000 E
  • 5,000 I-CO CO 0) 0M 0 Q 0R 0 CV CD CO- C. 0 o 0 0 10 0

Inside P.A. - East Side of Plant Radioactive Groundwater Protection Program (RGPP) - (continued)

Wells Inside P.A. - East-side of Plant MW-DN-119-S 20,000 ..........

CLQ 15,000 C.)

0* 10,000 E


- (0 0 .I M Co -D. M 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0

Inside P.A. - South Side of Plant Radioactive Groundwater Protection Program (RGPP)

Wells Inside P.A. - South-side of Plant 1 MW-DN-124-1 2 MW-DN-124-S 3 MW-DN-102-1 4 MW-DN-102-S 5 MW-DN-113-1 6 MW-DN-113-S 7 MW-DN-107-S 8 DSP-125 9 MW-DN-1 14-1 10 MW-DN-114-S 11 MW-DN-115-1 12 MW-DN-115-S MW-DN-1 24-1

. 200,000 C1 150,000- -

CI o 100,000 -

550,000-0 CD CD 0 P 00 CO C) 0 o N 0 ON N - F3 0 M a C a C) ~ Co IC)

MW-DN-1 24-S

-J 200,000 _ __


o 150,000 100,000

~50,000 -

-- fl--- -

0 Co Co o N Co Co Co) Co Q Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 -

0 In r, I o - CO U'-)

oo 0 0 00 0 - 0 MW-DN-102-1 20,001 Q 15,0010J-CL 0 10,00C E 0

. 5,00 o 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 -

S oý0; t 0!;00? Co o' Co * - In

Inside P.A. - South Side of Plant Radioactive Groundwater Protection Program (RGPP) - (continued)

Wells Inside P.A. - South-side of Plant

-- WM-DN-102-S 20,000 CL 15,000 0* 10,000-5,000 0.

in (D r- r- CO CO 0 0 0 o_ 00. 0 22 o 0 N - N-N i 0 oN 0*

0 0a Co 0 0 C)0 MW-DN-1 13-1 20,000 CL 15,000 C

o 10,000 S5,000 0 V , v CD CD N- Nl- 00 00 a) 0) C0 C


<D2 U:

2 Q C N- 2O 2 0 F3 N~ Q

- N-i z C) 0) o Co 0 0 0 0 MW-DN-1 13-S 20,000 - .......

.-J Oa. 15,000 - *----- -- __ _ ---- __ -- - _ _

C 0 __



.2 5,000 -----

(0 CO *N- N- CO CO CD CD 0.. N 0 000 N 0

--. 0o 0o 00 0I 0 CO 00 M D MW-DN-107-S 20,0001. . . . . . . . . ....... - .

1 0 I CL 0 10,000 -

  • E z 5,000 t 0 N- N- O o 0) 0) 0 N O r- L 0 00 0 0 0 CD0

Inside P.A. - South Side of Plant Radioactive Groundwater Protection Program (RGPP) - (continued)

Wells Inside P.A. - South-side of Plant DSP-1 25 20,000


. 15,000 C

0 10,000 E

5,000 0 0, 0

0, 0, o4 0£ U')

03 oQ c 0, (03 N N 0

0, o 0 0

MW-DN-114-1 20,000 U 15,000 CL o 10,000

.E 5,000 I-0 (D (0 r-o 0 ii -r- CO UO M0 N N - 0Q MW-DN-1 14-S

.j 20,000 ........ .... .....

15,000 C

o 10,000 E

.2 5,000 C'=

V CO o

to 0

D I- CO 0

C0 0

0) 0 0Y) 0 0

-~~L t ci oC>

O~C N -O-MW-DN-1 15-1 20,000 C.)

a. 15,000 C

o 10,000 4 .--- ~--

. 5,000 0-(0 (0 rn F" 0 0 0 N 0, '

- ------ i

Inside P.A. - South Side of Plant Radioactive Groundwater Protection Program (RGPP) - (continued)

Wells Inside P.A. - South-side of Plant MW-DN-1 15-S 20,000

._1 C. 15,000 U

0 10,000 0

E 5,000 0 # ,t to (D - N- O0 CD 02 02 0 oo 0 o' 0 0 00 o' 0 o C C' 0 0 U) - 0 o


00) 0 U) 0* 0 - 0 (NI

'1* U) 0 - 0

Inside P.A. - West Side of Plant Radioactive Groundwater Protection Program (RGPP)

Wells Inside P.A. - West-side of Plant 1 MW-DN-110-1 2 MW-DN-1 10-S 3 MW-DN-109-1 4 MW-DN-109-S 5 OSP-124 6 MW-ON-111-S 7 MW-DN-112-1 8 MW-DN-112-S MW-DN-110-1 20,000

. 15,000 E 10,000 5,000 I

A 0 p

  • CO N N CO 0 0 NO Cn - 0 o to 0 CD 0 C' C'4 0 c~J N a, 0 0 0 MW-DN-1 10-S 20,000 -..------. .

u 15,000 -_ _ _ __ -.--

E 5,000 0 , ,t to (D 0- 0.- 0 0O 0) 0 -

- , C, o 0 0 0 0 0 0C 0 MW-DN-1 09-1

_j 20,000 -

15,000 (D O.

U 10,0000 ... ..... .. . .. . . . . .. ... . . .

LO N1 CzO 0 o c'j C0 21 C\i S Nz 00 ý 03 CO a,)

0 CO

Inside P.A. - West Side of Plant Radioactive Groundwater Protection Program (RGPP) - (continued)

Wells Inside P.A. - West-side of Plant WM-DN-109-S 20,000 . ....---.--

15,000- -

0 10,000 -

E 5,000 .

0 -1 , ,--,. . .

(0 (0 (0 o (03 0 o to ol 0 CD 0 0 to o N 0 LO 0 O

o o 0z C) CD) C3 DSP-1 24

-I 100,000 80,000 CL 60,000 0

0 40,000 P

  • 20,000 I-"

' LO) CO CD 0)Mf (0- CO iCO o

0D 0C0 0C~) ',-

(4 00) 0C) 0(0 MW-DN-1 11 -S 20,000 15,000 C

10,000 5,000 -

( N N CO CO 0) 0) 0 o 0O CD0 0-> 0

-LO 0- 0- C 0-O -

o 0j 0 0 ( 0 C-N r_ ('. CO C'Y) 0) O1 Co C0 0C CD 0 0

Inside P.A. - West Side of Plant Radioactive Groundwater Protection Program (RGPP) - (continued)

Wells Inside P.A. - West-side of Plant MW-DN-112-1 2 0 ,0 0 0 . .............. ........ . ..... .... . .... . .. .. .. . . .... ... . . .. . .. . .. . .. . ..-

15,000 . .. ..

010,000 E _

5,0oo D C, F.-. N. CO 0 0 o 0 0CO 0) 0 0 0

0 o0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 I

MW-DN-1 12-S 20 ,0 0 0 . . . . . ..... . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .... . .... . .. . . . ...

' 15,000-S10,000 -- -- - - - - - - - ____

5,000 . . ...

0 CO o CO

- 0 O N U -

o C'j 0 \ . '0 CJ

- N. C"J C, C') ) i

Inside P.A. - North Side of Plant Radioactive Groundwater Protection Program (RGPP)

Wells Inside P.A. - North-side of Plant I MW-DN-101-1 2 MW-DN-101-S 3 MW-DN-123 4 MW-DN-117-1 5 MW-ON-108-1 6 MW-ON-116-1 7 MW-DN-116-S 8 DSP-122 9 MW-DN-104-S MW-DN-101-I 20,000

  • 15,000 C-)

E 10,000 C 5,000 0-v oD CD r 0- 0 0 0 0) 0) 0

- 0 10 N 0 o~C CV)NN \1)

C) (C))

a C MW-DN-101-S 20,000 - --


C o 10,000 E

  • 5,000 _

(0 ( CO M o . , 0 0. 0 0 o 0 iN N '4 -

N C) 0 ') 0 04 S

0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 DSP-i123 I30,000 ... . ..

0 210,000' U


00) 0) 0\ 0r 0O
0) 10 0 ( 0 (0 ZZ 0 C0 N N 0 0 0 0 0O

Inside P.A. - North Side of Plant Radioactive Groundwater Protection Program (RGPP) - (continued)

Wells Inside P.A. - North-side of Plant MW-DN-1 17-1 20,000 . --... ... ..-...---- .----- .- . ..........-.-.. ....-..--.-.. . . -.

C. 15,000 -

0 10,000- - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

E _

5,000 0

C.0 (0 t- r 00 CO 0) C0Y o o 0 0 0 0 0 0

,- 0 LO r-N LO o C~i 0 N' N'. - 0 C

- N3 0

0 0 8\)


~ "It) 0 -

MW-DN-108-1 20,000 O 15,000 o 10,000 E


-. N -. CO

  • " oo o0 0... ol 00 CO C 0) 0 C'J o C'j 0 0 C MW-DN-1 16-1 20,000 CL 15,000 C -J 10,000 0

. 5,000


0 CD 0 CO o: 0N. 0N- 0CO 0CO 00( 00M 0 N ) CO C)2O- I

<D 0 C -D 0 0 MW-DN-1 16-S 20,000 20,000.J

  • a.

15,000 C.)

U 10,000 E

E 5,000


6 ,000 I.-

0 0 CO M CD I0 (0 N- N CO CO o0 o oc' o0 o C C' 0 C\

0 0 0h o 0 0 0 0 0

Inside P.A. - North Side of Plant Radioactive Groundwater Protection Program (RGPP) - (continued)

Wells Inside P.A. - West-side of Plant DSP-1 22 20,000

-. I O 15,000 0 10,000 E0 E 5,000 I--

0 (M CM1 LO CO Tii M C

C eTi a C C

MW-DN-104-S 20,000 1

15,000 0.

0 10,000___________ __ __

E 5,000 J 0 ,-.t CO (D N- o 0 en en 0 o o N- In CY) o \1 0 01 01 -

o 0 en 0 o 0 0 o 0

Outside P.A. - East Side of Plant Radioactive Groundwater Protection Program (RGPP)

Wells Outside of the P.A. - East-side of Plant 1 DSP-152 DSP-1 52 20,000 15,000 E 10,000

" 5,000 0.

to Co

0) 0) 0R 0 C>


0) CD C 00 0 (0

o 0

Outside P.A. - South Side of Plant Radioactive Groundwater Protection Program (RGPP)

Wells Outside P.A. - South-side of Plant 1 DSP-158-1 2 DSP-158-S 3 DSP-154 4 DSP-153 5 DSP-157-1 6 DSP-157-S 7 DSP-159-1 8 DSP-159-S 9 MW-DN-123-1 10 MW-DN-123-S DSP-1 58-1 20,000

.J cg.15,000 U

Lo 10,000 E

E 5,000 I--

0 o o0 N-. (M3 C) 0 s0 03 0

o) C) 0 c~J Co 0

DSP-1 58-S 20,000-..........-..... . .. .. ......


'Og 15,000 U

0 10,000 C., *. 5,000 0 -- 6 - _ _ ,.-.-. -

O0 0D 0) 0 Co Q 0-

-C~ CD 0 o - as C~ 0

- If~~)0)C DSP-1 54 20,000


  • 15,000 E

2 5,000 0) 0 I 0o Co 00 0

Outside P.A. - South Side of Plant Radioactive Groundwater Protection Program (RGPP) - (continued)

Wells Outside P.A. - South-side of Plant DSP-1 53 20,000

-- I cg.15,000 0

C o 10,000 0

5,000 I-0 0 - - - _ 6 V CD c,,I Co 0 CD 0 CD CD Co to CD 0 0O 0 a C,,

0 03 C) tO DSP-i 57-1 20,000 15,000 CL 0 10,000 Q3 E 5,000 0t LO' C.D 0 03 0 OD CQ 0 C',I

- to CD CO o 0 o o o DSP-1 57-S 20,000 15,000 --- _

10,000 0

0 00 0 0)

E15,000 "

DSP-i 59-1 20,000............... ... . ...

150 0 CL CO 10,000 I.-

Ct) 0 0) o o CD Ct o OC 0 0

Outside P.A. - South Side of Pfant Radioactive Groundwater Protection Program (RGPP) - (continued)

Wells Outside P.A. - South-side of Plant DSP-159-S 20,000

-- I CL 15,000 U

0 10,000

. 5,000 I-0 .*-* . .

i to r-0 0 -

o II ~MW-DN-103-1 Co 0 0 20.000

. -- DN- . 23---. -1 -

10,000 - -- ----- __ __ _ __ _

,- I E10,000

3 u 1I-5000b (0 (0 r- Nl- Co Co (M M)

CD 0 C DJ i- - C Z:

0 iN 0 C) 00 0 a) 0 -

MW-DN-123-S 20,000 L). 15,000 U

0 10,000 C



._ 5,000 -

0 0 N- f) -

0. C\J. I C'-. co Co o0' Q Q- C -))

00 0 0 0 - 0

Outside P.A. - South Side of Plant Radioactive Groundwater Protection Program (RGPP)

Wells Outside P.A. - West-side of Plant 1 MW-DN-121-S 2 MW-ON-103-1 3 MW-DN-103-S 4 DSP-126 5 MW-DN-122-1 6 MW-DN-122-S MW-DN-121-S

.J L) 15,000 C


5,000 I,-

(0 . .

CO Ca r"- N' CO C) C) C) C) o: CMI 0 C'j N' C',j o0 0 0 0 0 04o 0 MW-DN-1 03-1 250,000 ......

200,000 a.

150,000 0

E 100,000

' 50,000 0 ,, 0

  • 0 0 0* 0,.. 0 0 v- CO C)'- co C) (* If) o0 0 0 0 MW-DN-1 03-S 20,000 0 10.000- .- - -__ __

E 0

.5,000 o- 0-0 C0 00 00 a)

- o .o)oDo N 0 (D Cj C0 N CMJ - 0 ~

N ý 3 C 0 ~0D C 0 0 0 0 Onna I

Outside P.A. - South Side of Plant Radioactive Groundwater Protection Program (RGPP) - (continued)

Wells Outside P.A. - West-side of Plant DSP-1 26 20,000 cL 15,000 0 10,000 E

5,000 0

N- 0) N L0 (30 O o CYI) 0 (0

0) (0 C,) 00 0 0 MW-DN-1 22-1 20,000

-- I Qo 15,000 10,000 E

-. 5,000 0 -~- U,- A 0 Co 0

I- r__ Co CO 0 0

') 0) 0 0

0 0! 0 0 LI) o C 0-CD..

- N- N (0 C MW-DN-1 22-S 20,000 ....... ............. ...........

-- I

o. 15,000 -.

10,000 0


._ 5,000 C0 CO N- N- 00 Co 0) 0M 0 0 0 0 C3 0 0 0 0 C 0N - N- O C OCO 00 0

Outside P.A. - North Side of Plant te Radioactive Groundwater Protection Program (RGPP)

Wells Outside P.A. - North-side of Plant 1 MW-DN-120-1 2 MW-DN-120-S 3 DSP-117 4 MW-DN-106-S 5 DSP-121 6 DSP-149R 7 DSP-156 8 DSP-148 9 DSP-147 MW-DN-1 20-1 20,000


  • 15,000 0.

C o 10,000 E

.*5,000 I-.

1A 0

C) CO N-- i- 00 CO Co Co 0 Co (0 N 00 o 0- o 0 0 0ý 0 0 0 !R 0 MW-DN-120-S 20,000

-j CL 0..

15,000 -1 0 10,000 E

5,000 a---

I-0 to Co N*- N- Co Co Mo Mo 0 o! 0 0 0- 0R Q 0 0

0) to 00 - - IO o 0 0 C0 0 0 0 - 0 DSP-I 17 20,000

-j o 15,000 C.

o 10,000 E


~t44U4ift~ ~ie ~*b * ~ t* e*.

0) U L0 Co 0 Co Co 0 Co

- I 0

0 O) 0 0

Outside P.A. - North Side of Plant Radioactive Groundwater Protection Program (RGPP) - (continued)

Wells Outside P.A. - South-side of Plant MW-DN-1 06-S 20,000 15,000 0.

0 10,000 C-S5,000 -_ _ __ _ _ _

0 . .

Co o *O 0 0N' 0 0Co Co 0 0Co 0CD 0 o o0 0 0* 0 0* 0 C: UQ DSP-1 21 12

.J20,000 --- _ _ _

o%15,000 CL, 1 0 0 00

  • O 10,0001 E

S5,000 -_ _ _ ---

0 I1-Mmee60 Mat~e*ie .we.*.*C 0 C) C'J LO Co

0) 0 0 C)
0) r,). C' O) CD 02 03 0 c'j
0) 0o 0) C) 0 DSP-I 49R 100,000

. 80,000 o 60,000 0

o 40,000 E

. 20,000 --------- - --------

0 N CO N, LO Co 0

0) C) 0 0 0 Z" U) 0 Co 0


0 o 0 0 DSP-156 20,000 U 15,000 CL 0 10,000 2

.2 5,000 0

,tN 0) 0* 0O 0C3 0 F)

Co a o 0 CO CJ C

- 0 0 0

Outside P.A. - North Side of Plant Radioactive Groundwater Protection Program (RGPP) - (continued)

Wells Outside P.A. - South-side of Plant(

DSP-1 48

--J 15,000 0

Q 10,000 E

5,000 0

0) 0 0) 0 0 0
0) O -a CD C)CO )t DSP-147 20,000 15,000 -


0 10,000_


5,000 -

0. . *e:.. . *.u ... * *e, t0 a) Nl to ap 0
7) a) an 0 0 0 an an 0 - 0 0 T--


____ I

I Plant Waterways Radioactive Groundwater Protection Program (RGPP)

Waterways 1 SW-DN-101 - Unit 2/3 Intake (DSP50) 2 MW-DN-102 - Unit 2/3 Discharge (DSP20) 3 MW-DN-103 - Unit 2/3,Return Canal 4 MW-DN-104 - Cold Canal (DSP34A) 5 MW-DN-105 - Hot Canal (DSP34B) 6 MW-DN-106 - Cooling Pond Pool II SW-DN-101 - Unit 2/3 Intake 10,000

-J 8,000 C.

C 6,000--


'0 4,000 -___

402,000 0

0 Co CO CD 0 N 0O CO. of i; 5 SW-DN-1 02 - Unit 2/3 Discharge 10,000

-j 8,000 0.

6,000 0


0 E 4,000 2,000 --

0 0*

M 0) ICC 0) 0 F) 0)

SW-DN-1 03 - Unit 2/3 Return Canal 10,000 CL 8,000 C 6,000 0

C.) 4,000 Z 2,000 Zi 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 "-

D-,,ý 1

Plant Waterways O?

Radioactive Groundwater Protection Program (RGPP) - (continued)

Waterways SW-DN-104 - Cold Canal 10,000 CL 8,000

0. 6,000 0

0 4,000 2,000 0

R 0 1

0) LOccc o0 0 0 0 SW-DN-1 05 - Hot Canal 10,000

-J 8,000 0

6,000 4,000 2,000 0

o 0 0 0 0 -

CD 0) C')

SW-DN-106 to0 - Cooling Pond Pool 11 CO o

oo ------ 00 0 8,o000.

c- 6,000 I= 4,000 2,000

0. 0 LO C0 00 03) C)

LO 0 0 M.- CM 0 0 2pp