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Transmittal of Plant Operating Manual EM-213
Person / Time
Site: Crystal River Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 08/18/2003
Florida Power Corp
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML032390544 (27)



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TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE 1.0 PURPOSE ............................ 3 2.0 DEVELOPMENTAL REFERENCES ............................ 3 3.0 PERSONNEL INDOCTRINATION ............. 3 3.1 Definitions .3 3.2 Responsibilitles .4 3.3 Limits and Precautions .4 4.0 INSTRUCTIONS ........ 5 4.2 Emergency Medical Technician - Basic .. 5 4.3 Control Room .. 6 4.4 Superintendent Shift Operations 7 4.5 The FTL or designee at the scene.......................................................................7 4.6 Transportation of Possible Contaminated Patient . . 8 4.7 Documentation .. 8 ENCLOSURES 1 CHECKLIST FOR MEDICAL EMERGENCIES .9 2 ROUTE TO SEVEN RIVERS COMMUNITY HOSPITAL (Optional Records Non-Quality) .11 3 ROUTE TO INVERNESS AND CITRUS MEMORIAL HOSPITAL (Optional Records Non-Quality) .12 EM-21 3 Rev. 29 Page 2 of 13

1.0 PURPOSE [NOCS 6d10]

Provides actions to be taken by personnel in response to a radiological or non-radiological medical emergency.

Implement this procedure for medical emergencies within the Protected Area, and other medical emergencies outside the Protected Area where the Superintendent Shift Operations determines it appropriate, such as when the EMT-B is dispatched, or the Control Room requests an ambulance.

Minor injuries do NOT warrant the implementation of this procedure. NON-contaminated individuals with minor injuries are treated in the individual shops using first aid kits or are directed to Seven Rivers Community Hospital or Allen Ridge Medical Center for treatment.

2.0 DEVELOPMENTAL REFERENCES 2.1.1 10 CFR 50.47 Emergency Plans 2.1.2 10 CFR 50, Appendix E, Emergency Planning and Preparedness for Production and Utilization Facilities 2.1.3 Al-801, Utilization of Contract Security Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT) 2.1.4 HPS-NGGC-0013, Personnel Contamination Monitoring, Decontamination, and Reporting 2.1.5 NUREG-0654, Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants 2.1.6 Radiological Emergency Response Plan 2.1.7 ADM-NGGC-0105, ALARA Planning 3.0 PERSONNEL INDOCTRINATION 3.1 Definitions 3.1.1 Emergency Medical Technician - Basic (EMT-B) - An individual trained In basic medical procedures and certified by the Department of Health to perform these procedures in emergency situations. An EMT- B is the senior medical person of a medical emergency until arrival of advanced life support personnel. [NOCS 6200]

3.1.2 Emergency Response Coordinator (ERC) - Individuals from Crystal River Site Support specially trained and equipped to handle emergencies such as high angle and confined space rescue, medical emergencies, bums, crushing injuries and rescues that require heavy lifting.

3.1.3 Medical Emergency - An incident or condition where the mechanism of injury (MOI) or nature of illness (NOI) requires medical attention. Medical attention is standard first aid or advanced medical care.

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3.2 Responsibilities 3.2.1 Individual responsibilities when discovering an injured/ill person(s) are implemented in Section 4.1.

3.2.2 The EMT-B provides the primary medical response upon arrival at a medical emergency scene and implements Section 4.2.

3.2.3 The Superintendent Shift Operations (SSO) coordinate the onsite response and implements Section 4.3 and 4.4. NOCS 9190]

3.2.4 The Fire Team Leader (FTL) or designee establishes overall scene control and implements Section 4.5.

3.2.5 The Health Physics Technician or Radiation Monitoring Team (RMT) member maintains appropriate radiological control and implements Section 4.6.5.

3.2.6 The Emergency Coordinator (EC) at the TSC assists in the coordination of the medical response as requested by the SSO and dispatches a RMT member to the scene. NOCS 9190]

3.2.7 The Superintendent, Radiation Protection ensures results of bioassays performed by the offsite medical facility for personnel radiologically exposed at CR-3 are obtained by Progress Energy.

3.2.8 Site Security establishes scene control as needed.

32.9 The Supervisor of the injured individual ensures notification to the family / emergency contact is made and completion of the CR-3 Safety Incident Reporting Checklist.

3.3 Limits and Precautions 3.3.1 In an accident situation, exercise care NOT to aggravate the injury. Immediate medical treatment is the highest priority and radiological control is secondary. In such cases, radiological control procedures are NOT permitted to adversely affect the condition of the victim. However, in most cases, Injuries are of a nature that radiological safety need NOT be compromised.

3.3.2 In situations where radiation or contamination exists, consider ALARA and radiological safety of the Patient and those aiding the Patient to the greatest extent possible under the existing conditions.

3.3.3 In most cases, the Citrus County Sheriff's Department performs an investigation of an accident scene to determine if foul play was involved. Therefore, if the patient is obviously deceased, the patient should NOT be moved until the Sheriff's Deputy reporting to the scene has declared it is not a crime scene.

3.3.4 A delay in the Initiating call to the Control Room may jeopardize the health and well-being of the Patient because of the actions coordinated by the Control Room staff for the response team.

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4.0 INSTRUCTIONS 4.1 Emergency Notification 4.1.1 Individuals discovering a medical emergency inside the Protected Area, the warehouses, and the Maintenance Training Facility, PERFORM the following: CHECK the scene to ensure it is safe and then CHECK the victim.

CAUTION Cellular telephones CANNOT be used to dial 5555 and attempts to use a cellular telephone will delay the response. NOTIFY the Control Room by dialing 5555 on a telephone or PAX or by plant radio, if in direct contact with the Control Room, and PROVIDE the following information:

  • Location of medical emergency
  • Callers name and telephone number
  • Patient's name(s) and badge number(s)
  • What happened (injurytillness)
  • Hazards In the area (if any),
  • Help being given (if any) PROVIDE any medical assistance qualified to perform on the victim.

1%. WHEN EMT-B arrives, THEN PROVIDE brief summary of the situation and actions taken. REMAIN in a safe area until monitored by Health Physics Technician If the possibility of personnel contamination exists. FOLLOW instructions from the person in charge at the emergency scene.

4.2 Emergency Medical Technician - Baslc [NOCS 6200]

4.2.1 RESPOND when requested to medical emergencies within the CR-3 Protected Area and at other points within the Crystal River Energy Complex.

4.2.2 RESPOND to the scene when the Fire Brigade, Haz Mat Team or Site Support ERC is dispatched.

4.2.3 REPORT to the FTL or designee during radiological and RON-radiological medical emergencies and keep the FTL updated on the condition of the Patient EM-21 3 Rev. 29 Page 5 of 13

NOTE If obviously deceased, do NOT roibve the victim until the Sheriff's Deputy reporting to the scene has declared it Is NOT a crime scene. The 9-1-1 call placed by the Control Room will automatically notify the Sheriff's Office.

4.2.4 EVALUATE the urgency of moving the Patient(s) according to their medical condition and the radiation levels.

4.2.5 EVALUATE conditions and PROVIDE basic life support as appropriate upon arrival at the scene of a medical emergency.

4.2.6 IF the injury/illness threatens the life of the Patient, or is an obvious severe injury, THEN REQUEST an ambulance.

4.2.7 IF the Patient experiences chest discomfort, loses consciousness, complains of severe abdominal pain, severe respiratory distress or is experiencing a heat stroke, THEN REQUEST an ambulance.

4.2.8 IF Patient conditions exist such that a Trauma Alert is warranted, THEN REQUEST Control Room to initiate Trauma Alert during 9-1-1 call.

4.2.9 COMPLETE the Emergency Patient Treatment Record (EPTR) located in the Jump Kit, as time permits.

IF time does NOT permit, THEN REQUEST someone standing near-by to fill out the form as the EMT-B PROVIDES the information.

4.2.10 PROVIDE turnover to the Emergency Medical Service (EMS) personnel as appropriate and SUBMIT the original EPTR for the Patient(s) to EMS personnel.

4.2.11 FORWARD the remaining copy of the completed EPTR to Emergency Preparedness.

4.2.12 INVENTORY AND RESTOCK Jump and Trauma Kits as needed.

4.3 Control Room 4.3.1 COMPLETE Enclosure 1, Checklist for Medical Emergencies.

4.3.2 IF the TSC/OSC is operational, THEN NOTIFY the Emergency Coordinator of the medical emergency.

4.3.3 IF numerous injuries occur, THEN REQUEST support and follow-up from the Emergency Coordinator EM-21 3 Rev. 29 Page 6 of 13

e 4.4 Superintendent Shift Operations NOTE Radiological conditions should be taken into account before sending the FTL.

4.4. 1 DISPATCH the FTL or designee to the emergency scene to establish scene control.

4.4.:2 COMPLETE notifications and actions listed in Enclosure 1.

4.4.:'3 MAINTAIN communication with the FTL and COORDINATE the onsite medical response.

4.4.,4 - ENSURE Security is aware an ambulance and/or Site Support ERC are arriving onsite, if applicable.

NOTE All Patients (contaminated or NQN-contaminated) are transported to Seven Rivers Community Hospital. If Seven Rivers Is being evacuated or is unavailable, Citrus Memorial Hospital is the alternative hospital.

4.4! 5 DETERMINE the hospital the Patient is transported to based on the EMT-B report from the scene. If an ambulance is requested, Emergency Medical Services (EMS) makes the final decision on where patients are transported. [NOCS 10552 91903 4.5 The Fire Team Leader or Designee at the scene kl.. 4.5.' ESTABLISH communications with Control Room.

4.5.:2 ESTABLISH communications with the EMT-B.

4.5.:3 ESTABLISH scene control and IDENTIFY responding members:

o COORDINATE medical response.

o ESTABLISH contamination control if required.

o ENSURE Security Is controlling access to the emergency scene.

4.5.j 4 EVALUATE available information concerning the patient and other conditions (radiation, contamination, equipment malfunction) and REPORT information to the SSO.

4.5.'5. ESTABLISH exit route and ambulance pickup point (if required). Primary exit route from the Auxiliary Building and Reactor Building with a patient is through the Hot Machine Shop Rollup Door.

.4.5.13 ENSURE ambulance is enroute, if applicable.

4.5.;,7 COORDINATE requests for additional equipment and personnel.

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4.6 Transportation of Possible Contaminated Patient NOCS 16070 CAUTION All personnel, including assisting personnel, are suspect of carrying radioactive contaminates until proven otherwise.

CAUTION Should the severity of the wound restrict decontamination efforts by Health Physics Technicians, the Patient is transported to an offsite medical facility for treatment and further decontamination efforts.

INOCS 105401 NOTE In case of serious injury / illness, consideration of life and health overrule other requirements.

4.6.1 IF transportation of the Patient is required, THEN CONSIDER the removal of the protective clothing. The severity of the injuryfillness and degree of contamination dictate the specific steps taken, such as cutting off the protective clothing, the necessity of a stretcher, or wrapping in a blanket.

4.6.2 IF the Patient is completely decontaminated, THEN CONSIDER transporting by private vehicle.

4.6.3 ENSURE a Health Physics Technician or RMT member accompanies contaminated Patient(s) to the off-site medical facility.

4.6.4 Upon arrival at the prescribed hospital entrance, WAIT until assistance arrives.

4.6.5 The Health Physics Technician or RMT member ASSIST ambulance and hospital personnel as required, and: NOCS 1130]

o PROVIDE the medical facility pertinent information necessary to treat the Patient(s).

o PREVENT the spread of contamination.

o PROVIDE dosimetry to EMS/hospital personnel.

o PROVIDE survey instruments, as required.

o PROVIDE plastic bags to collect remaining protective clothing and irrigation washings containing radioactive contamination, SEAL and RETURN to plant.

o ESTABLISH communications with SSO or Emergency Coordinator to keep informed of status.

o ENSURE vehicle(s) used to transport Patient(s) are cleared of contamination before releasing for other service.

o OBTAIN results of bioassay performed by offsite medical facilities for radiological exposed CR-3 personnel.

4.7 Documentation 4.7.1 SSO TRANSMIT Enclosure 1 to Document Services.

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ENCLOSURE 1 (Page 1 of 2)


[NOCS 1591 /91901 A. Initial Report (obtain information from initial call to fill-in after notification of EMT-B, Item B)

1. Location of Medical Emergency.
2. Caller's Name: __Telephone #_
3. Patient's Name: _ Badge #-

(If deceased, Inform caller NOT to move Idividual)

4. Type of Injury/Illness:
5. Hazards in Area: 0 Radiological 0 Steam D Fire 0 Hazardous Material 0 Other
6. Help given to Patient: 0 None 0 First Aid a Basic Life Support 0 Other
7. Date: I / Time:

B. Site Security Notification / EMT-B Extension 3132

1. Request EMT-B to be dispatched to scene TIME
2. Notify Site Security ambulance is enroute when required. TIME _ NA C. Additional Support Notification Radio Channel 7 TIME _ 0 NA Contact Emergency Response Coordinator, as needed or requested by the EMT-B at the scene, for serious illness, injury, Hazmat, fire, high angle or confined space rescue incidents D. Health Physics Notification Extension 3150 TIME_

E. Report At Scene

1. Transport to hospital via: 0 Not Applicable E Ambulance 0 Other
2. . Type of injury/illness.
3. Patient condition (identify if Trauma Alert): .
4. Contamination Present: 0 No 0 Yes Level:
5. Patient pickup point: 0 Hot Machine Shop 0 Other (Specify) -.

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ENCLOSURE 1 (Page 2 of 2)


F. Ambulance Service Notification (Use the direct outside line for this notification)

1. Call 9-1-1. (This also notifies the Sheriff's Office) TIME:

IF the EMT-B requests a Trauma Alert, THEN notify 9-1-1 to initiate a Trauma Alert.

2. Give your name and title.
3. Request ambulance at the Crystal River Nuclear Plant.
4. Give them patient information from Section E. (Items 2, 3, 4)
5. Advise Dispatcher that Security will direct ambulance upon arrival on Site.
6. Notify Site Security at Extension 3132 ambulance is enroute.

G. Hosoltal Notification Primary: Seven Rivers Community Hospital - 795-8335 / 795-6560 Secondary: Citrus Memorial Hospital - 344-6569 / 726-1551 (If primary NOT available)

1. Time:
2. Person Contacted:
3. Give name and title. Tell them you are transporting a patient(s) to their facility.
4. Give them patient information and transport mode from Section E (Items 1,2,3,4).
5. If contamination is present or unknown, inform them a Health Physics Technician will accompany the patient.

H. Supervisor Notification

1. Notify injured person's supervisor to contact family / emergency contact. TIME_ NA
2. Remind supervisor to complete the CR-3 Safety Incident Reporting Checklist.

Supervisor's Name:

1. Ambulance Arrives On Site TIME _ NA J. Ambulance Leaves Site TIME_ _ NA Completed By Title Date / Time Reviewed By SSO Date / Time DISTRIBUTION: Document Services EM-213 Rev. 29 Page 10 of 13


[NOGS 160701 41 soky -

, -A WPower ."

Line Rd 15760 W Power Line St, 5.4 Crystal River, FL Cryta RieF Turn right at the end of West Powerline Street. Turn into Seven Rivers Community Hospital at the second entrance on the left off Highway 19. Follow signs to the Emergency Room entrance. 5.4 miles total.

EM-213 Rev. 29 Page 11 of 13


. NOCS 16070]


h.;- -

15760 W Power Line St, Crystal River, FL WPower Line Rd .4 6~~~~~~~~~~~~~lvresF

~W Gjace 502-W i ad Bvd, Take State Road 44 from Crystal River to Inverness. Go one block past South Line Avenue and turn right on South Citrus Avenue. Go past Grace Street and follow the emergency signs to the ambulance entrance. 27.9 total miles.

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FOR REVISION 29 OF EM-213 (August 2003)

Procedure Section Chances and Reason Section 1 Reversed the order of Seven Rivers Community Hospital with Allen Ridge Medical Center as SRCH is the primary location for employees with non-contaminated minor injuries. (PRR 92061)

Reference 2.1.4 Replaced cancelled HPP-104 reference with HPS-NGGC-0013, Personnel Contamination Monitoring, Decontamination, and Reporting.

Note before Item 3.1.1 Deleted the note with disclaimer regarding the procedure being outside the scope of 10 CFR 50.59 as all EPIPs may be screened out of the process, but still require an evaluation under 10 CFR 50.54(q).

Item 3.1.1 Revised definition to include mechanism of injury or nature of llness since previous definition could be Interpreted to include injuries only.

(PRR 92601)

Item 3.2.9 Added responsibility to complete the CR-3 Safety Incident Reporting Checklist to make consistent with Section H of Enclosure 1.

Step 3.3.4 Added step to address a delay in notification to the Control Room affecting the health and well-being of the Patient.

Step 4.1.1 Deleted existing step to notify CR3 Control Room for ambulances requested outside the Protected Area and renumbered remaining section steps accordingly. The procedure is primarily for medical emergencies within the Protected Area and the 5555 or 3-1-1 system would not notify the CR3 Control Room from outside the Protected Area.

Step Added note to this step to address using cellular telephones to notify the Control Room using 5555. (PRR 83268). Changed 3-1-1 to 5555 which ensures consistency among NGG sites and resource sharing personnel in providing emergency notification to the Control Room.

Step 4.2.10, 4.6.1, 4.6.2, 4.6.5 Change the word give" to the action verb "SUBMIT" in 4.2.10 and capitalized the action verbs of the other steps.

Step 4.6.1 Added caution statement implementing NOCS 10540 which discusses ability to decontaminate the wound on-site. Section H... changed accident reporting form" to "CR-3 Safety Incident Reporting Checklist. (PRR 69114) Section F ...added Information to use direct outside line for this notification as other Control Room telephones will not dial 9-1-1 directly. (PRR 83268) Section G.4...added type of patient information and mode of transport to make consistent with Section F. Section 8.. rearranged subheading and added time placekeeping space for notification that ambulance is enroute. Replaced fill-in items under item 1 with checkboxes to ease completion of form.

Title-cased all section headings per Writer's Guide. and Enclosure 3 Replaced current maps with line Drive"-type map with addresses.

Revised instructions for getting to CMH Emergency Department based on recent changes and additions at the hospital. (PRR 93770)

Enclosures Capitalized and underlined enclosure titles per the Writer's Guide.

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-Aid -




. S SECTION PAGE 1.0 PURPOSE .............................. ,. 3


.. 3 2.1 Developmental References .3 3.0 PERSONNEL INDOCTRINATION .3 3.1 Definitions .. 3 3.2 Responsibilities . . .4 3.3 Limits and Precautions 5 4.0 INSTRUCTIONS . . . 6 4.1 Individuals Discovering an Emergency ... 6 4.2 Localized Evacuation Of Personnel .. 6 4.3 Alert classification: Local Assembly of Non-essential Personnel .. 7 4.4 Site Area Emergency or General Emergency Classification: Evacuation of Non-essential personnel from the CR-3 Protected Area . . 9 4.5 Evacuation of Non-Essential Personnel from the Energy Complex.. 10 4.6 Instructions For Plant Personnel During A Security Emergency .. 11 ENCLOSURES

  • 1 Local Assembly Area Assignments .12
  • Non-Quality Record I EM-205 I Rev. 27 1 Page 2 of 13

1.0 PURPOSE Provides instructions for CR-3 personnel within the Protected Area on actions to take for:

  • discovering an emergency
  • local assembly
  • accountability and evacuation of the CR-3 Protected Area
  • actions during a security emergency.


2.1 Developmental References 2.1.1 10 CFR 50.47, Emergency Plans 2.1.2 10 CFR 50, Appendix E, Emergency Planning and Preparedness for Production and Utilization Facilities 2.1.3 EM-21 1, Duties of the CR-3 Nuclear Security Organization 2.1.4 NUREG-0654, Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants 2.1.5 Radiological Emergency Response Plan 3.0 PERSONNEL INDOCTRINATION 3.1 Definitions 3.1.1 Accountability - The process of identifying personnel remaining inside the Protected Area and ascertaining the names of missing individuals following an evacuation or as deemed necessary by the Emergency Coordinator.

3.1.2 Alert - This classification refers to event(s) that are in process, or have occurred, involving an actual or potentially substantial degradation of the level of safety of the plant. The TSC/OSC are staffed and assembly and accountability are performed at Local Assembly Areas.

3.1.3 General Emergency - This classification refers to event(s) that are in process, or have occurred, involving actual or imminent substantial core degradation or nuclear fuel melting with potential for loss of containment integrity. Personnel evacuate Protected Area and follow instructions given by Public Address announcement and Security.

3.1.4 Local Assembly Area - Pre-designated areas personnel report to for personnel organization, roll call, and supervision following an Alert emergency classification, or as deemed necessary by the Emergency Coordinator.

3.1.5 Local Assembly Area Supervisor -The supervisor or designee assuming leadership responsibility in Local Assembly Areas. This individual should not be someone who will be responding to an Emergency Response Facility.

I EM-205 I Rev. 27 Paie 3 of 13l -

I EM-205 I Rev.27 I PaQe3ofl3I

3.1.6 Main Assembly Area (MAA) - The Site Administration Building Auditorium. The location where personnel report for organization and supervision following an evacuation of the CR-3 Protected Area. [NOCS 7455]

k, 3.1.7 Main Assembly Area Supervisor - The Security representative assuming leadership responsibility in the Main Assembly Area.

3.1.8 Missing Individual - An unaccounted for person, remaining in the Protected Area after an evacuation or when the EC requests accountability, and is not in or dispatched from the Control Room, Technical Support Center (TSC)/Operations Support Center (OSC), or Nuclear Security Operations Center (NSOC).

3.1.9 Non-Essential Personnel - Personnel not required for the safe operation of the plant, not assigned emergency functions in the Control Room or TSC/OSC and not on-duty Security personnel.

3.1.10 Non-Medical Emergency - An incident or condition requiring immediate attention, which could result in damage to plant components and may be accompanied by high radiation or radioactive contamination. Examples include: fire, explosion,. steam line break, hazardous material spill, etc. (Refer to EM-213 for medical emergency actions) 3.1.11 Protected Area - Area encompassed by physical barriers (fence) and detection devices. The area evacuated in a Site Area Emergency.

3.1.12 Radiation Controlled Area (RCA) - Any posted Radioactive Material Area and/or any area where an individual could receive 2 mRem in one hour, or 500 mRem in a year TEDE.

3.1.13 Security Emergency - An actual or attempted sabotage or entry into the Protected Area by an intruder or terrorist attack. Physical or deadly force may be necessary to protect plant personnel or vital plant equipment.

3.1.14 Site Area Emergency - This classification refers to event(s) that are in process or have occurred,,involving actual or likely major failures of plant functions needed to protect the public. The TSC/OSC and EOF are staffed. Personnel evacuate to Main Assembly Area.

3.1.15 Site Evacuation - Evacuation of non-essential personnel from the Protected Area.

3.1.16 Unusual Event - This classification refers to any event(s), in process or having occurred, indicating a potential degradation of the level of plant safety. This classification brings the operating staff to a state of readiness if escalation to a more severe action level classification occurs.

3.2 Responsibilities 3.2.1 The Emergency Coordinator initiates personnel assembly, accountability, or evacuation as a result of an emergency at CR-3.

l EM-205 I Rev. 27 l Page4of 13

3.2.2 Each Supervisor/Manager or designee (Local Assembly Area Supervisor) inside the Protected Area is responsible for ensuring accountability of Section/Unit personnel during an Alert, and as requested by the EC.

X~j 3.2.3 The Local Assembly Area Supervisor establishes control and organization of personnel assembled and ensures evacuation of such personnel during a Site Area Emergency, as directed by the EC.

3.2.4 The Main Assembly Area Supervisor establishes control and organization of the personnel assembled in the Main Assembly Area.

3.2.5 Security directs ingress and egress to the Protected Area, maintains records documenting Site Evacuation during an emergency at CR-3 and supports the Emergency Coordinator in performing accountability.

3.2.6 Security implements evacuation of the Energy Complex when directed by the Emergency -Coordinator.

3.2.7 Individuals entering the CR-3 Protected Area (excluding visitors) are responsible for maintaining familiarity with the information contained in this procedure, following radiological practices, and minimizing the probability of injury or exposure to radiation.

3.2.8 Individuals whose normal workstation is outside the Protected Area, must exit the Protected Area when an Alert is declared.

3.2.9 Individuals assigned to the Rusty, Plant Administration and Nuclear Administration Buildings, are to report to their office area and ensure Local Assembly Area Supervisor designee is aware of their location during an Alert or as requested by the Emergency Coordinator.

3.3 Limits and Precautions 3.3.1 When instructed, personnel are to report immediately to their assigned locations (Local Assembly Area, Main Assembly Area, Control Room, TSC/OSC) to ensure timely accountability.

3.3.2 Personnel performing duties essential for the safe operation of the plant, on-duty Security personnel and personnel assigned emergency functions in the Control Room, TSC/OSC are not required to assemble or evacuate unless otherwise instructed by the EC.

3.3.3 Personnel are to secure potentially hazardous equipment or operations prior to following instructions for evacuating an area.

3.3.4 Protected Area accountability must be completed within 30 minutes of sounding the Site Evacuation Alarm following the declaration of a Site Area Emergency or General Emergency.

3.3.5 IF the EC requests accountability before a Site Evacuation, THEN accountability must be completed within 30 minutes.

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3.3.6 After declaration of a Security Emergency, all personnel are subject to challenge by Security and must follow all directions issued.

3.3.7 An emergency phone system is used to report emergencies. This system enables

-s an individual to report an emergency by dialing 5555 on the Public Address System (PAX) or conventional intra-plant phones on site. This activates a dedicated emergency telephone in the Control Room that is used only for emergencies.

4.0 INSTRUCTIONS 4.1 Individuals Discovering an Emergency

-4.1.1 NOTIFY the Control Room by dialing 5555 on PAX or any conventional intra-plant telephone or by radio and PROVIDE information requested. [NOCS 4750, 4751]

4.1.2 EVALUATE hazards of the emergency area.

4.1.3 TAKE immediate actions qualified to perform, such as using fire extinguisher.

4.1.4 WITHDRAW to a safe area and NOTIFY personnel in the area.

4.1.5 CONTINUE to follow instructions of person in charge at the emergency scene.

4.2 Localized Evacuation Of Personnel NOTE Notification to evacuate a specific work area is by Reactor Building or Auxiliary Building Evacuation alarm and/or Public Address (PA)

Announcement when emergency conditions create localized radiological hazards.

4.2.1 IF notified to evacuate the Radiation Controlled Area, THEN CONTINUE normal monitoring practices, AND EXIT evacuated area.

4.2.2 REPORT to respective shop to ensure accountability of everyone working in the evacuated area.

II EM-205 I Rev. 27 I - Pae 6 f 13 Paie6of13l I EM-205 Rev. 27


4.2.3 REPORT names of missing personnel during an RCA evacuation to the Supervisor Health Physics at extension 3150.

4.2.4 ELIMINATE non-essential personnel from the evacuated area until Health Physics determines re-entry is permissible.

4.2.5 MAINTAIN control of visitor(s).

4.3 Alert classification: Local Assembly of Non-essential Personnel NOTE Notification for non-essential personnel to go to their "Local Assembly Area" is made by PA announcement. Assembly assists communication, accountability, and supervision following an Alert classification NOTE Signs are posted at the Nuclear Security Operation Center, Rusty Building, and Turbine Building listing the Local Assembly Areas. A sign is posted at the exit to the Protected Area designating Main Assembly Area location.

4.3.1 REPORT to Local Assembly Area when directed by Public Address announcement.

(REFER TO Enclosure 1 for Local Assembly Area assignments.)

4.3.2 ESCORT visitors to the Nuclear Security Operations Center.

4.3.3 WHEN visitors have exited the Protected Area, THEN REPORT to Local Assembly Area.

4.3.4 IF normal workstation is outside the Protected Area, THEN EXIT the Protected Area when an Alert is declared.

4.3.5 Contract personnel REPORT to the Site Administration Building Auditorium, unless directed otherwise by their work supervisor.

4.3.6 CONTINUE to stay in Local Assembly Areas until instructed to return to work or evacuate to the designated Main Assembly Area.

1EM-205 I Rev. 27 l Page 7 of 13

41 1 NOTE Local Assembly Area Supervisors are expected to be aware of Section/Unit personnel who are members of the Emergency Response Organization and not identify them at missing personnel.

4.3.7 Local Assembly Area Supervisor PERFORM the following:

  • IDENTIFY individuals missing during the local assembly.

r .

  • NOTIFY Security at the TSC at extension 3258 if the individual's location is not determined in approximately 20 minutes.
  • PERFORM as the point of contact for further instructions to assembled personnel.
  • MAINTAIN accountability of Local Assembly Area personnel until further notice.
  • ENSURE personnel evacuate at a Site Area Emergency (SAE), and REPORT to the Main Assembly Area (MAA) as directed. SAE accountability is performed by badge when exiting the Protected Area - there is no need to report accountability to the MAA Supervisor unless specifically requested.

I EM-205 I Rev. 27 1 Page 8of 13

4.4 Site Area Emergency or General Emergency Classification: Evacuation of Non-essential personnel from the CR-3 Protected Area [NOCS 74551 NOTE 1 Security conducts Protected Area accountability to establish the names of missing individuals in the Protected Area within 30 minutes of sounding the Site Evacuation alarm following the declaration of a Site Area Emergency or General Emeraencv.

NOTE 2 If accountability is in progress during a Site Evacuation, even minor delays in evacuating could prevent completion within the required 30 minutes.

NOTE 3 Notification to evacuate the CR-3 Protected Area is by Site Evacuation alarm and/or PA announcement.

@%~.4.4.1 IF notified to evacuate the CR-3 Protected Area, THEN all non-essential personnel must immediately evacuate the Protected Area.

4.4.2 IF evacuation of the Protected Area is initiated before personnel are instructed to gather in Local Assembly Areas, THEN personnel do NOT report to the Local Assembly Areas before exiting the Protected Area.

4.4.3 Dedicated Fire Brigade members on shift during an evacuation of the Protected Area REPORT with gear to the area outside the Control Room.

4.4.4 Non-essential personnel EXIT the Protected Area through the Nuclear Security Operation Center, unless otherwise directed.

4.4.5 PERFORM the following unless otherwise directed:

1. Site Area Emergency - PROCEED immediately and safely to the Main Assembly Area (Site Administration Building Auditorium), unless otherwise directed. CONTINUE to stay in the Main Assembly Area until instructed to return to work or to evacuate the Energy Complex.
2. General Emergency - EVACUATE the Energy Complex.

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NOTE The Main Assembly Area Supervisor has a radio and wears a designated Main Assembly Area Supervisor hardhat.

4.4.6 Security provides an individual to assume the position of Main Assembly Area Supervisor. The Main Assembly Area Supervisor must:

  • TAKE leadership responsibility for personnel assembled in the Main Assembly Area.
  • DIRECT assembled personnel to various locations within the Site Administration Building.
  • ENSURE qualified Fire Brigade personnel assemble in First Floor Conference Room.
  • USE the Site Administration Building local Public Address (accessed by dialing 1-1) to keep evacuated personnel informed.
  • IMPLEMENT instructions from the Emergency Coordinator.
  • CONTINUE to NOTIFY personnel assembled concerning evacuation location, Energy Complex evacuation, return to work instructions, and plant conditions, as directed by the TSC.
  • ENSURE evacuated personnel remain inside the Site Administration Building, unless otherwise directed.
  • LISTEN to radio communication on Channel 5 unless otherwise directed by the TSC.

4.5 Evacuation of Non-Essential Personnel from the Energy Complex 4.5.1 WHEN instructed by Emergency Coordinator and Security, THEN EVACUATE the Energy Complex.

4.5.2 COORDINATE evacuation with Security and include:

  • Instructions describing the methods and routes for evacuation.
  • Evacuation by private vehicle using two lanes on the main plant access road.
  • Coordination if an alternate plan is implemented.

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4.6 Instructions For Plant Personnel During A Security Emergency CAUTION The following instructions enhance personnel safety during a Security Emergency (Protected Area intruder, terrorist attack) where physical or deadly force may be necessary to protect plant personnel or vital equipment.

Security may nitiate a PA announcement directed towards the intruders.

4.6.1 IF Security announces a Security Emergency, THEN TAKE the following actions:

1. Personnel in the Control Room, CONTINUE to stay in the Control Room and WAIT for instructions from the Superintendent Shift Operations.
2. Personnel not in the Control Room, PERFORM the following actions:
  • SECURE potentially hazardous equipment and suspended loads as safe as possible prior to taking cover.
  • TAKE stable, suitable cover immediately.
  • MOVE low to the ground.
  • CONTINUE to stay in this position until an ALL CLEAR" announcement has been made that it is safe to relocate.

4.6.2 IF the Security Emergency continues, AND an Alert, Site Area, or General Emergency is declared, THEN emergency personnel do NOT staff the TSC/OSC or EOF, unless otherwise instructed.

4.6.3 Non-essential personnel do NOT proceed to their Local Assembly Areas, unless otherwise instructed.

4.6.4 WHEN an announcement is made that the Security emergency is under control, THEN proceed to Local Assembly Areas for further instructions.

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[NOCS 7455, 248801 PERSONNEL ASSEMBLY AREA Chemistry & Radiation Protection Plant Administration Building Contractors & Non-CR3 Personnel Site Administration Auditorium Facility Services Facility Services Shop Maintenance Electrical Electric Shop Maintenance Mechanical Mechanic Shop Maintenance l&C I&C Shop Maintenance FIN Team FIN Shop Maintenance Support Ready Warehouse Break Area Nuclear Administration Building Nuclear Administration Building Operations (Off-Shift) Area Outside Control Room Operations (On-Shift) Control Room Plant Administration Building Plant Administration Building Rusty Building Rusty Building Security (Off-Duty) Security Operations Center Security (On-Duty) Assigned Posts & Patrols Selected Emergency Team Members TSC/OSC Technical Support Center Staff TSC/OSC EM-205 Rev.27 Page 12of 13



PROCEDURE SECTION CHANGES AND REASONS Throughout Changed title reference from Corporate Security and Security titles to Security. Combination of Nuclear and Corporate and Site Security.

Throughout Changed emergency phone number from 311 to 5555. Change to match other NGG Sites.

3.0 Removed Note that had no effect on content of procedure concerning the procedure was outside the scope of 50.59. All emergency implementing procedures are currently screened under this process and no exemptions exist. Changed titles of several assembly locations to match current name of assembly location lEM-205 l Rev. 27 l Page 13 of 13 1