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LLC Supplemental Response to NRC Request for Additional Information No. 151 (Erai No. 8974) on the NuScale Design Certification Application
Person / Time
Site: NuScale
Issue date: 01/11/2019
From: Rad Z
Document Control Desk, Office of New Reactors
Download: ML19011A374 (39)


RAIO-0119-64084 January 11, 2019 Docket No.52-048 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk One White Flint North 11555 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852-2738


NuScale Power, LLC Supplemental Response to NRC Request for Additional Information No. 151 (eRAI No. 8974) on the NuScale Design Certification Application


1. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, "Request for Additional Information No. 151 (eRAI No. 8974)," dated August 05, 2017
2. NuScale Power, LLC Response to NRC "Request for Additional Information No. 151 (eRAI No.8974)," dated October 03, 2017
3. NuScale Power, LLC Supplemental Response to NRC "Request for Additional Information No. 151 (eRAI No. 8974)," dated April 09, 2018
4. NuScale Power, LLC Supplemental Response to NRC "Request for Additional Information No. 151 (eRAI No. 8974)," dated September 17, 2018 The purpose of this letter is to provide the NuScale Power, LLC (NuScale) supplemental response to the referenced NRC Request for Additional Information (RAI).

The Enclosure to this letter contains NuScale's supplemental response to the following RAI Question from NRC eRAI No. 8974:

03.08.04-23 This letter and the enclosed response make no new regulatory commitments and no revisions to any existing regulatory commitments.

If you have any questions on this response, please contact Marty Bryan at 541-452-7172 or at

Sincerely, Zackary W. Rad Director, Regulatory Affairs NuScale Power, LLC Distribution: Gregory Cranston, NRC, OWFN-8H12 Samuel Lee, NRC, OWFN-8H12 Marieliz Vera, NRC, OWFN-8H12 NuScale Power, LLC 1100 NE Circle Blvd., Suite 200 Corvalis, Oregon 97330, Office: 541.360.0500, Fax: 541.207.3928

RAIO-0119-64084 : NuScale Supplemental Response to NRC Request for Additional Information eRAI No. 8974 NuScale Power, LLC 1100 NE Circle Blvd., Suite 200 Corvalis, Oregon 97330, Office: 541.360.0500, Fax: 541.207.3928

RAIO-0119-64084 :

NuScale Supplemental Response to NRC Request for Additional Information eRAI No. 8974 NuScale Power, LLC 1100 NE Circle Blvd., Suite 200 Corvalis, Oregon 97330, Office: 541.360.0500, Fax: 541.207.3928

Response to Request for Additional Information Docket No.52-048 eRAI No.: 8974 Date of RAI Issue: 08/05/2017 NRC Question No.: 03.08.04-23 10 CFR 50, Appendix A, GDC 1, 2, and 4, provide requirements to be met by SSC important to safety. In accordance with these requirements, DSRS Sections 3.7.1 and 3.8.4 provide review guidance pertaining to seismic parameters and design of seismic Category I structures.

Consistent with the guidance in DSRS 3.7.1.II.4.A.viii, the staff reviews comparison criteria for the acceptability of a standard design for a potential site.

COL item 3.8-2 in Section directs the COL applicant to confirm that the site independent RXB and CRB are acceptable for use at the designated site. Further, Section identifies locations within the building and respective ISRS which are to be used by the COL applicant to compare with their respective site-specific ISRS for purposes of confirming the acceptability of the site independent structures for the designated site. The applicant is requested to correct inconsistencies between the ISRS Figures referred to in FSAR Section and the respective Figures in FSAR Section 3.7. Further, clarify whether the ISRS in these figures are based on the envelope of all or a partial envelope of the SSI and SSSI analysis cases.

Further, the staff request the applicant to address the following in the FSAR.

1. propose locations for the comparison of building member forces and deformations, with the identification of the respective FSAR Tables and Figures
2. clarify whether the current locations for ISRS comparison include responses at peripheral locations to detect rocking and torsion or propose additional locations as necessary
3. augment the list of locations for ISRS comparison in the RXB to address the fuel racks
4. include responses to check overturning, torsional, and sliding stability of the structures NuScale Nonproprietary

NuScale Response:

The following supplemental responses are provided, as discussed during a meeting with the staff on October 30, 2018:

1. Question: Consistent with the information provided for other in-structure response spectra (ISRS) locations, please provide FSAR markups to identify the nodes and respective location (e.g. tables and or figures) related to the ISRS in the following Figures:
  • Figure 3.7.2-114: ISRS at Reactor Building Crane Wheels at El. 145 6
  • Figure 3.7.2-119: Control Building ISRS at Floor at El. 76 6
  • Figure 3.7.2-120: Control Building ISRS at Floor at El. 100 0
  • Figure 3.7.2-121: Control Building ISRS at Floor at El. 120 0 Response: FSAR Tier 2, Tables 3.7.2-56 and 3.7.2-57 are added to provide the respective location related to the ISRS of the above mentioned figures.
2. Question: Clarify if the node numbers in Table 3.7.2-55 are also applicable to the ISRS in Figure 3.7.2-116. If not, please provide FSAR markups to identify the nodes and respective location (e.g. tables and or figures) for the ISRS in 3.7.2-116. Further, please provide the coordinates and or figures showing the location for the nodes listed in Tables 3.7.2-54 and 3.7.2-55.

Response: Node numbers in Table 3.7.2-55 are not applicable to ISRS in Fig. 3.7.2-116.

Figures 3.7.2-115 and 3.7.2-116 are removed from the FSAR as they do not constitute the standard design basis. Design-basis ISRS at the skirt and lug locations of NPM1 and NPM6 are shown in FSAR Figures 3.7.2-156 through 3.7.2-163.

FSAR Tier 2 Tables 3.7.2-54 and 3.7.2-55 are updated, as shown in the attached mark-up.

3. Question: Additionally, please provide FSAR markups to include an ISRS at the RFT location that is consistent with the input used for the seismic analysis of the lower RPV at the RFT location. Also please, provide markups to identify the nodes and respective location (e.g.

tables and or figures)

Response: The ISRS at the RFT location are added as FSAR Figures 3.7.2-164 through 3.7.2-171 and the coordinates of the selected RFT nodes are provided in FSAR Table 3.7.2-58, as shown in the attached FSAR mark-up.

NuScale Nonproprietary

4. Question: For item 2 in COL Item 3.7-10, clarify whether the max forces in the NuScale Power Module lug restraints and skirts, refers to the standard design basis seismic demands and clarify whether the markups identifying the Tables and or FSAR Section (s) containing the magnitude of such standard design basis demands will be provided in the response to Question 03.07.02-25 or in a supplemental response to Q 03.08.04-23. The staffs expectation is that the site-specific verification is to be made against the standard design basis seismic demands. If the max forces indicated in COL Item 3.7-10 refer to forces other than the standard design basis seismic demands, please provide FSAR markups to identify the Table(s) and or FSAR Section(s) containing the magnitude for both the max forces and the standard design basis seismic demands and clarify the use of the max forces.

Response: Item 2 of COL Item 3.7-10 is revised to provide a reference to FSAR Table 3B-28, which includes the standard design-basis seismic demands for the NuScale Power Module lug restraints and skirt.

5. Question: For item 4 in COL Item 3.7-10, clarify whether the forces and moments in Table 3.7.2-32 are the standard design basis demands for the east and west wing walls and pool walls. If so, please identify the specific case that constitutes the standard design basis seismic demands. If not the standard design basis seismic demands, please provide FSAR markups to identify the standard basis seismic demands for those locations and respective FSAR Table(s) or Section(s).

Response: Item 4 of COL Item 3.7-10 is revised to reference FSAR Tables 3B-22b and Table 3B-23b, which contain the magnitude of design-basis demands for the west wing wall and pool wall. These tables were added to the FSAR in response to eRAI 8971 Question 03.08.04-11.

6. Question: Consistent with the site-specific approach for the seismic analysis and design of the fuel rack, please remove item 5 from COL Item 3.7-10.

Response: Item 5 of COL Item 3.7-10 has been removed, as shown in the attached mark-up.

Impact on DCA:

FSAR Tier 2, Sections,,,, and and FSAR Tier 2, Tables 1.8-2, 3.7.2-54 through 3.7.2-58, and 3B-28 and FSAR Tier 2, Figures 3.7.2-96, 3.7.2-97, 3.7.2-115, 3.7.2-116, and 3.7.2-156 through 3.7.2-171 have been revised as described in the response above and as shown in the markup provided in this response.

NuScale Nonproprietary

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Interfaces with Certified Design RAI 01-61, RAI 02.04.13-1, RAI 03.04.01-4, RAI 03.04.02-1, RAI 03.04.02-2, RAI 03.04.02-3, RAI, RAI, RAI 03.05.02-2, RAI 03.05.03-4, RAI 03.06.02-6, RAI 03.06.02-15, RAI 03.06.03-11, RAI 03.07.01-2, RAI 03.07.01-3, RAI 03.07.02-6S1, RAI 03.07.02-6S2, RAI 03.07.02-8, RAI 03.07.02-12, RAI 03.07.02-15S5, RAI 03.07.02-23S1, RAI 03.07.02-26, RAI 03.08.04-3S2, RAI 03.08.04-23S1, RAI 03.08.04-23S2, RAI 03.08.04-23S3, RAI 03.08.05-14S1, RAI 03.09.02-15, RAI 03.09.02-48, RAI 03.09.02-67, RAI 03.09.02-69, RAI 03.09.03-12, RAI 03.09.06-5, RAI 03.09.06-6, RAI 03.09.06-16, RAI 03.09.06-16S1, RAI 03.09.06-27, RAI 03.11-8, RAI 03.11-14, RAI 03.11-14S1, RAI 03.11-18, RAI 03.13-3, RAI 04.02-1S2, RAI 05.02.03-19, RAI 05.02.05-8, RAI, RAI, RAI, RAI, RAI, RAI 06.02.06-22, RAI 06.02.06-23, RAI 06.04-1, RAI 09.01.01-20, RAI 09.01.02-4, RAI 09.01.05-3, RAI 09.01.05-6, RAI 09.03.02-3, RAI 09.03.02-4, RAI 09.03.02-5, RAI 09.03.02-6, RAI 09.03.02-8, RAI 10.02-1, RAI 10.02-2, RAI 10.02-3, RAI 10.02.03-1, RAI 10.02.03-2, RAI 10.03.06-1, RAI 10.03.06-5, RAI 10.04.06-1, RAI 10.04.06-2, RAI 10.04.06-3, RAI 10.04.10-2, RAI 11.01-2, RAI 12.03-55S1, RAI 13.01.01-1, RAI 13.01.01-1S1, RAI 13.02.02-1, RAI 13.03-4, RAI, RAI, RAI, RAI, RAI, RAI, RAI 14.02-7, RAI 19-31, RAI 19-31S1, RAI 19-38, RAI 20.01-13 Table 1.8-2: Combined License Information Items Item No. Description of COL Information Item Section COL Item 1.1-1: A COL applicant that references the NuScale Power Plant design certification will identify the 1.1 site-specific plant location.

COL Item 1.1-2: A COL applicant that references the NuScale Power Plant design certification will provide the 1.1 schedules for completion of construction and commercial operation of each power module.

COL Item 1.4-1: A COL applicant that references the NuScale Power Plant design certification will identify the 1.4 prime agents or contractors for the construction and operation of the nuclear power plant.

COL Item 1.7-1: A COL applicant that references the NuScale Power Plant design certification will provide site- 1.7 specific diagrams and legends, as applicable.

COL Item 1.7-2: A COL applicant that references the NuScale Power Plant design certification will list additional 1.7 site-specific piping and instrumentation diagrams and legends as applicable.

COL Item 1.8-1: A COL applicant that references the NuScale Power Plant design certification will provide a list of 1.8 departures from the certified design.

COL Item 1.9-1: A COL applicant that references the NuScale Power Plant design certification will review and 1.9 address the conformance with regulatory criteria in effect six months before the docket date of the COL application for the site-specific portions and operational aspects of the facility design.

COL Item 1.10-1: A COL applicant that references the NuScale Power Plant design certification will evaluate the 1.10 potential hazards resulting from construction activities of the new NuScale facility to the safety-related and risk significant structures, systems, and components of existing operating unit(s) and newly constructed operating unit(s) at the co-located site per 10 CFR 52.79(a)(31).

The evaluation will include identification of management and administrative controls necessary to eliminate or mitigate the consequences of potential hazards and demonstration that the limiting conditions for operation of an operating unit would not be exceeded. This COL item is not applicable for construction activities (build-out of the facility) at an individual NuScale Power Plant with operating NuScale Power Modules.

COL Item 2.0-1: A COL applicant that references the NuScale Power Plant design certification will demonstrate 2.0 that site-specific characteristics are bounded by the design parameters specified in Table 2.0-1.

If site-specific values are not bounded by the values in Table 2.0-1, the COL applicant will demonstrate the acceptability of the site-specific values in the appropriate sections of its combined license application.

COL Item 2.1-1: A COL applicant that references the NuScale Power Plant design certification will describe the 2.1 site geographic and demographic characteristics.

COL Item 2.2-1: A COL applicant that references the NuScale Power Plant design certification will describe 2.2 nearby industrial, transportation, and military facilities. The COL applicant will demonstrate that the design is acceptable for each potential accident, or provide site-specific design alternatives.

COL Item 2.3-1: A COL applicant that references the NuScale Power Plant design certification will describe the 2.3 site-specific meteorological characteristics for Section 2.3.1 through Section 2.3.5, as applicable.

COL Item 2.4-1: A COL applicant that references the NuScale Power Plant design certification will investigate 2.4 and describe the site-specific hydrologic characteristics for Section 2.4.1 through Section 2.4.14, except Section 2.4.8 and Section 2.4.10.

Tier 2 1.8-3 Draft Revision 3

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Interfaces with Certified Design Table 1.8-2: Combined License Information Items (Continued)

Item No. Description of COL Information Item Section COL Item 3.7-10: A COL applicant that references the NuScale Power Plant design certification will perform a 3.7 site-specific configuration analysis that includes the Reactor Building with applicable configuration layout of the desired NuScale Power Modules. The COL applicant will confirm the following are bounded by the corresponding design certified seismic demands:

1) The in-structure response spectra of the standard design at the foundation and roof. See FSAR Figure 3.7.2-107 and Figure 3.7.2-108 for foundation in-structure response spectra and Figure 3.7.2-113 for roof in-structure response spectra.
2) The maximum forces in the NuScale Power Module lug restraints and skirts. See Table 3B-28.
3) The site-specific in-structure response spectra for the NuScale Power Module at the skirt support will be shown to be bounded by the in-structure response spectra in Figure 3.7.2-156 and Figure 3.7.2-157. The site-specific in-structure response spectra for the NuScale Power Module at the lug restraints will be shown to be bounded by the in-structure response spectra in Figure 3.7.2-158 through Figure 3.7.2-163.
4) The maximum forces and moments in the east and west wing walls and pool walls. See FSAR Table 3.7.2-32Table 3B-22b and Table 3B-23b.
5) Not Used.The site-specific in-structure response spectra for the fuel storage racks will be shown to be bounded by the in-structure response spectra in Figure 3-6 through Figure 3-14 of TR-0816-49833.
6) The site-specific in-structure response spectra shown immediately below will be shown to be bounded by their corresponding certified in-structure response spectra:
  • Reactor Building north exterior wall at EL 75-0: bounded by in-structure response spectra in Figure 3.7.2-110
  • Reactor Building west exterior wall at EL 126-0: bounded by in-structure response spectra in Figure 3.7.2-112
  • Reactor Building crane wheels at EL 145-6: bounded by in-structure response spectra in Figure 3.7.2-114
  • Control Building east wall at EL 76-6: bounded by in-structure response spectra in Figure 3.7.2-119a and Figure 3.7.2-119b
  • Control Building south wall at EL 120-0: bounded by in-structure response spectra in Figure 3.7.2-121a and Figure 3.7.2-121b If not, the standard design will be shown to have appropriate margin or should be appropriately modified to accommodate the site-specific demands.

COL Item 3.7-11: A COL applicant that references the NuScale Power Plant design certification will perform a 3.7 site-specific analysis that, if applicable, assesses the effects of soil separation. The COL applicant will confirm that the in-structure response spectra in the soil separation cases are bounded by the in-structure response spectra shown in FSAR Figure 3.7.2-107 through Figure 3.7.2-122.

COL Item 3.7-12: A COL applicant that references the NuScale Power Plant design certification will perform an 3.7 analysis that uses site-specific soil and time histories to confirm the adequacy of the fluid-structure interaction correction factor.

COL Item 3.7-13: A COL applicant that references the NuScale Power Plant design certification will perform a site- 3.7 specific analysis that assesses the effects of non-vertically propagating seismic waves on the free-field ground motions and seismic responses of seismic Category I structures, systems, and components.

COL Item 3.8-1: A COL applicant that references the NuScale Power Plant design certification will describe the 3.8 site-specific program for monitoring and maintenance of the Seismic Category I structures in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR 50.65 as discussed in Regulatory Guide 1.160.

Monitoring is to include below grade walls, groundwater chemistry if needed, base settlements and differential displacements.

COL Item 3.8-2: A COL applicant that references the NuScale Power Plant design certification will confirm that 3.8 the site -independent Reactor Building and Control Building are acceptable for use at the designated site.

COL Item 3.8-3: A COL applicant that references the NuScale Power Plant design certification will identify local 3.8 stiff and soft spots in the foundation soil and address these in the design, as necessary.

Tier 2 1.8-7 Draft Revision 3

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Seismic Design Floor Figure 126-0 Figure 3.7.2-112 181-0 Figure 3.7.2-113 Reactor Building Crane In-Structure Response Spectra RAI 03.08.04-23S3 The seismic analysis of the RBC uses ISRS for input. ISRS are generated at four selected individual crane wheel locations. These locations are on the reactor pool wall at the crane rail slab at elevation 145' 6, see Table 3.7.2-56. The enveloping ISRS for these four locations are provide in Figure 3.7.2-114. The seismic analysis of the RBC is completed per ASME NOG-1 (Reference 3.7.2-4).

RAI 03.08.04-23S3 NuScale Power Module Bay Wall In-Structure Response SpectraNot Used RAI 03.08.04-23S3 The NPM lug restraints transfer the horizontal forces between the NPMs and the walls of the bay. These restraints ensure that the NPM will not fall as a result of a seismic event. Because of the significance of the restraints, bounding ISRS are provided. These ISRS are not used for the design of any of the restraints, nor any specific components. However they are used in Section to confirm acceptability of the site independent Reactor Building for use at specific sites.

RAI 03.08.04-23S3 Figure 3.7.2-96 provides node locations that were used to develop the ISRS for the NPM bay walls at the pool floor. The enveloping ISRS for these locations are provided in Figure 3.7.2-115.

RAI 03.08.04-23S3 Figure 3.7.2-97 provides node locations that were used to develop the ISRS for the NPM bay walls at the lug restraints. The enveloping ISRS for these locations are provided in Figure 3.7.2-116.

RAI 03.08.04-23S2, RAI 03.08.04-23S3 NuScale Power Module Skirt, and Lug Supports, and Reactor Flange Tool Base ISRSIn-Structure Response Spectra RAI 03.08.04-23S2, RAI 03.08.04-23S3 At the CNV skirts of NPM1 and NPM6, response spectra are generated for the time histories at the eight spider nodes, directly beneath each corresponding NPMto the eight spider elements. The SASSI node numberscoordinates of these ISRS locations are listed in Table 3.7.2-54.

RAI 03.08.04-23S2, RAI 03.08.04-23S3 Tier 2 3.7-139 Draft Revision 3

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Seismic Design The resulting spider node spectra are then averaged for each module. This results in nine averaged skirt response spectra for each module, based on the three seismic cases provided (Soil Type 7, Capitola time history, cracked concrete nominal stiffness, cracked concrete reduced stiffness, uncracked concrete nominal stiffness), each with three components (X,Y, and Z). The ISRS of the nine averaged skirt response spectra areis then enveloped for NPM1 and NPM6 in the X, Y, and Z directions. The six resulting enveloping ISRS (two modules x one skirt support x three directions) for the NPM1 and NPM6 CNV skirts are shown in Figure 3.7.2-156 and Figure 3.7.2-157.

RAI 03.08.04-23S2 At the CNV lugs of NPM1 and NPM6, response spectra are generated for the time histories at the nodes listed in Table 3.7.2-55. The spectra are then enveloped at each of the lugs on NPM1 and NPM6, resulting in 18 total enveloping spectra (two modules x three lugs x three directions). These spectra are shown in Figure 3.7.2-158 through Figure 3.7.2-163.

RAI 03.08.04-23S3 Response spectra are generated for time histories at four reactor flange tool (RFT) base locations. The coordinates of these ISRS locations are listed in Table 3.7.2-58.

For each case, there are 12 (3 directions x 4 locations) ISRS generated. For the two analysis cases (cracked and uncracked concrete), the total number of ISRS is 24 (12 x 2 cases). The plots of the ISRS are presented in Figure 3.7.2-164 through Figure 3.7.2-171. Control Building In-Structure Response Spectra RAI 03.08.04-23, RAI 03.08.04-23S3 The ISRS corresponding to each main floor of the CRB identified below are provided oin the listed figures. The governing ISRS envelop the ISRS taken from node locations on the corners of the buildings to capture the torsional and rocking components. Coordinates selected for floor ISRS generation in the CRB are listed in Table 3.7.2-57.

RAI 03.07.02-26 Floor Figure 50-0 Figure 3.7.2-117Figure 3.7.2-117a and Figure 3.7.2-117b 63-3 Figure 3.7.2-118Figure 3.7.2-118a and Figure 3.7.2-118b 76-6 Figure 3.7.2-119Figure 3.7.2-119a and Figure 3.7.2-119b 100-0 Figure 3.7.2-120Figure 3.7.2-120a and Figure 3.7.2-120b Tier 2 3.7-140 Draft Revision 3

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Seismic Design RAI 03.07.02-8, RAI 03.08.04-23S2

1) The in-structure response spectra of the standard design at the foundation and roof. See FSAR Figure 3.7.2-107 and Figure 3.7.2-108 for foundation in-structure response spectra and Figure 3.7.2-113 for roof in-structure response spectra.

RAI 03.07.02-8, RAI 03.08.04-23S2, RAI 03.08.04-23S3

2) The maximum forces in the NuScale Power Module lug restraints and skirts. See Table 3B-28.

RAI 03.08.04-23S1, RAI 03.08.04-23S2

3) The site-specific in-structure response spectra for the NuScale Power Module at the skirt support will be shown to be bounded by the in-structure response spectra in Figure 3.7.2-156 and Figure 3.7.2-157. The site-specific in-structure response spectra for the NuScale Power Module at the lug restraints will be shown to be bounded by the in-structure response spectra in Figure 3.7.2-158 through Figure 3.7.2-163.

RAI 03.07.02-8, RAI 03.08.04-23S2, RAI 03.08.04-23S3

4) The maximum forces and moments in the east and west wing walls and pool walls. See FSAR Table 3B-22b and Table 3B-23bTable 3.7.2-32.

RAI 03.08.04-23S1, RAI 03.08.04-23S2, RAI 03.08.04-23S3

5) Not Used.The site-specific in-structure response spectra for the fuel storage racks will be shown to be bounded by the in-structure response spectra in Figure 3-6 through Figure 3-14 of TR-0816-49833.

RAI 03.08.04-23S1, RAI 03.08.04-23S2

6) The site-specific in-structure response spectra shown immediately below will be shown to be bounded by their corresponding certified in-structure response spectra:

RAI 03.08.04-23S1, RAI 03.08.04-23S2

  • Reactor Building north exterior wall at EL 75-0: bounded by in-structure response spectra in Figure 3.7.2-110 RAI 03.08.04-23S1, RAI 03.08.04-23S2
  • Reactor Building west exterior wall at EL 126-0: bounded by in-structure response spectra in Figure 3.7.2-112 RAI 03.08.04-23S1, RAI 03.08.04-23S2
  • Reactor Building crane wheels at EL 145-6: bounded by in-structure response spectra in Figure 3.7.2-114 RAI 03.07.02-26, RAI 03.08.04-23S1, RAI 03.08.04-23S2
  • Control Building east wall at EL 76-6: bounded by in-structure response spectra in Figure 3.7.2-119Figure 3.7.2-119a and Figure 3.7.2-119b RAI 03.07.02-26, RAI 03.08.04-23S1, RAI 03.08.04-23S2
  • Control Building south wall at EL 120-0: bounded by in-structure response spectra in Figure 3.7.2-121Figure 3.7.2-121a and Figure 3.7.2-121b RAI 03.07.02-8 If not, the standard design will be shown to have appropriate margin or should be appropriately modified to accommodate the site-specific demands.

Tier 2 3.7-146 Draft Revision 3

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Seismic Design RAI 03.08.04-23S2, RAI 03.08.04-23S3 Table 3.7.2-54: SASSI CNVContainment Vessel Skirt CoordinatesNodes X (in.) Y (in.)NPM1 Z (in.)NPM6 RXM 1 2019.5 305.56027 1326287 RXM 6 3509.5 305.56028 1326288 6029 6289 6039 6299 6042 6302 6053 6307 6054 6308 6055 6309 Tier 2 3.7-255 Draft Revision 3

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Seismic Design RAI 03.08.04-23S2, RAI 03.08.04-23S3 Table 3.7.2-55: SASSI CNVContainment Vessel Lug CoordinatesNodes X (in.)NPM1 Y (in.)NPM6 Z (in.)

RXM 1 West Lug 1915.886477 305.531081 673.73 North Lug 2019.56483 409.1231087 673.73 East Lug 2123.126486 305.531090 673.73 RXM 6 West Lug 3405.88 305.5 673.73 North Lug 3509.5 409.12 673.73 East Lug 3613.12 305.5 673.73 Tier 2 3.7-256 Draft Revision 3

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Seismic Design RAI 03.08.04-23S3 Table 3.7.2-56: Selected Crane Wheel Locations for In-Structure Response Spectra Presentation Location No. Coordinates (inches) Location Description X (E-W) Y (N-S) Z (VT) 1 2215 -453 1548 SW Crane Wheel 2 2215 453 1548 NW Crane Wheel 3 3067.25 -453 1548 SE Crane Wheel 4 3067.25 453 1548 NE Crane Wheel Tier 2 3.7-257 Draft Revision 3

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Seismic Design RAI 03.08.04-23S3 Table 3.7.2-57: Coordinates of Standalone and Triple Building Models for Control Building Floor In-Structure Response Spectra Generation Count No. Standalone CRB Model Triple Building Model X Y Z X Y Z (in.) (in.) (in.) (in.) (in.) (in.)

1 4500 -700 405 4470 -705 405 2 4500 -8 405 4470 -8 405 3 4500 700 405 4470 705 405 4 4968 -8 405 4938 -8 405 5 5154 58.5 405 5124 58.5 405 6 5436 -700 405 5406 -705 405 7 5436 -8 405 5406 -8 405 8 5436 700 405 5406 705 405 9 4500 -270 570 4470 -270 570 10 4500 700 570 4470 705 570 11 4693 -491.5 570 4663 -491.5 570 12 4751.33 -270 570 4721.33 -270 570 13 4751.33 -8 570 4721.33 -8 570 14 5436 -700 570 5406 -705 570 15 4389 -270 720 4359 -270 720 16 4500 -8 720 4470 -8 720 17 4500 700 720 4470 705 720 18 4693 -491.5 720 4663 -491.5 720 19 4809.67 -8 720 4779.67 -8 720 20 4809.67 58.5 720 4779.67 58.5 720 21 4809.67 353.5 720 4779.67 353.5 720 22 5436 -700 720 5406 -705 720 23 4389 -270 1020 4359 -270 1020 24 4500 -8 1020 4470 -8 1020 25 4500 58.5 1020 4470 58.5 1020 26 4500 700 1020 4470 705 1020 27 4693 -491.5 1020 4663 -491.5 1020 28 4809.67 -8 1020 4779.67 -8 1020 29 4809.67 58.5 1020 4779.67 58.5 1020 30 4809.67 284 1020 4779.67 284 1020 31 5304 -324.5 1020 5274 -324.5 1020 32 5304 -8 1020 5274 -8 1020 33 5304 284 1020 5274 284 1020 34 5436 -700 1020 5406 -705 1020 35 4500 700 1260 4470 700 1260 36 4693 -491.5 1260 4663 -491.5 1260 37 4809.67 -8 1260 4779.67 -8 1260 38 4809.67 58.5 1260 4779.67 58.5 1260 39 4809.67 423 1260 4779.67 423 1260 40 5436 -700 1260 5406 -700 1260 41 4500 700 1518 4470 700 1518 42 5436 -700 1518 5406 -700 1518 Tier 2 3.7-258 Draft Revision 3

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Seismic Design RAI 03.08.04-23S3 Table 3.7.2-58: Coordinates of Selected Reactor Flange Tool Nodes Joint X Y Z No. (in.) (in.) (in.)

6328 1191 -228 132.1 6329 1255 -88.5 132.1 6330 1383 -88.5 132.1 6331 1447 -228 132.1 Tier 2 3.7-259 Draft Revision 3

Tier 2 NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report RAI 03.08.04-23S3 Figure 3.7.2-96: Nodes Used for ISRS for NPM Bay Walls at the Pool Floor (EL. 25 0)Not Used 3.7-355 Draft Revision 3 Seismic Design

Tier 2 NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report RAI 03.08.04-23S3 Figure 3.7.2-97: NPM Lug Restraint Node Locations (EL. 71' 7")Not Used 3.7-356 Draft Revision 3 Seismic Design

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Seismic Design RAI 03.08.04-23S3 Figure 3.7.2-115: ISRS at NPM Bay Wall at the Pool FloorNot Used Tier 2 3.7-374 Draft Revision 3

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Seismic Design RAI 03.08.04-23S3 Figure 3.7.2-116: ISRS at NPM Lug RestraintsNot Used Tier 2 3.7-375 Draft Revision 3

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Seismic Design RAI 03.08.04-23S2, RAI 03.08.04-23S3 Figure 3.7.2-156: Enveloping ISRSIn-Structure Response Spectra of Cases 1, 2, and 3 at the CNVContainment Vessel Skirt of NPMNuScale Power Module 1, Capitola Input (DVW:HVW ; ,6561RGH&$3,QSXW















Tier 2 3.7-427 Draft Revision 3

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Seismic Design RAI 03.08.04-23S2, RAI 03.08.04-23S3 Figure 3.7.2-157: Enveloping ISRSIn-Structure Response Spectra of Cases 1, 2, and 3 at the CNVContainment Vessel Skirt of NPMNuScale Power Module 6, Capitola Input (DVW:HVW ; ,6561RGH&$3,QSXW















Tier 2 3.7-428 Draft Revision 3

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Seismic Design RAI 03.08.04-23S2, RAI 03.08.04-23S3 Figure 3.7.2-158: Enveloping ISRSIn-Structure Response Spectra of Cases 1, 2, and 3 at the East Lug of NPMNuScale Power Module 1, Capitola Input (DVW:HVW ; ,6561RGH&$3,QSXW















Tier 2 3.7-429 Draft Revision 3

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Seismic Design RAI 03.08.04-23S2, RAI 03.08.04-23S3 Figure 3.7.2-159: Enveloping ISRSIn-Structure Response Spectra of Cases 1, 2, and 3 at the North Lug of NPMNuScale Power Module 1, Capitola Input (DVW:HVW ; ,6561RGH&$3,QSXW















Tier 2 3.7-430 Draft Revision 3

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Seismic Design RAI 03.08.04-23S2, RAI 03.08.04-23S3 Figure 3.7.2-160: Enveloping ISRSIn-Structure Response Spectra of Cases 1, 2, and 3 at the West Lug of NPMNuScale Power Module 1, Capitola Input (DVW:HVW ; ,6561RGH&$3,QSXW















Tier 2 3.7-431 Draft Revision 3

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Seismic Design RAI 03.08.04-23S2, RAI 03.08.04-23S3 Figure 3.7.2-161: Enveloping ISRSIn-Structure Response Spectra of Cases 1, 2, and 3 at the East Lug of NPMNuScale Power Module 6, Capitola Input (DVW:HVW ; ,6561RGH&$3,QSXW















Tier 2 3.7-432 Draft Revision 3

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Seismic Design RAI 03.08.04-23S2, RAI 03.08.04-23S3 Figure 3.7.2-162: Enveloping ISRSIn-Structure Response Spectra of Cases 1, 2, and 3 at the North Lug of NPMNuScale Power Module 6, Capitola Input (DVW:HVW ; ,6561RGH&$3,QSXW















Tier 2 3.7-433 Draft Revision 3

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Seismic Design RAI 03.08.04-23S2, RAI 03.08.04-23S3 Figure 3.7.2-163: Enveloping ISRSIn-Structure Response Spectra of Cases 1, 2, and 3 at the West Lug of NPMNuScale Power Module 6, Capitola Input (DVW:HVW ; ,6561RGH&$3,QSXW















Tier 2 3.7-434 Draft Revision 3

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Seismic Design RAI 03.08.04-23S3 Figure 3.7.2-164: In-Structure Response Spectra at Node 6328 due to X, Y, and Z Inputs of Capitola Excitation for Soil Type 7, Uncracked Condition X-ISRS, Node 6328 1.4 X-ISRS due to X-INP 4% Damping 1.2 X-ISRS due to Y-INP X-ISRS due to Z-INP 1

SRSS of X-ISRS due to Spectral Acceleration (g)

X, Y, Z Inputs 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

Y-ISRS, Node 6328 1.4 Y-ISRS due to X-INP 4% Damping 1.2 Y-ISRS due to Y-INP Y-ISRS due to Z-INP 1

SRSS of Y-ISRS due to Spectral Acceleration (g)

X, Y, Z Inputs 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

Z-ISRS, Node 6328 3

4% Damping Z-ISRS due to X-INP Z-ISRS due to Y-INP 2.5 Z-ISRS due to Z-INP SRSS of Z-ISRS due to Spectral Acceleration (g) 2 X, Y, Z Inputs 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

Tier 2 3.7-435 Draft Revision 3

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Seismic Design RAI 03.08.04-23S3 Figure 3.7.2-165: In-Structure Response Spectra at Node 6329 due to X, Y, and Z inputs of Capitola Excitation for Soil Type 7, Uncracked Condition X-ISRS, Node 6329 1.4 X-ISRS due to X-INP 4% Damping 1.2 X-ISRS due to Y-INP X-ISRS due to Z-INP 1

SRSS of X-ISRS due to Spectral Acceleration (g)

X, Y, Z Inputs 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

Y-ISRS, Node 6329 1.4 Y-ISRS due to X-INP 4% Damping 1.2 Y-ISRS due to Y-INP Y-ISRS due to Z-INP 1

SRSS of Y-ISRS due to Spectral Acceleration (g)

X, Y, Z Inputs 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

Z-ISRS, Node 6329 3.5 4% Damping Z-ISRS due to X-INP 3 Z-ISRS due to Y-INP Z-ISRS due to Z-INP 2.5 SRSS of Z-ISRS due to Spectral Acceleration (g)

X, Y, Z Inputs 2

1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

Tier 2 3.7-436 Draft Revision 3

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Seismic Design RAI 03.08.04-23S3 Figure 3.7.2-166: In-Structure Response Spectra at Node 6330 due to X, Y, and Z Inputs of Capitola Excitation for Soil Type 7, Uncracked Condition X-ISRS, Node 6330 1.4 X-ISRS due to X-INP 4% Damping 1.2 X-ISRS due to Y-INP X-ISRS due to Z-INP 1

SRSS of X-ISRS due to Spectral Acceleration (g)

X, Y, Z Inputs 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

Y-ISRS, Node 6330 1.6 Y-ISRS due to X-INP 4% Damping 1.4 Y-ISRS due to Y-INP Y-ISRS due to Z-INP 1.2 SRSS of Y-ISRS due to Spectral Acceleration (g)

X, Y, Z Inputs 1

0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

Z-ISRS, Node 6330 3.5 4% Damping Z-ISRS due to X-INP 3 Z-ISRS due to Y-INP Z-ISRS due to Z-INP 2.5 SRSS of Z-ISRS due to Spectral Acceleration (g)

X, Y, Z Inputs 2

1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

Tier 2 3.7-437 Draft Revision 3

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Seismic Design RAI 03.08.04-23S3 Figure 3.7.2-167: In-Structure Response Spectra at Node 6331 due to X, Y, and Z Inputs of Capitola Excitation for Soil Type 7, Uncracked Condition X-ISRS, Node 6331 1.4 X-ISRS due to X-INP 4% Damping 1.2 X-ISRS due to Y-INP X-ISRS due to Z-INP 1

SRSS of X-ISRS due to Spectral Acceleration (g)

X, Y, Z Inputs 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

Y-ISRS, Node 6331 1.6 Y-ISRS due to X-INP 4% Damping 1.4 Y-ISRS due to Y-INP Y-ISRS due to Z-INP 1.2 SRSS of Y-ISRS due to Spectral Acceleration (g)

X, Y, Z Inputs 1

0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

Z-ISRS, Node 6331 3

4% Damping Z-ISRS due to X-INP Z-ISRS due to Y-INP 2.5 Z-ISRS due to Z-INP SRSS of Z-ISRS due to Spectral Acceleration (g) 2 X, Y, Z Inputs 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

Tier 2 3.7-438 Draft Revision 3

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Seismic Design RAI 03.08.04-23S3 Figure 3.7.2-168: In-Structure Response Spectra at Node 6328 due to X, Y, and Z Inputs of Capitola Excitation for Soil Type 7, Cracked Condition X-ISRS, Node 6328 1.6 X-ISRS due to X-INP 4% Damping 1.4 X-ISRS due to Y-INP X-ISRS due to Z-INP 1.2 SRSS of X-ISRS due to Spectral Acceleration (g)

X, Y, Z Inputs 1

0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

Y-ISRS, Node 6328 1.4 Y-ISRS due to X-INP 4% Damping 1.2 Y-ISRS due to Y-INP Y-ISRS due to Z-INP 1

SRSS of Y-ISRS due to Spectral Acceleration (g)

X, Y, Z Inputs 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

Z-ISRS, Node 6328 2.5 4% Damping Z-ISRS due to X-INP Z-ISRS due to Y-INP 2

Z-ISRS due to Z-INP SRSS of Z-ISRS due to Spectral Acceleration (g)

X, Y, Z Inputs 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

Tier 2 3.7-439 Draft Revision 3

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Seismic Design RAI 03.08.04-23S3 Figure 3.7.2-169: In-Structure Response Spectra at Node 6329 due to X, Y, and Z Inputs of Capitola Excitation for Soil Type 7, Cracked Condition X-ISRS, Node 6329 1.6 X-ISRS due to X-INP 4% Damping 1.4 X-ISRS due to Y-INP X-ISRS due to Z-INP 1.2 SRSS of X-ISRS due to Spectral Acceleration (g)

X, Y, Z Inputs 1

0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

Y-ISRS, Node 6329 1.4 Y-ISRS due to X-INP 4% Damping 1.2 Y-ISRS due to Y-INP Y-ISRS due to Z-INP 1

SRSS of Y-ISRS due to Spectral Acceleration (g)

X, Y, Z Inputs 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

Z-ISRS, Node 6329 3

4% Damping Z-ISRS due to X-INP Z-ISRS due to Y-INP 2.5 Z-ISRS due to Z-INP SRSS of Z-ISRS due to Spectral Acceleration (g) 2 X, Y, Z Inputs 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

Tier 2 3.7-440 Draft Revision 3

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Seismic Design RAI 03.08.04-23S3 Figure 3.7.2-170: In-Structure Response Spectra at Node 6330 due to X, Y, and Z Inputs of Capitola Excitation for Soil Type 7, Cracked Condition X-ISRS, Node 6330 1.6 X-ISRS due to X-INP 4% Damping 1.4 X-ISRS due to Y-INP X-ISRS due to Z-INP 1.2 SRSS of X-ISRS due to Spectral Acceleration (g)

X, Y, Z Inputs 1

0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

Y-ISRS, Node 6330 1.4 Y-ISRS due to X-INP 4% Damping 1.2 Y-ISRS due to Y-INP Y-ISRS due to Z-INP 1

SRSS of Y-ISRS due to Spectral Acceleration (g)

X, Y, Z Inputs 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

Z-ISRS, Node 6330 3

4% Damping Z-ISRS due to X-INP Z-ISRS due to Y-INP 2.5 Z-ISRS due to Z-INP SRSS of Z-ISRS due to Spectral Acceleration (g) 2 X, Y, Z Inputs 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

Tier 2 3.7-441 Draft Revision 3

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Seismic Design RAI 03.08.04-23S3 Figure 3.7.2-171: In-Structure Response Spectra at Node 6331 due to X, Y, and Z Inputs of Capitola Excitation for Soil Type 7, Cracked Condition X-ISRS, Node 6331 1.6 X-ISRS due to X-INP 4% Damping 1.4 X-ISRS due to Y-INP X-ISRS due to Z-INP 1.2 SRSS of X-ISRS due to Spectral Acceleration (g)

X, Y, Z Inputs 1

0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

Y-ISRS, Node 6331 1.4 Y-ISRS due to X-INP 4% Damping 1.2 Y-ISRS due to Y-INP Y-ISRS due to Z-INP 1

SRSS of Y-ISRS due to Spectral Acceleration (g)

X, Y, Z Inputs 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

Z-ISRS, Node 6331 2.5 4% Damping Z-ISRS due to X-INP Z-ISRS due to Y-INP 2

Z-ISRS due to Z-INP SRSS of Z-ISRS due to Spectral Acceleration (g)

X, Y, Z Inputs 1.5 1

0.5 0

0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

Tier 2 3.7-442 Draft Revision 3

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Design of Category I Structures buildings. Typically this will be reinforcing beams underneath slabs. The uniform distributed dead load applied in the structural and seismic analyses encompasses the weight of this steel. The RFT stand and embedded plate will be fabricated using conventional fabrication processes. Testing and Inservice Inspection Requirements RAI 03.08.04-1 There is no testing or in-service surveillance beyond the quality control tests performed during construction, which is in accordance with ACI 349, and AISC N690 (Reference 3.8.4-6). The Seismic Category I RFT stand will be inspected prior to installation via NDE to qualify it in accordance with applicable requirements of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel code Section III, Division 1 (Reference 3.8.4-9).

COL Item 3.8-1: A COL applicant that references the NuScale Power Plant design certification will describe the site-specific program for monitoring and maintenance of the Seismic Category I structures in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR 50.65 as discussed in Regulatory Guide 1.160. Monitoring is to include below grade walls, groundwater chemistry if needed, base settlements and differential displacements. Evaluation of Design for Site Specific Acceptability RAI 02.03.01-2, RAI 03.08.04-23S3 The RXB and CRB are designed to remain operable and to transmit forces, moments, and accelerations so that contained, safety-related SSC remain operable during and following an earthquake, with a spectra equal to the CSDRS or the CSDRS-HF. This is accomplished by confirming the buildings meet code- acceptance criteria if situated on a soft soil site, a hard soil/soft rock site, a rock site, and a hard rock site. However, each actual site will have unique soil conditions and a site-specific SSE. The entire analysis described in Section 3.8.4 does not need to be re-performed if it can be shown that non-seismic loads are less than those produced by the site parameters provided in Table 2.0-1 and that the forces experienced within the building from the site-specific earthquake are less than those produced from the CSDRS and CSDRS-HF.

RAI 03.08.04-23S3 COL Item 3.8-2: A COL applicant that references the NuScale Power Plant design certification will confirm that the site -independent Reactor Building and Control Building are acceptable for use at the designated site.

RAI 03.08.04-3S2, RAI 03.08.04-23S3 COL Item 3.8-4: A COL applicant that references the NuScale Power Plant design certification will evaluate and document construction aid elements such as steel beams, Q-decking, formwork, lugs, and other items that are left in place after construction, but that were not part of the certified design, to verify the construction aid elements do not have an appreciable adverse effect on overall mass, stiffness, and seismic demands of the certified building structure. The COL applicant will confirm that these Tier 2 3.8-75 Draft Revision 3

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Design of Category I Structures left -in -place construction aid elements will not have adverse effects on safety-related structures, systems, and components per Section 3.7.2.

RAI 03.08.04-23S3 The comparison of the non-seismic parameters is performed as described in COL Item 2.0-1, in Section 2.0. A direct comparison of seismic inputs cannot be made. Therefore, the results of the site -specific seismic analysis prepared in response to COL Item 3.7-5 and COL Item 3.7-6, in Section, are compared as described below.

RAI 03.08.04-23S3 The site -specific foundation input response spectra (FIRS) are compared to the CSDRS and CSDRS-HF (which were used as the FIRS for the site-independent analysis). This demonstrates that the site -specific seismic input is bounded by the input used for design.

RAI 03.08.04-23S3 In-structure response spectra at 5 percent damping are used for comparison within the buildings. The design ISRS may be used as a surrogate for the forces and moments. If the site -independent ISRS are larger than the site -specific ISRS, the forces and moments will also be bounded for the design. The ISRS comparisons are done specifically at the reactor pool floor and the NPM skirt supports, lug restraints, and RFT base to confirm that the forces and accelerations that will be experienced bythe NPMs experience are acceptable. In addition, the ISRS at the RBC wheels areis checked. The RBC is the only other large, risk-significant SSC. As a general check of the buildings, the ISRS are compared at grade and at the roof of the RXB; and at the main control room, grade level, and the top of the Seismic Category I portion of the CRB. This will be accomplished by confirming the following site -specific characteristics/results are bounded by the DCD design parameters/results:

RAI 03.08.04-23, RAI 03.08.04-23S3 RXB

  • FIRS Compare to Figure 3.7.1-1 through Figure 3.7.1-4
  • ISRS at the reactor pool floor Compare to Figure 3.7.2-108
  • ISRS at the NPM lug restraints Compare to Figure 3.7.2-116
  • ISRS at the RBC wheels Compare to Figure 3.7.2-114
  • ISRS at grade Compare to Figure 3.7.2-111
  • ISRS at the roof Compare to Figure 3.7.2-113 RAI 03.08.04-23 CRB
  • FIRS Compare to Figure 3.7.1-1 through Figure 3.7.1-4
  • ISRS at the main control room Compare to Figure 3.7.2-119
  • ISRS at grade Compare to Figure 3.7.2-120
  • ISRS at Elevation 120'-0" Compare to Figure 3.7.2-121 Tier 2 3.8-76 Draft Revision 3

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Design Reports and Critical Section Details RAI 03.07.02-10S1, RAI 03.08.04-23S3 Table 3B-28: Enveloped NPM Lug Support and Skirt Support Reaction Forces Using Soil Type 7 (CSDRS) and Design Capacities (x103 kips)

Enveloped Input Case SRSS Vertical East Wing Pool Wall West Wing Skirt Lug Horizontal Skirt Wall E-W Lug Wall Support Assembly Skirt Reaction* N-S Lug Reaction N-S Lug Plate Capacity Reaction Reaction (x103 kips) Reaction Capacity (x103 kips)

(x103 kips) (x103 kips) (x103 kips)

NPM Seismic Analysis 1.20 1.62 3.15 3.68 2.24 SASSI Building Seismic 1.59 1.86 2.18 2.82 2.30 2.23 4.50 Analysis

  • Vertical skirt reactions are not resisted by the support plates, the NPM is free to move vertically Tier 2 3B-108 Draft Revision 3