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Part 03 Environmental Report (Rev. 2) - Part 03 - Environmental Report - Appendix a - Consultation - Pages A12-A34
Person / Time
Site: Clinch River
Issue date: 01/18/2019
From: James Shea
Tennessee Valley Authority
Office of New Reactors
Fetter A
Download: ML19030A463 (23)


TENNESSEE HISTORICAL COMMISSION DEPARTM ENT OF ENVIRONM ENT AND CONSERVATION 2941 LEBANON ROAD NASHVILLE, TN 37243-0442 (61 5) 532-1 550 July 25, 2003 Mr. J. Bennett Graham Tennessee Va lley Authority Cultural Resources Post Office Box 1589 Norris, Tennessee 37828-1589 RE: TVA, ARCHAEOLOG ICAL ASSESSMENT, BREEDER REACTOR SITE/


Dear Mr. Graham:

At your request, our office has reviewed the above-referenced archaeological survey final report in accordance with regulations codified at 36 CFR 800 (Federal Register, December 12, 2000, 77698-77739). We find that the report meets the Tennessee SHPO Standards and Guidelines For Archaeological Resource Management Studies.

I~ accordance with our previous correspondence, dated June 10, 2003, if this tract is proposed for future development, please provide us with either a strategy for avoiding archaeological site 40RE549 or a report on Phase I! investigations cf this site.

Your continued cooperation is appreciated.



Herbert L. Harper Executive Director and Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer HLH/jmb A-12


Tennessee Valley Authority , 400 We~ Summit Hill Drive , Knoxville , Tennessee 37902-1499 February 17, 2011 Mr. E. Patrick Mcintyre, Jr.

Executive Director Tennessee Historical Commission 2941 Lebanon Road Nashville, Tennessee 37243-0442

Dear Mr. Mcintyre:

TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY (JVA), CLINCH RIVER SITE CHARACTERIZATION PROJECT, ROANE COUNTY, TENNESSEE TVA proposes to conduct geophysical investigations at TVA's Clinch River Breeder site, in Roane County, Tennessee, in order to ascertain the suitability for construction and operation of a small module reactor. The proposed activities include geological core borings, observation wells and pumping tests , temporary trailers , and access roads to the wells and borings. TVA considers the area of potential effects (APE) to be 325 acres where ground disturbance may occur.

TVA contracted with TRC to conduct the archaeological survey. Prior to the field survey, TRC conducted archival research at the Tennessee Division of Archaeology (TDOA) to identify all documented cultural resources within the APE . Archival research identified 12 previously recorded archaeological sites (40RE106-108, 40RE120, 40RE129, 40RE152-154, 40RE159, 40RE163, 40RE165, and 40RE166) within the APE.

Following archival research , TRC conducted a Phase I survey . Enclosed is TRC's management summary entitled Phase I Archaeological Survey, TVA Clinch River Site Characterization Project, Roane County, Tennessee.

The archaeological survey conducted from January 3 to February 2, 2011 , identified five newly recorded archaeological sites (Field Sites 1; 3-6) and revisited the 12 previously recorded archaeological sites.

  • Field Sites 1 and 6 consists of low density prehistoric lithic scatters.
  • Field Sites 3 and 4 consists of late nineteenth to mid twentieth century farmsteads .
  • Field Site 5 is the Hensley Cemetery, which dates to the early- to mid-twentieth century.

TVA finds Field Site 1, 3, 4, and 6 ineligible for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP).

Although TVA finds the Hensley Cemetery (Field Site 5) ineligible for the NRHP, the site will be avoided from any ground disturbances.


Exempted from Disclosure by Statute - Withheld Under 10 CFR 2.390(a)(3)

Mr. E. Patrick Mcintyre, Jr.

Page 2 February 17, 2011


Of the 12 previously recorded sites:


]TVAdfi~ci; s4oR1E"1-ios potentially eligible for listing on the NRHP.

  • TRC's re-survey of site 40RE 107[

JNAd from Disclosure by Statute finds the site potentially eligible for the NRHP.

  • TRC's re-survey of site 40RE 108[

eligible for the NRHP.

  • Site 40RE 120 consists of the structural debris of a twentieth century farmstead and a scatter of historic artifacts. TVA finds site 40RE 120 ineligible for the NRHP due to a lack of research potential and lack of intact archaeological deposits.
  • Site 40RE 129 was investigated in 1974 by Gerald Schroedl with the University of


Tennessee. Schroedl's work determined the mound to be a recent historic soil disturbance. TDOA's site records indicate the site number was vacated.

JrvA tinci;s4eOREt152, 40RE154, and 40RE163 ineligible for listing on the NRHP 1

.[ due to a lack of research potential and lack of intact archaeological deposits.

  • J Exempted from Disclosure by Statute
  • TRC's re-survey of site 40RE 165[

the NRHP.

  • Site 40RE166[

eligible for the NRHP.

By this letter, TVA is presenting our findings and recommendations based on TRC's management summary. TVA will submit the completed draft Phase I report to your office in March. Pursuant to 36 CFR Part 800, all findings and recommendations will be determined in consultation with the Tennessee State Historic Preservation Officer.

Pursuant to 36 CFR Part 800.3(f)(2) , TV A is consulting with federally recognized Indian tribes regarding properties that may be of religious and cultural significance and eligible for the NRHP.


Mr. E. Patrick Mcintyre, Jr.

Page 3 February 17, 2011 TVA will avoid all previously recorded and newly identified archaeological sites while conducting the geophysical study. TVA is requesting your concurrence that the methodology implemented for the Phase I survey was sufficient to identify all archaeological sites within the APE and that TVA may proceed with the geophysical testing provided that all activities avoid these sites.

If you have any questions, please contact Richard Yarnell in Knoxville at (865) 632-3463 or by email at

Sincerely, (Original signed by)

A. Eric Howard Manager Cultural Compliance WT 11D-K RY:MH:IKS:PS Enclosure cc: Ms. Jennifer Barnett (Enclosure)

Tennessee Division of Archaeology 1216 Foster Avenue, Cole Bldg . #3 Nashville, Tennessee 37210 Cynthia M. Anderson, LP 5D-C Brenda E. Brickhouse, LP 5U-C Ruth M. Horton, WT 11 D-K Susan J. Kelly, LP 5U-C Khurshid K. Mehta, WT 6A-K Diedre B. Nida, LP SU-C Jeffrey Neal Perry, LP SA-C Andrea Lynn Sterdis, LP SA-C EDMS, WT 11 D-K A-15

TENNESSEE HISTORICAL COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND CONSERVATION 2941 LEBANON ROAD NASHVILLE, TN 37243-0442 (615) 532-1550 February 28, 2011 Mr. A Eric Howard Tennessee Valley Authority 400 West Summit Hill Drive Knoxville , Tennessee 37902-1499 RE: TVA, ARCHAEOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT MANAGEMENT



Dear Mr. Howard:

At your request, our office has reviewed the above-referenced archaeological survey report management summary in accordance with regulations codified at 36 CFR 800 (Federal Register, December 12, 2000, 77698-77739). We concur with your agency that sites 40RE106, 40RE107, 40RE108, RORE165 , and 40RE166 are potentially eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. We further concur, based on the information provided regarding proposed avoidance strategies , that the project area contains no archaeological resources eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places.

If project plans are changed or archaeological remains are discovered during construction, please contact this office to determine what further action , if any, will be necessary to comply with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act.

Your cooperation is appreciated.

Sincerely, 2'~?ult~,

E. Patrick Mcintyre, Jr.

Executive Director and State Historic Preservation Officer EPM/jmb A-16

Exempted from Disclosure by Statute - Withheld Under 10 CFR 2.390(a)(3)

Tennessee Valley Authority , 400 We~ Summit Hill Drive, Knoxville, Tennessee 37902-1499 March 11 , 2011 Mr. E. Patrick Mcintyre, Jr.

Executive Director Tennessee Historical Commission 2941 Lebanon Road Nashville, Tennessee 37243-0442

Dear Mr. Mcintyre:

TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY (fVA), CLINCH RIVER SITE CHARACTERIZATION PROJECT , ROANE COUNTY, TENNESSEE In a letter dated February 17, 2011 , TV A consulted with your office regarding the proposed geophysical investigations at TVA's Clinch River site, in Roane County, Tennessee. By this letter, TVA is submitting the completed draft Phase I report titled Phase I Archaeological Survey, TVA Clinch River Site Characterization Project, Roane County, Tennessee.

The archaeological survey conducted by TRC from January 3 to February 2, 2011 , identified five newly recorded archaeological sites (40RE585-589):

  • 40RE585 and 40RE589 [ lExemptedfrom Disclosure by Statute
  • 40RE586 and 40RE587 consists of late nineteenth to mid-twentieth century farmsteads;
  • 40RE588, the Hensley Cemetery , dates to the early- to mid-twentieth century .

TVA finds 40RE585-587 and 40RE589 ineligible for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) due to a lack of intact archaeological deposits and/or research potential , and 40RE588 ineligible due to inability to associate the cemetery with significant individuals or events and lack of architectural distinction.

In your February 28, 2011 , letter, your office concurred that previously recorded sites 40RE106-108, 40RE165, and 40RE166 are potentially eligible for the NRHP. In addition to these potentially eligible archaeological sites , TRC also revisited sites 40RE120, 40RE152, 40RE154, and 40RE163:

  • Site 40RE120 consists of the structural debris of a twentieth century farmstead and a scatter of historic artifacts; J

Sites 40RE152 , 40RE154, and 40RE163[

Exempted from Disclosure by Statute A-17

Exempted from Disclosure by Statute - Withheld Under 10 CFR 2.390(a)(3)

Mr. E. Patrick Mcintyre, Jr.

Page 2 March 11, 2011

  • Previously recorded site 40RE 153[


Exempted from Disclosure by Statute Exempted from Disclosure by Statute

  • Site 40RE 159 [

TVA finds sites 40RE120, 40RE152, 40RE154, and 40RE163 ineligible for the NRHP due to a lack of intact archaeological deposits and/or research potential.

Pursuant to 36 CFR Part 800.4(d)(1), TVA will avoid all potentially eligible sites and the Hensley Cemetery within the APE for this undertaking. Should project plans change or unanticipated discoveries encountered, TVA will consult with your office .

Pursuant to 36 CFR Part 800.3(f)(2), TV A is consulting with federally recognized Indian tribes regarding properties within the proposed project's APE that may have religious and cultural significance.

TVA has read the enclosed report and agrees with the recommendations of the authors.

Pursuant to 36 CFR Part 800, TVA is seeking your concurrence that sites 40RE585-589, 40RE 120, 40RE 152, 40RE 154, and 40RE 163 are ineligible for the NRHP .

If you have any questions , please contact Richard Yarnell in Knoxville at (865) 632-3463 or by email at

Sincerely, (Original signed by)

A. Eric Howard Manager Cultural Compliance WT 110-K RY:MH :IKS:PS Enclosure cc: Ms. Jennifer Barnett (Enclosure)

Tennessee Division of Archaeology 1216 Foster Avenue, Cole Bldg. #3 Nashville , Tennessee 37210 Cynthia M. Anderson, LP 50-C Diedre B. Nida, LP 5U-C Brenda E. Brickhouse, LP 5U-C Jeffrey Neal Perry, LP 5A-C Ruth M. Horton, WT 11 D-K Andrea Lynn Sterdis, LP 5A-C Susan J. Kelly, LP 5U-C EDMS, WT 11 D-K Khurshid K. Mehta, WT 6A-K A-18


Dear Mr. Howard:

At your request, our office has reviewed the above-referenced archaeological survey report in accordance with regulations codified at 36 CFR 800 (Federal Register, December 12, 2000, 77698-77739) . Based on the information provided, and in accordance with our previous correspondence, we concur that the project area contains no archaeological resources eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places.

We further concur that sites 40RE585, 40RE586, 40RE587, 40RE588, 40RE589, 40RE120, 40RE152, 40RE154, and 40RE163 are not eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places.

If project plans are changed or archaeological remains are discovered during construction, please contact this office to determine what further action, if any, will be necessary to comply with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act .

Your cooperation is appreciated .


<Zw_ /}'[_:Ifl E. Patrick Mcintyre, Jr.

Executive Director and State Historic Preservation Officer EPM/jmb A-19

TEflnessee Valley .lluthcrity, 11 01 Market street, Chattanocga, Tennessee 37 402-2801 August 26, 2011 Mr. E . Patrick Mcl ntyre, Jr.

Executive Director Tennessee Historical Commission 2941 Lebanon Ro ad Nashville, Tennessee 37243-0442

Dear Mr. Mcintyre:

TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY (TVA). CLINCH RIVER SMALL MODULAR REACTORS PROJECT, PHASE I ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY, ROANE COUNTY, TENNESSEE TVA is developing plans to construct up to six small modular nuclear generating reactors within the Clinch River Small Modular Reactors (SMR) project area in Roane County, Tennessee, and is currently preparing a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) . TVA identified the area of potential effects (APE) as the entire SMR project site, which consists of approximately 1185 acres bounded on the west, south, and east by Watts Bar Reservoir (between Clinch River river miles 15.5R and 19.6R); on the northwest by Department of Energy land; and on the northwest by Grassy Creek.

Previous archaeological investigations within the APE have identified 39 archaeological sites and no historic architectural resources . TV A has recently conducted t\f\JO Phase I surveys of portions of the SMR APE . A 2002 cultural resources survey of 188 acres for proposed ash disposal/storage and borrow areas within the SM R APE (then termed the Cl inch River Breeder Reactor Site) documented one potentially eligible archaeological site (40RE549) within the SMR APE. A Phase I archaeological survey of 310 acres earlier this year for proposed site characterization \f\JOrk related to the SMR project documented five potentially eligible archaeological sites (40RE106-108, 40RE165, and 40RE166) . TVA has consulted with your office regarding these findings and your office has concurred by letters dated July 25, 2003, and February 28, 2011, respectively.

TV A contracted with TRC to conduct a Phase I archeolog ical survey of areas within the SM R APE, totaling 687 acres that were not covered by the above mentioned surveys . Enclosed is the draft report titled Phase I Archaeological Survey off he Clinch River Small Modular Readors Project (SMR), Roane County, Tennessee . A historic structures survey was conducted by Ted Karpynec over a 0.5 mile architectural APE surrounding the SM R archeological APE. for which no historic structures were identified . A report of this survey will be submitted to your office .

The archaeological survey conducted on March 14 to April 29. 2011, identified 15 previously unrecorded archaeological sites (40RE590-598 and 600-602 and 605-607) and three isolated finds (IF 1-3). The survey al so re-evaluated 20 previously identified archaeological sites within the study area (40RE 104-106, 40RE1 08. 40RE 122-1 25. 40RE 128. 40RE140, 40RE 151 .

40RE153, 40RE155, 40RE160-164, 40RE167, and 40RE549) .


Mr. E. Patrick Mcintyre, Jr.

Page 2 August 26, 2011 TRC recommended that sites 40RE104-106 , 40RE108, 40RE124, 40RE128, 40RE140, 40RE167, 40RE549, 40RE595, 40RE600, 40RE601, and 40RE605 are potentially eligible for the NRHP under criterion d of 36 CFR Part 63. TRC recommended that sites 40RE122, 40RE123, 40RE125, 40RE151 , 40RE155, 40RE160-164, 40RE590-594, 40RE596-598, 40RE602, and 40RE606- 40RE607 are ineligible for the NRHP due to lack of stratified , intact cultural deposits or the low density of cultural material or the effects of prior disturbance.

TVA has reviewed the enclosed report and agrees with the findings and recommendations of the authors with one exception . It is TVA 's opinion that 40RE605 is ineligible due to the low density of material and lack of clearly stratified deposits. Pursuant to 36 CFR 800 , we are seeking your concurrence with TVA's findings and recommendations:

  • Sites 40RE104-106, 40RE108, 40RE124, 40RE128, 40RE140, 40RE167, 40RE549, 40RE595, 40RE600 , and 40RE601 are potentially eligible for the NRHP.

Planning for the proposed SMR project is currently under development and finalization may not occur until fiscal year 2014. Pursuant to 36 CFR §§ 800 .14(b)(1 )(ii) and (b)(3) , TVA proposes to develop , in consultation with your office and other consulting parties, a programmatic agreement to document the terms and conditions to resolve potential adverse effects of the undertaking .

If you have any questions or comments, please contact Richard Yarnell in Knoxville, Tennessee, at (865) 632-3463 or

Sincerely, Susan J. Kelly Senior Manager and Federal Preservation Officer Federal Determinations LP 5U-C Enclosure A-21

TEflnessee Valley .lluthority, 400West Summit Hill Drive, Knoxville, Tennessee 37902-1499 August 26, 2011 Those listed on page 4 TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY (TVA). CLINCH RIVER SMALL MODULAR REACTORS PROJECT, PHASE I ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY. ROANE COUNTY, TENNESSEE TVA is developing plans to construct up to six small modular nuclear generating reactors V\Jithin the Clinch River Small Modular Reactors (SMR) project area in Roane County, Tennessee, and is currently preparing a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) . TVA identified the area of potential effects (APE) as the entire SMR project site. which consists of approximately 1185 acres bounded on the west. south. and ea st by Watts Bar Reservoir (between Clinch River river miles 15 .5R and 19 .6 R); on the northwest by Department of Energy land; and on the no rthvvest by Grassy Creek.

Previous archaeological investigations V\Jithin the APE have identified 39 archaeological sites and no historic architectural resources . TVA has recently conducted t\llJO Phase I surveys of portions of the SMR APE . A 2002 cultural resources survey of 188 acres for proposed ash disposal/storage and borrow areas within the SM R APE (then termed the Cl inch River Breeder Reactor Site) documented one potentially eligible archaeological site (40RE549) within the SM R APE . A Phase I archaeological survey of 310 acres earlier th is year for proposed site characterization \llJOrk related to the SMR project documented five potentially eligible archaeo-logical sites (40RE106-108, 40RE165. and 40RE166) . WA has consulted with your office regarding these find in gs in a Ietter dated February 17. 2011 .

TV A contracted with TRC to conduct a Phase I archeolog ical survey of areas within the SM R APE, totaling 687 acresthatvvere not covered by the above mentioned surveys . An online version of the draft report titled Phase I Archaeological Survey of the Clinch River Small Modular Readors Projed (SMR), Roane County, Tennessee can be downloaded at The report consists of four separate documents available on the portal: the report itself

("TVA_ Clinch_ Survey_addition al_Draft_Re port_Revised_7_29_11 .doc"); the appendices

("TVA_Clinch_ Survey_addition al_Draft_Report_Revised_ 7_29_11 _App endices.pdf "); Figure 1

("TVA_ Clinch_Figure1_11X17 .pdf"); and Figure 10 (TVA_Clinch_Figure10_11X17 .pdf") . A historic structures survey was conducted by Ted Karpynec over a 0.5 mile architectural APE surrounding the SMR archeological APE. for which no historic structures vvere identified . A report of this survey will be submitted to your office .

The archaeol ogica I survey conducted on March 14 to April 29, 2011 , identified 15 previously unrecorded archaeological sites (40RE590-598 and 600-602 and 605-607) and three isolated finds (IF 1-3). The survey al so re-evaluated 20 previously identified archaeological sites within the study area (40RE104-106. 40RE108. 40RE122-125. 40RE128, 40RE140, 40RE151, 40RE153, 40RE155. 40RE160-164, 40RE167, and 40RE549) .


Those listed on page 4 Page 2 August 26, 2011 TRC recommended that sites 40RE104-106, 40RE108, 40RE124, 40RE128, 40RE140, 40RE167, 40RE549, 40RE595, 40RE600, 40RE601 , and 40RE605 are potentially eligible for the listing in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) under criterion d of 36 CFR Part

63. TRC recommended that sites 40RE 122, 40RE 123, 40RE 125, 40RE 151 , 40RE 155, 40RE160-164, 40RE590-594, 40RE596-598, 40RE602, and 40RE606- 40RE607 are ineligible for listing in the NRHP due to lack of stratified, intact cultural deposits or the low density of cultural material or the effects of prior disturbance .

TVA has reviewed the enclosed report and agrees with the findings and recommendations of the authors with one exception . It is TVA's opinion that 40RE605 is ineligible for listing in the NRHP due to the low density of material and lack of clearly stratified deposits.

Pursuant to 36 CFR Part 800.3(f)(2) , TVA is consulting with the following federally recognized Indian tribes regarding properties within the proposed project's APE that may have religious and cultural significance to them and eligible for listing in the NRHP: Cherokee Nation, Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians in Oklahoma, Muscogee (Creek) Nation of Oklahoma, Alabama-Coushatta Tribe of Texas, Alabama-Quassarte Tribal Town , Kialegee Tribal Town , Thlopthlocco Tribal Town , Seminole Tribe of Florida , Absentee Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma, Eastern Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma, and Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma By this letter, TVA is presenting our findings and recommendations :

  • Sites 40RE104-106, 40RE108, 40RE124, 40RE128, 40RE140, 40RE167, 40RE549, 40RE595, 40RE600, and 40RE601 are potentially eligible for the NRHP.

TVA is seeking your comments regarding this undertaking and any properties that may be of religious and cultural significance and may be eligible for the NRHP pursuant to 36CFR § 800.2 (c)(2)(ii) , 800.3 (f)(2) , and 800.4(a)(4)(b) .

Planning for the proposed SMR project is currently under development and finalization may not occur until fiscal year 2014. Pursuant to 36 CFR §§ 800.14(b)(1)(ii) and (b)(3), TVA proposes to develop, in consultation with your office and other consulting parties, a programmatic agreement to document the terms and conditions to resolve potential adverse effects of the undertaking.


Those listed on page 4 Page 3 August 26, 2011 If you have any questions or comments, please contact me in Knoxville, Tennessee, at (865) 632-6461 or

Sincerely, Patricia Bernard Ezzell Tribal Liaison and Corporate Historian Federal Determinations WT 110-K Enclosures A-24

IDENTICAL LETTER AND ENCLOSURES SENT TO THE FOLLOWING LIST OF NAMES ON AUGUST 26, 2011 Dr. Richard Allen Policy Analyst Cherokee Nation Post Office Box 948 Tahlequah, Oklahoma 74465-0948 Governor Bill Anoatubby The Chickasaw Nation Post Office Box 1548 Ada, Oklahoma 72821-1548 Ms. Augustine Asbury Cultural Preservation Coordinator Alabama Quassarte Tribal Town Post Office Box 187 Wetumka, Oklahoma 74883-0187 Second Chief Alfred Berryhill Muscogee (Creek) Nation Post Office Box 580 Okmulgee, Oklahoma 74447-0580 Ms. LaDonna Brown Tribal Historic Preservation Officer The Chickasaw Nation Post Office Box 1548 Ada, Oklahoma 72821-1548 Mr. Bryant Celestine Tribal Historic Preservation Officer Alabama-Coushatta Tribe of Texas 571 State Park Rd . 56 Livingston, Texas 77351 Mr. Charles Coleman NAGPRA Representative Thlopthlocco Tribal Town Route 1 , Box 190-A Weleetka, Oklahoma 74880 Ms. Natalie Deere Tribal Historic Preservation Officer Seminole Nation of Oklahoma Post Office Box 1498 Wewoka, Oklahoma 74884-1498 A-25

Ms. Robin DuShane (Enclosures)

Cultural Preservation Director Eastern Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma 127 West Oneida Seneca, Missouri 64865 Ms. Henryetta Ellis Tribal Historic Preservation Officer Absentee Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma 2025 S. Gordon Cooper Shawnee, Oklahoma 74801 Mr. Henry Harjo Environmental Director Kialegee Tribal Town Post Office Box 332 Wetumka, Oklahoma 74883-0332 Mr. Tyler Howe Historic Preservation Specialist Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians Post Office Box 455 Cherokee, North Carolina 28719-0455 cc : Mr. Russ Townsend Tribal Historic Preservation Officer Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians Post Office Box 455 Cherokee, North Carolina 28719-0455 Mr. Ted Isham, Manager Cultural Preservation Department Muscogee (Creek) Nation Post Office Box 580 Okmulgee, Oklahoma 74447-0580 Ms. Lisa C. LaRue Director, Language, History and Culture &

Acting Tribal Historic Preservation Officer United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians in Oklahoma Post Office Box 746 Tahlequah, Oklahoma 74464-0746 Mr. Kirk Perry Administrator Division of Policy and Standards The Chickasaw Nation Post Office Box 1548 Ada, Oklahoma 72821-1548 A-26

Ms. Jennifer Pietarila Archaeological Data Analyst Seminole Tribe of Florida Ah-Tah-Thi-Ki Museum HC-61 Box 21-A Clewiston, Florida 33440 cc: Ms. Anne Mullins Project Coordinator Seminole Tribe of Florida Ah-Tah-Thi-Ki Museum HC-61, Box 21-A Clewiston, Florida 33440 cc: Mr. Willard Steele Tribal Historic Preservation Officer Seminole Tribe of Florida Ah-Tah-Thi-Ki Museum HC-61 , Box 21-A Clewiston, Florida 33440 Mr. Kevin Scrivner Preservation & Repatriation Manager The Chickasaw Nation Post Office Box 1548 Ada, Oklahoma 72821-1548 cc: Ms. Virginia (Gingy) Nail (w/Enclosure)

Assistant Tribal Historic Preservation Officer The Chickasaw Nation Post Office Box 1548 Ada, Oklahoma 72821-1548 Mr. Emman Spain Cultural Preservation Department Muscogee (Creek) Nation Post Office Box 580 Okmulgee, Oklahoma 74447-0580 Mr. Ron Sparkman (letter only)

Chairman Shawnee Tribe Post Office Box 189 Miami, Oklahoma 74355-0189 cc : Ms. Kim Jumper (Enclosures)

Tribal Historic Preservation Officer Shawnee Tribe Post Office Box 189 Miami, Oklahoma 74355-0189 A-27

Mr. Robert Thrower Tribal Historic PreseNation Officer Poarch Band of Creek Indians 5811 Jack Springs Road Atmore, Alabama 36502 Chief Glenna J. Wallace (letter only)

Eastern Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma 127 West Oneida Seneca, Missouri 64865 Mr. Elliot York Archaeological Data Analyst Seminole Tribe of Florida Ah-Tah-Thi-Ki Museum HC-61, Box 21-A Clewiston, Florida 33440 A-28

From: Ezzell Pa tricia Bernard To: Ezzell Pa tricia Beman:J; "rallen@chemkee ora" ; "Tuler B Howe": " Lisa Larue": "tisham@myscoqeepation-

~i espajn@myscogeena tjon -nsn goy "i abemb j!l@myscogeenation -nsn qoy j "Bryan t J c.e!estj ne"i 11 11 11 "Augustine Asbury"; "Hepry Hario"; "CHARLES COLEMAN" ; " Elliott Yorls": "Jennifer Pietarila" ;

"hellis@astribe com" ; "Robin Dushane" ; "Kim Jumper" Cc: ""; "annemul


CORRECTIONS RE: TVA, CLINCH RIVER SMALL MODULAR REACTORS PROJECT, PHASE I ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY, ROANE COUNTY, TENNESSEE Date: Friday, August 26, 20114: 12: 53 PM Attachments: FI NAL (ex ternaD - Clinch River SMR Phi suryey draft mt TRIBAL !tr pdf Hello Again, We are experiencing a bit of technical difficulty here in our office. The subject letter that went out earlier today has some inaccuracies, and I want to send you the corrections.. Rather than recall the letter, I just want to make you aware of some language that should be corrected . These are not major changes, but I wanted to send you the correct language.

(1) In paragraph 1, instead of " ..... currently preparing a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) ." Please replace with

" ... currently initiating an environmental review. " Although the DEIS is our target, we have not issued a public Notice of Intent.

(2) In paragraph 1, instead of "TVA identified the area of potential effects (APE) as the entire SMR project site, which consists of approximately 1185 acres bounded on the west, south , and east by Watts Bar Reservoir (between Clinch River river miles 15.5R and 19.6R) ;" the sentence should read "TVA identified the area of potential effects (APE) as the entire SMR project site, which consists of approximately 1190 acres bounded on the west, south, and east by Watts Bar Reservoir (between Clinch River river miles 15.5R and 19.6R),".

I apologize for any inconvenience, and, as always, I appreciate your patience.

Sincerely, Pat Pat Bernard Ezzell Program Manager Tribal Liaison and Corporate Historian Tennessee Valley Authority 400 W Summit Hill Drive 460 WT 110-K Knoxville, Tennessee 37902 Phone : (865) 632-6461 E-mail : From: Ezzell , Patricia Bernard Sent: Friday, August 26, 2011 2: 29 PM To: '' ; 'Tyler B. Howe' ; 'Lisa Larue' ; 'tisham@muscogeenation-nsn .gov' ;

'espain@muscogeenation-nsn .gov' ; 'aberryhill@muscogeenation-nsn .gov' ; 'Bryant J. Celestine' ;

'Augustine Asbury' ; 'Henry Harjo' ; 'CHARLES COLEMAN' ; 'Elliott York' ; 'Jennifer Pietarila';

'' ; 'Robin Dushane' ; 'Kim Jumper' Cc: '' ; '' A-29


TVA, CLINCH RIVER SMALL MODULAR REACTORS PROJECT, PHASE I ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY, ROANE COUNTY, TENNESSEE Good Afternoon, I hope this email message finds you well. By this email I am transmitting the attached letter regard ing TVA's developing plans to construct up to six small modular nuclear generating reactors within the Clinch River Small Modular Reactors project area located in Roane County, Tennessee. Instructions on accessing the referenced documents are also attached.

Please provide any comments, or notification that you would like to participate in the development of the Programmatic Agreement, by September 26. As always, please contact me if you have any questions.

Sincerely, Pat Pat Bernard Ezzell Program Manager Tribal Liaison and Corporate Historian Tennessee Valley Authority 400 W Summit Hill Drive 460 WT 11D-K Knoxville, Tennessee 37902 Phone: (865) 632-6461 E-mail : A-30

Freeman, Carol From: Ezzell, Patricia Bernard Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2011 9:38 AM To: Bair, Judith S; Blankenship, Sarah; Yarnell, W Richard; Cole, Stephen C


FW: CORRECTIONS RE: TVA, CLINCH RIVER SMALL MODULAR REACTORS PROJECT, PHASE I ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY, ROANE COUNTY, TENNESSEE Comments from UKB on subject project for the files . Thanks--Pat From: Lisa Larue [ mailto:llarue@unitedkeetoowahband .org]

Sent: Monday, August 29, 2011 2:55 PM To: Ezzell, Patricia Bernard


RE: CORRECTIONS RE: TVA, CLINCH RIVER SMALL MODULAR REACTORS PROJECT, PHASE I ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY, ROANE COUNTY, TENNESSEE The United Keetowah Band of Cherokee Indians in OKlahoma has no objectionto this project. However, if any human remains are inadvertently discovered, please cease work immediately, and contact us at the number below.

Thank you, Li sa LaRue Acting Tr i ba l Histor i c Preservat i on Off i cer Un ited Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians i n Oklah oma 918 - 822 - 1952 From: Ezzell, Patricia Bernard []

Sent: Fri 8/26/20113:12 PM To: Ezzell, Patricia Bernard; ; Tyler B. Howe; Lisa Larue;;; aberryhill@muscogeenation-nsn .gov; Bryant J. Celestine; Augustine Asbury; Henry Harjo; CHARLES COLEMAN; Elliott York; Jennifer Pietarila;; Robin Dushane; Kim Jumper Cc:;


CORRECTIONS RE : TVA, CLINCH RIVER SMALL MODULAR REACTORS PROJECT, PHASE I ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY, ROANE COUNTY, TENNESSEE Hello Again, We are experiencing a bit of technical difficulty here in our office . The subject letter that went out earlier today has some inaccuracies, and I want to send you the corrections .. Rather than recall the letter, I just want to make you aware of some language that should be corrected These are not major changes, but I wanted to send you the correct language.

(1) In paragraph 1, instead of " .... .currently preparing a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) ." Please replace with " ... currently initiating an environmental review." Although the DEIS is our target, we have not issued a public Notice of Intent.

(2) In paragraph 1, instead of "TVA identified the area of potential effects (APE) as the entire SMR project site , which consists of approximately 1185 acres bounded on the west, south, and east by Watts Bar Reservoir (between Clinch River river miles 15.5R and 19.6R) ;" the sentence should read "TVA identified the area of potential effects (APE) as the entire SMR project site, which consists of approximately 1190 acres bounded on the west, south, and east by Watts Bar Reservoir (between Clinch River river miles 15.5R and 19.6R),".

1 A-31

I apologize for any inconvenience , and, as always, I appreciate your patience Sincerely, Pat Pat Bernard Ezzell Program Manager Tribal Liaison and Corporate Historian Tennessee Valley Authority 400 W . Summit Hill Drive 460 WT 11 D-K Knoxville, Tennessee 37902 Phone : (865) 632-6461 E-mail : From: Ezzell , Patricia Bernard Sent: Friday, August 26, 2011 2:29 PM To: 'rallen@cherokee org' ; 'Tyler B. Howe' ; 'Lisa Larue' ; '' ; '' ; 'aberryhill@muscogeenation-nsn .gov' ; 'Bryant J. Celestine' ; 'Augustine Asbury' ; 'Henry Harjo' ; 'CHARLES COLEMAN' ; 'Elliott York'; 'Jennifer Pietarila' ; '' ; 'Robin Dushane' ; 'Kim Jumper' Cc: '' , ''


TVA, CLINCH RIVER SMALL MODULAR REACTORS PROJECT, PHASE I ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY, ROANE COUNTY, TENNESSEE Good Afternoon, I hope this email message finds you well. By this email I am transmitting the attached letter regarding TVA's developing plans to construct up to six small modular nuclear generating reactors w ithin the Clinch River Small Modular Reactors project area located in Roane County, Tennessee. Instructions on accessing the referenced documents are also attached .

Please provide any comments, or notification that you would like to participate in the development of the Programmatic Agreement, by September 26 . As always, please contact me if you have any questions.

Sincerely, Pat Pat Bernard Ezzell Program Manager Tribal Liaison and Corporate Historian Tennessee Valley Authority 400 W . Summit Hill Drive 460 WT 11 D-K Knoxville, Tennessee 37902 Phone : (865) 632-6461 E-mail 2



Dear Ms. Pilarski:

At your request, our office has reviewed the above-referenced archaeological survey report in accordance with regulations codified at 36 CFR 800 (Federal Register, December 12, 2000, 77698-77739). Based on the information provided , we concur that the project area contains archaeological resources potentially eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. Archaeological sites 40RE104, 40RE105, 40RE106, 40RE108 , 40RE124, 40RE128, 40RE140, 40RE167, 40RE549, 40 RE595, 40RE600 , AND 40RE601 should be avoided by all ground-disturbing activities or subjected to Phase II archaeological testing and evaluation .

We further concur with your agency that the remaining sites identified and/or revisited during the current survey do not warrant additional investigation and are not eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places.

Upon receipt of the Phase II testing report or avoidance strategy, we will complete our review of this undertaking as expeditiously as possible. Please submit a minimum of two copies of each final report to this office in accordance with the Tennessee Historical Commission Review and Compliance Section Reporting Standards and Guidelines. Complete and/or updated Tennessee Site Survey Forms should be submitted to the Tennessee Division of Archaeology.

Until such time as this office has rendered a final comment on this project, your Section 106 obligation under federal law has not been met. Please inform this office if this project is canceled or not funded by the federal agency. Questions and comments may be directed to Jennifer M . Barnett (615) 741-1588, ext. 105.

Your cooperation is appreciated .

Sincjiyly, ,,./)'-

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E. Patrick Mcintyre , Jr.

Executive Director and State Historic Preservation Officer EPM/jmb A-33


Dear Mr. Jones:

At your request, our office has reviewed the above-referenced archaeological survey final report in accordance with regulations cod ified at 36 CFR 800 (Federal Register, December 12, 2000, 77698-77739). We find that the report meets the Tennessee SHPO Standards and Guidelines For Archaeological Resource Management Studies.

If project plans are changed or archaeological remains are discovered during construction , please contact this office to determine what further action, if any, will be necessary to comply with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act.

Your continued cooperation is appreciated .


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E. Patrick Mcintyre, Jr.

Executive Director and State Historic Preservation Officer EPM/jmb A-34