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Ltr. from Keith M Peecook Re Two Technical Basis Documents That Provide the Dose Models That Will Be Used in Assessing the Release Limits for the Residual Radioactivity in Plum Brook
Person / Time
Site: Plum Brook
Issue date: 08/07/2008
From: Peecook K
US National Aeronautics & Space Admin (NASA)
Document Control Desk, NRC/FSME
Download: ML082330186 (271)


National Aeronautics and Space Administration John H. Glenn Research Center Lewis Field Plum Brook Station Sandusky, OH 44870 August 7, 2008 Reply to Attn of: QD U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555


Technical Basis Document PBRF-TBD-08-001, "Assessment of Age Dependent Dose from Plum Brook Sediments", Licenses Nos. TR-3, Docket No. 50-30 and R-93, Docket No, 50-185 This letter submits the second of two Technical Basis Documents that provide the dose models that will be used in assessing the release limits for the residual radioactivity in Plum Brook. This Technical Basis' Document, PBRF-TBD-08-001, titled "Assessment of Age Dependent Dose from Plum Brook Sediments", presents the dose calculation methodology for the potential exposure pathway for a child playing in the stream. This document and the previously, submitted Technical Basis Document PBRF-TBD-07-005 will. support a revision to the Final Status Survey Plan (FSSP).

This Technical Basis Document is submitted for your information and review. The revision to.

the FSSP, to be submitted for your approval at a later date, will provide the final remediation guidelines and release criteria for the Plum Brook.

Should you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me at NASA Plum Brook Station, 6100 Columbus Avenue, Sandusky, Ohio 44870, or by.telephone at (419) 621-3277.

Sincerely, Keith M. Peecook NASA Decommissioning Program Enclosures

1. Technical Basis Document PBRF-TBD-08-001, "Assessment of Age Dependent Dose from Plum Brook Sediments", Revision 0 A/I 5S0/


USNRC/C. J. Glenn (FSME)

USNRC/J. Webb (FSME) - CDROM copy USNRC/W. G. Snell RIII/DNMS/DB - CDROM copy USNRC/P. J. Lee RIII/DNMS/DB - CDROM copy ODH/M. J. Rubadue - CDROM copy


Plum Brook Reactor Facility Technical Basis Document Assessment of Age-Dependent Dose from Plum Brook Sediments TBD-08-001 Revision No. 0 0 4 Prepared By: Date: 8-*T-O Independent Technical Review: Date: ____

Other Review: Date:

Other Review: Date:

Cognizant Manager Approval: A411 Date: *5 7/08 RSO Approval: Date:

Form AD-04/02 Rev 0.

Rvi5,4ý_ A DOCUMENT TITLE: Assessment of DOCUMENT NO: TBD-08-001 REVISION NO: 0 Age-dependent Dose from Plum Brook Sediments Revision 0: Initial issue of Document Form AD-0/ 3 Rev 2

DOCUMENT NO: TBD-08-001 REVISION NO.: 0 Page No. Revision Level Page No. Revision Level Page No. Revision Level Cover Page 0 Change/Cancellation 0 Record LOEP 0 TOC page iv 0 Text, pages 1 thru 11 0 Appendix A, pages 0 1 thru 254 Form AD-Oil 5 Rev2

Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction ........................................................................................................... .. 1 2.0 B ackground ................................................ ......................................................... . . 1 3 .0 References ................................................................................................................... 3 4.0 Summary of Doses to Adults .................................................................................. 4 5.0 Calculation of Age-Dependent Dose - Approach................................................... 5 6.0 Age-Dependent Dose Results ................................................................................ 9 7.0 Summary and Conclusions .................................. I............................................... 11 Appendix A - RESRAD Case Run Reports ........................................................................... 1 List of Tables Table 1, Age-dependent Dose Conversion Factors for Cs-137 ................................................. 2 Table 2, Calculated Dose to Adults from Cs-137 (mrem/y per pCi/g) ....................................... 5 Table 3, Dose Contribution of Inhalation and Direct Ingestion Pathways (mrem/y per pCi/g) ..... 5 Table 4, Age-dependent Inhalation and Direct Ingestion Rates ................................................ 7 Table 5, Age-dependent FoodConsumption Rates .................................................................... 8 Table 6, Age-dependent Doses - Deterministic Results ................................................................... 9 Table 7 Age-dependent Doses - Probabilistic Results ............................................................... 9 Table 8, Deterministic Age-dependent Doses with Direct Exposure Pathway Adjustment ......... 10 Table 9, Suburban Gardner Exposure Pathway Dose Breakdown ............................................... 11 Table 10, Recreationist Exposure Pathway Dose Breakdown ...................................................... 11 List of Figures Figure 1, Comparison of Age Category Doses ............................................................................ 10

TBD-08-001 Page 1 of 11 Rev. 0 1.0 Introduction Cesium-137 has been measured in sediment samples collected from the portion of the Plum Brook located between the Plum Brook Reactor Facility (PBRF) and Sandusky Bay. It is known that Cs-137 was released from the PBRF in liquid effluents and subsequently entered the Plum Brook during the period of PBRF operation (1963-1973). An assessment was recently conducted to estimate radiation doses that could be received by members of the public who live or work in the vicinity of the Plum Brook [NASA 2008]. This dose assessment utilized the RESRAD computer code and exposure scenarios developed specifically to represent conditions whereby members of the public could receive radiation exposure from Cs-137 in the sediments. Following guidance from the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), doses were calculated for an adult identified as the "average member of the critical group" [USNRC 2003] 1. The recent dose assessment reported that the estimated dose to an adult using a conservative exposure scenario is about 0.17 mrem per year. This is under the assumption that the average concentration of Cs- 137 in sediments to which the individual is exposed is 1 pCi/g, the average value measured in Plum Brook Sediments [NASA 2008].

Information on the releases to the Plum Brook has been provided by NASA to the public on several occasions. Questions have been raised about doses and potential risks to children. The default parameters for RESRAD models and exposure scenarios are based on adults. What are the effects on the calculated doses if age-dependent values of critical parameters are used to calculate the doses? As a result, NASA has requested that a technical evaluation be performed to address this issue.

2.0 Background Environmental radiation dose calculation models such as RESRAD were developed using dose factors published by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) and the US EPA. The dose factors were developed for assessment of doses to adults. In the absence of age-specific dose and risk factors, the assessment of dose and risk to members of the public was limited to adults. The EPA acknowledged this situation in a 1994 Federal Register announcement.2 1 The average member of the critical group is an individual who.., is assumed to represent the most likely exposure situation based on prudently conservative exposure assumptions and parameter values within the model calculations

[USNRC 2003].

2 "The actual dose to a particular individual from a given intake (of radioactive material) is dependent'on age and sex as well as other characteristics. ....implementing limits for the general public expressed as age and sex dependent would be difficult. More importantly, the variability in dose due to these factors is comparable in magnitude to the uncertainty in our estimates of the risks ...... EPA believes that for purposes of providing radiation protection, the assumptions exemplified by Reference Man adequately characterize the general public and a detailed consideration of age and sex is not generally necessary [USEPA 1994].

TBD-08-001 Page 2 of 11 Rev. 0 The US NRC concurred with this policy on assessment of doses to future site occupants from residual contamination at decommissioned nuclear facilities. However, beginning in 1989 the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) issued age-dependent dose factors for assessment of doses to the public from intake of radionuclides, culminating in the issuance of ICRP Report No. 72 in 1996. [ICRP 1996]. Subsequently, the EPA has issued age-dependent cancer risk coefficients for environmental exposure to radionuclides [USEPA 1999].

The developers of RESRAD have incorporated ICRP-72 age-dependent dose factors in version 6.4 of the code released in December 2007 [USDOE 2008]. It is now possible, using RESRAD to calculate doses to individuals other than adults from exposure to Plum Brook sediments. The RESRAD age-dependent dose conversion factors for Cs-137 (from ICRP-72) are shown in Table

1. The table compares them to the adult dose factors in the RESRAD default dose factor library -

from Federal Guidance Report No. 1 (FGR-1 1) [USEPA 1988]. The latter were used in the recent dose assessment for exposure to Plum Brook sediments [NASA 2008]. Note that the adult dose factor for inhalation has been reduced by over a factor of two from FGR- 11, whereas the ingestion dose factor is changed only slightly. The new dose factor library in RESRAD does not include age dependent dose conversion factors for the direct exposure pathway4 Table 1, Age-dependent Dose Conversion Factors for Cs-137 Cs-137 Dose Conversion Factors Category (mrem/pCi) Source Ingestion Inhalation Adult - base case 5.OE-05 3.19E-05 FGR-11 1 Adult 4.81E-05 1.44E-05 ICRP-72 (2)

Infant 7.77E-05 4.07E-04 ICRP-72 One-year old 4.44E-05 3.70E-04 ICRP-72 Five-year old 3.55E-05 2.59E-04 ICRP-72 Ten year old 3.70E-05 1.78E-04 ICRP-72 15 year old 4.81E-05 1.55E-04 ICRP-72 Table 1 Notes:

1. FGR-11 is Federal Guidance Report No. 11 [EPA 1988].
2. ICRP-72 is ICRP Report no. 72 [ICRP 1996].

3 "Since age-based dose conversion factors are not being used, the same dose conversion factors are applied to all individuals. Only in rare occasions will a non-adult individual receive a higher dose than an adult in a similar exposure scenario. One example is the milk pathway; children generally drink more milk than adults. If milk was the only pathway that would expose the individual to a dose, then the child would have a slightly higher dose than the adult. But in most situations, especially ones involving multiple pathways, the total intake of the adult is greater than that of a child" [USNRC 2003].

4The new ICRP-72 dose conversion factors are limited to internal exposures. As of the present, no effort has been funded to develop age-dependent dose conversion factors for exposure to radiation sources external to the body

[Ecker. 2008].

TBD-08-001 Page 3 of I1 Rev. 0 3.0 References ANL 1993 Argonne National Laboratory, Environmental Assessment Division, Data Collection Handbook to Support Modeling Impacts of Radioactive Materialsin Soil, April 1993.

ANL 2001 Argonne National Laboratory, Environmental Assessment Division, User's manualfor RESRAD Version 6, ANL/EAD-4, July 2001.

Ecker. 2008 Keith Eckerman, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, PersonalCommunication, July 22, 2008.

FR 1994 FederalRadiationProtectionDraft Guidancefor Exposure of the GeneralPublic, Federal Register Notice 59 FR 66414, Dec. 23, 1994.

ICRP 1996 International Commission on Radiological Protection, Age-dependent Doses to members of the Publicfrom Intake of Radionuclides,Part 5, Compilation of Ingestion and Inhalation Coefficients, ICRP Publication 72, Elsevier, 1996.

NASA 2008 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Plum Brook Reactor Facility, Technical Basis Document, Assessment of Radiation Exposuresfrom Plum Brook Sediments Contaminatedwith Cs-137, PBRF-TBD-07-005, June 2008.

Petous 1991 N. Petoussi, et. al., Organ Dosesfor Foetuses, Babies, Childrenand adultsfrom Environmental Gamma Rays, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 1991, Vol. 37 No.

1, pp 31-41.

USEPA 1988 US Environmental Protection Agency, Limiting Values of Radionuclide Intake and Air Concentrationand Dose Conversion Factorsfor Inhalation,Submersion and Ingestion, Federal Guidance Report No. 11, EPA-520/1-88-020, September 1988.

USEPA 1994 US Environmental Protection Agency, FederalRadiationProtection Guidance for Exposure of the GeneralPublic, ProposedRecommendations, Requestfor Comments and Notice of Public Hearings,Federal Register 59, December 23, 1994.

USEPA 1997 US Environmental Protection Agency, National Center for Environmental Assessment, 'ExposureFactorsHandbook,August 1997.

USEPA 1999 US Environmental Protection Agency, Cancer Risk Coefficientsfor EnvironmentalExposure to Radionuclides, Federal Guidance Report No. 13, EPA 402-R-99-001, September 1999.

TBD-08-001 Page 4 of 11 Rev. 0 USDOE 2008 Department of Energy, Office of Environmental Policy and Assistance Nuclear Safety and Environmental Information Notice, Release of RESRAD (V. 6.4) and RESRAD-BUILD (V. 3.4) Revised Codes: Toolsfor EvaluatingRadiationDoses and Risks, February 8, 2008.

USNRC 2003 US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, ConsolidatedNMSS DecommissioningGuidance, NUREG- 1757, Final Report, September 2003.

4.0 Summary of Doses to Adults The starting point for the present evaluation of doses to children is a review of the estimated doses to adults from Plum Brook sediments. In the recent dose assessment conducted by NASA, doses to adult members of the public were calculated for four exposure scenarios. The exposure scenarios are:

  • Suburban Gardner. This scenario represents exposure conditions for the portion of the stream nearest the PBRF where a resident grows vegetables in a small garden on soil that is mixed with contaminated sediments. Radiation exposure is received primarily from direct exposure while working in the garden 123 hours0.00142 days <br />0.0342 hours <br />2.03373e-4 weeks <br />4.68015e-5 months <br /> a year and from consumption of vegetables grown in the garden.
  • Brook-side Resident. A residence is assumed to be constructed on land contaminated with sediments deposited in the vicinity of the stream during a large flood event prior to construction of the home. Exposure to the resident is received primarily from direct exposure while inside the house (1096 hours0.0127 days <br />0.304 hours <br />0.00181 weeks <br />4.17028e-4 months <br /> per year) and while occupying contaminated outdoor areas while doing yard work (80 hours9.259259e-4 days <br />0.0222 hours <br />1.322751e-4 weeks <br />3.044e-5 months <br /> per year).

" Country Club Maintenance Worker. The dose receptor for this scenario is a worker at the Plum Brook Country Club, located on the Plum Brook about 2 V2 miles downstream (north) of the PBRF. The worker is assumed to spend about 15 hours1.736111e-4 days <br />0.00417 hours <br />2.480159e-5 weeks <br />5.7075e-6 months <br /> a week, during a 30 week golf season, traveling on and maintaining landscaping adjacent to a golf cart path constructed on contaminated sediment used as fill.

e Recreationist. A fisherman occupies the stream and stream bank while fishing in the stream mouth-flood plain located between US Rt. 6 and Sandusky Bay. The fisherman spends about 10 hours1.157407e-4 days <br />0.00278 hours <br />1.653439e-5 weeks <br />3.805e-6 months <br /> a week for 10 weeks a year at the stream and consumes game fish caught there

[NASA 2008].

Table 2 presents the dose from Cs-137 for each of the scenarios. The numbers in parentheses are the percentages of the total dose contributed by each pathway. Probabilistic results are also shown to identify the uncertainty in the calculated doses (mean of the peak dose +/- one standard deviation). It is seen that the direct exposure pathway is the largest contributor in all except the Recreationist Scenario. The dose from food consumption is significant in the Suburban Gardner and Recreationist Scenarios. The contributions from inhalation of suspended sediment and direct ingestion of sediment are quite small for all four scenarios. They are shown in Table 3 to provide

TBD-08-001 Page 5 of 11 Rev. 0 a baseline for discussion of pathway contributions to age-dependent doses. The RESRAD case run reports for the four scenarios are included in Appendix A.

Table 2, Calculated Dose to Adults from Cs-137 (mrem/y per pCi/g)

Deterministic Probabilistic Scenario All Pathways Direct Food All Pathways Consumption Suburban Gardner 4.OE-02 2.6E-02 1.E-02 4.23 +/- 4.10 E-02 (64) (36),

Brook-side Resident 1.74E-01 1.74E-01 NA 1.65 +/- 1.70 E-01 Country MaintenClubWoke 1.03E-01 1.03E-01 NA 0.94 +/--1.0 E-01 Maintenance Worker 3.60E-02 7.20E-02 Recreationist 1.08E-01 3 ) 3.77 +/- 3.76 E-02

_(33) (67)

Table 2 Note: The numbers in parentheses are the fraction of the total dose in percent.

Table 3, Dose Contribution of Inhalation and Direct Ingestion Pathways (mrem/y per pCi/g)

Inhalation Direct Soil Ingestion Total Scenario Fraction of Dose Fraction of Dose Total Dose Total Dose Suburban Gardner 2.08E-08 5.21E-07 2.36E-06 5.91E-05 4.OOE-02 Brookside resident 8.66E-08 4.98E-07 2.23E-05 1.28E-04 1.74E-01 Country Club 1.40E,07 1.36E-06 2.72E-05 2.65E204 1.03E-01 Maintenance Worker Recreationist 1.25E-07 1.16E-06 2.16E-05 2.01E-04 1.08E-01 5.0 Calculation of Age-Dependent Dose - Approach Two approaches are taken for estimation of age-dependent doses from Cs-137 in Plum Brook sediments. First, doses for age groups are calculated for scenarios selected from the four described above. Then an exposure scenario is developed to provide a bounding estimate for the dose to a child.

The principal factors which influence age-dependent doses calculated with RESRAD are:

" radionuclide-specific dose conversion factors for ingestion and inhalation

" behavioral and metabolic parameters.

As discussed earlier, the new ICRP age-dependent dose conversion factors have been incorporated into RESRAD data libraries. In addition, user-defined age-dependent behavioral and metabolic parameters are required. For the exposure pathways in this analysis they are rates

TBD-08-001 Page 6 of 11 Rev. 0 for: inhalation, direct ingestion of sediment-dust, vegetable consumption and fish consumption.

-Values for these parameters were obtained for the six ICRP-72 age categories: adult, infant, 1-yr old, 5-year old, 10-year old and 15-year old 5 . They are tabulated in Tables 4 and 5. As seen in the table notes, age categories in the source references do not always align with those of ICRP-

72. Explanation of assignments is provided in the notes.

The Suburban Gardner and Recreationist scenarios are selected for calculation of age-dependent doses. These scenarios are selected because they have food consumption pathways, where the effect of age-dependent parameters can be readily observed. Also, a bounding scenario, called the Playground scenario is constructed. The Playground scenario is an extension of the Brookside Resident scenario - modified so the dose receptor is a child who plays in or near the stream and on a play area constructed on land that was impacted by a flood event. The outdoor occupancy time is the most significant factor and it is based on the Country Club Maintenance Worker scenario of the recent study [NASA 2008]. The Maintenance Worker has the greatest outdoor occupancy time of the four original scenarios; 450 hours0.00521 days <br />0.125 hours <br />7.440476e-4 weeks <br />1.71225e-4 months <br /> per year.

Since there are no age-dependent dose conversion factors available for use in RESRAD for the direct exposure pathway, the effect of age-dependence on this pathway is treated by an adjustment factor. To a first approximation, age-dependent effective dose equivalents from the direct exposure pathway can be obtained by.adjusting the adult dose by a multiplier. Results from calculations published in the Journal, Radiation Protection Dosimetry are used to provide empirical adjustment factors [Petous 1991]. The calculated doses for age categories: infant,' 1-yr and 5-yr are adjusted by a factor of 1.3 and the doses for age categories 10-yr and 15-yr are adjusted by a factor of 1.1. This adjustment is only applied to RESRAD doses for direct outdoor exposure to contaminated sediments. It is not applied to direct exposure from indoor occupancy as the indoor exposure model does not lend itself to a simple correction factor based on the source-to-receptor distance.

s The principal sources for age-dependent behavioral and metabolic parameter values are the RESRAD Data Collection Handbook [ANL 1993] and the EPA Exposure Factor Handbook [EPA 19941.

TBD-08-001 Page 7 of 11 Rev. 0 Table 4, Age-dependent Inhalation and Direct Ingestion Rates Inhalation Direct Soil Age Category (m3 /y) Ingestion (g/y)

Adult - base case 8,400 to 14,000 (1) .36.5 Infant (2) 1644 (3) 36.5 (8)

One-year old 2483 (4) 73 (8)

Five-year old 3032 ()73 (8)

Ten year old 3653 (6) 36.5 (9) 15 year old 6209 (7) 36.5 9 Table 4 Notes:

1. The base case adult inhalation rate of 8,400 for the Suburban Gardner is the RESRAD Default value. The value of 14,000 for the Maintenance Worker and Recreationist is from the RESRAD User Manual [ANL 2001] Table 2-3; the recommended value for a Recreationist based on a breathing rate of 1.6 m3/h for "moderate activities".
2. Infant is defined as < one year old in the EPA Exposure Factors Handbook [USEPA 1997].
3. EPA Exposure Handbook value for infants (Table 5-23, 4.5 m3/d).
4. EPA Exposure Handbook value for 1-2 year olds (Table 5-23, 6.8 m3/d).
5. EPA Exposure Handbook value for 3-5 year olds (Table 5-23, 8.3 m3/d).
6. EPA Exposure Handbook value for 9-11 year olds (Table 5-23, 10 m3/d).
7. EPA Exposure Handbook value for 15-18 year old males (Table 5-23, 17 m 3/d).
8. EPA Exposure Handbook value for children (Table 4-23). Infants are conservatively assigned the same value as adults (their contact with contaminated sediment is very limited). For 1 and 5 year-olds, adopted the recommendation that 200 mg/d be used as conservative estimate of the mean value.
9. EPA Exposure Handbook value for children (Table 4-23). Used the nominal mean value of 100 mg/d for 10 and 15 year olds.

TBD-08-001 Page 8 of 11 Rev. 0 Table 5, Age-dependent Food Consumption Rates Vegetable Consumption (kg/y) Fs Fish Age Category Vegetables, Leafy Consumption Total Fruits and Vegetables (kg/y)

Grains Adult - base case 174 160 14 5.4 Infant (2) NA NA NA NA One-year old 38.7 (3) 35.6 3.1 2.1(6)

Five-year old 38,7 35.6 3.1 2.1(6)

Ten year old 52.2 (4) 48.0 4.2 2.9 (7) 15 year old 75.2 (5) 48.0 4.2 2.9 (7)

Table 5 Notes:

1. Vegetable consumption consists of two categories in RESRAD: garden vegetables, fruits and grains (non-leafy vegetables) and leafy vegetables (spinach and lettuce); In contrast, age-dependent vegetable consumption data in the EPA Exposure Factors Handbook does not make this distinction.

Age-dependent total vegetable consumption values are apportioned between vegetables, fruits and grains and leafy vegetables in the same ratios as the adult base case.

2. Infant is defined as < one year old in the EPA Exposure Factors Handbook [USEPA 1997]. Also the infant diet is assumed to consist of milk and processed foods only.
3. EPA Exposure Handbook value for males and females 5 and under (Table 9-19, 106 g/d).
4. EPA Exposure Handbook value for males 6-11 (Table 9-19, 143 g/d).
5. EPA Exposure Handbook value for males 12-19 (Table 9-19,206 g/d).
6. EPA Exposure Handbook value for age groups 1-5 (Table 10-61, 5.63 g/d).
7. EPA Exposure Handbook value for age groups 6-10 (Table 10-61, 7.94 g/d).

TBD-08-001 Page 9 of 11 Rev. 0 6.0 Age-Dependent Dose Results Calculated doses to age categories for the three scenarios are shown in Table 6. These results were obtained using RESRAD Version 6.4 in the deterministic mode. The uncertainty in these results is illustrated by Table 7, which shows the age-dependent doses for each scenario obtained from RESRAD probabilistic calculations. The results are the mean of the calculated peak doses (obtained at time = 0 years) + one standard deviation. The individual RESRAD case run: output reports are included in Appendix A.

Table 6, Age-dependent Doses - Deterministic Results Dose from Cs-137 (mrem/y per pCi/g)

Age-Category Suburban Gardner Recreationist Playground Adult 3.94E-02 1.05E-01 1.03E-01 Infant 2.56E-02 3.59E-02 1.03E-01 1-yr 2.84E-02 6.07E-02 1.03E-01 5-yr 2.79E-02 5.58E-02 1.03E-01 10-yr 2.88E-02 6.44E-02. 1.03E-01 15-yr 2.97E-02 7.30E-02 1.03E-01 Table 7 Age-dependent Doses - Probabilistic Results Dose from Cs-137 (mrem/y per pCi/g)

Age-Category Suburban Recreationist Playground Gardner Adult 4.66 + 4.40 E-02 3.50 + 4.40 E-62 0.94 +/- 1.0 E-01 Infant 2.52 + 2.79 E-02 3.47 -3.40 E-02 0.94 +/- 1.0 E 1-yr 2.83 -2.94 E-02 3.79 - 3.70 E-02 0.94 +/- 1.0 E 5-yr 2.77 2.91 E-02 3.18 3.24 E-02 0.94 +/- 1.0 E 10-yr 2.85 +/- 2.96 E-02 3.23 - 3.26 E-02 0.94 - 1.0 E 15-yr 2.95 3.02 E-02 3.29 +/- 3.29 E-02 0.94 +/- 1.0 E

TBD-08-001 Page 10 of II Rev. 0 The direct exposure pathway dose was adjusted by an empirical factor as described in the previous section. The age-dependent total doses (with adjustments) for each scenario are shown in Table 8. The Table 8 data is plotted in Figure 1. It is seen that the dose to children exceeds the dose to an adult only 6 in the Playground scenario, where the dose is dominated by the external exposure pathway.

Table 8, Deterministic Age-dependent Doses with Direct Exposure Pathway Adjustment Dose from Cs- 13 7 (mrem/y per pCi/g)

Age-Category Suburban Recreationist Playground Gardner Adult 3.94E-02 1.05E-01 1.03E-01 Infant 3.32E-02 4.67E-02 1.34E-01 1-yr 3.61E-02 7.15E-02 1.34E-01 5-yr 3.55E-02 6.65E-02 1.34E-01 10-yr 3.13E-02 6.80E-02 1.13E-01 15-yr 3.23E-02 7.66E-02 1.13E-01 Figure 1, Comparison of Age Category Doses 1.60E-01 1.40E-01 1.20E-01 1.OOE-01 8.00E-02 E

0 6.OOE-02 13 4.OOE-02 2.OOE-02 0.OOE+00


Age Category I Suburban Gardner ---- Recreationist A. Playground I 6 Infant doses are lower than for other age groups in the Suburban Gardner and Recreationist scenarios because their diet does not include vegetables grown in the garden or fish caught in the stream.

TBD-08-001 Page 11 of 11 Rev. 0 The pathway contributions to the age category doses are shown in Tables 9 and 10 for the Suburban Gardner and Recreationist scenarios, respectively. The dose fraction from food ingestion is greatest for the adult in both scenarios. The dose contributions from inhalation and direct ingestion of soil are negligible for all age categories.

Table 9, Suburban Gardner Exposure Pathway Dose Breakdown Inhalation Direct Soil Ingestion Plant Ingestion Direct (adjusted)

Age Dose Fraction of Dose Fraction of Dose ý Fraction of Dose Fraction of Category (mremLy) Total (mrero/y) Total- (mrem/y) Total (torero/y) Total Adult 9.42E-08 2.39E-06 2.27E-06 5.77E-05 1.39E-02 3.52E-01 2.56E-02 6.48E-01 Infant 5.20E-08 1.57E-06 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 3.32E-02 1.00E+00 1-yr old 7.14E-08 2.01E-06 4.20E-06 1.18E-04 2.85E-03 7.90E-02 3.32E-02 9.36E-01 5-yr old 6.10E-08 1.72E-06 3.36E-06 9.46E-05 2.28E-03 6.42E-02 3.32E-02 9.36E-0l 10-yr old 5.04E-08 1.61E-06 1.75E-06 .5.58E-05 3.20E-03 1.02E-01 2.81E-02 8.98E-01 15-yrold 7.50E-08 2.32E-06 2.27E-06 7.04E-05 4.17E-03 1.29E-01 2.81E-02 8.71E-01 Table 10, Recreationist Exposure Pathway Dose Breakdown Inhalation Direct Soil Ingestion Fish Ingestion Direct (adjusted)

Age Dose Fraction of Dose Fraction of Dose Fraction of Dose Fraction of Category (mremn/y) Total (mrem/y) Total (mrem/y) Total (mrem/y) Total Adult 5.64E-07 5.37E-06 2.08E-05 1.98E-04 6.91E-02 6.58E-01 3.59E-02 3.42E-01 Infant 1.87E-07 4.00E-06 0.00E+00 '0.OOE+0O 0.OOE+0O 0.OOE+00 4.67E-02 1.00E+00 1-yr old 2.57E-07 3.59E-06 3.84E,05 5.37E-04 2.48E-02 3.47E-01 4.67E-02 6.53E-01 5-yr old 2.19E-07 3.30E-06 3.07E-05 4.62E-04 1.98E-02 2.98E-01 4.67E-02 7.01E-01 10-yr old 1.81E-07 2.66E-06 1.60E-05 2.35E-04 2.85E-02 4.19E-01 3.95E-02 5.81E-01 15-yrold 2.69E-07 3.52E-06 2.08E-05 2.72E-04 3.71E-02 4.84E-0l 3.95E-02 5.16E-01 7.0 Summary and Conclusions Doses to members of the public of various age groups who could come into contact with Plum Brook sediments were calculated (age-dependent doses). Three exposure scenarios were selected to illustrate the effects of age-dependent dose model parameters and to obtain a reasonable upper-bound estimate of the dose to a child. The highest calculated dose was 0.13 mrem/y per pCi/g of CS-137 for a small child who is in direct contact with contaminated sediments for 450 hours0.00521 days <br />0.125 hours <br />7.440476e-4 weeks <br />1.71225e-4 months <br /> a year. This could be achieved by a child who plays outdoors an average of 15 hours1.736111e-4 days <br />0.00417 hours <br />2.480159e-5 weeks <br />5.7075e-6 months <br /> a week for 30 weeks a year in an area containing contaminated sediments. This is considered to be a bounding scenario as there are limited opportunities for any significant contact with Plum Brook sediments. The highest calculated dose to a child is less than the highest dose to an adult, 0.17 mrem/y per pCi/g calculated in the dose assessment reported by NASA in June, 2008

[NASA 2008].

Overall, the doses from exposure to individuals from contaminated sediments are not strongly age-dependent. It is concluded that the use of an adult as the average member of the exposed critical group is reasonable for assessment of the dose and risk impact. There is no age group which receives a higher dose than adults.

TBD-08-001 Appendix A, Page 1 of 254, Rev. 0 Appendix A - RESRAD Case Run Reports U Index of Reports Run Result Date Case Title Description File Name (mrem/y per pCi/g Cs-137)

Deterministic Probabilistic 6/3/08 Suburban Area of cont. zone: 186m 2 03250801 4.OOE-02 4.23 +/- 4.10 E-02 Gardener Thickness of cont. zone: 3 in (0.076 m)

Scenario for Fr. time outdoors: 0.014 (123 h/y)

TBD 07-005 Fr. time indoors: 0.0 6/3/08 Brook-side Area of cont. zone: 186 m2 06030801 1.74E-01 1.65 +/- 1.70 E-01 Resident Thickness of cont. zone: 3 in (0.076 m)

Scenario for Fr. time outdoors: 0.009 (80 h/y)

TBD 07-005 Fr. time indoors: 0.123 (1078 hWy).

5/6/08 Country Club Area of cont. zone: 600 m' 03250803 1.03E-01 9.40 - 10.0 E-02 Worker Thickness of cont. zone: 3 in (0.076 m)

Scenario for Fr. time outdoors: 0.05 (438 h/y)

TBD 07-005 Fr. time indoors: 0.0 6/3/08 Recreationist Area of cont. zone: 270000 m2 05140806 1.08E-01 3.77 + 3.76 E-02 Scenario for Thickness of cont. zone: 6 in (0.152 m)

TBD 07-005 Fr. time outdoors: 0.012 (105 h/y)

Fr. time indoors: 0.0 7/21/08 Suburban Suburban Gardner with ICRP-72 adult DCF 07210801 3.945E-02 4.66 +/- 4.40 E-02 Gardener Library, all other parameters are the same as ICRP-72 Adult above.

'28/08 Suburban Suburban Gardner with ICRP-72 infant DCF 07280801 2.556E-02 2.52 +/- 2.79 E-02 Gardener Library. Inhalation and dietary intake parameters ICRP-72 Infant adjusted accordingly.

7/28/08 Suburban Suburban Gardner with ICRP-72 one-yr old DCF 07280802 2.842E-02 2.83 - 2.94 E-02 Gardener Library. Inhalation and dietary intake parameters ICRP-72 one- adjusted accordingly.

yr old 7/28/08 Suburban Suburban Gardner with ICRP-72 5-yr old DCF 07280803 2.785E-02 2.77 +/- 2.91 E-02 Gardener Library. Inhalation and dietary intake parameters ICRP-72 5-yr adjusted accordingly.

old 7/28/08 Suburban Suburban Gardner with ICRP-72 10-yr old DCF 07280804 2.877E-02 2.85 - 2.96 E-02 Gardener Library. Inhalation and dietary intake parameters ICRP-72 10-yr adjusted accordingly.

old 7/28/08 Suburban Suburban Gardner with ICRP-72 15-yr old DCF 07280805 2.973E-02 2.95 +/- 3.02 E-02 Gardener Library. Inhalation and dietary intake parameters ICRP-72 15-yr adjusted accordingly.

old Appendix A Notes:

1. Appendix A includes 251 pages of output reports for 19 case runs listed in the Index of Reports.
2. Case run reports are included for only three of the six Playground scenario age categories. The dose is the same for all age groups.
3. The Page Count - RESRAD Case Run Reports, is included to identify the number of pages included in Appendix A for each case run output. The typical RESRAD output includes four reports running to upwards i of 60 pages - only the essential pages are included here.

TBD-08-001 Appendix A, Page 2 of 254, Rev. 0 Appendix A - RESRAD Case Run Reports Index of Reports, Continued Result File Run Date Case Title Description Name (mrem/y per pCi/g Cs-137)

Deterministic Probabilistic 7/28/08 Recreationist Recreationist with ICRP-72 adult DCF 07280806 1.050E-01 3.50 +/- 3.43 E-02 ICRP-72 Adult Library. All other parameters are the same as the original scenario.

7/28/08 Recreationist Recreationist with ICRP-72 infant DCF 07280807 3.590E-02 3.47 +/- 3.40 E-02 ICRP-72 Infant Library. Inhalation and dietary intake parameters adjusted accordingly.

7/28/08 Recreationist Recreationist with ICRP-72 one-yr old DCF 07280808 6.072E-02 3.79 - 3.70 E-02 ICRP-72 one- Library. Inhalation and dietary intake yr old parameters adjusted accordingly.

7/28/08 Recreationist Recreationist with ICRP-72 5-yr old DCF 07280809 5.576E-02 3.18 - 3.24 E-02 ICRP-72 5-yr Library. Inhalation and dietary intake.

old parameters adjusted accordingly.

7/28/08 Recreationist Recreationist with ICRP-72 10-yr old DCF 07280810 6.442E-02 3.23 - 3.26 E-02 ICRP-72 10-yr Library. Inhalation and dietary intake old parameters adjusted accordingly.

7/28/08 Recreationist Recreationist with ICRP-72 15-yr old DCF 07280811 7.30E-02 3.29 +/- 3.29 E-02 ICRP-72 15-yr Library. Inhalation and dietary intake old parameters adjusted accordingly.

7/29/08 Playground Playground scenario with ICRP-72 adult 07290801 1.028E-01 0.94 +/- 1.0 E-01 ICRP-72 Adult DCF Library. All other parameters are the same as the Maintenance Worker scenario.

7/29/08 Playground Playground scenario with ICRP-72 1-yr old 07290802 1.028E-01 0.94 +/- 1.0 E-01 ICRP-72 one- DCF Library. Inhalation and soil ingestion yr old parameters are adjusted accordingly.

7/29/08 Playground Playground scenario with ICRP-72 15-yr 07290805 1.028E-01 0.94 +/- 1.0 E-01 ICRP-72 15-yr old DCF Library. Inhalation and soil old ingestion parameters are adjusted accordingly.

I TBD-08-001 Appendix A, Page 3 of 254, Rev. 0 Appendix A - RESRAD Case Run Reports Page Count - RESRAD Case Run Reports File No. of Pages Name Case Title Total Summary Radionuclide Report Concentration Uncertaintyp Report Analysis Report Suburban Gardener Scenario for TBD 07-005 03250801 14 9 1 4 Brook-side Resident Scenario for TBD 07-005 06030801 13 9 - 4 Country Club Worker Scenario for TBD 07-005 03250803 13 9 4 Recreationist Scenario for TBD 07-005 05140806 13 8 1 4 Suburban Gardener ICRP-72 Adult 07210801 15 9 1 5 Suburban Gardener ICRP-72 Infant .07280801 13 9 - 4 Suburban Gardener ICRP-72 one-yr old 07280802 13 9 - 4 Suburban Gardener ICRP-72 5-yr old 07280803 13 9 - 4 Suburban Gardener ICRP-72 10-yr old 07280804 14 9 - 5 Suburban Gardener ICRP-72 15-yr old 07280805 13 9 4 W

Recreationist ICRP-72 Adult 07280806 14 8 1 5 Recreationist ICRP-72 Infant 07280807 13 9 - 4 Recreationist ICRP-72 one-yr old 07280808 12 8 - 4 R'ecreationist ICRP-72 5-yr old 07280809 13 8 - 5 Recreationist ICRP-72 10-yr old 07280810 13 8 - 5 Recreationist ICRP-72 15-yr old 07280811 13 8 - 5 Playground ICRP-72 Adult 07290801 13 9 - 4 Playground ICRP-72 one-yr old 07290802 13 9 - 4 Playground ICRP-72 15-yr old 07290805 13 9 - 4

RESRA , Version 6.4 T1/2 Limit = 180 days 07/23/2008 09:46 Page ISummary Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 07-005

'File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\03250801.RAD Table of Contents rt I: Mixture Sums and Single Radionuclide Guidelines Dose Conversion Factor (and Related) Parameter Summary ... 2 Site-Specific Parameter Summary ............................. 3 Summary of Pathway Selections ............................... 7 Contaminated Zone and Total Dose Summary .................... 8 Total Dose Components Time = 0.000E+00 .... ................................... 9 Time = 1.000E+00 ....................................... 10 Time = 3.000E+00 ....................................... 11 Time = 1.000E+03 ....................................... 12 Dose/Source Ratios Summed Over All Pathways ................ 13 Single Radionuclide Soil Guidelines ........................ 13 Dose Per Nuclide Sumned Over All Pathways .................. 14 Soil Concentration Per Nuclide .............................. 14 Page 4 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 190 days 07/23/2008 09:46 Page 2 Summary Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 07-005 File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\03250801.RAD Dose Conversion Factor (and Related) Parameter Summary Dose Library: FGR ii Current Base Parameter Menu Parameter Value# Case* Name A-I DCF's for external ground radiation, (mrem/yr)/(pCi/g)

A-I Ba-137m (Source: FGR 12) 3.606E+00 3.606E+00 DCFI( 1)

A-I Cs-137 (Source: FGR 12) 7.510E-04 7.510E-04 DCFI( 2)

B-i Dose conversion factors for inhalation, mrem/pCi:

B-I Cs-137+D 3.190E-05 3.190E-05 DCF2( 1)

D-I Dose conversion factors for ingestion, mrem/pCi:

D-I Cs-137+D 5. 00OE-05 5.OOOE-05 DCF3( 1)

D-34 Food transfer factors:

D-34 Cs-137+D , plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 4.OOOE-02 4.OOOE-02 RTF( 1,1)

D-34 Cs-137+D , beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/kg)/(pCi/d) 3.OOOE-02 3.OOOE-02 RTF( 1,2)

D-34 Cs-137+D , milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/L)/(pCi/d) 8.OOOE-03 8.000E-03 RTF( 1,3)

D-5 Bioaccumulation factors, fresh water, L/kg:

D-5 Cs-137+D , fish 2.OOOE+03 2.OOOE+03 BIOFAC( 1,1)

D-5 Cs-137+D , crustacea and mollusks 1.000E+02 1.0OOE+02 BIOFAC( 1,2)

  1. For DCFI(xxx) only, factors are for infinite depth & area. See ETFG table in Ground Pathway of Detailed Report.


  • Base Case means Default.Lib w/o Associate Nuclide contributions.

Page 5 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 Tl Limit - 180 days 07/23/2008 09:46 Page 3 Summary Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 07-005 File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\03250801.RAD Site-Specific.Parameter Summary User Used by RESRAD I Parameter Parameter Input Default (If different from user input) Name i

R011 Area of contaminated zone (m**2) 1.860E+02 1.000E+04 -- AREA 5011 Thickness of contaminated zone (m) 7.600E-02 2.000E+00 I'THICKO Roll R011 Length parallel to aquifer flow (m) 1.OOOE+02 1.000E+02 LCZPAQ R011 Basic radiation dose limit (mrem/yr) 2.500E+01 3.000E+01 -~BRDL 5011 Time since placement of material (yr) O.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 -TI Roll Times for calculations (yr) 1.000E+00 1.OO0E+00 - -T( 2) 5011 Roll Times for calculations (yr) 3.000E+00 3.OOOE+00 T( 3)

Times for calculations (yr) 1.000E+03 1.000E+01 -T( 4)

Roll Times for calculations (yr) not used 3.000E+01 - -T( 5)

R011 R0ll Times for calculations (yr) not used 1.000E+02 T( 6)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) not used 3.OOOE+02 - -T( 7)

Roll R011 Times for calculations (yr) not used 1.000E+03 - -T( 8)

Roll Times for calculations (yr) not used 0.000E+00 - -T( 9)

Times for calculations .(yr) not used 0.OOOE+00 - -T(10) 7 R012 Initial principal radionuclide (pCi/g): Cs-13 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 SI(1)

SR012 Concentration in groundwater (pCi/L): Cs-137 not used 0.000E+00 Wl( 1)

R013 Cover depth (m) 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 COVERO R013 Density of cover material (g/cm**3) not used 1.500E+00 DENSCV R013 Cover depth erosion rate (m/yr) not used 1.000E-03 -- VCV R013 Density of contaminated zone (g/cm'*3) 1.500E+00 1.500E+00 DENSCZ Contaminated zone erosion rate (m/yr) 1.000E-03 1.000E-03 -- VCZ Contaminated zone total porosity 4.000E-01 4.000E-01 TPCZ R013 Contaminated zone field capacity 2.000E-01 2.OOOE-01 FCCZ R013 Contaminated zone hydraulic conductivity (m/yr) 1.000E+01 1.000E+01 -- HCCZ R013 Contaminated zone b parameter 5.300E+00 5.300E+00 -- BCZ R013 Average annual wind speed (m/sec) 2.000E+00 2.000E+00 WIND R013 Humidity in air (g/m**3) not used 8.000E+00 HUMID R013 Evapotranspiration coefficient 5.OOOE-01 5.000E-01 -- EVAPTR R013 Precipitation (m/yr) 1.000E+00 1.000E+00 PRECIP R013 Irrigation (m/yr) 2.000E-01 2.000E-01 RI R013 Irrigation mode overhead overhead IDITCH R013 Runoff coefficient 2.000E-01 2.000E-01 RUNOFF R013 Watershed area for nearby stream or pond (m**2) 1.000E+06 1.000E+06 WAREA R013 Accuracy for water/soil computations 1.000E-03 1.000E-03 - -EPS R014 Density of saturated zone (g/cm**3) 1.500E+00 1.500E+00 -- DENSAQ R014 Saturated zone total porosity 4.000E-01 4.000E-01 -- TPSZ R014 Saturated zone effective porosity 2.000E-01 2.000E-01 -- EPSZ R014 Saturated zone field capacity 2.000E-01 2.000E-01 -- FCSZ R014 Saturated zone hydraulic conductivity (m/yr) 1.000E+02 1.000E+02 HCSZ R014 Saturated zone hydraulic gradient 2.000E-02 2.OOOE-02 HGWT R014 Saturated zone b parameter 5.3D0E+00 5.300E+00 -BSZ Water table drop rate (m/yr) 1.000E-03 1.000E-03 -VwT Well pump intake depth (m below water table) 1.000E+01 1.000E+01 DWIBWT R014 Model: Nondispersion (ND) or Mass-Balance (MB) ND ND MODEL R014 Well pumping rate (m**3/yr) 2.500E+02 2.500E+02 UW 1 NS

  • 5 Number of unsaturated zone strata 1 Page 6 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 07/23/2008 09:46 Page 4 Summary : Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 07-005 File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\03250801.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

User I Used by RESRAD Parameter Parameter Input Default I (If different from user input) Name R015 Unsat. zone 1, thickness (m) 4.OOOE+00 4. 000E+00 H(1)

RO15 Unsat. zone 1, soil density (g/cm**3) 1.500E+00 1. 500E+00 DENSUZ(1)

R015 Unsat. zone 1, total porosity 4.OOOE-01 4.000E-01 TPUZ (1)

R015 Unsat. zone 1, effective porosity 2.000E-01 2. 000E-01 EPUZ (1)

R015 Unsat. zone 1, field capacity 2.000E-01 2. 0OOE-01 FCUZ (1)

R015 Unsat. zone 1, soil-specific b parameter 5.300E+00 5.300E+00 BUZ (1)

R015 Unsat. zone 1, hydraulic conductivity (m/yr) 1.000E+01 1. 000E+01 HCUZ (1)

R016 Distribution coefficients for Cs-137 R016 Contaminated zone (cm-*3/g) 4.600E+03 4.600E+03 DCNUCC( 1)

R016 Unsaturated zone 1 (cm**3/g) 4.600E+03 4. 600E+03 DCNUCU(

R016 Saturated zone (cm**3/g) I.OOOE+03 4.600E+03 DCNUCS( 1)

R016 Leach rate (/yr) 0.000E+00 0. OOOE+00 9.534E-04 ALEACH( 1)

R016 Solubility constant 0.000E+00 0. OOOE+00 not used SOLUBK( 1)

RO 17 Inhalation rate (m**3/yr) 8.400E+03 8.400E+03 INHALR R017 Mass loading for inhalation (g/m**3) 1.OOOE-04 1. OOOE-04 MLINH R017 Exposure duration 3.000E+01 3. OOOE+01 ED RO 17 Shielding factor, inhalation 4.000E-01 4. 000E-01 SHF3 R017 Shielding factor, external- gamma 7.000E-01 7.OOE-01 SHFI R017 Fraction of time spent indoors 0.000E+00 5.000E-01 FIND R017 Fraction of time spent outdoors (on site) 1.400E-02 2.500E-01 FOTD Shape factor flag, external gamma 1.000E+00 1. 000E+00 >0 shows circular AREA. FS Radii of shape factor ar;ay (used if FS = -I):

R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 1: not used 5. OOE+01 RADSHAPE) 1)

R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 2: not used 7. 071E+01 RAD SHAPE) 2)

R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 3: not used 0. 000E+D0 RAD SHAPE) 3)

R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 4: not used 0. OOOE+00 RADSHAPE) 4)

RO 17 Outer annular radius (m), ring 5: not used 0. 000E+00 RAD SHAPE( 5)

R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 6: not used 0. 000E+00 HADSHAPE) 6)

R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 7: not used 0. 000E+00 RAD SHAPE) 7)

R017 Outer annular radius Cm), ring 8: not used 0. OOOE+00 HADSHAPE) 8)

R017 Outer annular radius Cm), ring 9: not used 0.000E+00 RAD SHAPE) 9)

Outer annular radius (m), ring 10: not used 0.OOOE+00 HADSHAPE(l0)

Outer annular radius Cm), ring 11: not used 0. 000E+00 HADSHAPE (Ii)

R01.7 Outer annular radius (m), ring 12: not used 0.OOE+00 HAD SHAPE(12)

Page 7 of 254

4 RESRAD, Version 6.4 T i Limit = 180 days 07/23/2008 09:46 Page 5 Summary Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 07-005 File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\03250801.PRAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued) 0 Menu Parameter User Input Default (If Used by RESRAD different from user input)

Parameter Name


R0 17 Fractions of annular areas within AREA:

R017 Ring 1 no t used 1.000E+00 FRACA I)

R017 Ring 2 nost used 2.732E-01 FRACA) 2)

R017 Ring 3 no t used 0.OOOE+00 FRACA 3)

R017 Ring 4 no t used 0.000E+00 FRACA( 4)

R017 Ring 5 nost used 0.000E+00 FRACA( 5)

R017 Ring 6 no t used 0.OOOE+00 FRACA 6)

Ring 7 no t used 0.000E+00 FRACA( 7)

R017 Ring 8 nost used 0.000E+00 FRACA( 8)

R017 9 no t used 0.OOOE+00 FRACA 9)

P017 Ring Ring 10 no t used 0.000E+00 FRACA (10)

R017 Ring 11 nost used 0.000E+00 FRACA(11)

R017 Ring 12 no t used 0.000E+00 FRACA(12)

R017 (kg/yr) n. 600E+02 1.600E+02 DIET(1)

R018 Fruits, vegetables and grain consumption

n. 400E+01 1.400E+01 DIET (2)

R018 Leafy vegetable consumption (kg/yr) no t used 9.200E+01 DIET (3)

R018 Milk consumption (L/yr)

(kg/yr) no t used 6.300E+01 DIET (4)

R018 Meat and poultry consumption no t used 5.400E+00 DIET(5)

R018 Fish consumption (kg/yr)

(kg/yr) no t used 9.000E-01 DIET (6)

R018 Other seafood consumption 650E+01 3.650E+01 SOIL R018 Soil ingestion rate )g/yr) no t used 5.100E+02 DWI R018 Drinking water intake (L/yr) no t used 1.000E+00 FDW Contamination fraction of drinking water no it used 1.OOOE+00 FHHW Contamination fraction of household water noit used 1.000E+00 FLW R018 Contamination fraction of livestock water

1. OOOE+00 1.OOOE+00 FIRW R018 Contamination fraction of irrigation water noit used 5.OOOE-01 FR9 R018 Contamination fraction of aquatic food
5. OO0E-01 1-i FPLANT R018 Contamination fraction of plant food R018 Contamination fraction of meat noit used I-I FMEAT noit used 1-1 FMILK R018 Contamination fraction of milk noit used 6.800E+01 LFI5 R019 Livestock fodder intake for meat (kg/day) ncit used 5.500E+01 LFI6 R019 Livestock fodder intake for milk (kg/day) noit used 5.000E+01 LWI5 R019 Livestock water intake for meat (L/day) noit used 1.600E+02 LWI6 R019 Livestock water intake for milk (L/day) it used 5.OOOE-01 LSI R019 Livestock soil intake (kg/day) no DOOE-04 1.000E-04 MLFD R019 Mass loading for foliar deposition (g/m**3)
1. 500E-01 1.500E-01. DM R019 Depth of soil mixing layer (m)
9. OODE-01 9.OOOE-01 DROOT R019 Depth of roots (m) noit used 1.000E+00 FGWDW R019 Drinking water fraction from ground water no t used 1.000E+00 FGWHH R019 Household water fraction from ground water
1. )t used no 1.000E+00 FGWLW R019 Livestock water fraction from ground water
1. .OOOE+00 1.OOOE+00 FGWIR R019 Irrigation fraction from ground water
7. .OOE-01 7.000E-01 YV(1)

Wet weight crop yield for Non-Leafy (kg/m**2)

1. .500E+00 1.500E+00 YV(2)

Wet weight crop yield for Leafy (kg/m**2) no)t used 1.100E+00 YV(3)

Wet weight crop yield for Fodder (kg/m"*2)

1. .700E-01 1.700E-01 TE(1)

Growing Season for Non-Leafy (years)

2. .500E-01 2.500E-01 TE (2)

Growing Season for Leafy (years) ot used 8.OOOE-02 TE (3)

Growing Season for Fodder (years)

Page 8 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 TV Limit = 180 days 07/23/2008 09:46 Page 6 Summary Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 07-005 File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\03250801.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

User Used by RESRAD Parameter e

menuI Parameter Input Default (If different from user input) Name I

RI9B Translocation Factor for Non-Leafy 1.OOOE-01 1.OOOE-01 TIV(l)

R19B Translocation Factor for Leafy 1.OOOE+00 1.000E+00 TIV(2)

R19B Translocation Factor for Fodder not used 1.000E+00 TIV(3)

R19B RDRY(1)

RI9B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Non -Lea f ii 2t500E-01 2.500E-01 Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Lea fy 2.500E-01 2.500E-01 RDRY(2)

R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Fod [der not used 2.500E-01 RDRY(3)

RI9B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction'for Non -Lea.f 91 2.500E-01 2.500E-01 RWET(1)

R19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Lea fy 2.500E-01 2.500E-01 RWET(2)

R19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Fodde r not used 2.500E RWET(3)

R19B Weathering Removal Constant for Vegetatio n 2.000E+01 2.000E+01 WLAM C14 C-12 concentration in water (g/cm**3) not used 2.000E-05 C12WTR C14 C-12 concentration in contaminated soil (g/g) not used 3.000E-02 C12CZ C14 Fraction of vegetation carbon from soil not used 2.000E-02 CSOIL C14 Fraction of vegetation carbon from air not used 9.800E-01 CAIR C14 C-14 evasion layer thickness in soil (m) not used 3.OOOE-01 DMC C14 C-14 evasion flux rate from soil (1/sec) not used 7.OOOE-07 EVSN C14 C-12 evasion flux rate from soil (1/sec) not used 1.000E-10 REVSN C14 Fraction of grain in beef cattle feed not used 8.000E-01 AVFG4 C14 Fraction of grain in milk cow feed not used 2.OOOE-01 AVFG5 0 STOR Storage times of contaminated foodstuffs Fruits, non-leafy vegetables, Leafy vegetables and grain (day s) 1.400E+01 1.OOOE+00 1.400E+01 1.000E+00 STOR T(l)


STOR Milk 1.000E+00 1.000E+00 STOR T(3) sToR 2.000E+01 2.OOOE+01 STOR T(4)

Meat and poultry STOR Fish 7.OOOE+00 7.OOOE+00 STOR T(5)

STOR Crustacea and mollusks 7.000E+00 7.000E+00 STOR T(6)

STOR Well water 1.000E+00 1,000E+00, STOR T(7)

STOR Surface water 1.000E+00 1.000E+00 STOR T(8)

STOR Livestock fodder 4.500E+01 4.500E+01 STOR'T(9)

I R021 Thickness of building foundation (m) not used 1.500E-01 FLOORI R021 Bulk density of building foundation (g/cm**3) not used 2.400E+00 DENSFL R021 not used 4.000E-01 TPCV Total porosity of the cover material R021 Totallporosity of the building foundation not used 1.OOOE-01 TPFL R021 Volumetric water content of the cover material not used 5.OOOE-02 PH20CV R021 Volumetric water content of the foundation not used 3.OOOE-02 PH2OFL R021 Diffusion coefficient for radon gas (m/sec):

R021 in cover material not used 2.OOOE-06 DIFCV R021 in foundation material not used 3.000E-07 DIFFL R021 not used 2.000E-06 DIFCZ in contaminated zone soil R021 Radon vertical dimension of mixing (m) not used 2.000E+00 HMIX R021 not used 5.000E-01 REXG Average building air exchange rate (1/hr) 0 Height of the building (room)

Building interior area factor (m) not used not used 2.500E+00 0.OOOE+00 HRM FAI R021 not used j-1.000E+00 DNFL1 Building depth below ground surface (m)

R021 not used 2.500E-01 SEMAN(1)

Emanating power of Rn-222 gas not used 1.500E-01 EMANA (2) is21 Emanating power of Rn-220 gas TITL 32 NPTS:

Number of graphical time points Page 9 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 Ti Limit = 180 days 07/23/2008 09:46 Page Summary Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 07-005 File  : C:\RESPADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\03250801.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

S Menu I

Parameter II I

User Input Default I

I (If Used by RESRAD different from user input) I Parameter Name TITL Maximum number of integration points for dose 17 --- I --- LYMAX TITL Maximum number of integration points for risk 1 --- KYMAX Summary of Pathway Selections Pathway User Selection 1 -- external gamma active don) 2 -- inhalation (w/o ra don) active 3 -- plant ingestion active 4 -- meat ingestion suppressed 5 -- milk ingestion suppressed 6 -- aquatic foods suppressed 7 -- drinking water suppressed 8 -- soil ingestion active 9 -- radon suppressed Find peak pathway doses active Page 10 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 07/23/2008 09:46 Page 8 Summary  : Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 07-005 File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\03250801.RAD Contaminated Zone Dimensions Initial Soil Concentrations, pCi/g Area: 186.00 square meters Cs-137 1.OOOE+00 Thickness: 0.08 meters Cover Depth: 0.00 meters Total Dose TDOSE(t), mrem/yr Basic Radiation Dose Limit = 2.500E+01 mrem/yr Total Mixture Sum M(t) = Fraction of Basic Dose Limit Received at Time (t) t (years): 0.OOOE+00 1.OOOE+00 3.OOOE+00 1.OOOE+03 TDOSE(t): 4.000E-02 3.867E-02 3.613E-02 0.OOOE+00 M(t): 1.600E-03 2.547E-03 1.445E-03 0.OOOE+00 Maximum TDOSE(t): 4.000E-02 mrem/yr at t = 0.000E+00 years Page 11 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T&* Limit = 180 days 07/23/2008 09:46 Page 9 Summary Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 07-005 File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\03250801.RAD Total Dose Contributions TDOSE(i,p,t) for Individual Radionuclides (i) and Pathways (p)

As mrem/yr and Fraction of Total Dose At t = 0.OOOE+00 years Water Independent Pathways (Inhalation excludes radon)

Ground Inhalation Radon Plant Meat Milk Soil Radio-Nuclide . mem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract.

Cs-137 2.556E-02 0.6391 2.083E-08 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 1.443E-02 0.3608 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.000E+00 0.0000 2.364E-06 0.0001 Total 2.556E-02 0.6391 2.083E-08 0.0000 0.000E+00 0.0000 1.443E-02 0.3608 O.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.000E+00 0.0000 2.364E-06 0.0001 Total Dose Contributions TDOSE(i,p,t) for Individual Radionuclides (i) and Pathways (p)

As intem/yr and Fraction of Total Dose At t = 0.000E+00 years Water Dependent Pathways Water Fish Radon Plant .. Meat Milk All Pathways*

Radio-Nuclide mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mreml/yr fract. m.rem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract.

Cs-137 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.000E+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 4.OOOE-02 1.0000 Total 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.000E+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 4.OOOE-02 1.0000

9. of all water independent and dependent pathways.

Page 12 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T&% Limit = 180 days 07/28/2008 08:58 Page 2 Concent : Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 07-005 File  : C:\RESRADFAmILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\03250801.RAD Concentration of radionuclides in environmental media at t - C.000E+00 years Contaminat- Surface Air Par- Well Surface ted Zone Soil* ticulate Water Water Radio-Nuclide pCi/g pCi/g pCi/m**3 pCi/L pCi/L Cs-137 1.OOOE+00 5.067E-01 5.656E-06 0.000E+00 0.OOOE+00

  • The Surface Soil is the top layer of soil within the user specified mixing zone/depth.

Concentrations in the media occurring in pathways that are suppressed are calculated using the current input parameters, i.e. using parameters appearing in the input screen when the pathways are active.

Concentration of radionuclides in foodstuff media at t = 0.000E+00 years' Drinking Nonleafy Leafy Fodder Fodder Meat Milk Fish Crustacea Water Vegetable Vegetable Meat Milk Radio-Nuclide pCi/L pCi/kg pCi/kg pCi/kg pCi/kg pCi/kg pCi/L pCi/kg pCi/kg Cs-137 0.OOOE+00 3.378E+00 3.379E+00 3.379E+00 3.379E+00 1.449E+01 3.514E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00

  • Concentrations are at consumption time and include radioactive decay and ingrowth during storage time.

r livestock fodder, consumption time is t minus meat or milk storage time.

Concentrations in the media occurring in pathways that are suppressed are calculated using the current input parameters, i.e. using parameters appearing in the input screen when the pathways are active.

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 08/04/2008 14:14 Page Probabilistic results summary : Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 07-005 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\03250801.RAD Table of Contents Part VI: Uncertainty Analysis RESRAD Uncertainty Analysis Results Probabilistic Input ................................... 2 Total Dose .... ......................................... 3 Total Risk .... ......................................... 4 Dose vs Pathway: Ground External ..................... 5 Dose vs Pathway: Inhalation (w/o Radon) ............ 6 Dose vs Pathway: Radon (Water Ind.) ................ 7 Dose vs Pathway: Plant (Water Ind.) ................ 8 Dose vs Pathway: Meat (Water Ind.) ................ 9 Dose vs Pathway: Milk (Water Ind.) ................. 10 Dose vs Pathway: Soil Ingestion ...................... 11 Dose vs Pathway: Water Ingestion ..................... 12 Dose vs Pathway: Fish Ingestion ...................... 13 Dose vs Pathway: Radon (Water Dep.) ................ 14 Dose vs Pathway: Plant (Water Dep.) . .............. 15

,Dose vs Pathway: Meat (Water Dep.) ................ 16 Dose vs Pathway: Milk (Water Dep.) ................ 17 Cumulative Probability Summary ....................... 18 Summary of dose at graphical times, reptition 1 ..... 19 Summary of dose at graphical times, reptition 2 ..... 20 Summary of dose at graphical times, reptition 3 ..... 21 Peak of the mean dose at graphical times:............. 22 Correlation and Regression coefficients (if any) ..... 23 Page 14 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4t Limit = 180 days 08/04/2008 14:14 Page 2 Probabilistic results-summary  ; Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 07-005 File  : C:\RESRAD_FAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\03250801.RAD Probabilistic Input

.Number er of Sample Runs:

Name 300 Distribution Parameters 1 FOTD NORMAL .014 .014 2 AREA TRIANGULAR 100 186 1000 3 THICKO NORMAL .076 .076 4 FPLANT NORMAL .5 .5 5 DCACTC(1) TRIANGULAR 50 4600 80000 6 DCACTOI(1) LOGNORMAL 4600 3 7 DCACTS(1) LOGNORMAL 4600 3 8 LCZPAQ TRIANGULAR 10 14 200 Page 15 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T&ILimit = 180 days 08/04/2008 14:14 Page 3 Probabilistic results summary : Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 07-005 File : C:\RESRAD FAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRF OFF-SITE\03250801.RAD Probabilistic Total Dose Sunmmary Peak Peak DOSE(j,t), mrem/yr

  • lide (J) Time Dose t= 0.OOE+00 1.OOE+00 3.OOE+00 1.OOE+03 Cs-137 Min 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 Max 0. OOE+00 2.13E-01 2. 13E-01 2. OBE-01 1. 97E-01 0. OOE+00 Avg 0. OOE+00 4.23E-02 4 .23E-02 4. 1OE-02 3.84E-02 0. OOE+00 Std 0.00E+00 4 . lOE-02 4. lOE-02 4.OOE-02 3.79E-02 0. 00E+00 Min 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. 60E+00 0. OOE+00 Max 0. OOE+00 2.13E-01 2. 13E-01 2. OBE-01 1.97E-01 0. OOE+00 Avg 0. OOE+00 4. 23E-02 4.23E-02 4. IOE-02 3-.84E-02 0. OOE+00 Std 0. 0OE+00 4. 1OE-02 4. 1OE-02 4. OOE-02 3.79E-02 0. OOE+00 EALL is total dose summed for all nuclides.

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 Ti Limit = 180 days 08/04/2008 14:14 Page 4 Probabilistic results summary : Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 07-005 File ; C:\RESRAD FAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRF OFF-SITE\03250801.RAD Probabilistic Risk Summary RISK(jt) 6lide (j) t= 0.OOE+00 1.00E+00 3.O0E+00 1.OOE+03 Cs-137 Min 0.00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 Max 4.84E-06 4.72E-06 4.48E-06 0. OOE+00 Avg 9.62E-07 9. 32E-07 8. 75E-07 0. OOE+00 Std 9. 31E-07 9. 08E-07 8.61E-07 0.00E+00 Min 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 Max 4.84E-06 4.72E-06 4.48E-06 0.OOE+00 Avg 9.62E-07 9.32E-07 8.75E-07 0.00E+00 Std 9.31E-07 9.08E-07 8.61E-07 0.OOE+00 EALL is total risk summed for all nuclides.

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 Ts Limit = 180 days 07/23/2008 11:55 Page Summary  : Brookside Resident Scenario for TBD 07-005 Mod A File  : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\06030801.RAD Table of Contents

  • art I: Mixture Sums and Single Radionuclide Guidelines Dose Conversion Factor (and Related) Parameter Summary ... 2 Site-Specific Parameter Summary ............................ 3 Summary of Pathway Selections ............................. 7 Contaminated Zone and Total Dose Summary ................... 8 Total Dose Components Time = 0.OOSE+00 .... ................................... 9 Time = 1.000E+00 ... .................................... 10 Time = 3.000E+00 ... .................................... 11 Dose/Source Ratios Summed Over All Pathways .............. 12 Single Radionuclide Soil Guidelines ...................... 12 Dose Per Nuclide Summed Over All Pathways ................ 13 Soil Concentration Per Nuclide ............................. 13 Page 18 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 Ti Limit = 180 days 07/23/2008 11:55 Page 2 Summary : Brookside Resident Scenario for TBD 07-005 Mod A File C:\RESRADPAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\06030801.RAD Dose Conversion Factor (and Related) Parameter Summary Dose Library: FGR 11 current Base Paramete.r Menu Parameter Ir Value#~ Case* Name A-i DCF's for external ground radiation, (mrem/yr)/(pCi/g)

A-I Ba-137m (Source: FGR 12) 3.606E+00 3.606E+00 DCFI( 1)

A-I Cs-137 (Source: FGR 12) 7.510E-04 7.510E-04 DCFI( 2)

B-I Dose conversion factors for inhalation, mrem/pCi:

B-I Cs-137+D 3.190E:-05 3.190E-05 DCF2( 1)

D-1 Dose conversion factors for ingestion, mrem/pCi:

7 D-1 Cs-13 +D 5.0O0E-05 5.OOE-05 DCF3( 1)

D-34 Food transfer factors:

D-34 Cs-137+D , plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 4.OOOE-02 4.0O0E-02 RTF( 1,1I) 3.OOE-02 RTF( 1,2


D-34 Cs-137+D , beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/kg)/(pCi/d) 3.OOOF-02 1,3.


D-34 Cs-137+D , milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/L)/(pCi/d) 8.000E-03 8.0DOE-03 RTF(

0-5 Bioaccumulation factors, fresh water, L/kg:

D-5 Cs-137+D , fish 2.OOOE+03 2.O00E+03 BIOFAC( 1, 1)

D-5 Cs-137+D , crustacea and mollusks 1.OOOE+.02 1.000E+02 BIOFAC( 1,2)

  1. For DCFI(xxx) only, factors are for infinite depth & area. See ETFG table in Ground Pathway of Detailed Report.
  • Base Case means Default.Lib w/o Associate Nuclide contributions Page 19 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 07/23/200, 11:55 Page 3 Summary Brookside Resident Scenario for TBD 07-005 Mod A File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\06030801.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Susmmary User Used by RES RAD Parameeter Parameter Input Default (If different from user input) Name

+ +

2 1.860E+02 R011 Area of contaminated zone (m** ) 1. OOOE+D4,1 AREA R011 Thickness of contaminated zone (m) 7.600E-02 2.OOOE+00 THICKO R011 Length parallel to aquifer flow (m) not used 1.000E+02 LCZPAQ R011 Basic radiation dose limit (mrem/yr) 2.500E+01 3.OOOE+01 BRDL R011 Time since placement of material (yr) 0.0OOE+00 D.000E+00 TI R011 Times for calculations (yr) 1.000E+00 1.ODDE+00 T( 2)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) 3.OOOE+00 3.OOOE+0O T( 3)

Roll not used 1. OQDE+0l T( 4)

Times for calculations (yr)

R011 not used T( 5)

Times for calculations (yr) 3.OOOE+01 R011 not used 1.OOOE+02 T( 6)

Times for calculations (yr)

R011 not used 3. 000 E+02 T( 7)

Times for calculations (yr)

R011 not used 1.000E+03 T( 8)

Times for calculations (yr)

R011 not used T( 9)

Times for calculations (yr) 0.OOOE+00 R011 not used T(10)

Times for calculations (yr) 0.OODE+00 R012 Initial principal radionuclide (pCi/g): Cs-137 1.000E+00 ,D.000E+00 Sl(1) not used 0.OOOE+O0 Wli 1)

R012 Concentration in groundwater (pCi/L): Cs-137 R013 0.000E+00 0.OOOE+00 COVER0 Cover depth (m)

R013 Density of cover material (g/cm**3) not used 1.500E+00 DENSCV R013 not used 1.OOOE-03 VCV Cover depth erosion rate (m/yr)

R013 1.500E+00 1.500E+00 DENSCZ Density of contaminated zone (g/cm**3)

Contaminated zone erosion rate (m/yr) 1.000E-03 1.O00E-03 VCZ RD013 4.000E-01 4.OOOE-01 TPCZ Contaminated zone total porosity R013 Contaminated zone field capacity 2.0OOE-01 2. OOOE-01 FCCZ 1.000E+01 HCCZ R013 Contaminated zone hydraulic conductivity (m/yr) 5.300E+00 5.300E+00 BCZ R013 Contaminated zone b parameter 2.0OOE+00 2 .OOE+00 WIND R013 Average annual wind speed (m/sec)

R013 Humidity in air (g/m**3) not used 8 .OOOE+00 HUMID 5.000E-01 5.OOOE-01 EVAPTR R013 Evapotranspiration coefficient (m/yr) 1.000E+00 1.OOOE+00 PRECIP R013 Precipitation R013 Irrigation (m/yr) 2.0O0E-01 2.0001E-01 RI R013 overhead overhead IDITCH Irrigation mode 2.000E-01 2.DOOE-0l RUNOFF R013 Runoff coefficient not used 1.DODE+06 WAREA R013 Watershed area for nearby stream or pond (m**2)

R013 notused 1.000E-03 EPS Accuracy for water/soil computations Density of saturated zone (g/cm**3) not used 1.500E+00 DENSAQ R014 not used TPSZ R014 Saturated zone total porosity 4.DOOE-01 not used 2.OOOE-0l EPSZ R014 Saturated zone effective porosity not used 2.00OE-01 FCSZ Saturated zone field capacity not used 1.DDDE+02 HCSZ R014 Saturated zone hydraulic conductivity (m/yr) not used 2.OOOE-02 HGWT R014 Saturated zone hydraulic gradient not used 5.300E+00 BSZ R014 Saturated zone b parameter not used 1.DODE-03 VaT Water table drop rate (m/yr) not used l.DODE+D1 DWIBWT Well pump intake depth (m below water table) not used ND MODEL R014 Model: Nondispersion (ND) or Mass-Balance (MB) not used 2.500E+02 UW R014 Well pumping rate (m**3/yr) not used NS

@015 Number of unsaturated zone strata Page 20 of 254

RESRA13, Version 6.4 T1/2 Limit = 180 days 07/23/2008 11:55 Page 4 Summary Brookside Resident Scenario for TBD 07-005 Mod A File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\06030801.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

  • I User Used by RESRAD Parameter menuI Parameter Input Default (If different from usex input) I Name I

R015 Unsat. zone 1, thickness (m) noot used 44.OOOE+00 H 1(l)

R015 Unsat. zone 1, soil density (g/cm**3) no t used 11.500E+00 IDENSUZ(1(

R015 Unsat. zone 1, total porosity noot used 44.OOE-01 TPUZ(l(

R015 Unsat. zone 1, effective porosity noot used 2 OOOE-0I IEPUZ(1(

.OOOE-01 R015 Unsat. zone 1, field capacity no t used 22.000E-01 IFCUZ(1)

R015 Unsat. zone 1, soil-specific b parameter noit used 300E+00 IBUZ(l)

R015 Unsat. zone i, hydraulic conductivity (m/yr) noit used OOOE+01 IHCUZ(l(

R016 Distribution coefficients for Cs-137 R016 Contaminated zone (cm**3/g) 4. 600E+03 4 .600E+03 DCNUCC( 1)

R016 Unsaturated zone 1 (cm**3/g) noit used 4 .600E+03 DCNUCU( 1,1)

R016 Saturated zone (cm**3/g) noot used 4 .600E+03 DCNUCS( 1)

R016 0. 000E+00 0 .OOOE+00 9. 534E-04 ALEACH( 1)

Leach rate (/yr)

R016 Solubility constant 0. O00E+00 0 .OOOE+00 not used SOLUBK( 1)

R017 Inhalation rate (m**3/yr) 400E+03 8 .400E+03 INHALR RO017 Mass loading for inhalation (g/m**3) OOOE-04 .OOOE-04 MLINH 3.

R017 Exposure duration OOOE+01 3 .000E+01 ED R017 Shielding factor, inhalation 4. QOOE-0 I 4 .000E-01 SHF3 R017 Shielding factor, external gamma 7. OOOE-01 7 .000E-01 SHFl R017 Fraction of time spent indoors 1.230E-01 5 .OOOE-01 FIND R017 9. OOOE-03 2 .500E-01 FOTD Fraction of time spent outdoors (on site) 1.OOOE+00 1 .OOOE+00 >0 shows circular AREA. FS Shape factor flag, external gamma P017 Radii of shape factor array (used if FS = -1):

P07 Outer annular radius (W) ring 1: not used 5.OOOE+01 RADSHAPE) 1)

RO017 Outer annular radius (W) ring 2: not used 7. 07 1E+01 RADSHAPE) 2)

RO017 Outer annular radius (W) ring 3: not used 0. 00OE+00 RADSHAPE) 3)

RO017 Outer annular radius (W) ring 4: not used 0.OOOE+00 RADSHAPE) 4)

R017 Outer annular radius (W) ring 5: not used 0. OOOE+00 PADSHAPE) 5)

P0 17 Outer annular radius (W) ring 6: not used 0. OOOE+00 PADSHAPE) 6)

R017 Outer annular radius (W) ring 7: not used 0. OOOE+00 PADSHAPE) 7)

,R017 R017 Outer annular radius (W) ring 8: not used 0. 000E+00 RADSHAPE) 8)

R0 17 R017 Outer annular radius (W) ring 9: not used 0.OOOE+00 PADSHAPE) 9)

R017 Outer annular radius (W) ring 10: not used 0. OOOE+00 PADSHAPE(l0)

Outer annular radius (s), ring 11: not used 0. 000E+00 PADSHAPE(11)

Outer annular radius (s), ring 12: not used 0.OOOE+00 PADSHAPE(12)

Page 21 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T1/2 Limit = 180 days 07/23/2008 11:55 Page 5 Summary : Brookside Resident Scenario for TBD 07-005 Mod A File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\06030801.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

0. User Used by RESRAD Parameter Menu Parameter ) Input Default (If different from user input) Name R017 Fractions of annular areas within AREA: I R017 Ring 1 j not used 1.000E+00 --- FRACA( 1)

R01 Ring 2 not used 2.732E-01 --- FRACA( 2)

R017 Ring 3 .1 not used 0.000E+00 --- FRACA( 3)

R01? Ring 4 not used 0.OOOE+00 --- FRACA( 4)

R017 Ring 5 not used 0.000E+00 --- FRACA( 5)

R017 Ring 6 not used 0.OOOE+00 --- FRACA( 6)

R017 Ring 7 not used O.OOOE+00 --- FRACA( 7)

R017 Ring 8 not used O.OOOE+00 --- FRACA( 8)

ROY1 Ring 9 not used O.OOOE+00 --- FRACA( 9)

R01 Ring 10 not used O.OOOE+00 --- FRACA(10)

R01 Ring 11 not used O.OOOE+00 --- FRACA(11)

R01 Ring 12 not used O.OOOE+00 --- FRACA(12)

R018 Fruits, vegetables and grain consumption (kg/yr) not used 1.600E+02 --- DIET(1)

R018 Leafy vegetable consumption (kg/yr) not used 1.400E+01 --- DIET(2)

R018 Milk consumption (L/yr) not used 9.200E+01 --- DIET(3)

R018 Meat and poultry consumption (kg/yr) not used 6.300E+01 --- DIET(4)

R018 Fish consumption (kg/yr) not used 5.400E+00 --- DIET(5)

R018 Other seafood consumption (kg/yr) not used 9.OOOE-01 --- DIET(6)

R018 Soil ingestion rate (g/yr) 3.650E+01 3.650E+01 j-SOIL R018 Drinking water intake (L/yr) not used 5.100E+02 --- DWI Contamination fraction of drinking water not used 1.000E+00 --- FDW Contamination fraction of household water not used 1.000E+00 --- FHW R018 Contamination fraction of livestock water not used 1.000E+00 --- FLW R018 Contamination fraction of irrigation water not used 1.000E+00 --- FIRW R018 Contamination fraction of aquatic food not used 5.OOOE-01 --- FR9 R018 Contamination fraction of plant food not used -1 --- FPLANT R018 Contamination fraction of meat not used -I --- FMEAT R018 Contamination fraction of milk not used -1 --- FMILK R019 Livestock fodder intake for meat (kg/day) not used 6.800E+01 --- LFI5 R019 Livestock fodder intake for milk (kg/day) not used 5.500E+01 --- LF16 R019 Livestock water intake for meat CL/day) not used 5.000E+01 --- LWI5 R019 Livestock water intake for milk (L/day) not used 1.600E+02 --- LWI6 R019 Livestock soil intake (kg/day) not used 5.000E-01 ISIL--

R019 Mass loading for foliar deposition (g/m**3) not used 1.OOOE-04 --- MLFD R019 Depth of soil mixing layer (m) 1.500E-01 1.500E-01 --- DM R019 1 Depth of roots (m) not used 9.000E-01 DROOT R019 Drinking water fraction from ground water not used 1.000E+00 --- FGWDW RO1 Household water fraction from ground water not used 1.000E+00 --- FGWHH R019 Livestock water fraction from ground water not used 1.OOOE+00 --- FGWLW R019 Irrigation fraction from ground water not used 1.OOOE+00 FGWIR wet weight crop yield for Non-Leafy (kg/m**2) not used 7.000E-01 YV(1)

Wet weight crop yield for Leafy (kg/m**2) not used 1.500E+00 --- YV(2)

R191 Wet weight crop yield for Fodder (kg/m**2) not used I 1.100E+00 --- YV(3) rR199 191 290 Growing Season for Growing Season for Growing Season for Non-Leafy (years)

Leafyý Fodder (years)

(years) not used not used not used 1.700E-01 j2.500E-01 8.000E-02 TE(l)



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RESRAD, Version 6.4 T11 Limit = 180 days 07/23/2008 11:55 Page 6 Summary Brookside Resident Scenario for TBD 07-005 Mod A File  : C:\RESRAD_FAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRF_OFF-SITE\06030801.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

User Used by RESRAD Parameter 0Menu Parameter Input Default (If different from user input) Name R19B Translocation Factor for Non-Leafy not used 1.OOOE-01 TIV (l)

R19B Translocation Factor for Leafy not used I.1.OOOE+00 TIV(2)

R19B Translocation Factor for Fodder not used 1.OOOE+00 TIV (3)

R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Non-Leafy not used 2.500E-01 RDRY (1 R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Leafy not used 2.500E-01 RDRY (2 R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Fodder not used 2.500E-01 RDRY (3 R19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Non-Leafy not used 2.500E-01 RWET (I R19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Leafy not used 2.500E-01 RWET (2 R19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Fodder not used 2.500E-01 RWET (3 R19B Weathering Removal Constant for Vegetation not used 2.OOE+01 WLAM -

C14 C-12 concentration in water (g/cm**3) not used 2.000E-05 C12WTR C14 C-12 concentration in contaminated soil (g/g) not used 3.000E-02 CI2CZ C14 Fraction of vegetation carbon from soil' not used 2.OOOE-02 CSOIL C14 Fraction of vegetation carbon from air not used 9.800E-01 CAIR C14 C-14 evasion layer thickness in soil (m) not used 3.OOOE-01 DMC C14 C-14 evasion flux rate from soil (1/sec) not used 7.OOOE-07 EVSN C14 C-12 evasion flux rate from soil (1/sec) not used ].000E-10 REVSN C14 Fraction of grain in beef cattle feed not used 8.000E-01 AVFG4 C14 Fraction of grain in milk cow feed not used 2.OOOE-01 AVFG5 STOR Storage times of contaminated foodstuffs (days):

Fruits, non-leafy vegetables, and grain 1.400OE+01 1.400E+01 STOR_T (i)

Leafy vegetables 1.0) O0E+00 1.OOOE+00 STOR_T (2)

STOR Milk 1.000OE+00 1.0OOE+00 STORT (3)

STOR Meat and poultry 2.000OE+01 2.OOOE+01 STORT (4)

STOR STORT Fish 7.000OE+00 7.OOOE+00 (5)

STOR (6)

Crustacea and mollusks 7.000OE+00 7.OOOE+00 STORT STOR Well water 1.0)0OE+00 1.OOOE+00. STORT (7)

STOR STORT Surface water 1.000OE+00 1.000E+00 (8)

STOR Livestock fodder 4.5)0OE+01 4.500E+01 STORT (9)

R021 Thickness of building foundation (m) not used 1.500E-01 FLOOR1 R021 Bulk density of building foundation (g/cm*3) not used 2.400E+00 DENSFL R021 Total porosity of the cover material not used 4.000E-01 TPCV R021 Total porosity of the building foundation not used 1.OOOE-01 TPFL R021 Volumetric water content of the cover material not used 5.000E-02 PH2OCV R021 Volumetric water content of the foundation not used 3.OOOE-02 PH20FL R021 Diffusion coefficient for radon gas (m/sec):

R021 in cover material not used 2.OOOE-06 DIFCV R021 not used DIFFL in foundation material 3.OOOE-07 R021 DIFCZ in contaminated zone soil not used 2.000E-06 R021 not used 2.OOOE+00 HMIX Radon vertical dimension of mixing (m)

R021 Average building air exchange rate (1/hr) not used 5.OOOE-01 REXG Height of the building (room) (m) not used 2.500E+00 HRM Building interior area factor not used 0.000E+00 FAI Building depth below ground surface (m) not used 1-1.OOE+00 DMFL R021 not used 2.500E-01 EMANA(: 1)

Emanating power of Rn-222 gas

. 021 Emanating power of Rn-220 gas not used 1.500E-01 EMANA ( (C TITL Number of graphical time points 32 NPTS Page 23 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 TiS Limit = 180 days 07/23/2008 11:55 Page ) 7 Summary  : Brookside Resident Scenario for TBD 07-005,Mod A File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\06030801.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

User I Used by RESRAD I Parameter Menu Parameter I Input Default I (If different from user input) j Name I I II TITL Maximum number of integration points for dose 17 --- r LYMAX TITL j Maximum number of integration points for risk 1 - KYMAX Summary of Pathway Selections Pathway User Selection 1 -- external gamma active 2 -- inhalation (w/o radon)l active 3 -- plant ingestion suppressed 4 -- meat ingestion suppressed 5 -- milk ingestion suppressed 6 -- aquatic foods suppressed 7 -- drinking water suppressed 8 -- soil ingestion active 9 -- radon suppressed Find peak pathway doses active Page 24 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T1 Limit = 180 days 07/23/2008 11:55 Page 8 Summary Brookside Resident Scenario for TBD 07-005 Mod A File  : C:\RESRAD_FAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\06030801.RAD Contaminated Zone Dimensions Initial Soil Concentrations, pCi/g

  • Area: 186.00 square meters Cs-137 1.OOOE+00 Thickness: 0.08 meters Cover Depth: 0.00 meters Total Dose TDOSE(t), mrem/yr Basic Radiation Dose Limit = 2.500E+01 mrem/yr Total Mixture Sum M(t) = Fraction of Basic Dose Limit Received at Time (t) t (years): 0.OOOE+00 1.000E+00 3.OOOE+00 TDOSE(t): 1.737E-01 1.683E-01 1.579E-01 M(t): 6.947E-03 6.730E-03 6.314E-03, Maximum TDOSE(t): 1.737E-01 mrem/yr at t = 0.000E+00 years Page 25 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T1 Limit = 180 days 07/23/2008 11:55 Page 9 Surmary Brookside Resident Scenario for TBD 07-005 Mod A File  : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\06030801.RAD Total Dose Contributions TDOSE(ip,t) for Individual Radionuclides (i) and Pathways (p)

As mrem/yr and Fraction of Total Dose At t = 0.OOOE+00 years Water Independent Pathways (Inhalation excludes radon)

Ground Inhalation Radon -, Plant Meat Milk Soil Radio-Nuclide mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mnrem/yr fract.

Cs-137 1.737E-01 0.9999 8.659E-08 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.000E+00 0.0000 O.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 2.228E-05 0.0001 Total 1.737E-01 0.9999 8.659E-08 0.0000 0.000E+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 2.228E-05 0.0001 Total Dose Contributions TDOSE(i,p,t) for Individual Radionuclides (i) and Pathways (p)

As mrem/yr and Fraction of Total Dose At t = 0.OOOE+00 years Water Dependent Pathways Water Fish Radon Plant Meat Milk All Pathways*

Radio-Nuclide mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract.

7 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 1.737E-01 1.0000 Cs-13 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 Total 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.000E+00 0.0000 0.0OOE+00 0.0000 O.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.000E+00 0.0000 1.737E-01 1.0000

  • of all water independent and dependent pathways.

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 TL Limit = 180 days 08/04/2008 14:27 Page 1 Probabilistic results sulmmary  : Brookside Resident Scenario for TBD 07-005 Mod A File: C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\06030801.RAD Table of Contents I . Part VI: Uncertainty Analysis RESRAD Uncertainty Analysis Results Probabilistic Input ................................. 2 Total Dose .......................................... 3 Total Risk ........................................... 4 Dose vs Pathway: Ground External ................... 5 Dose vs Pathway: Inhalation (w/o Radon) ............ 6 Dose vs Pathway: Radon (Water Ind.) ................ 7 Dose vs Pathway: Plant (Water Ind.) ................ 8 Dose vs Pathway: Meat '(Water Ind.) ................ 9 Dose vs Pathway: Milk (Water Ind.) ................ 10 Dose vs Pathway: Soil Ingestion .................... 11 Dose vs Pathway: Water Ingestion ................... 12 Dose vs Pathway: Fish Ingestion .................... 13 Dose vs Pathway: Radon (Water Dep.) ................ 14 Dose vs Pathway: Plant (Water Dep.) ................ 15 Dose vs Pathway: Meat (Water Dep.) ................ 16 Dose vs Pathway: Milk (Water Dep.) ................ 17 Cumulative Probability Sunmmary ....................... 18 Sumnmary of dose at graphical times, reptition 1 ..... 19 Summary of dose at graphical times, reptition 2 ..... 20 Summary of dose at graphical times, reptition 3..... 21 Peak of the mean dose at graphical times ............. 22 Correlation and Regression coefficients (if any) ..... 23 Page 27 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T1/2 Limit = 180 days 08/04/2008 14:27 Page 2 Probabilistic results susmnary : Brookside Resident Scenario for TBD 07-005 Mod A File: C:\RESRAD-FAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\06030801.RAD Probabilistic Input

.ber of Sample Runs: 300 Number Name Distribution Parameters 1 AREA TRIANGULAR 40 186 500 2 THICKO NORMAL .076 .076 3 FIND NORMAL .125 .125 4 FOT D NORMAL .009 .009 Page 28 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T1/2 Limit = 180 days 08/04/2008 14:27 Page 3 Probabilistic results summary :Brookside Resident Scenario for TBD 07-005 Mod A File: C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRF OFF-SITE\06030801.RAD Probabilistic Total Dose Summary ilide Peak Peak DOSE (j,t), mrem/yr (j) Time Dose t= 0.00E+00 1.00E+00 3.00E+00 Cs-137 Min 0.00E+00 0, OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Max 0.00*E00 7.85E-01 7. 85E-01 7.64E-01 7.23E-01 Avg 0. 00E+00 1.65E-01 1. 65E-01 1.60E-01 1. 50E-01 Std 0. 00E+00 1.70E-01 1. 70E-01 1.65E-01 1.57E-01 ZALL Min 0. 00E+00 0 . 00E+00 0.001E+00 0.00E+00 0. 00E+00 Max 0. 00E+00 7.85E-01 7.85E-01 7. 64E-01 7.23E-01 Avg 0.00E+00 1.65E-01 1.65E-01 1. 60-01 1.50E-01 Std 0.OOE+00 1.70E-01 1.70E-01 1.65E-01 1.57E-01 ZALL is total dose summed for all nuclides.

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 08/04/2008 14:27 Page 4 Probabilistic results summary : Brookside Resident Scenario for TBD 07-005 Mod A File: C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\06030801.RAD Probabilistic Risk Summary lide RISK(j,t)

(j) t= 0.00E+00 1.00E+00 3.OOE+00 Cs-137 Min 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0.OOE+00 Max I . 78E-05 1. 73E-05 1. 64E-05 Avg 3.74E-06 3. 63E-06 3.40E-06 Std 3.8 5E-06 3.75E-06 3. 55E-06 EALL Min 0. 00E+00 0.00E+00 0. 00E+00 Max 1.78E-05 1. 73E-05 I.64E-05 Avg 3.74E-06 3.63E-06 3. 40E-06 Std 3.85E-06 3.75E-06 3. 55E-06 EALL is total risk summed for all nuclides.

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 07/23/2008 11:35 Page Summary  : Country Club Worker Scenario for TBD 07-005 File  : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\03250803.RAD Table of Contents Part I: Mixture Sums and Single Radionuclide Guidelines Dose Conversion Factor (and Related) Parameter Summary ... 2 Site-Specific Parameter Summary .......................... 3 Summary of Pathway Selections .............................. 7 Contaminated Zone and Total Dose Summary ................... 8 Total Dose Components Time = 0.000E+00 .... ................................... 9 Time = 1.0O0E+00 ....................................... 10 Time = 3.000E+00 ....................................... 11 Dose/Source Ratios Summed Over All Pathways .............. 12 Single Radionuclide Soil Guidelines ...................... 12 Dose Per Nuclide Sunned Over All Pathways ................ 13 Soil Concentration Per Nuclide ............................. 13 Page 31 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 07/23/2008 11:35 Page 2 Summary  : Country Club Worker Scenario for TBD 07-005 File  : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\03250803.RAD Dose Conversion Factor (and Related) Parameter Summary Dose Library: EGR ii Current Base Parame ter Paramseter Value# Case* I Name


A-i DCF's for external ground radiation, (mrem/yr)/(pCi/g)

A-i Ba-137m (Source: FGR 12) 3.606E+00 606E+00 DCFI 1)

A-i Cs-137 (Source: FGR 12) 7.510E-04 510E-04 DCFO( 2)

Dose conversion factors for inhalation, mrem/pCi:

Cs-137+D 3.190E-05 190E-05 DCF2 D-1 Dose conversion factors for ingestion, mrem/pCi:

D-I Cs-137+D 5.000E-05 5. 000E-05 DCF3(

D-34 Food transfer factors:

D-34 Cs-137+D , plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 4.000E-02 4. 000E-02 RTF( 1 ,1)

D-34 Cs-137+D , beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/kg)/(pCi/d) 3.000E-02 3.'000E-02 RTF( 1 ,2)

D-34 Cs-137+D , milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pci/L)/(pCi/d) 8.000E-03 8.' 000E-03 RTF( 1 ,3)

Bioaccumulation factors, fresh water, L/kg:

Cs-137+D , fish 2.000E+03 2. 000E+03 BIOFAC(

Cs-137+D , crustacea and mollusks 1.000E+02 1. 000E+02 BIOFAC( 1,2)

  1. For DCFI(xxx) only, factors are for infinite depth & area. See ETFG table in Ground Pathway of Detailed Report.


  • Base Case means Default.Lib w/o Associate Nuclide contributions.

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RESRAD, Version 6.,4 Ti Limit = 180 days 07/23/2008 11:35 Page 3 Summary Country Club Worker Scenario for TBD 07-005 File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\03250803.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary User Used by RESRAD I Parameter Menu Parameter Input Default (If differennt from user input) Namee 4

R011 Area of contaminated zone (m**2) 6.OOOE+02 1.000E+04 AREA Roll R011 Thickness of contaminated zone (m) 7.600E-02 2.OOOE+00 F-THICKO R011 Length parallel to aquifer flow (m) not used 1.000-E+02 -- LCZPAQ Basic radiation dose limit (mrem/yr) 2.500E+01 3.000E+01 -BRDL R011 Time since placement of material (yr) O.OOE+00 0.000E+00 TI R011 Times for calculations (yr) 1.000E+00 1.000E+00 FTT( 2)

Roll R011 Times for calculations (yr) 3.OOE+00 3.000E+00 -TT( 3)

Times for calculations (yr) not used 1.000E+01 -TT( 4)

R011 R011 POll Times for calculations (yr) not used 3.000E+01 -I T( 5)

Times for calculations (yr) not used 1.000E+02 -TT( 6)

ROll Times for calculations (yr) not used 3.000E+02 -T( 7)

P0ll R011 'Times for calculations (yr) not used 1.000E+03 T( 8)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) not used 0.000+/-+00 F-T( 9)

Roll Times for calculations (yr) not used 0.000E+00 F-T(10)

R012 Initial principal radionuclide (pCi/g): Cs-137 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 F-Sl(l)

R012 Concentration in groundwater (pCi/L): Cs-137 not used 0.0005+00 Wl(i 1)

R013 Cover depth (m) 0.OOE+00 0.000E+00 F-COVERO R013 Density of cover material (g/cm**3) not used 1.500E+00 F-DENSCV R013 Cover depth erosion rate (m/yr) not used 1.000E-03 F-VCV R013 Density of contaminated zone (g/cm**3) 1.500E+00 1.500E+00 DENSCZ Contaminated zone erosion rate (m/yr) 1.000E-03 1.000E-03 F-VCZ Contaminated zone total porosity 4.000E-01 4.000E-01 TPCZ R013 Contaminated zone field capacity 2.OOOE-01 2.000E-01 F-FCCZ R013 -- HCCZ Contaminated zone hydraulic conductivity (m/yr) 1.000E+01 1.000E+01 R013 5.300E+00 F-BCZ Contaminated zone b parameter 5.300E+00 R013 2.000E+00 WIND Average annual wind speed (m/sec) 2.OOOE+00 R013 not used HUMID Humidity in air (g/m**3) 8.000E+00 R013 Evapotranspiration coefficient 5.00DE-01 5.000E-01 F-EVAPTR R013 1.000E+00 1.000E+00 PRECIP Precipitation (m/yr)

R013 2.000E-01 2.000E-01 FRI Irrigation (m/yr)

R013 F-IDITCH Irrigation mode overhead overhead R013 2.000E-01 2.0005-01 F-RUNOFF Runoff coefficient R013 1.000E+06 -- WAREA Watershed area for nearby stream or pond (m**2) not used R013 not used 1.000E-03 - -EPS Accuracy for water/soil computations R014 Density of saturated zone (g/cm**3) not used 1.500E+00 F-DENSAQ R014 not used 4.000E-01 -TPSZ Saturated zone total porosity R014 not used 2.000E-01 -EPSZ Saturated zone effective porosity R014 not used 2.000E-01 FCSZ Saturated zone field capacity R014 (m/yr) not used 1.OOOE+02 -HCSZ Saturated zone hydraulic conductivity R014 not used 2.OOOE-02 HGWT Saturated zone hydraulic gradient R014 Saturated zone b parameter not used 5.300E+00 F-BSZ not used 1.000E-03 -VWT Water table drop rate (m/yr) not used 1.000E+01 DWIBWT Well pump intake depth (m below water table)

R014 not used ND MODEL Model: Nondispersion (ND) or Mass-Balance (MB)

R014 not used 2.500E+02 -UW Well pumping rate (m**3/yr)

OR015 not used NS Number of unsaturated zone strata Page 33 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 Ti Limit = 180 days 07/23/2008 11:35 Page Summary Country Club Worker Scenario for TBD 07-005 File C:\RESRAOFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRF_OFF-SITE\03250803.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

  • User Used by RESRAD Parameter Menu Parameter Input Default (If different from user input) Name R01S Unsat. zone 1, thickness (m) not used 4 .OOOE+00 H(1)

R015 Unsat. zone soil density (g/cm**3) not used 1.500E400 DENSUZ ()

R015 Unsat. zone 1, total porosity not used 4.000E-01 TPUZ (1)

R015 Unsat. zone 1, effective porosity not used 2.OOOE-01 EPUZ (1)

R015 Unsat. zone i, field capacity not used 2.OOOE-01 FCUZ (1)

R015 Unsat. zone 1, soil-specific b parameter not used 5.300E+00 BUZ (1)

R015 Unsat. zone hydraulic conductivity (m/yr) not used l.000E+01 HCUZ (1)

R016 Distribution coefficients for Cs-137 R016 Contaminated zone (cm**3/g) 4.600E+03 4.600E+403 DCNUCC( 1)

R016 Unsaturated zone 1 (cm**3/g) not used 4.600E+03 DCNUCU(

R016 Saturated zone (cm**3/g) not used 4.600E403 DCNUCS) 1)

R016 Leach rate (/yr) 0.000E+00 0.OOOE+00 9. 534E-04 ALEACH( 1)

R0l6 Solubility constant 0.00OE+00 0.000t+-00 not used SOLUBK( 1)

R017 Inhalation rate (m**3/yr) 1.400E+04 8.400E+03 INHALR R017 Mass loading for inhalation (g/m**3) 1.OOOE-04 1.OOOE-04 MLINH R0 17 Exposure duration 3.OOOE+01 3.OOOE+01 ED R017 Shielding factor, inhalation 4.000E701 4.OOOE-0l SHF3 R017 Shielding factor, external gamma 7.OOOE-01 7.OOOE-01 SHFI

  • R017 Fraction of time spent indoors 0.000E+00 5.O0OE-01 FIND R017 Fraction of time spent outdoors (on site) 5.000E-02 2.500E-01 FOTD Shape factor flag, external gamma I.000E+00 l.000E+D0 >0 shows circular AREA. FS Radii of shape factor array (used if FS = -1):

R017 Outer annular radius (M) ring I: not used 5. OOOE+01 RADSHAPE) 1)

R017 Outer annular radius (M) ring 2: not used 7.071E+01 RADSHAPE) 2)

Outer annular radius (M) ring 3: not used 0. OOOE+00 RADSHAPE) 3)

R017 Outer annular radius (M) ring 4: not used 0.OOOE+00 RADSHAPE) 4)

R017 Outer annular radius (M) ring 5: not used 0.OOOE+00 RAD SHAPE) 5)

Outer annular radius (m), ring 6: not used 0.OOOE+00 HADSHAPE) 6)

R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 7: not used 0.000E+00 RADSHAPE) 7)

R017 Outer annular radius (M) ring 8: not used 0. O00E+00 HAD SHAPE) 8)

R017 (M)

Outer annular radius ring 9: not used 0.OOOE+00 RAD SHAPE) 9)

HO 17 Outer annular radius (M) ring 10: not used 0.000E400 RAD SHAPE(l0)

R017 Outer annular radius (M) ring 11: not used 0.OOOE+00 RAD_SHAPE)(I)


R017 Outer annular radius ring 12: not used O.OOOE+00 RADSHAPE(12)

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 Tl Limit = 180 days 07/23/2008 11:35 Page 5 Summary Country Club Worker Scenario for TBD 07-005 File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\03250803.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

I User I Used by RESRAD Parameter Menu Parameter I Input Default I (If different from user input) Name R017 Fractions of annular areas within AREA:

R017 Ring 1 not used 1.OOOE+00 -__ FRACA( 1)

R017 Ring 2 not used 2.732E-01 --- FRACA( 2)

R017 Ring 3 not used 0.000E+00 -- FRACA( 3)

R017 Ring 4 not used 0.000E+00 --- FRACA( 4)

R017 Ring 5 not used 0.000E+00 FRACA( 5)

R017 Ring 6 not used 0.0006+00 --- FRACA( 6)

R017 Ring 7 not used 0.000E+00 --- FRACA( 7)

R017 Ring 8 not used 0.000r+00 --- FRACA) 8)

R017 Ring 9 not used 0.000E+00 --- FRACA( 9)

R017 Ring 10 not used 0.000E+00 --- FRACA(10)

R017 Ring 11 not used 0.000E+00 --- FRACAflI)

P017 Ring 12 not used 0.OOOE+00 --- FRACA(12)

R018 Fruits, vegetables and grain consumption (kg/yr) not used 1.600E+02 --- DIET(l)

R018 Leafy vegetable consumption (kg/yr) not used 1.400E+01 --- DIET(2)

R018 Milk consumption (L/yr) not used 9.200E+01 DIET(3)

R018 Meat and poultry consumption (kg/yr) not used 6.300E+01 --- DIET(4)

R018 Fish consumption (kg/yr) not used 5.400E+00 --- DIET(5)

R018 Other seafood consumption (kg/yr) not used 9.000E-01 -- DIET(6)

R018 Soil ingestion rate (g/yr) 3.650E+01 3.650E+01 --- SOIL R01 Drinking water intake (L/yr) not used 5..100E+02 --- DWI

  • Contamination fraction of drinking water not used 1.000E+00 --- FDW Contamination fraction of household water not used l.OOE+00 --- FHHW R018 Contamination fraction of livestock water not used 1.0002+00 --- FLW R018 Contamination fraction of irrigation water not used 1.000E+00 --- FIRW R018 Contamination fraction 6f aquatic food not used 5.000E-01 -- FR9
R018 Contamination fraction of plant food not used -I --- FPLANT R018 Contamination fraction of meat not used -1 - FMEAT R018 Contamination fraction of milk not used -i --- FMILI not used 6.800E+01 LF15 R019 Livestock fodder intake for meat (kg/day)

R019 Livestock fodder intake for milk (kg/day) not used 56500E+01 --- LFI6 R019 Livestock water intake for meat (L/day) not used 5.000E+01 --- LWI5 R019 Livestock water intake for milk (L/day) not used 1.600E+02 --- IW16 R019 Livestock soil intake (kg/day) not used 5.000E-01 - LSI R019 Mass loading for foliar deposition (g/m**3) not used 1.000E-04 --- MLFD R019 Depth of soil mixing layer (m) 1.500E-01 1.500E-01 --- DM R019 Depth of roots (m) not used 9.000E-01 DROOT R019 Drinking water fraction from ground water not used 1.000E+00 --- FGWDW R019 Household water fraction from ground water not used 1.000E+00 --- FGWHH R019 Livestock water fraction from ground water not used 1.000E+00 --- FGWLW R019 Irrigation fraction from ground water not used 1.000E+00 --- FGWIR not used 7.000E-01 --- YV(l) wet weight crop yield for Non-Leafy (kg/m**2)

WB Wet weight crop yield for Leafy (kg/m**2) not used 1.500E+00 --- YV(2)

Wet weight crop yield for Fodder (kg/m**2) not used 1.100E+00 --- YV(3)

R19B Growing Season for Non-Leafy (years) not used 1.700E-01 --- TE(1)

SGrowing Season for Leafy (years) not used 2.500E-01 --- TE(2)

Growing Season for Fodder (years) not used 8.000E-02 --- TE(3)

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R19B Translocation Factor for Non-Leafy not used 1.000E-01 TIV(I 1)

R198 R19B Translocation Factor for Leafy not used 1.OOOE+00 TIV(: 2)

Translocation Factor for Fodder not used 1.OOOE+00 TIV)( 3)

R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Non-Leafy not used 2.500E-01 RDRY (1)

Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Leafy not used 2.500E-01 RDRY (2)

R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Fodder not used 2.500E-01 RDRY (3)

Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Non-Leafy not used 2.500E-01 RWET (1)

Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Leafy not used 2.500E-01 RWET (2)

Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Fodder not used 2.500E-01 RWET (3)

R19B Weathering Removal Constant for Vegetation not used 2.OOOE+01 WLAM C14 C-12 concentration in water (g/cm**3) not used 2.OOOE-05 CI2W. TR C14 C-12 concentration in contaminated soil (g/g) not used 3.OOOE-02 C12C Z c14 Fraction of vegetation carbon from soil used 2.OOOE-02 csoI]L not C14 Fraction of vegetation carbon from air not used 9.800E-01 CAIR C14 C-14 evasion layer thickness in soil (m) not used 3.000E-01 DMC C14 C-14 evasion flux rate from soil (1/sec) not used 7.OOOE-07 EVSN C14 C-12 evasion flux rate from soil (1/sec) not used 1.OOOE-10 REVS] N used 8.OOOE-01 4" C14 Fraction of grain in beef cattle feed not AVFG C14 Fraction of grain in milk cow feed not used 2.OOOE-01 AVFG. 5 STOR Storage times of contaminated foodstuffs (days):

Fruits, non-leafy vegetables, and grain 1.40 OE+÷01 1.400E+01 STOR T (1)

Leafy vegetables 1.00 OE+00 1.000E+00 STOR T (2)

STOR Milk 1.00 OE+00 1.OOOE+00 STOR _T (3)

STOR Meat and poultry 2.00 OEf0l 2.OOOE+01 STOR T (4)

STOR Fish 7.00 OE+00 7.OOOE+00 STOR T (5)

STOR Crustacea and mollusks 7.00 OE+00 7.OOOE+00 STOR T (6)

STOR Well water 1.00 OE+00 1.000E+00 STOR T (7)

STOR Surface water 1.00 OE+00 1.OOOE+00 STOR T (8)

STOR Livestock fodder 4.50 OE+01 4.500E+01 STOR T (9)

R021 Thickness of building foundation (m) not used 1.500E-01 FLOOI RI R021 Bulk density of building foundation (g/cm**3) not used 2.400E+00 DENS[ FL R021 Total porosity of the cover material not used 4.OOOE-01 TPCV R021 Total porosity of the building foundation not used 1.000E-01 TPFL R021 Volumetric water content of the cover material not used 5.000E-02 PH20( CV R021 Volumetric water content of the foundation not used 3.OOOE-02 PH20[ FL R021 Diffusion coefficient for radon gas (m/sec):

R021 in cover material not used 2.000E-06 DIFC*V R021 in foundation material not used 3.OOOE-07 DIFF]L R021 in contaminated zone soil not used 2.OOOE-06 DIFC Z R021 Radon vertical dimension of mixing (m) not used 2.OOOE+00 HMIX R021 Average building air exchange rate (l/hr) not used 5OOOE-01 REXG Height of the building (room) (m) not used 2.500E+00 HRM Building interior area factor not used 0.000E+00 FAI R021 Building depth below ground surface (m) not used I-1.OOOE+00 DMFL R021 Emanating power of Rn-222 gas not used 2.500E-01 EMAN* A (1) not used 1.500E-01 EMAN* A (2)

Emanating power of Rn-220 gas TITL Number of graphical time points 32 - NPTS Page 36 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 Ti Limit = 180 days 07/23/2008 11:35 Page Summary Country Club Worker Scenario for TBD 07-005 File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\03250803.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

User I I Used by RESRAD Parameter Menu Parameter I Input Default (If different from user input) I Name TITL Maximum number of integration points for dose 17 ILYMAX TITL Maximum number of integration points for risk 1 --- --- I KYMAX Summary of Pathway Selections Pathway User Selection I -- external gamma active 2 -- inhalation (w/o radon)l active 3 -- plant ingestion suppressed 4 -- meat ingestion suppressed 5 -- milk ingestion suppressed 6 -- aquatic foods suppressed 7 -- drinking water suppressed 8 -- soil ingestion active 9 -- radon suppressed Find peak pathway doses active Page 37 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 07/23/2008 11:35 Page 8 Summary  : Country Club Worker Scenario for TBD 07-005 File  : C:\RESRAD FAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRF OFF-SITE\03250803.RAD Contaminated Zone Dimensions Initial Soil Concentrations, pCi/g 600.00 square meters Cs-137 1.000E+00 0 Area:

Thickness: 0.08 meters Cover Depth: 0.00 meters Total Dose TDOSE(t), mrem/yr Basic Radiation Dose Limit = 2.500E+01 mrem/yr Total Mixture Sum M(t) = Fraction of Basic Dose Limit Received at Time (t) t (years): 0.000E+00 1.000E+00 3.000E+00 TDOSE(t): 1.028E-01 9.965E-02 9.360E-02 M(t): 4.112E-03 3.986E-03 3.744E-03 Maximum TDOSE(t): 1.028E-01 mrem/yr at t = 0.OOOE+00 years Page 38 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 07/23/2008 11:35 Page 9 Summary : Country Club Worker Scenario for TBD 07-005 File  : C:\RESRAD FAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\03250803.RAD Total Dose Contributions TDOSE(i,p,t) for Individual Radionuclides (i) and Pathways (p)

As mrem/yr and Fraction of Total Dose At t = 0.OOOE+00 years Water Independent Pathways (Inhalation excludes radon)

Ground Inhalation Radon Plant Meat Milk Soil Radio-Nuclide mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract.

Cs-137 1.028E-01 0.9997 1.403E-07 0.0000 0.000E+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.000E+00 0.0000 0.000E+00 0.0000 2.723E-05 0.0003 Total 1.028E-01 0.9997 1.403E-07 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.000E+00 0.0000 O.O00E+00 0.0000 0.000E+00 0.0000 2.723E-05 0.0003 Total Dose Contributions TDOSE(i,p,t) for Individual Radionuclides (i) and Pathways (p)

As mrem/yr and Fraction of Total Dose At t = 0.000E+00 years Water Dependent Pathways Water Fish Radon Plant Meat Milk All Pathways*

Radio-Nuclide mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mzrem/yr 'fract.

Cs-137 0.000E+00 0.0000 0.000+E00 0.0000 O.O00E+00 0.0000 0.000E+00 0.0000 0.000E+00 0.0000 0.000E+00 0.0000 1.028E-01 1.0000 Total 0.00OE400 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.000E+00 0.0000 0.000E+00 0.0000 0.000E+00 0.0000 0.000E+00 0.0000 1.028E-01 1.0000 W of all water independent and dependent pathways.

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 08/04/2008 14:32 Page Probabilistic results sumsmary : Country Club Worker Scenario for TBD 07-005 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\03250803.RAD Table of Contents /

Part VI: Uncertainty Analysis RESRAD Uncertainty Analysis.Results Probabilistic Input .... ............................... 2 Total Dose .... ......................................... 3 Total Risk .... ......................................... 4 Dose vs Pathway: Ground External ................... 5 Dose vs Pathway: Inhalation (w/o Radon) ............ 6 Dose vs Pathway: Radon (Water Ind.) ................ 7 Dose vs Pathway: Plant (Water Ind.) ................ 8 Dose vs Pathway: Meat (Water Ind.) .......... . ..... 9 Dose vs Pathway: Milk (Water Ind.) ................ 10 Dose vs Pathway: Soil Ingestion ...................... 11 Dose vs Pathway: Water Ingestion ....... 12 Dose vs Pathway: Fish Ingestion ...................... 13 Dose vs Pathway: Radon (Water Dep.) ................ 14 Dose vs Pathway: Plant (Water Dep.) ................ 15 Dose vs Pathway: Meat (Water Dep.) ................ 16 Dose vs Pathway: Milk (Water Dep.) ................ 17 Cumulative Probability Summary ....................... 18 Summary of dose at graphical times, reptition 1..... 19 Summary of dose at graphical times, reptition 2 ..... 20 Summary of dose at graphical times, reptition 3 ..... 21 Peak of the mean dose at graphical times ............. 22 Correlation and Regression coefficients (if any) ..... 23 Page 40 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 Tl Limit = 180 days 08/04/2008 14:32 Page 2 Probabilistic results summary  : Country Club Worker Scenario for TBD 07-005 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\03250803.RAD Probabilistic Input

  • er of Sample Runs: 300 Number Name Distribution Parameters 1 AREA TRIANGULAR 100 600 1000 2 THICKO NORMAL .076 .076 3 FOTD NORMAL .05 .05 4 INHALR TRIANGULAR 4380 8400 13100 Page 41 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 08/04/2008 14:32 Page 3 Probabilistic results susmnary : Country Club Worker Scenario for TBD 07-005 File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRF_OFF-SITE\03250803.RAD Probabilistic Total Dose Summary

  • 6 lide Peak Peak DOSE(j,t), mrem/yr (j) Time Dose t= 0.OOE+00 1.OOE+00 3.00E+00 Cs-137 Min 0. OOE+00 0 .OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0 .OOE+00 Max 0. OOE+00 4.57E-01 4. 57E-01 4.44E-01 4.21E-01 Avg 0. OOE+00 9. 40E-02 9. 40E-02 9. 1lE-02 8. 55E-02 Std 0. OOE+00 1.OQE-01 1.00E-01 9.75E-02 9.25E-02 Min 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 Max 0.OOE+00 4.57E-01 4.57E-01 4.44E-01 .4.21E-01 Avg 0.OOE+00 9.40E-02 9.40E-02 9.11E-02 8.55E-02 Std 0.OOE+/-00 1.OOE-01 1.00E-01 9.75E-02 9.25E-02 ZALL is total dose summed for all nuclides.

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R1SRAD, Version 6.4 T% Limit = 180 days 08/04/2008 14:32 Page 4 Probabilistic results summary ; Country Club Worker Scenario for TBD 07-005 File C: \RESRAD FAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRF OFF-SITE\03250803.RAD Probabilistic Risk Summary

  • lide RISK(j,t)

(j) t= O.OOE+00 l.00E+00 3.00E+00 Cs-137 Min 0.00E+00 0. 005+00 0. OOE+00 Max 1. 04E-05 1. 01E-05 9.55E-06 Avg 2. 14E-06 2.07E-06 1.94E-06 Std 2.27E-06 2.21E-06 2.10E-06 Min 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.0 0E+00 Max 1. 04E-05 1.01E-05 9.55E-06 Avg 2.14E-06 2.07E-06 1. 94E-06 Std 2.27E-06 2.21E-06 2. 1OE-06 ZALL is total risk summed for all nuclides.

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 07/23/2008 09:18 Page Summary Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 07-005 Mod E File  : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\05140806.RAD Table of Contents Part I: Mixture Sums and Single Radionuclide Guidelines Dose Conversion Factor (and Related) Parameter Summary ... 2 Site-Specific Parameter Summary ............................ 3 Summary of Pathway Selections .............................. 6 Contaminated Zone and Total Dose Sumnary ................... 7 Total Dose Components Time = 0.000E+00 .... ................................... 8 Time - 1.000E+00 .... ................................... 9 Time = 3.000E+00 ... .................................... 10 Time = 1.000E+01 ... .................................... 11 Time = 1.000E+02 ...................................... 12 Dose/Source Ratios Sumned Over All Pathways .............. 13 Single Radionuclide Soil Guidelines ...................... 13 Dose Per Nuclide Sunned Over All Pathways ................ 14 Soil Concentration Per Nuclide ............................. 14 Page 44 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 07/23/2008 09:18 Page 2 Summary : Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 07-005 Mod E File  : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\05140806.RAD Dose Conversion Factor (and Related) Parameter Sumnary hDose Library: FGR ii Current Base Paramete r Menu Parameter Value# Case* Name A-I DCF's for external ground radiation, (mrem/yr)/(pCi/g)

A-i Ba-137m (Source: FGR 12) 3.606E+00 3.606E+00 DCFl( i)

A-i Cs-137 (Source: FGR 12) 7.510E-04 7.510E-04 DCFl( 2)

B-i Dose conversion factors for inhalation, mrem/pCi:

B-i Cs-137+D 3.190E-05 3.190E-05 DCF2( 1)

D-I Dose conversion factors for ingestion, mrem/pCi:

D-1 Cs-137+D 5.00OE-05 5.000E-05 DCF3( i)

D-34 Food transfer factors:

D-34 Cs-137+D , plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 4.000E-02 4.OOOE-02 RTF( i,i D-34 Cs-137+D , beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/kg)/(pCi/d) 3.OOOE-02 3.000E-02 RTF( 1,2 D-34 Cs-137+D , milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/L)/(pCi/d) 8.OOOE-03 8.000E-03 RTF( 1,3 D-5 Bioaccumulation factorsi fresh water, L/kg:

D-5 Cs-137+D , fish 2.OOOE+03 2.OOOE+03 BIOFAC(


D-5 Cs-137+D , crustacea and mollusks 1.000E+02 1.OOOE+02.1 BIOFAC(

  1. For DCFI(xxx) only, factors are for infinite depth & area. See ETFG table in Ground Pathway of Detailed Report.
  • Base Case means Default.Lib w/o Associate Nuclide contributions.

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 07/23/2008 09:18 Page 3 Summary : Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 07-005 Mod E File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\05140806.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary User I Used by RESRAD I Parameter Menu Parameter Input Default (If different from user input) I Name R011, Area of contaminated zone (mW2) 2.700E+05 1.OOOE+04 --- AREA R011 Thickness of contaminated zone (m) 1.520E-01 2.000E+00 --- THICKO R011 Length parallel to aquifer flow (m) 9.OOOE+02 1.OOOE+02 --- ICZPAQ R011 Basic radiation dose limit (mrem/yr) 2.500E+01 3.OOOE+01 -- BRDL R011 Time since placement of material (yr) 1.OOOE+00 0.OOOE+00 --- TI R011 Times for calculations (yr) 1.000E+00 1.OOOE+00 --- T( 2)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) 3.OOOE+00 3.OOOE+00 --- T( 3)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) 1.000E+01 1.000E+01 - T( 4)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) 1.OOOE+02 3.OOOE+01 --- T( 5)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) not used 1.OOOE+02 --- T( 6)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) not used 3.OOOE+02 --- T( 7)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) not used 1.OOOE+03 --- T( 8)

Rll Times for calculations (yr) not used 0.000E+00 --- T( 9)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) not used 000OE+00 -- T(10)

R012 Initial principal radionuclide (pCi/g): Cs-137 1.000E+00 O.OOOE+00 --- Sl(l)

R012 Concentration in groundwater (pCi/L): Cs-137 not used O.OOOE+00 --- Wl(1)

R013 Cover depth (W) 0.OOOE+00 0.OOOE+00 --- COVERO R013 Density of cover material (g/cm**3) not used 1.500E+00 --- DENSCV R013 Cover depth erosion rate (m/yr) not used 1.OOOE-03 --- VCV R013 Density of contaminated zone (g/cm**3) 1.500E+00 1.500E+00 --- DENSCZ Contaminated zone erosion rate (m/yr) 1.OOOE-03 1.000E-03 --- vCZ Contaminated zone total porosity 4.000E-01 4.OOOE-01 -- TPCZ R013 Contaminated zone field capacity 2.000E-01 2.OOOE-01 --- FCCZ R013 Contaminated zone hydraulic conductivity (m/yr) 1,.O0E+01 1.000E+01O --- I HCCZ R013 Contaminated zone b parameter 5.300E+00 5.300E+00 --- BCZ R013 Average annual wind speed (m/sec) 2.OOOE+00 2.OOOE+00 -- WIND R013 Humidity in air (g/m**3) not used 8.OOOE+00 --- HUMID R013 Evapotranspiration coefficient 5.OOOE-01 5.OOOE-01 --- EVAPTR R013 Precipitation (m/yr) 1.000E+00 1.OOOE+00 --- PRECIP R013 Irrigation (m/yr) 2.OOOE-01 2.000E-01 RI---

R013 Irrigation mode overhead overhead --- IDITCH R013 Runoff coefficient 2.000E-01 2.OOOE-01 I-- RUNOFF R013 Watershed area for nearby stream or pond (m**2) 1.OOOE+06 1.000E+06 --- WAREA R013 Accuracy for water/soil computations 1.OOOE-03 1.000E-03 --- EPS R014 Density of saturated zone (g/cm**3) 1.500E+00 1.500E+00 --- DENSAQ R014 Saturated zone total porosity 4.000E-01 4.OOOE-01 -- TPSZ R014 Saturated zone effective porosity 2.000E-01 2.000E-01 --- EPSZ R014 Saturated zone field capacity 2.000E-01 2.000E-01 --- FCSZ R014 Saturated zone hydraulic conductivity (m/yr) 1.000E+02 1.000E+02 --- HCSZ R014 Saturated zone hydraulic gradient 2.OOOE-02 2.000E-02 H---

GWT R014 Saturated zone b parameter 5.300E+00 5.300E+00 --- BSZ Water table drop rate (m/yr) 1.000E-03 1.000E-03 --- VWT Well pump intake depth (m below water table) 1.000E+01 1.OOOE+01 - DWIBWT R014 Model: Nondispersion (ND) or Mass-Balance (MB) MB ND MODEL R014 Well pumping rate (m**3/yr) 2.500E+02 2.500E+02 --- UW Number of unsaturated zone strata 0 1 NS Page 46 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T% Limit = 180 days 07/23/2008 09:18 Page 4 Suummary Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 07-005 Mod E File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\05140806.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

User Used by RESPAD Parameter qWI Menu Parameter Input Default (If different from user input) Name R016 Distribution coefficients for Cs-137 -00H -

R016 Contaminated zone (cm**3/g) 1.000E+03 4 DCNUCC( 1)

I.600E+03 1)

R016 Saturated zone (cm**3/g) 1.OOOE+03 4 DCNUCS(

I.600E+00 R016 Leach rate (/yr) 0.OOOE+00 0 2. 193E-03 ALEACH( 1)

).OOOE+00 R016 Solubility constant 0.000E+00 0 not used SOLUBKC 1)

R017 Inhalation rate (m**3/yr) 1.400E+04 8 C400E+03 INHALR Mass loading for inhalation (g/m**3) 1.OOOE-04 1 OOOE-04 MLINH R017 Exposure duration 3.OOOE+01 3C.OOOE+01I ED R017 Shielding factor, inhalation 4.OOOE-01 4 .OOOE-0l SHF3 R017 Shielding factor, external gamma 7.OOOE-01 7 .OOOE-0l SHFI R017 Fraction of time spent indoors 0.OOOE+00 5.OOOE-01 FIND R017 Fraction of time spent outdoors (on s ite) 1.200E-02 2 ~.500E-01 FOTD R017 Shape factor flag, external gamma 1.000E+00 1 .OOOE+00 >0 shows circular AREA. FS R017 Radii of shape factor array (used if FS = -1):

R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 1: not used 5 .OOOE+0l RADSHAPE( 1)

R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 2: not used 7l.071E+01 RADSHAPE( 2)

R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 3: not used 0 .OOOE+00I RAD SHAPE) 3)

R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 4: not used 0 .OOOE+00I PADSHAPE( 4)

R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 5: not used 0 .000E+00I RAD SHAPE( 5)

R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 6: not used 0 )OOOE+00 RADSHAPE C6)

R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 7: not used 0 .OOOE+00 HADSHAPE( 7)

Outer annular radius (m), ring 8: not used 0 .OOOE+00 HAD SHAPE( 8)

Outer annular radius (m), ring 9: not used 0 ).00E+00 HAD_SHAPE) 9)

R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 10: not used 0C.OOOE+00I HADSHAPE(l0)

R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 11: not used 0 OOO0E+00I HADSHAPEl1i)

R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 12: not used 0 .OOOE+00I HADSHAPE (12)

R017 Fractions of annular areas within AREA:

R017 Ring 1 not used 1.000OE+00I FRACAC 1)

P017 Ring 2 not used 2C.732E-01 FRACAC 2)

.R017 Ring 3 not used 0. OOOE+00I FRACA) 3)

R017 Ring 4 not used 0.OOOE+00I FRACA) 4)

R017 Ring 5 not used ).OOOE+0O FRACA( 5)

Ring 6 not used X.OOOE+00 FRACA) 6)

R017 R017 Ring 7 not used X.OOOE+00 FRACA( 7)

Ring 8 not used 3.OOOE+00I FRACA( 8)

R017 Ring 9 not used 3.OOOE+00 FRACAC 9)

R017 Ring 10 not used ).OOOE+00I FRACA (10)

R017 Ring 11 not used X.OOOE+00I FRACA (11)

R017 Ring 12 not used J.000E+00I FRACA(12)

R017 not used 11.600E+02I DIET (l)

Fruits, vegetables and grain consumption (kg/yr) 1 DIET(2)

Leafy vegetable consumption (kg/yr) not used 1.400E+01 S DIET (3)

Milk consumption (L/yr) not used 9.200E+01 E DIET(4)

Meat and poultry consumption (kg/yr) not used 6. 300E+01 5.400E+00 5. 400E+00I DIET (5)

Fish consumption (kg/yr) c DIET(6)

Other seafood consumption (kg/yr) 0.000E+00 9. OOOE-01 3.650E+01 3.650E+01 SOIL Soil ingestion rate (g/yr) not used 5. 100E+02I DWI Drinking water intake (L/yr)

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 07/23/2008 09:18 Page 5 Summary Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 07-005 Mod E File  : C:\RESRADFAMILY\;kESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\05140806.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

SUser Used by RESRAD5I Parameter Parameter Input Default (If different from user input) j Name RC f R018 Contamination fraction of drinking water not used 1.000E+00 J-FDW R018 Contamination fraction of household water not used 1.000E+00 --- FHHW R1018 IContamnination fraction of livestock water (not used 1.00011+00 I--- I LW R018 Contamination fraction of irrigation water not used 1.000E+00 --- FIRW R018 Contamination fraction of aquatic food 5.000E-01 5.000E-01 --- FR9 R018 Contamination fraction of plant food not used -1 --- FPLANT R018 Contamination fraction of meat not used 1-1 --- MEAT R018 Contamination fraction of milk not used 1-1 --- FMILK R019 Livestock fodder intfke for meat (kg/day) not used 6.800E+01 LF15 R019 Livestock fodder intake for milk (kg/day) not used 5.500E+01 --- LFI6 R019 Livestock water intake for meat (L/day) not used 5.000E+01 --- LWI5 R019 Livestock water intake for milk (L/day) not used 1.600E+02 --- LWI6 R019 Livestock soil intako (kg/day) not used 5.000E-01 --- LSI R019 Mass loading for foltar deposition (g/m**3) not used 1.000E-04 --- MLFD R019 Depth of soil mixing layer (m) I 1.500E-01 1.500E-01 --- DM R01g Depth of roots (m) not used 9.000E-01 ..-- DROOT R019 Drinking water fraction fromground water not used 1.0E+00 --- FGWDW R019 Household water fraction from ground water not used 1.000E+00 I-FGWHH R019 Livestock water fraction from ground water not used 1.000E+00 -- FGWLW R019 Irrigation fraction from ground water not used 1.000E+00 --- FGWIR Wet weight crop yielI for Non-Leafy (kg/m**2) not used 7.000E-01 YV(1)

Wet weight crop yield for Leafy (kg/m**2) not used 1.500E+00 --- YV(2)

R19B Wet weight crop yield for Fodder (kg/m**2) not used 1.100E+00 --- YV(3)

R19B Growing Season for Non-Leafy (years) not used 1.700E-01 --- TE(i)

R19B Growing Season for Leafy (years) not used 2.500E-01 --- TE(2)

R119 Growing Season for Fodder (years) not used 8.000E-02 j-TE(3)

R19B Translocation Factor for Non-Leafy not used 1.000E-01 --- TIV(1)

R19B Translocation Factor for Leafy not used 1.000E+00 --- TIV(2)

R19B Translocation Factor for Fodder not used 1.000E+00 --- TIV(3)

R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Non-Leafy not used 2.500E-01 -RDRY(i)

R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Leafy not used 2.500E-01 --- RDRY(2)

R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Fodder not used 2.500E-01 --- RDRY(3)

R19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Non-Leafy not used 2.500E-01 --- RWET(l)

R19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Leafy not used 2.500E-01 --- RWET(2) 119B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Fodder not used 2.500E-01 --- RWET(3)

R19B Weathering Removal Constant for Vegetation not used 2.000E+01 --- AM C14 C-12 concentration in water (g/cm**3) not used 2.000E-05 --- C12WTR C14 C-12 concentration in contaminated soil (g/g) not used 3.000E-02 --- C12CZ C14 Fraction of vegetation carbon from soil not used 2.000E-02 --- CSOIL C14 Fraction of vegetation carbon from air not used 9.800E-01 --- CAIR C14 jC-14 evasion layer thickness in soil (m) not used 3.000E-01 --- DMC C-14 evasion flux rate from soil (1/sec) not used 7.000E-07 --- EVSN C-12 evasion flux rate from soil (1/sec) not used 1.000E-10 --- REVSN Fraction of grain in beef cattle feed not used 8.000E-01 --- AVFG4 C14 Fraction of grain in milk cow feed not used 2.000E-01 --- AVFG5

. Storage times of contaminated foodstuffs (days):

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 T%.Limit = 180 days 07/23/2008 09:18 Page 6 Summary Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 07-005 Mod E File  : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\05140806.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

User Used by RESRAD Parameter Menu I Parameter Input Default (If different from user input) Name STOR Fruits, non-leafy vegetables, and grain 1.400E+01 1.400E+01 STORT(1)

STOR Leafy vegetables 1. OOOE+00 1.000E+00 STORT(2)

STOR Milk 1.000E+00 1.OOOE+00 STORT(3)

STOR Meat and Poultry 2. 000E+01 2.000E+01 STORT(4)

STOR Fish 7. OOOE+00 7.000E+00 STORT(5)

STOR Crustacea and mollusks 7.000E+00 7.00OE+00 STORT(6)

STOR Well water 1.000E+00 1.000E+00 STOR T(7)

STOR Surface water 1.000E+00 1.000E+00 STOR T(8)

STOR Livestock fodder 4.500E+01 4.500E+01 STORT(9)

R021 Thickness of building foundation (m) not used 1.500E-01 FLOOR1 R021 Bulk density of building foundation (g/cm**3) not used 2 2.400E+00 DENSFL R021 Total porosity of the cover material not used 4.000E-01 TPCV R021 Total porosity of the building foundation not used 1.000E-01 TPFL R021 Volumetric water content of the cover material not used 5. 00OE-02 PH2OCV R021 Volumetric water content of the foundation not used 3.000E-02 PH2OFL R021 Diffusion coefficient for radon gas (m/sec):

R021 in cover material not used 2.000E-06 DIFCV R021 in foundation material not used 3.000E-07 DIFFL R021 in contaminated zone soil not used 2. 00OE-06 DIFCZ R021 Radon vertical dimension of mixing (m) not used 2.OOOE+00 HMIX R021 Average building air exchange rate (l/hr) not used 5.OODE-01 REXG Height of the building (room) (m) not used 2.500E+00 HRM Building interior area factor not used 0.000E+00 FAI R021 Building depth below ground surface (m) not used 1-1.000E+00 DMFL R021 Emanating power of Rn-222 gas not used 2.500E-01 EMANA(i)

R021 Emanating power of Rn-220 gas not used 1.500E-01 EMANA(2)

TITL Number of graphical time points 32 NPTS TITL Maximum number of integration points for dose 17 LYMAX TITL Maximum number of integration points for risk 1 KYMAX Summary of Pathway Selections Pathway User Selection I -- external gamma active 2 -- inhalation (w/o radon)l active 3 -- plant ingestion suppressed 4 -- meat ingestion suppressed 5 -- milk ingestion suppressed 6 -- aquatic foods active 7 -- drinking water suppressed 8 -- soil ingestion active 9 -- radon suppressed Find peak pathway doses active Page 49 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T% Limit = 180 days 07/23/2008 09:18 Page 7 Summsary Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 07-005 Mod E File  : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\05140806.RAD Contaminated Zone Dimensions Initial Soil Concentrations, pCi/g Area: 270000.00 square meters Cs-137 1.000E+00 9

'ickness: 0.15 meters Cover Depth: 0.00 meters Total Dose TDOSE(t), mrem/yr Basic Radiation Dose Limit - 2.500E+01 mrem/yr Total Mixture Sum M(t) = Fraction of Basic Dose Limit Received at Time (t) t (years): 0.OOOE+00 1.OOOE+00 3.000E+00 1.OOOE+01 1.000E+02 TDOSE(t): 1.077E-01 9.582E-02 3.312E-02 2.738E-02 1.782E-03 M(t): 4.308E-03 3.833E-03 1.325E-03 1.095E-03 7.128E-05 Maximum TDOSE(t) : 1.077E-01 mrem/yr at t = 0.OOOE+00 years Page 50 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 Ti Limit = 180 days 07/23/2008 09:18 Page 8 Summary Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 07-005 Mod E File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\05140806.RAD Total Dose Contributions TDOSE(i,p,t) for Individual Radionuclides (i) and Pathways (p)

As mrem/yr and Fraction of Total Dose At t - 0.OOOE+00 years Water Independent Pathways (Inhalation excludes radon)

Ground Inhalation Radon Plant Meat Milk Soil Radio-Nuclide mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. irem/yr fract. rrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract.

Cs-137 3.590E-02 0.3333 1.247E-07 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.000E+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 2.163E-05 0.0002 Total 3.590E-02 0.3333 1.247E-07 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.000E+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 2.163E-05 0.0002 Total Dose Contributions TDOSE(i,p,t) for Individual Radionuclides Ui) and Pathways (p)

As mrem/yr and Fraction of Total Dose At t = 0.OOOE+00 years Water Dependent Pathways Water Fish Radon Plant Meat Milk All Pathways*

Radio-Nuclide inrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. ntrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. miem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract.

Cs-137 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 7.177E-02 0.6665 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 1.077E-01 1.0000 Total 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 7.177E-02 0.6665 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.000E+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 1.077E-01 1.0000

. of all water independent and dependent pathways.

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 07/28/2008 09:24 Page 2 Concent : Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 07-005 Nod E File  : Ct\RESRAD_FAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\05140806.RAD 5 Concentration of radionuclides in at t = 0.OOOE+00 years environmental media Contaminat- Surface Air Par- Well Surface ted Zone Soil- ticulate Water Water Radio-Nuclide pCi/g pCi/g pCi/m**3 pCi/L pCi/L Cs-137 l.OOOE+00 l.OOE+00 2.356E-05 9.936E-01 2.683E-01

  • The Surface Soil is the top layer of soil within the user specified mixing zone/depth.

Concentrations in the media occurring in pathways that are suppressed are calculated using the current input parameters, i.e. using parameters appearing in the input screen when the pathways are active.

Concentration of radionuclides in foodstuff media at t = 0.OOOE+00 years*

Drinking Nonleafy Leafy- Fodder Fodder Meat Milk Fish Crustacea Water Vegetable Vegetable Meat Milk Radio-Nuclide pCi/L pCi/kg pCi/kg pCi/kg pCi/kg pCi/kg pCi/L pCi/kg pCi/kg

  • 37 9.936E-01 7.104E+00 8.413E+00 8.567E+00 8.567E+00 3.397E+01 9.041E+00 5.366E+02 2.683E+01
  • Concentrations are at consumption time and include radioactive decay and ingrowth during storage time.

IV livestock fodder, consumption time is t minus meat or milk storage time.

Concentrations in the media occurring in pathways that are suppressed are ,calculated using the current input parameters, i.e. using parameters appearing in the input screen when the pathways are active.

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 08/04/2008 14:37 Page I Probabilistic results summary : Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 07-005 Mod E File: C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\05140806.RAD Table of Contents Part VI: Uncertainty Analysis RESSAD Uncertainty Analysis Results Probabilistic Input ................................. 2 Total Dose .......................................... 3 Total Risk .. ....................................... 4 Dose vs Pathway: Ground External ................... 5 Dose vs Pathway: Inhalation (w/o Radon) ............ 6 Dose vs Pathway: Radon (Water Ind.) ................ 7 Dose vs Pathway: Plant (Water Ind.) ................ 8 Dose vs Pathway: Meat (water Ind.) ................ 9 Dose vs Pathway: Milk (Water Ind.) ................ 10 Dose vs Pathway: Soil Ingestion .................... 11 Dose vs Pathway: Water Ingestion ................... 12 Dose vs Pathway: Fish Ingestion .................... 13 Dose vs Pathway: Radon (Water Dep.) ................ 14 Dose vs Pathway: Plant (Water Dep.) ................ 15 Dose vs Pathway: Meat (Water Dep.) ................ 16 Dose vs Pathway: Milk (Water Dep.) ................ 17 Cumulative Probability Summary ....................... 18

.Summary Summary of dose at graphical times, reptition of dose at graphical times, reptition Summary of dose at graphical times, reptition 1 .....


3 .....

19 20 21 Peak of the mean dose at graphical times ............. 22 Correlation and Regression coefficients (if any) ..... 23 Page 53 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 08/04/2008 14:37 Page 2 Probabilistic results summary : Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 07-005 Mod E File: C:\RESRAD_FAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\05140806.RAD Probabilistic Input r of Sample Runs: 300 Number Name Distribution Parameters 1 AREA TRIANGULAR 10000 270000 500000 2 THICKO NORMAL .152 .152 3 FOTD NORMAL .012 .012 4 DIET(5) NORMAL 5.4 5.4 5 DCACTC(1) TRIANGULAR 50 1000 80000 6 BBIO(55,1) NORMAL 2000 1000 7 INHALR TRIANGULAR 4380 14000 16000 8 FR9 TRIANGULAR 0 .39 1 9 LCZPAQ TRIANGULAR 100 450 900 Page 54 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T&I Limit - 180 days 08/04/2008 14:37 Page 3 Probabilistic results summary : Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 07-005 Mod t File: C:\RESRAD FAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRF OFF-SITE\05140806.RAD Probabilistic Total Dose Sumnary

.de Peak Peak DOSE(j,t), mrem/yr (j) Time Dose t= 0.OOE+00 1.OOE+00 3.OOE+00 1.OOE+01 1.OOE+02 Cs-137 Min 0. OOE+00 0.00E+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 Max 9.96E-01 2.05E-01 2.05E-01 1.92E-01 1.29E-01 1.09E-01 1.21E-02 Avg 3.32E-03 3.77E-02 3.76E-02 3. 60E-02 2.93E-02 2. 44E-02 2.04E-03 Std 5.74E-02 3.76E-02 3.76E-02 3.58E-02 3.05E-02 2.57E-02 2.78E-03 EALL Mir 0. OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 Max 9.96E-01 2.05E-01 2.05E-01 1. 92E-01 1.29E-01 1.09E-01 1.21E-02 Avg 3.32E-03 3. 77E-02 3.76E-02 3.60E-02 2.93E-02 2.44E-02 2.04E-03 Std 5. 74E-02 3.76E-02 3.76E-02 3. 58E-02 3.05E-02 2.57E-02 2.78E-03 TALL is total dose summed for all nuclides.

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 08/04/2008 14:37 Page 4 Probabilistic results summary : Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 07-005 Mod E File: C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRF_OFF-SITE\05140806.RAD Probabilistic Risk Sumnary RISK(j,t)

  • 0)de t= 0.OOE+00 1.OOE+00 3.OOE+00 1.OOE+0l 1.OOE+02 Cs-137 Min 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 Max 4.65E-06 4.55E-06 2.93E-06 2. 48E-06 2.75E-07 Avg 8. 53E-07 8. 33E-07 6.65E-07 5.53E-07 4.64E-08 Std 8. 53E-07 8.33E-07 6.90E-07 5.82E-07 6.31E-08

.ALL Min 0. OOE+00 0.00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 Max 4.65E-06 4.55E-06 2.93E-06 2. 48E-06 2.75E-07 Avg 8.53E-07 8.33E-07 6.65E-07 5.53E-07 4.64E-08 Std 8.53E-07 8. 33E-07 6.90E-07 5.82E-07 6.31E-08 ZALL is total risk suumned for all nuclides.

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RESRAD, version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 07/21/2008 17:34 Page Summary : Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 Adult File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07210801.RAD Table of Contents rt I: Mixture Sums and Single Radionuclide Guidelines Dose Conversion Factor (and Related) Parameter Summary ... 2 Site-Specific Parameter Summary ............................. 3 Summary of Pathway Selections ............................... 7 Contaminated Zone and Total Dose Summary ................... 8 Total Dose Components Time = 0.000E+00 .... ................................... 9 Time = 1.OOOE+00 ....................................... 10 Time = 3.000E+00 ....................................... 11 Time = 1.000E+03 ....................................... 12 Dose/Source Ratios Summed Over All Pathways ................ 13 Single Radionuclide Soil Guidelines ........................ 13 Dose Per Nuclide Summed Over All Pathways .................. 14 Soil Concentration Per Nuclide ............................. 14 Page 57 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 07/21/2008 17:34 Page 2 Summary Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 Adult File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07210801.RAD Dose Conversion Factor (and Related) Parameter Summary Dose Library: ICRP 72 (Adult)

Current Base Parameter Menu Parameter ValueN Case* Name A-1 DCI's for external ground radiation, (mrem/yr)/(pCi/g)

A-I Ba-137m (Source: FGR 12) 3.606E+00 3.606E+00 DCFl( 1)

A-I Cs-137 (Source: FGR 12) 7.510E-04 7.510E-04 DCFl( 2)

B-i .1 Dose conversion factors for inhalation, mrem/pCi:

B-I Cs-137+D 1.443E-04 1.443E-04 DCF2( 1)

D-i Dose conversion factors for ingestion, mrem/pCi:

D-1 Cs-137+D 4.810E-05 4.BlOE-05 DCF3( 1)

D-34 Food transfer factors:

D-34 Cs-137+D , plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 4.000E-02 4.OOOE-02 RTF( 1,1)

D-34 Cs-137+D , beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/kg)/(pCi/d) 3.000E-02' 3.000E-02 RTF( 1,2)

D-34 Cs-1i37+D , milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/L)/(pCi/d) 8.000E-03 8.OOOE-03 RTF( 1,3)

D-5 Bioaccumulation factors, fresh water, L/kg:

D-5 Cs~I37+D , fish 2.OOOE+03 2.OOOE+03 BIOFAC( 1,1)

Cs-137+D , crustacea and mollusks 1.OOOE+02 1.OOOE+02 BIOFAC( 1,2)


  1. For DCFI(xxx) only, factors are for infinite depth & area. See ETFG table in Ground Pathway of Detailed Report.
  • Base Case means Default.Lib w/o Associate Nuclide contributions.

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 07/21/2008 17:34 Page 3 Summary  : Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 Adult File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07210801.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary User Used by RESRAD Parameter Menu Parameter Input Default (If different from user input) Name I I R011 Area of contaminated zone (m**2) 1.860E+02 1.OOOE+04 AREA R011 Thickness of contaminated zone (m) 7.600E-02 2.OOOE+00 THICKO R011 Length parallel to aquifer flow (m) 1.000E+02 1.OOOE+02 LCZPAQ R011 Basic radiation dose limit (mrem/yr) 2.500E+01 3.OOOE+01 BRDL R011 Time since placement of material (yr) O.OOOE+00 0.OOOE+00 TI R011 Times for calculations Cyr) 1.OOOE+00 1.OOOE+00 T( 2)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) 3.OOOE+00 3.OOOE+00 T( 3)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) 1.OOOE+03 1.OOOE+01 T( 4)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) not used 3.OOO0E+OI T( 5)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) not used 1.OOOE+02 T( 6)

R011 Times for calculations Cyr) not used 3.OOOE+02 T( 7)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) not used 1.OOOE+03 T( 8)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) not used 0.OOOE+00 T( 9)

R011 Times for calculations (yI) not used 0.OOOE+00 T(10)

R012 Initial principal radionuclide (pCi/g): Cs-137 1.000E+00 O.OOOE+00 IS1(l)

R012 Concentration in groundwater (pCi/L): Cs-137 not used O.OOOE+00 W1( 1)

Cover depth (m) O.OOOE+00 0.OOOE+00 COVERO Density of cover material (g/cm**3) not used 1.500E+00 DENSCV R013 Cover depth erosion rate (m/yr) not used 1.OOOE-03 VCV R013 Density of contaminated zone (g/cm**3) 1.500E+00 1.500E+00 DENSCZ Contaminated zone erosion rate (m/yr) 1. OOOE-03 1.OOOE-03 VCZ Contaminated zone total porosity 4.OOOE-01 4.OO0E-01 TPCZ 2.OOOE-01 2.000E-01 FCCZ R013 Contaminated zone field capacity R013 Contaminated zone hydraulic conductivity (m/yr) 1.00DE+01 1.OOOE+01 HCCZ R013 Contaminated zone b parameter 5.300E+00 5.300E+00 BCZ R013 Average annual wind speed (m/sec) 2.OOOE+00 2.OOOE+00 WIND R013 Humidity in air (g/m**3) not used 8.OOOE+00 HUMID R013 Evapotranspiration coefficient 5.OOOE-01 5.000E-01 EVAPTR R013 Precipitation (m/yr) 1.OOOE+00 1.OOOE+00 PRECIP 2.000E-01 2.OOOE-01 RI R013 Irrigation (m/yr)

R013 Irrigation mode overhead overhead IDITCH 2.OOOE-01 2.OOOE-01 RUNOFF R013 Runoff coefficient R013 Watershed area for nearby stream or pond (m**2) 1.000E+06 1.OOOE+06 *WAREA 1.OOOE-03 1.000E-03 EPS R013 Accuracy for water/soil computations R014 Density of saturated zone (g/cm**3) 1.500E+00 1.500E+00 DENSAQ R014 Saturated zone total porosity 4.OOOE-01 4.OOOE-01 TPSZ R014 Saturated zone effective porosity 2.OOOE-01 2.OOOE-01 EPSZ 2.OOOE-01 FCSZ R014 Saturated zone field capacity 2.OOOE-01 R014 Saturated zone hydraulic conductivity (m/yr) 1.OOOE+02 1.OOOE+02 HCSZ R014 Saturated zone hydraulic gradient 2.OOOE-02 2.OOOE-02 HGWT Saturated zone b parameter 5.300E+00 5.300E+00 BSZ R014 o14 Water table drop rate (m/yr) 1.OOOE-03 1.000E-03 VWT R04 DWIBWT Well pump intake depth (m below water table) 1.OOOE+01 1.000E+01 ND MODEL R014 Model: Nondispersion (ND) or Mass-Balance (MB) ND R014 Well pumping rate (m**3/yr) 2.500E+02 2.500E+02 UW 1 1 NS Number of unsaturated zone strata Page 59 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T1 Limit = 180 days 07/21/2008 17:34 Page Summary Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 Adult File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07210801.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued) 01 Menu Parameter User Input Default (If Used by RESRAD different from user input)

Parameter Name R015 Unsat. zone 1, thickness Wm) 4.OOOE+00 4.000E+00 -H(1)

R015 Unsat. zone 1, soil density (g/cm**3) 1.500E+00 1.500E+00 -- DENSUZ(1)

R015 Unsat. zone 1, total porosity 4.OOOE-01 4.000E-01 -- TPUZ(l)

ROlS Unsat. zone 1, effective porosity 2.OOOE-01 2.000E-01 - -EPUZ(1) 2.OOOE-01 --- FCUZ(1)

R015 Unsat. zone 1, field capacity 2.000E-01 R015 Unsat. zone I, soil-specific b parameter 5.300E+00 5.300E+00 - -BUZ(l)

R015 Unsat. zone 1, hydraulic conductivity (m/yr) 1.OOOE+01 1.OOOE+01 - -HCUZ(1)

R0l6 Distribution coefficients for Cs-137 R016 Contaminated zone (cm**3/g) 4.600E+03 4.600E+03 DCNUCC( 1)

R016 Unsaturated zone 1 (cm**3/g) 4.600E+03 4.600E+03 DCNUCU( 1,1)

R016 Saturated zone (cm**3/g) 1.OOOE+03 4.600E+03 DCNUCS( 1)

R016 Leach rate (/yr) O.OOOE+00 0.000+E+0 9.534E-04 ALEACH( 1)

R016 Solubility constant 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 not used SOLUBK( 1)

R017 Inhalation rate (m**3/yr) 8.400E+03 8.400E+03 INHALR R017 Mass loading for inhalation (g/m**3) 1.000E-04 1.000E-04 MLINH R017 Exposure duration 3.000E+01 3.OOOE+01 ED Shielding factor, inhalation 4.000E-01 4.000E-01 SHF3 Shielding factor, external gasna 7.000E-01 7.000E-01 SHFI Fraction of time spent indoors 0.OOOE+00 5.000E-01 FIND R017 Fraction of time spent outdoors (on site) 1.400E-02 2.500E-01 FOTrD R017 Shape factor flag, external gamma 1.000E+00 1.000E+00 >0 shows circular AREA. FS R017 Radii of shape factor array (used if FS = -1):

Outer annular radius (m), ring I: not used 5.000E+01 HADSHAPEC 1)

R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 2: not used 7.071E+01 RADSHAPE( 2)

R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 3: not used 0.OOOE+00 PAD SHAPE( 3)

R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 4: not used 0. 000E00 RAD SHAPE( 4)

R017 Outer annular radius ring 5: not used 0.000E+00 RAD SHAPE( 5)

R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 6: not used 0. 000E+00 RAD SHAPE( 6)

R017 Outer annular radius Cm), ring 7: not used 0.000E+00 RADSHAPEC 7)

R017 Outer annular radius ring 8: not used 0. 000E+00 RADSHAPE( 8)

R017 Outer annular radius ring 9: not used 0. 000E+00 HADSHAPE( 9)

R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 10: not used 0.OOOE+00 RADSHAPE(10)

R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 11: not used O.OOOE+00 RADSHAPE(ll)

Outer. annular radius (m), ring 12: not used 0.0005+00 HADSHAPE(12)

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 T',Limit - 180 days 07/21/2008 17:34 Page 5 Summary : Suburban Gardner Scenario for T BD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 Adult File  : C:\RESRADFAmILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07210801.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary (Continued)

User Used by RESRAD I Parameter Menu Parameter j Input Default (If different from user input) Name R017 Fractions of annular areas within AREA:

R017 Ring 1 not used 1.000E+00 --- FRACA( 1)

R017 Ring 2 not used 2.732E-01 --- FRACA( 2)

R017 Ring 3 not used 0.000E+00 --- FRACA( 3)

R017 Ring 4 not used 0.000E+00 --- FRACA( 4)

R017 Ring 5 not used 0.000E+00 --- FRACA( 5)

R017 Ring 6 not used 0.000E+00 --- FRACA( 6)

R017 Ring 7 not used 0.000E+00 -- FRACA( 7)

ROl7 Ring 8 not used O.O00+00 --- FRACA( 8)

R017 Ring 9 not used 0.000E+00 --- FRACA( 9)

R017 Ring 10 not used 0.000E+00 --- FRACA(10)

R017 Ring 11 not used 0.000E+00 --- FRACA(li)

R017 Ring 12 not used 0.000E+00 --- FRACA(12)

R018 Fruits, vegetables and grain consumption (kg/yr) 1.600E+02 1.600E+02 DIET(l)

R018 Leafy vegetable consumption (kg/yr) 1.400E+01 1.400E+01 -- DIET(2)

R018 Milk consumption (L/yr) not used 9.200E+01 -- DIET(3)

R018 Meat and poultry consumption (kg/yr) not used 6.300E+01 --- DIET(4)

Fish consumption (kg/yr) not used 5.400E+00 --- DIET(5)

Other seafood consumption (kg/yr) not used 9.000E-01 -- DIET(6)

R018 Soil ingestion rate (g/yr) 3.650E+01 3.650E+01 SOIL R018 Drinking water intake (L/yr) not used 5.100E+02 W---I Contamination fraction of drinking water not used 1.000E+00 --- FDW 0 Contamination fraction of household water not used 1.000E+00 --- FHHW R018 Contamination fraction of livestock water not used 1.0006+00 --- FLW R018 Contamination fraction of irrigation water 1.000E+00 1.000E+00 --- FIRW R018 Contamination fraction of aquatic food not used 5.000E-01 --- FR9 R018 Contamination fraction of plant food 5.000E-01 -1 -- FPLANT R018 Contamination fraction of meat not used I-I 1 --- FMEAT R018 Contamination fraction of milk not used 1-1 --- FMILK R019 Livestock fodder intake for meat (kg/day) not used 6.800E+01 LF5I R019 Livestock fodder intake for milk (kg/day) not used 5.500E+01 --- LFI6 R019 Livestock water intake for meat (L/day) not used 5.000E+01 --- LWI5 R019 Livestock water intake for milk (L/day) not used 1.600E+02 LI L1---

RO9 Livestock soil intake (kg/day) not used 5.000E-01 --- LSI R019 Mass loading for foliar deposition (g/m**3) 1.000E-04 1.000E-04 --- MLFD R019 Depth of soil mixing layer (m) 1.500E-0i 1.500E-01 -DM R019 Depth of roots (m) 9.000E-01 9.000E-01 -- DROOT R019 Drinking water fraction from ground water not used 1.000E+00 -- FGWDW R019 Household water fraction from ground water not used 1.000E+00 --- FGWRH R019 Livestock water fraction from ground water not used 1.000E+00 --- FGWLW R019 Irrigation fraction from ground water 1.000E+00 1.000E+00 --- FGWIR Wet weight crop yield for Non-Leafy (kg/m**2) 7.000E-01 7.000E-01 --- YV(l)

Wet weight crop yield for Leafy (kg/m**2) 1.500E+00 1.500E+00 --- YV(2)

R19B Wet weight crop yield for Fodder (kg/m**2) not used 1.100E+00 -- YV(3)

R19B Growing Season for Non-Leafy (years) 1.700E-01 1.700E-01 --- TE(l)

  • Growing Season for Leafy (years) 2.500E-01 2.500E-01 -- TE(2)

Growing Season for Fodder (years) not used 8.000E-02 --- TE(3)

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 07/21/2008 17:34 Page 6 Summary : Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 Adult File C:\RESRAD_FAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07210801.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Suimmary (continued)

User Used by RESRAD Parameter Menu Parameter I nput Default (If different from user input) Nam,5e R19B Translocation Factor for Non-Leafy 1.OOOE-011 1.000E-01 TIV(l)

R19B Translocation Factor for Leafy I .000E+0* 1. OOOE+00 TIV(2)

R19B Translocation Factor for Fodder not used 1. OOOE+00 TIV(3)

R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Non-Leafy 2.500E-0 2.500E-01 RDRY (1 R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Leafy 2.500E-0 2.500E-01 RDRY (2 R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Fodder not used 2.500E-01 RDRY (3:

R19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Non-Leafy 2.500E-0 1 2.500E-01 RWET (1)

R19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Leafy 2.500E-0 1 2.500E-01 RWET (2 R19B Wet Folia3kInterception Fraction for Fodder not used 2.500E-01 RWET (3 R19B Weathering Removal Constant for Vegetation 2.OOOE+0: 2.OOOE+01 WLAM C14 C-12 concentration in water (g/cm**3) not used 2.OOOE-05 C12WTR C14 I C-12 concentration in contaminated soil (g/g) not used 3.0O0E-02 CI2CZ C14 Fraction of vegetation carbon from soil not used 2.000E-02 CSOIL C14 Fraction of vegetation carbon from air not used 9.800E-01 CAIR C14 C-14 evasion layer thickness in soil (m) not used 3.OOOE-01 DMC C14 C-14 evasion flux rate from soil (1/sec) not used 7. D00E-07 EVSN C14 C-12 evasion flux rate from soil (1/sec) not used 1.OOOE-10 REVSN Fraction of grain in beef cattle feed not used 8.OOOE-01 AVFG4 Fraction of grain in milk cow feed not used 2.OOOE-01 AVFG5 0

STOR STOR Storage times of contaminated foodstuffs Fruits, non-leafy vegetables, Leafy vegetables Milk and grain (days)

I i.400E+0:1

. 000E+0(0 1.000E+0( 0

1. 400E+01 1.000E+00 1.000E+00 STOR T (1)

STOR T (2)


STOR Meat and poultry 2.000E+0: 1 2.000E+01 STORT (4)

STOR Fish 7.000E+0( 0 7. O0OE+00 (5)

STOR 7.000E+0)0 7.000E+00 STORT (6)

Crustacea and mollusks STOR Well water 1.000E+0( 0 1. OOOE+00 STORT (7)

STOR 1.000E+0 0 1.OOOE+00 STORT (8)

Surface water STOR Livestock fodder 4.500E+0: 1 4.500E+01 STORT (9)

R021 not used 1.500E-01 FLOORI Thickness of building foundation (m)

R021 Bulk density of building foundation (g/cm'*3) not used 2.400E+00 DEN SFL R021 Total porosity of the cover material not used 4.000E-01 TPCV R021 Total porosity of the building foundation not used 1.000E-0l TPFL R021 5.000E:-02 PH20CV Volumetric water content of the cover material not used R021 Volumetric water content of the foundation not used 3.000E-02 PH2OFL R021 Diffusion coefficient for radon gas (m/sec):

R021 in cover material not used 2.000E-06 DIFCV R021 in foundation material not used 3.000E-07 DIFFL in contaminated zone soil not used 2.000E-06 DIFCZ R021 not used 2.000E+00 HMIX Radon vertical dimension of mixing (m)

R021 Average building air exchange rate (l/hr) not used 5.000E-01 REXG R021 HRM Height.of the building (room) (m) not used 2.500E+00 not used 0.OOOE+00 FAI Building interior area factor (m) not used 1-1.000E+00 DMFL Building depth below ground surface R021 Emanating power of Rn-222 gas not used 2.500E-01 IEMANAC I)


Emanating power of Rn-220 gas not used 1.500E-01 NPTS TITL Number of graphical time points 32 Page 62 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit - 180 days 07/21/2008 17:34 Page 7 Summary : Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 Adult File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07210801.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

II User I Used by RESRAD Parameter Menu I Parameter Input Default I (If different from user input) Name i

ITII I I TITLI Maximum number of integration points for dosek17 * --- I LYMAX TITL Maximum number of integration points for risk I - --- I KYMAX Summary of Pathway Selections Pathway I User Selection I -- external gamma active 2 -- inhalation (w/o radon)l active 3 -- plant ingestion active 4 -- meat ingestion suppressed 5 -- milk ingestion suppressed 6 -- aquatic foods suppressed 7 -- drinking water suppressed 8 -- soil ingestion active 9 -- radon suppressed Find peak pathway doses active Page 63 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 07/21/2008 17:34 Page 8 Summary : Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 Adult File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07210801.RAD Contaminated Zone Dimensions Initial Soil Concentrations, pCi/g Area: 186.00 square meters Cs-137 1.O00E+00 Thickness: 0.08 meters Cover Depth: 0.00 meters Total Dose TDOSE(t), mrem/yr Basic Radiation Dose Limit = 2.500E+01 mrem/yr Total Mixture Sum M(t) = Fraction of Basic Dose Limit Received at Time (t) t (years): 0.000E+00 1.OOOE+00 3.OOOE+00 1.OOOE+03 TDOSE(t): 3.945E-02 3.814E-02 3.564E-02 0.OOOE+00 M(t): 1.578E-03 1.526E-03 1.426E-03 0.OOOE+00 Maximum TDOSE(t): 3.945E-02 mrem/yr at t = 0.OOOE+00 years Page 64 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 07/21/2008 17:34 Page 9 Sui-nary Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 Adult File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07210801.RAD Total Dose Contributions TDOSE(i,p,t) for Individual Radionuclides (i) and Pathways (p)

AS mrem/yr and Fraction of Total Dose At t = 0.OOOE+00 years Water Independent Pathways (Inhalation excludes radon)

Ground Inhalation Radon Plant -Meat Milk Soil Radio-Nuclide mrem/yr fract. Isem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract.

Cs-137 2.556E-02 0.6480 9,422E-08 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 1.388E-02 0.3519 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 2.274E-06 0.0001 Total 2.556E-02 0.6480 9.422E-08 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 1.388E-02 0.3519 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 2.274E-06 0.0001 Total Dose Contributions, TDOSE(i,p,t) for Individual Radionuclides (i) and Pathways (p)

As mrem/yr and Fraction of Total Dose At t - 0.000E+00 years Water Dependent Pathways Water Fish Radon Plant Meat Milk All Pathways*

Radio-Nuclide mrem/yr fract. Iarem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract.- mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract.

37 .OOOE+00 0.0000 0,OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.000E+00 0.0000 3.945E-02 1.0000 Total 0.000E+00 0.0000 0,OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.000E+00 0.0000 0.000E+00 0.0000 3.945E-02 1.0000

' of all water independent and dependent pathways.

Page 65 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 TMILimit = 180 days 07/28/2008 10:45 Page 2 Concent : Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 Adult File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRF OFF-SITE\07210801.RAD Concentration of radionuclides in environmental media at t = 0.000E+00 years Contaminat- Surface Air Par- Well Surface ted Zone Soil* ticulate Water Water Radio-Nuclide pCi/g pCi/g pCi/m**3 pCi/L pCi/L Cs-137 1.OOOE+00 5.067E-01 5.656E-06 0.000E+00 0.006E+00

  • The Surface Soil is the top layer of soil within the user specified mixing zone/depth.

Concentrations in the media occurring in pathways that are suppressed are calculated using the current input parameters, i.e. using parameters appearing in the input screen when the pathways are active.

Concentration of radionuclides in foodstuff media at t = 0.OOOE+00 years*

Drinking Nonleafy Leafy Fodder Fodder Meat Milk Fish Crustacea Water Vegetable Vegetable Meat Milk Radio-Nuclide pCi/L pCi/kg pCi/kg pCi/kg pCi/kg pCi/kg pCi/L pCi/kg pCi/kg 37 0.OOOE+00 3.378E+00 3.379E+00 3.379E+00 3.379E+00 1.449E+01 3.514E+00 0.OOOE+00 0.000E+00

  • Concentrations are at consumption time and include radioactive decay and ingrowth during storage time.
  • livestock fodder, consumption time is t minus meat or milk storage time.

Concentrations in the media occurring in pathways that are suppressed are calculated using the current input parameters, i.e. using parameters appearing in the input screen when the pathways are active.

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit - 180 days 08/04/2008 14:52 Page 1 Probabilistic results summary : Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 AdultFile: C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07210801.RAD Table of Contents Part VI: Uncertainty Analysis RESRAD Uncertainty Analysis Results Probabilistic Input .................................... 2 Total Dose .... ......................................... 3 Total Risk .... ......................................... 4 Dose vs Pathway: Ground External ..................... 5 Dose vs Pathway: Inhalation (w/o Radon) ............ 6 Dose vs Pathway: Radon (Water Ind.) ................ 7 Dose vs Pathway: Plant (Water Ind.) ................ 8 Dose vs Pathway: Meat (Water Ind.) ................ 9 Dose vs Pathway: Milk (Water Ind.) ................ 10 Dose vs Pathway: Soil Ingestion ...................... 11 Dose vs Pathway: Water Ingestion ..................... 12 Dose vs Pathway: Fish Ingestion ...................... 13 Dose vs Pathway: Radon (Water Dep.) ................ 14 Dose vs Pathway: Plant (Water Dep.) ................ 15 Dose vs Pathway: Meat (Water Dep.) ................ 16 Dose vs Pathway: Milk (Water Dep.) ................ 17 Cumulative Probability Summary ....................... 18 Summary of dose at graphical times, reptition 1 ..... 19

  • Summary of dose at graphical times, reptition 2 ..... 20 Summary of dose at graphical times, reptition 3 ..... 21 Peak of the mean dose at graphical times ............. 22 Correlation and Regression coefficients (if any) ..... 23 Page 67 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 Th Limit = 180 days 08/04/2008 14:52 Page 2 Probabilistic .results sumnmary : Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 AdultFile: C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07210801.RAD Probabilistic Input

  • er ot Sample Runs: 300 Number Name Distribution Parameters 1 FOTD NORMAL .014 .014 2 AREA TRIANGULAR 100 186 1000 3 THICKO NORMAL .076 .076 4 FPLANT NORMAL .5 .5 5 DCACTC (1) TRIANGULAR 50 4600 80000 6 DCACTUl(1) LOGNORMAL 4600 3 7 DCACTS (1) LOGNORMAL 4600 3 8 LCZPAQ TRIANGULAR 10 14 200 9 INHALR TRIANGULAR 4380 8400 13100 10 DIET(1) TRIANGULAR 135 178 318 11 DIET (2) TRIANGULAR 4 14 28 12 SOIL TRIANGULAR 0 18.3 36.5 Page 68 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T*i Limit = 180 days 08/04/2008 14:52 Page 3 Probabilistic results summary : Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 AdultFile: C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07210801.RAD Probabilistic Total Dose Summary SOide Peak Peak DOSE(J,t), mrem/yr (j) Time Dose t= 0.OOE+00 1.OOE+00 3.00E+I00 1.OOE+03 Cs-137 Min 0. ooE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Max 0. OOE+00 1.83E-01 1.83E-01 1.7BE-01 1.69E-01 0. OOE+00 Avg 0.OOE+00 4.66E-02 4.66E-02 4.51E-02 4.23E-02 0.OOE+00 Std 0. OOE+00 4.40E-02 4.40E-02 4.28E-02 4. 06E-02 0.OOE+00 EALL Min 0. OOE+00 0.00E+00 O.OOE+00O0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Max 0.00E+00 1.83E-01 1.83E-01 1.78E-01 1.69E-01 0.OOE+00 Avg 0. OOE+00 4. 66E-02 4.66E-02 4.51E-02 4.23E-02 0.OOE+00 Std 0.OOE+00 4. 40E-02 4.40E-02 4.28E-02 4.06E-02 0.00E4-00 ZALL is total dose summed for all nuclides.

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 T% Limit = 180 days 08/04/2008 14:52 Page 4 Probabilistic results summary : Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using

'ICRP-72 AdultFile: C:\RESRAD FAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07210801.RAD Probabilistic Risk Summary

  • ide RISK(j,t)

(j) t= 0.00OE+00 .OOE+00 3.00E+00 l.OOE+03 Cs-137 Min 0. 00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Max 4.26E-06 4.15E-06 3.94E-06 0.0 0E+00 Avg 1.08E-06 1.05E-06 9.80E-07 0. OOE+00 Std 1.02E-06 9.92E-07 9.41E-07 0. 00E+00 FALL Min 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 Max 4.26E-06 4. 15E-06 3. 94E-06 0.00E+00 Avg 1.08E-06 1.05E-06 9. BOE-07 0.00E+00 Std 1. 02E-06 9.92E-07 9.41E-07 0.OOE+00 EALL is total risk summed for all nuclides.

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RESRAD Regression and Correlation output 08/04/08 14:52 Page: Coef 3 Title Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 Adult Input File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRF OFF-SITE\07210801.RAD fficients for peak of mean dose time Dose Coefficient = PCC SRC PRCC SRRC Repetition = 3 3 3 3 Description of Probabilistic Variable Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Outdoor time fraction 2 0.67 2 0.41 2 0.70 2 0.37 Area of contaminated zone 7 0.12 7 0.06 7 0.10 7 0.04 Thickness of contaminated zone 1 0.85 1 0.72 1 0.90 1 0.78 Plant food 3 0.54 3 0.29 3 0.59 3 0.28 Kd of Cs-137 in Contaminated Zone 10 -0.04 10 -0.02 6 -0.10 6 -0.04 Kd of Cs-137 in Unsaturated Zone 1 9 0.07 9 0.03 11 0.01 11 0.01 Kd of Cs-137 in Saturated Zone 11 0.03 11 0.01 10 -0.05 10 -0.02 Length parallel to aquifer flow 4 -0.19 4 -0.09 5 -0.14 5 -0.05 Inhalation rate 6 -0.13 6 -0.06 12 -0.01 12 -0.01 Fruit, vegetable, and grain consumption 5 0.17 5 0.08 4 0.14 4 0.06 Leafy vegetable consumption 12 0.01 12 0.00 9 0.06 9 0.02 Soil ingestion 8 -0.08 8 -0.04 8 -0.09 8 -0.04 R-SQUARE 0.80 0.80 0.85 0.85

-Rank is set to zero if the dose is zero or the correlation matrix is singular.

-R-SQUARE varies between 0 and 1 and is called the coefficient of determination; it provides a measure of the variation in the dependent variable (Dose) explained by regression on the independent variables.

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 T'iLimit = 180 days 07/28/2008 13:21 Page Summary : Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 Infant File  : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280801.RAD Table of Contents

  • art It Mixture Sums and Single Radionuclide Guidelines Dose Conversion Factor (and Related) Parameter Summary ... 2 Site-Specific Parameter Summary ............................ 3 Summary of Pathway Selections ............................... 7 Contaminated Zone and Total Dose Summary ................. B Total Dose Components Time = 0.000E+00 ..... .................................. 9 Time = 1.000E+00 ....................................... 10 Time = 3.OO0E+00 ....................................... 11 Time = 1.000E+03 ... .................................... 12 Dose/Source Ratios Summed Over All Pathways .............. 13 Single Radionuclide Soil Guidelines ........................ 13 Dose Per Nuclide Summed Over All Pathways .................. 14 Soil Concentration Per Nuclide .............................. 14 Page 72 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 Td Limit = 180 days 07/28/2008 13:21 Page 2 Summary : Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 Infant File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280801.RAD Dose Conversion Factor (and Related) Parameter Summary Dose Library: ICRP 72 (Infant)

Current Base Parameter' Menu Parameter Value# I Case* j Name L~I A-i DCF's for external ground radiation, (mrem/yr),/(pCi/g) 3.606E+00 A-I Ba-137m (Source: FGR 12) 3.606E+00 DCFl( 1)

A-I Cs-137 (Source: FGR 12) 7.510E-04 7.510E-04 DCFI( 2)

B-I Dose conversion factors for inhalation, mrem/pCi:

B-1 Cs-137+D 4.070E-04 4.070E-04 DCF2( 1)

D-1 Dose conversion factors for ingestion, mrem/pCi:

D-1 Cs-137+D 7.770E-05 7.770E-05 DCF3( 1)

D-34 Food transfer factors:

4.000E-02 D-34 Cs-137+D , plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 4.000E-02 RTF( 1,1) 3.OOOE-02 D-34 Cs-137+D , beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/kg)/(pCi/d) 3.OOE-02 RTF( 1,2)

D-34 Cs-137+D , milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/L)/(pCi/d) 8.OOOE-03 8.000E-03 RTF( 1,3)

D-5 Bioaccuulation factors, fresh water, L/kg:

D-5 Cs-137+D , fish 2.OOOE+03 2.OOOE+03 BIOFAC( 1,1)

D-5 Cs-137+D , crustacea and mollusks 1.OOOE+02 1.000E+02 BIOFAC( 1,2)

  1. IFor DCFl(xxx) only, factors are for infinite depth & area. See ETFG table in Ground Pathway of Detailed Report.

Base Case means Default.Lib w/o Associate Nuclide contributions.

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 07/28/2008 13:21 Page 3 Summary : Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 Infant File  : C:\RESRAD_FAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280801.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary User Used by RESRAD Parameter Parameter Input Default (If different from user input) Name R011 Area of contaminated zone (m**2) .1.860E+02 1.000E+04 AREA R011 Thickiness of contaminated zone (m) 7.600E-02 2.000E+00 THICKO R011 Lengtl h parallel to aquifer flow (m) 1.000E+02 -1.000E+02 LCZPAQ Roll Basic radiation dose limit (mrem/yr) 2.500E+01 3.000E+0I BRDL R011 Time since placement of material (yr) 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 TI R011 Times for calculations (yr) 1.000E+00 1.000E+00 T( 2)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) 3.000E+00 3.000E+00 T( 3)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) 1.000E+03 1.000+E01 T( 4)

RO11 Times for calculations (yr) not used 3.000E+01 T( 5)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) not used 1.000E+02 T( 6)

Roll Times for calculations (yr) not used 3.000E+02 T( 7)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) not used 1.000E+03 T( 8)

(yr) not used 0.0001+00 T( 9)

ROll Times for calculations 0. OOOE+00 R011 Times for calculations (yr) not used 0.00OE+00 T(10)

R012 Initi al principal radionuclide (pCi/g): Cs-137 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 S1(1)

R012 Concei ntration in groundwater (pCi/L): Cs-137 not used 0.000E+00 Wl(1 )

R013 Cover depth (m) 0.000E+00 0.0001+00 COVERO RD013 Density of cover material (g/cm**3) not used 1.500E+00 DENSCV R013 Cover depth erosion rate (m/yr) not used 1.000E-03 VCV SR013 Density of contaminated zone (g/ci**3)

Contaminated zone erosion rate (m/yr)

Contaminated zone total porosity 1.500E+00 1.000E-03 4.000E-01 1.500E+00 1.000E-03 4.000E-01 DENSCZ VCZ TPCZ R013 Contaminated zone field capacity 2.000E-01 2.000E-01 FCCZ 1.000E+01 1.000E+01 HCCZ R013 Contaminated zone hydraulic conductivity (m/yr)

R013 Contaminated zone b parameter 5.300E+00 5.300E+00 BCZ R013 Average annual wind speed (m/sec) 2.000E+00 2.OO0E+00 WIND R013 Humidity in air (g/m**3) not used 8.00OE+00 HUMID R013 Evapotranspiration coefficient 5.0O0E-01 5.000E-01 EVAPTR R013 Precipitation (m/yr) 1.0O0E+00 1.000E+00 PRECIP R013 Irrigation (m/yr) 2.000E-01 2.000E-01 RI Irrigation mode overhead overhead IDITCH R013 Runoff coefficient 2.000E-01 2.000E-01 RUNOFF 1.O00E+06 1.000E+06 WAREA R013 Watershed area for nearby stream or pond (m**2)

R013 Accuracy for water/soil computations 1.000E-03 1.000E-03 EPS RD014 Density of saturated zone (g/cm**3) 1.500E+00 1.500E+00 DENSAQ R014 Saturated zone total porosity 4.000E-01 4.OOE-01 TPSZ R014 Saturated zone effective porosity 2.000E-01 2.000E-01 EPSZ R014 2.000E-01 2.000E-01 FCSZ Saturated zone field capacity R014 (m/yr) 1.000E+02 1.000E+02 HCSZ Saturated zone hydraulic conductivity R014 2.000E-02 2.000E-02 HGWT Saturated zone hydraulic gradient R014 5.300E+00 5.300E+00 BSZ Saturated zone b parameter 1.000E-03 1.000E-03 VWT R014 Water table drop rate (m/yr) 1.000E+01 1.000E+01 DWIBWT R014 Well pump intake depth (m below water table)

R014 Model: Nondispersion (ND) or Mass-Balance (MB) ND ND MODEL 2.500E+02 2.500E+02 UW R014 Well pumping rate (m**3/yr) 1 NS

  • 5 Number of unsaturated zone strata Page 74 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 07/28/2008 13:21 Page 4 Summary Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 Infant File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280801.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued) i Menu Parameter User Input I I

Default (If Used by RESRAD different from user input) I Parameter Name R015 Unsat. zone 1, thickness (m) 4.0 0OE+00 4. 000E+00 H(1)

R015 Unsat. zone 1, soil density (g/cm**3) 1. 500E+00 1. 500E+00 DENSUZ(1)

R015 Unsat. zone 1, total porosity 4. OOOE-01 4. ODE-01 TPUZ (1)

R015 Unsat. zone 1, effective porosity 2.0O0E-01 "2.0OOE-01 EPUZ (1)

R015 Unsat. zone 1, field capacity 2.0O0E-01 2.0OOE-01 FCUZ (1)

R015 Unsat. zone 1, soil-specific b parameter 5.300E+00 5.300E+00 BUZ (1)

R015 Unsat. zone 1, hydraulic conductivity (m/yr) 1.000E+01 1. 000E+01 HCUZ (1) 7 R016 Distribution coefficients for Cs-13 R016 Contaminated zone (-c*3/g) 4.600E+03 4. 600E+03 DCNUCC( 2)

R016 Unsaturated zone 1 (Cm*3/g) 4. 600E+03 4.600E+03 DCNUCU(

R016 Saturated zone (cm**3/g) 1.000E+03 4.600E+03 DCNUCS( 1)

R016 Leach rate (/yr) O.000E+00 0. OOOE+00 9.534E-04 ALEACH( 1)

R016 Solubility constant o.000E+00 0.00OE+00 not used SOLUBK( 1)

R017 Inhalation rate (m**3/yr) 1. 644E+03 8. 400E+03 INHALR R017 Mass loading for inhalation (g/m**3) 1.000E-04 1. OOOE-04 MLINH R017 Exposure duration 3. 0OOE+01 3. 000E+01 ED RD 17 Shielding factor, inhalation 4. OOOE-01 4. 0OOE-01 SHF3 R0 17 Shielding factor, external gamma 7.ODDE-01 7. 000E-01 SHF1 R017 Fraction of time spent indoors 0.000E+00 5.000E-01 FIND R017 Fraction of time spent outdoors (on site) 1.400E-02 2.500E-01 FOTD Shape factor flag, external gamma 1.000E+00 1. 000E+00 >0 shows circular AREA. FS Radii of shape factor array (used if FS = -1):

Outer annular radius (m), ring 1: not used 5. 000E+01 RADSHAPEC 1)

R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 2: not used 7.071E+01 RADSHAPE( 2)

R017 Outer annular radius ring 3: not used 0. 000E+00 RADSHAPE (3)

R017 Outer annular radius (i), ring 4: not used 0. 000E+00 RADSHAPE( 4)

R017 Outer annular radius ring 5: not used 0. 000E+00 RADSHAPE( 5)

R017 Outer annular radius ring 6: not used 0. 000E+00 PADSHAPE) 6)

R0 17 (m),

Outer annular radius ring 7: not used 0. 000E+00 PAD SHAPE( 7)

R017 Outer annular radius ring 8: not used 0.O00E+00 PADSHAPE ( 8)

R017 R017 Outer annular radius ring 9: not used 0. 000E+00 RADSHAPE( 9)

R017 R017 Outer annular radius ring 10: not used 0. 00E+00 PADSHAPE (10)


Cm), ring 11:

R017 Outer annular radius not used 0. 000E÷00 RADSHAPE(ll)

Outer annular radius ring 12: not used 0. 0O0E+00 PADSHAPE(12)

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 T42Limit = 180 days 07/28/2008 13:21 Page 5 Summary : Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 Infant File  : C:\RESRAD FAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRF OFF-SITE\07280801.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

0. User I I Used by RESRAD Parameter Menu Parameter Input Default I (If different from user input) -Name R017 Fractions of annular areas within AREA:

R017 Ring 1 not used 1.OOOE+00 __- FRACA( 1)

R017 Ring 2 not used 2.732E-01 --- FRACA( 2)

R017 Ring 3 not used 0.OOOE+00 --- FRACA( 3)

R017 Ring 4 not used 0.OODE+00 --- FRACA( 4)

R017 Ring 5 not used 0.OOOE+00 --- FRACA( 5)

R017 Ring 6 not used 0.OOOE+00 --- FRACA( 6)

R017 Ring 7 not used 0.OOOE+00 --- FRACA( 7)

R017 Ring 8 not used 0.000E+00 --- I FRACA( 8)

R017 Ring 9 not used 0.000E+00 - FRACA( 9)

R017 Ring 10 not used 0.000E+00 --- FRACA(10)

R017 Ring 11 not used 0.000E+00 --- FRACA(11)

R017 Ring 12 not used 0.000E+00 --- FRACA(12)

R018 Fruits, vegetables and grain consumption (kg/yr) 0.000E+00 1.600E+02 --- DIET(l)

R018 Leafy vegetable cdnsumption (kg/yr) 0.OOOE+00 1.400E+01 --- DIET(2)

R018 Milk consumption (L/yr) not used 9.200E+01 --- DIET(3)

R018 Meat and poultry consumption (kg/yr) not used 6.300E+01 --- DIET(4)

R018 Fish consumption (kg/yr) not used 5.400E+00 --. DIET(5)

R018 Other seafood consumption (kg/yr) not used 9.OOOE-01 -- _ DIET(6)

R018 Soil ingestion rate (g/yr) 0.000E+00 3.650E+01 --- SOIL RO1O Drinking water intake (L/yr) not used 5.100E+02 --- DWI

  • Contamination fraction of drinking water not used 1.000E+00 --- FDW Contamination fraction of household water not used 1.000E+00 --- FHHW R018 Contamination fraction of livestock water j not used 1.000E+00 --- FLW R018 Contamination fraction of irrigation water 1.OOOE+00 1.OOOE+00 --- FIRW R018 Contamination fraction of aquatic food not used 5.000E-01 --- FR9 R018 Contamination fraction of plant food 5.000E-01 -i --- FPLANT R018 Contamination fraction of meat not used - I --- FMEAT R018 Contamination fraction of milk not used 1-1 --- FMILK Livestock fodder intake for meat (kg/day) not used 6.800E+01 -LFI R019 R019 Livestock fodder intake for milk (kg/day) not used 5.500E+01 --- LFI6 R019 Livestock water intake for meat (L/day) not used 5.000E+01 --- LWI '

R019 Livestock water intake for milk (L/day) not used 1.600E+02 --- LWI6 R019 Livestock soil intake (kg/day) not used 5.000E-01 --- LSI R019 Mass loading for foliar deposition (g/m**3) 1.000E-04 1.000E-04 -- MLFD R019 Depth of soil mixing layer (m) I 1.500E-01 1.500E-o1 --- DM R019 Depth of roots (m) 9.000E-01 9.OOOE-01 --- DROOT R019 Drinking water fraction from ground water not used 1.000E+00 --- FGWDW R019 Household water fraction from ground water not used 1.000E+00 -- I FGWHH R019 Livestock water fraction from ground water not used 1.000E+00 --- FGWLW R019 Irrigation fraction from ground water 1.OO0E+00 1.O0OE+00 --- FGWIR R19B Wet weight crop yield for Non-Leafy (kg/m**2) 7.OOOE-O1 7.OOOE-01 --- YV(1)

R19B Wet weight crop yield for Leafy (kg/m**2) 1.5005E00 1.500E+00 --- YV(2)

R19B Wet weight crop yield for Fodder (kg/m**2) not used 1.100E+00 --- YV(3)

R19B Growing Season for Non-Leafy (years) 1.700E-01 1.700E-01 --- TE(1)

  • B Growing Season for Leafy (years) 2.5OOE-0l 2.500E-01 --- TE(2)

B Growing Season for Fodder (years) not used 8.OOOE-02 --- TE(3)

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 07/28/2008 13:21 Page 6 Summary Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 Infant File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280801.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued) 0 Menu Parameter User Input Default (If Used by RESRAD different from user input Parameter Name I

R198 Translocation Factor for Non-Leafy 1.OOOE-01 1.OOOE-01 TIV(l)

R19B Translocation Factor for Leafy 1.000E+00 1.OOOE+00 TIV(2)

R19B Translocation Factor for Fodder not used 1.OOOE+00 TIV(3)

R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Non-Leafy 2.500E-01 2.500E-01 RDRY(i)

R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Leafy 2.500E-01 2.500E-01 RDRY(2)

R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Fodder not used 2.500E-01 RDRY (3)

RI9B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Non-Leafy 2.500E-01 2.500E-01 RWET(l)

R19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Leafy 2.500E-01 2.500E-01 RWET(2)

RI9B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Fodder not used 2.500E-01 RWET(3)

R19B weathering Removal Constant for Vegetation 2.000E+01 2.OOOE+01 WLAM C14 C-12 concentration in water (g/cm**3) not used 2.000E-05 C12WTR C14 C-12 concentration in contaminated soil (g/g) not used .3.OOOE-02 C12CZ C14 Fraction of vegetation carbon from soil not used 2.OOOE-02 CSOIL C14 Fraction of vegetation carbon from air not used 9.800E-01 CAIR C14 C-14 evasion layer thickness in soil (m) not used 3.OOOE-01 DMC C14 C-14 evasion flux rate from soil (1/sec) not used 7.OOOE-07 EVSN C14 C-12 evasion flux rate from soil (1/sec) not used 1.OOOE-10 REVSN C14 Fraction of grain in beef cattle feed not used 8.OOOE-01 AVFG4 C14 Fraction of grain in milk cow feed not used 2.OOOE-01 AVFG5 STOR Storage times of contaminated foodstuffs (days)

  • I Fruits, non-leafy vegetables, and grain 1.400E+01 1.400E+01 STOR T(l)

Leafy vegetables 1.000E+00 1.000E+00 STORT(2)

STOR Milk 1.000E+00 1.OOOE+00 STORT(3)

STOR Meat and poultry 2.OOOE+01 2.000E+01 STOR_ T(4)

STOR Fish 7.000E+00 7.000E+00 STOR T(5)

STOR Crustacea and mollusks 7.OOOE+00 7.OOOE+00 STORT(6)

STOR Well water 1.000E+00 1.OOOE+00 STOR T(7)

STOR Surface water 1.000E+00 1.OOOE+00 STOR T(8)

STOR Livestock fodder 4.500E+01 4.500E+01 STORT(9)

R021 Thickness of building foundation (m) not used 1.500E-01 FLOOR1 R021 Bulk density of building foundation (g/cm**3) not used 2.400E+00 DENSFL R021 Total porosity of the cover material not used 4.000E-01 TPCV R021 Total porosity of the building foundation not used 1.OOOE-01 TPFL R021 Volumetric water content of the cover material not used 5.000E-02 PH2OCV R021 Volumetric water content of the foundation not used 3.000E-02 PH2OFL R021 Diffusion coefficient for radon gas (m/sec):

R021 in cover material not used 2.000E-06 DIFCV R021 in foundation material not used 3.OOOE-07 DIFFL R021 in contaminated zone soil not used 2.000E-06 DIFCZ R021 Radon vertical dimension of mixing (m) not used 2.000E+00 HMIX R021 Average building air exchange rate (i/hr) not used 5.000E-01 REXG not used 2.500E+00 HRM R021 Height of the building (room) (m)

R021 Building interior area factor not used 0.000E+00 FAI R021 Building depth below ground surface (m) not used I-l.OOOE+00 DMFL not used 2.500E-01 EMANA (I)

R021 Emanating power of Rn-222 gas

  • I Emanating power of Rn-220 gas not used 1.500E-D1 EMANA (2)

TITL Number of graphical time points 32 NPTS Page 77 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days , 07/28/2008 13:21 Page 7 Summary : Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 Infant File  : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280801.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

II User I Used by RESRAD Parameter I Parameter Input Default I (If different from user input) I Name I

TITL Maximum number of integration points for dose j 17 f --- I --- LYMAX TITL Maximum number of integration points for risk 1 --- KYMAX Summary of Pathway Selections Pathway User Selection 1 -- external gamna active 2 -- inhalation (w/o radon) active 3 -- plant ingestion active 4 -- meat ingestion suppressed 5.-- milk ingestion suppressed 6 -- aquatic foods suppressed 7 -- drinking water suppressed 8 -- soil ingestion active 9 -- radon suppressed Find peak pathway doses active Page 78 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 Tn Limit = 180 days 07/28/2008 13:21 Page 8 Summary  : Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 Infant File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280801.RAD Contaminated Zone Dimensions Initial Soil Concentrations, pCi/g

. Area: 186.00 square meters Cs-137 1.OOOE+00 Thickness: 0.08 meters Cover Depth: 0.00 meters Total Dose TDOSE(t), mrem/yr Basic Radiation Dose Limit = 2.500E+01 mrem/yr Total Mixture Sum M(t) = Fraction of Basic Dose Limit Received at Time (t) t (years): 0.OOOE+00 1.OOOE+00 3.OOOE+00 1.000E+03 TDOSE(t): 2.556E-02 2.477E-02 2.324E-02 O.DDOE+00 M(t) 1.023E-03 9.907E-04 9.294E-04 0.OOOE+00 Maximum TDOSE(t): 2.556E-02 mrem/yr at t = 0.000E+00 years Page 79 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 07/28/2008 13:21 Page 9 Summary : Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 Infant File  : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RE-SRAD\USERFILES\PBRF_OFF-SITE\07280801.RAD Total Dose Contributions TDOSE(i,p,t) for Individual Radionuclides (i) and Pathways (p)

As mrem/yr and Fraction of Total Dose At t = O.OOOE+00 years Water Independent Pathways (Inhalation excludes radon)

Ground Inhalation Radon Plant Meat Milk Soil Radio-Nuclide mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. miem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mnem/yr fract.

Cs-137 2.556E-02 1.0000 5.201E-08 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 Total 2.556E-02 1.0000 5.201E-08 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 Total Dose Contributions TDOSE(i,p,t) for Individual Radionuclides (i) and Pathways (p)

As mtem/yr and Fraction of Total Dose At t = 0.OOOE+00 years Water Dependent Pathways Water Fish Radon Plant Meat Milk All Pathways*

Radio-Nuclide mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract.

Cs-137 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 2.556E-02 1.0000 Total 0.000E+00 0.0000 0.000E+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 2.556E-02 1.0000

  • of all water independent and dependent pathways.

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 08/04/2008 15:02 Page 1 Probabilistic results summary : Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 InfanFile:" C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280801.RAD Table of Contents Part VI: Uncertainty Analysis RESRAD Uncertainty Analysis Results Probabilistic Input ................................. 2 Total Dose .......................................... 3 Total Risk .......................................... 4 Dose vs Pathway: Ground External ................... 5 Dose vs Pathway: Inhalation (w/o Radon) ............. 6 Dose vs Pathway: Radon (Water Ind.) ................ 7 Dose vs Pathway: Plant (Water Ind.) ................ 8 Dose vs Pathway: Meat (Water Ind.) . ............... 9 Dose vs Pathway: Milk (Water Ind.) ................ 10 Dose vs Pathway: Soil Ingestion .................... 11 Dose vs Pathway: Water Ingestion ................... 12 Dose vs Pathway: Fish Ingestion .................... 13 Dose vs Pathway: Radon (Water Dep.) ................ 14 Dose vs Pathway: Plant (Water Dep.) ................ 15 Dose vs Pathway: Meat (Water Dep.) ................ 16 Dose vs Pathway: Milk (water Dep.) ................ 17 Cumulative Probability Summary ....................... 18 Sufimary of dose at graphical times, reptition 1 ..... 19 Summary of dose at graphical times, reptition 2 ..... 20 Suumnary of dose at graphical times, reptition 3 ..... 21 Peak of the mean dose at graphical times ............. 22 Correlation and Regression coefficients (if any) ..... 23 Page 81 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180'days 08/04/2008 15:02 Page 2 Probabilistic results summary : Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 InfanFile: C:\RESRAD_FAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRF OFF-SITE\07280801.RAD Probabilistic Input

  • er of Sample Runs: 300 Number Name Distribution Parameters 1 FOTD NORMAL .014 .014 2 AREA TRIANGULAR 100 186 1000 3 THICKO NORMAL .076 .076 4 FPLANT NORMAL .5 .5 5 DCACTC(i) TRIANGULAR 50 4600 80000 6 DCACTU1 (1) LOGNORMAL 4600 3 7 DCACTS (1) LOGNORMAL 4600 3 8 LCZPAQ TRIANGULAR 10 14 200 Page 82 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 TN Limit = 180 days 08/04/2008 15:02 Page 3 Probabilistic results summary : Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 InfanFile: C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280801.RAD Probabilistic Total Dose Summary

  • lide Peak Peak DOSE(j,t), mrem/yr' (j) Time Dose t= 0.OOE+00 1.00E+00 3.OOE+00 1.DOE+03
0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0 . OOE+00 0.0 0E+00 1.48E-01 1.48E-01 1. 44E-01 1. 37E-01 0. OOE+00
0. OOE+00 2.52E-02 2. 52E-02 2. 45E-02 2. 30E-02 0. OOE+00 0.0 E+0o 2.79E-02 2.79E-02 2. 72E-02 2.58E-02 0.OOE+00 Min 0. OOE+00 0.0OE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Max 0.00E+00 1. 48E-01 1.48E-01 1.44E-01 1.37E-01 0. OOE+00 Avg 0.OOE+00 2. 52E-02 2. 52E-02 2.45E-02 2.30E-02 0. OOE+00 Std 0.OOE+00 2.79E-02 2.79E-02 2. 72E-02 2.58E-02 0.0OE+00 EALL is total dose summed for all nuclides.

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit - 180 days 08/04/2008 15:02 Page 4 Probabilistic results sumnary : Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 InfanFile: C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280801. RAD Probabilistic Risk Summary Slide RISK(j,t)

(j) t= 0.00E+00 1.00E+00 3.OOE+00, 1.OOE+03 Cs-137 Min 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Max 3.34E-06 3.26E-06 3.11E-06 0. OOE+00 Avg 5.73E-07 5.56E-07 5.23E-07 0. 00E+00 Std 6.33E-07 6.17E-07 5.86E-07 0.00E+00 CALL Min 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 Max 3.34E-06 3. 2GE-06 3.11E-06 0.OOE+00 Avg 5.73E-07 5.56E-07 5.23E-07 0. OOE+00 Std 6.33E-07 6.17E-07 5.86E-07 0.OOE+00 CALL is total risk summed for all nuclides.

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 07/28/2008 13:40 Page Summary Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 I yr-old File C:\RESRAD_FAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280802.RAD Table of Contents Part I: Mixture Sums and Single Radionuclide Guidelines Dose Conversion Factor (and Related) Parameter Summary ... 2 Site-Specific Parameter Summary ............................ 3 Summary of Pathway Selections .............................. 7 Contaminated Zone and Total Dose Suxmmary ................. 8 Total Dose Components Time = 0.000E+00 ........... .......................... 9 Time = 1.OOOE+00 ....................................... 10 Time = 3.000E+00 ....................................... 11 Time = 1.OOOE+03 ....................................... 12 Dose/Source-Ratios Summed Over All Pathways .............. 13 Single Radionuclide Soil Guidelines ...................... 13 Dose Per Nuclide Sunned Over All Pathways ................ 14 Soil Concentration Per Nuclide ........................... 14 Page 85 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 Ti Limit = 180 days 07/28/2008 13:40 Page 2 SunnAry : Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 1 yr-old File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280802.RAD Dose Conversion Factor (and Related) Parameter Summary Dose Library: ICRP 72 (Age 1)

Current Base Parameter Menu Parameter Value# Case* Name A-i DCF's for external ground radiation, (mrem/yr)/(pCi/g)

A-I Ba-137m (Source: FGR 12) 3.606E+00 3.606E+00 DCFl( i)

A-i Cs-137 (Source: FGR 12) 7.510E-04 7.510E-04 DCF1( 2)

B-i Dose conversion factors for inhalation, mrem/pCi:

B-I Cs-137+D 3.700E-04 3.700E-04 DCF2( 1)

D-1 Dose conversion factors for ingestion, mrem/pCi:

D-1 Cs-137+D 4.440E-05 4.440E-05 DCF3( i)

D-34 Food transfer factors:

D-34 Cs-137+D , plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 4.OOOE-02 4.OOOE-02 RTF( i,1)

D-34 Cs-137+D , beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/kg)/(pCi/d) 3.OOOE-02 3.OOOE-02 RTF( 1,2)

D-34 Cs-137+D , milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/L)/(pCi/d) 8.OOOE-03 8.OOOE-03 RTF( 1,3)

D-5 Bioaccumulation factors, fresh water, L/kg:

D-5 Cs-137+D , fish I 2.OOOE+03 2.OOOE+03 BIOFAC( 1 ,1)

D-5 Cs-137+D , crustacea and mollusks 1.000E+02 1.OOOE+02 BIOFAC( 1 ,2)

  1. For DCFI(xxx) only, factors are for infinite depth & area. See ETFG table in Ground Pathway of Detailed Report.
  • Base Case means Default.Lib w/o Associate Nuclide contributions.

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i -F i 1

R011 Area of contaminated zone (m**2) 1.860E+02 1.000+E04 AREA R011 Thickness of contaminated zone (m) 7.600E-02 2.000+E00 THICKO R011 Length parallel to aquifer flow (m) 1.OOOE+02 1.000E+02 LCZPAQ R011 Basic radiation dose limit (mrem/yr) 2.500E+01 3.OOOE+01 BRDL R011 Time since placement of material (yr) O.OOOE+00 0.OOOE+00 TI R011 Times for calculations (yr) 1.OOOE+0O 1.000E+00 T( 2)

R011 Times for calculations (vr) 3.000E+00 3.000E+00 T( 3)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) 1.000E+03 1.000E+01 T( 4)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) not used 3.000E+01 T( 5)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) not used 1.000E+02 T( 6)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) not used- 3.OOOE+02 T( 7)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) not used 1.000E+03 T( 8)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) not used 0.000E+00 T( 9)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) not used 0.000E+00 T(10)

R012 Initial principal radionuclide (pCi/g) : Cs-137 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 SI(1)

R012 Concentration in groundwater (pCi/L) : Cs-137 not used 0.OOOE+00 Wl( 1)

R013 Cover depth (m) 0.000+E00 0.000E+00 COVERO R013 Density of cover material (g/cm**3) not used 1.500E+00 DENSCV R013 not used 1.OOOE-03 VCV Cover depth erosion rate (m/yr)

R013 Density of contaminated zone (g/cm**3) 1.500E+00 1.500E+00 DENSCZ Contaminated zone erosion rate (m/yr) 1.000E-03 1.OOOE-03 VCZ Contaminated zone total porosity 4.000E-01 4.000E-01 TPCZ R013 Contaminated zone field capacity 2.OOOE-01 2.OOOE-01 FCCZ R013 Contaminated zone hydraulic conductivity (m/yr) 1.000E+01 1.000E+01 MCCZ R013 ROll4 Contaminated zone b parameter 5.300E+00 5.300E+00 BCZ R013 Average annual wind speed (m/sec) 2.OOOE+00 2.000+E00 WIND R013 Humidity in air (g/m*i3) not used 8.000E+00 HUMID R013 Evapotranspiration coefficient 5.OOOE-01 5.000E-01 EVAPTR R013 Precipitation (m/yr) 1.000E+00 1.000E+00 PRECIP 1

R013 RO R013 Irrigation (m/yr)

Irrigation mode 2.OOOE-01 overhead 2.000E-01 overhead RI IDITCH R013 Runoff coefficient 2.OOOE-01 2.000E-01 RUNOFF R013 Watershed area for nearby stream or pond (m**2) 1.000E+06 1.000E+06 WAREA R013 Accuracy for water/soil computations 1.000E-03 1.000E-03 EPS R014 Density of saturated zone (g/cm**3) 1.500E+00 1.500E+00 DENSAQ R014 Saturated zone total porosity 4.OOOE-01 4.000E-01 TPSZ R014 Saturated zone effective porosity 2.000E-01 2.000E-01 EPSZ R014 Saturated zone field capacity 2.OOOE-01 2.000E-01 FCSZ R014 Saturated zone hydraulic conductivity (m/yr) 1.000E+02 1.000E+02 HCSZ R014 Saturated zone hydraulic gradient 2.000E-02 2.OOOE-02 HGWT R014 5.300E+00 5.300E+00 BSZ Saturated zone b parameter R014 1.000E-03 1.000E-03 VWT Water table drop rate (m/yr) 1.000E+01 1.000E+01 DWIBWT R014 Well pump intake depth (m.below water table)

ND ND MODEL R015 R014 Model: Nondispersion (ND) or Mass-Balance (MB)

Well pumping rate (m**3/yr) 2.500E+02 2.500E+02 UW Number of unsaturated zone strata 1. NS Page 87 of 254

T2 Limit = 180 days 07/28/2008 13:40 Page 4 RESRAD, Version 6.4 Summary : Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 1 yr-old File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280802.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

@ User I Used by RESRAD Parameter Menu j Parameter I Input Default I (If different from user input) Name I I R015 Unsat. zone 1, thickness (m) 4.OOOE+00 4.000E-00 --- M(1)

R015 f Unsat. zone 1, soil density (g/cm**3) 1.500E+00 1.500E+00 __DENSUZ(l)

R015 Unsat. zone 1, total porosity 4.000E-0l 4.OOOE-01 --- TPUZ(1)

R015 Unsat. zone 1, effective porosity 2.000-01 2.OOOE-01 --- EPUZ(1)

R015 Unsat. zone 1, field capacity 2.OOQE-01 2.OOOE-01 --- FCUZ(1)

R015 Unsat. zone 1, soil-specific b parameter 5.300E+00 5.300E+00 BUZ(1)

RO15 Unsat. zone 1, hydraulic conductivity (m/yr) 1.000E+01 1.000E+01 --- HCUZ(1)

R016 Distribution coefficients for Cs-137 R016 Contaminated zone (cr**3/g) 4.600E+03 4.600E+03 --- DCNUCC( 1)

R016 Unsaturated zone 1 (cm**3/g) 4.600E+03 4.600E+03 --- DCNUCU( 1,I)

R016 Saturated zone (cm**3/g) 1.000E+03 4.600E+03 -DCNUCS( 1)

R016 Leach rate (/yr) 0.OOOE+00 0.OOOE+00 9.534E-04 ALEACH( 1)

R016 Solubility constant 0.000E+00 0.000iE00 not used SOLUBK( 1)

R017 Inhalation rate (m**3/yr) 2.483E+03 8.400E+03 --- INHALR R017 Mass loading for inhalation (g/m**3) 1.OOOE-04 1.000E-04 --- MLINH R017 Exposure duration 3.OOOE+01 3.000E+01 ED R017 Shielding factor, inhalation 4.OOE-01 4.OOOE-01 --- SHF3 R017 Shielding factor, external gamma 7.OOOE-01 7.OOOE-01 _-_ SHFI R017 Fraction of time spent indoors I0.OOE+00 5.OOOE-01 --- FIND R017 Fraction of time spent outdoors (on site) 1.400E-02 2.500E-01 --- FOTD Shape factor flag, external gamma 1.000E+00 1.OOE+00 >0 shows circular AREA.

Radii of shape factor array (used if FS = -1): 1 R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 1: not used 5.OOOE+01 --- RADSHAPE( 1)

R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 2: not used 7.071E+01 -RAD SHAPE( 2)

R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 3: not used 0.000E+00 --- RADSHAPE( 3)

R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 4: not used 0.OOOE+00 --- RADSHAPE 4)

R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 5: not used 0.OOOE+00 -RADSHAPE( 5)

R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 6: not used 0.OOOE+00 --- RADSHAPE( 6)

R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 7: not used 0.OOOE+00 R---


R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 8: not used 0.000E+00 --- RAD SHAPE 8)

R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 9: not used 0.OOOE+00 --- RADSHAPE 9)

R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 10: not used 0.OOOE+00 ADSHAPE(10)


R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 11: not used O.OOOE+00 --- RADSHAPE(II)

R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 12: not used 0.OOOE+00 --- RADSHAPE(12)

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I User I Used by RESRAD Parameter Menu Parameter Input Default (If different from user input) Name R017 Fractions of annular areas within AREA:

R017 Ring 1 not used 1.000E+00 --- FRACA( 1)

R017 Ring 2 not used 2.732E-01 --- FRACA( 2)

R017 Ring 3 not used 0.OOOE+00 -- FRACA( 3)

R017 Ring 4 not used 0.OOOE+00 --- FRACA( 4)

R017 Ring 5 not used 0.OOOE+ 00 --- FRACA( 5)

R017 Ring 6 not used 0.OOOE+00 --- FRACA( 6)

RO17 Ring 7 not used O.OOOE+00 --- FRACA( 7)

R017 Ring 8 not used O.O00E+00 - FRACA( 8)

R017 Ring 9 not used 0.OOOE+00 --- FRACA( 9)

R017 Ring 10 not used 0.OOOE+00 --- FRACA(10)

R017 Ring 11 not used O.OOOE+00 --- FRACA(I)

R017 Ring 12 not used 0.OOOE+00 F---


R018 Fruits, vegetables and grain consumption (kg/yr) 3.560E+01 1.600E+02 I--- DIET(1)

R018 Leafy vegetable consumption (kg/yr) 3.100E+00 1.400E+01 --- DIET(2)

R018 Milk consumption (L/yr) not used 9.200E+01 --- DIET(3)

R01B Meat and poultry consumption (kg/yr) not used 6.300E+01 --- DIET(4)

R018 Fish consumption (kg/yr) not used 5.400E+00 --- DIET(5)

R018 Other seafood consumption (kg/yr) not used 9.OOOE-01 --- DIET(6)

R018 Soil Ingestion rate (g/yr) 7.300E+01 3.650E+01 --- SOIL

@R018 Drinking water intake (L/yr)

Contamination fraction of drinking water Contamination fraction of household water not used not used not used 5.100E+02 1.OOOE+00 1.000E+00 FDW I


FHHW R018 Contamination fraction of livestock water not used 1.000E+00 --- FLW R018 Contamination fraction of irrigation water 1.000E+00 1.000E+00 --- FIRW R018 Contamination fraction of aquatic food not used 5.000E-01 --- FR9 R018 Contamination fraction of plant food 5.000E-01 1-1 --- FPLANT R018 Contamination fraction of meat not used -I --- FEAT R018 Contamination fraction of milk not used 1-1 -- FMILK R019 Livestock fodder intake for meat (kg/day) not used 6.800E+01 LF15 R019 Livestock fodder intake for milk (kg/day) not used 5.500E+01 --- LFI6 R019 Livestock water intake for meat (L/day) not used 5.500E+01 --- LWI5 R019 Livestock water intake for milk (L/day) not used 1.600E+02 --- LW6 R019 Livestock soil intake (kg/day) not used 5.OOOE-01 --- LSI R019 Mass loading for foliar deposition (g/m**3) 1.O00E-04 1.000E-04 -- MLFD R019 Depth of soil mixing layer (m) 1.500E-01 1.500E-01 -- DM R019 Depth of roots (m) 9.000E-01 9.000E-01 --- DROOT R019 Drinking water fraction from ground water not used 1.000E+00 --- FGWDW R019 Household water fraction from ground water not used 1.000E+00 --- FGWHH R019 Livestock water fraction from ground water not used 1.000E+00 -- FGWLW R019 Irrigation fraction from ground water 1.000E+00 1.000E+00 FGWIR R19B Wet weight crop yield for Non-Leafy (kg/m**2) 7.000E-01 7.000E-01 --- YV(1)

R19B Wet weight crop yield for Leafy (kg/m**2) 1.500E+00 1.500E+00 --- YV(2)

RIgB Wet weight crop yield for Fodder (kg/m**2) not used 1.100E+00 --- YV(3)

R19B Growing Season for Non-Leafy (years) 1.700E-01 1.700E-01 -- TE(l) 4 B Growing Season for Leafy (years) 2.500E-01 2.500E-01 --- TE(2) kB Growing Season for Fodder (years) not used 8.OOOE-02 --- TE(3)

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 07/28/2008 13:40 Page 6 Summary : Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 I yr-old File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRF_OFF-SITE\07280802.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Sumnary (continued) e User Used by RESRAD Parameter Menu Parameter Input Default (If different from user input) Name I I R19B Translocation Factor for Non-Leafy 1.00 OE-01 1.OOOE-01 TIV(1)

R19B Translocation Factor for Leafy 1.00 0E+00 1.000E+00 TIV(2)

R19B Translocation Factor for Fodder not used 1.000E+00 TIV(3)

R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Non-Leafy 2.50 0E-01 2.500E-01 RDRY (1)

R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Leafy 2.50 OE-01 2.500E-01 RDRY (2)

R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Fodder not used 2.500E-01 RDRY (3)

R19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Non-Leafy 2.50 0E-01 2.500E-01 RWET (1)

R19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Leafy 2.50 OE-01 2.500E-01 RWET (2)

R19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Fodder not used 2.500E-01 RWET (3)

R19H Weathering Removal Constant for Vegetation 2.00 0E+01 2.000E+01 WLAM C14 C-12 concentration in water (g/cm**3) not used 2.000E-05 C12WTR C14 C-12 concentration in contaminated soil (g/g) not used 3.000E-02 C12CZ C14 Fraction of vegetation carbon from soil not used 2.000E-02 CSOIL C1 4 Fraction of vegetation carbon from air not used 9.800E-01 CAIR C14 C-14 evasion layer thickness in soil (m) not used 3.000E-01 DMC C-14 evasion flux rate from soil (1/sec) not used 7.000E-07 EVSN C14 not used 1.000E-10 REVSN C14 C-12 evasion flux rate from soil (1/sec)

C14 Fraction of grain in beef cattle feed not used 8.000E-01 AVFG4 not used 2.000E-01 AVFG5 C14 Fraction of grain in milk cow feed STOP Storage times of contaminated foodstuffs (days) :1 STOR T( 1)

S Fruits, non-leafy vegetables, and grain 1.40 0E+01 1.400E+01 1.00 0E+00 1.OOOE+00 STOR T(: 2)

Leafy vegetables STOP Milk 1.00 0E+00 1.OOOE+00 STORT( 3)

STOR Meat and poultry 2.00 OE+01 2.000E+01 STOR T 4)

STOP Fish 7.00 0E+00 7.000E+00 STOR T( 5)

STOP Crustacea and mollusks 7.00 OE+00 7.000E+00 STORT( 6) 1.00 0E+00 1.000E+00 STOR T( 7)

STOP well water 1.00 0E+00 1.000E+00 STOR T( 8)

STOP Surface water 4.50 0E+01 4.500E+01 STORT( 9)

STOP Livestock fodder R021 Thickness of building foundation (m) not used 1.500E-01 FLOORI R021 Bulk density of building foundation (g/cmn**3) not used 2.400E+00 DENSFL Total porosity of the cover material not used 4.OOOE-01 TPCV R021 R021 Total porosity of the building foundation not used i 1.000E-01 TPFL not used 5.000E-02 PH2OCV R021 Volumetric water content of the cover material not used 3.000E-02 PH2OFL R021 Volumetric water content of the foundation R021 Diffusion coefficient for radon gas (m/sec):

not used 2.000E-06 DIFCV R021 in cover material not used 3.000E-07 DI FFL R021 in foundation material not used 2.000E-06 DIFCZ R021 in contaminated zone soil not used 2.000E+00 HMIX R021 Radon vertical dimension of mixing (m) not used 5.000E-01 REXG R021 Average building air exchange rate (1/hr) not used 2.500E+00 HRM R021 Height of the building (room) (m) not used 0.000E+00 FAI R021 Building interior area factor not used 1-1.o0OE+00 DMFL R021 Building depth below ground surface (m) L) not used 2.500E-01 EMANA (1 R021 Emanating power of Rn-222 gas 0 not used 1.500E-01 EMANA (2:)

Emanating power of Rn-22 gas

  • 1 32 - NPTS TITL Number of graphical time points Page 90 of 254

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II User I Used by RESRAD I Parameter Menu I Parameter Input Default I (If different from user input) I Name TITL Maximum number of integration points for dose 17 --- I --- LYMAX TITL Maximum number of integration points for risk 1 J --- -- KYMAX Summary of Pathway Selections Pathway I User Selection 1 external gamma active 2 -- inhalation (w/o radon)l active 3 -- plant ingestion active 4 -- meat ingestion suppressed 5 -- milk ingestion suppressed 6 -- aquatic foods suppressed 7 -- drinking water suppressed 8 -- soil ingestion active 9 -- radon suppressed Find peak pathway-doses active Page 91 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 07/28/2008 13:40 Page 8 Summary Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 1 yr-old File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280802.RAD Contaminated Zone Dimensions Initial Soil Concentrations, pCi/g Area: 186.00 square meters Cs-137 1.000E+00 Thickness: 0.08 meters Cover Depth: 0.00 meters Total Dose TDOSE(t), mrem/yr Basic Radiation Dose Limit = 2.500E+01 mrem/yr Total Mixture Sum M(t) = Fraction of Basic Dose Limit Received at Time (t) t (years): 0.000E+00 1.OOOE+00 3.OOOE+00 1.000E+03 TDOSE(t): 2.842E-02 2.752E-02 2.579E-02 0.000E+00 M(t): 1.137E-03 1.101E-03 1.031E-03 0.000E+00 Maximum TDOSE(t): 2.842E-02 mrem/yr at t = 0.000E+00 years Page 92 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 07/28/2008 13:40 Page 9 Summary Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 1 yr-old File C: \RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280802. RAD Total Dose Contributions TDOSE(i,p,t) for Individual Radionuclides (i) and Pathways (p)

As mrem/yr and Fraction of Total Dose At t = 0.OOOE+00 years Water Independent Pathways (Inhalation excludes radon)

Ground Inhalation Radon Plant Meat Milk Soil Radio-Nuclide mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract.

Cs-137 2.556E-02 0.8996 7.141E-08 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 2.850E-03 0.1003 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 4.198E-06 0.0001 Total 2.556E-02 0.8996 7.141E-08 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 2.850E-03 0.1003 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 4.198E-06 0.0001 Total Dose Contributions TDOSE(ip,t) for Individual Radionuclides (i) and Pathways (p)

As mrem/yr and Fraction of Total Dose At t = 0.OOOE+00 years Water Dependent Pathways Water Fish Radon Plant Meat Milk All Pathways*

Radio-Nuclide mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract.

Cs-137 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 2.842E-02 1.0000 Total 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.000E+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 2.842E-02 1.0000

& of all water independent and dependent pathways.

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 T7 Limit = 180 days 08/04/2008 15:09 Page 1 Probabilistic results summary  : Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 1 yr-File: C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280802.RAD Table of Contents Part VI: Uncertainty Analysis RESRAD Uncertainty Analysis Results Probabilistic Input ................................... 2 Total Dose .... ......................................... 3 Total Risk .... ......................................... 4 Dose vs Pathway: Ground External ..................... 5 Dose vs Pathway: Inhalation (w/o Radon) ............ 6 Dose vs Pathway: Radon (Water Ind.) ................ 7 Dose vs Pathway: Plant (Water Ind.) ................ 8 Dose vs Pathway: Meat (Water Ind.) ................. 9 Dose vs Pathway: Milk (Water Ind.) ............... . 10 Dose vs Pathway: Soil Ingestion ...................... 11 Dose vs Pathway: Water Ingestion ..................... 12 Dose vs Pathway: Fish Ingestion ...................... 13 Dose vs Pathway: Radon (Water Dep.) ................ 14 Dose vs Pathway: Plant (Water Dep.) ................. 15 Dose vs Pathway: Meat (Water Dep.) ................ 16 Dose vs Pathway: Milk (Water Dep.) ................ 17 Cumulative Probability Summary ....................... .18 Summary of dose at graphical times, reptition 1 ..... 19 Summary of dose at graphical times, reptition 2 ..... 20 Summary of dose at graphical times, reptition 3 ..... 21 Peak of the mean dose at graphical times ............. 22 Correlation and Regression coefficients (if any) ..... 23 Page 94 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T12 Limit = 180 days 08/04/2008 15:09 Page 2 Probabilistic results summary  : Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 1 yr-File: C:\RESRAD_FAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280802.RAD Probabilistic Input Q er of Sample Runs: 300 Number Name Distribution Parameters 1 FOTD NORMAL .014 .014 2 AREA TRIANGULAR 100 186 1000 3 THICKO NORMAL .076 .076 4 FPLANT NORMAL .5 .5 5 DCACTC (i) TRIANGULAR 50 4600 80000 6 DCACTU1(1) LOGNORMAL 4600 3 7 DCACTS (1) LOGNORMAL 4600 3 8 LCZPAQ TRIANGULAR 10 14 200 9 INHALR TRIANGULAR 2000 2483 4000 10 DIET (1) TRIANGULAR 10 35.6 50 11 DIET (2) TRIANGULAR .5 3.1 6.2 Page 95 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit - 180 days 08/04/2008 15:09 Page 3 Probabilistic results summary : Suburban Gardner Scenario for TED 08-001 Using ICRP-72 1 yr-File: C:\RESRAD FAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280802.RAD Probabilistic Total Dose Summary

  • ide Peak Peak DOSE(jt), mlrem/yr (j) Time Dose t- 0.OOE+00 1.OOE+00 3.OOE+00 1.OOE+03 Cs-137 Min 0.OOE+00 0. 00o+00 0.OOE+00 -0. OOE+00 0.OO0E+00 0.OOE+00 Max 0. OOE+00 1.36E-01 1. 36E-01 1. 33E-01 1.26E-01 0.0OE+00 Avg 0. 00E+00 2.83E-02 2.83E-02 2.74E-02 2.58E-02 0.OOE+00 Std 0.0O0E+00 2. 94E-02 2.94E-02 2.87E-02 2.72E-02 0. OOE+00 EALL Min 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 Max 0.OOE+00 1.36E-01 1. 36E-01 1. 33E-01 1.26E-01 0. OOE+00 Avg 0.00E+00 2.83E-02 2.83E-02 2. 74E-02 2.58E-02 0. OOE+00 Std 0.00E+00 2. 94E-02 2.94E-02 2. 87E-02 2.72E-02 0. OOE+00 BALL is total dose summed for all nuclides.

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 T11 Limit = 180 days 08/04/2008 15:09 Page 4 Probabilistic results summary : Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 1 yr-File: C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280802.RAD Probabilisti Risk Summry Side RISK (j, t)

(J) t= 0.00E+00 1.00E+00 3.OOE+00 1.OOE+03 Cs-137 Min 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0. 005+00 Max 3.12E-06 3.04E-06 2.90E-06 0. O+00 Avg 6.52E-07 6. 32E-07 5.94E-07 0.00E+00 Std 6.73E-07 6.56E-07 6.23E-07 0.ODE+00 EALL 0.00E+00 Min 0. OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE--00 Max 3.12E-06 3.04E-06 2.90E-06 Avg, 6.52E-07 6.32E-07 5.94E-07 0.00E+00 Std 6.73E-07 6.56E-07 6.23E-07 0. 00E+00 EALL is total risk summed for all nuclides.

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 T& Limit = 180 days 07/28/2008 14:30 Page Su~mary Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 5 yr-old File  : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280803.RAD Table of Contents

  • art I: Mixture Sums and Single Radionuclide Guidelines Dose Conversion Factor (and Related) Parameter Summary ... 2 Site-Specific Parameter Summary ............................ 3 Summary of Pathway Selections .............................. 7 Contaminated Zone and Total Dose Summary ................. 8 Total Dose Components Time = 0.000E+00 .... ................................... 9 Time = 1.000E+00 ....................................... 10 Time = 3.000E+00 ....................................... 11 Time = 1.000E+03 .. ..................................... 12 Dose/Source Ratios Summed Over All Pathways ................ 13 Single Radionuclide Soil Guidelines ........................ 13 Dose Per Nuclide Summed Over All Pathways .................. 14 Soil Concentration Per Nuclide ............................. 14 Page 98 of 254

Version 6.4 T; Limit = 180 days 07/28/2008 14:30 Page 2 Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 5 yr-old C:\RESRADFANILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280803.RAD Dose Conversion Factor (and Related) Parameter Summary Dose Library: ICRP 72 (Age 5)

Current Base Parameter Parameter Value# Case* Name i

A-i DCF's for external ground radiation, (mrem/yr)/(pCi/g)

A-i Ba-137m. (Source: FGR 12) 3.606E+00 3.606E+00 DCFl( 1)

A-i Cs-137 (Source: FGR 12) 7.510E-04 7.510E-04 DCFl( 2)

B-1 Dose conversion factors for inhalation, mrem/pCi:

B-i Cs-137+D 2.590E-04 2.590E-04 DCF2( 1)

D-1 Dose conversion factors for ingestion, mrem/pCi:

D-i Cs-137+D 3.552E-05 3.552E-05 DCF3( 1)

D-34 Food transfer factors:

D-34 Cs-137+D , plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 4.OOOE-02 4.OOOE-02 RTF( 1,1)

D-34 Cs-137+D , beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/kg)/(pCi/d) 3.OOOE-02 3.000E-02 RTF( 1,2)

D-34 Cs-137+D , milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/L)/(pCi/d) 8.000E-03 8.000E-03 RTF( i,3)

D-5 Bioaccumulation factors, fresh water, L/kg:

D-5 Cs-137+D , fish 2.OOOE÷03 2.OOOE+03 BIOFAC( 1,1)

D-5 Cs-137+D , crustacea and mollusks 1.000E+02 1.000E+02 BIOFAC( 1,2)

  1. For DCF1(xxx) only, factors are for infinite depth & area. See ETFG table in Ground Pathway of Detailed Report.

-Base Case means Default.Lib w/o Associate Nuclide contributions.

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R0 11 Area of contaminated zone (m**2) 1.860E+02 1.000E+04 AREA Roll Thickness of contaminated zone (m) 7.600E-02 2.OOOE+00 THICKO R011 Length parallel to aquifer flow (m) 1.OOOE+02 1.000E+02 LCZPAQ R011 Basic radiation dose limit (mrem/yr) 2.500E+01 3.OOOE+01 BRDL R011 Time since placement of material (yr) 0.OOOE+0O 0.OOOE+00 TI R011 Times for calculations (yr) 1.000E+00 1.OOOE+00 T( 2)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) 3.000E+00 3.OOOE+00 T( 3)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) 1.OOOE+03 1.OOOE+01 T(4)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) not used 3.OOOE+01 T( 5)

Roll Times for calculations (yr) not used 1.OOOE+02 T( 6)

R011 Times for calculations Cyr) not used 3.OOOE+02 T( 7)

R011 Times for calculations Cyr) not used 1.000E+03 T( 8)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) not used O.OOOE+00 T( 9)

R011 Times for calculations not used O.OOOE+00 T(10)


R012 Initial principal radionuclide (pCi/g): Cs-137 1.OOOE÷00 O.OOOE+00 Sl(1)

R012 Concentration in groundwater (pCi/L): Cs-137 not used O.OOOE+00 IWl( 1)

R013 Cover depth (m) 0.000E+00 O.OOOE+00 COVERO R013 Density of cover material (g/cm*3) not used 1.500E+00 DENSCV R013 Cover depth erosion rate (m/yr) not used 1.OOOE-03 VCV R013 Density of contaminated zone (g/cm**3) 1.500E+00 1.500E+00 DENSCZ Q IContaminated zone erosion rate (m/yr) 1.000E-03 1.OOOE-03 VCZ Contaminated zone total porosity 4.000E-01 4.000E-01 TPCZ R013 Contaminated zone field capacity 2.000E-01 2.OOOE-01 FCCZ R013 Contaminated zone hydraulic conductivity (m/yr) 1.OOOE+01 1.OOOE+01 HCCZ R013 Contaminated zone b parameter 5.300E+00 5.300E+00 BCZ R013 Average annual wind speed (m/sec) 2.OOOE+00 2.OOOE+00 WIND R013 Humidity in air (g/m**3) not used 8.000E+00 HUMID R013 Evapotranspiration coefficient 5.OOOE-01 5.OOOE-01 EVAPTR R013 Precipitation (m/yr) 1.000E+00 1.OOOE+00 PRECIP R013 Irrigation (m/yr) 2.000E-01 2.OOOE-01 RI R013 Irrigation mode overhead overhead IDITCH R013 Runoff coefficient 2.OOOE-01 2.OOOE-01 RUNOFF R013 Watershed area for nearby stream or pond (m**2) 1.000OE+06 1.000E+06 WAREA R013 Accuracy for water/soil computations 1.OOOE-03 1.000E-03 EPS R014 Density of saturated zone (g/cm**3) 1.500E+00 1.500E+00 DENSAQ R014 Saturated zone total porosity 4.OOOE-01 4.OOOE-01 TPSZ R014 Saturated zone effective porosity 2.000E-01 2.000E-01 EPSZ R014 Saturated zone field capacity 2.OOOE-01 2.OOOE-01 FCSZ R014 Saturated zone hydraulic conductivity (m/yr) 1.OOO+02 1.OOOE+02 HCSZ R014 Saturated zone hydraulic gradient 2.OOOE-02 2.OOOE-02 HGWT R014 Saturated zone b parameter 5.300E+00 5.300E+00 BSZ VWT R014 Water table drop rate (m/yr) 1.000E-03 1.000E-03 R014 Well pump intake depth (m below water table) 1.000E+01 1.000E+01 DWIBWT R014 Model: Nondispersion (ND) or Mass-Balance (MB) ND ND MODEL R014 Well pumping rate (m**3/yr) 2.500E+02 2.500E+02 UW

@5 Number of unsaturated zone strata NS Page 100 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 07/28/2008 14:30 Page 4 Summary : Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 5 yr-old File  : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280803.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Sulmytary (continued)

User Used by RESRAD Parameter Menu Parameter Input Default (If different from user input) Name RO 15 Unsat. zone 1, thickness (W) 4.OOOE+00 4.OOOE+00 H(1)

R015 Unsat. zone 1, soil density (g/cm**3) 1.500E+00 1.500E+00 DENSUZ(1)

R015 Unsat. zone 1, total porosity 4.OOOE-01 4.OOOE-01 TPUZ (1)

R015 Unsat. zone I, effective porosity 2.OOOE-01 2.000E-01 EPUZ (1)

R015 Unsat. zone 1, field capacity 2.OOOE-01 2.OOOE-01 FCUZ (1)

R015 Unsat. zone 1, soil-specific b parameter 5.300E+00 5.300E+00 BUZ (1)

R015 Unsat. zone 1, hydraulic conductivity (m/yr) 1.OOOE+01 1.000E+01 HCUZ (1)

R016 Distribution coefficients for Cs-137 R016 Contaminated zone (cm**3/g) 4.600E+03 4.600E+03 DCNUCC( 1)

R016 Unsaturated zone I (cm**3/g) 4.600E+03 4.600E+03 DCNUCU( 1,1)

R016 Saturated zone (cam*3/g) 1.OOOE+03 4.600E+03 DCNUCS( 1)

R016 Leach rate (/yr) 0.000E+00 0.OOOE+00 9. 534E-04 ALEACH( 1)

R016 Solubility constant 0.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 not used SOLUBK( 1)

R017 Inhalation rate (m**3/yr) 3.032E+03 8.400E+03 INHALR R017 Mass loading for inhalation (g/m**3) 1.000E-04 1.OOOE-04 MLINH R017 Exposure duration 3.OOOE+01 3.OOOE+01 ED R017 Shielding factor, inhalation 4.OOOE-01 4.OOOE-01 SHF3 R017 Shielding factor, external gamma 7.000E-01 7.000E-01 SHFI R017 Fraction of time spent indoors 0.000E+00 5.OOOE-01 FIND R017 Fraction of time spent outdoors (on site) 1.400E-02 2.500E-01 FOTD Shape factor flag, external gamma 1.000E+00 1.OOOE+00 >0 shows circular AREA. FS

@7 Radii of shape factor array (used if FS = -1):

R017 I, Outer annular radius (i) ring 1: not used 5. 00OE+01 RADSHAPE( 1)

R017 Outer annular radius (W) ring 2: not used 7.071E+01 RADSHAPE( 2)

R017 Outer annular radius ring 3: not used 0.OOOEE+00 HADSHAPE( 3)

R017 Outer annular radius ring 4: not used 0.OOOE+00 HADSHAPE( 4)

R017 Outer annular radius ring 5: not used 0.OOOE+00 HADSHAPE( 5)

R017 Outer annular radius ring 6: not used 0.OOOE+00 HADSHAPE) 6)

(W) 7:

R017 Outer annular radius ring not used 0.OOOE+00 HADSHAPE( 7)

R017 Outer annular radius ring 8: not used 0.OOOE+00 HADSHAPE( 8)


R017 Outer annular radius ring 9: not used 0.OOOE+00 HAD_SHAPE( 9)


R017 Outer annular radius ring 10: not used 0.OOOE+00 HADSHAPE(10)

R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 11: not used 0.OOOE+00 HADSHAPE(1i)

R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 12: not used 0.OOOE+00 HADSHAPE(12)

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RESRAD, Version 6,4 T', Limit = 180 days 07/28/2008 14:30 Page 5 Summary Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 5 yr-old File  : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280803.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

M User Used by RESRAD Parameter Menu Parameter Input Default (If different from user input) Name I I I R017 Fractions of annular areas within AREA: I R017 Ring 1 not used 1.000E+00 FRACA( 1)

R017 Ring 2 not used 2.732E-01 FRACA( 2)

RD 17 Ring 3 not used 0.000E+00 FRACA( 3)

R017 Ring 4 not used 0.000E+00 FRACA( 4)

R017 Ring 5 not used 0.000E+00 FRACA( 5)

R017 Ring 6 not used I0.0002+00 FRACA( 6)

O.O0E+00 R017 Ring 7 not used FRACA( 7) 0.000E+00 R017 Ring 8 not used FRACA) 8) 0.000E+00 R017 Ring 9 not used FRACA( 9)

R017 Ring 10 not used 0.00 0E+00 FRACA(10)

R017 Ring 11 not used 0.000E+00 FRACA(11)

R0D17 Ring 12 not used 0.000E+00 FRACA(12)

R018 Fruits, vegetables and grain consumption (kg/yr) 3.560E+01 1.600E+02 DIET(1)

R018 Leafy vegetable consumption (kg/yr) 3.100E+00 1.400E+01 DIET (2)

R018 Milk consumption (L/yr) not used 9.200E+01 DIET (3)

R018 Meat and poultry consumption (kg/yr) not used 6.300E+01 DIET(4)

RD18 Fish consumption (kg/yr) not used 5.400E+00 DIET(5)

R018 Other seafood consumption (kg/yr) not used 9.000E-01 DIET(6)

R018 Soil ingestion rate (g/yr) 7.300E+01 3.650E+01 SOIL Drinking water intake (L/yr) not used 5.100E+02 DWI Contamination fraction of drinking water not used 1.000E+00 FDW RD018 Contamination fraction of household water not used 1.000E+00 FHHW FLW Contamination fraction of livestock water not used 1.000E+00 R018 1.000E+00 Contamination fraction of irrigation water 1.000E+00 FIRW RD018 R018 Contamination fraction of aquatic food not used 5.000E-01 FR9 R018 Contamination fraction of plant food 5.000E-01 1-1 FPLANT R018 Contamination fraction of meat not used -1 FMEAT R018 Contamination fraction of milk not used I-1 FMILK R019 Livestock fodder intake for meat (kg/day) not used 6.800E+01 LFI5 R019 Livestock fodder intake for milk (kg/day) not used 5.500E+01 LFI6 R019 Livestock water intake for meat (L/day) not used 5.000E+01 LWI5 R019 Livestock water intake for milk (L/day) not used 1.600E+02 LWI6 R019 Livestock soil intake (kg/day) not used 5.000E-01 LSI R019 Mass loading for foliar deposition (g/mr*3) 1.000E-04 1.000E-04 MLFD R019 Depth of soil mixing layer (m) 1.500E-01 1.500E-01 DM R019 Depth of roots (m) 9.000E-01 9.000E-01 DROOT R019 FGWDW Drinking water fraction from ground water not used 1.000E+00 R019 FGWHH Household water fraction from ground water not used 1.000E+00 R019 FGWLW Livestock water fraction from ground water not used 1.000E+00 R019 1.000E+00 FGWIR Irrigation fraction from ground water 1.000E+00 R19B Wet weight crop yield for Non-Leafy (kg/m**2) 7.000E-01 7.000E-01 YV(1)

Wet weight crop yield for Leafy (kg/m*'2) 1.500E+00 1.500E+00 YV(2)

R19B YV(3)

RSB Wet weight crop yield for Fodder (kg/m**2) not used 1.100E+00 1I9B R9S Growing Season for Non-Leafy (years) 1.700E-01 1.700E-01 TE(1)


Growing Season for Leafy (years) 2.500E-01 2.500E-01 Growing Season for Fodder (years), not used 88.000E-02 TEB(3)

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 07/28/2008 14:30 Page 6 Summary Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 5 yr-old File C:\RESRAD FAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280803.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

User Used by RESRAD I Parameter Menu Parameter II nput Default (If different from user input) Nam C


R19B Translocation Factor for Non-Leafy 1.0OOE-01 1.OOOE-01 TIV(1)

R195 RI9B Translocation Factor for Leafy 1.0 OOE+00 1.000E00 TIV(2)

Translocation Factor for Fodder not used 1.000E+00 TIV (3)

R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Non-Leafy 2.5 OOE-01 2.500E-01 RDRY (1 Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Leafy 2.5 OOE-01 2.500E-01 RDRY (2 R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Fodder hot used 2.500E-01 RDRY (3 R19B R19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Non-Leafy 2.5 OOE-01 2.500E-01 RWET (1 Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Leafy 2.5 OOE-01 2.500E-01 RWET (2 R19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Fodder not used 2.500E-01 RWET (3 R19B Weathering Removal Constant for Vegetation 2.0 OOE+01 2.OOOE+01 WLAM C14 C-12 concentration in water (g/cm**3) not used 2.OOOE-05 C12WTR C14 C-12 concentration in contaminated soil (g/g) not used 3.OOOE-02 C12CZ C14 Fraction of vegetation carbon from soil not used 2.OOOE-02 CSOIL C14 Fraction of vegetation carbon from air not used 9.800E-01 CAIR C14 C-14 evasion layer thickness in soil (m) not used 3.OOOE-01 DMC C14 C-14 evasion flux rate from soil (1/sec) not used 7.OOOE-07 EVSN C14 C-12 evasion flux rate from soil (1/sec) not used 1.OOOE-10 REVSN C14 Fraction of grain in beef cattle feed not used 8.OOOE-01 AVFG4 C14 Fraction of grain in milk cow feed not used 2.OOOE-01 AVFG5 STOR Storage times of contaminated foodstuffs (days):

Fruits, non-leafy vegetables, and grain 1.410OE+01 .1.400E+01 STOR T (1)

Leafy vegetables 1.000OE+00 1.OOOE+00 STORT (2)

STOR Milk 1.00i0E+00 1.OOOE+00 STORT (3)

STOR Meat and poultry 2.000OE+01 2.OOOE+01 STOR T (4)

STOR Fish 7.000OE+00 7.OOOE+00 STORT (5)

STOR Crustacea and mollusks 7.0000E+00 7.000E+00 STOR T (6)

STOR Well water 1.0) 00E+00 1.000E+00 STOR T (7)

STOR Surface water 1.0) 00E+00 1.000E+00 STOR T (8)

STOR Livestock fodder 4.500OE+01 4.500E+01 STORT (9)

R021 Thickness of building foundation (i) not used 1.500E-01 FLOOR1 R021 Bulk density of building foundation (g/cm**3) not used 2.400E+00 DENSFL R021 Total porosity of the cover material not used 4.OOOE-01 TPCV R021 Total porosity of the building foundation not used 1.OOOE-01 TPFL R021 Volumetric water content of the cover material not used 5.000E-02 PH2OCV R021 Volumetric water content of the foundation not used 3.000E-02 PH2OFL R021 Diffusion coefficient for radon gas (m/sec):

R021 in cover material not used 2.000E-06 DIFCV R021 in foundation material not used 3.000E-07 DIFFL R021 in contaminated zone soil not used 2.OOOE-06 I DIFCZ R021 Radon vertical dimension of mixing (m) not used 2.000E+00 HMIX R021 Average building air exchange rate (1/hr) not used 5.OOOE-01 REXG R021 Height of the building (room) (W} not used 2.500E+00 HRM R021 Building interior area factor not used 0.000E+00 FAI R021 Building depth below ground surface (W) not used I-l.OOOE+00 DMFL R021 Emanating power of Rn-222 gas not used 2.500E-01 EMANA( 1) not used 1.500E-01 EMANA(. 2)

Emanating power of Rn-220 gas TITL Number of graphical time points 32 - NPTS Page 103 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 TV Limit = 180 days 07/28/2008 14:30 Page 7 Summary Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 5 yr-old File  : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280803.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued) user j I Used by RESRAD I Parameter Parameter Input I Default j (If different from user input) I Name iI I i TITL Maximum number of integration points for dose 17 --- I --- LYMAX TITL I Maximum number of integration points for risk 1 --- --- KYMAX Summary of Pathway Selections Pathway User Selection 1 -- external gamma active 2 -- inhalation (w/o radon)i active 3 -- plant ingestion active 4 -- meat ingestion suppressed 5 -- milk ingestion suppressed 6 -- aquatic foods suppressed 7 -- drinking water suppressed 8 -- soil ingestion active 9 -- radon suppressed Find peak pathway doses active Page 104 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 07/28/2008 14:30 Page .8 Summary Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 5 yr-old File  : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRF_OFF-SITE\07280803.RAD Contaminated Zone Dimensions Initial Soil Concentrations, pCi/g

. Area: 186.00 square meters Cs-137 1.OOOE+00 Thickness: 0.08 meters Cover Depth: 0.00 meters Total Dose TDOSE(t), mrem/yr Basic Radiation Dose Limit = 2.500E+01 mrem/yr Total Mixture Sum M(t) = Fraction of Basic Dose. Limit Received at Time Wt) t (years) 0.OOOE+00 1.00OE+00 3.OO0E+00 1.OOOE+03 TDOSE (t) 2.785E-02 2.697E-02 2.528E-02 0.OOOE+00 M(t) 1.114E-03 1.079E-03 1.011E-03 0.OOOE+00 Maximum TDOSEMt): 2.785E-02 mrem/yr at t = 0.000E+00 years Page 105 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 Ti, Limit = 180 days 07/28/2008 14:30 Page 9 Summary Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 5 yr-old File C :\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280803.R AD Total Dose Contributions TDOSE(ip,t) for Individual Radionuclides (i) and Pathways (p)

As mrem/yr and Fraction of Total Dose At t 0.OOOE+00 years Water Independent Pathways (Inhalation excludes radon)

Ground Inhalation Radon Plant Meat Milk Soil Radio-Nuclide mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract.

Cs-137 2.556E-02 0.9180 6.104E-08 0.0000 0.000E+00 0.0000 2.280E-03 0.0819 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 3.358E-06 0.0001 Total 2.556E-02 0.9180 6.104E-08 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 2.280E-03 0.0819 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 3.358E-06 0.0001 Total Dose Contributions TDOSE(i,p,t) for Individual Radionuclides (i) and Pathways (p)

As mrem/yr and Fraction of Total Dose At t = 0.000E+00 years Water Dependent Pathways Water Fish Radon Plant Meat milk .All Pathways*

Radio-Nuclide mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr tract. miem/yr tract. miem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract.

Cs-137 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 O.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.000E+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 2.785E-02 1.0000 Total O.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 O.OOOE+00 0.0000 O.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.O00E+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 2.785E-02 1.0000

. of all water independent and dependent pathways.

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 08/04/2008 15:13 Page 1 Probabilistic results surmmary  : Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 5 yr-File: C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280803.RAD Table of Contents Part VI: Uncertainty Analysis RESRAD Uncertainty Analysis Results Probabilistic Input ................................... 2 Total Dose .... ......................................... 3 Total Risk ... .......................................... 4 Dose vs Pathway: Ground External ..................... 5 Dose vs Pathway: Inhalation (w/o Radon)............. 6 Dose vs Pathway: Radon (Water Ind.) ................. 7 Dose vs Pathway: Plant (Water Ind.) ................ 8 Dose vs Pathway: Meat (Water Ind.) ................ 9 Dose vs Pathway: Milk (Water Ind.) ................ 10 Dose vs Pathway: Soil Ingestion ...................... 11 Dose vs Pathway: Water Ingestion ..................... 12 Dose vs Pathway: Fish Ingestion ...................... 13 Dose vs Pathway: Radon (Water Dep.) ................ 14 Dose vs Pathway: Plant (Water Dep.) ................ 15 Dose vs Pathway: Meat (Water Dep.) ................ 16 Dose vs Pathway: Milk (Water Dep.) ................ 17 Cumulative Probability Summary ....................... 18 Summary of dose at graphical times, reptition 1 ..... 19 Summary of dose at graphical times, reptition 2 ..... 20 Summary of dose at graphical times, reptition 3 ... 21 Peak of the mean dose at graphical times ............. 22 Correlation and Regression coefficients (if any) ..... 23 Page 107 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 08/04/2008 15:13 Page 2 Probabilistic results summary  : Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 5 yr-File: C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRF_OFF-SITE\07280803.RAD Probabilistic Input Q er of Sample Runs: 300 Number Name Distribution Parameters 1 FOTD NORMAL .014 .014 2 AREA TRIANGULAR 100 186 1000 3 THICKO NORMAL .076 .076 4 FPLANT NORMAL .5 .5 5 DCACTC (1) TRIANGULAR 50 4600 80000 6 DCACTU1(1) LOGNORMAL 4600 3 7 DCACTS (1) LOGNORMAL 4600 3 8 LCZPAQ TRIANGULAR 10 14 200 9 INHALR TRIANGULAR 2000 3032 4500 10 DIET (1) TRIANGULAR 10 35.6 50 11 DIET (2) TRIANGULAR .5 3.1 6.2 Page 108 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T1/2 Limit = 180 days 08/04/2008 15:13 Page 3 Probabilistic results sumsuary  : Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 5 yr-File: C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280803.RAD Probabilistic Total Dose Summary Peak Peak DOSE(J,t), mrem/yr Time Dose t= 0.00E+00 1.00E+00 3.00E+00 1.00E+03 Cs-137 Min 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0. OOE+00 o.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 Max 0.0 0E+00 1.34E-01 1. 34E-01 1. 31E-01 1.24E-01 0.00E+00 Avg 0. OOE+00 2.77E-02 2.77E-02 2. 68E-02 2. 52E-02 0.00E+00 Std 0. OOE+00 2. 91E-02 2.91E-02 2.84E-02 2.69E-02 O.OOE+00 EALL Min 0.00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.O0E+00 O.OOE+00 Max 0. OOE+00 1.34E-01 1.34E-01 1. 31E-01 1.24E-01 0.00E+00 Avg 0.00E+00 2.77E-02 2.77E-02 2.68E-02 2. 52E-02 0.00E+00 Std 0. OOE+00 2.91E-02 2.91E-02 2.84E-02 2. 69E-02 0.OOE+00 EALL is total dose summed for all nuclides.


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RESRAD, Version 6.4 ' T4 Limit = 180 days 08/04/2008 15:13 Page 4 Probabilistic results summary : Suburban Gazdner Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 5 yr-File: C:\RESRAD_FAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280803.RAD 0 , Probabili stic Risk Summary Wc =de RISK (j,t)

(J) t= 0 OOE+00 1.00E+00 3.OOE+00 1.00E+03 Cs-137 Min 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0 . OOE+00 Maxc 3. 12E-06 3.04E-06 2.90E-06 0.OOE+00 Avg 6.52E-07 6.32E-07 5.94E-07 0.00E+00 Std 6.73E-07 6.56E-07 6.23E-07 0.00E+00 EALL Min 0. 00E+00 0. 00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Maxc 3.12E-06 3.04E-06 2.90E-06 O.OOE+O0 0.00E+00 Avgj 6.52E-07 6.32E-07 5.94E-07 0.OOE+00 Std1 6.73E-07 6.56E-07 6.23E-07 0.005+00 EALL is total risk sumned for all nuclides.

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RESRAD Regression and Correlation output 08/04/08 15:13 Page: Coef 1 Title  : Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 5 yr-old Input File : C:\RESRAD_FAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280803.RAD fficients for peak of mean dose time Dose Coefficient = PCC SRC PRCC SRRC Repetition - 1 1 1 Description of Probabilistic Variable Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Outdoor time fraction 1 0.79 1 0.62 2 0.79 2 0.58 Area of contaminated zone 7 0.05 7 0.02 10 0.02 10 0.01 Thickness of contaminated zone 2 0.78 2 0.61 1 0.84 1 0.68 Plant food 3 0.12 3 0.06 3 0.19 3 0.09 Kd of Cs-137 in Contaminated Zone 4 -0.09 4 -0.04 4 -0.12 4 -0.05 Kd of Cs-137 in Unsaturated Zone 1 8 0.04 8 0.02 11 0.00 11 0.00 Kd of Cs-137 in Saturated Zone 5 0.08 5 0.04 8 -0.03 8 -0.01 Length parallel to aquifer flow 10 -0.02 10 -0.01 7 0.06 7 0.03 Inhalation rate 9 -0.03 9 -0.01 9 0.02 9 0.01 Fruit, vegetable, and grain consumption 6 0.05 6 0.03 6 0.10 6 0.05 Leafy vegetable consumption 11 0.00 11 0.00 5 0.11 5 0.05 R-SQUARE 0.77 0.77 0.80 0.80

-Rank is set to zero if the dose is zero or the correlation matrix is singular.

-R-SQUARE varies between 0 and 1 and is called the coefficient of determination; it provides a measure of the variation in the dependent variable (Dose) explained by regression on the independent variables.

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 07/28/2008 14:45 Page Summary : Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 10 yr-old File  : C:\RESRADFAMIILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280804.RAD Table of Contents

  • art I: Mixture Sums and Single Radionuclide Guidelines Dose Conversion Factor (and Related) Parameter Summary ... 2 Site-Specific Parameter Summary ............................ 3 Summary of Pathway Selections .............................. 7 Contaminated Zone and Total Dose Summary ................. 8 Total Dose Components Time = 0.OOOE+00 .... ................................... 9 Time = 1.OOOE+00 ....................................... 10 Time = 3.OOOE+00 ....................................... 11 Time = 1.000E+03 ....................................... 12 Dose/Source Ratios Summed Over All Pathways .............. 13 Single Radionuclide Soil Guidelines ........................ 13 Dose Per Nuclide Summed Over All Pathways .................. 14 Soil Concentration Per Nuclide ............................. 14 Page 112 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T'sLimit = 180 days 07/28/2008 14:45 Page 2 Summary Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 10 yr-old File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280804.RAD Dose Conversion Factor (and Related) Parameter Summary Dose Library: ICRP 72 (Age 10)

Current Base Parameter Menu Parameter Value# Case* Name A-I DCF's for external ground radiation, (mrem/yr)/(pCi/g)

A-i Ba-137m (Source: FGR 12) 3.606E+00 3.606E+00 DCFl( 1)

A-i Cs-137 (Source: FGR 12) 7.510E-04 7.510E-04 DCF1( 2)

B-I Dose conversion factors for inhalation, mrem/pCi:

B-I Cs-137+D 1.776E-04 1.776E-04 DCF2( 1)

D-1 Dose conversion factors for ingestion, mrem/pCi:

D-1 Cs-137+D 3.700E-05 3.700E-05 DCF3( 1)

D-34 Food transfer factors:

D-34 Cs-137+D , plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 4.OOOE-02 4.OOOE-02 RTF( 1,i)

D-34 Cs-137+D , beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/kg)/(pCi/d) 3.OOOE-02 3.OOOE-02 RTF( 1,2)

D-34 Cs-137+D , milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/L)/(pCi/d) 8.000E-03 8.OOOE-03 RTF( 1,3)

Bioaccumulation factors, fresh water, L/kg:

CS-137+D , fish 2.000E+03 2.OOOE+03 BIOFAC( 1 ,1)

Cs-137+D , crustacea and mollusks 1.000E+02 1.000E+02 BIOFAC( 1 ,2)

  1. For DCF1(xxx) only, factors are for infinite depth & area. See ETFG table in Ground Pathway of Detailed Report.
  • Base Case means Default.Lib w/o Associate Nuclide contributions.

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 Tn Limit = 180 days 07/28/2008 14:45 Page 3 Sumnuary Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 10 yr-old File  : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280804.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary en User I Used by RESRAD Paramester Menu I Parameter I Input I Default (If different from user input) Name I I R011 Area of contaminated zone (m**2) 1.860E+02 1.000E+04 AREA R011 Thickness of contaminated zone (m) 7.6001E-02 2.OO0E+00 THICKO R011 Length parallel to aquifer flow (m) 1.000E+02 1.000E+02 LCZPAQ R011 Basic radiation dose limit (mrem/yr) 2.500E+01 3.OOOE+01 BRDL R011 Time since placement of material (yr) 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 TI R011 Times for calculations (yr) 1.000E+00 1.000E+00 T( 2)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) 3.000E+00 3.0001E+00 T( 3)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) 1.000E+03 1.000E+01 T( 4)

R011 T( 5)

Times for calculations (yr) not used 3.000E+01 R011 1.000E+02 Times for calculations (yr) not used T( 6)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) not used 3.000E+02 T( 7)

R011 1.0001E+03 Times for calculations (yr) not used T( 8)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) not used 0.0001E+00 T( 9)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) not used 0.0001E+00 T (10)

R012 Initial principal radionuclide (pCi/g): Cs-137 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 ISl1))

R012 Concentration in groundwater (pCi/L): Cs-137 not used 0.000E+00 Wl( 1)

R013 Cover depth (m) 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 COVERO R013 Density of cover material (g/cm**3) not used 1.500E+00 DENSCV R013 Cover depth erosion rate (m/yr) not used 1.000E-03 VCV R013 Density of contaminated zone (g/cm**3) 1.500E+00 1.500E+00 DENSCZ Contaminated zone erosion rate (m/yr) 1.oooE-03 1.O00E-03 VCZ Contaminated zone total porosity 4.000E-01 4.000E-01 TPCZ RD 3 Contaminated zone field capacity 2.000E-01 2.000E-01 FCCZ R0 13 1.000E+01 Contaminated zone hydraulic conductivity (m/yr) 1.000E+01 HCCZ R0 13 Contaminated zone b parameter 5.300E+00 5.300E+00 BCZ R1013 Average annual wind speed (m/sec) 2.000E+00 2.000E+00 WIND R0 13 8.000E+00 Humidity in air (g/m**3) not used HUMID R0 13 5.O0OE-01 Evapotranspiration coefficient 5.OOOE-01 EVAPTR R013 R0 13 Precipitation (m/yr) 1.000E+00 1.0001E+00 PRECIP R0 13 2.OOOE-01 Irrigation (m/yr) 2.OOOE-01 RI R0 13 Irrigation mode overhead overhead IDITCH R1013 Runoff coefficient 2.000E-01 2.000E-01 RUNOFF R0 13 1.000E+06 Watershed area for nearby stream or pond (m**2) 1.000E+06 WAREA R0 13 Accuracy for water/soil computations 1.O00E-03 1.000E-03 EPS R014 Density of saturated zone (g/cm**3) 1.500E+00 1.500E+00 DENSAQ R014 4.000E-01 4.000E-01 TPSZ R014 Saturated zone total porosity R014 Saturated zone effective porosity 2.000E-01 2.000E-01 EPSZ R014 Saturated zone field capacity 2.000E-01 2.000E-01 FCSZ R014 Saturated zone hydraulic conductivity (m/yr) 1.000E+02 1.000E+02 HCSZ R014 Saturated zone hydraulic gradient 2.000E-02 2.000E-02 HGWT R014 Saturated zone b parameter 5.300E+00 5.300E+00 BSZ 1.OO0E-03 1.000E-03 VWT

  • 014 Water table drop rate (m/yr)

RD14 1.000E+01 1.000E+01 DWIBWT RD 14 Well pump intake depth (m below water table)

ND ND MODEL R014 Model: Nondispersion (ND) or Mass-Balance (MB)

Well pumping rate (m*3/yr) 2.500E+02 2.500E+02 UW R014 1 1 NS Number of unsaturated zone strata

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 T's Limit = 180 days 07/28/2008 14:45 Page 4 Summary Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 10 yr-old File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280804.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued) e User Used by RESRAD Parameter menuI Parameter Input Default (If different from user input) Name i

-I-R015 Unsat. zone 1, thickness (m) 4.OO0E+(O0 4.0O0E+00 H(1)

R015 Unsat. zone 1, soil density (g/cm**3) 1.500E+(20 1.500E+00 DENSUZ (1)

RO15 Unsat. zone I, total porosity 44.OOOE-( 01 4. 00E-01 TPUZ (1)

R0 15 Unsat. zone 1, effective porosity 2.000E-( 2.000E-01 EPUZ (1)

R015 Unsat. zone 1, field capacity 2.O00E-( 2.00O-01 FCUZ (1)

RO15 Unsat. zone 1, soil-specific b parameter 5.300E+(O00 5.300E+00 BUZ (l) 01 RO5 Unsat. zone 1, hydraulic conductivity (m/yr) 1.000E+( 1.000E+01 HCUZ (1)

R016 Distribution coefficients for Cs-137 R016 Contaminated zone (cm**3/g) 4. 600E+03 4. 600E+03 DCNUCC( 1)

4. 600E+03 4.600E+03 DCNUCU( i,i)

R016 Unsaturated zone 1 (cm**3/g)

R016 Saturated zone (cm**3/g) 1.O00E+03 4 ý600E+03 DCNUCS( 1)

Leach rate (/yr) 0O 000E+00 0.000E+00 ALEACH( 1)

R016 9.534E-04 Solubility constant 0. 00OE+00 SOLUBK( 1)

R016 0. OO0E+00 not used R017 Inhalation rate (m**3/yr) 3. 653E+03 8. 400E+03 INHALR R017 Mass loading for inhalation (g/m**3) 1. OOOE-04 1. O00E-04 MLINH R017 Exposure duration 3. 000E+01 3. OOOE+01 ED RD17 Shielding factor, inhalation 4. 0OOE-01 4. 0OOE-01 SHF3 R017 Shielding factor, external gamma 7.000E-01 7. 0OOE-01 SHFl R017 Fraction of time spent indoors 0. 000E+00 5. OOOE-01 FIND R017 Fraction of time spent outdoors (on site) 1. 400E-02 2.500E-01 FOTD Shape factor flag, external gamma 1. 000E+00 1. 000E+00 >0 shows circular AREA. FS Radii of shape factor array (used if FS = -i)::

Outer annular radius ring 1: not used 5.000E+01 RADSHAPEC 1)

RD 17 5017 R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 2: not used 7.071E+01 RADSHAPE) 2)

RD17 Outer annular radius Cm), ring 3: not used 0. 000E+00 RADSHAPE( 3)

RD17 Outer annular radius Cm), ring 4: not used 0. 000E+00 RADSHAPEC 4)

R017 Outer annular radius ring 5: not used 0. 000E+00 SADSHAPE C5)

R017 Outer annular radius Cm), ring 6: not used 0. OOE+00 RADSHAPE C6)

Outer annular radius Cm), ring 7: not used O.OO0E+00 RAD SHAPE C7)

R017 Outer annular radius Cm), ring 8: not used 0. 000E+00 SADSHAPE( 8) 5017 Outer annular radius Cm), ring 9: not used 0. OOOE+00 RAD_SHAPE (9)

R017 R0 17 R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 10: not used O.000E+00 SADSHAPE (10)

R017 Outer annular radius Cm), ring 11: not used 0. 000E+00 SADSHAPE(11)

Outer annular radius (m), ring 12: not used 0.000E+00 SADSHAPE(12)

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 T'1 Limit - 180 days 07/2B/2008 14:45 Page 5 Summary Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 10 yr-old File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280804.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

User Used by RESRAD Parameter Menu Parameter Input Default (If different from user input) Name R017 Fractions of annular areas within AREA:

R017 Ring 1 not use,d 1.OOOE+00 FRACA( 1) not use R017 Ring 2 d 2.732E-01 FRACA( 2) not use R017 Ring 3 d 0.OOOE+00 FRACAC 3) not use R017 Ring 4 d 0.OOOE+00 FRACA) 4) not use R017 Ring 5 d 0.OOOE+00 FRACAC 5) not use RO 17 Ring 6 d 0. 00OE+00 FRACAC 6) not use RO 17 Ring 7 d 0.OOOE+00 FRACA( 7)

RP017 Ring 8 not use d I0.000E+00 FRACA( 8) not use d 0. 00OE+00 R017 Ring 9 FRACA( 9)

R017 Ring 10 not use d I 0.OOOE+00

.OOOE+00 FRACA (10) not use d -O.O00E+O0 R017 Ring 11 FRACA (i) not use d R017 Ring 12 0.OOOE+00 FRACA(12)

R018 Fruits, vegetables and grain consumption (kg/yr) 4.800E+'Dl 1.600E+02 DIET (1)

R018 Leafy vegetable consumption (kg/yr) 4.200E+IO0 1.400E+01 DIET(2)

R018 Milk consumption (L/yr) d 9.200E+01 not use DIET(3)

R018 Meat and poultry consumption (kg/yr) not useid 6.300E+01 DIET(4)

R018 Fish consumption (kg/yr) not use d 5.400E+00 DIET (5)

R018 Other seafood consumption (kg/yr) not use d 9.OOOE-01 DIET(6) 01 R018 Soil ingestion rate (g/yr) 3. 650E+ 3.650E+D0 SOIL d

R018 Drinking water intake (L/yr) not use 5.1OOE+02 DWI d

Contamination fraction of drinking water not use 1.000E+00 FDW Contamination fraction of household water not use 1.OOOE+00 IFHHW P018 Contamination fraction of livestock water not use 1.000E+00 FLW R018 O0 Contamination fraction of irrigation water 1.000E+(d 1.000E+00 FIRW R018 d Contamination fraction of aquatic food not use 5.000E-01 FR9 R018 Contamination fraction of plant food 5.000E-( 01 I-I FPLANT R018 Contamination fraction of meat not use d I-I FMEAT R01B Contamination fraction of milk not useC FMILK R019 Livestock fodder intake for meat (kg/day) not use 6.800E+01 LFI5 R019 Livestock fodder intake for milk (kg/day) not usec 5.500E+01 LFI6 R019 Livestock water intake for meat (L/day) not use( 5.0DOE+01 LWI5 R019 Livestock water intake for milk (L/day) not use 1.600E+02 LWI6 R019 Livestock soil intake (kg/day) not usec 5.000E-01 LSI R019 Mass loading for foliar deposition (g/m**3) 1.000E-0 4 1.000E-04 MLFD R019 Depth of soil mixing layer (m) 1.500E-001 1.500E-01 OM R019 Depth of roots (m) 9.000E-C 01 9.OOOE-0i DROOT R019 Drinking water fraction from ground water not used04 1.000E+00 FGWDW R019 Household water fraction from ground water not usecCO 1.OOOE+00 FGWHH R019 Livestock water fraction from ground water not used 1.000E+00 FGWLW R019 1.000E+C Cl 1.OOOE+00 FGWIR Irrigation fraction from ground water dO R19B Wet weight crop yield for Non-Leafy (kg/m**2) 7.00OE-( 00 7.000E-01 YV(a)

R1 9B Wet weight crop yield for Leafy (kg/m**2) 1.500E+C 1.500E+00 YV(2)

R19B Wet weight crop yield for Fodder (kg/m**2) not used0l 1.100E+00 YV(3)

RI9B Growing Season for Non-Leafy (years) 1.700E-( 1.700E-01 TE(1)

Growing Season for Leafy (years) 2.500E-0 2.500E-01 TE (2) 9B Growing Season for Fodder (years) not used 8.000E-02 TE(3)

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 07/28/2008 14:45 Page 6 Summary : Suburban Ciardner Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 10 yr-old File C:\RESRAD_ FAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280804.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Susumary (continued)

User Used by RESSRAD Parameter Menu Parameter Input Default (If different from user input) Nam a I I I R19B Translocation Factor for Non-Leafy 1.000OE-01 1.000E-01 TIV(1)

R19B Translocation Factor for Leafy 1.0000E+00 1.000E+00 TIV(2)

R19B Translocation Factor for Fodder not used 1.000E+00 TIV(3)

R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Non-Leafy 2.500OE-01 2.500E-01 RDRY(l Dry Foliax Interception Fraction for Leafy 2.500OE-01 2.500E-01 RDRY(2 R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Fodder not used 2.500E-01 RDRY(3 R19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Non-Leafy 2.500OE-01 2.500E-01 RWET(1 R19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Leafy 2.500OE-01 2.500E-01 RWET(2 R19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Fodder not used 2.500E-01 RWET(3 R19B Weathering Removal Constant for Vegetation 2.0000E+01 2.OOOE+01 WLAM C14 C-12 concentration in water (g/cm**3) not used 2.000E-05 C12WTR C14 C-12 concentration in contaminated soil (g/g) not used 3.000E-02 C12CZ C14 Fraction of vegetation carbon from soil not used 2.OOOE-02 CSOIL C14 Fraction of vegetation carbon from air not used 9.800E-01 CAIR C14 C-14 evasion layer thickness in soil (m) not used 3.000E-01 DMC C14 C-14 evasion flux rate from soil (1/sec) not used 7.000E-07 EVSN C14 C-12 evasion flux rate from soil (1/sec) not used 1.000E-10 REVSN C14 Fraction of grain in beef cattle feed not used 8.000E-01 AVFG4 C14 Fraction of grain in milk cow feed not used 2.OOOE-01 AVFG5 STOR Storage times of contaminated foodstuffs (days):

Fruits, non-leafy vegetables, and grain 1.40 OE+01 1.400E+01 STORT (1)

Leafy vegetables 1.00 0E+00 1.000E+00 STORT (2)

STOR S~R Milk 1.00 0E+00 1.OOOE+00 STORT (3)

STOR Meat and poultry 2.00 0E+01 2.000E+01 STOR T (4)

STOR Fish 7.00 OE+00 7.OOOE+00 STOR T (5)

STOR Crustacea and mollusks 7.00 OE+00 7.000+E00 STOR T (6)

STOR Well water 1.00 0OE÷00 1.000+E00 STOR T (7)

STOR Surface water 1.00'0E+00 1.000E+00 STORT (8)

STOR Livestock fodder 4.50'08E01 4.500E+01 STOR T (9)

R021 Thickness of building foundation (m) not used 1.500E-01 FLOORI R021 Bulk density of building foundation (g/cm**3) not used 2.400E+00 DENSFL R021 Total porosity of the cover material not used 4.000E-01 TPCV R021 Total porosity of the building foundation not used 1.000E-01 TPFL R021 Volumetric water content of the cover material not used 5.OOOE-02 PH2OCV R021 Volumetric water content of the foundation not used 3.OOOE-02 PH2OFL R021 Diffusion coefficient for radon gas (m/sec):

R021 in cover material not used 2.000E-06 DIFCV R021 in foundation material not used 3.000E-07 DIFFL R021 in contaiminatedzone soil not used 2.000E-06 DIFCZ R021 Radon vertical dimension of mixing (m) not used 2.000E+00 HMIX R021 Average building air exchange rate (1/hr) not used 5.000-E01 REXG R021 Height of the building (room) (m) not used 2.500E+00 HRM R021 Building interior area factor not used 0.000E+00 FAI R021 DMFL Building depth below ground surface (m) not used 1-1.000E+00 R021 Emanating power of Rn-222 gas not used 2.500E-01 EMANA( 1)

Emanating power of Rn-220 gas not used 1.500E-01 EMANA( 2)

@I1 TItL Number of graphical time points 32 NPTS Page 117 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 07/28/2008 14:45 Page Summary Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 10 yr-old File  : C:\RESRAD FAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280804.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued) 0Menu II Parameter II User Input Default


I-I (If Used by RESRAD different from user input)

Parameter Name i i i i i TITL Maximum number of integration points for dose 17 --- I --- LYMAX TITL Maximum number of integration points for risk 1 j --- --- KYMAX L -------------

Summary of Pathway Selections Pathway I User Selection 1 -- external gamma active 2 -- inhalation (w/o radon)l active 3 -- plant ingestion active 4 -- meat ingestion suppressed 5 -- milk ingestion suppressed 6 -- aquatic foods suppressed 7 -- drinking water suppressed 8 -- soil ingestion active 9 -- radon suppressed Find peak pathway doses active Page 118 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T41Limit = 180 days 07/28/2008 14:45 Page 8 Summary Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 10 yr-old File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280804.RAD

,Contaminated Zone Dimensions Initial Soil Concentrations, pCi/g Area: 186.00 square meters Cs-137 I.OO0E+00 Thickness: 0.08 meters Cover Depth: 0.00 meters Total Dose TDOSE(t), mrem/yr Basic Radiation Dose Limit = 2.500E+01 mrem/yr Total Mixture Sum M(t) = Fraction of Basic Dose Limit Received at Time (t) t (years): 0.OOOE+00 1.000E+00 3.000E+00 1.OOOE+03 TDOSE(t): 2.877E-02 2.785E-02 2.610E-02 0.OOOE+00 M(t): 1.151E-03 1.114E-03 1.044E-03 0.OOOE+00 Maximum TDOSE(t): 2.877E-02 mrem/yr at t = 0.OOOE+00 years Page 119 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 07/28/2008 14:45 Page 9 Summary Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 10 yr-old File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280804.RAD Total Dose Contributions TDOSE(i,p,t] for Individual Radionuclides (i) and Pathways (p)

As mrem/yr and Fraction of Total Dose At t = 0.OOOE+00 years Water Independent Pathways (Inhalation excludes radon)

Ground Inhalation Radon Plant Meat Milk Soil Radio-Nuclide mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract.

Cs-137 2.556E-02 0.8886 5.043E-08 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 3.204E-03 0.1114 O.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 1.749E-06 0.0001 Total 2.556E-02 0.8886 5.043E-08 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 3.204E-03 0.1114 O.O00E+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 1.749E-06 0.0001 Total Dose Contributions TDOSE(i,p,t) for Individual Radionuclides (i) and Pathways (p)

As mrem/yr and Fraction of Total Dose At t = 0.OOOE+00 years Water Dependent Pathways Water Fish Radon Plant Meat Milk All Pathways-Radio-Nuclide mrem/yr fract. mem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract.

Cs-137 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.000E+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 O.OOOE+00 0.0000 O.OOOE+00 0.0000 2.877E-02 1.0000 Total 0.000E+00 0.0000 0.000E+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 O.OOOE+00 0.0000 2.877E-02 1.0000 W of all water independent and dependent pathways.

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 T1 Limit = 180 days 08/04/2008 15:19 Page 1 Probabilistic results summary : Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 10 yrFile: C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280804.RAD Table of Contents Part VI: Uncertainty Analysis RESRAD Uncertainty Analysis Results Probabilistic Input ................................... 2 Total Dose .... ......................................... 3 Total Risk .... ......................................... 4 Dose vs Pathway: Ground External ..................... 5 Dose vs Pathway: Inhalation (w/o Radon) .............. 6 Dose vs Pathway: Radon (Water Ind.) ................ 7 Dose vs Pathway: Plant (Water Ind.) ................ 8 Dose vs Pathway: Meat (Water Ind.) ................ 9 Dose vs Pathway: Milk (Water Ind.) ................ 10 Dose vs Pathway: Soil Ingestion ...................... 11 Dose vs Pathway: Water Ingestion ..................... 12 Dose vs Pathway: Fish Ingestion ...................... 13 Dose vs Pathway: Radon (Water Dep.) ................ 14 Dose vs Pathway: Plant (Water Dep.) ................. 15 Dose vs Pathway: Meat (Water Dep.) ................ 16 Dose vs Pathway: Milk (Water Dep.) ................ 17 Cumulative Probability Sumnary ....................... 18 Summary of dose at graphical times, reptition 1 ..... 19 Summary of dose at graphical times, reptition 2 ..... 20 Suwmary of dose at graphical times, reptition 3 ..... 21 Peak of the mean dose at graphical times ............. 22 Correlation and Regression coefficients (if any) ..... 23 Page 121 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 Ti Limit = 180 days 08/04/2008 15:19 Page 2 Probabilistic results summary  : Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 10 yrFile: C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280804.RAD Probabilistic Input O er of Sample Runs: 300 Number Name Distribution Parameters 1 FOTD NORMAL .014 .014 2 AREA TRIANGULAR 100 186 1000 3 THICKO NORMAL .076 .076 4 FPLANT NORMAL .5 .5 5 DCACTC(1) TRIANGULAR 50 4600 80000 6 DCACTUl(1) LOGNORMAL 4600 3 7 DCACTS(1) LOGNORMAL 4600 3 8 LCZPAQ TRIANGULAR 10 14 200 9 INHALR TRIANGULAR 2000 3653 4500 10 DIET(1) TRIANGULAR 10 48 65 11 DIET(2) TRIANGULAR 1 4.2 8 Page 122 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 08/04/2008 15:19 Page 3 Probabilistic results summary  : Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 10 yrFile: C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280804.RAD Probabilistic Total Dose Summary Peak Peak DOSE(j,t), mrem/yr Time Dose t= 0.OOE+00 1.OOE+00 3.00E+00 1.00E+03 0.00E+00 0.0 0E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 1.37E-01 1.37E-01 1.34E-01 1.27E-01 0.00E+00 O.OOE+00 2.85E-02 2.85E-02 2.76E-02 2.60E-02 0. 00E+00 0.00E+00 2.96E-02 2.96E-02 2.88E-02 2.74E-02 0. 00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 1.37E-01 1.37E-01 1.34E-01 1.27E-01 0.00E+00

0. 00E+00 2.85E-02 2.85E-02 2.76E-02 2.60E-02 0. 00E+00
0. 00E+00 2.96E-02 2.96E-02 2.88E-02 2.74E-02 0. 00E+00 EALL is total dose sunned for all nuclides.

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4 RESRAD, Version 6.4 T Limit = 180 days 08/04/2008 15:19 Page 4 Probabilistic results summary : Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 10 yrFile: C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280804.PAD Probabilistic Risk Summary IS ide RISK (j, t)

(j) t= 0.00E+00 1.OOE+00 3.OOE+00 1.OOE+03 Cs-137 Min 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.00E+00 Maxc 3.20E-06 3.13E-06 2. 98E-06 0.OOE+00 Avg 6.74E-07 6.54E-07 6. 15E-07 0.OOE+00 Std, 6.87E-07 6.70E-07 6. 36E-07 0. OOE+00 EALL Min 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.0 0E+00 Maxc 3.20E-06 3.13E-06 2.9BE-06 0.00OOE+00 Avg 6.74E-07 6.54E-07 6. 1SE-07 0.00E+00 Std 6.87E-07 6.70E-07 6.36E-07 0. OOE+00 TALL is total risk summed for all nuclides.

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RESRAD Regression and Correlation output 08/04/08 15:19 Page: Coef 2 Title  : Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 10 yr-old Input File : C:\RESRAD FAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280804.RAD

.fficients for peak= of mean dose time Dose Coefficient Repetition =





Description of Probabilistic Variable Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Outdoor time fraction 1 0.84 1 0.69 2 0.81 2 0.62 Area of contaminated zone 3 0.21 3 0.10 4 0.13 4 0.06 Thickness of contaminated zone 2 0.78 2 0.55 1 0.82 1 0.63 Plant food 4 0.18 4 0.08 3 0.20 3 0.09 Kd of Cs-137 in Contaminated Zone 11 -0.05 11 -0.02 6 -0.08 6 -0.04 Kd of Cs-137 in Unsaturated Zone 1 8 -0.09 8 -0.04 5 -0.09 5 -0.04 Kd of Cs-137 in Saturated Zone 10 -0.06 10 -0.03 9 0.03 9 0.01 Length parallel to aquifer flow 5 0.17 5 0.08 10 0.02 10 0.01 9 -0.08 9 -0.03 7 0.06 7 0.03 Inhalation rate 6 0.15 6 0.07 8 0.03 8 0.01 Fruit, vegetable, and grain consumption Leafy vegetable consumption 7 0.12 7 0.05 11 -0.02 11 -0.01 R-SOUARE 0.80 0.80 0.81 0.81

-Rank is set to zero if the dose is zero or the correlation matrix is singular.

-R-SQUARE varies between 0 and 1 and is called the coefficient of determination; it provides a measure of the variation in the dependent variable (Dose) explained by regression on the independent variables.

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 T% Limit = 180 days 07/28/2008 14:59 Page Summary : Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 15 yr-old File  : C:\RESRAD__FAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280905.RAD Table of Contents

  • art I: Mixture Sums and Single Radionuclide Guidelines Dose Conversion Factor (and Related) Parameter Summary ... 2 Site-Specific Parameter Summary ............................ 3 Summary of Pathway Selections ............................... 7 Contaminated Zone and Total Dose Summary ................... 8 Total Dose Components Time = 0.OOOE+00........................................ 9 Time = 1.OOOE+00 ....................................... 10 Time = 3.OOOE+00 .. ..................................... 11 Time = 1.OOOE+03 ....................................... 12 Dose/Source Ratios Summed Over All Pathways ................ 13 Single Radionuclide Soil Guidelines ...................... 13 Dose Per Nuclide Sunmed Over All Pathways .................. 14 Soil Concentration Per Nuclide ............................. 14 Page 126 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T&2 Limit = 180 days 07/28/2008 14:59 Page 2 Sunmmary : Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 15 yr-old File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRF_OFF-SITE\07280805.RAD a Dose Conversion Factor (and Related) Parameter Summary Dose Library: ICRP 72 (Age 15)

Current Base Parameter Menu Parameter Value# Case* Name A-I DCF's for external ground radiation, (mrem/yr)/(pCi/g)

A-I Ba-137m (Source: FGR 12) 3.606E+00 3.606E+00 DCF1( 1)

A-I Cs-137 (Source: FGR 12) 7.510E-04 7.510E-04 DCF1( 2)

B-I Dose conversion factors for inhalation, mxem/pCi:

B-i Cs-137+D 1.554E-04 1.554E-04 DCF2( 1)

D-1 Dose conversion factors for ingestion, mrem/pCi:

D-I Cs-137+D 4.BlOE-05 4.810E-05 DCF3( 1)

D-34 Food transfer factors:

D-34 Cs-137+D , plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 4.OOOE-02 4.000E-02 RTF( 1,I)

D-34 Cs-137+D , beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/kg)/(pCi/d) 3.OOOE-02 3.OOOE-02 RTF( 1,2)

D-34 Cs-137+D , milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/L)/(pCi/d) 8.OOOE-03 8.000E-03 RTF( 1,3)

D-5 Bioaccumulation factors, fresh water, L/kg:

D-5 Cs-137+D , fish 2 .OOE+03 2.OOOE+03 BIOFAC( 1,,1)

D-5 Cs-137+D , cru4tacea and mollusks 1. OOOE+02 1.OOOE+02 BIOFAC( I, ,2)

  1. For DCFl(xxx) only, factors are for infinite depth & area. See ETFG table in Ground Pathway of Detailed Report.


  • Base Case means Default.Lib w/o Associate Nuclide contributions.

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 T1 Limit = 180 days 07/28/2008 14:59 Page 3 Summary : Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 15 yr-old File  : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280805.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary I

1 User I I Used by RESRAD Parameter Menu Parameter I Input Default I (If different from user input) I Name R011 Area of contaminated zone (m**2) 1.860E+02 1.000E+04 --- AREA R011 Thickness of contaminated zone (m) 7.600E-02 2.OOOE+00 -- THICKO R011 Length parallel to aquifer flow (m) 1.OOOE+02 1.OOOE+02 -- LCZPAQ R011 Basic radiation dose limit (mrem/yr) 2.500E+01 3.OOOE+01 -- BRDL R011 Time' since placement of material (yr) 0.000E+00 0.OOOE+00 --- TI R011 Times for calculations (yr) 1.000E+00 1.000E+00 --- T( 2)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) 3.OOOE+00 3.000E+00 --- T( 3)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) 1.000E+03 1.000E+01 -- T( 4)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) not used 3.000E+01 --- T 5)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) not used 1.000E+02 --- T( 6)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) not used 3.000E+02 -- T( 7)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) not used 1.000E+03 --- T( 8)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) not used 0.000E+00 T 9)


R011 Times for calculations (yr) not used 0.000E+00 -- T(10)

R012 Initial principal radionuclide (pCi/g): Cs-137 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 -- $Sl(l)

R012 Concentration in groundwater (pCi/L): Cs-137 not used 0.OOOE+00 --- 1Wi)

R013 Cover depth (m) 0.000E+00 0.OOOE+00 --- COVERO R013 Density of cover material (g/cm**3) not used 1.500E+00 --- DENSCV R013 Cover depth erosion rate (m/yr) not used 1.OOOE-03 --- VCV R013 Density of contaminated zone (g/cm**3) 1.500E+00 1.500E+00 --- DENSCZ Contaminated zone erosion rate (m/yr) 1.000E-03 1.000E-03 --- VCZ Contaminated zone total porosity 4.000E-01 4.OOOE-01 --- TPCZ R013 Contaminated zone field capacity 2.000E-01 2.000E-01 --- FCCZ R013 Contaminated zone hydraulic conductivity (m/yr) 1.OOOE+01 1.000E+0l --- HCCZ R013 Contaminated zone b parameter 5.300E+00 5.300E+00 --- BCZ R013 Average annual wind speed (m/sec) 2.000E+00 2.000E+00 --- WIND R013 Humidity in air (g/m**3) not used 8.000E+00 --- HUMID R013 Evapotranspiration coefficient 5.OOOE-01 5.OOOE-01 --- EVAPTR R013 Precipitation (m/yr) 1.000E+00 1.OOOE+00 --- PRECIP R013,1 Irrigation (m/yr) 2.OOOE-01 2.OOOE-01 --- RI R013 Irrigation mode overhead overhead --- IDITCH R013 Runoff coefficient 2.OOOE-01 2.000E-01 RUNOFF R013 Watershed area for nearby stream or pond (m**2) 1.000E+06 1.OOOE+06 -- WAREA R013 Accuracy for water/soil computations 1.000E-03 1.OOOE-03 -- EPS R014 Density of saturated zone (g/cm**3) 1.500E+00 1.500E+00 --- DENSAQ R014 Saturated zone total porosity 4.000E-01 4.000E-01 --- TPSZ R014 Saturated zone effective porosity 2.OOOE-01 2.OOOE-01 --- EPSZ R014 Saturated zone field capacity 2.000E-01 2.000E-01 --- FCSZ R014 Saturated zone hydraulic conductivity (m/yr) 1.000E+02 1.000E+02 --- HCSZ R014 Saturated zone hydraulic gradient 2.000E-02 2.000E-02 --- HGWT R014 Saturated zone b parameter 5.300E+00 5.300E+00 --- BSZ R014 Water table drop rate (m/yr) 1.000E-03 [1.000E-03 --- VWT R014 Well pump intake depth (m below water table) 1.000E+01 1.00E+01 -- DWIBWT R014 Model: Nondispersion (ND) or Mass-Balance (MB) ND ND --- MODEL R014 Well pumping rate (m**3/yr) *2.500E+02 2.500E+02 --- UW

  • Number of unsaturated zone strata 1 1 MS Page 128 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 07/28/2008 14:59 Page 4 Summary Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 15 yz-old File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRF OFF-SITE\07280805.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued) 01 User Used by RESRAD Parameter menuI Parameter Input Default (If different from user input) Name RO15 Unsat. zone 1, thickness (m) 4.00OE+00 4.OOOE+00 H(1)

R015 Unsat. zone 1, soil density (g/cm**3) 1.500E+00 1.500E+00 DENSUZ(1)

RO15 Unsat. zone 1, total porosity 4.OOOE-01 4.OOOE-01 TPUZ (1)

R015 Unsat. zone 1, effective porosity 2.OOOE-01 2.OOOE-01 EPUZ (1)

R015 Unsat. zone 1, field capacity 2.OOOE-01 2.OOOE-01 FCUZ (1)

R015 Unsat. zone 1, soil-specific b parameter 5.300E+00 5.300E+00 BUZ (1)

R015 Unsat. zone 1, hydraulic conductivity (m/yr) 1.OOOE+01 L.OOOE+01 HCUZ (1)

R016 Distribution coefficients for Cs-137 R016 Contaminated zone (cm*-3/g) 4.600E+03 4.600E+03 DCNUCC( I)

R016 Unsaturated zone 1 (cm**3/g) 4.600E+03 4.600E+03 DCNUCU(


R016 Saturated zone (cm**3/g) 1.OOOE+03 4.600E+03 DCNUCS( 1)

R016 Leach rate (/yr) 0.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 9.534E-04 ALEACH i)

R016 Solubility constant 0.OOOE+00 0.OOOE+00 not used SOLUBK(

2 R017 Inhalation rate (m**3/yr) 6.209E+03 28.400E+03 INHALR R017 Mass loading for inhalation (g/m**3) 1.OOOE-04 1.OOOE-04 MLINH 1

R017 Exposure duration 3. 000E+01 3. 0OE+01 ED R017 Shielding factor, inhalation 4.OOOE-01 I.OOOE-01 SHF3 4

R017 Shielding factor, external gaimna 7.OOOE-01  ?.OOOE-01 SHF1 4

R017 Fraction of time spent indoors 0.OOOE+00 .000E-01 FIND 4

R017 Fraction of time spent outdoors (on site) 1.400E-02 .500E-01 FOTD 0

Shape factor flag, external gamma 1.000E+00 1.OOOE+00 >0 shows circular AREA. FS Radii of shape factor array (used if FS -1):

0 R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 1: not used 5.OOOE+01 RADSHAPEC 1)

R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 2: not used 87.071E+01 RAD SHAPE( 2)

R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 3: not used .OOOE+00 HADSHAPEC 3)

R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 4: not used *.OOOE+00 RADSHAPE( 4)

R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 5: not used .OOOE+00 HAD SHAPE( 5)

R017 Outer annular radius Cm), ring 6: not used .OOOE+00 HADSHAPEC 6)

R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 7: not used p.OOOE+00 RAD SHAPEC 7)

R017 Outer annular radius Cm), ring 8: not used .OOOE+00 HADSHAPEC 8)

R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 9: not used '.OOOE+00 RADSHAPEC 9)

R017 Outer annular radius Cm), ring 10: not used .00OE+00 RADSHAPE(10)

R017 Outer annular radius Cm), ring 11: not used *.000E+00 HAD_SAPE(11)

R017 Outer, annular radius Cm), ring 12: not used .OOOE+00 HADSHAPE(12)

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 07/28/2008 14:59 Page 5 Sum*ary  : Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 15 yr-old File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280805.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

User Used by RESRAD Parameter Parameter Input Default I (If different from uses input) Name i

R017 Fractions of annular areas within AREA:

R017 Ring 1 ncot used 1.000E+00 FRACAI1)

R017 Ring 2 ncot used 2.732E-01 FRACA 2) ncot used D.DD0E+00 FRACA 3)

R017 Ring 3 Ring 4 0' ncot used 0.000E+00 FRACA 4)

R017 Ring 5 n¢ot used O.000E+00 FRACA 5)

R017 Ring 6 n ot used 0.OO0E+00 FRACA 6)

RO17 Ring 7 n ot used O.OOOE+00 FRACA 7)

R017 R017 Ring 8 n ot used 0.OOE+00 FRACA 8)

Ring 9 n ot used O.OOE+00 FRACA 9)

R017 R017 Ring 10 n ot used O.OO0E+00 FRACA (10)

Ring 11 n ot used 0.OOE+00 FRACA (11)

R017 Ring 12 ot used 0.000E+00 FRACA(12)

RD 17 4 DIET(1)

R018 Fruits, vegetables and grain consumption (kg/yr) .800E+01 1.600E+02 R018 4 DIET (2)

Leafy vegetable consumption (kg/yr) .200E+00 1.400E+D1 R018 n4ot used 9.200E+01 DIET (3)

Milk consumption (L/yr)

RD 18 n0ot used 6.300E+01 DIET (4)

Meat and poultry consumption (kg/yr)

R018 n ot used 5.400E+00 DIET(5)

Fish consumption (kg/yr)

R018 n ot used 9.000E-01 DIET (6)

Other seafood consumption (kg/yr)

R018 Soil ingestion rate (g/yr) 3 .650E+01 3.650E+01 SOIL (L/yr) ncot used 5.100E+02 DWI R018 Drinking water intake n ot used 1.000E+00 FDW Contamination fraction of drinking water Contamination fraction of household water noot used 1.000E+00 FHHW R018 noot used 1.000E+00 FLW Contamination fraction of livestock water R018 I..000E+00 1.000E+00 FIRW Contamination fraction of irrigation water R018 noot used 5.000E-01 FR9 Contamination fraction of aquatic food R018 5 .O00E-01 I-i FPLANT Contamination fraction of plant food R018 n0ot used 1-I FNEAT Contamination fraction of meat I-i FMILK R018 Contamination fraction of milk n0ot used 6.800E+01 LFI5 R019 Livestock fodder intake for meat (kg/day) n ot used n Ot used 5.500E+01 LFI6 R019 Livestock fodder intake for milk (kg/day) neot used 5.000E+01 LWI5 R019 Livestock water intake for meat (L/day) noot used 1.600E+02 LWI 6 R019 Livestock water intake for milk (L/day) neot used 5.000E-01 LSI R019 Livestock soil intake (kg/day)

.DDDE-04 1.DODE-04 MLFD R019 Mass loading for foliar deposition (g/m**3) 1

.500E-D1 1.500E-01 DM RD 19 Depth of soil mixing layer (m) 9 .000E-01 9.000E-01 DROOT RO19 Depth of roots (m) ncot used 1.000E+00 FGWDW R019 Drinking water fraction from ground water noot used 1.000E+00 FGWHH R019 Household water fraction from ground water n Ot used 1.000E+00 FGWLW R019 Livestock water fraction from ground water 1 .000E+00 1.0005+00 FGWIR R019 Irrigation fraction from ground water 7 .000E-01 7.OOOE-01 YV(1)

Wet weight crop yield for Non-Leafy (kg/m**2) 1 .500E+00 1.500E+00 YV(2)

Wet weight crop yield for Leafy (kg/m**2) n¢Ot used 1.100E+00 YV (3)

Wet weight crop yield for Fodder (kg/m**2) 1 .700E-01 1.700E-01 TE(1)

Growing Season for Non-Leafy (years) 2 .500E-01 2.500E-01 TE(2)

Growing Season for Leafy (years) n(ot used 8.000E-02 TE(3)

Growing Season for Fodder (years)

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RESBAD, Version 6.4 Ti Limit = 180 days 07/28/2008 14:59 Page 6 Summary Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 15 yr-old File  :,C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280805.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

@ . User Used by RESRAD Parameter Menu Parameter Input Default (If different from user input) Name I i R19B Translocation Factor for Non-Leafy 1.OOOE-01 1.OOOE-01 TIV(l)

Translocation Factor for Leafy 1.OOOE+00 1.OOOE+00 TIV(2)

R19B Translocation Factor for Fodder not used 1.000E+00 TIV(3)

R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Non-Leafy 2.500E-01 2.500E-01 RDRY (1)

R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Leafy 2.500E-01 2.500E-01 RDRY (2)

R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Fodder not used 2.500E-01 RDRY (3)

R19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Non-Leafy 2.500E-01 2.500E-0l RWET (1)

R19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Leafy 2.500E-01 2.500E-01 RWET (2)

R19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Fodder not used 2.500E-01 RWET (3)

R19B Weathering Removal Constant for Vegetation 2.OOOE+01 2.OOOE+01 WLAM C14 C-12 concentration in water (g/cm**3) not used 2.OOOE-05 C12WTR C14 not used 3.OOOE-02 C12CZ C-12 concentration in contaminated soil (g/g)

C14 Fraction of vegetation carbon from soil not used 2.OOOE-02 CSOIL C14 Fraction of vegetation carbon from air not used 9.800E-01 CAIR C14 C-14 evasion layer thickness in soil (m) not used 3.OOOE-01 DMC C14 C-14 evasion flux rate from soil (1/sec) not used 7.OOOE-07 EVSN C14 C-12 evasion flux rate from soil (1/sec) not used 1.OOOE-10 REVSN C14 Fraction of grain in beef cattle feed not used 8.OOOE-01 AVFG4 C14 Fraction of grain in milk cow feed not used 2.OOOE-01 AVFG5 STOR storage times of contaminated foodstuffs (days):

Fruits, non-leafy vegetables, and grain 1.400E+01 1.400E+01 STORT (l)

Leafy vegetables 1.OOOE+00 1.OOOE+00 STORT (2) so 1.OOOE+00 1.OOOE+00 STORT( 3)

STOR Milk STOR Meat and poultry 2.OOOE+01 2.000E+01 STORT (4)

STOR Fish 7.OOOE+00 7.OOOE+00 STORT (5)

STOR Crustacea and mollusks 7.000E+00 7.000E+00 STORT (6)

STOR Well water 1.000E+00 1.000E+00 STORT (7)

STOR Surface water 1.OOOE+00 1.OOOE+00 STORT (8)

STOR Livestock fodder 4.500E+01 4.500E+01 STORT (9)

R021 Thickness of building foundation (m) not used 1.500E-01 FLOORl R021 Bulk density of building foundation (g/cm**3) not used 2.400E+00 DENSFL R021 not used 4.OOOE-01 TPCV Total porosity of the cover material not used 1.000E-01 TPFL R021 Total porosity of the building foundation R021 Volumetric 'water content of the cover material not used 5.000E-02 PH2OCV R021 Volumetric water content of the foundation not used 3.OOOE-02 PH2OFL R021 Diffusion coefficient for radon gas (m/sec):

R021 in cover material not used 2.000E-06 DIFCV R021 foundation material not used 3.OOOE-07 DIFFL in R021 not used 2.OOOE-06 DIFCZ in contaminated zone soil not used 2.000E+00 HMIX R021 Radon vertical dimension of mixing (m) not used 5.000E-01 REXG R021 Average building air exchange rate (l/hr) not used 2.500E+00 HRM R021 Height of the building (room) (m)

Building interior area factor not used 0.0O0E+00 FAI R021 not used -1.O000E+00 DMFL R021 Building depth below ground surface (m) 22 not used 2.500E-01 EMANA (1)

R021 Emanating power of Rn-2 gas not used 1.500E-01 EMANA (2)

Emanating power of Rn-220 gas 32 NPTS TITL Number of graphical time points Page 131 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4. T1/2 Limit = 180 days 07/28/2008 14:59 Page 7 Summary : Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 15 yr-old File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280805.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Surmmary (continued)

S1 User I Used by RESRAD Parameter Menu I Parameter Input Default I (If different from user input) Name SI I TITL Maximum number of integration points for dose 17 I --- LYMAX TITL j Maximum number of integration points for risk 1 --- KYMAX Sunnary of Pathway Selections Pathway User Selection I -- external gamma active 2 -- inhalation (w/o radon)i active 3 -- plant ingestion active 4 -- meat ingestion suppressed 5 -- milk ingestion suppressed 6 -- aquatic foods suppressed 7 -- drinking water suppressed 8 -- soil ingestion active 9 -- radon suppressed Find peak pathway doses active Page 132 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 07/28/2008 14:59 Page 8 Sunmnary Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 15 yr-old File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280805.RAD Initial Soil Concentrations, pCi/g Contaminated Zone Dimensions Area: 186.00 square meters Cs-137 1.000E+00 Thickness: 0.08 meters Cover Depth: 0.00 meters Total Dose TDOSE(t), mrem/yr Basic Radiation Dose Limit = 2.500E+01 mrem/yr Total Mixture Sum M(t) = Fraction of Basic Dose Limit Received at Time (t) t (years): 0.OOOE+00 1.000E+00 3.OOOE+00 1.OOOE+03 TDOSE (t) 2.973E-02 2.878S-02 2.696E-02 0.OOOE+00 M(t) 1.189E-03 1.151E-03 1.0788-03 0.OOOE+00 Maximum TDOSE(t): 2.973E-02 mrem/yr at t = 0.OOOE+00 years Page 133 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 Ti Limit = 180 days 07/28/2008 14:59 Page 9 Summary : Suburban Gardner Scenario for TOD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 15 yr-old File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRF_OFF-SITE\07280805.RAD Total Dose Contributions TDOSE(i,p,t) for Individual Radionuclides (i) and Pathways (p)

As ntrem/yr and Fraction of Total Dose At t = 0.OOOE+00 years Water Independent Pathways (Inhalation excludes radon)

Ground Inhalation Radon Plant Meat Milk Soil Radio-Nuclide mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mtem/yr fract. mrei/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract.

Cs-137 2.556E-02 0.8598 7.500E-08 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 4.165E-03 0.1401 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 2.274E-06 0.0001 Total 2.556E-02 0.8598 7.500E-08 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 4.165E-03 0.1401 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+000.0000 2.274E-06 0.0001 Total Dose Contributions TDOSE(i,p,t) for Individual Radionuclides (i) and Pathways (p)

As mrem/yr and Fraction of Total Dose At t = 0.OOOE+00 years Water Dependent Pathways Water Fish Radon Plant Meat Milk All Pathways*

Radio-Nuclide mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mtrem/yr fract. mirem/yr fract. irem/yr fract. inem/yr fract. mtem/yr fract.

Cs-137 0.000E+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 O.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.000E+00 0.0000 0.000E+00 0.0000 0.000E+00 0.0000 2.973E-02 1.0000 Total 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.000E+00 0.0000 0.000E+00 0.0000 O.000E+00 0.0000 2.973E-02 1.0000

. of all water independent and dependent pathways.

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 T2 Limit = 180 days 08/04/2008 15:27 Page 1 Probabilistic results summary : Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 15 yrFile: C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280805.RAD Table of Contents Part VI: Uncertainty Analysis RESRAD Uncertainty Analysis Results Probabilistic Input ................................... 2 Total Dose .... ......................................... 3 Total Risk. ... ......................................... 4 Dose vs Pathway: Ground External ................... 5 Dose vs Pathway: Inhalation (wo Radon) ............ 6 Dose vs Pathway: Radon (Water Ind.) ................ 7 Dose vs Pathway: Plant (Water Ind.) ................ 8 Dose vs Pathway: Meat (Water Ind.) ................ 9 Dose vs Pathway: Milk (Water Ind.) ................ 10 Dose vs Pathway: Soil ingestion ...................... 11 Dose vs Pathway: Water Ingestion ..................... 12 Dose vs Pathway: Fish Ingestion ...................... 13 Dose vs Pathway: Radon (Water Dep.) ................ 14 Dose vs Pathway: Plant (Water Dep.) ................ 15 Dose vs Pathway: Meat (Water Dep.) ................ . 16 Dose vs Pathway: Milk (Water Dep.) ................ 17 Cumulative Probability Summary ....................... 18 Summary of dose at graphical times, reptition 1 ..... 19 Summary of dose at graphical times, reptition 2 ..... 20 Sunnary of dose at graphical times, reptition 3 ..... 21 Peak of the mean dose at graphical times ............. 22 Correlation and Regression coefficients (if any) ..... 23 Page 135 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 TilLimit = 180 days 08/04/2008 15:27 Page 2 Probabilistic results sulmmary : Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 15 yrFile: C:\RESRAD_FAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280805.RAD Probabilistic Input

  • er'of Sample Runs: 300 Number Name Distribution Parameters 1 FOTD NORMAL .014 .014 2 AREA TRIANGULAR 100 186 1000 3 THICKO NORMAL .076 .076 4 FPLANT NORMAL .5 .5 5 DCACTC(1) TRIANGULAR 50 4600 80000 6 DCACTU1(1) LOGNORMAL 4600 3 7 DCACTS(1) LOGNORMAL 4600 3 8 LCZPAQ TRIANGULAR 10 14 200 9 INNALR TRIANGULAR 4000 6209 8400 10 DIET(1) TRIANGULAR 10 48 65 11 DIET(2) TRIANGULAR 1 4.2 8 Page 136 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit - 180 days 08/04/2008 15:27 Page 3 Probabilistic results summary : Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 15 yrFile: C:\RESRAD FAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280805.RAD Probabilistic Total Dose Summary

, ide Peak Peak DOSE(j,t), mrem/yr (j) Time Dose t= 0.OOE+00 1.OOE+00 3.OOE+00 1.00E+03 Cs-137 Min 0.OOE+0O 0.OOE+00 0.0OE+00 0.OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0.OOE+00 Max 0.OOE+00 1.41E-01 1.41E-01 1.37E-01 1. 31E-01 0.00E+00 Avg 0.OOE+00 2. 95E-02 2.95E-02 2 .86E-02 2.69E-02 0. 00E+00 Std 0.OOE+00 3. 02E-02 3.02E-02 2.94E-02 2.79E-02 0. 00E+00 EALL Min 0.0 OE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 Max 0.OOE+00 1.41E-01 1.41E-01 1.37E-01 1.31E-01 0. OOE+00 Avg 0.OOE+00 2.95E-02 2.95E-02 2.8 6E-02 2. 69E-02 0.OOE+00 Std 0.OOE+00 3.02E-02 3.02E-02 2. 94E-02 2.79E-02 0. OOE+00 EALL is total dose summed for all nuclides.

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 T% Limit = 180 days 0810412008 15:27 Page 4 Probabilistic results summary : Suburban Gardner Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 15 yrFile: C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280805.RAD Probabilistic Risk Summary

  • ide RISK(j, t)

(J) t= 0.OOE+00 1.OOE+00 3.O0E+00 1.OOE+03 Cs-137 Min 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 Max 3.20E-06 3.13E-06 2.98E-06 0.OOE+00 Avg 6.74E-07 6.54E-07 6.15E-07 0. OOE+00 Std 6. 87E-07 6.70E-07 6.3 6E-07 0.OOE+00 FALL Min 0.0 0E+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Max 3.20E-06 3. 13E-06 2.98E-06 0. OOE+00 Avg 6.74E-07 6.54E-07 6.15E-07 0.0 0E+00 Std 6.87E-07 6.70E-07 6.36E-07 D.OOE+00 EALL is total risk summed for all nuclides.

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 T14Limit = 180 days 07/28/2008 16:15 Page Summsary : Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 Adult File  : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280806.RAD Table of Contents

  • art I: Mixture Sums and Single Radionuclide Guidelines Dose Conversion Factor (and Related) Parameter Summary ... 2 Site-Specific Parameter Summary ............................ 3 Summary of Pathway Selections .............................. 6 Contaminated Zone and Total Dose Summary ................... 7 Total Dose Components Time = 0.OOOE+00 .... ................................... 8 Time = 1.O00E+00 .... ................................... 9 Time = 3.OOOE+00 ... .................................... 10 Time = 1.OOEE+01 .. ..................................... 11 Time = 1.OOOE+02 ... .................................... 12 Dose/Source Ratios Suaned Over All Pathways ................ 13 Single Radionuclide Soil Guidelines ........................ 13 Dose Per Nuclide Summed Over All Pathways ..... ............ 14 Soil Concentration Per Nuclide,............................. 14 Page 139 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T34 Limit = 180 days 07/28/2008 16:15 Page 2 Summary Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 Adult File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280806.RAD Dose Conversion Factor (and Related) Parameter Summary Dose Library: ICRP 72 - Adult Plus ICRP 72 (Adult)

Current Base Parameter Menu Parameter Value# Case* Name A-1 DCF's for external ground radiation, (mrem/yr)/(pCi/g)

A-I Ba-137m (Source: FGR 12) 3.606E+00 3.606E+00 DCFl( 1) 7 A-i Cs-13 (Source: FGR 12) 7.5IOE-04 7.510E-04 DCFI( 2)

B-i Dose conversion factors for inhalation, mrem/pCi:

B-I Cs-137+D 1.443E-04 1.443E-04 DCF2( 1)

D-1 Dose conversion factors for ingestion, mrem/pCi:

0-1 Cs-137+D 4.810E-05 4.810E-05 DCF3( 1)

D-34 Food transfer factors:

D-34 Cs-137+D , plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 4.OOOE-02 4.OOOE-02 RTF( 1,1)

D-34 Cs-137+D , beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/kg)/(pCi/d) 3.0OOOE-02 3.OOOE-02 RTF( 1,2)

D-34 Cs-137+D , milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/L)/(pCi/d) 8.000E-03 8.OOOE-03 RTF( 1,3)

D-5 Bioaccumulation factors, fresh water, L/kg:

D-5 Cs-137+D , fish 2.OOOE+03 2.OOOE+03 BIOFAC( 1 ,1)

D-5 Cs-137+D , crustacea and mollusks 1.OOOE+02 1.000E+02 BIOFAC( i1,2)


  1. For DCFI(xxx) only, factors are for infinite depth & area. See ETFG table in Ground Pathway of Detailed Report.


-Base Case means Default.Lib w/o Associate Nuclide contributions.

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 T2 Limit = 180 days 07/28/2008 16:15 Page 3 Summary Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 Adult File  : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRF_OFF-SITE\07280806.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary User Used by RESRAD ParamEeter Parameter Input Default (If different from user input) Namee i

R011 Area of contaminated zone (m**2) 2.700E+05 1 .000E+04 AREA Roll Thickness of contaminated zone (m) 1.520E-01 2 .000E+00 THICK0 R011 Length parallel to aquifer flow (m) 9.000E+02 1 .000E+02 LCZPAQ R011 Basic radiation dose limit (mrem/yr) 2.500E+01 3 .000E+01 BRDL Ro11 Time since placement of material (yr) 1.O00E+00 0 .000E+00 TI R011 Times for calculations (yr) 1.000E+00 1 .000E+00 T( 2)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) 3.00E+00D 3 .OD0E+O0 T( 3)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) 1.D0DE+01 1 .000E+01 T( 4)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) 1.O00E+02 3 .000E+01 T( 5)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) not used 1 .00E+02 T( 6)

ROll R011 Times for calculations (yr) not used 3 .000E+02 T( 7)

Times for calculations (yr) not used 1 .000E+03 T( 8)

Roll T( 9)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) not used 0 .000E+00 R011 Times for calculations (yr) not used 0 .OD0E+O0 ST(10)

I, 7

Initial principal radionuclide (pCi/g): Cs-13 I.OO0E+00 0 .000E+00 s1 (1) 7 RD 12 Concentration in groundwater (pCi/L): Cs-13 not used 0 .000E+00 R013 Cover depth (m) O.OOE+00 0 .000E+00 COVERO R013 Density of cover material (g/cm**3) not used 1 .500E+00 DENSCV R013 Cover depth erosion rate (m/yr) not used 1 .000E-03 VCV R013 Density of contaminated zone (g/cm**3) 1.5D0E+00 1 .500E+00 DENSCZ 0 I1.DOE-03 Contaminated zone erosion rate (m/yr) 1 .000E-03 VCZ Contaminated zone total porosity 4.000E-01 4 .OO0E-01 TPCZ R013 Contaminated zone field capacity 2.O00E-01 2 .000E-01 FCCZ RD013 Contaminated zone hydraulic conductivity (m/yr) 1.000E+01 1 .000E+01 HCCZ R013 Contaminated zone b parameter 5.300E+00 5 .300E+00 BCZ R013 Average annual wind speed (m/sec) 2.000E+00 2 .OOOE+00 WIND R013 Humidity in air (g/m**3) not used 8 .0O0E+00 HUMID R013 Evapotranspiration coefficient 5.000E-01 5 .000-01I EVAPTR PRECIP R013 Precipitation (m/yr) 1.000E+00 1 .000E+00 R013 Irrigation (m/yr) 2.000E-01 2 .000E-01 RI R013 Irrigation mode overhead o0verhead IDITCH R013 Runoff coefficient 2.000E-01 2..000E-01 RUNOFF R013 Watershed area for nearby stream or pond (m**2) 1.000E+06 1. .000E+06 WAREA R013 Accuracy for water/soil computations 1.0DDE-03 I..0OOE-03 EPS 1.500E+00 I..500E+00 DENSAQ R014 Density of saturated zone (g/=m**3)

R014 Saturated zone total porosity 4.000E-01 4. .000E-01 TPSZ R014 Saturated zone effective porosity 2.D00E-01 2, .O0DE-01 EPSZ 2.000E-01 2, .DODE-01 FCSZ R014 Saturated zone field capacity R014 Saturated zone hydraulic conductivity (m/yr) 1.000E+02 1 .00OE+02 HCSZ R014 Saturated zone hydraulic gradient 2.000E-02 2 .000E-02 HGWT R014 saturated zone b parameter 5.300E+00 5 .300E+00 BSZ 1..000E-03 VWT R014 Water table drop rate (m/yr) 1.000E-03 R014 Well pump intake depth (m below water table) 1.000E+01 1 .00E+01 DWIBWT or Mass-Balance (MB) MB N[D MODEL R014 Model: Nondispersion (ND)

RD14 Well pumping rate (m**3/yr) 2.500E+02 2 .500E+02 UW 0 Number of unsaturated zone strata 10 1l NS Page 141 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T2 Limit = 180 days 07/28/2008 16:15 Page 4 Summary Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 Adult File  : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRF_OFF-SITE\07280806.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

I User I Used by RESRAD J Parameter Menu Parameter I Input Default I (If different from user input) I Name R016 Distribution coefficients for Cs-137 R016 Contaminated zone (cm**3/g) 1.000E+03 4.600E+03 --- DCNUCC( 1)

R016 Saturated zone (cr**3/g) 1.008E+03 4.600E+03 --- DCNUCSC 1)

R016 Leach rate (/yr) 0.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 2.193E-03 ALEACH( 1)

R016 Solubility constant 0.OOOE+00 Q.OOOE+00 not used SOLUBK( 1)

R017 Inhalation rate (m**3/yr) 1.400E+04 8.400E+03 --- INHALR R017 Mass loading for inhalation (g/m**3) 1.0OOE-04 1.000E-04 _ MLINH R017 Exposure duration 3.OOOE+01 3.000E+01 --- ED R017 Shielding factor, inhalation 4.OOOE-01 4.000E-01 --- SHF3 R017 Shielding factor, external gamma 7.OOOE-01 7.OOOE-01 --- SHF1 R017 Fraction of time spent indoors 0.OOOE+00 5.OOOE-01 _-- FIND R017 Fraction of time spent outdoors (on site) 1.200E-02 2.500E-01 --- FOTD R017 Shape factor flag, external gamma 1.OOOE+00 1.000E+00 >0 shows circular AREA. FS R017 Radii of shape factor array (used if FS = -1):

R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 1: not used 5.OOOE+01 --- RAD SHAPE) 1)

R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 2: not used 7.071E+01 --- RADSHAPE) 2)

R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 3: not used 0.OOOE+00 --- HADSHAPE) 3)

R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 4: not used 0.OOOE+00 --- RADSHAPE) 4)

R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 5: not used G.OOOE+00 AD SHAPE( 5)


R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 6: not used 0.000E+00 --- RADSHAPE) 6)

R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 7: not used 0.000E+00 --- RAD SHAPE( 7)

  • Outer annular radius (m), ring 8: not used 0.OOOE+OO -AD SHAPE( 8)

Outer annular radius (m), ring 9: not used 0.000E+00 --- HAD SHAPE) 9)

R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 10: not used 0.000E+00 --- RADSHAPE(10)

R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 11: not used 0.000E+00 --- RAD SHAPE(II)

R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 12: not used 0.000E+00 ... RADSHAPE(12)

R017 Fractions of annular areas within AREA:

R017 Ring 1 not used 1.OOOE+00 -- FRACA( 1)

R017 Ring 2 not used 2.732E-01 --- FRACA( 2)

R017 Ring 3 not used 0.OOOE+00 --- FRACA( 3)

R017 Ring 4 not used 0.OOOE+00 --- FRACA( 4)

R017 Ring 5 not used 0.000E+00 --- FRACA( 5)

R017? Ring 6 not used 0.OOOE+00 --- FRACA( 6)

R017 Ring 7 not used 0.OOOE+00 --- FRACA( 7)

R017 Ring 8 not used 0.OOOE+00 --- FRACA( 8)

R017 Ring 9 not used 0.000E+00 --- FRACA( 9)

R017 Ring 10 not used 0.OOOE+00 --- FRACA(10)

R017 Ring 11 not used 0.OOOE+00 --- FRACA(II)

R017 Ring 12 not used 0.OOOE+00 --- FRACA(12)

R018 Fruits, vegetables and grain consumption )kg/yr) not used 1.600E+02 --- DIET(l)

R018 Leafy vegetable consumption (kg/yr) not used 1.400E+01 --- DIET(2)

R018 Milk consumption (L/yr) not used 9.200E+01 --- DIET(3)

R018 Meat and poultry consumption (kg/yr) not used 6.300E+01 --- DIET(4)

R018 Fish consumption (kg/yr) 5.400E+00 5.400E+00 --- DIET(5)

R018 Other seafood consumption (kg/yr) 0.OOOE+00 9.OOOE-01 --- DIET(6) 3.650E+01 3.650E+01 -O-Soil ingestion rate (g/yr) DWI DSOIL Drinking water intake CL/yr) not n used E

ud Drikinwaern e 5.100E+02 5.10E+02 ---

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RESRAD, Version 6,4 T4 Limit = 180 days 07/28/2008 16:15 Page 5 Summary : Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 Adult File  : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280806.RAD

-Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

User Used by RESRAD Parameter Parameter Input Default (If different from user input) Name i

R018 Contamination fraction of drinking water noit used 1.000E+00 FDW R018 Contamination fraction of household water noit used 1.000E+00 FHHW R018 Contamination fraction of livestock water noit used 1.000E+00 FLW R018 Contamination fraction of irrigation water noit used 1.000E+00 FIRW R018 Contamination fraction of aquatic food 5. 000E-01 5.000E-01 FR9 R018 Contamination fraction of plant food noit used 1-i FPLANT R018 Contamination fraction of meat no it used 1-I FMEAT ROiB Contamination fraction of milk no it used 1-i FMILK R019 Livestock fodder intake for meat (kg/day) no *t used 6.800E+01 LFI 5 R019 Livestock fodder intake for milk (kg/day) no *t used 5.500E+01 LFI6 R019 Livestock water intake for meat (L/day) no it used 5.000E+01 LW15 R019 Livestock water intake for milk (L/day) noit used 1.600E+02 LWI 6 R019 Livestock soil intake (kg/day) no t used 5.000E-01 LSI R019 Mass loading for foliar deposition (g/ml*3) no t used 1.000E-04 MLFD R019 Depth of soil mixing layer (m) 1i. 5ODE-01 1.500E-01 DM R019 Depth of roots (m) no t used 9.O00E-01 DROOT R019 Drinking water fraction from ground water no t used I.D00E+00 FGWDW R019, Household water fraction from ground water no t used 1.000E+00 FGWHH R019 Livestock water fraction from ground water no t used 1.000E+00 FGWLW R019 Irrigation fraction from ground water no t used 1.000E+00 FGWIR 0

R19B Wet weight crop yield for Non-Leafy (kg/m**2)

Wet weight crop yield for Leafy Wet weight crop yield for Fodder (kg/m**2)

(kg/m**2) no t used no t used no t used 7.000E-01 1.500E+00 1.100E+00 yv (1)



R19B Growing Season for Non-Leafy (years) no t used 1.700E-01 TE(1)

R19B Growing Season for Leafy (years) no t used 2.500E-01 TE(2)

R198 Growing Season for Fodder (years) no t used 8.000E-02 TE (3)

Ri9B Translocation Factor for Non-Leafy no t used 1.000E-01 TIV(1)

R19B Translocation Factor for Leafy no t used 1.000E+00 TIV (2)

R19B Translocation Factor for Fodder no t used 1.000E+00 TIV (3)

R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Non-Leafy no t used 2.500E-01 RDRY (1)

R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Leafy no t used 2.500E-01 RDRY (2)

R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Fodder no t used 2.500E-01 RDRY (3)

R19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Non-Leafy no t used 2.500E-01 RWET (1)

R19B Net Foliar Interception Fraction for Leafy no t used 2.500E-01 RWET (2)

R19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Fodder no t used 2.500E-01 RWET (3)

R19B Weathering Removal Constant for Vegetation no t used 2.O00E+01 WLAM C14 C-12 concentration in water (g/am**3) no t used 2.OO0E-05 C12WTR C14 C-12 concentration in contaminated soil (g/g) no t used 3.000E-02 C12CZ C14 Fraction of vegetation carbon from soil no t used 2.000E-02 CSOIL C14 Fraction of vegetation carbon from air no t used 9.800E-01 CAIR C14 C-14 evasion layer thickness in soil (m) no t used 3.000E-01 DMC C14 C-14 evasion flux rate from soil (1/sec) no t used 7.000E-07 EVSN C14 C-12 evasion flux rate from soil (1/sec) no t used 1.000E-10 REVSN C14 Fraction of grain in beef cattle feed no t used 8.000E-01 AVFG4 0

C14 Fraction of grain in milk cow feed Storage times of contaminated foodstuffs (days):

no t used 2.000E-01 AVFG5 Page 143 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 07/28/2008 16:15 Page 6 Sulssary Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 08-601 Using ICRP-72 Adult File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRF_OFF-SITE\07280806.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

User Used by RESRAD Parameter I Parameter Input Default (If different from user input) Name

-I-STOR Fruits, non-leafy vegetables, and grain 1. 400E+01 1.400E+01 STORT(l)

STOR Leafy vegetables 1.OOOE+00 1.000E+00 STOR T(2)

STOR Milk i. OOOE+00 1.OOOE+00 STOR T(3)

STOR Meat and poultry 2.OOOE+01 2.OOOE+01 STOR T(4)

STOR Fish 7.OOOE+00 7.OOOE+00 STOR T(5)

STOR Crustacea and mollusks 7.OOOE+00 7.000E+00 STOR T(6)

STOR Well water 4. OOOE+00 1.OOOE+00 STORT(7)

STOR Surface water 1.OOOE+00 1.OOOE+00 STORT(8)

STOR Livestock fodder 4. 500E+01 4.500E+01 STORT(9)

R021 Thickness of building foundation (m) no.t used 1.500E-01 FLOOR1 R021 Bulk density of building foundation (g/cm**3) no t used 2.400E+00 DENSFL R021 Total porosity of the cover material no t used 4.OOOE-01 TPCV R021 Total porosity of the building foundation no t used 1.OOOE-01 TPFL R021 Volumetric water content of the cover material no t used 5.OOOE-02 PH2OCV R021 Volumetric water content of the foundation no t used 3.OOOE-02 PH20FL R021 Diffusion coefficient for radon gas (m/sec):

R021 in cover material no t used 2.OOOE-06 DIFCV R021 in foundation material no t used 3.OOOE-07 DIFFL R021 in contaminated zone soil no t used 2.OOOE-06 DIFCZ R021 Radon vertical dimension of mixing (m) no t used 2.OOOE+00 HMIX R021 Average building air exchange rate (i/hr) no t used 5.OOOE-01 REXG Height of the building (room) (m) no t used 2.500E+00 HRM Building interior area factor no t used 0.OOOE+00 FAI R021 Building depth below ground surface (m) no t used I-1.OOOE+00 DMFL R021 Emanating power of Rn-222 gas no t used 2.500E-01 EMANA(i)

R021 Emanating power of Rn-220 gas no t used 1.500E-01 EMANA(2)

TITL Number of graphical time points 32 NPTS TITL Maximum number of integration points for dose 17 LYMAX TITL Maximum number of integration points for risk 1 KYMAX Summary of Pathway Selections Pathway User Selection 1 -- external gamma active 2 -- inhalation (w/o radon)l active 3 -- plant ingestion suppressed 4 -- meat ingestion suppressed 5 -- milk ingestion suppressed 6 -- aquatic foods active 7 -- drinking water suppressed 8 -- soil ingestion active 9 -- radon suppressed Find peak pathway doses active Page 144 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit - 180 days 07/28/2008 16:15 Page 7 Summary  : Recmeationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 Adult File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280806.RAD Contaminated Zone Dimensions Initial Soil Concentrations, pCi/g

  • Area: 270000.00 square meters Cs-137 1.000E+00 Thickness: 0.15 meters Cover Depth: 0.00 meters Total Dose TDOSE(t), mrem/yr Basic Radiation Dose Limit = 2.500E+01 mrem/yr Total Mixture Sum M(t) = Fraction of Basic Dose Limit Received at Time (t) t (years): 0.OOOE+00 1.000E+00 3.OOOE+00 1.000E+01 1.000E+02 TDOSE(t): 1.050E-01 9.351E-02 3.312E-02 2.738E-02 1.782E-03 M(t): 4.199E-03 3.740E-03 1.325E-03 1.095E-03 7.128E-05 Maximum TDOSE(t): 1.050E-01 mrem/yr at t= 0.OOOE+00 years Page 145 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 07/28/2008 16:15 Page 8 Summnary Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 Adult File  : C:\RESRAD_FAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280806.RAD Total Dose Contributions TDOSE(i,p,t) for Individual Radionuclides (i) and Pathways (p)

As mrem/yr and Fraction of Total Dose At t = O.OOOE+00 years Water Independent Pathways (Inhalation excludes radon)

Ground Inhalation Radon Plant Meat Milk Soil Radio-Nuclide miem/yr fract. mnrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. miem/yr fract.

Cs-137 3.590E-02 0.3420 5.640E-07 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 2.080E-05 0.0002 Total 3.590E-02 0.3420 5.640E-07 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 2.080E-05 0.0002 Total Dose Contributions TDOSE(i,p,t) for Individual Radionuclides (i) and Pathways (p)

As nrem/yr and Fraction of Total Dose At t = 0.OOOE+00 years Water Dependent Pathways Water Fish Radon Plant Meat Milk All Pathways*

Radio-Nuclide mrer/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. irem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. intem/yr fract. inrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract.

Cs-137 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 6.905E-02 0.6578 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 1.050E-01 1.0000 Total 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 6.905E-02 0.6578 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 O.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 1.050E-01 1.0000

. of all water independent and dependent pathways.

Page 146 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T'sLimit - 180 days 08/04/2008 15:32 Page 2 Concent: Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 Adult File  : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280806.RAD Concentration of radionuclides in environmental media at t = 0.OOOE+00 years Contaminat- Surface Air Par- Well Surface ted Zone Soil* ticulate Water Water Radio-Nuclide pCi/g pCi/g pCi/m**3 pCi/L pCi/L Cs-137 1.OOOE+00 1.OOOE+00 2.356E-05 9.936E-01 2.683E-01

  • The Surface Soil is the top layer of soil within the user specified mixing zone/depth.

Concentrations in the media occurring in pathways that are suppressed are calculated using the current input parameters, i.e. using parameters appearing in the input screen when the pathways are active.

Concentration of radionuclides in foodstuff media at t = 0.OOOE+00 years*

Drinking Nonleafy Leafy Fodder Fodder Meat Milk Fish Crustacea Water Vegetable Vegetable Meat Milk Radio-Nuclide pCi/L pCi/kg pCi/kg pCi/kg pCi/kg pCi/kg pCi/L pCi/kg pCi/kg Cs-137 9.936E-01 7.104E+00 8.413E+00 8.567E+00 8.567E+00 3.397E+01 9.041E+00 5.366E+02 2.683E+01

  • Concentrations are at consumption time and include radioactive decay and ingrowth during storage time.
  • livestock fodder, consumption time is t minus meat or mLilk storage time.

Concentrations in the media occurring in pathways that are suppressed are calculated using the current input parameters, i.e. using parameters appearing in the input screen when the pathways are active.

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 T12 Limit = 180 days 08/04/2008 15:32 Page I Probabilistic results summary : Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72File: C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280806.RAD Table of Contents Part VI: Uncertainty Analysis RESRAD Uncertainty Analysis Results Probabilistic Input .................................... 2 Total Dose .... ......................................... 3 Total Risk .... ......................................... 4 Dose vs Pathway: Ground External ................... 5 Dose vs Pathway: Inhalation (w/o Radon) ............ 6 Dose vs Pathway: Radon (Water Ind.) ................ 7 Dose vs Pathway: Plant (Water Ind.) ................ 8 Dose vs Pathway: Meat (Water Ind.) ................ 9 Dose vs Pathway: Milk (Water Ind.) ................ 10 Dose vs Pathway: Soil Ingestion .................... 11 Dose vs Pathway: Water Ingestion ................... 12 Dose vs Pathway: Fish Ingestion .................... 13 Dose vs Pathway: Radon (Water Dep.) ................ 14 Dose vs Pathway: Plant (Water Dep.) ................ 15 Dose vs Pathway: Meat (Water Dep.) ................ 16 Dose vs Pathway: Milk (Water Dep.) ................ 17 Cumulative Probability Summary ....................... 18 Summary of dose at graphical times, reptition 1. 19 Summary of dose at graphical times, reptition 2. 20 Summary of dose at graphical times, reptition 3 ..... 21 Peak of the mean dose at graphical times ............. 22 Correlation and Regression coefficients (if any) ..... 23 Page 148 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days - 08/04/2008 15:32 Page 2 Probabilistic results summary  : Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72File: C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRF OFF-SITE\07280806.RAD Probabilistic Input er of Sample Runs: 300 Number Name Distribution Parameters 1 AREA TRIANGULAR 10000 270000 500000 2 THICKO NORMAL .152 .152 3 FOTD NORMAL .012 .012 4 DIET (5) NORMAL 5.4 5.4 5 DCACTC (1) TRIANGULAR 50 1000 80000 6 BBIO(55, 1) NORMAL 2000 1000

.7 INHALR TRIANGULAR 4380 14000 16000 8 FR9 TRIANGULAR 0 .39 1 9 LCZPAQ TRIANGULAR 100 450 900 10 SOIL TRIANGULAR 0 18.3 36.5 Page 149 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 Ti Limit = 180 days 08/04/2008 15:32 Page 3 Probabilistic results summary  : Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72File: C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280806.RAD Probabilistic Total Dose Summary O ide Peak Peak DOSE(j,t), mrein/yr (j) Time Dose t= 0.00E+00 1.00E+00 3.OOE+00 1.OOE+01 1. OOE+02 0.00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. 0OE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0. 00E+00 9.97E-01 1.40E-01 1.40E-01 1.36E-01 1.28E-01 1. 07E-01 1.29E-02

3. 32E-03 3.50E-02 3.50E-02 3.36E-02 2. 81E-02 2. 34E-02 2.01E-03 5.74E-02 3.43E-02 3.43E-02 3. 30E-02 2.99E-02 2.53E-02 2 .79E-03 Min 0.0OE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 Max 9.97E-01 1.40E-01 1.40E-01 1.36E-01 1.28E-01 1.07E-01 1.29E-02 Avg 3.32E-03 3.50E-02 3.50E-02 3.36E-02 2. B1E-02 2. 34E-02 2.0 1E-03 Std 5.74E-02 3.43E-02 3.43E-02 3.30E-02 2.99E-02 2. 53E-02 2. 79E-03 EALL is total dose summed for all nuclides.

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 TD Limit = 180 days 08/04/2008 15:32 Page 4 Probabilistic results summary : Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72File: C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280806.RAD Probabilistic Risk Sumnarv J

  • ide, R.ISK(, t)

(j) t= 0.OOE+00 1.0OE+00 3.OOE+00 1-00E+01 1.OOE+02 Cs-137 Min 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.0 0E+00 Max 3.22E-06 3.14E-06 2. 89E-06 2.43E-06 2.92E-07 Avg 7.98E-07 7.79E-07 6. 38E-07 5.31E-07 4.56E-08 Std 7. 79E-07 7. 61E-07 6.76E-07 5.72E-07 6.33E-08 EALL Min 0. OOE+00 o.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 Max 3.22E-06 3.14E-06 2.89E-06 2.43E-06 2.92E-07 Avg 7.98E-07 7.79E-07 6.38E-07 5.31E-07 4.56E-08 Std 7.79E-07 7.61E-07 6.76E-07 5.72E-07 6.33E-08 EALL is total risk summed for all nuclides.

Page 151 of 254

RESRAD Regreasion and Correlation output 08/04/08 15:32 Page: Coef 2 Title Iecreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 Adult R:

Input File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280806.RAD fficients for peak of mean dose time Dose Coefficient - PCC SRC PRCC SRRC Repetition = 2 2 2 2 Description of Probabilistic Variable Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Area of contaminated zone 7 0.03 7 0.01 8 -0.06 8 -0.03 Thickness of contaminated zone 2 0.76 2 0.51 2 0.75 2 0.56 Outdoor time fraction 1 0.85 1 0.71 1 0.77 1 0.60 Fish consumption 4 0.26 4 0.12 5 0.21 5 0.11 Kd of Cs-137 in Contaminated Zone 3 -0.35 3 -0.16 3 -0.30 3 -0.16 Fish transfer factor for Cs 9 0.02 9 0.01 6 -0.09 6 -0.05 Inhalation rate 8 0.02 8 0.01 7 -0.08 7 -0.04 Aquatic food 5 -0.13 5 -0.06 10 -0.03 10 -0.01 Length parallel to aquifer flow 10 0.00 10 0.00 4 -0.21, 4 -0.11 Soil ingestion 6 -0.05 6 -0.02 9 0.05 9 0.02 R-SQUARE 0.81 0.81 0.75 0.75

-Rank is set to zero if the dose is zero or the correlation matrix is singular.

-R-SQUARE varies between 0 and I and is called the coefficient of determination; it provides a measure of the variation in the dependent variable (Dose) explained by regression on the independent variables.

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RESSAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit - 180 days 07/2812008 16:23 Page Summary : Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 Infant File  : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280807.RAD Table of Contents art I: Mixture Sums and Single Radionuclide Guidelines I

Dose Conversion Factor (and Related) Parameter Summary ... 2 Site-Specific Parameter Summary ............................ 3 Summary of Pathway Selections ............................... 6 Contaminated Zone and Total Dose Summary ................... 7 Total Dose Components Time = 0.OOOE+00 .... ................................... 8 Time = 1.000E+00 .... ................................... 9 Time = 3.OOOE+00 ... .................................... 10 Time = 1.000E+01 ... .................................... 11 Time = 1.000E+02 ... .................................... 12 Dose/Source Ratios Summed Over All Pathways ................ 13 Single Radionuclide Soil Guidelines ........................ 13 Dose Per Nuclide Summed Over All Pathways .................. 14 Soil Concentration Per Nuclide ............................. 14 Page 153 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T" Limit = 180 days 07/28/2008 16:23 Page 2 Summary Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 Infant File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280807.RAD Dose Conversion Factor (and Related) Parameter Summary Dose Library: ICRP 72 (Infant)

Current Base Parameter Menu Parameter Value# Case* Name A-I DCF's for external ground radiation, (mrem/yr)/(pCi/g)

A-I Ba-137m (Source: FGR 12) 3. 606E+00 3.606E+00 DCFI( 1)

A-I Cs-137 (Source: FGR 12) 7.510E-04.1 7.510E-04 DCFl( 2)

B-1 Dose conversion factors for inhalation, mrem/pCi:

B-1 Cs-137+D 4.070E-04 4.070E-04 IDCF2( 1)

D-1 Dose conversion factors for ingestion, mrem/pCi:

D-i Cs-137+D 7 .770E-05 7.770E-05 DCF3(

D-34 Food transfer factors:

D-34 Cs-137+D , plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 4 .OOOE-02 1 4.OOOE-02 IRTF( 1,1)

D-34 Cs-137+D , beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/kg)/(pCi/d) 3.OOOE-02 3.OOOE-02 IRTF( 1,2)

D-34 Cs-137+D , milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/L)/(pCi/d) 8.OOOE-03 8.OOOE-03 IRTF( 1,3)

D-5 Bioaccumulation factors, fresh water, L/kg:

D-5 Cs-137+D , fish 2. OOOE+03 2.OOOE+03 j IOFA C( 1,1)

D-5 Cs-137+D , crustacea and mollusks 1. OOOE+02 1.OOOE+02 BIOFA(C( 1,2)

  1. For DCFI(xxx) only, factors are for infinite depth & area. See ETFG table in Ground Pathway of Detailed Report.
  • Base Case means Default.Lib w/o Associate Nuclide contributions.

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 Ti Limit = 180 days 07/28/2008 16:23 Page 3 Suimnary Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 Infant File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280807.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary

  • I User Used by RESRAD IParamzter menu I Parameter Input Default (If different from user input) I Nam, i


R011 Area of contaminated zone (m**2) 2.700E+05 1.000E+04 AREA R011 Thickness of contaminated zone (m) 1.520E-01 2.000E+00 -- THICKO R011 Length parallel to aquifer flow (m) 9_000E+02 1.000E+02 - LCZPAQ R011 Basic radiation dose limit (mrem/yr) 2.500E+01 3.000E+01 - BRDL R011 Time since placement of material (yr) 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 TI R011 Times for calculations (yr) 1.000E+00 1.OOOE+00 - -T( 2)

Roll Times for calculations (yr) 3.OOOE+00 3.000E+00 - -T( 3)

Roll Times for calculations (yr) 1.OOOE+01 1.000E+01 T( 4)

Roll Times for calculations (yr) 1.000E+02 3.000+E01 T( 5)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) not used 1.000E+02 - -T( 6)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) -J not used 3.000E+02 - -T( 7)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) not used 1.000E+03 - -T( 8)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) not used 0.000+E00 T( 9)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) not used 0.000E+00 - -T(10) 1.000E+00 0.OOOE+0O --- Sl()1 R012 Initial principal radionuclide (pCi/g): Cs-137 R012 Concentration in groundwater (pCi/L): Cs-137 not used 0.000E+00 - -Wl( 1)

R013 Cover depth (m) 0.000E+00 0.OOOE+00 - -- COVERO R013 Density of cover material (g/cm**3) not used 1.500E+00 DENSCV R013 Cover depth erosion rate (m/yr) I. not used 1.000E-03 -VCV R013 Density of contaminated zone (g/cm**3) 1.500E+00 1.500E+00 DENSCZ

  • i Contaminated zone erosion rate (m/yr) 1.000E-03 1.000E-03 VCZ Contaminated zone total porosity 4.000E-01 4.000E-01 TPCZ R013 Contaminated zone field capacity 2.000E-01 2.000E-01 FCCZ R013 Contaminated zone hydraulic conductivity (m/yr) 1.OOOE+01 1.000E+01 HCCZ R013 Contaminated zone b parameter 5.300E+00 5.300E+00 -BCZ R013 Average annual wind speed (m/sec) 2.OOOE+00 2.000E+00 WIND R013 Humidity in air (g/m**3) not used 8.0005+00 HUMID R013 Evapotranspiration coefficient 5.000E-01 5.000E-01 EVAPTR R013 Precipitation (m/yr) 1.000E+00 1.000E+00 PRECIP R013 Irrigation (m/yr) 2.OOOE-01 2.000E-01 - -RI R013 Irrigation mode overhead overhead IDITCH R013 Runoff coefficient 2.000E-01 2.000E-01 RUNOFF R013 Watershed area for nearby stream or pond (m*-2) 1.000E+06 1.000E+06 WAREA R013 Accuracy for water/soil computations 1.000E-03 1.000E-03 EPS R014 J.Density of saturated zone (g/cm**3) 1.500E+00 1.500E+00 -- DENSAQ R014 Saturated zone total porosity 4.000E-01 4.000E-01 -TPSZ R014 Saturated zone effective porosity 2.000E-01 2.000E-01 EPSZ R014 Saturated zone field capacity 2.000E-01 2.000E-01 FCSZ (m/yr) 1.000E+02 1.000E+02 HCSZ R014 Saturated zone hydraulic conductivity R014 Saturated zone hydraulic gradient 2.000E-02 2.OOOE-02 HGWT R014 Saturated zone b parameter 5.300E+00 5.300E+00 BSZ R014 Water table drop rate (m/yr) 1.OOOE-03 1.000E-03 VWT R014 Well pump intake depth (m below water table) 1.000E+01 1.000E+01 DWIBWT R014 Model: Nondispersion (ND) or Mass-Balance (MB) MB ND MODEL R014 Well pumping rate (m**3/yr) 2.500E+02 2.500E+02 NW Qj Number of unsaturated zone strata 0 1 INS Page 155 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 07/28/2008 16:23 Page 4 Summary Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 Infant File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESP.AD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280807.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Sumnary (continued)

User Used by RESRAD I Parameter Menu I Parameter Input Default I (If different from user input) I Name R016 Distribution coefficients for Cs-137 3

R016 Contaminated zone (cm** /g) 1. OOOE+03 4.600E+03 DCNUCC( I)

R016 Saturated zone (cm**3/g) 1. 0OOE+03 4. 600E+03 DCNUCS( 1)

R016 Leach rate (/yr) O.000E+00 0.OOOE+00 2. 193E-03 ALEACH( 1)

R016 Solubility constant 0. 0OOE+00 0. 000E+00 not used SOLUBK( 1)

R0 17 Inhalation rate (m**3/yr) 1. 644E+03 8.400E+03 INHALR R017 Mass loading for inhalation (g/m**3) 1.OOOE-04 1.000E-04 MLINH R017 Exposure duration 3.000E+01 3.000E+01 ED R017 Shielding factor, inhalation 4.00E-01 4. OOOE-01 SHF3 R017 Shielding factor, external gamna 7.000E-01 7. 000E-01 SHFI R017 Fraction of time spent indoors 0. 000E+00 5.000E-01 FIND R017 Fraction of time spent outdoors (on site) 1 .200E-02 2.500E-01 FOTD R017 Shape factor flag, external gamia 1.000E+00 1. 000E+00 >0 shows circular AREA. FS R017 Radii of shape factor array (used if FS = -1):

R017 Outer annular radius ring 1: not used 5. 000+E01 RADSHAPE( 1)

RD 17 Outer annular radius On), ring 2: not used 7.071E+01 RAD SHAPE( 2)

R017 Outer annular radius (in),ring 3: not used 0. 000E+00 PADSHAPE( 3)

R017 Outer annular radius (in), ring 4: not used 0. 000E+00 RADSHAPE( 4)

R017 Outer annular radius (in), ring 5: not used 0. 000E400 PADSHAPE( 5)

R017 Outer annular radius (in), ring 6: not used 0.000E+00 PADSHAPE( 6)

R017 Outer annular radius ring 7: not used 0. 000+E00 RADSHAPE( 7)

Outer annular radius On), ring 8: not used 0.O00E+00 RADSHAPE) 8)

Outer annular radius (in), ring 9: not used O.O00OE+O0 RADSHAPE( 9)

R017 Outer annular radius (in), ring 10: not used O. O00E+O0 RADSHAPE(D0)

R017 Outer annular radius (in), ring 11: not used O.000E+00 RADSHAPE(ll)

R017 Outer annular radius (in), ring 12: not used 0. 000E+00 PADSHAPE(12)

RD 17 Fractions of annular areas within AREA:

R017 Ring 1 not used 1. OOE+00 FRACA( 1)

R017 Ring 2 not used 2 .732E-01 FRACA( 2)

R017 Ring 3 not used 0. 00OE+00 FRACA( 3)

R017 Ring 4 not used 0. 000E+00 FRACA( 4)

R017 Ring 5 not used 0. 000E+00 FRACA( 5)

RD 17 Ring 6 not used 0. 000E+00 FRACA( 6)

R017 Ring 7 not used 0. OOOE+00 FRACA( 7)

RD 17 Ring 8 not used 0. 000E+00 FRACA( 8)

R017 Ring 9 not used O.OOOE+00 FRACA( 9)

RD 17 Ring 10 not used 0. 000E+00 FRACA(i0)

R017 Ring 11 not used 0.O00E+O0 FRACA (11)

R017 Ring 12 not used 0. 000E+00 FRACA (12)

R018 Fruits, vegetables and grain consumption (kg/yr) not used 1. 600E+02 DIET (1)

Leafy vegetable consumption (kg/yr) not used 1. 400E+01 DIET (2)

R018 not used 9.200E+01 DIET (3)

R018 Milk consumption (L/yr) not used 6. 300E+01 DIET (4)

R018 Meat and poultry consumption (kg/yr)

O.000E+00 5.400E+00 DIET (5)

R018 Fish consumption (kg/yr)

O.OOOE+00 9.000E-01 DIET (6)

R018 Other seafood consumption (kg/yr) e Soil ingestion rate (g/yr) O.00OE+00 3.650E+01 SOIL not used 5. 100E+02 DWI Drinking water intake (L/yr)

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 07/28/2008 16:23 Page 5 Summary RecreationiSt Exposure Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 Infant File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280807.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

I User I Used by RESRAD Parameter Menu j Parameter Input Default (If different from user input) Name R018 Contamination fraction of drinking water not used 1.OOOE+00 -- FDW ROIB Contamination fraction of household water not used 1.OOOE+00 I -. FHHW R018 Contamination fraction of livestock water not used 1.000E+00 --- FLW R018 Contamination fraction of irrigation water not used 1.OOOE+00 --- FIRW R018 Contamination fraction of aquatic food 5.OOOE-01 5.OOOE-01 FR9 R018 Contamination fraction of plant food not used -1 --- FPLANT R018 Contamination fraction of meat not used -1 --- FMEAT R018 Contamination fraction of milk not used 1-i -- FMILK R019 Livestock fodder intake for meat (kg/day) not used 6.800E+01 LFI5 R019 Livestock fodder intake for milk (kg/day) not used 5.500E+01 --- LFI6 R019 Livestock water intake for meat (L/day) not used 5.OOOE+01 --- LWI5 R019 Livestock water intake for milk (L/day) not used 1.600E+02 --- LWI6 R019 Livestock soil intake (kg/day) not used 5.OOOE-01 - LSI R019 Mass loading for foliar deposition (g/m**3) not used 1.OOOE-04 --- MLFD R019 Depth of soil mixing layer (m) 1.500E-01 1.500E-01 --- DM R019 Depth of roots (m) not used 9.000E-01 --- DROOT R019 Drinking water fraction from ground water not used 1.OOOE+00 -- FGWDW R019 Household water fraction from ground water not used 1.OOOE+00 -- FGWHH R019 Livestock water fraction from ground water not used 1.000E+00 --- FGWLW R019 Irrigation fraction from ground water not used 1.OOOE+00 FGWIR Wet weight crop yield for Non-Leafy (kg/m**2) not used 7.OOOE-01 --- YV(l)

Wet weight crop yield for Leafy (kg/m**2) not used 1.500E+00 --- YV(2)

R19B Wet weight crop yield for Fodder (kg/m**2) not used 1.100E+00 --- YV(3)

R19B Growing Season for Non-Leafy (years) not used 1.700E-01 --- TE(1)

R19B Growing Season for Leafy (years) not used 2.500E-01 --- TE(2)

R19B Growing Season for Fodder (years) not used 8.OOOE-02 -- TE(3)

R19B Translocation Factor for Non-Leafy not used 1.000E-01 --- TIV(1)

R19B Translocation Factor for Leafy not used- 1.000E+00 --- TIV(2)

R19B Translocation Factor for Fodder not used 1.000E+00 --- TIV)3)

R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Non-Leafy not used 2.500E-01 --- RDRY(l)

R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Leafy not used 2.500E-01 --- RDRY(2)

  • R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Fodder not used 2.500E-01 --- RDRY(3)

R19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Non-Leafy not used 2.500E-01 --- RWET(1)

R19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Leafy not used 2.500E-01 --- RWET(2)

R19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Fodder not used 2.500E-01 --- RWET(3)

R19B Weathering Removal Constant for Vegetation not used 2.000E+01 --- WLAM C14 C-12 concentration in water (g/cm**3) not used 2.000E-05 --- C12WTR C14 C-12 concentration in contaminated soil (g/g) not used 3.000E-02 --- C12CZ C14 Fraction of vegetation carbon from soil not used 2.OOOE-02 --- CSOIL C14 Fraction of vegetation carbon from air not used 9.800E-01 --- CAIR C14 C-14 evasion layer thickness in soil (m) not used 3.000E-01 --- DMC C14 C-14 evasion flux rate from soil (1/sec) not used 7.000E-07 --- EVSN C14 C-12 evasion flux rate from soil (1/sac) not used 1.000E-10 --- REVSN SC14Fraction of grain in beef cattle feed not used 8.000E-01 --- AVFG5 AVFG4 not used 2.000E-01 6 14 Fraction of grain in milk cow feed Storage times of contaminated foodstuffs (days):

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 T1 Limit = 180 days 07/28/2008 16:23 Page 6 Summary Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 Infant File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280807.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

User I Used by RESRAD Parameter Parameter Input Default I (If different from user input) Name STOR Fruits, non-leafy vegetables, and grain 1. 400E+01 I1.400E+01 STORT(1)

STOR Leafy vegetables 1. OOOE+00 1.000E+00 STORT(2)

STOR Milk 1. OOOE+00 I1.000E+00 STORT(3)

STOR Meat and poultry 2. OOOE+01 2.OOOE+01 STORT(4)

STOR Fish 7. OOOE+00 7.OOOE+00 STORT(5)

STOR Crustacea and mollusks 7. OOOE+00 7. OOOE+00 STORT(6)

STOR Well water 1. OOOE+00 I.000E+00 STORT(7)

STOR Surface water 1. OOOE+00 1. 00OE+00 STORTT(8)

STOR Livestock fodder 4.500E+01 4 .500E+01 STORT(9)

R021 Thickness of building foundation (m) not used 1. 500QE-01 FLOOR1 R021 Bulk density of building foundation (g/cm**3) not used I2.400E+00 DENSFL R021 Total porosity of the cover material not used 4 .OOE-O I TPCV R021 Total porosity of the building foundation not used 1.OOOE-01 TPFL R021 Volumetric water content of the cover material not used I5.OOOE-02 PH2OCV R021 Volumetric water content of the foundation not used I3. OOOE-02 PH2OFL R021 Diffusion coefficient for radon gas (m/sec):

R021 in cover material not used I2.0OOOE-06 DIFCV R021 in foundation material not used I3.OOOE-07 DIFFL R021 in contaminated zone soil not used 2.000E-06 DIFCZ R021 Radon vertical dimension of mixing (m) not used 2.OOOE+00 HMIX R021 Average building air exchange rate (1/hr) not used 5.OOOE-01 REXG Height of the building (room) (m) not used 2.500E+60 HRM

  • 1 Building interior area factor not used I0.000OE+00 FAI R021 I-Building depth below ground surface (m) not used i-i. OOOE+ 00 DMFL R021 Emanating power of Rn-222 gas not used I2.500E-01 EMANA(1)

R021 IEmanating power of Rn-220 gas not used 1. 50 QE-01 EMANA (2)

TITL Number.of graphical time points 32 NPTS TITL Maximum number of integration points for dose 17 LYMAX TITL Maximum number of integration points for risk 1 KYMAX Summary of Pathway Selections Pathway User Selection 1 -- external gamma active 2 -- inhalation (w/o radon)l active 3 -- plant ingestion suppressed 4 -- meat ingestion suppressed 5 -- milk ingestion suppressed 6 -- aquatic foods active 7 -- drinking water suppressed 8 -- soil ingestion active 9 -- radon suppressed Find peak pathway doses active Page 158 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 07/28/2008 16:23 Page 7 Summary : Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 Infant File  : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280807.RAD Contaminated Zone Dimensions Initial Soil Concentrations, pCi/g

  • A Area: 270000.00 square meters Cs-137 1.000E+00 Thickness: 0.15 meters Cover Depth: 0.00 meters Total Dose TDOSE(t), mrem/yr Basic Radiation Dose Limit = 2.500E+01 mrem/yr Total Mixture Sum M(t) = Fraction of Basic Dose Limit Received at Time (t) t (years): 0.OOOE+00 1.000E+00 3.OOOE+00 1.000E+01 1.000E+02 TDOSE(t): 3.590E-02 3.494E-02 3.310E-02 2.737E-02 1.781E-03 M(t): 1.436E-03 1.398E-03 1.324E-03 1.095E-03 7.126E-05 Maximum TDOSE(t): 3.590E-02 mrem/yr at t = 0.OOOE+00 years Page 159 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit - 180 days 07/28/2008 16:23 Page 8 Summary : Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 Infant File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280807.RAD Total Dose Contributions TDOSE(i,p,t) for Individual Radionuclides (i) and Pathways (p)

As mrem/yr and Fraction of Total Dose At t = 0.OOOE+00 years Water Independent Pathways (Inhalation excludes radon)

Ground Inhalation Radon Plant Meat Milk Soil Radio-Nuclide mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract.

Cs-137 3.590E-02 1.0000 1.868E-07 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 Total 3.590E-02 1.0000 1.868E-07 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.000E+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.000E+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 Total Dose Contributions TDOSE(i,p,t) for Individual Radionuclides (i) and Pathways (p)

As mrem/yr and Fraction of Total Dose At t = 0.OOOE+00 years Water Dependent Pathways Water Fish Radon Plant Meat Milk All Pathways*

Radio-Nuclide mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. inrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract.

Cs-137 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 O.OO0E+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 3.590E-02 1.0000 Total 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 O.O00E+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.O00E+00 0.0000 3.590E-02 1.0000

. of all water independent and dependent pathways.

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 T1 Limit = 180 days 08/04/2008 15:40 Page 1 Probabilistic results sumnmary : Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72File: C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280807.RAD Table of Contents Part VI: Uncertainty Analysis RESRAD Uncertainty Analysis Results Probabilistic Input ................................... 2 Total Dose .... ......................................... 3 Total Risk ............................................. 4 Dose v3 Pathway: Ground External ................... 5 Dose vs Pathway: Inhalation (w/o Radon) ............ 6 Dose vs Pathway: Radon (Water Ind.) ................ 7 Dose vs Pathway: Plant (Water Ind.) ................ 8 Dose vs Pathway: Meat, (Water Ind.) ................ 9 Dose vs Pathway: Milk (Water Ind.) ................ 10 Dose vs Pathway: Soil Ingestion .................... 11 Dose vs Pathway: Water Ingestion ................... 12 Dose vs Pathway: Fish Ingestion .................... 13 Dose vs Pathway: Radon (Water Dep.) ................ 14 Dose vs Pathway: Plant (Water Dep.) ................ 15 Dose vs Pathway: Meat (Water Dep.) ................ 16 Dose vs Pathway: Milk (Water Dep.) ................ 17 Cumulative Probability Summary ........................ 18 Sunmmary of dose at graphical times, reptition 1 ..... 19 Summary of dose at graphical times, reptition 2 ..... 20 Summary of dose at graphical times, reptition 3 ..... 21 Peak of the mean dose at graphical times ............. 22 Correlation and Regression coefficients (if any) ..... 23 Page 161 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T% Limit = 180 days 08/04/2008 15:40 Page 2 Probabilistic results summary ; Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72File: C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280807.RAD Probabilistic Input B er of Sample Runs: 300 Number Name Distribution Parameters 1 AREA TRIANGULAR 10000 270000 500000 2 THICK0 NORMAL .152 .152 3 FOTD NORMAL .012 .012 4 DIETo() NORMAL 5.4 5.4 5 DCACTC(1) TRIANGULAR 50 1000 80000 6 BBIO(55,1) NORMAL 2000 1000 7 INHALR TRIANGULAR 1200 1644 2500 8 FR9 TRIANGULAR 0 .39 1 9 LCZPAQ TRIANGULAR 100 450 900 10 SOIL TRIANGULAR 0 18.3 36.5 Page 162 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 08/04/2008 15:40 Page 3 Probabilistic results suimmary  : Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72File: C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280807.RAD Probabilistic Total Dose Summary Peak Peak DOSE(j,t), mrem/yr Time Dose t= 0.00E+00 1.OOE+00 3.OOE+00 1.006+01 1.00E+02 Cs-137 Min 0.00E+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.0dE+00 0. 00E+00 0.00E+00 Max 9.97E-01 1.73E-01 1.73E-01 1.57E-01 1.28E-01 1.07E-01 1.29E-02 Avg 3.32E-03 3.79E-02 3.79E-02 3. 60E-02 2.81E-02 2.34E-02 2.01E-03 Std 5.74E-02 3.70E-02 3.70E-02 3.51E-02 2.99E-02 2.53E-02 2.79E-03 EALL Min 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.06E+00 0.00E+00 0.06E+00 Max 9.97E-01 1.73E-01 1.73E-01 1.57E-01 1.28E-01 1.07E-01 1.29E-02 Avg 3.32E-03 3.79E-02 3.79E-02 3.60E-02 2.81E-02 2.34E-02 2.01E-03 Std 5.74E-02 3.70E-02 3.70E-02 3.51E-02 2.99E-02 2.53E-02 2.79E-03 ZALL is total dose summed for all nuclides.

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 Ti Limit = 180 days 08/04/2008 15:40 Page 4 Probabilistic results summary : Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72File: C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280807.RAD Probabilistic Risk Summary

  • ide RISK(j,t)

(j) t= O.OOE+00 1.00E+00 3.OOE+00 1.OOE+01 1.00E+02 Cs-137 Min O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Max 3.22E-06 3.14E-06 2.89E-06 2. 43E-06 2.92E-07 Avg 7.98E-07 7.79E-07 6.38E-07 5. 31E-07 4.56E-08 Std 7.79E-07 7.61E-07 6.76E-07 5.72E-07 6.33E-08 EALL Min 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.0 0E+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Max 3.22E-06 3.14E-06 2.89E-06 2. 43E-06 2.92E-07 Avg 7.98E-07 7.79E-07 6.38E-07 5.31E-07 4. 56E-08 Std 7.79E-07 7. 61E-07 6.76E-07 5.72E-07 6.33E-08 EALL is total risk sumned for all nuclides.

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 T1 Limit = 180 days 07/28/2008 17:44 Page 1 Summary Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 1-yr old File  : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280808.RAD Table of Contents

. rt I: Mixture Sums and Single Radionuclide Guidelines Dose Conversion Factor (and Related) Parameter Summary ... 2 Site-Specific Parameter Summary ............................ 3 Summary of Pathway Selections .............................. 6 Contaminated Zone and Total Dose Sumnary ................... 7 Total Dose Components Time = 0.OOOE+00 ....................................... 8 Time = 1.000E+00 .... ................................... 9 Time = 3.OOOE+00 ....................................... 10 Time = 1.OOOE+01 ....................................... 11 Time = 1.OOOE+02 .... ................................... 12 Dose/Source Ratios Summed Over All Pathways ................ 13 Single Radionuclide Soil Guidelines ........................ 13 Dose Per Nuclide Summed Over All Pathways .................. 14 Soil Concentration Per Nuclide ............................. 14 Page 165 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 Ti Limit - 180 days 07/28/2008 17:44 Page 2 Summary : Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 1-yr old File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280808.RAD Dose Conversion Factor (and Related) Parameter Summary ADose Library: ICRP 72 (Age 1)

Current Base Parameter Menu Parameter Value# Case* Name A-I DCF's for external ground radiation, (mrem/yr)/(pCi/g)

A-I Ba-137m (Source: FGR 12) 3.606E+00 3.606E+00 DCFI( 1)

A-I Cs-137 (Source: FGR 12) 7.510E-04 7.510E-04 DCFI( 2)

Dose conversion factors for inhalation, mrem/pCi:

Cs-137+D 3.700E-04 3.700E-04 DCF2) 1)

Dose conversion factors for ingestion, mrem/pCi:

Cs-137+D 4.440E-05 4.440E-05 DCF3( 1)

D-34 Food transfer factors:

D-34 Cs-137+D , plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 4.OOOE-02 4.OOOE-02 RTF( 1,I)

D-34 Cs-137+D , beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/kg)/(pCi/d) 3.OOOE-02 3.OOOE-02 RTF( 1,2)

D-34 Cs-137+D , milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/L)/(pCi/d) 8.OOOE-03 8.OOOE-03 RTF( 1,3)

D-5 Bioaccumulation factors, fresh water, L/kg:

D-5 Cs-137+D , fish 2.OOOE+03 2.OOOE+03 BIOFAC( 1,1)

D-5 Cs-137+D , crustacea and mollusks 1.OOOE+02 l.OOOE+02 BIOFAC( 1,2)

  1. For DCFI(xxx) only, factors are for infinite depth & area. See ETFG table in Ground Pathway of Detailed Report.

0*Base Case means Default.Lib w/o Associate Nuclide contributions.

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 07/28/2008 17:44 Page 3 Summary Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 1-yr old File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280808.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary User I Used by RESRAD Parameter Menu Parameter Input Default (If different from user input) I Name I I I R011 Area of contaminated zone (m**2) 2.700E+05 1.000E+04 --- AREA R011 Thickness of contaminated zone (m) 1.520E-01 2.000E+00 -- THICKO R011 Length parallel to aquifer flow (m) 9.000E+02 1.000E+02 --- LCZPAQ R011 Basic radiation dose limit (mrem/yr) 2.500E+01 3.000E+01 --- BRDL R011 Time since placement of material (yr) 1.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 --- TI R011 Times for calculations (yr) 1.000E+00 1.000E+00 --- T( 2)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) 3.DOOE+00 3.OOOE+00 - T( 3)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) 1.OOOE+01 1.000E+01 -- T( 4)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) 1.000E+02 3.000E+01 -- T( 5)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) not used 1.000E+02 --- T( 6)

R011 Times for caiculations (yr) not used 3.000E+02 --- T( 7)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) not used 1.OOOE+03 --- T( 8)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) not used O.000E+00 --- T( 9)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) not used 0.000E+00 --- T(10)

R012 Initial principal radionuclide (pCi/g): Cs-137 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 --- SI(1)

R012 Concentration in groundwater (pCi/L): Cs-137 not used O.OOOE+00 --- Wl)1)

R013 Cover depth (m) 0.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 --- COVERO R013 Density of cover material (g/cm**3) not used 1.500E+00 --- DENSCV R013 Cover depth erosion rate (m/yr) not used 1.000E-03 --- VCV R013 Density of contaminated zone (g/cm**3) 1.500E+00 1.500E+00 --- DENSCZ 9 Contaminated zone erosion rate (m/yr) 1.000E-03 1.OOOE-03 --- VCZ

, Contaminated zone total porosity 1'4.OOOE-01 I 4.000E-01 I--- TPCZ R013 Contaminated zone field capacity 2.000E-01 2.000E-01 --- FCCZ R013 Contaminated zone hydraulic conductivity (mr/yr) 1.OOOE+01 1.000E+01 --- HCCZ R013 Contaminated zone b parameter 5.300E+00 5.300Z+00 --- BCZ R013 Average annual wind speed (m/sec) 2.000E+00 2.OOOE+00 --- WIND R013 Humidity in air (g/m**3) not used 8.000E+00 --- HUMID R013 Evapotranspiration coefficient 5.000E-01 5.000E-01 --- EVAPTR R013 Precipitation (m/yr) 1.000E+00 1.000E+00 --- PRECIP R013 Irrigation (m/yr) 2.000E-01 2.OOOE-01 --- RI R013 Irrigation mode overhead overhead --- IDITCH R013 Runoff coefficient 2.000E-01 2.OOOE-01 --- RUNOFF R013 Watershed area for nearby stream or pond (m**2) 1.000E+06 1.000E+06 --. WAREA R013 Accuracy for water/soil computations 1.000E-03 1.OOOE-03 --- EPS R014 Density of saturated zone (g/cm**3) 1.500E+00 1.500E+00 --- DENSAQ R014 Saturated zone total porosity 4.000E-01 4.OOOE-01 --- TPSZ R014 Saturated zone effective porosity 2.000E-01 2.000E-01 -- EPSZ R014 Saturated zone field capacity 2.000E-01 2.000E-01 --- FCSZ R014 Saturated zone hydraulic conductivity (m/yr) 1.000E+02 1.000E+02 HCSZ R014 Saturated zone hydraulic gradient 2.000E-02 2.OOOE-02 --- HGUT R014 Saturated zone b parameter 5.300E+00 5.300E+00 --- BSZ R014 Water table drop rate (m/yr) 1.000E-03 1.000E-03 --- VWT R014 Well pump intake depth (m below water table) 1.000E+01 1.000E+01 --- DWIBWT R014 Model: Nondispersion (ND) or Mass-Balance (MB) MB ND- MODEL R014 Well pumping rate (m**3/yr) 2.500E+02 2.500E+02 --- UW Q N

~Number o u of unsaturated zone strata 0N - S Page 167 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T1/2 Limit - 180 days 07/28/2008 17:44 Page 4 Summary  : Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 1-yr old File  : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280808.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued) e User Used by RESRAD Parameter Menu Parameter Input Default (If different from user input) Name R016 Distribution coefficients for Cs-137 R016 Contaminated zone (cm**3/g) OOOE+03 4 I.600E+03 DCNUCC( 1)


R016 Saturated zone (cm**3/g) .DDDE+03 4I.600E+03

0. ALEACH( 1)

R016 Leach rate (/yr) ,DDDE+00 0 OODOE+00 2. 193E-03 R016 Solubility constant 0. .DDDE+00 0 O.DOE+00 not used SOLUBK( 1)

R0 17 Inhalation rate (m**3/yr) 2. .483E+03 .400E+03 INHALR R017 Mass loading for inhalation 1. OOODE-04 *. DDDE-04 MLINH (g/m**3)

3. .OOOE+01 ED RD 17 Exposure duration 3 OODDE+D 1 R0 17 Shielding factor, 4. .ODDE-Di 4 O.DOE-0 1 SHF3 inhalation RD 17 7. OOOE-01 7 OOODE-01 SHFI Shielding factor, external gamma R017 0. .DDDE+DD 5 OOO0E-01 FIND Fraction of time spent indoors R017 Fraction of time spent outdoors (on site)
1. *200E-02 2 ~.500EDl FOTD R017 1. .OOOE+00 DDE+00 >0 shows circular AREA. FS Shape factor flag, external gamma -.

R017 Radii of shape factor array (used if FS = -I):

R017 Outer annular radius (m), not used .ODDE+01 PAD SHAPEC 1) ring I1:

R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 2: not used  !.071E+01 PADSHAPE) 2) 3: not used PADSHAPE) 3)

R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 0 O.OOE+00 ring 4: not used RADSHAPE) 4)

R017 Outer annular radius (m), 0 OODDE+00 R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 5: not used PADSHAPE) 5) 0 O.DDE+DD radius (m), ring 6: not used RADSHAPE) 6)

R017 Outer annular 0).ODDE+00 7: not used PADSHAPEC 7)

R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 0 ).DDDE+0D ring 8: not used RADSHAPE) 8)

Outer annular radius (m), 0 ).OOOE+00 ring 9: not used RADSHAPE) 9)

Outer annular radius (m), 0 ).000E+0O not used RAD_SHAPE(1o)

R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 10: 0 .OOOE+OD ring 11: not used O.OOE+DD HADSHAPE (II)

R017 Outer annular radius (m), 0 ring 12: not used RAD SHAPE (12)

R017 Outer annular radius (m), 0 .ODDE+DD R017 Fractions of annular areas within AREA:

R017 Ring 1 not used 1. OOE+00 FRACA) 1) not used 2.732E-01 FRACA 2)

R017 - Ring 2 R017 Ring 3 not used 0. 000E+00 FRACA 3) not used 0. 000E+00 FRACA 4)

RD 17 Ring 4 not used 0. 000E+00 FRACA( 5)

R017 Ring 5 not used 0.OOE+00 FRACA 6)

R017 Ring 6 not used 0. 000E+00 FRACA( 7)

R017 Ring 7 not used 0. 000E+00 FRACA 8)

R017 Ring 8 R017 not used 0. 000E+00 FRACA 9)

Ring 9 R017 not used 0. 000E+00 FRACA (10)

Ring 10 not used 0. 000E+00 FRACA (11)

R017 Ring 11 not used O.000E+00 FRACA (12)

R017 Ring 12 R018 1. 600E+02 DIET(1)

Fruits, vegetables and grain consumption (kg/yr) not used

1. 400E+01 DIET (2)

Leafy vegetable consumption (kg/yr) not used R018 9.200E+01 DIET (3)

Milk consumption (L/yr) not used R018 6.300E+01 DIET (4)

Meat and poultry consumption (kg/yr) not used R018 5. 400E+00 DIET(5)

Fish consumption (kg/yr) 2.100E+00 R018 9. 0OOE-01 DIET(6)

R other seafood consumption (kg/yr) O.000E+00

3. 650E+01 SOIL Soil ingestion rate (g/yr) 7.300E+01
5. 100E+02 DWI Drinking water intake (L/yr) not used Page 168 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 Tlt Limit = 180 days 07/28/2008 17:44 Page 5 Summary Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 1-yr old File  : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280808.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued) 01 User Used by RESRAD Parameter Menu Input Default (If different from user inpu t) I Name Parameter R018 Contamination fraction of drinking water not used 1.000E+00 FDW R018 Contamination fraction of household water not used 1.OOOE+00 FHHW R018 Contamination fraction of livestock water not used 1.OOOE+00 FLW R018 Contamination fraction of irrigation water not used 1.DOOE+00 FIRW R018 Contamination fraction of aquatic food 5.000E-01 5.OOOE-01 FR9 R018 Contamination fraction of plant food notused 1-1 FPLANT R018 Contamination fraction of meat not used 1-1 FMEAT R018 Contamination fraction of milk not used j-i FMILK R019 Livestock fodder intake for meat (kg/day) not used 6.800E+01 LFI5 R019 Livestock fodder intake for milk (kg/day) not used 5.500E+01 LFI6 R019 Livestock water intake for meat (L/day) not used 5.000E+01 LWI5 R019 Livestock water intake for milk (L/day) not used 1.600E+02 LWI6 R019 Livestock soil intake (kg/day) not used 5.OOE-01 LSI R019 Mass loading for foliar deposition (g/m**3) not used 1.0O0E-04 MLFD R019 Depth of soil mixing layer (m) 1.500E-01 1.500E-01 DM R019 Depth of roots (m) not used 9.000E-01 DROOT R019 Drinking water fraction from ground water not used 1.000E+00 FGWDN R019 Household water fraction from ground water not used 1.000E+00 FGWHH R019 Livestock water fraction from ground water not used 1.0OOE+00 FGWLW R019 Irrigation fraction from ground water not used 1.000E+00 FGWIR Wet weight crop yield for Non-Leafy (kg/m**2) not used 7.OOOE-01 YV(1)

Wet weight crop yield for Leafy (kg/m**2) not used 1.500E+00 YV(2)

Wet weight crop yield for Fodder (kg/m**2) not used 1.100E+00 YV(3)

R19B Growing Season for Non-Leafy (years) not used 1.700E-01 TE(1)

R19B Growing Season for Leafy (years) not used 2.500E-01 TE(2)

R19B Growing Season for Fodder (years) not used 8.OO0E-02 TE(3)

R19B Translocation Factor for Non-Leafy not used 1.000E-01 TIV(1)

R19B Translocation Factor for Leafy not used 1.000E+00 TIV(2)

R19B Translocation Factor for Fodder not used 1.OOOE+00 TIV(3)

R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Non-Leafy not used 2.500E-01 RDRY(l)

R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Leafy not used 2.500E-01 RDRY(2)

R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Fodder not used 2.500E-01 RDRY(3)

R19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Non-Leafy not used 2.500E-01 RWET (1)

R19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Leafy not used 2.500E-01 RWET (2)

R19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Fodder not used 2.500E-01 RWET (3)

R19B Weathering Removal Constant for Vegetation not used 2.OOOE+01 WLAM C14 C-12 concentration in water (g/cm**3) not used 2.000E-05 C12WTR C-12 concentration in contaminated soil (g/g) not used 3.000E-02 C12CZ C14 Fraction of vegetation carbon from soil not used 2.OOOE-02 CSOIL C14 not used 9.800E-01 CAIR C14 Fraction of vegetation carbon from air not used 3.000E-01 DMC C14 C-14 evasion layer thickness in soil (m) not used 7.OOOE-07 EVSN C14 C-14 evasion flux rate from soil (1/sec)

C-12 evasion flux rate from soil (1/sec) not used I1.OOE-10 REVSN C14 not used 8.000E-01 AVFG4 C14 Fraction of grain in beef cattle feed Fraction of grain in milk cow feed not used 2.000E-01 AVFG5 C14 Storage times of contaminated foodstuffs (days):

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 T11Limit = 180 days 07/28/2008 17:44 Page 6 Sumnmary : Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 1-yr old File C:\RE8RAD FAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280808.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

User Used by RESRAD Parame ter Menu Parameter Input Default (If different from user input) Name 4

STOR Fruits, non-leafy vegetables, and grain 1.400E+01 1.400E+01 STORTi (1)

STOR Leafy vegetables 1.OOOE+00 1.OOOE+00 STOR_T (2)

STOR Milk 1.OOOE+00 1.000E+00 STORT (3)

STOR Heat and poultry 2.000E+01 2.OO0E+01 STORTI (4)

STOR Fish 7.OOOE+00 7.OOOE+00 STORT( (5)

STOR Crustacea and mollusks 7.OOOE+00 7.OOOE+00 STORTi 6)

STOR Well water 1.OOOE+00 1.000E+00 STORT( (7)

STOR Surface water lA000E+00 1.OOOE+00 STORT( 8)

STOR Livestock fodder 4.500E+01 4.500E+01 STORTI (9)

R021 Thickness of building foundation (m) not used 1.500E-01 FLOOR1 R021 Bulk density of building foundation (g/cm**3) not used 2.400E+00 DENSFL R021 Total porosity of the cover material not used 4.OOOE-01 TPCV R021 Total porosity of the building foundation not used 1.OOOE-01 TPFL R021 Volumetric water content of the cover material not used 5.000E-02 PH20CV R021 Volumetric water content of the foundation not used 3.OOOE-02 PH2OFL R021 Diffusion coefficient for radon gas (m/sec):

R021 in cover material not used 2.OOOE-06 DIFCV R021 in foundation material not used 3.OOOE-07 DIFFL R021 in contaminated zone soil not used 2.OOOE-06 DIFCZ R021 Radon vertical dimension of mixing (m) not used 2.OOOE+00 HMIX R021 Average building air exchange rate (i/hr) not used 5.OOOE-01 REXG Height of the building (room) (m) not used 2.500E+00 HRM Building interior area factor not used 0.OOOE+00 FAI R021 Building depth below ground surface (m) not used I-I.OOOE+00 DMFL EMANA (I 1)

R021 Emanating power of Rn-222 gas not used 2.500E-01 z)

R021 Emanating power of Rn-220 gas not used 1.500E-01 EMANA (2 TITL Number of graphical time points 32 NPTS TITL Maximum number of integration points for dose 17 - LYMAX TITL Maximum number of integration points for risk 1 KYMAX Summary of Pathway Selections Pathway User Selection 1 -- external gamsna active 2 -- inhalation (w/o radon)) active 3 -- plant ingestion suppressed 4 -- meat ingestion suppressed 5 -- milk ingestion suppressed 6 -- aquatic foods active 7 -- drinking water suppressed 8 -- soil ingestion active 9 -- radon suppressed Find peak pathway doses active Page 170 of 254

RFSRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 07/28/2008 17:44 Page 7 Summary Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 1-yr old File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280808.FAD Initial Soil Concentrations, pCi/g Contaminated Zone Dimensions Area: 270000.00 square meters Cs-137 1.000E+O8 Thickness: 0.15 meters Cover Depth: 0.00 meters Total Dose TDOSE(t), mrem/yr Basic Radiation Dose Limit = 2.500E+01 mrem/yr Total Mixture Sum M(t) = Fraction of Basic Dose Limit Received at Time (t) t (years): 0.OOOE+00 1.000E+00 3.OOOE+00 1.OOOE+01 1.000E+02 TDOSE(t): 6.072E-02 5.599E-02 3.314E-02 2.740E-02 1.783E-03 H(t): 2.429E-03 2.240E-03 1.325E-03 1.096E-03 7.130E-05 Maximum TDOSE(t): 6.072E-02 mrem/yr at t = 0.OOOE+00 years Page 171 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T11 Limit = 180 days 07/28/2008 17:44 Page 8 Suimary : Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 1-yr old File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280808.RAD Total Dose Contributions TDOSE(i,p,t) for Individual Radionuclides (i) and Pathways (p)

As mrem/yr and Fraction of Total Dose At t = O.OOOE+00 years Water Independent Pathways (Inhalation excludes radon)

Ground Inhalation Radon Plant Meat Milk Soil Radio-Nuclicde mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mxem/yr fract.

Cs-137 3.590E-02 0.5912 2.565E-07 0.0000 0.000E+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.000E+00 0.0000 0.000E+00 0.0000 3.841E-05 0.0006 Total 3.590E-02 0.5912 2.565E-07 0.0000 0.000E+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 3.841E-05 0.0006 Total Dose Contributions TDOSE(ip,t) for Individual Radionuclides (i) and Pathways (p)

As mrem/yr and Fraction of Total Dose At t 0.OOOE+00 years Water Dependent Pathways Water Fish Radon Plant Meat Milk All Pathways*

Radio-Nuclide mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract.

Cs-137 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 2.479E-02 0.4082 0.000E+00 0.0000 0.000E+00 0.0000 0.000E+00 0.0000 0.000E+00 0.0000 6.072E-02 1.0000 Total 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 2.479E-02 0.4082 0.000E+00 0.0000 0.000E+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.000E+00 0.0000 6.072E-02 1.0000 of all water independent and dependent pathways.

Page 172 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 08104/2008 16:00 Page 1 Probabilistic results sunmary : Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72File: C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280808.RAD Table of Contents Part VI: Uncertainty Analysis RESRAD Uncertainty Analysis Results Probabilistic Input ................................... 2 Total Dose .... ......................................... 3 Total Risk ... ........................................... 4 Dose vs Pathway: Ground External ..................... 5 Dose vs Pathway: Inhalation (w/o Radon) ............. 6 Dose vs Pathway: Radon (Water Ind.) ................ 7 Dose vs Pathway: Plant (Water Ind.) ................ 8 Dose vs Pathway: Meat (Water Ind.) ................ 9 Dose vs Pathway: Milk (Water Ind.) ................ 10 Dose vs Pathway: Soil Ingestion ...................... 11 Dose vs Pathway: Water Ingestion .............. ..... 12 Dose vs Pathway: Fish Ingestion ...................... 13 Dose vs Pathway: Radon (Water Dep.) ................. 14 Dose vs Pathway: Plant (Water Dep.) ................ 15 Dose vs Pathway: Meat (Water Dep.) ................ 16 Dose vs Pathway: Milk (Water Dep.) ................ 17 Cumulative Probability Summary ........................ 18 Summary of dose at graphical times, reptition 1 ..... 19 Summary of dose at graphical times, reptition 2 ..... 20 Summary of dose at graphical times, reptition 3 ..... 21 Peak of the mean dose at graphical times ............. 22 Correlation and Regression coefficients (if any) ..... 23 Page 173 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 08/04/2008 16:00 Page 2 Probabilistic results summary  : Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72File: C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280B08.RAD Probabilistic Input D er of Sample Runs: 300 Number Name Distribution Parameters 1 AREA TRIANGULAR 10000 270000 500000 2 THICKO NORMAL .152 .152 3 FOTD NORMAL .012 .012 4 DIET(5) NORMAL 5.4 5.4 5 DCACTC(1) TRIANGULAR 50 1000 80000 6 BBIO (55,1) NORMAL 2000 1000 7 INHALR TRIANGULAR 1600 2483 3000 8 FR9 TRIANGULAR 0 .39 1 9 LCZPAQ TRIANGULAR 100 450 900 10 SOIL TRIANGULAR 20 73 100 Page 174 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 08/04/2008 16:00 Page 3 Probabilistic results summary : Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72File: C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280808.RAD Probabilistic Total Dose Summary O ide Peak Peak DOSE(j,t), mrem/yr (j) Time Dose t= 0.OOE+00 1.OOE+00 3.OOE+00 1.OOE+01 1.OOE+02 Cs-137 Min 0.0OE+00 0. OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00+E00 0. 00E+00 0.00E+00 Max 9.97E-01 1.40E-01 1.40E-01 1. 36E-01 1.28E-01 1. 07E-01 1.29E-02 Avg 3.32E-03 3.47E-02 3.47E-02 3.33E-02 2.81E-02 2. 34E-02 2.01E-03 Std 5.74E-02 3.40E-02 3.40E-02 3.28E-02 2. 99E-02 2.53E-02 2. 79E-03 LALL Min 0.00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0.00E+00 0. 00E+00 0.00E+00 0. OOE+00 Max 9.97E-01 1.40E-01 1. 40E-01 1.36E-01 1.28E-01 1.07E-01 1.29E-02 Avg 3.32E-03 3.47E-02 3.47E-02 3.33E-02 2.8 1E-02 2.34E-02 2.01E-03 Std 5.74E-02 3.40E-02 3.40E-02 3.28E-02 2. 99E-02 2.53E-02 2.79E-03 EALL is total dose summed for all nuclides.

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 08/04/2008 16:00 Page 4 Probabilistic results summary : Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72File: C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280808.RAD Probabilistic Risk Summary Side RISK(j,t)

(j) t= 0.O0E+00 1.OOE+00 3.OOE+00 1.OOE+01 1.OOE+02 7

Cs-13 Min 0.OCEs-C 0. OOE+00 0.0 0E+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Max 3.22E-06 3. 14E-06 2.90E-06 2. 43E-06 2.93E-07 7

Avg .99E-07 7.79E-07 6. 38E-07 5.31E-07 4. 56E-08 Std 7.S0E-07 7. 62E-07 6.77E-07 5. 72E-07 6.33E-08 EALL Min 0. 0E+-Oo 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 Max 3.22E-06 3. 14E-06 2.90E-06 2. 43E-06 2.93E-07 Avg 7.99E-07 7.79E-07 6.3BE-07 5.31E-07 4.56E-08 Std 7.8OE-07 7. 62E-07 6. 77E-07 5.72E-07 6.33E-08 EALL is total risk summed for all nuclides.

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit - 180 days 07/28/2008 17:56 Page 1 Summary : Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 5-yr old File  : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRF OFF-SITE\07280809.RAD Table of Contents

  • art I: Mixture Sums and Single Radionuclide Guidelines Dose Conversion Factor (and Related) Parameter Summary ... 2 Site-Specific Parameter Summary ............................ 3 Summary of Pathway Selections .............................. 6 Contaminated Zone and Total Dose Summary ................... 7 Total Dose Components Time = 0.000E+00 .... ................................... 8 Time = 1.000E+00 .... ................................... 9 Time = 3.OOOE+00 ....................................... 10 Time = -.OOOE+01 ......  : ............................. 11 Time = 1.00DE+02 ....................................... 12 Dose/Source Ratios Summed Over All Pathways ................ 13 Single Radionuclide Soil Guidelines ........................ 13 Dose Per Nuclide Summed Over All Pathways .................. 14 Soil Concentration Per Nuclide ............................. 14 Page 177 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 Ti Limit = 180 days 07/28/2008 17:56 Page 2 Summary : Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 5-yr old File  : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280809.RAD Dose Conversion Factor (and Related) Parameter Summary aDose Library: ICRP 72 (Age 5)

Current Base Parameter Parameter Value# Case* Name DCF's for external ground radiation, (mrem/yr)/(pCi/g)

Ba-137m (Source: FGR 12) 3.606E+00 3.606E+00 DCFl( 1)

Cs-137 (Source: FGR 12) 7.510E-04 7.510E-04 DCFI( 2)

Dose conversion factors for inhalation, mrem/pCi:

Cs-137+D 2.590E-04 2.590E-04 DCF2( 1)

Dose conversion factors for ingestion, mrem/pCi:

Cs-137+D 3.552E-05 3.552E-05 DCF3( 1)

D-34 Food transfer factors:

D-34 Cs-137+D , plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 4.OOOE-02 4.000E-02 RTF(

D-34 Cs-137+D , beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/kg)/(pCi/d) 3. 00OE-02 3.OOOE-02 RTF( 1,2)

D-34 Cs-137+D , milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/L)/(pCi/d) 8.OOOE-03 8.000E-03 RTF( 1,3)

D-5 Bioaccumulation factors, fresh water, L/kg:

D-5 Cs-137+D , fish 2.OOOE+03 2.000E+03 BIOFAC D-5 Cs-137+D , crustacea and mollusks l.000E÷02 1.000E+02 BIOFAC£( 1,2)

  1. For DCFI(xxx) only, factors are for infinite depth & area. See ETFG table in Ground Pathway of Detailed Report.


  • Base Case means Default.Lib w/o Associate Nuclide contributions.

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 T% Limit = 180 days 07/28/2008 17:56 Page 3 Surmtary : Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 5-yr old File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280809.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Suammary S User Used by RESRAD I Parameter Menu Parameter Input Default (If different from user input) I Name I

Roll Area of contaminated zone (m**2) 2.700E+05 1.000E+04 AREA R011 Thickness of contaminated zone (m) 1.520E-01 2.OOOE+00 THICKO R011 Length parallel to aquifer flow (m) 9.OOOE+02 1.000E+02 LCZPAQ R011 Basic radiation dose limit (mrem/yr) 2.500E+01 3.OOOE+01 BRDL R011 Time since placement of material (yr) 1.OOOE+00 0.OOOE+00 TI R011 Times for calculations (yr) 1. OOOE+00 1.OOOE+00 T( 2)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) 3.OOOE+00 3.000E+00 T( 3)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) 1.000E+01 1.000E+01 T( 4)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) .I.OOOE+02 3.OOOE+01 T 5)

R011 Times for calculations (vr) not used 1.000E+02 T( 6)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) not used 3.000E+02 T( 7)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) not used 1.000E+03 T( 8)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) not used 0.000E+00 T( 9)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) not used 0.000E+00 T(10)

R012 Initial principal radionuclide (pCi/g): Cs-137 1.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 Sl(1) 7 R012 Concentration in groundwater (pCi/L): Cs-13 not used 0.000E+00 Wl 1)

R013 Cover depth (m) 0.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 COVERO R013 Density of cover material (g/cm**3) not used 1.500E+00 DENSCV R013 Cover depth erosion rate (m/yr) not used 1.000E-03 VCV 43 Density of contaminated zone (g/cm**3) 1.500E+00 1.500E+00 1.OOOE-03 DENSCZ Contaminated zone erosion rate (m/yr) 1.000E-03 VCZ Contaminated zone total porosity 4.OOOE-01 4.000E-01 TPCZ R013 Contaminated zone field capacity 2.000E-01 2.000E-01 FCCZ R013 Contaminated zone hydraulic conductivity (m/yr) 1.000E+01 1.000E+01 HCCZ R013 Contaminated zone b parameter 5.300E+00 5.300E+00 BCZ R013 Average annual wind speed (m/sec) 2.000E+00 2.000E+00 WIND R013 Humidity in air (g/m**3) not used 8.000E+00 HUMID R013 Evapotranspiration coefficient 5.OOOE-01 5.OOOE-01 EVAPTR R013 Precipitation (m/yr) 1.000E+00 1.OOOE+00 PRECIP R013 Irrigation (m/yr) 2.OOOE-01 2.000E-01 RI R013 Irrigation mode overhead overhead IDITCH R013 Runoff coefficient 2.000E-01 2.OOOE-01 RUNOFF R013 Watershed area for nearby stream or pond (m**2) 1.OOOE+06 1.000E+06 WAREA R013 Accuracy for water/soil computations 1.000E-03 1.000E-03 EPS R014 Density of saturated zone (g/c-m**3) 1.500E+00 1.500E+00 DENSAQ R014 Saturated zone total porosity 4.OOOE-01 4.000E-01 TPSZ R014 Saturated zone effective porosity. 2.000E-01 2.OOOE-01 EPSZ R014 Saturated zone field capacity 2.000E-01 2.000E-01 FCSZ R014 Saturated zone hydraulic conductivity (m/yr) 1.000E+02 1.000E+02 HCSZ R014 Saturated zone hydraulic gradient 2.000E-02 2.OOOE-02 HGWT R014 Saturated zone b parameter 5.300E+00 5.300E+00 BSZ 1.000E-03 1.000E-03 VWT R014 Water table drop rate (m/yr)

R014 well pump intake depth (m below water table) 1.000E+01 1.000E+01 DWIBWT R014 Model: Nondispersion (ND) or Mass-Balance (MB) MB ND MODEL 14 Well pumping rate (m**3/yr) 2.500E+02 2.500E+02 oW NS Number of unsaturated zone strata 10 1 Page 179 of 254

RESRAD,.Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 07/28/2008 17:56 Page 4 Summary Recreationlist Exposure Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 5-yr old File  : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280809.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

W Menu User Default Used by RESRAD (If different from user input)

Parameter Parameter Input Name R016 Distribution coefficients for Cs-137 R016 Contaminated zone (cm**3/g) 1.000E+03 4 600E+03 DCNUCC( 1)

R016 Saturated zone (cm**3/g) 1. OOOE+03 4. 600E+03 DCNUCS( 1)

R016 Leach rate (/yr) 0.OOOE+00 0. 000E+00 2. 193E-03 ALEACH( 1)

RO16 1)

Solubility constant 0. OOOE+00 0. 00OE+00 not used SOLUBK(

R017 Inhalation rate (m*-3/yr) 3.032E+03 8. 400E+03 INHALR R017 Mass loading for inhalation (g/m**3) 1.000E-04 1.00OE-04 MLINH R017 Exposure duration 3.000E+01 3. 000E+01 ED R017 Shielding factor, inhalation 4. 000E-01 4. 000E-01 SHF3 R017 Shielding factor, external gamma 7. OOE-01 7.000E-01 SHF1 R017 Fraction of time spent indoors 0. 000E+00 5. 000E-01 FIND R017 Fraction of time spent outdoors (on site) 1.200E-02 2.500E-01 FOTD RP017 Shape factor flag, external gamuma 1. OOOE+00 1 .000E+00 >0 shows circular AREA. FS R017 Radii of shape factor array (used if FS = -1):

R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 1: not used 5. OOOE+01 RAD SHAPE( 1)


Outer annular radius (m), ring 2: not used 7.071E+01 R017 3)

Outer annular radius (m), ring 3: not used 0.000E+00 RADSHAPE(


Outer annular radius (m), ring 4: not used 0.000E+00 R017 RADSHAPE( 5)

Outer annular radius (m), ring 5: not used 0. 000E+00 R017 outer annular radius (m), ring 6: not used 0.000E+00 RADSHAPE( 6)

R017 R017 RAD SHAPE( 7)

Outer annular radius (m), ring 7: not used 0.000E+00 Outer annular radius Cm), ring 8: not used 0. 000E+00 RADSHAPE( 8)

Outer annular radius (in),ring 9: not used 0.OOOE+00 RADSHAPE) 9)

R017 (in), ring 10: not used 0. OOOE+00 HADSHAPE (10)

Outer annular radius R017 Outer annular radius Cm), ring 11: not used 0.000E+00 HADSHAPE(1I)

R017 (in),ring 12: not used 0. 000E+00 HAD SHAPE(12)

Outer annular radius R017 Fractions of annular areas within AREA:

R017 not used 1.000E+00 FRACAC 1)

Ring 1 1017 not used 2. 732E-01 FRACA( 2)

Ring 2 R017 not used 0.000E+00 FRACA( 3)

Ring 3 R017 FRACA( 4)

Ring 4 not used 0.OOOE+00 R017 not used 0.000E+00 FRACA( 5)

Ring 5 R017 not used 0. OOOE+00 FRACA( 6)

Ring 6 R017 not used 0.0OOE+00 FRACA (.7)

Ring 7 R017 not used 0.OOOE+00 FRACA( 8)

Ring 8 R017 not used 0.OOOE+00 FRACA( 9)

Ring 9 R017 not used 0.000E+00 FRACA(10)

Ring 10 R017 not used 0.000E+00 FRACA (11)

Ring 11 R017 not used 0. OOOE+00 FRACA(12)

Ring 12 R018 not used 1.600E+02 DIET(l)

Fruits, vegetables and grain consumption (kg/yr)

R018 not used 1.400E+01 DIET (2)

Leafy vegetable consumption (kg/yr)

R018 not used 9.200E+01 DIET (3)

Milk consumption (L/yr) not used 6. 300E+01 DIET (4)

R018 Meat and poultry consumption (kg/yr) 2.100E+00 5.400E+00 DIET(5)

P018 Fish consumption (kg/yr)

@2 P.018 Other seafood consumption (kg/yr)

Soil ingestion rate (g/yr)

Drinking water intake (L/yr) 0.000E+00 7.300E+01 not used 9.OOOE-01 3.650E+01

5. 100E+02 DIET (6)

SOIL DWI Page 180 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T1/2 Limit = 180 days 07/28/2008 17:56 Page 5 Summary Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 5-yr old File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280809.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

S User (If Used by RESRAD different from user input)

Parameter Name Menu Parameter Input Default R018 Contamination fraction of drinking water ncot used j 1.000E+00 FDW R018 Contamination fraction of household water nc t used I 1.000E+00 FHRW R018 Contamination fraction of livestock water nc t used j 1.OO0E+00 FLW R018 Contamination fraction of irrigation water no t used 1.000E+00 FIRW R018 Contamination fraction of aquatic food 5. .OOE-01 j 5.0OOE-01 FR9 R018 Contamination fraction of plant food no t used 1-i FPLANT R018 Contamination fraction of meat noot used -1 FMEAT R018 Contamination fraction of milk noot used 1-i FMILK R019 noot used 6.800E+01 LFI5 Livestock fodder intake for meat (kg/day)

R019 noot used 5.500E+01 LFI6 Livestock fodder intake for milk (kg/day)

R019 no t used 5.000E+01 LWI 5 Livestock water intake for meat (L/day) 1.600E+02 LWI 6 R019 Livestock water intake for milk (L/day) noot used ot used 5.000E-01 LSI R019 Livestock soil intake (kg/day) nn Mass loading for foliar deposition (g/m**3) ot used 1.000E-N4 MLFD R019

1. .500E-01 1.500E-01 DM R019 Depth of soil mixing layer (m) noot used 9.000E-01 DROOT R019 Depth of roots (m)

Ot used 1.000E+00 FGWDW R019 Drinking water fraction from ground water nc FGWHH R019 Household water fraction from ground water noot used 1.000E+00 ot used 1.000E+00 FGWLW R019 Livestock water fraction from ground water no ncot used 1.000E+00 FGWIR R019 Irrigation fraction from ground water no no ot used 7.OOE-01 YV(1)

Wet weight crop yield for Non-Leafy (kg/m**2) no ot used 1.500E+00 YV(2)

RI Wet weight crop yield for Leafy (kg/m**2) noot used 1.100E+00 YV(3)

R19B Wet weight crop yield for Fodder (kg/m**2) noot used 1.700E-01 TE(1)

R19B Growing Season for Non-Leafy (years) ncot used 2.500E-01 TE(2)

R19B Growing Season for Leafy (years) ncot used 8.000E-02 TE (3)

R19B Growing Season for Fodder (years) noot used 1.000E-01 TIV(i)

Translocation Factor for Non-Leafy R19B TIV (2)

Translocation Factor for Leafy noot used I1.00E+00 R19B TIV(3)

Translocation Factor for Fodder noot used 1.OOE+÷00 R19B RDRY (1)

Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Non-Leafy noot used 2.500E-01 R19B RDRY (2)

Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Leafy ncot used 2.500E-01 R19B RDRY (3)

Fodder n¢ot used 2.500E-01 R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for nG ot used 2.500E-01 RWET (1)

Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Non-Leafy R19B RWET (2)

Leafy ncot used 2.500E-01 R19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for ot used 2.500E-01 RWET (3)

R19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Fodder ot used 2.O00E+01 WLAM R19B Weathering Removal Constant for Vegetation t used 2.OOE-05 C12WTR C14 C-12 concentration in water (g/cm**3) used 3.OOE-02 C12CZ in contaminated soil (g/g) n ot n,

C14 ýRiBC-12 concentration CSOIL carbon from soil ot used 2.OOE-02 Fraction of vegetation C14 CAIR Fraction of vegetation carbon from air nnot used 9.800E-01 C14 DMC C-14 evasion layer thickness in soil (m) n ot used 3.000E-01 C14 EVSN C-14 evasion flux rate from soil (1/sec) n ot used 7.000E-07 C14 REVSN n ot used 1.OO0E-10 C-12 evasion flux rate from soil (1/sec)

C14 AVFG4 Fraction of grain in beef cattle feed n ot used 8.000E-01 nc AVFG5 Fraction of grain in milk cow feed ot used 2.000E-01 Storage times of contaminated foodstuffs (days):

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 Th Limit = 180 days 07/28/2008 17:56 Page 6 SuxIsary : Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 5-yr old File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280809.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Suummary (continued)

User Used by RESRAD Parameter Menu Parameter I nput Default (If different from user input) Name STOR Fruits, non-leafy vegetables, and grain 1. 400E+(Ol 1. 400E+01 STOR T(l)

I0 STOR Leafy vegetables 1.OOOE+O 1.OOOE+00 STORT(2)

O0 STOR Milk 1.OOOE+( 1. OOOE+0D STORT(3)

STOR Meat and poultry 2.OOOE+[ 1O 2.000E+01 STOR T(4)

STOR Fish 7.OOOE+( 0 7.OOOE+00 STOR T(5)

STOR Crustacea and mollusks 7.000E+O O0 7.OOOE400 STORT(6)

STOR Well water 1.OOOE.((0 1.OOOE+00 STOR T(7)

STOR Surface water 1. OOOE+( O0 1.OOOE+00 STOR T(8)

STOR Livestock fodder 4.500E+C 1I 4.500E+01 STORT(9)

R021 Thickness of building foundation (m) not used 1i 1.500E-01 FLOOR1 R021 Bulk density of building foundation (g/cm**3) not usec 2.400E+00 DENSFL R021 Total porosity of the cover material not usec 4.000E-01 TPCV R021 Total porosity of the building foundation not used 1. 00OE-01 TPFL R021 Volumetric water content of the cover material not used 5.000E-02 PH2OCV R021 Volumetric water content of the foundation not used 3.OOOE-02 PH2OFL R021 Diffusion coefficient for radon gas (m/sec);

R021 in cover material not used 2.OOOE-06 DIFCV R021 in foundation material not used 3.OOOE-07 DIFFL R021 in contaminated zone soil not used 2.00OE-06 DIFCZ R021 Radon vertical dimension of mixing (m) not used 2.000E+00 HMIX R021 Average building air exchange rate (l/hr) not used 5.OOOE-01 REXG Height of the building (room) (m) not used 2.500E+00 HRM 0 Building interior area factor not used 0.OOOE+00 FAI R021 Building depth below ground surface (m) not used -1I.000E+00 DMFL R021 Emanating power of Rn-222 gas not used 2.500E-01 EMANA(i)

R021 Emanating power of Rn-220 gas not used 1.500E-01 EMANA(2)

TITL Number of graphical time points 32 NPTS TITL Maximum number of integration points for dose 17 LYMAX TITL Maximum number of integration points for risk 1 KYMAX Sunmary of Pathway Selections Pathway User Selection 1 -- external gamma active 2 -- inhalation (w/o radon)[ active 3 -- plant ingestion suppressed 4 -- meat ingestion suppressed 5 -- milk ingestion suppressed 6 -- aquatic foods active 7 -- drinking water suppressed 8 -- soil ingestion active 9 -- radon suppressed Find peak pathway doses active Page 182 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 Th Limit = 180 days 07/28/2008 17:56 Page 7 Su*mary Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 5-yr old File  : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRF-OFF-SITE\07280809.RAD Contaminated Zone Dimensions Initial Soil Concentrations, pCi/g 0 Area: 270000.00 square meters Cs-137 1.OOE+00 Thickness: 0.15 meters Cover Depth: 0.00 meters Total Dose TDOSE(t), mrem/yr Basic Radiation Dose Limit = 2.500E+01 mrem/yr Total Mixture Sum M(t) = Fraction of Basic Dose Limit Received at Time (t) t (years): 0.000E+00 1.000E+00 3.OOOE+00 1.OOOE+0l 1.000E+02 TDOSE(t): 5.576E-02 5.178E-02 3.313E-02 2.739E-02 1.782E-03 M(t): 2.230E-03 2.071E-03 1.325E-03 1.096E-03 7.129E-05 Maximum TDOSE(t): 5.576E-02 mrem/yr at t = 0.000E+00 years Page 183 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 Th Limit = 180 days 07/28/2008 17:56 Page 8 Summary Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 5-yr old File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280809.RAD Total Dose Contributions TDOSE(ip,t) for Individual Radionuclides (i) and Pathways (p)

As mzem/yr and Fraction of Total Dose At t = 0.000E+00 years Water Independent Pathways (Inhalation excludes radon)

Ground Inhalation Radon Plant Meat Milk Soil Radio-Nuclide mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. rnrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract.

Cs-137 3.590E-02 0.6438 2.193E-07 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 O.O00E+00 0.0000 3.073E-05 0.0006 Total 3.590E-02 0.6438 2.193E-07 0.0000 0.000E+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 3.073E-05 0.0006 Total Dose Contributions TDOSE(i,p,t) for Individual Radionuclides (i) and Pathways (p)

As mrem/yr and Fraction of Total Dose At t = 0.060E+00 years Water Dependent Pathways Water Fish Radon Plant Meat Milk All Pathways*.

Radio-Nuclide mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr tract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr tract. mrem/yr tract. mrem/yr tract. mrem/yr tract.

0.OOE+00 0.0000 1.983E-02 0.3556 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 5.576E-02 1.0000 Cs-137 Total 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 1.983E-02 0.3556 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 O.OOOE+00 0.0000 5.576E-02 1.0000

  • of all water independent and dependent pathways.

Page 184 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 Tj Limit - 180 days 08/04/2008 16:05 Page I Probabilistic results summary : Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72Pile: C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280809.RAD Table of Contents Part VI: Uncertainty Analysis RESRAD Uncertainty Analysis Results Probabilistic Input ................................... 2 Total Dose ............................................. 3 Total Risk .... ......................................... 4 Dose vs Pathway: Ground External ................... 5 Dose vs Pathway: Inhalation (w/o Radon) ............ 6 Dose vs Pathway: Radon (Water Ind.) ................ 7 Dose vs Pathway: Plant (Water Ind:) ................ 8 Dose vs Pathway: Meat (Water Ind.) ................ 9 Dose vs Pathway: Milk (Water Ind.) ................ 10 Dose vs Pathway: Soil Ingestion ...................... 11 Dose vs Pathwayi Water Ingestion ..................... 12 Dose vs.Pathway: Fish Ingestion ...................... 13 Dose vs Pathway: Radon (Water Dep.) ................ 14 Dose vs Pathway: Plant (Water Dep.) ................ 15 Dose vs Pathway: Meat (Water Dep.) ................ 16 Dose vs Pathway: Milk (Water Dep.) ................ 17 Cumulative Probability Summary ....................... 18 Summary of dose at graphical times, reptition 1 ..... 19 Summary of dose at graphical times, reptition 2 ..... 20 Summary of dose at graphical times, reptition 3 ... 21 Peak of the mean dose at graphical times ............. 22 Correlation and Regression coefficients (if any) ..... 23 Page 185 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T'sLimit - 180 days 08/04/2008 16:05 Page 2 Probabilistic results summary : Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72File: C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280809.RAD Probabilistic Input O er of Sample Runs: 300 Number Name Distribution Parameters 1 AREA TRIANGULAR 10000 270000 500000 2 THICKO NORMAL .152 .152 3 FOTD NORMAL .012 .012 4 DIET (5) NORMAL 2.1 2.1 5 DCACTC (1) TRIANGULAR 50 1000 80000 6 BBIO (55, 1) NORMAL 2000 1000 7 INHALR TRIANGULAR 2500 3032 3500 8 FR9 TRIANGULAR 0 .39 1 9 LCZPAQ TRIANGULAR 100 450 900 10 SOIL TRIANGULAR 30 73 100 Page 186 of 254

flLtA, Versutil C.. in n.-jt - IOU UfY. -1.. -1.4 Probabilistic results summary : Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72File: C:\RESRADFA1ILY\FESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280809..RAD Probabilistic Total Dose Summary Peak Peak DOSE(J,t), mrem/yr Time Dose t= 0.OOE+00 1.00E+00 3.-00E+00 1.OOE+01 1.00E+02 Cs-137 Min 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.0 E+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+0D 0.OOE+00 Max 9.96E-01 1.38E-01 1. 3BE-01 1.35E-01 1. 28E-01 1. 07E-01 1.29E-02 Avg 3.32E-03 3.18E-02 3.18E-02 3.08E-02 2. 81E-02 2.34E-02 2.01E-03 Std 5.74E-02 3.24E-02 3. 24E-02 3.16E-02 2.99E-02 2.53E-02 2.79E-03 EALL Min 0.0 0E+00 0. OOE+00 0. OE+00 0.00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 Max 9.96E-01 1.38E-01 1. 38E-01 1.35E-01 1.28E-01 1. 07E-01 1.29E-02 Avg 3.32E-03 3. 1BE-02 3. 18E-02 3. O8E-02 2.81E-02 2.34E-02 2. OIE-03 Std 5.74E-02 3.2 4E-02 3.24E-02 3.16E-02 2.99E-02 2. 53E-02 2.79E-03 EALL is total dose sumned for all nuclides.

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit - 180 days 08/04/2008 16:05 Page 4 Probabilistic results summary  : Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72File: C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07280809.RAD Probabilistic Risk Summary

  • ide RISK(j,t)

(j) t= 0.OOE+00 1.OOE+00 3.OOE+00 1.00E+01 1.OOE+02 Cs-137 Min 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Max 3. 14E-06 3.07E-06 2.90E-06 2.43E-06 2.93E-07 Avg 7.32E-07 7.14E-07 6.38E-07 5.31E-07 4.56E-08 Std 7.39E-07 7.21E-07 6.77E-07 5.72E-07 6.33E-08 EALL Min 0. OOE+00 o.OOE+00 0.0OE+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Max 3. 14E-06 3.07E-06 2.90E-06 2.43E-06 2.93E-07 Avg 7.32E-07 7.14E-07 6.38E-07 5.31E-07 4.56E-08 Std 7.39E-07 7.21E-07 6.77E-07 5.72E-07 6. 33E-08 EALL is total risk summed for all nuclides.

0 Page 188 of 254

RESRAD Regression and Correlation output 08/04/08 16:05 Page: Coef 2 Title Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 5-yr old Input File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRF OFF-SITE\07280809.RAD fficients for peak= of mean dose time Dose Coefficient PCC SRC PRCC SRRC Repetition - 2 2 2 2 Description of Probabilistic Variable Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Area of contaminated zone 9 -0.04 9 -0.02 7 -0.11 7 -0.06 Thickness of contaminated zone 2 0.74 2 0.48 2 0.74 2 0.56 Outdoor time fraction 1 0.86 1 0.74 1 0.78 1 0.62 Fish consumption 4 0.16 4 0.07 6 0.13 6 0.07 Kd of Cs-137 in Contaminated Zone 3 -0.23 3 -0.11 3 -0.21 3 -0.11 Fish transfer factor for Cs 7 -0.06 7 -0.03 5 -0.15 5 -0.08 Inhalation rate 6 0.09 6 0.04 8 -0.07 8 -0.04 Aquatic food 5 -0.14 5 -0.06 10 -0.03 10 -0.01 Length parallel to aquifer flow 10 0.02 10 0.01 4 -0.21 4 -0.11 Soil ingestion 8 -0.06 8 -0.03 9 0.05 9 0.02 R-SQUARE 0.81 0.81 0.75 0.75

-Rank is set to zero if the dose is zero or the correlation matrix is singular.

-R-SQUARE varies between 0 and 1 and is called the coefficient of determination; it provides a measure of the variation in the dependent variable (Dose) explained by regression on the independent variables.

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 07/28/2008 18:00 Page 1 Summary Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 10-yr old File  : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\072808010.RAD Table of Contents Wart I: Mixture Sums and Single Radionuclide Guidelines Dose Conversion Factor (and Related) Parameter Summary ... 2 Site-Specific Parameter Summary ............................ 3 Summary of Pathway Selections ............................... 6 Contaminated Zone and Total Dose Summary ................. 7 Total Dose Components Time = 0.0O0R+00 .... ....................................

Time = 1.000E+00 ... .... ................................ 9 Time = 3.000F+00 ....................................... 10 Time = 1.000P+01 ... .................................... 11 Time - 1.0008+02 ... .................................... 12 Dose/Source Ratios Summed Over All Pathways ................ 13 Single Radionuclide Soil Guidelines ........................ 13 Dose Per Nuclide Summed Over All Pathways .................. 14 Soil Concentration Per Nuclide ............................. 14 Page 190 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T11 Limit = 180 days 07/28/2008 18:00 Page 2 Summary Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 10-yr old File  : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\072808010.RAD Dose Conversion Factor (and Related) Parameter Summary Dose Library: ICRP 72 (Age 10)

Current Base Parameter Menu Parameter value# Case* Name I I A-i DCF's for external ground radiation, (mrem/yr)/(pCi/g)

A-i Ba-137m (Source: FGR 12) 3.606E+00 3.606E+00 DCFI( 1)

A-i Cs-137 (Source: FGR 12) 7.510E-04 7.510E-04 DCFI( 2)

B-i Dose conversion factors for inhalation, mrem/pCi:

1.776E-04 1.776E-04 DCF2( 1)

B-i Cs-137+D Dose conversion factors for ingestion, mrem/pCi:,

3.700E-05 3.700E-05 DCF3( 1)

Cs-137+D D-34 Food transfer factors:

D-34 Cs-137+D , plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 4.000E-02 4.000E-02 RTF(

D-34 Cs-137+D , beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/kg)/(pCi/d) 3.OOOE-02 3.000E-02 RTF( 1,2)

D-34 Cs-137+D , milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/L)/(pCi/d) 8.OOOE-03 8.000E-03 RTF( 1,3)

Bioaccumulation factors, fresh water, L/kg:

Cs-137+D , fish 2.OOOE+03 2.000E+03 BIOFAIC( 1,1)

Cs-137+D , crustacea and mollusks 1.0OOE+02 1.000E+02 BIOFACC( 1,2)

  1. For DCFI (xxx) only, factors are for infinite depth & area. See ETFG table in Ground Pathway of Detailed Report.


-Base Case means Default.Lib w/o Associate Nuclide contributions.

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 T&I Limit - 180 days 07/28/2008 18:00 Page 3 Summary Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 10-yr old File C: \RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\072808010.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary 0

Menu Parameter User Input Default (If Used by RESRAD different from user input)

Parameter Name

-F R011 Area of contaminated zone (m*-2) 2.700E+05 1.OOOE+04 IAREA R011 Thickness of contaminated zone (m) 1.520E-01 2.OOOE+00 -- THICKO R011 Length parallel to aquifer flow (m) 9.OOOE+02 1.000E+02 -- LCZPAQ R011 Basic radiation dose limit (mrem/yr) 2.500E+01 3.OOOE+01 _BRDL R011 Time since placement of material (yr) 1.OOOE+00 0.OOOE+00 TI R011 Times for calculations (yr) 1.OOOE+00 1.OOOE+0O - -T( 2)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) 3. 00OE+00 3.OOOE+00 -T(3)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) 1.000E+Ol 1.OOOE+01 - -T( 4)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) 1.OOOE+02 3.0O0E+01 IT(5)

R011 Times for calculations (vr) not used 1.OOOE+02 - -T( 6)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) not used 3.OOOE+02 -- T( 7)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) not used 1.OOOE+03 -- T( 8)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) not used O.OOOE+00 -T(9)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) not used 0.OOOE+00 - -T(10)

R012 Initial principal radionuclide (pCi/g): Cs-137 1.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+00 Sl(1)l)

R012 Concentration in groundwater (pCi/L): Cs-137 not used 0.OOOE+00 - -Wl( 1)

R013 Cover depth (m) 1.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 COVERO R013 Density of cover material (g/cm**3) not used 1.500E+O0 DENSCV R013 Cover depth erosion rate (m/yr) not used 1.000E-03 VCV R013 Density of contaminated zone (g/cm**3) 1.500E+00 1.500E+00 -- DENSCZ 1.000E-03 1.OOOE-03 --- VCZ Contaminated zone erosion rate (m/yr)

Contaminated zone total porosity 4.OOOE-01 4.000E-OI TPCZ RD13 Contaminated zone field capacity 2.OOOE-01 2.OOOE-01 FCCZ R013 Contaminated zone hydraulic conductivity (m/yr) 1.OOE+01 1.000E+01 HCCZ RO013 Contaminated zone b parameter 5.300E+00 5.300E+00 BCZ RD013 Average annual wind speed (m/sec) 2.O00E+00 2.000E+00 -- WIND HO013 Humidity in air (g/m**3) not used 8.OOOE+00 HUMID R0 13 Evapotranspiration coefficient 5.OOOE-01 5.000E-01 EVAPTR R0 13 R013 Precipitation (m/yr) 1.OOOE+00 1.OOOE+00 PRECIP HO013 Irrigation (m/yr) 2.000E-01 2.000E-01 RI R013 Irrigation mode overhead overhead IDITCH R0 13 Runoff coefficient 2.OOOE-01 2.OOOE-01 RUNOFF R0 13 WAREA R013 Watershed area for nearby stream or pond (m**2) 1.DOOE+06 1.000E+06 Accuracy for water/soil computations 1.000E-03 1.000E-03 EPS R014 Density of saturated zone (g/cm**3) 1.500E+00 1.500E+00 DENSAQ R014 Saturated zone total porosity 4.OOOE-01 4.000E-01 -- TPSZ R014 Saturated zone effective porosity 2.O00E-01 2.000E-01 -- EPSZ R014 Saturated zone field capacity 2.OOOE-01 2.000X-01 FCSZ R014 Saturated zone hydraulic conductivity (m/yr) 1.000E+02 1.000E+02 -- HCSZ R014 2.O00E-02 2.000E-02 HGWT Saturated zone hydraulic gradient R014 Saturated zone b parameter 5.300E+00 5.300E+00 BSZ R014 Water table drop rate (m/yr) 1.OOOE-03 1.000E-03. IVWT R014 Well pump intake depth (m below water table) 1.000E+01 1.000E+01 DWIBWT R014 Model: Nondispersion (ND) or Mass-Balance (MB) MB ND MODEL R014 Well pumping rate (m**3/yr) 2.500E+02 2.500E+02 -UW 0 Number of unsaturated zone strata 0 NS Page 192 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 TL% Limit = 180 days 07/28/2008 18:00 Page 4 Su*mary Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 10-yr old File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\072808010.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

User Used by RESRAD Parameter Menu Parameter Input Default (If different from userinput) Name R016 Distribution coefficients for Cs-137

1. .000E+03 R016 Contaminated zone (cm**3/g) 4 .600E+03 DCNUCC( 1)


R016 Saturated zone (cm**3/g) 1 .000K+03 44.600E+03 R016 Leach rate (/yr) 0 .OOOE+00 0.000E+00 2.193E-03 ALEACH( 1)


0. .000E+00 0.000E+00 not used SOLUBK( 1)

Solubility constant R017 Inhalation rate (m**3/yr) 3 .653E+03 88.400E+03 INHALR R017 Mass loading for inhalation (g/m**3) 1 .000E-04 I.000E-04 MLINH R017 Exposure duration 3 .000E+01 3.000E+01 ED Shielding factor, inhalation 4 .000E-01 4. OOOE-01 SHF3 R017 R017 Shielding factor, external ga 7 .OOE-0I 77.000E-Dl SHFI 0 .000E+00 5.000E-D1 FIND R017 Fraction of time spent indoors R017 Fraction of time spent outdoors (on site) .200E-02 22.500E-01 FOTD R017 Shape factor flag, external gamm

1. .OOOE+00 11.000E+00 >0 shows circular AREA. FS R017 Radii of shape factor array (used if FS = -1):

1: not used 5.OOOE+01 RADSHAPE( 1)

R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 2: not used 7.071E+01 RADSHAPE( 2)

R017 Outer annular radius Cm), ring 3: not used 0. 000E+00 RADSHAPE) 3)

R017 Outer annular radius Cm), ring 4: not used 0.000E+00 RAD SHAPE) 4)

R017 Outer annular radius Cm), ring 5: not used 0.000E+00 PAD SHAPE( 5)

Outer annular radius Cm), ring 6: not used 0.000E+0O RADSHAPE) 6)

R017 R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 7: not used O.0O0E+00 RADSHAPE) 7)

Outer annular radius ring 8: not used 0. 000E+00 RAD SHAPE( 8)

Outer annular radius ring 9:. not used O.000E+00 HAD SHAPE( 9)

R01,7 ring 10: not used 0. OOE+O0 RAD SHAPE(10)

Outer annular radius R017 Cm), ring 11: not used 0.0OOE+00 RAD SHAPE(11)

Outer annular radius R017 (n). not used 0.DODE+00 RAD_SHAPE(12)

Outer annular radius ring 12:

R017 Fractions of annular areas within AREA:

R017 not used 1. 0O0E+00 FRACA( 1)

Ring 1 R017 not used 2.732E-01 FRACA( 2)

Ring 2 R017 not used O.000E+00 FRACA( 3)

Ring 3 R017 not used 0.000E+00 FRACA( 4)

Ring 4 R017 not used 0. 000E+00 FRACA( 5)

Ring 5 R017 not used 0.00 0E+00 FRACA( 6)

Ring 6 R017 not used O.000E+00 FRACA( 7)

Ring 7 RD 17 not used 0.000E+00 FRACA( 8)

Ring 8 R017 not used 0. 000E+00 FRACA( 9)

Ring 9 R017 not used 0.000E+00 FRACA (10)

Ring 10 R017 not used 0.000E+00 FRACA (11)

Ring 11 R017 not used 0.000E+00 FRACA(12)

Ring 12 not used 1.600E+02 DIET (1)

R018 Fruits, vegetables and grain consumption (kg/yr) not used 1.400E+01 DIET(2)

R018 Leafy vegetable consumption (kg/yr) not used 9. 200E+01 DIET (3)

R018 Milk consumption (L/yr) not used 6. 300E+01 DIET (4)

R018 Meat and poultry consumption (kg/yr) 2.900E+00 5.400E+00 DIET (5)

R018 Fish consumption (kg/yr)

R018 0.00OE+00 9. 000E-01 DIET (6) is Other seafood consumption (kg/yr) 3.650E+01 3.650E+01 SOIL Soil ingestion rate (g/yr) not used 5. 100E+02 DWI Drinking water intake (L/yr)

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 T% Limit 180 days 07/28/2008 18:00 Page 5 Summary Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 10-yr old File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\072808010.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued) 0 Menu User Used by RESRAD Parame ter Parameter Input Default (If different from user input) Name


R0 18 Contamination fraction of drinking water no t used 1.000E+00 FDW R018 Contamination fraction of household water no t used 1.000E+00 IFHW4 R018 Contamination fraction of livestock water no t used 1.000E+00 FLW R018 Contamination fraction of irrigation water no:t used 1.000E+00 FIRW R018 Contamination fraction of aquatic food 5. OOOE-01 5.000E-01 FR9 R018 Contamination fraction of plant food noot used -1 FPLANT R018 Contamination fraction of meat no t used 1-I FMEAT R018 Contamination fraction of milk no t used I-I FMILK R019 Livestock fodder intake for meat (kg/day) no t used 6.800E+01 LFIS R019 Livestock fodder intake for milk (kg/day) no t used 5.500E+01 LFI6 R019 Livestock water intake for meat (L/day) no)t used 5.0O0E+D1 LWI5 R019 Livestock water intake for milk (L/day) no t used 1.600E+02 LWI6 R019 Livestock soil intake noit used 5.000E-01 LSI (kg/day)

R019 Mass loading for foliar deposition (g/m**3) noit used 1.000E-04 MLFD R019 Depth of soil mixing layer (m) 1..5OE-01 1.500E-01 DM R019 Depth of roots (m) noit used 9.000E-01 DROOT R019 Drinking water fraction from ground water noit used 1.000E+00 FGWDW R019 Household water fraction from ground water no it used 1.000E+00 FGWHH R019 Livestock water fraction from ground water noit used 1.000E+00 FGWLW R019 Irrigation fraction from ground water noit used 1.000E+00 FGWIR 0 RI9B Wet weight crop yield for Non-Leafy (kg/m**2)

Wet weight crop yield for Leafy Wet weight crop yield for Fodder (kg/m**2)

(kg/m**2) no *t used no .t used no ,t used 7.000E-01 1.500E+00 1.100E+00 YV(1)



Growing Season for Non-Leafy (years) no .t used 1.700E-01 TE(1)

R19B Growing Season for Leafy (years) no 't used 2.500E-01 TE(2)

Ri9B Growing Season for Fodder (years) no .t used 8.000E-02 STE(3)

R19B Translocation Factor for Non-Leafy no 't used 1.000E-01 TIV(1)

R19B Translocation Factor for Leafy no .tused 1.000E+00 TIV(2)

R19B Translocation Factor for Fodder no 't used 1.000E+00 TIV (3)

Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Non-Leafy no 't used 2.500E-01 RDRY (1)

R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Leafy no ,t used 2.500E-01 RDRY (2)

Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Fodder no *t used 2.500E-01 RDRY (3)

R19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Non-Leafy no .t used 2.500E-01 RWET (1)

R19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Leafy no .t used 2.500E-01 RWET (2)

R19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Fodder no *t used 2.500E-01 RWET (3) no 't used 2.000E+01 WLAM R19B Weathering Removal Constant for Vegetation

'R~g C14 C-12 concentration in water (g/cm**3) no t used 2.000E-05 C12WTR C14 C-12 concentration in contaminated soil (g/g) no t used 3.000E-02 C12CZ C14 Fraction of vegetation carbon from soil no t used 2.000E-02 CSOIL no t used 9.800E-01 CAIR C14 Fraction of vegetation carbon from air Cl14 C-14 evasion layer thickness in soil (m) no t used 3.000E-01 DMC C14 C-14 evasion flux rate from soil (1/sec) no t used 7.000E-07 EVSN no.t used 1.000E-10 REVSN C14 C-12 evasion flux rate from soil (1/sec)

C14 Fraction of grain in beef cattle feed no t used 8.000E-01 AVFG4 C14 Fraction of grain in milk cow feed no ,t used 2.000E-01 AVFG5 Storage times of contaminated foodstuffs (days):

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 07/28/2008 18:00 Page 6 Summary : Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 10-yr old File  : C:\RESRAD_FAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\072808010.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

User Used by RESRAD Parameeter Menu Parameter Input Default (If different from user input) Name


STOR Fruits, non-leafy vegetables, and grain 1.400E+01 1.400E+01 STORT (1)

STOR Leafy vegetables 1.000E+00 1.OOOE+00 STOR Ti(2)

STOR Milk 1.OOOE+00 1.OOOE+00 STOR Ti(3)

STOR Meat and poultry 2.OOOE+01 2.OOOE+01 STOR T (4)

STOR (5)

Fish 7.OOOE+00 7.000E+00 STORT STOR Crustacea and mollusks 7.OOOE+00 7.OOOE+00 STORT I(6)

STOR Well water 1.OOOE+00 1.OOOE+00 STORTT (7)

STOR Surface water 1.OOOE+00 1.OOOE+00 STORT I(8)

STOR Livestock fodder 4.500E+01 4.500E+01 STORTI (9)

R021 Thickness of building foundation (m) not used 1.500E-01 FLOOR1 R021 Bulk density of building foundation (g/cm**3) not used 2.400E+00 DENSFL R021 Total porosity of the cover material not used 4.000E-01 TPCV R021 Total porosity of the building foundation not used 1.OOOE-01 TPFL R021 Volumetric water content of the cover material not used 5.OOOE-02 PH2OCV R021 Volumetric water content of the foundation not used 3.OOOE-02 PH2OFL R021 Diffusion coefficient for radon gas (m/sec):

R021 in cover material not used 2.OOOE-06 DIFCV R021 in foundation material not used 3.OOOE-07 DIFFL R021 in contaminated zone soil not used 2.OOOE-06 DIFCZ R021 Radon vertical dimension of mixing (m) not used 2.OOOE+00 HMIX R021 Average building air exchange rate (1/hr) not used 5.OOOE-01 REXG Height of the building (room) (m) not used 2.500E+00 EMR Building interior area factor not used 0.OOOE+00 FAI R021 Building depth below ground surface (m) not used I-1.OOOE+00 DMFL R021 Emanating power of Rn-222 gas not used 2.500E-01 EMANA (I i)

R021 Emanating power of Rn-220 gas not used 1.500E-01 EMANA (2 TITL 32 -

Number of graphical time points NPTS TITL 17 Maximum number of integration points for dose LYMAX TITL KYMAX Maximum number of integration points for risk 1 Summary of Pathway Selections Pathway User Selection 1 -- external gamma active 2 -- inhalation tw/o radon)l active 3 -- plant ingestion suppressed 4 -- meat ingestion suppressed 5 -- milk ingestion suppressed 6 -- aquatic foods active 7 -- drinking water suppressed 8 -- soil ingestion active 9 -- radon suppressed Find peak pathway doses active Page 195 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 Th Limit = 180 days 07/28/2008 18:00 Page 7 Summary Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 10-yr old File  : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\072808010.RAD Contaminated Zone Dimensions Initial Soil Concentrations, pCi/g Area: 270000.00 square meters Cs-137 1.OOOE+00 Thickness: 0.15 meters Cover Depth: 0.00 meters Total Dose TDOSE(t), mrem/yr Basic Radiation Dose Limit = 2.500E+01 mrem/yr Total Mixture Sum M(t) = Fraction of Basic Dose Limit Received at Time (t) t (years): 0.OOOE+00 1.OOOE+00 3.OOOE+00 1.000E+01' 1.OOOE+02 TDOSE(t): 6.444E-02 5.914E-02 3.312E-02 2.73BE-02 1.782E-03 M(t): 2.577E-03 2.366E-03 1.325E-03 1.095E-03 7.128E-05 Maximum TDOSE(t): 6.444E-02 mrem/yr at t = 0.OOOE+00 years Page 196 o 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 07/28/2008 18:00 Page 8 Summary : Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 10-yr old File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\072808010.RAD Total Dose Contributions TDOSE(i,p,t) for Individual Radionuclides (i) and Pathways (p)

As mrem/yr and Fraction of. Total Dose At t 0.OOOE+00 years Water Independent Pathways (Inhalation excludes radon)

Ground Inhalation Radon Plant Meat Milk Soil Radio-Nuclide mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. r*rem/yr fract. mnrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrer/yr fract.

Cs-137 3.590E-02 0.5571 1.811E-07 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OO0E+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 1.600E-05 0.0002 Total 3.590E-02 0.5571 1.811E-07 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 1.600E-05 0.0002 Total Dose Contributions TDOSE(i,p,t) for Individual Radionuclides (i) and Pathways (p)

As mrem/yr and Fraction of Total Dose At t = 0.OOOE+00 years Water Dependent Pathways Water Fish Radon Plant Meat Milk All Pathways*

Radio-Nuclide intem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. intem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrerm/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mnrem/yr fract.

Cs-137 0.000E+00 0.0000 2.852E-02 0.4427 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 6.444E-02 1.0000 Total 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 2.852E-02 0.4427 0.000E+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 6.444E-02 1.0000

.of all water independent and dependent pathways.

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 T1 Limit = 180 days 08/04/2008 16:16 Page 1 Probabilistic results summary  : Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-7File: C:\RESRAD FAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRF OFF-SITE\072808010.RAD Table of Contents 3 Part VI: Uncertainty Analysis RESRAD Uncertainty Analysis Results Probabilistic Input .................................. 2 Total Dose .......................................... 3 Total Risk ........................................... 4 Dose vs Pathway: Ground External ................... ,5 Dose vs Pathway: Inhalation (w/o Radon) ............ 6 Dose vs Pathway: Radon (Water Ind.) ................ 7 Dose vs Pathway: Plant (Water Ind.) ................ 8 Dose vs Pathway: Meat (Water Ind.) ................ 9 Dose vs Pathway: Milk (Water Ind.) ................ 10 Dose vs Pathway: Soil Ingestion .................... 11 Dose vs Pathway: Water Ingestion ................... 12 Dose vs Pathway: Fish Ingestion .................... 13 Dose vs Pathway: Radon (Water Dep.) ................ 14 Dose vs Pathway: Plant (Water Dep.) ................ 15 Dose vs Pathway: Meat (Water Dep.) ................ 16 Dose vs Pathway: Milk (Water Dep.) ................ 17 Cumulative Probability Summary ....................... 18 Summary of dose at graphical times, reptition 1 ..... 19 Summsary of dose at graphical times, reptition 2 ..... 20 Summary of dose at graphical times, reptition 3 ..... 21 Peak of the mean dose at graphical times ............. 22 Correlation and Regression coefficients (if any) ..... 23 Page 198 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 08/04/2008 16:16 Page 2 Probabilistic results summary  : Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-7File: C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\072808010.RAD Probabilistic Input O er of Sample Runs: 300 Number Name Distribution Parameters 1 AREA TRIANGULAR 10000 270000 500000 2 THICKO NORMAL .152 .152 3 FOTD NORMAL .012 .012 4 DIET (5) NORMAL 2.9 2.9 5 DCACTC(l) TRIANGULAR 50 1000 80000 6 BBIO (55, 1) NORMAL 2000 1000 7 INHALR TRIANGULAR 2500 3653 5000 8 FR9 TRIANGULAR 0 .39 1 9 LCZPAQ TRIANGULAR 100 450 900 10 SOIL TRIANGULAR 0 18.3 36.5 Page 199 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T's Limit = 180 days 08/04/2008 16:16 Page 3 Probabilistic results summary : Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-7File: C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\072808010.RAD Probabilistic Total Dose Summary Illide Peak Peak DOSE(j,t), mrem/yr (j) Time Dose t= 0.00E+00 1.OOE+00 3.00E+00 1.00E+01 1.00E+02 Cs-137 Min 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Max 9.96E-01 1.39E-01 1.39E-01 1.35E-01 1.28E-01 1.07E-01 1.29E-02 Avg 3.32E-03 3.23E-02 3.23E-02 3.13E-D2 2.81E-02 2.34E-02 2.01E-03 Std 5.74E-02 3.26E-02 3.26E-02 3.17E-02 2.99E-02 2.53E-02 2.79E-03 EALL Min 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00+E00 0.00E+00 Max 9.96E-01 1.39E-01 1.39E-01 1.35E-01 1.28E-01 1.07E-01 1.29E-02 Avg 3.32E-03 3.23E-02 3.23E-02 3.13E-02 2.81E-02 2.34E-02 2.01E-03 Std 5.74E-02 3.26E-02 3.26E-02 3.17E-02 2.99E-02 2.53E-02 2.79E-03 EALL is total dose summed for all nuclides.

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 Ts Limit = 180 days 08/04/2008 16:16 Page 4 Probabilistic results summary : Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-7Pile: C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\072808010.RAD Prol babilistic Risk Summary RISK(j,t)

(j) t= O.OOE+00 1.OOE+00 3.00E+00 1.OOE+01 1.OOE+02 Cs-137 Min 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. OE+00 0.OOE+00 Max 3.15E-06 3.07E-06 2.89E-06 2.43E-06 2.92E-07 Avg 7.48E-07 7.29E-07 6.38E-07 5.31E-07 4. 56E-08 Std 7.46E-07 7.28E-07 6.76E-07 5.72E-07 6.33E-08

.ALL Min 0. OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 Max 3.1SE-06 3.07E-06 2.89E-06 2.43E-06 2.92E-07 Avg 7.48E-07 7.29E-07 6.38E-07 5.31E-07 4.56E-08 Std 7.46E-07 7.28E-07 6.76E-07 5.72E-07 6.33E-08 EALL is total risk summed for all nuclides.

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RESRAD Regression and Correlation output 08/04/08 16:16 Page: Coef 2 Title  : Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 10-yr old Input File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\072808010.RAD

. Coefficient =

efficients for peak of mean dose time Dose Repetition -





Description of Probabilistic Variable Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Area of contaminated zone 9 -0.03 9 -0.01 7 -0.10 7 -0.05 Thickness of contaminated zone 2 0.75 2 0.49 2 0.74 2 0.56 Outdoor time fraction 1 0.86 1 0.74 1 D.78 1 0.62 Fish consumption 4 0.18 4 0.08 5 0.14 5 0.07 Kd of Cs-137 in Contaminated Zone 3 -0.26 3 -0.12 3 -0.22 3 -0.11 Fish transfer factor for Cs 8 -0.05 8 -0.02 6 -0.14 6 -0.07 Inhalation rate 6 0.08 6 0.03 8 -0.08 8 -0.04 Aquatic food 5 -0.14 5 -0.06 10 -0.03 10 -0.01 Length parallel to aquifer flow 10 0.02 10 0.01 4 -0.21 4 -0.11 Soil ingestion 7 -0.06 7 -0.03 9 0.05 9 0.03 R-SQUARE 0.81 0.81 0.75 0.75

-Rank is set to zero if the dose is zero or the correlation matrix is singular.

-R-SQUARE varies between 0 and 1 and is called the coefficient of determination; it provides a measure of the variation in the dependent variable (Dose) explained by regression on the independent variables.

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 T1 Limit = 180 days 07/28/2008 18:03 Page I Summary Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 15-yr old File  : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\072808011.RAD Table of Contents

  • Part I: Mixture Sums and Single Radionuclide Guidelines Dose Conversion Factor (and Related) Parameter Summary ... 2 Site-Specific Parameter Summary ............................ 3 Summary of Pathway Selections ............................ 6 Contaminated Zone and Total Dose Summary ................. 7 Total Dose Components Time = 0.OOOE+00 .... ................................... 8 Time = 1.000E+00 .... ................................... 9 Time = 3.OOOE+00 ... .................................... 10 Time = 1.OOOE+01 ... .................................... 11 Time = 1.000E+02. .. .................................... 12 Dose/Source Ratios Sumned Over All Pathways ................ 13 Single Radionuclide Soil Guidelines ...................... 13 Dose Per Nuclide Summed Over All Pathways .................. 14 Soil Concentration Per Nuclide ............................. 14 Page 203 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 07/28/2008 18:03 Page 2 Summary Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 15-yr old File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\072808011.RAD Dose Conversion Factor (and Related) Parameter Summary kDose Library: ICRP 72 (Age 15)

Current Base Parame ter Menu Parameter Value# Case* Name


A-i DCF's for external ground radiation, (mrem/yr)/(pCi/g)

A-i Ba-137m (Source: FGR 12) 3.606E+00 3.606E+00 DCFI( 2)

A-i Cs-137 (Source: FGR 12) 7.510E-04 7.510E-04 DCFI( 2)

B-I Dose conversion factors for inhalation, mrem/pCi:

B-1 Cs-137+D 1.554E-04 1.554E-04 DCF2( 1)

D-1 Dose conversion factors for ingestion, mrem/pCi:

D-1 Cs-137+D 4.BlOE-05 4.810E-05 DCF3( i)

D-34 Food transfer factors:

D-34 Cs-137+D , plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 4.0OOOE-02 4.000E-02 RTF( 1 ,I)

D-34 Cs-137+D , beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/kg)/(pCi/d) 3.OOOE-02 3.OOOE-02 RTF( 1 ,2)

D-34 Cs-137+D , milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/L)/(pCi/d) 8.OOOE-03 8.OOOE-03 RTF( 1 ,3)

D-5 Bioaccumulation factors, fresh water, L/kg:

D-5 Cs-137+D , fish 2.OOOE+03 2.000E+03 BIOFAC( 1,1)

D-5 Cs-137+D , crustacea and mollusks 1.OOOE+02 1.000E+02 BIOFAC( 1,2)

  1. For DCF1(xxx) only, factors are for infinite depth & area- See ETFG table in Ground Pathway of Detailed Report.
  • Base Case means Default.Lib w/o Associate Nuclide contributions.

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 T1 Limit = 180 days 07/28/2008 18:03 Page 3 Sussnary Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 15-yr old File  : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\072808011.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary User Used by RESRAD Paramieter Parameter Input Default (If different from user input) Namf I -t R011 Area of contaminated zone (m**2) 2.700E+05 1.000E+04 AREA R011 Thickness of contaminated zone (m) 1.520E-01 2.000E+00 THICKO Roll Length parallel to aquifer flow (m) 9.000E+02 1.000E+02 LCZPAQ R011 Basic radiation dose limit (mrem/yr) 2.500E+01 3.000E+01 BRDL R011 Time since placement of material (yr) 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 TI Roll Times for calculations (yr) 1.000OE+00 1.000E+00 2)


Roll Times for calculations (yr) 3.000E+00 3.000E+00 T( 3)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) 1.OOOE+01 1.000E+01 T( 4)

Roll Times for calculations (yr) 1.000OE+02 3.000E+01 T( 5)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) not used 1.000E+02 T( 6)

Roll Times for calculations (yr) not used 3.000E+02 T( 7)

R011 R011 Times for calculations Cyr) not used 1.000E+03 T( 8)

R011 Times for calculations Cyr) not used 0.000E+00 T( 9)

R0ll Times for calculations (yr) not used 0.000+E00 T(10)

R012 Initial principal radionuclide (pCi/g): Cs-13 7 1.OOE+00 0.000E+00 SI(1)

R012 Concentration in groundwater (pCi/L): Cs-13 7 not used 0.0OOE+00 Wl( 1)

R013 Cover depth (m) 0.00E+00 0.000E+00 COVERO R013 Density of cover material (g/cm**3) not used 1.500E+00 DENSCV R013 Cover depth erosion rate (m/yr) not used 1.000E-03 VCV R013 Density of contaminated zone (g/cm**3) 1.500E+00 1.500E+00 DENSCZ Contaminated zone erosion rate (m/yr) 1.000E-03 1.000E-03 VCZ Contaminated zone total porosity 4.OOE-01 4.000E-01 TPCZ R013 Contaminated zone field capacity 2.OOOE-01 2.000E-01 FCCZ R013 Contaminated zone hydraulic conductivity (m/yr) 1.OOOE+01 1.000E+01 HCCZ R013 Contaminated zone b parameter 5.300E+00 5.300E+00 R013 Average annual wind speed (m/sec) 2.000E+00 2.000E+00 WIND R013 Humidity in air (g/m**3) not used 8.000E+00 HUMID R013 Evapotranspiration coefficient 5.000E-01 5.000E-01 EVAPTR R013 Precipitation (m/yr) 1.000E+00 1.OOOE+00 J.PRECIP R013 Irrigation (m/yr) 2.000E-01 2.000E-01 RI R013 Irrigation mode overhead overhead IDITCH R013 Runoff coefficient 2.000E-01 2.000E-01 RUNOFF R013 Watershed area for nearby stream or pond (m**2) 1.000E+06 1.000E+06 WAREA R013 Accuracy for water/soil computations 1.000E-03 1.000E-03 EPS R014 Density of saturated zone (g/cm**3) 1.500E+00 1.500E+00 DENSAQ R014 Saturated zone total porosity 4.000E-01 4.000E-01 TPSZ 2.OOOE-O1 EPSZ R014 Saturated zone effective porosity .1 2.000E-01 2.000E-01 R014 Saturated zone field capacity 2.000E-01 FCSZ 1.000E+02 R014 Saturated zone hydraulic conductivity (m/yr) 1.000E+02 HCSZ 2.000E-02 HGWT R014 Saturated zone hydraulic gradient 2.000E-02 R014 Saturated zone b parameter 5.300E+00 5.300E+00 BSZ R014 Water table drop rate (m/yr) 1.000E-03 1.000E-03 VWT R014 Well pump intake depth (m below water table) 1.000E+01 1.000E+01 DWIBWT ND MODEL R014 Model: Nondispersion (ND) or Mass-Balance (MB) II MB R014 Well pumping rate (m**3/yr) 2.500E+02 2.500E+02 UW 0 Number of unsaturated zone strata II 0 NS Page 205 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T1 Limit - 180 days 07/28/2008 18:03 Page 4 Summary : Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using. ICRP-72 15-yr old File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\072808011.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

Menu Parameter User Input Default I Used by RESRAD I (If'different from user input)

Parameter Name R016 Distribution coefficients for Cs-137 R016 Contaminated zone (cm**3/g) .00E+03 4. 600E+03 DCNUCC( 1)

.00E+03 4. 600E+03 DCNUCS( 1)

R016 Saturated zone (cm**3/g)

0. 1)

R016 Leach rate (/yr) D00E+00 0.000E+00 2. 193E-03 ALEACH(

0. .00E+00 0. 000E+00 not used SOLUBK( 1)

R016 Solubility constant R017 Inhalation rate (m**3/yr) 6. 209E+03 8.400E+03 INHALR R017 Mass loading for inhalation (g/m**3) 1. OOOE-04 1.0O0E-04 MLINH R017 Exposure duration 3. 000E+01 3.000E+01 ED R017 Shielding factor, inhalation 4. OOOE-01 4. DOE-01 SHF3 R017 Shielding factor, external gamma 7. OOOE-01 7. DOE-01 SHFI R017 Fraction of time spent indoors 0. 000E+00 5. DOE-01 FIND Fraction of time spent outdoors (on site) 1. 200E-02 2. 500E-01 FOTD R017 R017 Shape factor flag, external gamma I. 000E+00 1. D00E+00 >0 shows circular AREA. FS R017 Radii of shape factor array (used if FS = -1):

R017 Outer annular radius ring 1: not used 5.000E+01 RAD_SHAPE( 1)

R017 Outer annular radius ring 2: not used 7.071E+01 RADSHAPE( 2)

R017 Outer annular radius ring 3: not used 0. 000E+00 RAD SHAPE( 3)

R017 Outer annular radius (in) ring 4: not used O.000E+00 PADSHAPE( 4)

Outer annular radius (in), ring 5: not used O.000E+00 RADSHAPE( 5)

R017 R017 Outer annular radius (i), ring 6: not used 0. 000E+00 RAD SHAPE( 6)

R017 Outer annular radius ring 7: not used 0.000E+00 RADSHAPE( 7)

Outer annular radius ring 8: not used 0.000E+00 RADSHAPE) 8)

Outer annular radius ring 9: not used O.000E+00 RAD SHAPE( 9)

Outer annular radius (in), ring 10: not used O.0O0E+00 PADSHAPE(l0)

R017 R017 Outer annular radius (in), ring 11: not used 0. 000E+00 RAD SHAPE(11)

-R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 12: not used O.0O0E+00 PAD_SHAPE(12)

R017 Fractions of annular areas within AREA:

R017 Ring 1 not used 1.600E+00 FRACAI1)

R017 Ring 2 not used 2 .732E-01 FRACA 2)

R017 Ring 3 not used 0.000E+00 FPACA 3)

R017 Ring 4 not used 0. 000E+00 FRACA 4)

R017 Ring 5 not used 0. 00DE+00 FRACA 5)

R017 Ring 6 not used 0. 0D0E+00 FRACA 6)

R017 Ring 7 not used 0. 00DE+O0 FRACAA 7)

R017 Ring 8 not used 0 . 000E+00 FRACA 8) 9 not used O.000E+00 FRACA 9)

R017 Ring Ring 10 not used 0. 000E+00 FRACA(10)

R017 Ring 11 not used O.000E+00 FRACA (11)

R017 not used 0. 000E+00 FRACA (12)

R017 Ring 12 not used 1. 600E+02 DIET (1)

R018 Fruits, vegetables and grain consumption (kg/yr) not used 1.400E+01 DIET (2)

R018 Leafy vegetable consumption (kg/yr) not used 9.200E+01 DIET (3)

R018 Milk consumption (L/yr) not used 6.300E+01 DIET (4)

R018 Meat and poultry consumption (kg/yr) 2.900E+00 5.400E+00 DIET(5)

RD18 Fish consumption (kg/yr) 9.000E-01 DIET (6)

R018 Other seafood consumption (kg/yr) 0.000E+00 3.650E+01 3.650E+01 SOIL Soil-ingestion rate (g/yr) not used 5. 100E+02 DWI 08 Drinking water intake (L/yr)

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 Ti Limit = 180 days 07/28/2008 18:03 Page 5 Summary Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 15-yr old File  : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\072808011.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

User Used by RESRAD Parameter Menu I Parameter Input Default (If different from user input) Name


R018 Contamination fraction of drinking water not used 1 . DODE+00 FDW R018 Contamination fraction of household water not used 1.000E+00 FHHW R01B Contamination fraction of livestock water not used 1.0O0E+00 FLW R018 Contamination fraction of irrigation water not used 1. 0O0E+00 FIRW RD018 Contamination fraction of aquatic food 5.000E-Ci 5.OOE-01 FR9 ROIB R018 1-1 Contamination fraction of plant food not used FPLANT R018 Contanmination fraction of meat not used I-i FMEAT R018 Contamination fraction of milk not used 1-1 FMILK R019 Livestock fodder intake for meat (kg/day) not used 6.800E+01 LFI5 R019 Livestock fodder intake for milk (kg/day) not used 5. 500E+01 LFI 6 R019 Livestock water intake for meat (L/day) not used 5.OO0E+01 LWI5 R019 Livestock water intake for milk (L/day) not used 1. 600E+02 LWI 6 R019 Livestock soil intake (kg/day) not used 5.0OOE-01 LSI 3 1.0OOE-04 MLFD R019 Mass loading for foliar deposition (g/m** ) not used R019 Depth of soil mixing layer (m) 1.500E-0 1 1.500E-01 DM R019 not used 9.OOOE-01 DROOT Depth of roots Cm)

R019 Drinking water fraction from ground water not used 1.OOOE+00 FGWDW R019 Household water fraction from ground water not used 1.000E+00 FGWHH R019 Livestock water fraction from ground water not used 1.0OOE+00 FGWLW R019 Irrigation fraction from ground water not used 1.0 O0E+00 FGWIR aR19B Wet weight crop yield for Non-Leafy Wet weight crop yield for Leafy Wet weight crop yield for Fodder (kg/m**2)


(kg/m**2) not used not used not used 7.0OOE-01 1.500E+00 1.100E+00 YV(1)




RI9B Growing Season for Non-Leafy (years) not used 1. 700E-01 R19B Growing Season for Leafy (years) not used 2.500E-01 TE(2)

R19B Growing Season for Fodder (years) not used 8.OOOE-02 TE (3)

RI9B Translocation Factor for Non-Leafy not used 1.000E-01 TIV (1)

R19B Translocation Factor for Leafy not used 1.OOOE+00 TIV (2)

R19B Translocation Factor for Fodder not used 1.OOOEE+00 TIV(3)

R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Non-Leafy not used 2.500E-01 RDRY (1)

R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Leafy not used 2.500E-01 RDRY (2)

R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Fodder not used 2.500E-01 RDRY (3)

R19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Non-Leafy not used 2.500E-01 RWET (1)

R19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Leafy not used 2.500E-01 RWET (2)

RI9B R*ET (3)

Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Fodder not used 2.500E-01 R19B WLAM Weathering Removal Constant for Vegetation not used 2.000E+01 C14 (g/cm**3) not used C12WTR C-12 concentration in water 2.OOOE-05

.C14 not used C12CZ C-12 concentration in contaminated soil (g/g) 3.OOOE-02 C14 not used 2.000E-02 CSOIL Fraction of vegetation carbon from soil C14 not used CAIR Fraction of vegetation carbon from air 9.800E-01 C14 DMC C-14 evasion layer thickness in soil (m) not used 3.000E-01 C14 EVSN C-14 evasion flux rate from soil (l/sec) not used 7.OOOE-07 C14 REVSN C-12 evasion flux rate from soil (1/sec) not used 1.000E-10 C14 AVFG4 Fraction of grain in beef cattle feed not used 8.OOOE-01 OR C14 Fraction of grain in milk cow feed Storage times of contaminated foodstuffs (days):

not used 2.000E-01 AVFG5 Page 207 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit'= 180 days 07/28/2008 18:03 Page 6 Summary Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 15-yr old File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRF_OFF-SITE\072808011.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

User Used by RESRAD Parameter Parameter Input Default (If different from user input) Name i i STOR Fruits, non-leafy vegetables, and grain 1 .400E+01 1.400E+01 STORT(I)

STOR Leafy vegetables 1 .OOQE+00 1.OO0E+00 STORT(2)

STOR Milk 1 .OOOE+00 1.OOOE+00 STOR3T(3)

STOR Meat and poultry 2 .OOOE+01 2.OOOE+01 STORT(4)

STOR Fish 7 .000E+00 7.OOOE+00 STOR T(5)

STOR Crustacea and mollusks 7 .OOOE+00 7.OOOE+00 STORUT(6)

STOR Well water 1 .OOOE+00 1.OOOE+00 STOR T(7)

STOR Surface water .OOOE+00 1.OOOE+00 STOR T(8)

STOR Livestock fodder 4 .500E+01 4.500E+01 STORT(9)

R021 Thickness of building foundation (m) noot used 1.500E-01 FLOOR1 R021 Bulk density of building foundation (g/cm**3) noot used 2.400E+00 DENSFL R021 Total porosity of the cover material noot used 4.000E-01 TPCV R021 Total porosity of the building foundation noot used 1.OOOE-01 TPFL R021 Volumetric water content of the cover material noot used 5.OOOE-02 PH20CV R021 Volumetric water content of the foundation noot used 3.OOOE-02 PH20FL R021 Diffusion coefficient for radon gas (m/sec):

R021 in cover material noot used 2.OOOE-06 DIFCV R021 in foundation material noot used 3.000E-07 DIFFL R021 in contaminated zone soil noot used 2.000E-06 DIFCZ R021 Radon vertical dimension of mixing (m) noot used 2.OOOE+00 HMIX R021 Average building air exchange rate (1/hr) noot used 5.000E-01 REXG Height of the building (room) (M) no)t used 2.500E+00 HRM Building interior area factor no)t used 0.OOOE+00 FAI R021 Building depth below ground surface (m) no t used j-I.OOOE+00 DMFL R021 Emanating power of Rn-222 gas noCt used 2.500E-01 EMANA (1)

R021 Emanating power of Rn-220 gas noot used 1.500E-01 EMANA(2)

TITL Number of graphical time points 32 - NPTS TITL Maximum number of integration points for dose 17 LYMAX TITL Maximum number of integration points for risk 1 KYMAX Summary of Pathway Selections Pathway User Selection 1 -- external gamma active 2 -- inhalation (w/o radon)l active 3 -- plant ingestion suppressed 4 -- meat ingestion suppressed 5 -- milk ingestion suppressed 6 -- aquatic foods active 7 -- drinking water suppressed 8 -- soil ingestion active 9 -- radon suppressed Find peak pathway doses active Page 208 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 07/28/2008 18:03 Page 7 Summary Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 15-yr old File  : C:\RESRADFAMILYXRESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\072808011.RAD Contaminated Zone Dimensions Initial Soil Concentrations, pCi/g

. Area: 270000.00 square meters Thickness: 0.15 meters Cs-137 1.000E+00 Cover Depth: 0.00 meters Total Dose TDDSE(t), mrem/yr Basic Radiation Dose Limit = 2.500E+01 mrem/yr Total Mixture Sum M(t) = Fraction of Basic Dose Limit Received at Time (t) t (years): 0.OOOE+00 1.000E+00 3.OOOE+00 1.000E+01 1.OO0E+02 TDOSE(t): 7.300E-02 6.640E-02 3.312E-02 2.738E-02 1.782E-03 M(t): 2.920E-03 2.656E-03 1.325E-03 1.095E-03 7.128E-05 Maximum TDOSE(t): 7.300E-02 mrem/yr at t = 0.OOOE+00 years Page 209 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit - 180 days 07/28/2008 18:03 Page 8 Summary : Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 15-yr old File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\072808011.RAD Total Dose Contributions TDOSE(i,p,t) for Individual Radionuclides (i) and Pathways (p)

As mrem/yr and Fraction of Total Dose At t = 0.000E+00 years Water Independent Pathways (Inhalation excludes radon)

Ground Inhalation Radon Plant Meat Milk Soil Radio-Nuclide mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. m1em/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract.

Cs-137 3.590E-02 0.4917 2.694E-07 0.0000 0.0OOE+00 0.0000 D.DOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.000E+00 .0.0000 2.080E-05 0.0003 Total 3.590E-02 0.4917 2.694E-07 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.000E+00 0.0000 0.000E+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 2.080E-05 0.0003 Total Dose Contributions TDOSE(i,p,t) for Individual Radionuclides (i) and Pathways (p)

As mrem/yr and Fraction of Total Dose At t = 0.OOOE+00 years Water Dependent Pathways Water Fish Radon Plant Meat Milk All Pathways*

Radio-Nuclide mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. m.rem/yr fract.

Cs-137 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 3.708E-02 0.5080 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 7.300E-02 1.0000 Total 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 3.708E-02 0.5080 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 7.300E-02 1.0000

.of all water independent and dependent pathways.

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 T% Limit = 180 days 08/04/2008 16:24 Page I Probabilistic results summary : Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-7File: C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\072808011.RAD Table of Contents Part VI: Uncertainty Analysis RESRAD Uncertainty Analysis Results Probabilistic Input ................................... 2 Total Dose .... ......................................... 3 Total Risk ... .......................................... 4 Dose vs Pathway: Ground External ................... 5 Dose vs Pathway: Inhalation (w/o Radon) ............ 6 Dose vs Pathway: Radon (Water Ind.) ........ 7 Dose vs Pathway: Plant (Water Ind.) ................ 8 Dose vs Pathway: Meat (Water Ind.) ................ 9 Dose vs Pathway: Milk (Water Ind.) ................ 10 Dose vs Pathway: Soil Ingestion ...................... 11 Dose vs Pathway: Water Ingestion ..................... 12 Dose vs Pathway: Fish Ingestion ...................... 13 Dose vs Pathway: Radon (Water Dep.) ................ 14 Dose.vs Pathway: Plant (Water Dep.) ................ 15 Dose vs Pathway: Meat (Water Dep.) ................ 16 Dose vs Pathway: Milk (water Dep.) ................ 17 Cumulative Probability Summary ....................... 18' Summary of dose at graphical times, reptition 1 ..... 19 Summary of dose at graphical times, reptition 2 ..... 20 Summary of dose at graphical times, reptition 3 ..... 21 Peak of the mean dose at graphical times ............. 22 Correlation and Regression coefficients (if any) ..... 23 Page 211 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T41 Limit = 180 days 08/04/2008 16:24 Page 2 Probabilistic results summary : Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-7File: C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\072808011.RAD Probabilistic Input

  • er of Sample Runs: 300 Number Name Distribution Parameters 1 AREA TRIANGULAR 10000 270000 500000 2 THICKO NORMAL .152 .152 3 FOTD NORMAL .012 .012 4 DIET (5) NORMAL 2.9 2.9 5 DCACTC (1) TRIANGULAR 50 1000 80000 6 BBIO (55, 1) NORMAL 2000 1000 7 INHALR TRIANGULAR 4000 6209 8000 8 FR9 TRIANGULAR 0 .39 1 9 LCZPAQ TRIANGULAR 100 450 900 10 SOIL TRIANGULAR 0 18.3 36.5 Page 212 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 08/04/2008 16:24 Page 3 Probabilistic results summary : Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-7File: C:\RESRAD FAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\072808011.RAD Probabilistic Total Dose Summary

  • ide Peak Peak DOSE(j,t), inter/yr (j) Time Dose t= 0.OOE+00 1.00E+00 3.OOE+00 1.OOE+01 1.OOE+02 Cs-137 Min 0.OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. OE+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Max 9. 96E-01 1.39E-01 1. 39E-01 1. 35E-01 1.28E-01 1.07E-01 1.29E-02 Avg 3.32E-03 3.29E-02 3.29E-02 3. 17E-02 2. 81E-02 2.34E-02 2.01E-03 Std 5.74E-02 3.29E-02 3.29E-02 3.19E-02 2.99E-02 2.53E-02 2 .79E-03 EALL Min 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.00E+00 Max 9.96E-01 1.39E-01 1. 39E-01 1. 35E-01 1. 28E-01 1.07E-01 1.29E-02 Avg 3.32E-03 3.29E-02 3.29E-02 3.17E-02 2 .81E-02 2.34E-02 2.01E-03 Std 5.74E-02 3.29E-02 3.29E-02 3.19E-02 2.99E-02 2.53E-02 2.79E-03 EALL is total dose summed for all nuclides.

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 08/04/2008 16:24 Page 4 Probabilistic results summary ' Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-7File: C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\072808011.RAD Probabilistic Risk Summary ide RISK(J,t)

(j) t= O.OOE+00 1.OOE+00 3.OOE+00 1.OOE+01 1.OOE+02 Cs-137 Min 0.00OE+00 0.OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Max 3.15E-06 3.07E-06 2.89E-06 2.4 3E-06 2.92E-07 Avg 7. 48E-07 7.29E-07 6.38E-07 5.31E-07 4. 56E-08 Std 7.4 6E-07 7.28E-07 6.76E-07 5.72E-07 6.33E-08 EALL Min 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0. OOE+00 0.00E+00 Max 3.15E-06 3.07E-06 2.89E-06 2.43E-06 2.92E-07 Avg 7. 48E-07 7.29E-07 6.38E-07 5. 31E-07 4. 56E-08 Std 7. 4 6E-07 7.28E-07 6.76E-07 5.72E-07 6. 33E-08 FALL is total risk sunmed for all nuclides.

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RESRAD Regression and Correlation output 08/04/08 16:24 Page: Coef 2 Title Recreationist Exposure Scenario for TBD 08-001 Using ICRP-72 15-yr old Input File : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\072808011.RAD

.fficients for peak of mean dose time Dose Coefficient Repetition=





Description of Probabilistic Variable Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Area of contaminated zone 9 -0.02 9 -0.01 7 -0.09 7 -0.04 Thickness of contaminated zone 2 0.75 2 0.49 2 0.75 2 0.56 Outdoor time fraction 1 0.86 1 0.73 1 0.78 1 0.62 Fish consumption 4 0.20 4 0.09 5 0.16 5 0.08 Kd of Cs-137 in Contaminated Zone 3 -0.28 3 -0.13 3 -0.24 3 -0.12 Fish transfer factor for Cs 8 -0.03 8 -0.01 6 -0.13 6 -0.06 Inhalation rate 6 0.06 6 0.03 8 -0.08 8 -0.04 Aquatic food 5 -0.14 5 -0.06 10 -0.03 10 -0.01 Length parallel to aquifer flow 10 0.02 10 0.01 4 -0.21 4 -0.11 Soil ingestion 7 -0.06 7 -0.03 9 0.06 9 0.03 R-SQUA1RE 0.81 0.81 0.75 0.75

-Rank is set to zero if the dose is zero or the correlation matrix is singular.

-R-SQUARE varies between 0 and 1 and is called the coefficient of determination; it provides a measure of the variation in the dependent variable (Dose) explained by regression on the independent variables.

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 Ti Limit = 180 days 07/29/2008 10:13 Page Summary Playground Scenario for TBD 01-001 Using ICRP-72 Adult File +/- C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07290801.RAD Table of Contents

  • art I: Mixture Sums and Single Radionuclide Guidelines Dose Conversion Factor (and Related) Parameter Summary ... 2 Site-Specific Parameter Summary ............................ 3 Summary of Pathway Selections ............................... 7 Contaminated Zone and Total Dose Summary ....................

Total Dose Components Time = 0.OOOE+00 .... ................................... 9 Time = 1.OOOE+00 ....................................... 10 Time = 3.000E+00 ... .................................... 11 Dose/Source Ratios Summed Over All Pathways ................ 12 Single Radionuclide Soil Guidelines ........................ 12 Dose Per Nuclide Sunmed Over All Pathways .................. 13 Soil Concentration Per Nuclide .............................. 13 Page 216 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T&2 Limit = 180 days 07/29/2008 10:13 Page 2 Susmmary Playground Scenario for TBD 07-001 Using ICRP-72 Adult File  : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07290801.RAD Dose Conversion Factor (and Related) Parameter Summary Dose Library: ICRP 72 - Adult Plus ICRP 72 (Adult)

Current Base Parame ter Menu Parameter Value# Case* I Name A--


DCF's for external ground radiation, (mrem/yr)/(pCi/g)

A-I Ba-137m (Source: FGR 12) 3.606E+00 3.606E+00 I DCF1( 1)

A-i Cs-137 (Source: FGR 12) 7.510E-04 7.510E-04 I DCFi( 2)

B-i Dose conversion factors for inhalation, mrem/pCi:

B-I i)

Cs-137+D 1.443E-04 1.443E-04 DCF2(

D-i Dose conversion factors for ingestion, mrem/pCi:

D-1 1)

Cs-137+D 4.810E-05 4.810E-05 DCF3(

D-34 Food transfer factors:

D-34 Cs-137+D , plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 4.OOOE-02 4.OOOE-02 RTF( 1 ,1)

D-34 Cs-137+D , beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/kg)/(pCi/d) 3.OOOE-02 3.OOOE-02 RTF( 1 ,2)

D-34 Cs-137+D , milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/L)/(pCi/d) 8.OOOE-03 8.000E-03 RTF( 1 ,3)

D-5 Bioaccumulation factors, fresh water, L/kg:

D-5 Cs-137+D , fish 2.OOOE+03 2.OOOE+03 BIOFAC( 1,1)

D-5 Cs-137+D , crustacea and mollusks 1.000E+02 1.OOOE+02 BIOFAC( 1,2)


  1. For DCFl(xxx) only, factors are for infinite depth & area. See ETFG table in Ground Pathway of Detailed Report.


  • Base Case means Default.Lib w/o Associate Nuclide contributions.

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 T11 Limit = 180 days 07/29/2008 10:13 Page 3 Summary Playground Scenario for TBD 07-001 Using ICRP-72 Adult File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07290801.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Sumunary User Used by RESRAD Parami ~ter Menu Parameter Input Default (If different from user input t Nami I

R011 Area of contaminated zone (m**2) 6.000E+02 1.000E+04 AREA P011 Thickness of contaminated zone (m) 7.600E-02 2.OOOE+00 THICKO R011 Roll Length parallel to aquifer flow (m) not used I.OOOE+02 LCZPAQ R011 Basic radiation dose limit (mrem/yr) 2.500E+01 3.OOOE+01 BRDL R011 Time since placement of material (yr) 0.OOOE+00 0.OOOE+00 TI R011 Times for calculations (yr) 1.OOOE+00 1.OOOE+00 T( 2)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) 3.OOOE+00 3.OOOE+00 T( 3)

Poll Times for calculations (yr) 1.000E+01 not used T( 4)

Roll Times for calculations (yr) not used 3.000E+01 T( 5)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) not used 1.000E+02 T( 6)

Poll Roll Times for calculations (yr) not used 3.OOOE+02 T( 7)

Roll R011 Times for calculations (vr) not used 1.OOOE+03 T( 8)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) not used 0.OOOE+00 T( 9)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) not used 0.000E+00 T (10)

R012 Initial principal radionuclide (pCi/g): Cs-137 1.OOOE+00 0.OOOE+00 Sl(l)

R012 Concentration in groundwater (pCi/L): Cs-137 not used 0.000E+00 Wi 1)

W1 R013 Cover depth (m) 0.000E+00 0.OOOE+00 COVERO R013 Density of cover material (g/cm**3) not used 1.500E+00 DENSCV R013 Cover depth erosion rate (m/yr) not used 1.000E-03 VCV R013 Density of contaminated zone (g/cm**3) 1.500E+00 1.500E+00 DENSCZ Contaminated zone erosion rate (m/yr) 1.000E-03 1.OOOE-03 VCZ Contaminated zone total porosity 4.OOOE-01 4.OOOE-01 TPCZ R013 Contaminated zone field capacity 2.000E-01 2.OOOE-01 FCCZ R013 Contaminated zone hydraulic conductivity (m/yr) 1.000E+01 1.000E+01 HCCZ R013 Contaminated zone b parameter 5.300E+00 5.300E+00 BCZ R013 Average annual wind speed (m/sec) 2.OOOE+00 2.OOOE+00 WIND R013 Humidity in air (g/m**3) not used 8.OOOE+00 HUMID R013 Evapotranspiration coefficient 5.OOOE-01 5.OOOE-01 EVAPTR R013 Precipitation (m/yr) .o000E+00 1.OOOE+00 PRECIP R013 Irrigation (m/yr) 2.OOOE-01 2.OOOE-01 RI R013 Irrigation mode overhead overhead IDITCH R013 Runoff coefficient 2.OOOE-01 2.OOOE-01 RUNOFF R013 Watershed area for nearby stream or pond (m**2) not used 1.OOOE+06 WAREA R013 Accuracy for water/soil computations not used 1.OOOE-03 EPS R014 Density of saturated zone (g/cm** 3) not used 1.500E+00 DENSAQ R014 Saturated zone total porosity not used 4.OOOE-01 TPSZ R014 Saturated zone effective porosity not used 2.OOE-01 EPSZ R014 Saturated zone field capacity not used 2.OOOE-01 FCSZ R014 Saturated zone hydraulic conductivity (m/yr) not used 1.OOOE+02 HCSZ not used 2.OOOE-02 HGWT R014 Saturated zone hydraulic gradient not used 5.300E+00 BSZ R014 Saturated zone b parameter Water table drop rate (m/yr) not used 1.000E-03 VWT R014 R014 Well pump intake depth (m below water table) not Used 1.000E+01 DWIBWT Model: Nondispersion (ND) or Mass-Balance (MB) not used NO MODEL R014 Well pumping rate (m**3/yr) not used 2.500E+02 UW R014 Number of unsaturated zone strata not used NS

.5 Page 218 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 07/29/2008 10:13 Page 4 Summary Playground Scenario for TBD 07-001 Using ICRP-72 Adult File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07290801.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Sumumary (continued)

User I Used by RESRAD Parameter Parameter Input Default j (If different from user input) I Name I - I I R015 Unsat. zone 1, thickness (m) not used 4. OOOE+00 H(l)

R015 Unsat. zone 1, soil density (g/cm**3) not used 1. 500E+00 DENSUZ(1)

R015 zone 1, not used 4.000E-01 Unsat. total porosity TPUZ(1)

R015 Unsat. zone 1, effective porosity not used 2. OO0E-01 EPUZ(l)

R015 zone 1, 2.000E-01 Unsat. field capacity not used FCUZ(l)

R015 zone 1, soil-specific b parameter not used 5.300E+00 BUZ(1)


R015 Unset. zone 1, hydraulic conductivity (m/yr) not used 1. 000E+0 1 HCUZ(1)

R016 Distribution coefficients for Cs-137 R016 Contaminated zone (cm**3/g) 4. 600E+03 4.600E+03 DCNUCC( 1)

R016 Unsaturated zone 1 (cm**3/g) not used 4. 600E+03 DCNUCU( 1,1)

R016 Saturated zone (cm**3/g) not used 4. 600E+03 DCNUCS(

R016 1)

Leach rate (/yr) 0.OOOE+00 0. O00E+00 9.534E-04 ALEACH( 1)

R016 Solubility constant 0.OOOE+00 0. 000E+00 not used SOLUBK( 1)

RO17 Inhalation rate (m**3/yr) 1.400E+04 8.400E+03 INHALR RO 17 Mass loading for inhalation (g/m**3) 1.OOOE-04 1.000E-04 MLINH R017 Exposure duration 3.000E+01 3. 000E+01 ED R017 Shielding factor, inhalation 4.OOOE-01 4.000E-01 SHF3 R017 Shielding factor, external gamma 7.OOOE-01 7. 000E-01 SHFl R017 Fraction of time spent indoors O.OOOE+00 5.000E-01 FIND R017 Fraction of time spent outdoors (on site) 5.00OE-02 2.500E-01 FOTD HO17 Shape factor flag, external gamma 1.00OE+00 1. OOOE+00 >0 shows circular AREA. FS Radii of shape factor array (used if FS = -1):

R017 Outer annular radius (m) , ring 1: not used 5. 000E+01 RAD SHAPE) 1)

RO17 Outer annular radius (m),0 ring 2: not used 7.071E+01 HAD SHAPES 2)

Outer annular radius (m), ring 3: not used 0. 000E+00 RAD SHAPE) 3)

RO 17 R017 (m),

Outer annular radius ring 4: not used 0.000E+00 HAD SHAPE) 4)

R017 Cm),

Outer annular radius ring 5: not used 0. 000E+00 RAD SHAPEC 5)

Outer annular radius (m), ring 6: not used 0. 000E+00 RAD SHAPE) 6)

R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 7: not used 0. 000E+00 RAD SHAPE) 7)

R0 17 Outer annular radius (m), ring 8: not used 0. OOOE+00 RAD SHAPE) 8)

R017 R017 (m),

Outer annular radius ring 9: not used 0.000E+00 RAD SHAPE) 9)

R017 HO017 (m),

Outer annular radius ring 10: not used 0. 000E+00 RADSHAPE(i0)

Outer annular radius (m), ring 11: not used O.000E+00 RAD SHAPE(li)

Outer annular radius Cm), ring 12: not used O. OOOE+O0 HADSHAPE(12)

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 T11 Limit = 180 days 07/29/2008 10:13 Page 5 Summary Playground Scenario for TBD 07-001 Using ICRP-72 Adult File  : C:\R*SRADFAMILY\RZSRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07290801.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

S User Used by RESRAD Parameter Menu Parameter Input Default (If different from user input) Name R017 Fractions of annular areas within AREA:

R017 Ring 1 not used 1.OOOE+00 --- FRACA( 1)

R017 Ring 2 not used 2.732E-01 --- FRACA( 2)

R017 Ring 3 not used j0.OOOE+00 - FRACA( 3)

R017 Ring 4 not used 0.OOOE+00 --- FRACA( 4)

R017 Ring 5 not used 0.OOOE+00 -- FRACA( 5)

R017 Ring 6 not used 0.OOOE+00 - FRACA( 6)

R017 Ring 7 not used 0.OOOE+00 --- FRACA( 7)

R017 Ring 8 -not used 0.OOOE+00 --- FRACA( 8)

R017 Ring 9 not used 0.OOOE+00 --- FRACA( 9)

R017 Ring 10 not used 0.OOOE+00 --- FACA(10)

R017 Ring 11 not used 0.OOOE+00 --- ACA()

R017 Ring 12 not used 0.OOOE+00 --- FRACA(12)

R018 Fruits, vegetables and grain consumption (kg/yr) not used 1.600E+02 --- DIET(l)

R018 Leafy vegetable consumption (kg/yr) not used 1.400E+01 -- DIET(2)

R018 Milk consumption (L/yr) not used 9.200E+01 --- DIET(3)

R018 Meat and poultry consumption (kg/yr) not used 6.300E+01 --- DIET(4)

R018 Fish consumption (kg/yr) not used 5.400E+00 --- DIET(5)

R018 Other seafood consumption (kg/yr) not used 9.000E-01 4 --- DIET(6)

R018 Soil ingestion rate (g/yr) 3.650E+01 3.650E+01 --- SOIL SR018 Drinking water intake (L/yr)

Contamination fraction of drinking water Contamination fraction of household water not used not used not used 5.100E+02 1.OOOE+00 1.OOOE+00 DWI FDW FHHW R018 Contamination fraction of livestock water not used 1.000E+00 --- FLW R018 Contamination fraction of irrigation water not used 1.000E+00 --- FIRW R01B Contamination fraction of aquatic food not used 5.000E-01 -- FR9 R018 Contamination fraction of plant food not used 1-1 -- FPLANT R018 Contamination fraction of meat not used 1-1 --- FMEAT R018 Contamination fraction of milk not used 1-1 --- FMILK R019 Livestock fodder intake for meat (kg/day) not used 6.800E+01 LFI5 R019 Livestock fodder intake for milk (kg/day) not used 5.500E+01 --- LFI6 R019 Livestock water intake for meat (L/day) not used 5.000E+01 - LWI5 R019 Livestock water intake for milk (L/day) not used 1.600E+02 LWI6 R019 Livestock soil intake (kg/day) not used 5.OOOE-01 --- LSI R019 Mass loading for foliar deposition (g/m**3) not used 1.000E-04 MLFD R019 Depth of soil mixing layer (m) 1.500E-01 1.500E-01 --- DM R019 Depth of roots (m) not used 9.OOOE-01 --- DROOT R019 Drinking water fraction from ground water not used 1.000E+00 --- FGWDW R019 Household water fraction from ground water not used 1.00OE+00 -- FGWHH R019 Livestock water fraction from ground water not used 1.000E+00 -- FGWLW R019 Irrigation fraction from ground water not used 1.OOOE+00 --- FGWIR R19B Wet weight crop yield for Non-Leafy (kg/m**2) not used 7.000E-01 --- IYV(1)

R19B Wet weight crop yield for Leafy (kg/m**2) not used 1.500E+00 --- YV(2)

R19B Wet weight crop yield for Fodder (kg/m**2) not used 1.100E+00 --- YV(3)

R19B Growing Season for Non-Leafy (years) not used 1.700E-01 --- TE(1)

Growing Season for Leafy (years) not used 2.500E-01 --- TE(2)

Growing Season for Fodder (years) not used 8.OOOE-02 --- TE(3)

Page 220 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 10days 07/29/2008 10:13 Page 6 Summary Playground Scenario for TBD 07-001 Using ICRP-72 Adult File  : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRF OFF-SITE\07290801.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued) 0 Menu Parameter User Input Default (If Used by RESRAD different from user i nput)

Parameter Name i

RI9B Translocation Factor for Non-Leafy not used 1.000E-01 TIV(1)

Rl9B Translocation Factor for Leafy not used 1.000E+00 TIV(2)

R19B Translocation Factor for Fodder not used 1.OOOE+00 TIV(3)

Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Non-Leafy not used 2.500E-01 RDRY(l)

R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Leafy not used 2.500E-01 RDRY(2)

R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Fodder not used 2.500E-01 RDRY (3)

R19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Non-Leafy not used 2.500E-01 RWET(l)

R19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Leafy not used 2.500E-01 RWET(2)

R19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Fodder not used 2.500E-01 RWET(3)

R19B Weathering Removal Constant for Vegetation not used 2.OOOE+01 WLAM C14 C-12 concentration in water (g/cm**3) not used 2.OOOE-05 C12WTR C14 C-12 concentration in contaminated soil (g/g) not used 3.OOOE-02 Cl2CZ C14 Fraction of vegetation carbon from soil not used 2.OOOE-02 CSOIL C14 Fraction of vegetation carbon from air not used 9.800E-01 CAIR C14 C-14 evasion layer thickness in soil (m) not used 3.OOOE-01 DMC C14 C-14 evasion flux rate from soil (1/sec) not used 7.OOOE-07 EVSN C14 C-12 evasion flux rate from soil (1/sec) not used 1.000E-10 REVSN C14 Fraction of grain in beef cattle feed not used 8.000E-01 AVFG4 C14 Fraction of grain in milk cow feed not used 2.OOOE-01 AVFG5 0

STOR Storage times of contaminated foodstuffs (days):

Fruits, non-leafy vegetables, and grain 1.400E+01 1.400E+01 STOR T(l)

Leafy vegetables 1.000E+00 1.000E+00 STOR T(2)

STOR Milk 1.000E+00 1.OOOE+00 STOR T(3)

STOR Meat and poultry 2.000E+01 2.000E+01 STORT(4)

STOR Fish 7.OOOE+00 7.000E+00 STOR Crustacea and mollusks 7.OOOE+00 7.000E+00 STOR T(6)

STOR 1.000E+00 1.000E+00 STOR T (7)

Well water STOR Surface water 1.000E+00 1.000E+00 STORT(8)

STOR Livestock fodder 4.500E+01 4.500E+01 STOR T(9) not used 1.500E-01 FLOORI R021 Thickness of building foundation (m)

R021 Bulk density of building foundation (g/Cm**3) not used 2.400E+00 DENSFL R021 Total porosity of the cover material not used 4.000E-01 TPCV R021 Total porosity of the building foundation not used 1.000E-01 TPFL R021 Volumetric water content of the cover material not used 5.000E-02 PH2OCV R021 Volumetric water content of the foundation not used 3.000E-02 PH2OFL R021 Diffusion coefficient for radon gas (m/sec):

R021 in cover material not used 2.000E-06 DIFCV R021 in foundation material not used 3.000E-07 DIFFL R021 in contaminated zone soil not used 2.000E-06 DIFCZ R021 Radon vertical dimension of mixing (m) not used 2.000E+00 HMIX R021 Average building air exchange rate (1/hr) not used 5.000E-01 REXG not used 2.500E+00 HRM R021 Height-of the building (room) (m)

R021 not used 0.OOOE+00 FAI Building interior area factor R021 Building depth below ground surface (m) not used I-1.000E+00 DMFL R021 not used 2.500E-01 EMANA ()

Emanating power of Rn-222 gas Emanating power of Rn-220 gas not used 1.500E-01 EMANA(2)

I 32 NPTS TITL Number of graphical time points Page 221 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6,4 T*1Limit = 180 days 07/29/2008 10:13 Page 7 Summary Playground Scenario for TBD 07-001 Using ICRP-72 Adult File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07290801.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

S Meanu i,

I Parameter II User Input Default I

I (If Used by RESRAD different from user input)

Parameter Name i i Ii I i TITL Maximum number of integration points for dose 17 I LYMAX TITL Maximum number of integration points for risk 1 -- --- KYMAX Summary of Pathway Selections Pathway User Selection 1 -- external gasmma active 2 -- inhalation (w/o radon) active 3 -- plant ingestion suppressed 4 -- meat ingestion suppressed 5 -- milk ingestion suppressed 6 -- aquatic foods suppressed 7 -- drinking water suppressed 8 -- soil ingestion active 9 -- radon suppressed Find peak pathway doses active Page 222 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 07/29/2008 10:13 Page 8 Summary  : Playground Scenario for TBD 07-001 Using ICRP-72 Adult File  : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07290801.RAD Contaminated Zone Dimensions Initial Soil Concentrations, pCi/g

. Area:


600.00 square meters 0.08 meters Cs-137 1.000E+00 Cover Depth: 0.00 meters Total Dose TDOSE(t), mrem/yr Basic Radiation Dose Limit - 2.500E+01 mrem/yr Total Mixture Sum M(t) = Fraction of Basic Dose Limit Received at Time (t) t (years): 0.OOOE+00 1.000E+00 3.OOOE+00 TDOSE(t): 1.028E-01 9.965E-02 9.360E-02 M(t): 4.112E-03 3.986E-03 3.744E-03 Maximum TDOSE(t): 1.028E-01 mrem/yr at t = 0.000E+00 years Page 223 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T1 Limit = 180 days 07/29/2008 10:13 Page 9 Summary Playground Scenario for TBD 07-001 Using ICRP-72 Adult File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07290801.RAD Total Dose Contributions TDOSE(i,p,t) for Individual Radionuclides (i) and Pathways (p)

As mrem/yr and Fraction of Total Dose At t = 0.OOOE+00 years Water Independent Pathways (Inhalation excludes radon)

Ground Inhalation Radon Plant Meat Milk Soil Radio-Nuclide mfem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract.

Cs-137 1.028E-01 0.9997 6.348E-07 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.000E+00 0.0000 O.OOOE+00 0.0000 2.619E-05 0.0003 Total 1.028E-01 0.9997 6.348E-07 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 O.OOOE+00 0.0000 2.619E-05 0.0003 Total Dose Contributions TDOSE(i,p,t) for Individual Radionuclides (i) and Pathways (p)

As mrem/yr and Fraction of Total Dose At t = o.000E+00 years Water Dependent Pathways Water Fish Radon Plant Meat Milk All Pathways*

Radio-Nuclide mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract.

7 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 1.028E-01 1.0000 Cs-13 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 O.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.000E+00 0.0000 Total 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.000E+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 1.028E-01 1.0000

. of all water independent and dependent pathways.

Page 224 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T'i Limit - 180 days 08/04/2008 16:29 Page 1 Probabilistic results summary : Playground Scenario for TBD 07-001 Using ICRP 2 Adult File: C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07290801.RAD Table of Contents p Part VI: Uncertainty Analysis RESRAD Uncertainty Analysis Results Probabilistic Input .................................... 2 Total Dose .... ......................................... 3 Total Risk ... .......................................... 4 Dose vs Pathway: Ground External ..................... 5 Dose vs Pathway: Inhalation (w/o Radon) ............ 6 Dose vs Pathway: Radon (Water Ind.) .................. 7 Dose vs Pathway: Plant (Water Ind.) ................ 8 Dose vs Pathway: Meat (Water Ind.) ................ 9 Dose vs Pathway: Milk (Water Ind.) ................ 10 Dose vs Pathway: Soil Ingestion ..................... .11 Dose vs Pathway: Water Ingestion ..................... 12 Dose vs Pathway: Fish Ingestion ...................... 13 Dose vs Pathway: Radon (Water Dep.) ................ 14 Dose vs Pathway: Plant (Water Dep.) ................ 15 Dose vs Pathway: Meat (Water Dep.) ................ 16 Dose vs Pathway: Milk (Water Dep.) ................ 17 Cumulative Probability Summary ....................... 18 Summary of dose at graphical times, reptition 1 ..... 19 Summary of dose at graphical times, reptition 2 ..... 20 Summary of dose at graphical times, reptition 3 ..... 21 Peak of the mean dose at graphical times ............. 22 Correlation and Regression coefficients (if any) ..... 23 Page 225 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 08/04/2008 16:29 Page 2 Probabilistic results susuary : Playground Scenario for TBD 07-001 Using ICRP 2 Adult File: C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07290801.RAD Probabilistic Input er of Sample Runs: 300 Number Name Distribution Parameters 1 AREA TRIANGULAR 100 600 1000 2 THICKO NORMAL .076 .076 3 FOTD NORMAL .05 .05 4 INHALR TRIANGULAR 4380 8400 13100 Page 226 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 Tl Limit = 180 days 08/04/2008 16:29 Page 3 Probabilistic results susmmary : Playground Scenario for TBD 07-001 Using ICRP 2 Adult File: C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07290801.RAD Probabilistic Total Dose Summary ISide Peak Peak DOSE(j,t), mrem/yr (j) Time Dose t= 0.OOE+00 1.OOE+00 3.OOE+00 Cs-137 Min 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.O0E+00 0. OOE+00 Max 0. OOE+00 4.57E-01 4.57E-01 4. 44E-01 4.21E-01 Avg 0. OOE+00 9. 40E-02 9. 40E-02 9.11E-02 8.55E-02 Std 0.0 0E+00 1.OOE-01 1.OOE-01 9.75E-02 9.25E-02 EALL Min 0. 00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.0OE+00 Max 0. OOE+00 4.57E-01 4.57E-01 4.44E-01 4.21E-01 Avg 0.0 0E+00 9.40E-02 9.40E-02 9.11E-02 8.55E-02 Std 0.0 0E+00 1.00E-01 1. OOE-01 9.75E-02 9.25E-02 EALL is total dose summed for all nuclides.

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 T1 Limit - 180 days 08/04/2008 16:29 Page 4 Probabilistic results summary : Playground Scenario for TBD 07-001 Using ICRP 2 Adult File: C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRF_OFF-SITE\07290801.PAD Probabilistic Risk Summary O lide RISK(J,t)

(j) t= 0.OOE+00 l.OOE+00 3.00E+00 Cs-137 Min 0.0OE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Max 1. 04E-05 1.01E-05 9.55E-06 Avg 2. 14E-06 2.b7E-06 1.94E-06 Std 2.27E-06 2.21E-06 2.10E-06 EALL Min 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 Max 1. 04E-05 1.01E-05 9.55E-06 Avg 2.14E-06 2.07E-06 1. 94E-06 Std 2.27E-06 2.21E-06 2.10E-06 BALL is total risk summed for all nuclides.

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 07/29/2008 10:20 Page Summary Playground Scenario for TBD 07-001 Using ICRP-72 1-yr old File  : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07290802.RAD Table of Contents

  • art I: Mixture Sums and Single Radionuclide Guidelines Dose Conversion Factor (and Related) Parameter Summary ... 2 Site-Specific Parameter Summary ............................ 3 Summary of Pathway Selections .............................. 7 Contaminated Zone and Total Dose Summary ................... 8 Total Dose Components Time = 0.OOOE+00 ....................................... 9 Time = 1.000E+00 ....................................... 10 Time = 3.OOOE+00 ....................................... 11 Dose/Source Ratios Summed Over All Pathways ................ 12 Single Radionuclide Soil Guidelines ........................ 12 Dose Per Nuclide Sunned Over All Pathways .................. 13 Soil Concentration Per Nuclide ............................. 13 Page 229 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 TI2 Limit = 180 days 07/29/2008 10:20 Page 2 Summary : Playground Scenario for TBD 07-001 Using ICRP-72 1-yr old File  : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07290802.RAD Dose Conversion Factor (and Related) Parameter Summary Dose Library: ICRP 72 (Age 1)

Current Base Paramete r Menu Parameter Value# Case* Name III A-I DCF's for external ground radiation, (mrem/yr)/(pCi/g)

A-I Ba-137m (Source: FGR 12) 3.606E+00 3.606E+00 DCF1( 1)

A-i Cs-137 (Source: FGR 12) 7.510E-04 7.510E-04 DCF1( 2)

B-I Dose conversion factors for inhalation, mrem/pCi:

7 3.700E-04 DCF2( 1)

B-I Cs-13 +D 3.700E-04 D-I Dose conversion factors for ingestion, mrem/pCi:

D-i Cs-137+D 4.440E-05 4.440E-05 DCF3( 1)

D-34 Food transfer factors:

D-34 Cs-137+D , plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 4.OOOE-02 4.OOOE-02 RTF( 1,1 )

3.OOOE-02 RTF( 1,2


D-34 Cs-137+D , beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/kg)/(pCi/d) 3.OOOE-02 8.000E-03 RTF( 1,3


D-34 Cs-137+D , milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/L)/(pCi/d) 8.000E-03 D-5 Bioaccumulation factors, fresh water, L/kg:

D-5 Cs-137+D , fish 2.OOOE+03 2.OOOE+03 BIOFAC( 1,1)

, crustacea and mollusks 1.OOOE+02 1.OOOE+02 BIOFAC( 1,2)

D-5 Cs-137+D

  1. For DCFI(xxx) only, factors are for infinite depth & area. See ETFG table in Ground Pathway of Detailed Report.


  • Base Case means Default.Lib w/o Associate Nuclide contributions.

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 Ti Limit = 180 days 07/29/2008 10:20 Page 3 Summary : Playground Scenario for TBD 07-001 Using ICRP-72 1-yr old File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07290802.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary User Used by RESRAD Parameter Menu Parameter Input Default (If different from user input) Name R11 Area of contaminated zone (m**2) 6.000E+02 1.000E+04 AREA R011 Thickness of contaminated zone (m) 7.600E-02 2.OOOE+00 THICKO RD11 Length parallel to aquifer flow (m) not used 1.000E+02 -- LCZPAQ R011 Basic radiation dose limit (mrem/yr) 2.500E+01 3.000E+01 BRDL R011 Time since placement of material (yr) 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 TI Roll Times for calculations (yr) 1.000E+00 1.000E+00 - -T( 2)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) 3.000E+00 3.000E+00 -TT( 3)

Roll Times for calculations (vr) not used 1.000E+01 -T( 4)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) not used 3.000E+01 T( 5)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) not used 1.OOOE+02 - -T( 6)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) not used 3.000E+02 T( 7)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) not used 1.000E+03 T( 8)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) not used 0.000E+00 -T(9)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) not used 0.000E+00 - -T(10)

0. OOOE+00 R012 Initial principal radionuclide (pCi/g): Cs-137 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 --- S1(1)

R012 Concentration in groundwater (pCi/L): Cs-137 not used O.O00E+O0 - -Wl( 1)

R013 Cover depth (m) O.OOOE+00 0.0000E+00 I COVERO R013 Density of cover material (g/cm**3) not used 1.500E+00 DENSCV R013 Cover depth erosion rate (m/yr) not used 1.OOOE-03 VCV R013 o Density of contaminated zone (g/cm**3) 1.500E+00 1.500E+00 --- 1,DENSCZ Contaminated zone erosion rate (m/yr) 1.000E-03 1.000E-03 VCZ Contaminated zone total porosity 4.000E-01 4.000E-01 TPCZ R013 Contaminated zone field capacity 2.000E-01 2.000E-01 FCCZ R013 Contaminated zone hydraulic conductivity (m/yr) 1.000E+01 1.000E+01 HCCZ R013 Contaminated zone b parameter 5.300E+00 5.300E+00 BCZ R013 Average annual wind speed (m/sec) 2.000E+00 2.OOOE+00 WIND R013 Humidity in air (g/m**3) I. not used 8.OOOE+00 HUMID R013 Evapotranspiration coefficient 5.000E-01 5.000E-01 EVAPTR RD13 Precipitation (m/yr) 1.000E+00 1.000E+00 PRECIP RD13 Irrigation (m/yr) 2.OOOE-01 2.000E-01 RI R013 Irrigation mode overhead overhead IDITCH R013 RUNOFF Runoff coefficient 2.000E-01 2.000E-01 R013 Watershed area for nearby stream or pond (m**2) not used 1.000E+06 WAREA R013 Accuracy for water/soil computations not used 1.000E-03 EPS R014 Density of saturated zone (g/cm**3) not used 1.500E+00 -- DENSAQ R014 Saturated zone total porosity not used 4.OOOE-01 TPSZ R014 Saturated zone effective porosity not used 2.000E-01 -EPSZ R014 Saturated zone field capacity not used 2.000E-01 FCSZ R014 Saturated zone hydraulic conductivity (m/yr) not used 1.000E+02 HCSZ R014 Saturated zone hydraulic gradient not used 2.000E-02 HGWT R014 Saturated zone b parameter not used 5.300E+00 BSZ R014 Water table drop rate (m/yr) not used 1.000E-03 -VWT R014 Well pump intake depth (m below water table) not used 1.000E+01 DWIBWT R014 MODEL Model: Nondispersion (ND) or Mass-Balance (MB) not used ND R014 -UW Well pumping rate (m**3/yr) not used 2.500E+02 Number of unsaturated zone strata not used 1 NS Page 231 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 Ti Limit = 180 days 07/29/2008 10:20 Page Summary : Playground Scenario for TBD 07-001 Using ICRP-72 1-yr old File  : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07290802.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued) e User Used by RESRAD Parameter Menu Parameter Input Default (If different from user input) Name I I I R015 Unsat. zone 1, thickness Wm) not used 4.0O0E+00 H(1)

R015 Unsat. zone 1, soil density (g/cm**3) not used 1.500E+00 DENSUZ(l)

R015 Unsat. zone 1, total porosity not used 4.000E-01 TPUZ (1)

R015 Unsat. zone 1, effective porosity not used 2.D00E-01 EPUZ (1)

R015 Unsat. zone 1, field capacity not used 2.000E-01 FCUZ (1)

R015 Unsat. zone 1, soil-specific b parameter not used 5.300E+00 BUZ (1)

R015 Unsat. zone 1, hydraulic conductivity (m/yr) not used 1.000E+01 HCUZ (1)

R016 Distribution coefficients for Cs-137 R016 Contaminated zone (c**3/g) 4.600E+03 4. 600E+03 DCNUCC( 1)

R016 Unsaturated zone 1 (am**3/g) not used 4.600E+03 DCNUCU(

R016 not used 4.600E+03 DCNUCS( 1)

Saturated zone (cm**3/g)

R016 Leach rate (/yr) O.000E+00 O.0DDE+00 9. 534E-04 ALEACH( 1)

R016 Solubility constant 0.000E+00 O.000E+00 not used SOLUBK( 1)

RD 15 RO 17 INHALR Inhalation rate (m**3/yr) 2.483E+03 8. 400E+03 R017 Mass loading for inhalation (g/m**3) 1.000E-04 1. OOOE-04 MLINIJ R017 Exposure duration 3.000E+01 3. 000E+01 ED R017 Shielding factor, inhalation 4.OD0E-01 4. 0OOE-01 SHF3 RD 17 SHF1 Shielding factor, external gamma 7.000E-01 7. OOOE-01 R017 Fraction of time spent indoors o.O00E+00 5.OO0E-01 FIND R017 FOTD Fraction of time spent outdoors (on site) 5.000E-02 2. 500E-01 Shape factor flag, external gamma 1.000E+00 1.000E+00 >0 shows circular AREA. FS R017 Radii of shape factor array (used if FS = -1):

Outer annular radius (m) ring 1: not used 5. 000E+01 RADSHAPEC 1)

R017 Outer annular radius (m) ring 2: not used 7. 071E+01 RADSHAPE) 2)

R017 Outer annular radius (i) ring 3: not used 0. 00E+00 RADSHAPE) 3)

R017 Outer annular radius (m) ring 4: not used 0 . 000E+00 RADSHAPE( 4)

R017 Outer annular radius (m) ring 5: not used 0. O00E+00 RADSHAPE) 5)

R017 Outer annular radius (m) ring 6: not used 0. 00E+00 RADSHAPE) 6)

R0 RD 17 17 Outer annular radius (m) ring 7: not used 0. 000E+00 RAD SHAPE) 7)

R017 8: not used 0.000E+00 HADSHAPE) 8)

Outer annular radius Cm) ring R017 0. DDDE+00 RADSHAPEC 9)

Outer annular radius (m) ring 9: not used Outer annular radius (m) ring 10: not used 0. OOOE+00 RADSHAPE (10)

R0 17 RADSHAPE(11)

Outer annular radius Wm) ring 11: not used 0. 0O0E+00 RD 17 0. 000E+00 HADSHAPE(12)

Outer annular radius (m) ring 12: not used Page 232 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6,4 T%2 Limit = 180 days 07/29/2008 10`20 Page 5 Summary Playground Scenario for TBD 07-001 Using ICRP-72 1-yr old File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07290802.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

I User I Used by RESRAD Parameter Menu Parameter Input Default (If different from user input) Name R017 Fractions of annular areas within AREA:

R017 Ring 1 not used 1.OOOE+00 --- FRACA( 1)

R017 Ring 2 not used 2.732E-01 --- FRACA( 2)

R017 Ring 3 not used 0.000E+00 --- FRACA( 3)

R017 Ring 4 not used 0.000E+00 --- FRACA( 4)

R017 Ring 5 not used 0.OOOE+00 --- FRACA( 5)

R017 Ring 6 not used 0.OOOE+00 --- FRACA( 6)

R017 Ring 7 not used 0.OOOE+00 --- FRACA( 7)

R017 Ring 8 not used 0.000E+00 --- FRACA( 8)

R017 Ring 9 not used 0.OOOE+00 --- FRACA( 9)

R017 Ring 10 not used 0.OOOE+00 --- FRACA(10)

R017 Ring 11 not used 0.000E+00 --- FRACA(ll)

R017 Ring 12 not used 0.000E+00 --- FRACA(12)

R018 Fruits, vegetables and grain consumption (kg/yr) not used 1.600E+02 DIET1l)

R018 Leafy vegetable consumption (kg/yf) not used 1.400E+01 -- DIET(2)

R018 Milk consumption (Liyr) not used 9.200E+01 -- DIET(3)

R018 Meat and poultry consumption (kg/yr) not used 6.300E+01 DIET(4)

R018 Fish consumption (kg/yr) not used 5.400E+00 --- DIET(5)

R018 Other seafood consumption (kg/yr) not used 9.OOOE-01 --- DIET(6)

R018 Soil ingestion rate (g/yr) 7.300E+01 3.650E+01 --- SOIL R018 Drinking water intake (L/yr) not used 5.100E+02 -- DWI Contamination fraction of drinking water not used 1.000E+00 -- FDW Contamination fraction of household water not used 1.000E+00 --- FHiW R018 Contamination fraction of livestock water not used 1.000E+00 --- FLW R018 Contamination fraction of'irrigation water not used 1.000E+00 --- FIRW R018 Contamination fraction of aquatic food not used 5.OOOE-01 FR9 R018 Contamination fraction of plant food not used 1-1 -- FPLANT R018 Contamination fraction of meat not used 1-i FMEAT R018 Contamination fraction of milk not used 1-1 -- FMILK R019 Livestock fodder intake for meat (kg/day) not used 6.800E+01 LFI5 R019 Livestock fodder intake for milk (kg/day) not used 5.500E+01 --- LFI6 R019 Livestock water intake for meat (L/day) not used 5.000E+01 - LWI5 R019 Livestock water intake for milk (L/day) not used 1.600E+02 --- LWI6 R019 Livestock soil intake (kg/day) not used 5.000E-01 --- LSI R019 Mass loading for foliar deposition (g/m**3) not used 1.OOE-04 --- MLFD R019 Depth of soil mixing layer (m) 1.500E-01 1.500E-01 DM R019 Depth of roots (m) not used 9.000E-01 DROOT R029 Drinking water fraction from ground water not used 1.000E+00 --- FGWDW R019 Household water fraction from ground water not used 1.000E+00 --- FGWHH R019 Livestock water fraction from ground water not used 1.OOOE+00 --- FGWLW R019 Irrigation fraction from ground water not used 1.000E+00 --- FGWIR R19B wet weight crop yield for Non-Leafy (kg/m**2) not used 7.000E-01 yv(1)

R19B Wet weight crop yield for Leafy (kg/m**2) not used 1.5+000 --- YV(2)

R19B Wet weight crop yield for Fodder (kg/m**2) not used 1.100E+00 --- Yv(3)

R19B Growing Season for Non-Leafy (years) not used 1.700E-01 --- TE(l)

Growing Season for Leafy (years) not used 2.500E-01 --- TE(2)

Growing Season for Fodder (years) not used 8.000E-02 --- TE(3)

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 T&2 Limit = 180 days 07/29/2008 10:20 Page 6 Summary Playground Scenario for TBD 07-001 Using ICRP-72 1-yr old File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07290802.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued) n User Used by RESRAD Param(eter Menu Parameter Input Default (If different from user input) Name i -I-R19B Translocation Factor for Non-Leafy not used 1.OOOE-01 TIV(l)

R19B Translocation Factor for Leafy not used 1.000E+00 TIV(2)

R19B Translocation Factor for Fodder not used 1. OOOE+00 TIV(3)

RI 9B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Non-Leafy not used 2.500E-01 RDRY (1)

R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Leafy not used 2.500E-01 RDRY (2)

R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Fodder not used 2.500E-01 RDRY (3)

R19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Non-Leafy not used 2.500E-01 RWET (1)

R19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Leafy not used 2.500E-01 RWET (2)

R19B R19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Fodder not used 2.500E-01 RWET (3) 819B Weathering Removal Constant for Vegetation not used 2.000E+01 WLAM C-12 concentration in water (g/cm**3) not used 2.OODE-05 C12WTR C14 C14 C-12 concentration in contaminated soil (g/g) not used 3.ODDE-02 C12CZ C14 Fraction of vegetation carbon from soil not used 2.OOOE-02 CSOIL C14 Fraction of vegetation carbon from air not used 9. 80OE-01 CAIR C14 C-14 evasion layer thickness in soil (m). not used 3.000E-01 DMC C14 C-14 evasion flux rate from soil (1/sec) not used 7.OOOE-07 EVSN C14 C-12 evasion flux rate from soil (1/sec) not used 1.OOOE-10 REVSN C14 Fraction of grain in beef cattle feed not used 8. OOOE-01 AVFG4 C14 AVFG5 Fraction of grain in milk cow feed not used 2.000E-01 STOR 1

Storage times of contaminated f( odstuffs Fruits, non-leafy vegetables, Leafy vegetables and grain (days):

1.400E+01 1.OOOE+00 1.400E+01 1.000E+00 STOR T( 1)


STOR T (3)

STOR Milk 1.000E+00 1.000E+00 STORT STOR Meat and poultry 2.000E+01 2.000E+01 :4)

STORT STOR Fish 7.000E+00 7.OOOE+00 (5)


STOR [ Crustacea and mollusks 7.OOOE+00 7.000E+00 STORT 7)

STOR Well water 1.OOOE+00 1.000E+00 1.000E+00 STORT STOR Surface water 1. 00OE+00 8)

STORT STOR Livestock fodder 4.500E+01 4.500E+01 9)

R021 Thickness of building foundatior (m) not used 1.500E-01 FLOOR1 R021 Bulk density of building foundat :ion (g/cm**3) not used 2.400E+00 DENSFL R021 Total porosity of the cover mateerial not used 4.000E-01 TPCV R021 Total porosity of the building ffoundation not used .1.000E-01 TPFL R021 Volumetric water content of the cover material not used 5.000E-02 PH2OCV R021 Volumetric water content of the foundation not used 3.000E-02 PH2OFL R021 Diffusion coefficient for radon gas (m/sec):

R021 in cover material not used 2.OOOE-06 DIFCV R021 in foundation material not used 3.000E-07 DIFFL DIFCZ R021 in contaminated zone soil not used 2.000E-06 HIFCX R021 Radon vertical dimension of mixj ing (m) not used 2.000E+00 REXG R021 Average building air exchange r* ate (l/hr) not used 55.000E-01 HRM R021 Height Of the building (room) (r1) not used 2.500E+00 FAI R021 Building interior area factor not used 0.000E+00 DMFL R021 Building depth below ground sur face (m) not used 1-1.000E+00 EMANA(]


R021 Emanating power of Rn-222 gas not used 2.500E-01 I Emanating power of Rn-220 gas not used 1.500E-01 EKANA (T NPTS TITL Number of graphical time points 32 Page 234 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T1 Limit = 180 days 07/29/2008 10:20 Page -7 Summary : Playground Scenario for TBD 07-001 Using ICRP-72 1-yr old File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07290802.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued) 1en User I I Used by RESRAD I Parameter Menu I Parameter I Input I Default I (If different from user input) I Name TITL Maximum number of integration points for dose, 17 I LYMAX TITL Maximum number of integration points for risk 1 -- KYMAX Summary of Pathway Selections Pathway User Selection I -- external gamma active 2 -- inhalation (w/o radon)l active 3 -- plant ingestion suppressed 4 -- meat ingestion I suppressed 5 -- milk ingestion suppressed 6 -- aquatic foods I suppressed 7 -- drinking water suppressed 8'-- soil ingestion active 9 -- radon suppressed Find peak pathway doses active Page 235 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 Ti Limit = 180 days 07/29/2008 10:20 Page 8 Summary Playground Scenario for TBD 07-001 Using ICRP-72 1-yr old File  : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07290802.RAD Contaminated Zone Dimensions Initial Soil Concentrations, pCi/g O Area: 600.00 square meters Cs-137 1.000E+00 Thickness: 0.08 meters Cover Depth: 0.00 meters Total Dose TDOSE(t), mrem/yr Basic Radiation Dose Limit = 2.500E+01 mrem/yr Total Mixture Sum M(t) = Fraction of Basic Dose Limit Received at Time (t) t (years): 0.OOOE+00 1.OO0E+00 3.OOOE+00 TDOSE(t): 1.028E-01 9.967E-02 9.362E-02 M(t) 4.113E-03 3.987E-03 3.745E-03 Maximum TDOSE(t): 1.028E-01 m/em/yr at t = 0.OOOE+00 years Page 236 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 Ti Limit = 180 days 07/29/2008 10:20 Page 9 Summary : Playground Scenario for TBD 07-001 Using ICRP-72 I-yr old File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07290802.RAD Total Dose Contributions TDOSE(i,p,t) for Individual Radionuclides (i) and Pathways (p)

As miem/yr and Fraction of Total Dose At t = 0.OOOE+00 years Water Independent Pathways (Inhalation excludes radon)

Ground Inhalation Radon Plant Meat Milk Soil Radio-Nuclide mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mtem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract.

7 Cs-13 1.028E-01 0.9995 2.887E-07 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 4.836E-05 0.0005 Total 1.028E-01 0.9995 2.887E-07 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.000E+00 0.0000 4.836E-05 0.0005 Total Dose Contributions TDOSE(i,p,t) for Individual Radionuclides (i) and Pathways (p)

Asimrem/yr and Fraction of Total Dose At t - 0.000E+00 years Water Dependent Pathways Water Fish Radon Plant Meat Milk All Pathways-Radio-Nuclide inem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mtem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mtem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract.

7 Cs-13 0.000E+00 0.0000 0.000E+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.000E+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.000E+00 0.0000 1.028E-01 1.0000 Total 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.000E+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.000E+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.000E+00 0.0000 1.028E-01 1.0000 O of all water independent and dependent pathways.

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit - 180 days 08/04/2008 16:34 Page 1 Probabilistic results summary : Playground Scenario for TBD 07-001 Using ICRP 2 1-yr old File: C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07290802.RAD Table of Contents Part VI: Uncertainty Analysis RESRAD Uncertainty Analysis Results Probabilistic Input ................................... 2 Total Dose .... ......................................... 3 Total Risk .... ......................................... 4 Dose vs Pathway: Ground External ..................... 5 Dose vs Pathway: Inhalation (w/o Radon) ............ 6 Dose vs Pathway: Radon (Water Ind.) ................. 7 Dose vs Pathway: Plant (Water Ind.) ................ 8 Dose vs Pathway: Meat (Water Ind.) ................ 9 Dose vs Pathway: Milk (Water Ind.) ................ 10 Dose vs Pathway: Soil Ingestion ...................... 11 Dose vs Pathway: Water Ingestion ..................... 12 Dose vs Pathway: Fish Ingestion ...................... 13 Dose vs Pathway: Radon (Water Dep.) ................ 14 Dose vs Pathway: Plant (Water Dep.) ................ 15 Dose vs Pathway: Meat (Water Dep.) ................ 16 Dose vs Pathway: Milk (Water Dep.) ................ 17 Cumulative Probability Summary ....................... 18 Summary of dose at graphical times, reptition 1 ..... 19 Summary of dose at graphical times, reptition 2 ..... 20 Summary of dose at graphical times, reptition 3 ..... 21 Peak of the mean dose at graphical times ............. 22 Correlation and Regression coefficients (if any) ..... 23 Page 238 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T1 Limit = 180 days 08/04/2008 16:34 Page 2 Probabilistic results summary : Playground Scenario for TBD 07-001 Using ICRP 2 1-yr old File: C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07290802.RAD Probabilistic Input O er of Sample Runs: 300 Number Name Distribution Parameters 1 AREA TRIANGULAR 100 600 1000 2 THICK0 NORMAL .076 .076 3 FOTD NORMAL .05 .05 4 INHALR TRIANGULAR 4380 8400 13100 Page 239 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 08/04/2008 16:34 Page 3 Probabilistic results suimmary : Playground Scenario for TBD 07-001 Using ICRP 2 1-yr old File: C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07290802.RAD Probabilistic Total Dose Sumnmary

. (j) ide Peak Time Peak Dose DOSE(J,t),

t= 0.OOE+00 mremlyr 1.OOE+00 3.OOE+00 Cs-137 Min 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0. OOE+00 0.0 0E+00 0.00E+00 Max 0.OE+00 .4.57E-01 4. 57E-01 4.45E-01 4.21E-01 Avg 0. OOE+00 S. 40E-02 9. 40E-02 9. 11E-02 8.55E-02 Std 0. OOE+00 1.00E-01 1.00E-01 9.76E-02 9.25E-02 EALL Min 0.00E+00 0. OOE+00 0. 00E+00 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Max 0. OOE+00 4.57E-01 4.57E-01 4. 45E-01 4.21E-01 Avg 0. OOE+00 9. 40E-02 9.4 DE-02 9. lIE-02 8.55E-02 Std O.OOE+O0 1.OOE-01 1.ODE-01 9.76E-02 9.25E-02 EALL is total dose suimmed for all nuclides.

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 T;2Limit = 180 days 08/0412008 16:34 Page 4 Probabilistic results summary : Playground Scenario for TBD 07-001 Using ICRP 2 I-yr old File: C:ARESRAD_FAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07290802.RAD probabilistic Risk Summary

  • ide RISK(Jt)

(j) t= O.OOE+00 1.OOE+00 3.00E+00 Cs-137 Min 0.OEtO0 0.0 OE+00 0. OOE+00 Max 1.04E-05 1.01E-05 9.55E-06 Avg 2.14E-06 2.07E-06 1.94E-06 Std 2.27E-06 2.21E-06 2.10E-06 FALL Min 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0. 00E+00 Max 1. 04E-05 1.01E-05 9.55E-06 Avg 2.14E-06 2.07E-06 1.94E-06 Std 2.27E-06 2.21E-06 2. lOE-06 EALL is total risk summed for all nuclides.

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 07/29/2008 10:52 Page Summary : Playground Scenario for TBD 07-001 Using ICRP-72 15-yr old File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07290805.RAD Table of Contents fart I: Mixture Sums and Single Radionuclide Guidelines Dose Conversion Factor (and Related) Parameter Summary ... 2 Site-Specific Parameter Summary ............................ 3 Suimsary of Pathway Selections ............................ 7 Contaminated Zone and Total Dose Summary ................. 8 Total Dose Components Time = 0.OOOE+00 .... ................................... 9 Time = 1.000E+00 ...............  : .................... 10 Time = 3.OOOE+00 ....................................... 11 Dose/Source Ratios Summed Over All Pathways ................ 12 Single Radionuclide Soil Guidelines ........................ 12 Dose Per Nuclide Summed Over All Pathways .................. 13 Soil Concentration Per Nuclide ............................. 13 Page 242 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 07/29/2008 10:52 Page 2 Summary : Playground Scenario for TBD 07-001 Using ICRP-72 15-yr old File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07290805.RAD Dose Conversion Factor (and Related) Parameter Summary Dose Library: ICRP 72 (Age 15) current Base Parameter menu I Parameter Value# Case* Name I I A-1 DCF's for external ground radiation, (mrem/yr)/(pCi/g)

A-1 Ba-137m (Source: FGR 12) I3.606E-*00 3.606E+00 DCFI( 1) 7 A-I Cs-13 (Source: FGR 12) 7.510E-04 7.510E-04 DCFI( 2)

B-I Dose conversion factors for inhalation, mrem/pCi:

B-1 Cs-137+D 1.554E-04 1.554E-04 DCF2( 1)

D-I Dose conversion factors for ingestion, mrem/pCi:

D-1 Cs-137+D. I4.810E-05 4.810E-05 DCF3( 1)

D-34 Food transfer factors:

D-34 Cs-137+D , plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless I4.OOOE-02 4.OOOE-02 RTF( 1,1:)

0-34 Cs-137+D , beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/kg)/(pci/d) 3.000E-02 3.000E-02 RTF( 1,2:)


D-34 Cs-137+D , milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/L)/(pCi/d) I8.OOOE-03 8.000E-03 RTF( 1,3 D-5 Bioaccumulation factors, fresh water, L/kg:

7 2.000E+03 BIOFAC(

D-5 Cs-13 +D , fish I2.000E+03 1,1)

D-5 Cs-137+D , crustacea and mollusks 1.OOOE+02 1.OOOE+02 BIOFAC( 1,2)


  1. For DCFl(xxx) only, factors are for infinite depth & area. See ETFG table in Ground Pathway of Detailed Report.


  • Base Case means Default.Lib w/o Associate Nuclide contributions.

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 TI Limit = 180 days 07/29/2008 10:52 Page 3 Summary : Playground Scenario for TBD 07-001 Using ICRP-72 15-yr old File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07290805.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary

  • User Used by RESRAD Parameter Menu Parameter Input Default (If different from user input) Name R011 Area of contaminated zone (m**2) 6.000E+02 1.000E+04 --- AREA R011 Thickness of contaminated zone (m) 7.600E-02 2.000E+00 --- THICKO R011 Length parallel to aquifer flow (m) not used 1.000E+02 --- LCZPAQ R011 Basic radiation dose limit (mrem/yr) 2.500E+01 3.000E+01 --- BRDL R011 Time since placement of material (yr) 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 --- TI R011 Times for calculations (yr) 1.000E+00 1.OOE+00 --- T( 2)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) 3.000E+00 3.000E+00 -- T( 3)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) not used 1.000E+01 --- T( 4)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) not used 3.000E+01 --- T( 5)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) not used 1.000E+02 --- T( 6)

R0ll Times for calculations (yr) not used 3.OOOE+02 --- T( 7)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) not used I 1.000E+03 -- T( 8)

R011 Times for calculations (yr) not used 0.000E+00 -- T( 9)

R011 Times for Calculations (yr) not used 0.000E+00 T(10)


R012 Initial principal radionuclide (pCi/g): Cs-137 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 -- SI(1)

R012 Concentration in groundwater (pCi/L): Cs-137 not used 0.000E+00 -Wl 1)

R013 Cover depth (W) 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 COVERO R013 Density of cover material (g/cm**3) not used 1.500E+00 --- DENSCV R013 Cover depth erosion rate (m/yr) not used 1.000E-03 --- VCV R013 Density of contaminated zone (g/cr**3) 1.500E+00 1.500E+00 -- DENSCZ Contaminated zone erosion rate (m/yr) 1.000E-03 1.000E-03 --- VCZ Contaminated zone total porosity 4.000E-01 4.000E-01 - TPCZ R013 Contaminated zone field capacity 2.000E-01 2.000E-01 --- FCCZ R013 Contaminated zone hydraulic conductivity (m/yr) I1.000E+01 1.000E+01 -- HCCZ R013 Contaminated zone b parameter 5.300E+00 5.300E+00 -- BCZ R013 Average annual wind speed (m/sec) 2.000+E+0 2.000E+00 --- WIND R013 Humidity in air (g/m**3) not used 8.000E+00 --- HUMID R013 Evapotranspiration coefficient 5.000E-01 5.000E-01 --- EVAPTR R013 Precipitation (m/yr) 1.000E+00 1.000E+00 --- PRECIP R013 Irrigation (m/yr) 2.000E-01 2.000E-01 -- RI R013 Irrigation mode overhead overhead --- IDITCH R013 Runoff coefficient 2.000E-01 2.000E-01 RUNOFF R013 Watershed area for nearby stream or pond (m**2) not used 1.000E+06 -- WAREA R013 Accuracy for water/soil computations not used 1.000E-03 -- EPS R014 Density Of saturated zone (g/cm*3) not used 1.500E+00 --- DENSAQ R014 Saturated zone total porosity not used 4.000E-01 --- TPSZ R014 Saturated zone effective porosity not used 2.000E-01 --- EPSZ R014 Saturated zone field capacity not used 2.000E-01 --- FCSZ R014 Saturated zone hydraulic conductivity (m/yr) not used 1.000E+02 --- HCSZ R014 Saturated zone hydraulic gradient not used 2.000E-02 -- HGWT R014 Saturated zone b parameter not used 5.300E+00 -- BSZ R014 Water table drop rate (m/yr) not used 1.000F-03 --- VWT R014 Well pump intake depth (m below water table) not used 1.000E+01 --- DWIBWT R014 Model: Nonaispersion (ND) or Mass-Balance (MB) not used ND --- MODEL R014 Well pumping rate;,(m**3/yr) not used 2.500E+02 -- UW W Number of unsaturated zone strata not used 1--- NS Page 244 of 254

RESRAD, version 6.4 . Ti Limit - 180 days 07/29/2008 10:52 Page 4 Summary Playground Scenario for TBD 07-001 Using ICRP-72 15-yr old File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07290805.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

User Used by RESRAD Parameter Parameter I nput Default (If different from user input) Name 4-R015 Unsat. zone 1, thickness (m) not use(d 4.OOOE+00 H(1)

R015 Unsat. zone 1, soil density (g/cm**3) not usecd 1.500E+00 DENSUZ(l)

R015 Unsat. zone 1, total porosity not use d 4.OOOE-01 TPUZ (1)

R015 Unsat. zone 1, effective porosity not usecd 2 .OOOE-01 EPUZ (1)

R015 Unsat. zone 1, field capacity not usecd 2.OOOE-01 FCUZ (1)

R015 Unsat. zone 1, soil-specific b parameter not usecd 5.300E+00 BUZ (1)

R015 Unsat. zone 1, hydraulic conductivity (m/yr) not usecd 1.OOOE+01 HCUZ (1)

R016 Distribution coefficients for Cs-137 R016 Contaminated zone (cm**3/g) 4. 600E+ 03 4.600E+03 DCNUCC( 1)

R016 Unsaturated zone 1 (cm"*3/g) not usecd 4.600E+03 DCNUCU(


R016 Saturated zone (cn**3/g) not use+d 4.600E+03 DCNUCS(

R016 9. 534E-04 ALEACH( 1)

Leach rate (/yr) 0.000E+(00 0.0OOE+00 R016 0.000E+(00 1)

Solubility constant 0.000E+00 not used SOLUBK(

R017 Inhalation rate (m**3/yr) 6.209E+)03 8.400E+03 INHALR R017 Mass loading for inhalation (g/m**3) 1.OOOE-( 04 1.OOOE-04 MLINH R017 Exposure duration 3. 00E+(01 3.OOOE+01 ED RO 17 SHF3 Shielding factor, inhalation 4.OOE-( 01 4.0OOOE-01 RO 17 7 . 000E-C01 SHFl Shielding factor, external gaimna 7.OOOE-01 R0 17 0.000E+(00 FIND Fraction of time spent indoors 5.000E-01 R017 FOT D Is Fraction of time spent outdoors (on site) 5.000E-( 02 2.500E-01 Shape factor flag, external ganma 1 .000E+( 00 1.OOOE+00 >0 shows circular AREA. FS Radii of shape factor array (used if FS = -1):


Outer annular radius (m), ring 1: not usec 5.OOOE+0l R017 RADSHAPEC 2)

Outer annular radius (m), ring 2: not usec 7.071E+01 R017 RADSHAPEC 3)

Outer annular radius (m), ring 3: not usea 0.OOOE+00 R017 RADSHAPEC 4)

Outer annular radius (m), ring 4: not use 0.OOOE+00 R017 RADSHAPEC 5)

Outer annular radius (m), ring 5: not usec 0.OOOE+00 R017 RAD SHAPE( 6)

Outer annular radius (m), ring 6: not usea 0.OOOE+00 R017 RADSHAPEC 7)

Outer annular radius (m), ring 7: not use(d 0.OO0E+00 R017 HADSHAPEC 8)

Outer annular radius (m), ring 8: not usecd 0.OOOE+00 R017 HAD SHAPEC 9)

Outer annular radius (m), ring 9: not usecd 0.OOOE+00 R017 HAD._SHAPE (10)

Outer annular radius (m), ring 10: not usecd 0.000E+00 R017 HAD_SHAPE(11)

Outer annular radius (m), ring 11: not use d 0.OOOE+00 R017 Outer annular radius (m), ring 12: not usecd 0.000OE+00 HADSHAPEC(2)

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 Tl'Limit = 180 days 07/29/2008 10:52 Page Summary : Playground Scenario for TBD 07-001 Using ICRP-72 15-yr old File C:\RESPADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRF_OFF-SITE\07290805.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

@l User Used by RESRAD Parameter Menu I Parameter Input Default (If different from user input) Name R017 Fractions of annular areas within AREA:

R017 Ring 1 not used 1.000E+00 FRACA 1()

R017 Ring 2 not used 2.732E-01 FRACA( 2)

R017 Ring 3 not used 0.000E+00 FRACA 3)

R017 Ring 4 not used 0. 000E+00 FRACA 4)

R017 Ring 5 not used 0. 00OE+00 FRACA 5)

R017 Ring 6 not used 0. 00OE+00 FRACA 6)

R017 Ring 7 not used 0. 00OE+00 FRACA( 7)

R017 Ring 8 not used 0. 000E+00 FRACA( 8)

R017 Ring 9 not used FRACA 9) 00.OOOE+00 R017 Ring 10 not used FRACA (10) 00.00OE+00 R017 Ring 11 not used FRACA (11) 0.OOOE+00 R017 Ring 12 not used FRACA (12)

R018 Fruits, vegetables and grain consumption (kg/yr) not used I1.600E+02 DIET (1)

P.018 Leafy vegetable consumption (kg/yr) not used DIET (2) 1.400E+01 R018 Milk consumption (L/yr) not used 9.200E+01 DIET (3)

ROI8 Meat and poultry consumption (kg/yr) not used 6.300E+01 DIET (4)

P.018 Fish consumption (kg/yr) not used 5.400E+00 DIET (5)

R018 DIET (6)

P.018 Other seafood consumption (kg/yr) not used 9.OOOE-01 Soil ingestion rate (g/yr) 3.650E+01 3.650E+01 SOIL P.018 Drinking water intake (L/yr) not used 5.100E+02 DWI Contamination fraction of drinking water not used 1.000E+00 FDW ROI8 Contamination fraction of household water not used I .OOOE+00 FHNW R.018 Contamination fraction of livestock water FLW not used 1. 00OE+00 P.018 Contamination fraction of irrigation water not used' I .00 OE+00 FIRW R018 Contamination fraction of aquatic food not used 5.OOOE-01 FR9 R018 Contamination fraction of plant food not used I-1 FPLANT R.018 R018 Contamination fraction of meat not used 1 i-i FMEAT Contamination fraction of milk not used 1-1 FMILK R019 Livestock fodder intake for meat (kg/day) not used 6.800E+01 LFI5 R019 Livestock fodder intake for milk (kg/day) not used 5.50oE+0a LFI6 ROI 9 Livestock water intake for meat (L/day) not used 5.000E+01 LWIS R019 Livestock water intake for milk (L/day) not used 1 .600E+02 LWI 6 R019 Livestock soil intake (kg/day) not used 5.OOOE-01 LSI R019 Mass loading for foliar deposition (g/m**3) not used 1.00OE-04 MLFD R019 Depth of soil mixing layer (m) I1.500E-0: 1.500E-01 DM R019 not used 9.OOOE-01 DROOT Depth of roots (m)

R019 Drinking water fraction from ground water not used 1.00OE+00 FGWDW R019 Household water fraction frjom ground water not used 1.000E+00 FGWHH 1.000E+00 FGWLW R019 Livestock water fraction from ground water not used 1.OOOE+00 FGWIR R019 Irrigation fraction from ground water not used 7.000E-01 YV (1)

R19B Wet weight crop yield for Non-Leafy (kg/m**2) not used not used YV (2)

R19B Wet weight crop yield for Leafy (kg/m**2) 1.500E+00

.U100E+00 YV (3)

RIg9B Wet weight crop yield for Fodder (kg/m**2) not used l.700E-01 TE(1)

R19B Growing Season for Non-Leafy (years) not used TE(2)

S Growing Season for Leafy (years) not used 2.500E-01 TE (3)

Growing Season for Fodder (years) not used 8.OOOE-02 Page 246 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 07/29/2008 10:52 Page 6 Summary Playground Scenario for TBD 07-001 Using ICRP-72 15-yr old File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07290805.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

Us er Used by RESRAD Parame ter Menu I Parameter In put Default (If different from user input) Name R19B Translocation Factor for Non-Leafy not used 1.000E-01 TIV(i)

R19B Translocation Factor for Leafy not used 1.OOOE+00 TIV(2)

R19B Translocation Factor for Fodder not used 1.000E+00 TIV(3)

Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Non-Leafy not used 2.500E-01 RDRY(l)

R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Leafy not used 2.500E-01 RDRY(2)

R19B Dry Foliar Interception Fraction for Fodder not used 2.500E-01 RDRY(3)

R19B Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Non-Leafy not used 2.500E-01 RWET(l)

R19B used 2.500E-01 Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Leafy not RWET(2)

R19B used 2.500E-01 RWET (3)

Wet Foliar Interception Fraction for Fodder not R19B used 2.000E+01 Weathering Removal Constant for Vegetation not WLAM C14 C-12 concentration in water (g/cm**3) not used 2.OOOE-05 C12WTR C14 3.000E-02 C12CZ C-12 concentration in contaminated soil (g/g) not used C14 2.000E-02 CSOIL Fraction of vegetation carbon from soil not used C14 9.800E-01 Fraction of vegetation carbon from air not used CAIR C14 not used 3.OOOE-01 DMC C-14 evasion layer thickness in soil (m)

C14 used 7.000E-07 EVSN C-14 evasion flux rate from soil (1/sec) not C14 used 1.OOOE-10 REVSN C-12 evasion flux rate from soil (1/sec) not C14 not used 8.000E-01 AVFG4 Fraction of grain in beef cattle feed C14 used 2.000E-01 AVFG5 Fraction of grain in milk cow feed not STOR Storage times of contaminated foodstuffs (days):

1.400E+01 STOR T( I)

Fruits, non-leafy vegetables, and grain 1.40 OE+01 1.00 OE+00 1.000E+00 STOR T( 2)

Leafy vegetables STOR 1.00 OE+00 1.000E+00 STOR T(. 3)

Milk STOR Meat and poultry 2.00 0E+01 2.OOOE+01 STORT( 4)

STOR 7.00 OE+00 7.000E+00 STOR T( 5)

Fish Crustacea and mollusks 7.00 0E+00 7.000E+00 STOR T( 6)

STOR STOR 1.00 0E+00 1.OOOE+00 STOR T( 7)

Well water STOR 1.00 OE+00 1.000+E00 STOR T( 8)

Surface water 4.50 0E+01 4.500E+01 STOR T( 9)

STOR Livestock fodder not used 1.500E-01 FLOOR1 R021 Thickness of building foundation (m) not used 2.400E+00 DENSFL R021 Bulk density of building foundation (g/cm**3) not used 4.000E-01 TPCV R021 Total porosity of the cover material not used 1.000E-01 TPFL R021 Total porosity of the building foundation not used 5.000E-02 PH2OCV R021 Volumetric water content of the cover material not used 3.000E-02 PH2OFL R021 Volumetric water content of the foundation R021 Diffusion coefficient for radon gas (m/sec):

2.OOOE-06 DIFCV R021 in cover material not used not used 3.OOOE-07 DIFFL R021 in foundation material used 2.000E-06 DIFCZ R021 in contaminated zone soil not not used 2.OOOE+00 HMIX R021 Radon vertical dimension of mixing (m) not used 5.000E-01 REXG R021 Average building air exchange rate (1/hr) used 2.500E+00 HRM R021 Height of the building (room) (m) not 0.000E+00 FAI R021 Building interior area factor not used DMFL not used j-1.OOOE+00 R021 Building depth below ground surface (m) L) 2.500E-01 EMANA(l R021 Emanating power of Rn-222 gas not used *)

1.500E-01 EMANA(2 Emanating power of Rn-22 0 gas not used

@ NPTS 32 TITL Number of graphical time points Page 247 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4"Limit = 180 days 07/29/2008 10:52 Page 7 Summary Playground Scenario for TBD 07-001 Using ICRP-72 15-yr old File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07290805.RAD Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

O1 User I I Used by RESRAD I Parameter Menu I Parameter Input I Default I (If different from user input) I Name I I TITL Maximum number of integration points for dose 17 I --- I -- LYMX TITL Maximum number of integration points for risk 1 --- I --- KYMAX Summary of Pathway Selections Pathway User Selection I -- external gamma active 2 -- inhalation (w/o radon) active 3 -- plant ingestion suppressed 4 -- meat ingestion suppressed 5 -- milk ingestion suppressed 6-- aquatic foods suppressed 7 -- drinking water suppressed 8 -- soil ingestion active 9 -- radon suppressed Find peak pathway doses active i-Page 248 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 07/29/2008 10:52. Page 8 Summary : Playground Scenario for TBD 07-001 Using ICRP-72 15-yr old File  : C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07290805.RAD Contaminated Zone Dimensions Initial Soil Concentrations, pCi/g

. Area: 600.00 square meters Cs-137 1.000E+00 Thickness: 0.08 meters Cover Depth: 0.00 meters Total Dose TDOSE(t), mrem/yr Basic Radiation Dose Limit = 2.500E+01 mrem/yr Total Mixture Sum M(t) = Fraction of Basic Dose Limit Received at Time (t) t (years): 0.OO0E+00 1.000E+00 3.000E+00 TDOSE (t) 1.028E-01 9.965E-02 9.360E-02 M it) 4.112E-03 3.986E-03 3.744E-03 Maximum TDOSE(t): 1.028E-01 mrem/yr at t = 0.OOOE+00 years Page 249 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 07/29/2008 10:52 Page 9 Summary Playground Scenario for TBD 07-001 Using ICRP-72 15-yr old File C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07290805.RAD Total Dose Contributions TDOSE(i,pt) for Individual Radionuclides (i) and Pathways (p)

As mrem/yr and Fraction of Total Dose At t = 0.000E+00 years Water Independent Pathways (Inhalation excludes radon)

Ground Inhalation Radon Plant Meat Milk Soil Radio-Nuclide mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract.

Cs-137 1.02BE-01 0.9997 3.032E-07 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 2.619E-05 0.0003 Total 1.028E-01 0.9997 3.032E-07 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.000E+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 2.619E-05 0.0003 Total Dose Contributions TDOSE(i,p,t) for Individual Radionuclides (i) and Pathways (p)

As mrem/yr and Fraction of Total Dose At t = 0.OOOE+00 years Water Dependent Pathways Water Fish Radon Plant Neat Milk All Pathways*

Radio-Nuclide mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract. mrem/yr fract.

Cs-137 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 1.028E-01 1.0000 Total 0.O00E+00 0.0000 0.000E+00 0.0000 0.OOOE+00 0.0000 0.000E+00 0.0000 0.000E+00 0.0000 0.000E+00 0.0000 1.028E-01 1.0000 i of all water independent and dependent pathways.

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 08/04/2008 16:39 Page 1 Probabilistic results summsary  : Playground Scenario for. TBD 07-001 Using ICRP 2 15-yr old File: C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07290805.RAD Table of Contents Part VI: Uncertainty Analysis RESRAD Uncertainty Analysis Results Probabilistic Input .................................... 2 Total Dose .... ......................................... 3 Total Risk ... .......................................... 4 Dose vs Pathway: Ground External ................... 5 Dose vs Pathway: Inhalation (w/o Radon) ............ 6 Dose vs Pathway: Radon (Water Ind.) ................ 7 Dose vs Pathway: Plant (Water Ind.) ................ 8 Dose vs Pathway: Meat (Water Ind.) ................ 9 Dose vs Pathway: Milk (Water Ind.) ................ 10 Dose vs Pathway: Soil Ingestion ...................... 11 Dose vs Pathway: Water Ingestion ..................... 12 Dose vs Pathway: Fish Ingestion ..................... 13 Dose vs Pathway: Radon (Water Dep.) ................ 14 Dose vs Pathway: Plant (Water Dep.) ................ 15 Dose vs Pathway: Meat (Water Dep.) ................ 16 Dose vs Pathway: Milk (Water Dep.) ................ 17 Cumulative Probability Summary ....................... 18 Summary of dose at graphical times, reptition 1 ..... 19 Summary of dose at graphical times, reptition 2 ..... 20 Sumasry of dose at graphical times, reptition 3 ..... 21 Peak of the mean dose at graphical times ............. 22 Correlation and Regression coefficients (if any) ..... 23 Page 251 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 08/04/2008 16:39 Page 2 Probabilistic results sursary : Playground Scenario for TBD 07-001 Using ICRP 2 15-yr old File: C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07290805.RAD Probabilistic Input

  • er of Sample Runs: 300 Number Name Distribution Parameters 1 AREA TRIANGULAR 100 600 1000 2 THICKO NORMAL .076 .076 3 FOTD NORMAL .05 .05 4 INHALR TRIANGULAR 4380 8400 13100 Page 252 of 254

RESRAD, Version 6.4 T4 Limit = 180 days 08/04/2008 16:39 Page 3 Probabilistic results sumuary : Playground Scenario for TBD 07-001 Using ICRP 2 15-yr old File: C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07290805.RAD Probabilistic Total Dose Summary Peak Peak DOSE(j,t), mrem/yr

  • de (j) Time Dose t= 0.OOE+00 1.00E+00 3.OOE+00 Cs-137 Min 0. 00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 Max 0.OOE+00 4.57E-01 4. 57E-01 4. 44E-01 4.21E-01 Avg 0. 00E+00 9.40E-02 9.40E-02 9.11E-02 8.55E-02 Std 0. 00E+00 1.00E-01 1.O0E-01 9.75E-02 9.25E-02 ZALL Min 0. OOE+00 0.00E+00 0. OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.0 E+00 Max 0. OOE+00 4.57E-01 4.57E-01 4.44E-01 4.21E-01 Avg 0.OOE+00 9.40E-02 9.40E-02 9.11E-02 8.55E-02 Std 0.00E+00 1.00E-01 1.00E-01 9.75E-02 9.25E-02 EALL is total dose summed for all nuclides.

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RESRAD, Version 6.4 Tui Limit = 180 days 08104/2008 16:39 Page 4 Probabilistic results sunnary.: Playground Scenario for TBD 07-001 Using ICRP 2 15-yr old File: C:\RESRADFAMILY\RESRAD\USERFILES\PBRFOFF-SITE\07290805.RAD Probabilistic Risk Sumary

  • 2.cle kISK (j,t)

(J) t= O.OOE+00 1.OOE+00 3.OOE+O0 cs-l37 Min 0. OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 Max 1. 04E-05 1.01E-05 9.55E-06 Avg 2.14E-06 2.07E-06 1.94E-06 Std 2.27E-06 2.21E-06 2. 10E-06 CALL Min 0.0 0E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Max 1. 04E-05 1.01E-05 9.55E-06 Avg 2. 14E-06 2 .07E-06 1.94E-06 Std 2.27E-06 2.21E-06 2. 1OE-06 EALL is total risk sum~ned for all nuclides.

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