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LLC Response to NRC Request for Additional Information No. 310 (Erai No. 9264) on the NuScale Design Certification Application
Person / Time
Site: NuScale
Issue date: 08/23/2018
From: Rad Z
Document Control Desk, Office of New Reactors
Download: ML18236A618 (37)


u u t 3 oc et No S Nuclear e ulatory o i ion N ocu ent ontrol e ne ite lint Nort oc ille i e oc ille


NuScale o er e pon e to N e ue t or itional n or ation No e No on t e NuScale e i n erti ication pplication


S Nuclear e ulatory o i ion e ue t or itional n or ation No e No ate ece er e purpo e o t i letter i to pro i e t e NuScale o er NuScale re pon e to t e re erence N e ue t or itional n or ation e nclo ure to t i letter contain NuScale re pon e to t e ollo in ue tion ro N e No i letter an t e enclo e re pon e a e no ne re ulatory co it ent an no re i ion to any e i tin re ulatory co it ent you a e any ue tion on t i re pon e plea e contact arrie o aaen at or at c o aaen nu calepo er co Sincerely ac ary a irector e ulatory air NuScale o er i tri ution re ory ran ton N N Sa uel ee N N etac e e aye N N nclo ure NuScale e pon e to N e ue t or itional n or ation e No NuScale o er N ircle l Suite or ali re on ice a nu calepo er co

RAIO-0818-61508 :

NuScale Response to NRC Request for Additional Information eRAI No. 9264 NuScale Power, LLC 1100 NE Circle Blvd., Suite 200 Corvalis, Oregon 97330, Office: 541.360.0500, Fax: 541.207.3928

Response to Request for Additional Information Docket No.52-048 eRAI No.: 9264 Date of RAI Issue: 12/22/2017 NRC Question No.: 12.02-4 Regulatory Basis 10 CFR 52.47(a)(5) requires applicants to identify the kinds and quantities of radioactive materials expected to be produced in the operation and the means for controlling and limiting radiation exposures within the limits set forth in 10 CFR Part 20. 10 CFR 20.1101(b) and 10 CFR 20.1003, require the use of engineering controls to maintain exposures to radiation as far below the dose limits in 10 CFR Part 20 as is practical. 10 CFR 50.49(e)(4) and 10 CFR Part 50 Appendix A, criterion 4 requires applicants to identify the environmental conditions, including radiation, associated with normal operation. The DSRS Acceptance Criteria section of NuScale DSRS section 12.2, Radiation Sources, states that the applications should contain the methods, models and assumptions used as the bases for all sources described in DCD Section 12.2. The DSRS Acceptance Criteria 12.3-12.4, Radiation Protection Design Features, states that the areas inside the plant structures, as well as in the general plant yard, should be subdivided into radiation zones, with maximum design dose rate zones and the criteria used in selecting maximum dose rates identified.


Cs-137 decays, with a 30 year half-life, to Ba-137m, with a 2.5 minute half-life. Since Ba-137m is in secular equilibrium with the parent Cs-137 radionuclide, the specific activity of Ba-137m should be within 94 percent of the Cs-137 specific activity, within 20 minutes. The significant 662 KeV photon associated with the decay of Cs-137 is actually emitted from the decay of Ba-137m, so if Ba-137m is omitted in an analysis, the results would be a significant underestimation of the photon source strength and thus the resultant dose rate.

NuScale DCD Tier 2, Revision 0 Table 12.2-7: Chemical and Volume Control System Component Source Terms - Radionuclide Content, Ba-137m is not included in the column listing the radionuclide content of the resin transfer line. Also, based on information made available to the staff during the RPAC Chapter 12 Audit, the staff observed that several calculations did not properly account for the equilibrium condition between Cs-137 and Ba-137m. Examples of the types of calculations reviewed during the audit that had this error NuScale Nonproprietary

include the proposed revision to DCD Table 12.2-20: Solid Radioactive Waste System Component Source Terms - Source Strengths, included as part of the applicants response to RAI-8860 Question 12.02-2, dated July 10 2017, and the source term associated with the applicants response to RAI-8775 Question 12.03-1, dated June 26, 2017, regarding post-accident vital area mission dose calculations.

The radionuclide content of systems and components is used to determine the photon source strength, which is, in turn, used to determine dose rates. The calculated dose rates are then used to establish shielding requirements, radiation zones, doses to equipment and doses to personnel during normal operations, Anticipated Operational Occurrences (AOO) and following accidents. The staffs analysis confirmed that some of the photon source strength information contained in documents made available to the staff during the audit, were underestimated.

As stated in Regulatory Guide 1.183, Alternative Radiological Source Terms for Evaluating Design Basis Accidents at Nuclear Power Reactors, Appendix I, Assumptions for Evaluating Radiation Doses for Equipment Qualification, in paragraph 7 of section Dose Model for Containment Atmosphere, all gamma dose rates should be multiplied by a correction factor of 1.3 to account for the omission of the contribution from the decay chains of the radionuclides.

Dose to EQ equipment resulting from gamma emitters during normal operation and from liquids containing post-accident sources of radioactive material should appropriately account for parent-daughter relationships.

Key Issue:

The methodology used to develop the photon source strength from source terms does not account for some principle photon radiation emitting isotopes resulting in underestimates of some dose rates in the DCD.

Question 1 Please explain omission of BA-137m in determining the isotopic content of components and systems cited above, As necessary, revise the calculations used to determine the isotopic content of components and systems to correct Ba-137m, and any other radiologically significant isotopes that are not accurately accounted for, As necessary revise tables contained in DCD Section 12.2- to correct Ba-137m, and as necessary other radiologically significant isotopes, As necessary, revise the DCD radiation zone maps in DCD Section 12.3 to reflect the changes to the table in DCD section 12.2, As necessary, revise the thicknesses of shielding described in the DCD to reflect the increase in the photon strength resulting from the changes to the table in DCD section 12.2, NuScale Nonproprietary

As necessary, revise the dose estimates affected by the changes in photon strength caused the changes to the table in DCD section 12.2, As necessary, revise the EQ dose estimates and categories described in DCD Table 3C-1: Environmental Qualification Zones - Reactor Building, DCD Table 3C-8: Accident EQ Radiation Dose, and DCD Table 3C-6: Normal Operating Environmental Conditions, affected by the changes in photon strength caused the changes to the table in DCD section 12.2, OR Provide the specific alternative approaches used and the associated justification.

NuScale Response:

NuScale has revised its source term calculations, and has ensured the consistent and appropriate accounting of Ba-137m in secular equilibrium with Cs-137. To account for Ba-137m, NuScale has revised FSAR Tables 11.1-5, 11.1-7, 11.2-4, 11.2-5, 11.2-8, 11.3-5, 12.2-7, 12.2-8, 12.2-9, 12.2-10, 12.2-11, 12.2-13a, 12.2-13b, 12.2-14a, 12.2-14b, 12.2-19, and 12.2-20. Also, the radiation zone maps for the Reactor Building (RXB) and the Radioactive Waste Building (RWB) were updated to reflect the source term revisions. The integrated doses reported in Table 3C-2, 3C-6, and 3C-8 appropriately account for the contribution from decay chains of the radionuclides. The most recent changes to these tables were provided in RAI response 8837 questions 03.11-1, 03.11-3, and 03.11-4.

For the changes to Tables 11.1-5, 11.1-7, and 12.2-10, see the NuScale response to RAI 9270.

For the changes to Tables 12.2-7 and 12.2-8, see the NuScale response to RAI 9257.

For the changes to Tables 12.2-13a, 12.2-13b, 12.2-14a, and 12.2-14b, see the NuScale response to RAI 9256.

The updated RXB and RWB radiation zone maps are provided with the NuScale response to RAIs 9281 and 9302, respectively.

Impact on DCA:

FSAR Table 11.2-4, Table 11.2-5, Table 11.2-8, Table 11.3-5, Table 12.2-9, Table 12.2-11, Table NuScale Nonproprietary

12.2-19, and Table 12.2-20 have been revised as described in the response above and as shown in the markup provided in this response.

NuScale Nonproprietary

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Liquid Waste Management System RAI 12.02-4 Table 11.2-4: Liquid Effluent Release Calculation Inputs NuScale Effluent Source Term Model Assumption Value Primary coolant source term Table 11.1-6 CVCS demineralizer decontamination factors:

- Halogens 100

- Cs, Rb 2

- Others 50 PCUS demineralizer decontamination factors:

- Halogens 100

- Cs, Rb 2

- Others 50 PCUS filter efficiency 0%

PCUS flow rate 594 gpm Pool water mass 2.87E+10 grams Time between refueling outages/NPM disassembly 2 months CES liquid partition fractions:

- Noble gases 1

- Halogens 200100

- Others 1000 Secondary coolant source term Table 11.1-7 AOO adjustment 0.09 Ci/year UWS dilution factor 5.3456 ft3/sec Tier 2 11.2-23 Draft Revision 2

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Liquid Waste Management System RAI 12.02-4 Table 11.2-5: Estimated Annual Releases to Liquid Radioactive Waste System Discharge Header Nuclide LRWS HCW LRWS LCW Sample LRWS Detergent AOO Adjustment Total Plant Liquid Sample Tank Tank Release Tank Release (Ci/yr) Release Release (Ci/yr) (Ci/yr) (Ci/yr)


Br82 1.08E-05 3.90E-10 - 8.52E-07 1.16E-05 Br83 5.28E-05 1.91E-09 - 4.19E-06 5.70E-05 Br84 2.35E-05 8.47E-10 - 1.86E-06 2.53E-05 Br85 2.79E-06 1.01E-10 - 2.22E-07 3.02E-06 I129 2.78E-10 1.02E-14 - 2.20E-11 3.00E-10 I130 8.27E-05 2.98E-09 - 6.56E-06 8.93E-05 I131 2.47E-03 2.13E-07 1.92E-02 1.72E-03 2.34E-02 I132 9.17E-04 3.32E-08 - 7.27E-05 9.90E-04 I133 3.30E-03 1.31E-07 - 2.61E-04 3.56E-03 I134 5.01E-04 1.81E-08 - 3.97E-05 5.40E-04 I135 1.93E-03 6.95E-08 - 1.53E-04 2.08E-03 Rb86m 4.65E-09 1.41E-10 - 3.80E-10 5.17E-09 Rb86 3.54E-05 1.07E-06 - 2.89E-06 3.94E-05 Rb88 4.72E-03 1.43E-04 - 3.86E-04 5.25E-03 Rb89 2.17E-04 6.56E-06 - 1.77E-05 2.41E-04 Cs132 6.72E-07 2.04E-08 - 5.49E-08 7.47E-07 Cs134 6.16E-03 1.87E-04 1.32E-01 1.10E-02 1.49E-01 Cs135m 3.66E-06 1.11E-07 - 2.99E-07 4.07E-06 Cs136 1.29E-03 3.91E-05 4.44E-03 4.57E-04 6.23E-03 Cs137 3.77E-03 1.14E-04 1.92E-01 1.55E-02 2.11E-01 Cs138 1.74E-03 5.28E-05 - 1.42E-04 1.94E-03 P32 2.85E-10 1.80E-14 2.16E-03 1.71E-04 2.33E-03 Co57 2.13E-12 1.35E-16 - 1.69E-13 2.30E-12 Ni63 1.69E-04 6.99E-08 2.04E-02 1.63E-03 2.22E-02 Sr89 2.04E-06 1.29E-10 1.06E-03 8.39E-05 1.15E-03 Sr90 4.60E-07 2.90E-11 1.56E-04 1.24E-05 1.69E-04 Sr91 9.48E-07 5.92E-11 - 7.51E-08 1.02E-06 Sr92 4.76E-07 2.97E-11 - 3.77E-08 5.13E-07 Y90 1.21E-07 7.78E-12 - 9.61E-09 1.31E-07 Y91m 5.18E-07 3.24E-11 - 4.11E-08 5.59E-07 Y91 2.97E-07 1.88E-11 1.01E-03 7.99E-05 1.09E-03 Y92 4.31E-07 2.69E-11 - 3.42E-08 4.65E-07 Y93 2.18E-07 1.36E-11 - 1.73E-08 2.35E-07 Zr95 1.91E-04 7.81E-08 1.32E-02 1.06E-03 1.45E-02 Zr97 3.09E-07 1.93E-11 - 2.45E-08 3.33E-07 Nb95 1.06E-08 6.76E-12 2.28E-02 1.81E-03 2.46E-02 Mo99 5.83E-04 3.66E-08 7.20E-04 1.03E-04 1.41E-03 Mo101 1.76E-05 1.10E-09 - 1.40E-06 1.90E-05 Tc99m 5.42E-04 3.40E-08 - 4.30E-05 5.85E-04 Ru103 5.71E-07 3.61E-11 3.48E-03 2.76E-04 3.76E-03 Ru105 5.65E-06 3.53E-10 - 4.48E-07 6.10E-06 Ru106 3.71E-07 2.34E-11 1.07E-01 8.47E-03 1.15E-01 Tier 2 11.2-24 Draft Revision 2

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Liquid Waste Management System Table 11.2-5: Estimated Annual Releases to Liquid Radioactive Waste System Discharge Header (Continued)

Nuclide LRWS HCW LRWS LCW Sample LRWS Detergent AOO Adjustment Total Plant Liquid Sample Tank Tank Release Tank Release (Ci/yr) Release Release (Ci/yr) (Ci/yr) (Ci/yr)


Rh103m 5.65E-07 3.57E-11 - 4.48E-08 6.10E-07 Rh105 1.46E-06 9.16E-11 - 1.16E-07 1.58E-06 Rh106 3.71E-07 2.34E-11 - 2.94E-08 4.01E-07 Ag110m 2.57E-07 1.06E-10 1.44E-02 1.14E-03 1.55E-02 Sb124 1.19E-10 1.67E-17 5.16E-03 4.09E-04 5.57E-03 Sb125 1.05E-09 1.47E-16 - 8.31E-11 1.13E-09 Sb127 4.45E-09 6.22E-16 - 3.53E-10 4.80E-09 Sb129 4.74E-09 6.58E-16 - 3.76E-10 5.12E-09 Te125m 1.09E-06 6.88E-11 - 8.65E-08 1.18E-06 Te127m 3.51E-06 2.22E-10 - 2.79E-07 3.79E-06 Te127 1.28E-05 8.01E-10 - 1.01E-06 1.38E-05 Te129m 1.01E-05 6.34E-10 - 7.97E-07 1.09E-05 Te129 1.26E-05 7.93E-10 - 1.00E-06 1.36E-05 Te131m 3.13E-05 1.96E-09 - 2.48E-06 3.37E-05 Te131 1.39E-05 8.70E-10 - 1.10E-06 1.50E-05 Te132 2.34E-04 1.47E-08 - 1.86E-05 2.53E-04 Te133m 1.63E-05 1.02E-09 - 1.29E-06 1.75E-05 Te134 2.30E-05 1.44E-09 - 1.82E-06 2.48E-05 Ba137m 1.60E-03 1.02E-07 - 1.27E-04 1.72E-03 Ba139 6.15E-05 3.84E-09 - 4.87E-06 6.63E-05 Ba140 3.12E-06 1.97E-10 1.09E-02 8.66E-04 1.18E-02 La140 9.71E-07 6.22E-11 - 7.70E-08 1.05E-06 La141 2.08E-07 1.30E-11 - 1.65E-08 2.24E-07 La142 1.09E-07 6.82E-12 - 8.66E-09 1.18E-07 Ce141 4.54E-07 2.87E-11 2.76E-03 2.19E-04 2.98E-03 Ce143 3.30E-07 2.07E-11 - 2.62E-08 3.56E-07 Ce144 3.82E-07 2.41E-11 4.68E-02 3.71E-03 5.05E-02 Pr143 4.04E-07 2.55E-11 - 3.20E-08 4.36E-07 Pr144 3.82E-07 2.41E-11 - 3.03E-08 4.12E-07 Np239 7.06E-06 4.43E-10 - 5.59E-07 7.62E-06 Na24 2.73E-02 2.32E-06 - 2.16E-03 2.95E-02 Cr51 7.55E-06 3.03E-09 5.64E-02 4.47E-03 6.09E-02 Mn54 9.50E-06 3.93E-09 4.56E-02 3.62E-03 4.92E-02 Fe55 7.62E-04 3.16E-07 8.64E-02 6.91E-03 9.41E-02 Fe59 1.88E-04 7.65E-08 2.64E-02 2.11E-03 2.87E-02 Co58 1.16E-03 8.35E-07 9.48E-02 7.61E-03 1.04E-01 Co60 5.04E-05 2.09E-08 1.68E-01 1.33E-02 1.81E-01 W187 1.32E-03 1.78E-07 - 1.05E-04 1.42E-03 Zn65 3.24E-04 1.34E-07 - 2.57E-05 3.50E-04 H3 3.21E+02 1.23E+03 - - 1.55E+03 C14 7.99E-05 5.05E-09 - 6.34E-06 8.63E-05 N16 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 - - 0.00E+00 Total 3.21E+02 1.23E+03 1.08E+00 9.04E-02 1.55E+03 Tier 2 11.2-25 Draft Revision 2

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Liquid Waste Management System RAI 12.02-4 Table 11.2-5: Estimated Annual Releases to Liquid Radioactive Waste System Discharge Header LRWS LCW Sample Tank LRWS HCW Sample Tank Plant Liquid Release Total Liquid Release with Release Release without AOO Adjustment AOO Adjustment Nuclide (Ci/yr) (Ci/yr) (Ci/yr) (Ci/yr)

Br82 4.36E-11 1.86E-06 1.86E-06 2.37E-06 Br83 1.73E-25 7.54E-21 7.54E-21 9.60E-21 I129 1.41E-14 5.87E-10 5.87E-10 7.48E-10 I130 3.08E-12 1.34E-07 1.34E-07 1.70E-07 I131 3.42E-07 3.40E-03 3.40E-03 4.33E-03 I132 1.03E-08 1.59E-04 1.60E-04 2.03E-04 I133 2.97E-09 9.97E-05 9.97E-05 1.27E-04 I135 1.24E-13 5.39E-09 5.39E-09 6.86E-09 Rb86 1.83E-06 6.05E-05 6.23E-05 7.94E-05 Cs132 2.42E-08 7.99E-07 8.24E-07 1.05E-06 Cs134 3.85E-04 1.27E-02 1.31E-02 1.66E-02 Cs136 6.17E-05 2.03E-03 2.10E-03 2.67E-03 Cs137 2.37E-04 7.82E-03 8.05E-03 1.03E-02 P32 4.76E-15 7.31E-11 7.31E-11 9.31E-11 Co57 4.55E-17 6.99E-13 6.99E-13 8.90E-13 Sr89 3.65E-09 4.05E-06 4.05E-06 5.16E-06 Sr90 6.21E-11 9.53E-07 9.53E-07 1.21E-06 Sr91 1.26E-14 1.96E-10 1.96E-10 2.49E-10 Sr92 1.63E-25 2.54E-21 2.54E-21 3.23E-21 Y90 5.06E-11 7.75E-07 7.75E-07 9.87E-07 Y91m 8.01E-15 1.25E-10 1.25E-10 1.59E-10 Y91 3.80E-11 5.84E-07 5.84E-07 7.44E-07 Y92 2.79E-21 4.35E-17 4.35E-17 5.53E-17 Y93 4.44E-15 6.91E-11 6.91E-11 8.80E-11 Zr97 2.08E-13 3.23E-09 3.24E-09 4.12E-09 Nb95 1.20E-08 2.36E-05 2.36E-05 3.01E-05 Mo99 2.06E-08 3.18E-04 3.18E-04 4.05E-04 Tc99m 1.99E-08 3.07E-04 3.07E-04 3.91E-04 Tc99 2.32E-12 3.56E-08 3.56E-08 4.53E-08 Ru103 7.03E-11 1.08E-06 1.08E-06 1.38E-06 Ru105 4.09E-20 6.38E-16 6.38E-16 8.12E-16 Ru106 4.97E-11 7.63E-07 7.63E-07 9.71E-07 Rh103m 6.95E-11 1.07E-06 1.07E-06 1.36E-06 Rh105 4.51E-12 6.98E-08 6.98E-08 8.89E-08 Rh106 4.97E-11 7.63E-07 7.63E-07 9.71E-07 Ag110 1.71E-12 3.36E-09 3.36E-09 4.28E-09 Sb124 3.36E-17 2.32E-10 2.32E-10 2.95E-10 Sb125 3.14E-16 2.17E-09 2.17E-09 2.76E-09 Sb127 5.14E-16 3.56E-09 3.56E-09 4.53E-09 Sb129 2.24E-24 1.57E-17 1.57E-17 2.00E-17 Te125m 1.38E-10 2.12E-06 2.12E-06 2.70E-06 Te127m 4.59E-10 7.05E-06 7.05E-06 8.97E-06 Te127 4.50E-10 6.91E-06 6.91E-06 8.80E-06 Tier 2 11.2-26 Draft Revision 2

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Liquid Waste Management System Table 11.2-5: Estimated Annual Releases to Liquid Radioactive Waste System Discharge Header (Continued)

LRWS LCW Sample Tank LRWS HCW Sample Tank Plant Liquid Release Total Liquid Release with Release Release without AOO Adjustment AOO Adjustment Nuclide (Ci/yr) (Ci/yr) (Ci/yr) (Ci/yr)

Te129m 1.22E-09 1.87E-05 1.87E-05 2.38E-05 Te129 7.68E-10 1.18E-05 1.18E-05 1.50E-05 Te131m 2.21E-10 3.42E-06 3.42E-06 4.35E-06 Te131 4.97E-11 7.70E-07 7.70E-07 9.80E-07 Te132 1.00E-08 1.55E-04 1.55E-04 1.97E-04 Ba137m 2.24E-04 7.38E-03 7.60E-03 9.68E-03 Ba140 2.97E-10 4.57E-06 4.57E-06 5.82E-06 La140 3.06E-10 4.69E-06 4.69E-06 5.97E-06 La141 2.50E-21 3.89E-17 3.89E-17 4.95E-17 Ce141 5.49E-11 8.42E-07 8.42E-07 1.07E-06 Ce143 3.04E-12 4.71E-08 4.71E-08 6.00E-08 Ce144 5.10E-11 7.82E-07 7.82E-07 9.96E-07 Pr143 4.51E-11 6.93E-07 6.93E-07 8.82E-07 Pr144 5.05E-11 7.75E-07 7.75E-07 9.86E-07 Np239 1.98E-10 3.06E-06 3.06E-06 3.90E-06 Na24 2.50E-09 3.88E-05 3.88E-05 4.94E-05 Cr51 3.26E-09 6.50E-06 6.51E-06 8.28E-06 Mn54 4.72E-09 9.26E-06 9.26E-06 1.18E-05 Fe55 3.82E-07 7.49E-04 7.50E-04 9.55E-04 Fe59 8.62E-08 1.71E-04 1.71E-04 2.17E-04 Co58 9.88E-07 1.20E-03 1.20E-03 1.53E-03 Co60 2.53E-08 4.95E-05 4.95E-05 6.30E-05 Ni63 8.47E-08 1.66E-04 1.66E-04 2.11E-04 Zn65 1.60E-07 3.14E-04 3.14E-04 4.00E-04 Zr95 1.16E-07 2.29E-04 2.29E-04 2.91E-04 Ag110m 1.26E-10 2.47E-07 2.47E-07 3.14E-07 W187 6.44E-09 2.41E-05 2.41E-05 3.07E-05 H3 8.35E+02 2.78E+02 1.11E+03 1.11E+03 C14 2.59E-01 3.37E-02 2.92E-01 3.72E-01 Total 8.35E+02 2.78E+02 1.11E+03 1.11E+03 Tier 2 11.2-27 Draft Revision 2

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Liquid Waste Management System RAI 12.02-4 Table 11.2-8: Liquid Release Concentration Compared to 10 CFR 20 Appendix B Limits Nuclide Discharge Concentration Concentration Limit Fraction of Limit (Ci/ml) (Ci/ml)

Br82 2.33E-12 4.00E-05 5.84E-08 Br83 1.15E-11 9.00E-04 1.27E-08 Br84 5.10E-12 4.00E-04 1.27E-08 Br85 6.07E-13 -

I129 6.03E-17 2.00E-07 3.01E-10 I130 1.80E-11 2.00E-05 8.98E-07 I131 4.71E-09 1.00E-06 4.71E-03 I132 1.99E-10 1.00E-04 1.99E-06 I133 7.16E-10 7.00E-06 1.02E-04 I134 1.09E-10 4.00E-04 2.72E-07 I135 4.18E-10 3.00E-05 1.39E-05 Rb86m 1.04E-15 -

Rb86 7.92E-12 7.00E-06 1.13E-06 Rb88 1.06E-09 4.00E-04 2.64E-06 Rb89 4.85E-11 9.00E-04 5.39E-08 Cs132 1.50E-13 4.00E-05 3.76E-09 Cs134 3.00E-08 9.00E-07 3.34E-02 Cs135m 8.18E-13 1.00E-03 8.18E-10 Cs136 1.25E-09 6.00E-06 2.09E-04 Cs137 4.25E-08 1.00E-06 4.25E-02 Cs138 3.90E-10 4.00E-04 9.75E-07 P32 4.69E-10 2.00E-09 2.35E-01 Co57 4.64E-19 6.00E-05 7.73E-15 Ni63 4.47E-09 1.00E-04 4.47E-05 Sr89 2.30E-10 8.00E-06 2.87E-05 Sr90 3.40E-11 5.00E-07 6.80E-05 Sr91 2.06E-13 2.00E-05 1.03E-08 Sr92 1.03E-13 4.00E-05 2.58E-09 Y90 2.63E-14 7.00E-06 3.76E-09 Y91m 1.12E-13 2.00E-03 5.62E-11 Y91 2.19E-10 8.00E-06 2.74E-05 Y92 9.35E-14 4.00E-05 2.34E-09 Y93 4.72E-14 2.00E-05 2.36E-09 Zr95 2.91E-09 2.00E-05 1.45E-04 Zr97 6.70E-14 9.00E-06 7.45E-09 Nb95 4.95E-09 3.00E-05 1.65E-04 Mo99 2.83E-10 2.00E-05 1.41E-05 Mo101 3.82E-12 7.00E-04 5.46E-09 Tc99m 1.18E-10 1.00E-03 1.18E-07 Ru103 7.56E-10 3.00E-05 2.52E-05 Ru105 1.23E-12 7.00E-05 1.75E-08 Ru106 2.32E-08 3.00E-06 7.73E-03 Rh103m 1.23E-13 6.00E-03 2.05E-11 Rh105 3.17E-13 5.00E-05 6.35E-09 Tier 2 11.2-32 Draft Revision 2

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Liquid Waste Management System Table 11.2-8: Liquid Release Concentration Compared to 10 CFR 20 Appendix B Limits (Continued)

Nuclide Discharge Concentration Concentration Limit Fraction of Limit (Ci/ml) (Ci/ml)

Rh106 8.06E-14 1.00E-08 8.06E-06 Ag110m 3.13E-09 6.00E-06 5.21E-04 Sb124 1.12E-09 7.00E-06 1.60E-04 Sb125 2.27E-16 3.00E-05 7.58E-12 Sb127 9.67E-16 1.00E-05 9.67E-11 Sb129 1.03E-15 4.00E-05 2.57E-11 Te125m 2.37E-13 2.00E-05 1.18E-08 Te127m 7.63E-13 9.00E-06 8.48E-08 Te127 2.78E-12 1.00E-04 2.78E-08 Te129m 2.18E-12 7.00E-06 3.12E-07 Te129 2.74E-12 4.00E-04 6.86E-09 Te131m 6.79E-12 8.00E-06 8.48E-07 Te131 3.02E-12 8.00E-05 3.78E-08 Te132 5.09E-11 9.00E-06 5.66E-06 Te133m 3.53E-12 9.00E-05 3.92E-08 Te134 4.99E-12 3.00E-04 1.66E-08 Ba137m 3.47E-10 -

Ba139 1.33E-11 2.00E-04 6.67E-08 Ba140 2.37E-09 8.00E-06 2.97E-04 La140 2.11E-13 9.00E-06 2.34E-08 La141 4.51E-14 5.00E-05 9.02E-10 La142 2.37E-14 1.00E-04 2.37E-10 Ce141 5.99E-10 3.00E-05 2.00E-05 Ce143 7.17E-14 2.00E-05 3.59E-09 Ce144 1.02E-08 3.00E-06 3.39E-03 Pr143 8.77E-14 2.00E-05 4.39E-09 Pr144 8.30E-14 6.00E-04 1.38E-10 Np239 1.53E-12 2.00E-05 7.66E-08 Na24 5.93E-09 5.00E-05 1.19E-04 Cr51 1.22E-08 5.00E-04 2.45E-05 Mn54 9.90E-09 3.00E-05 3.30E-04 Fe55 1.89E-08 1.00E-04 1.89E-04 Fe59 5.77E-09 1.00E-05 5.77E-04 Co58 2.08E-08 2.00E-05 1.04E-03 Co60 3.65E-08 3.00E-06 1.22E-02 W187 2.86E-10 3.00E-05 9.55E-06 Zn65 7.03E-11 5.00E-06 1.41E-05 H3 3.12E-04 1.00E-03 3.12E-01 C14 1.74E-11 3.00E-05 5.79E-07 N16 0.00E+00 2.00E-09 0.00E+00 SUM = 6.55E-01 Tier 2 11.2-33 Draft Revision 2

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Liquid Waste Management System RAI 12.02-4 Table 11.2-8: Liquid Release Concentrations Compared to 10 CFR 20 Appendix B Limits Discharge Concentration Concentration Limit Nuclide (Ci/ml) (Ci/ml) Fraction of Limit Br82 4.97E-13 4.00E-05 1.24E-08 I129 1.57E-16 2.00E-07 7.83E-10 I130 3.56E-14 2.00E-05 1.78E-09 I131 9.06E-10 1.00E-06 9.06E-04 I132 4.25E-11 1.00E-04 4.25E-07 I133 2.66E-11 7.00E-06 3.80E-06 I135 1.44E-15 3.00E-05 4.79E-11 Rb86 1.66E-11 7.00E-06 2.37E-06 Cs132 2.20E-13 4.00E-05 5.49E-09 Cs134 3.49E-09 9.00E-07 3.87E-03 Cs136 5.59E-10 6.00E-06 9.32E-05 Cs137 2.15E-09 1.00E-06 2.15E-03 Co57 1.86E-19 6.00E-05 3.11E-15 Sr89 1.08E-12 8.00E-06 1.35E-07 Sr90 2.54E-13 5.00E-07 5.08E-07 Sr91 5.22E-17 2.00E-05 2.61E-12 Y90 2.07E-13 7.00E-06 2.95E-08 Y91m 3.33E-17 2.00E-03 1.66E-14 Y91 1.56E-13 8.00E-06 1.95E-08 Y92 1.16E-23 4.00E-05 2.90E-19 Y93 1.84E-17 2.00E-05 9.21E-13 Zr97 8.63E-16 9.00E-06 9.59E-11 Nb95 6.30E-12 3.00E-05 2.10E-07 Mo99 8.48E-11 2.00E-05 4.24E-06 Tc99m 8.19E-11 1.00E-03 8.19E-08 Tc99 9.49E-15 6.00E-05 1.58E-10 Ru103 2.88E-13 3.00E-05 9.60E-09 Ru105 1.70E-22 7.00E-05 2.43E-18 Ru106 2.03E-13 3.00E-06 6.78E-08 Rh103m 2.85E-13 6.00E-03 4.75E-11 Rh105 1.86E-14 5.00E-05 3.72E-10 Sb124 6.18E-17 7.00E-06 8.83E-12 Sb125 5.77E-16 3.00E-05 1.92E-11 Sb127 9.50E-16 1.00E-05 9.50E-11 Sb129 4.20E-24 4.00E-05 1.05E-19 Te125m 5.66E-13 2.00E-05 2.83E-08 Te127m 1.88E-12 9.00E-06 2.09E-07 Te127 1.84E-12 1.00E-04 1.84E-08 Te129m 4.99E-12 7.00E-06 7.13E-07 Te129 3.15E-12 4.00E-04 7.87E-09 Te131m 9.12E-13 8.00E-06 1.14E-07 Te131 2.05E-13 8.00E-05 2.57E-09 Te132 4.13E-11 9.00E-06 4.58E-06 Ba140 1.22E-12 8.00E-06 1.52E-07 Tier 2 11.2-34 Draft Revision 2

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Liquid Waste Management System Table 11.2-8: Liquid Release Concentrations Compared to 10 CFR 20 Appendix B Limits (Continued)

Discharge Concentration Concentration Limit Nuclide (Ci/ml) (Ci/ml) Fraction of Limit La140 1.25E-12 9.00E-06 1.39E-07 La141 1.04E-23 5.00E-05 2.07E-19 Ce141 2.25E-13 3.00E-05 7.49E-09 Ce143 1.26E-14 2.00E-05 6.28E-10 Ce144 2.09E-13 3.00E-06 6.95E-08 Pr143 1.85E-13 2.00E-05 9.24E-09 Pr144 2.07E-13 6.00E-04 3.44E-10 Np239 8.17E-13 2.00E-05 4.08E-08 Na24 1.04E-11 5.00E-05 2.07E-07 Cr51 1.74E-12 5.00E-04 3.47E-09 Mn54 2.47E-12 3.00E-05 8.23E-08 Fe55 2.00E-10 1.00E-04 2.00E-06 Fe59 4.55E-11 1.00E-05 4.55E-06 Co58 3.20E-10 2.00E-05 1.60E-05 Co60 1.32E-11 3.00E-06 4.40E-06 Ni63 4.43E-11 1.00E-04 4.43E-07 Zn65 8.38E-11 5.00E-06 1.68E-05 Zr95 6.10E-11 2.00E-05 3.05E-06 Ag110m 6.59E-14 6.00E-06 1.10E-08 W187 6.44E-12 3.00E-05 2.15E-07 H3 2.33E-04 1.00E-03 2.33E-01 C14 7.80E-08 3.00E-05 2.60E-03 Total 2.33E-04 - 2.43E-01 Tier 2 11.2-35 Draft Revision 2

Tier 2 NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report RAI 02.03.01-2, RAI 02.03.05-1, RAI 12.02-4 Table 11.3-5: Gaseous Estimated Discharge for Normal Effluents Nuclide GRWS Pool AOO Gas Primary Plant Secondary Condenser Total TGB Total Plant Total 10 CFR 20 Fraction of (Ci/yr) Evaporatio Leakage Coolant Exhaust Steam Air Releases Gaseous Gaseous Appendix B Limit n (Ci/yr) Leaks Stack Total Leaks Removal (Ci/yr) Releases Effluent Limits (Ci/yr) (Ci/yr) (Ci/yr) (Ci/yr) System (Ci/yr) Concentrat (Ci/ml)

(Ci/yr) ion at Site Boundary (Ci/ml)

Kr83m 4.60E-09 5.93E-11 2.46E-05 2.76E-03 2.79E-03 1.93E-07 1.29E-03 1.30E-03 4.08E-03 7.02E-15 5.00E-05 1.40E-10 Kr85m 5.97E-04 7.35E-10 1.02E-04 1.15E-02 1.22E-02 8.06E-07 5.40E-03 5.40E-03 1.76E-02 3.03E-14 1.00E-07 3.03E-07 Kr85 2.50E+02 3.01E+00 3.19E-02 3.59E+00 2.57E+02 2.51E-04 1.68E+00 1.68E+00 2.58E+02 4.44E-10 7.00E-07 6.35E-04 Kr87 4.17E-12 - 5.59E-05 6.29E-03 6.34E-03 4.40E-07 2.95E-03 2.95E-03 9.29E-03 1.60E-14 2.00E-08 7.99E-07 Kr88 1.48E-05 1.03E-12 1.63E-04 1.83E-02 1.85E-02 1.28E-06 8.58E-03 8.59E-03 2.71E-02 4.66E-14 9.00E-09 5.18E-06 Kr89 - 0.00E+00 3.72E-06 4.18E-04 4.22E-04 2.93E-08 1.96E-04 1.96E-04 6.18E-04 1.06E-15 1.00E-09 1.06E-06 Xe131m 2.18E-01 1.31E-02 3.95E-04 4.44E-02 2.76E-01 3.11E-06 2.08E-02 2.08E-02 2.97E-01 5.11E-13 2.00E-06 2.55E-07 Xe133m 1.69E-06 1.49E-03 3.62E-04 4.07E-02 4.26E-02 2.85E-06 1.91E-02 1.91E-02 6.17E-02 1.06E-13 6.00E-07 1.77E-07 11.3-16 Xe133 5.40E-01 3.32E-01 2.70E-02 3.03E+00 3.93E+00 2.12E-04 1.42E+00 1.42E+00 5.35E+00 9.20E-12 5.00E-07 1.84E-05 Xe135m 0.00E+00 1.28E-09 3.75E-05 4.21E-03 4.25E-03 2.95E-07 1.97E-03 1.97E-03 6.22E-03 1.07E-14 4.00E-08 2.68E-07 Xe135 4.17E-15 6.80E-06 9.26E-04 1.04E-01 1.05E-01 7.28E-06 4.88E-02 4.88E-02 1.54E-01 2.65E-13 7.00E-08 3.78E-06 Xe137 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.20E-05 1.34E-03 1.35E-03 9.40E-08 6.30E-04 6.30E-04 1.98E-03 3.41E-15 1.00E-09 3.41E-06 Xe138 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 4.09E-05 4.60E-03 4.64E-03 3.22E-07 2.16E-03 2.16E-03 6.79E-03 1.17E-14 2.00E-08 5.84E-07 Br82 3.27E-09 1.72E-09 - 3.76E-07 3.81E-07 6.62E-09 1.67E-09 8.29E-09 3.89E-07 6.70E-19 5.00E-09 1.34E-10 Br83 1.61E-08 1.43E-18 - 1.85E-06 1.86E-06 3.14E-08 7.91E-09 3.93E-08 1.90E-06 3.27E-18 9.00E-08 3.64E-11 Br84 7.15E-09 - - 8.21E-07 8.28E-07 1.23E-08 3.10E-09 1.54E-08 8.44E-07 1.45E-18 8.00E-08 1.81E-11 Gaseous Waste Management System Br85 8.51E-10 0.00E+00 - 9.77E-08 9.86E-08 5.88E-10 1.48E-10 7.36E-10 9.93E-08 1.71E-19 1.00E-09 1.71E-10 I129 8.45E-14 1.78E-13 - 9.70E-12 9.96E-12 1.71E-13 4.31E-14 2.15E-13 1.02E-11 1.75E-23 4.00E-11 4.38E-13 I130 2.52E-08 1.60E-11 - 2.89E-06 2.92E-06 5.07E-08 1.28E-08 6.35E-08 2.98E-06 5.13E-18 3.00E-09 1.71E-09 I131 7.03E-07 3.09E-05 - 8.07E-05 1.12E-04 1.43E-06 3.59E-07 1.78E-06 1.14E-04 1.96E-16 2.00E-10 9.81E-07 I132 2.80E-07 2.74E-08 - 3.21E-05 3.24E-05 5.45E-07 1.37E-07 6.82E-07 3.31E-05 5.69E-17 2.00E-08 2.84E-09 I133 1.00E-06 3.41E-07 - 1.15E-04 1.16E-04 2.02E-06 5.08E-07 2.53E-06 1.19E-04 2.04E-16 1.00E-09 2.04E-07 Draft Revision 2 I134 1.53E-07 - - 1.75E-05 1.77E-05 2.80E-07 7.04E-08 3.50E-07 1.80E-05 3.10E-17 6.00E-08 5.17E-10 I135 5.87E-07 5.19E-12 - 6.74E-05 6.80E-05 1.17E-06 2.95E-07 1.47E-06 6.94E-05 1.19E-16 6.00E-09 1.99E-08 Rb86m - 0.00E+00 - 3.62E-13 3.62E-13 1.99E-13 - 1.99E-13 5.61E-13 9.647E-25 1.00E-09 9.65E-16 Rb86 - 1.11E-09 - 2.75E-09 3.86E-09 1.07E-08 - 1.07E-08 1.46E-08 2.505E-20 1.00E-09 2.50E-11

Table 11.3-5: Gaseous Estimated Discharge for Normal Effluents (Continued)

Tier 2 NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Nuclide GRWS Pool AOO Gas Primary Plant Secondary Condenser Total TGB Total Plant Total 10 CFR 20 Fraction of (Ci/yr) Evaporatio Leakage Coolant Exhaust Steam Air Releases Gaseous Gaseous Appendix B Limit n (Ci/yr) Leaks Stack Total Leaks Removal (Ci/yr) Releases Effluent Limits (Ci/yr) (Ci/yr) (Ci/yr) (Ci/yr) System (Ci/yr) Concentrat (Ci/ml)

(Ci/yr) ion at Site Boundary (Ci/ml)

Rb88 - 7.23E-15 - 3.68E-07 3.68E-07 1.06E-06 - 1.06E-06 1.43E-06 2.458E-18 9.00E-08 2.73E-11 Rb89 - - - 1.69E-08 1.69E-08 4.66E-08 - 4.66E-08 6.35E-08 1.092E-19 2.00E-07 5.46E-13 Cs132 - 7.28E-12 - 5.23E-11 5.95E-11 2.03E-10 - 2.03E-10 2.63E-10 4.518E-22 6.00E-09 7.53E-14 Cs134 - 4.08E-07 - 4.79E-07 8.87E-07 1.86E-06 - 1.86E-06 2.75E-06 4.727E-18 2.00E-10 2.36E-08 Cs135m - - - 2.85E-10 2.85E-10 9.91E-10 - 9.91E-10 1.28E-09 2.195E-21 3.00E-07 7.32E-15 Cs136 - 3.06E-08 - 1.00E-07 1.31E-07 3.90E-07 - 3.90E-07 5.21E-07 8.959E-19 9.00E-10 9.95E-10 Cs137 - 2.55E-07 - 2.93E-07 5.49E-07 1.14E-06 - 1.14E-06 1.69E-06 2.907E-18 2.00E-10 1.45E-08 Cs138 - - - 1.36E-07 1.36E-07 4.45E-07 - 4.45E-07 5.81E-07 9.996E-19 8.00E-08 1.25E-11 P32 - 6.91E-15 - 4.92E-14 5.62E-14 1.74E-13 - 1.74E-13 2.30E-13 3.960E-25 1.00E-15 3.96E-10 Co57 - 1.30E-16 - 3.69E-16 4.99E-16 1.30E-15 - 1.30E-15 1.80E-15 3.104E-27 9.00E-10 3.45E-18 11.3-17 Ni63 - 5.62E-06 - 1.51E-08 5.64E-06 5.33E-08 - 5.33E-08 5.69E-06 9.796E-18 1.00E-09 9.80E-09 Sr89 - 9.85E-11 - 3.53E-10 4.52E-10 1.25E-09 - 1.25E-09 1.70E-09 2.926E-21 2.00E-10 1.46E-11 Sr90 - 2.96E-11 - 7.95E-11 1.09E-10 2.81E-10 - 2.81E-10 3.90E-10 6.713E-22 6.00E-12 1.12E-10 Sr91 - 4.47E-15 - 1.64E-10 1.64E-10 5.74E-10 - 5.74E-10 7.38E-10 1.270E-21 5.00E-09 2.54E-13 Sr92 - - - 8.23E-11 8.23E-11 2.81E-10 - 2.81E-10 3.64E-10 6.256E-22 9.00E-09 6.95E-14 Y90 - 2.87E-11 - 2.09E-11 4.96E-11 7.38E-11 - 7.38E-11 1.23E-10 2.124E-22 9.00E-10 2.36E-13 Y91m - 2.84E-15 - 8.96E-11 8.97E-11 2.85E-10 - 2.85E-10 3.74E-10 6.441E-22 2.00E-07 3.22E-15 Y91 - 1.49E-11 - 5.14E-11 6.63E-11 1.82E-10 - 1.82E-10 2.48E-10 4.265E-22 2.00E-10 2.13E-12 Gaseous Waste Management System Y92 - 3.70E-19 - 7.46E-11 7.46E-11 2.57E-10 - 2.57E-10 3.31E-10 5.700E-22 1.00E-08 5.70E-14 Y93 - 1.45E-15 - 3.77E-11 3.77E-11 1.32E-10 - 1.32E-10 1.70E-10 2.917E-22 3.00E-09 9.72E-14 Zr95 - 5.10E-06 - 1.74E-08 5.12E-06 6.14E-08 - 6.14E-08 5.18E-06 8.913E-18 4.00E-10 2.23E-08 Zr97 - 2.50E-14 - 5.34E-11 5.34E-11 1.88E-10 - 1.88E-10 2.41E-10 4.151E-22 2.00E-09 2.08E-13 Nb95 - 1.92E-06 - 2.51E-10 1.92E-06 8.86E-10 - 8.86E-10 1.92E-06 3.312E-18 2.00E-09 1.66E-09 Mo99 - 1.69E-09 - 1.01E-07 1.03E-07 3.56E-07 - 3.56E-07 4.59E-07 7.890E-19 2.00E-09 3.94E-10 Draft Revision 2 Mo101 - 0.00E+00 - 3.05E-09 3.05E-09 7.78E-09 - 7.78E-09 1.08E-08 1.863E-20 2.00E-07 9.31E-14 Tc99m - 1.63E-09 - 9.38E-08 9.54E-08 3.26E-07 - 3.26E-07 4.22E-07 7.256E-19 2.00E-07 3.63E-12 Ru103 - 2.51E-11 - 9.88E-11 1.24E-10 3.49E-10 - 3.49E-10 4.73E-10 8.142E-22 9.00E-10 9.05E-13 Ru105 - 2.59E-17 - 9.78E-10 9.78E-10 3.39E-09 - 3.39E-09 4.36E-09 7.508E-21 2.00E-08 3.75E-13

Table 11.3-5: Gaseous Estimated Discharge for Normal Effluents (Continued)

Tier 2 NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Nuclide GRWS Pool AOO Gas Primary Plant Secondary Condenser Total TGB Total Plant Total 10 CFR 20 Fraction of (Ci/yr) Evaporatio Leakage Coolant Exhaust Steam Air Releases Gaseous Gaseous Appendix B Limit n (Ci/yr) Leaks Stack Total Leaks Removal (Ci/yr) Releases Effluent Limits (Ci/yr) (Ci/yr) (Ci/yr) (Ci/yr) System (Ci/yr) Concentrat (Ci/ml)

(Ci/yr) ion at Site Boundary (Ci/ml)

Ru106 - 2.30E-11 - 6.42E-11 8.72E-11 2.27E-10 - 2.27E-10 3.14E-10 5.405E-22 2.00E-11 2.70E-11 Rh103m - 2.48E-11 - 9.77E-11 1.23E-10 3.14E-10 - 3.14E-10 4.36E-10 7.510E-22 2.00E-06 3.76E-16 Rh105 - 1.84E-12 - 2.53E-10 2.55E-10 8.91E-10 - 8.91E-10 1.15E-09 1.972E-21 8.00E-09 2.46E-13 Rh106 - 2.30E-11 - 6.42E-11 8.72E-11 1.85E-11 - 1.85E-11 1.06E-10 1.818E-22 1.00E-12 1.82E-10 Ag110m - 2.63E-05 - 7.51E-08 2.64E-05 2.65E-07 - 2.65E-07 2.67E-05 4.590E-17 1.00E-10 4.59E-07 Sb124 - 4.22E-14 - 1.46E-13 1.88E-13 5.15E-13 - 5.15E-13 7.03E-13 1.210E-24 3.00E-10 4.03E-15 Sb125 - 4.73E-13 - 1.29E-12 1.76E-12 4.55E-12 - 4.55E-12 6.30E-12 1.085E-23 7.00E-10 1.55E-14 Sb127 - 1.58E-13 - 5.47E-12 5.62E-12 1.93E-11 - 1.93E-11 2.49E-11 4.289E-23 1.00E-09 4.29E-14 Sb129 - 1.32E-19 - 5.83E-12 5.83E-12 2.02E-11 - 2.02E-11 2.60E-11 4.472E-23 1.00E-08 4.47E-15 Te125m - 5.39E-11 - 1.89E-10 2.43E-10 6.66E-10 - 6.66E-10 9.09E-10 1.564E-21 1.00E-09 1.56E-12 11.3-18 Te127m - 1.97E-10 - 6.08E-10 8.04E-10 2.15E-09 - 2.15E-09 2.95E-09 5.078E-21 4.00E-10 1.27E-11 Te127 - 1.93E-10 - 2.21E-09 2.40E-09 7.74E-09 - 7.74E-09 1.01E-08 1.746E-20 2.00E-08 8.73E-13 Te129m - 4.16E-10 - 1.74E-09 2.15E-09 6.14E-09 - 6.14E-09 8.30E-09 1.428E-20 3.00E-10 4.76E-11 Te129 - 2.62E-10 - 2.19E-09 2.45E-09 7.15E-09 - 7.15E-09 9.60E-09 1.652E-20 9.00E-08 1.84E-13 Te131m - 1.66E-11 - 5.41E-09 5.43E-09 1.91E-08 - 1.91E-08 2.45E-08 4.213E-20 1.00E-09 4.21E-11 Te131 - 3.74E-12 - 2.41E-09 2.41E-09 6.95E-09 - 6.95E-09 9.37E-09 1.612E-20 2.00E-08 8.06E-13 Te132 - 8.77E-10 - 4.05E-08 4.14E-08 1.43E-07 - 1.43E-07 1.85E-07 3.175E-19 9.00E-10 3.53E-10 Te133m - - - 2.81E-09 2.81E-09 9.03E-09 - 9.03E-09 1.18E-08 2.038E-20 2.00E-08 1.02E-12 Gaseous Waste Management System Te134 - - - 3.98E-09 3.98E-09 1.24E-08 - 1.24E-08 1.64E-08 2.819E-20 7.00E-08 4.03E-13 Ba137m - 2.41E-07 - 2.76E-07 5.17E-07 3.05E-07 - 3.05E-07 8.21E-07 1.413E-18 1.00E-09 1.41E-09 Ba139 - - - 1.06E-08 1.06E-08 3.52E-08 - 3.52E-08 4.59E-08 7.892E-20 4.00E-08 1.97E-12 Ba140 - 6.86E-11 - 5.40E-10 6.08E-10 1.91E-09 - 1.91E-09 2.51E-09 4.326E-21 2.00E-09 2.16E-12 La140 - 7.61E-11 - 1.68E-10 2.44E-10 5.91E-10 - 5.91E-10 8.35E-10 1.437E-21 2.00E-09 7.18E-13 La141 - 1.82E-19 - 3.60E-11 3.60E-11 1.24E-10 - 1.24E-10 1.60E-10 2.754E-22 1.00E-08 2.75E-14 Draft Revision 2 La142 - - - 1.89E-11 1.89E-11 6.29E-11 - 6.29E-11 8.18E-11 1.408E-22 3.00E-08 4.69E-15 Ce141 - 1.86E-11 - 7.86E-11 9.72E-11 2.78E-10 - 2.78E-10 3.75E-10 6.450E-22 8.00E-10 8.06E-13 Ce143 - 2.26E-13 - 5.72E-11 5.74E-11 2.01E-10 - 2.01E-10 2.59E-10 4.453E-22 2.00E-09 2.23E-13 Ce144 - 2.33E-11 - 6.61E-11 8.94E-11 2.33E-10 - 2.33E-10 3.23E-10 5.555E-22 2.00E-11 2.78E-11

Table 11.3-5: Gaseous Estimated Discharge for Normal Effluents (Continued)

Tier 2 NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Nuclide GRWS Pool AOO Gas Primary Plant Secondary Condenser Total TGB Total Plant Total 10 CFR 20 Fraction of (Ci/yr) Evaporatio Leakage Coolant Exhaust Steam Air Releases Gaseous Gaseous Appendix B Limit n (Ci/yr) Leaks Stack Total Leaks Removal (Ci/yr) Releases Effluent Limits (Ci/yr) (Ci/yr) (Ci/yr) (Ci/yr) System (Ci/yr) Concentrat (Ci/ml)

(Ci/yr) ion at Site Boundary (Ci/ml)

Pr143 - 1.02E-11 - 6.99E-11 8.01E-11 2.47E-10 - 2.47E-10 3.27E-10 5.624E-22 9.00E-10 6.25E-13 Pr144 - 2.31E-11 - 6.61E-11 8.92E-11 1.76E-10 - 1.76E-10 2.65E-10 4.567E-22 2.00E-07 2.28E-15 Np239 - 1.55E-11 - 1.22E-09 1.24E-09 4.31E-09 - 4.31E-09 5.54E-09 9.538E-21 3.00E-09 3.18E-12 Na24 - 1.28E-06 - 4.58E-06 5.86E-06 1.61E-05 - 1.61E-05 2.19E-05 3.774E-17 7.00E-09 5.39E-09 Cr51 - 3.92E-05 - 1.79E-07 3.94E-05 6.33E-07 - 6.33E-07 4.00E-05 6.881E-17 3.00E-08 2.29E-09 Mn54 - 3.24E-05 - 9.13E-08 3.25E-05 3.22E-07 - 3.22E-07 3.28E-05 5.645E-17 1.00E-09 5.64E-08 Fe55 - 2.51E-05 - 6.82E-08 2.51E-05 2.41E-07 - 2.41E-07 2.54E-05 4.365E-17 3.00E-09 1.46E-08 Fe59 - 4.58E-06 - 1.72E-08 4.59E-06 6.09E-08 - 6.09E-08 4.65E-06 8.007E-18 5.00E-10 1.60E-08 Co58 - 7.91E-04 - 2.63E-07 7.91E-04 9.30E-07 - 9.30E-07 7.92E-04 1.363E-15 1.00E-09 1.36E-06 Co60 - 1.12E-05 - 3.02E-08 1.12E-05 1.07E-07 - 1.07E-07 1.13E-05 1.948E-17 5.00E-11 3.90E-07 11.3-19 W187 - 3.19E-07 - 2.06E-07 5.25E-07 7.24E-07 - 7.24E-07 1.25E-06 2.148E-18 1.00E-08 2.15E-10 Zn65 - 1.02E-05 - 2.91E-08 1.02E-05 1.03E-07 - 1.03E-07 1.03E-05 1.775E-17 4.00E-10 4.44E-08 H3 - 7.25E+02 - 5.80E+00 7.31E+02 6.76E+00 - 6.76E+00 7.37E+02 1.269E-09 1.00E-07 1.27E-02 C14 - 5.16E-07 - 1.38E-06 1.90E-06 4.88E-08 - 4.88E-08 1.95E-06 3.350E-18 3.00E-09 1.12E-09 N16 - 0.00E+00 - 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 - 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.000E+00 1.00E-15 0.00E+00 Ar41 1.01E+01 0.00E+00 4.29E-17 1.99E+00 1.21E+01 2.74E-03 9.34E-01 9.36E-01 1.30E+01 2.238E-11 1.00E-08 2.24E-03 Total 2.61E+02 7.28E+02 6.10E-02 1.47E+01 1.00E+03 6.77E+00 4.15E+00 1.09E+01 1.01E+03 1.75E-09 5.84E-05 1.56E-02 Note: The X/Q that was used to calculate the site boundary concentrations is provided in Table 11.3-7.

Gaseous Waste Management System Draft Revision 2

Tier 2 NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report RAI 12.02-4 Table 11.3-5: Gaseous Estimated Discharge for Normal Effluents Total Gaseous Effluent Primary Plant Condenser Concentration 10 CFR 20 Pool AOO Gas Coolant Exhaust Secondary Air Removal Total TGB at Site Appendix B GRWS Evaporation Leakage Leaks Stack Total Steam Leaks System Releases Boundary Limits Fraction of Nuclide (Ci/yr) (Ci/yr) (Ci/yr) (Ci/yr) (Ci/yr) (Ci/yr) (Ci/yr) (Ci/yr) (Ci/ml) (Ci/ml) Limit Kr83m 6.94E-07 7.52E-06 5.73E-05 7.35E-03 7.41E-03 5.18E-07 3.44E-03 3.44E-03 4.95E-15 5.00E-05 9.91E-11 Kr85m 2.10E-03 - 2.41E-04 3.09E-02 3.33E-02 2.18E-06 1.45E-02 1.45E-02 2.18E-14 1.00E-07 2.18E-07 Kr85 2.11E+02 - 2.09E-02 2.68E+00 2.14E+02 1.89E-04 1.26E+00 1.26E+00 9.83E-11 7.00E-07 1.40E-04 Kr87 2.14E-11 - 1.32E-04 1.69E-02 1.70E-02 1.19E-06 7.92E-03 7.92E-03 1.14E-14 2.00E-08 5.69E-07 Kr88 5.69E-05 - 3.84E-04 4.92E-02 4.96E-02 3.47E-06 2.31E-02 2.31E-02 3.32E-14 9.00E-09 3.69E-06 Kr89 - - 8.78E-06 1.13E-03 1.13E-03 7.93E-08 5.27E-04 5.27E-04 7.58E-16 -

Xe131m 6.29E-01 8.02E-01 8.69E-04 1.11E-01 1.54E+00 7.84E-06 5.22E-02 5.22E-02 7.28E-13 2.00E-06 3.64E-07 Xe133m 5.92E-06 1.29E+00 8.40E-04 1.08E-01 1.40E+00 7.58E-06 5.04E-02 5.05E-02 6.60E-13 6.00E-07 1.10E-06 11.3-20 Xe133 1.66E+00 1.82E+01 6.15E-02 7.88E+00 2.78E+01 5.55E-04 3.69E+00 3.69E+00 1.44E-11 5.00E-07 2.88E-05 Xe135m 6.58E-05 3.64E-01 8.16E-05 1.05E-02 3.75E-01 7.37E-07 4.90E-03 4.90E-03 1.73E-13 4.00E-08 4.33E-06 Xe135 2.93E-05 2.02E-01 2.14E-03 2.74E-01 4.78E-01 1.93E-05 1.28E-01 1.28E-01 2.77E-13 7.00E-08 3.95E-06 Xe137 - - 2.82E-05 3.61E-03 3.64E-03 2.54E-07 1.69E-03 1.69E-03 2.43E-15 -

Xe138 - - 9.64E-05 1.24E-02 1.25E-02 8.71E-07 5.79E-03 5.79E-03 8.33E-15 2.00E-08 4.16E-07 Br82 8.68E-09 1.08E-08 - 8.15E-07 8.34E-07 1.45E-08 3.64E-09 1.81E-08 3.89E-19 5.00E-09 7.78E-11 Br83 4.97E-08 3.52E-13 - 4.67E-06 4.72E-06 8.05E-08 2.03E-08 1.01E-07 2.20E-18 9.00E-08 2.44E-11 Br84 2.31E-08 - - 2.17E-06 2.19E-06 3.39E-08 8.53E-09 4.25E-08 1.02E-18 8.00E-08 1.28E-11 Br85 2.79E-09 - - 2.62E-07 2.65E-07 1.85E-09 4.66E-10 2.32E-09 1.22E-19 -

Gaseous Waste Management System I129 2.15E-13 6.46E-13 - 2.01E-11 2.10E-11 3.58E-13 9.01E-14 4.49E-13 9.79E-24 4.00E-11 2.45E-13 I130 7.01E-08 1.69E-08 - 6.58E-06 6.67E-06 1.16E-07 2.93E-08 1.46E-07 3.11E-18 3.00E-09 1.04E-09 I131 1.80E-06 4.61E-04 - 1.69E-04 6.32E-04 3.01E-06 7.57E-07 3.77E-06 2.90E-16 2.00E-10 1.45E-06 I132 8.23E-07 1.16E-06 - 7.72E-05 7.92E-05 1.33E-06 3.35E-07 1.67E-06 3.69E-17 2.00E-08 1.85E-09 I133 2.72E-06 5.48E-05 - 2.55E-04 3.13E-04 4.52E-06 1.14E-06 5.66E-06 1.45E-16 1.00E-09 1.45E-07 Draft Revision 2 I134 4.84E-07 7.00E-22 - 4.54E-05 4.59E-05 7.46E-07 1.88E-07 9.33E-07 2.14E-17 6.00E-08 3.56E-10 I135 1.71E-06 4.49E-08 - 1.61E-04 1.62E-04 2.83E-06 7.11E-07 3.54E-06 7.57E-17 6.00E-09 1.26E-08 Rb86m - - - 9.72E-13 9.72E-13 6.61E-13 - 6.61E-13 7.45E-25 -

Rb86 - 6.42E-09 - 5.75E-09 1.22E-08 2.25E-08 - 2.25E-08 1.58E-20 1.00E-09 1.58E-11 Rb88 - - - 9.83E-07 9.83E-07 3.02E-06 - 3.02E-06 1.83E-18 9.00E-08 2.03E-11

Table 11.3-5: Gaseous Estimated Discharge for Normal Effluents (Continued)

Tier 2 NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Total Gaseous Effluent Primary Plant Condenser Concentration 10 CFR 20 Pool AOO Gas Coolant Exhaust Secondary Air Removal Total TGB at Site Appendix B GRWS Evaporation Leakage Leaks Stack Total Steam Leaks System Releases Boundary Limits Fraction of Nuclide (Ci/yr) (Ci/yr) (Ci/yr) (Ci/yr) (Ci/yr) (Ci/yr) (Ci/yr) (Ci/yr) (Ci/ml) (Ci/ml) Limit Rb89 - - - 4.51E-08 4.51E-08 1.34E-07 - 1.34E-07 8.17E-20 2.00E-07 4.09E-13 Cs132 - 1.09E-10 - 1.11E-10 2.19E-10 4.34E-10 - 4.34E-10 2.98E-22 6.00E-09 4.97E-14 Cs134 - 1.19E-06 - 9.93E-07 2.18E-06 3.88E-06 - 3.88E-06 2.77E-18 2.00E-10 1.38E-08 Cs135m - 5.12E-25 - 7.54E-10 7.54E-10 2.70E-09 - 2.70E-09 1.58E-21 3.00E-07 5.26E-15 Cs136 - 2.28E-07 - 2.10E-07 4.39E-07 8.23E-07 - 8.23E-07 5.76E-19 9.00E-10 6.40E-10 Cs137 - 7.28E-07 - 6.08E-07 1.34E-06 2.38E-06 - 2.38E-06 1.70E-18 2.00E-10 8.48E-09 Cs138 - - - 3.61E-07 3.61E-07 1.23E-06 - 1.23E-06 7.27E-19 8.00E-08 9.09E-12 P32 - 9.76E-15 - 1.65E-14 2.62E-14 5.85E-14 - 5.85E-14 - 5.00E-10 7.73E-17 Co57 - 7.93E-17 - 1.23E-16 2.02E-16 4.37E-16 - 4.37E-16 - 9.00E-10 3.24E-19 Sr89 - 4.71E-10 - 7.34E-10 1.20E-09 2.61E-09 - 2.61E-09 1.74E-21 2.00E-10 8.70E-12 Sr90 - 1.07E-10 - 1.65E-10 2.72E-10 5.87E-10 - 5.87E-10 3.92E-22 6.00E-12 6.53E-11 11.3-21 Sr91 - 9.74E-12 - 3.82E-10 3.91E-10 1.35E-09 - 1.35E-09 7.93E-22 5.00E-09 1.59E-13 Sr92 - 1.10E-15 - 2.04E-10 2.04E-10 7.07E-10 - 7.07E-10 4.15E-22 9.00E-09 4.62E-14 Y90 - 5.73E-11 - 4.00E-11 9.73E-11 1.42E-10 - 1.42E-10 1.09E-22 9.00E-10 1.21E-13 Y91m - 6.21E-12 - 2.04E-10 2.11E-10 6.68E-10 - 6.68E-10 4.01E-22 2.00E-07 2.00E-15 Y91 - 6.85E-11 - 1.07E-10 1.75E-10 3.79E-10 - 3.79E-10 2.53E-22 2.00E-10 1.26E-12 Y92 - 7.45E-14 - 1.73E-10 1.73E-10 6.04E-10 - 6.04E-10 3.55E-22 1.00E-08 3.55E-14 Y93 - 2.47E-12 - 8.14E-11 8.39E-11 2.87E-10 - 2.87E-10 1.69E-22 3.00E-09 5.65E-14 Zr97 - 1.21E-11 - 1.20E-10 1.32E-10 4.25E-10 - 4.25E-10 2.54E-22 2.00E-09 1.27E-13 Gaseous Waste Management System Nb95 - 4.52E-07 - 3.10E-10 4.53E-07 1.10E-09 - 1.10E-09 2.07E-19 2.00E-09 1.04E-10 Mo99 - 8.71E-08 - 2.15E-07 3.02E-07 7.65E-07 - 7.65E-07 4.87E-19 2.00E-09 2.43E-10 Mo101 - - - 8.13E-09 8.13E-09 2.22E-08 - 2.22E-08 1.38E-20 2.00E-07 6.92E-14 Tc99m - 8.40E-08 - 1.99E-07 2.83E-07 7.00E-07 - 7.00E-07 4.49E-19 2.00E-07 2.24E-12 Tc99 - 4.00E-12 - 6.16E-12 1.02E-11 2.19E-11 - 2.19E-11 1.46E-23 8.00E-09 1.83E-15 Ru103 - 1.29E-10 - 2.06E-10 3.35E-10 7.32E-10 - 7.32E-10 4.87E-22 9.00E-10 5.41E-13 Draft Revision 2 Ru105 - 3.95E-14 - 6.76E-11 6.77E-11 2.37E-10 - 2.37E-10 1.39E-22 2.00E-08 6.95E-15 Ru106 - 8.63E-11 - 1.33E-10 2.20E-10 4.75E-10 - 4.75E-10 3.17E-22 2.00E-11 1.58E-11 Rh103m - 1.28E-10 - 2.03E-10 3.31E-10 6.71E-10 - 6.71E-10 4.57E-22 2.00E-06 2.29E-16 Rh105 - 4.13E-11 - 1.44E-10 1.85E-10 5.10E-10 - 5.10E-10 3.17E-22 8.00E-09 3.97E-14

Table 11.3-5: Gaseous Estimated Discharge for Normal Effluents (Continued)

Tier 2 NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Total Gaseous Effluent Primary Plant Condenser Concentration 10 CFR 20 Pool AOO Gas Coolant Exhaust Secondary Air Removal Total TGB at Site Appendix B GRWS Evaporation Leakage Leaks Stack Total Steam Leaks System Releases Boundary Limits Fraction of Nuclide (Ci/yr) (Ci/yr) (Ci/yr) (Ci/yr) (Ci/yr) (Ci/yr) (Ci/yr) (Ci/yr) (Ci/ml) (Ci/ml) Limit Rh106 - 8.63E-11 - 1.33E-10 2.20E-10 4.81E-11 - 4.81E-11 1.22E-22 -

Ag110 - 5.71E-07 - 9.50E-10 5.72E-07 2.88E-10 - 2.88E-10 2.61E-19 -

Sb124 - 1.93E-13 - 3.03E-13 4.96E-13 1.08E-12 - 1.08E-12 7.19E-25 3.00E-10 2.40E-15 Sb125 - 1.73E-12 - 2.67E-12 4.40E-12 9.50E-12 - 9.50E-12 6.35E-24 7.00E-10 9.07E-15 Sb127 - 5.37E-12 - 1.16E-11 1.69E-11 4.12E-11 - 4.12E-11 2.65E-23 1.00E-09 2.65E-14 Sb129 - 7.81E-15 - 1.42E-11 1.43E-11 4.99E-11 - 4.99E-11 2.93E-23 1.00E-08 2.93E-15 Te125m - 2.49E-10 - 3.92E-10 6.41E-10 1.40E-09 - 1.40E-09 9.29E-22 1.00E-09 9.29E-13 Te127m - 8.11E-10 - 1.26E-09 2.07E-09 4.49E-09 - 4.49E-09 3.00E-21 4.00E-10 7.49E-12 Te127 - 8.86E-10 - 5.01E-09 5.90E-09 1.77E-08 - 1.77E-08 1.08E-20 2.00E-08 5.38E-13 Te129m - 2.26E-09 - 3.62E-09 5.88E-09 1.29E-08 - 1.29E-08 8.56E-21 3.00E-10 2.85E-11 Te129 - 1.43E-09 - 5.12E-09 6.55E-09 1.71E-08 - 1.71E-08 1.08E-20 9.00E-08 1.20E-13 11.3-22 Te131m - 2.72E-09 - 1.18E-08 1.46E-08 4.20E-08 - 4.20E-08 2.58E-20 1.00E-09 2.58E-11 Te131 - 6.12E-10 - 5.83E-09 6.44E-09 1.76E-08 - 1.76E-08 1.10E-20 2.00E-08 5.49E-13 Te132 - 3.73E-08 - 8.62E-08 1.24E-07 3.06E-07 - 3.06E-07 1.96E-19 9.00E-10 2.18E-10 Te133m - 1.23E-23 - 7.35E-09 7.35E-09 2.42E-08 - 2.42E-08 1.44E-20 2.00E-08 7.21E-13 Te134 - - - 1.05E-08 1.05E-08 3.37E-08 - 3.37E-08 2.02E-20 7.00E-08 2.88E-13 Ba137m - 6.87E-07 - 5.71E-07 1.26E-06 7.45E-07 - 7.45E-07 9.14E-19 -

Ba139 - 2.28E-20 - 1.95E-10 1.95E-10 6.58E-10 - 6.58E-10 3.89E-22 4.00E-08 9.73E-15 Ba140 - 6.22E-10 - 1.06E-09 1.68E-09 3.77E-09 - 3.77E-09 2.49E-21 2.00E-09 1.24E-12 Gaseous Waste Management System La140 - 4.43E-10 - 3.07E-10 7.50E-10 1.09E-09 - 1.09E-09 8.41E-22 2.00E-09 4.20E-13 La141 - 1.39E-14 - 6.04E-11 6.04E-11 2.11E-10 - 2.11E-10 1.24E-22 1.00E-08 1.24E-14 La142 - 2.43E-20 - 2.88E-11 2.88E-11 9.79E-11 - 9.79E-11 5.78E-23 3.00E-08 1.93E-15 Ce141 - 1.02E-10 - 1.63E-10 2.65E-10 5.81E-10 - 5.81E-10 3.86E-22 8.00E-10 4.83E-13 Ce143 - 3.13E-11 - 1.24E-10 1.55E-10 4.39E-10 - 4.39E-10 2.71E-22 2.00E-09 1.36E-13 Ce144 - 8.87E-11 - 1.37E-10 2.26E-10 4.88E-10 - 4.88E-10 3.26E-22 2.00E-11 1.63E-11 Draft Revision 2 Pr143 - 9.05E-11 - 1.45E-10 2.36E-10 5.17E-10 - 5.17E-10 3.43E-22 9.00E-10 3.82E-13 Pr144 - 8.79E-11 - 1.36E-10 2.24E-10 3.86E-10 - 3.86E-10 2.78E-22 2.00E-07 1.39E-15 Np239 - 9.72E-10 - 2.60E-09 3.57E-09 9.23E-09 - 9.23E-09 5.84E-21 3.00E-09 1.95E-12 Na24 - 2.20E-07 - 2.73E-06 2.95E-06 9.66E-06 - 9.66E-06 5.75E-18 7.00E-09 8.22E-10

Table 11.3-5: Gaseous Estimated Discharge for Normal Effluents (Continued)

Tier 2 NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Total Gaseous Effluent Primary Plant Condenser Concentration 10 CFR 20 Pool AOO Gas Coolant Exhaust Secondary Air Removal Total TGB at Site Appendix B GRWS Evaporation Leakage Leaks Stack Total Steam Leaks System Releases Boundary Limits Fraction of Nuclide (Ci/yr) (Ci/yr) (Ci/yr) (Ci/yr) (Ci/yr) (Ci/yr) (Ci/yr) (Ci/yr) (Ci/ml) (Ci/ml) Limit Cr51 - 9.63E-05 - 1.55E-07 9.65E-05 5.53E-07 - 5.53E-07 4.43E-17 3.00E-08 1.48E-09 Mn54 - 5.17E-05 - 7.99E-08 5.18E-05 2.84E-07 - 2.84E-07 2.38E-17 1.00E-09 2.38E-08 Fe55 - 3.88E-05 - 5.99E-08 3.89E-05 2.13E-07 - 2.13E-07 1.79E-17 3.00E-09 5.95E-09 Fe59 - 9.46E-06 - 1.50E-08 9.48E-06 5.34E-08 - 5.34E-08 4.35E-18 5.00E-10 8.70E-09 Co58 - 1.47E-03 - 2.30E-07 1.47E-03 8.18E-07 - 8.18E-07 6.70E-16 1.00E-09 6.70E-07 Co60 - 1.72E-05 - 2.64E-08 1.72E-05 9.41E-08 - 9.41E-08 7.89E-18 5.00E-11 1.58E-07 Ni63 - 8.58E-06 - 1.32E-08 8.59E-06 4.70E-08 - 4.70E-08 3.94E-18 2.00E-09 1.97E-09 Zn65 - 1.64E-05 - 2.54E-08 1.65E-05 9.05E-08 - 9.05E-08 7.56E-18 4.00E-10 1.89E-08 Zr95 - 1.24E-05 - 1.95E-08 1.24E-05 6.93E-08 - 6.93E-08 5.70E-18 4.00E-10 1.43E-08 Ag110m - 4.20E-05 - 6.50E-08 4.21E-05 2.31E-07 - 2.31E-07 1.93E-17 1.00E-10 1.93E-07 W187 - 2.43E-05 - 1.39E-07 2.44E-05 4.94E-07 - 4.94E-07 1.14E-17 1.00E-08 1.14E-09 11.3-23 H3 - 6.96E+02 - 5.93E+00 7.01E+02 6.92E+00 - 6.92E+00 3.23E-10 1.00E-07 3.23E-03 C14 2.63E-01 3.01E-03 - 1.33E-03 2.67E-01 2.37E-07 - 2.37E-07 1.22E-13 3.00E-09 4.06E-05 Ar41 1.19E+01 - 1.61E-02 2.07E+00 1.39E+01 1.46E-04 9.69E-01 9.69E-01 6.81E-12 1.00E-08 6.81E-04 Total 2.26E+02 7.16E+02 1.03E-01 1.92E+01 9.62E+02 6.92E+00 6.21E+00 1.31E+01 4.45E-10 5.84E-05 4.14E-03 Gaseous Waste Management System Draft Revision 2

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Radiation Sources RAI 10.02-4, RAI 12.02-4 Table 12.2-9: Reactor Pool Cooling, Spent Fuel Pool Cooling, Pool Cleanup, and Pool Surge Control Systems Component Source Term Inputs and Assumptions Model Parameter Value Reactor pool cooling heat exchanger:

Contents 100% pool water (see Table 12.2-11 and Table 12.2-12)

Source term mass 3.88E+06 grams Geometry horizontal cylinder Source dimensions diameter=2-8; height=24-7 Shielding thickness of steel shell 1/4 Spent fuel pool cooling heat exchanger:

Contents 100% pool water (see Table 12.2-11 and Table 12.2-12)

Source term mass 3.88E+06 grams Geometry horizontal cylinder Source dimensions diameter=2-8; height=24-7 Shielding thickness of steel shell 1/4 Pool cleanup system demineralizer:

Decontamination factors 100% of pool water inventory Geometry vertical cylinder Source dimensions diameter=13; height=5 Shielding thickness of steel shell 1/2 Operation time 2 years (12 refuelings)

PCU filters:

PCU filter flowrate 1250 gpm PCU filter operation time 1 year (6 refuelings)

PCU filter efficiency 9.1%

Geometry vertical cylinder Source dimensions diameter=2; height=9-8 Shielding thickness of steel shell 1/2 PCU filter operation time 1 year (6 refuelings)

Reactor and spent fuel pool water Source mass 2.87E+10 grams PSCS Surge Tank Contents 100%cleaned up pool water Geometry vertical cylinder Source dimensions diameter=61; height=50 Shielding thickness of steel wall 0.251/4 Source volume 1.46E+05 ft3 Source Mass 4.14E+09 grams Note: Assumes the plant consists of 12 NPMs operating on a two-year refueling cycle.

Tier 2 12.2-29 Draft Revision 2

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Radiation Sources RAI 12.02-4 Table 12.2-11: Reactor Pool Cooling, Spent Fuel Pool Cooling, Pool Cleanup and Pool Surge Control System Component Source Terms - Source Strengths Energy Energy Boundary RPCS Heat Spent Fuel PCUS Reactor Pool PSC Surge PCU Filter Group (MeV) Exchanger Pool Cooling Demineralizer Water Tank (photon/s)

(photon/s) Heat (photon/s) (photon/s/g) (photon/s)

Exchanger (photon/s) 1 1.00E 2.00E-02 4.74E+06 4.74E+06 4.21E+11 1.22E+00 5.05E+09 7.55E+08 2 2.00E 3.00E-02 7.83E+06 7.83E+06 6.95E+11 2.02E+00 8.35E+09 8.21E+08 3 3.00E 4.50E-02 1.60E+08 1.60E+08 1.42E+13 4.13E+01 1.71E+11 3.14E+08 4 4.50E 6.00E-02 1.50E+06 1.50E+06 1.33E+11 3.87E-01 1.60E+09 2.33E+08 5 6.00E 7.00E-02 1.49E+06 1.49E+06 1.32E+11 3.84E-01 1.59E+09 1.10E+08 6 7.00E 7.50E-02 8.16E+05 8.16E+05 7.24E+10 2.10E-01 8.69E+08 4.71E+07 7 7.50E 1.00E-01 1.35E+08 1.35E+08 1.20E+13 3.49E+01 1.44E+11 1.85E+08 8 1.00E 1.50E-01 1.43E+06 1.43E+06 1.27E+11 3.68E-01 1.52E+09 2.41E+08 9 1.50E 2.00E-01 1.13E+06 1.13E+06 1.00E+11 2.92E-01 1.21E+09 1.65E+08 10 2.00E 2.60E-01 7.35E+05 7.35E+05 6.53E+10 1.90E-01 7.83E+08 1.33E+08 11 2.60E 3.00E-01 3.21E+06 3.21E+06 2.85E+11 8.28E-01 3.42E+09 4.65E+07 12 3.00E 4.00E-01 4.40E+07 4.40E+07 3.91E+12 1.13E+01 4.69E+10 6.33E+08 13 4.00E 4.50E-01 5.36E+05 5.36E+05 4.76E+10 1.38E-01 5.71E+08 1.49E+09 14 4.50E 5.10E-01 1.28E+06 1.28E+06 1.14E+11 3.30E-01 1.36E+09 2.97E+07 15 5.10E 5.12E-01 1.22E+08 1.22E+08 1.09E+13 3.15E+01 1.30E+11 1.05E+11 16 5.12E 6.00E-01 5.90E+06 5.90E+06 5.23E+11 1.52E+00 6.28E+09 2.13E+07 17 6.00E 7.00E-01 2.14E+07 2.14E+07 1.90E+12 5.51E+00 2.28E+10 4.47E+10 18 7.00E 8.00E-01 1.15E+07 1.15E+07 1.02E+12 2.96E+00 1.22E+10 2.27E+10 19 8.00E 9.00E-01 4.11E+08 4.11E+08 3.65E+13 1.06E+02 4.38E+11 4.23E+11 20 9.00E 1.00E+00 3.98E+06 3.98E+06 3.53E+11 1.03E+00 4.24E+09 1.30E+10 21 1.00E+00 - 1.20E+00 9.22E+06 9.22E+06 8.19E+11 2.38E+00 9.83E+09 4.48E+10 22 1.20E+00 - 1.33E+00 3.92E+06 3.92E+06 3.48E+11 1.01E+00 4.18E+09 1.86E+10 23 1.33E+00 - 1.44E+00 2.97E+07 2.97E+07 2.63E+12 7.65E+00 3.16E+10 2.61E+10 24 1.44E+00 - 1.50E+00 4.90E+05 4.90E+05 4.35E+10 1.26E-01 5.23E+08 1.61E+09 25 1.50E+00 - 1.57E+00 1.70E+06 1.70E+06 1.51E+11 4.39E-01 1.82E+09 5.62E+09 26 1.57E+00 - 1.66E+00 3.64E+03 3.64E+03 3.23E+08 9.37E-04 3.88E+06 9.37E+06 27 1.66E+00 - 1.80E+00 2.03E+06 2.03E+06 1.80E+11 5.23E-01 2.16E+09 1.77E+09 28 1.80E+00 - 2.00E+00 2.69E+03 2.69E+03 2.39E+08 6.94E-04 2.87E+06 6.56E+06 29 2.00E+00 - 2.15E+00 4.16E+02 4.16E+02 3.69E+07 1.07E-04 4.43E+05 4.02E+05 30 2.15E+00 - 2.35E+00 1.95E+02 1.95E+02 1.73E+07 5.03E-05 2.08E+05 3.95E+05 31 2.35E+00 - 2.50E+00 7.78E+01 7.78E+01 6.91E+06 2.01E-05 8.29E+04 8.14E+03 32 2.50E+00 - 2.75E+00 1.29E+07 1.29E+07 1.15E+12 3.33E+00 1.38E+10 3.27E+02 33 2.75E+00 - 3.00E+00 1.18E+07 1.18E+07 1.05E+12 3.04E+00 1.26E+10 2.58E+02 34 3.00E+00 - 3.50E+00 1.99E-01 1.99E-01 1.77E+04 5.13E-08 2.12E+02 -

35 3.50E+00 - 4.00E+00 1.88E+04 1.88E+04 1.67E+09 4.85E-03 2.01E+07 -

36 4.00E+00 - 4.50E+00 2.07E+02 2.07E+02 1.84E+07 5.33E-05 2.20E+05 -

37 4.50E+00 - 5.00E+00 1.27E-04 1.27E-04 1.13E+01 3.27E-11 1.35E-01 -

38 5.00E+00 - 5.50E+00 2.39E-07 2.39E-07 2.12E-02 6.17E-14 2.55E-04 -

39 5.50E+00 - 6.00E+00 - - - - - -

40 6.00E+00 - 6.50E+00 - - - - - -

Tier 2 12.2-34 Draft Revision 2

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Radiation Sources Table 12.2-11: Reactor Pool Cooling, Spent Fuel Pool Cooling, Pool Cleanup and Pool Surge Control System Component Source Terms - Source Strengths (Continued)

Energy Energy Boundary RPCS Heat Spent Fuel PCUS Reactor Pool PSC Surge PCU Filter Group (MeV) Exchanger Pool Cooling Demineralizer Water Tank (photon/s)

(photon/s) Heat (photon/s) (photon/s/g) (photon/s)

Exchanger (photon/s) 41 6.50E+00 - 7.00E+00 - - - - - -

42 7.00E+00 - 7.50E+00 - - - - - -

43 7.50E+00 - 8.00E+00 - - - - - -

44 8.00E+00 - 1.00E+01 - - - - - -

45 1.00E+01 - 1.20E+01 - - - - - -

46 1.20E+01 - 1.40E+01 - - - - - -

47 1.40E+01 - 2.00E+01 - - - - - -

Total 1.01E+09 1.01E+09 8.99E+13 2.61E+02 1.08E+12 7.12E+11 Note: Assumes the plant consists of 12 NPMs operating on a two-year refueling cycle.

Tier 2 12.2-35 Draft Revision 2

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Radiation Sources RAI 12.02-4 Table 12.2-11: Reactor Pool Cooling, Spent Fuel Pool Cooling, Pool Cleanup, and Pool Surge Control System Component Source Terms - Source Strengths PCUS Reactor Pool Energy Boundary Demineralizer Water PSC Surge Tank PCU Filter Energy Group (MeV) (photon/s) (photon/s) (photon/s/g) (photon/s) 1 1.00E 2.00E-02 1.23E+10 1.26E+10 1.20E-02 1.08E+09 2 2.00E 3.00E-02 1.88E+10 4.14E+10 1.75E-02 9.93E+08 3 3.00E 4.50E-02 2.42E+10 2.56E+10 2.12E-02 4.65E+08 4 4.50E 6.00E-02 3.84E+09 6.15E+09 4.48E-03 3.54E+08 5 6.00E 7.00E-02 2.13E+09 1.45E+10 1.47E-02 1.95E+08 6 7.00E 7.50E-02 9.30E+08 8.81E+09 6.16E-03 9.01E+07 7 7.50E 1.00E-01 8.77E+09 2.83E+10 1.57E-02 2.80E+08 8 1.00E 1.50E-01 3.93E+09 1.13E+10 8.13E-03 3.65E+08 9 1.50E 2.00E-01 3.50E+09 6.27E+09 1.81E-02 2.70E+08 10 2.00E 2.60E-01 1.84E+09 2.05E+09 1.62E-03 1.58E+08 11 2.60E 3.00E-01 1.35E+10 6.82E+10 3.42E-02 6.28E+07 12 3.00E 4.00E-01 1.87E+11 9.29E+11 3.70E-01 1.52E+09 13 4.00E 4.50E-01 1.75E+10 5.11E+09 3.14E-03 1.44E+09 14 4.50E 5.10E-01 5.07E+09 1.97E+10 2.04E-02 7.38E+07 15 5.10E 5.12E-01 1.52E+12 1.01E+12 7.03E-01 1.67E+11 16 5.12E 6.00E-01 6.15E+10 1.16E+11 1.61E-01 3.28E+07 17 6.00E 7.00E-01 9.30E+11 2.58E+11 5.91E-01 4.29E+10 18 7.00E 8.00E-01 5.08E+11 1.23E+11 5.39E-01 2.02E+10 19 8.00E 9.00E-01 5.85E+12 3.44E+12 2.49E+00 6.13E+11 20 9.00E 1.00E+00 1.52E+11 3.33E+10 2.30E-02 1.25E+10 21 1.00E+00 - 1.20E+00 5.06E+11 7.94E+10 1.30E-01 3.27E+10 22 1.20E+00 - 1.33E+00 2.07E+11 3.66E+10 4.19E-02 1.29E+10 23 1.33E+00 - 1.44E+00 2.99E+11 4.49E+10 4.55E-02 2.01E+10 24 1.44E+00 - 1.50E+00 1.88E+10 4.08E+09 2.84E-03 1.55E+09 25 1.50E+00 - 1.57E+00 6.54E+10 1.41E+10 9.94E-03 5.39E+09 26 1.57E+00 - 1.66E+00 1.14E+08 3.88E+07 2.53E-05 8.95E+06 27 1.66E+00 - 1.80E+00 2.55E+10 1.70E+10 1.18E-02 2.80E+09 28 1.80E+00 - 2.00E+00 7.77E+07 3.60E+07 1.89E-05 6.26E+06 29 2.00E+00 - 2.15E+00 5.25E+06 9.72E+06 3.94E-06 3.70E+05 30 2.15E+00 - 2.35E+00 4.66E+06 4.82E+06 2.01E-06 2.59E+05 31 2.35E+00 - 2.50E+00 2.66E+05 2.93E+06 1.04E-06 2.32E+02 32 2.50E+00 - 2.75E+00 3.73E+06 2.66E+08 1.85E-04 3.97E+05 33 2.75E+00 - 3.00E+00 3.23E+06 2.42E+08 1.69E-04 3.63E+05 34 3.00E+00 - 3.50E+00 1.54E+03 2.86E+03 1.99E-09 6.95E-04 35 3.50E+00 - 4.00E+00 5.14E+03 3.87E+05 2.70E-07 5.79E+02 36 4.00E+00 - 4.50E+00 5.64E+01 4.25E+03 2.96E-09 6.35E+00 37 4.50E+00 - 5.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 38 5.00E+00 - 5.50E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 39 5.50E+00 - 6.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 40 6.00E+00 - 6.50E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 41 6.50E+00 - 7.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Tier 2 12.2-36 Draft Revision 2

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Radiation Sources Table 12.2-11: Reactor Pool Cooling, Spent Fuel Pool Cooling, Pool Cleanup, and Pool Surge Control System Component Source Terms - Source Strengths (Continued)

PCUS Reactor Pool Energy Boundary Demineralizer Water PSC Surge Tank PCU Filter Energy Group (MeV) (photon/s) (photon/s) (photon/s/g) (photon/s) 43 7.50E+00 - 8.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 44 8.00E+00 - 1.00E+01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 45 1.00E+01 - 1.20E+01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 46 1.20E+01 - 1.40E+01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 47 1.40E+01 - 2.00E+01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Total 1.04E+13 6.35E+12 5.30E+00 9.38E+11 Note: Assumes the plant consists of 12 NPMs operating on a two-year refueling cycle.

Tier 2 12.2-41 Draft Revision 2

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Radiation Sources RAI 12.02-4 RAI 12.02-2 Table 12.2-19: Solid Radioactive Waste System Component Source Terms -

Radionuclide Content Isotope SRST PST HIC (Ci) (Ci) (Ci)

Kr83m 4.12E-06 1.66E-09 1.69E-09 Kr85 - 7.93E-12 -

Xe131m 1.50E-02 1.55E-05 1.87E-21 Xe133m 2.00E-10 1.75E-06 -

Xe133 1.21E-04 1.11E-04 -

Xe135m - 5.09E-13 -

Xe135 - 1.57E-09 -

Br82 4.54E-15 8.92E-08 -

I129 1.64E-03 7.65E-09 2.06E-04 I130 - 9.31E-10 -

I131 1.52E-01 1.04E-03 -

I132 1.36E-06 1.97E-05 -

I133 - 2.30E-06 -

I135 - 2.96E-12 -

Rb86 3.25E-02 1.58E-04 1.29E-14 Cs132 2.70E-06 7.76E-07 -

Cs134 6.53E+03 6.28E-01 4.24E+02 Cs136 3.03E-01 3.83E-03 2.00E-18 Cs137 6.98E+03 5.19E-01 8.34E+02 P32 2.19E-07 2.16E-10 2.62E-23 Co57 2.46E-06 3.13E-11 5.01E-08 Ni63 8.82E+01 1.73E-03 1.09E+01 Sr89 8.12E-02 6.92E-06 5.85E-07 Sr90 2.56E+00 1.47E-05 3.06E-01 Sr91 - 7.21E-13 -

Y90 2.56E+00 1.47E-05 3.06E-01 Y91m - 4.64E-13 -

Y91 1.68E-02 1.10E-06 4.58E-07 Y93 - 3.19E-13 -

Zr95 6.03E+00 3.06E-04 3.40E-04 Zr97 - 5.68E-11 -

Nb95 8.33E+00 3.18E-04 7.50E-04 Mo99 3.15E-07 3.43E-05 -

Tc99m 3.04E-07 3.31E-05 -

Ru103 1.17E-02 1.35E-06 5.08E-09 Ru105 - 1.09E-18 -

Ru106 6.28E-01 6.59E-06 2.08E-02 Rh103m 1.15E-02 1.34E-06 5.03E-09 Rh105 9.87E-16 2.27E-08 -

Rh106 6.28E-01 6.59E-06 2.08E-02 Ag110m 1.24E+02 1.13E-06 2.15E+00 Sb124 5.05E-05 4.41E-10 1.75E-09 Sb125 2.67E-02 2.70E-08 2.04E-03 Tier 2 12.2-63 Draft Revision 2

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Radiation Sources Table 12.2-19: Solid Radioactive Waste System Component Source Terms - Radionuclide Content (Continued)

Isotope SRST PST HIC (Ci) (Ci) (Ci)

Sb127 1.98E-09 5.17E-10 -

Te125m 6.41E-02 3.86E-06 5.02E-04 Te127m 8.05E-01 2.39E-05 1.09E-03 Te127 7.89E-01 2.34E-05 1.07E-03 Te129m 1.35E-01 2.01E-05 7.11E-09 Te129 8.52E-02 1.27E-05 4.49E-09 Te131m 1.72E-15 2.44E-07 -

Te131 4.51E-16 6.40E-08 -

Te132 1.32E-06 1.91E-05 -

Ba137m 6.61E+03 4.91E-01 7.90E+02 Ba140 1.49E-03 2.07E-06 2.96E-21 La140 1.71E-03 2.35E-06 3.41E-21 Ce141 5.59E-03 8.79E-07 1.80E-10 Ce143 1.83E-17 2.52E-09 -

Ce144 4.69E-01 5.78E-06 1.04E-02 Pr143 2.74E-04 3.15E-07 5.62E-21 Pr144 4.69E-01 5.78E-06 1.04E-02 Np239 2.49E-10 2.88E-07 -

Na24 - 2.32E-07 -

Cr51 1.12E+01 3.75E-06 2.60E-08 Mn54 1.81E+02 4.79E-05 4.66E+00 Fe55 2.74E+02 6.14E-03 2.09E+01 Fe59 2.59E+00 1.58E-04 4.96E-06 Co58 7.03E+02 2.56E-03 8.33E-02 Co60 1.46E+02 4.57E-04 1.41E+01 W187 1.21E-17 3.29E-07 -

Zn65 4.54E+01 1.39E-03 7.52E-01 C14 4.68E+02 2.62E-03 5.85E+01 Note: Assumes the plant consists of 12 NPMs operating on a two-year refueling cycle.

Tier 2 12.2-64 Draft Revision 2

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Radiation Sources RAI 12.02-4 Table 12.2-19: Solid Radioactive Waste System Component Source Terms - Radionuclide Content SRST PST HIC Isotope (Ci) (Ci) (Ci)

Kr83m 1.75E-10 - -

Kr85m 3.98E-11 - -

Kr85 4.57E-08 1.48E-19 3.37E-09 Xe131m 2.60E-01 2.03E-14 1.03E-19 Xe133m 9.05E-03 - -

Xe133 7.41E-01 - -

Xe135m 1.18E-05 - -

Xe135 7.85E-04 - -

Br82 4.86E-04 3.22E-07 -

Br83 7.99E-11 1.23E-07 -

Br84 - 1.27E-08 -

Br85 - 1.40E-10 -

I129 3.39E-03 2.81E-09 2.82E-04 I130 9.24E-05 8.99E-07 -

I131 1.14E+01 1.59E-03 -

I132 8.18E-02 4.28E-05 -

I133 8.91E-02 7.42E-05 -

I134 2.43E-08 4.82E-07 -

I135 6.92E-05 1.16E-05 -

Rb86m 1.48E-14 2.10E-12 -

Rb86 1.90E-01 3.30E-04 9.83E-14 Rb88 4.58E-06 3.71E-05 -

Rb89 1.53E-07 1.45E-06 -

Cs132 4.09E-04 2.21E-06 -

Cs134 1.14E+04 1.13E+00 5.01E+02 Cs135m 3.12E-08 8.49E-08 -

Cs136 3.40E+00 8.51E-03 3.78E-17 Cs137 1.22E+04 9.26E-01 9.69E+02 Cs138 5.93E-06 2.56E-05 -

P32 4.11E-07 3.49E-11 7.72E-23 Co57 8.56E-07 4.19E-12 1.21E-08 Sr89 2.48E-01 6.97E-06 1.52E-06 Sr90 5.26E+00 1.21E-05 4.19E-01 Sr91 3.91E-07 2.24E-08 -

Sr92 3.07E-09 3.31E-09 -

Y90 5.26E+00 1.21E-05 4.19E-01 Y91m 2.49E-07 1.41E-08 -

Y91 4.85E-02 9.37E-07 1.09E-06 Y92 1.21E-08 7.05E-09 -

Y93 1.08E-07 5.06E-09 -

Zr97 1.26E-06 1.23E-08 -

Nb95 2.70E+00 2.85E-04 2.08E-04 Mo99 1.36E-01 8.74E-05 -

Mo101 1.02E-09 1.21E-08 -

Tier 2 12.2-65 Draft Revision 2

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Radiation Sources Table 12.2-19: Solid Radioactive Waste System Component Source Terms - Radionuclide Content (Continued)

SRST PST HIC Isotope (Ci) (Ci) (Ci)

Tc99m 1.31E-01 8.40E-05 -

Tc99 2.06E-01 4.64E-07 1.72E-02 Ru103 4.12E-02 1.20E-06 1.64E-08 Ru105 3.11E-09 1.83E-09 -

Ru106 1.35E+00 5.50E-06 3.11E-02 Rh103m 4.08E-02 1.19E-06 1.62E-08 Rh105 1.86E-05 3.31E-08 -

Rh106 1.35E+00 5.50E-06 3.11E-02 Ag110 7.12E-01 4.39E-05 8.65E-03 Sb124 1.45E-04 2.71E-09 4.08E-09 Sb125 5.55E-02 1.58E-07 2.87E-03 Sb127 1.65E-05 6.60E-09 -

Sb129 6.40E-10 3.82E-10 -

Te125m 1.83E-01 3.38E-06 7.07E-04 Te127m 1.95E+00 2.03E-05 1.97E-03 Te127 1.91E+00 2.01E-05 1.93E-03 Te129m 5.29E-01 1.81E-05 2.67E-08 Te129 3.34E-01 1.14E-05 1.69E-08 Te131m 8.85E-04 2.18E-06 -

Te131 1.99E-04 4.98E-07 -

Te132 7.93E-02 4.09E-05 -

Te133m 1.33E-08 4.14E-08 -

Te134 1.08E-08 4.45E-08 -

Ba137m 1.15E+04 8.74E-01 9.15E+02 Ba139 7.92E-10 1.64E-09 -

Ba140 2.09E-02 2.01E-06 7.24E-20 La140 2.40E-02 2.09E-06 8.33E-20 La141 2.05E-09 1.44E-09 -

La142 1.41E-10 2.67E-10 -

Ce141 2.23E-02 7.90E-07 6.98E-10 Ce143 1.23E-05 2.51E-08 -

Ce144 1.02E+00 4.83E-06 1.57E-02 Pr143 3.58E-03 3.18E-07 1.20E-19 Pr144 1.01E+00 4.78E-06 1.55E-02 Np239 1.12E-03 9.04E-07 -

Na24 1.30E-03 2.49E-05 -

Cr51 5.04E+00 9.47E-04 1.21E-08 Mn54 8.33E+01 4.59E-03 1.49E+00 Fe55 1.44E+02 5.46E-03 7.42E+00 Fe59 9.42E-01 1.49E-04 1.58E-06 Co58 1.53E+02 3.47E-02 1.43E-02 Co60 7.85E+01 2.71E-03 5.10E+00 Ni63 4.92E+01 1.53E-03 4.05E+00 Zn65 1.99E+01 1.24E-03 2.32E-01 Zr95 2.10E+00 2.82E-04 9.54E-05 Tier 2 12.2-66 Draft Revision 2

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Radiation Sources Table 12.2-19: Solid Radioactive Waste System Component Source Terms - Radionuclide Content (Continued)

SRST PST HIC Isotope (Ci) (Ci) (Ci)

Ag110m 5.24E+01 3.22E-03 6.36E-01 W187 3.21E-02 9.97E-06 -

Total 3.56E+04 2.99E+00 2.40E+03 Note: Assumes the plant consists of 12 NPMs operating on a two-year refueling cycle.

Tier 2 12.2-74 Draft Revision 2

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Radiation Sources RAI 12.02-4 RAI 12.02-2 Table 12.2-20: Solid Radioactive Waste System Component Source Terms -

Source Strengths Energy Group Energy Boundary Spent Resin Phase High Integrity (MeV) Storage Tank Separator Tank Container (HIC)

(photon/s) (photon/s) (photon/s) 1 1.00E-02 - 2.00E-02 1.44E+12 1.17E+08 1.31E+11 2 2.00E-02 - 3.00E-02 8.13E+11 6.30E+07 6.88E+10 3 3.00E-02 - 4.50E-02 1.79E+13 1.38E+09 2.02E+12 4 4.50E-02 - 6.00E-02 3.84E+11 3.10E+07 3.45E+10 5 6.00E-02 - 7.00E-02 1.73E+11 2.09E+07 1.54E+10 6 7.00E-02 - 7.50E-02 7.20E+10 5.79E+06 6.42E+09 7 7.50E-02 - 1.00E-01 2.60E+11 3.04E+07 2.29E+10 8 1.00E-01 - 1.50E-01 2.33E+11 1.96E+07 1.97E+10 9 1.50E-01 - 2.00E-01 1.21E+11 3.19E+07 9.74E+09 10 2.00E-01 - 2.60E-01 1.26E+11 1.12E+07 8.65E+09 11 2.60E-01 - 3.00E-01 2.58E+10 1.95E+07 1.91E+09 12 3.00E-01 - 4.00E-01 1.23E+11 9.72E+07 4.76E+09 13 4.00E-01 - 4.50E-01 1.81E+11 3.45E+05 3.41E+09 14 4.50E-01 - 5.10E-01 3.54E+12 3.42E+08 2.30E+11 15 5.10E-01 - 5.12E-01 7.80E+12 2.97E+07 1.87E+09 16 5.12E-01 - 6.00E-01 5.84E+13 5.62E+09 3.80E+12 17 6.00E-01 - 7.00E-01 4.49E+14 3.77E+10 4.11E+13 18 7.00E-01 - 8.00E-01 2.33E+14 2.22E+10 1.50E+13 19 8.00E-01 - 9.00E-01 4.51E+13 1.17E+09 8.82E+11 20 9.00E-01 - 1.00E+00 1.56E+12 1.73E+05 2.70E+10 21 1.00E+00 - 1.20E+00 1.35E+13 8.00E+08 1.01E+12 22 1.20E+00 - 1.33E+00 2.88E+12 3.93E+07 2.74E+11 23 1.33E+00 - 1.44E+00 1.09E+13 6.99E+08 7.38E+11 24 1.44E+00 - 1.50E+00 1.92E+11 1.79E+04 3.34E+09 25 1.50E+00 - 1.57E+00 6.71E+11 1.70E+05 1.16E+10 26 1.57E+00 - 1.66E+00 1.18E+09 8.30E+04 1.97E+07 27 1.66E+00 - 1.80E+00 1.31E+11 4.79E+05 2.97E+07 28 1.80E+00 - 2.00E+00 8.02E+08 1.45E+04 1.42E+07 29 2.00E+00 - 2.15E+00 5.79E+07 6.07E+03 1.16E+06 30 2.15E+00 - 2.35E+00 1.84E+08 4.77E+03 8.75E+06 31 2.35E+00 - 2.50E+00 1.48E+07 2.00E+03 4.67E+05 32 2.50E+00 - 2.75E+00 5.00E+06 7.87E+03 9.68E+04 33 2.75E+00 - 3.00E+00 1.22E+06 4.18E+03 3.82E+04 34 3.00E+00 - 3.50E+00 4.21E+05 2.83E+01 1.34E+04 35 3.50E+00 - 4.00E+00 1.68E+02 6.55E+00 5.57E+00 36 4.00E+00 - 4.50E+00 3.46E-08 7.19E-02 4.33E-09 37 4.50E+00 - 5.00E+00 1.74E-08 - 2.17E-09 38 5.00E+00 - 5.50E+00 8.74E-09 - 1.09E-09 39 5.50E+00 - 6.00E+00 4.39E-09 - 5.49E-10 40 6.00E+00 - 6.50E+00 2.21E-09 - 2.76E-10 41 6.50E+00 - 7.00E+00 1.11E-09 - 1.39E-10 42 7.00E+00 - 7.50E+00 5.58E-10 - 6.98E-11 Tier 2 12.2-68 Draft Revision 2

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Radiation Sources Table 12.2-20: Solid Radioactive Waste System Component Source Terms -

Source Strengths (Continued)

Energy Group Energy Boundary Spent Resin Phase High Integrity (MeV) Storage Tank Separator Tank Container (HIC)

(photon/s) (photon/s) (photon/s) 43 7.50E+00 - 8.00E+00 2.81E-10 - 3.51E-11 44 8.00E+00 - 1.00E+01 2.55E-10 - 3.19E-11 45 1.00E+01 - 1.20E+01 8.52E-12 - 1.06E-12 46 1.20E+01 - 1.40E+01 - - -

47 1.40E+01 - 2.00E+01 - - -

Total 8.48E+14 7.04E+10 6.54E+13 Note: Assumes the plant consists of 12 NPMs operating on a two-year refueling cycle.

Tier 2 12.2-69 Draft Revision 2

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Radiation Sources RAI 12.02-4 Table 12.2-20: Solid Radioactive Waste System Component Source Terms - Source Strengths Spent Resin Phase Separator High Integrity Energy Boundary Storage Tank Tank Container (HIC)

Energy Group (MeV) (photon/s) (photon/s) (photon/s) 1 1.00E 2.00E-02 2.41E+12 2.11E+08 1.51E+11 2 2.00E 3.00E-02 1.33E+12 1.14E+08 7.86E+10 3 3.00E 4.50E-02 3.11E+13 2.46E+09 2.35E+12 4 4.50E 6.00E-02 6.40E+11 5.64E+07 3.99E+10 5 6.00E 7.00E-02 2.94E+11 4.08E+07 1.79E+10 6 7.00E 7.50E-02 1.20E+11 1.06E+07 7.45E+09 7 7.50E 1.00E-01 4.56E+11 5.53E+07 2.66E+10 8 1.00E 1.50E-01 3.83E+11 3.70E+07 2.29E+10 9 1.50E 2.00E-01 2.09E+11 6.70E+07 1.14E+10 10 2.00E 2.60E-01 2.05E+11 2.08E+07 1.00E+10 11 2.60E 3.00E-01 7.66E+10 4.11E+07 2.20E+09 12 3.00E 4.00E-01 5.40E+11 1.95E+08 5.41E+09 13 4.00E 4.50E-01 8.24E+10 5.31E+06 1.34E+09 14 4.50E 5.10E-01 6.18E+12 6.16E+08 2.71E+11 15 5.10E 5.12E-01 1.72E+12 3.84E+08 6.37E+08 16 5.12E 6.00E-01 1.02E+14 1.01E+10 4.48E+12 17 6.00E 7.00E-01 7.75E+14 6.77E+10 4.79E+13 18 7.00E 8.00E-01 4.03E+14 3.99E+10 1.77E+13 19 8.00E 9.00E-01 2.74E+13 3.48E+09 8.33E+11 20 9.00E 1.00E+00 6.57E+11 4.08E+07 7.98E+09 21 1.00E+00 - 1.20E+00 1.55E+13 1.53E+09 7.31E+11 22 1.20E+00 - 1.33E+00 1.57E+12 1.17E+08 9.93E+10 23 1.33E+00 - 1.44E+00 1.44E+13 1.32E+09 6.48E+11 24 1.44E+00 - 1.50E+00 8.13E+10 5.07E+06 9.87E+08 25 1.50E+00 - 1.57E+00 2.83E+11 1.78E+07 3.44E+09 26 1.57E+00 - 1.66E+00 1.32E+09 1.08E+05 6.12E+06 27 1.66E+00 - 1.80E+00 2.87E+10 6.56E+06 7.63E+06 28 1.80E+00 - 2.00E+00 4.30E+08 3.63E+05 4.97E+06 29 2.00E+00 - 2.15E+00 6.65E+07 3.20E+04 7.38E+05 30 2.15E+00 - 2.35E+00 3.11E+08 1.63E+05 6.28E+06 31 2.35E+00 - 2.50E+00 3.95E+07 1.04E+04 6.71E+05 32 2.50E+00 - 2.75E+00 6.31E+07 6.04E+05 1.39E+05 33 2.75E+00 - 3.00E+00 2.61E+07 4.44E+05 5.64E+04 34 3.00E+00 - 3.50E+00 1.12E+06 1.15E+04 2.00E+04 35 3.50E+00 - 4.00E+00 3.73E+04 2.63E+03 8.31E+00 36 4.00E+00 - 4.50E+00 4.71E+02 4.30E+02 -

37 4.50E+00 - 5.00E+00 3.22E+02 2.61E+03 -

38 5.00E+00 - 5.50E+00 6.07E-01 4.92E+00 -

39 5.50E+00 - 6.00E+00 - - -

40 6.00E+00 - 6.50E+00 - - -

41 6.50E+00 - 7.00E+00 - - -

42 7.00E+00 - 7.50E+00 - - -

Tier 2 12.2-70 Draft Revision 2

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Radiation Sources Table 12.2-20: Solid Radioactive Waste System Component Source Terms - Source Strengths (Continued)

Spent Resin Phase Separator High Integrity Energy Boundary Storage Tank Tank Container (HIC)

Energy Group (MeV) (photon/s) (photon/s) (photon/s) 43 7.50E+00 - 8.00E+00 - - -

44 8.00E+00 - 1.00E+01 - - -

45 1.00E+01 - 1.20E+01 - - -

46 1.20E+01 - 1.40E+01 - - -

47 1.40E+01 - 2.00E+01 - - -

Total 1.39E+15 1.29E+11 7.54E+13 Note: Assumes the plant consists of 12 NPMs operating on a two-year refueling cycle.

Tier 2 12.2-78 Draft Revision 2