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LLC Response to NRC Request for Additional Information No. 164 (Erai No. 8935) on the Nuscale Design Certification Application
Person / Time
Site: NuScale
Issue date: 11/29/2018
From: Rad Z
Document Control Desk, Office of New Reactors
Download: ML18333A359 (43)


RAIO-1118-63624 November 29, 2018 Docket No.52-048 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk One White Flint North 11555 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852-2738


NuScale Power, LLC Response to NRC Request for Additional Information No.

164 (eRAI No. 8935) on the NuScale Design Certification Application


1. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, "Request for Additional Information No. 164 (eRAI No. 8935)," dated August 11, 2017
2. NuScale Power, LLC Response to NRC "Request for Additional Information No. 164 (eRAI No.8935)," dated August 29, 2018
3. NuScale Power, LLC Response to NRC "Request for Additional Information No. 164 (eRAI No.8935)," dated October 6, 2017 The purpose of this letter is to provide the NuScale Power, LLC (NuScale) response to the referenced NRC Request for Additional Information (RAI).

The Enclosure to this letter contains NuScale's response to the following RAI Question from NRC eRAI No. 8935:

  • 03.07.02-26 The response to RAI Questions 03.07.02-23 and 03.07.02-24 were previously provided in References 2 and 3. The response to question 03.07.02-25 will be provided by December 20, 2018.

This letter and the enclosed response make no new regulatory commitments and no revisions to any existing regulatory commitments.

If you have any questions on this response, please contact Marty Bryan at 541-452-7172 or at




_,.,/Lackary W. Rad Director, Regulatory Affairs NuScale Power, LLC Distribution: Gregory Cranston, NRC, OWFN-8G9A Samuel Lee, NRC, OWFN-8G9A Marieliz Vera, NRC, OWFN-8G9A NuScale Power, LLC 1100 NE Circle Blvd. , Suite 200 Corvalis, Oregon 97330 , Office: 541.360.0500 , Fax: 541.207.3928

RAIO-1118-63624 : NuScale Response to NRC Request for Additional Information eRAI No. 8935 NuScale Power, LLC 1100 NE Circle Blvd., Suite 200 Corvalis, Oregon 97330, Office: 541.360.0500, Fax: 541.207.3928

RAIO-1118-63624 :

NuScale Response to NRC Request for Additional Information eRAI No. 8935 NuScale Power, LLC 1100 NE Circle Blvd., Suite 200 Corvalis, Oregon 97330, Office: 541.360.0500, Fax: 541.207.3928

Response to Request for Additional Information Docket No.52-048 eRAI No.: 8935 Date of RAI Issue: 08/11/2017 NRC Question No.: 03.07.02-26 10 CFR 50 Appendix S requires that the safety functions of structures, systems, and components (SSCs) must be assured during and after the vibratory ground motion associated with the Safe Shutdown Earthquake (SSE) through design, testing, or qualification methods.

a. In FSAR Subsection, the applicant indicates that the ISRS from the triple building model were considered for the design of SSCs in the RXB but not for the CRB. It is expected that the structure-soil-structure interaction (SSSI) effect would be more pronounced on a lighter building (CRB) than a neighboring heavier building (RXB). The applicant is requested to provide justification for not considering the ISRS from the triple building model for the design of SSCs in the CRB.
b. Figures 3.7.2-106 and 107 in the FSAR present the Reactor Building ISRS for floor at EL 24 and EL 25, respectively, which indicates noticeable difference in ISRS (both in shape and amplitude) for an elevation difference of only 1 foot. The applicant is requested to discuss the factors contributing to this observed difference.

NuScale Response:


The broadened floor in-structure response spectra (ISRS) enveloping both the triple building model (which includes structure-soil-structure interaction (SSSI) effects) and standalone CRB models are provided in this response. Based on the ISRS comparison between the two models, it is concluded that SSSI does have an effect on the ISRS. Thus, the current CRB ISRS plots NuScale Nonproprietary

shown in FSAR Tier 2, Figures 3.7.2-117 through 3.7.2-122, Revision 2, will be replaced with broadened floor ISRS enveloping the two models.

Comparison of CSDRS ISRS between Standalone CRB and Triple Building Models The broadened, 5% spectrally damped ISRS due to the CSDRS inputs are compared, in Figures 1 through 18, between standalone and triple building models. As can be seen in the ISRS comparisons, the SSSI, which is accounted for in the analysis by using the triple building model, has a significant effect on the ISRS.

The selected nodes of the standalone CRB model on the five floors and roof are provided in Table 1. The mapping of the 42 selected nodes of the standalone CRB model with the equivalent nodes in the triple building model is provided in Table 2.

The broadened floor ISRS provided in this response envelop the following analysis cases:

  • ISRS due to CSDRS Inputs
1. Standalone CRB model and triple building model.
2. Uncracked and cracked concrete conditions.
3. Soil Types 7, 8, and 11.
4. Structural Damping: 4%.
5. Five CSDRS-compatible seismic inputs: Capitola, Chi-Chi, El Centro, Izmit, Yermo.
  • ISRS due to CSDRS-HF Inputs
1. Standalone CRB model and triple building model.
2. Uncracked and cracked concrete conditions.
3. Soil Types 7 and 9.
4. Structural Damping: 4%.
5. One CSDRS-HF-Compatible Seismic Input: Lucerne.

NuScale Nonproprietary

Table 1. CRB Floors and Selected Nodes for Floor ISRS Generation.

Floor No. Standalone Model Selected Node No. Z (inch) Elevation 1 32322, 32334, 32345, 32526, 405 EL 50'-0" 32623,32730, 32742, 32753 2 34304, 34320, 34380, 570 EL. 63'-3" 34408, 34413, 34696 3 35557, 35626, 35637, 35713, 720 EL. 76'-6" 35786, 35787, 35792, 36145 4 38064, 38133, 38134, 38144, 38220, 38293, 1020 EL. 100'-0" 38294, 38298, 38597, 38603, 38608, 38652 5 39105, 39157, 39214, 1260 EL. 120'-0" 39215, 39221, 39477 Roof 39715, 39860 1518 EL. 140'-0" Table 2. Selected Nodes of Standalone and Triple Building Models.

Count Standalone CRB Model Triple Building Model No. Node X (in) Y (in) Z (in) Node X (in) Y (in) Z (in)

No. No.

1 32322 4500 -700 405 31673 4470 -705 405 2 32334 4500 -8 405 31685 4470 -8 405 3 32345 4500 700 405 31696 4470 705 405 4 32526 4968 -8 405 31877 4938 -8 405 5 32623 5154 58.5 405 31974 5124 58.5 405 6 32730 5436 -700 405 32081 5406 -705 405 7 32742 5436 -8 405 32093 5406 -8 405 8 32753 5436 700 405 32104 5406 705 405 9 34304 4500 -270 570 33424 4470 -270 570 10 34320 4500 700 570 33440 4470 705 570 11 34380 4693 -491.5 570 33491 4663 -491.5 570 12 34408 4751.33 -270 570 33516 4721.33 -270 570 13 34413 4751.33 -8 570 33521 4721.33 -8 570 14 34696 5436 -700 570 33765 5406 -705 570 15 35557 4389 -270 720 34464 4359 -270 720 16 35626 4500 -8 720 34530 4470 -8 720 17 35637 4500 700 720 34541 4470 705 720 18 35713 4693 -491.5 720 34608 4663 -491.5 720 19 35786 4809.67 -8 720 34675 4779.67 -8 720 20 35787 4809.67 58.5 720 34676 4779.67 58.5 720 21 35792 4809.67 353.5 720 34681 4779.67 353.5 720 NuScale Nonproprietary

22 36145 5436 -700 720 34998 5406 -705 720 23 38064 4389 -270 1020 36539 4359 -270 1020 24 38133 4500 -8 1020 36605 4470 -8 1020 25 38134 4500 58.5 1020 36606 4470 58.5 1020 26 38144 4500 700 1020 36616 4470 705 1020 27 38220 4693 -491.5 1020 36683 4663 -491.5 1020 28 38293 4809.67 -8 1020 36750 4779.67 -8 1020 29 38294 4809.67 58.5 1020 36751 4779.67 58.5 1020 30 38298 4809.67 284 1020 36755 4779.67 284 1020 31 38597 5304 -324.5 1020 37024 5274 -324.5 1020 32 38603 5304 -8 1020 37030 5274 -8 1020 33 38608 5304 284 1020 37035 5274 284 1020 34 38652 5436 -700 1020 37073 5406 -705 1020 35 39105 4500 700 1260 37472 4470 700 1260 36 39157 4693 -491.5 1260 37524 4663 -491.5 1260 37 39214 4809.67 -8 1260 37581 4779.67 -8 1260 38 39215 4809.67 58.5 1260 37582 4779.67 58.5 1260 39 39221 4809.67 423 1260 37588 4779.67 423 1260 40 39477 5436 -700 1260 37844 5406 -700 1260 41 39715 4500 700 1518 38082 4470 700 1518 42 39860 5436 -700 1518 38227 5406 -700 1518 NuScale Nonproprietary

Figure 1. Comparison of CRB - East-West (X) CSDRS ISRS at El. 50'-0" (Z=405") between Standalone and Triple Building Models.

Figure 2. Comparison of CRB - North-South (Y) CSDRS ISRS at El. 50'-0" (Z=405") between Standalone and Triple Building Models.

NuScale Nonproprietary

Figure 3. Comparison of CRB - Vertical (Z) CSDRS ISRS at El. 50'-0" (Z=405") between Standalone and Triple Building Models.

Figure 4. Comparison of CRB - East-West (X) CSDRS ISRS at El. 63'-3" (Z=570") between Standalone and Triple Building Models.

NuScale Nonproprietary

Figure 5. Comparison of CRB - North-South (Y) CSDRS ISRS at El. 63'-3" (Z=570") between Standalone and Triple Building Models.

Figure 6. Comparison of CRB - Vertical (Z) CSDRS ISRS at El. 63'-3" (Z=570") between Standalone and Triple Building Models.

NuScale Nonproprietary

Figure 7. Comparison of CRB - East-West (X) CSDRS ISRS at El. 76'-6" (Z=720") between Standalone and Triple Building Models.

Figure 8. Comparison of CRB - North-South (Y) CSDRS ISRS at El. 76'-6" (Z=720") between Standalone and Triple Building Models.

NuScale Nonproprietary

Figure 9. Comparison of CRB - Vertical (Z) CSDRS ISRS at El. 76'-6" (Z=720") between Standalone and Triple Building Models.

Figure 10. Comparison of CRB - East-West (X) CSDRS ISRS at El. 100'-0" (Z=1020") between Standalone and Triple Building Models.

NuScale Nonproprietary

Figure 11. Comparison of CRB - North-South (Y) CSDRS ISRS at El. 100'-0" (Z=1020")

between Standalone and Triple Building Models.

Figure 12. Comparison of CRB - Vertical (Z) CSDRS ISRS at El. 100'-0" (Z=1020") between Standalone and Triple Building Models.

NuScale Nonproprietary

Figure 13. Comparison of CRB - East-West (X) CSDRS ISRS at El. 120'-0" (Z=1260") between Standalone and Triple Building Models.

Figure 14. Comparison of CRB - North-South (Y) CSDRS ISRS at El. 120'-0" (Z=1260")

between Standalone and Triple Building Models.

NuScale Nonproprietary

Figure 15. Comparison of CRB - Vertical (Z) CSDRS ISRS El. 120'-0" (Z=1260") between Standalone and Triple Building Models.

Figure 16. Comparison of CRB - East-West (X) CSDRS ISRS at El. 140'-0" (Z=1518") between Standalone and Triple Building Models.

NuScale Nonproprietary

Figure 17. Comparison of CRB - North-South (Y) CSDRS ISRS at El. 140'-0" (Z=1518")

between Standalone and Triple Building Models.

Figure 18. Comparison of CRB - Vertical (Z) CSDRS ISRS at El. 140'-0" (Z=1518") between Standalone and Triple Building Models.

NuScale Nonproprietary

Floor ISRS due to CSDRS Inputs The floor ISRS due to the CSDRS and CSDRS-HF inputs enveloping all cases mentioned at the beginning of this response, and floor nodes provided in Tables 1 and 2, are provided with the FSAR markup accompanying this response.


The ISRS in Figure 3.7.2-107 (El. 24'), is an envelope of three node locations along the exterior wall on the north face. These locations provide a good representation of the corridors surrounding the pool. The ISRS in Figure 3.7.2-108 (El. 25'), is an envelope of twenty-two (22) interior nodes in the pool region. The factors contributing to the difference in shape and amplitude of the ISRS include variations in basemat stiffness and the dynamic response of the interior components (NPM, interior walls, pool water, etc.).

Impact on DCA:

FSAR Tier 2, Figures 3.7.2-117a through 3.7.2-122b have been revised as described in the response above and as shown in the markup provided in this response.

NuScale Nonproprietary

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Interfaces with Certified Design RAI 01-61, RAI 02.04.13-1, RAI 03.04.01-4, RAI 03.04.02-1, RAI 03.04.02-2, RAI 03.04.02-3, RAI, RAI, RAI 03.05.02-2, RAI 03.05.03-4, RAI 03.06.02-6, RAI 03.06.02-15, RAI 03.06.03-11, RAI 03.07.01-2, RAI 03.07.01-3, RAI 03.07.02-6S1, RAI 03.07.02-6S2, RAI 03.07.02-8, RAI 03.07.02-12, RAI 03.07.02-15S5, RAI 03.07.02-26, RAI 03.08.04-3S2, RAI 03.08.04-23S1, RAI 03.08.04-23S2, RAI 03.08.05-14S1, RAI 03.09.02-15, RAI 03.09.02-48, RAI 03.09.02-67, RAI 03.09.02-69, RAI 03.09.03-12, RAI 03.09.06-5, RAI 03.09.06-6, RAI 03.09.06-16, RAI 03.09.06-16S1, RAI 03.09.06-27, RAI 03.11-8, RAI 03.11-14, RAI 03.11-14S1, RAI 03.11-18, RAI 03.13-3, RAI 04.02-1S2, RAI 05.02.03-19, RAI 05.02.05-8, RAI, RAI, RAI, RAI, RAI, RAI 06.02.06-22, RAI 06.02.06-23, RAI 06.04-1, RAI 09.01.01-20, RAI 09.01.02-4, RAI 09.01.05-3, RAI 09.01.05-6, RAI 09.03.02-3, RAI 09.03.02-4, RAI 09.03.02-5, RAI 09.03.02-6, RAI 09.03.02-8, RAI 10.02-1, RAI 10.02-2, RAI 10.02-3, RAI 10.02.03-1, RAI 10.02.03-2, RAI 10.03.06-1, RAI 10.03.06-5, RAI 10.04.06-1, RAI 10.04.06-2, RAI 10.04.06-3, RAI 10.04.10-2, RAI 11.01-2, RAI 12.03-55S1, RAI 13.01.01-1, RAI 13.01.01-1S1, RAI 13.02.02-1, RAI 13.03-4, RAI, RAI, RAI, RAI, RAI, RAI, RAI 14.02-7, RAI 19-31, RAI 19-31S1, RAI 19-38, RAI 20.01-13 Table 1.8-2: Combined License Information Items Item No. Description of COL Information Item Section COL Item 1.1-1: A COL applicant that references the NuScale Power Plant design certification will identify the 1.1 site-specific plant location.

COL Item 1.1-2: A COL applicant that references the NuScale Power Plant design certification will provide the 1.1 schedules for completion of construction and commercial operation of each power module.

COL Item 1.4-1: A COL applicant that references the NuScale Power Plant design certification will identify the 1.4 prime agents or contractors for the construction and operation of the nuclear power plant.

COL Item 1.7-1: A COL applicant that references the NuScale Power Plant design certification will provide site- 1.7 specific diagrams and legends, as applicable.

COL Item 1.7-2: A COL applicant that references the NuScale Power Plant design certification will list additional 1.7 site-specific piping and instrumentation diagrams and legends as applicable.

COL Item 1.8-1: A COL applicant that references the NuScale Power Plant design certification will provide a list of 1.8 departures from the certified design.

COL Item 1.9-1: A COL applicant that references the NuScale Power Plant design certification will review and 1.9 address the conformance with regulatory criteria in effect six months before the docket date of the COL application for the site-specific portions and operational aspects of the facility design.

COL Item 1.10-1: A COL applicant that references the NuScale Power Plant design certification will evaluate the 1.10 potential hazards resulting from construction activities of the new NuScale facility to the safety-related and risk significant structures, systems, and components of existing operating unit(s) and newly constructed operating unit(s) at the co-located site per 10 CFR 52.79(a)(31).

The evaluation will include identification of management and administrative controls necessary to eliminate or mitigate the consequences of potential hazards and demonstration that the limiting conditions for operation of an operating unit would not be exceeded. This COL item is not applicable for construction activities (build-out of the facility) at an individual NuScale Power Plant with operating NuScale Power Modules.

COL Item 2.0-1: A COL applicant that references the NuScale Power Plant design certification will demonstrate 2.0 that site-specific characteristics are bounded by the design parameters specified in Table 2.0-1.

If site-specific values are not bounded by the values in Table 2.0-1, the COL applicant will demonstrate the acceptability of the site-specific values in the appropriate sections of its combined license application.

COL Item 2.1-1: A COL applicant that references the NuScale Power Plant design certification will describe the 2.1 site geographic and demographic characteristics.

COL Item 2.2-1: A COL applicant that references the NuScale Power Plant design certification will describe 2.2 nearby industrial, transportation, and military facilities. The COL applicant will demonstrate that the design is acceptable for each potential accident, or provide site-specific design alternatives.

COL Item 2.3-1: A COL applicant that references the NuScale Power Plant design certification will describe the 2.3 site-specific meteorological characteristics for Section 2.3.1 through Section 2.3.5, as applicable.

COL Item 2.4-1: A COL applicant that references the NuScale Power Plant design certification will investigate 2.4 and describe the site-specific hydrologic characteristics for Section 2.4.1 through Section 2.4.14, except Section 2.4.8 and Section 2.4.10.

Tier 2 1.8-3 Draft Revision 3

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Interfaces with Certified Design Table 1.8-2: Combined License Information Items (Continued)

Item No. Description of COL Information Item Section COL Item 3.7-10: A COL applicant that references the NuScale Power Plant design certification will perform a 3.7 site-specific configuration analysis that includes the Reactor Building with applicable configuration layout of the desired NuScale Power Modules. The COL applicant will confirm the following are bounded by the corresponding design certified seismic demands:

1) The in-structure response spectra of the standard design at the foundation and roof. See FSAR Figure 3.7.2-107 and Figure 3.7.2-108 for foundation in-structure response spectra and Figure 3.7.2-113 for roof in-structure response spectra.
2) The maximum forces in the NuScale Power Module lug restraints and skirts.
3) The site-specific in-structure response spectra for the NuScale Power Module at the skirt support will be shown to be bounded by the in-structure response spectra in Figure 3.7.2-156 and Figure 3.7.2-157. The site-specific in-structure response spectra for the NuScale Power Module at the lug restraints will be shown to be bounded by the in-structure response spectra in Figure 3.7.2-158 through Figure 3.7.2-163.
4) The maximum forces and moments in the east and west wing walls and pool walls. See FSAR Table 3.7.2-32.
5) The site-specific in-structure response spectra for the fuel storage racks will be shown to be bounded by the in-structure response spectra in Figure 3-6 through Figure 3-14 of TR-0816-49833.
6) The site-specific in-structure response spectra shown immediately below will be shown to be bounded by their corresponding certified in-structure response spectra:
  • Reactor Building north exterior wall at EL 75-0: bounded by in-structure response spectra in Figure 3.7.2-110
  • Reactor Building west exterior wall at EL 126-0: bounded by in-structure response spectra in Figure 3.7.2-112
  • Reactor Building crane wheels at EL 145-6: bounded by in-structure response spectra in Figure 3.7.2-114
  • Control Building east wall at EL 76-6: bounded by in-structure response spectra in Figure 3.7.2-119a and Figure 3.7.2-119b
  • Control Building south wall at EL 120-0: bounded by in-structure response spectra in Figure 3.7.2-121a and Figure 3.7.2-121b If not, the standard design will be shown to have appropriate margin or should be appropriately modified to accommodate the site-specific demands.

COL Item 3.7-11: A COL applicant that references the NuScale Power Plant design certification will perform a 3.7 site-specific analysis that, if applicable, assesses the effects of soil separation. The COL applicant will confirm that the in-structure response spectra in the soil separation cases are bounded by the in-structure response spectra shown in FSAR Figure 3.7.2-107 through Figure 3.7.2-122.

COL Item 3.7-12: A COL applicant that references the NuScale Power Plant design certification will perform an 3.7 analysis that uses site-specific soil and time histories to confirm the adequacy of the fluid-structure interaction correction factor.

COL Item 3.8-1: A COL applicant that references the NuScale Power Plant design certification will describe the 3.8 site-specific program for monitoring and maintenance of the Seismic Category I structures in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR 50.65 as discussed in Regulatory Guide 1.160.

Monitoring is to include below grade walls, groundwater chemistry if needed, base settlements and differential displacements.

COL Item 3.8-2: A COL applicant that references the NuScale Power Plant design certification will confirm that 3.8 the site independent Reactor Building and Control Building are acceptable for use at the designated site.

COL Item 3.8-3: A COL applicant that references the NuScale Power Plant design certification will identify local 3.8 stiff and soft spots in the foundation soil and address these in the design, as necessary.

Tier 2 1.8-7 Draft Revision 3

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Seismic Design The ISRS corresponding to each main floor of the CRB identified below are provided on the listed figures. The governing ISRS envelop the ISRS taken from node locations on the corners of the buildings to capture the torsional and rocking components.

RAI 03.07.02-26 Floor Figure 50-0 Figure 3.7.2-117Figure 3.7.2-117a and Figure 3.7.2-117b 63-3 Figure 3.7.2-118Figure 3.7.2-118a and Figure 3.7.2-118b 76-6 Figure 3.7.2-119Figure 3.7.2-119a and Figure 3.7.2-119b 100-0 Figure 3.7.2-120Figure 3.7.2-120a and Figure 3.7.2-120b 120-0 Figure 3.7.2-121Figure 3.7.2-121a and Figure 3.7.2-121b 140-0 Figure 3.7.2-122Figure 3.7.2-122a and Figure 3.7.2-122b Three Components of Earthquake Motion The three components of earthquake motion are developed as separate time histories as discussed in Section These time history motions are applied to the building models as input to the SASSI2010 analysis. For the desired output (ISRS, forces and moments, displacements, etc.) the responses for the structure are combined using square root of the sum of the squares in conformance with RG 1.92, Combining Modal Responses and Spatial Components in Seismic Response Analysis Rev. 2. Combination of Modal Responses Modal combination is not utilized for the analysis of the RXB or CRB. These structures are evaluated using SASSI2010 finite element models. SASSI2010 utilizes time history analysis in the frequency domain in which the equations of motion are solved for the soil and structural elements. Interaction of Non-Seismic Category I Structures with Seismic Category I Structures A failure of a nearby structure could adversely affect the Seismic Category I RXB and Seismic Category I portions of the CRB. These nearby structures are assessed (or analyzed if necessary) as described below to ensure that there is no credible potential for adverse interactions. Figure 1.2-4 provides a site plan showing the standard plant layout. The non-Seismic Category I structures that are adjacent to the Seismic Category I RXB and CRB are:

  • RWB (Seismic Category II), adjacent to RXB Tier 2 3.7-140 Draft Revision 3

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Seismic Design The difference in results between operation with twelve NPMs and operation with fewer NPMs in place is small and within the capacity of the building design. Site-specific configurations, outside of the scope of the presented 12 NPM and 7 NPM cases, require additional analysis to be performed by the COL applicant.

RAI 03.07.02-8 COL Item 3.7-10: A COL applicant that references the NuScale Power Plant design certification will perform a site-specific configuration analysis that includes the Reactor Building with applicable configuration layout of the desired NuScale Power Modules. The COL applicant will confirm the following are bounded by the corresponding design certified seismic demands:

RAI 03.07.02-8, RAI 03.08.04-23S2

1) The in-structure response spectra of the standard design at the foundation and roof. See FSAR Figure 3.7.2-107 and Figure 3.7.2-108 for foundation in-structure response spectra and Figure 3.7.2-113 for roof in-structure response spectra.

RAI 03.07.02-8, RAI 03.08.04-23S2

2) The maximum forces in the NuScale Power Module lug restraints and skirts.

RAI 03.08.04-23S1, RAI 03.08.04-23S2

3) The site-specific in-structure response spectra for the NuScale Power Module at the skirt support will be shown to be bounded by the in-structure response spectra in Figure 3.7.2-156 and Figure 3.7.2-157. The site-specific in-structure response spectra for the NuScale Power Module at the lug restraints will be shown to be bounded by the in-structure response spectra in Figure 3.7.2-158 through Figure 3.7.2-163.

RAI 03.07.02-8, RAI 03.08.04-23S2

4) The maximum forces and moments in the east and west wing walls and pool walls. See FSAR Table 3.7.2-32.

RAI 03.08.04-23S1, RAI 03.08.04-23S2

5) The site-specific in-structure response spectra for the fuel storage racks will be shown to be bounded by the in-structure response spectra in Figure 3-6 through Figure 3-14 of TR-0816-49833.

RAI 03.08.04-23S1, RAI 03.08.04-23S2

6) The site-specific in-structure response spectra shown immediately below will be shown to be bounded by their corresponding certified in-structure response spectra:

RAI 03.08.04-23S1, RAI 03.08.04-23S2

  • Reactor Building north exterior wall at EL 75-0: bounded by in-structure response spectra in Figure 3.7.2-110 RAI 03.08.04-23S1, RAI 03.08.04-23S2
  • Reactor Building west exterior wall at EL 126-0: bounded by in-structure response spectra in Figure 3.7.2-112 RAI 03.08.04-23S1, RAI 03.08.04-23S2
  • Reactor Building crane wheels at EL 145-6: bounded by in-structure response spectra in Figure 3.7.2-114 RAI 03.07.02-26, RAI 03.08.04-23S1, RAI 03.08.04-23S2 Tier 2 3.7-145 Draft Revision 3

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Seismic Design

  • Control Building east wall at EL 76-6: bounded by in-structure response spectra in Figure 3.7.2-119Figure 3.7.2-119a and Figure 3.7.2-119b RAI 03.07.02-26, RAI 03.08.04-23S1, RAI 03.08.04-23S2
  • Control Building south wall at EL 120-0: bounded by in-structure response spectra in Figure 3.7.2-121Figure 3.7.2-121a and Figure 3.7.2-121b RAI 03.07.02-8 If not, the standard design will be shown to have appropriate margin or should be appropriately modified to accommodate the site-specific demands. Foundation Uplift Foundation uplift did not occur in either deeply embedded structure. The evaluation is provided in Section 3.8.5. Use of Constant Vertical Static Factors Constant vertical static factors are not used in the design of the Seismic Category I and II structures. Vertical seismic loads are generated from the SASSI2010 analysis. Method Used to Account for Torsional Effects Inertial torsional effects are inherently considered in the seismic analysis using a 3D finite element model with backfill soil. The potential for accidental torsion is considered insignificant due to physical geometry of the structures which are deeply embedded with most mass at the foundation. Within the RXB the two largest masses are the pool and the NPMs.

RAI 03.07.02-9 The element demand forces and moments obtained from SASSI2010 due to east-west and north-south CSDRS (and CSDRS-HF) inputs have been increased by 5 percent to account for accidental torsion. The total demand forces and moments are obtained using SRSS, as shown below.

2 2 2

( A NS ) + ( A EW ) + ( A VT ) Eq. 3.7-17 where, ANS maximum element forces due to the SSE in the North-South direction AEW maximum element forces due to the SSE in the East-West direction AVT maximum element forces due to the SSE in the vertical direction factor to account for accidental torsion effect in NS or EW (1.05)

Tier 2 3.7-146 Draft Revision 3

Tier 2 NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report RAI 03.07.02-26, RAI 03.08.04-33, RAI 03.08.04-33S1, RAI 03.11-19 Table 3.7.2-35: Analysis Model Summary No. Analysis Model Concrete Computer SSI and SSSI Soil SSI and SSSI Time Purpose Building FSAR Explanation FSAR Results Condition Program Types Considered History Inputs Response and Figures Used 1 RXB stand-alone Uncracked & SAP2000 N/A N/A Static analysis Member Sections:, Tables: 3B-2 through bldg cracked forces,, -25; Figures 3B-7,, through -47; Figures:

3.7.2-4, 3.8.4-15 through -20 2 RXB stand-alone Uncracked & SASSI2010 7, 8 & 11 (with CSDRS: Capitola, Seismic SSI analysis using Member Sections:, Tables: 3B-2 through bldg cracked CSDRS Input); 7 & 9 Chi-Chi, El Centro, 7% material damping forces, -25; Figures 3B-7 (with CSDRS-HF Izmit, Yermo.,, through -47 Input) CSDRS-HF:,, Lucerne,; Figures 3.7.2-15 through -21 & -35 3.7-230 (SASSI Input); Table 3.7.2-8 (SASSI Input) 3 RXB stand-alone Uncracked & SASSI2010 7, 8 & 11 (with CSDRS: Capitola, Seismic ISRS generation ISRS Sections:, Figures: 3.7.2-99 bldg cracked CSDRS Input); 7 & 9 Chi-Chi, El Centro, using 4% material, through -103 (with CSDRS-HF Izmit, Yermo. damping,, Input) CSDRS-HF:,, Lucerne,,; Figures 3.7.2-15 through -21

& -35 (SASSI Input);

Table 3.7.2-8 (SASSI Input) 4 RXB stand-alone Uncracked ANSYS Wall accelerations CSDRS: Capitola Slosh heights in reactor Accelerati- Sections:, Table 3.7.2-8; Figures bldg are based on soil pool and determine fluid- ons, fluid,, 3.7.2-36 through -39 types 7, 8, and 11 structure interaction pressures; Figures: 3.7.2-w CSDRS Input. effects of the RXB Pool 32 through -35, 3.8.5-8 through -14 Draft Revision 3 Seismic Design

Table 3.7.2-35: Analysis Model Summary (Continued)

Tier 2 NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report No. Analysis Model Concrete Computer SSI and SSSI Soil SSI and SSSI Time Purpose Building FSAR Explanation FSAR Results Condition Program Types Considered History Inputs Response and Figures Used 11 CRB stand-alone Uncracked SASSI2010 7, 8 & 11 (with CSDRS: Capitola, Seismic SSI analysis using Member Sections:, Tables: 3B-28 bldg and cracked CSDRS Input); 7 & 9 Chi-Chi, El Centro, 7% material damping forces,, through - 49; Figures (with CSDRS-HF Izmit, Yermo.,; 3B-65 through - 85 Input) CSDRS-HF: Figures: 3.7.2-53 Lucerne through -58, 3.8.5-34

& -35 12 CRB stand-alone Uncracked SASSI2010 7, 8 & 11 (with CSDRS: Capitola, Seismic ISRS generation ISRS Sections:, See envelope of bldg and cracked CSDRS Input); 7 & 9 Chi-Chi, El Centro, using 4% material,, cracked and (with CSDRS-HF Izmit, Yermo. damping,, uncraked condition -

Input) CSDRS-HF:,; Figures: 3.7.2-117a Lucerne Figures: 3.7.2-53 through -122b.

through -58, 3.8.5-34

& -35 13 RXB-CRB-RWB Uncracked SAP2000 N/A N/A Static analysis Member Sections:, Tables: 3B-2 through multiple bldg and cracked forces; Figures: 3.7.2- -25, 3B-28 through -

3.7-232 59 through -66 51; Figures: 3B-7 through -47 and 3B-65 through -85 14 RXB-CRB-RWB Uncracked SASSI2010 7, 8 & 11 (with CSDRS: Capitola, Seismic SSI analysis using RXB Sections:, Tables: 3B-2 through multiple bldg and cracked CSDRS Input); 7 & 9 Chi-Chi, El Centro, 7% material damping member,, -25, 3B-28 through -

(RXB) (with CSDRS-HF Izmit, Yermo. forces,; 51; Figures: 3B-7 Input) CSDRS-HF: Figures: 3.7.2-67 through -47 and 3B-Lucerne through -75 65 through -85 15 RXB-CRB-RWB Uncracked SASSI2010 7 (CSDRS) & 9 CSDRS: Capitola, Seismic SSI analysis using CRB Sections:, Tables: 3B-2 through multiple bldg and cracked (CSDRS-HF) Chi-Chi, El Centro, 7% material damping member,, -25, 3B-28 through -

(CRB) Izmit, Yermo. forces,; 51; Figures: 3B-7 CSDRS-HF: Figures: 3.7.2-67 through -47 and 3B-Lucerne through -75 65 through -85 16 RXB-CRB-RWB Uncracked SASSI2010 7, 8 & 11 (with CSDRS: Capitola, Seismic ISRS generation RXB ISRS Sections:, Figures: 3.7.2-104 multiple bldg and cracked CSDRS Input); 7 & 9 Chi-Chi, El Centro, using 4% material,, through -106 (RXB) (with CSDRS-HF Izmit, Yermo. damping,, Input) CSDRS-HF:

Draft Revision 3 Lucerne Seismic Design 17 Envelope of ISRS Envelope of SASSI2010 See above See above Seismic ISRS generation ISRS Sections:, Figures: 3.7.2-107 for RXB cracked & using 4% material through -113 uncracked damping

Table 3.7.2-35: Analysis Model Summary (Continued)

Tier 2 NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report No. Analysis Model Concrete Computer SSI and SSSI Soil SSI and SSSI Time Purpose Building FSAR Explanation FSAR Results Condition Program Types Considered History Inputs Response and Figures Used 18 Envelope of ISRS Envelope of SASSI2010 See above See above Seismic ISRS generation ISRS Sections:, Figures: 3.7.2-117a for CRB cracked & using 4% material through -122b uncracked damping 19 RXB linear Cracked & N/A N/A N/A Evaluate flotation, sliding, Factor of Sections:, Table 3.8.5-5 stability - stand- uncracked and overturning safety 3.8.5,, alone building, 20 RXB nonlinear Cracked & ANSYS 7, 8 & 11 (with CSDRS Averaged Evaluate flotation, sliding, Displace- Sections:, Figures: 3.8.5-53 stability - stand- uncracked CSDRS Input); 9 Reactions from: and overturning ment 3.8.5,, through -76; Table alone model (with CSDRS-HF Capitola, Chi-Chi,; Table 3.8.5- 3.8.5-12 (however, input Input) El Centro, Izmit, 6 seismic base Yermo. CSDRS-HF:

reactions Lucerne envelope both the RXB Stand-Alone and Triple 3.7-233 Bldg SASSI Models) 21 CRB linear Cracked & N/A N/A N/A Evaluate flotation, sliding, Factor of Sections:, Not presented stability - stand- uncracked and overturning safety 3.8.5,, alone building 22 CRB nonlinear Cracked & ANSYS 7 & 11 (with CSDRS CSDRS: Capitola Evaluate flotation, sliding, Displace- Sections:, Table 3.8.5-13; stability - stand- uncracked Input) and overturning ment 3.8.5,, Figures: 3.8.5-49 & -

alone model; Figures: 50; Sections:

3.8.5-26 & -27, 3.8.5- &

48 23 RXB-CRB-RWB Cracked & SAP2000 N/A N/A Evaluate settlement for Settlement Sections:; Table 3.8.5-8 multiple bldg - uncracked RXB and CRB Figures: 3.8.5-41 settlement 24 NuScale Power Cracked & ANSYS 7 (with CSDRS CSDRS: Capitola Determine reaction forces Reactions, Sections:, TR-0916-51502 Module (NPMs 1 uncracked Input) for NPM and ISRS for NPM forces, 3.7.3; Appendix 3A; Tables 8-1 through and 6) components. moments, Table 3.9-8; TR-0916- 8-7 and Table C-2; ISRS 51502 Sections 3.1.5 Figures B-1 through Draft Revision 3 Seismic Design

& 5.0 B-27; Figures C-22 &

C-23 25 RXB fuel storage N/A ANSYS Analysis based on Analysis based on Structural analysis of the Member Sections: 3.7.3, See COL Item 9.1-8 racks RXB ISRS RXB ISRS RXB fuel storage racks stresses, 9.1; TR-0816-49833

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Seismic Design RAI 03.07.02-26 Figure 3.7.2-117: Control Building ISRS at Floor at El. 50 0Not Used Tier 2 3.7-372 Draft Revision 3

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Seismic Design RAI 03.07.02-26 Figure 3.7.2-117a: CRB - ISRS at El. 50-0 (Z=405), 5 CSDRS Inputs Tier 2 3.7-373 Draft Revision 3

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Seismic Design RAI 03.07.02-26 Figure 3.7.2-117b: CRB - ISRS at El. 50-0 (Z=405), CSDRS-HF Inputs Tier 2 3.7-374 Draft Revision 3

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Seismic Design RAI 03.07.02-26 Figure 3.7.2-118: Control Building ISRS at Floor at El. 63 3Not Used Tier 2 3.7-375 Draft Revision 3

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Seismic Design RAI 03.07.02-26 Figure 3.7.2-118a: CRB - ISRS at El. 63-3 (Z=570), 5 CSDRS Inputs Tier 2 3.7-376 Draft Revision 3

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Seismic Design RAI 03.07.02-26 Figure 3.7.2-118b: CRB - ISRS at El. 63-3 (Z=570), CSDRS-HF Input Tier 2 3.7-377 Draft Revision 3

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Seismic Design RAI 03.07.02-26 Figure 3.7.2-119: Control Building ISRS at Floor at El. 76 6Not Used Tier 2 3.7-378 Draft Revision 3

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Seismic Design RAI 03.07.02-26 Figure 3.7.2-119a: CRB - ISRS at El. 76-6 (Z=720), 5 CSDRS Inputs Tier 2 3.7-379 Draft Revision 3

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Seismic Design RAI 03.07.02-26 Figure 3.7.2-119b: CRB - East - West (X) ISRS at El. 76-6 (Z=720), CSDRS-HF Input Tier 2 3.7-380 Draft Revision 3

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Seismic Design RAI 03.07.02-26 Figure 3.7.2-120: Control Building ISRS at Floor at El. 100 0Not Used Tier 2 3.7-381 Draft Revision 3

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Seismic Design RAI 03.07.02-26 Figure 3.7.2-120a: CRB - ISRS at El. 100-0 (Z=1020), 5 CSDRS Inputs Tier 2 3.7-382 Draft Revision 3

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Seismic Design RAI 03.07.02-26 Figure 3.7.2-120b: CRB - ISRS at El. 100-0 (Z=1020), CSDRS-HF Input Tier 2 3.7-383 Draft Revision 3

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Seismic Design RAI 03.07.02-26 Figure 3.7.2-121: Control Building ISRS at Floor at El. 120 0Not Used Tier 2 3.7-384 Draft Revision 3

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Seismic Design RAI 03.07.02-26 Figure 3.7.2-121a: CRB - ISRS at El. 120-0 (Z=1260), 5 CSDRS Inputs Tier 2 3.7-385 Draft Revision 3

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Seismic Design RAI 03.07.02-26 Figure 3.7.2-121b: CRB - ISRS at El. 120-0 (Z=1260), CSDRS-HF Input Tier 2 3.7-386 Draft Revision 3

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Seismic Design RAI 03.07.02-26 Figure 3.7.2-122: Control Building ISRS at Roof at El. 140 0Not Used Tier 2 3.7-387 Draft Revision 3

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Seismic Design RAI 03.07.02-26 Figure 3.7.2-122a: CRB - ISRS at El. 140-0 (Z=1518), 5 CSDRS Inputs Tier 2 3.7-388 Draft Revision 3

NuScale Final Safety Analysis Report Seismic Design RAI 03.07.02-26 Figure 3.7.2-122b: CRB - ISRS at El. 140-0 (Z=1518), CSDRS-HF Input Tier 2 3.7-389 Draft Revision 3