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Part 08 Enclosures (Rev. 2) - Part 08 - Enclosures - Subsurface Data Report - Appendix E.3 - Pages 151-200
Person / Time
Site: Clinch River
Issue date: 01/18/2019
From: James Shea
Tennessee Valley Authority
Office of New Reactors
Fetter A
Download: ML19030A957 (50)


{{#Wiki_filter:FIF No. 25847*601~Kqi*CY00*00011 BECHTEL POWER CORPORATION Project No. 25847 Clinch River CPA Project* Site Subsurface Investigation FIELD INSTftUCTION FORM. Specification Section: Packer resting 1nMP 416 Field Instruction: The following are the four (4) depth zones in which packer testing wfll be conducted ln borehole MP 416: . . Zone 1: *rs.o to 82.6 foot below tand surface. (Tolerance +/* 0.5 feet) Zone 2: 89.0 to ~.5 feet below land surface. (roler.ance +/~.o.s feet) zone 3: 109.0 to 116,5 feet below land surface.. (Tolerance +I* 0.5 feet) Zone 4: 205.0 to ~,...feet below land surface. (Tolerance +I~ 0.5 feet)

                         'l.o \ a*~ l1 '\ 7/)/'"~-'/~ ~       .

The desired pree.~ure ranges that WlU be tesied in each of the four z.ones ere based on the calculation of the test pressures as provided In AMEC Project PrO.Cedure CRP"3;... P.acker Pressure Testlngln f.)oreholes, Attoohment B (Seeht01 Pe-~\>**er ~nfoV/ork's 2f:B41-S01N14-CYOO-

    . 0001 a~ao&) or t~test revision at time o.f testing. The test pressures wlJII;le determin~d juet before the -commencement of the tests by measuring the water level at the start oftest aa.sis/Jta$tiflcation for Instruction*:.
                      ©20*13 Bechtel Power Corporation. Contains Controetor_C<:mfld&ntla/tnformat/on.

PAGE 1 ClF i Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-151 of 515

Packer Test Worksheet Clinch River SMR Project AMEC Project No. 6468 13 1072 Test Date MP~ 41 n.~;;J'i-' Prepared By

                                                       ...,            Checked By 16-surtace Gage He1ght (tt) 24.13 25

!Max Test Pressure (Po) (ps1) 85 1/3 Po (psi) 28 2/3 Po (psi) 57 1/2 Po (psi) 43 L;enter 1est Inflation Pressures Pressure. (psi) (psi) Sequence A 1/3 53 103 Sequence B 2/3 82 132 Sequence C 1 .0 110 160 SequenceD 1/2 68 118 Sequence E 1.0 110 160 Pipe Check (Estimate Only for Field Guidance)) Length of Packer Assembly 13.29 Average Length of Pipe Section 21.12 Length of pipe to TOC 84.00 Number ot Pipe Sections 3.98 11engm or stickup above 1uc (rt) 0.48 Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-152 of 515

Clinch River SMR Project Prepared by: Date: "f--'8~ H Double Packer Borehole Permeability Test Data Sheet Checked by: Date: k-'l*" /4-AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. AMEC Project# 6468-13-1072 Boring: MP-416 Zone: 2 89.0 feet to 96.5 feet below ground surface Transducer Location: Middle Sequence A (1/3 Po) Sequence B (2/3 Po) Sequence C (Po) Elapsed Time Flow Rate Elapsed Time Flow Rate Elapsed Time Flow Rate Time (minutes) Pressure (psi) (gpm) Time (m inutes) Pressure (psi) (gpm) Time (minutes) Pressure (psi) (gpm) 15:56:30 0.0 24.88 16:09:30 0.0 54.17 16:18:00 0.0 82.51 15:57:00 0.5 24.85 0 16:10:00 0.5 62.30 2 16:18:30 0.5 95.84 2 15:57:30 1.0 42.76 0 16:10:30 1.0 72.17 2 16:19:00 1.0 97.30 0 15:58 :00 1.5 65.79 0 16: 11:00 1.5 72.17 2 16:19:30 1.5 98.79 2 15:58:30 2.0 56.37 0 16:11:30 2.0 79.10 0 j6:20:00 2.0 104.58 2 15:59:00 2.5 54.95 0 16:12:00 2.5 78.92 0 16:20:30 2.5 109.48 2 15:59:30 3.0 53.07 0 16:12:30 3.0 81. 25 2 16:21:00 3.0 111.34 0 16:00:00 3.5 52.48 0 16:13:00 3.5 82.51 0 16:21:30 3.5 111.00 0 16:00:30 4.0 51.33 0 16:13:30 4.0 82.80 0 16:22:00 4.0 111 .30 2 16:01:00 4.5 52.18 0 16:14:00 4.5 82.71 2 16:22:30 4.5 111.04 0 16:01:30 5.0 51.77 0 16:14:30 5.0 82.75 0 16:23:00 5.0 111 .05 2 16:02:00 5.5 56.64 0 16:15:00 5.5 82.35 0 16:23:30 5.5 111.00 0

         .. *---*~'
                    "-16:02:30     - ----    - 6;0 - --- -- 56 :(3"7*.   ---~

0 16:15:30 -- **- 6:0 ~--- 82:36 - - -"~ -"-- * *2 - 16:-24:00 ------*- 6.0 . ... --**+Hc1-7 "* *---2 16:03:00 6.5 56.15 0 16.:16:00 6.5 no reading 16:24:30 6.5 111.00 0 16:03:30 7.0 54.78 0 16:04:00 7.5 54.05 0

                  - 16:04:30                   8.0          54.04             2                                                                                                              -- --

- --- - - 1'6:05':00 8.5 53:85' 0 -- - - - - ---- 16:05:30 9.0 53.99 0 16:06:00 9.5 53 .97 0 16:06:30 10.0 54.20 0 16:07:00 10.5 54.)5 0 SequenceD (1/2 Po) Sequence E (Po) Elapsed Ti me Flow Rate Elapsed Time Flow Rate Time (minutes) Pressure (psi) (gpm) Time (minutes) Pressure (psi) (gpm) 16:27:30 0.0 110.53 16:37:30 0.0 69.79 16:28:00 0.5 94.42 0 16:38:00 0.5 81.46 0 16:28:30 1.0 92.24 0 16:38:30 1.0 100.39 2 16:29:00 . 1.5 82.76 0 16:39:00 1.5 100.55 0 16:29:30 2.0 78.10 0 16:39:30 2.0 108..27 2 16:30:00 2,5 77.34 2 16:40:00 2.5 110.07 0 16:30:30 3.0 75.09 0 16:40:30 3.0 110.00 0 16:31:00 3.5 71.02 0 16:41:00 3.5 109.69 0 16:31:30 4.0 70 .64 2 16:41:30 4.0 110.21 2 16:32:00 4.5 70.55 0 16:42:00 4.5 109.75 2 16:32:30 5.0 69.65 0 16:42:30 5.0 109.84 0 16:33:00 5.5 69.76 2 16:43:00 5.5 109.96 0 16:33:30 6.0 69 .80 0 16:43:30 6.0 110.04 2 16:34:00 6.5 69.46 0 16:34:30 7.0 69.52 2 16:35:00 7.5 69.58 0 Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-153 of 515

                                                                                                         ~       ~       ~.~                                                    ~                                  '                ,.. _... ..

MP-416 Zone 2 2.5 0.5 +------------------------~~-----1---+-------------- 0+---~------~----~------~--~-----*--r-~--+-~~,---'1~*-----~-------~ 0.0 ' 2.0 4.0 6.0 8;0 10,0 12.0 Elapsed Time (minutes)

      ~1/3Po Notesl Test prEl$SUra approximately 1/3 of the maximum test pressure {Po). Flow ra'te tYplca!ly.rnea;~urecl over a 30 second ln'terval, MP-416 Zone 2 2.5 2   '"'"'"'"'"""'"""'......."""-'"'""'*~---,

0 1.0 2.0 3,0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 Elapsed Time (mlmltes)

       --2/3Po                                                                                Notes! Test pr!SSUI'O approximately 2/3 of the maximum test pressure lPo). rJow t'<'itC:lyplcally measured over* a 30 socot)d 11\toJVill.

Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-154 of 515

MP~416 Zone 2 o.o 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 s.o 6,0 7.0 Elapsed Time (minutes) Notel)l* Test pressure oppro)ChMtoly o.t the maximum test pressure.(Po).*rlow. rate typlcallymeasu*retl over*a 30 soconcJ hltotval. ' MP~416 Zone 2

 - 1.5 E



J 0 o.o 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 s.o 6.0 7.0 &.0 Elapsed Time (mlm1tes)

                            -1/2Po Notos: T!lst pressure approxlm~toly 1/2 of the maximum test prossura (Po), Flow ratA typically measured ovct' n 30 sac6nd Interval.
                                                                   .. ~- ...-

OM< ... </,........................... ~*-*~-~ ... ~** .. * - - * - - - * -.. ~.-~ .... - ** --*-*-*~*"*" ---*~*-*-*~*...-----~--~*~* -**---*----*-**--***--- -- .. - - .. ,--~--OHOOOM<...,, _ _ _ _ .......... ,, .. _ , _ , _, _ _ . , . , _ _ . . . - , _ _ _,....,_,,., .. , .... _ _ _ _ , _ , _ , .. _ _ _ _ , .. . , . . . _ Clinch River Data Report Re Page E.3-155 of 515

MP-416 Zone 2 0.0 1.o* '2,0* 3.0 4,0 s.o 6.0 7.0 Elaf}sed Time (minutes)

                        -***-Po Notes! iast pressure apt~rox!tnat~\y at tho*m&l(lmum tllSt pressure (PO),

Flow rate typically mea~ured over a 30 second Interval, M"~*w*-*~~~"~'.,'"""-'"'"-'"'-'"~""""'~ .... WO o MM*<********""'""'."""'""~'~'",;_,._,,,,..,.,,. . ,._,,,.,.,,..,..._.~.,,.,,_. . ,.,,,.,..,~,..,,,.,,..,.,,.,,.,..... """'-"'"'"'"""""'""""'"'-'"'"'"""""' **-**"~--""' .. '"' """"'""'"'"~"""'"'"'""""""'"'"" ... '-"'""..,_,,.,,,,,..,,,..,.,,o.,..,~,,.,,, ~.,.,,.,,. .. ,.,..,,.,,.,..,,,., Prepared by/Date: _ ___,.,....,.;.-___,--.:....,..'-'-- Checked by/Date: --P""'-".!.--L.J.-=+_L.;;l.-- clinch River Data Report R Page E.3-156 of 515


*1: '                                                                                  AMEO ENVIRONMENTAL &'INFRASTRUCTURE, INC.

Page 1 of 2 I PROJECT NAME: CI!Q'ch RlverSMR Prefect I* , JOB .NO. 6~68*13-1072 DATE:i~ i."- ~ (3 Boring No MP~ 4\*\St-I. . Casing Height abov~ ground, Ft: Borehole Diameter, In,:*'3, & Total Boring Depth, Ft. 1/),1t1b*


Elsv. Top of Casing, Ft. (Gnd Elev +Casing Height): Gnd Elev, Ft; 8<.!>";1 A *

    '                                    * *
  • r:.ft n 8 I(/), I 9 "' Datum .

I TESTID:l-AS?*~\t... * ~1-- Testis glh: 1,'5 TestSectlonDeplh(fromDatum): From 89,'9-5 To 9~.2.'3 I (A} Depth to Water Table From Datum, Fl:~~~

                            . (B) Surface Gage Height Above Datum, Ft. 1.'1-~

I .- * - -**-(C )DlsranooWaterTaiJleroCSfiterofTesnn 2k.l1i I MAXIMUM TEST PRESSURE, Po= ([A+B*1] + 0*0.57 tervai Ft. static water pressure at center= (0*62.4/144) + Baro =

                                                                                                      ) [Po=       [35 J Teet Pressure sequence~ 1/3 Po, 2/3 Po, Po, 1/2 Po, Po Sequence' ID:

\ Po Values: 1/3 Po = 2-8 : 213 Po= .......5.3:: 1/2 Po= A'"?> Add Appropriate Po value to static A B C D E I TEST NO. tJ..?*L\\k !1. Sequence

                                                                  ~L. 11-(11/l'~

No. A

                                                                                             ~                                             r:::..* ..:t .

Planned Canter Pressure: _*.:::::..... pressure at center oflest fnterval


Transducer Readings Before Packers Inflated: Top I~'(/)/ ; Middle. g.4, f/J 4-:. Bt>ttom: .e*+, 8 9.

        ., '                  Transducer Readings After Packers Inflated: Top i Middle          ZA , '9 8: Bottom: Z'1- .'9'5 M?- .4\l.                          ~'(.!.,                     Se~u*eNC75                   6.
        <                                                         FLOW METER READING, *Gallons Time,                                                                                                            Middle
                                                                                                                       . FLOW,gpm            *Transducer              Surface Gage Minutes                                                                                                                                                             REMARKS Initial               . Final                                                   Reading, psi              Pressure, psi Difference
              ' l?

I.:;)) 5{ct3 6' z~ *z 4-c.P -~ ..... _ -- 211..813 (/)

B'f6*1.V { /,Uc.,et::A'16r) f F!<..o w
             ,..-z,'V         IS)\ 5'1-\     {p~      ~'5 ~4cP
                                                                               ?..'3Z.~~ .
                                                                              ~=?:: 2; 69                   d                  1/J                   24,8 5                  (/J 1'5 111)]*1     3q       ?-'3 Z-4¢              ~;      ?tl-'4-               L~                 (8                            7'-G>

4~.*+-) . 14- Ci-~  !:{-OO:Z-1~

  • i
                              ~s ';i,S\,~w              Z~Z-4/r                z~s Z44                 r/)'                  ¢                   G>S tpr:t        ( *ptt"l:fi!dA<$ tl )
                                                                                                                                                              *:t-~*          I 'Z...

1 s \~13: '3(j) Z'3 "Z.44 'z.:; 't-44 ¢ J; 5~."'3';} ll/) *pp.

                                                                                                                                                                                                          #f.-Wu -1 1':) I '5 '}\              Z3'Z-4 <t             2--s ZA                   ¢

()4'1 . (/) . 54 95 q.

                             ~s    \ s~n<J1            t'S 244-               z~.$    z.44                 dJ                    ¢                   5' 3 fi-;t.               1**
                           \*Lo \ W{l\      I)Ju       z.. "!> Z.44-          23 Z-4-t\'                   dJ                    I;                 '52..4t'.>                  ~~-         tP
                           '\.~'. l{l ~ \1,1.}.        2.-1, 'Z-4 4*          2'3 244-*               .QJ                      (/)                  $l, ~3                     t-         II~
                            ~~~ \ @I liP~              2. 3 '?.~44'           2!:. 2.44                   rP                  (/)                   '52, JS                  IW           /I:J
                            ~~  \   tiJr1 3o            z. -~ 4.4-L\          2.'3 244                   *(/J                0                      "5 \ '::t ';'/-           !(,/)

t~ \ <P'Z..l C/4' Z- ;$ 'Z.Atl* Z> ~4A r:/J (/) 154> ~4-' \'2. I L. '. <!'Zf3~ z:~"2-Af\. 2"> 2-44 ¢ C/J '5<.., 51- I 'Z- 'P~-='

                        . I<.    ~ .P3: lltl' .         Z.1 Zt\A-             23     .24'<~               (/)                 c/J                f)&. IS                    I(,JJ u.. 1     ¢_7,>:)r.p        z.. '3 Ztf4.          2'3 z.44-                     cb               cj)                  '5';L\. ':f~             '1 ~

t~ I t!4\ (11/.P z:?>'Z..4.C.. _?- ~ 2.4.Y (/) ib' 54.t~S

                                                                                                                                                                             ~ctJ It. I      ~4l1<1            ;t"!. '2.4-tl.       *z. "?l Z-4t:S                 l               z.                  '5th (f) 4-                   H./}

lt. : rt~s: ¢1.1 Z>-z.4'5 n Z4'5 ¢ dJ 5'3,8'5 1¢

                                      . *From Prellminaty Boring Layout Survey Perm Approved for'use .on Clinch River SMR Project.

J, A. Tlce, Lead Form Rev 0- Reviewed by Yf- ~ 1,;{/1/tJ . Clinch River Data Repor t Rev. 4 CRP-1 112.16 Page E.3-157 of 515


Boring NoMP** <\.u..,.. Borehole Diameter, ln.:*5,& Total Boring Depth, Ft. ~*c?< Gnd Elev, Ft: 8¢~.4 *

                 . Casing Height above ground, Ft:~'Sl*                             Elev. Top of Casing, Ft. (Ond Elev +Casing Haight): 8 U.b. I~ "'
               *            ' *                    . . Sf!.- ,,..,/I*~

TEST !D:l'A£*0..\.~...o * ~ t Test lertgth:

  • Datum *
                                                                                'J,l5               Test Section Deplh (from Dat~m): From 89,jl;?                                                             To 9-=t-, &9
                   ~A~ Depth to yYater Table From Datum, Ft: l.o '2 *4~
                . (B) Surface Gage Height Abov~ Datum,                 Ft .1.3~

- *.. ~--*-(C/Dista:ITcewaterTaolemCffirefOfl-*""es=t-r.::ln=te~ rvdai_,..F.. t.---9'M~.In1;t--:---,..str::arr:tlc:-cw:::::a.::te~rp=re=:s~sue:::re=-a=<t-=ce=-=n;::te~r=~(;;:;C:.;;:.6"'2.'4fl.i:14"4")7

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   +;:;:Ba=ro::- :,~-.:e:T."'='5t-MAXIMUM TEST PRessuRE, Po"' ([A+B*11 + c*o.57) [Po=                                     *as           1 Test Pressure $equence :- 1/3 .Po, 213 Po, Po, 1/2 Po, Po .

Po Values: 1/3 Po= 2. S  ; 2/3 Po= _a ; 1/2 Po= Sequence ID: A B C D E A'3 Ac!d Appropriate Po value to static pressure at center oftestlnterval

                                                    $1Z   t'Zh~l/1          1\         .

TEST NO. \J...P -1.\\t, ~ !- Sequen~ No. ..

                                                                           '-'>          _ Planned Center Pressure:                                0      3 Transducer Readings Before Packers Inflated: Top                       . 1'9 1 0 I
  • Middle ~4, 0 4- :. Bottom: . 1:-"f *8 9 Tratisducer Readings After Packers Inflated: Top *. I <;?' ll-- ; Middle . 2..4 ,9 8 : Bottom: ?.- 1-, 95
v. . s E:G:'J lfENCJE: A (c. o.u7 ;o FLOW METER READING, Gallons Tlme,. Mlddle Mlnutes FLOW, gpm *Transducer Surface Gage REMARKS Initial Rea'dlng, psi Pressure, psi
                                                                 . Final                   Difference

((.,~ ,P'5l'3.1P g_~ 245  ?-s 24*'5 (/j ¢ 5'3,'3:9 t ('

               !le ) ll>k \ IP~         '2- ~ Z-45           2"5 '?-45                           (/)                          c,P                      53,9' :t                                   ll/J (lp \ ip(.. \ "!d) .   . z, "1 Z-tl-5          23'\                         C/1                            ¢                         ?LI,Zf/J                                  f(j) f~,p \ ~7 \ (/)(J        ~3 '2,4?            2-)       e4s                      C!                             cJ                     '54,1 5                                      tC/J                    t::i~o-J'b
1~) fJ::;. J 4(6 8o'17e >H- 7-e.a,vs . ~


                                                                                                                    /(oJffieJ /liP                  foR                                   r'.A:.4N'S                               I 9/ZC/J
                                                                                                                                                      "                                                                                                     .j
                          . *From Preliminary Boring Layout Survey Form Approved for'Use.on Clinch River SMR Project- J, A. Tlce, Technical Lead                                        Form Rev 0- Reviewed by                                     '1£2: r-z,{(J ,,7 Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16                                                                                                                                                                                                    .:

Page E.3-158 of 515

OOUBL5 PACKER BOREHOLE PERMEABILITY TEST OATA SHEET AMEC ENVIRONMENTAL & INFRASTRUCTURE, INC. Page 1 of2. PROJECT NAM!=; Clinch River SMR Prolect JOB .NO. *6428-13-1 072 *DATE:::('~ 2,'2.. ~13 Borfng No &\P~ .6..-\lp Borehole Dlametet,ln.:*o ,t> Total Bol'lng Depth, Ft. "?>c¢ Gnd Elev, Ft: 8¢<;),4

  • Casing Height above ground, Ft:Je0_<;) * \ Eiev. Top of Casing, Ft. (Gnd Eiev + Casing Height): 8 It.J>, I 9 = Datum .

TEST ID: l'-1\"*l\.\~..o

                                                    ~ 'l-
                                                           . t,\'1-   ""111 "'

lest ~ength: 1/5 TestSectlon Depth (from Datum): From 89,1 S> To 9~. 2.'2._ <¥ ~. r* Z<--~> tA)* Depth td vya!er Table From Datum, Ft: (..:, SJ *41 Test Water Tem.p:~':- Baro'Pressure, sl: 14, Z.~

                 . (8) Surface Gage Height Above Datum, Ft.~

v./iatl. \IJ~Tet2. 'r/j/'"'P G:.6"'/C *~'i#i 2tA*z.-q"'c._ M.1r.>o Depth to Center afT est Interval From Oatum, Ft: ~

   --*- --**-(C )Otsttri'\CeWaterTiiOieto'Cen!ei'tinest intervaiFt..
                                                                                                      'IU\, t"~         Static water pressure at center"' (C*~2.4/144) + Bar.o =                          'Z>'5 MAXIMUM TEST PR~SSURE, Po"' ([A+B.1) + c*o.57) [Po=                                           8$      1 Test Pressure sequence:' 1/3.Po, 2)3 Po, Po, 1/2 Po, Po Sequence.ID:                      .A          B     C       D Po Values: 1/3 Po= C. 8                  ; 213 Poo __ji3: ;                112 Po"'        ..!\3        Add Appropriate P~ static pressure at center of test E
  • TEST NO. tAP*Jlcl(.. t: t- S~qoence .
                                                         ""j11IIJ No,          ..:.1<13~~ .Planned Center Pressure: ---==8::...                 *"2.::;::.;...._

Transducer ReadingS. Before Packers Inflated: Top l <:> 1 C/J / ; Middle ~A. d> 4-:. Bottom: . .e1-,8 9. Transducer Readings After Packers Inflated: Top I 'f> 1 \ "':\*

  • Middle ~ ,c:>S :. Bottom: 'Z.,~, ~S
                               \(.,                    {:..;                   s       ~ttG:J u*r;f..lcrs.                                                                                      ..

FLOW METER READING, .Gallons Time, Middle

FLOW,gpm *Transducer Surface Gage REMARKS
                   .,    Minutes                                                                                                                                           Pressure, psi Reading, psi fnltlal                . Final                   Difference Itt>\ 4J9} 3i:J            ~3 t::4~                     ~-   .........                                     ----                S'L.)          (t:j          tt/J BrP:rJ/',._; ( IJ..V:..R.lf-.4-S<¥'

I P- t:.:.ou IJ tl, \ ~IJll/M Z..3 Uj-t.:. *2-'S ZLJ-1 I '2.. (.. z.,'5(;1 zs H,)'UJ \'3(/ Z-"3 24-:f. Z.1 t.Af) I 'Z. (,;tO

                                                                                                                                                  ~2.11                                       lP
                 \(., l      ~I: lft~       z, '3 ZA'Bo              z:~    2.4':1                        \                   "Z..                 :rz.t7                       'Z-5
                 \~ ~        tlBt; . z ~ 2.41')                       '(!~   24 9                       (2)                  ¢                     ::J t::>, ltP                '3u1
                 '\~.r, I    1?..)/)9(.11 . z.-~ ZA ') z:s itt"?                                      ()J cp                    "1'8~Z..                    '3 qJ            ff;:'
                 \~:         L'U~<J         Z '"3 Zl~<)               z--s   ZScfJ                         \                "'Z...                  8(,             2"5      '"34
                 \.~:       l>:@o           Z~ ZSr.fJ               :23      2~ '                       v.s                  r$                    gz.s~                       34
                 \l.:.\     n.       3rfi   2~2Sl/J                 z:~      '2-<:;)cp                  (6                   q                      8Z,P.,tP                      54*

\(..,\ \t\\('141 z. 1:1 (,_'5

4 ~* I *>, ~<..:. \ ~ lA- 3(/1 z. *~ *Z.~I 2'3 z..s t aJ ~ (/> 82.75 '3 4* 1/ \"> ( - \ "'\ lc:;:,\ tptp ~ .-G- r.p 2-?>2-S( 2-"5* ZS! 82,"f>'5 *"3Lj "Jc"'V l~ \ 1'0 )(JI z.~zst z'3z u I -z_ gz., "3C.. 34 IEIJD l~' \(...\()((! - *l t~J /c.. lilt- "'f5.,:;7:"M- 74..v..s 'Z :"f, ., ....,. IG./11.> I 44* ?;, .... - 7te41J? f'7tZ'3 *From Preliminary Borlt)g Layout Survey Form Approved for 'use.on Clinch River SMR Project- J, A. Tlce, Technical Lead Form Rev 0- Reviewed by ~'Sl- ./).p11/1 . I Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-159 of 515 I lI I DOUBLE P.ACKBR SOREHOLE PERMEABILITY TEST DATA SHEET AMEC ENVIRONMENTAL & INFRASTRUCTURE, INC. Page 1 of2 I PROJECT NAME: Clinch River SMR Protect I I JOB .NO. 6468-13-1Qll DATE:-=?~ i.'l- ~ 1'3 '* 8orlng NoMP** ~:\.!.,. Borehole Diameler,.ln.: *o,B Total Boring .Depth, Ft. n~~ God Elav, Ft: 8¢'?.4

  • II

. Casing .Height above ground, Ft:~":.l*  !:lev. Top of Casing, Ft. (Gnd Elev + Casing Height): 81¢. I 9 = Datum

  • tt.\11
  • l'l .

TEST ID: 1-<W* 1\.to..,. . ~ t. Test Ia gth: ?f,CS Test Section Depth (from Datum): From 89, "2*<;1 To 91'; i2.9 \.  ! ~A} Qepth to Water Table From Datum, Ft: ~ <;)

  • 4~ ~ ..J::?. ';f~Z,'2.~~'!.

i Test Water Tem.p:~=- Baro.Pressure,psl: t 4, Z.~ w.,,_._ I . (S) Surface Gage Height Above Datum, Ft. l,"l~ \J/1\re;ll. l¢:'MP <:o'Q"t~ !..:~C:), Depth to Center atTest lnteNal From Datum, Ft ':?"£54-2¢, *'l..:r"c i41r;>o IJ* - -- - -..-(c)- ntslance \Miter TaD!atpcetiter of'Te5flnterval Ft. 'IQ!.\,\1; Statio water pressure at center"' (0*62.4/144) *~ Baro = Z'S MAXIMUM TEST PR~SSURE, Po"' ([A+B*1J + c*0.57) [Po "' 8:5 ] Test Pressure sequence;= 1/3 ?o, 2i3 Po, ?o, 1/2 Po, Po Sequenea ID:

  • A Po Values: 1/:> Po =

C.'B i ~J'J. Po::o -.2; 1/2 Po" A~ B G D Add Appropriate Po value to statio pressure at *center of test Interval E * ~~ . .. TEST NO. ~?.£\1,(., 7:.t S~~uence No, . C, Planned Canter Pressure: --.!\...!\.:.!::¢::.....,.__ _ Transducer Readings Before Packers Inflated: Top I'? 1 0l . ; Middle 'ZA, (/) 4- :. Bottom: . R-':)., 8 9. 1'ransdUC<;Jr Readings After Packers Inflated: Top I 9' I 1- ; Middle ~4 'c:><O : Bottom: a,t, t:;)S MP - 4\(.. ...... s S'G:JI.lENCl!!. c FLOW METER READING, Gallons Time, Middle FLOW,gpm *Transducer Surface Gag~ REMARKS Minutes Pressure, psi !nit! at Rea'cting, psi Final Difference Ita' \ei(J)ff l z. '3 z S'!f ...... ___ ---- Bi..l'lil'<' ( /;.JC!l.

~~s l '2. ~s*Si.\- A'+ lt... \ 'I '} ~ f/J(j t-Sc:5 (/> qJ 2-~2.-SS 2'..-; 9't )(/) - 4-:t IP t\.. ~ 1'7\~lP 2-}.:?-'5'5 z:~ z$ec.* l z_ ~ 8 :~-ll} 54 ~l,. \ 1-;{t\rj}tft z.~*z,s<.... Z3 Z$t... \ z. 'tP4.S 8 '5'4 C}):> ' z.. tjJ ( '3f.l .. ;z,'tfi'J. + il.o 1 Z/~'Zi~<.. ZJ.' Z.S1* \ ""Z. * ~lP9Mr C:,(j) 1:' ~t:. ', ~l I f/Jl) t_~-z_~r- Z:, -z..s+ (/) l..j) I 11.34 {..c.ft It.. \ Z{ 1¢ 2..'~ '2..";)-:}. 2-'3 2.<51 a cp \\\,cp( tl (aU t~1 2'"Z..\ (l)

' \\\, (~(0 * (p() J;;;;ND Ito..~ zr:; lit,. Et>r7{) M.. ?ka:.vs f . Z1t9~ . I~P!~<S l '$";* / .oP '?itf!AN $' :- 19,Z; j *From Preliminary Boring Layout Survey Form Approved for 'use.on Clinch River SMR Project- J. A. Tlce, Technica Form Rev 0- Reviewed by l Lead Clinch River Data Report. Rev. 4 CRP- 1112.16 Page E.3-160 of 515 I DOUBLe PACKER SOREHOLE PERMEABILITY TEST DATA SHEET I AMEC ENVIRONMENTAL & INFRASTRUCTURE, INC. Page 1 of 2 PROJECT NAME: Clinch River SMR ProjeQ\ II . Boring NoMP~ 4.-t,.. . JOB _NO. 6463-13-1072 Borehole Diameter, ln.:;.R_& Total Borlng Depth, Ft.-2~ DATE::f~ Z,'l.. "I:!. Grid Elev, Ft: 8!/2<? ,4

  • I . Casing Height abovo ground, Ft:~';} *

. . . ~ l-t{l1 I Elev. Top of Casing, Ft. (Gnd Elev +Casing Height): 810. 19 =Datum

  • 11 . . .

TESTID:N\~*1\.\o..... . ~2.- Testlengli: T5 TestSaotlonDep!h(fromDalum): From 8:>,';'r'Z 91-.2.9 (A} Depth to VIJafer Table From Datum, Ff: (g CZ! ' 4~ To v . . . . ' Transducer Readings Before Packers Inflated: Top f '? 1 rtJ l  ; Middle Z4, ¢ tt;' Bottom: . ;C.,':J. *8 9 TransducerReadlngsAfterPackers!nflated: Top IS!, I+; Middle 2.4,"?8 : Bottom: 21*, ~'S M? .. 4\ t.. ....., s*e:QI.lf::::NCG: FLOW METER READING, Gallons Middle Time,

  • FLOW, gpm Surface Gage Minutes Transducer REMARKS Reading, psi Pressure, psi fnttfat . Final Difference

\~\ 2.1\ 3CJ 2 '?> 2G:. 'Z ....... -- - /) f/), '53 (., (25 .%!f.(Cti/1-J ( '1;) P- '/.:)(i't:./C.M r/' .,::L- <......- \ Oh. .,_ .-zz.-n*. o!) ~(p \ 2.~ ~ (JI(p 2-'5 2£, z_ ?3 zc, 't. (/) (/> 5!\.~ 1 94.~ 4Z ./ t~ \ '26 l '31 z._~ zr..., *z. 2:3 zt:,z._* {j> (/) 92.24 44-t 'OP Lvl Z-91$~ 23 zc. -z.. 2"5 z.G.,Z. (j) (/) Bl ::f{s, r.r ZB HP \ ~9 }3r~ 2.:~ ZG>2.. * -z-*3' U "L. cp 'l~\0 z~ z \tD \ '3 fP I ~PIP 23 2-~Z 2~. i~3 \ '=ti,')4. Z'f! '7;)/'Z ~Lo \ 3 t()l)~ 2--3 z..r,.-;s. z.~ '?C..3 tb (/.> 1'3 (()9 Z::3 l~ \ .1 I\ rtJIP z;~ 2.£..,*-s 2-3 z,c,;; (/) '¢ 3:L_GOZ~ 2'3 \~ \ * ~\. L 1

4 (/) c,b '::(~'55 Z-2. \ '3 Zl3t.P z..:s zc. 4 dJ - \~ ~3U4* dJ 1..9,~5 zz. 14 \ 'DLf/J(P Z3 Z-(..4- 2-3 *zc..s I z .(...9,i(o. .Z.Z l4> 1 7>'3\ 3¢ t:?, ZLP5 *z.,) Z(t. '5 (f) cp (a~ ,~Q:l 'Z.. L. \ (,. \ 341W 2- '3 zc..s z~

  • zc.,s * (b c(J (o9,t\(.. zz..

\(., ~ *~L\ \3~ 23 z.c..s Z-2 **- 2-(..G. I  ?.. "'4.9,'5'2.. 22 lL> \ '3 '5 UfGI z:sub 23 20..(... (/) (/> (p9,'5<8 22. . G;,._, D . llb I 'JS JJ(p '"8o77Clt "1 7i~4-N"j' ~ 12.'1 ~6' /{g : $fo : 1{/J [';,.,-a 7/e.l.\v~  ; ~ /9, '34 *From Preliminary Boring Lay~ut Survey Fonn Approved for'use.on Clinch River SMR Proje.ct - J. A. Tice, Technical Lead /.KJ Form Rev 0- RevIewe dby _,'?JV"=---"'--'f .-v.'t/"- C--UI/L'--'1 Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP*1112.16 Page E.3-161 of 515 DOUBLE !'ACKER BOREHOLE PERMEABILITY-TEST DATA SHEET AMEC ENVIRONMENTAL & INFRASTRUCTURE, INC. . Page 1 of2 PROJECT-NAME: Clinch River SMR Prefect JOB ['10. 6468*'13-1 072 Baring NoM.P* <\*\.<.,... Borehole Oiameter,ln.:*o,'O Total Boring Depth, Ft. "?.>'C:.¢c Gnd Elev, Ft: 8(b~,t\

  • i . Casing Height above groun~, Fl: ~."'1~
  • j Elev. Top of Casing, Ft. (Gnd Elev + Casing Height): 81(/);

i I:> ""Datum

  • I. TEST 1~: 1--1\£*£\.\~.o * 'l. t,. fe~tte~~t~~ ~Test Section Depth (from Datum): From 89,7 ' To 9'-L 2.9 \.


  • 4{ Test Water Tem.p:~ Baro'Pressure,ysl:

' '<7--2.2.-~1, 14, Z.~ lI Gage Height Above Datum, Ft.~ v.Jc;;u_ ~A'i-ea. rcoMP (q5°. C Center ofTest Interval From Datum, Ft: ';23; s~ 2r/J/Z.1°C. Mlr;.r;:> ' (B) Surface r..:.~C:) . Depth to . -(c;*otsrnncewarerratlew'Centerorresnntervai Ft. 'KA \;; Static w.ater pressure at center= (c*ez.41144) + Baro = Z'5 I l MAXIMUM TEST PR~SSURE, Po::: ([A+B*1] + c*o,57) [Po"' C'8 1 Test Pressure sequence 7' 1~ Po, 213 Po, Po, 1/2 Po: Po Sequence ID: Po Values: 1/3 Po ::: 2.. 8' ; 213 ho=/ ~; 1/2 Po= A]? A 8 C D Add Appropriate Po value to static pressure at center of test fnterv(lf E TEST NO. ~PAl(.. 1;1.. Se~n~ ~o, IJ f: Planned Center Pressure: \\ *¢ TransduCer Readi~s Before Packers Inflated: Top I~ 1 r/J I  ; Middle 1,(,4, (/) 4: :. Bottom: . R.. '1-' 8 9 Transducer Readings After Packers Inflated: Top I '? 1 I '":f Middle 24 38 : Bottom: 21, 95. ~. .. *\(. s e>:<a u:ENC. C! FLOW METER READING, Gallons Time, Middle Minutes FLOW,gpm *Transducer Surface Gage REMARKS Initial .*Final Reading, psl Pressure, psi .. Difference \~ \ *n-\ 5<J 2.~ Z.G.'? --- - ----- ,i... ...... - - - (..:, 9.(17'7 ;Z."'Z. ra1r6t 11-1 (_'II.J(If.r'..J!,iS e; 1-i= .. ~'-"-' \ l \ ~~.. \ >S t <Jl4' ~~ 'Z,(,pi!J* 2'3 zc., S> (/J (/) 8!.4~ 5(,LJ U.. \. -~B\3lP 2 ~ 'ZG.,. 2'3 '!.,';;f(/) I z.. l (/)cl,;) I) 5(t) \to\ ) .';] \ (/)(1 *z.~ Z=t-c.P -z.'3 2-q;(/) (/) ' (j)  !({){() ' "D'5 '5(/) JfZ \(.:.'\. ~")l'3ll" ~:'32.-:Jc>> z;:; Z.'f( l i l (1>8  ?;:{--

59. --4-7' ..

~~* *::r**'Z:t..-13 \lo \ tttP)C/J(fl . *z~z..~t 23 '2-:t ( ¢ ()) \ Ui\((l"f' '5~ 1~\ 4-Ql\:.w z:~z;:H Z.> 2 ( (j) (/> \ \1/),cP~ . 7; '9 \{p \ LH \ f.O(J) ' 2-'YZ.-1-! Z') 2-::t( * (j C/J \ lO~~~ 7)<) \~ \ L\-\ \"<,(b -z._*~ '"'"";t\ Z> '2.."::\-'"Z... \ z_ \ \(/},Zt '5~ z:> 2-'7.\3 t(,l 4Zt~U z_ ~'Z.':t "2.. '2._ \ IP~,::ts '59 .t l? \ t\-t )3() 'Z3Z li 2-'3 'Z-':f-3 ct> C/J \(.{)t'J,8!\- ~~ L<. : . 41>~ftJ 2-'3- 2::}4 t '2--- \ VO,te4-- t;;,_,:o I Ill~* *¥?.., ........... 59 .: I (~ ~.,\"; _':'.' U'- /J; *~~ /<.P\4.<\-\ f9-* - -- - -~ l3o7'71PM.. b~ *cZ:f',~.<tl lt..J.441 St. foP 7.ie4.u> *, ( 9, 3G. "Hom Preliminary Boring Layout Survey R~vlewed by SJL /'t-V'S ~1

  • I Form Approved for'use.on Clinch River SMR Project* J. A. .Form Rev 0
  • Tlce, Technical Lead Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-162 of 515

DOUBLE PACKER BOREl,IOLE PERlVIEABU.ITY TEST DATA SliEET Page 2 .. -(h{5 Shct- ~ J4fp)tcj BORING: M? ~ 4\L. --\1 t~.!l' ~(. '2..- 1-e/b DATE: '::f- t;(C- I '3 . DATACOLL ECTEDBY: ToM M~G1L.1.../ ..::JIJ-.~>... GovDA RU ~ 17-/11// J (V ~ I ~SSURE: ~si ~ 1-vlt~ ll TIM~ SliR.RACE.GA.GE CEN'J'.ER. 'r.RANSD.U CER-- minute ~ A ; PRESSURll:, psi PRESSURE psi *l...Y,.,, ..... ~~ p ;o ---=-t._[~ _-<l~ ~*A ~- ()~ '=!-~\~\~ 1--. ~ EQUIPMENT USED Transducers : Mini Trol Serial Numbers: /3.t:~CKP'/...OW Cff-'Jti&T.,:r,' )v(IIJ~ 3 {(., ** / J_: /3) Surface Pl'essul*e Gage:. M k,l-4 I M LLI*-'5 (c, -11 ~1 3 _) .LTi08 /.HfERMO METE.CZ: (5-1-13) N!Tf-<.0(-, '(;;N G.C..ttC:~E:: Mk/-ll MW-'Z.. , , .. /J-IJ) Barometric Probe: /C?/315 * (<..~IZ-13) Flow Meter: 8 8/2-4 :J B B _ ( ktFt.D f;..cJ. -13) Stop Watch: _L_2-'S"-._G.~,.........,.(..::::G.:.....-....:..1_,..¢'---1-"'3'-')'---- Date of Calibration: -nce,g*.t,.> 1"tf../&=S/S . .calibration due: %s 7' U:5 7/A-'4 ~1\ p .. 4l~ E..?: (£)) R,(,tl I 3 .. 1,1) 7 - z z. llo. CS({J ~ 3~ wSL tv\ P~ 41(... 2;2 (6) ,2-(b l ~ ~ fiJ1 - tz lto. ~(j). '35 E X,t.E:.L. )v\ P-4fC. zs.Z (T) ~¢ \ *~~ ((J7- - zz \l.:,, 4G. Z'5 VJSL tv\?~ 4!(p z2. (T) ~_\ ~ - (/)1- - Z1.... lto, f\lo, c.s ~X-~6-b~--- , zz. - - IV\~~41(, (t-A) ;c,c;i) 1*;o ~ (/) .1 -. 2 7.. l to, 4-S, (J) l VJ3L .MP~41c, zz. (M) 0(2) t ~- tp--:r-- ~ z*z. \ (o i L\ '0, Cf)l E: XCiSL .MFh 4/t. zz (L) (2,(,/{ll'~ ~ {/)f. - z -z. \G,L\~,zs \1.) 'SL .1---"\ P- 4 tt. zz (L) '?.l/>l ~~ f/Jt tl,, 49, ~s E XCLSL Form Rev'o- Reviewed by ~L- lz..(okJ Form Approved for Use 011 Clinch River SMR Project" J. A. Tlce, Technical Lead Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-163 of 515 Packer Test Worksheet Clinch River SMR Project AMEC Project No. 6468 13 1072 Test Date M'P - if-*tp aJ*r Prepared By 1'1'!"""'!""""""~~~-------.=. . ....* : : 'f'*-J..9-ICI Checked By 43.89 33 IMax Fest Pressure (Po} (psi} 96 1/3 Po (psi) 32 2/3 Po (psi) 64 1/2 Po (psi) 48 Genter 1 est lntlatJon Pressures Pressure (psi) (psi) Sequence A 1/3 65 115 Sequence B 2/3 97 147 Sequence C 1 .0 129 179 Sequence D 1/2 81 131 Sequence E 1 .0 129 179 Pipe Check (Estimate Only for Field Guidance)) Length of Packer Assembly 13.29 Average Length of Pipe Section 21.12 Length of pipe to TOC 104.00 Number of Pipe Sections 4.92 !length of stickup above lOG (tt) 1.60 Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-164 of 515

  • Clinch River SMR Project Prepared by: C~Dr Date: 4--9-'- 11..1-Double Packer Borehole Permeability Test Data Sheet AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc.

Checked by: fJt>i- Date: 4-.- fj.,-(4-- AMEC Project # 6468-13-1072 Boring: MP-416 Zone: Z3 109.0 feet to 116.5 feet below ground surface Transducer Location: Middle Sequence A (1/3 Po) Sequence B (2/3 Po) Sequence C (Po) Elapsed Time Flow Rate Elapsed Time Flow Rate Elapsed Time Flow Rate Time (minutes) Pressure (psi) (gpm) Time (minutes) Pressure (psi) (gpm) Time (minutes) Pressure (psi) (gpm) 14:02:00 0.0 32.81 14:10:30 0.0 65.79 14:20:00 0.0 101 .08 14:02:30 0.5 40.21 8 14:11:00 0.5 72.06 4 14:20:30 0.5 110.97 6 14:03:00 1.0 71.14 2 14:11:30 1.0 82.71 4 14:21 :00 1.0 112.03 6 14:03:30 1.5 63 .91 0 14: 12:00 1.5 82.34 4 14:21:30 1.5 112.90 6 14:04:00 2.0 63.09 2 14:12:30 2.0 90.34 4 14:22:00 2.0 119.49 8 14:04:30 2.5 65.33 2 14:13:00 2.5 90.32 2 14:22:30 2.5 119.81 6 14:05:00 3.0 65.40 2 14:13:30 3.0 96.28 4 14:23:00 3.0 127.77 . 8 14:05:30 3.5 65.41 2 14:14:00 3.5 97.38 4 14:23:30 3.5 128.13 8 14:06:.00 4.0 65.28 2 14:14:30 4.0 96.66 6 14:24:00 4.0 126.76 8 14:06:30 4.5 65.58 2 14:15:00 4.5 96.42 4 14:24:30 4.5 127.16 8 14:07:00 5.0 65.40 2 14:15:30 5.0 96.33 6 14:25:00 5.0 127.96 6 14:07:30 5.5 65.54 2 14:16:00 5.5 96.28 4 14:25:30 5.5 127.60 10 -~-*"""'"'" ---* -*--"~ -~-- --~ ---~--- --*--~-~*-- * ~14:16;30 - - - - - 6:0 - **--*96,87 - ----6 -14~26:00 ------ .. -6.0 -~*-- - - --- ~ ~130 .31 - - * -.. 6 14:17:00 6.5 97.45 4 14:26:30 6.5 130.47 6 14:27:00 7.0 129.67 .. 8 14:27:30 7.5 130.01 6 14:28:00 8.0 130.06 6 - +4:28:30 8;5 129.75* 10 14:29:00 9.0 130.21 6 14:29:30 9.5 128.70 8 14:30:00 10.0 128.94 6 SequenceD (1/2 Po) Sequence E (Po) Elapsed Time Flow Rate Elapsed Time Flow Rate Time (minutes) Pressure (psi) (gpm) Time (minutes) Pressure (psi) (gpm) 14:33:00 0.0 129.36 14:48:00 0.0 80 .75 14:33:30 0.5 112.82 8 14:48:30 0.5 95 .85 8 *14:34:00 1.0 109.96 6 14:49:00 1.0 105.42 6 14:34:30 1.5 103.31 12 14:49:30 1.5 105.13 6 14:35:00 2.0 99.20 0 14:50:00 2.0 113.97 8 14:35:30 2.5 98.84 6 14:50:30 2.5 123.09 6 14:36:00 3.0 93 .54 10 14:51 :00 3.0 123.15 8 14:36:30 3.5 93.11 6 14:51:30 3.5 122.94 8 14:37:00 4.0 92.79 6 14:52:00 4.0 125.47 6 14:37:30 4.5 88.57 6 14:52:30 4.5 128.18 10 14:38:00 5.0 88. 54 6 14:53:00 5.0 13.0.10 8 14:38:30 5.5 88 .55 6 14:53:30 5.5 129.81 8 14:39:00 6.0 84.95 6 14:54:00 6.0 130.29 10 14:39:30 6.5 84.55 6 14:54:30 6.5 129.41 6 14:40:00 7.0 84.53 4 14:55:00 1.0 129.77 6 14:40:30 7.5 84.46 6 14:55:30 7.5 129.25 6 14:41:00 8.0 84.57 6 14:56:00 8.0 130.45 10 14:41:30 8.5 84.66 6 14:42:00 9.0 83.88 4 14:42:30 9.5 80.45 6 14:43:00 10.0 80.53 4 14:43:30 10.5 80.37 6 14:44:00 11.0 80.52 4 14:44:30 11.6 80.53 6 14:45:00 12.0 80 .72 4 Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-165 of 515 9 r--*--*------~---------------*---------------------------------------


--\-----*---------~---------- ..--***** \ 3 +-----------~------~--~----------------------------------------------------~ 2-------\---~--~~--*-*- 1 0 r---*---*----,----~-__;- 0.0 1.0 2.0 3,0 4.0 5.0 6.0 Elapsed Time (minutes} ---*1/3 Ptl Notes1 Test pressure*approximately 1/'d of. the tnaxfmum test pressura (Po), Flow rate typically measured over aBO second fnterv<ll. MP-416 Zone 3 6 - - - - -..* * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * * * ' " ' " " - - - - - - - 2 .................................................................................... 1 " ................. _____ ..............- ..- .........--..*-**-""""'-"'_'_""""'"'""'""'""""'"'""""'"-""""""'"'"""-""-"""'"'"""-***-*****--- 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 s.o 6.0 7.0 ElapseciTlme (minutes) _,_2/3 Po Notes: 'fest pressure approxlmntely2/3 of the mnxlmum test *pressurG (l>o). Flow rate typically tneasured over a 30 SQCOild lnto!Val. Clinch River Data Report Rev. Page E.3-166 of 515 *-----*------------------~-* MP-416 Zone 3 12 . , . - - - - 0 - - - - - - - - *--*-**-*---- .... ....-....., 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 Elapsed Time (minutes) NotS:s*: Test pressure a~proxlmntely at tho m'a)(lmum test pressure (Po), flow rata typically measured over a 3'0 second lnta*rval. -----*--~--~--....J ,,_, ___ ........ ~~-~**** .......... ~**--*-- .. - ....... ._ __ ....................... ~ .................. - ...... - ...... _ .... _.!...._, .................. _ ..... _ _ _ _ .,, __.,., .... - ... _**-**-----**---- .. *----****~*-* ..**-....-._..._-............ ,_, ___ , ___ ,,..,~ ..... ,. ,,,_,,_ .. .,.....,, ..... - ............. ~-**---*~*--**...0** .............. MP-416 Zone 3 14 ~-----------------------------------~--------------~- 0 . - - - - - - - ---------.,-----~--,-------..--------.-* o.o 2.0 4.0 ' 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 Elapsed Time (minutes) --*1/2Po Not'es: iest prossurnoppro:<fJnntley '1/2 of tho tn~)(lmttm test pressure (Po). Flow 1--..------------------*------- *rata typically measured ovor a 30 second lntervnl. Prepared by/Date:_l;_n.;..- *\L"7't"::"-.-l,__,/t.t..,.../-'-l.,...L1_ _ Checked by/Date: jlAJ '!it---/14-Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-167 of 515 MP'-41.'6 Zone 3 12 *> """'""***"***>'************""'""'"""""'* ****"*"'"".."""'"'"'"'""""'"'"""'""'""'"'"'"'""""""""""""""'"'""""""'"""""""""'"""'"""'"'""*"'""'-'"'"'"'"'""""-*'*'"""'"'""""'"""""""*""""'"""""'""'"'-'"""'*'*'*****"""""""'-""""""'"'""""""""'""""""'""-"-"'"""*'*""'"'""""'"""""""""""""'--******>**""'""'""" 0,0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 Elapsed Time (minutes) Notes: Test IJress:ure approxll'nalelY at the tnaxhmnn test pressure*(Po), Flow rate typically measured over a 30 second Interval. Prepared by/Date: IA;\L~ l( ~/It( Checked by/Date: ~.) c/1?/id Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-168 of 515 DOUBLE PACKER BOREHOLE PERMEABILIIY TEST DATA SHEET AMEC ENVIRONMENTAL & INFRASTRUCTURE, INC. Page 1 of 2 PROJECT NAME: g!inch River SMR Prolect JOB _NO. §468-13-1072 DATE: :;r, .fl2_ ~ 17!, Boring No MP~ ~;\!,.. Borehole Diameter, ln.:* o, 8 Total Boring Depth, Ft. ?.>'i:.,¢ God Etev, Ft: 8(/) ~A * . Casing Height above ground, Ft:~'::) Elev. Top of Casing, Ft. (Gnd Elev +Casing Height): 8!(,t), 19 =Datum

  • TEST ID: M.~*A.I.~..s> ~*?, Test length: 1,'5 Test Section Depth (from Datum): From\ 4>9."1-a, To \\'~.'Z.."?

(A) Depth to \IIJater Table From Datum, Ft: (l)~~tt. S (B) Sutface Gage HelghtAbove Datum, Pt. .1*1-~ ---~-- -*-{cro~rerrceWaterTiiiJie*tcrc-enterofTesTinterval Ft. ~,~--'Static water pressure at center= (C*62~4/144) + Baro = _..:::..;:::;___ MAXIMUM TEST PRESSURE, Po= ([A+B"1] + C*0,57) [Po=  ;)(p J Test Pressure sequence 7' 1/3 Po, :2/3 Po, Po, 1/2 Po, Po Sequence 10: . A B C D E Po Values: 1/3 Po= ..Ji&_; 2/3 Po" (04  ; 1/2 Po::: 48 Add Appropriate Po value to staUc pressure at center oftest Interval TEST No.IJ...P.t\\1...1.~ Sequence No. A Planned Center Pressure: (D'S Transducer Readings Before Packers Inflated: Top 18, *~'a . ; Middle 2~: 8oltom: '3(.p. 4t.:. TransducerReadingsAfterPackerslnflated: Top i6,8w; Middle *~2...8~: Bottom: '39,if, ~ ~(., s ~<nUI:;NC..i: A FLOWMETER READING, Gallons Middle Time, FLOW, gprn *Transducer Surface Gage REMARKS Minutes Reading, pal Pressblre, psi t Initial Final Difference r-- J..'i':.!l.J.,WJ ~/~~'OS ~--- ---- ---- 32 8l (b 13 C--Gllf.l IF /'1l. $ <:: )_ r-t...ow \~ 41"2."\ "l>l:ll ~~~~~ z'2. <:>e.";) L\, 8 L\.(t},Z I t-5 "bt=: ( r:U!CA.G'Ct>.~< ) - PL.OW t4\ *w*~ '-<tJw  ?-.~9~9 22. ~30 \ ~ ~L \'-\- I?_ 141 4)'3\ 3tJ -~~t?i3(~ 22_ <:')~({) ct> ({> {C~c;)l lZ.. tr:: II\\ tP4\ 1/)(jl '?-;'(..9> '?l(b 2.2 C)?J\ \ 2 C.0'3. (/)C) (4 lt.\ ', C:/1~\"?>r:J . *z.z. sr~ l 2-'2.. ~'?>L \ '2.. (o'5 ~"3. 14 V\ \ (/J7l\ ttw 22C;)3"2- 2,'2_ ~~) \ 2. lDS A()) 14 \t~ ', fb'S\ "?,W ~*v:>~~ '2.'2. y~l\ \ 2. (.o~ t\ \ \A; l~ \ ({):V,\1/)(/i 2.'2. ~~<\ z_z. 9~5 I ~ (.p'5 ze \A \4 \ IPC..\ '3/IJ 2:z..~~s Z-2. ~~nc., I 2.. loS .S \l\ \A, ', tP':'fl ~(,8 2.:K..~~Ct> ~~ 9?,'""\* I (_ (..,'5 40 \L\ \t\ I (ll-q \ *~¢ \ z._ t.. s rot\.  ?..2.0~)'"\- ZZ~'?lS \t\ 141rfi 8 lfPS 13 v7t'e~JVI... '74!4N.~ ,. 39, (fJI ItA!~ l'3c., foP /,eM>~  : ta_sg *- -~ *From Preliminary Boring Layout Survey Form Approved for'use.on Clinch River SMR Project- J. A Tlce, Technical Lead Form Rev 0- Reviewed by Stz- /t-P'f'J . Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-169 of 515 DOUSLE PACKER BOREHOLE PERMEABILITY TEST DATA SHEE'r AMEC ENVIRONME!NTAL & INFRASTRUCTURE, INC. Page 1 of2 PROJECT NAME: Clinch River SMR Protect JOB ,NO. §468-13*1072 DATE:'::f'*Z~ ~1'3 Borlhg NoMP** %Y. Borehole Diameter, tn.:*o, S Total Boring Depth1 Ft. ~'C..{/1 Gnd Elev, Ft: ~ * . Caeing Height above groun~, Ft:~':> Elev. Top of Casing, Ft. (Gnd El!ilV + Casing Height): 8 I(/). 19 = Datum . TEST ID: t-.\'?*1:\.tt..- e.?> Test length; >ft'5 Test Section Depth (from o*atum): From\ ~9,~ To \ \~~ ~":) (A) Depth to Water Table From Datum, Ft: <.o<:>~<..,S Test Water Temp: '1 (., ~r- B~n~.,P.ressure,?sf:. J4., *~ ~ v..l~F:Ll.- 't~.h.\Tc;<rl. TtrMI~ (,¢ p . [!S.ffi"C:) (B) Surface Gage Height Above Datum, Ft. L1-~ Depth to Center of Test Interval From Datum, Ft: I \.jl; S 1.1; -***-*--*-cC)-DI'~UmooWateFTIHilefo--center ofTest Interval Ft. ~~~ Static w~ter pressure at center= (0.62.4/144) + Baro"' 3 2> .1 MAXIMUM TES1 PRE:SSURE, Po"' ((A+B*1] + c*o.57) [Po= 9 (p J Test Pressure sequence ;;r 1/3 Po, 213 Po, Po, 1/2 Po, Po Sequence ID: . A Po Values: 1/3 Po::: ~...3&: 2/3 Po= <:04. : 1/2 Po= 48 Add Appropriate Po value to static pressure at center of testfnterval B C D E TEST NO. M.?*l\\(.. S ':?> Sequence No. B

  • Plannad Center Pressure: S>'1-Tninsducer Readings Before Packers Inflated: Top  ! aT~ I  ; .Middle 3, £.' (o I*: Bottom: '30:>' 4t.._ .

Transducer Readings After Packers Inflated: Top \ 8 B<O : Middle I '32l 8(.,  : Bottom:' . ';) e '::1-'8 I - (., s t=:CDI.ti=."--C.I:, FLOW METER READING, Gallons Tlme, Middle FLOW,:gpm *Transducer Surface Gage REMARJ 7>4B < 4- 82..1( Z.8 J/:! \i\ \ 11-\!P_!P_ ~**i! 94'8 Z2 ~Sr/J "2._ 4 52., :A* z~ Jl\i ~~\ '3(jl  ?-.2- 95@ :ZZ C>S! ?_  ?\- 91 (/) ""3 i~  ::04 IF' z:z.. "JS'"L 22. <)S'3 It\~ JA\ \~\ (/JU I 3\ 3\J '2, '2: ';)C:~ :~ 'Z-2. <?<o<=) - ~ "2..... 2.. , L\-. . gq;, :sz... 34- ~~~ . Z-B 3~ ' \L\. '\ \A 1 tflw 'Z-'Z..9SS. 22. ~C~,:} 'Z.. 4- 91.~8 '3.:.?> \L\ '. \6,~ 361 . 2-"Zc;:JSl Z2 ~~(.ll "3 G. G)£n./,..(o *~  :> 11\*' \SWcP 'Z.'Z. ~(o0 zz C){o'Z.. . '2.. L\- <?l.o 4-L '38 \tl.'. ,*s\ ?.lll Z?..':>l.o 2 '?2 <1U:>'S 3 C:. ':)(pI "33 ~(p ll.\ \ \l.., \ ttJ((J 2'2.'?G'5 -z;z. '7)~:-t* - '2, 4 l)(, ,Zfj . 3(.., . ' 14\ \~~~Ul 2.2 9lsJq- za ~"+(~ "3 0:. <J~,£)'1- 3L ttl \ l "::\ \ 1/)£1 Z'2..9 *i0 z2;. <7 ~'2.-c ?_ 4~* 9':lA5 3<... b/..tb 14' \'1 \ t.\4- '13o77"0 I.JO /k.A~I-JS -~ '39, 18 . \l\-~\'3\.11 Tot> I te.AtJ ~ 18,95 . ~'From Preliminaty Boring Layout Su1~vey Form Approv!'Jd for'use.on Clinch River SMR Project- J. A. Tice, Tecl1nlcal Lead Form Rev o- Reviewed by !fZ- 1"(0(/J Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-170 of 515 DOUBLE PACKER .BOREHOLE PERMEA81LllY TEST DATA SHEET AMEC ENVIRONMENTAL & INFRASTRUCTI.)RE., INC. Page 1 of.2 PROJECT NAME: Cl)nch RlverSMR Prolac! JOB _NO. 6468-13-1072 PATE::Z~£2. ~ ll Boeing NoMp~ At-~¥ Borehole Dlametef, ln.: *o, & Total Boring Depth, Ft. '3'C:.¢: *Grid Etev, Ft: 8¢~ A * . Casing _ Height above groun~, Ft: ftl,"l~

  • Elev. Top of Casing, Ft. (Gnd Elev+ Casing Helght): BJ¢.

19 = Dalllm

  • TEST ID: 1-A~*Il,\~.,; ~"j Test length: jt,5 Test Section Depth (from Datum): *From\ ¢9,-:::l-7 To I.\~. 'Z..'
l (A) Depth to Water Table From Datum, Ft: (..~,<..,<";>

(B) Surface Gage Height Above Datum, Ft. I, 1-~ tat c water press,lre at center"' (C*e2.41144) + 8afo = 33 MAXIMUM TEST PRESSURE, Po"' ([A+B*1j + C*0.57 ) [Po=. ~(e ] Test Pressure sequence::: 1/3 Po, 213 Po, Po, 1/2 Po, Po Sequen ce JD: Po *values: 1/3 Po"'~; 2/3 Po=~; 1/2 Po= 48 . A 8 C D Add Appropriate P9 value to static pressure at center oftes!ln E terval TEST NO. tJ,;P-*!\\1.,. i '&Sequence No. C Planned Center Pressure: l'G':> Tr~nsducerReadlngsBeforePackerslnflated: Top IE3,~9 .: Middle 3R., (ol*:* Bottom: '3tp, 4(p Transducer Readings After Packer& Inflated~ Top I e. B(p ; Middle ~ 2., e~  : Bottom: '3 8. *qe M? 4\t... s. eQU/Ef../CE c FLOW METER READING, Gallons Time, Middle Minutes FLOW, gpm *Transducer Surface Gage REMARKS Initial Final ReacUng, psi Pressure, psi Difference * \4\21/)\(/J{}J 22.. 9"89 ................. _.............. --- -- I f/JI ,1/)S 3C.. '/8§"f!>! /t.J II=- ( /P(!:.I!G .o,:;.r-1 P.t..o<..> \t\ ~ 'Z (/) I *'W ~298~ zt. 9S)Z.. 3 c_;. I leb, ~::J 46 lt\ *, **z... \ \ rpc; 9'7'5  ?-~9~4.. 1.2 3 (.., lt2.¢ 3 41" IF lA \ ?.;l\ '3CP ZZ.. '9C)S 22. ~qg w -~ \\?.,t;}(l} 41- ~ .. It\*', 2.?.-\(JJrJ .ZZ..t?>'78 z*~ (/)_(j) 2.. A a \\<3.4'7 ss (/J'L Z) . ~r;;:- ss A/t'" ~-; 7-2\'?Jf/1 \4~ -z.:~(/.1 3 G \\ '7},?)\. l (2 1ir-; z,~ \a>ui *z~{/)f/)'?  ?./';)(fifP 9 4- 8 \ ~""1:1-'1- ~4 \A 1 2'3~ 3tP ~~J/)_@9 . Z:~¢ \ ') L\ 9 \ 1,£)\ ) ~4 lA ~ 2.4\ lf)(J -2,~(/) 13 Z-3tl \ '~ 4 B \ '?.(., ;:tG, (Q'Z. tt\1 zAn~ c.:~Ql\ 4 *z~'11ft 2-1 4 8 \ ~':t.ll~ (..L\ V\ ~ *~S\~if- *- Z.~lll2.\ -"i?.-J0v.\- '3 <o \~i.<:;)(, (o L~ *1 *. \l\ .\ 2"5 ~5P Zi~_ZL\ Z~f!Z. '? 5_ ltiJ \ C.-:t ,(.,<{) . L>t\- li="' ~l~\ ~(o\<,OIP '2.'3(/) 2.~ 2-'~a'j2.. "3 ~ \ :,(1.),11 ~(., ~t\~ 2(.;,\W Z-3_tl_ 32. Z-34'*~s ~ (p \'~((? 41 (.,(., lt.\ \ 2il raJ Z31/ 3:) Z'3¢ 3') 4 8 \2~,(;;:1 ~$ \L\ \ z-=tnu> Z."'$(/)3~ z:si/J47.... 3 Co l.~

  • ~ ~ f./J 5' li/2 c....,(,, ~ 2.91,1-5 . *~rem Preliminary Boring Layout Survey Form Approved for'use. on Clinch River SMR Project* J. A. Tice, Technical Lead Form Rev 0- Reviewed by% - (l;./11k~ Clinch River Data Repor t Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-171 of 515 DOUBLE PACKER BOREHOLE PERMEABILITY TEST OATAS HEET AMEC ENVIRONMENTAL & INFRASTRUCTURE, INC. Page 1 of2 PROJECT NAME: Clinch River SMR Project JOB f'IO. 6468-13-1072 DATE: :z~ Z;<.. .. J':S Boring NoM!?* b:,*\l.. Borehole Diameter, ln.:*o,S Total Boring Depth, Ft. "iri:'~¢ Gnd Elev, Ft: t;}¢'3,'-\ * . Casing Haight above grciLmd, Fl: (/), .,_~ Elev. Top of Casing, Ft. (Gnd Elav + Casing Height): 81 ¢* I c::> = Datum
    • TEST ID: t-.\~*6..\~ *~.:?> Test leng,th; Tr 5 Test Sect!on Depth (from DatJ,Jm); From \¢9 .-:t~ To \\ ~~ ~'?
    (A) Depth to Water Table From Datum, Fl: <c~,{.., <;; TestWater Tem'p: '"l l.o .,f Baro Pressure,?s!:. 14. 0 '?> (B) Surface Gage Height Above Datum, Ft. 'v*..IIE:t.t.. IJArtS'a: n,,,_.p t.,pz";rz
    • U~AS"C:);
    t ,1-<:;;, Depth to Center ofT est Interval From Datum, Ft: I\'}*,$ A; -***--~*-**-(crDll§taneeWat6fTa151e10'CentefQfTesfinterval Ft. _ ~ '~ Static water pressure at center"' (C.62.4/144) + Baro "' 33 MAXIMUM TEST PRESSURE, Po= ([A+8*1] + c*o.57) (Po= 9 ~ ] Test Pressure sequence::: 1/3 Po, 2/3 Po, Po, 1/2 Po, Po Sequence ID: . A Po Values: if3 Po "'~; 2/3 Po=> (04~; 1/2 Po= 48 8 C D Add Appropriate ~o value to static pressure at center of test interval E TEST NO. tJ,'PA~£, j; '& Sequence No. C Planned Center Pressure: \f.~ Transducer Readings Before Pa_ckers Inflated: Top 18,.1 -9 ,; M!(ldle~ 3~.f..o{*:* Bottom: 3C..:..,4e,p Transducer Readings After Packers Inflated: Top I B,SG..; Middle '32.,<8G: .Bottom: '5'8 .-::t-8 M?~L\-~(., zc, Se:G:~ m=NC.Et (\ (..... ) CJ~.>;r() ) FLOW METER READING, Gallons Time, Middle FLOW,*gpm *Transducer* Surface Gage Minutes REMARKS Initial
    • Reading, psi Pressure, psi Final Difference
    • r-*
    \A\ '2.~\r;Jl{J 2'3q:i'3(t'J 23~5'3 1 w l'j ¢, 2.1 (o(, I, \t\\ 'l.:. i>> '5 "3 Z'3t~ 5 *:4- 4 8 t 2--8,11)) . '2.~\'?ql -z:z.- \. ~ ~*~~- ~s ~ \A\ '3 r{J '1/if/J 2 '3 (/J '5 -=7* 'Z-:J¢f..,'({) '3 (p 12~.~4 . G.. lt:l /Ef..JG> 'ILl.' JIP 1 4-Z... Bo*rro,..__ /';e.a,c.r~ 391S .j4l '31' JZ *r.. pl '/;.!_All iS ' 18,9'? **~ *From Preliminary Boring Layout Survey Form. Approved for'l..Jse.on Clinch River SMR Project, J. A. Tlce, Technic al Lead Form Rev 0 - ~evlewed by ~fl.-- 1l/{ ( 1 {t ? Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-172 of 515 b0Ul3LE PACKER BOREHOLE PSRMEABILITY TEST DATASHEEI AMEC ENVIRONMENTAL & INFRASTRUCTURE, INC. Page 1 of2 PROJECT NAME': Clinch ~lver SMR Project I JOB _NO. 64§8*'13-1072 DATE: "l-£2.. .:!1 I Boring NoM P- ~M,.. Borahole Olameter, ln.: B, & .Total Boring Depth, Ft._*wc.~- I Gnd Elev, Ft: 8¢ ~ ,4 * ! . Caslng_Height above groun~, Ft:.ID,':> ! Elev. T?P of Casing , Ft. (Gnd Elev t* Casing Height): 8.f<b. l9 ., Datum I. TESTID:t-1\.'?*L\.\~ *-g.:5 Testlength: '?,'5 1*estSeclionDepth(fromDatum): From\¢9,--:::rl!l} .To \\~,1..<:  ;). (A} Depth to Water Table From Datum, Ft: (.£)~. (J> '5 Test Water Tem.p:- '1(, "'r- Baro Pressure,f!sl:
    • 14-. '5 "5 Wi<itl.. 0Ar<li'a. rl!'M~'> G. gz '-'tfL 1::
    I . (B) Surface Gage Height Above Datum, Ft. I ."i-S:.
    • tc;;,,':(~C:
    Depth to Center of Test lntetval Frotn Datum, Ft: I\'"!?*, 5 <\ - -*- -----'"-(C)-nH~!Ei.i'i're'WateFTati!EilOCenter ofl'esflntetval Fl~ '~ Static water pressure at center= (0*62.4/144) + Baro "'~3 MAXIMUM TEST PRESSURE, Po "' ([A+B*1] + C*0,57) [Po = 9 (;, 1 Test Pressure sequence;; i/3 Po, 2/3 Po, Po, '1/2 Po, Po Sequence ID: . A Po Values: 1/3 Po,. 3!.2.. : 213 Po=~ *&.\- ; 1/2 Po"' 48 B C D E Add Appropriate Po value to static pressure at center of test interval TEST NO. 1-A.'P*"r\<.. F.*~ Sequence No. "D Planned Center Pressure: 81 Transducer Readings Before Packers Inflated: Top I 8, 'i- 9 . ; Middle 3 f0. (c I *:. Bottom: * '3 <.e *.4-(p Transducer Readings After Packers Inflated: Top t '8 t '8(., ; 'Mid9le '5 ~, 8G> : Bottom: 3 $,*q 8 - s .SQI... fGNCE D FlOW METER READING, Gallons Time, Middle Minutes FLOW,gpl'n *Transducer Surface Gage REMARKS rnltlal Reading, psi Pressure, psi Final Difference c~~ l!R \ ~'?>\CfJUJ 'Z. 3 (/) (:) '3 ---- -..*-- ------ 1Z9,'3(.... ,...l;J-- 0, fc '"OPOI!Uf11t v {Ot.rUMI'Ilf.W) PL""" -\-'tt 3~' 3/fi 234' 63 Z'34'(fi* 4 8 llZ,'32.. 4S A--'f-"'. -~ ~t UJ tP Z~f/J 8'::1  ?..:>1/ 9r{) 0 ~ \ 1/)';J ~(., L\-5 "bJ.."" lkf:\ 34 I 3~ ~~f/)91/J 'Z~~~~ £a IL. \Cb?... ~~ ~~ ~Yl.'\ 'SS\ (J!_~ 23~9{62 Z3¢~(.g (/; C(> ~~~-zm ~-3> ...\-?\ !_\C.: I '3,(/J Z3(tl <!JIP Z-31/l<?o; '3 (, '?S,~£\. '3'3 1)P:t. . *yt"\ ~t, \ r(J l[J Z'?>(J.J9~ 7..3 l ¢*3 '5 IW .9'3, t;)l\- zc, .. It'll -~G.\ '!Jr./! ' Z-1->. \ (/) 3 . z*311{:1<.,. ~~ (o '?"?> .~ \ 2.1..... 1-i--~ 3*:v, (j)(p 2~\(/)r.., 2.3\f[J~  :, (p 9Z..:t*') Z..L . 7;)1~ . \ 1\~ . *~-q~ '?J

    ; z> 11 L- ~ ¥ 88.'5"'-f* Z-2. ~.\ i5~Ul(Jl z~~\7.- Z-3 l\ '5 - '3 <... 8864 - z. *-z.

    ~ \I\\ 1>'B\1tP 2/~\\S \\S. . '1> (., 88,'5 5 . 2'2. ""t;Jf! \~*\ ~"'?\(/){} 2~1\~ 2'.'> 1'2.. ~ ~ (p 8li,~S 113 t~\ "3 c:, \ *~q! "Z~\ 'Z.\ ~3\'ZA--
    • 3 ~ 8/~s~ 18
    ( L\) 4. c[J ' (1)11) '2....~ \ (..4.- ~3 \2.(, "Z. 4. 8L{,S'} 1'3 t4 'l 4-<D I 3iJ 2.3\.'2...1.., ~3 \ 'Z..~ 3 G 84M 1e 'fil-l _11.\ 11/JrP 2-_) \ Z-':> 3 (p z.:3y~L !345'l 1'8 l4i 4ll 3t.P z.:~ \'~'- 2.'3 ~*11s 3 (., g 4:e. &> \8 -;?11- *From Preliminary Boring Layout Survey Fonn Approved for'Usa.on Clinch River SMR Project- J. A. Tlce, Technic al Lead Farm Rev 0 - Reviewed by 6jL- 111{1 ~~ J . Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-173 of 515 DOUBLE! PACKER lBORE:HOLE PERMEABILITY lEST DATA SHEET AMEC ENVIRONMENTAL & INFRASTRUCTURE, INC. Page 1 of2 PROJECT NAME: Clinch River SMR Project JOB .NO. 6468-13-1072 DATE:::tw£~ ... J'l Boring NoMP:._ ~*\lp Borehole Diameter, ln.: o,l::> Total Borlng Depth, Ft. "5'e ¢ GndEiev, Ft 8(/?C)A . Casing Height above ground, Ft:..§d..':l Elev. Top of Casing, Fl. (Gnd Elev +Casing Height): 810,. l9 =Datum
    • TEST ID: ~~*ll,~~,o 1:.'g Test length: X'5 Test Section Deptll (from Datum):
    I From \ 4>9 ,-.:p!o) To. w-:v:v:;, (A) Depth to Water Table From Datum, Ft: (,c;:),~S Test Water Tem.p: '1 (, '" F (B) surface Gage Height Above Datum, Ft. I ,'1 S 1,../r;;LL tUATG'a. rl<kP Baro Presaure'(sl: . c:c I~*'?;, 'j Depth to Center ofT est InleNaI From Datum, Ft:_j \""'b *, '5 ~ .- -- -*--- *(c)-otstancewareFTaoletocentei'OfT9allnterval Ft. 4~pressure at center"' (0*62.4/144) + Baro ~ 33 MAXIMUM TEST PRESSURE, Po= ([A+B*1] + 0*0,57) [Po" 9~ 1 Test Pressure sequence ;-1/3 Po, 213 Po, Po, 1/2 Po; Po I Po Values: 1/3 Po"~; 2/3 Po= CD4 ; .1/2 Po= 48 Sequence ID: A 8 C D E Add Appropriate Po value to static pressure a! center of test fnterval l TEST NO. )-AP..t\1,(,. ~ B Sequence No. _...,*D=-- Planned Center Pressure: --'8""""'*\,_____ f Tr'a.nsducer Readings Before Packers lnfi~ted: Top I 8, *q. g . i. Middle 3 g, *(s, / *:. Bottom: '3 lP, ~ f Transducer Readings After Packers Inflated: Top
    • l £3, 8& Middle '3Z,'8t... : Bottom: '3'8 a5 I }A?-4 \{, 'K-& 1 '
    I I SsQU ./ENC :E b (Colo) *~/"~~ I Fl.OW METER READING, Gallons Time, Middle r FLOW,gpm *Transducer .surface Gage Minutes REMARKS Initial Reading, psi Pressure, psi Final Difference tt\* t!\.t-1 ww z, 'b \ *~-s 2.,'3 '~1* 'Z.. 4 >~ 88 14 \L*\ Z-3 \ ~i Z-3 \LLW. ~ <.P. {tJCfl~A$1;' ~ 8fi).l.)S 14 /P ( f.!t...r)~ 14' 4~) 1/)(f> Z) \ l\ (j? 2.:~ \L\1... 7- 4 8ch,SS. t4. t (f 2..~ \L~ 'L '2-~ \AS ~ (,. 8ttl,11- t4 14 -4"\ (/ill' z:~ \AS '2.'3 \t\"::l . a,* 4- *f3 (/), ~'- \ <\ 14-: z:~ \4'4 z.:~ . \S({J '3 ~ *~<O,S") \L\ 14 4'::.\ w~ z~ \<5 <.b Z.3 \SZ. z. 4* 8f#, l2 14 £"No " t,\? *~({JtJ -~ UP4fi 1:S'- * '"'8o7 ("0M . /£4-"-> 39.-: :dJ J4l# I ¢'3 7t.;.r.> /.G!~ J.}$ 15},(/ )/ ' *From Preliminary Boring Layout Survey Form Approved for'use.on Olinoh River SMR Project- J. A. Tlce, Te chnical Lead Form Rev 0 -.Reviewed by 'ifL= t"L({1V) Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-174 of 515 I DOUBLE PACKER BOREHOLE PERMEABILITY TEST OATA SHEET AMEC ENVIRONMENTAL &INFRASTRUCTURE, INC. Page 1 of 2 PROJECT NAME: QlinQI) Rl~er SMR Pro!ecj JOS )'10. 6468-1'3-1072 DATE:*.z~£1(. ~1"3 Boling No MP* ~u.. Borehole Diameter, ln.:*o, & Total Borlng Depth, Ft. ?;'c ¢ Gnd Elev, Ft: 8(/>'? ,4
    • l . .
    . Casing He!ght above ground, Ft;Al_' ;) . . Elev. Top of Casing, Ft. (Gnd Elev + Casing Height): 8 I f./). i 9 =-Datum TEST tO: l'<W*6.\~..> ~*3 Tastlength: _ .......1. . . . -.,--re st Section Depth (from Datum): From\ ¢9,-::re, . '5..:::. To \\ ~- ~"? . (A) Depth to Water Table From Deturn, Ft: <c"'?),C.,S Test Water Tem.p: **H., "'F- !4. *~ 0 (B) Surfaee Gage Height Above Datum, Ft. l,"l'% WEI..L 0(/,Tff!fZ . -n;;:;;- Baro Pressure, el; . 0 Depth to Center ofT est Interval From Datum, Pt: \ * * * "< ------ - -(c)D tstance waterTiH>lelOceRteronesnnterval Ft. ~ Static water pressure at center"' (C*62.4/144) + Baro"' 33 MAXIMUM TEST PRESSURE, Po= ([M!3*1] + 0*0.57) [Po" 9 _(., l Test Pressure sequence:= 113 Po, 213 Po, Po, 112 Po, Po Sequence ID: . A .B Po Values: 113 Po"'_ _&; 2/3 Po:o GA- ; 112 Po"' 48 C D E .Add Appropriate Po value to static pressure at center of test Interval TEST NO. !J..?-4\L,; F. B Sequence No. E: . Planned Cente1* Pressure: I~ c;2 TrE\nsducer Readings Before Packers .Inflated: Top I 8 t *~ 9 . ; Middle 3 R.,, (o I*:. Bottom: '3lP,4 .l,p Transducer Readings After Packers Inflated: Top
    • 18, 8(., ; Middle "32.8Gz: Bottom: *3e,3 !8 M?- 4\t.. 'if'& S&QU ENCIT ! L...,_
    FLOW METER READING, Gallons Time, Middle FLOW,gpm *Transducer Surface Gage Minutes REMARKS .Reading, psi Pressure, psi Initial Final Difference t4 t 4s ~ ¢

    1~1- 2'3 \'~ l 4 8 ~'5,8<5 40 . ~Y~S>l( 2:'3 \ *q. t 3 t ¢'5 .42.. 23\~4 *4 41 (-4: 4<?1 3@ -z. ~ \'":\ A* z*:; 11-":\-- ~ (, /t/)'5tl3 ' 4¢ II:. . \/.\ \ '5lft\IP!J z -~ \ -q."1-- 2'3 \ S\ 4. s* 1ts, ~:t 58+

    • ct~ ':"/ -ZZ
    • f3
    \t\\ '51/}\Jv z. ~ \8\ 2~ 18.:\- .3 c., I Z"3 ,lJI9 '58 \L\( ~j\({)(il 2"'.>\t \4 . 2:~ IB8 l\- g 123 IS . 5'8 JF It\-\ *s\\ 3t.P 2~\58  ;(.~ l ~'L . 4 8 IZ'l , 94 G.l \A- *, r:;*t_ \ (jp z:~\ ~ z. ~'3 --I~S * ':_) -~ IZ'5A :t (.,f IP \A \ 3tJI 2.~ 2 fl(/1 5 1¢ '£>2.~ 2. ':H~S 12fi\ !8 ~5 lA\  !--'-"--- S"3\C/)f{J Z$ z..(J)i/ 1?.,'3 Z~4 4 e 1'311),/tj) *c..s \A \ ~ -~ *:3~ z*-s z.(,Mr 2.'3. 2-<<'8 4- (:;) 0 l29,13L CoS 14 I _'5_4\W . 2~.C0B 23 Z..l '3 5 ltp \'~49t29 C.>S r!A- ~ '5t\~](/J 2- ;:.z.l 3 23 21(.. ' 3 &. 129,~\ (.,5 14 \ 15'5)1/){J) Z~Zl (., 23 'Z-19 -~ (., \~2~3-=t G.~ ~4 \ ~?1'31~ z..!>Z-.l ') 2'3 222.; s (, l zc:hZS (,'1) - Z'3 221- '5 14' ~ *SC..\WfP z.~z:z.z. 1</.> 1*3ctJAs (.,$ /:::J.Jr.:> - t41S'fol 4~ 'Bo -T7CJ.M- T/'Z.J}."-> J u~ 3 9 G,'3 *From Preliminary Boring Layout Survey I 7> I fP/ Fonn Approved for' use.on Clinch River SMR Project -.J. A. Tlce, Technical Lead Form Rev 0- Reviewed by ~ I"L{/~J Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-175 of 515 DOUBLE PACKER BOREHOLE PERMEABILI TY TEST DATA SHEET Page2 ~,:s s4ec:f ~fPI,*rJ BOlUNG: M 'P .. 4 \c. t7; r;.// -b.,c '3 Tot..s SfL /~ /13//) DATE: ~ ... ~t,- \~. DATACOLLEC TEDBY: ToM M~GtL..L/_ ..::Ti~-.A. GiovDAR"O ~RES SURE: 1J i~ I psi ~ I'Ill I'> 1/J ~~~- /1 ..-CENXER..l' RANSD.UCE R--- ** ~*~s:v:R.EACE-GAGE  ; PRESSURE, _psi PRESSURE . psi ~.<!........... ~">... h ----..c / .... ~ -<I.e- ~./'\ (;:; ..[ (')c'l"\. ,.._ ~-1!,.\~\*~ 1.- -...........:... ~ EQUIPMENT USED Transducers: Mini Trol Serial Numbers: I 4 'Z. \1\ L. Lto- 'Z<t'*l')) J?,*iic.~e./:::'t-OL.-'l u.t~~tllotr- 1 1 f.*~,.w- "3 t*J ' " u... *~ t ,~ \::.) Surface Pressure Gage: 1-A.\J.J ~ '1 t. ~~ \JJ- S . ( tr \\ - \1) Nt Tt:< C> c.. . *r;; N (1 ALtc.., G.;: M \0*\ % tJ\\0- '- (lf~ \1. \"S) Barometric Probe: \"2.,\ ~\ S l ~- \'t.- 1:1 .) FlowMeter: $'D'ZA3'0'8 (1=-"lte:.l,...-.:::> 1-S**I'S) StopWatch: L"Z,.8(., (L,** \1.})~\~) ~~\ p ~ 4 tt.> z:.. 3, ( ~) z~ I ' ::> ~ c;*,7- - z -z I '5, (/J41 'Z.I 'v-JSL Jv\ ?- t\-\(o E: '3 ( 6) R-

    ...:1* - W<z:.~z._*-~~ I 4 ~_.c:=iC:L-4-~ E-x-c:s*c i_ IV\?- 41(, Z3 U*A) 'G(/) 1 '?l ~ (/).+ ~ z:z 1'S fl(/),1/*(& 1 \!-_( 5 L. M p~ 411p Z '3 ('tv\) 2.,q) 1~- (,IJ-:t- -. z z /5 I(:,§~( 4~ E: 'X'CEL. ,IV\ \.h 41~ z3 ( L) (GQ) l'~- qJ 71- - zz 1'5 , r;rs. {1}(/) \1-l ~ L f-.1\P* 41v Z 1 (L ') ~(/)l ?:r (/)7- - 2"2-- I '5, (/)3, (f)~ ExcEL Form Rev'o- Reviewed byc_;fl.. ('L/IJ~'J . Form Approved fot* Use on Clinch River SMR Prqject. J. A. Tlce, Technical Lead

    • Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-176 of 515
    Packer Test Worksheet Clinch River SMR Project AMEC Project No. 6468 13 1072 Test Date WIP~+I Prepared By ~~~~~~----------~ ~~ Checked By 139.93 75 IMax Test Pressure (Po} (ps1) 151 1/3 Po (psi) 50 2/3 Po (psi) 101 1/2 Po (psi) 76 Center Test lntlation Pressures Pressure (psi) (psi) Sequence A 1/3 125 175 Sequence B 2/3 176 226 Sequence C 1.0 226 276 . Sequence D 1/2 151 201 Sequence E 1.0 226 276 Pipe Check (Estimate Only for Field Guidance)) Length of Packer Assembly 13.29 Average Length of Pipe Section 21 .12 Length of pipe to TOC 200.00 Number of Pipe Sections 9.47 llengtll Of StiCKUp aoove I UC(ft) 11.20 Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-177 of 515 Clinch River SMR Project Prepared by: t!'(;;:i/" Date: q.,-'fJ ~-/4-Double Packer Borehole Permeability Test Data Sheet Checked by: Ck Date: .f~g . . /.1 AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. (/'.1-AMEC Project# 6468-13-1072 Boring: MP*416 Zone: Z4 205.0 feet to 212.5 feet below ground surface Transducer Location: Middle Sequence A (1/3 Po) Sequence B (2/3 Po) Sequence C (Pol Elapsed Time Flow Rate Elapsed Time Flow Rate Elapsed Time Flow Rate Time (minutes) Pressure (psi) (gpm) Time (minutes) Pressure (psi) (gpm) Time (minutes) Pressure (psi) (gpm) 11:04:30 0.0 76.54 11:14:00 0.0 125.75 11:24:30 0.0 175.84 11:05:00 0.5 76.54 0 11:14:30 0.5 144.54 0 11:25:00 0.5 199.28 0 11:05:30 1.0 76.54 0 11:15:00 1.0 145.76 0 11:25:30 1.0 200.86 0 11:06:00 1.5 77.54 8 11:15:30 1.5 157.78 0 11:26:00 1.5 200.22 0 11:06:30 2.0 116.68 -2 11:16:00 2.0 159.43 0 11:26:30 2.0 217.98 2 11:07:00 2.5 120.17 0 11:16:30 2.5 169.72 0 11:27:00 2.5 218.59 0 11:07:30 3.0 120.86 0 11:17:00 3.0 169.33 0 11:27:30 3.0 218.23 0 11:08:00 3.5 126.35 0 11:17:30 3.5 170.42 0 11:28:00 3.5 224.68 0 11:08:30 4.0 126.68 0 11:18:00 4.0 174.89 0 11:28:30 4.0 225.09 0 11:09:00 4.5 125.34 0 11:18:30 4.5 175.48 0 11:29:00 4.5 224.86 0 11:09:30 5.0 125.54 0 11:19:00 5.0 176.07 0 11:29:30 5.0 227.97 0 11:10:00 5.5 124.93 0 11:19:30 5.5 175.90 0 11:30:00 5.5 227.31 0 -- -- ~- 11~10:30 6.0 --*- '125: 47 - 0 11:20:00 - 6.0 . '176, 12 0 11: 30:30 KO 227:31 -o 11:11:00 6.5 125.39 () 11:20:30 6.5 175.41 0 11:31:00 6.5 227.71 0 11:11:30 7.0 125.40 0 11:21:00 7.0 175.50 0 11:3j:3Q -z.o 22V:i4 0 11:12:00 7.5 125.56 0 11:21:30 7.5 175.66 0 11:32:00 7.5 227.92 0 *****--- .. ... -* **- ... ...11.:32:3.0 -* 8.0 ***--* 227.97 -* 0 Sequence D ( 1/2 Po) Sequence E (Po) Elapsed Time Flow Rate Elapsed Time Flow Rate Time (minutes) Pressure (psi) (gpm) Time. (minuies) Pressure (psi) (gpm) 11:36:00 0.0 228.62 11:46:30 o. o 152.25 11:36:30 0.5 211.28 0 11:47:00 0.5 171.22 0 11:37:00 1.0 187.64 0 11:47:30 1.0 186.47 0 11:37:30 1.5 187.20 0 11:48:00 1.5 199.30 2 11:38:00 2.0 174.06 2 11:48:30 2.0 202.50 0 11:38:30 2.5 173.80 0 11:49:00 2.5 209.69 0 11:39:00 3.0 157.80 -2 11:49:30 3.0 213.65 0 11:39:30 3.5 160.50 0 11:50:00 3.5 213.07 0 11:40:00 4.0 153.79 0 11:50:30 4.0 228.58 0 11:40:30 4.5 151.99 0 11:51:00 4.5 223.18 0 11:41:00 5.0 152.13 0 11:51:30 5.0 227..04 0 11:41:30 5.5 151.77 0 11:52:00 5.5 227.36 0 11:42:00 6.0 152.44 -2 11:52:30 6.0 227.10 0 11:42:30 6.5 152.15 0 11:53:00 6.5 227.32 0 11:43:00 7,0 152.34 0 11:53:30 7.0 227.49 0 11:43:30 7.5 152.03 0 11:54:00 7.5 226.58 0 11:54:30 8.0 227.19 0 Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-178 of 515 MP-416 Zone 4 10 *****-----*-..***-***---*-*---*--****--***'-******""""'"""-'"-'"-*"""""'"'"'"'"'""""--'""""""'"" 8 ~---------~-~----------------------------------------------*---------- 1 4 ~;: £ 0 *2 N4 ,, .......... ~.~*~***"'" ~""~""'" I"'""'"'"'"'~"' "'"'"Y ""'N"'"'"'"'""'"'"l""""'""' "" '""'- ... "'! ...................................... ..._ ..I"'_"'"-*""'"-"' "'-""'"" 1 """-""'"""' '""'~* ...**""'Y'"'"""'""'""'"""'""' o.o 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8,0 Elapsed Time (minutes) ............ 1/3 Po Notes:* Test pressute appro)(/f'nat1ey 1/3 of the tnaidh1Uh1 testprassure (Po). Plow* rata typically measU)'ed:ovet a *BO second IJ'tetvnl. <----*-------~--------------*-----*-*-----*- --~---------...,.....--- ~-------~--------------~---------------~-------------~-------- MP-416 Zone 4 0.9 +---------------------------------------------~-------------~-- 0,8 +-~----~--------------~--------------------------------------~---- *o. 7 ----..---**-----*--------------*----*--- ----**-----*-- - -- - ----*-------- '"[ 0.6 "* o.s "'£;: 0.4 . _._. _ ____,____. __,__ . . _. . . . . . -*-***-"***--*-,-----------*--*-*-*-- ------------------------.....c.... 0.3 ~--*--*-----~------*------- - 0.2 .*,_..__________ _..,____.**.* - ...****-*------**- - - - *- - - -..-------------*-*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 0 -*--*--* . rf---*--,---*-.---*--.. . -41 .. - - - * - , o.o 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7,0 8.0 Elapsed Time (minutes) --2/3 Po Notos: Test pressure approxhnately 2/3 of tl\o mal!lmum tost pros$Ur~ (Po).1:1ow rata typically moasurnd over a 30 second Interval. Prepared by/Date:_...J..:K,::..;.~T"t""""".. ,.....,l_/,..,..t{_.(-;1 i _ c._* Checked by/Date: -.........,*JH-L-"'tl..,.)_,'7_,_l.=d'-L;-'"'I/.~ Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-179 of 515 MP-416 Zone 4 2.5 ......................................................................................._ ........... _ ............................................................................................,.............................................................. - .............- .. -*...- ..............,..............._ .. , ~1.5 .'?.9 +---------------r-r--------------------------------------------------------- ~ .~ --------~------**-. *--*------........ ____ . -~----~- 0.0 1.0 2.0 3,0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 Elapsed*Time (minutes) Notes: Test pressure tnoasur(ld at the 111axltnllm test pressure {~o), .Flow rate typically measured ol/el'*a 30 scc:.ond 11\tatval. MP-416 Zone 4 2.5 ......................................................................................................................................................._.,_... ., .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 2 ............- ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1.5 ........._ .............................................................. ,..,;;., .....:.... *.....*... ,... ,~...................................................................................., .........................~ ...............................,...................................~.......................................~ .........- ...... . g 0.5 +---------1-----t------* .!'9* ~ 0 +-------..J,._---.Ir----'-~-"t--- ~ *0.5 -2 +-----..,------,-------.......,.---------,------,-- ---r-----r-------, 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 . 8.0 Elapsed Time* (minutes) - - 1/2Po Notes: Test pressure approxlmatoly 1/2 of the maximum test pressure (l)o), r:low rate typlcolly maa~ured over a 30 saco11d ltltei'Va1. Clinch River Data Report Re Page E.3-180 of 515 .---------------------~---~~~- MP-416 Zone 4 2.5 -y-~-------------- 2 *1--*----r------- ------ - ----- - - - - ---- 0 +------~-----~------r-~--~ o,o 1.0 2,0 3.0 4.0 s.o 6.0* 7.0 8.0 9.0 . Elapsed Time (minutes) - Po NotGsi lost pressuro opproxlmataly at the 1'1'1aKitnum tost prasstrra*(P.o)*. FioW rate typlaally measure~ over a 30 seoond h1huval. Prepared by/Date: __1..,.,C\._XL_._\r+(-lf..:..../.;._!l.J....1_ Checked by/Date: --,Ji!,C.~:::::,\;)~?:....!.;~ML..;i;t.:!4_~_ Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-181 of 515 I I DOUBLE PACKER BOREHOLe PEI\MEABILITY TEST DATA SHEET
    • AMEC ENVIRONMENTAL & INFRASTRUCTURE, INC: . Page 1 ofZ PROJECT NAME*: Clinch River SMR Pto!ec1 JOB .NO. §4§8-13-1072 DATE:..1:.::..&!S.:_I "j Boring NoMP~ 4Ho Borehole Diameter, ln.: 3.8. Total Boring Depth, Ft. ""?>"(...,(,!> Gnd Elev, Ft: ~4.*
    . Casing Height above ground, Ft:~ ':) EJev. Top of Casing, Ft. (Gnd Elev*+ Casing Height): . . "'Datum
    • TEST !0: I-<\?* A\<... 'i£. 4- Test length~  ?, S Test Sectron Depth (from Datum); From ~ <PS, 1-:> To ~ \'~ * ~<:)
    (A} Depth to vyate~ \able From Datum, Ft: <.t. ~' *l.> \ (B) * - - - ~ib":>,t'.:4- :2ci.,,';)4 TAA~~;n::r-izr:i~~~~~~~~;r;:;;;rrt;;;;::;ti~wf:dA\-:i:fi:;m;-;;;-n=::t +- z:. ~{~ MAXIMUM TEST PRESSURE, Po= ((A+6*1] + c*o.57) [Po:::: l ~ \ 1 Test Pres!lure sequence:" 1/3 Po, 2/3 Po, Po, 1/2 Po, Po Sequence 10: A B c D E . **Po Values: 1/3 Po"'~; 2/3 Po"'~; 1/2 Po= *-q <.o Add Appropriate Po value to static pressure at center of teat Interval TEST NO. tA?* 4\L~4S.equence No. A Planned Center Pressure: I*?.,CO Transducer Readings Before Pa.ckerslntlated: Tap .l8,\l..o: Middle 3:4, ~ :. Bottom: ":/.8, rt>~ Transducer Readings After Packers Inflated: Top \6, \~  ; Middle -.:t.U> .'$1,.: Bottom: 81. '=t9 - \(..., s SQUENCS A r FLOW METER READING, Gallons Middle I Time, FlOW, gpm Transducer Surface Gage REMARKS I Minutes Initial Final Difference Reading, psi Pressure, psi I. 856/t!-1 I\ '* tJ)1.\~1l(Jl P~92.l ""-""- 1 G,., S4 (2) .INCfiJ!TMG t:' \\. ', (/><; *, (/J(/1 R.>~')~\ 'G(( ~~\ d.> ':\;G,'04 <zJ I \\\ ~CS l '~lO 2,~ 0~\ . 0~l cP d> -=\(..,I'5 t\- (/) /GiC ~Z.L.o* 4 . 8 !0 ( { tX. I<. t-}1:1.$/Jf I \\. \ (/)(...', {/)1/! a.~~'2J '.::J-=(/~4 IF j.:::L,.(:><A . e:E,. '?.~~.,... -"2.. . I t-'-~ ln' \'? \\ '. ¢(.. \ '?,(/) ~2. 9~'5 - l \ \L¢.1,9 Z.5,_ 5 <?Jes
    • q;
    . R. 'it 9'C,br- t 2.(/J \'l-11 '\ \ IP"'\', cp(fJ <:/> -. \ \ ~ IP':\ \ '~lP ~2. ¢ (/) 2.(., 'b l= (2.~';)~5 'Z..2.92.~ \~(/),~[, 3¢ I \~\ <ll 'B I (/)(P 2-2. S) ~.:;) '2..'2. 9 ?.-s ~H 3tJ 2-'2. C)~S 1(.~ ':J~S d>
    • c/; \ 2,~.~'3 3(/.1
    \\\ (j) '<:)1,(/)f/J ~'a'32S ~'2.. '72.5 (}) dJ \ '2.S;~I\ '73(/J \\,\ ~G)\'51,1 22.c.?p5 2.~ <?'Z.S d> d> I '2..'5,'54 .2$ \\\ ~(J' (J)ctJ 22.~7...? ~a~zs ¢ d.> \ *ZA,'?*~. '3ctf \\\ \.1./1 \ '3Ul Z2C)?'5 ~-*2~'2-S (/) rb '~'5 t\1 51tJ \\ '. \ \ ', 1/J<P Z2'-;)Z.'5 zz ~zs . <1> c!> \ ZS,~9 .1 Ul _. \\.\ \\\ 11(1! /?-~ ~Z.:> It~ ~zs cb dJ ' *z~R) ,L\GO
    • 3

      Z.'5 rj) 12 "?) X5 (.,  ;:)(4

    ~/..It::> II: rz. 'Jt,d "/i3 0 T?."O"--'. *nz.AN$ 8/.~C... (/: 13 l ¢(1). To;f:> JkA.t>..5 :1-- 18,n.. *From Prelimin~ry Boring Layout Survey I i. I Fonn Approved for'use.on Clinch Rfver SMR ProjEJCt
    • J. A Tlce, Technical Lead Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-182 of 515
    OOUBLE P.ACKElR BOREHOLE PERMEABILITY TEST DATA SHSET AMEC ENVIRONMENTAL & INFRASTRUCTURE, INC. Page 1 of 2 PROJECT NAME*: Clinch Rjyer SMR Prol§ct JOB NO. 6468*13-j0'72 DATE: 1-- ((., /2.* I *~ Borh1g No f{lp~ 4 ~ (£, Borehole Diameter, ln.:.:.3.&. Total Borlng Depth, Ft. *;, ~G,p_ Gnd Elev, Ft:  !$¢ 9.4* . Caslng Height above ground, Ft:~ ~ Elev. Top of Casing, Ft. (Gnd Elev +Casing Height): =Datum
    • TEST I~;!-/\£* A\<.. ~ 4. Test length:  ?. 5 Test Section Depth (from Datum): From ~</>?,'q~To ~ \'~, ~"
    (A} Depth to Water Table From Datum, Ft: 6 ':), '-" \ Test Water Tem'p:~ Baro Pressure, sr: . I \ A (B) Surface Gage Height Above Datum, Ft. _L3:_t5 1 ~li;;LL \IJA-r<ifa. T(f'MP <o 0 P:: *1<;;, . epth to CenterofTest Interval From Datum, t: ~ Z<b.,,'54 \~~~c:l"?, . *ZC.*l ~-~<:.'~-11._ _
    **-- --..--(cy-ol~tance Watet"TanletoGenter ofTesrinterval Ft. ~

    tat c water pressure at center"' (0*62.4/144) + Baro = 1'5 .::_ J

    • MAXIMUM TEST PRESSURE, Po= ([A+B*1] + '0*0,57) [Po"' \ ~ \ J Test Pressure sequence 7' 113 Po, 213 Po, Po, 112 Po, Po Po Values: 113 Po=~; 2/3 Po" JS/lL; 112 Po"" -=t (.,

    Sequence ID: A B C D E Add Appropriate P~ value to statio pressure at center oftest interval TEST NO. ~?- :6wv...t4Sequence No. B Planned Center Pressure: I:;J (.p Transducer Readings Before Packers Inflated; Top \ 8, \~; . Middle 1;4. '2k :. Bottom: -=1-8. 0~ Transducer Readings After Packers Inflated: Top l 8 ~ \ (p  ; Middle '"=t-~ ,5":]- : 13ottom: 8/;:::t:::;

                          -    \(,.            ~-   4-                   s  t::QUhN CS FLOW METER READING, Gallons Middle T1me,                                                                              FLOW,.gpm            -Transducer          Surface Gage Minutes                                                                                                                                                       REMARKS Reading, psi          Pressure, psi Initial               Final             Difference Ill ' 14\       !/!(/}  2,2. 92'5           ....... _"               ----                                      12"5, 75                    3(0 13.;.:&1/J l~l.R.$A.1e:' PL.c>t..J 11:     If\~ n~        ~~925              ?. /2. 9f, '5                     (/J                    (/)

    144.~4- 41

                  \\: rs 1 (/!1)         ?.~9~S             ~2... 92'5                       cP                     r/)              \ L\':), ':\<'¢        4--:t          I;::* {      III.JC.I?&! A$&'


                  \\\ \<;?\"?,(11         2-~92-S           ~2..        92'5                 (/)                    r.D              I '5':ii1<3             ~<f)
                   \\\ \{.p',(t)ul .. ?'2 92'5 . ~'2. 92l5                                   <f;                    (/)              159,4 3 C,(fi        /P
                  \\ \     lL.\~(0      .2-2 925            ~~925                           *(/)                     (j)            lw9,1 Z                  f~
                   \l\ \'1\rpuJ           2-292 5           2.-2..92S                        cj)                    ¢                 I L.'3    *~$          *~*(/)        !P.
                   \\\     \~!j(b         Z-12925            a2..9cs                        (j)                     (/)

    l "1fO.A'Z ':l(/)

                   \  \\ lS' (.l)CP       2 2. <:?.2.'5      4?.-2. ':) z.s                  c/}                    (/)              \~4.S<1)                 ':iS
                   \\\ \     ~\ "!>IP    Z S}Z.S          2.'2.. Cj ~':l                 ¢                       (/)               \ -:J.S 4.8              1-S
                   \\'.    ,*"P~ f#(l         ..
                                         ;c:~ ~z.s          Z.,~C)Z,S                      d;                       ¢                \ '7.! G> I(/)~          ':\'$
                   \\\ l <:.'!\ 'J.,I)   2..2. ~!?-S         ~'2.: ':>    z.s              ((;                     (f>

    I i-'5,~. ":\S

                   \ ' ', Z..tP 1(/liP   Z 2 t;?>'Z.S        ~":>Z~                        ('j>                    (/)                 \ '::1:-w 12 .       '1-'5
                   \\ .. 2- ¢l3(}        ~"?-SJ?.-S                             .         (p                       cZl
                                                            ~2. ':>Z~                                      .                        :\S t\ :t             ':\S
                   \\\ 2.\\ rov?        22'?)'2.,';)         ~925                          r;5                    (/>
                                                                                                                                     \'lS .':5<1 -           '=l.$l
                   \\' '2.\HU           2'2.. c:>z.s         2..2- 92'3                   c.6                   .¢
                                                                                                       . 1st '  ;& z. *, ~ S I '::IS tiDt..             ~+'S
                                                                                                                                                                       .,- E" 73o'1'70 M            7i'2.AAJ$               Bf<o8
                                                                                                         \111 ?- \LW           *rr:>f'                f/CAIV.$
                                                                                                                                                                       .        IS,l f               - "':'
                               *From Preliminary Boring Layout Survey Form Approved for'use.on Clinch Rlver.SMR Project" J. A. Tioo, Technical Lead                                                Form Rev 0 - Reviewed by       S)Z--       1-t-/11/rJ Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 C~P-1112.16 Page E.3-183 of 515

    OOUBL.El PACKER BOREHOL.E PERMEABILITY TEST DATA SHEET AMEC ENVIRONMENTAL & INFRASTRUCTURS, INC. Page 1 of2 PROJECT NAME: Clinch River SMB Protect . JOB .NO. 6468-13*1072 DATE; f.- "&P-*13 Borlng NaM.e.:AlC.O Bo;ehole Diameter, ln.:M Total Boring Depth, Ft. 1> '&t~ . Gnd Elev, Ft: ~4*

          . Casing )-Ieight above ground, Ft:...!b.:J ':)                       Elev. Top of Casing, Ft. (Gnd Elev + Casing Height):                                = Datum
    • TEST 1~: N\f* A\~ ~ 4. Test length; ":{ 5 Test Section Depth (from Datum): From ~ (/)C;;,, 1-~ To ~ \~ ?-.~

    (A) Depth to 1;1/aterTable From Datum, Ft: <..:.~, t.... \

    • I A

    (B)' Surface Gage Height Above Datum, Ft. _LlC:,

                                                                                                                                                                                         ~M ?..<J ".l '<; <l

    ---~~(C}'OlstanceWater Ta!51e to Cenf6fOfleS1 ~~~~~2.~ ~~ *.z;s.lL _

                                                                                                                                ~~~=~=~=;;-:-=~-Q                                                              I MAXIMUM TEST PRESSURE, Po= ([A+B~1] + c*0.57) [Po::: l '5                                       \   I Test Pressure sequence ;:t 1/3 Po, 2i3Po, Po, 1/2 Po, Po Sequence ID:               A          B      C        D        E
    • Po Values: 1/3 Po =~; 2/3 Po:.~ JSJ:U_; 1/2 Po= *-q <..... Add Appropriate Po value to static pressure at center of test Interval TEST NO. !-A~* 4\.l.~A:sequence No. C. Planned Center Pressure:  ?./.C.ff Transducer Readings Before PE~:ckers Inflated: Top \ 8, \(c. ; Middle 1:~, U, :. Bottom: + 8, i/.> C?J Transducer Readings After Packers Inflated: Top
                 -        (,.,               z.4                       s SQUENCiF FL.OW METER READING, Gla!lons Middle Time,                                                                                        FLOW; gpm        Transducer            Surface Gage Minutes                                                                                                                                                                REMARKS Reading, psi          Pressure, psi Initial               Final             Difference 1\ \ '2.1.\- \ 1> <P       ~2._9_2~                      ""-   --              ~~     ~
                                                                                                                 *------       )i'5.8L.\                 -:f-5         I J:fff:t;;,l N
                                                                                                                                                                         / /,u::.,r<<;(4 '} '<f.'   F~ow
         \\ \ 7-S\ (f)tf           . 2-ZC)Z S               -~~ 17)25                     (/)                       (j)          19':) 1 Z'B
    • l (/) (/)

    U. ¢; c

         \\ \ Z..COl'?>(j             Z.Z..S)Z-'5                      9Z'5                (})                                   2(1)f!,8b                  99
         \\ ', 'Z.<...\ lfl (./)      z*2.szs                '?.,?... 925                 {£>*                     (/)           Z¢tJ,zz                  /(/)~           IP t::;~~f},Y)


              ~ *z.L:. '"$1J . ~?-- 9/.?. <5                 2.;'2... 9Z.l'o                J*

    z 2.1*7.. 9B I I '5 .

       -" - It   "Z- ~'I ({)(J}     . ;2.~ 92,(,              Z..'2..' 9~                  (/)                     (/)    '>/:19              II'?         l t::'

    1\ ~ 2.'~ \ 3cft ~?-..9Z4> 2-'& 9Zc.. C/J d.>* 218,23 11'5 1' \ "Z.t:l I ~!P iG~92(... ~~~2(.., (/) (/)

                                                                                                                                  ~~4.&8                    tzr:.

    u* \ Z. 5 L5t~ 2i(.'32<.<> ~~5~ cp (/) 'ZZF!>,t/9 tzz ;r-11 \ 2. ';)I ffl{j 2 S;)zc.., '2..~ 92 t, cP (/)

                                                                                                                               . ~ 2.4.'5&.                1*z -z.

    1\: Z"l'. ~(jl _.?2 '2>2(.. 2.2. ~z_c, 'C/> (/) 2 2'1 ;)':'f . /2.J5

        ., \ \     '?:,'/P: fP(j}       z. '2.. cn_c,        2-'2..*920                  d:>                      (/.)           .G/2.1-,'3} .              {2'5 1\ ',      H'J.3.t. 7.:2. <7 ?._ (.,                ~'2..t:;;J2k               (/)                       Cb             22-::tj'3{                 IZ5
         ~ \'        '3 \ ~ ¢0          22-~Zl..              2.2. '?2L.      .          f./>                    (/)             Z'*IG!,iJ                   t'2.'5
         \\ I     ~tP .......           'Z.'Z: :> l(,         2.2. ':7 Z.Co             (/;                      (/)            227S4                        12-5

    I) !.I -

         \\ ~ 32.l '3-f11

    22..92L. 2.2. 9ZC.. (/) ct> 22":/, 12.5 .~

       ~ 14\'j~                         2,:2..t';)'2.~       ~*v?z.c_..                 (j                       (/)             zz:-:z,97-                 (25           f3'ptv 1.\ ~  H~15        iS 4.) '7"7~ ........     '7/?r.\.US                .at.~/
                         *From Preliminary Boring Layout Survey                                                                                                                    /811~

    Fonn Approve(! for'usa.on Clinch River SMR Project- J. A. Tlce, Technical Lead Form Rev 0- Reviewed by Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112, 16 Page E.3-184 of 515

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    !i DOUBLE PACKER BOREHOLE PERMEABILITY TEST DATA SHEET AMEC ENVIRONMENTAL& INFRASTRUCTURE, INC.                                                           Page 1 of2 PROJECT NAME: Cllngb RIVerSMR ProJect                                                     JOB .NO. §468*13-1072                                            DATE:    'f.-&?*/:)

    Boring NoM..i:.:4:l<.o

    • Borehole Diameter, ln.:M._ Total Boring Depth, Ft. *~ ~<J>. Gnd Elev, Ft: ~4*
                 * . Casing Height abova ground, F't:~ ':)                                        Elev. Top of Casing, Ft. (Gnd EleV+ Casing Height):                                  "'Datum .

    TEST 1~: !'A.~* A\~ ~ .\..Test length: __ ?i 5' Testseolion Depth (from Datum): From ~ (/)S,:":i~To ~ \"'>;:,, '(t.') (A) Depth to Water Table From OattJm, Ft: to'?, l.J> \ A,. 1 (B) Surface Gage Height Above Datum, Ft. I, '1-t5

      - --'-~----{c}Dl~tw'IOOWater 1a!ilerocemer:orreennterv'<>~a-.=*r.-d:.:A:i                                _,;;:,~-~~ii.-ci~~~~---;;i;r;t;;r;;rr~lliW.~;;:;;-;:;-~~-=---"-=-""'-"'t
                   . MAXIMUM TEST PRESSURE, Po"' ([A+B*1] + C"0.57) [Po=                                              l '5 \ ] Test Pressure sequence;= 113 Po, 2i3 Po, Po,                  1/2 Po, Po
    • Sequence ID: A 13 C D E .

    Po Values: 1/3 Po"' ...5!/2......: 2f3 Po=~; 1/2 p~.. ~ (,., Add App*ropriate P~ value to statio pressure at center of test Interval TEST NO. !A?* 4\L.14sequance No. D Planned Center Pressure: l~Sl Transducer Readings Before Pll:ckers Inflated: Top 18, \lt>.; Middle 3:1-, ~ :. Bottom: . ':/. 8, <Z> ':) Transducer Readings After P~ckers Inflated: Top \ 8, \ lo ; Middle ~~51 : Bottom: 8L *~ 9 MP- 4\<.... z4 Se:<t>W::NC!Z 'D FLOW METER READING, Gallons Middle Time, FLOW, gpm Transducer Surface Gage REMARKS Minutes Reading, psi Pressure, psi Initial Final Difference tl ~ '3~;p \ i/JII 2.Z~Z.<:o ......... - ........ - ....... - Z28,&Z. /25 73(f"6//M

                                                                                                                                                                                           V (!<lUi I!U 'I:J, h<lt..t (Dl'" )
                    !d 36\?,l/J                 Z..ZSI 'lc..,              Z.2 ~'2(..                        tP                     (/.>            Z./( ,2.5                 frz n~ ~*-:'\1 (/J!~            2_~':}2(,                zz_ 9zc.o                            (/>                  (/J               181-,GA*                 8~
                    \\\ '3':\ \ *~ (.<!         ~/(.     't)Z,(..,       22 C;)2,<o                          (/>                   rp                 \ t?,i- ;z.<l            82.           *o~
                   \\I      3~, rJ>~_         . f.,;~ S)'2,.<.,.        22.           92~                  t{J                    C/)               .L14({Jr..
                                              . z. z. 9Z.C.D                                               (/)
                    \\ ~ [:,t:)',';)(,l)                                22.. e.?>Z<..>

    r/) l '":t'?> $<P {..,.";) . *or-l\~ *s <.:) \ (/){j) i'~Z. c;)ZL.. zz. ~zs *- ?_, t "':S:\ ,'()~ '.5$

                    \  \ ', 3~ \3(/             z,~t?>~s                ~2. ~is                            (/)                    (/)                  I <.,!'Q ;SlP           s*s
                       *'                                                                                   (/)

    2-2. 92.5 tV c!\(b\ f/JUI '2..?..92.5 (/> \S~;1:1:) 4':1 l\l L\.(J)\]>t,D 22-~ZS 22.'?2.5 ' (jJ c/J \S\ '3~ 41- .

                     \\ ~ 4\.\ If)~               R~ <vl<O              2'2.           <;?Z-S               (jJ                   C/>
    • 1c-.>z ,l'?> 4'1*
                     \\!4\\31)                    ZZc;?)'lfS            z:z... :1 'G'7>                    ¢                      (j)                   1csL:r-t             4 -~-
    z. -"2... '::'J24
                  . \\: 4'2..\f.PW                ~R..'::>'2...'5                                        -l                     --z_                   1eszA'~                4~-1 II~ '42..\"':>IP             ;<.?-...~ '2..-4      2.'2. 9'2.4-.                      cp                      C/>               1~2.1'5                 41*

    i \1\ 4~ \ ql(j) Z..'2..'3l4 Z-2.. 9Zl\. ¢ (& I '51., ~L\- 4t .f

                     \I ~ 4 '3 \ '3ul              ?.:Z-.92.4           2.2. 7>24                          r:p                     (/J I '5Z,qJ5                  '1          /E'),Jt:J I

    I II 144 : VC. 'Bl>Y?"t>"-'. /;e.AA.J~ ' 8/, 5'9

    ~                                                                                                                       I( 144 { 35           7oP                     7ietiM~
                                                                                                                                                                                           .         ?-8-J-tG;-
    '                                *From Preliminary Boring Layout SuNey Form Approved far'usa.on Clinch River SMR Project- J. A. Tice, Technical Lead                                                           Form Rev o- Reviewed by            <:)~         (1...-(( 1/11     .

    Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-185 of 515


    Boring No MP' 4\ (b Borehole Diameter, ln.: *3, 8 Total Boring Depth, Ft. :0 '~()> Gnd Elev, Ft: .~4*

         * . Casing Height above ground, F't:~ ':1                             Elev. Top of Casing, Ft. (Gnd Elev+ Casing Height):                                            =Datum
    • TEST 10: N\~- L\\<.. -g, .\,..Test l~ngth; *:f. 5 Tesl8ecllon Depth (from Datum): From g. <P~."':\--,To 'i0 \ ~ '~::>

    A MAXIMUM TEST PRESSURE, Po= ([A+B*1) +*c*0.57) [Po" l '5} ] Test Pressure sequence 7" 113 Po, 213 Po, Po, 1/2 Po, Po

    • Po Values: 1/3 Po c: 5JRj 2/3 Po= .J.m..L; 1/2 Po" "=l (,;,

    Sequence ID: A . B C Add App*roprlate ~o value to static pressure at center of testlnte1va1 D E TEST NO. t-Af', Ao\!,.~4sequence No . .......:;5=-:...._- Planned Center Pressure: _....,p"---2_(p.;...__ Transducer Readings Before Packers Inflated: Top l 8, \(&,.; Middle 1:4, ~ :. Bottom: ':'/. 8, 0 CJ Transducer Readings After Packers Inflated: lop \ 'B, \<... : Middle 7-1lo, CS' T : Bottom: * ~ q~ . 8 ~~ "+"> s

                                                                                                                                                                                           *q, Z'"l.- t"!.

    l,. SQ t!Ji'Of./C.E?' - FLOW METER READING, Gallons *' Middle Time, FLOW,gpm Transducer Surface Gage Minutes. REMARKS Reading, psi Pressure, psi Initial Final

    • Difference r-!ll.4(..,l3U' 229Z4 --*-- ... -- ,_- . . - ... ..

    152.2-5 49 f:5.ta41/t...>

                                                                                                                                                                                   /,w:.AG'.d*'fGf  H.""'"'._(J, r:"'\

    l\, \ 4+\ 1./Ji/1. '2-29Z4- :G~ 92A cp (/) I 9-/, zz. 83

            \\ 1   4:t\.:,ctl        2292..4              2.2.      9ZA                    (/)              *' cJ                      tS(...        41            83                  )P
            \\ ~ Ag \ f/Jift
    • Z.Z9ZA- '2.-~. 9Z..S . I z i ~,1(.4 li.P ~
            \ \ ~ t.\'C> \ ~ (Jl      2.'2..'? lS          ?.-?.. 9?-S                      ¢                    r..P                 t.tPZ/51                     \ (t) U1            IF!

    i2..' <;72':)

            \\ ~ 1..\ ~ ~ (/)IJ . Z2..9ZS                                                  cb                     {j; Z4l9,G.9                      I I c.6
            \\~ 4~\"3cJ                                   2-&;1,.                           (/)                                                    loS
                                      'K~~2.'S                      ~zs                                          C/J                  2l'~                          \ 'G6              ~~

    t \\ 'SID\ (}cJ 2:2.~2..'5 ~ '2. <;) 2.'5 rj) (/) 2.1'3, r'P "::j ' \ \1,6 lP

            \\'* ?<<>l*su               2"2 1:?,>2.5       2-2. \) 2.'5                     cj)                 C/J                     22'8,%~                      lZ.S
            \ V'   ~\l({)IP            z:z9ZS             2:2.. <;)ZfS                     (/)                 (/)                     2:2<~,        t8              \2A
           \. l ', .:5\ '. '3tP      . Z-2-'?Z.S          2-7~ '22.1.5                      Cb                 rp                      2Z':'f,(Jl4                  tzA
           \\ ', 'S?...\{/!ib          2292-S              22. ':>ZS                       (/>                 (/J                     2Z1,)&..                       1"2.'5 w.
                    ~Z-~3£/            2'2.-:>ZS           22 CJZ..S                       ciJ                 (/)                     ~-~.:2-'::f I I (IJ           \2-'5 I \ *, c:;)3\~             z_*z.. <?25         2-2      9ZS *               (ji                    (/)                    ~:2..1,)2...                  \. 2.'5
         - \\\      "'5"~\ ~~        "2*."2..4?'2..5      IZ..2 9z.s                      Cb
                                                                                                              <,Z)                    2 Z":tA~                        l"Z.$

    ll i Sl.\\(fJ{J) :22..'?25 2.2.. 9Z.'5 (j) ri> z. 2G.,6~ ~ 'l. 'S q~* I{ \ <<7>4 _\'3(6 LZt;}Z.S ~2.. 92.? (/? , c/>

                                                                                                                        /.j.(p z.z. ~.( ~                     t z. s          /3)./0 vi~           ~
                                              -                                                           II\ "5'5      ~        (3 W7"'/'(1:>tt..,_           7-eAtus..                   S/.03
                         *From Preliminary Boring Layout Survey Form Approved for' use. on Clinch River SMR Project- J. A. Tlce, Technical L.eact Form Rev o .. Reviewed by                *s)2-
    • Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-186 of 515


                                                                                                                        !l-!1"{ 0,ccA             A-ff}liJ BORING: M? ~         4\ L                                                                                    17      <,[I -&-~c t.f       Tt ~ts DATE: '7.j,_ 2 Z- \ '3 (j}l-       (~ /JJ /1 J DATACOLLECTEDBY: ToM                   M~Gu.. ~../ J/~"I GavOA'RD
           ~RES SURE:                            JJ lA                          psi                                                                              ..

    SJl- .~"-/1? }1/

       - *-**-               'T'JM~                                         SIJ.RltACE-GA.GE                             l'li:Nl'-ER-TR~SD.UCER minute        ~                 A ;             PRESSURE, psi                                      PRESSURE, psi
                                                 *0"'--..... ~..,..
                                                      ""' p- b---._.( I"""
                                                                           ~ ..!
                                                              ~c'h.          ":{-~\ ~ \';)

    c --..:.:: EQUIPMENT USED Transducers: Mhrl TrolSerial Numbers: 14 ;G 14& ( G!l*- 2¢ -n) ~\'53 8 ~ ( (o ~ ZC/1 -I'!J 3"3'589<.. ( l4-l Z *13)

          ~Ac£<~Loc..J Gt:..~..W.<lT)       MvJ-~             (*to*\\-\""';.)

    Surface Pressure Gage: M\IJ ~ 4- 4 ""w~ <5 . (Lc. -\\ - ~ -s) TI-l t;R M OME TE. 'A. : L 7' 2.8 . ( 5 13) N1Tf<OC1 *r;;N GAtten .s: MvJ- \ ~* 1--/...W **-z... ~c...-\\-\.'1.) Baromet ricProbe: /Z./31S (G. - /2 ~ /3) FlowMeter: 8SZ...c:\~B8 (1=!'\ty'-1':> ~'"8~ \~) Stop Watch: L 'it.8L. ( ~- \ (/)- \ ~) 1'1\ p ~ 4-\ \.p z.. 4 (~) Z,(f{ll '3 - (/)'1 - z 2. I L CO~~ {f)(.. WSL

        .tv\?~      L\ \~        :2:4           (8)              .e<P I ~ ~    rb1*     ~ 22:           u. '581 ("~                  E: X.C:.'E'.L.

    M ?* L\\t.. ~4 (\) ~¢ \ *~ ~ 01- - zz l/<"59,4l) VJ5L _b1~4\l, Z.l :(. .C-:J

                                                   \_ --i:ftl-L~ - <IFf                 - 2Z            I L <5 9-, 4'1 z7-E'.-)(CG:
        .M?- 4-\Lo              Z4               ("!\)          c<;D 1*o~ @1*           ~ 2.'2          I Lt (!!I I                  'v_/5 L,
       .M P* 4\L.               Z4-             (}A)            2.,(/:J \ ~- (/)"::/* . 22               /Z,(/Jt, 27--                E: 'XCE;L
    ;    IV\\"=>- l\- \L:.      z4               (L)            f;:.Q) I *~ - cp '1- - z. "2.,            I Z, (/JZ, '3 (/           \t-) 'S L
        .MP~ L\ \L             zL\.              (L)            ~C/)l ?J -    ¢1 -22                      I z I (/)2., 3tl           E)<CEL.;

    Form Rev 0 - Reviewed by ~12.. 111 ( (1/l'J Form Approved for Use on Clinch River SMR Prq)ect- J. A. Tice, Technical Lead Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-187 of 515

    PACKER TEST FLOW RATE GRAPHS Boring MP-417 Packer Test Intervals: (below ground surface) (below top of casing) MP-202 Zone 1: 61.5 feet to 69.0 feet: 63.59 feet to 71.09 feet MP-202 Zone 2: 84.0 feet to 91.5 feet: 86.09 feet to 93.59 feet MP-202 Zone 3: 210.5 feet to 218.0 feet: 212.6 feet to 220.1 feet Graphs of flow rate (gpm) vs time (minutes) have been created from Excel sheets containing data from field data sheets. For clarity, individual plots for each sequence within a tested interval are presented. Generally, plots are not provided if the field data sheets indicate no flow during a test sequence. Bechtel Field Instruction forms are provided. AMEC field data sheets are provided following the graphs for each zone. The AMEC field data sheets use top of casing as a field measurement reference. Assigned test interval depths below ground surface were converted to depths below top of casing by adding the casing height to the assigned test interval depths. Transducer data file names are listed on the last field data sheet of each test interval. Transducer data files are furnished as electronic files in a data supplement submittal. ame Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-188 of 515

    FIF No. 25847 *601-KOI-CY00*000010 BECHTEL POWER CORPORATION Project No. 25847 Clinch River CPA Project- Site Subsurface Investigation FIELD INSTRUCTION FORM Specification Section: Packer Testing in MP 417 Fleld Instruction: The following are the three (3) depth zones in which packer testing will be conducted in borehole MP 417:

    • Zone 1: 61.5 to 69.0 feet below land surface. (Tolerance+/~ 0.5 feet)

    Zone 2: 84.0 to 91.5 feet below land surface. (Tolerance+/~ 2 feet) Zone 3: 210.5 to 218 feet below land surface. (Tolerance +/~ 2 feet) The desired pressure ranges that will be tested in each qf the three zones are based on the calculation of the test pressures as provided in AMEC Project Procedure CRP-3 ..... Packer Pressure Testing in Boreholes, Attachment B (Bechtel Power lnfoWorks 25847.. 601~V14-CY00-00018~006) or latest revision at time of testing. The test pressures will be determined just before the commencement of the tests by measuring the water level at the start of test. Basis/Justification for Instruction: The depth of the above zones was selected based on fracture zones identified from DRAFT geologic core logs, RQD analysis and from the acoustic televiewer logs. The bottom depth for packer testing is limited tq approximately 250 feet due to the packer test assembly and maximum transducer cable length of approximately 285 feet. The justification of the pressure ranges that will be tested will be based on AMEC Project Procedure CRP Packer Pressure Testing in Boreholes, Attachment 8 (Bechtel Power lnfoWorks 25847-601 -V1+CYOQ-..Q0018-006) or latest revision at time of testing. Specification requires Contractor to provide test depths and pressures. Prepared By: Name ate Reviewed By: 0 t;: ~ t.-I; f"'\S v~"'-\ t- -r 1 ~.7 Name Signature Approved By: GQ:. F-* 1_.\ \ Jv'\S.\../'11\\~ Q*, D-AMN\.; <S') M.fl r; , MN t "\'l;

                                                                                                  }f:vvJJ,f /VI.if- 1 ~ate 3 Date (see Section 1.2 for further Instructions) Na e                  .L S i g     ~ren Received By AMEC Site Mgr or Proj Mgr:              * ~* &,s,e~

    Name Signature

                              ©2013 Bachtel Power Corporation. Contains Contractor Confidenfiallnfonnation.

    PAGE 1 OF1 Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-189 of 515

    Packer Test Worksheet Clinch River SMR Project AMEC Project No. 6468 13 1072 Test Date Prepared By Checked By 19-Surtace Gage He1ght(tt) 38.59 31 !Max Test Pressure (Po) {ps1) 51 1/3 Po (psi) 17 2/3 Po (psi) 34 1/2 Po (psi) 26 center I est Inflation Pressures Pressure (psi) (psi) Sequence A 1/3 48 98 Sequence B 2/3 65 115 Sequence.C 1.0 82 132 SequenceD 1/2 57 107 Sequence E 1 .0 82 132 Pipe Check (Estimate Only for Field Guidance)) Length of Packer Assembly 13.29 Average Length of Pipe Section 21.12 Length of pipe to TOG 57.80 Number of Pipe Sections 2.74 ength of stickup above TOG (ft) 5.56 Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-190 of 515

    Clinch River SMR Project Double Packer Borehole Permeability Test Data Sheet AMEC Envi ronment & Infrastructure, Inc . Checked by: g-aP1r_ Prepared by: c::!! Date: Date:

                                                                                                                                                                                   .:t- - 8'- lq_

    k-'lJ -' (d.- AMEC Project # 6468-1 3-1072 Boring: MP-417 Zone: Z1 61.5 feet to 69.0 feet below ground surface Transducer Location: Middle Sequence Al1/3 Po) Sequence B (2/3 Po) Sequence C (Pol_

                                 !::lapsed Time                        Flow Rate            Elapsed Time                        Flow Rate              Elapsed Ti me                          Flow Rate Time           (minutes)             Pressure (psi) (gpm)      Time       (m inutes)         Pressure (psi) (gpm)        Time        (minutes)          Pressure (psi) (gpm) 16:08:00                     0.0           31.76             16: 19:00               0.0            49.52               16:27:30              0.0               64.88 16:08:30                     0.5           38. 18         4 16:19:30                 0.5            50.34           2 16:28:00                0.5               68.43            4 16:09:00                     1.0           43.65          2 16:20:00                 1.0            62.75           4 16:28:30                1.0               70.74            4 16:09:30                     1.5           44.88          2 16:20:30                 1.5            62.97           2 16:29:00                1.5               70.59            4 16:10:00                     2.0           51 .21         4 16:21:00                 2.0            64.62           4 16:29:30                2.0               70 .72           4 16:10:30                     2.5           51.56          0 16:21: 30                2.5            64.94           4 16:30:00                2. 5              74.65            4 16:1 1:00                    3.0           51.41          2 16:22:00                 3.0            64. 66          4 16:30:30                3.0               75.20            6 16:11 :30                    3.5           49.25          2 16:22:30                 3.5            64.74           2 16:31 :00               3. 5              75.1 5           4 16:12 :00                    4.0           48 .73         2 16:23:00                 4.0            64.75           6 16:3 1:30               4.0               75.38            6 16: 12:30                    4.5           48.76          2 16:23:30                 4.5            64.73           4 16:32:00                4.5               78.64            6 16:13:00                     5.0           48 .75         0 16:24:00                 5.0            64.97           4 16:32:30                5. 0              78.94            4 16:13:30                     5.5           48.89          2 16:24:30                 5.5            64.81           1 16:33:00                5.5               78.77            6
       - * -- 16:1 4:00          --               B.O           49 :04       -2                   *-*                                        16 ~3B~30             6.0               8*h57*           6 16:1 4:30                    B.5           48.89          2                                                             16:34:00              6.5               81.84            6
                  ..-16:15:00                .... 7.0           49.00 -    -   2                       -*            *-*   .  -    .. .    . 16:34:30 .. .. .      7.0 ..       ..

    82.65 6 16:15:30 7.5 48.94 . 2 16:35:06 7.5 82.38 6 16:16:00 8.0 48.94 2 16:35:.30 8.0 82.77 6 - - 1'6: 16:30' 8.5 >19:02 . 2 16:36:00 8;5 8-2;!)1- 6 16:36:30 9.0 82.56 6 16:37:00 9.5 82.56 8 16:37:30 10.0 82.27 6 Sequence D ( 1/2 Po) Sequence E (Po) Elapsed Time Flow Rate Elapsed Time Flow Rate Time (m inutes ) Pressure (psi) (gpm) Time (mi nutes) Pressure (psi) (gpm) 16:41:00 0.0 82 .10 16:54:30 0.0 57 .61 16:41: 30 0.5 71.08 2 16:55:00 0.5 57.78 4 16:42:00 1.0 63 .91 4 16:55:30 1.0 79.07 8

                  . 16:42:30                      1.5           63.41          4 16:56:00                 1.5            79.87           6 16:43:00                     2.0           63 .35         2 16:56:30                 2.0            80.08           8 16:43:30                     2.5           61.75          6 16:57 :00                2.5            80.52           6 16:44: 00                    3.0           61.68          4 16:57:30                 3.0            82 .84          8 16:44:30                     3.5           61 .64         4 16:58: 00                3.5            82.93           8
    1. 6:45 :00 4.0 59.93 4 16:58:30 4.0 83. 12 8 16:45:30 4.5 59.93 4 16:59:00 4.5 83 .45 6 16:46:00 5.0 60.02 4 16:59:30 5.0 84.93 8 16:46:30 5.5 58 .65 4 17:00:00 5.5 82.35 6 16:47:00 6.0 58.53 4 17:00:30 6.0 82.29 6 16:47:30 6.5 58.42 4 17: 01:00 6.5 81.98 8 16:48 :00 7.0 58.27 4 17:01:30 7.0 82,03 8 16:48 :30 7.5 58.35 2 17:02:00 7.5 82 .24 10 16;49:00 8 .0 58 .07 4 17:02:30 8 .0 81.98 6 16:49:30 8.5 57.85 4 17:03:00 8.5 81.95 6 16:50:00 9.0 57.72 4 16:50:30 9.5 57:73 4 16:51:00 10.0 57.82 4 16:51:30 10.5 57.81 4 16:52:00 11 .0 57.71 4 Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-191 of 515

    MP-417 Zone 1 o.o 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8,0 9.0 Elapsed Time (minutes)

         -o-1/3 Po                                                               Notes I Test pressure approximately 1/3 of the maximum test pressure (Po),

    Flow rate typically measured aver a 30-second Interval. MP-417 Zone 1 7 ,-------------- 6

      .2  *1---->1----~-----¥-----

    1 0 *~----------.--- ---------*-.----------------,-------------, 0.0 1.0 2,0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 Elapsed Time (minutes)

           -o-2/3 Po                                                               Notos: Tost pressure appt'oxtmotely '1/3 of the maximum test pressure (Po),

    Flow rate typically measured ovor a 30 ser.ot\d Interval, Prepared by/Date: _ _...,~"7T'.,..-~-;-+-'-----."~ Checked by/Date: -----,,q....J..~"'--'"'-""'~"""'- clinch River Data Report Re Page E.3-192 of 515

    MP-417 Zone 1

           *r------------------------ -------------------------- ------------------------- -----

    t------- ---;r-A ----- - 7

      -6 5  *1------+-/-1---\- - - - -

    r I1 \V1

    ~*                                                                                                      v 0 ** ~------------.-------------.------~------.---------~--.---~------ ~-------------,

    o.o 2.0 4.0 6,0 8.0 10.0 12.0 Eiapsed'fhne (minutes)

          ~1/2Po Notas: Test pres5Ure approximately at 1/2 of the maximum test pressure (Po). Flow rata typically measured over a 30 second Interval, MP-417 Zone 1 9                    -

    7\ 8

                                                                                                                                          /3 7

    _____ H !t' 6 *A----**'**-~ 3 2 0 *! - - -* -;- o.o 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 F.iapsed Time (mim1tes)

             ~-Po Notes: Tost pressure Ppproxlmately at tho ma>tlmum tost prossuro (Po).

    Ftow rato typically mf:lasured ovet <1. 30 se<:ond lhtorval, Prepared by/Date:_---!..::f(::.L

                                    . /1!...L?.-+-l~_;l..(+/_t!:..!L.Li-,--

    Checked by/Date: ----HCJa.75!.::..d.IL-I-t-'-'/).""l~Z+/¥-~~


    Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-193 of 515

    12 ~----------------------------------~----------------------------------------------- 10 +------------ ------ - - - - -- - - - - 4 "1---~------------ 2 "r-------------------------------------- 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6,0 7.0 8.0 9.0 Elapsed Time (minutes)

             ~Po Notes: Test pressure opproxltnately at th e mo)(fmum test pressure {Po), Flow rate typically meE\sltred.over a 30 second lntotval, Clinch River Data Report R Page E.3-194 of 515


    • Borlng No MP .. 4\:j.. Borehole Diameter, ln.:*3,8 Total Bo~ng Depth, Ft. 32.-0 Gnd Elev, Ft: ::::;::fZ,(..
    • Casing Height above ground, Ft: B' ~'} El~v. Top of Casing, Ft. (Gnd Elev + Caslng*Helght): 'f-7-4, 1' "'Datum TESTID:/Vl'P*Al':l cI Testlength: =?-, '5 TestSectlonDepth(from.Datum): From (o~,c;;~ To "\\.(p':)

    (A) Depth to Water Table From Di!lUf!J, Ft: ?.. e. ":1-5 Test W<~ler Te~p:~ Bare Pressure, psl: /4.4 7 Depth to Cent~r of Test Interval ~rom Datum, Ft: G:> ':t*,;A * (B) Surface Gage Helgbt Above Datum, Ft. ¢, 5 (fJ (C) Distance Water Table to Center of Test lnter:val Ft. '3 8, S c;> Static water pressure at center~ (C~62.4/144) + Baro = 3 \ I* MAXIMUM TEST PRESSURE, Po= ([A+B"1) + C"0.57) [Po"' ___!iLj Test Pressure sequence ;o 1/3 Po, 273 Po, Po, 1/2 Po, Po

                                                                            .                                                           . Sequence ID:                A          6       C        D         E Po Values: 1/3 Po"'~; 2/3 Po= ~A : 1/2 Po"' ?JC.,                                                            Add Appropriate P9 value* to static pressur~ at center oftes!lnterval I

    TEST N~, M P*41? "*'lequence No. A

    • Planned Center Pressure: 4 8
                                                                                                              /8,5~                         .3~..~4~

    Transducer Readings Before Packers* inflated': Top* *~ . : Middle ~~  : Bo!tom:

       * ~           Transducer Readings After Packers Inflated: Top                                        i9.~5
    • Middle Bottom:
       ~ J:!.._. '"-\-~ \1-n :t                           I MP~L\\i                          1:..              s    GiGl. u. &' ,u       c..c;    /J...

    FLOW METER READING, Galtons o' Middle Time,* FLOW,gpm Transducer

    • Surface Gage REMARKS Minutes Reading, psi Pressure, psl I

    Initial Final Difference

                   \<P \ ¢S titHP                   \. 8~(0?)
                                                                             ....... ........                   -.---                                '5 \, -q.c..              01
                                                                                                                                                                                            'BIS<I'.JII.V I JoJt.te-a;'a $& *;:::-"";,<.,)
                                 <:65 \~co              l'O?..k>3                  \ g 'Pf.o'5                    2:.                  4              )<Q,l?,                  \(2)
                  *\1..4> ',


                    \(...', '(/)":)\(I(}              \ B 2£or:;)                   1ra. 2-ls G:>                 \                   -z.              43,0>'5                  \W            /.UCA.&'I(d"tl!St:.* Ct.."'"'

    i \

                     \laj ctJ~. 1~GI                   \82C..G.                     lB Zlo".'f*                                       'Z-             t.\ A- 8 <g                lS
    • j ~--

    0 \C..:.\ \ <fJ' (j)(P \8't.,tt>~t 0

                                                                                  '18 F:,(D9                     '2..                L\.              '5l. ~ \                  IS
                       \l.o\ HQ l)rA                    \ 'O'U<>7J                   l8tG>'7                     d                   r./J              t;5 \/56:.               IS                                                **-
                      \t... \ \\ {,/)(P                 \8~Cn'7                     lB 't::J:tqJ                   I                  z                ~\ [\      \               lS         *-b &CIJ..i-*ASt.l        Ft.-IJW
                       \ lt.\. \\.\ ~u
                      \~ \        \ 2.. \ q:1@
                                                        \ g Z:i;CP t8    '?-.,~\
                                                                                    ~8 2..:-=/l
                                                                                   ~s      z.:=r2'-                '\

    z. 4<?:zs 4'e.*:rs



                        \v'<\"2.t3u                   If, 2:-~'2...                 iB z;:r*s                       \                z                  48.1-=:t(.,                l4
                       \ ~ \. \'f> ~ <fJQ              t'G    ~;::g                  ~8 z.:~~                      (fl                dJ                4*~,":\."7,)               \A      -
                      \. L.. .. \ 1.\ ":>Iff            \~ Z-.~3                    18 2:14                           I               *z..              4 8,'0') .                 \1.\.

    tlo ( \ IJ,;,<Jf)ifi t'a ?_"q-1\ \8 2':\*S \ 2 f+<?\CP4* \4

                        ~ lt> \ LA\ "~t.l                \~'L~-1-S                  15 Z..'::!t~                                      2                 4B.St.)                     l4
                      \l<> t'?'fP()                     \5 "(;\(.,                  t8 2:-::n,                                        "'2.               4~d/JJ/t                 \J,..

    tt,-- - ~ St'Dt) - . .. \ -'{)'(.;-~"\-- --- ts -z*qg - -* - ---- ---- - - ,. -L\81~~ - -- - *\l\ - -- - -- -*-***-- -- --*-

                       \  (.,  \   \  (, : *~    0
                                                          \8 ~-;~g                  t8        -z-*::t~                 \              z                  46,1:'.)(~                 \ L.\

    tv. I \l.P \"Jt.l \ 6'Z.i-CJ \6 Z.8lf) l  ?- 4'0;(/JZ l L\_ fEiJ-JD {HGJ

                                        **From Preliminary Boring Layout Survey                                               /1,/ Fll/ S                    13 077'"1'-'-      Tte4/.J1  !>'      '54. 2.3
                                                                                                                              /(.., 117/tl 5                  {  0 /-;>         7.£ 4/Jl'     **      z.. (I), '3 s Form Approved for 'use on Clinch River SMR Project* J. A. Tlce, Technical Lead Form Rev 0- Reviewed by            c:;:f?- Ivlj1 J .       p Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-195 of 515


                                                                       *AMEC ENVIRONMENTAL & INFRASTRUCTURE, INC.                                                                                     Page 1of 2 PROJE;CT NAME: Clinch River SMB Project                                                           JOB _NO. 6468-13-10(2                                                                DATE: 7~        I ::;~I 3
           . Boring No Mf> ~            4:1 7':f         Sorehol.e Diameter, ln.: *3, 8_ Total Boring Depth, Fi.                                                   3 2-,(J                          Gnd Elev, Ft ':f ':12, C.,
    • Casing Height above ground, Ft: z, (J)'j El~v. Top of Casing,.Ft. (Gnd Elev +Casing ~eight): 174, T =Datum TESTID~jvtP~41':7 z; \ Testlength: ~.2.____ TestSectlonDepth(from.Datum): From (Qj?,'::)'3 To *~\.(/><';:)

    (A) Depth to Water Table From Datul)1. Ft: ~ 'B 1'1-S Test Water 'fe~*p:~ Baro Pressure, psl: /4.4 ?- (B) Surtaca Gage Height Above Datum, Ft. ¢, S (,t) Depth to Cent~r ofTest Interval From Datum, Ft: Co ,*,pi\-

           . (C) Distance Water Table to Center ofT est Interval Ft.                                      '38,Sc;l               statio water pressure at center;. (0*62.4/144) + Baro = * ?, \                                                            1.
    • MAXIMUM TEST PRESSURE:, Po= ([A+B~1] + 0*0.57) (Po"' .5 \ 1 Test Pressure sequence::= 113 Po, 273 Po, Po, 112 Po, Po
                                                                                                                                                ' Sequence ID:                             A        B       C        D       E Po Values; 1/3 Po ::: __I3:___;; 2f3 Po= .                      ?         6. ;                        .2.1 l...a          Add Appropriate Po value to static pressure at center of test Interval
                            .         .         ~~ \

    1/2 Po:= TEST NO. Me- 41:1 ... Sequence No. B Planned Canter Pressure: (tiC,:~

                                                                         --:..;:;;..__ I B. 5<t>                                                             ::}¢,> #                               34; 2-5 Tra:nsducerRaadings Before Packers* inflated'; Top*                                         fr~.,..:                   Middle*               ::t:t.'tr :'                Bottom:        48*53 *~~ . 1--n-1:0
    • ~
    • Transducer Readings After Packers Inflated: Top i 9, 5'5 ; Middle ~ {, 7t 2. Bottom: ~4.J!

    ~-.h. .-:t-\1-117 Mr-4ri b\ ~6c$J. V.ifl;-' (_c:- ~ FLOW METER REAQING, Gallons Middle Tlme, FLOW,gpm Transducer

    • Surface Gage REMARKS Minutes Reading, psi Pressure, psl Initial Final Difference
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 't'flf0111.J t4
            !Ln~\ ~I ~q                   l'fYZ..~t\-                                                                                                                    4'3~~'2                                  ;.._..a.e&.t!~a;:            ft-L.c ,..,
             \\o\      18~      M          .\ 'OZSL\-             H3           z*scs                          \                        . *z..                            '.5 0/~4               *2-S l L> 'ZJ/J l {JJf;)              \BZBS .              Hs             z~r:r                       -z..                    .4                                    (o '2.,~5              2tS             ht~:... R~I+st; ,C(..£?lu
            \lo) 'Zf/) ~        J(J             ~8~~~              t2 2::.88.                                 \                          -z..                               G.z, '7-:f            2'1
             \L. ~ 2-ll f./Jf/J                I?> 7..'BB . \'S Z9>f1J                                       "2-.                         L\-*.                             G.4,la'Z              21-Ie,. ~ Z..U ?JL          ~          \~Z.:>IP          ~B 2--'"32-                                -z_                         4-                                <...4 ,';>4            'Z           l (...\ 2 2: (IJ(J                  \ 'e>'V?2.       t'B Z<94                                    7.-,                       4                                  /....A,,l.G.           21*

    I~'. 2-'Z-', :,rp B?..':lt\ \'3 2'?'5 \ ."2- G,.Ll, ':1-l\ "P7

                       *z."~ \ (/)()
                                              \6Z9S                 t5 '2._ '?'5 l (., \                                                                                          ~                            (.,.                             (@4.,~5                ?.-+
              ~(,. ',  'Z.-'3 l $1J           '8 'i?--~8           \8            -~f/1~                        -i.-.                        4-                                 G:.4,'4~             z-r
               \l, \   2.4 ~ f/(1              vo~l4u               18 '?J@'L                                  'Z..                        4-                                   ~41'9'1             12-t-H:ot ?-.A\..'1.0                 \e ?Jr/}Z-           LB*           ?>rP~                          l                            )                            . Gih8l .                ?-+          e;-IJO .       (Ji G) .

    I c,/2.5/15. 73 0(7'Cll<- 7'/e4.v.s ., 3'5. '::,1(/) lb.' i2-~l4S 7C,,o '/lt!..61J~ ~-  ;?./, 9c;

                              ~*From     Preliminary Boring Layout Survey Form Approved for'use on Clinch River SMR Project- J. A. Tice, Technical Lead Form Rev 0- Review,ed by           $fk . ("'2,;{(7H1 Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-196 of 515


               . Boring No ~~-4\':.'f.                  Borehole Dtametet*,tn.:*3,8 Total Boring Depth,                         Ft. 3~(J                          Gnd E!ev, Ft:      ::r::;c,t.,  *>

    Casing Hel~ht above ground, Ft: /3,t;J') *** El~v. Top of Casing,. Ft. (Gnd Elev+ Casing Height): f.q4, f "'Datum TEST!;:MP-4!:7 ~ \ Testlength:  ::,, 5 Tes!Sectionr.'lspth(from.Datum): From <.or../59 To ":.l;\.(,6<j (A) Depth to Waler Table From Daturr, Ft: Z. ~ .i-S Test Water Te~*p:~ Baro Pre6sUre, psi: /1A 41 (B) Surface Gage Height Above Datum, Ft. _p, 5 (,IJ Depth to Cen!~r of Test lnteJVal From Datt;m, Ft: Co '9:;1:/\-

               . (C) Distance Water Table to Center ofTest Interval Ft.                   38, S t;:)            Static water pressure at center;, (C*62.4/144) ~* Baro"'                   2> \

    MAXIMUM TEST PRESSURE, Po= ([A+B*iJ + c*o.57) [Po"' 5' \ l Test Pressure sequence :o 1/3 Po, 2l3Po, Po, 112 Po, Po Po Values: 1/3 Po"' .J:3.....;; 21i Po:: ~ 6.. ; 112 Po"' ~{.., Add

                                                                                                                         .      SeqtJence JD:
                                                                                                                     . Appropriate A         B       C        D       E Po. value to static pressure at center of test.fnteNal C,
    • Planned Center Pressure: .. B'C..
                               . .              ~'             .

    J£*1J: . TEST NO .. Mi'-41? Sequence No.

    34~~5' Transducer Readings Before Packers* lnfiatect: Top* tf.f};r&,% . ; Middle  : Bottom: 8;-§;t . cr~ 1-- n. ! 3
    • ~ TransducerReadings After Packers Inflated: Top /'?,'SS: Mrodle ~l.::t2.. Bottom:* 34,1. !.

    ~ .):i... * -;.- \1*!'> 1 Mf>~4ri. t,\ '5S:c:Qu.~~-.~..::.c;::; C- . FLOW METER READING, Gallons Middle Time, fl.OW,gpm Transducer

    • Surface Gage REMARKS Minutes Readln!J, psi Pressure, psi Initial Final . Difference ll.o'1 z:::n ~(I! lB~\t\- --- --.- .-......., ---. (...4,88 2.~

    BtrooiJ I i-J'£iF-4S~

                                                                                                                                                                                                        /-;..,.<. tJW
                \C, 1 "2.51 ¢qJ           .\ '8~V\-               ~~      ~\,(..                z_                     4                &:.SA~                   o"G.

    tt.o ~ ze ~ 3~ t6o\<..o \B *-s \8 "2- 4 ::j (/J.'14 '3(. t (,\ 2-"D! (l}(f) \~~\S \B "bZ(/l "Z.., 4  ::f(}J.~~ 31 * /IJCfUi..S:J.*tfl ,c:'L a e.:~ z:> :'3o \'8 '2.. 4'* '1-(/). '9 "L tl..~ \8~2..(/)  ::32.2

                                                                                                                                -                                 ~'5
                 \(.., ~ .JJJ!J fDrl.         \8 ~2,2.-              \8 1'2.4                   "2-.                   ~"                  "t A 1(.5               3S
                \<..o',    '3l/J ~ 3¢         *;, \j ~ C-1.\'       VB      '32.:~               3                    L.,                   ~~,?.{/)               3'3
                 \ v. \. '3 \ H11P.          \ g *:,z.q.            ~~       '3Z'?              *z.                  .4                     ~-~.\I)       3S.~

    l(,.~* 'T- l9- 1'3

                                                                                                                                                                                 }I.J 02../P!H -&:     t:t..;ow
                 \~~ '3\\30                                          \5 ~-~~ !'-*                -:,                  ~                  ':t'5. 7>~              39
                  \l..o \ 'B '2..\1/)~        \ ~~~*:z.               1'6 i'BS               .                        (..,                 ~'q ,(.,4              ~$  '9 tt_g:    "?:>'2.~ "&tf        VB'1~S                \8     ~~*i                 -z_                 4                   *:f-tg I <;A            "3'::>         It-J U<¥/!j '5 (;     PL,)LJ
                  \LP~ ?>~\ (/){)              t s~~'t-              \ B 34~;                    *~                    /.,.              9'8:::1'1               4~
                 \ l.. \?)"1 \ *;,tp                                                             ':':~                  (p
                                               ~.e*~l\o,             t8     ~'\)                                                            8l.St                 4-t./J
                 \\..> \ '34!ft11P              f~~-                  va    34(,.               "$                      Lo                ..8.1184                 4(/)

    tL. \ 1t:X ~ '3c t t:l'Y\l, lS34~ '3 4> 82,(;.5 4@ - __'3,_

                   \b.\ -1'S \~ ~u -         ~ \B-~4\!J>      -- +& 3'5'2.-                               -------   - (;p - -- -~2-t"~S-                  -l!rVJ-*             -----------_, ------
                  \~ \ 1~n1P                                         ~13 3'5'5                  '5                       (?                 5'2.,"::£-'9: LB'~Z...
                                                                                                                                                                                  -                                   -~
                   \C.~\(..\ (IW              t '0 ~0,'5             V3 -;)S'B                  "3                      ~                    8'2-*.91            . 4.--CP
                                *From Preliminary Boring Layout SuiYey Form Approved for'use on Clinch River SMR Project" J. A. Tlce, Technical Lead Form Rev 0- Reviewed by Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-197 of 515


    • Borehole Diameter, ln.:*3,8 Totat Boring Depth, Ft. 3~0  ::f'YZ.l. *
              . Borlng No tv\P-4-ft Qlnd Elev, Ft:

    Casing Height above ground, Ft: z, Cff7 * . ~~~v. Top of~aslng,, Ft. (God Elev + Caslng*Helght):_1-f41 1' "'Datum TESTI~~MP~4J':r cI Testlangth:  ::r, '5 TestSeGtionDepth(from.Datum): Prom {Q'?>o'5'3 To ~\.(tl'? (A} Depth to Water Table From Oatuf)l. Ft: Z. ~,i-S Test Water len;*p:~ Baro Pressure, psi: /.f* 4'=/. (B) Surface Gage Height Above Datum, Fl. ¢, 5 ~ Depth to Center ofTest Interval Prom Dat~m. Ft: Co ~*.;:A

               .(C) Distance Water Table to Center of Test interval Ft.                3 8, S ;'2:    Static water pressure at canter;, (C*62.4/144) 'f* Baro =               3).

    MAXIMUM TEST PRESSURE, Po= ([A+B.1] + c*o.57) [Po .. ,..2.l_} Test Pressure sequence;= 1/3 Po, 2{3 Po, Po, 1/2 Po, Po

                                                                                                               ' Sequence ID:                A       8      C         D       E PoValues; .1/3 Po=~; 213 Po"' ~A ; 112 Po= ~ L:.                                           Add Appropriate Po value'to static pressure at center of test Interval
               'TEST     N~. MP-*41? ~Jequence No.                  . C'~
    • Planned Center Pressure: B.z...* * . ,
                                                                                        /8, 50                      ~@. 4¢                        34* 2,'5'               \...

    Transducer Readings Before Packars*lnfla.ted: Top f>*¢\*i6(9 ; Middle '"1;4. :J ft : Bottom: 4 8~j: ~J~ .. +~ l ":t

    • o J
    • * ~ **
    • Transducer Readings After PE!ckers Inflated: Top 1':->.s"'::, ; Middle ';3\l~"'Z.:..: Bottom: '34,l\.

    ~Ji.., :t-n*t) . 1 MP~4\i ~\

                                                         '51ii"<Z! U.a'r-J C..G      c              (C.oP"T~T::>           ')

    FLOW METER READING, Gallons Middle Time,. FLOW,gpm Transducer Surface Gage REMARKS Minutes ' Reading, psi Pressure, psi Initial Final Difference

                ~~ \ '1,<.,., t '3 lr'    \8."~~<3              ~~     31..A               '?               (,               8ZS<o                   4 (fl u..!) \  -o ~ u~ll          '\ '6 ~C.\          ~.i. "5t,;S                 4,                8              . 82.,'5(,               4c;1
                \\.I',*~~ \~U                \'6~S              \B       ~(,9               ~                Co               82./51-                4$            ./51->'r.>     (~~*)

    f--* - 1(., \ 'Y>"a\tql .¥ 73o77CJ k ~ ...w*-s  ?-,<;), l';)

                                                                                                      .lt,o I ?JBf>i{l          7 DP            7_;eA1..JS'     '         ~1.1*(
                                *From Preliminary Boring Layout Survey F01m Approved for\Jse on Clinch River SMR Project* J. A. Tlce, Teohnical Lead Form Rev 0 - Reviewed by
         . Clinch River o*ata Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-198 of 515


                , Boring No      f)..P~ 4-l~           Borehole Diameter, ln.:*3,8 Total Boring Depth,                         Ft. 3*~o                           Gnd Elev, Ft: 9~2.1...
    • Casing Haight abov9 ground, Ft: z, (/i'J El~v. Top of Casing, Ft. (Gnd Elev +Casing Height): f-?41 f =Datum TESTI~:MP~4J? c t Testlength: :y., 5 Tes!SectlonDepth(fromDatum): From (o~.Cj':;> To ~\.<P'?

    (A) Depth to Water Table From Da!U1)1, Ft: ~ 'B .1-S Test Water Te~*p:~ Baro Pressure, psi: .LM:l. (S) Surface Gage Height Above Datum, Ft. ~P* S c:&* Depth to Center of Test Interval From Dat~m, Ft: Co "1*,obr **

               * (C) Distance Water Table to Center ofTest Interval Ft.                 ':38, S 'j                Static water pressure at canter;. (0*62.4/144) *r Baro = __.??.::...*...... \ ~

    MAXIMUM TEST PRESSURE, Po= ([A+B*1J + c*0,57). [Po= .5 \ J Test Pressure sequence:= 1/3 Po, 2)3 Po, Po, 1/2 Po, Po

                                                                                                                          ' Sequence ID:                  A       B        C      0       E .

    Po Values: 1/3 Po" _l'3._;; 2/3 Po" *7:1 A: 1.12 PO"' ~.l.. Add Appropriate P~ value to static pressure at center of test Interval.

                               .               -:bl*                                                                                  .

    TEST NO. M P-41'.1 Sequence No. t>

    • Planned Center Pressure: *.~?$*-:;. *
                                                                                         /8, 50 .                               3<<'d*~             '              34* 2.'5'               \... .

    Transducer Readings Before Packers* lnflatect'; Top* 13*$*.-ory . ;. Middle :4:4. J:r  : Bottom: ~ . ~..J~ .* 1-"' ll* 1'.3.

    • * \;-. 'Transducer Readings After Packers Inflated: Top l S> *SS ; Middle 3/ ,":: /- "2.. Bottom: 314
    • I I.
    • ~ J::L * -;- n -n '9 MP~~Ii. ~~ S5~U/St-J<..G D FLOW METER REAOING, Gallons Middle Time,. FLOW,gpm Transducer
    • Surface Gage REMARKS Minutes Reading, psi. Pressure, psi Initial *Final Difference
                \L,.\ L\ \ ~ dJ I)          l '8 "3~2.. . ..... _     ~.-                  -.....  ..._. .....

    8Z.I~ 4<~.

                                                                                                                                                                              ~Pet:.rt.tif:!..:JrF ~l.CI"'-.J,
                \<..\A\ l1.£P              *va      ~CJz..      \ 'D 3CJ'3                  .\                          '2.,               i-\.(bS             ;G¢
                \~'.      2.\.'L\ (jr]J.      VB~~~              \ 1{3 '?, '?)'5            2.                        A                   t;,'3,1J)I           v~

    IV* L\Z.\jfJ \*B~~ \8 *;s~-q- z.. 4- z.,*~A\ \~ Pt!lC.I~ser /::!'- Ot._;

               \t., \ 4.~ \ 1/)(P             \s~~*,.             H3~<:;18                    \                         "2..*                &. '3.35            \~
                 \vt i\.)t3t>>                 \'8~~8'             \'Bl\@1                   "';)                        <...,                 6l,=tS              \G
                 \~~ 4L~\ (/11/J             *IS4<1i I             Hs 4(1)3                 2...                       4                      ~   \,G,'(j          \Co          'D@..e/.PI1>!r p!C..O<->
                 \~ '

    1 44\ ?J{p \'B(J.tif~ tB 4~ "L *'4 &.i,t_..f* tS

                 \<-. \   4S \ (/){)
    • t'54ttl? t'~...M.:l. "L 4 '?~.'Sl) t-'5
               ~'5("$/)                        tBL}c(J'"t-         \\3 Af/J'7              . 7.....                    4-                   ~CV.~'3                 VS         -o~c./1! c;:Asu-    FL. ow
                 \ lo ~ L\'L, lfP{Il            I eo D.r/l'>      \S 4-\ I                    "'Z..,
                                                                                                                      '+                     Lr;J.rn..              \4.

    l~~ 4Lat1CP ~fSLI-~l I~ 4\'~

                                                                                              '2....                  4                      '5'rlr0'3 :            \ 1.\.
                 \ (., ~ 4<'-::tltll~           te4~:,             \B 4tS                    "2...                     l\-                     ss.~~              . \A U3 4\1-                   "Z                       4                     58A'Z.                 \L\
                  \I...D~ 4'1~3(/J              ~B4-\S' il-
                 \<.a.~     4S I ¢Ill            \ 54l1-           IS 4\'7
              - \;6>-~tf;B~-3-t/J -t-8-L\\-'}-- -~;-~B~L\-c& - \ - -
                                                                                                                  -z-- -~1:3~'5115- --\-4-.

    o8,Zl* \A 'PtX<:..t{.J}IHtf r.Lo~__,

                  \~:      4-"JWd               ll3 L1f_(]l        m42.2-                    "'"'2..--                 4.


                                                                                                                                             ~~Yi:Vtll               1:3
                  \l.> ~ 4'7~~(11             V5t.l.:z.:z..       t3 42.4- .                                                                 157/t\5                 \3
                                 *From Preliminary Borlhg LayoLit Survey Fon'n Approved for'u,e on Clinch River SMR Project- J. A. Tice, Technical Lead
    • Form Rev o- Reviewed by ~fl..- t~/l7H/

    Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-199 of 515


    • 8oreholeDiameter,ln.:*3,$ TotaiBoringPepth,Ft. 3:2-{P
    • GndE!ev,Ft: =r::;e~.
    • Casing Height above ground, Ft: z, C/J'7 EJ~v. Top of Casing,, Ft. (Gnd Elev + Casl~gHeight): 114, '7 =Datum TEST 1;: M P-41'.1 ~ \ Testlength: f1 5 Test Section Depth (from Datum): Frorl! (R 9J *'5 '3. To ";\;\ * <P'?

    (A) Depth. to Water Table From Datuf[l, Ff: ~ 'B ,1-S Te.sf Water Te~*p:.....I.2_ Baro Pressure, psi: t 4. 4-::f (B) Surface Gage Height Above Datum, Ft. ¢, S ct? Depth to Cente.r of Test Interval From Dat~m, Ft: Cn 1:*.~1\-

                . (C) Distance Water Table to Center of Test Interval Ft.                       '2~              Btatlo water pressure at center;, (C*62.4/144)    +Baro"         ;, \

    MAXIMUM TEST PRESSURE, Po"' ([A+B*11 + C"0,57) [Po"' 5\ l Test Pressure sequence:= 1/3 Po, 213 Po, Po, 1/2 Po, Po

    • sequence ib: A B c D E Po Values: 1/3 Po=~; 2/3 Po<=~: 1/2 Po=~JQlo Add Appropriate P~ value to static pressure at center of test interval NO. Me-4r:t '0JequenceNo. 1:>
    • Planned Center Pressure: *5"\:1" 34 ~2.$ . .

    c:r~ . ':f- l t ' I :0 TEST Transducer Reactln~s Before Packers*infiatecf: Top* :1£.~,~ .; Middle -~(4!  : Bottom: ~ .

     * ~         Transducer Readings After Packers lnftated: .Top                              t9, S'S       ; Middle
     ~ J;l.... *1--\1'l? 7                                                                                                                                          ,.

    MP~4\'i t. \ s<lii'~U.-'1'1-1'-~ '"b ( c~j.)"<.o FLOW METER READING, Gallons Middle I Time, Minutes ' FLOW, gpm rransducar ** Readin~, psi Surface Gaga Pressure, psi REMARKS Initial Final Difference tu'. S(l)\ IM \ 'GA2.A t'i:) L\'2..~ 2. 4-* C04 i*t..* t~ {(..', C';)(/)1"'-;..rft \*~ A?J" \.If) 42.~ 'Z- 4 s-q;:::r~ \"~ z \i

       ,i l(.,: C;) \:     [prJ        tS     L\.2~                  tB 41111                                    4-             ~1~B'L.

    I l!ot r.;~ ~ ~~ tB t\-~((l t5 4'~1- '2. l~ ~'1!61 V>

                 \\D 'c   ~'2..\ (j)~          tSA3z....                      l s t\-'34;*           "2-*               4:.             5"1 :::r l            \::,      /{'J(Jrv      u-ta.)
                                                                                                                /&;1. 52l'3S      fi3."'1'1!<>"-        7".-f<!l.U$    *~         38 75 I& i ~~Uri         '7ol""              7/.a'ANS *[::!             '5 t, f) t

    _____ ............. ~


    f.-*--*--- --

                                *From Preliminary Boring Layout Survey Form Approved for'use on Clinch Rlve1* SMR Project. J. A Tice, Technical Lead Form Rev 0 - Reviewed by        5!JV I'V((i (17 Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112. 1-6 Page E.3-200 of 515}}