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Part 08 Enclosures (Rev. 2) - Part 08 - Enclosures - Subsurface Data Report - Appendix E.3 - Pages 481-515
Person / Time
Site: Clinch River
Issue date: 01/18/2019
From: James Shea
Tennessee Valley Authority
Office of New Reactors
Fetter A
Download: ML19030A977 (35)



.f. gt JOB .NO. 6468-13"1072 DATE:'=t~ 8- \)

! Boring No Mp. . '\'2..~

  • Borehole Diameter, ln.:"'*~ Total Boring Depth, Ft. 5 2-)Z> Gnd Elev, Ft: t- 99, 9
  • Casing Height above ground, Ft: tft. 'Z.-::t-Elev. lop ~aslng, Ft. (Gnd Elev +Casing Height): 8¢$ , G "'Datum TEST ID: M fh.:\'ZZ. 1:. ~
  • Test te.ngth: 9. ~ 'se~~~~ ~~p\";{(from*~~~m):

S?rast From r:~,. (p. (/> To \ "::\"::\, ~

(A) Depth to Water Table From Datum

, Ft: l**~ 1. Test Water Tem .p:.- 3::D Baro Press

<t~. ~-$~ 13 ure, psi: -\~ \ 4 A *c.,

(B) Surface Gage Height Above Datum, Ft. br o Depth to Cenler of Test Interval From Datum l

(C) Distance Water Table to Center of Test

, Ft: 1'"":\* A.. g5

  • Interval Ft. \":3.,.'2.., '2../ Static water pressure at center= (0*62.4114 MAXIMUM TE.ST PRESSURE, Po"' ([A+B . 4) + Baro " {if {
  • 1J + 0"0.57) (Po= lilJZ., I I Test Press ure sequence:" 1/3 Po, 213 Po, Po, 112 Po, . '"" '1~(/}

Po Values: 1/3 Po= Y:..,cp ; 2/3 Po= .

  • Sequence ID: Po t..8, l ; 1/2 Po= %\., ¢ Add Appropriate Po value A
  • 6 C D E

. to statio pressure at cente I

r oflest Interval A

TEST NO.' lv\l"**t..~a ~~Sequence No.* . '


  • Planned Center Pressure: I 'Z3, \ '

rrans9ucer Re~<{logs Before Packer& Inflated: Top i '5 I (o1;.- : Middle - -83.- 8(~* Bottom:.

9l. ~~

Transducer Readings After Packers Inflate d: Top \ <.o *Co~ Middle o;?ll, ~(<, : Bottom: 8'5,~\

/v\.1=' ~- 4 'Z. 'fL 'l.o 511;'~ 1.\ (~,J ,' "'*(p £ SQL I"-' I fJ FLOW METER READING, Gallons Time, Middle Minutes FLOW, gpm Transducer Surface Gage Reading, psi Pressure; psi REMARKS Initial Final Differen<.-e I z.. \l/JV1 I

()~ \IP9~S \ (j) 'J<i) g (/J I'Z.\ lb~ n rfJ C/J V~i z-z. '3:]

Ub9 S$ \<De.> S$ (Ll

\6 \~"\;,\S '3."1 E. uo

  • I i

I I IZ \ 1/)'7 3Ci Boi 7C' AA.

I Tte.A/...JS ~

84J?4 I

i .

\ J'Z:. 698 ~ rp~ T.,r-> T~~AJ~ ~

~ i-; (/)'3

  • From Prelimlna1y Boring Layout Survey -

Form Approved for~Use. on Clinch River SMR Project- J, A. T!ce, Technical Lead Form Rev 0- Reviewed by _W 1t,\l!Af'}

Clinc h Rive r Data Repo rt Rev. 4 CRP

-1112.16 Page E.3-481 of 515



E, INC. Page 1 of 2 PROJECT NAME; Clinch Rlver'$MR Proleg JOB ,NO. 6466-j3-1072 DATE;'=f- \)

Boring No Mf>w't"a~

  • Borehole Diameter, ln.:o*'O Total Borin~ Pepth

, Ft. 3&9>

l Casing Height above ground, Ft: 1P. 2,"1-Gnd E!ev, Ft: 799 ,9

  • I Eiev. Top~of Casing, Ft. (Gnd Eiev + Casing Height): 'Qtl><P. "?., = Datum TEST ID: M\~'-c\'27.. ~ ~ Testle~gth; _~';f.!-:-,~..;:-. . () , -q -\<f.l~\') GS

_,~1: e's Seotlon Depth (fromol3att1 ~: From(-::!,.~. t2) To \ "::\~. ~.

(A) *Depth to Water Table From Datum, Ft: l

~* ~ i. Test Water Temp!~ Baro Pressun~. psi:

-'-~=-- <t \.~. t- $~ 13

  • -\~ \4 A'(~

(B) Surface GageHelghtAbove Datum, Ft. biD Depth to Cen\erofTestlnterval From Datum, Ft:

!'+ !J.. .(2$

(C) Distance Water Table to Center ofTest Interva l Ft. 1'::\,'Z.. 7../ Statio water pressure at center" (0*62.4/144) +

Baro = 8 9 .. \


C*0,57) [P.o = i0Z., I I Test Pressu1*e seque nce:= 1/3 Po, 273 Po, Po, 1/2 Po, Po Po Values: 1/3Po = ?A.JjJ : 2/3 Po= (.,8 .l

  • Sequence ID: A .B C
1/2 Po= %t. ¢ Add Appropriate D E Po value to static pressure at center of test Interva l

TEST NO. M.l? - 1\~ Yl~sequence No. _.'e"

"',.,.___ Planned Center Pressure: 15'{

  • 0
  • Transducer Readings Before Packers Inflated:

Top I "5

  • it:>~ . : Middle 8?\. 8t ; Middle . 9-l. 3~ Bottom: 8'5, "ff

/v\?**4-~a. -c:~ s~<sl*f?>

FLOW METER READING, Gallons lime, Middle Minutes FLOW,gpm Transducer Surface Gage RE:MARKS Initial Final Reading, psi Pressure, psi Difference

~Z..\ $9', ~¢ Htl9 ?'S . ............ -- ._,..

I '3t,, 24 4S .

I -z, \

-- {fJ <). ll 1/} \.Q)0SS \l'/Ji?JS~ d) rp I *~G:.A-5 4.5 I v.:..RIE-1\Sd  ?~r.CJ)

\ 'Z \ '\(fr ~ 1/JI.P Ho~St) l(})9 S8 (/)

.<P l ~(e'~(o ':.)<5 ~!),!.., .

\'2...\ \<P'. ':bl/1 tlt>9'58 \_<P9~fi (/) C/)

~-f\- \ ::..

14'?,\8 ~¢

\'Z.\ \\\(/> 1) \(,6'7)~8 '\ltl~S~ Cb (/J \Ni3.8"~ t.,p.~ /)Jt...f</J't.I.Sd f~<f'$

. \ 'l !\ \ ~~ ?>0 \ ltl<:;7'5'2, 11/.>9'58 (/) (/J \ S'5l,"3U Co8 IZ\ \-'0\rPU \,.4>~'58 l-IP~~a cD (/; I '5~;~A (.,'8

\'Z.. ', \'2.:', ;;,¢ \l,bc;>SS ciJ

\$~<58 r/J \S0,\~ (',~

12\ \. "'b~ 1M \(,()t;)58 (/)

\ cJ> 9"58


¢ \ cpS,\S CoB 17.. \ l"~'.~l,ll \c()~S8 \(/J9 SR ' (/) (/) I ?$;t aL <:o8 I?...\ i 4~f/J(fi \<'tl9'58 \!pCJ~> (/J

\ tj) \ '58/)(JI G'Q Ll \ IL\ lod \l~9S'G \ l~ ~?.'8 ct:> (j5

\ \ S'? \-$ ~~

I'Z..\ t S\lPlP \,({)':;)'.)8 \0t:::>SS r/J as I SB,Z-1 I

'-* ' G>S i-z: IS\ '3¢ ~t09S8' \ ltl'7>S8 (/) ¢ lS~A\, .- ~_@_

I I '2. *, ll.o ',$(j) t<t>c:;sa ltil9S8 c/J (/)

\S~ACJ '1(/)

\'"L~ H .. I:>~ tc.[)9S'B \ C/l9CS8 (/) ¢ I r.;)~.*z.":(- 40 I

£/J D fcii'=11J(,tl "B o 7'7() "' TIUIA.J~ B4 .44 Il *From Preliminary Boring Layout Survey I(J 16\ ~':) To/"' '7£,/.o,f.,..J :f ~ 17-, fJZ Form Approved for'use on Clinch Rlvar SMR Project- J. A. T\ce, Technical Lead Form Rev o- Reviewed by ~:9/ l'"'~~ \l~ \\J .

  • Clinc h River Data Repo rt Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-482 of 515

Boring No MP*'t~2- . Borehole Dlameter,ln.:'O*'O Total Boring Depth, Ft.~ Gnd Elev, Ft: ¥99.9 w*

Casing Height above ground, Ft: t~, 1....~- Elev. Top of Casing, Ft. (Gnd !::lev+ Casing Height): 6~$, '?_, "'Datum TEST ID: MP .. 4'ZZ. 'e.~ 'rest length~ "f. t;) 9r~ sa~~o~~e-pth)rom.c~m): From 1"73,.(.1S, ct> To \ "::\~. S (A) Depth to Water Table From Datum, Ft:...J ~ ~ 1.. Test Water Terrlp:3.f!j::: Baro Pressure, psi: ~4r~

(8) Surface Gage Height Above Dalum, Ft.~ Depth to Cenlar of Test Interval From Datum, Ft: \'":\:- ~.gS (C) Distance Water Table to Center ofTestlnterval Ft. 1'1.?....."2.1 Static water pressure at center= (C*62.4/144) + Baro = 8'7 '* \ ] .

MAXIMUM TEST PRESSURE, Po= ([A+B*1] + 0*0.57) [Po= 10Z..J ) Test Pressure sequence:= 1/3 Po, 213 Po, Po, 1/2 Po, Po Sequence ID: A .B C D . E Po Values: 1/3 Po " . ':!A,I/J ; 2/3 Po= <o8, l  ; 1/2 Po= t:;, l. ¢ Add Appropriate Po value to statio pressure at center oftest fnterval TEST NO. M.P .. L\~. ~~~Sequence No. C Planned Center Pressure: \ '1::1\, ~

Transducer Readings Before Packers Inflated: Top I '5 ,lo'1.- ; Middle 63. Rq_f Bottom: 9l. <<o;,

Transducer Readings After Packers Inflated: Top

  • l ~ , (s;""~- ; Middle ~ \. *'1>Co : Bottom: 85, q~

MJ~;*4~ft *~.:o s~~ C..

FLOW METER READING, Gallons Middle Time, FLOW,gpm Transducer Surface Gage REMARKS Minutes Reading, psi Pressure, psi Initial Final Difference

{tJJ~'-58 ----- ... - ---

\ "Z.. \ \q-, \ '?>{/ .,_,

182,(/JZ ~Gr.. 1'3e-,:;. .,/I.J ' /~.;.:.. Pte.l1;$

\~ \ ZIP~ C)IP \ <l\~~8 \ tll~C:S8 (/) ¢ \ 8'*1*.g.t\- . I (/}7...

1'2; 'Z(/;>~l@ \109'5~ ( 1/} c:;,c:~~ (/J ¢ 1~2..82~ I (t)L..

\'G.\ R>l \f/)(t) \Q)~S<-0 \ !DS)Sg . ¢ ({J \94-:11 \ (/)'2..

\'£.'. t!l t e:;,jp \ l/) '::>'5'21 '\ V>.~sg .0 C{)_ IS14!..r;JZ. \0$

~"L\ '2- z.:(Pcf.l \ tJl '?<;58 \ll>9SS 0 as 194.94 \1/JS 1'2.~ 2:2.\ }tp_ UD958 \ (/)9'£> 8 (/J 0 r 'iY:S 1 t5 \(1}5

\~\ Z?J!IJIP ~<IJ<;;)t;&~ \ !P 9 CS8 (j) 0 1';)"),8& I QlS I'Z.\ 2 -~\ "?>tf ttPS)'58 \l.{li:?>S8_ ¢ 0) \ ~~ "';')'5 I CbS 12~ 2.41 IJI/J tt/>9l5A \!P 9SS (/) Q) \ <:?.>S, 't>Z. \\j)S

\ <J)'?S8' 0 l'Z\ ~).\.l~ ~ \IPS

~¢<:;)'55 \9(.,,';)~

l z. ~ *z.r:o\ lfJt~ 1¢SY~'8 \tp~S5 0 e5 \~l\.Z8. l<PS I'Z\ ~S\JcJ \lP~'5S \ \D~S'B ~ c6 \<!?S,Bt... ttPS

  • 1z: "?,;(!, \@CfJ r---'--* . \t~958 \ 1.() 97.9 (Lj dJ l<;}l\J'U-' ~(£) '5  !!fIU i":;)

rz: z,c,; s~ 73t>'7'7'DM Tk!.A..M> *f. ~4 1'3

.. rzt ~1~3~ ToP 7/e.AIJ-5" ~... 11-, f/J"3


  • From Preliminary Boring Layout Survey Fotm Approved for 'use on Clinch River SMR Project- J, A. Tice, Technical Lead Form Rev 0- Reviewed by Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-483 of 515

.I 1



I Boring No MP.. J:\.'2..?..

  • BoreholeDiameter,ln.:?i*'O TotaiBor lngDepth,Ft.~

C~sing Height above gr~und, Ft: <£, 1.:1- GndEiev,Ft: 799 ,9 *

!'::lev. Top o{ Casing, Ft. (~nd Elev **~Cas in~ Height): 8~t{l. (., =:Datum A

TEE!T 10: MV>'<-~'2Z. 1::. ~

. r.:z t::;. (')~. "::/- \cP ~\'3 C"'~

Test!e.ngth: T* \.) i!est Section Depth (from Be!tll'lT}: From .

I~ <iS.¢ To l ~~. :;> 11..

(A) . Depth to Water Table From 'Datum, Ft: 1~ 2l i. Test Water Temp:~ Baro Press ct~. '1-~~ l3 (B) Surface Gage Height Above Datum, ure, psi: ~~ \4. A*<..:.

Ft. b.QS (C) Distance Water Table to Center of Test Depth to Cer.1ler ofTest lntervai.From Datum

, Ft: .\'"':\- A., Q) lnteNal Ft. \~ "2., Zl St!lticwater pressure at center= (0.62.4/14

4) + Baro"' 8'9 , l MAXIMUM TEST PRESSURE, Po "' ([A+8
  • 1] + c.*0,57) [Po :: l!lJ'Z..\ . J Test Pressure seque nce := 1/3 Po, 2)3 Po., Po, 1/2 Po, Po Po Values: 1/3 Po= ?A,(/) : 2/3 Po=
  • Sequence ID: A

(.::.8, l ; 1/2 Po" ~ t. ¢ .B Add Appropriat~ Po value to static pressure C D E.

at center of test Interval TEST NO. M.fl*l\~a ~~Sequence No.

];;> Planned Center Pressure: \ A¢, \

Transducer Readings Before Packers Inflate d: Top I '5_, (a.""\-.- ; Middle 83 . RaJ" '9t. co~

Transducer Readings After Packers Inflate d: Top 'u * '"1- ;

L... Mlddle '? \ *.,_,(.., :


Bottom: 8 S 1':t-l M?-0..~~ *c.~ S.;;'(!ji"D I

FLOW METER READING, Gallons Time, Middle Minutes FLOW,gpm Transducer Surface Gage Reading, ps! Pressure, psi REMARKS Initial FinaL Difference



\Z.l'Z-9\ "5/P /<tJ~S9 ---- ---- ----. /59 133 c.:.,s ""B&r61tAJ

\2\ "!!J(fl: fP!.{J 109'5~ llJI9 S9 ¢ (/) I "57, '5d


\'Z\ *31/nll'

~'5 'Z) IS' c. R. 6'- £>. 'lo ir Pte-er s l(/)9~'t) \'¢"7 ? '? cb .c/J I

IS~.~S 5<£5

\'V 1> \ \ tPil \ (,ll~~'7> . (/) ¢


I ttl '9th~

\t\81B""t ss n~c..e<!:'-A~t.> PK41-s i 1>\~ ~(b \(t\~'5":1 \ 1{}'?'5 <a Cb ss I

c/J \ 4.*8,'1'3 n \ ~2 \G!l<P l (J)~S'? \ (l)':)S'? cb C/J \1\S,GS 15'5 I 'Z ~ '3*Z ~ '344 \ !h ~';) ";) 1</I<;)S'?

' rz.-. *~1 \~a \09 S'9

(/) G6 I 1\t.. ,*2.9 ss 'D (lrf..fliJ'-AS c:t- Pr.urs

\ 109'5':::l C/J C/J 142.,<;>(. '51/J I \2-\ "j ':!>l ?,al ttDS1?9 *I ~9C;$<;> (,6 (/; 141."i-5' 541 l 12.: $411./JIJ I "2- I ';)L\ \ ?.>q) l¢'7'5S}

l (J)~t;)

1{J)97.J~ (/)


m l4 (.S<'tJ sas l0 9':S'? c.6 I

I l \L\ \ ,L\fJ 5'f!.J

\ 'Z. \ \(/)9'3"'> ¢


¢ i I"'

  • 3S'.31'fl

~~~S9 t<t\ \,l\.\ 50

~* ~</)9c.J9 \ cp ~~e;J (/) ¢ \1),\.:ut..

\C..\ . \(!)CJ?~ ~

"5(,~/I{JJ llP C}5~ ¥?) 0 \L\\t~'"\- 5~

\C.\ \(J)9157J

-g~)3(JJ l (/>q)SC) 0 (2$ \1\-C..ll>\ ':)~

'2. \ ~'"}\if.<) \WC?l'59 \tb"")CSCJ (!) (l\

\L\Vtc:> '30 l'it. ', }=tt"J(J \(() ~<:'l;)' 'w ~s~ (6 0 I 1\¢/31' 5<(5 12' 3B\~rt ~ t$'?JCV '7 \0 S)"";);) (/J ¢ l4l, *:ts 5(fJ GAJ O

  • From Preliminary Boring Layout Survey

\(~ \(1 Fo1m Approved for' Use on Clinch River SMR Project* J. A. Tlce, Technical lead (7-Form Rev 0- Reviewed by ':..1.0:.u.:lk


ciinc h Rive r Data Repo rt Rev. 4 CRP

-1112.16 Page E.3-484 of 515


Boring NoMP~'\-'2..~

  • Borehole Diameter, ln.:'?>*~ Total Boring Depth, Ft.~ Gnd Elev, Ft: £99 .9
  • Casing Heigh! above ground, Ft: 1P. 1..;-q..

Elev. ToP. of Casing, Ft. (Gnd Elav *~Casing Height): 6@ft>, C.. "' Datum

  • c:. o"'.,- 6?

TESTID:Mif>-0."2"2.. £~ Testle.ngth:

9-, ..J ~Te~t~'Seot<:+-, (/)~* ,::,

lonDepth(from~a\~,n'l-1): From 1":\.<'.,tl,<,t> To


  • (A) Depth to Water Table From Datum

, Ft: Test Wate r Tem.p:~ Baro Press ure, psi: ~

(B) Surface Gage Height Above Datum, Ft. 'P*o5 .Depth to Center ofTest Interval From Datum

, Pt: I'":to A..g$

(C) Distance Water Table to *center of Test Interval Ft. I':\..2.. '-I p~essure MAXIMUM TEST PRESSURE, Po= ([A+8 Static water at center= (C*62.4/144) + Bare= /f. I .dft_(l' /!J

  • 1] + C*0.57) [Po:: IW"Z..) ] Test Press ure sequence ;:t 113 Po, 2/3 Po, Po, 1/2 Po, Po Values: 1/3 Po::: Y\,ifJ ;* 2/3 Po=
  • Sequence 10: Po Cc8, l ; 1/2 Po" ~ l. ¢ Add Appro A *8 c D E priate Po value to static pressure at cente TEST NO. M.~-to.~a :g,.'?Sequence No. --- r of testintervai "D~-~ Planned Center Pressure: 14 <P. \

Transducer Readings Before Packers Inflate d: Top l ? ' l,:,'"l,.. . ; Middle 83 . 8(/ Botlom:

  • 9 '0$

Trans9ucer Readings After Packers Inflate I*

d: Top \to, tD':\ ; Middle '::)-\ * '"?l<....:. Bottom: 8 '5 **::c I MP-4~~ ~0 SG;(l ;\ 1) _(_co,._. T' '-'\

FLOWMETER READING, Gallons Time, Middle

  • Minutes FLOW,gpm Transducer Surface Gage Reading, p$1 Pressure, psi REMARKS Initial Final Difference

-sg!:.J~R* ( 1\.ld 1<" c;;;A D/U thS "3"3\1/J(ft ,.) (:;~ . '::1 - 8~13

/2:. '8':): V)/@ *B cv77 Cl"-" 7/c,d i\.J S 8'3 ~ iS

  • I.

. ~*

t2: 4tZl ~ (fJ~ ToP 7.k4;(J s .... J -::;, (,?) 3 II I I I

I! *From Preliminary Boring Layout Survey Form Approved for'use on Clinch River SMR Project - J. A. Tice, Technical Lead Form Rev 0- Reviewed by ')6V ('11~.~~{}

! . *Clin ch Rive r Data Repo rt Rev. 4 CRP

-1112.16 Page E.3-485 of 515


Boring No Ml'~'!a~

  • Borehole Diameter, ln.:'2>*'0 Total Borin g Depth, Ft. B&sZ> Gnd Elev, Ft: ?'2:2*9
  • Casing Heigh! above ground, Ft: tP, 2.--::f-

. Elev. Top of Casing, Ft. (Gnd Elev +Casing Height):

. ~ c:::. 6¢C[),?.., =Datum

. TESTID:MI'J-4'2'Z. ~o Testle.ngt h: T."' .0~.'\~\tll-\~ ("I'S Tehl8ectlonDepth(from.tlatt.1rn]: From~~

~.¢ To \'::\:~.~

(A) Depth to Water Table From .Datum, Ft: l; '0 \.. Test Water Temp:~ Baro Press ure, psi: -\~

(6) ' Surface Gage Height Above Datum

, Ft. ~ Depth to Center of Test Interval From Datum (C) m'>tance Water Table to Center ofTe

, Ft: \""'r .J:... C6 sllnterval Ft. \'::\'2... Z.! Static water pressure at center"' (C*62.4/144

) + Baro = 83 ** J MAXIMUM TEST PRESSUHE, Po= ([A+B "1J + C*0.57) [Po ,. I 1/JZ., I I Test Press

  • . ure sequence::: 1/3 Po, 213 Po, Po, 1/2 Po, Po Po Values: 113 Po"' ?Al[J ; 213 Po= £t.,8, . SeqLience 10: A .B l ; 1/2 Po= ~ \.. ¢ Add Appropriate C D Po value to sta\lc pressl.lre at oenter of test E

lnte(Val TEST NO. ""'~"**<\t~ '!'~sequence No.

c;:: Planned Center Pressure: l CD\.~

Transducer Readings Before Packers Inflate d: Top I "5, 4:>'"- : Middle 83 . f$(tf Bottom:

Transducer Readings After Packers Inflate d: Top

  • I lt, *<..o 1
  • Middle ~\,~C... : Bottom:

- s i!:l(O)

.. FLOW METER READING, GaUons Time, Middle Minutes FLOW, gpm Transducer *Surface Gage

\ Reading, psi Pressure, psl REMARKS Initial Final Difference I ..

l t"Z:41:3~ /1/)959 _,_, ..... ~--

    • ~

t4t. "2¢ 5¢ J2l4 Z-l Qjm

. ""'Bt;;!t':JI/...J /~.x. "'P~s I /(!J95~ /f/)9 '5'7 (j) <2) l8G .sc.. I rt> S .

/?: 42l 3() t$ 9S::> /(P9957? d> . .(j) 194.4m I.

\ /~5 1214'3-(/JCP I f/;SJCS~ tt1J 9S9 (/J 0 19$/5"3 /(/)5 I

/2:4-'31 j{// \ lZ><2><5~ /(/)9 '59 <:6 0 /93 ,2? I (JJ '5 I

/21 44-l@ftl \ 1./J 9S~ I (/)9"59 ¢ (j) I 94'.q;3 lr/J<S

- IZI 44 i.~ql \¢'7F::F;) .\(t) 9~'3 <Z5 rb t9l.\."'l..~\- J0S I

12 i \<b7>5<;}

i 4"5~(0(~

\ (i) 9'5'? ¢ (/J \ 9'5,11- I 0'5 IZ t 4"5l1l! \~~Cj~ \fl)<;l~C) (2) (j)

\ ~,4S . \ (/).'5 I Z ~ 1.\(s;;"._f/J~ \$<;}<?~ \ $9~<;) (25 (/>

~~~.~ l¢<5 I Z: 4<..' ?;CP \\P ~S';)' 1$ c;,~~ rt> ("/) \~'5 i!Yt \<P5 12lt\"4:~{j)[O tll> ~s~ l!(). 'J ":)") ¢ C/J \<JC..,,'{)I\


t (£) '5

/2~ 41-~J<i.:! \IP~S:t l <t>e:JS-9' ¢ ¢ I CJC" .<7)cp \(t)S i '(... ~ 4'6 \l(.i(p ~~ \\{)t; )G,¢ . I' "G 19'5 ,l2. \0'5 121 LH=l,\'?,(,!l t tP~I.o¢ WS>(c.<t? ¢ (j) .. t ~(or z;< lc.bS *G, vo

/21 49/ti'5 1Jc". J(71' )M 7/f..A.A I~ - ~

8S .45 tztsllrJtJ ToP Tt2- AtJf ; -. I?., t;rs

"'From Preliminary Boring Layout Survey Form Approved for' Use on Cllnch Hlver SMR Project~ J. A. Tlce, Technical Lead Form Rev 0- Reviewed by 7\V \""\~(,.~\I ciinc h Rive r Data Repo rt Rev. 4 CRP-1112

.16 Page E.3-486 of 515


DATE: f.- e~ .I~ .

  • DATA COLLECTED BY: T~J..A. M*c.GuLt.... /JI,......_ Goo Ot\1<:: D SHUT-INTESTPRESSURE: ujl\%; (~q.(Gsi Tl'ME, SURFACE GAGE CENTERTRAN~

minute PRESST.J¥:.E~ psi PRESSURE. 1


\ ~~ '(..,_ ,;::::-- ----

/"'>- 3. ~

\"'-\~ *

~ C.'::)~, '::t-S- \'0

___.--;-- 1.,_

EQUIPMENT USED Ttansducers: Level Troll 700 Serial Nmhbers: 335896/R24844 (shallow) 6112113; 3153811R24039 (intermediate) 6/20~3; l41142/R20367 (deep) 6!20113;. 315380/R24038 (spare) 6/20113 .

Surfa~-e Pressure Gage: (Both Wika 213.53) - MW-3 (at pump); MW-4 (at totalizer) 6111113 _ _ _ __

Baronietric Probe: {13aro Troll) 121315/R22669 6/12113 Flow Meter: <Master Meter 1344)- 8824788 field checked 6125(13 Stop Watch: (Sportline 220) .:.. L286/2786 6110/13 Date of Calibration: Dates in italics after egui'pment serial numbel' Calibration due: _Post Testing,_ _ _ _ __

f-\uS":> 11-\C.L.<...'.~tg 6..\...L SE:I..~LIE."NCE'5: *

"-2~: -q -e*v~

N\\?~A-a.~ Z'3 (.'B') ~* ~¢\~~'/Y=t~(/)8 /Z.53.18 WSL

\'A.~ .. 4~~ '63 (~) ~C/>\~-¢1:- C/)5 * ,12. 53,18 N\?-: 4?..:K. £'3 (\) ~¢\~~*Q);t-(/)8  ;;c. 51.-t:JS

\v'-?- L\ ~ ~ t:. 3 (T) ~./$\ ~ . . (/J'"t- rt>B 12/7>1.45 1'-A.\?-1 ~ 4~~ t 3 ( 1'-.\.)  :?.lt> \ 1 - ctrt - cz, B /2, '55.44

  • N\P ~ L\~'2.... 7;; 3 (IV\) R,(j) t ~ ~ (b'":l;- (/)5 /'2,SS,44 r-A?"' i\a:~. ~ ;>, (L) 'G¢ \ ~- 0*~~ 08 I 'Z. '5 '::;t I 34 I

\A..( "S l.

N\'?~ L\~a. t:;.?) (L) ~¢\~- (/)"-;f.-(/Yo /2,5'*1-.'34 Form Approved for Use on Cltnch River SMR Project- J. A. Tlce,Technical Lead F'orm Rev 0- Reviewed irC> l&'((Q-11 by .JCJJ"-'-'v_ __

Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 .

Page E.3-487 of 515

PACKER TEST FLOW RATE GRAPHS Boring MP-423 Packer Test Intervals: (below ground surface) (below top of casing)

MP-423 Zone 1: 48.0 feet to 55.5 feet Not Tested MP-423 Zone 2: 68.5 feet to 76.0 feet: 68.94 feet to 76.44 feet MP-423 Zone 3: 88.0 feet to 95.5 feet: 88.44 feet to 95.94 feet Graphs of flow rate (gpm) vs time (minutes) have been created from Excel sheets containing data from field data sheets. For clarity, individual plots for each sequence within a tested interval are presented. Generally, plots are not provided if the field data sheets indicate no flow during a test sequence. Bechtel Field Instruction forms are provided. AMEC field data sheets are provided following the graphs for each zone. The AMEC field data sheets use top of casing as a field measurement reference. Assigned test interval depths below ground surface were converted to depths below top of casing by adding the casing height to the assigned test interval depths. Transducer data file names are listed on the last field data sheet of each test interval. Transducer data files are furnished as electronic files in a data supplement submittal.

ame Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-488 of 515

FIF No. 25847-601 ~KOI..CY00-00024 BECHTEL POWER CORPORATION Project No. 25847 Clinch River CPA Project- Site Subsurface Inve stigation FIELD INSTRUCTION FORM Speclfloatlon Section: Packer Testing in MP 423 Field Instruction: The following are the three (3) depth zones in which packer testing will be conducted In borehole MP 423:

Zone 1: 48.0 to 55.5 feet .below land surface.

{Tolerance+/~ 0.5 feet~

Zone 2: 68;5 to 76.0 feet below land surface.

Zone 3: 88.0 to 95.5 feet below land surface.

(Tolerance +/~ 0.5 feet) T'A ~<. , N c.. VVA rdte (Toterance +/- 0.5 feet) .Zo~o~&r,:

  • t<.tdi'J"Z(J/'

. T~o~<&rs~ z c::oMPL~r87'.:>

i'* o\*1~ \..(~.

The desired pressure ranges that will be teste d in each of the three zones are based on the calculation of the test pressures as provided ln AMEC Project Procedure CRP Packer Pressure Testing in Boreholes, Attachment B (Bechtel Power lnfoWorks 25847..S01.Y14~CYOQ.

00018-006} or latest revision at time of testin .

g. The test pressures will be determined just before the commeneement of the t'ests by mea suring the water level at the start of test.

Basis/Justification for Instruction:

  • The depths of the above zones were selected based on fracture zones identified from DRAFT geologic core logs, RQD analysis and from the acoustic televiewer logs. The bottom depth for packer testing is limited to approximately 250 max feet due to the packer test assembly and imum transducer cable length of approximately 285 feet. The justification of the pressure ranges that will be tested will be based on AME C Project Procedure CRP~3 - Packer Pressure Testing in Boreholes, Attachment B (Be<::htel Power lnfoWorks 25847-601-V14-CY00-00018 006) or latest revision at time of testing. -

i Prepared By: ......t...... f_~k_. L.o_t...~-~----~~--+__.l...,.A.-- . 1_3 .

  • Na ---~-./

Reviewed By: Gr~ .

Approved By: /Yl ot r-lt ~~e

($ee Section 1.2 for furfuer lnstru~ons)

Name Received By AMEC Site Mgr or Proj Mgr: .C I r.3 c_e.P J'(o Name

@2013 Bechtel Power Corporation. Contains Contr actor Oonffdential lnfonnatlon.

PAGE 1 OF 1 Clinc h River Data Repo rt Rev. 4 CRP-1112.

16 Page E.3-489 of 515

Packer Test Worksheet Clinch River SMR Project AMEC Project No. 6468 13 1072 Test Date Prepared By Checked By JB-Surface Gage Height (ft) 26.15 26 IMax Test Pressure (Po) (psi) 63 1/3 Po (psi) 21 2/3 Po (psi) 42 1/2 Po (psi) 32 Genter 1est Inflation Pressures Pressure (psi) (psi)

Sequence A 1/3

  • 47 97 Sequence B 2/3 68 118 Sequence C 1 .0 89 139 Sequence D 1/2 58 108

!Sequence E 1.0 89 139 Pipe Check (Estimate Onlyfor Field Guidance)}

Length of Packer Assembly 13.29 Average Length of Pipe Section 21 .12 Length of pipe to TOC 63.15 Number ot Pipe Sections 2.99 engtn of stickup above 1 UG {tt) 0.21 Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-490 *of 515

t!.:O/ C/ ,. . ~~ ' N----


Clinch River SMR Project Prepared by: Date:

Double Packer Borehole Permeability Test Data Sheet AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc.

Checked by:

Date: 4 -J3-Itf--

AMEC Project# 6468-13-1072 Boring: MP-423 Zone: 2 68.5 feet to 76.0 feet below ground surface Transducer Location: Middle Sequence A (1/3 Po) Sequence B (2/3 Po) Sequence C (Po)

Elapsed Time Flow Rate Elapsed Time Flow Rate Elapsed Time Flow Rate Time (minutes) Pressure (psi) (gpm) Time {minutes) Pressure (psi) (gpm) Time (minutes) Pressure (psi) (gpm) 12:45:00 0.0 24.48 12:55:30 0.0 47.50 13:05:00 0.0 73.14 12:45:30 0.5 24.48 0 12:56:00 0.5 55.50 4 13:05:30 0.5 78.26 10 12:46:00 1.0 24.48 0 12:56:30 1.0 64.71 2 13:06:00 1.0 85.35 10 12:46:30 1.5 24.50 0 12:57:00 1.5 71.21 4 13:06:30 1.5 82,59 22 12:47:00 2.0 27.02 4 12:57:30 2.0 71.20 2 13:07:00 2.0 80.36 24 12:47:30 2.5 35.00 4 12:58:00 2.5 65.77 4 13:07:30 2.5 76.34 32 12:48:00 3.0 45.33 0 12:58:30 3.0 64.87 4 13:08:00 3.0 76.65 40 12:48:30 3.5 44.22 2 12:59:00 3.5 70.20 4 13:08:30 3.5 77.18 32 12:49:00 4.0 46.69 0 12:59:30 4.0 70.11 2 13:09:00 4.0 78.47 40 12:49:30 4.5 47.07 2 13:00:00 4.5 70.09 4 13:09:30 4.5 *83.15 46 12:50:00 5.0 46.89 0 13:00:30 5.0 70.28 4 13:10:00 5.0 80.59 38 12:50:30 5.5 47.07 2 13:01:00 5.5 70.30 4 13:10:30 5.5 79.96 74 12:51:00 6.0 47.22 2 13:01:30 6.0 70.60 4 13:11 :00 6.0 89.18 20

-- -----*- 12:51:30 6.5 !IZ.29 _o _j_3.~Q2:_00 _Q..5 71.59 4 13:11:30 .Jl.5 86.73 46 *~ --

12:52:00 7.0 47.22 2 13:12:00 7.0 81 .67 48 12:52:30 7.5 47.21 0 13:12:30 7.5 89.03 68 12:53:00 8;0 47A4 -*-2 -* 13:13:00 -- - - M -~

  • - -95.55 56 - ----

13:13:30 8.5 94.25 58 13:14:00 9.0 90.42 60 13:14:30 9.5 89.64 60 13:15:00 . 10.0 89.85 60 13:15:30 10.5 89.12 60 13:16:00 11.0 87.88 60 13:16:30 11.5 84.16 64 13:17:00 12.0 82.02 94 13:17:30 12.5 89.85 46 13:18:00 13.0 83.75 60 13:18:30 13.5 81.78 64 13:19:00 14.0 86.98 74 13:19:30 14.5 86.21 74 13:20:00 15.0 86.90 70 13:20:30 15.5 85.94 76 13:21:00 16.0 85.53 74 13:21:30 16.5 85.40 74 SequenceD (1/2 Po) Sequence E (Po)

Elapsed Time Flow Rate Elapsed Time Flow Rate Time (minutes) Pressure (psi) (gpm) Time (minutes) Pressure (psi) (gpm) 14:25:30 0.0 26.79 14:53:00 0.0 28.93 14:26:00 0.5 56.79 96 14:53:30 0.5 72.94 56 14:26:30 1.0 60.25 36 14:54:00 1.0 82.54 80 14:27:00 1.5 61.96 54 14:54:30 1.5 87.31 80 14:27:30 2.0 60.82 50 14:55:00 2.0 86.78 70 14:28:00 2.5 61.29 56 14:55:30 2.5 87.64 74 14:28:30 3.0 61.77 46 14:56:00 3.0 87.52 76 14:29:00 3.5 62.42 54 14:56:30 3.5 87.37 70 14:29:30 4.0 61.89 52 14:57:00 4.. 0 88.91 80 14:30:00 4.5 62.22 52 14:57:30 4.5 88.67 80 14:30:30 5.0 62.66 54 14:58:00 5.0 90.13 74 14:31:00 5.5 62.49 62 14:58:30 5.5 88.41 86 14:31:30 6.0 63.53 46 14:59:00 6.0 89.78 80 14:32:00 6.5 63.60 48 14:59:30 6.5 90.83 70 15:00:00 7.0 91.13 80 15:00:30 7.5 92.07 60 15:01:00 8.0 91.32 110 Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-491 of 515


MP-423 zone 2 4.5 -,-----------------

4 1-------------------*f----r-------------------

3,5 +-----------

3 1-----------------~------f----------

8.E! 2.5 -/----------




2 +--------

1.5 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - -

0,0 1.0 2,0 3,0 4.0 s.o 6,0 7.0 8.0 9,0 Elapsed Time (mlnlltes)

--<-1/3 Po Notes: Test pressure approximately 1/3 of the maximum test pressure (Po). Plow rate typically measured overt~ 30 second Interval, MP-423 Zone 2 4.5 ---~---------

1,5 +----------*

1 *1----------------------------------------------*------

0,5 * * - * - - - - - - - ----------------------------

0 . ----,----------.-----* ----------,

o.o 1.0 2.0 s.o 4.0 6.0 7:0 Elapsed Time (minutes)

  • '-*-2/3 Po Notes: Test pressure approximately 2/3 of tho maximum test pressure (Po), Flow rate typically measured over n 30 second Interval.

Prepared by/Date: lL til. 1

/Y /1~

Checked by/Date: Jt[.1 '/o-/i4-

/l Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-492 of 515

MP-423 Zone 2 100 A


90 I

80 A .r-~£--*~

r 70 1\*y/ **"*--**+*--*--*) )

I I GO 8

.§ I

v AI

~ 50




/V I 40 30

,/I v -

I 20 10 0 .....,.... -----------;--*

0.0 2.0 4.0 6,0 8,0 10,0 12,0 14.0 16.0 18,0 Elapsed Time (minutes)

---Po Notas: Test pre!isUre approximately at the maximum test pressure (Po). Flow rate typically measured over a 30 second Interval .


MP-423 Zone 2 120 . , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  • 100 --------~-------




.2l 60 0


40 20 - -----------------------

0 -----------,----------.,--------,---*-*-----.--------"T-----

0,0 1,0 2,0 3.0 4,0 5.0 6.0 elapsed Time (minutes)

112 Po Notes: Test pressure approximately 1/2 of tha maximum tastprossure {Po).

!'low rate typically measured over a 30 second intarval,


Prepared by/Date:_--T-'-blK---::-~-C~If-ol/'-N;;--

1 Checked by/Date: ----,flo&<=='-* +':ft'-"v+/'--'(tb'---

Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-493 of 515

MP-423 Zone 2 1i 60 +----f----------------------------------------------------------~------------

j 20 *1----------------------------

a.o ' 1,0 2.0 s.o 4.o* 5,0 6,0 7.0 8.0 9.0 Elapsed Time (minutes)

--Po Notes: Test pressure approxlmat~Jy at tho maximum test pressure (Po).

Flow rate typically measured over a 30 second Interval.

Clinch River Data Report Re Page E.3-494 of 515


"Page 1 of2 PROJECT NAME: Clinch River SMR Pro!ect JOB !'JO. §468~13-1072 DATE: j *'a 1*1,

.Boring Noi{IP-4.e>

  • Borehole Diameter, ln.:3JL Total Boring Depth, Ft. ~~.¢_.. Gnd Elev, Ft: 3':>'2lG6 *

. Casing Height above groun~, Ft:M4 . Elev. J"op of Casing, Ft. (Gnd Elev ~* Casing Height):'\ t;~ .~ 4 , Datum

  • TEST ID: N\?*423 ~ e Test length:  ::t 5 I Test Section Depth (from Datum): From c., e. ';;)1.\- Ia 3 4. A-\

(A} Depth to Wat~r Table From Datum, Ft: 1: lQ. 15 ~

  • Test Water Temp:..n.._ Baro Pre..ssure,ysl: 1'4-*.<\1 V...fe1..1.. tUATI!i'a. r<:,..P t...'?., . {!"'*'I 8 C:).

(8) Surface Gage Height Above Datum, Ft. .hi_4 Depth to Center ofTest Interval From Datum, Ft: ¥a, Go '9

_ _ _:._.. _CC)DI"Stafj(j6WaterTaBietOGenfei'Oflesflnterval Ft. ~"5 Static water press.ure at center~ (C*62.4/144) + Baro ..--.e"""c;---~-

MAXIMUM TEST PRESSURE, Po =.([A+B*1J *1* C*o.57) [Po = ~ ""b I Test Pressure sequence ;:: 1/3 Po, i/3 Po, Po, 1/2 Po, Po Sequence ID: A B C D E Po Values: 1/3 Po = ~: 2/3 Po"~ ; 1/2 Po"' '0 'a. Add Appropriate Po value to static pressure at center of test Interval TEST NO. ~f' *42'H.~Sequence No. A . Planned Center Pressure: 4~

Transducer Readings Before Packers_Inflated: Top

  • 14>,? (t! : Middle \ ~
  • l.ot.. : Bottom: .. ~~~~-

TransducerReadlngs.AfterPackerslnffated: Top ~3. 93 : Middle .84,43 : Bottom: 19~.44

- s I=.'Q U.E_N C Z::. A .

FLOW METER READING, Gallons . Middle Time, .F.LOW, gpm *Transducer Surface Gage REMARKS Minutes Reading, psi

  • Pressure, psi Initial Final Difference I'Z.:. ~ 4? ~ lP (IJ 12... a}(.,8 -~lj'. ........ ........ ~

e4 . .:\8 ¢ . 'Bti!dfl/..1 ( /IJG:/fUJ10.'$&)

  • ' //= t:t..~w I'Z: J..,";>', 0)<..9 ¢t..8_ () (,/)

~tJ I~B

'Z.4' 4~ .<J.S.

\t', .1\l.o ~ ,Pifl 'Z.-6 ¢0-S 28. (t>t..$ qJ tP Z.4AS ct>

4<.. ~ 213 ¢t..6 ZB . Cjl tJ; tj) l 'Z. ~ ~Cil t.b~e *~.A. '5<t>

1a: 4~\IPIP _{/!&.~. - ~* Cfl1(/) -z.

4 ?_.'j, t.PZ as IZ..~ 4,";\~ 3CO :eg ¢~¢ 2.8 (.D"=l-'2. 2 4 . 3 r:s *{/J r.p 12.

lil Ae:tPcft lze! ¢-:tZ. 2.8 (p~ 2. r; (/)

4~.'?lo l{.tl IP L1-'1 .4B_l oil' a~ ~":}?.. 2.5 (0.-=lo~ I  ?... *44, '2.'2. t(tj 12; <\-':)~ l,b(H ze. (/J ':/1 zs (t!':l;~ cJ II 4Li.C.. ~ I'Z.

~~ ~ Ac:>t'3~ ~e. ¢-:f~ :ae~ ¢':.l4 I *z:. 4":l.(fi1 1'4-liZ~ sifJ** t/lu Zf> ¢':1 lzf: ¢q4 {J ~ 4£... .'7 ~~

l'l.~ SGW~ll' ~f, ¢'*4- l.zi'J Q'=2-'5 I - z. 4'\-,(/JS \4...

I z.! '5 \.. rlt.fl Zf> ~"!> 12~ ¢':1£:.. I 'Z. 4 ':1 ' "Z.;z. 17...

I '51.: ~II w

12. <?.'3 (l';fL f/J"JC.. (/J 12?. 4"\.~~ \'1-

/"l.~ '5-z.~ ((lq. 2.t (ll~ z.s Gb-:ti I z. I'-

¢ ¢ 4~ ~"Z..

l'i '* "S '2 ', '!o I# '2.13 0"::f1- lz~ ¢':11 4'1.?..\ 14.

1'2:  ?~*. 1}(1 Z8 ¢"-1":\ Zil ~::re. I z. 44.44- 1'2.. lENt)

- ~~ a-s::vs 13<>1"7'0.1"" 7.-'I!A,.<.l$- " Z."S. +1

  • From Preliminary Boring Layout Survey Form Approved for'UsB.on Clinch River SMR Project- J. A Tk.e, Technical Lead Form Rev 0- Rev.iewed by ~ . (1.-({t& (11 .

Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-495 of 515



Page 1 of2 PROJEC'f NAME: Clinch River SMR ProJect JOB .NO. 6468-13=1072 DATE: ':? *~I*.,,

. Bor!ngNoMP~4f.3' BoreholeDi<lmeter,ln.: *3.5 TotaiBorlngDepth,Ft. :?>~ GndEiev,Ft:3~~.¢*

. Casing Height above ground, f:t:JlL4.4 . Elev.;fop of Casfng, Ft. (Gnd Elev ~* Casfng Hefght): 1~~A 4 "Datum *

  • T~ST 1~: N\.~*42.S ~ 'Z, Testrength:  :(. .5 'res~ Section Depth (from Datum): From (,8,  ;*4 To *-=t loA~

(A} Depth t~ "Yater Table From Datum, Ft: ~ <:4:1, CO 4

  • Test Water Tem'p:..3:.:l_ Baro Pressure,ysi:* I~. <\I

'1-hl:L'-\tJA\retz. Te-1-1P <..>"?, ' f!.~>*')I~CO),

(B) Surface Gage HeightAbove Datum, Ft.~ Depth to Center of Test Interval From Datum, Ft: ;r~ C... '9 ,

-*------:-- --(c)nl:s- tanceWa terTiii5Ie lOCeliler ofTesl~ <o. \ '5 Static water pressure at center= (0*62.4/144) + Baro = J?.IG MAXIMUM TEST PRESSURE,* Po"' ([A+B"'1] ~* C*0.57) [Po= (:> ~ ] Test Pressure sequence:: 113 Po;'213 Po, Po, 112 :Po, Po

  • Po Va[ues: i/3 Po = _hl_: 21-3 Po=~; 112 Po-o 'C..
  • Sequence!D;

. Add Appropriat' e Po*' value A . 8 C D E .

. to statlc pressure at center of test Interval TEST NO. ~f1,4Z3 ~~Sequence No.. "B *Planned Center Pressure:. (Q* 8 Transducer Readings Before Packers lnffated: Top * \ I.J.,? (/)  ; Middle \~* LP t.. : Bottom; '&':>.$$

Transducer Readings After Packers Inflated: Top Z. 3, 9 '?> ; Mfddle ~.A *l\ o Bottom: a,:~ At\



FLOW METER READING, Gallons Middle Time, F.LOW,gpm. *Transducer Surface Gage Minutes REMARKS Reading, psf " Pressure, psi Initial Final Difference ll't *, css *..1> t.P l.~ ¢8/ ........ - .. --- .. ... ...:...:.

4 ":l 54' /"2..

~~~~~ _(IN~~~4$~

fP t:L.o b.' /


\1.'* Sl.. ~ ~~ lz~ ~81 ~tl (/)(j"$ '2- 4 t:.\<5 .'5al Z$

\l~ t;)t..: "$0 zs ¢8"S Z.'/.l. *¢8+ I z. G.4. ':7-t Z.S' IF

\'2.' '$1'. f/J~ z~ G18.4 z.e. ~B~ z.. 4 =1-{. Z,l "51 -or-lZ. f!>:jt\tP z.sts ¢8~ Z.'IJ <t>el- I z ':'fl*Zfl) z-:r 1zJ sa', (/)" '¢8."';) :z.

z~ ~'!Fl  ::!3 4. ~-s. 11 Z'T IF zi.: se: 3c.1 2.~ ~~-;, u tP9l 't..* 4 (...4,e:t *'3@

12 \ _.S_'i'* {PI/) I2.B ¢9'3 4 (t)~l 2'D 2. *':I q;' 'Z.CI 3CJl I "l I

$~~it~ \u ¢c;>~ 21!. qJ94 \ .

'2. ':f{tl, ll '3(1!)

~~ -~ f/J 1/ t .IPt.J ~8 ¢~4 z: ¢9C.. z 4-' -=t*Q1.~, 3aJ l"S'* ¢tP ~. ~(J \2f; (6 '?(... Z..t;. ¢~:8 z 4 ":?tJ.:zs .301 l~t ~~*. ~(J zg ~C)~ Zts . t (J)Gd 'Z. 4 . '":[. tO, "3l2l 3QJ .

~~~ 4tl: "311 (IP(l) \ wz. "Z... 4 1 {t),(.~ .

(!~ ~B '3C6 I '3 : f/J'l. : (lei 2-::S ll/) :&. Z.$ \<P4 -z.... t\ ~1\'59 3$ .. 15.f'olr:>

\J';\ '(1'4; 41 "B o T1"t:>/U'. -r~o./04 Z3,4:.>

.  : 11 z S tP".l t-a*:~J r~p

- 7iell.N~

  • From Preliminary Bor[ng Layout Survey
  • Fam1 Approved for'use.on Clfnch River SMR ProJect- J. A. Tlce, Technical lead Form Rev 0- Revlewed by

~dr: f'?l{ {(o (IJ


Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.1.6 Page E.3-496 of 515


PROJECT NAME: Clinch RlverSMR Pro!!ilill JOB ,NO. §468-13"1072 DATE: 'T * "a I* '1'3

.Boring NoM~

  • Borehole Diameter, hi.:*3.5 Total Boring Depth, Ft.~ Gnd Elev, Ft:.3~'Zl 1¢ *

. casing Height above ground, Ft:M4 . Elev. ;fop of Casing, Ft. (Gnd Elev +Casing Helght):1'7-,.~4  ::Datum

  • TEST I~:M~*4a'!> ~ i Testlength: ?f,5 Test Secti~n Depth (from Datum): From c.:.e, ~4 To ":f 4A~

(A) Depth to l;yater Table From Datum, Ft: 1'lo,C5Ar

  • Test Water Tem.p:~ Baro Pressure,psl: i'.6r*~l V..IG'.Lt.. 0A1'S'fl. t~MP . L.'?, ' {.!.1..*"1 °C.),

(B) Surface Gaga Height Above Datum, Ft.~ Depth to Center of Test Interval From Datum, Ft: Y'~, Col.,

(CJ.Dil!t~ter TiiBietO"CSTTter ~fTeSflnterval Ft. ~ '5 Statio water pressure at center~ (C"62.4/144) + Baro"' e!G MAXIMUM TEST PRESSURE, Po= ([A+B..1] + c *0,57) fPo c (c ~ 1 Test Pressure sequenoe :" 1/3 Po;'2/3 Po, Po, 1/2 Po, Po . l;

. . Sequenoe ID:

Po Values: 1/3 Po"~; ..2/3 Po=~ -; 1/2 Po= s~


  • D E Add Appropriate ~a value to statio pressure at center of test Interval lEST NO. )J.,'P*42H.~Sequenoe No. C. . Planned Center Pressure: 8-9 Transduoer Readings Before<ere_lnflated: Top
  • I U. 1 ':> (/) . ; Middle \ ':>' C...(,  ; Bottom:

)ransduoor Readings After Packers Inflated: Top 'l.'b, ~ ~ ; Middle ~l\ A~ Bottom:

-. s ~QU[;;NCE c.


  • Middle 11me, .F,LOW,gpm *lransducer
  • Surface Gage Minutes REMARKS Reading, psi
  • Pressure, psi Initial Final Dlfferenoe lL}\ ~~.a>~ ze. \ z. \ """""--

__ .....,. -* ,... .. ':1-'3.\1.\ Z.L.




/IJC.It.lfArSe ;l \

ll~'. ~St  ?.t! ~e \'ZI 48 I Z. L. co \dl ":it.U.. 4C/>

\ .... ~ ftx.,:(/!u. Z" \ Z.L. ze \~\ '$ \d> as:~s 11S It='

("$\ (,61.,.,\ '"S ~ 2g \~\ -z.e. \AZ- II '2:2 $3z,S9 3C/J

\1> *, t;":!\WIJ 28 \ t\'2. '2.11. \'54 \'1... Z..A 8$. 3Co 3S If' lJ' ¢':\.\ ?,1/1 ~tL.._~~A 2~ '\ ":\ (D * \lP ~7. 1£....'34 4(l)

\i~ ¢8:/PIP Z.$ \':\(l) ~g I 9lfl zcJ AtJ -:;r..,t...s *3:8 . :'

\"3'* l/1[3!3c.P Z.f, I t;> (J ~8 'Zf/;i. .I £, ~"2. *':{":1,18 446 1"3 ~ ();>'. I!IJ ze Z.f/J{; za ZZ(.. 2,(/J Mb '18 .43 42 J{:

1)'. fJ9 :. 3tJ 2$ 2.Z.G:. zg Z-4~ 2'!1 AI.- 8-s.l s *At.

n: ,;p: lltJ 2f; 24<) 28 zc..s ... \9 3'3 84'!$9 4£, . 11::

I)~ 1¢: '3() 28 ~~..* 'ZfJ *3(.c?S 3":\ -:tA '"-19.';!C.. 4(.. '

n: II : &OIJ ZB 3~S Z8 "315 Hb 2 t/) ' . 8~,18 52!.

\?: \U 3CP ze - . 31S zz; :338 ~~ 4li Be.,':?-~ 5!> It:

\'Jl l'l..:(J(/J ze 3"5'3 es 3C..Z.. 'Pl\ 48 81,(..1 5G. IP r}_' l'Z.', -,Q ~~ _.3_(. 2 Z!J 3~G. ':~~ .lPB 8~,¢'5* t..4 .

l~! \~i fit' 2.8. 39~  :!!8 4?4 ~B 'Olt. ~?.5'5 G,$

t') ', 131 3il ~t 4Z.~ . 2[3 45'3 R.;';) S'i3 ~4~25 t:-4

  • From Preliminary 'Boring Layout Survey Form Approved for'usa.on Clinch River SMR Project- J. A Tlce, Technical Lead Form Rev 0- Reviewed by _5_G_iV _ _,I'-"1L+<\I~\\J.

___ ___c_ljnciLRiver Oata ..Rep9d: Rev~ A CRP.:111.2.16 Page E.3-497 of 515

'j I!



  • Page 1 of2 PROJECT NAME: CHncb River SMR prolegt JOB .NO. 64~8-13-1072 DATE: X* 'a I* 1'3 I
  • .Boring NoM~
  • BorE!hole Dl<imeter, ln.: *3 .5 Total Elorfng Depth, Ft. ~'at¢

.I Gnd Elev, Ft:~¢*

. Casing .Height above groun~, Ft;fb!4 . Elev,,Top of Casing; Ft. (Gn<i Elev +Casing Helght)::\'7";;.~-i\ *=Datum

  • TEST ID: NW* 423 ~ ?- Test length:  ::e 5 I Test Section Depth (from Datum): From (s;; a.~ 4 To ~ (...;.. t\ <\ *;

(A}. Depth to "Yater Table From Datum, Ft: 4lo ,'5 4-

  • Test Water Tem'p:~ B I

..aro Pre9$ure,Qsl: l o\-*41 I (B) Surface Gage Height Above Datum, Ft.~4 1;../~:;u...<ii'll. Tf£'MP . c...s. . lt**">l oc~,

Depth to Center of Test Interval From Datum, Ft: 72, Co";)

~-----"(C)DistanceWater Tal'ile to' Center or teat lnte~al Ft. ~ S Static water pressure at center~ (G*62.41144) + Baro =* 8(£)

MAXIMUM TEST PRESSURE, Po"' ([A+B*1) + c*o;57) [Po"' Co~ ] Teat Pressure sequence:"' 1/3 Po,'2i3 Po, Po, 1/2 Po, Po Po Values: 1/3 Po "~; 2/3 Po= _A_g,_ ; 112 Po.; o~

Sequence ID: A B C D Add Appropriate PC? value to static pressure at center of test Interval E .

TEST NO. !J-?*423~~Sequence No. C. . Planned Center Pressure: 8 <:)

Transducer Readings Before Packers.lntlated: Top *I L..~ (/) . : Middle \ ~

  • U.t..,  : Bottom: ~"?.~$

Transducer Readings After Packers Inflated: Top

  • Z? * ~* ; Middle f2.4, A3 Bottom: 2 '?>
  • 44 M? -42~ z Se:QUEN C.E ( CeJ..J7' C FLOW METER READING, Gallons Middle Time, .FLOW, gpm *Transducer Surface Gage Minutes REMARKS Reading, psi
  • Pressure, psi Initial Final Difference

. \ .,, 't \0. .. (j)(JJ -z.e. As~ Z.<G ~ ~l/J (pi/; '?C/J ' 4'2. ':f(t)

I"!>.: 14.: ~"' 2f>. 4.S~ Z.-3 sn. o¢ . t;. tl ~9 <...4 -:fel I"!. I lC:.\c;P(,/.1 zg  !:& \ "3 Z.$ S43 "?>t/J . (,.(/) 9~ 13'5 .. --=1¢

. .ze n: 10:,~ 3~ 'Z-8 $4.'$ s~~ '3Q.l (.,l/J ~812. ":/-~

\.., ~ \L..\1/>CP ze  ;}/~> . tt> C..{fJ3 . ~cP

~¢ 81 .88. {..,(.

\ '1l \<.. '. ~(j) (!~ t..(IJ~ ZB. . G.3S 0~ G:.4 84.1('.. G.'Z.. It:

ri\ \'q~f/JlJ ze. l.VS 2i;l c..g-z. 4":\ ~4 e z.~rpz. ' c. 8 r'S I \ ~\ "ba ?e. ~~;a: ze. i- ()<5 - 2,~ 4C... ~

.89,$5  :;.~

\ll le: ~c; Z$ ';f¢5 <ttl' ~3S '3<Zl (s.(j; 8"3 .=1'5 (.,.(..


  • . ~ "} *, IS: ~r/l ze. ':7 .3 ? ze ':1.(..1 *~-a, &4 St.~B ':/-1

\1.! \~'. IP~ Zf:l.  ::tt..~  ;!!:~ e<fl4 -** 'j"t- ill et...l!)e  ::1'1 rl>~ 1<:}\ ~l/J Zfl $tPA ze .t;.41 3'1* ":f4 et-..z* '=71-n: z.<P:. fPIJ ZfJ 841 Z'S 8-::?£- 3? ~(/>' &t-, 9f/J -=t:t

\1-: 2lP! 3f/> Zf> 6':1(.,. ;?$ 914 .. 38 ':j(t;, 85,94 -=1+

\~l Zl!t.ft'P ZCZ.., 9(4 iU3 . ~Sl .:n ~4 '8S.'5'3 i-S

\'3 \ 2 I~ '3¢ ze ':)S' I 28 '388 31* ~4 8<5.4tP* 7:/S Ot1.,. c.t::

\ tit.. r.>



'$7'.41$1 t..l '2<11' 13:'Z2. :*"Jii> '73iJ>7'7"o>M 7/t(J.JVS 'Z'3,4!.

  • From Preliminary Bor*ing Layout Survey zsr. zz.

Form Approved for'Use. on Clinch RIVSJr SMR Project . J. A. Tlce, Technical Lead Form Rev 0- Revi~wed by 5..)2- . n(I~{O Cl.i nch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-498 of 515


.Boring NoM~ ' Borehole Diameter, In.: 3.5 Total Boring Depth, Ft.~ Gnd Elev, Ft: ~ *

. Casf~g .Height above groun~, Ft:M4 . Elev.,Top ofCastng, !=t. (Gnd Elev+ Casing Helght): "tc.>~,~4 "'Datum *

  • TEST ID:M£*42 3 ~ 'Z. Test length: 1.5 Test section Depth (from Datum): From <c>S, ~4 To ':! L;.A~

(A) Depth to Water Table From Datum, Ft: 4~, CO 6r ** Test Water Terr{p:..): L Baro Pressure, esi: I -\-*o\ 1 VJ~Lt... IJArG'IZ. T(;fMP l..:?,. ' u,,-,, "CO).

(B) Surface. Gage Height Above Datum, Ft.li4 Depth to Center ofTe~;t inteNai From Datum, Ft: 1i., (a"?

___;_ ______ (C)'DIStai'!CeWaterlai51EilOC8Fiter ofTesTIFitei\iai Ft. ~ ~. \ S Statio water pressure at center= (C*62.4/144) + Baro,. eiCO MAXIMUM TEST PRESSURE, Po"' ((A+B"1) + C*0.57) [Po"' ~ ~ 1 Test Pressure sequence;;- 1/3 Po;*2/3 Po, Po, 1/2 Po, Po

. Sequence ID: A 8 Po Va\ues: 1/3 Po "~: 2(.3 Po"'~; 1/2 Po"' ~ ~ . Add Appropriate Pg value to static pressure C D ~

at center oftest fntervai TEST NO. ~P-4231~ Sequence No. "D

  • Planned Center Pressure: '58 lransducer ~eadlngs Before Packers Inflated: Top
  • llc>, t:, (/)  ; Middle ~9
  • i.ol.a  : Bottom:

Transducer Readings After Packers Inflated:. Top

  • a.~ '9"!1  ; Middle ~
  • A~ Bottom; .

- s e:CUSNC.IE FLOW METER RE!ADING, Gallons Middle Time, F,LOW, gpm. 'Transducer Surface Gage Minutes REMARKS Reading, psi

  • Pressure, psi Initial Final Difference lit\t :i";!\1/) a9 cp (p/J, .......... _... ..,.,_ ... ~

... -- .. Et..., -=f., ¢  :-I:J~atllt IMCR,(46.S~)

IP l=~o.e:...._,

14\  ?.t. \ WIJ ~7> {/)¢4 ~~~ {t!S'Z. 4~ ' ':}l... 5£.. :=J '") '"SS I<\ I 2o '. ."31? z~ t/1<5 t. ~c;, ¢::)(.11 \15 *'BC.. G.<IJ, 2S 'SS' l4~ ~';fl tPtl ~~* ¢":111> ~~ 40 '7':1 Z"1- 54 t- \ .~(., '3.:\

I~~ *z.:~t ~<t> ~., Q)<;J:t .~~* \2.Z * ~s 5(() c.,.~,$Z. ~4-


L<\l Z$l tprJ 'C-'1 eo;, 1':,{.1) z..e 5(... 4\,2~ 7$4 141 ~~~ ')W  ?..') \i5ll ~':) r~'?t z::. 4(... V..l.':\'1 . ~s 14\i Z">l tPll> ~':I \"-'3  ?.,C) Z.~IJ ~':\- *-- 54 *t..2.4'Z.. as lA I ~~*. ~q  ?-'; 'e.~(/J a,r;, ZZG. a. c.. 52 <.\.8'} "34 14~ '3qll (/ltP 2.' z.~c.; ~ ~'5Z 2'- 52 (,;.Z., Z2. '3"5 IAI l;P\ '311 -z..e, zrsz Z4) 2.+'"} ~t 54 - (.2.~(.,. 3'S ~l),:

14: :n: f/J~

z' 2'1" z.' *'3/iJJ 3 I G.2 c..z.4 ~ '35 14~ ~ l! >tP IZ9 '31tJ 2.~ '31,"$ . Z'3 4(...** (..'3 53 35 IM:!...n : tt>rP ' Z:'} 131 ~, 3S"l 2.A 4B t.."J,(AA. :S$ /!:'J.JO 14l.3z ~55' "8 c-r 'f:t.>M. T:e.a~o~s .' Z3,SS 1~3{.; "T ol"> /'A;.>t\.V$ . Z<$.42

  • From Preliminary Boring Layout Survey Fonn Approved for'Use.on Clinch River SMR Project" J. A. Tice, Technical Lead Form_ Rev o- Reviewed by 9Sv .('L ~~ ~(:7 Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-499 of 515


.Boring No MP-4f,~

  • Borehole Diameter, ln.:*3,5 Total Boring Depth, Ft. '?>'f..¢ Gnd Elev, Ft: ~ *

. Casing .Height above groun~, Ft:M4 . Elev. :rop of Casing, Ft. (G~d Elev i

  • Casing Height): 'V?~, ~ 4c *=Datum **

.TEST ID: lv\£*42.~ ~ z_ Tes\ length: ?f.5. TestSeotlonDeplh(fromDatum): From C..S,~4 .To 3t.:.A~

(A} Depth to \'yater Table From Datum, Ft: ti lo, CO 4- *

  • Test Water Tem.p:~ Baro Presaure,&sl: \. "r* 41 1,...{~;;1..1... tUA7"o!i'f4 ("'Mf.> t..Z ' -*'lll 6 C),

(8) Surface Gage Height Above Datum, Ft. ..h.9A- Depth to Center ofTest lnteNal From Datum, Ft: t~, (a.-,

  • ----(C)D IStanceW ater TaBietODenter. ofTeellntel"ial Ft. ~ <.o, *\ '5 Static water pressure at center:=*(C*62.4/144) +Bard = B ('J:)

MAXIMUM TEST PRESSURE, Po= ([A+B"1]+ C*0,/37) {Po:: *~ ~ ] Test Pressure sequence

0 1/3 Po, *2[3 Po, Po, 1/2 Po, Po Sequence ID: . A 8 C D E Po Values: 1/3 Po"~; 2/3 Po=~~; 1/2 Po= '0~ Add Approprfaie P? value to static pressure at center of test Interval TEST NO. tJ.J'-42H. 'a Sequ~nca No. E' . Planned Center Pressure: 89 Transducer Readings Before Packers*lnfiated: Top * \ U.,? ¢ .,..; Middle \ ":) ' f.o(,  : Bottom:.

Transducer Readings After Packers Inflated: Top

  • 2.*~ '~0 ; Middle  :~A *4 ~ Bottom:

- sf::GJUi=:NC!E.

FLOW METER READING, Gallons Middle Time, F.LOW,gpm *Transducer Surface Gage Minutes REMARKS Reading, ps!

  • Pressure, psi Initial . Final Difference

... . ... , __ ...... .............. 13E61M{Iu~,;'4,$G)

  • 14:\ S~'.lfl~ z.~ (.r,Q}':J ~B.~'?. '(2J /P l=~oow

\6,\ s-a*.'"!>/$ '2. ")' G. ¢1- -a.~ L."!.~ z_g . co*(,.,. ':\?...~ 1-"5

\A\ '5 .&.. '* <iq 2~ (.,~'$. ~~ (,~":;> 4<1> ' 6i.6 az.s4 ~ t:t'? ~~* 1*'\\.* \~

14~ 5Al ~~ ~~ <.~$ '2..~ '":\-\.? A.c!J 'f!,ti> e~, 7>~ *~ * ~'-'

\I\~ '5'? \ W!.f ~~~ .?.;,t~>;' ":\tP 8'L-,":\<f?.

~\~ ':\:~(/' Q~ 'Ct-~ ga

\A~ ss*. ~~ ~<:> ":lSctl ~c;>- *":\-~':\ ~~ ':l4 ~ ":\,C..,t\ ':¥P *'l;l~ v



CSc..\ Ww 'GC) "::f'8":\' ~c:> 82.5 'g . ':}- (,. Si.~?.. '~2.1 ICI~* ':\*"\\*\; >

'51.\ ')ti z~ $ZS ~~ Btt.lP 3"S. ';left

'8':\,31 *+ f:l

\4'. s-:t-. <P<O a9 e~oa> Z.r.:} 9(./J¢ A(/) StP .. B~.<;>l ~B:z.

i1A ~ ~~~lotP . z~- ~fPt{J ~~ - ~4"' 4cb 8_(1' ~8iDi- zt.-r ~~

\A*. s *t '. !fJ~.t 2~ ~1!\lll  ?" t;):ti ~":\ ~A 9l(), l '3 =~.(/:> fl(/1

\~ *. CS B~ '5ti ~~ . 9~"'\ ~(IJ (J z (J A-~

  • Bt.. egA'. 9\

141 .S~'. I!IJ 3lJJ ~z.r; '3 ¢ ~ (~(/) A<J RtJ e'3;~e g"2...

14! S!l\3¢ 1lR (/J~IJ . '3 tP (/) c:>. s. .  ?.<5 'ilh 9C/J.8_$ Bz.

1'0 ~ tj)(}: lhJ  ?,q ((>'f)'S "3(.6 \"3<5 AIJ am <)\,\3 ~7..

rest 111!: "JtP 3{,1 1'$5 3lb \r....'S '?;,(J

'i.¢ '7Z.fP)* BA~

~.~111'tJ '}_!f I t.. 1'5 . t./1  ?,.2J/> Sli6 \ \ I/> ~ \:~z. SA iE.J../D

  • From Preliminary Boring layout Survey *1~: ~z.: 11 -.::

J'St@~:sz ~

Form Approved for' use.on Clinch River SMR Project" J. A. Tlce, Technical Lead Form Rev 0- Reviewed by Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-500 of 515

I II i



'l~1's She~+ Aff) fSJ

BORING: M? ~ 4~3 DATE: ' :t*~\- \"0 '* . ' ~-to ~II z~e. -~~GeJ*b DATACOLLECTEDBY: ToM M~G tLt.../ ..:JIJ...~o...

I Go-oDAr-<-o Sat-- t l-'1 {4 ( p

~RES SURE: ~l~~- ~* psi

-- ~\((:11'5  !

i lVI minute

~ : ,-.,...,

~ A ;



- .1

  • 0 ..... ~-~ I

~ Z1 ~/<-.

-<(...::- *~.A Clc't\ r-

\ .*



~ .


EQUIPMENT USED Transducers:MiniTrolSedalN umbers: 14~\A'C. (t:..*Z¢*1~) '0\~~'6~ (l.a*2dl*1'3) _ 'aV;SB':I~(G.*/2*11) a.a..c~l;:'"""w', Mll..l*~ (t:.*n*t~\

SurfacePressm:eGage:. M\.C.I4\ t-~W-S(~*I\*1'3) THERMOME 'TER. ~ L.T2e (fi*l-1"3)

N1TRCJC.1'EJ...I Gl\l.{<::H=:.' MI.$.(-\~ M.\1..1-Z. ~t..-'11*1~)

Barometric Probe: I ~ \ l \ '5 ( lo * \"~" \"!> )

FlowMeter: 88~'\188 (F="u=t..o 1*S*13)

StopWatch: b 2.e,G,. (~*J¢*1.3)

  • Calibration due: 'Po,., ~:; 1'~-t.l~ .

~1\ p, 4a~

  • E:.~* (~) .z,~ 13 ~ ¢1 - 3\ \.10. ¢B. (/JA. VJS(

fv\~- 4a~ 2~ (6~ R.-0 l ~ ~ (b1 - ~\ \-;, .* o e ,¢4 E: X.C.E.L M P* 4a-:. ~a, (\) ~¢I *~~ (b'f - '3\ \~,<P~A~ VJ5L IV\P~ 4~:~ 2:(. (T) Zfllt~ - <P1 - '3 \ \~ ,4!l"5,4~ E. )(C.EL

.tv\? ~ 42,:, Z:'G (f-A} 2./;D I~ - ¢!1 ~ '3 L \~.ell~,\\ VJSL MP- 4~'5

  • z~ (\'/\)  ?..l/J l ~- f/>t ~ 3 t . . \ ~' (b$, \ \ E:: 'X'C.EL

.lv\'P ~ 42/~ Z(. (L) ;GQ) l -~- Cb1 - ~-" \'0, ¢c....~~ \;J 'dL f-~P~ Aa~ z?... (L J 2.lf; l3 ~ ¢'1... - ~,\ . \ ~.<~~~~'5 EXCEL.:

Form Rev 0- Review~d. by ~ (t,.,- ({o .}')

Form Approved for Use on Clinch River SMR Project- J. A. Tics, Technical Lead.

Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-501 of 515

Packer Test Worksheet Clinch River SMR Project AMEC Project No. 646813 1072 Test Date

?Pr Prepared By 9-'iJl? Checked By

  • IMax Test Pressure (Po) {ps1) 74 1/3 Po (psi) 25 2/3 Po (psi) 49 1/2 f-'o (psi)  ; 37 Center Test Inflation Pressures Pressure

! ._ {psi) (psi)

Sequence A 1/3 59 109 Sequence B 2/3 83 133 Sequence C 1 .0 108 158 Sequence D 1/2 71 121 Sequence E 1 .0 108 158 Pipe Check (Estimate Only for Field Guidance))

Length of Packer Assembly 13.29 Average Length of Pipe Section 21.12 Length of pipe to TOG 82.65 Number of Pipe Sections 3.91 ength of stickup above 1UC (ft) 1.83 Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-502 of 515

d r.::r r '/-- 8 ... 14 gs.;;_

Clinch Ri ver SMR Project Prepared by: Date:

Doubl e Packer Borehol e Permeability Test Data Sheet Checked by: Date: 4- .-g _.. ffl-AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc.

AMEC Project # 6468-1 3-1072 Boring: MP-423 Zone : Z3 88.0 feet to 95.5 feet below ground surface Transducer Location: Middle Seq uence A (1/3 Po) Seq uence B (2/3 Po) Sequence C (Po)

Elapsed Time Flow Rate Elapsed Time Flow Rate Elapsed Time Flow Rate Time (minutes) Pressure (psi) (gpm) Time (minutes) Pressure (psi) (gpm) Time (minutes) Pressure (psi) (gpm) 9:23:30 0.0 31.42 9:33 :30 0.0 62 .66 9:44:00 0.0 82.19 9:24:00 0.5 43.54 18 9:34:00 0.5 62.66 8 9:44:30 0.5 99.12 24 9:24:30 1.0 69. 36 12 9:34:30 1.0 78.69 10 9:45:00 1.0 101.24 20 9:25':00 1.5 65. 10 10 9:35:00 1.5 79.34 12 9:45:30 1.5 103.38 24 9:25:30 . 2.0 65.08 8 9:35:30 2.0 83.40 14 9:46:00 2.0 103.28 24 9:26:00 2.5 62.33 8 9:36:00 2.5 84.24 14 9:46:30 2.5 104.81 28 9:26:30 3.0 62.07 6 9:36:30 3.0 84.34 12 9:47:00 3.0 104.62 26 9:27:00 3.5 62.17 8 9:37 :00 3.5 84 .28 12 9:47:30 3.5 103.03 32 9:27: 30 4.0 62.28 8 9:37:30 4.0 82 .73 14 9:48:00 4.0 104.69 28 9:28:00 4.5 62.29 6 9:38: 00 4.5 82.88 12 9:48 :30 4.5 105.33 28 9:28:30 5.0 62.27 8 9:38:30 5.0 82.83 14 9:49:00 5.0 107.97 32 9:29:00 5.5 62.37 8 9:39:00 5.5 83.03 14 9:49:30 5.5 107.66 36 9:29:30 fi.O 62.41 8 9:39:30 6.0 82.99 14 9:50:00 6:0 106:11 30 9:40 :00 6.5 82 .87 12 9:50:30 6.5 106.83 38 9:40: 30 - -- --* . 7.0 ..82:85 .12 .9.:5.1 ~00 z:o jQ~9 ----34 9:51:30 7. 5 105.90 38 9:52:00 8.0 106.07 38 9:52 :30 8.5 105.59 44 9:53:00 9.0 104:38 40 9:53:30 9.5 103.38 46 9:54:00 10.0 104.98 50 9:54:30 10.5 98.32 50 9:55:00 11.0 97.07 50 9:55:30 11.5 no reading no reading 9:56:00 12.0 97.96 60 9:56:30 12.5 93.60 60 9:57:00 13.0 87.98 70 9:57:30 13.5 94.65 80 9:58 :00 14.0 97.99 80 9:58: 30 14.5 81.94 100 SequenceD (1/2 Po) Sequence E (Po)

Elapsed Time Flow Rate Elapsed Time Flow Rate Time (mi nutes) Pressure (psi) (gpm) Ti me (m inutes) Pressure (psi) (gpm )

10:39:00 0.0 28.36 11:08:00 0.0 2$.16 10:39:30 0.5 37.53 88 11 :08:30 0.5 28. 19 0 10:40:00 1.0 51.45 40 11:09:00 1.0 28. 16 26 10:40:30 1.5 57.2 50 11:09:30 1.5 47.00 80 10:41:00 2.0 58.07 70 11 :10:00 2.0 53.59 70 10:41:30 2.5 61 .74 80 11:10:30 2.5 54.08 80 10:42:00 3.0 62.44 80 11 :11:00 3.0 54.86 80 10:42:30 3.5 62.25 70 11:11:30 3.5 54.42 90 10:43 :00 4 .0 61.99 90 11:12:00 4.0 54.05 90 10:43:30 4.5 64.20 80 11:12:30 4.5 53.84 80 10:44:00 5.0 64.14 70 11:13:00 5. 0 53 .68 80 10:44:30 5.5 63.79 90 11:13:30 5.5 53.71 80 10:45:00 6.0 63.22 70 11:14:00 6.0 53.55 80

. 10:45:30 6.5 no reading 11:14:30 6.5 53.46 80 10:46:00 7.0 64.46 11 :15: 00 7.0 53. 59 80 10:46:30 7.5 64.30 60 11:15:30 7.5 53 .33 90 10:47:00 8.0 64.02 40 11:16:00 8.0 53.25 80 10:47:30 8.5 62.45 60 11:1 6:30 8.5 53. 17 80 10:48:00 9.0 62.61 80 11 ; 17:00 9.0 53. 11 80 10:48:30 9.5 61.64 90 11:17:30 9.5 52.93 80 10:49:00 10.0 62.24 70 11: 18:00 10.0 52.91 80 10:49:30 10.5 60 .82 90 11:18:30 10.5 52 .94 80 10:50:00 11.0 60.94 70 11:19:00 11.0 53 .66 80 10:50:30 11.5 60.72 80 11:19:30 11.5 52.93 80 10:51 :00 12.0 61 .21 80 11 :20:00 12.0 52.86 80 10:51:30 12.5 60 .37 80 10:52:00 13.0 60.05 80 Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-503 of 515

MP-423 Zone 3 20










~/* *~_/'

4 2 ..

0 0.0 1,0 2.0 3.0 4,0 5,0 6,0 7.0 Elapsed Time (minutes)

_,_1/3Po Notes: Test pressure approximately 1/3 of the maximum test pressure (Po), Flow rote typically measured ovar a 30 second Interval.


MP,.,423 Zone 3 16

./3 14 - '

~ ~




10 egq

~ 8


6 -

4 ---- -

2 -------------**-***-----------------------

0 0.0 1.0 2.o

  • 3.0


4.0 Elapsed 1'1me (minutes) 5.0 6.0 7.0 - 8.0

  • --2/3 Po Notes: Test pressure approximately 2/3 of the maximum test pressure (Po), Flow rata typically measured over a 30 second Interval, Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-504 of 515

MP-423 Zone 3



~ 60 +-------*-------------------------------------------**-*-----r. ******~~-------------


o.o 2.0 4.0 6.0 10.0 12',0 14.0 16.0 Elapsed Time (minutes)

NotesJ lest pressllre approximately at the maximum test pressure (Po).

_ _ _.c~E:IJ.!ow.W.J:1lliU',' 0 e t MP-423 Zone 3 100 ,------------~----------

1 60

.Sl so 8!


30 ""----------------------------------------------------------------------~

20 10 -~-------------------------------* --------------------------

0 ------~--------

o.o 2.0 4,0 6.0 8,0 10.0 12.0 3.4.0 Elapsed Time (minutes)

Notes: Test prossUI'e appl'oxlmately 1/2 ofthe maximum test pressure (Po), rtow rate typically measured over a 30 sec_on_d_ln_te_rv_al_.- - - - - - - - -

Prepared by/Date:_.......;?==-0-~t_._IT-(t""'""'t(-r7....,*f..-._

1 Cheeked by/Date: *-..,.,~P'"-"..::J::,_-_._'t~rz-:"'""~_._,_._4-_ _

Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-505 of 515

MP~423 Zone 3 100

.I \ 1\



80 70

  • 'S 60 I j

~ 50 I


It I I

40 30 J -


20 I

10 0

o.o 2.0 4.0 6.0 B.O 10.0 12.0 14.0 Elapsed Time (minutes)

~Po Notes: Test pressure approximately *at the maximum test pressure (Po).

"--------------------------------F_Io~w_ra_te--'typlcally measured over a so second Interval.

Prepared by/Date: t:Jt t, 1

/tt / ltf Checked by/Date: ..1(;)44-* y;*vfft1 Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-506 of 515


Borfng No MP'*~e~ ' Borehole.Didmeter, ln.:*3,5 Total Boring Depth, Ft. :,~ Gnd Elev, Ft: 3~'4 *

. Casing Height above groun~, Ft:.flk!4 , Elev .*Top of Casing, Ft. (Gnd Elev +Casing Height): ,~,.~4 =Datum

  • TEST ID: I-A'?*4g;) ~ ?> Test length: 't .5 Test Section Depth (from Datum): From f.\Q, 4tA To 9 S.~~

(A} Depth to \/Yater Table From Datum, Ft: 4Y,.2.(,. TestWaterTem'p:~ Baro Pressure, sl: . , 4"3, WeLt.. IVArlli'~t 'Tar.M.P ~ * , " .

(B) Surface Gagli!f Height Above Datum, Ft. ~4 Depth to Center of Test Interval From Datum, Ft: *9 to. ' '

~.- . .-- ..*--cc)D1ilt1:\11oo Waterrametoeem:er oflesf!nterval Fd~tatlc water pressure at center"' (C*62.4/144) + Baro = 94 MAXIMUM TEST PRESSURE, Po= ([MB"1] + 0*0.57) [Po= :J 4 I Test Pressure sequence:" 1/a Po, 273 Po, Po, 1/2 Po, Po Sequence ID; A B C D E Po Values: 1/3 Po =~; 2/3 P9= ~; 1/2 Po" ~3 Add Appropriate Po value to static pressure at center. of test Interval TE:ST NO. ~?-42U' Sequence No. A Planned Center Pressure: --:5.::...9:;,:.___

Transducer Readings Before Packers Inflated: Top R.-~.3.<:\.; Middle,


Bottom: }3.~9.

Transducer Readings After Packers Inflated: Top 2\. 80) ; Middle ~ \ *, '5 ~ : Bottom: 38.$1~

MP*42:'5 'l. \-* SsG:~UENCE A FLOW METER READING, Gallons Middle Time, FLOW,gpm *Transducer Surface Gage REMARKS Minutes Reading, psi Pressure, psi Initial Final Difference

¢9: 2"!. ',?,CD ~~ \C.,..':> ........... - ....... .. * - ol4

~L~Z cp 1!Jtro,IW ( IM~te$6.$6)

It: t::'-u...,.

' a.'t\


Z4 ** 1/'tP \!..!~ *-a.~ \".:\IS 9 \8 4~.St\ \L.

P~<!.lt~F4t c.

~ ~ Z.i\- : 34 Z.'S \"::\i' ~ \5.0. (.,. \~ (..":;),'Qt:., \1.,., 'Pi-

~' e~ : ~~~ zs \IQA a.~ val:) s \¢ ~5. ltll \~

  • ~\ "l.S: ~u 2'5 lf,c;) es \9'3 4  :

a <..CE.,tPS \(/) '"Cll=

'9: 2<.. : £;¢ 2~ \~~ ~s l~~ 4 a (.:. z: ."3 .3 G,.

,-; 2v~ "Sal 2.'!> ~~ a'> "'.?> (... t..:z,tJJ'!l a


~ 2.":\ ' (JIJ 2.S LP 2'>

z.rp/J 215

'2111 2~4-atlle A

4 g

(., '2 ,/ '=#

c.. 2..2t3 . "'


'I z'e:

z~P*'3 ~'\)

ZSU>IP 2'5 Zf/fJ 2"> oz.\' ~ G. t.'2. ,2.'? ~-

~: st~ zs lll es Zl~ L\ B L. z. z-q c;.

t:li a-'9', !J~ z.s e1s ~s ' Z.l '7 8 4'Z,31. G.



~ \ z.-,:~d t.'5 ZJCIJ ZZ'?J 4 8 ~A-\ <.... euc

- f.>', JQ: 17-. 73_.,._77~/.A TJ(!.a.u-s 4C.~IJ 19:.3~151 l..:oil" 7.4JJo.u.s Z4 1Q.l1

  • From Preliminary Boring Layout Survey Forrn Approved for'use.on Clinch River SMR Project* J. A. Tice, Technical Lead Form Rev 0- Reviewed by S6'G (l.-( {~ {/J Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-507 of 515

DOUBLE PACKE!R BORE!HOLE PERMEABILITY TEST DA1"A SHEEr AMEC ENVIRONMENTAL &INFRASTRUCTURE, INC. Page 1 of2 PROJECT NAME: Clinch River SMR Project JOB _NO. 6468-13-1072 DATE: 'jt * '!I* /3 Baring Noh'\P~4e/e. ' Boreho!eDiametet, ln.:*3,5 Total Boring Depth, Pt.~¢_ Grid Elev, Ft: 3<:>~~ (/J *

. Casing Height above ground;. Ft:M4 . .Elev.,Top of Casing, Ft. (Gnd Elev +Casing Helght):1~~A4 .. =Datum

  • TESTID:~,:";: ~~ Testlength: :t.5 TestSectlonDepth(fromDa.tum): From ea.4A To 9S,';l~

(A} Depth to Water From Datum, Ft: 4 ~~ Z,£.. Test Water Tem'p:.J'!JL..


.Baro Preasure,~si<J1

~\ . 15, t"' ~


(B) Surfaoo Gag~ Height Above Datum, Ft.~ Depth to Cnter of Test Interval From Datum, Ft: 1z*,

--*-*-----*-~(C}DI$tance Water Thl:lleto"Center of lesr!nterval Ft.- 4-~tatlo water preesure at center"' (0*62.4/144) + Bare = :Q!\

MAXIMUM TEST PRESSURE, Po= ([A+8*1l + c*o.57) [Po::: g4 1 Test Pressure sequence:" 1/3 Po, 213 Po, Po, 112 Po, Po Sequenoo ID: . A 8 0 D E Po Values: 1/3-Po =~; 2/3 Po"'~; 1/2 Po= o':l- Add Appropriate Po value to atatlcprassure at center.oftesllntetval TESI NO. f<J\P*4ZU.'3 Sequence No. 'B Planned Center Pressure: 8o lransducer Readings Before Pa~ckers Inflated: Top ** a.¢, 3 4 . ; Middle ')-~ ;)\$ : Bottom:  ?,3.$$

e ':>


Transducer ReadlngsAfier Packers Inflated: Top

  • 21 ,
  • Middle '3 \, S '3 Bottom: '38,9S

~~tz.~ ]:.~ Se:GUENC..IE.

FLOW METER READING, Gallons Middle nme, FLOW, gpm *Transducer Surface Gage ~EMARKS


Minutes Reading, pei Pressure, psi Initial Final Difference C()$1' n ~,tp ZCS' 2SZ.*

..... _...... _ ... - ........ '"" .... (... Z..(,. G. G,


l!;id!41 ... c.~~~4.S~

I r- .C'-otw-

.;, ** 111.\ ', (/11) Z.? zsz Zt5 zsc.. 6r 8 G..'Z.I..a.l.:. t..

.~*I '?> 4, 1,,£} Z"S 2S(.. as 2l..f ~

  • ~


. *~:rt),G~ zs

\ f/>o :as 'Z t..t 25 Z(..1- (...,. \"2. ":J~."54 zs JP


~: ~s

-~: '3S:'31'i' ;>..<; 'Z(...":l 2'5. 1- lA 83' 4¢ 3tt>

";>: ~{a',$(.# ~s Z.";),;l\-- 2S Z.Ell -=\" '\A 84.24* 3@

3(..l '3cJ Z"i 2231 c.... "'Dt:"

~ \ 2.1i Z~.1

'~ ~4.-:A '~tP

  • .~..*: '3 :'? '** fill) 2'5 ZB":: 12!1. (.,. \~. s4,z8 Z9 2~"3

:f \A. 82,:13 2.":>

)':\t'5ttl  ;?~ 2_";)~ ~'5 "3(/J{f)

-~)' -~<&:.r~o ?5 .'?>f/JtJ 2'5 ~(/!{... (, \~ &Z,88 ;ac;,

~\ "SS\ "3t1 ~? '31Pt.. ~"5 1n 1- \t\. . 82\e~

2. "'*

<;> *, ~ "',)', (b'(J .zs. . iS\ "t, zs

  • 5 Z.CP ~ \4 &'3,()) 3


':)\ }~\3<<1 Z-5 '32.¢ iii5 32":1- 71- . \ t.\ 82 ,'f)<;) Z9 C)\ 4 C/)\ (/J(.J 2!'5 3Za Z"S ~7n * (.., \~ BZ.Z1 e~

<;)' 4~: '?I@ ~'5  ?/3'3 .Z$ 31'1 c... \{!, ~~ E!wr:;)

9\.4-1 ',II' 1B~'If'(t:>l-\, Tte.t.J.J:> 4-~.C..L_

~\41 ~'a~ Tc>l" Tn~J.~:r> M.e;>

  • From Preliminary Boring Layout Survey Fonn Approved for'use.on Clinch RlvetSMR Project- .1. A. Tlce, Technical Lead Form Rev 0- Reviewed by ?17.....-- (?.- (/to((J Clinch River Data Report' Rev. 4 CRP-1"112.16 Page E.3-508 of 515



.I I

PROJECT NAME: Cllngh Rlyer SMR Project

  • JOB _NO. ~68-13-1072 DATE: '9 *"a!* /'3 8orlng Noi'!\P*4f,~ ' 8orelhole Didmeter, ln.:*3.8 Total Boring Depth, Ft. '?>~ . Gnd Elev, Ft: 3~~, ¢*

. Caelng Height above ground, Ft:M4 . E!ev, ,Top ofC~slng, Ft. (Gnd Elev +Casing Height): 1~':>.~.&\ =Datum

  • TEST ID: t-.\?*4Z3_:_E:l Teet length: __3.,* 5 Test Section Depth(from Datu~): From 8!t.4A To 9'!>.'~4 (A~ . Depth to Water Table From Datum, Ft: 4 <.P/2.£..

(B) Surface G~g~; Height Above Datum, Ft. l. 9-'\.

-*-- ---**--wrol~tm'!C6WaterTiiPietO'Center ofTeaflnterval Ft. 4~~ Stailcwater pressure at center= (0*62.4/144) + Baro = 'Q4 MAXIMUM TEST.PRESSURE, Po= ([A+B"1J + c*o.57) [Po= . 9 4 1 Te<~t Pressure sequence:= 1/3 Po, 213 Po, Po, 1/2 Po, Po Sequence ID: A 8 C D E Po Values: 1/3 Po = ~ 213 Po::: A 3 : 112. Po=< 1>3- Add Appropriate Po value to static pressure at center. of lest interval TEST NO. tJ..?*4?H.~ Sequence No. C. . Planned Center Pressure: \ (/) B Transducer Readings Before Packers Inflated: Top 2..¢.'34 .;. Middle ;1!*(~4~ :. Bottom: ].3 ."!>$

Transducer Readings After Packers Inflated: Top

  • 2.\
  • 9~
  • Middle $\ *S~  : Bottom; '?lfi,':)S M?~42'a t:.~ s~c.:~u;=.t-/('1;1 ('

FLOW METER READING, Gallons Middle Time, FLOW,gpm *Transduoer Surface Gage REMARKS Minutes Reading, psi Pressure, psi Initial Final Difference

-- -- ..... ,._ .......... . - "f.56!(f>IJU{ /ioJC~<'I'4'$4':')

1(1;)<;)144 ~ 4)10 ~c:;. 38S 82..1 ' . 2.."7 It:' ~~(JW 9 ~ 4£\ *. ~cp ~~ ~as c.s 3~-:t ~~  ?...~ c;~,/2.. 5~ .

4S \ 2.0:, 4Cb1 - \(/) Z<P *liP(, tA 5(11 IF


.~~ ~lP a~


~ 1 ,!),.<;,: ~(l) ~") A- (1>'1 f!S 4\~ \~ 2.4 \<P1.'3f, -5'4

'? ~ 4c.. : (J(/) ~s 4\t;l ~') 4~\ \'2.. 2.4 Hp'3.Z8 .:S4- IF

"~ 4t.\ 3LD es 4~1 ' eo; '44'S \t\; 28 \I.P4.S\ 5"":/

'7*: 41\ <P~ '2S 44S 2'5 45<(, \~ 2'-" \ 1/)ll, ,C..'l.. . '5 ':).

4':>'3 2.; 4-=It\ t(... \(.{l"S,(JJ-3 IF

~~*. 4':!\\ C,() 2~ ~2

- S'S

")\ 4'8~1/Jt;P 2~ 4-:lrt\ 2~ 48t::~ l4- 2~ \ <tA. l..<;l 5~

'~ A'~\ 1> lP 2S 4'i!>8 -. 2":1 f5(/)'Z.. 14

  • zs \ (,1);:5, '3'3 ?9 /P


, 4~*.

4 ~~)II tPrJ zs 2S


~\'3 z.s ZS, tp\B

  • 53{,.




\~~.~1 1~1.(.* {,



zs I~ SiP~ I{)(IJ .215 $'?>C... ~'Sl IS  ?;,(;{) \(./>(.,' \ l* IP

' 'SIP~3d ~s ~'5\ zs 1;5-=\t:P 1~ 0~-'-

3" *-

'IJ>c..,fn C..'3

' c..z

. I ';J

'5\: ~IJ 2:'$ 51<J 25 58'::1 \ IP'5, ':I-=> /r-:'

~ '51! "H ~'S - "56-=1 <l!'5 {...(/{.. \<:> ~~ I<P?. ~0 ~'3

,9. Z.? .Z'S G.Z'5 \~ ?:>> '13 ltJS,In 4Z It:'

t;S2.:~ (.¢(,.

$il ~~ Z<'it¢_ Gnd Elev, Ft: 3C3>~, ¢**

. Casing Height abow ground, Ft:~ . Elev.*Top of Casing, Ft. (Gnd Elev +Casing Helght):1~';).~4 "Datum *

  • TEST 10:1"-?*42..~ 'a ?i *Testlength: j-.5 Test Section Depth (from Datum): frqm ee.4A To 9C5 *.,A (A}' Depth to Water Table FI'Om *oatum, Ft: A<.P.Z.<... Test Water Tem'p:~ Baro Pressure, psi~ ; 4 ~

(B) Surface Gag~, Height Above Datum, Ft. .L~

IMcai..L 'idAi!"o'/2. Tt$MP (.o' .

Depth to Cen.ter of Test Interval From Datum, Ft: 'z.,

us.~ c.~


--**~-**-(c)-ol'stance Wllter Tli.olel<fC'EifiterofTesflnterval Ft.


  • ... -;~ ~  ::;tatlc water pressure at center"' (C*62.4/144) + Baro " '04 .

MAXIMUM TEST PRESSURE, Po., ([A+El"11 + C*0,67) [Po"' 9 4 ] Test* Pressure sequence 71 1/3 Po, 2/3 Po, Po, 1/2 Po, Po Sequence ID: A B 0 D E Po Values: 113 Po"~; 2/3 Po"~: 1/2 Po= '!>>'3- Add Appropriate Po value to s!atlc pressure at center.oftest interval TEST. NO.IJ..P*4Zl1?J Sequence No. _C=-~ Planned Center Pressure;_\~(/;;::.'....::*"&:;:,___

Transducer Readings Before Packers Inflated; Top *2.. <P, 3 4 . ; Middle >>*(.\Ai  ; Bottom: "Q3 .:?>$

Transducer Readings After Packers Inflated: Top * ~ \

  • 8t;)  ; Middle :S\,S'?  : Bottom; '?>fV':>S M?~4e~ ~~ Ss.QUENC.'":: c. (C.o~-o~-rl.c')

FLOW METER REAPING, Gallons Middle Time, FLOW,gpm *Transducer I Surface Gage REMARKS Minutes Reading, psi Pressure, psi Initial Final Difference

~\'5'3~ t;ql Z.'$ L.A.--I e.s (.,.(.'/ ~*{/! 4c0 I (J4, '3fj C:.l It:

.., ..  ;,cD 4G. I /J'J, 38

?~*, 2'5 (,.,.(.,.~ .Z'S V,${/J z.~

~: est\~ ¢w Z I(,IJ4.'::>S G.'S

.:.;: 151\\~& zs =115 z.s =14(,iJ zs SlP '?>S,32 (..4

") ** '5c;, ~ (Jlf/>. 'z.<t> ':lAc.p 2S ":\G._S_ Z-'S Seb 91..<P'1 (j,.t/)

'? '. ss-.~tJ_ ii!... *-.:'\ (pC:, 2r.> 1\lo 'R ctr A.'l::>l ~Crt N,. "'"R~OI.<..Jtf.t C.. (f)

~*\ c;~*, ~~ 'Z"$ ':f!.P? itS ez.~ ~({> .{~ .t;:>~,-,(.. -=r c..:.

~**. St...\~tP ;.?'S 8'2:!5 'Z'S 8SS '?J(/J t.d ~0 ,(,.{/)  ::t-4 r..;_AN/>'T ~AI,_."f',AIN

. ~**. ?1~ ~tP .2? e~5'3 2_5: ~9q) '0? 1$ ~~.~$ -=1Gb -p~ C"$$/,/ P.~

~~ .'5':1 t. '3(/ 2'5 Se.>tJ :?$ 9~()) 4(/) BllJ ";;>*4.~$ 9¢

~ ~ r5'8 \ t{ifJ (?~ ";;l~c,b 2$ e;>':l(J) AW 8C/J l!i':'J I':>'? 8'3

'J?~>.N bU?' Ott"

~-. %8':~11' 2'5 ':;)"lctl 2(. *¢C.(tj Sf./J 11./>tb t}l.~4 ;rg WA. 'f'tt."IZ.

  • From Preliminary Boring Layout Survey Form Approved for'use.on Clinch Hlver SMR Project* J. A. Tlce, Technical Lead Form Rev 0- Reviewed by 5J"L- ("1. ~~~ /IJ Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-510 of 515


I' AMEC ENVIRONMENTAL & INFRASTRUCTURE, INC. 'Page 1 of2 PROJECT NAME": Clinch River SMR Protect JOB .NO. !:1.4~8 ..13*1072 . DATE: jl*  :§!

  • Boring No~P**4t:?> ' Borehole Dla'metet; ln.:*3,8 Total Boring Depth, Ft.~ Gnd Elev, Ft: 3~~, r/J*

. Casing Height above ground; Ft:M4 . Elev**Top of Casing , Ft. (Gnd E!ev+ Casing Height): 1~~~~4 * ~Datum

  • TEST ID:JI\.~* 423 ~ ~ Teet length; ~--Test Section Depth (from Datum}: From 138.4.::\ To 9S,54 *

(A~ Depth to Water Table From O~tum, Ft: A(p, 2,(...

(B) Surface G~g~; Height Above Datum, Ft. ~4

- *--.. - - ..- (C}'Dtsta!iC6Water Taole"'to'Cai'iter ofTesrlnterval Ft. 4~Stat!c water pressure at center= (0*62.4/144) + Bare"' 34 MAXIMUM TEST PRESSURE, Po"' ([A+B*1] + C*0.57) [Po"' 9= 4 I Test Pressure sequence;= 1/3 Po, 273 Po, P.o. 1/2 Po,.Po Sequence ID: A , B C D E Po Values: 1/3 Po= 2>S_; 2/3 Po=~; 1/2 Po= '0'3- Add Appropriate Po Vi1!ue to static pressure at center.oftes~ Interval TEST NO. fA?*4?li~ Sequence No. ---'U"""--- Planned Center Pressure: _ _"io,__,_\_ _

Transducer Readings Before Packers Inflated: Jap * ~ (/?, 3 4 .; Middle ~.,;_;.4'5  : Bottom: 1>3.~'::.

Transducer Readings After Packers Inflated: Top ~ \ *8 ':;) : Middle ~\~~~ Bottom: ~e,':lco M?-42~ 'R~ Se:QUENL.S: "D FLOW METER READING, Gallons Middle Time, FLOW,gpm *Transducer Surface Gage REMARKS Minutes Reading, psi Pressure, psi Initial F1ne~r Difference

.... .,. __ ............ .... .,. .,. ... D~(' {t!Jr.~G'A!Si11J g.c.., ¢'0C. ~ I,:;"


\IP~ ~o;t'.t:PIP Z~3C.. l="t. ow IP\ 1,";)',3$ a.c.. q:, "3 c.. . zc.. tp 'BlP 44* 88 '5"f.5"S 41.1>

liP: 4\P\~ 2£.. (/)'CJ@ 2(,. ' \tPIJ ~(p 4(b .. '5\.t\S 4-z...

!(/): 1.\1{>'. 1>1P zc.. \GOcP Z.c.. \'2..? zs Sfb $'=1,2fb 4"2. II=


\!/): A\'. (fltfJ 2.t. (2.'3 ZG. \~Cb 1>S ':let> 6 '8 lP1 5'Z

!(!)! A\'.~£D 2(.. l(...CP 2.t.. . ~!pcD 4cP 8$ "'\,":\4 '5'2.

llP : t\'2.\(()IJ 2l. Z~tP zc.. Z4£P 4cP S<t> (, z .44 . *. 5 'Z-till: 42:~cp 2t.. '2.*4.41 2(.. ~-::JS 7;,'5 ~(/) ~z.zs 5'2. If=

ltP : 4ll tPUl z.c.. Z~<5 2f.. ~1!,(/l 4~ 9(.{J L..l.~9 4ctJ I dl : . 411','b£t 2" ~~(J) Z~>. ~{..(/.) 4(.b BcD to4. ?.JP (.,.~

~~: 4~ :QJdJ ~~. %l..w zc.. '3~S ~'S ":\Cb

--- t¥4.14

(..(,A ..

11,6: ~~-~\ ~f.P Z'- 3.~S. '2 {.,

  • 4./J;l./) 4S 9W C...11.~"; . C..,.(.jJ 2'- 4AcP 4":\.S ':\l.O £...'\ Z2.. G,(/J
  • ~: <l~:rPt.t 2C.. ~s


a .......... '"" . .

CNIF<!I<: 7'.-IIA.""1 J\~ ~c.. 42..4{1 JlF:1: I ;IW 7i:"'&-41::>1"'"'0 ..

~ ,~-

- so:;,u T~,

1~: 1\1..\I.P(l~

"' ; /),.1.,',.~1#' 2.(., 4':\tS 2~ ~ \\ s .... £...4.4'- l..t./1

~~~. ~~~ ~

  • ."!' . ec, _S~IP 'ZL. C..'?...IJ 3
  • ' BoraholeDia'meter, ln.:*3,8 Total Boring Depth, Ft.  ?>'a.¢ Gnd Elev, Ft: 19~, ¢ *

. Casing .Height above ground,. Ft:M4

. ~

Ele'tl. if.op of Casing, Ft. {Gnd Elev + Casing Height): 1 ~~. 4 . 4 = Datum '

T5ST ID: l-<\.?*42.~ "t ~ Test length: :t.5 Test Section Depth (from Datum); From es.4t\ To ';';)<;).~4 (A} Depth to \,IIJater Table From Datum, Ft: 4~.~(..

(B) Surf~ce G~g'* Height Above Datum, Ft.~

..--'(Cy-Dtstance Water TIHllewC9fi!er ofTeefl~tatlo w~tar pressure at center" (C*62.4/144) + Sara ,,; 34 MAXIMUM TE~3T PRESSURE, Po"' ([A+B*1] + C*0.57) !Po"' 1A 1 Test Pressure sequence~ 1/3 Po, 2i3 Po, Po, 1/2. Po, Po Sequence JD: A B C D E Po Values: 1/3 Po= 2.JS ; 2/3 Po=>~; 1/2 Po"' o':\- ~dd Appropriate Po value to static pressure at center.oftast Interval TEST NO. f.Af> -4e) 1 ~ Sequence No. *"D Planned Center Pressure: '::f: I Transducel'ReadfngsBeforaPackers!nflated: Top ~Cfl.':\4 .: Middle _,J;,(;Ai : Bottom: 'Q'3,1>$.

Transducer Readings After Packers Inflated: Top

  • Z..l
  • So ~ : Middle: 3\ *S "3  : Bottom: '0 8, S5 MP-42.~ Z\. Ss~DUENCE' '"D ( Co.N-r'o .,

FLOW METER READING, Gallons Middle Time, FLOW,gpm *Transducer Surface Gaga REMARKS Minutes Reading, psi Pressure, par Initial Final Difference 1¢: 4":\\~(/) Z.(... C..4c0 zc.. C...':lc,D ~(b (p(p {., '2.. (\<;) '58

.\ib\ 4~\IJd Zl.. C..":J.UJ l.<,. "=\,\(D IJ.rJ 8ttJ t....'Z.,£.1 $1-ut* 481 }(/) 'Z,(... '+ll/l 'Z.t. -~-0::.5_ 4'5 .. 91/) (..,/, t..4 5"'1-

\1/>~ 4'11 \ rpr; 2<..  :'!-1.0~ G.t.. i9.(./) 3~ -=lcP t. :z. z.4 5'5

'\cb\ L\St ~Ill zc. ':.\C}t:Jl Z.L. e~s 4'6. 9JC(J* t..¢, gz $":I

. Ill>: scp*, (j)t/) 2c... 81S (!(., 8-=tcb B'S "fd) G.(/), ~4 '51$

¢'\ '0¢: ~(J) ZL. 8':l'~ 2(, 91¢ 4U' 8CJl t....Q?. iZ. *lt)S 1tb~ 16\ i ct>CO zc... ';)I¢ . ac. ~':>C.P 4$ 841 L.I,Z.t 5S II u;., '0\t '3/) '2.(... ~'D<fl tU... ~';I@ 4¢ EW (.@,"S'=/ s.:s Itt> i SZ\1/Jd> zc,. 9'?¢ z-:r (1)'3(/J 4cb 8({) G.¢. f/1? ~'I E:'Wt":>

IIJ!j.§'/,: :JC. 73.:.i7r:>M- '7JeA.u ~ 43. (/)/

Ill: 5-:$:11 T,;.F 7/ti.>.J..-l.$ Z4.48

--~~--  !--*--- ._

81.111.0 'P/2 ttr:t:NJIt li" li.l/


~ C.D.foJNO'(' Al...t... 'Pt:IM P$

  • From Preliminary Boring Layout Survey Fom1 Approved for'use.on Clinch River SMR Project- J. A, Tine, Technical Lead Form Rev 0- Reviewed by S'{k (v \(G {(/ .

Clinch River Data Report .Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-512 of 515


'AMEC ENVIRONMENTAL & INFRASTRUCTURE, INC. 'Page 1 of 2 PROJECT NAME'; Clinch RlverSMR Project JOB _NO. 6468*13-1072 DATE: '=? * ?d*

Boring NoMP*4Z.3.' . BorEihole Dldmeter, ln.:.:Q.Jt Total Boring Depth, Ft.~ Gnd Elev, F.l: 3~t;) 1 (jJ *

..Casing Height above ground, Ft:~ . Elev. ,'fop of Casing, Ft. (Gnd Elev +Casing Height): 1 ~~A 4 =Datum

  • TEST ID: I'A.~*42.') * ~ § Test length; ~5__ Tesl Section Depth .(from Datum): From 88.44 To 9S.':>4 (A} Depth to \,t\Jater Table From Datum, Ft: 4 Y.Z,(.. TestWa!erTar'(ip:~ Baro Pressure,Q$1;41* 4~ *
  • v..Jeu.. '0f),r!i1fl./~,v.P C..O.\ * * "C.).

(B) Surface G~g~ Height Above Datum, Ft.~ Depth to Center of Test Interval From Datum, Ft: ,oz., \ <>

*-(C)'DtStance WaterTal51etO'Cei'iter of Test' Interval Ft. 4~tTc water pressure at center= (C*62.4/144) + Bare = . .'Q4 I.

MAXIMUM TEST PRESSURE, Po"' ([A+El*1J + C*0.57) (Po.=: 14 I Test Pressure sequence ;o 113 Po, 213 Po, Po, 1/2 Po, Po Sequence ID: A B . C D E Po Values: 113 Po=~; 21:3 Po=~; 1/2 Po"' D'::\. Add Appropriate Po value to staUc pressure at center. of test fnterval TEST NO. b\T'*4t'U~ Sequence No. S Pla.nned Center Pressure: l C/> ~

Trans~ucer Readings Before Packers Inflated: Top ~ C/>. 3 4 . : Middle pi;A-c.)  :. Bottom: ___ll~5L Transducer Readings After Packers Inflated: Top . z /, a"';>  ; Middle ~\Is 3 Bottom: '3'8. ~.::;,

s E:G::lUG='NC.~

FLOW METER READING, Gallons Middle Time, FLOW,gpm *Transducer Surface Gage REMARKS Minutes Reading, psi Pressure, psi

- . Initial Final Difference za.u..

'lh!titN( I (JC.i'l.f!F4SII )

1\\ ¢~  : (/J(/J 27 J'B'T ~ ~

~ It:'  ;::'t..u .._. .

\ \ ', t)ij ~ '3 11 2.':1 13'1- Z."t \'7>'".:! (/) (/) ~8 \c:;> Ci> *It::

~\ 1 a*~  : ~!!..___ ~:t I ~'l Z";f \Sc'.d J"?> .Zt. ZB,Ic... (/;

'o/..110$" 0/P.<Y"-'

\\ ~ (/>' ~ 1>tP 'Z.-":\ ,*~cp Z::t \Sl(tl 44? '8(/) 4-=! 'lPtP '5{,b II\ \ ltll : <P~ 'Z":.l \9(() ~':l Z2.5 3S * ":/(/) ~"a.?";) '5/ .,

' j

\\ ', w : '3tP .z. '".1 zzs e-:J ZG.5 4Cfl Set~ S'-'.t:Oe S'"Z I~;, I\  : ({J([J :z. ':l Zt.t.CS Z-=1 '3~5 4<P g(J) S4.8L. -52..

- *S4.4Z 5Z..

L\', H : '50 2? '3~S 'Z-:J. '3S(.II 4~ 9</J 9cJ

, I

\\\ l't ' 1/1~ IZ'1 ~~co 2"1 ~'?5 L\S 54 (/)S 5'7..

H\ I'Z.: )II lz":f 1c:>S ~'7f L\~? L\U SctJ ~~.~4- Sl 1\~1) .*;(/JiJ z,~* 411~ '2.-=/ 4':.'\S 4.

B((} Sl),:n Sl I~~ \4 ~ (/I(J. Z-":1- '5\S Z:":f 5'5S 4ch ~(t) Sl 4l.b 8(1) \\ ~ \A', '?> tJ \\ ~ \~ 1 t.Du z~ Z".l '6'5'S ~-;"/- s~s 2.'1 (., 1>'5 S9S

  • L\t..b 8(/J 5'?>.41P

'5'3, '5';) 51 5(.1! \\'. \'1>1 )~ Z"1 {...)'? Z.i <.eu ~'5 . 9CP 5'3.~'?> 51 1\ ** \L.. \ f[lcJ 'Z':\ (,~(/) t1 ~ Zfll l\C.O SO" !5?-. ,25 51 \\ ~ \(.,. \ l~ t":\o  ::t Z.GI Z":\ ':1{.(/J 41'! B¢ S"!/,1'? 5(

  • From Preliminary Boring Layout Survey Form Approved for'use.on Clinch River SMR Project- J. A Tlce, Technical Lead Form Rev 0- ~eviewed by 9]1,. (VI(~ (('J Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.3-513 of 515


  • Borehole.Dironeter, ln.:*3.8 Total Boring Depth, Ft. ?>~Ct> Gnd Elev, Ft: 3~1), ¢*

. Casing I*lalght above groun~, Ft:M4 . Elev.*.Top of Casing, Ft. (Gnd Elev +Casing Height): 1'!>,,~4 =Datum

  • TEST ID: M~\4~~ it ~ Teat length: - :t .5 Test Section Dapth (from Datum): .From aa. 4A To 's..,4 (A)* Depth to vyate~ Table From Datum, Ft: 4 (p, 'Z.L..
  • Test Water Tem.p:~ Baro Pressure,~r44. ~1 Wet.'- tJt.mrfl. tt$'MP <.o. \ * * "C::),

. (B) Surface G~gey, Height Above Datum, Ft. 1. 9 4 Depth to center atTest Interval From Datum, Ft: '~* ' ' _. ____ _:_ ______(O}Dliltanc!Waler lal5terocenter ofTestlnterval Ft. 4<:;-;c;F.\-"'st<=at;:r;;lc:-c:w-=atc:-er:-:p=-=re=-=s-:::au::::re:-:a-::<t:::ce=n;::;te=-=r=~("'0:;;;;*6"'2.7 41'-"14"4")+~Ba=ro=-====----->:iar114 MAXIMUM TEST PRESSl,JRE, Po= ([A+B*1J + C*0.67) [Po= 14 1 Test Pressure sequence;= 1/3 Po, :213 Po, Po, 112 Po, Po Sequence ID: A B C . D E Po Values: 1/3 Po'"' ~CS : 2/3 Po"-'~; 1/2 Po= )3 Add Appropriate P\) value to static pressure at center.oftast fnterval TEST NO.t-Af-42.31; 1 Sequence No. _ _,tf;.___ Planned Center Pressure: _...;.\..:..(/}...::'a::;.__ Transducer Readings Before Pa.c~ers Inflated: Top 2,Cf:>,34.; Middle )'(~.At$ .: Bottom: ].3 ,)$. TransducerReadlngsAfterPackerslnflated: Top

  • ZI,B~; Middle 3l,5'3*. Bottom: 3B,Sl'3 fv\?~tte.'3 Z\. Ss©UISNC.S. IS (_c.P 1-..> 7 n:.

1 FLOW METER READING, Gallons Middle Time, .FLOW,gpm *Transducer Surface Gage REMARKS Minutes Reading, psi Pressure, P.Sl Initial Final Difference . \\\ \~*. fPI./' Z.:l, 'o:\- c... (IJ Z:":[, e. lit! 4-t'P fj(/J  ?~.ll 'Stt1 ,

  • I I\\'* \":\\~(~ z.~ BIJJfP 2.'!:'\ 84~ 4(,t1 Bt.f! ~2.<:.'::11>. Sl/1

..II\ \~'. (JitJ 21 a t\-(t) Zi B.f:,'(!J 4{,1J B(t) 5"z.91 5~ l\'* I 'Co I '?><ll Z':'l f3Sa> z~ ~2.~ 41Jl 8ti 52.,$)~ 5t1 . 't \; \":>~~(II (!:"':/ 92l/) ~':l ';)~{.6 44' 8111 5'3.{1~ 5<'>> $f/J(j) !JI l<<::::l1>ell z:=t ~{...t'!J I~ 4cb 8(/) $2.'2'3 '$¢! /filvJI>, CDtlt..r.> ,A/tJ;)'( ,,: Z(Jl: I.Ptl t.B f./J(jJ¢ z.e ¥4(/1 4¢ B~ - -s 2. Bt.. 54!?  :-s**w .. ,::> Ple.:!"Sslld!~. ~<l..ti ot.IT o~t~:* . f.<.I.QTI/:Iffl, ..... ,, '5 (/) <hAt. $ 1/,'~r: (PtJ 13o'?'?'t:>M 7,(-A,.vS 4t.c.. 1 mZ.t : 3fl!  ?;.....  ?:e.u..u~ 2*'3' ':7 3 - *-*---- ~- ~

  • From Preliminary Boring Layout Survey Fom1 Approved for'use.on Clinch Rlve*r SMR Project" J. A. Tic;:e, Technical Lead Form Rev 0- Reviewed by )fZ- .\"t j((, I{ J Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP*1112.16 Page E.3*514 of 515


  • 1~1~ 9,ed l\ff'J1ej BORING: f\1\? . . 42,3 r{? vJ / -l-rt7(?_ J '(-esD DA'I'E: *3 *)! \~ \ '0 * .
  • DATA COLLECTED BY: ToM M~GtLL /..;r; r-"' I GonD.A'RO
  • S1L rrv((' If? *

~SSURE: jJ_jlr:_ -~ PSi trt1{4 {fJ A;_ TIM~ SII:lUl:ACE-GAGE'.~.T.ER.xlU.NSD.UCER.-...-- mlnute ~ J?RESSURE psi PRESSURE, psi

  • 0'<1::...._ ~-.,..* '

~ h ----tl .,... -<!."' ~/\ <;::- ...t ---- --.. - C\~ ":(- ~\ *~ \~ ~ ~ EQUIPMENT USED Transducers: Min1TrolSeril)1Numbers:.l4"a\A'a (£;.*2tR*I~) o\'SoS\ (~*'CfJJ*I'3) 'S~S8'='t.((.*/Z*I1) Sooc~<¢'"-.:>..;'. M\1..1* ~ (<.;.* \~- l~\ Surface Pressure Gage:. 1\t\\t.l 4 ~ t-A. W ~ S (Ca*l \

  • 13) /H E'R MOM E TE A~ L. T 2e ( -5
  • 1*1~)

N 1. rr.< o c.,*r;;N G<~.t~eq.s: M.v.;l- \ ~ M.\1,1* z,.,!t.. H

  • 1"'$)

Barometric Probe: I~\~ \'S (leo~ \"2.* \~) . I FlowMeter: 88 a.4188 (J='rt5l..D ( .. 8-13) I I I .Stop Watch: _L:=-*"'"'2.'-'=8:::....:t....=---~(-=u;.....*>_~...:...1-=-'3~):___ Date o~ Calibration: "PAn. d).t T'M .r:SIS .

  • Calibration due: ~' T  ?;£sr1.<.1~

~1\ p~ 42.~ E_. '3* (\:,J z,~ ~~ q ¢1. ~ -a\ \\, 'a.C..., $4- WSL IV\~- 42.~ .E3 (B) f})/)\~~(/)1 ~~\ \\, ~<.:.. (f.l4 E.'. X.C.E.L. IV\ ~

  • 4 z.:~ Z?> (T)  ?.- (/J l ';) " (/)"'/- - '3 \ \\, ~~:~ce VJ5L lv\?~ 4~~ . z. ~ (T) ~l*~-(61 ~ '3 \ \\I "(.'2. ;~ "& E. )(C.6L IV\?- 4Z.?l z~ '(~) ~~ 1'?>-4>'";1 ~ '3 \. \ '**~~A'1. V./SL

.M P- 4i!.'3 Z3 (_M,') ~ l Z>- ¢7. - 3\ . \'-*-a.~. 4~ 2'X'C..t;;L .IV\?~ 4~3 z3 (L) ;GO) l'~ ~ (b 1 -1\ . \\, 4'..~.4~ \JSL .MP~ Aa~ ~3* (L) '?..lpt 3-<Pl - '3.\ \\, M.4~ E XC5L: For111 Approved for Use on Clinch River SMR Project- J. A Tics, Technical Lead Form Rev 0- 'Reviewed by 5f2 rzi!'fJ Clinch River Data Report Rev. 4 CRP-1112.16 Page E.~-515 of 515