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Revision 27 to Updated Final Safety Analysis Report, Appendix K Exhibit III, Summary Stress Report
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Site: Peach Bottom  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 04/08/2019
Exelon Generation Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
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{{#Wiki_filter:EXHIBIT III





STRESS REPORT The power rerate design requirements are unchanged from the original design requirements specified on page K.III-7 of Exhibit III (i.e., design pressure of 1250 psig at bottom of the reactor vessel, design temperature of 575°F). The operating pressure is increased from 1005 psig to 1035 psig. The operating temperature is increased from 546°F to 551°F. GE report NEDC-32166, "Reactor Pressure Vessel, Power Rerate, Stress Report Reconciliation for the Peach Bottom Nuclear Power Plant Units 2 and 3," January 1993, documents the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section III, analysis of limiting reactor pressure vessel components for PBAPS. This analysis constitutes the stress report reconciliation for validating the use of existing reactor pressure vessel components for the power rerate conditions. GE report GE-NE-523-61-0493 "Fatigue Evaluation of the Peach Bottom II and III Reactor Vessels," May 1993, GE letter GENE B13-01805-73, October 18, 1996, GE letter WFW 9607, November 13, 1996, and Calculation PM-1164 document the re-evaluation of reactor vessel fatigue in accordance with UFSAR Table 4.2.4. Closure stresses and usage factors have been re-evaluated in M-1-A-411 based on a reduced number of tensioning and detensioning passes for RPV assembly and disassembly. The Unit 2 and 3 TPO power rerate did not change the normal operating pressure or temperature for the reactor vessel. The extended power uprate (EPU) design requirements for the reactor vessel are unchanged from the original design requirements specified on page K.III-7 of Exhibit III. The EPU did not change the normal operating pressure or temperature for the RPV. GEH Report 0000-0100-9064-R1, Reactor Vessel Integrity - Stress and Fatigue Evaluation for PBAPS Units 2 and 3 Extended Power Uprate, June 2012 (G-080-VC-411) documents the stress and fatigue evaluation of limiting RPV components in accordance with the ASME B&PV Code, Section III. This analysis constitutes the stress report reconciliation and validates the use of the existing RPV APPENDIX K K.III-1A REV. 27, APRIL 2019

PBAPS UFSAR components for the EPU conditions. This analysis is primarily based on the design requirements specified in GEH certified design specification 26A8258 R2, Reactor Pressure Vessel - Extended Power Uprate (120% OLTP) (G-080-VC-412). Additionally, supplementary analysis was performed by Structural Integrity Associates for the feedwater nozzle and other limiting RPV components, as documented in report PEAM-EPU-128, Environmentally Assisted Fatigue Analysis. This analysis addresses fatigue evaluation and incorporates environmental fatigue effects due to reactor coolant environment in determining the cumulative usage factors for a plant life of 60 years. The existing steam dryer support brackets and the attachment points within the RPV have been evaluated for the replacement steam dryer (RSD) by Westinghouse as documented in Report LTRBWR-ENG-14-001, Revision 1, February 27, 2014. There is no adverse impact on the original bracket design or structural integrity of the RPV due to increased weight of the RSD. GEH Report 0000-0148-0814-R1, December 2013 (PEAM-EPU-130), documents the evaluation performed for the RSD interface with the RPV, with the conclusion that there is no impact on the stress and fatigue reconciliation performed by GEH as documented in report 0000-0100-9064-R1 (G-80-VC-411). The MUR power uprate to 4016 MWt for Units 2 and 3 did not change the normal operating pressure or temperature for the reactor vessel from those values which were established for EPU and MELLLA+. GEH Report 003N5969 R-0, Reactor Vessel Integrity- Stress and Fatigue Evaluation for Peach Bottom Units 2 and 3 TPO, November 2016 (PEAM-MUR-0302) documents the stress and fatigue evaluation of limiting components in accordance with ASME B&PV Code Section III. This evaluation constitutes the stress reconciliation and validates the use of the existing RPV components for MUR conditions. This evaluation is primarily based on the EPU reports referenced above which are based on 102% EPU rated power (4030 MWt). The supplementary analyses of the feedwater nozzle and steam dryer support brackets referenced above are based on the power level of 4030 MWt and therefore remain bounding for MUR operation. APPENDIX K K.III-1B REV. 27, APRIL 2019

PBAPS S.-aJ")' stress Report For Geaeral Eleetr1e - RED PElCRmTlUl II Genenl Eleetric Onler 10. 205-m56

             . . , Coatrac't 110.            610-0139-51 Prepare4 By:

I' 7

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Jfucl ear Power Gmention D1n.~10D Tbe Babcock & Wllcox Ccapur lit. VenoD, I~aD& Sept_bert 1970 K.III-2

PBAPS STRESS RL!lORTS C~{TIPICATION DOCl~~T Babcock & Wilcox Co. Contrac£ No. 610-0139-51 User: General Electric User Contra.ct No. ?05-RJ.156 All of the stress reports identified on Sheet I, dated 11-2-70 are complete and have \leen prepal:'ed in accorda.t1ce wi tIl the design specifications given on Sheet II, dated 11-2-70 The Babcock & Wilcox Ca. p~essure boundary drawings identified on Sheet III, dated 11-2-70 , and the 1965 Edition of the ASME Section !II Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code for Nuclear Vessels including addenda through hTT7oTT. -(,5._and Attested to this date 11-.3 . .70 By: ~ P, &Jt:: License No. E-298l0 J.P. Butti Ohio State Board Mechanical. Design Section of Profession91 Nucleal:' Con~onents Engineering Engineers The Babcock & l-lilcox Company , r " . -....... K.III-3

PBAPS SHEET I STRESS REPORTS November 2, 1970 HUMBER TITLE REVISION NUMBER 1 Sizing Calculations 0 2 Weight & Center of r,ravity Calculations 0 3 Closure Analysis 0 4 Feedwater Nozzle Analysis 0 5 Control Rod Drive Nozzle Analysis 0 6 Miscellaneous Nozzles Analysis 0 7 Piping Reactions 0 8 Support Skirt Analysis 0 9 Refueling Bellows An'l1ysis 0 , 10 Brackets 0 11 Shroud Support System Analysis '2 12 Recirculation Outlet Nozzle Analysis 0 13 Recirculation Inlet Nozzle Analysis 0 14 Does Not Apply 15 CRD Hydraulic Return Nozzle Analysis 0 16 Nozzle Ends 0 17 Core Spray Nozzle Analysis 0 16 Does not apply 19 Does not apply 20 Shell Analysis 0 21 2" Instrwnentatj,on Nozzle Analysis 0 Summary Report 2 Note: The r~vision numb~r~ arc given in the first colwnn are those in effect at the d~~' shown on the f:i.r:;t pa2~ of this certi ficat:lc.n document and are certified provici r.-: by the first page is signed. Additional r(;vi~;ions must be initio.l(;d by c.utho~*i::r* B&W Co. Professional Eneineers. K.III-4

PBAPS II. USER SPECIFICATIONS November 2, 1970 NillffiER TITLJ<~ REVISION J';'Tj}.ffi~R 211\1111 Reactor Pressure Ves~el l~rchase 9 Specificati.on with Clarification Document dated 10-22-70. Note: The reV1S10n numbers given are those in effect at the date sho~,~ on the first page of this certification document and are certified provided the first page is signed. Additional revisions must be initialed by authori7.l';:d IX,\'/ Co. Professional EnGi.neers. K.III-5

PBAPS III. BABCOCK & WILCOX CO. PRESSURE BOUNDARY DRAl'lINGS November 2, 1970 NUMBER TITLE R ~ISION NUt>ffiFR 81745D Shell Forming Details 0 25466F General Outline 8 25467F Outline Sections 9 2546& Vessel Sub-As:;cmbly 7 12937lE List of Material 12 "129372E Lower Head Assembly 9 129373E Lower Head Bottom Segment Assembly 8 129374E Lower Head Upper Segment Assembly 8 129376E Shell Segment I\ssembly Course Hl & #4 8 129377E Shell Segment Assembly Course #3 1+ 129378E Shell Segment \;;sembly ('ourse #5 3 129379E Shell Flange Detail 3 129380E Recirculation Nozzles 1+ 129381E Steam Outlet Nozzle 5 129382E Feedwater Nozzle 2 129383E Cor~ Spray N07.71e 3 129384F. 2" Inst. & 4" C.R.D. Hyd. System Return Nozzle 6 129385E 4" Jet Pump Nozzle 1+ 129386E Shroud Support 6

        .129387E            Ve:;sel Attac1li'" .nt l'~h ils             5 129388E            Support Skirt                              7 129389E           Vessel Insulation Supports                  1 129390E           Vessel Thermocouple Pads                    2 12939lE            Refueling Containment Skirt                2 129392E           Closure Head ~ssembly                       7 129393E           Closure Head dazzles 129394E           Closure Head Fonning                        Z 4

129395E Stud Assembly & Misc. Details 129396E Stud, Nut & Washer Details 6 129397E. Vessel Sub-A~,,~mbly Details 7 129399E controi Rod Nozzles Unit #1 5 142117E Shell Segment Assembly Course #2 1 142119E Lower Head Forming Details 1 151877E Modification of 12" Recirculation Inlet Nozzle 0 151878E ModH'ication of 28" Re.circulation Outle .

                               'Nozzle                                  0 151879E           Modification of 4" Jet Pump Nozzles         0 15l88oE           Modification of 2" Liquid Control Nozzl     0 9 4982C         7" Bushing                                  2 lO5291C          7" Tapped Hole Detail                       a

... --- -_._-----~---_._- Note: The rev~non numbers gi,,-en in the first column are those in effect at the date shown on the first paGe of this certification document and are certified provided the first pa~e is signed. Acditioncl revizions must be initialed by e.\!:l.horizcd 'B~lV Professional Ent;inecrs. K.III-6

PBAPS Design Data B.&W. Contract 610-0139-51 General Electric N.E.D. COl1tract #205-Bl156 Engineering Specification - 2lAllll Discussion of Unit: Peachbottom II Reactor Vessel and head with special tools, test j'lc.teriaJ., vessel shipping skid and head sling. Data Pressure Temperature Design 1250 psi Operation 1005* psi Hydrotest 1565 psi Temperature of water cannot be above 2000 F Inside Radius (to clad} Thickness Top Head 125.5" 4.0" Shell 125.5" 6.125" Bottom Head 125.5" 6.125"/8.0" Cladding 3/16" nom./l/B" min. Corrosion Allowance 1/16" outside surface 1/16" nonclad inside surface K.III-7

PBAPS MATERIALS sm lOPER/DESIGN) PAM' Carl'lOn Steel 19,600/19,200 Sate end, Ba.ckins strip, Drain nozzle SA-508 CL2 26,700/26,700 External nozzles, Stab, Bracket Code Case 1332-2 SA-5404GR 23 or GR2 Code Case 1335-2 Inconel SB-166, 6 A..'1 6 steel K. III- 8

PBAPS Pipe Size Nozz 1es Req. MK. No. Dwg. Mat'l. Location (Dia. ) Nl - Recirc. Outlet 2 8 129380E MN-MO Shell 13' 5-1/2" 28" N2 - Recirc. Inlet 10 7 l29380E MN-MO Shell 1;" 1" 12" N3 - Steam Outlet 4 14 l29381E MN-l-10 Shell 54' 10-1/2" 26" N4 - Feedwater 6 10 l29382E MN-MO Shell 41' 6-1/2" 12" N5 - Core S1)ray 2 11 12~~J~~ M!"J 10 Shell 40' 4-1/2" 10" SA-I05 N15- Drain 1 22 129373E GR. II Bottom Head 2" lJ7 _ Vpnt. 1 204 l2q~q'~E ~1N-MO Top Head 4" 'NQ - e'Rn Hvn 'Ret. 1 l~ l2g184E MN-MO Shell 37' 4-1/2" 4" N10-Core Diff. Press. 1', T.; n P();~()n 1 17 12q17)IE MH-MO Bottom Head 2" Control Rod Drive 185 101-128 12g1gqE INCONEL Bottom Head 6" NR - .1F>t "Pmnn Tnstr 2 19 12q,:\8csE MN-MO Shell 11' 3" 4" Jh _h H Tn.:::." ~*,.-(~~t.ilt.*i"r. 2 ?O6 l?O~q**n*; ~'1N-Ml) 'iou BeaU ___.J 6" l'Jll _?" Tns . lInt:  ::ILion  ? 12 12q~84E INCONEL Shell l~ 3' 1" 2" 1\110 _0" T ""t;()n  ? l? 12q~84E INCONEL Shell 49' 11" 2" 1\T1h. _0" T"' ... ~-*-~..,t.!1t;("\n  ? 12 12q~84E INCONEL Shell ~O' 6" 2" K.III-9

PBAPS Support Brackets and Misc. Attachments A~tachrnent Beq. MJ<. No. Drawing ~aterial pemark Support Ski rt _.1 . ----- '11-

                                                        )10,  '41     l2938~E     Hull Steel     BottoI:'l Head Shroud Sunnort                   1               1:),    -      1:)4   '2Q~86E     Inconel        Internal

'Ref'lJel Carlt ~ldrt , 72 '2Q~qlE Hull Steel Vessel FlanQ:e Stabj]jze.r e"'~c*1t.e:L ___8 _.-~ .l9.L-.... 12q~_6'7..j ~l:N-H() ExternaJ S+,erm n-rye-r SllPPO-rt_ 4 - I , ~l '2q~87E st. stL TnT.ernal I eOl"e Snralr B~pcket h 1~2 '2Q-~fh~ :3t. StL Internal ~l1ine 'Pan ~r~('kpt 2 ,~4 12Q~87E st. Stl. Internal F. \-1. Snar;:c!' Bracke.t .J? -., 135 129387E st. St1. Internal Drver Ho1ddmm Brack ~t 4 rn 129187E  ?-iN-Me Internal , Surveillance ~necJ-mer. 6 199-200 129187E st. stl. Internal In~;ulo.";ion ~:2.ckei-.c:: ?4 81- 8~.._ . 12q-;~qE Carbo stl. ~~t~!"!!!'.:l Hearl Ljftj,rg LuS ._-" 4 210 12q~q2E MN-MO Ton Head K.III-IO

PBAPS z____ _

               ..        (A-I)


PBAPS PR\. + ~&c.. CSTR~c:..~

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J\.~e- S\\O\\J~ C)~ 'S\~\::-\c..,", 0\ \<.~\ -\ 1'l_ORMM. WA.-rE:R L~"E-\.. P\~\. ME-t"\\>R~\~\: ~\f'..~-~~ 1~\~~~~\\', \~ \.~s~ \t\f.I.\\

                             \\'\c-     ~\.\.o\..U~?,\..'C- ST~,E-S~
                              \~\~~~\"( O~ ~:"2.1 "CS\

(A-2) K.III-12

PBAPS Sizing Calculations The vessel shell, upper and lower heads, and all nozzles satisfy the thickness formulae of 1-110 and 1-120 of Section III of the A.8.M.E. Code. The compensation requirement of N-450 has been met for all nozzle openings in the vessel shell, closure head, and lower head. (Ref. Report* #1 - Rev. 0). (A-3) K.III-13

PBAPS A.l\.. 'S'~N\F\C/~N\ \TE-M~ OF THE \h-.1\T WE~~ CON~\D'CRE:D \~ T\-\'C WT. 4- c...~. *E'\JA.\.\,)~\\O~. THOcs.e rreN\~ CCN.S\D~R..t-\) we~E- l c\..o S \J R~ \\&t.....t> STUDS ) l-l\.)Th)A.~\:) V"IA.'S.\\~i'...s "cSS~L S.~Wc'r:T ~'t<\;tT

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        "E::>~ t=L. 5\\'CL\-
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I 1)~y WE 16\-\1" ~I "Et"'.

                                                                         '\               7 CLCSURc          \-\E~'V            1~2) 8BO      \bs S"flJ'C'S, J ~U-re-;:. }                60,0<)5    \~~                           <P-c .Ci.

~~t> w~'S.t\GR~ r


'lE~e.,- \.1-1.'/7 J 974 t~. 'V I f!J ToTAL 'J500,9'f'l \b~ (() (A-4 ) K.III-14

PBAPS BR~C.\<E:-\ ~"I.\.OW = S ~\.\.C"IN = S""t>..)(. \. t;;' C:)\'(\ l'\C)"T 0.6 SM STA-B\L\ZE-R 2.9.?. 40.0 8. , \6.0 ST'E-A.\o1 DR'<FK 17.0 24.0 '3.7 ~.6 SIJ V*t=""~~?..\ _ ... .. ~-

  ~\E-b.."'"        t>~,<~p'"
   ~\.l\~~-        (   \)\=>~;;:..9..'\

Is.e 24.0 2..5 C3.6 S1\:;-f.\..~ 'D~,<\::'r..

  ~\)\~C- (,-O'Ne.-~...)
                                                   \1.0             2.4.0             3.7            ~.*6
     ~~~O\<J~\ER                                                                                     Cj.6 2.2.             24.0              O.l
       ~~~RG.I:-R C.ORC- ~??.. ~y
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                                                  \B.e l~. 73 2.4.0 40.0 O.B
                                                                                                    <?>.6 Ir.u, ,...,
                                                                                                               ~ ..

Lu~ CS \.l R \/'t:, \.. L t>...\--\C\:- .s {LOWG~'> _.. 3.8 ~o.o \2.0 SUR. ve,.\ \..\. ~~~t 'e;- 6, '3 If.~~ 00.0 o.B~* \'2..0 (\)~~~~...\ J 'e:\ p\),~" 0.6 9.6 10,6 ~4.0 R\s.\::-~

   \~~\.H.. t-~\ \C~ ~'J~.

t~\-\6\..L') 2.7 \~.a 0.57 £':'.0 (A-S) K. III-IS

PBAPS T\'\'C- \V\A.~\MUM '-O~O\~~ O~ ~E- \lE-~~E-'- Rt-~u\..\s FR~'~ """'E- ~\~CO\L\7.~\~ ~R~~V"....e -\. Loc...~\.. ME:-M'ORJl....\'\t;.- : 2 G. b 7 (\~c..\... ~'Cs.';,. ~\RI::-o;::;~

               'S~\.\.QW -=- I. S CS m -=. 40.0 \<~\

PR\M. T ~\:-c.,. ST\l~~~ -=- 51,'2,0 (J NC,\. , ?~'C~. c:-s.TR-E-S~~ SI:\\.\..()W ,;;:. 3.0 ~rn = 80.0 ,,~\ (A-6) z;'c:""-: / K.III-16

PBAPS C~OBure I.R. O.R. B.C. Height Head Flan&e 122.875" 139.625" 133.625" ;U" Vossel Flanee 125.6875" 139.625" 133.625" "36" No. Dinm. Stud Hole Length Studs 92- 6" 1" 5'-5-3/16" Washers 92 8-5/8" O.D. 2.125"/.875" Stud Shank Dia. Length S.83" 2-7-;/8 11 Interface Sui"i"acc O.D. = 260.625" I.D. = 251.25" Inner Gasket Groove

          .tean Radius                        126.6115

- Outer Gasket Groove

          )of.ean Radius                      128.2365 Gaske~     Groove Yidth                  .59 Gaskets Location (top or bott~m flange)                  Top Flange Dopth of Cladding         1/4" Botto:n & Top Flange 5/g n Top Flange at Gaskets Clo&ure Sealing                                Jot!lt'l                    Diameter 2 O-Rings                                  Incone1                      253.25"/256.5" Fiber seal outside of O-Ring
    ".lsc.      2 Spherical t.:ashers Per Stud nrawinc~ 1~9392Kc          Closure  li~!ld  Ass{;:!':bly 1~9379E~~     Shell !o')anec DoJtnils                          (A-7)



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I ~-_ _t_---_...;I.:::'3~'3~~.;~~*....:R:.:.;.:..6:;..:.=.c..::..:.~-- I I 1 Iv " a6 11 \ 2. S ',Gs J:. P.. l~~d

                                   --b-f, DIMENSIONS OF CLOSURE ASSEMBLY (A-8)




67.Z1<bl~: I ( 'SfU t>> I I I I p~\. M'C:Mee~ ~\~;, S\~~Ss.

                                                                      \~.,.e-~S\TV           \~    o'CLOyJ T\-\e-    t:...\.lOW I:>..~\.e OF 5).'\'='26.7 K~\ Fo\t f\"~~<'lE:-S A~c Si-\&u...

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                                                                       '5 """c>W : '2.~....  =73.0 ~~\

MA"X \l../\~lV1 PR.\. ~ SE-c. CS"T~..'e*ss. \~T E ~ CS \TY ~ P>..\oo\GE S\-\o'l\~ ON. S\<...~\c.\\ S J>...... \.Ow '::. 3 S"", -;. eo \<..,'S\ Fc~ ~\..'~'N.('V..:s. 5J.o.\'\.ov~  ::. '3 ~k -::. \ \0 \<.~, \-Q~.. "'::)\op S CLOSURE STRESS  ?:;:/. / (A-9) K.III-19





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                    'y!\/\U TH. A.!-L-O\N/~~:'L.c:

o F ~ c;;. l"Y\. U N,,\:<- ': o. -':',£' SUPPORT SKIRT ,-:::",'.:. (A-II) K.III-21

PBAPS _ _~/i(~.!-t1!25.... _ _ _L.lI-i.l'::'?-~2~_. "-1

                                       ~.O J~74 ~--                            --J

--_.=-- 1-12..2.5 --~.!¥b-L~ iii

                                                     ._-:7....:,.;.5:::.-. J..
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PBAPS Piz I V7r;.p..:J + ~£ c C ,1') ..,'>A /2. ') sr.e.~ss /1)rc,dSI7!1 /</;',.):;-1£ S\-\OWN. 1"\ ~\c::.~\<"l\

                                                                               'S Il..>c...  \" H c:

R:f"UE.LP*-'~ C.O.U*',

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                                                                                ~1::'1Z: ~~. l10 0 J-.) t:) A f<.'
                                                                              ~~w..o~ ?. OS)' ~ 8~                     \t::::"
                                                  ......                       I J JJ.. A..'" 1/-<\() i,1,  p\<..\ \.../\ ~~ '<          ~T'Q.~ ~:J~          llJ Tt::.~\..~ \ ~~c y
                -=:. 7.0 r~ ~ \                ~ A\'.L(.",\J ::; !.SSi'l1 ";: '-/0. 0 REFUELING CONTAINMENT SKIRT                                     (A-13)






0 to 1 L~

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11) 'N I-
e. ,co
                             '"an SHROUD.SUPPORT ASSEMBLY (A-14 )

K. III-24


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S~\.L()\'.f =.~., S- -;:)\l1 ::: "3 S. C 't< s \

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5/,,\\.0'" = :'.0 '5b1  ; 6':). g (\N.c.o,,",~,-) S~,\,.o'W ;.;:. "3.0 SYIi  ;- 4*(:... 0 (~s \,<1?~- 2>04) PRIMARY AND SECONDARY STRESS INTENSITY RANGE (A-IS) K.III-2S


"'5?r:;*~:;,',;.;)~,:~/- ~.:.:-:-(.; .,2.:)/~-:::~~./y// ~,<;',09/~~r-y/Y/~,I'1/ :BY C;; .c. -::s-~.c:-C" c/ AI/// /
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PBAPS 7- S ./(e)

           ~c~,Je'. ~. O. e;t. ~ ~Oe '-O/4r/R6"":~':'::=-1y ;£ ==s'~:.c:"'-;~.~.:.

nT" -c:~~b 7-7e~~>s?',<:~ ,..-.;-?/t/.D -;.c?~4 '?'e-/4P,t;.:;'C7~~k::e

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                                                                                              ' )


           ~/4r)X.?- CJ. 0 ::5y ro/e ~2"-:4~e'.sS/.vC                                          :=5;;?:::."'C'.::s:se.;:
  ,r9~       O?4'3?..-97//vc;           /:::Z~~~*U,.<:'E ..-9N..D                    7'"e/1.-??c£/?7V£c tA//;:;r/Y' /4/1X'.      ~e-/...::::>..-:?"/C 7' e/~ r          CO/.-1D..:5.
                ~4;c1;< C~. 3~slJ)::=:'            0, ~         $/ (/7: O/<.s"/)
           '..:5/f/,~)-'X ~ o.?::5y                ~oR            ~/A'p.e;...:.::5>s/~

- ~7'/.'.::;,.d:S ~7- -e~KO ~~=-;;.::St:/A!:.t!I ,rr'A-"'.D ~60//J

  -;;-E/./,/?',=;e/'/?z.,~e6'        ~.v/7?/     A4AJX:        ..5.c;/..:,.::;,,///,/c ~ ~c:r       LoAJD:;;J;.
    #~ c:"E"yS h-~~r ~LC:                                         7-?3c              C.z:-/T.-eA?'/r,,?

O~ -;?;:V6 -q:. ~. c:§;i"P6c/ r-/ C,.,.v -;??o"v.. SHROUD SUPPORT LEGS (A-15B) K.III-27

PBAPS Nozzlo Rec1rc. Outlet No. Req 2 .n:. 110. 8 1)',18. No. °12938oE toeation Shell 13' 5-1/2" fro::l vessel zero '1 ).~-}.:O Inside D1wr ~ Shell 35.9" Tapor I.D. Yes Internal Lip No Inside Diem 0 First Wold 25.90" ~tsido Diam or Nozzle 53 ft Outside l>iaJU at First. Ycld 29.375" ClAdding Nom. ThY.. 3/16" Distnnco FrOl:l Vessel I.D. To bimetal weld Mat'l ASTI-t 371 ER30~ Bimetp.l Weld Distance fr.o:n Shell 26.125" Hat '1 psn*1 371 ER308 Connecting Pipe Thickness 1.181" Min.

                             }~tll    Stainless~Steel         Type 316 Thermal Sleeve         No                    Welded                   Rolled Attached
~ipe    Reactions     Yes Tranaicnt~        Per GE Dr?win[; 729B762 Rev. 0 & 135B9990 Sheet 1, Rev. 1 (A-16 )


PBAPS ,-,. ....: 1 - 1.,375 " a"% R rt. WELD

                                              ---'---,    7.375
             \                                         --:.-.1__I I--
     \\                                                 II .


                                                            ....,,. r:-
                                  "'                            L 7

1" 1~

                          "3 " R


    ,:__.-.-       lo.SS h - L......


                                   *                    ..          }'


PBAPS FT~.I. -r ~ l:::.c..... ~,-~C::"-~ os lNTE...NSIY,,/ Kl\ l--!('.:;>E, wI p, P\~~ "R~p...c-nC)~ F'o~ ~A. ~((.~ ty\:t:. ~\<o ~J\ Pi::. E.H~

                                                          \6,0 -

1"1.0 ___~~.~ ... 39.:?_ 51*3" . 64:5 f I I I

                              \6 .C>/-.---                      --.,;..:J,. 29.0 I

1.1. 0 . . 21.0

                                                                                  'L Q[

31.6 2.4.0 rriII I* I 21.0, . I I RECIRCULATION OUTLET NOZZLE (A-18) K.III-30


  ~\~E:.~<;'          E.~           ~\-     "\L              ~AF E:

g, M \::) A:r~  : TO ~E:. COM.\>A.~E..~ ,C> \.<;~m -=- 2G.' I I

                                                                                                  \1.34 I

MA."f... ~G. +r--'aE.~~. ~-re.E..~"::.. I "l"n::'Ws. 'TV OS \\ O""'N N 0 IoJ. ~ ~ 't:."'\ c.. \0{ cs. "-'-'\...0-...1../ -= '=:>.0 ~l), -=. 8 0.. <:;) ""A'I.... Il'\E1A':n~.J\\.)E: T pe.l::S~ ~T~e.~"~ U...JT'C:.l-l ~ n-Y "

'SALLOW ~ I           C;-~m       -== 4*0..*0        ~-------------,;"-}

i rI

                           ~.o:20 ' "- .. - " J - - - - - - -

L-C...eqh- :Cc;co;:::'7'""'""" 7 ;eel/* 0') N 0,- i:: ~ 1-" L L <:;;*r'f.~c. os.~, '2..";,> A \::.E:

                                            \ ).l     -,;;: $. \


PBAPS Nozzle Recirc. Inlet No. Req 10 Mk. No. 7 Dwg. No. 129380E Location Shell 1S' 1" from vessel zero Ma't'l.. MN-ID Inside Diam.@ Shell li.568" Taper I.D. *No Internal Lip No Inside Diem @ First '*leld 1l.507" Outside Diem of Nozz1e" 25" Outside Diem at First Weld 13.875" Cladding Nom. Thk. 3/16" nistance From Vessel I.D. To bimetal we1.d J.1at'1. ASTM A371 ER308. Bimetal. ~!eld. Distance from Shell 22.875"'l.. .ASTM A371 ER30E Connecting Pipe Thickness .817" Min. Mat'l stainless Steel Type 316 Thermal Sleeve Yes Welded Rolled Attached by others Pipe Reactions Yes Transients Per GE dra~~ng 729E762 Rev. 0 and 135B9990 Rev. 1 (A- 20") K.III-32

PBAPS 5.lo/!£; "R --.B?/S I

  .. --                                      1;;. ViE.LD
                                                                                 ---r-cr-I I

S.,*:S*65 r<¢.. 1.loq." 4-t R II f 4.."A.'OI:tS

4. '1?> 7S

_____i_ _; II It _a -.;,::.. . . ~_ I~ II t II ,.

                         ._!>-  b.71/~S--~                 ~~      R                     5.1,,15
                                        , U
                                 . 1-. 1= R
                                                                             *-1-I II              ~~


                                   ----.--.----.         ---------- --1--
                                                                         .l_._J__1 RECIRCULATION INLET NOZZLE                                  I                     I .,

Kr) (A-21) I ',....) C-.> -_.* If., K.III-33


--J~"\. 1 (\u'S\c,=-}--- <73
k.,. "'5 (O,n"S\t--:.;) .. 17*f. L Jc.,. 1 (01)\'$\0;;::.) _0' 107

~,.z. (\\{'S\O~'")-" II*-;! >:.:(.-:s (\\-1S\Os\ -0 ,~I )c."-T. ~- (Ou$\O'<:.") --- 8a

                                              )c.,.    "'l. _(OU\-s \o~) -_.' 76
>:-""1. eo. (hJ-:'\~~\o, e:J EL. \, "Z., if "S-- S,. c:;-n.... \9. ~\L:;~- ~A'"                          ~7..
                                                \:~. ~ ~        0,_ -_"   00;5""'(. "'5-T\..,. \?"".> o"\- - -     5", ...  ~-,

t.L.v - '0 - 0 ~A.-Sos Cl. ~ ~ -_" "'S A. ~ caD S\~'=. 'Pg,. -\- -S'C--<:.. 12'ii;;?Ql.J\ecl...;~u-rs A~f;;;;

                                                   ~OT Mc.:\               e. ~G\:**~. "2..3.~.cor e                     'B,O\\\

53 - c.. - 62 ~uer-kc..cs.-S If @ ~\,)'-,)c...,.vv_t:: S e

                                                  \\-\\::" Ov\S\C~ -SUQ_~AC.l;.. Au                               ~'-l~,,!;\\~--'
                                                   ?\.k.s*n<: Aub"\,,......o;; \"$             W"..I... PEj:c?"POI2.MC"_I,;)
                                                         \"\\":-'.J:::. C~CA-r\C,.J~. ~e                     ~\.J,"",-rlFIC.l~\\OI..'
                       /9 -
                                                              ~\. ~ (>>\-s\oec.) ..,.-- "2.\
                                                              ~c:.-r. ~ ~o~\-;;\'V~')--- S3
                                                                                    \0 48 (A-22)



  ~T~t:-- 'SS                  J"t"y E...~-S (*C\ ~ ~                     AT" -rHc.
  ~AF E:.               E.ND            A t:E                        "TC:>         ~C COlv\..P;.~.. ~£'b                   -\0                   \ ..<:;"' -~rt\ -=::.      ZG.'
                                                                                     --tl- 'V:r-L~-~-                         I I
  }/\J.\'1... .. ~Ec... i- ~t:"E.:~...~                    ~\\~t::.~~                   'l-r-E)~-:-::. \\-y       \~
  '5 H o~v :-.\                Ok)      ~_~ Eo\""c                    H
            ~ALt.o'.../ =.. "3.C>S >n                      -00:::::. BO~C>
 'S,-"Co\;-:.<:.~ '"oS      u-' -\E. ~-..\ "S. \ TY                ~::'"2 6.5 :3
   ~ I, L Loy,/ -:::. -\ e- C;; <2... . ('f\           -::::'.40 .. C>
                       "~--_.       ----

27*77 ">. ("-ee,c.o-7?£?C>I'2'r# 7 ~£vr:--O') l -'o-r'C'

                            "\    --           I... ' I
                                                 "      ' - ' " - '": ...... r.. r.:::--..:.~~....
                                                                           \ to>>  _~  __"") .;;') ~ ;::. r, -..,.-..


PBAPS Nozzle . Steam No. Req. 4 MIt. No. 14 Dwg. No. 12938lE Location Shell 54'~10!" Mat'l. MN-MO Inside Diam.@ Shell 23.75" iraper I. D. No Internal Lip No Inside Diam @ First Weld 24.326" . Outside Diam of Nozzle 42.625" Outside Diem a.t First Weld 26.374" Cladding Bom. Thk. 3/16" Distance From VC:;.3cl Mat'l. ASTM A371 ER308 Bimetal \oleld No Distance from Shell Mat'l. Connecting Pipe Thickness 1.019 Mat'l SA-105 Gr. II Thennal Sleeve No Weided Rolled Attached Pipe Reactions Yes Transients Per GE Drawing 729E762 Rev'. 0 and 135B9990 Hev. 1 (A-24) K.III-36

PBAPS l I, rz..I~~

                                  -'5A- \ oS   ~:II:

REF. ecpole.T #"~

                                                           ,eev: o.

A -t---- ---II--A

  --1;---------b'- .-1-----------~
               \ \-Va"               C) '!Jc..

c.. I "Sc>\- ~\

  • s\\-

e::..u-.c 0\ ~~ ,


_. I I


STEAM OUTLET NOZZLE 14 ~~GIO~:=)-== ==(=A=-:'::;S=)===~--~ 1~ NOZZLE JUSTIFIED BY N41S.1 & N4S0 OF SECTION III Ie.. /2C;/. / K.III-37

PBAPS D E~\<::'\\~ ME-<.\4.?\ 9\ 1'\~ <S,~. .\?-~S~~ 18.0'" II IS.8'Z. (;ee,&;'~epO;er~/<:' ~eY.O)

              --:JJL .---t                        "",£\...l:>
                         ~Tt:.E..~*~       1"'\E\.tS\T\c;:.~               A\ Tt\\..:.* ~~\-"c EI.1\":)   A~:             To          ~e: c:'OM...~~t~~~                       ,-0 I*'t    ~ r" = ? '(. 0
                                       . h\A..'I..... -SE..G. 1-?R.Ss'$. ~T~E_~-;'
                                                  \).\Te.t-.\"S fl"~         \~        ~\-\o").,l        0   l-.,)
                                                      \"t\E:. ~\<:t::.\"Gl-t
                                                              ~A..'-'-~w -~.
                                                                               -   "::lo. 0"-

rl'\ ~- r~,._ ,..,..

                                                                                                            ~,;,'-J .........

M~":l.. . A\ '2'. ~A 'i?:>R. F\ N t:.: +- t>k ~'"~4. 'S Of" e ::-Z":>'";. n.,rn:. N -

                                                              ~ l"Y          = 2C;.7t:;}
                                                             *~J,LLo-N - l ..'So ~rl'\ -::: 40.0 1

2G.47 2'7.01 J.,'O,,\E. ~ A L\._ r...... ~T'~' ~-'.~"'s.t:::....~\ I' r-..I ~'"

                                                                     ' " ..,  \


PBAPS Nozzle Feedwater No. Req. 6 I*ik. No. 10 Dwg. No. 129382E Location Shell 41' -6tn from vessel zero Mat'l. MIHMO Inside Diam.@ Sht.:ll 11, r{o2" Taper J D. No Internal Lip No Inside Diam @ First l-le1d 11.7" Outside Diam of Nozzle 26" Outside Dia'D at First Held 14.125" Cladding Nom. Thk. 3/16" Distance From Vessel I.D. 17.0625" Mat'l. ASTM A371 ER30e Bimetal Weld No Distance from Shell Mat'l*. Connecting Pipe Thickness .953" Min. Mat'l SA-105 GR. II Thenl1al Sleeve Yes Welded Rolled Attached Not attached in nozzle Pipe Reactions Yes Transients Per GE DraT,*;inE; 729£762 Rev. 0 arid 13539990 Rev. 1 (A-27) K.III-39

PBAPS _.c;5<6 .' t I.~ I2.S--:'-:-' 4 - - - - -

                                           ~VE l.D A-I  If 3.0025 5.9375 I-D

Ib Bs'n r--~5"':"*~_ _-~----1.1~ - - - - - . I It

                                                               .1' 5-3" 1

3+ R I

                                                           -----..-                                              II "3.0 R 12" FEEDWATER NOZZLE                            (A-28 )


PBAPS p~\ ."\- ~EC. ~il:.t::'$~ 1~1... t!.t.J~\l*Y (r6~.' ?=,po£.,...t,~4 lC,c;/,O)

 ~f..,)..\C:.. E::          \V/ P/PINe- REJ~G7IoN                          STREsSES F"o J::. Tn      r::         "SAF' t!. "E.N t)
  ~"'LLo'N 0;:, ~.o ~"" :: S'"?.<+

tO~ Tl\e. NOr.CoLE:

~ ,..                 ::::.    "=t  r"'l ~      -:::: <7'>,'-" - . .
 ~ .. ,l,..L~V"                  _.".. t",          ~ ......... --...J 2.6   '2.8
                                                                                 ~s      '25 39       '35'
~\~ 't\.~CS\\c.... - ~\..~ST\~                                                  5'2   - ~4-I\~~\."\~\'S                      \s ~e:~\.)\\'>~~\)                                    0)5
~O~ ~c..T                    "l\ S ~ ~G\       ts   ~

O\),..~ \t?So- I

                                            , *~5r---------1 *45
                                                                                        '3' t

86 S3

                     '-!OTE::             /-'Ll-         'S..~\k C. ~.':::,    C~
                                          \~             \:::0.:::..\



  'C';'-V:..t:': '::;.<;..     , I'J Y CJ.-l'-;' \ ' \ t t::: "$.       AT"           Tl\C
  ~A.~ Eo             E"-1 '\:S        A . .*?. c:.      ,0        'B '2: <:.D/t" 'f> ~1<..e ~
  ,0               10:<5       ~ M. -;::.              1-"{.?

I Io\A.'f... ~E.c.. + y~,~*s~ ~ *rl"-\::."S<;' IN'TE1'\"S\"TY \~ ~\-\O'\llV 0\0 ,nt:: "S. l::: E:Tc }-{

           ~''LLO'N                 -==:   ~,O<;t"t\            = eo,          0                                1 Mf:\Y-.. */AE.;\ '& l~_I-\ w c.                   T'\::>l::.C~.       ~\-1:l;;:.:'::::'s.
'tV\~\...l~\\Y                    '::=    2~      .4t "s, ALLO'N            "=.' \
  • S' ~ r..... -=- 4*<:;> * (:) \6.\B

J WcL.D---":"

        ~~ -~*.e~po-e.r~:1J:/(p~t!:1/. 0                                          )           J-~

I fI 2"5.e~" L.~_..__._ 2?:_3~.~ _~ . . C;:CL.-:'~.' Z/~7"b/.::*;_ . :.r*?" 7':-~Y": 0') HO\-~ ~ AL.L c::,*n~l::.~-s.E_<::' A~C. I~ ~s \.

                           -12" FEEDWATER NOZZLE PIPING REACTION STRESSES                                                       (A-30)


PBAPS Nozzlo Core Spray No. Req. 2 )oDe. Uo. 11 I>Jg. 110. n.29383E Location. Shell 40' ':4l" above vessel zero Mat '1 l-1N-MO Inside DiaJ" ~ Shell .8.18.5" Taper I.D. No Internal Lip No Inside Diem C First Veld 8.785" Outside Dia.'i1 or l:ozzle 21:' Outside Diam at First Weld 11.5" CJ.eddine Nom. Thk. 1/4" Distance* From Vessel I.D. To bimeta~ w.eld

                               )O~t 11   ASTM A311 ER308 Bimetal Wald               Distance from Shell 15.3125" list 11 ASTM A371 ER308:

Connecting Pipe Thick~ess .55" Min. l~tfl Stainless Steel Type*316 Thermal Sleeve Yes ~olded Rolled Attached *interference fit by "cld ~hrinkage Pipe Reactions Yes

  . Tran81ents Per GE Drawing 729E762-0 and 135B9990-0 (A-31 )



  • r~7S-
            ,f G.1075" N

jY' ~

~=================================d _f,--l--_.'




PBAPS _EC?~'*~~~!~V .:'!:..._S£ca~/.c/l..s...y.

                   ~--;::~S,.$      ..b/ TE//..S / ;~y      ,81/6 E" FOR         '\H E:. NO c. C.l- t::
                                               ~A\..\"'O'N   -= ""3 ..o~rl'\   7.:. 'i->>o. <.::> ~\

_ -\_~54- .l::'SI /N.

              ~ B ~S.l               0(,17.             A" .E\..~~i\c...    '~,-/:l.,.~\ \c-
                                                        ~~~\..'1s.\~ \s ~e,<\) \~~~

A.T. ~c..". ~ \ ,..f TI '27 KSI

                                       /7 /CSI
                                                    /.Y, 0'..J7:


                                     . f3z KS1 /,y.

l:?z .<SI o:lT 26 Ksr. IN *

                                                                       "37 K5I        Of.JT.
                     -_. . . _... ._-----------_._._--I

_--~--------------- CORE SPRAY NOZZLE (A-33) K.III-45


                             \l\8:.\\. 'B \'\ \~ ~                      S~~~<;:,E-S ~

e:,;\~(7.'" ::'~. 1"lrt::H~ \1\ E.'-~ AT '\He

                                        'SA-FE.            ~t-.\D            A?..E"_         ,0            cc.. ~ t'v\.i-,;,\~t.i)
                                         ,0*                I.e:;            ~ 11\       = 2G.1 Fo \? T t\ c. ~ 0 -:c. 7_ L ~ "TO c;:; \\ E. L'- .k.\".
                              ,y..!\'J...... J".EI-t\BEf\\j~. "\- ?~~;:...: .. ~T~.~";;'

U*rrE".N S \ '\,V '- 2.G."33

\1.3\          \C<:..L .." <::'A,LI,0V./ -=:. \.<;:" c:;, ..,"\ =- 40.0
     \ (     /               (;eG,c': 7?dPc>,cr#/&> ;eev: 0)

--~~_':_'1::-_W£L~ 11\1\"!... c;. EG .. -to "p';~.E.~S. ~\t:.E.S"'S

                  \~-rt::.l-.!~'\\c."S                     A~E:.                ~Hov .... ).J            OJ...) Tac..
                  .-;;. y.;:: t::."\ C. \-\

_. ,P

         - ---7;,....~ ;;..-;:-~,:::~~

L ,-~'.

                                      ,.",-~_,r- :.~",,-..
,.:'-/ :;:---'1"--"--'"
                                                                                                 '-"'" )

No",-C I. ALL "~*\\:'.C,'):':*"C."':'. "'\.\"-C". 1"'-> \C~\ CORE SPRAY NOZZLE PIPING REACTION STRESSES (A-34) K.III-46

PBAPS Nozzle No. *Req. 1 }1k. No. 22 1)'",g. No. 129373E Location Bottom Head. Mat'l. SA-105 Gr. II Inside Diam.@ Shell 1.939" Taper Ie D. No Internal Lip No Inside DiaT&l @ First lo!eld 1.993" Outside Di.~ of' Nozzle 3.0" Outside Dia.~ at First \veld 2.50" Cladding No Nom. Thk. D"lstanct: Fl'oJU V:sSE:l I. D. Mat'l. Bimetal Weld No Distance ~rom Shell Mat'l. Connectinc Pipe Yes Thi.ckness .253"'l SA-106 Gr. B Thermal Sleeve No \tlelded Rolled Attached Pipe Reactions Yes Transients Per GE Drawing 729E762 Rev. 0 (A-35 ) K.III-47


                           --\---- - -4: WElO

l::.. c,... . . -e..~o'-' 51t::r,~,- 2" DRAIN NOZZLE 22 (REGION C) (A-36) NOZZLE JUSTIFIED BY N415.1 & N450 OF SECTION III K.III-4B

PBAPS STRE-'5~ \~\E~S\\\E-b 1\, T\-\E:- S~~E- 't~t:> ~~~ To CO-e.- c..oV\~~~~o To \. 5 St~ ': 'Z7. ~ M~'(. S~(". + \>~~~~. ~\\:le-c:s

                                                 \\\T~~~\\,( \~ CS\o\ow~ ~ 'S,,~,(t+
                                                 <s ~\.OW  ::  3.0 Sm ':- ~O. 0 M~')(. ~\;:M~~~\\C' -\- \'il:C:~~\JR~
                                                 ~\R'CS<::' \~\~",s.\\"( :. C).COZ5 S,,\\OW  =   \.5' CS~ ':. 40.0
                   , 1'l.17
                  ~                              ~\o.o

('rc~."  ;<::'"G;'!70,er #" 7 ;:::6 t/. 0 ') N o,e--: ~\.'- CS\~~"::~~'e--:' h\ ~~ \ 2" DRAIN NOZZLE MK 22 PIPING REACTION STRESSES (A-37 ) K.III-49

PBAPS Nozzle Vent No. Req. 1. t-1k. No. 204 D'~g. No. 129393E Location Top Head Mat'l. t-m-}oiO Inside Diom.@ Shell 4 250" c Taper I.D. Uo Internal. Lip No Inside Dia:il @ First \-leld 3.875" Outside DiaJll of Nozzle 7" Outside Diem at First Held 5.5" Cladding Nom. Thk. 1/4" Distance From Vessel I.D. To bimetal weld Mat' 1.. ASTI-1 A37l ER308 Bimetal. Weld Distance from Shell 7.218" l-la t ' 1.

  • ASTt*1 A371 ER308.

Connecting Pipe Thickness Flange Connections Mat'1. Stainless Steel Thenna1. Sleeve No Welded Rolled Attached Pipe Reactions Yes* Transients Per GE Dra".*rinG 7291':762 Rev. 0 (A-38 ) K.III-SO

PBAPS -+ \~ .

   \  . ,<...

It 2"3~

       ,  tl 2.~

_1 _ t-.I\ '-J - WI. () Sb.-~l. Gf':. ~ (A-39) VENT NOZZLE 204 (REGION A) NOZZLE JUSTIFIED BY N41S.1 & N4S0 OF SECTION III K.III-SI

PBAPS DES\~~ MEC.\-t ?\~\~<;. S\RE-~~~ STR&~~ \"\\£=-~~\\\'C:~ ~\ ,\\e-

                                   ~A.PC:- 't:~tl t>..\'_":- \0 ~~

c.otJ\('~~£O To \.s- ~~ ':'.27.3 MA.'#.. ~E'<... + PRG-~~. ~~&cs.'S

                                     \~\e.N~\\'( \~ ~~ow~ O~ CS't\c.\"\

S~\.\.ow =- 3.0 SW\ ':I 80.0 M~,')!. Me\J\s~. .~~cc.+ ~R~~,SIJ\L~ 5T~c-~~ \\-\\~~~\\'( -::. \9.65

                                     ~M\.C>W ::. I. S ~"" :.. 40,0 I

c:ee~.- ;;t?~.Pt.?"e-r"#7' ~t/. 0)

                                    \~.~5" (A-40)


PBAPS Nozzlo CRD Hyd. ReOturn No. Req. 1.- l-D<. No. 13 INg. No. 129384E Location Shell 37' -4t" from vessel zero Hat 11 . j.:N-MO Inside DieJr tJ Shell 3.870" Taper I.D. No Internal Lip Yes Inside Die~ C First Weld 3.870" Outside Diem.or Nozzle 11.495" Outside Di~~ at First Weld 2.,625" Cladding Nom. Thk. 3/16" Distenc~OFrnm Vehsel 1.0. To bimetal weld

                          }lASt '1    .P.s1-i-*t A3 /l ER308 r

Bimetal lo:eld Distance trOI!1 Shell 4.25" Mat '1 AS'I)1 A371 ER308 Connecting Pipe Thickness .278"

                           )~t'l     stainless Steel Type*304 Thermal Sleeve No                          \1elded                   Rolled Attached Inside Vessel Pipo  R~actions      Yes Transients           Per GE Drawing 729E762 Rev. 0 and 135B9990 Rev.            0 (A-41 )


PBAPS 5.5208 I V f-a:? ~ ?..I2.ZS * --------..,~----t-lD'I; I

          . _-----==:::...-======-~ -+--_..

3/,,, CRD HYD. RET. NOZZLE (A-42 ) K.III-54


         ?~\V\~~'(       -+ 'S~C.O\~\)~\~Y ~\;~c::. \~\G~~\"'< ~~~~~
         "U/   P\P\Nt"\    ~~<:'1'\O'~ ~\""?....5~:S Fo~ Tt\e ~~~E ~\)

S1\u,()u.) : 30 ~l11  : 4e ,,~\


tO~ "'H~ ~~:r..LE' 'SPM.Ol.c) :: 3.0 ~ =- eo.o \<.'2,\ 3 f - - - - - - - - l 2SK~' 4

        ~                           60..:...:--.:Y.":,:~;,,!,,,\~------I6& K~'

7 eRD HYD. RET. NOZZLE (A-43) K.III-55

PBAPS DE-~\c..-,~ -_.

                ~'\::c.\-\. -p, ~'\~.~   ~'\~_~C::>l;S-S S\~'C-~rs \\4Te~~\\\'CS ~\             \\\TC-S~~\::- \::~~ ~~~ To B~

COM~~S-£:-"'O To \.55"" = 2.~.7 foR. ~OZ:LLE- \0 ~\t-\..\.. \~l\,)~\c...\0~~ M~~. Mt=M'O~A.~,=--\- ~~E-~. ~~~s~ lNTe~~\"\'( =- 26.7.9 SA,\.\.Ow ::: \.S Sb1 "; 4-c~O M p..)C. CS'i::-C. -\-  ?~~~~. ~\\(..~':;.~.

                                   ,~\~~ ~\T\~               ~~~ ~\-\O"""'\~

ON T\-\&- ~"e-TC...\-\ CSf;\\.\.W-/ ~ 3. 0 ~~ -::..80. D ~\.\. ~""R~~\:-~ \H \(S\ CRD HYD. RETURN NOZZLE (A-44) PIPING REACTION STRESSES K.III-56

PBAPS Nozzle Core Diff. Press. & Liquid Control No. Req. 1 Mk. No. 17 Dwg. No. l29374E Location Bottom Head Mat'l. ~lN-~~O Inside lJ';a.-n.@ SheJ_l 1.90625" Taper I.D. Internal Lip Inside Diam @ First 1-reid .l.90625" Outside Diam of Nozz1e 5.937" Outside Diam at First Weld 3.126" Cladding Nom. Thk. 3/16" Dist.ance From Vessel I. D. To bimetal we1d

                          ).~at*l. ASTI~  A3'!l ER308 Bimetal Weld               Distance from Shell        3.875" Mat' 1. ASTl-1 A37l ER308 Connecting Pipe            Thickness     .206" Mat'l      Stainless Steel Type 304 Thcnnal Sleeve      No               Welded                      Rolled Attached Pipe Reactions         Yes Transients      Per G.E. DrawInG 729E162 Rev. 0 and l35B9990 - Rev. 0 (A-45 )


PBAPS A -+I--A V'\u- t-"\ I) I

                '$C:. :-~o"- <:;; C. 'T3.    ~~


PBAPS DE"5\(...~ \l\EOA. ?t~\N('" 'S~\;~~~~ STR.'C-~~ \\"\\~~~\,\£:-~ f\T T\"\'f=- S~~t:- t;~~ ~~\: To .'OE-C.o""p~~~ \0 '.S ~h'\:' 23.7 FoR. t--\O"1:"l_\.~\0 S\\~\.L JC"T. M~. ME-~~~"t,;--\'" ?R.~~. STR~~ II'\,.e~~ \T'{ ::. \~ .B4-s~\\.Oy.l 0::. I. 5 ~ -:=. 40.0 M~. CSe-c... + t>R~"S~. ~TR'C-S~

                           \\o.\1~~\\\~ . ~~~ ~\-\ovJ~

o~ T~E- ~~Eo\C.\\ S~\\.ow ::. 3.0 S\1\ -... <00,0



PBAPS Nozzle Control Rod Drive No. Req. 185 .1k. no. 101-12B Dwg. Ito. - 129399E Location Bottom Head Mat'l Inconel Inside DiElI11. @ Shell 6.0" Taper I. D. No Internal Lip No Inside Diem. @ First l~eld 6.0" outside Diam. or Uozzle 7.5" Outside Di~. at First Weld 7.75" Cladding rro Nom. Thk. Distance From Vessel lAD. Ma.t'! Bimeta.l '-leld IIo Distance from Shell Mat'l Connecting Pipe No Thickness'l Thermal Sleeve No Welded Rolled Attached Pipe Reactions Yes Transients Per GE Dra~in~: 886n499 Rev. 5, Sheet 2 1.35B9990 Rev. 0 729E162 *Rev. 0 886n~99 Sheet 7 (A-48) K.III-60


               -         3.75
  • I
                   -    2.9<)5" l'"--
                               . I
                            *0 C()
                        *     .0
        ---.       ~7So I


PBAPS PR\ \""~~'< -t SE-CO'* t>~RY 1N\"G-~S rr\, R~~~E:-

                                -    3.0      ~\--\  -=  70 KS\
                                -    3.0 5~          -  ~O \(S\
                   ~.                                    --J Mftx Pt.I. S7R£S.5       IN;EN~,.rY SMfr'l'= 8,0 ks   I    I SAI..L t=: 1',0 (6iP/lu..r~s)
          .$MA'IC ;   J~,OKSI    J  S~L.L. ,;;.2.3,0 llNC.O,,/£L)


PBAPS Nozzle Jet Pump Inst. No. Req. 2 MIt. No. 19 Dwg. No. l29385E Location Shell n* 3" above vessel zero Mat'l. MN-MO Inside piam.@ Shell_ 3.8125" Taper I.D. No Internal Lip No Inside Diam.. @ First \*!eld J 8125" c. Outside Diam of Nozzle 8" Outside Dia-n at First Weld 5.375" Cladding Nom. Thk

  • 1/4"

,- Distance From Vessel I.D. To bimetal weld Kat

  • J.. AST1-1 371 ER308 Bimetal Weld Di stance r~om Shell 3.875"
                           }.{at-I.l. ASTM   371 ER308 Connecting Pipe          Thickness        0.311" Mat'l       Stainless Steel Type 304 Thermal Sleeve No                     Welded                      Rolled Attached Pipe Reactions    Yes Transients    Per GE Drawing 729E762 Rev. 0 (A-51 )


PBAPS ____ ~ v.."e-O I. C).:t<.


l7 Mu-Mo

          ~~ _.
                                              ~=--t 1            .

l\M:.'~ \.1'\ \I~. (A- 5 2) 4" JET PUMP NOZZLE 19 (REGION B) NOZZLE JUSTIFIED BY N415.1 & N450 OF SECTION III K". 1II-64

PBAPS O'E-~\<:'"'~ ME<...\\. ?\~\~C.... '5n"t't-~~E-~

                                ~\\'t'E-~c:... \~TE-"~\\\E-~ t\., \W~*
                                ~ta..f=e- ~~() ~S...E \0 '\SE-C.OMP~RE:b \0 \.5 CS\-n =. '2.?;,*7 Fo~       -Woz:z.\.'C:- \0 ~""~L'- J0~CT~R..~

M"~. \-1t=\'\'S~""'~~ -\- ~~,.~. STilt=~S

                                 \\-\E:~~\,.X = 2.G:.. '2.~

M~. ~E-C ..... V~ES.S. '5T~~~~ h~.,.&"-\~\\\~~ ~~'=- ~ow~ O~

                                 \\\E. ~\<.~\c..\\
                                  ~~\.\.()w -= '5.b S"'1      = eo. D


PBAPS Nozzle 2" InstruInentation No. Req. Nl'.* No. 12 Location Shel13CP -;-6" ,4.3' -1" ,and 49' ,..l?--tf above vessel zero l-tat'l. Inconel Inside Dic:n.@ Shel,L 1.9~) . )" Taper I.D. No Internal Lip No Inside Di8.:'1l @ First \*leld 1.953" Outside* Dia:n o~ Nozzle 2.755" Outside Diaro at l"irst Weld 2.755" Cladding No Nom. Thk. Distance F:ro!!l V~ssel !. D. Mat'l. Bimetal l-:e ld No Distance from Shell Mat'1. Connecting Pipe Thickness .2422" stainless Steel Type 304 Thennal Sleeve No Welded Rolled Attached 1'5 }'C Reacti.ons Yes Pc r CS Dz";;.',: inc 729E7G2 and 13)B9~90 Rev. 0 (A-54 ) K.III-66


                         .~1bS "

f() -\D. N 2" INSTRUMENT NOZZLE (A-55) K.III-67

PBAPS PR\\,,\f:\RY + Sc-c..o~,\>~~Y S"'Rr-~~ \N"~~~\\'( \<.f>-..~~': CSA.\....o~ = 3~", '::. 70.0 ,,~\ 51,'2. ~\ (A-56) 2 11 INSTRUMENT NOZZLE K.III-68


               \':1'6, \t -        'l. \~. \ ~S"';"~_\H~"'2':\\t:-;\\v~ \\OL."l.'-~

p,? ~==\_~,,;..-.~p..,.(".:\\O~ ~t':..,1.;"~~~ 5,"<..E T'\-\E \--\'t::. \l.. ~ t,) \~"5\~ME~\~\\C>~ ~C>t-:eu:::-::-..>> ~~&

~\-"t""-C..\-\~~ \0 T\"\e' \h:~'>"~~L c:;.\-\~\.'- ~'( ~ ~,,~..T\h..\... V\:~~\~~\\Cl-\

\VG-l.t). THe \)"5~ C~ ~~.w LoI--fPUTc:;.tK, ~P~~(,~N'-1 elJ 1.., 7 (e 'J\.I\.lf)~()

~~"'\'<~Ie:-) \3 ~o\ \J "\"\0. T\,\E'" ~\Q\~G. 1<~I\.('\\O~~ ~\\\. Se-E-'J ~\..uA..T~t) ~ Co "-'TR.\ B\JT\\oj~ \() ~ ~"'~~ \'<P~ +~\L\J~

h\ \\'F.;: \~ ~\.. (> ~~-~" T"e Mt-..XtMUM ~'.Je9'J'..((=' ~Ht:.e...),\..)'-"' ~\i>...e:"'£"S. \~ 3.(,Zo4

  \<\~ I \\-\ 'Z. c.ot-\P~_e-\) To p....~           t\\_\"owA~~\.~- "S'l"~-e;.s.s. o~ \2.<:>0 \<'\9"5:. "\-\ 20,
 \~\E ~'"T~~.;s. \~ \N~\..\.                 'Be\.ow \\'\~ Pa..\.\.o"".., al.& ~~O Y\e'E::"l" \\-\~
  \t~~\j\~~~Ct.lTb               O~ 'SGC.,'lOt-\ -:m.. J OF ",,,,=" ~c;, "16- c.o~.

T\-\e ~o'Z."Z.'..e- ~"O S\~~~~ \~\~~~\,\t~ ~9...~ \ O...s\~\"V~ S ~\ ":. \Eo

  • 2. S- ~s 1
                        \~~\{)e                 '5~,   -=;:. 1l. 85 \<~ \


PBAPS Nozzle 6" InstruJ'aents.tion (Head Spray) No. Rcq. 2 D'Ng. No:. 129393 Location Top Head Mat'i. MN-MO Inside Dia.-n.@ 8"lH.:11 6.218'{) Teper I.D. No Internal Lip No Inside Diam @ First \~eld 5.8125" Outside Diam of Nozzle 11.4375" Outside Dianl at first Welt! '1.5" Cladding Nom. Thk. 1/4" Distance From Vessel I.D. To bU(letal weld 1-1at 'I. ASTl'-1 A37l ER308 Bimetal Held Yes Distance from Shell 9.125" Mat'l. ASTI~ A37l ER308 Connecting Pipe Thickness Flange Connection Mat'1 Stainless Steel ThCl~al Sleeve Yes Welded Rolled For use as Head Spray Attached Clamped between flanges Pipe Reactions Yes Transients Per GE Dra*.....i ng 729=;762 Rev. 0 & l35B9990 Rev*. 0 (A-58 ) K.III-70




                    ..-1--------.. .

IM~-""'O .,

                       *Sb..:~oL G e.'i3 . 4-


PBAPS O~\C.....\ \ ""'CC.\-\. ~\,,\~£? ~~...~C:."::>~~ S\~~"5~ \~\C~~\\\~ h.., \\\~ S~~!C- ~~ I\~. . e- \0 ~'i: COMPA.~~'\:> \0 \~S ~W\ = '2.7.3 Fo\>", ~OL1..'-\:- \0 ~\\E\..\. ~c.1"7 V\~y.. M~6R~~~ ~~~~~. ~~t::.

                                          \~\~~~\\'{         -;;:. \~. e~

\4 ..1B - - . M flo..-x.. ~\:.C. 0\0 ~~~. ~CL';-c:.,~ ~

                                             \~\e.-~~\T\~                ~~~ CS>r\OW\-\



                             ','AXIl*1Ur*1 US.~GE FAC'roRS Recirculation Outlet Nozzle                                 stainJ.ess Steel     .10 Mn Moly              .30 SA-376 Type 316     .233 SA- 312 Type 304    .147 Mn Moly             .027 l"eea.watcr                                                 Mn Moly              .70 Core Spray Noz zle                                          stainless Stce1      .01 Mn Moly              .02 CRD Hyd. Ret. lk>z,zle                                    Stain1ess Steel  No uSRge *ractor Mn I~oly             .363 Control Rod Drive Nozzle                                    Inconel              .005

?" JY)~t.rumentat:ion Nozzl e Inconel .06 Support Skirt Mn Moly .55 Refueling Cont~.inment Skirt Mn Moly .328 Shroud Support Mn Moly .17 Closure ~1n Moly .000 Stud .762 Vessel Shells Water Level Area .009 Lower Head Area .032 (A-61 ) K.III-73

PBAPS This section of tlle report contains a tabulation of all deviations that affect the struct.u~.~al integrity of t'he reactor vessel and closure head.

     !he deviations are listed by CV numbers; also, the corresponding VN numbers are shown. A description of the variation is given along loTi. th a summary of the engil'leertng  justif.l.catio~1 .~)f' that variation.


PBAPS cv# Description 139-6A 50472 A dimensional inspection of the 26" steam Outlet Nozzle revealed that the 5-7/8" radius was machined 1/4" too deep into the 45° angle. Conclusion In keeping t.he originu configuration, 1/4" of the reinfol Cl;Iaent area was machined off of the 45° slope. This was justified from Article 1-6 of the A.S.M.E Code, Section III. 139-19A 70207 Description Th~ minimum shank diameter of one of the studs is 5.8195" which is 0.0105" too small.


The maximum primary + secondary stress in-tensity is 100 ksi. The allowable is 110 ksi; therefore, the stud as machined meets the stress requirements of the AS~m Code, Section III. 139-22 75028


Flux Monitor Penetrations exceeded the radial tolerance of 0.060" with the maximum off center of 0.164" on penetration #22-C. (B-2) K.III-75



                    ~le  resulting reinforcement area is still in excess of the required area.

139-23B 75019


A maximum mismatch of 1-3!i6" between MK-2 (Lower Head Upper Segment) and MK-57 (Shell Course

               #1 Assembly).

Conelusi.on: The maximum primary plus secondary stress is 37 ksi. The allowable is 80 ksi; therefore, the as built assembly meets the stress require: ments of the A.S.M.E. Code, Section III. 127-23B A dimensional inspection of the Lower Head Dome to Torus Assembly showed a maximum mismatch of 1/2" on th e 0 .D.


Engineering calculations show the maximum primary local membrane stress intensity to be 26.8 ksi. Sallow = 1.5 Sm = 40 ksi. The maximun primary + secondary stress intensity is 35.7 ksi. Sallow = 3.0 Sm = 80 ksi. (B-3 ) K.III-76

PBAPS cv# VNI! Description l27-24B 50655 A dimensional inspection of the torus to the lower head assembly showed a mismatch of 7/8" maximum I. D. and 1/4" maximum o. D. Conclusion Engineering calculations show the primary local membrane stress intensity for mismatch geometry to be 26.8 ksi. Sedlow. = 1.5 Sm = 40.0 ksi. The maximum primary + secondary stress intensity is 19.6 ksi. Sallow. = 3.0 Sm = 80.0 ksi. Therefore engineering recommends acceptance "as is". 127-36 51403


CRD and Flux l-1onitor "J" groove deviations.


The reported weld groove variations are satisfactory from the standpoint of base metal reinforcement and ligament efficiency. K.III-77

PBAPS CB&I Deviation


Repo rt IfJ I C)( '?-1 A maximum mismatch of 1- 3/8" between MK-202 (closure head segment) and MK-209 (closure head fl<i.nge) .


The maxlmum primary + seconda.ry stress intensity is 75.7 ksi. The allowable is 80.0 ksi; therefore, the as built assembly meets the stress ~equirements of the AS~ffi Code, ~ection III. CB&I Deviation Description Report #4962-2 Three of the tapped stud bushing holes (#14,32,66) had defective threads. Also, the bottom 2-1/2 inches of thread of one side of hole #31 were incomplete or missing.


Special overzize bushings were used for the thread holes (14,32,66) that hn.d defective threads. The minim\UTI thr(:.:-Jl lenGth that (B-5 ) K.III-78

PBAPS cv# VNI Conclusion - (Cont'd.) is required in the flange is 4.07 in. Therefore, the 8 inches of good thread'in hole #31 is acceptable. CB&I Deviation Description-Report #4962-8 Two thin areas in the lower head vnth the minimum thickness of 7.99 in. which includes the cladding thickness.


These two thin areas are outside the eRD and in-core penetration region. Since the required thickness in this region is 3.0751", the 7.99 in. thickness is acceptable. (B-6) K.III-79}}