RS-16-137, Supplemental Information for License Amendment to Technical Specification 3.8.1, AC Sources - Operating.

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Supplemental Information for License Amendment to Technical Specification 3.8.1, AC Sources - Operating.
Person / Time
Site: Dresden  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 06/30/2016
From: Simpson P
Exelon Generation Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML16187A316 (22)


Exelon Generation 4300 Winfield Road Warrenville. IL 60555 RS-16-137 10 CFR 50.90 June 30, 2016 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 Dresden Nuclear Power Station, Units 2 and 3 Renewed Facility Operating License Nos. DPR-19 and DPR-25 NRC Docket Nos. 50-237 and 50-249


Supplemental Information for Request for License Amendment to Dresden Nuclear Power Station Technical Specification 3.8.1, "AC Sources - Operating"


(1) Letter from P. R. Simpson (Exelon Generation Company, LLC (EGC)) to U.S. NRC, "Request for License Amendment to Dresden Nuclear Power Station Technical Specification 3.8.1, 'AC Sources - Operating,"' dated December 14, 2015 (2) Letter from R. S. Haskell (NRC) to B. C. Hanson (EGC), "Dresden Nuclear Power Station, Units 2 and 3- Request for Additional Information Related to the License Amendment Request to Increase the Minimum Required Fuel Oil in Each Standby Diesel Generator Fuel Oil Day Tank and Proposed Change to Technical Specification 3.8.1, 'AC Sources -

Operating' (CAC Nos. MF 7158 and MF7159)," dated June 8, 2016 In Reference 1, EGC requested an amendment to Renewed Facility Operating License Nos.

DPR-19 and DPR-25 for Dresden Nuclear Power Station (DNPS) Units 2 and 3. The proposed amendment sought to correct a non-conservative TS by revising Surveillance Requirement (SR) to increase the minimum required fuel oil in each standby diesel generator (DG) fuel oil day tank from greater than or equal to (<::) 205 gallons to <:: 245 gallons.

In Reference 2, the NRC requested that EGC provide additional information to support their review of the subject amendment request (i.e., Reference 1). The requested information is attached.

EGC has reviewed the information supporting a finding of no significant hazards consideration, and the environmental consideration, that were previously provided to the NRC in Reference 1.

The additional information provided in this submittal does not affect the bases for concluding that the proposed license amendment does not involve a significant hazards consideration. In addition, the additional information provided in this submittal does not affect the bases for concluding that neither an environmental impact statement nor an environmental assessment needs to be prepared in connection with the proposed amendment.

A-oo I


June 30, 2016 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Page2 EGC is notifying the State of Illinois of this supplement to a previous application for a change to the TS by sending a copy of this letter and its attachment to the designated State Official in accordance with 10 CFR 50.91, "Notice for public comment; State consultation," paragraph (b).

There are no regulatory commitments contained within this letter. Should you have any questions concerning this letter, please contact Mr. Mitchel A. Mathews at (630) 657-2819.

I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on the 30th day of June 2016.

Respectfully, r~~

Patrick R. Simpson Manager - Licensing Exelon Generation Company, LLC Attachments:

1. Supplemental Information for Request for License Amendment to Dresden Nuclear Power Station Technical Specification 3.8.1, "AC Sources - Operating"
2. Exelon Generation Company, LLC Analysis No. 10553-CALC-07, Revision 003A, "Dresden Station Emergency Diesel Generators Endurance Calculations,"

dated June 30,2016 cc: Regional Administrator- NRC Region Ill NRC Senior Resident Inspector - Dresden Nuclear Power Station Illinois Emergency Management Agency - Division of Nuclear Safety

ATTACHMENT 1 Supplemental Information for Request for License Amendment to Dresden Nuclear Power Station Technical Specification 3.8.1, "AC Sources - Operating" Following are the NRC's requests in bold italicized font, followed by Exelon Generation Company, LLC's (EGC's) responses.


On Page 4 of Attachment 1 to the license amendment request (LAR), the licensee states that "Ultra Low Sulfur Fuel Oil (ULSD) has been in use at DNPS since 2007; therefore, this confirmation of fuel oil consumption rates also accounts for the use of ULSD." ASTM D 975, "Standard Specification for Diesel Fuel Oils," allows for up to 5 percent biodiese/ in the fuel oil without labeling.

Discuss whether or not the actual fuel oil consumption rate, and the fuel oil consumption rate curve provided by the manufacturer, take into account up to 5 percent biodiesel allowed by ASTM D 975. If fuel oil is received without biodiese/

at DNPS, explain how that is ensured.

Exelon Generation Company. LLC CEGC) Response:

At Dresden Nuclear Power Station (DNPS), Units 2 and 3, new diesel fuel oil for the diesel generators (DGs) is tested in accordance with ASTM D7371-07, "Standard Test Method for Determination of Biodiesel (Fatty Acid Methyl Esters) Content in Diesel Fuel Oil Using Mid Infrared Spectroscopy ([Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy] FTIR-ATR-PLS Method)," to verify the bio-diesel content is less than(<) 0.1 %.

While the actual fuel oil consumption rates as determined by surveillance tests, and the fuel oil consumption rate curve provided by the manufacturer do not take into account the effects of up to five (5) percent (%) biodiesel allowed by ASTM D 975, the biodiesel content in diesel fuel oil utilized at DNPS, Units 2 and 3 is controlled to be <0.1 %. This assures that there will no appreciable effects from biodiesel fuel oil on DNPS DG performance, including engine power and fuel oil consumption rates. Sample results for biodiesel are required within 31 days. If new fuel oil sample results are found to be outside of biodiesel acceptance criteria, DNPS stored fuel oil will be restored to within limits in accordance with DNPS Chemistry Department procedures.


On Page 4 of Attachment 1 to the LAR, it is stated that Table 1, "Comparison of Volumetric Gross Heat Content at American Petroleum Institute (AP/) Gravities of 32 and 39," demonstrates the relationship of volumetric gross heat to AP/ gravity.

For the gross heat values in Table 1, discuss how the use of ULSD is factored into the gross heat values in the table.

EGC Response:

EGC has utilized ultra low sulfur diesel fuel oil (ULSD) for the DNPS, Units 2 and 3 DGs since 2007. Fuel oil test results for ULSD samples gathered across the EGC nuclear Page 1of4

ATTACHMENT 1 Supplemental Information for Request for License Amendment to Dresden Nuclear Power Station Technical Specification 3.8.1 , "AC Sources - Operating" fleet over a three-year period is shown in Figure 1 below. The heating values of typical diesel fuel published by the National Bureau of Standards (NBS) in Miscellaneous Publication No. 97 , "Thermal Properties of Petroleum Products," in 1933 have also been plotted for visual comparison.

Diesel Fuel Gross Heating Value (HHV)

- - NBS Publication 97

  • Others
  • Dresden
  • LaSalle
  • Quad
  • Byron - - - - NBS Pub 97 < 1% + Braidwood
  • Limerick
  • OC
  • Clinton

.2 c:

~ 130000 1-


!:e. 120000 +------------------------;

  • 100000 -+-----+-~~~-+---+-~~~~~---+-~~~-+--~-----<

30 35 40 45 API Gravity Figure 1: HHV of ULSD Fuel Oil Samples from Across the EGC Fleet The collected ULSD gross heat content data showed some variations for the similar American Petroleum Institute (API) gravity. The data scatter is likely due to differences in base oil stock and refining processes among fuel oil refineries , as well as testing inaccuracies. This data validates the claim that the heat content of ULSD fuel is only marginally different than that of the fuels with higher sulfur content. The data shows the heat values of the ULSD fuel correlates very well with S500 (i.e. , legacy fuel oil with a maximum sulfur content of 500 parts per million by weight) fuel oil of similar API gravity, and is about 1 % lower when compared to heat values published in NBS Publication No. 97 . This is consistent with the literature published by Marathon, Chevron , and the API that report that ULSD is expected to have approximately a 1% lower British Thermal Unit (BTU) per gallon heat content when compared to S500 fuel.

The heating values shown in Table 1 of the license amendment request (LAR) are based solely on typical S500 fuel oil as published in the NBS Miscellaneous Publication No. 97 .

As such , the gross heat values in Table 1 would be approximately 1% lower for ULSD.

Further, as discussed in the LAR, the actual fuel consumption rates for the DNPS DGs are determined from surveillance testing and are based on the ULSD fuel used at DNPS.

Page 2 of 4

ATTACHMENT 1 Supplemental Information for Request for License Amendment to Dresden Nuclear Power Station Technical Specification 3.8.1, "AC Sources - Operating" Acceptance tests have shown the fuel oil received at Dresden has API gravity (@60°F) values of 32 to 34, and the station fuel oil test acceptance criteria have an API range greater than or equal to(<::) 27 and less than or equal to (S) 39. The information in Table 1 is used to conservatively adjust the observed fuel consumption rates which are based on an API gravity of 32 to an API gravity of 39 due to the difference in the gross heat values.


On Page 5 of Attachment 1 to the LAR, the licensee states that "the fuel oil consumption rate provided by the [diesel generator] DG engine manufacturer adequately covers the fuel consumption for the Unit 2, Unit 3, and Unit 213 DGs over the range of AP/ gravity values allowed by the Dresden Diesel Fuel Oil Testing Program."

Provide the related manufacturers engine data which supports the fuel oil consumption rate being adequate for the DNPS DGs for the range of AP/ gravity values allowed by DNPS Diesel Fuel Oil Testing Program.

EGC Response:

A copy of the fuel oil consumption rate curve provided by the manufacturer of the DNPS DGs is included as Figure 2 below. Fuel consumption rates for DG output greater than that shown on the curve were linearly interpolated. Fuel oil consumption rates from surveillance tests are conservatively adjusted based on API gravity and compared to the manufacturer's fuel oil consumption rate curve to verify that the manufacturer's curve continues to bound actual EOG fuel oil consumption rates.

210 -

200 190. -

180 -

'i d 110 z

~!Ii 160 1!J 1~0 -


~ 140 130 -

120 110 100 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 DIESEL OUIPUT POWEii lkWI Figure 2: Manufacturer's Fuel Oil Consumption Curve for the DNPS DGs Page 3 of 4

ATTACHMENT 1 Supplemental Information for Request for License Amendment to Dresden Nuclear Power Station Technical Specification 3.8.1, "AC Sources - Operating" RA/ EPNB-4:

On Page 5 of Attachment 1 to the LAR, the licensee states that an engineering evaluation determined that when the DG output is 3035 kW, the corresponding fuel oil consumption rate is 211 gallons per hour.

For the DG loading of 3035 kW, as specified above, provide the engineering evaluation or supporting documentation which support the fuel consumption rate is 211 gallons per hour.

EGC Response:

A copy of Engineering Calculation 105.53-CALC-07 Revision 003A is included as Attachment 2. The fuel oil consumption rate calculation for 3035 kW is in Attachment E of Attachment 2.

Page 4 of 4

ATTACHMENT 2 Exelon Generation Company, LLC Analysis No. 10553-CALC-07, Revision 003A, "Dresden Station Emergency Diesel Generators Endurance Calculations,"

dated June 30, 2016

CC-AA-309-1001 Revision 8

.--A-na--=l-ys_,.i-s-N-o-._10_5_5_3_-C_AL_C ___0_7--.J--R---ev-i-si-on-*-oo_3_A---.---P-ag_e_l_of-15----.I

  • A:rfACHMEN'T 1

. .. 'Design Aoalvsi$ .cover. She¢ti Design Analysis .1._"_Las_t_P_a-=-g_e_N_o~'.~_._1_5~--~~----'I Analysis No.: ' 10553-CALC-07 Revision:

e.¢"/ECR Na.! 4 EC 406011 Revision~** ooo Statlon(s): 7 DRE Component(s): 14
  • vnifNo.: a 02,03 2-5201 Discipline: 9 MEDC 2/3-5201 Descrip. Cade/Keyword: 10 M13 3-5201 Safety/QA Class: " SR System Code; *2 52 & 66 Structure~. 1* NIA PQcument No.: From/To Document No.: FromlTo UFSAR (ReB~seline) From DOS66Q0*14 From Tech Specs Dresden From Tech Spec Bases Dresden From ls.this Design Analysis Safeguards Information?'" Yes D No*181 If yes, see SY-M-101*106 Does this Design Analysis contain Unverified Assumptions? 11 Yes D ~o IE! If yes, ATl/AR#:

1 This Design Analysis*Si)PERCE~ES::18 NA' in 'its entirety.

Description of Revision (list changed pages when all pages of original analysis were not changed): **This minor revision is to correct a typographical error on Attachment E (page 15) to show the calculated EDG loading at ll0% loading .and at 61.2 Hz is 3035 kW. There is no change to the results and conclusion.

Affected page: Attachment E (page 15).

Preparer: 20

.Dan Lee

- .. Prinl Name Date*

'Me~h~d of Review:. *2 '

  • bet~!l~_if: Review 181 :A1teri(ate Calculations (attached) D Te$ting D ,.

Reviewer:. 22 N!ckTolooi ~7

~ ~Name I {. f ZNM,. ,.

Print Name 'I 0111~'

Revievi'Note~: 23 Independent review 121 Peer review D

.(For External Allaly~e* Only),

External Approver: .. NIA


Sign Nama aa1a E:icelori. Reviewer: *5 NIA

  • P11111Name* *Sion*Nama * * * 'Data
1ndepen.d~nt~i:d Paoy fl~vie~*Reqd? *a 1


' ;¥c~fo.~ Approver: :*~1,yJf W/;J~:


CC*AA-309-1001 Revision 8 l'""=A""""-nal--.**--ys""-i-s-N-o-.1_0_5_5-3--C_AL_C_-0_7--..--.-R-e,_v_is-jo_n_0_0_3_ __,.___P_ag_e_2_o_f_l_5_ _.,.,T The purpose of this calculation is to determine if the day tank and bulk fuel oil tank volume requirements of 205 gallons and 10,000 gallons in Tech Spec Surveillance Requirement are sufficient to meet the intent described in the Tech Spec Bases. This includes the impact of a potentially higher fuel consumption rate (from the use of fuel oil at the maximum allowable API gravity (lowest density) and if the EDGs operate at a 2% higher frequency, as allowed by the Tech Spec tolerance on EOG frequency. The calculation of the time the EDGs will run at 50% load was removed since this is no longer described in the Tech Spec Bases.

Revision 03 of this calculation is to evaluate the fuel consumption with the EDGs operating at 110%

rating and at frequency of 60.5 Hz (Ref. 4.13) or 61.2 Hz (Ref. 4.12). This is to address an NRC inspection finding (Ref. 4.14) .


2.1 Technical Specification Surveillance Requirement (SR) 3.B.1.4 (Reference 4.1) requires each day tank contains greater than or equal to 205 gallons of fuel oil and each bulk fuel storage tank contains greater than or equal to 10,000 gallons of fuel oil.

2.2 The bases for Tech Spec SR 3.B.1.4 are to: a) ensure adequate fuel oil in the day tank for a minimum of 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> of DG operation at full load plus 10%, and b) ensure adequate fuel oil in the bulk fuel storage tank*for approximately 2 days at full load (Reference 4.2}.

2.3 New fuel oil samples must have an API gravity at 60°F of~ 27 and s 39 (Reference 4.3) 2.4 SR (Reference 4.12) requires the EDG to maintain steady state frequency;:: 58.8 Hz and s 61.2 Hz. Ttiis represents a tolerance of+/- 2% from the base frequency of 60 Hz.

2.5 UFSAR Figure 9.5-3 "Fuel Consumption - S20EGW Diesel Generator" (Reference 4.6) 2.6 System Engineer trending of diesel fuel oil analyses (see Attachments B, C, and D) 2.7 DGA-12 (Reference 4.13) specifies the operating parameters for EOG to maintain steady state frequency<::: 59.5 Hz and s 60.5 Hz. This represents a tolerance of+/- 0.5 Hz from the base frequency of 60 Hz.

  • None.

4.1 Technical Specification SR 4.2 Tech Spec Bases for SR

CC-AA-309-1001 Revision 8

.--A~na-l-ys-is~N-o-.-10_5_5-3--C-AL~C---0-7---.~~R-e-v-is_io_n_0_0_3~--..~~-P-ag_e_3~of~15~~~J 4.3 Tech Spec Bases for SR 3.B.3.1 4.4 Tech Spec 5.5.9 "Diesel Fuel Oil Testing Program" 4.5 DOS 6600-14, Rev. 20, Dlesel Oil Transfer Pump Operation and Fuel Consumption Test 4.6 UFSAR, Rev. 08 4.7 Mark's Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers, Tenth Edition 4.8 Procurement Engineering Standard PES-P-006, Rev. 11 "Diesel Fuel Oil" 4.9 Dresden procedure DWP-15, Rev. 14 "Receiving Diesel Fuel Oil" 4.1 O Dresden procedure CY-DR-120-900, Rev. 1 "DIESEL FU EL OIL TESTI NG 0 4.11 National Bureau of Standards, Miscellaneous Publication No. 97 (April 28, 1933)(Attachment A) 4.12 Technical Specification SR 4.13 DGA-12, Rev. 74 "Emergency Diesel Generator Normal Operating Parameters

4.14 IA' 0.2506869

- - .f -

1 None

- $~0* MEl'HOD;Qf..-ANAL¥sis_:

~ . , ' -- .

The methodology to determine the operating time consists of dividing the available volume by the fuel consumption rate.

The pump affinity laws are used to adjust the pump power to account for the increase in EOG frequency (speed) because the Tech Spec tolerance of +2%. Pump affinity laws (see page 14-23 of Reference 4.7) state that pump power (P) is proportional to the cube of the pump speed (N):

P1/P2 = N1 3/Nl The methodology to determine if margin is available to accommodate the lower heating value of fuel with an API gravity of 39 consists of comparing the margin between actual fuel consumption rates as determined during plant surveillances and fuel consumption rates stated in the UFSAR to the margin reduction from using a fuel with an API gravity at the Tech Spec minimum of 39.

CC-AA-309-1001 Revision 8

___0_7---..--R-e-VIS-.-io_n_0_0_3----.---P-ag_e_4-of_1_5_ __,I

....--A-n_a_ly-s-is-N-o.-l-0-5-53---C-AL_C 7.0. :~UMERiC' ANALYSIS:~

EDG fuel oil consumption rates are discussed in UFSAR Section 9.5.1 and UFSAR Figure 9.5-3 shows diesel fuel consumption versus load. At the 10% overload condition (2860 kW) each DG will consume 205 gallons of fuel per hour; at a rated load of 2600 kW, each DG wlll consLir:rir;:t 192 gaVhr, and at 50%

rated load, 105 gal/hr.

Day Tank Surveillance procedure DOS 6600-14 (Reference 4.5) has an acceptance criterion to ensure that 350 gallons or more remains in the day tank when the low level alarm is received. 350 gallons Is very conservative compared to Tech Spec SR requirement of> 205 gallons in the day tank. The 145 gallons or 71 % margin is sufficient to accommodate a +2o/o frequency tolerance of the EDGs, if the frequency tolerance is interpreted as applicable to this SR.

The fuel consumption rate with the EDGs at 110% rated loading and at 60.5 Hz or 61.2 Hz is evaluated in Attachment E Bulk Fuel Oil Tank The pump affinity laws are used to adjust the pump power to account for the increase in EOG frequency (speed} because the Tech Spec tolerance of +2%. Pump affinity laws (see page 14-23 of Reference 4. 7) state that pump power (P) is proportional to the cube of the pump speed (N):

P1/P2 = N, 3/Nl Therefore, if the pump speed increases by 2% (N2 =1.02

  • N,), then pump power increases by 6.1 %

(P2 = 1.061 " P1).

Multiplying the rated EOG load of 2600 kW by 1.061 yields 2,759 kW ..

The fuel consumption with the EDGs at rated loading and at 60.5 Hz or 61.2 Hz is evaluated in Attachment E.

n CC-AA-309-1001 Revision 8

~An~a-l-ys_i_s~N-o-.l-0_5_5_3--C-AL~C--0~7~~~R-e-v-is_w_n_0_0_3~~~~-P-ag_e_5_o_f_l_5~---.I The EOG fuel oil consumption test performed under DOS 6600-14 measures actual gallons of fuel consumed and compares the actual rate to the nominal rate (consumption versus electrical loading) in UFSAR Figure 9.5-3. The result is expressed in percentage of nominal consumption in order to allow for a range of electrical loading on the EDG between 2340 kW and 2600 kW when performing the test.

Actual Rate Nominal Rate Average of Surveillance Date (measured) (Figure 9.5-3)  % last2 WO aaVhr aaVhr surveillances Unit2 1002283-01 03/13/2009 177 190 93.2 95.3 0793930-01 02/19/2007 180 185 97.3 00565299-01 03/23/2005 146 190 77*

00335355-01 04/15/2003 Not available Not available 99064646-01 06/29/2001 178.26 190 93.8 Averaae 94.8 Unit 213 01016066-01 05/12/2009 186 192 96.9 95.5 00804479-01 04/03/2007 177 188 94.1 00427566-03 04/25/2005 168 190 88 00335318-01 04/03/2003 176 183 96.2 99059561-01 06/29/2001 169.69 184 92.2 Averaae 93.5 Unit3 01122412-01 05/04/2010 178 185 96.2 91.9 00897127-01 04/07/2008 162 185 87.6 00682797-01 03/0212006 175 185 95 00434414-01 04/01/2004 179.13 182 98.4 99148966-01 04/2212002 185.39 185 100.2 Average 95.5

  • This data point 1s an outlier and 1s not included m the average to ensure the results are conseivatlve for the purposes of this calculation One purpose of the test Is to demonstrate that the'tuel oil day tank has sufficient capacity remaining at the low-level alarm setpoint to run the diesel at 110% for one hour before the fuel supply in the day tank is exhausted. DOS 6600-14 also has an acceptance criterion of verifying a minimum of 350 gallons of fuel remains in the day tank when the low level alarm Is received. 350 gallons is conservative compared to the acceptance criterion In Tech Spec SR of >205 gallons in the day tank.

The results in the above table show a 4.5% or higher margin between the fuel consumption rate average measured during DOS 6600-14 surveillances (for both the average of the last two and last five suiveillances) and the nominal fuel consumption rate from UFSAR Figure 9.5-3.

The transition to ULSD fuel oil began in 2007. There is no discernible increase in fuel oil consumption after this date.


  • Revision 8

.--A~na_l_y_fil_s_N_o_.-10-5~5-3--C-AL~C---0-7---.~~R-e-v-is-io_n_00~3~---.,.-----~-P-a-ge__,.6-o~f-15~~-,I Effect of API Gravity Technical Specification 5.5.9, "Diesel Fuel Oil Testing Program", requires testing requirements be provided for new fuel oil and stored fuel oil and includes sampling requirements and acceptance criteria. The diesel fuel oil in the EOG bulk fuel oil tanks is sampled monthly per DOS 0040-02 under pre-defines PMRQ 11845-03 (U2}, 370-02 (U2/3), and 5976-04 (U3) to comply with the Diesel Fuel Oil Testing Program and the results are sent to a laboratory for analysis. The results are trended by the EOG System Engineer. The results since 2007 are provided in Attachments B, C, and D.

There is no vendor information available to substantiate the API gravity of the fuel oil that was used to make UFSAR Figure 9.5-3. Therefore, the average fuel consumption rate and average API gravity during the last two fuel consumption rate surveillances will be used. The high heating values (HHVs) were obtained from a linear interpolation of the values In Attachment A.

Tank/EDG AverageAPI HHV at Average HHVatAPI  % HHV Reduction Gravitv API Gravitv Gravity of 39 2-5201 I U2 EDG 33.8 139520 136400 2.2 2/3-5201 I U2/3 EDG 33.0 140000 136400 2.6 3-5201 / U3 EDG 32.8 140120 136400 2.7 8.0 RESULTS/CONCLUSIONS EOG operating condition Loading (kW) Fuel Consumption rate Total fuel consumption (Qallons/hr) in 2 davs (gallons) 110% overload @ 60.5 Hz 2932 208 9467 110% overload @ 61.2 Hz 3035 211 9705 The minimum 1o,ooo gallons In the bulk fuel oil tank required by Tech Spec SR is sufficient to operate the EDG for 2 days at either 60.5 Hz or 61.2 Hz.

With the EOG operating continuously at 11 Oo/o overload at with 60.5 Hz or 61.2 Hz, the fuel consumption rate of 208 gallons/hr or 211 gallons/hr is not bounded by the current Tech Spec SR minimum requirement of 205 gallons in the day tank.

The fuel consumption rates averaged over the past 2 and 5 surveillances show a 4.5% or higher margin to the nominal fuel consumption rate from UFSAR Figure 9.5-3. The percent reduction in the HHV between the average API gravity of the fuel oil used since the beginning of 2007 and the HHV of fuel oil with an API gravity of 39 is 2.7% or less. Therefore, there is margin to accommodate the lower HHV of fuel oil at the Tech Spec minimum API gravity of 39. To ensure margin remains, the Diesel System Engineer has changed the upper API gravity limit from 39 to 34. If the API gravity trends above 34, then the System Engineer will generate an Issue Report for further evaluation.

ATTACHMENTS A - National Bureau of Standards, Miscellaneous Publication No. 97 B - Diesel Fuel Oil Testing Program Results for Bulk Diesel Fuel Oil Tank 2-5201 C - Diesel Fuel Oil Testing Program Results for Bulk Diesel Fuel Oil Tank 2/3-5201

CC-AA-309-1001 Revisipn:s

~,-An'--.-_al-y-si-*s--'N-cr.-1-'-*05-_5-3-~c-A_L_* :7-.o-f-,'l-5_.----.j; C-~o-.7~1-'--~l~~e-.y-is'-~o'-n-:Q-03-:.-~_,--.P-a-ge-. .

D- Diesel Fuel Oil Testing Program Results for Bulk Diesel Fuel 011Tank3-5201 E - Determine EOG fuel consumption at 60.5 Hz or 61.2 Hz


  • Analysis No. 10553-CALC-07 Revision 003 Page 8of15 ATTA~aMENT A

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CC-AA-309-1001 Revision 8 Analysis No. 10553-CALC-07 Revision 003 Page 9of15 ATTACHMENT B Diesel Fuel Oil Testinq Proqram Results for Bulk Diesel Fuel Oil Tank 2-5201 High Spec ,, _?40 __ _

Low Spec 1.9 _ - * -*- - * --- **--* _ _ 27. ___ _ -- *- Ji5~ ~ -- * -~- - --- - - * * - ~- _..__ ,____ - 4Q.. -

a-ear- -- - -

Wtr& &

Sed. Viscosity Bright Flash Cloud Garbon Distillalion

(% cSt@ Bacteria Sulfur Gavity ASTM (Pass Particulate Point Point Residue Ash Copper Celane Temp.

0 Date vol.) 40'C (Neg.) (%wt.) API Color I Fail) s (mg/L) (oF) (oF) (%) (%) Corrosion Index (oF) Comments 2/12/2007 0 2.768 n 0.05 32.3 4.5 pass 0.87 167 0 0 .15 <0.01 41.7 608 2/13/2007 0 2.766 n 0.05 32.l 4 .5 pass 1.28 164 -2 0.15 <0.01 41.5 608 Sampled from the rai 3/20/2007 0 2.698 [) 0.05 32.4 4.5 pass 0.32 167 -2 0.18 <0.01 41.7 607 4/18/2007 0 2.709 [) 0.05 33.1 4.5 pass 0.7 165 -2 0.16 <0.01 43 609 5/15/2007 0 2.631 n 0.05 34.4 4.5 pass 0.4 1 163 -2 0. 17 <0.01 44.8 605 7/1712007 0 2.684 n <0.. 05 33.2 4.5 pass 0.43 163 -6 0.18 <0.01 42.3 602 8/14/2007 0 2.703 n 0.03 33.3 4.5 pass 0.35 167 -2 0.19 <0.01 43.4 608 9/18/2007 0 2.664 n 0.03 33.3 4.5 pass 0.34 164 0 0.18 <0.0l 43 .2 654 Suspecl samplt: error 10/16/2007 0 2.642 n <0.05 33.3 4.5 pass 0.26 160 l 0.12 <0.01 43 .3 606 L0/28/2007 0 2.726 n 0.02 33.5 4.5 pass 0.28 159 -2 0.16 <0.01 43 .9 610 Quarterly tank bott01 11/1412007 0 2.597 [) 0.03 33.5 4.5 pass 0.89 160 -4 0.17 <0.01 43.5 609 It was sat.

11/2212007 0 2.671 n 0.02 33.5 4.5 pass 0.47 160 -4 0.18 <0.01 43.6 609 12/1612007 0 2.591 n 0.02 33.9 4.5 puss 0.35 157 -2 0.17 <0.01 43.9 604 12/2712007 0 2.672 n 0.03 33.9 4.5 pass 0.47 156 -4 0. 13 <0.01 43 .7 598 111512008 0 2.608 n 0.02 33.9 4.5 pass 0.36 157 -2 0.18 <0.01 44.2 605 2/12/2008 0 2.608 n 0.02 33.8 4.5 pass 0.32 159 -2 O.J 8 <0.01 44.5 602 Quarterly sample 3/18/2008 0 2.574 n 0.03 33.8 4.5 pass 0.25 154 0 0.17 <0.01 43 .9 602 4/15/2008 0 2.6 n 0.02 33.8 4.5 pass 0.38 157 -6 0.17 <0.01 44 606 5/212008 0 2.583 nst nst 33.8 4.5 pass nst nst nsl nst nst nst nst nst Quarterly sample 5/13/2008 0 2.591 n 0 .02 33.9 4.5 pass 0.37 162 0 0.2 <0.01 44.2 603 6/9/2008 0 2.638 n 0.02 33.9 4.5 pass 0.4 l 162 -2 0.16 <0.01 44.4 608 7/l5/2008 0 2.599 n 0.02 33.9 4 .5 pass 0.42 158 -6 0.17 <0.01 44.2 608 8/1/2008 0 2.569 n 0.02 33.9 4.5 pass 0_5 l 158 -6 0.15 <0.01 44 .4 610 Quarterly sample 8/12/2008 0 2.469 n <0.015 33.9 4.5 pass 0.33 158 -4 0.17 <0.01 44.2 606 9/9/2008 0 2.574 n 0.02 33.8 4.5 pass 0.35 158 -4 0.18 <0.01 l 43.5 604 10/14/2008 0 2.602 n 0.02 33.8 4.5 pass 0.24 157 -6 0.17 <0.01 l 44 608 L0/3 Ln008 <0.05 2.5 n <0.015 33.9 4 Fail 0.43 158 -4 0.15 <0.01 43.9 605 Quarterly sample- fa

CC-AA-309-1001 Revision 8 Analysis No. 10553-CALC-07 Revision 003 Page 10of15 ATI ACHMENT B Diesel Fuel Oil Testinq Proaram Results for Bulk Diesel Fuel Oil Tank 2-5201 1111212008 0 2.589 n 0.02 33.9 4.5 pass 0.34 155 -6 0.16 <0.01 44 604 1111712008 0 2.589 n 0.02 33.9 4.5 pass 0.34 155 -6 0.16 <0.01 44 604 121912008 0 2.54 n O.G2 33.8 4.5 pass 0.27 159 -4 0.17 <0.01 43.7 603 1/1312009 0 2.566 n 0.02 33.8 4.5 pass 0.24 156 -4 0.18 <0.01 43.6 602 112312009 0 2.558 n 0.02 33.9 4.5 pass 0.61 156 -2 0.16 <0.01 44.2 606 Quarterly sample 2120/2009 0 2.54 n 0.02 33.9 4 pass 0.26 157 -4 0.17 <0.01 43.5 602 3110/2009 0 2.528 n 0.02 33.9 4.5 pass 0.22 157 -4 0.17 <0.01 I 44.l 607 4n12000 0 2.542 n <0.015 34.1 4.5 pass 0.3 156 0.19 <0.01 1 44.2 603 4122/2009 0 2.562 n 0.02 34 4 pass 0.5 L 156 -4 0 .16 <0.01 1 43.4 603 Quarlerly sample 5/14/2009 0 2.595 n 0.02 34.l 4 pass 0.37 158 -4 0.17 <0.01 1 44.3 609 6/9/2009 0 2.603 n 0.02 34.1 4.5 pass 0.27 158 -4 0 .17 <0.01 l 43 .2 597 7/13/2009 0 2.534 n 0 .02 34.3 4.5 pass 0.3 157 -4 0.18 <0.01 44.3 604 Quarterly sample 7/15/2rnJ 0 2.583 n <0.015 34.2 4 pass 5.32 156 -6 0.16 <0.01 44.2 605 811112009 0 2.566 n 0.02 34 4 pass 0.3 156 -4 0.18 <0.01 44.2 600 9/812009 0 2.589 n 0.02 34.1 4 pass 0.25 157 -4 0.16 <0.01 44.5 605 10/13/2009 0 2.586 n <0.015 34.1 4.5 pass 0.28 155 0 0.17 <0.01 44.3 605 1011412009 0 2.59 n <0.015 34 4 pass 0.31 158 -2 0.17 <0.01 43.9 603 Quarterly sample 12/8/2009 0 2.63 n 0.02 34.2 4 pass 0.19 160 -4 0.16 <0.01 44.5 605 111212010 0 2.614 n 0.02 34.1 4.5 pass 0.21 158 -4 0.16 <0.01 44.3 606 111312010 0 2.61 n 0.02 34.l 4.5 pass 0.38 158 -2 0.17 <0.01 44.2 605 Quarterly sample 211412010 0 2.566 n 0.03 34.l 4 pass 0.24 155 -6 0.13 <0.01 1 44.6 606 31912010 0 2.647 n 0.02 33.6 4.S pass 0.29 155 0 0.16 <0.01 1 43.6 606 3/30/2010 0 2.701 n 0.02 33.3 4 pass 0.48 156 -4 0.17 <0.01 1 43.2 606 Quarterly sample 4/13/2010 0 2.616 n 0.02 33.8 4 pass 0.27 156 -8 0.18 <0.01 1 44.1 606 4/13/2010 0 2.614 n 0.02 33.8 4 pass 0.21 155 -4 0.17 <0.01 43 .8 605 Labeled West samplt 5/9/2010 0 2.612 n 0.02 33.7 4 pass 0.23 157 -4 0.16 <0.01 43 .8 606 Labeled West samplt 6/8/2010 0 2.59 n 0.02 33.7 4 pass 0.25 157 -4 0.16 <0.01 43.4 605 Labeled West samplt 7/13/2010 0 2.622 n 0.02 34 4.5 pass 0.32 157 -4 0.16 <0.01 44 604 711612010 0 2.61 n 0.02 33 .8 4 pass 0.52 157 -6 0.17 <0.01 43.9 604 Quarterly sample Average 33.75179

CC-AA-309-1001 Revision 8 Analysis No. 10553-CALC-07 Revision 003 Page 11of15 ATTACHMENT C Diesel Fuel Oil Testing Program Results for Bulk Diesel Fuel Oil Tank 213-5201 High Spec



Low Spec _ ____ J .9 ---~- _.. _ _gz_

Wtr aear Sed. Viscosity Bright Flash Cloud Carbon Distillation

(% cSt @ Bacteria Sulfur Gavity ASTM (Pass Particulates Point Point Residue Ash Copper Cetane Temp.

Data vol.) 40'C {Neg.) (%wt.) "API Color I Fail) (mg/L) ("F) (°F) (%) (%) Corrosion Index (°F) Comments l/l8/2007 0.02 2.647 nsl nst 32.5 4.5 fail nst nst nst nst nst nst nst nst Quan.:rly ~ ample a/kr

  • tn3/2007 0 2.709 n 0.05 32.5 4.5 pass 0.55 156 -4 0. 18 <0.01 41.6 602 21212007 0 2.681 n 0 .06 32.3 4.5 pass 7.57 157 -4 0.15 <0.01 41.4 603 Resarnple s.nt af1er re-p<

2128/2007 0 2.726 n 0.05 32.5 4.5 pass 0.39 159 -4 0.18 <0.01 41.8 602 4/24/2007 0 2.814 n 0.05 32.6 4.5 pass 0.28 163 -4 0.18 <0.01 42.7 605 5!2812007 0 2.794 n 0.05 32.6 4.5 pass 0.28 162 -2 0.2 <0.01 43 .7 620 612612007 0 2.777 n 0.04 32.6 4.5 pass 0.21 168 -4 0.18 <0.01 42.8 606 7/1712007 0 2.77 n <0.05 32.5 4.5 pass 0.42 163 -4 0. 19 <0.01 42.3 602 7/2412007 0 2.808 n 0.04 32.6 4.5 pass 0.36 163 -6 0.19 <0.01 42.7 606 8/3012007 0 2.787 n 0.03 32.7 4.5 pass 0.34 170 -2 0.19 <0.0l 42.8 604 9/24/2007 0 2.753 n 0.04 32.7 4.5 pass 0.19 164 -4 0.2 <0.01 43.1 611 10/16/2007 0 2.793 n <0.05 33.3 4.5 pass 0.37 160 0 0.11 <0.01 43.l 607 10/23/2007 0 2.827 n 0.03 32.6 4.5 pass 0.23 160 -4 0.18 <0.01 43.3 611 ll/25'2007 0 2.828 n 0.03 32.9 4.5 puss 0.41 159 -4 0.19 <0.01 43.3 607 12/26(}.007 0 2.794 n 0.03 32.8 4.5 pass 0.43 159 -4 0.13 <0.01 42.9 608 1/20'2008 0 2.76 n 0.03 32.9 4.5 pass 0.3 159 -4 0.18 <0.01 43.5 610 2/24!2008 0 2.752 n 0.03 32.9 4.5 pass 0.36 160 -6 0.17 <0.01 43.6 610 3/27/2008 0 2.726 n 0.03 32.9 4.5 pass 0.28 159 -4 0.16 <0.01 43.6 608 4/15'2008 0 2.749 n 0 .03 32.8 4.5 pass 0.34 162 -6 0.18 <0.01 43.2 606 4128/2008 0 2.741 n O.Q3 32 .9 4.5 pass 0.3 160 -4 0.19 <0.01 43.5 612 5/27!2008 0 2.75 n 0.03 32 .9 4.5 pass 0.23 162 -6 0.2 <0.01 43.4 607 6/2312008 0 2.631 n 0 .02 33 4.5 pass 0.34 160 -4 0.19 <0.01 4 3.5 608 7/29'2008 0 2.684 n 0.03 33 4.5 pass 0.43 160 -6 0.17 <0.01 44 612 8/26/2008 0 2.687 n 0.02 32.9 4.5 pass 0.28 158 -4 0.2 <0.01 43.2 602 9/26/2008 0 2.655 n 0.02 32 .9 4.5 pass 0.23 158 -2 0.2 <0.01 42.9 605 10/14/2008 0 2.734 n O.Q3 33 .8 4.5 pass 0.55 161 -6 0.19 <0.01 43.4 608 10!2812008 0 2.744 n O.D3 33 4.5 pass 0.17 160 -9 0.19 <0.01 43.4 607 11/25/2008 0 2.81 n 0.02 33.1 4.5 pass 0.26 160 -8 0.19 <0.01 43.8 610 1213112008 0 2.676 n 0.03 33 4.5 pass 0.21 158 -4 0.18 <0.01 1 42.8 608

CC-AA-309-1001 Revision 8 Analysis No . 10553-CALC-07 Revision 003 Page 12 of 15 ATTACHMENT C Diesel Fuel Oil Testinq Program Results for Bulk Diesel Fuel Oil Tank 2/3-5201 1/1712009 0 2.663 n 0.02 33.3 4.5 pass l.82 156 -9 0.17 <O.OI 43 600 Quarterly sample after:

2/3/2009 0 2.67 n 0 .02 33.3 4.5 pass 0.56 158 -9 0.17 <0.01 l 42.2 598 3/4/200} 0 2.646 n <0.015 33.2 4 pass 0.39 154 -6 0.18 <0.01 1 42.7 601 Analysts lab number 92 3/4/2009 0 2.647 n 0.02 33.1 4.5 pass 0.51 153 -6 0 .2 <0.01 1 42.3 600 Analysts lab number 92 3/30/200} 0 2.616 n 0.02 33.4 4.5 pnss 0 .48 158 -6 0.17 <0.01 43.3 602 4/9/200} 0 2.618 n 0.02 33.3 4 pass 1.3 154 -4 0.14 <0.01 43.4 605 Quarterly sample after !

5191200} 0 2.655 n 0.02 33.3 4 pass 0.3 155 -6 0.19 <0.01 l 42.2 600 61212009 0 2.672 n 0.02 33.3 4 pass 0.28 156 -4 0.17 <0.01 1 42 600 6/30/2009 0 2.657 n 0.02 33.4 4 pass 0.4 156 -4 0 .18 <0.01 1 42.7 602 Lab#9908 6/30/2009 0 2.639 n 0.02 33.4 4.5 pass 0.36 156 -4 0.19 <0.01 1 42.7 600 Lab #9909 8/412009 0 2.65 n 0.02 33.4 4 pass 0.17 156 -6 0 .18 <0.01 1 43 .7 607 9/112009 0 2.647 n 0 .02 33.5 4 pass 0.28 153 -4 0.18 <0.01 44.3 611 10/1/2009 0 2.671 n 0 .02 33.4 4.5 pass 0.27 157 -2 0 .18 <0.01 43 .6 604 lOfl/2009 0 2.702 D 0 .02 33.4 4.5 pass 0 .26 155 -4 0.18 <0.01 43.7 608 Quarterly Sample 10/3112009 0 2.671 n 0 .02 33.4 4 .5 pass 0.26 155 0 0.18 <0.01 43.4 606 1212212009 0 2.629 n 0.02 33.4 4 pass 0 .32 153 -4 0.18 <0.01 43 .6 606 Quarterly sample 12(23/2009 0 2.626 n 0.02 33.4 4 pass 0. 12 153 -4 0.19 <0.01 43.7 607 1/1812010 0 2.681 n 0.02 33.2 4.5 pass 0 .15 157 -4 0.19 <0.01 1 43 6(J]

212212010 0 2.616 n 0 .02 33.l 4 pass 0.24 156 -6 0.18 <0.01 1 43.2 607 3/2912010 0 2.744 n 0.02 33.4 4.5 pass 9.2 158 -4 0.16 <0.01 1 43.5 608 Quarterly in conjunctio 4/lf2010 0 2.608 n 0.03 33.2 4 pass 0.51 156 -6 0.19 <0.01 1 43.4 608 5/312010 0 2.65 n 0.02 33 4 pass 0.27 155 0 0.2 <0.01 1 42.8 606 6/112010 0 2.681 n 0.02 33.3 4 pass 0.45 166 -2 0.17 <0.01 l 43.3 605 labelled North 6/29/'2010 0 2.62 n 0.02 33.2 4 pass 0.43 157 -6 0.18 <0.01 43 604 labelled North 71812010 0.1.i NST NST NST NST NST Eiil 3.52 NST NST NST NST NST NST NST Quarterly sample pullet 7/16/2010 0 2.663 n 0.02 33.2 4 pass 0.82 160 -15 0 .18 <0.01 42.8 605 Resample after draininE Average 33.04074

CC-AA-309-100.t Revision 8 Analysis No. 10553-CALC-07 Revision 003 Page 13of15 AITACHMENT D Diesel Fuel Oil TestinQ Proaram Results for Bulk Diesel Fuel Oil Tank 3-5201 High Spec

'~ .. - "t'*' " .. '~'! ~~..,..

Low Spec 1.9 -- _Xl. _ - - *- - ---~----*-1.m!_..... ___ _,,,_._ ........ *' - - * ~- 540 Clear Wtr& &

Sed. Viscosity Bri!1Jt Flash Cloud Carbon Distillation

(% cSt @ Bacteria Sulfur Gavity ASTM (Pass Particulates Point Point Residue Ash Copper Cetane Temp.

0 Date vol .) 40'C (Neg .) (%wt) API Color I Fail) (mg/L) (oF) iFJ (%) (%) Corrosion Index ("F} Comments 01/02107 0 2.677 n 0.05 32.3 4.5 pass 0 .1 152 -4 0.12 <0.01 4 1.l 599 01/30/07 0 2.641 n 0 .06 32.2 4.5 pass 0.25 157 -9 0.13 <0.01 41.2 601 03/06/07 0 2.633 n 0.05 32.1 4.5 pass 0. 17 160 -2 0.18 <0.01 41 602 04/06/07 0 2.69 n 0.05 32.2 4.5 pass 0 . 12 158 -8 0.18 <0.01 41.4 603 05/10/07 0 2.667 n 0.06 32.3 4.5 pass 0 .05 157 -8 0.19 <0.01 41.4 604 06105107 0 2.843 n 0.05 32.3 4 .5 pass 0 .36 159 -4 0.19 <0.01 41.4 600 07/31/07 0 2.679 n 0.03 32.3 4.5 pass 0.24 164 -8 0.2 <0.01 41.2 601 09/04/07 0 2.671 n 0.03 32.3 4.5 pass 0 .08 164 -6 0.2 <0.01 41.2 601 09/12/07 0 2.654 n 0.03 32.3 4.5 pass 0.24 159 0 0 .22 <0.0l 42.l 614 10/28/07 0 2.67 n 0.02 32.9 4.5 pass 0.85 154 -4 0 .19 <0.01 43 .l 609 12/05/07 0 2.726 n 0.02 32.8 4.5 pass l.01 153 -4 0 .18 <0.01 42.2 605 12/16/07 0 2.695 n 0 .02 32.8 4.5 pass 1.36 155 -4 0.19 <0.01 43 607 01/01/08 0 2.719 n 0 .02 32.9 4.5 pass 0.83 156 -2 0 .18 <0.01 42.7 604 01122108 0 2.673 n 0.02 32.8 4.5 pass l.82 155 -4 0.18 <0.01 42.8 608 01123/08 0 2.69 n 0 .03 32.9 4.5 pass 1.96 156 -4 0.18 <0.01 42.9 608 01/26/08 0 2.704 n 0 .03 32.9 4.5 pass 1.38 156 -4 0.18 <0.01 42.9 606 03/03/08 0 2.709 11 0.02 32.8 4.5 pass 0.89 154 -6 0.18 <0.01 43.2 607 04/01/08 0 2.676 n 0.02 32.7 4.5 pass 0.39 155 -4 0.19 <0.01 42.6 603 04122/08 0 2.667 n 0.02 32.7 4.5 pass 0.85 156 -6 0.19 <0.01 42.6 604 05/20/08 0 2.681 n 0.02 32.7 4.5 pass 0.71 155 -6 0.18 <0.01 42.7 604 6/17/2008 0 2.671 n 0.02 32.5 4.5 pass 0.73 156 -4 0 .2 <0.01 42.5 608 07/22/08 0 2.679 n 0 .02 32.7 4 .5 pass 0.65 156 -4 0.17 <0.01 43 612 08/19/08 0 2.695 n 0 .02 32.6 4.5 pass 0.42 156 -6 0.19 <0.01 42 .7 605 09/10/08 0 2.736 n 0.02 32.8 4.5 pass 0 .68 155 -4 0 . 18 <0.01 42.7 605 10/21/08 0 2.744 n O.o2 32.7 4.5 pass 0.45 155 -8 0.15 <0.01 42.7 609 11/11/08 0 2.702 n 0.02 32.7 4.5 pass 0 .47 153 -6 0 . 18 <0.01 42.9 606 12/02/08 0 2.655 n <0.015 32.7 4.5 pass 0 .31 155 -6 0.19 <0.01 42.6 608 12/10/08 0 2.657 n 0.02 32.7 4.5 pass 0.61 155 -6 0.17 <0.01 41.7 603 Quarterly sample 12123/08 0 2.655 n 0.02 32.7 4.5 pass 0.43 153 -4 0 .19 <0.01 43.l 609

CC-AA-309-1001 Revision 8 Analysis No. 10553-CALC-07 Revision 003 Page 14of15 ATTACHMENT D Diesel Fuel Oil Testino Prooram Results for Bulk Diesel Fuel Oil Tank 3-5201 01127/09 0 2.618 n O.Q2 33.1 4.5 pass 0.41 155 -8 0.17 <0.01 43 603 02/24/09 0 2.638 n <0.015 33.2 4 pass 0.44 153 -6 0.18 <0.01 43 .l 606 03/24/09 0 2.649 n 0.02 33.2 4.5 pass 0.38 154 -4 0.17 <0.0I 42.6 604 04/28/09 0 2.642 n 0.02 33.1 4 pass 0.39 154 -8 0.18 <0.01 43.4 605 05/26/09 0 2.655 n 0.02 33.1 4 pass 0.32 154 -6 0.17 <0.01 42.2 602 05/28/09 0 2.694 n 0.02 33.2 4 pass 0.41 156 -6 0.16 <0.01 42.2 600 Quarterly sample 06/23/09 0 2.647 n 0.02 33.2 4 pass 0.41 156 -4 0.17 <0.01 I 42.8 602 08/24/09 0 2.709 n 0.02 33.1 4 pass 0.47 156 -4 0.17 <0.01 1 43.5 610 Quarterly sample 08/25/09 0 2.672 n 0.02 33.l 4.5 pass 0.24 154 -6 0.17 <0.01 43.5 610 09129109 0 2.695 n 0.02 33.l 4 pass 0.29 152 -6 0.16 <0.01 1 42.7 602 10/27/09 0 2.532 n <0.015 33 4 pass 0.45 154 -8 0 .17 <0.01 1 42.1 603 01/28/10 0 2.55 n 0.02 33 4.5 pass 0.4 151 -6 0.18 <0.0l 41.9 603 02/25/10 0 2.526 n 0.02 33 4 pass 0.37 154 -2 0.17 <0.01 42.1 602 02/25/10 0 2.54 n O.D2 33. l 4 pass 0.46 152 -4 0.18 <0.01 42.4 603 Quarterly sample 03123110 0 2.543 D 0.02 33 4 pass 0.37 151 -6 0.17 <0.01 1 41.9 602 04129110 0 2.543 n 0,02 33 4 pass 0.27 155 -6 0.19 <0.01 41.9 602 05122110 0 2.606 n 0 .02 33 4 pass 0.34 152 -6 0.19 <0.01 42.l 602 05126/10 0 2.625 n 0.02 33 4 pass 0.3 154 -6 0.2 <0.01 41.9 600 Quarterly sample 06122/10 0 2.587 n 0.02 33.l 4 pass 0.31 153 -6 0.17 <0.01 42.2 600 Average 32.76958



Revision 8 Analysis No. 10553-CALC-07 Revision 003A Page 15 of 15 ATTACHMENT E EOG Fuel consumption at 60.5 Hz:

110% EDG loading= 2860 kW At 60.5 Hz, the EDG is operating at (60.5 Hz/60 Hz)+ 0 .83% of the nominal frequency Using the pump affinity laws, the EDG loading is proportional to the cube of the speed EDG _loading =2860kW x (1.0083) 3 = 2932kW From UFSAR Figure 9.5-3, the fuel consumption rate at 2932 kW is approximately 208 gallons/hr.

Tech Spec SR (Ref. 4 . 1) is to verify that the fuel storage tank contains adequate inventory of fuel oil to support the EDG operation for approximately 2 days at full load.

EDG full loading = 2600 kW At 60.5 Hz EDG _loading = 2600k W x (1.0083) 3 =2666kW From UFSAR Figure 9.5-3, the fuel consumption rate at 2666 kW is approximately 197 gallons/hr.

Total fuel consumption for 2 days= (208 gallons/hr x 1 hr)+ (197 gallons/hr x 47 hrs)= 9467 gallons.

EDG Fuel consumption at 61.2 Hz:

110% EDG loading= 2860 kW At 61.2 Hz, the EDG is operating at (61.2 Hz/60 Hz)+ 2% of the nominal frequency Using the pump affinity laws, the EDG loading is proportional to the cube of the speed EDG _loadirig == 2860kW x(l.02) 3 =3035kW From UFSAR Figure 9.5-3, the fuel consumption rate at 3035 kW is approximately 211 gallons/hr.

EDG full loading =2600 kW At 61.2 Hz EDG _loading =2600kW x (1.02) 3 = 2759kW From UFSAR Figure 9 .5-3, the fuel consumption rate at 2759 kW is approximately 202 gallons/hr.

Total fuel consumption for 2 days= (211 gallons/hr x l hr)+ (202 gallons/hr x 47 hrs)= 9705 gallons.

Note the total fuel consumption is very conservative since it is based on the EDG operating at 60.5 or 61.2 Hz for the entire 2 day period.