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Affidavit of RP Douglas Re Calculation of Estimated Dose Associated W/Moving & Storing Spent Fuel
Person / Time
Site: Salem PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 08/30/1979
From: Douglas R
Public Service Enterprise Group
Shared Package
ML18079B090 List:
NUDOCS 7910110245
Download: ML18079B091 (6)


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) SS.


AFnDAVI'l' OF ROBERT P. DOU~..S ROBEJa' P. OOUGLAS, beinq first duly sworn acec:d-inq to law, c1epc~.s and states:

l.. I. am. employed by Public service Elecuic &. Gas Ccmpany as Licensin9 Manager and ~ng Znviiomnent Manager.

My p_"'"Of cssional quali!i.cations which I incarpcratc by reference a~c ccntained in the t.rl'lUSc%ipt cf this prcceedin~

!o1lowinq T:r .. 4~2 ...

2. I have su-pervised t.~e calc:tllation of the es-timated dose associated with movinq and storinq spent fuel from the unenlaJ::9ed (264 .spaces)" Salem l: to the elllarr;cd (1l.7tl. spaces} s~"lt. fuel pool of Salem Unit 2. As shown in Attachment l,. hereto which is also in~~at~ he:rci.n, t.11e cose resulting !.rem*m.ovinq o~i! cask containing two fuc.l a.sscmb1ies is 0.4 man rem. This dose docs r.ot i.ncJ.uce the additional .dose associated wit.~ the tiansf cr oz fuel £~cm Unit 2 to Unit.l if disp¢sal is not availab1e offsite and the Unit l pool must then be enlarged.
3. I have also* est'2blis.hed t..Jie number of spent.

fuel clements which will have to be transferred from Unit l to Unit 2 i1 the above desC%i.bed scheme is to be carried out in accordance with t.~e latest infer.nation ~ncerninq sc.~edule and nllmber of spent fuel elements to be discharged a:f ter

-  :.i.--~*.*

each cycle.

e e As shewn in At:tachmerit 2r which is inc:crpo:rated by* refSJ:ence hercj.n, *the number of spent fuel elements to be trans:ferJ:ed is 500... ~*hus the total man rem as-sociated wit.~ such a tr:msier is 0.4 ~ 250 = 100, considerably qreater than the 2-5 man rem. asacciatad wit.~ chan9inq tbe

  • racka in unit l with spent fue.l elements in t.lle poo.l.

4 *. I thuS conclude.that, ~9 o-;hcr reasons, it is pref e.rable to expand the tinit l sp.ent fuel. pool rather than shipping .the spent fuel to an cnl.ar9e1:1 Onit 2' spent f1.lel pool ..

I SWO%l1 and subscribed to )

before me this ~day }

of~ , 1979 )

OL~<~~~l NOl'~R~ PUBLIC J

.. Attachment 1 Esti:natca acse from moving and storiilf3 spent fuel

£retll unit ND. l in the Ynit No. 2 spent.!uel pool.

11 i* openttcrs tc ua*lcad spen~ !ue.l cask.

place irt <!ecoo pit. and wash down, place i11 transfer pool and remove head*.

i ~c: 3 brs~ ~ 3.S._mr/~. *.

2) ' cperatcrs to load 2 fuel asae!liblies in- a uack (one- persca. ta operate, one to operate crane, oae to operate fuel handlitl9 tools. l hea1th physics and 2 to record assemblies m.oved.

6- people :c 10 minutes/as~ly. x 2 a~lies x 3.5 mr,lbr.

  • 7.0 .,.

3l 6 peopl~ for 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> t.o set cm;k head.

S. people :r 1 hr. x 3.5 mr/br. 21

4) 6 operatm:~ for 2 hour2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />s: (1 hcur to decon casl:,. l hc:il-r to load cask Ott truck) en*

&llft'aqe 10. mr/hr field.

6 people x l hrs. :c lG mr/hr.

  • l-20.

5} Truck driver mld assistant appcoximatel~

15: minutes t-o* dri"Ve frcm Unit l to Onit.. 2

!uel baildimJ (approx. 5 mr./hr.

in eab.;. .

  • 2 pecple x 15 hrs. : 5.0 mr/hr. *  %.S bO
5) 6 operators to unload, rina<t dcwn, and place cask in !ne.l transfer poo.l

( 2 hrs}o

s. people x :z hrs. x 10 mr/hr. a .121}

7} ' people to remove cask head at transfer pool (approx. l hr.).

6 pegple :c l hr. x 3.5 mr/br *. 21

8) i ~ operators to move 2 fuel assemblies frcm cask to racks (approx. 10 minutes/


  • 6- people.:: 20. hrs .. ~ 3 *. s mr/hr. 7.0

. -;n


.oosz Cman-mrem/hrl

9) 6 opera.tors for l bcur to set. cask head.

6 pecple x 3.5 mr/br. ~ l hr.

  • 21 l C)
  • 6 operators fer 2 hoers to deccn cask and* load Oft trucJt to return to Unit lie-. l

{ catlJt empty~ approx. l lB' /hr.}.

6 pecple x % hrs. x* 1 *.(hr. **

  • l l .*

ll) T.ruek dri11er. and a.asist.ant for approxi-JUtely 15 ainotes to retu-rn to tJnit NO. l at .s mrjhr.

l people ::c* 15 hrs. :c .5 mr/br. *

  • l5 n

':Otal man~rem. !or nsonng cne cask . 3:95 raan-mzaa .

(2 !uel assemblies} from UJ:tit tltl .. l or spent fael t.eol to Unit Ne. 2 spent

!ael peel. a~* o.~ man-rem.

l> 'l'hc 3.~ mrml/br dose rat.a- used in several 81.epa <'1£ the estimate is based on the dose rate at the fuo.l pool. and trana-fcr pool wa.ter ~r!ae=e due to om:-

spent fnol *ssesblr being SICTed

  • and the-* dose rat.e ccnuiwtioa. frca *raaiocacli4es expected to be i12 tbe vatcw-.

2} * ~fuel shippiftlJ' cask dose are based en 49

  • alt 173 limits oL l.O iaresalbr at six feet troa
  • abippinq* cask. It. i& feet that tnia is. represe=:ta-tive of aven-gc radiat.ion !ie18 operat~ will be.

c:rposed to.

Attachment 2 FUEL ELEMENTS SHIPJ?F.O FROM SJ\LEM UNIT 1 TO $1\.U:;M UNIT 2 IF ONLY TUE UNIT _2 SPJ}N'f. FUEJ. P.OOl. IS EXPl\N.DEO Ol!!ohnr9~d Ftom Stoxed tn Unit 1 Shlpp~d to Unlt 2 Di ~cluuged tram Ye~r. Unit 1 ~~nt 1:uel Pool _ID;>~nt r:uel Pool Unit l 1979 40 40 l9SO 52 52 1961 SG SG S?.

e 1982 SG .56 5G 19SJ 5(; 56 ~G 19tM 3G 4 52 56 1983 36 - S6 56 1986 36 56 St; 1987 gs 56 56 UHJO 56 56 36

-- 1999 1990

- - 1991 56 56 S6 5G S(;

. 56 56 56 St';

1992 S6 sr, '.3G 264 500 + 6G9  !!!

1168 in Unlt a spent f u~l pool

_y *rh'=' pu.t:p"Jse of thitJ ttlble is.only to calcul11te! th~ t;otal nutnb~r. of sp~n1: fuel D.S""

s~m.blies to be t.:rnnsf(!r..t:l'Jd and do~~

  • i1ot ~~pr~~t:!ni:. 11h.y _F. i ~n.l mp~cifla sch~~~ fQr